int64 502
| parent_answer_post_id
int64 595
| prob
float64 0
| snippet
stringlengths 0
| intent
stringlengths 14
| id
stringlengths 9
34,705,205 | 34,705,233 | 0.869 | sorted(l, key=lambda x: (-int(x[1]), x[0])) | Sort a nested list by two elements | 34705205_34705233_0 |
13,905,936 | 13,905,946 | 0.85267 | [int(x) for x in str(num)] | converting integer to list in python | 13905936_13905946_0 |
13,837,848 | 13,838,041 | 0.852143 | c.decode('unicode_escape') | Converting byte string in unicode string | 13837848_13838041_0 |
23,490,152 | 23,490,179 | 0.850829 | parser.add_argument('-t', dest='table', help='', nargs='+') | List of arguments with argparse | 23490152_23490179_0 |
2,721,782 | 2,721,807 | 0.840372 | datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') | How to convert a Date string to a DateTime object? | 2721782_2721807_0 |
34,155,829 | 34,155,926 | 0.837536 | np.array(x._data).reshape(x.size[::-1]).T | How to efficiently convert Matlab engine arrays to numpy ndarray? | 34155829_34155926_0 |
14,694,482 | 14,694,669 | 0.823701 | soup.get_text().replace('\n', '\n\n') | Converting html to text with Python | 14694482_14694669_0 |
25,474,338 | 25,474,443 | 0.820554 | re.sub('(?<!\\S)((\\S+)(?:\\s+\\2))(?:\\s+\\2)+(?!\\S)', '\\1', s) | regex for repeating words in a string in Python | 25474338_25474443_0 |
861,190 | 861,238 | 0.815429 | mylist.sort(key=lambda d: (d['weight'], d['factor'])) | Ordering a list of dictionaries in python | 861190_861238_0 |
33,361,446 | 33,361,777 | 0.812925 | itertools.combinations | Two Combination Lists from One List | 33361446_33361777_1 |
35,883,459 | 35,883,788 | 0.809404 | [{'A': 1, 'C': 4, 'B': 2, 'D': 4}, {'A': 1, 'C': 4, 'B': 1, 'D': 5}] | Creating a list of dictionaries in python | 35883459_35883788_0 |
4,112,265 | 4,112,271 | 0.808768 | zip(*[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) | How to zip lists in a list | 4112265_4112271_0 |
11,390,596 | 11,390,788 | 0.807503 | pygame.display.flip() | How to display Image in pygame? | 11390596_11390788_0 |
33,361,446 | 33,361,777 | 0.807073 | print([l[i:i + n] for i in range(len(l)) for n in range(1, len(l) - i + 1)]) | Two Combination Lists from One List | 33361446_33361777_0 |
31,341,468 | 32,243,511 | 0.801733 | Comment.objects.all().order_by('-hotness') | Dynamic order in django-mptt | 31341468_32243511_0 |
9,880,173 | 9,880,400 | 0.801075 | urllib.parse.unquote('Foo%E2%84%A2%20Bar').decode('utf-8') | How to decode encodeURIComponent in GAE (python)? | 9880173_9880400_0 |
9,775,731 | 9,775,761 | 0.797127 | max(min(my_value, max_value), min_value) | Clamping floating numbers in Python? | 9775731_9775761_0 |
38,704,545 | 38,704,643 | 0.79509 | pd.get_dummies(df) | How to binarize the values in a pandas DataFrame? | 38704545_38704643_0 |
15,886,340 | 15,886,375 | 0.793709 | re.sub('[^A-Z]', '', s) | How to extract all UPPER from a string? Python | 15886340_15886375_0 |
587,345 | 587,620 | 0.792629 | re.compile('^(.+)\\n((?:\\n.+)+)', re.MULTILINE) | Python regular expression matching a multiline block of text | 587345_587620_0 |
10,677,350 | 10,677,401 | 0.790352 | """{0:,.2f}""".format(24322.34) | Convert float to comma-separated string | 10677350_10677401_0 |
25,040,875 | 25,040,901 | 0.789484 | [d['key'] for d in l] | Get a list of values from a list of dictionaries in python | 25040875_25040901_0 |
42,211,584 | 42,211,698 | 0.788258 | print(max(d, key=lambda x: (d[x]['salary'], d[x]['bonus']))) | How do I compare values in a dictionary? | 42211584_42211698_0 |
3,308,102 | 3,308,117 | 0.786179 | [x[1] for x in elements] | How to extract the n-th elements from a list of tuples in python? | 3308102_3308117_0 |
3,221,908 | 3,222,000 | 0.783768 | root.mainloop() | Is it possible to get widget settings in Tkinter? | 3221908_3222000_0 |
10,472,907 | 10,473,054 | 0.778815 | """""".join('{}{}'.format(key, val) for key, val in list(adict.items())) | How to convert dictionary into string | 10472907_10473054_0 |
