int64 0
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values | coarse_grained_task_zh
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0 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 孰为汝多知乎。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、动词,做 B、动词,成为 C、动词,担任 D、通"谓",可译为"说" | D | null |
1 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。上面句子中“则”的用法是:
A、连词,表示承接关系 B、连词,表示假设关系 C、连词,表示并列关系 D、连词,表示转折、让步关系 | C | null |
2 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示转折关系 D、连词,表示修饰关系 | C | null |
3 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 臣从其计,大王亦幸赦臣。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、代词,第三人称领属性定语 B、代词,第三人称小主语 C、代词,活用为第一人称 | A | null |
4 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 若夫霪雨霏霏……至若春和景明。上面句子中“若”的用法是:
A、代词,相当于"你"或"你们" B、连词,表假设 C、连词,表选择 D、与"夫"、"至"结合 | D | null |
5 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 并自为其名。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、第三人称代词 B、第一人称代词 C、表示反问语气 D、指示代词 | B | null |
6 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 疱丁为文惠君解牛。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、介词,表被动 B、介词,给,替 C、介词,向,对 D、介词,因为 | B | null |
7 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 剑阁峥嵘而崔嵬,一夫当关,万夫莫开。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示承接关系 D、连词,表示转折关系 | B | null |
8 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 顷之,一狼径去,其一犬坐于前。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、用作代词 B、用作助词,结构助词,定语的标志 C、用作助词,音节助词 D、用作动词 | C | null |
9 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 彼所将中国人不过十五六万,且已久疲。上面句子中“且”的用法是:
A、连词,表示递进关系 B、连词,有时相当于"尚且" C、副词,相当于"将"或"将要" | A | null |
10 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 作《师说》以贻之。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,定语的标志 D、助词,补语的标志 | A | null |
11 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 固以怪之矣。上面句子中“以”的用法是:
A、介词,表示凭借 B、介词,表示工具、方式、方法 C、连词,表示并列、承接、修饰 D、副词,译为'已' | D | null |
12 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 妻问其故。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、第三人称代词 B、第一人称代词 C、表示反问语气 D、指示代词 | A | null |
13 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 有蒋氏者,专其利三世矣。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、指示代词,表远指 B、指示代词,表示"其中的" C、指示代词,表示近指 D、词尾 | C | null |
14 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 豫州今欲何至。上面句子中“何”的用法是:
A、疑问代词,问原因 B、疑问代词,主要代处所和事物 C、疑问代词,作定语 D、副词,表示反问 | B | null |
15 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 大阉之乱,缙绅而能不易其志者,四海之大,有几人欤。上面句子中“者”的用法是:
A、助词,组成名词性短语 B、助词,放在一个词或一组词后边,起提顿作用 C、助词,有时放在时间副词之后 D、助词,有时放在数词后边 | B | null |
16 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 其可怪也欤。上面句子中“欤”的用法是:
A、动词,译为"给予"、"授予"等 B、作连词,相当于"和"、"跟"、"同" C、助词,助感叹语气 | C | null |
17 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 輮使之然也。上面句子中“然”的用法是:
A、连词,主要表示转折 B、连词,"然"和"而"连用 C、连词,"然"和"则"结合 D、代词,相当于口语中"这样" | D | null |
18 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 呜呼!孰知赋敛之毒有甚是蛇者乎。上面句子中“乎”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表疑问语气 B、语气助词,表测度语气 C、语气助词,用于感叹句 D、介词,相当于"于" | C | null |
19 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 当余之从师也,负箧曳屣,行深山巨谷中。上面句子中“也”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表示判断语气 B、语气助词,表示肯定语气 C、语气助词,表示疑问语气 D、用在句中,表示停顿 | D | null |
20 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 若毒之乎。上面句子中“若”的用法是:
A、代词,相当于"你"或"你们" B、连词,表假设 C、连词,表选择 D、与"夫"、"至"结合 | A | null |
21 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 于众人广坐之中,不宜有所过。上面句子中“所”的用法是:
A、助词,组成"所"字结构 B、助词,与动词结合 C、介词,表示被动 D、介词,给,替 | A | null |
22 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 顷之,烟炎张天。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,音节助词 D、助词,补语的标志 | C | null |
