59 values
8 values
1 value
Murray. Batchelor
M. T. Batchelor
Reflection equations and surface critical phenomena
8 pages, PostScript file, talk given in Tianjin, August 1995. To appear in "Statistical Models, Yang-Baxter Equation and Related Topics", M.L. Ge and F.Y. Wu eds, World Scientific, Singapore (1996) pp 41-48
ANU-MRR 091-95
cond-mat hep-th nlin.SI solv-int
A brief review is given of recent developments in the study of surface critical phenomena from the viewpoint of exactly solved lattice models. These developments include exact results for the polymer adsorption transition and the surface critical exponents of the eight-vertex model.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 16 Aug 1996 07:39:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Batchelor", "M. T.", "" ] ]
Laura Mersini-Houghton
Laura Mersini-Houghton
Entropy of the Information Retrieved from Black Holes
9 pgs., 1 figure
hep-th gr-qc hep-ph quant-ph
The retrieval of black hole information was recently presented in two interesting proposals in the 'Hawking Radiation' conference: a revised version by G. 't Hooft of a proposal he initially suggested 20 years ago and, a new proposal by S. Hawking. Both proposals address the problem of black hole information loss at the classical level and derive an expression for the scattering matrix. The former uses gravitation back reaction of incoming particles that imprints its information on the outgoing modes. The latter uses supertranslation symmetry of horizons to relate a phase delay of the outgoing wave packet compared to their incoming wave partners. The difficulty in both proposals is that the entropy obtained from them appears to be infinite. By including quantum effects into the Hawking and 't Hooft's proposals, I show that a subtlety arising from the inescapable measurement process, the Quantum Zeno Effect, not only tames divergences but it actually recovers the correct $1/4$ of the area Bekenstein-Hawking entropy law of black holes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 16 Nov 2015 01:18:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mersini-Houghton", "Laura", "" ] ]
David Bermudez M. Sc.
David Bermudez and David J. Fernandez C
Non-hermitian Hamiltonians and Painlev\'e IV equation with real parameters
10 pages, 7 figures
math-ph hep-th math.MP quant-ph
In this letter we will use higher-order supersymmetric quantum mechanics to obtain several families of complex solutions of the Painleve IV equation with real parameters. We shall also study the algebraic structure, the eigenfunctions and the energy spectra of the corresponding non-hermitian Hamiltonians.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Apr 2011 22:19:23 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:51:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bermudez", "David", "" ], [ "C", "David J. Fernandez", "" ] ]
Pablo Ramses Alonso-Martin Mr
Pablo Ramses Alonso-Martin, Horatio Boedihardjo and Anastasia Papavasiliou
Statistical Inference for the Rough Homogenization Limit of Multiscale Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes
34 pages, 5 figures
math.ST stat.TH
Most real-world systems exhibit a multiscale behaviour that needs to be taken into consideration when fitting the effective dynamics to data sampled at a given scale. In the case of stochastic multiscale systems driven by Brownian motion, it has been shown that in order for the Maximum Likelihood Estimators of the parameters of the limiting dynamics to be consistent, data needs to be subsampled at an appropriate rate. Recent advances in extracting effective dynamics for fractional multiscale systems make the same question relevant in the fractional diffusion setting. We study the problem of parameter estimation of the diffusion coefficient in this context. In particular, we consider the multiscale fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck system (fractional kinetic Brownian motion) and we provide convergence results for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of the diffusion coefficient of the limiting dynamics, using multiscale data. To do so, we derive asymptotic bounds for the spectral norm of the inverse covariance matrix of fractional Gaussian noise.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 12 Jul 2024 22:07:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Alonso-Martin", "Pablo Ramses", "" ], [ "Boedihardjo", "Horatio", "" ], [ "Papavasiliou", "Anastasia", "" ] ]
Tianchen Huang
Tianchen Huang
The spatial accessibility of attractive parks in Chicago and a proposed planning support system to evaluate the accessibility of POIs
physics.soc-ph cs.CY
Urban parks play an essential role in meeting the ecological, social, and recreational requirements of residents. Access to urban parks reflects people's quality of life. The present research focused on the cumulative accessibility by walking and driving to attractive urban parks for different population groups in Chicago. The present study used the ratings and the number of reviews on Google Maps to evaluate each parks' attractiveness. The results present the cumulative accessibility scores using gravity, linear, and kernel models. In addition, the spatial distribution of the accessibility to parks for population groups of different races and levels of income are shown at the 90 m X 90 m land cell scale and at the community level. Highly attractive parks that people walk to receive a high accessibility score. However, parks with high accessibility scores that people drive to were along the major highways. The present study also determined that the Black and high-income populations have a higher accessibility score to parks than other population groups. Moreover, a planning supporting system is proposed that uses rating data that can be gathered from apps such as Google Maps and Yelp to evaluate all types of Points of Interest (POIs) in parks.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 25 Sep 2022 18:02:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Huang", "Tianchen", "" ] ]
Toshio Fukumi
Toshio Fukumi
Stasistically constrained operator associated with additivity of communication channel
6 pages, 2 figures, Quantum Optics and Application in Computation and Communication (Nov. 2004 Beijing)
Additivity of quantum communication channel is discussed in terms of Poisson process to show it is additive in probability. Poisson process is shown to be responsible for entanglement which is a rare event.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Oct 2004 08:46:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fukumi", "Toshio", "" ] ]
Haiyang Wang
Haiyang S. Wang, Charles H. Lineweaver, Trevor R. Ireland
The Elemental Abundances (with Uncertainties) of the Most Earth-like Planet
24 pages, 8 figures and 5 tables; Accepted by Icarus on 21 August 2017, in press.
To first order, the Earth as well as other rocky planets in the Solar System and rocky exoplanets orbiting other stars, are refractory pieces of the stellar nebula out of which they formed. To estimate the chemical composition of rocky exoplanets based on their stellar hosts' elemental abundances, we need a better understanding of the devolatilization that produced the Earth. To quantify the chemical relationships between the Earth, the Sun and other bodies in the Solar System, the elemental abundances of the bulk Earth are required. The key to comparing Earth's composition with those of other objects is to have a determination of the bulk composition with an appropriate estimate of uncertainties. Here we present concordance estimates (with uncertainties) of the elemental abundances of the bulk Earth, which can be used in such studies. First we compile, combine and renormalize a large set of heterogeneous literature values of the primitive mantle (PM) and of the core. We then integrate standard radial density profiles of the Earth and renormalize them to the current best estimate for the mass of the Earth. Using estimates of the uncertainties in i) the density profiles, ii) the core-mantle boundary and iii) the inner core boundary, we employ standard error propagation to obtain a core mass fraction of $32.5 \pm 0.3$ wt%. Our bulk Earth abundances are the weighted sum of our concordance core abundances and concordance PM abundances. Our concordance estimates for the abundances of Mg, Sn, Br, B, Cd and Be are significantly lower than previous estimates of the bulk Earth. Our concordance estimates for the abundances of Na, K, Cl, Zn, Sr, F, Ga, Rb, Nb, Gd, Ta, He, Ar, and Kr are significantly higher. The uncertainties on our elemental abundances usefully calibrate the unresolved discrepancies between standard Earth models under various geochemical and geophysical assumptions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Aug 2017 12:08:19 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Haiyang S.", "" ], [ "Lineweaver", "Charles H.", "" ], [ "Ireland", "Trevor R.", "" ] ]
Tariq Syed
Tariq Syed
Cancellation of vector bundles of rank $3$ with trivial Chern classes on smooth affine fourfolds
26 pages, to appear in JPAA
math.AG math.AC math.KT
If $n \equiv 0,1~mod~4$, we prove a sum formula $V_{\theta_{0}} (a_{0},a_{R}^{n}) = n \cdot V_{\theta_{0}} (a_{0},a_{R})$ for the generalized Vaserstein symbol whenever $R$ is a smooth affine algebra over a perfect field $k$ with $char(k) \neq 2$ such that $-1 \in {k^{\times}}^{2}$. This enables us to generalize a result of Fasel-Rao-Swan on transformations of unimodular rows via elementary matrices over normal affine algebras of dimension $d \geq 4$ over algebraically closed fields of characteristic $\neq 2$. As a consequence, we prove that any projective module of rank $3$ with trivial Chern classes over a smooth affine algebra of dimension $4$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ with $char(k) \neq 2,3$ is cancellative.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 13 Oct 2020 20:28:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 21 Feb 2022 22:50:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Syed", "Tariq", "" ] ]
Christopher L. Henley
Brond E. Larson and Christopher L. Henley
Effective Hamiltonians for state selection in Heisenberg antiferromagnets
11 pp. LaTeX. Added sec II C, rearranged/improved Sec III B/C, added a few references, small corrections/additions throughout
cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.str-el
In frustrated antiferromagnets with isotropic exchange interactions, there is typically a manifold of degenerate classical ground states. This degeneracy is broken by the (free) energy of quantum or thermal fluctuations, or the uniform effects of bond disorder. We derive effective Hamiltonians to express each kind of selection effect, in both exact forms and convenient approximate forms. It is argued that biquadratic terms, representing the collinear-selecting effects of quantum fluctuations, should be included in classical simulations of large-$S$ frustrated magnets at low temperatures
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 6 Nov 2008 14:20:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 28 Sep 2009 13:51:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Larson", "Brond E.", "" ], [ "Henley", "Christopher L.", "" ] ]
Matej Kuhar
Matej Kuhar, S\"am Krucker, Iain G. Hannah, Lindsay Glesener, Pascal Saint-Hilaire, Brian W. Grefenstette, Hugh S. Hudson, Stephen M. White, David M. Smith, Andrew J. Marsh, Paul J. Wright, Steven E. Boggs, Finn E. Christensen, William W. Craig, Charles J. Hailey, Fiona A. Harrison, Daniel Stern, William W. Zhang
Evidence of Significant Energy Input in the Late Phase of a Solar Flare from NuSTAR X-Ray Observations
Published in ApJ, 8 pages
The Astrophysical Journal, 835:6, 2017 January 20
astro-ph.SR astro-ph.HE
We present observations of the occulted active region AR12222 during the third {\em NuSTAR} solar campaign on 2014 December 11, with concurrent {\em SDO/}AIA and {\em FOXSI-2} sounding rocket observations. The active region produced a medium size solar flare one day before the observations, at $\sim18$UT on 2014 December 10, with the post-flare loops still visible at the time of {\em NuSTAR} observations. The time evolution of the source emission in the {\em SDO/}AIA $335\textrm{\AA}$ channel reveals the characteristics of an extreme-ultraviolet late phase event, caused by the continuous formation of new post-flare loops that arch higher and higher in the solar corona. The spectral fitting of {\em NuSTAR} observations yields an isothermal source, with temperature $3.8-4.6$ MK, emission measure $0.3-1.8 \times 10^{46}\textrm{ cm}^{-3}$, and density estimated at $2.5-6.0 \times 10^8 \textrm{ cm}^{-3}$. The observed AIA fluxes are consistent with the derived {\em NuSTAR} temperature range, favoring temperature values in the range $4.0-4.3$ MK. By examining the post-flare loops' cooling times and energy content, we estimate that at least 12 sets of post-flare loops were formed and subsequently cooled between the onset of the flare and {\em NuSTAR} observations, with their total thermal energy content an order of magnitude larger than the energy content at flare peak time. This indicates that the standard approach of using only the flare peak time to derive the total thermal energy content of a flare can lead to a large underestimation of its value.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:21:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kuhar", "Matej", "" ], [ "Krucker", "Säm", "" ], [ "Hannah", "Iain G.", "" ], [ "Glesener", "Lindsay", "" ], [ "Saint-Hilaire", "Pascal", "" ], [ "Grefenstette", "Brian W.", "" ], [ "Hudson", "Hugh S.", "" ], [ "White", "Stephen M.", "" ], [ "Smith", "David M.", "" ], [ "Marsh", "Andrew J.", "" ], [ "Wright", "Paul J.", "" ], [ "Boggs", "Steven E.", "" ], [ "Christensen", "Finn E.", "" ], [ "Craig", "William W.", "" ], [ "Hailey", "Charles J.", "" ], [ "Harrison", "Fiona A.", "" ], [ "Stern", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Zhang", "William W.", "" ] ]
Angus Williams
Angus A. Williams, N.W. Evans, Matthew Molloy, Georges Kordopatis, M.C. Smith, J. Shen, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, T. Bensby, P. Francois, S.E Koposov, A. Recio-Blanco, A. Bayo, G. Carraro, A. Casey, T. Costado, E. Franciosini, A. Hourihane, P. de Laverny, J. Lewis, K. Lind, L. Magrini, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, G.G Sacco, C. Worley, S. Zaggia, S. Mikolaitis
The Gaia-ESO survey: Metal-rich bananas in the bulge
6 pages, 8 figures, accepted to ApJ Letters
We analyse the kinematics of $\sim 2000$ giant stars in the direction of the Galactic bulge, extracted from the Gaia-ESO survey in the region $-10^\circ \lesssim \ell \lesssim 10^\circ$ and $-11^\circ \lesssim b \lesssim -3^\circ$. We find distinct kinematic trends in the metal rich ($\mathrm{[M/H]}>0$) and metal poor ($\mathrm{[M/H]}<0$) stars in the data. The velocity dispersion of the metal-rich stars drops steeply with latitude, compared to a flat profile in the metal-poor stars, as has been seen previously. We argue that the metal-rich stars in this region are mostly on orbits that support the boxy-peanut shape of the bulge, which naturally explains the drop in their velocity dispersion profile with latitude. The metal rich stars also exhibit peaky features in their line-of-sight velocity histograms, particularly along the minor axis of the bulge. We propose that these features are due to stars on resonant orbits supporting the boxy-peanut bulge. This conjecture is strengthened through the comparison of the minor axis data with the velocity histograms of resonant orbits generated in simulations of buckled bars. The 'banana' or 2:1:2 orbits provide strongly bimodal histograms with narrow velocity peaks that resemble the Gaia-ESO metal-rich data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 31 May 2016 15:54:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Williams", "Angus A.", "" ], [ "Evans", "N. W.", "" ], [ "Molloy", "Matthew", "" ], [ "Kordopatis", "Georges", "" ], [ "Smith", "M. C.", "" ], [ "Shen", "J.", "" ], [ "Gilmore", "G.", "" ], [ "Randich", "S.", "" ], [ "Bensby", "T.", "" ], [ "Francois", "P.", "" ], [ "Koposov", "S. E", "" ], [ "Recio-Blanco", "A.", "" ], [ "Bayo", "A.", "" ], [ "Carraro", "G.", "" ], [ "Casey", "A.", "" ], [ "Costado", "T.", "" ], [ "Franciosini", "E.", "" ], [ "Hourihane", "A.", "" ], [ "de Laverny", "P.", "" ], [ "Lewis", "J.", "" ], [ "Lind", "K.", "" ], [ "Magrini", "L.", "" ], [ "Monaco", "L.", "" ], [ "Morbidelli", "L.", "" ], [ "Sacco", "G. G", "" ], [ "Worley", "C.", "" ], [ "Zaggia", "S.", "" ], [ "Mikolaitis", "S.", "" ] ]
