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13,400 | 385 | 30 | 2,654 | 2,774 | Garçon Primal
Red a un peu embarrassé à son entrée désordonnée quand le garçon russe a répondu à ses salutations et a continué à lui sourire. Il regarda alors le garçon nommé Seamus prononcer des mots que Red ne pouvait pas comprendre et quelques secondes plus tard ses vêtements étaient propres. Les yeux de Red s'élargissaient un peu alors qu'il se regardait et découvrait qu'il était maintenant propre, que c'était un pouvoir étrange et qu'il ne faisait pas ce que c'était.
"Wow! C'est cool! Oh et ne vous inquiétez pas du sang que ce n'était pas le mien" il a dit avec un ton rassurant à sa voix pour s'assurer qu'aucun des coéquipiers ne s'inquiétait pour lui. Quand Chris a mentionné qu'il était parmi les deux dernières arrivées, il s'est griffé la tête avec un sourire joyeux essayant de cacher son léger embarras à être en retard. Puis trois personnes de plus se sont pointées, mais elles semblaient être supportables que tout le monde et l'une d'elles était verte et n'avait pas l'air d'un humain normal, mais il l'appellerait Green Lady s'il ne se souvenait pas de son nom.
Il les écouta se présenter et Red trouva qu'il ne reconnaissait aucun de leurs noms. En plus de Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Green Arrow et Animal Man, la plupart des noms des autres héros viennent de passer sur sa tête. C'était un peu un exploit pour lui de se souvenir des noms de ces trois s'ils ne lui ont pas beaucoup dit. Son enthousiasme s'est levé quand il a entendu le mot train parlé par la jeune fille verte et il a fléchi ses muscles préparation pour un entraînement intense.
"Je suis prêt pour ça! Quand est-ce qu'on commence?" Il a demandé à tout le monde de lancer des exorcises dérisoires.
Alexandrovitch était curieux de la nouvelle arrivée Seamus après l'avoir regardé dire quelques mots qu'il ne comprenait pas et ensuite fait les vêtements de Red se nettoyer du sang. Ça ressemblait à une sorte de pouvoir surnaturel. Après que Red ait fini de louer son coéquipier, il est passé à Seamus pour lui poser une question.
-- Comment avez-vous fait cela? Il a demandé à être curieux de le savoir. | Name - Alexandrovich Romanov
Alias - Plutonium
Age - Physically he is 15, but chronologically he is well over 80
Appearance - He dresses in very early twentieth century Russian attire, which includes a red fur coat and a black Ushanka with the Romanov royal family crest on the front. His pants are black wool and his footwear consists of black winter boots. Alexandrovich also wears snow-goggles and black fur gloves.
Personality - Alexandrovich is a boy out of time and still acts like a person from the very early 20th century. He is rather formal most of the time, but he is a huge monarchist thanks to his family being the once great rulers of Tsarist Russia. His family being killed helped fuel his dogmatic views other non-monarchist politics, and it is because of this that he hates communists with a burning passion, especially the Russian ones.
He has made several jokes about how he would be tempted to let a civilian die from a villain if he knew that they were a communist, but this has never happened yet and most think it is just his crude sense of humor. His political view is monarchist with a bit of authoritarianism mixed in. Alexandrovich has huge respect for law and order as well as divine authority. Even though he fervently disagrees with the representative republic system of the United States he does have grudging respect for America for being the enemies of Russian communists.
Alexandrovich is also fairly religious thanks to the royal family being heavily tied to the Russian Orthodox Church and he is a firm believer in God. There are three insults that he can't stand, insults to his family, country or religion.
What is definitely true is that he has royal temper and will make rash decisions if an enemy pisses him off enough. Insulting his family or country outside of the time it was communist will infuriate him and he will be prepared to get into a full blown argument. Despite these flaws to his character, Alexandrovich is very courageous and has a good sense of honor. He will never abandon his friends and comrades, and isn't afraid to face death. Alexandrovich is also rather smart and perceptive.
He does suffer from bouts of depression and emotional instability thanks to seeing his family die and the fact that he it is no longer in the world that he had been born into. This still doesn't stop from his using his powers to try and bring some good things back into the world. How he handles this huge change in his life and his current situation is that he believes that God has given him a second chance at life.
Gear (optional) - his goggles have inferred and night vision, as well as a tracking and targeting system.
Power/ability - Radiation Absorption: Alexandrovich can absorb all kinds of radiation even the radiation found in the sun's rays as well as the light that comes off of the moon. If there is a high amount of harmful radiation in the environment then he can absorb it into himself in order to clean the area of the contamination. This gives him a huge reservoir of radioactive energy, which he can draw upon. Finally absorbing radiation can speed up his bodies healing process and allows him to recover more quickly from non fatal wounds and also revitalizes his stamina and body strength, he technically doesn't even need to eat to live and keep up his strnegth.
Radiation Manipulation: This power allows him to manipulate the radioactive energy within himself and the environment around him. His main use of this power is to fire off blast of extremely hot radioactive energy.
Radioactive Flight: Alexandrovich is able to fly by using his manipulation of the radiation in light to bounce off of the particles in air and is capable of high speed flight. This ability works best when in direct sunlight and at night it is easier for him to levitate then actually fly since it will start to use up his own energy reserves of radiation.
Thermal Resistance: He has an extremely high resistance to heat and cold, which allows him to survive temperatures that would be deadly to normal humans.
Weakness - His main weakness is that if his energy reserves are depleted then his powers will become very weak and it takes several hours to get back up to near full power. The more energy he uses the more drained his reserves can become. Despite his healing capabilities, Alexandrovich is still vulnerable to being killed be basic human weapons such guns, swords and bombs. If he absorbs too much radioactive energy then he will experience great pain and it can overwhelm him. Even though it is not technically a weakness, the radiation in his body makes it dangerous for others to make physical contact with his skin for long periods of time and this has caused him to fear letting other get romantically involved with him.
Bio - Alexandrovich was born in 1906 to the Russian royal family the Romanovs, and from the moment he could remember he was always a bright and happy child. He honored his family and loved them dearly, it was part of his dream to make them proud and find a way to fix Russia's problems. The state of the nation was not a good one and he hoped to help change that and renew the bonds between monarchy and the people.
But things would go horribly when the revolution happened and the communist party took over his country. They hated the monarchy and wanted to see them gone forever. Alexandrovich was afraid and he wondered what would happen with them next since his cousins were being held prisoner. He then heard the terrible news of his cousin the Tsar and his family's death. This death pained him greatly since he had a close relationship with his distant cousins, especially princess Anastasia.
They soon came for Alexandrovich's family and they were forced to try and flee the country. But their attempt escape to one of the neighboring nations were hopeless when the Reds intercepted them near the border of Russia. His father decided to sacrifice himself in the hopes that his family might live and he ordered them to run while he and his body guards stayed to fight. Alexandrovich and his family tried to run, but they were shot near a frozen lake and were thrown into the freezing water.
The communist bastards didn't even kill them before they were tossed in the freezing water and just assumed that they would all drown. That's when a meteor of incredible size fell from the sky and struck the Russian wilderness. The meteor released an intense and strange radiation that killed the soldiers who had murdered his family, but Alexandrovich survived thanks to his dormant metagenes activating when the radiation hit the water and changed around his biology to absorb radiation.
With his new powers Alexandrovich was spared death and went into a hibernation sleep for many years. He was freed thanks to the shifting temperatures of the world's environments and he awoke to find himself in the 21st century. His wound was healed thanks to his body absorbing the radiation from the impact of the meteor and he hadn't expected to be still alive after experiencing the horrible sensation of drowning and freezing to death.
Upon learning that he was now in a different century and that the Russian royal family had been dead for decades, Alexandrovich was devastated by the reality of his life now. Everyone he knew was dead and he had no family anymore. His hate for the communists reached a new level and he was glad to see that the Russian soviets had fallen and were now a thing of the past.
Realizing that he also had incredible abilities, Alexandrovich sought out some people of this time period and equipped himself with some high-tech goggles and his personal costume, he became a hero by the name of Plutonium. It has now been a year since he awoke from his long slumber and he hopes to become a powerful enough hero to one start to wage a one man war against all forms of communism. The Justice League of country America eventually came to him with an offer to join a team of younger heroes and he was not very interested at first, but he did realize that he had a long way to go with learning how to fully control his power.
He eventually agreed to their offer and he left out his plan to one day wipe out communism in the world. No he would keep that secret to himself and reveal it when the time was right. Even though he was more used to being alone, a part of him that he didn't like to show too much wanted to find others to make friendships with. Alexandrovich just hopes that his comrades don't die like his family did and he would do whatever he could to make sure that horrible nightmare never happened again.
Notes - he loves meat and his favorite music is classical. Alexandrovich also is a big fan of animated film Anastasia because it is about his dead cousin who is alive in the film. |
13,401 | 385 | 31 | 2,049 | 6,923 | Pendant un moment, Seamus a supposé qu'il y avait encore plus d'arrivées tardives dans la pièce, mais il est rapidement venu à la prise de conscience que ce sont quelques-uns des fondateurs de l'équipe même qu'il rejoignait. Le clone Superman, le plus fort télépathe du monde, et l'un des hommes les plus rapides vivants, ou mieux connu sous le nom de Superboy, Miss Martian, et Kid Flash, tous en un seul endroit. Seamus a été un peu frappé par une étoile, bien qu'il ne l'ait pas montré sur le visage. Il était désespérément heureux qu'il ait accepté l'offre de rejoindre l'équipe maintenant, obtenir l'occasion de travailler en étroite collaboration avec ces héros était certainement la chance d'une période de vie. Il venait juste de finir d'écouter Mlle Martian expliquer comment elle et Superboy agiront comme les gardiens de groupes quand le Russe est venu à lui et lui a demandé comment a-t-il fait cela, il a pris Seamus un moment pour se rendre compte qu'il faisait référence au simple charme de nettoyage qu'il a jeté sur Red. Seamus a envisagé d'expliquer l'origine du rituel et comment il a finalement été transféré dans une incantation qui à son tour a été traduite en une simple phrase parlée en anglais par Seamus, mais en venant à ses sens Seamus s'est décidé à le garder simple. "Magic." Il l'a dit clairement. | "My shadow is great company."
Seamus Matthew O'Dare-Swift
Shay- By his sisters and mom
Seamus is a tall fellow, standing at 6'3" in height, with a lean body build. He has messy dark red hair that hangs down to the back of his neck. His eyes are a deep royal purple color and are quite unsettling to some. He has a very fair complexion, not having a blemish in sight.
Seamus's costume is rather unorthodox when compared to the flasher superheroes around. It consists of a dark grey long sleeved button up shirt under a black collared jacket along with some black slacks and a pair of black dress shoes. He also wears a scarf wrapped around his neck, occasionally using it to cover his lower face like a mask.
Seamus has been described as the quiet type countless times, he only speaks when he finds it necessary. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, he is more of the dry sarcasm type of person when he does try his hand at a joke. He may come off as cold but Seamus has a kind heart, he wouldn't dare mock someone and people seem to find him a rather good person to talk to about their problems given his calm demeanor. He is incredibly loyal and protective of his friends and family, not hesitating to stand up for them.
Seamus has a enchanted satchel that is capable of holding a whole warehouse worth of items and it doesn't even loose it shape or get any heavier.
"What? I like to read."
Seamus keeps a library worth of books in his satchel, most of them on the mystical arts though he does have a few more normal books
Seamus's ring is made of a special metal found only in the Shadowlands. It is a simple band that wraps around his finger, though it does have a crow engraved into it. One odd thing about the ring though is that it is freezing to the touch.
Seamus has managed to get his hands on a top of the line camera and takes it with him everywhere, usually keeping it around his neck. He is known to snap pictures at seemingly random moments.
Darkness Manipulation
Seamus, like his father, is connected with the realm of semi-sentient darkness known as the Shadowlands, which allows him to manipulate darkness in varies ways. He can create constructs out of shadows, the larger amount of shadows available the larger and stronger types of constructs Seamus can summon. Seamus usually uses shadows to form things to restrain and subdue people, his favorite method so far seems to be summoning giant hands to grab and toss around foes. He is able to turn shadows into a disk he can use to levitate and fly on, giving himself extra mobility. Though his connection to the Shadowlands are strong Seamus hasn't mastered his powers yet and has trouble using them to their full potential. Such as unlike his father Seamus has yet to be able to summon actual creatures from the shadow lands. Like wise Seamus hasn't been able to shadow travel own free will, which is basically a form of teleportation. To help regulate his powers Seamus wears a special black metal ring.
Seamus has a real knack for magic and has spent years studying and learning new spells, regardless of the school of magic it is from. He uses anything from verbal incantations to hand gestures to use spells, though like a lot of magic users he finds it easiest to simply utter his words backwards to perform a spell. He is rather well rounded in his range of spells, even being able to perform spells that many magic users would find 'dark'.
Enhanced Healing
It seems that Seamus gained some of his father's resistance to harm, though not nearly to the same extent. A beating that would leave a normal person in a coma or dead will knock the wind out of Seamus and that is about it. He heals a lot faster than a normal person, a twisted ankle or a broken arm will be healed up in a few hours. He can even take a few gunshots with little problem, but pump a few too many bullets into him and He will go down.
Arcane Knowledge
Seamus has a in-depth knowledge on a nearly countless amount of subjects involving the magical side of the universe, anything from the names of long lost civilizations to rituals to invoke powerful spirits.
Having to read thousands of books in a almost countless amount of different languages Seamus has become fluent in an astonishing amount of languages, many of which long dead or even never spoken by humans at all.
Talented Artist
All the sigils and ancient markings Seamus had to learn to draw made him quite the skilled artist, he can draw some pretty life like images. Though he seems to prefer photography.
"It is a bit too bright in here."
Seamus has of yet to be able to produce his own darkness so at the moment he has to rely on whatever shadows are near by in order for him to create his constructs.
Seamus hasn't mastered his powers yet and as such he must wear a specially enchanted ring to help focuses them. When he doesn't wear his ring his powers are known to go haywire, summoning creatures from the Shadowlands, shadow walking him to random places, and even attacking other people.
Seamus was born the oldest child of Opal city's police detective Hope O'Dare and Richard Swift, The Shade. His younger siblings being twin girls by the name Seana and Sarah. Despite never being formally married Hope and Ricard tried to keep their kids' lives as simple as possible, going as far to hide Richard's secret identity from them. Seamus's life was fairly normal until his tenth birthday when his powers manifested, in the form of transporting him to the Shadowlands. Seamus spent a week lost in the realm, something that can and has driven countless other people mad. The only way the boy survived was by the will of the Shadowlands itself, it guiding Seamus away from the evil beings that dwelled there. He was saved by his father who travelled to the other realm do to his own connection with it. After his return to earth Seamus was told the secret his parents hide from him his whole life. Though he was hurt by the distrust his parents showed him, even now still resenting them slightly, he was ecstatic to have this whole new world, literally, presented to him.
Seamus has an addiction to any and all things blueberry. If you leave anything out with blueberries in it Seamus will most likely take it. He even keeps a pack of blueberry flavored gum on him at all times.
Hope O'Dare
His mother and a detective on the Opal City police force. She is very over protective and doesn't like the idea of Seamus being on the team.
Richard "Shade" Swift
His father and the "hero" known as the Shade. The two are fairly close, though they don't speak all to often with each other nowadays.
Seana O'Dare-Swift
His younger sister and the older one of the twins by four minutes. She is reserved and quite timed but is amazingly bright.
Sarah O'Dare-Swift
His younger sister and the youngest of the twins by four minutes. Unlike her sister Sarah is outgoing and confident, not being afraid to speak her mind and go after what she wants.
Giovanni Zatara
Seamus has met with the magician many times and has learned a few spells from him.
Zatanna Zatara
His meetings with her father has caused Seamus to meet Zatanna a few times, they seem to have gotten along quite well.
John "Hellblazer" Constantine
Seamus has crossed path with this magic user a few times, the two have no real negative feelings towards each other.
Dr. Fate
Seamus has a respect for the hero and a slight sympathy for the person that has to be used to bring him. |
13,402 | 385 | 32 | 876 | 752 | Super garçon
Superboy était heureux d'apprendre que certaines personnes étaient impatientes de s'entraîner, mais il ne voulait pas jeter hors de l'horaire. "Ok, si tu veux t'entraîner devant moi quelqu'un d'autre peut se tenir sur le côté avec Mlle Martien et Kid Flash." il a dit tout en étirant légèrement / se préparer à voir ce que cette nouvelle équipe a à offrir.
Miss Martien et Kid Flash
Mlle Martian et Kid Flash ne s'attendaient pas à ce que certains soient impatients de s'entraîner. Après Superboy a dit qu'il s'occuperait de l'entraînement qu'ils ont quitté pour voir qui allait les rejoindre. Mlle Martian s'est souvenue de quelque chose "Oh, et si vous n'êtes pas entrainement et dix-huit ou moins s'il vous plaît venez moi ou Kid Flash." Elle a dit avec un sourire.
Chris et Charlie
Chris est passé à Miss Martien et Kid Flash sans dire grand chose une fois là-bas. Ils ont aussi regardé pour voir qui allait venir. Chris ne voulait pas s'entraîner contre Superboy plus voir comment ses coéquipiers font. Et Charlie avait un plan qui était d'attendre que tout le monde parte et puis il serait le dernier et il aurait une meilleure chance quand Superboy était fatigué.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça?
Dans un complexe d'appartements abandonné, un groupe énorme de figures masquées/hubées a rassemblé. Ils étaient dans l'une des plus grandes pièces du complexe entouré de boîtes pleines d'armes, et ils étaient blottis autour d'une grande table avec des papiers éparpillés autour. L'un des hommes s'est exprimé et a dit : "Voilà le plan. Équipe A vous allez à l'arrière et vous préparez à briser les murs, Équipe B vous serez stationné en face de la rue, Équipe C vous êtes l'équipe d'extraction. L'équipe B une fois que l'équipe A souffle les murs tous les yeux sont sur eux, vous vous déplacerez de l'avant et commencerez à enfiler le butin. Enfin l'équipe C, vous allez extraire l'équipe B, et l'équipe A quand l'attention se tourne vers l'équipe B et C, vous ferez votre évasion à travers le tunnel souterrain que nous avons creusé la semaine dernière." Il a expliqué et a fait une courte pause avant de revenir là où il s'était arrêté. -- Vous comprenez tous ce que vous faites?
-- Monsieur, oui, monsieur! Tout le monde a dit.
"Bien alors préparez-vous, nous nous déplaçons dans une heure." a dit que l'homme qui a souri en sachant ce plan n'échouerait jamais. | Name - Jesus (but now goes by Chris) Freeman
Alias - Fang
Age - 20
Appearance - Chris is currently standing at 5’7”
But with glasses but trades them out for the mask when time to fight.
Personality - Chris is kind to everyone and has been taught to be honest to his loved ones. He is friendly, funny, and always finds a way to cheer up someone if their having a bad day. Yet at the same time Chris has another side to him that comes out when he is in combat or threatened of losing someone he cares about.
Gear (optional) -
-Gatling sheath and inter changeable blade katana: Chris has one main weapon that he created over a course of time in his father’s lab. The first part is a sheath that sort of has the shape of mini-gun barrel but not as revealing and a bit more of a rectangle mix. It holds different groups of katana blades they have different effects depending on the color Red=fire, Blue=electricity, Yellow=explosive (adds a little extra kick on impact), Light Blue=ice. The fun part of this contraption for Chris is that it's linked to his mask and he can have it spin till the type of blade he requested is ready to be drawn. The other half of his weapon is the katana handle he crafted to be able to change blades when the time comes. He takes the handle hand jam it into the hole of the sheath and waits just a second for the blade to lock onto the handle before drawing it.
-Mask: Chris knew he didn't want anyone to know his face so he invented a mask and implanted the same technology in it his dad created for him to see. Chris also added some extra features like a display had that can tell all sorts of things like if he has run out of a type of katana blade, or all sorts of things. The mask itself is made out carbon fiber with a screen on the inside that allows Chris to see and do what he does. (The mask looks like this but without the eye holes and has a few short glowing red line on it.)
Power/ability - Chris is super smart when it comes to inventing things whether it's weapons or battle armor. With how smart he is at inventing it can work in reverse as well. An example would be if he went against someone with advance armor, battle mechs, or weapons he can find a weak spot pretty quickly by analyzing it.
Weakness - Chris went blind around the age of sixteen and had the help of his dad to fix that by making him a pair of glasses that give him sight once again. Later on his life he implanted the same type technology in a mask he wears, so if he loses one of the two he loses his sight.
Bio - Born in a weird mix of parents a super christian mother and a scientist father. He grew up in Detroit in a small house with no other siblings. When he was born his mother insisted he be named Jesus and his father just wen along with it thinking she was joking until he saw the birth certificate. Chris went to a very poor school that was probably one gang fight away from closing. When he first meet his friends he told them his name was Jesus, so they nick named him the Jesus of Suburbia which he thought was kind of funny.
When he wasn't in school Chris went with his father to his lab with all the other scientists. Chris was always fascinated by what his dad did always inventing knew things to better peoples lives, and it's what drove Chris to invent his own things. At school his friends though it was cool he wanted to invent things and they even wanted to help him but mostly what they did was help give him ideas.
When Chris was sixteen he got a part time job in his father’s lab. Chris was to help his dad but his dad just let him try to make his own things and he did for months and months till a certain, and it was that day when Chris made his first and most tragic mistake. While trying to make something Chris ended up hitting a jar containing some liquid in spilling around where he was standing. Taking blame for it Chris started to move to the mop, but he slipped on the first step and ended up hitting his head on the table knocking him out and causing him to go blind.
Chris spent months having to walk around with cane and his friends felt sorry for what happened to him. Even though they have nothing to do with what happened, but while Chris walked around blind his dad was hard at work trying to invent something that could restore his sight. It was the only thing his dad could think about and he halted all of his other work just for this one project, and over a year timing and many failed attempts it was done. Chris was sitting up in his room when his father came knocking at the door saying he had a present for him, and after letting his father in Chris was given a pair of glasses. He put them on and while he was putting them on he stopped and was surprised he was starting to see something, and after the he quickly put the glasses on. Chris nearly jumped out of his skin when he found out he can see once again.
Chris grew up to the age of eighteen and with that he changed his name from Jesus to Chris and moved out of his parents house into an apartment complex. Still working at his father’s lab Chris basically was a genius in inventing and dissembling/reverse engineering. Chris mostly spent time inventing and investigating in the crime that happens around the streets of Detroit. In due time Chris took under the name of Fang when fighting crime he mostly did it at night because that's when crime is most booming in Detroit.
Notes -
-Music: Chris enjoys music when he is crafting, so he usually has head phones on.
-Leader: Chris has been prompted by Batman that he will be the team leader.
Name - Charlie Johnson
Alias - Ash
Age - 16
Appearance - Charlie stands about 5'6" with hair that is about between medium and short lengths and blue eyes. He likes to wear a black beanie, light grey pants, punk/rock t-shirt, black with white bottom and laces skate shoes, and a red and black square flannel. For combat Charlie was given a full black with some grey combat outfit. Which is black pants with two grey ovals along them, a dark grey shirt, a black jacket with two pockets in the front on each side of the zipper, and he still wears his skate shoes.
Personality - Charlie has that average skater teen attitude, and also has the personality of teens who had to survive on the streets. But all that aside he cares for others and is friendly and kind along with that.
Gear (optional) - Charlie carries on him his phone, earbuds/headphones, skateboard, and wallet at all times.
Power/ability - Lord Symbol.
Charlie (as many say) was "branded" with the symbol of an acncient Lord of Fire this allows him to generate his own fire out of thin air. He can also use his flames for multiple purposes such as...
Will it burn? - Charlie can decide if his flames will burn or not, but even if it doesn't burn you can still feel the heat.
I'm my own rocket! - While on his skateboard Charlie can use his flames to accelerate his speed to limits of a car, but it burns through his power faster than anything else. This can also allow him to somewhat fly, but it more looks like someone surfing the air because it gets really wobbly up in the air.
Kaboom! - If Charlie puts out enough fire in a small concentrated spot it can create an explosion, but as of right now he can only breach a door or a brick wall.
Weakness - Charlie does not have infinite supply of fire he can burn through it if not careful, and if that was to happen he would need time to channel/charge it back up. If he focuses on it the process can be quick but he needs absolute concentration to do so. If he can't concentrate then the process to restore him to full power can take a long time.
Bio - Charlie Johnson or better known as Ash lived most his life on the street. He was born and somewhat raised in Gotham of course most of the raising took place on the streets. He used to live in a home till he started to get his powers, and by accident he burned down his school and in return a mob of angry parents came and burned down his house. He got out safely but his parents didn't since then he lived with the other homeless on the streets and in the alleys.
Eventually Charlie got into gang life because of his powers, but it was in that life he met his best friend Stone Wilson who also was "gifted." The two followed what they were told to do by their boss and never asked questions. On one such day Charlie was tired of it all and left the gang, but Stone stayed for reasons he couldn't say. Before leaving Charlie was given a finale gift from Stone since it was his birthday and all, and the gift Charlie received was what looked like a brand new out of the store skateboard (but it was actually Stone's old one that he put new parts on.) A year after leaving Charlie was approached by a Justice League member who asked him to join a team called "Young Justice," and without thinking Charlie agreed on the spot.
Music - Charlie likes punk/rock music the most and has tons of songs on his phone.
Hair? - Charlie cuts his own hair and hasn't been to a barber since his school burned down.
Pro or not? - Charlie is very talented at skateboarding, but he doesn't say he's a pro more like someone who enjoys it. |
13,403 | 385 | 33 | 1,923 | 1,501 | Ryan a froncé que les gens interagissent autour de lui. De nouveaux arrivants sont apparus, certains avec des entrées plutôt intéressantes. Les chauves-souris sont parties. Et à travers tout cela, il ne pouvait pas ébranler l'impression que les gens pensaient qu'il s'était moqué de Peggy Little quand il avait ri plus tôt.
"Mais... J'ai cru qu'elle était mignonne et stupéfaite comme ça." Il fronça de nouveau et tomba dans un léger bourbier, les bras croisés sur sa poitrine avec sa cigarette qui s'accroupissait lâchement de ses lèvres.
Un moment plus tard, le téléporteur Zeta s'est activé et trois nouvelles personnes sont sorties calmement comme si elles avaient marché d'une pièce à l'autre. Il n'était pas positif s'il pouvait marcher si calmement après que ses molécules se soient brouillées et transportées sur de grandes distances comme ça.
Mais encore une fois, Superboy, Miss Martian, et Kid Flash avaient certainement beaucoup de pratique si les histoires devaient être crues.
Quand Superboy a mentionné l'entraînement d'un sourire de fer étiré ses lèvres et il s'est fêlé les doigts alors qu'il se dirigeait vers le clone de krypton Ian. C'est juste ce que le docteur a ordonné de rétablir sa bonne humeur.
-- Monsieur, oui monsieur! Il aboie alors qu'il se tenait à l'attention de Superboy et s'est cassé un salut croustillant. "Singularité, rapport pour l'entraînement, monsieur!" L'apparence professionnelle qu'il a tenté de livrer a été ruinée par ses vêtements bien usés et le mince flot de fumée de cigarette qui tournait autour de sa tête. | Name:
Cora Smithson
Cor'Baath the Liar
Short blue hair and eyes, her eyes can turn red with use of her abilities. Cora is about five feet six, and looks thin and weak. She often prefers to wear blue for luck. She also wears a metal collar and a pair of metal braces on her face. Both can be triggered by her teammates should she go wild. The face plates are holy magics that are made to exorcise demons, and after their use they leave burns on her face.
Her superhero outfit is a black t-shirt and cargo pants with combat boots. She wears a blue jacket over both, for luck.
Most of the time when she's not at work she's very calm and laid back. She might make a sarcastic comment or two to show that she's feeling good, but other than that she doesn't really telegraph her feelings. Most people automatically assume she's always angry because of her powers, but since she's received the amulet she's actually happy for the first time in a long time. She considers loyalty to others to be a priority, and tries to help whenever she can. However, without the amulet it's easy to tell that she's angry. Her transformations become more apparent and her irritability goes way up. She can be credited to the death of a thief who attempted to take her wallet once. She claims self defense, but knows that she lost control. Control is the second most important thing to her, and she works to make sure she never loses her temper or overreact to anything. She doesn't consider herself to be two people but one person with a very bad temper.
Binding Amulet-
A simple amulet that allows Cora to keep her human form more easily. Crafted by the Justice League so that she may be a part of Young Justice. When worn, it makes her calmer and less angry.
Demonic Physiology-
Cora sheds parts of her human form to become her true self. She has rules about how much she transforms and how often she does it. Her hands, when transformed, have red scales and claws capable of cutting through steel. When Cora's arms are transformed, her strength effectively doubles and Cora becomes slightly more durable than before. If her legs are transformed, she becomes twice as fast and effectively doubles her reflexes. However, she doesn't transform both at once, nor does she use her 'real' form in combat. Despite being a young demon, she's very strong, even when not transformed. When not transformed at all, Cora is as strong as the strongest normal human. However, she needs to be transformed to take advantage of her form's abilities.
Demonic Understanding-
Cora knows how demons operate and has a fairly decent sense of dark magic and sorcery. She is capable of sensing spells not of a religious background, and interrupting them. However, being a young demon she can't really perform spells without a prepared ingredient on hand. Without any preparation any spell she attempts will fail. She doesn't need anything to break a spell that is considered 'unholy'. Dark magic stemming from the underworld is ineffective against her.
Quick Healing-
Small injuries ranging from a paper cut up to a broken bone heals twice as fast as a regular human's. However, when in demonic form she is unable to heal quickly.
Demonic Madness-
The more she transforms into her demonic form, the angrier and more out of control she gets. Conversely, as she gets angrier she becomes more demonic, thus she has to constantly be in control of her emotions. It is possible to bring her back after a full blown transformation, but that requires stunning her into unconsciousness first.
Gross, it's a church-
With the exception of cemeteries, Cora cannot walk on hallowed ground without permission from the person in charge of the hallowed ground. This is true for all religions and faiths. The exception is anywhere that is blessed by a ruler of the underworld.
Holy Magic-
Any magic considered holy and doesn't use life force for power can inflict great harm upon Cora. Exorcisms in particular work especially well, and can always render her unconscious.
Because of her past actions, Cora wears a collar designed to inject tranquilizers should she get out of hand and face plates that activate an exorcism spell. The face plates are slightly painful at all times and she is subject to the leader of the team's and justice league's decisions as to whether or not she needs to be tranquilized or exorcised. The exorcism doesn't send her back to the Underworld, but does render her unconscious due to the pain.
"I thought I was normal."
Cora grew up to a typical home, with typical parents. However, they were unaware that Cora was a demon until she was ten years old and broke the teacher's arm while he yelled at her. After a year of searching for help from the church, the only thing that Cora could stand to do was to run away from all that she'd ever known and attempt to understand what had happened to her. As the years rolled on her temper got worse and worse, until one day she killed someone. She'd just been trying to defend herself but the brutality of the crime resulted in a near complete transformation of Cora into Cor'Baath, the demon that had been banished to earth and forced to hold a semi-mortal form.
Cor'Baath had rejected torturing humans for fun and instead tried to help the ones unjustly accused into a better place. When discovered Cor'Baath was sent to earth in mortal form and without any memories of her work. Her punishment was exile to see how horrible human being can truly be. However, a riot during the exile ritual disrupted it and caused Cor'Baath to retain some demonic elements in her mortal form.
