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ダウネスは1954年から1975年まで王立音楽大学のオルガン教授を務め、当時の最も有名なイギリスのオルガン教師でした。 | [
] | Dounes was an organ professor at the Royal College of Music from 1954 to 1975, and was the most famous English organ teacher of the time. | Downes was Professor of Organ at the Royal College of Music from 1954 to 1975 and was the best known British organ teacher of his day. |
パラオ国内オリンピック委員会は1997年に設立されました。 | [
] | The Palau National Olympic Committee was established in 1997. | The Palau National Olympic Committee was formed in 1997. |
ブルーラインは、同じ名前の複数の駅を持つ2つの線のうちの1つでもあり、グリーンラインはもう1つです(ハーレムアベニューには、ノースウエスト側のケネディ高速道路とイリノイ州フォレストパークのアイゼンハワー高速道路の南側の2つの駅があります。 | [
] | The Blue Line is also one of two lines with multiple stations of the same name, and the Green Line is another (Harlem Avenue has two stations on the Northwest side of the Kennedy Highway and on the south side of the Eisenhower Highway in Forest Park, Illinois). | The Blue Line is also one of only two lines with more than one station with the same name, with the Green Line being the other (It has two stations at Harlem Avenue: one in the Kennedy Expressway on the Northwest side and one on the south side of the Eisenhower Expressway in Forest Park, Illinois. |
人と彼らの医者は、SSRIの服用をやめる方法の計画を思いつくべきです。 | [
] | A person and their doctor should come up with a scheme of how to stop taking SSRI. | A person and their doctor should come up with a plan for how to stop taking an SSRI. |
この行動は、よりきれいな魚の行動に似ています。 | [
] | This action resembles the action of a cleaner fish. | This behaviour is similar to that of cleaner fish. |
一部の国に対する信認のない動きは、政府内でまとめて、または首相を含む個々のメンバーによって提案することができます。 | [
] | Untrustworthy moves towards some countries can be put together within the government or proposed by individual members, including the Prime Minister. | A motion of no confidence in some countries can be proposed in the government collectively or by any individual member, including the Prime Minister. |
このメダルは、同胞、地域社会、またはカナダに多大な貢献をしたカナダ人を称えるものです。 | [
] | The medal honors Canadians who have made significant contributions to their compatriots, communities, or Canada. | The Medal honors Canadians who have made a significant contribution to their fellow people, to their community, or to Canada.. |
メイフラワーコンパクトはプリマスコロニーの最初の統治文書でした。 | [
] | Mayflower compact was the first ruling document of the Plymouth colony. | The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. |
父島の日本グループの司令官は、火山諸島の陸軍と海軍の部隊の指揮下に置かれました。 | [
] | The commander of the Japanese group of Chichijima was placed under the command of the army and naval forces of the Volcanic Islands. | The commander of the Japanese group on Chichi Jima was placed in command of Army and Navy units in the Volcano Islands. |
Phallah VillageはLora Roadにあります。 | [
] | Phallah Village is located on Lora Road. | Phallah Village is on the Lora Road. |
彼の不倫の被害により、多くの人々が彼を尊敬しなくなり、彼は力を失いました。 | [
] | Because of the damage of his infidelity, many people stopped respecting him, and he lost his power. | The damage from his affair caused many people to lose respect for him, and he became less powerful. |
2002年FIVB世界選手権に出場。 | [
] | Participated in the FIVB World Championships in 2002. | She played at the 2002 FIVB World Championship. |
オンタリオハイウェイ23は、カナダのオンタリオ州の州道です。 | [
] | Ontario Highway 23 is a provincial road in Ontario, Canada. | Ontario Highway 23 is a povincial highway in Ontario, Canada. |