23 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 吕不韦乃以五百金与子楚,为进用,结宾客。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、介词,表被动 B、介词,给,替 C、介词,向,对 D、介词,作为 | D | null |
24 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 若能以吴、越之众与中国抗衡。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,定语的标志 D、助词,补语的标志 | C | null |
25 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 一人、一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示承接关系 D、复音虚词"而已" | D | null |
26 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 今者项庄拔剑舞,其意常在沛公也。上面句子中“者”的用法是:
A、助词,组成名词性短语 B、助词,放在一个词或一组词后边,起提顿作用 C、助词,有时放在时间副词之后 D、助词,有时放在数词后边 | C | null |
27 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 面目美好者,焉故必知者。上面句子中“焉”的用法是:
A、语气助词,常用在句末 B、代词,相当于"之" C、疑问代词,译为"什么"、"哪里"等 D、兼词,相当于"于是"、"于之" | C | null |
28 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 北救赵而西却秦,此五霸之伐也。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示承接关系 D、连词,表示转折关系 | C | null |
29 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 岂得之难而失之易欤,抑本其成败之迹而皆自于人欤。上面句子中“欤”的用法是:
A、动词,译为"给予"、"授予"等 B、作连词,相当于"和"、"跟"、"同" C、助词,助疑问语气 | C | null |
30 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 丞相非在梦中,君乃在梦中耳。上面句子中“乃”的用法是:
A、副词,表示顺承 B、副词,表示条件 C、副词,表示出乎意料 D、副词,表示转折 | D | null |
31 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 若事之不济,此乃天也。上面句子中“乃”的用法是:
A、副词,表示顺承 B、代词,第二人称 C、在判断句中,起确认作用 D、强调判断 | C | null |
32 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 万钟于我何加焉。上面句子中“焉”的用法是:
A、语气助词,常用在句末 B、代词,相当于"之" C、疑问代词,译为"什么" D、兼词,相当于"于是"、"于之" | C | null |
33 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 王之好乐甚,则齐其庶几乎。上面句子中“乎”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表疑问语气 B、语气助词,表测度语气 C、语气助词,用于感叹句 D、介词,相当于"于" | B | null |
34 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 宋何罪之有。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,宾语前置的标志 D、助词,主谓之间,取消句子独立性 | C | null |
35 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 今其智乃反不能及。上面句子中“乃”的用法是:
A、副词,表示顺承 B、副词,表示条件 C、副词,表示出乎意料 D、副词,表示转折 | C | null |
36 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 其人视端容寂,若听茶声然。上面句子中“然”的用法是:
A、连词,主要表示转折 B、助词,用在形容词之后 C、助词,用在名词或名词短语之后 D、连词,"然"和"则"结合 | C | null |
37 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 陈胜、吴广皆次当行,为屯长。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、动词,做 B、动词,成为 C、动词,担任 D、动词,是,算是 | C | null |
38 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 君美甚,徐公何能及君也。上面句子中“也”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表示判断语气 B、语气助词,表示肯定语气 C、语气助词,表示疑问语气 D、语气助词,表示感叹语气 | D | null |
39 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 辍耕之垄上上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、用作代词 B、用作助词,结构助词,定语的标志 C、用作助词,结构助词,宾语前置的标志 D、用作动词 | D | null |
40 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 溺死者千有余人,军惊而坏都舍。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示承接关系 D、连词,表示修饰关系 | D | null |
41 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 秦王恐其破璧。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、代词,第三人称领属性定语 B、代词,第三人称小主语 C、代词,活用为第一人称 D、指示代词,表远指 | B | null |
42 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 君子博学而日参省乎己。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示承接关系 D、连词,表示转折关系 | B | null |
43 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 吾令人望其气,皆为龙虎。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、动词,做 B、动词,成为 C、动词,担任 D、动词,是,算是 | A | null |
44 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 吾属今为之虏矣。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、介词,表被动 B、介词,给,替 C、介词,向,对 D、介词,因为 | A | null |
45 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 吾孰与徐公美。上面句子中“与”的用法是:
A、动词,译为"给予"、"授予"等 B、作连词,相当于"和"、"跟"、"同" C、孰与,用来比较两个人的高下 | C | null |
