I got a kid to model it ! But more " oops " because my brother 's girlfriend is coming over on Wednesday to do some modeling for me in exchange for being taught to sew . So I ' ve got ta whip up a few more hats before then so it 'll be worth setting up the photo stuff .
What are the narrator 's career aspirations ?
They want to be a talent scout .
They want to be a journalist .
None of the above choices .
They want to be a fashion designer .
Not sure how I will feel on Saturday , which is a shame because I have some shipping to do and probably dinner with friends . And Friday I work until 9PM at the Festival , so that will be a further drain on my energy . Whee !
What may happen after friday ?
I will find some more work to do .
I will get overtime .
I will party all night .
I will be to exhausted to do something productive .
Then it came time for my for my final match . I thought the match was going to be easy since my first matches went by with no problem , but I was wrong my opponent was quicker then me . He wore me out I became tired .
How did the match end ?
I won the match
I lost the match
None of the above choices .
The match was a tie
It helps that my frequent flyer status generally gets me into some lounge where I can relax once I get to the airport , but even if I can not get into a lounge , I will still try to get to the airport early . My wife is the complete opposite - she can not see what is wrong with arriving with just 5 minutes to spare . She has the most frustrating ( for me ) attitude of OK if I miss this flight , I will just get on the next .
Why does the narrator get angry at their wife ?
They feel they are not responsible .
They feel the spouse is too strict .
None of the above choices .
They feel they are judging them .
It helps that my frequent flyer status generally gets me into some lounge where I can relax once I get to the airport , but even if I can not get into a lounge , I will still try to get to the airport early . My wife is the complete opposite - she can not see what is wrong with arriving with just 5 minutes to spare . She has the most frustrating ( for me ) attitude of OK if I miss this flight , I will just get on the next .
Why does the narrator get angry at their wife ?
They feel they are judging them .
They feel their flight activity wastes money .
None of the above choices .
They feel the spouse is too strict .
I was exhausted for the rest of the day when we came down , and could n't move at all the next day ! But it was so worth it . It 's a wonderful thing to look out from the top of a mountain and know that you just got there by your own sweat and energy .
How was the narrator feeling the day after they were unable to move ?
They were exhausted from going back to the top of the mountain .
None of the above choices .
They were still sore but their range of movement had improved .
They found themselves covered in sweat and full of energy .
Trashcan is right beside you , " Ryan warns , as if he can tell that Brendon is about to puke all over everything . Brendon barely has time to lean over the bed and make it into the trash , but somehow he manages . Ryan laughs and gets out of the bed as Brendon continues to puke his guts out , going into the adjoining bathroom to take a shower . Brendon remains leaned over the bed until he 's left dry heaving , rolling back onto his back when he feels like he 's all puked out , groaning because this is the most miserable he has ever been in his entire life .
Why does Brendan need the trash can ?
Because he 's sick .
Because the trash can needs to puke .
None of the above choices .
Because he needs to put trash in it for Ryan .
Trashcan is right beside you , " Ryan warns , as if he can tell that Brendon is about to puke all over everything . Brendon barely has time to lean over the bed and make it into the trash , but somehow he manages . Ryan laughs and gets out of the bed as Brendon continues to puke his guts out , going into the adjoining bathroom to take a shower . Brendon remains leaned over the bed until he 's left dry heaving , rolling back onto his back when he feels like he 's all puked out , groaning because this is the most miserable he has ever been in his entire life .
Why may this be the most miserable he has ever been ?
Because he 's groaning .
Because he has been so sick .
Because he ca n't make it into the trash can .
Because Ryan laughed at him .
I went to my first Dolly Parton concert last night ! She was AMAZING and sparkly and shiny and charming as all get out . I now want to wear big wigs and high heels 24/7 and also Bedazzle the crap out of everything I own .
What type of genre of music does the narrator like ?
None of the above choices .
They like rock .
They like hip hop .
They like country .
EVER . When it got to the table , I literally did n't even know where to start . I ended up cutting the burrito in half , but it was so extremely messy that I could n't even handle it to pick it up . The ranchero sauce ended up going EVERYWHERE .
How did I feel after I completed my task ?
I did n't care that I was great at handling burritos .
I felt pathetic that I could n't even handle a simple burrito .
I was glad I 'm good at handling burritos .
I was happy with my amazing burrito handling skills .
We learned from Katrina that when it comes to hurricane . We have to be prepared and have to take it seriously . We checked our home today and I feel so blessed because our place was untouched . There are few limbs that is all over the place and few mess to clean up when we get back .
Why were there limbs of trees on the ground
Someone dropped branches everywhere
None of the above choices .
People cut down the trees after the storm
The winds broke trees
We learned from Katrina that when it comes to hurricane . We have to be prepared and have to take it seriously . We checked our home today and I feel so blessed because our place was untouched . There are few limbs that is all over the place and few mess to clean up when we get back .
Why were there limbs of trees on the ground
Someone dropped branches everywhere
The storm threw debris everywhere
None of the above choices .
People cut down the trees after the storm
We learned from Katrina that when it comes to hurricane . We have to be prepared and have to take it seriously . We checked our home today and I feel so blessed because our place was untouched . There are few limbs that is all over the place and few mess to clean up when we get back .
Why was New Orleans so unprepared for Hurricane Katrina
None of the above choices .