Figueirense Futebol Clubeは、Figueirenseとしても知られており、サンタカタリーナ州フロリアノポリスにあるブラジルのサッカーチームです。 | [
] | Figueirense Futebol Clube, also known as Figueirense, is a Brazilian football team located in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina. | Figueirense Futebol Clube, also known as Figueirense, is a Brazilian football team in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. |
1697年にクロード・バルビンによってパリで出版され、ペローの8つの童話集『Histoires ou contes du temps passé』に収められています。 | [
] | Published in Paris by Claude Barbin in 1697, it is included in Perrault's eight collection of fairy tales, Histoires ou contes du temps passé. | It was revised, and published in Paris in 1697 by Claude Barbin in Histoires ou contes du temps passé (), a collection of eight fairy tales by Perrault. |
当時、それはLongusとVeraniusの領事の年として知られていました。 | [
] | At that time, it was known as the year of the consuls of Longus and Veranius. | At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Longus and Veranius. |
桐紋(きりもん)や桐花紋(とうかもん)と総称される桐の紋の一つです。 | [
] | It is one of the paulownia crests collectively called Kirimon and Toukamon. | It is one of many paulownia mon, collectively known as the Paulownia Seals (桐紋, kirimon) or the Paulownia Flower Seals (桐花紋, tōkamon). |
会議の前に、パイクプレイスフィッシュマーケットは破産に近づいていました。 | [
] | Before the meeting, the pike place fish market was approaching bankruptcy. | Prior to the meeting, the Pike Place Fish Market was near to bankruptcy. |
プレイヤーは海を航海し、さまざまなパズルをプレイし、PoE(Pieces of Eights)を獲得します。 | [
] | Players navigate the sea, play various puzzles, and win PoE (Pieces of Eights). | The player sails the ocean, plays different puzzles and earn PoE (Pieces of Eights). |
イザベルはエリザベスのためのスペイン語として認識されています。 | [
] | Isabel is recognized as Spanish for Elizabeth. | Isabel is recognised as the Spanish for Elizabeth. |
スタントンは、1851年に最初の国際大会を企画し、率先して開催しました。 | [
] | Stanton organized and led the first international convention in 1851. | Staunton proposed and then took the lead in organizing the first ever international tournament in 1851. |
米国では、米国疾病予防管理センター(CDC)が児童虐待という用語を使用して、棄権と怠慢の両方の行為を指します。 | [
] | In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses the term child abuse to refer to both abstention and neglect. | In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses the term child maltreatment to refer to both acts of absue and neglect. |
彼女の父ガブリエレ・ロセッティは1824年以来、詩人であり、アブルッツォ州ヴァストからの政治的亡命者でもあり、母フランシス・ポリドリはバイロン卿の友人であり医師であったジョン・ウィリアム・ポリドリの姉妹でした。 | [
] | Her father Gabriele Rosetti has been a poet since 1824, a political asylum from Vast, Abruzzo, and her mother Francis Pololi was the sister of Sir Byron's friend and doctor John William Pololi. | Her father Gabriele Rossetti was also a poet and a political exile from Vasto, Abruzzo, since 1824 and her mother Frances Polidori was the sister of Lord Byron's friend and physician, John William Polidori. |
ミンスクから南東へ、ブレストから東へ、モギレフから南へ、ブライアンスクから西へ、チェルニヒフから北へ。 | [
] | From Minsk to the southeast, from Brest to the east, from Mogilev to the south, from Briansk to the west, from Chernichov to the north. | It is to the South-East from Minsk, to the East from Brest, to the South from Mogilev, to the West from Bryansk and to the North from Chernihiv. |
連合国はまだドイツを占領するために暴力的な戦いと戦わなければなりませんでした。 | [
] | Allied countries still had to fight violent battles to occupy Germany. | The Allies still had to fight violent battles to capture Germany. |
