[ "appointed" ]
He was appointed president of the fifth section of the court in 2011.
He was made President of the Fifth Section of the Court in 2011.
[ "located" ]
The large rooms are located on the first floor of the palace.
The large room is on the ground floor (first floor) of the Palace.
[ "martyrs" ]
It was released as the fourth single on August 7, 2006, but is the third ad single ("The only difference between martyrs and suicides is media coverage" is not commercially released as a single).
It was released on August 7, 2006 as the fourth single, but is the third advertised single ("The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage" was not commercially released as a single).
[ "bitch" ]
Usually this leads to a lower bitch weight.
Usually, this will lead to a lower bith weight.
[ "reborn" ]
Recently, there have been reports that it is about to be reborn as a park of knowledge.
Recently, there have been news reports that it is being made into a "Knowledge Park".
[ "Spectators" ]
Spectators and critics noticed Lynch for her bizarre role in the 40-year-old virgin of Judd Apatou.
Audiences and critics took notice of Lynch for her oddball role in Judd Apatow's The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
[ "allocate" ]
Her goal is to allocate women in more leading positions on board and successfully lead.
Her goal is to assign women in to more leading positions on boards and lead successfully.
[ "initially" ]
It initially moved to other theaters in New York and closed on September 29, 1962 with 2,717 performances.
It moved to other theatres in New York during its original run, and closed on 29 September 1962 after 2,717 performances.
[ "depends" ]
This depends on the instrument.
This is then made louder by the instrument.
[ "gestalt" ]
Pogodin continues to practice psychotherapy and is a leading trainer and teacher of gestalt therapy.
Pogodin continues his psychotherapeutic practice and is a leading trainer and teacher of Gestalt therapy.
[ "employees" ]
Williams has something about Dam and Dunbar, Freddie Gott Finger, Mary, Half Baked, Rocketman, Sorority Boys, Down Periscope, Superstar, and employees of the month.
Williams is known for his movie roles, which include Dumb and Dumber, Freddy Got Fingered, There's Something About Mary, Half Baked, RocketMan, Sorority Boys, Down Periscope, Superstar and Employee of The Month.
バンドは、Luther Dickinson兄弟(ギター、ボーカル)とCody Dickinson兄弟(ドラム、キーボード、電気ウォッシュボード ) 、 Chris Chew兄弟(電気ベースギター)で構成されています。
[ "keyboard" ]
The band consists of Brother Luther Dickinson (guitar, vocals) and Brother Cody Dickinson (drum, keyboard, electric washboard) and Brother Chris Chew (electric bass guitar).
The band is made of brothers Luther Dickinson (guitar, vocals) and Cody Dickinson (drums, keyboards, electric washboard), and Chris Chew (electric bass guitar).
[ "region" ]
Moreno Valley is also part of the Greater Los Angeles region.
Moreno Valley is also part of the Greater Los Angeles area.
[ "meridians" ]
Geographers today measure these lines from what they call prime meridians.
Geographers today measure these lines from what they call the Prime Meridian.
Readerz.Net / リサ・レイ リサ・レイ(Lisa Ray、1972年4月4日 - )は、カナダのインディアン・女優。
[ "Net" ]
Readerz.Net / Lisa Ray Lisa Ray (born April 4, 1972) is a Canadian Indian actress.
Lisa Ray (born 4 April 1972) is an Indian-Canadian actress.
[ "confines" ]
When Rick and his group do not tell him where they come from, the governor confines them.
When Rick and his group won't tell him where they came from, the Governor locks them up.
[ "major" ]
His major awards include the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Society for Evolutionary Programming (USA, 1995) and the IEEE Neural Network Society Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award (USA, 2002).
His awards include the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Evolutionary Programming Society (US, 1995) and the Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award of the IEEE Neural Networks Society (US, 2002).
[ "region" ]
His brother Saldar Muhammad Niem Khan served as a member of the region during that period.
His brother Sardar Muhammad Naeem Khan served as a member from that area during that period.
