Not Your Father’s Black Panthers: On Election ’16 and the Youngs
Not Your Father’s Black Panthers: On Election ’16 and the Youngs By Michael Shaw Photo: Ruddy Roye via Instagram Besides urging you to read Ruddy Roye’s insightful backstory to his Instagram photo, I have a couple of thoughts to add. Yes, America is laden with issues, but the perception of the country as broken or “on the critical list” has been too easily manipulated in this U.S. presidential election. Each day, in fact, you see counter signals to the deep divisiveness, the portrait of doom and all the wedges that drive us down. In the news stream just this past week, for example, consider Obama editing WIRED’s new Frontier issue and his deep grasp of the technological paradigm shift. Or, Tim Kaine’s radical optimism. Or, the refreshing and sobering #TellAmericaIt’sGreat campaign out of Canada. Ruddy is seeing Kevin with the same fresh eyes. He writes: October 18, 2016 Blackness For many this might not mean much but for me, seeing this signals a new age in black consciousness or black awareness. I will admit, black panther on a school bag is nothing new. The marvel character has been around since 1966, and was the first black super hero to make it to mainstream America. The character is usually depicted as the king and protector of Wakanda, a fictional African nation. However this is the first time I have seen the marvel hero on anything since I migrated to the States some twenty six years ago. I saw 13 year old Kevin walking on his way to school this morning and immediately started to take pictures of him walking away from me. I was happy and giddy at the same time, but I was concerned that he thought me a weirdo, a photographer chasing behind him snapping away. In fact he was more than delighted to say, “Maan he is my favourite super hero. I got this bag because I wanted to rep him. He really is the only black super hero out there right now and that is important to me.” I feel like everything that is happening right now in America around “Black Lives Matter speaks to a paradigm shift in black consciousness especially from the viewpoint of this younger generation. I believe they are waking up to a “blacker,” more accepting America — or I would like to think so. What this shift portends for black identity is exciting. As exciting and important in the waning days of this butchery-disguised-as-a-presidential-campaign is the clear, simple and straightforward recognition of that evolution in young people across the board. The other day, I posted this on Twitter: There are so many cultural facets and factors that the Trump hysteria, the talking heads and the DC elders have blotted out this campaign season. One of the most important is the generational divide. Perhaps the greatest irony of this election is that the two candidates are as old as they are. If Clinton goes on to win, is it possible — with everything she’ll be facing — that the rally photo and the bridge building we allude to frames her ultimate challenge — and opportunity? Anyway, it’s wonderful to be reminded how much less of our old baggage Kevin, and other young people, are carrying around. And it’s refreshing, too, to be reminded that optimism isn’t dead, and that consciousness — beyond the political and the culture wars — continues to evolve.
['Reading The Pictures']
2016-10-21 14:16:38.569000+00:00
['Marvel', 'BlackLivesMatter', 'New York']
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
It was not surprising that Gal Gadot will be donning her cape once more, and returning to our screens as the Amazonian princess. This is what we understand about Wonder Woman 1984 up to now. Popular and Trending Articles about Gal Gadot Check these hottest Gal Gadot articles. How old is Gal Gadot How tall is Gal Gadot Gal Gadot age Gal Gadot bikini Gal Gadot boyfriend Gal Gadot bra size Gal Gadot breast size Gal Gadot dress size Gal Gadot eyes color Gal Gadot favorite exercise Gal Gadot favorite food Gal Gadot favorite perfume Gal Gadot favorite sport Gal Gadot feet size Gal Gadot full-body statistics Gal Gadot height Gal Gadot instagram Gal Gadot kids Gal Gadot Measurements Gal Gadot movies Gal Gadot net worth Gal Gadot personal info Gal Gadot shoe Gal Gadot wallpapers Gal Gadot weight Zodiac Celebrities Zodiac Models Hottest Israeli celebrities Hottest Israeli models Most beautiful Israeli Celebrities Most beautiful Israeli models Most famous Israeli actresses Most famous Israeli Celebrities Top female models Latest Updates: The movie’s release date was pushed back into Christmas Day, 25 Dec 2020 A brand new trailer has been shared as a member of this DC FanDome virtual occasion Another brand new teaser poster for the upcoming movie was shared Patty Jenkins says she believes any future movies on “pause” Gal Gadot clarifies Cirque Du Soleil’s influence on Wonder Woman 1984 New throw photographs series of Diana, Barbara Ann Minerva Cheetah and Maxwell Lord have looked on line Can Be Wonder Woman 1984 an immediate sequel? Wonder Woman opened in theaters two weeks ago and has been a huge hit ever since. It’s created a new generation of strong female heroes like Wonder Woman, and women around the world are inspired to be strong and stand up for what they believe in. If you have been following the trailers and movies then you know there is one major plotline that is developing in Wonder Woman 1984. That main storyline revolves around a mysterious Amazon woman and her relationship with a powerful warlord. Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Wonder Woman’s relationship with The Lasso of Truth is an important part of the comic book story, but has never appeared in the film itself. First and foremost let me say why so many devoted Wonder Woman fans all over the world, as well as yourself, would not make any less than exciting for your anticipated release date of December 8th. For one thing, Gal Gadot is the perfect choice as the latest modern-day Wonder Woman. As I’ve personally known Gal Gadot for a long time now, I can honestly say she brings the most realistic and relatable qualities to the role of Wonder Woman that any actress has ever needed to take on. The Lasso of Truth was made famous by the comic book hero Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman uses it to choke her opponents unconscious with a vine while using her lasso to tie up her enemies. In the book, the Goddess Diana commands that The Lasso be broken only after Wonder Woman gives up an arm or an eye. It is interesting that director Patty Jenkins decided to include this scene in Wonder Woman 1984 because it was one of the most requested by fans. The inclusion of the Lasso was later used in the Justice League movie. After the destruction of the Justice League’s headquarters, Wonder Woman contacts the newly formed Anti-HC menace, Amazonian Amazoness Killer, and has her Justice League team join forces against her. During the battle, Wonder Woman manages to injure Amazoness, who in the end is temporarily paralyzed. Wonder Woman uses her magic wand to cure Amazoness of her paralysis, but at the cost of her life. She then uses the spirit of Amazonians Amazons to heal herself. The untimely death of Amazoness prompted Wonder Woman to rethink her membership in the Justice League and go into retirement. Get free Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Costume NOW During the sequel of Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot returns as the strongest woman of our time, Wonder Woman. Many viewers were skeptical when it was announced that Gadot would reprise the role of Wonder Woman again for the upcoming Wonder Woman movie. The producers had to tread carefully though, as they wanted to remain true to the spirit of the original Wonder Woman and give her as much depth as possible. Gal Gadot comes into the character completely changed from her appearance in the last Batman film, Dark Knight Rises. Instead of her signature golden bikini, she wears a stylish black and gray body suit in the film, which seems to be the most iconic accessory from her appearances in the . One of the most exciting aspects of the sequel, is the involvement of the character of Wonder Woman’s love interest, Superman. There have been several instances where the two characters have worked together, such as in the Justice League comic book series. It has been teased that the scenes featuring the two superheroes will provide a unique experience for fans who are unfamiliar with their stories. Because of this, many fans are optimistic that the Wonder Woman film will receive a warm welcome by viewers, after the lackluster performance by the first Wonder Woman. One positive factor is that the film has already added another iconic super hero to the comic book world, giving it a Superman like feel. No matter what happens in the Wonder Woman 1984 movie, it is certain that the character of Wonder Woman will continue to be a mainstay in the comic book world. Many people grow up reading about these wonderful super heroes, which is why the introduction of Wonder Woman will likely be one of the biggest factors for young girls growing up today. Their love of these characters, combined with the fact that Gal Gadot has been cast as the new Wonder Woman, makes this a very exciting project for DC Entertainment. They are also planning a future film, titled the Untitled Wonder Woman 2, which will take place after the events of the original Wonder Woman film. No matter what happens in either of these movies, one thing is for certain, these famous characters will continue to have a massive impact on our culture. Here some Gal Gadot upcoming movies: Source: Gal Gadot Instagram
['Amelia Official']
2021-10-21 19:07:35.527000+00:00
['Entertainment', 'Marvel', 'Marvel Cinematic Universe', 'Movies', 'Uber Gossip']
Iron Man
Iron Man A Myth in Disguise Iron Man — movie poster (Marvel Entertainment, 2016) Creating a movie poster is not an easy or simple task. The designers are tasked with drawing the viewer towards buying a ticket at the box office but also to get the reader to be intrigued by a greater story. If anything, it’s an art — an art of creating a myth that viewers can “believe in”. As Marvel is looking for a wide audience, their need to appeal broadly relies on accepted stereotypes for easy recognition and general acceptance by the public. In Barthes’ (1927) terminology, the original symbol that Marvel relies on is what is considered to be a “Hollywood action-thriller” per se. The concept of a “Hollywood action-thriller” largely has already been signified by it means for something to be a “Hollyworld” movie or, colloquially, the stereotypes that are commonly communicated through billion-dollar productions that do not challenge the status quo. Predominantly, this includes James Bond-esque baggage: promiscuity, emphasized masculinity, fast pasted battles, and namely, more explosions. Marvel’s movie poster for Iron Man alone checks all these boxes — a glimpse of the movie is need not required. This implicit ideology or myth that Marvel is seeking to achieve in the name of widespread viewership is rooted in the composition of the work. Void of Stark’s now iconic red and gold, metal suit, the poster would otherwise be easily interpreted as a yet another generic “Hollywood action-thriller”. For this reason, significant attention is drawn towards the Iron Man suit for it to become a signifier that distinguishes it from an otherwise typical film. In effect, the cool persona of heroism from Iron Man is the signifier and the signified — an otherwise generic “Hollywood action-thriller” — to become the symbol that is Iron Man, the movie. Perhaps the simplest but most effective element at play here at drawing attention to Stark’s suit is the black background. This draws greater attention to the distinct circle of light emanating from the chest of Stark’s suit and additionally the slight halo of light behind the suit’s head alluding to halos around the heads of saints. Additionally, the suit is positioned not quite eye-level and is slightly looking down on the viewer Iron Man. These components are what situate Iron Man as a figure to “look up to” and be trusted to add our distinct hero element to this myth. In terms of other stereotypes that the poster uses, “traditional” roles and masculinity and femininity are apparent. From just a rudimentary glance at the poster, Pepper Potts, the woman in showy blue, is in a “power” pose but is rendered notably smaller size than the three male lead roles while positioned next to fighter jets and explosions. The movie poster does little to differentiate her positioning in the movie at first glance. By way of composition, Potts is relegated to playing just another part of the James Bond-eque ideology as before. As much as Marvel is looking to create a story and a movie work while, they are creating a myth— a myth relying on implicit ideology largely through the use of stereotypes of what a “typical” action-thriller looks like. Barthes’ framework for semiology is precisely what is necessary for understanding the implicit and explicit. If Barthes framework was more broadly but informally applied, it could allow the public to have a chance at really understanding the underlying ideas of what they are watching given an active — not a passive — mindset. Only when a viewer truly thinks about what they are watching do the underlying implicit ideologies and assumptions as they are explicit. Otherwise, we might as well be mindlessly accepting stereotypes and implicit ideologies as we sit back, relax, and watch the release.
['Josh Bowden']
2016-10-27 14:53:45.592000+00:00
['Movies', 'Marvel', 'Superheroes']
Marvel Them With Questionable Causality— The Lessons of Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Them With Questionable Causality— The Lessons of Avengers Infinity War Sometimes you spend a few hours looking at dazzling visualizations, listening to engaging dialogue, and seeing a buzz-worthy array — only to walk away and think “why would that happen again?”. This could be your reaction after leaving a corporate boardroom or Avengers: Infinity War. In that respect, they have a lot in common. Warning — spoilers. Entertainment Bias and Confirmation Bias also have a lot in common. Both are about telling you the story you want to hear. If you ignore the former, you will get an enjoyable evening of entertainment. If you ignore the latter — budget issues, poor investment, and other nasty things will follow. Selling either can depend on a very reliable list of tricks and techniques. Let’s go through the ones they have in common. Stunning Visuals CGI and Dataviz are both very useful technologies for advancing a story. They draw you in, help you suspend disbelief, and occasionally distract the audience from some otherwise troublesome short comings. Adjusting an angle, exaggerating some scale, and a little selective editing can go a long way to covering a story line with holes. Conversely, bad CGI and Dataviz can easily kill an otherwise amazing tale. The audience can just as easily become distracted by the poor quality of your visuals. Both technologies can be good or bad. Both can put huge dollars on the line. Sometimes You Feel Compelled To Force The Story You Want In finance, they call it goal seeking. In analytics, it can take the form of confirmation bias or false correlation. In this movie, it takes the form of giving only Scarlet Witch the ability to destroy the stone. Why? Because she is in love with the superhero that destroying the stone would kill! Wait… what? In both analytics and the movies, this can cause otherwise random events to be… well, not random at all. Why was it Peter and not Tony? Because the goal was to create a more compelling story line. Or maybe it really was just the luck of the draw? By the way, why half of the people? What was Thanos fixation with half. Why not 1/3rd or 3/4ths? Ah, the appeal of round numbers! It happens more in the movies, but only slightly. Simple makes a great story line, but sometimes simple seems very forced. Was it in Infinity War? You can decide. Format and Context Matter If you are an avid comic reader or just follow Greg Anderson on Quora, maybe these things seemed less arbitrary or convenient to the plot? Extra context can help a movie or an analysis. Format can affect them both as well — written formats often contain more details and pertinent information. Movies and powerpoints often edit lots of stuff out, or leave it for the footnotes. If All Else Fails, Marvel Them With Buzz, Budget, and Charisma This final analogy requires more of a stretch. Infinity War packed in more celebrities than even the X-men, although minus any X-men. It was one of the highest budget movies ever made. Who has time to find plot holes with all of that… well, always someone, but given the box office — no one was trying too hard. It is a recipe that works in analytics, too. I have witnessed many an analytic presentation that was built on buzzwords, huge testing budgets, and testimonials of influential people. That stuff often has the same effect. In fact, if you can get Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr to present your findings, I bet few in the audience will raise many objections… at least until later. At some point, when the dazzling visuals are done, when the charisma of the celebrities and buzz have faded — people start asking more questions. Perhaps, at first, it is just the contrarians or the highly critical — but if your story needed these tricks to cover too many holes, more will follow. For the record, I enjoyed Infinity War. I suspect most of you did, too. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t capable of teaching a critical lesson in analytics. Thanks for reading! For more Superhero Lessons:
["Corsair'S Publishing"]
2018-12-31 20:21:54.082000+00:00
['Movies', 'Marvel', 'Analytics', 'Superheroes', 'Data Visualization']
Fans all over agree that these are the best Superhero movies. Ever.
Fans all over agree that these are the best Superhero movies. Ever. Superheroes are nothing but the result of a troubled generation looking out for some hyperbolic hope in the form of imaginary characters with superhuman capabilities. Turning these fictional characters from dark-faints strokes of comic pages to flesh and bones have been quite a task for movie makers. But aren’t humans all about chasing challenges and changing the imperceivable to perceivable? These movies just managed to exemplify that undying spirit of movie makers and showed us that everything is just as real as we want it to be. All that matters is the intensity of your wanting. This decade has seen a major chunk of superhero movies and has seen the rise in the fan following of these caped/non-caped superhumans. Does that reflect that we as a race have fallen short of role models to rely on? Are our hopes of a better future dangling on one (or maybe more) spandex-suited character? That being said, there are some who just view movies for the thrills of it (which form a majority, for we are nothing but a bunch of realists, aren’t we?) and spend all that moolah enjoying the super-expensive VFX which if used efficiently would perhaps save some African nation from starvation. Till we have the immortal hunger for entertainment, superhero movies will continue keeping us hooked and make sure that we believe in the concept of superior humans. And so far, these movies have almost managed to make us wish that these characters were actually real. Here is a list of breathtaking superhero movies stun the brain out of you: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Thought the preceding movie of the star-spangled superhero may not have done that well on the Big Screen, Steve Rogers saw a new awakening with this sequel. A movie that was more than just firing guns and hand-to-hand combat galore, this movie was also about two friends. It indeed was refreshing to see an abstract value like this being the core of the movie. Everything in this movie was perfect and on point. Chris Evans nailed the part like none other and we just cannot wait for Captain to lead the Avengers against gorier villains. With a total collection of approx. $95 millions, the movie looks good even on the monetary frontier. 2. Superman 2 The classic movie has been encased in our hearts ever since it launched and generations since have watched and marveled, not just at his abilities, but his benevolence. His disinterested and unrequited love for humans, especially Lois. this movie actually came with a turbulent behind-the-history but the audiences were fortunately unaware of the tumultuous unseen action. The movie managed to do really great at the Box Office is still the source of a “don’t change!” cry when it comes on the TV. 3. Daredevil The one with Charlie Cox may be creating ripples in the Infinite ocean of Internet. But even before this Blind Vigilante of Hell’s Kitchen was cool, Ben Affleck pulled an absolute stunner with this movie. It may have not done that well on screens and not many enthusiasts would recommend you to watch this one, but it truly is a great attempt. Ben Affleck displayed perfect agility and skill that left audiences mesmerized. This was one movie, though highly debatable, that managed to establish the superhero aura around Affleck. This aura helped us visualise Affleck turn into BatFleck. 4. Man Of Steel Zack Synder is well-known for pulling off unbelievable concepts and this was no different. Filming the story of a boy from a distant planet and making Earth his home (and later his Battleground) is a difficult concept and that goes without saying. Zack in all his expertise pulled this one off as smoothly as Superman’s levitation. Henry Cavill was chosen to be play the “Son of Krypton” and we must say that he has been the apt choice for his looks are truly ‘out of this world.’ 5. Spider-Man 2 A story that gripped us as tightly as Dr. Octopus and his tentacles, Spider-Man 2 sure was an exciting adventure by itself. This movie saw the Bug-boy’s hamartia as he seems to lose his powers. When push comes to shove, he is forced to try running over building roofs only to fall in vain. The struggle gets real when Dr. Octopus gets Mary Jane Watson (who seems to have a knack to get into trouble) and Peter has to re-discover his powers. An absolute stunner pulled off by Sam Raimi. 6. The Dark Knight Now this movie just makes me run to the top of hill, yell my lungs out, yell some more and then climb down. A movie that changed the perception of millions all over the world and revolutionised the much despised Joker. A movie with Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, and Morgan Freeman all lead by the filming maestro Christopher Nolan had no chance to fail at the Box Office. And isn’t that what happened? Unfortunate happenstances occurred later as Heath Ledger departed, but he stays with us as Joker. Forever. 7. Avengers Last but not at all the least, is the team of robot men, soldiers and a beast. The Avengers has retained its position even today as the most successful superhero movie and guess it shall remain to be so for quite a while. A one-of-a-kind movie back then that had multiple superheroes teaming up to fight an army of intergalactic weirdos got us all wide jawed and awestruck as we watched all our favourite characters fight shoulder-to-shoulder. And who can forget the scene where Hulk smashes the pulp out of Loki! This movie was just what every superhero fan ever wanted. Marvel just seems to be the modern day Genie. Just as we said before that superheroes are fictional but it is the idea that there exists a superior force that can save us from our perils is an idea we all like to delve into. Some wish to be one while some wish to marry one. Some hate them, some pray to them. But the fact remains that heroes have concreted their spot in this decade and in the ones to come. That just brings us to one realization and maybe that alone is enough. That being, “Hope is not yet dead. Hope lives on.”
2016-10-27 05:01:03.666000+00:00
['Movies', 'Film', 'Superheroes', 'Marvel', 'DC Comics']
Review: “Into the Spider-Verse” swings above and beyond
Review: “Into the Spider-Verse” swings above and beyond Sony Pictures Animation has closed out the year with far and away one of the best films they’ve ever made, though that may not sound like it’s saying much.. We may be more familiar with the studio as the culprits of the notorious Emoji Movie and the live-action Smurfs franchise, but following less stellar critical and box office performances earlier in the year with Hotel Transylvania 3 and Goosebumps 2, the prolific duo of Phil Lord and Chris Miller (of Clone High, 21 Jump Street, and Lego Movie fame) have provided the studio with the distinction of having produced the best animated film of 2018. Incredibles 2 was fun and exciting, Ralph Breaks the Internet was creative and heartfelt, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is all of those things and a hell of a lot more, using the medium of animation to its fullest extent technically, visually, and narratively. I admit I haven’t read many Marvel comics, but I fell in love with every main character, even those who had relatively little screentime in comparison to Miles Morales and Peter B. Parker (if you haven’t seen it, just know that middle initial is an important distinction). They all feel human and immediately become likable upon their respective introductions, so it’s easy to empathize with them even if we don’t know a ton about them. Even its main villain Kingpin has a backstory that makes his plan at least understandable, though his methods for achieving his end goal are deplorable at times. Another rather likable character is revealed later on to be doing some unsavory things, but their motivations are complex and they remain sympathetic. The various Spider-figures work off each other brilliantly, a highlight being the mentor/mentee relationship between Morales and a slightly more aged Parker. Their collective astonishment at discovering more and more people with their abilities makes for a good running gag when each one has to quickly go over the broad strokes of their backstory, and characters like Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir get some funny material out of the bizarre nature of their alternate universes — one of my only issues with the movie is that I felt there wasn’t quite enough of those two. Not only is the story great, the world of the film is fleshed out with real-world issues that aren’t made explicit or a main focus on any plot line, but also aren’t sanitized to an insensitive extent and are integral to the plot and characters. There are passing references to the Black Lives Matter movement not via scenes of police brutality or blatant racial profiling, but through the attitudes that lie at the root of the ongoing hostility toward people of color, something that will inevitably affect Miles’ outlook on the world as an Afro-Latino and ends up impacting him personally and becoming a part of what drives him to defend New York as his universe’s Spider-Man. The other major component of that drive is what he learns from Parker, who is portrayed with undercurrents of depression and suicidal ideation that results in a familiar yet still poignant message about looking to an uncertain future. The animation style, taking cues from the comics that served as the film’s inspiration (many of these characters, including Miles, are making their film debut) and becoming less cohesive between layers as Miles’ reality becomes more strained, complements the plot and emotion beautifully (though it could prove harmful to photosensitive people, so watch out for that). The backgrounds in the film’s climax make it difficult to gauge where the characters are spatially, but this is done intentionally to accent their feeling disoriented and on edge. New York is rendered in a way that makes it feel like our New York, but at the same time, not quite. Times Square is teeming with Easter eggs and advertisements for entries into real-world franchises that I truly wish were real, and the depth and dimension of the world makes for an immersive experience with or without the IMAX experience. Into the Spider-Verse is everything a great animated film and superhero film should be, and I’m excited to see where Sony can take these characters next. A junior at Hollins University whose penchant for Disney led into a love for all things film. Amateur film critic and aspiring screenwriter/director. View all posts by Mary McKeon
['Mary Mckeon']
2019-07-20 04:21:27.088000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Movies', 'Film Reviews', 'Spider Man', 'Animation']
The Marvelous Adaptation of Heroes
Within the past few decades, superheroes have been flying onto our screens and pages, quipping a witty catchphrase, and stealing our hearts. Sure, there have always been superhero-like figures, such as the gods in Greek or Roman mythology, but recently flying men and women in spandex have been increasingly popular when it comes to otherworldly figures. A certainly notable piece of this uprise is Marvel Comics and, most importantly, their vast collection of crime-fighters. Ever since the organization’s creation in 1939 by Martin Goodman, Marvel characters (along with the guidelines of how new marvel characters are built) have adapted in several ways, the most notable of which being interworking current events, diversification of characters, and relation to the newest generations of people to stay relevant in our ever-changing society. Ever since the dawn of Marvel, the company has been intertwining current events with their entertainment to keep the viewers flowing in. In 1941 Captain America was introduced to the world through the pages of Marvel’s comic books. Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, was a morally righteous, patriotic twenty-something less-than-average joe who was turned into super-soldier overnight for the sole purpose of doing right and serving his country. Of course, at the time this comic was released we were in the middle of the second World War. No one would be surprised to see that an uber-patriotic, nazi-punching, red-white-and-blue rocking hero would rise to fame in a time when American patriotism was most abundant. Captain America was a strong supporter of joining the Army and encouraged Americans to help fight this war and step up to be their own kind of superhero. Similarly, Black Panther was released to the public in 1966, during the Civil Rights Movement. Tim Posada, a professor at Saddleback college wrote about people who read the Black Panther comics feeling “…empowerment felt reading about Black Panther ‘fighting the KKK on their own turf in 1966’” (Posada). It’s no shock that a KKK-fighting Black superhero would become popular when African-Americans needed to be empowered and represented. Not only has Black Panther been around for the Civil Rights Movement, but the Black Panther movie (the first Marvel movie to have a person of color as the main character) was also released just a couple years ago in 2018, in a time when the Black Lives Matter movement has been most alive. Since then, Black Panther has become a symbol of black empowerment and a legend of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Along with prominent movements like BLM, in recent years Marvel has become noticeably more liberal, especially in their 2017 film Thor: Ragnarok. The movie features subtle undertones of liberal ideals such as immigration. At the end of the movie (spoiler warning) the Asgardians are left as refugees from a destroyed land looking for a home, a situation very similar to a lot of immigrants in our world today coming from broken countries in search of a safe haven. Thor is a “…hero at the head of an ark full of people whose homeworld is on fire, looking for a new land to call their own. Immigrants all, refugees from a foreign land” (Bernardin). The most relevant example in the comics is the comics of Ms.Marvel. Ms. Marvel is embodied by Kamala Khan, “her newest iteration as a Pakistani Muslim young woman, challenges the conventions of race and American citizenship in the post-9/11 United States” (Landis). This comic is extremely relevant considering all the Islamophobia in the United States that have been occurring recently, including the recent travel ban created by Trump, nicknamed the “Muslim ban”, that restricts the travel of citizens of middle-eastern countries in the US. Weaving in these current events that are relevant to our political situations and ideals as a country over the years has surely gained Marvel the attention of many liberals who can either relate or sympathize with the predicaments throughout their lifespan as a company. . Not only do the Ms.Marvel comics work to tie together comics and current events but this specific series of comics, along with several others, is part of the new wave of diversity that Marvel is working to bring to all their universes. Originally, Ms.Marvel was Carol Danvers, a white woman who was part of the Air Force, before she took on the role of Captain Marvel. Danvers is also a part of the change in diversity but in the category of gender. She replaced the original Captain Marvel, a male Kree alien named Mar-Vell that went by the alias of Walter Lawson, making yet another pre-existing Marvel character more diverse. Several other heroes have gone through this type of adaptation, changing from one ethnicity, gender, or religion. The best example of all three would be the characters from Into the Spider-Verse. Though it is not technically a Marvel movie (Sony developed the movie), all of the characters in Into the Spider-Verse are Marvel characters that appear in their comics, movies, and television shows. Into the Spider-Verse was released last year and includes a very diverse cast of characters, including the lead, Miles Morales. Miles is a half Puerto Rican and half African American growing up in New York. There is also several other alternate Spider-Men, such as Spider-Gwen, an alternate universe’s Gwen Stacy turned Spider-Man, and Penny Parker, a young Asain girl who fights crime with the help of her robot. A good part of the movie to point out would be, as New York Times writer Eliana Dockterman said, “Spider-Verse does not make much hay of the gender or ethnicity of Miles, Gwen, and Peni” (Dockterman). Not only is there an abundance of race and gender diversity in this movie, but it has also been confirmed that Peter Parker from ‘our’ universe is Jewish, seeing as the movie depicts him breaking plates at his wedding which is a Jewish tradition. Going further into Marvel Comics, there is even an abundance of LGBTQ+ characters. Deadpool, America Chavez, Loki, and Mystique are just a few. As well as adapting old characters, Marvel writers have made new characters that more diverse, such as America Chavez and Karolina Dean. Even though there has been much change in the Marvel comics in relation to the amount of diversity, there has not been as much in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Only in the past few years have they had a rise of minority and women superheroes, with Black Panther debuting in 2018 and Captain Marvel (Marvel’s first female-led movie) just this year. Future movies that will be released are in the works currently including women and minorities in leading roles such as Black Panther 2, Shang-Chi, Black Widow, and, even though it is technically a Sony movie, Into the Spider-Verse 2 (Donnelly). This newfound diversity in Marvel’s several universes will help them to bring in new viewers or readers who want to see someone like themselves reflected in entertainment. Diversity in Marvel will certainly help them stay relevant, especially with the wave of new generations that have arrived. . Of course, the main crowd Marvel has to worry about staying relevant with is the newest generations. The youngest generations alive right now, Gen Z and the Millennial Generation, have been the most liberal generations yet- these generations are super accepting, caring, and aware of others’ emotions. In an article from the Pew Research Center, 62% of Gen Z and 61% of Millenials say that increasing diversity is good for society. These percentages have a 9% or higher gap between them and other generations percentages, with the silent generation coming in dead last with 41%. Marvel doesn’t let this information fly over their heads. Their new diversity in their casts of characters and inclusion of current events bundle up into a well-rounded content that the youngest generations would be interested in consuming. Giving minorities and women bigger roles in the work will draw in these younger people who appreciate diversity and inclusion. Kids around my age are also attracted to the comedy and quirks that Marvel seems to be bringing to its content. Having little jokes like the ones Tom Holland’s Peter Parker makes or remarks from Shuri, sister of Black Panther, such as “What are those?!” (a reference to the late, great Vine, a social media platform that many younger kids, in particular, are well-versed in) is very appealing to kids because those small bits are something we can fully relate to and understand, as well as some of the jokes made by these Avengers utilizing the same sense of humor many kids have today. Younger people appreciate the effort that is made by Marvel when they choose to begin the process of de-sexualizing women superheroes in ways like a not-overly-sexualized-for-no-reason costume or by not making it such a big deal that women and minorities are getting huge roles. In Captain Marvel, instead of making Carol wear an ultra-tight, latex body-suit, the creative minds behind the movie made the decision to have her wear a less revealing suit that much more realistic for a woman that would be fighting evil forces and want her legs covered for the sensible purpose of protection. Making costumes less over-sexualized definitely helps to appeal to a younger audience that is still deciding if this brand of movies is worth their time or not and so far Marvel has been doing a great job of improving their material to become more geared to these younger generations down the road. . Marvel’s sly strategy of creating content for younger generations has certainly worked on me. For almost as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a superhero. My dad started a tradition with me when I was a kid. He and I would go out to the theater, get some slushies, and we would watch the latest Marvel movie. I loved doing this. It was extra time I got to spend with my dad when he wasn’t traveling for work and it also led me to discover an affinity for superheroes. These heroes I love so dearly stand up for the helpless, rescue the endangered, and always do their best to be genuinely good. Plus they had super-powers, so that was a plus. These heroes all had special powers that made them unique, well, unique in most ways. Tony Stark: a genius with an iron super-suit; Steve Rogers: a less-than-average joe with a righteous moral compass and newly developed super-soldier strength; Thor: a god with the power of all the sky. All of these men were the focal point of the heroes seen on screen in the Marvel Universe, and all are heterosexual caucasian men. As a kid, I always loved these guys to the moon and back, but I felt like something was missing. I could only relate to them on a certain level and, besides that, I was confused. Why was it only guys that were allowed to be the hero that saved the world? There were virtually no women early on in Marvel’s cinematic life. Though, Peggy Carter, Pepper Potts, Jane Foster, and, later on down the road, Natasha Romanoff, main women characters that I looked up to and cherished deeply, were around to assist the main superheroes a few times, why wouldn’t they defeat Red-Skull or save a town from destruction? These are definitely questions other little kids like me were asking around that time. Why can’t someone who looks like me save the world? As we know, representation is important for everyone, especially women and minorities. Marika, an author of an article from the Geeks website, best describes the reason for representation being so important by stating, “We want to feel empowered after seeing a superhero movie, we want to believe we can be as strong and powerful as them. It’s sometimes hard to feel that way if you don’t look anything like the character”(Marika). Earlier this year, when Captain Marvel was released in all it’s glory, I watched in awe as Carol Danvers flew through spaceships and kicked butt with the same gusto that all of her male counterparts had for years prior. I knew that the little girl sitting in the theater with her dad all those years ago would be overflowing with joy. That is why Marvel’s diversity is so important in its relevance. As Eliana Dockterman so eloquently stated, “What matters is that they each remind audiences that, to quote Aunt May, ‘There’s a hero in all of us.’ More than half a century ago, Spider-Man became the original everyman. Now he’s finally starting to look like it”(Dockterman). People want to see others like them doing amazing things and see that they can be just as fantastic. It’s difficult to look at someone drastically different than you and think “Wow. If that guy can save all those people and perform so many heroic acts, then I can do great things with my life like him.” This is why heroes are inspiring to people who have similar characteristics (race, gender, sexuality, have the same disability). They can go through the same adversity that anyone like them is going through, push through it, and then go kick butt. Seeing a character look like yourself is a reassuring comfort that you are capable of being as amazing as them. . Through similarities to our current society and societies of the past, a newfound diversity in content, and the attraction of new generations, Marvel is able to stay relevant, and even thrive, in the world we live in today. Through and through, Marvel has evolved, growing more popular with each new movie or comic released. While it’s very possible Marvel is just another greedy corporation making a change for cash in return, there are wonderful people creating the content that have pure intentions and that truly care about having everyone feel represented and empowered. The radical change in Marvel’s entertainment has created a gateway towards new viewers, extending a hand to help everyone feel welcome and represented in our society. Through the attention, Marvel has managed to be stably relevant, remaining steady enough to keep the flow of astonishing, loveable characters coming to be consumed by adoring fans in a marvelous cycle of adaption. Works Cited Bernardin, Marc. “Thor: Ragnorak Is A Direct. Commentary On Trump’s America”. SyFy Wire, 5 November 2017, https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/thor-ragnarok-is-a-direct-commentary-on-trumps-america. Web. Accessed 5 November 2019. Dockterman, Eliana. “Spider-Man’s Sticking Power”. TIME International (South Pacific Edition), 27 August 2015, http://ezproxy.missouriwestern.edu:2139/eds/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=5ff814fd-8d4c-4977-b73d-7ac0575d74a3%40sessionmgr4006&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=133447793&db=f5h. Web, Accessed 29 October 2019. Dockterman, Eliana. “Everyone’s A Superhero at Marvel”. TIME International, 17 December 2018, https://time.com/4012852/everyones-a-superhero-at-marvel/. Web. Accessed 29 October 2019. Donnelly, Matt. “Marvel Powers Up”. Variety, 9 July 2019, http://ezproxy.missouriwestern.edu:2117/eds/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=e006e0c1-2398-4826-a965-ac67bb660c27%40sessionmgr102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=137368500&db=f5h. Web. Accessed 29 October 2019. Parker, Kim. Graf, Nikki. Igielnik, Ruth. “Generation Z Looks a Lot Like Millennials on Key Social and Political Issues”. Pew Research Center, 17 January 2019, https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2019/01/17/generation-z-looks-a-lot-like-millennials-on-key-social-and-political-issues/. Accessed 29 November 2019. Posada, Tim. “Afrofuturism, Power, and Marvel Comic’s Black Panther”. Journal of Pop Culture, June 2019, http://ezproxy.missouriwestern.edu:2117/eds/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=e006e0c1-2398-4826-a965-ac67bb660c27%40sessionmgr102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=201916063955&db=mzh. Web. Accessed 29 October 2019. Landis, Winona. “Ms.Marvel, Qahera, and Superheroism and Muslim Diaspora”. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 2 April 2019, http://ezproxy.missouriwestern.edu:2117/eds/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=e006e0c1-2398-4826-a965-ac67bb660c27%40sessionmgr102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=135462173&db=a9h. Web. Accessed 29 October 2019. Marika. “Why ‘Captain Marvel’ is So Important”. Vocal, March 2019, https://vocal.media/geeks/why-captain-marvel-is-so-important. Web. Accessed 3 November 2019.
['Tay Waller']
2020-12-30 00:49:16.050000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Feminism', 'Comics']
Holding out for a hero: Marvel and the need for superheroines
This is the time of the geek and the big screen superhero — but where are the superheroines? By Georgina Kiely Bring it on: Black Widow is just one of the many female superheroes ready to take centre stage. Photo: marvelousRoland/Flickr. It’s a fact that universally acknowledged that we’re not exactly short of superheroines who are ripe for their silver screen debut. The potential candidates are endless: Silver Sable, Thundra, Jean Grey, take your pick! Personally, I’d kill to see a Black Widow spin-off; Scarlett Johansson is certainly a big enough name for her own franchise and who doesn’t want to watch a film starring a kickass Russian assassin who could no doubt kill a man with her pinky alone? With so many examples of superheriones crying out for their time in the spotlight, it’s baffling to wonder why the idea hasn’t been picked up yet. I have no problems admitting to being a geek — this is our time. The rise of the geeks has been rapid and all-encompassing, and Marvel has seized the imaginations of our generation. We’re living through a superhero boom and with writers like Joss Whedon at the helm, you’d think we couldn’t go far wrong. However, Whedon is often asked in interviews why he often chooses to focus on strong female lead characters and his ultimate answer is “because you are still asking me the question.” Indeed, there is a noticeable lack of focus on our well-loved superheroines in many of Marvel and DC adaptations, and it’s about time someone poked them into producing something the fans are desperate to see: a female lead. The Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has skirted around the issue, saying “I think it comes down to timing”. But when could there be a better time? Even Scarlett Johansson herself has expressed a keen interest in taking on a Black Widow movie, so what exactly is holding Marvel back? It’s certainly not that audiences wouldn’t be ready for a female lead; we’ve already seen a talking racoon and a character who can only state his own name hold their own. Feige has said that he recognises the need for a female-led franchise, so the bluster leaves me with some niggling doubts about whether timing is really the issue. Counterintuitively, the superhero fanbase, for all the futuristic movies and out-of-this-world characters, seem to be fairly stuck in their ways. When Marvel announced there would be a female Thor and that the new Captain America would be black, the twitterverse was, in the most part, excited. However, there were ugly comments comments — such as ‘I’m done Marvel’ or the well-considered ‘remember when #Marvel wasn’t run by a pack of political correct gelded men #goodtimes’. Thanks for sharing, guys. Here’s a tip, if you’re itching to start a comment with ‘I’m not a racist/sexist but…’ then you’re probably better off just going home and considering your life choices. What makes this announcement of a new incarnation of the god of thunder even more exciting is that this isn’t she-Thor, Lady Thor or Thorina, this is actually Thor, a superhero in her own right with all the clout of the character behind her. Could it be the potential backlash from a minority group of Marvel-ites that’s slowing the process? It’s possible, but the picture is not entirely tarnished with testosterone. The much anticipated Ms Marvel will soon be making an appearance in Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron — a definite step forward in the rise of the on-screen superwoman. However, it’s important to highlight that if Marvel isn’t quick enough to decide whether they can take the time to produce something the fans are pleading for, inevitably someone else will get there first. Female superheroes may be getting their time to shine sooner than we think. Sony Pictures have hinted at a fresh new look at the Spidey universe, with a female-led picture set to be released in 2017. Even sooner, Warner Bros. seem to have beaten them to the punch with pictures of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in the 2016 production Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. These female superhero spin offs may be just what we need to re-vamp any remaining washed out clichés, so who’s going to get there first? Your move, Marvel.
['Abstract Magazine']
2015-11-30 17:57:57.023000+00:00
['Movies', 'Marvel', 'Culture']
Iron Man’s Functional Spec for Mark 1
Iron Man’s Functional Spec for Mark 1 For those of you who are Avengers fans, you would remember the movie Iron Man (2008). You may also remember Mark 1, the first suit that the millionaire maverick Tony Stark built for himself. The purpose of this blog is to help explain how to write a functional spec. The product we will keep in focus is Tony Stark’s first Iron Man suit, Mark 1. Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash What is a functional specification? A functional specification as the name suggests is a document that describes the functionality of the application. It helps the engineering team to understand how the user will use the application, product, or feature. A functional specification details out all the features the team needs to build and articulates why those features should be built. Writing a functional specification A functional spec can be written in a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document and must contain certain sections that will be discussed in detail in this post. Problem — what is the problem that you are solving. If you don’t know the exact problem statement, then you can begin with a problem hypothesis. 2. User Personas — who will use your product. 3. Principle- guiding principles of the product. 4. Project scope — list of specific project goals, deadlines, and costs. Also, clearly explain what will not be done. 5. Risks & Dependencies— anything that may impact completing the project on time. 6. Assumptions — all assumptions you make regarding scope, market, product, customer etc. 7. Solution — an overview of how you will solve the problem. This contains: Use cases — map the functional requirements with user action. — map the functional requirements with user action. Requirements — critical features of your product that answer the question: what does your product do? 8. Error handling — how your product will handle errors or exceptions. 9. Success criteria — how do you measure the success of your product. If you have not seen Iron Man, then I suggest spending 10 minutes to view the beginning of the movie where Robert Downey Jr, plays the role of Iron Man & builds a suit for himself to escape from the terrorist hide out. Spoiler alert: Certain sections in the blog reveal the plot of the movie. credits: Wikimedia Functional spec of Mark 1 Overview Provide an overview of the situation, your business goals, team goals, or why you think this product is important for your organization. I am Tony Stark, a multi-millionaire and owner of Stark Industries. I was visiting Afghanistan for a show and tell of our latest defense system when my caravan was ambushed by terrorists. I am captured in a cave and badly hurt. I am told that there are shrapnel in my body. Doctor Ho, a friend and my partner in the cave built an electromagnet that is keeping shrapnel from wounding my internal organs to keep me alive. There are several terrorists guarding the cave and I need to get away from here alive. credits: Marvel Studios 1. Problem Explain the problem that you wish to solve. If the problem is not well defined, then explain the problem hypothesis. The terrorists want me to make a missile for them, but in the guise of building a missile, I want to create a contraption that will allow me to be free from this cave. There are around 40–50 terrorists who are armed and have state of the art ammunitions. Therefore, the contraption should not only help me exit the cave and safeguard myself but also retaliate against the gun fire or any other assault from the terrorists. 2. User persona Explain who will use this product? I am building this suit for myself — “Tony Stark”. The user of this contraption is: A healthy person who can bear the weight of 1.5 tons of steel on his or her body. An intellectually adept person who knows how to operate complex machinery. A strong willed and emotionally intelligent person who can manage the stress, anxiety, and post war trauma that may come due to hurting or at times neutralizing human lives. 3. Principle The principles of this product that should not be compromised and serve as a beacon when in doubt. The user of this contraption should stay alive through the escape. No civilians should be harmed. Any threat to the contraption will be considered as a threat to the user. If the threat to the contraption or the user from another terrorist is high, then such threat can potentially be neutralized. 4. Project Scope & timelines High-level scope of the product, the out of scope items, and high level timelines. Timelines: The terrorists have provided 8 weeks to build the missile. We need to complete the MVP (Minimum viable product) contraption in less than 6 weeks so that we can surprise the terrorists in the escape plan. We can continue to build additional features in the contraption after the escape. Scope: Build a contraption that acts like a safety armor to save the user wearing the contraption. The contraption should have defense mode that manages medium combat situations i.e. dealing with medium to light fire power and close combat fights. It should have an offense mode that can use fire power, missile power, flight mode to accrue damage to terrorists and their inhabitation. Out of scope: The contraption does not account for heavy artillery that includes tanks & missiles that can penetrate re-enforced steel etc. The contraption will not have any stealth technology i.e. the contraption will be visible to radars etc. The contraption will not be re-usable after first use. The contraption is not designed for taking multiple flights. 5. Risks Any risks due to partner dependencies, timelines, resource requirements, or external threats that may jeopardize product completion along with mitigation. There are several terrorists who are keeping an eye on my activities. In case I am caught, I can be dead. Mitigation: Make this operation covert and hide my activities from the terrorists. Procurement of all the items needed for the contraption can be time consuming and the availability is also questionable. Mitigation: Build only features and components that are available from existing Stark Industries artillery already available with the terrorists. The setup may be time consuming since it requires me to program the contraption and fit into the suit. If the time is too long, then the terrorists would get suspicious and barge in. Mitigation: The setup time should be less so that I am able to suit up before the terrorists open the door. I am worried that Dr. Mo hinted at offering assistance to keep the terrorists at bay to buy me some time, however I don’t want to exercise this option since it could jeopardize the escape & safety. credits: Marvel Studios 6. Assumptions & Pre-requisites Enlist all the assumptions and pre-requisites while building your product. If the assumptions are not true and pre-requisites are not met, then the product delivery may be at risk. The software to build this contraption is in Arabic but I have learnt Arabic in high school therefore it should be fine. If there are new concepts that come up, then I need to learn them in no time. credits: Marvel Studios I will get all the requirements for the project if I can guise them in the need to building a missile. Any terrorist reinforcements are not possible if the time to escape is kept less than 15 minutes. Pre-requisites: The pre-requisites to build the contraption are as follows: Workstation: Needs to be well lit for me to perform any activities in the darkness of the cave. Welding gear: Need welding gear to make joins on the contraption (acetylene or propane based) Soldering station: Soldering station for electricals along with helmets, goggles, and smelting cup Precision Tools: 2 sets Stark missiles: 11 such missiles credits: Marvel Studios 7. Solution State the solution requirements along with the user scenario. Scenario 1: [Vision] As a user, I should be able to see in the dark cave to find my way out. Requirement 1: The cave is dark and I don’t know my way out. The contraption may hinder my vision therefore I need lighting mechanism that lights up the cave so that I can find my way out. Scenario 2: [Setup]: As a user, I should be able to quickly set up the contraption on the day of the escape to take the terrorists by surprise. Requirement 2: It took me around 4 minutes to walk from the inside of the cave all the way to the exit. If soldiers run, it will take them around 2 minutes therefore the installation and setup of the contraption should not take more than 2–3 minutes. credits: Marvel Studios Scenario 3: [Strength]: As a user, I should be able to save myself from medium gun fire and artillery to stay alive. Requirement 3: There are around 40 militants around the cave who may use weapons of stark industries against the contraption. Therefore, the contraption must bear the assault of bullets from AK47s, Rifles, Grenade attacks etc. credits: Marvel Studio Scenario 4: [Power] As a user, my suit or contraption needs enough power to engage in a 15–20 minute battle and entertain single flight. Requirement 4: This heavy contraption will need tremendous power to be able to carry out such heavy operations. It will be powered by 1.6gms of Palladium that can be extracted from existing missiles. credits: Marvel Studios Scenario 5: [Arc Reactor] As a user, I need to get rid of the car battery that is connected to the electromagnet that is keeping the shrapnel from entering my heart. Requirement 5: Build a miniaturized arc reactor powered by Palladium to serve as an electromagnet to keep the shrapnel in place. It will also serve as a power source for the contraption. credits: Marvel Studio Scenario 6: [Time constraints] As a user, I need to ensure that the contraption stays functional for at least 15 minutes so that I can neutralize the terrorists and escape to a safer place. Requirement 6: Doing my math, the arc reactor can operate for 15 minutes, therefore I need to rescue myself in my contraption in 15 minutes or less. Scenario 7: As a user, I need to defend myself from any impact on the suit due to medium artillery attack by the terrorists. Requirement 7: [Inner protection]: Since the contraption will be made of steel and may be subjected to medium artillery, I need duct tape, cushion, leather jacket, leather gloves, metallic neck brace and other protective gear to keep the steel from hurting my body. Scenario 8: [Mask] As a user, I should be able to breathe through the mask and see my opponents. Requirement 8: Build tiny vents into the mask that allow vision and air to breath. The vents around for vision are strengthened with re-enforced glass. I should be able to unmask myself in case of any limitations of oxygen or if I need to speak and deliver a powerful dialogue. This needs to be done only as an exception since the conditions in the cave are hostile. credits:Marvel Studios Scenario 9: As a user, I should be able to defend myself to resist, desist and neutralize the terrorists. It should also allow me to escape from this hostile environment. Requirements 9: [Defense mechanisms]: Requirement 9a: [Punches] Pneumatic piston driven punches for close combat. If the terrorists come too close, then the punch should be such that it temporarily disables the terrorist for at least 15–20 minutes. Since there is a limit to the artillery that the contraption can carry, this should be the preferred choice of attack considering I can re-use the pneumatic punches several hundred times. The Force of a punch should be around 25,000 pound per square inch. I will have the choice to use both hands to generate enough force to break through the reinforced steel doors. Requirement 9b: [Blow torch]: I can also use blow torch for close combat. The blow torch will operate on limited fuel supply therefore it should only be used where I can neutralize many enemies at the same time. The max distance that the fire from the blow torch may emit is up to 8m. This will also allow me to burn the existing supplies of Stark Industries ammunition on both sides of the entrance aisles. credits: Marvel Studios Requirement 9c: [Short range missiles]: The missiles will be used to neutralize any terrorists at greater distance. The supply of missiles is limited therefore this will be only for backup purposes. There is also a lead time to insert the missile in the launcher system therefore this will only be used on an exceptions basis. The range of the missile will be up to a few 100m. Requirement 9d: [Single flight]: The contraption should allow flight that takes the user at least 5 miles away from the hostile situation. The contraption will require boosters that manage enough thrust to ensure the contraption can generate velocity of around 300m/s. During take off my trajectory path should be at an angle of 60 degrees. The fuel needed for the flight should be for around 15 second flight time. credits: Marvel Studios Trajectory Path for Mark 1 Requirement 9e: [Safety landing]: There are no parachutes planned for the fall since this may add to the weight. The armor should protect me from any bruises on impact. 8. Error & Exception Handling Any exceptions and error scenarios and how can those be handled. The chain and pulley system for the knee joint movements is vulnerable to targeted gun fire. If the chain and pulley system is compromised, then immediately exit the situation using the one-time flight. In case the safety landing system malfunctions, the contraption is designed for damage on impact and breaking the circuit breakers for all defense mechanisms in order to avoid any untoward fires and any harm to the user. 9. Success Metrics Metrics that articulate the success of the product. Vanity metrics Number of terrorists neutralized. Number of punches delivered. Number of missiles launched. Number of blow torch activated. Number of hits taken to the suit. Key business metrics The persona wearing the contraption should survive to eat his favorite cheese burger. credits: Marvel Studio credits: Marvel Studio The intent of this post is to give you an ideas of how you can write your product specs. All credits to Marvel Studio/ MCU for making Iron Man that millions continue to watch and enjoy for generations to come. Stats show that less than 50% of the folks who land on this page will read this line. If you are one of those, then this post should have added some value. Leave a clap or two if this was of value else leave a comment to improve this post. Photo credits: Marvel/ MCU/ Marvel Studios.
['Sandeep Chadda']
2020-11-28 04:16:33.920000+00:00
['Product Management', 'Marvel', 'Product Manager', 'Product Development']
Comics Are for Soldiers Too
Comics Are for Soldiers Too Image courtesy of Image Comics I grew up in a military household and as a result I never really considered the ARMY (or any other branch for that matter) to be a place for people like me. By that I mean a nerd, more specifically a comic book nerd. My dad was a former Drill Sergeant as well as a veteran of Vietnam and Desert Storm, so I heard a lot of what life was like in the military. I, on the other hand, was a kid that enjoyed reading Batman and X-Men comics, while watching Saturday morning cartoons on Fox. So I never pictured the military being an institution that was nerd friendly, but apparently I was mistaken. Recently I decided to start talking to some of our members, and members of other Facebook groups who were in the military to find out more about this safe haven of nerdiness that I didn’t know existed. I’ve learned quite a bit about how accepting the military is to the nerd community. Of course the level of acceptance varies from branch to branch and even from base to base, but it seems that no matter where you go (aside from the middle of the Iraqi desert) you have access to nerd culture while in the military. When asked how many nerds they thought were on base I got a wide variety of answers: “I would classify about 60% of the 35 and below age as nerdy, or slightly nerdy” — Marie Halvorsen “Most definitely the comm and intel groups are nerdy without a doubt. You do find some more nerds here and there in other jobs. “ — Ethan Ward “Every single one of my fellow Bees is a nerd in one way or another. Some did D&D for Jocks (fantasy football), others did actual D&D, some wrote fan fiction, others cosplayed, and a bunch of the biggest rednecks you’d ever seen were closet Bronies.” — Katie Knegeris “In my unit I would say everyone under 30 was a nerd. Had D&D, Boothill and classic military board games…along with Sega genesis in just about every room and leisure suit Larry installed in hidden directories on most of the computers” -Drew Haskell It turns out that comics have a long history of being made for the military. Some of the heroes we love have served in one form of the military including; Captain America, The Punisher, Green Lantern, Ms. Marvel, Rick Flag and War Machine. With the exception of the Punisher, these characters were said to be in the military from the get go; we would later find out that the Punisher was a Marine. Having characters in the military allowed people in service to relate to them better and sowed the seeds of the nerd culture in the military. As it were Captain America was actually depicted battling the Nazi’s before America was drawn into the conflict of World War 2, and may have inspired people to join after the Pearl Harbor attack. Image courtesy of DC Comics This began a trend of heroes from the ranks, as well as the depiction of fictional characters battling real world threats. Noticing the increasing popularity of titles depicting heroes at war, the publishing companies began to print comics solely about war, and showed things from the soldier’s perspective. This naturally led to the use of comics by the government as propaganda tools in an attempt to recruit people to aid in the war effort. The popularity of these war time comics would continue to be published until the mid 1980’s. Some of the more popular characters, like Sgt. Rock, were picked up by DC Comics and have become recurring characters within the DC Universe. When I tried to find out if the current military had any comics for the troops I found that DC doesn’t really make issues geared towards the military anymore. “I know Marvel had a deal with either AAFES or the USO. Every now and then they’d release a short comic that they’d give away at the PX or something to help boost morale. You know how that type of thing goes, superheroes fighting the good fight, but the tide turns when a squad of American GIs show up to lend a hand to the Avengers or whoever, and then Captain America tells them they never would’ve won without the soldiers’ help. Corny, but amusing.” — Charles Baggett Image courtesy of Marvel Comics It seems in recent history, Marvel has been the forerunner of military themed comics, releasing a series of Avengers titles that had them aiding in the war effort with various branches of the military. Naturally this increase in military friendly comics saw an increase in the nerd community among soldiers. Most people seem to have been nerds long before signing up, but a few got their exposure on base. Of course there seems to be a consistent preference between what characters the typical military nerd likes with Punisher being the most popular choice among people I talked to. I thought this was a fitting choice, because Frank Castle is all about taking down the bad guys with a full arsenal of military grade hardware. No one really credited comics as their reason for wanting to be in the military but I feel if any comic had an influence on someone joining, it would be a Punisher comic. Captain America and Spider-Man were the other two characters that rounded out the top three military favorites (of people I talked to). I learned quite a bit about nerd culture in the military but the one thing that stood out the most, was the reluctance of a lot of soldiers to call themselves heroes. The majority would say that it was their duty, or that they were just doing their job. To me this is an understatement. “I never thought of myself as a hero for serving, and I still don’t. But it did make me appreciate hard work. If I had to make a comparison to a character I’d probably say The Shoveler.” — Chris Alexander “I would never call myself a hero ever. I think you will find most of us who have served will say the same thing. I could be wrong though.” — Ben Wotawa “Not sure if it found my inner hero, but made it clear that had I not got hurt I would’ve been a career military soldier without a doubt.” — Ethan Ward Most people who aren’t in the service would consider it heroic to go through half of what your average soldier experiences. The nerds that risk their lives to protect others and preserve our nation ARE heroes, whether they call themselves that or not. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to speak with these heroes. I will, and forever will be, a comic book nerd and the idea that many of my fellow nerds are helping protect our country certainly helps me sleep a little more comfortably at night.
