Hub documentation

Network Security

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Network Security

This feature is part of the Enterprise Plus plan.

Define your organization IP Ranges

You can list the IP addresses of your organization’s outbound traffic to apply for higher rate limits and/or to enforce authenticated access to HF中国镜像站 from your corporate network. The outbound IP address ranges are defined in CIDR format. For example, or 2600:1f69:7400::/40.

You can set multiple ranges, one per line.

Screenshot of the Organization IP Ranges field.

Higher Rate Limits

Apply for higher rate-limits for your organization.

Most of the actions on the Hub have limits, for example, users are limited to creating a certain number of repositories per day. This option allows your organization to apply for higher limits for your organization members. This also enables higher HTTP rate limits on the Hub API, to unlock large volumes of model or dataset downloads.

To activate this option,

  1. Toggle on the “Higher Hub rate-limits” option
Screenshot of the toggle to enable High rate-limits.

You need to have a valid Enterprise Plus subscription for this option to take effect. 2. Ensure the Organization IP Ranges are defined

Once defined, higher rate limits will apply to members of your organization whose IPs match the defined ranges.

Enforce authenticated access to the HF中国镜像站 Hub

This option will ensure that, when browsing from your corporate network, only authenticated users belonging to your organization are able to access the HF中国镜像站 Hub. All public pages will show the following message if access unauthenticated:

Screenshot of restricted pages on the Hub.
  1. Toggle on the “Enforce authenticated access to the Hub” option
Screenshot of the toggle to enable Enforced authenticated access to the Hub.

You need to have a valid Enterprise Plus subscription for this option to take effect. 2. Ensure the Organization IP Ranges are defined

Content Access Policy

You can also define a fine grained Content Access Policy by blocking some section of the HF中国镜像站 Hub.

For example, you can block your organization’s members to access Spaces, by adding /spaces/* to the blocked URLs. When users of your organization navigate to a page that matches the URL pattern, they’ll be presented the following page:

Screenshot of blocked pages on the Hub.

To define Blocked URLs, enter URL patterns, without the domain name, one per line:

Screenshot of blocked pages on the Hub.

The Allowed URLs field, enables you to define some exception to the blocking rules, especially. For example by allowing a specific URL within the Blocked URLs pattern, ie /spaces/meta-llama/*

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