[ "perspective" ]
Kant was very shocked by the fume and looked at the theory he learned from a new perspective.
Kant was very shocked by Hume, and saw the theory he had learned in a new point of view.
[ "hypotension" ]
This causes hypotension.
This causes low blood pressure.
[ "across" ]
The first bridge across the Mississippi River opens in what is now Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The first bridge crossing the Mississippi River opens in what is now Minneapolis, Minnesota.
[ "granting" ]
On June 16, 1864, the U.S. Congress passed a law granting full and equal pay to soldiers who were free as of April 19, 1861.
On June 16, 1864, the United States Congress passed a law that would give full, equal pay to any soldiers who had been free men as of April 19, 1861.
アンドレ・ダレッサンドロ(Andrés D'Alessandro、1981年4月15日 - )はアルゼンチンのサッカー選手。
[ "Argentine" ]
Andrés D'Alessandro (born 15 April 1981) is an Argentine footballer.
Andrés D'Alessandro (born 15 April 1981) is an Argentine football player.
[ "adjacent" ]
It was originally built as a warm-up track for the 2002 Commonwealth Games at the adjacent Manchester Stadium.
It was originally made as the warm-up track for the 2002 Commonwealth Games held at the City of Manchester Stadium which is next to it.
[ "parliament" ]
As a result, the Crimean parliament immediately declared independence from Ukraine.
The Crimean Parliament quickly proclaimed independence from Ukraine as a result.
[ "orphanage" ]
They are taken to an orphanage in Dresden.
They are taken to a children’s home in Dresden.
[ "crisis" ]
Aurelians joined the Roman Empire again, and this was the beginning of the end of the crisis in the third century.
Aurelian joined the Roman Empire into one state again, and this was the beginning of the end of the Crisis of the Third Century.
[ "degree" ]
He decided to go back to school and get a master's degree in art.
He decided to go back to school and get a Master of Fine Arts.
[ "cell" ]
This game is the legend of the first cell shade of the Zelda game, which means that the game looks like a cartoon.
The game is the first Cel-shaded Legend of Zelda game, which means the game looks like a cartoon.
[ "federal" ]
Instead, he helped the federal president Jefferson Davis make military decisions.
Instead, he helped Confederate president Jefferson Davis make military decisions.
この宗教では、Amrit Chhakhnaが最終目的であることを念頭に置いてはいけません。
[ "ultimate" ]
It should not be borne in mind that in this religion Amrit Chhakhna is the ultimate purpose.
In this religion, it is believed that it should not be taken into mind that Amrit Chhakhna is the end purpose.
[ "gem" ]
It was also believed that there was a gem called a toad in the head of the toad.
It was also believed that there was a jewel inside a toad's head called a "toadstone".
Jatiúcaは、Ponta Verdeのほかに、不動産販売員のランキングで市内で最も価値のある地域の1つです。
[ "estate" ]
Jatiúca, besides Ponta Verde, is one of the most valuable areas of the city in the ranking of real estate salespeople.
Jatiúca, besides Ponta Verde, is one of the most valued areas in the city in the ranking of the properties salesmen.
[ "fjord" ]
In Germany, the fjord is called Förde.
In Germany, fiords are called Förde.
[ "hosting" ]
Mauritania (MTN) has been hosting the Summer Olympics every year since 1984.
Mauritania (MTN) has been to every Summer Olympic Games held since 1984.
国立学校給食プログラムは、第一次世界大戦中に存在した飢餓と悪い栄養と戦うために作成されました。 若い男性の3分の1が第一次世界大戦で兵士になるよう呼びかけましたが、奉仕を拒否されました。
[ "combat" ]
The National School Lunch Program was created to combat hunger and bad nutrition that existed during World War I. A third of young men called to become soldiers in World War I, but were refused service.
The National School Lunch Program was created to fight hunger and bad nutrition that existed during World War I. One-third of the young men called to be soldiers in World War I were turned down from service.