['Tho Carrion']
2016-10-14 16:27:37.555000+00:00
['Marvel', 'DC Comics', 'Comics', 'Military']
Holography, Augmented Reality and The Problem With Iron Man
Holography, Augmented Reality and The Problem With Iron Man Mr Stark, I don’t Feel So Good… The ability to manufacture extremely small, high-resolution displays is essential to the advent of immersive computing, wherein the digital and physical worlds merge across a variety of applications. If you’ve ever seen Iron Man (or, well, pretty much any Sci-fi film made in the last thirty-odd years), you’ll be familiar with one of the staple graphics of the ‘hi-tech’ future: the immersive display. In the image above, a rather concerned Tony Stark takes note of an extensive array of information presented in an augmented reality display in his helmet — somewhat more rudimentary versions of this technology are currently in use across various military and aerospace applications, like the $400,000 F-35 helmet. The F-35 helmet, and pretty much all modern Augmented Reality displays, use microdisplays to project a two-dimensional image on an ostensibly clear surface, as above. Where’s the depth? The problem with such otherwise industry-changing technologies is that they fail to create real depth — everything in Tony’s helmet is in focus all the time on a flat plane, so he’s limited in the amount of information he can display, as well as the depth contexts in which he can display it. Think of depth in this context like this: if you have a pair of AR glasses on guiding you along a google-maps like interface as you stroll around some unfamiliar place, you’re really just seeing a two-dimensional image close to your eye, like holding a very small phone screen up to your face. With a true depth display, you’d see the map stretch out into the road, so that it appears to actually integrate with the environment and cling to the world as we see it, in three dimensions. So, if a missile’s flying towards Tony, his visor will simply show him a two dimensional graphic warning him that he’s about to get blasted to smithereens, rather than the display actually mapping to the environment and signaling the missile depth in three dimensions. Oops. But because the real-world is, well, actually three dimensional, current AR applications are forced to use a variety of tricks to simulate the illusion of depth. These tricks only fool the psychological perception of depth, and thus your eyes don’t actually interact with such displays as if the graphics they project represented real objects. As if flying around in a metal suit fighting aliens all day isn’t stomach-wrenching enough, these depth illusions cause a mind/body conflict, which can lead to the colloquial ‘simulator sickness’ — so, sorry Tony, but it looks like nausea, motion-sickness, and fatigue might spoil your flight. Bye bye, New York. Now, thankfully, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever be in such a precarious situation as our pal Stark — however, with increasingly immersive VR experiences using Near-Eye Microdisplays to generate virtual environments, you’ll almost certainly be able to experience that same exhilaration without any of the, you know, potential death. But, even without that admitted downside, you’ll still be navigating a two-dimensional environment tricking your mind into an illusory and weak sense of depth perception, doling out those same negative simulation sickness related repercussions prone to spoil an otherwise enjoyable evening. Softwhere? So then, here’s the inevitable point: increasingly smaller, higher resolution, higher frame rate microdisplays provide the hardware bedrock for the future of computing. Most likely, this consists of immersive applications across both industrial and commercial use cases, like Iron Man’s Helmet-Mounted Display, or VR gaming. Essentially, the future of computing consists of the virtual blending with the real, transforming and reimagining the ways in which we interact with information and technology. What’s missing is a software which removes limitations of current capabilities in immersive computing, like simulation sickness, and generates real depth with variable focus — to unlock the potential of microdisplays by not tricking your mind into perceiving depth, but actually stimulating the physiological depth cues we experience while interacting with the real world. We have a word for these life-like simulations, and you’ve probably heard it before: Holograms. Yep, Holograms. Holodeck, Minority-Report, Star Wars Jedi-Council ‘we do not grant you the rank of master’ holograms. Ironically, the main barrier between you and Tony Stark is an appropriate holography-enabling software and not the advent of a fully-functioning pew-pew laser-blasting death trap of an Iron Man suit. Generating real-depth holograms in order to, among other things, do away with simulation sickness and usher in the age of truly immersive computing, requires a combination of increasingly proficient microdisplays and a software suite capable of generating dynamic holograms in real-time using off-the-shelf hardware. In other words, science-fiction is a lot less fictional than you might think, and the holographic future is just barely round the corner.
['Vividq Ltd']
2018-12-12 14:36:15.235000+00:00
['Virtual Reality', 'Hologram', 'Augmented Reality', 'Mixed Reality', 'Marvel']
Marvel’s Action to be Complemented by Disney’s Magic!
Marvel’s Action to be Complemented by Disney’s Magic! Going by the pandemic, Disney+ has garnered many viewers and has now stricken a chord with the Marvel Universe. Although Disney’s dazzling world couldn’t attract more tourists this year, it did gain a lot of spectators on its streaming platform, Disney Plus. Not only that, but Disney has also uncovered a plethora of new endeavors for the next years at an Investor event. This includes 10 Star Wars series and Pixar Animation series. https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7q6/officiallivestream_ufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7qo/officialufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7r7/livestreamofficialufc_256_live_streams_reddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7s0/officiallivestream_2020ufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7su/ufc_256_live_stream_reddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7to/official_tv_ufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7uo/officiallivestream_ufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7vo/officialreddit_ufc_256_live_streamsreddit_2020/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7wk/officialstreams_ufc_256live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7xq/officiallive_ufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby7z3/ufc_256_live_streamreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby808/officiallivestream_ufc_256_figueiredo_vs_moreno/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby818/officialufc_256_figueiredo_vs_moreno_live/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby827/livestreamofficialufc_256_figueiredo_vs_moreno/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby839/officiallivestream_2020ufc_256_figueiredo_vs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby841/ufc_256_figueiredo_vs_moreno_live_stream_reddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby85f/official_tv_ufc_256_figueiredo_vs_moreno_live/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby874/officiallivestream_ufc_256_figueiredo_vs_moreno/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby87w/officialreddit_ufc_256_figueiredo_vs_moreno_live/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sdfgsdfhgsdfh/comments/kby88q/officialstreams_ufc_256_figueiredo_vs_morenolive/ This year, the Marvel Universe also gave fans an exciting piece of news that they’d be releasing the big-budget movie Black Widow in theatres soon. Marvel movies have always been fascinating. It would be a treat for the audience to watch top-notch action and Scarlett Johansson on big screens. In this article, we’re going to talk about the Investor event, its feature, and what all shows Disney Plus has in store for us. Walt Disney Company had a huge event this Thursday that grabbed the attention of all movie buffs. It was webcast to call the attention of investors as well as the audience. The event highlighted a vast lineup of numerous films and series that included Marvel content. They emphasized primarily streaming services like Hulu and ESPN plus. Disney’s Investor event started at 4:30 pm EST or 1:30/pm. It was 4 hours long and boasted about its upcoming ventures. Disney plus has earned whopping 86 million subscribers since its launch in November 2019. And, the numbers are expected to increase even more amidst the release of Marvel movies. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/top/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/hot/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/live/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/comments/kbviau/officiallivetvufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/comments/kbvibh/matchthreadufc_256live_streams_reddit_2020/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/comments/kbvici/offitialsufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/comments/kbvid1/offitialsstreams_ufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/comments/kbvidp/offitialsstreamsufc_256live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/comments/kbviee/offitialsufc_256live_streamsreddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFC256Livonline/comments/kbview/offitialsstreamsufc_256_live_streamsreddit/ 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https://www.reddit.com/r/adamglistfan/comments/kbwqj8/official_livestream_phoenix_suns_vs_utah_jazz/ https://www.reddit.com/r/adamglistfan/comments/kbwqgf/officialphoenix_suns_vs_utah_jazz_live/ https://www.reddit.com/r/adamglistfan/comments/kbwqb1/official_livestream_phoenix_suns_vs_utah_jazz/ This news came into the market after Warner Bros disclosed their whole lineup of blockbuster films. Till now, they have confirmed that they’d be airing 17 films in the upcoming year. They would be premiered in theatres simultaneously with HBO Max. Kevin Fiege, one of the chief executives of Marvel Studios, expressed his condolences on the demise of Chadwick Boseman. Despite confronting for a long time, Cancer took a toll on him. He was the lead actor in Marvel’s blockbuster film Black Panther. Kevin also disclosed that in the upcoming sequel, the central character wouldn’t be cast again. And that, the stories are going to be around the supporting actors.
2020-12-12 22:28:25.425000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Action', 'Action Movies', 'Movies', 'Actors']
Into the Spiderverse Poses a Problematic View About Consent
I’m a big Spideyverse fan. I’ve cosplayed Gwen Stacy and Venom. My best friend is a kickass Miles Morales, and my boyfriend is an incredible Scarlet Spider. Theoretically, Into the Spiderverse should have been a perfect movie for me — gorgeous animation mixed with an interesting comic book feel, one of my favorite characters (Miles Morales!) as the star, PLUS Nic Cage as Spiderman Noir (okay, that one makes me really feel like this movie was made for me). Only it wasn’t. The movie opened up strong. Peter Parker died. I mean, hello, that’s kiiiiiiind of a big deal. But it all starts to spiral when Miles Morales tells his Uncle Aaron that he likes a girl. Naturally, cool Uncle Aaron has some advice for that. “Put your hand on her shoulder and say hey,” he says. Miles is a little uneasy with this advice. But the next time he sees the girl he likes, he does it anyway. All this girl wants to do is say hello to Miles. And Miles, who wants to show that he likes her, touches her shoulder and says “hey.” I’ve frequented a lot of bars in my time as a New Yorker. I’ve had men slide their arms around my waist before asking if it was okay; I’ve had men put their arms around me while I’m ordering a drink; I’ve had men touch my shoulder just like Miles did. And you know how many times I’ve wanted them to do that? Zero. If you want to talk to me . . . just talk to me. And if I don’t want to talk to you or I’m not interested, respect that. Your person will come. Back to Miles. The adult figure that he looks up to tells him to put his hand on a girl’s shoulder, so he does. Only it backfires because Miles has been bitten by a radioactive spider and he’s sticking to everything. Miles’s hand gets caught in Gwen’s hair. And the only way to unstick them is for Gwen to shave her head. Yeah, that all sucks for Miles. We’ve all embarrassed ourselves in front of crushes at some point or another, and you’re meant to feel that awkwardness, but you know whose POV the movie conveniently glosses over? Gwen’s. Gwen approaches Miles. She’s excited to talk to him. But then he touches her. She never told him that’s okay — he just LIKES her, so he goes out and touches her shoulder. Now Miles won’t stop touching her and Gwen is VISIBLY uncomfortable. She tries to swat him off but he’s sticking to her so he won’t. The ordeal ends with Gwen needing to shave half her hair off. She never consented to being touched, she didn’t want to be touched, and now she’s suffering for it. It’s extremely common for rape victims to shave their heads. Don’t believe me? Here’s a Duke University article all about it. Later in the film, when Miles needs to defeat Kingpin, he remembers something important his Uncle Aaron told him — touch someone on the shoulder and say “hey!” So Miles does and the world is saved. Woooooooo. I saw the movie with three dudes. I expected them to like it, but I was shocked that not a single person seemed to notice that consent was . . . well, ignored. I even did a cursory search on the Internet and amidst the 100% Rotten Tomatoes score, I couldn’t find anything. And the fact that men don’t see this behavior as problematic . . . is problematic in and of itself. Men — real men, not just fictional men like Miles — need to understand that not only is touching a woman a “not a good way” to say you like her, it’s just NOT an option. Touch her when and only when you have ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT. ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT. And yes, this goes for shoulder touches as well as anything “further.” You won’t defeat any enemies in the real world by touching their shoulder, sorry to tell you. I don’t mean to be a buzzkill, though; I did find aspects enjoyable. I really liked Miles’s dad, for example. And Aunt May. And I was a big fan of the animation. But yeah. Mostly, I wish it was something we talked about. Talk to the kids in your life about consent, talk to the adults in your life about consent, talk about consent. Let’s talk about it again and again and again. Into the Spiderverse: 5.5./10
['Erinn Says']
2018-12-14 14:59:14.139000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Consent']
The Avengers: Endgame is a Bad Movie. Stop Lying to Yourself.
The Avengers: Endgame is a Bad Movie. Stop Lying to Yourself. NO, REALLY, A LOT OF SPOILERS AHEAD The flow of the movie was all over the place. Not even the time traveling aspect but just how people were appearing, changing, and disappearing without any context in the film. There was a lot of this. It is a stupid excuse to argue a lot of this happened for the sake of brevity. The reason why Infinity War and Endgame are almost 6 hours total is because Marvel had to stuff the movies with as much content as possible to tell the story without needing more movies to do it. While the Thanos saga could have easily merited a third film (the “Infinity Stones Trilogy”), it would have required an extra film from the likes of Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, and Chris Evans which they couldn’t get resulting in an abattoir of lost character development, plot points, and arcs. 2. Captain Marvel is a bad Avenger. Full stop. She’s like an absentee father where she will only be there if you really, really, really need her. She’s in the film for a grand total of seven minutes and for what? She rescues Tony at the start and then she leaves because she’s guarding “thousands of less fortunate worlds” which okay, fair. But WHY was she not involved in the Avengers’ super important, “we only get one shot at this, we can’t fail” mission to undo the snap? Like it didn’t occur to anyone to bring the one person who could do the whole thing by themselves? Even in the climax of the fight, she didn’t really do anything. They tried to book her arrival like the battle of Wakanda where the Avengers were losing and Thor showed up to even the playing field but if that was happening on Earth they didn’t show it because they seemed alright despite the ship shelling them. It’s honestly a waste of a character that truthfully Marvel doesn’t seem to know what to do with. She’s basically a female version of Superman in that they’re a living god and aren’t really challenged / threatened by anything. In short: after a year of hearing fans say “where was Captain Marvel during Infinity War?” Marvel seemed to have learned nothing and left us asking “where was Captain Marvel during the time heist?” 3. The final battle made no sense. On Wakanda in Infinity War, 10 Avengers (including a very late Thor and a shieldless Cap), and the Wakandan army nearly defeated Thanos (who had five stones), 3 of the Black Order sans Maw, and his army. Somehow in Endgame, a very full strength 20 Avengers plus like 4 armies plus Thor there from the start plus Cap with a shield AND Mjolnir plus a late Captain Marvel plus a completed Infinity Gauntlet couldn’t immediately beat Thanos (with zero stones), the Black Order, and one army? It doesn’t make sense. At all. 4. The entire soul stone / Black Widow death scene was bad. The Avengers spent five years reviewing what went into getting the stones. They KNEW someone has to die to get the soul stone. Like that’s necessary, they wouldn’t not tell you that before you went. Nebula knew it. Stark knew it. For them to act shocked and resigned was disingenuous. Beyond that, the entire fight scene was just confusing. It was like a race to make the sacrifice. Yes, it made sense to kill Black Widow and that was the right call but how they got there was bad. It would have made more sense for Ronin to be like “I have nothing to live for, I’ll die for the stone” and then right before he jumps they pull an Armageddon where Black Widow trips Ronin and she kills herself with some line about how it’s her turn to make the sacrifice (because up to now she’s the only one who hasn’t lost anything / anyone). It would have made the death itself way more powerful than the version we got. 5. Why didn’t Black Widow get a funeral? Seriously. Her death was treated like some flimsy ancillary character like Doby from Harry Potter (and even he got a funeral). There was a brooding scene right after when everyone is sad (akin to Coulson’s death reaction in the first Avengers) and Hulk throws a bench but other than we don’t receive a lot of closure with the character. Outside of Banner saying he tried to wish her back and Ronin (and this should have been Banner) / Scarlet Witch commiserating at the end, she gets no fanfare. She was literally an Avenger before Stark even was and she deserved more than what she got. 6. They don’t properly explain why they couldn’t bring back Gomorrah and Black Widow (or Vision for that matter). Like the stones can do literally anything…. except reincarnate the dead? It doesn’t make sense. Especially because in the comics you definitely CAN. It’s a common plot hole for devices that deal with unlimited power that these films try to skate on. 7. Why was Pepper Potts just randomly hanging out at Avengers HQ when Stark’s ship arrived? No one knew they were coming so what gives? 8. Where and when did Pepper Potts go from a corporate executive who becomes hysterical during every battle (see: Infinity War’s first act) to “has her own suit and is ready to do battle”? I understand they NEEDED her there for Stark’s death so she was the last face he saw but that doesn’t excuse the plot hole that got her to the battlefield. Like scenes where she got into the suit and went to the fight (potentially because she knew it may be the last time she sees Tony), saying goodbye to her daughter (who is being watched by Happy) and explaining that she’s going to help ensure the world is safe for her would have been good. You kind of had this for Tony earlier in the movie but they really needed to flesh out how and why Pepper got there and they missed an opportunity to do this well. 9. The whole female Avengers charge scene was so heavy handed that it negated its significance. It’s the MCU’s version of Spider-Man jumping in front of the American flag in Spider-Man 3. The main issue is that the last two movies send a message to the audience that women and men can NOT fight together (save for Captain Marvel). They did this in Infinity War too with Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and Okoye fighting Proxima Midnight. By trying to be inclusive, the films somehow became more exclusionary of female characters. Joss Whedon has a lot of issues as a writer, but he understood the important symbolism of a female character taking men to task in battle. He did it with Buffy The Vampire Slayer and he did it in The Avengers. It’s something that Infinity War and Endgame failed to do (sans Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel going after Thanos). 10. After spending a year mourning the Avengers who were dusted in Infinity War, audiences were rewarded with a grand total of 10 minutes of screen time for the lot of them. For one thing: we’re not actually shown how people return from the dust (which would have bene the emotional payoff from Infinity War’s dusting). They don’t explain what people are like when they come back or what actually happened to them while they were gone. How were the dusted Avengers able to rally armies to fight so quickly? Like none of it makes sense other than it led to an otherwise entertaining fake Hobbit Battle of Five Armies sequence and a catch phrase. Again, a great opportunity missed to further develop the audience’s emotional investment to these characters (especially since a lot of them are the stars of the franchise going forward). 11. Black Widow’s character arc was really confusing. Was she in love with Ronin? Was she in love with Banner? What was the point of the build up in Ultron with her and Banner, tease it further in Infinity War, then just kinda blow it off in Endgame? The ultimate issue here is it robbed the audience of any kind of emotional payoff for Bruce Banner’s character. More troubling because it happened at the mercy of Ronin’s development even though his arc had already been written (and who got an emotional payoff at the end of the movie). Once again, bad character development that cheats Bruce Banner out of closure. 12. Endgame clearly tried to correct the Thanos character. In short, they made him way too sympathetic in Infinity War. There have been a lot of people who have said Thanos is the hero of Infinity War. To fix that in Endgame, Thanos was written more as a nihilistic sociopath which kind of works because ultimately it’s Thanos from the past but his motivations for the Infinity Stones wouldn’t change so why should his mannerisms / motivations? It worked from a raw storytelling perspective of giving the audience a pure villain to root against but considering the existing character arcs, we know that Thanos is more than a pure villain. 13. Why not use the stones to revive Tony Stark? It’s a simple question. They could. Captain Marvel (presumably is the only one strong enough to safely wield the gauntlet) could have used the gauntlet, snapped her fingers, and he would be alive. 14. How did Cap return the soul stone? There’s a lot of questions here like a.) what it was like seeing Red Skull again? b.) How do you put back the soul stone since the films never actually show where you get the stone? c.) Do you get the life back for the stone or is it a no refunds situation? 15. The Cap old man ending is literally impossible. Based on the very same rules on time travel as defined by Hulk and the Ancient One. When you go through time, whatever you do does not change your present, it simply creates an alternate track where your changes are reflected. So Cap going back to the past to marry Peggy Carter and die an old man would NEVER have happened in the reality that Falcon / Bucky were in. It would have happened in the alternate track Cap created in the past meaning the shield handoff and everything would never have happened. In conclusion: 1. Brand loyalty does not make a bad movie good 2. Nostalgia does not make a bad movie good 3. Crying at the end does not make a bad movie good (otherwise Marley & Me would be Citizen Kane)
['James Khubiar']
2019-04-27 17:19:17.128000+00:00
['Avengers', 'Avengers Endgame', 'Marvel', 'Marvel Cinematic Universe', 'Marvel Studios']
SHIELD & The Avengers: Interchangeable?
SHIELD & The Avengers: Interchangeable? *MCU SPOILERS AHEAD* Agents of SHIELD The MCU is one of the largest franchise in this millenium. With Avengers: Endgame (2019) at the top of the Box Office of All Time, and many of Hollywood’s biggest stars earning their fame via roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are tons of fans of this Series of shows and movies. One thing that makes any Marvel product so fascinating to watch, is the story interweaved within all of it. Agent Coulson of SHIELD is linked to Spiderman. Daredevil aka Matt Murdock is linked to the Big Six Avengers. Currently, I am taking on the task of watching the entire MCU, including the ABC Shows Agent Carter & Agents of SHIELD, but excluding the Netflix Marvel Shows. In the least, it is extraordinary how a small remark that a character makes in one movie, has a lot to do with multiple characters from a different film or series. Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter At the end of SHIELD S2:E19, Coulson is in a meeting with Agent Hill, and he finishes with something along the lines of, “It’s time to bring in the Avengers.” This particular episode is the last before the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron. A the beginning of the movie, the opening scene, the Avengers are storming their way into a HYDRA base, which we know has direct links to Coulson’s meeting, because during his chat, they talk about retrieving Loki’s Sceptre, which we see in the movie as the initial aim of the Avengers. However, the agents at SHIELD have stormed multiple HYDRA bases, ending with success in many. So, the question is, hypothetically, couldn’t SHIELD have taken out the task that the Avengers did in the start of the movie? Now, I’m not saying in any way that the 2 powers are equal, because the Avengers would overpower SHIELD any day, even with Quake’s/Daisy’s abilities. But, the adversity faced at the base was quite similar, it seems, to what SHIELD had faced too many times to count. Even with the Maximoff Twins, SHIELD’ve gone up against many Inhumans, for example, and other powered individuals. Of course, a simple answer could be that SHIELD just wanted the Sceptre as soon as possible, with as minimum obstacles as possible. Coming out of the fictional world: it may just have been something to add to the plot of Age of Ultron, to make it gripping right from the go, and something to entice fans of the ABC Series to watch the movie. Obviously, they’d want to find out what the Coulson comment meant, when he talked about bringing ‘in the Avengers’, adding more cash to the actors’ and filmmakers pockets, at the end of the day. Then with SHIELD vs Hive, the Avengers could’ve been brought in, to fight someone who was more or less is invincible. Just think how much more quickly Hive could’ve been dealt with, if even only a third of the Big Six came to help. Maybe not even they were needed; Dr Strange + Black Panther? Captain Marvel + Black Widow? Or even Captain Marvel by herself? Exiting fiction, this could’ve obviously been again for commercial gain, to drag S3 on for as long as possible against a formidable opponent. An additional reason for not entwining SHIELD and the Avengers, further than has been already, would supposedly be because the AoS bosses wanted to go their own route from the MCU; not completely separate, but to release the ‘strangle-hold’ for the scriptwriters, which had previously meant that lost of thought had to be put in so as not to majorly contradict the main MCU storylines, prevalent in the movies. So personally and ultimately, I believe that the SHIELD Agents & the Avengers are indeed interchangeable, however a few fictional factors (such as the least use of SHIELD resources as possible) and non-fictional ones (like the aim to actually have feasible material to make blockbusters with, instead of all the good stuff being taken up by the ABC series), mix together and come into play, giving us the current extraordinary layout and timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
['Nhyira M']
2020-11-22 19:47:03.596000+00:00
['Film', 'TV', 'Mcu', 'Marvel']
Iron Fist could have been the next epic Marvel show on Netflix, if they’d only been brave enough to do one thing …
Iron Fist could have been the next epic Marvel show on Netflix, if they’d only been brave enough to do one thing … … just make Danny Rand Chinese-American. Lewis Tan, the actor who’s the villain in the new Netflix Iron Fist show, lobbied hard for this. But in the end, he didn’t get his way, and he kept his job, and there’s yet ANOTHER Marvel Netflix show with bad-guy Asians in it who are kung-fu masters. Man, Iron Fist, it’s okay (to me at least) if the first/only/finally Marvel superhero with an Asian face is a kung-fu guy, especially if they made him Chinese. I mean, half of the Marvel heroes are kung-fu people now, why not a kung-fu artist who’s Chinese-American? It’s a cliche, but there’s literally ZERO heroes in the Marvel Universe that look like Bruce Lee, or Shannon Lee, or any of another hundred names I could type out right now. It’s where Iron First is this missed opportunity. I know there’s controversy in the Asian-American community about Doctor Strange. I’m alone on this one; I think it’s great that The Ancient One is a white woman, now, for that movie. Because in the comics, The Ancient One as written is this oriental nightmare; just a Fu-Manchu design on top of a bunch of land of the celestials orientalist nonsense. It took decades of writing to sort of fill in a backstory that at least makes the land of the celestials oriental nonsense kind of compelling, but it’s all in English, and only Tibetan in the same way that The Mikado is Japanese. The Ancient One in the Marvel comic books is a racist mess, no matter how much you rewrite it, so, yeah, go make that character into a white woman for the movie; it fits the weirdo space-magic that grounds Doctor Strange better, anyway. And I know, I get it, it’s business. It’s probably done less because of the aforementioned racist mess, and more likely because a Tibetan mentor for Doctor Strange could’ve hurt box office in China. I get it. But, if we can get a white woman as The Ancient One, why can’t we get a Chinese-American Danny Rand? That could have been something. A guy who doesn’t know kung-fu, with an Americanized name, who learns all about this ancient lineage, tracing his roots back to a land he’s never seen. That’s a Marvel show ABOUT something. That’s a Marvel TV show going into ‘American Born Chinese’ sort of territory. There’s our Chinese-American hero, Danny Rand, set adrift in a far away land, learning the language, learning that Kung-Fu, and then learning some space magic fighting styles until he becomes the master, he’s now the 铁拳 (Tiěquán). And without skipping a beat, our Chinese-American Danny Rand, who’s learned all about his culture, translates 铁拳 into crystal clear English and says, “Iron Fist.” And when he does, this music plays, as he shows off the power of the Iron Fist … Daring General (于會詠、胡登跳) https://www.youtube.com/watch… … straight out of Cantonese opera, ‘Daring General (于會詠、胡登跳)’ the kind of music a big hero would get as the opening titles or, if they were really lucky, as fight choreography. And I know what you may be thinking, “But Danny Rand, that’s an English language name, how could he be Chinese?” And I’ll say, “You do know my name is Fred Rutherford and I have a Korean mother, right?” And point out that people’s names change when they come to America, and there’s a story there all on its own, about the advantages the Chinese Rand family might’ve had by simply changing their name decades earlier, and surprising business contacts with their ethnicity when it was too late to back out. And so to do that, you have to get someone to make the show who understands or thinks about these things, and thinks it matters. Who understands that yeah, it’s kind of lame to make the first Asian-American Marvel superhero into a kung-fu guy, but if you’re going to do it, you go DEEP, and you get it RIGHT, and you make a 13 part Chinese-American Kung-Fu OPERA out of it. You get the tropes right, you pull out every stop, you ask for White Tiger and Fat Cobra and you go ahead and read Journey to the West in English and crib from it and do it EPIC. You go DEEP into the aforementioned ‘American Born Chinese’ territory too, and you go DEEP into Marvel, and you decide, okay, it’s ALSO about cultural appropriation, and theft, and honor, and coming through, and about being forever foreign in America NO MATTER what your name is, how long your family has been here, all of these things. But, Marvel doesn’t do that. The Asian faces in Marvel properties remain helpers at best, or outright villains. There was a moment, in Luke Cage, his at first stern Chinese landlord who turns out to have a sweet spot for him. That could have been Danny Rand’s ‘auntie’ from a side of the family that did NOT change their name. And then that was the in, the way to make Luke Cage and Danny Rand best friends, and start them off right. They’ll figure out how to make Danny and Luke friends. And who knows, maybe the showrunner will make it about cultural appropriation anyway. Or, maybe it’ll just be the kind of thing you come to expect when you’re Asian-American and you see this stuff; where the love interest will be a sultry kung-fu goddess, and the villain will be a super-buff kung-fu master who could do his own stunts, unlike the lead white guy who has at least 2 stunt doubles. But in my head, I’ve already seen the kung-fu epic opera version of “Way of The Iron Fist” in my sleep. I’ll stick with that one, and hope that one of these days, some little kid who kind of looks like me get a superhero who kind of looks like him among Iron Man and The Hulk and Black Widow and all the other supergods, and the same for a little girl with the same kind of face, too. Because it matters, seeing yourself in the heroes of popular culture. It’s a way you learn that you’re not a foreigner in your own country.
['The Help Machine']
2016-10-14 04:17:09.947000+00:00
['Movies', 'Marvel']
Marvel Studios Will Not Recast Black Panther
Marvel Studios Will Not Recast Black Panther During Disney Investor Day, it was revealed by Marvel Studios Chief Creative Officer Kevin Feige that Marvel Studios will not be recasting the iconic role of Black Panther which was made world-famous by the epic portrayal by the late Chadwick Boseman. This was a question that was on everyone’s mind after Chadwick Boseman’s tragic passing. After much internet speculation, it seems that Feige wanted to clear the air. Black Panther 2 will proceed and the MCU will still build around Wakanda. Black Panther 2 director and writer Ryan Coogler is hard at work on the script. Which is assumed to be going through massive rewrites considering Coogler was writing lines for Chadwick to say at the time of his passing. It was clear that the Black Panther character was destined for huge things post-Endgame. It is a shame we will never get to see another Chadwick Boseman movie. Marvel Studios’ approach to handling the situation in Black Panther 2 will be nothing short of fascinating considering how T’Challa’s arc was going and the clear emphasis during the Endgame final battle that Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man were the next MCU trinity. As a fan, it is still surreal that Chadwick Bozeman is gone. The news doesn’t get any less devastating. I’m just glad Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios made the thoughtful decision not to recast the Black Panther. Black Panther 2 will arrive in theaters on July 8, 2022. Zach Perilstein is the Editor-in-Chief of the Boardwalk Times
['Zach Perilstein']
2020-12-12 22:08:03.015000+00:00
['News', 'Chadwick Boseman', 'Marvel Cinematic Universe', 'Marvel', 'Film']
Fortnite: How it Has Stayed Relevant, Unique and What is to Come?
Fortnite: How it Has Stayed Relevant, Unique and What is to Come? Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 (Screenshot: Epic Games) If you were to download Fortnite today it would not look anything like the game that launched in 2017. The game started as a pivot from the zombie tower defense game that Fortnite was originally set to be, when it failed to find players the team at Epic decided to make a some changes rebranding it as battle royale. The game is now in its second chapter and has grown into a online shooter, social space, concert venue, movie theatre and etc. The game continues to grow and change every season. The weirdest part about Fortnite, is that when they announce a new season they have almost reached a Marvel or Star Wars level of quality. When they put out their posters they are covered in original characters, lore and now even licensed character from other companies (including Marvel and Star Wars) has become a regular occurrence. This is why I want to break it all down and talk about why Fortnite is doing games as a service so much better than most of the other companies. Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 (Screenshot: Epic Games) The above image is what I want to start with. This was Chapter 2 Season 3. I want to start out by sharing one quality of Fortnite that I believe is a huge part of their success in keeping the game relevant. It is the fact that they are not afraid to change up the experience from season to season. Fortnite is not scared to make their seasons about something entirely new and double down on it in an effort to create original content, this time that idea was a water world. Partner this with the fact that licensed characters are probably just a part of Fortnite moving forward now that they have had multiple tied to the battle pass. Fortnite is truly its own, unique world one where you can have Aquaman, Thor, Mandalorian and a cat on a robotic body. This world and its crazy occupants is, what I believe, keeps bringing people back to the game. I think that a launch of a new season for some is like when a new movie or even a new game is coming out. They don’t know exactly what the next season will bring in terms of characters and lore. This excitement and the changes is enough to keep pulling players back into the game. We now know that the next season after Season 3, would bring Epic’s biggest crossover yet, it was a season dedicated to Marvel. The season had a battle pass that was filled with iconic Marvel characters. This all cultivated with players defending the island against Galactus, who opened up the zero point allowing for even bigger events and more crossovers in the future. Epic has been smart to allow Season 5 to bring in more people through the store, but to bring back their originality through the battle pass. This battle pass, while featuring the Mandalorian, is filled with original characters. I know that we all loved the Marvel season, yet I think it is cool to see original content presented as well. Even though I do not love every single aspect of Fortnite I am always impressed by their designs and style, I think they have done an amazing job crafting their world. They also have talented artists who are amazing at meshing the guest characters with the games style. These characters never feel out of place or look like they shouldn’t be in the same image with the rest of the Fortnite cast. I am not a huge fan of Fortnite, I like it, but I don’t feel like I have the time to get really good at it or grind the battle pass. I have played it in the past and truly think that Epic has made a very interesting experience even at times reaching outside of the typical gaming space. The events and the mode Party Royale has even elevated the game to a place where people can just hang out. It’s still crazy to believe that the tower defense version of Fortnite that was coming out in 2017, was re-engineered into one of the biggest online games ever. I believe that Fortnite will continue to grow and most likely become something bigger than a game. I think with the addition of these events and Party Royale we have already seen the first steps. While I think the game will always have its battle royale game modes. I wonder if we will see bigger additions to Party Royale, Creative and even new modes that allow for people that just want a relaxing game to play with their friends. I wonder if we will see the addition of more PVE focused modes and activities. Only time will tell, I feel that Fortnite has the potential to shape itself as a hub that many play for totally different reasons. Just as Fortnite pivoted in 2017 to become a battle royale I wonder if we may see it pivot again to become a bigger, more inclusive experience.
['Connor Edrington']
2020-12-13 15:22:37.762000+00:00
['Fortnite', 'Ps5', 'Xbox', 'Epic Games', 'Marvel']
2019 Movie Preview
2019 Movie Preview With 2018 in the books, it’s time we looked forward to a new year for movies. 2019 is set to be a monster year, with two of the biggest blockbusters of the decade arriving in Avengers: End Game and Star Wars: Episode IX. Trust us, those two are only the tip of the iceberg as well. January GLASS M Night Shyamalan has almost become a self-referential meme at this point, with his career having as many twists as his movies. One thing’s for certain though: he’s been on somewhat of an under-the-radar hot streak with The Visit and Split. Now he returns to the world of The Horde (Split) to deliver a crossover with Unbreakable (2000), in what is sure to be an interesting movie in the very least. Prediction: The fact that he took his time between Split and this has me cautiously optimistic about Glass. Other notable releases in January: The Kid Who Would Be King sees Joe Cornish return to the director’s chair for the first time since Attack The Block (2011), in what could be an early front runner for Biggest Surprise at next year’s Nerdies. February THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART The movie that shocked the world gets a well-deserved sequel this year, as The Lego Movie 2 hits theatres. The worrying part of this is that Phil Lord and Chris Miller are not back to direct, giving over control to Mike Mitchell, who seemingly hasn’t directed a good movie, and Trisha Gum, who hasn’t directed any at all. Prediction: The fact that Miller and Lord contributed to the script should save this but it probably will be a poorer sequel nonetheless. ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL This movie is the least predictable movie of the entire year. Alita: Battle Angel has been a pet project for James Cameron for decades and with his name attached to the script, it has a heavyweight creative name behind it. The trouble comes from director Robert Rodriguez, who is wildly unpredictable. He’s given us as many solid, fun movies as he has absolute duds. Prediction: Having read that Cameron has been paying close attention to this one has gotten my hopes up, but I’ve honestly got no idea what way this will go. HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD The How to Train Your Dragon series is criminally underappreciated. With two incredible films already in the series, number 3 looks set to send the series out in style. The reason I have high hopes for this one stems from director Dean DeBlois, who was responsible for the first two movies in the series and will close out the trilogy himself, a rare occurrence in animated movies. Prediction: This one will be a must-see. March CAPTAIN MARVEL Carol Danvers arrives in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ready to give it a powerful dose of cosmic power, as well as its first female lead. Marvel will be hoping this can be their next Black Panther, featuring lead representation outside of the white male demographic. Though Wonder Woman may have gotten all the plaudits for that already. Prediction: Fun entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that will settle somewhere in the middle in terms of quality. US One of my most-anticipated movies of 2019 comes in the form of Us, the second movie from up-and-coming director Jordan Peele. He’ll be looking to follow up the Oscar-nominated Get Out with another social-horror movie, which could cement him as one of the great horror directors working today. And with Lupita Nyong’o leading the movie, this one could be special. Prediction: a polarising movie that gets a little preachy at times but is still a solid horror movie. Other notable releases in March: The first of three 2019 live action Disney movies is released in March, with Tim Burton’s Dumbo. This one boasts a solid cast and could be just what Burton needs to break the slump he’s been on for the past few years. April SHAZAM David F. Sanberg shakes off the shackles of the horror genre and aims to follow in the footsteps of Sam Raimi and James Wan, as the next big horror-come-superhero director. This movie sees Zachary Levi take on the title role in a movie that looks like the superhero version of Tom Hanks’ Big. It’s a fun concept that could work really well and help push the Snyder years of the DC Universe further into the rear-view mirror. Prediction: Fun-but-flawed movie with a similar tone to Aquaman. HELLBOY The trouble with this movie is two-fold: one, the previous two Hellboy movies have a strong fanbase that’s still a little sore from being denied a closing to the Guillermo Del Toro series; and two, director Neil Marshall is wildly inconsistent. Having seen early success in the low-budget horror genre, Marshall delivered a few duds, before quietly rebuilding his rep on TV, with two of the greatest episodes of Game of Thrones (Blackwater and Watchers On The Wall). While Stranger Things’ David Harbour is the actor saddled with the daunting task of following Ron Perlman as Hellboy himself. Prediction: at best this movie will be a cult classic on the level of the excellent Dredd (2012). At worst, it could have a shot at winning Biggest Disappointment at next year’s Nerdies. AVENGERS: ENDGAME This is it. The end of an era. All signs point to this one being the last outing for the majority of the original Avengers, as they fight to save the lives of those lost in Infinity War. The story for this one is closely under wraps but set photos hint at this being a very different style to previous Avengers outings, which could be a good or a bad thing. Prediction: an emotional send-off to the original Avengers, but one that fails to reach the heights of Infinity War. Bring tissues. Other notable releases in April: The resurgence of Stephen King stories at the box office continues with Pet Sematary. Unfortunately, this one feels like it has flop written all over it. May POKEMON: DETECTIVE PIKACHU Bonkers. Few words describe this movie better. Voiced by Ryan Reynolds, this isn’t the Pikachu you know and love from the animated series. Ash Ketchum is nowhere to be seen in this one and we have no idea whether we should be excited or panicking deep inside. Prediction: literally no clue how this one will go, as director Rob Letterman seemingly only knows how to make mediocre animated movies (Shark Tale, Monsters Vs Aliens). GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS The king is back. Long live the king. 2014’s Godzilla was an incredibly polarising movie featuring stunning set pieces from Rogue One director Gareth Edwards, but it was also a movie which ultimately left people wanting more of the titular beast. This film is sure to correct that, as the legendary king of the monsters goes up against three iconic villains in the form of Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah. Prediction: Director Michael Dougherty has me worried about this one, as his previous movie Krampus was simply a low-budget horror comedy, and a bang-average one at that. The lack of visual brilliance from Gareth Edwards could hurt this one. Other notable releases in May: Keanu Reeves returns in John Wick 3, which sees him getting hunted from all corners following the events of the second movie. This should be a solid third movie in the series. Also releasing in May is Aladdin, which has me more and more worried every time I see something new from it, and with Guy Ritchie behind the camera, we all know this one can go any way. June X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX This movie should not be happening. It’s as simple as that. Following the Disney acquisition of Fox, Marvel’s merry mutants are set to be folded into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and possibly sooner than we think. So it’s hard to feel excited for, or to even care about this movie, which is a shame because it’s based on one of the most iconic X-Men stories of all time. The fact that we’ve to deal with the uninspiring choice of Simon Kinberg as director isn’t helping anyone’s hype level. Prediction: This generation of X-Men should have ended with Logan. This movie is potentially frustratingly pointless, and not to mention bad as well. MEN IN BLACK INTERNATIONAL Thor Ragnarok’s Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson team up once again and this time they’re going global for Men In Black International. This is a series that up until now relied on the star power of Will Smith, so it will be interesting to see if the premise can live beyond that. Director F. Gary Gray is an interesting choice as he’s a lot grittier than the fun, polished style of the previous entries in the series. The trouble with this one is the fact the whole movie is based on a twist that’s so obvious it’s painful. So maybe don’t watch the trailers if you can help it. Prediction: The chemistry of the two leads carries this one, but only just. TOY STORY 4 The toys are back in town, and before you know it, they’re out of town again. Toy Story 3 was the perfect send off to these characters, so the road trip at the core of this movie better be damn good for them to risk the perfect record this series has enjoyed so far. Seeing as the original Toy Story is one of my top 5 films of all time, I am very excited and worried for this one. Prediction: The weakest entry in the series but still a strong outing for the lovable toys. Other notable releases in June: Reboots of The Grudge and Child’s Play go head-to-head for the horror crown in June, a month where horror movies need to be exceptional to make any splash at the box office. I don’t see either of these being relevant at all. July SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME The next generation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe begins… in a Sony movie. This movie picks up where Avengers: Endgame leaves off, which effectively ruins a large part of Endgame. We all knew the characters weren’t staying dead anyway though, right? Jake Gyllenhaal pops up as Mysterio in this one, as Tom Holland and friends go on a field trip throughout Europe. I have a feeling this will be solid, even though I’ve never been a big fan of Spidey outside of New York. Prediction: more of the same magic that made Homecoming a very fun watch. THE LION KING Disney’s “live action” version of The Lion King will be massive at the box office this year. People flat out love the original and this is just about far enough removed from the first movie to get away with being an obvious cash grab. The all-star cast, including the return of James Earl Jones as Mufasa, has the hype off the charts for this one and with Jungle Book and Iron Man director Jon Favreau behind the lens, this is sure to be one of the biggest hits of the year. Prediction: Should be Disney’s biggest movie this year not named Avengers: Endgame. Other notable releases in July: Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood boasts Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie and Kurt Russell, in a movie set in Hollywood around the time of the Charles Manson murders. This one will be boasting Oscar-credentials. August HOBBS & SHAW The Rock and Jason Statham return as their characters from The Fast & The Furious series, but this time they’re the ones running the show. With Idris Elba throwing his weight around as the villain, this movie is sure to be both incredible fun and action-packed insanity all in one movie. The fact that Atomic Blonde and Deadpool 2 director David Leitch is behind the camera brings the action chops too. Prediction: the guilty-pleasure train rolls on as The Fast & The Furious continues to prove doubters wrong. THE NEW MUTANTS This movie is a heartbreaker for the X-Men fan in me. Not only does it boast the cinematic debut of my second-favourite X-man, Cannonball, but it seems to have an interesting concept at its core: a superhero movie that’s actually a horror film. The number of delays mixed with a large number of reshoots, including the strange addition of an entirely new character in said reshoots, makes this sound like a total clusterf**k. Marvel’s imminent dismantling of the universe makes this just as irrelevant as Dark Phoenix. Prediction: I feel bad for the cast of this one, especially Game of Thrones’ Maisie Williams, Stranger Things’ Charlie Heaton, and Split’s Anya Taylor-Joy. The only fancy swag they’ll be wearing this award season will be to pick up some Razzies. September IT: CHAPTER 2 I love IT. The book is one of my favourite novels of all time. The original movie was a favorite of mine growing up, haunting my nightmares for years. And 2017’s IT: Chapter 1 was everything I wanted the movie to be. It featured a fantastic young cast, a performance from Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise that quickly killed any negative comparison with Tim Curry’s iconic turn as the horrific clown. With James McEvoy, Jessica Chastain and Bill Hader joining the cast for the sequel, I’m incredibly excited for this one. Prediction: A strong second chapter to compliment the first, making two movies that combine to be the best Stephen King adaptation of all time. October JOKER Comedy director Todd Phillips brings a new version of The Clown Prince of Crime to life, with Jaoquin Phoenix being the latest actor to don the iconic make up and purple suit. Seeing as the most recent version of the Joker was Jared Leto’s turn in Suicide Squad, Phoenix just needs to be pretty good to be liked by fans. The fact that this one is disconnected from DC’s shared universe means it could have room to breathe, and manage to do something special. Prediction: Martin Scorcese has been involved with this movie for as long as it has been in existence, so this one could very well surprise. Other notable releases in October: Zombieland Too finally gets released in October, ten years after its predecessor. Hype for the series hasn’t lasted this long unfortunately, and though the writers went on to write two Deadpool movies, the director has been inconsistent, including 2018’s messy Venom. I’m just not sure anyone cares about this series anymore. I’ll be happy if they prove me wrong though. November TERMINATOR 6 How are they still releasing Terminator movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger? This one even sees the return of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor. The hopeful elements of this movie though come with the fact that James Cameron has been much more involved this time around, and that Deadpool’s Tim Miller is behind the lens as director. I’ve frankly given up caring about getting excited about this series though. Prediction: Another unnecessarily convoluted entry in the series. Other notable releases in November: November is riddled with absolute punts in the form of a Charlies Angels reboot, a prequel to Kingsman titled The Great Game and a movie adaptation of video game Sonic The Hedgehog. Any of these movies could be good in their own right, in particular Kingsman, as it has a trustworthy director in the form of the Matthew Vaughan. Unfortunately, they’re all just trying to avoid the family juggernaut releasing in November: Frozen 2. December JUMANJI 3 Are the people who make Jumanji complete masochists? They’ve decided to release at the same time as a Star Wars movie again? The previous Jumanji movie was a complete shock both quality-wise and box-office-success-wise, and I don’t think anyone predicted this sequel happening. With The Rock, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillen all returning, and with Jake Kasdan once again directing, this movie is sure to be just as fun as the last one. Prediction: The cast carry this one and make it just as much fun as the previous entry. STAR WARS: EPISODE IX The big one has arrived. JJ Abrams is back in the director’s chair. The fate of Rey, Kylo Ren, Finn and Poe Dameron will be revealed. The 9th episode in the iconic series should see these characters go on hiatus for at least a while, even if they manage to survive past the end. So expect fireworks. The fact that fans have been aggressively outspoken about their dislike for The Last Jedi means the stakes are high for Disney with this one. Star Wars fans could stomach the prequels because they had George Lucas running the show, but if Disney delivers two unsatisfactory entries in the saga in a row, Star Wars will not be in a good place. Prediction: JJ gives the fans just what they want and Star Wars gets one of the strongest entries of the modern era. 2019 Movies In Review 2019 has the potential to be an all-time great year for movies, with a mix of heavy-hitters in the form of Avengers: End Game and Star Wars: Episode IX. With so many second-tier movies ready to step up, there can’t help but be more to love than hate. One thing is definitely for sure. We’ll have plenty to discuss this year on the Nerd Club podcast. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — For more Nerd Club news and reviews be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Then subscribe to our monthly podcast, available on all major podcasting apps, where we meet up to discuss one classic piece of nerd culture each month.
['Nerd Club Podcast']
2019-01-02 10:12:12.143000+00:00
['Movies', 'Podcast', 'Film', 'Star Wars', 'Marvel']
Spider-Man : Into the Spiderverse Review
Spider-Man : Into the Spiderverse Review Plot: Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse serves as an origin story for Spider-man. However it is self aware enough to not bore fans with the same Peter Parker storyline for the third or fourth time. Instead we are introduced to Miles Morales. The new Spider-Man and someone who is slightly More complex and relatable in comparison to Peter Parker. Without giving too much away after being introduced to our lead Miles we are introduced to many other characters who also have the spider sense. These characters all end up in Miles’ dimension due to a worm hole in the Universe. Is it meant to be or caused by something more sinister? Trailer Talk The trailer gives a lot away and the YouTube featurettes leave almost nothing to be desired.There is a lot of heart and fun in this movie but it seems like the studio over marketed that aspect. If I were you I wouldn’t watch any trailers. Stand out Characters The standout performances in this movie for me were Jake Johnson as Peter Parker and Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy. Although all the voice acting was superb on all fronts the story felt most at home when these two were on the screen. It could be because both are already established actors or perhaps they were given the most to do in the film. Either way both characters added a new dimension to the film that caused me to really enjoy it. Peter Parker being the washed up teacher trying to get back on his feet and Gwen Stacey bringing in that element of leadership but also being too afraid to fail or let anyone in. Overall In total the movie is a Miles Morales origin story. However because he is growing and learning the film mostly leans on his surroundings to be the source of entertainment as the audience and Miles kind of just sit and learn. You can expect Team ups and battles that in my personal opinion top most live action superhero movies. You’ll also need to look out for the killer soundtrack and score of this film. From Sun flower by Post Malone to the theme you hear for the Villain Prowler all of the sounds in this movie will give you goosebumps. The powerful message in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse and the final change in narrative puts it in my Top five favorite movies of 2018, if not my favorite superhero movie this year. I’ll give this movie a 9.5/10 only because the movie lacked a little in fight sequences. 9.5/10 What did you think of the film ???
['Billy K.']
2018-12-13 20:37:36.239000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Film Reviews', 'Movie Review', 'Spider Man', 'Cinema']
Feminal superhero movies which should be made now
Feminal superhero movies which should be made now Superheroes are one of the most loved characters of fictional movies among the audience and the viewers. Specially the male superheroes that leads in the movies are the ones which are appreciated by most of the people who love watching fictional films. Masculine superheroes such as Superman, Batman, Hulk and many other characters have gained immense attention from the public and now they are one of the most prominent figures. But then why the female superhero characters are being ignored? Why there are no movies based on the female superheroes that can really dominate the screen. We always have beautiful superhero female characters such as Wonderwoman, Batgirl, Supergirl and many such which really has a connection with the male superheroes and also have helped them in many ways to defeat the super villains. Why can only male superheroes dominate the screen and not female? It’s just because male superheroes are muscular and male or is it that female superheroes are being ignored from the scenario? If it’s so then now, all the filmmakers need to understand that even female superhero can dominate the big screens. Who will not love a female superhero movie, where the lead is played by a beautiful female superhero character? Everyone will. So now, movies should be made on female fictional artists apart from the male ones. Below mentioned are one of the most famous and beloved female superheroes on which the movies should be made as soon as possible:- 1) Batgirl — Batgirl has her appearances in most of the DC comics where she first appeared in Batman (April 1961) and is also depicted as the female counterparts to the superhero Batman. Batgirl as depicted by several comic books resembles an important character where she acts as a detective and solving mysteries and also helping the people around her whenever it is possible for her. Batgirl was basically written by Bill Finger and graphics were done by Sheldon Moldoff. Apart from the character of Batgirl, we also find that Batgirl belongs to the Gothic city and the Batman Family where she should also be treated equally as the Batman. Her several appearances in the fictional books also shows her importance in the batman series and therefore there should be a movie definitely made on Batgirl. 2) Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) — Wasp is a fictional female superhero which appears in most American comic books published by Marvel comics. Written by Stan Lee, this female character was first appeared in the comic book of Tales to Astonish. Wasp is one of the female superhero who is the first female Avenger and also a long time leader to the team. She was one who was also the founder of the team when it was first formed. The character of wasp is usually depicted as having wings and ability to shrink herself and also has the power of bioelectric energy blasts. Apart from having some amazing super powers, Wasp was also ranked as the fifth greatest avenger of all the time by Marvel creations. So by looking at her powers and her role, she surely deserves to get a good shot on big screens. 3) She-Hulk — She-hulk is the female superhero that belongs to the Hulk family. Created by Stan Lee, She-hulk mostly appears in the Marvel comics, where she plays a role of a cousin to Hulk. As per the series, she-hulk was the character who received blood from her cousin hulk when once she was injured, which also led to her acquiring of special powers from her superhero cousin Hulk. as depicted in the series, She-hulk is a prominent figure which acquires a huge feminine power. She is super-strong, indestructible and very powerful covered with those green body same like Hulk. She-hulk also has been a member to the Fantastic four, Avenger, Heroes for life and many more. Her role is powerful but with it, she also resembles her personality as well. By looking at her powers and role, She-hulk definitely needs a chance to showcase herself in the big screens as well. 4) Storm — Storm is a fictional superhero character which has her existence in Marvel Comics from a pretty long time. Her first appearance can be traced in Giant-Size X-Men in May 1975 and this character is created by Len Wein. Storm is also the first woman superhero of color, which determines her existence which is not related to color and also depicts that how she is important to both X-Men and Marvel lore. Storm is meant to be born with superhuman abilities and her character is depicted as the woman superhero who has the ability to control the weather and fly and also she is member of the X-men group. In the comic series, Storm is also married to superhero Black Panther and then becomes the Queen Consort of the African nation of Wakanda. This character is very interesting on the series and therefore she needs definitely a shot to get appear on the screens. 5) Black Widow — Written by Stan Lee, the character of Black Widow was first introduced in the Tales of Suspense in April 1964. Published by the Marvel comic Books, Black widow is also a part of Avengers, Iron Man, S.H.I.E.LD and many other series by the Marvel Creations. Black widow had her existence since the 60’s and then later became a prominent figure in the Marvel Universe. She is usually depicted as the founding member of Avengers and a fictional spy agent in most of the series. The series also shows that first she was introduced as the villain but further she transformed herself and made her appearance in Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D by leaving her past behind. She was also seen in the latest movie named Captain America:Civil War, where her role was largely appreciated. Henceforth, by looking at her role and transformation, she should be definitely portrayed on the big screens. If movies are made on this female superheroes then it would surely work wonders because every movie with good fictional characters and story, definitely works on screens.