ハミルは2020年8月5日、股関節の骨折による問題で85歳で病院で亡くなりました。 | [
] | Hamilton died on August 5, 2020 at the age of 85 in a hospital due to a hip fracture. | Hamill died at a hospital on August 5, 2020 from problems caused by a fractured hip, at age 85. |
トンネルは馬がいない状態で物を運ぶためのものでした。 | [
] | The tunnel was for carrying things without horses. | The tunnels were meant to carry things inside with no horses. |
相手がボールを振るのを防ぎ、危険な状況を作り出すと、そのプレーヤーは「ストローク」を訴えることができ、その結果、安全にボールを打つことができなかったプレーヤーがポイントを獲得します。 | [
] | Preventing the opponent from swinging the ball and creating a dangerous situation, the player can sue "strokes", as a result of which the player who could not hit the ball safely will score points. | If a player prevents the other player from swinging at the ball, creating a dangerous situation, that player can appeal for a "stroke," which results in the player who could not safely hit the ball winning the point. |
アメリカ革命によって、宗教の自由という概念が拡大し始めました。 | [
] | The American Revolution began to expand the concept of religious freedom. | With the American Revolution the idea of freedom of religion began to expand. |
モノディは、言葉がはっきりと聞こえるので、ストーリーを簡単に伝えることができました。 | [
] | Monody was able to tell the story easily because he could hear the words clearly. | Monody made it easy to tell a story because the words could be heard clearly. |
アーカイブの実践を支える理論と学術的研究は、アーカイブ科学と呼ばれます。 | [
] | The theory and academic research that underpins the practice of archiving is called archival science. | The theory and scholarly work underpinning archives practices is called archival science. |
この協定は、東方圏の崩壊とソビエト連邦の政治的変化に続いて、1991年に一部のメンバーが辞任した冷戦の終わりまで続きました。 | [
] | The agreement lasted until the end of the Cold War, when some members resigned in 1991, following the collapse of the Eastern bloc and political changes in the Soviet Union. | The Pact lasted until the end of the Cold War when some members quit in 1991, following the collapse of the Eastern bloc and political changes in the Soviet Union. |
彼が経験しなければならなかったすべての混乱によって、彼はコミュニティについての彼の良い心を失うことはないようにします。 | [
] | By all the confusion he had to experience, he tries not to lose his good heart about the community. | By all the mess he had to go through, he tries not to lose his good mind about community. |
彼らは日光の下で外出することができないので、彼らは日中に眠ります。 | [
] | They sleep during the day, as they are not able to go out in daylight. | They cannot go out in sunlight, so they sleep during the day. |
そこで彼女は名誉学生、合唱団、ドラマクラブ、テニスチームのメンバーでした。 | [
] | There she was a member of honorary students, choirs, drama clubs and tennis teams. | There she was an honor student, a member of the choir, drama club, and tennis team. |
東と隅田は西にあります。 | [
] | East and Sumida are located in the west. | Kōtō and Sumida are on the west. |
1960年3月21日、南アフリカのシャープビルにある警察署で、5000人から7000人の黒人が抗議した。 | [
] | On 21 March 1960, 5,000 to 7,000 black protesters protested at a police station in South Africa’s Sharp Building. | The Sharpeville massacre was when a crowd of between 5,000 and 7,000 black people protested at the police station in Sharpeville, South Africa on March 21, 1960. |
法案が可決されれば、当時のバラク・オバマ大統領は、若い女性と男性に選択的システムに登録するよう命じる権限を与えただろう。 | [
] | If passed, then President Barack Obama would have empowered young women and men to register in the selective system. | If the bill had passed, it would have authorized then-President Barack Obama to order young women as well as men to register with the Selective System. |
