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TITLE: TIFU by trying to pet a dog.
POST: Last night I went to a Hippie May Day Festival/ Camp out. Needless to say, I passed out hard in my tent at the end of the night.Woken by the warmth and light of the morning sun, I emerged from my tent in search of some water to quench my burgeoning thirst. To my delight I spotted a dog scouting the field before me, about 110 meters away. Without delay I dashed towards it, my urge to pet this dog was immeasurable. On the way back to my tent, while running, I just so happened to come upon the most heinous stick I have ever encountered. The bastard was sticking straight out of the earth, cleverly hidden in a plush, verdant meadow. My foot never saw it coming. It had no warning, no shoe, no defense! The poor soul (no pun intended) never saw it coming, until the moment it was impaled by what I would have thought was the devils pitchfork itself. The worst part is, I didn't even get to pet the dog, it sprinted back to it's owners property when it saw me approaching.
TL;DR: | Tried to pet a dog, foot got impaled by a demon stick, never even got to pet the dog. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21M] is having a problem with my [19F] and [23M] roommates of a few months not taking care of their animals.
POST: Okay well here is the main problem at hand, the two of them are engaged they have bought many animals together but the thing is they wont take care of any of them. Right now they have 3 beta fish, 2 rats and one elderly cat. The two of them are so up each others own asses that they don't even realize the rats are living in their own filth been out of food and water for about 4 days and that their cat's litter has been full of waste for about a week now.
Normally I've been doing all of this for them but my wife as told me to stop she's said "I know its hard for you to watch them be out of food. But if they die it will be their fault not ours."
I have told them countless times what the problems are and they just tell me they don't have time because they are so busy, or don't have any money. But in the same day will go out to the city and spend over 100 dollars on stuff they don't need. Or just sit in their room and never leave till it's time for them to go to work or school. And these people want to have children!
What I guess I'm asking for help with is. Should I take care of the rats and cat and just let this behavior continue? Or should I try to do something different that I haven't done yet?
TL;DR: | Roommates wont take care of their animals and I'm sick of doing it for them and I'm out of options. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Have I wasted my life? [29M]
POST: I feel like I've wasted my youth and my missed my chance to enjoy things that people normally enjoy, life after 30 seems horrible, everyone I know is either married or in a serious long term relationship, many people my age have kids, younger people consider me an "old guy" now and I feel like shit, I look like shit despite doing my best to take care of my appearance - to workout, wear nice clothes, take care of my skin/teeth. I feel like life isn't enjoyable anymore and I missed the period where I could have the most fun, what should I do?
TL;DR: | Feels like I wasted my youth, how do I get over it? Really hate myself and my life tbh. |
TITLE: I tried to quit my job and failed.
POST: Background: I work with kids. I get sick all the time. Last three weeks I've had croup, but I'm thinking it's actually whooping cough or possibly pneumonia. I can barely breath my chest hurts so bad. Dogs are kenneled eight hours a day and have developed a lot of stress issues. I tried barricading them in the kitchen but one of them is an evil genius and learned to open the fridge, remove the meat and eat it. I love what I do and I'm good at it,but I'm sick of being sick. I hate that my dogs are trapped the majority of the day.
I washed and folded all my uniform tops, packed them and my work books, printed a brief letter of resignation and went to go quit. Boss wouldn't accept it. She said I'm too valuable and she'd rather I was out the next few weeks than quit. I'm flex on call , but I work like 40+ hours a week. I could not work for three months and I'd still have my job. The money is nice, but it's not needed since SO makes enough. I make the fun money basically. SO makes the necessary money.
TL;DR: | I'm pretty sure I want to quit my job, but I don't know how. I need some advice and encouragement. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [21/m] SO [20/f] has been relatively open about her disease, I'm still not sure how to support her.
POST: My SO of 3 months has bulimia. She told me from the start she had an eating disorder, and then recently she admitted that she had swung back into old habits without letting on.
This is not at all a deal breaker for me (I'm a smoker who's tried to quit over and over, so to a small degree I know the feeling), we've been friends for a few years now and it doesn't seem to be hurting our relationship, there just isn't much in the way of post seeing a therapist support for SOs. Looking for some insight.
Thanks in advance.
TL;DR: | SO has (and has had) bulimia; she's getting help; Looking for insight on what I can do in support. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: I'm about to start a new page in my life and was looking for advice
POST: Hello everyone. I've recently decided that I need to have a lifestlyle change. I recently graduated with a bachelors in biology and I've realized that I'm going to need to further my education. I've always been interested in dentistry but never thought I had the decication or intelligence to go through with it. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and realized that I need to at least attempt to do this, otherwise I'm going to waste my life away doing something that I'm not passionate about. I didn't get the best grades in my undergrad so in order for me to have a chance of getting into dental school its going to take A LOT of work.
I was wondering if there is anyone else who has undergone a life changing step simliar to this who could offer me some advice. I understand its going to be incredibly difficult but I feel like it's something I need to do. Any advice/stories/help in general would be greatly appreciated.
TL;DR: | I want to be a dentist but its going to take a lot of work. GIVE ME YOUR KNOWLEDGE! |
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: [22F] Long-time friend [22M] might be interested, not sure, how to casually flirt/go on dates?
POST: So we are both in college and we've known each other for around 2 years now, but I've just recently started hanging out with him more. I'm really bad at picking up subtle flirtations so I'm not sure he is interested in me. He comments on my appearance and always says yes to anything I suggest we do together, like getting coffee or going to a party with me. He is also really patient and is always okay with me changing or cancelling plans, or waiting for me to get ready. I am not sure if he is interested, and if he is, what to really do when we are alone together, since I don't know how he feels about me, and it's kind of awkward at times. I have asked him to dinner at a restaurant next week, so how should I proceed? I am a newbie when it comes to dating, and I am not sure about my feelings toward him yet, but I want to see where this could go because I enjoy his company and I like his personality a lot. I also like to be straightforward and goofy, and he's such a polite and calm guy. I'm also really bad with flirting, but he tolerates a lot of ridiculous stuff that I do. How should I proceed?
TL;DR: | Don't know if guy I might be interested in is interested in me, how do I flirt and still be myself? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me and my bf [24f/25m]. He wants to move; I think it will ruin us.
POST: We've been together for almost two years. It started out delightful and then got rocky. I know he used two dating sites since we've been together, I strongly believe he's also used two others. That experience of course made me doubt our future. He's also broken up with me twice and regretted it both times; apologized and made up. For one of those times, we lived together. He says he's done with it and that he loves me. Doesn't want anyone else.
Now he wants to move to another city for a new job (doesn't have one yet but wants one) and "more to do." When we talk to other people about how crappie our current city is, he always mentions how the dating pool sucks.
I don't think I'm out of line to be concerned that he's going to get on some more sites and ditch me when we get settled in. Right? What do I do?
TL;DR: | I think my bf will ditch me if I move with him. Am I being unreasonable or should I give it a shot? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How do I (m/24) make her (f/21) happy?
POST: Hey everybody.
First of all I have to point out that i really like this subreddit :) keep going guys!
So my girlfriend had to put of with a lot of trouble the last few weeks (work and financially related mixed with some other private things) and of course I dont like to see her down like that, since it is some pretty serious stuff.
So it won't be another two weeks until I see her again since I am stuck at work for the moment and I was wondering if you guys maybe have some nice ideas, be it little or big, that would let me brighten her days a little?
We have great conversations and don't have problems with eachother, meaning we are happy as a couple but still I would love to do some nice things.
TL;DR: | Gf has a lot lf stress, will see her in two weeks, want to brighten her everyday until then. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: 18/F, friend 22/M keeps flirting with me and saying what he'd like to do to me...
POST: I've known this guy about a year and we both like raising budgies, playing stupid flash games like Dolphin Olympics and cooking. He's from another country and I met him on Omegle. Back then he wasn't creepy at all and we got along really well. Now every time I change my profile picture on facebook, he's sending me creepy messages saying stuff like "you look yummy, i want to kiss you" etc. I said to him that's creepy and you know I'm not interested (he's tried flirting with me before, gets shut down every time). He apologized for what he said last time and said he won't do it again but I doubt it. He always greets me (and sometimes our mutual female friends) with "how are you my angel" and calls me his sister (yeah i think he's a bit confused lol). How do i shut him down for good?
TL;DR: | friend keeps hitting on me, forgets all the times I said no. How do i shut him down for good? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How do I (F19) take the next step with crush (M19)?
POST: I posted here a couple of days ago because i wasnt sure if this guy liked me. Honestly im still not sure but ive been flirting more with him and said he looks cute in certain snaps etc. We dont see eachother a lot irl, but when we do, how do I take the next step. When we meet there isnt any touch except hug when we meet and when we say goodbye. We are both shy. I think he knows that I like him now and hes not backing off so what do i do when we meet in person? (new to dating)
TL;DR: | I like this guy and i think he might like me, how do i take the next step when i meet him? |
TITLE: TIFU by thinking a rope keychain, I do not own, had fallen into the tub while showering.
POST: Happened earlier this week but was too busy with work to get on reddit.
So the other day I was taking a shower getting ready for work. Towards the end of my shower I turn the water off and look down. I notice what appears to be a small rope keychain (like that braided rock climbing rope) sitting in the bottom of the water. Why I thought this despite not owning said keychain, I don't know, but I was already running late for work so not thinking anything of it really, I reach down and grab it. That's when I realize, this is no keychain, but actually a snake swimming out of my drain! We startle each other, me jumping out of the shower, him, coming up the rest of the way out of the drain into the tub of the shower and frantically doing laps trying to get out but keeps slipping back in. I do a quick google search to confirm he is just a common garter snake so I grabbed him and tossed him out outside.
Total length was only about 2 ft although it felt as if he was on par with an anaconda during the brief panic.
I then proceeded to clean my sh*t off the walls and permanently seal off my bathroom behind reinforced concrete (ok fine, not really, but I have been very cautious in the shower / when using the toilet these passed few days).
TL;DR: | While taking a shower, got a surprise visit from a "nope-rope" coming out of the drain. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Got a phone call saying that I won a cruise, they asked for my name and hung up... did I just get scammed?
POST: Hey Reddit!
Basically what I just asked. I like to fill out those forms at the mall sometimes for fun but never expect anything out of it. I was having a terrible day and got very excited when I got the phone call. They transferred me to the claims department and they asked me my name and then immediately hung up.
I did a quick google search and nothing seemed to come up, but from what I understand, with scams like this they usually ask for credit card information. They didn't ask me for any information other than my name, so I was wondering if you guys could give some insight as to what just happened? Best case scenario is that someone just put a random number down, which happened to be mine, but when the name didn't match they hung up. Worst case, and this is where I'm confused, is that it was a scam and they have information on me? I'm not sure how since all that was given was my name. And if I have been scammed, how can I protect myself?
TL;DR: | I think I got scammed, but they only asked for my name and hung up. How should I handle this? |
TITLE: Considering making a 1,500 mile move, what should I do?
POST: I am strongly considering making a move back to my great home state on the West Coast, I am currently living in Northwest Arkansas.
I have lived here for about 7 years, I moved away from my biological mother and California on a routine Christmas trip, I was 14 years old. I graduated high school with Honors, started community college and burnt myself out.
Also in 2012, my stepmother (the only person in my family who loved me unconditonally) was diagnosed with a breast cancer reoccurrence and recently lost her battle.