2016-10-10 05:29:58.632000+00:00
['Movies', 'Comics', 'Woman', 'Marvel', 'Fiction']
Comic fans say APA superheroine another step in the right direction
Comic fans say APA superheroine another step in the right direction Between an African-American Captain America, a Pakistani-Muslim Ms. Marvel and a female Thor, the comic community has been rocked by recent announcements of a more diverse superhero world. New to the list is Marvel’s Silk, an Asian-American female superhero who will have her own ongoing series in February 2015. “More diversity in superheroes is better for everyone,” said Peter Casazza, owner of Big Planet Comics in College Park, Md. His store plans to carry the series after its release in February. “It makes it easier for all kinds of people with all kinds of perspectives to enter the comic world,” he said. Silk, or Cindy Moon, was introduced in the most recent “Amazing Spiderman” series as a classmate of Peter Parker’s who was bitten by the same radioactive spider that activated his superpowers. On Oct. 12 at the New York Comic Con, Comic publisher Marvel announced that Silk’s story would become a spin-off series. James Alexander, who organizes a regular D.C. comic fan meet-up, said that he hopes Silk develops beyond the overdone “female version of a superhero that is bigger and better.” “I still have some mixed feelings about Marvel’s diversity-oriented story lines,” he said. “Generally, I think they can be exciting, but let’s face it, sometimes these stories fall flat.” Casazza said a comic’s quality depends more on the writer than on the character’s initial appearance. “[Silk] kind of came out of nowhere, and it looks like it’s developing into an interesting story,” said Casazza. Esther Kim, manager of Fantom Comics in D.C., said she was excited by Marvel’s recent steps toward highlighting women in the comic world, particularly with Silk as an Asian American. “It looks like she’s going to be an amazing and complicated character in her own right, not just a badly represented knock-off of Spidey’s powers,” said Esther Kim. “She’s clearly got her own history and set of issues and a determination to stand on her own.” [caption id=”attachment_6892" align=”alignnone” width=”791"] Illustration courtesy of Kristafer Anka.[/caption] Silk is not the first Asian in the Marvel Universe. The Green Turtle, birthed in 1944, is considered comics’ first Asian-American hero, though editors disguised his Chinese-American heritage from post-World War II readers who held “yellow peril” fears. Since the late 80s, Singaporean superheroine Tyger Tiger and the X-Men’s Chinese Jubilee have made appearances in the Marvel Universe. Silk’s first issue will be written by Robbie Thompson, known for his work with The CW Network’s popular show “Supernatural.” It will be illustrated by Stacey Lee, whose work, Casazza said, is “fresh and engaging,” with “a lot of energy and dynamic movement.” Salwa Shan, a junior biology and education student at the University of Maryland who has been reading comics since she was a child, said she was hesitant to see how Marvel would portray Silk. “One thing I noticed especially in comics is that women are always oversexualized,” she said. In Lee’s depiction, Shan said she still saw over-sexualization, “but it’s not as prevalent.” Despite the steps toward diversity in comics, critics say that the stereotypical imagery associated with Asian culture and the particular objectification and over-sexualization of Asian-American women in comics continues. Casazza said Marvel’s track record with diversity, in terms of artists, writers and characters, has been “terrible,” but social media has allowed publishers to see their true audience base without investing money. “Almost every series has been about white men,” he said. “Now, with the Internet and social media opening up the comic world, finally there’s diversity of artists and creators that are reaching out to people with different perspectives.” Kim said the popularity of the new Pakistani-Muslim Ms. Marvel, Fantom Comics’ top-selling book, let comic publishers “take a chance on characters and audiences they wouldn’t necessarily have tried to reach before.” Shan said Marvel has realized it must move past its typical protagonist. “It’s really important for the target audience, which I believe is very vast and very diverse, to feel a connection to the main character,” Shan said. Featured illustration courtesy of Robert Negrete.
2016-08-10 16:57:13.965000+00:00
['Comics', 'Marvel']
Marvel’s Avengers Is A Superpowered Game With Super-Weaknesses
When It Comes To Superheroes, The Marvel’s Avengers Are Arguably The Most Popular Group In The World. Marvel’s Motley Crew May Seem Incompatible On Paper (A Huge Green Guy With Anger Issues, A Rich Man In A Chrome Power Suit, The God Of Thunder, Etc.),But When They Come Together, They Make Veritable Music. Having A Blockbuster Movie Franchise And Countless Product Placement Deals And Crossovers Doesn’t Hurt, Either. When Powerhouse Developer Crystal Dynamics Joined Up With Square Enix To Create The “Definitive” Avengers Game In Marvel’s Avengers, Gaming And Comic Fans Were Confident The Pair Could Deliver A Fantastic Product — And The First Really Great Avengers-Only Game. Now That The Full Game Is Here, It’s Certainly Safe To Say That It’s Accomplished Most Of What It Set Out To Do. Marvel’s Avengers Is An Interesting Combination Of An Excellent Solo Campaign And A So-So Multiplayer Game That Could Honestly Have Been Left Off Entirely. Overall, It’s A Fantastic Offering For Both Comic Fans And Anyone Looking For A Lengthy, Stylistic Adventure.It Makes Good Use Of Each Avenger’s Individual Powers And Still Leaves Room For Players To Progress The Way They Want. Though The Game Is Called Marvel’s Avengers, You Actually Kick Off The Game As A Young Kamala Khan, One Of The Biggest Avengers Fangirls In The Known World. It’s A Breath Of Fresh Air To Play As A Hero Who Hasn’t Had Much Time In The Spotlight When It Comes To The Gaming World. If The Prospect Excites You, You’ll Be Glad To Know That You Actually Play As Kamala Quite A Bit. At The Beginning Of The Game, Kamala Has Been Chosen As A Finalist In An Avengers Fan Fiction Contest, And She’s Created Her Own Comic Book Chock Full Of The Same Kind Of Stories Many Fans Of The Troupe Write. She’s Invited To A Massive Celebration That Finds Her Being Shuffled Through A Few Fair-Like Areas Built To Honor The Avengers. Kamala Is A Perfect Surrogate For Any Avengers Fan, As She’s Brimming With The Kind Of Knowledge That Enthusiasts Like To Spout At Every Opportunity To Prove How Much They Remember About The Heroes. The Game Gives You Plenty Of Opportunities To Learn More About Kamala In This Way, As She Checks The Fair For Comic Books She Needs To Enter A VIP Area. But Then, Caught Up In The Action, Kamala Witnesses A Harrowing Event (A-Day) That Changes The Way The Public Views The Avengers And Superheroes For, Seemingly, The Foreseeable Future. A-Day Reveals The Avengers Struggling To Fight Off A Terrorist Cell That Crashes The Party.In The Confusion, Kamala Is Able To Get To Safety, But The Game Shifts Focus To The Avengers Themselves. They Make Their Way Over To The Golden Gate Bridge, Which Is Teeming With Terrified People Looking For A Way Out Of The Situation. There’s A Brief Introduction To Each Avenger To Get Acquainted With How They Play, But Ultimately, This Section Acts As A Way To Introduce The Downfall Of The Avengers, So You’re Not As Shocked When It’s Time To Get Back To Kamala. Five Years After The Events That Rocked A-Day, The Avengers Have Been Publicly Denounced And Disbanded.Kamala Finds Herself With Powers Of Her Own And Takes It Upon Herself To Get The Avengers Back Together. Though Much Of The Time You’ll Play As Kamala, Who Has The Power To Enlarge Her Limbs — Imagine Huge Fists To Punch You, Enormous Feet To Kick You — You’ll Also Play As All Of The Avengers. The Game Is Primarily Third-Person Action, With Bits Of Many Of Your Favorite Blockbusters Woven In For Good Measure. With That Said, You’ll Eventually Jump Back Into The Avengers’ Shoes. You’ll Notice That These Versions Of The Superhero Team Look Nothing Like The Celebrities You May Be Used To Seeing Play Them In The Movies. This Is One Of The Game’s Biggest Detriments, As The Heroes Look Like Generic Versions Of Characters Who Are So Popular And Well Known That These Feel Decidedly Off Brand. It Feels Like Not Much Attention Was Paid To Making The Characters Look The Way Fans Would Expect, And It Shows. It’s Just Not Good. It’s Hard To Get Over At First, Especially Since They’re Voiced By Popular Actors In The Gaming Industry, Like Nolan North, Troy Baker And Laura Bailey. But Luckily, Since You’re Usually Seeing Most Of Them From The Back Anyway, It Becomes Less Of An Issue The Longer You Play. Playing As Each Of The Avengers Feels Good, Which Means You Look Forward To Playing As Them (Especially Since Kamala’s Huge Hands And Whatnot Look Unsettling). While All Of The Characters Are Controlled The Same Way, They All Feel Unique And Different. It’s An Impressive Feat, To Say The Least. Out Of All The Avengers, You Spend The Most Time With The Hulk, Either In His Souped-Up Form Or As Bruce Banner, Who Acts As Something Of A Mentor To Kamala. It’s A Good Thing, Too, Because The Hulk Is The Most Exciting Member Of The Group To Play As. He May Be Slow And Lumbering, But You Get Such A Rush From Crashing Into Things And Absolutely Obliterating Enemies That You Barely Notice The Speed Issues. Meanwhile, Thor Is A Second Favorite, As Swinging Around His Hammer, Mjolnir, Feels Exactly The Way You’d Hope It Would. He’s The Closest Analog To Characters Like God Of War’s Kratos, And His Abilities To Knock Enemies Out And Toss Them Around Feel Quite Empowering. You’d Think Iron Man Would Be One Of The Most Fun Members Of The Group To Play As, But Even With All His Fancy Tricks Such As Jetting Through The Sky And His Sarcastic Attitude, He’s Just Not The Most Exciting. He’s A Great Choice For Airborne Attacks, Outfitted With Energy Beams, And Rockets Hurtling Through The Air. But This Game Is All About Getting Into Close-Quarters Combat And Feeling Your Fists Connect With Baddies. Captain America Is Rife With Powerful Melee Attacks, And His Shield Can Do Some Serious Damage. Throwing His Shield Makes For Some Hilarious Moments, But You Must Fight With Precision If You Want To Cause The Most Trouble For Enemies. Black Widow Is Typically The Least Compelling Of The Avengers, Given That She Has So Few Remarkable Abilities. But She’s Used To Great Effect In Marvel’s Avengers. She’s Quick, Agile And Great With Landing Blows. She’s The Kind Of Sprightly That You Don’t Want To See When You’re On The Losing Side, And That Was Refreshing. Finally, Playing As Kamala Is The Strangest Experience Of The Entire Group. Her Massive Limbs Feel Good To Land Punches And Kicks, But The Visuals Are Totally Odd. Related: She’s Still Fun To Embody, As Her Infectious Personality Makes Her One Of The Most Enjoyable Characters In The Game. If You’re Not Interested In Playing The Campaign, You Can Jump Straight Into The Avengers Initiative. It Isn’t The Optimal Choice, But It’s There If You Don’t Want To See The Story Play Out And Would Rather Hop Into The Multiplayer Option Instead. However, This Mode Is Nowhere Near As Engaging And In Fact Feels A Bit Tacked On. You’re Mostly Encouraged To Play A Variety Of Set Missions While Collecting Trinkets, And It’s Just Not As Interesting As The Main Story, Because You Have No Drive To Complete Your Objectives. If You Have Friends To Play With, It Can Be Exciting, But Otherwise It Feels Like A Bit Of A Waste. Back In The Single-Player Game, There’s More To Be Done Than Just Bashing Skulls As Your Favorite Heroes. You Also Need To Sift Through A Variety Of Skill Trees If You Want To Upgrade The Avengers. Over The 10- To 12-Hour Campaign, You Get A Variety Of Skills And Unlocks To Play Around With. It’s Exhilarating To Collect Abilities And Skills, But What Isn’t Exciting Is The Fact That The Game Is Clearly Heavily Invested In Its Games-As-A-Service Structure. As You Round Up The Avengers Once More, You Establish A Base That You Can Use To Buy Additional Items From, As Well As Complete Extra Team Missions And Daily Challenges. It’s Here That The Game Effectively Turns Into A Grind. Much Like Destiny, You’re Tasked With Raising A Power Level. There Are Cosmetic Options Like Skins To Unlock, And So Many Items To Customize Your Character With That It’ll Make Your Head Spin. Unfortunately, Changing The Cosmetics On Your Heroes Doesn’t Reflect The Change In The Game. With A Game That’s All About Collecting Items And Using Them And Being Encouraged To Buy More, This Is Pretty Infuriating. It’s Also Irritating That Cosmetic Skins Are As Pricey As They Are. If It Weren’t For The Great Single-Player Campaign Gameplay, It Would Be Hard To Recommend The Game. Luckily, You Can Ignore These Things Pretty Easily And Have A Fun Time With Your Favorite Heroes. In The End, Marvel’s Avengers Is A Well-Crafted Adventure That Fans Are Likely To Love. It Certainly Has Its Hiccups, With Its Excessive Items To Collect And A Grind Nature As Well As A Disappointing Multiplayer Mode, But It’s Also Exciting To Watch The Story Play Out, Especially Through Kamala’s Eyes. For Anyone Who’s Ever Wanted To Be A Superhero, For All Its Issues, Marvel’s Avengers Is Still A Game Well Worth Your Time. If You Aren’t Playing Its Game You Have To Stand And Get It Here On Amazon Ou Can Get It In
['Bryan Lucca']
2020-12-16 15:01:10.916000+00:00
['Avengers', 'Marvel']
The Purpose and Significance of Superheroes in American Culture
Photo by Lena Rose on Unsplash The Purpose and Significance of Superheroes in American Culture Personal Anecdote: Superheroes. The most influential American pop culture icon in my life. The role of superheroes and comics had always been a subtle force in my life, and by subtle, I mean Batman underwear, Spider-Man pajamas, an Incredible Hulk comforter, and a crimson cape like Superman’s. In fact, I had that same Incredible Hulk blanket up until this year, my sophomore year of college, but that’s nearly beside the point. Superheroes weren’t a necessity or driving force in my life, instead, they were a small piece of my childhood, that, unknown to my younger knowledge, would later become a huge part of my identity. It wasn’t until the very first times I saw Iron Man (2008) and The Dark Knight (2008, Heath Ledger will never not be the best Joker), that superheroes became a driving force in my life. I remember the first time I saw Iron Man (2008) and the credits began to role, when the first MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, post-credit scene rolled, and the next decade of my life would be invested in comics and superheroes. If you don’t already know, every MCU movie has one more post-credit scenes that hint at or start another movie. In this case, when I saw Nick Fury, played by Samuel L. Jackson, on screen talking to Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, about the Avengers Initiative, when I was suddenly overcome with excitement and I began a very long descent into comic books. A few years later, my dad brought home 3 stacks of comic books, each standing around 1 foot tall, for me and my 2 brothers. They seemingly could not care any less about what they were just given. However, I quickly grabbed my stack, ran to my room and laid them across my twin size bed, nearly covering the entire surface except for a sliver of room on my pillows where I had to sit. Immediately, I began organizing them by Marvel, DC, or other, and then grouped them by their series, and ordered them chronologically. Over the next few weeks I practically drooled over these stories. I remember most of these comics were just the odds and ends that the person who gave them to my dad had. They were comics like Thor, Rocket Raccoon, Silver Surfer, and a few Fantastic Four, but none were Iron Man, Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman. Realizing I didn’t have any comics of these more iconic Heroes and Heroines, I decided to take to the internet where I found endless wiki pages, blogs, and forums where people talked about comics, and I would just sit there a read as much as I could. Bringing us to today, 2018, a time when Superheroes, or more specifically their movies have become mainstream and hold incredible cultural significance in America. In fact an article on The Ringer, labels the current teenagers and young adults as “ the Superhero Movie Generation”, saying: “Movies are escape — where better than on the wings of a savior? But these movies — episodic excursions larded with humor and that tingling feeling of interconnectivity — crucially prize one thing above all else: return business. And return they do. Young moviegoers who keep showing up to find out what happens next are a defibrillator to a medium on life support. Once upon a time, one could credibly say, Those movies, they’re all the same. But though their provenance — the imagination of teenage boys — has not changed, the final product is morphing every year.” The Ringer says it perfectly, our generation, has a more than just an affinity for superhero films, and films in general, but no film genre takes our generation by storm like superheroes. The MCU being the pivotal provider, and practical creator, of the Superhero Movie Generation. The Heroic History: Throughout nearly all of human history, man has created myth to explain the natural world and the natural order; creating icons to explain why things happen and why man shouldn’t do certain things. Someone of these myths are of these so called “demigods” or half gods, the child of man and god. One of the most famous myths of this “demigod”, is Heracles, or often called Hercules. Heracles possessed godly strength and was considered a “Greek hero”. Another example of the Greek hero concept is the hero Achilles, namesake of the “Achilles Tendon”. He was a man who was dipped in the River Styx, making him invulnerable across his entire body, except behind his ankle. Upon further research, I found that most ancient heroes, in fact a significant majority, are mainly hyper-masculine men who possess great power. On the other hand, women in myth are typically hyper-feminine and overtly sexual, emitting a strong sexual prowess, but in few myths, especially that of the Greek Goddess Artemis, nearly every mythological portrayal of her is modest and nonsexual, as she is basically a goddess of virginity and girlhood. Disney’s Hercules (1997) A sort of, what I call, a “Demigod Dilemma” occurred in ancient cultures, where men had dominated and controlled the stories that were created and told, creating the “Damsel in Distress” character that limits nearly every female character, leaving characters similar to Medea (Greek), who get back at the someone by committing heinous crimes. In the mythic case of Medea, she murdered her children to get get revenge on her ex-man, Jason. Taking Megara, pictured in the GIF, she, throughout, the movie, had acted on her own accord, independently of Hercules, her Greek knight in shining armor equivalent, until the end of the movie. Spoiler alert, in turns out Meg was working against Hercules, even though falling in love with him, and at the end of movie, needs her hero. In terms of a so-called “modern mythos”, the best examples of what carries the ideas of Greek heroes into today, are the Superheroes we see in movies, TV shows, and comic books. Our modern heroes have evolved beyond gods and man, and are now including aliens, mortal men (as in mankind), radiation mishaps, humans with genetic mutations, and some heroes are a spin on ancient gods and goddesses. The heroes we adore today are often taken directly out of ancient myth or at least inspired heavily from ancient myth. Outside of myth, superheros have been known to be drawn and scripted from people around them. In interviews with creators of Superman, specifically Jerry Spiegal, a jewish man, had said: “What led me into creating Superman in the early thirties? … Hearing and reading of the oppression and slaughter of helpless, oppressed Jews in Nazi Germany … seeing movies depicting the horrors of privation suffered by the downtrodden … I had the great urge to help… help the downtrodden masses, somehow. How could I help them when I could barely help myself? Superman was the answer.” The creation of Superman was to save the jewish persecution after the genocide in Europe, and Spiegal has also said his neighborhoods have also seen antisemantic movements. Spiegel has also said that Kal-El, Superman’s birth name, means “voice of God”. Superheroes have been created by people across history has a way to almost “save themselves” or form some level of hope, especially in modern comic book heroism So What are Superheroes? Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Most people, when they word associate with ‘Superheroes’, they will probably think of the same things, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and that’s about it. However, there are significant number of heroes that are nothing like the big three, mentioned above. Most prominently in media and film, the “Guardians of the Galaxy” from their name-sake MCU film series, Guardians of the Galaxy, nearly go against every physical aspect of what makes a hero. This group is made up of a guy, who as child was abducted by aliens, an alien assassin, a raccoon that wields dangerous weapons, a brutish alien that takes things a little to literally, and a tree with a sailor’s tongue. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, by Source, Fair use, link None of them wear capes, have any sort of power (except for Groot, but he’s also a tree so I think that just comes with the game), or have the typical superhero monologue about why they are fueled by justice, helping innocents, or want to stop crime. In fact, the Guardians are completely in it for their own benefit, they work similar to mercenaries, where they are hired heroes, and when comes to doing something major, they seem to be in the fight for they’re own cause of revenge usually. However, as the series continues to move forward, they ultimately are doing their hero work of guarding the galaxy, for the right reasons. I would label this rag-tag group of plants, animals, and people as heroes, even though they’re mission is, at times, unclear. On the other hand, American Comic Book culture adopted a new type of protagonist, who sometimes took on the appearance of a hero, but their actions were more questionable and are defined as being morally ambiguous, often acting completely on their own accord. The Cambridge Dictionary defines an antihero as, “the central character in a play,book, or film who does not have traditionally heroic qualities, such as courage, and is admired instead for what society generally considers to be a weakness of their character”. However, The Antihero has existed outside of comics without argument most commonly in whats called Anti-western Movies, a sub-genre of western films about cowboys. In terms of comic books, however, one of the most famous Anti Heroes is Deadpool. Deadpool wears the questionable tights, has his mutant powers, and has his very typical superhero monologues. In the movie adaption of the comics, the first movie leading Deadpool, 2016’s Deadpool, Wade Wilson (Deadpool), is a mercenary for hire who will “take out” any target for a price, without discriminating if they were a good or bad individual. Once he is diagnosed with cancer, he is offered a trial at suspicious place to be completely cured of cancer, however, he is left with extremely fast healing and looking like, as one character says in the movie, “You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado” (Full Script). Photo by 20th Century Fox Film Corp Deadpool, oddly as it is, is an antihero by the people for the people, in my opinion. The cinematic entrance of Deadpool in 2016 gross slightly over $363 million domestically and $783 million worldwide and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) mentioned earlier, grossed $330 million domestic and $873 million worldwide. The production budgets of each movie, respectively, were $50 million and $250 million, according to Box Office Mojo. The attractiveness of and affinity towards antiheroes, such as Deadpool, in American culture, according to Psychology Today, is due to the idea that, “Antiheroes liberate us. They reject societal constraints and expectations imposed upon us. Antiheroes give our grievances a voice. They make us feel like something right is being done, even if it is legally wrong. Antiheroes do things we’re afraid to do. They are who they are and they do as they want — without apology.” The antihero is relief of our own lives, and in the highly stressful environment of american society, for youth and adults, there’s no questions as to why Deadpool (2016) was extremely successful. School, college, and work pins down most of America, so when we watch an antihero on screen, we not only feel relieved and “liberated” we also see a portion of ourselves in the vulnerability and humility of these characters. Aside from what a superhero does and looks like, many superheroes have become household names and become iconic parts of American culture, looking at Superman for instance, most people will recognize the “S” on his chest and the star and stripes of Wonder Woman’s belt are almost equally known. However, not every superhero maintains the same cultural popularity or cultural visibility and significance as a superhero. Take, for instance, characters like Eggy from Kingsman: The Secret Service(2014), Judge Dredd from Dredd (2012), or Babydoll from Sucker Punch (2011). These 3 characters lack, for the most part, super powers, and nearly any cultural significance. All three, however, are, in my opinion, superheroes. Looking at Eggy, he is you’re average fella living in a shit situation. He ends up becoming the mentee of England’s best spy, and saves the world on 2 separate occasions in the series. In Dredd, Judge Dredd not only stops a dangerous drug ring, but also takes out corrupt judges in the city, making the city safer. In Sucker Punch, Babydoll is basically imprisoned in the loony bin for defending her sister from their abusive step-father, and ends up helping a girl escape all while suffering fantasitcal delusions. These characters, all on different scales, are successfully saving lives of people and fighting for a good cause in different ways, but none are critically labeled superheroes. This brings me to what I believe makes a superhero, especially a hero on screen, as that is more effective for this superhero movie generation. A superhero, in my opinion, exists only in a fictional world, has a cause, just or unjust, but it will be a good cause, has something to offer everyone, but specifically you, meaning they are essentially your hero, they do not need to possess any sort of power, they do not need to be brutish or extremely powerful, they don’t need any sort of costume or get-up that makes them look like a superhero, and they do not need to be well known character or household name. The Growth of American Comic Book Culture Photo Source Superhero culture of America has different effects for people of nearly every walk of life. As America has become more progressive in terms of acceptance, equality, and treatment of minorities, the image of superheroes. The beginning of popularized comic heroes was filled with less fantastical imagery and more of a patriotic image. Looking at comics from the late 30s and 40s, the storylines we were reading often showed our heroes kicking Hitler’s ass, beating up nazis, and even sometimes freeing nazi camps. Most commonly, comics would feature superheroes sporting red, white, and blue and talking about “freeing millions” or doing “it” for those who couldn’t. The most iconic of these storylines was, of course, Captain America, is, believe it or not, described as “From the dark days of world war to the explosive challenges of today, Super-Soldier Captain America stands ready as a shining sentinel of liberty to shield the oppressed and fight for freedom everywhere.” The Creation of Captain America was to promote the american way and inspire people to contribute to the war. Even after the ending of WW2, the villainous Red Skull, was still engaged in the Captain America comics as a link to the red scare, a time when the American agenda was to fight communism . In an article on CBR, a leading Comic Book news source, called “Punch A Nazi: 15 Times Superheroes Fought Fascism”, write Pete Imbesi recalls 15 times a superhero punched a nazi. His highlights include The Human Torch setting Hitler on fire, Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles punching robot Hitler, Wonder Woman and her mother kicking and punching nazis, and even showing The Joker claiming his patriotism as an “American criminal” with Red Skulls reply, “How unfortunate! Such misplaced patriotism”, even one of the most infamous comic book criminals has felt patriotic enough to fight nazis. Image Source As the decades go by, comic book popularity fluxes, however, in the 50s Comics Code Authority began to regulate comic book content after the public feared there was too much gore and began linking comic books to juvenile delinquency. The CCA’s restrictions made the popularity of comics drop until the rise of underground comic books. Underground comics were published, printed, and sold illegally and through paraphernalia “head shops”. As the illegal industry began to rise and become successful, so did the mainstream, more popular comics. In the 70s comics began to get storylines that were more risky with superheroes take higher risks. For example, in the Spider-Man comics, Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man’s girlfriend, was killed, which was a notable event in comics. Alongside the risk taking of superheroes, comic creators and writers began taking more risk by introducing more and more black and female superheroes that began main-staging their stories. Towards the end of the 80s, comic books became a more legitimate field and was considered an art, and more gruesome and bloody stories were being brought back. Comics began to fluctuate more frequently, every 5 or so years. After the turn of the century, comic books basically stopped abiding by the CCA without consequences. After the turn of the century, it became regular to make and remake superhero movies, however, in the landmark release of The Avengers (2012), with a domestic gross income of $623 million and worldwide of $1.518 billion according to Box Office Mojo, an increase in superhero movie production occurred. Over the last decade Marvel has produced and released nearly 20 interrelated films and more to come in 2019. The MCU movies have become the highest grossing film series to date at over $17 billion. Marvel Studios’ release of Avengers: Infinity War practically broke the box office, reeling in $2.047 billion, and the sequel’s, set to come out April 26, 2019, trailer (below), which came out December 7th, already has had 67.5 million views on the official Marvel Studios youtube channel, which excludes the views seen on social media, online news outlets, online magazines, and possibly TV. Marvel Studio’s Avengers End Game Trailer So How do Fictional Superheroes Affect the Real World? Obviously Superheroes have a grasp on saving their own fictional worlds, but in the real world, the effect of the same heroes does not expand the same way. Instead, a superhero portrayal, especially on screen, has an ambiguous effect on American society. It would be difficult to prove, or show quantitatively, how fictional superheroes effect real life, but there are some coincidences that seem to follow superhero movies. In an article published on Brewings, author Nicol Turner Lee said, “Black Panther” has unequivocally become one of many recent inflection points for the African American community, especially following the success of extraordinary black voter turnout in tough southern elections”. Lee had also said she believed that President Barack Obama, after the wide release of Black Panther(2018), became a hero for black Americans, specifically in the south, comparing him to the fictional hero Black Panther. Image Source Obviously, this is not a direct effect on the black community, but it cannot be limited to sheer coincidence. Looking at this, Black Panther, can be said to have been an inspiration for black american, and not just T’challa, the face behind the mask, but the whole cast and movie. Black Panther more than predominantly featured black Americans and Africans, which gave a lot on screen visibility for POC in America which inspired audiences across the country. The cast even went to premieres around the world adorned in traditional African garb, which also lead to many black Americans attempting to follow their roots and get in touch with their ancestry. After racial visibility, one of the more significant portrayals of a group, would be gender. Superheroes have long been considered to be problematic with the portrayal of women in their comics and movies, mainly concerning the way they are dressed. However, one over looked aspect of female heroes I personally find interesting is the the significance of female heroes actions and personalities in TV, movies, and comics. In a scholarly journal article, Sex Differences in the Creation of Fictional Heroes With Particular Emphasis on Female Heroes and Superheroes in Popular Culture: Insights From Evolutionary Psychology, Victoria Ingalls says this about female heroes created by women: “As with almost all heroes, their heroes use curiosity, cleverness, and determination, but they accomplish their task without skills (or weapons) that give them an initial advantage to those around them, and in the end, most of the female-generated heroes simply try to escape, solve a problem, reveal the truth, or sacrifice themselves without a physical fight.” She also says throughout her research, she has found that female superheroes, created by women, possess higher intelligent and less brute force than their male counterparts. Unlike the male superheroes, who are often more violent, muscular, and possess power that contain volatile force, she found female heroines have powers that aren’t as violent, and if they are violent they do not use them like male heroes, she also found that the female heroes often think their way out of a debacle or battle. This type of visibility for women, not only feeds into female stereotypes, but also feeds into male stereotypes. Creating female heroines as such, this raises the questions of “Well, can women possess and use the great powers and strength the male heroes can? Can a female superhero fight like a man could?” Although it does raise questions like so, this archetype of female hero also portrays women to be more intelligent and thought-oriented. At the same time, this same archetype does in fact portray a female to be able to kick-ass. For example, the video above is a compilation of clips from the American TV show Charmed, which shows one of the 3 sisters, whose character is trained in hand-to-hand and some melee weapon combat, completely kicking ass. This video shows how female hero often uses her intelligence and fighting skills in combination to fight and take down an opponent. In another academic study, Influence of Stereotyping and Prejudices on Perceptions of Superheroes, Emily A. Sanchez, surveys a group of people about superheroes in relation to their race and gender side by side. Sanchez describes her results as so: “The results of the current study suggest there is preexisting superhero schema, as such, heroes who are atypical (alien skin tone) may be set aside as exceptions and evaluated less favorably. Despite similarities to humans (e.g., race and gender), superheroes may create a distinct outgroup. Additionally, superheroes may still be thesubject of gender stereotypes, despite their “super” qualities. Finally, it was observed that perceptions of superheroes may be impacted by the perceivers desire to be more like superheroes (i.e. wishful identification).” Sanchez and Ingalls found that the effect of superheroes on people is subconscious based and often has to do with their desires to be heroic and humility. They both also found that successful heroes are those that audience members, individually, can find something about the hero that they relate to, whether it’s a personality trait, desire, wish, cause, or maybe a love life.
['Dan Waibel']
2018-12-13 04:09:35.116000+00:00
['Movies', 'Superheroes', 'Comics', 'Marvel', 'Culture']
We Love to See It: 5 New Black Marvel Moments You Don’t Want to Miss
We Love to See It: 5 New Black Marvel Moments You Don’t Want to Miss Black Panther II poster, Marvel Studios For Disney’s Investor Day 2020, the media juggernaut threw out its biggest trump card in the never ending battle for best streaming platform, as Marvel Studios revealed enough details about upcoming projects to decidedly tip the scales in Disney+’s favor. The comic-based subsidiary has built an empire of movies and shows have consistently taken the film industry by storm and their latest rollout is no different, with one notable development: Marvel’s newest slate is very black, and we are here for it. Quietest kept, you should be too. Here are the top 5 things that have us praying theaters are open by 2021. 1. Marvel announces its first film to be directed by a black woman. Despite being a box office success, Captain Marvel drew harsh reviews from movie critics, garnering the reputation of being more of a supplemental film in preparation for Avengers: Endgame, than a stand-alone epic for Marvel’s namesake hero. Marvel may have heard the criticism and leveled up, giving fans a major reason to watch the sequel, when they announced via twitter that Nia Da Costa will be the first black woman to direct a Marvel film. The Candyman director and co-writer will take on Captain Marvel 2 slated to release in 2022, so hopefully the celebrated female-led series will have another added layer of Black girl magic. Disney + also announced that ____ actress Teyonah Parris will star as a grown-up superhero Monica Rambeau, Captain Marvel’s niece, in spinoff series Ms. Marvel, scheduled to arrive on the streaming platform in 2021. 2. LoveCraft Country actors are getting shown major love. The HBOMax horror drama series captivated a multicultural audience this summer, telling the story of Atticus Freeman journeying across the Jim Crow south in search of his missing father with his friend Letitia Lewis and Uncle George. Jonathan Majors, who plays Atticus Freeman, will take on the role of Kang the Conquerer, a time-traveling villain, in Antman and the Wasp: Quantamania, while costar Wunmi Mosaku, who plays Rubi Baptiste, (Letitia’s older sister) will reportedly be a series regular alongside Tom Hiddleston in Loki, the upcoming Marvel original based on the adventures of Thor’s baby brother. The series will be headed to Disney+ in May 2021. 3. Black Avengers are making their way to the main stage. Always an assistant, never an Avenger, characters like James Rhoades a.k.a. War Machine (Don Cheadle), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Sam Wilson a.k.a Falcon (Anthony Mackie) have always added levity and humor to the Avengers movies, helping to save the universe on multiple occasions but rarely get the spotlight. Marvel swivels the lamp with a few new original series featuring the characters, centering War Machine in Armor Wars, as James Rhoades jumps into action when keep Tony Stark’s tech falls into the wrong hands. Samuel L. Jackson takes center stage in Secret Invasion as Nick Fury, the mysterious and smart-mouthed director of S.H.I.E.L.D. while Captain America’s oldest and newest friend, Sam Wilson and James “Bucky” Buchanan link up in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. It’s almost enough to make us forgive them for pulling an “Aunt Viv switch” with recasting Captain Rhoades character in Iron Man 2 (no shade, Terrence Howard.) 4. A new black super-shero: the arrival of the Ironheart series After the final scenes of Endgame, it seemed as if the likely choice to carry on Iron Man’s legacy in the modern film franchise would be the young Spider-man, but Marvel chose to stick to the script and expand the Iron Man family, returning to the comics in the new series Ironheart, casting Dominique Thorne (If Beale Street Could Talk) as young inventor Riri Williams creates “the most advanced suit of armor since Iron Man.” The best part? The young genius in a metal suit is a Black girl. Shoutout to Marvel for staying true to the comics and casting a young black actress for the role. The new original series will stream on Disney+. 5. We won’t have to go through the emotional trauma of adjusting to a new Black Panther. After the tragic death of legendary Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman earlier this year, the speculation began almost immediately as to how the sequel would look; whether the role would be recast or rewritten. The first Black Panther film was a major milestone for Black people in cinema; the first blockbuster-budget movie to have a predominantly Black cast and be directed by Marvel’s first African-American director, the movie immediately captivated the hearts of Black comic fans worldwide, young and old alike. Boseman himself brought a special magic to the role that captivated us all from the first “Wakanda Forever” to well beyond the ending credits. With such large shoes to fill for such a beloved character, Marvel has opted not to recast Boseman’s character, and instead center the film around other members of the original cast, a tasteful tribute to the late actor, and our forever Black Panther.
2020-12-11 20:55:18.655000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Film', 'Movies', 'Disney', 'Streaming']
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Miles Morales becomes the Spider-Man of his reality and crosses paths with his counterparts from other dimensions to stop a threat to all reality. David Bedwell Dec 19, 2018·6 min read Truth be told, I had little interest in seeing a Spider-Man animated movie. I’ve watched more episodes of Peter Parker in cartoon form than I care to remember and, while I’ve enjoyed them all, my heart lies with the live-action movies. Or so I thought. It’s easy to get caught up in the spectacle of Sony or Marvel’s big-screen efforts, especially when it came to welcoming everyone’s favourite web-slinger back into the fold with Captain America: Civil War (2016). For those in the know about the various rights issues between Sony and Marvel Studios, that film was a miracle many of us didn’t expect to ever see. If you’re put off Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse because you think animation is for kids, then drop that assumption. This movie is right up there with the best Spider-Man movies ever made. I don’t think I’ve ever been more impressed by one as much as this, remarkably. I thought they nailed the characters perfectly in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), but this animation is arguably the most definitive in terms of covering the wider picture and different versions. It can be difficult to comprehend all the various universes Marvel has created through the decades, but this tackles them seamlessly with all the humour and emotion we’ve come to expect. Despite Peter Parker being the focus of Spider-Man over the years, Into the Spider-Verse takes a new approach by thrusting Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) into the spotlight. As a young black man aspiring to be like his idol, suddenly he finds himself in the unlikely position of becoming exactly that. Morales feels like the right choice to lead this movie in 2018, but that goes way beyond just the colour of his skin. He has all the personality traits that fit a superhero and it’s not a jarring change for anyone more familiar with Peter. It helps that a version of his hero, Peter B. Parker (Jake Johnson), appears from another dimension to become his mentor, of sorts, despite having his own struggles that he needs to deal with. All great superheroes need a supervillain, of course, and it’s time once again to revisit Kingpin/Wilson Fisk (Liev Schreiber), who is today better known for his tangles with Daredevil but originally got his start in Spider-Man comic-books. Fisk is an imposing force driven by familial trauma, with a personal vendetta against Spidey because he believes he turned his wife and son against him. This led to a tragic car crash and Kingpin’s now determined to do anything to get his family back — including trying to pull across alternate versions of them from other dimensions. Unsurprisingly, this causes a chaotic mess for Miles and Peter to try and tidy up, and they make quite a duo… although it doesn’t stop there…
['David Bedwell']
2019-01-15 19:02:00.350000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Review', 'Movies', 'Film', 'Culture']
How does Andrew Garfield’s performances compare to Tobey Maguire’s as Spider-Man?
How does Andrew Garfield’s performances compare to Tobey Maguire’s as Spider-Man? Compared with the Amazing Spider-Man series, I prefer Tobey Maguire’s performance in Spider-Man series. There is an old saying in China for describing the gods that live in vain as immortal. It means that gods or super heroes are always much superior and powerful than human with more ability and character. They don’t have anything in common with ordinary people. But Tobey Maguire’s version of Spider-Man didn’t given a feeling like ‘live in vain as immortal’ as a superhero. He is a ordinary boy who experienced family affection, friendship and love. He had been kept growing up and gradually become mature when he experienced those happiness and painful experience. With great power comes with great responsibility. Uncle Ben told Peter Parker these words. These are also accompanied by us. And Peter Parker and his girlfriend’s classic inverted kiss in rain can’t be reproduced after a lot of movies. When he faced the temptation of black symbiosis which bring him much more power with evil, the choice of good and evil. He got the salvation after he chose the right side to be a better man. Just as the film ends: “Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice…It’s the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what’s right.” I think only if the protagonist of a novel or film gives readers a sense of substitution will more readers resonate. Though the plot of Andrew Garfield’s version of Spider-Man is more close to original comics. But more audiences can find themselves’ shadows from Tobey Maguire’s version of Spider-Man. Or they can see the person they want to be. And remark of the classic will really draw more criticism. The remark version will be compared and picked fault with the original continuously. But those sharp criticism will make it better. As the audience we should also embrace the change. I feel sorry for the indefinite delay in the foreseeable future of The Amazing Spider-Man III. But I’m still looking forward to Tom Holland’s new version of Spider-Man which is more related to Marvel superhero series.
['Peter Chen']
2018-12-13 02:24:08.413000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Spider Man']
Why Marvel Doesn’t Actually Have a Villain Problem
Why Marvel Doesn’t Actually Have a Villain Problem A good villain doesn’t have to be a well-rounded character. When Marvel Studios released Black Panther earlier this year, it was widely acclaimed for good reason. The film is a milestone for representation in the largely white-men-centric superhero genre. However, it was also praised for another reason. Marvel had “fixed their villain problem” with Michael B. Jordan’s Erik Killmonger. Don’t get me wrong, Killmonger is a great character, and a great villain; there’s no doubt about that. The audience can empathize with him while still recognizing that his actions are morally repugnant. Jordan’s performance is incredible, one of his best. He is one of the better MCU villains. Killmonger challenges Chadwick Boseman’s T’Challa’s views, and invokes real growth in him, the trademark of a great villain. That being said, I take issue with the viewpoint that villains can only be good if they are good characters. The Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn’t (and never had) a villain problem. A good villain or antagonist only has to spark a change in the protagonist. They themselves do not have to be a good character. Take a look at the 1977 film Star Wars. Darth Vader is considered one of the greatest villains of all time, and is he a very fleshed out character? No. He’s evil for the sake of evil, but he makes for a menacing obstacle for our heroes to overcome. He incites change in Luke, the hero of the story. It doesn’t matter that we don’t know his backstory or his motivations. In fact, when he was given a backstory years later in George Lucas’s prequel trilogy, his villainy was greatly diminished. He was reduced to a whiny, entitled young man. The excessive explanation of character’s backstories and motivations is an issue that has plagued the Star Wars Universe since. Marvel, however, does not have this issue. Just so it’s clear, Marvel does have a few villains that don’t do their respective film justice. Look no further back than this year’s Ant-Man and the Wasp. Ava Starr, a.k.a. Ghost, is a wonderful character brought to life by Hannah John-Kamen. Her quest to cure her life-threatening disease is easily able to be sympathized with, and the audience truly feels her pain. Unfortunately, she doesn’t do much besides mildly inconvenience our heroic duo, and no changes are made to their views or character due to her presence. In this case, the villain is weak, but the character is strong. Because of the weak villain, the stakes in Ant-Man and the Wasp seem extremely low, which doesn’t necessarily make it a bad film, just a lightweight one. Marvel’s biggest villain misstep is undoubtedly in Thor: The Dark World with Malekith the Accursed. Malekith is not only a poor character, but a poor villain as well. He is evil just because, and doesn’t evoke any meaningful growth in Chris Hemsworth’s Thor. He isn’t particularly menacing or memorable. From the start of the movie, you know he is just an object for Thor to punch. Thor, of course, actually ends up dropping a spaceship on him, but that’s beside the point. Due to its poorly conceived antagonist (and a few other problems), Thor: The Dark World suffers, arguably being the worst installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. My examples of any “villain problem” end there, though. Perhaps the film that best illustrates my point is Iron Man, the film that kickstarted the Marvel Cinematic Universe and originated its “villain problem.” At the beginning of the film, Tony Stark is an arrogant billionaire who could care less where his money comes from. By the end of the film, Tony Stark is an arrogant billionaire who decides to be more responsible with his company. This is largely because of Obediah Stane, a.k.a. Iron Monger. Yes, he is basically just an evil Iron Man, but his actions show Tony Stark the error of his ways. Stane is a typical villain, a greedy business man who just wants more money, but in this particular story, he serves his purpose well. He is a perfect foil to Tony Stark, and Marvel has been following this template since. One of the more baffling villains accused of being disposable is Cate Blanchett’s Hela from Thor: Ragnarok. There’s nothing disposable about the Goddess of Death, who poses a severe threat to Asgard and its people. She brings the truth of Odin’s rule to light, making Thor reassess who he is and where he comes from. In the end, he accepts that he is to be king of his people. She also pushes him physically to the brink, to the point that Thor must destroy Asgard and set Surtur upon her in order to defeat her. As if that’s not enough, Blanchett chews the scenery in a delightful way in her Hot Topic bodysuit and smudged eyeshadow. Taika Waititi’s film is zany exuberance from start to finish, and Hela is a huge part of the fun. She is anything but disposable. Does Marvel Studios tend to give their villains the same powersets as their respective heroes? For sure. In most cases though, this makes for a compelling character foil. Each film, with very few exceptions, takes the hero on a journey in which their views and morals change, largely due to the villain. Take the villain out of the story of any MCU film (save the exceptions listed earlier), and the hero’s journey is diminished significantly. You could accuse Marvel of sticking to a formula, and that would be a well-founded accusation. They certainly do. However, they have yet to make a movie with that green splat on Rotten Tomatoes. Their films are guaranteed to be box office successes; sometimes they are even record breakers. They are still considered the gold standard in modern superhero cinema. With growing diversity both behind and in front of the camera, future installments look to be just as successful. They have changed the face of cinema, creating a series of films that play like episodes in a television season, and people are consistently lining up for the next installment. Let’s face it, Marvel doesn’t have a villain problem. Marvel doesn’t have any problem at all.
['Sam Lenz']
2019-01-06 05:00:12.160000+00:00
['Movies', 'Film', 'Marvel', 'Marvel Cinematic Universe', 'Black Panther']
Spiderman: Miles Morales is the centerpiece of the PlayStation 5’s launch lineup.
Spiderman: Miles Morales Review Spiderman: Miles Morales is the centerpiece of the PlayStation 5’s launch lineup. After the 2018 smash hit Marvel’s Spiderman, which has since become Sony’s best selling exclusive EVER, fans are eager to get their hands on this sequel from Insomniac Games. Replacing Peter Parker is the young Miles Morales, who we saw develop powers at the end of 2018’s Spiderman. Miles is left in charge of keeping New York safe after Peter takes a well deserved holiday with MJ. It’s a big ask of Miles, who is still understanding his new powers. The game follows his story, as Miles overcomes his self doubt, as he aims to come from behind the shadow of the ‘real’ Spider-Man. It’s a raw experience this time around. Still coming to terms with the death of his father, plus the very difficult task of being New York’s sole protector helps mould Miles into a character you cannot help but love. The game is an all round refinement of the previous instalment into the series. The visuals are smooth, the combat is more fluid. Without giving too much away, Miles manages to stand out from Peter thanks to his unique abilities in combat. It’s an important difference too, the two Spider-Men feel completely different. That’s not to say Miles is a one trick pony, far from the case. Players are free to tackle most scenarios as they please, but it’s clear that Miles’ abilities suit the Sam Fisher style. For the sake of difference, it’s a good job the two Spideys feel different. New York is, well, it’s still New York. Not much changes and that is reflected in the game. Players will find the map to be similar to the previous game, only this time with a special seasoning known as Christmas. A lack of change is to be expected. There’s only so much you can do with New York over a short period of time. With that being said, New York doesn’t look like a city that has recently overcome the Devil’s Breath from the first game. Given the current global situation, it’s fair that it doesn’t play a massive role, but it’s almost like it never happened at all. In fact it’s a big downer throughout Spider-Man: Miles Morales — a lack of consequence for what occurred during the original game. Although we see Miles coming to terms with the death of his father throughout, everything else has been tucked away. Either completely, or waiting for Peter to come back before rearing its ugly head. The terrorist attack, Martin Li and his other villainous friends are rarely mentioned, if at all. For me, it seems silly to use an identical game world, yet toss aside a lot of the world building that had previously taken place. It’s a short game too. The game’s story clocking in at around five hours for myself. It’s disappointing, considering Sony’s new price point for it’s games. Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the same price as the first Spider-Man game, but doesn’t even clock half the length of the original story. It does a lot with the time it has though, introducing and expanding on new character quickly. Despite them all being shunted by a lack of hours, they all shine, making a lasting impression on players up until the game’s heart wrenching ending. The visuals of Spiderman: Miles Morales are absolutely breathtaking. Ray-tracing comes into effect and looks stunning across the New York skyline. Visually, it’s one of the biggest differences between the two games displayed. Admittedly I didn’t envision ray-tracing having too much of an effect, especially this early into the generation, but the dip in visual quality was noticeable once the performance mode was turned on. Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a gorgeous game, even when you’re going at full speed. Spider-Man: Miles Morales is another great showing for Insomniac Games. Improvements are made all around in terms of gameplay, visuals and writing. Despite bringing a whole castful of new characters, the player warms to them quickly over the five hours they get together. New York remains New York, despite a coating of Christmas, but it does look wonderful on the newest Sony hardware (and covering stuff in snow always helps). An overall wonderful experience leaves us eager once again for the next Spidey showing. 8/10
['Austin Russell']
2020-11-28 20:44:39.828000+00:00
['Video Games Industry', 'Spider Man', 'Ps5', 'Marvel']
Warpcore comic pull list 5.0
New comics, new heroes, new villains. There’s a whole lot happening in comics. Here’s four that you should definitely be checking out. Welcome to the December edition of the warpcore Pull List. King in black #1 Marvel Comics Straight from the pages of Venom comes King In Black. Knull, the god of symbiotes has arrived on Earth with his army. Get ready for a new villain the like of which the Marvel Universe has never dealt with before. Mighty Morphin #2 Boom! Studios A new series from the world of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Following Shattered Grid, the Ultimate Power Era continues as a new Green Ranger appears. As betrayal hits the rangers, Lord Zedd launches his newest attack. New rangers, new villains, and a new Lord Zedd, are set to make things very unsettling for the heroes. The Other History of the DC Universe #1 DC Comics Academy Award winning screenwriter John Ridley takes the reigns in exploring the mythology of DC comics. This unique new series sees the story expressed as prose with marvelous illustrations by Giuseppe Camuncoli. This issue follows Jefferson Pierce from young track star, to teacher, to the hero known as Black Lightning. Get set to see a side of DC you haven’t seen before. Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club #1 Dark Horse Comics Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes return with an all new Hellboy adventure. Our hero comes to the aid of a young girl whose ghost hunt has gone terribly wrong, and a visit to a medical school reveal ominous secrets to an age old murder. Stolen cadavers, vengeful spirits, and Hellboy bang in the middle of the action. Words: Shloke Sarkar
2020-12-11 07:58:18.888000+00:00
['Comics', 'Marvel', 'Dc']
Fear of the Shapeshifter
Fear of the Shapeshifter We, as a species, are pretty obsessed with form. Appearance is everything to us. We judge people based on uniforms more than actions. We judge animals based on how vaguely their proportions mirror that of our own offspring rather than their ecological role. We are so convinced we can accurately divine an objective reality based on imagined platonic forms that we end up becoming cartoonish. Maybe it is this obsession with these worlds of ideal forms that has led to such consistent themes in how we utilize shapeshifters in fiction. Fictional cultures and civilizations of shapeshifters are, almost exclusively, villains. In tabletop games dopplegangers, changelings, skulks and their ilk are uniformly described as sociopathic parasites, incapable of creating their own culture or art and instead using their abilities to usurp the positions of the humans (or elves or whatever) that were truly capable of creation and innovation. They steal identities, rather than create their own. The best role these fantasy races could hope for in the official narratives is that of a craven trickster, amoral but not overtly evil by birth. The idea presented here is that if people were free to take any form they wanted, they would be either unwilling or unable to stop. If you could be anyone as needed, why would you ever be anything for longer than it remained the most useful? Why would you slow down and make one form your own if you could just instantly be one more useful? Not putting the time into improving and changing one form, the argument goes, would translate into not putting the time into improving and developing an individual identity. Dopplegangers of D&D steal identities because their powers prevent them from developing a proper identity, and then the creativity to develop their own new forms. Its a pretty dim view of the fantasy of shapeshifting. There have also been heroic shapeshifters in myth, folklore and pop culture as well, but those of modern culture all tend to be easy to identify even as they change forms. Stretchy super heroes Mr Fantastic, Ms Marvel and Elongated Man can change their body to any shape but it’s always still their body. Plastic Man has a wider range of forms, able to disguise himself as nearly anything, but still is always locked to the same color scheme and rad shades. He may be an end table, but his tell-tale color scheme means he’ll never be mistaken by the audience for an end table that isn’t him. There are exceptions, but they tend to be much more obscure (is anyone outside of a narrow slice of an already narrow slice of comics fandom going to recognize Chameleon Boy the way they might Ms Marvel or Plastic Man?). The one big name, the Martian Manhunter, is unique enough that he merits his own explanation later. As a rule, heroic shapeshifters change their forms, but not their identity. That is what separates the heroic, individual figure and the formless, identity-free masses. Identity is hardly a static concept, but the idea that it is a single, unchanging form is pretty deeply ingrained in modern culture. Western civilization is not fond of those who don’t . Its even harder on those able or willing to shift between identities, or even just what western civilization has decided “should” be an identity. This is reflected in pop-culture, where cultures of shapeshifting villains are a mainstay of science fiction including the Marvel Skrulls and Star Trek’s Dominion Founders. Both of these space empires posit a formless existence as being the root cause of each culture’s descent into fascism and paranoia. For the most part, the Skrulls serve primarily as faceless masses of aliens for the Marvel heroes to fight. Sometimes they are vaguely racist caricatures of whatever culture the average American citizen is expected to dislike at the moment. Sometimes they are not-so vaguely caricatures along those lines. Sometimes they’re just a convenient way to show super heroes murdering someone while still saying “see, they’re not human so our heroes aren’t, y’know, murderers for real!” We haven’t seen many specifics of Skrulls history or culture in the comics, and what we have seen tends to be from isolated writers not working together along any single storyline or plan. Yet it is from these isolated stories that interesting themes have emerged about why the Skrulls are who they are. The Skrulls have the potential to take any form, and yet in their “natural” state they are all identical. Skrulls all wear the same uniform, all have the same basic anatomy, and even tend to have the same (aggressively sociopathic) personalities. Skrulls are also essentially parthenogenic. They have no “natural” gender or sexes, as any Skrull can become “biologically” male or female at will, complete with working reproductive organs. In addition they have been shown able to become any other possible sex present in any other species, complete with functional reproductive organs. Yet despite this, Skrull culture recognizes a very rigid cultural gender binary and is incredibly misogynist. Aside from a few notable Skrull queens, the glimpses of Skrull society we have seen have shown that women are second class citizens at best, barred from most positions of authority and constantly talked down to by aggressive male war leaders. Skrull women are expected to present themselves as possessing large mammalian breasts, despite being reptiles who cannot produce milk, solely for the purposes of differentiating them and of titillating the male skrull population. This weird dichotomy between a biology that explicitly rejects the gender binary and a society obsessed with it is rarely made part of the Skrulls’ appearance in the comics, but has provided several interesting Skrull “facts” in the background of two specific comics: Runaways and The Incredible Hercules. Runaways (created by Brian K Vaughn and Adrian Alphona) is the story of a group of kids who, upon discovering that their parents are really a gang of horrible cross-genre super villains, run away in hopes of finding their own non-evil path. While their parents are quickly removed from the board, the legacy of their villainous ancestry continues to hang over them. One of the Runaways, a girl named Karolina Dean who discovers she is actually a rainbow-colored alien, ends up having to deal with her parents’ legacy of war and betrayal in a shocking way. A skrull named Xavin arrives claiming to be her fiance, and that their union is the only thing politically that can end a war her parents engineered that is destined to destroy two worlds. While at first she agrees only to halt the destruction of two people, Karolina and Xavin eventually grow to genuinely care for each other and remain involved even after the arranged marriage becomes unnecessary. Karolina is a lesbian, and Xavin originally presents as male. Despite Xavin’s insistence that skrulls can “change gender” at will, it still uncomfortably seems like a story of a male character tricking a gay woman into a romantic relationship. As we learn more about Xavin, this problem does get dealt with. Xavin was raised in the most mysoginist part of Skrull society, and learned to present as whatever would get them less abuse. In Skrull society this means male, and among the mostly-girl team of the Runaways looking out for their teammate and not trusting a space-bro this means presenting as female. As Xavin learns that on Earth they can present as whatever they want, they admit that they do not actually see themselves as either male or female as either humans or skrulls define it. It is not actually the story of a deviant shapeshifter using their power to trick women, but the story of a character learning to come out as non-binary due to love and friendship. But while Xavin’s story shows us insight into an individual Skrull, it still doesn’t answer the question of why Skrull civilization is so fascistically uniform despite the potential of its power. For that, we have to look at the second comic I mentioned, The Incredible Hercules (by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente) and its tie-in to the 2008 “major event” Secret Invasion. Secret Invasion was, overall, a pretty dumb crossover event that mostly existed to do a comic about superheroes murdering vaguely Muslim foreigners without getting in trouble. So now the Skrulls were all religious fanatics for the first time in comic history, and in the main series this religion was as thinly-veiled a reference to how the average American viewed Islam as could be. The one actually good comic to come out of the boring alien splat-fest was the Hercules tie-in, where the various gods of Earth put together a squad of divine superheroes to fight the Skrull gods. Ironically, the one comic that actually dealt with the Skrull religion was the one to NOT stick to the lazy stereotypes of Islam. Instead, it created a new mythology that finally sought to explain the dichotomy of the Skrulls. When ancient Skrulls purged the non-shapeshifting members of their species, the last “Skrull Eternal” argued he must be left alive to serve as the template for all skrulldom. Without him, he argued, they would have no form to return to and be left without identity. The “default” Skrull form we see in all Marvel comics is an attempt to emulate this iconic Skrull eternal. His followers argue that through their devotion to him, they remain Skrull even when they take on the myriad other forms of the universe. Through their adoption of his presented gender, they remain male even when they take on the myriad other sexes of the universe. Ironically, Skrull fascism is based on the same obsession of idealizing form that makes Skrull shapeshfiting and rejection of form so terrifying to Earth culture. Interestingly, the Skrulls debuted around the same time as another Marvel alien, the Kree, and the two became mortal enemies. The famous Kree-Skrull War storyline of the Avengers (1971–72 by Roy Thomas, Sal Buscema, Neal Adams, and John Buscema) told the story of the two space empires, locked in an interstellar cold war, who were more than happy to use our planet as a tool for proxy battles. The most advanced species in the galaxy were essentially barbaric, un-knowable, nationalist despots who cared not a whit if we lived or died other than as a tool for the embarrassment of their political enemies. Its a great old comic that brilliantly satirized the Cold War-era “nation building” our own country took part in. Both the Kree and Skrull were acting like Americans and Russians, though neither species could be pointed to as “oh THESE are us, the others our enemies.” The Kree were introduced as just as evil as the Skrulls, and arguably their history in the Marvel universe has been even more damaging to Earth. The Kree are genocidal, ultra-conservative space-racists who have repeatedly tried to wipe out our species to cover up their genetic tests on our ancestors. But while the Skrull remain perennial Avengers punching bags, the Kree became all but celebrated allies. The only difference between the two is that while the Skrull are deviant shapeshifters, the Kree are essentially humans, only sometimes they are blue. Marvel’s humanity would rather ally with a species that gloriously revels in fascism, so long that they appear attractive and consistent in form. The Founders of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 are also ironically obsessed with form for a species without any of their own. The natural state of these beings is an orange goo that naturally takes the form of whatever it is in and effortlessly blends with any others it comes in contact with. The Founders only have identities when they are away from the “Great Link” they all congeal in. The Founders are also head of a far-reaching fascist empire, and see beings of other species, the “solids”, as barely sapient and unworthy of consideration other than how they can potentially harm real, amorphous people. The reason for this is once again tied to their shapeshifting’s effect on their culture and psychology. In the Founder philosophy, to take on a subject’s form is to truly know it. You take the form of a square, you ARE the square and you understand its square-ness in a way no being of another form could. To the Founders, humanity (and Klingons, Bajorans, Cardassians, etc) is no different than any other shape. There is nothing to know about other beings than their shape, and it is inconceivable to the Founders that anything could exist in one of the solids other than what their physical form reveals. Despite being a species without form, they have become sociopaths unable to see the world through any other lens. Like the Skrulls, it is only by teaching one of their outcasts, Constable Odo, that they can learn how our culture can liberate them from their myopic view and allow them to become individuals. Also like the Skrulls, their battle with Earth takes the form of sabotage and infiltration and leads to mass panic and paranoia. While they are often used as a science-fictiony way of talking about cultural witch hunts, the truth is that races of identical shapeshifters do not tend to make very effective ones when we look at them too deeply. Sure, it is shocking that Star Fleet so quickly begins tossing aside its hard-won utopian ethics and establishes martial law to combat the threat of shapeshifters infiltrating Earth, but… There really WERE shapeshifters infiltrating Earth in that story. Witchhunts from Salem to McCarthyism are terrifying because there is NO real enemy to hunt. As soon as you introduce actual evil shapeshifters into the mix, especially genocidal fanatic ones, you create an actual justification for the witchhunt. It might be more “morally ambiguous” to give space McCarthy an actual space communist threat to fight, but real witchhunts aren’t ambiguous. McCarthy was wrong, and he destroyed lives. None of the women in Salem were brides of Satan, they were simply murdered. The moments where both the Kree-Skrull War and the Dominion War are most effective is when they focus on the sinister shapeshifters not using their power to actually infiltrate and debase society, but instead provoke the already paranoid, racist, murderous humans into doing the job for them. The only big-name shapeshifting people that stray from the “lack of true form leads to sociopathy” template are DC’s martians. Usually, J’onn J’onzz the Martian Manhunter is the only surviving member of his species, but even when he’s not we rarely see any glimpses of his society. Whenever we see flashbacks to J’onn’s family and the destruction of his people, it always presents the same picture. Martians are all naked, identical and live in unremarkable, unadorned simple dwellings with no obvious art or aesthetics of any kind. They are pacifists who invariably get wiped out, either by natural disaster or alien invasion or their own evil twins depending on the story. J’onn always looks like every other identical martian until he comes to Earth and has to define a new form for himself. Is the best a “good” shapeshifting people can hope for a doomed life without individuality, art or even personality? Is J’onn allowed to be a hero without form because he’s so aggressively non-threatening and the last of his people? The martians are not simply shapeshifters, but are also telepathic and have every power Superman possesses minus the heat vision. The reason they all walk around naked and identical is because they give no thought whatsoever to physical form. Like the villainous species described above, they simply adapt whatever streamlined form is best for the moment, and so most of the time on boring, empty Mars they all have the same form. Their skin is tough enough to not worry about sandstorms and they cam fly without wings, so a bland biped shape is fine. At the same time, they all possess incredible, worldwide telepathy, and so all their individual expression is mental. We create art of all kinds to try and convey ideas or feelings that are otherwise impossible yo express, but martians can’t even conceive of that problem. Why bother expressing yourself through physical fashion, art or speech when you can be understood so much easier and more intimately through telepathy? At the same time, the fact that everyone’s minds are open means its impossible to lie to anyone. The concept of deception and private thoughts are as alien to them as pants. Not that there would even be reason to lie, as you feel what everyone else is feeling and wouldn’t want to feel any hurt you caused by your deception. Nor would you worry about what other people think, because it would always be open to you. Shame as we know it doesn’t exist on Mars. It couldn’t if society could even exist in that telepathic environment. Its easy to then write the last martian in Earth as a calm, paternal figure. One who sees our fear of our own weakness even as they see the strength we won’t acknowledge. Often J’onn ends up the bland “dad” of the Justice League, and this may be why J’onn is so often an important supporting character in team books, but has struggled to carry his own title. Its harder, but potentially more rewarding, to write the culture shock. The most interesting J’onn stories focus on just how frustrating the adjustment is. He can’t understand why we lie all the time. Even the little lies we tell each other that he can’t help but overhear drive him nuts and make us look immoral and petty. He could communicate with any martian more easily than he can with the people on Earth he’s grown closest too. In that interpretation he appears stoic not because he’s a wise, zen sage but because he is still learning how to communicate physically and verbally with people who are put off by “invasive” contact between open minds. This dichotomy helps other martian characters than just J’onn, fleshing them out as interesting, unique characters in their own right rather than just a tragic backstory. One of the ongoing themes in DC martian stories is that martians LOVE trash Earth TV. Why? Because its impossible to read the mind of a recorded image, and the irrational and goofy behavior of badly written characters is pretty much the only art form that can surprise a martian. Teenage Miss Martian flees to Earth because its the only place she can lie about herself, but the allure of human deception is as dangerous and leading to sociopathic behavior in as humans imagine shapeshifting to be. Like the other sci-fi shapeshifters, they’re in a culture where they’re able to express themselves through form in a way he never could before, but unlike the others it isn’t a liberating experience. The awkwardness of a form-based identity for a being who intimately knows how that mindset is contrary to peoples’ true thoughts allows martians a chance to fear and distrust humans just as those humans project the normal shapeshifter fears onto them.
