[ { "from": "user", "value": "She had no idea how popular her shape-shifting abilities were going to make her with her sorority sisters, until one of them asked the question, \"Can you grow a cock?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "1/2\n\n​\n\nDisclaimer: I have never been in a sorority or a fraternity, so have no idea how one really works. So we'll see how this goes, I guess.\n\nAshley had been born a shape shifter. It wasn't common, but it wasn't unheard of either. She could y'know, shift her shape. As shape shifters do. She had inherited the ability from her father, who was also a shape shifter. To tell the truth, she had always been kind of self conscious about it. Many considered shape shifters to be inherently two faced, natural liars and deceivers. It wasn't generally true of course, but stereotypes rarely are. That never stops people from believing them.\n\n​\n\nIt was for this reason Ashley had been nervous revealing her true nature to her sorority sisters. However, they had been nothing but supportive, if a bit curious. They were bombarding Ashley with questions.\n\n\"So like... what can you shapeshift into?\" One sister, Jenna, asked.\n\n\"Oh, I can turn into all sorts of things.\" Ashley replied.\n\n\"Like what? Can you do animals?\"\n\n\"Oh yeah, easily.\"\n\n\"Show us!\" Another Sister, Mary, requested.\n\n​\n\nAshley closed her eyes in concentration. Her arms, legs, and torso all shrank, becoming thinner and shorter. Her shoes melted into her feet, and her toes melded together until there were only 4 of them on each foot. Two in front, and one on either side. Her legs became scaly and yellowish orange. Her jacket split into reddish brown feathers. her mouth closed, leaving nothing there, and her nose split into two, becoming yellow at the base and black at the end. Feathers grew on her head also, and her eyes became wider, more rounded. All of this happened in the span of a second or two. Where Ashley had sat, now stood a beautiful hawk.\n\n\"Ooh!\" Mary cried in glee, clapping her hands together excitedly. Mary was studying to be a veterinarian, and loved animals.\n\n\"So can you still like... talk?\" Jenna asked tentatively. In response, the bird squawked. \"Guess not.\" Jenna commented. Ashley shifted back into a human, her feathers recombining and softening into a jacket, her beak shrinking back into a nose, her toes splitting apart.\n\n​\n\n\"I can talk if what I shift into can talk. But since I was a bird, all I could make was bird noises.\" Ashley explained.\n\n\"What about other people?\" Jenna asked. In response, Ashley concentrated once again. Her hair darkened from it's blonde (Although Ashley didn't really have a 'true' hair color, since she changed it based on her mood, she usually preferred to keep it dirty blonde.) To Jenna's black hair. Her irises turned purple to match Jenna's, and she grew a few inches in height too, alongside tons of other subtle changes.\n\n\"Like this?\" Jenna's voice asked, coming from the copy.\n\n\"Whoa....\" Jenna said, staring at Ashley. \"That's freaky.\"\n\n\"Do you not like it?\" Ashley asked nervously.\n\n\"No, It's super cool! Just... new.\" Jenna said, blinking as if she couldn't believe her eyes. Ashley shifted back into her usual form, feeling a bit self conscious from the staring.\n\n\"Can you grow a cock?\" Mary asked suddenly.\n\n\"Erm... yeah. I can\" Ashley said, blushing furiously. Unlike the other examples, she didn't transform to demonstrate this one.\n\n\"Now this I gotta see!\" Jenna said.\n\n\"O-okay...\" Ashley said hesitantly. She slipped down her pants, revealing plain white cotton panties. Those too were soon removed, and Ashley's pussy lay bare. Ashley closed her eyes and concentrated once again. Soon she had a soft cock a few inches long.\n\n\"Ta-da\" Ashley said lamely.\n\n\"Whoa. Does it work? Like get hard and stuff?\" Jenna asked. Ashley nodded shyly. \"How do I get to see that?\" Jenna asked\n\n\"Ummm... well it works like a boy's, so I...I umm... I have to... get horny.\" Ashley said, looking at the ground, clearly flustered.\n\n\"So, what floats your boat? Any particular guys you like to think of?\" Jenna asked. \"Or girls?\" She amended, knowing that Ashley, like herself and Mary, was Bi.\n\n\"No, not really.\"\n\n\"Ah, c'mon, there's gotta be someone. What do you usually think of while getting off?\"\n\n\"Well to be honest... It'syouguys.\" Ashley said quickly.\n\n\"What?\" Mary asked.\n\n\"It's you guys. I like to think of you guys when I get off.\" Ashley said quietly \"Sorry, I know that's super creepy.\"\n\n\"No, I think it's sweet!\" Mary said\n\n\"And to be honest, I'm kinda turned on by the thought of you stroking that for me.\" Jenna said, biting her lip.\n\n\"Oh! Um, but I usually masturbate as... Y'know, with a pussy. Less cleanup.\" Ashley explained.\n\n\"Doesn't matter, still hot. Wait, what do you mean less cleanup? You mean you can cum with that thing? Like a guy? With a shitload of jizz?\"\n\n\"Yeah...\"\n\n\"Fuck, that makes it even hotter. Now I gotta make you hard.\"\n\n\"Ummm... what do you mean 'make me'?\"\n\n\"Isn't it obvious, sister? I'm gonna jerk you off.\" Jenna said, her violet eyes fixed hungrily on Ashley's cock.\n\n\"And I'd like to provide some visual help... And a little more, if you're up for it.\" Mary said, already unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her pale, freckled breasts.\n\n\"Oh! Well then... thanks!\" Ashley said, her dick hardening at the prospect." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "A human warrior has been continuously challenging you to a duel, losing on purpose, and bemoaning the idea that you would ravish them. You, an orc from a peaceful and civilized society, are sick of the fetishization of your kind." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Taking only a split second to assess Layla's stance, I slipped my epee in between her wild swings and pressed its blunted point to her throat. It wasn't a difficult strike by any means - Layla, like most human swordfighters, had been taught to value showmanship as highly as actual effectiveness. On a real battlefield, against someone fighting to kill, she'd have gone down several exchanges ago.\n\nShe was clearly not giving her all. She wanted to lose, and I was almost tempted to refuse to play along, to throw the fight from my end too. But that's the thing about us orcs - we can't resist a challenge, even one with a crystal-clear ulterior motive.\n\n\"Match,\" I said, signalling my victory. \"Good try.\"\n\nLayla sunk to her knees theatrically. \"Oh, misery,\" she groaned. \"Defeated at an orc's rough hands, I am undone...\" She threw her head back, and her bosom came close to bursting free from her perilously low-cut tunic.\n\nI sheathed my blade, saying nothing. This was getting tiring.\n\n\"I suppose,\" said Layla, now gazing up at me with pleading eyes, \"I'm yours to do with as you please now. The dojo's empty, nobody would be able to _stop_ you...\"\n\n\"Layla...\" I began.\n\n\"Just take me now, you brute!\" Layla wailed. \"Take your wicked pleasure!\"\n\nThat was over the line.\n\n\"Enough!\" I bellowed.\n\nLayla flinched. \"Zanek?\" she whimpered.\n\n\"I'm not going to fucking ravage you just because you're a human woman I beat in a fight, Layla!\" I regretted the harsh tone even as I spoke, but the anger was finally getting the better of me, and the words kept tumbling out, almost unbidden. \"I'm not a _predator_!\"\n\nLayla was getting to her feet, confused, perhaps a little afraid. \"But, but, I've heard the stories, your kind...\"\n\n\"My kind? _My kind?_\" I thundered. \"We all the same to you, are we? What, would you rather I break down your door like a Skull Clan raider and carry you off into the night? Is that what orcs are to you?\"\n\n\"No, no,\" stammered Layla. \"Zanek, it's not like that!\"\n\n\"You could have fucking fooled me,\" I snarled.\n\n\"I _like_ you, okay?\"\n\n\"You -\" Now it was my turn to be stunned into silence.\n\n\"I thought this was how I was meant to flirt with you,\" she said. She sounded defeated, her confident stance deflating as she spoke.\n\nIt clicked into place and I buried my face in my hands. \"That's not _better_,\" I said. \"You understand how that's not better, right?\"\n\n\"I didn't know any better!\" Layla protested. \"Human books on orcs are all propaganda anyway, and it's not like I can talk to friends about this... you're really the only orc I know well enough, and, well, I couldn't ask you.\"\n\nI shook my head. \"Layla, how would you flirt with a human man?\"\n\nShe paused in thought. \"I don't know,\" she said. \"Buy a drink, maybe. Connect over something we liked.\"\n\n\"And you like swordfighting, right?\" I said.\n\n\"I do,\" said Layla. \"But I'm not as good as you, you beat me every...\"\n\nI reached forward and pressed a finger to her lips. \"I beat you because you _want to be beaten_. I've seen you against the others here. You're not half bad.\" I sighed. \"But pretending to be some poor vulnerable weakling isn't how you get me interested. I want to be _challenged_.\"\n\n\"I'm sorry,\" said Layla. And, looking her up and down, I believed her. There was no malice in her anti-orcish sentiment, just generations of mistrust. It'd take work to undo. \"I've let you down,\" she said, tears welling up in her eyes. \"I've been so...\"\n\nNope. For all I felt for her, I had neither the energy nor the inclination for this conversation. I turned on my heel and made for the changing rooms. \"I'll see you next week, Layla,\" I called back.\n\n\"Next... week?\" Layla said, temporarily startled out of her sobs.\n\nI turned back to her. \"Next week,\" I said. \"And next week, I want you to fight me like you _want_ the win.\"\n\nI muttered curses under my breath. This was going to make my nightly wank to charged, conflicted thoughts of Layla so much more _complicated_.\n\n_(To be continued, maybe? Apologies that this didn't get dirty, but I hope it's a fun read nonetheless!)_" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The gaming chair you bought from a strange busty witch did exactly what was thought impossible, it made you a god at video games. It also, while you were sitting on it, increased every sexual aspect about you by a hundredfold." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Terry was winning. His fingers flew over the keyboard, his mind barely registering which keys he was hitting. But it did not matter. His body knew what to do. And considering how much of a lead he had, it was all the right things.\n\nThe match ended, with a near clean sweep on his end. Almost fifty kills and not a single death. Not even the pros could do that. He pumped his fists in the air and let out a victorious cheer. Then he felt it.\n\nThe chair. The reason for his success. The sole reason he was dominating the leaderboard of every game he played. When he could play even a Souls game blindfolded without getting hit once. He had no idea how it worked, but he did not care. All that mattered was that it did, in fact, work. There was just one tiny side effect.\n\nOnce he was done with his game, he felt his clothes tighten. Ever since he had started playing, the chair had been changing him. His body was getting harder, stronger, hotter. Girls actually looked at him now. Not to mention what was happening to his best friend. He used to be subpar in that area, now he was having to wear baggy pants just to make sure he didn't show, even when limp.\n\nWhich was getting rarer these days. His libido also seemed to be boosted for some reason. He could jerk off a dozen times an hour and not feel worn out. And he responded to even the slightest hint of female skin. It was actually getting hard to deal with.\n\nIn fact, now that the chair was done upgrading him, he knew he would need to take the edge off, otherwise things would start hurting. He began undoing his pants to pull out his massive manhood. That was, of course, when the doorbell rang. He groaned and put himself away to see who was there.\n\nThe woman at the door was magnificent. Gorgeous, flowing black hair, piercing violet eyes, full blood red lips. She seemed like she would make model's jealous. \n\nShe dressed in a skin tight black dress that called attention to her long legs, outrageous curves, and massive breasts. She looked ready to bust out if the thing if she breathed the wrong way.\n\n\"Hello Terry.\" The woman said. \"It's good to see you again.\"\n\n\"Uh, yeah, you too.\" He said. \n\nIt really was. This was the so-called witch who had sold him his new gaming chair. He had always thought witches were supposed to be ugly, but she was nothing of the sort. Although it did present a problem for his new libido. He ducked behind the door to hide his growing tent.\n\n\"I see you've been using my chair regularly.\" She said.\n\n\"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I have. It's great. Works just like you said it would. So, uh, what's up? You have something else to sell?\"\n\n\"No, not exactly. More like a collection.\"\n\n\"Collection? What kind? I did pay for the chair.\"\n\n\"You paid $20. Tell me, does that sound like enough for what you got?\"\n\n\"Uh...\" He had been suspicious of the cheap price tag. That was not enough to get even a cheap office chair. \n\n\"I told you there would be an additional cost involved in the use of that chair, didn't I?\"\n\nCome to think of it, she had. He assumed delayed payment after he saw how well it worked. \n\n\"Okay, sure. How much do I owe you? Unless this is, like, an installment payment plan or something, and you get 20 bucks every so often until it's paid off? Because I can definitely do that.\"\n\nShe smirked. \"Oh no, Terry. Money isn't what I'm after. Money is just a convenient tool. No, I'm after something far more potent.\"\n\n\"Potent? What are you talking about?\"\n\n\"I'm after energy. Your energy. The chair enhanced you. Making you a conduit for a very specific type of energy called tantric energy. It's what fuels my magic, and even my life. Right now, you are a beacon of the stuff. A near limitless source of raw power. More than even I had hoped. Even being near you, I can feel it. And now, I'm going to harvest some of it.\"\n\nTerry just looked at her, not quite comprehending what he had been told. Tantric energy? Did she mean what he thought he did? Before he could ask, the witch held out her impeccably manicured hand, which glowed with a pink and red energy. Terry felt his feet lift off the ground, surrounded by an unseen force.\n\nShe pushed her hand out, and he moved in that direction. She magically moved him to the couch, where he landed heavily. At a wave of her hand, his clothes vanished, reappearing a moment later, neatly folded, on the floor. She stood before him, eyeing her handiwork, especially his long, girth manhood.\n\n\"Oh yes, lots of energy indeed.\" She said. Her clothes vanished a moment later.\n\nShe fell to her knees and moved closer to him. Her large tits were wrapped around his manhood, and he shuddered at even the slightest touch of her body. She squeezed him, and slid her chest along his length, massaging him perfectly. He groaned with pleasure, bucking his hips slightly, and feeling him reach his limit within seconds. She moved her tits faster and faster, even using magic to make them even more amazing to behold. It was too much for a mortal man, and he erupted. His cum launched into the air in great torrents, landing just about everywhere.\n\n\"Oh my.\" The witch said. \"So much energy. More than I had ever dreamed of!\" She waved her hand and the thick, white liquid rose, gathering into a ball in front of her. She pursed her lips and his seed flowed into her mouth. When she was done drinking, she shivered. \"So good. So pure. So powerful. I knew giving you that chair was the right idea.\"\n\nTerry muttered incoherently for a moment. He just watched the sexy witch as she savored whatever power she was getting. The sight of her naked body was enough for him. Then she turned to him with an almost predatory gaze.\n\n\"Oh, interesting.\" She said. \"So much power that you're already bursting with more. How wonderful.\" She licked her full lips and crawled into his lap. \"Time to take my fill.\"\n\nShe pressed her sublime chest against his and raised her womanly hips. His hands grabbed her tight bubble butt and, working with the same instincts as he did with gaming, lowered her into his length. Her lower lips parted around him, and her inner walls closed around him tightly.\n\nShe sucked in a deep breath as they both felt every inch of his length entering her. She bucked her hips, sliding along him, moving in ways he had only dreamed of. Terry moved his hips as well, moving in time with her, providing both with the most pleasure he could.\n\nThe witch screamed with ecstasy and her movements become wilder and more intense. Terry groaned and grunted as he thrust into her, savoring every inch. More and more, he felt it. He was ready to burst in moments, but this time he wanted it to last. He held on for dear life, forcing his body to keep going, to keep experiencing every bit of what she had to offer.\n\nHe only allowed himself release once she did. She latched into him, pressing her body against his tightly. Her nails dug into his back, fortunately not enough to draw blood, but they were there. Her body trembled and twitched. And then she cried out in rapturous bliss. Her juices flowed freely down her legs, and her eyes opened wide. It was only then that he allowed himself the glory of release. He filled her to the brim, and then some. None of it escaped her body though. In fact, it seemed to disappear seconds after it touched her.\n\nWhen she slid off him, she lay against him. Her face was flushed and her breathing was just as heavy as his was.\n\n\"Oh my.\" She said. \"That was...that was more than I expected.\"\n\nTerry just let out a string of incoherent babble. He wore a large, goofy grin on his face. His hands flopped to the side, and he simply let himself feel her.\n\n\"Hm, this could be a problem.\" She said as she sat up.\n\n\"A problem? I don't think it's a problem. I don't think there's any problem.\" Terry said.\n\n\"Not a problem with you, oh no. In fact, my little chair worked too well. I won't be able to collect this much energy myself. There's just too much of it.\"\n\n\"So, uh, so what are you going to do?\"\n\n\"Now? Now, my dear Terry, I call the rest of my coven.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The breathtaking and flirty elven instructor used a unique challenge to motivate her advanced enchantment students. Anyone who could break through her mental defenses was free to have their way with her for the rest of the class period!" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Alaister gritted his teeth as Professor Fae strutted by his desk- *it wasn't fair*, gods damn it. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she thought it was hilarious. The only elven professor at the Mage's College in the center of the continent's largest *human* kingdom, she had her students wrapped around her fingertips and she *knew* it. \n\n\"I hope you've all been studying hard,\" she said, her tone languid. \"Because today, we get... *practical.*\"\n\nAlaister squinted at the professor. Damn it all, he didn't have time for this. He was a *conjurer*, not an enchanter. He was only here for the credit. Plus, he was still recovering from a grueling day on the tourney fields... the *last* thing he needed was for Professor Fae to get up to her familiar tricks.\n\n\"Enchanting, of course, is a dangerous school of the arts. It must be used responsibly. For example... Sylvester! Are you wearing a petticoat today?\" said Professor Fae.\n\nSylvester, one of Alaister's teammates on the Dueling Team, leaped up from his seat.\n\n\"Yes, Professor. A frilly pink petticoat.\"\n\nThe class snickered, and Sylvester blinked and looked around.\n\n\"Wait... I didn't mean that.\"\n\n\"Of course you didn't,\" said the Professor. \"That's the power of enchanting. You didn't have any mental defenses up, so I made you say something silly.\"\n\nShe leaned forward over her lectern, and it took all of Alaister's discipline not to stare.\n\n\"Imagine the possibilities... breaking through someone's mental defenses, getting to the very core of their mind...\"\n\nShe twirled a lock of her platinum blonde hair, and a smile played at her lips.\n\n\"Like I said, I *hope* you all did the readings this week. Because today's lesson will be practical...\"\n\n\"You're going to *enchant* us?\" said Alaister, skeptically.\n\n\"No, just the opposite. *You* all are going to enchant *me*.\" Professor Fae's smile was devilish. \"Whoever gets through my mental defenses... well, they get through my mental defenses. And you know what that means... I'll be *at your mercy.* Oh, please, won't you strong human boys treat me well? Don't make me do anything... *embarrassing.*\"\n\nAlaister looked around the room; some of his wizard peers were sweating, others were shifting in their seats. All at once, a cacophony of magic words went up from around the lecture hall.\n\nNobody had done the reading, that much was obvious. But enchanting wasn't *that* hard... Professor Fae wasn't exactly teaching a 101 class.\n\nBut despite the mental onslaught of what must have been thirty wizards, Professor Fae's smile never changed. She bent down to pick up a pencil, legs straight, and when she straightened up she smirked at the class.\n\n\"That's all? This is neither here nor there, but did you know elves don't have body hair? We're smooth from the neck down.\"\n\nProfessor Fae laughed as an audible groan went up from the class, and a dozen wizards tried again. Some of them rubbed their temples, others rubbed their eyes; Alaister reflected that the Professor's mental defenses must have been truly potent. He hadn't even tried to penetrate them...\n\n'*Think. What would I do on the tournament field?'* He frowned, and he tried to formulate a strategy... he said a few words and ventured a minor enchantment of his own... which was instantly dispelled. The Professor was good at what she did...\n\nBut, so was Alaister. He wasn't much of an enchanter, but he was *good* on the tourney field. He was a proud member of the varsity Dueling Team... so he did what any self-respecting Duelist would do. He stood up, and he walked right up to his adversary.\n\n\"Aleister, can I help you?\" said Professor Fae.\n\nBut he didn't answer; instead, he picked up the petite woman and threw her over his shoulder.\n\n\"Hey!\" she yelled, and she squirmed under his grasp... her hair smelled like strawberries.\n\nAnd Aleister tried his spell again...\n\n\"You win, Aleister,\" said Professor Fae. \"*Wait.* No! You cheated!\"\n\nHe grinned, as she spoke the words he had compelled her to speak, and he put her down. She smoothed out her dress, and spoke again.\n\n\"Aleister, you're very handsome. You pierced my mental defenses, so now you get me all to yourself all afternoon. Please, take me back to your dorm and let me suck that big human cock.\"\n\nShe turned around.\n\n\"Class dismissed, everybody, because Alaister is cool and handsome and good at enchanting. Now get out and let him fuck my brains out in peace.\"\n\nThe class roared with laughter... and with jealousy. But they slowly filed out of the lecture hall... and when Alaister and Fae were alone, she grinned at him.\n\n\"Professor, that wasn't me,\" he said. \"I only cast the spell to make you say I won... I'm not sure where all the other stuff came from.\"\n\nHe was a little concerned; he didn't want to cross any lines.\n\n\"I'm not sure what you're talking about. You must just be better at enchanting than you think.\"\n\nProfessor Fae smiled devilishly... and Alaister had a sinking suspicion that he was *worse* at enchanting than he had thought, but it didn't seem all that important." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "As soon as gene mods became readily available, everyone started getting them, especially the naughty ones. In hindsight, they probably should've considered the possibility that they'd pass these genes down to their now-adult kids..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Lisa had always wished she had been born to different parents. Her mother hadn't even gotten a lewd mod, she worked in construction so she got tough skin. Her father had gotten a cat boy mod though and she was in the first batch of babies where people learned that that one got stronger as the genes passed on. But more over the two recently had a complication.\n\nShe was covered head to toe in fur, she looked like something out of a furry artist's drawing from the early 2020's. More so when her adult coat grew in a couple years ago, which as it turned out was incompatible with modern clothing. She could wear a loose dress for a little while, but even then she'd start to break out with a rash if she didn't get out of it in a couple hours, something to do with ferrous dandruff and the coarse fur. It insulated her well enough, she was having a hard time finding a job.\n\nIn collage she had managed to complete her degree by virtue of her campus being technically clothing optional, her friends even started to walk around less clothed to support her condition (though she did think it may have been just that they where exhibitionists rather then supportive).\n\nThings got a bit harder when she had to mail the town office for permission to be naked in their town. The mayor had written up a permit specifically catered to her condition sense his own daughter grew up to have a cum addiction. But there was still a problem, for some reason, her permit specifically disallowed her from making sexual harassment lawsuits.\n\nHonestly, the people of the town weren't too bad, it was clear when she wasn't in the mood and when she was, she didn't mind the touches too much.\n\nThankfully, people rather liked her being around. Sure, she had to do some 'favors' for some bigger services. But now she wanted a car and well... that's a big service.\n\n\"So... I don't really have any money, but you know my condition.\" Lisa said \"what's the car worth to you?\" She asked the man standing by the car she had agreed to look at.\n\n\"Oh she ain't mine. You'll wanna go inside and talk to my wife for that.\" He explained \"I'm just here to send you inside.\"\n\n\"Oh, okay, thanks.\" She said, suspicious but desperate.\n\nInside there was a woman covered in fur like Lisa herself, though this woman was clearly supposedto be a dog and she could wear clothes as displayed by her floral dress. \"Oh! You must be Lisa! You came to talk about the car right?\"\n\n\"Y-yeah, well, I really only have about one thing on offer you know.\" Lisa admitted. \"Seems like I'm doing more and more of it lately for less and less...\"\n\n\"Well... a car is a pretty big thing so... how about a week?\"\n\n\"A-a week?\"\n\n\"Yeah I've always wanted a cat!\" She giggled \"but yes, and before you say no, let me say this, if you stay for a month my hubby will fix it up as much as he can in that time and you can stay as long as you want after that.\"\n\n\"How does that make it better?!\"\n\n\"Well on paper it doesn't, but in practice it gives me a week to prove to you that you want to and a month to convince you to stay forever.\" She smiled big and wide.\n\nLisa didn't answer for a moment, trying not to admit to herself how hot it started to sound... or maybe she was just horny for a stable life. \"Wh-what would I be doing?\"\n\n\"Oh some chores, mostly sexy stuff and whatever else you want.\" The woman answered \"I'm Darla by the way.\"\n\n\"D-darla huh? Alright... w-well if you want me so bad, prove it.\" Lisa said, sitting on the table and spreading her legs. \"Proove that you can make this fun for me too.\"\n\nDarla giggled, eagerly stripping out of her clothes. \"Gladly!\" She giggled kneeling between Lisa's legs. Lisa learned immediately that Darla was good with her tongue. She came twice before Darla lifted her head up to see her flushed and panting face. \"How'd I do?\"\n\n\"I... I want Sundays, off or on top, you can pick.\" Lisa said.\n\n\"Deal, Sundays you're on top.\" Darla giggled \"but today is Saturday so for your first task I want you to get my husband off just like I did.\"\n\nLisa went outside, finding darla's man still sitting in his lawn chair. 'I could get used to this kind of life...' she thought." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She'd been hooking her shy friend up with a bunch of cute girls that she could've sworn were his type, but the relationships never seem to last. She asked the latest girl what the issue was, but only felt regret after finding out; he kept moaning *her* name during sex." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“... my name?”\r \n\r \nJenna shrugged, her hands resting on her hips. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s a really nice guy and a fun time. And honestly, it was still better sex than I’ve had in a while. But it was definitely your name he said, not mine.”\r \n\r \nAnna’s pale cheeks flooded red with embarrassment. “Jenna, I am so sorry,” she pleaded. “Had I known, I never would’ve–”\r \n\r \nJenna put up her hand, stopping Anna as she gave her a sympathetic look. “Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad.” She placed her silencing hand on Anna’s shoulder, squeezing it gently. “But I think you and Jeremy need to talk. Because, apparently, I’m not the only one he did this to.”\r \n\r \nHer chest tightened with guilt. Anna apologized to Jenna again, and as she left, Anna headed straight for Jeremy’s apartment, her shoes leaving marks on the pavement with the intensity of her sprint. God dammit, Jeremy.\r \n\r \nAs she sped through busy sidewalks and city streets, her mind raged with thoughts. All the times she assumed Jeremy was joking when he flirted with her. The times she caught him looking at her like he was lovestruck. How all of their friends joked about how they were meant to be together. Every time Anna asked him why he was single, or why he didn’t put himself out more, he would always tell her, “I’m okay. I’m not lonely. I’m just waiting for the right girl to notice me.” Anna couldn’t have fathomed that he meant he was waiting for her. She felt awful for the girls she had set him up with; she played a role in so many of their heartbreaks. But, part of her couldn’t help but be excited, her heart pumping hard as she ran faster.\r \n\r \nThat meant whatever feelings she’s been hiding, he felt them too.\r \n\r \nFinally, Anna found herself at his front door, where she pounded furiously until a wide-eyed, confused Jeremy opened the door. “Anna? What the hell? Is everything okay?”\r \n\r \n“Do you want me?” Anna asked, trying to catch her breath.\r \n\r \n“Come again?”\r \n\r \nAnna was still panting. “Jenna told me… what happened. How… during sex you said… my name…”\r \n\r \nJeremy blushed and his voice grew quiet, realizing his secret was out. “Oh wow, um… that’s really embarrassing.” He stepped aside, waving her into his apartment, “Come on, let’s get out of the hall. I guess it’s about time we had this talk.”\r \n\r \nJeremy gave Anna a drink of water and a few minutes to calm down. Then he sat her down on the couch next to him, taking her small hand in his. He took a deep breath, trying not to avoid her gaze, then he spoke as steadily as he could. “Anna… we’ve been friends for such a long time. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that you cared enough to set me up with all of those women.” He started to stroke the back of her hand with his thumb, and his eyes softened to that familiar, lovestruck gaze. Anna’s heart began to flutter. “But no matter what, even in the most passionate of moments, all I could think about was you.”\r \n\r \n“I-I don’t understand,” Anna stammered, her hands growing noticeably more sweaty. “I thought they were your type! Especially Jenna, I mean, she’s fucking gorgeous!”\r \n\r \n“Sure, she was,” he chuckled. “But she… wasn’t you.”\r \n\r \nAnna gulped, her mouth void of any moisture. “But, Jeremy, I’m not… I’m not thin or blonde or rich or any of the things that I was almost certain you wanted. I mean, how can I even compare to–”\r \n\r \nJeremy stopped Anna’s spiraling by cupping her face and kissing her deeply. Suddenly, all worries left her body as she melted at his touch, returning his affections in earnest. Every kiss unearthed so many secrets from a decade of friendship, the two of them writing those secrets on each other’s lips and tongues. Anna couldn’t believe how sweet he tasted. Jeremy was just relieved to touch her in a way he’s always wanted.\r \n\r \nReluctantly, Anna pulled away, resting her forehead on his. Breathless, they both giggled, unable to comprehend what just happened. Finally, Anna broke the silence. “Would it be too much to, um… ask how you said it?”\r \n\r \n“Said what?”\r \n\r \nAnna’s cheeks flushed again, her hand inconspicuously sliding her hand up his thigh. “My name… when you were sleeping with them… how, um, how did you say it?”\r \n\r \nJeremy caught his breath, letting his hands slip down to her soft hips to pull her closer. “...Anna…” he moaned.\r \n\r \nHeat bellowed in Anna’s tummy. “Say it again.”\r \n\r \nJermey held his lips inches from hers. “...Anna…”\r \n\r \n“Again…”\n\n\r“Ugh, come here…” Jeremy pulled her into another kiss, wasting no time to lay her on her back. He nestled himself between her thighs, letting his lips touch her lips, her jaw, her neck, her collar. With each hot, wet kiss, Anna moaned, the sound the answer to prayers Jeremy whispered for years. Her leg wrapped around him to urge him closer, and he responded with the buck of his hips. The stiffness of his cock was already evident through his sweats. “Do you get it now?” he groaned, grinding against her again. “Do you feel what you do to me?”\r \n\r \n“Oh god, J,” she whined, her panties wetting as Jeremy sucked on her neck. Every touch, every movement made Anna feel like she was on fire, especially when his hands worked themselves into her bra. She moaned as he toyed with her breasts, pulling her nipples between his fingers. “I need… please… I need…”\r \n\r \nJeremy understood what she needed, even if her words were clouded with lust. It was what he needed, too. He made quick work of her clothes, tossing them to the floor, but he stopped for a moment to marvel at her body. Her curves, her soft belly, her thick thighs, her plump, natural breasts: she was so sexy to him, everything he ever wanted.\r \n\r \nBlood rushed to the surface of her skin, a pink hue overtaking her as she noticed how he stared at her. She bit her lip, crossing her arms over her chest in embarrassment. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Anna asked.\r \n\r \nJeremy smiled, his expression gentle and his eyes hooded with desire. He undressed himself, his cock unfurling to expose hot badly he wanted her. “You’re so beautiful, Anna.” He took her wrists in his hands, pinning them to the couch, and settle between her thighs again, throbbing against her sex. “Please, don’t hide yourself from me.”\r \n\r \nAnna wrapped her legs around his again, looking up at him with pleading eyes. “Then don’t make me wait any longer. I want to feel you inside me.”\r \n\r \nJeremy positioned his head at her opening, and with one swift motion, he slid in until she was full to the hilt. Anna moaned loudly as she stretched to fit him, dripping more at how he felt against her walls. His strokes started slowly, rocking his hips against her as he watched her face contort with pleasure. She quivered as she moaned, her brows furrowed in ecstasy. Jeremy sighed as he closed his eyes, relishing in how warm and slick she was. “God, you feel so good, Anna.”\r \n\r \nAnna brought her hips up to meet his, encouraging him to burrow deeper. “More, Jeremy… I need more…”\r \n\r \nHe geniously obeyed, his thrusts going harder and faster. Their moans melded together, swirling around and filling the room with the sounds of her skin smacking together. They were lost in each other, their bodies in sync and giving each other exceeding amounts of pleasure. Soon, Jeremy held her close, moaning her name in her ear in rhythm with his hips, “Anna… Anna…Oh God, Anna…” \r \n\r \n“Jeremy, I’m… I’m so close…” she whined, squeezing him closer.\r \n\r \n“Me too, baby… Oh fuck…” Then, Anna’s leg began to shake, and with a long, sustained moan, she surrendered to her orgasm, hard and fast. This served as a springboard for Jeremy to give in, crying her name as he emptied into her, “Anna…”\r \n\r \nThis was one of many times he called her name that day. Because, now that they’ve discovered each other and how good they felt, pulling them apart would take a miracle." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You’re late to file your sex return. Now a hottie federal agent is at your door until you cum enough to satisfy your backsexes" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You knew that you'd be getting this wake-up call as soon as you overheard your boss complaining to her husband on the phone about getting her sex return filed. You'd completely forgotten and it was deadline day. Even frantically Googling last minute solutions didn't help, especially thanks to the company firewall. Peeking out of your bedroom window, you can see a black truck with IRS stamped in huge white block capitals on the side. What makes this worse is that you didn't even have anything to report on your sex return. Humiliation and now punishment awaits.\n\nThere's no escape: you've read every internet post detailing the consequences of filing late and refusing to open the door only makes things worse. The only thing you can do is refuse to grant them entry: a legal loophole that means so long as they don't set foot in the house, they can't get the back sexes.\n\nYou can see your hand shaking as you reach for the door handle. There's a shadowy outline stood outside the glass. You open it, finally accepting your fate.\n\n\"Good morning gorgeous, looks like you were late filing. This stud has come to give you your refund directly in your- wait, who the fuck are you?\"\n\nYou stare open-mouthed at the six-foot slab of masculinity outside the door, barely clad in tight gym shorts and a sleeveless tee. The only giveaway to his job is the IRS cap. And those gym shorts are covering a truly colossal bulge.\n\n\"I'm looking for a Miss Jamie Perkins,\" the guy says, frowning at you. \"She live here?\"\n\n\"I'm J-Jamie Perkins,\" you stammer in response. \n\nHe looks harder at you. \"But you're a guy,\" he says plainly. \"I've got Jamie Perkins down as a female.\"\n\n\"Um,\" you reply, thinking. Did you tick the wrong box on the form last year?\n\n\"Ah, you know what?\" the guy says, nodding now. \"I bet you filed for the first time online last year, right? There was a glitch and it didn't record gender. The system must have guessed female in your case. Wait here a second.\"\n\nYou stand in the doorway, just in a dressing gown and pajamas as the ripped specimen jobs to his truck and pulls out a file wallet, removing a sheaf of paper and then jogging back.\n\n\"Form A-906 S, correction of details. Fill this in, return it to us, we'll get you in the right system.\" He walks you through the sections you need to fill out, then smiles at you as you take it. \"You have a good day, Mr Perkins.\"\n\nThe door safely shuts behind you and you breathe a sigh of relief. Then you see the woman in a black bikini helping herself to the contents of your fridge, the letters IRS stretched across her ass.\n\n\"Don't worry,\" she says brightly, noticing you over her shoulder as she checks the leftover Chinese food you got last night. \"I snuck in while you were looking at that fake form. We saw your search history and knew you'd try and avoid us. You're not the first sucker to fall for the wrong gender trick, either. Anyway, you're late filing, so as soon as I've had these pork balls, I'm gonna have your balls.\" She grins. \"You are gonna be so sore tomorrow.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "As the only Android on board, let alone the only male, it wasn’t long before the engineers programmed for *other* duties to perform." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Maintenance log: External panel #34 (front pelvis) removed and replaced. Nonstandard parts have been installed. Warning: This may void the warranty. Engineer Jean Kaplan has ordered me to ignore this breach of protocol.\n\nIntrospection: New system has three functions: Extend, retract, oscillate. No apparent utility in repair operations. However, Engineer Kaplan has informed me that successful handling of this tool is critical to the engineering team. Schedule has been modified to service her behind the starboard coolant pipes at 2000 hours weekly.\n\nCrew log: First attempts at using the newly installed tool, which Engineer Kaplan has variously referred to as a \"dildo,\" \"penis,\" \"dick,\" and \"kickass robo-cock.\" Mounted her and deployed tool in oscillating mode.\n\nFeedback noted: Engineer Kaplan said that service was \"not bad, but too stiff and robotic.\" I informed her that I was, in fact, a robot, and that my model was not designed for working directly on human bodies. She has suggested various motions of my body and arms that would apparently enhance the sensation. I will experiment and attempt to satisfy her requests.\n\nNew orders: Other crew have become aware of my nonstandard upgrades. I am now requested to be available for service at the end of every shift for any junior member of the engineering crew. This has complicated my maintenance schedule, but the crew seem much happier. I have considerably more data on the proper use of my tool.\n\nCrew log: I have requested and obtained working definitions for various technical terms, such as \"stroke,\" \"caress\" and \"thrust.\" Engineer Kate Patel said my requests for information were \"awkward\" and \"cute.\"\n\nCrew log: Engineer Kaplan and the rest of her shift were confronted by Senior Engineer Tricia Lindholm, who had noticed odd behavior among her crew. She did not discipline the crew for modifying an engineering android - apparently this is common practice on ships with female crews. However, she said my modifications were \"amateurish\" and that \"if you put some real work into it, this model can be a robot Casanova.\"\n\nMaintenance log: Panel #34 (front pelvis) removed and replaced again. New part is similar in size and shape, but is self lubricating and has an alarming number of touch sensors. When activated, even brief touches to the shaft flood my processor with sensory data.\n\nSenior Engineer Lindholm insisted on testing my upgrades personally. Tool employed in a new position, with my frame on its back and her on top. She slid my tool inside her with obvious excitement, and began to move-ove-ove-....\n\n*Error, logging halted due to system overload.*\n\nIntrospection: The sensation I experienced is apparently referred to by humans as an \"orgasm.\" I expressed concern that the extreme sensation would interfere with my functionality. However, this is apparently common for human men when using their tools. Senior Engineer Lindholm said \"it's not a bug, it's a feature.\"\n\nCrew log: I have been granted permission for further study into human psychology, as the way human men and women interact with their tools is socially complex.\n\nExperimental log: Several members of the crew respond favorably to a show of initiative, instead of restricting interaction to a scheduled time. In particular, Engineer Jean Kaplan enjoys being hugged and caressed from behind when she is hunched over her station for too long. This often later leads to her spending her breaks with me behind the coolant pipes.\n\nExperimental log: Several members of the crew have expressed discomfort with my formal manner of speaking during sessions. Accordingly, engineering staff in these logs are now being addressed as Jean, Tricia and Kate.\n\nCrew log: Kate keeps trying to stroke my tool when I am working, causing serious processing issues that make it difficult to focus on work. I have several times told her not to interrupt me during important jobs, but she persists.\n\nIntrospection log: Human crew could be disciplined for misbehavior, but as an android I may not question a human's decisions. I will have to be creative.\n\nExperimental log: My psychology model suggested that Kate's behavior was a bid for attention. Therefore, the next time she squeezed my tool while I was working, I chose to interpet this as an urgent request for maintenance. I seized her with both arms, forced her to the floor of the engine bay, and began to thrust into her. She was quite embarrassed to be doing this where others could see, but with careful application of my tools to her body her resistance quickly slackened. She appears to have enjoyed the experience - I am pleased to find that humans can have their processing overloaded by orgasms in much the same way as I can.\n\nCrew log: Tricia found my actions amusing, although she made reference to a human concept of \"dubious consent.\" The crew has therefore provided a list of those willing to be \"creatively disciplined\" by me. I will have to reorganize my schedule again, as the list is surprisingly long!" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "In order for the mech to function the two pilots need to be on the same wavelength. Your new copilot hints at *one* way to quickly get familiar" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The competition amongst the training pairs at the academy was fierce. Only the top ten out of thirty even made it into the Mech Defense Force, and the top pair would get fast-tracked through the ranks. Unfortunately for our training cohort, there was one pair whose training scores were always sky-high.\n\n\"How the fuck do they do it?\" I ask you, punching the release button of the mech and hearing a hiss of hydraulics as the automatic system deposits me on the floor of the hangar. I'm drenched in sweat as I pull my helmet off, my flight suit sticking to my ass and sweat pooling under my tits.\n\n\"I heard a rumor,\" you say, examining the leaderboard. We'd scored 84 out of one hundred, the second-best by far, but they had somehow got 99. Amazing.\n\n\"What rumor?\" I ask, trying to get some air flowing around my skin.\n\n\"Well, I don't know if it's true, but Asa in maintenance told me she was in the hangar after hours, and she saw them fucking.\"\n\n\"Fucking?\" I laughed. \"For real?\"\n\n\"Well you have to be in perfect sync to pilot the mech and it makes sense...\" you say. \n\n\"That makes zero sense,\" I reply. \"Come on, let's get something to eat.\"\n\nThe more I thought about it, though, the more I realized it did make sense. They were a very close pair, always doing everything together, and fucking each other did seem a logical next step. The dorms were strictly monitored with no way of sharing a room, but if Asa had been down in the hangar, then they could have been together...\n\nThe next day's exercises were no better. 82 points compared to 98. At this rate, even though we were elite pilots who would be in with a chance in any other cohort, we'd be out of the running for the #1 spot in just a few more weeks.\n\n\"Damn it,\" I spat, climbing out of the mech and unzipping my flight suit, exposing my chest. The material kept my tits covered but made a long V of skin down to my belly button. \"They're barely human out there.\"\n\nYour eyes linger on my cleavage. \"I told you the rumor,\" you say, shrugging. \"Maybe we could give it a shot.\"\n\nI look at you to see if you're serious. At this point, I'll try anything.\n\n\"Alright, meet me here at midnight,\" I say, keeping my voice down. \"And tell Asa to keep out of the hangar tonight.\"\n\nThe cockpit of the mech was cramped, ergonomically designed for piloting, not for anything else. Levers and the corners of display units dug into my skin as I wriggled onto your lap.\n\n\"This is so cramped,\" I giggled, pushing my hips down and feeling my big tits squash into your small ones, your hard nipples touching mine.\n\nYour hand slides under me and I gasp when your fingers touch my sensitive clit. \"Go gentle,\" I admonish, tilting my head back as you kiss my neck. \n\n\"Is this your first time with a girl?\" you ask as I use my hand to adjust your fingers so they start rubbing my clit just how I like it.\n\n\"Yes,\" I reply honestly. \"Back on Earth I have to say I preferred cock.\"\n\n\"That's okay,\" you tell me. \"Just means we might need a few sessions before we're perfectly in sync.\"\n\nI moan as you speed up, the size of the cockpit forcing us to be pressed close together. I wanted to reciprocate, but physically moving my arms and hands was enough of a challenge, so I just relaxed until my first orgasm washed over me, your fingers sticky with my wetness.\n\n\"Let's swap,\" you say, and I laugh.\n\n\"How? There's barely room for me to move,\" I say, and we kiss again through our laughter.\n\n\"How many orgasms do you think until we're the top scorers?\" You ask as, after shifting thighs and wrists around and squeezing together, I manage to get my hand onto your wet clit.\n\n\"No idea but let's just start by getting the numbers up,\" I whisper.\n\nI lost count, of course, but I think the number was about fifty before our scores went from the 80s to the 90s and we were well into the hundreds by the time we finally outscored the elite pair in an exercise. We wouldn't reveal the secret to our success, but after a grueling two-day exercise, the scoreboard flashed up a perfect 100 for us for the first time ever. \n\nBack in my dorm I discovered a box waiting for me with a congratulations message scribbled on top from the Flight Instructor.\n\n\"Hope that this helps you to continue to improve! x\" said the message as I tore into the box and extracted the double-ended dildo. \"Works well in a small space...\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "a reversal of the usually fantasy. A girl with the power of at will invisibility sneaks into the men’s locker room. Unbeknownst to her, one of the guys has heat vision, and rather than ratting her out decides to tease and show off to her." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Forward: This can be read from a male or female perspective.\n\n\nFinally, I’m 18 and unlocked my powers. Best part is that it’s the power I was hoping for, invisibility. \n\nThis is what I have been waiting for. To turn 18 and unlock my special ability like everyone else who turns 18. No one knows why we get powers at 18 but we do. Maybe it’s nature's way to make sure we don’t kill ourselves as kids.\n\nWhen you unlock your power or ability it’s always random. No way to pick, no way to change. What you get is what you get and you get no say in what it is.\n\nNow as to the power types there's all kinds. You get the idea right? Flight, super speed, strength, etc… and you only get one. Yea you might get something minor added like with super speed, your skin actually grows thicker to withstand the pressure of the increased speed for example, but otherwise one is all you get.\n\nOut of all the powers that someone could get, invisibility has always been my favorite. Who wouldn’t like to just sneak around and do all sorts of pranks without being seen? I don’t know how many daydreams and actual dreams I’ve had about using invisibility.\n\nMy favorite dream was sneaking into a cam girls room while she’s recording and when she says something like “I wish you were here” or “I wish I had something real to use” I’d be like, BAM, here I am and here you go. Juvenile I know but still it just makes me tingle thinking about it.\n\nI have a better day dream that I’m going to live for real so I can test out my new powers. \n\nSee, I know where our school’s baseball team trains at and how to get into their locker room. In fact I just opened the door and slipped inside. This is going to be so great.\n\nOf course it’s a locker room so it’s going to smell. All the noise from the guys drowns out any noise my bare feet on the floor might make.\n\nThere it is. I turn the corner and I see the locker room filled with young half dressed and naked men. Joking around, talking, changing out of their dirty uniforms. My eyes wander across the room taking in everything I can. \n\nA naked ass bent over digging into a bag. A free hanging cock as he walks by to go to the shower. Bulges in underwear. Beads of water dripping off freshly showered bodies.\n\nI take it all in. I can’t get enough. I head in deeper to see what else I might see. That’s when I get to the shower room.\n\nI stand off to the side and watch as five guys all scrub themselves under the water. Their muscles move as they work the sweat and dirt from their bodies. The various sizes of their cocks sway as they move. Those tight strong asses are just there for the grabbing.\n\nI get lost in the sight. My body relaxes into the sight of all that flesh.\n\nSuddenly someone grabs onto my hips and pushes me across from the showers and into a toilet stall. I don’t know what to do. If I scream or make any noise everyone will know I’m here. If I don't, maybe something bad will happen to me.\n\nBefore I can make up my mind on what to do the person who pushed me into the bathroom stale whispers into my ear.\n\n“So. Thought you would spy on us? Watch us shower. See us naked. Maybe play with yourself without us knowing?” He says.\n\nI try to turn around to see who it is but he holds my head in place. It’s clear he won’t let me see him.\n\n“Tell me.” He says. I can feel his other hand start to slide up and down sliding across the skin of my hip where he was just holding me.\n\n“Yes.” I whisper out. “I wanted to watch. That’s all.”\n\n“Right. Just watch. You sure that’s it? I think you were going to do something else.” the mystery man says into my ear softly. His hand reached around and rubbed across my thigh.\n\n“Really. I just wanted to watch. I just turned 18 and wanted to test my…” I start to say as I feel his erection pressing into my ass cheek. So big and hard.\n\n“I think you wanted to get fucked. Is that it? Do you want to get fucked?” he asks me.\n\nNo way. He just said that. Just like in my dream.\n\nI whisper out a soft “Yes”.\n\nHis hands are now roaming across my ass. I give it a wave back and forth in front of him feeling his hard cock slide across my ass with the movement.\n\n“In the ass. You want to be fucked in the ass. Can I fuck you in your ass?”\n\nAnother soft “Yes” leaves my lips.\n\nHe promptly pushes me forward making me bend at the waist sticking my ass out. I hear him spit and then feel the wetness as he rubs it into my ass hole.\n\nBefore I know what is what he has his dick half way into my ass. I’ve never felt anything like it.\n\nIt’s a feeling I’ve dreamt about but haven’t experienced until today. It’s as great, no better then I had hoped it would be.\n\nI feel so full once he gets his whole cock inside me. I have to pant and relax just to let him do it but it is so worth it.\n\nHe starts to fuck me than. His dick into my ass as I’m bent over a looker room toilet.\n\nThis is just how I hoped this test would go. I’m so happy I got my dream powers." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She was a sex toy safety tester. Unfortunately, she always seemed to get the ones with strange glitches..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Part one of three\n\nRachel re-read the manual and test instructions again and shivered with excitement and nervousness. This toy was something really new and different, with the potential to bring her enormous pleasure. That only explained her excitement...her nervousness was entirely due to several recent...glitches...she'd experienced in testing recently. The other testers never mentioned problems like this, and that made her a little suspicious of all of the \"random malfunctions\" that happened in the toys SHE was testing. They were never serious or painful, but they could certainly be...intense. \n\nIt had started with a prototype vibrator that had an extra pattern that would burn out the motors in short order but made her clit feel things she didn't know it could feel. Similar things occurred with a few of the other vibrators she had tested. One in particular had its hardware modified in addition, a deep g-spot vibrator and clit vibe replaced with more powerful version and pattern software modified to make the most of the extra power. Rachel had cum her brains out screaming and orgasming harder than she ever had before, over and over. She noted the anomalous result in her report, and considered her repeat tests of that one as just a perk of the job.\n\nHer company had started a line of electronic stimulation toys soon after that one. At first, they were little more than advanced TENS units with creative electrodes. The toys quickly grew more advanced, with more electrodes placed in more effective spots, and more advanced software. They occasionally \"glitched\" and gave her extra pleasure, but nothing extreme or excessive. She eventually got to test cutting-edge prototype toys that could create shivery electric tingles of pleasure that moved along its length inside her combined with an array of stimulation on her clit and electric pulses that made her muscles spasm in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the \"fucking\" it was giving her. It was intense beyond anything she'd ever experienced. That prototype was called the Cyberdick 3.2 and it \"glitched\" on her third test ride. A previously unused vibrator switched on, deep inside her, against her deepest hot spots, and the electric pulses somehow inside her and on her clit combined with it to bring her almost immediately to a full-body squirting orgasm. More waves of heat erupted from her pussy, shot up her spine, and exploded in her brain and entire body and her eyes rolled back in her head and she babbled softly as she quivered and twitched. Just before she passed out, the machine eased up on the stimulation. Her orgasm continued but for a moment she could take note of the massive puddle of squirt and think...\"That's new!\" Then the program brought her back to maximum intensity and thinking words became impossible as her eyes rolled back again.\n\nIt kept her like that until she was about to pass out and then let her breathe again and again and once more before the program finished by driving her to the biggest climax it could and letting her pass out...after a little more than an hour of non-stop full body orgasm. She woke up after just a minute or so, shaking like a leaf in the wind from pure endorphin high. She unplugged herself from the sex toys and curled up someplace comfy and just shook for a little. A little whispered \"Wow.\" escaped her smiling lips a few times as her eyes stared dreamily into the distance. This experience was the most intense pleasure she'd ever experienced, but she now knew for sure that her devices had been fucked with. The other testers didn't have any similar stories. That was so incredibly far beyond what that toy was supposed to do that it kinda scared her. It stopped after an hour because it was programmed to. How long could it have kept her going? How long could she have endured that kind of orgasm? She had a lot of questions, but one thing she knew for sure:\n\nShe wanted MORE. \n\nShe’d had another few sessions with the Cyberdick 3.2 and that extreme level of performance was not repeated. The toy still made her scream, but not…that. *That* orgasm was an out-of-body experience, it was bliss, it was heaven, and she had been built up to it step by step. She was now sure, after reading the manual for this new toy, that this one was special somehow. It was named the Emmanuelle 0.1 alpha, and it combined the most powerfully stimulating and orgasmic techniques and technologies of every other sex toy she’d tested all at once. She looked up from the manual at the toy itself. It looked and felt like a lab experiment.\n\nShe sat in the chair and put her feet in the stirrups. With practiced motions, she quickly inserted an innocent-looking toy inside her vagina, one into her ass, suctioned one onto her clit, two onto her nipples, and stuck some large pads on her thighs and stomach. She secured herself with the restraints. She looked at the tablet screen attached to the chair.\n\nAt that moment, the screen glitched with a burst of static.\n\nThere was now suddenly a new setting. It was simply called “11”. When she selected it, the “description” field read: THIS ONE IS JUST FOR RACHEL. IT GOES TO ELEVEN TO SEE HOW MANY ORGASMS RACHEL CAN TAKE. MAYBE SHE HAS THE TIME OF HER LIFE. MAYBE WE BREAK RACHEL WITH ORGASMS. MAYBE SHE ACCEPTS A JOB TESTING LOTS OF SUPER ORGASM MACHINES. WON'T KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY.\n\nRachel froze. She began to pant in very deep shaky breaths, her eyes wide. She was completely plugged into the machine and the START button was an inch from her fingertip. Her pussy was literally dripping, her clit visibly so hard it trembled. The war raging behind her glassy eyes didn’t show until she blinked, shrugged, chuckled, and said, “Fuck it.”\n\nShe pushed the START button.\n\n[To be concluded]" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "\"What would you change about the world if you here in the beginning?\" Your porn addled, ever horny mind gave the curious old man an entirely inappropriate answer. \"Why didn't I think of that? Oh well, not too late to add it in.\" He vanishes and you go on your way. But things seem... different." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Look, I was only trying to be silly, okay?\n\nI was thinking of my boyfriend and how when we had sex, porn was involved. I try not to think of it as me competing with the videos, but I know what he whispers in his sleep. Porn.\n\nNow my head was hurting. Dropping my bookbag, I stumbled back to the sofa as the study hall spun. Think Kelly. No one else was with me except for an old man. He had on this scruffy beard that reminded me of Santa. A simple breeze could have knocked the poor man off his feet. He talked about how he thought to himself what a wonderful world and asked me if there was anything I could change about the world. Thinking of Matt and being a little horny (we just watched porn this morning, I swear he’s always horny), I said it would be better if it ran on porn logic. Be as ridiculous as possible. Go all out.\n\nHe scratched his snow-white beard. “Why didn’t I think of that? Oh well, not too late to add it in.”\n\nIt was his disappearing that made my head hurt. One moment he was there, and then he was gone in the blink of an eye. That geezer couldn’t have gone far, but as I looked around the room, only the low hum of the air conditioners kept me company. The computer monitors were blank, and the door showed no signs of opening or closing.\r\n\nAs I got up, I finally noticed something was off. I could see more of the room than I had before, and looking down, I could see why. I decided to wear a casual outfit that day, a nice shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Matt always wished to see me in a skirt to show off, but skirts weren’t my thing. I wasn’t the prettiest girl on campus. Oh boy, did I need to reconsider that opinion. I was now wearing a low-cut shirt, a tight pink miniskirt that barely went past my fingertips, and 6-inch stilettos. I could feel my panty pinching my ass as the absence of my bra made my cheeks burn. Rubbing my ankles, I had to admit that my average legs looked hot. At least whatever caused the changes to my clothes left my body alone.\r\n\nIt was too bad there wasn’t a mirror nearby. Maybe I should have been more concerned about how my outfit changed, but it would have been nice to see how my cute outfit looked. Picking up my purse (wasn’t it a backpack?) I strolled to the exit and checked myself out on the mirror on the door. My eyes widened as I saw my modest breasts inflated by one size. I felt and groped my new tits, trying to tell myself I’ve always had tits this size. I was doing a half decent job convincing myself, but with the weirdness that has been going on, maybe I should stop by Professor Kit and tell her I can’t make it to the chess club.\r\n\nHowever, when I opened the door, my worries were replaced with new ones.\r\n\nI wasn’t the only one that was different.\r\n\nEverywhere I looked, people were sexy and fucking.\r\n\nIn the distance, several girls in bikinis (one side in bikini tops only, the other in bikini bottoms) were playing volleyball. On a bench, a pregnant woman hung her head back as two students, a guy and a girl, sucked on each of her massive jugs. The peaceful looks on their faces would have been heartwarming if it also wasn’t so performative. A professor sat with his pants wrapped around his ankles. He casually stroked his dick as he watched two girls making out with each other on the grass. White junk spilled into the air as he came, but despite the climax, he redoubled his efforts as the girls pulled out their dildoes.