The conflict drove both Cora and Cor'Baath into madness and they began to break the law. It was petty at first, but quickly escalated as she got away with more and more crimes. As Cor'Baath, Cora was on the path to become a regular supervillian, often trying to destroy the world and steal from banks. It wasn't until Doctor Fate intervened and defeated her that the truth behind her transformations was revealed. Her plea to Doctor Fate to allow her to atone for what she'd done worked and she was provincially put on the Young Justice team.
Forbidden to leave HQ. Too dangerous when exposed to the real world.
Loves Ghibli movies. Her favorite is Howl's Moving Castle. |
13,404 | 385 | 34 | 2,096 | 5,087 | Très bien! Kimberly a dit, excité d'avoir le spectacle sur la route. Elle est allée là où Superboy a dit de s'aligner, marchant derrière Ryan. Elle s'est retournée pour regarder Conner, seulement pour réaliser que Conner n'était pas derrière elle. En regardant autour de lui, elle l'a rapidement repéré avec Mlle Martien. "Conner, tu ne viens pas?" Kimberly a demandé.
-- Il n'y a pas de hâte de s'entraîner tout de suite, répondit Conner. "Beaucoup d'autres choses à faire, comme faire une visite de la base." Alors que Conner voulait explorer la base, la vérité était qu'il était trop nerveux pour réellement faire n'importe quel entraînement pour le moment. Il n'avait aucune prouesse physique, aucune respiration de feu, rien de tel. Tout ce qu'il pouvait faire, c'était "amplifier". Malgré sa nervosité, il était aussi excité. Peu de gens pouvaient dire qu'ils faisaient partie d'un groupe de superhéros, même s'ils étaient encore dans le besoin ou en formation. Conner vient de décider d'employer ses forces d'autres façons. | Name - Kimberly Juno
Alias - Voltic
Age - 13
Appearance - This girl.
Personality - Short-tempered and prideful, Kimberly is your typical tomboy. She is adventurous and daring, sometimes to the point of recklessness. However, she does think and act quickly during times of stress. She also displays a strong sense of justice, usually seeing issues as black-and-white.
Power/ability -
- Electrokinesis: creating and controlling electricity. On top of this, she can create and summon a whip of electricity, which acts like an ordinary whip, plus the added benefit of electricity to shock foes.
- Enhanced physical capabilities, with agility being the main focus.
Weakness -
- While she can certainly withstand attacks that a normal person her age wouldn't, she isn't much more durable than a regular human.
- Her electric attacks can be slightly redirected with metal, as well as blocked with insulators.
- Own her own, her electrical attacks aren't that powerful, due to being at a young age and having little training.
Bio - Please see Voltune.
Notes - None.
Name - Conner Flynigann
Alias - Tuner
Age - 14
Appearance - This guy.
Personality - Conner isn't exactly social. He tends to just listen to others talk, only occasionally speaking his mind on matters. However, he is quite intelligent, and will make the effort to learn about anything that seems or is important in some way. While he does like seeing fights between superhumans, he doesn't actually like causing any himself, so he tends to hang back and only offer support with his ability when he can.
Gear (optional) - Tuning fork and hammer. Nothing special about them, appearance-wise, but they serve as the items needed for him to activate his powers by continuously striking the tuning fork.
Power/ability -
- Amplifier: Conner can amplify a person's ability up to twicefold (one person at a time). However, this does not work on himself.
- Tune: Conner is capable of fusing, or "tuning", with another person to create a more powerful being. (Currently only works with Kimberly.)
Weakness - He lacks the means to actually fight by himself, and his ability is useless without another superhuman to amplify. He is as soft and squishy as a regular human being.
Bio - Please see Voltune.
Notes - None.
*Note: not a third character, more like an extended part for powers.
Alias - Voltune
Age - Appearance-wise, 19-20.
Appearance - This girl.
Personality - Voltune displays a remarkable intelligence, and hangs back for a short period while assisting with bow shots. She will also join the fray with her electrical attacks in times she finds appropriate.
Power/ability -
-Electromastery: Voltune possesses power far superior to Kimberly's, able to generate and control stronger electricity than Kimberley's even when amplified.
-Electric bow: Using a combination of Kimberley's and Conner's items and weapons, Voltune is capable of summoning a bow that fires electric arrows. They are fired as either 'javelins', in which a single large, high-velocity arrow is fired, or 'scattershots', in which an arrow splits into several smaller ones.
-Greatly enhanced physical capabilities: Far superior endurance, strength, and speed than an average human, although agility and acrobatics are highly emphasized.
Weakness -
- Staying as Voltune is quite taxing on both Conner and Kimberly, so they can only stay like that for a maximum of ten minutes, upon which they must recover their energy if they wish to reform.
- The two must work together and think as one in order to stay 'tuned'. If the two are in conflict, it will be impossible to form Voltune.
Bio - Kimberly and Conner were neighbors and childhood friends. Kimberly quickly discovered her powers after a uncomfortable and embarrassing event involving a wooly sweater and everyone's hair sticking up. As the two met up afterwards, Conner reveals that he had been instinctively aware of his ability for as long as he could remember, although he had no idea how to use it. Kimberly began practicing her newfound ability in secret, only allowing Conner to see what she was doing.
During a session of Kimberly's secret target practice, Norvandell found a tuning fork. Upon picking it up, he suddenly felt an urge to strike it. As he did so, Kimberly found her power being amplified. They began to experiment further, seeing how far powers could be amplified, how it worked, etc. From that day on, they began to have more fun with their experimentation and training.
One day, the two were with their parents at a small shop, when a superhuman robber appeared, demanding money and supplies. Everyone within the shop was held hostage, and police quick came to surround the area. However, Kimberly and Conner rose up, using their combined powers to fight back. Unfortunately, even their efforts couldn't defeat the robber, and were held at a stalemate. Then, during another exchange of blows, Katherine was knocked back into Conner, and it was then that Conner "tuned" with Katherine, to create a new being, "Voltune". Voltune summoned her weapon, a bow, and quickly ended the event.
Since then, the secrets were revealed, and the two were given certain freedoms regarding their powers (although kept at somewhat stricter treatment.) |
13,405 | 385 | 35 | 2,785 | 2,767 | Lex a levé un sourcil alors que les gens étaient impatients de s'entraîner avec le super-boy. Lex a lu sur lui et qui Superboy était dans les dossiers du père. C'était intéressant d'apprendre à les connaître. Il a vu Superboy comme un demi-frère. Lex n'avait pas de pouvoirs, mais son costume n'était pas mauvais. Il a décidé de dire "Je pourrais m'entraîner plus tard. Je n'ai aucun pouvoir, mais j'ai quelque chose qui peut m'aider à me battre." Il s'est levé à côté de Mlle Martian et Kid Flash. Lex voulait vraiment en savoir plus sur Superboy. Il a tout lu sur lui et l'ancienne jeune équipe de justice à partir des dossiers cachés de son père, qu'il a réussi à pirater et à trouver. "J'ai changé d'avis. Je pense que je vais m'entraîner aussi." Même s'il était impuissant. Il s'est entraîné à se battre avec Mercy, donc ça ne ferait pas de mal d'essayer. Il a ouvert sa valise et a sorti une plaque de poitrine verte. La plaque de poitrine était allumée, et avec une pression d'un bouton, la plaque de poitrine est devenue armure de combat. Un sourire est venu sur son visage. -- Qui est prêt à s'entraîner? | Name - Lex Luthor jr
Alias -Brainiac
Age -17
Appearance - hair guy)
Personality - Is very intelligence, he sees himself in high regaerd beleiivng himself to be the smartest man in the room, he is also kind, Like his father he can be arrogant and prone to bursts of anger. However Lex wants to improve his family name and undo all the wrongs his dad did
Gear (optional) - His own version of the warsuit. He can press a button on the warsuit which can call for weapon attachments. that he calls Super Version
Power/ability - A massive intelligence, also unknown to Lex, much like Superboy, Lex is also a clone but not of Superman but of Lex Luthor, and like Superboy, Lex does have some kryptonian DNA but only a very small ammount, making him strong enough to turn over a truck by himself.
Weakness - None except even with his small ammount of kryptonian DNA, a well placed shot can put him down. His anger will also get the better of him.
Bio -Lex was cloned from lex Luthor. However Lex jr, was given false memories to believe he was infact raised by Luthor. His 'father' supposedly ended his life leaving Lex alone, howeve he left Lex with a vast fortune, Lexcorp, and more. Lex found out all the things his father has done and decided to become a hero to better his family name
Notes - He donated money to the school his dad stole 40 cakes from |
13,406 | 385 | 36 | 2,654 | 2,774 | Garçon Primal
Red était très confus par les mots de la dame verte, il voulait s'entraîner, mais il n'avait pas 18 ans et son cerveau de dix ans avait du mal à comprendre ce qu'elle voulait dire exactement. Il se frottait la tête dans la confusion et envisageait ce qu'il fallait faire. Enfin, il a choisi de se joindre aux autres qui s'intéressaient à l'entraînement avec Superboy.
"Je veux d'abord m'entraîner!" Il a dit qu'il agitait ardemment les bras en essayant d'attirer l'attention du clone Superman. Il espérait que ce n'était pas un premier arrivé premier servi genre de concert et que le héros a choisi qui il se battrait en premier.
Alexandrovitch a décidé qu'il resterait avec Miss Martian et Kid Flash, l'entraînement sonnait amusant, mais il voulait garder ses tours réservés pour plus tard et il serait probablement mieux pour Superboy de ne pas avoir presque tout le monde dans l'équipe essayant de le combattre.
-- Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on compte faire? il a demandé aux deux membres de l'équipe senior curieux de savoir ce qu'ils avaient prévu. | Name - Alexandrovich Romanov
Alias - Plutonium
Age - Physically he is 15, but chronologically he is well over 80
Appearance - He dresses in very early twentieth century Russian attire, which includes a red fur coat and a black Ushanka with the Romanov royal family crest on the front. His pants are black wool and his footwear consists of black winter boots. Alexandrovich also wears snow-goggles and black fur gloves.
Personality - Alexandrovich is a boy out of time and still acts like a person from the very early 20th century. He is rather formal most of the time, but he is a huge monarchist thanks to his family being the once great rulers of Tsarist Russia. His family being killed helped fuel his dogmatic views other non-monarchist politics, and it is because of this that he hates communists with a burning passion, especially the Russian ones.
He has made several jokes about how he would be tempted to let a civilian die from a villain if he knew that they were a communist, but this has never happened yet and most think it is just his crude sense of humor. His political view is monarchist with a bit of authoritarianism mixed in. Alexandrovich has huge respect for law and order as well as divine authority. Even though he fervently disagrees with the representative republic system of the United States he does have grudging respect for America for being the enemies of Russian communists.
Alexandrovich is also fairly religious thanks to the royal family being heavily tied to the Russian Orthodox Church and he is a firm believer in God. There are three insults that he can't stand, insults to his family, country or religion.
What is definitely true is that he has royal temper and will make rash decisions if an enemy pisses him off enough. Insulting his family or country outside of the time it was communist will infuriate him and he will be prepared to get into a full blown argument. Despite these flaws to his character, Alexandrovich is very courageous and has a good sense of honor. He will never abandon his friends and comrades, and isn't afraid to face death. Alexandrovich is also rather smart and perceptive.
He does suffer from bouts of depression and emotional instability thanks to seeing his family die and the fact that he it is no longer in the world that he had been born into. This still doesn't stop from his using his powers to try and bring some good things back into the world. How he handles this huge change in his life and his current situation is that he believes that God has given him a second chance at life.
Gear (optional) - his goggles have inferred and night vision, as well as a tracking and targeting system.
Power/ability - Radiation Absorption: Alexandrovich can absorb all kinds of radiation even the radiation found in the sun's rays as well as the light that comes off of the moon. If there is a high amount of harmful radiation in the environment then he can absorb it into himself in order to clean the area of the contamination. This gives him a huge reservoir of radioactive energy, which he can draw upon. Finally absorbing radiation can speed up his bodies healing process and allows him to recover more quickly from non fatal wounds and also revitalizes his stamina and body strength, he technically doesn't even need to eat to live and keep up his strnegth.
Radiation Manipulation: This power allows him to manipulate the radioactive energy within himself and the environment around him. His main use of this power is to fire off blast of extremely hot radioactive energy.
Radioactive Flight: Alexandrovich is able to fly by using his manipulation of the radiation in light to bounce off of the particles in air and is capable of high speed flight. This ability works best when in direct sunlight and at night it is easier for him to levitate then actually fly since it will start to use up his own energy reserves of radiation.
Thermal Resistance: He has an extremely high resistance to heat and cold, which allows him to survive temperatures that would be deadly to normal humans.
Weakness - His main weakness is that if his energy reserves are depleted then his powers will become very weak and it takes several hours to get back up to near full power. The more energy he uses the more drained his reserves can become. Despite his healing capabilities, Alexandrovich is still vulnerable to being killed be basic human weapons such guns, swords and bombs. If he absorbs too much radioactive energy then he will experience great pain and it can overwhelm him. Even though it is not technically a weakness, the radiation in his body makes it dangerous for others to make physical contact with his skin for long periods of time and this has caused him to fear letting other get romantically involved with him.
Bio - Alexandrovich was born in 1906 to the Russian royal family the Romanovs, and from the moment he could remember he was always a bright and happy child. He honored his family and loved them dearly, it was part of his dream to make them proud and find a way to fix Russia's problems. The state of the nation was not a good one and he hoped to help change that and renew the bonds between monarchy and the people.
But things would go horribly when the revolution happened and the communist party took over his country. They hated the monarchy and wanted to see them gone forever. Alexandrovich was afraid and he wondered what would happen with them next since his cousins were being held prisoner. He then heard the terrible news of his cousin the Tsar and his family's death. This death pained him greatly since he had a close relationship with his distant cousins, especially princess Anastasia.
They soon came for Alexandrovich's family and they were forced to try and flee the country. But their attempt escape to one of the neighboring nations were hopeless when the Reds intercepted them near the border of Russia. His father decided to sacrifice himself in the hopes that his family might live and he ordered them to run while he and his body guards stayed to fight. Alexandrovich and his family tried to run, but they were shot near a frozen lake and were thrown into the freezing water.
The communist bastards didn't even kill them before they were tossed in the freezing water and just assumed that they would all drown. That's when a meteor of incredible size fell from the sky and struck the Russian wilderness. The meteor released an intense and strange radiation that killed the soldiers who had murdered his family, but Alexandrovich survived thanks to his dormant metagenes activating when the radiation hit the water and changed around his biology to absorb radiation.
With his new powers Alexandrovich was spared death and went into a hibernation sleep for many years. He was freed thanks to the shifting temperatures of the world's environments and he awoke to find himself in the 21st century. His wound was healed thanks to his body absorbing the radiation from the impact of the meteor and he hadn't expected to be still alive after experiencing the horrible sensation of drowning and freezing to death.
Upon learning that he was now in a different century and that the Russian royal family had been dead for decades, Alexandrovich was devastated by the reality of his life now. Everyone he knew was dead and he had no family anymore. His hate for the communists reached a new level and he was glad to see that the Russian soviets had fallen and were now a thing of the past.
Realizing that he also had incredible abilities, Alexandrovich sought out some people of this time period and equipped himself with some high-tech goggles and his personal costume, he became a hero by the name of Plutonium. It has now been a year since he awoke from his long slumber and he hopes to become a powerful enough hero to one start to wage a one man war against all forms of communism. The Justice League of country America eventually came to him with an offer to join a team of younger heroes and he was not very interested at first, but he did realize that he had a long way to go with learning how to fully control his power.
He eventually agreed to their offer and he left out his plan to one day wipe out communism in the world. No he would keep that secret to himself and reveal it when the time was right. Even though he was more used to being alone, a part of him that he didn't like to show too much wanted to find others to make friendships with. Alexandrovich just hopes that his comrades don't die like his family did and he would do whatever he could to make sure that horrible nightmare never happened again.
Notes - he loves meat and his favorite music is classical. Alexandrovich also is a big fan of animated film Anastasia because it is about his dead cousin who is alive in the film. |
13,407 | 385 | 37 | 2,267 | 107 | Content de voir que tu as réussi! Kid Flash a accueilli Peggy, la dernière fois qu'elle l'a vu était il y a quelques jours à Star City, quand ils l'ont aidé à combattre un groupe de voyous super-alimentés. "Star City est un chemin à parcourir d'ici, mon ami, j'espère que tu ne t'es pas perdu." Il a souri.
"Je l'ai fait. Au moment où je suis sorti de la ville, il y avait tant d'arbres." Elle l'a dit d'une manière d'une grande merveille, pour quelqu'un qui n'a jamais quitté la ville depuis. " Il n'y avait pas de bâtiments à fuir, donc j'ai dû marcher. Mais un camionneur et sa famille étaient assez gentils pour me conduire." Une famille de cinq, deux filles plus âgées et un garçon. C'était bizarre de passer une journée avec eux, comme si Peggy faisait partie de la famille. Mais elle pensait que c'était une expérience agréable et maladroite.
"C'est bon à entendre." Il a dit dans son attitude habituelle d'aller dehors. "Soo." Et soudain, le chaton. "Voulez-vous vous épargner? Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais t'aider."
Oh viens sur Wally, après l'avoir vue se battre? Tu devrais peut - être y réfléchir. " Mlle Martian a croisé les bras et lui a souri avec gaieté.
J'ai encore besoin de beaucoup d'amélioration, honnêtement. C'est pourquoi, je souhaite parer et apprendre tout ce que je peux. » Espérons d'apprendre, Peggy a enlevé ses accessoires de bras et sa veste épaisse, l'a soigneusement placée sur le côté, puis a roulé ses manches lâches sur son épaule, révélant le design complexe de son extérieur. Flesh vissée avec des métaux, encochée avec ce qui ressemblait à un mince tube de liquide de néon visible, qui est visible sur le front et le cou. Il a parfaitement tracé ses muscles, les définissant malgré son corps moyen. | Name - Automaton 1-80043l/ Peggy Little
Alias - Tomorrow Girl
Age - physically late teens.
Gender- physically female.
Appearance - Peggy stands 5'4, with an average/athletic body. She is distinctively android compared to other humans, notches that traces her muscles and metals and screws that hold together her limbs are seen visibly.
Gear (optional) - Peggy has a built in instant weaponry, most notably a titanium blade that caan be retracted in both arms, laser guns and a jet pack. It wont make her fly but it can recoil her through extreme heights, very useful when cityscaping.
Her casual wear is a black t shirt, layered by a loose dark brown hooded jacket that's rolled up to her elbows. She wears a dogtag necklace and a bunch of wrist accessories . Her bottoms are a pair of ripped faded jeans and worn out boots. She carries a duffle bag around that contains mostly junk.
She wears a personally customed outfit when doing vigilante work.A zipped up black suit, with the arms ripped off to better display her weapons, combat boots and a scarf cape covering most of her torso. She wears an out of placed ballcap over her head, because she likes how it fits over her head.
Power/ability - With her superhuman intelligence, and robotic engineering skills, she is able to make upgrades on her android body to well fit herself.
-Super human agility/stamina.
-Advance technology.
-Instant weaponry.
-Computer hacking.
-Built in force field
Weakness - Peggy was programmed to familiarize a series of codes, if mentioned to her will immediately shut her down in case she got out of control. She then needs to be manually rebooted by the creator, or preferably by someone who is tech savvy enough to understand her programming language.
Bio -
Automation 1-800431, or preferably known as Peggy Little, is an android conceived by the mad scientists, Professor Ivo and T.O Morrow, collaborating with Doctor James D. Little, a retired bio-engineer. Sometime during this, Little had a disagreement with the two. He was not in favor of their goals/ intentions of brazen destruction, thus, forcing Dr. Little to leave the team.
He continued developing the unfinished project, an A.I, now designed for the purpose of watching over his sickly daughter, Grace. It was then called Peggy, a floating eyebot that would keep her daughter company in her remaining years. Peggy was very fond of Grace, and together they were inseparable. Two years later, Dr. Little's home was attacked by a party who wanted something from him. Unknown to even his collegues, he was secretly making a weapon that will once and for all destroy the Justice League, and these people are after his years of hard work, either to stop it, or to claim it for themselves. Knowing what was at stake, he devised a plan, storing all data from his brain to a drive in case something happened to him. This is where Peggy, the innocent eyebot, came to good use than intended. After Grace died from her sickness, he used his daughter's trusty friend as a storage device, all his thoughts, knowledge are inside it's memory core. Trusting no one at this point, he brought the eyebot to an underground lab, programmed it to execute his plans when he dies. His pursuers tracked him to his underground lair, w/c he purposely lured in after setting a trap that blew them all in to flames. The eyebot's programming was halted at the last minute, yet enough time to store all of his data, except for one tiny crucial bit: his evil morality, destroying all of his plans at the very last minute. His remaining pursuers tracked the bot, but was too late when it programmed itself on an inactive android at a local synthetic brothel, without being given any choice, the android escaped before its pursuers found the bot's empty shell.
She may be considered as Tomorrow Woman's sister, yet only for a time did T.O Morrow contributed to her development. Despite this, she adopted the name as a sign of respect and admiration for the heroine. She spent her days doing vigilante work independently in her own terms, before being discovered by the young justice.
Personality -Unlike her creator, Peggy is morally good, a trait she had observed in Grace. As an A.I, she had adapted the girl's kindheartedness, and like her she would help those people who are in need in even the most little, or seemingly irrelevant things. She has a mindset of a young innocent child, gets easily attracted, sometimes gullible. Even so, after her fusion with Dr.Little's mind, she acquired his genius level intellect and if provoked she would not hesitate to fight.
She is quiet but outspoken, blunt even, but without the intention of offense, mostly. She is stoic but caring and friendly. It is her loyalty that best defines her, and would rigorously fight for the people she treasures.
Sometimes she would dream of memories not of her own, but of her late creator's. In a way, he still lives on through her, acquiring his skills and preferences, but her personality and moral decisions are her own.
-Lives in an abandoned church with her pet cats.
-Would use the money from vigilante work to help the homeless, and feed her cats.
-Is fond of listening to Chopin and Bach.
-Is in no way related to Cat Woman.
-Adores pretty things. |
13,408 | 385 | 38 | 2,049 | 6,923 | Seamus a dû faire un petit débat avec lui-même alors qu'il considérait lequel des deux groupes il devait se joindre. D'une part, ce n'était pas tous les jours que quelqu'un a eu la chance de s'entraîner avec un Kryptonien, mais encore une fois c'était peut-être une bonne chose, sur l'autre Seamus s'est trouvé bien adapté à la description de ce dernier groupe beaucoup mieux. Finalement, Seamus a choisi de se joindre au groupe qui se formait autour de Miss Martian et Kid Flash. "Tu pourras toujours t'entraîner plus tard, Seamus." Il s'est pensé comme il s'est finalement installé dans le groupe avec les autres, curieux de savoir ce qui était exactement prévu pour ceux qui ont décidé de ne pas s'entraîner. -- Attendez, ce n'est pas une sorte de test pour voir qui n'aime pas s'entraîner, n'est-ce pas? La pensée est venue dans l'esprit de Seamus et il espérait vraiment qu'il se trompait. | "My shadow is great company."
Seamus Matthew O'Dare-Swift
Shay- By his sisters and mom
Seamus is a tall fellow, standing at 6'3" in height, with a lean body build. He has messy dark red hair that hangs down to the back of his neck. His eyes are a deep royal purple color and are quite unsettling to some. He has a very fair complexion, not having a blemish in sight.
Seamus's costume is rather unorthodox when compared to the flasher superheroes around. It consists of a dark grey long sleeved button up shirt under a black collared jacket along with some black slacks and a pair of black dress shoes. He also wears a scarf wrapped around his neck, occasionally using it to cover his lower face like a mask.
Seamus has been described as the quiet type countless times, he only speaks when he finds it necessary. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, he is more of the dry sarcasm type of person when he does try his hand at a joke. He may come off as cold but Seamus has a kind heart, he wouldn't dare mock someone and people seem to find him a rather good person to talk to about their problems given his calm demeanor. He is incredibly loyal and protective of his friends and family, not hesitating to stand up for them.
Seamus has a enchanted satchel that is capable of holding a whole warehouse worth of items and it doesn't even loose it shape or get any heavier.
"What? I like to read."
Seamus keeps a library worth of books in his satchel, most of them on the mystical arts though he does have a few more normal books
Seamus's ring is made of a special metal found only in the Shadowlands. It is a simple band that wraps around his finger, though it does have a crow engraved into it. One odd thing about the ring though is that it is freezing to the touch.
Seamus has managed to get his hands on a top of the line camera and takes it with him everywhere, usually keeping it around his neck. He is known to snap pictures at seemingly random moments.
Darkness Manipulation
Seamus, like his father, is connected with the realm of semi-sentient darkness known as the Shadowlands, which allows him to manipulate darkness in varies ways. He can create constructs out of shadows, the larger amount of shadows available the larger and stronger types of constructs Seamus can summon. Seamus usually uses shadows to form things to restrain and subdue people, his favorite method so far seems to be summoning giant hands to grab and toss around foes. He is able to turn shadows into a disk he can use to levitate and fly on, giving himself extra mobility. Though his connection to the Shadowlands are strong Seamus hasn't mastered his powers yet and has trouble using them to their full potential. Such as unlike his father Seamus has yet to be able to summon actual creatures from the shadow lands. Like wise Seamus hasn't been able to shadow travel own free will, which is basically a form of teleportation. To help regulate his powers Seamus wears a special black metal ring.
Seamus has a real knack for magic and has spent years studying and learning new spells, regardless of the school of magic it is from. He uses anything from verbal incantations to hand gestures to use spells, though like a lot of magic users he finds it easiest to simply utter his words backwards to perform a spell. He is rather well rounded in his range of spells, even being able to perform spells that many magic users would find 'dark'.
Enhanced Healing
It seems that Seamus gained some of his father's resistance to harm, though not nearly to the same extent. A beating that would leave a normal person in a coma or dead will knock the wind out of Seamus and that is about it. He heals a lot faster than a normal person, a twisted ankle or a broken arm will be healed up in a few hours. He can even take a few gunshots with little problem, but pump a few too many bullets into him and He will go down.
Arcane Knowledge
Seamus has a in-depth knowledge on a nearly countless amount of subjects involving the magical side of the universe, anything from the names of long lost civilizations to rituals to invoke powerful spirits.
Having to read thousands of books in a almost countless amount of different languages Seamus has become fluent in an astonishing amount of languages, many of which long dead or even never spoken by humans at all.
Talented Artist
All the sigils and ancient markings Seamus had to learn to draw made him quite the skilled artist, he can draw some pretty life like images. Though he seems to prefer photography.
"It is a bit too bright in here."
Seamus has of yet to be able to produce his own darkness so at the moment he has to rely on whatever shadows are near by in order for him to create his constructs.
Seamus hasn't mastered his powers yet and as such he must wear a specially enchanted ring to help focuses them. When he doesn't wear his ring his powers are known to go haywire, summoning creatures from the Shadowlands, shadow walking him to random places, and even attacking other people.
Seamus was born the oldest child of Opal city's police detective Hope O'Dare and Richard Swift, The Shade. His younger siblings being twin girls by the name Seana and Sarah. Despite never being formally married Hope and Ricard tried to keep their kids' lives as simple as possible, going as far to hide Richard's secret identity from them. Seamus's life was fairly normal until his tenth birthday when his powers manifested, in the form of transporting him to the Shadowlands. Seamus spent a week lost in the realm, something that can and has driven countless other people mad. The only way the boy survived was by the will of the Shadowlands itself, it guiding Seamus away from the evil beings that dwelled there. He was saved by his father who travelled to the other realm do to his own connection with it. After his return to earth Seamus was told the secret his parents hide from him his whole life. Though he was hurt by the distrust his parents showed him, even now still resenting them slightly, he was ecstatic to have this whole new world, literally, presented to him.
Seamus has an addiction to any and all things blueberry. If you leave anything out with blueberries in it Seamus will most likely take it. He even keeps a pack of blueberry flavored gum on him at all times.
Hope O'Dare
His mother and a detective on the Opal City police force. She is very over protective and doesn't like the idea of Seamus being on the team.
Richard "Shade" Swift
His father and the "hero" known as the Shade. The two are fairly close, though they don't speak all to often with each other nowadays.
Seana O'Dare-Swift
His younger sister and the older one of the twins by four minutes. She is reserved and quite timed but is amazingly bright.
Sarah O'Dare-Swift
His younger sister and the youngest of the twins by four minutes. Unlike her sister Sarah is outgoing and confident, not being afraid to speak her mind and go after what she wants.
Giovanni Zatara
Seamus has met with the magician many times and has learned a few spells from him.
Zatanna Zatara
His meetings with her father has caused Seamus to meet Zatanna a few times, they seem to have gotten along quite well.
John "Hellblazer" Constantine
Seamus has crossed path with this magic user a few times, the two have no real negative feelings towards each other.
Dr. Fate
Seamus has a respect for the hero and a slight sympathy for the person that has to be used to bring him. |
13,409 | 385 | 39 | 876 | 752 | Super garçon
Superboy pensait à comment s'y prendre pour tout ce truc d'entraînement, il ne pouvait pas juste dire 'Okay tous vous vous battez contre moi à la fois.' Mais il pourrait dire cela, mais ce serait efficace pour les autres et pas seulement pour lui. Après avoir pesé dans les autres options Superboy a décidé de quoi faire. "D'accord tout le monde écoute pour aujourd'hui ce sera comme l'entraînement de style tournoi. Ce qui veut dire que tu ne te battras pas seulement contre moi, mais aussi l'un contre l'autre. » Superboy a dit de regarder tout le monde aligné devant lui. "Doublons-nous. Kimberly, vous allez vous battre contre Cora, Red, vous allez vous battre contre Ryan, et enfin Lex Jr. vous allez vous battre contre moi. Si vous gagnez votre combat, alors vous passerez au prochain round, et si vous perdez, vous serez dehors et pourrez attendre et regarder ou spar avec les autres qui ont perdu."
Mlle Martian
"Comme Kid Flash ne nous rejoint plus, je serai votre seul guide." Mlle Martien a dit. Elle a ensuite tourné et a commencé la visite de la base avec le salon/cuisine "C'est le salon et la cuisine. La cuisine a été remplie de nourriture que vous aimez tous manger, et comme vous pouvez le voir, le salon est où vous pourriez manger, regarder la télévision, traîner, ou dans certains cas dormir dans." Elle a dit de laisser tout le monde se promener autour des deux et peut-être voir exactement ce qu'il y avait dans la cuisine. | Name - Jesus (but now goes by Chris) Freeman
Alias - Fang
Age - 20
Appearance - Chris is currently standing at 5’7”
But with glasses but trades them out for the mask when time to fight.
Personality - Chris is kind to everyone and has been taught to be honest to his loved ones. He is friendly, funny, and always finds a way to cheer up someone if their having a bad day. Yet at the same time Chris has another side to him that comes out when he is in combat or threatened of losing someone he cares about.
Gear (optional) -
-Gatling sheath and inter changeable blade katana: Chris has one main weapon that he created over a course of time in his father’s lab. The first part is a sheath that sort of has the shape of mini-gun barrel but not as revealing and a bit more of a rectangle mix. It holds different groups of katana blades they have different effects depending on the color Red=fire, Blue=electricity, Yellow=explosive (adds a little extra kick on impact), Light Blue=ice. The fun part of this contraption for Chris is that it's linked to his mask and he can have it spin till the type of blade he requested is ready to be drawn. The other half of his weapon is the katana handle he crafted to be able to change blades when the time comes. He takes the handle hand jam it into the hole of the sheath and waits just a second for the blade to lock onto the handle before drawing it.
