Data Streams
Unfiltered Social Media, Forums, IRC Chat, etc Streams for public use.
4 items
Four leaf clover is a raw dump of fresh 4chan posts.
Previously in ChabikoStream
, there's 2 formats. While makes it easier to process, it caused a lot of trouble. As such, we have decided to only have PostStream
Each jsonl line represents a single post.
Refer to the following pydantic model for parsing:
class AttachmentData(pydantic.BaseModel):
attachment_url: str
filename: str
class Post(pydantic.BaseModel):
board: str
thread: int
name: str
msg: str
attachment: Optional[AttachmentData] = None
You are free to use this as a base for 4chan archival sites. The format itself is pretty raw in it's current stage but it can be reprocessed for other uses.
We index all active boards at the moment. Boards indexed are as follows:
/a/, /b/, /c/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /g/, /gif/, /h/, /hr/, /k/, /m/, /o/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /u/, /v/, /vg/,
/vm/, /vmg/, /vr/, /vrpg/, /vst/, /w/, /wg/, /i/, /ic/, /r9k/, /s4s/, /vip/, /qa/, /cm/, /hm/, /lgbt/,
/y/, /3/, /aco/, /adv/, /an/, /bant/, /biz/, /cgl/, /ck/, /co/, /diy/, /fa/, /fit/, /gd/, /hc/, /his/,
/int/, /jp/, /lit/, /mlp/, /mu/, /n/, /news/, /out/, /po/, /pol/, /pw/, /qst/, /sci/, /soc/, /sp/,
/tg/, /toy/, /trv/, /tv/, /vp/, /vt/, /wsg/, /wsr/, /x/, /xs/