int64 502
| parent_answer_post_id
int64 595
| prob
float64 0
| snippet
stringlengths 0
| intent
stringlengths 14
| id
stringlengths 9
6,656,819 | 6,657,975 | 0.000261 | import readline, glob | filepath autocompletion using users input | 6656819_6657975_18 |
5,872,858 | 21,736,385 | 0.00026 | import rtmidi_python as rtmidi
vmidi_out = rtmidi.MidiOut()
vmidi_out.open_virtual_port('My Virtual MIDI Output Port')
vmidi_out.send_message([144, 48, 100]) | Configure Mac OS X MIDI programatically | 5872858_21736385_14 |
42,344,365 | 42,345,790 | 0.00026 | TYPE | How to count unique occurences of particular value per row? | 42344365_42345790_4 |
12,329,807 | 12,330,005 | 0.000259 | import multiprocessing
daemon = False
bind = 'unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock' | Django app deployment on nGINX | 12329807_12330005_15 |
11,021,130 | 29,618,322 | 0.000255 | twine
python - slugify | Parallel Pip install | 11021130_29618322_19 |
11,021,130 | 29,618,322 | 0.000255 | psutil
requests | Parallel Pip install | 11021130_29618322_18 |
27,759,407 | 27,759,940 | 0.000253 | from allauth.socialaccount.adapter import DefaultSocialAccountAdapter
class SocialAccountAdapter(DefaultSocialAccountAdapter):
pass | Django allauth Redirect after social signup | 27759407_27759940_11 |
4,905,368 | 22,600,827 | 0.000252 | from textblob.classifiers import NaiveBayesClassifier
train = [('training test totally tubular', 't')] | How to incrementally train an nltk classifier | 4905368_22600827_17 |
2,298,517 | 23,859,736 | 0.000252 | import pyqtree
spindex = pyqtree.Index(bbox=[0, 0, 1000, 500])
for item in items:
pass | Are any of these quad-tree libraries any good? | 2298517_23859736_13 |
24,197,970 | 24,198,880 | 0.000251 | myproject | PyCharm import external library | 24197970_24198880_2 |
29,349,607 | 29,350,541 | 0.00025 | clr.AddReference('System.Data')
from System.Data.SqlClient import *
Conn_string = (
'data source=Server_Name; initial catalog=Database_Name; trusted_connection=True'
ScheduleConn = SqlConnection(Conn_string)
ScheduleConn.Open() | pymssql windows authentication | 29349607_29350541_15 |
25,033,631 | 25,053,080 | 0.00025 | from joblib import Memory
mem = Memory(cachedir=cachedir)
def f(arguments):
pass | Multiple processes sharing a single Joblib cache | 25033631_25053080_17 |
25,033,631 | 25,053,080 | 0.00025 | from joblib import Memory
mem = Memory(cachedir=cachedir)
def f(arguments):
"""do things""" | Multiple processes sharing a single Joblib cache | 25033631_25053080_18 |
7,249,488 | 7,254,337 | 0.000249 | import foo as module
module_name = module.__name__
import_line = 'from %s import (%%s)' % module_name
length = len(import_line) - 3 | Tool to help eliminate wildcard imports | 7249488_7254337_18 |
10,767,736 | 10,771,055 | 0.000248 | import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy
import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad
import Data.List | How to make ST computation produce lazy result stream (or operate like a co-routine)? | 10767736_10771055_9 |
7,249,488 | 7,254,337 | 0.000246 | import re
import foo as module
module_name = module.__name__
import_line = 'from %s import (%%s)' % module_name
length = len(import_line) - 3 | Tool to help eliminate wildcard imports | 7249488_7254337_19 |
15,691,740 | 15,691,929 | 0.000244 | a2 is a
a2 | Does assignment with advanced indexing copy array data? | 15691740_15691929_14 |
2,814,609 | 2,815,796 | 0.000241 | from myModule import subModule as sm
import imp
sm.MyClass.kind | reloading module, need to re-compile sub modules? | 2814609_2815796_18 |
5,474,514 | 5,474,796 | 0.000239 | zero = 1 == 0 and 0 or 1
zero = False and 0 or 1
zero = 0 or 1
zero = False or 1 | Use of OR as branch control in FP | 5474514_5474796_14 |
2,957,013 | 2,957,181 | 0.000237 | Red
Yellow | BeautifulSoup: just get inside of a tag, no matter how many enclosing tags there are | 2957013_2957181_6 |
