int64 1.48k
| intent
stringlengths 11
| rewritten_intent
stringlengths 4
⌀ | snippet
stringlengths 2
41,067,960 | How to convert a list of multiple integers into a single integer? | Concatenate elements of a list 'x' of multiple integers to a single integer | sum(d * 10 ** i for i, d in enumerate(x[::-1])) |
41,067,960 | How to convert a list of multiple integers into a single integer? | convert a list of integers into a single integer | r = int(''.join(map(str, x))) |
4,170,655 | how to convert a datetime string back to datetime object? | convert a DateTime string back to a DateTime object of format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' | datetime.strptime('2010-11-13 10:33:54.227806', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') |
29,565,452 | Averaging the values in a dictionary based on the key | get the average of a list values for each key in dictionary `d`) | [(i, sum(j) / len(j)) for i, j in list(d.items())] |
13,704,860 | zip lists in python | zip two lists `[1, 2]` and `[3, 4]` into a list of two tuples containing elements at the same index in each list | zip([1, 2], [3, 4]) |
13,331,419 | Prepend the same string to all items in a list | prepend string 'hello' to all items in list 'a' | ['hello{0}'.format(i) for i in a] |
25,474,338 | regex for repeating words in a string in Python | regex for repeating words in a string `s` | re.sub('(?<!\\S)((\\S+)(?:\\s+\\2))(?:\\s+\\2)+(?!\\S)', '\\1', s) |
18,594,469 | Normalizing a pandas DataFrame by row | normalize a pandas dataframe `df` by row | df.div(df.sum(axis=1), axis=0) |
13,384,841 | swap values in a tuple/list inside a list in python? | swap values in a tuple/list inside a list `mylist` | map(lambda t: (t[1], t[0]), mylist) |
13,384,841 | swap values in a tuple/list inside a list in python? | Swap values in a tuple/list in list `mylist` | [(t[1], t[0]) for t in mylist] |
23,887,592 | Find next sibling element in Python Selenium? | null | driver.find_element_by_xpath("//p[@id, 'one']/following-sibling::p") |
17,352,321 | Python splitting string by parentheses | find all occurrences of the pattern '\\[[^\\]]*\\]|\\([^\\)]*\\)|"[^"]*"|\\S+' within `strs` | re.findall('\\[[^\\]]*\\]|\\([^\\)]*\\)|"[^"]*"|\\S+', strs) |
10,115,967 | What's the most memory efficient way to generate the combinations of a set in python? | generate the combinations of 3 from a set `{1, 2, 3, 4}` | print(list(itertools.combinations({1, 2, 3, 4}, 3))) |
30,026,815 | Add Multiple Columns to Pandas Dataframe from Function | add multiple columns `hour`, `weekday`, `weeknum` to pandas data frame `df` from lambda function `lambdafunc` | df[['hour', 'weekday', 'weeknum']] = df.apply(lambdafunc, axis=1) |
31,958,637 | BeautifulSoup - search by text inside a tag | BeautifulSoup search string 'Elsie' inside tag 'a' | soup.find_all('a', string='Elsie') |
2,158,347 | How do I turn a python datetime into a string, with readable format date? | Convert a datetime object `my_datetime` into readable format `%B %d, %Y` | my_datetime.strftime('%B %d, %Y') |
17,888,152 | Parse string to int when string contains a number + extra characters | parse string `s` to int when string contains a number | int(''.join(c for c in s if c.isdigit())) |
37,855,490 | adding new key inside a new key and assigning value in python dictionary | add dictionary `{'class': {'section': 5}}` to key 'Test' of dictionary `dic` | dic['Test'].update({'class': {'section': 5}}) |
4,127,344 | Transforming the string representation of a dictionary into a real dictionary | transforming the string `s` into dictionary | dict(map(int, x.split(':')) for x in s.split(',')) |
19,035,186 | How to select element with Selenium Python xpath | null | driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='a']//a[@class='click']") |
25,823,608 | Find matching rows in 2 dimensional numpy array | find rows matching `(0,1)` in a 2 dimensional numpy array `vals` | np.where((vals == (0, 1)).all(axis=1)) |
3,805,958 | How to delete a record in Django models? | null | SomeModel.objects.filter(id=id).delete() |