2016-10-27 19:39:44.002000+00:00
['Comics', 'Star Trek', 'DC Comics', 'Marvel', 'Science Fiction']
D. B. Cooper: An unsolved mystery
D. B. Cooper: An unsolved mystery On Wednesday, November 24th, 1971, just a day before Thanksgiving, a man named Dan Cooper bought a $20 one-way ticket on Northwest Orient Airlines with cash for flight number 305 from Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington. Described as a man in his mid-40s wearing a business suit, a light overcoat, brown shoes, a white shirt, and a black-tie. He carried along with him a dark briefcase and 4 inches by 12 inches by 14-inches bag. Before the plane took off, Cooper seated in 18C ordered a bourbon and soda. An ominous glare in his look. It was certain that a mystery loomed in the thin air that curled around the plane. A little after 3 PM, Cooper handed the stewardess a note. At first, she just put it in her pocket without looking at it. “Miss, you better look at that note. I have a bomb.”, Cooper revealed. He calmly asked her to sit next to him. He opened his briefcase to show red-colored sticks bound by a bunch of wires. The stewardess’s face turned pale with fear. Too afraid to scream, she was ready to do whatever Cooper asked of her. He asked her to write down what he was saying and take it to the captain. “ I want $200k by 5 PM in cash, put in a knapsack. I want two back parachutes and two front parachutes. When we land, I want a fuel truck ready to refuel. No funny stuff or I’ll do the job.” it read. That was enough to send chills down the stewardess’s spine. It was an oddity, he asked for the $200k to be exclusively in $20 bills. The flight landed in Seattle, and cooper changed the 36 passengers on the plane for the money and the parachutes that he had requested. He kept a few crew members on the plane. he had the plane take off for Mexico City, requesting that the plane remained below 10 thousand feet. During the second half of the flight, Cooper put on a pair of dark wrap-around sunglasses with dark rims that would later become part of the sketch that would become famous for anyone with the case. A little after 8 PM, when the plane was somewhere between Seattle and Reno, Nevada, Cooper jumped out of the rear doors of the Boeing 727 with two of the parachutes and the money, never to be seen again. One thing worth noting is that Cooper took off his black J.C. Penney clip-on the tie before jumping. A definitive piece of evidence from which the FBI was able to procure a DNA sample. Who was D. B. Cooper? Where did he go? Did he survive the fall? or did he meet his tragic end? All these questions remain unanswered even after several years of investigation and thorough research. An unsolved mystery that will forever haunt the halls of the FBI.
['Om Khairate']
2020-12-13 10:14:36.934000+00:00
['Unsolved Mysteries', 'Marvel', 'Marvel Cinematic Universe']
Create a Data Marvel — Part 3: Hydrating the Model
Avengers: Infinity War Over the last couple of weeks, we have shown the early steps of this project — the background, building the data model, and the start of the data import from an API to Neo4j. If you haven’t and want to catch up on that information, you can read the posts for Part 1 and Part 2. Today, we will continue the process of getting a maximum amount of data from the Marvel Developer Portal API into Neo4j. We saw the initial import Cypher statement last week, but the trickiest piece is the next import statement, and the issues we uncovered in running it. To recap our limitations and foundations so far, I’ve included an image of our Neo4j graph data model for the Marvel data (yours could differ), as well as some highlights. Marvel API enforces some limitations such as 3,000 calls per day and 100 results per call. So our goal was to get as much data as possible in these limits. Retrieving all comics (43,000+) was too much, so we decided to import characters first. To do that, we used the APOC library pulled characters based on names by letters of the alphabet. Next, we need to retrieve the rest of the data (comics, series, events, stories, creators) to finish populating our graph! Marvel comics data model in Neo4j More Importing — “Hydrating” the Model One of the best things about APOC is the possibilities it opens for different aspects of data import. Remember that apoc.periodic.iterate procedure we used in our last query to loop through each letter of the alphabet and select the characters that start with that letter? Well, we are going to use that procedure again, but in a slightly different way. This time, we will use the first statement within that procedure to select the characters we added to the database in our previous query, and the second statement will call the API to retrieve the comics for each of those characters. The next query is below with a walkthrough of the syntax. It might look complicated, but don’t worry. It simply builds upon syntax we have already discussed above. WITH apoc.date.format(timestamp(), “ms”, ‘yyyyMMddHHmmss’) AS ts WITH “&ts=” + ts + “&apikey=” + $marvel_public + “&hash=” + apoc.util.md5([ts,$marvel_private,$marvel_public]) as suffix CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(‘MATCH (c:Character) WHERE c.resourceURI IS NOT NULL AND NOT exists((c)<-[:INCLUDES]-()) RETURN c LIMIT 100’, ‘CALL apoc.util.sleep(2000) CALL apoc.load.json(c.resourceURI+”/comics?format=comic&formatType=comic&limit=100"+$suffix) YIELD value WITH c, value.data.results as results WHERE results IS NOT NULL UNWIND results as result MERGE (comic:ComicIssue {id: result.id}) ON CREATE SET comic.name = result.title, comic.issueNumber = result.issueNumber, comic.pageCount = result.pageCount, comic.resourceURI = result.resourceURI, comic.thumbnail = result.thumbnail.path + ”.” + result.thumbnail.extension WITH c, comic, result MERGE (comic)-[r:INCLUDES]->(c) WITH c, comic, result WHERE result.series IS NOT NULL UNWIND result.series as comicSeries MERGE (series:Series {id: toInt(split(comicSeries.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET series.name = comicSeries.name, series.resourceURI = comicSeries.resourceURI WITH c, comic, series, result MERGE (comic)-[r2:BELONGS_TO]->(series) WITH c, comic, result, result.creators.items as items WHERE items IS NOT NULL UNWIND items as item MERGE (creator:Creator {id: toInt(split(item.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET creator.name = item.name, creator.resourceURI = item.resourceURI WITH c, comic, result, creator MERGE (comic)-[r3:CREATED_BY]->(creator) WITH c, comic, result, result.stories.items as items WHERE items IS NOT NULL UNWIND items as item MERGE (story:Story {id: toInt(split(item.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET story.name = item.name, story.resourceURI = item.resourceURI, story.type = item.type WITH c, comic, result, story MERGE (comic)-[r4:MADE_OF]->(story) WITH c, comic, result, result.events.items AS items WHERE items IS NOT NULL UNWIND items as item MERGE (event:Event {id: toInt(split(item.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET event.name = item.name, event.resourceURI = item.resourceURI MERGE (comic)-[r5:PART_OF]->(event)’, {batchSize: 20, iterateList:false, retries:2, params:{suffix:suffix}}); To help process this lengthy query, we will break it up into sections and explain each block. Let us start with the first two sections together. //First section WITH apoc.date.format(timestamp(), “ms”, ‘yyyyMMddHHmmss’) AS ts WITH “&ts=” + ts + “&apikey=” + $marvel_public + “&hash=” + apoc.util.md5([ts,$marvel_private,$marvel_public]) as suffix CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(‘MATCH (c:Character) WHERE c.resourceURI IS NOT NULL AND NOT exists((c)<-[:INCLUDES]-()) RETURN c LIMIT 100’, ‘CALL apoc.util.sleep(2000) CALL apoc.load.json(c.resourceURI+”/comics?format=comic&formatType=comic&limit=100"+$suffix) YIELD value Just as with our initial load query, we start the query using the WITH clause to set up and pass the timestamp and url suffix parameters that we will use further down. The next lines of code calls the familiar apoc.periodic.iterate to pull all the characters in Neo4j ( MATCH statement). Notice the criteria starting from the WHERE clause. We check the Character nodes to see if the resourceURI field contains a value. Marvel puts the url path for most entities in the resourceURI field, so this is a simple check to see if the Character has a url path for us to retrieve data. If it doesn’t, our call will fail, and it won’t find data. * Hint: this is also a good way to trim the number of API calls. If we know a call will fail, then we should not waste precious resources on it. :) The next criteria checks if a relationship type of INCLUDES already exists for the node. This sees if we have already retrieved and inserted comics for a character. If a relationship exists, then we do not pull the comic info for that character again. This avoids duplicate calls for entities where we have already added that information. Finally, we add a LIMIT 100 to that query to only pull 100 characters at a time from our Neo4j database. We ran across issues where queries would timeout because the server would stop responding. Marvel’s server instances probably have a timeout value to ensure users do not hog resources. Or, it could simply be that they need to bolster the architecture a bit to support heavier requests. ;) Either way, we wanted to reduce the time taken to pull in batches of data, so my colleague suggested a LIMIT clause to create smaller processing for each call. While this would increase the number of calls made to the database, it was better than larger batches failing frequently. * Note: at this point, we had 26 calls to load all of the characters for each alphabet letter. That gave us around 1,000 characters in our Neo4j instance. If we pull 100 at a time, we could have a maximum of 11 batches of up to 100 calls (one for each character in a batch). The second statement within the apoc.periodic.iterate adds 2 seconds of sleep between calls to the API for each character. This tries to avoid the timeout of our Marvel server in the middle of one of our calls. Once we wait, we use the apoc.load.json to hit the API endpoint for the comics pertaining to that character from the resourceURI field on our Character nodes. Again, we yield back the JSON object ( YIELD value ). //Second section WITH c, value.data.results as results WHERE results IS NOT NULL UNWIND results as result MERGE (comic:ComicIssue {id: result.id}) ON CREATE SET comic.name = result.title, comic.issueNumber = result.issueNumber, comic.pageCount = result.pageCount, comic.resourceURI = result.resourceURI, comic.thumbnail = result.thumbnail.path + ”.” + result.thumbnail.extension WITH c, comic, result MERGE (comic)-[r:INCLUDES]->(c) To start the next code paragraph, we check that the subsection containing our comics is not null , and unwind the object to get the subsection. Just as we did with the loading of characters, we use MERGE on the comic id to find or create the ComicIssue node and the ON CREATE SET clause to set property values if the node is created. The one thing that is different is the WITH statement and the MERGE line after it. Because we need to use the newly-created node and create a relationship between it and a Character node, we need to pass the ComicIssue node to the next MERGE statement. We do this using WITH . * Note: The creation of the node and the relationship between a comic issue and a character is not done in a single MERGE because Cypher would merge on the entire pattern. If both nodes (with all properties) AND the relationship do not exist, then Cypher creates the entire pattern new, often causing duplicates. To avoid this, you need to match any existing entities, then create a new relationship or node using the existing information. //Third section on Series, Creators, Stories, Events WITH c, comic, result WHERE result.series IS NOT NULL UNWIND result.series as comicSeries MERGE (series:Series {id: toInt(split(comicSeries.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET series.name = comicSeries.name, series.resourceURI = comicSeries.resourceURI WITH c, comic, series, result MERGE (comic)-[r2:BELONGS_TO]->(series) WITH c, comic, result, result.creators.items as items WHERE items IS NOT NULL UNWIND items as item MERGE (creator:Creator {id: toInt(split(item.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET creator.name = item.name, creator.resourceURI = item.resourceURI WITH c, comic, result, creator MERGE (comic)-[r3:CREATED_BY]->(creator) WITH c, comic, result, result.stories.items as items WHERE items IS NOT NULL UNWIND items as item MERGE (story:Story {id: toInt(split(item.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET story.name = item.name, story.resourceURI = item.resourceURI, story.type = item.type WITH c, comic, result, story MERGE (comic)-[r4:MADE_OF]->(story) WITH c, comic, result, result.events.items AS items WHERE items IS NOT NULL UNWIND items as item MERGE (event:Event {id: toInt(split(item.resourceURI,”/”)[-1])}) ON CREATE SET event.name = item.name, event.resourceURI = item.resourceURI MERGE (comic)-[r5:PART_OF]->(event)’, The next paragraphs of code follow a similar pattern for each of the Series , Creator , Story , and Event node labels. One thing that is different is setting the id field for each of those nodes. The toInt(split(item.resourceURI,"/")[-1]) code trims out the id from the url path that Marvel gives for each entity with split(item.resourceURI,"/")[-1]) and then converts that value to an integer for the id field in Neo4j using the toInt() function. The rest of the syntax should be familiar from our load of characters earlier. Now we have some of each entity in the database, but I want to add a few more details to a couple of node labels. Filling in More Details If you take another look at our last Cypher block, you can see that the Series , Creator , Story , and Event node types only have basic information. Each has an id field, as well as the resourceURI and name fields. This doesn’t give us as much info as Marvel offers, and we could run some interesting queries on some of the other fields provided. For our project, the only additional fields I wanted were on the Series and Event nodes for some images and start and end dates. Let’s go ahead and get those imported to Neo4j! These statements are much simpler than the previous two, and we can use the same syntax and logic from our previous queries. The two queries to load these details are shown below, along with brief explanation. //load any extra Series data WITH apoc.date.format(timestamp(), “ms”, ‘yyyyMMddHHmmss’) AS ts WITH “&ts=” + ts + “&apikey=” + $marvel_public + “&hash=” + apoc.util.md5([ts,$marvel_private,$marvel_public]) as suffix CALL apoc.periodic.iterate( ‘MATCH (s:Series) WHERE s.resourceURI IS NOT NULL AND not exists(s.startYear) RETURN s LIMIT 100’, ‘CALL apoc.util.sleep(2000) CALL apoc.load.json(s.resourceURI+”?limit=100" + $suffix) YIELD value WITH value.data.results as results WHERE results IS NOT NULL UNWIND results as result MERGE (series:Series {id: result.id}) SET series.startYear = result.startYear, series.endYear = result.endYear, series.rating = result.rating, series.thumbnail = result.thumbnail.path + ”.” + result.thumbnail.extension’, {batchSize: 20, iterateList: false, params: {suffix:suffix}}); //load any extra Event data WITH apoc.date.format(timestamp(), “ms”, ‘yyyyMMddHHmmss’) AS ts WITH “&ts=” + ts + “&apikey=” + $marvel_public + “&hash=” + apoc.util.md5([ts,$marvel_private,$marvel_public]) as suffix CALL apoc.periodic.iterate( ‘MATCH (event:Event) WHERE event.resourceURI IS NOT NULL AND NOT exists(event.start) RETURN DISTINCT event LIMIT 100’, ‘CALL apoc.util.sleep(2000) CALL apoc.load.json(event.resourceURI+”?limit=100"+$suffix) YIELD value UNWIND value.data.results as result MERGE (e:Event {id: result.id}) SET e.start = result.start, e.end = result.end’, {batchSize: 20, iterateList:false, params: {suffix:suffix}}); Both of these queries use the WITH clause to set up the timestamp and suffix parameters, just as we did with our other queries. The next code block in each query unwinds the JSON object and finds the nested data object, and uses MERGE to find or create the nodes. This time, we just use the SET clause to update or add any values that may not have existed before. Finally, the last code line sets the configuration parameters. What I Learned We now have plenty of data in our Neo4j graph database, and we can start to run some queries to check out the information that is there! After much trial, error, and troubleshooting, the queries given and explained above and in the Part 2 post are what I used to get the data from a finicky API hosted by Marvel into my local instance of Neo4j as a graph data model. Below is a list of my key takeaways from the total data import process up to this point. It took a lot of messed up Cypher queries and clearing out the database multiple times to start the import over from a clean slate. It took several questions to expert teammates to tweak and optimize what I wanted to get and determine that some issues were related to the API on Marvel’s end and not poorly constructed Cypher on my end. I learned a LOT from an actual data set. I wasn’t playing with a cherry-picked data set that was clean and road blocks removed for easy learning. I had to come up with ways around new, inventive issues based on the data set I was dealing with. I was surprised how long the import step took. It wasn’t the actual import execution that was problematic. It was determining how I wanted the data to look and how to craft the Cypher to meet that expectation. Until you deal with a data set and technology hands-on, it is hard to break past a certain point of learning. I could read and read and read, but I needed to actually work through these problems and see what my queries did with the data to comprehend how the procedures worked and what the data looked like in Neo4j. Next Steps While the initial stages of this project may not have been overly glamorous, they are necessary to every project you encounter, whether personal or occupational. In all honesty, I enjoyed the learning process in these steps. The next posts will start looking at crafting the application and how to use Spring Data Neo4j to produce powerful, capable, and pretty code and webpage! Stay tuned! Resources
['Jennifer Reif']
2018-12-14 14:23:15.614000+00:00
['Neo4j', 'Spring', 'Marvel', 'Coding', 'Data']
Digital Culture Project #2: Primary Source
Digital Culture Project #2: Primary Source Minority misrepresentation in media has been a controversial topic preceding film as a medium altogether. Film was invented in the 1890’s(Skylar and Cook, 2016) and in the time since its creation, social equality and empowerment movements have accomplished a tremendous amount. Yet for some reason commercial films still widely focus on an idealized figure of the past. The figure of the white, straight male dominates the film industry and evidence can be found throughout all film genres. The superhero genre specifically illustrates the most obvious examples, and in the film poster for Thor: The Dark World, the use of composition and gesture reiterates the unimportance of women while promoting the idea of white patriarchy as salvation. Looking at the image, almost within seconds it becomes blatantly clear that Thor, the male superhero of the film takes precedence over everything else. His figure looms overhead and overtakes most of the frame. His face is stern and aloof, as he stands straight and tall directly in the center of the composition. His dominance could practically be read in braille. Aside from the placement of Thor himself, the placement of the other of the film’s characters only accentuate his superiority as they all revolve around him, forming a golden triangular shape with Thor in the immediate center. In art history, the triangle is a traditional compositional technique used to create balance, facilitate eye travel, establish a focal point, and create a visual hierarchy. The triangle also carries a religious connotation with it, representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In renaissance paintings the peak of the triangle is usually reserved for holy figures. Consequently, by placing Thor in this prime location the artists behind the poster leave the viewer absolutely no room to doubt his superiority. While the poster for Thor: The Dark Night features nearly twenty characters only two of these characters are women. Jane Foster, an astrophysicist and Sif, a warrior godlike being are both featured. Although instead of bringing a sense of feminine strength or equality their gestures only depict them as weak and passive. For instance, Sif, despite being a fierce warrior and having several battle scenes in the film is posed with her arms down, chest open, and a soft — almost helpless- facial expression. Compared to the other Viking gods who all seem to be fearlessly charging into battle, she is a stagnant juxtaposition. Along with her pose, Sif is completely weaponless as her sword wielding hand is clumsily cropped off the poster edge. Her last symbol of strength, though phallic, is metaphorically castrated. Meanwhile, Jane is featured in decorative Asgardian dress, which considering most of the film takes place on earth, reflects the expectation for women to assimilate into a man’s customs no matter the circumstance. Also, while Jane does stand in the foreground, her body is completely absorbed by Thor’s frame. Illustrating her as a lustful accessory rather than an entire standalone figure. Gerry Conway, the creator of The Punisher comics once stated “..the comics follow society. They don’t lead society.” (Rosenburg, 2013). However claiming this would mean the imagination of fiction writers is confined to the societies they have grown in. Thor: The Dark Night is the story of a mythic Norse Viking God who lives in space and wields a magic hammer and yet somehow still more convincing than a strong, intelligent, independent minority in today’s media. Rosenberg, A. (2013). ‘Legendary Comics Creators Dismiss Sexism Critiques, Say ‘The Comics Follow Society. They Don’t Lead.’. Retrieved from https://thinkprogress.org/legendary-comics-creators-dismiss-sexism-critiques-say-the-comics-follow-society-they-dont-lead-ed26ddf4ebf0#.i5s4xhxny Creative Commons Attribution (2016). ‘Unit Two B-Composition’. Retrieved from https://mhsart1.wikispaces.com/Composition Marvel Studios (2013). Thor: The Dark Night. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thor:_The_Dark_World#/media/File:Thor_-_The_Dark_World_poster.jpg Pau, J. (2015). ‘Ritmes Compositius En L’Escultura’. Retrieved from http://joanipau3bvip.blogspot.com/ Sklar, R. and Cook, D (2016). ‘History of the motion picture’. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/art/history-of-the-motion-picture
['Giovanni Centeno']
2016-10-27 16:43:04.109000+00:00
['Comics', 'Marvel']
Black Panther
Black Panther Movies are a favorite past time for many people. There are many different types of movies, and people prefer different ones. Whether it is drama, comedy, or suspense, it seems like they are all equally preferred. My favorite movie so far is a super hero movie based on the marvel comics character Black Panther. It is the story of five African tribes that were at war with each other because they all wanted possession of a meteorite filled with vibranium. In the movie Black Panther, T’Challa returned home as a king of a place named Wakanda in Africa after the passing of his father.As soon as T’Challa (Black Panther) arrived to his kingdom, he faced many challenges from other tribes exept his allies.One the challenges was a man who is named M’Bakou. In Wakanda culture, before a king is crowned, they have to fight and the winner will be named a king. M’Bakou had to challenge T’Challa for the crown. T’Challa defeated M’Bakou and was soon after proclaimed him. Two thiefs stole a tresor from a museum. W’Kabi, T’Challa’s friend, and Okoye had brought it back, dead or alive. T’Challa, Okoye and Nakia travel to Busan in South Korea where they have learned that the thied planned to sell the tresor. The tresor was a technological super-power. Stevens, one of the thiefs attacks Ross to enable Klaue to get away. Ross is severely injured, T’Challa takes him to Wakanda where the technology can save him. Shuri was a young girl who could manage the wakanda super power technology very well, and she took care of Ross until he gets completely better. Killmonger is T’Challa cousin, he came back after his dad died to get his crown and destroy everybody, even his family. Killmonger wanted to sell wakanda technologies to people of African descent across the globe.T’Chaka haven’t left no choice but to kill him. He orders Zuri to lie about what happened and to say that N’Jobu has simply disappeared. Killmonger kills Klaue and takes his body to Wakanda, bringing it before tribal elders. He reveals his identity and sets forth his claim to the throne. Killmonger challenges T’Challa to a ritual combat; he kills Zuri and then defeats T’Challa, throwing him over a waterfall. Killmonger wanted to destroy the herb but Nakia had the exact time to save one of the herb. Killmonger was about to distribute shipments of vribanium from Wakanda around the world. They were another tribe that was managed by Jabari. This is where Nakia, Shuri and other people from wakanda fleed to get help. They find a comatose T’Challa, who has been cared for by the Jabari tribe in return for his benevolence in sparing M’Baku’s life. Healed by Nakia’s herb, T’Challa returns to Wakanda to fight Killmonger who by now has dressed himself as the Black Panther. Shuri, Nakia and the Dora Milaje joined T’Challa to fight for the vibranium mine. T’Challa manages to stab Killmonger. Killmonger refuses to allow himself to be healed as he would rather. Black Panther was a big hit ever since it was shown in theaters. I love this movie because it showcases the black color and it makes our international pride. Black is a film which helps me rethink about my origin. It is declared that Black Panther is the best film of the year 2018.This story is about my roots, my culture. This movie is good message for all africans. It exposes a lot of things about African culture and heritage.It shows how strong we are while describing the gaps of the leaders that cause disappearance of natural resources. I was very entertained while watching Black Panther. I love it and I’m proud of it.
['Muneca Brava']
2018-12-19 14:08:47.523000+00:00
The Wisdom of a 6-year-old.
You can be a Superhero Too! I found out last night that this week was going to be the best week ever for my 6yr old. It is superhero week at school, and this kid loves superheroes. To say my son is unique would be an understatement. He is the child that we can’t figure out where he came from. But he is easily one of the funniest people I have ever known, young or old. His gift is seeing the world in such a special way that it makes everyone around him smile and laugh. It really is a gift. Have you ever heard of the book….Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman His teacher was recently reading it to his class, and its a wonderful book about how a young African American girl wants to be Peter Pan in a play. Its a great message for any kid regardless of race or sex. Which is exactly how my child heard it. So when we go to a parent-teacher conference she brings up this book and mentions that my son was the first person to raise his hand during a group discussion so he could eagerly ask a question. He was dying to share his thoughts on this girl in the book. Now as she is setting this up, my wife and I are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. What did he say? Did he blurt out some racist/sexist offensive comment? Thankfully no, it was crazier than I could have imagined. Now keep in mind he is a superhero fanatic. So when she called on him, he looked at her with an earnest face and said the following…… “I know exactly how she feels, I tell myself every day that I can be Black Panther if I want to be.” Never in a million years did the teacher expect to get that sort of response in a group discussion. She said it took everything she had to not die out laughing. But that is my son. He meant every word of what he said. He clearly had given it hours of thought and was dead serious about his belief that he could become “Black Panther.” So the moral of the story is, a child has a wonderfully unique perspective on life. As an adult, we should never dismiss the simple wisdom of a child. He told himself to believe that he could become whatever he wants, which is a fantastic attribute for the mind of a 6-year-old. We could all stand to live by this simple idea. Even if your goal is to become Black Panther
['Chris Alexander']
2018-12-12 02:49:43.230000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Superhero', 'Wisdom', 'Black Panther']
TV review: Agents of SHIELD — ‘Shadows’
The string of entertaining and surprising episodes that Agents of SHIELD began to pull together at the close of its ropey first season continues with ‘Shadows’, a solid premiere that throws us back into the uncertain world of the agents with an added edge of hopelessness and desperation as they lay everything on the line to gain something that barely gives them an advantage in the war against Hydra. To make matters worse, they even lose the important MacGuffin in the process of securing themselves a quinjet that is capable of being cloaked. The real kicker is seeing that Fitz has been trying to work on such technology and has made no headway, as he talks to a hallucination of Simmons while struggling to recall the scientific knowledge he had before Ward tried to kill the two of them last season. As far as the others go, we can see that Skye and May now have a really effective working partnership in the field and that Coulson has become somewhat reclusive. Ward’s locked up (in a cell that bizarrely seems to have no bars) and has apparently gone through a couple of suicidal experiences. Chances are, no matter what he says, he can’t be trusted. Although, without Garrett to command him, what kind of man is Ward meant to be anymore? There are a whole host of new characters too, and none of them have a particularly great time working alongside the SHIELD agents, ending up in a car crash after Lucy Lawless’s Isabelle Hartley has been forced to have her hand sliced off (courtesy of said mysterious MacGuffin, which is introduced in an early sequence that’ll get people excited for the upcoming Agent Carter series starring Hayley Atwell) and Nick Blood’s Lance Hunter has likely sustained some serious injuries of his own. The best addition is on the villainous side of things, though, as new character Carl Creel (Brian Patrick Wade) provides the first truly menacing superpowered foe for our heroes. This character, also known as the Absorbing Man, is straight from the comics and he has the ability to take on the properties of whatever material he comes into contact with. It’s going to make him difficult to defeat and I’m looking forward to seeing what the show decides to do with him next. All in all, this is a really decent return for SHIELD that should reassure fans that the improvements it made at the end of Season 1 were more than just momentum built off the great twist in Captain America 2. There’s a lot to be excited about here, some of the execution is still clumsy, but it has a very watchable quality and I’m hopeful about the signs of where this is going. Agents of SHIELD airs on Channel 4, on Fridays at 8pm
['Simon Cocks']
2016-11-14 18:01:25.040000+00:00
['Movies', 'TV', 'Marvel', 'Review']
Letterbox’d Litter #6
Letterbox’d Litter #6 The Hobbit (the old one) / Iron Man 2 / Baskin I watched this movie many times as a kid, which I think explains a lot. It’s very pretty, very strange, very ’70s. Per their usual MO, Rankin and Bass bring their weird little vision to life with painterly animation, wonderful voice performances and unsettling character design pretty much across the board. Thanks to the demands of broadcast schedules and kids’ attention spans, it blasts through Tolkien’s story at a bonkers pace. Don’t look to it for a religious translation of the book; instead this is more of a… funky aesthetic reprocessing of it. Sometimes to great effect. For example, Andy Serkis was great and all, but for sheer creepiness he didn’t get within a stone’s throw of Theodore Gottlieb’s frog-faced cave-lake-lurking Gollum. That whole sequence is spooky as hell; the random sung riddle about darkness makes my skin crawl every time. Just one of many things in this movie that left my six-year-old self a bit more screwed-up. But for all its terrors, there’s a real sweetness here as well. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s something to do with Thorin’s words to Bilbo at the end, and Glenn Yarborough’s warbly anthem woven throughout. That all being said — I’ve had the mfing goblins’ song popping into my head repeatedly ever since I watched this. When will it stop. 3/5 Me: So this was written by Justin Theroux. Also Me: Hold up hold up — this was written by Justin Theroux?? Me: … yes, James. This was written by Justin Theroux. Also Me: Well! Butter my butt and call me a biscuit! (bemusedly, to self) This was written by Justin Theroux… Anyway, my flabbergastery at that little revelation aside, this movie is not very good. Not as good as the first, as someone else has probably said somewhere. I mean it’s fun, don’t get me wrong. But fun in a way that neatly highlights my beef with the Marvel brand. The performances are universally winning, the dialogue snappy and enjoyable, the effects and production design dazzling. But all of this is offered as a kind of cocksure smokescreen to obscure some frankly ridiculous storytelling, and seasoned with perfunctory lip service toward moral and political tH3mEs as well as some cringy portrayals of women / people with foreign accents. At its best, the Marvel formula offers license for mythic, boisterous, freewheeling escapism. But just as often, it tries to legitimize lazy writing (sorry Justin 😭) with a $200 million swagger. This is far from Marvel’s best; in fact, I’d go so far as to say that it’s, like, fine I guess. 2.5/5 Ok, I’m probably not gonna be able to sleep until I get my thoughts down about this movie. Baskin blew my mind. I never — like, never — bail on a movie part-way through because of its content, but I was on the razor’s edge of doing so with this one. Coming from a horror fan, I know that sounds like a recommendation, but I’m not sure that it is. Maybe I should have bailed, I dunno. The fact that Baskin ultimately left me exhilarated rather than nauseated is a bit disturbing to me. This film is really depraved, and really effective. I could break down a lot of the technical reasons for why I think it works as well as it does, but I’ll skip that for now. There’s also some interesting symbolic and thematic stuff going on, pretty near the surface, but I won’t get into that either. Suffice to say that, as a devout Catholic, I think this film paints an extraordinarily vivid and convincing picture of hell. Jesus said that “the kingdom of Heaven is among you,” suggesting that heaven is less a physical place than it is a state of being. And as Baskin’s transfixing villain puts it, the reverse is also true. 4/5
['James Powers']
2020-11-30 21:33:36.620000+00:00
['Film', 'Film Criticism', 'Review', 'Animation', 'Marvel']
Five New Marvel Studios Projects Announced for Disney+
Alongside the currently announced lineup of new movie-quality shows coming to Disney+, Marvel Studios has announced four new shows that will explore new and returning heroes. Samuel L. Jackson returns as Nick Fury alongside Ben Mendelsohn as Talos the Skrull in Secret Invasion. The show was teased at the end of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Far From Home and will presumably follow the comic story of the same name, with Skrulls invading the Marvel world right under everyone’s noses. Image provided by Marvel Studios Ironheart, a newer Marvel character, makes her MCU debut in the new titular series. Riri Williams will be played by Dominique Thorne and create the most advanced suit the world has seen since the original Iron Man. Don Cheadle returns as James Rhodes A.K.A. War Machine for the first time ever as a solo character in Armor Wars! A new threat rises using Tony Stark’s technology and Rhodes will have to face it. A new series of shorts about Guardians of the Galaxy fan-favorite Baby Groot will explore his antics. Last but most definitely not least is James Gunn’s live-action The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special! Set to rival the 1978 classic, Star Wars: The Holiday Special, James Gunn gets to write and direct a project he has been bugging Kevin Feige over for years. The special will hit Disney+ in 2022. From the man himself! The future of Marvel on Disney+ is looking bright. Make sure to keep an eye on all things, Disney, at the Boardwalk Times for release dates and more! Giovanni Delgadillo is a columnist for the Boardwalk Times.
2020-12-11 03:58:00.366000+00:00
['Marvel', 'News', 'Disney Plus']
Justice League vs. The Avengers: Who Would Win & Why It Doesn’t Matter
As an avid comic book reader, I loathe this question. Let me explain why… Imagine this. Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, and the rest of the Justice League descend onto an open field. About a football field away, you see Captain Marvel, Captain America, Thor, and the rest of the Avengers walk through a Dr. Strange-like portal. The greatest superheroes of all time are about to face off in a battle-to-the-death. It sounds amazing (well, amazing to watch at a safe distance anyway). But who would win? Let me ask you another, more relevant question: Why does it matter? I’ve read about or heard of this event from time to time, and have even discussed at length with a few of my friends who are also comic nerds. TLDR, it was 4 votes out of 4 for the Justice League. But, we also determined that the question itself was pointless. In any event, let’s entertain this epic battle for a few moments. Before all the elitist Marvel fanboys say anything, I’m very indifferent towards either the Justice League or The Avengers, whether it’s the movies or the comics. I watch both, I read both, they’re both awesome. I’m not apt to pick one over the other — they both have their fair share of strengths and weaknesses, so let’s put that argument aside. Watching any of these heroes go toe-to-toe would be absolutely awesome. Reel it back. Let’s keep things in context and go with current comic book teams. The lineups are: Justice League - Batman - Superman - Wonder Woman - Green Lantern (John Stewart) - The Flash (Barry Allen) - Aquaman - Cyborg The Avengers: - Black Panther (T’Challa) - Captain America (Steve Rogers) - Iron Man - Thor - Captain Marvel - She-Hulk There are some notable exclusions here for those who do read comics, like Martian Manhunter and Bruce Banner’s Hulk. These are the current core teams at this very moment. For the sake of equality, we’ll take Cyborg out of the fight, leaving teams balanced at 6 against 6. We can take a few stabs at 1v1 scenarios, such as Batman vs. Iron Man; Thor vs. Wonder Woman; Aquaman vs. Black Panther; all great fights, but there’s a pivotal problem here: If this were truly a fight to the death, Superman and/or Wonder Woman would likely take out any Avenger. Stay with me here and think about this for a minute. Thor is easily the most powerful of all Avengers in this lineup, followed by Captain Marvel and She-Hulk. However, when Thor is faced with any emotional backlash or strife, he immediately breaks down and wallows in his own guilt. After Wonder Woman hits him with the Lasso of Truth to face his demons, he’s done. Yes, it really is that simple for the Amazonian princess. On top of that, it was revealed during a past crossover (and a Jane Foster Thor issue) that both Superman and Wonder Woman can wield Mjolnir. The two snippets on the right of this scene reveal what appears to be Superman and Wonder Woman holding Mjolnir. Whether they are still worthy to do so, and whether they would use this to their advantage, is another question. But I would place my bets on, at the very least, Wonder Woman being able to wield the thunder god’s hammer. Now, even without his hammer, Thor is still incredibly powerful. He has proven time and again that it’s not the hammer that makes him who he is. He’s just…not Superman and Wonder Woman powerful. Aquaman vs. Black Panther would be a hellofa fight to watch. I give a slight edge to Black Panther because of his intellect, suit, and sheer fighting ability, but we would have to consider that Aquaman is some 150 times stronger than the average human. On top of that, we need to consider the venue of said fight. Is this in or near the ocean? If so, Aquaman wins. Is this on dry land? In that case, T’Challa wins. Next up are the genius-level billionaires, Batman vs. Iron Man. Here’s where things get tricky. Two men, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, both without actual powers, but with more than enough money and smarts to buy them superhero getups. Batman always has a contingency plan. Iron Man’s many suits are considered top-level Earth nanotech. In many ways, both men allow their egos to get in their own way. What do you get when two men with giant egos and plenty of money go head to head? Destruction. A lot of destruction. I’ll call this one even with an edge towards Batman, the man with the (backup) plan. Even if he were beaten, I’m sure there would be one final ace up his batsuit sleeve. The next few contestants in our fight are a little harder to match up. We have Captains Marvel and America with She-Hulk, against Superman, The Flash, and Green Lantern. Let’s go with a 3 vs. 3 here. Superman and The Flash’s super speed and The Flash’s connection with the Speed Force make this a no-brainer in contest with She-Hulk and Captain America. I know Steve Rogers is the guy that never gives up, and I have a lot of respect for him, but he’s simply no match for either Superman or The Flash. Again, we can go into where this action takes place — if this were Earth-616 (the Marvel Earth), The Flash loses his connection to the Speed Force and is left in a much weaker state — but overall, ol’ reliable is not up to par with these two Justice Leaguers. Though she does get stronger the angrier she gets and is arguably the strongest Avenger in terms of pure strength, She-Hulk would likely fall to Superman alone. When Jen Walters does fight as She-Hulk, it’s often unabated anger that has no clear direction, something Superman is all too familiar fighting against. Against The Flash, she’s far too slow. It would almost take a lucky swing to land a hit on Barry. Then again, the question remains on whether The Flash would be able to do any damage to She-Hulk. With Barry Allen’s high IQ, I’m sure he’d figure it out. Captain Marvel is easily one of the most revered super heroes in the Marvel universe. Her immunity to toxins and energy absorption abilities bring her up to par with some of the top-tier superheroes. Captain Marvel would be carrying this team of 3 Avengers, but it simply wouldn’t be enough. We haven’t even factored in Green Lantern, who’s ring is considered one of the most powerful objects in the DC universe. This fight goes to the Justice League. The next question I’ve brought to the forefront — does this argument even matter? It doesn’t. There would never be a moment, without being force-fed to fans, that these two teams would go against each other in a fight to the death. If anything, they would work together as they’ve done so in the past even if they do clash for a fight or two. As such, this is all speculative and debatable material. I’m sure I could be countered into a viable Avengers-winning argument, an argument I’m open to. There are so many revolving members for both teams that it’s tough to keep tabs on who is part of the team and who is not at any given point in time. On top of that, there are several off-shoots of both teams: Savage Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Secret Avengers, Dark Avengers, Justice League Dark, Justice Incarnate, Justice League Beyond, etc. etc. etc. It’s fun to think about, perhaps even aggravatingly fun for some. But for now, I’ll continue to enjoy my comics for what they are — some of the best stories ever made.
['J Preston']
2020-12-17 15:11:55.024000+00:00
['Comics', 'Justice League', 'Avengers', 'Marvel', 'Dc']
Get to Know a Hero: America Chavez, Ms. America
Get to Know a Hero: America Chavez, Ms. America by Shiri Sondheimer I really, really wish Marvel managed better names for some of their heroes. That said, I was thrilled by the reports out of New York Comic Con this week that Ms. America was getting her own book. Thus far, she’s only been part of ensemble casts but I have no doubt that she can hold her own and gives Marvel fans a hero who is both Latina and LGBTQ. ‘Bout damn time. America is a strong, independent woman who has no fear of showing the world her powers and no hesitancy in using them hen she believes in what she’s doing. I like that in my heroes. You will too. Name: America Chavez Aliases: Ms. America (current), Miss America, Lil’ Chica, MAC Parents: Mrs. America (red) and Mrs. America (Blue). Foster Mother: Loki (which is entirely possible given in mythology, Loki switched gender at will. She actually gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir). Born: Utopian Parallel Abilities: flight, super-speed, super-strength, invulnerability, inter-dimensional travel, bilingual Affiliations: Teen Brigade, Young Avengers, Hel-Rangers, Ultimates, A-Force Creators: Joe Casey and Nick Dragotta First Appearance: Vengeance #1 (2011) Bio: America was born and raised by her mothers in the Utopian Prime dimension, absorbing her powers from the presence of the Demiurge (sentient life force of Earth’s biosphere). When her mothers were killed attempting to save Utopian prime from being sucked into the common Multiverse, America left home to travel across different dimensions heroing. She eventually took the name Miss America. She joined Teen Brigade, helping them to stop the Young Masters of Evil from disrupting the balance of Order and Chaos. She parted ways with her first team relatively quickly and became involved in a very complex plot set in motion by Kid Loki as an attempt to protect his friend Wiccan (destined to become the next Demiurge). In the course of the plot playing out, an inter-dimensional parasite was released; America helped the nascent squad defeat the parasite and the group (including Kid Loki, Kate Bishop, Wiccan, and Hulkling) decided to remain a team, dubbing themselves the Young Avengers. Mother remained their major adversary. During the most recent Secret Wars run, America lived on Arcadia with rest of A-Force. She earned the wrath of Doom when she disrupted his Shield (the power that kept Battleworld intact and contained), showing the other women not all was quite as it seems under Doom’s rule. She was arrested by one of the Thors (if you don’t know, trust me, you don’t want to) and sentenced to spend the rest of her life working the Shield to prevent others from uncovering what she had found. The Shield eventually collapsed and America was able to leave Battleworld through one of her portals. It was America who urged her friend Kate Bishop to move out from under the influence of Clint Barton, who America though caused Kate more stress than was warranted. After the reconstitution of the Multiverse, Ms. America joined Captain Marvel’s Ultimates squadron, defeating Galactus and saving the universe again. Her extensive knowledge of parallel universes was ignored, almost getting the entire group killed during their next mission, but America managed to save them with the help of her girlfriend, Lisa (an EMT in training. Perhaps a Night Nurse of the future?). During the current Civil War, Ms. America has remained with the Ultimates, backing Captain Marvel. Despite grieving for (redacted) and being very concerned about (other redacted), America followed Carol on additional missions, however, after they apprehended Alison Green, who did not have the purported black hole generator in her briefcase, America began to doubt their cause. She told T’Challa she had been in universes with predictive justice and that it never played out as intended. Captain Marvel asked America to make a choice that point; America hit Carol with a chair, declaring her intention to leave the Ultimates. Carol attempted to have America apprehended and failed. And that is the story so far. Sources: http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/A-Force_Vol_1_1 http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/America_Chavez_(Utopian_Parallel) http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Demiurge_(Earth-616) http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Lisa_Halloran_(Earth-616) http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Masters_(Earth-616) Blogniatrix and disembodied voice at The Last Chance Salon. RN at the Department of Therapeutic Misadventures. Author of HERO HANDLERS. Drinker of much coffee. Acquire-er of many comics. Lust-afterer of all the books. Step-uponer of multitudenous Legos.