13,814,208 | 13,826,658 | 0.000237 | from pyparsing import Keyword, javaStyleComment, dblQuotedString
keyword = 'public' | Trying to find all instances of a keyword NOT in comments or literals? | 13814208_13826658_11 |
3,050,298 | 3,050,374 | 0.000229 | ONE
TWO | Parsing email with Python | 3050298_3050374_8 |
4,905,368 | 22,600,827 | 0.000228 | from textblob.classifiers import NaiveBayesClassifier
train = [('training test totally tubular', 't')]
cl = NaiveBayesClassifier(train)
cl.update([('super speeding special sport', 's')])
print(('t', cl.classify('tubular test'))) | How to incrementally train an nltk classifier | 4905368_22600827_18 |
6,656,819 | 6,657,975 | 0.000227 | import readline, glob
def complete(text, state):
return (glob.glob(text + '*') + [None])[state]
readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;')
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') | filepath autocompletion using users input | 6656819_6657975_19 |
8,358,962 | 8,359,856 | 0.000227 | cc | Efficiently Row Standardize a Matrix | 8358962_8359856_14 |
7,117,143 | 7,141,077 | 0.000225 | timeit.timeit(
'pygame.surfarray.blit_array(screen, pixels);pygame.display.flip()',
'import pygame;import numpy as np;size=(1920,1080);screen=pygame.display.set_mode(size);pixels=np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.uint32).max,size=size).astype(np.uint32)'
, number=20) | Setting Pixels Quickly | 7117143_7141077_7 |
2,499,746 | 2,499,903 | 0.000222 | Loop | Extracting columns from text file using Perl one-liner: similar to Unix cut | 2499746_2499903_7 |
21,123,473 | 21,127,663 | 0.000221 | 147 | How do I manipulate a variable whose name conflicts with PDB commands? | 21123473_21127663_10 |
6,731,345 | 6,731,481 | 0.00022 | PI = 3.14
import constants | How-to import constants in many files | 6731345_6731481_9 |
35,792,422 | 35,793,409 | 0.000217 | numpy | Further confusion with imports in Python | 35792422_35793409_3 |
20,611,504 | 20,611,773 | 0.000217 | from pkg_resources import require
match = require('lxml') | Find python lxml version | 20611504_20611773_12 |
31,967,170 | 33,519,170 | 0.000216 | 131
21 | How to structure a program to work with minesweeper configurations | 31967170_33519170_18 |
35,491,426 | 35,491,719 | 0.000215 | import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
regions = mlab.contiguous_regions(ser_orig == manual_mode)
for i, (start, end) in enumerate(regions):
ser_orig[start:end] = new_manual_mode_text.format(i)
ser_orig | Finding contiguous, non-unique slices in Pandas series without iterating | 35491426_35491719_12 |
16,908,236 | 16,908,265 | 0.000212 | Hi | How to execute Python inline from a bash shell | 16908236_16908265_0 |
5,370,762 | 5,506,230 | 0.000212 | Else
EndIf | How to hide Firefox window (Selenium WebDriver)? | 5370762_5506230_5 |
35,446,211 | 35,479,765 | 0.000211 | """import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as plt
""" | Configuring Jupyter default imports | 35446211_35479765_3 |
34,803,234 | 34,860,388 | 0.000211 | FROM
foo | Sqlalchemy: subquery in FROM must have an alias | 34803234_34860388_12 |
3,401,428 | 29,698,242 | 0.00021 | import arrow | How to get an isoformat datetime string including the default timezone? | 3401428_29698242_5 |
29,349,607 | 29,350,541 | 0.000208 | import clr
from System.Data.SqlClient import *
Conn_string = (
'data source=Server_Name; initial catalog=Database_Name; trusted_connection=True'
ScheduleConn = SqlConnection(Conn_string) | pymssql windows authentication | 29349607_29350541_16 |
7,912,820 | 32,020,282 | 0.000206 | s
stationLat | How do I change a value while debugging python with pdb? | 7912820_32020282_5 |
12,166,819 | 12,166,860 | 0.000206 | ccg
classify | Use NLTK without installing | 12166819_12166860_18 |
37,425,819 | 37,426,164 | 0.0002 | Date | Rolling average pairwise correlation in Python | 37425819_37426164_8 |
13,308,498 | 13,320,020 | 0.0002 | psycopg2
