stringlengths 77
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: but bro listen man listen any prison movie where you can get out of that shit without anybody getting fucked in the butt and I know that's saying it really really blunt but that's pretty much what my big fear is you know and then I have to like think about how horrible that would be for me for the next like three fucking weeks and yeah I'm not trying to do that to myself [/INST] ICANT ICANT ICANT ICANT ICANT </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: You don't know who it is! You don't know this mage! You understand the difference between a stupid fuck and a good player? It's massive, and you don't know who the fuck this person is. And you go in here and you do this stupid pull in this dumb, extremely risky quest, dependent on some random fuck. The guy's name is GameIsButt. What do you fucking think's gonna happen? Everyone's warning you about this quest, and you still do it. I tell you to calm down. You're going crazy. Like, I'm being spammed. Yeah, this is almost dying! And I'm like, okay, hoppers. I check in. You really are almost dying! And then guess what? She's actually dead. Do you feel how fucking demoralizing it is? Do you regret what the fuck happened? Because you cannot rewind time. She's fucking dead. And now you have to level a warrior by yourself. You probably can't even fucking do it. Because you've had her the whole fucking time healing you. Now you've got to actually play the game. And she has to start over because you decided to do something stupid. Like, you level with a coward? [/INST] mizkifDespair </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Your brother killed me in a past life, you know that your brother killed me Now I'll have my pound of flesh my sweet Teasing slice for your chest. Oh, you're bending over now. You want a piece on your back as well? Oh Is that a rib I see let me just reach in there and grab it come here You [/INST] HUHH </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: That sounds right, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. Where, where, oh. Dude, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, man, we're gonna die, man. Holy shit, bro. Bro, you hit him head on, man. I killed him, too. I didn't mean to hit him. How do I blue chip? Someone talk to me. I don't know. I don't know. [/INST] KEKW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: The fucking what I can't work on this fucking car. I don't know what's going on. Maybe you should clock in Maybe you should just fix my car. Where's Judd? But what I can do is make sure that you never work at another mechanic shop ever again Who are you talking to right now? This guy? I'm talking to whoever I want to be talking to, Curtis. Fuckin' own this bitch. All right. All right. Yeah, okay. Okay, so we big dickin Lando he's talking to you by the way, so Lando huh? Lando huh? There's already a famous Lando bro, I don't know maybe you should think about changing your name, yeah [/INST] @haaraa90 bye </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: All right, what else we got? Use the money to buy some nice high quality rope and turn yourself into content for Logan Paul you crack Addicted Ken doll looking sack of shit. That's a good one chat. I gotta be honest chat. This is a compounded joke There's multiple good ones in this chat Yes, a lot of reference here reference to suicide to the Logan fucking the Logan Paul suicide forest event Ken doll Classic to like four three joking to one that he has 39,000 tweets So many on there, that's a good one [/INST] jesus 19k? omE </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: and uh face the wall and then do nothing for like 30 seconds and in those 30 seconds people will join who don't know what's going on and i'm gonna scare them to be like wait where is she oh shit wait surprise motherfucker [/INST] HUH </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Uh-oh. Why do you love so much when it comes down to gambling? You get paid to gamble, move on. Started my first job today. Aware flip my burger, aware flip my burger. What? Bro! Bro! I've never lied once before about it. What is up with this guy? Everyone knows I am. Why do you need a steak deal if you don't gamble with their money? [/INST] ome5 </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron. Get you waiting, huh? I'm going to show you how sniping should be handled. Take a good look. Are you alright, sir? Snake! Snake! [/INST] PagMan </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: and uh face the wall and then do nothing for like 30 seconds and in those 30 seconds people will join who don't know what's going on and i'm gonna scare them to be like wait where is she oh shit wait surprise motherfucker [/INST] OMEGALUL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Not by the way, I'm not even defending the phone I'm not even like I'm just tell I'm just trying to tell you guys how it Feels and I'm fucking shocked that you don't care that people in your chat are saying who the fuck is this child cold arrogant I love you, but there's but there's only so much I can you be surprised when your discord is literally full of fucking Even I love you, but there's only so much I can do if you're making that argument You know that right like at a certain point You're an adult and the words that you're saying are gonna be perceived by people