Gabriela Araujo Dr
Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, Juan Jos{\' e} Montellano-Ballesteros, Mika Olsen and Christian Rubio-Montiel
Achromatic number, achromatic index and diachromatic number of circulant graphs and digraphs
9 pages, 1 figure
In this paper, we determine the achromatic and diachromatic numbers of some circulant graphs and digraphs each one with two lengths and give bounds for other circulant graphs and digraphs with two lengths. In particular, for the achromatic number we state that $\alpha(C_{16q^2+20q+7}(1,2))=8q+5$, and for the diachromatic number we state that $dac(\overrightarrow{C}_{32q^2+24q+5}(1,2))=8q+3$. In general, we give the lower bounds $\alpha(C_{4q^2+aq+1}(1,a))\geq 4q+1$ and $dac(\overrightarrow{C}_{8q^2+2(a+4)q+a+3}(1,a))\geq 4q+3$ when $a$ is a non quadratic residue of $\mathbb{Z}_{4q+1}$ for graphs and $\mathbb{Z}_{4q+3}$ for digraphs, and the equality is attained, in both cases, for $a=3$. Finally, we determine the achromatic index for circulant graphs of $q^2+q+1$ vertices when the projective cyclic plane of odd order $q$ exists.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 20 Dec 2019 21:18:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Araujo-Pardo", "Gabriela", "" ], [ "Montellano-Ballesteros", "Juan Jos{\\' e}", "" ], [ "Olsen", "Mika", "" ], [ "Rubio-Montiel", "Christian", "" ] ]
Giovanni Manfredi
Giovanni Manfredi, Jean-Louis Rouet, Bruce Miller, Yui Shiozawa
Cosmology in One Dimension: Vlasov Dynamics
Phys. Rev. E 93, 042211 (2016)
Numerical simulations of self-gravitating systems are generally based on N-body codes, which solve the equations of motion of a large number of interacting particles. This approach suffers from poor statistical sampling in regions of low density. In contrast, Vlasov codes, by meshing the entire phase space, can reach higher accuracy irrespective of the density. Here, we performed one-dimensional Vlasov simulations of a long-standing cosmological problem, namely the fractal properties of an expanding Einstein-de Sitter universe in Newtonian gravity. The N-body results were confirmed for high-density regions and extended to regions of low matter density, where the N-body approach usually fails.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 26 May 2015 13:49:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 29 Feb 2016 13:35:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Manfredi", "Giovanni", "" ], [ "Rouet", "Jean-Louis", "" ], [ "Miller", "Bruce", "" ], [ "Shiozawa", "Yui", "" ] ]
Aditi Khandelwal
Kriti Aggarwal, Aditi Khandelwal, Kumar Tanmay, Owais Mohammed Khan, Qiang Liu, Monojit Choudhury, Hardik Hansrajbhai Chauhan, Subhojit Som, Vishrav Chaudhary, Saurabh Tiwary
DUBLIN -- Document Understanding By Language-Image Network
cs.CV cs.AI
Visual document understanding is a complex task that involves analyzing both the text and the visual elements in document images. Existing models often rely on manual feature engineering or domain-specific pipelines, which limit their generalization ability across different document types and languages. In this paper, we propose DUBLIN, which is pretrained on web pages using three novel objectives: Masked Document Text Generation Task, Bounding Box Task, and Rendered Question Answering Task, that leverage both the spatial and semantic information in the document images. Our model achieves competitive or state-of-the-art results on several benchmarks, such as Web-Based Structural Reading Comprehension, Document Visual Question Answering, Key Information Extraction, Diagram Understanding, and Table Question Answering. In particular, we show that DUBLIN is the first pixel-based model to achieve an EM of 77.75 and F1 of 84.25 on the WebSRC dataset. We also show that our model outperforms the current pixel-based SOTA models on DocVQA, InfographicsVQA, OCR-VQA and AI2D datasets by 4.6%, 6.5%, 2.6% and 21%, respectively. We also achieve competitive performance on RVL-CDIP document classification. Moreover, we create new baselines for text-based datasets by rendering them as document images to promote research in this direction.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 23 May 2023 16:34:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 24 May 2023 07:03:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 17 Jun 2023 05:53:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Fri, 27 Oct 2023 15:08:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aggarwal", "Kriti", "" ], [ "Khandelwal", "Aditi", "" ], [ "Tanmay", "Kumar", "" ], [ "Khan", "Owais Mohammed", "" ], [ "Liu", "Qiang", "" ], [ "Choudhury", "Monojit", "" ], [ "Chauhan", "Hardik Hansrajbhai", "" ], [ "Som", "Subhojit", "" ], [ "Chaudhary", "Vishrav", "" ], [ "Tiwary", "Saurabh", "" ] ]
Shanmukha Shetty Mr
Shanmukha Shetty, Sauvik Banerjee, Siddharth Tallur, Yogesh M. Desai
Effectiveness of Multi-Physics Numerical Model in Simulating Accelerated Corrosion with Spatial and Temporal Non Uniformity
This study is motivated by the need to develop an efficient numerical model to simulate non-uniform interfacial degradation of reinforcing steel in concrete in an accelerated corrosion setup. In this study, a multi physics finite element (FE) model is presented that takes into consideration the spatial and temporal non uniformity of corrosion induced degradation in rebar, and eliminates the assumption of uniform mass loss and its linear variation with time as per available literature that uses classical approach of Faraday's law. The model is validated experimentally with accelerated corrosion setup designed to induce partial corrosion. Further, the possibility of extending this model to monitor natural corrosion is discussed with required modifications. Unlike previous studies, pore saturation (PS) is continuously monitored and its existing experimental correlations with electrolyte conductivity and oxygen diffusivity in the vicinity of partial corrosion are adopted so that the model can be extended to simulate natural corrosion. These evaluations can be made completely nondestructive and in real time to capture the influence of local environment. The proposed methodology also captures the effect of differential aeration pertaining to local exposure. Therefore, the challenges in incorporating influence of local environment by the use of alternative parameters such as relative humidity from real climate change predictions are eliminated. It is shown that the multi-physics model is effective and convenient to simulate the non-uniform time dependent mass loss with acceptable accuracy and that its capability can be extended to monitor natural non uniform corrosion on a space time frame.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 22 Dec 2021 06:17:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Shetty", "Shanmukha", "" ], [ "Banerjee", "Sauvik", "" ], [ "Tallur", "Siddharth", "" ], [ "Desai", "Yogesh M.", "" ] ]
Zhi-Hai Liu
Zhi-Hai Liu, Rui Li, Xuedong Hu, and J. Q. You
Spin-orbit coupling and electric-dipole spin resonance in a nanowire double quantum dot
16 pages, 6 figures
Scientific Reports 8, 2302 (2018)
cond-mat.mes-hall quant-ph
We study the electric-dipole transitions for a single electron in a double quantum dot located in a semiconductor nanowire. Enabled by spin-orbit coupling (SOC), electric-dipole spin resonance (EDSR) for such an electron can be generated via two mechanisms: the SOC-induced intradot pseudospin states mixing and the interdot spin-flipped tunneling. The EDSR frequency and strength are determined by these mechanisms together. For both mechanisms the electric-dipole transition rates are strongly dependent on the external magnetic field. Their competition can be revealed by increasing the magnetic field and/or the interdot distance for the double dot. To clarify whether the strong SOC significantly impact the electron state coherence, we also calculate relaxations from excited levels via phonon emission. We show that spin-flip relaxations can be effectively suppressed by the phonon bottleneck effect even at relatively low magnetic fields because of the very large $g$-factor of strong SOC materials such as InSb.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 15 May 2018 03:03:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Zhi-Hai", "" ], [ "Li", "Rui", "" ], [ "Hu", "Xuedong", "" ], [ "You", "J. Q.", "" ] ]
Rai Yuen
Donald B. Melrose and Rai Yuen
Pulsar electrodynamics revisited
4 pages
astro-ph.SR astro-ph.HE
The inductive electric field is unjustifiably neglected in most models for pulsar electrodynamics; it cannot be screened by the magnetospheric plasma, and it is not small in comparison with the corotation electric field. The perpendicular component of the inductive electric field implies a drift motion that is inconsistent with corotation at any angular velocity. Some implications of the inductive electric field and the associated drift motion are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 31 Oct 2012 04:01:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Melrose", "Donald B.", "" ], [ "Yuen", "Rai", "" ] ]
Konstantin Bliokh
Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Yuri S. Kivshar, and Franco Nori
Magnetoelectric Effects in Local Light-Matter Interactions
6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 033601 (2014)
physics.optics cond-mat.other quant-ph
We study the generic interaction of a monochromatic electromagnetic field with bi-isotropic nanoparticles. Such an interaction is described by dipole-coupling terms associated with the breaking of dual, P- and T-symmetries, including the chirality and the nonreciprocal magnetoelectric effect. We calculate absorption rates, radiation forces, and radiation torques for the nanoparticles and introduce novel characteristics of the field quantifying the transfer of energy, momentum, and angular-momentum in these interactions. In particular, we put forward the concept of 'magnetoelectric energy density', quantifying the local PT-symmetry of the field. Akin to the 'super-chiral' light suggested recently for sensitive local probing of molecular chirality [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 163901 (2010); Science 332, 333 (2011)], here we describe a complex field for sensitive probing of the nonreciprocal magnetoelectric effect in nanoparticles or molecules.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 16 Dec 2013 11:54:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 2 Jun 2014 16:05:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bliokh", "Konstantin Y.", "" ], [ "Kivshar", "Yuri S.", "" ], [ "Nori", "Franco", "" ] ]
Lukasz Fidkowski
Lukasz Fidkowski and Alexei Kitaev
The effects of interactions on the topological classification of free fermion systems
9 pages, 5 figures. v3: reference added, bibliography cleaned up
We describe in detail a counterexample to the topological classification of free fermion systems. We deal with a one dimensional chain of Majorana fermions with an unusual T symmetry. The topological invariant for the free fermion classification is an integer, but with the introduction of interactions it becomes well defined only modulo 8. We illustrate this in the microscopic model of the Majorana chain by constructing an explicit path between two distinct free phases whose topological invariants are equal modulo 8, along which the system remains gapped. The path goes through a strongly interacting region. We also find the field theory interpretation of this phenomenon. There is a second order phase transition between the two phases in the free theory which can be avoided by going through the strongly interacting region. We show that this transition is in the 2D Ising universality class, where a first order phase transition line, terminating at a second order transition, can be avoided by going through the analogue of a high temperature paramagnetic phase. In fact, we construct the full phase diagram of the system as a function of the thermal operator (i.e. the mass term that tunes between the two phases in the free theory) and two quartic operators, obtaining a first order Peierls transition region, a second order transition region, and a region with no transition.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:20:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 22 Apr 2009 19:10:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 29 Apr 2009 23:53:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fidkowski", "Lukasz", "" ], [ "Kitaev", "Alexei", "" ] ]
X. Hernandez
Roberto A. Sussman (1) and Xavier Hernandez (2) ((1) Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, (2) Instituto de Astronomia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, UNAM)
On the newtonian limit and cut--off scales of isothermal dark matter halos with cosmological constant
13 pages, 19 figures, Accepted in MNRAS, includes minor corrections suggested by the referee
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 345 (2003) 871
astro-ph gr-qc
We examine isothermal dark matter halos in hydrostatic equilibrium with a cosmological constant Lambda =Omega_\Lambda rho_{crit}c^2, where Omega_\Lambda=0.7, and rho_{crit} is the present value of the critical density with h=0.65. The Newtonian limit of General Relativity yields equilibrium equations that are different from those arising by merely coupling an ``isothermal sphere'' to the Lambda-field within a Newtonian framework. The conditions for the existence and stability of circular geodesic orbits show the existence of (I) an ``isothermal region'' (0<r<r_2), circular orbits are stable and all variables behave almost identically to those of an isothermal sphere; (II) an ``asymptotic region'' (r>r_1) dominated by the Lambda-field, where the Newtonian potential oscillates and circular orbits exist in disconnected patches of the domain of r; (III) a ``transition region'' (r_2<r<r_1), circular orbits exist but are unstable. We also find that no stable configuration exists with central density, rho_c, smaller than 2 Lambda, hence any galactic haloes which virialized at $z< 30$ in must have rho_c >0.008 M_\odot {pc}^3, in agreement with rotation curve studies of dwarf galaxies. Since r_2 marks the largest radius of a stable circular orbit, it provides a ``cut off'' radius. For current estimates of rho_c and velocity dispersion of galactic structures, this is around five times larger than the virialization radius. The effects of the Lambda$--field can hence be ignored in structure formation models, but could be significant in the dynamics of superclusters in the linear regime or of gravitational clustering at large scales.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 22 Apr 2003 17:36:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 14 Jul 2003 18:19:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sussman", "Roberto A.", "" ], [ "Hernandez", "Xavier", "" ] ]
Harsh Kohli Mr.
