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To bullshit.
[ "A: To eat a (light) midday meal or snack.", "B: To stamp or seal (a document); to mark, impress or otherwise place a design or symbol on paper or other material, usually, but not necessarily, to indicate authenticity.", "C: To bullshit.", "D: To masturbate." ]
Which of the following could "crap" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To eat a (light) midday meal or snack. B: To stamp or seal (a document); to mark, impress or otherwise place a design or symbol on paper or other material, usually, but not necessarily, to indicate authenticity. C: To bullshit. D: To masturbate. Answer:
full stop
The punctuation mark "." (indicating the end of a sentence or marking an abbreviation).
[ "A: A portable canister for water typically with a tap.", "B: In the culture of the Indian subcontinent, an effeminate man who takes on a passive or female gender role in same-sex relationships.", "C: A low-lying depression or basin in which water pools.", "D: The punctuation mark \".\" (indicating the end of a sentence or marking an abbreviation)." ]
Which of the following could "full stop" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A portable canister for water typically with a tap. B: In the culture of the Indian subcontinent, an effeminate man who takes on a passive or female gender role in same-sex relationships. C: A low-lying depression or basin in which water pools. D: The punctuation mark "." (indicating the end of a sentence or marking an abbreviation). Answer:
Of or relating to a woman/women; female.
[ "A: Strange, random or weird.", "B: Of or relating to a woman/women; female.", "C: Great, very enjoyable.", "D: Former, previous." ]
Which of the following could "woman" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: Strange, random or weird. B: Of or relating to a woman/women; female. C: Great, very enjoyable. D: Former, previous. Answer:
Initialism of Scheduled Caste.
[ "A: Alternative form of singhara (“water caltrop”)", "B: The leader of a village, who serves as arbiter in local disputes.", "C: Initialism of Scheduled Caste.", "D: The administrative official of a zilla" ]
Which of the following could "SC" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Alternative form of singhara (“water caltrop”) B: The leader of a village, who serves as arbiter in local disputes. C: Initialism of Scheduled Caste. D: The administrative official of a zilla Answer:
Initialism of union territory.
[ "A: spectacles", "B: A dhoti.", "C: A curry made from boiled peas or chickpeas in a gravy made with coconut, ginger and garlic pastes, etc.", "D: Initialism of union territory." ]
Which of the following could "UT" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: spectacles B: A dhoti. C: A curry made from boiled peas or chickpeas in a gravy made with coconut, ginger and garlic pastes, etc. D: Initialism of union territory. Answer:
A term of address to a man.
[ "A: A snack usually made of rice or urad dal flour, formed into a twisty shape.", "B: headmaster", "C: A term of address to a man.", "D: spectacles" ]
Which of the following could "boss" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A snack usually made of rice or urad dal flour, formed into a twisty shape. B: headmaster C: A term of address to a man. D: spectacles Answer:
An earthenware pot.
[ "A: An earthenware pot.", "B: An animal shelter for cows, which are sacred in Hinduism.", "C: A central bank.", "D: marijuana, as used for smoking." ]
Which of the following could "matka" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An earthenware pot. B: An animal shelter for cows, which are sacred in Hinduism. C: A central bank. D: marijuana, as used for smoking. Answer:
A curse word.
[ "A: Candied raw papaya (unripened papaya).", "B: The flowering plant Boerhavia diffusa.", "C: The swastika that is used as a Nazi symbol.", "D: A curse word." ]
Which of the following could "slang" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Candied raw papaya (unripened papaya). B: The flowering plant Boerhavia diffusa. C: The swastika that is used as a Nazi symbol. D: A curse word. Answer:
tomato sauce
Tomato ketchup, used as a condiment.
[ "A: An Indo-Chinese dish consisting of deep-fried chicken and red chillies.", "B: Tomato ketchup, used as a condiment.", "C: Abbreviation of Shrimati.", "D: A dish principally made from chickpeas or chickpea paste." ]
Which of the following could "tomato sauce" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An Indo-Chinese dish consisting of deep-fried chicken and red chillies. B: Tomato ketchup, used as a condiment. C: Abbreviation of Shrimati. D: A dish principally made from chickpeas or chickpea paste. Answer:
A stamp or seal; a mark, imprint or impression on a document (or other object or material) made by stamping or sealing a design with ink or wax, respectively, or by other methods.
[ "A: A groom, or servant with responsibility for the horses.", "B: A stamp or seal; a mark, imprint or impression on a document (or other object or material) made by stamping or sealing a design with ink or wax, respectively, or by other methods.", "C: UK, Ireland, and India standard spelling of licorice.", "D: The bael tree." ]
Which of the following could "chop" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A groom, or servant with responsibility for the horses. B: A stamp or seal; a mark, imprint or impression on a document (or other object or material) made by stamping or sealing a design with ink or wax, respectively, or by other methods. C: UK, Ireland, and India standard spelling of licorice. D: The bael tree. Answer:
To stamp or seal (a document); to mark, impress or otherwise place a design or symbol on paper or other material, usually, but not necessarily, to indicate authenticity.
[ "A: To stamp or seal (a document); to mark, impress or otherwise place a design or symbol on paper or other material, usually, but not necessarily, to indicate authenticity.", "B: To reschedule to a time earlier than the current scheduled time.", "C: To take (a photograph) with a camera.", "D: To repeal the categorization of (a tribe) as criminal under the Criminal Tribes Act." ]
Which of the following could "chop" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To stamp or seal (a document); to mark, impress or otherwise place a design or symbol on paper or other material, usually, but not necessarily, to indicate authenticity. B: To reschedule to a time earlier than the current scheduled time. C: To take (a photograph) with a camera. D: To repeal the categorization of (a tribe) as criminal under the Criminal Tribes Act. Answer:
[ "A: Of or pertaining to industry.", "B: federal.", "C: Not part of a development plan.", "D: Abbreviation of honorable." ]
Which of the following could "union" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: Of or pertaining to industry. B: federal. C: Not part of a development plan. D: Abbreviation of honorable. Answer:
To go to the gym.
[ "A: To go to the gym.", "B: To illegally set fire to; to burn down in a criminal manner.", "C: To speed; to drive a vehicle faster than the permitted speed limit.", "D: To free, liberate, emancipate" ]
Which of the following could "gym" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To go to the gym. B: To illegally set fire to; to burn down in a criminal manner. C: To speed; to drive a vehicle faster than the permitted speed limit. D: To free, liberate, emancipate Answer:
Curdled milk.