in a certain way I can't constantly tell my community to shut the fuck up like well I have and I do it should but in at the end of the day It's because I know you personally and I think your heart is in the right place, but they don't know so it's hard It's hard for people to view what you're saying. You know beyond telling you the perspective you disagree. That's it I mean, what do you want from me? Okay, but do you but do you get do you get where I'm coming from like that? [/INST] Discord is full of haters…. </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: If you want to know some sort of proof behind it or whatever the fuck, okay If I chose to put gambling into the contract, it probably would have been a hundred mil The conduct it would play me more somebody like more like to 25 to 50, right? That's just on the on the low end On the low end if I put both together in the contract and I had one number for it It would be like probably like 275 if I were to do a random number mad, okay, but it's not Because I didn't want to do that I want to keep it separate and they also agreed that if I wanted to go down the line It would be separate them and there was no talks about it Until later on when I already signed in it, right? At that point I asked them for it, which is fine But it was not included in it and I didn't have to do it [/INST] FUCKING LIER LieMeter omE </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: A Kim-Ho? Uh-oh. Aargh! Huh? [/INST] PEPELEPSY </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Really? Oh, okay. Okay. It's ready. How much? How much? It's ready. 60 Rupees. How are you feeling? How are you feeling? Do you need change? Yeah, I need change. I don't have change. Do you have 50? [/INST] Surely fire will kill the worm </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Did I just summon an evil entity into my house? Ask I hear someone unknowwn Yay! Turn this off Noooo [/INST] OMEGALUL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: This guy, man, when he actually made a poggers face on the plane at the second tower, it made me want to give him all the money to get flexed on Twitter. Such a really good creator. Thank you, man. What? [/INST] ome5 </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Oh, please, please, please, you can't hit me. I'm invincible. Oh, fuck to keep it away. All right. Yeah, stand up. Not good. He's reaping me. Stop. I give up. [/INST] KARMA </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron. Get you waiting, huh? I'm going to show you how sniping should be handled. Take a good look. Are you alright, sir? Snake! Snake! [/INST] PepeHands SNAKEEEE </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I don't even know if this is going to work. Oh! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Wait, it does work. It is a little bit off, but it's not that noticeable. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, my god! Wait. Wait. Wait. Um, I'm going to take green. Whoa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I hate this. This is so scary. Invisibility potion. Wait. Wait. Wait. Ha! Ha! [/INST] ohh fuck! hahaha </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Goodbye demons, goodbye demons I'm with you from the beginning Its okay now [/INST] Bruh KEKW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: of a trifecta weird thing going on here. Okay, we've got the ST trinket beam. Wait. Our cam, wait. Our cameraman died? Our cameraman just died. Our cameraman is dead. He's gonna hold on though. He can still see. How did he die? I don't know. Our cameraman just died. Paz goes down. Oh, Flixzy's insane. Flixzy, Flixzy killed our cameraman. So, so, how did, how did he die? How? Wait, are you a human? Like, are you a lion? So, he flagged? How did that happen? What happened? How did you die? What? What? That's hilarious, dude. Go comment. Yeah, go ahead. Goblin Mortar, what? How does that even work? And Flixzy, is that right? Flixzy, because he beat Saga and Todd's, he is the one of the three shamans who gets through the tiebreaker. [/INST] combatlog! </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: That one's for you, Chad. Where did Kate go? She's eating lunch before her stream. She said if you'd listen to women. That's very true. I do listen to women so much that I was probably didn't hear it because I was listening to other women as well. Name five women. Anya Taylor-Joy, Amelia Earhart, Hillary Clinton, Obama's wife, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton. [/INST] KEKW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: You guys wanna watch this I just can't really like when I think of otv. I don't really think of spooky Oh shit, never mind Oh [/INST] Omg </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: What the fuck? AHHHHHH! What the fuck is this? Fuck. [/INST] OMEGALUL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: We're going now. Uh, A. I think. Maybe not. Yep. [/INST] DansGame no pooper belt </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: thank you dear see if yours is better oh I will drink it that's not how you get listen that's crazy you're saying that that's crazy I was like yo we got a straw I said I get the straws at the casino just kidding I got it now she's sitting here saying is your drink good or what you poisonous yeah I'm uh I'm again [/INST] classic </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Oh, I'm