Harsh Kohli
Training Mixed-Objective Pointing Decoders for Block-Level Optimization in Search Recommendation
4 pages. Accepted at the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
Related or ideal follow-up suggestions to a web query in search engines are often optimized based on several different parameters -- relevance to the original query, diversity, click probability etc. One or many rankers may be trained to score each suggestion from a candidate pool based on these factors. These scorers are usually pairwise classification tasks where each training example consists of a user query and a single suggestion from the list of candidates. We propose an architecture that takes all candidate suggestions associated with a given query and outputs a suggestion block. We discuss the benefits of such an architecture over traditional approaches and experiment with further enforcing each individual metric through mixed-objective training.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 21 May 2021 06:34:19 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kohli", "Harsh", "" ] ]
Antonio Edson Goncalves
A.A. Bytsenko, A.E. Goncalves, M. Simoes and F.L. Williams
Anomalies and Analytic Torsion on Hyperbolic Manifolds
AMSTeX file, 20 pages
J.Math.Phys. 40 (1999) 4119-4133
Preprint UEL/DF-981204
The global additive and multiplicative properties of the Laplacian on j-forms and related zeta functions are analyzed. The explicit form of zeta functions on a product of closed oriented hyperbolic manifolds \Gamma\backslash{\Bbb H}^d and of the multiplicative anomaly are derived. We also calculate in an explicit form the analytic torsion associated with a connected sum of such manifolds.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:09:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bytsenko", "A. A.", "" ], [ "Goncalves", "A. E.", "" ], [ "Simoes", "M.", "" ], [ "Williams", "F. L.", "" ] ]
Dominik Marek Loroch
Jonas Ney, Dominik Loroch, Vladimir Rybalkin, Nico Weber, Jens Kr\"uger, Norbert Wehn
HALF: Holistic Auto Machine Learning for FPGAs
2021 31st International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL). IEEE, 2021
cs.AR cs.LG
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are capable of solving complex problems in domains related to embedded systems, such as image and natural language processing. To efficiently implement DNNs on a specific FPGA platform for a given cost criterion, e.g. energy efficiency, an enormous amount of design parameters has to be considered from the topology down to the final hardware implementation. Interdependencies between the different design layers have to be taken into account and explored efficiently, making it hardly possible to find optimized solutions manually. An automatic, holistic design approach can improve the quality of DNN implementations on FPGA significantly. To this end, we present a cross-layer design space exploration methodology. It comprises optimizations starting from a hardware-aware topology search for DNNs down to the final optimized implementation for a given FPGA platform. The methodology is implemented in our Holistic Auto machine Learning for FPGAs (HALF) framework, which combines an evolutionary search algorithm, various optimization steps and a library of parametrizable hardware DNN modules. HALF automates both the exploration process and the implementation of optimized solutions on a target FPGA platform for various applications. We demonstrate the performance of HALF on a medical use case for arrhythmia detection for three different design goals, i.e. low-energy, low-power and high-throughput respectively. Our FPGA implementation outperforms a TensorRT optimized model on an Nvidia Jetson platform in both throughput and energy consumption.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 28 Jun 2021 14:45:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 20 Oct 2021 13:22:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ney", "Jonas", "" ], [ "Loroch", "Dominik", "" ], [ "Rybalkin", "Vladimir", "" ], [ "Weber", "Nico", "" ], [ "Krüger", "Jens", "" ], [ "Wehn", "Norbert", "" ] ]
Xin-She Yang
Xin-She Yang
Metaheuristic Optimization: Algorithm Analysis and Open Problems
14 pages 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1208.0527
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Vol. 6630 (2011) pp. 21-32
math.OC cs.NE
Metaheuristic algorithms are becoming an important part of modern optimization. A wide range of metaheuristic algorithms have emerged over the last two decades, and many metaheuristics such as particle swarm optimization are becoming increasingly popular. Despite their popularity, mathematical analysis of these algorithms lacks behind. Convergence analysis still remains unsolved for the majority of metaheuristic algorithms, while efficiency analysis is equally challenging. In this paper, we intend to provide an overview of convergence and efficiency studies of metaheuristics, and try to provide a framework for analyzing metaheuristics in terms of convergence and efficiency. This can form a basis for analyzing other algorithms. We also outline some open questions as further research topics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 2 Dec 2012 16:01:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Xin-She", "" ] ]
Adrienne Kline
Adrienne Kline and Joon Lee
Machine Learning Capability: A standardized metric using case difficulty with applications to individualized deployment of supervised machine learning
Model evaluation is a critical component in supervised machine learning classification analyses. Traditional metrics do not currently incorporate case difficulty. This renders the classification results unbenchmarked for generalization. Item Response Theory (IRT) and Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) with machine learning can benchmark datasets independent of the end-classification results. This provides high levels of case-level information regarding evaluation utility. To showcase, two datasets were used: 1) health-related and 2) physical science. For the health dataset a two-parameter IRT model, and for the physical science dataset a polytonomous IRT model, was used to analyze predictive features and place each case on a difficulty continuum. A CAT approach was used to ascertain the algorithms' performance and applicability to new data. This method provides an efficient way to benchmark data, using only a fraction of the dataset (less than 1%) and 22-60x more computationally efficient than traditional metrics. This novel metric, termed Machine Learning Capability (MLC) has additional benefits as it is unbiased to outcome classification and a standardized way to make model comparisons within and across datasets. MLC provides a metric on the limitation of supervised machine learning algorithms. In situations where the algorithm falls short, other input(s) are required for decision-making.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 9 Feb 2023 00:38:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kline", "Adrienne", "" ], [ "Lee", "Joon", "" ] ]
Xulong Zhang
Yimin Deng, Huaizhen Tang, Xulong Zhang, Jianzong Wang, Ning Cheng, Jing Xiao
PMVC: Data Augmentation-Based Prosody Modeling for Expressive Voice Conversion
Accepted by the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM2023)
cs.SD eess.AS
Voice conversion as the style transfer task applied to speech, refers to converting one person's speech into a new speech that sounds like another person's. Up to now, there has been a lot of research devoted to better implementation of VC tasks. However, a good voice conversion model should not only match the timbre information of the target speaker, but also expressive information such as prosody, pace, pause, etc. In this context, prosody modeling is crucial for achieving expressive voice conversion that sounds natural and convincing. Unfortunately, prosody modeling is important but challenging, especially without text transcriptions. In this paper, we firstly propose a novel voice conversion framework named 'PMVC', which effectively separates and models the content, timbre, and prosodic information from the speech without text transcriptions. Specially, we introduce a new speech augmentation algorithm for robust prosody extraction. And building upon this, mask and predict mechanism is applied in the disentanglement of prosody and content information. The experimental results on the AIShell-3 corpus supports our improvement of naturalness and similarity of converted speech.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:37:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Deng", "Yimin", "" ], [ "Tang", "Huaizhen", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Xulong", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jianzong", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Ning", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Jing", "" ] ]
John Mackereth
J. Ted Mackereth and Jo Bovy
Fast estimation of orbital parameters in Milky-Way-like potentials
11 Pages, 6 Figures, Accepted for publication in PASP, Full code and extra material available at , Supplementary data table is available (temporarily) at
astro-ph.GA astro-ph.IM
Orbital parameters, such as eccentricity and maximum vertical excursion, of stars in the Milky Way are an important tool for understanding its dynamics and evolution, but calculation of such parameters usually relies on computationally-expensive numerical orbit integration. We present and test a fast method for estimating these parameters using an application of the St\"ackel fudge, used previously for the estimation of action-angle variables. We show that the method is highly accurate, to a level of $<1\%$ in eccentricity, over a large range of relevant orbits and in different Milky Way-like potentials, and demonstrate its validity by estimating the eccentricity distribution of the RAVE-TGAS data set and comparing it to that from orbit integration. Using the method, the orbital characteristics of the $\sim 7$ million $\textit{Gaia}$ DR2 stars with radial velocity measurements are computed with Monte Carlo sampled errors in $\sim 116$ hours of parallelised cpu time, at a speed that we estimate to be $\sim 3$ to $4$ orders of magnitude faster than using numerical orbit integration. We demonstrate using this catalogue that $\textit{Gaia}$ DR2 samples a large range of orbits in the solar vicinity, down to those with $r_\mathrm{peri} \lesssim 2.5$ kpc, and out to $r_\mathrm{ap} \gtrsim 13$ kpc. We also show that many of the features present in orbital parameter space have a low mean $z_\mathrm{max}$, suggesting that they likely result from disk dynamical effects.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 7 Feb 2018 19:01:42 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 29 Aug 2018 11:39:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mackereth", "J. Ted", "" ], [ "Bovy", "Jo", "" ] ]
Bogdan Mielnik Dr.
Bogdan Mielnik
Quantum Operations: technical or fundamental challenge?
30 pages, 8 figures
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
A class of unitary operations generated by idealized, semiclassical fields is studied. The operations implemented by sharp potential kicks are revisited and the possibility of performing them by softly varying external fields is examined. The possibility of using the ion traps as 'operation factories' transforming quantum states is discussed. The non-perturbative algorithms indicate that the results of abstract $\delta$-pulses of oscillator potentials can become real. Some of them, if empirically achieved, could be essential to examine certain atypical quantum ideas. In particular, simple dynamical manipulations might contribute to the Aharonov-Bohm criticism of the time-energy uncertainty principle, some other, to verify the existence of fundamental precision limits of the position measurements or the reality of `non-commutative geometries'.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 16 May 2013 00:49:15 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 19 May 2013 21:05:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 2 Dec 2013 19:54:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mielnik", "Bogdan", "" ] ]
J John Soundar Jerome
Narendra Dev, {J. John Soundar Jerome}, H\'el\`ene Scolan, and Jean-Philippe Matas
Liquid inertia versus bubble cloud buoyancy in circular plunging jet experiments
As of 16th of November 2023, it is accepted for publication in JFM
J. Fluid Mech. 978 (2024) A23
When a liquid jet plunges into a pool, it can generate a bubble-laden jet flow underneath the surface. This common and simple phenomenon is investigated experimentally for circular jets to illustrate and quantify the role played by the net gas/liquid void fraction on the maximum bubble penetration depth. It is first shown that an increase in either the impact diameter or the jet fall height to diameter ratio at constant impact momentum leads to a reduction in the bubble cloud size. By systematically measuring the local void fraction using optical probes in the biphasic jet, it is then demonstrated that this effect is a direct consequence of the increase in the air content within the cloud. A simple momentum balance model, including only inertia and the buoyancy force, is shown to predict the bubble cloud depth without any fitting parameters. Finally, a Froude number based on the bubble terminal velocity, the cloud depth, and also the net void fraction is introduced to propose a simple criterion for the threshold between the inertia-dominated and buoyancy-dominated regimes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 29 Nov 2023 12:09:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dev", "Narendra", "" ], [ "Jerome}", "{J. John Soundar", "" ], [ "Scolan", "Hélène", "" ], [ "Matas", "Jean-Philippe", "" ] ]
Yuri B. Suris
Vsevolod E. Adler, Alexander I. Bobenko, Yuri B. Suris
Classification of integrable discrete equations of octahedron type
53 pp., pdfLaTeX
Internat. Math. Research Notes, 2012, 2012, 1822-1889
nlin.SI math-ph math.DG math.MP
We use the consistency approach to classify discrete integrable 3D equations of the octahedron type. They are naturally treated on the root lattice $Q(A_3)$ and are consistent on the multidimensional lattice $Q(A_N)$. Our list includes the most prominent representatives of this class, the discrete KP equation and its Schwarzian (multi-ratio) version, as well as three further equations. The combinatorics and geometry of the octahedron type equations are explained. In particular, the consistency on the 4-dimensional Delaunay cells has its origin in the classical Desargues theorem of projective geometry. The main technical tool used for the classification is the so called tripodal form of the octahedron type equations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 15 Nov 2010 21:19:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Adler", "Vsevolod E.", "" ], [ "Bobenko", "Alexander I.", "" ], [ "Suris", "Yuri B.", "" ] ]
Raphael Tumanyan V.
Rafael Tumanyan
Dynamics and Cooling of Modulated Bunches in Bend
physics.acc-ph physics.class-ph
The influence of the space charge fields on the dynamics of the particles of the bunch, which is moved in a bending magnet is calculated. It is shown, that such influence of the Coulomb force on the energy of the particles of a modulated beam causes in the decreasing of the bunch energy spread during the compression due to energy deviation along the compressed bunch, i.e. bunch cooling. The necessary conditions of the maximal cooling are found. The attainable ordering of the bunch is investigated.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 17 Apr 2009 08:29:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tumanyan", "Rafael", "" ] ]
Pranav Sakulkar
Pranav Sakulkar and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
Online Learning Schemes for Power Allocation in Energy Harvesting Communications
This paper is under submission in the IEEE Transaction on Information Theory
We consider the problem of power allocation over a time-varying channel with unknown distribution in energy harvesting communication systems. In this problem, the transmitter has to choose the transmit power based on the amount of stored energy in its battery with the goal of maximizing the average rate obtained over time. We model this problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) with the transmitter as the agent, the battery status as the state, the transmit power as the action and the rate obtained as the reward. The average reward maximization problem over the MDP can be solved by a linear program (LP) that uses the transition probabilities for the state-action pairs and their reward values to choose a power allocation policy. Since the rewards associated the state-action pairs are unknown, we propose two online learning algorithms: UCLP and Epoch-UCLP that learn these rewards and adapt their policies along the way. The UCLP algorithm solves the LP at each step to decide its current policy using the upper confidence bounds on the rewards, while the Epoch-UCLP algorithm divides the time into epochs, solves the LP only at the beginning of the epochs and follows the obtained policy in that epoch. We prove that the reward losses or regrets incurred by both these algorithms are upper bounded by constants. Epoch-UCLP incurs a higher regret compared to UCLP, but reduces the computational requirements substantially. We also show that the presented algorithms work for online learning in cost minimization problems like the packet scheduling with power-delay tradeoff with minor changes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Jul 2016 23:42:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2016 01:06:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sakulkar", "Pranav", "" ], [ "Krishnamachari", "Bhaskar", "" ] ]
Yunyan Yang
Xiaomeng Li, Yunyan Yang
Extremal functions for singular Trudinger-Moser inequalities in the entire Euclidean space
35 pages