ヒマラヤ山脈で発見されたヒマラヤサウルスという魚竜は、ショーニサウルスと同じ動物なのかもしれない。 | [
] | The Himalayasaurus, a fish dragon discovered in the Himalayas, may be the same animal as Shawnisaurus. | An ichthyosaur found in the Himalayan mountains called Himalayasaurus, may be the same animal as Shonisaurus. |
彼女は大量のサンドイッチ、焼けたクッキー、そしてルカのためのクールエイドを作り、いつか彼が家に帰るだろうと信じていました。 | [
] | She made a large amount of sandwiches, baked cookies and cool aids for Luke and believed that one day he would return home. | She made huge amounts of sandwiches, burnt cookies, and Kool-Aid for Luke, believing that someday he would return home. |
カーラミズムの教えはマツダキズムから発展し、マツダキズムについての特定の詳細を伝えるために使用することができます。 | [
] | The teachings of Caramism develop from Mazda Kism and can be used to convey certain details about Mazda Kism. | The teaching of Khurramism developed from Mazdakism and can be used to tell certain details about Mazdakism. |
また、現代の進歩により、軽戦車でもパラシュートで落とすことができます。 | [
] | Modern advancements also allow light tanks to be dropped by parachute. | Also, modern advances allow even light tanks to be dropped by parachute. |
別の言語では、ライは暗いという言葉を意味します。 | [
] | In another language, Rye means the word dark. | In another language, rai means the word dark. |
その後のポーランド旅行で、彼は支援のメッセージをより強くしました。 | [
] | During his subsequent trip to Poland, he strengthened his message of support. | On later trips to Poland, he made his message of support stronger. |
エリツィンはまた、ロシアのチェチェンの一部が崩壊するのを防ぐために戦争を始めました。 | [
] | Yeltsin also started a war to prevent parts of Chechnya in Russia from collapsing. | Yeltsin also started a war to stop the Chechnya part of Russia from breaking away. |
これらの断片がくっついてオリゴマーを形成します。 | [
] | These fragments stick together to form an oligomer. | These pieces stick together to form oligomers. |
1995年から2005年の間に放送されました。 | [
] | It was broadcast between 1995 and 2005. | It was on air between 1995 and 2005. |
クリードムーアは、アメリカ合衆国テキサス州にある都市です。 | [
] | Creed Moore is a city located in Texas, USA. | Creedmoor is a city in the U.S. state of Texas. |
彼女はディーンとフローリンプラトンによって養子縁組され、彼女は合法的に彼女の名前を系統からプラトンに変更しました。 | [
] | She was adopted by Dean and Florin Plato, and she legally changed her name from lineage to Plato. | She was adopted by Dean and Florine Plato and she legally changed her name from Strain to Plato. |
養子縁組主義やモダリズムなど、多くの異なる非三位一体論的見解が初期のキリスト教に存在し、キリスト学についての論争を引き起こしました。 | [
] | Many different non-trinitarian views, such as adoptionism and modernism, existed in early Christianity, sparking controversy about Christianity. | Many different Nontrinitarian views, such as adoptionism or modalism, existed in early Christianity, leading to the disputes about Christology. |
レオミンスター駅はウェールズマルシェ線にあります。 | [
] | Leominster station is located on the Welsh Marche line. | Leominster railway station is on the Welsh Marches Line. |
彼は1972年から1997年までキングストン・アポン・テムズの国会議員でした。 | [
] | He was a member of the Parliament of Kingston upon Thames from 1972 to 1997. | He was the Member of Parliament for Kingston-upon-Thames from 1972-1997. |
1917年のジョージ5世の令状まで、彼女の腕は、アルバート王子の英国王室の子孫のすべての腕と同様に、ザクセン州に差し迫ったものでした。 | [
] | Until George V's warrant in 1917, her arms were imminent in Saxony, as were all arms of Prince Albert's descendants of the British royal family. | Until George V's warrant of 1917, her arms, like all those of Prince Albert's British royal descendants, bore an inescutcheon for Saxony. |
口を閉じると、ワニの下顎に4番目の歯が見えます。 | [