6,900,955 | python convert list to dictionary | build a dictionary containing the conversion of each list in list `[['two', 2], ['one', 1]]` to a key/value pair as its items | dict([['two', 2], ['one', 1]]) |
6,900,955 | python convert list to dictionary | convert list `l` to dictionary having each two adjacent elements as key/value pair | dict(zip(l[::2], l[1::2])) |
18,224,991 | how to set global const variables in python | assign float 9.8 to variable `GRAVITY` | GRAVITY = 9.8 |
15,103,484 | How to use regular expression to separate numbers and characters in strings like "30M1000N20M" | separate numbers from characters in string "30m1000n20m" | re.findall('(([0-9]+)([A-Z]))', '20M10000N80M') |
15,103,484 | How to use regular expression to separate numbers and characters in strings like "30M1000N20M" | separate numbers and characters in string '20M10000N80M' | re.findall('([0-9]+|[A-Z])', '20M10000N80M') |
15,103,484 | How to use regular expression to separate numbers and characters in strings like "30M1000N20M" | separate numbers and characters in string '20M10000N80M' | re.findall('([0-9]+)([A-Z])', '20M10000N80M') |
7,633,274 | Extracting words from a string, removing punctuation and returning a list with separated words in Python | Get a list of words from a string `Hello world, my name is...James the 2nd!` removing punctuation | re.compile('\\w+').findall('Hello world, my name is...James the 2nd!') |
14,295,673 | Convert string into datetime.time object | Convert string '03:55' into datetime.time object | datetime.datetime.strptime('03:55', '%H:%M').time() |
28,667,684 | Python Requests getting SSLerror | request url 'https://www.reporo.com/' without verifying SSL certificates | requests.get('https://www.reporo.com/', verify=False) |
5,927,180 | removing data from a numpy.array | Extract values not equal to 0 from numpy array `a` | a[a != 0] |
209,840 | Map two lists into a dictionary in Python | map two lists `keys` and `values` into a dictionary | new_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, values)} |
209,840 | Map two lists into a dictionary in Python | map two lists `keys` and `values` into a dictionary | dict((k, v) for k, v in zip(keys, values)) |
209,840 | Map two lists into a dictionary in Python | map two lists `keys` and `values` into a dictionary | dict([(k, v) for k, v in zip(keys, values)]) |
8,569,201 | Get the string within brackets in Python | find the string matches within parenthesis from a string `s` using regex | m = re.search('\\[(\\w+)\\]', s) |
12,362,542 | Python server "Only one usage of each socket address is normally permitted" | Enable the SO_REUSEADDR socket option in socket object `s` to fix the error `only one usage of each socket address is normally permitted` | s.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) |
11,703,064 | How do i add two lists' elements into one list? | append the sum of each tuple pair in the grouped list `list1` and list `list2` elements to list `list3` | list3 = [(a + b) for a, b in zip(list1, list2)] |
7,595,148 | Python - Converting Hex to INT/CHAR | converting hex string `s` to its integer representations | [ord(c) for c in s.decode('hex')] |
16,537,636 | How to sort in decreasing value first then increasing in second value | sort list `student_tuples` by second element of each tuple in ascending and third element of each tuple in descending | print(sorted(student_tuples, key=lambda t: (-t[2], t[0]))) |
3,925,465 | Repeating elements in list comprehension | get list of duplicated elements in range of 3 | [y for x in range(3) for y in [x, x]] |
3,278,850 | Doc, rtf and txt reader in python | read the contents of the file 'file.txt' into `txt` | txt = open('file.txt').read() |
8,244,915 | How do you divide each element in a list by an int? | divide each element in list `myList` by integer `myInt` | myList[:] = [(x / myInt) for x in myList] |
7,934,620 | python: dots in the name of variable in a format string | null | """Name: {0[person.name]}""".format({'person.name': 'Joe'}) |
42,462,530 | How to replace the white space in a string in a pandas dataframe? | replace white spaces in dataframe `df` with '_' | df.replace(' ', '_', regex=True) |