In a previous work (Int. Math. Res. Notices 13 (2010) 2394-2426), Adimurthi-Yang proved a singular Trudinger-Moser inequality in the entire Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^N$ $(N\geq 2)$. Precisely, if $0\leq \beta<1$ and $0<\gamma\leq1-\beta$, then there holds for any $\tau>0$, $$\sup_{u\in W^{1,N}(\mathbb{R}^N),\,\int_{\mathbb{R}^N}(|\nabla u|^N+\tau |u|^N)dx\leq 1}\int_{\mathbb{R}^N}\frac{1}{|x|^{N\beta}}\left(e^{\alpha_N\gamma|u|^{\frac{N}{N-1}}}-\sum_{k=0}^{N-2}\frac{\alpha_N^k\gamma^k|u|^{\frac{kN}{N-1}}} {k!}\right)dx<\infty,$$ where $\alpha_N=N\omega_{N-1}^{1/(N-1)}$ and $\omega_{N-1}$ is the area of the unit sphere in $\mathbb{R}^N$. The above inequality is sharp in the sense that if $\gamma>1-\beta$, all integrals are still finite but the supremum is infinity. In this paper, we concern extremal functions for these singular inequalities. The regular case $\beta=0$ has been considered by Li-Ruf (Indiana Univ. Math. J. 57 (2008) 451-480) and Ishiwata (Math. Ann. 351 (2011) 781-804). We shall investigate the singular case $0<\beta<1$ and prove that for all $\tau>0$, $0<\beta<1$ and $0<\gamma\leq 1-\beta$, extremal functions for the above inequalities exist. The proof is based on blow-up analysis.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 25 Dec 2016 08:11:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Xiaomeng", "" ], [ "Yang", "Yunyan", "" ] ]
Devin Smedira
David Gamarnik and Devin Smedira
Computing the Volume of a Restricted Independent Set Polytope Deterministically
cs.DS cs.DM math.CO math.PR
We construct a quasi-polynomial time deterministic approximation algorithm for computing the volume of an independent set polytope with restrictions. Randomized polynomial time approximation algorithms for computing the volume of a convex body have been known now for several decades, but the corresponding deterministic counterparts are not available, and our algorithm is the first of this kind. The class of polytopes for which our algorithm applies arises as linear programming relaxation of the independent set problem with the additional restriction that each variable takes value in the interval $[0,1-\alpha]$ for some $\alpha<1/2$. (We note that the $\alpha\ge 1/2$ case is trivial). We use the correlation decay method for this problem applied to its appropriate and natural discretization. The method works provided $\alpha> 1/2-O(1/\Delta^2)$, where $\Delta$ is the maximum degree of the graph. When $\Delta=3$ (the sparsest non-trivial case), our method works provided $0.488<\alpha<0.5$. Interestingly, the interpolation method, which is based on analyzing complex roots of the associated partition functions, fails even in the trivial case when the underlying graph is a singleton.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Dec 2023 20:59:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gamarnik", "David", "" ], [ "Smedira", "Devin", "" ] ]
Stefano Longhi
Stefano Longhi
Bound states in the continuum in PT-symmetric optical lattices
2 figures, to appear in Opt. Lett
Optics Letters 39, 1697-1700 (2014)
quant-ph physics.optics
Bound states in the continuum (BIC), i.e. normalizable modes with an energy embedded in the continuous spectrum of scattered states, are shown to exist in certain optical waveguide lattices with $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric defects. Two distinct types of BIC modes are found: BIC states that exist in the broken $\mathcal{PT}$ phase, corresponding to exponentially-localized modes with either exponentially damped or amplified optical power; and BIC modes with sub-exponential spatial localization that can exist in the unbroken $\mathcal{PT}$ phase as well. The two types of BIC modes at the $\mathcal{PT}$ symmetry breaking point behave rather differently: while in the former case spatial localization is lost and the defect coherently radiates outgoing waves with an optical power that linearly increases with the propagation distance, in the latter case localization is maintained and the optical power increase is quadratic.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 16 Feb 2014 06:42:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Longhi", "Stefano", "" ] ]
Frans Schalekamp
Frans Schalekamp, Rene Sitters, Suzanne van der Ster, Leen Stougie, Victor Verdugo and Anke van Zuylen
Split Scheduling with Uniform Setup Times
We study a scheduling problem in which jobs may be split into parts, where the parts of a split job may be processed simultaneously on more than one machine. Each part of a job requires a setup time, however, on the machine where the job part is processed. During setup a machine cannot process or set up any other job. We concentrate on the basic case in which setup times are job-, machine-, and sequence-independent. Problems of this kind were encountered when modelling practical problems in planning disaster relief operations. Our main algorithmic result is a polynomial-time algorithm for minimising total completion time on two parallel identical machines. We argue why the same problem with three machines is not an easy extension of the two-machine case, leaving the complexity of this case as a tantalising open problem. We give a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the general case with any number of machines and a polynomial-time approximation scheme for a fixed number of machines. For the version with objective minimising weighted total completion time we prove NP-hardness. Finally, we conclude with an overview of the state of the art for other split scheduling problems with job-, machine-, and sequence-independent setup times.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 8 Dec 2012 02:57:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Schalekamp", "Frans", "" ], [ "Sitters", "Rene", "" ], [ "van der Ster", "Suzanne", "" ], [ "Stougie", "Leen", "" ], [ "Verdugo", "Victor", "" ], [ "van Zuylen", "Anke", "" ] ]
Surajit Chattopadhyay
Surajit Chattopadhyay
A Study on Ricci Dark Energy in Bulk-Brane Interaction
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:hep-th/0609104, arXiv:0908.1214, arXiv:hep-th/0511301 by other authors
ISRN High Energy Physics, vol. 2013, Article ID 895614, 2013
gr-qc hep-th
In this work we have investigated the effects of the interaction between a brane universe and the bulk in which it is embedded. Considering the effects of the interaction between a brane universe and the bulk we have obtained the equation of state for the interacting holographic Ricci dark energy density $\rho_{\Lambda}=3c^2 (\dot{H}+2 H^2)$ in the flat universe. We have investigated the impact of $c^2$ on the equation of state $\omega_{\Lambda}$. Also, considering the power law for of the scale factor, we have observed that non-trivial contributions of dark energy which differ from the standard matter fields confined to the brane is increasing with the evolution of the universe.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Nov 2013 06:31:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chattopadhyay", "Surajit", "" ] ]
Quentin Kriaa
Quentin Kriaa, Eliot Subra, Benjamin Favier, Michael Le Bars
Effects of particle size and background rotation on the settling of particle clouds
Physical Review Fluids, 2022, 7 (12), pp.124302
We experimentally investigate the behaviour of instantaneous localised releases of heavy particles falling as turbulent clouds in quiescent water, both with and without background rotation. We present the results of 514 systematic experiments for no rotation and for three rotation rates $\Omega = 5,10,20$rpm, and for the size of particles in the range $5\mu m$ to $1mm$, exploring four decades of the Rouse number $\mathcal{R} \in [6\times 10^{-4},4]$ which quantifies the inertia of particles. In the canonical framework of turbulent thermals described by Morton \textit{et al.}, [Proc. R. Soc. A: Math. Phys. Sci. \textbf{234}, 1 (1956)], we compare particle clouds with salt-water thermals to highlight specificities due to the particulate nature of the turbulence forcing. In the absence of rotation, particle clouds initially behave as salty thermals with a modulation of their entrainment capacity, which is optimally enhanced for a finite inertia $\mathcal{R}\simeq 0.3$ due to particulate effects. However this regime of turbulence is limited in time due to the inertial decoupling between turbulent eddies and particles. For the three values of $\Omega$ explored here, the particulate enhancement of entrainment is inhibited. Moreover the cloud's expansion is interrupted when the Coriolis force overcomes its inertia, forcing the cloud to transform into vortical columnar flows which considerably increase the residence time of particles.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 17 Jan 2023 15:36:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kriaa", "Quentin", "" ], [ "Subra", "Eliot", "" ], [ "Favier", "Benjamin", "" ], [ "Bars", "Michael Le", "" ] ]
Viktor V. Dodonov
Vladimir I Man'ko, Giuseppe Marmo, E C George Sudarshan and Francesco Zaccaria
Interference and entanglement: an intrinsic approach
LaTex, 19 pages, to appear in J. Phys. A
An addition rule of impure density operators, which provides a pure state density operator, is formulated. Quantum interference including visibility property is discussed in the context of the density operator formalism. A measure of entanglement is then introduced as the norm of the matrix equal to the difference between a bipartite density matrix and the tensor product of partial traces. Entanglement for arbitrary quantum observables for multipartite systems is discussed. Star-product kernels are used to map the formulation of the addition rule of density operators onto the addition rule of symbols of the operators. Entanglement and nonlocalization of the pure state projector and allied operators are discussed. Tomographic and Weyl symbols (tomograms and Wigner functions) are considered as examples. The squeezed-states and some spin-states (two qubits) are studied to illustrate the formalism.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 5 Jul 2002 20:18:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Man'ko", "Vladimir I", "" ], [ "Marmo", "Giuseppe", "" ], [ "Sudarshan", "E C George", "" ], [ "Zaccaria", "Francesco", "" ] ]
Roozbeh Yousefzadeh
Roozbeh Yousefzadeh and Xuenan Cao
Large Language Models' Understanding of Math: Source Criticism and Extrapolation
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CL math.HO
It has been suggested that large language models such as GPT-4 have acquired some form of understanding beyond the correlations among the words in text including some understanding of mathematics as well. Here, we perform a critical inquiry into this claim by evaluating the mathematical understanding of the GPT-4 model. Considering that GPT-4's training set is a secret, it is not straightforward to evaluate whether the model's correct answers are based on a mathematical understanding or based on replication of proofs that the model has seen before. We specifically craft mathematical questions which their formal proofs are not readily available on the web, proofs that are more likely not seen by the GPT-4. We see that GPT-4 is unable to solve those problems despite their simplicity. It is hard to find scientific evidence suggesting that GPT-4 has acquired an understanding of even basic mathematical concepts. A straightforward way to find failure modes of GPT-4 in theorem proving is to craft questions where their formal proofs are not available on the web. Our finding suggests that GPT-4's ability is to reproduce, rephrase, and polish the mathematical proofs that it has seen before, and not in grasping mathematical concepts. We also see that GPT-4's ability to prove mathematical theorems is continuously expanding over time despite the claim that it is a fixed model. We suggest that the task of proving mathematical theorems in formal language is comparable to the methods used in search engines such as Google while predicting the next word in a sentence may be a misguided approach, a recipe that often leads to excessive extrapolation and eventual failures. Prompting the GPT-4 over and over may benefit the GPT-4 and the OpenAI, but we question whether it is valuable for machine learning or for theorem proving.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 12 Nov 2023 07:52:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yousefzadeh", "Roozbeh", "" ], [ "Cao", "Xuenan", "" ] ]
Silvano Dal Zilio
Lucia Acciai (LIF), Michele Boreale, Silvano Dal Zilio (LIF)
A Concurrent Calculus with Atomic Transactions
29 pages
cs.LO cs.DC
The Software Transactional Memory (STM) model is an original approach for controlling concurrent accesses to ressources without the need for explicit lock-based synchronization mechanisms. A key feature of STM is to provide a way to group sequences of read and write actions inside atomic blocks, similar to database transactions, whose whole effect should occur atomically. In this paper, we investigate STM from a process algebra perspective and define an extension of asynchronous CCS with atomic blocks of actions. Our goal is not only to set a formal ground for reasoning on STM implementations but also to understand how this model fits with other concurrency control mechanisms. We also view this calculus as a test bed for extending process calculi with atomic transactions. This is an interesting direction for investigation since, for the most part, actual works that mix transactions with process calculi consider compensating transactions, a model that lacks all the well-known ACID properties. We show that the addition of atomic transactions results in a very expressive calculus, enough to easily encode other concurrent primitives such as guarded choice and multiset-synchronization (\`{a} la join-calculus). The correctness of our encodings is proved using a suitable notion of bisimulation equivalence. The equivalence is then applied to prove interesting ``laws of transactions'' and to obtain a simple normal form for transactions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:26:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Acciai", "Lucia", "", "LIF" ], [ "Boreale", "Michele", "", "LIF" ], [ "Zilio", "Silvano Dal", "", "LIF" ] ]
Florentin Millour
Florentin Millour (FIZEAU), Anthony Meilland (FIZEAU), Philippe Stee (FIZEAU), Olivier Chesneau (FIZEAU)
Interactions in massive binary stars as seen by interferometry
From solar environment to stellar environment, Roscoff : France (2011)
With the advent of large-collecting-area instruments, the number of objects that can be reached by optical long-baseline interferometry is steadily increasing. We present here a few results on massive binary stars, showing the interest of using this technique for studying the insight of interactions in these systems. Indeed, many massive stars with extended environments host, or are suspected to host, companion stars. These companions could have an important role in shaping the circumstellar environment of the system. These examples provide a view in which binarity could be an ingredient, among many others, for the activity of these stars.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 8 Jan 2012 19:22:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Millour", "Florentin", "", "FIZEAU" ], [ "Meilland", "Anthony", "", "FIZEAU" ], [ "Stee", "Philippe", "", "FIZEAU" ], [ "Chesneau", "Olivier", "", "FIZEAU" ] ]
Kyle Corcoran
Kyle A. Corcoran, Brad N. Barlow, Veronika Schaffenroth, Uli Heber, Stephen Walser, Andreas Irgang
Eclipsing Binaries Found by the EREBOS Project: Gaia DR2 6097540197980557440 -- A Deeply Eclipsing sdB+dM System
15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by ApJ
We present time-series spectroscopy and photometry of Gaia DR2 6097540197980557440, a new deeply-eclipsing hot subdwarf B (sdB) + M dwarf (dM) binary. We discovered this object during the course of the Eclipsing Reflection Effect Binaries from Optical Surveys (EREBOS) project, which aims to find new eclipsing sdB+dM binaries (HW Vir systems) and increase the small sample of studied systems. In addition to the primary eclipse, which is in excess of $\sim$5 magnitudes in the optical, the light curve also shows features typical for other HW Vir binaries such as a secondary eclipse and strong reflection effect from the irradiated, cool companion. The orbital period is 0.127037 d ($\sim$3 hr), falling right at the peak of the orbital period distribution of known HW Vir systems. Analysis of our time-series spectroscopy yields a radial velocity semi-amplitude of $K_{\rm sdB}=100.0\pm2.0\,{\rm km\,s}^{-1}$, which is amongst the fastest line-of-sight velocities found to date for an HW Vir binary. State-of-the-art atmospheric models that account for deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium are used to determine the atmospheric parameters of the sdB. Although we cannot claim a unique light curve modeling solution, the best-fitting model has an sdB mass of $M_{\rm sdB} = 0.47\pm0.03\,M_{\odot}$ and a companion mass of $M_{\rm dM} = 0.18\pm0.01\,M_{\odot}$. The radius of the companion appears to be inflated relative to theoretical mass-radius relationships, consistent with other known HW Vir binaries. Additionally, the M dwarf is one of the most massive found to date amongst this type of binary.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:00:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Corcoran", "Kyle A.", "" ], [ "Barlow", "Brad N.", "" ], [ "Schaffenroth", "Veronika", "" ], [ "Heber", "Uli", "" ], [ "Walser", "Stephen", "" ], [ "Irgang", "Andreas", "" ] ]
Soha Farhat
Soha Farhat (IRISA, UL), Samhat Abed Ellatif (UL), Samer Lahoud (IRISA), Bernard Cousin (IRISA)
Best Operator Policy in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network
ICeND, Beyrouth : Lebanon (2014)
In this paper, we perform a business analysis of our hybrid decision algorithm for the selection of the access in a multi-operator networks environment. We investigate the ability of the operator to express his strategy and influence the access selection for his client. In this purpose, we study two important coefficients of the previously proposed cost function, Wu and Wop, and show that the value of these coefficients is not arbitrary. Simulation results show that the value of the ratio Wu/Wop enables a selection decision respecting operator's strategy and it affects the achieved global profit for all cooperating operators.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:13:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Farhat", "Soha", "", "IRISA, UL" ], [ "Ellatif", "Samhat Abed", "", "UL" ], [ "Lahoud", "Samer", "", "IRISA" ], [ "Cousin", "Bernard", "", "IRISA" ] ]
Emil Mottola
Emil Mottola
Functional Integration Over Geometries
68 pages, Latex document using Revtex Macro package, Contribution to the special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Physics on Functional Integration, to be published July, 1995.