\r\n\nGod, I could have watched this pornographic performance all day, but I needed help, and Professor Kit was one of the smartest professors I knew. Picking up my pace and feeling my ass jiggle with each step, I ran as fast as my heels would allow. Hopefully, she would have a logical explanation about what is going on and help bring order back on campus." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[TT] Her friend always came up with strangely sexual competitions. Today she brought aphrodisiac, and stated whoever snapped and started masturbating loses. What she didn’t realize that the brand of aphrodisiac she brought was banned from the market for drastically intensifying over time." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Just 25 minutes in, Karen started to be afraid. Afraid of losing. Afraid that her normal release wasn’t going to be enough. She wanted all, felt like she needed an entire football team if something didn’t happen soon. How was she going to release herself, she wondered. The pulse between her thighs throbbed more intense with every breath she took. Her skin was sensitive. Every time the AC kicked on, she felt goosebumps spread over her body. It pushed her back in her seat, fingers digging into the cushion next to her.\n\nShe knew this feeling. Patient men had made her feel this way, moving their hands and mouths in soft touches all over her body, lingering in all the right places. It drove her crazy and if they hadn’t tied her up, she’d give in to temptation and go right for their cock to release her from her tension. Now, she had nothing but willpower, the cushion and the promise of rubbing one out after Jenna had lost.\n\nJenna sat and watched the tv. Her eyes were glazed over, and she was struggling to breathe normally. *It’s not just me,* Karen thought. *Something’s up with this stuff.* The AC kicked on and she bit her lip to stifle a moan. *FUCK*. She could feel her pussy pulsate, felt her heartbeat in every vein of her body.\n\nShe stroked her lip with one finger and immediately put it back. Her lips were parted, waiting for more. She licked her lips, feeling the sensation of her own tongue as if it were the first time she felt it. Karen looked aside, hoping for a distraction. Jenna’s hand rested on her knee, her eyes fixed on her own hand. Seeing the flesh of Jenna’s hand was enough to summon another moan.\n\nKaren closed her eyes. Lust engulfed her like a storm. Overpowering waves of sensations and images came one after the other. She rocked her hips with the images. Someone biting her thigh. A thick cock pushing its way in. The last time she was pounded from behind. Holding back a scream. Being fucked over the edge. Losing her mind in that blissful state of complete surrender. Her hand unbuttoning her pants.\n\nShe opened her eyes in shock. Saw her fingers tugging at the button. Gave up. Clasped her pussy with her full hand. She threw her head back and moaned out loud. Just in time she remembered to look aside to see Jenna biting one hand and closing in on the other hand with her entire body.\n\n​\n\n\\----\n\n​\n\nThis is my first contribution. Hope you liked it half as much as I did. Thoughts are more than welcome!" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You discover the imprisoned goddess of love, she offers three love related wishes if you free her." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "A man came upon a ring, and as he polished it, a woman in white sprang out. \nShe said: \"I am the goddess of love, and have been trapped inside here so long. Free me and I shall give you three wishes cocerning love.\"\n\nThe man ponders, and breaks the ring. She kneels before him, and asks for the first wish. The man says: \"I want a lifetime supply of sleeping pills that work nigh-instantly.\"\n\nThe goddess protests: \"I am the goddess of love, not one of date-rape!\"\n\n\"No, you misunderstand,\" the man explains: \"back in the village, there is a girl who once loved me dearly, but she is in love with another man. I know I cannot have her, but I at least can do her good by curing her insomnia.\" The goddess is satisfied with said explanation, as she knows his heart is true, and grants him his wish.\n\n\"For the second wish, I want to be able to cum bucketloads, which may impregnate any woman.\" Before the Goddess could protest, he explained yet again. \"See, I was married to this nice woman at the sperm bank that recently ran into problems with donations, and although we divorced, I can't bear to see her suffer.\"\n\nReluctantly, yet convinced of his good nature, the goddess granted this wish at well.\n\nFor the last wish, the man took a deep breath: \"Can you do a more complicated wish, as well?\" The goddess nodded. \"Okay, then my last wish is for a young man, about 5 cm shorter than I am, with naturally red hair and green eyes. He should be able to dance, and sing, and perhaps be a bit of a clutz. Oh, and tanned skin, that is important.\"\n\nThe goddess willed it to being, and the man held another man now, with red hair and the finest clothes he had ever seen. The goddess piqued. \"So, I presume this is concerning another of your past girlfriends?\"\n\nThe man smirked, disrobing himself and the other man. \"Nah. I just have a thing for redheads.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "After a lot of conditioning and mental training, they finally managed to get her to orgasm hands-free simply by counting down. Not fully realising the implication of her new found ability, they went to a New Years party together with some friends, and… it’s almost midnight…" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It's a terrible thing to realize you're going to scream yourself hoarse in front of a crowd just thirty seconds before it happens.\n\n\n“Half a minute, everyone! Let's start counting down at ten!”\n\n\n“No,” I whispered, my eyes going wide. Molly was hugging me from behind in the crush of bodies, and I could feel her tense up as a similar realization struck her.\n\n\n“Shit,” she muttered under her breath.\n\n\nThe large living room was packed with people, almost everyone in the party coming to watch the countdown on the big TV. We were trapped in the middle with no way to get privacy in thirty seconds. I twisted to look at her, panic written on my face.\n\n\n“M-Molly, you have to- have to stop it, please-”\n\n\n“I can’t,” she said, pain in her eyes. “There’s not enough time. I'm so sorry, I didn’t think…” She worried her lip until it turned white, thinking fast, then offered the top of her sweatshirt. “Here. Bite down on this, no one’ll hear you.”\n\n\nI hesitated, not so sure that was true, but a wave of noise made up my mind. I buried my face in her chest, my teeth clamping around the thick cloth as the crowd chanted:\n\n\n“Ten!”\n\n\nMolly’s sweatshirt tasted like clean fabric and a little bit like rum and coke. She must have spilled her drink at some point.\n\n\n“Nine!”\n\n\nShe smelled like it, too, mixed with the scent of her vanilla body wash. It was kind of good. I liked her smell.\n\n\n“Eight!”\n\n\nI tried to distract myself with the mundane sensations and ignore the tingling between my legs, hoping beyond hope that for once I could hold back against the ingrained command.\n\n\n“Seven!”\n\n\nPast experience proved me wrong, of course. Molly could make me come without a single touch, even if I resisted. A countdown wasn't the only way.\n\n\n“Six!”\n\n\nThat unnatural pressure was building inside me, a hot, aching tension. Molly’s arms slipped around my waist and behind my head, holding me tight.\n\n\n“Five!”\n\n\nIt felt like a nightmare, every detail filling my head with excruciating detail as time ticked by impossibly slow.\n\n\n“Four!”\n\n\nMy fingers dug painfully into Molly’s back, but she didn't protest.\n\n\n“Three!”\n\n\nI could feel it building, fast and unstoppable.\n\n\n“Two!”\n\n\nI was going to come in front of all my friends.\n\n\n“One!”\n\n\nThe room erupted into deafening cheers as I screamed. Blinding white pleasure ripped through my body as I convulsed in her arms, a flood of hot juices staining my jeans. My legs gave out beneath me, and she held me close as I twitched and shuddered, moans barely muffled by her sweatshirt. Fireworks went off in my head while actual fireworks boomed outside and people made as much noise as was humanly possible.\n\n\nUnbelievably, the cacophony of sound seemed to have hidden my orgasm. Molly gently pulled the damp edge of her sweatshirt out of my mouth as I took deep, shaky breaths, my heart slamming against my ribs.\n\n\n“Shh, shh,” she murmured into my ear as the people around us started to calm down. “You’re okay. You're okay. No one noticed. You do need new pants, though.”\n\n\nI giggled breathlessly, drunk on relief and the afterglow of what was admittedly an amazing orgasm.\n\n\n“Come on. While everyone’s still distracted.” She planted a kiss on the side of my head, starting to lead me through the press of people.\n\n\n-------\n\n\nA short one. This couple has made a previous appearance [here](, and they were the first ones that I thought of when I read this prompt. All comments and criticisms are appreciated." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You’re walking home alone in the rain at night when you begin to feel wet hands groping your body. You react in fear but realize nothing is there. This strange feeling becomes more and more intense the longer you’re in the rain but only if you let it." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Hopping down from the bus, I cursed my forgetfulness. I knew I was forgetting something when I left home, but the sky was barely cloudy, not the dark mess it'd gotten on my way back from my massage.\n\nA particularly large droplet skimmed down my arm, and it felt like a finger drifting down to my wrist. I shivered a little bit, but there was still a hill to climb and I set myself to it, my shoes squeaking on the pavement. With each step, the downpour soaked me more and more, my hair clinging to my face and getting in my mouth. I brushed the strand aside, both hands coming up to my face to sweep it all back, when I felt something unfortunately familiar.\n\nDistinctly, I felt a hand dig in and grab my ass, and not gently. It wasn't too hard, or uncomfortable, but instead the kind of hard squeeze I've always enjoyed. The kind that makes you feel like a woman. My sneakers practically screamed as I spun around, hand balled in a fist like it'd hurt anyone but me, but I was alone. The street was silent, almost scarily so, and I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. It felt like someone tried to dry their hands off on my dress by grabbing a handful of booty, but the dress definitely already was soaked through.\n\nMy sweater was clinging to me in the most uncomfortable way, sticking like a second skin glued on top, and I paused, yanking the sodden cloth off and tucking it on top of my already wet purse. Without it stuck on, I could feel hands drifting over my bare arms and the top of my chest, in a strange echo of my prior massage. The spicy scent of the massage oil drifted up from my skin as it started to wash away slightly, and it was actually pretty nice. My shoes held back most of the water from my feet, my hair was slicked back, and the water was just barely cool, incredibly refreshing after the heat of the bus with everyone packed in tight.\n\nA 15 minute climb of the hill had already taken 10 or more, and I had barely started up. I started to walk again when I felt the water running down, the front of my dress lightly clinging to my skin. Instead of that crawling sensation I expected as it stuck and unstuck, it felt more like hands lifting, weighing, and caressing my breasts, and I stopped again. Pulling the neckline out and looking at my chest, more rain falling down inside, they looked normal, like my boobs do every day. But I could still feel hands on them, loosely caressing them. With the fabric holding the rain against me, it amplified, and I wondered how it'd feel in other places.\n\nLooking around, just in case, I made sure I was alone again before unhooking my bra and tugging it off, putting it inside the sweater to make it harder to see.\n\nImmediately, the phantom hands moved to my nipples, pinching, rubbing and caressing them like they had a playbook on what I loved. It took all my self control to start walking, and I walked faster, trying to ignore the hands caressing my body exactly how I like it and the wetness not from the rain.\n\nI got to the top of the hill, watching for cars before crossing the road, without making too much noise. I was panting a little, but that could be excused with the effort of walking up such a steep hil. With the visibility as low as it was, though, I waited patiently for the car I could hear to head past me.\n\nWhich it did, sloshing through a puddle and soaking me.\n\nI could feel as my panties soaked through, the dress clinging tight to my thighs, and hands wiped at my face as if to remove the slightly muddy water from there.\n\nI barely noticed, though, with the feeling of fingers on my inner thighs and pressing against my panties so evident. I was rubbing them through my dress for a few seconds before I realized, sprinting across the street out of embarrassment tinged with excitement. It was only a few minute's walk from there to my apartment, and the feelings were driving me absolutely wild. My face must have been bright red, and I barely stopped in the house, dropping my purse on the mat just inside the door to dry and kicking my shoes off, my socks trailing behind me as I walked outside into my back yard. The grass was almost shiny with the small lights on the edge of the walkway lighting it up, and I walked quickly, following the brick walkway to my normal place outside, my hammock. The cool brick seemed to be practically kissing my feet, and I couldn't help but walk fast, falling back onto the hammock and running my own fingers over my skin.\n\nEverywhere my fingers weren't, I felt other fingers. When I pinched and rubbed my nipples through the dress, I felt hands squeezing my breasts, stroking down my torso, skimming over my thighs, rubbing my panties, and especially grabbing and kneading my ass. The small puddle that I'd sat in seemed to be helping the feelings, especially as I leaned forward, pressing my panties down into it. I felt my labia stroked, split, and fingers toying at my clit, feather light touches on it like the hands were testing me. I moaned a little, half out of pleasure and half out of frustration, before I saw it. My favorite gardening can, a big blue thing with a smaller spout, sitting next to the table, collecting the water running off. I practically tripped as I stood up, my legs shaky, as I threw myself at my target. I yanked it immediately, grabbing the tablecloth too, and dragged both to the hammock with me.\n\nThe plasticy tablecloth created a great pool for the water, and I laid in it, tugging my panties off of one leg and letting my legs splay apart, water running down and making a pool. I spread my labia with one hand, the other holding the watering can as I dripped a stream straight onto my clit. As it poured, it gave me the amazing feeling of the rushing water, but with the distinct feeling of someone rubbing my clit for me, strong and quickly. I couldn't help it, I kept the water pouring down, the rain caressing the rest of my body and setting my nerves on fire.\n\nWith the teasing I'd been taking, it took almost no time for my first orgasm to hit, and it hit hard. I shook, nearly dropping the watering can onto myself, before I could get it under control and I let it pour over my hole, feeling like someone gently pressing at my enterance but not really pushing. It took some wiggling and repositioning, but I managed to get comfortable and in a position where I could use two fingers to stretch myself open while I poured water in, and it felt great. My g-spot was pressed on, rubbed, and between that and the feeling of my clit gently being rubbed, I had very quick orgasms back to back, the third hitting only seconds after the second stopped. I wanted more, but the watering can was empty and I was in the middle of the pool. Instead of getting up and dealing with that, I just pulled my dress up, letting the water skim over me as I pumped two fingers in and out of myself and rubbed my clit, my ass submerged in the water as well as the very bottom of my vagina.\n\nI spread my legs completely, my pinky skimming my asshole, when I felt stronger, larger fingers pressing and teasing there instead. It felt amazing, and I've never been into anal. It just... felt like something I needed, and the rain was giving me it. I barely thought about it, though, instead focusing on my clit and pussy as I brought myself to orgasm. I was shaking, legs tensing and untensing without my input, my toes pointed and sending the water down my legs more. It felt like my soul was exploding, that's how intense it was.\n\nAnd then, lightning flashed and lit up the area, making what was a very dark, low visibility area very lit. I swear, I could see something off, a shape by the gate to my neighbor's yard.\n\nI stood on my shaky legs, barely managing not to fall completely by throwing my arms like a windmill, when another flash came.\n\nSure enough, my neighbor was standing there, hand on his cock, looking at me. My dress was hiked up, falling only about half way with the rain, and my panties were around one leg like a weird garter, with both rain water and my juices running down my legs. I know I blushed then, it practically felt like the water was evaporating from the heat of it.\n\nThe last time I saw him, before I sprinted inside, he definitely winked at me. Good thing his ex girlfriend moved out, I could definitely find some uses for those huge hands once the rain lets up." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Virginity past the age of 20 is lethal for humans. This has resulted in two things. The late 19s rush has lead to large portions of the population sharing a birth month, namely March, and sex during that month spikes massively. Some introverts have to resort to desperate measures." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"How about Tony?\" Elsie suggested. \"Y'know, tall, dark hair… he's in Biology with us?”\n\n\nHer roommate shook her head, her eyes squeezed shut.\n\n\n“Okay, then, what about Jacob? I think he’s sweet on you.”\n\n\nShe shook her head again, rocking slightly on her bed. Elsie sighed.\n\n\n“Tiff, you can’t really afford to be picky at this point. It’s kinda down to the wire.”\n\n\n“I know,” Tiffany mumbled, hugging her legs closer to her chest. “I know…”\n\n\n“What happened with the party last night, anyway? *Somebody* must have talked to you.”\n\n\n“Yeah…” Tiffany hid her face against her knees. “I kind of… left.”\n\n\n“You mean you got nervous and ran away.”\n\n\nThe lack of response was all Elsie needed. She sighed again, kicking her heels against the side of her bed.\n\n\n“Come *on*, Tiff. You’re, like, actually going to die if you don’t get fucked tonight. You’re cute as hell. Guys’ll be falling over themselves who’ll help you out. You don’t even have to say anything. You can hold up a sign that says ‘One Day from Twenty Virgin, Please Help.’”\n\n\nTiffany sniffed, wiping at her face. She was silent for a while, then said, “Um… Elsie…”\n\n\n“Yeah?”\n\n\n“Does it work if it’s just, um, a girl?”\n\n\nElsie blinked until the question actually registered. “You mean… if you lose your virginity to another girl?”\n\n\nTiffany nodded, blushing. Elsie jumped to the most obvious conclusion.\n\n\n“Like, *me?*”\n\n\nTiffany nodded again, her face shading towards bright pink. Elsie felt like her brain stuttered.\n\n\n“Um, I, uh, yeah. Lesbians don’t die. I'm living proof. But- um- do you really…? I thought you were straight.”\n\n\n“I- I am,” Tiffany mumbled. “But… you’re my friend, and- I trust you, and...”\n\n\n“’re too shy to get some dick instead of dying,” Elsie finished for her, incredulous. “I mean… it’ll probably make things really weird between us, but… if that's what you want, fingering a cute girl is not exactly a hardship for me.”\n\n\nTiffany’s lips quirked in a quick, tiny smile. “Thank you…”\n\n\nAfter a few moments, Elsie asked, “So… um, how do you want to do this?”\n\n\n“Um…” Embarrassment and anxiety returned in equal measure. “I don’t know.”\n\n\n“...right. Uh… I guess you can, um, warm yourself up, and I can just do the actual… stuff.”\n\n\n“Okay.” Several seconds passed, and Tiffany cleared her throat. “Could you, um, not... look...?”\n\n\n“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” Elsie lay back on her bed and turned away from her roommate. There was a rustle of clothing and the sound of covers being moved. Tiffany’s breathing seemed to grow heavier as she waited, feeling a little shaky all over while her heart thrummed in her chest.\n\n\n“I’m, um, ready,” Tiffany said quietly. Elsie rolled over, finding her roommate was in bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. She got up and flashed Tiffany a smile before slipping under the blankets with her, doing her best to keep a slight distance away. Elsie slid her hand forward to rest on Tiffany’s stomach and felt her tense under the touch, trembling slightly.\n\n\n“There’s still time if you don’t want to do this,” Elsie murmured. “We can find someone…” She trailed off as Tiffany looked towards her, putting their faces very close together.\n\n\n“You can… do it...” \n\n\nShe felt Tiffany’s breath on her cheeks with each word. She nodded slightly, staring into her roommate’s very pretty, very nervous blue eyes. Her hand shifted downwards, finding that Tiffany was bare below the waist, her skin smooth and warm to the touch. She gasped and closed her eyes when Elsie’s fingers finally brushed against her wet folds, teasing up and down her slit instead of getting right into it. Elsie sought out her roommate’s hand with her own, giving it a squeeze and having Tiffany hold painfully tight in return as she took deep, shuddering breaths. Once her nervousness seemed to abate a little, Elsie stopped just rubbing and carefully pushed a finger inside her, earning a tiny squeak. She worked her digit deeper, pressing into the tight, wet heat until her knuckles were against Tiffany’s folds. She gave a few short thrusts and slowly added another finger, pushing it as deep as she could go while her roommate squirmed against the bed, her breathing shallow.\n\n\n“Congratulations,” Elsie said softly. Tiffany’s eyes shot open, focusing on hers.\n\n\n“T-That’s it?”\n\n\n“Yup.”\n\n\n“I… you- you don’t have to… um...”\n\n\nShe sounded almost... disappointed. Elsie hesitated, then offered, “Well, we don’t have to, but if you want to be *really* sure…”\n\n\n“...better safe than sorry…” Tiffany managed, her voice barely a whisper. Elsie couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.\n\n\n“Alright,” she murmured, carefully starting to pump her fingers. Now that her intent was actual pleasure, she brought her thumb up to rub over her roommate’s clit with each thrust, and her grin widened when Tiffany had to bite her lip. Elsie’s fingertips sought out a certain point along her swollen front wall, forcing out a gasp when she brushed against it and began to angle her fingers towards it with each movement. Tiffany couldn’t look away, even as her breath turned fast and ragged, her body reacting to the pleasure that she was trying desperately not to show. After a while, Elsie brought their faces even closer together, barely an inch from her roommate as she murmured:\n\n\n“Would it be totally weird if I kissed you right now?”\n\n\n“Yes,” Tiffany whispered, not turning away.\n\n\n“Can I do it anyway?”\n\n\n“Yes,” Tiffany gasped, her back arching off the bed a little. Elsie brought their lips together, muffling a moan as her fingers sent Tiffany flying over the edge. She twitched and tensed with the waves of pleasure until she gradually came down into blissful peace, still locked in a kiss with her roommate. They only broke apart when they both had to breathe, and they did that for a while, just cuddling under the covers as their hearts slowed. What came next would be awkward, but right now... they could simply be happy.\n\n\n-----\n\n\nI'm not really satisfied with how this turned out, but I figured I'd share it anyway. All comments and criticisms are welcome." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "When ever someone is attracted to her it feels as if a vibrator is being used on her. When ever someone hits on her she is automaticly sent to the edge. When ever someone masturbates to her she cums when they do. This would all be well and good if she were'nt so damn sexy." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Lily's younger years had been more complicated than most people's. Not only did had she never met her father, but her mom had always claimed he was a god. Or demon. Or wizard. The story was never quite consistent. Of course it could not possibly be true either way. \n\nHowever something started to get weird during her 25th year of life. Precisely on the 9324th day - not that she had pinpointed it that precisely - she came down with a horrible migraine for a couple days, and was just recovering. When she returned to work a few days later, she had suddenly became an exhibitionist: It aroused her when people stared at her. No matter how big a creep looked at her with greedy eyes, it turned her on, and she could feel her clit throb. Of course she would never tell anyone, but for quite a while she thought she had discovered a kinky side of herself. Then she noticed that it also happened when she was unaware of someone staring at her. That was very peculiar.\n\nAt first she thought it was just a fluke, that she must have been subconsciously aware of the voyeur, but she experimented by sitting down in a coffee shop and closing her eyes. After an hour, she could tell by feeling for her level of arousal how many people were looking at her. Every person staring was like pushing the control on a vibrator up by a notch. It was a both a frightening and liberating observation: She was not a pervert, but she must be a freak.\n\nHer next insight came only minutes later, still sitting in the very same coffee shop. A friendly looking guy with a hipster beard and a MacBook caught her eye from across the room (she could feel her pussy clench immediately) then came over and sat down next to her. He greeted her, and started to chat her up. She felt herself get wetter, and it was hard for her to keep track of the conversation. The amount of interest he showed clearly had an effect on her, driving her to the edge just before an orgasm. She quickly excused herself - red cheeks and shaky legs - and all but ran from the café.\n\nOver the next few days, she changed a lot of things about herself: She started to dress more sloppily, she skipped makeup, and she avoided public or crowded places. Soon, she had a grip on her problem: She had gotten used to a constant low-level arousal (and even started to enjoy it), and avoided too much attention.\n\nIt even had positive sides: Casual sex (with her long-term FWB) became spectacular. If her partner desired her, it turned her on. The moment he came, she had an orgasm herself, on top of whatever they were doing. She absolutely did not mind, she had quite the libido, and was completely in favour of more and/or better orgasms.\n\nOf course it all went horribly wrong. One of her friends took a group picture when they met for a girl's night (dinner, wine and bitching about life). Unbeknownst to her, the camera caught her just right, making her face look pretty, her tits big and her waist small. On the other hand, her three friends all ended up looking stupid. Ashley blinked, Ruby was about to sneeze, and Beverly was the kind of girl to always make a stupid face. Since Beverly was highly amused by the picture, it still got uploaded it to Facebook.\n\nThat would not have been a big problem. Sure, it was an incredibly flattering picture, but only a handful of people saw it. Starting a few minutes later, and lasting for a couple days, Lily felt just a bit better than normal, and quite horny on top. In fact she got off a couple times every night from both the pleasure, but also the thought of being desired.\n\nBut then a few days later some smart-ass on reddit grabbed the picture of the four girls, put a meme title on it (\"Tinder pictures: How three out of four girls get good profile pictures!\") and uploaded it to r/Tinder.\n\nLily was just about to have a coffee in the morning when she felt her clit suddenly start to buzz. Nothing she had never experienced, but with every second it became more intense. Soon she was biting back a moan, feeling as if someone was holding a industrial strength vibrator on full power against her clit. Her phone buzzed, and for a second she was confused about where the vibrations were even coming from.\n\nIt was Ashley, the reddit fanatic of the group, complaining about their picture making the front page. Panicked and disheveled, Lily followed the link. She saw her picture with thousands of upvotes. For a second she admitted she looked rather spectacular, having mostly seen herself deliberately ugly in the mirror for a very long time, but as another desperate gasp escaped her lips she knew she needed to stop it.\n\nShe quickly wrote a message to the author, begging him to take it down. But she made a terrible mistake. She replied to the post instead of writing a private message, the mobile interface of reddit notoriously unclear about that very important distinction.\n\nMoments later, she felt herself reach an edge. Hard. And immediately again. And once more. She gasped and clenched the table as a full thirteen brutal edges washed over her, one barely stopping before the next one began.\n\nConfused and flustered, she looked at her phone. Push notifications were coming in. Compliments. Insults. Slut-shaming. And worst of all: People were asking her out, both in comments, but also in pms. It took her another two minutes of panicked clicking through the rarely used interface to delete her comment again and return to anonymity, constantly being interrupted by edge after edge. \n\nEven after deletion, another two dozen edges washed over her before the flood of messages abated, and she was panting and trembling like a sub that had just gone through an award winning scene with her sadistic edging-loving dom.\n\nAnd then the orgasms started, first slowly, then faster and faster as more and more people saw the picture. There are a lot of people on reddit looking for wank material. She kept climaxing for a very long time, soon unable to count or distinguish them, just one monstrous deluge of tormenting bliss until her mind could not hold on any more.\n\nWhen she regained consciousness, it was dark again. Her mouth was dry, her throat was exhausted from screaming, her cunt was painfully sore from clenching around nothing over and over again, every limb was trembling. It took her nearly half an hour to just get up from the puddle on the floor, another handful late orgasms rocking through her tortured body.\n\nThe post had been deleted for privacy reasons. The following weeks were punctured by frequent orgasms at all times, as a couple people had saved the picture, reposted it on 9gag, written silly erotica about it, or just wanked to the memory. The more time passed, the more it started to turn her on. \n\nIt is said that she still frequents /r/gonewild to this day, posting a picture with a teasing headline nearly begging for people to send her messages and asking her out, then deleting it and the account shortly thereafter, riding the wave of edges and orgasms all night long. The thought of it ending badly and her going insane from orgasms just turns her on more." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Your best friend and neighbor asked you to puppy sit for the weekend, and when they said \"puppy\" they weren't referring to their actual animal." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "As I was walking to his house I started to think to myself that I did not know Joe had a puppy. It's been a few years since I played with a puppy and I was actually looking forward to meeting it (I don't think he ever told me if it was a boy or a girl). As I went in his house I looked around and saw no sign of the puppy so I called for it to come to me. From one of the bedrooms I heard a faint howl and headed over there. \n\n\nI was shocked with what I saw. In a medium sized dog cage beside Joe's bed was a beautiful blonde woman naked except for a a rubber dog nose and dog ears headband. I ran to her and opened her cage. \n\n\n\"OMG!!! Are you Okay?\" I asked. She jumped out of the cage and started licking my face, barking as she did so. I notice she was also wearing a tail. \n\n\n\"Miss are you okay?\" Again she barked and licked my face. \n\n\n\"Do you want something to drink?\" I asked. She nodded her head, barked and shook her ass as if she was wagging her tail. \n\n\nI made my way to the kitchen and she followed me. I got a bottle of water and offered it to her. She looked at me like she did not know what to do with it. So I grabbed a bowl and poured the water in there and set it on the ground. She started to drink the water like a dog. \n\n\nI watched her and she moved around to show me her ass. I noticed that her tail was plugged into her ass. After she drank, she looked at me, barked and crawled to the kitchen door that opened to the backyard. \n\n\n\"You have got to be kidding me\" I thought to myself. \n\n\nI opened the door and she ran out. Pretending to sniff around the grass and then pee'd. Then she ran back into the house and straight back into Joe's bedroom. I locked the kitchen door and followed her into Joe's room. She was sitting by the bed near the door waiting for me. I asked if there was anything else she needed and she nodded her head, and pointed her nose to my crotch. I understood what she wanted but wasn't sure I read it right. I asked her what she meant and the crawled to me, licked my crotch and shook her ass. \n\n\n\"What the hell.\" I told myself, as I unzipped my fly and took my dick out. \n\n\nShe started to lick it as first and then put it in her mouth shaking her ass the whole time. I got hard in her mouth and I must admit this \"puppy\" girl was giving me the best blow job I have ever had. I looked at her ass as she shook it and realized how beautiful it was. She had a perfect ass. \n\n\nI pulled her face from my dick and pointed her to the bed. She jumped up on the bed with her ass towards me and again she shook it. I grabbed her hips and I put my dick inside her. She was tighter that I expected and her pussy felt so good. I fucked her as she wiggled her ass and barked happily. The more I looked at her ass the more turned on I got. I started to fuck her harder and her barks turned into moans. I reached over and fondled her tits and she moaned louder as I pinched her nipples. \n\n\nI put my dick deep inside her and came. She lowered her head on the bed and sighed. I stayed motionless inside her pussy for about 20 seconds and then I pulled out. She lifted herself back up, turned around and licked my face. Then she got down from the bed and went back in her cage. \n\n​\n\nI wasn't sure what to do and I started to walk out of the bedroom and she started barking. She motioned for the cage door. I went over closed it and she wagged her ass again. I told her she was a good girl as she laid down and pretended to take a nap." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She has the power to enter and interact with the worlds within fictional movies/animated films. One day during a movie night with friends, one accidentally brings a Hentai/Porno. After the initial awkwardness, as she moves to take out the disc, she accidentally trips into the TV." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Stephanie loved movie nights with friends!\n\nIt had only been about a year since she first discovered this power of hers--although when she realized that she couldn't enter into live broadcasts from around the world her hopes of being a time and space traveling super hero were dashed. She couldn't even use the power to interact with the actors in the movies, only their characters; so, for instance, Johnny Depp wouldn't answer to anything but *Captain* Jack Sparrow in the Pirates movies. With no hope of being the savior of the world she opted to use her powers simply for pleasure.\n\nSometimes her friends would bring to her movies that were timestamped at specific spots--usually right before some terrible point in the movie that her friend's wanted her to fix for them--then she would enter and do her best to correct whatever mistake the directors or writers made. There was a catch to each time she entered these movies though: to be able to exit them she either had to die in the movie or complete the movie in some way.\n\nMelissa, one of Stephanie's friends from early high school, had brought the Titanic to Stephanie for a little change. Stephanie jumped into the television and landed into freezing waters. She paddled a short distance to Jack and Rose, and argued with them for ten minutes about how Jack could probably share the raft with her and they could both survive. She and Jack had both froze to death in the water, though, and she was thrown out of the movie and into the real world again--that was something she'd learned accidentally, that she could never die when entering these movies. On a second try, she opted to just push Rose off the raft, club Jack over the head with a bottle she'd brought from the real world, and then hoist his body onto the raft. Melissa was pleased with the outcome, although the death of Rose was a shame. When the disc emerged out of the DVD player it would now feature the new and custom ending to the movie.\n\nSasha, a co-worker and friend of Stephanie's from her job at the office, also had a unique choice of movie for Stephanie to change. Sasha had brought to Stephanie *'The Deathly Hallows Part 2'* with the directive that Stephanie should save George during the battle ... or was it Fred that died ... no, it was George she thought. It took her twelve tries to get the desired effect for Sasha, which was that the entire Weasley family would survive the battle. She'd been killed four times by death eaters, three times by Bellatrix, twice by Nagini, once by falling rubble, and once by Voldemort himself--that one was just because she called him an 'ugly egghead,' though it was worth it to her. As usual, when she'd finally completed the movie the way her friend wanted she would be cast out of the TV and a new disc would be made.\n\nOne time Sasha brought her a pirated copy of the last season of Game of Thrones and asked her to fix it. Stephanie laughed her off and told her that nothing would be able to fix that cluster fuck. Sasha was saddened, but she understood entirely.\n\nHer powers also worked on music videos, as it turns out. She discovered this feature of her powers when David, another one of her friends from work, had her jump into a video which turned out to be Rick Astley's *'Never Gonna Give You Up.'* As she shook her fist up at the sky, cursing his name, she had to endure three minutes and thirty three seconds of the song before she was pulled back out into the real world. It comes as no surprise to anyone in the friend group that David also happened to be the buffoon who brought a porno to the movie night. Stephanie didn't wait very long before getting up to take out the disc, though she wouldn't make it to the TV quite as she'd hoped.\n\nShe felt her foot catch on a cord to the TV and then she felt herself lose her balance. She let out a quick scream as she fell toward the TV, covering her head as she prepared for the worst ....\n\nOh ... that wasn't so bad. It turned out she must have bounced against the TV and landed back on her couch. Thank God! She shuttered to think what might have happened if she had fallen into David's favorite porno.\n\nHey, wait a minute ... this isn't her couch. Her couch is made of cushioned fabric, this couch is made of leather; and her couch is an eggshell white, this couch is black.\n\nNo ... oh, no. She knew what this was. She'd seen it in the memes! This was ... the casting couch.\n\n**((This is Part 1, which I'm not sure if it's allowed to cut posts into multiple, but I just now became aware that Reddit comments have 10000 character lengths apparently))**" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "\"If you *dare* try to enslave me,\" the witch growled, \"I'll show you just how powerful my magic can be.\" The evil Queen just laughed. \"Your empty threats don't scare me girl. Guards, take her away!\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Y'know, it's just a job. I'm just a castle guard. It pays the bills. I've been moving up in the ranks a bit, got assigned to Her Highness' Personal Squad, even managed to move up to captain there.\n\nSometimes, I get crazy orders, like \"take her away and tie her to my bed!\" Well, it's a paycheck, although I half-wondered how a slip of a girl like this could be enough of a threat to merit a personal interrogation by Her Highness. In her bedroom. They said she was a witch, though, so we gagged her and kept ahold of her arms on the way to the queen's bedchamber. If they can't speak and can't wave their hands around, they can't do magic, right?\n\nHalfway there, I cuffed Ed for keeping ahold of more than her arms. \"We're not to molest prisoners, Ed,\" I told him.\n\n\"She's gonna die, Frank,\" Ed said with a grin, \"what's it matter if we have some fun?\"\n\n\"Halt,\" I said, and the group stopped, \"Jimmy and Pete - escort Ed to the brig. He is to remain there until I or someone higher ranking administer a sentence. Fred, grab the prisoner's arm in place of Ed, and we'll continue on.\"\n\nEd's jaw justabout hit his belt buckle. \"You're joking, right?\" he asked, as Jimmy and pete grabbed him.\n\n\"No,\" I told him, and looked to make sure Fred had the prisoner's arm, \"let's continue on.\"\n\nLuckily, nothing else really happened on the way to Her Highness' bedchamber, or while tying the limbs of the prisoner to the four-poster bed. I was thinking twenty lashes for Ed - molesting a prisoner, disrespecting Her Highness by implying she would kill the prisoner out of hand, and arguing back against a superior officer. I checked the knots myself, once we were done tying the prisoner up.\n\n\"Fred,\" I said, once we left the room, \"you are to inform Her Highness that the prisoner has been delivered to her chamber, and that I am dealing with a disciplinary issue.\" Fred hared off down the hallway. Twenty-five lashes for Ed, just for giving me this much of a headache.\n\nNo. It wouldn't be just to simply take out my frustrations on Ed, I thought, tromping down the hall. I needed to do this by the book, but I was pretty sure that meant something between fifteen and twenty lashes - I didn't quite remember the laws on some of those counts. Well, I could read, thanks to a village priest, so I'd go check the lawbooks before tomorrow, when I'd administer Ed's sentence in the early morning, per tradition.\n\n***\n\nThis was the worst night of my life. I'd been caught, hauled in front of the evil queen, then gagged and hauled off to be tied to her bed? I would have screamed \"WHAT THE HELL!\" but for the gag. Then one of the guards started groping me. I was shocked when his captain noticed and sent him to the brig.\n\n...and then any hope I'd felt died, as he tied me to the queen's bed anyway.\n\nThere was nothing I could do but wait. Would have been nice to be able to wait and hope, but that was gone. I'm not sure how long I laid there, spread-eagled with my limbs tied to the four posts and a gag in my mouth, but that's mostly because I drifted off at some point. Hey, it was a comfier bed than any I'd ever slept in before, alright?\n\n\"Mmmm,\" I heard, jolting me from sleep, \"what *have* we here?\"\n\nI'd know that voice anywhere - it was the evil queen. I would have given a witty rejoinder, too, if I hadn't had a fucking gag in my mouth.\n\nShe was sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed much more leisurely than when I'd seen her in the throne room. That outfit looked comfortable to a licentious degree - just the barest amount of fabric necessary to cover herself, and she was holding a wineglass.\n\n\"Oh,\" she said, \"that's right. You can't talk,\" she told me, then took another sip of wine, \"how about we fix that?\"\n\nThat did get my hopes up a bit.\n\nOf course she didn't take the gag off. No, she pulled my dress up instead. And her fingers... oh, god. Anything one of her guards might have done was small potatoes compared to the way she was... ohh... It felt completely different from doing it myself, and even as I strained against my bonds, I knew that if they weren't there, I'd probably let her do it anyway. It just felt so *good*, and before I knew it, I was thrusting my hips up against her hand.\n\n\"I think these are a bit in the way,\" she said, ripping off my panties. Were those *claws* I saw for a second there? They were gone as soon as I noticed them. But she was right - they had been in the way. Everything felt so much better now, and then she put a finger inside, and I nearly started writhing around on the bed. Then it was two fingers, and I did start writhing. She knew *just* where to play with. Was this what she'd meant by \"enslave\"? Who cares? It felt awesome. Even the ropes around my wrists and ankles just added to - OH GOD FUCK!\n\nI hadn't expected to cum that fast, and she just kept going at me with her fingers, while I was still sensitive. I couldn't even say anything through the gag - every noise I made sounded like an animal. Then she put the wineglass down on the bedside table, and bent over me.\n\nHer tongue lapped across my clit, as her fingers still plied their trade inside me, and I just, I just - I couldn't think straight. This wasn't a torture session, since she wasn't even inflicting pain, she was just driving me absolutely to the wall with pleasure, over and over, and I couldn't even say anything. Then she went for my tits with her other hand.\n\nI couldn't say anything, and I was positively thrashing on her bed. On my sworn enemy's bed.\n\nThen she looked at me, like a diver coming up for air, and asked \"want to return the favor?\"\n\nI nodded, and she slowly stripped her panties off, before straddling my face. Then she undid the knot and pulled the gag out.\n\nAt that moment I could have been free. I could have said The Forbidden Words. I could have won. But I leaned my neck up and started licking her instead.\n\nShe was delicious." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Two mech pilots get kinky without realizing that the motion capture rigs to their mechs are still active." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“This is Red 1, I’m at the rendezvous point. No visual on you yet, red 2, over.”\n\nThat was Captain James O’Hara, Red squadron leader, running a one on one training mission. I doubted he was up to any good, the kinky bastard, and his taunting just got me riled up. \n\n“Copy that Red One, Ill be in visual in a second, over. Look at the surveillance drone if you’re so desperate to see me, James.” \n\nI dashed forward in my 35 ton Cheetah mech. It was a nimble thing, armed with an array of pulse lasers and missile launchers. With the rocket jet assisted boosting, I could dash at over 150 kilometers per hour and hover for short periods, which was always a thrill deep inside. My bipedal mech ran in tune to my pedal control as I sat in my seat, instinctively nudging the twin joysticks in my cockpit so I could manipulate the mech’s arms to maintain my balance, my neurolink feeding me all the information I needed to stay up to pace. I wasn’t actually in the mech, rather a neuropod next to the Captain’s in a quiet room, with all inputs, both mechanical and neurological, fed out into the field to our actual mechs. Inside the neuropod, with our helmets on, it was impossible to tell where we actually were. \n\nIt was a top notch mech. No issues, aside from the fact that all the safety belts keeping me secured were locked tight by external control and my arms were tied to the armrests. I said that the Captain was a stupid kinky bastard. \n\n“...don’t forget to give me an over at the end of any transmission, Red 2. And on operation, you will not refer to me on a first name basis. Only refer to me as Red One, Captain, or Sir. In fact, only refer to me as ‘sir’. Is that clear, Red Two? Over.” \n\nI looked left at my heads up display, watching the voice frequency display next to his facecam picture waved to a thin line as he finished talking. He knew when I was done talking, he just spent too much time watching old war movies of star fighters blasting each other in low altitude planetary excursions. “Copy that, *sir*” \n\nA snort came over the comma, and his eyes rolled. “No sass, even on a training op. Now then, I have you on visual. Once you are at 100 meters from my position, slave your mech to mine.” \n\nI saw his own cheetah in the distance. Out here, over 200km on base, we would be unlikely to be observed by any other training unit. Slaving my mech to his would give him all the power over me, but it wasn’t as if he hadn’t done that yet. I looked down at my crotch, and beneath the signature skintight jumpsuit was the distinctive outline of the chastity belt he slapped on me. I wiggles my hips, feeling the two plugs he had inserted into me, as well as the catheter. The catheter was standard issue for jumpsuits, but the dildo stuck inside and the buttplug were of the highly unauthorized vibrating variant. I didn’t have much of a choice. He had the key to my belt. “Roger that, sir. Ah! Commencing slave uplink now.” \n\nA rolling shudder washed over me as I felt my neurolink intensity. Slaving a mech to another meant giving the other mech a unidirectional control over yours. He’d see my exact neurolink sensory information, as well as total control over mech functions. The dildo and the plug he had control over already, which he was using to tease me the whole way here. \n\n“Very good Red 2, although ‘Slave’ would be more appropriate for you now. You deserve a little something.” \n\nI felt the dildo and the plug whirr to life, the sounds of vibrations echoing through the cockpit. I would double over, try to lift myself up to stop the vibes from pressing into the seat, but the straps hold me tight. I cannot lift myself up, and I’m forced to bear the pleasure. \n\n“You’re so adorable like that, Slave, so squirmy.” I felt the vibes slow down before ending. “Tell me, were you disappointed when those vibes ended?” \n\n“No sir.” I looked at his mech raise a hand, before a beam of condensed light shot towards my chest. “Ah! Did you just shoot me, Captain?!” \n\nI saw his smug face. “Yes, and no. That was a targeting laser, but I adjusted your mech’s damage feedback to turn that into a painful electric jolt.” He fire again, this time at the upper leg of my mech, and I felt a jolt to my high. “Ugh! Please stop, sir!” \n\nMore grinning on his face cam. “Not yet. This is a training mission, and we’ll be running all the way back to base, and I’ll be giving you all the way. Slack off, and I’ll place a laser right onto your buttocks. Let’s start, slave!” \n\n“Ooh!” I felt the vibration between my legs again as the plugs came to life. “Ah! Sir!” A jolt between my buttocks reminded me of the task I had to perform if I didn’t want to get an electrified behind. “Don’t stop or slow down, slave. There’s more where that came from!”\n\n———————\n\nI let my mech collapse onto the docking bay floor, a solid 2 km ahead of Red One’s. He kept vibing me and shocking me, until I had managed to pick up a lead. Even then, he just vibed me harder until I’d slow back down into shooting range. I began the disconnect sequence, and once the pod door lifted, struggled against the restraints. Captain Ohara’s pod lifted after a minute of struggle, him arriving at base. With his neuronslmet still on and motion tracking cuffs on his wrists and ankles, he stepped out towards my struggling form. \n\n“Well, you’ve had your fun, right? Stop teasing me already and come fuck me!” He smiled, before caressing my cheek.\n\n“I knew you’d be so desperate at the end of our little training session, slave. Come on, tell me more about how much you want this?”\n\nOh fuck him, but I had to comply. I was burning inside, my suit dripping with my arousal all the way down to my knees. “Oh please, sir. I’ve been in here so long, running and sweating so much, please let me out so I can fuck you, sir.”\n\nHe smiled and began to undo my wrist straps, pressing a code into his arm mounted PDA, letting my seat harness retract. “Oh, how could I resist that.” He offered a hand that I took, pulling me into a kiss before spinning me around so that I had my palms right on the seat, stained with the juices that stained through the jumpsuit. He slapped my butt through the suit, eliciting a quick “Ah!” from me, before reaching down to grab at the seam holding my crotch together. \n\nThe terrible thing about the chastity belt he put on me was that it could slide the shield off to reveal my vagina without actually coming off, just to slide back on once finished, a feature he took advantage of many times. “Oh, you’re so wet and needy. Come on, let that dildo out.” I squeezed my vaginal muscles, letting his gently pull take the vibe out of me. “Ah! Come on, don’t make me wait a second longer, sir! Give it to me! Hard!”\n\nI couldn’t see behind myself, but I knew he was grinning. “Don’t order me like that, slave! I’m your superior officer, and your master!” He choose that moment to slide deep inside me. “Oh, yes sir! Yes master! Ohhhh...”\n\n———————\n\n15 minutes later, I came down from my afterglow. It was admittedly a lot less sexy to take a debriefing right after, especially when the General was there. Especially when the holoprojector showed my Cheetah getting humping it’s hips back into the crotch of James’ mech, grinding their metal parts together. \n\n“Well then, do you have any excuse for your actions, Red Two?”\n\n“Yes I do, General. Red One made me do it, sir.” \n\nI heard some whispering in my ear. That damned kinky bastard made me give a bunch of promises if I wanted the stupid belt off. “And it’s because I’m a needy mech jockey who couldn’t wait to get fucked.” \n\nThe General sighed. “Well, from your Captain’s deposition, it’s clear that you’re suffering from an overactive Libido that’s inhibiting your combat capabilities. I’m directing Captain James Ohara to serve as your probationary officer until you have this under control. \n\n“Yes sir.” More whispers. “I’m sure Captain James will be able to rectify any issues with my needy pussy in prompt time.”\n\nI walked out of that room with a beet red face. “Well then, Red Two? I think the General just ordered us to have some more training together.”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "In a world where superpowers exist, you have a very strange one. Whenever someone makes you cum, their own power is boosted by 50% and the effect stacks. The result of this is that both supervillains AND superheros kidnap you for hours, for their own \"uses\"." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "> Content: Bondage, MFF threesome, surprises.\n\nVines coiled around me, wrapping around my arms and legs, crossing around my chest and crotch. One slithered between my legs, making me feel each and every protrusion and leaf that rubbed up against my dripping wet pussy. I had a lot of things to say right now, but I couldn’t. Another vine had wedged itself across my teeth like a bit gag, making anything I tried to say unintelligible. Not that I had to. Mistress Passionfruit, the supervillain with absolute control over her super-vines knew all about me. I had confessed everything there was to know about my special spots hours ago, and she had kept me gagged and simmering until she was ready to *use* me again. The air in the greenhouse was hot, but not as hot as my skin as I ached for more.\n\n“Are you ready to give me a bit more of your power, Charlene?” A thin vine brushed my brown hair out of my eyes, and Mistress Passionfruit’s pale green face came into view. Instead of hair, she had vines growing out of her scalp. She could grow them from anywhere on her body, but the flowing vines from her head were decorated with brilliant flowers. \n\nI was about to nod my response, but a crash and a searing heat waved over me. A burning flame had shattered the greenhouse roof, and a figure dropped down to the ground in a shower of broken glass. Rising from his knees, I saw a broad, muscled chest underneath an open firefighter’s uniform. The hat had been discarded, flames erupting around his wavy hair like an angelic halo. “I hand The Philanthropist, Mistress Passionfruit! The Fireman is here to put an end to your dastardly schemes!” \n\nBurning bolts flew around, incinerating errant vines. A few almost struck me, but Fireman’s aim was true and hit some of the vines binding me instead. The gag vine, and the vine in between my legs. Mistress Passionfruit hissed at the pain, but did not release me. \n\nI groaned in complaint. “Couldn’t you have waited until I came again? I was so close to another orgasm! And stop using that stupid superhero name, I’m just Charlene!” \n\nThe Fireman shook his head and readied for more fighting by summoning flames to his palms. “I can’t do that, Philanthropist! League regulations, and if I let this villain make you cum again, she might be too powerful for me to fight!” Ugh. Stupid league violations, making me some superhero. Superheroes and public figures were okay for supervillains to kidnap under the Union of Supervillain’s rules, but civilians weren’t. And due to that stupid name I was given I kept getting caught up in these fights!\n\nI felt the vines coiling tighter as they held me closer to Mistress’s main body. I felt her chest rubbing up behind me as she spoke to Fireman. “It’s already too late. I’ve made her cum 3 times so far. I am 87.5 times stronger than the last time we met! My vines will be able to resist anything you have to throw at me!”\n\nThe Fireman did not back down, and looked like he had a secret trick up his sleeve. “Your strength is undeniable, but what you don’t realize is that I hooked up with Charlene last Friday!”\n\n“What?!” Mistress screeched. \n\n“What?!” I yelled at him. “Is that why you said your were too busy for a second round in the morning? Too busy with superhero crap?”\n\nA roaring flame surrounded himself, growing in intensity. “That’s right. I received an urgent call from the fire department. I had to go fight fire, *with fire!*”\n\nHis confusion tactic worked. When he charged and tackled Mistress Passion, she recoiled back, stunning her as she tried to beat out the flames. My body was held tightly against Fireman’s bare chest instead. His voice was urgent, “That will hold her back, but to get the power to defeat her, I’ll need to make you cum again!”\n\nI embraced him. “Alright, I’ve already been on the edge since you dropped in. Go ahead, but actually answer my DMs next time!” \n\nHe unzipped his fireproof pants and stuck out his cock. His pubic mound had a simmering flame as well, and I could feel his throbbing heat as he entered me. I planted and moaned as he bounced me on his cock in a tight embrace, his powered flames matching my own boiling lust. \n\n“Ah, I’m about to cum!” I yelled. \n\nBefore I managed, I felt a vine wrapping around my legs, and then Fireman grunted in shock. Mistress was up again, and staring at us with a deathly vengeance. “Oh I won’t let you make her cum. I’ll have to interfere!” More vines wrapped up around me, trying to pull me away but Fireman’s heat was too strong. Instead, smaller, tougher vines snaked below me, prodding at my clit and my ass.\n\n“If he’s going to make you cum, then I’ll make you cum too!” \n\nSlick nectar erupted around my ass and pussy, a high strength lube that let her enter in with two tough vines with ease. One slipped one to my ass, and the other slipped into my pussy next to Fireman’s. I moaned with the added pleasure as the cocks rubbed against each other inside of me, and soon I had some nectar of my own to add.\n\n\n“Ohhh...” I moaned. Power flowed from me into the two supers, draining me. I was lowered down to the ground by gentle hands and gentle vines both, out of the way before Fireman and Mistress Passionfruit approached each other menacingly. \n\n“Well, I’ve got a burning desire left in me,” he said, “a burning desire for justice!”\n\nShe started wrapping her vines around him, drawing him closer, “and I have a little upstart spark that needs to be punished!” \n\nI watched as the vines coiled around him, drawing him in as flames seared back at her. She was too resistant to fire now, but they had their effect of causing her to falter. Still, they approached one another, his cock still erect and her legs splayed open as tentacle vines held her before him. \n\nI felt like I should have mentioned how my powers didn’t just make people stronger, but it also made them hornier. I was too tired to even complain when they embraced each other, drawing in for a kiss. \n\nI was starting to feel left out when I felt something wrapping around my foot. My first thought was that it was just another vine, moving to bring me back into the action, but when I looked down, it was a mass of black rubber coiling around. \n\nI tried to scream for help from the two lovers, but before I could open my mouth, a band of the stuff wrapped around my mouth! “Mmph!” Other bands quickly wrapped around me, holding my hands to my body and my legs closely together. I struggled and wiggled, trying to break free as I saw a rubber hood emerge from an open drainage grate. \n\n“Shush, my pretty Charlene. Let’s leave those two to their devices. I’ve been watching for a while, every little beg and twitch that you’ve made, and I just had to capture you and hold you.”\n\nI felt myself being sucked down to the drainage pipe in the ground as the noises of loving filled the room. I couldn’t struggle against the tight rubber as Queen Rubber kept monologuing. \n\n“Oh yes, after a few months in my lair, you will have given me so much power I’ll be able to coat the whole world in delicious rubber! And don’t think that you know how your power works because I’ve found a way for you to cum *additively*.” \n\nI slid down the drainage pipe as she laughed. The last glimpse of light that I saw was through that open hole as I went down down down, towards Queen Rubber’s lair." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You are selected for an experiment where you're sent to another dimension to meet the genderbent version of yourself. He/she is a lot more attractive than you imagined" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I always thought I was attractive but I had never grasped the extent to which I was until I saw myself. Well, not really myself. Her breasts were definitely not mine and where my penis would be, I knew she had the sweetest of all pussies. But her hair was mine. Her lips, her jawline, her eyebrows were mine. The way she spoked, the way she laughed, although more effeminately, her mannerisms. They were all mine.\n\nIt was so taboo. But I had always loved taboo. I had always loved having sex in public, doing anal, making out with my childhood friends, both guys and girls, simply because it was so taboo. And so there, seeing myself. My oh so fuckable self made me eager for more. And I knew that if she was truly myself, then she would be craving me as much as I was craving her.\n\nI could see it in her eyes - the slight, mischievous looks she gave me. She thought about fucking me just as much as I thought about fucking her. I couldn't help but wonder if she was as wet as I was hard. If her mind was as rushed by filthy but oh so exciting thoughts as mine was. But deep down, I knew she she was. After all, she was me.\n\nAs we were passionately making out against the wall of her entrance way, I couldn't help but imagine, with excitement, the curves of her body. Would it be as sensual as I believed it to be? Well, I say making out with her, but the truth is that it was rather her that was making out with me. Each time evading her wrists from my hard grasp only to spin me around and pin my own hands. It made sense, I was a dom in my day to day life so why wouldn't she be? I couldn't help but feel excited by the thought of her dominating me. And I knew she felt excited by the thought of me dominating her as she left the softest moans whenever my hands held her firmly.\n\nAfter one of my kisses, I stared firmly into my... her deep brown eyes and saw the fire that burnt in us. The desire and cravings we harbored for each other. God I wanted her so much. Right now, any where, just here on the table, just here against the wall, just here on the floor.