The people there are too lazy to prepare
A storm in the future would likely destroy it anyway
No one felt like saving the city once the storm was announced
We learned from Katrina that when it comes to hurricane . We have to be prepared and have to take it seriously . We checked our home today and I feel so blessed because our place was untouched . There are few limbs that is all over the place and few mess to clean up when we get back .
Why was New Orleans so unprepared for Hurricane Katrina
None of the above choices .
No one felt like saving the city once the storm was announced
The people there are too lazy to prepare
A storm in the future would likely destroy it anyway
Monday , 7/21 Did a 7 miler on the TM at 6.5 mph , taking about 1:05 to complete . I felt like I could have done more , but I did n't want to hog the TM too much during peak hours My tummy started to become uncomfy around mile 5 , so I skipped torso rotations . I did the chin / dips , stretches , mini - core , and striders though . Overall , quite the morale booster !
Where was the narrator when he ran 7 miles ?
They ran around on their farm mostly around the hog pens .
They were on the track and field at TM high school .
They were on a exercise machine in the gymnasium .
They were on the TM Trail in their local park .
Yeeeeeah ! ! ! " That was one of the best swims for my board I have ever done . I had a big smile on my face all the way , because I knew that soon I would be doing more of those .
who is the narrator with ?
the narrator is with his swimming teacher
the narrator is with someone who works for the board overseeing him
None of the above choices .
the narrator is with his father
Yeeeeeah ! ! ! " That was one of the best swims for my board I have ever done . I had a big smile on my face all the way , because I knew that soon I would be doing more of those .
what will the narrator do next ?
the narrator will not swim again for the board
the narrator will swim again for the board
None of the above choices .
the board will ban him from swimming
It was n't a connecting flight so we need to stay in a hotel for a night . The hotel was just 2 minutes away from the airport . During our visit it was like only 3 days after the bombing at the front of a camp in Zamboanga . Bombing was the present enemy of the local government of Zamboanga during our visit . Next day it 's Sulu day .
Why did they have to stay ?
None of the above choices .
The local government wanted them to be present .
They could not catch a plane out .
They were tired and needed to stay to rest .
So how is the new job going ? Alright , all things considered . It goes by quickly , so quickly I never feel as productive as I should . There 's pressure , a lot of pressure , some days almost too much pressure to handle given the fact that ... See , that 's the thing , I ' m not going to say THE FACT .
What may the person really be feeling about their job ?
They think they are going to be in charge very soon
They are not coping as well as they pretend
None of the above choices .
They have a crush on their boss and are confused
Just a big blank . What life is that?I've been getting a near - flood of ideas lately and have been scrambling to jot them all in phrases and bits that I can recall detail for later . Rarely does any one piece connect with another , so it 's very similar to holding a box of photographs , with every photo being from a different family .
How may I feeling during this post ?
None of the above choices .
XDD So because I answered the question right , I got a keychain - ma - thing that has Mike and Sulley on it and on it it says ' Screen Debut 2002 ' . XD I ' m assuming it was a Cast Member exclusive pin when the movie first came out in Japan but it 's really cool cuz it says Tokyo Disneyland on the back . One of the Japanese girls gave it to me as my ' reward ' I guess .
Why was the narrator gifted a key chain ?
It was a giveaway for attending the event .
It was a consolation prize .
It was the consolation prize after answering incorrectly .
They got a question right .
XDD So because I answered the question right , I got a keychain - ma - thing that has Mike and Sulley on it and on it it says ' Screen Debut 2002 ' . XD I ' m assuming it was a Cast Member exclusive pin when the movie first came out in Japan but it 's really cool cuz it says Tokyo Disneyland on the back . One of the Japanese girls gave it to me as my ' reward ' I guess .
Why was the narrator gifted a key chain ?
It was the consolation prize after answering incorrectly .
It was a giveaway for attending the event .
They answered a question correctly .
It was a consolation prize .
It 's so much nicer than having a busy old street for a view . Here are the dresses that I found at the antique sale this weekend . When I first got to the sale and wandered over to the vintage clothing room I got disappointed that there was nothing at all that interested me . But then I found these three dresses hanging on a wall in another room , and I knew I had to get them . The two on the left are from the ' 50s and the one on the right is from the ' 40s .
What may be a fact about this person ?
They were shopping for vintage dresses .
They were browsing around for clothing .
None of the above choices .
They wanted old clothing .
It 's so much nicer than having a busy old street for a view . Here are the dresses that I found at the antique sale this weekend . When I first got to the sale and wandered over to the vintage clothing room I got disappointed that there was nothing at all that interested me . But then I found these three dresses hanging on a wall in another room , and I knew I had to get them . The two on the left are from the ' 50s and the one on the right is from the ' 40s .
What may be a fact about this person ?
They wanted old clothing .
They were browsing around for clothing .
They were seeking vintage clothing in particular .
None of the above choices .
It 's so much nicer than having a busy old street for a view . Here are the dresses that I found at the antique sale this weekend . When I first got to the sale and wandered over to the vintage clothing room I got disappointed that there was nothing at all that interested me . But then I found these three dresses hanging on a wall in another room , and I knew I had to get them . The two on the left are from the ' 50s and the one on the right is from the ' 40s .
What may be the reason for their trip to the antique sales ?