J.Math.Phys. 36 (1995) 2470-2511
hep-th gr-qc
The geometric construction of the functional integral over coset spaces ${\cal M}/{\cal G}$ is reviewed. The inner product on the cotangent space of infinitesimal deformations of $\cal M$ defines an invariant distance and volume form, or functional integration measure on the full configuration space. Then, by a simple change of coordinates parameterizing the gauge fiber $\cal G$, the functional measure on the coset space ${\cal M}/{\cal G}$ is deduced. This change of integration variables leads to a Jacobian which is entirely equivalent to the Faddeev-Popov determinant of the more traditional gauge fixed approach in non-abelian gauge theory. If the general construction is applied to the case where $\cal G$ is the group of coordinate reparametrizations of spacetime, the continuum functional integral over geometries, {\it i.e.} metrics modulo coordinate reparameterizations may be defined. The invariant functional integration measure is used to derive the trace anomaly and effective action for the conformal part of the metric in two and four dimensional spacetime. In two dimensions this approach generates the Polyakov-Liouville action of closed bosonic non-critical string theory. In four dimensions the corresponding effective action leads to novel conclusions on the importance of quantum effects in gravity in the far infrared, and in particular, a dramatic modification of the classical Einstein theory at cosmological distance scales, signaled first by the quantum instability of classical de Sitter spacetime. Finite volume scaling relations for the functional integral of quantum gravity in two and four dimensions are derived, and comparison with the discretized dynamical triangulation approach to the integration over geometries are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 17 Feb 1995 01:05:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mottola", "Emil", "" ] ]
Ikaros Bigi
I.I. Bigi
Flavour Dynamics & \cp Violation in the Standard Model: A Crucial Past -- and an Essential Future
83 pages, 8 figures; lectures given at the 2006 CERN Summer School of High Energy Physics; Aronsborg, Sweden
Our knowledge of flavour dynamics has undergone a `quantum jump' since just before the turn of the millenium: direct \cp violation has been firmly {\em established} in $K_L \to \pi \pi$ decays in 1999; the first \cp asymmetry outside $K_L$ decays has been discovered in 2001 in $B_d \to \psi K_S$, followed by $B_d \to \pi^+\pi^-$, $\eta^{\prime}K_S$ and $B \to K^{\pm}\pi^{\mp}$, the last one establishing direct \cp violation also in the beauty sector.Furthermore CKM dynamics allows a description of \cp insensitive and sensitive $B$, $K$ and $D$ transitions that is impressively consistent also on the quantitative level. Theories of flavour dynamics that could serve as {\em alternatives} to CKM have been ruled out. Yet these novel successes of the Standard Model (SM) do not invalidate any of the theoretical arguments for the incompleteness of the SM. In addition we have also more direct evidence for New Physics, namely neutrino oscillations, the observed baryon number of the Universe, dark matter and dark energy. While the New Physics anticipated at the TeV scale is not likely to shed any light on the SM's mysteries of flavour, detailed and comprehensive studies of heavy flavour transitions will be essential in diagnosing salient features of that New Physics. Strategic principles for such studies will be outlined.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 31 Jan 2007 16:50:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bigi", "I. I.", "" ] ]
Apurba Das
Apurba Das
Cohomology and deformations of compatible Hom-Lie algebras
17pages; comments are welcome
In this paper, we consider compatible Hom-Lie algebras as a twisted version of compatible Lie algebras. Compatible Hom-Lie algebras are characterized as Maurer-Cartan elements in a suitable bidifferential graded Lie algebra. We also define a cohomology theory for compatible Hom-Lie algebras generalizing the recent work of Liu, Sheng and Bai. As applications of cohomology, we study abelian extensions and deformations of compatible Hom-Lie algebras.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 7 Feb 2022 13:31:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Das", "Apurba", "" ] ]
Yijie Shen
Yijie Shen, Xing Fu, and Mali Gong
Truncated triangular diffraction lattices and orbital-angular-momentum detection of vortex SU(2) geometric modes
We for the first time report the truncated diffraction with a triangular aperture of the SU(2) geometric modes and propose a method to detect the complicated orbital angular momentum (OAM) of an SU(2) wave-packet, to the best of our knowledge. As a special vortex beam, a nonplanar SU(2) mode carrying special intensity and OAM distributions brings exotic patterns in truncated diffraction lattice. A meshy structure is unveiled therein by adjusting the illuminated aperture in vicinity of the partial OAM regions, which can be elaborately used to evaluate the partial topological charge and OAM of an SU(2) wave-packet by counting the dark holes in the mesh. Moreover, through controlling the size and position of the aperture at the center region, the truncated triangular lattice can be close to the classical spot-array lattice for measuring the center OAM. These effects being fully validated by theoretical simulations greatly extend the versatility of topological structures detection of special beams.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 30 Aug 2018 14:40:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Shen", "Yijie", "" ], [ "Fu", "Xing", "" ], [ "Gong", "Mali", "" ] ]
Vikas Ahuja
Vijay Kumar Neeluru, Vikas Ahuja
Void region segmentation in ball grid array using u-net approach and synthetic data
eess.IV cs.LG
The quality inspection of solder balls by detecting and measuring the void is important to improve the board yield issues in electronic circuits. In general, the inspection is carried out manually, based on 2D or 3D X-ray images. For high quality inspection, it is difficult to detect and measure voids accurately with high repeatability through the manual inspection and the process is time consuming. In need of high quality and fast inspection, various approaches were proposed, but, due to the various challenges like vias, reflections from the plating or vias, inconsistent lighting, noise and void-like artifacts makes these approaches difficult to work in all these challenging conditions. In recent times, deep learning approaches are providing the outstanding accuracy in various computer vision tasks. Considering the need of high quality and fast inspection, in this paper, we applied U-Net to segment the void regions in soldering balls. As it is difficult to get the annotated dataset covering all the variations of void, we proposed an approach to generated the synthetic dataset. The proposed approach is able to segment the voids and can be easily scaled to various electronic products.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 7 Jul 2019 12:04:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Neeluru", "Vijay Kumar", "" ], [ "Ahuja", "Vikas", "" ] ]
Feng Qi
Feng Qi, Tian-Yu Zhang, and Bo-Yan Xi
Hermite-Hadamard type integral inequalities for functions whose first derivatives are of convexity
18 pages
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 67 (2015), no. 4, 625-640
In the paper, the authors establish some new Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for functions whose first derivatives are of convexity and apply these inequalities to construct inequalities of special means.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 25 May 2013 14:54:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Qi", "Feng", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Tian-Yu", "" ], [ "Xi", "Bo-Yan", "" ] ]
Petr Zasche
P. Zasche, Z. Henzl, J. Merc, J. Kara, H. Kucakova
Eight new 2+2 doubly eclipsing quadruple systems detected
paper published in: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 687, id.A6, 6 pp. (2024A&A...687A...6Z)
We studied eight new doubly eclipsing stellar systems. We found that they are all rare examples of quadruple systems of 2 + 2 architecture, where both inner pairs are eclipsing binaries. Until now, such a configuration had only been proven for dozens of systems on the whole sky. We enlarged this rare group of systems with four stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) galaxy and four brighter stars on the northern sky. These analysed systems are the following: OGLE SMC-ECL-2339 (both eclipsing periods of 0.72884 days and 3.39576 days; mutual orbital period of 5.95 years); OGLE SMC-ECL-3075 (1.35890 d, 2.41587 d, 9.75 yr); OGLE SMC-ECL-4756 (0.91773 d, 2.06047 d, 4.34 yr); OGLE SMC-ECL-6093 (0.90193 d, 2.03033 d, 31.2 yr); GSC 01949-01700 (0.24058 d, 0.75834 d, 21.7 yr); ZTF J171602.61+273606.5 (0.36001 d, 4.51545 d, 19.5 yr); WISE J210935.8+390501 (0.33228 d, 3.51575 d, 1.9 yr); and V597 And (0.46770 d, 0.35250, 20.4 yr). These systems constitute a rare selection of W UMa stars among the doubly eclipsing quadruples. For all of the systems, new dedicated observations were obtained as well. V597 And is definitely the most interesting system for several reasons: (1) the system is the brightest in our sample; (2) it is a rare quintuple (2 + 2) + 1 system; and (3) it is also closest to the Sun. It yielded the predicted angular separation of the two components of 57 mas, which is probably within the detection limits for modern, high-angular-resolution techniques.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 1 Jul 2024 10:29:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zasche", "P.", "" ], [ "Henzl", "Z.", "" ], [ "Merc", "J.", "" ], [ "Kara", "J.", "" ], [ "Kucakova", "H.", "" ] ]
Victor P. Debattista
V.P. Debattista, T.B. Williams
The Bar Pattern Speed in NGC 7079
Contribution to "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", eds: J.G. Funes S.J. & E.M. Corsini. 2 pages, no figures
We have used 2D Fabry-Perot absorption-line spectroscopy of the SB0 galaxy NGC 7079 to measure its bar pattern speed, $\om$. As in all previous cases of bar pattern speed measurements, we find a fast bar. We estimate that NGC 7079 has been undisturbed for at least the past Gyr or roughly 8 bar rotations, long enough for the bar to have slowed down significantly through dynamical friction if the disk is sub-maximal.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Sep 2000 16:34:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Debattista", "V. P.", "" ], [ "Williams", "T. B.", "" ] ]
Olga Bernardi
Luca Baracco, Olga Bernardi, Alessandra Nardi
Higher order terms of Mather's $\beta$-function for symplectic and outer billiards
17 pages, 3 figures
We compute explicitly the higher order terms of the formal Taylor expansion of Mather's $\beta$-function for symplectic and outer billiards in a strictly-convex planar domain $C$. In particular, we specify the third terms of the asymptotic expansions of the distance (in the sense of the symmetric difference metric) between $C$ and its best approximating inscribed or circumscribed polygons with at most $n$ vertices. We use tools from affine differential geometry.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 2 Nov 2023 09:58:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Baracco", "Luca", "" ], [ "Bernardi", "Olga", "" ], [ "Nardi", "Alessandra", "" ] ]
Jakub K\'aninsk\'y
Jakub K\'aninsk\'y
Models of Discrete Linear Evolution for Quantum Systems
47 pages
Discrete canonical evolution is a key tool for understanding the dynamics in discrete models of spacetime, in particular those represented by a triangular Regge lattice. We consider a finite-dimensional system whose evolution is realized by a series of discrete-time evolution steps governed by Hamiltonian equations of motion that are linear in the canonical coordinates. The evolution is allowed to be irregular, which produces constraints as well as non-uniqueness of solutions. We provide two independent and fundamentally different approaches to canonical quantization of this system, including detailed description of the evolution maps, measurement and path integrals. It is argued that some irregular discrete systems may be most naturally described by a non-unitary quantum evolution. The formalism is then applied to a simple yet physically relevant model of massless scalar field on a two-dimensional spacetime lattice.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 17 Nov 2020 15:41:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Káninský", "Jakub", "" ] ]
Lukas Klawuhn
Lukas Klawuhn, Kai-Uwe Schmidt
Transitivity in wreath products with symmetric groups
38 pages, added Acknowledgements
math.CO math.GR math.RT
It is known that the notion of a transitive subgroup of a permutation group $P$ extends naturally to the subsets of $P$. We study transitive subsets of the wreath product $G \wr S_n$, where $G$ is a finite abelian group. This includes the hyperoctahedral group for $G=C_2$. We give structural characterisations of transitive subsets using the character theory of $G \wr S_n$ and interpret such subsets as designs in the conjugacy class association scheme of $G \wr S_n$. In particular, we prove a generalisation of the Livingstone-Wagner theorem and give explicit constructions of transitive sets. Moreover, we establish connections to orthogonal polynomials, namely the Charlier polynomials, and use them to study codes and designs in $C_r \wr S_n$. Many of our results extend results about the symmetric group $S_n$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 30 Sep 2024 16:58:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 1 Oct 2024 17:54:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Klawuhn", "Lukas", "" ], [ "Schmidt", "Kai-Uwe", "" ] ]
Nicholay Topin
Nicholay Topin, Stephanie Milani, Fei Fang, Manuela Veloso
Iterative Bounding MDPs: Learning Interpretable Policies via Non-Interpretable Methods
cs.LG cs.AI
Current work in explainable reinforcement learning generally produces policies in the form of a decision tree over the state space. Such policies can be used for formal safety verification, agent behavior prediction, and manual inspection of important features. However, existing approaches fit a decision tree after training or use a custom learning procedure which is not compatible with new learning techniques, such as those which use neural networks. To address this limitation, we propose a novel Markov Decision Process (MDP) type for learning decision tree policies: Iterative Bounding MDPs (IBMDPs). An IBMDP is constructed around a base MDP so each IBMDP policy is guaranteed to correspond to a decision tree policy for the base MDP when using a method-agnostic masking procedure. Because of this decision tree equivalence, any function approximator can be used during training, including a neural network, while yielding a decision tree policy for the base MDP. We present the required masking procedure as well as a modified value update step which allows IBMDPs to be solved using existing algorithms. We apply this procedure to produce IBMDP variants of recent reinforcement learning methods. We empirically show the benefits of our approach by solving IBMDPs to produce decision tree policies for the base MDPs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 25 Feb 2021 17:55:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Topin", "Nicholay", "" ], [ "Milani", "Stephanie", "" ], [ "Fang", "Fei", "" ], [ "Veloso", "Manuela", "" ] ]
Takashi Hamazaki
Takashi Hamazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Evolution of Cosmological Perturbations in the Universe dominated by Multiple Scalar Fields
31 Pages; Latex, No figures
Phys.Rev. D66 (2002) 023529
By efforts of several authors, it is recently established that the dynamical behavior of the cosmological perturbation on superhorizon scales is well approximated in terms of that in the long wavelength limit, and the latter can be constructed from the evolution of corresponding exactly homogeneous universe. Using these facts, we investigate the evolution of the cosmological perturbation on superhorizon scales in the universe dominated by oscillating multiple scalar fields which are generally interacting with each other, and the ratio of whose masses is incommensurable. Since the scalar fields oscillate rapidly around the local minimum of the potential, we use the action angle variables. We found that this problem can be formulated as the canonical perturbation theory in which the perturbed part appearing as the result of the expansion of the universe and the interaction of the scalar fields is bounded by the negative power ot time. We show that by constructing the canonical transformations properly, the transformed hamiltonian becomes simple enough to be solved. As the result of the invetigation using the long wavelength limit and the canonical perturbation theory, under the sufficiently general conditions, we prove that for the adiabatic growing mode the Bardeen parameter stays constant and that for all the other modes the Bardeen parameter decays. From the viewpoint of the ergodic theory, it is discussed that as for the Bardeen parameter, the sigularities appear probabilistically. This analysis serves the understanding of the evolution of the cosmological perturbations on superhorizon scales during reheating.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 29 Jun 2003 14:40:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hamazaki", "Takashi", "", "Tokyo Institute of Technology" ] ]
Christophe Berthod
Christophe Berthod, Haijing Zhang, Alberto F. Morpurgo, and Thierry Giamarchi
Theory of cross quantum capacitance
Published version
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043036 (2021)
Impressive progress in the control of atomically thin crystals is now enabling the realization of gated structures in which two electrodes are separated by atomic scale distances. The electrical capacitance of these structures is determined by phenomena that are not relevant in capacitors with larger electrode separation. With the aim to analyze these phenomena, we use linear response theory to develop a systematic description of capacitance for two coupled electron liquids, accounting for the wave nature of electrons, as well as for the effect of both intra and interlayer Coulomb interactions. Our theory leads to a general expression for the electrical capacitance in terms of both intra and interlayer electronic polarizabilities. The intralayer polarizability is directly related to the conventional expression for the quantum capacitance, whereas the interlayer polarizability term accounts for interaction-induced correlations between charges hosted by opposite capacitor plates. We refer to this latter term as to the cross quantum capacitance. We discuss the implications of the general expression for the capacitance, show that it leads to established results when the effect of interlayer correlations is negligible, and that the intra and interlayer polarizabilities play a comparable role for capacitors with very small electrode separation. Using two different approaches, we calculate the capacitance in specific cases, and find that the interlayer polarizability can be either positive or negative, so that the cross quantum capacitance can either increase or decrease the total capacitance. We conclude by showing that the cross quantum capacitance term can lead to a non-monotonic evolution of the total capacitance with increasing separation between the capacitor plates, which would represent an unambiguous manifestation of the cross quantum capacitance if observed experimentally.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 19 Jul 2021 13:52:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 15 Oct 2021 06:53:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Berthod", "Christophe", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Haijing", "" ], [ "Morpurgo", "Alberto F.", "" ], [ "Giamarchi", "Thierry", "" ] ]