[ "A: Curdled milk.", "B: Alternative form of chitthi", "C: Alternative spelling of biosulfur", "D: A forest that is not set aside as a reserve." ]
Which of the following could "tyre" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Curdled milk. B: Alternative form of chitthi C: Alternative spelling of biosulfur D: A forest that is not set aside as a reserve. Answer:
A draft directing a bank to pay money to a named person or entity.
[ "A: A period of 24 minutes.", "B: Alternative form of crore (“ten million”)", "C: A draft directing a bank to pay money to a named person or entity.", "D: Thuggery, goondaism." ]
Which of the following could "cheque" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A period of 24 minutes. B: Alternative form of crore (“ten million”) C: A draft directing a bank to pay money to a named person or entity. D: Thuggery, goondaism. Answer:
A hot dust-bearing wind found in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and the Punjab.
[ "A: A private office; particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional.", "B: night-blooming jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis).", "C: A hot dust-bearing wind found in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and the Punjab.", "D: Alternative form of jigsaw puzzle" ]
Which of the following could "loo" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A private office; particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional. B: night-blooming jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis). C: A hot dust-bearing wind found in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and the Punjab. D: Alternative form of jigsaw puzzle Answer:
A barbershop (store offering haircuts).
[ "A: A Bangladeshi.", "B: A barbershop (store offering haircuts).", "C: A true bug (genus Leptocorisa), known for being a pest on rice and for its unpleasant smell.", "D: A practitioner of ayurvedic medicine." ]
Which of the following could "saloon" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A Bangladeshi. B: A barbershop (store offering haircuts). C: A true bug (genus Leptocorisa), known for being a pest on rice and for its unpleasant smell. D: A practitioner of ayurvedic medicine. Answer:
An autorickshaw.
[ "A: An autorickshaw.", "B: A person who keeps bluffing or does empty boasting", "C: The leader of a village, who serves as arbiter in local disputes.", "D: A tree of the genus Tetrameles." ]
Which of the following could "auto" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An autorickshaw. B: A person who keeps bluffing or does empty boasting C: The leader of a village, who serves as arbiter in local disputes. D: A tree of the genus Tetrameles. Answer:
A screen or blind made of finely slit bamboo and twine, hung in doorways or windows.
[ "A: A female slave.", "B: A geometric or stylized design on the floor (or other flat surface) made using small coloured granules or powder.", "C: A screen or blind made of finely slit bamboo and twine, hung in doorways or windows.", "D: As a response to someone's habit or situation being like yours, to show getting comfort over the sympathy, or relatability." ]
Which of the following could "chick" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A female slave. B: A geometric or stylized design on the floor (or other flat surface) made using small coloured granules or powder. C: A screen or blind made of finely slit bamboo and twine, hung in doorways or windows. D: As a response to someone's habit or situation being like yours, to show getting comfort over the sympathy, or relatability. Answer:
An eggplant; a brinjal.
[ "A: pearl millet (Cenchrus americanus, syn. Pennisetum glaucum)", "B: ledikeni (type of Bengali sweetmeat)", "C: Movable rails which can be used to switch a train from one railway track to another.", "D: An eggplant; a brinjal." ]
Which of the following could "bangun" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: pearl millet (Cenchrus americanus, syn. Pennisetum glaucum) B: ledikeni (type of Bengali sweetmeat) C: Movable rails which can be used to switch a train from one railway track to another. D: An eggplant; a brinjal. Answer:
A Hindu title of respect, equivalent to Mr., usually appended to the surname of a Hindu man
[ "A: A household consisting of two or more closely-related nuclear families, such as two or more brothers along with their wives and children, or multiple generations along with spouses.", "B: An irregular soldier whose main object was plunder; a marauder.", "C: A hunt of this kind.", "D: A Hindu title of respect, equivalent to Mr., usually appended to the surname of a Hindu man" ]
Which of the following could "babu" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A household consisting of two or more closely-related nuclear families, such as two or more brothers along with their wives and children, or multiple generations along with spouses. B: An irregular soldier whose main object was plunder; a marauder. C: A hunt of this kind. D: A Hindu title of respect, equivalent to Mr., usually appended to the surname of a Hindu man Answer:
Perfect score on a board exam.
[ "A: The promotion of the sport of cricket as a glamorous entertainment event.", "B: garlic", "C: A large invasion of black rats caused by the flowering of the bamboo Melocanna baccifera every 48 years in parts of India.", "D: Perfect score on a board exam." ]
Which of the following could "centum" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: The promotion of the sport of cricket as a glamorous entertainment event. B: garlic C: A large invasion of black rats caused by the flowering of the bamboo Melocanna baccifera every 48 years in parts of India. D: Perfect score on a board exam. Answer:
Synonym of marriage string
[ "A: Synonym of marriage string", "B: Flour made from a mixture of ground pulses and cereals.", "C: The judge of a subordinate court.", "D: A partisan; a member of a political party or faction." ]
Which of the following could "tali" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Synonym of marriage string B: Flour made from a mixture of ground pulses and cereals. C: The judge of a subordinate court. D: A partisan; a member of a political party or faction. Answer:
Curry sauce.
[ "A: A dish principally made from chickpeas or chickpea paste.", "B: A taqiyah (skullcap worn by Muslims etc.)", "C: Curry sauce.", "D: An intermediary or go-between." ]
Which of the following could "gravy" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A dish principally made from chickpeas or chickpea paste. B: A taqiyah (skullcap worn by Muslims etc.) C: Curry sauce. D: An intermediary or go-between. Answer:
A system of discipline; organisation, arrangement, preparation.
[ "A: A merchant or trader.", "B: father", "C: A worthless person; good-for-nothing.", "D: A system of discipline; organisation, arrangement, preparation." ]
Which of the following could "bundobust" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A merchant or trader. B: father C: A worthless person; good-for-nothing. D: A system of discipline; organisation, arrangement, preparation. Answer:
Britain, New Zealand, and India standard spelling of program.