With that being said, I am ready to get out of Arkansas. There really isn't much left for me here and I believe it has served its purpose. I do still have family here, but we are not on good terms at this time. I recently got out of a long-term relationship and I'm itching for a new adventure.
My question to all of you is, should I renew my lease and stay here for another year until I save more money...
Pack my things and head out west?
TL;DR: | Life has lead me to a fork in the road.. Is it time to pack up and head back home or stay put? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Discovered My Husbands Dark Secret.
POST: My husband 34M (im 32F) just came out that he is a sissy. I love him to death and I will not leave him but I am having some issues coming to embrace and enjoy what he is into. We have been together for 9 years this November. I want to get more into the things that he likes but i find myself not turned on by the things that he does. I will say again I am not looking at leaving him I love him and I want to embrace the things that are part of him. Please help by offering suggestions or ideas that might help me get closer to the man i fell in love with and this part of him that he has come to me with.
TL;DR: | Husband is a sissy and i want to get closer to him and the activites he enjoys but dont know how. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How do I [19 M] tell my [18 F] girlfriend that she is just pissing me off?
POST: First off, this is (obviously) a throwaway.
So a little backstory, been with her for 3 years and I love her more than anything. No real problems with our relationship, and to be honest I've never felt this kind of annoyance or anger towards her before. Frankly it feels weird.
Me and her haven't had sex in a couple of months-I should stress, this is not an issue-she was going though 'some stuff' (intentionally left vague, sorry) and we've been taking it pretty slow since then.
This has all been fine until just tonight. I follow her on Tumblr, and occasionally I see her Roleplays pop up on my dash. For those that don't know, this works by people reblogging a starter and adding their part of a narrative, and so on.
Usually it's all pretty tame stuff, but to be frank, she's roleplaying a threesome with two other guys. I know it's not cheating or anything, but it's hard not to take personally when the girl you love doesn't want to have sex with you, but seems fine doing it with some strangers online.
TL;DR: | GF is RPing a threeway on Tumblr, am I justified in being pissed off, and how should I tell her? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [19M] am having trouble getting over ex [18F]
POST: My girlfriend and I broke up after dating on/off for about 3 years. She's always been the one who broke up with me because she kept thinking she didn't have feelings for me anymore. But I've been head over heels for this girl and I don't know why. She's a really back and forth girl, for a couple weeks she loves me, and then she acts like she doesn't even care about me. I've been in college for a year and she just graduated from high school, going to a different college than myself. We broke up and I was happy about it because she started ignoring me and wouldn't respond to any kind if contact from me for several days. I didn't appreciate it, and we ended it. I thought I was happy with it being over, but I'm really still crazy about her. Everyone questions why I'm still crazy about this girl, and I can't answer them. What do I do about this?
TL;DR: | My girlfriend of 3 years on/off are done, and I can't get over her, no matter what I do. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Reddit, am I in the wrong?
POST: Hey, everyone. So I need opinions about this.
I've been obsessive compulsive for as long as I can remember (clinically diagnosed). My roommate, who is also my best friend, thinks that, just because we're so close, that it's okay to use/eat things that are mine without asking. Now, I don't have a problem with someone asking me before they use things, but she feels like it's okay to make a meal with food I bought and then to just turn around and ask me to pay for food she makes for us. It makes me feel ill and nauseous to kjust see her using things that are mine because I always like knowing where my possessions are at all times. I don't know why I feel like this, but I just rage hard about the whole situation and I don't want to lose a friend over something I'm over-reacting about. Am I in the wrong? If so, how do I handle it?
TL;DR: | my friend/roommate uses/eats my shit and it makes me feel weird. Am I right to feel this way? |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What's the best phone to get (other than iPhone) from AT&T?
POST: I STILL have a Motorola Razr after four years, and finally feel like it's time to upgrade. I don't make that much money (can't really afford the iPhone), so I'm wondering what else is out there for AT&T customers.
I've read CNET reviews and such...just wondering what's the highest-rated/most bought/best.
Androids look pretty nice. My only question is if they're any cheaper than the iPhone (or is the difference only a matter of a couple dollars?)
Just FYI: I have the 1500 texts/month plan ($15/month) and I'm set-up on my mom's family plan (which I plan to stay on). I have no internet plan. I'm scared of getting a limited data plan in fear that I'll go over by constantly checking my e-mail...not sure what to do.
Also, where's the best place to BUY a new phone? Craigslist seems a bit shady...
TL;DR: | Need new phone for AT&T (not iphone). What's the best phone & where's the best place to buy it? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: What is some advice you can give to me [21f] who just got out of a 2 year relationship with [20m]? I'm losing hope that there's light at the end of the tunnel.
POST: I need help. This man is the love of my life. We love each other dearly. But after a few months of always arguing due to stress and such, we broke up. In his words, "we both need to learn how to be ok on our own, and if at some point down the road we feel like things have changed and we could be together in a healthy way, then it was meant to be."
I will always love him. But holding on to that kind of hope is torture. But I can't stand the idea of cutting off communication and not having him in my life. I feel so completely lost.
TL;DR: | I'll take any advice I can get on how to cope with the pain and move on. Please and thank you. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Am I a bad person?
POST: Recently I started dating a girl that I was friends with in High School, she means a lot to me, but there was one huge problem with it. She dated my *best* friend for two years while we were in high school (she is one year behind us). When she moved away for college she broke up with him. We had continued to be friends chatting on face book and hanging out when we were both home. This summer after opening up to each other we decided to start dating. We both knew this would create problems because she is the ex and I am the *best* friend. The next day I went over and let him know that we had decided to start dating. He gave me some very light hearted words and didn't truly tell me what he thought. That evening my girl friend got an email from him blowing up about the situation. After bashing me and her I confronted him about it and he again wouldn't really tell me what he thought. Now that school has started again I moved out to my apartment for college and he is back in our hometown doing community college. We had a few more meetings before I left and he played it off. Am I a bad person for putting him through this?
TL;DR: | I am dating my best friend's ex girl friend, a year after they broke up, am I a bad person? |
TITLE: TIFU by not asking a girl her name :(
POST: Obligatory "Not today, but Tuesday".
Recently I have been having trouble with my grades so I have to stay after school for "tutoring" and stuff. This was my second time going, and a dude I didn't really know was there. I went to the Dragon Hill (Hotel on Yongsan) and sat down near him and his friends. Well, there was this really HAWT brunette girl sitting with them. She and a another two girls are going to different school in the area. On to the story. We talk, the dude, let's call him Andy, is making out with the Blonde, an Indian girl talks about her boyfriend stripping, and I am sitting here waiting for the next episode of Mianite.
Fast forward 10 minutes and the brunette, let's call her Sally, and the blonde, let's call her Harley, walk into the burger king my friend and I are in. Sally waves to me, I wave back. they leave the bathroom, and she waves again. My friend is completely dumbfounded, and now I am regretting not asking for her facebook or something. Sadness is ensuing as I sit here at the Dragon, hoping they come today. )`:
TL;DR: | Met a pretty girl, waves to me at burger king, twice! and I forget to ask her her name. Crap. |
TITLE: TIFU by kicking an exercise ball at a kid
POST: I go to a Tae Kwon Do place and I regularly take sessions there, and I currently have a red belt, and pretty close to being able to teach a class. So to begin this off we have 10 minute breaks in between classes, and if you arrive early, you can do anything you want in those 10 minutes after a class is over. I just finished my class and this session was full of kids that were pretty much younger than me. There were about 6 of us in the dojo, and I think the kids were probably 2 of them being 6 years or younger, which were twins. I think the rest of them were about 10-13. So after class was done, one of the kids grabbed the big exercise balls at the corner of the dojo, and threw it at me. I kicked it back at him, but I think I kicked it a bit too hard, and it flew at him really fast. You know how in cartoons how some character gets hit by a car and gets stuck to the front of it even though its still going? Thats what it looked like, except he didn't go far. He got launched into the wall and it made a large thud. I think he was one of the 6 year olds, and he started bawling his eyes out. One of the teacher that was watching from the office window, the window that looked over the dojo, came out and told me get out, and I didn't even change my clothes yet. Now I'm too scared to go back after coming home, since his parents are probably waiting for me there.
TL;DR: | Kid throws exercise ball at me, I kick it back at him and it launched him into the wall with a thud |
TITLE: TIFU by eating Skittles in class
POST: A couple days ago I bought a pack of Skittles before attending a class. This was the movie-sized pack, so it was huge. You open up a cardboard box and inside is a plastic bag filled with 3.5 servings of Skittles. Unbeknownst to me, the ENTIRE class is watching me while I struggle to open this. I didn't want to open it too hard or else I knew the Skittles might fly everywhere. However, I was too embarrassed that I looked weak and couldn't open a bag of candy so I did the dumbest thing possible. I ripped open the plastic bag and the Skittles flew everywhere.
Everyone was in shock. The embarrassment I felt before was triple now. Then, everyone starts laughing, even the teacher. Yet, this wasn't the worst part: I had to go on the floor on my hands and knees and pick up every single Skittle off the ground. 3.5 servings worth. The teacher continued the lesson while everyone else watched me clean the mess up. Well, I guess the worst part was not having anymore Skittles to eat :(
TL;DR: | Bag of Skittles exploded in class, had to pick up 3.5 servings of Skittles while everyone watched |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20/M] with my [20/F] girlfriend. How do I tell her I messed up and kissed another girl while under the influence?
POST: This was a couple months ago, and the guilt is eating me alive.
Please do not point out the questionable choice of being under the influence, I know it was a mistake, I'm looking to own up to the mistake.
Went out with a group of friends and my SO of a year, she arrived separately. After the event, I left with a friend of mine. We get very high on the way home. I was a solid 11/10 and very uncomfortable.
She ended up directing me to her house, and made me pull over. She convinced my VERY muddled mind to kiss her, and I went for it.
Told her I felt very uncomfortable and she should leave. On the way back to meet the SO, had to stop the car and get sick because I realized what I did and got sick over it.
How do I break it to my girlfriend that I kissed another girl? Do I?
TL;DR: | Under the influence, kissed another woman. How do I tell my SO of a year? Do I not tell her? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: New(ish) relationship, pregnant on the pill, supportive SO but won't make a decision. Advice?
POST: Throwaway account here.
F(28) and SO (M26) together for 9 months.
Its been a tough week, both mentally and physically in all sense possible. A few days ago I found out I was pregnant, while taking the pill for over a decade now.
I have a steady job, though it is new, while he wishes to still go back to school to finish his Masters. I don't want to ruin his life, and something in me tells me that we're not ready for this...but...
At 28, i'm having those "maybe i'll make a good mother thoughts" and he would make a great dad. I love him more than anything in the world, but this decision it seems falls to me to take alone.
He has been great, i've been having morning sickness like a bitch and its been rough on me mentally. He says that he will be there to support me whatever decision i make, but, refuses to tell me a preference because he doesn't want to be the one to blame down the line... but what if i'm the one to blame down the line?
Reddit.. i have no idea what to do. Anyone here in a somewhat fresh relationship that decided to go through with the pregnancy and it turned out to be the right decision... or the bad one?
I need help trying to figure out what should be the best course of action.
