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<TITLE> DiamondHelp a collaborative task guidance framework for complex devices <ABSTRACT> DiamondHelp is reusable Java framework for building collaborative task guidance systems for complex devices, such as digitally enabled home appliances. DiamondHelp combines generic conversational interface, adapted from online chat programs, with an applicationspecific direct manipulation interface. DiamondHelp provides a things to say mechanism for use without spoken language understanding it also supports extensions to take advantage of speech technology. DiamondHelps software architecture factors all applicationspecific content into two modular plugins, one of which includes Collagen and task model.
T12031: Speech and dialogue systems
17: Computer Science
1702: Artificial Intelligence
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Efecto de los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos sobre el osteoblasto determinación del mecanismo de acción <ABSTRACT> El hueso es un tejido altamente complejo formado por la matriz organica y celulas especificas de hueso. Los osteoblastos son funcionalmente las celulas mas importantes del tejido oseo, encargadas de la formacion y reparacion osea. Ademas, estas celulas tienen funciones adicionales relacionadas con el sistema inmune, incluyendo la actividad fagocitica, la estimulacion de los linfocitos T y la sintesis de citoquinas. Los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos AINEs son farmacos comunmente utilizados en la practica clinica, por tener un amplio rango de aplicacion, debido a sus acciones analgesica, antipiretica, antiinflamatoria y antiangregante plaquetaria. El efecto de los AINE sobre la formacion y reparacion del tejido oseo, se ha evaluado en varios estudios, que han demostrado que algunos AINE tienen un efecto negativo sobre el tejido oseo por la inhibicion del crecimiento celular. El mecanismo por el cual los AINE ejercen su accion sobre el crecimiento celular es objeto de debate. Algunos autores citan la capacidad de los AINE para inhibir la sintesis de prostaglandinas PGs, pero por otro lado, estudios recientes han indicado que estos farmacos tienen un efecto directo sobre el ciclo celular y la induccion de la apoptosis El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar el efecto a corto plazo de los AINEs, Dexketoprofeno, Ketorolaco, Metamizol y Acido Acetilsalicilico, a distintas dosis de tratamiento, sobre diferentes parametros celulares del osteoblasto el crecimiento, la diferenciacion, la expresion antigenica, la actividad fagocitica, la adhesion celular. Utilizando la linea celular MG63 como modelo de osteoblasto. En relacion con el crecimiento celular, nuestros datos muestran que la capacidad proliferativa de las celulas MG63 fue inhibida despues de 24 horas de tratamiento en una forma dosisdependiente. Asi, la evaluacion de diferentes dosis de Dexketoprofeno y Ketorolaco 0,1, 1, 5, 10, 100 y 1000 mM mostro un efecto inhibitorio sobre la capacidad proliferativa, sin embargo, el Metamizol ejercio un efecto adverso sobre el crecimiento de la linea MG63 a la dosis 10 µM mientras que el tratamiento con Acido acetilsalicilico, solo mostro efectos adversos a partir de la dosis de 20 µM. Ademas, el analisis del ciclo celular mostro un incremento del porcentaje de celulas en fase G0G1 en cultivos tratados con Dexketoprofeno y Ketorolaco a dosis 1 y 10 µM. Por otra parte, se observo un aumento del numero de celulas apoptoticas despues del tratamiento con Ketorolaco y el Dexketoprofeno a dosis de 1 µM y 10 µM respectivamente. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el efecto adverso de estos medicamentos sobre el crecimiento de los osteoblastos puede ser debido a la detencion del ciclo celular yo a la induccion de apoptosis. En contraste, el tratamiento con Metamizol mostro un ligero efecto en la proliferacion de osteoblastos a dosis terapeuticas. Solo despues de una dosis de 10 µM mostro una ligera disminucion en el numero de celulas viables sobre el grupo de control. Se ha detectado un mayor efecto sobre la proliferacion celular a dosis de 100 y 1000 µM. En relacion con el ciclo celular, ninguna de estas dosis mostro un efecto significativo, sin embargo un leve incremento en el porcentaje de celulas apoptoticas se detectaron a 10 µM. En este punto, se podria especular que la disminucion del numero de celulas viables despues de 24 h en presencia de este medicamento a dosis de 10, 100 y 1000 µM puede ser debido a la induccion de apoptosis. Los resultados obtenidos tras el tratamiento de la linea MG63 con Acido acetilsalicilio a dosis terapeuticas, nos permiten descartar un efecto adverso sobre el tejido oseo. A dosis mas altas si encontramos una inhibicion de la capacidad proliferativa. Estos datos estan estrechamente relacionados con los resultados obtenidos mediante el analisis del efecto del Acido acetilsalicilico sobre el ciclo celular y la apoptosis. En cuanto al efecto que ejercen los AINEs estudiados sobre el proceso de diferenciacion celular se observo una inhibicion. Esto se demostro por la inhibicion de la sintesis de fosfatasa alcalina despues de 24h, por la inhibicion del proceso de mineralizacion al disminuir el numero y tamano de nodulos de calcio obtenidos por la linea celular MG63 tras ser cultivada en medio osteogenico. Adhesion celular es un proceso importante en la reparacion osea. Nuestros resultados mostraron que el Dexketoprofeno, Ketorolaco y el Metamizol, especialmente en dosis de 10 µM, aumento significativamente la adherencia de la MG63 linea en la superficie de la placa en las primeras horas de tratamiento 12 h. Sin embargo, los cultivos tratados con diferentes dosis de Acido acetilsalicilico 1, 10 y 20 µM no mostraron ningun efecto sobre la adhesion de celulas. Los osteoblastos expresan un numero de antigenos de superficie, que se relaciona con el grado de diferenciacion y o la activacion celular CD54, CD80, CD86 y HLADR. Nuestros datos muestran que el tratamiento durante 24 h con los diferentes AINEs aumento el porcentaje de expresion CD54. Este marcador se expresa en un alto porcentaje en preosteoblastos y osteblastos inmaduros. Para el resto de marcadores, no se observo ningun cambio en el perfil antigenico. Los osteoblastos tienen actividad fagocitica contra las particulas de diferente origen. Nuestros resultados mostraron una disminucion de la capacidad fagocitica de la linea celular MG63, como una consecuencia del tratamiento con los cuatro AINEs ensayados. En conclusion, nuestros resultados sugieren que el Dexketoprofeno y Ketorolaco a las dosis terapeuticas pueden reducir el crecimiento de los osteoblastos mediante la detencion del ciclo celular en fase G0G1, lo que conlleva la muerte celular por apoptosis. Metamizol y aspirina solo se han demostrado efectos adversos a partir de 10 y 20 µM, respectivamente. Los cuatro AINE estudiados inhibieron el proceso de diferenciacion. Creemos que este efecto es en relacion con la modulacion antigenica expresion y capacidad de fagocitosis.
T10678: Inflammatory mediators and NSAID effects
27: Medicine
2736: Pharmacology
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Effect of growth regulators on growth and flowering in tuberose under north India conditions. <ABSTRACT> The present investigation was carried out with three different growth regulators, namely GA3, IAA and NAA applied as dip treatments in two tuberose cultivars, viz. Calcutta Single and Calcutta Double. The vegetative characters like days required for sprouting could be manipulated with the application of 150 ppm A as dip treatment in both the cultivars 9.28 and 9.06 days, respectively. Besides, the important flower traits like vaselife of spike could be enhanced with the application of 100 ppm IAA in both the cultivars 13.0 and 11.57days respectively in Calcutta Double and Calcutta Single compared to the control 9.0 and 11.0 days respectively. Even application of 100 ppm IAA increased the spike length 63.82 and 98.73 cm in Calcutta Double and Calcutta Single compared to the respective control 57.27 cm and 84.29 cm. Application of 250 ppm GA3 as dip could enhanced the number of bulbs and bulblets per plant in both of the cultivars 25.50 and 18.46 respectively in Calcutta Double and Calcutta Single compared to the respective control 18.6 and 12.0, thereby enhancing the propagation coefficient 825.11 and 456.78 respectively in Calcutta Double and Calcutta Single than the respective control 729.09 and 409.09. It can be concluded that growth regulators as dip treatment directly influenced the vegetative, some of the floral and most of the bulbous characteristics.
T12834: Flowering Plant Growth and Cultivation
11: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
1110: Plant Science
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Jubilación forzosa por edad y negociación colectiva
T14003: Labor Law and Work Dynamics
33: Social Sciences
3320: Political Science and International Relations
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Katallassos A standard framework for finance. <ABSTRACT> Katallassos is a new blockchain that provides a standard way to build and deploy decentralized financial applications. It brings together all the components necessary for the backend of a financial application, namely a highperformance consensus, an authenticated data feed system, a standard for financial contracts and connectivity to the rest of the blockchain ecosystem. Katallassos enables and simplifies the creation of financial services that are noncustodial, trustless, fast, convenient and interoperable.
T10270: Blockchain Technology Applications and Security
17: Computer Science
1710: Information Systems
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> The relationship between spoken word production and comprehension
T11587: Second Language Acquisition and Learning
32: Psychology
3204: Developmental and Educational Psychology
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Morphology and Placement Control of Microdomain Structure in Block Copolymer Thin Film for Fabricating Ultra High Density Pattern
T11471: Block Copolymer Self-Assembly
25: Materials Science
2505: Materials Chemistry
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Intelligent Motor Vehicle Child Protection Fundamentals, Rationale and Methodology <ABSTRACT> The novel concept for multiparty management of child protection confronts the diversities and complexities characterizing the discipline of motor vehicle child protection. The intelligent motor vehicle child protection system is configured to provide children with an integrative protection suit, or protection envelope, in response to the complete cycle of operation of a vehicle. The new concept promotes efficient coordination between the involved parties, and the vehicle systems. It offers to unravel the identified childsafety paradigm and to provide a driver with realtime assistance. This is a first ever introduction of intelligence to motor vehicle child protection and discipline to the ITS world.