aft. I'm aft. I'm aft. Oh my gosh, dude Dude I'm getting railed. I'm not even in the thing Hell no, oh my gosh, I got knocked again Oh my I okay My space bar is delayed Okay, suck my ass dude, what is this game I haven't dps in like five minutes I'm literally top damage. I'm carrying this thing I'm literally I shit. Come on, man [/INST] LULW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: It's insane that a game like that, a game like that launched with a version that costs a hundred dollars that allows you to play like five days early. Could you even imagine that a game like that, which has such a long way to go to even be acceptable had a hundred dollar version that allowed you to play a few days earlier? Is this even Earth, dude? Jesus. This isn't Earth. [/INST] That game Is burnt out already </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: You know, our coach said, if we get top four at TI, I will shave my head. William looked us in our eyes and said, I promise you guys, if we get top four, I will shave my head. Yeah, so we got top four, and then we're like, all right, William, we got four days, let's shave it. And he's like, no, no, no, no, I said top three. But we had vlog footage, so we went back and watched the vlog, and it's very clearly top four. But you guys also got top three. And then we got top three, and we're like, William, shave your head. And he's like, mm, you know, like, he Williams out of it. And then, yeah, no, shaving your head, I think, probably is the reason we didn't do better at this TI. I mean, next year, there's always a chance. So maybe, you know, there's a 15-minute break in the meantime. Maybe Game of Gladiators is finding a razor, as we speak, for their head, that is. And, you know, that was very grim. That's not why I wanted to go with that. [/INST] FeelsWeirdMan SHAVE IT </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Is this game okay to play with your two-year-old? Yeah He's coming [/INST] @MOONMOON i give you permission to go all out ( just this once ) </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: It moves when you don't look at it! It's one of those things. My, it is one of those things. Okay, Rob, I'm gonna look at it. I need you to come back. I fell! Okay, keep your eyes on the game. Okay, dude, this guy fucking died. Oh, shit! What a fucking noob. Holy shit. I'm gonna die too, though. Hey, Poke, hey, I trust you, dog. Can I trust you, dog? You're behind me, right? Yo, Poke, you behind me? You didn't abandon me, right, Poke? Poke! Hey, you behind me, right, Poke? Poke! Poke! Poke! Oh, shit. He also died. How do I get away from this thing? Bro, he's fucked. So what the fuck do I do? If I touch it, will I die? Will I die? Ah! [/INST] pwilly Pog </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: So, what is the song people have requested from Virtual987's chat? Well, it is this. Well, I hope you all enjoyed Truckers FM. I'll see you next time. [/INST] verd </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: here oh god no they're here they're among us someone messaged me called Milena tampon said hey I think it's time to you change me out it's getting insufferable in here that is no one messaged you that why are you reading your look at your DMS man this there's so many stop DMing her so was it invite me for 50 gold okay stop we do not give her 50 gold his name is young boy hunter he's level one [/INST] AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: What the fuck? AHHHHHH! What the fuck is this? Fuck. [/INST] RUN </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Oh, God! The hard steel box is falling! This is so terrible! Ah, shit! Bro, my nose is running! Am I dying? Is my brain leaking out? Ah! Ow, fuck! [/INST] Damn you weak OM </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Sorry to keep you all waiting, but now that I'm here, let's have some fun. Yep, that's my name. [/INST] a man DansGame </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Take a look. No, I can't see it. I'm in as VIP employee intern. I mean, I've been working with the company for 20 years. And you're still an intern? Yeah. I mean, they said that there's a lot of room for promotion. So, I've just been working hard. Think I'm gonna get promoted soon to a full-time employee. Wow. 20 years, huh? Yeah. I mean, it is what it is. The pay is good. How much is the pay? They don't pay me with anything, cause I'm an intern, so. But. They told me once I'm a part of the company, I get the work. 40K a year. Hey, where the fuck didn't you guys open the fucking door? [/INST] This RP is epic </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Oh my god, there was no music, like, was there no music? Was there music? That'd be so... No music! That's so embarrassing! Okay, that was so... Oh my god, that's so embarrassing. That was the first time in my life where I was doing it, right? I was outside, like, doing this, and I think to myself, I think to myself, what am I doing with my life? [/INST] uuh left foot up </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Alright, go ahead. I'm just shitting with you, don't bam. You stupid idiot. Anyway, um... [/INST] You got boogers? </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: You choose, you lose. Light work, yeah, light work. [/INST] chasePogging </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Dude strap-ons are