2016-10-19 19:36:38.279000+00:00
['Comics', 'Marvel']
NutGain’s Ecosystem Gives a Platform to Surging Crypto Adoption
NutGain’s Ecosystem Gives a Platform to Surging Crypto Adoption Introduction: Developing advancements in the motorized space have opened huge freedoms for shoppers. Accoutrements from digital currencies to smart perusing operations, to online retail stages, have opened colossal freedoms for the customer and made these capacities available and harmonious. While simply these accoutrements offer exceptional influence and comfort, consolidating them in one brought together frame could exponentialize these advantages. What’s NutGain? NutGain is a worldwide decentralized natural system offering guests strong innovative accoutrements and remarkable benefits in the internet business space. At the core of NutGain’s advancements is the uniting of strong nascent inventions in the motorized space, to shape a coordinated frame. Vision of Nutgain: The vision for the program was to make a broad and profitable instrument that empowers the two guests and masterminds to extend the utility of the web. - NutGain Ecosystem - NutGain Browser - NutGain program, accoutred with a set-up of state of the art operations to ameliorate web customer experience and security, for illustration, a custom VPN, firewall and web assault insurance, voice-and- videotape call, and an elite talk stage. Notwithstanding the former accoutrements, the program likewise includes NutGain’s dApps program that permits contrivers to make a wide compass of uses in colorful fields, associate web grounded gaming, and module other diversion operations. NutGain’s program flauntssuper-quick poring pets, offers an announcement free web- grounded sapience, and has been bettered for effectiveness. The program likewise accompanies a many customized highlights, for illustration, altered news channels and a sidebar to effectively pierce and control foundation handling operations. Capacity of Nutgain Browser: The essential capacity of the program is to fill in as the base subcaste of the terrain’s integrative utility. This part of the terrain will permit it to interminably develop and ameliorate, as individualities fabricate and offer redundant upgraded highlights. The focal element of the program is the capacity it gives guests to control the progressions of their poring information. This incorporates the overseeing of treats and the swell of data in respects to the destinations they visit. NutGain program returns guests' veritably own information to their own hands. Assuming a customer chose to uncover their poring information, the data is gathered with complete facelessness stamped distinctly with an advanced recognizable evidence number. The information will not ever contain individual identifying craft, for illustration, telephone figures, dispatch or factual addresses, or customer IDs. Either, guests can decide to quit participating their poring information whenever. D-Hyperactive web grounded business NutGain’s D-HyperactiveE-business stage works grounded on NutGain’s Stoner Data Program, which empowers guests to gain by the worth of their veritably own poring information. At the point when guests decided to join the NutGain people group, they recover the worth of their information for entrance to the terrain and every one of its prizes. D-Hyper was intended to permit guests and contrivers to liberate topmost advantage from their internet grounded exercises. Grounded on NutGain’s picky program, D-Hyperactive opens a full compass of retail choices to purchasers just as satisfying business sectors for online merchandisers. NutGain highlights customer unequivocal advertising bias fueled by the frame’s information base of individual information and poring patterns. give a full compass of administrations to business operations, including the capacity to admit cryptographic forms of plutocrat and put together showcasing advancement of business systems. At the point when guests decide to assume responsibility for their information with NutGain, they’re compensated with entrance to the D-Hyperactive web grounded business stage. With the wide range of dealers uniting with D-Hyper, guests will actually want to recover the worth of their information for copping drive and get exceptional limits on deals they make. The motorized marketable center will likewise have prize and responsibility programs empowered to profit the two purchasers and dealers. NutGain Token: The plutocrat that controls the frame, the NutGain Token, is a fully working digital currency that can be employed to either make deals in the natural system or be recovered for other advanced financial norms. The Token is an advanced plutocrat dependent on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP20 standard employed for Etherum and other notable digital currencies. Mileage All administrations in the NutGain natural system are paid exercising NutGain Token. Token at the same time works as a system of compensating guests and joining the NutGain people group. The operation to store Tokens is incorporated into the program as a Defi Wallet, a decentralized crypto portmanteau that makes guests the sole overseer of their NutGain cash. The Wallet also takes into account guests to trade their NutGain Tokens for other cryptographic forms of plutocrat, further opening the compass of motorized business to the terrain’s individualities. Tokonomics: Token Name: Nutgain Token Ticker: NUTG Network: Binance Smart Chain Complete Supply. Conclusion: NutGain is authentically the first of its kind. Riding the main patterns in the advanced space, from crypto event to flooding on the web business, the frame is the main one to offer a fully coordinated web- grounded stage, helping the two closures of the present web requests. The fresh advantage of NutGain, taking everything into account is the extension it offers to redundant motorized purchasing choices. The cash that controls the frame, the NutGain Token, is a fully working cryptographic plutocrat that can be employed to either make deals in the natural system or be recovered for other motorized financial norms. Get Further Information: Twitter: https//twitter.com/NutGainOfficial Telegram: https//t.me/ nutgainofficial Medium: https//medium.com/@NutGain ________________AUTHOR___________ Bitcointalk username: Uzairmoti11 Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2856508 BSC wallet address: 0x03f6BeA720b87e4E59968e52b9deEABbDD42df4E
['Earning Master']
2021-12-26 11:22:39.422000+00:00
['Bsc', 'Crypto']
CryptoArt.Ai is now deployed on both Ethereum BSC network
CryptoArt.Ai is now deployed on both Ethereum BSC network CryptoArt.Ai has successfully transmitted to the BSC network, which is one of only a few decentralized NFT digital crypto art trading marketplaces in the business where both the ethereum and coin ecosystems are currently conveyed. Why cross-chain? Fees for ethereum gas are exorbitant. The popularity of DeFi, NFT, and GameFi has pushed the Ethernet Gas charge to an all-time high in a short period of time, resulting in clients paying more and persevering through the network outage. Interestingly, BSC can address client exchange issues while lowering the on-chain Gas charge, thereby lowering the barrier for clients to use and enter the blockchain and providing more options to project parties and client exchanges. The environmental benefits of BSC cannot be overlooked. The BSC network, which was conceived more than a year ago as the top ecological establishment, is currently growing brilliantly in the public chain field. In the DeFi field, while ethereum's lock volume remains first, its ecological thriving is not identical to that of the BSC, which ranks second in lock volume. The absolute exchange volume on the BSC exceeds one billion, there are over 800 dynamic activities, and the average daily dynamic location exceeds one million, all of which outperform ethereum. The BSC chain has a rich and rapidly developing ecosystem, currently covering notable activities in DeFi, gaming, NFT, wallets, social, and instruments. The cross-chain BSC can entice NFT makers from the Binance Smartchain to integrate their NFT works into the CryptoArt.Ai BSC ecosystem, resulting in a diverse, multi-faceted, and multi-chain NFT framework. The primary market strategy of CryptoArt.Ai is to complete cross-chain transactions. CryptoArt.Ai has been deployed at a consistent rate, with advancements in innovation, speculation and participation, market improvement, and ecological development, and its fundamental beliefs can all be found in the improvement interaction. As of September 14, the ecological pass CART has completed cross-chain, currently supporting two public chains, ETH and BSC, and giving CART/BNB beginning liquidity on PancakeSwap, as claimed by the market. The implementation of the BSC network on CryptoArt.Ai at this time will aid in the enhancement of the CryptoArt.Ai ecology, as well as the addition of more application scenarios and greater liquidity. Assuming that advancement and market capitalisation are the windows through which the market can see the current state of public chain advancement, then, as the fundamental base layer of the blockchain business, the developer ecology and community are drives. It has a rich ecological experience. To provide a better support and product experience to the majority of NFT community, we have consistently concluded that we will formally convey the BSC network! What comes next? Enhance options and the client experience Clients can choose whether to enter the Ether or BSC network for NFT art exchanges when signing up for the CryptoArt.Ai stage. Artists can freely choose to distribute their deals across multiple chains, and gatherers can choose to purchase NFT artworks across multiple eco-chains. Because the chains are distinct, the comparing fees and confirmation times will be as well. Taking care of charge: when compared to the high expense of $1000 for the ETH main chain, the BNB taking care of charge is significantly lower. Affirmation time: In comparison to the ETH main chain's 15s-1min affirmation time, the BSC network is many times faster. Strong environmental assistance, allowing for more effective approaches to NFT The versatility of the CryptoArt.Ai trading market is enhanced by the use of different chains, and resource exchange activity is simplified. In the meantime, multi-chain will expand in format, client volume, and impact. We want to build a solid foundation for CA's future growth and to accelerate stage improvement. CryptoArt.Ai will continue to open up the NFT market, breaking down barriers, expanding its international impact, and providing easy access to everyone. The establishment of the BSC network is a critical stage in the development of CryptoArt. Ai, we'd like to think that you'll be able to use it to investigate and appreciate NFT art as well. Join the CryptoArt.Ai ($CART) People group Site: https://cryptoart.ai/ Disunity: https://discord.com/welcome/CEUbwjJKeQ Telegram:https://t.me/cryptoartai Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoArt_Ai Medium: https://cryptoart-ai.medium.com/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/cryptoart.ai/
2021-12-26 11:12:28.832000+00:00
['Ethereum', 'Bsc', 'Cryptoart', 'Cross Platform', 'Gas Fees']
Get Ready To Celebrate This XMASS With Santa Coin
Santa Coin is a new cryptocurrency with its own blockchain technology used to make payments within its project system.The price of this coin can go up at any moment due to the increasing demand here.This Santa Coin is made up of a primary blockchain and various off chain payment mechanisms. This technology allows users to make faster transactions without having to create a communication channel and the fees are significantly lower than with payment systems such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. SANTA Coin is a payment method as well as an investment tool that allows you to make a profit from its development.It provides a decentralized marketplace where Santa Coins can be used to buy and sell products and services.In addition,an auction platform will be created that will allow users to acquire assets at affordable prices as well as access to a variety of health and quality of life services. I’m right to say that the Santa Coin club comes through the meme coin concept.The meme coin concept can be interpreted as an internet joke that can be transformed into a digital currency.It is not supported by anything other than the market like other cryptocurrencies.The reason why someone wants to invest in a meme coin is because its value has a high potential to increase rapidly and you can earn a lot of money in just one month.Did you know that many people are currently making millions of dollars by investing in popular meme coin projects like Dogecoin,Ripples and Pepe Cash? The crypto world has embraced the Santa Coin project as one of the most promising new cryptoqurrencies currently on the market created under that meme concept.It was released a few weeks ago and it is already coming in first place among meme currencies.now it contains information and data of over 25 million users and more and more people are joining every day. Santacoin’s architecture is unique among other innovation projects because it can be used as an investment as well as a transaction currency.It provides incentives for keeping,trading and pricing.It also has a MasterNode function that provides additional rewards and incentives.The incentive scheme is designed to encourage people to use Santa Coin as a payment method.If the value of Santacoin goes up,its trade incentives are meant to help.It encourages merchants to sell their currency more than once,rewarding them with extra Santacoins for every transaction completed on Binance. Every day Santa Coin Binance Pegged pays 8% of the transaction tax in USD.So if someone buys 10 coins for 100$ each and pays a transaction fee of 10$ he will receive 0.08 X 10 = 0.8 USD from Santa Coin every day.because the conversion option in Santacoin Web Wallet can be converted to real USD. Token distribution for Santa Coin has several components.There are three stages to pre sale.The first phase is the Presale phase,which lasts for six months.During that round 5% of the total volume is sold out.Then the number of tokens available for purchase during the pre sale period fluctuates according to the following formula. (Monthly demand x 5%) + Savings supply = monthly supply Here it is important to remember that the supply for each month is always less than or equal to the demand for the previous month.This is done to encourage people to keep them as an investment rather than selling them as soon as Santa arrives. In discussing all of this,it shows the commitment of its designers to the Santa Coin.It certainly contributes to the growth of money.Gifts can be exchanged on Binance so people can start trading immediately and earn money even if they do not keep it,so they do not have to worry about keeping it the same as they do with other currencies.It is based on Binance’s Pegged USD and will not fluctuate in price. The primary objective of Santa Coin is to provide users with computerized ownership of the play-to-acquire Santa Sport and Santa F1 Sport Games and to create a worldview for the game.Players who can collect Santa tokens via blockchain are not allowed to be interested in the play-procurement game framework. All the central sports resources in Santa F1 are used and sold by the players in the same way as the actual game. Features of Santa Coin 1. Against the pause system Having a high variance with a fair intervention sanctions structure. 2. Existence of a liquidity pool. 3. The point of having to make multiple purchases. 4. Directness. 5. Public approval and trust. 6. Proficiency and timeliness of the staff. How useful is it to be able to reap the benefits of such an effective project among the innovative crypto platforms?The world does not always reward the best.So be wise to make the most of the opportunity.Thank you ….! #Santa_coin #BSC #Binancechain #BTC #C_z #Shiba #evergrow #cryptomoonshots #busd @cryptosantax #binance #christmas #bitcoin For More Details and Buy Santa Coins Visit Here Website : Twitter : Telegram : Announcement AUTHOR Forum Username: Ndkroxxx Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3373106 Telegram Username: @Hyper009 BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x8af202823e95845E418ece83A1E57eD95eeD4a74
2021-12-20 00:45:18.622000+00:00
['Bsc', 'Binance Chain', 'Christmas', 'Bitcoin']
#YearnNFT Finance Presale is Running!
#YearnNFT Finance Presale is Running! Hello Friends Biggest YearnNFT Presale Is Live Now ! YearnNFT is all new BSC based NFT marketplace to trace and mint NFT’s with ease. Hurry Up! Buy #YFNFT from YearnNFT Finance up things to make it 300X #YFNFT to moon 🚀🚀 Lowest Supply : 73332 Presale Live : https://yearnnft.finance/Presale 🔔 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 🔔 Token Name: YearnNFT Symbol : YFNFT Network : Binance Smart Chain(BSC) Features : Digital Art🌄 NFT, Governance, Fees, Rewards , Payments and Trade Presale link : https://yearnnft.finance/Presale 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Total Supply : 73332 YFNFT Available Supply : 73332 YFNFT Presale : 40% ( 29332.8) Liquidity : 35% ( 25666.20 ) Registration Bounty 4% ( 2933.28) Referral Bounty 4% ( 2933.28) Listing : After Presale #Pancakeswap & #Apeswap $YFNFT is a #BSC Based #NFT Marketplace Powered by YearnNFT , the low Supply Token. Website : https://yearnnft.finance/ Follow us on twitter : https://twitter.com/YearnNft Telegram : https://t.me/YearnNFT Medium: https://medium.com/@yearnnft Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/YearnNFT/ #YearnNFT #Bsc #Bnb #Binance #BSCGems #NFT
2021-12-18 05:37:48.640000+00:00
['Nft', 'Bnb', 'Bsc', 'Binance']
PROPEL TOKEN INTRODUCTION:- Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project PayRue you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission #crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #foxcampaigns #btc #nft #nftart #digitalart #cryptoart #nftartist #crypto #nfts #ethereum #nftcommunity #nftcollector #propel #payrue #pump #cryptopumps Lately we have witnessed a recurring trend in blockchain where individuals and organizations are pooling resources to create, renovate or simply replicate existing technologies to produce something new in the form of applications/dapps with which users can manage their digital assets easily. good while at the same time saving them from the stress and sometimes frustration of dealing with conventional financial institutions (like banks). And this is where Payrue comes in. What is Payrue? PayRue, a fully functional, fully decentralized platform with a focus on financial services through exchange operations, financial wallets, payments and transfers of cryptocurrencies with the aim of creating a secure means for Cryptocurrency usage and adoption through a simple and easy-to-use application. One single platform for all secure financial services, PayRue offers its users the opportunity to use a unique decentralized exchange for trading- PROPEL DEX, the platform also offers a cryptocurrency wallet, the ability to make and receive payments using its mobile application (Android and IOS), web version and great liquidity features- Purchase of cryptocurrencies using a debit card. PayRue owns a native token called “Propel” which is on the Stellar Blockchain and has submitted a proposal for a listing on Binance Dex which will reduce the migration of Propel Coin to Binance Chain. PayRue is a working platform and has been able to achieve all this without an IEO, ICO or any form of fundraising. Payrue Wallet App Features : Purse Payrue is a wallet in its own right, and allows users to securely store move tokens and other cryptocurrencies until they need them to be used. The wallet supports multiple currencies from different blockchains and offers an SMS notification service that alerts users on every transaction in their account. The image above is a glimpse of the payrue wallet. Exchange The Payrue project operates two exchanges namely: Propel DEX and Payrue DEX . Both are hybrid exchanges with decentralized wallets (meaning they use extensions like meta masks), but with a centralized order book. However, while Payrue DEX is built on the Ethereum Blockchain, Propel DEX is set on a stellar Blockchain network. The exchange allows users to exchange virtual currencies with each other at any time. Salary Invoice Another unique feature of the Payrue app is Payrue's invoicing service. This feature is very useful for freelancers. Pay Invoice is an invoicing service that allows freelancers everywhere to receive payments in cryptocurrency for work done. Without a doubt, this feature was implemented to bring about mass adoption of cryptocurrency which is the core mission of the project. This will save freelancers looking to earn cryptocurrency from the stress of having to manually convert their fiat income to crypto. PayRue Wallet PayRue Wallet is your digital asset wallet for transfers, swaps, staking and NFT collections With PayRue Wallet you control your private keys, easy access to transfer and exchange multiple blockchains and manage multiple tokens easily right from your phone. Multichain Wallet Binance Smart Chain Ethereum Polygon Phantom Avalanche Your own wallet for Crypto and NFT: Trade any token on BSC, Ethereum and Polygon right from your phone Bring Your NFT Collection Closer Control your own private key PayRue Exchanges & Wallets PayRue Wallet is a multi-chain wallet Manage your wallet Instant Swap right from your phone NFT Wallet Connect with NFT Marketplaces Hold any NFT in your wallet Exchange NFT using WalletConnect PROPEL TOKENOMICS The propel token has a total supply of 10 billion. Of this amount, 50% (5 billion) is allocated for distribution to users at various points through registration, gifts, referrals, etc. 15% (1.5 billion) will be shared among project team members, while 35% (3.5 billion) will be reserved by the team for the general growth of the project in the future as well as for partnerships. Payrue does not have an ICO/IEO, but raises funds through crunchbase for its projects. The tokens are mostly provided free of charge to users upon registration/verification as well as through referrals. The project is currently distributing 2000 propel to every verified user on their mobile app. Yes, that means you can pick up your 2000 drive now that you have downloaded and registered on their mobile app, and successfully completed the kyc verification. The mobile app can be found in the playstore as shown in the screenshot above. Payrue has also scheduled a token burning event that will occur every first day of every quarter of the year. Token Name and Symbol: Propel Total supply: 10 billion Stellar Blockchain Explorer Link: https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset/Propel-GAQ66FKC4YLWZEA2TWMKFB5I44ICSPOHEULJB7BLIOCGPDYEFSUZIORO?filter=asset-holders&order=desc Conclusion PayRue is on a mission to drive cryptocurrency adoption and become a leading crypto payment gateway, what could be more glorious than that? And with its functional financial features; operational wallets, decentralized exchanges, payments, all this without external financial assistance and fundraising make PayRue a great platform. For More Information:- Website: https://payrue.com/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/pay_rue Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/payrue Telegram : https://t.me/payrue_global Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/payrueofficial Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/payrue Payrue Wallet : https://wallet.payrue.com/ Coinmarketcap : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/payrue-propel/ AUTHOR:- Bitcointalk Username: @shiva Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2015378 POA Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5375402.msg58629440#msg58629440 Telegram Username: @shivamaster123 People Address: 0x34955a14b32c4d0c57d22655a5b8e4087a44a84b
['Shiva Gautam']
2021-12-26 17:23:28.987000+00:00
['Nft', 'Crypto', 'Pump', 'Bsc']
INTRODUCING THE BLOCK MINE GOLDBAR ERA Howdy miners, we hope you had a relaxing Christmas, because now it’s time to go back to the mines and dig for precious $GOLDNUGGETs again! ⚒️ We have TONS OF NEW FEATURES that we are proud to present to you, so read carefully! UNLOCKED $GOLDBAR Thanks to our innovative Token Evolution, miners have been refining since three months their hard earned $GOLDNUGGETs into $GOLDCOIN and $GOLDBAR. Today is finally the day where the Booster is finally unlocked and Miners are rewarded for their patience!🎉 The first $GOLDBAR utility is for fee reduction on our upcoming #WildWestVerse game.📜 Hold’em and you get neat discounts in the #Saloon!🎲 More on that in the upcoming weeks! In the meantime, stake your $GOLDBARs so you can start with a bigger purse in the next year!💰 NEW $GOLDBAR POOLS & MINE $GOLDBAR will be the new main token regarding all staking utilities in our beloved Blockmine. We are going to gradually phase out $GOLDNUGGET pools and replace them with $GOLDBAR pools. That means more incentive to boost your $GOLDNUGGET, more incentive to hold your $GOLDBAR, more profit for YOU!🏅 These are the new $GOLDBAR pools which are going live today: NEVADA POOL: STAKE $GOLDBAR — EARN $NEVADA GMR POOL: STAKE $GOLDBAR — EARN $GMR KOALA DEFI POOLS: STAKE $GOLDBAR — EARN $NALIS STAKE $LYPTUS -EARN $GOLDCOIN (POOL ON KOALA) The staking limit will be 25 $GOLDBAR per pool. Additionally, we add a new $GOLDBAR — $GOLDNUGGET mine, another safe liquidity mining option for our impatient cowboys! Do the maths, and a shiny future is ahead of you⛏ And don’t worry: $GOLDBAR CAN BE BOUGHT WITH $GOLDNUGGET ONLY❗️ $GOLDNUGGET are not sold, but bought when buying $GOLDBAR and then stored in the GN/GB pool. NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH KNIGHTSWAP KnightSwap is the preeminent decentralized exchange (DEX) on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) built for reliable & sustainable yields while providing the highest quality Decentralized Finance(DeFi) experience.⚔️ For now, our first step in our new partnership is setting up new pools: STAKE KNIGHT — EARN $GOLDNUGGET (POOL ON KNIGHTSWAP) STAKE $GOLDBAR — EARN $KNIGHT (POOL ON BLOCKMINE) BUYBACK UPDATE — NEW BTC POOL We discussed the buyback heavily in our team and are of the opinion that we want to do something for $GOLDNUGGETs, but at the same time we want to increase the incentive to hold $GOLDBAR even more! We have decided that we will set up 50% of the buyback as a wBTC pool, which we believe is much more effective than a simple buyback! STAKE $GOLDBAR — EARN $wBTC The staking limit will be 10 $GOLDBAR for the wBTC pool. Regarding the other 50%…we will buy up $GOLDNUGGETs and burn them forever!🔥 We wish every cowboy a profitable last week in 2021, so that we can start fresh into the WildWestVerse in 2022, with many $GOLDNUGGETS in your bags! More updates will follow in the next two weeks! Thank you everyone for staying in BLOCKMINE this year. And as always: The moon shines bright on the mines tonight🌙
2021-12-26 18:25:04.357000+00:00
['Cryptocurrency', 'Bsc', 'Nft', 'Liquidity Mining', 'Binance Smart Chain']
pump swap exchange
#pumswap #pum #cryptocurrency #presale #ico INTRODUCTION But before going any further, I want to tell you first about Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, transparently, securely, and anonymously. Satoshi who is the creator of Bitcoin, makes Bitcoin beat the centralized financial system that is prone to manipulation and controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto or blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects are consistently emerging in the crypto industry with high return investments and continuous trends, such as PUM SWAP.is one of the projects that will attract large market investments. So, don’t waste this golden opportunity. What is a PUMP SWAP? PumSwap is a decentralized exchange or DEX created for swapping BEP20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain, ERC20 tokens on Ethereum with KIP20 tokens on the OkexChain Network. PumSwap is a decentralized exchange or DEX created for swapping BEP20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain, ERC20 tokens on Ethereum with KIP20 tokens on the OkexChain Network. PumSwap is the perfect ecosystem for automated liquidity that is provisioned in the Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Network where users can trade against a liquidity pool. PumSwap is a DEX Exchanger with 3 Different Type Of Blockchain Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Network PumSwap Exchange Upcoming events for all community. We will release airdrop bounty events for our PumSwap community. PumSwap upcoming events is… Evens Testnet Airdrop Mainnet Airdrop Pre-Sale Bounty Campaign More Stay connected on Telegram Testnet Airdrop PumSwap Testnet airdrop for pre-sale testing. If you join PumSwap ttestnet airdrop you will get PumSwap Mainnet tokens. Testnet Airdrop Will Be Live On 15 Oct 2021. All the step here Mainnet Airdrop After the end of testnet airdrop we will release PumSwap mainnet airdrop event for PumSwaper. All airdrop token based on Binance smart chain. PumSwap exchanger have three different type of network for dex trading will be live. You can trade mainnet $PUM tokens in our own dex with others DEX/CEX. Mainnet airdrop can join PumSwap all members. Pre-Sale PumSwap Pre-Sale will be live after the testnet airdrop ends. Mainnet Pre-Sale sttartt from 27 Oct 2021. Mainnet Token you can transfer & use this token for trade or swap. Mainnet Token will be live on our own DEX & others decentralized/centralized exchangers. Mainnet Pre-Sale Starting Date: (27 October 2021) Mainnet Pre-Sale Token price is 1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB Mainnet Pre-Sale will be live for: 30 Days Bonus For Mainnet Pre-Sale Investors Investors of presale who had bought minimum amount of 1 BNB will be enlisted to drawing list.Total $10,000 USDT reword pool. Take snapshote for 3 winner randomly.Winners will be announced 3 working days after the pre-sale ends. First Winner: $5000 USDT Second Winner: $3000 USDT Third Winner: $2000 USDT Bounty Campaign PumSwap Bounty Campaign will be live after the ends of Testnet Airdrop Event. Stay connected on Telegram More Events Will Be Launch Soon… Pre Sale The Mainnet Pre-Sale Price Is 1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB 1 BNB = 20,000 PUM Mainnet Pre-Sale Starting Date: (27 October 2021) Mainnet Pre-Sale Token price is 1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB Mainnet Pre-Sale will be live for: 30 Days Bonus For Mainnet Pre-Sale Investors: Investors of presale who had bought minimum amount of 1 BNB will be enlisted to drawing list.Total $10,000 USDT reward pool. Take snapshote for 3 winner randomly.Winners will be announced 3 working days after the pre-sale ends. Pumswap staking platform is live now. You can stake your PUM tokens into pumswap staking platform. Now, you can earn passive income every day by staked your PUM tokens. Stake your PUM in here: https://app.pumswap.finance Happy trading/staking.... PumSwap (PUM) Token: Smart Contract: 0x11608EDd16091f296F12D362cB8756655C7FA986 Presale Contract: 0x25954aa2C327D2358dC3dA7156D57Dd7B9519f3C For more information about pump swap project: Web: https://pumswap.org Telegram: https://t.me/pumswap Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/pumswapannouncement Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pumswap_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PumSwap Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/PumSwap Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pumswap Medium: https://pumswap.medium.com Author Bitcointalk username: Arie07 Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2346804 Bep-20 wallet address: 0x1EA625cC96682BAB3855820cd871b41B81cb7e78
2021-12-18 17:02:20.136000+00:00
['Bitcoin', 'Blockchain', 'Cryptocurrency', 'Bsc', 'ICO']
How To Buy SANIC
How To Buy SANIC SANIC #SanicHegehog We see a lot of people having issues trying to purchase SANIC. Here are some basic instructions on how to purchase Sanic on Pancake swap. Step 1 First you must download the app metamask to your computer or phone. Once installed, set up your wallet and continue to the next step. Step 2 SANIC/BNB In MetaMask : settings -> networks -> add network Type in following data: Network Name: Binance Smart Chain New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org Chain ID: 56 Symbol (optional): BNB Block Explorer URL (optional): https://bscscan.com Click save Select Binance Smart Chain as the network in the drop-down menu in the main metamask interface Send BNB to your wallet using binance global or binance.us Use the BNB to trade on a BSCDEX such as : https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance If you are having trouble connecting to your wallet using pancake swap, access pancake swap using the metamask browser and connect to your wallet within the metamask browser. Just input this link into the metamask browser to swap bnb for SANIC Before buying anything, your going to want to add the custom token SANIC to your wallet. Go into your metamask wallet and select add token. Then copy and paste the contract address from BSCscan into the add token address field. Here is the contract address if you can not find it. The token symbol section should fill automatically when done correctly. Leave slippage on 0.1% or change it to 1%. Click swap. https://bscscan.com/token/0xdae16522f6a4f8d0cc9b1b6c14055b9a7fe8ec73 Contract: 0xdae16522f6a4f8d0cc9b1b6c14055b9a7fe8ec73 Congrats, you now have SANIC token! Fastest token on #BSC 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
['Marco S']
2021-12-21 18:37:31.897000+00:00
['Crypto', 'Bnb', 'Bscgem', 'Bsc', 'Shiba Inu']
vBABY: Your Crypto Membership
Fella babies! Haven’t seen you in a long time! We’ve been really busy working with The Crypto You and other games and features, but we would never forget about vBABY! Feeling like this is a great New Year’s gift to our dearest holders! What’s vBABY vBABY is the VIP membership of BabySwap, which earns more benefits for users. How to get vBABY? vBABY is minted by BABY in the ratio of 100:1. You can get as many vBABY as you want. vBABY Membership Rewards Share vBABY: Each block produces 2 BABY, which will be distributed to vBABY holders in vBABY as rewards Trading fee: 0.025% of the user’s trading volume will be distributed to vBABY holders in vBABY as rewards NFT market trading fee: 2% of the NFT market trading volume will be distributed to vBABY holders in vBABY as rewards vBABY redeem fee: 50% of vBABY redeem fees will be distributed to vBABY holders in vBABY as rewards Referral reward: Invite your friends to get 10% vBABY minted by users. If your invited friend uses 100 BABY to mint 1 vBABY, he/she will get 1 vBABY, and you will get 0.1 vBABY at the same time. If you leave the referral blank, you will be bonded to the protocol address automatically. Please note that vBABY in the protocol address CANNOT be redeemed to BABY Hint: There’s a 10% redeem fee for users who redeem vBABY to BABY again. 50% will be allocated to vBABY holders as mentioned above, 30% will be burnt, and 20% will go to the treasury. Tokenomic Upgrade The daily emission will still be 576,000 BABY. Since we are going to add vBABY feature, the allocation will be slightly changed. Trade Mining — 30% Yield Farm — 40% Snack Pool — 20% vBABY — 10% Be ready to enjoy your 10% vBABY daily emission. vBABY will be online on Dec 28th UTC. The exact time will be announced soon. See you in vBABY. Lemme see your membership shining. Principal’s Note 🍼Twitter 🍼Telegram 🍼Discord 🍼Docs
2021-12-27 14:32:30.578000+00:00
['Babyswap', 'Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Bsc', 'Metaverse']
Whitelist instruction of Stay in Destiny World IDO on Enjin Starter
We’re super excited to announce our next IDO is on Enjin Starter (21st December, 2021). Here’s a complete and simple guide to participating in $SIW IDO on Enjin Starter— the forth launchpad in our series of 5 IDO platforms. $SIW Token Metrics Initial market cap excluding liquidity: $328,500 IDO: $0.06 (30% at Listing, then 17,5% vesting on 4 months) Details of tokenomics can be found on slide 24 of the Whitepaper HERE. Details about $SIW IDO on Enjin Starter Chain: Binance Smart Chain Date: December 21st, 2021 Price per token: $0.06 (30% at Listing, then 17,5% vesting on 4 months) Total allocation: $100.000 How to join the IDO Whitelist? First, you’ll need to Register & KYC to be qualified for IDOs on Enjin Starter platform. 📝 Register & KYC: click here 🔍 Check Your KYC Status: click here At Enjin Starter, there are 2 ways to buy IDO tokens: Community Pool and Guaranteed Pool Community Allocation Pool (CAP): The Community Allocation pool is limited to only the first come first serve (FCFS) pool. The minimum amount of $EJS you need to hold is 1250 EJS. Your allocation for the FCFS will depend on your Token Boost and Time Boost (this means the more EJS you hold and the longer you hold it, you will be rewarded with a larger FCFS allocation) GUARANTEED ALLOCATION POOL (GAP): The Guaranteed Allocation Pool obviously gives you a guaranteed allocation but this is determined by which Tier you are in, how much $EJS you hold (compared to the other wallets in your Tier; i.e. the Token Boost and how long you have been holding the same or more number of $EJS in your wallet; i.e. the Time Boost). Can also take part in FCFS Rounds for community. There are 3 tiers in the GAP as follow: More details can be found here. How to buy $SIW IDO on Enjin Starter? 1️⃣ Go to launchpad.enjinstarter.com to view the live IDOs in the Active Projects section. 2️⃣ On Active Projects, click “Learn More” on Stay in Destiny World. You’ll find relevant information on $SIW + countdown clock top right of your screen. 3️⃣ Sale will be active once countdown hits Zero. Click “Participate” once countdown runs out. 4️⃣ Connect your Metamask wallet. Ensure you use the wallet that was whitelisted to us. 5️⃣ Click on the “Accounts” drop down list in your Metamask Chrome Extension and select settings. 6️⃣ Select Custom RPC and fill out the following in the form that appears: ▫️ Network Name: Binance Smart Chain ▫️ RPC URLs: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/ ▫️ ChainID: 56 ▫️ Symbol: BNB ▫️ Block Explorer: https://bscscan.com 7️⃣ Make sure you have enough BUSD to claim your allocations. Don’t forget BNB for gas! And that’s all for you to get ready for $SIW IDO on Enjin Starter!!! Hurry up and get a slot to join us. We’re gonna rock the whole world soon!!!!
2021-12-18 13:00:17.084000+00:00
['Metaverse', 'Nft', 'Nft Collectibles', 'Gamefi', 'Bsc']
Cryptopiece Game Pie Honey Bucket Whitelist Participate in Initial Investment Application
Cryptopiece Game Pie Honey Bucket Whitelist Participate in Initial Investment Application Join Now https://wn.nr/R8qvWx Astronaut x Cryptopiece IDO Information: 🚨Astronaut will be launching Cryptopiece on December 19th at 3PM UTC🚨 ⏰COUNTDOWN: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3972252 👉WHITELIST giveaway HERE [TBA]. You don’t need to hold NAUT if you win. This is for the whitelist round. 👉If you didn’t win a whitelist spot, you must hold 1000 NAUT to participate in Round 2 of the IDO. 💰Cryptopiece Raise Amount: $100,000 💰Max Contribution: $300 👉Minimum contribution per wallet: No minumum 👉$BELLY per BUSD (IDO): $0.005 BUSD 🦺 Vesting: Please review tokenomics and vesting in photos above. FIRST ROUND : WHITELIST ✅ALL THE WHITELIST WINNERS CAN CONTRIBUTE FROM 3:00 PM UTC TO 3:30 PM UTC. (Guaranteed allocation.) Get honey information for free that informs only good initial investment of coins. KakaoTalk : https://open.kakao.com/o/gd7nxqMd (daldal99) Twitter: https://twitter.com/feelyourlife999 Telegram: https://t.me/honeyboxcoin
2021-12-18 01:33:49.120000+00:00
['Ido', 'Whitelist', 'Coin', 'Gamefi', 'Bsc']
Metakings is World’s First A.I Game on the BSC Network
Metakings is World’s First A.I Game on the BSC Network The universe of non-fungible tokens, ordinarily alluded to as NFTs, has detonated in prevalence. Indeed, the NFT business permits specialists to procure a huge number of dollars from their computerized workmanship. NFTs are non-fungible computerized resources that address one of a kind things on different blockchains About Metakings Metakings is an AI-controlled battling universe in which anybody can procure rewards, for example, tokens and NFTs through capable ongoing interaction and commitments to the environment. Players can take part in battle, assemble assets, foster their characters, and build up their own property based realms. The game will be fueled by its authority token, the Metakings token ($MTK). In-game characters can likewise be gathered as NFTs in the game and traded for tokens in our authority NFT commercial center. Metakings AI was dispatched as a universe of battle in advanced, the group of the game task Metakings got together with the game local area to foster the game capacities, for example, game substance to connection to the name. Metakings brand. Put in the extraordinary confidence of the undertaking, the Metaking game will be a game with appealing ongoing interaction with a decent story to give clients the best gaming experience. Metakings is a fight world fueled by computerized reasoning where anyone might procure tokens through able interactivity and commitments to the environment. Players might participate in battle, secure assets, develop their characters, and build a land-based realm for them.Third-party designers may promptly get to all workmanship resources and Metakings hereditary information, permitting them to make their own devices and encounters in the Metakings Metaverse. Mission The Mission of MetakingsMetakings was made as a strategy to show the public blockchain innovation in an engaging and enlightening manner. A large number of the establishing colleagues met while playing Decentraland, their first openness to Blockchain innovation for purposes other than unadulterated hypothesis. They immediately started creating Metakings to carry the force of Blockchain innovation to billions of gamers.The ConceptionWe have faith in a future in which work and joy become inseparably linked.We are focused on fostering our competitors and furnishing them with financial prospects.Most critically, we accept that battling and gathering delightful creatures can possibly further develop the world.We sincerely welcome you to join our development. Our Goal While we are as yet in the beginning phases of advancement, Metakings means to be the #1 BSC game as far as every day, week after week, and month to month dynamic players.While Metakings is a pleasant game, it has developed into an informal organization and occupation stage because of the solid local area and opportunities for play to acquire that have come about because of its initial prevalence. The contrast between Metaking games and conventional games The essential qualification among Metakings and a conventional game is that our members are compensated for their commitments to the biological system by means of a Blockchain monetary structure. This new gaming idea has been authored play to procure. Large number of gamers from immature countries have run to Metakings looking for a new income source during the Covid pandemic. A considerable lot of these members are fathers, aunties, and even grandparents who have never known about Blockchain innovation. Profit are conceivable through the accompanying techniques: - Partaking in PVP battles with the opportunity to procure leaderboard grants. - Rearing $MTK fully intent on exchanging them available. - Gathering and conjecturing on uncommon Mystics and Origins. - Cultivating to acquire the affection elixirs needed to raise Metakings. These might be exchanged on cryptographic money trades like Pancakeswap and Binance. Starting in 2021, players can secure an administration token, $MTK, which addresses a certified lump of the game world because of its administration privileges and expense sharing. Because of the way that players might acquire this token through ongoing interaction, a Ready Player One-style journey advances in which players can procure a piece of the universe. These undertakings, then again, are not champ bring home all the glory and prize players dependent on their work and ability. The MKT Tokenomics and Accurate Roadmap MTK token is a sort of administration badge of the game, it has a place with the BEP-20 organization. Proprietors of this sort of MTK token will get many in-game motivating forces, reserve the privilege to partake in deciding on administration issues in the game. Moreover, players can acquire this MTK token by partaking in game exercises. Subtleties of the $MTK token : Token Name: Metakings Token Image: MTK Decimals: 18 Network: Binance Smart Chain Absolute Supply: MTK Token Allocation To more readily comprehend the cost of the $MTK token in the Metakings game venture and the data on the quantity of tokens brought to the market, you want to obviously see the data about the symbolic conveyance of the Metakings game task that the group has partitioned. The following is a point by point picture of the Metakings token designation. Website : https://metakings.ai/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/metakingsai Telegram : https://t.me/metakings Medium : https://metakings.medium.com/ GitHub : https://github.com/metakings YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe70dNypBRBFkMBZbg47hhQ Bounty Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5377898.0 By : Goldy2011 Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2825835 Wallet Address : 0xFcABe13bB834464f72A095e01eCD0d54b3f0BD7c #Metakings #binance #iota #BSC #cryptocurrencies #MTK #NFTGame
['Bank Arto']
2021-12-26 01:41:14.874000+00:00
['Metaking', 'Nft', 'Game', 'Bsc', 'Tokensale']
Crypto Mafia — Launch day is nearing! Here’s everything you need to know…
The support Crypto Mafia has received this past week is phenomenal to say the least. Our social media groups have grown exponentially and we are receiving great engagement, trending multiple times across many platforms. Our 130BNB hardcap presale filled in less than a day of being open, with whitelisters and eager investors alike securing their spot in the family prior to launch. We want to say a massive thank you to all participants, and all of our supporters that are helping us to grow and expand through our social media pages and telegram group. To show our appreciation, the developers here at Crypto Mafia hosted a poll on our telegram page, asking the community whether they would prefer a PS5 or Xbox Series X giveaway, and the PS5 won the poll confidently. With that being said, our PS5 giveaway will ensue shortly after our official launch (20/12/2021), and will exclusively be obtainable by you, the members of the Crypto Mafia family. We will be posting across all of our social media pages once the giveaway begins, so be sure to keep up to date with us! Not only have the developer team negotiated multiple promotional ventures that will execute in perfect timing for launch day (including multiple investor group calls and promo posts from influencers), as some of you may know, we have negotiated major exchange listings shortly after our launch. We truly believe these catalysts will push and maintain fantastic trading volume for our token, and with the help of our current investors adding to the holdings of their $CMF tokens, we will see some very bullish days ahead. Our contract address is now available to the public, and what will be the chart for our token is already accessible, the LP is filled up with most of the funds we raised through our presale. We are also scheduling a growth rebase within the first week of our launch, and as mentioned in previous articles, this is going to make us show up in the ‘Top Gainers’ section on many reputable coin sites, meaning another wave of FOMO will dive into our project, and hopefully indulge themselves in all of the long-term utility we have to offer. Once we maintain enough volume to justify releasing our NFT collectibles/marketplace, we will go full force with the next phase in our project, which will be entering the NFT universe. In the list of priority however, our token launch comes first and foremost. This is because $CMF tokens will be the primary asset used to trade and exchange our original NFTs, this means that if you are intending on buying our NFT collection eventually, holding $CMF will mean you can obtain the collectibles for a better deal than someone who would be purchasing with other applicable cryptocurrencies. ‘Special’ Don Variant — Extremely limited quantity With all of this being said, the Mafia community has grown, but it still has a long way to go. Leading up to launch, we urge our community to invite and tell as many of your friends about this project as possible, and ensure them that they will be missing out if not. We are wholly confident that this project has the ability to blossom into something that millions of people can be made aware about, the sky is the limit with Crypto Mafia. ‘The Mistress’ We hope all of our community are having a fantastic weekend, and we hope you are all as excited about launch day (Monday, 19:00 UTC) as we are. Articles on Medium regarding Crypto Mafia will be published weekly, so be sure to watch this space! Thank you for showing interest, and I look forward to seeing you join us along our journey to the top Take care, Mafioso! CM Hitman Our social media pages! Website — https://cryptomafianft.com Telegram — https://t.me/OfficialCryptoMafia Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/cryptomafia_nft/ Discord — https://discord.gg/YThdZzMRgx Twitter — https://twitter.com/CryptoMafia_NFT?t=ppmvoxYFy0fvy6wmNnnF8A&s=09 Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/u/Crypto_Mafia_bsc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
2021-12-18 16:28:45.114000+00:00
['Nft', 'Nft Collectibles', 'Nft Marketplace', 'Bsc', 'Binance Smart Chain']
Playground of the Week: TEN
Hi babies, how y‘all doing this week? On this lovely Sunday, BabySwap brings babies Playground of the week — TEN. We all know that Playground is the wonderland for BABY. You can use BABY to play and earn at our friend’s house. There are various types of games, prediction, vaults, payment, NFT minting, yield farm, etc for you to explore. For Playground of the Week, we will introduce a glowing project from BabySwap playground every week. Guess who’s baby’s favorite? Let us welcome the selected project this week — TEN. Introduce by Baby TEN stands for Token Enrichment Network and it’s a yield optimizer that simplifies staking and yield farming by auto-compounding your LP’s and tokens across multiple Binance Smart Chain farming ecosystems. TEN provides a robust yield earning environment on the market while committing to simplicity, sustainability, longevity and security. TEN is Decentralized Finance, Simplified! Learn more about TEN. Website: https://www.ten.finance/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TENfinance Telegram: https://t.me/tenfinance Medium: https://medium.com/tenfinance Play with Baby You can stake BABY-LP in TEN and earn more juicy rewards. Besides our cooperation, we’d love to introduce more projects to connect with TEN in order to add more scenarios to empower their tokens. Growing together with the help of BabySwap and BabySwap Friends is a way to the moon! Chat with Baby Our baby invited TEN to the house and chatted a little bit, here’s the record! 1. What are the main advantages of TEN for the user, compared to the similar projects? I think our long term vision gives us an indefinite advantage over many projects which historically had a short rewards emissions schedule, therefore scrambling for ways to provide utility for their native tokens and more importantly, provide value for the token holders. We feel that crypto and in particular DeFi is the future of money and banking, therefore we bet on it from the beginning. Therefore, I think that our commitment to simplicity, sustainability, longevity and security is key for us and this goes along with the innovative thinking of how to simplify defi 1 click at a time! 2. What is your security strategy? How do you protect your users, their funds and data? Security has been a pillar of our motto since day one along with simplicity. All of our contracts/strategies/farms are derived from previously audited contracts with just minimal changes to reflect our project and anything new, like the YIELDEX, was fully audited by a third party auditor. We’ve had 3 total audits, 2 by Certik, which one was pre-launch, citing our commitment to security and the latest one for the YIELDEX, which we also just announced a $100,000 Bug Bounty through Immunefi. Since we are simply a conduit to the BSC network through our site via web3, there is no user data that is at risk or in need of protection. 3. What’s your roadmap for the next couple of months? You can check out our Roadmap here (https://tenfinance.gitbook.io/faq/protocol/roadmap) In the near-term we have TENLend, our lending platform in which will further incentivize TENFI holders via our TEN Lots coming up that we’re working on, TENSwap, which will allow us to tap into the BabySwap AMM liquidity pools and going multi-chain is a real possibility as well! As the crypto market moves so fast, knowing this also allows us to deviate from the roadmap as needed to ensure that we evolve and adapt with the space. 4. Tell me a little more about your latest feature. This is going to be a long baby, you ready? YIELDEX is basically the combination of the words Yield and Index, thus YIELDEX. Given we’re in the yield farming space, we felt the name was fitting and did exactly as we wanted it to do, simplify the process. YIELDEX is a pool of LP’s that you get to invest into with only having BUSD or BNB in your wallet, no need to create LP or buy tokens just for LP purposes, with YIELDEX, you choose the amount you want to invest, and the YIELDEX vault you’re investing in, will do the rest. Yield farming now is a cumbersome and long and sometimes annoying process, so what we did with YIELDEX is to literally cut down these time consuming tasks… 1.Buying each individual token 2.Creating each LP for each a.Approving each token b.Enabling each token c.Supplying each token 3.Moving to the yield farm or optimizer to deposit your LP’s 4.Withdrawing your LP’s, one by one 5.Going back to the AMM to unpair your LP 6.Then selling unwanted tokens you bought just to farm the LP 7.Repeat these steps if doing more farming As you see here, it’s a long and time consuming process! (in the background there are literally 60–100+ transactions occurring with the creation of each YIELDEX deposit!) The purpose of yield farming with the YIELDEX is just that, to farm for yields and not to worry about pairing, unpairing LP’s and then buying and selling unwanted tokens you got only for the purpose of yield farming in the first place! From my own personal experience, if this goes beyond the couple of LP’s, you’re talking about possibly hours wasted on something that we reduced to less than a minute! It should be noted that this is NOT an “index fund” where we buy the tokens and the value of the YIELDEX fluctuates due to price volatility of the constituents, there’s many of these around across both Ethereum and BSC running on the Balancer protocol, which resembles an ETF of sorts. YIELDEX is literally LP’s in the vault, the simplest way to yield farm multiple LP’s with one deposit! Easy to deposit and withdraw with a simple click and thus reducing your risk to Impermanent Loss through diversification of the said LP’s, it’s basically a yield farming manager for you doing all the work of the yield farming process with a click or two! Creating the YIELDEX is a key puzzle to our motto of Decentralized Finance, Simplified! 5. Why did you decide to cooperate with BabySwap? We wanted to work with other projects that have similar drive, energy and most importantly, ambition as us in continuing to improve and strive to higher levels! And we feel that working together, in a collective manner with the BabySwap team, we’ll be able to do great things together and take the next step in this ever evolving crypto ecosystem. Seeing as to how much BabySwap has grown and evolved over the last several months, we hope to be able to grow together with them as they move into new spheres of the crypto ecosystem and we’ll see how else we can get involved with Babyswap and how to integrate into the Baby Metaverse! 6. What do you hope to see next for BabySwap? I think that in the current ecosystem and BabySwap’s inclination of working with all projects in allowing them to have a Farm is a big deal! And with the current cycle of GameFi/Metaverse projects being in full speed, when their users start to want additional sources of income on top of their P2E earnings, they will come to BabySwap and in turn hopefully to us through our partnership of the YIELDEX for BabySwap vaults, then I think it’s an ecosystem that BabySwap can take over. Continued growth is also something that we hope for BabySwap as we’ve been so used to! BabySwap has just barely started to crawl, can’t imagine where BabySwap will be when fully running! Very exciting times ahead for the team! 7. Are you going to have any other cooperation with BabySwap? What are they? Absolutely! We are launching a BabySwap version of the YIELDEX! And since Babyswap nurtures the newer/hottest projects in crypto, we’re going to start with a blast and what’s hot right now, which is GameFi! So we’ll be launching a BabySwap GameFi YIELDEX and soon after that we’ll be launching two other ones as well in the coming days! 8. Say something nice to the baby! Hi Baby! I have 3 babies of my own! BabySwap Playground welcomes more projects to join, and is committed to bringing more use cases and benefits to babies. Guess what’s the glowing project next week? Let us all play with the baby! Principal’s Note 🍼Twitter 🍼Telegram 🍼Discord 🍼Docs
2021-12-18 14:41:42.132000+00:00
['Babyswap', 'Dex', 'Bsc', 'Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain']
Kim Jong Un Token
KIMJU What is Kim Jong Un Token? Introduction: Kim Jong Un coin was developed to assist Kim Jong Un, a young man living in North Korea. •On the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, Kim Jong Un is a token. •It was founded in November 2021 with the intention of becoming a decentralized meme project with a genuine purpose. •Kim Jong Un coin is a meme coin, but it’s more than that. •When the North Korean economy opens up if Kim Jong Un’s token will be utilized in the North Korean president’s MetaMask wallet! KIMJU Mascot Benefits Rewards and Charity •A 1% $KIMJONGUN incentive is given to holders of decentralized wallets for every active user transaction, promoting a healthy distributed network and community usage. •The more $KIMJONGUN is utilized actively, the more prizes are given! Furthermore, 1% of $KIMJUNGUN tokens are used for charity programs for North Koreans, advertising costs for the development of $KIMJUNGUN tokens, and other expenditures. Community •$KIMJONGUN is fully decentralized and owned by people and our great community •Our enthusiast's members welcome and embrace diverse perspectives to build $KIMJONGUN into the best meme community in crypto. HOW TO BUY $KIMJU Create a MetaMask Wallet MetaMask Information: MetaMask is a third-party BEP20 (Binance smart chain) browser wallet and is the most used multi-wallet. Kim Jong Un Token is available on the Binance Blockchain. •Open Google Chrome, Brave Browser, Firefox •Visit ‘metamask.io’ to download the extension and set up a wallet. •On mobile? Get MetaMask’s app for iPhone or Android. Send $BNB to MetaMask •Transfer BNB coin to your MetaMask wallet address from Centralization exchange wallet (e.g. Coinbase or Binance) BUY ON PANCAKESWAP •Go to PancakeSwap (https://pancakeswap.finance/), connect your wallet(Metamask), and paste the address to select a token. 0x9F9beC61586996f9c63bC26c9a9b179458ED30bE •Find Kim Jong Un(KIMJU) coins and import them. The token address is using the smart contract address. Support us by using our LOGO CLICK AND DOWNLOAD Visit us on: Telegram Twitter Instagram Discord
['Jeff Nick']
2021-12-18 06:55:17.744000+00:00
['Bsc', 'Meme', 'Meta']
Bottle Dec 13: Who’s the Shining Stars of this Round
After a 5-day competition, our Bottle Dec 13 Top 3 projects were finally selected! Please meet our shining stars of the week, the Bottle winners — Wing, Altura, and Airnfts! Bottle Result At the end, over 3.2 million of BABY participated in the Voting Stage, with 4 events held by the projects. The top 3 projects felt hard for the places and they are all amazing in liquidity building and trading incentive. Wing Liquidity: $780,194.09 Weekly Volume: $225,912.92 BABY Votes: 2,154,982.30 Total Votes: 3,161,089.31 Project Insight: Wing has built a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to support cross-chain collaborative interactions between various DeFi products. Combining the platform’s decentralized governance model, the risk control mechanism introduced by Wing promotes a healthy, benign relationship between borrowers, creditors and guarantors, allowing the implementation of a wider range of DeFi plans on the platform and thus providing users with more DeFi products of premium quality. Wing has showcased an innovative credit valuation module as a strong support for DeFi credit products on the Wing platform. Links to Follow: Website: https://wing.finance/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wing_Finance Telegram: https://t.me/WingDAO USDT Reward TXID: 0x17990bfe7e4d9d3b02787fdbd2ffc531a2a4fb1e7e43d58ad5a888fb0bf8ca67 BABY Reward TXID: 0xa822f182efc52a083dc7fbd02c18ac1f9c14571899e7eaa1779f3ebf92b0e69b Altura Liquidity: $959,657.35 Weekly Volume: $865,657.35 BABY Votes: 2,511.32 Total Votes: 1,827,586.42 Project Insight: The current state of NFTs is comparable to that of the web in the 90s; static and boring. Altura is pioneering the concept of Smart NFTs, which have dynamically changing properties. For instance, a video game sword that gets stronger as you use it in-game or an evolving digital pet. Altura is developing APIs and SDKs for game developers to create and easily integrate NFTs into their video games, as well as a digital asset marketplace for buying, selling, minting, and trading Smart NFTs. Other products we provide include verifiably random NFT loot boxes, Altura Guard, a blockchain verification system for authenticating yourself in-game without needing a web3 wallet connection and perpetual royalties for game developers. Altura earns revenue by taking a 2.5% cut from every transaction on the Altura marketplace and taking a 7% cut for all NFT loot box interactions. Links to Follow: Website: https://www.alturanft.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Alphakombatgame Telegram: https://t.me/alturanft USDT Reward TXID: 0xa378110543e2ae6c31194049c533a806f0095f797efe91063bae098cd789fa5d BABY Reward TXID: 0x32cfdb668ce4127498546d64ee5c1497fe627a984ed67352f99323f3f5a7e4d8 Airnfts Liquidity: $324,585.05 Weekly Volume: $154,963.91 BABY Votes: 1,055,356.74 Total Votes: 1,534,905.70 Project Insight: Airnfts is the NFT marketplace built on Binance Smart Chain focusing highly on user experience and ease of use to Create, Buy, Sell and use NFTs. Create NFT with ease.One click and your NFT is created. Set a price and start earning, NFT auction will come next. AIRT Farming & Royalties. You can earn AIRT Token for selling and buying NFTs. Use royalties for secondary sales. NFT Launchpad. For those artists that don’t have big following there will be launchpad to give exposure. Easy user experience, low fees, one-click minting, AirNFTs was built for artists by artists.Token economy is built around the AIRT Token, a unit of value on the platform that enables token holders to use applications on this platform, participate in network governance, and earn additional token rewards by using this project. Links to Follow: Website: https://www.airnfts.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/airnfts Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HKsQnSvxhfjjKGJe USDT Reward TXID: 0x6c2eaa27ac5e74198dee5cf54123a8e779b1cdecea5391e7316638713ed9ecca BABY Reward TXID: :0x8aee46408f20722b76cc7a0d8f9c14b4bd0c972940f01ac9eff42c63125053e7 What’s Bottle? Bottle is BabySwap’s feature that grants BABY voting power and allows users to be more familiar with the new gems on BSC. You can stake to vote, and collect to earn! There are 3 stages in each round of Bottle: The first stage is called the Audition Stage, from Monday 00:00:00 to Thursday 23:59:59 UTC Time. Projects will work hard to add liquidity and increase their trading volume during this time, since each dollar counts as 1 vote. The top 30 projects will enter the next stage. The second stage is called the Voting Stage, from Friday 00:00:00 to Friday 23:59:59 UTC Time, and the projects need your efforts to win the final round! You can stake BABY in the project pool that you wanna vote for, 1 BABY = 1 Vote. The final stage is called the Announcement Stage from Saturday 00:00:00 to Sunday 23:59:59 UTC Time. The top 3 projects who win the Bottle will share our weekly trading fee. The Bottle will be held weekly, and we hope to bring new gems and activities for you each week. What’s the Benefit of Bottle? Many have been asking about the benefit of Bottle since the rewards are the same with BABY pool. Well, there is a lot to say! Show your voting power!! That’s the meaning of DeFi, we want you to have the voting power and decide if a project can get its best support. Vote and earn at the same time. Learn about new projects, the ones that have potential. This is exactly the reason for the first stage, where projects need to have liquidity and trading volume to prove themselves. Imagine that you see a token in the top 30 list but never heard it before, do you wanna start looking at it? HOWEVER, please always DYOR before investing. The numbers mean something, but can’t represent everything. The projects’ communities will also pay more attention to BabySwap. And if they want their projects to win, guess what can be used as votes? Liquidity, trading volume, and BABY. Of course, if the project team intends to give airdrops to BABY holders for voting support, it’s also something we’d be glad to see and it’s also beneficial to our BABY holders. The stimulation process can only be community-wise for now, but it’s planned to be implemented in the Bottle 2.0 version as a function. Congrats on the Top 3 projects of Bottle Dec 13 again! It’s time to give babies some bottles. We are super excited to see the results next week. What’s your bet? Principal’s Note 🍼Twitter 🍼Telegram 🍼Discord 🍼Docs
2021-12-19 12:54:49.750000+00:00
['Babyswap', 'Dex', 'Bsc', 'Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain']
Top 20 Smart Grid Vendors by ARRA Award Total Amount
Top 20 Smart Grid Vendors by ARRA Award Total Amount Analysis of the total amount of Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) and Smart Grid Demonstration Program (SGDP) funds awarded to Smart Grid vendors. The analysis covers the 131 projects funded by the SGIG (99) and the SGDP (32). The time period of the analysis is from February 17, 2009 to March 31, 2012. The top 20 Smart Grid ARRA awards total $1.13B, making up 12% of the overall $9.6B funds. The Zpryme INFOgraphic presents the top 20 Smart Grid ARRA awarded companies (in US dollars): Itron $304,828,804 Trilliant Networks Inc. $99,494,396 GE $98,668,171 Honeywell $60,932,262 Landis+Gyr $56,222,792 Accenture $53,955,271 Cooper Power Systems $48,680,230 Sensus $43,319,354 Elster $42,305,647 IBM $42,261,054 S&C Electric Company $39,431,504 Alcatel Lucent $38,664,493 BSC $32,078,744 A123 Systems $29,923,083 Oracle $28,673,666 Silver Spring Networks Inc. $28,611,707 Beacon Power Corporation $24,063,978 Tantalus $21,059,544 Undisclosed $18,399,024 Ervin Cable Construction, LLC $16,959,700 Source: Recovery.gov, Cumulative National Summary of Recipient Data (February 17, 2009 to March 31, 2012); ARRA: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [sc name=”Standard” ]
2017-06-19 20:46:16.506000+00:00
['Infographics', 'Bsc']
FomoETH, a new Crypto Startup begins its presale for a new concept mobile app — NFTagram
FomoETH, a new Crypto Startup begins its presale for a new concept mobile app — NFTagram FomoETH Dec 18, 2021·3 min read The blockchain technology and the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) has become an integral part of the crypto industry. According to analysts there are possibilities for the entire crypto industry to die out, but not for the blockchain technology and the NFTs. True to the fact, NFTs at a time could even take over the crypto industry. In such aspects, a revolutionary project combining both the blockchain network and the NFTs, sounds quite amazing right? Yes, the FomoETH is one such which integrates both the blockchain technology along with the NFT together. The FomoETH actually serves as a democratic platform that focuses more towards it’s holders and supporters of the platform. Another aspiring fact is that, the native token of the FomoETH will be in operation upon both the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain as well as the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Moreover, the 2 main attributes around which the complete project revolves around will be the FomoETH token and their NFT project, the NFTagram. 💫 Auto Reward Distribution in ETH Regardless, the FomoETH allows it’s holders and users to decide and vote for their opinions and proposals for the betterment of the project, making it completely democratic in all aspects. While there is also rewards distributed in both BSC and Ethereum network for the holders. It’s an automatic reward distribution in ETH (ETH for ERC20, WETH for BEP20) from its own transactions. 📸 NFTagram The NFTagram serves as the primary attribute for the FomoETH network. Unique features of this attribute is that every moment of one’s life through pictures captured could be converted into NFTs and they will remain in their blockchain forever. Apart from this, it even features mining of NFTs and you can even sell your own NFT upon your wish. The NFTagram will be available as an App both in the Apple store as well as the Google Play store. 💍 FomoETH Swap & FomoETH Wallet In addition to all this, FomoETH has further plans and are developing the ‘FomoETH Swap’, which will be launched around February 2022. This will be followed by another launch of their unique ‘FomoETH Wallet’ too. The plans and projects in hands of the FomoETH ecosystem is quite rigid, expanding itself towards the future. 💝 FomoETH Presale With regards to all above, the pre-sale of the FomoETH tokens will start first upon the Binance Smart Chain on December 22, 2021 exactly by 2:00am UTC, followed by the sale on Ethereum blockchain. The presale will feature about 431,872,120,000 FomoETH tokens, which constitutes about 43.18% of the overall FomoETH tokens available. The price of these tokens are 86,374,424 FomoETH per 1BNB, at 0% purchase fee. The maximum possible investment is limited to 5BNB and the minimum will be 0.5BNB, at 0. The presale will go on only for 2 days ending by December 24, 2021 exactly by the same 2:00am UTC. 💝 FomoETH Public Sale The public sale for the FomoETH tokens will start from December 24, 2021, 2:00am UTC, with 213,765,750,000 FomoETH at sale. The price will be 77,733,000 FomoETH per 1BNB, at 10% purchase fee. 👑 Funding Previously, FomoETH has successfully raised seed funding of 1M USD in total on June 21, 2021: https://fomoeth.gitbook.io/fomoeth-official-whitepaper/fundamentals/funding 📸 FomoETH Official Social Media Website: https://www.fomoeth.net Whitepaper: https://fomoeth.gitbook.io/fomoeth-official-whitepaper Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FomoEth/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fomo_eth Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/fomoeth/ Github: https://github.com/FOMO-ETH Telegram: https://t.me/FomoETH
2021-12-18 08:58:40.894000+00:00
['Nft', 'Bsc', 'Cryptocurrency', 'Instagram']
Melacoin project implements an airdrop via cryptographic IOUs that users relay to a smart contract to collect their tokens at Airdrop.melacoin.org, paying for their own transaction gas costs, instead of the issuer. Minimum buy: 1,000,000 Mela tokens = 0.004BNB www.airdrop.melacoin.org Performing an airdrop the usual way can get costly and a bit difficult in technicalities, since it requires paying for gas costs to send the variable amount of Mela Bep20 tokens to a bunch of recipients. With Binance mainnet transaction costs being in the order of $0.20 to $1.56, implementing a massive airdrop can get rather expensive. With the implemented Melacoin Airdrop scheme, the bulk of the cost is offloaded to the recipients of the airdrop. To set up Melacoin Bep20 Airdrop, the issuer only needs to allow the Mela Bep20 contract to distribute tokens on their behalf, for example using token.approve(spacedrop, total_tokens_to_distribute) in the case of an Bep20 token. Then, the airdrop issuer must send off-chain (e.g., via email, or on a public website) a signed message that is unique for each recipient. Then, recipients can then send these messages to the Melacoin BEP20 smart contract to retrieve their tokens via claimTokens(). These messages are cryptographic IOUs that include: The token to be transferred. A sender, recipient, and token amount. A nonce (more on why this is necessary later). The signature of the sender. With these parameters, the smart contract can verify that in fact the sender did authorize this transaction, and execute a transaction on their behalf. Melacoin Airdrop allows user claim and collect tokens multiple times (that is, calling claimTokens BEP20() with the same parameters more than once). Since a multi-phase airdrop could entail sending the same amount of tokens to the same address multiple times, we allow the sender to provide a different nonce each time, effectively working around this limitation. Regarding costs. For the issuer, gas costs are reduced to setting up the spacedrop via calling approve() as explained above; Spacedrop is dramatically cheaper than a standard airdrop for the issuer. For recipients, the cost is comparable to a standard token transfer. The aggregate cost for a Spacedrop, including gas paid by issuer and recipients, is slighly higher than in a standard airdrop, since in the latter several token transfers can be lumped together in a single transaction. That said, the total cost should be in the same order of magnitude. Note that in Spacedrop recipients must actively collect the tokens they are granted. This may or may not be desirable. On one hand, the issuer can recover unclaimed tokens. Spacedrop does not help perform airdop spam, for better or worse. Finally, recipients must of course own some ether in order to pay for transaction costs. Again, this may not be desirable. Interestingly, the Spacedrop contract has no owner and does not require redeploying to implement different airdrops. None of that is required, since all the necessary data is encoded in the IOUs that recipients relay to the smart contract. One deployment of the smart contract should be forever good. Currently, the Spacedrop repository only includes the smart contract and basic tests. To dos are: a nice front-end to collect tokens, backend code to automate sending the info to recipients. A word of caution: this code has not been extensively tested. Use at your own risk!