T14014: Transportation Systems and Infrastructure
14: Business, Management and Accounting
1405: Management of Technology and Innovation
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Examining External Influences in Young Childrens Explorations Within Sociodrama <ABSTRACT> Sociodrama is a tool of dramatic exploration, which engages participants within an aesthetic, threedimensional problemsolving process to examine, explore, and reflect upon issues of personal and collective importance. Using twelve sociodrama workshops, eleven students six males and five females from one senior kindergarten classroom were encouraged to create and reflect upon common social issues and concerns as a classroom community through warmups, sociodramatic activities, and oral group reflections. Using modified activities inspired by the works of both Moreno 1943 Moreno, J. L. 1943. The concept of sociodrama A new approach to the problem of intercultural relations. Sociometry, 6 43449. Crossref , Google Scholar and Boal 1985 Boal, A. 1985. Theatre of the oppressed, New York Theatre Communications Group. Google Scholar, 1995 Boal, A. 1995. The rainbow of desire The Boal method of theatre and therapy, Edited by Jackson, A. London and New York Routledge. Google Scholar, 1998 Boal, A. 1998. Legislative theatre Using performance to make politics, Edited by Jackson, A. London and New York Routledge. Google Scholar, 2002, 2006 Boal, A. 2006. The aesthetics of the oppressed, Edited by Jackson, A. Milton Park, Oxon, , UK Routledge. Crossref , Google Scholar, students discovered that they held the power to modify their own responses and behaviors in specific social situations. Although sociodrama naturally exists as a spontaneous, realistic learning activity where participants have power and control over their experiences, it appeared in this study as though influences beyond the students control including the school environment, the classroom teacher, and the students themselves may have influenced and limited the shape and scope of the dramatic explorations.
T14243: Creative Drama in Education
12: Arts and Humanities
1213: Visual Arts and Performing Arts
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Old records saved by particle physics
T13726: International Science and Diplomacy
33: Social Sciences
3320: Political Science and International Relations
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Telesupport Experiment for Agricultural Information Management in West Bengal, India <ABSTRACT> The article describes the experimentation of Change Initiatives, an Indian NGO of subregional scope, with the application of ICT in agricultural information management under the EUsponsored TeleSupport Project at Nadia district of West Bengal, India. During the piloting phase, an innovative mechanism of information management was experimented for facilitating a twoway interaction between expert and client system with the involvement of local community. To sustain this twoway communication system one fixed telecentre and two mobile telecentres were established in the project area. The web resources created for sustaining the project hosted a large number of good agricultural practices, inspired numerous interactions among the stakeholders and facilitated diffusion of several agrotechnologies. Large number of organizations and experts also joined the network. Within the project period, a considerable number of villagers including rural women and youth could be reached regularly with relevant and needbased agricultural information. Information related to crop management, livestock management, marketing etc. were provided to the villagers timely. In spite of the initial success of the experimentation in terms of peoples participation and magnitude of information created and exchanged, the project could not achieve sustainability in the long run. Lack of ereadiness, lack of appropriate resource persons among the stakeholders, absence of any explicit incentive system within the organizational context, constraints of human resources and fund flow eluded the success of the project. Despite of its failure in achieving sustainability, the project has been successful in empowering local people, especially the Muslim women of the project area. The information management system experimented during the project may be tried in many rural communities of third world countries with necessary modifications.
T13194: ICT in Developing Communities
17: Computer Science
1710: Information Systems
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Womanist and Black Feminist Responses to Tyler Perrys Productions <ABSTRACT> A review of Womanist and Black Feminist Responses to Perrys Productions edited by LeRhonda S. ManigaultBryant, Tamura A. Lomax, and Carol B. Duncan New York Pal grave Macmillan, 2014, pp.277, ISBN 9781137429551 by Sharon Wallace, Department of English, Wayne County Community College District. ILLUSTRATION OMITTED LeRhonda S. ManigaultBryant, Tamura A. Lomax, and Carol B. Duncan, have complied a composite of compelling articles that analyze critically Perrys Productions, through the respondence of womanist and Black Feminist theory. The editors hope that, whether one is interested in film studies, religion, womanistBlack feminist thought, or just generally curious about how scholars might respond to Perry, that anyone who picks up this anthology will experience and interpret Perrys productions as a comprehensive and complex body of work 12. The essays in Womanist and Black Feminist Responses to Perrys Productions are Tyler Perry Reads Scripture by Nyasha Junior, Signifying Love and Embodied Relationality Toward a Womanist Theological Anthropology by Cheryl A. KirkDuggan, Jesus Will Fix It, After While The Purpose and Role of Gospel Music in Perry Production by Lisa M. AllenMcLaurin, Screening God by Andrea C. White, A People That Would Take Care of Ourselves Perrys Vision of community and Gender Relations by Yolande M. S. Tomlinson, It Aint Where You Comin from, Honey Class, Social Mobility, and Marriage in Perrys Madeas Family Reunion by Carol B. Duncan, Mad Black Bitches and Ladylike Saints Representations of African American Womanhood in Perry Films by Tamura A. Lomax, Re Mediating Black Womanhood Perry, Black Feminist Cultural Criticism, and the Politics of Legitimation by Whitney Peoples, Pause, Auntie Momma! Reading Religion in Perrys Fat Drag by LeRhonda S. ManigaultBryant, Madea vs. Medea Agape and the Militarist or Murderous Maternal by Joy James, Tyler Perry and the MisRepresentation of Religious Morality by Terrion L. Williamson, Do You Want to Be Well? The Gospel Play, Womanist Theology, and Perrys Artistic Project by Robert J. Patterson, and Talking Back and Taking My Amens with Me Perry and the Narrative Colonization of Black Womens Stories by Brittney Cooper. The authors expertise reside in interdisciplinary fields of study, they represent amalgamation of Black scholars whose expertise includes literary criticism, film studies, anthropology, cultural studies, theological studies, ethics, performance studies, and religion ... scholars who represent multiple generations of scholarship as well as wideranging perspectives of womanist and Black feminist thought ManigaultBryant, Lomax, Duncan 8. The authors achieve the editors purpose for the book and their argument through a microscopic examination of Perrys productions that explores the spectacle of stereotypical representations of Black womanhood, girls, men, and Black culture. The interdisciplinary analysis provides the readers with a wholistic examination an interpretation of Perrys productions, regardless of what lens we contemplate, film studies, religion, or womanistBlack feminist thought. Readers of this book will find it useful for discerning the content of Perrys films and the characters within the film. Also the scholars theoretical approach powerfully investigates the satire beyond the laughter that occurs on the surface of the storylines. Additionally the authors expose the exploitation and devaluation of Black womanhood as well as the sexist identification of Black females through the creation of Perrys patriarchaltradition view of Black womanhood.
T12765: Race, History, and American Society
33: Social Sciences
3312: Sociology and Political Science
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Incorporating scpLGBTQscp Issues into Family Courses Instructor Challenges and Strategies Relative to Perceived Teaching Climate <ABSTRACT> This study investigated the experiences of 42 collegeuniversitylevel instructors with regard to incorporating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer LGBTQ content into their familyoriented courses. Based on how supportive they rated their colleagues, departments, and institutions for their teaching about LGBTQ issues, and how open they deemed their students to learning about such perspectives, participants were categorized as working in one of three teaching climates the least positive, moderately positive, or the most positive. Notably, the authors found that educators faced resistance from other faculty members in addition to students. Further, most faculty assessed their students as open to learning about LGBTQ issues, yet teaching about transgender and queer issues appeared to be particularly challenging for some. Perceived challenges varied by the teaching climates in which participants reportedly worked. The challenges and strategies shared by participants have implications for both faculty and administrators concerned with creating more inclusive classrooms and departments .
T10156: LGBTQ Health, Identity, and Policy
32: Psychology
3207: Social Psychology
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Uso del factor estimulante de colonias granulocíticas en el tratamiento ambulatorio de la neutropenia postquimioterapia. Aspectos de interés para el médico general integral.
T12172: Neutropenia and Cancer Infections
27: Medicine
2730: Oncology
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> LION FYS 100 Liberal Sciences Spring 2017 Databases
T13721: Political Science Research and Education
33: Social Sciences
3320: Political Science and International Relations
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Fibonacci Type Coding for the Regular Rectangular Tilings of the Hyperbolic Plane.
T11567: semigroups and automata theory
17: Computer Science
1703: Computational Theory and Mathematics
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> The blood supply of the human temporalis muscle a vascular corrosion cast study. <ABSTRACT> Knowledge as to the blood supply of the human temporalis muscle is limited to its extramuscular path and relations, little information existing about the intramuscular vascular architecture. To investigate the 3dimensional vascular network in the human temporalis muscle, in 5 fresh cadavers an infusion of methylmethacrylate resin was made via the carotid vessels with subsequent removal of the organic tissues by a corrosion process. The vascular corrosion casts of the temporalis muscle were studied by stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In 6 well perfused muscle specimens, the temporalis muscle was found to be consistently supplied by 3 arteries the anterior and posterior deep temporal arteries, and the middle temporal artery. Each primary artery branched into the secondary arterioles and then terminal arterioles. The venous network accompanied the arteries, and double veins pairing a single artery was a common finding. Arteriovenous anastomosis was absent, whereas arterioarterial and venovenous anastomoses were common. The capillaries formed a dense interlacing network with an orientation along the muscle fibres. Understanding of the intramuscular angioarchitecture of the temporalis provides the vascular basis for surgical flap manipulation and splitting design.
T10599: Reconstructive Surgery and Microvascular Techniques
27: Medicine
2746: Surgery
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> An Equivalence result in School Choice <ABSTRACT> The main result of the paper is a proof of the equivalence of single and multiple lottery mechanisms for the problem of allocating students to schools in which students have strict preferences and the schools are indifierent. This solves an open question proposed by Pathak, who was motivated by the problem of assigning students to high schools in New York City. In proving this result, a new approach is introduced, that simplifles and unifles all the known equivalence results in the house allocation literature. Along the way, two new mechanismsPartitioned Random Priority and Partitioned Random Endowmentare introduced for the house allocation problem. These mechanisms generalize wellstudied mechanisms for the house allocation problem and are particularly appropriate for the manytoone version, the school choice application being the most prominent.
T10991: Game Theory and Voting Systems
20: Economics, Econometrics and Finance
2002: Economics and Econometrics
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Are healthpromoting prisons an impossibility?
T12831: School Health and Nursing Education
36: Health Professions
3616: Speech and Hearing
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Human Biomedicine and the Problem of Governance <ABSTRACT> Human Biomedicine and the Problem of Governance Francis Fukuyama I appreciate the opportunity given me by the editors of Perspectives on Biology and Medicine to reflect on my experience on the Presidents Council on Bioethics and the work it has produced. In light of the fact that I never submitted a personal statement at the time of the publication of the Councils 2002 report Human Cloning and Human Dignity, I particularly welcome this opportunity to clarify my views on this subject. Contrary to the Councils critics, our group from the beginning had a healthy balance of views on the tortured moral status of the embryo question. Unsurprisingly for a panel nominated by a prolife President, there was a strong minority committed to the view that full human status began at conception. But there was another equally strong minority that believed strongly that embryos had no particular moral status and could be cloned or otherwise used for stem cell research. I found myself, with several other members of the Council, in between these camps. I believe that human embryos have an intermediate moral status they are not the moral equivalents of infants, nor are they simply clumps of cells like any other tissue sample that can be used and discarded at will. There are other things that have a similar intermediate moral status. Human cadavers, for example, can be used instrumentally in the training of medical students or for research, but they cannot be disposed of at will and must be treated at all times with a certain degree of respect. For reasons that I lay out more systematically in End Page 195 my book Our Posthuman Future 2002, I believe that full moral status is something that is gradually acquired over time both developmental and evolutionary. Human beings acquire it gradually during prenatal development, and do not stop acquiring it even at birth. This gradual acquisition of moral status is reflected in the fact that we give full political rights only to adults and not to children. The implication of an embryos intermediate moral status is that it can be used instrumentally, but only for serious purposes and with a certain degree of respect due an entity that has the potential to become a full human being. I believe that embryos can be used as a source of stem cells for research, but that the process ought to be under social control to ensure that these serious purposes are met. This means, at a minimum, a regulatory system that keeps track of embryos and makes sure that they are not used for purposes other than serious scientific research e.g., implantation to produce a child. Such a regulatory system would solve the enforcement problem with respect to reproductive cloning, which was one of the reasons I had earlier supported a broad cloning ban. While I have a number of ethical objections to reproductive cloning, I do not oppose research cloning per se. My objections are largely consequential. I am concerned about the precedent that this kind of cloning will have for other types of research further down the road having permitted the creation of cloned embryos in order to harvest stem cells, will we at some point want to clone fetuses to harvest complete organs and tissues? No one today advocates this, but peoples moral principles tend not to be deeply grounded when there are research incentives weighing on the other side. Not long ago those advocating stem cell research swore that they would draw the line at research cloning, but soon found the latter quite acceptable when the need arose. I voted, with a majority of the Council, in favor of a recommendation to the President to support a total ban on reproductive cloning and a fouryear moratorium on research cloning. While other members of the Council who shared my views on the intermediate moral status of embryos voted to permit research cloning, I supported the moratorium for a number of prudential reasons. First, it seemed to me that a fouryear moratorium would not seriously slow down the pace of research in this area. Supporters of stem cell research and research...
T11953: Neuroethics, Human Enhancement, Biomedical Innovations
28: Neuroscience
2805: Cognitive Neuroscience
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Statistical optimization of medium composition for biofilm formation by Bifidobacterium bifidium <ABSTRACT> The medium for biofilm formation by B.bifidium was optimized by statistical methodology for the first time.Twolevel factorials of PlackettBurman design was applied to evaluate the influence of related nutrients on biofilm formation.The sodium chloride,manganese sulfate and galactose were confirmed as critical factors in the medium.The orthogonal design was used to determine the optimal region of these factors for biofilm formation.Then the optimized level of these factors was determined by response surface methodology.The predicted maximal biofilm formation appeared at the region where the concentrations of manganese sulfate,galactose and sodium chloride were 0.005 gL,25 gL and 0.1 molL,respectively.The correlation between predicted value and measured value of these experiments proved the validity of the response model.The biofilm formation increased 1.5 times in the optimized medium compared to that in the original medium.
T10593: Bacterial biofilms and quorum sensing
13: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
1312: Molecular Biology
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Lebers Idiopathic Stellate Neuroretinitis の1症例
T12833: Bartonella species infections research
24: Immunology and Microbiology
2405: Parasitology
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Rearrangement and cleavage of the Grignard reagent from 5chloromethylnorbornene <ABSTRACT> ADVERTISEMENT RETURN TO ISSUEPREVArticleNEXTRearrangement and cleavage of the Grignard reagent from 5chloromethylnorborneneE. Alexander Hill, King Hsieh, Kevin Condroski, Heidi Sonnentag, Donald Skalitzky, and Donald GagasCite this J. Org. Chem. 1989, 54, 22, 52865292Publication Date PrintOctober 1, 1989Publication History Published online1 May 2002Published inissue 1 October 1989httpsdoi.org10.1021jo00283a022RIGHTS PERMISSIONSArticle Views379AltmetricCitations9LEARN ABOUT THESE METRICSArticle Views are the COUNTERcompliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 both PDF and HTML across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days.Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon will load a page at with additional details about the score and the social media presence for the given article. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Share Add toView InAdd Full Text with ReferenceAdd Description ExportRISCitationCitation and abstractCitation and referencesMore Options Share onFacebookTwitterWechatLinked InReddit PDF 966 KB Get eAlertsclose Get eAlerts
T12228: Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics
16: Chemistry
1605: Organic Chemistry
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Visionbased driving environment identification for autonomous highway vehicles <ABSTRACT> In this paper, we propose an approach to identify the driving environment for autonomous highway vehicles by means of image processing and computer vision techniques. The proposed approach is mainly composed of two consecutive computational steps. The first step is the lane markings detection, used to identify the location of host vehicle and road geometry. The second one is the vehicle detection that can provide relative position and speed between host vehicle and each preceding vehicle. The proposed approach has been validated in several realworld scenes. Herein, the experimental results indicate low false alarm and low false dismissal and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed detection approach.
T11099: Autonomous Vehicle Technology and Safety
22: Engineering
2203: Automotive Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Shapeadaptive Wingsthe Unfulfilled Dream Of Flight <ABSTRACT> There is no achievement of man for which biological models play such an important role as in aeronautics.And in no technical development is the relationship between technology and nature so difficult. Man became able to fly he became able to fly at supersonic speeds and he became able to explore space with his flying machines. Still, even after 100 years of aeronautics, the yearning for the silent, efficient, reliable flight of birds remains strong. The question whether the natural way of flying is technically reproducible or is going to remain a dream for the engineer is still an open one. This question is strongly related to the question of geometrical adaptability of airfoils in other words, with the technical possibility of realising airfoils which can be properly deformed, statically as well as dynamically. In the most advanced conception of bioinspired flight, wings work additionally as rudders, flaps and propulsion systems but even small steps towards this vision, such as quasistatic adaptation of airfoil geometry for a conventionally propelled aircraft, promise a dramatic improvement in efficiency and manoeuvrability. The abovementioned crucial question concerning geometrical adaptability of airfoils constitutes a multidisciplinary question of applied mechanics, primarily covering the areas of structural mechanics, material science and actuator technology but also strongly related to other disciplines, among them fluid mechanics and aeroelasticity. This contribution gives a broad insight into the conceptual and historical background of the adaptive airfoil issue and provides an overview on the actual stand of research on this topic. Some crucial aspects like the conflict between the main requirements of deformability, loadcarrying capability and low weight as well as the role of a coupled mechanical design are addressed in more detail. The final part of the paper focuses on the authors own work on airfoils with variable camber and optimisation of compliant systems for shape control. In particular, the socalled beltrib structural concept for shapeadaptable airfoil structures is presented and discussed. This concept implements a revolutionary design philosophy which completely relies on structural flexibility in order to produce large geometry changes. Former approaches to shapeadaptable airfoils, which are documented in hundreds of patents or patent applications worldwide, were substantially based on conventional articulated systems with moveable parts, involving strong weight penalties which made them unfeasible for practical applications. Due to their, ISSN 17558336 online 2006 WIT Press WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 4, doi10.249518456409505c ShapeAdaptive WingsThe Unfulfilled Dream of Flight 401 optimised design, beltrib airfoils keep a light construction while offering large shape adaptability as well as the capability of withstanding high loads, and therefore constitute a major step towards the realisation of natureinspired airfoils with full geometry control.
T11170: Biomimetic flight and propulsion mechanisms
22: Engineering
2202: Aerospace Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Postgraduate training at the Copernicus Medical Academy in Cracow in 19851987.
T13829: Health, Work, and Social Studies in Poland
32: Psychology
3207: Social Psychology
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Studies on the ltitalicgtΔltitalicgtltsupgt5ltsupgtDesaturation in Ergosterol Biosynthesis in Yeast <ABSTRACT> Studies were carried out on the delta 5desaturation reaction in ergosterol biosynthesis with a particulate fraction of cellfree extract of yeast. A reduced pyridine nucleotide coenzyme and molecular oxygen were required for the reaction. It was shown that the enzyme activity is located in a fraction corresponding to microsomes. The reaction was inhibited by KCN, but not by CO. Menadione and potassium ferricyanide inhibited the NADPH and NADHdependent reactions, respectively, and cytochrome c inhibited both of them. These results suggested an involvement in delta 5desaturation of a mixed function oxidase system resembling that for the fatty acylCoA desaturation reaction.