Rex Godby
A. R. Porter and R. W. Godby
Influence of Dynamics on Magic Numbers for Silicon Clusters
12 pages, 3 Figures, 500 KB gzipped PostScript file
physics.atm-clus cond-mat.mtrl-sci
We present the results of over 90 tight-binding molecular-dynamics simulations of collisions between three- and five-atom silicon clusters, at a system temperature of 2000K. Much the most likely products are found to be two 'magic' four-atom clusters. We show that previous studies, which focused on the equilibrium binding energies of clusters of different sizes, are of limited relevance, and introduce a new effective binding energy which incorporates the highly anharmonic dynamics of the clusters. The inclusion of dynamics enhances the magic nature of both Si4 and Si6 and destroys that of Si7.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 6 Nov 1997 16:00:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Porter", "A. R.", "" ], [ "Godby", "R. W.", "" ] ]
Chao Yan
Steve Nyemba, Chao Yan, Ziqi Zhang, Amol Rajmane, Pablo Meyer, Prithwish Chakraborty, Bradley Malin
Distillation to Enhance the Portability of Risk Models Across Institutions with Large Patient Claims Database
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CY
Artificial intelligence, and particularly machine learning (ML), is increasingly developed and deployed to support healthcare in a variety of settings. However, clinical decision support (CDS) technologies based on ML need to be portable if they are to be adopted on a broad scale. In this respect, models developed at one institution should be reusable at another. Yet there are numerous examples of portability failure, particularly due to naive application of ML models. Portability failure can lead to suboptimal care and medical errors, which ultimately could prevent the adoption of ML-based CDS in practice. One specific healthcare challenge that could benefit from enhanced portability is the prediction of 30-day readmission risk. Research to date has shown that deep learning models can be effective at modeling such risk. In this work, we investigate the practicality of model portability through a cross-site evaluation of readmission prediction models. To do so, we apply a recurrent neural network, augmented with self-attention and blended with expert features, to build readmission prediction models for two independent large scale claims datasets. We further present a novel transfer learning technique that adapts the well-known method of born-again network (BAN) training. Our experiments show that direct application of ML models trained at one institution and tested at another institution perform worse than models trained and tested at the same institution. We further show that the transfer learning approach based on the BAN produces models that are better than those trained on just a single institution's data. Notably, this improvement is consistent across both sites and occurs after a single retraining, which illustrates the potential for a cheap and general model transfer mechanism of readmission risk prediction.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Jul 2022 05:26:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nyemba", "Steve", "" ], [ "Yan", "Chao", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Ziqi", "" ], [ "Rajmane", "Amol", "" ], [ "Meyer", "Pablo", "" ], [ "Chakraborty", "Prithwish", "" ], [ "Malin", "Bradley", "" ] ]
Ahmad Berjaoui
Ahmad Berjaoui, Louis Roussel, Eduardo Hugo Sanchez, Elizabeth Cohen-Jonathan Moyal (CRCT,IUCT Oncopole - UMR 1037)
Uncovering the Genetic Basis of Glioblastoma Heterogeneity through Multimodal Analysis of Whole Slide Images and RNA Sequencing Data
q-bio.QM cs.AI
Glioblastoma is a highly aggressive form of brain cancer characterized by rapid progression and poor prognosis. Despite advances in treatment, the underlying genetic mechanisms driving this aggressiveness remain poorly understood. In this study, we employed multimodal deep learning approaches to investigate glioblastoma heterogeneity using joint image/RNA-seq analysis. Our results reveal novel genes associated with glioblastoma. By leveraging a combination of whole-slide images and RNA-seq, as well as introducing novel methods to encode RNA-seq data, we identified specific genetic profiles that may explain different patterns of glioblastoma progression. These findings provide new insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying glioblastoma heterogeneity and highlight potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 23 Oct 2024 07:55:40 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:37:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Berjaoui", "Ahmad", "", "CRCT,IUCT Oncopole - UMR 1037" ], [ "Roussel", "Louis", "", "CRCT,IUCT Oncopole - UMR 1037" ], [ "Sanchez", "Eduardo Hugo", "", "CRCT,IUCT Oncopole - UMR 1037" ], [ "Moyal", "Elizabeth Cohen-Jonathan", "", "CRCT,IUCT Oncopole - UMR 1037" ] ]
Geli Fei
Huayi Li, Geli Fei, Shuai Wang, Bing Liu, Weixiang Shao, Arjun Mukherjee, Jidong Shao
Modeling Review Spam Using Temporal Patterns and Co-bursting Behaviors
Online reviews play a crucial role in helping consumers evaluate and compare products and services. However, review hosting sites are often targeted by opinion spamming. In recent years, many such sites have put a great deal of effort in building effective review filtering systems to detect fake reviews and to block malicious accounts. Thus, fraudsters or spammers now turn to compromise, purchase or even raise reputable accounts to write fake reviews. Based on the analysis of a real-life dataset from a review hosting site (, we discovered that reviewers' posting rates are bimodal and the transitions between different states can be utilized to differentiate spammers from genuine reviewers. Inspired by these findings, we propose a two-mode Labeled Hidden Markov Model to detect spammers. Experimental results show that our model significantly outperforms supervised learning using linguistic and behavioral features in identifying spammers. Furthermore, we found that when a product has a burst of reviews, many spammers are likely to be actively involved in writing reviews to the product as well as to many other products. We then propose a novel co-bursting network for detecting spammer groups. The co-bursting network enables us to produce more accurate spammer groups than the current state-of-the-art reviewer-product (co-reviewing) network.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 21 Nov 2016 01:13:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Huayi", "" ], [ "Fei", "Geli", "" ], [ "Wang", "Shuai", "" ], [ "Liu", "Bing", "" ], [ "Shao", "Weixiang", "" ], [ "Mukherjee", "Arjun", "" ], [ "Shao", "Jidong", "" ] ]
Marco Matone
Marco Matone, Roberto Volpato
Vector-Valued Modular Forms from the Mumford Form, Schottky-Igusa Form, Product of Thetanullwerte and the Amazing Klein Formula
17 pages. Final version in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc
math.AG hep-th
Vector-valued Siegel modular forms are the natural generalization of the classical elliptic modular forms as seen by studying the cohomology of the universal abelian variety. We show that for g>=4, a new class of vector-valued modular forms, defined on the Teichmuller space, naturally appears from the Mumford forms, a question directly related to the Schottky problem. In this framework we show that the discriminant of the quadric associated to the complex curves of genus 4 is proportional to the square root of the products of Thetanullwerte \chi_{68}, which is a proof of the recently rediscovered Klein `amazing formula'. Furthermore, it turns out that the coefficients of such a quadric are derivatives of the Schottky-Igusa form evaluated at the Jacobian locus, implying new theta relations involving the latter, \chi_{68} and the theta series corresponding to the even unimodular lattices E_8\oplus E_8 and D_{16}^+. We also find, for g=4, a functional relation between the singular component of the theta divisor and the Riemann period matrix.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2011 21:00:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 15 Nov 2011 13:27:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 9 Nov 2012 11:19:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Matone", "Marco", "" ], [ "Volpato", "Roberto", "" ] ]
Hancheng Min
Hancheng Min and Enrique Mallada
Learning Coherent Clusters in Weakly-Connected Network Systems
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.13701
eess.SY cs.LG cs.SY stat.AP
We propose a structure-preserving model-reduction methodology for large-scale dynamic networks with tightly-connected components. First, the coherent groups are identified by a spectral clustering algorithm on the graph Laplacian matrix that models the network feedback. Then, a reduced network is built, where each node represents the aggregate dynamics of each coherent group, and the reduced network captures the dynamic coupling between the groups. We provide an upper bound on the approximation error when the network graph is randomly generated from a weight stochastic block model. Finally, numerical experiments align with and validate our theoretical findings.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 28 Nov 2022 13:32:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 12 May 2023 14:27:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Min", "Hancheng", "" ], [ "Mallada", "Enrique", "" ] ]
Kyung Hyuk Kim
Kyung Hyuk Kim and Hong Qian
Fluctuation Theorems of Brownian Particles Controlled by a Maxwell's Demon
4 pages
Phys. Rev. E 75, 022102 (2007)
We study the stochastic dynamics of Brownian particles in a heat bath and subject to an active feedback control by an external, Maxwell's demon-like agent. The agent uses the information of the velocity of a particle and reduces its thermal agitation by applying a force. The entropy of the particle and the heat bath as a whole, thus, reduces. Entropy pumping [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 120602 (2004)] quantifies the entropy reduction. We discover that the entropy pumping has a dual role of work and heat contributing to free energy changes and entropy production of the open-system with the feedback control. Generalized Jarzynski equality and fluctuation theorems for work functional and entropy production are developed with the presence of the entropy pumping.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:43:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kim", "Kyung Hyuk", "" ], [ "Qian", "Hong", "" ] ]
Siddhartha Jonnalagadda
Siddhartha Jonnalagadda, Graciela Gonzalez
BioSimplify: an open source sentence simplification engine to improve recall in automatic biomedical information extraction
Siddhartha Jonnalagadda, Graciela Gonzalez. BioSimplify: an open source sentence simplification engine to improve recall in automatic biomedical information extraction. In Annual Proceedings of AMIA 2010
BioSimplify is an open source tool written in Java that introduces and facilitates the use of a novel model for sentence simplification tuned for automatic discourse analysis and information extraction (as opposed to sentence simplification for improving human readability). The model is based on a "shot-gun" approach that produces many different (simpler) versions of the original sentence by combining variants of its constituent elements. This tool is optimized for processing biomedical scientific literature such as the abstracts indexed in PubMed. We tested our tool on its impact to the task of PPI extraction and it improved the f-score of the PPI tool by around 7%, with an improvement in recall of around 20%. The BioSimplify tool and test corpus can be downloaded from
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 28 Jul 2011 15:40:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jonnalagadda", "Siddhartha", "" ], [ "Gonzalez", "Graciela", "" ] ]
Xinrong Guan
Xinrong Guan, Ning Ding, Yueming Cai, Weiwei Yang
Wireless Key Generation from Imperfect Channel State Information: Performance Analysis and Improvements
cs.IT math.IT
The basis of generating secret key from the common wireless channel at two communication parties is reciprocity. However, due to non-simultaneous measurements and unavoidable estimation error, bias always exists and key disagreement occurs. In this paper, performance analysis and improvements for key generation exploiting imperfect channel statement information (CSI) is studied. Firstly, the closed-form expression for key disagreement rate (KDR) is derived to evaluate the key mismatch caused by time delay and estimation error. Secondly, the energy efficiency involving power allocation between key generation and private data transmission is presented. After that, a neural network based prediction (NNBP) algorithm is proposed to improve the key consistency. Simulation results verify the theoretical analysis and show that NNBP achieves significant improvements. And it's interesting to find that NNBP algorithm achieves a higher performance gain in low signal-to-noise ration (SNR) and high delay condition, which is different from other methods, like guard band based quantizer (GBBQ).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:43:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guan", "Xinrong", "" ], [ "Ding", "Ning", "" ], [ "Cai", "Yueming", "" ], [ "Yang", "Weiwei", "" ] ]
Mohamed Grissa
Mohamed Grissa, Attila A. Yavuz, and Bechir Hamdaoui
TrustSAS: A Trustworthy Spectrum Access System for the 3.5 GHz CBRS Band
9 pages, 2 Figures, 5 tables
IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, Paris, France, 2019, pp. 1495-1503
cs.NI cs.CR
As part of its ongoing efforts to meet the increased spectrum demand, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently opened up 150 MHz in the 3.5 GHz band for shared wireless broadband use. Access and operations in this band, aka Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), will be managed by a dynamic spectrum access system (SAS) to enable seamless spectrum sharing between secondary users (SUs) and incumbent users. Despite its benefits, SAS's design requirements, as set by FCC, present privacy risks to SUs, merely because SUs are required to share sensitive operational information (e.g., location, identity, spectrum usage) with SAS to be able to learn about spectrum availability in their vicinity. In this paper, we propose TrustSAS , a trustworthy framework for SAS that synergizes state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques with blockchain technology in an innovative way to address these privacy issues while complying with FCC's regulatory design requirements. We analyze the security of our framework and evaluate its performance through analysis, simulation and experimentation. We show that TrustSAS can offer high security guarantees with reasonable overhead, making it an ideal solution for addressing SUs' privacy issues in an operational SAS environment.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 6 Jul 2019 15:14:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Grissa", "Mohamed", "" ], [ "Yavuz", "Attila A.", "" ], [ "Hamdaoui", "Bechir", "" ] ]
Zhang Yuan-zhong
Ke-Jian Jin, Yuan-Zhong Zhang, and Zong-Hong Zhu
Gravitational Lensing Effects of Fermion-Fermion Stars: I. Strong Field Case
7 pages, LaTex and PostScript; 4 figures, PostScript
Phys.Lett. A264 (2000) 335-340
We investigate a two-component model for gravitational lenses, i.e., the fermion-fermion star as a dark matter self-gravitating system made from two kinds of fermions with different masses. We calculate the deflection angles varying from arcseconds to even degrees. There is one Einstein ring. In particular, we find three radial critical curves for radial magnifications and four or five images of a point source. These are different from the case of the one-component model such as the fermion stars and boson stars. This is due to the fermion-fermion star being a two-component concentric sphere. Our results suggest that any possible observations of the number of images more than 3 could imply a polytropic distribution of the mass inside the lens in the universe.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 8 Jul 1999 11:30:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jin", "Ke-Jian", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yuan-Zhong", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Zong-Hong", "" ] ]
Ziqian Ning
Ziqian Ning, Shuai Wang, Yuepeng Jiang, Jixun Yao, Lei He, Shifeng Pan, Jie Ding, Lei Xie
Drop the beat! Freestyler for Accompaniment Conditioned Rapping Voice Generation
eess.AS cs.SD
Rap, a prominent genre of vocal performance, remains underexplored in vocal generation. General vocal synthesis depends on precise note and duration inputs, requiring users to have related musical knowledge, which limits flexibility. In contrast, rap typically features simpler melodies, with a core focus on a strong rhythmic sense that harmonizes with accompanying beats. In this paper, we propose Freestyler, the first system that generates rapping vocals directly from lyrics and accompaniment inputs. Freestyler utilizes language model-based token generation, followed by a conditional flow matching model to produce spectrograms and a neural vocoder to restore audio. It allows a 3-second prompt to enable zero-shot timbre control. Due to the scarcity of publicly available rap datasets, we also present RapBank, a rap song dataset collected from the internet, alongside a meticulously designed processing pipeline. Experimental results show that Freestyler produces high-quality rapping voice generation with enhanced naturalness and strong alignment with accompanying beats, both stylistically and rhythmically.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 28 Aug 2024 01:44:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ning", "Ziqian", "" ], [ "Wang", "Shuai", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Yuepeng", "" ], [ "Yao", "Jixun", "" ], [ "He", "Lei", "" ], [ "Pan", "Shifeng", "" ], [ "Ding", "Jie", "" ], [ "Xie", "Lei", "" ] ]
Octavio Arizmendi
Octavio Arizmendi and Daniel Perales
Cumulants for finite free convolution
17 pages, v2: Typos corrected. Added Theorem 6.5 and Proposition 6.8
math.CO math.OA
In this paper we define cumulants for finite free convolution. We give a moment-cumulant formula and show that these cumulants satisfy desired properties: they are additive with respect to finite free convolution and they approach free cumulants as the dimension goes to infinity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 20 Nov 2016 21:40:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 7 Mar 2017 20:16:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Arizmendi", "Octavio", "" ], [ "Perales", "Daniel", "" ] ]
Andreas Fischer
Andreas Fischer, Iris Kleinjohann, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn and Frithjof B. Anders