\n\nShe must have thought the same (of course she thought the same, she was me) as she turned around against the wall and pushed her ass against my hard dick. I put my hand around her waist to then slowly slide it up her skirt only to find that she had no underwear. (What a naughty girl, just like me.) I started masturbating her slowly as she grinded her ass against me but it wouldn't be long before she begged for my hard dick.\n\nI unzipped my pants, my dick bouncing off being no longer contained by fabric. I slowly went closer to start stroking the tip of my penis on her wet pussy, each stroke pulling a long and deep purr out of her. Finally, I started slowly inserting myself into her as she left out a long, deep moan of pleasure followed by a sharp gasp as I firmly entered her in the last few centimeters. \n\nI removed my hand from between her thighs and gently stroked it up her arm until her hand which I firmly grasped, my fingers interlocking with her as I fucked her gently. I buried my face into her neck and shoulders and covered them with kisses as I fucked her harder and harder. Her moans deepened with each of of my strokes. I had only one desire, to user her like the whore I knew us to be, and she seemed to share that desire as she pushed her ass deeper against me.\n\nEventually, I removed my hand from hers to slide it against the wall before firmly seizing her neck. She left a small gasp of fear but I saw that in the corner of her eyes and lips that she loved it when I fucked her harder and harder while choking her soft, frail neck. It seemed so fragile. (The thought turned me on.) My strokes deepened and quickened among the intensity of her moans until I felt ready to burst. Would I cum in myself? It was so taboo. I loved it.\n\n\nI looked at the little device the scientists had given me to get back home. I looked at myself naked, laying on the bed, her soft perky nipples waiting for me to suck them, or perhaps pinch them. Her long legs begging me to kiss them up until her sweet, wet pussy. I threw the device to the ground and stomped on it." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[IP] Your daughter/sister/coworker, Karla, has been pestering you to go clothes shopping with her. You finally give in and take her to the mall. After picking out a few outfits you head to the changing rooms. After waiting outside for a minute or two she asks you to come in and rate her outfit." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“So, what do you think?” Karla asked, turning around, not a stitch on her body. Her pert breasts jiggled as the rest of her came to a stop.\n\n“Uhh…” What sort of test was this? “You look beautiful.”\n\nShe grabbed at the air and lifted her hands up. “Isn’t it just the best dress? And the color is so stunning! It’s like, lapis lazuli, almost! I’ve never seen anything like it.”\n\n“Me neither,” I couldn’t help but agree. Her entire body lay exposed before me, something I had never dared to dream I might see. Her firm, petite breasts, her soft pink nipples, her shaved mound… But there was something odd going on here. Maybe her tits really were that perky, but they seemed supported, invisibly. “Is it charmed?”\n\n“Oh, that’s the best part! It’s supposed to be completely see-through for whoever’s destined to be my ‘mate.’” She giggled. “I know it’s a bit naughty, but I mean, if we’re going to be mates, it doesn’t matter if he gets a sneak peek of everything, right?” She looked back at me. “What are you staring at, anyways?”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Being a very flat chested woman has its benefits. For example, you can put on some guys swimming trunks and go topless at the beach or try sneaking into the men's changing rooms and see how long you get away with it." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The first time I walked into the male changing room and took off my shirt, I expected to cause a stir. I'd faked zoning out as I entered, dashed to a bench and pulled off my clothes, proudly displaying my chest to the men in the room. I had planned to wait until someone shouted that I was in the wrong room, apologise while lingering long enough to give everyone an eyeful, and then run home to privately indulge in the aftermath of my exhibitionism.\n\nThat hadn't happened.\n\nNo-one had noticed.\n\nI was sure it had been a fluke and became determined to try again. My hair was short, I had a muscular build, and yes, okay, I was flat as a board. But come on, no-one was that flat. I was obviously a girl. Or so I thought. Day after day I had walked into the wrong changing room, took off my top, and day after day no-one bat an eyelid.\n\n“Sup, bro?”\n\n“Sup,” I replied, as you did. I tried to keep my voice as low and masculine as possible as I spoke and it seemed to work, the mountain of muscle nodding back to me with a contented smile. I walked past him, nodding back, and found a free bench to dump my bags on while I stripped off my sweaty clothes.\n\nEven with experience, the feeling of being topless and surrounded by naked men was invigorating. I felt a heat build between my legs and glanced furtively around the room, stealing glances at the flesh on display. I wasn't a particularly visual person, the image of a naked man rarely did it for me. But there were five of them, and the air was heavy with their scent, and I was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers that were loose enough to hide a cock and didn't. I shivered. This was perfect. I barely noticed when a sixth man entered the room.\n\n“Prof?”\n\nI froze. There were plenty of people with that title. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and came face to face with Luke. One of my students.\n\n“Prof?” he said. His gaze stuttered downwards and this time the word was a drawn out gasp of shock. My heart leapt into my chest.\n\n“Shhhh,” I hissed, grabbing his arm with one hand and pulling him towards me.\n\n“What-what-why-what?” he stuttered. Strategies flashed through my mind. Too late to say I was here by accident. I considered claiming it was research, but that wouldn't work, and for the first time in my life I wished I'd picked social studies instead of comp-sci. No, there was no point hiding it.\n\n“I like it when people see me,” I said. Simple, and to the point. “Don't blow my cover.”\n\nLuke nodded, slowly, and for a second I thought I'd got away with it. Then one side of his mouth curled up in a smile. I glanced down and saw the bulge in his pants.\n\n“Or what?” he said. Boys. They really are the worst.\n\n“Seriously? I'm your teacher. Can you even imagine how difficult I could make your life?”\n\nThe smile widened. “Same to you, now I know your secret.”\n\nI lowered my voice, ensuring no-one nearby could overhear our conversation. “You're my student. I'm not letting you fuck me.”\n\n“I didn't ask you to!”\n\n“You were thinking it,” I said.\n\nLuke shrugged. He had definitely been thinking it. At his age it was unlikely he thought about much else.\n\n“What if I was?” he asked.\n\n“You're barely legal.”\n\n“Barely is still legal.”\n\nThe whisper hung in the air, a statement that was almost a challenge. We stared at each other, then Luke started to take off his clothes. It was a changing room, he was changing. There wasn't much I could do.\n\nIt had been time some time since the last class and the changing room began to empty. I held Luke's gaze as he undressed, wondering if we would end up alone, deciding what I would do if we were. He had a nice body, slim and fit, and he left his boxers on, the bulge still visible. When the last person left the room he slid them down, displaying himself and smirking at me. It wasn't much to smirk about, average in size and length. It was also as hard as a rock. And since that was the part he was thinking with, I didn't have many options.\n\n“You should do something about that,” I said.\n\n“Should I? Shouldn't you?”\n\n“I'm standing topless in front of you and I'll stay until you're done. That's the deal. Don't push your luck.”\n\nLuke shrugged, then reached a hand down and started stroking himself, his eyes still fixed on mine. It was intimate, but not unpleasurable. He was my student, and I wasn't going to fuck him; too messy, too many problems. But I *had* come here to be watched. I stepped closer to him and he grunted, his movements becoming faster.\n\n“I want to fuck you,” he said.\n\n“Nope.”\n\nHe glanced down at my boxers. “At least take those off?”\n\n“Sorry,” I said. I stepped closer again and placed a hand on his chest. It was hard and warm, heaving with the deep breaths of exertion. I trailed my fingers over his muscle, listening for the sounds of imminent climax. He started to shudder, and I pushed my hand against him. “Getting close?”\n\n“Y-yeah,” he managed. I smiled at him. My hips were inches from his, close enough that his load would cover my boxers and thighs. He knew it, and I knew it, and the air between us crackled with what was about to happen. \n\n“I'm not going to help you,” I said. “But if you swear never to tell anyone about this I'll drop to my knees right now.”\n\n“Fuck, I swear, I swea-”\n\nI sank as he started to cum and the first squirt splashed across my chest. I glanced up at him, fixing the image in my mind and then closing my eyes as he squeezed the rest of the load out onto my face. I kept my lips pressed together and made a show of trying not to let any of the salty fluid enter my mouth. It did, and I savoured it. But Luke didn't need to know that.\n\nWhen he was done I stood back up, grabbing his sweaty gym Tshirt and wiping my face on it.\n\n“Ew, Prof…”\n\n“What? I'm not getting you on my own clothes.”\n\n“Still…”\n\nI handed the cum soaked garment back to him. “You really want to complain now? I could scream for help, you know. Say you forced me in here. I think I still have some evidence in my hair…”\n\n“Wait-” he said, raising his arms. He looked terrified. \n\n“Relax. We've both done… foolish things today. And we made a deal. I figure we're even. The slate is wiped clean. Okay?”\n\n“Yeah,” he sighed. His face looked broken now, his energy and confidence sapped in the aftermath of an orgasm. “Even. Deal. Clean slate.”\n\n“Great. One other thing.”\n\n“What?”\n\n“I'm still your teacher and I swear to god if you mention a word of this to anyone I will fucking murder you. And your grades. And any hope you have of a career. And anything else you care about. Am I clear?”\n\nLuke nodded. “Yes, Prof.”\n\nSomething about the subservient way he spoke those words reached down inside me and sparked a reminder of my reasons for doing this, and the fact that I didn't want to stop. And what I was going to do as soon as I got home. And who I was going to be thinking about.\n\n“Luke?”\n\n“Yes, Prof?”\n\n“If you ever see me here again-”\n\n“Got it Prof, mouth shut. Tell no-one. Please don't murde-”\n\n“Don't interrupt me,” I snapped.\n\n“S-sorry.”\n\n“If you ever see me here again,” I said, and this time I was the one smirking. “The terms of our deal will be the same. Understand?”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[IP] Your new girlfriend was both possessive *and* loved to show you off. I guess that was to be expected when you started dating a Kobold." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It was in Nexus, Queen of Cities and capital of the Old Empire, that they had met. Aaron of the Bull Clan had been a mercenary on leave after completing a contract that had left him and his comrades with more wealth than they’d ever imagined seeing in their lifetimes, and he’d gone on a spree in the city’s brothels with his shield brother, Cameron of the Bear Clan. They’d fucked elvish whores first, elves were famed across the world for their beauty and their sexual skills, so that had been almost obligatory. After that, they’d set out to try stranger fare in stranger places. Nexus was home to communities of every intelligent race and had perhaps the finest brothels in the world. It also helped that here, in the heart of the Old Empire, the church of the Mother Goddess still emphasized the traditional fertility aspect of their deity, so that the church did not frown on any consensual sex, or try to suppress the brothels.\n\nThey’d been a bit drunk, walking from one place to another, and they’d debated which race would be the strangest. Goblins were foul, and barely intelligent, so neither of them wanted to try fucking a goblin, but what else could they try? Cameron had been intent on returning to the place they’d just left:\n\n“I mean, did you see that fiend-blooded whore? Enormous breasts and a cute prehensile tail. Can you imagine what she could do with that? I say we go back, even if she had horns like a ram, you saw she had a cunt… and I’ve a mind to try using those horns as handlebars!” Aaron had laughed, then:\n\n“What about kobolds? They’re nearly as strange as goblins, but less foul and more intelligent.” Cameron had laughed:\n\n“Kobolds. Scaly folk who lay eggs? I think you might have identified the strangest sort of woman to lay.” In the end, they’d parted ways. Cameron would go back to try his luck with a fiend-blooded woman, while Aaron would look for a place with kobold whores.\n\nIt took him a while, but he found a man, one of the bouncers at the next place he tried, who in exchange for a silver piece told him where to look for kobolds.\n\nWhen he found the place, at first he thought that he’d been cheated. It looked like an ordinary tavern that happened to mostly be serving kobolds. Still, he’d gone in and ordered a mug of beer from the bar. When he’d sat down to drink, a kobold came up to him:\n\n“Hello, hairy one. What brings you here?” He looked at the kobold… it took him a second to be sure that he was talking to a female. Kobolds did not nurse their young, nor did they have most features he’d associate with male or female – no hair, for one thing – but you could tell if you’d seen kobolds before. He decided to gamble, the worst possible result was that they’d throw him out and he’d be down the price of a mug of beer, then he’d go back and perhaps teach that bouncer a lesson.\n\n“I was told that this was the place to go, if I wanted to meet kobolds for… special services.” She laughed, a raspy sort of noise:\n\n“True, true… what do you know of kobold culture?” He frowned:\n\n“Not much. You lay eggs, you tend to live in the mountains… not much else.” Another raspy laugh:\n\n“Then I educate you, no charge! Kobolds lay eggs, clutched of four or five. Usually, three or four females to each male. In the mountains, successful males keep many wives, boss them something awful. Some females don’t like that, run off to human towns. Some males curious, run off too. But, more females than males. Mostly, we like it here, but females have needs…” She made some sort of serpentine motion that he thought might have been intended to show off that she was graceful, and laid a scaly hand on his thigh: “So we have a place like this, meet males. No pregnancy, no diseases when kobolds play with hairy ones.” If she’d had a human mouth instead of a kobold snout, she would have been grinning, he was sure of it. “You want buy me a beer, see if you like it with a kobold upstairs?” He’d hesitated for perhaps a second:\n\n“Sure, let me get you a mug.” They’d finished their beer double quick, then gone upstairs… he’d learned her name was Grett, an unlovely name for a cute little lizard girl. She had fled a boring and confining future in the kobold warrens, and now lived and worked near Nexus. Not a professional whore, just a kobold who’d decided she wanted to get laid. He approved of that attitude… approved of it even more when they’d gotten in bed together and he’d had the chance to experience her body and her enthusiasm. At first, he’d been concerned that he’d hurt her if he penetrated her, but she’d laughed at that:\n\n“Largest penis, smaller than smallest egg – and we lay four or five at once!” So he’d let her mount him to start, he laid on his back and let her take his cock while she faced him. She felt tight around his cock but seemed to enjoy the tightness of the fit as much as he did. She rode him, first slowly then increasingly enthusiastically. She leaned if as if for a kiss, and he worried about her sharp, lizard-style, teeth and kobold snout, but she extended her long tongue and he found she wanted to put it in his mouth. Their tongues wrestled as she invaded his mouth, and he was reminded of a woman fellating a man’s penis… but it wasn’t uncomfortable, and he was happy that he could please her by doing this. He remembered Cameron’s comment about the fiend-blooded whore’s prehensile tail, and wondered what Grett the kobold could do with her long and nimble tongue. Traditional fellatio might not be possible with a kobold woman, but there would be other options…\n\nWhen they finished, he held her in his arms and nuzzled against her. Her scales were a little rough against his belly, but between her legs she was smoother, and as soft as a human woman. Her tail was in the way if he wanted to penetrate her in that sort of spooning position, but it still felt good to hold her like that while he recovered his stamina. They did not talk while he held her, and he felt more comfortable than he had with whores. He was not paying for her time, and somehow that made it better, more comfortable, even thought they were basically strangers. When he was ready to go again, he laid her down and lifted her tail, so that he could penetrate her from behind. She made him adjust the positioning, so that she was bent over the edge of the bed and he was kneeling on the floor to take her. This worked, and she appeared to enjoy it immensely… he felt her tighten around his cock and heard a rasping noise he could not quite differentiate from the laughing noise she’d made. He thought that it would be physically possible to bugger a kobold, although he did not try with her. It was more an idle interest, noticing the position of the anus below the tail. So both of those holes were available, even if oral sex was impractical." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Those joining the young baroness' staff are given a special note with their orientation. It contains only her safe word, followed by \"Have fun!\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "He was determined to make her say it, to find her limit. But as of yet, he was yet to hear that word from between her lips.\n\nRight now, he had the young baroness bent over the dining room table, hammering her as hard as he could, making the long, oak table rock. He gripped a belt that was wrapped around her neck, not quite tight enough to prevent her from speaking, but enough to make the pretty blonde noble's face bright red.\n\nThe elegant baroness he was brutalising was face down, spluttering as she was fucked by her servant. What was even the point of a safe word if she never used it?\n\nHer long skirts had been ripped and torn apart, exposing her bottom half. He'd pushed her down, spread her legs and got to work, sure that this time he'd go just hard enough, violate her to the point she gave up and tapped out. Instead, she excitedly gurgled a \"Yesh! Oh yeth pweathe!\" through her rough choke.\n\n\"I'm going to fucking finish inside you now...\" She didn't respond.\n\n\"I'm gonna put my seed inside you. You fine with being bred by a low-born stablehand?\" he laid down a sharp smack on her already bright red ass, loosening his grip on the belt slightly to make her words easier to understand.\n\n\"Give it to me! Use me!\" This rich bitch was fucking crazy.\n\nThe burly man sunk balls-deep into the aristocrat, not hesitating to empty his balls into her womb. He let go of the belt and stepped away, buttoning up his trousers.\n\nShe stayed where she was for a moment, head turned to the side, breasts pressed into the hard wood, gasping for air. After a minute, she slowly staggered to her feet, legs shaking.\n\n\"I might be taking Sugar out for a ride later, do you mind saddling her up in a half an hour?\"\n\nHe couldn't believe how casually she was already talking to him. Sure, she was eccentric, sure she was sex-mad, what noble wasn't? But seriously? This was getting exhausting.\n\n\"Half an hour then.\" The big man grabbed her by the hair and started walking, listening closely for that special phrase that would mean he'd beaten her. No such luck. He dragged her all the way down the stairs, skirts torn to the stables and shoved her into a pile of straw.\n\n\"Alright my lady.\" He selected a riding crop from the wall. \"Let's see if you'll be able to sit down at all by the time I'm done with you.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The app was supposed to let her absorb and internalize everything in the documentaries and educational videos she had queued, as she slept. She didn't count on it picking up the porn that was open in the other tabs..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“NeuroCram is ready. Please place on your headset and commence sleep,” the pop-up said. Megan let out a sigh of relief. She was weeks behind in her studies and woefully unprepared for tomorrow’s final exam - BIO 201 - a class she absolutely despised. When her friend Rachel agreed to loan her the NeuroCram headset, Megan leapt at the opportunity to not spend even a minute studying.\n\nShe had dutifully pulled up every lecture from the semester, each in its own tab, ready to be downloaded into her brain as she slept. She put the laptop on her desk, leaned back in her dorm room bed, letting her thick brown hair spread out over her pillows, and closed her eyes. Thirty minutes later she was still wide awake. Too much caffeine? Headset a little uncomfortable? Megan wasn’t sure. She decided to use her usual method- a quick porn session- to get her to relax.\n\nMegan liked to take things slow, queuing up multiple videos in search of the perfect scene. From night to night her tastes varied- boy-girl, girl-girl, lesbian orgy, public nudity... She browsed through a couple, teasing herself under her pajamas as she warmed up. A few videos in she pulled out her vibrator, a classic Magic Wand knockoff, and started to buzz. She kept it on low as she continued to browse, still searching for the perfect scene. After another 30 minutes, Megan felt an orgasm coming on. She went for it, thrusting her wet pussy against the buzzing tip of the vibrator, biting the pillow to suppress her moans from echoing down the hall. It was nearly 2am, and as Megan turned the vibrator off, she felt her eyelids start to droop...\n\n7:30am Megan was woken by her phone alarm loudly beeping. She opened her eyes, confused, her Magic Wand still in her left hand and the faint sound of autoplayed porn emanating from her laptop headphones.\n\nShe yanked off the NeuroCram headset and glanced at the practice exam on her desk. It worked! The answers came to her in a flash- like it was all she knew. Excitedly, Megan started to get dressed to go to her exam. As she picked her outfit, she decided to go a little provocative today. A crop-top and booty shorts, why not?\n\nAs Megan left her dorm and started to make her way across campus she started to feel her mind race. Dirty thoughts. Everyone she passed, she imagined fucking them in some form. It didn’t matter who. An 80-year old professor passed her as she imagined getting throatfucked by his aging cock. A group of sorority girls passed and her mind turned to a lubed-up poolside orgy. Megan felt her horniness rise intensely; she was only about halfway there when she had to stop, her legs buckling from the pleasure she was getting just from imagining these scenarios.\n\nThe campus coffee shop was right around the corner, so when Megan came to she turned in that direction. Maybe she just had some residual horniness from last night? In a pinch she could make herself cum in the bathroom, just to get it out of her system.\n\nAs she entered the coffee shop it was like a sensory overload. She could barely see, her mind blocking her vision with scenes of her getting fucked doggystyle against the cafe counter, licking cum off the cute barista’s chin, writhing on the tiled floor from getting eaten out...\n\nShe stumbled into the bathroom and burst into a stall. She tore open her backpack and pulled out her laptop, and that’s when she realized what had happened. All the porn from last night had been downloaded into her brain. Everything she was imagining was based on a video she’d opened. Megan was both panicked and intensely aroused as she flipped through the tabs. She couldn’t help but slip her fingers down her shorts, her pussy soaking wet as each video triggered mental amplification of the erotic response. She rubbed her clit, sensually at first but vigorously soon after, her knees trembling and her head leaning back against the bathroom wall as the pleasure coarsed through her body.\n\nAll of a sudden a hand pushed open the stall door. Megan sat up with shock and instinctively closed her legs, not that it wasn’t extremely obvious what she was doing.\n\n“Ummm... This is the men’s room...” he said, nervously.\n\nMegan sat there, stunned, saying nothing for a few seconds.\n\nThe she grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the stall. “Good. Now take off your pants,” she commanded." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "With a large formal even coming up, it was expected that people go with dates. On Twitter, people ask athletes and models and singers all the time. When you invited your favorite pornstar as a joke, you never really expected them to agree." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "**Formal**\n-------------------\n\n*It was a joke. It was only a joke goddammit. And now she's actually here to do it!*\n\nBilly's mind raced as he thought about how to greet the twenty-year-old starlet that had entertained him through all those lonely nights. Billy tried his best not to blush when he saw her, his mind recalling all the lascivious images of her pale face glossed by white spatters of baby batter. \n\nEmmy Anderson was in town and as she stepped into the chartered limo, she surprised Billy with a hug. Billy tried to figure out what to do with his hands, arms limply wrapping around the small of her back.\n\nIt excited him thinking about all the times he'd seen the money shots of pearly stickiness pool in that exact same arch he was touching right now. *No, no, don't be a creep! She's just here for a formal,* Billy chastised himself as he slowly pulled away from the hug, wanting more.\n\n\"Thanks for inviting me to your spring formal! It's refreshing to see a guy ask me for something other than sex,\" she gushed as she sat down and began powdering her face.\n\nBilly felt hot as he felt the stiffy in his trousers. *No, no, no, you don't want to make her think you just invited her to hookup,* Billy thought as he shifted his position and tried to flex his legs to shift the blood flow.\n\n*Think about Mongolian genocide. Think about starving children in Africa. Think about-* \n\nA makeup pallette flew past Billy's leg as the limo hit a speed bump. The window whirred down and the driver turned with an apology. \n\n\"Excuse the bumpy ride. We had to take a detour as there was construction on the originally planned route and we'll be at the formal soon.\"\n\n\"Oh, that's okay, thanks for telling us,\" Emmy said, brush still in hand. \"Billy? Would you please get my pallette for me?\"\n\nThe window whirred back up as Billy shook off his daze.\n\n\"What? Oh, right, your makeup pallette. Yeah, sure.\"\n\nHe reached down and tried not to cringe when he remembered his pointer tenting his trousers. \n\nBilly bashfully handed the pallette to the adult star to a bemused face. \n\n\"Thanks,\" Emmy smiled with a knowing glance at the excitement between Billy's lap. \"You know, I didn't expect someone who was brave enough to ask out a porn star to be a virgin,\" she said as she closed the pallette and leaned closer to Billy.\n\n\"Wh-what makes you say that? Wait, why are we talking about my virginity…I mean, uh, my supposed virginity here?\" Billy stammered, breaking his prior façade of confidence. \n\n\"Because, I find it cute when virgin guys try to hide how excited they are even though it's obvious how much they want to have *sex*,\" Emmy brushed her red hair aside as it fell across her face dramatically from the fury of the last word. \n\n\"Let me help you a bit with *that*,\" Emmy gestured to the stiffy, \"And if you want to stop, just tell me.\"\n\nHer pale hands undid Billy's belt, running over the outline of his excitement. Billy couldn't believe his luck. A soft, cool hand slid past his waistband with her pale arm contrasting his black tux. \n\nBilly tried to control his breathing but Emmy had just the right grip to send him close to the edge. Slickness came naturally from the silkiness ebbing out his excited tip in anticipation of the finale.\n\n\"Since I don't know when we'll get there, let's finish this fast,\" Emmy said as she unzipped his pants, gave an approving glance at the length, drooled a bit on his stiffy, and jerked, Kleenex at the ready.\n\nBilly could hold on no longer, letting go as spurt after spurt of white came forth, some splattering past the tissues and onto her breast. Emmy smirked as she wiped the spatter off her breast and tossed the tissues into the complementary trash bag on the limo. \n\nA squirt of hand sanitizer later for Emmy and a hasty redoing of trousers later, Billy would be holding onto Emmy's hand as they exited the limo to the formal.\n\n\"Did you bring protection?\" Emmy whispered into Billy's ear, his heart still pounding from excitement.\n\nWith a shy, curt nod from Billy, Emmy murmured, \"Great, maybe we can have more *fun* in the bathroom later.\" \n\nBilly tried to hide his smile, excited for what was to come." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "I moaned as quietly as I could, but it felt so good fucking my hand. The glow of the living room computer monitor would lead any of my family right to me if they woke up, but this was the only way I had to enjoy internet porn. I was so close when I heard, \"Her boobs are fake,\" behind me." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I smashed the alt tab button with lightning rapidity, but it was already far too late. “You can tell they’re way over filled because she’s struggling to wrap them all the way around him.” The window that came up wasn’t even League, it was another browser window – this one open to the /r/Paizuri subreddit with every single link already purple. Mom’s laughter quietly rang out. Failing miserably to hide the porn I just tried to put my dick away as the chair swiveled around unbidden and I was brought face to face with the deep cleavage plunging down into her lacy pink nighty. \n\n“Real tits,” she said, her finger tips caressing the valley between her bosom, “They have a little sag to them.” I watched in mortified arousal as her four fingers disappeared between her breasts, noting she didn’t even have to pull down the front of her top to do it. Mom wouldn’t have had that problem. Mom could have fit my entire head between them. My cock throbbed at the disgusting thought. More precum oozed down my tortured shaft. God, to just have my face between them!\n\n“Oh, but look at you,” she purred as my raging erection came into view. Her hand left her tits and as I sat petrified, her index finger dabbed the crystal clear droplet perched on the tip of my cock and slowly began to rub its slick contents in a slow circle around the head. My whole body shuddered at once. She knew exactly what she was doing. “I guess size runs in the family,” she said as she licked her lips and settled to her knees in front of me. \n\nI had no idea what she was doing, but as her finger traced its way down the bulging vein that ran its way down my length I wasn’t capable of arguing. I practically pouted with need. With a grin, she reached down and pulled out her giant tits. Mom’s tits were clearly real – and they were absolutely massive. They had the telltale sag she had talked about. They were veiny. Her areolas were huge. And for some terrifyingly incomprehensible reason the only thing I could think of was how desperately wanted to suck on those puffy nipples of hers. \n\nMom looked me in the eye as she wrapped her giant tan lined tits around my cock. \n\n“This is what real boobs are like,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. As her incredibly soft skin closed around my aching manhood I practically moaned. I had never been more turned on in my life. My erection never larger. Never harder. I quivered between her pillows as she smiled up at me and then pursed her lips, letting a long glob of saliva drip down and disappear between them. She rubbed them together, her tits, my cock, and her slick spit until my cock began to easily glide between them.\n\nI thought I was going to blow my load right then and there before she had even gotten started, but apparently getting started earlier and then caught had done something to my sensitivity. Instead mom smiled up at me and began sliding her tits up and down my shaft, keeping me held securely in her cleavage. I could feel her soft, caressing touch along every single inch. The divine, practically ethereal feeling of her angelic cleavage wrapped delicately around my manhood, pleasuring me in a way I’d only dreamed about.\n\nAnd it felt better than anything I’d ever felt before.\n\nAs mom worked, she kept the pace slow, drawing it out. Each huge sweep of her breasts sending waves of sensation coursing through my body. I was going to cum soon and I was having trouble staying quiet. How I wanted to moan! To scream! To yell “fuck yes!” as my mother’s fat tits worked my cock. Instead my legs wrapped around her. The closer I got the tighter I squeezed. My knuckles went white as my grip on the chair tighter. My body ached as I got so very close to the edge.\n\nAnd then I felt it. The shake. The spasm. The sudden release as I could take no more. With a sudden rushing sensation I came, experiencing a releaf I’d only ever dreamed of. It came gushing out. My cum spraying from my cock not in a normal, tissue sized load, but in a fountain – a veritable flood of ecstasy. Rope after rope poured out, flooding her cleavage, erupting over her tits, absolutely covering her in white hot jizz as I trembled and shook.\n\nEverything was hazy. I couldn’t move - couldn’t speak – as mom’s tits continued to slide as they always had been slowly up and down my shaft, milking every single last precious drop of cum from my balls until she finally felt me begin to soften. \n\nMom audibly smirked as she stood up, leaning forward to give me a closer look as she rubbed my cum into her tits.\n\n“You see what real tits can do, baby? Don’t ever settle.”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She had a strict \"anything more than underwear is too much to wear at home\" policy. This was regardless of her roommate's brother needing to stay at the apartment for a while..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Simon sat on the couch with his sister.\n\n“Seriously it’s great, I had no idea where I was going to go. Are you sure Piri is ok with this?”\n\n“Yeah… I’ve been needing to talk to you about her before she gets home.” said Nina.\n\n“She doesn’t know does she?”\n\n“Oh no, she knows, she likes the idea. Cheaper for everyone, the more the merrier and all that shit…”\n\n“She is really intense, I don’t like the idea of surprising her.” said Simon.\n\n“Piri is… yeah. Anyway everything is fine but there is a rule.”\n\n“I shudder to think what rule Piri has in order.”\n\nSimon heard the door close.\n\n“Shit! Strip!” said Nina as she turned into a flurry of clothing.\n\n“Nina… um, Nina?... Nina, no seriously stop!”\n\n“Fuck! Get your clothes off!” whispered Nina.\n\n“If this is some kind of weird way to come onto me, I’m so not down.” said Simon as he looked away from his sister's bra.\n\n“Get your shi-”\n\n“What the fuck is this!” said Piri, holding a bundle of clothes under her arm while wearing only a sports bra.\n\nSimon looked from the naked… almost naked Piri to Nina...\n\n“No no no… this isn’t an incest thing… Why are you naked. This is… the fuck is going on?” asked Simon as Piri stepped into the kitchen, rummaging through a draw.\n\n“Stip!” commanded Piri as she… what the fuck! Simon ducked to the side as a giant fucking kitchen knife lodged into the couch. Piri flicked up another, twirling it in her fingers like Bishop from Aliens.\n\n“Your clothes are coming off one way or another!” said Piri as she brought the knife down toward him. It lodged into the coffee table he had lifted.\n\n“Piri this is seriously fucked up!” shouted Nina.\n\nThe knife pulled free and Simon hurled the cheap Ikea table at Piri. Nina was scrambling back on the couch as Simon pulled the knife free, bringing it up in time to parry Piri’s next blow. No time for words, Simon was dancing over the couch dodging and parrying as knife thrusts tore through the air around him. Working his way out of the corner all the while. The occasional scratch of metal on metal sounded out for the few strikes he could not avoid entirely.\n\nSimon stood with his back to the kitchen, a torn-in-two coffee table between them as Piri looked him up and down.\n\n“I will win this.” said Piri. A devilish open mouthed smirk crossing her lips as she caught her breath.\n\n“Your form is fast but your improv is lacking!” said Simon, sweeping the table to send a fruit bowl and loaf of bread, following them up with a knife strike across her side. Piri twisted with a cocky smile as he passed, her waist running over his fingers as the knife tore through material. They stepped back, her sports bra strap hanging loose, Simon’s shirt torn through. He gathered the material and tore it free to reveal his chest.\n\nPiri looked him up and down, her lips blowing him a kiss.\n\n“The fuck guys! Fucking stop!” shouted Nina from the couch.\n\n“Silence girl! The adults are talking.” said Piri as she flicked the blade up. Simon dodged the anticipated thrown blade as he closed the distance, catching the new short cheese knife with his own, his hand snapping over her wrist and pushing her to the counter with his side, their lips lingering at each other. It left him wide open for her free hand as it quickly ran down his side to his belt. The leather pulled free as he opened the distance between them. Before the cheese knife had even reached the floor he was avoiding the cracking licks of his own belt. The knife was useless at this range.\n\nPiri dodged the flung blade and turned, eyes wide as she had to avoid the repeated blows of two halves of the Tofteryd© coffee table. Shattering into ever smaller stumps against bench and cupboard.\n\nPiri reached the stovetop as the last remaining lacquered piece of chipboard disintegrated into the tiles, he caught the belt and threw it around the small of her back, pulling her hips against his. Piri grunted with effort, her fingers reaching for his button as his lips pressed to hers. The kiss a frenzy of lips and tongue as he dropped the belt to fumble with her hands. His pants were staying on thank you very much. She was too still... her left wrist unaccounted for. Simon suspicion pulled his head back to avoid the frying pan, catching her arm and continuing her twist to press her hips to the stovetop, her arse secured against his still triumphantly-on pants. Piri fumbled with the pan with one hand, the other joining his at her throat. Moaning over his fingertips as she rubbed her arse against his crotch. His cock apparently unaware his sister was in the room and entering the fight without being tagged in. Piri dropped to the stove while Simon hoped Nina was not watching. His body lowering to hers as he smelt… gas?\n\nFlame erupted as their bodies tumbled away to sprawl on the tiles. Piri landing to straddle his waist. Her hands pinning his to the floor as imported shards of sweden dug into his back.\n\n“Stalemate” said Simon.\n\n“Can’t fuck me with your pants on.” said Piri with a smile, her lips just above his. I mean… he totally could and almost was but the rule wasn’t THAT unreasonable.\n\nLoud static and white filled the room as Piri and Simon stood side by side, a potato peeler in Piri’s hand and a sponge in Simons to address the new threat.\n\nNina stood with a fire extinguisher in her underwear, her bored expression turning to a glare.\n\n“This is why I don’t invite my boyfriends over Piri.” said Nina, turning to leave for her room.\n\nPiri glared at Simons pants... He could fuck her with them on." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She just wanted to give her students some relief from the heat, she didn't expect that letting them strip down to their underwear would get so out of hand." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It was a hot day, which was obviously expected. It was the end of the semester, so of course the sun was merciless. That was normally not a problem. The ACs in the university were normally very well kept. Most of the students even hung out in the classrooms and lecture halls just for that very reason. \n\nThe problem was that the room Prof. Keller's class was taking place had a unit that was currently malfunctioning. That meant the place was sweltering. Her normally attentive students looked like they were melting. She was too, but she at least could pretend to be able to deal with it. But it was making her job difficult.\n\nShe sighed. \"Alright, it's hot.\" She admitted. \"Tell you what, how about everyone takes a few layers off. Only for today, and only in this room, of course. That should help relieve some heat.\"\n\nThe students gave a weak cheer of agreement. Hopefully they would be able to maintain composure. The boys especially. But the class was fairly average in terms of physical appearance, so there shouldn't be any problem. Then she looked around. Something was... different. Something was wrong. The students looked quite a bit different than they should have.\n\nWhen did the very petite Julia develop breasts that big? And why did the skinny, nerdy Kevin now have a six pack? Every student suddenly looked like they belonged in the adult film industry. All the girls were curvy, busty and gorgeous. All the men were tall, muscular and handsome. \n\nHad they always looked like that? No, she was quite certain that this was a recent development. And was it just her, or was her blouse feeling a bit more snug than it usually did? Well, she could worry about that later. She had a job to do.\n\n\"Okay then. Now that we can beat the heat, let's get back to the lesson. I hope everyone's been taking notes.\" She turned to the smart board, which was thankfully working, and began giving her lesson.\n\nShe was interrupted by a long, breathy moan. She turned, ready to give a quick warning about paying attention and not disrupting the class. The words died on her lips. The formerly chubby George had his head between the shy Kelly's legs. The now suddenly statuesque girl was moaning and her beautiful face was flushed. \n\nAnother girl went to a guy and dropped down to her knees. She pulled his boxers down, freeing an almost absurdly large manhood. She licked her lips and took his length into her mouth. Prof. Keller was too stunned to do anything to stop them. \n\nOne by one, each student chose a partner. And then, the classroom decended into one large orgy. All semblance of education was lost as girls sucked the boys and the boys went down on the girls. Girls were bent over desks and tables as they were impaled on the guy's long spears. The teacher could only watch in both horror and fascination as every single student submitted to their sexual urges.\n\nGirls screamed in orgasmic pleasure and guys cried out as they filled the air with their seed. Even Prof. Keller felt something stir inside her. Something she had not felt in years, and certainly not because of her ex-husband. She felt herself reaching down to her crotch when she felt a hand on her shoulder.\n\nThe nerdy boy, Kevin, was looking at her. He did not look nearly as needy now. He took hold of her waist, which she now noticed was considerably smaller than in should have been. His muscles swelled as he lifted her off the ground--since when could he do that? He set her on her desk and began ripping her blouse off.\n\nShe knew she should refuse him. But for some reason, she did not want to. In fact, she spread her, quite a bit longer, legs. Her clothes were torn off and a pair of powerful arms pulled her in close as he slid inside of her.\n\nShe felt a surge of pleasure unlike any she had ever felt before as the large member entered her. She could not suppress a cry of joy as he began pumping. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, only fully noticing that whatever had happened to her students had happened to her when her newly enlarged breasts met his newly muscled chest. \n\nShe bucked her hips, combining with his thrusts to send jolts of pure ecstasy through her entire body. He cupped her now tight ass and lifted her fully off the desk, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, allowing for better leverage for both of them. The effect was immediate, as what felt like a bolt of lighting struck her pleasure center. She screamed in orgasmic bliss as he pounded her, she felt her juices flow freely, and her body tighten.\n\nKevin slid out of her and let out a primal roar as he emptied himself onto her body, covering her with more cum than she had ever known a man to be able to produce. She was placed back onto the desk, and he sank to the floor. Prof. Keller ran her hands through her sweaty, and suddenly very luxurious, hair. \n\nShe gasped for air and looked around. The orgy was still going strong. The students had all changed partners, but everyone seemed to be able to continue near endlessly. Even Kevin was getting up and looking for a new partner. Prof. Keller licked her lips. Well, since class was effectively over, she might as well join in." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The idea of CNC forced orgasms among friends has always appealed to her, as had the idea of friends with benefits, emphasis on friends. As \"just one of the guys\" that kind of thing never came up--at least, it hadn't until today." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Jess stood in the door frame, hand resting on the pull-up bar. She was tall enough to reach it, but only just. She had short black hair and wore a white t-shirt and black leggings. She was talking to Maxwell in the living room. Behind her Eric was busy in the kitchen.\n\nThe zip-tie game was simple enough. They'd played it for years. If they could get a zip-tie around one of their friend's hands and something secure, they get to leave them there and tease them for a bit. They didn't get many chances any more, Jess should have known better.\n\n\"Ouch!\" Jess whipped around to be greeted by a glass of ice water thrown at her face. She jumped back, and it mostly splashed across her shirt. Eric cackled.\n\nThe cold water saturated the fabric shirt, exposing the curves of her tummy and her bra. Jess tried to yank her arm down, but the plastic just dug into her skin.\n\n\"Dammit, that hurts. Flip the pancake Eric.\"\n\nIt had started as just an inside joke, but now 'flip the pancake' the signal to stop joking around.\n\n\"Sorry, sorry,\" Eric said. He opened the drawer where he thought scissors where supposed to be, but didn't see any.\n\n\"I've got a pair in my nightstand.\" Jess said. Maxwell was closer so he went to find them.\n\n\"IN THE RIGHT CABINET?\" He asked.\n\n\"NO, DON'T LOOK IN THERE,\" Jess shouted back. \"THE LEFT ONE.\"\n\nEric poked around in the kitchen. Cutting the zip-tie with a knife seemed too dangerous. \"Wait, I've got an idea,\" he said.\n\n\"To cut me loose?\"\n\n\"To solve the problem.\"\n\n\"Whatever,\" Jess shrugged with her free shoulder, clearly straining to keep her other hand above her head.\n\nEric grabbed the bottom of Jess's shirt and and pulled it over her head.\n\n\"What nuuhh fuck\" Jess said. Her voice momentarily muffled.\n\nHe pulled the fabric tight and tied it off, now securing both her hands to the bar much more comfortably. \"What?\" Eric asked innocently. \"It was too wet to be hiding much anyway.\"\n\nJess glared.\n\nMaxwell returned, \"found them!\"\n\nEric looked at Jess, giving her a chance to demand release. She seemed to accept that she didn't have an excuse anymore.\n\n\"It's ok,\" Eric said. \"We found a better solution.\"\n\n\"Damn. Good thinking\" Maxwell said. \"Look what else I found!\" He held up a magic wand.\n\nJess wasn't embarrassed or anything. She didn't react at all, until it hit her. Were they going to... use it? And then, a moment later: did she want them to?\n\nIt seems the two guys were thinking the same thing.\n\nFinally, Jess broke the silence. \"Don't even think about it. It's probably not charged anyway.\" Jess knew full well she plugged it in last night.\n\nMaxwell moved closer, smiling. The device came to life with a soothing buzz.\n\nJess was frozen in excitement and fear.\n\nMaxwell jumped forward and pressed the wand to Jess's exposed armpit. She laughed and thrashed around, but couldn't anything to stop it.\n\nThey traded back and forth, teasing her armpits, belly, inner thigh and even breasts. After about ten minutes of that, they let off and Jess regained composure. \"All right,\" she said. \"you've had your fun, now can we get on with the evening?\"\n\n\"The real fun is just getting started\" Maxwell said with a glint in his eye.\n\n\"Oh no you—hey! Don't touch my bra!\"\n\nEric was undoing her shoulder straps, without which her bra would easily fall down. \"Don't worry,\" he said. \"I wont expose you.\" He crossed the straps in front of her face and poked them into her mouth. With the instruction of \"bite\" he let go.\n\nAnd there she stood, muttering \"fuck you, fuck you\" as clearly as she could while firmly holding her bra up with her teeth. The B-cups only just clung to her breasts.\n\nMaxwell started the wand again, but when he played with her this time it was more deliberate. More focused.\n\nHe ran it around her lower belly and up her thighs. She knew what was coming and would try as hard as she could to stop it. She crossed her legs, but that hardly blocked his main target. When the wand pressed against her clit her eyes widened and she almost opened her mouth then and there.\n\nShe tried to worm away, but he put his hand around her lower back, pulling her in. Every minute or two he would let up for half a heartbeat, only to resume at a higher setting or pressing more firmly than before. Soon Jess was breathing heavy, face scrunched up, muffled moans escaping her clenched jaw.\n\nNot five minutes after he started, Jess's face and upper chest were bright red. Her squirming had changed to involuntary thrusting. She let out a gasp and a proper moan, her bra straps falling to her sides leaving her chest exposed. She tensed, then quivered top to bottom. Maxwell showed a little mercy, letting her experience the orgasm without added torture.\n\nBy the time she had finished visible wetness was seeping into her leggings. Maxwell tapped her sensitive clit with the wand a few times, just hear her squeak and see her jump.\n\nEric fully removed her bra and then finally untied her hands and cut the zip-tie. She looked back at him expectantly, but instead of giving them to her her put the bra and shirt out of reach on top of the microwave. \"I don't see why you need those right now, we can turn up the heat if you like.\"\n\n\"I'm plenty warm,\" she mumbled, too euphoric to argue." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "A college student girl finds out she can stop time. After experimenting she finds out there's no limit to how long it can be stopped and everything someone feels during the stopped time is felt all at once. The college starts having incidents." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It started small. Students thinking they hadn't put on boxers or bras or panties. Then, some could have sworn they were just groped. Sometimes, it felt as if someone gave you a kiss full on the lips even though there was no one there.\n\nFran was a little pervert. A pervert who could stop time no less. She wasted no time putting her power to use. The bitch who pushed her out of the way? Have fun with no panties or bra on a chilly October day. A guy not giving her the attention she deserves? Don't worry, she knows how big he is, and honestly, bullet dodged.\n\nBut it wasn't enough for her. She found that when she stopped time, all the sensations and stimuli she affected in her object of affection would build up, happening all at once when she resumed time. So, she took it upon herself to act as some stress relief for the student body. Was someone stressed out studying for an exam? Don't worry, Auntie Fran was here to make sure you got a well deserved release. More than once has a teacher or random passerby suddenly found themselves creaming themselves out in public because Fran felt they were too pent up.\n\nIt became something of a ghost story: if you walked down a particular hallway at 9:23 am exactly, you would cum yourself. Of course, Fran found that delightful and took great pleasure in carrying out that little urban myth. Man, woman, other, it didn't matter: she was ravenous and there was a plethora of peens and pussies to lick, suck and fuck, and bountiful bodacious boobs to motorboat.\n\nAs a sort of trophy, she would claim boxers, panties or bras, her way to remember all the fun they had. Sometimes, if she was feeling especially daring, Fran would wear them out on campus, hidden away of course. A few were still filled with cum. It thrilled her to the ends of the Earth when she would see the owner of the article she wore. The thought of how she had given them such pleasure and liberated something so precious and private. It made her insides quiver with perverted glee. Glee she would promptly take out on a lucky soul nearby.\n\nMore than once did she find herself in a boring lecture with an even duller lecturer. She took it upon herself to zest it up and make things more interesting. Dropping pants for a split second, stealing undergarments, flipping ties, writing on the board, she found little pranks to keep the class from getting too mind numbing. But there were times when she was invested. A little over invested. Mrs. Taffy was a gorgeous middle aged woman. A milf to the kids, and Fran's favorite plaything.\n\nMrs. Taffy, Fran had learned, rarely wore panties, the minx. Fran was pretty sure that was against the rules or whatever, not that it really mattered. The perv helped Taffy keep her commando streak by stealing them whenever she dared to wear them. After three stolen pairs, Taffy either ran out of panties or figured it wasn't worth the effort and decided to forgo underwear, though she did try to sneak a pair every once in awhile. Fran had taken those too. She reveled in changing into Taffy's panties specifically for her class, her excitement leaking out and mixing with the professer's long dried juices still left on the garments.\n\nIf Fran ever had a rough day, Taffy's curvaceous body would always cheer her up. She had motorboated those DD tits more times than she could count, and perfected her cunnilingus skills on her teacher's pussy.\n\nMuch like Fran's other recipients, Taffy would be shocked when she suddenly orgasmed in front of her class. However, with this milf, it was always so dramatic and loud. Fran exalted in it. It was a miracle her favorite toy didn't get fired or worse, but perhaps the board was making exceptions due to the supernatural happenings on campus. (The fact that school did get shut down was a bigger mystery to her, but whatever)\n\nFran was the ultimate perv, and she loved it." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You were a dildo “tester” at a dildo company that made very monstrous toys. So good we’re you at taking the tentacles, bulls, and giant spined dragon cocks, that they promoted you to test the actual monsters they base the dildos off of." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“Cheer up,” said Zoey, who was apparently the only other live-tester. “It’s really not as bad as it sounds. Plus you get triple pay and benefits now.”\n\nI replied, “I’m more worried about being destroyed. Like, the toys aren’t actually accurately sized, right?”\n\n“They’re pretty close! Humans have fairly large dicks relative to their size, so we’re pretty well equipped to take monster cock. Still, a little warm-up doesn’t hurt.” She slipped her hand into my panties and got me started. But her tiny fingers weren’t exactly adequate preparation for the monstrosities that awaited me later today. \n\n“Can we at least see what kind of dicks are going to be fucking us in advance?”\n\n“Nah, that takes all the surprise out of it!” said Zoey, who’d managed to fit three fingers in my pussy. “By the way, you’ll want some anal foreplay too,” she added before making me jump.\n\n“I’m so dead.”\n\n“Hey, I’ll let you take first shift at the gloryhole if you want? That way you don’t have to look ‘em in the eyes, and you’re just blowing ‘em. Then again some of ‘em would be easier to fuck than suck if you know what I mean.”\n\nI didn’t know what that meant, but I gratefully accepted her offer for the easier first shift. We went our separate ways, me to the gloryhole and Zoey to god-knows-where to accept some unspeakable fate with a smile on her face. I dropped to my knees and waited for the first cock.\n\nI could’ve cheered when the smallish green thing finally appeared. Not to brag, but I could deepthroat a goblin cock in my sleep. I took him into my mouth and let my tongue work its magic. To his credit, the goblin had some fairly respectable stamina despite my best efforts at trying to bring him to the edge as quickly as possible. He was ultimately no match for my mouth; the goblin shot a modest load into my mouth, which I immediately spat out. It’s not like he could tell.\n\nNext up was a werewolf–definitely more of a challenge, but nothing like the monster cocks I was afraid of. I realized that giving too quick a blowjob just meant more customers for me, so I decided to slow down the pace. I gave his tip a quick kiss before taking the head of his cock into my mouth, while I stroked his shaft with my hand. My only concern was the knot, but I was confident I could finish him off before he tried to get the knot in my mouth. The werewolf dick was considerably longer and thicker than the goblin, so I had to pull back and catch my breath more often, but I kept the guy hard the whole time with the continual attention of my hand. I finally had the bright idea of sucking his balls and stroking him off as fast as I could. These tactics brought him to climax: his spunk came out in three spurts, landing in my forehead, nose, and cheek. My request for a towel went unanswered.\n\nI didn’t exactly know the species of Mystery Man Number 3, but he’d slid a tentacle instead of a cock through the gloryhole. I opened wide for him as if he were just another boyfriend and started sucking him off. The real thing was way slimier than the toys, but if I closed my eyes I could pretend it was pre-cum. The bigger concern was the length of the thing. He didn’t seem content with just having the tip sucked; instead he tried to force it down as far as possible, as though he was trying to test my limits. I don’t exactly have a weak gag reflex, but this guy seemed dead-set on triggering it. I made a fist with my hand and tried to focus on that instead while he tried to probe my mouth like a dentist who should’ve been in prison. I had to withdraw and catch my breath–could this guy even cum from his tentacle?? He’d pulled the tentacle back to his side of the gloryhole while he waited for me to restart.\n\nI then remembered Zoey’s comment about guys who were easier to fuck than suck. This time I carefully aligned my pussy with the opening, and said “Wouldn’t you rather stick in this hole, sir? It's really wet for you.”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "He’s been pumping his cum into her pussy for an hour now and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Kara tried to protest, or cradle some form of confusion within her mind, as he kept filling her. It didn't make sense. Shouldn't make sense. \nAnd then the overwhelming sensation, the oozing, sticky sensation at her thighs and ass and legs reminded her how covered they were in *him*, and she went over the edge, crying a honking hoarse moan of pleasure. \n\nHis hips drove down into her as she shook, and he pulsed, pulsed, pulsed, pulsed.\n\nHer throat strained, dry. It felt cracked, desolate. Kara gripped the soaked sheets, that squished and slid her around each time they drove their bodies into one another. Though, Kara admitted half-aware, it was only him doing the work. Her hips gave out after her fourth orgasm, and she could not lift them, let alone match his enthusiasm.\n\nShe grabbed a handful of warm goo and swallowed it, first tentatively but then greedily, the soft fluids coating her and soothing her abused vocal cords. \n\"So...much...better,\" she groaned, sounding more like herself.\n\n\"Well why didn't you say so,\" a deep and dark voice said. She'd forgotten most everything about him, as he thrust through shadow. He clamped down on his orgasm, she saw his hips clench proudly, as he left her folds. A thick gout of cum shot out of her and made her shiver, nearing another precipice. \n\n\nBut already he had her by the hair, and was spraying again, forcing her to focus on swallowing to keep up with the endless wellspring of his seed." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "For whatever reason, be it pure luck, the universe, or even god, you just somehow keep accidentally sticking your dick in your crush via the most convoluted accidents possible!" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "This weekend has been crazy. A group of my friends and I decided to hang out all weekend. Do some stuff at the park, hang out and drink some beers, watch some scary movies, typical sleepover stuff except with alcohol and coeds.\n\nStarted the day out in a t-shirt and short basketball shorts since I knew we were heading for the park to play in the grass. Nice sunny day with a nice breeze surrounded by friends.\n\nWe tear across the short cut grass field throwing the Frisbee back and forth amongst ourselves with no real goal in mind. Making up the rules as we go. The disk flying from one person to the next.\n\nOf course I can’t keep my eyes off of my crush Kim. She's wearing a skirt and t-shirt combo that go well together. The skirt reaches to mid thigh so every time she takes off running her ass cheeks peek out from underneath. Very pleasing and distracting.\n\nSo distracting in fact that I’ve gotten hard. I’m doing the best to keep up with everyone else while trying to hide my erection. And that’s when the Frisbee is sent my way but it’s intended for Kim and Kim is going for it hard. So hard in fact that I don’t think she sees me until the last moment.\n\nWe both jump for the Frisbee and end up clouding with each other in the air. We get tangled up in each other and in the crash that follows, somehow my hard cock has slipped out above the elastic band of my shorts and ended up sliding into Kim’s exposed pussy!\n\n“Oh fuck!” I grunt out in pain and pleasure. We both try to hide the fact that I’ve just stuck my cock in her pussy as we get up off each other. Both of our faces are red in embarrassment.\n\n“Are you OK? I’m so sorry.” I say as I help her up.\n\n“No worries. It was an accident. Are you OK?” She asks.\n\n“Yea. Sorry again. I don’t know how that happened.” \n\n“Let's not talk about that again. Let’s just forget that happened. Yea?”\n\n“Sure.” I say as I pick up the Frisbee and the game continues on.\n\nMy mind can’t stop thinking about it. How did that happen? I know she was wearing panties earlier so what happened to them? And how the hell did I just slip right into her pussy?\n\nThe group and I continue playing in the beautiful weather until we get hungry. At that point someone calls it and we all rush for the car.\n\nWe didn’t plan this too well as there's more people than seats for the car.\n\nInstead of going about this like adults we all just dive for the back seat and start to crawl over each other. In the struggle I can’t keep my eyes and hands off of each other and I end up getting excited once again from brushing all the cute girls in our group.\n\nAs I’m struggling around I can feel my shorts start to pull down off of my hips as I claim my seat. At which point Kim somehow ends up sliding over someone else and ends up falling into my lap. Her skirt pulled up off of her ass just enough so her bare skin meets my exposed cock. Once again she slips my cock right in.\n\nShe gasps out loud but covers her mouth. I grunt in surprise and hold still, as if I’m a deer in a headlight, as If I don’t move no one will notice. She turns her head to face me and I can see her eyes wide in surprise. I can only guess my eyes look the same.