T11882: Plant biochemistry and biosynthesis
13: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
1312: Molecular Biology
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Türkiyede Genç İşsizliğinin, İşsizlik Histerisi Hipotezi Çerçevesinde Yapısal Kırılmalar Testi ile Analizi <ABSTRACT> Gunumuzde ulkeler arasi rekabetin artmasi ve teknolojide yasanan gelismelerle birlikte issizlik tum ulkeler icin en buyuk problemlerden biri olmustur. Issizlik konusunda ulkeler cesitli donemlerde farkli politikalar yuruterek istihdami artirmayi hedeflemektedirler. Ozellikle kriz donemlerinden sonra issizligin giderilmesi icin yapilan politikalarin, is gucu piyasasinin kati olmasi nedeniyle issizligi azaltmada etkin olmamasi, Histeri etkisi olarak literaturde yer almaktadir. Genc nufusun yasli nufusa gore deneyiminin az olmasi ve firmalarin deneyimli eleman aramalari nedeniyle Histeri etkisi genc nufus uzerinde daha etkili olmaktadir. Histeri etkisinin varliginin test edilmesi konusunda cesitli calismalar mevcuttur ancak son donemde Turkiyede issizlik oranlarinin artmasi ve genc nufusun issizlik oranlarinda onemli bir yer tutmasi, Histeri etkisinin tekrar degerlendirilmesi gerektigini ortaya cikarmaktadir. Bu calismada, Turkiyede Histeri hipotezinin gecerliligi 2005M12017M2 donemindeki, 1524 yas nufusu issizlik oranlari verileri kullanilarak Yapisal Kirilmali Birim Kok test yontemi ile analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore Turkiyede Histeri hipotezinin gecerli oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. Calismada veri olarak alinan yillarda, Turkiyede ozellikle genclere yonelik olarak uygulanan istihdam politikalari kapsaminda verilen tesvikler olmasina ragmen Histeri etkisi nedeniyle genc issizlik sorunsalinin cozumunde tek basina yeterli olmayabilecegi gorulmustur.
T13399: Unemployment and Economic Growth
20: Economics, Econometrics and Finance
2002: Economics and Econometrics
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> The Wheat Black Jack Advances Towards Sequencing the 21 Chromosomes of Bread Wheat
T10733: Wheat and Barley Genetics and Pathology
11: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
1110: Plant Science
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> El saqueo de yaxchilan . El dialogo roto
T14172: Cultural and Social Studies in Latin America
12: Arts and Humanities
1208: Literature and Literary Theory
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> El escultor segoviano Manuel Adeba Pacheco
T14191: Historical Art and Architecture Studies
12: Arts and Humanities
1206: Conservation
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Evitar la hambruna la sequía y hambruna que siguen aquejando al Cuerno de África son una poderosa razón para usar la gestión global de riesgos en pos de la seguridad alimentaria
T13633: Public Health and Social Inequalities
33: Social Sciences
3306: Health
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Complete 1800 wiring harness for sale on kijiji
T14335: Educational Robotics and Engineering
17: Computer Science
1702: Artificial Intelligence
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Pulmonary Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis PLC Spectrum of FDGPET Findings <ABSTRACT> The lungs are among the most common sites for metastases from a multitude of cancers. The majority of pulmonary metastases appear nodular on radiologic images. Interstitial spread of tumor through pulmonary lymphatics, also known as pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis PLC, is not uncommon and constitutes approximately 7 of pulmonary metastases. PLC is most often seen with adenocarcinoma of a variety of histologies such as thyroid carcinoma, and melanoma. It is usually noted in late stages of malignancy and therefore is indicative of a poor prognosis. Diagnosis of PLC is usually based on a combination of clinical and radiologic findings. However, the diagnosis is difficult when patients have limited clinical findings or have a history of or the possibility of other interstitial lung diseases. Highresolution computed tomography HRCT has been the modality of choice in the radiologic diagnosis of PLC. Imaging features of PLC on HRCT include thickening of interlobular septa, fissures, and bronchovascular bundles. Distribution of PLC may be focal or diffuse, unilateral or bilateral, and symmetric or asymmetric. Although FDGPET has been extensively used in primary or secondary lung malignancies, its role and appearance in PLC have not been well determined in the literature. In this communication, we describe a spectrum of FDGPET and CT findings in 5 cases with PLC. Similar to CT, the distribution of PLC can be extensive or limited on the FDGPET. Diffuse, lobar, or segmental FDG uptake in the lungs is seen in extensive PLC. In limited PLC, a linear or a hazy area of FDG uptake extending from the tumor can be seen. Recognition of various patterns related to PLC on FDGPET may allow accurate diagnosis of disease and could potentially influence the management of these patients.
T11638: Cardiac tumors and thrombi
27: Medicine
2705: Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> The development of problemsolving abilities in typical and atypical development <ABSTRACT> Throughout our lives we engage in problem solving, which is thought to depend on executive functions EFs e.g., inhibition, shifting and working memory. Previous work has identified the need to consider these abilities in an everyday context. EF skills are known to be impaired in Williams syndrome WS and Down syndrome DS. This thesis aims to investigate experimental and reallife problem solving in WS and DS, and how these groups use EF skills to solve problems, through experimental and questionnairebased crosssyndrome comparisons. Participants with WS and DS aged 1224 years Ns20 and typically developing TD controls N56 nonverbal matched subset 20 completed the Tower of London TOL problemsolving task and a battery of EF tests. In a separate study, parents WS, DS, TD total N112 completed the BRIEF Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning and a novel ProblemSolving Questionnaire. The WS group, but not the DS group, scored more poorly on the TOL than the nonverbalmatched controls. In WS, developmental trajectory analysis indicated overreliance on planning for TOL performance for low planning scores. For the DS group only speed of picture matching was associated with TOL performance, while more rule violations were exhibited than for the WS group. Questionnaire scores were poor for the WS group in relation to DS and TD groups. Asking for help for the DS group, and becoming emotional for the WS group, was related to reaching the solution. In general, associations between experimental and everyday measures were scarce. It was concluded that while EFs planning, visuospatial working memory were constraining factors for WS problem solving, alternative strategies were used by the DS group to reach the solution reallife problem solving should be considered in its own right and poor WS problem solving may be related to emotional difficulties.
T13258: Williams Syndrome Research
28: Neuroscience
2806: Developmental Neuroscience
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Variante asimétrica de la polineuropatía desmielinizante inflamatoria crónica Presentación de 1 caso
T11735: Peripheral Neuropathies and Disorders
27: Medicine
2728: Neurology
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Design and applicable evaluation of instrument for determining soil moisture profile.
T13862: Soil, Finite Element Methods
22: Engineering
2211: Mechanics of Materials
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Algunas notas sobre accesos y guardianes al más allá según los libros funerarios del Reino Nuevo egipcio. Comentarios sobre el Libro de las Puertas
T12555: Ancient Egypt and Archaeology
12: Arts and Humanities
1204: Archeology
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Determination of intracellular organelles implicated in daunorubicin cytoplasmic sequestration in multidrugresistant MCF7 cells using fluorescence microscopy image analysis <ABSTRACT> Anthracycline resistance is known to be mediated by Pglycoprotein Pgp or multidrugresistance related protein MRP as well as intracellular sequestration of drugs.The resistance phenotype of doxorubicinselected MCF7DXR human breast adenocarcinoma cell line was characterized by cellular and nuclear daunorubicin efflux, Pgp and MRP expression and apoptosis induction. Daunorubicin sequestration was investigated through organelle markers lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus and daunorubicin colocalization by dualcolor image analysis fluorescence microscopy using high numerical aperture objective lenses to achieve the smallest field depth and the best lateral resolution. Signal to noise and specificity ratios were optimized for daunorubicin and organelle fluorescent probes labeling.An original image analysis procedure was developed to investigate daunorubicin and organelles colocalization. The reliability of the image analysis was controlled through chromatic shift and intensity linearity measurement using calibrated microbeads. The main contribution 65 of Golgi vesicles in daunorubicin sequestration was demonstrated. Although no rational relationship could be established between daunorubicin sequestration and apoptosis induction, no apoptosis was observed in MCF7DXR cells.In addition to Pglycoprotein mediated drug efflux and without MRP overexpression, MCF7DXR daunorubicin resistance phenotype involves drug sequestration within intracellular vesicles identified as Golgi vesicles and resistance to apoptosis induction.
T10540: Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques
13: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
1304: Biophysics
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Whole Body Vibration Exercise Protocol versus a Standard Exercise Protocol after ACL Reconstruction A Clinical Randomized Controlled Trial with Short Term FollowUp. <ABSTRACT> The suitability and effectiveness of whole body vibration WBV exercise in rehabilitation after injury of the anterior cruciate ligament ACL was studied using a specially designed WBV protocol. We wanted to test the hypothesis if WBV leads to superior short term results regarding neuromuscular performance strength and coordination and would be less time consuming than a current standard muscle strengthening protocol. In this prospective randomized controlled clinical trial, forty patients who tore their ACL and underwent subsequent ligament reconstruction were enrolled. Patients were randomized to the whole body vibration n20 or standard rehabilitation exercise protocol n20. Both protocols started in the 2nd week after surgery. Isometric and isokinetic strength measurements, clinical assessment, Lysholm score, neuromuscular performance were conducted weeks 2, 5, 8 and 11 after surgery. Time spent for rehabilitation exercise was reduced to less than a half in the WBV group. There were no statistically significant differences in terms of clinical assessment, Lysholm score, isokinetic and isometric strength. The WBV group displayed significant better results in the stability test. In conclusion, preliminary data indicate that our whole body vibration muscle exercise protocol seems to be a good alternative to a standard exercise program in ACLrehabilitation. Despite of its significant reduced time requirement it is at least equally effective compared to a standard rehabilitation protocol. Key pointsIn this prospective randomized controlled clinical trial, we tested the hypothesis if WBV leads to superior short term results regarding neuromuscular performance strength and coordination and would be less time consuming than a current standard muscle strengthening protocol in forty patients who underwent ACL reconstruction.Time spent for rehabilitation exercise was reduced to less than a half in the WBV group as compared to the standard exercise group. Both protocols showed no differences regarding clinical assessment, Lysholm score, isokinetic and isometric strength.Despite a more than 50 reduction in time spent for exercise sessions, the WBV group achieved significant better results in the stability test.In conclusion, the presented WBV program can be considered as a practical alternative to a standard exercise program during ACLrehabilitation.
