optimum-tpu documentation

Optimum TPU Containers

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Optimum TPU Containers

Text Generation Inference (TGI) Containers

Container Description Optimum TPU Image URL
TGI Base TPU-optimized TGI without GCP dependencies 0.2.3 ghcr.io/huggingface/optimum-tpu:v0.2.3-tgi
TGI GCP TPU-optimized TGI with GCP dependencies 0.2.3 us-docker.pkg.dev/deeplearning-platform-release/gcr.io/huggingface-text-generation-inference-tpu.0.2.3.py310

Training Containers

Container Description PyTorch Transformers Image URL
Training GCP PyTorch training with GCP dependencies 2.5.1 4.46.3 us-docker.pkg.dev/deeplearning-platform-release/gcr.io/huggingface-pytorch-training-tpu.2.5.1.transformers.4.46.3.py310

Each container is optimized for specific use cases:

  • TGI Base is a barebone TGI server optimized for TPU
  • TGI GCP contains some extra GCP dependency and is hosted on GCP. This is the recommended way to deploy TGI on GCP
  • Training GCP container for training models on TPU VMs

Version Information

Each version on GCP is pinned to specific versions of optimum-tpu, PyTorch, and/or transformers. To check the latest available images: