ah you are laughing at me send to morrow at twelve and the bank shall be notified i will come myself better still since it will afford me the pleasure of seeing you they shook hands
no said the banker i have appeared rather ridiculous since that affair of benedetto so i remain in the background bah you are wrong how were you to blame in that affair
listen when one bears an irreproachable name as i do one is rather sensitive
they are gone to seek a very strict convent in italy or spain
after expressing acute sympathy with the father
with an energy of action those can alone understand
fool then enclosing monte cristo's receipt in a little pocket book he added yes come at twelve o'clock i shall then be far away then he double locked his door emptied all his drawers collected about fifty thousand francs in bank notes
burned several papers left others exposed to view
chapter twenty four home again the major was at the station to meet them
the girl caught sight of him outside the gates his face red and beaming as a poppy in bloom and his snowy moustache bristling with eagerness at once she dropped her bundles and flew to the major's arms
leaving the little man in her wake to rescue her belongings and follow after he could hardly see patsy at all the major wrapped her in such an ample embrace but bye and bye she escaped to get her breath and then her eyes fell upon the meek form holding her bundles
on which account said the major grasping the little man's hand most cordially i'll love uncle john like my own brother and surely he added his voice falling tenderly my dear violet's brother must be my own
welcome sir now and always to our little home it's modest sir but wherever patsy is the sun is sure to shine i can believe that said uncle john with a nod and smile
and the old fellow rattled away with the eagerness of a boy telling every detail in the most whimsical manner and finding something humorous in every incident oh but it was grand patsy he exclaimed and the colonel wept on my neck when we parted and stained the collar of me best coat
his face grew grave but how about the money patsy dear he asked did you get nothing out of jane merrick's estate not a nickle dad twas the best joke you ever knew
i fought with aunt jane like a pirate and it quite won her heart when she died she left me all she had in the world look at that now said the major wonderingly which turned out to be nothing at all continued patsy
for another will was found made by mister thomas bradley which gave the money to his own nephew after aunt jane died did you ever wonderful said the major with a sigh so i was rich for half a day and then poor as ever it didn't hurt you did it
not at all daddy then don't mind it child like as not the money would be the ruination of us all eh sir appealing to uncle john
in your case it won't matter our house is yours and there's plenty and to spare thank you said uncle john his face grave but his eyes merry oh major cried patsy suddenly
there's danny reeves's restaurant let's get off and have our dinner now i'm as hungry as a bear so they stopped the car and descended lugging all the parcels into the little restaurant where they were piled into a chair while the proprietor and the waiters all gathered around patsy to welcome her home
my how her eyes sparkled she fairly danced for joy and ordered the dinner with reckless disregard of the bill ah but it's good to be back said the little bohemian gleefully the big house at elmhurst was grand and stately major but there wasn't an ounce of love in the cupboard
danny reeves himself came instead and made a nice little speech saying that patsy had always brought good luck to the place and this dinner was his treat to welcome her home so the major thanked him with gracious dignity and patsy kissed danny on his right cheek
it's no palace said patsy entering to throw down the bundles as soon as the major unlocked the door but there's a cricket in the hearth and it's your home uncle john as well as ours uncle john looked around curiously
the place was so plain after the comparative luxury of elmhurst and especially of the rose chamber patsy had occupied that the old man could not fail to marvel at the girl's ecstatic joy to find herself in the old tenement again
there was one good sized living room with an ancient rag carpet partially covering the floor a sheet iron stove a sofa a table and three or four old fashioned chairs that had probably come from a second hand dealer
opening from this were two closet like rooms containing each a bed and a chair with a wash basin on a bracket shelf on the wails were a few colored prints from the sunday newspapers and one large and fine photograph of a grizzled old soldier
that uncle john at once decided must represent the colonel having noted these details patsy's uncle smoothed back his stubby gray hair with a reflective and half puzzled gesture it's cozy enough my child and i thank you for my welcome said he
but may i enquire where on earth you expect to stow me in this rather limited establishment where have you no eyes then she asked in astonishment it's the finest sofa in the world uncle john and you'll sleep there like a top
where indeed ah i see said uncle john and you can wash in my chamber added the major with a grand air and hang your clothes on the spare hooks behind my door i haven't many said uncle john looking thoughtfully at his red bundle
the major coughed and turned the lamp a little higher you'll find the air fine and the neighborhood respectable he said to turn the subject our modest apartments are cool in summer and warm in winter and remarkably reasonable in price
may i smoke of course but don't spoil the lace curtains dear answered patsy mischievously
but just to keep him out of mischief and busy he can't hang around all day and be happy i suppose i'll look around answered the major briskly as if such a job was the easiest thing in the world to procure and meantime
meantime said uncle john smiling at them i'll look around myself to be sure agreed the major between the two of us and patsy we ought to have no trouble at all there was a moment of thoughtful silence after this and then patsy said
by the bye added the major if you have any money about you which is just possible sir of course you'd better turn it over to patsy to keep and let her make you an allowance that's the way i do it's very satisfactory the major's extravagant exclaimed patsy
and if he has money he wants to treat every man he meets uncle john shook his head reproachfully at the major a very bad habit sir he said
but patsy is fast curing me and after all it's a wicked city to be carrying a fat pocketbook around in as i've often observed my pocketbook is not exactly fat remarked uncle john but you've money sir for i marked you squandering it on the train said patsy severely
uncle john laughed and drew his chair up to the table then he emptied his trousers pockets upon the cloth and patsy gravely separated the keys and jackknife from the coins and proceeded to count the money seven dollars and forty two cents she announced any more
uncle john hesitated a moment and then drew from an inner pocket of his coat a thin wallet from this when she had received it from his hand the girl
good gracious she cried delightedly all this wealth and you pleading poverty i never said i was a pauper returned uncle john complacently you couldn't and be truthful sir declared the girl why this will last for ages
he smokes observed the major significantly bah a pipe said patsy and bull durham is only five cents a bag and a bag ought to last a week and every saturday night sir
thank you patsy said uncle john meekly and gathered up his forty two cents you've now a home and a manager sir with money in the bank of patsy and company limited
you ought to be very contented sir