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Is there a method of adding websites in bulk to Google Webmaster Tools? My host username and password were hacked and all of my sites were injected with malicious scripts. I've cleaned everything up but the sites were d-listed and no longer show up in google search. I need to request reviews for ~150 sites but first I need to add them all to the webmaster tools. Any non-tedious way of doing this?
In ArcView, Can I add an image to a label. Assume I have the photograph path as an attribute.
What are your views on Modi governments decision to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes? How will this affect economy?
Currently, I am looking for the correct (or suitable) statistical method to compare 4 very large datasets (n = 31 million each), that are based on an experiment where a continuous variable was measured in response to 4 different discrete temperatures. Each data set has pretty much the same median, and the means and standard deviations do not vary much. However, each data set is not normally distributed, and are only vaguely lognormally distributed. I am trying to determine a way to test the null hypothesis that increased temperatures do not affect the mean of each data set. Am I right in my thinking that ANOVA would not be suitable, (nor any parametric test)? I have looked at the non parametric Kruskal-Wallis statistic, but are not sure if this is a suitable. So my questions are, am I correct in my assumptions above? and what would be a suitable statistical method to prove the null hypothesis as described above?
Does anyone have suggestions or packages that will calculate the coefficient of partial determination? The coefficient of partial determination can be defined as the percent of variation that cannot be explained in a reduced model, but can be explained by the predictors specified in a full(er) model. This coefficient is used to provide insight into whether or not one or more additional predictors may be useful in a more fully specified regression model. The calculation for the partial r^2 is relatively straight forward after estimating your two models and generating the ANOVA tables for them. The calculation for the partial r^2 is: (SSEreduced - SSEfull) / SSEreduced I've written this relatively simple function that will calculate this for a multiple linear regression model. I'm unfamiliar with other model structures in R where this function may not perform as well: partialR2 <- function(model.full, model.reduced){ anova.full <- anova(model.full) anova.reduced <- anova(model.reduced) sse.full <- tail(anova.full$"Sum Sq", 1) sse.reduced <- tail(anova.reduced$"Sum Sq", 1) pR2 <- (sse.reduced - sse.full) / sse.reduced return(pR2) } Any suggestions or tips on more robust functions to accomplish this task and/or more efficient implementations of the above code would be much appreciated.
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Does constant charging harm my Android cellphone? I am using my Xperia Active for application development. Given that scenario, I obviously have the phone connected to the laptop most of the time since I want to be able to easily test my app on the device. The thing that's worrying me is that when I go to **Settings > About phone > Status** , the **Battery level** is set to `100%` and the **Battery status** is set to `Charging (USB)`. Am I overcharging my phone? Is this bad for the battery's health? If yes, what do I do about it? I use this phone on a daily basis and I don't want the battery's performance to be affected by my development cycle.
~~Unless I’m mistaken,~~ the TextSecure app (which provides encrypted text messaging—both over the wire and on disk) ~~was pulled from the market a while back, leaving no way to install the app~~ is readily available from the Market. Just today, however, the source code was released to the public. How can I build the app from source code and get it onto my phone?
Before voting my question down, I must note that I have searched the forum. That being said: I have a sitemap, which is pretty large (25k pages). These are products for sale. The products are used auto parts. Helping the web site "ahparts dot kom" So .com/sitemap.xml (the big one) is submitted to bing's webmaster tools, and says it has crawled just fine, but I can never find any of the pages in the search results - over a year of trying! I thought the big sitemap might be the issue, so I made a second sitemap "sitemap2.xml" whcih only contains 2.5k pages. Same story with that one. I might mention that google has crawled and indexed all of the pages on sitemap just fine! Anyone have any ideas as to what I can try? I might mention that the URLs are all without variables such as ?id=58499 or something like that. They are rewritten, cleaned up URLs. Thanks, Dav
I'm running the following tool in ArcGIS 10. I have an ArcPy Script like this: import arcpy from arcpy import env env.workspace=r"C:/sde/lcimrl.sde" fc="SDE.ATTACHMENTS\SDE.attachment_points" fcRows = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc, "OBJECTID = 11365") for row in fcRows: print "I found one" The feature with OBJECTID 11365 is just created. It can find the feature if I run it as standalone script. But when I run it in the ArcMap's interactive python window or import it into a ArcTool toolbox and then run it, it cannot find the feature. I have to force the refresh of the SDE connection in the ArcCatalog, and then I can get the point. Or I have to wait for a while, like several hours, then it can find the point. I tried `arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(`) and `arcpy.refreshTOC()`. They do not help. Any help is appreciated.
> **Possible Duplicate:** > How do I update the OS in my device? I have a Samsung Galaxy Ace and would like to upgrade to Android 4. How can I do that?
The title of my website is "OTN | Ontario Telemedicine Network" but Goggling for "OTN" displays it as "Ontario Telemedicine Network: OTN" in the search results, other search engines display it properly. How can I direct google to display the title as it is? PS. the title was updated many months ago and I have checked Google webmaster tools for this option but couldn't find anything.
I was playing with: `$wp_meta_boxes`, `$menu` and `$submenu` global arrays to remove "things" on admin dashboard (using unset on PHP `foreach` iterations). Now I'm stuck trying to remove without using jQuery or JavaScript: 1. Favorites action menu. 2. Screen options panel. Thanks in advance.
I want to know which sentence is correct "I know what you are doing and with who" or "I know what you are doing and with whom"
I need to rewrite urls on a Wordpress Network/Multisite, so I wrote a plugin that does it for me. This plugin works perfectly when using on a Single Wordpress site that does not make use of the Multisite feature, now when I try to use it on a Multisite setup it just does not want to work, nor writes to the htaccess file. My code is below function rewrite_builtrules() { global $wp_rewrite; //Rule 1 $rewrite_rule1 = get_option('rewrite_rule1'); $rewrite_virtual_rule1 = get_option('rewrite_virtual_rule1'); if(!empty($rewrite_rule1) && !empty($rewrite_virtual_rule1)) add_rewrite_rule($rewrite_virtual_rule1,$rewrite_rule1,'top'); //Rule 2 $rewrite_rule2 = get_option('rewrite_rule2'); $rewrite_virtual_rule2 = get_option('rewrite_virtual_rule2'); if(!empty($rewrite_rule2) && !empty($rewrite_virtual_rule2)) add_rewrite_rule($rewrite_virtual_rule2,$rewrite_rule2,'top'); //Rule 3 $rewrite_rule3 = get_option('rewrite_rule3'); $rewrite_virtual_rule3 = get_option('rewrite_virtual_rule3'); if(!empty($rewrite_rule3) && !empty($rewrite_virtual_rule3)) add_rewrite_rule($rewrite_virtual_rule3,$rewrite_rule3,'top'); // flush_rewrite_rules(true); $wp_rewrite->flush_rules( true ); } add_action( 'init', 'rewrite_builtrules' ); The urls that I need to rewrite are needs to become Is there anything I'm missing? Any help will be appreciated
As the Earth wobbles during rotation, does the higher gravity at the equator tend to pull the moon toward an equatorial orbit even as the earth does that thousands of years wobble cycle? It would seem to me that the higher gravity, due to the larger diameter at the equator, would keep the Moon's orbit close to the equator. Or does the orbit of the moon with respect to the earth stay relatively stable with respect to the solar plane around the sun?
I am playing a new Death Knight with intent to tank for my guild at max level. As part of this, I decided to take up Blacksmithing. At around 200, the Blacksmithing trainer started asking me about Weapon/Armor specialties. I remember these specialties actually mattered back in Vanilla WoW, but do they do anything after level 80? Should I bother investigating?
I am wondering how to handle `URLs` which correspond to strings containing diacritic (`á`, `ǚ`, `´`...). I believe what we're seeing mostly are `URLs` where diacritic characters where converted to their closest `ASCII` equivalent, for instance `Rånades på Skyttis i Ö-vik` converted to `ranades- pa-skyttis-i-o-vik`. However depending on the corresponding language, such conversion might be incorrect. For instance in `German`, `ü` should be converted to `ue` and not just `u`, as seen with the below `URL` representing the `Bayern München` string as `bayern-muenchen`: However what I've also noticed, is that browsers can render non-`ASCII` characters when they are percent-encoded in the `URL`, which is the approach `Wikipedia` has chosen, for instance `` which is rendered as: ![enter image description here]( Therefore I'm considering the following approach for creating `URL` slugs: -(1) convert strings while replacing non-`ASCII` characters to their recommended `ASCII` representation: `Bayern München` -> `bayern-muenchen` -(2) also convert strings to `percent encoding`: `Bayern München` -> `bayern_m%C3%BCnchen` -create a `301` redirect from version (1) to version (2) Version (1) `URLs` could be used for marketing purposes (e.g. ``) but the `URLs` that would end being displayed in the browser bar would be version (2) `URLs` (e.g. ` münchen`). **Can you foresee particular problems with this approach? (Wikipedia is not doing it and I wonder why, apart from the fact that they don't need to market their`URLs`)**
Is it possible to define for a pyqgis plugin, that the plugin dialog is always shown on top, after starting it from the toolbar?