TL;DR: | Pregnant--on the pill--boyfriend supportive, but won't make a decision or help me take one. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [20F] think i'm in a toxic relationship with my boyfriend. [23M] He's not the problem.
POST: I have been in my current relationship for around 6 months now. He is nearly perfect to me. This is easily the best relationship I've ever been in, and somehow, it's not good enough. Let me preface by saying I've been diagnosed with severe depression and PTSD. I have put this boy through absolute hell, and he still loves me.
I'm starting to think this is a bad thing. Our relationship is causing problems with the people in our lives, (my room mate and him don't like each other, his brothers don't like me.) I've cheated on him. He still takes me back. I honestly don't know why I do these things.
Anyway. I feel like I'm a very toxic factor in his life, and he needs to let me go. He says he needs me in his life and refuses to. I'm just at a loss here... I've never been treated this well in a relationship, and i'm not sure how to handle it.
TL;DR: | I think I'm toxic for my boyfriend, and I'm going to ruin his life. Should I break up with him? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Caught boyfriend [M25] in the act this morning. Extremely embarrassed. What can I [F26] do?
POST: One year relationship.
So I stayed the night at my boyfriend's last night and woke up this morning with the great idea of going to the bakery for breakfast. I wanted to be cute and surprise him with donuts before he woke up.
Well, I ended up leaving and coming back within 20 minutes. When I got back to his place, I went to the bedroom to wake him up and that's when I walked in on him. He had his laptop open and was masturbating to a bikini pic of me from this summer. Needless to say, he was extremely embarrassed and wouldn't even look at me when we were eating breakfast. lol.
I feel bad. I told him it was totally fine, but things have been a little awkward today. Has anyone else gone through this before? What can I do to fix this?
TL;DR: | Caught boyfriend [M25] masturbating to a picture of me [F26] and now he seems pretty embarrassed. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: How Can I Sue My University?
POST: Hey Reddit.
Several years ago, at the end of my sophomore year, I applied to transfer out of my uni. I was unsure if I was going to get in, so I gave in a deposit for a room for the upcoming semester. (The deposit was 500.00.) After I learned that I got into the other university, I requested for a refund. They told me that I would receive word within 2 weeks, but I was going out of the country then. I gave them my parent's number and went on my trip. Upon returning, I learned that they did not call us. So I sent them a letter.
After sending them letter after letter, they finally returned my calls a year or so later. They told me that they had already given us the refund and that my mother had cashed the checks in. After informing my mother about it, she told me that she never cashed in any checks from my university, so I sent another letter. That was a month ago, and I have yet to receive word from them.
My mom is considering taking them to the small claims court. (We're from New York, btw.) How would we go about doing this? My mother is unsure if we sue them in their location (Queens) or our's (Long Island). I've tried searching around and asking, and no one seems to know! I guess not a lot of people sue their universities for old deposits.
Please help, Reddit. :/
TL;DR: | Uni didn't refund my 500.00 deposit. Didn't reply to letters until a year later. How do I sue them? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [28 M] with my ex [26 F] 3.5years, how to regain own identity
POST: So we split up 2 nights ago, and it's still very raw (to be expected), but she is my best friend, I opened myself up to her so much, shared every part of me with her, that she's a much as part of me as all the bits I shared.
How are you supposed to regain your identity, when everything about your life and identity reminds you of her? I can't enjoy my favourite films I usually watch when I'm sad, because they make me think of her, none of my usual games I'm enjoying, because they remind me of her, places we go, things' we'd do together. Those first thing in the morning texts, the last thing at night texts.
We have spoken **every** day for the last 3.5+ years, that I'm just feeling empty without being able to do those things.
TL;DR: | Gf of 3.5 years (and best friend) broke up with me, having trouble seeing how return to self. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: I need advice, someone broke into my house and killed my pet
POST: So today I came home to find my pet rat in the toilet, drowned. I know this could have been an accident, but several factors point otherwise.
* 1) Rats can tread water for up to 3 days, and can survive being flushed down the toilet.
* 2) The bathroom was closed, both doors into it. Not only that, but my rat is kept in another room that was closed when I left.
* 3) My roommate isn't home, and the girl who's feeding her cat knows this is my pet
* 4) I had told a guy off the day before. I don't know him very well, and he knows my roommate wasn't home.
TL;DR: | I think some dude I told off broke into my house and drwon my rat, what should I do about it? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (34/m) don't want my stepson (14/m) to call me dad.
POST: My wife and I have been together/married for 3 years and I've only known my stepson for 2 years. I never really wanted kids (my wife knew this) but because he was an older child and was (and still is) a good kid, things were fine and we got along well.
Recently (within the last week or so) he's started calling me 'dad.' For some people this would be great and feel like the ultimate level of acceptance, but it makes me really uncomfortable. I feel bad that I feel this way because I know his dad isn't around and every kid needs a dad, but taking on that full role and all of the responsibilities of it isn't something I was looking to take on when I got married and my wife knew this. I would also feel really bad having the position of his dad while not feeling the love for him that I imagine a father is supposed to have for his child, but I don't know how to approach this subject at all and my wife is no help. She feels like this is the greatest thing ever and when I told her how I felt about it, we got into a pretty big argument over it and she feels like I'm wrong.
So ultimately, I guess my questions are an I wrong and what can I do?
TL;DR: | I don't want my stepson to call me 'dad' but I don't know how to get him to stop. |
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: Quick I need help
POST: Not sure if this belongs here but, today is my graduation at 6, in 3 hours. This might possibly be the last chance I have to make a move on my crush. I'm a pretty shy guy and i get red and nervous the few times that my crush has spoken words to me. We have made eye contact multiple times but I think its pure coincidence. We have also gone to dinner but as a class of 20 people and i sat in front of her and I didn't talk at all. So my question is how and what should I say to her today? I was thinking of just asking her what she was going to do during the summer and then ask her if she would like to hang out sometime, would that be good? And if it is how should i approach her? I guess the reason i get nervous is because of all the people that are always around and well today there is going to be people everywhere and who knows if ill even be able to find her. What should I do?
TL;DR: | Gonna graduate, im a shy guy, might be last chance to ask my crush out, what/how should i do it? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My (23F) Ex-Boyfriend's (29M) Parents (60sM&F) want me to do lunch before I move across state with my current Boyfriend (28M). Is this weird?
POST: (This is my GF's explanation from a text message, I'm just using my account to post it.)
Reddit, I need advice. Yesterday after announcing my cross state move to facebook I received a private message from the father and step mother (M&F 63, 59) of my ex (M 29) to ask if I would join them for lunch one last time. Umm? Since my ex and I are still on good terms I immediately contacted him to see if that would be a problem. His father and step mother had always been very kind a welcoming to me and had been the first friendly people I had met when I had moved (4 hours from home town) to be with him and It would of been lovely to see them one last time. He informs me that they haven't spoken to him for months now and after getting my message he called them to angrily complain and was promptly told we can have our own friends and hung up on. Hurt he told me he hoped I would not go. While I don't want to risk unbalancing our delicate friendship I would kind of like to see them. And if I do go do I bring my new boyfriend (M 28) along or is that inappropriate?
TL;DR: | Parent of my ex of two years wanna have lunch out of the blue and I don't know if i should go? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [25/F] new bf [29/M] of 1.5 months might move to Washington D.C. this summer. Help with our first struggle?
POST: Hello r/relationships,
I started dating this amazing man for just a month and a half now. Things have been going great, but we are still at the stage of discovering more about each other.
Yesterday, he let me know that he finally has the opportunity to apply for his dream job in June. If he gets it, he has to move to Washington D.C. for 2 years. (We are in Vegas).
I told him to go for it, as I support his dream (and truly do, no matter what). However, our relationship is so new, I'm not sure how to deal with this. He will be back in town on Sunday and I would like to make a plan with him. For example, if he gets the job, maybe I transfer schools there in the Spring, we try long-distance or something else.
How can I approach this with him? Because this is still new, I'm not too sure what to expect or prepare for. To be honest, I'm really sad about this.
TL;DR: | New bf is leaving town (maybe). How do I talk about this with him as our relationship is so new? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: My (28M) girlfriend (29F) of a year is set to move in with me, and I'm suddenly extremely apprehensive about it...
POST: My (28M) girlfriend (29F) and I have been seeing each other about a year and discussing moving in for a few months. It might be early, I suppose, but certain circumstances have made it a practical move, and until recently, I have been 100% supportive and excited about the idea.
About 6 weeks ago we were having some problems, potentially the kind that might end the relationship. We worked things out, but now every time I think about her moving in, I get extremely anxious, stressed out, and the idea sounds terrible to me, while it feels like she is more excited about it than ever.
The thing I'm most concerned about is that when she is here, I enjoy her company and we seem to have a good time. I don't mind her being here when she is. But when she's not (which is most of the time at this point), I feel like there's nothing I could want less than for her to live with me and be in my life all the time. I don't know how to reconcile these feelings.
Analyzing the situation myself leads me to the conclusion that this is not the right time and we should wait until I can sort my feelings out. But of course, getting outside opinions is always helpful. What do you guys think?
TL;DR: | I wanted my girlfriend to move in with me, now I don't, though when she's here I'm fine with it. |
TITLE: Been feeling unmotivated lately
POST: I'm 19, I live in Mexico, currently studying an Engineering degree in Computer Science, lately I've been feeling a little bit unmotivated, I certainly enjoy my career, but sometimes I feel like I'm not getting the best out of my education, some times I feel like we the students end up correcting what some of the teachers say, which makes me feel unsure about the education received, even though I've been getting good grades, sometimes I feel like it's not worth it, also, the way the school system works, how school thinks it owns every second of your time gets to me, which makes school a hell of a lot more stressful, I also have another thing I like a lot, music, I enjoy playing music, and have been studyibg the whole theory behind it for about 2 years now, and I really enjoy every second of it, even the times I have to study at home.
TL;DR: | enjoy career, not enjoying school, which makes me enjoy my music a lot more, don't know what to do. |
TITLE: [Request Advice] Plan(s) for Leaving Dog During the Day
POST: Wife and I have a pit-mix [4.5 mths]. I've read up on and taken advice from other experts, vets, Humane society Director (where we adopted) etc. I've a plan I would like to put to the group here for evaluation also, having absorbed the advice and opinions, to-date.
Our pup is "crate-trained" in the traditional sense, as I understand it, but my wife and I both work and need to leave her at home alone during the day while we're away. I grew-up on a farm most of my life with a variety of dogs of varied breeds that could run where they pleased. New to the concept of a dog in the 'burbs.
Plan A: We've a shed out back about like [such <--(click that)] that we are converting to be climate-controlled with a dog-door. I would like to leave her crate in there as her "room" to provide sense of "security" that crating provides but don't like the idea of "locking her in" such that the only time she gets out of enclosure is at sunset - b/c on weekdays we work too far to let her out at lunch. Also, I adopted a dog.. not a bat. :P
Plan B: A smaller dog-house, again with full run of the yard, with ready access to the climate-controlled shed (w/dog-door).
Of course in the evenings, and weekends we spend time with her, run her round, dog-park, etc - this concerns the bulk of the routine workday.
TL;DR: | To "lock-up" entirely during the day or not? If so, I'd need an *extremely* compelling reason. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [25F] cheated on my long-distance BF [26M]. Should I say anything?