They wanted to get any type of clothing for cheap .
They wanted to get used clothing .
They felt like going shopping .
They wanted to get true vintage dresses .
It 's so much nicer than having a busy old street for a view . Here are the dresses that I found at the antique sale this weekend . When I first got to the sale and wandered over to the vintage clothing room I got disappointed that there was nothing at all that interested me . But then I found these three dresses hanging on a wall in another room , and I knew I had to get them . The two on the left are from the ' 50s and the one on the right is from the ' 40s .
What may be the reason for their trip to the antique sales ?
They wanted to get any type of clothing for cheap .
They wanted to get deals on antique dresses .
They wanted to get used clothing .
They felt like going shopping .
As I pulled the covers away to get him to his own room , I quickly realized that my sleep routine would be disturbed . Jordan must have drank a 2 liter bottle of " Piss On The World Juice , " because my comforter , duvet cover , foam mattress pad , mattress pad sheet , fitted sheet , and mattress were soaked . Not on my side of the bed .
What likely happened before the author took off the covers ?
Jordon who was sleeping with her wet the bed .
Jordon spilled his juice on the bed , comforter , cover and mattess pad .
None of the above choices .
Jordon got on my side of the bed and i moved him .
As I pulled the covers away to get him to his own room , I quickly realized that my sleep routine would be disturbed . Jordan must have drank a 2 liter bottle of " Piss On The World Juice , " because my comforter , duvet cover , foam mattress pad , mattress pad sheet , fitted sheet , and mattress were soaked . Not on my side of the bed .
What will be the most logical step , now that everything is wet and I am awake ?
I will have a drink of piss on the world juice and put Jordon on my side of the bed .
None of the above choices .
I will dry the wet items and will not get on my side of the bed .
putting the wet items in the wash , changing Jordon and putting him to bed .
Other great plans in the works include a short weekend trip to Helsinki , Finland to visit an old friend , as well as a great long visit from one of my bestest friends . April spends 2 or 3 weeks with me , one of which we 're going somewhere , doing something ... Perhaps exploring some of Northern Germany ? Berlin , Dresden ...
What might I like people to know about me with my post ?
That I have a bestest friend who I am visiting soon .
I have old friends all over the world that I must see someday .
That I am a world traveler with many options .
I go on weekend jaunts to places like Japan and England .
. These are the ' stock ' I still have in my storage . What am I going to do with them now ? I ' ve just received some SMSes telling me to dump them all away as they might be tainted with melamine too .
What things would NOT be affected by melamine
None of the above choices .
Baby formula
Silicone lining
. These are the ' stock ' I still have in my storage . What am I going to do with them now ? I ' ve just received some SMSes telling me to dump them all away as they might be tainted with melamine too .
How should they get rid of the melamine ?
Chill it
Burn it
None of the above choices .
Throw it away
I had a flashback to the day UO and I first saw the house ... the renters had put a little IKEA table in the corner , just perfect for morning coffee . It 's hard to believe the real estate listing claimed a " table - sized kitchen , " but it did . Anyway , I ' ve cleaned out about 1/3 of it so far .
Why is the narrator getting so nostalgic ?
They are moving out .
They are leaving Ikea and saw something they already owned .
They are moving into their house .
They are getting into real estate .
He had stood up earlier the moment she had jumped to her feet and the books from the pile had dropped . He had been on his way to help her pick them up when pretty boy showed up , he thought . He scratched the corner of his eyebrow with his middle finger as he continued to watch the boy say something and Felicity laughed as she nodded . The boy took half of the pile in her arms and then Demetrius helped them by opening the door .
What may happen before the books dropped ?
None of the above choices .
The books will be picked up later .
The person is helped with carrying them .
The books were left on the floor .
He had stood up earlier the moment she had jumped to her feet and the books from the pile had dropped . He had been on his way to help her pick them up when pretty boy showed up , he thought . He scratched the corner of his eyebrow with his middle finger as he continued to watch the boy say something and Felicity laughed as she nodded . The boy took half of the pile in her arms and then Demetrius helped them by opening the door .
What may happen before the books dropped ?
The books will be picked up later .
None of the above choices .
The books were put into a pile .
The books were left on the floor .
The only problem I have with Sue is her development , as I mentioned she does n't talk much ( barely anything I woud say ) . I try to encourage her , I talk to her as much as I can , I point things out , I explain . I can see progress , but this is n't enough .
Is sue a hard worker ?
Sue has developed thoroughly
Sue has become very talented
Sue is making good progress
Sue has not developed much
Knowing when to use a comma and when to use a semicolon does n't make you a fiction writer , but any fiction writer who thinks the difference between a comma and a semicolon is irrelevant / silly / beneath them is n't likely to be any good . All a writer has is words , and every punctuation mark , every pause , makes a difference . True , there are copy editors and proofreaders out there who can correct your grammar and punctuation , and occasionally one does run across a gifted fiction writer who looks like they could n't pass freshman comp .
Based on this post , what may be my profession ?
Software engineer
My ( paternal ) grandmother treated us to dinner . Theresa came over Sunday and went to church and dinner with us . Then she came back to our house so I could help her with her research paper . We were up until midnight working on that thing .
Why were we up so late working on what we were working on ?
The dinner needed to decorated before being eaten .
