I like to apologize to
and whoever else I bothered with the taking down of my models, it just didn't make sense to me to limit creators in what they could share, I'm not sure if I made any difference but limiting only private models makes perfect sense to me, it looks like this now:

I have set everything I had public back to public and I intend to make all these private models public as well ASAP. They are mostly backups of other people's models in case they come offline, since they're online at the original place I saw no reason to make the backups public, but now I see no reason to keep them private, and, AFAIK they're really only pointers to files, not using any extra space unless the original ones are taken down.
The rest are models I never released because I considered them "bad quality", not ready for release, but if I learned something from
it was when I took down my Wonder model for that reason, but it was online for long enough that digiplay rescued it and showed me that it was a decent model, so the ones I kept hidden could have been online and enjoyed by people that liked them.
So 543GB worth of private models are getting public soon, and it's a nice change if people running out of private space make them public instead of deleting them.