[ "A: A half-sized serving of whisky.", "B: A dam built in a stream for maintaining and regulating irrigation.", "C: Britain, New Zealand, and India standard spelling of program.", "D: A loincloth." ]
Which of the following could "programme" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A half-sized serving of whisky. B: A dam built in a stream for maintaining and regulating irrigation. C: Britain, New Zealand, and India standard spelling of program. D: A loincloth. Answer:
An apartment complex or neighborhood.
[ "A: Someone who teaches the shastras.", "B: A worthless person; good-for-nothing.", "C: An non-commissioned officer equivalent to corporal in a corps of Indian, Pakistani or Nepalese soldiers.", "D: An apartment complex or neighborhood." ]
Which of the following could "colony" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Someone who teaches the shastras. B: A worthless person; good-for-nothing. C: An non-commissioned officer equivalent to corporal in a corps of Indian, Pakistani or Nepalese soldiers. D: An apartment complex or neighborhood. Answer:
A railway carriage.
[ "A: Boy; young male servant.", "B: A taqiyah (skullcap worn by Muslims etc.)", "C: A railway carriage.", "D: A system of discipline; organisation, arrangement, preparation." ]
Which of the following could "bogie" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Boy; young male servant. B: A taqiyah (skullcap worn by Muslims etc.) C: A railway carriage. D: A system of discipline; organisation, arrangement, preparation. Answer:
vegetarian food.
[ "A: grand theft auto; stealing a car", "B: A mounted procession; a cavalcade.", "C: Land belonging to the government, on which no revenue is assessed.", "D: vegetarian food." ]
Which of the following could "veg" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: grand theft auto; stealing a car B: A mounted procession; a cavalcade. C: Land belonging to the government, on which no revenue is assessed. D: vegetarian food. Answer:
To provide; to make available; to use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource).
[ "A: To provide; to make available; to use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource).", "B: To speed; to drive a vehicle faster than the permitted speed limit.", "C: To notify.", "D: To criticize, to denigrate, to denounce, to disparage." ]
Which of the following could "avail" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To provide; to make available; to use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource). B: To speed; to drive a vehicle faster than the permitted speed limit. C: To notify. D: To criticize, to denigrate, to denounce, to disparage. Answer:
paper aeroplane
A toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper.
[ "A: A toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper.", "B: ledikeni (type of Bengali sweetmeat)", "C: Someone who teaches the shastras.", "D: One's wife's sister's husband." ]
Which of the following could "paper aeroplane" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper. B: ledikeni (type of Bengali sweetmeat) C: Someone who teaches the shastras. D: One's wife's sister's husband. Answer:
To criticize, to denigrate, to denounce, to disparage.
[ "A: To subject to saffronization.", "B: To recite from memory.", "C: To criticize, to denigrate, to denounce, to disparage.", "D: To resurface (a road)." ]
Which of the following could "rubbish" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To subject to saffronization. B: To recite from memory. C: To criticize, to denigrate, to denounce, to disparage. D: To resurface (a road). Answer:
Alternative spelling of badmash
[ "A: A type of murukku that uses chickpea flour as well.", "B: Alternative spelling of badmash", "C: An honorary title for a learned man or scholar.", "D: A protest in which a group of people surrounds a politician, building, etc. until demands are met." ]
Which of the following could "budmash" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A type of murukku that uses chickpea flour as well. B: Alternative spelling of badmash C: An honorary title for a learned man or scholar. D: A protest in which a group of people surrounds a politician, building, etc. until demands are met. Answer:
An Indian translator or interpreter.
[ "A: A stamp or seal; a mark, imprint or impression on a document (or other object or material) made by stamping or sealing a design with ink or wax, respectively, or by other methods.", "B: Initialism of Muslim; mostly used by Hindutva netizens primarily towards Islamist supporters and Muslim militants.", "C: Synonym of groundnut (“Arachis hypogaea”)", "D: An Indian translator or interpreter." ]
Which of the following could "dubash" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A stamp or seal; a mark, imprint or impression on a document (or other object or material) made by stamping or sealing a design with ink or wax, respectively, or by other methods. B: Initialism of Muslim; mostly used by Hindutva netizens primarily towards Islamist supporters and Muslim militants. C: Synonym of groundnut (“Arachis hypogaea”) D: An Indian translator or interpreter. Answer:
To make concise; to abridge or summarize.
[ "A: To make concise; to abridge or summarize.", "B: To terminate use under a lease of.", "C: To criticize, to denigrate, to denounce, to disparage.", "D: To go to the gym." ]
Which of the following could "concise" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To make concise; to abridge or summarize. B: To terminate use under a lease of. C: To criticize, to denigrate, to denounce, to disparage. D: To go to the gym. Answer:
A friend, pal, or buddy.
[ "A: Someone who teaches the shastras.", "B: A Hindustani classical music genre of folk songs and dance.", "C: A friend, pal, or buddy.", "D: Music written especially for Bollywood films." ]
Which of the following could "yaar" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Someone who teaches the shastras. B: A Hindustani classical music genre of folk songs and dance. C: A friend, pal, or buddy. D: Music written especially for Bollywood films. Answer:
A Muslim.
[ "A: The tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa (now Agave amica).", "B: The swastika that is used as a Nazi symbol.", "C: A medical clinic.", "D: A Muslim." ]
Which of the following could "minority" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: The tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa (now Agave amica). B: The swastika that is used as a Nazi symbol. C: A medical clinic. D: A Muslim. Answer:
To take (a photograph) with a camera.
[ "A: To travel hastily by aircraft; to fly.", "B: Alternative form of prepone", "C: To go on strike.", "D: To take (a photograph) with a camera." ]
Which of the following could "click" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To travel hastily by aircraft; to fly. B: Alternative form of prepone C: To go on strike. D: To take (a photograph) with a camera. Answer:
To masturbate.
[ "A: To terminate use under a lease of.", "B: To subject to saffronization.", "C: To masturbate.", "D: To provide; to make available; to use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource)." ]
Which of the following could "shag" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To terminate use under a lease of. B: To subject to saffronization. C: To masturbate. D: To provide; to make available; to use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource). Answer:
A perennial ("wet") or seasonal ("dry") pond constructed in a depression and in which fish are stored, typically for breeding.