Cross-correlation spectra in interacting quantum dot systems
19 pages, 7 figures
Two-color spin-noise spectroscopy of interacting electron spins in singly charged semiconductor quantum dots provides information on the inter quantum dot interactions. We investigate the spin cross-correlation function in a quantum dot ensemble using a modified semiclassical approach. Spin-correlation functions are calculated using a Hamilton quaternion approach maintaining local quantum mechanical properties of the spins. This method takes into account the effects of the nuclear-electric quadrupolar interactions, the randomness of the coupling constants, and the electron g factor on the spin-noise power-spectra. We demonstrate that the quantum dot ensemble can be mapped on an effective two-quantum dot problem and discuss how the characteristic length scale of the inter-dot interaction modifies the low-frequency cross-correlation spectrum. We argue that details on the interaction strength distribution can be extracted from the cross-correlation spectrum when applying a longitudinal or a transversal external magnetic field.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 13 Aug 2021 08:07:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 19 Apr 2022 12:56:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fischer", "Andreas", "" ], [ "Kleinjohann", "Iris", "" ], [ "Sinitsyn", "Nikolai A.", "" ], [ "Anders", "Frithjof B.", "" ] ]
Georgios Gounaris
Th. Diakonidis, G.J. Gounaris and J. Layssac
A FORTRAN code for $\gamma \gamma \to Z Z $ in SM and MSSM
13 pages, 7 figures Revised according to the EPJC Referee suggestions
Through the present paper, the code gamgamZZ is presented, which may be used to calculate all possible observables related to the process $\gamma \gamma \to ZZ$, in either the Standard Model (SM), or the minimal sypersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with real parameters.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 7 Oct 2006 10:34:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 2 Dec 2006 10:55:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Diakonidis", "Th.", "" ], [ "Gounaris", "G. J.", "" ], [ "Layssac", "J.", "" ] ]
Qirui Li
Qirui Li
An intersection number formula for CM cycles in Lubin-Tate towers
math.NT math.AG
We give an explicit formula for the arithmetic intersection number of CM cycles on Lubin-Tate spaces for all levels. We prove our formula by formulating the intersection number on the infinite level. Our CM cycles are constructed by choosing two separable quadratic extensions $K_1,K_2/F$ of non-Archimedean local fields $F$. Our formula works for all cases, $K_1$ and $K_2$ can be either the same or different, ramify or unramified. As applications, this formula translate the linear Arithmetic Fundamental Lemma (linear AFL) into a comparison of integrals. This formula can also be used to recover Gross and Keating's result on lifting endomorphism of formal modules.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 20 Mar 2018 17:52:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 12 Aug 2019 21:38:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 20 Feb 2020 21:47:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sun, 18 Jul 2021 12:41:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Qirui", "" ] ]
David Kammer
Chun-Yu Ke, Gregory C. McLaskey, David S. Kammer
Earthquake Breakdown Energy Scaling Despite Constant Fracture Energy
4 figures
Nat Commun 13, 1005 (2022)
physics.geo-ph physics.comp-ph
In the quest to determine fault weakening processes that govern earthquake mechanics, it is common to infer the earthquake breakdown energy from seismological measurements. Breakdown energy is observed to scale with slip, which is often attributed to enhanced fault weakening with continued slip or at high slip rates, possibly caused by flash heating and thermal pressurization. However, breakdown energy varies by more than six orders of magnitude, which is physically irreconcilable with prevailing material properties. We present a dynamic model that demonstrates that breakdown energy scaling can occur despite constant fracture energy and does not require thermal pressurization or other enhanced weakening. Instead, earthquake breakdown energy scaling occurs simply due to scale-invariant stress drop overshoot, which is affected more directly by the overall rupture mode -- crack-like or pulse-like -- rather than from a specific slip-weakening relationship. Our findings suggest that breakdown energy may be used to discern crack-like earthquakes from self-healing pulses with negative breakdown energy.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 14 May 2021 15:28:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ke", "Chun-Yu", "" ], [ "McLaskey", "Gregory C.", "" ], [ "Kammer", "David S.", "" ] ]
Izumi Tsutsui, Shogo Tanimura, Hiroyuki Kobayashi
Quantum Mechanically Induced Hopf Term in the O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model
24 pages, Plain Tex, 1 Postscript figure included using epsf, Minor changes in revised version
Nucl.Phys. B514 (1998) 667-687
KEK Preprint 97-19, KU-AMP-97004
hep-th cond-mat
The Hopf term in the $2 + 1$ dimensional O(3) nonlinear sigma model, which is known to be responsible for fractional spin and statistics, is re-examined from the viewpoint of quantization ambiguity. It is confirmed that the Hopf term can be understood as a term induced quantum mechanically, in precisely the same manner as the $\theta$-term in QCD. We present a detailed analysis of the topological aspect of the model based on the adjoint orbit parametrization of the spin vectors, which is not only very useful in handling topological (soliton and/or Hopf) numbers, but also plays a crucial role in defining the Hopf term for configurations of nonvanishing soliton numbers. The Hopf term is seen to arise explicitly as a quantum effect which emerges when quantizing an $S^1$ degree of freedom hidden in the configuration space.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 23 May 1997 10:38:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 28 Jul 1997 09:05:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tsutsui", "Izumi", "" ], [ "Tanimura", "Shogo", "" ], [ "Kobayashi", "Hiroyuki", "" ] ]
Igor Protasov
Igor Protasov and Ksenia Protasova
Lattices of coarse structures
coarse structure, ballean, lattice of coarse structures
We consider the lattice of coarse structures on a set $X$ and study metrizable, locally finite and cellular coarse structures on $X$ from the lattice point of view.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 3 Mar 2018 14:27:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 16 Mar 2018 19:26:14 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 5 Jun 2018 19:15:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Protasov", "Igor", "" ], [ "Protasova", "Ksenia", "" ] ]
Rodolfo Mohamed Id Betan
M. Castagnino, M. Gadella, R. Id Beta, R. Laura
The Gamow Functional
10 pages
Physics Letters A 282,2001, 245-250
We present a formalism that represents pure states, mixtures and generalized states as functionals on an algebra containing the observables of the system. Along these states, there are other functionals that decay exponentially at all times and therefore can be used to describe resonance phenomena.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 26 Sep 2002 14:44:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Castagnino", "M.", "" ], [ "Gadella", "M.", "" ], [ "Beta", "R. Id", "" ], [ "Laura", "R.", "" ] ]
Ren Guan
Ren Guan
$K_0$ groups of noncommutative $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$
math.RA math-ph math.MP
In this paper we show that the $K_0$ groups of noncommutative $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ are $\mathbb{Z}$ for $\forall n\in\mathbb{N}^*$ and make an approach to the calculation of the smooth case, which will bring many new sequence problems relating to binomial numbers.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 8 Aug 2022 17:55:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 7 Oct 2022 15:28:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 29 Oct 2022 14:35:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guan", "Ren", "" ] ]
Yang Huang
Zhi-Ying Huo (NAOC), Xiao-Wei Liu, Mao-Sheng Xiang, Jian-Rong Shi, Hai-Bo Yuan, Yang Huang, Yong Zhang, Yong-Hui Hou, Yue-Fei Wang, Ming Yang
The LAMOST Survey of Background Quasars in the Vicinity Fields of the M 31 and M 33 - III. Results from the 2013 Regular Survey
12 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in a special issue of Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics on LAMOST sciences
astro-ph.GA astro-ph.CO
In this work, we report new quasars discovered in the vicinity fields of the Andromeda (M31) and Triangulum (M33) galaxies with the LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope, also named Guoshoujing Telescope) during the 2013 observational season, the second year of Regular Survey. In total, 1330 new quasars are discovered in an area of $\sim$133 deg$^2$ around M31 and M33. With $i$ magnitudes ranging from 14.79 to 20.0, redshifts from 0.08 to 4.85, the 1330 new quasars represent a significant increase of the number of identified quasars in the vicinity fields of M31 and M33. Up to the moment, there are in total 1870 quasars discovered by LAMOST in this area (see also Huo et al. 2010, 2013). The much enlarged sample of known quasars in this area can potentially be utilized to construct a precise astrometric reference frame for the measurement of the minute proper motions of M31, M33 and the associated substructures, vital for the understanding of the formation and evolution of M31, M33 and the Local Group of galaxies.Meanwhile, amongst the sample, there are in total 45, 98 and 225 quasars with $i$ magnitudes brighter than 17.0, 17.5 and 18.0 respectively. In the aforementioned brightness bins, 15, 35 and 84 quasars are reported here for the first time, 6, 21 and 81 are reported in Huo et al. (2010, 2013), while 0, 1 and 6 are from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and 24, 41 and 54 are from the NED database. These bright quasars provide an invaluable sample for the kinematics and chemistry study of the interstellar/intergalactic medium of the Local Group.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 29 May 2015 14:36:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Huo", "Zhi-Ying", "", "NAOC" ], [ "Liu", "Xiao-Wei", "" ], [ "Xiang", "Mao-Sheng", "" ], [ "Shi", "Jian-Rong", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Hai-Bo", "" ], [ "Huang", "Yang", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yong", "" ], [ "Hou", "Yong-Hui", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yue-Fei", "" ], [ "Yang", "Ming", "" ] ]
Xun Xian
Xun Xian, Xinran Wang, Jie Ding, Reza Ghanadan
Assisted Learning: A Framework for Multi-Organization Learning
cs.LG cs.CR stat.ML
In an increasing number of AI scenarios, collaborations among different organizations or agents (e.g., human and robots, mobile units) are often essential to accomplish an organization-specific mission. However, to avoid leaking useful and possibly proprietary information, organizations typically enforce stringent security constraints on sharing modeling algorithms and data, which significantly limits collaborations. In this work, we introduce the Assisted Learning framework for organizations to assist each other in supervised learning tasks without revealing any organization's algorithm, data, or even task. An organization seeks assistance by broadcasting task-specific but nonsensitive statistics and incorporating others' feedback in one or more iterations to eventually improve its predictive performance. Theoretical and experimental studies, including real-world medical benchmarks, show that Assisted Learning can often achieve near-oracle learning performance as if data and training processes were centralized.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 1 Apr 2020 16:54:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 31 May 2020 23:22:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 3 Jul 2020 02:34:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Fri, 4 Sep 2020 19:04:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Sun, 6 Dec 2020 06:35:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xian", "Xun", "" ], [ "Wang", "Xinran", "" ], [ "Ding", "Jie", "" ], [ "Ghanadan", "Reza", "" ] ]
Cl\'ement Tauber
Vojkan Jak\v{s}i\'c, Claude-Alain Pillet, Cl\'ement Tauber
Approach to equilibrium in translation-invariant quantum systems: some structural results
Ann. Henri Poincar \'e 25 (2024), 715-749
math-ph cond-mat.stat-mech math.MP quant-ph
We formulate the problem of approach to equilibrium in algebraic quantum statistical mechanics and study some of its structural aspects, focusing on the relation between the zeroth law of thermodynamics (approach to equilibrium) and the second law (increase of entropy). Our main result is that approach to equilibrium is necessarily accompanied by a strict increase of the specific (mean) energy and entropy. In the course of our analysis, we introduce the concept of quantum weak Gibbs state which is of independent interest.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 1 Apr 2022 13:52:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 6 Apr 2022 13:55:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 2 Feb 2023 14:05:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jakšić", "Vojkan", "" ], [ "Pillet", "Claude-Alain", "" ], [ "Tauber", "Clément", "" ] ]
Navodit Misra
Navodit Misra, Guy Blelloch, R. Ravi and Russell Schwartz
Generalized Buneman pruning for inferring the most parsimonious multi-state phylogeny
15 pages
q-bio.PE q-bio.GN
Accurate reconstruction of phylogenies remains a key challenge in evolutionary biology. Most biologically plausible formulations of the problem are formally NP-hard, with no known efficient solution. The standard in practice are fast heuristic methods that are empirically known to work very well in general, but can yield results arbitrarily far from optimal. Practical exact methods, which yield exponential worst-case running times but generally much better times in practice, provide an important alternative. We report progress in this direction by introducing a provably optimal method for the weighted multi-state maximum parsimony phylogeny problem. The method is based on generalizing the notion of the Buneman graph, a construction key to efficient exact methods for binary sequences, so as to apply to sequences with arbitrary finite numbers of states with arbitrary state transition weights. We implement an integer linear programming (ILP) method for the multi-state problem using this generalized Buneman graph and demonstrate that the resulting method is able to solve data sets that are intractable by prior exact methods in run times comparable with popular heuristics. Our work provides the first method for provably optimal maximum parsimony phylogeny inference that is practical for multi-state data sets of more than a few characters.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 9 Oct 2009 19:59:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 9 Oct 2009 20:11:16 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 15 Apr 2010 01:46:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Misra", "Navodit", "" ], [ "Blelloch", "Guy", "" ], [ "Ravi", "R.", "" ], [ "Schwartz", "Russell", "" ] ]
Alexander Shnirman
Yuriy Makhlin, Gerd Sch\"on, Alexander Shnirman
Dissipation in Josephson qubits
A tutorial prepared for the Proceedings of "New Directions in Mesoscopic Physics" (Erice, 2002)
In: New Directions in Mesoscopic Physics (Towards Nanoscience), pp. 197-224.Eds. R. Fazio, V. F. Gantmakher, and Y. Imry, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.supr-con
We discuss the dissipative dynamics of superconducting qubits in the applicability range of the Bloch equations and beyond.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 2 Sep 2003 04:21:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Makhlin", "Yuriy", "" ], [ "Schön", "Gerd", "" ], [ "Shnirman", "Alexander", "" ] ]
Zheng Zhang
Zheng Zhang, Zheng Ning, Chenliang Xu, Yapeng Tian, Toby Jia-Jun Li
PEANUT: A Human-AI Collaborative Tool for Annotating Audio-Visual Data
18 pages, published in UIST'23
10.1145/3586183.3606776 10.1145/3586183.3606776 10.1145/3586183.360677610.1145/3586183.3606776 10.1145/3586183.3606776
Audio-visual learning seeks to enhance the computer's multi-modal perception leveraging the correlation between the auditory and visual modalities. Despite their many useful downstream tasks, such as video retrieval, AR/VR, and accessibility, the performance and adoption of existing audio-visual models have been impeded by the availability of high-quality datasets. Annotating audio-visual datasets is laborious, expensive, and time-consuming. To address this challenge, we designed and developed an efficient audio-visual annotation tool called Peanut. Peanut's human-AI collaborative pipeline separates the multi-modal task into two single-modal tasks, and utilizes state-of-the-art object detection and sound-tagging models to reduce the annotators' effort to process each frame and the number of manually-annotated frames needed. A within-subject user study with 20 participants found that Peanut can significantly accelerate the audio-visual data annotation process while maintaining high annotation accuracy.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 27 Jul 2023 19:56:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Zheng", "" ], [ "Ning", "Zheng", "" ], [ "Xu", "Chenliang", "" ], [ "Tian", "Yapeng", "" ], [ "Li", "Toby Jia-Jun", "" ] ]
Yawei Hui
Yawei Hui and Yaohua Liu
Volumetric Data Exploration with Machine Learning-Aided Visualization in Neutron Science
14 pages, 7 figures; the Computer Vision Conference (CVC), Las Vegas, Nevada, 2019; accepted
Recent advancements in neutron and X-ray sources, instrumentation and data collection modes have significantly increased the experimental data size (which could easily contain 10$^{8}$ -- 10$^{10}$ data points), so that conventional volumetric visualization approaches become inefficient for both still imaging and interactive OpenGL rendition in a 3D setting. We introduce a new approach based on the unsupervised machine learning algorithm, Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), to efficiently analyze and visualize large volumetric datasets. Here we present two examples of analyzing and visualizing datasets from the diffuse scattering experiment of a single crystal sample and the tomographic reconstruction of a neutron scanning of a turbine blade. We found that by using the intensity as the weighting factor in the clustering process, DBSCAN becomes very effective in de-noising and feature/boundary detection, and thus enables better visualization of the hierarchical internal structures of the neutron scattering data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 16 Oct 2017 20:32:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 15 Aug 2018 20:23:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 24 Sep 2018 13:37:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hui", "Yawei", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yaohua", "" ] ]
Nithin V. Sabu
Nithin V. Sabu and Abhishek K. Gupta
Analysis of Diffusion Based Molecular Communication System with Multiple Transmitters
