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Predict the Emotion behind this message i can feel that she smiled i love you even more gorgeous
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i continue to define and discover what home can mean here in amsterdam whenever i feel a pang of blank sickness it is more in line with missing the cultural mindset of american city life which is much different from the cultural mindset of amsterdam
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i make an arcade i have a very simple purpose and that is to try to make it feel absolutely comfortable physically emotionally practically and absolutely
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i was feeling over eager and hopped on to the tube to ride the eye of london
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i go online and i see a friend talking to another one and is not talking to me i feel ignored i feel unloved
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i am not monitoring what i have to say about anything if you ever come across any of my blogs and feel offended please dont stop by here again
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i want to feel safe and well and that maybe just maybe theres a small chance my i can feel joy and my dreams can come true
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling cranky
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i also think it is puzzling that after this particular administrator has singled me out for praise on my ability to get my students to read that he feels that ssr time is not a productive use of class time
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel stressed always
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i remember feeling another cramp but i also ignored it
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i hope i feel mellow well fed well slept at peace with myself within this external world
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i have also learned it takes a lot of effort and positive thinking for me not to break down in tears over feeling exhausted and guilty for not being a better mom
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling awful because we hung out with my friend and her new baby the day before
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel very relaxed and fine
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel the suffering and i really feel the pain
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i go to sleep i feel as if i m giving up precious time to do something else with my life
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i ve been neglecting my beloved mom blog
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i shalt say we did cos i din feel a thing when he wrote hw he is keen on xxx
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i just feel terrified like im on the edge of a precipice staring ahead
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel totally listless exams have come and gone and now i have a whole five or so months in front of me with no uni and free time
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel furious that right to life advocates can and do tell me how to live and die through lobbying and supporting those politicians sympathic to their views
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel as if i was abused in some way
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im still paying attention but i feel distracted
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im hesitant to make suggestions because i feel as if the outcome would not be sincere
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i can feel myself gaining control over the damaged goods aspects of my personal security
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i was that i bombed that first interview i left the second interview feeling pretty fan freaking tastic
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i think its kind of taken us this long to build up a good inventory of sauces oils spices and other non perishables to feel like we have a chance at making something delicious without having to specifically go out and buy every single item in a recipe
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i now feel i can advise other dads whose children will soon become teenagers it s not cool to pull up to your kid s high school to pick them up in a smelly jalopy with plants coming out the windows
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel victimized by the drag on our country with heads in the sand traditionalists i hesitate to call them conservatives for fear of offending real honest to god conservatives who still think the world was created years ago and that stuff like skeletal remains are some kind of hoax
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i would feel lucky to call any of the materials and kits on your site mine they are just beautifully curated
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i have been for my bloods which proved the reason i was feeling so lethargic and rubbish was that i am low on iron so i have now been prescribed iron tablets
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i have my own mind and i feel like my mind is dangerous to my life
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel as if i should be punished for neglecting you
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i ve lost some of my main roots i feel less secure emotionally financially and socially
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i should just bite the bullet and do it but every time i think about it i feel stressed because im not fully supported on my decisions
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i know i have some obnoxiously immature sounding verbal tics and my voice is kind of nasal and i don t always come across like the sharpest tool in the shed especially when i m feeling awkward but there s knowing and there s knowing you know
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message id just had a terrible nightmare and was feeling a little disturbed
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i didnt want to walk passed there just in case the customers feel disturbed
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i want other sufferers to be able to find me in the hope that my battle can help them to feel that they are not alone
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i am feeling exceptionally reluctant to go to school tomorrow even though its monday and the timetable is pretty good
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i am so festive this feels so delicious wheeeeee what a great night
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i am not looking forward to being beaten down to feeling like a disappointment to my husband or to the emotional pain
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im sick of feeling crappy
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i almost convinced myself this is going to be the pattern
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel a perverse pride in my self control that i managed to stay where i was ordered and not reach for the tempting human flesh so close before us
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel so impatient so easily annoyed so outraged by the blatant defiance that seems to be olivias most prominent characteristic these days
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i was positively giddy when the kids left this morning after our very last official class of the year but now im feeling a little sad
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i mainly like to text because i feel like i am so much more clever with the written word rather than the spoken