T12269: Effects of Vibration on Health
27: Medicine
2732: Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> IDD An Interactive Distributed Debugger.
T10715: Distributed and Parallel Computing Systems
17: Computer Science
1705: Computer Networks and Communications
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Comparing the Leadership Development between High School Jrotc Cadets and Beginning College School Administrator Students <ABSTRACT> The present study sought to make comparisons between JROTC students and beginning school administrator students on The Leadership Ability Evaluation LAE by Cassel and Stancik 1995. The test is based on the research of Kurt Lewin 1936 and others Cartwright Zander, 1953 where four basic patterns of leadership have been carefully researched and defined Those same four patterns were observed to be characteristic of school administrators throughout our nation in 1940 by The Educational Policies Commission 1940 1. Laissez Faire an independent groupcentered leadership decision where there is almost complete nondirection of members by the leader. But where leader is on call by any member, and where there is no praise or blame by leader of members. 2. Democratic Cooperative a parliamentary decision process where group cohesiveness and team spirit are supreme, where there is always a feeling of belongingness of members evident, and the collective will of members is supreme.. 3. Autocratic Submissive a scientific oriented approach, where goal setting and goal striving follows success patterns carefully orchestrated by a leader based on current research in areas involved. Accountability of leader and members is paramount, always based on objective evidence that is current and paramount. 4. Autocratic Aggressive typically an egocentered decision making pattern by leader, and where the leader alone makes and implements goal setting and goal striving decisions. Ultimate goals are only in the mind of leader, and released bitsatatime, and only when needed for the occasion involved. The Leadership Ability Evaluation The Leadership Ability Evaluation was developed while the major author was a Research Scientist in the Air Force, and was used at The Air War College. It seeks to assess the degree to which each one of the four basic patterns of leadership described above are being used by the individuals being tested, and as they perceive their role as a leader. The unique aspect of the LAE is the weightings given to the four patterns of leadership, and which was derived by research at the Air War College, using Air Force colonel scores, of such members as the basis for weights assigned. Groups Involved in Study There were 100 high school Air Force JROTC cadets involved in the study ranging in age from 14 to 23 years with a mean age of 14.05 years, and a standard deviation of 1.40 years. Fiftyseven were females, and 43 were males. There were 39 freshmen, 26 sophomores, 20 juniors, and 15 seniors. The comparative group consisted of 171 college beginning students in school administration. They ranged in age from 21 to 56 years with a mean age of 31.88, and with a standard deviation of 7.29 years. There were 139 females and 32 males. Fiftyone were college freshman, 67 were college sophomores, and 53 juniors. In a sense, it is a comparison between youth and adults. Findings The findings suggest that high school JROTC cadets can match about equally the leadership ability of college students in introductory courses for school administration. They are in full agreement with other major research studies showing clearly that LF and AA decision making patterns are opposite to DC and AS patterns, and that effective leadership must empathize the DC and AS type approaches for effective leadership. Comparison of JROTC Cadets With College Students The data contained in Table 1 below suggests that the Air Force high school cadets, based on the TOTLEAD Total Weighted Score was statistically significantly higher in favor of the JROTC cadets. Clearly the high school cadets were superior to the college students in terms of leadership ability. Of the 9 LAE scores depicted in Table 1, five of them show no statistically significant difference. Four of the nine scores show a statistically significant difference favoring the college students, but two of those four scores, LF and LFW are considered to be the opposite of effective leadership based on sound research, and in Table 2 below LF and other scores consistently correlate negatively with DC and AS scores so that they are not acceptable for effective leadership practices.
T14136: Education and Military Integration
33: Social Sciences
3304: Education
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Relation between the expression of cMet and cervical lymph node metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinomas
T10966: Liver physiology and pathology
27: Medicine
2721: Hepatology
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Competitive Reinforcement of Sequential Mobility Instruction.
T11598: Internet Traffic Analysis and Secure E-voting
17: Computer Science
1702: Artificial Intelligence
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Effect of Streptococcus uberis infection on milk characteristics of individual quarters <ABSTRACT> Composite 24 h milk samples were collected for detailed milk analysis from each quarter of ten cows known to be free of intrama mmary infection. Milk yield and concentration of lactose and serum albumin BSA were significantly higher P0.001, and chloride io ns significantly lower P0.001, in hind compared with fore quarters. Four cows developed clinical intramammary infection when su bsequently challenged in the left hind quarter with Streptococcus uberis. For all parameters measured, i.e. protein, lactose, somatic cell count SCC, BSA and immunoglobulins IgG, milk from the infected quarter differed significantly from the uninfected quarters. No effect of inf ection was observed in quarters adjacent to the infected quarter, except for SCC, which increased significantly P0.001 in the uninfecte d hind quarter. Milk proteolytic activity in the infected quarter increased significantly P0.001 due to increased conversion of plasmin to p lasminogen.
T11226: Milk Quality and Mastitis in Dairy Cows
11: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
1102: Agronomy and Crop Science
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Competition and Market Power in the Indian Banking Industry in the PostReform Scenario <ABSTRACT> This study focuses on the level of competition and market power in the Indian banking industry. Using an unbalanced panel for 15 years from 19922006, we find that Indian banking industry is characterized by a relatively higher degree of competition compared to that of its counterparts particularly in the European countries. The average markup over marginal cost has been 10 during the study period. We also find that the foreign banks charged nearly twice the markup as compared to that charged by Public and Domestic Private Banks. Further, the average markup level is found to decline substantially from 20 at the beginning of reforms to 5 in 2006, reflecting a sharp decline in market power with the banks during the period under consideration.
T10127: Banking stability, regulation, efficiency
20: Economics, Econometrics and Finance
2003: Finance
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Il valore aggiunto tra Iva e Irap le due facce di un equivoco
T10165: Classical Antiquity Studies
33: Social Sciences
3314: Anthropology
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Statistical Seismic Response Analysis of Piping System with a Teflon Friction Support <ABSTRACT> A shaking table experiment for the piping system with a friction support has been conducted to investigate the reduction characteristics of vibration responses of the piping system due to frictional effect against earthquake type excitations. The piping system has been so designed that the contact point of the piping moves inplane 2 dimensional motion on the teflon bearing plate supported by the shaking table. The experimental results were well explained by a proposed deterministic approximate modal analysis theory which were already reported in the separate paper. Here, we try to evaluate the seismic responses by means of the nondeterministic method, i. e. the statistical equivalent linearization method, for friction forces at the friction support of the piping. It has been found that the calculated responses by the linearization method show in good agreement with the experimental ones. The equivalent modal damping is also estimated in this process. From the above results, seismic performance of the frictional effect is discussed.
T10160: Seismic Performance and Analysis
22: Engineering
2205: Civil and Structural Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Positive fragile X microsatellite associations point to a common mechanism of dynamic mutation evolution.
T11772: Genetics and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
13: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
1311: Genetics
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> ESPECIAÇÃO NA ANTROPOGEOGRAFIA DE FREDERICO RATZEL <ABSTRACT> O trabalho discute as influencias da biologia e da antropologia no desenvolvimento da proposta da antropogeografia de Frederico Ratzel. Atencao central e dedicada as ideias de mecanismos de especiacao ou diferenciacao biologia e progressomudanca cultural antropologiahistoria. Influencias da filosofia holistica e historica alema na antropogeografia de Ratzel sao indicadas.
T12175: Social Representations and Identity
32: Psychology
3207: Social Psychology
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> El proceso de la reunificación alemana consecuencias para Alemania y Europa
T13484: German History and Society
12: Arts and Humanities
1202: History
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Swell mee a bowle
T10942: Sports, Gender, and Society
33: Social Sciences
3318: Gender Studies
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of vascular dementia a prospective clinical and postmortem neuropathological study. <ABSTRACT> Brains from a prospective study of demented patients were investigated post mortem. Of the 27 patients with clinical diagnosis of vascular dementia, 23 showed multiple cerebral infarcts but senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles were absent or in insignificant numbers. This gives an accuracy of 85, a figure higher than previously documented.
T10009: Dementia and Cognitive Impairment Research
27: Medicine
2738: Psychiatry and Mental health
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> iThe Behavioral Ecology of the Komodo Monitor.iWalter Auffenberg
T14381: Psychiatry, Mental Health, Neuroscience
17: Computer Science
1702: Artificial Intelligence
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Orbitdetermination performance of Doppler data for interplanetary cruise trajectories. Part 2 8.4GHz performance and dataweighting strategies <ABSTRACT> A consider error covariance analysis was performed in order to investigate the orbitdetermination performance attainable using twoway coherent 8.4GHz Xband Doppler data for two segments of the planned Mars Observer trajectory. The analysis includes the effects of the current level of calibration errors in tropospheric delay, ionospheric delay, and station locations, with particular emphasis placed on assessing the performance of several candidate elevationdependent dataweighting functions. One weighting function was found that yields good performance for a variety of tracking geometries. This weighting function is simple and robust it reduces the danger of error that might exist if an analyst had to select one of several different weighting functions that are highly sensitive to the exact choice of parameters and to the tracking geometry. Orbitdetermination accuracy improvements that may be obtained through the use of calibration data derived from Global Positioning System GPS satellites also were investigated, and can be as much as a factor of three in some components of the spacecraft state vector. Assuming that both stationlocation errors and troposphere calibration errors are reduced simultaneously, the recommended dataweighting function need not be changed when GPS calibrations are incorporated in the orbitdetermination process.
T10655: GNSS positioning and interference
22: Engineering
2202: Aerospace Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Let staff member introduce physician at first visit <ABSTRACT> In the age of LOL and emoticons, it can be difficult to know exactly how to address a patient in person. Find out the polite way to give your patients a pleasant experience.