BACKGROUND: Maintaining high levels of childhood vaccinations is important for public health. Success requires better understanding of parents' perceptions of diseases and consequent decisions about vaccinations, however few studies have considered this from the theoretical perspectives of risk perception and decision-making under uncertainty. The aim of this study was to examine the utility of subjective risk perception and decision-making theories to provide a better understanding of the differences between immunisers' and non-immunisers' health beliefs and behaviours. METHODS: In a qualitative study we conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 45 Australian parents exploring their experiences and perceptions of disease severity and susceptibility. Using scenarios about 'a new strain of flu' we explored how risk information was interpreted. RESULTS: We found that concepts of dread, unfamiliarity, and uncontrollability from the subjective perception of risk and ambiguity, optimistic control and omission bias from explanatory theories of decision-making under uncertainty were useful in understanding why immunisers, incomplete immunisers and non-immunisers interpreted severity and susceptibility to diseases and vaccine risk differently. Immunisers dreaded unfamiliar diseases whilst non-immunisers dreaded unknown, long term side effects of vaccines. Participants believed that the risks of diseases and complications from diseases are not equally spread throughout the community, therefore, when listening to reports of epidemics, it is not the number of people who are affected but the familiarity or unfamiliarity of the disease and the characteristics of those who have had the disease that prompts them to take preventive action. Almost all believed they themselves would not be at serious risk of the 'new strain of flu' but were less willing to take risks with their children's health. CONCLUSION: This study has found that health messages about the risks of disease which are communicated as though there is equality of risk in the population may be unproductive as these messages are perceived as unbelievable or irrelevant. The findings from this study have implications beyond the issue of childhood vaccinations as we grapple with communicating risks of new epidemics, and indeed may usefully contribute to the current debate especially in the UK of how these theories of risk and decision-making can be used to 'nudge' other health behaviours.
SEO newbie here, I have a news section on my front page that essentially reads off another sites feed (``) and posts direct links to each article back to that site. Pretty much a mini RSS reader with one subscription. Will I get penalizing for duplicate content even if I link back? My question is similar to this: Will content from my site's RSS feed that is published on other sites be considered duplicate content by search engines? only that it is the other way around.
Rephrasing the entire question: Do we use the article "the" when we use an adjective with a proper noun? Which of these is correct, and why? > The terrible Mr. Brown set my boat on fire. > > Terrible Mr. Brown set my boat on fire. > > The US-based Galacto, Inc., takes care of its customers. > > US-based Galacto, Inc., takes care of its customers. ~~Do we use the article "the" when we use an adjective with a proper noun? Which of these is correct? > The Switzerland-based ABC Fund operates in most countries of the EU. > > Switzerland-based ABC Fund operates in most countries of the EU. I have a feeling the first sentence is correct but that it sounds a little old-fashioned. What about phrases like, "The terrible Mr Brown"? You could argue that we're actually saying, "The terrible man Mr Brown". Said like that it sounds like an appositive, but is there something else going on here? Is there a term for this kind of phrase? EDIT: By using the noun _fund_ in my example, I have not made it clear what the question is. How would "the" work in "The US-based XYZ, Inc."? ~~
How should I start meditating?
Horrible plan. You are asking for a massive family feud over money. Don't mix extended family and money. You need to be able to make unemotional decisions about your finances and debt and you likely won't be able to make hard decisions that may be required if they would negatively impact your family. You don't want your brain and heart to fight. You will wind up losing your relationships with family, money, or most likely both.
I have a simple command which takes one argument. Now I want to pass a small listing-environment to the command. Here is the code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings} \begin{document} \newcommand{\test}[1]{ #1 } \test {% \begin{lstlisting} asdf \end{lstlisting} }% \end{document} While compiling I get this error: Package Listings Warning: Text dropped after begin of listing on input line 12. (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/base/omscmr.fd)) * Any suggestions would be great appreciated.
I am a SEO guy and always facing this problem, that PHP sites make dynamic URL with IDs. This is not SEO friendly structure—like this `/article.php?id=2987`—and need to be changed like this `/why-to-hire-a-seo- specialist`. Is their any easiest way to change this type of URL structure?
I have a domain, let's call it `` where I have a portal with an active community of users. In this portal users cooperate in a wiki way to build some "kind of software". These software applications can then be run by accessing `""` I then want to let my users run these applications from their own subdomains. I know I can do that by automatically modifying the.htaccess file. This is not a problem. I want to let these users create dns aliases to let them access one specific subdomain. So if a user `"pippo"` that owns `""` wants to run software HelloWorld from his own subdomains he has to: 1. Register to my site 2. Create his own subdomain on his own site, 3. From his DNS control panel, he creates a CNAME record `""` pointing to `""` 4. He types in a browser `` When the software(that is physically run on my server) is called, first it checks that the originating domain is a trusted one. I don't do any other kind of check that restricts software execution. From a SEO perspective, I care about Google indexing of `` but I don't care about indexing of `` What are the possible security implications of doing this for my site? Do you know some existing website implementing a domain configuration like this one?
I've been looking for a way to read numbers that have thousands separators in them: StringCases[" 1142.123 ", Whitespace ~~ NumberString ~~ Whitespace, 1] gives {" 1142.123 "} but StringCases[" 1,142.123 ", Whitespace ~~ NumberString ~~ Whitespace, 1] gives {} So ideally there's a Mathematica way of defining `NumberString` to recognize commas in numbers. Or should I be looking into regexen at this point?
Is the Laplacian operator, $\nabla^{2}$, a Hermitian operator? Alternatively: is the matrix representation of the Laplacian Hermitian? i.e. $$\langle \nabla^{2} x | y \rangle = \langle x | \nabla^{2} y \rangle$$ I believe that $\nabla^{2}$ is Hermitian (if it was not, then the Hamiltonian in the time-independent Schroedinger equation would not be Hermitian), but I do not know how one would demonstrate that this is the case. More broadly, how would one determine whether a general operator is Hermitian? One could calculate every element in a matrix representation of the operator to see whether the matrix is equal to it's conjugate transpose, but this would neither efficient or general. It is my understanding that Hermiticity is a property that does not depend on the matrix representation of the operator. I feel that there should be a general way to test the Hermiticity of an operator without evaluating matrix elements in a particular matrix representation. Apologies if this question is poorly posed. I am not sure if I need to be more specific with the definitions of "Hermitian" and "Laplacian". Feel free to request clarification.
Old application that is used by 50-60.000 paying customers. Company is several hundred people big. Application has a lot of business critical code (30% of all code) written in classic asp. Application has a lot more .net code. Application has a COM+ bridge for enabling asp to "talk" to .net Organization lacks some/a lot knowledge on what is causing the 10-20% server-reset per day (might be due to COM+ ?) There is no red line through the application; no architecture, no real patterns etc. The application has been like this for at least 5 years. The asp code base is increasing, slowly but certainly. I have read refactoring stories and I have knowledge on why you some of the times should not re-write a system. I would love for the old asp code to vanish as well as the COM+ component. But the pain is that no one really knows what is going on inside the asp classic code and the attitude inside all the teams are "this is just how it is". Down the line, this causes a lot of other issues like recruiting, dev effeciency, business needs that cannot be met, scale etc. With these little facts, does that justify a re-write of the asp code and the removal of the COM+ component ? How would you go about it ?
There seems to be a variety of bonus powers available in Mass Effect 3, I'm wondering what I have to do to unlock all of those. What are the exact requirements on unlocking those bonus powers? Do they only come into play when I start a new game, or can I use them in the same game when I unlock them?
I've got this problem...I use a Micromax A110Q with the stick Jelly Bean...FROM the past few weeks(OR Months) I'm having storage issues with my SD card..I find that it's free storage space is zero bytes...I removed many pics and junk such as cache, hpns folder, lost.dir etc...for some time..I'll get free storage for the things I deleted...but..after an hour or so...I find that my free storage is decreasing slowly and gradually it comes to zero I mentioned above I've deleted many junk files and used many apps...but no luck!! It will get to zero again..!!! And the stats don't seem to match up in the storage section inSYSTEM SETTINGS!! HELP!!!!
I manage a website. In order to lead the visitor to the latest post when entering the website, I set a 302 redirect from the homepage URL to the latest post URL. There's 1 to 2 posts a month so the redirection is made manually each time a new post gets published. Despite the website registration on Google it doesn't get indexed at all. After searching for some solution on blogs and forums I understood this issue might be related to the 302 redirection. It's the first time I use redirections on a website, can someone help me?
The MATLAB code filter(0.5,[1, -0.5], [1:10]) is equivalent to Rest@FoldList[(#1 + #2)/2. &, 0, Range[10]] I don't know how to implement something more general like,`filter([1,2,3],[4,5,6], [1:10])` in _Mathematica_. I'm trying to rewrite a snippet of MATLAB code to _Mathematica_. I'm just interested in the `filter` function and there is no other purpose. What is its equivalent or how can I implement it? v = [0.0 + 2 j; -sqrt (3) - 1 j; sqrt (3) - 1 j]; n = randi (3, 1, 10000000); p = filter (0.5, [1 - 0.5], v (n)); plot (p, '.b');
I came across the word, “*make a dream board” in the sentence of New York Time’s (December 16) article titled “Split by Race and Wealth, but Discovering Similarities as They Study Steinbeck.” The article deals with the recent program of intermediate schools in two different town of Westfield and Plainfield to let their student read John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men.” “Students in Westfield, about 25 miles southwest of Manhattan, said the project had brought a different world right to their doorstep and taught more empathy. As part of the exchange, each student _made a “dream board” of goals and aspirations_ to be shared with the group on Tuesday.” I searched for meaning of “dream board” on Google, only to find the following description in WikiHow other than the title of internet game. “Setting goals is something we're all familiar with. In fact, it’s almost become a cliché that some people no longer pay attention to. Making a dream board can take the cliché out of setting your life goals, and can even help you to accomplish those goals.” It appears to me “make a dream board” means to “draw a blue print” in our old expression. Did it come from “Dreamboard Game”? Is it a novel expression, because the NY Times writer uses this phrase in parenthesis?