pytest | How to add a bootstrap script to tox's virtualenv? | 13308498_13320020_19 |
3,531,980 | 3,541,858 | 0.000198 | parts = python
eggs = tornado | How to migrate from virtualenv to buildout? | 3531980_3541858_11 |
24,187,248 | 24,187,326 | 0.000197 | 420
420 | Python 2to3 tool adds a vowel to my integer | 24187248_24187326_12 |
7,354,096 | 7,355,298 | 0.000196 | under | Override default installation directory for Python bdist Windows installer | 7354096_7355298_0 |
5,281,341 | 14,725,655 | 0.000193 | done
fi | Get local network interface addresses using only proc? | 5281341_14725655_3 |
35,491,426 | 35,491,719 | 0.000189 | import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
regions = mlab.contiguous_regions(ser_orig == manual_mode) | Finding contiguous, non-unique slices in Pandas series without iterating | 35491426_35491719_13 |
7,117,143 | 7,141,077 | 0.000187 | """
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(screen, pixels)
""", | Setting Pixels Quickly | 7117143_7141077_8 |
35,792,422 | 35,793,409 | 0.000187 | numpy
import numpy.random | Further confusion with imports in Python | 35792422_35793409_4 |
29,349,607 | 29,350,541 | 0.000186 | clr.AddReference('System.Data')
from System.Data.SqlClient import *
Conn_string = (
'data source=Server_Name; initial catalog=Database_Name; trusted_connection=True'
ScheduleConn = SqlConnection(Conn_string) | pymssql windows authentication | 29349607_29350541_17 |
5,370,762 | 5,506,230 | 0.000185 | EndIf
EndIf | How to hide Firefox window (Selenium WebDriver)? | 5370762_5506230_6 |
29,349,607 | 29,350,541 | 0.000184 | Conn_string = (
'data source=Server_Name; initial catalog=Database_Name; trusted_connection=True'
ScheduleConn = SqlConnection(Conn_string) | pymssql windows authentication | 29349607_29350541_18 |
11,624,955 | 11,625,147 | 0.000183 | from builtins import sum as builtin_sum
def sum(iterable, startobj=MyCustomStartObject):
pass | Avoiding Python sum default start arg behavior | 11624955_11625147_5 |
2,471,804 | 33,797,841 | 0.000181 | from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser
source_parsers = {'.md': CommonMarkParser} | Using sphinx with Markdown instead of RST | 2471804_33797841_5 |
20,611,504 | 20,611,773 | 0.00018 | from pkg_resources import require
match = require('lxml')
lxml = match[0] | Find python lxml version | 20611504_20611773_13 |
18,327,790 | 24,312,648 | 0.000179 | derp_r1_sum_select = """
select sum(`derp_related_1`.`amount`)
from `derp_related_1`
where `derp_related_1`.`fk` = `derp`.`pk`
""" | Django aggregation across multiple tables in ModelAdmin queryset | 18327790_24312648_18 |
22,476,112 | 28,961,977 | 0.000175 | cd | Using chromedriver with selenium/python/ubuntu | 22476112_28961977_2 |
19,356,410 | 39,851,067 | 0.000169 | from Spline.Spline import *
operation = Spline() | Splines in pythonOCC | 19356410_39851067_13 |
7,117,143 | 7,141,077 | 0.000157 | import timeit
'pygame.surfarray.blit_array(screen, pixels);pygame.display.flip()',
'import pygame;import numpy as np;size=(1920,1080);screen=pygame.display.set_mode(size);pixels=np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.uint32).max,size=size).astype(np.uint32)'
, number=20) | Setting Pixels Quickly | 7117143_7141077_9 |
12,166,819 | 12,166,860 | 0.000156 | chunk
classify | Use NLTK without installing | 12166819_12166860_19 |
4,905,368 | 22,600,827 | 0.000153 | from textblob.classifiers import NaiveBayesClassifier
train = [('training test totally tubular', 't')]
cl = NaiveBayesClassifier(train)
cl.update([('super speeding special sport', 's')]) | How to incrementally train an nltk classifier | 4905368_22600827_19 |
3,123,371 | 3,124,374 | 0.000152 | python
import dis | Splitting a 16 bit int into two 8 bit ints in python | 3123371_3124374_6 |
16,678,551 | 16,678,743 | 0.000151 | dupes | Pandas: Create new dataframe that averages duplicates from another dataframe | 16678551_16678743_16 |