T13457: Dental Education, Practice, Research
36: Health Professions
3600: General Health Professions
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Pencitraan Kematian Dalam Puisi Out, Out Karya Robert Frost <ABSTRACT> The poem entitled Out, Out is a poem which was written by American poet Robert Frost in the 19 th century which is set in New England. This poem tells the story of a young boy who suddenly dies after accidentally cuts his hand with a saw. The poem focuses on peoples reactions to death, as well as the death itself. The aims of this thesis are to describe the intrinsic and extrinsic elements, which explain about death. The writer used two methods to compile the data they are library research and structural approach. To get the needed data namely theories about death and moral values, the writer used library research. Meanwhile, structural approach is used by her to support the analysis in her thesis. The writer takes intrinsic and extrinsic aspects todescribe figurative language, imagery, tone, theme and explain about peoples reactions to death especially sudden death that happen to the boy in the poem. Finally, the writer concludes that Frost explains that death may occur suddenly and without warning and as a human being, we must continue our lives even in theface of tragedy.
T13716: Communication Studies and Media
33: Social Sciences
3315: Communication
2: Social Sciences
T13343: Turkish Urban and Social Issues
33: Social Sciences
3322: Urban Studies
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Practising health promotion dilemmas and challenges <ABSTRACT> INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING . Health A Community View . Historical Factors Community Health Nursing in Context . Thinking Upstream Conceptualizing Health from a Population Perspective . THE ART AND SCIENCE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING . Epidemiology . Community Assessment . Community Health Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation . Community Health Education . Case Management . FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE HEALTH OF THE COMMUNITY . The Health Care System . Economics of Health Care . Policy, Politics, Legislation and Community Health Nursing. Cultural Diversity and Community Health Nursing . Environmental Health . POPULATIONS IN THE COMMUNITY . Child and Adolescent Health . Womens Health . Mens Health . Family Health . Senior Health . Populations Affected by Disabilities . Homeless Populations . Rural and Migrant Health . SPECIAL NEEDS IN COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH . Mental Health . Violence in the Community . Substance Abuse . SPECIAL SERVICE NEEDS . Communicable Disease and Public Health . School Health . Occupational Health . Correctional Health . Parish Health . Home Health . THE FUTURE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING . Health in the Global Community . Community Health Nursing Making a Difference
T11610: Food Security and Health in Diverse Populations
36: Health Professions
3600: General Health Professions
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Lattice Energies of Ionic Cubic Crystals <ABSTRACT> By means of a proposed hypothetical cycle the lattice energies of binary alkaline earthgroup VI ionic crystals are calculated from those of the alkali halides with reasonably good agreement.Received 13 June 1957DOIhttpsdoi.org10.1103PhysRev.108.191957 American Physical Society
T13104: Chemical and Physical Properties of Materials
25: Materials Science
2505: Materials Chemistry
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> TARJAMAH KITAB AL HIKAYAH AL MUFRIHAH LI AL ATHFAL WA THARIQAH TAHWIL AL MASHADIR AL ARABIYAH ILA INDONESIYAH FIHA <ABSTRACT> Berbagai variasi bentuk mashdar dan kedudukannya dalam suatu kalimat, yang terdapat dalam kitab ontologi cerpen alHikaayah alMufrih lil Athfali, karya Shubhi Sulaiman, ternyata dapat diterjemahkan dengan bentuk penerjemahan yang bervariasi. Berbagai macam variasi ini akan menyulitkan penerjemah, terutama penerjemah pemula. Dalam menerjemahkan buku tersebut, ditemukan banyak pola dari penggunaan bentuk mashdar. Karena itu, objek kajian skripsi ini ditujukan pada upaya menganalisis bentukbentuk mashdar yang terdapat dalam kitab tersebut dan bagaimana cara mentahwilnya ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, dengan menggunakan analisis problem sintaksissemantik. Pada analisis terhadap problem sintaksissemantik ini, penerjemah menggunakan metode terjemah konteks linguistik. Dalam penelitian ini, bentukbentuk mashdar yang seharusnya diterjemahkan sebagai kata benda abstrak dengan bentuk pekata dasaran dan kekata dasaran, ternya juga bisa diterjemahkan dengan alternatif lain, yaitu dengan bentuk mekata dasaran, berkata dasar, atau sebagai kata benda konkrit, bahkan ada juga yang seolaholah terjemahannya dihilangkan. Sehingga hasil dari penelitian ini, penulis menemukan berbagai variasi penerjemahan bentukbentuk mashdardari bahasa Arab ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, yaitu mashdar yang jatuh sebagai mafAââul mutlak tanpa sifat dan jatuh setelah fiil yang mashdarnya tidak diambil dari fiil tersebut, maka diterjemahkan sebagai kata benda konkrit dan abstrak, mashdar yang jatuh setelah fiil tertentu dan didahului kata qobla atau bada diterjemahkan sebagai kata kerja, mashdar yang didahului huruf jer bayaniah, didahului isim tafdhil, dan didahului kata zaada atau izdaadad diterjemahkan sebagai kata sifat, mashdar yang jatuh sebagai maful mutlak yang diikuti kata sifat, maka penerjemahan mashdarnya seolaholah dihilangkan, dan mashdar yang jatuh setelah istilahistilah populer atau sebagai istilah populer itu sendiri, maka diterjemahankan sesuai dengan konteksnya.
T14037: Arabic Language Education Studies
33: Social Sciences
3304: Education
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> The effects of 5HT3 receptor antagonists in models of dependency and withdrawal. <ABSTRACT> Pharmacological manipulations to enhance 5HT synthesis and release have been reported to reduce alcohol intake. However, recent evidence indicates that 5HT3 receptor antagonists may also exert a similar effect in a number of species. This report reviews the existing data which implicates a central role for 5HT3 receptors in the control of psychoactive substance abuse.
T10056: Neurotransmitter Receptor Influence on Behavior
28: Neuroscience
2804: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Severe allergic reaction An unusual complication of barium enema
T11910: Foreign Body Medical Cases
27: Medicine
2741: Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Immediate effects of increased blood pressure on pattern of resting discharge in renal postganglionic neurons <ABSTRACT> In experiments performed on anaesthetized rabbits the pattern of resting activity in renal postganglionic neurons during sustained increase in blood pressure BP was investigated. Resting discharge was recorded in 39 single units. Sustained increases in BP by about 20 mm Hg were evoked by i.v. infusion of phenylephrine 15 μgkgmin. From interspikeinterval histograms accumulated for each neuron, the shortest, preferred and longest interspikeintervals were calculated. The mean discharge rate was also measured. During elevation of BP the shortest interspikeinterval lengthened from control value of 7.2 0.2 ms S.E. to 17.4 8 ms, preferred interval increased from 28.3 5.7 ms to 80.7 12.9 ms, and longest interval lengthened from 6440 396 to 7431 387 ms. The discharge rate decreased from 1.437 0.2 to 0.973 0.2 spikess. All changes were statistically signifi cant P 0.05. Elevated BP lowered correlation coeffi cient between the shortest interval and discharge rate from r 0.347 P 0.03 to r 0.186. Immediate eff ects of elevated BP on pattern of discharge of single renal neurons most probably resulted from the central eff ect of phenylephrine on altered interactions between cells generating activity in vasomotor neurons.
T12840: Renal function and acid-base balance
27: Medicine
2727: Nephrology
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> AUTOPISTAS UNA CONSTRUCCION COLOSAL HACE POSIBLE EL ACERCAMIENTO DE SUIZA <ABSTRACT> En este trabajo se expone de una manera sucinta la red suiza de autopistas que en su construccion final abarcara 1856 km en total, de los cuales ya se han construido 1640 km, brindandose datos de costes, planificacion y proyecto y desarrollo del trafico. Asimismo se dan detalles de las particularidades de sus obras de ingenieria, tanto en puentes como en tuneles, y se mencionan los objetivos de la Direccion Federal de Carreteras para el futuro, entre ellos concluir la Red de Autopistas, garantizar la conservacion en un adecuado estado de la red y optimizar la capacidad de las redes ya existentes.
T14367: Logistics and Infrastructure Analysis
11: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
1107: Forestry
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Lermeneutica da Heidegger a Gadamer
T13931: Philosophy and Historical Thought
12: Arts and Humanities
1211: Philosophy
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Notice of Retraction Modeling the Influential Factors on Determination of CODP in Service Process
T11729: Product Development and Customization
14: Business, Management and Accounting
1405: Management of Technology and Innovation
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> XRay Affinity and Photoaffinity Inhibitor of Aldose Reductase <ABSTRACT> A reversible affinity inhibitor of rat lens aldose reductase RLAR, that can be transformed into an irreversible inhibitor by low doses of Xrays or by exposure to light, has been synthesized and characterized. The inhibitor consists of quercitrin, a reversible receptor binding moiety, that is connected through a hexanediamine spacer to an azido containing moiety which becomes chemically reactive when irradiated. This reagent, N2nitro4azidophenylhexamethylenediamineN3Oquercit rin, NAPHEXQ, represents a new class of affinity agents which have potential applications as targetentrapped drugs. The KIs for quercitrin and NAPHEXQ, both noncompetitive inhibitors, are 0.6 uM and 0.5 uM, respectively. Rates are calculated from the tangent of the angle of descent of the linear absorbance vs time plots, measured simply and rapidly with a protractor. Irreversible inhibition of RLAR by NAPHEXQ, as a function of the dose of irradiation with either Xrays or light, is consistent with apparent first order kinetics. NAPHEXQ is designed as a drug to prevent or reverse diabetic cataract formation by selective photoaffinity inhibition of RLAR with no significant effect on aldose reductase in other tissues. However, when not accessible to light, other potential targetentrapped drugs can be activated by low doses of Xrays at their targeted anatomic sites.
