Hub documentation

Advanced Security

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Advanced Security

This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.

Enterprise Hub organizations can improve their security with advanced security controls for both members and repositories.

screenshot of the Dataset Viewer on a private dataset owned by an Enterprise Hub organization.

Members Security

Configure additional security settings to protect your organization:

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Require all organization members to enable 2FA for enhanced account security.
  • User Approval: For organizations with a verified domain name, require admin approval for new users with matching email addresses. This adds a verified badge to your organization page.

Repository Visibility Controls

Manage the default visibility of repositories in your organization:

  • Public by default: New repositories are created with public visibility
  • Private by default: New repositories are created with private visibility. Note that changing this setting will not affect existing repositories.
  • Private only: Enforce private visibility for all new repositories, with only organization admins able to change visibility settings

These settings help organizations maintain control of their ownership while enabling collaboration when needed.

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