Cute little bookstores? I didn't know you had such contempt for them. I guess you've never been to one in your life other than to buy a sugary drink. Joke's on you, it's those drinks and the huge ass they've made in you what now has you strapped to your smelly sweaty chair clicking that filthy mouse with your clammy hands.
I estimated a non-linear model using the MATLAB function @fmincon which returns me a Log-likelihood value. I also estimate a linear model (OLS) from which I can compute the R². Here I need to compare the goodness of fit of the two models and see whether the non-linear model is statistically different from the linear model. I am thus wondering if there is a formula to express R² as a function of Log- Likelihood or the other way around. Thank you very much, Olivier.
How would mathematics change had 2 plus 2 been equal to 5?
I don't know what is its name, but that is a very annoying boss, it looks like a starfish. I can't finish my Lux Artena song due to that bastard. It has many "arms" that shoot red projectiles (undestroyable) or yellow missiles toward me, and after taking some damage, it keeps rolling and being invincible. Sometimes it expands and shoots at me, but as soon as I shoot it back, it is invincible again. Is there any pattern or effective way to destroy it? It keeps survive even after I killed the next boss.
The problem of detecting clusters of points belonging to a spatial point process arises in many applications. In this paper , we introduce the new clustering algorithm DBCLASD (Distribution Based Clustering of LArge Spatial Databases) to discover clusters of this type. The results of experiments demonstrate that DBCLASD, contrary to partitioning algorithms such as CLARANS, discovers clusters of arbitrary shape. Furthermore, DBCLASD does not require any input parameters, in contrast to the clustering algorithm DBSCAN requiring two input parameters which may be difficult to provide for large databases. In terms of efficiency, DBCLASD is between CLARANS and DBSCAN, close to DBSCAN. Thus, the efficiency of DBCLASD on large spatial databases is very attractive when considering its nonparametric nature and its good quality for clusters of arbitrary shape.
It's not surprisingly when entering this site to get the book. One of the popular books now is the genetic fuzzy systems evolutionary tuning and learning of fuzzy knowledge bases. You may be confused because you can't find the book in the book store around your city. Commonly, the popular book will be sold quickly. And when you have found the store to buy the book, it will be so hurt when you run out of it. This is why, searching for this popular book in this website will give you benefit. You will not run out of this book.
I have a question about restricting access to page templates for blog editors who may create new pages in the future. During my buildout, I had to create specific templates to add custom features for specific pages (i.e. FAQs pulls from a CPT in a separate loop, but allows the editor to add an intro paragraph using the standard "page" post type) Now as I hand off the site, I want to make sure that those templates aren't re-used by the site editors as they are constructing new pages. Is there a way to limit the available page templates by user role? Or is it possible to just remove the "Page Template" dropdown completely? I can use Adminimize ( to remove the dropdown, but the label still remains. Thanks, Devin
If there will be a war between India and Pakistan who will win?
I made a custom page with a template that is just a loop with custom query string for a list of posts from a specific category but when I view the page it only shows one post with the title being the title of the page. I don't understand why it doesn't return the loop of posts. What am I doing wrong? Heres the page template. <?php /* Template Name: music videos */ ?> <div class="panes-feed"> <ul> <?php global $query_string; query_posts($query_string .'&posts_per_page=10&cat=3&orderby=asc'); ?> <?php $i=0; while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $i++; ?> <li> <a style="display:block;height:100%" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php _e( 'Permanent Link to', 'buddypress' ) ?> <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"> <?php foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) { echo "<div id='$category->slug' style='margin-right:4px;position:absolute;right:0;display:block' title='$category->cat_name'></div>"; } ?> <span class="video-thumb"> <span class="video-clip"> <span class="video-clip-inner"> <?php $video_code = tube_getcustomfield('video_code',get_the_ID()); if($video_code) { ?> <img src="<?php $thumb = get_youtube_screen_link( $video_code, 'default' ) ?>" width="120" height="90" /> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo_first_image ($post->ID); ?> <?php } ?> <span class="vertical-align"></span> </span></span></span> <div style="display:inline-block;width:225px"> <h3 style="color:#e2e2e2"><?php the_title(); ?></h3> <p><?php echo time_ago(); ?><?php _e( ' in', 'buddypress' ) ?> <span><?php $category = get_the_category(); echo $category[0]->cat_name; ?></span> </p> <?php if(function_exists('the_views')) { ?><p style="font-size:11px;margin-bottom:0px"><?php the_views(); ?> </p><?php } ?> </div> </a> </li> <?php if($i%1==0) : ?><div class="clear"></div><?php endif; ?> <?php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?> </ul> </div>
I'm not an expert but I've come to understand that the universe is expanding at enormous speed. That means that all of the visible galaxies are moving away from us at great speed. I also came to understand that, eventually (in many many years), all the galaxies and all of the rest of the objects outside our own galaxy will move so far away from us that it will be impossible for us to look (or measure) them. This means that eventually our entire observable universe will be our own galaxy and it will be impossible for us to measure anything else, and scientific measurements at that point in time will not correspond to the actual reality... because data will show that other galaxies don't exist. But I have two questions regarding this phenomena: 1. How is it that the light won't reach us anymore? Is the expansion happening at greater speed than light itself, making it impossible for it to ever reach anything? 2. If scientific measurements, at that point in time, will prove to be wrong, because they will show that galaxies don't exist (while they actually do exist), doesn't that mean that something similar could be happening right now as well? We could be measuring something about the universe that we're _dead_ sure about, but it won't be the actual reality.
I believe I could do this with either get_categories() or wp_list_categories() and passing a 'child_of' parameter, for example, but that would return a much larger dataset than I need. Is there a direct call that returns the child ids for any category as a simple list (1,2,3,5, etc)?
I have never seen this unit be invulnerable before, but now my sword goes right through this enemy without doing any damage. Question mark symbols float above the unit after my attack. ![Screenshot]( What's going on? * * * Edit: It happened again, this time with a different unit. I also noticed that it doesn't damage me: ![Screenshot](
What are the best schools in the world to study cinema?
If the United States has a female president, will her husband be called the first gentleman? What will Bill Clinton be called if Hillary is elected?
**update;** perhaps we can do this like so: to use Perl for text-mangling - so we can use the XML::Simple module. here's an example of a little script to parse your XML: see the Code: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; my $xmlfile = shift || die "Usage: $0 <XML_FILE>\n"; my $ref; eval { $ref = XMLin($xmlfile, ForceArray => 0, KeyAttr => [ ], SuppressEmpty => '', ) or die "Can't read XML from $xmlfile: $!\n"; }; die $@ if($@); print Dumper $ref; **Explantion:** iterating thru the array/hash it creates the file and helps carving up the data into comma separated lines of data than can be redirected to file. see the basic question: i run the following code in opverpass-api - see here i have the options to export of the data to the following formats to GeoJSON to GPX to KML and to get the data from Overpass API loat them to JOSM laden (only for requests, that give back valid OSM-XML with Metadata) GeoJSON to save it as gist note - i did not install the overpass-api on my opensuse 13.1 yet. but i am willing to do so. as for now - running the above mentioned code in the oerpass-api - here. how to treat it to get it exported as csv-formated hope i was able to provide all the necessary things for a clear and concise question. See the output that needs to be transformed: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osm version="0.6" generator="Overpass API"> <note>The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL.</note> <meta osm_base="2014-04-27T13:49:02Z"/> <node id="297489767" lat="49.4085014" lon="8.6941465"> <tag k="addr:city" v="Heidelberg"/> <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="23"/> <tag k="addr:postcode" v="69115"/> <tag k="addr:street" v="Sofienstraße"/> <tag k="name" v="ARLT"/> <tag k="phone" v="+49 6221 20229"/> <tag k="shop" v="computer"/> <tag k="source" v="survey"/> <tag k="website" v=""/> <tag k="wheelchair" v="yes"/> </node> <node id="305144906" lat="49.4060012" lon="8.6929652"> <tag k="addr:city" v="Heidelberg"/> <tag k="addr:country" v="DE"/> <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="13-15"/> <tag k="addr:postcode" v="69115"/> <tag k="addr:state" v="Baden-Württemberg"/> <tag k="addr:street" v="Rohrbacher Straße"/> <tag k="name" v="Heidel-bike"/> <tag k="opening_hours" v="Tu-Fr 10:00-18:30; Sa 10:00-14:00"/> <tag k="shop" v="bicycle"/> <tag k="website" v=""/> <tag k="wheelchair" v="yes"/> </node> <node id="305963167" lat="49.4139877" lon="8.6924247"> <tag k="addr:city" v="Heidelberg"/> <tag k="addr:country" v="DE"/> <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="4"/> <tag k="addr:postcode" v="69120"/> <tag k="addr:street" v="Brückenstraße"/> <tag k="name" v="Buchhandlung Schmitt &amp; Hahn"/> <tag k="shop" v="books"/> <tag k="wheelchair" v="no"/>
I am running an OLS model with a continuous asset index variable as the DV. My data is aggregated from three similar communities in close geographic proximity to one another. Despite this, I thought it important to use community as a controlling variable. As it turns out, community is significant at the 1% level (t-score of -4.52). Community is a nominal/categorical variable coded as 1,2,3 for 1 of 3 different communities. My question is if this high degree of significance means I should be doing regressions on the communities individually rather than as an aggregation. Otherwise, is using community as a controlling variable essentially doing that?