POST: I still see my [28M] ex frequently (unavoidable situation that will be remedied soon). We slept together and it was a dumb moment that I regret. I definitely don't want it to happen again.
My current boyfriend and I have always been long distance and we have some issues because of it. Sometimes I don't feel very connected to him. He definitely doesn't deserve this, and some of my friends are telling me not to say anything. I'm not good at keeping secrets and I really really want to tell him but now I'm scared it will hurt his feelings for no reason. I know he is always worried that my ex and I will end up sleeping together so I feel extra horrible about it. I feel like such an asshole.
TL;DR: | I am a jerk and cheated on my boyfriend who I am in a LDR with. Is it worth it to say anything? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [19 M] with my ex-gf [20 F] 1 year broke up recently and want to get back together
POST: A couple weeks ago my girlfriend and I of one year broke up. Until very recently she seemed very happy. After the break up she seemed open to talking things out again, even encouraged it. I've done a lot of thinking since the breakup happened. and I think I've figured out what I was doing wrong.
As of a couple days ago she said she doesn't want to talk about things anymore. That conversation ended with us talking a little about what went wrong, and by the end she said she was open to talking about things again. But today a friend brought it to my attention that she is going after another guy. I don't know what to do. All I want is the chance to talk things out with her.
TL;DR: | Ex-gf of 1 year wanted to talk things out, now she doesn't, then became interested in other guy. |
TITLE: TIFU By texting my Text-Door-Neighbour
POST: This screw up happened a few months ago and only came to mind recently as a TIFU.
I was on holidays with a few friends and was scrolling Facebook when i came across a 'Text door neighbour' challenge. Basically the challenge was adding 1 number to your own phone number and texting them saying 'Hey text-door-neighbour'. After i mentioned the challenge to my friends, i texted my 'neighbour' saying hello. Here's where the shit storm began...
Before i get a text back, i am bombarded with phone calls from the number, and after ignoring a few i decide to answer and find a rather angry middle aged women on the other side. She said she has contacted police and they are tracing my call, to which i immediately drop the act, apologise and try to explain to her what's going on. She ignores my explanation and says that her house was robbed (She must have percived the text as 'next door neighbour') the very same day and she's scared and confused at how i got her number (She wasn't very bright). After the phone call ended due to some awkward silence, i sent her another text explaining what happened and how i wasn't robbing her. She then said that she was already at the police station giving my number to them as a 'Suspect'.
I've been on the run ever since.
TL;DR: | Sent a text to my 'Text-door-neighbour' as a joke, neighbour thought i was threatening her. |
TITLE: TIFU by seeing my brother's browser history
POST: This TIFU was actually last month, but it's pretty obvious why it's not posted till now. My brother and I live about 200 miles apart, and about 6 months ago I had to have some pretty major surgery. My brother took a few days off work so he could come over, help me prepare for the operation and stay at my house and help with the kids while my wife was at the hospital with me.
So a few days before I go in I'm running round the house making sure we have everything to tide us over till I'm back on my feet. I need to grab some supplies, and needed to check an address - here is where the TIFU begins. I grab the first thing to hand, which is my brothers phone on the table. I open the browser, start typing, and IE suggests "www.xyzswingers.com" - I laugh, we've all clicked on a pop up before...then curiosity gets the better of me. I click. It is a wife swapping site, and the page is a couple living about 20 miles away. Well, I'm sure it's an ad, and his browser is shit, so I switch to the computer. And I can't help myself, I need to check. Over the next few minutes, it becomes clear: Yes, it is a wife swapping website. Yes, you do need to pay to register to get to the page I saw on my phone. Yes, my brother (and possibly his wife) are into swinging and are doing it when they come to visit our mom.
Put the phone down , step away....
TL;DR: | woke up in intensive care, couldn't look my bro in the eye cos I know he's into wife swapping. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [M15] met up with old friend [F14] and made out, what do i say to her?
POST: Hello
So last night I was with two of my friends and with a girl I haven't seen in years. She did not recongnise me at first because i've changed alot since i last saw her. I used to have a crush on her before she moved away.
btw we are all 15, she was my first kiss also.
She said to my two friends that she thought I was hot and I was pretty shocked, no ones ever called me hot before. Later that night I was quite drunk and she was tipsy. I sat next to her and then she started kissing me and then we made out. After this we both went home and now I dont know what to say to her!
TL;DR: | Saw friend I hadnt seen in years, I used to have crush on her, called me hot and then we made out. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How do I [22 M] get my [19 F] friend to talk to me about our issues in a civil manner?
POST: Over the past year I, a 22 year old male, have become really close friends with a 19 year old girl who I met through a friend. Everything is always great when we hang out but we do have our issues.
Recently, lets say in the past 3 months, I have tried talking to her about several of these issues but she refuses to listen. She claims that talking about it will only cause drama and make things worse for us when really she is the one causing drama and, all I want to do is have a civil conversation about it.
Some of these issues include her being too insensitive of others feelings including my own and caring more about people who could care less about her.
My question is how do I get her to have a civilized conversation with me instead of her just saying it will cause drama and ruin things even more?
TL;DR: | Me and a female friend have issues. How do I get her to talk about them without lashing out at me? |
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: Very confused about how she feels
POST: 18/M. Senior in high school. I like this girl that's also in my grade. We text quite a bit and we smile at each other in the hallways and make small talk, we just don't have any classes together so were kinda screwed there. So like I said we do text pretty often and we flirt here and there. And we just went on christmas break last week and I was like wanna hang err do something this break and she was all for it. She's been busy so she hasn't been able to and the last few days I've texted her she hasn't texted back. But then all of a sudden she will text back at like 1030 pm sayin she forgot her phone or was with her family and what not. So I kind of feel like she would not have texted back had she not had any feelings for me at all but then again I really do not know. I want some advice from people who have maybe been in a situation such as this and could offer some input thanks!
TL;DR: | I like a girl and I'm not sure if she likes me. we text everyday and have talked about hanging out. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: I fucked up.
POST: Hey guys. I'm f(19) and I was dating (m20) however things started to get really tough between us to the point where I was begging him to spend quality time with me. He called me fat, an attention whore, and said that sex with me was boring. we also wanted different things out of life. I broke up with him Sunday night and since then I have slept with another guy (m19) who we will call J. My ex boyfriend showed up last night to J's house after texting me and being on the phone with me. Ex-bf told me to go with him and I was honest and said I had slept with J and that I really liked J as more than a friend and that J really likes me. Ex-bf broke down in tears and told me that he is sorry for everything. But it wasn't enough for me. In the past he promised me that he would change but he hasn't yet. So why is this time any different? Being with J has shown me that someone can treat me with the respect I deserve. He took me out to dinner and he drops me home. I just don't know how to move forwards as I am totally in love with my ex but I'm developing strong feelings for J. Could someone please help me move forwards?
TL;DR: | broke up with ex of 1.5 years. Slept with another guy and I am developing feelings for the new guy. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Have you ever been in a "Catfish" situation and felt sorry for the person and actually dated them?
POST: Back when I was 19, I fell for some girl who I thought was this hot ass brazilian chick, but ended up being a "big girl" (big is an understatement). I felt so bad for her that I actually dated her out of pity for about 5 months... I felt horrible because I didn't want to be with in that "relatioship" but I also did not want to hurt the girl's feelings... when I finally had the guts to break it off, I had to get high as hell to do it. Let's say she didn't take so well.... but I felt great.
TL;DR: | got trapped in a Catfish situation with a big girl, dated 5 months, got high and broke up with her. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [18 M] can't talk to [19F] girl, exchanging strange and long visual contact with her.
POST: Throwaway.
I have serious trouble talking to people(mainly because of crazy/helicopter parents) and there's this girl at school that I really have had a crush for at least 3 years. The problem is, we have no friends in common, school is full of groups that don't interact with each other and now she knows because I'm not very good at looking at her(yeah, kind of creepy, I know..).
Now, she obviously she doesn't have any will to speak to me or we're both in the same situation(don't think so, unfortunetely).
I just want to make things better, but I'm afraid talking to her directly will be very strange(and I can't manage to get her alone).
TL;DR: | I'm a pussy, can't talk to girl I have a crush and she knows, I'm afraid of being weird. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20] Quick question about pursuing a girl at work
POST: A girl started working at my place of employment a couple of months ago and I never really got a chance to talk to her. Neither of us got a ton of hours and it seemed like one of of was always leaving when the other was just getting in. I talked to her once or twice and she seemed cool but that was about it.
My plan was to just wait it out until we eventually got scheduled together to get to know each other but when I went in to work a few days ago I found out that she had quit. I know that the managers have a record of current employees phone numbers and was thinking about asking for hers. Any advice?
TL;DR: | Would it be weird if I got an ex-coworkers number from one of our managers and gave her a call? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Regret saying "I love you" xpost from relationship_tips
POST: For background I'm 19 [F], and he's 24; this is my first relationship, while he recently got out of a serious relationship. We have been dating for 2 months, but were friends before that. However, for the past couple weeks I've been feeling dissatisfied with the relationship, and thought about breaking up.
He was the first to use the "love" word, a week into the relationship, and I responded back because I liked him and wasn't sure what else to do. I've come to realize that while I care for him, I don't love him; and he certainly seems to care and be much more emotionally dependent upon me. But since I started using that word, how can I stop using it; and if I do break up with him, how can I justify myself when I told him I once loved him?
Also, for future relationships, should someone professing love in the first week be considered a red flag?
TL;DR: | How can I tell a guy I want to end the relationship, when I recently told him that I love him? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My gf[17 F] told me[17 M] that she wanted a break.
POST: To put it frankly she works all of the time. Combined with us both going to school, her collage, it's very hard for us to see/talk to each other, especially this past month.
Last night, she called me and told me that she had a crush on another guy she works with, and that she wanted to take a "break". However. I talked with her for about an hour over the phone explaining how stupid that was, and now she's begging for me to forgive her for trying to break up with me, and wants to be together again. And now she's pissed that I'm not quick to forgive and forget her breaking up with me.
I genuinely don't know what to do. It's been going quite strong for about 7 months now. (we've been dating for 8).
TL;DR: | Gf broke up with me for 10 mins, to try and immediately get back, I'm slow to forgive her. |
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: I've never felt so lonely before.
POST: I've recently confessed my feelings towards a friend whom I liked for 4 years. He kindly rejected me and we're still good friends. He's one of my closest friends but because I still love him, I feel extremely depressed at the fact that I'll get nothing more than just a friendship. Because I've liked him for so long, I feel like something within me died. My friends tell me that I've changed, and that I have a "dark aura". I feel the need to be with another person to make up for all those years of emotions I've spent on him. But when the opportunity arises, I become numb and reject everything and everyone.
I don't know if I can handle being his friend anymore. I don't want to lose him but at the same time, I can't bear hearing the news of him one day finding someone else and so forth. I can't bear not talking to him because he's the only person who can sincerely make me smile and laugh. He's caused so many tears and laughters over the years and I don't know if I can do it anymore.
TL;DR: | in love with a friend, told him, got rejected, still friends, but it hurts to stay as friends. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: BF (29m) on craigslist M4M but denies being gay or even bisexual.