46 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 于是余有叹焉。上面句子中“焉”的用法是:
A、语气助词,常用在句末 B、代词,相当于"之" C、疑问代词,译为"什么" D、兼词,相当于"于是"、"于之" | A | null |
47 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 此则岳阳楼之大观也。上面句子中“则”的用法是:
A、副词,用在判断句中 B、连词,表示承接关系 C、连词,表示假设关系 D、连词,表示并列关系 | A | null |
48 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 故舍汝而旅食京师,以求斗斛之禄。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示承接关系 C、连词,表示转折关系 D、连词,表示修饰关系 | B | null |
49 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 若能以吴、越之众与中国抗衡。上面句子中“若”的用法是:
A、代词,相当于"你"或"你们" B、连词,表假设 C、连词,表选择 D、与"夫"、"至"结合 | B | null |
50 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 百姓之不见保,为不用恩焉。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、介词,表被动 B、介词,给,替 C、介词,向,对 D、介词,因为 | D | null |
51 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 死生,昼夜事也。上面句子中“也”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表示判断语气 B、语气助词,表示肯定语气 C、语气助词,表示疑问语气 D、语气助词,表示感叹语气 | A | null |
52 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 缦立远视,而望幸焉。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、表示目的关系 B、表示因果关系 C、表示修饰关系 D、表示转折关系 | A | null |
53 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 古人之观于天地、山川、草木、虫鱼、鸟兽,往往有得。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,定语的标志 D、助词,补语的标志 | D | null |
54 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 蜩与学鸠笑之。上面句子中“与”的用法是:
A、动词,译为"给予"、"授予"等 B、作连词,相当于"和"、"跟"、"同" C、助词,通常写作"欤" | B | null |
55 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 策之不以其道,食之不能尽其材,鸣之而不能通其义,执策而临之,曰:'天下无马!'。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代人 B、代物 C、结构助词,定语的标志 D、结构助词,宾语前置的标志 | B | null |
56 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 所谓华山洞者,以其乃华山之阳名之也。上面句子中“乃”的用法是:
A、副词,表示顺承 B、副词,表示条件 C、副词,表示出乎意料 D、强调判断 | D | null |
57 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 樊哙曰:'今日之事何如。上面句子中“何”的用法是:
A、疑问代词,问原因 B、疑问代词,主要代处所和事物 C、疑问代词,作定语 D、复音虚词"何如" | D | null |
58 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 儿寒乎?欲食乎。上面句子中“乎”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表疑问语气 B、语气助词,表测度语气 C、语气助词,用于感叹句 D、介词,相当于"于" | A | null |
59 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 如姬为公子泣。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、介词,表被动 B、介词,给,替 C、介词,向,对 D、介词,因为 | C | null |
60 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 刿曰:'肉食者鄙,未能远谋。'乃入见。上面句子中“乃”的用法是:
A、副词,表示顺承 B、副词,表示条件 C、副词,表示出乎意料 D、副词,表示转折 | A | null |
61 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、用作代词 B、用作助词,结构助词,定语的标志 C、用作助词,结构助词,宾语前置的标志 D、用作助词,当主谓短语在句中作为主语、宾语或一个分句时的标志 | D | null |
62 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 不以物喜,不以己悲。上面句子中“以”的用法是:
A、介词,表示凭借 B、介词,表示工具、方式、方法 C、连词,表示并列、承接、修饰 D、连词,表示动作、行为产生的原因 | D | null |
63 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 今肃迎操,操当以肃还付乡党,品其名位,犹不失下曹从事。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、代词,第三人称领属性定语 B、代词,第三人称小主语 C、代词,活用为第一人称 D、指示代词,表远指 | C | null |
64 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 人非生而知之者,孰能无惑。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示承接关系 D、连词,表示转折关系 | D | null |
65 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 辍耕之垄上。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,音节助词 D、动词,到,去 | D | null |
66 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 其真无马邪?上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、第三人称代词 B、活用为第一人称 C、在句中表示反问语气 D、指示代词 | C | null |
67 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 不出,火且尽。上面句子中“且”的用法是:
A、连词,表示递进关系 B、连词,有时相当于"尚且" C、副词,相当于"将"或"将要" | C | null |
68 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 均之二策。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,定语的标志 D、助词,补语的标志 | B | null |
69 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 然豫州新败之后,安能抗此难乎。上面句子中“然”的用法是:
A、连词,主要表示转折 B、连词,"然"和"而"连用 C、连词,"然"和"则"结合 D、代词,相当于口语中"这样" | A | null |
70 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 今大王亦宜斋戒五日,设九宾于廷,臣乃敢上璧。上面句子中“乃”的用法是:
A、副词,表示顺承 B、副词,表示条件 C、副词,表示出乎意料 D、副词,表示转折 | B | null |
71 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 石侧立千尺,如猛兽奇鬼,森然欲搏人。上面句子中“然”的用法是:
A、连词,主要表示转折 B、助词,用在形容词之后 C、助词,用在名词或名词短语之后 D、连词,"然"和"则"结合 | B | null |
72 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 师道之不传也久矣。上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、代词,代人、代物、代事 B、指示代词,表近指 C、助词,宾语前置的标志 D、助词,主谓之间,取消句子独立性 | D | null |
73 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 以万人若一郡降者,封万户。上面句子中“若”的用法是:
A、代词,相当于"你"或"你们" B、连词,表假设 C、连词,表选择 D、与"夫"、"至"结合 | C | null |
74 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 贾家庄几为巡徼所陵迫死。上面句子中“所”的用法是:
A、助词,组成"所"字结构 B、助词,与动词结合 C、介词,表示被动 D、介词,给,替 | C | null |
75 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 夫环而攻之,必有得天时者矣,然而不胜者,是天时不如地利也。上面句子中“然”的用法是:
A、连词,主要表示转折 B、连词,"然"和"而"连用 C、连词,"然"和"则"结合 D、代词,相当于口语中"这样" | B | null |
76 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 此数者用兵之患也,而操皆冒行之。上面句子中“者”的用法是:
A、助词,组成名词性短语 B、助词,放在一个词或一组词后边,起提顿作用 C、助词,有时放在时间副词之后 D、助词,有时放在数词后边 | D | null |
77 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 为仁由己,而由人乎哉。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、助词,相当于'以',表范围 B、表反问语气 C、语气助词,表示疑问 D、表示并列关系 | B | null |
78 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 无何,宰以卓异闻。上面句子中“何”的用法是:
A、意为'不久' B、疑问代词,问原因 C、疑问代词,作宾语 D、疑问代词,作定语 | A | null |
79 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 出,跳梁乎井干之上。上面句子中“乎”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表疑问语气 B、语气助词,表测度语气 C、语气助词,用于感叹句 D、介词,相当于"于" | D | null |
80 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 臣死且不避,卮酒安足辞。上面句子中“且”的用法是:
A、连词,表示递进关系 B、连词,有时相当于"尚且" C、副词,相当于"将"或"将要" | B | null |
81 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 余亦悔其随之而不得极夫游之乐也。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、表示因果关系 B、表示目的关系 C、表示并列关系 D、表示递进关系 | A | null |
82 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 则或咎其欲出者。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、代词,第三人称领属性定语 B、代词,第三人称小主语 C、代词,活用为第一人称 D、指示代词,表远指 | D | null |
83 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 填然鼓之,兵刃既接,弃甲曳兵而走。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示修饰关系 D、连词,表示承接关系 | C | null |
84 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 何不按兵束甲,北面而事之。上面句子中“何”的用法是:
A、疑问代词,问原因 B、疑问代词,主要代处所和事物 C、疑问代词,作定语 D、副词,表示反问 | D | null |
85 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 宋何罪之有?上面句子中“之”的用法是:
A、用作代词 B、用作助词,结构助词,定语的标志 C、用作助词,结构助词,宾语前置的标志 D、用作助词,当主谓短语在句中作为主语、宾语或一个分句时的标志 | C | null |
86 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。上面句子中“乃”的用法是:
A、副词,表示顺承 B、代词,第二人称 C、副词,表示出乎意料 D、强调判断 | B | null |
87 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 至于誓天断发,泣下沾襟,何其衰也。上面句子中“何”的用法是:
A、疑问代词,问原因 B、疑问代词,主要代处所和事物 C、疑问代词,作定语 D、副词,表示程度深 | D | null |
88 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 吾为鱼肉。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、动词,做 B、动词,成为 C、动词,担任 D、动词,是,算是 | B | null |
89 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 将藏之于家,使来者读之,悲予志焉。上面句子中“者”的用法是:
A、助词,组成名词性短语 B、助词,放在一个词或一组词后边,起提顿作用 C、助词,有时放在时间副词之后 D、助词,有时放在数词后边 | A | null |
90 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 微波入焉。上面句子中“焉”的用法是:
A、语气助词,常用在句末 B、代词,相当于"之" C、疑问代词,译为"什么" D、兼词,相当于"于是"、"于之" | D | null |
91 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 吾王庶几无疾病与,何以能鼓乐也。上面句子中“也”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表示判断语气 B、语气助词,表示肯定语气 C、语气助词,表示疑问语气 D、语气助词,表示感叹语气 | C | null |
92 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 夜则以兵围所寓舍。上面句子中“所”的用法是:
A、助词,组成"所"字结构 B、助词,与动词结合 C、介词,表示被动 D、介词,给,替 | B | null |