[ "cultural" ]
Hip-hop is a type of cultural/art style that began in the Bronx in the 1970s.
Hip hop is a type of culture/art style that started in the 1970s in the Bronx.
ローズは『Vogue』、『Art in America』、『Artforum』、『Partisan Review』に寄稿している。
[ "contributed" ]
Rose has contributed to Vogue, Art in America, Artforum and Partisan Review.
Rose wrote for Vogue, Art in America, Artforum, and Partisan Review.
[ "organizations" ]
In recent years, the United States has become a target for organizations.
In recent years the US has become a target of the organisation.
[ "cranks" ]
The way to explain it is that if "normal hip-hop" is in the middle of a few lines, gangster wraps, cranks, and snaps are on one side, and alternative hip-hop is on the other.
A way to explain it would be that if "regular hip hop" was on the middle of a number line, gangsta rap, crunk, and snap would be on one side, and alternative hip hop would be on the other.
[ "rifts" ]
Insects are rifts (neuroptera), the leaves come from cycads or related gymnastics.
The insects are lacewings (Neuroptera), and the leaves are from cycads or related gymnosperms.
[ "enrolled" ]
In 2017, Dlamini enrolled at ICU in Mbabane in April 2018.
In 2017, Dlamini was admitted to an ICU in April 2018 in Mbabane.
[ "chairman" ]
He was the chairman of the National Funeral Board of Directors.
He was president of the National Association of Funeral Directors.
[ "meters" ]
Its maximum height is 42 meters (138 feet) near the mountains of Shandong.
Its greatest height is 42 m (138 ft) near the Shandong mountains.
[ "vice" ]
He is the 38th and current vice governor of North Dakota since 2016.
He is the 38th and current Lieutenant Governor of North Dakota since 2016.
Readerz.Net / グロリア・ヘンリー グロリア・ヘンリー(Gloria Henry、1923年4月2日 - 2021年4月3日)は、アメリカの女優。
[ "Net" ]
Readerz.Net / Gloria Henry Gloria Henry (April 2, 1923 – April 3, 2021) was an American actress.
Gloria Henry (born Gloria McEniry; April 2, 1923 – April 3, 2021) was an American actress.
COVID-19パンデミック: COVID-19ワクチンの最初の成功したフェーズIII試験は、感染の90%を防ぐことができる製薬会社ファイザーとバイオンテックによって発表されます。
[ "pharmaceutical" ]
COVID-19 Pandemic: The first successful Phase III trial of the COVID-19 vaccine will be presented by pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech, which can prevent 90% of infections.
COVID-19 pandemic: The first successful phase III trial of a COVID-19 vaccine is announced by drug companies Pfizer and BioNTech, able to prevent 90% of infections.
[ "county" ]
The mobile county was first settled in 1702.
Mobile County was first settled in 1702.
[ "premiere" ]
She was the 42nd premiere of New South Wales.
She was the 42nd Premier of New South Wales.
Matthew Brando、KateLynn E. Newberry、Rob Grant、George Tutie、Tara O. Horvath、Sam Lizが出演しています。
[ "appear" ]
Matthew Brando, KateLynn E. Newberry, Rob Grant, George Tutie, Tara O. Horvath and Sam Liz appear.
It stars Matthew Brando, KateLynn E. Newberry, Rob Grant, George Tutie, Tara O. Horvath, and Sam Liz.
[ "shortage" ]
A major problem in the war was a shortage of construction materials (especially concrete).
The big problem of the war was the lack of construction materials (especially concrete).
Family Brachycephalidae - サドルバックヒキガエル、51種。
[ "saddleback" ]
Family Brachycephalidae - saddleback toad, 51 species.
Family Brachycephalidae - Saddleback toads, 51 species.
[ "Business" ]
Business person in Washington, DC.
Businesspeople from Washington, D.C.
[ "current" ]
He has been in his current position since February 2018.
In 2018, he moved to 2.
[ "consecutive" ]
Juventus has won the title of Serie A for seven consecutive years.