[ "A: A perennial (\"wet\") or seasonal (\"dry\") pond constructed in a depression and in which fish are stored, typically for breeding.", "B: A fish, the hilsa.", "C: couple, duo, pair", "D: The judge of a subordinate court." ]
Which of the following could "bund" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A perennial ("wet") or seasonal ("dry") pond constructed in a depression and in which fish are stored, typically for breeding. B: A fish, the hilsa. C: couple, duo, pair D: The judge of a subordinate court. Answer:
Alternative form of bandh
[ "A: An urban village.", "B: A morning newspaper.", "C: Originally, a three-legged decorative stand or table; now, especially, one with recesses for holding tea caddies and/or a tea service.", "D: Alternative form of bandh" ]
Which of the following could "bund" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An urban village. B: A morning newspaper. C: Originally, a three-legged decorative stand or table; now, especially, one with recesses for holding tea caddies and/or a tea service. D: Alternative form of bandh Answer:
An elephant trap; an enclosure constructed to entrap wild elephants.
[ "A: An elephant trap; an enclosure constructed to entrap wild elephants.", "B: Brick dust used in making mortar.", "C: unripened papaya (papaya whose flesh is still green)", "D: The area served by an irrigation project such as a canal, dam or a tank." ]
Which of the following could "keddah" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An elephant trap; an enclosure constructed to entrap wild elephants. B: Brick dust used in making mortar. C: unripened papaya (papaya whose flesh is still green) D: The area served by an irrigation project such as a canal, dam or a tank. Answer:
A conservative Muslim leader or cleric, especially one who is hostile against other religions.
[ "A: An umbrella.", "B: A film featuring several movie stars.", "C: Alternative form of kajari", "D: A conservative Muslim leader or cleric, especially one who is hostile against other religions." ]
Which of the following could "mullah" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An umbrella. B: A film featuring several movie stars. C: Alternative form of kajari D: A conservative Muslim leader or cleric, especially one who is hostile against other religions. Answer:
A man living off another's earnings, especially a woman's.
[ "A: A man living off another's earnings, especially a woman's.", "B: Any of the castes officially recognised by the government as being educationally and socially disadvantaged.", "C: Initialism of union territory.", "D: classmate" ]
Which of the following could "ponce" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A man living off another's earnings, especially a woman's. B: Any of the castes officially recognised by the government as being educationally and socially disadvantaged. C: Initialism of union territory. D: classmate Answer:
A breed of light saddle horse from Australia, once favoured as a warhorse.
[ "A: Synonym of dragonfruit, pitaya, pitahaya (a fruit)", "B: A bag for wheat or seeds, made from plant materials.", "C: A breed of light saddle horse from Australia, once favoured as a warhorse.", "D: Alternative form of dharna" ]
Which of the following could "waler" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Synonym of dragonfruit, pitaya, pitahaya (a fruit) B: A bag for wheat or seeds, made from plant materials. C: A breed of light saddle horse from Australia, once favoured as a warhorse. D: Alternative form of dharna Answer:
A bad mood or temper.
[ "A: Food, especially snack food.", "B: Alternative spelling of Asura.", "C: Underwear, shorts, especially knickers.", "D: A bad mood or temper." ]
Which of the following could "strop" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Food, especially snack food. B: Alternative spelling of Asura. C: Underwear, shorts, especially knickers. D: A bad mood or temper. Answer:
ten million; 10,000,000; or with Indian digit grouping, 1,00,00,000. Often used with units of money.
[ "A: Alternative form of karela (“bitter melon”)", "B: Initialism of member of the legislative assembly.", "C: ten million; 10,000,000; or with Indian digit grouping, 1,00,00,000. Often used with units of money.", "D: A politician." ]
Which of the following could "crore" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Alternative form of karela (“bitter melon”) B: Initialism of member of the legislative assembly. C: ten million; 10,000,000; or with Indian digit grouping, 1,00,00,000. Often used with units of money. D: A politician. Answer:
Gunny cloth made from the fibre of the Corchorus olitorius (jute).
[ "A: A title used by various communities in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.", "B: An acute febrile disease of the (sub)tropics caused by the Dengue virus, a flavivirus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, and characterized by high fever, rash, headache, and severe muscle and joint pain.", "C: food, a meal", "D: Gunny cloth made from the fibre of the Corchorus olitorius (jute)." ]
Which of the following could "tat" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A title used by various communities in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. B: An acute febrile disease of the (sub)tropics caused by the Dengue virus, a flavivirus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, and characterized by high fever, rash, headache, and severe muscle and joint pain. C: food, a meal D: Gunny cloth made from the fibre of the Corchorus olitorius (jute). Answer:
Alternative form of dolly (“offering of fruit or flowers”)
[ "A: Synonym of sacred fig.", "B: Alternative form of dolly (“offering of fruit or flowers”)", "C: A light snack food made from puffed rice seasoned with onions, spices, pepper, etc.", "D: A policy of nationalist self-sufficiency in India, involving the revival and promotion of domestic production and (originally) the boycott of British products." ]
Which of the following could "dally" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Synonym of sacred fig. B: Alternative form of dolly (“offering of fruit or flowers”) C: A light snack food made from puffed rice seasoned with onions, spices, pepper, etc. D: A policy of nationalist self-sufficiency in India, involving the revival and promotion of domestic production and (originally) the boycott of British products. Answer:
An offering of fruit or flowers.
[ "A: The sesame plant.", "B: An offering of fruit or flowers.", "C: An electrical socket.", "D: An extrajudicial killing or execution." ]
Which of the following could "dolly" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: The sesame plant. B: An offering of fruit or flowers. C: An electrical socket. D: An extrajudicial killing or execution. Answer:
Alternative spelling of mali (“a member of a caste in South Asia whose traditional occupation is gardening; hence, any South Asian gardener”).