GUESTS ARE REQUESTED NOT TO SMOKE OR DO OTHER DISGUSTING BEHAVIORS IN BED. What happens to an irrisitable force when it hits an immovable object? Hotel lobby, Bucharest: THE LIFT IS BEING FIXED FOR THE NEXT DAY. DURING THAT TIME WE REGRET THAT YOU WILL BE UNBEARABLE. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus. Venison for dinner again? Oh deer! I bought some powdered water, but I don't know what to add. Hotel room notice, Chiang-Mai, Thailand: PLEASE DO NOT BRING SOLICITORS INTO YOUR ROOM. I am in shape. Round is a shape. The wise never marry and when they marry they become otherwise. "Love is temporary insanity curable by marriage." - Ambrose Bierce You can't have everything...where would you put it? Can a short person "talk down" to a taller person? Notice at a Public Bar: OUR PUBLIC BAR IS PRESENTLY NOT OPEN BECAUSE IT'S CLOSED - Manager This is a non-smoking gas pump. If a guy that was about to die in the electric chair had a heart attack should they save him? If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those who got there first. Success is not about who you know, rather who knows you. If, in a baseball game, the batter hits a ball splitting it right down the center with half the ball flying out of the park and the other half being caught, what is the final ruling? A sign seen on an automatic restroom hand dryer: DO NOT ACTIVATE WITH WET HANDS. If a transvesite goes missing, would you put their face on a carton of Half and Half? Did Noah have woodpeckers on the ark? If he did, where did he keep them? If you get this message, call me, and if you don't get it, don't call. On the side of a milk carton: Allergy advice - May Contain Traces of Milk Why are all of the Harry Potter spells in Latin if they're English? I changed my iPod's name to Titanic. It's syncing now. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. I am a nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect. Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. Why put a towel in the dirty clothes basket if when you get out of the shower you are clean? Notice at a Public Bar: OUR PUBLIC BAR IS PRESENTLY NOT OPEN BECAUSE IT'S CLOSED - Manager Can you daydream at night? Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Do they bury people with their braces on? I was born intelligent - education ruined me. I think therefore I am... I think.
Consider a hydraulic jack with massless pistons as follows. ![enter image description here]( The famous equation for this system is $$ \frac{F_1}{A_1}=\frac{F_2}{A_2} $$ My question is why isn't the equation as follows? $$ \frac{F_1}{A_1}=\frac{F_2}{A_2} + \rho g h $$ It is based on my understanding that any points in the same horizontal line have the same pressure. Could you spot my misconception?
I have a list and I want to display a figure after each list item. I get first two figures correctly, but not the last two. Here is my code: \begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=0cm,itemindent=.5cm,labelwidth=\itemindent,labelsep=0cm,align=left] \item \textbf {Chi-squared distance :} The chi squared distance measures the distance between two histograms having identical bins (16 bins along each dimension). Moreover, both histograms are normalized, i.e. their entries sum up to one. The distance measure $\bf d$ is usually defined (although alternative definitions exist) as \[ d(H_1,H_2) = \Sigma \frac{ (H_1(I)-H_2(I))^{2} }{ (H_1(I)+H_2(I)) }\]The name of the distance is derived from Pearson's chi squared test statistic $ X^{2} (x,y) = \Sigma( (x_i-y_i)^{2} / x_i)$ for comparing discrete probability distributions (i.e histograms). However, unlike the test statistic, $d(H_1,H_2)$ is symmetric wrt. $H_1$ and $H_2$. The histograms obtained for superpixels are very sparse and only bins with non-zero entries in atleast one of the two histograms are considered. Thus, the bins with zero entries in both $H_1$ and $H_2$ histograms are discarded. An example of obtained chi-squared distance values is as follows: \begin{figure}[!h] \centering \includegraphics [width=90mm]{chi_sqr.png} \caption{Variation of chi squared distance for a superpixel over consecutive image frames} \end{figure} \item \textbf{Correlation :} Here, the correlation or similarity between two histograms having identical bins is calculated. A higher value of correlation indicates more similarity and thus similar labels. If the correlation value for a superpixel drops below a certain threshold, a new label should be assigned to that superpixel. Correlation is calculated using \[ d(H_1,H_2) = \frac{ \Sigma_I (H_1(I)-\overline H_1)(H_2(I)-\overline H_2) }{\sqrt{ \Sigma_I (H_1(I)-\overline H_1)^{2}\Sigma_I (H_2(I)-\overline H_2)^{2}} }\] where \[ \overline H_k = \frac{1}{N}\Sigma_j H_k(j)\] \begin{figure}[!h] \centering \includegraphics [width=90mm]{correl.png} \caption{Correlation values for a superpixel over consecutive image frames} \end{figure} \item \textbf{Mean squared distance :} MS distance is the sum of the squared differences of the histogram bins. It is computed as follows: \[ d(H_1, H_2) = \Sigma_I (H_1(I) - H_2(I))^2\] \begin{figure}[!h] \centering \includegraphics [width=90mm]{mse.png} \caption{Variation of mean squared distance for a superpixel over consecutive image frames} \end{figure} \item \textbf{Average Color :} Here, the average color of the region enclosed by each superpixel is computed. For LAB input image, avergae color is caluclated for each channel (L, A, B) separately. The color difference between superpixels in different frames, $d(F_1, F_2)$ is obtained using \[d(F_1, F_2) = (L_{F_1} - L_{F_2})^2 + (A_{F_1} - A_{F_2})^2 + (B_{F_1} - B_{F_2})^2\] \begin{figure}[!h] \centering \includegraphics [width=90mm]{avg_color.png} \caption{Variation of average color difference for a superpixel over consecutive image frames} \end{figure} \end{enumerate} Please tell me how to get my figures at the positions specified in the code.
I have often seen diagrams, like this one on Wikipedia for a thin convex lens that show three lines from a point on the object converging at the image. Do all the other lines from that point on the object that pass through the lens converge at the same point on the image? * _Updated question: *_ to say, "from that point on the object"
> A ball moving with velocity $1 \hat i \ ms^{-1}$ and collides with a > friction less wall, afetr collision the velocity of ball becomes $1/2 \hat j > \ ms^{-1}$. Find the coefficient of restitution between wall and ball. I approached it like: ![enter preformatted text here]( Now, $$e=cot^2\theta$$ but $\theta$ is not known. So,We equate velocity $$\sqrt{e^2 sin^2\theta+cos^2 \theta}=1/2$$ But this is hard to solve as $\cot^4 \theta$ get's involved. Is there any other method to do this or any easy method to solve these?
Influenza A virus is a dreadful pathogen of animals and humans, causing widespread infection and severe morbidity and mortality. It is essential to characterize the influenza A virus-host interaction and develop efficient counter measures against the viral infection. Autophagy is known as a catabolic process for the recycling of the cytoplasmic macromolecules. Recently, it has been shown that autophagy is a critical mechanism underlying the interaction between influenza A virus and its host. Autophagy can be induced by the infection with influenza A virus, which is considered as a necessary process for the viral proliferation, including the accumulation of viral elements during the replication of influenza A virus. On the other hand, influenza A virus can inhibit the autophagic formation via interaction with the autophagy-related genes (Atg) and signaling pathways. In addition, autophagy is involved in the influenza virus-regulated cell deaths, leading to significant changes in host apoptosis. Interestingly, the high pathogenic strains of influenza A virus, such as H5N1, stimulate autophagic cell death and appear to interplay with the autophagy in distinct ways as compared with low pathogenic strains. This review discusses the regulation of autophagy, an influenza A virus driven process.
I have a shapefile with polygons and now, not sure why, most of the polygons became duplicated and overlaid, i.e. when i click to selected one, i get two selected... How do i identify those polygons and remove them?