amazing because like you literally just strap them on Wait a goddamn [/INST] those are balacananas.... </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Yeah, no, I'm not kidding like at all. He fucks me every time he's behind me. He fucks me every time No, but it's not about like he doesn't he doesn't do shit No, he doesn't give a fuck like at all and I've mentioned it to him before and he doesn't give a fuck about BS or Pumpkin I'm talking about pumpkin Hit me that last race. I'm like Going to the river lost race. No, he literally He's very yeah, that's you see that that's fucking cool trust me I dealt with him for like a lap and he just hit me [/INST] Pog </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Now's the fun part. We anger the dog. I found it! I found it! I found it! What was that? We each have to hurt it or it won't want to find us. Oh my god. She looks creepy. I know that we ain't kids I know that we ain't kids I know that we ain't kids I kind of look good. I know that we ain't kids Oh! I know that we ain't kids I know that we ain't kids I know that we ain't kids What do we do now? Hide [/INST] monkaW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: and condemn Hamas for preventing their civilians from leaving North Gaza? Yeah dude, I'm gonna keep it $1.50 with you, you are a disgusting genocidal piece of shit and a fucking monster and I hope that your days you experience a fraction of the horrifying existence that every Gazan child has to endure on a daily basis. Maybe one day that way you can understand a way to empathize. [/INST] D: </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Check if you're up to speed. Fuck you. You're a ghost. You're a clown. Hey, what the fuck? Regulate your pace. This is gonna be interesting. Thanks for watching. [/INST] Mute his mic Production lol 😂 </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Last game obviously stank due to the unfortunate loss. We got a big matchup. Westbrook fires it up in his career, isolating LeBron on his right wing. What the fuck was that? Yo, what the? Wait, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Guys, this only happened because look. Oh my god! There's nothing on the button. Well, of course it's going to slip. There's nothing on the fucking button. So of course it slips. Look, the rest is not slipping. There's something on it. Did they just scam me out of a fucking patty? Meow. Oh my god, dude. [/INST] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I don't give a fuck. I'm not asking you a question. I'm asking you. He's not asking you to speak. He's not asking you to speak. He's not asking you to speak. God dang, Chris Gores, I love you. Don't respond. Chris taking this shit too serious. Chris really might be a cop. What's that? Chris really might be a cop, bro. We taking this shit too serious, bro. Let's marble these niggas. We taking this shit too serious, bro. I'm telling you. Chris might be a fucking federal officer. Officer. Officer. Yo. Yo, CJ. Yo, CJ. Yo, CJ. [/INST] Slap cuzzz </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: If I had a time machine, would you come with me, would you come with me, yeah? [/INST] mitchPls </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I still enjoyed the fight Please support on Patreon! Link is in the description! Thank you! See you later, clowns! [/INST] HUH </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: All right, what else we got? Use the money to buy some nice high quality rope and turn yourself into content for Logan Paul you crack Addicted Ken doll looking sack of shit. That's a good one chat. I gotta be honest chat. This is a compounded joke There's multiple good ones in this chat Yes, a lot of reference here reference to suicide to the Logan fucking the Logan Paul suicide forest event Ken doll Classic to like four three joking to one that he has 39,000 tweets So many on there, that's a good one [/INST] notL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame [/INST] DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME DinkDonk SHAME </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Check if you're up to speed. Fuck you. You're a ghost. You're a clown. Hey, what the fuck? Regulate your pace. This is gonna be interesting. Thanks for watching. [/INST] wtf </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: for any less of a trash game. And if you're spending your time tracking all this nonsense instead of actually playing something enjoyable, well, you're missing the fucking point of gaming. But I guess to each their own. Anyway, see you guys next time. Button on your camera turns on. Bro, what the fuck is that? What the fuck is that? When content stares. [/INST] OMEGALUL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: 🔥🔥🔥 💀💢💰💷 Ah Are You fucking kidding Yo We found [/INST] PauseChamp </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: want to actually focus next time and use something you failed my class in sixth grade. I'm disappointed in you. Mary, how do you feel? Uh, I guess I'll just get off the show and play. Wow. I'm like, sick. All right. Have fun, Mary. That's some extra credit. Yeah, that's some sweet stuff. Mods. Please shut up, Mary. She's fantastic. She has great stuff. Uh, she [/INST] HUH </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: He doesn't even know how to push start? Oh shit, this grandpa was about to fall asleep in his