T12533: Aldose Reductase and Taurine
13: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
1307: Cell Biology
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Premiére décision sur la preuve et la signature électronique dun contrat de crédit à la consommation
T12374: European and International Contract Law
33: Social Sciences
3308: Law
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> UART Design, Integration and Synthesis on FPGA
T13292: Embedded Systems and FPGA Applications
22: Engineering
2208: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
T13763: Historical Legal Studies and Society
33: Social Sciences
3320: Political Science and International Relations
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Исследование трибологических свойств композиционного покрытия, нанесенного фрикционнохимическим способом <ABSTRACT> The efficiency and quality of utilities and consumer services depends on the technical condition of the technological equipment. The wear and damage of the working surfaces is the most common cause for failure of the machinery working parts. Composite coating applied by the frictionchemical method is a simple and effective way to improve the durability of friction units. The coating test results of durability, antifrictionality, and tear resistance show that the tribological characteristics of friction units in the technological equipment for utilities and consumer services improve with the application of the composite coatings.
T13470: Surface Treatment and Coatings
22: Engineering
2210: Mechanical Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Freestanding nanostructured gold films with milled nanopores for DNA analysis <ABSTRACT> Nanoporous thin films are of much interest for emerging DNA sequencing applications 1. Klarite pyramidal nanostructured substrates and gold microcavities have demonstrated strong field enhancement within their structure 2,3. Our strategy has been to develop these threedimensional structures in gold film form. As displayed in figure 1, freestanding thin films 100 nm thick of arrays of nanosized gold pyramids and microcavities have been successfully fabricated. Precisely engineered nanopores in the threedimensional nanostructured freestanding gold film are milled at specific locations using a helium ion microscope HIM. These films are suspended over micronsized apertures for optical interrogation within platforms already proven for DNA translocation and sequencing. The strong field enhancement at the base of structures is currently being investigated for enhancement of fluorescently labelled DNA strands passing through the nanopores. We acknowledge the BBSRC Ref BBI0237201 and the CARIPLO Foundation, Italy for funding JAGJ and FC respectively and Renishaw Diagnostics, Glasgow for providing us with some of the samples used in fabricating these structures.
T13463: Nanoporous metals and alloys
25: Materials Science
2505: Materials Chemistry
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Making Capitalism More Creative The TempestuousMarriage of Sentiment and SelfInterest
T11895: Social and Cultural Dynamics
33: Social Sciences
3312: Sociology and Political Science
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> A Figura do Gaúcho e a Identidade Cultural LatinoAmericana <ABSTRACT> Este trabalho tem por objetivo examinar, a partir da analise de reportagens de jornais de Porto Alegre Zero Hora e Correio do Povo publicadas durante as comemoracoes da Semana Farroupilha de 2003, a figura do gaucho como um dos icones da identidade sulriograndense, considerandoa uma das possiveis identidades latinoamericanas. A analise considera o papel pedagogico exercido pela midia no sentido de instituir verdades e produzir subjetividades, ensinando determinadas maneiras de se ser gaucho. O referencial teorico da pesquisa esta situado no campo dos Estudos Culturais, cujos conceitoschave sao justamente cultura, identidade, sistemas de significacao e poder. O hibridismo cultural da identidade gaucha, num embate com as identidades nacionais brasileira e uruguaia, assim como o destaque dado as criancas, em uma perspectiva pedagogica, sao discutidos em tres reportagens publicadas no mes de setembro de 2003 nos jornais citados. Descritores Identidade cultura gauchismo. ABSTRACT This study has the objective of examining, based on the analysis of articles in two newspapers in the city of Porto Alegre Zero Hora and Correio do Povo issued during the celebrations of the Farroupilha Week in 2003, the image of the gaucho as one of the icons of identity in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and considering it as one of the possible Latin American identities. The analysis considers the pedagogical role exercised by the media in the sense of inculcating truths and producing subjectivities, teaching certain ways of being gaucho. The theoretical reference of the research is situated in the field of Cultural Studies, whose key concepts have been exactly culture, identity, systems of significance, and power. The cultural hybridism of the gaucho identity, in contrast with national identities Brazilian and Uruguayan, as well as the emphasis given to the children, with a pedagogical perspective, are discussed from three articles published during the month of September 2003 in the newspaper named above. Descriptors Identity culture gaucho.
T12623: Cultural, Media, and Literary Studies
12: Arts and Humanities
1211: Philosophy
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> The interpretation of dreams new developments and technique.
T10985: Sleep and Wakefulness Research
28: Neuroscience
2805: Cognitive Neuroscience
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Modelo de otimização de cronograma para alocação de recursos críticos na exploração e produção de petróleo uma aplicação do modelo de Análise Hierárquica Coppe CosenzaMAH <ABSTRACT> O mercado de energia, mais especificamente o de oleo e gas, e um dos grandes impulsionadores da economia tanto no cenario macroeconomico como no microeconomico. A producao de petroleo tem aumentado consideravelmente nos ultimos anos, e a perspectiva para os proximos anos com a descoberta da camada do presal e de um aumento na producao, que alcara o pais a figurar entre os principais produtores de petroleo mundiais. Para que este prognostico se confirme, as empresas de petroleo vem investindo intensivamente em pesquisas de novas tecnologias na exploracao e producao de petroleo. Uma area que esta dentro destas pesquisas e a de perfuracao de pocos de petroleo, onde a otimizacao da perfuracao do poco pode trazer economia de varios milhoes no custo total do projeto, pois os equipamentos envolvidos sao de alto custo, alem de serem um recurso escasso e concorrido. Hoje a alocacao de equipamentos especiais considerados criticos no projeto de perfuracao e determinada por modelos matematicos deterministicos. Em um ambiente real, as variaveis nao tem um comportamento deterministico geralmente os calculos sao baseados em variaveis imprecisas, ambiguas e subjetivas, o que faz com que o planejamento da alocacao de equipamentos nao seja feita de maneira otima. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar um modelo de alocacao de equipamentos baseado em logica fuzzy com aplicacao do modelo CoppeCosenza, no problema de Programacao de Projetos com Restricao de Recursos, onde a utilizacao de aspectos imprecisos, subjetivos e ambiguos permite um planejamento de alocacao de equipamentos mais adequado aos problemas enfrentados.
T14367: Logistics and Infrastructure Analysis
11: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
1107: Forestry
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Luftflaskor i varma miljöer En undersökning om uppvärmning av kompositflaskor till <ABSTRACT> With this work we have investigated how the air in the air cylinders of portable breathing apparatuses is heated during work in hot environments equal to those of interior fire extinguishing. The laws, regulations and standards concerning breathing apparatuses have been reviewed. We describe the theoretical relationships between heating and cooling as a result of air outtake and compare these to empirical tests, executed by measuring pressure and temperature at exposure to hot environments. The exposure lasted for five minutes at 250 C and for 20 minutes at 115 C. Our results show that the temperature of the gas does not exceed the maximum usage temperature provided by the manufacturers and that the heating does not imply any risk for the user. The cooling effect due to air outtake is distinct and compensates to some extent the heating from the surrounding environment.
T11317: Fire dynamics and safety research
22: Engineering
2213: Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> WEED FLORA IN A LONGTERM REDUCED TILLAGE TRIAL, TILMANORG session <ABSTRACT> Reduced tillage may improve the environmental and economic performance of organic farming. Reducing the intensity of soil tillage decreases the energy consumption and the emission of carbon dioxide, and could increase carbon sequestration Holland 2004. Reduced tillage also may improve water retention and reduce soil erosion Berner et al 2008. One of the main drawbacks of the reduced tillage practices is the potential increase of weed infestation and changes in weed species composition, sometimes to the benefit of species which are more difficult to control, such as perennial and grass species Peigne et al 2007 Teasdale et al 2007 Sans et al 2011. Organic farmers commonly keep weeds under control by ploughing and by postemergence mechanical methods, and by indirect means such as appropriate crop rotation including e.g. grasclover. For this reason, weed management under reduced tillage conditions is expected to be more challenging in organics systems. In this study, we present the results on weed abundance and community composition in a nineyear old longterm experiment under conventional and reduced tillage.
T10774: Weed Control and Herbicide Applications
11: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
1110: Plant Science
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> O TURISMO NA AMÉRICA LATINA SITUAÇÃO ATUAL E TENDÊNCIAS <ABSTRACT> A America Latina apresenta um paradoxo por um lado, ha uma serie de problemas socio economicos que a limitam e, por outro, conta com profissionais formados em diferentes niveis e tambem com recursos naturais e culturais variados e significativos para o turismo. E por isso que e possivel demonstrar que a atividade turistica pode ser considerada como alternativa valida para impulsionar o desenvolvimento. Indicamse aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos da demanda do turismo internacional e sua incidencia no continente americano. Propoese enfatizar a relacao latinoamericana, atraves de parcerias estrategicas com fins turisticos, para assumir, em conjunto, compromissos diante do movimento turistico interno e externo. Finalmente, ha reflexoes para perguntarse o que pode ser feito para reforcar esse panorama e assumir posicionamento internacional. Palavraschave turismo internacional turismo latinoamericano tendencias turisticas parcerias estrategicas.
T11530: Business and Management Studies
18: Decision Sciences
1802: Information Systems and Management
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> A new method for the isolation of betalaines by HPTLC.
T11584: Biochemical Analysis and Sensing Techniques
29: Nursing
2916: Nutrition and Dietetics
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Viaje a la Europa del arte, de Romualdo Brughetti
T13268: Photographic and Visual Arts
12: Arts and Humanities
1209: Museology
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Control of unknown MIMO systems using selftuning PID controllers <ABSTRACT> In this paper, new theoretical and simulated results of a selftuning proportionalintegralderivative PID robust servomechanism for the class of constant reference and disturbance signals are given, for cases involving both known and unknown estimates of the steadystate gain matrix spl Tscr.
T10040: Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems
22: Engineering
2207: Control and Systems Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Jet ventilation in laryngoscopy and microlaryngeal surgery under general anaesthesia authors transl.