13,291,539 | 13,291,643 | 0.778622 | struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('f', 0.00582811585976)) | convert double to float in Python | 13291539_13291643_0 |
17,071,871 | 17,071,908 | 0.776779 | df.loc[df.index.isin(['one', 'two'])] | Select rows from a DataFrame based on values in a column in pandas | 17071871_17071908_0 |
13,545,388 | 13,550,615 | 0.776178 | ax1.plot(data['x'], data['y'], color='r', label='the data') | plot data from CSV file with matplotlib | 13545388_13550615_0 |
652,291 | 652,347 | 0.775528 | list.sort(key=lambda item: item['date'], reverse=True) | sorting a list of dictionary values by date in python | 652291_652347_0 |
4,111,412 | 4,111,417 | 0.77544 | [i for i, e in enumerate(a) if e != 0] | How do I get a list of indices of non zero elements in a list? | 4111412_4111417_0 |
4,287,209 | 4,287,233 | 0.774941 | sorted(the_list, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1])) | Sort list of strings by integer suffix in python | 4287209_4287233_0 |
1,874,194 | 1,874,210 | 0.774926 | max(a_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1)) | Pythonic way to get the largest item in a list | 1874194_1874210_0 |
19,175,311 | 19,175,907 | 0.768606 | Base.metadata.tables['ticket_daily_history'].create(bind=engine) | How to create only one table with SQLAlchemy? | 19175311_19175907_0 |
23,797,491 | 23,797,980 | 0.767556 | df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%d%b%Y') | Parse_dates in Pandas | 23797491_23797980_0 |
16,664,874 | 16,664,932 | 0.767408 | OrderedDict([('c', 3), ('e', 5), ('a', '1'), ('b', '2')]) | How can I add an element at the top of an OrderedDict in python? | 16664874_16664932_0 |
1,516,508 | 1,516,527 | 0.76703 | c.execute('SELECT * FROM tbl') | sqlite3 in Python | 1516508_1516527_0 |
11,406,091 | 11,409,449 | 0.765256 | driver.find_element_by_xpath("//li/label/input[contains(..,'polishpottery')]") | Selecting Element followed by text with Selenium WebDriver | 11406091_11409449_0 |
1,516,795 | 1,517,516 | 0.763401 | Task.objects.exclude(prerequisites__status__in=['A', 'P', 'F']) | In Django, how do I filter based on all entities in a many-to-many relation instead of any? | 1516795_1517516_0 |
2,191,699 | 2,191,707 | 0.762583 | [item for item in a if item[0] == 1] | Find an element in a list of tuples | 2191699_2191707_0 |
21,350,605 | 21,350,625 | 0.762184 | driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.button.c_button.s_button').click() | python selenium click on button | 21350605_21350625_0 |
2,621,674 | 2,621,685 | 0.762161 | [a[i] for i in (1, 2, 5)] | how to extract elements from a list in python? | 2621674_2621685_0 |
4,581,646 | 4,581,706 | 0.761832 | sum(len(v) for v in food_colors.values()) | How to count all elements in a nested dictionary? | 4581646_4581706_0 |
20,986,631 | 27,760,083 | 0.7574 | driver.execute_script('window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);') | How can I scroll a web page using selenium webdriver in python? | 20986631_27760083_0 |
4,108,561 | 4,108,628 | 0.757191 | re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9-]') | How to exclude a character from a regex group? | 4108561_4108628_0 |
22,219,450 | 23,857,387 | 0.757111 | | How can I plot hysteresis in matplotlib? | 22219450_23857387_0 |
42,021,578 | 42,056,006 | 0.757043 | | How to make curvilinear plots in matplotlib | 42021578_42056006_0 |
32,619,424 | 32,626,852 | 0.756864 | | is it possible to plot timelines with matplotlib? | 32619424_32626852_0 |
748,028 | 748,058 | 0.756835 | output = subprocess.Popen(['mycmd', 'myarg'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] | How to get output of exe in python script? | 748028_748058_0 |
40,289,943 | 40,290,642 | 0.756514 | [[[4, 4, 4], [4, 4, 4], [4, 4, 4]], [[4], [4], [4]]] | Converting a 3D List to a 3D NumPy array | 40289943_40290642_0 |