chair there. The other guy had to be like, hey amigo, you're going to have to push start to play, old timer. [/INST] atpRtsd atpRtsd </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: but bro listen man listen any prison movie where you can get out of that shit without anybody getting fucked in the butt and I know that's saying it really really blunt but that's pretty much what my big fear is you know and then I have to like think about how horrible that would be for me for the next like three fucking weeks and yeah I'm not trying to do that to myself [/INST] no butt stuff </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: So, what is the song people have requested from Virtual987's chat? Well, it is this. Well, I hope you all enjoyed Truckers FM. I'll see you next time. [/INST] LUL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Uhh, what do we do here? [/INST] WAYTOODANK </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: What was I going to say about this? Oh, this other guy? I don't know who this kite guy is. Uh, this kite guy, so I'm going to have to say kite guy. My bad, I'm sorry. I just want to be completely transparent with you guys. [/INST] !#showemote cweamO </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I don't give a fuck. I'm not asking you a question. I'm asking you. He's not asking you to speak. He's not asking you to speak. He's not asking you to speak. God dang, Chris Gores, I love you. Don't respond. Chris taking this shit too serious. Chris really might be a cop. What's that? Chris really might be a cop, bro. We taking this shit too serious, bro. Let's marble these niggas. We taking this shit too serious, bro. I'm telling you. Chris might be a fucking federal officer. Officer. Officer. Yo. Yo, CJ. Yo, CJ. Yo, CJ. [/INST] W CHRIS </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame [/INST] Aware </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Really? Oh, okay. Okay. It's ready. How much? How much? It's ready. 60 Rupees. How are you feeling? How are you feeling? Do you need change? Yeah, I need change. I don't have change. Do you have 50? [/INST] 777 </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Your brother killed me in a past life, you know that your brother killed me Now I'll have my pound of flesh my sweet Teasing slice for your chest. Oh, you're bending over now. You want a piece on your back as well? Oh Is that a rib I see let me just reach in there and grab it come here You [/INST] IHATEYOU TAKE VENGANCE IHATEYOU . </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I don't have room for a barb I don't have room for a barb I have to find a fucking library [/INST] k4yMic </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: What the fuck? AHHHHHH! What the fuck is this? Fuck. [/INST] monkaOMEGA </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: So, what is the song people have requested from Virtual987's chat? Well, it is this. Well, I hope you all enjoyed Truckers FM. I'll see you next time. [/INST] :0 </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: so right this is very problematic very what [/INST] PEPEGA </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: 10人犯規 [/INST] ICANT </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: This is more a dig at the culture entirely right because they will green light one thing and not another Just because of what is currently accepted and was the current fucking public narrative America deserved 9-eleven dude. Fuck it. I'm saying it. We're there to partner with them. We're not there doing our own I'm personally not in the fucking in the in the school of thought of kind of I'm Saying shit like that ever But seems like people think that you get away with it based on what the current public opinion is is what it is. Okay We can move on that, okay Let's keep it up, let's keep it up Let's keep it up. Let's keep going [/INST] he got banned for this </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Oh, I'm retarded. What the fuck? What? Yo, line them up. What the fuck is this guy doing? Is he invading? Yo, ballers. Ready to gamble? What the fuck is this dude? Oh my God. Oh, they know. They know. Oh my God, no way. What the fuck? What? Oh, they know they know. Oh my God, no way. What the fuck? What? What? What? There's no... [/INST] Reading stream </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: where's our heroes of overwatch at oh I mean come on adventurers of sanctuary defenders of Azeroth and gamers everywhere welcome [/INST] SIUUUUUUU </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Classic, I would say this is a 9.5 out of 10, actually I'd say a 9 out of 10. 