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2004.01874
cs.IT math.IT
Due to the limited capabilities of a single bio-nanomachine, complicated tasks can be performed only with the co-operation of multiple bio-nanomachines. In this work, we consider a diffusion-based molecular communication system with a transmitter bio-nanomachine (TBN) communicating with a fully-absorbing spherical receiver bio-nanomachine (RBN) in the presence of other TBNs. The bits transmitted by each of the TBNs are considered as random in each time slot and different for each TBNs in contrary to the past works in literature with deterministic bits, which are the same to all TBNs. The TBNs are modeled using a marked Poisson point process (PPP) with the location of TBNs as points of PPP, and the transmit bits as marks. In this paper, we derive the expected number of molecules observed at the RBN and the bit error probability of the system. We validate our analysis using numerical results and provide various design insights about the system.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 17 May 2020 13:52:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sabu", "Nithin V.", "" ], [ "Gupta", "Abhishek K.", "" ] ]
Miguel Arratia
Miguel Arratia, Sebouh J. Paul, Yuri Gotra, Hayk Hakobyan, Bryan McKinnon
Letter of Intent: Open Charm at JLab with the sPHENIX MAPS tracker
LOI submitted to JLab PAC 52
We propose a physics program at JLab with CLAS12 focusing on open-charm measurements, aiming to complement and expand current studies of $J/\psi$ at (sub) threshold. This program will aid us in elucidating the $J/\psi$ production mechanisms, which is crucial for interpreting data in terms of gluon form factors and offer potential insights into the intrinsic charm hypothesis and cold-nuclear matter effects. We discuss the technical feasibility of integrating the sPHENIX monolithic-active-pixel sensor (MAPS) tracker, known as MVTX, with the CLAS12 detector. The sPHENIX MTVX would support an open-charm program by providing excellent secondary-vertex performance for tagging $D$ mesons. We study the kinematics of $\gamma p \to \bar{D}^{0}\Lambda_{c}$ through phase-space simulations and estimate rates for the tagged quasi-photoproduction regime available with the CLAS12 forward tagger. While open-charm cross-sections at threshold remain uncertain, various predictions suggest that these measurements could be feasible when combined with conservative estimates of detector acceptance and luminosity. These preliminary estimates motivate detailed Geant detector simulations of signals and backgrounds, along with thorough technical assessments of operating conditions, to further explore the feasibility of these measurements in future dedicated CLAS12 experiments at JLab.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 7 May 2024 17:43:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Arratia", "Miguel", "" ], [ "Paul", "Sebouh J.", "" ], [ "Gotra", "Yuri", "" ], [ "Hakobyan", "Hayk", "" ], [ "McKinnon", "Bryan", "" ] ]
Hua Xing Zhu
Hua Xing Zhu
On the calculation of soft phase space integral
20 pages, 1 figure
The recent discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC attracts much attention to the precise calculation of its production cross section in quantum chromodynamics. In this work, we discuss the calculation of soft triple-emission phase space integral, which is an essential ingredient in the recently calculated soft-virtual corrections to Higgs boson production at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order. The main techniques used this calculation are method of differential equation for Feynman integral, and integration of harmonic polylogarithms.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 1 Jan 2015 02:16:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhu", "Hua Xing", "" ] ]
Bianca Sosnovski
Bianca Sosnovski
Cryptanalysis of a Cayley Hash Function Based on Affine Maps in one Variable over a Finite Field
10 pages
cs.CR math.GR
Cayley hash functions are cryptographic hashes constructed from Cayley graphs of groups. The hash function proposed by Shpilrain and Sosnovski (2016), based on linear functions over a finite field, was proven insecure. This paper shows that the proposal by Ghaffari and Mostaghim (2018) that uses the Shpilrain and Sosnovski's hash in its construction is also insecure. We demonstrate its security vulnerability by constructing collisions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:13:55 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 31 Aug 2023 06:16:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 4 Sep 2023 18:16:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sosnovski", "Bianca", "" ] ]
Xueliang Li
Xueliang Li, Guihai Yu
The skew-rank of oriented graphs
17 pages, 4 figures
An oriented graph $G^\sigma$ is a digraph without loops and multiple arcs, where $G$ is called the underlying graph of $G^\sigma$. Let $S(G^\sigma)$ denote the skew-adjacency matrix of $G^\sigma$. The rank of the skew-adjacency matrix of $G^\sigma$ is called the {\it skew-rank} of $G^\sigma$, denoted by $sr(G^\sigma)$. The skew-adjacency matrix of an oriented graph is skew symmetric and the skew-rank is even. In this paper we consider the skew-rank of simple oriented graphs. Firstly we give some preliminary results about the skew-rank. Secondly we characterize the oriented graphs with skew-rank 2 and characterize the oriented graphs with pendant vertices which attain the skew-rank 4. As a consequence, we list the oriented unicyclic graphs, the oriented bicyclic graphs with pendant vertices which attain the skew-rank 4. Moreover, we determine the skew-rank of oriented unicyclic graphs of order $n$ with girth $k$ in terms of matching number. We investigate the minimum value of the skew-rank among oriented unicyclic graphs of order $n$ with girth $k$ and characterize oriented unicyclic graphs attaining the minimum value. In addition, we consider oriented unicyclic graphs whose skew-adjacency matrices are nonsingular.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2014 04:09:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Xueliang", "" ], [ "Yu", "Guihai", "" ] ]
Alessandro Georgoudis
Benjamin Basso, Alessandro Georgoudis and Arthur Klemenchuk Sueiro
Structure constants of short operators in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory
6 pages, 4 figures, 1 appendix
We present an integrability-based conjecture for the three-point functions of single-trace operators in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory at finite coupling, in the case where two operators are protected. Our proposal is based on the hexagon representation for structure constants of long operators, which we complete to incorporate operators of any length using data from the TBA/QSC formalism. We perform various tests of our conjecture, at weak and strong coupling, finding agreement with the gauge theory through 5 loops for the shortest three-point function and with string theory in the classical limit.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Jul 2022 10:46:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Basso", "Benjamin", "" ], [ "Georgoudis", "Alessandro", "" ], [ "Sueiro", "Arthur Klemenchuk", "" ] ]
Pierre Uzan
Pierre Uzan
Why Super-Quantum, Non-Signaling Correlations Cannot Exist
15 pages, 1 figure
The idea that non-local correlations stronger than quantum correlations between two no-signaling systems could theoretically exist is based on an incorrect statistical interpretation of the no-signaling condition. This article shows that any physically realizable no-signaling box involving local incompatible observables indeed requires to be described in a non-commutative, quantum-like language of operators -which leads to the derivation of the Tsirelson bound and then contradicts this idea.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 2 Feb 2016 22:16:39 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 18 May 2016 07:17:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 28 May 2016 12:18:29 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Mon, 19 Dec 2016 16:19:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:31:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v6", "created": "Mon, 11 Nov 2019 07:17:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v7", "created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2020 09:02:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v8", "created": "Thu, 13 Feb 2020 21:32:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v9", "created": "Thu, 22 Jul 2021 17:15:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Uzan", "Pierre", "" ] ]
Eduardo D. Sontag
David Angeli and Eduardo D. Sontag
Monotone Control Systems
See for related work
math.OC math.DS
Monotone systems constitute one of the most important classes of dynamical systems used in mathematical biology modeling. The objective of this paper is to extend the notion of monotonicity to systems with inputs and outputs, a necessary first step in trying to understand interconnections, especially including feedback loops, built up out of monotone components. Basic definitions and theorems are provided, as well as an application to the study of a model of one of the cell's most important subsystems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 13 Jun 2002 15:20:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Angeli", "David", "" ], [ "Sontag", "Eduardo D.", "" ] ]
Justin Spilker
Justin Spilker (1), Kristina Nyland (2) ((1) UT Austin, (2) NRAO)
Science with an ngVLA: Characterizing Feedback Through Molecular Outflows Across Cosmic Time
To be published in the ASP Monograph Series, "Science with a Next-Generation VLA", ed. E. J. Murphy (ASP, San Francisco, CA)
Galactic winds are ubiquitously observed in galaxies both locally and in the high-redshift Universe. While these winds span many orders of magnitude in both temperature and density, observations of nearby galaxies show that the cold molecular phase tends to dominate both the mass and momentum carried. The capabilities of the ngVLA for the study of molecular outflows at low redshift are described elsewhere in this Volume; here we focus on the ability of the ngVLA to detect and image such outflows in the high-redshift Universe via deep observations of low-J transitions of the CO molecule. The ngVLA is capable of detecting molecular outflows from typical galaxies on the star-forming sequence with log(Mstar/Msun) >~ 10.5 to z~3, and galaxies with higher star formation rates to beyond z~4. The ngVLA will enable an understanding of the feedback processes that shape galaxies throughout the epoch of galaxy assembly when the bulk of the stars in the Universe were formed. While the emission associated with outflows is faint in comparison to the emission from the galaxy, deep observations are also required for high-resolution dynamical studies, allowing for the routine simultaneous detection and imaging of the outflows.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 15 Oct 2018 18:31:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Spilker", "Justin", "", "UT Austin" ], [ "Nyland", "Kristina", "", "NRAO" ] ]
Rafael Luque
Rafael Luque, Brandon Park Coy, Qiao Xue, Adina D. Feinstein, Eva-Maria Ahrer, Quentin Changeat, Michael Zhang, Sarah E. Moran, Jacob L. Bean, Edwin Kite, Megan Weiner Mansfield, Enric Pall\'e
A dark, bare rock for TOI-1685 b from a JWST NIRSpec G395H phase curve
26 pages, 19 figures, 8 tables. Submitted to AAS Journals
We report JWST NIRSpec/G395H observations of TOI-1685 b, a hot rocky super-Earth orbiting an M2.5V star, during a full orbit. We obtain transmission and emission spectra of the planet and characterize the properties of the phase curve, including its amplitude and offset. The transmission spectrum rules out clear H$_2$-dominated atmospheres, while secondary atmospheres (made of water, methane, or carbon dioxide) cannot be statistically distinguished from a flat line. The emission spectrum is featureless and consistent with a blackbody-like brightness temperature, helping rule out thick atmospheres with high mean molecular weight. Collecting all evidence, the properties of TOI-1685 b are consistent with a blackbody with no heat redistribution and a low albedo, with a dayside brightness temperature 0.98$\pm$0.07 times that of a perfect blackbody in the NIRSpec NRS2 wavelength range (3.823-5.172 um). Our results add to the growing number of seemingly airless M-star rocky planets, thus constraining the location of the "Cosmic Shoreline". Three independent data reductions have been carried out, all showing a high-amplitude correlated noise component in the white and spectroscopic light curves. The correlated noise properties are different between the NRS1 and NRS2 detectors - importantly the timescales of the strongest components (4.5 hours and 2.5 hours, respectively) - suggesting the noise is from instrumental rather than astrophysical origins. We encourage the community to look into the systematics of NIRSpec for long time-series observations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 4 Dec 2024 15:49:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Luque", "Rafael", "" ], [ "Coy", "Brandon Park", "" ], [ "Xue", "Qiao", "" ], [ "Feinstein", "Adina D.", "" ], [ "Ahrer", "Eva-Maria", "" ], [ "Changeat", "Quentin", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Michael", "" ], [ "Moran", "Sarah E.", "" ], [ "Bean", "Jacob L.", "" ], [ "Kite", "Edwin", "" ], [ "Mansfield", "Megan Weiner", "" ], [ "Pallé", "Enric", "" ] ]
Iman Bahmani Jafarloo
Iman Bahmani Jafarloo and Enrico Carlini
Special apolar subset: the case of star configurations
In this paper we consider a generic degree $d$ form $ F $ in $n+1$ variables. In particular, we investigate the existence of star configurations apolar to $F$, that is the existence of apolar sets of points obtained by the $ n $-wise intersection of $ r $ general hyperplanes of $ \mathbb{P}^n $. We present a complete answer for all values of $(d,r,n)$ except for $(d,d+1,2)$ when we present an algorithmic approach.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 25 Jul 2018 12:34:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 24 Apr 2019 16:57:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 19 Sep 2019 08:14:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jafarloo", "Iman Bahmani", "" ], [ "Carlini", "Enrico", "" ] ]
Nikolai V. Ivanov
Nikolai V. Ivanov
Elements of Torelli topology: II. The extension problem
41 pages. A major revision. The notions of admissible and peripheral diffeomorphisms from the first version are replaced by the new notion of weak Torelli diffeomorphisms
By Torelli topology the author understands aspects of the topology of surfaces (potentially) relevant to the study of Torelli groups. The extension problem in Torelli topology is the problem of determining when a diffeomorphism of compact connected subsurface of a closed surface can be extended to a diffeomorphism of the whole surface acting trivially on its homology. The special case of extensions by the identity diffeomorphism was considered by A. Putman, whose work was one of the main sources of inspiration for the present paper. It turns out that the answer depends on the position of the subsurface, but only in a mild and controlled way discovered by A. Putman in the special case of extensions by the identity. The answer is stated in terms of two homology groups associated to the subsurface and a homomorphism between them, which we call the difference map of a diffeomorphism of the subsurface in question. The extension problem is motivated by the desire to extend to Torelli groups some well established tools and results from the theory of Teichm\"uller modular groups. In particular, in the next paper of this series the analysis of the extension problem in this paper will be applied to get a description of all abelian subgroups of Torelli groups. The paper is concluded by some speculations about what is the Torelli group of a surface with non-empty boundary.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 13 Sep 2016 02:39:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 23 Apr 2017 01:48:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ivanov", "Nikolai V.", "" ] ]
Kehan Long
Kehan Long, Shasha Li, Pancheng Wang, Chenlong Bao, Jintao Tang, Ting Wang
Recommending Missed Citations Identified by Reviewers: A New Task, Dataset and Baselines
Citing comprehensively and appropriately has become a challenging task with the explosive growth of scientific publications. Current citation recommendation systems aim to recommend a list of scientific papers for a given text context or a draft paper. However, none of the existing work focuses on already included citations of full papers, which are imperfect and still have much room for improvement. In the scenario of peer reviewing, it is a common phenomenon that submissions are identified as missing vital citations by reviewers. This may lead to a negative impact on the credibility and validity of the research presented. To help improve citations of full papers, we first define a novel task of Recommending Missed Citations Identified by Reviewers (RMC) and construct a corresponding expert-labeled dataset called CitationR. We conduct an extensive evaluation of several state-of-the-art methods on CitationR. Furthermore, we propose a new framework RMCNet with an Attentive Reference Encoder module mining the relevance between papers, already-made citations, and missed citations. Empirical results prove that RMC is challenging, with the proposed architecture outperforming previous methods in all metrics. We release our dataset and benchmark models to motivate future research on this challenging new task.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Mar 2024 09:29:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Long", "Kehan", "" ], [ "Li", "Shasha", "" ], [ "Wang", "Pancheng", "" ], [ "Bao", "Chenlong", "" ], [ "Tang", "Jintao", "" ], [ "Wang", "Ting", "" ] ]
Duanduan Wan
Duanduan Wan and David R. Nelson and Mark J. Bowick
Thermal stiffening of clamped elastic ribbons
7 pages, 5 figures
Phys. Rev. B 96, 014106 (2017)
cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech
We use molecular dynamics to study the vibrations of a thermally fluctuating two-dimensional elastic membrane clamped at both ends. We directly extract the eigenmodes from resonant peaks in the frequency domain of the time-dependent height and measure the dependence of the corresponding eigenfrequencies on the microscopic bending rigidity of the membrane, taking care also of the subtle role of thermal contraction in generating a tension when the projected area is fixed. At finite temperatures we show that the effective (macroscopic) bending rigidity tends to a constant as the bare bending rigidity vanishes, consistent with theoretical arguments that the large-scale bending rigidity of the membrane arises from a strong thermal renormalization of the microscopic bending rigidity. Experimental realizations include covalently-bonded two-dimensional atomically thin membranes such as graphene and molybdenum disulfide or soft matter systems such as the spectrin skeleton of red blood cells or diblock copolymers.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 7 Feb 2017 03:09:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wan", "Duanduan", "" ], [ "Nelson", "David R.", "" ], [ "Bowick", "Mark J.", "" ] ]