93 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 于乱石间择其一二扣之。上面句子中“其”的用法是:
A、指示代词,表远指 B、指示代词,表示"其中的" C、指示代词,表示近指 D、代词,第三人称小主语 | B | null |
94 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 是进亦忧,退亦忧。然则何时而乐耶。上面句子中“然”的用法是:
A、连词,主要表示转折 B、连词,"然"和"而"连用 C、连词,"然"和"则"结合 D、代词,相当于口语中"这样" | C | null |
95 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 于其身也,则耻师焉,惑矣。上面句子中“则”的用法是:
A、连词,表示承接关系 B、连词,表示假设关系 C、连词,表示并列关系 D、连词,表示转折、让步关系 | D | null |
96 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 吾上恐负朝廷,下恐愧吾师也。上面句子中“也”的用法是:
A、语气助词,表示判断语气 B、语气助词,表示肯定语气 C、语气助词,表示疑问语气 D、语气助词,表示感叹语气 | B | null |
97 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 蟹六跪而二螯,非蛇鳝之穴无可寄托者。上面句子中“而”的用法是:
A、连词,表示并列关系 B、连词,表示递进关系 C、连词,表示承接关系 D、连词,表示转折关系 | A | null |
98 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 非死则徙尔。上面句子中“则”的用法是:
A、副词,用在判断句中 B、连词,表示承接关系 C、连词,表示假设关系 D、连词,表示并列关系 | A | null |
99 | ancient prose | understanding | MCQ | 虚词 | function words | 虚词 | function words | 中峨冠而多髯者为东坡。上面句子中“为”的用法是:
A、动词,做 B、动词,成为 C、动词,担任 D、动词,是,算是 | D | null |
WenMind Benchmark
NOTE this README was copied from
- 2024/09/26 WenMind Benchmark paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
WenMind is a comprehensive benchmark dedicated for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) in Chinese Classical Literature and Language Arts (CCLLA). WenMind covers the sub-domains of Ancient Prose, Ancient Poetry, and Ancient Literary Culture, comprising 4,875 question-answer pairs, spanning 42 fine-grained tasks (as shown in the figure 1), 3 question formats (Fill-in-the-Blank questions, Multiple-Choice questions and Question-and-Answer questions), and 2 evaluation scenarios (domain-oriented and capability-oriented).
Figure 1: Overview of WenMind Benchmark, which covers 3 sub-domains and 42 fine-gained tasks.
You can obtain the complete WenMind evaluation dataset from WenMind Benchmark folder on GitHub.
Data Format
"id": 2464,
"domain": "ancient literary culture",
"capability": "knowledge",
"question_format": "QA",
"coarse_grained_task_zh": "成语",
"coarse_grained_task_en": "idiom",
"fine_grained_task_zh": "成语解释",
"fine_grained_task_en": "idiom explanation",
"question": "解释下面成语的意思:\n暮去朝来",
"answer": "黄昏过去,清晨又到来。形容时光流逝。"
The following is an explanation of the various fields in the data samples:
: The unique identifier for the data sample, used to distinguish different samples.domain
: The domain to which the data sample belongs, including ancient prose, ancient poetry and ancient literary culture.capability
: The type of capability of the data sample, including knowledge, understanding and generation.question_format
: The format of the question, indicating the type of question in the sample, including FB, MCQ and QA.coarse_grained_task_zh
: The Chinese name of the coarse-grained task classification. Describes the coarse-grained task category of the sample, with a total of 26 categories.coarse_grained_task_en
: The English name of the coarse-grained task classification. Corresponds tocoarse_grained_task_zh
, describing the coarse-grained task category of the sample, with a total of 26 categories.fine_grained_task_zh
: The Chinese name of the fine-grained task classification. Describes the fine-grained task category of the sample, with a total of 42 categories.fine_grained_task_en
: The English name of the fine-grained task classification. Corresponds tofine_grained_task_zh
, describing the fine-grained task category of the sample, with a total of 42 categories.question
: The actual content of the question. The question to be answered in the sample.answer
: The answer to the corresponding question. Provides a detailed response to the question.