2,957,013 | 41,140,750 | 0.000148 | Red
Yellow | BeautifulSoup: just get inside of a tag, no matter how many enclosing tags there are | 2957013_41140750_5 |
3,050,298 | 3,050,359 | 0.000143 | ONE
TWO | Parsing email with Python | 3050298_3050359_5 |
5,281,341 | 14,725,655 | 0.000143 | fi
fi | Get local network interface addresses using only proc? | 5281341_14725655_4 |
2,814,609 | 2,815,796 | 0.000142 | from myModule import subModule as sm
sm.MyClass.kind | reloading module, need to re-compile sub modules? | 2814609_2815796_19 |
10,767,736 | 10,768,103 | 0.000141 | import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy
import Data.STRef.Lazy | How to make ST computation produce lazy result stream (or operate like a co-routine)? | 10767736_10768103_5 |
9,788,299 | 9,788,516 | 0.000141 | Parameters | convenient slicing of DataFrames with datetime indexes in pandas | 9788299_9788516_2 |
25,033,631 | 25,053,080 | 0.000137 | from joblib import Memory
mem = Memory(cachedir=cachedir) | Multiple processes sharing a single Joblib cache | 25033631_25053080_19 |
16,294,819 | 37,456,080 | 0.000135 | requests
simplejson | How to check if my Python has all required packages? | 16294819_37456080_3 |
12,544,510 | 12,544,831 | 0.000132 | row = (
""" - - [25/Sep/2002:14:04:19 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 401 - "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020827" """
import re | Parsing apache log files | 12544510_12544831_6 |
3,058,374 | 16,182,764 | 0.000126 | touch / tmp / foo.tar
import tarfile | is_tarfile() returns True for a blank file | 3058374_16182764_9 |
20,611,504 | 20,611,773 | 0.000122 | from pkg_resources import require
match = require('lxml')
match | Find python lxml version | 20611504_20611773_14 |
32,172,125 | 32,172,225 | 0.000119 | test3 | Numpy index, get bands of width 2 | 32172125_32172225_16 |
17,573,814 | 17,574,265 | 0.000114 | Parameters | Count occurrences of certain words in pandas dataframe | 17573814_17574265_13 |
39,397,034 | 39,398,969 | 0.000111 | tr
ps | Script works differently when ran from the terminal and ran from Python | 39397034_39398969_12 |
27,901,211 | 27,901,437 | 0.000108 | python << _EOF_
import vim | How to pass arguments from vimscript functions to python interface? | 27901211_27901437_14 |
5,281,341 | 14,725,655 | 0.000107 | done
fi | Get local network interface addresses using only proc? | 5281341_14725655_5 |
8,478,137 | 8,478,633 | 0.000106 | alpha
beta | How redirect a shell command output to a Python script input ? | 8478137_8478633_10 |
20,630,121 | 20,639,234 | 0.0001 | Parameters | Pandas - how to convert r dataframe back to pandas? | 20630121_20639234_12 |
8,478,137 | 8,478,633 | 0.0001 | alpha
gamma | How redirect a shell command output to a Python script input ? | 8478137_8478633_12 |
8,478,137 | 8,478,633 | 0.0001 | beta
gamma | How redirect a shell command output to a Python script input ? | 8478137_8478633_11 |
7,117,143 | 7,141,077 | 0.000087 | """
import pygame
import numpy as np
""" | Setting Pixels Quickly | 7117143_7141077_10 |
33,248,866 | 33,249,103 | 0.000081 | End
End | Distance from smallest to the largest element in lists (inside a list) | 33248866_33249103_2 |
2,957,013 | 2,957,181 | 0.000078 | Red
Blue | BeautifulSoup: just get inside of a tag, no matter how many enclosing tags there are | 2957013_2957181_7 |
5,180,184 | 5,180,297 | 0.000077 | RawPurchaseAmount | Python Remove Comma In Dollar Amount | 5180184_5180297_4 |
5,180,184 | 5,180,297 | 0.000076 | import re
RawPurchaseAmount | Python Remove Comma In Dollar Amount | 5180184_5180297_5 |
2,957,013 | 41,140,750 | 0.000049 | Red
Blue | BeautifulSoup: just get inside of a tag, no matter how many enclosing tags there are | 2957013_41140750_6 |
39,397,034 | 39,398,969 | 0.00003 | tr
fold | Script works differently when ran from the terminal and ran from Python | 39397034_39398969_13 |
Subsets and Splits