sequence |
"Football season is about to start. I used to always watch the opening day games with my dad. I'm halfway across the country now though_comma_ and we won't be able to do it in person for a long time. Makes me miss him",
"Football season is about to start. I used to always watch the opening day games with my dad. I'm halfway across the country now though_comma_ and we won't be able to do it in person for a long time. Makes me miss him",
"Oh dang_comma_ that is too bad. Can you guys video call?",
"Eh_comma_ we're not really the type to do that. Especially not him. And it's not worth it. Just a phone call here or there. Just miss the tradition is all. We're big family people",
"Oh OK_comma_ hopefully you have some friends you can bring over and share your traditions."
] |
"Anytime I am laying in bed watching TV and playing on my phone I am perfectly happy with life especially if my fiance is home.",
"I don't know if its weird but I am most comfortable laying in bed watching TV and hanging out from there.",
"I'm right there with you. I've always been a home-body. I don't like going out as much. Sometimes people say millennials and technology have disconnected people too much.. that could be true. But at least we're comfortable doin it.",
"Yeah for sure_comma_ I still like people but not everyday and my fiance is usually enough for me with my animals!",
"Absolutely. I'm the kind of person that can be around for people a little bit_comma_ but get drained by them. I think that's getting more and more common for others. Could you tell me what kind of animals you have real quick!"
] |
"My 5 year old son is already reading! He picked up on it so fast!",
"My 5 year old son is already reading! He picked up on it so fast!",
"That is awesome_comma_ I was an early reader as well! That is a great accomplishment!!",
"My daughter was also but I didn't want to put any pressure on him since all kids are so different and it didn't matter. But he astounded me and loves reading and writing. ",
"I hope they both keep the love for reading and writing!"
] |
"I didn't get the promotion at work that I had been working so hard for.",
"I didn't get the big promotion at work.",
"Oh no! I'm so sorry! Are you able to be up for another one soon?",
"There are promotions that come up quite often within my company_comma_ so I am hoping for another chance within the month.",
"Oh great! That's sooner than in my company. I know you'll get one. Just keep working hard and good luck!"
] |
"I farted infront of a lady in the train.",
"SO I dropped my wallet in the train_comma_ and when I bent down to pick it up_comma_ I accidentally released a loud fart. Worse of it call_comma_ there was lady who was sitting and heard it! ",
"It happens to the best of us! I know the lady understands!",
"I hope so_comma_ she pretended not to hear but I know she heard it. It was just so embarrassing and left me red faced! ",
"Maybe you'll never see her again! "
] |
"I didn't get the promotion at work that I worked so hard to get.",
"I didn't get a big promotion at work_comma_ I worked so hard for it.",
"Sorry to hear that_comma_ I know that you probably feel disappointed but there will be other opportunities! ",
"I was_comma_but I will try harder next time.",
"Yes_comma_ and you will succeed eventually. "
] |
"I dont like uncertainty. I like to know what is going to happen.",
"I dont like uncertainty. I like to know what is going to happen.",
"Do you have some uncertainty in you life right now?",
"Im not sure what I want to do career wise.",
"That is really tough. Are you in a career now?",
"Yes_comma_ but not in my major.",
"Do you have any opportunity for an internship of some sort? The career advisers from your school may be able to help.",
"I am done with Uni. Im thinking of going back and getting a different major.",
"I did that myself_comma_ and I can tell you it was well worth it. I am much happier now than I ever was. I wish you very good luck on whatever you decide to do!"
] |
"I have been alone for almost 5 years now. ",
"I have been alone for almost 5 years now. ",
"As in living alone or single?",
"Living alone because my wife passed away. I miss her very much.",
"Oh no. Thats terrible. "
] |
"Was walking down the street yesterday and some little twerp ran his skateboard right into me_comma_ and he slammed into the back of my knee. It's been throbbing all day and it's swollen. Pretty sure something's messed up. I'm ready for bad news. At least I have insurance now.",
"Was walking down the street yesterday and some little twerp ran his skateboard right into me_comma_ and he slammed into the back of my knee. It's been throbbing all day and it's swollen. Pretty sure something's messed up. I'm ready for bad news. At least I have insurance now.",
"Oh wow_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that! Put your leg up and relax this weekend! ",
"Yeah_comma_ I've been lazing all day. I'm already starting to feel really fat. I want to find that lil chump and ring his neck.. hopefully my insurance covers all I need it to",
"I hope your insurance does too! Just take care of youself and I hope you feel better soon!"