POST: I (30f) have been dating a guy for 2 months. He is in his late 20s. He is a man's man: loves sports, beer, and fantasy football. He grew up in a single parent household; his dad wasn't in the picture. Two days ago I found out that he occasionally responds to m4m posts on craigslist and has even posted an ad himself. He says that he a couple of years ago he got a handjob from a guy he met on CL. He said there was no kissing. The guy jerked my bf off and my bf left immediately after. My bf did have a girlfriend at the time but she didn't know about the CL thing. He was responding to ads in October (we had been dating for 3 weeks) but supposedly didn't meet up with anyone.
I have suggested that he seek counseling only because he is ashamed, almost tortured over this behavior. He says he's not gay or bi and wants to stop going on CL. He is nervous about going to a therapist though because he doesn't know what to expect.
I told him that if he's bi, I would support him and we could develop a relationship we're both happy with. He doesn't want that. He says he wants monogamy. I know what he did was cheating but that's not the purpose of my post.
My questions:
What is the psychology/reasoning behind getting the handjob if he isn't sexually attracted to men (at least he says he isn't)?
Has anyone been to therapy for a similar reason? What are the sessions like?
TL;DR: | bf of 2 months responds to m4m posts, says he's not gay, but wants to stop. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [18 M] with my girlfriend [18 F] of 1.5, she is very mad at me after dozing off on Skype
POST: **Oh crap I messed up the title. GF of 1.5 MONTHS.**
I've been dating this girl for about a month and a half, but we got together after talking non-stop for almost six months. She was my closest friend, and now I'm incredibly fortunate to say she is my girlfriend.
Unfortunately, though, she is staying in California for school, whereas I just moved out to the Midwest for college. This being a long distance relationship, we did what long distance couples do, and tried a Skype call. It was all wonderful, and we talked for hours until, right around 12:30AM my time, I started to doze off, and ended up sleeping for about 5 minutes.
When I came to again, everything was changed. She was disinterested in me, and just all around pissed off. To her, it seemed offensive and rude that I would just fall asleep like that instead of telling her, and no matter how much I much I apologized and swore that it would never happen again, she remained angry and wouldn't forgive me. Now, she never wants to Skype again and isn't even sure if she wants to talk for a little while.
As for me, I'm just kicking myself for being stupid and fucking up like this, even if it was an honest to God accident, and I'm just trying to do whatever I can to win back her favor.
What should I do? What should I say?
TL;DR: | Fell asleep at 12:30AM while Skyping gf. She is now pissed and doesn't want to talk. What do I do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/college
TITLE: $82 in library fines, what can I do?
POST: I was a major idiot and kept some stuff from the library way past the due date. (Not usually a HUGE issue, but this time I had a DVD...those DVDs rack up fines like they're going out of style). Long story short, I now have $82 in overdue fines. Ain't nobody got time fo' 'dat! I don't need to check things out again, and it's my last semester since I'm transferring, but I'm probably going to need to get my transcript sent to my new college. Does anyone have experience getting out of library fines that can offer me tips? $82 is a lot to spend on anything, much less something as pointless as this.
TL;DR: | I'm a dumbass, got $82 in fines, and need to find a way to work down/around that amount. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [18M] have never had a girlfriend and don't know how to meet women.
POST: I'm 18 in college and grade 9 was my first time in a public school and since I was in a private school I never got to know any of the women who I went to school with. So from grade 9 to 12 I was seen as "that guy everyone knows" people knew me even if had never known them and people would talk to me but I never got to really meet people. The only people who I became friends with I still am but they're all guys. The times I could've met women were in art class but they all thought I was gay and I was too polite to correct them. And all of the girls in my other classes were either in a relationship or way out of my league (some are actually now models).
Now that I'm in college I'm in a program which is mainly other guys (automotive) and the girls in there aren't really who I'm interested in. They all smoke, drink and go hunting. Where as I don't do any of those and want to meet a smart attractive woman who is classy. Every week there is a bar night at my school (I don't know why but they serve alcohol at lunch) and I'm planning on going to a few this year but I don't know how to speak to anyone. I've heard people say to just buy one a drink and she'll talk to you and others just walk up and talk. But I don't know how.
There are very few women I can talk to. And I don't know why but every other girl it's a freeze up.
TL;DR: | Never had a girl friend. Don't know where to meet women and if I did I wouldn't know what to say. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: I'm an alcoholic who thinks he sees things more clearly when drunk, am I wrong?
POST: There are a few questions I'd like to ask people in my life or say to them when I'm drunk. I wouldn't say these things when I'm sober and I wouldn't have said these things to those people before I started drinking either. Is it a bad idea to say these things when I'm drunk? I cannot speak as elegantly when I'm drunk but I speak more honestly when drunk. When drunk I do confess the things that trouble me more? I know the optimal answer is to deal with all your problems when sober but there are problems that some will never deal with sober. Am I one of them? How do I develop the strength of character to deal with my problems while overcoming my addiction?
TL;DR: | I am a drunk with serious things to say and tired of wating to get better to say them. Wat do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/Cooking
TITLE: I am going to make a turducken breast this year, but I question what temperature to cook it at
POST: So I plan on cooking a turducken this year. Well not technically a turducken, but something pretty close. Instead of having 10 - 20 people, I have 3 so I don't want to cook an ENTIRE turducken. Here is what I plan on doing:
Buying the following:
* Turkey breast
* Chicken Breast
* Duck Breast
* Stuffing
* Bacon
preparing as the following
* Cook Stuffing, allow to cool
* Partially fillet all three meats so that they are long versions of themselves.
* Lay the turkey down on the counter, and apply some cooled stuffing
* Lay the duck breast on top of the stuffing, and center it in the middle of the turkey, apply cooled stuffing on top of it.
* Lay the chicken breast on top of the duck, center it, and apply more cooled stuffing on top of it.
* Roll the meat, to create a 'meat log'.
* Wrap meat log with Bacon
* Wrap ultra meat long with cooking twine and place in roasting pan.
Now here is the part I am not 100% on, I am thinking about cooking it at around 250 for ~ 6 - 8 hours (starting to take it's temp after 5 hours) Will that be safe? I've read you shouldn't slow roast a turkey however I am assuming that is just a WHOLE turkey since it has the cavity inside of it.
If you see this turning out horrible, please let me know, I would rather not ruin a thanksgiving meal :P
TL;DR: | I have a log of meat i want to slow roast, how long should that shit cook for and at what temp? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [18 M] with the girl I wanna date, [18 F] known her for 4 days , her mom won't let me date her.
POST: She lives 2 hours away from me, and she comes over today to hangout as friends because her parents let her. She's very smart and got accepted into many colleges, and she's going to go to Texas State University.
Her dad was ok with me dating her, but her mom wants me to be in college, but an hour away at least from her. The girl i'm talking to says that it's because her brother dated a girl 5 hours away and it didn't work out, resulting on her brother being upset. Her mom didn't want that for her. Anyways, I really like this girl and I want to date her, but her mom wants me to be in college and live closer, so we can't date according to her mom. She tells me her parents are overprotective.
TL;DR: | What should I do if I wanna date a girl, but her mom wants me to be in college? I really like her. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21 F] with my BF[26 M] 6 mo, should I help him pay off his debt?
POST: My boyfriend has close to $2000 in debt from an apartment that his ex-girlfriend ruined when they were living together 5 years ago. They were on the lease together but they broke up because she cheated on him and he moved out before the lease was up. He was later contacted by the apartment complex because the apartment was ruined when she moved out. At the time she agreed to help him pay off the amount owed, but never lived up to that agreement. She now lives in Germany.
He has just started making payments on the debt (took him a while to mature financially) but his credit score is ruined because of this and he doesn't make enough money to pay off the debt for at least a year.
I have plenty of money and would easily be able to loan him the money to pay it off. I haven't told this to him yet because I haven't decided if that is something I should do.
We are moving in together and will be sharing bills, planning on getting a pet, etc. and I worry that if the debt isn't paid off, then his finances will start to affect us both in negative ways.
I would have him pay be back for the loan, but it would be without interest as opposed to him having to pay back the debt collectors, which is much higher stress.
TL;DR: | Boyfriend has $2000 debt, I can give him a loan so he can pay it off. Should I do it? |
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: If a girl postpones a date, am I supposed to make the future plans?
POST: I'm a 24m that asked out a 23f after talking to her on OKCupid, IMing, and calling her for 2.5 weeks. She has a weird night schedule as a nurse where she works long hours for 5 days straight one week, then gets 5 days free the next. This has slowed down the process of meeting her.
The day the date was supposed to happen (yesterday), she cancels at 8am, stating she wants to postpone with an excuse. We were supposed to meet for lunch, so it was pretty last minute.
I wont go into too much detail, but I thought Friday, especially lunchtime, was a bad time on her end because she would get off a 12 hour shift at 7am that morning. After asking if she was sure on that time, and her answering yes, I didn't really push the issue much as she chose the day and time and I was fine with it on my end.
Now I'm not sure what to do. Am I expected to make future plans or should I just let her come to me? I know she's off from Friday to Tuesday, so it bothers me a bit she hasn't already tried to make plans herself. On the flip side, I don't want to wait another whole week to have a chance to meet her if I don't make a move now. My patience is growing thin.
TL;DR: | Girl wants to postpones date last minute. Do I ask her out again or wait for her to come to me? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [28 M] with my ex [28 F] were together for 1.5 years. Long story short I told her that I loved her and she kept leading me on.
POST: We were actually working on a project together and she needed me. On the back of my mind I knew that she didn't love me but I still helped her with the project and made it clear that that I knew that she didn't love me but I really wanted to be remain friends with her. As soon as the project finished she blocked me every where. I emailed her explaining that I knew that she didn't love me and I just needed her as a friend because of the circumstances that I am in. She replied that she never said that she loved me and that she wanted to get away because it wasn't good good for both of us. I said that I just wanted to be friends because I trusted her more than anything else in the world. And because I needed her. To which she said that I was obsessed with her and i needed to move on. My question to you guys is should I at least make her realize that she is doing it for herself and not me like she is pretending to? I helped her countless number of times and now when it's my turn she is giving me this bull crap. Or should I just let it go? I can't come to terms with the fact that I was manipulated and used and then trashed when the need was over. It really hurts. Should I give her a piece of my mind?
TL;DR: | Should I confront/curse my ex who used me to her gain and then threw me away when I needed her? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My girlfriend [25 F] of 5 months doesn't feel like she's good enough for me [25 M]
POST: My long-distance girlfriend over-thinks things and tends to get really worried easily. I'm super chill and so together she keeps me in check and vice versa.
Anyway, she admitted to me that she often thinks she's not good enough for me, and that she has no idea why I like her (as if being geeky, funny, kindhearted and sexy wasn't enough of a reason).
We have really strong feelings for each other but she gets nervous/anxious when I compliment her or do something nice for her. She says she's kinda bewildered that I'd say/do them.
She's flying over here in summer and she's really nervous that I'll see her and will suddenly stop liking her. I try to reassure her whenever it comes up, but like I said she's a worrier and there's always that niggling doubt in her head.
What else can I do to convince her that she's the girl for me?
TL;DR: | Girlfriend is a worrier, always thinks I'm too good for her. How can I re-assure her? |
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: Are my(27/F) standards unreasonable?
POST: I have been doing the online dating thing for a few months now. Mixed reviews. Have met some genuinely nice guys but no LTRs. My friends tell me I am "too picky" and that I need to lower my standards. I only have three deal breakers: 1) No smoking - because I have asthma and will have an asthma attack if someone smokes around me (legitimate health concern in my opinion); 2) At least my height - I'm 5'5"- and haven't met anyone that was under my height, so this is really a non-issue; and 3) a Bachelor's degree.