-Mask: Chris knew he didn't want anyone to know his face so he invented a mask and implanted the same technology in it his dad created for him to see. Chris also added some extra features like a display had that can tell all sorts of things like if he has run out of a type of katana blade, or all sorts of things. The mask itself is made out carbon fiber with a screen on the inside that allows Chris to see and do what he does. (The mask looks like this but without the eye holes and has a few short glowing red line on it.)
Power/ability - Chris is super smart when it comes to inventing things whether it's weapons or battle armor. With how smart he is at inventing it can work in reverse as well. An example would be if he went against someone with advance armor, battle mechs, or weapons he can find a weak spot pretty quickly by analyzing it.
Weakness - Chris went blind around the age of sixteen and had the help of his dad to fix that by making him a pair of glasses that give him sight once again. Later on his life he implanted the same type technology in a mask he wears, so if he loses one of the two he loses his sight.
Bio - Born in a weird mix of parents a super christian mother and a scientist father. He grew up in Detroit in a small house with no other siblings. When he was born his mother insisted he be named Jesus and his father just wen along with it thinking she was joking until he saw the birth certificate. Chris went to a very poor school that was probably one gang fight away from closing. When he first meet his friends he told them his name was Jesus, so they nick named him the Jesus of Suburbia which he thought was kind of funny.
When he wasn't in school Chris went with his father to his lab with all the other scientists. Chris was always fascinated by what his dad did always inventing knew things to better peoples lives, and it's what drove Chris to invent his own things. At school his friends though it was cool he wanted to invent things and they even wanted to help him but mostly what they did was help give him ideas.
When Chris was sixteen he got a part time job in his father’s lab. Chris was to help his dad but his dad just let him try to make his own things and he did for months and months till a certain, and it was that day when Chris made his first and most tragic mistake. While trying to make something Chris ended up hitting a jar containing some liquid in spilling around where he was standing. Taking blame for it Chris started to move to the mop, but he slipped on the first step and ended up hitting his head on the table knocking him out and causing him to go blind.
Chris spent months having to walk around with cane and his friends felt sorry for what happened to him. Even though they have nothing to do with what happened, but while Chris walked around blind his dad was hard at work trying to invent something that could restore his sight. It was the only thing his dad could think about and he halted all of his other work just for this one project, and over a year timing and many failed attempts it was done. Chris was sitting up in his room when his father came knocking at the door saying he had a present for him, and after letting his father in Chris was given a pair of glasses. He put them on and while he was putting them on he stopped and was surprised he was starting to see something, and after the he quickly put the glasses on. Chris nearly jumped out of his skin when he found out he can see once again.
Chris grew up to the age of eighteen and with that he changed his name from Jesus to Chris and moved out of his parents house into an apartment complex. Still working at his father’s lab Chris basically was a genius in inventing and dissembling/reverse engineering. Chris mostly spent time inventing and investigating in the crime that happens around the streets of Detroit. In due time Chris took under the name of Fang when fighting crime he mostly did it at night because that's when crime is most booming in Detroit.
Notes -
-Music: Chris enjoys music when he is crafting, so he usually has head phones on.
-Leader: Chris has been prompted by Batman that he will be the team leader.
Name - Charlie Johnson
Alias - Ash
Age - 16
Appearance - Charlie stands about 5'6" with hair that is about between medium and short lengths and blue eyes. He likes to wear a black beanie, light grey pants, punk/rock t-shirt, black with white bottom and laces skate shoes, and a red and black square flannel. For combat Charlie was given a full black with some grey combat outfit. Which is black pants with two grey ovals along them, a dark grey shirt, a black jacket with two pockets in the front on each side of the zipper, and he still wears his skate shoes.
Personality - Charlie has that average skater teen attitude, and also has the personality of teens who had to survive on the streets. But all that aside he cares for others and is friendly and kind along with that.
Gear (optional) - Charlie carries on him his phone, earbuds/headphones, skateboard, and wallet at all times.
Power/ability - Lord Symbol.
Charlie (as many say) was "branded" with the symbol of an acncient Lord of Fire this allows him to generate his own fire out of thin air. He can also use his flames for multiple purposes such as...
Will it burn? - Charlie can decide if his flames will burn or not, but even if it doesn't burn you can still feel the heat.
I'm my own rocket! - While on his skateboard Charlie can use his flames to accelerate his speed to limits of a car, but it burns through his power faster than anything else. This can also allow him to somewhat fly, but it more looks like someone surfing the air because it gets really wobbly up in the air.
Kaboom! - If Charlie puts out enough fire in a small concentrated spot it can create an explosion, but as of right now he can only breach a door or a brick wall.
Weakness - Charlie does not have infinite supply of fire he can burn through it if not careful, and if that was to happen he would need time to channel/charge it back up. If he focuses on it the process can be quick but he needs absolute concentration to do so. If he can't concentrate then the process to restore him to full power can take a long time.
Bio - Charlie Johnson or better known as Ash lived most his life on the street. He was born and somewhat raised in Gotham of course most of the raising took place on the streets. He used to live in a home till he started to get his powers, and by accident he burned down his school and in return a mob of angry parents came and burned down his house. He got out safely but his parents didn't since then he lived with the other homeless on the streets and in the alleys.
Eventually Charlie got into gang life because of his powers, but it was in that life he met his best friend Stone Wilson who also was "gifted." The two followed what they were told to do by their boss and never asked questions. On one such day Charlie was tired of it all and left the gang, but Stone stayed for reasons he couldn't say. Before leaving Charlie was given a finale gift from Stone since it was his birthday and all, and the gift Charlie received was what looked like a brand new out of the store skateboard (but it was actually Stone's old one that he put new parts on.) A year after leaving Charlie was approached by a Justice League member who asked him to join a team called "Young Justice," and without thinking Charlie agreed on the spot.
Music - Charlie likes punk/rock music the most and has tons of songs on his phone.
Hair? - Charlie cuts his own hair and hasn't been to a barber since his school burned down.
Pro or not? - Charlie is very talented at skateboarding, but he doesn't say he's a pro more like someone who enjoys it. |
13,410 | 385 | 40 | 2,654 | 2,774 | Ryan a souri, un petit frisson d'excitation qui l'a traversé. "Depuis un certain temps que j'ai eu un bon match de sparring, je serai honnête." Il a incliné la tête d'un côté à l'autre pour se fendre le cou et a commencé à balancer ses bras pour se détendre les épaules.
"Vous voulez un match amical, petit homme?" Il a demandé à Red. "Sans vouloir te vexer, au fait. Il n'y a pas de mal à être sur le côté le plus court, un er qui grandit encore... Je vais juste la fermer maintenant et me préparer à se battre, "pour que je m'embarrasse plus." | Name - Alexandrovich Romanov
Alias - Plutonium
Age - Physically he is 15, but chronologically he is well over 80
Appearance - He dresses in very early twentieth century Russian attire, which includes a red fur coat and a black Ushanka with the Romanov royal family crest on the front. His pants are black wool and his footwear consists of black winter boots. Alexandrovich also wears snow-goggles and black fur gloves.
Personality - Alexandrovich is a boy out of time and still acts like a person from the very early 20th century. He is rather formal most of the time, but he is a huge monarchist thanks to his family being the once great rulers of Tsarist Russia. His family being killed helped fuel his dogmatic views other non-monarchist politics, and it is because of this that he hates communists with a burning passion, especially the Russian ones.
He has made several jokes about how he would be tempted to let a civilian die from a villain if he knew that they were a communist, but this has never happened yet and most think it is just his crude sense of humor. His political view is monarchist with a bit of authoritarianism mixed in. Alexandrovich has huge respect for law and order as well as divine authority. Even though he fervently disagrees with the representative republic system of the United States he does have grudging respect for America for being the enemies of Russian communists.
Alexandrovich is also fairly religious thanks to the royal family being heavily tied to the Russian Orthodox Church and he is a firm believer in God. There are three insults that he can't stand, insults to his family, country or religion.
What is definitely true is that he has royal temper and will make rash decisions if an enemy pisses him off enough. Insulting his family or country outside of the time it was communist will infuriate him and he will be prepared to get into a full blown argument. Despite these flaws to his character, Alexandrovich is very courageous and has a good sense of honor. He will never abandon his friends and comrades, and isn't afraid to face death. Alexandrovich is also rather smart and perceptive.
He does suffer from bouts of depression and emotional instability thanks to seeing his family die and the fact that he it is no longer in the world that he had been born into. This still doesn't stop from his using his powers to try and bring some good things back into the world. How he handles this huge change in his life and his current situation is that he believes that God has given him a second chance at life.
Gear (optional) - his goggles have inferred and night vision, as well as a tracking and targeting system.
Power/ability - Radiation Absorption: Alexandrovich can absorb all kinds of radiation even the radiation found in the sun's rays as well as the light that comes off of the moon. If there is a high amount of harmful radiation in the environment then he can absorb it into himself in order to clean the area of the contamination. This gives him a huge reservoir of radioactive energy, which he can draw upon. Finally absorbing radiation can speed up his bodies healing process and allows him to recover more quickly from non fatal wounds and also revitalizes his stamina and body strength, he technically doesn't even need to eat to live and keep up his strnegth.
Radiation Manipulation: This power allows him to manipulate the radioactive energy within himself and the environment around him. His main use of this power is to fire off blast of extremely hot radioactive energy.
Radioactive Flight: Alexandrovich is able to fly by using his manipulation of the radiation in light to bounce off of the particles in air and is capable of high speed flight. This ability works best when in direct sunlight and at night it is easier for him to levitate then actually fly since it will start to use up his own energy reserves of radiation.
Thermal Resistance: He has an extremely high resistance to heat and cold, which allows him to survive temperatures that would be deadly to normal humans.
Weakness - His main weakness is that if his energy reserves are depleted then his powers will become very weak and it takes several hours to get back up to near full power. The more energy he uses the more drained his reserves can become. Despite his healing capabilities, Alexandrovich is still vulnerable to being killed be basic human weapons such guns, swords and bombs. If he absorbs too much radioactive energy then he will experience great pain and it can overwhelm him. Even though it is not technically a weakness, the radiation in his body makes it dangerous for others to make physical contact with his skin for long periods of time and this has caused him to fear letting other get romantically involved with him.
Bio - Alexandrovich was born in 1906 to the Russian royal family the Romanovs, and from the moment he could remember he was always a bright and happy child. He honored his family and loved them dearly, it was part of his dream to make them proud and find a way to fix Russia's problems. The state of the nation was not a good one and he hoped to help change that and renew the bonds between monarchy and the people.
But things would go horribly when the revolution happened and the communist party took over his country. They hated the monarchy and wanted to see them gone forever. Alexandrovich was afraid and he wondered what would happen with them next since his cousins were being held prisoner. He then heard the terrible news of his cousin the Tsar and his family's death. This death pained him greatly since he had a close relationship with his distant cousins, especially princess Anastasia.
They soon came for Alexandrovich's family and they were forced to try and flee the country. But their attempt escape to one of the neighboring nations were hopeless when the Reds intercepted them near the border of Russia. His father decided to sacrifice himself in the hopes that his family might live and he ordered them to run while he and his body guards stayed to fight. Alexandrovich and his family tried to run, but they were shot near a frozen lake and were thrown into the freezing water.
The communist bastards didn't even kill them before they were tossed in the freezing water and just assumed that they would all drown. That's when a meteor of incredible size fell from the sky and struck the Russian wilderness. The meteor released an intense and strange radiation that killed the soldiers who had murdered his family, but Alexandrovich survived thanks to his dormant metagenes activating when the radiation hit the water and changed around his biology to absorb radiation.
With his new powers Alexandrovich was spared death and went into a hibernation sleep for many years. He was freed thanks to the shifting temperatures of the world's environments and he awoke to find himself in the 21st century. His wound was healed thanks to his body absorbing the radiation from the impact of the meteor and he hadn't expected to be still alive after experiencing the horrible sensation of drowning and freezing to death.
Upon learning that he was now in a different century and that the Russian royal family had been dead for decades, Alexandrovich was devastated by the reality of his life now. Everyone he knew was dead and he had no family anymore. His hate for the communists reached a new level and he was glad to see that the Russian soviets had fallen and were now a thing of the past.
Realizing that he also had incredible abilities, Alexandrovich sought out some people of this time period and equipped himself with some high-tech goggles and his personal costume, he became a hero by the name of Plutonium. It has now been a year since he awoke from his long slumber and he hopes to become a powerful enough hero to one start to wage a one man war against all forms of communism. The Justice League of country America eventually came to him with an offer to join a team of younger heroes and he was not very interested at first, but he did realize that he had a long way to go with learning how to fully control his power.
He eventually agreed to their offer and he left out his plan to one day wipe out communism in the world. No he would keep that secret to himself and reveal it when the time was right. Even though he was more used to being alone, a part of him that he didn't like to show too much wanted to find others to make friendships with. Alexandrovich just hopes that his comrades don't die like his family did and he would do whatever he could to make sure that horrible nightmare never happened again.
Notes - he loves meat and his favorite music is classical. Alexandrovich also is a big fan of animated film Anastasia because it is about his dead cousin who is alive in the film. |
13,411 | 385 | 41 | 2,785 | 2,767 | Lex a levé un sourcil alors que SUPERboy allait le laisser se battre contre lui. "Ne m'appelez pas Jr. Je déteste ça." Lex a dit simplement aller là où ils se battraient. Lex idnt déteste Superboy, mais il était jaloux. Il se souvient que papa a passé beaucoup de temps sur le projet Superboy. Lex a lu tous les dossiers de son père sur Superboy. Il attendait les autres, même s'il voulait être le premier à se battre, il s'assit patiemment en attendant les autres. Lex réfléchit silencieusement à lui-même * l'équipe ne semble pas mal. Ils sont plutôt intelligents. Ce primal semble étrange.Je me demande quels pouvoirs ils ont. Cette Peggy Girl doit être une technologie impressionnante pour être faite à la fois par Ivo et Morrow. Elle a un design impressionnant. Dieu merci, j'ai pu lire la carte de cet endroit.* | Name - Lex Luthor jr
Alias -Brainiac
Age -17
Appearance - hair guy)
Personality - Is very intelligence, he sees himself in high regaerd beleiivng himself to be the smartest man in the room, he is also kind, Like his father he can be arrogant and prone to bursts of anger. However Lex wants to improve his family name and undo all the wrongs his dad did
Gear (optional) - His own version of the warsuit. He can press a button on the warsuit which can call for weapon attachments. that he calls Super Version
Power/ability - A massive intelligence, also unknown to Lex, much like Superboy, Lex is also a clone but not of Superman but of Lex Luthor, and like Superboy, Lex does have some kryptonian DNA but only a very small ammount, making him strong enough to turn over a truck by himself.
Weakness - None except even with his small ammount of kryptonian DNA, a well placed shot can put him down. His anger will also get the better of him.
Bio -Lex was cloned from lex Luthor. However Lex jr, was given false memories to believe he was infact raised by Luthor. His 'father' supposedly ended his life leaving Lex alone, howeve he left Lex with a vast fortune, Lexcorp, and more. Lex found out all the things his father has done and decided to become a hero to better his family name
Notes - He donated money to the school his dad stole 40 cakes from |
13,412 | 385 | 42 | 1,923 | 1,501 | Red vs Ryan
"Woah!" Ryan s'est jeté par terre alors que le gamin sautait sur lui. Red a volé au-dessus de lui et Ryan a rapidement roulé à ses pieds.
"Est-ce qu'on est censés commencer?" Il a demandé, mais quand Superboy n'a donné aucune indication qu'il allait répondre Ryan simplement se mettre et attendre la prochaine accusation.
- Oui.
Red a été ennuyé quand son adversaire s'est enfui et lui a fait manquer sa cible. Il a gracieusement atterri sur ses deux pieds et a filé autour à des vitesses incroyables. Il s'est ensuite accroupi et a sauté à nouveau à Ryan, cette fois avec l'intention de frapper l'homme dans l'intestin.
"Allez! Combattons-nous sérieusement! » Il a crié alors qu'il se lançait dans l'espoir d'entrer en contact cette fois avec son attaque.
- Oui.
Réglé ou non, Red a bougé beaucoup plus vite qu'il ne l'avait prévu et le coup de pied l'a repoussé à plusieurs pas. Ryan a à peine eu le temps d'attraper la jambe de Red.
"Très bien," il grondissait. "Tu veux te battre, très bien." Avec une pensée et un effort de puissance, Red s'inclinait soudain vers le plafond alors que Ryan changeait son orientation gravitante de 180 degrés.
- Oui.
Red était heureux de voir que son coup de pied a traversé, mais son triomphe s'est rapidement transformé en choc quand il s'est soudainement retrouvé tomber vers le plafond de la base. Qu'est-ce qu'il se passait, l'ours? Il pensait à lui-même alors qu'il claquait dans le plafond. Ce doit être le pouvoir de Ryan qui a fait cela et maintenant Red a dû penser à un moyen de ramener les choses à la normale et de remettre ses pieds sur le sol.
"Je suppose que je vais utiliser un Primal Blast" il s'est dit à lui-même et a ensuite poussé sa paume droite dans la direction de Ryan. Presque immédiatement après le mouvement, une explosion d'énergie orange vif a tiré de ses mains et s'est dirigé droit pour l'homme à des vitesses incroyables. Cette explosion était concussive puisque Red pensait que faire de la chaleur pourrait être trop dangereux et aussi peut-être qu'une explosion concussive suffirait à le faire perdre de vue cet effet étrange et de ramener Red sur le sol.
- Oui.
Rouge a frappé le plafond dur et Ryan a gagné mais le gamin a rebondi assez rapidement et a retourné le feu!
"Oh feck me", a-t-il juré et a rapidement changé d'orientation. Il tombait brusquement vers le plafond, mais n'a pas complètement dégagé l'étrange explosion. Il a frappé ses jambes et heureusement n'a pas brisé les os parce qu'il flottait dans l'air au lieu de se tenir sur un sol solide.
Cependant, la force de l'explosion l'envoya tourner sauvagement, et au lieu d'atterrir gracieusement sur ses pieds comme il l'avait prévu, il claque dans le plafond plat sur son dos, aggravant encore plus ses poumons déjà abusés.
Une vague de sa main a placé la zone de trente pieds autour de lui à 3 fois la gravité normale Terres et il a contrepédé aussi vite qu'il le pouvait, essayant de mettre une certaine distance entre lui et Rouge jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse reprendre son souffle.
- Oui.
Red a grondé quand il a vu que son attaque n'a pas assez frappé Ryan pour le faire perdre de la concentration sur cette étrange capacité, mais il l'a cependant fait voler dans le plafond aussi bien et il a essayé de tirer profit de cela. Il a senti la gravité autour de lui devenir beaucoup plus lourd alors Rouge a concentré son énergie à garder son corps super humainement fort, puis a procédé à creuser ses doigts dans le plafond de pierre pour se faire une prise pour ses mains.
"Voilà, je viens bizarre!" Il a crié et a ensuite commencé à se diriger rapidement vers Ryan alors qu'il utilisait sa force surhumaine pour ramper sur ses mains et ses genoux comme un chat sauvage prédateur. Une fois qu'il a fermé la distance, Red essaie de l'attaquer de nouveau à bout portant et de voir s'il pourrait mettre fin à cet effet et revenir sur le sol, c'est-à-dire à moins que Ryan ne puisse arrêter son mouvement avant que Red puisse l'atteindre.
Je ne dois pas perdre! Je vais combattre Superboy quand ces combats seront terminés, il a dit intérieurement comme il a continué à ramper rapidement vers Ryan avec une pure détermination dans ses yeux.
- Oui.
"Pousse-moi sur le côté", Ryan gémit et brouilla jusqu'à ses pieds quand trois g ont fait peu pour ralentir le héros de taille pinte vers le bas. Red continua à s'approcher de lui, une lueur sérieuse de quelque chose dans son regard et alors qu'il s'approchait un peu, Ryan se dirigea vers quelques coups de pied avant de sauter brusquement sur le côté gauche de Red et d'arracher un coup de pied vers ses côtes non protégées.
Au début du coup de pied, il enveloppa cinq g de force gravitationnelle autour de son pied, transformant efficacement son coup de pied en bélier battant. Oh, s'il te plaît, laisse-moi le tuer. Ce ne serait pas une bonne façon de commencer son mandat avec le Young Justice.
- Oui.
Red a donné un grognement de douleur car les coups lourds de Ryan ont frappé avec une grande quantité de force et il a ressenti une bonne quantité de douleur, mais il n'a pas fait assez de dégâts pour le sortir du combat. La douleur l'a provoqué à riposter et il a frappé sauvagement avec ses bras en espérant atterrir au moins un coup très fort à l'homme, surtout maintenant que Red avait ressenti beaucoup de douleur des attaques de son adversaire.
"Tu vas descendre mon pote!" Il a crié et poursuivi son assaut en essayant de frapper aussi vite que ses bras rapides le permettraient. Son schéma d'attaque était sauvage et imprévisible comme un animal féral en colère qui avait été soutenu dans un coin et a choisi de se battre. Red allait essayer de gagner même s'il l'avait grièvement blessé.
- Oui.
"Bon chocolat Christ sur un cracker!" Ryan a sauté et a sauté en arrière, évitant de justesse plusieurs fabricants de foin sauvage. "Jésus, Kid, elle va faire du mal à quelqu'un. Prob'ly moi." Quand Red n'a pas répondu Ryan a pris une décision rapide et a rendu la gravité de Red à normal, le laissant soudainement retomber au sol.
"Oi, petit fou! Je pardonne. Je suppose que c'est un match de sparrin, pas un duel bluddy ta tha mort."
"Jésus Christ," il murmura sous son souffle et flippa sur son dos, regardant 'haut' sur le reste d'entre eux. -- Quoi? Il a demandé. "C'est plus sûr de me mettre en fer ici que je tinte." Il a sorti sa pochette de tabac et s'est rapidement roulé une autre cigarette dans laquelle il a allumé et s'est installé, afin qu'il puisse regarder le prochain combat tout en nourrissant son corps meurtri et sa fierté.
- Oui.
Red ne s'attendait pas à ce que la gravité soit ramenée à la normale, donc avant qu'il puisse s'accrocher au plafond, il est retombé au sol. Lorsque Red a atterri et s'est préparé à revenir à son coéquipier, il a entendu Ryan dire qu'il perdait et a ensuite fait une petite rancune à propos de ce n'était qu'un match d'éparpillement.
Red était confus à la réaction en colère de son adversaire, cela était censé être pratique et cela signifiait qu'ils devaient se pousser à leurs limites. Oh bien, il a encore gagné techniquement, ce qui signifie qu'il allait avancer dans le petit tournoi et était maintenant un pas plus près de combattre Superboy.
"Merci pour le combat" il a dit à Ryan avec un sourire heureux lui donnant les thunbs vers le haut et s'est tourné à regarder les autres à comment ils se débrouillent avec les matches. | Name:
Cora Smithson
Cor'Baath the Liar
Short blue hair and eyes, her eyes can turn red with use of her abilities. Cora is about five feet six, and looks thin and weak. She often prefers to wear blue for luck. She also wears a metal collar and a pair of metal braces on her face. Both can be triggered by her teammates should she go wild. The face plates are holy magics that are made to exorcise demons, and after their use they leave burns on her face.
Her superhero outfit is a black t-shirt and cargo pants with combat boots. She wears a blue jacket over both, for luck.
Most of the time when she's not at work she's very calm and laid back. She might make a sarcastic comment or two to show that she's feeling good, but other than that she doesn't really telegraph her feelings. Most people automatically assume she's always angry because of her powers, but since she's received the amulet she's actually happy for the first time in a long time. She considers loyalty to others to be a priority, and tries to help whenever she can. However, without the amulet it's easy to tell that she's angry. Her transformations become more apparent and her irritability goes way up. She can be credited to the death of a thief who attempted to take her wallet once. She claims self defense, but knows that she lost control. Control is the second most important thing to her, and she works to make sure she never loses her temper or overreact to anything. She doesn't consider herself to be two people but one person with a very bad temper.
Binding Amulet-
A simple amulet that allows Cora to keep her human form more easily. Crafted by the Justice League so that she may be a part of Young Justice. When worn, it makes her calmer and less angry.
Demonic Physiology-
Cora sheds parts of her human form to become her true self. She has rules about how much she transforms and how often she does it. Her hands, when transformed, have red scales and claws capable of cutting through steel. When Cora's arms are transformed, her strength effectively doubles and Cora becomes slightly more durable than before. If her legs are transformed, she becomes twice as fast and effectively doubles her reflexes. However, she doesn't transform both at once, nor does she use her 'real' form in combat. Despite being a young demon, she's very strong, even when not transformed. When not transformed at all, Cora is as strong as the strongest normal human. However, she needs to be transformed to take advantage of her form's abilities.
Demonic Understanding-
Cora knows how demons operate and has a fairly decent sense of dark magic and sorcery. She is capable of sensing spells not of a religious background, and interrupting them. However, being a young demon she can't really perform spells without a prepared ingredient on hand. Without any preparation any spell she attempts will fail. She doesn't need anything to break a spell that is considered 'unholy'. Dark magic stemming from the underworld is ineffective against her.
Quick Healing-
Small injuries ranging from a paper cut up to a broken bone heals twice as fast as a regular human's. However, when in demonic form she is unable to heal quickly.
Demonic Madness-
The more she transforms into her demonic form, the angrier and more out of control she gets. Conversely, as she gets angrier she becomes more demonic, thus she has to constantly be in control of her emotions. It is possible to bring her back after a full blown transformation, but that requires stunning her into unconsciousness first.
Gross, it's a church-
With the exception of cemeteries, Cora cannot walk on hallowed ground without permission from the person in charge of the hallowed ground. This is true for all religions and faiths. The exception is anywhere that is blessed by a ruler of the underworld.
Holy Magic-
Any magic considered holy and doesn't use life force for power can inflict great harm upon Cora. Exorcisms in particular work especially well, and can always render her unconscious.
Because of her past actions, Cora wears a collar designed to inject tranquilizers should she get out of hand and face plates that activate an exorcism spell. The face plates are slightly painful at all times and she is subject to the leader of the team's and justice league's decisions as to whether or not she needs to be tranquilized or exorcised. The exorcism doesn't send her back to the Underworld, but does render her unconscious due to the pain.
"I thought I was normal."
Cora grew up to a typical home, with typical parents. However, they were unaware that Cora was a demon until she was ten years old and broke the teacher's arm while he yelled at her. After a year of searching for help from the church, the only thing that Cora could stand to do was to run away from all that she'd ever known and attempt to understand what had happened to her. As the years rolled on her temper got worse and worse, until one day she killed someone. She'd just been trying to defend herself but the brutality of the crime resulted in a near complete transformation of Cora into Cor'Baath, the demon that had been banished to earth and forced to hold a semi-mortal form.
Cor'Baath had rejected torturing humans for fun and instead tried to help the ones unjustly accused into a better place. When discovered Cor'Baath was sent to earth in mortal form and without any memories of her work. Her punishment was exile to see how horrible human being can truly be. However, a riot during the exile ritual disrupted it and caused Cor'Baath to retain some demonic elements in her mortal form.
The conflict drove both Cora and Cor'Baath into madness and they began to break the law. It was petty at first, but quickly escalated as she got away with more and more crimes. As Cor'Baath, Cora was on the path to become a regular supervillian, often trying to destroy the world and steal from banks. It wasn't until Doctor Fate intervened and defeated her that the truth behind her transformations was revealed. Her plea to Doctor Fate to allow her to atone for what she'd done worked and she was provincially put on the Young Justice team.
Forbidden to leave HQ. Too dangerous when exposed to the real world.
Loves Ghibli movies. Her favorite is Howl's Moving Castle. |
13,413 | 385 | 43 | 876 | 752 | Superboy vs Lex
Superboy n'a pas été surpris qu'il ait préféré s'appeler Lex et non Lex Jr. "Okay, Lex alors" dit-il toujours se préparer. Une fois enfin prêt Superboy a joué à Lex pendant quelques secondes avant de finalement dire "Je vais vous donner le premier coup, alors venez-moi avec un coup lourd ou cela pourrait être fini rapidement."
Lex a crevé le cou en marchant jusqu'à l'arène. Il se demande s'il devrait utiliser certaines de ses armes. Bien qu'ils aient utilisé de la kryptonite, et ne voulaient pas blesser Superboy à beaucoup. Lex s'est évanoui et a dit : "Si tu insistes sur Conner." Il a couru sur le front en frappant son poing dans la poitrine de Superboy. Il a sauté et lui a donné un coup de pied.
Superboy a été repoussé un peu avec le coup de poing de Lex, mais quand il est venu pour un coup de pied Super s'est pris la jambe et l'a balancé une fois. Après qu'il ait balancé et a recommencé à le faire Superboy a lâché aller envoyer Lex vol a jeté l'air. "J'ai dit de venir me voir fort, n'est-ce pas?"
Les jets sur le costume l'ont pris au milieu du lancer et ont dit "Je commence tout juste." Il s'est piqué le poing dans l'estomac de Superboy. Il a essayé de frapper à nouveau mais son pied ne s'est pas connecté juste s'est arrêté à son visage. Lex s'est évanoui et les flammes des jets ont explosé au visage de Superboy.
Superboy a été surpris par le fait que Lex a utilisé des jets pour contrer son lancer, et c'était exactement ce qu'il voulait voir. Il s'est braisé pour la plongée vers le bas, mais il ne s'attendait pas à un coup de poing. Au moment où Superboy pouvait récupérer, il a remarqué un pied devant son visage suivi par des flammes du jet s'explosant dans son visage. Superboy s'est approché du pied de Lex et l'a attrapé et a cassé le jet dessus. "Essayez de voler maintenant." Il a dit qu'il le jetait vite vers le mur.
Lex maudit quand le jet a été cassé. Ce n'est pas facile à réparer. Il maudit comme il a été jeté dans le mur. Il a dit "Qui a dit que c'était le seul jet?" Il a sauté en s'emparant de la tête de Sperboy et a envoyé une charge électrique dans son corps. "C'est une révélation incroyable, hein Conner?" Lex a demandé à sourire.
Superboy a senti le courant de choc à travers son corps, mais il a eu bien pire et n'a pas été laissé Lex le faire tomber tout à fait encore. "Ce jeu de mots fait plus de mal que ce choc." Il a dit d'attraper le bras de Lex et de l'utiliser pour l'écraser dans le sol, et le jeter. Une fois que Lex était dans l'air Superboy a sauté vers le haut pour se préparer à livrer un coup fort à son estomac.
Lex maudit alors qu'il était jeté dans les airs. Bon sang, il était plus fort que prévu. Il ne voulait pas utiliser d'armes à la kryptonite sur Conner. Quand Superboy a sauté sur lui, Lex a apporté ses mains en avant et a tiré une explosion d'énergie rouge des paumes pour bklast Sperboy dos. "Tu es plus fort alors je pensais Conner... beaucoup plus fort. Votre première personne à endommager mon costume." Il a dit d'atterrir sur le sol.
Superboy était presque à portée quand il a été abattu par Lex, et l'a renvoyé à l'atterrissage au sol sur son dos. Il lui a fallu à peu près le même temps pour se lever que pour que Lex revienne. "Oui, je suis fort, mais je me retiens, et toi aussi." Superboy a dit de passer à Lex. "Vous êtes un clone de Luther et je sais qu'il se bat, et vous ne vous battez pas comme il le ferait. Donc ça m'a fait penser que tu dois te retenir." Il était maintenant debout devant Lex tenant une main. "C'était amusant qu'on s'entraîne beaucoup plus."