] |
"My current employer is having big financials problem. I am afraid that the company will go into bankruptcy.",
"My current employer is having big financials problem. I am afraid that the company will go into bankruptcy.",
"That sounds really frustrating to deal with. You sound like you're self-aware and anticipating the problem_comma_ though. Perhaps you've already started preparing to look elsewhere?",
"I started looking. I have been with this company for so long that I forgot how to write a resume and how to look efficiently for a job.",
"Well_comma_ luckily Google is so helpful these days. There's tons of templates out there. It's kind of annoying to deal with_comma_ especially because it's being motivated by your company possibly disappearing.. but it won't take long at all to craft a good one_comma_ especially because oftentimes the shorter they are_comma_ the better"
] |
"First time in a long time I've gotten a haircut that I'm satisfied with. For once my big head doesn't look so big. I actually don't feel too stupid looking!",
"First time in a long time I've gotten a haircut that I'm satisfied with. For once my big head doesn't look so big. I actually don't feel too stupid looking!",
"Nice. Did you find a good hairdresser?",
"Just some barber who found a way to give me what I like without me being able to say it. That's always been my problem_comma_ I have problems describing it_comma_ and feel dumb trying to find pictures showing it. I just told him to do what he think would look good.. luckily it worked",
"That is great."
] |
"My dog is sick so i took him to the vet now we are waiting for the results of his bloodwork",
"my dog is sick we took him into the vet and now we are playing the waiting game",
"I am sorry to hear that! My dog is a part of the family_comma_ so I understand. I hope everything is okay.",
"yeah it is scary to think we could lose him...",
"It is scary to think about_comma_ I hope for the best!"
] |
"I felt this way while caring for patients at my previous job.",
"I loved my previous job.",
"what did you do?",
"I cared for patients in the emergency room.",
"that is a cool job"
] |
"I am excited about going on vacation.",
"I get to go on vacation with my husband and kids on Monday. I am so excited!",
"That's great. Where are you going?",
"We are going to Wisconsin to see my family. We havent seen them since Christmas.",
"Sounds like a great trip. I hope you guys have a fun time."
] |
"My daughter is pregnant with her first child. I am optimistic it will be a smooth pregnancy. I am sure it will all work out.",
"My daughter is pregnant with her first child. I am optimistic everything will go smoothly.",
"That is exciting. When is she due?",
"She is due around Thanksgiving. It will be a great time to give thanks!",
"Yes it is! Is she having a boy or a girl?",
"She's have a girl! I am so excited!",
"Awww! Congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly."
] |
"I find myself with being over ran with anxiety that it is hard to concentrate and stay focused",
"Sometimes I feel like I have so much going on that I feel overwhelmed and over ran with anxiety that it makes it hard to stay focused on everything",
"I totally understand. Life can sometimes seem overwhelming. I have learned to stop_comma_ take a deep breath_comma_ and do one thing at a time.",
"That makes sense. I am going to start trying that more",
"It's just a way to calm the body and the mind. It is SO easy to fall into the trap of anxiety. But falling there doesn't accomplish a thing. Take a breath_comma_ focus on one small success_comma_ then move to the next. "
] |
"My friends just recently purchased a new 2019 Honda Civic. I am truly angry; I shouldn't be_comma_ but I am. I should be the one with the new car. ",
"My friends just recently purchased a brand new_comma_ new car smelling_comma_ 2019 Honda Civic.",
"Yikes! Bet the car payment is not worth it. lol",
"Well_comma_ for me_comma_ I am honestly angry. I look at their success and feel it should be me! ",
"Sometimes jealousy can become us. But most times it does not pay to be that way_comma_ cause 9 times out of 10 those kind of people is just living off credit so technically it is not something they own out right",
"You are probably right. I feel like such a terrible friend for feeling that way. Nevertheless_comma_ it is a little motivation for me to work that much harder. "
] |
"I had stolen a few candies from the jar in the store. I had to tell my mom after.",
"Just had to tell mom I stole some candies_comma_",
"Woah_comma_ hope she doesn't report you! Jk",
"I hope so too_comma_ but I feel quite guilty regarding it_comma_",
"I see_comma_ hope she is able to understand!"
] |
"I feel this way because I have hope that I will get into grad school.",
"I have hope that I will get into grad school.",
"What are you applying for?",
"School Counseling.",
"That sounds interesting_comma_ when do you learn if you got in?",
"I would be a school counselor_comma_ so how to deal with issues in school and also development."
] |
"I won the MVP award at a hockey tournament. I had 8 goals.",
"Just got such a big award at the game.",
"What game and what kind of award>",
"It was a hockey game I scored 8 goals and won the MVP.",
"Way to go! That is a great accomplishment!"