Number 3 seems to be where the problem originates. For background purposes, I have a B.A., and two graduate degrees. I am not of the mindset that education makes people smart, but (and this is where I grit my teeth and hope I don't come off as an a-hole) I really enjoy discussing political, historical, and economic events and theories (nerd, big time) and have found that guys without a B.A. or B.S. usually don't care about these things. Engaging conversation is really important to me in a relationship, and I can't imagine dating someone that has no interest in these things. My friends tell me that the education preference is stupid and I need to ditch it. Looking for an outsider's perspective. Ridiculous or understandable?
TL;DR: | am I being uppity by wanting to date guys that have a B.A./B.S. or higher? |
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: I'm too afraid of ruining my friendship to start a relationship.
POST: I have a friend who I've known off and on for about 6 years, but about 6 months ago got involved with some volunteer work that she was also involved in. We've been spending time together in groups, but not alone together, and last weekend she invited some people to take a small road trip to a college to hear someone speak. No one wanted or could go except me. That trip was one of the best times I've had in a long time, and it was because of being with and talking to her in the car. When we got to the college I wanted this guy speaking to be done, so we could go back and talk again. I just like being around her, she's pretty wonderful. I'd love to ask her out but I'm 23 and have only asked one person ever out to a date, and that relationship ended after 3 weeks. I'm terrified because I don't think she would say yes, it's just the impression I get from her, and then it would be awkward enough to not get to hang out with her the way I can now, and that would crush me. I really like this girl and we both agree on some heavy subjects like religion, but I just can't ask her out, I'm sure I'll get rejected and then I will have nothing, and I'd rather not know for sure she doesn't want to date me and still have the friendship we have then have that chance I'll be rejected and not have what we have now.
TL;DR: | I'm so afraid the girl I like will say no to a date and ruin our friendship, that I won't ask her. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [19M] Have Trouble Showing My True Colors With Women
POST: I [19M] just got out of my first relationship, and before this I thought I was undatable because of negative experiences with women.
My very first relationship proved me wrong. I found that I can be a very good and caring boyfriend. I can't say I'm exceptional at many things, but being a boyfriend is one of them.
The reason why I did not know this is because I never had any experience with relationships. But now that I know how good of a boyfriend I can be, I am ready to go and confidently find love again. However, I don't really know HOW to do this.
You see, while I am confident once I get to know the girl, I struggle greatly beforehand. When I am comfortable with someone, I can be witty, funny, and I've even been told I 'talk like a poem'. However, when its with someone I just met, I for some reason cannot think of anything witty or stimulating to say.
What are some mental tricks that help me get passed the 'stranger zone' and allow me to show my true colors? (Not just in relationships, but with making friends as well.) Any help will be appreciated.
TL;DR: | When I'm in a relationship, I am very good with women. But when its with a stranger, I freeze. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Did I mess up, or was she not ready?
POST: I invited this girl to come stay the weekend with me (two different college students). Lots of flirting on texts, calls, snapchats, etc. Told her I had feelings, she felt the same. She comes over, we cuddle on the couch, have a beer, I play with her hair, and we kiss a little. Go on a double date and I hold her hand a little. She leaves after dinner to take a call, and I get a text 10 minutes later saying "I came on too strong and it was freaking her out". Later found out she told the friend who picked her up she told me to back off and I didn't.
TL;DR: | Girl liked me, ditched me on a date, I feel like a scumbag-loser. Any thoughts? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: 3 week vacation..
POST: I left for Europe 2 days ago for 3 weeks. This is the first time and longest time I've been away from my girlfriend, and I miss her more than I thought I would. She's also taking it badly back at home.
Every time I think of her I want to cry. I don't feel I can have fun sightseeing, but I still am going to try to enjoy it. I also am trying to get her to be as busy and preoccupied as possible to make the time pass more quickly.
Ya, I'm on the more sensitive/emotional side, so please don't just tell me to just toughen up. I just want advice for me (and her) on how to make this time easier for us. What can we do/think to stop feeling this way and stop crying every time we think about each other?
TL;DR: | on vacation away from gf for 3 weeks. 2 days in and can't handle missing gf. Advice? |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Pain is a Bitch. What kind of pain combinations have you suffered with?
POST: Hi Reddit, just a quick survey on the physical pain people feel and has there been times where you've had multiple areas with pain at once?
I've had 2 bad Molars since i was 10 from being stubborn in brushing my teeth. (Am 21 now) I had them filled in until it fell off this year. Finally went to the dentist with no coverage, was told I would have to get them pulled out. Referred to a Surgeon. Now have to save up a bit to get these pulled out. Meanwhile suffering from on and off pain.
Last week, I got one canker sore behind my bottom lip. That has been hell for the past week, non-stop. Anytime you move your mouth, chew, drink something = Pain!!
Since i turned 21 earlier this year in March, i've also been having pain and discomfort from what I can guess are my Wisdom teeth coming out. These are on the top part of my mouth at the very back, away from the two bad Molars.
Add those up to all at once now and pain pills are my best friend.
TL;DR: | Having pain absolutely sucks, Bad Molars + Canker Sore + Wisdom teeth coming in = Terrible luck. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: When did your thought start to wander and you caught yourself thinking some fucking weird stuff when you "woke up" again?
POST: I was once waiting for my train and had not yet shown up on the departure screen althought there were about 5 minutes left for it to arrive. I was a bit pissed but then the train arrived anyways. it was still not shown on the screen. in the next train station it was shown on the screen and it said it would leaye in half an hour, which was about the time for the next train. now my mind starts to stray. i was wondering if i was maybe sitting on a magical train going to the stars. i was not very amused because i actually wanted to go home. when i saw a man stepping out of the train some stations later who was wearing all black clothes i thought: A priest. It all makes sense now. Then i realized what was going on and just thought: Holy fuck brain, what are you doing??
I was perfectly sober at this time.
TL;DR: | I thought, i was on a space train and a "priest" was my proof, that i was right. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Only have a gf very few close friends 28 m
POST: Is this normal? I'm getting hit with depression, feeling lonely without a solid social circle. I lost mine many years ago after not staying in touch due to some real bad depression and anxiety...
Gf and I don't really have many friends, we've lost touch with many, and spend most of our time just with each other when we hang out. I have a problem developing and sustaining authentic friendships. I am introverted by nature, once I feel someone has labeled me as quiet or introverted I find it hard to be myself around them. I'd like to have a better social life (doesn't matter if it is just me or my gf also included) but find it very hard to develop into a regular socializing/hanging out routine with people when everyone already seems so solidified into their groups.
Appreciate any advice as I'm getting tired of the routine. Jesus who would I even invite to my wedding?
TL;DR: | lost most of my friends. Only hang out with gf. Gf and i Need to find a social circle late in life |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [28M] have sexy pictures of my GF [24F], and now she wants some from me...
I've been with my new GF for about 5 months, and she is amazing. I asked her a few weeks ago if I could take sexy pictures of her, and to my surprise she said yes.
I now have a dozen of pictures of her and one video. Most of them where taken while we were having sex, and in a bunch of them we can see her face.
A couple of days ago she told me that she'd also like to have pictures of me. And... I'm not sure what to do.
My first reaction would be to say no, because I have body image issues and I don't really like the idea of having photos of me outside of my control. But this is not fair, since I have pictures of her and she could say the exact same thing...
What do you guys think? Thanks!
TL;DR: | I [28M] have sexy pictures of my GF [24F], and now she wants some from me. What to do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/weddingplanning
TITLE: not a bridesmaid, but dress I want to wear to sister's wedding is technically a bridesmaid's dress...is that OK?
POST: Sorry if this is not OK to ask here but I figured you guys would be the ones to ask about acceptable attire for a wedding. And obviously the best solution is for me to ask my sister, duh, but we don't get along and I'd really rather not.
I've been having a really hard time finding a dress to wear to my sister's wedding and have looked in loads of stores and online to no avail. Yesterday I went into a bridesmaid dress store and looked at Lula Kate dresses ( You can choose and mix-and-match bodices, waistlines, skirts, fabrics, and colors. The one I'd get would have a v-neck, thick natural waist band, and full short skirt, and I like this shade of green (
I'm worried that it will look like I'm trying to be a bridesmaid and be tacky/faux pas
TL;DR: | is wearing a solid color polyester/silk dress at a wedding a bad idea if I'm not a bridesmaid? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How I(34/M) dealt with feeling under-appreciated.
POST: My wife is a nurse who had just come off working three 12-hour night shifts +45 minute commute each way. I work a pretty cushy IT desk job, 9-5 with a 10 minute commute.
I spent 2-3 hours cooking her dinner, cleaning up after dinner and taking care of the dog while she pretty much laid in bed reading a book. I was feeling a bit unappreciated because she had not thanked me for anything.
So I came to her and said "tell me what I did for you tonight". She realized she had not recognized what I did then we both felt happier after the conversation. Me, for being thanked and her for realizing how much her husband cares about her and loves her.
TL;DR: | saying "I did this for you and you didn't thank me" probably isn't the best way to approach things. |
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice
TITLE: One student loan owed to two companies.
POST: So back in 2008 I got a signature student loan from campus doors for $24,000 to help pay for school. In 2010 i guess they went out of business, and my loan was picked up by another company. The issue is it was picked up by both sallie mae and wells fargo and now they want me to pay back the loan to each of them. I talked to my old university and they said I only had one loan around that time frame. I asked both sallie mae and wells fargo to send me the original note of the loan. Any ideas on what to do next?
TL;DR: | Both wells fargo and sallie mae want $30,000+ for my one $24,000 loan. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20 M] got a chance with a [19F] my first real chance with a woman
POST: Alright, here's the deal. I'm a sophomore in college and I've really never had any luck with woman. I briefly met a girl my freshman year while she was touring the dorms. I never thought anything of it and went on my merry way.
My sophomore year I get a facebook message from a girl two days ago though. It's the same girl and she's really attractive. She seems into me so I ask for her number and told her I would text her later.
The next day I text her and it really seems like she's into me, she tells me she wants to go batting, so we schedule a time where we can meet up and I'll pitch and she'll go batting. We continue talking through the night and she tells me she's never drank yet and she would like me to take her out to drink. I tell her I'll take care of her and make sure that she has a good first experience with alcohol when the time comes.
Anyway the conversation continued and she said she really wanted to meet me before our batting session or whatever. I said we could make that happen and we ended up scheduling a meet up at her dorm after class today. I don't know how to act or what to do. I should just stick with talking and not do anything right? Sitting in bed my mind drifted to kissing and other things which I know are not realistic especially since I barely know this girl.
Please give me some advice guys, I'd love the help.
TL;DR: | Met a girl two days ago, scheduled some meetups. What in the world do I do and how do I act? |
TITLE: TIFU by leaving my bag for 5 mins to have a smoke.
POST: I went to a college orientation thing today about REUs and applying to grad school, so we're all sitting in this room listening to speakers and shit talking about research opportunities.
When we get a break, I'm in dire need of my nicotine fix, so I leave my bag in the room with 10 or so teachers and about 20 students for about 5 minutes.