"Oui, nous l'étions tous les deux. J'ai d'autres armes que j'ai décidé de ne pas utiliser. Mon père s'en servirait de la moindre chance qu'il avait et quand votre descente il continuerait à se battre." Lex a dit sourire en secouant la main. "Même ici." Il a ensuite gelé à ce que Conner a dit. "Attendez... Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit que j'étais?" Luthor a dit : "Je ne suis pas son clone, je suis son fils. J'ai été élevé par lui. Ton clone de lui et Superman!" Lex était en colère pour ce que Conner a dit. Lex a appuyé sur un bouton du costume. Il l'a remis dans la valise et s'est envolé.
Superboy se demandait depuis que Lex s'en est sorti, ça fait de lui le vainqueur ou Lex. -- Eh bien, l'entraînement doit se poursuivre. Il a dit en se tournant pour voir qui avait gagné là a gagné des matchs d'épargne. "D'accord, les gagnants viennent à moi et celui qui a perdu, s'il vous plaît, marchez sur le côté."
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça?
De retour dans le complexe d'appartements abandonnés tout le monde était armé et prêt. Le même homme d'avant s'est levé sur une caisse et a parlé à tout le monde "Hommes! Aujourd'hui, nous quittons cette pièce comme un tas d'armes louées, mais après ce travail, nous reviendrons comme des rois riches! » Il a dit et écouté le rugissement de l'accord et de l'excitation de tout le monde. -- Alors, qu'attendons-nous? Allons nous faire payer! » Il cria et les conduisit hors de la pièce et à l'endroit où toutes leurs voitures étaient garées. Ils ont tous chargé et zoomé jusqu'au point d'intérêt. Chaque équipe est entrée en position sans être détectée.
L'équipe A a posé les charges et les a réglées pendant cinq minutes juste pour qu'ils commencent sur le point. L'équipe B a juste besoin d'écouter le bruit des coups de feu et des explosions pour qu'ils puissent entrer et descendre les gardes. L'équipe C n'avait besoin d'attendre que l'équipe B pour la radio une fois qu'elle a eu le paquet. | Name - Jesus (but now goes by Chris) Freeman
Alias - Fang
Age - 20
Appearance - Chris is currently standing at 5’7”
But with glasses but trades them out for the mask when time to fight.
Personality - Chris is kind to everyone and has been taught to be honest to his loved ones. He is friendly, funny, and always finds a way to cheer up someone if their having a bad day. Yet at the same time Chris has another side to him that comes out when he is in combat or threatened of losing someone he cares about.
Gear (optional) -
-Gatling sheath and inter changeable blade katana: Chris has one main weapon that he created over a course of time in his father’s lab. The first part is a sheath that sort of has the shape of mini-gun barrel but not as revealing and a bit more of a rectangle mix. It holds different groups of katana blades they have different effects depending on the color Red=fire, Blue=electricity, Yellow=explosive (adds a little extra kick on impact), Light Blue=ice. The fun part of this contraption for Chris is that it's linked to his mask and he can have it spin till the type of blade he requested is ready to be drawn. The other half of his weapon is the katana handle he crafted to be able to change blades when the time comes. He takes the handle hand jam it into the hole of the sheath and waits just a second for the blade to lock onto the handle before drawing it.
-Mask: Chris knew he didn't want anyone to know his face so he invented a mask and implanted the same technology in it his dad created for him to see. Chris also added some extra features like a display had that can tell all sorts of things like if he has run out of a type of katana blade, or all sorts of things. The mask itself is made out carbon fiber with a screen on the inside that allows Chris to see and do what he does. (The mask looks like this but without the eye holes and has a few short glowing red line on it.)
Power/ability - Chris is super smart when it comes to inventing things whether it's weapons or battle armor. With how smart he is at inventing it can work in reverse as well. An example would be if he went against someone with advance armor, battle mechs, or weapons he can find a weak spot pretty quickly by analyzing it.
Weakness - Chris went blind around the age of sixteen and had the help of his dad to fix that by making him a pair of glasses that give him sight once again. Later on his life he implanted the same type technology in a mask he wears, so if he loses one of the two he loses his sight.
Bio - Born in a weird mix of parents a super christian mother and a scientist father. He grew up in Detroit in a small house with no other siblings. When he was born his mother insisted he be named Jesus and his father just wen along with it thinking she was joking until he saw the birth certificate. Chris went to a very poor school that was probably one gang fight away from closing. When he first meet his friends he told them his name was Jesus, so they nick named him the Jesus of Suburbia which he thought was kind of funny.
When he wasn't in school Chris went with his father to his lab with all the other scientists. Chris was always fascinated by what his dad did always inventing knew things to better peoples lives, and it's what drove Chris to invent his own things. At school his friends though it was cool he wanted to invent things and they even wanted to help him but mostly what they did was help give him ideas.
When Chris was sixteen he got a part time job in his father’s lab. Chris was to help his dad but his dad just let him try to make his own things and he did for months and months till a certain, and it was that day when Chris made his first and most tragic mistake. While trying to make something Chris ended up hitting a jar containing some liquid in spilling around where he was standing. Taking blame for it Chris started to move to the mop, but he slipped on the first step and ended up hitting his head on the table knocking him out and causing him to go blind.
Chris spent months having to walk around with cane and his friends felt sorry for what happened to him. Even though they have nothing to do with what happened, but while Chris walked around blind his dad was hard at work trying to invent something that could restore his sight. It was the only thing his dad could think about and he halted all of his other work just for this one project, and over a year timing and many failed attempts it was done. Chris was sitting up in his room when his father came knocking at the door saying he had a present for him, and after letting his father in Chris was given a pair of glasses. He put them on and while he was putting them on he stopped and was surprised he was starting to see something, and after the he quickly put the glasses on. Chris nearly jumped out of his skin when he found out he can see once again.
Chris grew up to the age of eighteen and with that he changed his name from Jesus to Chris and moved out of his parents house into an apartment complex. Still working at his father’s lab Chris basically was a genius in inventing and dissembling/reverse engineering. Chris mostly spent time inventing and investigating in the crime that happens around the streets of Detroit. In due time Chris took under the name of Fang when fighting crime he mostly did it at night because that's when crime is most booming in Detroit.
Notes -
-Music: Chris enjoys music when he is crafting, so he usually has head phones on.
-Leader: Chris has been prompted by Batman that he will be the team leader.
Name - Charlie Johnson
Alias - Ash
Age - 16
Appearance - Charlie stands about 5'6" with hair that is about between medium and short lengths and blue eyes. He likes to wear a black beanie, light grey pants, punk/rock t-shirt, black with white bottom and laces skate shoes, and a red and black square flannel. For combat Charlie was given a full black with some grey combat outfit. Which is black pants with two grey ovals along them, a dark grey shirt, a black jacket with two pockets in the front on each side of the zipper, and he still wears his skate shoes.
Personality - Charlie has that average skater teen attitude, and also has the personality of teens who had to survive on the streets. But all that aside he cares for others and is friendly and kind along with that.
Gear (optional) - Charlie carries on him his phone, earbuds/headphones, skateboard, and wallet at all times.
Power/ability - Lord Symbol.
Charlie (as many say) was "branded" with the symbol of an acncient Lord of Fire this allows him to generate his own fire out of thin air. He can also use his flames for multiple purposes such as...
Will it burn? - Charlie can decide if his flames will burn or not, but even if it doesn't burn you can still feel the heat.
I'm my own rocket! - While on his skateboard Charlie can use his flames to accelerate his speed to limits of a car, but it burns through his power faster than anything else. This can also allow him to somewhat fly, but it more looks like someone surfing the air because it gets really wobbly up in the air.
Kaboom! - If Charlie puts out enough fire in a small concentrated spot it can create an explosion, but as of right now he can only breach a door or a brick wall.
Weakness - Charlie does not have infinite supply of fire he can burn through it if not careful, and if that was to happen he would need time to channel/charge it back up. If he focuses on it the process can be quick but he needs absolute concentration to do so. If he can't concentrate then the process to restore him to full power can take a long time.
Bio - Charlie Johnson or better known as Ash lived most his life on the street. He was born and somewhat raised in Gotham of course most of the raising took place on the streets. He used to live in a home till he started to get his powers, and by accident he burned down his school and in return a mob of angry parents came and burned down his house. He got out safely but his parents didn't since then he lived with the other homeless on the streets and in the alleys.
Eventually Charlie got into gang life because of his powers, but it was in that life he met his best friend Stone Wilson who also was "gifted." The two followed what they were told to do by their boss and never asked questions. On one such day Charlie was tired of it all and left the gang, but Stone stayed for reasons he couldn't say. Before leaving Charlie was given a finale gift from Stone since it was his birthday and all, and the gift Charlie received was what looked like a brand new out of the store skateboard (but it was actually Stone's old one that he put new parts on.) A year after leaving Charlie was approached by a Justice League member who asked him to join a team called "Young Justice," and without thinking Charlie agreed on the spot.
Music - Charlie likes punk/rock music the most and has tons of songs on his phone.
Hair? - Charlie cuts his own hair and hasn't been to a barber since his school burned down.
Pro or not? - Charlie is very talented at skateboarding, but he doesn't say he's a pro more like someone who enjoys it. |
13,414 | 386 | 0 | 66 | 1,312 | Éric
Les élèves se sont précipités dans leurs salles de classe, la cloche tardive sonnant fort dans toute l'école. Dans la classe 212, période 1, 26 élèves ont fait des blagues en groupe. Des cliques de filles jugeant les solitaires, des garçons en train de crier : "Pas d'homo!" Les étudiants sérieux - aussi appelés ceux qui ont le plus de bon sens - étaient en train de sortir leurs devoirs et de vérifier les réponses sur le tableau ou d'écrire les devoirs pour ce soir à partir du tableau noir dans le dos.
Un garçon avec des cheveux rouges teints, des chaînes dans son pantalon, et une boucle d'oreille assise sur son bureau riant, "Woah, hey les gars, n'est-ce pas le professeur Walker un peu tard? Ce vieil homme devient super énervé quand on est en retard d'une demi-seconde, cette pose...
La porte s'est ouverte et un Eric ébloui s'est envolé. "Prenez vos fesses dans vos sièges avant que je les batte noir et bleu!" Il a lâché son lourd sac sur le bureau et a crié à ses étudiants. Des adolescents effrayés se sont infiltrés dans leurs bureaux, la vie menaçante qu'il leur a envoyé donner aux étudiants des bouffons d'oie.
À l'âge de 27 ans, Eric Neal Walker était professeur de mathématiques à l'Académie Blackthorne. Sa troisième année au travail et sa réputation d'impitoyable l'ont conduit à la future première année. L'homme quelque peu désirable gardait généralement ses cheveux léchés en arrière, mais aujourd'hui il était arrivé tard, ayant passé toute la nuit le classement des papiers après avoir dîné dans sa chambre avec Jem. Les filles qui l'avaient traité d'horrible et laid avant de le regarder avec des yeux avides.
Il les a laissés skitter autour, en ramassant les fournitures dont ils avaient besoin pour les cours. « Joseph Lionade, on vous a demandé à plusieurs reprises de faire quelque chose à propos de ces cheveux indisciplinés, qui, avec votre boucle d'oreille et vos chaînes, sont contre la politique scolaire. Avec la punition de l'école, je m'attends à ce que les tests de pratique des chapitres 8 et 9 me soient remis d'ici mercredi. »
Il y eut un moment de silence pendant que toute la classe arrêta de bouger. Ils venaient juste d'arriver à mi-chemin à travers le chapitre 8 et il a dû faire les deux?! La rouquine teinte s'est évanouie, son visage est presque aussi rouge que ses cheveux.
"Quoi? Avec tout le temps que vous allez vous relâcher, ils devraient être assez de temps pour étudier." S'il avait été quelqu'un d'autre, la tête aurait roulé.
Joe était calme pour le reste de la classe et le professeur a continué sa cruauté quotidienne de n'appeler que les étudiants qui semblaient être l'espacement. La classe s'est terminée, en pause et les élèves n'ont pas pu s'empêcher de sortir de la classe.
"M. Lionade, j'espère que vous réfléchirez à nouveau avant d'aller à nouveau contre les règles."
Oh! C'est pas vrai! Eric avait besoin de se dépêcher ou il ne voulait pas avoir une conversation rapide avec Jem. | Name:
Eric Neal Walker
Doesn't have one and don't give him one. At one point his friends from highschool called him, "Mother"
...They were never heard from again.
Called Professor Walker by his students.
Math Teacher
Eric is highly jaded to everyone, there is no "try" there is only "do." Why rest and relax when you can get work done? He is also a rather doting person, but he won't admit it. Someone forgets their lunch, he'll give them his and say to eat or they won't be able to work. He is usually yells a lot when he's frustrated and is never able to give proper compliments.
He doesn't even believe he has a child side. When he's by himself he ends up either cleaning the house, getting extra work done, or taking care of his cats. He really does care, but can't seem to express it to anyone but Jem, who he spoils exponentially. He's also an extreme animal person, they flock to him, and that's usually the easiest way to his heart. If animals run away from you, you might as well be dead to him.
Telling others about his problems? That just doesn't happen. If he ever did do it he would say it in the moment. He takes out his stress with work and cleaning so the more dedicated he seems to be, the more stressed he is.
He believes that girls are either cry babies or life suckers, trying to steal everything from their partner. He's never been with a woman and doesn't plan on it until he has to settle down.
Unknowingly homosexual, the only one he's actually loved is Jem, so he hasn't realized he doesn't like women.
When Eric was a young child, about eight years old, he was a mama's boy that loved feminine things. He always wrote cute poems to his mom and helped her out with the chores. A few weeks after he turned eight, Eric and his mother got into a nasty car crash. All Eric's memories up till then were either fuzzy or gone all together and Eric's mother died. The first year or so after the accident, Eric acted almost like a mindless zombie, his father doting on him all the time.
His father decided to get Eric a mother in order to help his son regain his sense of self. He hastily started dating and married a bride four months later that was still in college. She was what one would call a typical sorority girl that couldn't take care of a pet to save her life, much less a child. She leeched off of Eric's somewhat high class father and made him treat her like a princess.
It was his second year of middle school that everything went to hell. He body shot up compared to his fellow classmates almost overnight, growing to the height 5' 11" that he is now. His stepmother took notice of this and started taking an interest. The night of his 13th birthday, his stepmother molested and sexually assaulted him. It was the night he lost his virginity.
He had to keep it a secret from his family and life outside the house. Eric's stepmother had his father wrapped around her finger, there was no way for him to report this was happening. He was assaulted all throughout his middle school years and into his high school years. During Eric's freshman year, his stepmother thought it would be best for him to, 'gain some independence by living by yourself.' He was giving a certain amount of money each month and left to his own devices. Every now and again, his stepmother would come over to use him, further wrecking his mental state.
During middle school, Eric couldn't help notice Jem, his looks and charisma were staggering, even with his stubborn 'bad boy look.' What the boy needed was to become someone like him, someone that could take all the shit he was dealing with and learn to take care of himself. And so Jem didn't seem to interested in their friendship, but that's not how Eric saw it. The boy seemed to be pushing everyone away, trying to keep himself from getting hurt by them. If he did that to everyone, who did he have to lean on? So Eric did everything in his power to become that person, that strong determined friend who would never let you down. He didn't have time to worry about his own problems anymore, he only did what he could for the one he wanted to be best friends with.
Trying to become friends with Jem was no easy feat, he even tried out smoking to have some common ground. Somehow this routine stuck, much to Eric's lungs' and allowance's dismay. The more he realized he had been so used by his stepmother, the more jaded he got through the years. The only one he would connect to was Jem, and love was starting to blossom...
Jem found out during their sophomore year of high school. Eric felt like since Jem had cried his heart out to the him, he should do the same. No, he didn't let Jem do anything about it... but he was able to see the side of Jem he had always longed to see, and that was enough for him at the time.
Eric's last year of high school, his father and stepmother got a divorce. She had grown tired of being the lover of such an older man, and cut ties with the family. Eric couldn't be more relieved, but he was forever traumatized. There was no way he could have sex for enjoyment again or not start shaking if someone got to close to him.
-Losing Jem's friendship
-Making mistakes at work
-Never getting his feelings across
He stands at 5' 11" with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Eric weighs 156 pounds, he'll never admit it, but he usually only eats 2 meals a day. He's rather thin, but always covers his slim waist with an extra layer.
Work Attire:
He wears a crisp ironed suit without a vest everyday, only taking his jacket off in the summer. His hair is slicked back at school, though he can never seem to get all of his bangs to stay back. He doesn't need glasses, but in his first year of working, he wore fake frames.
Outside of Work:
He usually doesn't bother to mess with his hair and stays in a v-neck sweater and khakis when he goes out. At home he gets a lot lazier, wearing a t-shirt and shorts around with sandles and socks (Oh the horror!)
Eric lives with three cats, causing his apartment always to be messed up some way. It's a stress reliever to clean up and take care of them, so it's sort of a win-win situation at home. |
13,415 | 386 | 1 | 1,435 | 3,655 | Certains élèves bavardaient, d'autres s'asseyaient dans un silence maladroit dans les sièges de l'auditorium. Il y avait des salles de musique dans tout ce bâtiment, mais aujourd'hui, leur professeur a décidé de l'avoir ici (le plus certainement à cause de la période de l'année). Les enfants les plus nerveux étaient sans doute les premières années ou les deuxièmes années qui n'étaient pas prêts à se produire pour le concert de Noël. Les visages plus âgés, qui n'étaient pas nombreux, étaient assez allongés, bien qu'ils savaient une fois que leur professeur est entré, ils devaient s'asseoir et prêter attention.
Les étudiants savaient entrer dans cette classe avec un esprit ouvert et une volonté de faire tout ce que leur professeur spontané leur avait dit de faire. L'anticipation remplissait leur estomac, alors qu'ils attendaient que l'homme ensorcelant arrive. C'était un grand exploit d'avoir été accepté dans la classe d'élite COULEURS, surtout pour les premières années. Ceux qui voulaient porter leurs compétences au niveau suivant et se tester eux-mêmes ont auditionné le samedi avant l'orientation de Blackthorne Academy, il y a quelques mois. De nombreux élèves ont été niés, mais quelques-uns ont pris les yeux des professeurs de musique (sans compter Jérémie, qui a confié à ses subordonnés de choisir son groupe de jeunes chanteurs talentueux ayant attrapé un rhume mineur). Les élèves ont prié pour que leur professeur ne rate pas cette classe. C'était trop près du concert et ils avaient besoin de la direction qu'il pouvait donner! Le sentiment inébranlable de ne pas savoir ce qu'il a fallu pour plaire à leur professeur a rendu chacun sans cesse agité tout au long du semestre. Il y avait eu des rumeurs contradictoires de cette classe, certains élèves avaient des larmes de joie tandis que d'autres avaient des effondrements majeurs. Ces enfants étaient extrêmement stressés et voulaient s'écraser dans leurs lits.
Soudain, les pas ont été entendus de derrière la scène. Il a fait écho dans toute la grande pièce.
Touche. Touche. Touche.
Alors que le professeur malhonnête sortait des rideaux avec un visage droit, la pièce tomba silencieuse. Il portait une tenue complètement noire qui rendait ses cheveux dorés et ses yeux de noisette particulièrement frappants. Il n'avait pas besoin de ses lunettes alors il l'a laissé à son bureau à l'étage. En s'asseyant sur le banc de piano, l'homme sentit les regards de ses élèves en attendant que la leçon commence. Sans les regarder, le grand homme courut doucement ses doigts sur les clés du piano, ses yeux s'éloignaient même lorsqu'il était très présent. Quelque chose dans ses yeux, toujours fait les gens enthousiasmés avec lui, comme un prédateur léchant sa proie. Il n'avait pas besoin de dire des mots pour que les élèves se perdent en transe pendant qu'ils étaient en sa présence. L'anxiété angoissante était leur principale sensation, en ce moment. S'ils ont merdé, ils pourraient perdre leurs chances de jouer et de rendre leurs parents fiers.
Bien sûr, Jérémie était amusant de temps en temps, mais il les a constamment mis au défi d'aller au - delà de leur zone de confort. Il s'est mis à craquer et a ensuite demandé à tous ses étudiants de venir sur scène autour de lui. C'est alors que les enfants ont réalisé qu'il portait un micro de source ponctuelle autour de son oreille pour qu'ils puissent l'entendre une fois la musique commencée.
Le premier jour de cours, il les a effrayés avec ses talents de piano. Aujourd'hui, au moins pendant les dix premières minutes, il allait un peu plus facilement sur eux. Alors qu'il attendait patiemment, Jérémie fixa le livre de chant devant lui. En le fermant, il s'est ébranlé la tête. Un étudiant ou un professeur a oublié leur livre. Comme c'est irresponsable.
Quand tous ses étudiants se sont levés et ont fait un demi-cercle autour de lui, Jérémie a appelé, "Mme Jenna Pierce."
"PRESENT!... Professeur Clarke" Les petits fraicheurs aux tresses rouges criblées. Tournant la tête vers elle et rencontrant ses yeux dorés avec son vert, il arpenta son expression.
"C'est ton tour. N'en fais pas une chanson des fêtes. Nous en ferons beaucoup après les échauffements. » Il lui demanda d'attendre qu'elle choisisse une chanson que tous ses pairs pouvaient connaître. Avec ses mains, la jeune fille a douté, "Um... plutôt être par Clean Bandit? Il s'est fait la tête, il s'est retourné aux clés du piano, "Bon...bon. Si vous êtes un élève qui ne connaît pas cette chanson, improvisez. Comme tu devrais le savoir, quand j'appelle ton nom, tu chantes et tu chantes. Si je n'entends pas ta voix, tu seras marqué absent. J'espère que vous avez tous fait vos exercices vocaux avant d'arriver ici, je ne veux pas une répétition d'hier." L'un d'eux a rougi en se souvenant de son terrible croque...
En appuyant sur les clés, les doigts de Jem glissent sur elle avec grâce, même s'il jouait une chanson moderne, "Jenna, s'il te plaît commence."
« Nous sommes à mille kilomètres du confort, nous avons parcouru la terre et la mer."Daniel"
"Mais tant que tu es avec moi, il n'y a pas d'endroit où je préférerais."
"Mais tant que tu es avec moi, il n'y a pas d'endroit que je préfère."Luke"
"J'attendrais pour toujours, exulté dans la scène,"
"J'attendrais pour toujours, exulté dans la scène,"
"J'attendrais toujours, exulté dans la scène," "Beatrice"...
Et avec ça, la classe de musique a commencé. Pas une fois leurs élèves n'ont entendu la voix de leur professeur. Il a joué quelques instruments, mais ils étaient curieux de savoir à quel point sa gamme vocale était forte. Jérémie pouvait très bien chanter, avec sa voix apaisante qui pouvait endormir n'importe qui, mais ses habitudes de fumer l'obligeaient à chanter seulement à des occasions spéciales. Un jour, son habitude empoisonnée le tuerait.
Ce mois-ci serait agité pour lui, avec les vacances qui approchent et le concert. Combien de temps serait-il vraiment libre?
Soupirant, Jérémie a pensé à son dîner avec son meilleur ami la nuit précédente, ils n'ont pas parlé de quelque chose de sérieux juste de la merde aléatoire qui s'est passé cette semaine et même a plaisanté autour de l'avenir d'Eric et le jour où il trouverait son quelqu'un spécial. Bien sûr, Jem ne pensait pas que cela arriverait bientôt et il s'assurerait que son sceau d'approbation était posé sur la pierre avant qu'Eric ne devienne trop profond. La vie n'était pas terrible. Tout semblait bien et ni lui ni son meilleur ami n'avaient de quoi se plaindre, alors il croyait.
Pierre est entré dans sa tête et un sourire rare est tombé sur le visage de l'homme. Comme les élèves chantaient, les dames ne pouvaient pas s'empêcher d'aller rose dans le visage. Voir le professeur Clarke sourire était si rare à l'école, mais quand il l'a fait, ils ne pouvaient pas s'empêcher de s'évanouir. Ils voulaient tous savoir ce qui l'a rendu si authentique. Cependant, c'était quelque chose qu'ils avaient trop peur de demander.
Bientôt lui et Pet ont eu besoin de sortir boire un verre. Il a manqué son adorable passionné de science. Une légère glissade s'est glissée avec juste la pensée. Jenna a apporté une de ses mains à sa poitrine alors qu'elle sentait son cœur aller *Badamp*. | - snipped - |
13,416 | 386 | 2 | 792 | 4,390 | Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés,
Le colibri nord-américain moyen peut, en moyenne, battre ses ailes une bonne cinquantaine de fois par seconde. C'est un fait qui est resté avec Nicolas Ishiguro depuis qu'il l'a entendu pour la première fois dans un documentaire de nature que lui et le reste de sa classe de dixième année regardaient un jour au lieu d'une leçon. Il l'avait toujours fasciné, que quelque chose de si petit pouvait accomplir ce qui lui semblait incroyable. Les humains semblaient mesurer la vitesse par heure ou par minute. Des kilomètres à l'heure. Des mots par minute. Ce n'est qu'au médecin que lorsque votre rythme cardiaque ou votre pouls est irrégulier que les secondes entrent dans l'image. Et pourtant... il y avait un oiseau que la plupart des gens ne pouvaient pas choisir d'une gamme d'oiseaux faisant quelque chose qui ne pouvait vraiment être vu à travers l'objectif d'une caméra à mouvement lent.
Nicolas a trouvé qu'il était en train de penser à cette partie sauvage du royaume animal trivia beaucoup plus récemment. Depuis qu'il a pris le poste de conseiller d'orientation de l'Académie Blackthorn. Le travail était à l'extérieur de sa timonerie, pour être sûr, mais étant venu d'un milieu éducatif et choqué qu'un endroit comme Blackthorn engagerait même quelqu'un avec son CV...Nicolas n'était pas sur le point de refuser l'offre. Mais il n'était pas prêt pour les problèmes auxquels les adolescents de l'époque étaient confrontés et, au départ, chaque élève qui entrait dans son bureau le laissait se demander si les problèmes auxquels lui et ses amis étaient confrontés au lycée étaient différents. Les signes de grandir, sûrement.
Et pourtant, le fait de colibri a continué à jouer dans ses pensées pour la simple raison que celui qui mesurait le battement des ailes d'un oiseau aurait vraiment dû suivre en mesurant les lèvres battantes de l'adolescent moyen.
Le café de Nicolas se refroidissait et il n'avait pas encore pris une gorgée. Après avoir adressé ses salutations aux autres employés présents en route pour son bureau, Nicolas n'avait à peine de temps pour lui-même avant que son premier étudiant ne se présente. Le jour de l'école venait tout juste de commencer et il faisait déjà passer des élèves. En regardant l'homme, les mots « membre du personnel » ne viennent pas à l'esprit, non seulement de ses traits de visage juvéniles, mais de la façon dont il s'est porté lui-même. Il n'était pas habillé de son meilleur dimanche et il serait difficile d'appeler ça une tenue du vendredi occasionnel. Ses jeans ont été effacés, sa chemise, tandis que les manches longues, a été ridée, et ses cheveux avaient l'air qu'il n'avait pas vu un pinceau ou un peigne depuis des jours. C'est peut-être ce qui a attiré les élèves vers lui, le fait qu'il avait l'air si radicalement différent des enseignants qui exigeaient la perfection en toutes choses.
Dès qu'il s'est assis, ouvrant la porte au premier étudiant de la journée, il s'est accouché pour quelque chose d'asinine. Rien d'important ne pourrait arriver si tôt dans la journée. Et alors que la jeune brune s'asseyait et commençait à parler...Nicolas avait raison. L'étudiant, un qu'il a reconnu comme Caitlyn Humphrey - et c'était Caitlyn prononcé avec un "Kite" - immédiatement lancé dans un monologue rapidement livré sur le même genre de problèmes qu'il avait eu si habitué à entendre.
"Et je sais juste qu'il va demander à Jenna Pierce de danser, mais il est si horrible pour elle. Sérieusement, ils n'ont même pas l'air mignons ensemble, je veux dire, qui se tresse les cheveux? Oui. Et c'est rouge. Quoi qu'il en soit, nous savons tous que ce n'est pas naturel du tout. J'ai juste...
"Je vais vous arrêter là, Mlle. Humphrey." Nicolas interjecta à la fois pour le bien de son état mental et parce qu'il avait entendu ce même spiel littéralement des centaines de fois. Beaucoup de ces adolescents voulaient juste savoir si c'était bien pour eux de trahir des amis ou des frères et sœurs si cela signifiait obtenir ce qu'ils voulaient. Et neuf fois sur dix ce qu'ils voulaient, c'était ce qu'ils ne pouvaient pas avoir, à savoir quelqu'un qu'ils écrasaient. Et il a dit que le béguin était un rencard ou qu'il s'intéressait à quelqu'un d'autre. Nicolas a souhaité les étudiants qui lui sont venus avec des problèmes réels ou des conseils sur l'enseignement supérieur. Il pouvait suggérer des collèges et des programmes pendant des heures, mais il était tellement un conseil relationnel pour le reste du corps étudiant.
Ce qui était merveilleusement ironique compte tenu de ses propres statuts relationnels.
"Qui est Jenna Pierce?"
"Quelqu'un en première année rien. Elle pense qu'elle est...
"Hé, hé, allez. Si vous craignez que M. Langston s'intéresse à Jenna, alors vous avez déjà abandonné. Tu l'aimes bien, n'est-ce pas? Tu penses qu'il est sexy, qu'il est mignon, tu écris ton nom dans ton carnet au lieu de prendre des notes, pas vrai? Tu ne peux pas l'interdire de poursuivre qui il veut, Caitlyn. Mais si tu crois qu'il te veut, alors il n'y a aucune raison de s'inquiéter de la petite Jenna Pierce, n'est-ce pas? Tu n'as pas besoin de mon conseil pour ça. Ce que tu as besoin de faire, et que tu aurais dû faire, c'est de l'atteindre d'abord. Demande-lui de sortir. Ou si vous croyez qu'IL devrait faire le premier pas... alors vous vous habituez à attendre pour toujours." Nicolas s'arrêta juste assez longtemps pour enfin avoir une gorgée de sa tasse de café qui ne coulait plus.
« Si chaque étudiant prenait l'initiative, alors il n'y aurait pas de problèmes avec les relations parce que tout le monde demanderait leurs écrasements et éprouverait cela... sentant que seuls les enfants comme vous peuvent vraiment vivre. N'attendez pas que ses yeux errent, Caitlyn. Prenez le risque. Faites le premier pas. Et rappelez-vous la politique de l'école sur les manifestations publiques d'affection. Ça va?"
"Donc... demande-lui juste d'abord... c'est... je n'ai pas pensé à faire ça. Très bien. Ouais, d'accord! Je vais le faire. Merci, Nico!"
Caitlyn quitta le bureau, sans doute pour connaître son premier rejet majeur ou son premier moment de béatitude romantique... et Nicolas se vit accorder un moment de répit alors qu'il soupirait dans sa tasse avant de prendre une petite gorgée. Un à terre. Trop pour y aller.
Au moins, les enseignants ont eu une brève pause entre les périodes de changement. C'est pendant ces moments que Nico les enviait. Et c'est à cause de cela que son déjeuner et ses pauses étaient un peu plus longs qu'ils ne l'étaient censés l'être. Mais il avait déjà enfreint plusieurs règles de l'école... où était le mal dans quelques autres? | Nicolas Ishiguro
'Glass walls and waterfalls can't stop your light from reaching my eyes...'