['Melacoin Project']
2021-12-26 10:11:05.225000+00:00
['Cryptocurrency', 'Crypto', 'Bsc', 'Token']
Belly is in Trade Mining & Farm & Pool with BabySwap!
Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to our BABY sitters!! Let us introduce a new Farm and Pool from Belly! More is welcome, check this out to submit a request. Snack Snack Snack Pool🍫👶 Stake BABY tokens to earn Belly tokens! Total Tokens: 1,109,000 Belly Distribution duration: 30 days Start at Block height 13,844,530, approx. 12:00 PM UTC, December 27th End at Block height 14,708,530, approx. 12:00 PM UTC, January 26th Token rewards per block: 1.2835 Belly The 1x Farm & Trade Mining In order to host the Belly Snack Pool, we provide a Belly-USDT farm as well as trade mining that will have 1x BABY rewards for 30 days at the same time. What is CryptoPiece? CryptoPiece is a NFT game that focuses on gamers, made by gamers and for gamers. We want to have our players not only feeling relax, enjoying their favorite game, but also earning at the same time. Through our unique play to earn system, players can gather their crew by recruiting mercenary through a Mercenary Contract in Merc Centre. They then can sail their ship and go on an exciting adventure. By capturing criminals in Wanted list by the Government, players can earn Belly — ingame currency — and level up their Merc. To learn more about CryptoPiece, please visit our official communication channels Website: https://cryptopiece.online/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptopieceNFT Telegram: https://t.me/cryptopiece_official How do you stake BABY to earn Belly rewards? If you are a BABY sitter which means you own BABY tokens, get in line here! BabySwap 101 is how to stake BABY with Belly pool. Visit this webpage: https://babyswap.finance/pools Click “Approve BABY” on the Belly Snack Pool Click on the stake button. Confirm the transaction. BEP20 Belly will also be circulating and transferable on BSC when we start the snack pool, so you will be able to harvest your Belly tokens and trade on BabySwap at any time! How do you stake Belly-USDT LP to earn BABY rewards? If you are a Belly holder, get in line here! BabySwap 102 is how to stake Belly-USDT LP in farm. Step 1 Get LP Go to the Liquidity page Click ‘Add Liquidity’. Select Belly & USDT and enter the amount. Check the details, and click ‘Supply’ Check the details, and click ‘Confirm Supply’ Confirm the transaction in your wallet. Done! You can click ‘View on BscScan’ to see your transaction details. Step 2 Stake LP Go to farms Select Belly-USDT farm Click ‘Approve Contract’ Click ‘Stake LP’ and enter the amount of LP, then click ‘Confirm’. Confirm the transaction in your wallet. Done! You can click ‘View on BscScan’ to see your transaction details. How to Earn BABY through Belly-USDT Trade Mining? Trade from Belly to USDT or from USDT to Belly, you will get BABY as trade mining rewards — simple as that! AUNTIE KINDLY REMINDER! ⚠️ The official Belly token contract address on Binance Smart Chain is: 0x3dfa90540ccdc77d543e6e61cacd5880f5c62391 Any other Belly token will be a scam and will result in a financial loss for users. Do not buy tokens from any other token address. Always verify the token address before purchasing tokens. If you receive airdrops from another address for Belly tokens, we advise you to ignore them. Principal’s Note 🍼Twitter 🍼Telegram 🍼Discord 🍼Docs
2021-12-26 09:58:18.439000+00:00
['Babyswap', 'Bsc', 'Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Metaverse']
How Fibonaut’s Revolutionary Chart Stabilization Works
How Fibonaut’s Revolutionary Chart Stabilization Works The following is taken from the Fibonaut whitepaper. Fibonaut, a BSC-based project, attempts to solve several common issues affecting other cryptocurrency tokens. Decentralized finance has made token creation easier than ever, creating a surge of new tokens each day. Some token creators try new and innovative concepts, though the vast majority of token contracts are carbon copies, changing little more than the name. What’s more, even with those that do offer something unique or different in way of tokenomics, most will fall short of expectations. The reality is that, no matter how ambitious or enticing a project, holders will want to take profits. Everyone invested into a project has the human desire of financial gain in mind at all times. We can consider “the market” to be the collective perception of each and every investor in a project. Because the market all has the same general goal in mind, to make financial gains, the market will more or less behave in a concurrent manner, not unlike a school of fish. Regardless of any small deviations, the group will more or less act predictably similar. As a token, especially the promising ones, increases in value so does the likelihood that its holders will take profits in order to realize their financial gains. Some of the sellers will sell early, some will sell later, and most will sell around the same time. Then, hopefully, after the price has decreased, more investors will choose to buy in and reset the cycle. However, in the fast-paced world of DeFi, this simple behavior can break a token, by crashing its price beyond repair. Because the market is a group of people, it is prone to emotional reaction and will panic at a declining price, further exacerbating the issue. What’s worse, when new investors join the market, they will (generally) be put off by a crashed token price. There are a few factors which contribute to this unfortunately common outcome: Whales — holders with an unusually high percentage of tokens relative to total supply Complete wallet dumps — holders are able to sell their entire wallets in one sell No transaction limitations — holders are able to sell anytime High circulating supply — tokens are plentiful and given away for free Airdrops — Some holders, who might also be whales, were sent their tokens without having to purchase them High taxes — users encounter high taxes when buying or selling a token, sometimes over 18% The above factors make a token crash all but inevitable. The only thing that could carry a project out of market dumps like that are those that have a good amount of community momentum. This, while nice, is very hard to keep going without major news or mainstream attention. Even then, it will require more and more to keep the price up as the market, still predictable, continues to try to dump at the first sign of profits. The Solution The solution to the classic problems of most tokens is Fibonaut’s approach to controlled, limited token sell frequencies. The average investor loses on the majority of their trades. Because the average investor is the market, they will create the same market cycles over and over. In traditional finance a company’s stock price can fluctuate knowing the company has gone nowhere. In DeFi with its inherent volatility, a simple fluctuation can cause a panic, subsequent crash, and spell the end of a token sometimes within hours of launch. The best way forward is to protect holders from themselves and the bad trades of others. Fibonaut does this by implementing the following safeguards: Max Wallet Control — No wallet can hold more 161.8 tokens, which is 1% of the supply, meaning no whales Quantity Limits — No wallet can sell more than 1.618 tokens at a time, meaning no complete wallet dumps causing a sudden drop in price Sell Frequency Limits — No wallet can sell more than once within each allotted interval (explained in the next section), meaning no sudden serial selling attempting to get around the Quantity Limitation Sell Intervals — Wallets can only sell in preset increasing intervals of time, meaning everyone must stagger their sells for longer amounts of time Limited Supply — With a small total supply of 16,180 tokens, and no minting nor self-reflection functions, Fibonaut will eventually encounter major supply shock, further increasing the price No Airdrops — Fibonaut will not airdrop any tokens to anyone, even the team, meaning no one will receive tokens without having to purchase them BUSD Rewards — Holders will receive rewards in BUSD (stablecoin) at 5% of each transaction proportional to their holdings, meaning longterm holders have a way to earn without selling Unique Contract Code — This contract has never been done before; it’s development has been catered specifically to solving the problems of price drop in traditional BSC and ETH-based tokens Sensible Taxes — A simple 10% flat tax applies to all transactions. 5% generates BUSD rewards, 3% automatically is added to token liquidity, and 2% goes to marketing and development of the token The above safeguards will dramatically protect the chart and long-term price action of the token. Huge price fluctuations will not be possible, and steady growth is inevitable. Many of the listed solutions have been done before in DeFi. However, their combination is what is important. Moreover, Fibonaut’s selling intervals are a revolutionary new addition to the traditional Solidity contract. Why It Works Fibonaut’s sell intervals prevent holders from selling any time they choose to. It effectively forces everyone to abide by the same schedule of long-term holding. However, they increment over time. Holders are only able to sell (up to 1.618 tokens) at each minute number of the Fibonacci sequence from the time of their first buy, with a 1-minute window (margin) for sells occurring in less than one hour (55 minutes), and a 16-minute margin for sells occurring after an hour. If you are familiar with the Fibonacci sequence, this means exponential growth in how long the holder must wait for their next sell. This means that to sell a maximum (1%) wallet of 161.8 tokens, the holder must meet each sell interval (including 1 minute after they bought) for a total of 1,226,132,595,394,188,293,000,174,702,095,995 years. Holders are not able to cheat the system, either. Buying again will not reset the _firstBuy timestamp, so their first buy will set the timetable of allowed sell points and margins for their wallet’s lifetime. Holders are not able to transfer tokens from wallet to wallet to evade this system. How It Works Fibonacci Sequence — Each Number is a Sell Interval _fibArray = 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 … If a user, Bob, decides to buy any amount of Fibonaut (FIB), at 12:00pm, the contract will automatically timestamp this buy. He is then able to sell up to 1.618 tokens one time each interval in the above Fibonacci sequence. Each interval is one minute passed from his buy time. Because it is almost impossible to sell exactly at the right time, the contract first allows him a one-minute margin of error to do so. Therefore, he can sell at 12:01pm, 1 minute after he has bought. He can, consequently, sell 2 and 3 minutes after, meaning (because of the 1-minute margin) that he can sell anytime within the first 3 minutes from purchase. 12:00pm — Bob buys 100 tokens without checking the contract 12:01pm — Bob sells 1 token as a test 12:02–12:13 — Bob was watching the chart and missed his next sells 12:15 — Bob notices the price has risen and attempts to sell his remaining 99 tokens (common thought process for a token investor). The sell is rejected by the contract. 12:16–1:00pm — Bob researches the token and attempts to sell unsuccessfully again. He realizes he needs to check his wallet transaction history and find his _firstBuy in order to time his next sell. He realizes he can sell again at 1:29pm. 1:32pm — Bob sells 1.618 tokens slightly after the set sell time, though within the allowed margin of 16 minutes. He tries to sell again and is rejected because he has already sold within this sell interval. His wallet is still holding 97.382 tokens. Because Bob, and everyone else, must wait longer and longer for their next sell point, they won’t sell many tokens. However, because most people will not sell many tokens, the price will continue to climb. Market psychology is to panic at the sight of red candles in a chart, and to get excited at green ones. A steady fast-rising chart will cause pandemonium. As the price of the token grows, selling 1.618 tokens could very easily mean far more gain than Bob initially invested. The 9th number in the sequence is 55. At this point, all holders are rewarded for their patience with larger margins of error to sell in. For every interval at or after 55 minutes, Bob has a 16-minute window to sell once. He doesn’t, however, have any obligation to sell. After the first ten numbers in the sequence (0, and the first 1 have been omitted since that wouldn’t make sense for this contract) the wait times start to increase exponentially. Bob will very soon need to wait hours for his next sell point. And then days, weeks, months, years, decades. He will likely only be able to sell 38 times since he will need to wait 74~ years for his 38th sell. At this point, you might wonder why the maximum wallet is 161.8, since no holder of that many tokens will ever sell them all. The reason the maximum wallet is higher than something like 38, other than that it matches the golden ratio for our theme’s sake, is that the more tokens a user holds the higher their BUSD rewards. This encourages investors to purchase maximum wallets in order to reap long-term rewards in a stablecoin. This is enticing as they won’t need to expect any sudden drops later on. What’s more, this helps lock up supply and effectively deflates the token, as 123.8 tokens will likely never be sold. Any token whose supply nearly runs out will experience what is known as a supply shock, causing dramatic price increase. Every aspect, feature, and limitation in Fibonaut has been designed to create the most compelling chart ever. Our exponential growth using the Fibonacci sequence goes hand in hand with our astronomy theme, aiming to send Fibonaut even further than the moon. Website: www.fibonaut.net WhitePaper: https://www.fibonaut.net/s/Fibonaut-Whitepaper.pdf Telegram: https://t.me/+CnRj5ezE2j42M2Qx
2021-12-29 16:02:30.343000+00:00
['Crytocurrency', 'Coins', 'Token', 'Bsc']
World’s First Halal NFT Marketplace Souq NFT Powered by MRHB DeFi Launches with ‘Hallal Gachyi’ from Gachyi Land
World’s First Halal NFT Marketplace Souq NFT Powered by MRHB DeFi Launches with ‘Hallal Gachyi’ from Gachyi Land Melbourne, Australia, December 23rd, 2021 — The world’s first ethical and inclusive DeFi ecosystem platform MRHB DeFi has launched its highly anticipated Souq NFT marketplace. Partnering with Gachyi Land, the first blockchain gaming gacha-launchpad ecosystem, the two parties will mint and issue Hallal Gachyi, a unique Gachyi Land-themed NFT collection created for Souq NFT. Souq NFT is the first NFT marketplace in the world focussed on creating an ethical and halal marketplace for digital art and other NFT assets. Artists on the platform follow image, audio and video content guidelines such as no hate speech, racism or nudity, and must verify that the artworks are original pieces (no rip-offs of existing NFTs). The MRHB DeFi collaboration with Gachyi Land will see the latter create 1,410 Hallal Gachyi NFTs (otherwise known as ‘Rimos’). MRHB DeFi will create and deploy the smart contract for these NFTs and Hallal Gachyi will be sold on Souq NFT marketplace. “Our vision to create an inclusive, ethical DeFi and NFT ecosystem continues to take shape,” says Deniz Dalkilic, CTO of MRHB DeFi. “The Hallal Gachyi collection is the result of a unique collaboration with Gachyi Land and demonstrates our commitment to launching quality crypto products that meet and hopefully exceed community expectations.” “NFTs are the building blocks of our digital future — they allow us to own digital items in ways we have never been able to before,” comments May Wong, founder of Gachyi Land. “We wanted to provide a colorful and cute entry point into the NFT space for the Islamic community, in the form of a ‘Rimo’. The NFT space has shown us that early adoption of NFTs that gain value over time represents opportunity. We are excited to release Hallal Gachyi with MRHB and provide value to their community!” Hallal Gachyi NFTs will be issued on the BSC blockchain using the ERC-721 token standard. NFT owners will be able to play a mini-game at a future date where they can earn rewards such as $MRHB tokens and $Polymer tokens. The NFTs will also receive utility in Gachyi Land’s MMO RPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), expected to be released in 2023. Both parties will promote the new venture together on their respective platforms and are exploring future plans for MRHB to create other gamification models that integrate with the MRHB ecosystem. A Shared Vision to Empower Communities The Gachyi Land platform was created with the desire to empower artists with its disruptive NFT ecosystem. Gachyi Land provides artists with the platform, community, technology and tools they need to display and sell their work, and further explore the possibilities of the digital realm. Similarly, MRHB DeFi was conceived with the goal of giving excluded and crypto-cautious communities better access to cryptoverse opportunities with a key focus on the provision of decentralized financial services that avoid interest-based profits and lending. MRHB DeFi bridges the existing gap between crypto offerings and the ethical faith-based community. The journey to an inclusive, ethical DeFi cryptoverse has not been a lonely one for MRHB DeFi. The halal project is currently backed by investors and partners which include Polygon Technology, Sheesha Finance, Blockchain Australia, Australian Gulf Capital, Mozaic, Contango Digital Assets, NewTribe Capital, Masary Capital, ZKSync, Acreditus Partners, EMGS Group, Sinofy Group, MKD Capital and others. In collaboration with management consulting group, Sinofy, MRHB DeFi has also organized an NFT art competition, designed for creators and artists, within the framework of the DEV Challenge Season 18 championships in Ukraine. More information on how to participate can be found in the MRHB DeFi Medium blog. December is turning out to be a very exciting and busy month for MRHB DeFi, having launched their IDO yesterday on December 22nd. The $MRHB tokens were sold out on the DODO launchpad in half a day, with the second launchpad ZeeDO catching up. Upon completion of IDO, TGE (Token Generation Event) will take place on December 24th 1PM UTC/GMT, which will then be closely followed by its listing on the popular DEX Pancakeswap. About MRHB DeFi MRHB DeFi is a halal, decentralized finance platform built to embody the true spirit of an “Ethical and Inclusive DeFi” by following faith-based financial and business principles, where all excluded communities can benefit from the full empowerment potential of DeFi. The diverse team comprises researchers, technocrats, influencers, Islamic fintech experts & business entrepreneurs, who came together to ensure that MRHB DeFi prevails in a manner that will impact society as a whole, essentially bridging the gap between the faith-conscious communities and the blockchain world. MRHB DeFi Official Channels Website: https://marhabadefi.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/marhabadefi Telegram: https://t.me/mdf_official Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/marhabadefi_ANN YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuvZG9DbS5ffeoqLX_bERg Medium: https://medium.com/@mrhbdefi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/marhabadefi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MRHB-DeFi-105893235209147 Telegram (Arabic): https://t.me/mdf_arabic Telegram (Russian): https://t.me/marhabadefi_russia Telegram (Turkish): https://t.me/MarhabaDefiTR Telegram (Persian): https://t.me/mrhbdefi_persian Telegram (Urdu/Hindi): https://t.me/MRHBDeFi_Urdu_Hindi About Gachyi Land Gachyi Land is building an ecosystem that consists of an NFT Launchpad and Play-To-Earn MMORPG. NFTS issued on their platform will be incorporated within the ecosystem to serve either an in-game functionality such as boosts or exclusive pre-sale access, or their utility can be built into future games. With its disruptive Play2Earn MMORPG, Gachyi is providing artists with the platform, community, technology, and tools they need to unleash their creativity and gain the exposure they deserve. NFTs will be minted via Gachyi’s interactive gachapon machines on the Polygon blockchain based on the ERC-721 token standard, priced in MATIC. Gachyi Land Official Links Website: https://gachyiland.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GachyiLand
2021-12-29 05:17:53.160000+00:00
['Bsc', 'Ido']
Kikswap.com $KIK token excellently passed SolidProof Smart Contract audit
Kikswap.com $KIK token excellently passed SolidProof Smart Contract audit Kikswap is a specified Crosschain DEX and staking platform for meme tokens. From staking these meme tokens to trading them with multi chain features, so it was important to us to audit the $KIK smart contract with the best smart contract security auditor on the blockchain ecosystem. SolidProof leads blockchain security by pioneering the use of cutting-edge Formal Verification technology on smart contracts and blockchains. Unlike traditional security audits, Formal Verification mathematically proves program correctness and hacker-resistance. What is smart contract audit? A smart contract audit is an extensive methodical examination and analysis of a smart contract’s code that is used to interact with a cryptocurrency or blockchain. This process is conducted to discover errors, issues and security vulnerabilities in the code in order to suggest improvements and ways to fix them. Generally, smart contract audits are necessary, because most of the contracts deal with financial assets and/or valuable items. SolidProof assess whether there are possible security errors in the $KIK contract, and if there are any errors in the contracts report is attach, they have described in a report that which issues critical, medium and low risk, Solidproof external audit give a chance us to improve the security of investments of the whole community in upcoming presale of kikswap. About SolidProof: Solid Proof was founded as a community-driven company, and they want to thank our community for being so supportive! Solidproof is Security Audits, DeFi Trust Made in Germany. Solidproof Socialmedia 🔹Group: https://t.me/solidproof 🔹Twitter: https://twitter.com/solidproof_io 🔹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solidproof.io Social Links: Website: https://kikswap.com/ Application: https://app.kikswap.com/ Whitepaper: https://kikswap.com/whitepaper.pdf Medium: https://kiktoken.medium.com/ Github: https://github.com/kiktoken Telegram: t.me/kiktoken Twitter: https://twitter.com/kiktoken Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kiktoken YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-KTygQptMhtnlFVEyFJng Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/kiktoken Discord: https://discord.gg/CRRK3yPq Media: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kikswap-com-not-another-meme-000000828.html
['Kikswap', 'Official']
2021-12-26 13:07:06.914000+00:00
['Kwikswap', 'Kik', 'Binance', 'Bnb', 'Bsc']
XcelDefi — The Next Generation Decentralized Exchange
The digital product blockchain age has just begun. We are here to support the establishment of a decentralized digital product ecosystem through the use of XcelLabs and its native coin. Using the startup’s distribution tools, developers will be able to monetize their digital products by selling tokens. You’re about to learn the fundamentals of beginning your own digital goods reselling business. Get yourself ready! DeFi ecosystem XcelDefi, which is based on blockchain technology, intends to become the world’s first comprehensive DeFi ecosystem. This system will be financed by $XLD worth of tokens. XcelDefi’s blockchain project has as its ultimate goal the decentralization of financial institutions and the removal of financial barriers. Investors of different races, ages, and cultural backgrounds can now engage in the financial markets thanks to the availability of XcelDefi. Why XcelDefi Thanks to XcelDefi, DeFi products will have new applications and standards defined in the future. To take advantage of the recent “DeFi explosion,” XcelDefi may be necessary. Since their ultimate goal is a decentralized economy, they started using $XLD to get there. The Xcel brand’s original goal included travel, bitcoin, and DeFi/Investment. On the Binance Smart Chain, XcelDefi is constructed, which is one of the world’s most secure and speedy chains. XcelSwap P2P trading is made possible via the decentralized exchange XcelSwap’s usage of the AMM idea. XcelSwap is a must-have feature in the XcelDeFi ecosystem. Ultimately, we want to be the first decentralized exchange that everyone can use. Most DeFi systems offer a terrible user experience for first-time DeFi users. Decentralized exchanges like XcelSwap let you trade with other people’s money while maintaining your privacy. For the purposes of exchanging tokens, there is no requirement to grant XcelDefi custody of any tokens. New projects can now be linked to the intended market thanks to XcelDefi’s network of liquidity providers. XcelPay Wallet Open-source, decentralized Bitcoin wallet XcelPay Wallet is now available. The $XLD utility token can be used to make purchases by XcelPay wallet users. A PR campaign is the best way to get the word out about cryptocurrencies like $XLD. XcelPay can also be used to buy gift cards and mobile phone recharges. On the Binance Smart Chain, XinFin Network and Ethereum Classic tokens can also be used. Open a wallet account with XcelPay and start trading cryptocurrencies right away. XcelPay wallets are available. Tokenomics A total of 111,000,000 XLDs are thought to be in existence. For a growing ecosystem, there is a limit to the amount of new tokens that may be made available. See how XcelDefi recommends allocating and distributing resources in the following table: Regular token burns are required under XcelDefi’s tokenomics to keep deflation under control and inflation from taking hold. The entire supply would be reduced by over 41% over the length of the project. The following is how the burns have been apportioned and accounted for: Conclusion DeFi has taken a giant step ahead as a result of this. When it comes to cutting-edge technology, XcelDefi is the go-to choice for its clients. According to XcelDefi, blockchain technology has the potential to be used in the real world.. Even if this goal is achieved, there will remain billions of dollars worth of gold left to be mined. If you combine the best of diverse industries, you’ll get a wide selection of digital solutions. Traditional funding will also be replaced by XcelDefi. Blockchain technology has been used in numerous industries by XcelDefi, which shows that this goal has been taken seriously. #xceldefi #xcelswap #BSC #XLD #DeFi #XcelLab #DEX #crypto #BinanceSmartChain #decentralizedfinance #defimarket #defiwallet #defilending #defistaking #pancakeswap #investinxld #buyxld For More Information Visit : Learn more about DafriBank: https://xceldefi.com/ Telegram group: https://t.me/XcelToken Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XcelDefiOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/XcelDefi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xceldefi/ Follow DafriBank on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xcelpaywallet/ Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/xceldefi Discord: https://discord.gg/acUKN6nCYa Medium: https://xceldefi.medium.com/ Writer : Bitcointalk Username : Zahwatul BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3397556 BSC address (from XcelPay Wallet): 0x3bcCDfe70ba92Ae5eE7fa7a02AE2195F97b7DFdD
['Zahwatul Ulya']
2021-12-29 16:48:52.736000+00:00
['Xceldefi', 'Xcelswap', 'Bsc', 'Xld', 'Xcellab']
What is FeeNix($FNX) Token?
What is FeeNix($FNX) Token? In this article, we’ll discuss information about the FeeNix project and $FNX token FeeNix is a hyper-deflationary token, which rewards investors for holding tokens long term, while also incorporating the Buyback approach currently present in the stock market. FeeNix is one of the first cryptocurrencies ever to include automatic Buyback. What is Buyback? If a particular stock has low value, but has the potential to perform better in the future, often companies will announce a buyback of the stock in the open market. Once companies announce the buyback, investors gain more confidence to purchase, and hold the stock as well. Additionally, the demand increases as the company starts buying the stock, which ultimately will drive the stock to raise. At FeeNix, we chose to apply the Buyback concept to cryptocurrency, and encourage investors to hold the token. Why invest in FeeNix? FeeNix token holders are not only benefited through static rewards but also by the Buy-Back process of the contract. As part of Buy-Back process, contract takes care of buying back some of the tokens and burn them whenever a sell happens. What’s So Great About That? There are 3 advantages: 1. Raise in Value ○ After the tokens from the Liquidity pool are bought, the new BNB amount is added to the pool and the amount of the tokens are reduced, which results in an increase in price. 2. Free BNB ○ Once those tokens are burnt, it is like adding free BNB to the pool as there are no tokens to sell in the future. 3. Trust & Reliability ○ Investors can be relentlessly hesitant, and often get spooked by a bearish market. Owners are not ready to renounce the ownership, because of its use when some things need to be changed. **Bonus Holder Advantages ** ● 2% rewards redistributed on every transaction ● Join a trusted network of investors, who are confident in the BuyBack contract, and understand the potential for growth in implementing this concept. ● Once the investors know that contract always buys after every sell, they feel confident about raise of the price and continue holding Tax Breakdown ➔ 3% rewards to holders ➔ 4% marketing tax ➔ 3% Buy-Back tax ➔ Slippage: 11.4% Tokenomics 1000000000: 1 BILLION INITIAL SUPPLY DEV WALLETS: 5% MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS WALLET: 5% FUTURE EXCHANGE LISTINGS: 15% AIRDROPS:10% LIQUIDITY: 35% INITIAL BURN: 30% TAXES: 3%: REWARDS TO HOLDERS 4%: MARKETING TAX 3%: BUY-BACK TAX* 11.4%: SLIPPAGE *will be utilized to keep the price of the token in check by buying back the tokens and burning them How and Where to Buy $FNX token? FeeNix token is now live on the Binance mainnet. The token address for FeeNix is 0x3F6d17676a2896D80F4a33c412eC04025679a48F. Be cautious not to purchase any other token with a smart contract different from this one (as this can be easily faked). We strongly advise to be vigilant and stay safe throughout the launch. Don’t let the excitement get the best of you. Just be sure you have enough BNB in your wallet to cover the transaction fees. Join To Get BNB (Binance Coin)! ☞ CLICK HERE You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)… We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits. Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)… ☞ SIGN UP ON BINANCE Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021) Next step You need a wallet address to Connect to Pancakeswap Decentralized Exchange, we use Metamask wallet If you don’t have a Metamask wallet, read this article and follow the steps ☞What is Metamask wallet | How to Create a wallet and Use Transfer $BNB to your new Metamask wallet from your existing wallet Next step Connect Metamask Wallet to Pancakeswap Decentralized Exchange and Buy, Swap FNX token Contract: 0x3F6d17676a2896D80F4a33c412eC04025679a48F Read more: What is Pancakeswap | Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Pancakeswap The top exchange for trading in FNX token is currently PancakeSwap (V2) Find more information FeeNix ☞ Website 🔺DISCLAIMER: The Information in the post isn’t financial advice, is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure you understand these risks and that you are responsible for what you do with your money.
2021-12-20 13:11:58.095000+00:00
['Bsc', 'Binance']
About Bt Miracles — Meeting diversity for the first time
As a token in Bt Miracles, how can BM be diversified? How to go from Play to earn to co-creating IP? In the process of creating BM, while committed to creating high-quality games, the project team has been seeking to create more meaningful things beyond the game itself. so as to create A platform that combines virtual and reality for more BMers. As a play to earn game, Bt Miracles has received some attention since it was launch.and has also received many high-quality suggestions from friends. It’s about game playing methods, game art pictures, game story background, etc. When discussing BMer’s future with these consensuses, One of the consensuses agrees with the idea of the project team, he believes that BM which is divergent and scalable.it has very good potential. As an online author, he wants to enrich the background story of the game from the novel, to turn BM from a single game token into a bridge which connecting novels and games. After discussion by the project team, we reached a consensus — We wish BM can carry more meaning of BMer. Build BM into a co-creation IP in the future. Diversify BM IP, It means that the project team plans to let BM enter real life from the chain in the future. This will be a new idea: the background story of game is loved by players. Why not let the story go on in the form of novels? This is one of the diversified development. The novel is the first step for Bt Miracles to move towards real life. In the future, we will have the opportunity to find more consensuses based on novels and games and create multiple IP products together: such as comics, animation, handmade toys, dolls, etc. It also has the opportunity to set up a series of restaurants jointly with Bt Miracles. This is not only a blueprint, the full picture of SKU mainland will be revealed due to the official move. In the future, when more writers participate in our fan-fiction of Bt Miracles, they will form a way to obtain benefits different from the game: for example, writers serialize novels on a platform, while readers can use BM payment to unlock subsequent chapters in advance. Of course, this is only a small part of the beginning of diversification. We welcome more writers, musicians and comic artists to create BM IP. At the same time, the project team constantly optimizes the game interface, game experience, etc.will also adds more interesting and profitable playing methods, and makes relative adjustments to the character image as much as possible to make everyone’s game character different. Of course, you can also contact us if you have good suggestions. This is our contact information: https://t.me/BtMiraclesOfficial_New Your good suggestions will make us better. let’s look forward that BM from the token of an entertainment game to everyone’s common living currency.
2021-12-29 16:59:13.756000+00:00
['Blockchain', 'Gamefi', 'Bsc', 'Metaverse']
Socialogue - Merging booming digital space - NFT, Metaverse, Blockchain
Socialogue - Merging booming digital space - NFT, Metaverse, Blockchain Hello everyone... Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called Socialogue so for that, have a look at the article I created below to give you a very good overview of the project, then Benefits what do they give everyone? Let's go straight to the discussion below. INTRODUCTION NFT stands for non-fungible token, a unit of data stored on the blockchain that certifies a digital asset as unique and non-replicable. The first NFT project was launched back in 2015, but it's 2021 when the market really takes off. In fact, saying it "takes off" is an understatement. Compared to the second and third quarters of 2021, NFT trading volume increased by 704%. Three months is the time it takes for such growth. With more and more companies launching their own NFT, celebrities, crypto, finance and other experts are backing it, and all the advantages that technology has - NFT will remain. But when the industry is still in its early stages and moving very fast, there is a lot to improve. Right there, Socialogue will shine. Socialogue combines all the fast-growing spaces: NFT, blockchain, Metaverse and social media. All combined into one platform. It is built by taking industry best practices and making them even better. And of course, overcome the shortcomings. IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS “The NEW DIGITAL ECONOMY IS GREAT, BUT THERE ARE LESSONS TO IMPROVE. LACK OF DIRECT COMMUNICATION: There are many ways to build an NFT community. Channels like Discord or Twitter make it possible to develop the following. But building community doesn't mean building relationships. Many talented creators and curious collectors miss opportunities to collaborate due to a lack of direct contact. HIGH ETHEREUM GAS COSTS: Ethereum is the most popular blockchain that businesses are investigating and incorporating into their operations today. Statistics show that the Ethereum blockchain is used by twenty-four of the fifty listed companies. Despite being an excellent technology, Ethereum has a drawback, which significantly affects the NFT space - this is the cost of fuel. On August 5, 2021, the London Upgrade was implemented to make Ethereum transactions more predictable, but gas fees still stop many individuals from participating in the space. SOLUTION SAFETY ISSUE: Following the former, the lack of live communication and multiple channels at play can cause individuals to lose money. The NFT space, like everything else, has a black and white side. The sad truth is that some unscrupulous people use social engineering and other tricks to get someone off the line into a replicated NFT store. The all-in-one platform is a much more secure and convenient solution. NO OPTIONS TO SHAPE THE FUTURE: With the industry growing, NFT and Metaverse are the future. It's very user experience based. Community members have many ways to express their opinions but no option to influence change directly. CLIMATE CONTROVERS: Both cryptocurrencies and NFTs have come under criticism for their impact on energy consumption and climate impacts. This problem is real and widespread. An alternative way of using technology is a must. SOCIALOGUE PLATFORM By collaborating with Immutable X, Socialogue ensures trading in an open, decentralized ecosystem, secured by Ethereum, along with other features: ALL IN ONE As a complete platform, Socialogue provides an extra edge for security and experience. Everything within reach of the platform - social connections, marketplaces, game metaverse, and more. Everything today's NFT fans need in one place. Socialogue observed that NFT room participants had to rely on multiple platforms for information, communication, printing and other purposes. And it is self-evident that using one platform instead of multiple platforms will serve the industry and its users. NFT SOCIAL PLATFORM Socialogue NFT Social Platform brings all social media influence to the NFT space. The importance of social features within the platform is game-changing. It overcomes the shortcomings of the industry and provides unlimited opportunities to the community. Socialogue members can write posts, like, share, comment or send direct messages to users of any platform. By actively participating in the community, a member can create their own followers and get rewarded. The opportunities with having a following in the digital economy have never been greater. Socialogue values ​​transparency. Setting up a profile that other community members can see is easy. This empowers creators, collectors or other members to tell their stories and even showcase the collected NFTs (Fig. 2). Strict verification for content creators is also required to keep the community safe. Socialogue has all the features of a social platform. The ability to communicate within the platform creates extra security and closer relationships. For new opportunities and more confidence. NFTOMICS ROYALTIES: The platform uses royalties to buy floor NFTs mainly for two reasons - to reward honored users and provide stability for the community. RECOGNITION: On the platform, Socialogue appreciates every NFT holder. To praise them, every NFT owner gets a senator member badge. They get recognized among other users as DAO Senate members, who can vote and decide the Socialogue future. DAO: A unique DAO structure redefines community involvement. Every Socialogue NFT holder becomes a member of the DAO Senate. The goal is to have as many senate members who will shape the future of Socialogue and the whole NFT space. Senate members participate in major Socialogue decisions. TOKEN: Token Launch will take place in Q1 of 2022. Socialogue will reward every NFT holder. EARN: Holding Socialogue NFT and being part of the community opens multiple ways to get real economics. Participation in the community, taking decisions in the DAO Senate, and other activities are rewarding. SOCIALOGFUE NFT TOKENS METAVERSE: Socialogue offers a thrilling experience on the Metaverse. One of the exclusive parts of the Metaverse is the DAO Senate, where the gatherings, votings, discussions, and other activities occur. PRIVATE: As a close and unique community, NFT holders who are Senate members have a private group to discuss upcoming changes, decisions, and the future of the platform. SUPPORT: Like one big family, Socialogue offers support and help to its members. Socialogue Senate has direct contact with platform admins as additional support and attention. NFT TOKENS The NFT collection allows Socialogue to add even more uniqueness to the platform and user experience. Users can use tokens for various purposes. Again, mainly for a better customer experience, increased loyalty, and stability of the platform. The stability of the platform is also an important indicator. A part of Socialogue tokens is not sold or given away as rewards. It is important to have tools and resources to keep the platform stable and working if anything unexpected happens. Socialogue has a promising future, but it is always better to have a plan B than have none. ROADMAP 2021 Q1-Q3img Conducting deep market research. Settling the legal matters. Designing Socialogue platform. Implementing the experience of top-notch advisors. 2021 Q4img The release of NFTs collection and launch of Socialogue (Beta). Integration of blockchain into the platform. NFT airdrop. Establishment of DAO Senate. 2022 Q1-Q2img Launching the Socialogue token, DAO Senate Metaverse, Socialogue Metaverse and a full version of the platform. Integration of token stake and tips functionalities. 2022 Q3-Q4 The launch of Socialogue app for iOS and Android. Advancing the community functionality - introducing group chats, private groups and members recognition via smart contract. Contact Information Website Whitepaper Twitter Facebook Telegram Instagram Discord Medium Author Bitcointalk username: Arie07 Bircointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2346804 Bsc wallet address: 0x1EA625cC96682BAB3855820cd871b41B81cb7e78
2021-12-26 23:09:34.345000+00:00
['Bitcoin', 'Blockchain', 'Cryptocurrency', 'ICO', 'Bsc']
Financo Token
Financo Token INTRODUCTION:- Unsatisfactory Financial Empowerment Packages in Financial Institutions and Exchanges The need to engage in profitable financial ventures such as investment of funds, trading and other financial activities cannot be overemphasised in the current financial world. Investment of funds is one unique and easy way of generating income so long as the investment is carried out on a trusted platform. Basically, investors look out for platforms where they can easily and profitably invest their funds. They look out for genuine and trusted platforms that is easily accessible and secure as well as affordable investment packages. Most financial institutions lack wealth building techniques. The available financial opportunities are exclusively reserved for the wealthy and very few privileged individuals and institutions. The present financial system is faced with numerous problems, including too many middle men, lack of transparency, insufficient liquidity, strong effect of external variables, lack of modern financial investment tools and inequality. Most exchanges have little or no packages that will help its users to earn income. This limited feature makes investors hop from one exchange to another in search of exchanges or platforms that will offer the desired substantial rewards and profit. These limited features in most exchanges leaves users unsatisfied to make desired choices for profitable investment on the platform. Financio Providing Innovative:- Solution to Numerous Financial Problems Financio aims to change the landscape by offering numerous features that will benefit users in their platform. The mission of Financio is to facilitate its consumers and users through creating DeFi solutions. These solutions will help users make good earnings and get rewards in cryptocurrency. Financio platform is a cryptocurrency and reward based marketplace provided by decentralised smart contracts. The platform is a large scale initiative committed to supporting economies where technology is lacking or technical backwardness makes development difficult. The platform will promote a financial revolution by utilising blockchain technology, which will leave everyone more financially empowered, socially engaged, and able to gain maximum profit on the platform. The mission of Financio is to enhance security and transparency. In a nut-shell, Financio is a compact solution-based ecosystem. Financio aims at making wealth building opportunities available to everyone, thereby, restoring peoples control over their finances. Financio Decentralised Financing is one of the modern systems that provide different financial solutions. The decentralised exchange runs on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The platform is equipped with numerous features that enable you to earn substantial rewards and passive income. Financio has a world-wide ecosystem of people and ideas that offers the required speed and direction to assist the world’s best innovations in bringing the future of online cryptocurrency investment to perfection. Financio will feature a lot of income incentives such as:- staking, farming, crypto exchange through liquidity, IFO, lotteries and collectibles. It will also provide some other possible crypto lending options and token-burning processes to the people. The platform will promote financial revolution by utilising blockchain technology which will leave everyone more financially and socially engaged, empowered and able to gain maximum rewards by engaging in numerous ways. Financio Innovative Products The following are financial products on Financio platform that will enable users earn profitably. Crypto Exchange:- Financio exchange is Binance Smart Chain based exchange that functions as an Automated Market Maker (AMM). The exchange enables users to exchange two tokens immediately. Yield Farming and Staking Income: You can deposit and share Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens to Financio pools and earn passive income. This is a simple way to earn many times with Financio (main FIN/BNB pool, lotteries, IFO collectibles and more). Lottery Ticket Opportunity: With your Financio tokens (FIN) you can buy lottery tickets and stand the chance to win big crypto jackpot when your numbers match with winning ticket. Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Tracking:- All transactions using any foreign currency will be listed on the platform. In order to track and record the exchange rate used, you can refer to the Currency Rate and Date indicated on the platform. The Mission of Financio: Financio has a mission to assist its consumers and users through building Defi solutions. These solutions are aimed at generating profitable earnings to users. Users are then rewarded in cryptocurrency. Additionally, Financio supports committed and well-meaning users through Staking, Farming, Crypto exchange through liquidity, IFO, Lotteries, and Collectibles. Crypto lending and token-burning are other financial enhancing activities that will be available on the platform. The Vision of Financio:- Financio has a vision to ensure that cryptocurrency is part of everyone’s portfolio. Financio anticipate seeing a society in which wealth-building methods that were formerly solely accessible to the affluent are made open to the public, thereby, restoring people’s control over our financial establishments. FINANCIO will establish a new ecosystem to bring more people into digital assets, allowing them to generate a passive income through redistribution/reflection while retaining their privacy, security, authority, and autonomy. Furthermore, with the Lift currency digital asset, we want to establish an economy based on good monetary laws and a robust and solid decentralized basis. OUR ECOSYSTEM FINANCIO coin is an exclusive token that requires various cryptocurrencies activities to earn. It is a new bitcoin that demands a considerable participation from you to accumulate. We have an international standard blockchain that possess the required velocity, speed and directions to lead the best innovators by offering new form of staking, lotteries, farming and cryptocurrency exchange into perfection. DEFI SOLUTIONS Decentralized finance is a system of providing various financial services to people through smart contracts. DeFi options offers people with major banking services at a very low cost. They are all surrounding in nature, with a fit cutting edge technological capacities that are customizable, transparent, scalable and unchangeable. The normal traditional banking system is currently face with many obstacles, such as too many middleman in the marketplace, lack of accountability, inadequate liquidity, inequality, etc. OTHER QUALITIES Defi Yeild Farming Development This is a system of involving our users to invest their digital assets which will be held for a certain period of time in exchange for a higher return. Defi Staking Platform Development Here in our ecosystem, we will encourage our users to stake their digital assets in exchange system. Defi Lottery System Development You stand a chance of generate additional revenue by commiting your wealth in FINANCIO and earning interest on a regular basis. We ensure no one enjoys absolute control of the entire quantity pooled capital, maintaining pure decentralization. LIQUIDITY POOL Liquidity pool token are earned by those who distributed liquidity. Customers mainly their balance on decentralized exchange, which will then transfer to liquidity providers. This is always determined or calculated by quality or percentage of pool they have individually. FARMING This also explains yet another method you can earn additional incentives and rewards as a keeping hold of number of digital coins. Such as when you invest or contributes in this kind of investment you are entitled to a certain return on investment as a REASONS FOR FINANCIO TOKEN:- Transparency And Immutability: With FINANCIO, every documented steps on a transaction details are carefully(audit trail) trace to determine the origin of the token each time there is exchange of crypto recorded on the Binance digital ledger. This process security and prevention of fraud in exchange market. Lower Fees: Fees charged for FINANCIO transaction are significantly lower than the traditional Banker's Automated Clearing System payments and as well debit and credit cards. Easy To Access: FINANCIO is considered a valuable approach because of its easy to use nature. All you ever required is a smartphone and internet connection to become an independent payment and money transfer system. SUMMARIZATION FINANCIO is a decentralized bitcoin that is Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) based. That is created to enable users by providing available means to assist them generate additional revenue effortlessly, through farming, staking, liquidity pool, lotteries, etc by investing and holding a cryptocurrency in exchange marketplace. #Financio #Financiofinance #Farming #Exchange #BSC #Crypto Related Links: Website: http://www.financio.io/ Telegram: https://t.me/FinancioToken Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancioToken Telegram Ann: https://t.me/FinancioTokenChannel AUTHOR:- Bitcointalk Username: @shiva Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2015378 POA Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5376894.msg58825946#msg58825946 Telegram Username: @shivamaster1 Beep20 Address: 0xF20b56a82Ea6f6ebf4B841a9ABd99d9023207273
['Shiva Gautam']
2021-12-26 17:08:32.951000+00:00
['Financio', 'Bsc', 'Cryptocurrency', 'Defi', 'Bounty Campaign']
Kikswap.com is thrilled to announced meme NFTs farming
Kikswap.com is thrilled to announced meme NFTs farming Kikswap is not just meme token, A cross chain multi staking and spot trading platform on BSC Network If you are alive and have a sound internet, then probably you are well aware of NFTs! Unless you live in an isolated island somewhere in Indian ocean like the Sentinelese. Well if you are here and reading this through your screen you are nothing like them, instead you do know something about NFTs. Well here I am about to add something in your knowledge, so stay tuned. The amalgamation of DeFi and crypto has given rise to fascinating technologies. We almost every day here about new innovations popping out. It’s really been just 8 months since Jordan Lyall’s ‘degenerator’ tweet got viral. This silly viral tweet, was the beginning of a new era in DeFi. This viral meme tweet initiated the concept of meme NFTs, a new way of collecting digital art via NFT farming. The concept of NFT farming itself has been around for quite some time now. However, meme NFTs farming is a relatively newer concept in the industry. And it has surprisingly helped people make a fortune out of itself. Many people who have become meme or created memes are now selling them for millions of dollars. For instance, Zoe Roth, commonly known as the disaster girl became a meme when her father photographed her in front of a burning house. The photograph appeared as zoe roth smiling infornt of the burning house, and quickly went viral on the internet as a symbol of wittiness. The disaster girl image has now been sold for $500,000 dollars at auction Another meme Doge became increasingly popular to a point that a cryptocurrency was created out of it. The image of that meme was later sold for four million worth of Ethereum. An estimation regarding the adaptability and craze for meme NFTs can be made from this figures. The announcement To facilitate this huge chunk of crypto users, Kikswap has introduced a meme NFT farming feature on their platform. Launching on the end of this month. Since its inception, it has emerged into new position of innovation where community members, influencers and respective communities can come altogether to interact in a fun way and collect rare digital art. The Kikswap team is proud to finally introduce a newly built NFT discovery and farming platform called meme NFT protocol MN.2. Lots of blood, and sweat make our new platform today and mark the beginning of a new chapter in the history of MEMES. It is remarkable and joyful to state kikswap’s milestones during its first quarter of launch. 30+ Artists and Authors 6,700 unique NFT holders 17,300 Twitter followers 6000+ on Telegram/Discord $100,000 + Donate to charity $150,000 Community Prize USD 25,000,000 on kikswap platform 4,500 bsc (US $9.5 million) in the secondary market New release features Rebuilding from a platform from scratch We listened to you. To meet the growing demands of the platform, we have implemented the necessary front-end and back-end changes that enable all of this. Backend flexibility The improvements we have made give us great flexibility to adapt to future iterations and innovations. There are many ideas I can’t wait to implement that wouldn’t have been possible without these fundamental changes implemented today. Content and drops Content is no longer tied to developer resources and can now perform tasks that used to take hours to drop in minutes. That means more art, more artists, more drops! UI / UX improvements This will continue to improve over time, but we believe the new design is a new canvas and will continue to work on it. Social Links: Website: https://kikswap.com/ Application: https://app.kikswap.com/ Whitepaper: https://kikswap.com/whitepaper.pdf Medium: https://kiktoken.medium.com/ Github: https://github.com/kiktoken Telegram: t.me/kiktoken Twitter: https://twitter.com/kiktoken Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kiktoken YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-KTygQptMhtnlFVEyFJng Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/kiktoken Discord: https://discord.gg/CRRK3yPq Media: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kikswap-com-not-another-meme-000000828.html
['Kikswap', 'Official']
2021-12-26 09:30:53.800000+00:00
['Marketplaces', 'Bsc', 'Binance', 'Bnb', 'Presales']
#YearnNFT Finance presale is Running!
#YearnNFT Finance presale is Running! Hello Friends Biggest YearnNFT Presale Is Live Now ! YearnNFT is all new BSC based NFT marketplace to trace and mint NFT’s with ease. Hurry Up! Buy #YFNFT from YearnNFT Finance up things to make it 300X #YFNFT to moon 🚀🚀 Lowest Supply : 73332 Presale Live : https://yearnnft.finance/Presale 🔔 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 🔔 Token Name: YearnNFT Symbol : YFNFT Network : Binance Smart Chain(BSC) Features : Digital Art🌄 NFT, Governance, Fees, Rewards , Payments and Trade Presale link : https://yearnnft.finance/Presale 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Total Supply : 73332 YFNFT Available Supply : 73332 YFNFT Presale : 40% ( 29332.8) Liquidity : 35% ( 25666.20 ) Registration Bounty 4% ( 2933.28) Referral Bounty 4% ( 2933.28) Listing : After Presale #Pancakeswap & #Apeswap $YFNFT is a #BSC Based #NFT Marketplace Powered by YearnNFT , the low Supply Token. Website : https://yearnnft.finance/ Follow us on twitter : https://twitter.com/YearnNft Telegram : https://t.me/YearnNFT Medium: https://medium.com/@yearnnft Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/YearnNFT/ #YearnNFT #Bsc #Bnb #Binance #BSCGems #NFT #Blockchain
2021-12-18 10:06:16.313000+00:00
['Bnb', 'Bsc', 'Nft', 'Binance']
New Year, New Partnership - Welcome To The Family Zam.io
Happy new year and Merry Christmas Delorians, One after the other we keep on adding strategic partners and widening our network. This time we are happy to tell you all about our partnership with the brilliant team of Zam.io Since day 1 of Revault’s journey we understood that in order to change the way people DeFi, we will have to create a consortium of organizations thinking alike and dedicated to our target. Our mission statement remains still to be the gateway for new DeFi users and the go-to platform for those already there. As a promising young crypto project, we are constantly bombarded with collaboration inquiries and are lucky enough to be able to choose the best from the pile those we believe their counterparty has the same ambitions and goals in mind. We met with Zam’s team a few weeks ago and instantaneously clicked with everyone on the call seeing the potential and common ground between our two projects. Like Revault, Zam is also aiming to become the gateway to DeFi and crypto, with their main focus being on the connection between people and capital from traditional finance to DeFi. Although relatively a young company (2018) Zam was able to release several products including among others, ZamWallet & ZamWallet exchange, Zam.me a remittance platform, zMorgan an on-chain platform for stablecoin loans secured by stocks as collateral, and the Zam Academy a hub for beginners to learn their first steps in the crypto blue ocean. The quality of Zam’s team together with their execution level, passion, and connections to over 10,000 individuals both crypto and traditional capital players, made it clear to us this is an opportunity we can’t miss. Since there are many verticals to explore together, we took a joint decision to focus on only a few to start with. These will include adding $REVA to ZamWallet and Zam Academy where Zam’s users can learn about Revault and use our yield maximizing protocol with their base assets. In addition, we will advise Zam on creating their own vaults using $ZAM and other big cap assets, and add them to our protocol. We would like to take this opportunity and welcome our friends from Zam.io to the Revault family and say we are lucky to have you with us on this amazing journey To the future!