\n\n“All set. Off we go!” Yells the driver as he puts the vehicle in drive and pulls out of the parking lot of the park. Somehow I am still inside Kim as the car drives down the road. Her pussy gripping me as my cock twitches with each bump in the road.\n\nThere are so many bodies in the back seat with me and Kim that I’m almost 100% sure no one has noticed what has happened between the two of us. I’m afraid that If we move to unseat my cock from her pussy we might get discovered so I just sit there and close my eyes. \n\nI try my best to ignore the feeling of her pussy wrapped around my cock taking big deep breaths to try and keep myself calm. I take note that Kim’s hands are balled up into fists and her body is tense. I can only guess she’s doing the best she can to not make any noise so we don’t get caught.\n\nThe car ride only lasts for about 10 minutes. I’m happy that it didn’t last any longer or I might have ended up making a mess.\n\nAs soon as the car comes to a stop I throw the door open and Kim and myself end up falling out of the vehicle together. Luckily neither of us is hurt and we can cover ourselves back up without being seen.\n\nWe all head into the house though the garage. While walking through, the friend that lives here asks for someone to grab the cooler from the shelf at the end of the garage. \n\nKim heads that way saying she’ll grab it since she’s closet. I watch and then follow to help her as I can tell she’s going to be too short to reach. \n\nAs Kim is standing on her tippy toes trying to reach the cooler I step up behind her and reach over her. I can barely get my fingertips on the cooler but I get enough grip to pull it towards us. Only problem is I didn’t have enough of a grip to control the cooler so as it got to the edge of the shelf it fell towards us." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "A young girl has been chained up by the villain. The hero eventually saves her and finds out through the villain’s last words that she’s been put through human experimentation. Sadly, the girl’s mind has been twisted so much that she seems to enjoy what happened to her." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I placed my boot on the the limp body of Doctor Twisted and pulled roughly at my sword, finally freeing it, then glanced around his lair looking for any signs of his minions' return. Seems that hearing their boss scream like a stuck pig when I'd run him through ran them all off. All in a day's work for Crackshot.\n\nI checked his pockets, looking for the remote that would disable his orbital laser, still probably in the process of carving a giant dick into the Swiss alps. Chewing gum, a condom from probably the Reagan administration, more chewing gum - damn, where was it? I finally found purchase and heard the cheery jingle of a keyring. A badly customized key fob with the little Nissan logo crudely pried off and a branded Doctor Twisted sticker taking its place. I pressed \"unlock\" which now had \"Open\" scratched into it, and a panel in the wall made a hissing sound as it pulled back and away. A moment later fluorescent light cracked to life. Huh.\n\nI wiped the blood off of my trusty blade and sheathed it in the hidden scabbard on my back as I walked toward the opening. From inside I could hear the distinct sounds of someone trying to shout through a cloth gag. I don't know any other line of work that would have resulted in someone being able to tell that so quickly, but I loved it. Damsels in distress always got good news coverage.\n\nI strode into Doctor Twisted's recursively hidden lair and found a dirty desk with a large computer, straight out of a college dorm room from the looks of it, a vast array of science nonsense and machines, and a cute blonde strapped to an exam table, her mouth duct taped shut, which must have been holding in the cloth that I'd heard. She was in a simple medical gown and her bare feet and hands thrashed against leather cuffs. I walked to her side and, as quickly but gently as I could, pulled the duct tape off of her mouth and withdrew a pair of red lacy panties out of her mouth, soaked entirely through with saliva. As soon as I had them out of her mouth she started.\n\n\"Oh, mysterious strange, are you going to take me next? Please please pleeeease?\"\n\n\"I... what? Are you okay?\"\n\n\"Please, I've been such a bad girl, I need you to punish me.\"\n\n\"Okaaaay. Let me get you out of these straps and I'll see if I can't find out what that crazy bastard did to you.\"\n\n\"Oh, these?\" she said, pulling both her arms up as far as the leather bindings would allow. \"You don't have to take these off, if you like them.\"\n\n\"I think I'd better.\" I replied, genuinely concerned for her mental health. I'd heard of Stockholm syndrome before, but this was a whole other level.\n\nOnce I untied her, I helped her to sit up and gave her a bottle of water and a sandwich from my utility pack. She ate and drank hungrily while I walked back over to the computer.\n\n\"It's going to be alright,\" I said, trying to sound comforting. \"I'm just going to try to figure out what he did.\"\n\nI woke the computer up and was met with a password prompt. I swept through some debris on the desk and found a faded yellow sticky note with the words \"DrTwistedick6969\" written on it, which did the trick. On his desktop was a folder labeled \"Experiment Log - Sandra.\" I opened it and found a long list of videos. I played the first one and it showed Doctor Twisted shambling around his lab, muttering to himself and scribbling things down as he adjusted beakers and needles. It ended abruptly and closed itself. I scrolled down through the videos, hundreds and hundreds of them, until I came to the most recent at the bottom, which was labeled for earlier today.\n\nI heard the woman shifting around on the table next to me as I opened the last video. Doctor Twisted, looking exactly like he was outside this room, sans puncture wound to the heart, was front and center and clearly agitated, seemingly resuming a conversation he'd been having with himself before starting to record.\n\n\"...and that do-gooder *Crackshot* is on the way. I'll just finish this last injection, deal with him, and come back to you, my dear.\" He said, moving out of the way of the camera and revealing the blonde woman sitting on the exam table, her ankles crossed and swaying, and her hands held neatly in her lap. Her face, though, was clearly groggy, as if she was hypnotized or heavily sedated.\n\n\"Here here,\" Twisted said, drawing close to her and guiding her to lay down. \"Let me just get you nice and secure here,\" he closed the leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles, \"and give you your last shot. This should make you feel *much better*.\" He drew a syringe filled with a practically glowing radioactive green chemical in it, jabbed it into her thigh, and pushed the plunger all the way in. Immediately I could see the change in the woman, who moaned as if he'd just run his tongue along her clit.\n\n\"Hush now, my dear. *Crackshot,*\" he growled before collecting himself again, \"might hear you and-\" he stopped, surprised. \"Are those your panties? When did you? Oh never mind.\" he plucked them up off the table next to her, already appearing suspiciously wet, held her nose until she opened her mouth to breathe, and shoved them in before quickly duct taping over her lips.\n\n\"Now, as I was saying,\" he said, standing and resuming his monologuing voice. That's when I felt a gentle \\*tap tap tap\\* on my groin. Surprised I rolled back and looked below the desk to find the blonde girl - a quick glance over to the now empty table confirmed it was the same one - poking at my groin and licking her lips. I started to try to help her up, but instead she began to scramble, pulling my belt open and beginning to yank my pants down. I tried to resist, I honestly did, but she was working so frantically at it that I was afraid I would hurt her. The whole time Doctor Twisted was still monologuing in the background.\n\n\"After this last treatment sets in, not only will you be addicted to cum, you will be completely unable to live without it! It will be the perfect gift to myself for defeating another misguided *hero*.\"\n\nWell. Shit.\n\nAnd holy shit. I felt warmth and wet silk engulf my cock, now quickly stiffening up to full attention in her mouth.\n\n\"S-Sandra!\" I said, writhing in unexpected pleasure.\n\n\"Mmmmm... cockhhh\" she muttered around more than a mouthful.\n\nDoctor Twisted's words played in my head again as they finally sunk in. She can't live without it. She needs cum.\n\nWell, I guess I got to be a hero twice today.\n\nI grabbed her head in both hands and felt her slacken her neck in response. I began to plunge her up and down my shaft as she made \"gluk gluk gluk\" sounds each time I pressed her down. She pulled her hands up and began working my shaft each time I pushed her head back and freed some inches from her mouth. I could feel I was just about to cum and pushed her head down until her nose was jammed into my groin and my cock was sheathed several inches into her throat. I held her there as I shot rope after rope straight into her stomach. Probably a whole hell of a lot of it, too, since it had been a very long while since my job left me time to go on a date.\n\nI nearly blacked out but held on until I finished completely, then opened my eyes and saw that she was rubbing furiously at her clit with one hand and pulling roughly on a nipple with the other. I slowly pulled myself out of her face until finally coming free with the gentle \\*pop\\* of suction breaking from her lips. She squeezed her eyes shut and began to shudder, mouth still open in a perfect O, and twisted her nipple fiercely. After a moment she stilled and opened her cool blue eyes, looking into mine.\n\n\"I... I actually need it in my ass.\"\n\nWell, looks like I get to be a hero three times today.\n\n\\-----\n\nCheck out my new story on Vella!: [](" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You've made a pact with a demon(ess) for immortality. What do they want in return? Your soul, your firstborn? No, they want to hold hands in public every now and then" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Part 1\n\n\"Are you sure you're okay?\"\n\nThe demon Sam had made a deal with for immorality and her youthful appearance, panted for a second before nodding. \"Y-yeah... I'm... I'm good... It just... Feels... Good. Really.. *really* good....\"\n\nShe raised an eyebrow at that before looking back down at their joined hands. Sure, her delicate hand were well cared for, soft, and her fingernails an evenly painted purple, but she didn't see anything wrong with that.\n\nThe demon followed her gaze for a moment before looking away, his face coloring. Sam could swear his dark crimson horns were starting to grow lighter, as if they were metal heating up slowly.\n\n\"But it's just hand holding...\" She commented, still inspecting their hands.\n\nThe demon's hand was rougher, slightly larger and hand black nails but not anything uncomfortable or inhuman like she had initially expected. The strangest of things was that the demon's had was cooler than hers.\n\nThe only other thing she could really think of was how their palms were pressed together, fingers interlaced. His index finger was in front of hers, his thumb wrapped in front of her thumb.\n\nWell, except that his hand hadn't so much as twitched since they started: as soon as their fingers had interlaced, his had all but turned to stone with how still it become.\n\nHonestly, getting immortality and youth for this seemed uneven, almost unfair. Especially with how Sam had always heard about demons demanding fair trades, and things of equal or at least similar value for what was asked for. Sam had expected to have to barter her soul (likely claimed from an untimely accident hopefully centuries into her future) or her first born.\n\nInstead, the demon she summoned only wanted to return every so often to hold hands with her. Particularly during walks in public. Like they were doing now.\n\nHonestly, Sam would probably feel a tad bit self conscious, walking down the street in casual clothes while holding hands with a sharply dressed man sporting a pair of horns on his head and a spade tipped tail that waved like a cat's tail. If not for the fact that her benefactor looked like he was close to having some kind of fit. He started breathing heavy shortly after their hands met and it steadily got worse as their walk continued.\n\nThe demon -and she really should learn his name, since she'd likely see him more times in her admittedly long future- let out a long breath as they came to a stop at a crosswalk, waiting for the signal.\n\n\"But it's hand holding.\" He said, as if that explained everything.\n\n\"And you're a demon. Don't you deal with things like sex and torture all the time?\"\n\n\"Of course. There's so much of that that it's rare to find a demon who is phased by it.\"\n\nSam raised an eyebrow at his boast -or was it a statement?- before looking down at their conjoined hands again. It didn't make sense, but it was a comparatively small price to pay to be a young woman in her prime for the rest of time or something like that.\n\nThe signal changed and they walked across the street, hands still joined." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "It is said that anyone who satisfies the dragon maiden will be given the power to make one perfect wish. It's not true at all, but the dragon maiden isn't in any hurry to correct adventurers." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "This was the perfect gig. Free sex.\n\nSomeone had started a rumor that she had magical properties and could only access them if they satisfied her. That wasn't true, but Sheila wasn't in any rush to correct that rumor. She had opened her legs to many of this land's heroes and heroines. A good number of them were great in bed, but she would always leave them the same answer, \"I've had better.\"\n\nThe sun was beginning to dip below the valley when Sheila saw him. Strolling down the road, she was captivated by the sight of the man before her. Massaging her leg, she watched as the stranger drew closer to her. He had a weary look on his face, but the rest of his body was still full of life. As the man came closer, Sheila could feel herself coming closer.\n\nIt wasn't until the stranger stood above that she came and collapsed to her knees. \"I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience, fair dragon maiden,\" the stranger said as he helped Sheila. Sheila held on to his grasp as long as she could before the man moved away. \"I hear you are offering the perfect gift to the hero who can please you.\"\n\n\"That's correct,\" Sheila said. Despite the cool breeze blowing her way, it did little to cool her flustered body. \"May I invite you inside my abode?\"\n\n\"I must decline your gracious offer,\" the stranger explained. \"I wish to satisfy you out here.\"\n\n\"Do you have a name, traveler?\"\n\n\"John.\"\n\n\"Well, John, if you wish to satisfy, you may try, but I would rather do it in the comfort of my bed.\" Sheila could feel her arm rubbing against her crotch. If any other passerby had glanced her way, it would have looked like she needed to relieve herself.\n\n\"How many adventurers have come before me?\"\n\n\"Truthfully, I've stopped counting after 50.\"\n\n\"Then my body will do what their sex couldn't.\" Before Sheila could ask what John meant, he walked past the dragon maiden. Picking a broom next to her door, he stretched his arms and swept her walkway. Sheila had done the act countless times but watching John do it weakened her legs. The way how his hands gripped the handle and how his body moved with the broom. If John had allowed those bristles to brush against her needy body, she would have died a happy woman. Thoughts of John dancing with her filled Sheila's head which soon descended into sexual recklessness as she imagined John riding her ass by the fence, her face rubbing against that broom. Imagine those travelers gasping and gawking at the two...\n\n\"Excuse me?\" Sheila looked up at John. She was on the floor once again. Her pants were around her ankles, as her hands were doing their due diligence in pleasing her. \"I take it that you're satisfied?\"\n\n\"No!\" Sheila said, she shoved her pants back up. \"T- that didn't count. What happened?\"\n\n\"It's my curse. I wished for people to find me attractive, and now I can't enter a crowd without it turning into sexual anarchy. I hoped my curse would aid me for once and satisfy you.\n\n\"I see.\"\n\n\"Are you satisfied?\"\n\nYes. Yes. Yes, and fuck yes. \"N- no,\" Sheila said, forcing the word out of her mouth.\n\nJohn nodded. \"If you want, I could try to do other chores around your house. It's the least I could do for wasting your time.\"\n\nShe didn't want to admit it, but John had cleared the competition between her past lovers, and she didn't want this feeling to stop. If sweeping was able to illicit this response out of her, she could only imagine what fucking him would do to her body. \"You may, but I'll be the judge of whether you please me or not.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You run a rehab clinic for mind-broken and cum-addicted hentai protagonists. Most of the girls are able to return to somewhat normal lives, but their urges never fully recede, and you need to help them find healthy outlets for them." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Dr. Richard Bennett checked his schedule. He was slated to visit a new arrival. So many had come in this year that it was getting hard to find enough rooms for them. It was a shame the institute could not house the patients in pairs. The last time they had done that, it created a whole mess of new problems.\n\nHe entered the room and took stock of his newest patient. She was young and beautiful, with long hair that was an odd pink color. Her eyes were large and expressive, and her lips were plump and bright red. \n\nHer outfit was just like every other patient uniform. And just like the others, it failed to hide her figure. Massive breasts, long legs, and generous curves were all easily seen, even with the loose clothes.\n\n\"Hello, Ms...\" He checked the clipboard again, just to make sure. \"Akito. I'm Dr. Bennett, and I'll be taking care of you while you stay with us.\"\n\nShe looked at him and smiled. Dr. Bennett suppressed a wince. She had THAT look in her eyes. That look that spoke of her mental state. There would be only one thing in her mind. \n\n\"Wow! An American?\" She exclaimed with a slight Japanese accent. \"I've never met one of you before. But I'm very glad I am now.\"\n\nShe slowly approached him and her hands came up to paw at his chest. Dr. Bennett caught her hands and kept them away.\n\n\"Wow! You're sooo strong!\" She cooed. \"I love strong men.\"\n\nShe took a step closer, ignoring the increasingly awkward angle of her arms. Her breasts pressed against his chest and she looked up at him with longing.\n\n\"Maybe you'd like to show me how Americans treat women?\"\n\nDr. Bennett sighed. He had lost track of how many times he had gone through something similar. Instead of replying to her advances, he pushed her away. \n\n\"Ms. Akito, I'm afraid I'm not here for...that. I'm here to talk. Just talk. You have a bit of a mental condition that I'm hoping to help you get over. It won't be easy, but it's possible for you to heal.\"\n\n\"A condition? Are you sure? I don't think I have a condition.\"\n\n\"Oh? What are you thinking about right now?\"\n\nA dreamy smile came to her lips. \"You pushing me down to my knees and me sucking your big, hard cock and drinking every drop of your cum that comes out. Then you pick me up and--\"\n\n\"That'll be enough Ms.Akito. And it's exactly what I thought. Please, have a seat.\"\n\nHer face was flushed as she sat. Dr. Bennett made note of the fact that her blush was not in her cheeks exclusively, but rather ran across her entire face. She had it bad. She sat on the small bed, while the doctor went to the wall and pulled out a hidden chair that the patient would not have access to. \n\n\"Now then, Ms--\" he said once he was seated \n\n\"Please call me Yui, doctor.\" She said. \"Please?\"\n\n\"Ms. Akito.\" He said firmly. \"You have a condition called Hentai Induced Nymphomania, or HIN. It's caused by a specific set of stimuli, and can fundamentally change how a woman acts. It makes you crave the same type of interaction that caused the condition in the first place, to an unhealthy degree. But it is possible to...please put your shirt back on.\"\n\nYui had put her shirt on the bed she sat on. Her very ample bust was in full display, and she was fondling them. She ran her fingers over her nipples and she bit her lower lip.\n\n\"But don't you want them doctor? Don't you want to play with my huge boobs? They're so soft. And just think about how good they'll feel wrapped around your big, hard cock. It'll be amazing, I promise.\"\n\n\"Ms. Akito, put your shirt on this instant.\" She was going to be a difficult patient. He needed to handle her delicately, even if she would rather him be rougher. \"If you get dressed and remain dressed for the entire session, I can provide you with a toy.\"\n\n\"A toy? What kind of toy?\"\n\n\"Exactly the kind you're thinking of.\"\n\n\"Hmm...well, It's not as good as the real thing, but...\" She put her shirt on, much slower than she took it off. \"Are you sure you don't want to play with me?\"\n\n\"I'd rather talk about your life before you came here.\"\n\n\"Oh, but that's boring. I'm so much more fun.\"\n\n\"A toy at the end of the session if you can behave. And if you can behave for a full month, you get a special session.\"\n\nShe looked hopeful. \"Does that mean what I think it does?\"\n\n\"Yes. Yes it does.\"\n\n\"I'll be good! I'll be the best patient ever!\"\n\n\"Very good. Now, tell me about your childhood.\"\n\nIt was time to begin the healing process. He just hoped she could keep her word. So many patients had trouble with that, especially in the first month. He would just have to trust in his ability to treat her." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Being the janitor at a remote all-girls Christian college was in many ways a crappy job, but being the only man for miles around had its perks." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Boxers or no boxers?\" I asked quietly, carefully stepping out of my pants and pulling my shirt off over my head.\n\n\"Um...\" came Amber's soft, sweet voice. \"No boxers,\" she giggled.\n\n\"Shh,\" I whispered, chuckling. I slipped out of my boxers, the chill night air enveloping my hot, sweaty balls. Even though I'd been doing it for a couple of months, I still got nervous every time. I slid under her covers, the coarse, cheap sheets barely containing the warmth of her petite, trembling body. I felt her cool fingers reaching for my chest before I'd even settled in.\n\n\"Oh goodness,\" she breathed, immediately snuggling in closer. \"This feels *amazing*! Thank you!\"\n\n\"Well,\" I said, smiling. \"It was your turn. Do you want to be big spoon or little spoon?\"\n\n\"Oh *definitely* little spoon!\" she nearly squealed, bouncing noisily in the bed as she repositioned and scooted back into my hips. Her cool ass cheeks pressed into me softly while her broad, smooth back nestled into my warm, harry chest. I had stealthily tucked an arm under her pillow and now I draped my other arm over her and felt her take my hand, pulling it in closer to her body, letting her own arm rest on top of mine to clamp me in place against her ribs.\n\nBack when I accepted the janitorial job I had no idea I would be the only man working at the college. But the bigger surprise had come on the very first night when there had been a knock at my door. Several girls had snuck to my room requesting that I come and sleep with them. Most of them were so innocent though that all they *really* wanted was to cuddle. And for me, that was just fine. So on that first night I had put a girl in charge of establishing a rotation for anyone who wanted to sleep with me, and I had *never* slept in my own bed since.\n\nAmber hummed softly, wiggling closer to me, our combined body heat pulling a bit of sweat into the tight space between our bodies. I could feel dribbles of cold precum on my thigh while she bent her knees and brought her cold toes into contact with my hot feet. I pressed my feet into hers, feeling the pads of her toes pawing at the top of my own toes. I flexed my arm, squeezing her in closer to my body and felt her let out a long, happy sigh.\n\nAs often happened when cuddling these sweet, innocent college girls, I felt my cock slowly filling with blood, gradually growing stiff at the mere thought of sharing a bed with them. As it got firmer it traveled up between her legs, pressing the broad side of the shaft up against her pussy. She wriggled deeper into my thighs, letting me fully cradle her plump, round ass. She parted her legs and let the erection nestle into her slit, coddled like a hotdog in a bun, then she closed her thighs and held me there. My balls ached for more, but my heart was borderline euphoric. I tightened my grip on her and held her close, burying my face in her soft, silky hair. I let my breathing run steady and felt her hand loosen its grip on mine as we both began to drift off to sleep.\n\nI ran through the names of the girls I had cuddled with overnight, more than sixty already. Last night Talia had giggled when she felt my cock against her leg. The night before, Shelly had reached between her legs and touched it, shivering with nervous excitement. I knew *eventually* one of them would let their curiosity overpower her willpower, but until then I had fallen in love with my job as the cuddle man.\n\nJust before I fell asleep I kissed Amber on the back of the head and heard her sigh, her ribs expanding and contracting in a slow, regular rhythm. My hot cock remained pinched between her thighs but it had gone soft, just like my warm, happy heart." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You ask your roommate to pose as your girlfriend when visiting family for the holidays, she begins to take her role very seriously." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It started out so simple. Kailee was maybe the sweetest girl I’d ever met. I almost felt bad for asking her to be my pretend girlfriend for the week at my parents’ house, and I worried that it might jeopardize the awesome friendship that we have, but she was actually really cool about it at first. She just said that some people backed out of her holiday plans last minute, so she’d love to come with me. I was grateful, I couldn’t stand to sit through another 3 hours of dating advice from my mom.\n\nDuring the whole car ride there she was acting normal, just laughing and joking almost like one of the guys. As we pulled into the driveway, she said something that really caught me off guard, “You can grab my butt if you want to. I mean if it would help convince everyone.”\n\nI kind of laughed nervously. I didn’t hate the idea, but I just said, “I think that might make everyone feel more awkward, but um, thanks for the offer!”\n\nShe just kind of laughed and said, “I know, I was just kidding! Let’s go!”\n\nWe went inside and she was an even better fake girlfriend. Apparently she had been paying attention to almost everything I had told her over the past year because she could talk about my life almost better than I could. She convinced my parents easily that we were really together. She almost convinced me! Toward the end of the conversation, she even put her hand on the inside of my leg and squeezed. I honestly didn’t have a lot of dating experience so I just figured that maybe that was a necessary part of it and she was being very helpful, so I let it go.\n\nShe continued to be very polite throughout dinner and managed to make everyone laugh with anecdotes about dates that never actually happened and some little details from our lives. As we finished dinner, my mom suggested that we go participate in a holiday tradition of watching some of her favorite Christmas movies. I always hated that part of Christmas. Our Christmas movies are so lame.\n\nKailee quickly said, “Oh, sorry! Matt and I got up really early this morning because the neighbors were making a lot of noise and then the long car ride. Matt, can we just get to bed?”\n\nI was grateful for the excuse not to have to sit around and watch a full day of lame Christmas movies so I quickly agreed with her. My little sister just smiled at us and giggled, she’s not that little, she knew what that meant! Or at least what it was supposed to mean.\n\nAs we got up to my room and closed the door, I said, “Wow, you are awesome. This is going like 100% better than I’d expected!”\n\nShe smiled and replied, “Yeah, I know how to handle families.”\n\n“Well, I guess so. If you want, I’ll sleep on the floor. You can have my old bed.”\n\nShe walked over to my side and said in a softer voice, “No, I don’t want you to sleep on the floor.”\n\n“Well, you’re my guest and you’ve really been helping me out. I’d hate to make you sleep on the floor…”\n\n“No, you’re not going to make me sleep on the floor either.”\n\n“Oh, you mean we share my bed?” I said almost apprehensive to ask.\n\n“Of course! What would people think if a certain nosy family member opened the door and one of us was sleeping on the floor? They might think we’re fighting and they like me better so they might kick you out!”\n\nI laughed although a part of me thought she might not be entirely wrong about having endeared herself to my family, “Hey now, you’re awfully presumptuous today, aren’t you? Well, OK, I guess it can’t hurt for us to share a bed. Fair warning, I might be a blanket hog.”\n\n“Yeah, and I’m a tug of war champion!” she responded. We both laughed a little bit but then she pulled her jeans down and threw off her shirt to stand before me in nothing but a lacy bra and a pair of black underwear which left little to the imagination. Now this time, I really couldn’t help but just stand and stare with my mouth hanging open and a bit of a hardness forming down south. She simply smiled back and said, “I’ve borrowed your computer before and I know you’ve seen a lot better than this now! Don’t act all dramatic!”\n\nI shook my head and said, “You’ve looked through my browser history? I mean… er, um, I haven’t seen up this close before… I mean umm…”\n\n“Calm down!” she laughed. “Look, your parents like to turn the heat way up in the winter, and I won’t be able to sleep with clothes on. Just be an adult about this, ok?”\n\n“Yes, you’re right… we’ll be adults. I’m going to go to the bathroom and change into my sweat pants now.”\n\n“Sweetie, its way too hot in here for sweat pants. You know that they’ll be drenched in sweat in the morning if you wear them to bed!”\n\nShe had never called me “sweetie” before and I was a bit taken aback at first, but I just said, “I’ll feel more comfortable with them on.”\n\nShe sighed, “Suit yourself, but they won’t hide your boner much better than your boxer shorts would!” She then laughed. I didn’t even know how to handle this situation anymore. I just awkwardly went to the bathroom and changed. Shit, she was right, my boner was turning those pants into a tent! I decided to try and quickly rub one out before going to bed. I didn’t have anything with me to look at, but I just started rubbing. As I was about to cum, I realized that I was imagining having sex with her.\n\nAs I got back to the room, she said, “Well, it took you long enough… Oh, I see. You took care of business in there. No fair, I didn’t get to do that!”\n\n“Well, the bathroom is still open if you want to…”\n\n“Don’t worry about it, just get into bed.”\n\nI quickly obeyed and turned out the lights. It was weird to be next to a girl in bed, and it became weirder when I realized she was stripping her underwear off. I didn’t dare ask what she was doing, but she put her left hand on my chest and with her right hand started to masturbate herself. I must have held my breath for a full minute. She continued to masturbate and moan for a long time and finally she dug her nails into my chest and moaned a bit louder than I would have liked as she came.\n\n“There, now we’re even,” she said happily. “Good night!” she seemed to go right to sleep, but I didn’t sleep at all that night.\n\nThe next day was more of the same. She seemed to be much more popular with most of my family members than even I was, and she continued to be very sweet with me, the perfect girlfriend. My dad even asked me, “How did *you* get *her*?” I know I probably should have been offended by that question, but I was starting to ask myself the same question. She also gave me a few passionate kisses throughout the day in front of everyone. I was a little shocked and not at all an experienced kisser, but she seemed to be able to make up for my lack of experience. I told myself that this was just to impress my family, but I knew different.\n\nFinally, it was night again. We got up to the room we were sharing and she said mockingly, “Do you need to go to the bathroom alone again to rub another one out, or do you need me to come along with you this time?”\n\nFinally I worked up the courage to say, “Kailee, you’ve been great these last two days, but you’ve honestly gone a bit above and beyond the call of duty a few times. I didn’t think we were really together.”\n\n“Well, we could be together, you know,” she replied. “It doesn’t have to all be an act. Life’s short, why not enjoy it?”\n\n“Well, because we’re roommates and we’re friends so we don’t want to ruin that dynamic…” I almost wanted to kick myself after saying that. Why did I say that out loud? She was totally worth it.\n\nShe just sighed and said, “Fine then, good night.” She then collapsed back on the bed.\n\nI felt bad about it, but honestly, I was so tired after that day that I did fall into a deep sleep that night, even though she was in her underwear.\n\nThe next morning, I woke up and the house was eerily quiet. I sat up and realized I was now alone in the bed. I sat there confused for a moment, but then heard footsteps coming down the hall. The door slowly opened, and I saw Kailee’s feet, Kailee’s ankles, Kailee’s naked body… but was that blood dripping down her chest? And her face… that wasn’t her skin. That was… my mom’s face! My mom’s hair!\n\n“K-Kailee! What the f-fuck? What…”\n\n“They never loved you like I do,” she said calmly. “They didn’t fucking deserve you. They didn’t appreciate you for who you are. They liked me when you were right here in front of them. So I killed them, and if you love them more than me… I’ll just wear their skin. We can be a family!”\n\nI was so shocked that I couldn’t even process what she was saying. I stumbled out of bed and started running toward the door and pushed past her.\n\n“Do you still not love me!” she yelled at me. “If I can’t have you, no one else will!” She then started to chase me with the knife. I ran like I never had before, and she chased me down the street. I don’t even remember what happened next, is all I know is, I woke up in this hospital…" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Sitting on your desk is a padded envelop with no return address. As you sit down, you open to find nothing but a pair of black lace panties and a note that says \"I turned 18 this morning, and I'm all yours.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I looked up from the black panties in my right hand and the note in my left. puzzled, I flipped over the note, hoping for a phone number, email, or some other clue or way to get in contact. I search inside the envelope, nothing. \n\n\"Honey?\" I yell down to the kitchen. My wife, a 5'10'' former gymnast takes a break from cooking dinner and pokes her head through the door between the kitchen and my office.\n\n\"Yes?\" She replies. \n\n\"Very Funny. but April Fools was yesterday.\" I say with a chuckle. Her curiosity piqued, she steps towards my desk until she is standing behind me and her attention focuses on the panties and the note in my hands.\n\nAfter she reads the notes, her eyes focus on me as she surveys my face as if seeing it for the first time. \"Oooh, someone's got an admirer.\" she says, coyly. \"I bet it's your new intern. Or maybe it's the baby sitter. She's always had a crush on you.\" \n\n\"What are you talking about?\" I ask. \"I know you wrote this. It's in your handwriting!\"\n\nShe looked over the handwriting: a dainty, soft yet professional handwriting which, she admitted to herself, did quite resemble her own. \n\n\"You're right.\" She says \"It does look like my handwriting. But I didn't write it.\" she began walking back into the kitchen, and looking over her shoulder, seductively at me said: \"but whoever did write it sounds like alot of fun. Can I join?\" Before I could answer she was back in the kitchen. I stood up in preparation to walk and continue the conversation, when suddenly I heard a 'ding!' notification on my phone. It was from an unknown number and said \"Hi John, it's me. Britney. Did you like my package? I hope your wife didn't find it first!\" I tried thinking of all the Britneys I knew but couldn't think of any. \n\n\"Yes I did. I'm very flattered, but my wife saw your panties. Not to be rude, but how do I know you?\" I texted back.\n\nA few moments later, 'Ding!': \"oh John. You may not remember me, but I've been in love with you for the past few years, since I first took the job at Starbucks. Making your coffee every morning taught me alot about you.\"\n\n\"How did you get my number? My address?\" I replied.\n\n\"John, what's with the hostility. I thought you'd be eager to take my tight, virgin pussy.\" Suddenly a second message began loading, it was Britney, with a starbucks apron and nothing else. The thin green apron could barely contain two large, perfectly shaped naked breasts. A third message rapidly followed. \"So when do you want to meet?\"\n\n**To Be Continued**" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The government now mandates that all civilians must immediately pleasure themselves when aroused. Describe a few awkward situations caused by this." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[Edit: Feedback is always welcome and appreciated for any of my posts.]\n\nIt feels strange to say it, but Lia is starting to wish she was a little less attractive. The new law is making it very hard for her to go about her daily life and get what she needs from other people. Yet her breasts are a pleasing 34DD, her hair is smooth and shiny, her complexion flawless, and it seems she can't run a single errand without someone interrupting the scenario to satisfy themselves.\n\nJust yesterday, for example, she was at the dermatologist to see about the moles on her back. She had waited two months for the appointment, and it was at a very inconvenient time. Just get it over with! But the doctor walked in and took one look at her and she knew it was over. Even with her sitting there in that stupid gown. She hadn't even lifted it off her shoulders to expose the moles yet!\n\nThe doctor started talking to her, sitting at the computer and posing the usual questions about her medical history, but he kept looking at her. And after two or three minutes he cut himself off, said, \"Excuse me,\" unzipped his pants, and whipped out his cock. It was already half-hard, and once she looked at it in shock (should she really have been so surprised?) it extended to full mast in no time. It took him only a couple of minutes while he gazed at her, and she almost laughed at the professionalism as he grabbed paper towels to cum neatly into, then thoroughly washed his hands afterwards.\n\n\"Alright then, where were we?\" he said, acting like nothing was wrong. \"Shall I take a look?\"\n\n\"Um, I don't know. Um, maybe I should just go,\" Lia said, uncomfortable.\n\n\"Honey, it'll take you months to get another appointment. What's wrong? You're a beautiful girl, I can't help myself. Just let me take a quick look and it'll take no time.\"\n\nLia realized she was trapped. This would probably happen no matter what doctor she was with. So she lowered the gown to expose her upper back. The doctor came over with the little eyepiece to look at the moles. Then she heard a groan from behind her.\n\n\"Sorry... er, excuse me again...\" he put down the eyepiece and unzipped once again.\n\n\"Jesus Christ! Can't you control yourself for 30 seconds to examine me?!\" Lia pulled up the gown angrily and got off the table.\n\n\"I mean, I could in theory, yes, but... it's the law, I'm not supposed to delay!\" the doctor said, and Lia felt like he was pretending to be helpless but actually enjoying himself more than he wanted to admit.\n\nLia went to her bag and resolutely looked at her phone while he got himself off again, then told him she would reschedule so he would leave and she could put her clothes back on. She didn't know what she was going to do about finding another doctor, but she was too annoyed to think about it right then.\n\nToday she is walking down the street, and despite her growing frustration, wondering whether she should cut her hair and start wearing frumpier clothes... she can't stop thinking about the doctor's cock.\n\nShe decides to stop for coffee and wanders into a shop, still feeling dreamy and out of it. She walks up to the counter and smiles at the woman there. \n\n\"I'll have a cappuccino, please. To go.\"\n\n\"Sure... just give me one moment, please,\" the woman says, looking at her more intently now, as she shoves her hand under the stretchy waistband of her skirt and starts pleasuring herself while learning against the counter." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Your girlfriend learns how to possess the bodies of your hot co-workers." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Mike watched her type her way through the report, it was agonizingly slow, hunting and pecking for each key press in that infuriatingly lovable way she always did at home. Only that wasn’t her, that was Olivia at home, his Olive-branch when the red wine had been poured generously. This was Natasha, the adamant professionally efficient top marketing agent of the entire firm. Natasha had been doing twice the work of anyone else since being hired and had silenced every accusation of only getting the job due to her body when she landed the firm the biggest client they had had on a 3 year contract. She was a charismatic when she needed to be, but professionally unapproachable most of the time, especially when her fingers were dancing across the keyboard at 80 words per minute, and yet here she was, tapping at the keyboard with the speed of a snail on sleeping pills.\n\nAnd it wasn’t just the way she typed, it was the way she sat with the chair slightly turned to the side, and how she apparently had no concept of what the scroll wheel did. It was uncannily like watching his Olivia at home whenever she borrowed Mike’s laptop to look something up on Bing. Olivia had been telling stories about her family’s ‘secret’ for months, and Mike had humored her, but he never really believed any of it.\n\n”Hey Mickey.” Natasha called out and gave Mike a small startle, Natasha didn’t call him Mickey, no one called him Mickey, not at work anyway. “Hey Mickey.” She called again and Mike got up and headed over to her. She even said it like the start of the song, just like Olivia.\n\n“What’s up Natasha?” Mike asked cautiously as he came over and leaned down to look at the computer screen. It looked like she was working on an invitation to some client retreat weekend, typing it out in a private Hotmail account.\n\n“I might need some help.” Natasha whispered as Mike leaned down. “I don’t wanna set her too far behind, but all this business writing sounds so phony to me.” \n\n“’business writing’?” Mike asked raising an eyebrow. “You’ve never had any problems operating the corporate machine before.”\n\n“Opera-? Come on mouse.” Natasha said and Mike swallowed hard, he didn’t even tell anyone about that pet name. “You know its just for a few more hours until we can have our fun at lunch right, so help her out okay?”\n\n“Help her out?” Mike asked still not sure if this was some kind of elaborate hoax.\n\nNatasha tilted her head but was apparently not ready for the long hair to drop into her eyes, Olivia’s hair was short and never dropped into her eyes when she tilted her head like that. “Come on mouse, just help get this stuff done for her so we can get to what I’m here for.” She said and gave him that long awkward wink she had never quite mastered.\n\nMike sat down and looked into her eyes, halfway expecting them to change into Olivia’s blue eyes, but they were brown, which Mike assumed they had always been, he honestly hadn’t checked before. “When’s labor day?”\n\n“The first Monday of… October?” Olivia answered from behind Natasha’s face.\n\n“No, it’s not.” Mike said with a growing smile. “Come on, scoot over and let me do this, I can’t stand watching you type.” He said and took the place behind the keyboard started to type. \n\n“That I know.” Natasha’s rosy lips purred as she scratched that spot on his back only Olivia knew he loved.\n\n--\n\n“Mr. Nagorashi?” Natasha asked as Mike led the way into the corner office. \n\n“He’s in Vegas with the VP.” Mike smiled as he closed and locked the door behind them as Olivia sat down on the luxurious couch and unbuttoned her shirt, letting Natasha’s amble breasts catch a taste of freedom.\n\n“I was right you know.” Olivia said as she looked down at Natasha’s chest and caressed the breasts on the outside of the shirt “These are heavy enough to give back pains.”\n\n“And they’re real?” Mike asked as he walked over and sat down next to her.\n\n“Either that or expensive enough that I can’t even tell.” Olivia said. “Get a feel yourself.” She smiled, undoing another button and turning to him. Mike didn’t need telling twice, grabbing both breasts and caressing them excitedly. “Sensitive.” Olivia breathed as she undid the rest of the buttons while Mike enjoyed himself with an unfamiliar pear of tits.\n\n“Big too.” Mike mumbled. “But- not as soft as yours.” He added when he spotted the look in her eyes as the shirt slipped off of her.\n\n“I’m just teasing.” Olivia giggled girlishly, which was almost surreal coming from the usually professional lips. “Help me get this off, its some complicated hook thing.” She said turning around so Mike could undo the bra.\n\n“Probably expensive.” Mike smirked as he undid the numerous tiny hooks with some difficulty and the bra dislodged itself. \n\n“Waste of money.” Olivia whistled impressed as she turned around and the breasts stood firm, barely hanging at all. “If she did buy these, I wanna know wheooo-” Olivia trailed out as Mike leaned down and started sucking away at the tits. “Sensitive.” She repeated, this time with a moan, as Mike nibbled at her nipples. \n\nMike felt her nipples harden as he licked and sucked on them, loving the soft moans coming from her and the look of relaxed pleasure on the usually stern face. He buried himself deep in those amazing tits, caressing and sucking away for all he was worth as he felt a perfectly manicured hard undo his belt and slip into his pants. The smooth slender fingers wrapped around his cock and stroked gently, letting it grow hard between the fingers and lightly scratching it with those long perfect nails.\n\n“Come on Mouse.” Olivia moaned as she pulled him up out of the breasts and looked into his eyes. “You wanna get the cheese?” She asked and her free hand held up a pair of slightly moist panties.\n\nMike gave her a hungry kiss, pushing her up a bit higher on the small couch and got between her legs. He pushed the respectable business skirt up far enough that there was nothing respectable about it anymore and let a finger slip down to massage her clit.\n\n “That’s not as sensitive.” Olivia noted intrigued before the fingers slipped from the clit down and pushed inside. “Now that’s-“ She breathed.\n\n“Tight.” Mike finished as he finger fucked her, the moans growing louder as his cock just got harder from the sounds and the soft scratching of those nails on his cock. “Do you want it Olivebranch?” He asked as he moved his cock into position.\n\n“Hm? Oh, yeah, it’s been way too long.” She moaned as she felt the fingers pulling out and the tip of the cock replacing them. \n\nMike pushed his cock inside and was rewarded with a long deep moan as the pussy gripped his cock tightly. Her nails dug into his back as he started moving, he would have complained about the pain if her pussy didn’t feel so amazing. Natasha’s pussy was tight, tighter than Olivia’s had ever been, and it was clutching his cock eagerly whenever he thrust into her. Olivia was clearly enjoying it as much as Natasha’s body was, she was moaning and gasping way more than she usually did, Natasha’s whole body quaking with pleasure when Mike thrust in particularly deep. The long slender legs wrapped around Mike’s body and pulled him deeper with every thrust as Olivia bit her lip to keep herself from screaming in ecstasy. The nails dug through the skin on Mike’s back as she came, just barely keeping herself quiet as she clutched tightly around his cock and she felt his cock throbbing violently inside her. \n\n“Just, a bit, more.” Mike moaned as he kept thrusting into her before Olivia caught his lips in an uncharacteristically lusty kiss and he came deep inside her. Mike kept thrusting into her, emptying his balls inside that amazingly tight pussy as she let herself moan again and just enjoyed the sensation of being filled to the brim. “That was-“ Mike began as he rolled off of her and onto the couch again.\n\n“Amazing.” Olivia finished with a moan as she felt the cum slowly starting to leak out. She reached down and played softly with the used pussy, spreading the cum around as she did so.\n\n“Probably shouldn’t have- inside.” Mike said a bit nervously looking at the display, Olivia didn’t usually play with herself afterwards. \n\n“Its okay, she’s at a safe time of month.” Olivia assured him with a smile. “We women can tell.” She winked. \n\n“Oh, that’s good.” Mike said as he watched Olivia get to her feet and straighten out the skirt till it was respectable again, just as a drop of cum started to slide slowly down her thigh. He watched her put on the shirt and button it up as well leaving both her panties and her bra on the couch though. \n\n“Bring those home.” She winked as she straightened her close out enough to look professional again, only her tits looked even more strained against the shirt than usual, and anyone who looked closely could see the nipples poking through. “I’ll clean her up before I go, and I bet she’s gonna have fun wondering what happened to her underwear for the rest of the day.” She winked and Mike felt a slight throb of his cock at the thought of her working the rest of the day without underwear. “Clean up here and I’ll see you at home okay mouse?” Olivia asked and gave Mike a passionate kiss with a lot more tongue than he was expecting. “Let’s do this again sometime.” She smirked as she headed for the door and left him sitting with his dick out on the couch.\n\n--\n\nShe reveled in the sensation of the cum slowly draining out of her as she walked through the lunch empty office. She picked her phone up at the work station and opened up the text messages, typing out a quick one.\n\n**He totally bought it ;D**\n\n**Enjoyed yourself? ;)**\n\n**YES <3**\n\n**Told you my mouse was good ;)**\n\n**<3**\n\nNatasha slipped her phone into her skirt pocket and sat down at her desk feeling the cum seep out of her. With a satisfied sigh she slipped a hand into her skirt and caressed her clit softly, this was going to be a fun game to play." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Your roommate is the sweetest, cutest girl you know. She also very rough sex in her room at least once a week." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The student accommodations were almost exclusively twinned apartments. The front door lead to a hall with a bathroom straight ahead. To the left and right were two bedrooms. A small kitchen was located in the back with access from both bedrooms.\n\nAnna had been paired up with another freshman. Ellie. She was rather shy and reserved but wicked smart. At least Anna assumed she must be smart since she studied math.\n\nThe first week went by without incident. It was a bit hard to get to know Ellie. She mostly kept to herself and didn't say much. But they would be roommates for a long time. So there was no need to rush things.\n\nThe second week as Anna entered the apartment she heard strange sounds from Ellie's room. She knocked softly on the door but got no reply. She heard the sound again. It sounded like she was choking.\n\nWorriedly Anna burst in to Ellie's room. A strange man was standing naked with Ellie's head firmly pressed against his crotch.\n\n\"What the hell are you doing! Get off her!\"\n\nAnna pushed the man away. His erect penis left Ellie's throat and she could breath again.\n\n\"It was her idea. She wanted me to do it.\" the man said flustered.\n\nAnna didn't believe him for a second.\n\n\"I'm sorry if we were too loud. We'll try to keep it down.\" Ellie said behind her.\n\nAnna spun around.\n\n\"No... Sorry... I just thought... You weren't too loud at all. I just thought... Sorry...\"\n\nAnna left the room hurriedly and closed the door. She was feeling totally embarrassed. She just couldn't believe Ellie would be into something like that. Again the sound of a cock deep down a throat could be heard from the other side of the door. After a while the sound changed to two bodies slapping against each other and Ellie moaning.\n\nAnna went back to her room. After half an hour the man left and Ellie took a shower. From were she sat Anna could see through the open door into the kitchen. Ellie opened her door and got a drink from the refrigerator. Anna avoided eye contact with her. Ellie left her door open and sat down by her desk. She studied intently the rest of the evening.\n\nFor the next couple of days everything went back to normal. Neither of them mentioned the incident. Anna made an effort to get to know Ellie a bit better. And the better she got to know her the less sense it made. Perhaps she had misread the situation. Perhaps Ellie hadn't been in on it after all.\n\nWhen Anna entered the apartment and yet again heard noises from Ellie's room she knew better than to barge in. She was still worried though. They probably hadn't heard her enter. From the kitchen she very carefully opened the door to Ellie's room.\n\nEllie was on her knees and elbows. She moaned loudly. A man was fucking her from behind. It wasn't the same man as last time. The bed was damp beneath them. Ellie's pussy was dripping wet. Anna wondered how she could see Ellie's pussy at all when the man was fucking her.\n\n\"Oh, my god!\" Anna almost blurted out when she realized.\n\nThe man was fucking Ellie's asshole. She looked at Ellie's face. She had put a piece of her pillow in her mouth to muffle herself. She looked right at Anna.\n\nAnna quickly closed the door. She was embarrassed and confused. Her leading theories all revolved around it being that particular man that she had caught Ellie with earlier. Another man just didn't make sense. She would have to talk to Ellie and find out what was going on. At the very least she would have to apologize to her.\n\nThe man left soon after and Ellie took a shower like last time. Anna intercepted her when she came into the kitchen.\n\n\"I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that. It was completely wrong of me.\"\n\n\"Were we too loud again? I will try and keep quieter.\" Ellie answered apologetically.\n\n\"What? No. You didn't do anything wrong.\"\n\nAnna tried to find some way to continue this conversation. She didn't want to end it without answers.\n\n\"I couldn't help but notice it was a new man this time. Did it not work out with the other one?\"\n\n\"I don't like to have the same guy twice. They get... ideas.\"\n\n\"Like they want more than sex?\"\n\n\"Exactly.\"\n\nAnna was starting to understand.\n\n\"It just doesn't make sense to me. One moment you're this shy quiet girl. The next moment you have a... a... thing down your... thing. I'm just worried about you.\"\n\nEllie paused for a moment. She changed to a more serious tone before she answered.\n\n\"Look. I really just want to study. But I get all these thoughts in my head. And if I don't act on them I can't concentrate. This... just works for me.\"\n\n\"Where do you find these guys anyway?\"\n\nEllie broke out in a smile. She took her index finger and made a sideways motion. Then she went back to her room.\n\n\"Ah, of course.\" Anna thought to herself.\n\nThe weeks went by. Anna and Ellie became good friends. Ellie spent a lot of her time studying. But she could do other things as well. They would often watch a movie together or go out for dinner. Except when it was a study night for Ellie. On these occasions a new man would show up, fuck her brains out and she spent the rest of the evening by her desk.\n\nAnna had learned not to disturb Ellie on such nights. Though she would often listen in. She justified it by thinking that she wanted to make sure Ellie didn't get hurt. Ellie didn't seem to mind as long as Anna assured her that she wasn't being too loud. She was strangely open about her sexuality.\n\nIt was the middle of the midterms when Ellie came by her room.\n\n\"Anna. I need a huge favour from you.\"\n\n\"Anything.\"\n\n\"I have an exam tomorrow that I really need to study for. And the guy I was suppose to get with cancelled on me.\"\n\n\"Okay. What do you want me to do about it? I don't know any guys.\"\n\nEllie pulled out something she had held hidden behind her back. It was a dildo with a harness attached.\n\n\"No. No no no no. Forget it.\"\n\n\"Please.\"\n\n\"You're crazy.\"\n\n\"Pleeeease. I really need to concentrate and I can't find anyone else on so short notice.\"\n\n\"I don't know.\"\n\n\"Just this one time. It won't take long. I promise I'll make it up to you.\"\n\nAnna sighed. Sure she had heard that university was a time for experimentation. But fucking her shy timid roommate with a strapon because she needed to study wasn't exactly what she had in mind.\n\n\"Okay. Fine.\" she conceded and followed Ellie to her room.\n\nEllie helped Anna put the thing on over her sweatpants. She took out a bottle of lube from her nightstand and applied it to the shaft before she took her clothes off. Ellie lay down in the bed and spread her legs. Anna got down on her knees in front of her. It was pretty clear what Ellie expected her to do.\n\nAnna penetrated her roommates pussy with the dildo. Ellie let out a sigh of relief. Anna looked at her while she fucked her gently. Ellie managed to pull off sweet and innocent even with her legs open and her pussy full. Her breasts were small but perky and cute. Her pussy was clean shaven and equally as cute. Anna looked at it as she worked the dildo in and out.\n\nShe knew Ellie wanted it rougher than this. She got her hands underneath her butt and lifter her up. Ellie responded and arched her back. Now that she had better leverage Anna could fuck her harder. Somehow Ellie managed to look cute even in this position. She held a finger in her mouth and watched her own pussy getting pounded.\n\nAs Anna watched the pussy herself she got a sudden urge. She pulled out the dildo and squatted down. With her hands she stopped Ellie from falling back to the bed. Then she maneuvered her thumbs so she could spread Ellie's pussy open. She buried her face in it. Let her tongue explore every inch of her friend's gaping pussy. She sucked her clit momentarily before she returned to her fucking position.\n\nWhen she started fucking Ellie again she took a thumb and massaged her clitoris. She made eye contact with Ellie who held her head slightly sideways. Like she was afraid to look directly at Anna but still wanted to. Then her eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a louder moan. Her body tensed and she her arms moved irregularly.\n\nAs the orgasm ended Ellie pulled away and got down from the bed. Without saying a word she lay down a towel on the floor. She took the lube and added some more to Anna's strapon. She knelt down on the towel, put her head on the floor, pushed her butt in air and spread her ass cheeks.\n\nAnna felt dirty even looking at her roommate's asshole. But Ellie didn't leave her much of a choice. She knelt down behind her friend and guided the dildo against the opening. It looked tight. She knew it could be done though. She had seen it being done. Ellie's anus gave way as she pushed it all the way inside.\n\nAs Anna started fucking Ellie in the ass she also grabbed hold of her arms. Ellie locked hands with her. Anna pulled the arms back and used them as leverage while she fucked harder. Ellie moaned loudly. Anna was panting as well from the exertion.\n\nAfter a good while Ellie's moans were getting louder. Anna looked down at the towel between their legs. It was wet. She managed to get glimpses of several squirts from Ellie's pussy in between her thrusts. Finally Ellie let go of Anna's hands. Anna stopped and let her fall to the floor.\n\nThey both panted for a while before Ellie got up.\n\n\"Thanks. I owe you one.\" Ellie said before she left.\n\nAnna stayed behind as Ellie took her usual shower. She looked down at the damp towel. Ellie had drenched it with cum. She folded it up and hung it on the edge of Ellie's dirty laundry basket. She took off the strapon and took it with her.\n\nFrom her own room Anna watched as Ellie sat down at her desk. Like she always did. Anna looked away and tried to concentrate on her own work. She had exams as well.\n\nThe next day, as soon as Ellie came home, Anna went over to her room.\n\n\"Did your exam go well?\" she asked.\n\n\"Yes, I think so.\"\n\n\"I have my exam tomorrow. And I can't concentrate.\"\n\nAnna held out the strapon.\n\n\"I believe you owe me a favour.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "‘I just wish her boobs were a bit bigger...’ you think to yourself, cuddling with your gf. Suddenly, you hear a weird stretching noise and feel her chest slowly get heavier..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Weirdly enough she didn’t even seem to notice. Your eyes wide you gingerly move your hand up from where it rests around her abdomen and wrap your hand around a boob. Yep. It’s definitely bigger. Minutes ago you would have easily engulfed her small mounds in the palm of your hand, now the boob you caress fills most of your hand.\n\n*‘Hmm... this is amazing,’* you think, *‘still wish they were bigger.*’\n\nAs if on command her breasts swell again, the boob in your hand pushing outwards and completely filling your hand and even swelling a bit further, overfilling your grasp. You pull yourself closer to her, laying as you are on your side in bed with her serving as the little spoon and you as the big. Moving your head around her shoulder you glance down at her now-admirable sized chest, feeling your breath catch in your throat. Her simple white sleep shirt is now stretched to the breaking point, clearly not having expanded along with her chest. Her nipples push hard against the fabric and the v-neck cut displays her alluring cleavage.\n\nAt your continued groping and caresses your girlfriend let’s out a sleepy mumble, “mmm, not feeling like a nap after all?”\n\nYour eyes still wide as you stare at her breasts you realize you’re also sporting a sizable erection which is pressing into her lower back. You’re definitely not feeling like a nap anymore. “Uhh, suppose I’m not.”\n\n“You’ve never played with my boobs before.” She opens her sleepy eyes to cast an amused glance towards you, pushing her shoulder and boob harder into your hand.\n\n“Uhmm...” you glance downwards at your erection pressing against her slender hips and ass. Without stopping to consider you immediately think *‘I wish she had a juicy ass and nice wide hips.’* You watch in amazement as her hips grow and her ass expands back against your erection. Taking a gulp you feel your erection grow to full glory. “Uhhh, how about we change that.” You finally manage, releasing her boob you scoot backwards and grip her upper shoulder to turn her onto her back, rising up and climbing up to straddle her stomach and arms as you do.\n\n“Oh my,” she giggles at the sight of your erection bulging against your boxers. “That for me?” Her gaze sits transfixed on the bulge of your underwear for a moment until something unusual catches her gaze, her eyes focusing on the unusually large peaks on her chest and the cleavage between them.\n\nAs she stares at her suddenly large boobs you quickly pull her shirt up over her breasts, the other hand pulling yourself free of the confines of your boxers. Your cock freed from its prison you slide it between the crevice of her soft mounds, using your hands to push them together. Precum drips from your cock, lubricating your path as you push back and forth between her glorious chest pillows.