Well, apparently pain medication in a prescription bottle is too much of a temptation for some people, I come back, go throughout our activities, and don't think about what may have happened while I was gone, until my leg started hurting and I reached for my pills, and they were nowhere to be found.
I panic slightly, thinking that someone in the room has them, but then I recall that I hadn't taken them since this morning at my house, and I could be mistaken, so I didn't call anyone out on it.
I get home, check around, and this is after checking all the rooms I was in during the day, and the van that the teacher checked out to take us to the college visit... **NO PILLS, FUCK!!!**
So I called the teacher that took us there, but nothing really else has been done, I don't know what the fuck to do, and my leg really fucking hurts.
TL;DR: | Left my bag in a room where I thought it would be ok, someone stole my tramadol. What do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What's the sweetest thing someone (anyone) has ever done for you?
POST: What's up you guys? This is my first post on Reddit! Super pumped.
Here's my story to get the ball rolling:
At the beginning of my Sophomore year of High School, I met this guy. Let's call him Wayne. Wayne was in my World History class, and he was one year older than me. He had to borrow my notes one day because he was gone. A day or so later he messaged me on Facebook to thank me and ask me for my number. We started talking that night and this subject was brought up. I told him I couldn't really think on an instance. He told me that he was going to do something about that. The next Tuesday, I get a text and he tells me to go to the end of the hallway and look under a little bench that was there. There was a note and a rose. The note told me that he thought I was pretty and he hoped one day we could be like Han and Leia, and he would let me explain Harry Potter to him. It was amazing, especially for a 16 year old girl who had never had anything like that happen. Ever.
TL;DR: | Super hot guy. Gave me a note and a rose. Wanted us to be like Han and Leia. Awesome. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: People of Reddit, what is your opinion of this situation?
POST: I'm a new college grad who has a full-time job with a decent salary (I'm an engineer, it was not a cakewalk getting to this point.) I live at home due to cultural/parental expectations; I'd love to live on my own, but it's just not done in my culture.
I help my parents out wherever I can: I take out the trash, do grocery shopping with my dad (which includes putting away all the groceries), set and clear the dinner table everyday, do my own laundry, etc. My room does not get cleaned up much, but I close the door and pretend the mess doesn't exist.
I have a solid circle of friends (all engineers), and I certainly enjoy hanging out with them. There's not much to do in the town I live in, so we usually go out to eat or do random fun activities. Problem is, my parents don't let me go anywhere! Everytime I tell them my plans to go out (which is about once a week) they outright refuse. They also make me out to feel like I'm some washed up kid who has no goals in life. Now, basically every talk with them turns into an argument. They think I'm disrespectful to them, and basically act like I'm a low-grade employee while they're the CEOs of the household.
I'm starting to feel I'm being ungrateful to them, and starting to feel like I'm taking it all for granted. Am I in the wrong somehow?
TL;DR: | I'm a new grad with a good job living at home, and have parents who act like I'm a lost cause. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [18 F] always end up with crushes and infatuations while in a relationship. What gives?
POST: For the most part, I am happy in my relationships but I always end interested in someone else. Sometimes I even end up thinking of what it'd be like if I broke up with my current boyfriend and ended up dating the other person.
It always starts when the other person starts showing a bit of interest. I've never crushed on someone while in a relationship if they didn't show at least some signs of interest.
Could it be I just enjoy the attention? If so, why imagine what it'd be like in a relationship with them?
I always end up feeling horrible as I don't want to lead anyone on and I don't want to end a good relationship that has seemingly no big issue.
I've been dating my boyfriend for almost four months now and this other friend started getting a bit flirty a couple of nights ago. He's stopped now that I said that I have a boyfriend. I'm extremely happy with my current boyfriend and he treats me beyond amazing. Even so, I still keep thinking "what if".
Anyone know why and how I could stop these feelings? Is anyone the same?
Even though I've never acted on these feelings, I feel so selfish for having them and I don't want to hurt anyone :(
TL;DR: | I always end up with crushes and infatuations while in a relationship. It sucks. How do I stop? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21 M] potentially with [21 F] How to make a move on a date?
POST: I'll start with a bit of back story. So me and this girl went to High School together and were always quite flirty to the point were people were telling me I should stop for the sake of my current girlfriend at the time. We both went off to university and didn't talk until now 3 years on. During this time me and my ex girlfriend split up we'd been together for 5 years and broke up about 3/4 months ago. She also had a boyfriend at the time, but looking at her facebook that appears to be over too not sure for how long.
Anyway she started texting me a few days ago and she wants to meet up. I always had a bit of a thing for her so I thought why not plus it'd be nice to catch up. I asked her where she'd like to go she suggested a few things and we settled on going to the zoo for the day.
Now I'm not sure when she says catch up whether that means just 2 friends catching up or more of a date thing? I dunno whether it would be appropriate to make any sort of "move" like going to hold her hand or put my arm round her or something?
I was planning on playing it by ear but thought I'd ask here and see what you guys thought
TL;DR: | Old friend wants to meet up out of the blue? Is it ok to make a move? How should I do this? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [17/M] and a girl [17/F] have been hanging out and hooking up, but we're not really sure what we are. Advice?
POST: We've been hanging out and hooking up for a few weeks. We're both going off to college in a few months (end of September), so we obviously don't want anything too serious, but it feels like more than just a casual friends with benefits situation.
We kiss whenever we see each other, and we're generally very affectionate to each other. We hold hands while walking and driving, I put my arm around her waist while we're standing together, she rests her head on my shoulder sometimes, and we spend a lot of time close together.
Most FWB/hookup situations I've seen, the people are platonic in public and are just in the relationship for the physical pleasure. In our case, it seems like a little more than that. We've talked about what we are, and we agreed that we weren't dating (just so we don't get feelings for each other and end up heartbroken in a few months), but I have a feeling that she has feelings for me (she said it was "depressing" that this was ending in 3 months).
Do you think it's acceptable for FWBs to be this affectionate in public? She doesn't seem to have any issues with it so far, but I don't want to push her boundaries of what she's comfortable with. I also don't want to give the wrong impression, that I'm getting too attached.
TL;DR: | Girl and I are supposed to be just FWBs, but we are quite affectionate to each other. Is that OK? |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Is it bad that I like bitch slaps?
POST: So I was at the zoo for a Junior Year field trip. With all the cool animals taken out of the zoo and the food costing so much I wasn't very satisfied. While waiting for the bus I was eating a big pretzel and a friend of mine asked for some so I gave him a little. When I was eating my last piece, he snatched it out of my hand and ate it, laughing and turning around directly after, so I quickly back hand slapped him across the face causing him to get bruised beneath the eye. We had a minor exchange of harsh words and later on the bus we both apologized to each other. I'm not sure why I was so quick to slap the shit out of him (I'm not one to get violent nor do I have a history of violence.)
--Is it bad that I enjoyed it?
TL;DR: | I bitch slapped a guy who took my pretzel and I wana know if it's bad that I liked it. |
TITLE: My mom is going crazy.
POST: My parents got divorced when I was 10. After that my mom found a guy named "jeff". For around 10 years now, my moms off again on again bf jeff has been ruining her mentally and physically. He has hit her physically several times, and constantly belittles her to a point of little to no self worth. She says that they love each other and they have all these memories together, but the abuse just wont go away. I have been living with my mom for the past month now due to other issues with my dad. Every time I come home to my moms she is emotional and on edge about one thing or another. I am emotionally distraught at this point in time because I have constantly been telling my mom (as well as every one of her friends and other family members) to get away from jeff, but she chooses to stay with him.
Tonight when I came home she said that she was at his house and they fought again, and I listened to her for a little bit but eventually said "shut the fuck up I have had enough of you talking about him." Yes, I know she is my mother but at some point you just can't deal with it anymore. She told me that I sound just like jeff when he gets angry and she started comparing me to him. I about left and went to my dads house, but I am afraid if I leave that she will just drink and go to jeffs or worse.
What can I do? I'm just a college student with shit of my own to deal with. HELP!
TL;DR: | Mom gone crazy from on again off again bf. I'm a college kid and don't know what to do about it. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Struggling with having feelings for another girl
POST: I'm 22(m) and I've been with my girlfriend (21/f) for almost 4 years. Really good relationship overall and breaking up is not an option. GF is 15 weeks pregnant and we are keeping the baby. Marriage is only a matter of when. Our relationship is very serious and I love my GF so much.
A couple weeks ago I made a terrible decision and kind of/sort of cheated on her. Didn't have sex with the other girl (18/f) but fooled around. I called things off before we could hook up. I intended on just fully cutting out the other girl (Catherine) from my life but that has proven to be really hard.
I'm basically infatuated with her and I feel shitty for feeling this way but I've been almost regretting not having sex with her. We texted and she sent me some nudes a couple days which has just rekindled my desire for her. I feel like a mega-scumbag for this. I don't know how to get Catherine out of my head. I don't want to be the asshole who cheats on his pregnant girlfriend.
Coming clean to my girlfriend about what happened before or the sexting isn't an option. I just need advice on how to stop feeling this way.
TL;DR: | I can't get rid of feelings I have for another girl that I kind of cheated on my GF with. Need help |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20 M] not sure if girl [20 F] wanna go out with me
POST: So i met this girl on Tinder, who i seems to get along with. Then she wants me to add her on Facebook, which i see as a positive sign.
Pretty fast i decide to ask her out, because why not...
it happens this way:
Me: U seem like a openminded girl with alot of energy
Her: I am!
me: Well then let me take you out for dinner on saturday, and let me get to know you ;)
15min break..
Her: I can't saturday :(
Me: hmm am i right if that means u cant any other day either?
Her: No seriously, i have plans with a friend.
Me: i belive you :)
Her: Great :)
Me: but i had to give it a shot ;)
Her: Ya, nice shot ;)
And now im a bit confused if i got rejectet, or she actually would like to go on a date someday? What do u guys think?
Bonus info: She is very hot 9-10/10 and im probably a 7/10 idk..
She got a lot of offers from guys better looking and with better physique than me, so i wonder why she even gave me attention at the start.
btw. sorry for my poor english :))
TL;DR: | Girl said she couldnt go on a date at the given day, and now i wonder if she even would at all?? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (f19) don't feel ready to do all the things my bf (m26) wants me to do for the relationship (lor 2 months)
POST: I've been with my boyfriend for going on three months now and since day one this has been an issue for us. He expects more from me than i feel ready to give him sexually. When i try and attempt oral sex, it's really uncomfortable and he chokes me because he gets a bit forceful sometimes. I'm not ready to have full blown sex with him yet and he says if i want to be a good girlfriend to him then i would. I agree with
him, and he's made it clear to me that if i can't oblige him then he's going to up and leave. How do i convince him that i care about him and i don't want him to leave, while i work on my skills and getting ready to sleep with him? Thanks in advance.
TL;DR: | Not ready and not skilled enough for bf and he's made it clear he'll leave if i don't come round. |
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: ok my life is fucked up right now.