Twenty Six
Guidance Counselor
If ever there was a competition for the most popular member of the staff as voted on by the student body, chances are Nicolas, Nico to the students, would rank quite high, if not take the title himself. Such is the effect he has on the students that a petition once went around demanding he be considered for Teacher of the Year. Nicolas takes the compliments in stride, seeing it is signs of him doing his job well. Students often come to him for advice, and more often than not the advice is not at all related to the academic side of school but rather...the social. Because of his charming, cool exterior and his flowery way of words, he's a prime source for students that need more useful advice...such as the right way to ask someone on a date or the perfect outfit to wear to prom.
Nicolas has a certain way about him that makes him easy to talk to and to his credit he either is a fantastic listener or has mastered the art of only hearing the important parts of someone's concerns. He's quite charismatic, helpful given his position among the staff, and he maintains a friendly rapport with his fellow staff...well...most of them. Some of the wiser ones have picked up on a few of his bad habits, such as how he's always taking personal calls unrelated to he never dresses like a professional ought to, and how on more than one occasions he's arrived to school being dropped off in different cars in the staff lot...and those are just the easily spotted ones.
Of course, the person Nicolas is during school hours doesn't necessarily carry over to after hours and the private life. Those that know him outside of school might not be so quick to use 'charming' to define him...they might well use 'manipulative' or 'heartless'...but one so popular with people can be squeaky clean, surely.
'Golden medals on my chest don't mean I deserve it...'
Nicolas is...a very loving sort.
Nicolas is a slender man but he carries it well due to his height. He's 5'10" and with unkempt black hair and piercing green eyes, he really makes his youthful look work for him. Some say that he's so popular with the students because he looks like he never really left his late teens and other than his deeper voice he'd probably be able to blend in with a certain crowd. He never dresses like a stuffy staff member, only busting out proper formal attire when he's attending functions such as dances or events he's roped into being a staff adviser for. His normal work attire is casual to the letter, with jeans - a little on the tight side on most days - and long sleeved shirts being the typical look he strives for.
His sense of fashion is more...laid back formal. It's not uncommon to find him at home on a weekend wearing no shirt and pants that might've been worn during the week already. It's not as if he's lazy or slovenly, it's just that he keeps things casual when it comes to dress as people that wear formal attire all the time tend to just be far too stuffy.
Looking at Nicolas now one would always assume he was the person he is today...but that would be grossly incorrect. In his youth, which is to say from middle school to high school, Nicolas was a lonely, quiet kid that was mocked by his grade school peers due to both his hobbies (which included building and collecting model kits and figurines from various media) and from not having a dad. Grade school bullies were so needlessly cruel and he was glad they didn't know what it was his mother did to pay the bills. Nicolas was raised by his mother who worked unsavory jobs for even more unsavory clients just to make sure that Nicolas didn't go hungry...even if that meant she was never around at night to tuck him in. Nicolas was so grateful to his mother that it became his way of thanking her by leaving a meal out for her for when she came home.
In high school Nicolas was still not the most popular sort, but managed to get through by hovering around people that he wouldn't exactly call friends but those who at least had similar interests. It was after a disastrous attempt to ask someone to prom - which was seen by an entire classroom - that Nicolas realized that simply being the weird quiet kid would lead to more rejection and dejection in his life. He traveled away from his hometown for higher education and, as so many do, when he returned an adult he had shed his past skin.
After graduation he lived with his mother for a handful of months. While he was away she worked more jobs within the same field she had tried so hard to get out of and the risks finally caught up with her. She contracted a disease and Nicolas wanted to make sure she was taken care of. Though she's sick, she seems to be hanging in there and improving, though she's retired and now has a nurse on retainer just in case.
Nicolas' upbringing could be a reason for why he's turned into such a charming, or is it manipulative, sort, but the only thing he chooses to focus on with regards to his past is that he's still, at heart, a mother's boy. He's since moved into his own place - by nature of it being easier than explaining to people he takes an interest in why he lived with his mother - and is enjoying the life he never did back when he was younger.
He's come to terms with the fact that his mother might not have that much long left, but he's still afraid of losing her seeing as how she was the most support he ever had in his life and it's difficult to lose that connection. Nicolas fears rejection, the incident in high school lingering still on his heart, which is perhaps why the tables have been turned in his adulthood. Less on the emotional side of the spectrum...but Nicolas also has a fear of heights. He keeps that one, as he does with much of his personality, close to the chest.
-He still collects figurines and his apartment has entire shelf space dedicated to them. He makes sure to keep the ones on display in the living area more family friendly for obvious reasons.
-Nicolas was actually fired from his last teaching job, but the reason why is known only to himself and the school district he left behind. |
13,417 | 386 | 3 | 1,262 | 229 | C'est pas vrai, Peter.
Des fouets d'excitation ont fui à travers les fissures dans le cadre de la porte de la pièce 116. Il y avait un panneau enregistré sur la porte, attendant que n'importe quel spectateur extérieur tombe sur et lit. Elle a été grossièrement faite : deux morceaux de papier de construction bleu ciel s'agrafaient ensemble pour tenir compte des grandes lettres de blocs qui s'étendaient sur sa surface. Ces grands symboles verts énonçaient un message ludique à quiconque cherchait à entrer dans le monde du professeur Kalenki. « Aucune admission n'est permise aux personnes qui ne veulent pas voir quelque chose de spectaculaire. » Les étudiants qui avaient vécu sa classe l'année précédente (l'année expérimentale comme Kalenki l'appellerait pour toujours après) et ceux qui étaient en elle connaissaient maintenant d'expérience la véritable signification de ce message apparaissant périodiquement. Aujourd'hui, c'était un jour de labo. Cela signifiait des réactions chimiques, des éclairs, peut-être même des flammes ou des explosions contrôlées. Les odeurs vives d'une équation parfaitement équilibrée. L'anticipation ne pouvait guère être contenue dans la classe. Non seulement étaient-ils les jours préférés des élèves, mais aussi leur professeur toujours souriant.
Devant la porte et le panneau, on entre dans une salle de classe avec une agréable désorganisation. On pourrait immédiatement sentir le bourdonnement des atomes de chaque élève vibrer avec l'exaltation de l'expérimentation. Sur un comptoir en face de l'entrée, une pile de livres, de planificateurs et de nombreux papiers ont été bannis. L'enseignant inexpérimenté avait exigé son bureau pour les besoins de ce laboratoire, juste au cas où des déversements ou des incidents se seraient produits. Donc, au lieu de nettoyer l'espace et de trouver une place appropriée pour tout, il avait décidé qu'une simple réinstallation serait plus facile. Ses étudiants n'étaient pas beaucoup mieux vu leur maturité. Sur l'ordre de s'organiser, de multiples coups sonnaient alors que chacun d'entre eux lançait simplement ses sacs dans l'étreinte pas si délicate du sol. Pierre s'est toujours arnaqué quand cela s'est produit, se demandant si ces étudiants connaissaient la valeur des objets qu'ils possédaient et ne s'imaginaient pas non, non ils ne l'ont pas fait.
Nicole Brene était l'exception à la règle. Avec des doigts délicats, elle a soigneusement placé ses affaires dans chaque endroit soigneusement désigné. Puis, elle a caché toutes ses possessions sous son bureau et s'est assise les yeux fixés sur le professeur Kalenki. L'homme aux cheveux foncés sentit une vague d'inconfort venir sur lui alors que ses yeux à balayage (ayant été à la recherche de n'importe quel étudiant qui lisait encore dans les directions) rencontrèrent le sien. Il était cru et inexpérimenté et croyait toujours qu'il devrait aimer chaque dernier de ses élèves, peu importe quoi, mais celui-ci a testé ses croyances. Elle a toujours été si sérieuse, si intense, à propos de l'école. Pierre se retrouverait en train de tomber dans une tirade au sujet des merveilles de l'évolution, de ce qui était autrefois par rapport à ce qui est maintenant, et juste comment gesh dang cool c'était - endosser sa langue. Cependant, à la fin, il se levait et voyait la main colorée de café de Mme Nicole Brene et elle lui demandait si cela allait être à l'examen. Elle ne comprenait pas que l'information pouvait être plus que de passer un cours. Elle a pris des notes directement de ses paroles, ne prenant même pas la peine de mettre sa propre interprétation à des choses comme il aimait, il a encouragé.
En se débarrassant de la gorge, il sourit et ignora les picotements qui traversaient sa colonne vertébrale poussés par son regard fixe. "Alors cette expérience est un peu difficile, facile à gâcher si vous ne suivez pas bien les directions, donc je vais vous demander de porter des lunettes-" Il y a encore la main de Nicole, exigeant attention et clarification. -- Oui, Nicole?
"Comment saurons-nous si nous gâchons?" Elle a demandé, ses yeux fixés sur les mauvais détails une fois de plus.
Pierre s'arrêta un moment, jeté de son train de pensée avec une force rude. Débarrassés par la patrouille frontalière, grognent qu'il n'avait pas de bons papiers avec un accent russe épais. -- Eh bien, une partie du plaisir est de ne pas savoir. Son regard n'a pas dévié du sien. En attendant une bonne réponse, il pensait. "Généralement, une fois que vous commencez à sentir la fumée, vous l'avez trop bouillie. Comme je n'ai jamais senti de fumée, je suppose que je n'ai jamais foiré... Il a souri à sa blague pendant que des morceaux de la classe riaient et que tout le monde gémissait. Cette blague, avec toutes ses variations, semblait vieillir.
"Combien de temps faut-il faire bouillir?"
Peter soupirait. Il voulait vraiment parler à Jérémie à nouveau. C'était embarrassant, mais il manquait vraiment le son de la voix du musicien. | Name:
Peter Kalenki
For those that he is close to he loves being called "Pet", but if someone calls him that and he is not close enough to them, he'll be incredibly uncomfortable and probably upset.
(Pansexual) Almost anyone that's interested in him. He wants to be loved and love other people.
Science Teacher
Appearance and attire:
As Pet is a new teacher, fresh out of college with the shine of the inexperienced, he has an incredibly young and fresh look to his face. His features are smoothed out like river rocks, without any harsh lines or angles. His dark brown hair is just a bit too long and almost constantly messy, always falling into his ocean blue eyes. He's 5'7'' and chooses to ignore the fact that many of his own students reach higher than he ever could. Many of the more athletic students have labeled him as "fragile" and "scrawny", but he prefers "lean". It's rare for anyone to find him without a gentle smile on his face and tranquility within his eyes.
Work Attire- His outfits never seem to change past color pallets. You could not catch this man dead during school hours without a button up shirt (length of sleeves irrelevant) and a tie. He prefers to mix dark colors with light. Dark pants, dark shirt, light tie. Any sort of combination. He has slight astigmatism but is too proud to get glasses and sometimes has headaches during class.
Outside of work- Pet's favorite type of clothes are three sizes too big. He grew up in a large family with multiple siblings, so hand-me-downs were more common than not and nothing ever fit right. Now, when he slides into a t-shirt that hangs past his hips, he feels the comfort of being surrounded by his siblings. However, when going out in public, his clothes always fit right, his hair is always neatly combed and he looks very similar to how he looks at work.
Around others: Pet has the heart of an extrovert. His entire attitude is based on the idea "If you're happy, then I am happy". He tries his hardest to make everyone he meets feel happy and content and refused to accept the reality that not everyone you meet will be happy. He likes to make jokes and say kind words to everyone, just to be able to see their lips pull into a lovely smile. He treats everyone like a friend right away and greets everyone with a big wide grin. He makes sure to always encourage his students to have fun with everything they do and always tries his hardest to put a fun spin on things. He's horrendously new to the teaching business and because of this, he hasn't yet learned that a big smile isn't always the best way to rule a classroom. He tends to get trampled on by the stronger personalities in the class and can sometimes lose control. In these cases, he can get very flustered and won't know what to do. He's still in the learning process. After a bad day in the classroom, he will often times hunt out a busy cafe or something equivalent in atmosphere and sit himself down and soak in the ambiance. Surrounding himself with the babble of people, he'll sigh and manage to relax.
Another little quirk is that he almost never cusses and would never ever cuss in front of his class. He'd have to be pretty worked up to let slip any little f-bombs.
By himself: Once he's alone, he becomes a very different person. With no one left to please, he often deflates and will rarely smile. He becomes much more introspective. He's terrible at dealing with his own emotions and often times let them fester and spoil inside of him until they have to be released somehow. In this way, he can sometimes explode into fits when he's not focused on the wants of someone else. This is one of the reasons he doesn't like to be alone. More often than not, Pet will make a nest upon his couch, switch on the tv and fall asleep to the voices of the actors.
Pet was born into a large, devote catholic family. Life was simple and comfortable at the lower end of middle class life. He was the fourth of nine children and was the oldest of the youngest children. The youngest of his three older siblings was in middle school by the time he could truly treasure memories away in his hippocampus. They were soon out of the house and free of responsibility just as a hurricane came full force upon the lives of the Kalenki family. It started off with a simple collision on the road. Pet's father had been returning from a friend's house, just a little past buzzed. He got into an accident that was quickly deemed his fault due to the alcohol in his system. He was sued and his license was taken away for three months. Pet's father had also sustained a terrible back injury that put him through multiple surgeries. After a while, the insurance companies called it quits on the family and they were left to try and cope on their own. Pet's father's work at a local community college also gave up on him, laying him off despite his years of compliance and loyalty. Bills piled onto bills and made giant bill babies. They had to move to a tiny apartment, the rent of which they could never hope to make on time. His mother became the only provider for the family and his father was gone into his own head most of the time. He had sworn off alcohol after the accident but had found a more powerful replacement: painkillers. Food was scarce and minimal. Neither parent was ever really around at that point and it became Pet's job to take care of his five younger siblings. He spent his young life keeping them happy and smiling. "Ramen Noodles again?!" "Hey, hey! What are you complaining about? Tonight, we're eating beef flavored brains!" . He never had to deal with the stress of the situation until he was forced to be on his own.
He didn't want to leave his family. He wanted to get a job in town and help provide and add more food to the table and more meals to the day. He wanted to live in the town he grew up in. He wanted to stay. However, his mother had other plans, wanting for him a life that included a higher education. She had saved and saved and saved and gave him enough money to leave their home state and find anywhere else. With a heavy heart and a light bag, he left. College was hard. Living on his own was hard. It was so hard in fact, things got so heavy and dark in his mind, he still bears the scars of wanting to make everything go away. He survived. He endured. He made it through college with crippling debt, but his father's old job as a professor gave him contacts in the teaching world and somehow, Pet found himself in his second year at Blackthorne Academy.
Now, Pet lives his life on the comfort of sounds and found himself hopelessly drawn to the main conductor of noise.
From oldest to youngest:
Ezekial (Zeke) 33 A large gay priest out of state.
Chloe 32 A Sunday School teacher
Samantha (Sam) 30 Wedding Planner but still single herself
Peter (Pet) 25 Science Teacher
Joanna (Jo) 23 (Twin) McDonlad's #1 employee
Timothy (Timmy) 23 (Twin) Burger Kings #1 employee (there's a playful rivalry between the twins that often involves frozen meat patties in places where cold objects are not welcome "What the shit Jo?! Not in my gosh dang pants!"
Ava 21 A smol gay living with her girlfriend and trying to become a licensed psychologist. Enjoyed describing smells to Pet in ways he might understand them, being a bit of a poet. "Apple pie smells like a quilt right out of the dryer, wrapped around you and your whole family. Like a big hug."
Felicity (Cece) 20 Staying home, taking care of parents.
Micah (Mikey) 19 Ran away after Pet left and now won't speak to him (hella angry). Lives with his fiancé out of state. Was always the clingiest to Pet and a bit of a brat to everyone else, perhaps a little bit, really spoiled.
Being absolutely, completely, insanely alone. Sometimes, he'll stop breathing just thinking about it.
Making someone cry.
Never being able to pay off his debts.
Despite being an uke, he sometimes really likes to be the big spoon. Just to be able to hold his love in his arms and make sure they're not going to disappear from his side.
Pet will avoid certain parts of town, dodging inquiries about the debts he had yet to repay...
An interesting fact about this science enthusiast is that he has absolutely no sense of smell. He will often make jokes about it in class with his kids. He doesn't mind the incompetence of his olfactory nerves, so much as he mourns the effect it has on his taste. Many meals fall flat upon his tongue and because of this, he hunts out extreme flavors that he can feel. His favorite thing is spicy food, because that he can feel in his eyes, his nose, his throat. You won't catch him dead without a little bottle of hot sauce in his book bag. He enjoys horrifying his students by pouring it into his coffee.
His siblings will visit him randomly as guest, sometimes sitting in on one of his lessons. Pet has probably never been as flustered as he is when one of his siblings is in his classroom. |
13,418 | 386 | 4 | 66 | 1,312 | EricFin de la pause déjeuner
Eric avait passé la majeure partie de sa pause avec Jem, son ami semblait être un peu anxieux au sujet de son travail, étant donné que le concert était en train d'arriver. Personne ne pouvait vraiment le remarquer sauf Eric, la façon dont ses épaules étaient tendues toujours si légèrement, ou comment il vous regardait avec ses yeux dorés une seconde plus longtemps que la normale. Eric était parti et a donné à l'autre professeur une portion de la nourriture qu'il a faite, faisant toujours un peu plus pour le gars. Par la suite, ils ont parlé de ce qui se passait avec le travail, toujours une sorte de brillance sur le sujet de Pierre.
Où était cet abruti heureux? C'était une surprise qu'il ne soit pas venu voir Jem en fait. Le jeune professeur a dû être dans sa chambre, en train de parler de ses expériences à des étudiants trop achalandés à nouveau. Eric parie que c'est la seule fois qu'il apprend ce qu'il voulait. Le garçon semblait penser que l'amusement était la seule chose à faire dans la classe, mais le rire n'a jamais obtenu le travail fait? C'est pas vrai.
Eric a laissé sortir un autre bâilleur et a finalement réalisé que ses bangs étaient toujours en bas. Un éclat de rose poudré ses joues alors qu'il fouillait son sac pour son gel de cheveux soufflé. C'était pas ça, non... où l'avait-il laissé en dernier? Ah, merde... Il s'est rappelé pourquoi il n'avait pas eu le temps de s'en passer ce matin. Après s'être couché tard hier soir, le matin, il a renversé la bouteille sur la tuile et elle s'est ouverte. Le pauvre gars n'avait même pas eu l'occasion de faire plus que nettoyer avant de partir.
Je retourne dans ma chambre. On va bientôt fumer." Avec une petite vague, Eric a quitté Jem pour retourner dans sa chambre. Ça allait être une douleur dans le cul. La plupart des étudiants pensaient que ses cheveux étaient trop soyeux et agréables pour un homme haineux comme lui. Des adolescents dégueulasses avaient même murmuré quelque chose sur... des navires? Qu'est-ce que c'était censé vouloir dire? Tout ce qu'il avait entendu, c'était son nom de famille et quelque chose sur ses cheveux. Définitivement nécessaire pour acheter plus de gel le samedi... Mais d'ici là, il faudrait qu'il sourie et qu'il le porte. Mon Dieu, il détestait les filles.
Une seconde plus tard, Eric est tombé sur la personne qu'il voulait le moins voir. Habillé d'une chemise beige et d'une cravate bleu clair avec ce bébé éternellement jeune visage de son, Peter, l'homme qu'il méprisait beaucoup plus que ces étudiantes de sa jeune fille a comparu devant lui. La collision de Peter avec l'homme plus grand de 4 pouces semblait suffisante pour le pousser au sol. Une réaction instinctive a fait qu'Eric voulait l'aider, mais il n'oserait pas faire ça.
"Professeur Kalenki, bonjour. Je dois dire que le panneau sur votre porte est très... C'est embarrassant de le mettre à la légère."
Pendant ce temps...
Le déjeuner finissait juste pour les étudiants aussi. L'élève de deuxième année de la division d'école secondaire Joe Lionade s'assit sur un pas au bas de l'escalier de l'école d'extrême gauche, un bientôt à finir le smog dans sa bouche. Une foule de délinquants assis ou squatté autour de lui et il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sourire un sourire loupé, "Je pense que notre bon professeur a besoin d'un peu de guidage, n'est-ce pas?"
"Oi Lion, qu'est-ce que tu fais?" Une voix cyniquement amicale a été entendue de derrière lui. Tout le monde a regardé vers le haut pour voir l'un des plus vieux de la classe supérieure regarder vers le bas à la rouquine, "Planifier de passer un bon moment? Suis-je invité?"
"S-Sure Alpha", le garçon a étouffé, sa tête se rétrécissant vers son corps.
"Ah. Walker, c'est ça? Je vous laisse l'avoir, amusez-vous" Il a donné une tape à son sous-classeur sur le dos. Tous les autres garçons ont applaudi nerveusement, personne ne voulait gâcher l'Alpha autoproclamé. Personne n'est allé voir le conseiller d'orientation à son sujet. À tous ceux qu'il a frappés, à tous ceux avec qui il a traîné, et à tous ceux qui étaient entre les deux, c'était l'ombre que vous ne pouviez voir que dans l'obscurité. | Name:
Eric Neal Walker
Doesn't have one and don't give him one. At one point his friends from highschool called him, "Mother"
...They were never heard from again.
Called Professor Walker by his students.
Math Teacher
Eric is highly jaded to everyone, there is no "try" there is only "do." Why rest and relax when you can get work done? He is also a rather doting person, but he won't admit it. Someone forgets their lunch, he'll give them his and say to eat or they won't be able to work. He is usually yells a lot when he's frustrated and is never able to give proper compliments.
He doesn't even believe he has a child side. When he's by himself he ends up either cleaning the house, getting extra work done, or taking care of his cats. He really does care, but can't seem to express it to anyone but Jem, who he spoils exponentially. He's also an extreme animal person, they flock to him, and that's usually the easiest way to his heart. If animals run away from you, you might as well be dead to him.
Telling others about his problems? That just doesn't happen. If he ever did do it he would say it in the moment. He takes out his stress with work and cleaning so the more dedicated he seems to be, the more stressed he is.
He believes that girls are either cry babies or life suckers, trying to steal everything from their partner. He's never been with a woman and doesn't plan on it until he has to settle down.
Unknowingly homosexual, the only one he's actually loved is Jem, so he hasn't realized he doesn't like women.
When Eric was a young child, about eight years old, he was a mama's boy that loved feminine things. He always wrote cute poems to his mom and helped her out with the chores. A few weeks after he turned eight, Eric and his mother got into a nasty car crash. All Eric's memories up till then were either fuzzy or gone all together and Eric's mother died. The first year or so after the accident, Eric acted almost like a mindless zombie, his father doting on him all the time.
His father decided to get Eric a mother in order to help his son regain his sense of self. He hastily started dating and married a bride four months later that was still in college. She was what one would call a typical sorority girl that couldn't take care of a pet to save her life, much less a child. She leeched off of Eric's somewhat high class father and made him treat her like a princess.
It was his second year of middle school that everything went to hell. He body shot up compared to his fellow classmates almost overnight, growing to the height 5' 11" that he is now. His stepmother took notice of this and started taking an interest. The night of his 13th birthday, his stepmother molested and sexually assaulted him. It was the night he lost his virginity.
He had to keep it a secret from his family and life outside the house. Eric's stepmother had his father wrapped around her finger, there was no way for him to report this was happening. He was assaulted all throughout his middle school years and into his high school years. During Eric's freshman year, his stepmother thought it would be best for him to, 'gain some independence by living by yourself.' He was giving a certain amount of money each month and left to his own devices. Every now and again, his stepmother would come over to use him, further wrecking his mental state.
During middle school, Eric couldn't help notice Jem, his looks and charisma were staggering, even with his stubborn 'bad boy look.' What the boy needed was to become someone like him, someone that could take all the shit he was dealing with and learn to take care of himself. And so Jem didn't seem to interested in their friendship, but that's not how Eric saw it. The boy seemed to be pushing everyone away, trying to keep himself from getting hurt by them. If he did that to everyone, who did he have to lean on? So Eric did everything in his power to become that person, that strong determined friend who would never let you down. He didn't have time to worry about his own problems anymore, he only did what he could for the one he wanted to be best friends with.
Trying to become friends with Jem was no easy feat, he even tried out smoking to have some common ground. Somehow this routine stuck, much to Eric's lungs' and allowance's dismay. The more he realized he had been so used by his stepmother, the more jaded he got through the years. The only one he would connect to was Jem, and love was starting to blossom...
Jem found out during their sophomore year of high school. Eric felt like since Jem had cried his heart out to the him, he should do the same. No, he didn't let Jem do anything about it... but he was able to see the side of Jem he had always longed to see, and that was enough for him at the time.
Eric's last year of high school, his father and stepmother got a divorce. She had grown tired of being the lover of such an older man, and cut ties with the family. Eric couldn't be more relieved, but he was forever traumatized. There was no way he could have sex for enjoyment again or not start shaking if someone got to close to him.
-Losing Jem's friendship
-Making mistakes at work
-Never getting his feelings across
He stands at 5' 11" with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Eric weighs 156 pounds, he'll never admit it, but he usually only eats 2 meals a day. He's rather thin, but always covers his slim waist with an extra layer.
Work Attire:
He wears a crisp ironed suit without a vest everyday, only taking his jacket off in the summer. His hair is slicked back at school, though he can never seem to get all of his bangs to stay back. He doesn't need glasses, but in his first year of working, he wore fake frames.
Outside of Work:
He usually doesn't bother to mess with his hair and stays in a v-neck sweater and khakis when he goes out. At home he gets a lot lazier, wearing a t-shirt and shorts around with sandles and socks (Oh the horror!)
Eric lives with three cats, causing his apartment always to be messed up some way. It's a stress reliever to clean up and take care of them, so it's sort of a win-win situation at home. |
13,419 | 386 | 5 | 1,262 | 229 | C'est pas vrai, Peter.
Le déjeuner était la plus vraie forme de liberté de Pierre. Beaucoup pourraient s'étonner d'une telle déclaration, se demandant comment une période de 45 minutes pourrait se prêter à l'extase de la libération. Ces interrogateurs ne comprenaient tout simplement pas la beauté du déjeuner dans une école secondaire. Pierre passerait toute la journée à enseigner à toute une classe des choses qui devaient être approuvées par tout un département de personnes C'était une censure hideuse avec l'accent sur l'argent et le temps. Des sections entières de la connaissance pourraient être coupées sur le caprice des soi-disant «expérimentés». Lors des réunions, le temps est devenu monnaie et Peter allait vendre aux enchères tous les centimes qu'il avait pour les merveilles des laboratoires. Les mains sur la science. Les visages de ses élèves s'éclairaient dans une équation de combustion de l'hydrogène, de l'oxygène et de l'excitation chaque fois qu'ils entendaient qu'ils pouvaient faire quelque chose avec leurs connaissances. Le département de musique ne ferait-il que donner aux étudiants leurs feuilles de musique pour étudier, écrire des formules de C D E, mais ne les laisserait-il jamais ramasser un instrument ou vibrer leurs cordes vocales? Vous n'avez pas le vrai son de cela, vous ne pouvez pas sentir le rythme. Peter ne voulait pas que ses élèves deviennent sourds à l'harmonie de la science. Le déjeuner est devenu si important pour lui à cause de cela. Il n'avait pas à gagner du temps quand le temps appartenait à lui-même.
Les étudiants avec les meilleures oreilles sont venus pendant cette période. Ceux qui s'occupaient vraiment du sujet comme lui. En classe, il a enseigné le cours d'introduction à la chimie, la version de placement avancée ainsi que puis a enseigné une seule période de biologie. Au déjeuner, cependant, il pouvait être ce qu'il voulait être. Cet après-midi d'hiver, il était écologiste, montrant les œufs de saumon qu'il avait obtenus pour les enfants bio. Il était au milieu d'expliquer l'effet merveilleux de ces minuscules orbes écarlates sur leur environnement en tant qu'adultes quand le temps s'est écoulé.
Parlant avec joie avec l'un de ses étudiants les plus enthousiastes, un garçon brune aux cheveux beaucoup plus légers que celui de Peter, il avait commencé à sortir de la porte avec lui. Pierre espérait voir s'il avait encore le temps d'attraper même un court mot avec Jérémie. C'est vers les derniers mots de cette conversation qu'il a été renversé par un autre professeur qui s'est précipité dans les couloirs. L'étudiant qui a heureusement été grand et rapide, faisant partie de l'équipe de basket-ball, a réussi à empêcher Peter de tomber en arrière. Un peu ébloui, le professeur de sciences s'est redressé et a balayé les cheveux de ses yeux pour voir la cause de la collision.
Les deux enseignants rencontraient les yeux et se reconnaissaient facilement, Pierre sentant son cœur couler instantanément. Des mots inutiles ont glissé sur les lèvres d'Eric. L'homme aux cheveux plus foncés a laissé tomber son regard pendant un moment enfilé ses orteils sous l'organe circulatoire, où il était tombé sur ses pieds. Sa consternation a été évidente sur son visage pendant près d'une seconde. L'athlète de basket-ball pouvait goûter la tension avec sa texture en gélatine et si vite offert ses adieux. (au revoir, M. "K"! "A demain.") Dans sa lèvre inférieure douce, Peter regarda le garçon partir avant de tourner son regard bleu clair vers le professeur Walker et de forcer un sourire gentil et pratiqué.
"Ce gamin s'appelle Erin - avec un E. J'en ai deux dans ma classe. Erin avec un E et Aaron avec un A. C'est fou. Mais ce sont tous les deux des enfants formidables." Il y avait ceux qui regardaient à nouveau, regardant d'une intensité sans humour. Comme à l'école, Nicole attend une vraie réponse. Une bonne. Sauf qu'il y avait tellement plus de haine aux yeux de cet homme et que l'inconfort de Pierre était beaucoup plus intense.
Pourquoi peut-il me laisser tranquille? C'est une idée qui ne serait pas écoutée. Peter n'avait rien contre Eric, sauf sa colère inébranlable. Quand ils avaient été présentés pour la première fois, Pierre avait été très heureux de rencontrer l'homme plus grand. Il était évidemment quelqu'un d'important pour Jérémie, quelqu'un qui était là pour lui depuis si longtemps et si souvent. Peter n'était même pas jaloux des rumeurs évidentes qu'il avait entendues flotter dans sa classe, car un tel lien était si rare et important. Mais alors est venu la langue aiguë d'Eric et Peter a toujours eu les coupures de son premier fouet. Il a toujours essayé de rester civil, d'être ami avec l'ami important de Jem. Peu importe à quel point il était dur de le faire pour lui.
Le jeune homme s'est tenu sur son propre poignet lâchement, traçant la ligne ghostly surélevée qui s'étendait sur sa largeur comme une habitude nerveuse. Il regarda le signe en question et rit. Il n'y avait pas d'humour dans un tel son, juste une bulle anxieuse d'air s'échappant de l'intensité de la situation. "Embarrassage? Je ne trouve pas ça gênant. Je pense que c'est une excellente façon d'exciter les enfants pour les labos." Peter a sucé sa joue légèrement, mâchant dessus. "Tu n'aimes pas exciter tes élèves?"
Ce n'était pas censé être accusatoire. C'était vraiment une enquête, un jeune enseignant inexpérimenté qui cherchait toujours à apprendre de son collègue professeur. Peut-être, cependant, n'était-il pas maintenant le temps de chasser les leçons... | Name:
Peter Kalenki
For those that he is close to he loves being called "Pet", but if someone calls him that and he is not close enough to them, he'll be incredibly uncomfortable and probably upset.
(Pansexual) Almost anyone that's interested in him. He wants to be loved and love other people.
Science Teacher
Appearance and attire:
As Pet is a new teacher, fresh out of college with the shine of the inexperienced, he has an incredibly young and fresh look to his face. His features are smoothed out like river rocks, without any harsh lines or angles. His dark brown hair is just a bit too long and almost constantly messy, always falling into his ocean blue eyes. He's 5'7'' and chooses to ignore the fact that many of his own students reach higher than he ever could. Many of the more athletic students have labeled him as "fragile" and "scrawny", but he prefers "lean". It's rare for anyone to find him without a gentle smile on his face and tranquility within his eyes.