I wanted to help her finish her research paper .
The dinner needed to be cooked no matter how long it takes .
None of the above choices .
I could work in my studio without anyone complaining that I had n't taken care of an errand or stopped by the store for milk . If there was rumbling to that effect , I 'd just shrug my shoulders and say , " I ' m sorry , but I did n't have the car today . " And , on the whole , I ' m happy with my no - car - half - the - day situation .
Why is the narrator working in the studio so diligently ?
They need to be able to drink and work .
They need to be able to focus .
None of the above choices .
They need to be able to smoke .
I could work in my studio without anyone complaining that I had n't taken care of an errand or stopped by the store for milk . If there was rumbling to that effect , I 'd just shrug my shoulders and say , " I ' m sorry , but I did n't have the car today . " And , on the whole , I ' m happy with my no - car - half - the - day situation .
Why is the narrator working in the studio so diligently ?
They need to be able to drink and work .
None of the above choices .
They need to be able to smoke .
They need to be able to do work by themselves .
Then we made it for the last 30 minutes of a MisShapes party . I saw my friend Dave there and I squealed like a little girl when I attacked him with my hug . We got food afterwards and some dudes next to us gave us their buffalo wings . When we got home that intern and his other friends called Liz for like 20 minutes trying to make us come over at 6 a.m. because they were coked out and of course were still up and bouncing off the walls .
Why did the people who were under the influence of cocaine try to get the speaker to come over at 6 am ?
They are feeling excessively social and talkative and they want more people to interact with
None of the above choices .
They need the speaker to come give them a ride so they can buy more drugs
They need money to get more coke and they hope that the speaker will lend them money
Then we made it for the last 30 minutes of a MisShapes party . I saw my friend Dave there and I squealed like a little girl when I attacked him with my hug . We got food afterwards and some dudes next to us gave us their buffalo wings . When we got home that intern and his other friends called Liz for like 20 minutes trying to make us come over at 6 a.m. because they were coked out and of course were still up and bouncing off the walls .
Why did the people who were under the influence of cocaine try to get the speaker to come over at 6 am ?
None of the above choices .
They want someone to share their drugs with and to come hang out with them
They need the speaker to come give them a ride so they can buy more drugs
They need money to get more coke and they hope that the speaker will lend them money
Have you ever looked back on your past financial decisions and cringed when you recalled what were thinking ? For me , I think my financial low point was not while I was racking up debt and spending carelessly but a " plan " I had not too long ago . The scary thing was that this plan was when my financial turnaround and debt recovery was well under way . Back at Thanksgiving 2006 , I went back home to visit my parents .
What may I be feeling right now ?
None of the above choices .
Ahahaha , so I completely forgot that my hours had been switched today , and so went into work about 800 hours early . I lost an hour in getting there , discovering my error , and coming home , but I figure at least it got me up earlier than I otherwise would have , so I actually probably gained about two hours and got an errand run on the way home to boot . On balance I ' m still on top !
Why is the narrator not upset about the schedule change ?
None of the above choices .
The change worked out in their favor .
The change got them a promotion .
The change made them get to work 8 hours early .
Ahahaha , so I completely forgot that my hours had been switched today , and so went into work about 800 hours early . I lost an hour in getting there , discovering my error , and coming home , but I figure at least it got me up earlier than I otherwise would have , so I actually probably gained about two hours and got an errand run on the way home to boot . On balance I ' m still on top !
Why is the narrator not upset about the schedule change ?
The change got them a promotion .
The change worked out for their circumstances .
The change made them get to work 8 hours early .
None of the above choices .
I had a really great double work out today ( fitness and boxing classes ) , and am not too sore , so victory ! My trainer even gave me a " good work , which is a rare and valued commodity . I can tell he 's thrilled with my progress .
Where might I have been when I did my workout today ?
None of the above choices .
I did my work out at home in my living room .
I was at school in a class room .
I was at a gym working with my instructor .
There is nothing more enjoyable on a hot July Tuesday , then kayaking around a large pond . Ms. Thang and I rented a 2 person kayak ( the men - folk rented a canoe ) , and we paddled around the pond at great speeds . We had a good rhythm going and enjoyed ourselves immensely .
Why did we probably go kayaking ?
We wanted to go fast
We wanted to have fun
We wanted to get wet
None of the above choices .
There is nothing more enjoyable on a hot July Tuesday , then kayaking around a large pond . Ms. Thang and I rented a 2 person kayak ( the men - folk rented a canoe ) , and we paddled around the pond at great speeds . We had a good rhythm going and enjoyed ourselves immensely .
What is probably true about me ?
None of the above choices .
I am a man
I am a woman
I do not like kayaking
Feeling everything move around you in slow motion as you remember things from before . He remembered the day his parents first brought him to see the magic tome . He recalled how the cover felt as he ran his hands over it , how something inside him felt as though it had opened the minute he touched it and how he simply knew this was going to be a major part of his life . He felt proud , pleased , as he ran his hands over that cover . A birthday party for his cousin .
How much do you like performing magic tricks ?
None of the above choices .
I work for a master stage magician and like it .
There are many toys that are magic that I found .
I like them much and have always felt good about them .