1,580,270 | 1,580,303 | 0.755445 | any(d['site'] == 'Superuser' for d in data) | What's the best way to search for a Python dictionary value in a list of dictionaries? | 1580270_1580303_0 |
20,078,816 | 20,078,869 | 0.752589 | re.sub('[^\\x00-\\x7F]+', ' ', text) | Replace non-ASCII characters with a single space | 20078816_20078869_0 |
23,887,592 | 23,890,337 | 0.751529 | driver.find_element_by_xpath("//p[@id, 'one']/following-sibling::p") | Find next sibling element in Python Selenium? | 23887592_23890337_0 |
12,182,744 | 12,183,507 | 0.751473 | my_series.apply(your_function, args=(2, 3, 4), extra_kw=1) | python pandas: apply a function with arguments to a series | 12182744_12183507_0 |
32,490,629 | 32,490,661 | 0.749688 |'%Y-%m-%d') | Getting today's date in YYYY-MM-DD in Python? | 32490629_32490661_0 |
1,534,542 | 1,534,568 | 0.7491 | sorted(list(mydict.items()), key=lambda a: map(int, a[0].split('.'))) | Can I sort text by its numeric value in Python? | 1534542_1534568_0 |
14,524,322 | 14,524,356 | 0.748721 | datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-1-25', '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%m/%d/%y') | How to convert a date string to different format | 14524322_14524356_0 |
14,524,322 | 14,524,356 | 0.748721 | datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-1-25', '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%-m/%d/%y') | How to convert a date string to different format | 14524322_14524356_1 |
1,217,251 | 1,217,269 | 0.748523 | sorted(list(myDict.items()), key=lambda e: e[1][2]) | Python: sorting a dictionary of lists | 1217251_1217269_0 |
12,323,403 | 18,701,085 | 0.748147 | driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'My Button')]") | How do I find an element that contains specific text in Selenium Webdriver (Python)? | 12323403_18701085_0 |
18,600,391 | 18,600,739 | 0.747509 | driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".test_button4[value='Update']").click() | Selenium / Python - Selecting via css selector | 18600391_18600739_0 |
40,208,429 | 40,208,464 | 0.745585 | sorted(list(tag_weight.items()), key=lambda x: int(x[1]), reverse=True) | sorting dictionary by numeric value | 40208429_40208464_0 |
13,237,941 | 13,237,991 | 0.744893 | yourdata.sort(key=lambda e: e['key']['subkey'], reverse=True) | sorting list of nested dictionaries in python | 13237941_13237991_0 |
15,122,312 | 40,043,684 | 0.744668 | app.config.from_object('config.ProductionConfig') | How to import from config file in Flask? | 15122312_40043684_0 |
17,071,871 | 17,071,908 | 0.744654 | print(df.loc[df['B'].isin(['one', 'three'])]) | Select rows from a DataFrame based on values in a column in pandas | 17071871_17071908_1 |
4,963,957 | 4,964,034 | 0.744392 | max(flatlist, key=lambda x: x[1]) | Max Value within a List of Lists of Tuple | 4963957_4964034_0 |
2,168,123 | 2,168,137 | 0.744376 | [int(x) for x in '0,1,2'.split(',')] | Converting a String to List in Python | 2168123_2168137_0 |
25,817,930 | 25,818,117 | 0.744025 | df.sort(axis=1, ascending=False) | Fastest way to sort each row in a pandas dataframe | 25817930_25818117_0 |
18,742,657 | 18,742,753 | 0.743758 |['', str(domid)]) | Execute Shell Script from python with variable | 18742657_18742753_0 |
1,388,818 | 1,388,836 | 0.743594 | [i for i, j in zip(a, b) if i == j] | How can I compare two lists in python and return matches | 1388818_1388836_0 |
22,762,236 | 22,762,790 | 0.743564 | Point = namedtuple('whatsmypurpose', ['x', 'y'], verbose=True) | Relevance of typename in namedtuple | 22762236_22762790_0 |
5,656,798 | 5,669,301 | 0.743451 | | Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis? | 5656798_5669301_0 |
9,014,233 | 9,014,540 | 0.743128 | conn.commit() | How do I check if an insert was successful with MySQLdb in Python? | 9014233_9014540_0 |
10,213,994 | 10,214,072 | 0.74293 | sorted(list_of_tuples, key=lambda tup: tup[1]) | sorting a list of tuples in Python | 10213994_10214072_0 |