9.5 out of 10 with Classic? Yeah, 9 out of 10 for sure. And Diablo, Diablo 4, or just Diablo, Diablo 4, yeah whatever. I will say is also an 8 out of 10. Classic. Holy shit, what the fuck? [/INST] D4BAD D4BAD D4BAD D4BAD D4BAD </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: 🔥🔥🔥 💀💢💰💷 Ah Are You fucking kidding Yo We found [/INST] COME OOOOOOOOON </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: If you want to know some sort of proof behind it or whatever the fuck, okay If I chose to put gambling into the contract, it probably would have been a hundred mil The conduct it would play me more somebody like more like to 25 to 50, right? That's just on the on the low end On the low end if I put both together in the contract and I had one number for it It would be like probably like 275 if I were to do a random number mad, okay, but it's not Because I didn't want to do that I want to keep it separate and they also agreed that if I wanted to go down the line It would be separate them and there was no talks about it Until later on when I already signed in it, right? At that point I asked them for it, which is fine But it was not included in it and I didn't have to do it [/INST] do it fuck it EZ </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Do you know what? As much as I hate VTubers, hey, he's not over-sexualized, he's not, um, sitting here, um, you know, fuckin' doing some weird shit where he's, you know, pretending to be a child, it's literally he's just using a VTuber avatar. He's, you know, ultimately. A faint second red line. Yeah, please, please rest, Alvi. Please, please, please, please, please, please. I'm gonna follow him. I'm gonna follow a VTuber. I'm following a V... UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so strong. Hi, Mary! [/INST] true </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: What the fuck? AHHHHHH! What the fuck is this? Fuck. [/INST] monkaOMEGA </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I'm funny. I don't know where the snipers came from, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. [/INST] LULE </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Not by the way, I'm not even defending the phone I'm not even like I'm just tell I'm just trying to tell you guys how it Feels and I'm fucking shocked that you don't care that people in your chat are saying who the fuck is this child cold arrogant I love you, but there's but there's only so much I can you be surprised when your discord is literally full of fucking Even I love you, but there's only so much I can do if you're making that argument You know that right like at a certain point You're an adult and the words that you're saying are gonna be perceived by people in a certain way I can't constantly tell my community to shut the fuck up like well I have and I do it should but in at the end of the day It's because I know you personally and I think your heart is in the right place, but they don't know so it's hard It's hard for people to view what you're saying. You know beyond telling you the perspective you disagree. That's it I mean, what do you want from me? Okay, but do you but do you get do you get where I'm coming from like that? [/INST] Aware Hascord Aware Hascord Aware Hascord Aware Hascord </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Really? Oh, okay. Okay. It's ready. How much? How much? It's ready. 60 Rupees. How are you feeling? How are you feeling? Do you need change? Yeah, I need change. I don't have change. Do you have 50? [/INST] KEKW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I swung my legs over and I pulled out the fucking power supply cable to the computer. Unlucky! And then, and then you get hit by fucking 30 Windows updates because I never fucking update ever. [/INST] OMEGALUL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: SPEEDRUN ALL ON YOUR OWN WHAT THE FUCK [/INST] Yes </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I'm funny. I don't know where the snipers came from, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. [/INST] SNIPERS Copesen </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Okay, wait, wait, wait, I have to leave it, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, wait, wait, no, wait, wait, wait, no, wait, wait, no, I feel like one of those anime people who like, they have like, the really big ball thing, and they're like, huh, and then everyone goes, huh, and just crashes and it explodes, and no one dies. [/INST] EMILYYY </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: All right, what else we got? Use the money to buy some nice high quality rope and turn yourself into content for Logan Paul you crack Addicted Ken doll looking sack of shit. That's a good one chat. I gotta be honest chat. This is a compounded joke There's multiple good ones in this chat Yes, a lot of reference here reference to suicide to the Logan fucking the Logan Paul suicide forest event Ken doll Classic to like four three joking to one that he has 39,000 tweets So many on there, that's a good one [/INST] OMEGALUL ALL WEEBS OMEGALUL ALL WEEBS OMEGALUL ALL WEEBS OMEGALUL ALL WEEBS </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I was running on the carpet, inside the fucking ship, you absolute fucking twat! On the stairs, inside! Are you fucking stupid or are you just too fucking poor, you've never been on a fucking cruise? Huh? Broke-ass bitch, I bet your mother fucking hates you. Anyway. [/INST] THERES THE IRISH GIRL IN HER!! FUCK YEAH!! </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Classic, I would say this is a 9.5 out of 10, actually I'd say a 9 out of 10. 