15,661,013 | Python: most efficient way to convert date to datetime | convert date `my_date` to datetime | datetime.datetime.combine(my_date, datetime.time.min) |
3,886,669 | Tuple to string | convert tuple `tst` to string `tst2` | tst2 = str(tst) |
237,079 | get file creation & modification date/times in | get modified time of file `file` | time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(file)) |
237,079 | get file creation & modification date/times in | get creation time of file `file` | time.ctime(os.path.getctime(file)) |
237,079 | get file creation & modification date/times in | get modification time of file `filename` | t = os.path.getmtime(filename) |
237,079 | get file creation & modification date/times in | get modification time of file `path` | os.path.getmtime(path) |
237,079 | get file creation & modification date/times in | get modified time of file `file` | print(('last modified: %s' % time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(file)))) |
237,079 | get file creation & modification date/times in | get the creation time of file `file` | print(('created: %s' % time.ctime(os.path.getctime(file)))) |
237,079 | get file creation & modification date/times in | get the creation time of file `path_to_file` | return os.path.getctime(path_to_file) |
5,625,524 | How to Close a program using python? | execute os command ''TASKKILL /F /IM firefox.exe'' | os.system('TASKKILL /F /IM firefox.exe') |
3,862,010 | Is there a generator version of `string.split()` in Python? | split string `string` on whitespaces using a generator | return (x.group(0) for x in re.finditer("[A-Za-z']+", string)) |
7,568,627 | Using Python String Formatting with Lists | Unpack each value in list `x` to its placeholder '%' in string '%.2f' | """, """.join(['%.2f'] * len(x)) |
9,891,814 | How to use regex with optional characters in python? | match regex pattern '(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)' with string '3434.35353' | print(re.match('(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)', '3434.35353').group(1)) |
20,894,525 | How to remove parentheses and all data within using Pandas/Python? | replace parentheses and all data within it with empty string '' in column 'name' of dataframe `df` | df['name'].str.replace('\\(.*\\)', '') |
18,448,469 | Python: filter list of list with another list | create a list `result` containing elements form list `list_a` if first element of list `list_a` is in list `list_b` | result = [x for x in list_a if x[0] in list_b] |
4,059,550 | Generate all possible strings from a list of token | generate all possible string permutations of each two elements in list `['hel', 'lo', 'bye']` | print([''.join(a) for a in combinations(['hel', 'lo', 'bye'], 2)]) |
6,889,785 | python how to search an item in a nested list | get a list of items form nested list `li` where third element of each item contains string 'ar' | [x for x in li if 'ar' in x[2]] |
17,555,218 | Python - How to sort a list of lists by the fourth element in each list? | Sort lists in the list `unsorted_list` by the element at index 3 of each list | unsorted_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]) |
18,292,500 | Python logging typeerror | Log message 'test' on the root logger. | logging.info('test') |
1,358,977 | How to make several plots on a single page using matplotlib? | Return a subplot axes positioned by the grid definition `1,1,1` using matpotlib | fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) |
613,183 | Sort a Python dictionary by value | Sort dictionary `x` by value in ascending order | sorted(list(x.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) |
613,183 | Sort a Python dictionary by value | Sort dictionary `dict1` by value in ascending order | sorted(dict1, key=dict1.get) |
613,183 | Sort a Python dictionary by value | Sort dictionary `d` by value in descending order | sorted(d, key=d.get, reverse=True) |
613,183 | Sort a Python dictionary by value | Sort dictionary `d` by value in ascending order | sorted(list(d.items()), key=(lambda x: x[1])) |
31,957,364 | Numpy elementwise product of 3d array | elementwise product of 3d arrays `A` and `B` | np.einsum('ijk,ikl->ijl', A, B) |