5,744,980 | 5,745,133 | 0.742735 | os.system("awk '{print $10, $11}' test.txt > test2.txt") | Taking the results of a bash command and using it in python | 5744980_5745133_0 |
41,067,960 | 41,067,989 | 0.739221 | r = int(''.join(map(str, x))) | How to convert a list of multiple integers into a single integer? | 41067960_41067989_0 |
19,779,790 | 19,779,811 | 0.739086 | - datetime.timedelta(days=1) | How to get yesterday in python | 19779790_19779811_0 |
247,724 | 247,740 | 0.738975 | os.system('start excel.exe <path/to/file>') | How can I launch an instance of an application using Python? | 247724_247740_0 |
5,958,136 | 5,958,152 | 0.738443 | ['0', '182', '283', '388', '470', '579', '757', ''] | Why I can't convert a list of str to a list of floats? | 5958136_5958152_0 |
7,525,214 | 7,525,345 | 0.737709 | array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]]) | How to "scale" a numpy array? | 7525214_7525345_0 |
7,934,620 | 7,934,969 | 0.736811 | """Name: {0[]}""".format({'': 'Joe'}) | python: dots in the name of variable in a format string | 7934620_7934969_0 |
983,855 | 983,879 | 0.736799 | json.dumps({'apple': 'cat', 'banana': 'dog', 'pear': 'fish'}) | Python JSON encoding | 983855_983879_0 |
34,962,104 | 34,962,199 | 0.735729 | df['a'] = df['a'].apply(lambda x: x + 1) | Pandas: How can I use the apply() function for a single column? | 34962104_34962199_0 |
3,494,906 | 3,495,395 | 0.73437 | {k: v for d in L for k, v in list(d.items())} | How do I merge a list of dicts into a single dict? | 3494906_3495395_0 |
5,207,208 | 5,207,670 | 0.733962 | urllib.parse.urlencode([('a', '1'), ('b', '2'), ('b', '3')]) | Using urllib2 to do a SOAP POST, but I keep getting an error | 5207208_5207670_0 |
12,814,667 | 12,814,719 | 0.733883 | a.sort(key=lambda x: b.index(x[0])) | How to sort a list according to another list? | 12814667_12814719_0 |
7,996,940 | 7,997,011 | 0.732512 | li1.sort(key=lambda x: not x.startswith('b.')) | What is the best way to sort list with custom sorting parameters in Python? | 7996940_7997011_0 |
4,289,331 | 4,289,348 | 0.731999 | [int(s) for s in re.findall('\\b\\d+\\b', "he33llo 42 I'm a 32 string 30")] | Python: Extract numbers from a string | 4289331_4289348_0 |
2,508,861 | 2,508,940 | 0.731841 | int(' 23 ') | Python: Convert a string to an integer | 2508861_2508940_0 |
16,766,643 | 16,766,750 | 0.7317 | datetime.datetime.strptime('January 11, 2010', '%B %d, %Y').strftime('%a') | Convert Date String to Day of Week | 16766643_16766750_0 |
4,484,690 | 4,484,730 | 0.731263 | dict((k, 'updated') for k, v in d.items() if v is None) | How to filter a dictionary in Python? | 4484690_4484730_0 |
10,365,225 | 10,365,251 | 0.730885 | map(int, re.findall('\\d+', s)) | extract digits in a simple way from a python string | 10365225_10365251_0 |
10,346,336 | 10,346,365 | 0.730125 | numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) | List of lists into numpy array | 10346336_10346365_0 |
4,484,690 | 4,484,730 | 0.729944 | dict((k, 'updated') for k, v in d.items() if v != 'None') | How to filter a dictionary in Python? | 4484690_4484730_1 |
8,081,545 | 8,081,580 | 0.729753 | map(list, zip(*[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)])) | convert list of tuples to multiple lists in Python | 8081545_8081580_0 |
521,502 | 521,510 | 0.729452 | instance.__class__.__name__ | How to get the concrete class name as a string? | 521502_521510_0 |
1,299,855 | 1,305,860 | 0.729412 | br.form.add_file(open(filename), 'text/plain', filename) | upload file with Python Mechanize | 1299855_1305860_0 |
5,106,228 | 5,106,330 | 0.729367 | list(itertools.combinations([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 2)) | getting every possible combination in a list | 5106228_5106330_0 |
8,905,864 | 8,905,900 | 0.729273 | urllib.parse.quote_plus('a b') | URL encoding in python | 8905864_8905900_0 |
28,227,612 | 28,227,778 | 0.729219 | df['col1'] = df['col1'].apply(lambda i: ''.join(i)) | how to convert a list into a pandas dataframe | 28227612_28227778_0 |
Subsets and Splits