Markdown support
It would be great to allow markdown formatting, or at least the subset that includes images and/or named links. For example, I wanted to link the colab notebook, but the link was so long that it made the whole post look ugly. If there was this feature subset, I would then use ✏️ Colab
After seeing this post and asking @osanseviero about it, it looks like only links aren't supported in the posts.
Would also be nice to have LaTeX math support, which is pretty much a required feature for me to use Posts over other platforms.
Yes agreed with LaTeX + Markdown support, would be awesome
, just want to join in about LaTeX , because i did make an issue this morning about it , so i can confirm the populace is thirsty for LaTeX
(of course it's only my personal aspirations)
so i want to send a 😉
about it 🙏🏻🚀
I definitely agree with the latex/markdown/colab issues. I just ran into the same issue as toshas and the lack of markdown in posts is not ideal.
At the very least, the ability to drag an image to the post and move the markdown image to different areas of the post. This way the post would be structured when you click on it to read the full content.
im fine with any rich format .. just to give some spice to the posts :)