T10830: Airway Management and Intubation Techniques
27: Medicine
2703: Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Cloning, chromosomal characterization and mapping of the NADdependent histone deacetylases gene sirtuin 1 <ABSTRACT> Sirtuin 1 SIRT1 is a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NADdependent deacetylase, which belongs to the silent information regulator 2 Sir2 family of sirtuin histone deacetylases HDACs. The yeast Sir2 protein and its mammalian derivatives play a central role in epigenetic gene silencing, DNA repair and recombination, cellcycle, microtubule organization, and in the regulation of aging. We have isolated and characterized the human Sirt1 genomic sequence, which spans a region of 33,660 bp and which has one single genomic locus. Determination of the exonintron splice junctions established that SIRT1 is encoded by 9 exons ranging in size from 80 bp exon 6 to 2,120 bp exon 9. Characterization of the 5 flanking genomic region, which precedes the Sirt1 open reading frame, revealed a CCAATbox and a number of NFkappaB and GATA transcription factor binding sites in addition to a small 350 bp CpG island. The 4,107 bp human Sirt1 mRNA has an open reading frame of 2,244 bp and encodes a 747 aa protein with a predictive molecular weight of 81.7 kDa and an isoelectric point of 4.55. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis localized the human Sirt1 gene to chromosome 10q21.3.
T11051: Sirtuins and Resveratrol in Medicine
27: Medicine
2717: Geriatrics and Gerontology
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Get it or drop it? costbenefit analysis of attempts to interview in household surveys
T11539: Survey Methodology and Nonresponse
33: Social Sciences
3312: Sociology and Political Science
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> A diffusion model for multiple class queueing networks
T10974: Advanced Queuing Theory Analysis
14: Business, Management and Accounting
1404: Management Information Systems
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Production of phosphorus rich organic manure PROM from press mud and distillery waste.
T12186: Phosphorus and nutrient management
23: Environmental Science
2311: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Abstract 15734 Contrast Induced Nephropathy after Primary PCI for STEMI usefulness of a new definition <ABSTRACT> BACKGROUND Renal impairment and contrastinduced nephropathy CIN have been shown to have an impact on outcome in STEMI patients. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence an...
T12067: Renal and Vascular Pathologies
27: Medicine
2740: Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> The Everyday Life of the Young Child Shortly After Receiving a Cancer Diagnosis, From Both Childrens and Parents Perspectives <ABSTRACT> Background Providing qualified, evidencebased healthcare to children requires increased knowledge of how cancer affects the young childs life. There is a dearth of research focusing on the young childs experience of everyday life. Objective The purpose of this study was to explore young childrens and their parents perceptions of how cancer affects the childs health and everyday life shortly after diagnosis. Methods Thirteen children with newly diagnosed cancer aged 1 to 6 years and their parents, connected to a pediatric oncology unit in Southern Sweden, participated in this study through semistructured interviews. Child and parent data were analyzed as a family unit, using qualitative content analysis. Results Everyday life was spent at hospital or at home waiting to go back to hospital. Analysis led to the following categories feeling like a stranger, feeling powerless, and feeling isolated. Conclusions The child wants to be seen as a competent individual requiring information and participation in care. Parents need to be a safe haven for their child and not feel forced to legitimize painful and traumatic procedures by assisting with them. Nurses play a major role in the lives of children. Research with and on the young child is necessary and a way of making them visible and promoting their health and wellbeing. Implications for Practice Nurses need to reevaluate the newly diagnosed childs care routines so as to shift focus from the illness to the child. This requires competent nurses, secure in their caring role.
T11141: Childhood Cancer Survivors' Quality of Life
27: Medicine
2735: Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
4: Health Sciences
<TITLE> Cuantificación económica del riesgo y validación del sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo mediante una matriz aplicada a la Empresa Ser Riegos Integrales.
T14439: Feminism, Gender, and Social Issues
33: Social Sciences
3318: Gender Studies
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Medicares Fiscal Problems An Imperative for Reform <ABSTRACT> Many observers have noted that Medicare expenditures will significantly outstrip projected revenues over the course of the next 25 years. This paper examines the economic and demographic assumptions behind forecasts of Medicare hospital insurance and supplementary medical insurance expenditures and revenues and analyzes various strategies for closing the impending gap. It is argued that the present forecasts already assume considerable success in controlling hospital costs and physician payments, making substantial further savings unlikely. Shifting more of the burden onto the elderly through increased cost sharing or higher premiums also will not solve the programs fiscal problems over the long term. The remaining alternativeimposing higher income or payroll taxes on the under65 populationis also unlikely to be a welcome solution. The authors argue that, eventually, the nation must choose between some form of a twotier system of benefits or a Canadianstyle national health insurance system.
T13655: Canadian Policy and Governance
33: Social Sciences
3320: Political Science and International Relations
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Determination of hesperidins content in Zhengchaihuyin granules by RPHPLC <ABSTRACT> OBJECTIVE To develop a reversedphase HPLC method of determining the content of hesperidin in Zhengchaihuyin granules.METHODS The HPLC system consisted of the phenomenexODS250mm4.6mm,5μm and acetonitrile0.2 phosphoric acid solution2080 as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0mLmin1.The detection wavelength was at 283 nm and the column temperature was 30.RESULTS The measurement proved to be linear over the range of 0.02208μg4.416μgr0.99999 for hesperidin. The average recovery was 96.85 with RSD of 2.29.CONCLUSION The method is simple,accurate,good repeatability and can be used for the quality detection of hesperidin in Zhengchaihuyin granules.
T14331: Medicinal Plant Pharmacodynamics Research
30: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
3004: Pharmacology
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Maak korte mette van n bos plaasbestuur finansies <ABSTRACT> Terwyl die trekker brul, vreet n eenheid wat bosse en bome plat maak en in splinters fyn maak n tonnel deur die digte plaat akasias, waar geen vee nie en net die kleinste wildsbokkies kan inkom. Die waardevolle landbougrond is deur die indringing van uitheemse bosse en die verdigting van inheemse spesies onbenutbaar gemaak vir die boer.
T11789: Land Rights and Reforms
11: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
1111: Soil Science
1: Life Sciences
<TITLE> Cooperative autonomous tracking and prosecution of targets using rangeonly sensors <ABSTRACT> Autonomous platforms and systems are becoming ever more prevalent. They have become smaller, cheaper, have longer duration times, and now more than ever, more capable of processing large amounts of information. Despite these significant technological advances, there is still a level of distrust for the public autonomous systems. In marine and underwater vehicles, autonomy is particularly important being that communications to and from those vehicles are limited, either due to the length of the mission, the distance from their human operators, the sheer number of vehicles being used, or the data transfer rate available from a remote operator to an underwater vehicle through acoustics. The premise for this research is to use the MOOSIvP code architecture, developed at MIT, to promote and advance marine vehicle autonomy collective knowledge through a project called HunterPrey. In this scenario, two or more surface vehicles attempt to cooperatively track an evading underwater target using rangeonly sensors, and ultimately maneuver into position for a kill using a simulated depth charge. This scenario will be distributed to the public through academic institutions and interested parties, who will submit code for the vehicles to compete against one another. The goal for this project is to create and foster an opensource environment where parties can compete and cooperate toward a common goal, the advancement of marine vehicle autonomy. In this paper, the HunterPrey scenario is developed, a nominal solution is created, and the parameters for the scenario are analyzed using regression testing through simulation and statistical analysis. Thesis Supervisor John J. Leonard Title Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering Thesis Supervisor Michael R. Benjamin Title Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Engineering
T11192: Underwater Vehicles and Communication Systems
22: Engineering
2212: Ocean Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Conception de memoires statiques bicmos. Generation algorithmique de cellesci et comparaison a des memoires cmos de memes types <ABSTRACT> Levolution constante des performances des processeurs au cours de ces dernieres annees rend indispensable lutilisation dun niveau de cache, afin de filtrer le transfert des donnees entre la memoire centrale et les unites dexecution. La memoire contenue dans ce cache doit avoir un cycle de fonctionnement plus petit que le cycle machine. La technologie bicmos parait etre une bonne solution pour realiser cette partie critique du cache, car elle permet, tout en conservant les avantages du cmos, dapporter le gain de performance necessaire. Le projet auriga developpe au sein de la societe bull concernant la realisation dune machine multiprocesseur a donne loccasion de concevoir une memoire bicmos basee sur une circuiterie innovante etudiee et validee par simulation electrique sur les schemas extraits du dessin reel. Cette ram a ete integree dans lenvironnement dun cache performant. Une fois cette memoire bicmos concue, il est possible de la comparer avec une memoire cmos de meme type et ainsi de determiner si le choix de la technologie bicmos est judicieux. Le resultat de cette comparaison prouve finalement que le procede bicmos napporte pas dameliorations notables dans le cache etudie
T10627: Advanced Image and Video Retrieval Techniques
17: Computer Science
1707: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Quale religiosità emerge dalla neotelevisione?
T13277: Media, Religion, Digital Communication
12: Arts and Humanities
1211: Philosophy
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> Delusions versus reality in some physics problems theory and experiment <ABSTRACT> The important question of the relation between theory and experiment in different physical problems is discussed. A number of examples, both widely and little known, are used to show that some physical theories, considered by many as correct because they corresponded to many experimental facts and to the existing level of science, have been found to be false. One of the important reasons for this is that it is very difficult to distinguish between the causes and consequences of phenomena observed in experiments. The best example is the study of turbulent flows, where the causes and consequences are often erroneously interchanged in relation to the properties and development mechanisms of turbulence. At the same time, some counterexamples are described where phenomena that are impossible from the standpoint of universally accepted theoretical concepts turn out to be reality in special cases.
T11513: stochastic dynamics and bifurcation
31: Physics and Astronomy
3109: Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
3: Physical Sciences
<TITLE> Maximum Principles in Analytical Economics
T10785: Economic Theory and Institutions
20: Economics, Econometrics and Finance
2002: Economics and Econometrics
2: Social Sciences
<TITLE> On Photoinversion by Light
T10299: Photonic and Optical Devices
22: Engineering
2208: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
3: Physical Sciences
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