and lose half of em wi the measles and there's the fetching and carrying as ud be welly half a day's work for a man an hoss that's to be took out o the profits i reckon but there's folks ud hold a sieve under the pump
that difficulty about the fetching and carrying you will not have missus poyser said the squire who thought that this entrance into particulars indicated a distant inclination to compromise on missus poyser's part
bethell will do that regularly with the cart and pony oh sir begging your pardon i've never been used t having gentlefolks's servants coming about my back places a making love to both the gells at once
and keeping em with their hands on their hips listening to all manner o gossip when they should be down on their knees a scouring if we're to go to ruin it shanna be wi having our back kitchen turned into a public well poyser
and i shall not forget your readiness to accommodate your landlord as well as a neighbour i know you will be glad to have your lease renewed for three years when the present one expires otherwise i daresay thurle who is a man of some capital
even without the final threat her husband really alarmed at the possibility of their leaving the old place where he had been bred and born for he believed the old squire had small spite enough for anything
was beginning a mild remonstrance explanatory of the inconvenience he should find in having to buy and sell more stock with
when missus poyser burst in with the desperate determination to have her say out this once though it were to rain notices to quit and the only shelter were the work house then sir if i may speak as
sign her soul away i've a right to speak for i make one quarter o the rent and save another quarter
wi the cellar full o water and frogs and toads hoppin up the steps by dozens and the floors rotten and the rats and mice gnawing every bit o cheese and runnin over our heads as we lie bed till we expect em to eat us up alive
as it's a mercy they hanna eat the children long ago
till a place tumbles down and not then on'y wi begging and praying and having to pay half and being strung up wi the rent as it's much if he gets enough out o the land to pay for all he's put his own money into the ground beforehand see
if you'll get a stranger to lead such a life here as that a maggot must be born the rotten cheese to like it i reckon you may run away from my words sir continued missus poyser following the old squire beyond the door
for after the first moments of stunned surprise he had got up and waving his hand towards her with a smile had walked out towards his pony but it was impossible for him to get away immediately for john was walking the pony up and down the yard
and was some distance from the causeway when his master beckoned you may run away from my words sir and you may go spinnin underhand ways o doing us a mischief for you've got old harry to your friend though nobody else is
for want o knowing how t undo the tackle
as speaks my mind there's plenty o the same way o thinking this parish
for your name's no better than a brimstone match in everybody's nose if it isna two three old folks as you think o saving your soul by giving em a bit o flannel and a drop o porridge an you may be right thinking it'll take but little to save your soul
there are occasions on which two servant girls and a waggoner may be a formidable audience and as the squire rode away on his black pony even the gift of short sightedness did not prevent him from being aware that molly
and the gander hissing at a safe distance from the pony's heels carried out the idea of missus poyser's solo in an impressive quartet missus poyser however had no sooner seen the pony move off than she turned round
gave the two hilarious damsels a look which drove them into the back kitchen and unspearing her knitting began to knit again with her usual rapidity as she re entered the house thee'st done it now said mister poyser
a little alarmed and uneasy but not without some triumphant amusement at his wife's outbreak yes i know i've done it said missus poyser
there's no pleasure living if you're to be corked up for ever and only dribble your mind out by the sly like a leaky barrel i shan't repent saying what i think
and there's little likelihood for it seems as if them as aren't wanted here are th
this michaelmas twelvemonth said mister poyser and going into a strange parish where thee know'st nobody it'll be hard upon us both
there's plenty o things may happen between this and michaelmas twelvemonth the captain may be master afore them for what we know said missus poyser inclined to take an unusually hopeful view of an embarrassment which had been brought about by her own merit
and not by other people's fault i'm none for worreting said mister poyser rising from his three cornered chair and walking slowly towards the door
with two beds in it one laid on the floor it is ten o'clock on thursday night and the dark wall opposite the window shuts out the moonlight that might have struggled with the light of the one dip candle by which bartle massey is pretending to read
the neglected beard of a man just risen from a sick bed his heavy black hair hangs over his forehead and there is no active impulse in him which inclines him to push it off that he may be more awake to what is around him
he has one arm over the back of the chair and he seems to be looking down at his clasped hands he is roused by a knock at the door
said bartle massey rising hastily and unfastening the door it was mister irwine adam rose from his chair with instinctive respect as mister irwine approached him and took his hand i'm late adam
let us all sit down adam took his chair again mechanically and bartle for whom there was no chair remaining sat on the bed in the background have you seen her sir