Feeling everything move around you in slow motion as you remember things from before . He remembered the day his parents first brought him to see the magic tome . He recalled how the cover felt as he ran his hands over it , how something inside him felt as though it had opened the minute he touched it and how he simply knew this was going to be a major part of his life . He felt proud , pleased , as he ran his hands over that cover . A birthday party for his cousin .
Did you decide to become a magician after your cousin 's birthday ?
None of the above choices .
I have played with magic tricks since I was born .
I do n't have a cousin and never went to a birthday party before .
Yes this is the place that I touched my first magic prop .
This morning Cody slept in . Austin was the early bird , waking up at 6 am to pee , and then never really going back to bed . Scott has been gone at 5:30 every morning for workouts . He started the team up this week as soon as school started .
What might have Scott done after 7AM ?
He started the team up and started to organize Cody and Austin .
He showered and went to attend classes .
He slept in and nearly missed his class .
None of the above choices .
Hi guys ! With Chuck premiering tomorrow ( OMG , so excited ! ) , I thought I 'd share an article I found in my local paper a few weeks ago . I finally got around to scanning it .
What may be the fact about the article ?
The article was written by a castmember of Chuck .
The article is related to the speaker .
None of the above choices .
The article is about the premiere of Chuck .
Hi guys ! With Chuck premiering tomorrow ( OMG , so excited ! ) , I thought I 'd share an article I found in my local paper a few weeks ago . I finally got around to scanning it .
What may be a fact about Chuck ?
Chuck is being rebooted for television .
Chuck is premiering on television soon .
None of the above choices .
Chuck is a highly anticipated movie .
Hi guys ! With Chuck premiering tomorrow ( OMG , so excited ! ) , I thought I 'd share an article I found in my local paper a few weeks ago . I finally got around to scanning it .
What may be the fact about the article ?
The article was written by a castmember of Chuck .
None of the above choices .
The article is centered around Chuck .
The article is related to the speaker .
Well , my new car , my BABY car , my wonderful new Nissan Versa that only has 7800 miles on it and is just 3 months old , needs a new steering column . Ugh . I was at a dealer here in Dallas this morning at 7 am for my appointment I made yesterday . After an hour , the lady came in and told me I needed a new steering column . It 's covered under warranty so I should n't have to pay for anything .
What may happen during my auto repair appointment ?
I will have to walk home .
I will have to leave my car at the shop .
None of the above choices .
I will need to pay for the repair .
Well , my new car , my BABY car , my wonderful new Nissan Versa that only has 7800 miles on it and is just 3 months old , needs a new steering column . Ugh . I was at a dealer here in Dallas this morning at 7 am for my appointment I made yesterday . After an hour , the lady came in and told me I needed a new steering column . It 's covered under warranty so I should n't have to pay for anything .
What may happen during my auto repair appointment ?
I will trade in the car .
I will have to walk home .
I will need to pay for the repair .
None of the above choices .
Its fine and soft to the touch and leaves a beautiful texture on your project . Here 's my first attempt at using it . Forgive the blended colours - I ' m experimenting here . Actually , it works with this card because I kind of have a grungy thing going on here . This card was also for today 's " Ways to Use It " challenge on Splitcoast which asked us to use torn paper .
How can the look of the card being made be described ?
None of the above choices .
It has lots of white space .
It has a dirty look .
It has a organized look .
Its fine and soft to the touch and leaves a beautiful texture on your project . Here 's my first attempt at using it . Forgive the blended colours - I ' m experimenting here . Actually , it works with this card because I kind of have a grungy thing going on here . This card was also for today 's " Ways to Use It " challenge on Splitcoast which asked us to use torn paper .
How can the look of the card being made be described ?
It has lots of white space .
None of the above choices .
It has a ragged look .
It has a organized look .
Its fine and soft to the touch and leaves a beautiful texture on your project . Here 's my first attempt at using it . Forgive the blended colours - I ' m experimenting here . Actually , it works with this card because I kind of have a grungy thing going on here . This card was also for today 's " Ways to Use It " challenge on Splitcoast which asked us to use torn paper .
How many times has this person made a card just like this before ?
None of the above choices .
Countless number of times .
Never before .
Once or Twice .
Its fine and soft to the touch and leaves a beautiful texture on your project . Here 's my first attempt at using it . Forgive the blended colours - I ' m experimenting here . Actually , it works with this card because I kind of have a grungy thing going on here . This card was also for today 's " Ways to Use It " challenge on Splitcoast which asked us to use torn paper .
How many times has this person made a card just like this before ?
Countless number of times .
Once or Twice .
0 times .
None of the above choices .
We walked in silence towards the river . Our hands were joined , but the silence hissed between us . For the first time she talked abut the end , and now I began to dread it .
What may happen after they got to the river ?
They may have broken up .
None of the above choices .
They may have gone fishing .
They may have gone swimming .
We walked in silence towards the river . Our hands were joined , but the silence hissed between us . For the first time she talked abut the end , and now I began to dread it .
Why did n't they talk on the way to the river ?
There was too much tension between them .
None of the above choices .
They did n't feel like talking to each other .
They are giving each other the silent treatment .
I picked up my mom which went ok . I hate picking people up at airports though , that whole spot where you ca n't wait the whole minute while someone runs in to get the extra bag they could n't carry , not cool . Jackass who though he was cool on his little segway shooed me away but whatever .
Why was the person picking up his mom ?