Work Attire- His outfits never seem to change past color pallets. You could not catch this man dead during school hours without a button up shirt (length of sleeves irrelevant) and a tie. He prefers to mix dark colors with light. Dark pants, dark shirt, light tie. Any sort of combination. He has slight astigmatism but is too proud to get glasses and sometimes has headaches during class.
Outside of work- Pet's favorite type of clothes are three sizes too big. He grew up in a large family with multiple siblings, so hand-me-downs were more common than not and nothing ever fit right. Now, when he slides into a t-shirt that hangs past his hips, he feels the comfort of being surrounded by his siblings. However, when going out in public, his clothes always fit right, his hair is always neatly combed and he looks very similar to how he looks at work.
Around others: Pet has the heart of an extrovert. His entire attitude is based on the idea "If you're happy, then I am happy". He tries his hardest to make everyone he meets feel happy and content and refused to accept the reality that not everyone you meet will be happy. He likes to make jokes and say kind words to everyone, just to be able to see their lips pull into a lovely smile. He treats everyone like a friend right away and greets everyone with a big wide grin. He makes sure to always encourage his students to have fun with everything they do and always tries his hardest to put a fun spin on things. He's horrendously new to the teaching business and because of this, he hasn't yet learned that a big smile isn't always the best way to rule a classroom. He tends to get trampled on by the stronger personalities in the class and can sometimes lose control. In these cases, he can get very flustered and won't know what to do. He's still in the learning process. After a bad day in the classroom, he will often times hunt out a busy cafe or something equivalent in atmosphere and sit himself down and soak in the ambiance. Surrounding himself with the babble of people, he'll sigh and manage to relax.
Another little quirk is that he almost never cusses and would never ever cuss in front of his class. He'd have to be pretty worked up to let slip any little f-bombs.
By himself: Once he's alone, he becomes a very different person. With no one left to please, he often deflates and will rarely smile. He becomes much more introspective. He's terrible at dealing with his own emotions and often times let them fester and spoil inside of him until they have to be released somehow. In this way, he can sometimes explode into fits when he's not focused on the wants of someone else. This is one of the reasons he doesn't like to be alone. More often than not, Pet will make a nest upon his couch, switch on the tv and fall asleep to the voices of the actors.
Pet was born into a large, devote catholic family. Life was simple and comfortable at the lower end of middle class life. He was the fourth of nine children and was the oldest of the youngest children. The youngest of his three older siblings was in middle school by the time he could truly treasure memories away in his hippocampus. They were soon out of the house and free of responsibility just as a hurricane came full force upon the lives of the Kalenki family. It started off with a simple collision on the road. Pet's father had been returning from a friend's house, just a little past buzzed. He got into an accident that was quickly deemed his fault due to the alcohol in his system. He was sued and his license was taken away for three months. Pet's father had also sustained a terrible back injury that put him through multiple surgeries. After a while, the insurance companies called it quits on the family and they were left to try and cope on their own. Pet's father's work at a local community college also gave up on him, laying him off despite his years of compliance and loyalty. Bills piled onto bills and made giant bill babies. They had to move to a tiny apartment, the rent of which they could never hope to make on time. His mother became the only provider for the family and his father was gone into his own head most of the time. He had sworn off alcohol after the accident but had found a more powerful replacement: painkillers. Food was scarce and minimal. Neither parent was ever really around at that point and it became Pet's job to take care of his five younger siblings. He spent his young life keeping them happy and smiling. "Ramen Noodles again?!" "Hey, hey! What are you complaining about? Tonight, we're eating beef flavored brains!" . He never had to deal with the stress of the situation until he was forced to be on his own.
He didn't want to leave his family. He wanted to get a job in town and help provide and add more food to the table and more meals to the day. He wanted to live in the town he grew up in. He wanted to stay. However, his mother had other plans, wanting for him a life that included a higher education. She had saved and saved and saved and gave him enough money to leave their home state and find anywhere else. With a heavy heart and a light bag, he left. College was hard. Living on his own was hard. It was so hard in fact, things got so heavy and dark in his mind, he still bears the scars of wanting to make everything go away. He survived. He endured. He made it through college with crippling debt, but his father's old job as a professor gave him contacts in the teaching world and somehow, Pet found himself in his second year at Blackthorne Academy.
Now, Pet lives his life on the comfort of sounds and found himself hopelessly drawn to the main conductor of noise.
From oldest to youngest:
Ezekial (Zeke) 33 A large gay priest out of state.
Chloe 32 A Sunday School teacher
Samantha (Sam) 30 Wedding Planner but still single herself
Peter (Pet) 25 Science Teacher
Joanna (Jo) 23 (Twin) McDonlad's #1 employee
Timothy (Timmy) 23 (Twin) Burger Kings #1 employee (there's a playful rivalry between the twins that often involves frozen meat patties in places where cold objects are not welcome "What the shit Jo?! Not in my gosh dang pants!"
Ava 21 A smol gay living with her girlfriend and trying to become a licensed psychologist. Enjoyed describing smells to Pet in ways he might understand them, being a bit of a poet. "Apple pie smells like a quilt right out of the dryer, wrapped around you and your whole family. Like a big hug."
Felicity (Cece) 20 Staying home, taking care of parents.
Micah (Mikey) 19 Ran away after Pet left and now won't speak to him (hella angry). Lives with his fiancé out of state. Was always the clingiest to Pet and a bit of a brat to everyone else, perhaps a little bit, really spoiled.
Being absolutely, completely, insanely alone. Sometimes, he'll stop breathing just thinking about it.
Making someone cry.
Never being able to pay off his debts.
Despite being an uke, he sometimes really likes to be the big spoon. Just to be able to hold his love in his arms and make sure they're not going to disappear from his side.
Pet will avoid certain parts of town, dodging inquiries about the debts he had yet to repay...
An interesting fact about this science enthusiast is that he has absolutely no sense of smell. He will often make jokes about it in class with his kids. He doesn't mind the incompetence of his olfactory nerves, so much as he mourns the effect it has on his taste. Many meals fall flat upon his tongue and because of this, he hunts out extreme flavors that he can feel. His favorite thing is spicy food, because that he can feel in his eyes, his nose, his throat. You won't catch him dead without a little bottle of hot sauce in his book bag. He enjoys horrifying his students by pouring it into his coffee.
His siblings will visit him randomly as guest, sometimes sitting in on one of his lessons. Pet has probably never been as flustered as he is when one of his siblings is in his classroom. |
13,420 | 386 | 6 | 66 | 1,312 | Un collab entre et.
Eric et Peter
Cela faisait un moment que n'importe quel étudiant avait volontairement marché dans le couloir avec Eric. Lui et Jem étaient tout à fait la marchandise quand ils étaient arrivés à l'école... jusqu'à ce qu'ils découvrent ce qu'était un chauffeur d'esclave Eric. À l'époque, beaucoup d'étudiantes le traquaient, lui et son meilleur ami. Eric se sentait tellement ennuyé par cela qu'il a commencé à utiliser le gel capillaire pour lui lécher les cheveux.
La seule personne qui l'accompagnait dans le couloir était Jem. Voyant l'athlète marcher le long de Peter, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de sentir un bouffon dans sa poitrine. Ce n'était pas comme s'il voulait que ces paresseux bavardent avec lui de toute façon!
"S'il a tant de temps libre, il devrait se concentrer sur l'étude de tous ses sujets pendant le déjeuner, pas les dépenser tous avec vous." Oui, Eric avait remarqué que le garçon pendait tout le temps sur Peter.
"Les enfants sont excités par les labos? C'était clairement non professionnel. À quoi bon faire en sorte que vos élèves soient si excités quand, au lieu de faire l'affectation, ils vont sur leurs téléphones chaque fois que vous vous retournez? Professeur Kalenki, disciple est essentiel pour la classe. Si vous montrez une telle attitude flippant, vous serez piétiné sous leur sillage. Je vous recommande vivement de travailler sur l'organisation de vos habitudes de travail et de ne pas dépenser toutes vos pensées sur la romance. » Un léger rougissement avait germé sur les joues de l'homme alors qu'il réprimandait son collègue. À quoi ressemblerait-il pour faire quelque chose de si mineur pour exciter les élèves? Ce serait un rigolo!
Pierre a glissé les mains dans sa poche, l'épaule légèrement relevée. Il était évidemment inconfortable et ses mains se formaient en poings dans ses poches. Ces doux yeux bleus de l'océan regardaient vers l'avant avec un peu de frustration s'échappant dans les orbes normalement patients. Eric allait vraiment l'empêcher de reparler avec Jem, comme c'est affreux. L'amertume a contaminé les poumons de Pet, rendant sa poitrine terriblement comprimée. "Peut-être," dit-il avec une netteté à son ton que même il n'était pas habitué à, "Peut-être qu'ils ne seraient pas sur leurs téléphones "à chaque fois que vous vous retournez " si vous les engagez réellement." Le jeune professeur n'était pas à l'aise de laisser ses irritations obtenir le meilleur de lui comme ça. Il a pris une profonde respiration et a ensuite essayé de ramener son sourire. "J'aimerais vraiment aller voir Jérémie maintenant, si vous voulez bien m'excuser...". Il a utilisé le nom complet de Jem comme une sorte de courtoisie pour Eric, espérant que cette gentillesse a fait ressortir la bonté.
Peter voulait vraiment partir.
Si Eric n'avait pas essayé de garder son visage tout à fait neutre, le professeur aurait probablement riposté au retour de Peter. Comment l'un d'eux a-t-il rendu Math amusant de toute façon? Il aimerait voir Peter essayer. Le mâle plus petit semblait être sur le bord à cause de son éblouissement désapprouvant, mais faisait en fait quelques déclarations de retour assez douloureuses. Eric savait que son collègue était l'un des professeurs préférés des élèves, lui et ce conseiller d'orientation extrêmement peu professionnel, un peu détesté, et qui avait toujours râpé à ses cordes de cœur. Ce qu'il faisait était vraiment mieux? Toutes ces pensées décourageantes l'envoyaient dans une fureur. Pourquoi Pierre ne voyait-il pas qu'il était l'homme de Jem, il était l'homme de stabilité.
Son visage est devenu plus rouge et il a fermé la distance entre lui et Pierre. Le seul endroit où l'autre professeur pouvait aller était en arrière, son dos à la rencontre du mur. C'est une chance que tous les étudiants soient encore en train de déjeuner, ce qui aurait pu provoquer une émeute de la part de ces hooligans. D'une main, il bloqua les bons moyens d'évasion de Pierre, le chemin de Jem, de l'autre, il se tendit contre le mur au-dessus de l'épaule de l'homme plus petit.
"Je ne conseillerais pas d'avoir de la chatte avec moi, professeur Kalenki." Avant son blush avait été proéminent comme il a fait son mouvement scandaleux vers son collègue, mais maintenant son expression était un masque froid avec une fronce distinguée, "Vous pensez peut-être que vous êtes meilleur que moi quand il s'agit d'exciter vos étudiants, mais sachez que vous n'êtes pas près de la moitié aussi bon quand il s'agit de savoir quoi que ce soit sur mon meilleur ami. Un garçon sans épines comme toi n'est pas près de lui. »
La mâchoire de Pierre s'est raidie et il s'est penché contre le mur avec une légère bosse. Ses mains glissent de ses poches, accrochent ses poings encore plus serrés que ses ongles creusés dans ses paumes. Il a avalé dur et a regardé dans les yeux de l'autre homme dur. La douleur était cachée derrière son masque alors qu'il murmurait tranquillement. "Vous êtes une personne intolérable..." Il s'est levé un peu plus haut alors, ce qui ne signifiait pas beaucoup comme Eric avait quelques pouces sur lui. Sa voix s'est refroidie. "Tu dis que tu es tellement mieux que moi et pourtant je suis toujours celui qui est avec Jem. Qu'est-ce que ça dit de toi?" Il en avait marre de la merde d'Eric. | Name:
Eric Neal Walker
Doesn't have one and don't give him one. At one point his friends from highschool called him, "Mother"
...They were never heard from again.
Called Professor Walker by his students.
Math Teacher
Eric is highly jaded to everyone, there is no "try" there is only "do." Why rest and relax when you can get work done? He is also a rather doting person, but he won't admit it. Someone forgets their lunch, he'll give them his and say to eat or they won't be able to work. He is usually yells a lot when he's frustrated and is never able to give proper compliments.
He doesn't even believe he has a child side. When he's by himself he ends up either cleaning the house, getting extra work done, or taking care of his cats. He really does care, but can't seem to express it to anyone but Jem, who he spoils exponentially. He's also an extreme animal person, they flock to him, and that's usually the easiest way to his heart. If animals run away from you, you might as well be dead to him.
Telling others about his problems? That just doesn't happen. If he ever did do it he would say it in the moment. He takes out his stress with work and cleaning so the more dedicated he seems to be, the more stressed he is.
He believes that girls are either cry babies or life suckers, trying to steal everything from their partner. He's never been with a woman and doesn't plan on it until he has to settle down.
Unknowingly homosexual, the only one he's actually loved is Jem, so he hasn't realized he doesn't like women.
When Eric was a young child, about eight years old, he was a mama's boy that loved feminine things. He always wrote cute poems to his mom and helped her out with the chores. A few weeks after he turned eight, Eric and his mother got into a nasty car crash. All Eric's memories up till then were either fuzzy or gone all together and Eric's mother died. The first year or so after the accident, Eric acted almost like a mindless zombie, his father doting on him all the time.
His father decided to get Eric a mother in order to help his son regain his sense of self. He hastily started dating and married a bride four months later that was still in college. She was what one would call a typical sorority girl that couldn't take care of a pet to save her life, much less a child. She leeched off of Eric's somewhat high class father and made him treat her like a princess.
It was his second year of middle school that everything went to hell. He body shot up compared to his fellow classmates almost overnight, growing to the height 5' 11" that he is now. His stepmother took notice of this and started taking an interest. The night of his 13th birthday, his stepmother molested and sexually assaulted him. It was the night he lost his virginity.
He had to keep it a secret from his family and life outside the house. Eric's stepmother had his father wrapped around her finger, there was no way for him to report this was happening. He was assaulted all throughout his middle school years and into his high school years. During Eric's freshman year, his stepmother thought it would be best for him to, 'gain some independence by living by yourself.' He was giving a certain amount of money each month and left to his own devices. Every now and again, his stepmother would come over to use him, further wrecking his mental state.
During middle school, Eric couldn't help notice Jem, his looks and charisma were staggering, even with his stubborn 'bad boy look.' What the boy needed was to become someone like him, someone that could take all the shit he was dealing with and learn to take care of himself. And so Jem didn't seem to interested in their friendship, but that's not how Eric saw it. The boy seemed to be pushing everyone away, trying to keep himself from getting hurt by them. If he did that to everyone, who did he have to lean on? So Eric did everything in his power to become that person, that strong determined friend who would never let you down. He didn't have time to worry about his own problems anymore, he only did what he could for the one he wanted to be best friends with.
Trying to become friends with Jem was no easy feat, he even tried out smoking to have some common ground. Somehow this routine stuck, much to Eric's lungs' and allowance's dismay. The more he realized he had been so used by his stepmother, the more jaded he got through the years. The only one he would connect to was Jem, and love was starting to blossom...
Jem found out during their sophomore year of high school. Eric felt like since Jem had cried his heart out to the him, he should do the same. No, he didn't let Jem do anything about it... but he was able to see the side of Jem he had always longed to see, and that was enough for him at the time.
Eric's last year of high school, his father and stepmother got a divorce. She had grown tired of being the lover of such an older man, and cut ties with the family. Eric couldn't be more relieved, but he was forever traumatized. There was no way he could have sex for enjoyment again or not start shaking if someone got to close to him.
-Losing Jem's friendship
-Making mistakes at work
-Never getting his feelings across
He stands at 5' 11" with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Eric weighs 156 pounds, he'll never admit it, but he usually only eats 2 meals a day. He's rather thin, but always covers his slim waist with an extra layer.
Work Attire:
He wears a crisp ironed suit without a vest everyday, only taking his jacket off in the summer. His hair is slicked back at school, though he can never seem to get all of his bangs to stay back. He doesn't need glasses, but in his first year of working, he wore fake frames.
Outside of Work:
He usually doesn't bother to mess with his hair and stays in a v-neck sweater and khakis when he goes out. At home he gets a lot lazier, wearing a t-shirt and shorts around with sandles and socks (Oh the horror!)
Eric lives with three cats, causing his apartment always to be messed up some way. It's a stress reliever to clean up and take care of them, so it's sort of a win-win situation at home. |
13,421 | 386 | 7 | 792 | 4,390 | Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés,
L'astuce de prolonger la période de déjeuner bien au-delà de l'heure prévue était en fait assez simple. Ne mangez jamais où les gens savent où vous chercher. Nicolas n'a jamais mangé de déjeuner dans son bureau ou dans la salle du personnel parce que ce serait le premier endroit où les gens le cherchaient une fois la période de slotted terminée et les étudiants avaient besoin d'une oreille sympathique pour leurs supposés problèmes et préoccupations. Il a même réussi à servir d'aventure pour Nicolas, un jeu de toutes sortes. Où allait-il manger ensuite? Peut-être qu'un jour il serait entré dans une classe vide - s'il pouvait en trouver un - peut-être qu'il serait entré dans une salle de club. L'école avait plusieurs endroits où un éducateur potentiellement non professionnel pouvait s'éloigner pendant une heure environ. Et en plus de tout le reste, de telles choses ont donné à Nicolas une grande idée de la façon dont les choses se passaient vraiment à l'école. Oh comment les murs ont parlé quand les gens ont supposé que les couloirs étaient dépourvus de vie... et combien ces murs étaient minces vraiment.
Et aujourd'hui, les murs parlaient absolument et pour une fois, ce n'était pas seulement des étudiants qui discutaient de leurs écrasements ou qui réclamaient l'émission de télévision qu'ils regardaient la nuit précédente - et Nicolas se demandait toujours si le genre trop strict de personnel, les noms mieux dits, flipperait s'ils savaient que les étudiants perdaient du temps avec la télévision plutôt qu'avec l'étude mathématique - mais aujourd'hui fournissait une autre sorte de conversation. Et d'après ce que Nicolas pouvait entendre... il ne s'agissait pas d'étudiants mais d'adultes qui étaient sur le point d'agir comme eux.
Le point de vue de Nicolas était derrière eux, dans la salle de classe en face où Peter avait été avant Eric a décidé de faire un jeu de puissance. « Fils de pute, c'est mon geste », s'écria Nicolas quand il regarda Eric en arrière Peter contre le mur ; sauf quand Nicolas l'a fait, le regard sur le visage de la chanceuse n'était pas panique ou peur, mais plutôt exaltation et désir. Malgré cela, selon l'angle, la position d'Eric avait Peter comme une réunion secrète de passion que Nicolas était certain pourrait causer beaucoup d'hypothèses si quelqu'un arrivait à passer.
Avec un soupir alors qu'il glissa le dernier de son œuf roulé dans sa bouche, Nicolas ouvrit lentement la porte à la classe dans laquelle il squattait. Autant qu'il aurait aimé voir comment cette petite rencontre s'est déroulée, il avait techniquement un emploi... et son poste de conseiller d'orientation s'est étendu au personnel aussi bien - mais le personnel était généralement beaucoup plus de niveau dirigé et plein de bon sens.
"Alors, qu'est-ce qui se passe ici? Réunion des esprits? Je pensais que les mathématiques et la science étaient comme les meilleurs amis pour toujours, à la fois être incroyablement ennuyeux et plein de nombres et de formules que tout le monde oublie." Nicolas annonça sa présence alors qu'il s'approchait des deux côtés, plaçant sa paume sur l'épaule d'Eric alors que Nicolas s'approcha pour affronter les deux. Nico souriait alors qu'il parlait, au moins quelqu'un s'amusait.
"De toute façon, peut-être que l'un de vous pourrait m'aider. Je cherche une école, mais j'ai l'air de me perdre. J'attends ce genre de chose des enfants... et je sais que Petey ici les aime, mais il ne l'est pas." Nicolas a serré sa poignée plus serrée sur l'épaule d'Eric, souriant encore tout le temps. "Soyez l'homme le plus grand ici, Eric, laissez le gamin partir." Le regard de Nicolas s'est tourné vers Pete maintenant. "Tu continues à dire des choses comme ça, en mettant quelqu'un dessus, et ton visage va devenir un peu plus rouge. Crois-moi, Petey, j'y suis allé. Pas besoin de donner un coup de pied à un homme quand il est à terre."
Nicolas a peut-être souri, mais ses paroles n'étaient que humoristiques. Il a peut-être été ludique, mais la situation a exigé une réponse sérieuse. "Vous deux devriez prendre des itinéraires différents pendant les pauses. L'huile et l'eau ne se mélangent pas." | Nicolas Ishiguro
'Glass walls and waterfalls can't stop your light from reaching my eyes...'
Twenty Six
Guidance Counselor
If ever there was a competition for the most popular member of the staff as voted on by the student body, chances are Nicolas, Nico to the students, would rank quite high, if not take the title himself. Such is the effect he has on the students that a petition once went around demanding he be considered for Teacher of the Year. Nicolas takes the compliments in stride, seeing it is signs of him doing his job well. Students often come to him for advice, and more often than not the advice is not at all related to the academic side of school but rather...the social. Because of his charming, cool exterior and his flowery way of words, he's a prime source for students that need more useful advice...such as the right way to ask someone on a date or the perfect outfit to wear to prom.
Nicolas has a certain way about him that makes him easy to talk to and to his credit he either is a fantastic listener or has mastered the art of only hearing the important parts of someone's concerns. He's quite charismatic, helpful given his position among the staff, and he maintains a friendly rapport with his fellow staff...well...most of them. Some of the wiser ones have picked up on a few of his bad habits, such as how he's always taking personal calls unrelated to he never dresses like a professional ought to, and how on more than one occasions he's arrived to school being dropped off in different cars in the staff lot...and those are just the easily spotted ones.
Of course, the person Nicolas is during school hours doesn't necessarily carry over to after hours and the private life. Those that know him outside of school might not be so quick to use 'charming' to define him...they might well use 'manipulative' or 'heartless'...but one so popular with people can be squeaky clean, surely.
'Golden medals on my chest don't mean I deserve it...'
Nicolas is...a very loving sort.
Nicolas is a slender man but he carries it well due to his height. He's 5'10" and with unkempt black hair and piercing green eyes, he really makes his youthful look work for him. Some say that he's so popular with the students because he looks like he never really left his late teens and other than his deeper voice he'd probably be able to blend in with a certain crowd. He never dresses like a stuffy staff member, only busting out proper formal attire when he's attending functions such as dances or events he's roped into being a staff adviser for. His normal work attire is casual to the letter, with jeans - a little on the tight side on most days - and long sleeved shirts being the typical look he strives for.
His sense of fashion is more...laid back formal. It's not uncommon to find him at home on a weekend wearing no shirt and pants that might've been worn during the week already. It's not as if he's lazy or slovenly, it's just that he keeps things casual when it comes to dress as people that wear formal attire all the time tend to just be far too stuffy.
Looking at Nicolas now one would always assume he was the person he is today...but that would be grossly incorrect. In his youth, which is to say from middle school to high school, Nicolas was a lonely, quiet kid that was mocked by his grade school peers due to both his hobbies (which included building and collecting model kits and figurines from various media) and from not having a dad. Grade school bullies were so needlessly cruel and he was glad they didn't know what it was his mother did to pay the bills. Nicolas was raised by his mother who worked unsavory jobs for even more unsavory clients just to make sure that Nicolas didn't go hungry...even if that meant she was never around at night to tuck him in. Nicolas was so grateful to his mother that it became his way of thanking her by leaving a meal out for her for when she came home.
In high school Nicolas was still not the most popular sort, but managed to get through by hovering around people that he wouldn't exactly call friends but those who at least had similar interests. It was after a disastrous attempt to ask someone to prom - which was seen by an entire classroom - that Nicolas realized that simply being the weird quiet kid would lead to more rejection and dejection in his life. He traveled away from his hometown for higher education and, as so many do, when he returned an adult he had shed his past skin.
After graduation he lived with his mother for a handful of months. While he was away she worked more jobs within the same field she had tried so hard to get out of and the risks finally caught up with her. She contracted a disease and Nicolas wanted to make sure she was taken care of. Though she's sick, she seems to be hanging in there and improving, though she's retired and now has a nurse on retainer just in case.
Nicolas' upbringing could be a reason for why he's turned into such a charming, or is it manipulative, sort, but the only thing he chooses to focus on with regards to his past is that he's still, at heart, a mother's boy. He's since moved into his own place - by nature of it being easier than explaining to people he takes an interest in why he lived with his mother - and is enjoying the life he never did back when he was younger.
He's come to terms with the fact that his mother might not have that much long left, but he's still afraid of losing her seeing as how she was the most support he ever had in his life and it's difficult to lose that connection. Nicolas fears rejection, the incident in high school lingering still on his heart, which is perhaps why the tables have been turned in his adulthood. Less on the emotional side of the spectrum...but Nicolas also has a fear of heights. He keeps that one, as he does with much of his personality, close to the chest.
-He still collects figurines and his apartment has entire shelf space dedicated to them. He makes sure to keep the ones on display in the living area more family friendly for obvious reasons.
-Nicolas was actually fired from his last teaching job, but the reason why is known only to himself and the school district he left behind. |
13,422 | 386 | 8 | 66 | 1,312 | EricFin de la pause déjeuner
La voix de quelqu'un est venue de derrière Eric et une main s'est serrée sur l'épaule du professeur. Il s'est soudain rendu compte que cela devait ressembler à d'autres personnes et geler.
Les mathématiques et la science étaient supposées être les meilleures amies pour toujours, c'était un sabot! La main qui bloquait le côté droit de Peter est tombée du côté d'Eric, donnant au petit mâle une chance de s'échapper. Eric espérait que Peter prendrait ce risque, il ne voulait pas faire encore plus de désordres alors ça allait l'être.
Il regarda sur son épaule et vit que c'était le conseiller d'orientation de tout le monde. L'homme qui n'avait jamais l'air de porter une tenue convenable et qui essayait toujours d'étendre son déjeuner... c'était ce qu'il essayait de faire maintenant. C'était des conneries, il ne voulait vraiment pas que quelqu'un le psychanalyse en ce moment! Eric espérait sincèrement que le conseiller ne s'embêterait pas. Comment s'appelait-il déjà? Quelque chose d'inhabituel qui a commencé avec un I... Oh, Nicolas Ishiguro, son nom de famille s'était toujours distingué auprès d'Eric.
Attends une minute... ce bâtard avait non seulement utilisé le prénom de Peter, mais il avait aussi utilisé le sien. Les deux hommes n'avaient jamais eu de conversation occasionnelle, mais le conseiller parlait à Eric sur une base de prénom!
Pendant qu'Eric faisait rage à ce sujet, il sentait le mouvement sous lui. Pierre semblait trembler en dessous de lui, son visage un rougissement profond et ses dents serrées. Même Eric se sentait un peu inquiet pour lui. Ses yeux montrés avec la pure forme de misère avant qu'il ne commence légèrement à sortir de sous Eric. En s'éloignant, apparemment sans aucune direction en tête.
Dès que Pierre était hors de vue, Eric a ébranlé Nico, mal à l'aise que le conseiller avait touché à l'humiliation. Ce n'était pas comme s'il était dans une situation dangereuse, mais son visage est devenu plus pâle. Son extérieur frais avait cédé dès que Pierre était hors de portée, sa colère juvénile s'échappant légèrement de son vocabulaire professionnel.
"Dr Ishiguro, je ne profiterai pas de cette occasion pour critiquer votre tenue, mais je vous suggère de vérifier vous-même. Le professeur Kalenki et moi étions tous les deux en pause, les étudiants ne sont nulle part près de cette région, et si je peux parler au nom du professeur et de moi-même, je dirais que nous ne aimerions pas tous les deux que vous vous occupiez de nos affaires personnelles. Je vais vous donner que vous avez peut-être voulu sortir le professeur Kalenki d'une situation compromettante, mais vous n'aviez pas à, pardonnez ma langue, être un con à ce sujet. Je suis sûr que Kalenki peut mener ses propres batailles sans ton cul."
Eric se tenait à trois pieds de Nico, gardant une distance claire entre eux. L'homme ne se sentait même pas légèrement intimidé par Pierre, même si ses paroles faisaient mal, mais il ressentait l'ambiance prédatrice du conseiller d'orientation. Même s'il voulait mâcher Nico pour s'être barbouillé, il garderait une distance sûre. | Name:
Eric Neal Walker
Doesn't have one and don't give him one. At one point his friends from highschool called him, "Mother"
...They were never heard from again.
Called Professor Walker by his students.
Math Teacher
Eric is highly jaded to everyone, there is no "try" there is only "do." Why rest and relax when you can get work done? He is also a rather doting person, but he won't admit it. Someone forgets their lunch, he'll give them his and say to eat or they won't be able to work. He is usually yells a lot when he's frustrated and is never able to give proper compliments.
He doesn't even believe he has a child side. When he's by himself he ends up either cleaning the house, getting extra work done, or taking care of his cats. He really does care, but can't seem to express it to anyone but Jem, who he spoils exponentially. He's also an extreme animal person, they flock to him, and that's usually the easiest way to his heart. If animals run away from you, you might as well be dead to him.
Telling others about his problems? That just doesn't happen. If he ever did do it he would say it in the moment. He takes out his stress with work and cleaning so the more dedicated he seems to be, the more stressed he is.
He believes that girls are either cry babies or life suckers, trying to steal everything from their partner. He's never been with a woman and doesn't plan on it until he has to settle down.
Unknowingly homosexual, the only one he's actually loved is Jem, so he hasn't realized he doesn't like women.
When Eric was a young child, about eight years old, he was a mama's boy that loved feminine things. He always wrote cute poems to his mom and helped her out with the chores. A few weeks after he turned eight, Eric and his mother got into a nasty car crash. All Eric's memories up till then were either fuzzy or gone all together and Eric's mother died. The first year or so after the accident, Eric acted almost like a mindless zombie, his father doting on him all the time.
His father decided to get Eric a mother in order to help his son regain his sense of self. He hastily started dating and married a bride four months later that was still in college. She was what one would call a typical sorority girl that couldn't take care of a pet to save her life, much less a child. She leeched off of Eric's somewhat high class father and made him treat her like a princess.
It was his second year of middle school that everything went to hell. He body shot up compared to his fellow classmates almost overnight, growing to the height 5' 11" that he is now. His stepmother took notice of this and started taking an interest. The night of his 13th birthday, his stepmother molested and sexually assaulted him. It was the night he lost his virginity.
He had to keep it a secret from his family and life outside the house. Eric's stepmother had his father wrapped around her finger, there was no way for him to report this was happening. He was assaulted all throughout his middle school years and into his high school years. During Eric's freshman year, his stepmother thought it would be best for him to, 'gain some independence by living by yourself.' He was giving a certain amount of money each month and left to his own devices. Every now and again, his stepmother would come over to use him, further wrecking his mental state.
During middle school, Eric couldn't help notice Jem, his looks and charisma were staggering, even with his stubborn 'bad boy look.' What the boy needed was to become someone like him, someone that could take all the shit he was dealing with and learn to take care of himself. And so Jem didn't seem to interested in their friendship, but that's not how Eric saw it. The boy seemed to be pushing everyone away, trying to keep himself from getting hurt by them. If he did that to everyone, who did he have to lean on? So Eric did everything in his power to become that person, that strong determined friend who would never let you down. He didn't have time to worry about his own problems anymore, he only did what he could for the one he wanted to be best friends with.