Thank you, China._____________________________________________________________________POLITICAL/GENERAL TIMELINE (corresponds with War, but does not include any war related things)July 4th: Americans celebrate Independence Day in the USA.July 5th: The USA tries to gain support in the UN, which is hard to do because fo China's protests. But, United Kingdom, Japan, part of the EU, Mexico, Canada, and South Africa settle agreements with the USA to supply them with weapons in exchange for about $300 to $1,000 dollars per firearm. Canada and Mexico also have made a bigger agreement to supply with supplies in exchange for oil.July 7th: The USA agrees to a military agreement with the Bahamas for about $100 million. They have station in the Bahamas, ready to launch another invasion on southern China, however, President Gabe1e has delayed the invasion.July 9th: Propaganda posters recruit more Americans, some posters saying: "Uncle Sam is watching! Stop the Reds!"July 10th: Americans celebrate President Gabe1e's birthday, rejoicing, boosting morale among troops and civilians.July 11th: The Chinese population before the war in the USA was 3.8 million, about 2.3 million were immigrants, and 1.5 just came in a year. That 1.5 million population has decreased to about 560 thousand, most immigrants in hiding trying to escape the US. July 12th: President Gabe1e makes a statement that any immigrant found will be shot on sight from now on. They had their chance to be deported.July 14th: President Gabe1e speaks to the Russia and the United Kingdom on ganging support against China's protest. Russia refuses to help due to them being more favorable to China, but the UK agrees to help.July 19th: 560 thousand recent Chinese immigrants has decreased to 280 thousand. Decreasing due to executions, being shot when found, or some actually escaping to Mexico/Canada.July 22nd: President Gabe1e pressures Mexico and China to pass the same Quit-China act as before. They refuse because they don't want to get involved in the war too much to the point where China declares war on them. Canada/Mexico is recieving many Chinese immigrants escaping the US due to this.______________________________________________________________________WAR TIMELINE (Battles only)Operation Overlord IIJuly 4th: 6,000 Apache helicopters and F-35s (total) attack hostile forces on the peninsula, while 2 aircraft carriers holding 300,000 reinforcements, 500 tanks, 1,000 AFVs, and 500 MLRs each are sent and land on the coast while aircraft distracts enemy forces.1:34 AM (July 5th): The army lands on the coast, they are split into Hawk and Eagle. They push the peninsula.1:37 AM: Multiple blackouts by the cyber warfare team happens, no problem for American forces, they have ATN night vision goggles and thermal goggles with them.July 5th: 1,500 Bradley IFVs are sent to accompany the troops, this is a type of anti-tank vehicle for any armored vehicles.8:00 AM: Chinese troops, exhausted, are overwhelmed at Qingdao by fresher US troops, they are outnumbered immensely as well.July 6th: Chinese SAMs are proving to be an issue for aircraft. About 100 "Commandos" (split up into squads) are sent to try to sneak by the enemy and destroy them with explosives. 1:29 AM: Commandos are sent in while the Chinese are still tired and exhausted. 1:46 AM: Commandos have snuck past with no casualties behind enemy lines.2:12 AM: Commandos encountered some resistance and were spotted, but had barely any casualties.5:42 AM: SAMs, stationary at the moment are strapped with IEs, and then the Commandos move on.5:54 AM: Commandos blow up the SAMs.6:21 AM: With their presence alerted, they try to hold out as long as they can until evac comes.6:32 AM: The Commandos are evacuated with about 72 casualties.July 8th: AM: 2,000 more combined attack aircraft are sent and reinforce the troops.July 9th: Qingdao is finally taken over by US troops who have casualties. Their orders are to wait for reinforcements and dig in.Operation Eagle TalonJuly 12th: 2 Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit's (strategic stealth bombers) are sent over the Jining area, they have one order, which is to bomb the enemy defenses as much as possible and then pull out when us troops come in.9:35 AM: The B-2s arrive, and bomb the area.11:12 AM: After about an hour or two of bombing defenses, they are out of missiles and pull out.12:03 AM: US troops land on the coast in an aircraft carrier carrying 500,000 troops, 3,000 AFVs, 1,000 Bradley IFVs. They are also accompanied by 4,100 BAE Systems Hawk and F-35s.12:07 AM: Blackouts continue along the coastal area. Chinese troops are confused, but have communication.1:47 AM: US troops secure the Shanghai area, and keep pushing.___________________________________________________________________Mass navy production: Submarines are being mass produced in America, and more aircraft carriers along with destroyers are being produced for more war efforts.Diplomacy:As the war rages on, Russia and the USA are not friendly with each other. However, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Mexico agree to supply the Americans, but do not agree to join in the war, they don't want to risk it, (and it's against the rules) and put their people in danger.Propaganda posters: Some propaganda posters look like these: and encourage Americans to join the army. So far it has been successful, recruiting millions of Americans across the United States, and showing that we have things under control.UN relations:The UN does not like us right now, but most of them supply us because we offer them money. The UK has helped try to clear up our name. This is not an alliance, it's an agreement.Economy:Economically, we could be doing better, the money used for the war is starting to worsen our economy a bit, and we want to improve that. We do not want our civilians to be slaves, however, so the USA is willing to trade for money. Gasoline is rationed, and food is not however, our industry is large in this category.Over to you, China.
What is the difference between Process's and Process' . Please mention the usage as well.
I'd like to be able to have categories of a custom post type, how do you set this up? update I want to keep the default categories for regular blog posts, but a separate set of categories just CPT.
How to Tex a table in the form? I'm not interested in the detail of the matrix content, just interested in the form of the matrix, especially how to put the arrows and labels outside the matrix. ![enter image description here]( Here is what I got so far: \left( \begin{array}{c|c|c|ccc} 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & \gets & \ket{1}\\ \hline 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & \gets & \ket{1}\\ \hline 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & \gets & \ket{1}\\ \hline 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & \gets & \ket{1}\\ \uparrow & \uparrow & \uparrow & \uparrow & & \\ \ket{1} & \ket{1} & \ket{1} & \ket{1} & & \end{array} \right) ![enter image description here](
in QGIS vectorlayers can be intersected. That is apparently done by ftools and seems to be integrated into the QGIS-program itself. That is different from many other functions that call GDAL-tools. I would like to intersect esri-shapefiles in a script and without having to load anything into QGIS. Is there a GDAL-tool or some other commandline-suite that will do this? It would be nice to have a tool that handles the shapefile natively (GDAL- tools do that) without having to import it or convert it to some internal format. An alternate solution would be a commandline-interface to ftools. THX stn
Stimulation of the antiviral response depends on the sensing of viral pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by specialized cellular proteins. During infection with RNA viruses, 5′-di- or -triphosphates accompanying specific single or double-stranded RNA motifs trigger signaling of intracellular RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) and initiate the antiviral response. Although these molecular signatures are present during the replication of many viruses, it is unknown whether they are sufficient for strong activation of RLRs during infection. Immunostimulatory defective viral genomes (iDVGs) from Sendai virus (SeV) are among the most potent natural viral triggers of antiviral immunity. Here we describe an RNA motif (DVG(70-114)) that is essential for the potent immunostimulatory activity of 5′-triphosphate-containing SeV iDVGs. DVG(70-114) enhances viral sensing by the host cell independently of the long stretches of complementary RNA flanking the iDVGs, and it retains its stimulatory potential when transferred to otherwise inert viral RNA. In vitro analysis showed that DVG(70-114) augments the binding of RIG-I to viral RNA and promotes enhanced RIG-I polymerization, thereby facilitating the onset of the antiviral response. Together, our results define a new natural viral PAMP enhancer motif that promotes viral recognition by RLRs and confers potent immunostimulatory activity to viral RNA.
I don't like manually entering PIN1 of SIM/UICC everytime I reboot my Android smartphone or switch SIM/UICC between multiple trusted devices. How to auto unlock SIM/UICC on my trusted devices? The case is similar to auto-decryption of external hard disks on trusted devices. **Update:** I don't want to remove security so that one needs to enter PIN on untrusted device.
I'm actually using OpenLayers and GeoServer to make a GIS application. For the moment, GeoWebCache is directly integrated into GeoServer, but for my future needs, I'll need to have it as a stand alone. I've dowloaded it and deployed it, but now I can't make it work. But I basically want to do is, for the moment, use it as a "firewall". Typically, in OpenLayers I have such requests : "," to retrieve WMS data. What I want to do, is to change this URL to make it point to the GeoWebCache stand-alone, and then the GeoWebCache stand-alone will call the right layers into GeoServer. I followed this documentation : But I can't make it work. I had no geowebcache.xml to test layer so I created one from github and put it into WEB-INF/classes, but it still does not work. Inside my geowebcache-core-context.xml I've added lines like this : <bean id="gwcWMSConfig" class="org.geowebcache.config.GetCapabilitiesConfiguration"> ... <constructor-arg value="http://;request=GetCapabilities&amp;version=1.1.0"> and this <bean id="gwcTLDispatcher" class="org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayerDispatcher"> .... <constructor-arg ref="gwcGridSetBroker"/> <constructor-arg ref="gwcWMSConfig"/> <constructor-arg ref="gwcXmlConfig"/> </bean> But still nothing is working, and I'm quite lost :'( ! Any help would be gladly appreciated :-)!
I did a subtraction of a data frame in ArcGIS using the following steps. I prepared a layout in ArcGIS. There is a lot of empty space at the top of layout page. So I want to remove this space. I used a graphic operation to remove it. 1. Created a graphic rectangle that the same size as the Data Frame 2. Created another rectangle covering empty space 3. Selected rectangle 2, then rectangle 1, and chose--> Graphic Opperations --> Subtract. 4. In the last step, I wanted to clip the subtracted image by "Outline of Selected graphic". But 'Outline of selected graphic' is not activated. I can't click it. I'm wondered why this is not activated? Thanks a lot.
Please extend my arguments. Thanks.
Is there anyway I can allow users to create their own WordPress multisite network on my multisite network? It will be a premium service and will work much like reseller hosting, where the customer will pay the distributor and the remaining goes to the middleman as profit. Thanks!
As the title says, is it possible to have a Riemannian Ricci flat compact manifold with $U(1)\times{}SU(2)\times{}SU(3) $ isometry group?
I have very little actual understanding of economics, yet I challenged you to this debate. It was foolish of me, and I don't know why the heck I did it. I clearly cannot defeat Pro in this debate. Therefore I concede defeat to my opponent.