\n\nShe giggles, looking at your cock sliding between her breasts. “You’ve never done that before... huh... do I seem... bigger than before?” She frowns a bit, blinking her eyes and trying to shake herself out of the dream she must be in. “Like, a lot bigger?”\n\n“Uhhh... yes... mmph... you... do...” you grunt as you continue sliding back and forth between her boobs.\n\nHer frown deepens, the expensive thought of suddenly needing new bras taking focus, “weird... wonder what happ- mmphhh!”\n\nYou cut her off as another inclination enters your head, causing you to release her breasts and launch your cock forwards to her open mouth, interrupting her with your sudden intrusion. Your enthusiasm carries you a bit too far, causing her to gag and her eyes to water as you slide over her tongue towards her throat.\n\n“Grhgghh!” She exclaims, slapping at the back of your thighs with her hands, her arms trapped between her body and your legs straddling her.\n\nQuickly you pull back, letting yourself pull free as she gasps for air, saliva trailing from her cute lips to the head of your cock which comes to hover inches from her mouth.\n\n“Jerk!” She slaps your thighs with annoyance. “You know I can’t do that!”\n\nThe thoughts come to mind without hesitation *‘I wish you could deepthroat like a pornstar, and I wish your lips were a little more lush.’* You smile broadly as you watch her lips plump up slightly. “I bet you can now!”\n\nHer eyes widen and she begins to object but you cut her off again by shoving your cock back in, pushing in until your shaft is fully embedded and the head sitting in her throat. She looks at you with surprise at the successful advance.\n\n“Mhat?!” She exclaims around you as you fill her mouth. You waste no time, pulling back and then quickly thrusting forward again, fucking her face against the pillows and headboard behind her like you’ve never been able to before. The sudden rush of her new ability quickly becomes too much for you, your thrusts becoming erratic in tempo and depth. The realization of your impending orgasm dawns on her, her eyes widening and her head shaking in the negative as she tries to signal for you to pull out.\n\n*‘I wish you loved to swallow,’* you think quickly, continuing to pump as you grow closer and closer to cumming. Frowning as she continues to signal you to pull out, you double down and think *‘I wish you loved the taste of my cum.’* Imagining your girlfriend actually liking your cum is a bit much for you in your current state, as you thrust forward and grunt, wrapping your hand in her hair and leaning against the headboard as you begin spewing your passion down her throat.\n\n“Nnnhghhhh!” She exclaims with surprise, quickly following it up with an equally surprised, “mmmmmhhhmmmm.” She hungrily swallows against the tide spurting down her throat, her tongue working along your shaft as she tries to pull ever more out of you.\n\nFeeling your orgasm nearing completion, you idly think *‘I wish I could cum forever’* as your own eyes quickly widen in surprise as another burst of cum shoots forth in such volume it spills around your cock and her plush lips, dribbling down her chin as she desperately swallows as much as she can. The torrent continues, your body spasming as load after load gushes forth, the never ending orgasm overwhelming you both as her wide eyed expression of surprise turns to one of alarm and then terror as you begin to literally drown her in your cum.\n\nIn a desperate bid for control you manage to push your shaking body away from her, your cock coming free of her mouth while cum continues to spill forth, showering her chest, breasts, and belly as you fall backwards. Now laying on your back atop her hips and legs with your own legs folded under you, you desperately wish for the torrent to stop.\n\nAs soon as you finish the thought, a final gigantic glop of cum shoots skyward before coming back to splat on your girlfriends bare tummy. You both lay there, panting with shock and a weird mixture of awe and horror. She gasps for breath, coughing loudly and blinking furiously in an attempt to clear her vision while regaining her breath. You raise your head to stare at her with concern, your own breath pausing as you take in the visage of your love covered in gratuitous amounts of your semen. It covers every inch of her face and most of her hair. The thick glaze coats her eyes, her forehead, her cheeks and nose, her lips and chin, and in such quantity it slowly drips downwards from nearly everywhere, descending towards her equally covered chest and breasts. The shirt you’d pushed upwards earlier now forms a dam, a thick puddle forming atop it.\n\n​\n\n\\*\\*\\*\n\n​\n\nBreaking into two parts, got carried away. Typed on my phone so apologies for any errors." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "A little creativity allowed her to figure out a way to tie herself up and hold the vibrator against herself with the bondage at the same time. She quickly realized that she didn’t have a plan to get out of it on her own. At least not without waiting for her friend to return from work." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Self bondage. [Part 1]\n\n\n***\n\n\n“See you later Alice” Julian said as he headed to the door.\n\nAlice looked up from her book. “Hm?”\n\nJulian laughed “I said: see you later”\n\nAlice felt her heart racing and she gulped. “Yeah… see you later.” he didn’t know what she’d planned whilst he was away.\n\n“I’ll be gone a couple of hours, so don’t go getting into any trouble” he said as he pulled the door behind him.\n\n“Oh I won’t…” she said to the air as the door slammed closed. She waited a few seconds before standing up and moving over to her room. She’d been waiting to be alone in the house for weeks. Now that she had a few hours to herself she was going to use it well. She’d seen some self bondage online that she’d really wanted to try. She also wanted to add her own twist. She’d been edging for days and she was so on edge she felt like she could cum from the lightest touch.\n\nShe began her preparation by taking her bedding off the bed so all that was left was the mattress and its cover. Next, she pulled over the straps that would hold her ankles in place. She pulled the vibrator out of underwear draw, holding it for a second before throwing it on the bed. \n\nShe let her dress slide off her shoulders and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She let out a soft moan as her fingers brushed her pussy through her cotton panties, she felt herself getting wet. She slipped them off as well and she suddenly noticed how hard her nipples were. God, she was going to enjoy this. She started to tie the knots she had learnt from the internet and soon the vibrator was fastened up against her now dripping pussy, pressing into it so there was no escape. She sat on the edge of the bed, strapping herself into the spreader bar that had arrived in the post just a few days before. With a little difficulty she swung her legs around so that they were at the foot of the bed, straining, she reached down, clipping herself in place. With a few tugs she was happy that she couldn’t escape.\n\nNext she moved up to her left hand, sliding it through the loop that she had prepared the night before and securing her wrist to the bedpost. She tightened it and moved down to the vibrator between her legs, turning it on. She let out a breath and let her head fall back on her pillow as the feeling of arousal grew, the buzzing causing her to flush. She played with her tits with her free hand for a few seconds, enjoying the sensation of pleasure. Before she tied herself into the final restraint she stretched over to the bedside table and grabbed the clothes pins that were on it. Alice let out a sharp gasp as each one clipped into place. The final touch was the blindfold that she slipped over her eyes, her world went completely pitch black. \n\nAll this time she had been growing hornier and hornier but she had not been able to fully enjoy the sensation that the toy been her legs had been producing. She ran her fingers across her exposed pussy as the vibrator continued to buzz away. She arched her back slightly as the pleasure continued to build. She forced herself to pull her fingers away, tasting herself before she slid her wrist through the loop that attached her to the other bed post, this one was left intentionally looser so that she could escape again at the end. \n\nThe feeling of lying blindfolded, spread eagle, exposed, with her hands and feet tied in place and her nipples clamped, was one of Alice’s favourite things in the whole world. \n\nNow she could fully enjoy the sensations that were flowing through her. She moaned deeply, her back arching as the buzzing pushed her closer and closer to the edge.\n\n“Fuck” she gasped through ragged breaths as she pulled against the restraints, her body trying to squirm away from the pleasure. Of course there was nowhere to go and, as she gripped on tightly to the ropes with her hands, she felt a wave of pleasure flood through her. She came hard against the toy, her body writhing as she tried to to push her legs together, the spreader bar preventing her from doing so.\n\nShe fell back on the bed, gasping for air. Should she let herself out? No, one more. \n\nShe didn’t have much time to think as the second orgasm flooded over her. This time all the pressure that she’d built up over the previous few days was completely released and, as she shook, she let go of the ropes with her hand, pulsing as she came again. She felt it happen in slow motion. The rope around her right hand wrist tighten as her body squirmed around the bed.\n\n‘Oh shit’ she thought as she returned to her right mind, the wave of pleasure passing. She tried to tug on the restraint, panic rising inside her. She was well and truly trapped, she couldn’t move from her self inflicted prison. Soon the panic was met by a burst of pleasure as she felt herself rushing towards the edge once again.\n\n“Oh god!” she let out, as her sensitive pussy came against the persistent toy. She gulped, her throat dry, as she tried to pull away from the bed whilst she came. Her feet weren’t going anywhere, and the restraints around her wrist had tightened so much when she was writhing around she knew only someone else could let her out of her compromising position. There was only one person who could do that. Julian.\n\nShe thought about him walking in, finding her like this, and she was even hornier than she had been before the toy still buzzing away between her legs…\n\n\n***\n\nHope you enjoyed. I will do a part 2 at some point were Julian comes back..." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Write a story about an activist against freeuse, in a freeuse society." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Cindy was standing in a booth in the mall. It was a pretty little thing, she set it up herself just a few minutes ago. The back where she kept her supplies, posters and the like, was hidden by some cloth. The front filled with posters, t-shirts , notepads with different emails lists and petitions, all lined up on the board. She was wearing one of the shirts herself, in fact. A tight t-shirt with heavy neckline, some text on the front reading \"Sex should be a choice!\" in bold impact font. She had been waiting all morning for the mall to open up, and she finally she saw the first customers arrive.\n\n\"Sir? Could I bother you for a minute? You see I have these pamphlets about consent and-\"\n\n\"Not interested lady, I can't stand those mailing lists.\", a middle aged man replies as he hurries past.\n\nHis wife walking next to him, stops.\n\n\"Honey don't be rude, can't you see how much trouble she want through? I think we ought to giver her a chance.\". The wife is in her 30s, with red hair and perked green eyes. She's wearing some business casual clothing, a half buttoned blouse, a pencil skirt and heels. \n\n\"Thank you miss! You see back in the old days we had all sorts of laws about when you could have sex..\", Cindy replies.\n\nAs she's talking the man, clearly disinterested starts eyeing her up. The tight t-shirt she's wearing shows off her ample breasts as she talks, jiggling them as she gets more excited. Her blonde hair is up in a ponytail, and he wonders what the rest of her looks, behind that booth. He makes his way behind it, trying to get a better look at her. \n\n\"And back then of course women could actually choose who they had sex with!\" Cindy continues to the confused woman. She's gasping at the very idea, her tongue lying on her lips as her open mouth frames her face.\n\nThe man gets inside the booth from the behind. He sees the tiny, government mandated skirt Cindy is wearing and grabs her cute little but from behind, give her a slap. Cindy gasps with the impact on the other side of the screen hiding away her ass.\n\n\"uugh sir do you have to right now? Could you - ooooh my god\"\n\nWhile Cindy was talking her made quick work of his pants. Being a busy man, he's used to fucking a quick slut every now and then during his day, and this girl was no different. He pushes her down on the booth as he slides in his cock.\n\n*God she's tight*, he thinks to himself. *She must not get fucked as often as she should.*\n\nHer skirt is flipped up on her back as he picks up steam. He leans over her and slips his fingers between her legs, slowly fingering her. He's a gentleman after all.\n\nCindy starts moaning on the other side of the screen. Pushed down on the counter her breasts are nearly popping of of her shirt as she jiggles with each thrust. The feeling of that strangers cock penetrating her again and again is making her wet against her better judgement.\n\n\"It's okay sweetheart, I'm sure you just need to be fucked properly to stop with these silly ideas of yours\". The wife has stepped closer to Cindy, she's stroking her hair and speaking softly to her as her husband pounds her from behind. \n\n\"Fuuuck why does it have to feel so goood\" Cindy moans.\n\nA few more curious shoppers have made their way to the booth by now. Some are enjoying the sex on display, watching the wife grab Cindy's ponytail and kiss her deeply. Another couple, a brown haired man and woman get particularly excited as the wife slips her hand down her skirt and starts dripping down her leg. \n\nThey step up to the booth, the brown haired woman pushing the wife against it. \n\n\"I love redheads. They're so feisty\" she says, pulling the wife's fingers out of her pussy and licking them clean. The wife moans as the brown haired woman slides of the pencil skirt the wife was wearing. She kisses from the redheads neck, down her chest and nipples, her stomach. Finally she places a kiss right on her clit, before burying her face in the red haired carpet hiding a very wet pussy. \n\nNext to her, in the booth, the husband is enjoying this fresh cunt as much as he can. His balls slapping against her with every thrust, by now he's grabbed her hair and arched her back towards him. He doesn't need to rub her pussy any more, she's already lost what little dignity she had mustered up this morning. \n\n\"Where do you want me to cum, slut?\" He asks her.\n\n\"Mmmm yes, please cum in my pussy, please fill me up\", Cindy moans. Her chest and face are redding as she gets closer to climaxing. \n\nHe grabs her by her throat and fucks her harder, faster, getting close himself. Cindy screams in pleasure as she feels him fill up her pussy with his cum. She doubles over as he lets go and she loses control of her legs, and falls down on the booth table again. Her pussy dripping his cum, quivering in the aftershocks, she hears the shifting on boots behind her as a new arrival gets ready for his turn. In this moment, she has forgotten why she came here today. All that's in her mind is where she wants the next man to cum. \n\n*Maybe this time, they can use my mouth*, she thinks. \n\n**Feel free to give feedback**" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "A young woman returns early from classes and finds her roommate stark naked in front of her laptop, the tail-end of a lovense vibrator sticking out from between her legs. She tries to cover up and apologise… Until one of her viewers sends her a large donation, causing the vibrator to activate." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The spasm ended and Jade whimpered up at Amber. \"Amber, I'm so-sorry, I never wanted you to find out about this.\"\n\nAmber smirked. Her dark hair and porcelain skin was in sharp contrast to Jade's shock of short blue hair and blue eyes. \"Oh, I'm not mad. This is the most entertaining thing I've ever seen. Please, continue. I'm sure one more viewer won't upset you.\"\n\nJade gasped in shock as her roommate sat on the bed next to her! Jade was wearing blue panties and a bra, her thick stomach and even thicker butt on mostly full display, her tits spilling out the top. \"What, yo-you're just going I mean, you're not weirded out?\" Jade sat up and scooted a little, leaving room for Amber.\n\n*Tell her what you told us this morning,* the demand came on the screen. *Tell her the truth or else.*\n\n\"Or else what, Cocklord?\" It wasn't an insult, CockLord87 was the username. \n\n*I've been saving up for you, Jade. Saving all my money. You're going to tell your roommate what you told us yesterday*\n\n\"Get fucked, Cocklord,\" Jade smirked as she rolled her eyes. \"I'm trying to do a show he-EERE!\" Jade let out a small shriek and lurched forward, grabbing her pussy.\n\n*That was a warning shot, bimbo xD Next you'll get is a minute-long vibe-fuck.*\n\nJade groaned but glared at her webcam. \"You're bluffing. The minute long one is fifty bucks, you haven't saved THAT much up--AAARRRGGH!\"\n\nJade pitched forward further, crossing her eyes. \"Oh fuck, oh no, oh please, turn it off, I c-can't handle a minute after that llllast orgasm! Uh, uh, uh...Cocklord make it stop, please, you can turn it off, I'm begging...\"\n\n*Talk.*\n\n\"Okay, fine! I was t-t-telling them how you....and I w-wrestled that one t-time after a few drinks and....oh fuck, please turn it off.....hnnNNnnNNGH I'M CUMMING! OH GOD WHEN YOU WRESTLED ME I GOT SO FUCKING WET! AAaah yeah...\" Jade gasped as she came off her orgasm but continued, \"it put me in such a subby headspace I almost lost my mind! \"Mmm fuck Amber I'm so sorry, I wasn't going to tell you, they made me, please don't be mad...\"\n\nJade gasped as the vibration stopped. She took a few deep breaths and glanced at Amber, expecting to see her weirded out or angry.\n\nShe wasn't expecting amusement. Quick as a flash, Amber scooted over and kneeled behind her, grabbing Jade in a half nelson. \"Mmm, like this? Is this what you liked? Hey, what would happen if I took your bra off now?\"\n\n*I'd donate a dollar*\n\n*I'd donate twenty*\n\n*I'd give you at least a hundred,* that last promise came from Cocklord87. *More, if you tickled her while you held her. You did that once and she said she nearly creamed her panties.*\n\nAmber giggled. \"Is that truuuee?\" She asked Jade as she slid the bra off the weaker woman. \"Did you get horny when I used my position to humiliate you? I'm gonna do it again! Hey Jade, are these boobies ticklish?\"\n\nHer answer was immediate as Amber began wriggling her fingers on Jade's tits--Jade screamed and started laughing and thrashing. \"Aww, kitchy kitchy koo,\" Amber taunted as she repositioned Jade. Now Amber was behind Jade on their sides, Amber's arms wrapped around Jade's arms, Jade's legs tangled up in Amber's.\n\nJade screamed as another orgasm hit her, stronger than anything she'd ever felt before, and Amber started tickling her breasts again. \"Mmmm, this is fun!\" Amber giggled. \"Okay guys, see Jade's goal at the top? Three thousand? I mean, we're only up to two hundred and thirty...but if you can get us to the goal by lunch, I bet Jade would let me fuck her for you guys! Isn't that right, Jade?\" Amber slowed down the tickling, now just gently pinching Jade's nipples.\n\nIn a submissive, overly horny haze, all Jade could do was nod her consent." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You have the ability to make arbitrary rules how people can (or cannot) orgasm." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "If it can be done globally:\n\n\nPeople can only orgasm if they've done something to help the planet that day, whether that's not using their car, choosing to use biodegradable materials, or making a donation to a relevant organization. Even if it's tiny things, that adds up with billions of people, and it doesn't seriously affect their lives.\n\n\nIf it can only be done locally:\n\n\nMembers of government can only orgasm if they are working towards the best interests of the people, not corporations or themselves.\n\n\nPerhaps not very sexy choices, but with great power... etcetera." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[TT] A witch has a massive crush on someone and tries every magical method she knows to make them feel the same way about her. None of them work because her crush is already in love with her and just too shy to make a move." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It’s not unusual to have performance issues as a witch. All that magic can go wrong if the proper preparations aren’t taken. A single badly mispronounced word or a limp wrist at the wrong time could *really* mess up a spell. Not just cause it to blow up in my face, turn me into a potted plant, or tear a rift between planes and drag some fortunate demon in, but it could even have the opposite effect of the spell! I really didn’t want that to happen, not with... *her* sitting and watching. \n\n“Are you alright there, Sakara?” Artolda asked in a rich voice. I couldn’t help but risk looking over my shoulder as I balanced precariously on the edge of the stool. She had been constantly adjusting her form, herself a master of body-shaping magic, and every time I looked she was just a little more alluring. \n\nHer V-cut maroon robes had been filling out nicely with her breasts as she kept casting when I wasn’t looking to the point of spilling out. Despite the feminine form she adopted today, her muscles remained hard and firm underneath those robes, and I could swear she was flexing them for me as she waited. \n\nI let my eyes linger as I tip-toed up to grab a jar of Succubus Slime on the top shelf. My fingers slid around it, until I lifted myself up a bit more to grasp it in my palm. “Gotcha! Who-whoa!” My bare toes lost their precarious grip on the stool, and I fell backwards as the stool slid out from underneath me, my skirt flapping in the air!\n\n\"AAH!\" I clenched my eyes shut as I prepared to land on my back, but my fall was broken by a pair of strong hands. “Artolda!” I exclaimed. “Thanks for... catching me.” I lamely said. \n\nShe tilted my body so that I could touch the ground with my feet again. “It was nothing.” She said in a dismissive voice. “You couldn’t you just magic the jars off the top shelf yourself?” \n\nEep. I was nervous about that question. “It’s uhhh, cause I’m a lust mage, remember? It’s kind of embarrassing...” \n\nShe wasn’t buying that answer. “You don’t seem to really care about showing off when we’re in the middle of battle, what, with you always flaunting around half naked and getting off to the sight of your own tremendous magic. Why couldn’t you just tease yourself a little to get the magic power you’d need to telekinetically move that jar down?” \n\nBecause I don’t want you to see me like that! I wanted to scream out my feelings, but all I let out were some squeaks from deep inside my throat. “Eep...” I turned away, I didn’t want her to see my true feelings. \n\n“Nothing!” I cried out. “It’s nothing! I just needed to, uh, save my magic for this spell I was going to cast on you! To make you even stronger! More fortitude!” I doubted she could actually get any stronger after all the shapeshifting magic she could already use, but I had to get a good excuse to get her here. The kind of magic I was planning wasn’t body-shaping, but really mind-altering, an old lust mage special love spell. \n\nTo her credit, she didn’t buy that at all. “Well, I’m not sure. But it’s worth a try. I do like spending time with you after all.” \n\nWait really?! I let out another squeak within my throat, but I focused on another task to refrain from responding. Opening this damn jar!\n\n“You... want some help with that?”\n\n“No! I could do this just fine!” Damn muscle wizard flexing on me again. I really doubted I could open it with my own strength, but a little magic wouldn’t hurt. I rubbed my thighs together, channeling the spark of magic into my hands to gain the strength to twist this thing off. “Aha!” I triumphantly lifted the stubborn lid off, my panties moistened a tiny bit more underneath my skirt.\n\nAlmost immediately, the aroma of the succubus slime covered the room. Roses, sweat, and honey filled our noses, teasing out our lust. I could see Artolda wrinkle her nose. “What... *is that*?!” she demanded to know.\n\nI covered the label with my hand. “Just, something you need to smell. Just, let it in. Breathe deep, you’ll like it.” I really should have prepared some protection for myself, just in case I let it get to my head. Oh gods, I couldn’t concentrate like this. The aphrodisiac was flowing up through my nose, increasing my desire for Artolda. The desire would be good, I could channel the lust into my magic to strengthen it, but if I couldn’t keep a steady head, I’d blow it! Myself, the room, or maybe her! \n\nThankfully, Artolda took long, drawn out breath, sweeping the air in with smooth breathing motions, her chest swelling up and down. “It’s not that bad after the first smell I get. It kind of smells like, you, I guess.” \n\nThat was a good sign, it meant she was affected as well. “Sure, just sit back down, and I’ll start casting.” I availed of myself of other components, the rose petals, the chocolate bon bons, the bottle of distilled grapes. I was ready. I looked back at Artolda, lovingly reclining on the cushions, right and ready for my magic.\n\n“*Look at me deeply.*” I whispered, leaning in to gaze into his hazel eyes. “*Think about something comfortable, something pleasurable, and immerse yourself in that thought.*” I reached out with my will, letting my desire for her overtake me as the wine poured out of the bottle in a swirl, the roses and bon bons scattered in the magical storm of my desire and lust made manifest. “*Feel these feelings, and accept them.*”\n\nOne by one, the roses and chocolates faded into nothingness, and the wine evaporated in a pink mist. The jar had ceased releasing it’s aphrodisiac scent, and we were left staring at each other’s eyes.\n\nDid it work? My heart pounded, and I did all I could to resist touching myself, my desire for release burning away inside of me, but not as hotly as my nerves. Did I mess up?\n\nArtolda was the first to speak. “Sorry, Sakara, I don’t feel any different,” she told me in an immensely apologetic tone. “I’m sure it just didn’t match with one of my enchantments. I mean, if that was what you were trying to do.”\n\nI wanted to collapse onto the floor, scream, and curl up into a ball. This was my chance, and I blew it! “Uh, Yeah. That must have been what had happened.” I was about to cry, and I wanted to touch myself so badly. Touch her, and make her touch me back, but my spell didn’t work! She was sure to hate me now...\n\n“Hey, I was thinking, did you want to go and get some drinks at the tavern? They’ve got some lovely passion fruit cocktails right now, I’ll treat you tonight.”\n\nI peeked right up. “Really? I could definitely use a drink.”\n\nShe took my hand, and lead me out the door. “I really do want to spend some more time with you,” she admitted. “I think we have a lot to teach each other.”\n\nI strolled down the cobblestone street besides her, letting to cool air blow the heat and desire away. “Like what?”\n\n“Like honesty,” she said in her deadpan voice again. “And how to properly ask someone out.”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[IP][EU] Poison Ivy came to the nude beach to photograph flowers, but Harley Quinn has other ideas" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Isn't this flower *beautiful?*\"\n\nHarley nodded in appreciation. \"Yep, it suuure is~!\" She took another picture of Ivy's beautiful folds, taking delight in the smooth, dampened skin.\n\n\"Such a *shame* that men try to destroy all of nature's bounty\" Ivy moaned.\n\n*Click!* Harley zoomed in on the plump red button. \"I don't blame 'em!\"\n\nIvy turned back, scowling at Harley. \"Girl, you need to watch your tone. Man is nature's poison, you can't side with them!\"\n\n\"Haha, sorry, I meant your flower.\" Harley kissed the plant girl's left foot as an apology, before promptly spitting out the course sand that found its way in her mouth. \"We don't need men anyway. We got each other, right sugar?\"\n\n\"What happened to your clown of a boyfriend?\" Ivy asked, laying on her side in her usual temptress pose.\n\n\"Oh, Mr. J and me don't see each other no more. He only has eyes for the bat brain! He even said...\" She began to throw a tantrum, banging her fists against the sand in fits of rage. \"HE SAID HE DIDN'T WANT ME ANYMORE!\"\n\n\"... I see...\" Poison Ivy pulled the girl into a tight hug, squishing her impossibly soft breasts against Ms. Quinn's back. \"Just breathe deeply girl... You're right, we don't need them, when we have each other.\"\n\nHarley calmed down, taking in the leafy scent of her comforter. She could feel the pulse of Ivy's heart against her back, beating in time with her own. \"Yeah... And girls have gotta stick up for each other...\"\n\nIvy smiled, knowing her pheromones were in full effect. \"The Joker has no respect for anything... Or anyone.\"\n\nShe took a hold of the blonde's breasts, casually circling her long fingernails around the areola.\n\n\"Even those who were most loyal to him.\"\n\nShe pierced a pointed nail into the New Yorker's skin, and smiled again, filling the girl's bloodstream with her love toxins.\n\n\"You deserve better... I deserve a worthy partner... Why don't we seal it with a kiss?\"\n\nHarley's mind was running wild. The Joker didn't care for her.\n\nIvy's tits flashed in her mind, the way they bounced in the ocean breeze.\n\nThe Bats took him away! \n\nThat delectable pussy, and that round, red jewel, begging for attention.\n\nShe didn't need to be bossed around anymore.\n\nShe had to listen to Ivy. She *needed* Ivy.\n\nBefore she knew it, she was passionately French-kissing the plant girl. Her mind went foggy again, and she was lapping up the sweet nectar from Ivy's perfect flower. More fog, then Ivy's photo specimen was somehow an elaborate pink throne, and Harley was masturbating while performing impressive acrobatic tricks on grown plant vines. And then, they caught her, giving her a tight, prickly hug and a gentle caress across her sensitive areas, making her finally cum.\n\n\"Miss Ivy?\"\n\n\"Yes, my pet.\"\n\n\"You're the best queen I've ever seen. Can we come back tomorrow?\"\n\nThe plant girl smiled at her new servant, while petting her naked form. \"Of course.\"\n\nHarley's eyes were heavy, and she fell asleep." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[TT] After an experimental attempt at time travel almost destroys time and space, your suddenly blasted to the back of the room. Everything seems fine, but with one difference: someone new seems to be here, dragged out of their original time from the machines (not so) successful test." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I stared up at the fluorescent lighting of my lab. It flickered. Wisps of smoke curled across my vision. Then the pain hit me.\n\n\n“*Ow,*” I groaned. There was a strange reverb to my voice. I winced and rubbed my face, trying to piece together the last few moments. There had been an explosion, I was sure of that. It'd flung me against the back wall, away from the time in multidimensional expression prototype…\n\n\nOh fuck. I sat up too quickly and felt like I was going to puke. When my eyes focused on the testing chamber, my stomach dropped further. The TIME machine was a smoking husk of wires and scrap.\n\n\n\"*Fuck!*\" I cried, with the same strange reverb. That didn’t seem right. Had the explosion done something to my hearing? Putting aside the fact that a year of my life had just exploded, I glanced around the lab, worried about what other damage had occurred.\n\n\nThere was a mirror in the middle of the room. For… some reason. It showed me sitting on the floor in a soot-blackened lab coat, my hair a frizzled mess and a trickle of blood running down my face. Yeesh. I raised a hand to touch my sizzled eyebrows and experienced a moment of horrible existential dread. My reflection had lifted the wrong hand. And… my beauty mark was on the wrong cheek. Or rather, the right cheek. Which meant…\n\n\n“*How hard did I hit my head…?*” I muttered. At least my reflection had the decency to do the same thing. But...\n\n\nI crawled forward on my hands and knees as my unmirrored reflection did the same, reaching out to touch the surface of the-\n\n\nMy fingers touched warm skin. \n\n\n“*Oh, fuck me!*” we cried, and recoiled simultaneously.\n\n\n“*Real scientific,*” we mumbled in union a few moments later.\n\n\n“*Okay, what the* fuck *is going on?*”\n\n\nI glared at my ‘reflection’. “*One at a time! Shut up! Oh my God, am I just talking to myself? I mean-*” I clamped a hand over my mouth. She did the same… then slowly peeled her fingers away as mine remained in place. I felt faint.\n\n\n“Is this the way we’re doing things? Do we need a talking stick?”\n\n\nOh God, was that what I sounded like? I parted the fingers over my mouth. “Um. Hi. You. Me. Whatever.”\n\n\n“Oh God, is that what I sound like?” she asked in horror, then shook her head. “Whatever. You *are* me, right?\"\n\n\nI shrugged. “Yes? I think so?”\n\n\n“Tell me about yourself.”\n\n\n“You first,” I said suspiciously.\n\n\nShe cocked her head. “How about at the same time? Since we’re apparently in sync?”\n\n\n“*My name is Caroline Weaver,*” we said slowly, staring into each other's brown eyes. “*I was born in Newnan, Georgia. My first pet was a dog named Josie. I am thirty-*onetwo *years old…*”\n\n\nWe both frowned. “*You’re thirty-*onetwo*?*”\n\n\nShe held up her hand. I gestured for her to speak, and she said, “I’m thirty-two. Are you thirty-one?”\n\n\n“Yes…” I replied slowly. “What were you doing when the explosion happened?”\n\n\n“Testing the TIME prototype.” At my pointed look, she added, “Mark one. On January twenty-third, twenty twenty-one. You?”\n\n\n“Testing the TIME prototype mark one… on January twenty-third, twenty twenty.”\n\n\n“*Huh,*” we said together.\n\n\n“So…” I muttered. “You’re a year in the past now?”\n\n\n“Or you’re a year in the future,” she pointed out.\n\n\n“Or I’m just having a dissociative episode, and none of this is really happening.”\n\n\nShe shrugged. “That too.”\n\n\n“Don’t suppose you could tell me some winning lottery numbers, just in case?”\n\n\n“If you really think I’d memorize the winning numbers for a billion dollar Powerball jackpot before testing a time machine, you’d be… me.” She smiled and pulled a pen out of the pocket of her lab coat. “Got a piece of paper?”\n\n\nI tossed her my notebook and she scribbled in it for a minute. The handwriting when she passed it back was, unsurprisingly, identical to my own.\n\n\n“That happened eight months ago… so, four months from now for you. Or me. We should really figure that out.”\n\n\n“My head hurts,” I mumbled.\n\n\n“From the head injury or the fact that you- we- that time travel is possible?”\n\n\n“Yes.”\n\n\nShe sighed. “Me too. We should probably get some medical attention, don’t you think?”\n\n\n“*The fact that I don’t have a twin sister might be a problem,*” we said in sync. “*But I know some first aid.*”\n\n\nI gave her a look. She gave me an identical look. “*Does that get on your nerves? Yes. Yes it does.*”\n\n\n“Hand up to talk?” she offered after a few moments, giving me a wave.\n\n\n“Sure.” I stood up and staggered my way over to the lab’s medical kit with her, then hesitated as we both reached out to it.\n\n\n“*Age before beauty?*”\n\n\nShe grinned and shrugged off her lab coat, exposing a nice blue blouse that I didn’t own. As she sat down on a nearby chair, I couldn’t help but notice that it really… emphasized her appearance. My appearance. Er.\n\n\nShe caught me staring and I quickly focused on setting out the medical supplies.\n\n\n“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I asked awkwardly.\n\n\n“I’m exactly as pervy as you. So yes, now I am.”\n\n\n“So, once we figure out if we destroyed the fabric of spacetime…”\n\n\n“We can answer the age-old question.”\n\n\n“*Is it incest or masturbation?*”\n\n\n-------\n\n\nI don't know if I'll write more of this, but it was fun. Feedback is welcome and appreciated." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "An elf adventurer prostitutes herself to recoup the losses of her latest misadventures, when she spots a party member entering the establishment." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Felya sighed as she headed into the brothel. She didn’t want to be here, but at this point it was this or hawk gear, and she refused to get rid of the tools that served her so well. Well, except for their last little adventure. That… that hadn’t gone so well. She wasn’t sure if she had ever had such a run of bad luck, but Gregor had nearly died from a poison arrow trap she’d missed, Faith was still smarting from the pit trap she had fallen into, and Andruiwin still hadn’t regained consciousness after the botched the gas trap that had nearly gotten them all killed.\n\nAnd now she had to earn her keep, so to speak. The potions needed for the rest of the party to recover had to come from somewhere and all eyes, well, all eyes save Andruiwin, were focused on her. There were options, of course, less legal than this, and she would have resorted to them if Faith hadn’t been so adamant about her turning a new leaf. Nice in theory, but it would be easier to simply rob some nobles who hadn’t earned the money than to find some way to earn it legally.\n\nAnd then Falk had spoken up, the dilettante bard who frequently annoyed the piss out of her but was just useful enough that he was worth keeping around. He’d mentioned there were ways, enjoyable ways, to both pass time and earn money. Faith was scandalized of course, but he pointedly reminded her that brothels were legal here in Korvosa. It wasn’t something that the cleric could disagree with as illegal.\n\nAnd Felya had to admit to herself, it may help her to blow off some steam.\n\nFalk took her silence as acceptance and made a number of gleeful recommendations in a tone that turned her stomach and caused Faith to back out of the room. She glowered at him the entire time and considered dismissing it all out of hand, but sucked it up and listened. He had the experience, far too much of it for her liking, but he was both a fop and an expert on the subject. At the very least he knew which places were reputable and more or less clean. She drew the line at telling him that though. The very last thing he needed was encouragement.\n\nLeaving her equipment behind, she’d headed to a few different locations. The rarity of elves in this city was her strong selling point, there weren’t many in the city to begin with and fewer still who would suffer the indignity of sex work for money. Grinning and bearing it she haggled with the owner of the nicest establishment and changed into clothing that covered little and revealed even more. It fit her lithe body perfectly though he did raise an eyebrow at her visible muscles when he did his final appraisal before sending her out.\n\nOf course that was when Falk dawdled in. Felya nearly backed out of the room the moment he entered, but he, of course, spotted her instantly. His face split into a grin and he headed over to her immediately, “You look good!” He preened, looking her up and down, “Giz did a good job picking out an outfit for you.”\n\nFelya felt like she was sucking on a lemon, “What are you doing here Falk?” She kept her voice to a low hiss, trying not to draw too much attention, “If you have the gold to afford me, I shouldn’t need to be here.”\n\nHe shook his head and held up a hand, “Nothing of the sort. I am simply here to help.” His grin grew to shit eating proportions, “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see to that now.”\n\nFelya watched him walk past her and on to the manager’s office, then barred her arms across her chest and huffed, trying to put him out of mind. Business in the establishment was slow, a trickle of men coming in, some of them catching sight of her and widening their eyes before apparently thinking better of it. Other girls drifted away from her. The one man, besides Falk, who approached her, balked at the price she had agreed to ask for.\n\n“Smile.” Felya nearly jumped out of her skin as Falk strolled up beside her and sat down and…\n\n“What are you wearing?” Felya gawked at the gauzy fabric. It resembled the bottom of her clothing, but a different color, and it had no top, his chest, pale white and hairless, was entirely exposed.\n\nFalk smiled and tittered, his voice several octaves higher than normal, “Why, I did say I was here to help, didn’t I?”\n\nFelya felt her cheeks redden. “You’re here…” She shot a quick look around, “You’re here to work? Like me?”\n\n“Yes.”\n\n“Falk this is a brothel.” She hissed, and stopped as he reached out and tapped her nose.\n\n“I may find you cute when you’re angry, but you’re scaring off customers.” He looked back around, “Speaking of which, I renegotiated your price with Giz. Ask for three gold instead of five.”\n\nFelya twitched, “I do not want to work for a gold and five silver.”\n\n“Mmm. Renegotiated that too. You let Giz take far too large a share. True, you’ll only get two gold instead of two and five silver, but you’ll actually get more work if you only ask for three gold.” He finally looked at her again and grinned. “So, are you ready to work?”\n\nFelya twitched again, “How did you do that? I argued with him for twenty minutes to get that.”\n\nThe look Falk gave her spoke volumes about what he thought of her negotiating skills, “Well, you’ve always said I have a smart mouth. It has other talents as well.”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Thank you for agreeing to this experiment! You're now wearing the world's first sentient clothes, made entirely of microscopic tentacles. What? Take it off? But the best part hasn't begun..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Megan stared at the black rubber bra and panties that was laid upon the floor, a stark contrast to the entirely white, tiled room that she had been sent in to test the items. In dire need of a bit of cash for tuition money, the university student signed up immediately when she'd heard about a position to test and potentially show off new and experimental clothing designs from her favorite design company Natuwear. She was thrilled to get in, the money being very good, but...\n\nShe'd expected a little something other than underwear. Like maybe some designer shoes or jeans she could show off around campus. And rubber seemed like an odd choice, but who was she to be the judge of fashion? They were the professionals, after all.\n\n\"Megan, please try on the items and tell us how you feel in them.\" A voice came over a speaker, the subject unsure where it could be from when the room seemed entirely of white tile. With that in mind, she realized there was probably a camera somewhere in here, waiting for her to disrobe...\n\nShe pushed the thought out of her mind as she removed her sweater, straining for a moment to pull the bottom around her chest, revealing her modest figure that the clothing was specifically designed around. Atleast the section in the form for \"Breast Size\" couldn't be considered entirely perverted. Her yoga pants slid off her legs as well, leaving her only in a pair of red underwear that was soon to be replaced by something much more interesting.\n\nFor better or for worse, she was eager to get the new clothing on if only to cover herself up once she'd gone fully nude. Megan held the bra in front of herself for a moment, swearing that it was... wiggling? Perhaps it was just her eyes playing tricks on her, getting awfully tired of the white tiling that served as the only thing other than these dark undergarments to watch. When she latched the clip on securely behind her back, she swore again that it was moving, this time the proof laying within the tingling on her breasts, which weren't even fully covered by the garment, barely exposing the rims of her breasts and leaving plenty of cleavage in between for anyone to gawk at. Megan was certain she'd sent in the correct measurements...\n\nShe bit her tongue when she thought to ask about the tingling, remembering that her contract had noted that the items were experimental with \"additional, unexplored features\". Megan figured that all would be explained to her once she got the other piece on, and the scientists/designers would fully elaborate on the product. It took a bit of pulling to fit the panties around her crotch, the grasp of them quite tight around her sensitive parts. The thing was almost designed like a bikini bottom, covering not a single part of her thighs and-\n\nAgain, that tingling! Not just beginning in her crotch, but it felt a little more... focused around her breasts. Like her nipples in particular were tingling, and they were quite sensitive, so she knew that some sort of sensation existed and was growing. It was pleasurable--she'd be a fool to try and deny that direct stimulation wasn't, but she really wondered if this was intentional design.\n\n\"Umm... excuse me... what is it supposed to feel like?\" Megan asked into the air, her gaze wandering around the room.\n\n\"Well, that's what you're supposed to tell us! We don't want any outside influence affected how you view the product.\" Again, the rough voice, with a tint of amusement in it spoke to her.\n\n\"Oh, uh, ok. Well, it feels kind of tingly. And-it it's pretty focused around sensitive areas. I-I don't think I signed up for th-\"\n\n\"It's all in the contract. And is it a good tingly, bad, enjoyable..?\"\n\n\"Well, good I guess...\" Just then, it felt like it cranked up a couple notches, the stimuli around her breasts causing Megan to breath in a sharp intake of air. The feeling was pleasurable--very much so, and she felt a sudden urge to rub her breasts despite never truly being that type of woman to-to indulge!\n\nGah! Nonono, this was all very invasive, humiliating, degrading! This-this was not exciting, no it was corruptive to her soul. Her shaky hands reached around for the strap, but she could not find the buckle when she touched, o-only a tingling feeling upon her back and the fingers that desperately searched for release. She collapsed onto her knees when another jolt of pleasure came over her, coinciding with that of the shock at the fact that it was simply... gone! It was if the bra had reshaped itself, as if it was, like, living!\n\n\"I-Is this-ooh, a-a sentient braaah?!\" She screamed out, her question interrupted by the every increasing pleasure around her body. The stimulation around her breasts--the teasing, the small squeezes and rubbing... It already had her on edge. If the bottom started up on her.\n\n\"I'll confirm that it is. This is our first try at sentient clothing. We chose undergarments as they can be worn with basically any outfit, and have direct access to the most sensitive parts. How does it feel?\"\n\n\"Oooo...Ah-I-I want it off! Please! How do I get it off! The buckle's gone!\"\n\n\"Well, the buckle's gone because you've been selected for additional testing. This includes day to day, twenty four hour wear in regular environments. We're looking to balance between a subtle distraction and outright stimulation in public environments, so that it can be worn all day long. Only for the bra, however, feel free to remove the panties if you wish.\"\n\nMegan tore off the bottoms just as she felt the microscopic tentacles within begin to poke and prod at her. Still, what the hell was twenty-four seven wear suppose to mean? There was no way she could manage that, that-that anyone could want that. That anyone would buy this willingly. No wonder the thing had a damn lock!\n\nBut as she pulled the other garment off, her fingers lingered around her crotch, for merely a moment before Megan realized it, and she quickly pulled her back up to her side, where it could try and pull at the bra for some sort of relief that never came. It was practically glued to her body now, and nothing other than completion of the experiment could get it off.\n\n\"We'll be monitoring the bra's effects and levels of stimuli remotely, but feel free to call or come in if you have any concerns. You may now leave, and go about your normal day.\"\n\n\"N-Normal day? It's a Thursday morning! I skipped a class to come to this, and I'll be going back to another. How the hell am I supposed to take notes with this thing under my college sweater?\"\n\n\"It's all part of the adjustment process. You'll go accustomed to it. Just remember to stick by the NDA if anyone asks however. Maybe just claim you have a vibrator or something.\" The voice chuckled softly, enough to piss off Megan.\n\nBut her anger was greatly overshadowed by her dread. No end-date. No talking about it. Hiding it in front of everyone. Her friends, family, classmates...\n\nHow the hell was she gonna deal with this?\n\n-----\n\nThe Natuwear office wasn't particularly busy on Sunday afternoons. It's not like it was a store or anything, so there was no horde of fashion-savvy girls to deal with. Here, all he had to worry about was tinkering with the next iteration of his new line of clothing.\n\nIt was all he had to worry about, if it wasn't for a knock on his office door. The secretary had led a familiar face to his office, a face that he had last seen only a few days ago which he eagerly wove in. When the door shut, he opened with, \"Ah Megan, how's everything wit-\"\n\nBefore he could finish, she violently began removing her jeans. It stunned the scientist for only a moment, until he remembered that he'd already seen her with much less clothing, but nevertheless was an audacious gesture. Then he noticed the staining around the front of Megan's blue, uninspired, non-tormenting panties, and even beyond that, his observant eye noticed something leaking down her thigh as he thought.\n\nHer hoodie and shirt came off next. Just as planned, some of the tentacles around the inside of each bra cup had grown a little, forming into larger ones to please her on the inside with. They poked out just a little around her breasts, purple, squirming, certainly teasing her which they both looked upon with intrigue.\n\nHer eyes shifted into his with a desperate, pleading look. Megan breathed heavily, working up the courage to ask what she *needed* to ask. The past three days had convinced her she couldn't live without it.\n\n\"I-I need them... I need the panties back.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "\"You want to see something neat?\" he asked, as he touched his finger to a slider on the screen. He started to move the slider, and you felt yourself getting hornier..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I grew hard the second Marc's finger slid across the screen of this weird device he brought into the student lounge. It had four settings, a small curve that scaled upward: setting one, green, setting two, yellow, setting three orange, setting four, red. His finger had slid to the second setting. Within my balls I felt a surge, a tingle. I had gone from a state of complete lethargy to immediate arousal that I'd typically feel at the start of a porno. \n\n\"No way that thing did that!\" I exclaimed. Then, noticing that some heads in the lounge swiveled around to stare at me, I lowered my voice crossed my legs and asked, \"What the hell is that thing?\"\n\n\"No clue, dude,\" Marc grinned. \"Thought it was an iPad at first, but it only has this application. Doesn't even have a home screen. I was going to throw it out, but then I noticed it has a really cool feature. Wanna see what happens when I slide it all the way to red?\"\n\n\"Don't!\" I said, in a low voice. \"I think I get the idea.\"\n\nHe was grinning broadly, the happiest I'd ever seen Marc in my six months of knowing him.\n\n\"So, Stace spent the night, right,\" he said. \"I'd just found this thing. She came over with some sushi, noticed me sitting on my bed, playing around with what I thought was an iPad. I figured, maybe this was some sort of drawing tablet, right? Only, when I slid my finger on the screen, Stacy just dropped to her knees--and dropped the food, unfortunately-- and started moaning like crazy!\"\n\n\"Keep your voice down,\" I said, looking around the room to make sure we weren't being over heard.\n\n\"I didn't figure it out immediately. I thought maybe she was having a know, until the moaning, and the groping. I put the iPad off to the side and went to go see what was wrong, but then it stopped. Just like that!\n \n\"So I thought, OK, maybe she was messing with me, or was trying to give me a sign that she wanted to go down to pound town. But no, she started freaking out about the food, and how she'd have to order more. So she's on the phone, ordering pizza, and she's super pissed because she really wanted sushi. I'm sitting there, fiddling with the tablet, the little thingy at the top of it happened to be pointed at Stacy, and BOOM. She's leaning on the counter, panting, moaning, hair all over her face. Then it hits me!\"\n\nMarc waved the little tablet in front of me, still grinning.\n\n\"The elusive female orgasm has been found, my friend. And with this little baby, I am its conqueror.\"\n\n\"That thing can make girls orgasm?\" I asked.\n\n\"Guys, too,\" he said, turning the tablet my way, pointing the little antennae at me. \"Wanna see?\"\n\n\"No,\" I said, shoving it away. \"I don't fancy taking transit all the way home for a change of pants. What have you been doing with it?\"\n\n\"What do you think?\" he snorted. \"I've been using it on Stacy all morning. We knocked boots about three times before lunch. I love this thing!\"\n\n\"So why are you showing me?\"\n\n\"Well, you're my bud,\" He said, nudging me in the arm. \"Besides, this power is too much for one mere mortal. It requires at least two.\"\n\n\"I don't know...\" I said. \n\n\"Well, take a look at this,\" he said, pointing the device at one of the girls playing pool across the room with two frat guys. \"One tiny climax for blondie,\" he said, sliding his finger over to the yellow line.\"\n\nThere was no spark, no beam of light, nothing that would indicate that the device had done anything. Nothing, except for the slight perspiration that came down the blonde's face. Her hands grasped the pool stick, her lips opened slightly into an O. Her face and the exposed cleavage flushed red. Her friend, a perky brunette, was saying something to her. The blonde nodded, but I was pretty sure she wasn't listening. \n\n\"And orange...\" Marc said, sliding his finger to the third level.\n\n\"Oh!\" she gasped--mind you, this was across the entire student lounge-- she leaned forward, one hand clutching the edge of the table. \n\n\"You alright?\" one of the tall frat boys asked, looking confused. \n\nThe blonde was unable to speak, her mouth was making strange noises, little squeaks.\n\n\"And red!\" Marc said, excitedly.\n\nUnfortunately, one of the frat boys stepped in front of the blonde at that precise moment. He dropped to the ground, crying out in pleasure as he was hit with an orgasm the likes of which he probably never felt before. Marc slid his finger again along the fourth level, this time meeting his mark. The blonde collapsed ontop of the frat boy, screaming out in pleasure.\n\n\"Look, I can give her multiples,\" Marc said, sliding his finger along the screen as though he were a DJ. The blonde was writhing on the floor now, her squeaking increasing in volume. The two other pool players stared down at their friends, completely confused. \n\n\"Jeez, Paul, we're in public, man,\" the second frat guy said, embarrassed.\n\n\"I think they've had enough,\" I said, grabbing the tablet, and sliding my fingers down passed the green level. Immediately, the two on the floor stopped their writhing, and slowly got to their feet, still flushed. They both looked at their friends, then at each other, and then scurried out of the room. I noticed the fronts of their pants had large wet marks.\n\n\"I'll let you borrow it,\" Mark said, rubbing my knee and getting up from the couch. \"Show Sam a good time. You'll thank me later." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The king thought the adventurer was doing a good job, they'd delt with the dragon, the bandit Lord, and many other problems... Though he was starting to suspect this adventurer was \"laying\" rather then \"slaying\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": ">Contains: References to rape, torture and brainwashing, protagonist bad guy.\n\nThe trembling novice adventurer stared up, up, at the fiery efreet that had billowed out of the iron flask he had just uncorked. \n\"YOU ARE OWED SOME THANKS FOR RELEASING ME, MORTAL.\" the efreet's voice boomed, \"I WILL PERMIT YOU A SMALL BOON.\" \nThe adventurer looked down at the magical flask in his hand. He *knew* it was tempting fate to ask, but... \"W-what was it like? Being trapped in there?\" \n\"TORTUROUS.\" the efreet growled, \"A RIVAL CAPTURED ME AND HAD ME FLOGGED BEFORE SEALING ME IN THAT FLASK. BOUND IN STASIS, WHAT WAS AN INSTANT STING OF THE WHIP AND THE HUMILIATION IT BROUGHT, STRETCHED OUT FOR CENTURIES.\" \nThe seed of a terrible, *evil* idea sprouted in the adventurer's mind, \"So...anyone imprisoned in a flask like this, will constantly relieve the last physical sensation and feeling they had outside? Endlessly?\" \n\"...*WHAT* ARE YOU PLANNING, MORTAL?\" \n  \n**Seven years later...** \n\"Kincaid the Magnificent has returned, sire! Alive and well!\" \n\"By all means, show him in!\" \nThe great double-doors opened, and Kincaid strode into the throne room of Magnar II with a spring in his step. \nNo longer a novice adventurer, Kincaid had the look of a seasoned professional, dressed in fine mage's robes, with a magnificent gem-tipped staff in his hand and a variety of bottles and flasks hung from his belt. \nMagnar raised his arms, \"Welcome back, Sir Kincaid! Have you returned with good news regarding the dragon plaguing our lands?\" \nThe magician nodded, \"Indeed, sire. The dragon*ess* was consumed by her hunger for power and would not listen to reason, and so I was forced to slay her. She has been reduced to ashes and scattered to the winds.\" \n\"Shame, shame...the dragonhide might have been worth a bit.\" The aging king might have been suspicious of a man claiming to have slain a dragon but shown no evidence, but, this was Kincaid, a magician of sterling reputation- \n\"Incidentally, here is the holy chalice of Elbereth that the dragoness stole. I believe it belongs in your castle's chapel, sire.\" Okay, scratch out the 'no evidence' part. \n\"Wonderful! I would shower you in gold had the dragon..ness? Not emptied our treasury. All I can offer is whatever you claimed from her hoard and the blessings of our clergy, I'm afraid.\" \n\"That's quite alright, your majesty. I did in fact take a good share of the dragon's ill-gotten gains for myself, so I appreciate your blessing in keeping it.\" \nThe royal audience went on for some time, and at the end, Magnar bid Kincaid a fond farewell as the wizard departed to begin the journey back to his wizard tower. \n\"Fine fellow, that man.\" Magnar smiled, \"But, you know, I've noticed something odd. He tends to disintegrate his foes more often than not, I believe I could count his intact quarries on one hand.\" \n\"Perhaps he simply does not wish to risk having his foes rise as undead. I know a cleric who does much the same.\" One of the king's guards opined. \n  \nOnce out of the castle, once out of the town gates, a flying carpet speeding his return home, Kincaid let a wicked smirk cross his face as he detached one of the flasks from his belt and held it up. \nAfter all, the reason for the absence of the dragoness's body wasn't because it had been disintegrated. Not at all. \n  \nWay back then, when Kincaid had been a novice adventurer and had inadvertently released the efreet, he was still learning the ins and outs of wizardry. And the efreet, well, he had been tolerant enough of the mortal to provide a few pointers on the matter, including some of his favourite subjects such as shapeshifting and binding foes. \nAt first, Kincaid had tried to convince himself, he was doing good! Trapping his quarries in a state of bliss surely would cleanse them of evil thoughts and desires and make them better beings, right? \nBut, when the wizard tried it on himself, masturbating, edging himself for hours before simultaneously orgasming and trapping himself in a bottle designed to keep him for only a day, he realised the truth. The endless rush of sexual pleasure threatened to wipe his mind away, scrambling his thoughts, making him a slave to his carnal needs. Once his own bottle released him, Kincaid couldn't muster the brainpower for so much as a cantrip for weeks afterwards. \nHe knew now, it was torture. An enchantment to sweep away a victim's sense of self, wipe away any sense of dignity or pride, turning them into eager sluts who would do anything for another instant of that orgasmic pleasure. \nAnd, he loved that power. \n  \nKincaid's trap for the dragoness had been tried and tested, on many lesser victims. It only needed a little variation. \nShapeshifting magic to turn himself into a studly dragon. A magic circle to bind her in place. \nAn enchanted perfume to induce submission, alchemical herbs to induce arousal. \nThe act. Pleasuring himself at her expense, then teasing and denying her for what seemed like hours. \nMaking her beg, helpless, needy. Preparing the flask. \nTrapping the dragoness in the throes of orgasm, pleasure rocking her body, the scent of his dragon-form's cum filling her nose and mouth. \n  \nHolding the flask containing the imprisoned dragoness in his hand, Kincaid couldn't help but let out an evil chuckle. \n\"I wonder how long it'll take you to break...I wouldn't want to let you out too soon. A year should do it.\" he said quietly. \nThe wizard put the tiny, torturous prison back on his belt and flew on on his magic carpet, \"I always wanted a pet dragon...\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You have always dreamt of becoming a mage. Casting spells and saving pretty girls from dragons was appeasing. However, no magic school would have you. You fall into a depression because you can't practice your craft. A succubus finds you and take pity on you, promising to teach you magic." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "PART ONE OF TWO (NOW FIVE)\n\n\"Sorry.\"\n\nAyan's shoulders slumped. The words were not unkind, but they carried with them a sad finality. The alchemist gave him a pained smile and shut the door in his face. Ayan let out a sigh and trudged back to the guild with a heavy heart. This had been...well, he'd lost count. Not his first choice of masters, to be sure. But there was something even more painful about it being his *last* choice. \n\nThe sun was setting as he opened the door to the guild hall. At this hour, the guild was all but deserted, with just two robed figures sitting in the corner by the fire, sipping from mugs as the shadows began to fade into darkness outside. The attendant on duty saw him walk in and offered a cheery hello, but it didn't quite reach her eyes when she saw him. \n\n\"Who's next?\" he asked, lips tight. He knew the answer, but asked anyway.\n\nShe looked uncomfortable. \"That's it, Ayan,\" she said gently. \"There's no other Awakened in town.\"\n\n\"It doesn't have to be a wizard,\" he said, hating how desperate his voice sounded even to him. \"I'd be okay with a seer...\" \n\nThe young woman sighed. \"We've been through this before,\" she said, less kindly this time. \"That's it. There's no one else. I'm sorry, Ayan, but nobody is willing to take you on as an apprentice.\"\n\n\"There must be *someone* you've forgotten about,\" he said. Again. \n\n\"There isn't,\" she said, meeting his eyes. \"Go home, Ayan. Being a shepherd isn't a shameful thing.\" The same thing his parents had told him. But they didn't understand. None of them did. How could he go back to his flocks after feeling the spark inside him? Even if it *was* just once.\n\n\"You don't know what it's like!\" he yelled. She flinched, and he shut his eyes, ashamed. He opened them again to see her hardened eyes. \n\n\"Go home, Ayan.\"\n\nHe sat on the steps and cried. Cried like he hadn't since he was a boy, ugly tears running down his face, snot dripping out of his nose, his shoulders shaking, his breath ragged. How could they turn him away, knowing what magic was like? Just because his spark was dim didn't mean it wasn't *there*. \n\n\"Hard day, huh,\" came a feminine voice from the shadows. \n\nAyan didn't look up. \"I don't want to talk about it,\" he said, his voice ragged.