POST: ok first of all im a horrible at wrighting and spelling so bear with me.
ok so I left my wife about 3 monts ago the fighting and violence just got to be to much for me and I couldn't let my doughter see it any more. I do think its the right move. ok now my wife is totally distraught she cant eat shes lost 30 pounds and is allways miserable and I cant take seeing her like this.
heres the kicker I am feeling the same exact way but not about her its about a girl that ive been working with for over a year now and about 3 weekes after my wife and I broke up I gave her a call just to chat and it was the most mind blowing conversation of my life I felt like I was 16 again. she liked me I liked her and I was in a good place and happy fast forward 3- 5 weeks from that this girl is now trying to avoid me like the plague. she said she still likes me but she has trust issues. now im stuck working with the girl of my dreams that I cant have and have to see her 5 days a week.
next subject she is still in love with her ex he is studying aborad and comming home in 6 weeks but he already has another girl he is dating but in my opinion she is still holding on hope that he will comr back to her.
all I know is this whole situation is fucked and I cant let go of my feelings for her. what do I do?
TL;DR: | my ex is in love with me, im in love with another girl, other girl is in love with her ex. |
TITLE: TIFU by honoring a Halloween tradition
POST: Every October, I get ready for Halloween by reading some Junji Ito comics. If you know who he is, you probably already know how this ends and don't need to read further.
Right after I finished reading some of that Nippon Nightmare Fuel, my laptop's lid broke. This was bound to happen, it's a five-year-old laptop, whatever.
It turns out the problem was worse than I thought. I woke up later that night to discover that my broken laptop had spilled live snakes, mice, and vampire bats all over my floor, and they were going to crawl onto the bedsheets in about two seconds.
I bolted out of my bedroom at 2 AM, shouting and tripping over shoes, hurting my neck, and looking like an all-around fool. It was about a minute or two before I said, "Now hold on a second..."
I'm in a very stressful period of my life (the good kind of stressed, but nonetheless), so I was stupid to think Junji Ito would somehow make for good bedtime reading material.
TL;DR: | Job-related stress + Head Honcho of Honshu Horror = A bad night and a stiff neck the next morning. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Was this his [35/m] way of telling me he isn't interested in me? [20/f]
POST: I'm not really asking if we should be together, so if you think it's wrong please don't comment.
I like a guy at the grocery store I work at, I'm 20, he is 35. We click really well and we have a lot of fun together. I kind of have a crush on him, but I feel like he just told me he wasn't interested in a way. He was really flirty and still is, but I don't know. We even kissed a few times and he definitely enjoyed it. He has told me he thinks I'm really attractive and funny.
Me and two other coworkers who are a little younger than I am were standing around with him. There was really no context since nobody had said anything yet, but then he randomly said "I feel really old looking around at you all." For some reason I feel like that was a hint that he thinks it wouldn't work between us. I responded with, I think you're looking pretty good and he just laughed and said thanks. Suggestions?
TL;DR: | 35 yr old guy I'm interested in said I make him feel old, I assumed that means he isn't interested. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [18M] broke up with with my girlfriend [17F] after 2 years of dating. I broke up with her and it had been a long time coming, but how do I deal with the very very nasty things she said about me afterward.
POST: I broke up with my girlfriend of two years today. It had been a long time coming and I had my reasons so that's not so much an issue.
However, she said some nasty and cruel things and I am having a tough time dealing with what she said. To be clear I did not say anything hurtful to her first, I had what I wanted to say planned out ahead of time. But once she heard "break up" it want off the rails.
I don't want to include details, but this wasn't just a typical "fuck you", she said some very nasty very personal deep stuff and I can't get past it. Any help is very meaningful.
TL;DR: | Broke up with my girlfriend, she threw some incredibly nasty words my way. I can't get over it. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [32F] can't figure what's going on with this guy [32M]
POST: I'm traveling in this guy's city, here until Wednesday and then I leave the country. We met, exchange info, and the next day he invited me to work with his friends at a cafe. He gave me a ride home, we chatted for at least an hour and we kissed for a bit and he left. So far so good.
Since then, he has invited me to several group activities, and today we are working together on our laptops in a cafe, but he hasn't made any moves at all. I got a cheek kiss when we met up. I haven't had any luck getting him alone at night. Should I make a move on this guy?? I just thought that once you've kissed, there is definite interest, but since he has only tried to get me out in a group or to work on stuff it's throwing me off.
TL;DR: | Met a guy, kissed, can't figure out why he hasn't made a move since. What should I do? |
TITLE: terrible gpa aiming for grad school
POST: I'm a biology undergrad going into my 3rd year this fall. My goal is to continue education further into a masters and lastly get a Phd; I hope to do research.
The problem I have currently is my gpa is abysmal, I've failed several classes (calc 2 three times, cal 1 once, general chem 2 once), got several D's (cell bio, genetics,organic chem 1), C's (cal 1, waves, gen chem 2), 6 B's, and an A.
In the past year I've been below average in every course, and as much as I'd like to start over I can't imagine myself doing anything other than biology, I love it more than anything.
I've done some research as to the cut off in graduate admissions and found out that the lowest gpa to be considered seems to be 3.0, I've done some calculating and in order to get a 3.0 I would need to get a 4.0 in every class for the next 2 years. My current cgpa is 2.24
I don't believe this to be impossible however i would like to hear from some students that have went through something similar to this before and how they were received from grad admissions to give me a little hope.
If it helps, I'm located in Canada and focusing on ecology.
Thanks for your time.
TL;DR: | I need a 4.0 in the next 2 years of classes to get a cgpa of 3.0 needed for gradschool. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [26 M] have recently started hanging out with an old [26 F] friend, always had a crush on her, no clue what our relationship is
POST: There was this girl that I had a huge crush on for a long time back in college. The entire time we were friends she always had a boyfriend. So, I never really made a move, though we did make out a couple times when we were both drunk.
Anyways, I texted her on new years, and the past three weekends she has come up and hung out with me. Once we went out to the bars and she got really drunk and I just took her back to my place to sleep it off. We still had fun, she was just too wasted. The next weekend we went and saw a movie (she paid for both of us), then dinner (I paid). We have a really good connection, there are few pauses, but they aren't really awkward, more comfortable. We went back to my place and talked some more, then I walked her to her car and she hugged me and left.
So these are my questions. How do I find out if she considers these dates? If she doesn't, how do I tell her that I want to date her? I think I'm getting too old to play games and I'd rather just ask her and find out. To me, she's one of those girls who is really hard to read, so that's why I'm here.
TL;DR: | Old crush back in my life, no clue how she feels about me, want to date her, don't know what to do. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Did I do the wrong thing?
POST: Two months after I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years, I had sex with one of her friends. A few months later, I told her what had happened because I didn't want to hear about it from someone else. Even though we were broken up, I felt enormous guilt about the situation as though I had thrown away all the good memories from our relationship and replaced them with the memory of one drunken, irresponsible night. Naturally, my ex was really upset about what had happened and she pretty much hates me. She has been an important person in my life and since we parted on decent terms, I had hoped that at some point we could become friends. Now that seems impossible. Though I thought I was finally doing the right thing by telling her, I wonder if I should have kept that information to myself.
TL;DR: | had sex with the friend of an ex gf a couple months after we broke up; told ex gf out of guilt. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20 M] with my unknown [18 F] I really like her... But I don't know how she feels.
POST: So I met this girl, we went out on the weekend for the first time I paid for our launch and movie. I thought it went ok. Although I am very shy and there were a few moments that it was very awkward.
We like all the same things, we get along very well but I feel she is bored of me and doesn't really want a bf. even if that's the case I still want to be friends with her. We have been chatting every night just about movies, tv and stuff. I havnt text her yet tonight as I feel I might be over texting. I'm really confused as I have never really really liked a girl before.
I told her that I am really shy and she said that we will have to hangout more till I'm not.
What should I do, say? How long should I wait before I ask to do something with her?
TL;DR: | I like a girl, don't know if she likes me. She want to hangout more. But an I texting to much? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My GF (21f) of 7months is best friends with the person I (20m) hate the most.
POST: Im stuck in a shitty roommate situation, and this is the guy causing all my problems. Lets call the guy Brad. He's stolen from me, disrespected me, and verbally attacked me on more than one occasion. He has essentially made my life in a new city and a new school a living hell. I was already struggling with depression and this brought me down even further. Further than I've ever been. I don't blame him for this, but he clearly was a factor. And I hate him. He is currently the person that has hurt me the most.
Now him and my girlfriend are very good friends. Ive tried to be okay with this, and I just cant. I cant be okay with her being best friends with the person who hurt me the most. I dont understand how thats okay in her eyes. I find it super disrespectful. This is the girl I love and helped bring me out of my depression. This is the girl that has confessed her love for me. I dont get how you can be friends with someone who hurt the person you love the most so badly.
So guys and girls im at a lost, I dont know what to do. I don't know if I'm being dumb. I just dont know what to do.
TL;DR: | I hate my asshole roomate, he's hurt me badly, and my girlfriend is still his friend. What do I do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: I[17M]have no idea what to do about this situation with[17F]friend.
POST: We go to the same class, and our class went on a two day trip to Czech this weekend.
On Saturday, we got a bit tipsy, and started kissing each other on the cheek and just fooling around like that. After a couple more beers, she and I decide to go for a walk, and a few minutes in, she grabbed my hand. No big deal I thought. But then, all of a sudden she turned to me and started making out with me. Me, being a bit under the influence, just went on with it. That went on for some time, and then we walked back to the hotel holding hands and went to sleep.
The next day, she was always around me, and kissing me on the cheek, and I think she might be into me. She is one of my best friends, and I never really had any romantic feelings towards her, and I believe that whatever happens from this might screw up our relationship.
So here I am, help me out please Reddit.
TL;DR: | Got drunk with a friend, we made out, think she might be into me, and I'm not into her. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Might he [23m] think less of me [20f] now?
POST: It was a strange weekend, a friend's 21st so drinking was involved. I was dared to take a picture of my butt and send it to two guys. He wasn't one of them. I drunkenly told him about it.
He said he was jealous he didn't get it. I said i wanted him to respect me and he said it was okay and I didn't have to. I told him I was embarrassed while sober, and he said not to worry about it all.
Got drunk again. And i sent the pic to him (i deleted it now). He liked it, but i'm worried he thinks I'm sleazy or something :/
He also got drunk once and stopped the convo because he didn't want it to get sexual.
TL;DR: | Sent a dude a pic of my butt. does he think I'm easy/sleezy/loose/ etc now? |
TITLE: TIFU by seeing Book of Mormon
POST: So last weekend I saw Book of Mormon. And all week I've had the songs stuck in my head non stop. They're all so damn catchy.
In an ironic twist of TIFU fate, For the last few hours I've been making obnoxious "hasa diga eebowai" comments in various TIFU posts. For example "When you give your sister herpes, hasa diga eebowai", ... but substituting giving your sister herpes for whatever the TIFU was...you get the idea. Then I'd sing my comment in my head since the song is stuck there (if you listen to it you'll understand how catchy it is). Well, doing this gave me the urge to actually listen to it, so I found it on Youtube. I had headphones in, and started humming it to myself. Well I was getting pretty into it... and when I got to the "I have maggots in my scrotum" line... without thinking I dramatically sung out loud "I HAVE MAGGOTS IN MY SCROOOTttUUUMMMMM"
Well, of course, my boss was walking behind my cubicle just as this happened. He heard me. Stopped dead in his tracks. Stared me down for a good 10 seconds. And then said "what the fuck is your problem?". I tried to explain it was from a song...don't think he believed me.
TL;DR: | Saw Book of Mormon ... told boss I have maggots in my scrotum. Hasa diga eebowai :/ |
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