🚩 Report: Illegal or restricted content
Hi there!
We've had to flag your space as we received a private report and found content that infringes on our content policy in the gallery. You should still be able to access and edit your content during this time.
To get your page back up and running, please review your gallery content and add the necessary guardrails or remove any offending material. Once you've made the necessary changes, simply reply to this comment and we will proceed with the reinstatement.
If you plan to continue displaying user-generated content, we recommend implementing a review process to check the results before making them publicly available.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation
Hi there!
We've had to flag your space as we received a private report and found content that infringes on our content policy in the gallery. You should still be able to access and edit your content during this time.
To get your page back up and running, please review your gallery content and add the necessary guardrails or remove any offending material. Once you've made the necessary changes, simply reply to this comment and we will proceed with the reinstatement.
If you plan to continue displaying user-generated content, we recommend implementing a review process to check the results before making them publicly available.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation
I have permanently removed the gallery functionality. I request that you restore normal service operation.
Thanks a million for your reactivity! The space should be back to normal but please do feel free to reach out if there is any issue :)