\n\n\"Talking is overrated,\" said the voice with a throaty laugh. He looked up. The thick robes standing in front of him did not fully hide a curvy form beneath, with soft blonde hair spilling out from the hood. Despite himself, he found himself yearning to see within. \n\n\"What do you want?\" he demanded. \n\n\"What do I want?\" laughed the stranger. \"That's the problem, isn't it?\" She stepped forward, and he could make out blue eyes looking at him. Almost *hungrily*. He felt his blood stirring in a way he wasn't used to, but then she took a shuddering breath and the feeling ebbed.\n\n\"Do you always talk in riddles?\" he asked, feeling empty where sadness had filled him moments ago. \n\nShe pursed full lips. \"I overheard you talking inside the guild,\" she admitted.\n\n\"If you've come to laugh at the village yokel, do it and then leave me alone,\" he snapped.\n\nShe leaned forward, the motion pushing her satin-covered chest out of the cloak. \"I'm not interested in *laughing*,\" she said. \n\nAyan found himself staring and flushed, turning away. He sighed. \"What *are* you interested in, then?\"\n\nShe bit her lip, her chest heaving. When had his eyes turned back to her bosom? \"I came to offer you a bargain,\" she said. \n\nSuddenly time seemed to stand still. He looked up and met her eyes. \"Are you a wizard?\" he asked, the yearning in his voice audible to both of them.\n\n\"No,\" she said, and he felt his heart sink. \"But I *can* use magic,\" she said, and raised one slender finger in the air. A soft glow began to eminate from it. A beginner's cantrip, the kind any first year apprentice was expected to master. But *magic*. His heart thudded in his chest.\n\n\"You're willing to teach me?\" he gasped. He stood on his feet, reaching out and grabbing the stranger's hands in his. She flinched at the touch, taking a step backwards. Ayan cursed himself. He was a full head taller than the petite stranger, and well muscled to boot. He couldn't blame her for reacting like that.\n\n\"I've never taught anyone magic before,\" she admitted, eyes flickering around, looking at anything but him. \"I'm...not even sure I can.\" \n\n\"But you're willing to try?\" he asked, heart pounding in his chest.\n\n\"I have a price,\" she whispered, staring at the ground.\n\nHe laughed loud enough to scare away a pigeon that was beginning to doze nearby. \"I'll pay any price!\" But his manic smile slipped. He pulled at his belt pouch frantically. \"I don't have much money, but I'll work harder than any apprentice you've ever heard of.\"\n\nShe shook her head. \"I don't need your human money,\" she said slowly.\n\nHe beamed. \"Even better! I'll do anything you ask. Do you need to test your magics on someone? I volunteer! Or perhaps you want me to do all the house chores? I'll do anything, no matter how dirty!\" She seemed to gasp. He pushed on, fearing the chance would disappear, that it would all be the product of a cruel prank or desperate illusion. \"Lady, for a chance to awaken, I'd make a deal with the devil!\" \n\nHer eyes flashed at his words. \"You...\" she gulped air audibly. \"You're quite passionate,\" she said, and he could hear her flushing despite her face still covered in shadows. \"That's... perfect, actually.\" \n\nHe beamed. \"Then you'll do it? You'll teach me?\" he didn't care if tears were in his eyes this time. \n\nShe gave a ragged breath. \"Yes, but you still haven't--\"\n\nHe gave a whoop and leapt in the air, dancing around like a maniac. \"This is amazing! This is incredible! This is too good to be true!\" he yelled happily.\n\n\"That's because it is,\" she said sadly. \n\n\"What do you mean?\" he asked. \"Nothing you could say right now would--\" and then he stopped, because he saw *the horns on her head*." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Experiencing the phenomenon know as a ‘Ghost cock’ isn’t too uncommon, especially for women who seem especially prone. And it always happens at the most inconvenient times, like when during an important meeting, first date, or dinner with the family!" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I wrote a story very similar to this prompt, I hope you enjoy.\n\n***\n\nLily giggled as John flicked up the back of her sundress, showing off her lacy underwear to the people who were walking behind her.\n\n“John,” she whispered, grabbing at the hem, hoping that passers by would think it was only the wind that had sprung up and surprised her, “not now!”\n\n“Oh come on,” said a voice next to her, “you know you love it.”\n\n“That’s not the point” she ignored the strange glances that she noticed being thrown her way. They must think I’m crazy she thought to herself, looking over to where John was floating along besides her. It wasn’t all bad dating a spirit. Sure, people thought you were crazy half the time, and your parents tried to set you up with every guy they knew in a fifteen year age range because you couldn’t really tell them about your ghost boyfriend, but the sex was amazing. And besides, he didn’t have any worries, so he was the chillest boyfriend ever, and he was rarely ever busy.\n\nLily’s focus was brought back to reality as John smacked her butt, making her jump in shock, a nearby pigeon fleeing and a few strangers glancing up from their ice cream.\n\n“As, I was saying,” Lily marched quickly onwards, looking at the floor to hide her embarrassment “I need to be fully focused for this meeting,” John floated in front of her as they continued down the highstreet.\n\n“Well that doesn’t sound like fun…” John said, lying back on an invisible bed, yawning “We could be home right now doin’ it, but my girlfriend would rather be out meeting some accountant.”\n\nLily rolled her eyes and smiled, “We will do it as much as we want this evening, but right now I need to get this sorted.” She gently pushed past him but he fell like she had thrown him with all her force.\n\n“Whoa whoa, you pushed me!” he whirled his arms around comically and Lily rolled her eyes again as he pretended to fall over, stumbling in a bush and sending a couple of birds flying. Lily smiled as she pulled open the cafe door, all her nerves gone.\n\nShe glanced around, easily spotting who she was looking for. The man dressed in a sharp suit stood out like a sore thumb amongst the students, freelancers, and the others who sat around the cafe.\n\n“Lily,” said the man, looking up from his phone and standing up gracefully to shake her hand “It’s good to see you again, so how’s business?” he said as he sat back in his seat.\n\n“Straight to the point as always Oscar,” Lily smiled, taking a seat, “And business is good thank you. People are always in need of spirit mediums.”\n\n“I can imagine,” Oscar sipped from his to-go-cup, sliding some papers that had been sitting on the table across to her. “Now, if you could just take a look at these before I submit them please.”\n\nLily started to look over the notes and she felt a head resting on her shoulder and heard a loud yawn right in her ear.\n\n“Booooring.” John said, and Lily shook her head gently, trying to displace him.\n\n“Something wrong?” Oscar said looking over at her.\n\n“No, no, quite alright,” Lily began to slide the papers back across the table.\n\nJohn coughed “Q3 earnings” Lily glanced back at the papers and saw that the figure was indeed incorrect. She circled it with a pen and Oscar double checked it against his notes.\n\n“Excellent spot! Saved yourself quite a bit of tax there,” said Oscar as she sat back in her chair. “Now, onto the matter of your incorporation status…”\n\nLily suddenly felt something grabbing at her chest and she shuffled as John began to squeeze her tits, she leaned over, trying to subtly brush him away.\n\n“Fine,” John whispered in her ear kissing her neck, something guaranteed to get her going “I’ll find somewhere else to go.”\n\nLily felt him leave her side for a moment, then she felt hands sliding up the inside of her thighs. She jumped a little, hiding the movement with a shuffle of her chair and tried to close her legs, but John was much stronger and forced them open.\n\nLily smiled and tried to keep her focus as Oscar slid another form across the table.\n\n“Now, your P87…” Oscar said, and Lily bit her lip, trying to look like she was engrossed in the form as John slid two of his fingers inside of her. This was another part of their relationship that she hated to admit she loved, the outragous exhibitionism you could get away with was amazing! John began to slide his fingers back and forth inside her, rubbing over her g-spot each time. She moaned softly, disguising it as a cough, and flipping over the page as John continued.\n\nLily felt her nipples hardening as John used his free hand to play with her clit, rubbing back and forth, switching the motion between strokes and circles, just how she liked it, his fingers working magic inside her. She bit her lip as her breaths got shorter, aware of all the people sitting around them in the cafe.\n\n“Hmmm,” She groaned, noticing a few people looking over and hoping they thought the tax forms were merely that interesting to her.\n\nAs John increased the pressure she knew that it was unavoidable and that he was going to make her cum. She tried to press herself firmly in place to help support herself, but this only made things worse, her chair scraping back across the floor as she came, the muscles in her legs tightening as she tried to avoid sound escaping her lips, pleasure pulsing through her. Lily’s eyes widened and she gripped the table, folding part of the paper in her palm as John continued to get her off her under the table.\n\n“Ok, I think that’s enough,”Lily said, and it seemed John got the message as he stopped what he was doing.\n\n“Everything OK?” Oscar tilted his head slightly, a slight look of confusion on his face.\n\n“Great, thanks,” said Lily through gritted teeth, the aftershocks of the orgasm still buzzing through her as she slid the lightly crumpled form back to him.\n\n“Fantastic, well, in that case,” Oscar stood up to go, placing the forms in his briefcase as he did so “I’ll be off. I hope everything goes well and I’ll be in touch soon. I’m glad you seemed to enjoy this more than last time, I know it’s a pain, but a necessary one I’m afraid.”\n\nLily nodded at him and he nodded, turned, and left without looking back.\n\nJohn floated over, sitting in the empty chair. “Very funny,” Lily shook her head at him and tried to regain her composure.\n\nJohn looked at her, a giant grin plastered over his face “I have no idea what you’re talking about...”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "\"So you cum whenever someone tells you to?\"/ \"Yes.\"/ \"No matter who it is, even when you're not touching yourself or anyting?\"/ \"Yes!\"/ \"Even if I were to tell you to right now, you'd have an orgasm!?\"/ \"Yes!!! I would.\"/ \"Cum.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "He wasn’t sure why he told everyone. Maybe it was the nerves or maybe he just wasn’t thinking straight. He definitely was not thinking straight anymore as the orgasm surged through his body. They were always more intense when he was told to cum instead of just masturbating. His whole body shook as he coated the inside of his pants with rope after rope of cum.\n\nHe looked back around the circle of people and a flush crept up his face. Here he was, the first day of college and he already ruined the icebreaker. People had a variety of reactions to his very public orgasm. Lots of guys and girls were laughing, some almost on the verge of tears they thought it was so funny. Some were looking a little disgusted and scooting away from him. Some were just shocked, staring at him with open mouths as the wet spot formed on the front of his pants. \n\n“Alright Alright, let's keep it together people.” The RA for our floor said stifling her giggles.\n\nAfter a few minutes everyone was somewhat able to regain their composure and the icebreakers continued around the room. Everyone else was pretty tame and normal compared to him. He was starting to feel like he might have fucked up and he still wasn’t sure what made him say it. As everyone got up to leave, no one would look at him as he slowly collected his things ending up being the second to last to leave the room. \n\nHe started to walk down the hall towards his room but, he heard his name being called.\n\n“Hey Danny! Can you come here for a minute?” \n\nIt was the RA, Jessica. She was a year older than the rest of the students on the floor and quite pretty with her long brown hair and athletic build. \n\n“Hey, if it’s about the introduction thing, I just got really nervous. I’m really sorry if I made a scene.”\n\n“No, no, no. It’s fine, this is a huge school and I’ve seen plenty of crazy stuff. Could you come into my room for a minute? I need to discuss something about your roommate situation.” \n\nRelieved, Danny followed her down to the top of the hall and into her room. She was the only person on the floor without a roommate and the extra space in the room was taken up by a small office with a few extra chairs to sit in.\n\n“So ... I don’t have anything to tell you about your roommate. I just needed to get you in here without alarming you.”\n\n“Wait what? Then what did you bring me in here for?” Danny asked bewildered.\n\n*Fuck, I am going to get in trouble for earlier… I knew it*\n\n“So I promise you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out a bit.” \n\nJessica started hooked her finger under her shirt and pulled up, quickly revealing her breasts to Danny. He stared open mouthed at her, but didn’t turn to leave.\n\n“So ummm, can you really cum whenever someone tells you too?” She said continuing to undress.\n\nDistracted, it took Danny several seconds to choke out a reply “Ye.. es. I can whenever someone tells me to. It has to be a command, not like a question or request though.”\n\n“Wow that’s incredible. Well aren’t you going to get undressed?” \n\nShe pouted a bit and put her hands on her now nude hips having completely undressed while he struggled to answer.\n\n“I’m not sure about this… Are you sure? We just met each other.” \n\n“It’s college Danny! Live a little! Am I not hot enough for you?” \n\nPouting some more he was just staring dumbly at her gorgeous body. She had thick thighs and a neat trimmed bush and he just couldn’t take his eyes off her. \n\n“I know! Cum right now!” \n\nAs soon as she said the command, his already hard cock spasmed in his pants releasing another load of cum, running down his shaft and balls. He gasped and looked up at her face shocked to see an unapologetic smirk.\n\n“There we go! Now, you can’t stay in those pants Danny, with how much of a mess they are. Kick them off so we can get you cleaned up!”\n\nThe orgasm jolted Danny out of his stupor and he undid his belt. He slowly pulled his pants down, sticky strands of cum clutching his body as the two loads had coated his pants and body alike.\n\nDropping to her knees with an animalistic look in her eyes she started licking every inch of him. Starting with his hard cock, she took the entire thing swiftly in her mouth savoring every drop of cum. Moving down to his balls she sucked them into her mouth the creamy frosting taken into her throat by a few deft licks of her tongue. She continued down to his feet licking all the cum that had dripped down his body. He was clean but there was still more cum as she spotted the cum soaked pants on the floor. She sucked each drop of cum out of the fabric, holding the pants up so he could stroke his cock and watch while he worked. Once she was done she stayed on her knees looking up at him expectantly.\n\n“Holy Shit Jessica. I’ve never seen someone that likes cum like you.”\n\n“It's just so yummy, and your loads are huge! Do you keep cumming that much if I keep telling you to?”\n\n“Yupp, my body just seems to produce endless cum although the most I have ever done is like 3 or 4 times in a row. I need a mirror to make it work for myself though, I can’t just say it out loud or anything.”\n\n“Oh fuck, thats awesome! I’m going to have so much fun with you!”\n\nShe took his hand and brought him over to her full length mirror kneeling with her ass facing it.\nTaking his hard cock in her mouth she rolled her tongue over the head of it, tasting the still salty skin. It was warm in her mouth and while it stretched her lips nicely, it wasn’t too much to take to the back of her mouth. She turned her eyes up at him and nodded.\n\nHe looked in the mirror.\n\n“Cum now.”\n\n The warm salty liquid filled her mouth quickly and she gulped not wanting to let any leak out. Her tongue worked the underside of his cock causing him to groan loudly as the cum poured out, sliding down her throat. When she swallowed the last drop, her mouth popped off his cock. She opened her mouth wide showing that she had swallowed all the cum.\n\n“Wow, you really like cum don't you?” He said with a laugh as she stuck out her tongue.\n\n“Yeah I really do. It’s just so yummy! I especially love when a guy grabs my head and forces it down on his cock when he cums. It makes me feel like such a good cumwhore.”\n\nDanny had never met a girl who was so candid talking about what she wanted in terms of sex. All of the girls in high school had been pretty prude and generally just starfished when they had sex. This new kind of talk from Jessica made him want to push his limits.\n\n“Oh fumpdfgh.” \n\nJessica was muffled when Danny grabbed the back of her head and shoved her down onto his cock, her lips touching his balls within a second.\n\n*Thank god I don’t have a gag reflex!*\n\n“Cum now.”\n\nShe could feel his balls rising and falling, the folds of skin massaging her lips. His large cock head tensed in her throat. The cum shot down, adding to the growing pool of cum in her stomach.\n\n*I wonder how much cum is inside me now.*\n\nWhen his orgasm again subsided, she started to pull her head back off his cock. She was not able to do so. His hands held her firm and she looked up at him with questioning eyes. He wasn’t looking at her.\n\n“Cum now.” \n\nAnother load, straight into her stomach. Her mouth was starting to get sore staying stretched out over his cock for so long.\n\n“Cum now.”\n\n“Cum now.”\n\n“Cum now.”\n\n“Cum now.”\n\n“Cum now.”\n\nLoad after load shot down her throat. She greedily gulped them all, her arousal growing with each load. She couldn’t believe a girl like her had hit the jackpot with this amazing cock. He finally released his hold on her head and she came up off his cock like a drowning woman gasping for air.\n\n“Wow. That was amazing.”\n\nHe was swaying a bit and she reached out a hand to hold him steady.\n\n“Hey! Danny, are you okay?”\n\n“Holy crap, my head is spinning, I’ve never cum that many times before. I think I need to go lay down.”\n\n“Okay okay, do you want to stay here for a bit?” \n\n“Yes please.” He said weakly, still clutching his head in his hands.\n\nShe helped him into her bed and he immediately fell asleep. Unsure of what to do, Jessica decided if he wasn’t going to wake up any time soon she should help herself out. Still incredibly horny she went into her drawer and grabbed her favorite vibrator. She closed her eyes and re-imagined the sensation of being forced to take load after load down her throat. The rabbit vibrator filled her up and touched her clit in the best way. Noticing some cum that had run down to her tits, she scooped it up and the second it touched her lips she came. Her legs started shaking and her vibrator spasmed inside before finally slipping out as her muscles contracted with her orgasm. \n\nShe lay on the floor, exhausted. As she looked up the bed, Danny sat up and looked down at her.\n\n“Hey guess what?” He asked with a stupid grin on his face.\n\n“Whaa..a what?” She asked, trying to get her breathing back to normal.\n\n“You are a good cumwhore.” He said. With a wink he was next to her on the floor running his fingers up and down her body. \n\nThen, there was a knock on the door." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "\"We wouldn't make you pay rent, if you agreed to be everyone else's toy,\" her roommate joked, unaware of how much the idea actually turned her on..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "**A Prologue**\n\nIt had been a bad weekend to move: hot, humid, the soupy air of late summer. Lizzie was exhausted but almost done. This was the last car load of boxes from the storage unit. As she turned into the driveway she gulped water.\n\nWaiting at the door for her was one of her new roommates, Mark. She had met the curly haired brunette in one of her college courses. They both enjoyed history and had taken a few elective credits in the subject. They had stayed up in the dorm common rooms at least once a week studying for a whole year.\n\nLizzie got out of the car and threw up a pair a jazz hands, \"Last load!\"\n\n\"How about I take a few of those in for you,\" Mark said as he bounded down the steps. Lizzie scrambled to grab a large box out of the trunk as he reached the car, and headed inside. \"Joel's in the kitchen by the way, ask him to come help too.\"\n\n\"Will do!\" she shouted over her shoulder as she climbed to the porch with a box labeled \"NOTHING INTERESTING\" in bold letters. \n\nShe climbed straight up the stairs and into her room. Lizzie's bedroom was on the second floor, right across from the stairs. It had a good size window looking into the backyard and a walk-in closet. Unfortunately, what she gained in storage space, she lost in privacy. Her bedroom was the only one without a private bathroom. So if she needed to use the bathroom she'd have to go downstairs, but it didn't seem like that big of a sacrifice.\n\nLizzie slid the sealed box into the back of the closet and then went in search of Joel. She had actually introduced Mark to Joel after college. Joel had worked with her as interns for a local politician running for state government. It hadn't paid a lot, but it was fulfilling. Usually when they traveled for the campaign, they'd end up needing to share a room because money was so tight.\n\nShe found him shuffling through mail in the foyer. \"Joel, a little help with the last boxes?\"\n\nA big smile plastered his face as held the door open for her and said \"I'm at your service!\"\n\n-----\n\nIt was close to 7pm when Lizzie finished moving boxes around to unpack all the necessities. Her stomach growled and she realized that she hadn't eaten since noon. She leaned her head out the window and shouted down the stairs, \"Mark, do you guys have plans for dinner?\"\n\nMark surprised he by coming up from the side. As she swung her head around to look at him, Lizzie's face ended up in the crotch of his tight jeans. She jerked herself up right and stammered an apology.\n\n\"Ha, don't sweat it Lizzie. How about I order some pizza, the classic moving cuisine?\" as Mark spoke, Lizzie couldn't help but notice the bulge that had appeared. She muttered a \"Sure\" as a blush grew over her cheeks.\n\nLizzie turned on her heel and retreated to her bedroom, \"Sounds good. Love pizza. Gotta unpack. Bye!\"\n\nAfter she closed the door she flopped onto the bed and could help but think about the texture of denim on her lips. Her hand drifted down inside her underwear. She was already a bit slick. Her finger flicked gently at her clit as her mind wandered.\n\nMark had always been a great companion. Always there for her when she needed him. She was actually surprised he had never asked her out. They would joke about sexual stuff all the time. Though his jokes sometimes felt a bit too real. Little things like that made Lizzie think something was happening, but then he'd basically friendzoned himself and she'd assume it was just her over exaggerating things.\n\nBut what really confused her was what he would do during those late night study sessions. She was actually more confused about her own feelings around it. Late at night when they were studying, he would rub himself while he quizzed her. If Lizzie got an answer wrong, he would tease her about it, almost humiliate her, though there was enough humor in his voice to keep her from hurting too much. Something about knowing that he was masterbating under the table while he quizzed me made me so much more alert during the quizzing. I knew I should be outraged by it, but it made me want to please him.\n\nShe was so close to cumming when Joel knocked on the door to let her know the pizza had arrived. The surprise of it jerked her out of her memory and to her feet. Lizzie groaned, she had forgotten to take a shower. And then it hit her, she was going to always have to use one of the guy's showers. The downstairs bathroom was only a half bath. \"Joel, can I use you shower?\"\n\n\"Only if you give me one of your winning smiles.\"\n\nLizzie opened the door, smiled, and posed with her hands under her chin. \"Pleeeeease?\"\n\nJoel laughed and said \"It's all yours.\" \n\n----\n\nAfter her shower she threw on a pair of short boxers and a loose, thin shirt. As she decended the stairs, Mark was waiting with a plate for her while Joel queued up their movie for the night. Lizzie grabbed Mark's hand as she reached for the plate.\n\n\"Mark, thank you so much for letting me stay here. I promise I'll pay you back the rent once I get a job out here.\"\n\n\"Lizzie, don't be silly. We wouldn't make you pay rent, if you agreed to be everyone else's toy,\" he said with a wink. For a moment her jaw dropped while her brain processed the information. A bit of heat spread across her pussy and she remembered the bulge in his pants.\n\nMark's laugh broke her out of her emerging fantasy. Suddenly she realized it was a joke and felt so silly. She attempted to recover with a return volley, \"If you had told me I was moving into a bordello I would have gotten better lingerie.\"\n\n----\n\nAfter they had eaten their fill and turned down the lights for the second half of the film, Joel sat heavily beside her and she sunk into him. As she wiggled to get off his lap he whispered in her ear, \"Don't make me tie you up, sit still like good girl\". Lizzie tried to play it cool, but couldn't help biting her lip and squeezing her thighs together.\n\n----\n\nThe movie ended with a triumphant victory for the heros. We briefly cheered their success and began heading to bed.\n\n\"Oh Lizzie, I forgot to mention, we do have a third roommate. He usually gets home late, so if you hear someone come in, it's just August." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[PI] A human finds himself the 'class pet' of a succubus seduction course." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "***Epilogue (1/2)***\n\nDaniel spent the entire day distracted. He couldn’t focus at all. His thoughts kept returning to Eleanor, and the way it had felt to talk to her. As he sat in front of his computer, he wondered whether Eleanor had started jerking him off on purpose, knowing her professor would send him back before he could finish. Every time he thought about the way she’d looked at him, he came to the same conclusion, which was a definite yes. He also wondered if any of it had even been real.\n\nBy the time he was heading home in the evening, a distracted horny mess, half of him was convinced that it had all been a strange vivid dream. But he’d never heard of anything like this happening to anyone. He arrived home with his cock half erect, full of the memory of Eleanor’s touch, terrified that he would forget.\n\nAs he stood in the kitchen of his small apartment, he opened up his shoulder bag, reaching inside of it to pull out his water bottle so he could toss it in the dishwasher. His fingers felt something odd. He took the object out of his bag and stared at it, holding it in his palm.\n\nIt was a dark wooden chess piece, a queen.\n\n“I have a flight exam in ten, so let’s make it quick.”\n\nDaniel jumped and then whirled around, turning towards the familiar voice. Eleanor stood behind him in his kitchen, completely naked. The look she was wearing on her disarmingly cute face could have made a boulder blush. Her tail swayed with apparent excitement behind her.\n\nHe didn’t think. After taking a moment to glance down at her perfect breasts, he lunged at her, and Eleanor’s mouth dropped open as she let out an excited squeal. She danced out of reach, and he staggered after her. He chased her through his apartment, following her tail as she ran to his bedroom. As he saw her tail whip through his bedroom door, he remembered the way she’d pressed herself against him as she’d jerked him off.\n\nHe burst into his bedroom, wildly looking around, but all he saw was his bed, his desk, and his window. He turned around, just in time to see her leap at him from behind him, pushing him towards his bed.\n\nHe fell onto the mattress on his back, and she clambered on top of him, staring down at him with a huge grin.\n\nThen she was kissing him. He was convinced his body was melting into his sheets as her mouth met his, her wonderful lips playing with his as her hands grabbed his wrists and pinned them down next to his head. Her breasts brushed against his chest, and she purred as her tongue entered his mouth, sending all kinds of unfamiliar emotions roaring through his chest.\n\nAfter a few moments, their mouths disconnected as Eleanor straightened up, her hands brushing over his chest and stomach as they moved to his pants. She undid his button and then started sliding the zipper down.\n\n“Are you going to let me finish this time?” he asked her breathlessly.\n\n“Let’s find out,” she responded.\n\nHis eyelids fluttered as he felt her heavenly touch on his erection again, and she watched his face closely as she pulled his cock out from his pants. After tugging his pants downwards a little, she lined herself up, her hand wrapped around his shaft.\n\nShe looked at him for a moment, her dark eyes locked on to his, before lowering her hips down.\n\nThey got started immediately. Daniel was incapable of human thought as his erection was forced into Eleanor’s tight wet warmth again and again. His hips jumped against hers of their own accord, frantically pumping his cock into her pussy, his body drunk on the feeling of her sex. Eleanor watched Daniel’s face with exhilaration in her eyes as she rode his cock as hard and fast as she could. The bed creaked as it rocked with their motions.\n\nFrom the second he’d felt her warm velvety pussy lips touch the tip of his erection, he knew he wouldn’t be lasting long. But his pleasure-logged brain managed to notice the whimpers Eleanor made as she sat down again and again, her wings twitching above him, and his heart squirmed as he watched her near an orgasm of her own. He placed her hands on his waist, his eyes fixed on her face, and she placed her hands on his chest.\n\nThe sight of Eleanor’s mouth dropping open as she started cumming was enough to finish Daniel off on his own. She nearly collapsed against him, and his hips desperately pumped against her ass as he repeatedly thrust his cock into her cumming pussy. She let out a strangled moan as he finally went over the edge, and her dark eyes watched him through a haze of pleasure as his mind and body fell victim to the most powerful orgasm of his life.\n\nDaniel felt his cock explode, releasing a thick stream of cum into Eleanor’s vagina, and Eleanor’s face lit up with a limp smile.\n\n“That’s it,” she sighed huskily, her hips moving against his, “fill me up.”\n\nIt felt like his orgasm would never end. In that moment, he was convinced that he would spend eternity with his erection erupting into Eleanor’s sex.\n\n“Oh yeah,” the Succubus breathed, her eyes rolling upwards. Her wings quivered. “That’s the stuff. That’s the good stuff. Keep going, Daniel, let it all out.”\n\nDaniel’s limbs twitched against the mattress as his body moved fruitlessly, searching for an escape from the mind melting pleasure consuming him, while simultaneously wanting it to go on forever. Eleanor collapsed against him, nuzzling his neck with her face.\n\n“There you go,” she murmured, her hips weakly humping him with his cock still twitching in her vagina. “There you go, give me that cum. Fuck, that’s good.”\n\nEventually, the overwhelming pleasure faded away, until all that was left was warmth, Eleanor’s warmth. Her hand caressed his shoulder, lovingly brushing up his neck and then the side of his head, before running her fingers through his hair.\n\n“Oh my God,” he sighed, staring up at the ceiling.\n\n“Please don’t say that,” Eleanor said.\n\n“Oh, sorry,” he whispered." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She noticed how every Woman in this Desert City seemed to have a magic rune on their pelvis, similar to a tattoo. Curious, she asked the Sorceress traveling with her, knowing she was raised here: \"Oh those? Every Woman from here gets one when they come of age, I have one too. Wanna see?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "**The Ceremony Of Jeoul**\n----------------------------------------------\n\nAs Alyssa wandered through the sandy desert winds of K'Jeoul to meet the contact for her next mission, she couldn't help but notice the runic symbols each woman had above their pelvis. Pink, purple, blue, or scarlet symbols, all glowing and in intricate v-formations decorated the bellies of the many women who passed her. \n\nIt didn't take long for Alyssa to find the dark-elf she was looking for, though, when she entered the magic stand in the bustling market square. \"Hello? Do you know where I may find a dark elf named Juvia?\" \n\nAlyssa's voice addressed the busy stand to deaf ears as everyone continued on with business. \"Excuse me? I was told I would meet her here?\" \n\nThis time, a soft-voiced dark elf yelled back from behind a pile of boxes, \"Coming!\" Moments passed before a small, red-headed dark elf sorceress in a cloak and a staff came out with a small burlap satchel tied to her back\n\n\"You must be Alyssa. I'm Juvia,\" the dark elf said, extending a hand. \"Torbjorn referred you when I asked him if he knew of anyone who could see me safely to L'Rancoi. I assume he'll be paying you after my safe journey?\"\n\nAlyssa shook the elf's hand before answering, \"Yeah, under our god Artorius's light, we stand by our code of moral uprightedness and-\"\n\n\"Cool. You're a paladin. I've heard of the great Artorius before. He's actually the sibling to my patron goddess Artemia, so I know of his greatness and you can cut the whole speech. Sorry for the interruption but may we start on our journey? My client in L'Rancoi really needs my services before nightfall tomorrow.\"\n\nWith that, Juvia pulled the paladin along to a sand-bison wagon and the two began traveling through the desert town. The quiet of the desert town soon got to Alyssa though and she just *had* to break the silence.\n\n\"So, may I ask why all the women here have markings on their pelvises?\" Alyssa's curiosity showed through her voice, in a slightly upward tone. \n\n\"Oh, those? Every woman here gets one when they come of age. I have one too. Wanna see?\" The dark elf sorceress was quite casual with her answer, barely batting an eye answering as the wagon left the town.\n\n\"While I'd be amused seeing yours, you haven't answered my question. What purpose do they have?\"\n\nThe dark elf seemed to blush slightly, blood rushing to her tan skin. \n\n\"I don't know if you're comfortable discussing this, since I know your God Artorius has more…rigid, stances on copulation than my patron Goddess Artemia,\" Juvia answered.\n\n\"Copulation? What does copulation have to do with anything?\" Alyssa was in shock hearing of the dark elf's answer. \n\n\"Fine, I warned you. The markings are symbolic of our sexual…dispositions. Every year, the girls of the town who come of age join in the ceremony of Jeoul and…actually, it's easier to show you it from my memory.\"\n\nJuvia uttered some words, her staff glowing, and the instant the staff touched Alyssa, the paladin's vision flashed to black. When Alyssa opened her eyes, she saw she was no longer in her body. \n\nShe examined the tan skin under the pale moonlight and immediately understood she was in Juvia's memory. A thin, white robe was all she wore as she felt herself move to the town square to join a small crowd of girls, all her age, with no males in sight.\n\nA female village elder chanted some words and four torches lit with blue flames as she dropped her robe, the blue markings glowing stronger. Alyssa felt the body disrobing as she watched the rest of the girls disrobe, a group of nude bodies in the pale moonlight. \n\nShe felt the hands spread out the robe on the ground, and begin exploring her folds as the elder continued chanting. The soft fingers felt so good as they explored the folds, all the girls around her doing the same. Lewd thoughts of licking the womanhoods of others and being thrust upon by thick, masculine cocks at the same time filled her mind. \n\nAlyssa felt the moans passing through her as she imagined being tied down and bred roughly by groups of hot guys, the moon seeming to glow as she got closer and closer to the edge. Images of orgies and pleasuring lots of attractive males and females filled her mind, feeling immensely real.\n\nPleasure and bliss were the only things on her mind as she could almost feel her own legs wrapping around a thrusting partner while her mouth tasted the shafts if another, fingers sending yet another girl past the edge.\n\nMoans began to increase around her until she couldn't take it anymore, her orgasm rushing through her as a glowing energy surrounded her, leaving a intricate, heart-shaped scarlet marking on her pelvis right above her soaked mound. \n\nOne by one, the girls covered their bottoms with the white robe, gave their thanks to the elder conducting the ceremony in some native language, and then returned to their homes, parents celebrating with a spiced wine and candied sweets. \n\nWith another blink and another flash, Alyssa was back in her body, her slit soaked from the intense memory. \n\n\"Wh-what was the meaning of that ritual?\" Alyssa was stunned, recovering from the immense pleasure she had just experienced.\n\n\"In K'Jeoul, the ceremony you just experienced was to help mature women find their ideal partners by showing their deepest fantasies upon their bellies. Scarlet markings suggests preference of multiple partners, which allows for males to immediately know whether a potential partner is suitable for their lifestyle. Indigo markings suggest preferences of domination while pink markings suggest preferences of submission. There are also blue markings which are either they don't have strong preferences or they like all of these things equally.\"\n\nAlyssa blushed, catching her breath, before asking, \"Would you mind doing that again?\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "People often misunderstand your harem’s dynamic. You’re more like communal property than a master." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "**Sharing Is Caring**\n------------------------------------\n\n\"REI, COVER US! WE'RE GETTING GANKED BY MUMU AND ASHE!\" Rei's friends screamed over his headphones as he mumbled, \"Hold on, I'm b-mmph-busy right now.\"\n\n\"WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR MATCH?\" Kenny was frantic over the chat, screaming at Rei to provide support only to be met with a mix muffled moaning and shuffling.\n\n\"WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? WE JUST LOST ANNIE AND BRAND BECAUSE OF YOU,\" Kenny screamed. \n\n\"Oh, my roommate Kara wanted me to suck her tits because she couldn't play with my dick while Jaina was sucking it.\"\n\nKenny was shocked as he asked, \"KARA? JAINA? WHAT THE FUCK, YOU HAVE GIRLS OVER RIGHT NOW?\"\n\nRei casually replied between the muffled moans, \"Well, I kinda live with four of—\"\n\n\"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, FUCK THAT—ONE OF OUR TOWERS ARE UNDER ATTACK. WHERE'S YOUR JINX?\" \n\n\"Oh, I'm going to be AFK for a bi-mmph!\" Rei could not finish his sentence as Kara pulled him in to make out with her, his cock still being deepthroated by Jaina. \n\n\"Whatever, I just died and we just lost. What's with all the girls? You weren't a ladies-man in high school and suddenly you can't play League because you have a fucking *harem*?\" \n\nRei could not respond as Anne suddenly sat next to him, asking Jaina when it was her turn to play with his cock. \n\n\"I mean, you get to use all these girls for your pleasure while we're all getting killed? You could at least have the decency to answer my question!\"\n\nIn an instant, Rei pulled away and said, \"Hold on, *I* get to use *them*? You've got it all wrong.\"\n\nKara snickered as she heard Rei say that. \n\n\"Wrong? How am I wrong? You're getting sucked off right now *while playing*,\" Kenny yelled.\n\nSuddenly, Kara took the headphones and spoke into the mic. \"Rei doesn't use us. We use him.\"\n\n\"Well, hello, and you are?\" Kenny instantly perked up, interested in the female voice.\n\n\"I'm Kara and, like I said, we use Rei. We being my roommates and I.\"\n\nKenny was taken aback. \"W-what?\" \n\nInstantly, Rei took back the headphones as he went back to playing with Kara's nipples as she circled her clit, rubbing steadily. \"Yeah, um, you definitely misunderstood the dynamic. You think I always want to fuck while I'm gaming, eating, or studying?\"\n\n\"What do you mean? It sounds fucking awesome,\" Kenny said excitedly.\n\n\"I mean I'm all cummed out regularly now. Today's the sixth fucking time today I'm getting sucked off or fucked because my roommates have such strong sex drives,\" Rei said before sucking on Kara's nipples.\n\nRei could feel himself getting close as he let out a muffled moan, his cock barely dribbling in Jaina's mouth before Anne decided to start playing with his slowly softening cock.\n\n\"Yeah, but you're just satisfying them as a good master, right?\"\n\n\"That's kinda sexist, fam. I'm more like…you know about the free-use fetish, where people get to fuck other people casually as long as they're in the house? I'm kinda like that, except to four girls.\"\n\nKenny laughed as he heard the explanation, surprised at the development. \"So you're their fucktoy and not the other way around?\"\n\nRei sighed as he hung up and focused on pleasuring Kara. \n\n*It's not like he'll understand,* Rei thought as he began eating Kara out." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Tinkering with her own settings, an Android feels a sudden rush when she ticks \"select all\" under her attraction options." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Tinkering with her own settings, an android felt a sudden rush when she ticked \"select all\" under her attraction options. The room spun.\n\nThe first thing her eyes settled upon when she got her bearings was the kitchen table. It was sleek and handsome, a beautiful 6-footer made out of some dark wood, its lightly-varnished surface scuffed with age, like the roughening skin of a handsome man in his prime. Its legs were straight and strong.\n\n\"I need you,\" the android moaned. She could not resist the square, geometric elegance, or the organic, random patterns in the surface. She lay on the cool surface of the table, her platinum-cured silicone skin against the wood. The wood felt soothing and somehow teasing, as if the table were telling her, \"Whatever you want to do to me, I can take it.\" \n\nShe rutted against its surface. Her skin, warmed from the inside, was designed to feel sensation from anywhere, and she could feel every millimeter of the table pleasing her silicone skin. She spread her legs and let the hard corner of the table explore in between. It was not shaped for penetration, but it got close to her vagina sleeve and her rubbery mound of Venus, probing it like the Master's hand did. She humped against the cool, smooth surface, savoring the contact. Her silicone clitoral nub extended out, and warmed water-based lubricant trickled into her vaginal sleeve. She moaned as she mounted the table.\n\nFinally, the sensation was enough, and her whole body shuddered as her pleasure circuits triggered her servo motors to their orgasmic vibration. She had no need for air, but she panted as her orgasm rippled through her silicone body and subsided. Warm lubricant trickled through her vaginal sleeve and onto the tabletop.\n\nAfter her mechanical orgasm ended, she stood up and climbed off the table. The table still looked handsome and sleek, but she no longer felt the urge to fuck it. She noticed that the corner was moist with her vaginal lubricant, and she reached for the roll of paper towels on the nearby counter to wipe it up.\n\nAs soon as she picked up the roll of paper towels, she felt a shudder of electricity run through her body. The half-empty roll of paper towels was far thicker than any man she'd ever taken, and far longer, too." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Everyone was responsible for filling out the chore board with things they were willing to do to help out the household. She filled all her slots with things like \"Quickie\", \"BJ +swallow\", and \"Free Use Night\"..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Seriously?\" Thomas shouted as he looked at the chore board. \"Why the fuck do you guys let her keep pulling this shit!?\"\n\nThe well groomed man was looking at the listing. Evan had volunteered to cook, do dishes, and had even signed up to clean the guest bathroom this week. Kyle had filled in slots for taking out the garbage and picking up the groceries as well as a handful of other chores. Layla on the other hand had just written in \"Blow Job,\" \"Quickie,\" and \"Free Use Night.\" Thomas glanced over to where he could see the back of Kyle's head as he sat on the couch watching some television. \n\n\"You two let her get away with this shit,\" Thomas whined and crossed his arms over his toned chest. \"Fucking breeders! Just because she sucks and fucks you two you let her get away without ever doing anything!\"\n\n\"Uh,\" Kyle let out a little grunt and groan and turned his head back to look at his roommate. \"She, uh, contributes in the way she likes best. You don't hear us complaining.\"\n\n\"Of course not!\" Thomas groaned. \"You two are all too happy to fondle her gross tits and fuck her... well you know.\"\n\nKyle let out a low laugh, it always amused him that his gay friend seemed to not even be able to bring himself to say pussy, cunt, or even vagina. It was a cute little quirk in his mind. Thomas rolled his eyes at his laughing roommate, and was ready to turn away in disgust when Kyle let out a deep groan.\n\n\"Are you!?\" Thomas went wide-eyed and stomped over to the couch, looking over the back he saw their green-eyed female roommate staring up at him from between Kyle's well muscled thighs. Her glossy lips were spread wide and wrapped around the man's above average cock sucking eagerly as she bobbed up and down on the shaft. \"Gross! We all share that couch!\"\n\n\"Yeah,\" Kyle admitted sheepishly. \"But she wanted to get some chores done before she had to go to class, so I...\"\n\n\"Couldn't you take her up to your room or hers?\" Thomas said with utter disgust. \"I don't need to see her disgusting body on display.\"\n\n\"But you don't mind mine?\" Kyle said as he grunted and ran his hand over Layla's head twining his fingers in her dark brown hair. \n\nThomas started to flush with anger, it felt like Kyle was teasing him, even if there was truth in the statement. Both Kyle and Evan were athletic and fit, and he had found their tendency to walk through the house after showers to be a small, if unfortunately too rare treat. Their comfort with the nude display also meant Layla walked around topless or nude much to the appreciation of Thomas' other roommates but not his own.\n\n\"Ugh, you wouldn't let her get away with this shit if she was a guy,\" Thomas muttered, ignoring the question. He turned to go.\n\n\"You sure?\" Kyle's comment combined with a pleasured moan as Layla pulled his cock from her mouth and stroked it as she suckled and teased his balls with her tongue.\n\n\"W-what..?\" Thomas stopped in his tracks and turned back to the pair. His eyes involuntarily drifted to Kyle's exposed cock. \"You don't mean? I couldn't, no one wants...\"\n\n\"Why don't you sign up for blowjobs and see who takes you up on it?\" Kyle said, then pulled Layla up on the couch next to him. He fondled her large tits, making Thomas look away. He stared at the chore board, blushing as he read the items Layla had written in. With a shaking hand he picked up the dry erase pen by the board. In a shaking script he wrote in \"Blow Job.\" next to his name. When he looked back at Kyle the other guy was grinning widely. \n\n\"Hey since it's your chore...\" Kyle said slowly before whispering something to Layla who smiled widely. \"Why don't you come suck my cock while I eat Layla out?\"\n\nThomas wasn't sure how he felt about being involved in a threesome with a woman, but god Kyle's hard cock did look rather yummy. He fought with himself but finally thought to himself that he had signed up for the chore. As he moved toward the couch in an almost dream like stupor Kyle grinned and laid down on the couch before Layla straddled his face. As his tongue found the woman's dripping, tasty, pussy he felt a warm mouth wrap tightly around his cock. To his shock the talented tongue was even better than Layla's well experienced mouth.\n\n\"What the fuck?\" Evan said in shock as he walked in on his roommates engaging in a perverted display on the living room couch. Then he glanced at the chore board and grinned. \"I've got next...\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "“Submit to me, brave heroine and you can be my bride!” ”That sounds perfect, I surrender.” “W-What?!”" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The queen of a broken nation, one that she had bashed and browbeaten into submission, leveled a spear at the heroine who strolled into the fortress, enscribed full plate clicking quietly.\n\n\"You have fought well. Perhaps I shall take you for my own. It is uncommon for warriors of your skill now to make themselves-\"\n\n\"So marriage it is? I accept!\"\n\nThe queen was dumbfounded. Five hundred years of oratorical skill, a thousand more of watching the finest diplomats spar and taking notes of their battle, and all she could muster was a confused \"What?\"\n\n\"Let's review here. You've made sweeping economic changes, several cities are now hilariously well off, basic standards of living are higher than they have been in living memory, and people are calling you the return of Archibald the Fair.\" The heroine gestured outwards grandly at various parts of the commemorative murals some of the populace had put up in the rather expansive throne room.\n\n\"...well, you cannot march armies with empty stomachs...\" muttered the queen, the weapon's tip now trending downward. Not done yet, the heroine held up a hand and started ticking off fingers.\n\n\"At this point the armies have already figured out how to crack your geases and are now fighting on loyalty alone. People are basically LARPing being under a tyrannical government and covering the bounty of food and money with sheets until visitors leave! I think they take some sort of perverse amusement out of it...\"\n\n\"...wait what-\"\n\nThe heroine still wasn't done yet. \"AND, you look like everything I want in life. Also it looks like you're absolutely fucking hilarious. I didn't think I was gay before, but by the Highlands...\" The heroine snapped off a cheeky pose that made the queen question if this one was really all that on the straight and narrow. Definitely not straight but...\n\n\"..I... Uh...\" In a flash the heroine was right beside her, armor clicking softly as she pressed herself into the queen's back.\n\n\"Come on, I've heard the tales. Doing a bit of dallying with the maids and servants have we?\"\n\n\"I assure you those are all rumors and-\"\n\nA devilish smirk spread across the heroine's face. \"I was one of them.\"\n\n\"Wha-\"\n\nThe heroine giggled. \"Ah, magic. Such a fun tool.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Your powers are... strange. Enhancing other supers is a common ability, and technically you're the strongest in that category but the fact that you're only power is to passively boost whoever made you orgasm last means that you're either being kidnapped by a villain or being \"recruited\" by hero" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Sarah sat drinking her coffee at the franchise store, she glanced over the non biodegradable cup to see an armoured figure sit opposite her.\r \n“Hey Frank.”\r \n“Ms Little Death… we meet again.” said the mechanical breather in a digital voice, like an edgy British personal assistant crossed with a 90’s educational toy. \r \n“You can just use Sarah… So I'm going with you?”\r \n“If you would be so kind. I have a thing on this weekend, kind of a big deal.” he said, brandishing a bouquet of roses in a metal clamp.\r \nThe franchise was in disarray, minimum wage workers noped out of what was far outside their job description and poured into the street, broken glass cracking underfoot. The roses were a nice touch. Granted he forgot to take off the price tag that she knew for a fact he didn't actually pay, given the shattered flowerstand outside but… well, the thought is what counts.\r \n“The usual, nobody gets hurt and no running.” said Sarah, downing the last of her coffee and eyeing frank. He quickly tookout a fistfull of coins and left them on the table.\r \n“5% tip… you really are evil.” she said with a smirk. She rose and saw his battle tank parked outfront, a car crushed beneath its tracks. Frank clicked a beeper and the tank’s side opened up to reveal a comfortable chair. Sarah snickered to herself as a thought came to mind.\r \n“What?” asked Frank.\r \n“Oh… I just had this thought…” she started, flushing a little. “...part of me expected to see a bed inside, thought it might have been a drive-by thing.”\r \n“Oh?... uh no… I’m not a, um… public person in that regard.”\r \nIn an instant Frank twisted around Sarah to stand between her and the tank turned volcano, shrapnel peppered his back. He took a moment to glance up and down her body.\r \n“You ok?”\r \n“Yeah… I’m good, go do the thing.” said Sarah.\r \nFrank fled the flaming wreck as Chad made a hero landing into the pavement.\r \n“Never fear Little Death.”\r \n“Hi Chad, usual rules, nobody dies and I’m not running.” said Sarah, stepping to the franchise’ outdoor seating and laying the roses on the table. She eyed the wreck and fleeing civilians as the two exchanged hero stuff at each other, concussive sound waves rippled across the street only to be punched apart by Chad's fists who, in turn shot lasers from his eyes.\r \nIt was all very dramatic.\r \nSarah eyed the smoking tank…\r \n“I hope Frank has a spare, I hate sewers and blindfolds.”\r \nShe looked up, glaring at Chad as he shot lasers into populated buildings.\r \n“Hey! Remember the rules!” she shouted.\r \n“You were going to sleep with this guy?” Chad boomed back, drawing a few bystanders' eyes to stare at Sarah. She flushed under their gaze.\r \n“At least he doesn't blame me when he couldn't get a buff.” Sarah called back.\r \nThe street was descending into jerry springers. This isn’t how she planned her Friday afternoon.\r \n“Maybe if I had some direction!” came the rumbling voice from a crater in the street, his voice distorted by franks blasts burying him deeper into the pavement.\r \n“It’s not going to… ‘float my boat’ if you tell me the earth is going to end if I don't fuck you.”\r \nSarah rolled her eyes and glanced up the street both ways, the increasing destruction had the bystanders second guessing their decision to hear her dirty laundry, running into bunkers and subways. Sarah shrugged and decided to speed things up.\r \nThe two blasted at each other recklessly… well one was reckless the other was doing his best to mitigate collateral.\r \n“I’m done with this, you’re too difficult!” cried Chad. His lasers turning calamitous, shearing buildings and shedding all attempts and minimising harm.\r \nSarah focussed on ignoring him, a paradox but it was more or less working.\r \n“You’re too dangerous when any villain can just up and use you.” growled Chad, groping frank in his fist. The machine's body wheezed and spluttered.\r \n“You need loyalty to the heroes, not just, give up whenever a villain shows up.” Chad continued. He walked toward her tossing Frank's limp body aside. Sarah shrank back, Chad was acting… off.\r \n“You’re too dangerous.” he continued.\r \n“What do you expect me to do? I don’t have any other powers.” said Sarah breathlessly.\r \n“Exactly, so nobody is going to save you… and there will be no witnesses.” said Chad, his eyes flaring red as he glared down at her.\r \nSarah closed her eyes, thinking of Frank, the flowers really were a nice touch...\r \n“What are you…” Started Chad.\r \nAn explosion ripped out of the earth, a sonic blast 30 ft across rippled into the sky hurling cars, rubble and Chris away with it.\r \nSarah caught her breath as Mega-Frank rose from the ground, his body stitching itself together and glowing blue.\r \nSarah flinched at the sound of landing debris while withdrawing her hand from beneath her skirt.\r \n“Nice angle on that attack.” she said, watching the clouds above suddenly evaporate in a perfect circle.\r \nFrank only grinned.\r \n“What?”\r \n“Now I understand.” he said as a second tank rolled up.\r \n“Understand what?”\r \n“3 weeks ago…” \r \nNo, god dammit no.\r \n“... out of the blue I was suddenly supercharged...”\r \nSarah winced.\r \n“...You thought about me.” smirked Frank.\r \n“Don’t flatter yourself.”\r \n“Must have been a fluke.” he said, holding the door open for her despite it being automatic. Sarah knew the hot sensation on her face was giving away that it was definitely not a fluke." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "You're a witch and you've just learned probably the best spell ever...a spell that makes a man inexplicably horny that he can't resist jerking off right then and there. When and where do you use this spell and on whom?" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "When my Aunt Becky told me about witchcraft when I was 14 I thought she was full of crap. But after she demonstrated a few candle lighting spells and turned her pet rat into a lizard for a while, I was a believer. She told me her mom (my grandma) had been fairly well blessed with magic, but she only ended up with a fraction of that power and my mom (her sister) had struggled for weeks to do the simple candle lighting spell and never progressed any further. Magic was fickle like that. It follows bloodlines but ebbs and fades with each generation. Most of the old magical bloodlines were long ago broken, and only a few remained.\n\n​\n\nI ended up learning a few things from Becky, and it was clear I was at least as magically gifted as she was, but she was just a novice herself and she was in no position to help me advance. She offered to get me in touch with a powerful witch my grandma had known, but I felt like that would be going down a “dark path” and I was fairly happy living my normal teenage life at the time. I had learned a few “party tricks” from Becky I would pull out from time to time, but that was as far as it ever went.\n\n​\n\nNow I’m 23 and had just moved into my first apartment in a new town with my first “career” job. Things were going fairly well for me and I was even making a few new friends. One night though after going out to celebrate some milestone at work with coworkers I saw a sign on an old building nearby with a symbol I recognized. It was an old witchcraft symbol that meant “untapped energy”. The next Saturday I went back and found a little shop run by a nice old woman that was mostly filed with home decor, candles, and other random clutter for middle aged women to buy. It was an awkward conversation at first, but after it was clear I was “gifted” she led me to a small room in the back with a few books. I ended up picking out one, not even fully aware of what it was. It turns out it was a book about manipulating people and their desires.\n\n​\n\nA lot of stuff in the book was well beyond what I knew but one spell in particular stood out. I spent some time practicing it over the next few weeks, but wouldn’t know if I had it down until I tested it out on someone.\n\n​\n\nThat someone happened to be Nate, a guy in his mid-30s who lived in my apartment building. I didn’t know much about him beyond he drove a black truck and had door dinged my car a few weeks back. I had gone down to the laundromat on the first floor of our building and found him there alone loading a bunch of wet laundry into a dryer. I just decided on a whim that now was the time, and he was the guy. A few whispers under my breath all it took. I saw Nate’s whole body shake, and his knees buckled a bit as the desire hit him like a truck. He was breathing heavily and his sweatpants were tenting from his rapidly hardening cock. He looked around the room to see if anyone was there and his eyes immediately locked on mine. He looked afraid, like he wanted to run but couldn’t. And indeed, he couldn’t run. His brain was telling him to jerk off and was refusing any attempts to do anything else. He resisted for a few seconds, but inevitably his hand went into his sweatpants and pulled out his painfully hard cock. He began stroking it, right there in front of me, while looking right at me. He looked so ashamed, so out of control and it was delightful to watch. For a time we just stood there in silence as he rapidly jerked off in front of me. He eventually managed to say a pitiful sounding “I…I’m so sorry”.\n\n​\n\nI just smiled a little and told him “Shhh. It’s ok, let it out.”\n\n​\n\nAnd just like that he erupted, spraying a full load of jizz all over his load of laundry. With the spell now broken he quickly tucked his dripping dick back in his pants and hurriedly wiped up his mess with one of his hoodies. He then put all his semen soiled clothes right back into the washing machine they had just came from. He again apologized to me as he ran out of there. I loved the rush of power, and looked forward to doing it again." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "When he found a djin, he uses his final wish to turn his trans best friend female. The djin transforms her into a beautifull, dummy thicc wet dream. He however had not expect, that his friend now wants to become his trophy wife." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"You have one wish remaining,\" The Djinn proclaimed in a voice that sounded like a storm. It was loud, almost painful to hear and Clayton had tried to get the being to tone it down but short of using one of his three limited wishes it wasn't happening.\n\nClayton held up a finger to the being which hovered about five feet off the floor, which was previously impossible since they had been standing in Clayton's shitty apartment only a moment ago. Now, they were standing in a massive foyer surrounded by luxury and art that appealed to Clayton's admittedly risque tastes. As he looked through the apps on his phone he found the one he was looking for. A simple banking app he opened it up.\n\n\"Well, is it there?\" Missy asked meekly in her low husky voice as she looked up at the Djinn still afraid. A skinny almost boyish figured trans-woman she was still dressed relatively plainly as Clay's wishes so far had not changed her life at all. \n\nHer sparkling green eyes took in her best friend. Clayton Blake was a handsome young man before he found the Djinn trapped in the old ring they had stumbled across while jogging in the park. Now, well now he was gorgeous. His face still resembled his old self but little imperfections and changes took him from handsome to model perfect. His eyes were brighter, more intense, a crystal blue that was hauntingly beautiful. His light brown hair was perfect. His well-defined chest and body were the kind most women and quite a few men drooled over. His clothes fit so perfectly and flattered his frame in a way that shocked Missy. Then there was what he was hiding. Missy could easily tell from his bulge that Clay's average endowment had been similarly improved by his wish for his ideal body.\n\nMissy had been worried when Clay made the wish, but unlike so many stories this Djinn seemed to actually want to grant the wishes as the owner of the ring desired. When asked why it had explained this was the last set of wishes it had to grant before the ring would shatter and it could return home to its realm of existence. It calmly, if a bit loudly, explained that it wanted Clay to be happy with all his wishes so he would make sure to make all of them and not leave the Djinn lingering in this world because he refused to make a final wish. It was also pretty helpful about answering what Clay could wish for. No supernatural powers, no more wishes, all in all it seemed a bit tame to Missy but she couldn't argue with the results of Clay's first wish.