[ "A: A usually porous substance made from charred bones, earth, etc. and believed to cure snakebites.", "B: Alternative spelling of mali (“a member of a caste in South Asia whose traditional occupation is gardening; hence, any South Asian gardener”).", "C: An alumnus of one of the 5 International Institutes of Information Technology.", "D: The administrative official of a zilla" ]
Which of the following could "molly" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A usually porous substance made from charred bones, earth, etc. and believed to cure snakebites. B: Alternative spelling of mali (“a member of a caste in South Asia whose traditional occupation is gardening; hence, any South Asian gardener”). C: An alumnus of one of the 5 International Institutes of Information Technology. D: The administrative official of a zilla Answer:
oil cake
[ "A: A manger or trough for cattle, made from mud.", "B: Momordica charantia, the bitter melon or bitter gourd.", "C: oil cake", "D: A religious offering, usually of vegetarian food consumed by worshippers after worship, in Hinduism and Sikhism." ]
Which of the following could "pend" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A manger or trough for cattle, made from mud. B: Momordica charantia, the bitter melon or bitter gourd. C: oil cake D: A religious offering, usually of vegetarian food consumed by worshippers after worship, in Hinduism and Sikhism. Answer:
A fresh graduate looking for one's first job.
[ "A: sahib (as a respectful term of address)", "B: A record of witness testimony, usually prepared by the police, during the investigation of a crime or after a death.", "C: idle or worthless chatter", "D: A fresh graduate looking for one's first job." ]
Which of the following could "fresher" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: sahib (as a respectful term of address) B: A record of witness testimony, usually prepared by the police, during the investigation of a crime or after a death. C: idle or worthless chatter D: A fresh graduate looking for one's first job. Answer:
Basics or fundamentals, considered as a unit.
[ "A: classmate", "B: ruby, emerald, pearl, yellow sapphire, coral, cat's eye, hessonite, blue sapphire and diamond", "C: Music written especially for Bollywood films.", "D: Basics or fundamentals, considered as a unit." ]
Which of the following could "funda" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: classmate B: ruby, emerald, pearl, yellow sapphire, coral, cat's eye, hessonite, blue sapphire and diamond C: Music written especially for Bollywood films. D: Basics or fundamentals, considered as a unit. Answer:
Candied raw papaya (unripened papaya).
[ "A: Vigna mungo, a South Asian bean used to make dal.", "B: Candied raw papaya (unripened papaya).", "C: Night-blooming jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis).", "D: plural of cousin sister" ]
Which of the following could "tutti-frutti" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Vigna mungo, a South Asian bean used to make dal. B: Candied raw papaya (unripened papaya). C: Night-blooming jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis). D: plural of cousin sister Answer:
Idli podi/milagai podi; ground-up dry spices mixed with oil and ghee and served alongside idli or dosa.
[ "A: Leftist-aligned mass media that opposes Hindu nationalism and Narendra Modi.", "B: An outdoor area that is set up for sitting, including a floor and seats, and possibly, but not necessarily having a roof, screens, or elevated platform.", "C: An ardent right-wing Hindu nationalist netizen.", "D: Idli podi/milagai podi; ground-up dry spices mixed with oil and ghee and served alongside idli or dosa." ]
Which of the following could "gunpowder" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Leftist-aligned mass media that opposes Hindu nationalism and Narendra Modi. B: An outdoor area that is set up for sitting, including a floor and seats, and possibly, but not necessarily having a roof, screens, or elevated platform. C: An ardent right-wing Hindu nationalist netizen. D: Idli podi/milagai podi; ground-up dry spices mixed with oil and ghee and served alongside idli or dosa. Answer:
UK, Ireland, and India standard spelling of licorice.
[ "A: UK, Ireland, and India standard spelling of licorice.", "B: Synonym of sacred fig.", "C: A local open-air market held regularly.", "D: A kind of push-up in Indian gymnastics." ]
Which of the following could "liquorice" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: UK, Ireland, and India standard spelling of licorice. B: Synonym of sacred fig. C: A local open-air market held regularly. D: A kind of push-up in Indian gymnastics. Answer:
To notify.
[ "A: To commit armed robbery.", "B: To notify.", "C: To free, liberate, emancipate", "D: To terminate use under a lease of." ]
Which of the following could "intimate" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To commit armed robbery. B: To notify. C: To free, liberate, emancipate D: To terminate use under a lease of. Answer:
Of a beverage: half-sized.
[ "A: Leftist; in Indian politics, a secularist opposed to Hindu nationalism.", "B: Misspelling of feasible.", "C: Strange, random or weird.", "D: Of a beverage: half-sized." ]
Which of the following could "cutting" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: Leftist; in Indian politics, a secularist opposed to Hindu nationalism. B: Misspelling of feasible. C: Strange, random or weird. D: Of a beverage: half-sized. Answer:
The musical sounds in nature and in Indian music, especially percussion
[ "A: The musical sounds in nature and in Indian music, especially percussion", "B: A community-owned traditional harvested rainwater storage wetland.", "C: A native officer in charge of a zail.", "D: An non-commissioned officer equivalent to corporal in a corps of Indian, Pakistani or Nepalese soldiers." ]
Which of the following could "ahata" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: The musical sounds in nature and in Indian music, especially percussion B: A community-owned traditional harvested rainwater storage wetland. C: A native officer in charge of a zail. D: An non-commissioned officer equivalent to corporal in a corps of Indian, Pakistani or Nepalese soldiers. Answer:
Movable rails which can be used to switch a train from one railway track to another.
[ "A: A taqiyah (skullcap worn by Muslims etc.)", "B: Movable rails which can be used to switch a train from one railway track to another.", "C: A draft directing a bank to pay money to a named person or entity.", "D: The leader of a village, who serves as arbiter in local disputes." ]
Which of the following could "points" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A taqiyah (skullcap worn by Muslims etc.) B: Movable rails which can be used to switch a train from one railway track to another. C: A draft directing a bank to pay money to a named person or entity. D: The leader of a village, who serves as arbiter in local disputes. Answer:
first class
Great, very enjoyable.
[ "A: Abbreviation of honorable.", "B: In terms of the state; by state.", "C: Great, very enjoyable.", "D: Related to Khalistan, a name for the Punjab region of northern India." ]
Which of the following could "first class" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: Abbreviation of honorable. B: In terms of the state; by state. C: Great, very enjoyable. D: Related to Khalistan, a name for the Punjab region of northern India. Answer:
A permanent military station.
[ "A: A supply teacher.", "B: A mold or sieve used in manual papermaking.", "C: The fat-tailed sheep.", "D: A permanent military station." ]
Which of the following could "cantonment" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A supply teacher. B: A mold or sieve used in manual papermaking. C: The fat-tailed sheep. D: A permanent military station. Answer:
Initialism of statutory liquidity ratio.