She was the pilot and was ready to get home .
The parent was living in the airport and wanted to visit the child .
None of the above choices .
The plane which she on landed and she was ready to be picked up .
I picked up my mom which went ok . I hate picking people up at airports though , that whole spot where you ca n't wait the whole minute while someone runs in to get the extra bag they could n't carry , not cool . Jackass who though he was cool on his little segway shooed me away but whatever .
Why was the person picking up his mom ?
None of the above choices .
She arrived home after being gone for a while .
She was the pilot and was ready to get home .
The parent was living in the airport and wanted to visit the child .
she dressed up in lolita stuff . but a guy i met there was really cute and nice . he live 's in rhode island ( i ' m live very close to rhode island ) so we spent the whole week toghter when it was suppose to be me and neylin but she was with a bunch of girl 's dressed in lolita stuff.but atleast i was with him :] . we ve been texting and e - mailing back and forth and calling each other alot :] .
Why did she dress so scandalous ?
She was trying to seduce him .
She was trying to incite discord .
She was trying to incite outrage .
She was trying to cause a scene .
she dressed up in lolita stuff . but a guy i met there was really cute and nice . he live 's in rhode island ( i ' m live very close to rhode island ) so we spent the whole week toghter when it was suppose to be me and neylin but she was with a bunch of girl 's dressed in lolita stuff.but atleast i was with him :] . we ve been texting and e - mailing back and forth and calling each other alot :] .
Why did she dress so scandalous ?
She was trying to incite outrage .
None of the above choices .
She was trying to incite discord .
She was trying to cause a scene .
I am scared of them . Because they 're two and a half years old . Today my goals are to get a box , fill it with books and nicknackiebits . Also , find enough little things , so that I can feel at home , without taking candles .
Why is the narrator so scared of the subjects ?
The narrator is worried about taking care of old people .
The narrator is worried about kids .
None of the above choices .
The narrator is worried about the elderly .
I am scared of them . Because they 're two and a half years old . Today my goals are to get a box , fill it with books and nicknackiebits . Also , find enough little things , so that I can feel at home , without taking candles .
Why is the narrator so scared of the subjects ?
The narrator is worried about the elderly .
The narrator is worried about watching children .
None of the above choices .
The narrator is worried about taking care of old people .
I made a few critical decisions during the course of the resume and job letter assignment . I chose to have my resume critiqued by David Krause , the engineering college career center representative . He advised me to use underlines to emphasize a few things throughout my resume .
What should they include with their resume when applying for jobs ?
Business card
Cover letter
None of the above choices .
Facebook friend request
The barbecue ended up being cooked inside and so we had some burgers and sausages . It was quite nice . I left after about three hours . The only person that I knew there was Alice , so I was quite uncomfortable .
Why is the room so smoky ?
They cooked some fish in it .
They cooked meat in it .
None of the above choices .
They cooked some veggies in it .
The barbecue ended up being cooked inside and so we had some burgers and sausages . It was quite nice . I left after about three hours . The only person that I knew there was Alice , so I was quite uncomfortable .
Why is the room so smoky ?
They cooked some BBQ in it .
None of the above choices .
They cooked some fish in it .
They cooked some veggies in it .
I do n't want to be in love . I started to doubt whether or not I was still in love with a guy I knew for four days or if I was in love with the idea of finally being in love . Unfortunately its the first one . I know it may sound weird but you really do n't have to know everything about a person to love and ( want to ) be with them . You need to know the major things , the bad things in their personality , and where their future is headed and if yours will fit in there somewhere . I do n't know everything about Josh but I know who he is .
Why might the narrator not want to be in love ?
They do n't deserve love .
None of the above choices .
They are afraid of love .
She does n't know the major things about Josh .
I do n't want to be in love . I started to doubt whether or not I was still in love with a guy I knew for four days or if I was in love with the idea of finally being in love . Unfortunately its the first one . I know it may sound weird but you really do n't have to know everything about a person to love and ( want to ) be with them . You need to know the major things , the bad things in their personality , and where their future is headed and if yours will fit in there somewhere . I do n't know everything about Josh but I know who he is .
What is n't something the narrator says is needed to know if you are in love ?
knowing where their life is headed
None of the above choices .
knowing the major things
knowing the minor things
I do n't want to be in love . I started to doubt whether or not I was still in love with a guy I knew for four days or if I was in love with the idea of finally being in love . Unfortunately its the first one . I know it may sound weird but you really do n't have to know everything about a person to love and ( want to ) be with them . You need to know the major things , the bad things in their personality , and where their future is headed and if yours will fit in there somewhere . I do n't know everything about Josh but I know who he is .
What is n't something the narrator says is needed to know if you are in love ?
knowing where their life is headed
None of the above choices .
knowing the bad things in their personality
knowing the major things
Today Claire and I got a cat :) But I will return to this later . I love Dal SO much more than was ever possible at MTA . So far I like all of my classes , have n't gotten lost , and love living off campus . It 's nice to eat food that you know where it came from , and while I was doubting my cooking abilities , I have been eating pretty well !
What may be true about Claire ?
None of the above choices .
She is my roommate .
She lives on campus .
She is my professor .