Trying to become friends with Jem was no easy feat, he even tried out smoking to have some common ground. Somehow this routine stuck, much to Eric's lungs' and allowance's dismay. The more he realized he had been so used by his stepmother, the more jaded he got through the years. The only one he would connect to was Jem, and love was starting to blossom...
Jem found out during their sophomore year of high school. Eric felt like since Jem had cried his heart out to the him, he should do the same. No, he didn't let Jem do anything about it... but he was able to see the side of Jem he had always longed to see, and that was enough for him at the time.
Eric's last year of high school, his father and stepmother got a divorce. She had grown tired of being the lover of such an older man, and cut ties with the family. Eric couldn't be more relieved, but he was forever traumatized. There was no way he could have sex for enjoyment again or not start shaking if someone got to close to him.
-Losing Jem's friendship
-Making mistakes at work
-Never getting his feelings across
He stands at 5' 11" with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Eric weighs 156 pounds, he'll never admit it, but he usually only eats 2 meals a day. He's rather thin, but always covers his slim waist with an extra layer.
Work Attire:
He wears a crisp ironed suit without a vest everyday, only taking his jacket off in the summer. His hair is slicked back at school, though he can never seem to get all of his bangs to stay back. He doesn't need glasses, but in his first year of working, he wore fake frames.
Outside of Work:
He usually doesn't bother to mess with his hair and stays in a v-neck sweater and khakis when he goes out. At home he gets a lot lazier, wearing a t-shirt and shorts around with sandles and socks (Oh the horror!)
Eric lives with three cats, causing his apartment always to be messed up some way. It's a stress reliever to clean up and take care of them, so it's sort of a win-win situation at home. |
13,423 | 386 | 9 | 1,435 | 3,655 | Jérémie
Le déjeuner était médiocre au mieux. Habituellement, au moment où Jem rentrait à la maison, il était trop fatigué pour faire quelque chose d'extravagant, alors il a rapidement jeté une salade ensemble ou mâché le déjeuner de son ami. Ses habitudes alimentaires étaient atroces même s'il pouvait cuisiner assez bien. Avant d'arriver dans le salon des enseignants, Jenna avait besoin d'aide pour la nouvelle chanson qu'elle écrivait, comme les notes à utiliser qui pourraient l'aider à passer au choeur. La première année était la fille douée avec un avenir prometteur si elle continuait à s'appliquer elle-même. Bien sûr, les jeunes adolescents trouveraient toujours leur chemin dans des drames mineurs, la pression des pairs, et des rêves fantastiques. Le sage professeur voulait que ses étudiants sachent qu'ils avaient quelqu'un pour les aider s'ils cherchaient son aide. Il y avait une méthode pour sa folie. Il pourrait être un dur cul ou il pourrait être un artiste dynamique. Au cœur de sa technique d'enseignement cependant, Jem croyait que l'esprit devait être défié, toujours. Il n'y avait jamais une façon d'enseigner, ce qui faisait partie de la beauté d'être un enseignant.
Les gens en général avaient une formule qu'ils vivaient. Une partie de la raison pour laquelle cet homme a réussi à passer l'école était parce qu'il pouvait lire ses professeurs comme un livre et savait exactement ce qu'ils voulaient. Par exemple, un professeur qu'il avait, s'il mentionnait un problème courant majeur avant le début de la classe, ils ne l'appelleraient jamais pendant leurs conférences en supposant qu'il a fait tout le travail parce qu'il était bien versé dans le monde autour de lui. Comme Jem était conscient de la façon dont l'esprit étudiant fonctionnait, il a choisi d'être l'anomalie. Quelqu'un qu'ils n'ont pas trouvé. En faisant cela, ils ne se sont jamais endormis dans sa classe, ils n'ont jamais oublié une mission, même si certains d'entre eux ont merdé leurs devoirs, et ils étaient toujours impliqués, qu'ils l'aimaient ou non. Il ne pensait pas qu'il était le meilleur enseignant, mais il pensait que ses méthodes d'enseignement étaient les siennes, ce qui l'a séparé du reste du personnel. Tant qu'il s'entendait avec qui il était et comment il préférait travailler, cela refléterait sa stratégie et il attirerait l'attention de ses élèves. La confiance était la clé.
Peu importe à quel point un enseignant était effrayant ou non, s'ils croyaient en eux-mêmes, leurs élèves remarqueraient cela. Les adolescents étaient remplis d'angoisse. Ils avaient besoin de modèles solides qui pouvaient les orienter et les aider à voir le positif dans leur vie. Bien sûr, il y aurait toujours ces étudiants qui refusaient d'ouvrir les yeux, comme s'il grandissait. Ce sont les élèves qui, le plus souvent, n'avaient pas besoin de comprendre les choses à leur époque. Ils devraient tomber avant de comprendre ce qu'ils avaient besoin d'eux. Le professeur ne voulait pas que ses élèves aient l'impression qu'ils étaient moins que ça. Si quelque chose, ils étaient tous importants pour lui et un jour, pour eux-mêmes. L'expérience est ce qu'ils devaient faire, mais parfois il faut une vie pour comprendre les choses. Leurs actions auront des résultats divers, mais elles seront toujours les leurs. Ils sont le chef d'orchestre d'un bel orchestre, et la performance est leur vie.
Pendant son déjeuner avec Eric, il n'a pas pu s'empêcher de penser à son emploi du temps pour les prochaines semaines. Quand aurait-il le temps d'aller faire des courses de Noël? Il aurait dû prendre le temps de voir ce que Peter et Eric voulaient, mais ne pas être évident qu'il pensait aux fêtes plus que le concert lui-même. L'attention de Jem a été portée au visage rose d'Eric quand l'homme aux cheveux foncés s'est rendu compte qu'il n'avait pas son gel capillaire sur sa personne. En roulant les yeux, le professeur blonde agita son ami alors qu'il quittait la pièce. Nettoyer la table mais ne pas jeter sa bouteille d'eau de 20 oz, Jem avait une chose en tête : il voulait une cigarette.
En se rendant à l'extérieur du bâtiment de l'école (avec sa bouteille), sans se soucier de retourner à son bureau pour sa veste, la belle blonde a sorti son poison et a placé un bâton entre ses lèvres. Après avoir sorti son briquet doré, il a allumé l'addiction et a apprécié ses moments seuls dans le silence. Jem a placé son briquet dans sa poche et a regardé le ciel, prenant dans l'air frais et la nature autour de lui. Ses joues ont légèrement gagné une couleur rosée du vent vif. En laissant la fumée glisser dans sa gorge et dans ses poumons, l'homme fatigué a gardé les fumées nocives dans son corps pendant un bon moment avant de la libérer dans un grand nuage sale. Inhaler, expirer.
A ce rythme, il était obligé d'avoir un cancer du poumon. C'est la vie. Il n'avait pas grand-chose en tête. Avec personne dans son voisinage actuel, le professeur a observé son environnement, remplissant son esprit de la belle image du terrain de l'école.
Une fois qu'il a fini avec sa dernière traînée, Jem a mis le mégot de cigarette dans sa bouteille d'eau, pas un pour la litière. En allant dans une poubelle extérieure, il a jeté les cendres dans la poubelle puis est entré à l'intérieur pour laver la bouteille d'eau (pour qu'il puisse la recycler). C'est exact, les mains du professeur étaient libres, alors qu'il vérifiait l'heure de sa montre d'airain dans un couloir. Ah, je devrais aller en cours...
Les oreilles de l'homme perçaient le bruit de petits pas qui descendaient le hall vers lui. Un sourire est automatiquement tombé sur son visage quand il a vu Pierre, à la fin, marcher sans but. Ses yeux vifs de noisette ne pouvaient s'empêcher de voir la consternation sur le visage du jeune professeur. Pet ne regardait pas non plus où il allait... Le grand amoureux en a profité pour envoyer un message rapide à l'un de ses subordonnés : Pouvez-vous diriger le chœur? Je suis en retard dans le classement.
En quelques secondes, Jérémie a reçu un texte de l'un de ses professeurs, qui a répondu avec joie : Absolument! On est là pour aider!
Elle était l'une des nouvelles professeurs de musique, dont l'horaire était facilement disponible la plupart des jours. Quand il a fini ses actions, l'homme inquiet a lentement marché vers sa destination, regardant à l'intérieur des salles de classe pour en trouver une vide.
Trouver un au centre, il est allé tranquillement vérifier si elle était déverrouillée. Oui! Pour la gloire!
Patiemment, il a attendu. Pet a fait son chemin, mais semblait trop énervant pour remarquer le professeur par la porte de la salle de classe. C'était le couloir du département des sciences? Les moments suivants se sont évanouis comme un ouragan. S'emparant de son petit ami, Jem le tira avec empressement dans la salle de classe, la porte se ferma derrière eux, et il enveloppa le petit homme dans son étreinte chaleureuse. Une étreinte qui n'aurait pas été prise si le corps étudiant devait en être témoin. Oui, la science... Ils étaient dans une salle de labo évidente. La chambre était sombre et inébranlable. Le bruit de la respiration était la seule chose qui pouvait être entendue.
"Comment va mon chiot?" Certains des principaux noms d'animaux de compagnie de Jem pour Peter étaient Pup ou Puppy à cause de son désir fort de vouloir un chien, mais il a également aidé que Pet était incompréhensiblement adorable.
Ils n'ont pas eu beaucoup de temps mais il a gardé le petit dans ses bras et a enterré son visage dans les cheveux de Pet, prenant dans l'odeur qui faisait partie de ce qui l'a arnaqué.
"Faisons quelque chose après l'école. Juste toi et moi. Tout ce que tu veux. On peut aller à TasteofThai? Je sais combien tu aimes leur nourriture épicée. Ou, je peux t'emmener chez moi et te préparer un dîner. Regarder un film, peut-être avoir des sundaes?" Ce serait la première fois que Jem propose d'amener son petit ami dans son humble demeure.
La principale chose qui était dans l'esprit de l'homme était: Je veux qu'il se sente mieux. | - snipped - |
13,424 | 386 | 10 | 792 | 4,390 | Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés,
Il y avait beaucoup de choses présentes dans la petite grève de représailles d'Eric que Nicolas pouvait contester, mais le conseiller toujours cool s'est contenté de gâcher la façon dont le soi-disant professeur professionnel allait de zéro à aggravé en un temps record. La puce sur l'épaule de l'homme a dû être immense, soit cela, soit il a fait face à l'embarras d'être appelé sur des antiques non professionnels. Nicolas se trompait du côté de ce dernier, si ce n'est parce que l'idée de l'éternel professionnel d'être pris était bien trop hilarante pour ne pas se concentrer sur.
Nicolas n'était pas du tout timide de cacher son amusement alors qu'un sourire grinçant faisait son chemin à travers ses lèvres. Oh, les boutons étaient poussés et la seule pensée qui est entrée dans la tête du conseiller d'orientation était comment les pousser encore plus loin. La première était assez simple; comme Eric a fait un pas en arrière, Nicolas a fait un pas en avant, fermant la distance que le professeur de mathématiques avait inexplicablement mis entre eux. Et le sourire sur ses lèvres s'élargissait.
« Eh bien, c'est tout le changement d'attitude, Eric, reprit Nicolas, en se rapprochant de quelques pas, d'abord vous menacez le pauvre Petey, ensuite vous le couvrez. Je ne me bats contre personne, j'empêche un membre du personnel de faire quelque chose de menaçant pour sa carrière. En fait, vous devriez me remercier." Comme pour prouver son point de vue, Nicolas a de nouveau mis la main sur Eric, encore sur l'épaule. "D'après ce que j'ai entendu, Petey a gagné ta petite dispute. Votre erreur, Eric, pensait que je suis venu aider Petey. Je suis venu pour vous sauver encore plus d'humiliation."
Nicolas avait encore la main sur l'épaule d'Eric et souriait encore comme un jester. Il a apprécié cela, plus même que le déjeuner qu'il avait tant attendu chaque jour de travail.
"Je ne suis pas celui qui a besoin de vérifier quoi que ce soit, Eric. Mais essaie juste de t'empêcher de voir à quel point mon cul est beau dans ce pantalon, okay." Pour l'instant, Nicolas leva la main pour donner à la joue d'Eric une tape ludique avant de lui faire un clin d'œil et de commencer à s'en aller, pour revenir aux dures réalités du travail. | Nicolas Ishiguro
'Glass walls and waterfalls can't stop your light from reaching my eyes...'
Twenty Six
Guidance Counselor
If ever there was a competition for the most popular member of the staff as voted on by the student body, chances are Nicolas, Nico to the students, would rank quite high, if not take the title himself. Such is the effect he has on the students that a petition once went around demanding he be considered for Teacher of the Year. Nicolas takes the compliments in stride, seeing it is signs of him doing his job well. Students often come to him for advice, and more often than not the advice is not at all related to the academic side of school but rather...the social. Because of his charming, cool exterior and his flowery way of words, he's a prime source for students that need more useful advice...such as the right way to ask someone on a date or the perfect outfit to wear to prom.
Nicolas has a certain way about him that makes him easy to talk to and to his credit he either is a fantastic listener or has mastered the art of only hearing the important parts of someone's concerns. He's quite charismatic, helpful given his position among the staff, and he maintains a friendly rapport with his fellow staff...well...most of them. Some of the wiser ones have picked up on a few of his bad habits, such as how he's always taking personal calls unrelated to he never dresses like a professional ought to, and how on more than one occasions he's arrived to school being dropped off in different cars in the staff lot...and those are just the easily spotted ones.
Of course, the person Nicolas is during school hours doesn't necessarily carry over to after hours and the private life. Those that know him outside of school might not be so quick to use 'charming' to define him...they might well use 'manipulative' or 'heartless'...but one so popular with people can be squeaky clean, surely.
'Golden medals on my chest don't mean I deserve it...'
Nicolas is...a very loving sort.
Nicolas is a slender man but he carries it well due to his height. He's 5'10" and with unkempt black hair and piercing green eyes, he really makes his youthful look work for him. Some say that he's so popular with the students because he looks like he never really left his late teens and other than his deeper voice he'd probably be able to blend in with a certain crowd. He never dresses like a stuffy staff member, only busting out proper formal attire when he's attending functions such as dances or events he's roped into being a staff adviser for. His normal work attire is casual to the letter, with jeans - a little on the tight side on most days - and long sleeved shirts being the typical look he strives for.
His sense of fashion is more...laid back formal. It's not uncommon to find him at home on a weekend wearing no shirt and pants that might've been worn during the week already. It's not as if he's lazy or slovenly, it's just that he keeps things casual when it comes to dress as people that wear formal attire all the time tend to just be far too stuffy.
Looking at Nicolas now one would always assume he was the person he is today...but that would be grossly incorrect. In his youth, which is to say from middle school to high school, Nicolas was a lonely, quiet kid that was mocked by his grade school peers due to both his hobbies (which included building and collecting model kits and figurines from various media) and from not having a dad. Grade school bullies were so needlessly cruel and he was glad they didn't know what it was his mother did to pay the bills. Nicolas was raised by his mother who worked unsavory jobs for even more unsavory clients just to make sure that Nicolas didn't go hungry...even if that meant she was never around at night to tuck him in. Nicolas was so grateful to his mother that it became his way of thanking her by leaving a meal out for her for when she came home.
In high school Nicolas was still not the most popular sort, but managed to get through by hovering around people that he wouldn't exactly call friends but those who at least had similar interests. It was after a disastrous attempt to ask someone to prom - which was seen by an entire classroom - that Nicolas realized that simply being the weird quiet kid would lead to more rejection and dejection in his life. He traveled away from his hometown for higher education and, as so many do, when he returned an adult he had shed his past skin.
After graduation he lived with his mother for a handful of months. While he was away she worked more jobs within the same field she had tried so hard to get out of and the risks finally caught up with her. She contracted a disease and Nicolas wanted to make sure she was taken care of. Though she's sick, she seems to be hanging in there and improving, though she's retired and now has a nurse on retainer just in case.
Nicolas' upbringing could be a reason for why he's turned into such a charming, or is it manipulative, sort, but the only thing he chooses to focus on with regards to his past is that he's still, at heart, a mother's boy. He's since moved into his own place - by nature of it being easier than explaining to people he takes an interest in why he lived with his mother - and is enjoying the life he never did back when he was younger.
He's come to terms with the fact that his mother might not have that much long left, but he's still afraid of losing her seeing as how she was the most support he ever had in his life and it's difficult to lose that connection. Nicolas fears rejection, the incident in high school lingering still on his heart, which is perhaps why the tables have been turned in his adulthood. Less on the emotional side of the spectrum...but Nicolas also has a fear of heights. He keeps that one, as he does with much of his personality, close to the chest.
-He still collects figurines and his apartment has entire shelf space dedicated to them. He makes sure to keep the ones on display in the living area more family friendly for obvious reasons.
-Nicolas was actually fired from his last teaching job, but the reason why is known only to himself and the school district he left behind. |
13,425 | 386 | 11 | 1,262 | 229 | C'est pas vrai, Peter.
Pierre avait un engourdissement épouvantable dans son esprit. Il a entendu le bruit d'une crap-tonne métrique de cascades s'écraser et de consommer son esprit, le remplir d'eau glaciale et lugubre. Tant d'émotions -trop nombreuses - inondées dans la piscine, tourbillonnant et fracassé contre son système limbique. D'abord, il était gêné. C'est si horriblement, atrocement embarrassé d'avoir été pris dans une situation aussi enfantine. Cet homme, Peter ne pouvait même pas se rappeler qui exactement c'était cela interrompu, mais cet homme avait eu raison d'étiqueter son comportement comme sophomorique. Entrer dans un conflit, insulter l'autre professeur et montrer une cruauté inutile. Ensuite, il allait aux conseils et se plaignait de son écrasement actuel. Et ce qu'il avait dit à Eric! En tant qu'homme qui s'enorgueillit de faire sourire les gens avant tout, d'essayer d'amener tout le monde au moins un peu de joie, d'aller contre cela et d'être si horrible... Sa honte s'est brûlée à son visage. C'était absolument contre sa propre morale! Après avoir été embarrassé et honteux, il a été blessé. Il a peut-être lancé ses propres mots blessants dans la tête du moment, mais cela n'a pas effacé l'incision aiguë qu'Eric avait faite le long du plongeon dans sa cage thoracique. Il s'est piqué les poumons. 'Spineless' il avait été appelé, le mot encore une autre lame formé de la haine d'Eric. Il n'a même pas osé être en désaccord, confirmant seulement son manque de vertèbres. Pourtant, cela n'avait pas été aussi profond que les conséquences les plus dures d'Eric : que Peter n'était pas assez bon pour son meilleur ami. Encore une fois, le scientifique pourrait-il vraiment discuter avec cela? Il connaissait à peine Jérémie, son histoire ou quelque chose de personnel à son sujet. Eric savait tout, ayant des années sur Peter où il pouvait faire tellement plus pour le musicien que Peter ne pouvait jamais.
C'est ça?
C'est alors que l'esprit de Pierre était tellement concentré sur ses fautes, ses défauts et tout ce qu'il méprisait de lui-même que Jem le saisit et le tira des eaux. Le sauveur de Pet l'a tiré des chutes d'eau qui s'effondrent et l'a tenu dans une étreinte serrée et nécessaire. Au début, Pet était complètement boiteux alors qu'il s'ajustait à la terre sèche et au silence de son esprit. Heureusement, les paroles de son petit ami se sont glissées dans sa stupeur et ont rempli l'espace vide de musique. Après que Jérémie eut fini de parler, la vie retourna dans le cadre de l'homme plus petit. Pierre enveloppa ses bras autour de Jem, ses paumes poussant doucement entre ses omoplates. Son tremblement s'était finalement arrêté alors qu'un soupir rejoignait les notes tourbillonnant dans son esprit.
C'est si bon d'entendre ta voix. J'aime beaucoup ça. Pierre était incroyablement gêné de penser à de telles pensées sentimentales et ne les exprimerait jamais à haute voix. Il a cependant réussi à se détendre et a poussé son visage dans le cou de Jem. Son souffle était doux et calme alors qu'il inhalait lentement. Il ne sentait pas l'odeur de son partenaire, mais il aimait imaginer qu'il sentait comme les belles choses dont il a entendu parler. Comme la vanille, qu'Ava lui avait dit sentait comme une petite cuisine ouverte avec des murs de couleur crème, ou le chèvrefeuille qui était une brise de printemps qui s'est aventuré doucement sur votre visage. Sensations qu'il connaissait. Il a trouvé ces pensées réconfortantes. La réalité de l'habitude de tuer de Jem n'a jamais été permise dans cette ligne de fantasmes.
Finalement, le professeur Kalenki s'est rendu compte qu'il n'avait rien dit en réponse et a tiré son visage pour regarder l'autre professeur avec de grands yeux bleus. "Je pense qu'aller chez toi serait super cool!" Connaissant leurs différences de position (et donc de situation financière), Pierre avait des images dans son esprit de manoirs et de construction de trois histoires. Un canard nageant à travers des montagnes d'or. "Je parie que c'est énorme!" Il a vu couler de l'excitation radioactive, presque rebondissant.
Parfois, la comparaison des chiots était trop ponctuelle.
Peter n'a pas pu s'empêcher de commencer à s'exalter, en pensant déjà à ce qu'il pourrait obtenir de son compagnon comme'merci de m'avoir invité à votre maison' présent. La rencontre dans le couloir s'est évanouie de sa portée d'attention alors qu'il pensait aux diverses activités qu'ils pouvaient faire à la maison de Jem. Comme travailler sur les plans de leçon côte à côte ou s'endormir dans les genoux de l'autre. Ça serait cool? | Name:
Peter Kalenki
For those that he is close to he loves being called "Pet", but if someone calls him that and he is not close enough to them, he'll be incredibly uncomfortable and probably upset.
(Pansexual) Almost anyone that's interested in him. He wants to be loved and love other people.
Science Teacher
Appearance and attire:
As Pet is a new teacher, fresh out of college with the shine of the inexperienced, he has an incredibly young and fresh look to his face. His features are smoothed out like river rocks, without any harsh lines or angles. His dark brown hair is just a bit too long and almost constantly messy, always falling into his ocean blue eyes. He's 5'7'' and chooses to ignore the fact that many of his own students reach higher than he ever could. Many of the more athletic students have labeled him as "fragile" and "scrawny", but he prefers "lean". It's rare for anyone to find him without a gentle smile on his face and tranquility within his eyes.
Work Attire- His outfits never seem to change past color pallets. You could not catch this man dead during school hours without a button up shirt (length of sleeves irrelevant) and a tie. He prefers to mix dark colors with light. Dark pants, dark shirt, light tie. Any sort of combination. He has slight astigmatism but is too proud to get glasses and sometimes has headaches during class.
Outside of work- Pet's favorite type of clothes are three sizes too big. He grew up in a large family with multiple siblings, so hand-me-downs were more common than not and nothing ever fit right. Now, when he slides into a t-shirt that hangs past his hips, he feels the comfort of being surrounded by his siblings. However, when going out in public, his clothes always fit right, his hair is always neatly combed and he looks very similar to how he looks at work.
Around others: Pet has the heart of an extrovert. His entire attitude is based on the idea "If you're happy, then I am happy". He tries his hardest to make everyone he meets feel happy and content and refused to accept the reality that not everyone you meet will be happy. He likes to make jokes and say kind words to everyone, just to be able to see their lips pull into a lovely smile. He treats everyone like a friend right away and greets everyone with a big wide grin. He makes sure to always encourage his students to have fun with everything they do and always tries his hardest to put a fun spin on things. He's horrendously new to the teaching business and because of this, he hasn't yet learned that a big smile isn't always the best way to rule a classroom. He tends to get trampled on by the stronger personalities in the class and can sometimes lose control. In these cases, he can get very flustered and won't know what to do. He's still in the learning process. After a bad day in the classroom, he will often times hunt out a busy cafe or something equivalent in atmosphere and sit himself down and soak in the ambiance. Surrounding himself with the babble of people, he'll sigh and manage to relax.
Another little quirk is that he almost never cusses and would never ever cuss in front of his class. He'd have to be pretty worked up to let slip any little f-bombs.
By himself: Once he's alone, he becomes a very different person. With no one left to please, he often deflates and will rarely smile. He becomes much more introspective. He's terrible at dealing with his own emotions and often times let them fester and spoil inside of him until they have to be released somehow. In this way, he can sometimes explode into fits when he's not focused on the wants of someone else. This is one of the reasons he doesn't like to be alone. More often than not, Pet will make a nest upon his couch, switch on the tv and fall asleep to the voices of the actors.
Pet was born into a large, devote catholic family. Life was simple and comfortable at the lower end of middle class life. He was the fourth of nine children and was the oldest of the youngest children. The youngest of his three older siblings was in middle school by the time he could truly treasure memories away in his hippocampus. They were soon out of the house and free of responsibility just as a hurricane came full force upon the lives of the Kalenki family. It started off with a simple collision on the road. Pet's father had been returning from a friend's house, just a little past buzzed. He got into an accident that was quickly deemed his fault due to the alcohol in his system. He was sued and his license was taken away for three months. Pet's father had also sustained a terrible back injury that put him through multiple surgeries. After a while, the insurance companies called it quits on the family and they were left to try and cope on their own. Pet's father's work at a local community college also gave up on him, laying him off despite his years of compliance and loyalty. Bills piled onto bills and made giant bill babies. They had to move to a tiny apartment, the rent of which they could never hope to make on time. His mother became the only provider for the family and his father was gone into his own head most of the time. He had sworn off alcohol after the accident but had found a more powerful replacement: painkillers. Food was scarce and minimal. Neither parent was ever really around at that point and it became Pet's job to take care of his five younger siblings. He spent his young life keeping them happy and smiling. "Ramen Noodles again?!" "Hey, hey! What are you complaining about? Tonight, we're eating beef flavored brains!" . He never had to deal with the stress of the situation until he was forced to be on his own.
He didn't want to leave his family. He wanted to get a job in town and help provide and add more food to the table and more meals to the day. He wanted to live in the town he grew up in. He wanted to stay. However, his mother had other plans, wanting for him a life that included a higher education. She had saved and saved and saved and gave him enough money to leave their home state and find anywhere else. With a heavy heart and a light bag, he left. College was hard. Living on his own was hard. It was so hard in fact, things got so heavy and dark in his mind, he still bears the scars of wanting to make everything go away. He survived. He endured. He made it through college with crippling debt, but his father's old job as a professor gave him contacts in the teaching world and somehow, Pet found himself in his second year at Blackthorne Academy.
Now, Pet lives his life on the comfort of sounds and found himself hopelessly drawn to the main conductor of noise.
From oldest to youngest:
Ezekial (Zeke) 33 A large gay priest out of state.
Chloe 32 A Sunday School teacher
Samantha (Sam) 30 Wedding Planner but still single herself
Peter (Pet) 25 Science Teacher
Joanna (Jo) 23 (Twin) McDonlad's #1 employee
Timothy (Timmy) 23 (Twin) Burger Kings #1 employee (there's a playful rivalry between the twins that often involves frozen meat patties in places where cold objects are not welcome "What the shit Jo?! Not in my gosh dang pants!"
Ava 21 A smol gay living with her girlfriend and trying to become a licensed psychologist. Enjoyed describing smells to Pet in ways he might understand them, being a bit of a poet. "Apple pie smells like a quilt right out of the dryer, wrapped around you and your whole family. Like a big hug."
Felicity (Cece) 20 Staying home, taking care of parents.
Micah (Mikey) 19 Ran away after Pet left and now won't speak to him (hella angry). Lives with his fiancé out of state. Was always the clingiest to Pet and a bit of a brat to everyone else, perhaps a little bit, really spoiled.
Being absolutely, completely, insanely alone. Sometimes, he'll stop breathing just thinking about it.
Making someone cry.
Never being able to pay off his debts.
Despite being an uke, he sometimes really likes to be the big spoon. Just to be able to hold his love in his arms and make sure they're not going to disappear from his side.
Pet will avoid certain parts of town, dodging inquiries about the debts he had yet to repay...
An interesting fact about this science enthusiast is that he has absolutely no sense of smell. He will often make jokes about it in class with his kids. He doesn't mind the incompetence of his olfactory nerves, so much as he mourns the effect it has on his taste. Many meals fall flat upon his tongue and because of this, he hunts out extreme flavors that he can feel. His favorite thing is spicy food, because that he can feel in his eyes, his nose, his throat. You won't catch him dead without a little bottle of hot sauce in his book bag. He enjoys horrifying his students by pouring it into his coffee.
His siblings will visit him randomly as guest, sometimes sitting in on one of his lessons. Pet has probably never been as flustered as he is when one of his siblings is in his classroom. |
13,426 | 386 | 12 | 66 | 1,312 | Éric
Le conseiller avait l'audace de s'en prendre à lui! Son visage s'irrita un peu, Nico riant apparemment même pas un peu irrité par les choses qu'Eric lui avait dites. Ouah, ouah, ouah, attendez! Il se rapprochait, et Eric, involontairement, reprit des pas pour contrer Nico. Maintenant, c'était au tour du professeur d'être poussé contre le mur, un frisson l'a traversé.
Eric était déjà allé un peu trop loin avec Peter, et aurait certainement eu l'enfer à payer s'ils avaient été pris... Mais il n'allait pas l'admettre à ce sale loser! Et non, il n'y avait aucun moyen qu'il le remercie.
Eric a riposté, Nico lui a mis une main sur l'épaule. La proximité faisait des vertiges chez l'autre mâle. Ce n'était pas dangereux ou quoi que ce soit, ils étaient tous les deux mâles après tout! Mais... il n'a pas pu s'empêcher d'avoir des boulettes d'oie.
L'HUMILIATION COMPLÉMENTAIRE?! Qui était celui qui humiliait ici?! Bâtard!
Il a commencé à trembler légèrement, bien que Nico ait pu penser que c'était de la rage, son traumatisme inconscient venait le mordre dans le cul au pire moment. Et le malade appréciait ça!
Quelque chose à propos de... pantalon? Pour l'amour de tout ce qui était saint- Eric avait besoin de le serrer avant que le pervers ne tombe malade sur les étudiants ici.
"Perverti!" Il chuchotait, le salaud de rat s'était tellement mis sous sa peau, il tremblait encore avec ses poings serrés les côtés de son pantalon. Ça pourrait très bien rider son costume aussi bien... comme c'est indigne. Et avant qu'Eric ne puisse dire quoi que ce soit d'autre, la cloche sonna pour commencer la prochaine série de cours et il ne put maudire le Conseiller dans l'oubli avec tous les étudiants entrant dans le couloir.
Eric s'est précipité du mur et s'est composé. Son éblouissement aurait pu les massacrer pendant qu'il retournait dans sa classe. Les élèves de sa classe suivante allaient obtenir le coup franc de sa colère, les pauvres âmes.
Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas arrêté de rougir?Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? | Name:
Eric Neal Walker
Doesn't have one and don't give him one. At one point his friends from highschool called him, "Mother"
...They were never heard from again.
Called Professor Walker by his students.
Math Teacher
Eric is highly jaded to everyone, there is no "try" there is only "do." Why rest and relax when you can get work done? He is also a rather doting person, but he won't admit it. Someone forgets their lunch, he'll give them his and say to eat or they won't be able to work. He is usually yells a lot when he's frustrated and is never able to give proper compliments.