] | If you close your mouth, you will see the fourth tooth on the lower jaw of the crocodile. | One can see the fourth tooth in the lower jaw of a crocodile when its mouth is closed. |
「プルプレア」として知られている青紫色の葉を持つ新しいタイプは非常に人気があります。 | [
] | A new type with bluish-purple leaves, known as "pulprea", is very popular. | A new type with blue-purple leaves, known as 'Purpurea' is very popular. |
カンボジア、そしてカンボジア王国によって継承されました。 | [
] | It was inherited by Cambodia, and the Kingdom of Cambodia. | Succeeded by the State of Cambodia, then the Kingdom of Cambodia. |
この話は、アダムが神に逆らう聖書の初めから、赤ん坊のイエスの来臨まで語られています。 | [
] | This story goes from the beginning of the Bible when Adam rebelled against God to the coming of the baby Jesus. | The story is told from the beginning of the Bible in which Adam disobeys God, to the coming of the baby Jesus. |
1963年に終了し、アグダム地区に接続されました。 | [
] | It ended in 1963 and was connected to the Agdam district. | In 1963 it was ended and connected to Agdam District. |
江戸半跏思惟像は、徳川幕府にとって非常に批判的な社会風刺でした。 | [
] | The pensive bodhisattva statue of Edo was a very critical social satire for the Tokugawa shogunate. | Edo Hanjoki was a very critical social satire of the Tokugawa government. |
Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.はイタリアの自動車メーカーです。 | [
] | Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. is an Italian automaker. | Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. is an Italian car manufacturer. |
ゲティスバーグの気候は冬から夏にかけて変化します。 | [
] | The climate of Gettysburg changes from winter to summer. | Gettysburg has weather that changes from around in the winter months to almost in the summer. |
それは2007年から現在に至るまで存在しています。 | [
] | It has existed since 2007. | It has been around from 2007-present. |
1988年よりオハイオ州立大学教授。 | [
] | He has been a professor at Ohio State University since 1988. | Since 1988, Dr. Wilson has been a faculty member at The Ohio State University. |
エスター・ルイーズ・マクヴェイ(Esther Louise McVey、1967年10月24日 - )は、イギリスの保守党政治家。 | [
] | Esther Louise McVey (born 24 October 1967) was a British conservative politician. | Esther Louise McVey (born 24 October 1967) is a British Conservative Party politician. |
Le Kremlin-Bicêtre(パリに近い)、Rennes、Lyon、Strasbourg、Toulouse、La Défense、フランスにあります。 | [
] | Located in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (near Paris), Rennes, Lyon, Strasbourg, Toulouse, La Défense, France. | It is in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (close to Paris), Rennes, Lyon, Strasbourg, Toulouse and La Défense, France. |
ベネディクト・アーノルドとホラティオ・ゲイツ率いる大陸軍は、サラトガの戦いでブルゴーニュを破った。 | [
] | The Continental Army led by Benedicto Arnold and Holatio Gates defeated Burgundy in the Battle of Saratoga. | The Continental Army, led by Benedict Arnold and Horatio Gates, beat Burgoyne at the Battle of Saratoga. |
髪は冬の間にその下にウールのコートでまっすぐです。 | [
] | The hair is straightened with a woolen coat under it during the winter. | The hair is straight with a woolly coat under it during winter. |
同時期には、北大西洋の冬季パトロールを開始し、船員を保護しました。 | [
] | At the same time, it launched winter patrols in the North Atlantic Ocean to protect seafarers. | During this same period, the service began winter patrols in the North Atlantic Ocean to protect sailors. |
ポルトガル人が移住したのは1520年頃。 | [
] | Portuguese emigrated around 1520. | People from Portugal moved there around 1520. |
1972年6月30日、イリノイ州最高裁判所はこの判決を支持した。 | [
] | On June 30, 1972, the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the decision. | On June 30, 1972, the Illinois Supreme Court supported their decision. |