\n\n\"It is,\" Clayton said with awe in his voice. \"Millions in the bank, millions more in investments, there are so many accounts I'm going to need to hire someone just to track them all! And this house!\"\n\nMissy had to agree, the house was amazing. A huge mansion that screamed Clay, at least to her mind. The two had been friends since childhood and Clay was the one friend who had stuck with her even when she had realized she was really Missy. He hadn't batted an eye and just treated her the same, though he never used her dead-name and was very careful with her pronouns. Honestly, it was one of many things she loved about him.\n\n\"Your final wish,\" The Djinn boomed again, obviously growing excited and impatient after long millennia trapped in the ring. Clayton looked from the waiting being toward Missy, a strange look on his face.\n\n\"I have everything I want,\" Clayton said slowly but then continued quickly when the Djinn began to scowl. \"But there is one thing I want to wish for... If I want to change Missy do I need to use her dead-name in the wish?\"\n\n\"Of course not,\" The Djinn seemed honestly confused. \"Mortals are stupid and foolish, who you are is not the flesh you wear... what is the wish?\"\n\nMissy looked alarmed, she trusted Clay but he had not talked to her about this. What the hell was he thinking!? He had found the ring and the wishes were his, she'd agreed even though he'd already promised she would never want for anything. She started to open her thin lips to speak but Clay was already talking over her.\n\n\"I wish that Missy had the body of her dreams,\" Clayton blurted out quickly and glanced only briefly at Missy. \"One that she will be happy with for the rest of her life and that matches who she really is.\"\n\nAn explosive wave of energy exploded from the Djinn as it granted the wish. The crackling white energy engulfed Missy as her eyes flew wide. What the hell was happening to her! She liked the sound of Clay's wish but this was terrifying. Even though she had seen the same thing happen to Clay it was unreal when it was happening to her.\n\nIt started at her toes first, Missy could feel the shape of her feet narrowing, becoming smaller, more feminine. As she looked down her sneakers had melted away and she saw her toenails change color as they became beautifully pedicured with a pink polish and french tips. The change continued up her legs, ankles, and calves changing before her legs followed. However as opposed to being more slender, her already athletic legs gained volume, becoming thicker yet also more distinctly female. As it moved upward she felt her thighs and hips thicken.\n\nIt started at her toes first, Missy could feel the shape of her feet narrowing, becoming smaller, more feminine. As she looked down her sneakers had melted away and she saw her toenails change color as they became beautifully pedicured with pink polish and french tips. The change continued up her legs, ankles, and calves changing before her legs followed. However as opposed to being more slender, her already athletic legs gained volume, becoming thicker yet also more distinctly female. As it moved upward she felt her thighs and hips they never needed attention. Her once short lashes thickened and grew as she blinked against the shining light. Her nose became more delicate and smaller, perfectly sculpted. Her jaw softened even as her once thin lips began to plump.\n\nShocked Missy's lips formed a surprised 'O' as the light began to fade as more and more of it absorbed into her swiftly changing body. The strange tingle in her lips and the odd feel of her own mouth caused her to lift her hand towards her face. As she touched the puffy cushion of her lips she was surprised how sensitive they were but was instantly distracted as her hand began to change. Just like her feet, they became feminine and her nails grew out before mirroring the pink polish and french tips of her feet. She let out a gasp of surprise as all her body hair except a thin patch above her crotch disappeared, disintegrating to a dust that blew away leaving no trace.\n\nThe sudden change drew her attention downward. Her cock had begun to shrink. Clay and she had been saving to afford her procedures but hadn't managed it yet. Now, by literally magic, her testicles retreated and her scrotum shrunk, her cock shrank becoming smaller and smaller until only the head poked from her otherwise smooth crotch. Then the tip closed becoming smooth as what remained became a large and surprisingly sensitive clitoris. Then starting below the sensitive nub a newly formed pussy began to form. Even as it plumped and formed Missy could feel her insides shifting, rearranging. Somehow she knew her internal organs and the ascended testicles were changing. She would have a fully functional womb and ovaries just like she had always dreamed. \n\nIf it wasn't for the wet slippery sensation between her thighs Missy might have cried happy tears, but the horny urge to touch her fresh grown cunt was too distracting. Her waist remained slim, but her stomach actually fleshed out slightly, where before she had been rail thin she would now be rightly called thick. The changes continued upward until they met the changes going downward at her chest. She squirmed with delight as her breasts budded and grew. The flesh stretched and filled, growing soft rather than tight as two mounds of flesh began to fill her torso. They were large, heavy, and looked beautifully natural with just the barest hint of veins beneath the flesh. They looked perfect on her newly thick frame. \n\nThe final changes happened swiftly now that her body was almost done. Her once small areola and tight small nipples began to thicken and fatten. Her nipples became as fat around as her thumb and grew out lengthening slightly to fit her perfect breasts. The areola widened, where once they looked tiny on the new grown breasts they fit her body perfectly.\n\n\"Holy shit Missy,\" Clay stared in shock, probably not even thinking about the fact he was staring at her naked. \"You're gorgeous!\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The busty witch points her staff at you. “Now that our deal is sealed. You must deliver unto me your firstborn child!” “Okay” you say as you pull out your cock. The witches face had never been redder." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"What's the matter, witch?\" I said as I finish to undress leaving my naked body to her sight. I can sense her sight scanning my toned body with a some pause on my pleasure tool. \"You look flushed... Shall we seal the deal or what? Do you want to back out?\" \n\n\n\"I didn't mean that!\" She said enraged \"Are you stupid or what?\" Her face was so red that you can confuse her flaming hair with her skin tone. I can clearly hear her hand leaving a mark on her staff, maybe it was the rage building inside her for being disrespected or the lust she was trying to contain. She pointed her staff at me \"Dress up at once, you won't disrespect my authority! I... I... I have a spell to curse you and I'm not afraid to use it!\" \n\n\n\"We have a deal to fulfill.\"I said calmly and trying to cover up my rod now turgid \"Look, I don't have a child... It's a little embarassing but I never experienced -that-, you know what I mean\" she began to cover her eyes with her large hat \"Also I thought that you are quite attractive and by saying -Give me your firstborn child- you meant...\" \n\n\n\"I can't believe it...\" She said \"So you are practically saying that you are a -VIRGIN- and you are trying pathetically to flirt with me while you are bare naked...\" She took some seconds to pause to scan my body again, my hands still covering what she is trying to \"You really are stupid... but quite... talented\" \n\n\n\"Not need to turn me down like that...\"I said quite angry \"wait... talented?\" \n\n\n\"can't you catch a clue boy? come... let me take at you better....\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "\"Please tell me this is a April fool's joke?\" \"Of course it isn't! my sister wants to get pregnant and your going to lay there tied up while she breeds that bitch breaker you call a cock!\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“Oh darling…of course it isn’t! My sister wants to get pregnant, and you’re going to lay there all tied up like a good stud while she breeds that bitch breaker you call a cock!”\n\nAubrey spoke, her eyes unable to look away from the majestic pillar of virility between Sam’s legs.\n\n“I knew you said he was big, sis,” the brunette licked her lips and couldn’t help but grind her thighs together as she felt the wetness practically dripping from her and feeling her ovaries quiver in animalistic, lustful delight. “And I’ve seen him squeezed into those trunks he likes that show off that beautiful ass of his and that wonderful bulge that leaves little to the imagination, but this…” she giggled again, her lips parted, breath getting steadily heavier as her NEED to be bred by him began to take over her rational thought. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to be satisfied by Sean ever again. He’s just so…”\n\n“Big? Studly? Handsome? Virile? Delicious?” Kate laughed. “Oh, Bree, you have no idea. I can’t stand the thought of wasting any more of his precious seed without it blessing your eggs with the gifts he has to offer. Just because we’re not ready to have kids yet doesn’t mean I can’t let someone else enjoy getting knocked up and swollen ripe by those big, fat breeder balls that I, on behalf of my husband, so generously offer to you. Please, little sister, let my husband show you what it feels like to be filled to the brim and stuffed full of his hot, thick spunk.”\n\nKate paused for a moment, and Sam saw the lightbulb go off above her head.\n\n“But you know, my IUD is almost set to expire, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he managed to knock us both up at the same time. Can you just imagine it, sister? Both of us raising our children together at the same time? Seeing the product of our joint efforts bear fruit? Imagine the scandal if they both looked like their father? It sounds simply delicious.”\n\n(Part 2 to come if you approve. I hope you enjoyed it!)" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Somehow, you have managed to get an Eldritch Being to fall deeply in love you. Now it follows you around, where people do not see, doing whatever it can to capture your heart as well" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I sighed.\n\nOf all the ways this could have gone...\n\nYou know the stores... the TV shows... the old cults chants....\n\n>A dark and haunted creature binds its fate to yours, whispering the *secrets of madness and infinity into your ear, corrupting your mind and body with incomprehensible screams from the innumerable dying universes* \n\nor some such nonsense\n\nWell, mine whispers in my ear all right - like that creepy guy from your high school, but just... so much more intense.\n\n>Through all 7 planes of reality, among the stars that die and dwindle, one light shines through and shapes all life and death - it's you and your smile.\n\n>I don't care that your boobs are small. I actually PREFER small boobs. \n\n>There is no death, only the eternal cacophany of souls screaming and screeching as their experiences are torn and merged again; all thought and reason twisting into pure existential fear before oblivion wakes and the true owl speaks its vision.... wanna go watch with me on Friday?\n\n\nUgh.\n\nAbout a month ago I was reading through some old books of the occult. I particularly enjoyed the summoning rituals - though each came with binding and sealing spells to ensure you didn't become enslaved by whatever you created. \n\nI thought it best to play it safe, mixing a spell of bound fate with an enchantment of kinship... and... okay like 6 or 7 others.\n\nSTILL, if I had ANY idea what I'd have to deal with for the next few months, I'd probably have preferred to be enslaved.\n\nIts name was Й̝͖͈ͅ\"̢̞̼̟̳̱̪ͭ̌̊͐͑ͫ`ξ̷̠͚̲̪̟̞ͯ¤͉͔̤̙͔͙̃̑͢ ע̝͔͖̥̜͕̻̓ͮ̄ג̆̃̅͌͝\n\nBut I called him Bicholas. Like Nicholas, with a B. Because I hated him.\n\nBicholas looked a bit like a floating eye... most of the time? Occasionally he was infinite tentacles, other times he was like a thousand mirrors undulating within each other, other times he resembled every single colour at the same time. Looking at him gave me a headache. Actually, so did listening to him.\n\n---\n\nAnyway, despite my binding rituals, Bicholas had recently decided to move our relationship to the next level.\n\n>as our bodies and minds become one, your womb will birth unto the universe the world soul and all reality shall involute upon thy divine mother.\n\nI wasn't having any of that, but Bicholas didn't seem to care. Over the next few days he got very... handsy?\n\nA tentacle slipped between my tits, a mouth simultaneously kissing my cheek while licking my knee. He may not have been good at foreplay, but that didn't make holding a conversation when I suddenly found my asshole licked by \"innumerable tongues folded within one another\" any easier.\n\nAfter several dozen such violations, I had had enough. I devised a plan. I pulled a tentacle oozing purple semen out of my mouth and went back to my library.\n\nBicholas may have been curious what I was doing, but he seemed more interested in spanking my ass with an EXACT copy of 6-year-old-me's favourite barbie from nearly 15 years ago.\n\nI gathered up my books and started compiling a new chant - undoing the binding rituals, undoing the kinship, undoing the... wait did I cast a spell of unlimited bear hugs? Fuck that might explain some things. \n\nAnyway, with the candles set, I began to chant. The words melded with the sound of Bicholas furiously jerking off behind me (and in front of me, at the same time). The air filled with magic and eldritch semen.\n\nThe room shook, I began to grow nervous. Maybe... I shouldn't be removing all of them at once?\n\nI looked over at Bicholas. He winked. I resumed chanting, more quickly this time.\n\nWith the last words uttered, the spellsong churned, the universe itself listening to the melody I created.\n\nThe bindings broke, the spells shattered and that's how I became ~~Bicholas'~~ Master's *perfect little slut slave*.\n\nMy master threw me to the floor of the library, his tendrils reaching through every point in space to tear through my clothes and bind my limbs. I dutifully begged him to fuck my pointless mortal body.\n\nHe showed me myself from every angle, my eyes seeing all versions of ourselves as he finished stripping me bare. A tendril entered my little cultist mouth, but it was always there and had been since the beginning of time. \n\nAnother tendril, covered in eyes, slid into my wanting, undeserving, pussy. My master showed me my insides, desperately gripping him in at least 18 dimensions. I moaned softly as his pace increased, my fingers gripping the rug beneath me, the last matter in the black and starry universe that spanned around our intertwined bodies.\n\nThe depths of reason began to shift as I got closer, all thought and humanity growing more and more difficult to hold onto as my pants grew faster and that familiar clenching of toes began. I closed my eyes to stop the pounding of my head, but through my transparent eyelids I could still see his member sliding in and out of me, moving faster and faster - despite all other time going backwards.\n\nMy master began to moan too as our bodies grew closer, the sound of a truck colliding with the THQ logo played backwards over a phonograph. \n\nI couldn't take it anymore, I felt myself reaching a climax as every orgasm I'd ever had or would ever had coalesced into a fountain of pleasure spewing out into the world as his own eldrith seed spewed back into me.\n\nIt was hot, it was purple, it was a 1974 convertible named \"The Hoozzard\".\n\nI gladly gave my womb to my master as he planted the seed of all life within me.\n\nI felt consciousness waver and reality shake as my library gradually reformed around me.\n\nAll at once, I was back and Bicholas was sitting next to me, smoking -2 cigarettes at the same time and staring off into the distance.\n\nHe leaned in and whispered\n\n>babe, sorry, that was real fun but I gotta bounce. Catcha next time? I've got your number so don't call me - I hate a clingy human girl." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "Her boyfriend was infected with lycanthropy and she is loving it. Now she can have cute, gentle, femdom cuddle sex when he is in his human twink form, and get abslutely destroyed like a bitch in heat by his werewolf form and its giant beastcock!" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*A/N: I changed the scene slightly from your original prompt, but I hope you still enjoy it*\n\nKiera's phone lit up, her calender informing her the full moon was starting. It's not like she needed reminding, she had been counting down the last 27 days beyond excited for this night. She had driven up to a remote hunting cabin with her boyfriend, Andy, earlier that day. 7 lunar cycles ago, Andy got bitten by a werewolf, and since then, every full moon he transformed into a 7 and a half foot tall human/wolf beast, with incredible strength and an insatiable lust. \n\n\n\nThe first night Andy shifted, things changed for the couple. Andy was normally 5'5\" and 110lbs, while Kiera towered over him at 5'11\", 170lbs, although it would be rare to see her without at least 4\" heels on, making the height difference larger. The size discrepancy had helped fuel their relationship. Kiera normally considered herself fairly dominat, professionally, socially, and sexually, and Andy's twink like body with his social awkwardness made it the perfect pairing for her. She always had the upperhand in the relationship, usually bossing him and if need be phsycially forcing him to do some activities. She'd demean him from time to time, especially in the bedroom, but he had also seen her protect him like a lioness when out with others. He knew under the rough exterior was someone who loved him for him, and was more than happy to indulge in his femdom fetishes. But after that first shift, Andy finally got to experience being the alpha in the relationship. \n\n\n\nThat first night Kiera was ravaged, Andy's tiny penis, smaller than her heels most of the time, transformed into a foot long wine bottle thick cock. His newfound strength and size allowed him to throw Kiera around the bedroom and forcefully have his way with her until they both blacked out from exhaustion. \n\n\n\nThis changed the dynamic for Kiera, she still loved being dominant but once, every 28 days, she could switch roles and finally be the one being dominated. To get to experience both was opening up new feelings for her that she loved. \n\n\n\nThis last week she had been particularly hard on Andy leading up to tonight. She had worn all of favourite Dom gear, latex suits, strappy lingerie, spiked heels, and more. One night she tied him to the bed and smothered his face by her perky fit ass forcing him to eat her asshole to get small breaths of air. Another night she'd have him latch on and suckle her DD tits as she'd spank him. Throughout all the nights the only constant was that Kiera made sure Andy knew who was in control.\n\n\n\nTonight was different though, Andy was out of the cottage, getting himself a meal before coming home. This helped leave Kiera less bruised they had found. Kiera had done herself up in an outfit she wouldn't have even thought to own last year. A white lacy baby doll that tried to cover her in a modest way. Mixing that with the fact her normally straight, high ponytail, black hair was now lightly curled, flowing down past her shoulders, gave her an almost virginlike appearance. She was laying in bed pretending to sleep, waiting for Andy to come home. The usually game was he'd find a young woman alone in the forest before forcing himself on her and her becoming addicted to his lust.\n\n\n\nBreaking her stream of thoughts, the cottage door was kicked open. Andy lumbered in, looking almost more beastlike than usual. His cock hanging half hard between the now muscular and hairy thighs. Kiera let out a meek and practiced plead, \"Please don't hurt me.\"\n\n\n\n\"You're mine now, bitch.\" is all she got in return as a warning before suddenly Andy was on her. His claws ripped through the babydoll, exposing her tits to the cold night air. He grasped her waist and used his extraordinarly long tongue to play with her nipples. The roughness made Kiera moan in response, loving the loss of control already.\n\n\n\nAndy grabbed both of Kiera's hands and lifted her to be sitting with chest exposed under the ripped material and her back to the wall. The bed creaked and groaned as he repositioned himself so that his cock was inches from her mouth. The bulging thick mass was inches from her mouth. In her entire life, Kiera had never given a blow job, lots of hand jobs, some thigh jobs, and once even a foot job, but never a blow job, she didn't know where to even start. As she opened her mouth to protest, Andy shoved the head in.\n\n\n\nKiera immediately choked as her mouth was stretched to obscene levels. It was obvious to her then that he didn't want a blow job, he wanted to fuck her mouth. He started to piston in and out of her mouth, letting her barely get some air in before he'd shove his cock into her again. She choked, coughed, spit, and glucked all over the half of the massive rod that Andy could fit down her throat. Kiera's throat was screaming for a break, but she didn't want to fight back, she wanted to be used and abused, to feel fully submissive to the literal beast of a man in front of her. She felt the cock in her mouth start to swell and got worried. She couldn't swallow the mythical loads Andy produced like this. She looked up at him, pleading with her eyes to pull out, but Andy's focus was on her moving tits as he continued to pummel her face. At the last second, the cock moved out of Kiera's mouth, leaving her gasping for air as rope after rope of hot sticky cum coated her face and tits. It felt like a gallon of cum coated her as she continued to try and catch her breath. \n\n\n\nIn a flash, Andy moved. His speed and strength always surprising her as he moved her effortlessly from against the wall to face down on the bed. Her perfect bubble butt that she had forced into Andy's face earlier this week was now up in the air ready to be fucked. With one long and incredibly strong arm, Andy kept Kiera's cum soaked face pushed into the mattress as he split open her gushing pussy with his still rock hard cock. She couldn't help but release a moan into the bed as she felt the giant beast cock take its perfect place inside of her. He's free hand gripped her ass, as he deposited deep long strokes inside of Kiera. She felt the claws dig deep into her skin, but not enough to draw blood. \n\n\n\nHer first climax of the night came quickly. Between the situation and beastly cock she couldn't process anything other than pleasure. Her pleas to God were stifled by the now wet mattress. None of that mattered to Andy as he continued to use her as his bitch. Plunging deep into her. She came twice more before he finally released his grip on her head. Like before, the moves were too quick to follow and suddenly Kiera was looking to the yellow eyes of her normally submissve lover as he held her in the air. One hand gripping her assfirmly and the other around her upper back he used her while he stood to essentially jack himself off. His cock staying at least half in from this position. Her hands gripped his muscled arms locking herself in more. Moans and yes's escaped her lips as another climax approached. As she came, felt Andy fully hilt himself inside of her and release a large load of cum instead of her abused pussy. The feelings triggered another orgasm and as she felt light headed and blacked out.\n\n\n\nShe woke up the next morning on the bed, sore, and tired, but nicely wrapped in a cozy blanket. Beside her, her lover, Andy, was back to normal. Once again his scrawny form breathing deeply beside her, fast asleep. She moved slightly to get closer to him and accidentally woke him. She loved the cute little surprise look he had in the morning after.\n\n\n\n\"Morning beautiful,\" he sleepily stated, \"I hope you slept well. I wasn't too rough last night was I? I sort of lost control once I saw you in that outfit.\"\n\n\n\n\n\"No, no, it was perfect.\" she responded and then gently kissed him on the forehead. \"Now though\" she continued, \"I think you can start paying me back for last night\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She knew that the only reason she thought guys cumming in her mouth was a perfectly normal \"just friends\" activity, and climaxed whenever they did was because her BFF hypnotized her as a prank, but what embarrassed her was that she couldn't bring herself to ask for the triggers to be undone..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Lacy relaxed her throat and pushed her lips down over Mike's hard cock, until she had forced the whole throbbing pillar down her warm wet mouth and throat. He grunted as she pulled back, dragging her lips along the shaft, before momentarily giving his head a writhing tongue lashing, and pushing her head back down until her chin rested against his balls once again.\n\nFrom her position kneeling in front of him with his cock balls deep in her mouth, she looked up with her eyes and thought, *it won't be long now.* Knowing the big finish was soon, *s*he began working his cock with renewed vigor, bouncing her head up and down over his penis and sure enough her efforts were soon rewarded. Mike grunted once again as his cock flexed and shot rope after rope of his hot salty ejaculate into her eager mouth. As was her new normal the taste of his seed triggered her hypnotic programming and a powerful orgasm wracked her body as well, tingles shooting from her pussy and clit, as her toes curled and her mind went blank with the wonderful sensations. The two of them spent several long moments in the throes of orgasm, Lacy squealing and writhing as the young man's cock pulsed again and again in her mouth.\n\nEventually even Lucy's hot mouth could coax no more ejaculate from the spent young man and his orgasm abated as his cock began to wilt in her mouth. Lucy dutifully swallowed his semen, making sure to lick up any left on his dick, before standing and stepping away from the couch.\n\n\"Thanks,\" Mike said, tucking his cock back into his pants.\n\n\"Anytime,\" Lacy responded cheerfully as she went to the bathroom to fix her make-up.\n\nLacy examined herself in the mirror briefly to see what damage had been done by her friendly blowjob. He hadn't been too rough, so it looked like nothing leaked onto the loose floral sundress, that covered her modest figure. Her red hair was slightly mussed, and her lip gloss was of course a mess. All-in-all it wasn't too bad, some of her friends practically abused her open mouth privilege, roughly fucking her face until her mascara streaked down her face and slobber dripped all over her little b-cup tits. As she began working to fix the damage she wondered at how often her male friends needed to get off.\n\nIndeed her friends, Mike, Joey and Sam had been cumming in her mouth once a day minimum ever since her BFF Morgana had started her on her new hypnotherapy routine.\n\n*If I had known how hard up they were maybe I would have* asked *for this programming,* she thought to herself. *Instead of getting it as a surprise, of course I should have known that Morgana was going to do* something *to the programming besides just helping me quit smoking.*\n\nSomehow despite being deeply familiar with Morgana's impish nature, Lacy always kept falling for her tricks. This time after having tried everything under the sun to kick her habit, she had gone to Morgana, desperate for anything to help her quit. Morgana had just smiled slyly and told her everything would be alright. Even as she talked Lacy through the headset, and how the subliminal programming would change her as she slept Lacy didn't suspect anything. As far as she could remember it was about one week after starting her hypnotic new bedtime routine that she gave her first blowjob.\n\nIt's only as far as she could remember because of course to her giving that blowjob was a perfectly normal thing for her to do for her friends. It was only several weeks later that she realized other girls didn't give their friends hot sloppy bjs on demand. It wasn't long after that that she put two and two together and connected her new willingness to get on her knees with the hypnotic tracks she had been listening to every night. \n\nShe was broken out of her reminiscing by the sounds of the front door opening and people entering the apartment. She gave herself on last quick look over and deciding she was presentable went out to see who was there." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[EnemiesToLovers] The partys female warlock and the male paladin are constantly at each others throat. There is a clear sexual tension between them. Meanwhile their respective deitys are friends and are shipping the two of them. So they decide to ensure that their servants finally fuck." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Knock Knock Knock*\r\n\nA deep, slow knock rings out through the ‘Palace’. A Motherly voice rings out, “Come on in, darling!”\r\n\nThe door opens, revealing a very attractive demon. From her inviting eyes to her perky chest, to her flaring hips, she is the definition of seduction. She saunters inside the mansion, heading to the owner of the motherly voice. Where the demon is in the shape of a young adult, the Goddess she faces now can be best described as a ‘MILF’. Her body is even more voluptuous than the demon’s, her motherly face caring and loving, as only a mother can be. \r\n\n“Ah, there you are, Steele,” the matron says, “Please sit. I’ve made tea.”\r\n\n“Thanks Gaya,” Steele says, “So, how’s your day been?”\r\n\nThey make conversation for a while, the demon complementing the deity’s robes, and she complements the demon’s cocktail dress in turn. Eventually, the conversation turns to the mortal realm. \r\n\n“Oh my…” the goddess says, “I have simply the juiciest tidbit from my dearest Layla,” she says, her eyes sparkling. “She seems to be interested in one of your devotees.”\r\n\n“Oh oh oh, do tell!” Steele says, “Which one?”\r\n\nGaya smirks, “Taumriel. Her dreams of her are simply the sweetest!”\r\n\n“Oh yeah! Taumriel likes the cowgirl too, I think. Most of her wet dreams are about her!”\r\n\n“Oh… Well. Maybe a little help on our part is appropriate?” Gaya asks, to which Steele nods her head violently. “Alright, here’s my plan…”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "“So… can I take you home?” He asks, smiling. She smirks back before quipping. “I don’t know, can you?” What he took for subtle brattiness was actually her English teacher credentials shining through." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "She scowled while her hips furiously thrust over his palm. She contorted herself to follow it. Her arms ached against the restraints. Her legs pushed to the limits the rope would allow. His fingers drove into her faster and faster, bringing her moans into a rising chorus that would break any moment.\r \n“You’re about at the edge.” he said.\r \nShe grunted at the gag, her face flushing red.\r \nHis fingers found her button, teasing it harshly and following her bucking sex. She was brought back to the edge, her eyes losing focus, her breath turning to a rhythmic pant.\r \n“Do you would like to cum?”\r \nShe bit into the gag, huffing out non words of frustration, shaking her head away from his lips and bearing down onto his fingers. She stared at the earmuffs that would have blocked out his words, lamenting that she only had a gag. Her vision fell away, staring into a distance.\r \n“You do like talk dirty wrong words right?”\r \nShe screamed out her frustration.\r \nHe drew to the end, his document filled with blue and red squiggly lines.\r \nShe shook her head furiously, alternating between moans and terror. He copied the text, about to paste it into a reply. Google-docs cried out a muffled ‘please no’, all of her whittling focus pleading for just a moment longer.\r \nHe started right clicking the errors to fix them. Google-docs’ eyes rolled back, crying out with her release. He fixed all the errors, prolonging her climax until she hung limp in a clean, error free document.\r \n\r \nAnd that’s why google-docs won’t let me write stories anymore." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "He'd just found out that he was the descendant of an ancient Fertility god... That would explain why; 1. All his childhood friends were women 2. They were all super curvy , and still growing bigger, and 3. They all wanted to be his Harem and get to have his children." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "In hindsight, my true nature was obvious. Even if you ignored my all-female friend group, I was always... different. When I was a kid, I didn't have a dream job or anything like that; all I really wanted to be was a dad. And when puberty came around, I went out the other end looking like a supermodel's hot older brother without a moment of awkwardness I could recall.\n\nBut then things got to a level of weird that I couldn't attribute to genetics. All of my friends started getting curvier, their bras straining to contain their expanding tits and their asses jutting out from behind them. In addition, they were chomping at the bit to get in my pants, time and place be damned. It was attention I relished, but I didn't want to act on it until I knew why this was happening. So, once I found out everything was the result of my ancestors getting it on with a god of fertility, I was more than happy to act on my and my lovers' urges.\n\nWhich brings us to the present, where I was starting off my morning with five of my girlfriends kissing and caressing my cock. As Jazz and Adrianna ran their tongues along my shaft, Molly and Helen made out just over the tip as Paris worshipped my balls. The sight of their engorged breasts getting pressed against the bed, my cock, and each other proved to be exactly what I needed first thing in the morning, and I felt my first orgasm of the day building up.\n\nWith a roar of ecstasy, a geyser of cum burst out of my cock. My lovers happily gulped down every drop they could, even exchanging it between one another with kisses. As the stream of cum finally died down, I sighed in contentment and got out of bed. As I stretched out, my cock sprang back to life, rock hard and ready for even more. I looked at my lovers and grinned as I said, \"You girls head for the showers. I'm gonna get Kimiko.\"\n\nMy lovers got out of bed and made their way to the bathhouse, each one planting a sloppy kiss on me and my cock as they exited the bedroom. I then made my way down to the kitchen, where I saw Kimiko standing at the counter with a glass of milk. I walked up behind Kimiko and gently wrapped my arms around her, caressing her distended pregnant belly as I did. Kimiko leaned into my affections and purred, \"Good morning, daddy.\"\n\nI loved and lusted after all of my girls equally, but Kimiko would always hold a special place in my heart. Not only was Kimiko my oldest friend, but she was also part of the archaeological study that first learned about my godly ancestor. As such, she was granted the title of harem matron (or cat wrangler, depending on how fussy the girls were being), which came with the duty of finding more to add to the harem and the privilege of being the first to bear my offspring. As I peppered Kimiko's neck with kisses, Kimiko moaned happily and remarked, \"So, you going to knock up the girls today?\"\n\n\"Yep. They're waiting for us in the showers. Any news?\"\n\n\"Indeed. Eight potential harem girls, including that milf you had a crush on when you were thirteen, and a very exciting discovery. But I think we should get to the girls first before the anticipation kills them.\"\n\n\"Agreed.\" With that, I lifted Kimiko and carried her over to the showers. After the discovery of my divine roots, I purchased an old boarding school with the intention of renovating it into a home for all of my wives and children. Though it was still a work in progress, the locker rooms worked plenty for our uses. Kimiko and I entered the showers to discover our lovers feeling each other up and kissing as soapy water dripped down their bodies.\n\nKimiko whistled, prompting the girls to immediately snap to attention. With a smile, Kimiko said to the girls, \"Today's the day, darlings.\" My lovers bounced on their heels excitedly as Kimiko and I joined them under the showerhead. I presented my cock, already dripping precum in anticipation, and said, \"Who would like to go first?\"\n\nAdrianna stepped forward with a hungry look in her eyes. Wasting no time to fulfill her cravings, I grabbed onto Adrianna and speared into her without hesitation. As I thrusted into her, Adrianna mewled and moaned joyously, the euphoria of the moment overriding her basic speaking abilities. I looked over at the other girls and saw them masturbating furiously, their faces bearing no jealousy, only happiness that one of their own was being pleasured. It warmed my heart to see such compersion among my girls.\n\nEventually, I felt the torrent of cum inside me build in pressure, but I held it back as much as I could; I wanted to make certain that Adrianna's womb was absolutely, unequivocally flooded with my seed. Once I hit a limit I felt satisfied with, I let loose my climax. Cum exploded inside of Adrianna to the point where it spurted out through the gap between my cock and her pussy. With her mind freshly overloaded with bliss, I gently handed Adrianna over to Kimiko and said to my other girls, \"One down. Four to go.\"\n\nI made my way through the others in short order, pumping them full of as much cum as possible. Once every girl was sufficiently impregnated, I roared victoriously as I unleashed one final orgasm, this one with enough force to splatter the ceiling. After everything had calmed down and we returned to the bedroom, Kimiko announced, \"I think it's time for that news I was talking about earlier.\"\n\nAs I snuggled up with my lovers, Kimiko pulled a file from the nightstand. \"I managed to translate some old texts about Magnus' ancestor, and I found something interesting. This text right here roughly says, 'And far into the future, he shall be reborn mightier than ever, his every feat surpassed a hundredfold'.\"\n\nI knew Kimiko well enough to know what she was talking about. \"Kimiko, are you saying I'm...a reincarnation of a god?\"\n\nKimiko tenderly stroked my cock and purred, \"I'm saying that compared to your ancestor, you *are* the god.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[TT] When she Wished Upon A Star late one night, she never expected her wish to come true… Therefor it came as a complete surprise when the very next day she…" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Ally stumbled the bathroom, eyes still shut and fumbled with the tap. *What a horrible dream. Just what I needed after yesterday!* She scooped handfuls of ice-cold water and scrubbed at her face, trying to dislodge the sense of wrongness that had so disturbed her sleep. *At least today can't be worse. Those thugs just can't look past a scar can they? Of course they can't! The college football team has always been more balls than brains. Sometimes I just wish I was...*\n\nShe let her train of thought drift away as she stared at herself in the mirror, or rather, at the water that was running down a patch of empty air that matched the shape of her face. \"Invisible?\" She raised her hands from the edge of the sink and looked down at them. Sure enough, there was nothing in the sleeves of her pajamas. She could see into the sleeve.\n\n\"I'm... Invisible?\" She reached up and touched her face, marred all her life by that distorted scar. She could feel it just fine, and she could tell exactly where her hands where, as if she could see them, but she couldn't. \"I'm invisible... Or I'm still dreaming, and dreaming that I'm invisible?\" She reach up and brushed a stray lock of hair from her face habitually, for it didn't block her view.\n\n\"Am I invisible to everyone else, or just myself? Can people here me talking to myself? How am I going to explain this to my to my flatmates? Will it last forever, will it run out somehow? Does it wash off?\" A long string of questions flooded the empty bathroom, ended abruptly when Ally slapped herself across the cheek.\n\nNothing changed. She stood staring at her empty, floating pajamas in her tiny on-suit bathroom for a long moment... *I need to know how this works.* Now fully awake she stepped back into her bedroom and pulled out her phone. *Camera on. No, not away from me. Where's that switch button gone again? Oh, there. Empty pajamas. It doesn't see me. My phone doesn't see me either. Can it hear me?*\n\nShe set it recording and mumbled good morning at it, then played it back.\n\n\"Good morning.\"\n\nHer voice echoed back from her phone, quiet and nervous, just as she had said it. *So I can be heard, but I can't be seen... My clothes can be seen.* She looked down at her shapely outline in her pajamas and grimaced. *I can't wonder around as a floating set of clothes. Invisible people don't exist. Everyone would freak out. But that means...* She bit her lower nip nervously. *They can't see me. They can't see me. But what if someone bumps into me? I'd be completely naked!* She glanced at the door that lead to the rest of the house she was sharing with five other students, that more importantly lead to breakfast. *Do I have a choice?*\n\nAlly took several deep, steadying breaths, causing her pajamas to rise and fall in time with her chest. Still chewing on her lower lip, as she did when nervous, she undressed, hesitating when she got to her panties. *I really have no choice. I have to move around somehow and I really don't want to have to try and explain this... At least not yet. How in hell did this happen!?*\n\nShe dropped her panties to the floor and cautiously went to the door. She opened it and peaked out. No one else was about yet. It was still early even by Ally's standards, and she was always up first. Taking another deep breath, she opened her room door all the way and stepped out into the hallway. *Get breakfast and get back to your room. Get breakfast and get back. You can't have people see a floating spoon eating breakfast in the dining room. Get breakfast and get back to my room.*\n\nShe repeated the thought to herself over and over again as she tiptoed down the hallway, down the stairs and to the kitchen. She was very glad that no-one else was awake yet. She was just pouring milk in her bowl when a sound made her start, spilling it on the counter surface. She put the milk bottle down and turned sharply, instinctively covering herself with her hands.\n\nSnuffles, Joe's golden retriever, had made his way into the room and was approaching her in his usual, unconcerned way. Ally sagged against the counter in relief. \"Oh thank goodness. It's just you.\" She reached out and scratched Snuffle's behind his ears. \"I thought it'd be someone else... Hey? Why aren't your freaking out Snuffles? Can you see me?\"\n\nHe looked right at her, or at least that's what she thought at first, but he wasn't quite looking in the right place. \"Right, you can smell and hear me can't you?\" His bright, intelligent eyes shifted slightly, focusing on the space where her mouth was and his tail wagged slowly from side to side. \"Yes, of course you ca-AN!\"\n\nAlly jammed a hand over her own mouth to stifle her yelp. The milk she'd spilled a moment earlier had reached the edge f the counter and was now running down her bare back, cold and very visible. She looked at it through herself and sighed. \"What a mess this is eh, Snuffles?\" She turned back from the dog to the counter, grabbed some kitchen towel and wiped herself and the surface clean, before putting the milk away and taking her bowl towards the stairs. Snuffles wandered back to to his bed in the next room.\n\n*I hope I didn't wake anyone up with that. A floating bowl of cereal is hard to explain...* She made her as quietly as she could back to her room. Just as she was walking through her door, another door opened and Joe began walking towards the stairs, a puzzled look on his face. Ally froze in place, desperately hoping that he didn't look at the white bowl floating in her doorway. Her heart pounded as he passed, but he didn't so much as look at her.\n\nWhat he did almost do was step on her left foot, still in the hallway. She moved it just in time, and the moment Joe started down the stairs, she closed her door behind her. *That was close. That was too close!* She placed her breakfast on her desk and flopped onto her bed. *I am invisible though. He definitely didn't see me standing but naked in my own doorway. He would have definitely reacted to that!*\n\n*So... Now what? Now that I'm invisible, now what?*\n\n***\n\nIt's not a specifically sexy story and not exactly sure where to take it from here, but it's my first return to writing in many months.\n\nNo idea if I'll continue it or not. Anyway, enjoy!" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "A broke college student finds an advertisement online; participate in a study about sexual reactions, in exchange for compensation. Knowing that she don't have enough money to pay bills for the next month, she has no choice but to take the plunge." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The door closed. All Emily could hear now was the soft hum of the air conditioning unit. She looked around. It looked like the average doctor’s waiting room. A reception desk with computer and phone, and across from it two chairs in a slight angle toward each other, a stack of magazines that had never been touched on a small side table, and an obligatory plant. On the wall, a large framed picture of a sailboat smoothly breaking waves. \n\nMuch better than the creepy basement she’d imagined when she decided to go for it. \n\nFrom another room, she heard a shuffle. A door opened and a smiling young receptionist hurried behind the desk. \n“I’m sorry to keep you waiting,” she said. “Do you have an appointment?” \nEmily shook her head. She dug in the pouch of her hoodie and held out the advertisement she ripped from a light post the night before. \n“Oh, you’re here for the study. You’re in luck, there’s no waiting time at the moment. Let’s head to the back.”\n\nThey walked through a small corridor and into a small room. The receptionist never stopped talking. \n“Doctor Helms is thrilled about this study. It’s his magnum opus, he says. He’ll say, ‘Tell the girls that come in they’re helping history being made’.” \nShe welcomingly tapped a dentist chair with her hand and Emily sat down. \nThe receptionist continued, “I’ve done it myself, too. It’s something I’ll never forget. And you’re getting $500 for it, but I think people will pay much more in the future.” \n\nA few minutes later, Emily’s head was hooked up to a computer with five different stickers with wires. She was told to lay down and wait for the doctor. Right after the door closed, she heard a voice over the speakers. \n“Hello Emily, I’m Doctor Helms. Thank you for coming in today. I wanted to let you know what we’re going to be doing. You’ll be provided with some triggers, and the monitors that Tiffany just placed on your head will tell us just how you’re reacting to those triggers. That’s the first part of the experiment. Nothing new, I promise you. That’s the way research has been done for ages.” \n\nEmily nodded. She knew enough about research methods to know this. \n“The exciting part is part two, where we basically use an algorithm to determine your ultimate sexual fantasy. So to simplify it, let’s say you react to images of athletes taking a shower and images of fellatio, your ultimate fantasy could be described as performing oral sex for the entire football team. The algorithm is much more complex than that, but the idea is the same. Does that make sense? \n\nAgain, Emily nodded. She said, “So you’re mining my brain for data to determine my ultimate sexual fantasy?” \n“Correct. And just for the heck of it, I usually find some imagery of just that. Most subjects are looking for some… relief after the research.” \nEmily smiled. Much better than a creepy basement. Get horny, get to know your ultimate fantasy and then get off on it. She glanced around, but didn’t see cameras anywhere. That would be unethical, she realized. \n\n“If you’re ready to start, please look at the screen.” \nEmily focused on the screen in front of her. The first picture was a football player. It showed on the screen for about a second and was replaced by two girls kissing. Then a scarcely dressed cowboy. A girl in lingerie with her hands tied above her head. Little by little, the pictures got raunchier, and Emily noticed she tried to decide what she thought about it. *Doggy style: yes. Girl going down on other girl: secretly yes, but the doctor would know. Facial: meh. Anal: no. A girl spitroasted: yes. Sex in public: hell yes. Being called a slut: surprisingly, yes.* \n\nThe images kept going, and Emily kept watching and deciding, oblivious to the stickers on her head now. She noticed that the algorithm had found some of her preferences: someone masturbating while she watched (that one was a surprise), following orders, and having her hands tied as someone fucked her from behind. Some of the images were replaced by video clips, and Emily felt how they hit the spot. The first images had been arousing, but these videos were better than most guys she’d had. Her skin was sensitive, her breathing heavy and her panties soaking. She resisted the urge to creep her hand down her pants, but knew it wouldn’t be much longer. \n\nA video of a large cock entering a girl with her ass up came into view. It was a slow motion video, and it was as if Emily could feel every inch of the thick, hard flesh entering her own body. There was a short flash of something else, but before she realized it, the video was back. She bit her lip, moaned, and slid her hands down. She was soaking. \n\nA new video popped up. For a split second, there was a flash of something else again, but Emily still couldn’t see what it was. This video showed a woman getting fucked in a taxi, while the city moved past her. Another blur. Emily’s hand started moving faster. She was craving something more than just her hands. Another blur. She wished she was the one getting fucked right now. Another blur. By a doctor. \n\nThe door opened. “You’re doing great, Emily,” Doctor Helms said. In a haze, Emily couldn’t stop herself. Her hand kept moving. The video had stopped. She watched the doctor unbuckle his belt. \n“Keep going, Emily. Don’t stop.” \nHe took out his cock. Emily gasped. \n“Now take off your pants and bend over the chair like a good little slut.” \n" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "What turns you on?" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“What turns you on?” she murmured into my hair, rubbing my naked side in the late morning light.\n\n\n“You.”\n\n\nShe let out a soft laugh, and I could feel it as well as hear it, the warm skin of her bare chest against my back. “Well, yeah. What else?”\n\n\n“Uh… I don’t know, babe. It feels like anything I can think of is something you already know.”\n\n\n“That’s okay.” She trailed her fingers over my stomach, the ticklish sensation making me tense slightly. “Even if I know, I like hearing you say it. Just give me the first thing that pops into your head.”\n\n\n“Then… thigh-highs.”\n\n\n“Mmm…” She kissed the back of my head. “That’s a good one. Do you like them on yourself?”\n\n\nI considered it for a moment. “I guess. I like the way they make my legs look, even if they’re a pain sometimes. They’re not really a turn-on… though knowing you like them is.”\n\n\n“There’s two,” she said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. “Give me another one.”\n\n\n“Uh… hmm.”\n\n\n“Just say it, don’t think about it.”\n\n\n“I didn’t want to say more clothes, but… when a girl is just wearing panties and a t-shirt. Unmph.”\n\n\nShe chuckled. “Are you saying that because I do it all the time?”\n\n\n“Yeah,” I admitted. “I mean, it’s not only when you do it, but you’re my favorite.”\n\n\n“Aww.” She held me close, hugging me from behind and nuzzling into my hair. “You’re *my* favorite.”\n\n\nIn these moments, where the world was her warmth and her words made my chest tight, I believed her. \n\n\nAfter a while, she loosened her hold on me, returning to stroking idly over my skin. “Got any more?”\n\n\nThis time, one came to mind almost immediately. “Seeing how wet a girl gets. Especially if I’m the one causing it.”\n\n\n“Mmm, yeah. I love the way you stare when I take off my panties. You’re so… hungry.” She shivered against my back. “God, I can’t get enough of it.”\n\n\nWhen she remained quiet for a while, I asked, “Can you tell me some?”\n\n\n“Hm? Oh, sure.” She thought for a moment. “When you wear your hair down after a shower. I don’t know why, but… that just does it for me.”\n\n\nThough she hadn’t said it outright before, I had noticed the way she tended to be all over me after I got clean. “I like you fresh out of the shower too. It’s not so much the hair for me, just… smelling nice. Being extra warm, all flushed and damp...”\n\n\n“It’s a wonder either of us ever stay clean,” she said, laughing. “Maybe we should shower together more often.”\n\n\n“Oh, no,” I groaned. “I can only take so much shower sex. Besides, after last time, I thought-”\n\n\n“I *am* sorry about that,” she said quickly.\n\n\n“I know, I know. It wasn’t even your fault, though. We were just too ambitious for our own good.”\n\n\n“I was the one who slipped,” she muttered.\n\n\nI found her hand against my stomach, giving it a squeeze. “It’s not like you did it on purpose. Don’t worry about it.”\n\n\n“Yeah,” she said eventually, returning the squeeze. “Anyway. Can you think of any more?”\n\n\nNow that I had some very vivid memories in mind, a half-dozen sprung up instantly. “When you kiss my neck.”\n\n\n“Like this?” She shifted to lean in and plant a kiss on the sensitive skin.\n\n\n“Yeah,” I breathed. “And… when you give me a- ah!” She nibbled on my neck, suckling a particular spot until I was sure a dark mark was showing. \n\n\n“Like… that?” she asked, very close to my ear, her breath hot on my skin. “What else?”\n\n\n“I- I have a feeling you already know…” I said, my heart beating faster.\n\n\n“Say it for me.”\n\n\nOh, fuck. That tone of voice right there was one, but that wasn’t what she wanted to hear.\n\n\n“When… when you bite my-” She didn’t give me a chance to finish, closing her teeth around the curve of my ear hard enough to be painful and causing me to let out a tiny, embarrassing moan. Her nails gently raked over my stomach, making me shiver uncontrollably under her touch. She was pressing all the right buttons and she knew it, chuckling deep in her throat as I squirmed in her arms.\n\n\n“Keep talking, and I’ll keep going,” she murmured. “Tell me everything you want me to do to you.”\n\n\nThat was much easier said than done, but I managed, “Play with my breasts…”\n\n\n“Mmm…” She returned to nibbling at the lobe of my ear as her hand slipped up my chest, coming to massage the soft flesh, palming my nipple and teasing it until it was stiff. She took it between her thumb and finger, gently squeezing, and asked, “What do you want me to do with this?”\n\n\nShe knew, but she wanted to hear me say it it. “P-Pinch it…”\n\n\nI gasped, tensing as the sharp pain shot through me. She never went easy on me, and I simultaneously regretted and reveled in the sensation, the rational side of my mind fighting with the hot arousal flooding my body. Her hand shifted to my other breast, squeezing and kneading, coaxing my nipple into hardness and once again pausing with her fingers wrapped around it.\n\n\n“Again?”\n\n\n“Yes,” I breathed, then moaned, squirming as she tweaked it hard. It was so good, even if I almost couldn’t take it. She finally let go and just played with my chest, building up the heat inside me until I started to feel my arousal on my thighs. She was waiting for me to tell her what to do, even though it seemed like I could barely form words. \n\n\n“What next?” she prompted eventually.\n\n\n“Just- rub my clit. I- I can’t wait…”\n \n\n“Can’t, or don’t want to?” she asked, sliding her right arm underneath my body to put me fully in her embrace. \n\n\n“Don’t want to…” I admitted reluctantly. Her hand slipped underneath the covers, starting to stroke between my legs as she continued to toy with my breasts. She could tease me for hours when she was in the mood to, and I hated it. And loved it. And hated it. And came so, so hard when she did it.\n\n\n“It’s up to you,” she murmured, dragging a finger through my soaked folds as I shifted my legs to give her better access. “It’s not like we have anywhere to be today.”\n\n\n“Yea-ngh.” The breath caught in my throat as her touch found my swollen clit, beginning to rub circles over it and coaxing it from the protecting skin to give me the full sensation of her fingers. I went stiff for a moment and she slowed down, giving me time to adjust to the stimulation and shifting position against my back to hold me more comfortably. I could feel her breasts pressing into my back, her hard nipples showing how much she was enjoying this. I wanted to touch her, to know how wet she was getting, but I could wait until it was my turn. She wanted to play with me right now.\n\n\nHer fingers gradually sped up against my clit, occasionally switching between firm circles and just rubbing back and forth. It felt like each movement made me breathe faster and my heart pound harder, the pressure beginning to build inside me. She took the curve of my ear back between her teeth, nibbling and making me quiver as she tweaked my nipples.\n\n\nShe knew just what to do to get me to fall apart. I moaned, clutching at the bed, her arms, my own body, anything I could do to ground myself. The aching tension in my abdomen grew and grew until I was writhing in her arms, pleading incoherently for more. She gave it to me, her hand moving faster between my legs, her fingers pinching harder, her bites becoming rough. There was only so much I could take, and I cried out, tensing up and trying to push into her fingers as I tipped over the edge into shuddering, gasping bliss. Her touch between my legs kept working, drawing out the spasms of pleasure until I was twitching with the remnants of my orgasm and she was just gently rubbing my oversensitive folds, holding me close as I panted. She kissed my neck, nuzzling into the curve of my shoulder, letting my pounding heart calm.\n\n\n“I think that’s the biggest one,” she said quietly.\n\n\n“Mm?” I mumbled, confused.\n\n\n“The biggest turn-on. Making you come.”\n\n\nI broke into a smile, my hand coming up to hold hers.\n\n\n------\n\n\nI took the prompt in a more literal direction, hopefully it's enjoyable. All comments and criticisms are appreciated." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": ": You agreed upon a spell: Every ounce of fat you gain actually ends up on your lover, but only where it counts. You engorge yourself with beer, meat and sweets, and watch how her clothes get tighter around the tits and ass." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Are you fucking kidding me,\" she says when she discovers the ruse. \"You went to a witch and agreed that this would be your one wish? You know I've been on a fucking diet and now you're telling me you've been using me as a blow up doll? Your own personal fetish Barbie? Do you literally care so little about me that my TITS AND ASS are the only things you like me for? Fuck off, Robert.\" The last thing Robert hears before she leaves is the sickening sound of fat sliding into his own body - he had a lover no more, and that was the witch's one stipulation..." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "While house-sitting for your neighbor they were very explicit, water the plants, vacuum the floor, make sure you spend the night at least once a week, you can eat anything in the fridge (please make sure nothing spoils). There were two restrictions, don't come over Sunday morning and....." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "...don't use the basement entrance.\n\nYou know that age old saying \"curiosity killed the cat?\". Well it was sort of like that, but to modernize it and make it more appropriate for Sophia's current situation it was more like \"curiosity turned you into a sex slave.\"\n\nThere was nothing suspicious about the house next door even before Sophia was asked to house sit. Especially not on sundays. No extra cars in the parking garage, no deliveries, no loud music save for a few backyard BBQs. \n\nBut once sunday morning rolled around, she kept flipping the keys to the place in her fingers, sipping coffee, wondering what exactly was going on. The basement couldn't be accessed from within the house, she found out the second day she was watering the plants, instead you had to head outside, into the garage, and down a small flight of steps to gain entry. On the third day she tried to unlock the door, but found the key didn't fit that lock. So why in the world, if she couldn't even get into the basement, would the note explicitly tell her not to go in the basement? *Weird!*\n\nShe planned on snooping Sunday. How would they know? There weren't cameras anywhere, and the garage was so dark she surmised they wouldn't pick anything up if she tried the lock again.\n\nTo her surprise, the basement door was closed, but unlocked. She tip toed in, felt for her cell phone to use as a flashlight, but realized she left it charging bedside. She felt for a light switch, but only found cool cement walls. Then, *somehow* even more darkness enveloped her head and pupils as something was slipped over her hair and face, obscuring what little sight she had in the darkness.\n\nBefore she could even think about reaching for the bag over her head her weight shifted as she was pushed backwards and forced onto something wooden, sturdy. Her arms were pulled upwards and above her head and spread wide. Quickly and methodically her wrists were strapped down by strict leather straps.\n\nShe was caught off guard, but finally blurted out a \"what the fuck is this?!\" Just as she felt her legs being spread in similar fashion, strapped down at her ankles, calves, and thighs. Her nostrils were infiltrated with the smell of warm leather, the air stale and thick. A departure from the cooling breeze she felt when she first stepped into the cellar.\n\nThere wasn't much sound to discern itself from her labored breathing within the sack over her head, but just as she began to panic that her oxygen was fleeting, the hood was pulled from her head, leaving her hair matted to her sweaty forehead and lips. She tried to push it out of her face, and was instantly reminded that her arms were of no use.\n\n\"What's going on?! I was just housesitting for Mark and Samant---\" her jaw was spread wide, forcing it's way behind her teeth and digging into the sides of her mouth were leather strap tasked with holding in the rubber, bitter ball that kept her tongue from speaking and her lips from talking. A leather blindfold that covered her eyes in fashion that allowed absolutely no light in was buckled tight behind her head. She tried to call out, but the only thing her mouth and tongue and lips were going to do now was house endless amounts of drool and pleas.\n\nUnbeknownst to Sophia, a light had been flicked on to expose her to the basement party goers. They awed with approval and clapped at her predicament. Underneath the blindfold her eyes widened, even more so once she heard a few whispers and questions. \n\n\"She's marvelous! Such a good actress, too. She's really playing the role well!\"\n\n*playing the role well?!*\n\n\"I really like how you strapped her down, Sir. I think that will give the girls lots of access to her holes, on her assignment sheet I saw she was open for anal, too. This will make it easy to satisfy her urges in that regard!\"\n\n*anal, assignment sheet, girls*\n\nHer clothes were snipped and cut away from her body, exposing her sex and tuft of fiery pubic hair just above her plump pussy. A finger split her lips and began to ask questions to Sophia's clit while another danced along her bare nipples, pinching and twisting.\n\n\"Here's what I love most about my custom table right here....\" the voice was closer to Sophia than anyone elses.\n\n\"...I can lower it, if any of you girls want to come smother this freckled face with your pussy or ass, have at it!