Juventus won their 7th Serie A title in a row.
[ "district" ]
Katua is part of the Katua district of Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Kathua () is part of the Kathua District of Jammu and Kashmir, India.
[ "disparities" ]
In some places, social disparities remain due to gender, ethnicity, region, economic class, etc.
Social differences based on gender, ethnicity, location, economic class, etc. are still there in some places.
[ "patriarchal" ]
Such a Chinese "surname group" is comparable to the patriarchal Hmong clan, and also practicing exogamy.
Such Chinese "surname groups" are comparable to the patrilineal Hmong clans and also practice exogamy.
[ "revising" ]
In the four continental championships, he fell behind the fourth place in the short program due to injury, but after revising the rules in the free program, he scored the highest score in the world.
In the Four Continents Championships, due to the influence of injury, he was late in the short program 4th place, but he won the world's highest score after the rule revision in the free program.
[ "mayor" ]
He served as mayor of Ulysse Nardin from 1977 to 2008.
From 1977 to 2008, he was Mayor of Les Ulis.
[ "competed" ]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have competed in six summer Olympics.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has been in six Summer Olympic Games.
[ "Performed" ]
Performed at Mahendra United from 2008 to 2010.
In 2008-2010, he played for Mahendra United.
[ "efficacy" ]
COVID-19 Pandemic: Pfizer and BioNTech have completed clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine with an overall efficacy rate of 95% without adverse events.
COVID-19 pandemic: Pfizer and BioNTech have completed trials on their COVID-19 vaccine, with an overall effectiveness rate of 95% without adverse events.
[ "suicide" ]
Immediately after that, he and his wife went up to the garden of the Champs-Élysées and committed suicide there.
Immediately afterward he and his wife went up to the garden of the Chancellery, where they killed themselves.
[ "region" ]
Much of the New Orleans region is below sea level, and flooding is a serious problem.
Much of the New Orleans area lies below sea level making flooding a serious problem.
[ "adjunct" ]
Havable Rahman began his career as an adjunct professor of history at the University of Dhaka on May 1, 1952.
Habibur Rahman began his career as a temporary Lecturer in History of Dhaka University on May 1, 1952.
[ "diverse" ]
Over time, local culture was influenced by neighbors, more diverse lanterns were found.
As time passed, a greater variety of lanterns could be found as local cultures became influenced by their neighbors.
[ "able" ]
If you close the mouth of the alligator, you will not be able to see its teeth.
You cannot see that tooth when an alligator's mouth is closed.
[ "elections" ]
He took the party through two general elections.
He took the party through two General Elections.
[ "revenue" ]
The film was a box office, gross domestic revenue was $22.2 million.
The film was a box office flop, earning a domestic gross of $22.2 million.
[ "vulgar" ]
They spoke vulgar Latin.
They spoke Vulgar Latin.
[ "worldwide" ]
It sells more than 3.2 million copies worldwide.
It has sold over 3.2 million copies around the world.
[ "Currently" ]
Currently, nickel-metal hydride batteries are used.
Now the nickel metal-hydride battery is being used.
[ "tripod" ]
The Manx tripod is known in the Manx language as the Trekassin "tripod".
The Manx triskelion is known in the Manx language as tre cassyn "the three legs".
[ "Gaga" ]
Gaga talks about falling in love with his best friend.
Gaga has said that the song is about being in love with a best friend.
[ "enthronement" ]
Shortly thereafter, the role of the monarch of Emperor Komei was confirmed by the ceremony (enthronement).
Soon after, Emperor Kōmei's role as monarch was confirmed by ceremonies (sokui).
[ "northeastern" ]
It is concentrated in southern and central Somalia and parts of northeastern Kenya.
It is concentrated in southern and central Somalia and parts of north eastern Kenya.
[ "types" ]
Some types of Unicode work like this.
Some kinds of Unicode work this way.
[ "'m" ]
I'm not sure what to do.
[ "located" ]
The largest is located in Clearwater, Florida.