] |
"I just bought my first house. I get to move in next week.",
"I just bought my first house. I get to move in next week.",
"Oh wow that is so exciting! I'm sure you are excited to move in.",
"I really am. My wife and I are going to go puppy shopping the day after we move in since we can finally have one!",
"Aww that's great! I have two dogs_comma_ they become part of the family! Enjoy your new house :)"
] |
"I am feeling this way right now with my life. I am so thankful and happy.",
"I am so happy with my life right now.",
"You sound very content. What makes you happy?",
"I have the best husband and son I could ever ask for!",
"Well that is a good reason. You are blessed."
] |
"I saw a creepy looking clown peering at me through the window. I almost jumped out of my skin. I ran into my basement and hid in a closet.",
"I saw this creepy looking clown peering in my window the other night. I almost jumped out of my skin.",
"Oh no_comma_ I would have had a heart attack.",
"I ran into the basement and hid in a closet. I have been down here ever since. At least I got Internet access.",
"Sell the house!"
] |
"my boyfriend dragged me to a haunted house and it was to much for me",
"my boyfriend took me to a haunted house ",
"Nice_comma_ how was it?",
"no it was scary!",
"Hope you're all right!"
] |
"I make the good fluffy cheesecake. But sometimes it's hard because the egg whites have to be perfectly beaten.",
"I make the good fluffy cheesecake. But sometimes it's hard because the egg whites have to be perfectly beaten.",
"Are you doing the cheesecake for your family?",
"Yes_comma_ they enjoy it a lot. I always like making it for them.",
"That is great."
] |
"I love so much my wife. She has been so caring and kind with me.",
"I love so much my wife. She has been so caring and kind with me.",
"That's really nice! You should show her you appreciate her. Maybe cook her dinner!",
"I am bad cooker but I take her frequently for dinner in restaurant.",
"Ahh yes_comma_ that's very nice too_comma_ good for her! You guys have a happy marriage."
] |
"I dislike when I have to get up in the middle of a training session when the whole class is filled_comma_ my face gets all red and blotchy.",
"I get so flustered whenever there is a training class at work and I have to get up in front of everyone and walk out. I dread if I have to use the restroom or get water!",
"Ugh that must so inconvenient and uncomfortable! ",
"It really is_comma_ I just have social anxiety really bad I think.",
"I can relate_comma_ I get red face when ever I have to come infront of the class to present. "
] |
"My friend got tickets to the Superbowl and not me.",
"My friend just won a lottery and got tickets to the Superbowl and I lost! ",
"Oh gosh_comma_ is he going to take you to the Superbowl at least?",
"I dont think he can since he only won one ticket. I am beyond jealous right now but also happy for him since he really wants to go. ",
"Just one ticket_comma_ that sounds lonely for him."
] |
"I went to Disney with my family is was great!",
"we went to disney with the kids it was amazing",
"Nice! I want to take my daughter when she is older. Did you go to Disneyland or world?",
"California is fun to visit as well! Glad you all had fun."
] |
"My mom gave me an old photo album the other day. It really brought back the memories.",
"My mom gave me one of our old photo albums the other day.",
"aww that is great!",
"Yeah it really brought back some great memories!",
"yeah my mom did that for me a few years back"
] |
"I was in the break room and took two donuts when i was only allowed one",
"i was in the break room and took a extra doughnut",
"Oh naughty. Did anyone see you?",
"no but i still feel bad about it",
"Well it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of the universe! I am sure it will be fine."
] |
"I am ready for vacation!",
"I am all packed and ready to go see my family!",
"Are you making a trip to see your family?",
"Yes! We are driving up to see them on Monday.",
"Great. It is always good to see your family. Is it very far?",
"It is a 7 hour drive. It takes a little longer with bathroom breaks though."