2021-12-26 20:05:39.536000+00:00
['Defi', 'Bsc', 'Yield Farming', 'Crypto', 'Ethereum']
Bitto tech & Definity Studios has released a new NFT play to earn DeFI game that creates new value…
Bitto tech & Definity Studios has released a new NFT play to earn DeFI game that creates new value & life in NFT arts. At the moment, blockchain technology is developing strongly, so many NFT game projects developed on blockchain technology were born. Typically an NFT game developed on blockchain technology that is gradually leading in the market is the game Axie Infinity , a game that is both entertaining and can earn money from collecting NFT items to deliver. trading in the market. Because of seeing the potential of the NFT game industry, the Definity Legend game project was born. So how is the Definity Legend game project, let’s learn about Definity Legend in detail. Definity Legend is a Turn-Based Strategy RPG with a blockchain economy. Players engage in battles with monsters and other players using a team of heroes in a fantasy setting. As players progress through the game, they will acquire better equipment, heroes, guardians and have access to other features such as Bowels of Tartarus, where fearsome boss fights await! Main Gameplay Features: Command a team of heroes against bloodthirsty monsters in a gripping campaign or battle other players in PvP contests. Don’t fight alone! Form a guild with other players and wage wars against other guilds to conquer lands! Acquire and Upgrade heroes to form the best battle squad that you can. Earn NFT rewards that can be used to get even stronger or traded for BITTO potions. Overcome the most difficult challenges Olympus has to offer by defeating the biggest bosses in Definity Legends universe, to earn even better rewards. All NFT items can be traded in DLD marketplace! Blockchain NFT assets (heroes,guardians,equipment, pets, artifacts, etc) will be under BEP-721. Data’s will be stored using InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). DLD will be using Immutable X on ethereum blockchain (for non game related sponsored NFT) which features Zero gas costs for peer to peer trading. No custodial risk; users keep their private keys. Handles up to 9,000 transactions per second. Not a centralized sidechain. Supports ERC-20 and ERC-721 Instant settlement, no reverts. Gaming NFT’s will then be migrated cross chain to BSC to be convereted to in-game playable characters on BSC. This is only for opensea.io and ethereum based NFT that crosses over $30,000 in value. DefinityLegend will be built using the UNITY platform and is currently available only on PC. An integration to a mobile game will be available via the Apple and Google Appstores in the near future. #definitylegend #blockchain #defi #DLD #metaverse Utilities of DLD Coin DLD Coins is the utility currency that can be used to trade for a variety of items in game. The most common use is acquiring new heroes, equipment and guardians. Treasure Chests Treasure ChestsThere will be a limited amount of new releases of equipment and weapons every week and are only obtainable through Treasure chests. Guild In Nation Wars Guild In Nation Warsbidding to participate in Nation Wars, which allow guilds to contest for lands, are done with DLD coins. Limited Edition Heroes & Guardians Limited Edition Heroes & GuardiansChances to obtain limited edition partnership & collaboration sets, stronger heroes, guardian’s or Artefacts! Billboards advertising shared to owners of lands Billboard RentalAdvert Billboard can be rented out for placing ad images, by interested Advertisers and/or Publishers. Our Contributors BITTO and DeFinity Studio present a combined experience of more than 20 years of gaming experience and 10 years of experience within cryptocurrency and blockchain creating a powerful synergistic team combination. Koh Jun Ming Junior Game Artist Previous Vincent Chia Game Tester Lee Jun Teck Junior Game Artist BITTO Dev Team Mashpy Rahman Lead Dev Server & Security Analyst A.B Siddik Full Stack Developer Nic Chin Co-Founder & Blockchain Director Lawliet Liaw 2D Concept Artist Alexandre Wolkmer 2D Animation Artist Cally Cheok Senior Illustrator Artist Atos Bergmann 2D Animation Artist Gandhi Gultom 2D Concept Illustrator Nguyen Hien 2D Character Concept Artist Marketplace Bring your NFT to life within the DLD world by selling it on the DLD marketplace. If it’s popular and if it aligns with our style, we will put it in as a seasonal character! Buy & Sell DLD land. Play To Earn as you sell DLD NFT assets. Safe, secure and transparent transactions. Visit Market Heroes & Guardians Collection Visit Your Private DLD Collection Our Partners Read more: Website: https://www.definitylegend.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/definitylegend twitter: https://twitter.com/definitylegend Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/definitylegend Author Bitcointalk username: cryptopico Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2645700 Bsc wallet address: 0x63247fdf63C07db36EDaFa527bc61abF194fE2AF
2021-12-29 17:16:04.881000+00:00
['Bitcoin', 'Blockchain', 'Cryptocurrency', 'ICO', 'Bsc']
Q1. What is the background of yourself and the EOC team? Hello everyone, I’m Paul from EOC ,and I have been in the gaming industry for almost 15 years. Now I’m one of the game producers of Era of Civilization: Ancient World (EOC). It’s an honor to be here today to share our GameFi project with everyone in the community. I hope that through today’s AMA, more people will know what we have done at EOC. This is the situation of other members of our game production team: The entire EOC technical team has 5–10 years of experience in game development and has cooperated for many years. Whether it is H5 games, consoles or mobile games, they are all at the top level in the UK. Our art team has 2 master-level game artists, working with our UI designers and special effects designers with 5–8 years of game experience. The art team undertook the outsourcing of large-scale foreign game projects in the early years, and has very rich experience in providing 3D large-scale project services. Our sound effects engineers have many years of working experience in major domestic and foreign film companies, including Sony Pictures and Columbia Film Group. They mainly focus on sound effects production and editing. They have mature technology and aesthetics, and their works are in line with mainstream players. Q2. What are the ambitions or purposes that EOC is try to achieve? What EOC wants to bring to our players is an element of fun. We firmly believe that those existing Gamefi projects cannot be called “games”. Gaming is an entertainment service industry, and in essence it still needs to bring people some entertainment. If a player plays a game just to make money, it may not be called a “game”. It can even be said that these people are working for game companies. We also believe that we will see countless games based on the concept of meta-universe. You might say that your virtual products in those existing Gamefi projects are valuable in the game, but in fact, the so-called value is ultimately diluted infinitely. The usual GameFi sells scarcity and uniqueness. But in fact, scarcity and uniqueness have nothing except the concept of NFT. So in the world of EOC, we spent a lot of time designing different game elements. EOC allows players to develop different strategies in medieval battles. In EOC, players can continuously collect heroes of different attributes and levels by opening blind boxes. Heroes can participate in adventures, participate in alliance war games, explore adventures, complete different daily tasks, or participate in country building in the game through farm work. Different combinations of strategies are allowed between different tasks, resulting in different game results. We have learned from the combination of many strategy games, which greatly increased the diversity of the game ecology. The above is just the basic situation of EOC, but the content of this game is very rich and complicated. I may not be able to express its essence in a few words. It is recommended that everyone can participate in the game and explore this wonderful world together. Enjoy the fun of playing. Q3. It is understood that game players can obtain income in various ways in the EOC world. Can you tell us more about the detail of the methods to obtain income in the game? The EOC team strives to guarantee the earning of the EOC players. As a GameFi project, we do our best to provide all participants with the best tokenomic model to maintain the entire ecological value for our players and ultimately allow anyone to earn EOC Coins (EOCC) through proficient game skills. Since all in-game items in EOC are digitized as NFT, players can easily complete the transfer and transaction of NFT assets through the EOC game market at any time. The difference between EOC and the usual play-to-earn GameFi models of all other blockchain games is the realistic reward system in EOC. This game will truly make all EOC players rich by rewarding players with a series of mainstream crypto assets, including Bitcoin, which has never been seen in other games. Therefore, players can enjoy a higher level of fun through the most advanced GameFi reward mode in EOC. The key concept of EOC is play-to-live (P2L), which has given many players-starting from poor players in rural realities, and now gaining the ability to make money through playing games in the virtual world. We can call it the leisure economy. Now it cannot be said that players are working for the EOC company, because we have given players valuable third-party assets, so game players don’t have to worry about being unable to get back their investment in the game when the price of GameFi project tokens drops in the secondary market. Q4. What are the functions that MMR and EOCC tokens have in the EOC game setting? MMR is a platform token that supports the decentralized computing power trading platform Make Me Rich, which naturally combines traditional Filcoin mining with mainstream DeFi game settings through a unique Staking protocol. Since the Make Me Rich platform is one of our main investors, in addition to consuming BNB tokens as gas on Binance Smart Chain, EOC also consumes EOCC and MMR. Users with MMR not only can draw blind boxes at the beginning stage of the EOC to gain rare in-game items, at the same time the platform will also feed users back with multiple benefits: ◇ The earned MMR 50% will go into the game union pool to increase the income of players which build the game union; ◇ The earned MMR 10% will be collected by the foundation to provide incentives for future community governance, etc; ◇ The earned MMR 20% will be used to contribute liquidity to MMR and EOCC to maintain the game economic system. And EOCC, as the currency in the game, EOCC exists in every corner of the game and has an initial price 1EOCC=0.0001U. The specific usage scenarios of EOCC include buying blind box, creating game unions, triggering union wars and hero leasing. EOCC integrate organically with different parts of the game. The more EOCC you have, the more advantageous it is to complete with other players. Q5. There have been many very successful GameFi projects around. What innovations has EOC made in terms of functions and gameplay setting to get more attention and participation from players? I think EOC has the following advantages: First, even players who have not participated in the closed beta can see from our official promotional video that our game is beautifully made, has strong playability, excellent music and art, and great combat special effects; Second, because it has borrowed from the current mature economic model, it has a complete investment-earning-return mechanism so it can adapt to the same type of GameFi player group to the greatest extent; Third, we have shorter profit cycle of playing EOC, combined with the mainstream crypto asset reward system, which allows our players to achieve low investment and high return; Fourth, EOC meets the various needs of users. Many GameFi projects are just simple web game products. EOC supports a variety of scenarios such as web version, PC version, Android version, IOS version, etc., allowing users to play our games anytime, anywhere. Q6. Where did the inspiration come from? Why did you choose BSC? Our team believes that there is no doubt that BSC is the biggest winner in this round of GameFi boom. According to the latest statistics, 20 of the top 50 most active GameFis run on BSC, accounting for 40% of the total. The remaining 30 GameFis are distributed in infrastructure such as Ethereum, Flow, Tron, Solana, and Avalanche. Games such as Wizardium, Fortified, and Universe Island on BSC still maintain high popularity. This is why we choose BSC as our supporting blockchain. Q7. What is the status of your product development? Describe more detailed information about the EOC project roadmap. Popularity is crucial for GameFi project. The EOC whitelist entry officially starts on December 20, which caused quite a stir at the blockchain game circle abroad. it takes only a week for EOC to attract 150,000 daily active followers on all the social media of EOC, including Telegram, Twitter, Medium, and Discord. The total subscribers of the EOC channel exceed 1.3 million. Let me introduce more about our project route. ◇ 2021/11 EOC official website is online; ◇ 2021/12 EOC officially launched the rare blind box draw event on December 20; ◇ 2022/1 EOC will complete the underlying design and battle calculus DEMO development; define the hero prototype, combat skill design and world background design; ◇ 2022/2 EOC will be officially launched, including the first blood challenge system; ◇ More forms of EOC competitions will be launched in the middle of 2022/2, including in-game union battles; ◇ The next development roadmap for the MMR platform and EOC will be announced in late February 2022. ◇ We will also launch a beta version of the NFT game market soon. In addition, I can’t help but want to spoil everyone here. EOC will launch a cross-chain gameplay soon, and there will be surprises for participation. Anyone who interested can first follow our official website https://www.eocryptoken.com/, and we will post the latest news on the official website. Thank you. Live questions: Q1. What is the minimum capital required to start playing with EOC, when can we start playing? The starting point for playing EOC is that the player has at least one hero (to take different game challenges), so the minimum cost of the EOC player is to spend 20USDT to draw a primary blind box to obtain a hero. Q2. How to get EOC token, or just play this game we get EOC token? Yes, an easy way to get EOC tokens (EOCC) is to participate in daily challenges in the game. Another way is through the farming system in the game. You can find more details in the official white paper of EOC. Q3. Why you choose BSC network? I think if we need gas fee to transaction, HECO is better. As we said, the most important element for GameFis is popularity. No one wants to play a game without other players interacting with them, so the number of potential players is the first priority of our development team. I think this is why the EOC team, like many other game development teams, chose BSC as the game medium. Even HECO can achieve a lower price. Q4. The guild system in the game is very powerful, but building guilds need a lot of money, can we reduce the cost to attract more guilds? An important mechanism in our game is that we use DAO to let players vote to rewrite unbalanced game content. The DAO mechanism will become an important part of the EOC ecosystem. This information will be available on our official website soon. Q5. And also what mechanism does your game have to balance small funding players and “whale” players? We spent a lot of time on EOC to balance the advantages of small players and big players. Big players can bring them huge profits through mechanisms such as guild wars; but small players can still gain their own unique advantages through the blind box mechanism and the hero lending system. Communication and cooperation between players, instead of competition, is the most important part of our game. About EoC: EOC is a blockchain game that can develop different strategies while fighting in the Middle Ages. If you are looking for realistic medieval battles and ready to embark on a dangerous path to glory and wealth, then this game is for you. Participants can enjoy a higher level of fun through the advanced Play To Earn (P2E) GameFi model. This game will truly make you rich by rewarding users with a series of mainstream crypto assets including Bitcoin. It features multiplayer GvG tournaments, blind box draws, first blood challenges, and ruthless battles in the arena of the stunning and grim medieval era. Website|Twitter|Discord|Telegram
['Era Of Civilization', 'The Ancient World']
2021-12-26 13:12:10.064000+00:00
['Ama', 'Report', 'Bsc', 'Gamefi']
Official CatBonk NFT Collection
Official CatBonk NFT Collection The CatBonk team is excited to announce what we have been working on behind the scenes! Coming early 2022 will be 7,999 completely unique CatBonk NFTs! These cats are equipped with the finest of bats and they are certainly ready to bonk! All NFTs are original artworks and to-be minted on the Binance Smart Chain alongside our native CABO token. The CatBonk community is ready to break into the NFT market! CatBonk NFT Launch Plan: What to expect in the coming weeks Trait Teasers We are very excited to reveal bits and pieces of what make our NFTs special, starting with some hyper rare traits like the Diamond Bat or the Hero Gauntlet! First Edition CatBonk NFT Roadmap We will release our NFT Roadmap which will be separate from the community roadmap in order to better delineate our specific plans and goals for the CatBonk NFT. Building a Dynamic and Diverse Discord community As important as Telegram is, we believe a healthy future for the CatBonk community necessitates an active and engaged Discord. We believe Discord allows for more constructive discourse and enables more organized discussion. CatBonk NFT Launch We firmly stand by everyone having the right to mint their very own CatBonk NFT, whether you’re a Small Cat or a King Cat. To ensure this, CatBonk NFTs will be available for 0.1 BNB per mint at a limit of 20 per transaction. Once ready for launch, we will have a page on our website dedicated to the minting process. Simply connect your wallet and select the amount of NFTs you would like to mint. After confirming the transaction your completely unique CatBonk NFTs will be delivered directly to your connected wallet! Rewards and Incentives Holders of CABO are the heart of the CatBonk community and as such our first 1000 NFTs are reserved for CABO holders. Expect these rewards to come in the form of airdrops, raffles, and contests as we aim to give back to CABO holders every step of the way! (Airdrop qualifications to be announced) Mint Milestones There are many opportunities to reward our holders at each major mint milestone including, but not limited to serial NFT raffles for CABO holders, using revenue to donate to philanthropic organizations (eg, endangered big cat initiatives, cat shelters, etc.), allocating mint revenue toward marketing endeavors for the CatBonk community and CABO token, instituting large-scale token buy-and-burns and/or token buy-backs with mint revenue, and more! Stay tuned for additional information and updates as we begin this very exciting journey! Be sure to follow our socials and become a member of the CatBonk family! https://catbonk.com https://twitter.com/CatBonk1 https://discord.gg/Jm3sfuktWq
2021-12-18 17:14:26.228000+00:00
['Nft', 'Bsc', 'Cats', 'Memes']
BitWell * GoldMiner — Spotlight on GoldMiner’s Game launch
On December 17, BitWell initial listed the popular GameFi project GoldMiner (GM), opened GM/USDT spot trading, launched deposit and trading tournament. The same day, GoldMiner CTO Victor was a guest of BitWell community, bringing users a project sharing. The following is a complete review of the content of this sharing. Host: Catherine, VP of BitWell Overseas Market Catherine:First, please briefly introduce your career, self-introduction and Gold Miner, what kind of project it is? Victor:I am one of the principals of Gold Miner, working for a well-known game company in Southeast Asia. GoldMiner aims to build an open and decentralized meta-universe and eliminate the centralized platform of traditional game distribution. Therefore, the ecosystem is very important to protect the interests of all participants and maintain the balance of the economic system’s ecosystem. In order to achieve this goal, the ecosystem design has been carefully considered from three aspects: 1. Ensure that the value of gold tokens continues to increase. 2. Build a complete closed loop of economic ecology. 3. Establish a highly decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to allow both groups and individuals to win. GoldMiner is a high user, designed to let you gain wealth while enjoying puzzle games. GoldMiner is a classic third-person shooter NFT game, and its condition is that anyone can start playing without paying expensive upfront payments. In addition, “Gold Miner” uses the Play-to-Earn model to provide players with tokens and equipment by participating in dynamic games and PvP tournaments. By seamlessly combining DeFi and P2E models in this way, GoldMiner provides players with the opportunity to play games and get rewards at the same time. In order to create a relaxing environment for players who are not familiar with the cryptocurrency market and NFT, we have added a mechanism called crypto battle to the gameplay to encourage these players to conduct their own research and understand the market. Catherine:How many members do you have in your team since the beginning of its development? Did you have any differences while implementing some plans, and how to resolve them? Victor:Due to the needs of project development, the team initially only had about 20 people, but it has now grown to hundreds. Regarding the issue of anti-robots, we have two internal solutions. After repeated discussions among our internal members and listening to a large number of feedback from real users, we finally decided to sanction these robots. Catherine:Next, please introduce the economic model in the game. How do users make money through this game? Victor:1. Players can start the game and purchase NFT heroes through tutorials to obtain various rare equipment. 2. Play the game in PvE or PvP mode. 3. Players can sell these items on the market and get $GM tokens. 4. You can mint powerful NFTs and use GM tokens to auction them or directly trade with other players. 5. Players can participate in regular tournaments and activities held by the Gold Medal Game Studio to win prizes and rewards. 6. You can bet with other players in PvP mode to get more tokens. Catherine:Can you tell us in detail about the token repurchase and destruction? Victor:We carried out repurchase burns on December 15th, December 8th and November 17th. The cumulative number of burned tokens exceeded 2 billion. This is an amazing number. The detailed information can be found on our Twitter. See, everything is fair and transparent. Catherine:What is your team’s short-term planning for this project? Victor:We will focus on two aspects in the short term. One is marketing. We will find more influential people and exchanges in the cryptocurrency field for deeper cooperation. On the other hand, the focus is on the project itself. The official server of the game is not long after it is online, and there are many areas that need to be optimized. We will give priority to solving this problem and unlock more gameplay in the future. Catherine: Thank you Victor for your answer, let’s take a look at the questions from the community and Victor will pick 5 questions to answer. 1.The game is equipped with an anti-script program, and the processing of scripts is strict. We know that most of their games currently occupy studios, and at the same time borrow some scripts to handle a large number of accounts. If the use of scripts is prohibited, will it affect the game data? Victor:Yes, we have always disliked cheating robots. We are also communicating with many game studios to establish a cooperative relationship without affecting the balance of the game. We will make a formal statement on how to ban robots, and we will also Guarantee the income of normal users, please pay attention to our Twitter. 2.How will the GM project carry out an in-depth cooperation with Pancake? can you give us more details? Victor:This is an explosive news, and we will announce specific information at the right time. Please be patient and will not disappoint users. 3.To appreciate a Play-to-Earn Project,they must have the FUN(in Playing) and of course, the (EARNING). Does @DeFiGoldMiner have all of these Characteristics? Can we,players,have both FUN and EARNINGS in your Platform? Many games have been adjusted according to market conditions since they were launched. Does GM have a backup economic model? My question is about your long term marketing plans. How, or through which big partnerships do you plan on utilising to pass your product onto the normal -especially non-crypto people? What’s the most ambitious goal of your project? What is the ultimate vision that Your project? Victor:For the adjustment of the economic model, we also have some new ideas, but we are not a dictator. Before updating the economic model, we will initiate a vote to allow our users to govern our tokens and communities together. Judging from the current market situation, our decision will be related to the market situation, but our ultimate goal is definitely to launch the world’s largest exchange. I believe this is also the expectation of all users. For those who don’t have cryptocurrency, we will launch a free downloadable version of the game, so that they can try it for free on their computer or mobile phone, but this version does not make them money, it will only make them like this Games and want to learn more. 4.User experience is a very important issue. Especially for new users, what efforts have the project side made? Victor:We will release new game strategies as soon as possible, and will let volunteers in various countries translate, to make the game easier to play and easier to understand. We have been working hard to optimize the game, and we will do better and better to adopt more users’ opinions.
2021-12-18 07:15:09.642000+00:00
['Gamefi', 'GM', 'Bsc']
Metaplace.finance Raised $150k in Private Sale Round!!
Metaplace.finance Raised $150k in Private Sale Round!! We are pleased to announce that the Private Sale Round was finished today with great success. Thank You for participating, the limited number of interested investors venture capitalists exceeded our expectations. We are happy our system works perfectly and is super transparent according to our community. Summarizing the results obtained from the private sale on our platform, we closed the sale in just few hours: Private Sale Insights: From the first round of raised funds we have sold 5% of total supply to venture capitalists and private investors. For all the user’s average buy 285 BNB which is approx $156750. Private sale was close @ 18th Dec 16:00 UTC 2021. Raised funds securely saved in contract owner wallet here. Total supply: 100,000,000,000 Circulation Supply: 35,000,000,000 (initial market) Private sale price 1 BNB = 17,325,000 (5% of total supply) Presale price 1 BNB = 16,500,000 (30% of total supply) Public listing price 1 BNB = 14,850,000 Tokens will be distributed among private sale participants after market is initilized on pancakeswap, team $MPC will ensure price stability using buyback and staking pool utility. Further development will be made according to roadmap. Tokenization BSC Contract Address: 0xd6bb010019c9d3ea177e6d2e9af7938c6e53da55 Total Supply: 100 Billions 5%: Private Sale 30%: Presale 20%: Liquidity (locked for 20 years) 10%: CEX listing (Provide liquidity to Centralized exchange gate.io/binance) 2%: ILO fee 20%: Staking pool (3 months reward duration) 5%: Strategic partnership & Airdrop (locked for 6 months) 6% Marketing & Development (locked for 6 months) 2% Team tokens (locked for 1 year) Funds Usage: Funds used for metaverse development, production and partnership with other projects. Also smart contract audit report is obtained by renowned firm (CERTIK). Moreover team Metaplace is committed to deliver marketing results Featured on well know platform yahoo/benzinga/marketwatch and other social media platform. Staking platform is ready to go live after market initilization similarly metaverse first beta version will be release according to roadmap. What Metaplace offers? Metaplace is a decentralized all-in-one online marketplace with integrated feature of metaverse, enabling buyers to physically examine goods through virtual reality. It’s fair, secure and innovative all the way. It helps in taking control of your shopping now, with virtual reality experience examine your goods before making a purchase. Already Achieved ✔️ Yahoo Finance Coverage ✔️ Benzinga Coverage ✔️ Market Watche ✔️ Contract base Certik & Solidproof Audit ✔️ Twitter 32k, ✔️ Telegram 30k ✔️ Discord 12k ✔️ Staking Platform: staking.metaplace.finance ✔️ Governance Platform ✔️ Partnership with Chainlist.finance 📌 CEX Listing (binance/gate.io/kucoin) 📌 Banner Ads ( BSCScan, PooCoin, DEXTools) Possible Exchanges: KuCoin Binance.com Huobi Gate.io Hotbit Xt.com Zb.com Social Links: Website: http://metaplace.finance/ Application: https://app.metaplace.finance/ Whitepaper: http://metaplace.finance/whitepaper.pdf Medium: https://metaplacebsc.medium.com/ Github: https://github.com/metaplacebsc Telegram: https://t.me/metaplacebsc Twitter: https://twitter.com/metaplacebsc Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metaplacebsc/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metaplacebsc YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWF4GacAbidx_r9iZUItiw Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/metaplacebsc
2021-12-21 07:53:17.727000+00:00
['Presales', 'Private Sale', 'Bsc', 'Binance', 'Metaverse']
🔥 #YearnNFT Finance #Presale live now 🔥
🔥 #YearnNFT Finance #Presale live now 🔥 Hurry up until it’s to late! Buy #YFNFT Big $gems Lowest Supply 300X Moon NFT Token #Presale Is Live 🚀🚀🚀 YearnNFT is all new BSC based NFT marketplace to trace and mint NFT’s with ease. Hurry Up! Buy #YFNFT from YearnNFT Finance up things to make it 300X #YFNFT to moon 🚀🚀 Lowest Supply : 73332 Presale Live : https://yearnnft.finance/Presale 🔔 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 🔔 Token Name: YearnNFT Symbol : YFNFT Network : Binance Smart Chain(BSC) Features : Digital Art🌄 NFT, Governance, Fees, Rewards , Payments and Trade Presale link : https://yearnnft.finance/Presale 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Total Supply : 73332 YFNFT Available Supply : 73332 YFNFT Presale : 40% ( 29332.8) Liquidity : 35% ( 25666.20 ) Registration Bounty 4% ( 2933.28) Referral Bounty 4% ( 2933.28) Listing : After Presale #Pancakeswap & #Apeswap 🏞️🎇🌠🎆🌇🏙️🌌🌃🌁 🏄🏻🏄🏻🏄🏻🏄🏻🚀🚀🚀🚀 $YFNFT is a #BSC Based #NFT Marketplace Powered by YearnNFT , the low Supply Token. 💹💹💹💹💹 Website : https://yearnnft.finance/ Follow us on twitter : https://twitter.com/YearnNft Telegram : https://t.me/YearnNFT Medium: https://medium.com/@yearnnft Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/YearnNFT/ #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Yearnnft #pancakeswap #Bnb #Binance #NFT #Nfts #Nftart
['Crypto Diana']
2021-12-18 07:53:25.082000+00:00
['Presales', 'Pancakeswap', 'Binance', 'Bsc']
Multichain partnership with Singular
Multichain partnership with Singular An extraordinary partnership that will bring amazing benefits for DeFi Launch community on multiple chains As a multichain incubator and launchpad, DeFi Launch is continuously nurturing its ecosystem to build a great network of resources. All these resources are used to strengthen the protocols of every project we incubate and launch. A key part is the DeFi Partners section of our Incubation Program, where we connect newborn projects we successful DeFi projects, that are simply not available to most unknown projects that just launched on the DeFi landscape. Singular is a yield farming protocol that initially launched on BSC and quickly went over to Polygon, Fantom and Avalanche. This provides us with the unique opportunity to add a strategic partner to our Incubation Program, opening partnership opportunities in 4 different chains. So, what’s coming next? As part of our Incubation Program, we’ll facilitate a connection between Singular and Bikini Finance, and we’ll build a bridge with all the upcoming projects that we are currently incubating and will launch soon. But that’s not all, new farms and pools opportunities are being explored and will be announced shortly involving $DLAUNCH (at BSC) and $fDLAUNCH (at Fantom), and $SING.
['Defi Launch Incubator']
2021-12-26 19:47:26.792000+00:00
['Bsc', 'Fantom', 'Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Defi']
Win a valuable NFT with Decentralotto and DEXKIT!
Win a valuable NFT with Decentralotto and DEXKIT! In order to continue providing its investors and the crypto community with Decentralized Finance solutions that adapt to their needs, the DEXKIT team finds a new collaborator on the go. This is the case of Decentralotto, a very innovative DeFi project, with very valuable human capital, which will be discussed a little in the following lines. Decentra team is responsible for developing Smart Contracts in the Binance Smart Chain network in order to build fair lottery systems, in which true randomness is used when selecting the winner in their Solidity developments, this using Chainlink tools, who in turn has provided the DEXKIT team with the same tools to develop their innovations. In addition to the fact that the Decentra team has its GitHub repository, where you will find all the lines of code for Smart Contracts. What is the NFT contest about? The DEXKIT team, through innovative alliances, tries to fund their ideas and, in turn, wants to do it fairly, giving back to the community a little of how much they have received. This is why the team has arranged an NFT Champion from its famous Coin League game to be raffled off by purchasing a decentralized lottery ticket produced by Decentralotto. If you are interested in helping the DEXKIT team to continue financing their DeFi innovations and in turn you want to have the real probability of winning this NFT, enter this site that the partner has arranged for the project, where you can get your ticket very easily through $ BNB. We will explain the steps you must take to buy yours, below: Enter with your web3 browser (Trust Wallet or Metamask) in the DEXKIT’s site within the Decentralotto app. Connect your wallet in the upper right corner of the screen and make sure you are on the Binance Smart Chain network. 2. When you are connected, you will be able to view the complete profile, where you will be able to choose the number of tickets to buy and view the details of the system at user level. Press ‘Buy Tickets’ when you make your choice, confirm with your wallet and congratulations! You are already in the draw! The more tickets you buy, the more chances you will have to earn the raffle. As it is all automatic, the winner will be chosen by the Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) and the winner will receive their brand new NFT in their wallet. We appreciate you taking the time to read this article and we invite you to help us continue to provide you with free DeFi solutions!
2021-12-18 21:40:20.129000+00:00
['Blockchain', 'Defi', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Lottery', 'Bsc']
Arctic Dogs (2019) [F-u-l-l M-o-v-i-e]
Arctic Dogs (2019) [F-u-l-l M-o-v-i-e] Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie Online WATCH HERE ►► http://watch.pickmovi.com/movie/416153/arctic-dogs WATCH HERE ►► http://watch.pickmovi.com/movie/416153/arctic-dogs MOVIE INFO Swifty the Arctic Fox (Jeremy Renner) works in the mailroom of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service, but he has much bigger dreams. He yearns to become a Top Dog, the Arctic’s star husky couriers. To prove he can do it, he commandeers one of the sleds and delivers a mysterious package to a secret location. Once there, he stumbles on a hidden fortress overseen by the nefarious Otto Von Walrus (John Cleese). The blubbery evil genius commands an army of oddly polite puffin henchmen. Swifty discovers Otto Von Walrus’ villainous plan to drill beneath the snow-packed surface to unleash masses of ancient gas to melt the Arctic and become the world’s supreme ruler. To stop this sinister scheme, Swifty enlists the help of his friends: PB (Alec Baldwin), a neurotic polar bear, Lemmy (James Franco), a scatterbrained albatross, Jade Fox (Heidi Klum), a brainy engineer, Leopold (Omar Sy) and Bertha (Heidi Klum), two conspiracy theorist otters and Magda (Anjelica Huston), his curmudgeonly boss. Show More Rating:PG (for some mild action and rude humor) Genre:Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Kids & Family Directed By:Aaron Woodley Written By:Bob Barlen, Cal Brunker, Aaron Woodley In Theaters:Nov 1, 2019 Wide Runtime:93 minutes Studio:Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures Stars : James Franco, Jeremy Renner, Alec Baldwin, Anjelica Huston, Michael Madsen, Heidi Klum Movie Synopsis Plot. Swifty the Arctic Fox (Jeremy Renner) works in the mailroom of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service, but he has much bigger dreams. He yearns to become a Top Dog, the Arctic’s star husky couriers. To prove he can do it, he commandeers one of the sleds and delivers a mysterious package to a secret location. WATCH HERE ►► http://watch.pickmovi.com/movie/416153/arctic-dogs Title Generate Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie , Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie Online, Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie Download, Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie Streaming, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie , Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie Free, Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie HD 720p, Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie HD 1080p Quality, Streaming Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie Online Free, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) 2017 Movie Online, Download Arctic Dogs (2019) Full Movie, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) Online Full HD, Watch Arctic Dogs (2019) Movie Free Online 123Movies Megashare Viooz.
['Arctic Dogs']
2019-10-30 01:00:39.984000+00:00
['Animation', 'Chile', 'Spanish', 'Brasil', 'Argentina']
WatcH Argentina vs Peru Live Stream Soccer
WATCH Live Streaming Argentina vs Peru Live FIFA World Cup Qualifying — CONMEBOL Full HD Soccer [ULTRAᴴᴰ1080p] Argentina vs. Peru 2020| Live Stream,. Argentina vs. Peru broadcast free all around the world. Visit here to get up-to-the-minute sports news coverage, scores…t.c Argentina vs. Peru Watch Live Streaming: “ Argentina vs. Peru: CONMEBOL WCQ live stream, TV channel, how to watch online, news, odds, start time VISIT HERE>>> https://tinyurl.com/y5bwmsj3 MATCH INFO Start date: 18 Nov 2020 06:30 Location: Lima Venue: Estadio Nacional Referee: Wilmar Roldan, Colombia Livestreaming, what’s in it for us? Technology has advanced significantly since the first internet livestream but we still turn to video for almost everything. Let’s take a brief look at why livestreaming has been held back so far, and what tech innovations will propel livestreaming to the forefront of internet culture. Right now livestreaming is limited to just a few applications for mass public use and the rest are targeted towards businesses. Livestreaming is to today what home computers were in the early 1980s. The world of livestreaming is waiting for a metaphorical VIC-20, a very popular product that will make live streaming as popular as video through iterations and competition. Image for post Shared Video Do you remember when YouTube wasn’t the YouTube you know today? In 2005, when Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim activated the domain “” they had a vision. Inspired by the lack of easily accessible video clips online, the creators of YouTube saw a world where people could instantly access videos on the internet without having to download files or search for hours for the right clip. Allegedly inspired by the site “Hot or Not”, YouTube originally began as a dating site (think 80s video dating), but without a large ingress of dating videos, they opted to accept any video submission. And as we all know, that fateful decision changed all of our lives forever. Because of YouTube, the world that YouTube was born in no longer exists. The ability to share videos on the scale permitted by YouTube has brought us closer to the “global village” than I’d wager anyone thought realistically possible. And now with technologies like Starlink, we are moving closer and closer to that eventuality. Although the shared video will never become a legacy technology, before long it will truly have to share the stage with its sibling, livestreaming. Although livestreaming is over 20 years old, it hasn’t gained the incredible worldwide adoption YouTube has. This is largely due to infrastructure issues such as latency, quality, and cost. Latency is a priority when it comes to livestreams. Latency is the time it takes for a video to be captured and point a, and viewed at point b. In livestreaming this is done through an encoder-decoder function. Video and audio are captured and turned into code, the code specifies which colours display, when, for how long, and how bright. The code is then sent to the destination, such as a streaming site, where it is decoded into colours and audio again and then displayed on a device like a cell phone. The delay between the image being captured, the code being generated, transmitted, decoded, and played is consistently decreasing. It is now possible to stream content reliably with less than 3 seconds of latency. Sub-second latency is also common and within the next 20 or so years we may witness the last cable broadcast (or perhaps cable will be relegated to the niche market of CB radios, landlines, and AM transmissions). On average, the latency associated with a cable broadcast is about 6 seconds. This is mainly due to limitations on broadcasts coming from the FCC or another similar organization in the interests of censorship. In terms of real-life, however, a 6 second delay on a broadcast is not that big of a deal. In all honesty a few hours’ delay wouldn’t spell the doom of mankind. But for certain types of broadcasts such as election results or sporting events, latency must be kept at a minimum to maximize the viability of the broadcast. Sensitive Content is Hard to Monitor Advances in AI technologies like computer vision have changed the landscape of internet broadcasting. Before too long, algorithms will be better able to prevent sensitive and inappropriate content from being broadcast across the internet on livestreaming platforms. Due to the sheer volume of streams it is much harder to monitor and contain internet broadcasts than it is cable, but we are very near a point where the ability to reliably detect and interrupt inappropriate broadcasts instantaneously. Currently, the majority of content is monitored by humans. And as we’ve learned over the last 50 or so years, computers and machines are much more reliable and consistent than humans could ever be. Everything is moving to an automated space and content moderation is not far behind. We simply don’t have the human resources to monitor every livestream, but with AI we won’t need it. Video Quality In the last decade we have seen video quality move from 720p to 1080p to 4K and beyond. I can personally remember a time when 480p was standard and 720p was considered a luxury reserved for only the most well funded YouTube videos. But times have changed and people expect video quality of at least 720p. Live streaming has always had issues meeting the demands of video quality. When watching streams on platforms like Twitch, the video can cut out, lag, drop in quality, and stutter all within about 45 seconds. Of course this isn’t as rampant now as it once was, however, sudden drops in quality will likely be a thorn in the side of live streams for years to come. Internet Speeds Perhaps the most common issue one needs to tackle when watching a live stream is their internet speed. Drops in video quality and connection are often due to the quality of the internet connection between the streamer and the viewer. Depending on the location of the parties involved, their distance from the server, and allocated connection speed the stream may experience some errors. And that’s just annoying. Here is a list of the recommended connection speeds for 3 of the most popular streaming applications: Facebook Live recommends a max bit rate of 4,000 kbps, plus a max audio bit rate of 128 kbps. YouTube Live recommends a range between 1,500 and 4,000 kbps for video, plus 128 kbps for audio. Twitch recommends a range between 2,500 and 4,000 kbps for video, plus up to 160 kbps for audio. Live streams are typically available for those of us with good internet. Every day more people are enjoying high quality speeds provided by fibre optic lines, but it will be a while until these lines can truly penetrate rural and less populated areas. Perhaps when that day comes we will see an upsurge of streaming coming from these areas. Language Barrier You can pause and rewind a video if you didn’t understand or hear something, and many video sharing platforms provide the option for subtitles. But you don’t really get that with a live stream. Pausing and rewinding an ongoing stream defeats the purpose of watching a stream. However, the day is soon approaching where we will be able to watch streams, in our own native language with subtitles, even if the streamer speaks something else. Microsoft Azure’s Cognitive Speech Services can give livestreaming platforms an edge in the future as it allows for speech to be automatically translated from language to language. The ability to watch a livestream in real time, with the added benefit of accurate subtitles in one’s own language, will also assist language learners in deciphering spontaneous speech. Monetization One of the most damning features of a live stream is the inherent difficulty in monetizing it. As mentioned before, videos can be paused and ads inserted. In videos, sponsored segments can be bought where the creators of the video read lines provided to them. Ads can run before videos etc. But in the case of a spontaneous live stream sponsored content will stick out. In the case of platforms like YouTube there are ways around ads. Ad blockers, the skip ad button, the deplorable premium account, and fast forwarding through sponsored segments all work together to limit the insane amount of ads we see every day. But in the case of a live stream, ads are a bit more difficult. Live streaming platforms could implement sponsored overlays and borders or a similar graphical method of advertising, but the inclusion of screen shrinking add-ons like that may cause issues on smaller devices where screen size is already limited. Monthly subscriptions are already the norm, but in the case of a live streaming platform (Twitch Prime not withstanding), it may be difficult for consumers to see the benefit in paying for a service that is by nature unscheduled and unpredictable. Live streams are great for quick entertainment, but as they can go on for hours at a time, re-watching streamed content is inherently time consuming. For this reason, many streamers cut their recorded streams down and upload them to platforms like YouTube where they are monetized through a partnership program. It is likely that for other streaming platforms to really take off, they would need to partner with a larger company and offer services similar to Amazon and Twitch. What Might the Future of Livestreaming Look Like? It is difficult to say, as it is with any speculation about the future. Technologies change and advance beyond the scope of our imaginations virtually every decade. But one thing that is almost a certainty is the continued advancement in our communications infrastructure. Fibre optic lines are being run to smaller towns and cities. Services like Google Fiber, which is now only available at 1 gigabit per second, have shown the current capabilities of our internet infrastructure. As services like this expand we can expect to see a large increase in the number of users seeking streams as the service they expect to interact with will be more stable than it currently is now. Livestreaming, at the moment, is used frequently by gamers and Esports and hasn’t yet seen the mass commercial expansion that is coming. The future of live streaming is on its way. For clues for how it may be in North America we can look to Asia (taobao). Currently, livestreaming is quite popular in the East in terms of a phenomenon that hasn’t quite taken hold on us Westerners, Live Commerce. With retail stores closing left and right, we can’t expect Amazon to pick up all of the slack (as much as I’m sure they would like to). …
['Argentina Vs Peru Live Tv']
2020-11-18 00:20:34.736000+00:00
['Technology', 'Live Streaming', 'Social Media', 'Sports', 'Argentina']
Argentina, wine country: you stole our hearts
Argentina, wine country: you stole our hearts Salta, Cafayate, Mendoza, Uco Valley We got to Salta on a gloriously sunny day with high expectations for Argentina. Expectations exceeded. Salta is a very European city, in the north of the country. It was pretty great after months of (albeit wonderful) Andean environments. On the first night we went to a ‘pena’ — or a traditional folk party — with some Argentine girls we met at the hostel. It was in a great restaurant called La Casona del Molino and there was singing, dancing, clapping and all round locals having a fantastic time. There was a slight awkward moment when the oldest (but younger than us!) Argentine lady said she wanted the Falklands back. Now, this is a bit uncomfortable, because obviously neither Rachel or Matt really care about the Falklands, but Matt was buggered if he was going to let an Argentine say they belonged to them. But Matt doesn’t really like fighting. So Matt just asked why the woman liked sheep farming, but she said she didn’t like sheep farming, so Matt asked why she wanted the Falkland islands, and she said that wasn’t the point. Luckily the conversation moved on. Matt, happy. The next day we had our first proper steaks. And they were amazing. Matt was in his spiritual home, inasmuch as any religion worships raw cow flesh. We made it until 2am, when the locals were just getting started, but decided not to go clubbing after consuming our body weight in food and wine (Matt was later to spend some time working out if in the last two weeks we have ACTUALLY consumed our body weight in food and wine, Rachel thinks it is a metaphor.) (But Matt takes over here.) So it’s a bottle and a half each a day, and maybe a quarter pound of beef a day. Therefore, at the time of writing it has been 20kg total, which is good, and to be honest, it is starting to show, but it’s not our body weight. Still, two more weeks left! Rachel, happy. We decided to go on a little adventure and headed to the magical little suburb of San Lorenzo. We hadn’t known what to expect, but it wasn’t the little woodland adventure that we ended up having. It was delightful. We met a man running a vineyard business where you can buy your own plot for £35k, if you happen to have the cash. …talking of vineyards, it was time to pack up and head into wine country proper. Rachel loves, loves, loves this guy, she also likes Matt So to Cafayate, also in the north, where they make high-altitude wines. Delicious, delicious, high altitude wines (if at any point the wine descriptions get boring just imagine a shepherd’s crook yanking Matt off the stage and skip ahead). Our first day was spent in a hostel, and we went on a mini tour of wineries in the area, accompanied by a dog friend we met on the way. Matt was taking notes on the wines for Rachel’s next Metro article, so we could, arguably, call this “work.” (We tried about 15 wines, which Rachel thought was a lot, and Matt thought was “a good start.”) This blog could well have been titled “Argentina… or the one in which we enjoy the perks of travel journalism”. For the next two days we stayed at a hotel Rachel is reviewing, and because we want to keep our readers (and friends), the less we say is probably the better (the private hot tub alone would get us into a lot of trouble). But it looked a little like this. (Normally Matt is the only one to look this smug, but Rachel has clearly been taking notes.) “Posh” Rachel on her umpteenth horse ride, Matt on his second (WINE: Nanni Tannat 2017; 7.5/10, rich liquorice notes and — urk [shepherd’s crook]) However, Rachel is happy to report Matt has now been on his second horse. He managed to get the naughty one again, who spent the hour ride trying to nibble everything in sight. Matt eventually got the hang of controlling him, claiming “he knows who the boss is.” Rachel knows who the boss is. Logo design by Matt, who is pictured, as a Rat We also made our own wine, which was very fun, blending different wines and grapes and styles. Rachel more or less just let Matt enjoy himself (a lot), getting all worked up over which percentage of which grape ought to go together (40% Malbec, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Tannat). It was undeniably delicious in the end — turns out idiots abroad can actually made a decent bottle of vino. It was time to move on (it wasn’t we went to lots more wineries, but this is essentially boring to read about, needless to say, we drank loads of wines, Matt started to become bloated), and another 24 hours journey (literally 24 hours on a smelly, expensive bus) took us to Mendoza. Mendoza is in central Argentina and is its most famous wine region. Buy a steak and you should buy a Mendoza Malbec. Uco Valley, near Mendoza — just LOOK at it Continuing our flashpacking run, we had a lovely couple of days in the south of Mendoza staying at a family-run hotel called Finca Adalgisa. We used their bikes to explore the area, visiting various wineries (Matt: “I’m getting nose fatigue”. Which is a thing, sometimes there’s only so many wines you can try. If any ex-Laithwaites people read this they will be able to back me up — Rachel: Matt was now rapidly developing gout, so its best he slowed down.) We even had a bath in wine, but you can read all about that in Rachel’s upcoming article (we didn’t take pictures, you’ll be pleased to hear.) Then, to the Uco Valley, 70 miles south of Mendoza, to get there we rented a motorbike. Our steed, 1000cc, should have killed us Matt, happy. Matt having not driven a manual in many years (since a memorable occasion in the woods when he was 15 on a bike Tony (remember him mum?) probably stole), there were several false starts. We got a nervous message from the owner saying “everything ok?” when we got there, to which he responded with no less than 10 clapping emojis. So we made it, and it was bloody gorgeous. RESPETO MI BANDERA So to more vineyard tours and tastings, at the point where Matt decided we probably had consumed our combined body weight in food and wine (we hadn’t, as discussed….yet). We had an interesting lunch at a restaurant/bodega(winery) called La Azul, where our host was wearing their official t-shirt… which said… RESPECT MY FLAG overlaid on the Falkland islands. This is Matt, not arguing about the Falklands Matt doesn’t want to get into this, because Rachel won’t let him, but he will. But Argentine hasn’t got, and never has had, any claim to the Falkland islands and it is super weird how much they care about these essentially worthless islands. They really care, and it would be adorably weird had loads of people not died for it. If you really hate yourself you can read this wikipedia page but the bottom line is the inhabitants don’t want to be Argentine and that’s that. However, Matt hasn’t got into a proper row about it yet, because he’s scared of getting beaten up. He has been a bit sarcastic, so chalk that up for improving Argentine-British relations. Anyway, Rachel is back — our fancy double life was over, we’d had six nights of utter luxury, and it was time to head back to a hostel in Mendoza (and a 6 bed dorm) where we are going to spend Christmas. So, taking off our fancy-pants, we will leave this here.
['Rachel Anderson']
2017-12-23 22:34:30.471000+00:00
['Wine', 'Argentina']
Prospective Swansea coach Marcelo Bielsa excited to not have methods understood in whole new league
Prospective Swansea coach Marcelo Bielsa excited to not have methods understood in whole new league TBN Sport Dec 15, 2015·1 min read As speculation heats up after the sacking of Garry Monk, prospective Swansea City coach Marcelo Bielsa has expressed excitement at not having his methods fully understood in a whole new league. The odds on the Argentinian taking over at the Liberty City stadium were slashed on Monday after it was revealed that chairman Huw Jenkins had flown out to meet him. Speaking to media today, he revealed his giddiness at having his meticulous methods misunderstood and interpreted in a different footballing landscape. “It’s very exciting. I’ve coached in a lot of places but the Premier League is different. If I’m honest, I’ve always dreamed of having all of my methods questioned by staff and media in England,” said the former Athletic Bilbao coach, adding that he relished the challenge of having a completely different style of footballer revolt against his tactics and methodology roughly six months into his proposed reign. “Football is a universal language that everyone understands. I have no doubt that if I take this job, my players will quickly learn to adapt to and then disregard my ideas fully.” Share and follow TBN on Twitter.
['Tbn Sport']
2017-11-16 12:22:59.393000+00:00
['Football', 'La Liga', 'England', 'Argentina']
Across Patagonia
The cover of Lady Flo’s book: Thankfully, I kept crossing rivers on horseback to a minimum. I spent the month of January in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ostensibly to complete a short-term exchange and get some study credit during the holidays, but mostly just to go on an extended holiday to an exotic new continent. I think little nail-pulling is needed to reveal something similar as the honest collective motive of most Uni students who undertake various study trips or exchanges. I stocked up on 36mm film — rationalising that I’d be more likely to treasure a few rolls of 24 exposures than the infinite contents of my iPhone camera roll — and ramped up the Spanish on DuoLingo. My travel reading of choice was Lady Florence Dixie’s 1880 memoir, Across Patagonia. Somewhat obscure, I’d ordered it online a few weeks in advance of my departure date. I’m glad I chose such an old book. I’m also glad it didn’t have a plot, because I wasn’t anxious about ‘feeling something’ super strong by the end of it. The pressure of falling in love with a bestseller (the way in which everybody else has done so, thus making it a bestseller) can be suffocating. Instead, this memoir was more like a personalised time capsule of research rather than narrative. Since I didn’t get to go to Patagonia (OS-HELP will take you far, but not that far), I liked reading about it. For context, Dixie wrote Across Patagonia ‘for’ the future King Edward VII. Not many people had been to South America yet, which meant her recounts were decently useful information. That also meant she included some pretty painful (i.e. racist) descriptions of the indigenous people. But what I couldn’t help noticing was that it meant she showed off a lot when describing various events along the road. If something is beautiful, its stunning. If the horses wander from the camp, they stray miles away. If they shoot a guanaco for dinner, its only after a long and dramatic chase. Even if her stories are true and I’m not just pathetically cynical, even if she’s not over-exaggerating the prairie fire or whatever it may be, she still gets to pick and choose the stories she includes. And that’s where I found the most similarity between my own trip and Dixie’s, more so than being in the same country or eating the same food. Those finite film photos I painstakingly develop, only to upload them straight to Instagram, represent a calculated, glorified, and filtered version of my trip. The steak is only ever ridiculously delicious (never mind the below-average one from the first night), and the streets are only ever perfectly quaint (never mind parts of the city that just… well, look like Brisbane). When something is bad, it’s disastrous (thank you to the night-long blackout and freaky classmates for that content). Both Dixie and I are taking the opportunity to filter our travels before we share it with people whose opinions we care about. And perhaps that blunts the significance of what we do share. I’m not trying to depress, or polarise, or cry woe-is-us, the social media generation. If anything it shows that after all these years we still do the same old shit when telling stories. Nobody’s lives are consistently interesting, but we continue to chase the moments when they are. And that’s not just tolerable, it’s good. It allows us to grasp for relation with this woman who decided to head off to the new world two-months post-partum, returning with a jaguar and some corrections for Charles Darwin regarding observations from his own trip to the region. My own exploits in South America may have not have been quite as dramatic, but it didn’t stop me from trying to get a good story and photo out of it.