Today Claire and I got a cat :) But I will return to this later . I love Dal SO much more than was ever possible at MTA . So far I like all of my classes , have n't gotten lost , and love living off campus . It 's nice to eat food that you know where it came from , and while I was doubting my cooking abilities , I have been eating pretty well !
What may be true about me ?
I am hungry often .
None of the above choices .
I am enjoying college .
I am a great cook .
A few of my friends from the Wizard Rock corner of the fandom were taking the train further than us , but they got off the train and came onto the platform with us to say goodbye , and the next thing I know , they ' ve got a piece of cake with candles , and they 're singing Happy Birthday on the train platform . That was love . There were so many things that were RIGHT about Terminus , and they were all due to the people of fandom . I ca n't express right now how much you all mean to me , and how much affection I feel for so many of you right now .
Why were we taking what we were taking ?
We needed to get to a destination .
The platform need to be taken .
The cake need to be taken .
The candles need to be taken .
I really would like to foster siblings , young around infant- five yrs old . I have the time to spend with them now that I ' m not working . And I ' m feeling lead to do this . Lead to do something for the first time .
Why does the speaker want to foster children ?
Because they are lonely .
None of the above choices .
Because they feel led to do so .
Because they have siblings of their own .
I really would like to foster siblings , young around infant- five yrs old . I have the time to spend with them now that I ' m not working . And I ' m feeling lead to do this . Lead to do something for the first time .
Why does the speaker want to foster children ?
Because they are no longer working .
Because they are lonely .
None of the above choices .
Because they have siblings of their own .
I really would like to foster siblings , young around infant- five yrs old . I have the time to spend with them now that I ' m not working . And I ' m feeling lead to do this . Lead to do something for the first time .
What might the speaker do next ?
None of the above choices .
Try to get pregnant .
Look for a job working with children .
Contact a foster agency .
You 're a lifesaver ! ) but it 's in my bedroom and I ' m tired of moving it from bedroom to livingroom and back again so I ' m suffering now . lol I 'll work on getting another fan sometime in the future , but probably not .
Why is the person tired of moving the fan back and forth from room to room ?
None of the above choices .
They are unable to move it anymore because of their illness
They are constantly blowing the circuit breaker in their bedroom
It is heavy , and overall , moving it is a tiresome process
You 're a lifesaver ! ) but it 's in my bedroom and I ' m tired of moving it from bedroom to livingroom and back again so I ' m suffering now . lol I 'll work on getting another fan sometime in the future , but probably not .
Why is the person tired of moving the fan back and forth from room to room ?
They are unable to move it anymore because of their illness
They are constantly blowing the circuit breaker in their bedroom
They do n't have the energy to constantly lumber it around
None of the above choices .
Sitting there on the balcony of our hotel , over a bottle of wine , Kate asked about the first time I d been with another woman and how I d known it was right for me . I had to think back a ways , but I still remembered that hot summer in New Orleans , when a red - headed woman 15 years my senior seduced me . I was in law school at Tulane . I was hanging in there with my studies , but I was struggling personally .
What may happen next in speaker 's story ?
They explain what they were studying .
They explain how they got seduced .
None of the above choices .
They explain what courses they were taking .
We ended up not taking any photos ! haha ! So we instead went to eat and then afterwards did end up taking some silly pictures . He also got one of both of us sitting on the bench by the lake .
Why would they end up not taking any photos before eating ?
They may have been too busy and did n't want to waste time .
They may have been hungry and did n't want to waste time .
They may have been hungry and did n't want to remember the moment .
They may have been hungry and wanted to remember the moment .
Anyway , he 's very sweet and also kind of quiet and shy . I had this trust of him immediately , maybe in a bit of a reaction to the whole Jason thing . I ' m not saying Jason was ever a bad guy , but I feel like with Justin , I do n't know .... I can count on him ? Or maybe I feel like he 's commitment oriented ?
What type of person is Jason ?
None of the above choices .
Jason is kind of shy .
Jason is a bad guy .
Jason is a commitment - phobe .
Pants are still hanging on me so we 're good to go on that front . I still have about 8 more lbs to go but that 's ok . Travis and I are in this thing together- in the heartbreak together , in the diet together . He 's taking the more traditional exercise route . I , on the other hand , well , I take the easier ways .
What will the narrator do to lose the extra weight ?
The narrator will lift more weights .
None of the above choices .
The narrator will go for more runs .
The narrator will slowly diet .
Anyway , he 's very sweet and also kind of quiet and shy . I had this trust of him immediately , maybe in a bit of a reaction to the whole Jason thing . I ' m not saying Jason was ever a bad guy , but I feel like with Justin , I do n't know .... I can count on him ? Or maybe I feel like he 's commitment oriented ?
Why is there so much doubt about Jason ?
Peers feel like Jason is not willing to commit .
Peers feel like Jason commits too easily .
Peers feel like Jason wants to commit .
Peers feel like Jason is overly clingy .
Anyway , he 's very sweet and also kind of quiet and shy . I had this trust of him immediately , maybe in a bit of a reaction to the whole Jason thing . I ' m not saying Jason was ever a bad guy , but I feel like with Justin , I do n't know .... I can count on him ? Or maybe I feel like he 's commitment oriented ?
Why is there so much doubt about Jason ?
Peers feel like Jason wants to commit .
Peers feel like Jason commits too easily .
Peers feel like Jason is overly clingy .