yes adam i and the chaplain have both been with her this evening did you ask her sir did you say anything about me yes said mister irwine with some hesitation
it is not only you some fatal influence seems to have shut up her heart against her fellow creatures she has scarcely said anything more than no either to me or the chaplain three or four days ago before you were mentioned to her
when i asked her if there was any one of her family whom she would like to see to whom she could open her mind she said with a violent shudder tell them not to come near me i won't see any of them
if they now urge you strongly to go and see her to morrow morning even without her consent
that the interview might affect her favourably but i grieve to say i have scarcely any hope of that she didn't seem agitated when i mentioned your name she only said no in the same cold obstinate way as usual
and if the meeting had no good effect on her it would be pure useless suffering to you severe suffering i fear she is very much changed adam started up from his chair
and seized his hat which lay on the table but he stood still then and looked at mister irwine as if he had a question to ask which it was yet difficult to utter bartle massey rose quietly turned the key in the door
and put it in his pocket is he come back said adam at last no he is not said mister irwine quietly lay down your hat adam unless you like to walk out with me for a little fresh air
i fear you have not been out again to day you needn't deceive me sir said adam looking hard at mister irwine and speaking in a tone of angry suspicion you needn't be afraid of me i only want justice
i want him to feel what she feels it's his work she was a child as it ud ha gone t anybody's heart to look at i don't care what she's done it was him brought her to it and he shall know it he shall feel it
to sin and misery i'm not deceiving you adam said mister irwine arthur donnithorne is not come back was not come back when i left i have left a letter for him he will know
he will know he will suffer long and bitterly he has a heart and a conscience i can't be entirely deceived in his character i am convinced
he may be weak but he is not callous not coldly selfish i am persuaded
all his life why do you crave vengeance in this way no amount of torture that you could inflict on him could benefit her no o god no adam groaned out sinking on his chair again
but then that's the deepest curse of all that's what makes the blackness of it it can never be undone my poor hetty she can never be my sweet hetty again the prettiest thing god had made
smiling up at me i thought she loved me and was good adam's voice had been gradually sinking into a hoarse undertone as if he were only talking to himself but now he said abruptly looking at mister irwine
but she isn't as guilty as they say you don't think she is sir she can't ha done it that perhaps can never be known with certainty adam mister irwine answered gently
in these cases we sometimes form our judgment on what seems to us strong evidence and yet for want of knowing some small fact our judgment is wrong but suppose the worst you have no right to say
that the guilt of her crime lies with him and that he ought to bear the punishment it is not for us men to apportion the shares of moral guilt and retribution we find it impossible to avoid mistakes
even in determining who has committed a single criminal act and the problem
you have a mind that can understand this fully adam when you are calm don't suppose i can't enter into the anguish that drives you into this state of revengeful hatred but
for it is passion and you deceive yourself in calling it justice it might be with you precisely as it has been with arthur nay worse your passion might lead you yourself into a horrible crime
no not worse said adam bitterly i don't believe it's worse i'd sooner do it i'd sooner do a wickedness as i could suffer for by myself than ha brought her to do wickedness
and then stand by and see em punish her while they let me alone and all for a bit o pleasure as if he'd had a man's heart in him he'd ha cut his hand off sooner than he'd ha taken it what if he didn't foresee what's happened
he foresaw enough he'd no right to expect anything but harm and shame to her
not half so hateful as that let a man do what he will if he knows he's to bear the punishment himself
and knows all the while the punishment ll fall on somebody else there again you partly deceive yourself adam there is no sort of wrong deed of which a man can bear the punishment alone you can't isolate yourself
i feel the terrible extent of suffering this sin of arthur's has caused to others but so does every sin cause suffering to others besides those who commit it an act of vengeance on your part against arthur would simply be another evil
added to those we are suffering under you could not bear the punishment alone you would entail the worst sorrows on every one who loves you you would have committed an act of blind fury that would leave all the present evils just as they were
as long as you do not see that to fix your mind on arthur's punishment is revenge and not justice you are in danger of being led on to the commission of some great wrong remember what you told me about your feelings
after you had given that blow to arthur in the grove adam was silent the last words had called up a vivid image of the past and mister irwine left him to his thoughts
while he spoke to bartle massey about old mister donnithorne's funeral and other matters of an indifferent kind but at length adam turned round and said in a more subdued tone
is dinah morris come to em sir seth said they'd sent for her no mister poyser tells me she was not come when he left they're afraid the letter has not reached her
it seems they had no exact address adam sat ruminating a little while and then said
but perhaps the poysers
