SetFit documentation


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Before you start, you’ll need to setup your environment and install the appropriate packages. 🤗 SetFit is tested on Python 3.9+.


The most straightforward way to install 🤗 SetFit is with pip:

pip install setfit

If you have a CUDA-capable graphics card, then it is recommended to install torch with CUDA support to train and performing inference much more quickly:

pip install torch --index-url

Installing from source

Building 🤗 SetFit from source lets you make changes to the code base. To install from the source, clone the repository and install 🤗 SetFit in editable mode with the following commands:

git clone
cd setfit
pip install -e .

If you just want the bleeding-edge version without making any changes of your own, then install from source by running:

pip install git+


If conda is your package management system of choice, then you can install 🤗 SetFit like so:

conda install -c conda-forge setfit
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