Deep RL Course documentation

Discord 101

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Discord 101

Hey there! My name is Huggy, the dog 🐕, and I’m looking forward to train with you during this RL Course! Although I don’t know much about fetching sticks (yet), I know one or two things about Discord. So I wrote this guide to help you learn about it!

Huggy Logo

Discord is a free chat platform. If you’ve used Slack, it’s quite similar. There is a HF中国镜像站 Community Discord server with 50000 members you can join with a single click here. So many humans to play with!

Starting in Discord can be a bit intimidating, so let me take you through it.

When you sign-up to our Discord server, you’ll choose your interests. Make sure to click “Reinforcement Learning,” and you’ll get access to the Reinforcement Learning Category containing all the course-related channels. If you feel like joining even more channels, go for it! 🚀

Then click next, you’ll then get to introduce yourself in the #introduce-yourself channel.


They are in the reinforcement learning category. Don’t forget to sign up to these channels by clicking on 🤖 Reinforcement Learning in role-assigment.

  • rl-announcements: where we give the latest information about the course.
  • rl-discussions: where you can exchange about RL and share information.
  • rl-study-group: where you can ask questions and exchange with your classmates.
  • rl-i-made-this: where you can share your projects and models.

The HF Community Server has a thriving community of human beings interested in many areas, so you can also learn from those. There are paper discussions, events, and many other things.

Was this useful? There are a couple of tips I can share with you:

  • There are voice channels you can use as well, although most people prefer text chat.
  • You can use markdown style for text chats. So if you’re writing code, you can use that style. Sadly this does not work as well for links.
  • You can open threads as well! It’s a good idea when it’s a long conversation.

I hope this is useful! And if you have questions, just ask!

See you later!

Huggy 🐶

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