14,041,791 | print variable and a string in python | Print a string `card` with string formatting | print('I have: {0.price}'.format(card)) |
30,994,370 | How can I add a comment to a YAML file in Python | Write a comment `# Data for Class A\n` to a file object `f` | f.write('# Data for Class A\n') |
6,490,560 | How do I move the last item in a list to the front in python? | move the last item in list `a` to the beginning | a = a[-1:] + a[:-1] |
40,173,569 | python - convert datetime to varchar/string | Parse DateTime object `datetimevariable` using format '%Y-%m-%d' | datetimevariable.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
1,749,466 | What's the most pythonic way of normalizing lineends in a string? | Normalize line ends in a string 'mixed' | mixed.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') |
2,668,909 | How to find the real user home directory using python? | find the real user home directory using python | os.path.expanduser('~user') |
1,012,185 | In Python, how do I index a list with another list? | index a list `L` with another list `Idx` | T = [L[i] for i in Idx] |
7,745,260 | Iterate through words of a file in Python | get a list of words `words` of a file 'myfile' | words = open('myfile').read().split() |
37,619,348 | Summing 2nd list items in a list of lists of lists | Get a list of lists with summing the values of the second element from each list of lists `data` | [[sum([x[1] for x in i])] for i in data] |
37,619,348 | Summing 2nd list items in a list of lists of lists | summing the second item in a list of lists of lists | [sum([x[1] for x in i]) for i in data] |
35,097,130 | Django order by highest number of likes | sort objects in `Articles` in descending order of counts of `likes` | Article.objects.annotate(like_count=Count('likes')).order_by('-like_count') |
27,587,127 | How to convert datetime.date.today() to UTC time? | return a DateTime object with the current UTC date | today = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date() |
10,271,484 | How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists in Python? | create a list containing the multiplication of each elements at the same index of list `lista` and list `listb` | [(a * b) for a, b in zip(lista, listb)] |
14,571,103 | Capturing emoticons using regular expression in python | fetch smilies matching regex pattern '(?::|;|=)(?:-)?(?:\\)|\\(|D|P)' in string `s` | re.findall('(?::|;|=)(?:-)?(?:\\)|\\(|D|P)', s) |
14,571,103 | Capturing emoticons using regular expression in python | match the pattern '[:;][)(](?![)(])' to the string `str` | re.match('[:;][)(](?![)(])', str) |
26,033,239 | List of objects to JSON with Python | convert a list of objects `list_name` to json string `json_string` | json_string = json.dumps([ob.__dict__ for ob in list_name]) |
8,528,178 | List of zeros in python | create a list `listofzeros` of `n` zeros | listofzeros = [0] * n |
4,182,603 | python: how to convert a string to utf-8 | decode the string 'stringnamehere' to UTF-8 | stringnamehere.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') |
11,985,628 | Python regex - Ignore parenthesis as indexing? | Match regex pattern '((?:A|B|C)D)' on string 'BDE' | re.findall('((?:A|B|C)D)', 'BDE') |
12,905,999 | Python dict how to create key or append an element to key? | Create a key `key` if it does not exist in dict `dic` and append element `value` to value. | dic.setdefault(key, []).append(value) |
14,956,683 | Finding the minimum value in a numpy array and the corresponding values for the rest of that array's row | Get the value of the minimum element in the second column of array `a` | a[np.argmin(a[:, (1)])] |
577,234 | Python "extend" for a dictionary | extend dictionary `a` with key/value pairs of dictionary `b` | a.update(b) |
13,254,241 | Removing key values pairs from a list of dictionaries | removing key values pairs with key 'mykey1' from a list of dictionaries `mylist` | [{k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != 'mykey1'} for d in mylist] |
13,254,241 | Removing key values pairs from a list of dictionaries | null | [dict((k, v) for k, v in d.items() if k != 'mykey1') for d in mylist] |