OBV This is a normative resolution, thus the burden of proof falls on the both of us. Also, it is imperative that definitions account for the specific language in the resolution. Ban: Confiscate and outlaw, while placing penalties on owning said product, (in this case, guns.) Guns: Firearms. Framework We need weigh the impact of the general welfare of the people in today’s debate higher than any other impact. This is due to the fact that lives are priceless and the prevailing theories about debates such as this is that the number of people who are harmed by guns are a much bigger problem than the economy, which can always be fixed. Thus, if I can prove that the gun ban promotes the general welfare of the people, then the judges should feel comfortable to vote in my favor, and vice-versa for my opponent. Contention 1: Gun bans have been successful in reducing gun violence There is significant evidence pointing toward national gun bans to be the best way to reduce gun violence and crime. To see this, we turn toward Australia, the nation that has single-handedly decimated the gun violence in their own nation. This was accomplished by passing the National Firearms Agreement of 1996 as a reaction to the brutal massacre at a Tasmanian Seaside Resort (1). Harvard in 2007 reported that the result was that within 7 years of the installment of the sweeping policy that outlawed the majority of firearms and raised penalties for owning said weapons, the firearm suicide rate was cut in half from over 2/100,000 to 1.1/100,000 (1). This created a major dip in the total suicide rate not relating to firearms, as shown by the Guardian in June of 2016 when it states that the 1996 reforms resulted in the rising rate of suicides non-firearm suicides and homicides from 2.1% a year to 1.4% decline, which researchers attribute to the fact that people were not looking toward other methods of suicide or homicide (2). As previously mentioned, the rate of homicides also decreased significantly after the reforms were passed. The New York Times reports that despite the growing population of Australia, and the conservative nature of the government, these reforms did pass and resulted in the homicide rate decreasing by 50% in the decade after installment and has been on the decline since (3). Again, the rate of total homicide was shown to decrease as well, as criminals did not switch to another weapon to commit the crime they would have intended to have done (3). This can be attributed to the fact that guns are the most available type of weapon with a significant chance to inflict mortal damage. A knife is unwieldy and does not result in the same mortality rate as guns. The Annals of Emergency Medicine Journal in a 2003 report examined 4,122 patients and found that of those who were shot, 1/3 of them died, while only 7.7% died from knife wounds (4). It is harder to approach someone and aim for a vital organ without the victim knowing than it is to simply aim for a vital organ of said victim with a weapon. Given the fact that the majority of the guns used in homicides today are handguns, (as compiled from FBI data,) we can most definitely see that weapons which are small and fit in one’s hand are hard to see from the perspective of an unsuspecting victim (5). By decreasing the murder rate, we establish more peace in cities and suburbs that were fraught with gun violence beforehand, thus protecting the safety of the people and promoting the general welfare. We provide a safe environment for people to live in which ultimately means we protect their right to life without due process, as the taking of a life is in violation of this, which is again, promoting the general welfare of the people. Thus, one must cast a vote in the affirmation. Contention 2: Prevent gun accidents from occurring as well as lapses in judgement Gun accidents are prevalent in the status quo, much to the ire of many people. What is more disturbing is who fall victim in these gun accidents. Slate magazine quoted David Hemmingway in his book Private Guns, Public Health of the University of Michigan Press in 2006 which states that children are nine times more likely to die by gun accident in the US than any other nation in the developed world (6). These are preventable circumstances and should never occur as the children are our future educators, lawyers, and basically our entire job force. Despite the fact that there are training methods for children to prevent accidents like these from occurring, there is significant evidence to the contrary. Hardy MS of the Eckerd College in St. Petersburg FL in a report showed that out of 34 children aged 4-7, even after given the safety program, over 50% of them actually played with a firearm when given an opportunity to do so (7). With over 1 million children living in a household where a firearm is unlocked and not put away, or loaded according to the International Business Times in January of 2016, we can see that the current gun culture has ruined many people’s lives (8). However, this brings us to the question, of whether there is a safe way to store a firearm. The answer is a resounding no. The American Journal of Epidemiology found correlations between owning a firearm and increased chance of homicide, and suicide. Specifically speaking, nearly ¾ of suicide victims lived in a household with a gun, which is the same for 42% of homicide victims (9). What is more disturbing is the fact that a huge portion of the homicides were attributed to family disagreements, making up over 30% of homicides (9). People are simply not rational to be able to be under the stress of society, their job, their family, and their own hopes to own a weapon and assume that they will use it correctly. This is especially true if we look at American Medical News which reports in 2010 that there are about 15 million adults with depression in a given year, many of whom will not receive treatment (10). In fact, a 201 Live-science article reports that half of the depressed population does not get the treatment they need (11). This certainly has a correlation with the suicide rate and shows that Americans simply cannot own weapons in the way we want to in the status quo with millions of guns in circulation. In other words, we prevent the people who need psychological help from committing suicide while providing for the welfare of children and guaranteeing that the American people are not as likely to die from their own weapons. Thus, I am upholding the framework which states that we care about the people that will be effected by the resolution, ultimately leading to an obvious vote in the affirmation. Contention 3: Upholding life It is the sworn duty of the government to uphold the and protect the rights of the people so they do not become slaves to an oppressive and abusive government. By affirming, we do this because we set a precedent for upholding the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as outlined by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence (12). These principles are ingrained in American culture as the unalienable rights that all people are entitled to, and that all threats to those rights are, by nature, not in the best nature of the US. In fact, these are such American ideals that they are represented in the constitution by the Due Process clause in the constitution, meaning that everyone has these unalienable rights unless proven guilty of a crime worthy of having those rights taken away, and the 14th amendment which repeated the fact that everyone is equal under the law and has the right to life, liberty, and property. These ideas are based on the philosophy of John Locke, an enlightenment figure who inspired the creation of our government (13). This leads us to realize that by not holding up the job of the government, we are suppressing the people’s rights by allowing copious gun violence to continue and thus violating their autonomous right to life without due process of law. In this way, the US has an obligation to fix this problem posthaste and stop the violation of rights in the US, thus promoting the general welfare by giving people what they were promised by the political documents that established our country. Conclusion We need to affirm the resolution and save lives that would be lost without our ability to counter the threat. By doing so we prevent homicides, suicides, accidents, lapses of judgement, and to protect the rights of the American people from further encroachment. I have shown that under the affirmative world, the general welfare is upheld and thus, fulfilling my burden of proof, thank you. Sources 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 6. ( 7. ( 8. ( 9. ( 10. ( 11. ( 12. ( 13. (
I'm trying to develop a new feature for open source application. But the existing application uses different APIs like Qt and KDE3. And more over the existing files are also very complexand depend on each other. e.g I wanted to create an object of PlaylistBox::Item but its constructor is protected. So I searched the codebase using grep, there is one line that uses this class, but then there are initialization variables of this constructor. Now how do I create these variables when I don't have any use and way to initialize them. My constructor on github, SyncList::SyncList(QWidget* parent)//: PlaylistBox(player,parent,stack) now how do I initialize these variables of PlaylistBox. This is the link to PlaylistBox constructor PlaylistBox::PlaylistBox(PlayerManager *player, QWidget *parent, QStackedWidget *playlistStack) : and this is PlaylistBox::Item in same file playlistbox.cpp#L775 PlaylistBox::Item::Item(PlaylistBox *listBox, const QString &icon, const QString &text, Playlist *l) This was just an example case where I face problem. I want to know the basic approach to read such huge and interconnected codebases where one class inherits another and so on. How do I figure out which class should I use. I keep on trying different values hoping one of them will fix it, but clearly I'm doing it totally wrong way.
Possibly this is a very lame question for this site. There is a function $f(n)=-\ln(a*n); \space \Bbb Z \to \Bbb R$, and I want to define $a$ for pairs of values. For example: $f_1(n_1)=15; f_1(n_5)=1.157$ $f_2(n_1)=454; f_2(n_8)=1.0042$ and so on. How can I write a function that could calculate $a$ values from the starting values?
I would like to state an ARIMA(0,1,4)x(0,1,1) model (written in format (p,d,q)x(P,D,Q) model without using the backshift operator. Thanks in advance
> **No coffee, no workee** What does that expression exactly mean? And how do you pronounce it?
I think Microsoft is far from being the next IBM. Keep in mind mobile hardware isn't for everyone, even Amazon abandoned it. Microsoft has done a great job with their cloud platforms, revamping the microsoft office suite to compete with google's, their entire surface line of laptops and tablets, purchasing linkedin, etc. I would say they are making the right and relevant moves to not only stay relevant but shake up the status quo that they were living in for a long time.
I can't figure out how I could complete the Montreal mission without killing guards. They all stay together so if I stun one they wake him back up. I tried a YouTube search but didn't see anyone do it there either. Any tips? The only thing I could think was to use invisibility a lot.
How do I specify the exact position of a float? I am not talking about the [t],[b],[h!] etc operators, I want to specify the exact position of the float, i.e. 15cm from top and 15cm from left. Regards
Previous studies have demonstrated that synchronising movements with other people can influence affiliative behaviour towards them. While research has focused on synchronisation with visually observed movement, synchronisation with a partner who is heard may have similar effects. We replicate findings showing that synchronisation can influence ratings of likeability of a partner, but demonstrate that this is possible with virtual interaction, involving a video of a partner. Participants performed instructed synchrony in time to sounds instead of the observable actions of another person. Results show significantly higher ratings of likeability of a partner after moving at the same time as sounds attributed to that partner, compared with moving in between sounds. Objectively quantified synchrony also correlated with ratings of likeability. Belief that sounds were made by another person was manipulated in Experiment 2, and results demonstrate that when sounds are attributed to a computer, ratings of likeability are not affected by moving in or out of time. These findings demonstrate that interaction with sound can be experienced as social interaction in the absence of genuine interpersonal contact, which may help explain why people enjoy engaging with recorded music.
I have installed a WordPress multisite subdomain network site, so for some blog, it can be accessed with this address I tried to install theme, but it can't access all image used in the theme folder. Is there anythings i need to set up first? such as multisite settings or maybe using .htaccess?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Best practices for identifying the unknown coordinate system of a Shapefile It would be helpful to mention what information is needed to perform each technique. What are situations in which this may happen, and the best ways to deal with it?