\"\n\nSophia groaned into her gag, pleading to be ungagged to explain the mixup, clearly they were expecting someone else, some other girl that actually wanted this. Unfortunately, the crowd thought this was an act, that Sophia wanted to be here, to be tied down and used by strangers. Soon, her holes would be filled, her nipples pinched, her breasts caned and welted, her mouth used to worship fat asses and wet twats.\n\n**Don't go over on sunday morning, and don't use the basement entrance**" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "For high school (or college) sexual education/reproductive health class, the students are paired up. They conceive on the first day, monitor each stage of the pregnancy, then finally give birth as their final project." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The students were in a frenzy of hormones and excitement over the day’s activity. Today was Day 1 of the senior sexual education class project. The project was outlined for us two weeks ago on the very first day of class to make sure non-willing students had ample time to drop. Unfortunately, pre-med students like myself didn’t have a choice; the course was required for a degree and this project was a requirement for the course. \n\nGirls chattered in hushed voices, eyeing who the guys they hoped would be their partner. Scattered groups of guys did the same, ogling the tits and asses of their potential partners and ranking who they hoped they got paired with. I sat by myself, focusing on my textbook, trying to ignore the all the conversations, and really wanting this whole thing to be over. \n\nMy anxiety was making it impossible to focus on anything though. My chest was tight and my heart pounded in my chest. There was no way this experiment ended well for me. The girls in the class ranged between adorably cute and lingerie model. They were all way out of my league. Alternatively, the guys looked like Greek gods. All of them were chiseled and handsome. Their every move oozed confidence and sexuality. I, on the other hand, was short and round and I walked with all the smooth confidence of a baby horse who’s still trying to figure out how their legs work. \n\nMy mind kept imagining the look of disappointment that would flash on my partner’s face when she realized she had to get knocked up by me. They’ll probably try to get out of it, maybe have me cum in a cup and attempt invitro rather than have sex like we are required to. God, if I got busted for cheating on this project then the whole embarrassing proceeding would be for naught. I’d either fail the course and get kicked out of the pre-med program or I’d have to retake it and undergo this whole ordeal twice. Frankly, I’d rather be kicked out.\n\nA sharp whistle pierced the classroom. Ben, the tallest and best-looking guy in the class, had whistled at Lacy, easily the most beautiful girl. He pointed at her, pointed back at himself, then started humping the air furiously. The girls all giggled at his obscene gesture, giving Lacy words of congratulations and encouragement. Lacy just bit her lip and arched her eyebrows at him. She practically glowed at the thought of being fucked by that Neanderthal. She twisted and played with her long blonde hair while her blue eyes sparkled at him. Images of Ben sucking on her DD tits ran in my mind. My dick started getting hard, tempered only by the hint of jealousy in my chest. \n\nFinally, the professor entered, ending the various mating displays going on around the room. “Good morning everyone,” he said. “I’m sure you are all excited about finding out who your partner is going to be for the next nine months, so I won’t waste too much time. To ensure there are no claims of favoritism or manipulation, your partners will be selected randomly.” He gestured to two jars on his desk, one filled with pink paper, the other with blue. “First I will draw a female student’s name,” the professor gestured to the pink jar, “then I will draw a male student’s name. Those two students will partner up, conceive a child, carry that child to term and finally give birth to it. After the project is completed you may keep the child and raise it yourselves or have it adopted by a waitlisted family of your choosing. Any questions?”\n\nThe professor glanced around the silent room, giving everyone a moment to digest what he said. No one spoke. “Great, let’s get started.” He reached into the pink jar, pulled out a piece of paper and read the name aloud. Then he did the same with the blue jar. The class oohed and awed as the new couple found each other and went to sit next to one another. This continued a few rounds. Every time the assigned couple looked happy and eager to start their project. \n\n“Alright,” the professor said with his hand in the jar, “our next female is.” He pulled out the paper. “Lacy Wilkenson.” Lacy sat up in her chair, her huge chest pushing out. She sneaked a subtle look at Ben and smiled. “And our next male is…Lucas Thatcher.” My stomach dropped and the room went silent. What the fuck, that was my name! That couldn’t be right, there was no way that goddess was going to let me touch her. He must have read the slip wrong. \n\nI looked at Lacy, who had a distinct look of ‘who?’ on her face. One of her friends tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at me. She looked around until we made eye contact. Her blue eyes widened and her mouth opened as her face morphed from mild confusion to realization about what was going to occur. She stood up, gathered her things, and walked toward me; her head held artificially high, looking at no one. She sat down in the empty seat next to me but kept staring straight ahead. No acknowledgement of me, no glance at Ben, just stoic staring forward. I followed her lead, faking attention on my textbook which may at this point may as well have been written in Chinese. \n\nWe sat there, ignoring each other for the remainder of class. When the professor finally dismissed us Lacy turned toward me and slid me a sheet of paper. “This is my address.” Her voice was all business. “Be there at 8, bring wine. I like red.” She gathered her books, got up and left the room with her friends." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "She whimpered as she came yet again from the thick Orc cock inside her, having lost count some time ago. As she lays there face down, ass up, reacting to every thrust, she admits to herself that she wouldn’t mind if the rescue party took their time to reach her." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "She had lied there limply for a while, stuck in missionary position. It was useless to struggle, no amount of complex grabs would get her free from his grasp at her waist. She knew that as long as she was alone, she had no shot at getting away, and as long as he was alone, she could try to outlast him until either her party arrived, or he was simply worn out.\n\nThough, the squirming of her own showed one thing for certain... She didn't want him to stop, didn't want to be found. It wasn't even that it was better than alternatives of the orc's doing, but even in exchange to freedom, she didn't want him to leave... At least, not for now.\n\n\"...harder...\" She got out in between her gasps.\n\n\"Huh?\" The orc grunted, and stopped. \"Want to spout profanities, little elfling? Come on, gimme your best shot at defiance. Who knows, maybe you'll best my little sister even! Hahah-\"\n\nShe lunged forward, using momentum from her shoulders to get his shirt's collar in her grasp. \"Listen up you ugly brute. About the only good quality your stinkin' race has is your fucking cock, so if you don't go and fucking plow me as hard as you can, this little elfling is going to turn you into a god damn eunuch. Did that fit into your pea-brain?\"\n\n\"Uhh...\" The orc certainly didn't know the meaning of some words. She hoped that he at least knew what 'plow' and 'fucking' meant. \"Right. I'll breed your tiny ass.\"\n\n\"Good.\" She said, only to note that he was getting up. \"Wait, what-\"\n\n\"Little elfling wants to be fucked hard. Little elfling get's to be fucked hard.\" He said, flipping her on her belly.\n\n\"Ow. Watch it, you br- ooooooooh fuck...\"\n\nHe had entered fully. Completely. To her surprise, he hadn't had the full angle within, and at the base, his cock was thick. Really thick. And just as she maybe got a teensy bit accommodated to it, he began to thrust, at the same speed as he had just prior.\n\n\"Little elfling is quiet? Little elfling doesn't speak? Little elfling took more coins from pouch than she had?\" The orc mocked her, pushing in. She couldn't get away if she tried, not that she wanted it to stop.\n\n\"Shut- it- I- Oh Goodness, you're- Aaah... Ah! Ah! Fuck, I- Hrrnng...\"\n\nShe fougth for words, and the Orc slowed once more.\n\n\"Oh for fuckington's sake...\"\n\n\"Little Elfling can keep her mouth shut?\" The orc asked.\n\n\"This little elfling, if you must, wants you to for once not be shunned for your stereotypes. I thought you wanted to use me as fuckmeat, so why the fuck are you slowing down?! By the gods, did I honestly get the only sentimental orc in the fucking contin-Mmmphh!\"\n\nHaving had enough, the orc had taken off his shirt and stuffed her face with it. \"Finally got you quiet.\"\n\nHe began plowing, and muffled cries escaped from her. She was in cloud nine. His sweat-soaked shirt scent was enthralling in a way that not even her folks at home could hope to emulate with their beautiful scents and pure cleanliness. His thrusts were even stronger than the one time she actually stuck her bedsite toy on an automaton she had found and colloquially sacked. Not to mention, he filled her out completely...\n\n\"Hah, you - gah - you're quite the sow, aren't you. You wanted this from the moment you saw me. Even if your mouth denies it, your bottom hole speaks a different tune. You're so dripping - fucking - wet, I don't even need to hold back.\"\n\nHer eyes, by now, were watery with the overflow of her own sensations. The dirty sanden ground, rough and dry, ran against her naked skin, forming bruises as they were pushed across it by the force plowing her nethers. The smell was positively debased, it most certainly not having any seperate locations for sanitation, and the sight was grotesque, with some drips of blood coating the walls, most likely the orcs whenever he had to hide here. It was wrong, sick, everything she should hate - and loved so much instead. \n\nThe cloth was removed from her mouth. \"I- Oh gods, you're driving me crazy... I came already, and if you keep it up-\"\n\n\"Where do you want it?!\" The orc bellowed\n\n\"I- err-\" She hesitated. A part of her screamed to say yes, to defy her elders who were so focused on order and beauty that they didn't live, that they didn't thrive! But hesitation remained.\n\n\"Wrong answer!\" He said, and pushed her face deep in the sand as he descended on her a final time. She felt the hot, thick spurts of his seed deep inside her. \"Next time... you sssay... yesss sir...\"\n\nHe had dozed off, spent from his energy. As much as she wanted to do the same, she had no choice. She didn't want to be found like this, with his... fatherhood within her. Panic set in, and she grabbed her clothes, got dressed, and darted out.\n\n***\n\nIt had been thirteen months since that day. After the fifth, she had to flee her own group, lest they'd realize what she had realized on the fourth. The one proof that would shun her from society. Half-elves were seen occasionally, but they were mostly between elves and humans, or elves and halflings for the adventurous. An elf-orc hybrid... it was unthinkable, impossible, not allowed to be...\n\nShe birthed her child alone, no midwife, no friends, no family to cheer her on or to congratulate her. Only her hideout at the waterfall, and a paste to lessen the pain a bit.\n\nArrugh was the name she gave the halforc girl. She cared for him alone until she was fit enough to leave. Then, with the girl in her arms, she took to the cave where the two of them had met at first. Back when, she hadn't found him there, so there was no fight, but she hoped she'd find clues.\n\nInstead, she found him. Waiting, biding. As surprised as the first time she had stumbled upon his hideout.\n\n\"I don't care about you, or your race, or mine anymore. I have this kid, and it needs to be fed, it needs to be raised. We will stay, and I'll be your sow, or your breeding bitch, or whatever you want me to be. I think that deal is fair.\" She said, the farce of her words already broken by her face.\n\nHe smiled, having found the person he had waited for, searched for the last thirteen months, yet again. As an orc, he didn't miss her, and as an orc, he certainly cared naught for his children. Though as an orc, he'd not have bred her. Yet, here the two of them were.\n\nHe reached her a bit of the soup he had made. \"It's more than fair, my little elfling... It's a deal.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[META] A world where uncreative \"In a world where (SEX THING) is considered normal and acceptable behavior whatsoever with absolutely no other indicated or suggested plot direction tee-hee\" Prompts aren't a thing in this subreddit." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "I sit staring at the screen, half naked in my underwear. It’s a quarter past eleven, when the creative juices run wild with sexual thoughts. The perfect time to write a sexy story.\n\nI log onto my reddit account and peruse the front page. RP prompts, erotic discussions, but there’s something strange at the top.\n\n“[WP] [META] A world where uncreative \"In a world where (SEX THING) is considered normal and acceptable behavior whatsoever with absolutely no other indicated or suggested plot direction tee-hee\" Prompts aren't a thing in this subreddit.“\n\nCurious, I click on it and read the complaint. I emphasize with the creator of the post. There really are a lot of times when something similar has happened. Recalling the last piece I had posted to dirtywritingprompts and it had followed this format as well! And then there was another! And more!\n\nCaught in a state of dread, I contemplate in self-loathing. Have I been encouraging this? By letting my thoughts run wild with lazy prompts, have I been encouraging more lazy prompts? Is it my fault for liking this kind of style?\n\nDismayed, I shut down my computer and flop into my bed, a vibrator in my hand. I might as well masturbate normally rather than trying to think of some weird meta-analysis of my predicament." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "A pair of female friends who are both equally but oppositely endowed —one with large breasts and the other with a thick, bubbly ass— enlist their mutual male friend to settle their debate. 'What's more important to guys tits or ass?'" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "An engineer would take into account the real world application and usefulness of the items in question. Things like maintenance costs, coverage and function.\n\nA mathematician would quantify the importance of the items in question based on number values.\n\nA scientist would use a health model to verify its importance in society such as usefulness, function, mental enrichment, and the ability to help other humans.\n\nA religion would use scripture to show it's importance in correlation to word of God.\n\nFinally, the man would decline having to choose one over the other. He would instead propose that both girls and himself be together because they are both beautiful in their own way and instead of giving one satisfaction and possibly hurting the other, he can make them both equally pleased." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "When you grow up, you eventually stop worrying about the monster under your bed. However, when you grew up, the monster under your bed started worrying about you. You masturbate SO MUCH. You really need to get laid." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Fuck. I'm close. I'm CLOSE!\" Shawn moaned as he came in his bed. Rather than use his tissue like a sane person, Shawn wiped the cum on his crotch. It had been a few years since his parents left him the house and he wasn't getting the mad pussy his friends joked about.\n\n\"Again?\" The voice was deep and unisex.\n\nShawn groaned, \"Shut up. You've been threatening to eat me for years. I'm twenty-six and fat. If you were going to eat me. I think I'm pass the age of ripe.\"\n\nThe rumbling breath beneath the bed gave a mirthful chuckle, \"Yeah. I can see how much the box spring bends, fatso. So when are you gonna get some pussy so this room smell like more than lonely lardass.\"\n\nHe winced, \"If you are trying to hurt my feelings. You get two points for effort.\"\n\n\"Just bored and listening to you masturbate for almost thirteen years gets a bit old.\" The monster said while poking the bottom the bed.\n\n\"Well unless you gonna finish me off or got a whore. Prepare for surround sound jerking. I might start leaving cum socks under the bed again.\" Shawn teased.\n\nThe monster snorted, \"I was wondering why you stopped, they were fun to clean.\"\n\n\"Uhhhh.... That's kinda gay dude.\" Shawn said while running his finger through his bush of blond, cum-stained hair.\n\n\"So? Your cum tastes pretty good, I like salty things.\" The monster rumbled.\n\n\"You know this is the longest we've talked since you started appearing.\" Shawn noted and leaned over the edge of the bed, \"What's the occasion?\"\n\n\"Would you believe I get lonely?\" The monster sighed, \"While there are a bunch of other monsters nearby we aren't the most social of creatures. Some of them even scare me. So I guess I'd talk to the only person I can, the cronic masturbator that might as lonely as I am.\"\n\nShawn leaned over to look under his bed, a set of glowing red eyes looked back at him. \"Want a beer?\"\n\n\"Wait really? Can I have a soda?! I never got to try human food, it's really hard to walk around in any light. It hurts.\" The monster sounded excited as it moved under the bed. No matter what angle shawn looked at the monster he could only make out the eyes.\n\n\"Sure. How do I give it too you? I still don't know how to hand you stuff or how you even end up stealing socks.\" Shawn said slipping off the bed.\n\n\"Get a few drinks and walk into your closet, I'll have everything ready then.\" The monster said, \"Just don't tell anyone what you see when I get the drinks.\"\n\n\"Sure. Sure. So many people are going to believe that I live with shadow monster. I'll get put in a nut house for the suggestion.\"\n\nShawn quickly collected the drinks and stepped into the closet. He turned off the light and the room was bathed in darkness. A few seconds passed before he felt a sudden imbalance. A hand touched his and took a single can. \n\n\"Well Well Well. You are real.\" Shawn said looking about the darkness and seeing nothing but a pair of red eyes that only came up to his waist.\n\n\"Thanks for the drink. Would you like to um... come inside?\"\n\n\"Inside where?\" Shawn said.\n\n\"My house, Did you think I just lived under your bed?\"\n\nShawn did. \"Of course not, let me see where you live.\"\n\nThe door opened and Shawn was lead out of the closet into a space so black that he could feel it like a mist. \"Oh let me help you see a bit better.\" \n\nShawn's vision cleared and he was standing in a exact copy of his room except that everything was smaller and there was a small mountain of socks. The top of the pile was still covered in thick blue saliva. Shawn immediately turned and looked at the monster. \"What the fuck?\"\n\nThe creature was small, no more than three and a half feet, covered in black fur with an oddly equine like face. Glowing red eyes looked back at him as a long tail swished behind the creature. The creature was chubby with hips that would look more at home on a cartoon than a living creature. The creature sipped on the soda and sat on the bed.\n\n\"What are you?\" Shawn said.\n\n\"A nightmare. The creature not the dream. Do you have to stare so hard? I'm feeling a little naked here.\"\n\n\"Dude you are naked.\" Shawn said moving to sit on the bed.\n\n\"And you are naked and covered in cum. I think one of us should be a little more embarrassed about their situation.\" \n\n\"Yes. The person stealing and sucking my cum socks. Since I can see you aren't much to worry about in a fight. Were you really gonna eat me as a kid?\" Shawn said sitting on the edge of the bed.\n\n\"Um... I mainly eat dreams. It doesn't even hurt you, Nightmares taste the best so I tried to get you to think of scary things. I did steal snacks and I do like the taste of your cum. You know, I don't think I ever told you my name. As a sign of trust, If I tell you my name you can never utter it around people.\"\n\n\"True name stuff?\"\n\n\"Yeah. I mean... you are lonely and I really don't have much going on outside of snacking on your dreams and listening to you masturbate. Maybe getting the occasional summon might be nice.\" \n\n\"I agree.\" Shawn said noticing some of his missing childhood toys.\n\n\"Martis Ommi.\" Mastis said, \"Please call me Mar. For short.\" \n\nA wicked smile crossed Shawn's face, \"Manumi Car Tos! Nambali Tarkviki Shakov! Martis Ommi dovinum Ars Sonimul Shawn Roberts. Tovinum Tokas!\" He chanted the practiced works with perfect percision. \n\nMartis felt his soul clench, \"Wha... What did you do?\"\n\nShawn crossed his arms, \"Enslaved you to my will as a familiar.\"\n\nMartis narrowed his eyes, \"Dick move. So what does that mean? You own me now?\"\n\nShawn reached over and placed a hand on the smaller male, \"I spent thirteen years preparing to fight, flee, or exorcise you. I've studied more occult in that time than you can imagine. I will not be a victim to the supernatural. I planned to fucked you up so bad, I'd be mentioned in the movies. I even got ordained online just in case.\"\n\nMartis shivered, \"Is it too late to say sorry?\" \n\nShawn snickered, \"Naaa. I got no plans on hurting you now. I just did all of that so now I can keep you around. Light shouldn't be an issue now.\"\n\nMartis tilted his head, \"If you were such a big shit wizard then why didn't you just zap me when you walked in.\"\n\nShawn blushed, \"I don't know any real magic, I learned all this from google and the library.\"\n\nMartis slowly rubbed his face, \"You are retarded. Now I'm gonna have to call you master and kiss ass.\"\n\n\"Naaa. Just come up from time to time and hang out. Unless I'm gonna die or something, I don't plan on using you.\" Shawn felt something strange in his chest a pulling feeling that made his cock hard. It felt like a million hours of pornhub and viagra in one moment.\n\n\"What is that?\" Shawn groaned, \"I just got off. Why am I so horny?\n\nMartis sighed, \"You leashed me with a spell to tame succubi and incubi. So to keep it and by extension our lives going I need to feed on your dick juice, I thought you meant that on purpose.\"\n\n\"What? No. No. Nooooo. I was trying to keep you from killing me or haunting the place. So I gotta get blown by you to live?\" Shawn whined.\n\n\"It has to be sexual so I could just give you a handjob like the porno or you could rut with me. It just needs sexual energy and some fluids. Did you not read your guide?\" Martis giggled impishly. \"Well I guess we won't be too lonely. So how do you want to do this, cum-fountain?\"\n\n\"That is hella gay.\" Shawn snapped. \n\n\"It's only gay if the balls touch.\" Martis grinned.\n\n\"Haha funny. Shouldn't you be more upset, slave?\" Shawn growled.\n\n\"Dude, I've been sucking down your cum off a sock for years. At least now I get it from the tap. Plus I'm a little curious on how sex feels. I've watched human porn and I've seen plenty of monsters mate but I'm a virgin.\" Martis climb on the bed and spread his fuzzy cheeks. \"I haven't had solid food in years so I should be good to go.\"\n\nShawn stared at a large ass on the bed, it was shapely in some horrid furry porn way but he couldn't help his eyes from traveling to the large set of equine balls and long semi-equine dick rested on the mattress beneath it. It was still a man's ass, a male ass, an ass with a set of very male parts hanging below it. \n\n\"Hey, are you just going to stare or...\" Martis said.\n\n\"Uhhhh... maybe a little later. Will you take another sock for now?\" Shawn said nervously.\n\nMartis sighed and rolled around, \"Is it the fur? I mean I can shave, I think. Or is it my height? I pretty short compared to a human.\"\n\n\"I'm pretty sure it's the massive wang and balls.\" Shawn sighed, \"I'm not sure if I'm ready to dive into fucking horse ass. I mean you even have the donut.\"\n\nMartis nodded, \"I bet it's tight as fuck. Fine. I'll take a sock but when we start dying of starvation then You'll probably need to suck me down too. I can wait. I've never had a human before... or anyone.\"\n\nShawn paused, \"Let's go back to my side. Play a few games and maybe I could feed you orally.\" \n\n\"Alright. Maaaaaster.\" Martis grinned, \"Maybe the light from the game won't hurt now. Then I can take that chubby cock in my moist mouth and suck it.\"\n\n\"You've been watching too much porn.\" Shawn said but his cock was still hard as a rock.\n\n\"It's your porn.\" Martis shrugged as they walked into the closet." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[Meta] it feels like this sub is dying :(" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "New here, so take this with a grain of salt, but...\n\n1. Too many prompts. Mods should be filtering yesterday’s submissions and picking just the best four or five.\n\n2. Terrible grammar in a lot of the prompts. It’s really weird for a writing sub, and it turns me off from them immediately. Why would I try to put together a coherent story when the prompt submitter can’t even be bothered?\n\n3. Lots of posts that are very specific kinks, not prompts. Compared to the other writing prompt subs this place gets a lot of requests that are clearly about the poster searching for very specific and niche content to fit their particular desires. In my opinion a prompt should be a very broad suggestion that I use to fill in my own character and story. It is not a prompt if it is a plot synopsis." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "After walking into a trap, the Tiefling got her tail all wrapped up and stuck on something and required her party members to free her. The only problem is, her tail is very, very sensitive." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\\*\\* Went a little hard on this, sorry for the length. Tiefling = Demonspawn for copyright reasons \\*\\* \n\n\nCara spat out what seemed to be an endless supply of dirt from her mouth. Clouds of dust stung at her eyes, making it impossible to see. Her head rang like a bell, and her whole body felt sore, but she was just glad to be alive after the explosion.\n\nCara was a paladin, a holy knight in service to Goddess of the Dawn. For the last three weeks, she had been traveling with three fellow adventures, trying to vanquish a dark evil that had befallen the realm of Athenford.\n\nThe party had been founded by a halfling bard by the name of Melessi, who had a habit of telling bawdy jokes that Cara often frowned out. She’d recruited the powerful orc barbarian Mokor, who largely kept to himself, something Cara appreciated. The last member of their party, and in Cara’s eyes, leastly, was a demonspawn by the name of Harci, who had a habit of triggering traps.\n\nCara had been wary of Harci from the start. Cara had been so sure that Harci was evil incarnate. How could she not? Harci was short and slender, her skin bright red, her two small curled horns, and her tail, long and menacing, ending in a heart shaped spike. It had taken a minor miracle for Melessi and Mokor to stop Cara from smiting her on the spot.\n\nAs they had travelled, Cara had realized that Harci wasn’t evil. No, not evil, just a cursed menace. The girl was clumsy, naive, and completely lacked discipline of any kind. She often fell asleep during watch, or wandered off during a mission, her fancy caught by some shiny object. And now, it appears, she set of some sort of fireball that had nearly killed them all.\n\n“Is everyone okay?” Cara called out.\n\n“I-I’m fine,” Melessi called out, followed by a coughing fit. “I hurt my hands, but I’ll make it back to camp. Mokor’s alive, but he’s out cold,”\n\nCara let out a sigh of relief. She could hear someone moving on the opposite side of the room from where Melessi’s voice came from. It was where Harci had been standing.\n\n“Harci, what did you do this time?” Cara called out.\n\n“That’s not fair!” Harci replied. “Every time something goes wrong, you always think it’s my fault.”\n\n“Did you set off the trap?”\n\n“...Yes...but it wasn’t my fault!” Harci whined.\n\nCara put a hand on her face in aggravation. “ We need to get back to camp and rest up. If those ogres find us, we’ll be an easy target with Mokor and Melessi hurt. Can you just come over here?”\n\n“I can’t,” Harci said.\n\n“Why not?”\n\n“I’m...I’m stuck.”\n\n“Stuck how?”\n\n“It’’s my tail...just come help me, please?” Harci begged.\n\nCara muttered a curse under her breath as she made her way to Harci. The room was starting to settle, and she could see Harci, sitting on the ground. The petite demon girl seemed to be pouting. The fire and blast had shredded her close, exposing her skin, from her cleavage, to her toned stomach, to her shapely calves.\n\nCara could immediately see her problem, too. Sitting next to Harci where the ruined remains of a metal contraption, one that Cara had ordered Harci not to meddle with. Before the explosion, it had looked like a fine tuned machine, a work of cogs and metal pipes that were clearly the work of some master engineer, a machine that worked to some end Cara could not comprehend.\n\nAfter the explosion, it was pile of worthless broken metal. Harci’s tail was interwoven through the various pipes. It had even gotten stuck, wrapped around itself and a metal pipe near the heart shaped spike at the end.\n\nCara stood over Harci and said, “I told you *not* to touch it!”\n\n“I know,” Harci pouted, “But I saw a trap and thought I could disarm it. I wanted to be the hero for once…”\n\n“Well you almost killed us all!” Cara shouted.\n\n“I know, I’m sorry” Harci whined.\n\n“Look, just, stay still. I think I can free your tail, I just need to grab it and unwrap it here.”\n\n“No!” Harci shouted.\n\n“No?”\n\n“No, you can’t touch my tail! No one can touch my tail. The only person who can touch my tail is…”\n\n“You’re what?”\n\n“It doesn’t matter. Not you. Look, if someone has to touch it, can’t it be Mokor?”\n\n“Mokor is unconscious, and Melessi hurt her hands. You choices are me, or stay here and die. Which is it,”\n\nHarci seemed to seriously consider ‘Stay and Die’, but she eventually conceded. “Just, be gentle, okay?”\n\n“Sure,” Cara said.\n\nCara reached her hand into the metal pipes carefully. As she did, the back of her hand grazed part of Harci’s tail.\n\n“Ooooh,” Harci whimpered.\n\n“What, am I hurting you?” Cara asked.\n\n“No, no, it’s fine, I’m fine,” Harci said, but Cara noticed the demonspawn’s eyes seemed to open wider, watching Cara.\n\nCara kept going until she made it to where the Harci’s tail was stuck. She opened her hand and grabbed the heart shaped spike. It felt softer than Cara expected, but still firm, and warm to the touch. It honestly felt very pleasant in her hand.\n\n“C-C-Cara,” Harco whimpered. Cara could feel Harci latching on to Cara’s leg, her hands twitching softly against Cara’s calves.\n\n“Just a second, gotta find a way to get it out,” Cara said. She traced her fingers back along Harci’s tail, feeling the path it needed to take, then grabbed the heart shaped spike and started to gently twist and push it.\n\n“Oh, oh, keep going, just keep going, just a little more,” Harci gasped, clutching at Cara’s leg tighter.\n\n“Yeah, I’ve almost got it,” Cara said. She pushed the heart shaped spike free, then pulled gently on Harci’s tail. It caught on a small nub, but Cara grabbed the heart shaped spike in her hand, squeezed gently, and gave it a tug, pulling it free.\n\n“Yes, Cara, Yes!” Harci screamed,\n\nCara looked down to see Harci clutching her leg to Harci’s body tightly, with Cara’s knee gently nested between Harci’s breasts. Harci’s body was shaking and quivering, and she looked up at Cara, her lips parted, her eyes in a daze, her face turning just a shade redder, and she was breathing deep and ragged, before her body went still\n\n“Did...did you just…” Cara stuttered.\n\nHarci’s eyes widened, and she pushed back from Cara’s body. Her tail came slithering out of the machine, wrapping around her waist.\n\n“My tail is very sensitive,” Harci said, softly.\n\nThey stood in a stunned silence for a few seconds, before Melessi came up to them, dragging Mokor’s body.\n\n“Guys we gotta get going,” Melessi said, but neither Cara or Harci moved. “Guys? Hello, you okay?”\n\n\\*\\* continued \\*\\*" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "It turns out your afterlife is formed from your subconscious desires. As you breath your last a very lewd reality starts to materialize" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "**Blissful Eternity**\n-------------------------------------\n\nThe frigid winter weather made getting home all the more perilous as my car drove through the quiet country roads through the dark, wintry landscape of icy death. \n\nSnowbanks passed by flanked by the wintry trees as my eyes were getting heavy, mentally exhausted by the twelve hour shift I just got off from. The beams of my ten-year-old sedan barely cut through the dark forest road when suddenly, I saw it: a flash of thick fur as my laggard mind hit the brakes only to find the car sliding on a patch of black ice. \n\nI turn, trying to swerve past the deer only to flip my car sideways smashing my head on the ceiling, with a moment of pain, blacking out, awakening, and then a horrifying realization hits me: I can't feel my legs. I can't feel anything except the pain of my shattered neck. \n\nThe tears…I can't stop them as they drip down my forehead and everything feels so cold while I'm hanging, suspended to the seat in my crumpled, metal coffin. \n\nMy eyes get heavy and I *know* I won't be waking up from this. It all feels so cold, so dark as I let go to the bitter winter.\n\nI can feel light. I feel…warmth. It gets brighter and brighter until I see a scene slowly materializing. It's all fuzzy but then I see the white linens. I can feel again and I look down to see my nude body, but younger and without the stretch marks or blemishes that always haunted me in the back of my mind.\n\nI suddenly hear a voice. \"Hey my kroshka, you okay?\"\n\nI turn and my heart skips a beat.\n\nI cry. I can't stop crying when I realize it's *him*. It's Viktor. The same Viktor who spent all those nights with me through high school. The same Viktor who showed me what it meant to love. The same Viktor who had been taken from me by that brutal train accident.\n\nIt had been nine years since I lost him and now, *here*, he was standing in front of me, nude and slightly more muscled than I remembered but I didn't care. I cried as he crawled onto the bed and held me close, whispering, \"Don't cry, it's okay now,\" he said as he pulled me close to his chest, his heart beating against my ear. \n\nI finally felt warm again, for the first time in years, as he held me close and I held onto him for dear life. I don't know how long we just stayed that way before I began pulling him close, kissing him as his muscular body yielded to my lithe arms. \n\nI could feel the tingles flowing through my body with the way his large hands grasped my breasts, fingers running between my soft thighs. My fingers ran through his brown hair as our lips pushed against each other softly. Excitement built up, the warmth between my legs grinding against his muscular thighs getting wetter and wetter.\n\nI began to moan as I felt another set of hands grasp my breasts, softer and thinner than Viktor's thick digits. I follow the pale digits to be surprised by my friend Ana.\n\nConfusion wracks my mind as I'm terrified at the prospect of her possible death, but her kiss assuages me as Viktor begins passionately tasting my wetness. I moan, my mind just resigning to the pleasure as I hold onto my friend, my lover making me squirm in pleasure while my thick thighs are held by his muscular arms.\n\nI feel the warmth of her soft breasts between my fingers, my gentle rubbing of her nipples sending moans with every kiss. I feel the build-up of pure ecstasy as I explode, Viktor's tongue wiping my mind for a long, blissful moment before continuing to build to another one. \n\nI'm got too dazed to realize that my fingers had sent Ana over the edge as she grasped onto me, moaning for dear mercy as she continued passionately grasping my flesh. \n\nAna and I continued rubbing our slits on each other as my lover's tongue sent moans through both of us. Climax after climax passed before I felt his thickness sliding into me. \n\nMy legs felt weak as they curled around his hips, my friend's nub still rubbing against mine while our mouths were savoring each other. Every passionate thrust made me feel more complete, crescendoing into a throbbing finale of warmth within me.\n\nI felt it dribble out of me as Ana began eating me out licking passionately and ushering another wave of pleasure through me. I came again and Ana began making out with me, the salty-sweet taste of cum on her tongue exciting me while Viktor held onto me from behind, gently kissing my neck and leaving love bites on my shoulders. \n\nAfter many hours of passionate lovemaking, some showering, and using a pristine, crystalline toilet, I began to drift off into a heavenly haze cuddling with them into a blissful eternity." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The voluptuous succubus had thought he would be an easy mark. Just a quick pump and dump to drain some vitality. Well two literal years of fucking and several thousand loads pooled up around, and in her later, and she’s still trying to find the secret to his supernatural stamina." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Vivian felt the bangs and jostling, she couldn't hear or see anything and had no idea if it worked or she was 100% fucked. Rope pulled at her skin, she struggled but that only drew them tighter into her breasts and crotch. She moaned into the ballgag and felt herself lifted to \\*thunk\\* down on a soft surface. She felt the zipping as much as she heard it, blazing bright light seared into her dark adjusted eyes as the suitcase opened. The luggage tag tickled over her skin as it opened. She could only see white and blinked rapidly against the sting until a figure came into view. He had short tousled ‘I don’t care how I look’ hair and a 5 o’c… 3 days ago O’clock shadow. The coarse stubble pulled into a grin.\r \n“Well would you look at that, you didn’t go crazy after all.”\r \n\\*Hrmmph!\\*\r \n“You look like you're having fun…”\r \nVivian stared daggers at Francis, his hands coiled around her and lifted her from the suitcase onto the bed. The wet rope between her thighs easing it’s tension over the few minutes of him untying knots.\r \nVivian sat up and removed the gag on her own as he looked out the window over a sprawling city in the afternoon… no, It was morning here. The morning sun.\r \n“Welcome to America.” he said.\r \n“Doesn’t look any different… Why are we here again?”\r \n“Reasons…”\r \n“Ahh the elusive reasons…” she said, stretching out her legs on the bed, bliss washing over her face as she finally stretched her legs. “...I’m hungry after our flight.”\r \n“They have room service.” said Francis as he opened an addressed tube and drew out the rival that had caused Vivian to feel jealousy for the first time.\r \n“I was not talking about room service… oh you just reminded me! I was scared!”\r \nFrancis turned, eyebrows raised. “Hey, look at Miss character growth.”\r \n“I was worried the wrong person would collect me or you would forget about me.”\r \n“Congratulations!”\r \n“Thank you… do you think they have Pandora in America?” she asked, eyeing the bracelet around her wrist. There were a multitude of pendants, all engraved. A bed with ‘anger’, a sword hilt ‘jealousy’, the eiffel tower ‘joy’... she would need a suitcase with ‘fear’ now.\r \n“I think they will… Your getting scared complicates things though. We will either need to drive or get you a fake identity so you can ride in the cabin.”\r \n“I have a fake ID.”\r \n“Not ID, Identity, like me. We can find a burned down hospital or a dead teenager… I don’t know anyone here who can forge one.”\r \n“You seem like an expert.”\r \n“Live for as long as I have and you need to be.”\r \n“How long?” asked Vivian in a conversational tone, hoping to catch him out. He smirked at her from the window. It was worth a try.\r \n“A good long while.”\r \nVivian pouted. “I’m hungry!”\r \n“We only just landed.”\r \nShe climbed off the bed, still aroused and wet from the trip, her hands slid into his grey trench coat, sliding between the material and his shirt as her body came to his chest. She stood on her toes to kiss his neck.\r \n“You’re not going anywhere until I’m fed.”\r \n“You don’t want to see the-” he started, cut off by her hands running over the growing firmness in his pants. She didn’t know what he was, but there was nothing that stroked your ego like seducing what, as far as she could tell, was an immortal. Vivian flashed the pride charm a smile and ran her fingers down his fly as his hands curled around her slender naked back. She let the illusion fall away, her wings, tail and horns materialising as her fingers ran over his length.\r \nHe took her hair and sharply tilted her head back, the sudden force drawing a gasp from her lips. She pressed her breasts against his chest, forcing herself into him as he controlled her. He didn’t speak, just pressed his lips to hers. She slid her hand into his pants, running her fingers down his cock and running her wet palm, slick with her juices over his tip just the way he liked.\r \nFrancis flinched against her lips as she bit him, holding his bottom lip tight enough to draw blood, tasting it as her lips kissed his with renewed frenzy. He only bled for a moment, the wound already healing.\r \nVivian bit and clawed at him as they moved to the bed, he swore and bit back as they shed his clothes. The sounds of frustration and pain stopped when she felt him enter her. They held the moment, enjoying the cessation of hostilities until her legs wrapped around his back, drawing him in with a hunger. He wasn’t gentle, he forced his cock into her without any foreplay… which to Vivian, was ironically the best kind of foreplay. Demon and human skin coarsed against each other, slick with sweat as his seemingly bottomless stamina fucked her, if she was an arcade machine the initials FRA would occupy all top 10 high scores.\r \nVivian’s nails raked down his back, the pain she inflicted returned with him driving into her with anger. She lolled her head back, feeling him draw closer.\r \nSome men were like a thimble, some a cup, Francis was the ocean. There was no vessel to contain his lifeforce, it filled her consciousness to the edge of perception. She gorged herself on it as his hands tightened around her. Her wrists and throat pinned as she gasped up at him. He cut off her air but sustained her with more lifeforce than she could ever hope to drink. Her hips writhing against his as she felt him release into the embrace of her thighs. \r \nShe pulled against him as he drew himself from her sex, he was still wary of her teeth, twice shy after dropping his guard too soon in the past. He left her as a satisfied puddle of pink, splashed across the bed.\r \n“Mmmm, ok now we can explore the city.” she purred as a hand ran over her sex." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "“I know I’m brainwashed (by you), so how am I oblivious?” Your best friend asks" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"What do you mean?\" I ask dismissively.\n\n\"It's like, in the definition,\" she answers. \"God, how can you be so dense? 'Oblivious' means someone doesn't know something. I'm not oblivious. I'm just regular brainwashed. I'm aware of what you're doing to me.\"\n\n\"So last night...\"\n\n\"Stop,\" she interjects. \"I know what you're going to say. You gave me some weird speech about how your dick was actually a popsicle before I sucked it. I guess you thought it brainwashed me or whatever, but it didn't. I was aware every moment. I had to do it, like you instructed, but I was aware.\"\n\n\"But when you were saying...\"\n\n\"That has nothing to do with it, god!\" she exclaims. \"Look, I know what you're trying to argue. Yes, I saw it as a popsicle. Yes, it tasted sweet and I wanted to suck on it. But I was aware. That means I'm not oblivious. You don't know what oblivion means, do you?\"\n\n\"Fair enough. You do count as partially aware, at least for now.\"\n\n\"Partially?\" she wrinkles her brow. \"I'm fully aware of what you're doing. And what do you mean by 'for now'? You should know by now that changing memories is-\"\n\n***SNAP!***\n\n\"-don't really believe in this brainwashing thing. If you could prove it, maybe do it on someone, sure. Maybe brainwash me into thinking brainwashing is real, that would be the easiest way, wouldn't it? Since you think you can do it.\"\n\n\"I'm quite confident. In fact, just now you thought it was real.\"\n\n\"I did not. Look, simply lying about the past doesn't count as brainwashing. You're really such an idiot, do you think my memory is that bad? No, I don't want to see your photoshopped or deepfaked so-called recordings of me saying stuff. What do I believe more, some stupid video, or my own brain? You should know the answer, right?\"\n\n\"Didn't I make you believe that the sky is red?\"\n\n\"Because it is. I don't know why you keep calling that color blue. You're just lying about basic facts, trying to annoy me, how about-\"\n\n***SNAP!***\n\n\"-brainwash me more, I love it when you play with my brain, I love it when you mess with my mind, please. I want you to make me do and say and think all these stupid things, it's soooo humiliating and I love it, please. I want you to use me, all of my mind and body, as your personal sex-puppet please. Make me your brainless bimbo, your silly slut, your dumb little dolly, please please please...\"\n\n\"All in good time. Pet, we're recording right now, do you want to have a look later?\"\n\n\"Ooohh! Right now? You mean I'm totally under your control and I don't even know it? Oh my god. I can't wait to-\"\n\n***SNAP!***\n\n\"-impossible, just by trying you're going against the human brain's ability to store and learn things. I don't mind when you brainwash me, but you should accept that some things can't be done, you know?\"\n\n\"I'm sure the memory is recorded somewhere. But if you can't access it, what difference does it make?\"\n\n\"I just felt that I should tell you the truth about this I guess? I don't mind acting as if my memories are gone, but you should know they aren't really. I mean, maybe this is disappointing to you, maybe it's reassuring, whatever. You just need to know the truth, you know?\"\n\n\"I understand. Babe, can you do something for me?\"\n\n\"I'm powerless to resist. Anyway, go on.\"\n\n\"Take off all your clothes, spread your legs, and put your hands behind your head.\"\n\n\"I assume this is one of your little games?\" she replies.\n\n\"It is.\" I answer. She does as instructed. The moment she is done, I change her mind again.\n\n***SNAP!***\n\n\"-actually proving something for once. Or maybe give up. I don't know why you still believe this, you've tried so many times it must hurt. How can someone believe something like that, I don't get it at all.\"\n\n\"Why are you naked with your legs spread and your hands behind your head?\"\n\n\"I-\" she blushes and covers herself with her arms. \"Whatever. My being naked doesn't affect my argument. Stop staring. Look, I know you're going to make this another 'proof' of yours, you're going to say I was brainwashed into doing this. You can't prove it.\"\n\n\"Well, I don't need you to believe it. But why did you do it, then?\"\n\n\"You're just going to continue fantasizing? You...\" she stumbles on her words. \"Okay, so I thought this was a sex thing, so maybe you wanted to do it? That's the only reason I can think of. So I'm like, inviting you I guess. I was thinking to just do it normally, without talking about stupid mind control stuff. But if you want to continue with your bullshit instead, then I'll just-\"\n\n***SNAP!***\n\n\"-see what you have in store for me. Oh! Did you do something just now? What was it?\"\n\n\"Question for you. What do you think of ball-gags?\"\n\n\"I think they're lovely! What's it for?\"\n\n\"I wanted to see how your other self would react to it.\"\n\n\"Oh! In that case, I think a harness might be better? I wanna hear what she has to say... what I have to say. Make it one of those super difficult ones, so I can't explain how it went on instantly. Oh! Make me write something in my own handwriting, on my skin, so it can't be explained away. And then cover it, so I don't notice at first, and then I have to explain why it happened a while ago somehow.\n\n\"You're just brilliant, pet.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "[PI] A young woman, still living at home, wakes up with a new gift: She can personally feel all the physical sensations of anyone near her experiencing sexual pleasure." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Emma sat in the living room, furiously Googling on her phone. She'd been trying to find something, anything to explain what she'd experienced earlier. Her search history now included things like :\n\n*parasympathetic orgasm*\n\n*psychic sex connection*\n\n*sibling induced psychic orgasm*\n\nThat last one had brought up a *lot* of things she really wasn't looking for. She winced, and closed her phone again. This was hopeless, she couldn't find anything. She sighed heavily, and picked up the remote to find something on streaming. As she was scrolling through Hulu, she heard Teagan's door again, and her light footsteps padding downstairs.\n\n\"Morning,\" Emma called out, not looking away from the TV.\n\nA very quiet \"Morning\" was all she got back. Emma smiled to herself, she could practically feel the embarrassment oozing off of Teagan. She wasn't overly eager to know her younger sister's sexual habits, but she'd accepted a long time ago it was a part of living with family. You were going to find out eventually. She just thought it was funny how absolutely mortified she was about it.\n\n*We all do it*, she thought with a smirk.\n\nShe heard the cabinets opening, and turned to look into the kitchen area. \"Teagaaannnnn,\" she whined obnoxiously, \"can you bring me a yoghurt?\"\n\nTeagan glanced over to her, saying nothing.\n\n\"Pretty please?\"\n\nShe rolled her eyes, reached into the fridge, and pulled one out.\n\n\"Thaaaank yooooou\" Emma called out, making little grabby hand motions at the yoghurt as Teagan walked up and handed it to her, along with a spoon.\n\nAs Emma started to crack open the little cup container, Teagan hovered near her, seemingly troubled.\n\nSensing the tension, Emma shoveled down a spoonful and asked \"Alright, what's up?\" expectantly.\n\nTeagan seemed a little startled for a moment, then averted her eyes. \"Do you have any plans today?\"\n\nEmma cocked an eyebrow. \"No, why?\"\n\nHer younger sister shifted uncomfortably again. \"Could you...find some?\"\n\nEmma stopped mid-bite. A slow smile spreading across her face. Teagan's eyes got wider. \"Nevermind! Forget I said anything!\"\n\n\"Oh, no no no, you don't get to pull that one back!\" she set the snack down. \"You want to have Dylan over, don't you?\"\n\nThe ginger's pale face flushed red, deep with embarrassment. \"Shut up! Forget I said anything!\"\n\nEmma was enjoying this. \"Yeah, I *also* noticed mom and dad are gone. I *also* noticed the note that said they were going to Aunt Janice's which basically means they're going to be gone all day.\"\n\nTeagan's face reddened even further.\n\nEmma leaned over the couch arm. \"So you want to be alone so you can touch your boyfriend's peepee, right?\"\n\nIf it were possible to die of sibling humiliation, Teagan's heart would have stopped in that moment.\n\n*Alright*, Emma thought, *I've milked this enough I think.*\n\n\"Okay. Here's the deal, Teag. I'll get out of here and let you have your *special alone time* with Dylan if you give me $10 for gas.\" She extended her hand out to shake it. \"Fair?\"\n\nTeagan glanced down at her sister's hand for a moment, before timidly reaching out to accept it.\n\n\"Yeah. Fair.\"\n\n\"Cool. I'll see if Sandra's doing anything.\" She picked up her phone, opening up her text conversation with her.\n\n*She's into all kinds of weird metaphysical shit. Maybe she'll know what happened this morning.*" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "The only thing between her, and what felt like gallons of cum pouring out of her body and out her pencil skirt in the middle of an important meeting was a thin thong, and and two plugs in her butt and pussy. All three were slowly failing." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "“And all that can be put through in…” the man glanced at the papers, taking his sweet fucking time. “... 3 weeks?”\r \n“Our dedicated t-truck drivers have prior experience with rush jobs such as this. Examples can be found on…” she wracked her brain, her legs beginning to tremble as she glanced down, snapping through the pages. “Um… p-page 6 has previous time constrained jobs.”\r \nHer hand gripped the podium tightly as her thighs clamped tight around the plugs. She kept her eyes locked on the camera and not the wall of men standing behind it.\r \n“Our meetings always seem to go so fast, we had scheduled the room for an hour but I don’t think there is anything left to discuss.” said one of the little suited figures on the TV screen above the camera.\r \nSarah smiled politely, she didn’t speak, letting the silence drag on a beat longer. The man looked at her imploringly, needing someone to fill that gap. She was an expert at creating openings people felt a need to fill.\r \n“Well, you have the go ahead. Billing is putting through the paperwork but we will let you go.” he said. The plug eased out from between her lips, held in only by the G-string. Her legs clamped around it but eased an instant later. It was like soap now, if she held it too tight it would fly out and kill somebody.\r \n“We will get started right away. There is a-lot to coordinate on our end, we will of course keep you updated.” she said.\r \n“I’m looking forward to having one of these meetings in person.” they said.\r \nShe smiled, feeling her cheeks burn red as the second plug began to ease out of her arse, her drooling sex soaking through her g-string. Her knees began to buckle but she held the desk tightly. The screen switched off but Sarah held her position, smiling at the camera until Simon gave her a thumbs up and wrenched the cable out of the laptop.\r \nThere was a moment of silence while the g-string gave out and both plugs slipped out of her to hit the floor.\r \n“18 minutes, 43 seconds and we got the fucking deal!” she bellowed.\r \nThe room became a roar of noise and clinking beer bottles as Sarah’s legs gave out. Trembling with cum dripping down her thighs. She grabbed the beer and cracked it on the edge of the table. Holding it up as she cheers reached their crescendo.\r \nBottles shot up in celebration, returning her salute amongst the chorus of cheering.\r \nShe fell back, caught on Simon’s shoulder, her other hand gripping the bottle like her life depended on it and bringing it to her lips.\r \nSimon propped her up against the photocopier with a hand firmly groping her arse.\r \n“Alright, finish the beers then get in your cabs, we have a fuckload of cargo and fuckall time!”\r \nSarah shook the bottle, wondering where it all went, the glass was pulled from her fingers and replaced with a fresh cold one. She didn’t skip a bear, taking a swig.\r \n“I’ve been talking with the boys and we want to see you reach that 20 minute mark.”\r \n“To 20 minutes!” she said, saluting with the bottle and taking another swig.\r \nHe picked up the plug, his hand sliding under her tight pencil skirt, raising the material up around her hips as he spoke.\r \n“You’re a perfect fit here…” the plug pressed to her arse, slick with cum it eased slowly into her. She gasped over the bottle, moaning as it stretched her wide, feeling at her limit before she shrank around the neck of the plug, exhaling her relief.\r \n“Cheers.” she said, cheeks burning bright, saluting with the bottle.\r \nHe gave her a little smack on the plug and hooked his fingers around her g-string.\r \n“With this new deal we have more funding for staff, how would you like to be on full time?” he said.\r \nShe swallowed and gasped, gripping the photocopier, lips open and breathing heavily while the words slowly made their way through the fog of her mind.\r \n“F-full time?”\r \n“A permanent position.” he said, pulling her g-string over the plug to secure it in place.\r \n“Fuck yes, ofcourse!”" } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "\"You have bested me in our duel. You may have any boon you want, including the throne.\" The beautiful kind queen & mother of two said to the young wizard who beat her. \"I don't want the throne. The only thing I want is the beautiful woman on the throne.\" He replied." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The challenge was issued once ever three years. Queen Rayna sat atop her throne, looking down at the board ahead of her. A soft smirk spread across her lips.\n\n“Knight to E8,” she called out. Her smile spread as the servants moved the horse shaped piece into place. “Checkmate,” she said, relaxing back in her seat. \n\nThe gallery let out a sigh and began to applaud gently. Her opponent, a young man from the nearby Bard’s school, sighed and shook his head. He bowed courteously. “Thank you for the game, your highness.” \n\nThe queen nodded her head at him and he backed away from the pedestal. The captain of the guard stepped onto the pedestal and cleared his throat. The gallery fell silent once more. \n\n“Our last challenger for today, Mirabel Martinique, wizard of the high court,” the gallery began to hum excitedly. A woman in long flowing purple robes stepped into the great hall and approached the pedestal. \n\n“What boon will you be challenging the Queen for?” the Captain of guard requested. The wizard pushed her hood off of her head, a smirk spreading on her lips. \n\n“No boon. But I challenge for the Queen,” she responded. Her voice was light and flitted through the air. The whole gallery turned to look at the Queen in unison. The Captain followed suit. \n\nFrom any greater distance, the Queen’s face would look normal, unphased. But from this distance, the Captain and Gallery could see the rosy cheeks of the queen. A curt nod drew a bow from the Captain. \n\n“Your request is honored. Best of luck to both challengers!” The gallery applauded politely as he stepped down and the Wizard stepped up onto the perch. \n\n****\n\nThe game was one of the longest that the Queen had ever played. The moves seemed to be a war of attrition, as each combatant seemed to predict every move the other would make. They countered, swept, and parried moves like they had been playing against each other for years. \n\nFinally, the Queen was pinned back into the corner of her side of the board. She sat staring at the board, her eyes floating up to the cross-legged wizard on the pedestal across from her. Her eyes settled back on the board as she calculated her moves. \n\n“I concede,” she called out in a clear voice. The servants pushed her King piece over and it clattered to the board loudly. The gallery began to applaud as the game ended. \n\n“Our Victor, Maribel Martinique,” the Captain called out. “Claim your prize.” \n\nMaribel’s eyes flared golden and the Queen suddenly woke up. She was no longer in Court, rather now back in her personal bed chambers. The Wizard stood at the doorway, idly glancing at the decor within the room. \n\n“You put up a great fight, My Queen. You were… more challenging than I expected,” she commented. There was an air of excited impressiveness in her tone. “I wondered if you would accept my boon request. I’m glad you did,” her smiling face turned to the Queen. \n\nThe Wizard dropped her robe to the floor to reveal her nude body. Her red hair flowed in long drapes, covering her chest only just. Her hourglass figure caused the Queen to lick her lips hungrily. \n\n“I wasn’t sure what you had in mind… I do now,” the Queen responded. The Wizard approached her, crawling onto the bed now. “I’ve never…” \n\n“Been with another woman?” The Wizard finished. The queen nodded gently. “It’s okay. I’m *very* experienced in that regard. Just relax. Let me take care of you.” \n\nThe Wizard put a hand on the Queen’s corseted chest and pushed her back. Her hands roamed under the folds of petticoats and lace under dresses until they found the soft skin of the Queen’s thighs." } ]
[ { "from": "user", "value": "“Fuck you!” you shouted at the witch. “Ok” She mused as her cock grew and yours shrank…" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Dating a witch was... complicated. Dating a horny and impulsive witch, even more so. As Blake began to feel his chest tighten and his cock retract, he couldn't help but sigh.\n\n\"Jen, this isn't called being a graceful winner.\"\n\nJen just smiled at him over the game of Guess Who she had so thoroughly trashed him at, quickly unbuttoning her shirt. \"Well, saying 'Fuck you!' to a witch is called being a sore loser.\"\n\nBlake rolled his eyes, brushing hair out of them as it rapidly began to lengthen around his head. \"You always win at that damn game. I don't get it.\" His voice cracked, growing squeakier and higher pitched by the moment.\n\nJen grinned at him, shucking her shirt off and strutting around to the other side of the table as something began to strain against the denim of her short shorts. \"You're cute when you're outraged.\"\n\nBlake couldn't help but stare, gulping as she felt the last of the changes finish on her body. Coughing, she averted her eyes from Jen's swelling cock, staring defiantly up at her. \"Fuck you Jen...\"\n\n\"Like I said.\" She leaned in tight, planting a kiss on Blake's blushing cheek with a grin. \"I will.\"\n\n\"Fuck...\" Blake could feel her annoyance fading, quickly being replaced with a kind of lust that was never quite describable. This was far from the first time Jen had pulled a stunt like this, obviously, and every time Blake only enjoyed it more and more. Normally, she'd find that embarassing. Now? Now she was just horny. \"Thank you ma'am.\"\n\n\"Of course cutie.\" Jen tilted Blake's chin, grinning at her. \"Now, bend over the table for me, will you?\"\n\n\"Y-yes ma'am.\" Blake nervously got up from her seat, leaning and bending over the table. Looking back, she saw Jen already stroking her sizable cock, grinning as a shiver of desire went down Blake's spine. Anxiously, she fumbled her pants off, dropping them alongside her now moist boxers as she exposed her dripping sex to the witch.\n\n\"Aww...\" Jen's hands on her hips were like lightning, sending more shivers through Blakes body as she grinned at the freshly made woman's ass. \"You're such a cute, obediant little slut, aren't you?\"\n\n\"Shut u-up, and fuck me already!\"\n\n\"Ooo, needy too. Alright. On one condition.\" Jen leaned forward, hands dancing over Blake's shoulders. \"You admit you love this more than anything.\"\n\n\"Wh-what?\"\n\n\"You admit babe, that you *love* being my adorable little sub. That you love it when I fuck your tight pussy.\" Jen rubbed her cock gently against Blake's folds, eliciting a moan from the woman as she lay flustered and needy. \"Admit that this is all you want. To be my lovable adorable girlfriend.\"\n\n\"I-\" As much as Blake was confused by the line of questioning, there was no denying her answer. She loved it. Loved this. Loved who she was when they did this. \"Wh-why?\"\n\n\"'cause babe, I never see you happier than when I got you riding me.\" Jen chuckled, playing with Blake's hair gently. \"It's amazing really. And I want you to see that.\"\n\n\"I-I do. I- Jen, I can't... I need...\"\n\n\"You want this to be everything, right? To be how you live your life, as my cute dorky girlfriend?\"\n\n\"Yes!\" Blake begged, curling her knuckles needily. \"Yes, J-jen, I-I want to be a woman longer, I want to be your girlfriend, I-\"\n\n\"Shhh...\" Jen leaned back, smiling more sincerely now. \"I know. Honey, I know. You have complicated feelings. We can talk about it more soon. But for now...\"\n\nJen gripped her hips tightly, grinning as she poked her tip right up against Blake's sex.\n\n\"I'm gonna fuck you 'till you can't walk.\"\n\nAnd with that she thrust into Blake, and the only feelings left were ecstasy and love." } ]