[ "A: Initialism of statutory liquidity ratio.", "B: Flour made from a mixture of ground pulses and cereals.", "C: A blister caused by the chafing of a shoe or boot.", "D: An urban village." ]
Which of the following could "SLR" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Initialism of statutory liquidity ratio. B: Flour made from a mixture of ground pulses and cereals. C: A blister caused by the chafing of a shoe or boot. D: An urban village. Answer:
Initialism of member of the legislative assembly.
[ "A: A long cloth worn over the shoulder.", "B: A Hindu who does not support Hindutva, a liberal Hindu, especially (highly derogatory) as considered a traitor to India or race traitor towards Indians.", "C: Initialism of member of the legislative assembly.", "D: A scooter or moped." ]
Which of the following could "MLA" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A long cloth worn over the shoulder. B: A Hindu who does not support Hindutva, a liberal Hindu, especially (highly derogatory) as considered a traitor to India or race traitor towards Indians. C: Initialism of member of the legislative assembly. D: A scooter or moped. Answer:
The setting aside of a certain percentage of vacancies in government institutions for members of backward and underrepresented communities (defined primarily by caste and tribe).
[ "A: Alternative spelling of badmash", "B: The setting aside of a certain percentage of vacancies in government institutions for members of backward and underrepresented communities (defined primarily by caste and tribe).", "C: Cumin.", "D: A light horse-drawn cart." ]
Which of the following could "reservation" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Alternative spelling of badmash B: The setting aside of a certain percentage of vacancies in government institutions for members of backward and underrepresented communities (defined primarily by caste and tribe). C: Cumin. D: A light horse-drawn cart. Answer:
Initialism of National Eligibility Entrance Test.
[ "A: A train driver.", "B: Alternative form of gold mohur (“the plant Caesalpinia pulcherrima”)", "C: Stoking conflict or discrimination based on religious identity.", "D: Initialism of National Eligibility Entrance Test." ]
Which of the following could "NEET" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A train driver. B: Alternative form of gold mohur (“the plant Caesalpinia pulcherrima”) C: Stoking conflict or discrimination based on religious identity. D: Initialism of National Eligibility Entrance Test. Answer:
A farmer or tiller of the soil.
[ "A: A farmer or tiller of the soil.", "B: A rap sheet.", "C: A kind of loose shawl or mantle.", "D: Shopping from home in response to offers on television advertising or shopping channels." ]
Which of the following could "ryot" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A farmer or tiller of the soil. B: A rap sheet. C: A kind of loose shawl or mantle. D: Shopping from home in response to offers on television advertising or shopping channels. Answer:
Initialism of foot overbridge: a pedestrian overpass.
[ "A: Chickpeas.", "B: A small pony, especially one used as a pack animal", "C: Initialism of foot overbridge: a pedestrian overpass.", "D: One of the basic musical scales or modes used by classical Hindustani ragas, characterized by seven notes (swaras)." ]
Which of the following could "FOB" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Chickpeas. B: A small pony, especially one used as a pack animal C: Initialism of foot overbridge: a pedestrian overpass. D: One of the basic musical scales or modes used by classical Hindustani ragas, characterized by seven notes (swaras). Answer:
brother-in-law; wife's brother
[ "A: A deliveryperson in Mumbai, India who collects freshly cooked food in lunchboxes from workers' residences (mostly in the suburbs), delivers it to their respective workplaces, and returns the empty containers.", "B: A wine seller; one who is subject to the abkari tax.", "C: A geometric or stylized design on the floor (or other flat surface) made using small coloured granules or powder.", "D: brother-in-law; wife's brother" ]
Which of the following could "sala" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A deliveryperson in Mumbai, India who collects freshly cooked food in lunchboxes from workers' residences (mostly in the suburbs), delivers it to their respective workplaces, and returns the empty containers. B: A wine seller; one who is subject to the abkari tax. C: A geometric or stylized design on the floor (or other flat surface) made using small coloured granules or powder. D: brother-in-law; wife's brother Answer:
A Christian school.
[ "A: Synonym of sapodilla (tree and fruit)", "B: The night-blooming cestrum, Cestrum nocturnum.", "C: A Christian school.", "D: A charismatic female guru." ]
Which of the following could "convent" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Synonym of sapodilla (tree and fruit) B: The night-blooming cestrum, Cestrum nocturnum. C: A Christian school. D: A charismatic female guru. Answer:
A politician.
[ "A: A soldier.", "B: A merchant or trader.", "C: A politician.", "D: An officer tasked with the administration of a sarkar." ]
Which of the following could "neta" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A soldier. B: A merchant or trader. C: A politician. D: An officer tasked with the administration of a sarkar. Answer:
Food, especially snack food.
[ "A: mixer; food processor", "B: Food, especially snack food.", "C: The promotion of the sport of cricket as a glamorous entertainment event.", "D: A graduate." ]
Which of the following could "tuck" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: mixer; food processor B: Food, especially snack food. C: The promotion of the sport of cricket as a glamorous entertainment event. D: A graduate. Answer:
Former, previous.
[ "A: strict, rigid,fundamentalist, especially in terms of religious belief", "B: lactovegetarian (in ayurvedic philosophy)", "C: Constructed using a combination of pukka (strong, high-quality) and kutcha (inferior) materials.", "D: Former, previous." ]
Which of the following could "erstwhile" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: strict, rigid,fundamentalist, especially in terms of religious belief B: lactovegetarian (in ayurvedic philosophy) C: Constructed using a combination of pukka (strong, high-quality) and kutcha (inferior) materials. D: Former, previous. Answer:
cooked with steam
[ "A: Unripened.", "B: cooked with steam", "C: Of or relating to a woman/women; female.", "D: In terms of valleys." ]
Which of the following could "dum" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: Unripened. B: cooked with steam C: Of or relating to a woman/women; female. D: In terms of valleys. Answer:
To remember fondly; to reminisce about.
[ "A: To remember fondly; to reminisce about.", "B: To terminate use under a lease of.", "C: To surround for this purpose.", "D: To snatch a gold chain (or sometimes a silver chain) from a woman (or a man) and run away." ]
Which of the following could "reminisce" mean in Indian English when used as a verb? A: To remember fondly; to reminisce about. B: To terminate use under a lease of. C: To surround for this purpose. D: To snatch a gold chain (or sometimes a silver chain) from a woman (or a man) and run away. Answer:
One's fiancé or fiancée.