For example, I have three variables: A, B, C. I analysis the partial correlation between A and B while controlling C (expressed as A~B[C]), and the partial correlation between A and C while controlling B (expressed as A~C[B]). The result shows that the correlation coefficient of A~B[C] is 0.67, p-value < 0.001, however, the p-value of A~C[B] also < 0.001, but the correlation coefficient is small, only 0.02. Could I explain as: at a given variable C level, A is more possibly determined by B rather than C?
I need to find out orientation of buildings and perform simplification of sides of buildings with a tolerance. I came to know from StackExchange that OpenCarto has useful libraries for geometrical functions.Basically i have stored data in PostGIS. Is there any possibility to use Opencarto Java Library to perform this on buildings? I thinks it is possible to connect Java with PostGIS through JDBC driver. Cheers, Sanjeewa.
I played Galaxy On Fire 2 on my iPhone and I bought the PC Version via Steam. Now I have a Android tablet and I'm curious to know how to transfer the save games to the PC and the tablet. Unfortunately a request to the customer support didn't help. They claimed that the exchange of save games just works for Apple devices through iCloud sync. What a shame! I already tried to just copy the data but on the PC the game didn't work properly when loading them.
I have two coherent point sources of light, $A$ and $B$, separated by a distance $L$, which I focus down to the diffraction limit using a high-powered objective (e.g. a $\approx 100x$ objective). If I turn on $A$ and turn off $B$, I have an Airy disk at position $c_1$, and I turn off $A$ and I turn on $B$, I have an Airy disk at position $c_2$. Given that both light sources are sent through the same objective, what is the minimum distance between $c_1$ and $c_2$? Is it simply $L$ scaled down by the objective (i.e. $\frac{L}{100}$)? Or does something odd happen because of e.g. curvature of the lens in the objective? EDIT: A restatement of this question would be the following - Assuming all of the optics are perfect, if I shine a laser at a point (x,y) on an objective, and then shine the laser at a point (x2,y2), will the peak of the Airy disk move the same distance?
There are several simple and widely used upper bounds on the tail of the hypergeometric distribution, including $P(X > E[X]+tn) <= e^{-2t^{2}n}$, where X is hypergeometric with parameters N, M, and n. (Thinking of the hypergeometric as describing sampling from a population, N is the population size, M is the number of "interesting" items, n is the size of the sample we draw, and X is the number of interesting items in the sample.) This amusing paper is a good summary: > Matthew Skala. Hypergeometric tail inequalities: ending the insanity, 2009. It appears to be an unpublished manuscript, but is available at However, I've been unable to find a simple and reasonably tight lower bound on that same tail probability. Anyone know one?
I was trying to set up different menus based on what category "page" you were on using the built in Wordpress menu editor. In my header file I set up: <?php if (is_home()) { $menu = 'home';} elseif($post->post_name='category-aviation'){ $menu = 'aviation';} elseif($post->post_name='category-anti-terrorism'){ $menu = 'anti-terrorism';} elseif($post->post_name='asbestos'){ $menu = 'asbestos';} elseif($post->post_name='burn-pits'){ $menu = 'burn-pits';} elseif($post->post_name='catastropic-injury'){ $menu = 'catastrophic-injury';} elseif($post->post_name='medical'){ $menu = 'medical';} elseif($post->post_name='securities'){ $menu = 'securities';} //get_category_by_slug('aviation') ?> And I was calling the menu like: <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => "$menu" , 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'container_class' => 'menu-header' ) ); ?> I set up the functions.php file with: function show_posts_nav() { global $wp_query; return ($wp_query->max_num_pages > 1); add_action( 'init', 'register_my_menus' ); } if ( function_exists( 'register_nav_menus' ) ) { register_nav_menus( array( 'home' => 'The Home Menu', 'aviation' => 'Aviation', 'anti-terrorism' => 'Anti-Terrorism', 'asbestos' => 'Asbestos', 'burn-pits' => 'Burn Pits', 'catastrophic-injury' => 'Catastrophic .Injury', 'medical' => 'Medical', 'securities' => 'Securities' ) ); } None of the menus are showing up however. Am I doing something wrong here? I know the body class is set to "class="archive category category-aviation category-5 logged-in admin-bar" when I am on the aviation page.
I have an Ubuntu 11.04 server in a remote location on another continent, so I have no physical access to it. I only interact with it by `ssh` (and `scp`), and intend to only ever interact with it that way. For security purposes, I want to ensure that absolutely all ports on the server are closed, except for `ssh`. My understanding is still vague, despite having tried to find instructions on the web. What I've gathered so far is that I need to "flush" the "iptables", and also that I need to edit some files (`/etc/hosts`, maybe?), and reboot the machine. Obviously, though, I want to be very careful about this, because if I do it wrong, I could end up accidentally shutting down the ssh port, making the server inaccessible to me. If that happens, I have to go to the server administrator, who will reinstall the server, and make fun of me in the process. I'm not a server admin guru by any stretch, so I'm looking to establish a fool proof set of steps before I do this. So, how do I shut down all ports while still preserving my access? _**Bonus question:_** While doing this, should I, and can I, change the `ssh` port from 22 to a non-standard one? Does it really make a difference?
First of all, my post is related to : Link 1 and Link 2 I made my custom taxonomy page. My Custom Taxonomy Page link is > //localhost/myproject/?motion=aamir-khan This page is custom taxonomy page ( note : no custom page , only custom taxonomy ) But now there is a new requirement of a custom search page in which only my custom taxonomy data will be searched. For example, if any one search "aamir khan", "salman khan", then after submittion, on my custom search button, the same page should be seen as of my custom taxonomy, not default wordpress search page Hence I added the custom search form below in my header : <form role="customsearch" method="get" id="customsearchform" action="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>"> <div> <label for="s">Search for:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="motion" id="motion" /> <input type="submit" id="customsearchsubmit" value="Search Motion" /> </div> </form> I have placed above custom search button in my header.php Hence, if any one search with "aamir khan", then the custom taxonomy page should be seen, but I am getting > Page not found Why page not found? Because, after searching with my custom search form, the link generated is: > //localhost/myproject/?motion=aamir+khan where, as my custom taxonomy page link generated is: > //localhost/myproject/?motion=aamir-khan The same when any one search for "salman khan" or any other data: > //localhost/myproject/?motion=salman+khan but my actual custom taxonomy link generated is: > //localhost/myproject/?motion=salman-khan In short, if after I've searched, I want my url to be with `-`, not with `+` I want custom search only for my custom taxonomy data page, hence, if url rewriting, then only for custom search form Note: my default search should not be effected , as I want that too in my website, hence, one wordpress default search button, and another my custom search button, which is only for my custom taxonomy page.
We construct a stochastic SIR model for influenza spreading on a D-dimensional lattice, which represents the dynamic contact network of individuals. An age distributed population is placed on the lattice and moves on it. The displacement from a site to a nearest neighbor empty site, allows individuals to change the number and identities of their contacts. The dynamics on the lattice is governed by an attractive interaction between individuals belonging to the same age-class. The parameters, which regulate the pattern dynamics, are fixed fitting the data on the age-dependent daily contact numbers, furnished by the Polymod survey. A simple SIR transmission model with a nearest neighbors interaction and some very basic adaptive mobility restrictions complete the model. The model is validated against the age-distributed Italian epidemiological data for the influenza A(H1N1) during the [Image: see text] season, with sensible predictions for the epidemiological parameters. For an appropriate topology of the lattice, we find that, whenever the accordance between the contact patterns of the model and the Polymod data is satisfactory, there is a good agreement between the numerical and the experimental epidemiological data. This result shows how rich is the information encoded in the average contact patterns of individuals, with respect to the analysis of the epidemic spreading of an infectious disease.
> **Possible Duplicate:** > 3D bodies in TikZ How can I draw the following diagram in latex (obviously will look better when drawn in latex), considering I would like to annotate the diagram with text and arrows etc? ![enter image description here]( The main difficulties i'm facing is finding an efficient way of drawing a cone, for example when I draw this in powerpoint I had to insert a triangle and then overlay a circle to create the cone. There must be a better way in latex, with tikz?
> We discussed socialism **as allowed by law**. A learner on ELL asked whether it is “socialism or the discussion itself” which is _allowed_ by law. I responded that the phrase could only be understood as involving “legally allowed discussion” if “set off with a comma (or expressed with corresponding comma-intonation in speech) or moved to an earlier position”; > without a comma, _as allowed by law_ is understood to be a restrictive > modifier on _socialism_ : what we discussed might be expressed as “legally > allowed socialism”. I think that absent some contrary context I was substantially correct. On consideration, however, another angle on this occurs to me: that the meaning of the _as_ clause does in a sense ‘overflow’ onto the verb: it is not merely _socialism_ which is restricted to a specific aspect of that topic but the discussion of it as well. I was in part prompted to this reflection by another question, raised first on ELL and subsequently in somewhat different form on Linguistics: Do predicative adjuncts modify nouns or verbs. The very cogent answer provided may not be directly relevant but it is at least suggestive. How do we parse _as_ clauses like these? > We discussed socialism **as allowed by law**. > **As written** , the sentence implies that it is socialism which is allowed > by law. ADDED: > That is, supposing that it is given that we are discussing socialism **_only > insofar as socialism is allowed by law_** and not as it is in other > contexts, does not that also imply that _discuss_ as well as _socialism_ is > modified by the clause _as allowed by law_? And if it is given that it a > sentence has certain implications **_only insofar as the sentence is treated > as a written text_** and not under other categories, does not that also > imply that _implies_ as well as _sentence_ is modified by _as written_? And does it make any difference if we write > We discussed socialism **as it is allowed by law**. > **As it is written** , the sentence implies that it is socialism which is > allowed by law.