9.5 out of 10 with Classic? Yeah, 9 out of 10 for sure. And Diablo, Diablo 4, or just Diablo, Diablo 4, yeah whatever. I will say is also an 8 out of 10. Classic. Holy shit, what the fuck? [/INST] HAHAHA </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Say whatever you want about us, we just don't care. I- I don't care. You can say whatever you want. So if I say it now, I can say it? Yes, I literally- I will give you the- You'll give me the pass? What is the Italian pass? Like, I don't even know, like a $25 gift card to Olive Garden. I don't know what it is, but you can have it. I don't care. Say whatever you want about Italians, we don't care. Gu- Guido? What? Oh, stop! [/INST] LMAOOOOOOOOOO </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I'm interested. Okay, make me an offer Okay Here's my offer I'll give you an apple for an orange and a pear for a plum and two bananas for a pineapple and a mango and a papaya and a lychee and an avocado and a kiwi fruit and a banana tree and a monkey to eat the fruit from the banana tree and you can name the monkey George if you want and we'll call him George for short and you can keep George as A pet and he'll be the best monkey in the world and he'll love you forever and he will never die Amen [/INST] KEKW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I don't even know if this is going to work. Oh! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Wait, it does work. It is a little bit off, but it's not that noticeable. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, my god! Wait. Wait. Wait. Um, I'm going to take green. Whoa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I hate this. This is so scary. Invisibility potion. Wait. Wait. Wait. Ha! Ha! [/INST] OOOO </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: it absolutely says something it says that you're so skippity you're so phantom tax i just want to be your sigma oh god i should be fucking shot for that very concerned about the issue livy dunn was elected in ohio and baby gronk is rizzing the caucus to pass tort reform of abortion rights and democrats as you pointed out had several victories last night in this off election year especially here in ohio when israel is invading giaza women strongly backed this measure overall but what's very interesting too is when you break out both men and women under the age of 30 80 of them also [/INST] KEKL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: HOLY FUCK! JUST TAKE IT! They can use swords, they can use staffs, they can use wands. Sorry, honey. [/INST] D: </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I'm the only one alive. I feel like I have to leave. I don't think it's a good idea for me to go back, but I could totally do it. I know I can. A little bit of min-max. Not gonna go in too deep. Not gonna throw the run. Oh god! [/INST] go backkk </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron. Get you waiting, huh? I'm going to show you how sniping should be handled. Take a good look. Are you alright, sir? Snake! Snake! [/INST] OMEGALUL </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Oh, God! The hard steel box is falling! This is so terrible! Ah, shit! Bro, my nose is running! Am I dying? Is my brain leaking out? Ah! Ow, fuck! [/INST] floor presses </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: Moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron, moron. Get you waiting, huh? I'm going to show you how sniping should be handled. Take a good look. Are you alright, sir? Snake! Snake! [/INST] PepeHands </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: I'm gonna have a look at these girls' expressions. You got it, girl. [/INST] OOOO </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: It was easy. Not clear! You don't know who it is! You don't know this mage! Do you understand the difference between a stupid fuck and a good player? It's massive, and you don't know who the fuck this person is. And you go in here and you do this stupid pull in this dumb, extremely risky quest, dependent on some random fuck. The guy's name is GameIsBut. What do you fucking think's gonna happen? Everyone's warning you about this quest, and you still do it. I tell you to calm down, you're going crazy. Like, I'm being spammed, Dude, this is almost dying! And I'm like, okay, hoppers, I check in, You really are almost dying! And then guess what? She's actually dead. Do you feel how fucking demoralizing it is? Do you regret what the fuck happened? Because you cannot rewind time. She's fucking dead! And now you have to level a warrior by yourself. You probably can't even fucking do it. Because you've had her the whole fucking time healing you. Now you gotta actually play the game. And she has to start- [/INST] LULW </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame [/INST] yiffPls yiffPls yiffPls kkatamO7 </s> |
<s>[INST] Write a Twitch.tv chat response to this message: You know, our coach said, if we get top four at TI, I will shave my head. William looked us in our eyes and said, I promise you guys, if we get top four, I will shave my head. Yeah, so we got top four, and then we're like, all right, William, we got four days, let's shave it. And he's like, no, no, no, no, I said top three. But we had vlog footage, so we went back and watched the vlog, and it's very clearly top four. But you guys also got top three. And then we got top three, and we're like, William, shave your head. And he's like, mm, you know, like, he Williams out of it. And then, yeah, no, shaving your head, I think, probably is the reason we didn't do better at this TI. I mean, next year, there's always a chance. So maybe, you know, there's a 15-minute break in the meantime. Maybe Game of Gladiators is finding a razor, as we speak, for their head, that is. And, you know, that was very grim. That's not why I wanted to go with that. [/INST] i'd have gone bald fukc it </s> |
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