[ "A: A blister caused by the chafing of a shoe or boot.", "B: One's fiancé or fiancée.", "C: A cushioned throne used by Indian princes.", "D: A port or haven." ]
Which of the following could "would-be" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A blister caused by the chafing of a shoe or boot. B: One's fiancé or fiancée. C: A cushioned throne used by Indian princes. D: A port or haven. Answer:
A member of a tribe.
[ "A: A member of a tribe.", "B: A bundle.", "C: One who works in an office, an officer.", "D: A female rakshasa" ]
Which of the following could "tribal" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A member of a tribe. B: A bundle. C: One who works in an office, an officer. D: A female rakshasa Answer:
[ "A: A kind of mixed construction employing burnt brick cemented with mud instead of lime mortar.", "B: dahi", "C: A sweet chutney made from tamarind and ginger.", "D: The committing of a grievous, but not fatal, injury." ]
Which of the following could "curd" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A kind of mixed construction employing burnt brick cemented with mud instead of lime mortar. B: dahi C: A sweet chutney made from tamarind and ginger. D: The committing of a grievous, but not fatal, injury. Answer:
A snack served with alcoholic drinks in an informal environment.
[ "A: A snack served with alcoholic drinks in an informal environment.", "B: An indigenous carryforward system used on the Bombay Stock Exchange.", "C: The water caltrop.", "D: The state or quality of being bound or obliged; obligation." ]
Which of the following could "touching" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A snack served with alcoholic drinks in an informal environment. B: An indigenous carryforward system used on the Bombay Stock Exchange. C: The water caltrop. D: The state or quality of being bound or obliged; obligation. Answer:
Sentimental, emotional.
[ "A: In terms of or by means of questions.", "B: Sentimental, emotional.", "C: In terms of communities.", "D: Of a reply: prepared in paragraphs." ]
Which of the following could "senti" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: In terms of or by means of questions. B: Sentimental, emotional. C: In terms of communities. D: Of a reply: prepared in paragraphs. Answer:
A domestic servant in charge of household goods and clothing; a valet.
[ "A: An Indian dessert made by deep-frying urad flour batter in a kind of pretzel which is then soaked in sugar syrup.", "B: plural of lapis", "C: A domestic servant in charge of household goods and clothing; a valet.", "D: mother's brother; maternal uncle" ]
Which of the following could "bearer" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An Indian dessert made by deep-frying urad flour batter in a kind of pretzel which is then soaked in sugar syrup. B: plural of lapis C: A domestic servant in charge of household goods and clothing; a valet. D: mother's brother; maternal uncle Answer:
An honorary title for a learned man or scholar.
[ "A: A protest in which a group of people surrounds a politician, building, etc. until demands are met.", "B: A dog cart; a rickshaw; a kind of vehicle.", "C: An honorary title for a learned man or scholar.", "D: Salvadora persica (toothbrush tree)." ]
Which of the following could "pandit" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A protest in which a group of people surrounds a politician, building, etc. until demands are met. B: A dog cart; a rickshaw; a kind of vehicle. C: An honorary title for a learned man or scholar. D: Salvadora persica (toothbrush tree). Answer:
Included in a Schedule of the Indian Constitution, and as such is recognised by the government as eligible for special protection and consideration; afforded special concessions
[ "A: Opposed to Hindutva or Hindu nationalism.", "B: Gathered or formed into a ball or round mass.", "C: cooked with steam", "D: Included in a Schedule of the Indian Constitution, and as such is recognised by the government as eligible for special protection and consideration; afforded special concessions" ]
Which of the following could "scheduled" mean in Indian English when used as a adjective? A: Opposed to Hindutva or Hindu nationalism. B: Gathered or formed into a ball or round mass. C: cooked with steam D: Included in a Schedule of the Indian Constitution, and as such is recognised by the government as eligible for special protection and consideration; afforded special concessions Answer:
A light, two-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage used for transportation in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
[ "A: A light, two-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage used for transportation in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.", "B: A day of mourning and prayers for the dead, the fourth day after the funeral.", "C: The monsoon season according to the Hindu calendar.", "D: A dish of boiled lentils; dal." ]
Which of the following could "tonga" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A light, two-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage used for transportation in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. B: A day of mourning and prayers for the dead, the fourth day after the funeral. C: The monsoon season according to the Hindu calendar. D: A dish of boiled lentils; dal. Answer:
A private office; particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional.
[ "A: A village council or local government.", "B: Alternative spelling of undertrial", "C: department store", "D: A private office; particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional." ]
Which of the following could "cabin" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A village council or local government. B: Alternative spelling of undertrial C: department store D: A private office; particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional. Answer:
A member of a caste in South Asia whose traditional occupation is gardening; hence, any South Asian gardener.
[ "A: A time or moment considered lucky for beginning some project; an inauguration, now especially the start of a film production.", "B: A place where workers assemble to seek employment.", "C: A member of a caste in South Asia whose traditional occupation is gardening; hence, any South Asian gardener.", "D: A kind of sweetened fried chapatti." ]
Which of the following could "mali" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A time or moment considered lucky for beginning some project; an inauguration, now especially the start of a film production. B: A place where workers assemble to seek employment. C: A member of a caste in South Asia whose traditional occupation is gardening; hence, any South Asian gardener. D: A kind of sweetened fried chapatti. Answer:
The use of the greeting in which one puts one's hands together and bows slightly; greeting with a namaste.
[ "A: The use of the greeting in which one puts one's hands together and bows slightly; greeting with a namaste.", "B: An urban political unit comparable to a municipality.", "C: A high collar covering the neck.", "D: Alternative form of bibi" ]
Which of the following could "namaskar" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: The use of the greeting in which one puts one's hands together and bows slightly; greeting with a namaste. B: An urban political unit comparable to a municipality. C: A high collar covering the neck. D: Alternative form of bibi Answer:
An acute febrile disease of the (sub)tropics caused by the Dengue virus, a flavivirus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, and characterized by high fever, rash, headache, and severe muscle and joint pain.