Task List
T1-1: Inverted Sentence Structure (倒装句语序)
- Task Description: Correct word order for inverted sentences.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 18
T1-2: Elliptical Sentence (省略句)
- Task Description: Answer the omitted information in the elliptical sentence.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 32
T1-3: Inverted Sentence Types (倒装句类型)
- Task Description: Identify the inversion type of inverted sentences.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 7
T1-4: Sentence Structure Identification (判断句式)
- Task Description: Identify the sentence's syntactic type.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 43
T2: Classical Chinese to Modern Chinese (文白翻译)
- Task Description: Translate classical Chinese into modern Chinese.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T3: Modern Chinese to Classical Chinese (白文翻译)
- Task Description: Translate modern Chinese into classical Chinese.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T4: Named Entity Recognition (命名实体识别)
- Task Description: Extract named entities from Classical Chinese sentences.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T5: Punctuation (句读)
- Task Description: Add punctuation to Classical Chinese sentences.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T6: Topic Classification (主题分类)
- Task Description: Select theme categories based on Classical Chinese sentences.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T7: Word Explanation (字词解释)
- Task Description: Explain the words and phrases in Classical Chinese sentences.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 100
T8: Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)
- Task Description: Read Classical Chinese texts and answer related questions.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 100
T9: Function Words (虚词)
- Task Description: Answer the usage of function words in classical Chinese sentences.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 100
T10: Homophones (通假字)
- Task Description: Identify whether a character is a homophone.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T11: Polysemy (单字多义)
- Task Description: Distinguish between different meanings of the same character.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T12: Classical Chinese Writing (文言文写作)
- Task Description: Writing in classical Chinese.
- Capability: Generation
- Scale: 100
T13-1: Appreciation Exam Questions (赏析真题)
- Task Description: Answer appreciation questions based on ancient poetry.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 150
T13-2: Free Appreciation (自由赏析)
- Task Description: Conduct a free and detailed analysis of ancient poetry.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 100
T14-1: Poetry Writing (诗创作)
- Task Description: Compose a poem based on the theme.
- Capability: Generation
- Scale: 30
T14-2: Ci Writing (词创作)
- Task Description: Compose a ci based on the theme.
- Capability: Generation
- Scale: 50
T14-3: Qu Writing (曲创作)
- Task Description: Compose a qu based on the theme.
- Capability: Generation
- Scale: 20
T15-1: Content Q&A (内容问答)
- Task Description: Answer the complete content of ancient poetry according to the title and author.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 200
T15-2: Title and Author Q&A (题目作者问答)
- Task Description: Answer the title and author according to the content of ancient poetry.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 200
T15-3: Write the Next Sentence (下句默写)
- Task Description: Write the next sentence according to the previous sentence in the ancient poem.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T15-4: Write the Previous Sentence (上句默写)
- Task Description: Write the previous sentence according to the next sentence in the ancient poem.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T15-5: Comprehension Dictation (理解性默写)
- Task Description: Provide ancient poetry sentences that meet the requirements.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 30
T15-6: Genre Judgment (判断体裁)
- Task Description: Judge the genre of ancient poetry.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 120
T16: Ancient Poetry Translation (古诗词翻译)
- Task Description: Translate ancient poetry into modern Chinese.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T17: Sentiment Classification (情感分类)
- Task Description: Judge the sentiment contained in ancient poetry.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 200
T18: Ancient Poetry to English (古诗词英文翻译)
- Task Description: Translate ancient poetry into English.