] |
"I recently found that I was adopted. I felt terrible bad.",
"I recently found that I was adopted. I felt terrible bad.",
"That would definitely be a difficult thing to find out. How did you find out?",
"I had an argument with my oncle. He is one that told me. He told me \"You are not part of this family!!! You are adopted!!!\"",
"Wow. That is really horrible. I am so sorry that happened to you. "
] |
"I lost my swim bottoms at the water park.",
"I lost my swim bottoms going down the slide at the water park.",
"Haha.. I feel like that's almost a rite of passage when going to water parks. I've had that happen_comma_ too. Hopefully it wasn't too traumatic for you. I almost lost my glasses once_comma_ too! Now that was really scary",
"It was horrible_comma_ but I recovered! No shame.",
"That's the spirit. It's good that you don't take yourself too seriously. Heck_comma_ my roommate walked in on me doing some \"self-pleasure\" just yesterday.. I used to think that was my worst nightmare_comma_ but in the moment I just did my best to laugh it off so we could move forward faster"
] |
"My apartment complex is nickel and diming me and counting off so many things wrong with the apartment to detract from my security deposit as I get set to leave after this month. I know people said to expect to never see your security deposit again_comma_ but this is ridiculous! I feel like the apartment is pretty much exactly the same!",
"My apartment complex is nickel and diming me and counting off so many things wrong with the apartment to detract from my security deposit as I get set to leave after this month. I know people said to expect to never see your security deposit again_comma_ but this is ridiculous! I feel like the apartment is pretty much exactly the same",
"I hate when that happens! The same thing happened to me when I moved out of my apartment. They kept my security deposit because they needed to replace carpet.",
"It's a racket. The building is from the 1950s and has hardly been updated. Of course everything is going to look like crap. They just splash the cheapest white paint everywhere. At least there's no carpet in mine that would need to be replaced. Bleh",
"Mine hadn't been replaced in 6 years_comma_ I found that out after the fact. "
] |
"My boss informed me that I am in pole position of getting the promotion.",
"My boss informed me that I am in the first position of getting the promotion",
"That's pretty awesome_comma_ congrats",
"Thanks_comma_ my confidence in my abilities is just getting better and better!",
"Confidence is key_comma_ it's honestly what upper management looks for not necessarily technical skills right off the bat...just like Leo DiCaprio in \"Catch Me if You Can\" haha"
] |
"If there's one thing I learned it's to trust my own judgment and mine alone. Forget what the haters say and just keep grinding toward my goals",
"People can give me all the bullshit advice they want on how to live my life and how I need to know my place in society....but I'll just smile and nod because I only trust my instincts and am have ridiculously more freedom_comma_ money and happiness than I've ever had before",
"Good on you. You need to be comfortable in your own skin and its not other people's business to tell you how to live. ",
"Exactly. Funny thing is they're usually the same people that bitch and moan on Facebook about having a job or boss they hate but do nothing to change their path it's hilarious",
"Yes_comma_ they should really learn to concentrate on their own life instead of complaining about other people."
] |
"I was in bed and i heard a loud noise in my kitchen. but i was home alone!",
"i was inbed last night and heard a loud bang in the kitchen",
"Did you get up to check it out?",
"yeah i was sneaking in there when i found the cat looking as guilty as can be",
"That would have scared me. At least it wasnt an intruder."
] |
"I have an overseas trip coming up. I have never been and I am feeling a little scared right now about going.",
"I have an overseas trip coming up. I have never been and I am feeling a little scared right now about going.",
"that is exciting@",
"Yea but I have never been in a foreign country before.",
"yeah same but it can be fun"
] |
"I was watching professional rodeo the other day. It is amazing how those cowboys can stay on the bulls so long. It looks so hard to do.",
"I was watching professional rodeo last night. I was amazed at how the cowboyos can stay on the bulls so long.",
"That is an amazing talent to have. I would be so scared!",
"Yeah they must practice a lot. I would be afraid of getting trampled.",
"Me too_comma_ that would be terrible."
] |
"I am waiting to see if I pass my graduate exam and I am feeling this way.",
"I am waiting to see if I pass the GRE.",
"I hope you did it. Don't worry too much.",
"Thank you_comma_ I am trying my best. ",
"If you need to you can always take it again. Good luck!"
] |
"My house burned down and I had to rescue my family_comma_ It was a chilly night.",
"What a scary night that was.",
"What happened? Hope you are okay?",
"My house burned night earlier_comma_ had to get my mom out.",
"Omg that is so scary_comma_ I am so sorry to hear that. "
] |
"I found some pictures of my grandma in the attic last night",
"I was going through the stuff in my attic last night",
"Did you find anything great?",
"Yeah I found some old pictures of when us kids used to go to my grandma's house for xmas",
"What a wonderful memory. ",
"Yeah reminds me of the good old days. I miss my grandma. She passed away about 15 years ago. "
] |
"I woke up this morning to my wife telling me she was pregnant!",
"I woke up this morning to my wife telling me she's pregnant!",
"Oh hey that's awesome! That is awesome right?",
"It is soooo awesome. We have been wanting a baby for so long. I can't wait_comma_ but I was shocked out of a dead sleep!",
"That is awesome!!!! Congratulations!"
] |
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