州には35のコミューン(単数形:コミューン)があります。 | [
] | There are 35 communes in the state. | There are 35 comuni (singular: comune) in the province. |
ロシアの皇帝ニコラス2世が1917年のロシア革命の間に取り除かれるまで、ロマノフ王朝はロシアを統治しています。 | [
] | The Romanov dynasty ruled Russia until the Russian emperor Nicholas II was removed during the Russian Revolution of 1917. | The Romanov Dynasty rules Russia until Tsar Nicholas II of Russia is removed during the Russian Revolution in 1917. |
ウェルクは、カリフォルニア州サンタモニカの気管支肺炎で1992年に89歳で亡くなりました。 | [
] | Werk died of bronchial pneumonia in Santa Monica, California in 1992 at the age of 89. | Welk died from bronchopneumonia in Santa Monica, California, in 1992 at age 89. |
展覧会カタログ, Via Margutta a Testaccio 1987–1988, Associazione Cento Pittori Via Margutta. | [
] | Exhibition catalogue, Via Margutta a Testaccio 1987–1988, Associazione Cento Pittori Via Margutta. | Exhibition Catalog, Via Margutta a Testaccio 1987–1988, Associazione Cento Pittori Via Margutta. |
著者の茶番劇は、ロンドンの演劇界でのフィールディングの人生と経験の一部を示しています。 | [
] | The author's farce shows part of Fielding's life and experience in the London theatre world. | The Author's Farce show parts of Fielding's life and experience with the London theatre community. |
香港出身の有名なカントポップシンガー、アラン・タム。 | [
] | Alan Tam, a famous canto-pop singer from Hong Kong. | Alan Tam, famous Canto-pop singer from Hong Kong. |
クルーザー級の戦闘機はリングの外に立っていましたが、2人の戦闘機はリングで格闘しました。 | [
] | Cruiser-class fighters stood outside the ring, but the two fighters wrestled in the ring. | Cruiserweight fighter stood outside the ring, while two fighters wrestled in the ring. |
たとえば、これらの日付の外で嵐が発生することがあります。 | [
] | For example, storms can occur outside of these dates. | Sometimes storms form outside these dates for example. |
2010年の国勢調査では、17,195人がそこに住んでいました。 | [
] | According to the 2010 census, 17,195 people lived there. | As of the 2010 Census, 17,195 people lived there. |
フレンドリーなネイティブアメリカンの助けを借りて、彼らは食べ物を育てることを学びました。 | [
] | With the help of friendly native Americans, they learned to grow food. | With the help of friendly Native Americans, they learned to grow food. |
1匹のクマは木を振って彼を倒そうとしました。 | [
] | One bear shook a tree and tried to beat him. | One bear tried to make him fall by shaking the tree. |
彼はイエメン軍の現地元帥でした。 | [
] | He was the local commander of the Yemeni army. | He was a Field Marshal of the Yemeni Armed Forces. |
ザクセン州最大の脳卒中ユニット(12床 ) 、 大腸がんセンター、ドイツで最初の皮膚がんセンターの1つなど、いくつかの認定治療ユニットがあります。 | [
] | It has several accredited treatment units, including Saxony’s largest stroke unit (12 beds), the Colorectal Cancer Center, and one of Germany’s first skin cancer centers. | The hospital has several certified treatment units: the largest stroke unit in Saxony (12 beds), a colon cancer center and one of the first skin cancer centers in Germany. |
クリケットを見たい人はほとんどいないので、彼らはサッカーセクションを設立しました。 | [
] | Few people want to see cricket, so they set up a football section. | Because only few people want to see Cricket they founded a football section. |
元英国海軍中尉司令官。 | [
] | Former British Navy Lieutenant General. | Ex Lieutenant Commander, Royal Navy. |
現金は、取引を行うために契約および/またはドラフトピックに追加できるもう1つのものです。 | [
] | Cash is another thing you can add to your contract and/or draft pick to make a transaction. | Cash is another thing that may be added with contracts and/or draft picks to make a trade. |
『運命』(1976)は、セルジュ・ニコレスク監督(主演も務める)によるルーマニアのドラマ映画で、アムザ・ペレア、アーネスト・マフテイ、ジョージ・ディニカ、アイメ・イアコベスクが主演。 | [