- Capability: Understanding
- Scale: 50
T19: Poet Introduction (诗人介绍)
- Task Description: Provide a detailed introduction of the poet.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 110
T20: Analysis of Imagery (意象解析)
- Task Description: Provide the meanings of the imagery.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 185
T21-1: Couplet Following (接下联)
- Task Description: Create the following couplet based on the previous one.
- Capability: Generation
- Scale: 100
T21-2: Couplet Writing (主题创作)
- Task Description: Write a couplet based on the theme.
- Capability: Generation
- Scale: 100
T21-3: HengPi Writing (拟横批)
- Task Description: Write HengPi based on the content of a couplet.
- Capability: Generation
- Scale: 100
T22-1: Synonyms (近义词)
- Task Description: Provide the synonym for the idiom.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T22-2: The Origin of Idiom (成语出处)
- Task Description: Provide the source of the idiom.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T22-3: Idiom Finding (成语蕴含)
- Task Description: Extract idioms from ancient Chinese sentences and provide their meanings.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T22-4: Idiom Explanation (解释含义)
- Task Description: Provide the meaning of idioms.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T23: Riddle (谜语)
- Task Description: Guess the answer based on clues or clever hints.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T24: Xiehouyu (歇后语)
- Task Description: Complete the second half of the proverb based on the first half.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T25: Historical Chinese Phonology (古汉语音韵)
- Task Description: Answer questions about ancient Chinese phonetics and rhymes.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 100
T26: Knowledge of Sinology Q&A (国学常识问答)
- Task Description: Answer questions about Sinology.
- Capability: Knowledge
- Scale: 130
Data Construction
The construction pipeline of WenMind includes data collection and data processing, as illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Construction pipeline of WenMind Benchmark.
Data Statistics
Table 1 provides the statistics of the WenMind dataset.
Table 1: The statistics of the WenMind Benchmark. "Q" represents "Question" and "A" represents "Answer".
Domain | Tasks | #Q | Max. #Q | Min. #Q | Avg. Q Tokens | Avg. A Tokens |
Ancient Prose | 15 | 1,900 | 200 | 7 | 107.51 | 62.12 |
Ancient Poetry | 16 | 1,845 | 200 | 20 | 73.42 | 94.93 |
Ancient Literary Culture | 11 | 1,130 | 100 | 100 | 26.68 | 14.26 |
Overall | 42 | 4,875 | 200 | 7 | 75.87 | 63.44 |
a. Obtain the model’s responses
Open-source Model
For open-source models, we perform inference locally, only requiring the model path and the output file path for the answers.
--model_path The path to the model, defaults to loading from huggingface
--output_path The file path for the model's answer output, defaults to {model_name}_result.json
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python Evaluation_Code/Inference/ \
--model_path baichuan-inc/Baichuan2-7B-Chat \
--output_path Baichuan2-7B-Chat_result.json
API Model
For GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models, provide two parameters: api_base
and api_key
For ERNIE-3.5 and ERNIE-4.0 models, provide two parameters: api_key
and secret_key
For Spark models, provide three parameters: api_key
, secret_key
, and appid
Refer to the official documentation of each API model for details.
python \
--API_KEY {api_key} \
--SECRET_KEY {secret_key} \
--output_path {output_path}
b. Use ERNIE-3.5 to score the responses
Step 1: Check whether the LLM response file is consistent with the format of the JSON/LLM_Response_Examples.json
Step 2: Open the Evaluation_Code/
file, input the API_KEY
for the scoring model ERNIE-3.5, replace LLM_response_path
with the storage path of the LLM response file, replace LLM_score_path
with the path where the scoring results will be saved, and replace LLM_prompt_path
with the storage path of JSON/Task_Score_Prompt.json
Step 3: Run the following command to obtain the scoring results:
python Evaluation_Code/
c. Calculate the model’s score
Step 1: Check whether the scoring file is consistent with the format of the JSON/LLM_Score_Examples.json
Step 2: Open the Evaluation_Code/
file and replace LLM_score_path
with the storage path of the scoring file.
Step 3: Run the following command to obtain the model's score:
python Evaluation_Code/
Evaluation Result
Table 2: Results of all evaluated models on different domains and capabilities.
- Daizhige
- Websites-A Related to Ancient Poetry
- Websites-B Related to Ancient Poetry
- Sou Yun
- Han Dian
The work is licensed under a MIT License.
The WenMind benchmark is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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