['Greer Clarke']
2019-10-17 23:54:27.344000+00:00
['Travel', 'Patagonia', 'Argentina', 'Instagram']
Mercado San Telmo -Buenos Aires. The Mercado San Telmo is a large under…
The Mercado San Telmo is a large under roof market that is located in San Telmo neighborhood of the city of Buenos Aires. The whole neighborhood is packed with great places to eat, fantastic art and design shops, vintage and local designer clothes, and just wandering and looking around is a pleasure with its colorful and vivid streets. The market especially is home to some very delicious food, and even though it conserves old shops and sellers of vegetables and meats, at present it is more like a tourist place and the antique dealers are disappearing. Inside, some part of it still functions as a real market, and the stores are still selling fish, meat, seasonal vegetables and fruits. But anyhow, this place recently has transformed into a gastronomic hub and definitely more popular for the live kitchen bars, parrillas, bakeries and empanada sellers. I think I ate the best empanada of my life here, with spicy paprika salsa 😋 at the corner bar, called . Not to mention the lovely cafés with mouthwatering Alfajores selections. Right next to El Hornero, you can find the lovely Chantal Café… we simply couldn’t resist. The building has an entrance on each side from the surrounding streets, and some of the stores are also having doors from the streets too, including the liquor stores, restaurants and some notable bars: “ San Pedro Telmo”, “ Bar Merci” and “ La Coruña “. On the upper level of the market you can find mainly souvenir shops, postcards and magnet sellers and vintage art sellers. Plus my favorite store of all: Dulce de Leche & Co. We were already after our Uruguayan week, with having the opportunity to eat Dulce de Leche almost for every breakfast in whichever cake variant, alfajores, and so on. Plus, in Hungary we also have a very similar thing, so called tejkaramella available and it’s very popular among kids, so the taste was not that surprisingly new for me. Still, even though it was extremely sweet for my taste, it was reminding me of my childhood, sweet memories. And when I saw this store, besides it looked super cute from the outside, I decided to take a look inside. I didn’t want to buy anything, I swear, 😉 but I ended up buying different kind of spreads, chocolates, dulce de leche cubes, alfajores, whatever souvenirs out of dulce de leche for everyone. 😁 The only limitations I had to keep in mind was the size of my backpack, that was already very well packed. Net-net, the store is super cute, with a wide variety of different types of dulce de leche and the store manager was just so kind, nice and friendly and let us taste almost all desired variants. Highly recommended! 😋
['Besides The Obvious']
2020-04-01 07:23:55.490000+00:00
['Buenos Aires', 'Argentina', 'Travel']
Argentina travel guide covering Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Iguazú
Argentina travel guide covering Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Iguazú The basics Walk everywhere. Taxis are fairly well-regulated which means that if you’re coming from the UK, they’re also super-cheap. They’re definitely the most convenient airport transfer though make sure you book from inside the airport. The ‘Subte’ or Metro/Subway/Underground is cheaper but it’s coverage is quite limited in Buenos Aires. We barely used it. Buses are even cheaper if you can make sense of them. We tried once and failed. Take all the cash you’ll spend with you because Argentina loves cash but ATMs cost as much as £10 for each withdrawal. We took all our money in USD which you can spend in the more touristy places. You can also get away with Euros or GBP but you can only change these into Argentine (not Argentinian!!) pesos (ARS$) at Banco Nacional at the airport. They don’t accept money with any markings on it e.g. written on in ink. There’ll be a queue but it’s worth waiting. You can also use the street “cambios” but convenience aside, there’s no real reason to do this. When we did, they gave us a worse rate than the bank and you have no safeguards against things like fake currency which seems to be quite a big problem. Starling or Monzo give good rates on card payments if you don’t want to use cash. Cards are accepted in many places but you can’t rely on that. Mobile roaming doesn’t seem to be a thing. I’m on Three which you can use your UK plan on pretty much the entire planet but not in Argentina. Pretty much every bar/restaurant has wi fi though. If you don’t speak Spanish, get on Duo Lingo pronto. The basics will take you a very long way! In restaurants and bars, always tip exactly 10%. In taxis, round up to the nearest ARS$100. Carry your passport everywhere. I got asked for it daily e.g. when paying via card Buenos Aires Suburbs We explored quite a lot of the central bit of Buenos Aires but we stayed away from the outskirts because they look super-ropey. The bits I’ll talk about were lovely though. Belgrano Quite a way from the centre but worth a visit. It’s home to the bizarre but brilliant ‘Holy Land’, and also, to China town which is mostly supermarkets and shops but it also has a couple of nice spots we went to with some BA locals: Puerta Uno — very nice ‘speakeasy’ with reasonably-priced drinks and semi-outdoor space Parrilla EL Pobre Luis — Uruguayian Parrilla (Argentine word for ‘grill’) which does a mean asado (Argentine word for ‘barbecue’). Not super-cheap but very good 👍 Palermo and Palermo Hollywood Very nice, ‘hipster’ neighbourhood which is closer to the center than Belgrano. If you haven’t already booked accommodation, this wouldn’t be a bad shout. It’s nice during the day but it really comes alive at night, especially on weekends. Plenty of great restaurants and bars on Gurruchugha, between Plaza Italia and Plazoletto Julio Cortázar — the former Plaza has easy access to the zoo (closed on Mondays), Gallileo Galilei observatory (ugly but worth a look) and Japanese gardens; the latter has lots of markets and terrace bars (good for drinks but I wouldn't recommend it for food). Palermo is also home to what’s arguably Buenos Aires’ most famous restaurant, Dom Julio’s. It’s an experience but it’s very expensive/overpriced (£100 for dinner + drinks) and we had to wait for 2 hours to get a table. You can reserve online in advance but on the day walk-ins have to reserve in person. You can put your name down and find a bar around the corner though if you don’t fancy waiting outside and drinking the complimentary glasses of fizz for those in the queue. Other good places include: Clara — craft beer (or birra artesanal bar — oddly, they use the Italian ‘birra’ rather than the more spanish ‘cerveza’) — and it’s a very nice bar which also does a bit of food. I recommend the pork burger. Temple — very similar to Clara but they have outdoor heaters if you go there in the evening and it’s cold outside Sans — lovely little restaurant which local families use as a bit of a Sunday spot. La Panera Rosa — breakfast/brunch place. It’s a chain but it’s great 💯 The walk from Plaza Italia to Retiro is a long one (about 3 miles) but it’s a nice one. Recoletta & Retiro Like London’s Mayfair with embassies, galleries, fashion boutiques like Luis Vuitton, posh hotels and townhouses. Not many young people. This is where you’ll find Recoletta cemetery which is a bit of a must-see as one of the few bona fide tourist attractions in BA. It’s worth at least a 30-minute walk around. It also has a ‘Freddo’ nearby which is a famous chain of Gelattaria’s in BA. Plaza General St Martin is impressive and it’s also where the Retiro subway station is. Don’t go behind the station though. It’s home to BA’s slums (like the favelas of Rio de Janeiro) so it’s not safe. Other stuff to see in this area include: The Avenida 9 de Julio super-wide street which is famous for being… wide. And it’s also the street with the impressive — but ugly — obelisco. The beautiful teatro Colon and Plaza Lavalle (pronouced la-va-zhey — look up ‘yeismo’) Casa Rosada which is the president’s official residence and is on Plaza de Mayo (pronouced ma-zho — look up ‘yeismo’). The Plaza de Mayo is famous for being the venue of a lot of protests. Argentinians love a protest. It’d be a surprise if you spent a week there but managed not to see one For food and drink: The Four Seasons hotel is probably my top recommendation for food in BA. Feels very European so don’t go there if you’re looking for the local experience. I had my best steak of the whole trip at their Elena restaurant. Terrazas is a shopping mall which sounds dull but it has a few outdoor bars. Great for evening drinks if the weather is nice but have your food elsewhere. Food options aren’t great. Posadas has quite a few nice restaurants/bars including Sorrento Recova which has a nice little outdoor space Puerto Madero Newest part of BA with a lot of “after-work” bars and restaurants around the marina. It’s also BA’s central business district with quite a few tall buildings housing the likes of HSBC. It’s a bit like BA’s Canary Wharf. Take some time to walk around the ecological reserve built on reclaimed land. It’ll take about 3–4 hours to walk around. If you’re a birdwatcher, bring your telephoto lens! Otherwise, there are also many nice spots for an outdoor picnic. The Avenida Hernan M. Giralt runs alongside it and is also worth a look. It has a parade of statues featuring Argentina’s most famous sports stars (look out for Messi). Montserrat and La Boca The heart of BA where a lot of people work. Things get a bit ropey as you go further south ‘downtown’ but it’s worth doing if you want to see the Plaza del Congresso (another protest hot spot), the oudoor amphitheatre and the Museu d’art contemporani de Buenos Aires — museum of modern arts. You can also walk all the way past Plaza Constitucion to La Bombonera and El Caminito in La Boca. La Bombonera is where the Boca Juniors play their home games. Their fans are nuts and the stadium itself is quite something to behold. It’s pretty much impossible to get tickets for a home game but if you can, it’s supposed to be incredible. Don’t buy them off touts though; you’re almost certain to be scammed. El Caminito is the super-colourful street pretty much built for tourists. Tonnes of markets for souvenirs and also, lots of lovely restaurants which typically do tango shows as you eat. We went to La Barrica. If you don’t fancy walking all the way back, get a taxi to Constitucion and jump on the Subte. Outside Buenos Aires Uruguay Buequebus runs high-speed catamaran ferries to the historic Colonia del Sacramento in Uruguay which makes it ideal for a day trip. It costs about £50 and takes about an hour. You can either leave at 8am or 12pm, returning at 4pm or 9pm — the later one lets you watch the sunset from one of the seafront restaurants (though technically, it’s an estuary rather than the ocean). Don’t bother with Montevideo the Uruguayian capital; you can also get there from BA but it’s about 3x the price and involves over 6 hours of ferries in one day. Tigre If you don’t mind a train journey, Tigre is worth a visit. It’s small little town with a lot of waterways because it’s built around the river delta. Everyone gets around on water taxis which are probably a better way of getting to know the place than the official tours. For food, Gato Blanco restaurant is basic but good. Mendoza Probably the most enjoyable part of my trip was visiting Mendoza. We flew from the Aeroparque (different airport to the one where we arrived — Ezeiza). Tours are relatively expensive so we only stayed here for about 3 days because there isn’t a huge amount else to do/see. It’s more a city where people live than visit I think. We booked all of our tours through a travel agent in the Sheraton hotel and we found out from someone who joined us that it was half the price of buying online. If you haven’t booked your accom, this in itself is a good reason to stay in a hotel rather than an Airbnb. Tours run everday but weekends have the most options. We did the bike vineyard tour which was awesome and a day trip to The Andes which was a bit of a long day but worthwhile. It gets cold so pack more than shorts & flip flops. Avenida Aristides Villanova is pretty much the only you want to go to for food/drink. Super-busy at the weekend; a tonne of options though my absolute favourite was La Lucia which has a nice outside seating area. Not the cheapest but incredible food. There’s another La Lucia on Plaza Independencia. The square itself is impressive and it’s worth a look as the defacto centre of town. Other recommendations from a local were Chachinga and Beerlin. Iguazú Most people only visit Iguazú for one or two days. It’s super-touristy and there’s nothing much there beyond the waterfalls but my god, they’re breathtaking. The Argentine side does take about 6–8 hours to see so get there early. The Brazillian side takes 2–4 hours and you don’t need a visa. Another reason to get there early when you go and see the Argentine side is so you can get tickets for the boat tour. It’s about US$100 (on top of the US$35 it costs just to get into the park) but definitely worthwhile. If you have a poncho and a dry bag, take them. The boat literally goes underneath a waterfall and you will get drenched. Take a packed lunch if you can be bothered — food options aren’t great — but we survived on Empanadas. Beware the quati though. Not only are they known to bite/scratch but they will also happily nab your food if you don’t keep a close eye on it. There’s a regular shuttle bus from the centre of town to the falls (cataratas) and there’s also a regular shuttle bus from the airport to any hotel. They cost about ARS$250 but we just got taxis everywhere because there were two of us and taxis are ARS$600–700 to pretty much everywhere. I’ve heard Salta, Rosario, Cordoba and Patagonia are also worth a look but couldn’t cram them into our 2 week visit but that’s my guide to Argentina. Enjoy your trip! This map has the places I’ve mentioned and also look at this blog by my pal Helen.
['Simba Sagwete']
2019-10-27 16:30:49.295000+00:00
['Travel', 'Buenos Aires', 'Argentina']
Coming Into Paris One Early Morning
Early in the morning and fifty or so kilometers from Paris, the green fields roll gently in the early morning mist. The sun rises slowly to the east. It’s as if I’m watching a French film, its deliberate meditative pace, through the lozenge window of my tiny black Renault Twingo. In the middle of the green fields, stucco and tile farmhouses interrupt the eye, draw it in and make you wonder about the length of time these places have been here. You feel the age of the land, its harmony. Then the outskirts of Paris ease in — first a neighborhood of mid sized buildings, then corporations that dot the suburbs, big buildings. Until suddenly there it is, the sign “Paris-Centre”. The traffic slows and narrows, though still in 6 lanes. A tunnel — and Paris rises beyond it, the Siene running along the highway urging you on. It was a long way to get here — literally and metaphorically. The day and night before I crossed southern Sweden, a half of Denmark, and a major part of Germany — Hambourg, Hannover, Douseldorf to, finally, Luxemberg where I saw my first grape vines and I smiled because I knew France was near. I began the day by leaving Lund at 7AM and got to about 100kilometers of Paris by midnight or so. The key to my apartment was being held in a café (very French) and I tried frantically to call on my cell but I was doing something wrong and couldn’t get through. I knew they’d be closed by the time I entered France — besides, I didn’t want to tackle streets and things in the dark without the guarantee of a bed to lay my head. So I did what I would have done 30 or years ago — I’m glad I recalled — I slept in a truck stop in my car. I slept through the night and awakened a bit stiff at 5AM, washed up, drank a double espresso and began the journey into Paris. I don’t know, maybe I’m overly romantic, but when I saw “Paris-Centre,” I got emotional. Perhaps it was simply that I was working really hard to erase all images I have of Paris, all of which come from literature and film, and of course, my family, mostly my mother. The emotions escalated when I realized that the entry to Paris, the way I came in, is almost identical to the entrance to Buenos Aires. Even the first signs of the city immediately catapulted me to Buenos Aires. I was in two places at once — a very Borgesian experience; or to put it in the tradition of contemporary French philosophy: since I’m here, I was always who I am, always being the other I find now. I have always been here, though I was seeing it for the very first time. I was seeing myself in this light for the first time. This implies that psychologically I had been ready for this experience and that all my experiences leading to this moment had prepared me for my first visit to Paris. I was always already in Paris. I hugged the Seine and drove ever so slowly. The pay off for sleeping in the car was coming into a city yet to awaken — this awakened me. I drove carefully, deliberately, my eyes on the classic beauty, the barges, the old buildings, the narrow streets — and the street signs and my map. That’s how I did it. I’d go so far, stop and look at my map; memorize routes and street names, calculating how much time I’d travel to get to my next stop. Then do this again. Within ten minutes of being in the city, I found the Restaurant Retirement, which held my keys. Unbelievably, they were cleaning and I had to wait only five minutes for the keys, held by the manager. She gave me an envelop with my name on it and I opened it. In it, the keys and the address — no directions. Very French! This, too, made me feel as if I was in Argentina — same minimalist approach to everything, letting one fend for himself. Argentina and France share a similar aesthetic in that the native wants the tourist to interpret signs, thus moving him or her towards becoming a visitor, one who is not there to merely look at sites, but rather, one who is there to be affected by the place, its people and history. I got some directions, but I knew, between their French-English and my English-French, that I wasn’t being told the entire story. Back to the map. Immediately I found the street on the map, but I had to go through a series of circles, “DO NOT ENTER” circumlocutions until, a half hour later, I found the place. I lived on Rue Mouffetard,a street in the Ve arrondissement, near the Sorbonne. It is a quiet, narrow little area; it’s very neighborly, a real community, which is what I like. I was on the first floor of a beautiful building with a wonderful interior garden — something you read about or find in French movies. Outside, next door, a Creperie, of course; and down the block, about 50 meters, a small grocery store from which I purchased eggs, juice and, yes, bread and wine. And right in front of the little grocery store, a wonderful circle, all cobblestone, lined with cafes. Right around me are streets such as Diderot, Pascal, Descartes. When I arrived at my studio apartment, obtained through Parissimo, specializing in short term rentals, the city was barely awakening. I could hear the voices outside from my opened French balcony windows. I could also hear the birds and the pigeons. It was overcast and cool, so good for walking. Numerous church bells sang, calling. And I felt very, very lucky. Very fortunate, indeed.
['Héctor Vila']
2016-11-16 16:22:24.457000+00:00
['Cultural Studies', 'Argentina', 'Buenos Aires', 'Paris', 'Travel']
Tokenomics $SEED and $TREE $SEED Token Name: SEED Token Symbol: Seed Supply: 800 Max Contract address: 0xc8c2eb145648c37fd5684708b6019a7c24d6b3c0 Private sale price: 450 USD (In payment token) Pre-sale price: 600 USD ( In payment token) Listing price: starting from 1500 USD Liquidity will first be added by the PlantDEx team on Pancakeswap 🍰 Bakeryswap 🍞 Streetswap🏙️ $SEED Allocation Allocation for pre-sale 70% Allocation for private sale 15% Allocation for SEED lottery 3% Allocation for project Dev 7% Allocation for Bounties 5% Funds gotten from $SEED private sale and pre-sale will be used for Dex development and Liquidity adding on various exchanges. $TREE Token Name: TREE Token Symbol: Tree Chain: Binance Smart chain (Bep20) Block rewards: per block 10 TREE (30,000 blocks per day) Total Supply: INFINITE (with burn) Price: Starting price $1 Distribution method: Liquidity Mining and staking No pre-mines no ICO no pre-sale. 70% of $TREE token block rewards will be shared amongst Liquidity miners . 30% of $TREE token block rewards will be shared by $SEED token stakers in the $TREE pool.
2020-11-29 06:32:12.800000+00:00
['Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain']
Ycash Is Coming to Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain
Ycash Is Coming to Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain The Ycash Foundation will launch ERC-20 tokens representing wrapped Ycash on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain Ycash Foundation Nov 28, 2020·4 min read James Tissot, “Departure of the prodigal son” (1863). Oil on canvas. Petit Palais, Paris, France. By Howard Loo, Ycash Foundation Announcement I am excited to announce that the Ycash Foundation will launch ERC-20 tokens representing “wrapped” Ycash on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain by January 15, 2021. These tokens will enable Ycash holders to use Ycash with Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications like Uniswap on Ethereum and PancakeSwap on Binance Smart Chain. The tokens will be centrally managed by the Ycash Foundation. Specifically, the Ycash Foundation will handle the minting and burning of the tokens, as well as the custody of the underlying Ycash coins. Information about how to obtain wYEC will be will be provided prior to launch. The Ethereum token and the Binance Smart Chain token will each have their own distinct names and ticker symbols, to be announced at launch. Until then, I will refer to both tokens interchangeably by the placeholder name wYEC. The Ycash Foundation hopes that one day Ycash will be integrated into a more decentralized wrapping protocol like Ren, but we aren’t going to wait around for that to happen. By launching wYEC, we are taking matters into our own hands and delivering DeFi capabilities to Ycash users now. We choose Ethereum because of its preeminence. Ethereum is truly revolutionary, and we want to give Ycash users the opportunity to participate in that revolution. With that said, we are aware that the Ethereum network’s transaction fees have risen to a point that may make some uses of wYEC on Ethereum cost-prohibitive. Although we strongly believe that Ethereum 2.0 will eventually bring down transaction fees significantly, we have listened to the feedback of Ycash users who want to use Ycash with DeFi applications as soon as possible on a network with low transaction fees. To that end, we will also deploy wYEC on Binance Smart Chain. Ycash, like Bitcoin, is sound money: There will never be more than 21 million Ycash coins, and 95% of all future block rewards will be fairly allocated to Ycash users via the free market mining process. These are the sacred promises upon which Ycash was founded, and the Ycash Foundation is the institution that will insure that these sacred promises are honored — forever. wYEC brings the fair, trusted, sound money approach of Ycash to the exciting world of DeFi. Motivations More Ways to Buy and Sell Ycash We have faced difficulties getting Ycash listed on additional centralized exchanges. Many centralized exchanges charge exorbitant listing fees, and the top-tier centralized exchanges that do not charge listing fees are not as eager to list coins with smaller market capitalizations like Ycash as they were in, say, the 2016 and 2017 timeframe. We will continue to work towards getting Ycash listed on more centralized exchanges. But luckily for Ycash users, the world seems to be moving on from centralized exchanges to more permissionless alternatives. Once wYEC is launched, we can immediately list wYEC pairs on automated market makers like Uniswap without asking anyone’s permission. That is beauty and power of a decentralized, permissionless platform. I am particularly interested in fostering pairings between Ycash and popular stable coins . For example, I will work with other Ycash users to create liquid wYEC/USDC and wYEC/BUSD pairings on Uniswap and other automated market makers. More Ways to Use Ycash wYEC has the potential to give Ycash users exciting new ways to use Ycash: By providing wYEC-related liquidity toautomated market makers, Ycash users will be able to use their Ycash for so-called “yield farming” (also known as “liquidity mining”). As DeFi lending markets evolve, wYEC could eventually allow Ycash users to use their Ycash holdings as collateral for loans. Similarly, future DeFi lending markets could eventually allow Ycash users lend out their Ycash and earn interest. As innovators in the Ethereum ecosystem create new uses cases for ERC-20 tokens, wYEC will enable Ycash users to enjoy these new use cases as soon as they are launched. More Users In order for Ycash to reach its full potential, we need A LOT of new Ycash users. By enabling new ways to acquire Ycash and new ways to use Ycash, I believe that wYEC has the potential to bring new users to Ycash (especially users interested in DeFi). Furthermore, once wYEC is launched, anyone with an ERC-20-compatible Ethereum wallet will be able to hold Ycash (via wYEC) without even needing to download a Ycash wallet. This lowers the barriers for any Ethereum user who wants to hold a bit of Ycash. Currently, Ycash users are free to choose between storing Ycash in a transparent way (similar to Bitcoin) or storing Ycash in a shielded pool. With the launch of wYEC, there will now be a third option: storing Ycash as wYEC on Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain. I envision wYEC being a “first-class citizen” in the Ycash ecosystem, with some Ycash users choosing to use wYEC as a long-term store of value. Join Us I invite you to join the ranks of Ycash users in advance of the launch of wYEC. I will be hosting several live discussion sessions leading up to the launch. Follow the YcashFoundation on Twitter to be notified of these sessions.
['Ycash Foundation']
2020-11-28 08:46:52.011000+00:00
['Ycash', 'Ethereum', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Cryptocurrency', 'Defi']
STAX Holders VIP Program and Withdrawal Fee Discounts
STAX Holders VIP Program and Withdrawal Fee Discounts As the release of our DEX gets closer we wanted to share some details with you guys regarding the Holders VIP Program and Withdrawal Fee Discounts. Withdrawal fees program Holding a given amount of STAX based on a 30 days average will enable our users to benefits from those VIP tiers and save on withdrawal fees as shown below. This was super important for us in designing this, because we felt that VIP tier programs are not very fair for regular users on centralised exchanges 1. We want every users to have >0 STAX in their wallet, so $600 today would get you all the way to a VIP4 level 2. It’s not transparent on centralised exchanges who gets fee rebates or who got the top vip tiers — there could be insiders who get better rates, etc. Here, everything is onchain, so if one dont maintain the necessary average balance of STAX to reach a tier, one will not be able to get the top rebates. That if one are a high frequency trader, they also know how many other accounts have the same or better fee rebate tier as another, and can adjust their strategies accordingly. This is super super important for attracting the large volume to come over to StableXswap. 3. As always, these parameters are subject to change, but we welcome feedback and input from the community and hope to hear from you guys as we roll this out. VIP 1 1000 STAX = 20% off withdrawal fees VIP 2 2,500 STAX = 30% off withdrawal fees VIP 3 5,000 STAX = 40% off withdrawal fees VIP 4 10,000 STAX = 50% off withdrawal fees VIP 5 50,000 STAX = 60% off withdrawal fees VIP 6 100,000 STAX = 75% off withdrawal Fees VIP 7 250,000 STAX = 88% off withdrawal fees VIP 8 500,000 STAX = 100% off withdrawal fees Why this withdrawal fees program? Simply to incentivize users to stay as Liquidity providers in our new DEX pools, as too many people switching to chase the highest short term yields leads to unstable liquidity for our users. We specifically will structure this as a withdrawal fee, rather than a deposit fee (which is how some other projects do it), because someone who comes in and deposits for one year only pays the fee once, someone that hops in and out of pools 10 or 20 times would face the fee, unless they hold STAX and are a VIP tier that would give the 100% off fees! Trading fees rebates Then those tiers will enable our users to access to trading fees rebates: VIP 4: 5% Fee Rebate VIP 5: 10% Fee Rebate VIP 6: 15% Fee Rebate VIP 7: 20% Fee Rebate VIP 8: 25% Fee Rebate We will continue working on bringing the best positive user experience for traders and liquidity providers. Even though stable pairs lowers drastically impermanent losses we want to do more to attract capitals and making StableXswap the most secure and attractive platform on the Binance Smart Chain. Let’s keep building STAX together! Website | Telegram | Announcements | Twitter | Github
2021-01-11 16:37:20.503000+00:00
['Stable Coin', 'Decentralized Exchange', 'Binance Smart Chain']
SpartanDev: 23/11/20–29/11/20
The ‘Burn’ phase will soon be closed off with the remaining token distribution allocation being shifted to the ‘bond’ program (Roughly ~45M of 100M SPARTA) Please see the below article for a more in-depth look at Bond+Mint V1 through to the current V3: It is important to have deep pools to reduce the amount of slippage on larger trades, therefore the team decided to focus on 3 pools that are most desired by the community. This week the contributors pushed Version3 of Bond+Mint — A community-crafted solution aiming to complete the initial token distribution whilst also bootstrapping TVL (Total Value Locked) into the pools ready for SpartanSwaps, SpartanSynths and other future features. Dismiss GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and… Dismiss GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and… On the Swap page, the buttons for 25%, 50%, 75% and All are not functioning as efficiently as possible, with several… Dismiss GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and… Dismiss GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and… The BNB gas calc modal currently grabs the input value (before calcs) Let's change it to the value that is handed to… Dismiss GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and… The Spartan community UI contributors had a quieter week this week, closing off 12 GitHub issues/features on the SpartanPools repo. SpartanSwap — DApp User Interface There was no activity in the ‘SpartanSwap’ repo this week. Focus will shift here probably following Bond+Mint & DAO activation. In the meantime, any community members with some interest and spare time feel free to load up the GitHub and get involved with either developing or adding issues/suggestions. Next Milestone / Sprint Bond+Mint V3 — new features opened up with a proper allocation to begin completing token distribution. — Now Live, more allocations to follow BurnForSparta — The remaining allocations for the BurnForSparta program will be CLOSED and moved to the new Bond+Mint program. — Imminent DAO — Enabling the DAO. With token distribution winding back up and most of the base-level features now coming to mainnet, it seems like a good time to enable the DAO. Bond+Mint V3 now has a feature for the DAO to vote to enable other tokens for the Bond program. SpartanSwap — The ‘UniSwap’ style interface making use of the ROUTER smart contract features; swap from one non-SPARTA asset to another non-SPARTA asset. SpartaSynths — Synthetic assets, lending etc. This is the big feature that most are waiting for, however we must be patient and establish a strong base with deep pools and wide token distribution before this can work in a big way. Road Map Spartan Events Community Contribution SpartanProtocol at is at its core a community driven and led project. In this vein the more contributors the better, there is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools etc. If you have an idea share it in the community channels. Engage with the community and developers What to find out all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.
2020-11-30 05:08:13.639000+00:00
['Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Defi', 'Metamask']
New LP Pools
New LP Pools The current pool incentives are ending in half a day from. With that, we introduce the second batch of the incentivized pools: $NYA Hey, that’s us 🐱 (20x) $BUSD @binance (1x) $USDT @Tether_to (1x) $USDC @coinbase (1x) $QUSD @QIAN_Stablecoin (1x) $DAI @MakerDAO (1x) $ETH @ethereum (1x) $BTCB @Bitcoin (1x) $LTC @litecoin (1x) $BAND @BandProtocol (1x) $EOS @block_one_ (1x) $UNI @UniswapProtocol (1x) Nyanswop welcomes 4 new tokens: $USDC, $QUSD, $LTC, $UNI 🎉 The above 12 pools rewards will start on Nov 14 12PM UTC+0. As usual, you can stake now but the rewards will only start counting from Nov 14 12PM UTC+0 onwards. Do You Need to Do Anything? Yes! You’ll need to unstake from the current pools and stake again in the new pools. This is because our pool contract does not involve the usage of a ‘migrator’. The absence of a migrator concept means that the contract is SAFU. Safe from what? Us! Simply because we don’t have any rights to move any funds in the pool contracts. To note that this is not time specific. There won’t be any issues doing this at any time later. What If I Just Leave It? No issues with that. You funds are still yours, and you still continue to earn the swap fees as long as you are still holding onto the LP token of the pairs. You can still unstake any time. Where’s the Old Pools? I Can’t Find Them! It’s at the bottom of the page, at the ‘Past pools’ section. Scroll down the page nya~ 🚀 Follow us on Twitter and Telegram for the latest updates. Twitter: https://twitter.com/nyanswop Telegram: https://t.me/Nyanswop Telegram (Indonesian): https://t.me/Nyanswop_ID Telegram (Announcements): https://t.me/Nyanswop_ANN
2020-11-14 02:36:04.685000+00:00
['Binance', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Blockchain', 'Defi', 'Cryptocurrency']
PlantDEx Revolutional Yield Farm and AMM on Binance Smart Chain PlantDEx is an innovative community with DeFi project developed by the best minds in the DeFi ecosystem. PlantDEx is adopted on Binance smart Chain, having a limited Governance token $SEED and utility Token $TREE which is unlimited in supply with an effective inflation control mechanism. DeFi is one of the places to be right now as it provides decentralized financial services, that was originally offered by the centralized finance institutions. PlantDEx is one of the latest protocol offering cutting edge DeFi services. The exchange has an automated market maker (AMM) that allows two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain (Bep20), With a Governance token $SEED who’s holders have the right to govern and make decisions concerning the affairs of the PlantDEx ecosystem. $Seed can also be put to work through planting (staking) in the $TREE pool to earn $TREEs and added to a liquidity pool which you also earn $TREE as Reward. $TREE will in future be the ultimate token for purchasing and trading agrobased stock. With $TREE, users will be able to Transplant (fruit pool staking) with ease and confidence and also earn fruit pool tokens (These are tokens from partner or community projects). PlantDEx is here to revolutionalize the general concept of Blockchain farming and staking, through proper analysis of projects before us we are making the good aspects better and correcting the flaws made. Agriculture and Blockchain never sounded better than this!!! Telegram Twitter Facebook
2020-11-28 19:52:37.218000+00:00
['Binance', 'Defi', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Binance Chain']
Xend Finance - Next generation DeFi Credit Union
Xend Finance - Next generation DeFi Credit Union DeFi has challenged traditional financial institution’s status quo and successfully created its own unique space in the economic ecosystem. However, to make the vision of a decentralized future a reality, numerous technological advancements and innovative projects need to be launched. With the same spirit, a Nigerian Startup, Xend Finance, has launched an evolutionary DeFi platform for credit unions and cooperatives. It is decentralizing savings, lending, borrowing and investment operations of credit unions, and providing multi-level interest returns to members of these unions. Xend Finance is the first protocol to target this over $2.2 Trillion credit union global market. Background Traditional credit unions were created with an aim to offer financial products with low-interest rates and fees. However, their old methods of functioning are limited and outdated in nature. There is a huge gap between traditional financial services and the needs of people today. These credit unions are location and access dependent, provide low returns, have insufficient access to liquidity and give zero insurance cover on deposits. Also, centralized and Fiat savings platforms are always limited by fees and cross border payment regulations that restrict investing in other countries. That’s where Xend Finance steps in. It is a decentralized Credit Union protocol built to optimize, improve, and add value to credit union’s core operations globally. Credit unions and cooperatives worldwide can leverage this DeFi platform and channel capital into savings and earn higher interest in stable currencies. Xend Finance — A stable alternative in Africa Xend Finance is the first platform in Africa to be built on the Binance Smart Chain. Thus, opening limitless opportunities for the African crypto market. Various countries in Africa are witnessing economic and financial issues like high inflation rate, volatile currencies, capital controls, and lack of banking infrastructure. Xend finance will be a turning point in the African economy, laying the foundation of a stable and secure alternative to traditional financial institutions. Xend Finance breaks down the entry barriers with the help of blockchain technology in innumerable ways – It gives credit unions and individuals an opportunity to save their valuable earnings and earn instantly. It provides high annual percentage yields of up to 20%. It offers a trustless and stable alternative to unstable currencies across the world. It enables access to global decentralized financial services such as DeFi savings, DeFi lending and DeFi borrowing. Anyone from anywhere in the world can utilize these financial services. It gives access to decentralized insurance to ensure the protection of deposited assets. Credit unions and Individuals can now easily store their money in foreign and stable digital currencies, earn interest in the foreign stable currencies and also borrow in foreign stable currencies. XendFinance is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) governed by $XEND token holders using three different smart parameters: Xend Token Smart Contract, Governance Smart Contract and Time Lock Smart Contract. These smart contracts will allow the XendFinance community to propose features, vote and execute approved proposals. $Xend is the native token that performs multiple operations like rewarding users, protocol fees, and governance voting on the platform. XendFinance smart contract integrates the DeFi lending Protocol smart contracts to enable seamless communication between the protocols. Currently, they have two exemplary apps — Xend and Geena. Xend app has processed over 2 million transactions and has more than 55K active users. It is a one-stop solution for business and personal transactions. Via Xend App, one can transfer money to any Xend account or bank account within Nigeria. Apart from this, one can pay bills, receive payments and make offline payments. Geena enables businesses to make fast sales from one or multiple sales points. One can monitor real-time sales data, generate and send custom receipts. The app provides a network of solutions that help you make informed business decisions and keep track of daily activities. Why Binance Chain? Binance Smart Chain is fully EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)-compatible and has support for the majority of the tools used by Ethereum developers such as Metamask, Remix, Truffle, Ganache-CLI, and more. Binance Smart Chain already has support for infrastructures like ChainLink and Band Protocol Oracles. Also, the consensus mechanism used in Binance Smart Chain is Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA), which combines features from Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) and Proof-of-Authority (PoA). It can produce a block approximately every 3 seconds, which will significantly improve the speed of DeFi protocols built on the Binance Smart Chain. The low fees will drastically reduce the cost of using DeFi protocols and hence improve user adoption. Xend Finance will support multiple currencies across different blockchains as a result of the cross-chain asset transfer feature of the Binance Smart Chain. Their first testnet on Binance Smart Chain is currently scheduled for December. An exceptional team Xend finance’s team is made up of experienced mathematicians, finance, cryptography, and blockchain engineers. The founding team has worked with some of Africa’s largest employers, including KPMG, Chevron, and Stanbic Bank. They have received intensive mentorship from Google’s engineers and leadership team. Latest Updates Recently, Xend Finance secured a $1.5-million investment round from Binance Labs, Google Developers Launchpad, AU21 Capital, Ampifi VC, JUN Capital, TRG Capital, and Matic Co-founder, Sandeep Nailwal, Twin Apex Capital, DeltaHub Capital, and Moon Whale. According to the Xend Finance roadmap, a lot more would be happening in the next few months. Partnership announcements with Credit unions, exchange listings, more App development, and the governance model’s implementation are some of the major upcoming developments and updates on the cards. Conclusion Backed by technological advancements, blockchain has the power to transform the global economy. However, there is still a lot to explore and achieve. Interestingly, developers are coming up with unique and revolutionizing solutions to bridge the gap between traditional financial institutions and blockchain technology. With the launch of a DeFi platform for credit unions and cooperatives, Xend Finance has hit the right spot. It will play a crucial role in enabling credit unions, cooperatives, and individuals worldwide to leverage this superior technology’s benefits, pushing the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency by mass users. However, this is just the beginning. The platform is new. Therefore, they will need to invest in creating awareness about their platform and establish their own brand identity. They are receiving support from incredible investors. So, that will definitely make a difference. All the best to the team. We will be tracking their progress closely! If you want to know more, join their communities on Telegram and Twitter. Visit the website — https://xend.finance/
['Defi Maximalist']
2020-11-14 04:53:59.488000+00:00
['Decentralized Finance', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Ethereum', 'Fianance', 'Blockchain']
How to participate in Binance’s $120,000 BNB Reward Pool
TokenPocket Official site: www.tokenpocket.pro Time of the event: 2020/11/27 1:00 PM — 2020/12/27 1:00 PM (UTC)(Original link) Binance, in conjuction with PancakeSwap, launched a $120,000 BNB Reward Pool to further support the growth of Binance Smart Chain. During the time of the event, stake up to 100,000 USD BNB on PancakeSwap through the Binance Smart Chain. Binance will provide 100,000 USD BNB for users who stake CAKE tokens in PancakeSwap’s Syrup Pool. All users who hold BNB and earned CAKE tokens will share 20,000 USD worth BNB from the bonus pool equally. Binance Smart Chain users will also be able to place bets on BNB to earn CAKE tokens from the $120,000 reward pool. How to participate: Create a Binance Smart Chain wallet Deposit BEP20 BNB into your Binance Smart Chain wallet Place bets to earn CAKE tokens (BNB can be unstaked at any time) Notes: Stake limit per Binance user: 10 BNB Users who deliberately create multiple Binance Smart Chain wallets for this event will be blacklisted and will not receive any reward. Step by step guide Open the TP wallet, click [Discover] and then search for the keyword: Pancake. Select [Syrup Pool] to open the application. 2. Pull down to find the mining pool for this event (make sure to choose the correct one). You can directly click the plus (+) sign to set the quantity and deposit it. Note that the maximum supported amount is 10 BNB. 3. Binance Smart Chain fees are very cheap. After authorization is completed, you will see the next features (this also means the operation was successful). Click [Harvest] to withraw the rewards; Click [Unstake BNB] to unstake; Click [+] to deposit more BNB (Max. of 10 BNB) Redeeming BNB is also very simple. After clicking the redemption option, set the amount to be redeemed, and authorize the operation. After that, you can return to the wallet balance and check it. The opinions expressed in the Blog are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry. This tutorial is for informational purposes about the operation of a DApp on the wallet only and is not intended to provide any investment. Investment involves risks. You must fully understand the risks and make your own investment decisions.
2020-11-30 04:12:24.376000+00:00
['Blockchain', 'Binance Smart Chain']
Decentralization of protocol frontend
Decentralization of protocol frontend Many users depend on the websites that provide a simple way to interact with the smart contracts of defi projects. In the event that the main project site is offline, having a duplicate copy of the frontend may assist user with various smart contract interactions. The main frontend of a protocol can be down due to various reasons : Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS attack) Domain name DDOS / Malicious takeover Abandoned project A clone front end will save you the headache from interacting with the smart contract directly, especially for various complex smart contract calls. Having a duplicate copy of the project does NOT help when the protocol has inherent protocol exploits, or has in-built malicious code or mechanisms. For example: Stop the developer or malicious 3rd party from draining the LPs or token. Prevents infinite mint of tokens. In these cases, direct interaction with the smart contract via etherscan.io or bscscan.com won’t help either. Most projects store a copy of the frontend in their github repository. These frontend ‘source code’ are unpacked and not readied for deployment directly. Navigating and using github is not difficult but might be too nerdy an action for most users. We will attempt to simplify the frontend cloning process through a quick and easy walk through of cloning the acryptos.com (ACS) site.
2021-04-08 10:15:49.607000+00:00
['Smart Contract Blockchain', 'Web Development', 'Smart Contract Security', 'Binance Smart Chain', 'Ethereum Blockchain']
Bond+Mint on Spartan Protocol
Bootstrapping Liquidity + Initial SPARTA Token Distribution Summary Bond+Mint; another novel distribution idea from the Spartan Protocol community — After continued discussions about how best to press on with SPARTA token distribution after BurnForSPARTA, the community contributors built and tried out the new Bond+Mint feature. The ‘Burn’ phase will soon be closed off with the remaining token distribution allocation being shifted to the ‘bond’ program (Roughly ~50M SPARTA) SPARTA Distribution Phase 01: BurnForSPARTA If you missed it; here is a quick recap of the unique idea used for the initial token distribution, designed to get SPARTA widely distributed into the firm hands of many Binance Chain communities ready for BSC’s big push: Bob deposits $1,000 worth of BNB into the burn DApp The BNB is ‘burnt’ (sent to a specified ‘burn’ address, which essentially removes them from the supply forever) The contract mints $1,000 worth of SPARTA and sends it to Bob In theory, this means SPARTA absorbs the value of the burnt assets, giving them a baseline value that most holders won’t sell below. There is obviously a lot of nuance there and markets will be markets; however the burn phase was successful in many ways: Wide token distribution, without resorting to techniques like ‘airdrops’ Rug-pull resistant (no team, developer, pre-mine or private sale tokens) Token price appreciation; unfortunately it fell short here. In theory, there should have been a fairly solid 30c base for the token price with the value transfer proposition, and that no one user or group was receiving any SPARTA in a zero-value ‘airdrop’ fashion. Short term wasn’t successful in price action, but time will tell with continued development! The community is showing strong support and belief despite that. The above led to many robust and poductive discussions within the community for determining other ways to continue the distribution of the initial 100M SPARTA allocation. Enter; Bond+Mint… SPARTA Distribution Phase 02: Bonding with SPARTA Bond+Mint v1 was primarily a testnet experiment with the initial idea of a way to achieve two goals: Complete the initial token distribution Begin the first push towards accelerating the TVL of Spartan Protocol V1 Scenario: Bob deposits $1,000 worth of BNB to the DApp The contract mints $1,000 worth of SPARTA at spot price (no slippage) Both assets ($2,000 worth) are added to their relevant Liquidity Pool (SPARTA:BNB Pool) LP tokens are minted representing a claim on those assets entering the pool 50% of these LP tokens are sent to Bob so he can stake them in the DAO and earn harvest rewards (or redeem to sell/swap if he so pleases) The remaining 50% are vested back to Bob linearly over a 12 month period Sounds attractive, right? Double your equity? Bonders get back their initial investment instantly, and it releases the bonus cream on top over a 12-month period. There is an obvious issue with this concept, bad actors will abuse anything with almost zero risk, and will negatively impact token price. With this just being on testnet for experimental purposes, and no obvious or simple way to make anything other than 50/50 (symmetrical mint + add to pool) without causing massive slippage and imbalance in the pools, the smart contract contributors continued working on their code and started experimenting on testnet. After testnet testing, the contributors changed some variables and gave it a small allocation for testing on mainnet. V1 Bug: During mainnet testing, only a small amount of SPARTA was emitted (1,043) from the 5,000,000 allocation because of testers noticing a bug (due to the change of some variables) that only created 75% of the expected SPARTA:BNB total assets, leaving the user with 25% fewer assets after 12 months. The Devs moved on to V2 and pegged the remaining 4,998,957 SPARTA in the contract to be recovered or burnt in a later Bond+Mint version. Bond+Mint v2 involved a few iterative changes to allow for ‘burning’ tokens in the contract in case of an upgrade or issue, and also a simple fix to the 50/50 issue. The ratio was then trialled at 25/75 (25% to Bob now and 75% over 12 months), quietly (on mainnet) with a tiny SPARTA allocation. The testing went well! During this period, the wider community caught on and piled in to wipe out the 5M SPARTA allocation pretty quickly — we are talking a little under 12 hours, with over 9,000 BNB committed into the liquidity pool! Time and effect was put into analysing bonder habits and community feedback, to ensure V3 Bond+Mint addressed some below concerns with the next small test allocation. Market-sell dump — the 25/75 ratio still wasn’t quite low enough to steer bonders away from either selling or swapping their existing SPARTA to get more BNB for Bonding, or from releasing their existing 25% return allocation, selling/swapping the SPARTA portion again, and re-bonding the remaining BNB. V3 will be 0/100 (0% to Bob now, 100% over 12 months) Pool price manipulation remained possible, based on the existing TVL of the BNB:SPARTA Pool (to game the ‘spot price’ used to calculate how many SPARTA minted by your ‘bond’) Whale concentration making use of a flat spot price to avoid slippage To combat the points above, V3 uses ‘purchasing power’ rather than spot price to calculate the SPARTA minted. This can be emulated by visiting the ‘swap’ page of the DApp and pretending to do a swap of the amount you want to bond. Underneath your input you will see a ‘rate’, click the ‘+’ icon next to that to see the ‘rate slip’ underneath. The percentage shown here represents how much it would emit less SPARTA for you in V3 vs V2. For most normal peers, this has little to no affect on the end result. For anyone who was trying to manipulate the spot price to get a better ‘bond’ rate, they will now pay slippage fees twice when attempting this kind of manipulation (large slippage = large fees which are paid into the liquidity pools to reward liquidity providers), this will in theory also drive in more peers with smaller ‘bonds’ (more decentralisation / better distribution) Bond+Mint V3: Three tokens have now been enabled on mainnet for more community testing with a small 2.5M SPARTA allocation and feedback. Remember, whilst this is mainnet it is still experimental and comes with its risks as always. Proceed with caution! BNB, BUSD, USDT all enabled for a small 2.5M SPARTA test allocation V3 scenario: Bob sends $1,000 through the bond contract $1,000 worth of SPARTA is minted (at swap price) price) ~$2,000 worth of assets get locked into the SPARTA:BNB pool 0% goes to Bob straight away 100% is vested to Bob over 12 months (can claim as often as he likes; it is calculated every second just like the harvest feature) V1 Allocation Contract Recovery: V3 implements the lessons learnt throughout testing and feedback during the previous campaigns and seeks to do the same again, starting with an allocation of 2.5 million SPARTA. Remember that 4,998,957 SPARTA locked in the V1 contract? The team has written a contract to allocate it to the V3 testing campaign to allow a larger testing base with the increase maturity of the program. Remember, whilst this is mainnet it is still experimental and comes with its risks as always. Proceed with caution! Community Contribution SpartanProtocol at is at its core a community driven and led project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools etc. If you have an idea, share it in the community channels. Engage with the community and developers Where to find out all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.
2020-11-28 06:04:17.125000+00:00
['Binance Smart Chain', 'Defi', 'Liquidity Mining', 'Sparta']
Introducing ACryptoS Vaults
We’ve been working on a new project called ACryptoS Vaults, which is essentially a Yearn clone on Binance Smart Chain combined with SushiSwap farming mechanics. The project is less than 2 weeks old, and we have been testing and improving it within our small telegram group. We now feel it’s ready to be shared a bit more widely. Automating yield farming We’ve currently got 7 Vaults farming on PancakeSwap where you can deposit CAKE or Cake LP tokens, and the Vault will farm and compound CAKE for you, automatically swapping the farmed CAKE for Cake LP tokens when necessary. Concurrently farming ACS Depositing in the Vaults will also allow you to stake the Vault LP tokens in our Farms and farm our native token ACS. That means liquidity providers can earn both the yield from PancakeSwap, which is compounded in the Vault, and the ACS yield from our Farms. Sharing a stake in the protocol By distributing ACS via our farms, we share a stake in the protocol with our liquidity providers. ACS can be staked in our ACS Vault to earn a share of rewards and fees. Sustainable tokenomics Our tokenomics and fees are designed to encourage long term provision of liquidity and staking of ACS. ~23.254% of daily ACS emissions and almost all fees are used to buy back ACS and/or are distributed directly to ACS stakers in the ACS Vault. The fee structure does mean that short term stakers will most likely have a 0 or even slightly negative return, so do review our docs carefully before depositing, and there are links in the app showing the relevant fees as well. Risk warning We’re a brand new project and ACS is volatile and extremely inflationary at this stage. Do carefully review the Security & Risks section of our docs as well as DYOR before proceeding. Ready to give us a try? https://app.acryptos.com/
2020-11-14 05:55:03.634000+00:00
['Binance Smart Chain', 'Defi', 'Yield Farming', 'Bsc', 'Pancakeswap']
Nyacademy: Unrugged // How Yield Farming Contract Works
Nyacademy: Unrugged // How Yield Farming Contract Works And… The Case of the ‘Missing’ Tokens (💧x🐱) This episode, we are going to take a look at the popular yield farming contract UniswapRewardsFactory and the SmartChef (somewhat ‘MasterChef’) contract. If you follow us close enough, you will realize that we had a recent collaboration with Bliquid ($BLIQ) on a Nyanchpool which got delayed by a day. We’ve never had such issues before, so something interesting must have happened. We thought that we could go through the yield farming contracts and also add in a twist of the recent BLIQ token encounters. So we’re going to share our experience on hosting a field farm with self-burning mechanism (like BLIQ) using UniswapRewardsFactory contract. This probably won’t affect you if you’re not using the UniswapRewardsFactory. What is UniswapRewardsFactory UniswapRewardsFactory is a reward distribution contract (yield farming) pioneered by Uniswap. It is a super strict contract that absolutely makes sure that the predefined expected rewards are exactly the same as the actual rewards. If you follow how we do our collaboration transactions. We don’t ask our partners to send their tokens to our Deployer. The reason is that Deployers are usually EOA (just a wallet account) so anyone (like the host, aka us) with the keys can simply steal the huge amount of tokens sent by the partners. Here’s a look at PancakeSwap’s Deployer. Could you imagine how much trust is needed for someone to send that many tokens to an EOA account? Of course, PancakeSwap is very trustworthy, but we can’t speak the same for others (like us 🐱). So we’re preventing you.. from us. We usually ask our partners to send the tokens directly to the RewardsFactory contract. This way, we can’t steal the tokens. So.. Why was the BLIQ Nyanchpool delayed? It’s solely mathematical. The interesting thing about BLIQ token is that it has a self-burning mechanism whenever someone triggers a transfer of the token. In short, 6% would be taken out of the sent amount, leaving 94% at the destination. Is that a big deal? Apparently for us, huge deal. If you’re hosting a normal ERC20 token, there won’t be such issues at all. How Does the UniswapRewardsFactory Work? Two contracts are in the picture. The UniswapRewardsFactory (referred to as Factory) and the UniswapRewards (referred to as Reward). We are distributing 21 BLIQ over 7 days on our Nyanchpool. Bliquid sends 21 BLIQ to Factory Nyanswop triggers ‘notifyRewards’ function on Factory Factory sends 21 BLIQ to Reward Reward calculates predefined expected rewardRate against actual rewardRate, and make sure the expected rewardRate is ≤ actual rewardRate (to ensure that it has sufficient BLIQ to pay out to stakers) If all passes, the pool will start. There is no interaction with the Reward contract. We only interact with the Factory contract. RewardRate is defined as BLIQ balance / 604800 (7 days in seconds). So expected RewardRate is fixed at 21 / 604800, which is 0.000034722. And actual RewardRate depends on the BLIQ balance of the Rewards contract divded by 604800, which cannot be calculated now. Ideally it should be exactly the same. And you thought so.. *note that the real representation of 21 is 21*10¹⁸ (18 zeros), we’re shortening it to just 21 for readability Introducing RewardsFactory (and Self-Burning Token) Step 1 — Receive 21 BLIQ in Factory Contract 😸 It starts with Bliquid sending the agreed 21 BLIQ to the Factory contract. Cheers. We’re set. Let’s call the deployment function~ Step 2 — Trigger notifyRewards function in Factory Contract 🐱 Our first deployment attempt was hit with an error. The error simply means that a transfer has failed. We failed at ‘Step 1’. Though we’re pretty sure we saw BscScan showing that the Factory contract has 21 BLIQ.. but is it really 21 BLIQ? ‘Thanks’ BscScan, you lied. That was the moment we recalled that BLIQ has a self-burning mechanism. The awesome team at Bliquid reacted instantly and sent over a small bit of tokens to make it 21. So we try again, we trigger ‘Step 2’ again. Step 3 — Reward to Receive 21 BLIQ from Factory Contract 😾 This error is new. It is something we haven’t encountered before even after hosting 4 projects on Nyanchpool. So we went to find which code threw this error. Step 4 — Pass Expected vs Actual rewardRate Integrity Check 🙀 We made it through ‘Step 3’ but failed at ‘Step 4’. At ‘Step 3’, Factory sends the BLIQ to Reward so by right it shouldn’t fail. Here we recall that the expected rewardRate is fixed which is 0.000034722 (21 / 604800), so the only variable is the actual balance rewardRate (line 588). So something clicked. Since the transferred BLIQ will lose 6% when it reaches the Reward contract, we’ll need our Factory to have at least 22.3404255319 BLIQ (21 / 0.94), so that we will end up with at least 21 BLIQ at Reward after the transfer from Factory. So.. we got Bliquid (thanks again) to send us a bit more BLIQ. Now, we have slighly more than 22.3404255319 BLIQ in our Factory contract so that should finally work. But we seem to hit the same issue again. Seems like we somehow still don’t have 21 BLIQ to pass ‘Step 4’. The real cause might not be as what we thought. We could, logically speaking, send more BLIQ to Factory contract, or dig out the real cause. We chose to believe in our previous judgements, and dig into the possibilities. And we found something that we overlooked: In the Factory contract, it will always and only send the predefined rewardAmount which is 21. Sending more than 21 BLIQ doesn’t help as the contract will only send 21 BLIQ. So that means we’re always going to get 19.74 BLIQ (94% of 21) in the Reward contract no matter what. So does that means that the 21 BLIQ is permanently ‘stuck’ in the Factory contract and that we’re never ever able to host projects with self-burning mechanism? require(rewardRate <= balance.div(rewardsDuration), "Provided reward too high"); After spending some time trying to balance this equation.. Yes, by the looks of it, it’s pretty much not possible unless we make modifications to the contract in the future. Looks like the 21 BLIQ is stuck. So we disappointedly posted to stop the BLIQ Nyanchpool. *inserts sad cat* 😿 After spending the whole night looking for possibilities to transfer out the 21 BLIQ. We found a workaround to make the BLIQ Nyanchpool happen. After ‘Step 3’ (sending 21 BLIQ from Factory to Reward contract), the actual rewardRate’s balance is calculated by rewardsToken.balanceOf(address(this)) , which means the ‘current’ BLIQ in the Reward contract, which is ‘currently’ 19.74 BLIQ. So.. what if we send an extra 1.26 BLIQ to our Rewards contract, will we hit 21 BLIQ at this line? Yes nya~ it worked. From the ‘Tokens Tranferred’, you can see that only 19.74 BLIQ got sent to our Reward contract (as expected, 94%), and the rest was ‘burn’ away. Based on BLIQ’s token behavior, 1% will be burned, 5% will be sent back to the BLIQ contract for some processing. And… we’re back~ That’s how the UniswapRewardsFactory works for rewards distribution. Hopefully that gives you the basic know-how on how it actually works. Having such knowledge is very beneficial especially when you’re checking on a newly designed contract. Are Other Farming Contracts Able to Support Self-Burning Tokens As-is? For yield farming contracts, we should always look at how the contract determines the start and end of the farming period. Let’s take a quick look at PancakeSwap’s SmartChef contract. What’s Initialized When the Contract is Deployed? For starters, we should always look at the constructor first. The contract seems pretty standard for yield farming contract. Mainly, it initalizes the start and end of the farming period. For SmartChef, the fixed rewardPerBlock is also initialized here. Similarly, UniswapRewards contract constructor initializes the same thing. The difference is there UniswapRewards is created by triggering a function in the UniswapRewardsFactory. How Does It Determines Start and End of Distribution? For UniswapRewards contract, there is check (mentioned in the BLIQ scenario): require(rewardRate <= balance.div(rewardsDuration), "Provided reward too high"); It is done upon the triggering of the start of the rewards distribution (notifyRewards). So we can look at how SmartChef determines that a reward distribution has started. One unique aspect of the ‘MasterChef’ style contract is the function to calculate the rewards for the users, usually named as the updatePool function. Line 803 determines if a reward distribution has started. If the current time is before the predefined starting block, this function will exit immediately. Line 812 calculates the CAKE reward for for user based on the percentage ownership of the pool multiplied by a predefined rewardPerBlock rate. So how does the SmartChef contract determines the end of a reward distribution phase? For this, we can follow the bonusEndBlock variable initialized in the constructor. That will lead to just one part of the contract, the getMultiplier function: If you prefer to the previous image, you can see that the _from is the startBlock and _to is the current block number. _from will keep on getting updated with the current block number (check previous image, Line 814). There are two places in the code that uses this function, and both made checks to ensure that block.number is always > than pool.lastRewardBlock . Of course, these values will change over time, but we’re just looking at this point for starting and ending point of view. We’re looking for how it determines ending, so 0 seems to be decent candidate. So the code will hit at Line 780 when the lastRewardBlock eventually becomes ≥ than the bonusEndBlock , as it will keep updating to become the value of current number. So, in a way, the SmartChef contract doesn’t end, it just reduces the rewards to 0. Caveats There’s no strict check on whether the SmartChef is able to distribute the predefined rewards when the rewards distribution starts. You have to really trust the owner to do the right thing. The UniswapRewards contract, however, checks that before allowing the reward distribution to commerce. That also means that SmartChef, technically speaking, could start the rewards distribution even without having 100% of the pre-stated reward token amount. Consider this following: SmartChef is to distribute 1000 NYA tokens over 100 blocks. SmartChef is initialized with: startBlock = 500, endBlock = 600, rewardsPerBlock = 10 So 10 NYA would be distributed every block from 500 to 600. But it doesn’t guarantee that it is able to distribute all of it at any point of time (especially during the start). The owner might deposit only 800 NYA at start, then add another 200 NYA along the way (between block 500 and 600). That is indeed flexible. Unlike the UniswapRewards contract, which is very strict on these. Though it prevents mistakes and middle-man from rug-pulling. It’s strictness defined it’s safetyness and also it’s rigidness (on the good side). Most people simply avoid using this contract for yield farming because of it’s strictness and complication, but we at Nyanswop totally love it. Both has their good and bad points. It really depends on what you’re looking for. Take Away? If you’re sending with ‘self-burning’ tokens, make sure to calculate the starting amount correctly by taking into account of the end state. For you to send 21 BLIQ, with 6% burn rate, you have to send 21/0.94 BLIQ. If you’re dealing with tokens with ‘overriden’ methods (especially if it belongs to the official ERC20 interfaces), do check if the end state is what you expected. For our case, BLIQ token has a burning mechanism for the ‘transfer’ method and we didn’t expect to not receive 21 BLIQ. If you’re using contracts that are very strict on the data integrity, do take extra note when dealing with tokens with unique personalities. If a transaction fails, there’s no need to repeatedly send the same thing because it is bound to fail. Do something different, or reach out to the support team of the Dapp that you’re using (including us nya~ 🐱) We like Uniswap’s RewardsFactory’s strictness as it maintains the integrity of the data. So we’ll not modify our contract to fit special tokens, at least for now. Moving On After this interesting issue. We now require all partners to do a trial-run with us in the Testnet if your token has certain methods overridden (especially transfer method). We thank Bliquid for being very responsive in reacting to our request, and also explaining in-depth on the burning mechanism of the BLIQ token. — Nyan Dev 🐱 Follow us on Twitter and Telegram for the latest updates. Twitter: https://twitter.com/nyanswop Telegram: https://t.me/Nyanswop Telegram (Indonesian): https://t.me/Nyanswop_ID Telegram (Announcements): https://t.me/Nyanswop_ANN
2020-11-28 15:50:16.453000+00:00
['Blockchain', 'Cryptocurrency', 'Ethereum', 'Binance Smart Chain']