] | Destiny (1976) is a Romanian drama film directed by Serge Nicolescu (also starring), starring Amza Perea, Ernest Muffty, George Dinica, and Aime Iakovsk. | The Doom () is a 1976 Romanian drama movie directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu (who also stars) and starring Amza Pellea, Ernest Maftei, Gheorghe Dinică, Aimée Iacobescu. |
22年間、レモンはツアーハーレムグローブトロッターズバスケットボールチームの「クラウンプリンス」として知られていました。 | [
] | For 22 years, Lemon was known as the "crown prince" of the Tour Harlem Grove Trotters basketball team. | For 22 years, Lemon was known as the "Clown Prince" of the touring Harlem Globetrotters basketball team. |
沿岸環境では、沿岸域はめったに水面下にない高いウォーターマークから、恒久的に水没している海岸線地域まで広がっています。 | [
] | In coastal environments, coastal areas range from high watermarks, which are rarely submerged, to permanently submerged coastline areas. | In coastal environments the littoral zone extends from the high water mark, which is rarely under water, to shoreline areas that are permanently submerged. |
また、メルセデス・ベンツのV12エンジンを搭載しています。 | [
] | It is also equipped with a Mercedes-Benz V12 engine. | It also has a V12 engine by Mercedes-Benz. |
12月12日 Guglielmo Marconiは、イギリスのPoldhuからカナダのNewfoundlandに送信された最初の大西洋横断無線信号を受信します。 | [
] | December 12 Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic radio signal transmitted from Poldhu, UK to Newfoundland, Canada. | December 12 Guglielmo Marconi receives the first Trans-Atlantic radio signal, sent from Poldhu, England to Newfoundland, Canada. |
低音のエクタラは、「ドタラ」と呼ばれることもありますが、多くの場合、2つの弦があります。 | [
] | A bass ectara is sometimes referred to as a "dotara," but it often has two strings. | The bass ektara, sometimes called a dotara'' often has two strings. |
彼は現在、スラッシュメタルバンドExodusとSlayerで演奏しています。 | [
] | He is currently playing in the thrush metal bands Exodus and Slayer. | He currently plays for the thrash metal bands Exodus and Slayer. |
ベッドストーンは回転しません。 | [
] | Bedstones do not rotate. | The bedstone does not turn. |
2021年4月12日午前7時頃(現地時間 ) 、 ペルー北部のアンキャッシュ地方のポマバンバ州またはシワス州の多くの山がある地域で 、 「 ファマツアーSA」の会社のバスが墜落しました。 | [
] | Around 7 a.m. on April 12, 2021 (local time), a bus of the company "Fama Tour SA" crashed in an area with many mountains in the province of Pomabamba or Siwas in the Ancash region of northern Peru. | On 12 April 2021, at around 7:00 am (local time) a bus of the company of “Fama Tours SA” crashed in an area with many mountains in the Pomabamba Province or Sihuas Province in the northern Ancash Region, Peru. |
彼らは小石の跡を残すことによって家に帰る方法を見つけます。 | [
] | They find a way home by leaving traces of pebbles. | They find their way home by leaving a trail of pebbles. |
1993年にRykodiscレーベルから発売されました。 | [
] | It was released on the Rykodisc label in 1993. | It was put out on the Rykodisc label in 1993. |
1967年から1970年まで、彼は国際天文学連合の書記長を務めました。 | [
] | From 1967 to 1970, he served as General Secretary of the International Astronomical Union. | From 1967 to 1970, he was General-Secretariat of the International Astronomical Union. |
2013年初頭、モリッシーは出血性潰瘍と診断されました。 | [
] | In early 2013, Morrissey was diagnosed with hemorrhagic ulcers. | In early 2013, Morrissey was diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer. |
雪が深くない場合、彼らはひづめを使って苔と葉を明らかにします。 | [
] | If the snow is not deep, they use hooves to reveal moss and leaves. | If the snow is not deep, they use their hooves to uncover moss and leaves. |
Subsets and Splits