Peers feel like Jason is fearful of committment .
Anyway , he 's very sweet and also kind of quiet and shy . I had this trust of him immediately , maybe in a bit of a reaction to the whole Jason thing . I ' m not saying Jason was ever a bad guy , but I feel like with Justin , I do n't know .... I can count on him ? Or maybe I feel like he 's commitment oriented ?
What can you guess about the speaker ?
The speaker is looking for someone like Jason
The speaker is looking for something interesting
None of the above choices .
The speaker is looking for someone like Justin
Anyway , he 's very sweet and also kind of quiet and shy . I had this trust of him immediately , maybe in a bit of a reaction to the whole Jason thing . I ' m not saying Jason was ever a bad guy , but I feel like with Justin , I do n't know .... I can count on him ? Or maybe I feel like he 's commitment oriented ?
What can you guess about the speaker ?
The speaker is looking for someone like Jason
None of the above choices .
The speaker is looking for someone serious
The speaker is looking for something interesting
We ended up not taking any photos ! haha ! So we instead went to eat and then afterwards did end up taking some silly pictures . He also got one of both of us sitting on the bench by the lake .
What may the narrator do with the photos they took ?
The narrator will frame the photos .
The narrator will use them as a Linkedin photo .
The narrator will keep the photos for themselves .
None of the above choices .
Anyway , he 's very sweet and also kind of quiet and shy . I had this trust of him immediately , maybe in a bit of a reaction to the whole Jason thing . I ' m not saying Jason was ever a bad guy , but I feel like with Justin , I do n't know .... I can count on him ? Or maybe I feel like he 's commitment oriented ?
What is the reason for my feelings ?
I can count on Jason .
I trust Justin .
Justin is sweet .
None of the above choices .
Anyway , he 's very sweet and also kind of quiet and shy . I had this trust of him immediately , maybe in a bit of a reaction to the whole Jason thing . I ' m not saying Jason was ever a bad guy , but I feel like with Justin , I do n't know .... I can count on him ? Or maybe I feel like he 's commitment oriented ?
Why does the speaker like Justin ?
None of the above choices .
Justin is just like Jason
Justin is hilarious
Justin is carefree
I can only imagine that these old time Olympians enjoy seeing that their names are not forgotten , that younger people continue to cherish their exploits decades later . In my first article I talked about Billy Mills , the 1964 gold medalist in the 10,000 run . After returning to Calistoga I learned that he and his wife were in Beijing . I was not lucky enough to run into him , but I was glad to learn that he made the trip .
What sport has the narrator been reading up on ?
They are discussing Olympic sprinting .
None of the above choices .
They are discussing Olympic swimming .
They are discussing running .
What a terrific couple days off . Today I am going to go the library for awhile and maybe drive around looking for other Wi - Fi hotspots . I might go and see my friend Dax who 's in town from fucking Rome . Still looking for my camera , Ca n't wait till I found it .
Why am I driving around looking for Wi - Fi hotspots ?
to take my friend to the wi - fi hotspot
None of the above choices .
to take my relative to the wi - fi hotspot
to find somewhere to use the internet in public
What a terrific couple days off . Today I am going to go the library for awhile and maybe drive around looking for other Wi - Fi hotspots . I might go and see my friend Dax who 's in town from fucking Rome . Still looking for my camera , Ca n't wait till I found it .
Why would I go to the library ?
to find my friend who is staying there
to find my friend from Rome in there
to find people hiding there
None of the above choices .
I am so tired , but I ca n't seem to tear myself away from the computer to go to sleep . All day I was dreaming of coming home and watching the last two episodes of Dr. Who . I know it 's a two - parter , so it will take about 2 1/2 hours to finish . Of course life does n't always go according to plan .
What may be the reason for their sleeping problems ?
None of the above choices .
They stay up too late watch TV shows .
They stay up too late watching television .
They spend too much time on the computer .
I am so tired , but I ca n't seem to tear myself away from the computer to go to sleep . All day I was dreaming of coming home and watching the last two episodes of Dr. Who . I know it 's a two - parter , so it will take about 2 1/2 hours to finish . Of course life does n't always go according to plan .
What may be a fact about this person ?
They spend all day playing computer games .
They watch a lot of television .
None of the above choices .
They are a fan of the Dr. Who show .
Fell asleep and woke up like more than 3 times , probably not going to do well for the paper . Had macs breakfast before going to the library . We were all so excited discussing our plans for friday , class chalet and grad night . We were so noisy that we decided to book the discussion room . And we got even noisier inside .
What year of school am I in ?
Junior year .
None of the above choices .
Senior year .
Sophomore year .
So many cool people :D That always makes me happy . And we had good weather and there were cool shops and restaurants and the library of the university was the coolest thing I ' ve ever seen . And they had a part of town that is called Christiania .
What may be a plausible fact about me ?
I ca n't afford to go to college .
I have finally graduated college .
I 'm in my senior year of college .
I am a new student at a college .
So many cool people :D That always makes me happy . And we had good weather and there were cool shops and restaurants and the library of the university was the coolest thing I ' ve ever seen . And they had a part of town that is called Christiania .
What may be a plausible fact about me ?
I recently enrolled in college .
I ca n't afford to go to college .
I have finally graduated college .
I 'm in my senior year of college .