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i seriouly feel i am not being respected i dont have my privacy i am being ordered around
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i said in the words of a devotee that i feel relieved when i hear the your title as deen bandhu as i am the most fallen person but i become afraid at your title of uplifter of devotees as i don t consider myself to be a true devotee and hence unworthy to benefit from the aspect of your personality
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i personalities that can feel pain and suffering
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i guess i would feel more like joseph with walt trusting me to care for mother and over the finances which he did six months before he died there are times i want to defend my self but god makes me be quiet
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i was warming up starting feeling a little lethargic
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel excelent but sometimes theres just nothing to do especially since im not really keen on video games anymore i watch a bit of anime and some movies but theres just got to be more in my life
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i wonder if this is what master is feeling i am r wanting and eager to please and i am master who could very much enjoy his my attentions but won t because it is wrong as i he has no desire to return his my affections
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling a little bit more positive now as things were quite hard at first as my savings were eaten up quickly with costs and i didnt want to become a burden to my boyfriend but weve come out the other end and im feeling brighter and more inspired about things to come
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im just feeling rather sentimental right now and just have to say i feel so lucky to be maxs mom
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i make myself show up and feel isolated in the crowd ill know i was wrong about the anti social feeling
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message ive learned how to turn off all my emotions more and more and i often find myself feeling completely blank while my mother is crying continuously over my suicidalness
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i can understand that you may feel youd rather not do your bit for the vulnerable and homeless in london in that precise way
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i can finally stop feeling listless and like a waste of space
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i know im feeling agitated as it is from a side effect of the too high dose
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i do feel a shift in me to being more positive
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i am feeling brave enough
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message fear of thief
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel clever nov
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i always spend more money there than i mean to and feel dissatisfied when i exit the store
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling really quite angry
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel really ashamed
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i finally left feeling judged and ridiculed because i am intelligent
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i is starting to feel a bit insulted by this stranger
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i have many days where i feel hopeless today the light at the end of my yellow brick road was shining just a little brighter
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i actually feel sorrowful
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i see women wearing boots i feel envious that i want to curse them
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i began to feel each of my senses dull until the cold black unconsciousness over came me
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i was so honoured that this young woman felt comfortable enough to ask me i had kind of a faux hawk thing going on back then so i must have looked dykey enough for her to feel safe talking to me
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i do have to wonder when you re cast as a caveman and you re told you re perfect for the part do you feel insulted or complimented
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel convinced plus so many diverse price tags that i feel sure everyone should come up with the funds to have their plot to be lighted up relatively economically
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel empty when the baby isnt there
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i stopped feeling so exhausted a href http provokingbeauty
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling font friendly
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i had my hand on my beads consciously breathing consciously working to feel calm about my list of things to accomplish that afternoon
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i always feel intimidated by other people especially when they always compare me to other people ever since i was young
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i be made to feel rotten
sadness |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i started feeling hostile and i am checking my hemorrhoids
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i love wearing new shoes i just feel so glamourous and when i get a pair of designer shoes i love the box and all the trimmings that come with them
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i just love the feeling of something warmly hugging you and feeling so precious and small precious to someone something
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling far more mellow than normal
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i became more dismayed as i studied what people were wearing and started feeling like though some of the outfits were gorgeous they were bought that way
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i dont want to wax them off and draw them in or anything i just need to not have a unibrow and maybe get rid of the few spare hairs creeping down toward my eyelid if im feeling brave
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling lucky width li style border px list style outside margin px px
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i woke up feeling confident and watched the bodypump dvd to gather some coaching tips and compulsory cues
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i didnt say was that strong feelings always make me skeptical at first
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i want to talk to you about but with the limited time we have on the phone and with our current arrangment i feel hesitant to bring it up
fear |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i am beginning to feel that theres a good chance i might pass
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i have a little more control and can help sweet pea better if i know what is ahead
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i m on the receiving end of a violent attack
anger |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel it is worthwhile to document it for people who are not familiar with batch files
joy |
Predict the Emotion behind this message i and i are feeling especially thankful for so many small blessings in our life right now
joy |
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