since they won't come nigh her themselves but i think she would for the methodists are great folks for going into the prisons and seth said he thought she would she'd a very tender way with her dinah had
you never saw her sir did you yes i did i had a conversation with her she pleased me a good deal and now you mention it i wish she would come for it is possible that a gentle mild woman like her
if i'd thought of it earlier i would have taken some measures for finding her out said mister irwine but it's too late now i fear well adam i must go now try to get some rest to night
a fathom deep in sleep i lie with old desires restrained before to clamor lifeward with a cry as dark flies out the greying door and so in quest of creeds to share i seek assertive day again
but old monotony is there endless avenues of rain oh might i rise again might i throw off the heat of that old wine see the new morning mass the sky with fairy towers line on line
the air became gray and opalescent a solitary light suddenly outlined a window over the way then another light then a hundred more danced and glimmered into vision under his feet a thick iron studded skylight turned yellow
in the street the lamps of the taxi cabs sent out glistening sheens along the already black pavement the unwelcome november rain had perversely stolen the day's last hour and pawned it with that ancient fence the night
the silence of the theatre behind him ended with a curious snapping sound followed by the heavy roaring of a rising crowd and the interlaced clatter of many voices the matinee was over
he stood aside edged a little into the rain to let the throng pass a small boy rushed out sniffed in the damp fresh air and turned up the collar of his coat came three or four couples in a great hurry
came a further scattering of people whose eyes as they emerged glanced invariably first at the wet street then at the rain filled air finally at the dismal sky last a dense strolling mass
that depressed him with its heavy odor compounded of the tobacco smell of the men and the fetid sensuousness of stale powder on women after the thick crowd came another scattering a stray half dozen a man on crutches
finally the rattling bang of folding seats inside announced that the ushers were at work new york seemed not so much awakening as turning over in its bed pallid men rushed by pinching together their coat collars
a great swarm of tired magpie girls from a department store crowded along with shrieks of strident laughter three to an umbrella a squad of marching policemen passed already miraculously protected by oilskin capes the rain gave amory a feeling of detachment
and the numerous unpleasant aspects of city life without money occurred to him in threatening procession there was the ghastly stinking crush of the subway the car cards thrusting themselves at one leering out like dull bores who grab your arm with another story
the querulous worry as to whether some one isn't leaning on you a man deciding not to give his seat to a woman hating her for it the woman hating him for not doing it at worst a squalid phantasmagoria of breath
at best just people too hot or too cold tired worried he pictured the rooms where these people lived where the patterns of the blistered wall papers were heavy reiterated sunflowers on green and yellow backgrounds
and always there was the economical stuffiness of indoor winter and the long summers nightmares of perspiration between sticky enveloping walls dirty restaurants where careless tired people helped themselves to sugar with their own used coffee spoons
leaving hard brown deposits in the bowl it was not so bad where there were only men or else only women it was when they were vilely herded that it all seemed so rotten it was some shame that women gave off at having men see them tired and poor
it was some disgust that men had for women who were tired and poor it was dirtier than any battle field he had seen
and danger it was an atmosphere wherein birth and marriage and death were loathsome secret things he remembered one day in the subway when a delivery boy had brought in a great funeral wreath of fresh flowers
how the smell of it had suddenly cleared the air and given every one in the car a momentary glow i detest poor people thought amory suddenly i hate them for being poor poverty may have been beautiful once but it's rotten now
and saying something to his companion with a look of utter disgust probably thought amory what he said was my god aren't people horrible never before in his life had amory considered poor people
he thought cynically how completely he was lacking in all human sympathy o henry had found in these people romance pathos love hate amory saw only coarseness physical filth and stupidity he made no self accusations
never any more did he reproach himself for feelings that were natural and sincere he accepted all his reactions as a part of him unchangeable unmoral this problem of poverty transformed magnified attached to some grander
more dignified attitude might some day even be his problem at present it roused only his profound distaste he walked over to fifth avenue dodging the blind black menace of umbrellas and standing in front of delmonico's hailed an auto bus
somewhere in his mind a conversation began rather resumed its place in his attention it was composed not of two voices but of one which acted alike as questioner and answerer question well what's the situation answer
that i have about twenty four dollars to my name question
i can't imagine not being able to
really they are the only things i can do question be definite
i don't know what i'll do nor have i much curiosity to morrow i'm going to leave new york for good it's a bad town unless you're on top of it question do you want a lot of money a
no i am merely afraid of being poor question very afraid
just passively afraid question
don't ask me question don't you care