The largest is in Clearwater, Florida.
その後、1986年に公開されたネズミのアニメーション映画『An American Tail』を制作。
[ "released" ]
After that, he produced the animated movie "An American Tail" of the mouse released in 1986.
Later he made another animated movie about mice called An American Tail, which came out in 1986.
[ "carcasses" ]
They decided to keep his death secret, cut the carcasses into shallow graves and dispose of them, keeping money.
They decide to keep his death secret, cut up and dispose of the dead body in a shallow grave and keep the money.
[ "located" ]
Most of Wilson Lake is located in Russell County.
Most of Wilson Lake is in Russell County.
[ "director" ]
He was the director of the Progress Rocket Space Center from 1980 to 1996.
He was Director of the Progress Rocket Space Centre from 1980 to 1996.
[ "classic" ]
At the beginning of the season, he once again showed how liquid he was for the tough Belgian classic race.
Earlier in the season, he again showed how much he likied for the tough Belgian Classic races.
[ "province" ]
Aurangabad was the first capital and later Hyderabad became the capital and later lent its name to the province he created.
Aurangabad was its first capital city, later Hyderabad became the capital and later lent its name to the state he had created.
Kundo Phooler Malaはインドのベンガル語テレビソープオペラで、2017年5月29日の午後6時に初演され、STAR Jalshaで放映されました。
[ "opera" ]
Kundo Phooler Mala premiered on May 29, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. on Bengali television soap opera in India and aired on STAR Jalsha.
Kundo Phooler Mala is an Indian Bengali television Soap Opera that premiered on 29 May 2017 at 6:00PM and aired on STAR Jalsha.
[ "proprietary" ]
It is licensed as proprietary.
It is licensed as Proprietary.
[ "performed" ]
Since 1960, he has performed in several theaters.
From 1960 he acted in plays in several theaters.
[ "province" ]
He was born in Tay Son, Binh Dinh province.
He was born in Tay Son, Binh Dinh Province.
[ "senator" ]
He was a Wisconsin senator from 1925 to 1947.
He was a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin from 1925 to 1947.
[ "illustrious" ]
Martin Van Buren, the illustrious leader of New York politics, was Jackson’s most important supporter.
Martin Van Buren, a brilliant leader in New York politics, was Jackson's most important supporter.
[ "ministry" ]
Saul plays the harp for Jesse's youngest son, the shepherd David, and takes him to his ministry so that when the demon rests on him, he can calm down.
Saul takes David the shepherd, and the youngest son of Jesse, into his service to play a harp for him and so that he would be soothed when the evil spirit rests upon him.
Word 4.0 for Macは1990年11月6日にリリースされました。
[ "released" ]
Word 4.0 for Mac was released on November 6, 1990.
Word 4.0 for Mac came out in November 6, 1990.
[ "performed" ]
In Italy, he performed in Lucca with the play "Serentra" in Turin in 1818, the play "Donna del Lago" in Rome in 1823 and the play "Matrimonio Segreto" in 1827.
In Italy, she played in the play "Cerentola" in Turino in 1818, in the play "Donna del Lago" in Rome in 1823 and in Lucca 1827 in the play "Matrimonio Segreto".
[ "neutrino" ]
Masatoshi Koshiba (94), Japanese physicist (neutrino astronomy), Nobel Prize winner (2002).
Masatoshi Koshiba, 94, Japanese physicist (Neutrino astronomy), Nobel Prize winner (2002).
[ "include" ]
Other things include Koubru, Kounu and Tangjing.
The others are Koubru, Kounu and Thangjing.
[ "saucepan" ]
The battery is a thin dough, which can be easily poured into a saucepan.
Batter is thin dough that can be easily poured into a pan.
[ "communism" ]
In the era of McCarthyism, Merce and her husband read several works of communism and got into trouble.
During the time of McCarthyism, Maas and her husband got into trouble because they read some works of Communism.
[ "will" ]
Because of this, the game will cost more to make.
Because of this, the games cost more to make.