`ls` option `\--group-directories-first` causes directories to be listed on the top, which makes the output of `ls` nice and clean: ls -l --group-directories-first However, it does not act on `symlinks`, which are actually `symlinks` to directories. There is a possibility to use ls -l -L --group-directories-first which will list both kind of directories on top, but will not distinguish between proper directory and symlinked directory, which is again confusing. Can `ls` display symlinked directories on top, while still keeping them distinct from regular directories? **EDIT:** I am using `bash`.
I have a build computer where Visual Studio not installed, only MSbuild which can build VS2008 projcets without having any Visual Studio installed. I wonder whether it is possible to use MSbuild with VC++ 6.0 project files, although I am thinking this could not be possible. In the past I have used it with a VS2008 solution file for C++, but not for building C++ 6.0 dsw file. For Vb6 we have an extension package for Msbuild (MSBuild.ExtensionPack.VisualStudio.VB6). Is anything similar available for C++ 6.0 projects? An alternative could be if there are lightweight build tools that can built VC6++ .dsw files without having to install Visual Studio 6.0 ?
I'm trying to fit a line+exponential curve to some data. As a start, I tried to do this on some artificial data. The function is: $$y=a+b\cdot r^{(x-m)}+c\cdot x$$ It is effectively an exponential curve with a linear section, as well as an additional horizontal shift parameter ( _m_ ). However, when I use R's `nls()` function I get the dreaded " _singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates_ " error, even if I use the same parameters that I used to generate the data in the first place. I've tried the different algorithms, different starting values and tried to use `optim` to minimise the residual sum of squares, all to no avail. I've read that a possible reason for this could be an over-parametrisation of the formula, but I don't think it is (is it?) Does anyone have a suggestion for this problem? Or is this just an awkward model? A short example: #parameters used to generate the data reala=-3 realb=5 realc=0.5 realr=0.7 realm=1 x=1:11 #x values - I have 11 timepoint data #linear+exponential function y=reala + realb*realr^(x-realm) + realc*x #add a bit of noise to avoid zero-residual data jitter_y = jitter(y,amount=0.2) testdat=data.frame(x,jitter_y) #try the regression with similar starting values to the the real parameters linexp=nls(jitter_y~a+b*r^(x-m)+c*x, data=testdat, start=list(a=-3, b=5, c=0.5, r=0.7, m=1), trace=T) Thanks!
I am a beginner and am currently developing a kind of cms using PHP. The number of libraries that we can potentially use in the front end is large. I have a question about properly selecting, managing and using front end asset libraries. I don't think just including a bunch of front end libraries like this is the best approach: <script src="library1" /></script> <script src="library2" /></script> <script src="library3" /></script> // and soon.. What if we use, let's say 20 ? Is that good practice, declaring the script tags 20 times ? What I do currently is use `Assetic`, a php library for managing assets. I create a dump file (and cache it) for each request to my application before loading a template. My controller (I use MVC) could be something like this: function indexAction() { // some logic $assetManager = $this->get('assetic'); // get assetic service $css = $assetManager->createAsset(array( '@bootstrap', '@jquery_ui' // and many other library )); $assetContent = $css->dump(); // create asset url, dont mind about this $data['stylesheet'] = $this->createAssetUrl($assetContent); return $this->render('index-template', $data); } And in the template (index-template), I could put kind of: <link href="<?php echo $stylesheet ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> I do that in almost every controller to include a bunch of assets to view. But I am not sure if this is the best method. Are there any better practical method that I don't know ?
Why does China support Masood Azhar?
I discovered that if I copy the auto-generated kickstart file in CentOS Linux, I could re-install CentOS Linux without having to fill stuff, and so on.. It appears centos saves the auto-generated kickstart file to `/root/anaconda- ks.cfg` Let's see what it looks like: # Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda. #version=DEVEL install harddrive --partition=UUID=94A9-D1AE --dir=/ lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us network --onboot no --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6 network --onboot no --device wlan0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6 rootpw --iscrypted $6$wWTsHJyQ8Fe88fWk$v6u7X.WanDxPm26FJCi9gCwWXlwRg9tQze25uGk150W4BHLKcGRkcgFn4lRGowrXl1C0LlBQCOLxR9sx3Rjw20 firewall --service=ssh authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 selinux --enforcing timezone --utc America/New_York bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda,sdb --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet" # The following is the partition information you requested # Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed # here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is # not guaranteed to work #clearpart --all --drives=sda #volgroup VolGroup --pesize=4096 pv.008002 #logvol / --fstype=ext4 --name=lv_root --vgname=VolGroup --grow --size=1024 --maxsize=51200 #logvol swap --name=lv_swap --vgname=VolGroup --grow --size=7840 --maxsize=7840 #part /boot --fstype=ext4 --size=500 #part pv.008002 --grow --size=1 #part None --fstype=efi --label="LIVE" --onpart=sdb1 --noformat repo --name="CentOS" --baseurl=hd:UUID=94A9-D1AE:/ --cost=100 %packages --nobase @core %end To make this work better, I simply added interactive right above the `install` line on top. so that I can see what it is doing. Looks like it didn't auto fill the root-password. so let's remove the encrypted password and add a plain text password and then test again. Looks like it didn't select "use all space" So let's uncomment the commented lines towards the bottom portion. Looks like there are errors, I was forced to quit installation and reboot. Here is a final version that works okay. Only some lines were uncommented, and root password was changed to plain text. it is now Use All Space during the installation proces. I also added `interactive` line to it. # Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda. #version=DEVEL interactive install harddrive --partition=UUID=94A9-D1AE --dir=/ lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us network --onboot no --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6 network --onboot no --device wlan0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6 rootpw aaaaaa firewall --service=ssh authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 selinux --disabled timezone --utc America/Los_Angeles bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda,sdb --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet" # The following is the partition information you requested # Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed # here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is # not guaranteed to work clearpart --all --initlabel part /boot --fstype=ext4 --size=500 part None --fstype=efi --label="LIVE" --onpart=sdb1 --noformat repo --name="CentOS" --baseurl=hd:UUID=94A9-D1AE:/ --cost=100 %packages --nobase @core %end Everthing works great but it is not selecting the target hard drive, and placing a dot into the Boot thing. In other words the final step has to be done manually by hand. What should be done so that it can select the target drive and also ensure selected as the boot drive ?
I tried to build bfilter from source, but get the following error: make all-recursive make[1]: Entering directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4' Making all in binreloc make[2]: Entering directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/binreloc' make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/binreloc' Making all in foundation make[2]: Entering directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/foundation' make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/foundation' Making all in boost make[2]: Entering directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost' Making all in libs make[3]: Entering directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost/libs' Making all in regex make[4]: Entering directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost/libs/regex' make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost/libs/regex' Making all in program_options make[4]: Entering directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost/libs/program_options' /bin/bash ../../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../boost -DBOOST_MULTI_INDEX_DISABLE_SERIALIZATION -DNDEBUG -Os -Wall -Wno-unused -pthread -MT config_file.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/config_file.Tpo -c -o config_file.lo `test -f 'src/config_file.cpp' || echo './'`src/config_file.cpp g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../boost -DBOOST_MULTI_INDEX_DISABLE_SERIALIZATION -DNDEBUG -Os -Wall -Wno-unused -pthread -MT config_file.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/config_file.Tpo -c src/config_file.cpp -o config_file.o In file included from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply.hpp:23:0, from ../../../boost/boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp:34, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/eof_iterator.hpp:9, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/detail/config_file.hpp:17, from src/config_file.cpp:10: ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp:81:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp:173:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" In file included from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/bind.hpp:27:0, from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/lambda.hpp:18, from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply.hpp:25, from ../../../boost/boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp:34, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/eof_iterator.hpp:9, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/detail/config_file.hpp:17, from src/config_file.cpp:10: ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp:81:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp:173:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" In file included from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/lambda.hpp:18:0, from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply.hpp:25, from ../../../boost/boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp:34, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/eof_iterator.hpp:9, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/detail/config_file.hpp:17, from src/config_file.cpp:10: ../../../boost/boost/mpl/bind.hpp:364:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" ../../../boost/boost/mpl/bind.hpp:531:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" In file included from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/lambda.hpp:22:0, from ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply.hpp:25, from ../../../boost/boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp:34, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/eof_iterator.hpp:9, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/detail/config_file.hpp:17, from src/config_file.cpp:10: ../../../boost/boost/mpl/aux_/full_lambda.hpp:230:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" In file included from ../../../boost/boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp:34:0, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/eof_iterator.hpp:9, from ../../../boost/boost/program_options/detail/config_file.hpp:17, from src/config_file.cpp:10: ../../../boost/boost/mpl/apply.hpp:138:31: error: missing binary operator before token "(" make[4]: *** [config_file.lo] Error 1 make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost/libs/program_options' make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost/libs' make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4/boost' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/myuser/Downloads/bfilter-1.1.4' make: *** [all] Error 2 Any idea how to fix this?
My LAN server won't let my cousin join me or me join my cousin. It won't show up on the multiplayer screen - it keeps saying "scanning for LAN servers" but it never finds it. I am at his house and we use different computers but it won't connect. How can I fix this?
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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