[ "A: An acute febrile disease of the (sub)tropics caused by the Dengue virus, a flavivirus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, and characterized by high fever, rash, headache, and severe muscle and joint pain.", "B: ledikeni (type of Bengali sweetmeat)", "C: dodder", "D: The bronze featherback, Notopterus notopterus." ]
Which of the following could "dengue" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An acute febrile disease of the (sub)tropics caused by the Dengue virus, a flavivirus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, and characterized by high fever, rash, headache, and severe muscle and joint pain. B: ledikeni (type of Bengali sweetmeat) C: dodder D: The bronze featherback, Notopterus notopterus. Answer:
A groom, or servant with responsibility for the horses.
[ "A: A groom, or servant with responsibility for the horses.", "B: Hunting, sport; a hunting expedition.", "C: Alternative form of gold mohur (“the plant Caesalpinia pulcherrima”)", "D: Alternative form of kadam (“tropical tree”)" ]
Which of the following could "sais" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A groom, or servant with responsibility for the horses. B: Hunting, sport; a hunting expedition. C: Alternative form of gold mohur (“the plant Caesalpinia pulcherrima”) D: Alternative form of kadam (“tropical tree”) Answer:
Initialism of Muslim; mostly used by Hindutva netizens primarily towards Islamist supporters and Muslim militants.
[ "A: Initialism of Muslim; mostly used by Hindutva netizens primarily towards Islamist supporters and Muslim militants.", "B: A walnut.", "C: A hired ruffian armed with a club or lathi.", "D: A town, sometimes fortified, outside a fort." ]
Which of the following could "M" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Initialism of Muslim; mostly used by Hindutva netizens primarily towards Islamist supporters and Muslim militants. B: A walnut. C: A hired ruffian armed with a club or lathi. D: A town, sometimes fortified, outside a fort. Answer:
Initialism of Paper Products Limited.
[ "A: A large, ornate tent or pavilion; a marquee.", "B: A masonry dam used for storing water.", "C: An instance of airdashing.", "D: Initialism of Paper Products Limited." ]
Which of the following could "PPL" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A large, ornate tent or pavilion; a marquee. B: A masonry dam used for storing water. C: An instance of airdashing. D: Initialism of Paper Products Limited. Answer:
Initialism of upper caste.
[ "A: An assignment of the produce and income of a particular district or village to a person or persons, as an annuity", "B: An evening newspaper.", "C: A ceremony involving ritual washing, cleansing or anointing.", "D: Initialism of upper caste." ]
Which of the following could "UC" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: An assignment of the produce and income of a particular district or village to a person or persons, as an annuity B: An evening newspaper. C: A ceremony involving ritual washing, cleansing or anointing. D: Initialism of upper caste. Answer:
Initialism of Kashmiri Pandit.
[ "A: prawn", "B: A big room where films are shown; movie theater.", "C: Initialism of Kashmiri Pandit.", "D: The harassment of women, especially foreign, or dressed as such, by groups of men." ]
Which of the following could "KP" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: prawn B: A big room where films are shown; movie theater. C: Initialism of Kashmiri Pandit. D: The harassment of women, especially foreign, or dressed as such, by groups of men. Answer:
A woven mat or screen hung at a door or window and kept wet to moisten and cool the air as it enters.
[ "A: The officer in charge of a taluk.", "B: Movement; sway; influence.", "C: A woven mat or screen hung at a door or window and kept wet to moisten and cool the air as it enters.", "D: Shorts." ]
Which of the following could "tatty" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: The officer in charge of a taluk. B: Movement; sway; influence. C: A woven mat or screen hung at a door or window and kept wet to moisten and cool the air as it enters. D: Shorts. Answer:
Originally, a three-legged decorative stand or table; now, especially, one with recesses for holding tea caddies and/or a tea service.
[ "A: The relatively wealthy and well-educated members of the other backward classes, not eligible for government benefit programs.", "B: The flowering tree Bauhinia variegata.", "C: One who works in an office, an officer.", "D: Originally, a three-legged decorative stand or table; now, especially, one with recesses for holding tea caddies and/or a tea service." ]
Which of the following could "teapoy" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: The relatively wealthy and well-educated members of the other backward classes, not eligible for government benefit programs. B: The flowering tree Bauhinia variegata. C: One who works in an office, an officer. D: Originally, a three-legged decorative stand or table; now, especially, one with recesses for holding tea caddies and/or a tea service. Answer:
Abbreviation of crore.
[ "A: Tomato ketchup, used as a condiment.", "B: Abbreviation of crore.", "C: cucumber", "D: A (usually oral) exoneration given by law enforcement agencies to suspects in a crime, likely to be flawed." ]
Which of the following could "Cr." mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: Tomato ketchup, used as a condiment. B: Abbreviation of crore. C: cucumber D: A (usually oral) exoneration given by law enforcement agencies to suspects in a crime, likely to be flawed. Answer:
Abbreviation of Hindu; mostly used by Indian Muslim netizens primarily towards Hindutva supporters.
[ "A: A time or moment considered lucky for beginning some project; an inauguration, now especially the start of a film production.", "B: A screen or blind made of finely slit bamboo and twine, hung in doorways or windows.", "C: Abbreviation of Hindu; mostly used by Indian Muslim netizens primarily towards Hindutva supporters.", "D: An official of some kind, especially an important attendant or messenger in the household of an Indian landowner." ]
Which of the following could "H" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A time or moment considered lucky for beginning some project; an inauguration, now especially the start of a film production. B: A screen or blind made of finely slit bamboo and twine, hung in doorways or windows. C: Abbreviation of Hindu; mostly used by Indian Muslim netizens primarily towards Hindutva supporters. D: An official of some kind, especially an important attendant or messenger in the household of an Indian landowner. Answer:
A waterproof sandal.
[ "A: A supermarket or department store.", "B: A waterproof sandal.", "C: A variety of orange (fruit).", "D: Prince or king." ]
Which of the following could "floater" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A supermarket or department store. B: A waterproof sandal. C: A variety of orange (fruit). D: Prince or king. Answer:
A banker or moneychanger.
[ "A: A mangosteen.", "B: Western-style nightclothes", "C: A hired ruffian armed with a club or lathi.", "D: A banker or moneychanger." ]
Which of the following could "schroff" mean in Indian English when used as a noun? A: A mangosteen. B: Western-style nightclothes C: A hired ruffian armed with a club or lathi. D: A banker or moneychanger. Answer:
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