15,451,958 | Simple way to create matrix of random numbers | create 3 by 3 matrix of random numbers | numpy.random.random((3, 3)) |
34,023,918 | Make new column in Panda dataframe by adding values from other columns | make new column 'C' in panda dataframe by adding values from other columns 'A' and 'B' | df['C'] = df['A'] + df['B'] |
10,484,261 | Find dictionary items whose key matches a substring | create a list of values from the dictionary `programs` that have a key with a case insensitive match to 'new york' | [value for key, value in list(programs.items()) if 'new york' in key.lower()] |
9,153,527 | Import module in another directory from a "parallel" sub-directory | append a path `/path/to/main_folder` in system path | sys.path.append('/path/to/main_folder') |
34,338,341 | Regex for getting all digits in a string after a character | get all digits in a string `s` after a '[' character | re.findall('\\d+(?=[^[]+$)', s) |
18,229,082 | Python pickle/unpickle a list to/from a file | python pickle/unpickle a list to/from a file 'afile' | pickle.load(open('afile', 'rb')) |
Dataset Summary
CoNaLa is a benchmark of code and natural language pairs, for the evaluation of code generation tasks. The dataset was crawled from Stack Overflow, automatically filtered, then curated by annotators, split into 2,379 training and 500 test examples. The automatically mined dataset is also available with almost 600k examples.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
This dataset is used to evaluate code generations.
English - Python code.
Dataset Structure
dataset_curated = load_dataset("neulab/conala")
train: Dataset({
features: ['question_id', 'intent', 'rewritten_intent', 'snippet'],
num_rows: 2379
test: Dataset({
features: ['question_id', 'intent', 'rewritten_intent', 'snippet'],
num_rows: 500
dataset_mined = load_dataset("neulab/conala", "mined")
train: Dataset({
features: ['question_id', 'parent_answer_post_id', 'prob', 'snippet', 'intent', 'id'],
num_rows: 593891
Data Instances
CoNaLa - curated
This is the curated dataset by annotators
'question_id': 41067960,
'intent': 'How to convert a list of multiple integers into a single integer?',
'rewritten_intent': "Concatenate elements of a list 'x' of multiple integers to a single integer",
'snippet': 'sum(d * 10 ** i for i, d in enumerate(x[::-1]))'
CoNaLa - mined
This is the automatically mined dataset before curation
'question_id': 34705205,
'parent_answer_post_id': 34705233,
'prob': 0.8690001442846342,
'snippet': 'sorted(l, key=lambda x: (-int(x[1]), x[0]))',
'intent': 'Sort a nested list by two elements',
'id': '34705205_34705233_0'
Data Fields
Field | Type | Description |
question_id | int64 | Id of the Stack Overflow question |
intent | string | Natural Language intent (i.e., the title of a Stack Overflow question) |
rewritten_intent | string | Crowdsourced revised intents that try to better reflect the full meaning of the code |
snippet | string | Code snippet that implements the intent |
Field | Type | Description |
question_id | int64 | Id of the Stack Overflow question |
parent_answer_post_id | int64 | Id of the answer post from which the candidate snippet is extracted |
intent | string | Natural Language intent (i.e., the title of a Stack Overflow question) |
snippet | string | Code snippet that implements the intent |
id | string | Unique id for this intent/snippet pair |
prob | float64 | Probability given by the mining model |
Data Splits
There are two version of the dataset (curated and mined), mined only has a train split and curated has two splits: train and test.
Dataset Creation
The dataset was crawled from Stack Overflow, automatically filtered, then curated by annotators. For more details, please refer to the original paper
Citation Information
title={Learning to mine aligned code and natural language pairs from stack overflow},
author={Yin, Pengcheng and Deng, Bowen and Chen, Edgar and Vasilescu, Bogdan and Neubig, Graham},
booktitle={2018 IEEE/ACM 15th international conference on mining software repositories (MSR)},
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- 712
Models trained or fine-tuned on neulab/conala