He doesn't even believe he has a child side. When he's by himself he ends up either cleaning the house, getting extra work done, or taking care of his cats. He really does care, but can't seem to express it to anyone but Jem, who he spoils exponentially. He's also an extreme animal person, they flock to him, and that's usually the easiest way to his heart. If animals run away from you, you might as well be dead to him.
Telling others about his problems? That just doesn't happen. If he ever did do it he would say it in the moment. He takes out his stress with work and cleaning so the more dedicated he seems to be, the more stressed he is.
He believes that girls are either cry babies or life suckers, trying to steal everything from their partner. He's never been with a woman and doesn't plan on it until he has to settle down.
Unknowingly homosexual, the only one he's actually loved is Jem, so he hasn't realized he doesn't like women.
When Eric was a young child, about eight years old, he was a mama's boy that loved feminine things. He always wrote cute poems to his mom and helped her out with the chores. A few weeks after he turned eight, Eric and his mother got into a nasty car crash. All Eric's memories up till then were either fuzzy or gone all together and Eric's mother died. The first year or so after the accident, Eric acted almost like a mindless zombie, his father doting on him all the time.
His father decided to get Eric a mother in order to help his son regain his sense of self. He hastily started dating and married a bride four months later that was still in college. She was what one would call a typical sorority girl that couldn't take care of a pet to save her life, much less a child. She leeched off of Eric's somewhat high class father and made him treat her like a princess.
It was his second year of middle school that everything went to hell. He body shot up compared to his fellow classmates almost overnight, growing to the height 5' 11" that he is now. His stepmother took notice of this and started taking an interest. The night of his 13th birthday, his stepmother molested and sexually assaulted him. It was the night he lost his virginity.
He had to keep it a secret from his family and life outside the house. Eric's stepmother had his father wrapped around her finger, there was no way for him to report this was happening. He was assaulted all throughout his middle school years and into his high school years. During Eric's freshman year, his stepmother thought it would be best for him to, 'gain some independence by living by yourself.' He was giving a certain amount of money each month and left to his own devices. Every now and again, his stepmother would come over to use him, further wrecking his mental state.
During middle school, Eric couldn't help notice Jem, his looks and charisma were staggering, even with his stubborn 'bad boy look.' What the boy needed was to become someone like him, someone that could take all the shit he was dealing with and learn to take care of himself. And so Jem didn't seem to interested in their friendship, but that's not how Eric saw it. The boy seemed to be pushing everyone away, trying to keep himself from getting hurt by them. If he did that to everyone, who did he have to lean on? So Eric did everything in his power to become that person, that strong determined friend who would never let you down. He didn't have time to worry about his own problems anymore, he only did what he could for the one he wanted to be best friends with.
Trying to become friends with Jem was no easy feat, he even tried out smoking to have some common ground. Somehow this routine stuck, much to Eric's lungs' and allowance's dismay. The more he realized he had been so used by his stepmother, the more jaded he got through the years. The only one he would connect to was Jem, and love was starting to blossom...
Jem found out during their sophomore year of high school. Eric felt like since Jem had cried his heart out to the him, he should do the same. No, he didn't let Jem do anything about it... but he was able to see the side of Jem he had always longed to see, and that was enough for him at the time.
Eric's last year of high school, his father and stepmother got a divorce. She had grown tired of being the lover of such an older man, and cut ties with the family. Eric couldn't be more relieved, but he was forever traumatized. There was no way he could have sex for enjoyment again or not start shaking if someone got to close to him.
-Losing Jem's friendship
-Making mistakes at work
-Never getting his feelings across
He stands at 5' 11" with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Eric weighs 156 pounds, he'll never admit it, but he usually only eats 2 meals a day. He's rather thin, but always covers his slim waist with an extra layer.
Work Attire:
He wears a crisp ironed suit without a vest everyday, only taking his jacket off in the summer. His hair is slicked back at school, though he can never seem to get all of his bangs to stay back. He doesn't need glasses, but in his first year of working, he wore fake frames.
Outside of Work:
He usually doesn't bother to mess with his hair and stays in a v-neck sweater and khakis when he goes out. At home he gets a lot lazier, wearing a t-shirt and shorts around with sandles and socks (Oh the horror!)
Eric lives with three cats, causing his apartment always to be messed up some way. It's a stress reliever to clean up and take care of them, so it's sort of a win-win situation at home. |
13,427 | 386 | 13 | 1,435 | 3,655 | Jérémie
Touchant doucement le visage de Peter avec le dos de son doigt pointeur, le musicien a reposé ses orbes dorées frappantes sur le visage d'un homme qui lui a fait sentir quelque chose avec lequel il était encore en train de s'entendre : « Eh bien, j'espère pouvoir vous impressionner avec ma cuisine. Je suis un peu rouillé... alors ne me juge pas trop durement, Pup." Il s'est moqué de lui. Le petit professeur était là pour une surprise, mais Jem n'allait pas gâcher son excitation. La maison de ses défunts parents n'était pas minuscule, ne vous méprenez pas, mais elle n'était pas terriblement extravagante non plus. C'était une taille confortable avec une chambre pour une famille possible. Au fil des ans, l'homme blonde avait fait des changements à l'intérieur puisqu'il serait plutôt effrayant d'avoir des meubles de son enfance, mais la maison était en forme parfaite--pourquoi la vendre? De plus, il a passé les premières années de sa vie d'adulte à payer l'hypothèque, de sorte qu'il ne laisserait passer cette maison que s'il brûlait à terre. Frappe sur le bois. Cette maison était quelques-uns des derniers morceaux de son passé et ses parents y avaient mis du temps et des efforts que Jem ne voulait pas jeter. Bien sûr, cette notion a pu être stupide de lui, mais la maison remplie de souvenirs, bons et mauvais, lui a donné un sentiment de sécurité.
Parfois, la solitude s'est installée, mais heureusement, il était un homme occupé et n'avait pas à penser à un tel obstacle. Il était dans une bonne position dans sa vie, mais cela ne signifiait pas de temps en temps qu'il ressentait les émotions de sa vie qu'il devait combattre pour arriver là où il était aujourd'hui. Son sentiment sur son humble demeure était: Vivre une vie que ses parents auraient pu avoir, peut-être avoir des enfants un jour, mais finalement remplir la maison de précieux souvenirs. Jem ne s'attendait pas à tomber sur les talons d'un homme, mais il y avait des façons de le faire s'ils finissent par devenir vraiment sérieux l'un envers l'autre. Par sérieux, le musicien voulait dire quand 'Marriage' et 'Famille' sont devenus un sujet de discussion entre les amants. Il était très dévoué à Peter, bien qu'il ne sache pas à quel point il l'a montré. Ils ne se connaissent que depuis quelques mois, mais cet adorable homme a donné au professeur déshonoré un nouveau plaisir dans sa vie.
Quand il enseignait à ses élèves, Jérémie ne pouvait pas sortir ces yeux bleus de son esprit, ces regards désespérés qui lui faisaient sentir le besoin.
Quand il est arrivé à son meilleur ami, Eric, il semblait que Jem avait plus besoin de lui que l'inverse. Même avec le passé de son ami avec l'accident de voiture, et ce fils de pute, Eric était toujours fort pour... lui. Le mystérieux professeur était trop enfantin au lycée pour améliorer la vie d'Eric d'une manière plus intime. Il n'a jamais dit ça à Eric mais il a récupéré la salope pour lui... mais probablement pas d'une manière que son ami aurait apprécié. La tactique de la peur était quelque chose que Jérémie est devenu un professionnel, à mi - chemin de sa carrière au lycée. Elle bat sa voiture. Je lui fais chanter. Elle est absolument paranoïaque d'être en vie. Oui, c'était le bon moment. C'est peut-être aussi pour ça que le père et la belle-mère d'Eric ont divorcé. Certaines choses devaient être laissées dans le noir.
"Aujourd'hui, un de mes élèves avait des paroles fascinantes dans sa chanson de travail en cours. Ça m'a fait penser à toi. Elle n'est qu'une première année, mais elle comprend le concept derrière mes leçons." En attendant un moment ou deux, le professeur ne lâche jamais le courant excitable dans le regard de l'océan. La forte envie d'embrasser les lèvres de son petit ami a forcé l'homme à se pencher plus près, mais il voulait se retenir un peu plus longtemps. Avec le maigre, plutôt que d'aller à la tentation séduisante, Jem a apporté ses lèvres aimables sur le front mou de Pierre. Après la minute mémorable, il retourna à son train de pensée, « L'essentiel de sa chanson était comment la science est la musique de l'intellect, tandis que la musique est la science du cœur. Votre passion, Pierre, est la porte qui conduit à comprendre la symphonie qui se cache derrière elle. »
Malheureusement, la cloche de l'école a sonné, ce qui a ramené les deux professeurs à la réalité, "Je suppose qu'il est temps de revenir à être des adultes responsables." Plutôt que de se précipiter pour un baiser passionné, Jem a décidé de tenir jusqu'après les heures d'école.
En sortant de la porte, la blonde murmura : "Venez à l'auditorium quand vous serez prêts." En regardant à droite, l'homme a remarqué qu'Eric se précipitait dans sa classe avec un léger rougissement sur son visage. Intéressant. Il a agité, mais Eric semblait trop distrait. S'élançant vers lui-même, Jérémie tourna à gauche avec son chiot. Alors que leur dos faisait face à Eric, le musicien et le scientifique descendirent la salle pour se rendre dans leurs salles de classe. | - snipped - |
13,428 | 386 | 14 | 1,262 | 229 | C'est pas vrai, Peter.
La musique dans l'esprit de Peter était des battements. Chaque vibration des paroles de Jem, de chaque son, bourdonnait contre son crâne. Il pouvait sentir chaque bruit alors qu'ils créaient une agréable sorte de brume dans son esprit, en ébranlant toutes les ténèbres qui s'y cachaient. La mélodie ne montait en volume que chaque fois que son petit ami et lui partageaient une touche ou même s'approchaient de lui. La présence de Jérémie a eu un effet sur lui qui était à la fois incroyablement embarrassant et enivrant. Il a encore étonné le jeune professeur pour lequel Jem avait choisi Pet pour jouer sa musique.
Il n'a pas blâmé Eric d'être contrarié que sa musique était d'un genre complètement différent.
Avec la musique, l'excitation jouait dans sa poitrine alors qu'il rebondissait sur le côté du directeur de chorale. Depuis qu'ils revenaient dans le monde civilisé où les rumeurs étaient nées, Pierre garda ses mains pour lui, soigneusement caché dans ses poches. Pourtant, il ne pouvait pas résister debout assez près pour qu'ils se brossent les épaules alors qu'il tournait légèrement en Jem pour bavarder avec joie. C'est vraiment cool! Elle devrait le chanter au conseil des sciences, leur rappeler que nos jours ne sont pas juste un plan de leçon après l'autre! » Ses yeux étaient brillants et ses paroles étaient rapides. Dois-je apporter quelque chose au dîner? Je ne suis pas invité dans les maisons des gens beaucoup. Je pourrais peut-être prendre parti. Apporter une plante, peut-être? Schlumbergera truncata fleurit en hiver, de sorte que ce serait assez cool... - Il s'est secoué la tête et a abandonné avec un rhinaud et un sourire, montrant que l'idée avait quitté son esprit. Ils sont arrivés à la porte de sa salle de classe puis Pet a regardé en haut et en bas du couloir un instant. Puis, il s'est installé pour un baiser très soudain, pressant ses lèvres à Jem..s pour un moment fugace. Quand il s'est retiré, il a pu sentir la musique contre sa peau alors qu'il souriait. Je te verrai après l'école, d'accord?
Avec cela, le professeur maintenant complètement rinçage glissa dans sa classe, maintenant prêt pour la biologie. | Name:
Peter Kalenki
For those that he is close to he loves being called "Pet", but if someone calls him that and he is not close enough to them, he'll be incredibly uncomfortable and probably upset.
(Pansexual) Almost anyone that's interested in him. He wants to be loved and love other people.
Science Teacher
Appearance and attire:
As Pet is a new teacher, fresh out of college with the shine of the inexperienced, he has an incredibly young and fresh look to his face. His features are smoothed out like river rocks, without any harsh lines or angles. His dark brown hair is just a bit too long and almost constantly messy, always falling into his ocean blue eyes. He's 5'7'' and chooses to ignore the fact that many of his own students reach higher than he ever could. Many of the more athletic students have labeled him as "fragile" and "scrawny", but he prefers "lean". It's rare for anyone to find him without a gentle smile on his face and tranquility within his eyes.
Work Attire- His outfits never seem to change past color pallets. You could not catch this man dead during school hours without a button up shirt (length of sleeves irrelevant) and a tie. He prefers to mix dark colors with light. Dark pants, dark shirt, light tie. Any sort of combination. He has slight astigmatism but is too proud to get glasses and sometimes has headaches during class.
Outside of work- Pet's favorite type of clothes are three sizes too big. He grew up in a large family with multiple siblings, so hand-me-downs were more common than not and nothing ever fit right. Now, when he slides into a t-shirt that hangs past his hips, he feels the comfort of being surrounded by his siblings. However, when going out in public, his clothes always fit right, his hair is always neatly combed and he looks very similar to how he looks at work.
Around others: Pet has the heart of an extrovert. His entire attitude is based on the idea "If you're happy, then I am happy". He tries his hardest to make everyone he meets feel happy and content and refused to accept the reality that not everyone you meet will be happy. He likes to make jokes and say kind words to everyone, just to be able to see their lips pull into a lovely smile. He treats everyone like a friend right away and greets everyone with a big wide grin. He makes sure to always encourage his students to have fun with everything they do and always tries his hardest to put a fun spin on things. He's horrendously new to the teaching business and because of this, he hasn't yet learned that a big smile isn't always the best way to rule a classroom. He tends to get trampled on by the stronger personalities in the class and can sometimes lose control. In these cases, he can get very flustered and won't know what to do. He's still in the learning process. After a bad day in the classroom, he will often times hunt out a busy cafe or something equivalent in atmosphere and sit himself down and soak in the ambiance. Surrounding himself with the babble of people, he'll sigh and manage to relax.
Another little quirk is that he almost never cusses and would never ever cuss in front of his class. He'd have to be pretty worked up to let slip any little f-bombs.
By himself: Once he's alone, he becomes a very different person. With no one left to please, he often deflates and will rarely smile. He becomes much more introspective. He's terrible at dealing with his own emotions and often times let them fester and spoil inside of him until they have to be released somehow. In this way, he can sometimes explode into fits when he's not focused on the wants of someone else. This is one of the reasons he doesn't like to be alone. More often than not, Pet will make a nest upon his couch, switch on the tv and fall asleep to the voices of the actors.
Pet was born into a large, devote catholic family. Life was simple and comfortable at the lower end of middle class life. He was the fourth of nine children and was the oldest of the youngest children. The youngest of his three older siblings was in middle school by the time he could truly treasure memories away in his hippocampus. They were soon out of the house and free of responsibility just as a hurricane came full force upon the lives of the Kalenki family. It started off with a simple collision on the road. Pet's father had been returning from a friend's house, just a little past buzzed. He got into an accident that was quickly deemed his fault due to the alcohol in his system. He was sued and his license was taken away for three months. Pet's father had also sustained a terrible back injury that put him through multiple surgeries. After a while, the insurance companies called it quits on the family and they were left to try and cope on their own. Pet's father's work at a local community college also gave up on him, laying him off despite his years of compliance and loyalty. Bills piled onto bills and made giant bill babies. They had to move to a tiny apartment, the rent of which they could never hope to make on time. His mother became the only provider for the family and his father was gone into his own head most of the time. He had sworn off alcohol after the accident but had found a more powerful replacement: painkillers. Food was scarce and minimal. Neither parent was ever really around at that point and it became Pet's job to take care of his five younger siblings. He spent his young life keeping them happy and smiling. "Ramen Noodles again?!" "Hey, hey! What are you complaining about? Tonight, we're eating beef flavored brains!" . He never had to deal with the stress of the situation until he was forced to be on his own.
He didn't want to leave his family. He wanted to get a job in town and help provide and add more food to the table and more meals to the day. He wanted to live in the town he grew up in. He wanted to stay. However, his mother had other plans, wanting for him a life that included a higher education. She had saved and saved and saved and gave him enough money to leave their home state and find anywhere else. With a heavy heart and a light bag, he left. College was hard. Living on his own was hard. It was so hard in fact, things got so heavy and dark in his mind, he still bears the scars of wanting to make everything go away. He survived. He endured. He made it through college with crippling debt, but his father's old job as a professor gave him contacts in the teaching world and somehow, Pet found himself in his second year at Blackthorne Academy.
Now, Pet lives his life on the comfort of sounds and found himself hopelessly drawn to the main conductor of noise.
From oldest to youngest:
Ezekial (Zeke) 33 A large gay priest out of state.
Chloe 32 A Sunday School teacher
Samantha (Sam) 30 Wedding Planner but still single herself
Peter (Pet) 25 Science Teacher
Joanna (Jo) 23 (Twin) McDonlad's #1 employee
Timothy (Timmy) 23 (Twin) Burger Kings #1 employee (there's a playful rivalry between the twins that often involves frozen meat patties in places where cold objects are not welcome "What the shit Jo?! Not in my gosh dang pants!"
Ava 21 A smol gay living with her girlfriend and trying to become a licensed psychologist. Enjoyed describing smells to Pet in ways he might understand them, being a bit of a poet. "Apple pie smells like a quilt right out of the dryer, wrapped around you and your whole family. Like a big hug."
Felicity (Cece) 20 Staying home, taking care of parents.
Micah (Mikey) 19 Ran away after Pet left and now won't speak to him (hella angry). Lives with his fiancé out of state. Was always the clingiest to Pet and a bit of a brat to everyone else, perhaps a little bit, really spoiled.
Being absolutely, completely, insanely alone. Sometimes, he'll stop breathing just thinking about it.
Making someone cry.
Never being able to pay off his debts.
Despite being an uke, he sometimes really likes to be the big spoon. Just to be able to hold his love in his arms and make sure they're not going to disappear from his side.
Pet will avoid certain parts of town, dodging inquiries about the debts he had yet to repay...
An interesting fact about this science enthusiast is that he has absolutely no sense of smell. He will often make jokes about it in class with his kids. He doesn't mind the incompetence of his olfactory nerves, so much as he mourns the effect it has on his taste. Many meals fall flat upon his tongue and because of this, he hunts out extreme flavors that he can feel. His favorite thing is spicy food, because that he can feel in his eyes, his nose, his throat. You won't catch him dead without a little bottle of hot sauce in his book bag. He enjoys horrifying his students by pouring it into his coffee.
His siblings will visit him randomly as guest, sometimes sitting in on one of his lessons. Pet has probably never been as flustered as he is when one of his siblings is in his classroom. |
13,429 | 386 | 15 | 66 | 1,312 | Avertissement : Tentative légère d'incidences sur le viol.
Eric ailleurs...
Les garçons se sont rassemblés à l'extérieur de la porte de derrière d'où Eric sortait habituellement, l'un des greenies de première année avait fait un peu de traque pour découvrir l'itinéraire qu'il prenait tous les jours. À côté de la porte se trouvait une benne lourde que Joseph a fait bouger deux des jocks assez devant la porte pour que personne ne puisse la déplacer.
-- Alors Joe, qu'est-ce que tu vas lui faire? Alpha a demandé, son bras a plongé autour des épaules terrifiées de la deuxième année.
"J'allais juste le bousculer pour l'avertir de ne plus nous embêter."
Alpha a froncé, "Aww, tu vas juste le tabasser? Quel est le plaisir de frapper un professeur à moins qu'il ne grince. Si vous voulez l'humilier, c'est ce que vous devriez faire... »
La classe d'Eric...
La cloche sonna, la classe d'Eric soupirant à l'unisson alors qu'ils se précipitaient dans la chambre. Bien sûr, une minute avant, Eric avait mâché toute la classe à propos de se lever avant que la cloche sonne. Maintenant, c'était son tour de soupirer, assis à son bureau, il a eu une discussion rapide avec Nicole Brene, cette fille avait une bonne tête sur ses épaules quand il s'agissait de maths, et d'attendre que tous les étudiants terrifiés viennent à lui. Bien sûr, Eric n'a jamais été indulgent sur son classement, mais s'ils se levaient et lui demandaient de l'aide, il le leur donnerait aussi. Les enfants avaient besoin d'un courage sanglant! Alors pendant qu'il attendait, Eric a échangé entre les journaux, recueillant des problèmes qu'il pouvait utiliser pour le test de maths qui allait arriver.
2+4 cos 3/2x... Le professeur a regardé sa montre et s'est rendu compte que les heures de counseling étaient terminées. Pour voir si quelqu'un était là, il a glissé les pieds sur son bureau. Des souvenirs de l'heure du déjeuner tournaient dans sa tête. Les remarques dures que ce lâche homewrecker avait fait et la nouvelle découverte perverse du conseiller de l'Académie. Si lui et Jem n'ont enfreint aucune des règles, qu'ils n'ont enfreintes que quelques-unes, alors il aurait pu aller au conseil d'administration... en fait, probablement pas.
Après quelques minutes de plus, Eric s'assit, quelques-uns de ses papiers tombant sur le sol. Il gémit avant de squatter pour les ramasser. En plus de ces papiers, il a aussi besoin de ramener quelques-uns à la maison. Il y a eu une réunion le matin où il avait besoin des documents qu'il avait préparés, ainsi que des derniers quiz pour lesquels il avait besoin d'être noté. Enfonçant tout dans sa mallette, il a quitté sa classe, verrouillant la porte et vérifiant la poignée quelques fois avant de s'en aller. Eric a dû faire face une ou deux fois à des étudiants qui se sont introduits pour la clé de la réponse à l'un de ses examens. Tout ce qu'il avait à faire était de punir les auteurs et de faire un nouveau test, mais cela a pris beaucoup trop de son temps personnel.
Sans bavarder à partir de la cafétéria comme un déjeuner, les couloirs avaient un silence épouvantable qui n'était perturbé que par les interruptions périodiques de ses pas. Il n'avait rien prévu avec Jem aujourd'hui, ce qui signifiait qu'il passerait probablement le reste de sa nuit à classer, ou à nettoyer son frigo et à redresser sa cuisine pour la centième fois, n'importe quoi pour le garder occupé.
Il a atteint l'un des couloirs les plus éloignés où il a habituellement utilisé la porte de derrière pour quitter l'école. C'était une meilleure alternative que de passer par la porte d'entrée puisque sa voiture était toujours garée à l'arrière de la section des professeurs du parking. Mais Eric a été surpris de constater que la porte ne s'ouvrirait pas. La porte arrière n'était pas conçue pour avoir des fenêtres, donc même si la poignée se déplaçait assez facilement, il semblait que quelque chose était pressé contre elle de l'autre côté.
Puzzle et légèrement ennuyé, Eric a marché autour de l'école pour trouver une benne qui était généralement à quatre pieds de la porte pour être poussé devant elle. De toutes les choses ridicules et idiotes que ces hooligans pouvaient faire, à quoi bon faire...
Quelqu'un l'a frappé dans le dos par derrière, forçant son estomac contre le bord de la benne et lui frappant le vent. Sa mallette est allée glisser vers la droite et avant qu'il ne puisse réagir, quelqu'un a saisi son bras et l'a balancé autour d'eux pour les affronter. La force a incomfortablement frappé l'arrière de sa tête contre la benne, le bruit de la collision faisant sonner ses oreilles. Il y avait six étudiants. Certains d'entre eux semblaient plutôt musclés et probablement des athlètes de banc du département de football tandis que les autres ressemblaient juste aux fauteurs de troubles normaux, bien qu'ils aient tous l'air de pouvoir faire un coup de poing. Au milieu d'eux se tenait Joseph Lionade. L'étudiant qu'il avait si sévèrement puni, l'humiliant pour qu'il réalise l'erreur dans ses voies.
Avec un sourire amusé sur son visage, la deuxième année s'est levée et squatté devant Eric afin que lui et le professeur puissent voir à l'oeil, "Regardez ça! Notre fier professeur Walker ne peut même pas reprendre son souffle! » "Depuis le début de l'année scolaire, vous êtes vraiment sous ma peau, alors j'ai pensé que je vous ferais ressentir la même chose..." Oh, ne vous inquiétez pas, on ne vous énervera pas trop. Eh bien, si vous coopérez de toute façon."
Eric était toujours sous le choc du vent se faisant virer de lui et de la soudaineté de tout ça. Eric ne s'était pas battu comme ça depuis ses dernières années de collège, et même alors Jem a pris la tête. Son visage était devenu pâle de la douleur et ce n'est que lorsque Joseph a commencé à parler qu'il s'est réellement rendu compte de la situation. Les engrenages dans sa tête ont finalement commencé à se déplacer et avec une expression énervée, il a craché dans le visage de Joseph. Cussant son professeur, il s'est essuyé le visage et lui a fait signe. Eric a essayé de s'approcher de ses pieds, une main sur son estomac, seulement pour l'un des Jocks de jeter un bras au-dessus de son cou et de le tirer au sol, le fermant. Eric a laissé sortir une bouffée étranglée.
Les garçons se déplaçaient rapidement pour le retenir, l'un d'eux se déplaçant à la tête, tirant les mains vers le haut, tandis que deux des autres se penchaient sur chacune de ses jambes. Les réflexes traumatiques l'ont fait se battre pour tout ce qu'il valait, tout son corps tremblant. Joseph regarda d'un chemin loin avec un ronflement amusé pendant que les deux derniers garçons commencèrent à marcher. Des grimaces sur leur visage et... putain?! Ils avaient l'air heureux de le voir. Des salauds sadiques et malades! Il a lutté encore plus fort et le garçon qui tenait ses bras l'a hurlé au-dessus de la tête, mais pas trop dur.
Les étoiles volaient autour de ses yeux alors que l'un des garçons commençait à desserrer sa cravate et l'autre allait chercher sa ceinture. Tous les souvenirs traumatisants lui sont revenus, son corps s'est involontairement mis à transpirer et à trembler incontrôlablement. Ses souvenirs le poussaient hors de la réalité et se souvenaient du visage souriant et lubrique de sa belle-mère. Joseph s'est moqué, pensant qu'Eric avait abandonné.
C'est ce qu'Alpha lui avait dit de faire, même s'ils ne connaissaient pas le passé d'Eric. | Name:
Eric Neal Walker
Doesn't have one and don't give him one. At one point his friends from highschool called him, "Mother"
...They were never heard from again.
Called Professor Walker by his students.
Math Teacher
Eric is highly jaded to everyone, there is no "try" there is only "do." Why rest and relax when you can get work done? He is also a rather doting person, but he won't admit it. Someone forgets their lunch, he'll give them his and say to eat or they won't be able to work. He is usually yells a lot when he's frustrated and is never able to give proper compliments.
He doesn't even believe he has a child side. When he's by himself he ends up either cleaning the house, getting extra work done, or taking care of his cats. He really does care, but can't seem to express it to anyone but Jem, who he spoils exponentially. He's also an extreme animal person, they flock to him, and that's usually the easiest way to his heart. If animals run away from you, you might as well be dead to him.
Telling others about his problems? That just doesn't happen. If he ever did do it he would say it in the moment. He takes out his stress with work and cleaning so the more dedicated he seems to be, the more stressed he is.
He believes that girls are either cry babies or life suckers, trying to steal everything from their partner. He's never been with a woman and doesn't plan on it until he has to settle down.
Unknowingly homosexual, the only one he's actually loved is Jem, so he hasn't realized he doesn't like women.
When Eric was a young child, about eight years old, he was a mama's boy that loved feminine things. He always wrote cute poems to his mom and helped her out with the chores. A few weeks after he turned eight, Eric and his mother got into a nasty car crash. All Eric's memories up till then were either fuzzy or gone all together and Eric's mother died. The first year or so after the accident, Eric acted almost like a mindless zombie, his father doting on him all the time.
His father decided to get Eric a mother in order to help his son regain his sense of self. He hastily started dating and married a bride four months later that was still in college. She was what one would call a typical sorority girl that couldn't take care of a pet to save her life, much less a child. She leeched off of Eric's somewhat high class father and made him treat her like a princess.
It was his second year of middle school that everything went to hell. He body shot up compared to his fellow classmates almost overnight, growing to the height 5' 11" that he is now. His stepmother took notice of this and started taking an interest. The night of his 13th birthday, his stepmother molested and sexually assaulted him. It was the night he lost his virginity.
He had to keep it a secret from his family and life outside the house. Eric's stepmother had his father wrapped around her finger, there was no way for him to report this was happening. He was assaulted all throughout his middle school years and into his high school years. During Eric's freshman year, his stepmother thought it would be best for him to, 'gain some independence by living by yourself.' He was giving a certain amount of money each month and left to his own devices. Every now and again, his stepmother would come over to use him, further wrecking his mental state.
During middle school, Eric couldn't help notice Jem, his looks and charisma were staggering, even with his stubborn 'bad boy look.' What the boy needed was to become someone like him, someone that could take all the shit he was dealing with and learn to take care of himself. And so Jem didn't seem to interested in their friendship, but that's not how Eric saw it. The boy seemed to be pushing everyone away, trying to keep himself from getting hurt by them. If he did that to everyone, who did he have to lean on? So Eric did everything in his power to become that person, that strong determined friend who would never let you down. He didn't have time to worry about his own problems anymore, he only did what he could for the one he wanted to be best friends with.
Trying to become friends with Jem was no easy feat, he even tried out smoking to have some common ground. Somehow this routine stuck, much to Eric's lungs' and allowance's dismay. The more he realized he had been so used by his stepmother, the more jaded he got through the years. The only one he would connect to was Jem, and love was starting to blossom...
Jem found out during their sophomore year of high school. Eric felt like since Jem had cried his heart out to the him, he should do the same. No, he didn't let Jem do anything about it... but he was able to see the side of Jem he had always longed to see, and that was enough for him at the time.
Eric's last year of high school, his father and stepmother got a divorce. She had grown tired of being the lover of such an older man, and cut ties with the family. Eric couldn't be more relieved, but he was forever traumatized. There was no way he could have sex for enjoyment again or not start shaking if someone got to close to him.
-Losing Jem's friendship
-Making mistakes at work
-Never getting his feelings across
He stands at 5' 11" with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Eric weighs 156 pounds, he'll never admit it, but he usually only eats 2 meals a day. He's rather thin, but always covers his slim waist with an extra layer.
Work Attire:
He wears a crisp ironed suit without a vest everyday, only taking his jacket off in the summer. His hair is slicked back at school, though he can never seem to get all of his bangs to stay back. He doesn't need glasses, but in his first year of working, he wore fake frames.
Outside of Work:
He usually doesn't bother to mess with his hair and stays in a v-neck sweater and khakis when he goes out. At home he gets a lot lazier, wearing a t-shirt and shorts around with sandles and socks (Oh the horror!)
Eric lives with three cats, causing his apartment always to be messed up some way. It's a stress reliever to clean up and take care of them, so it's sort of a win-win situation at home. |
13,430 | 386 | 16 | 792 | 4,390 | Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés,
C'est un triste jour à l'école où la chose la plus mouvementée qui se passe est une rencontre aléatoire avec un collègue du personnel qui ne pouvait manifestement pas penser à quoi que ce soit de pire que d'être autour de lui, et pourtant c'était un parfait résumé de la journée de Nicolas. C'est triste. Ça n'a rien à voir. C'est ennuyant. Les étudiants se précipitent vers lui pour obtenir des conseils sur des sujets qu'il n'était malheureusement pas qualifié pour discuter, le reste du personnel du bureau sur son cas pour son long déjeuner encore une fois, et une réunion avec Eric qui les a laissés épuisés. Nicolas était reconnaissant d'avoir ce travail, toutes choses considérées étant donné la fin plutôt...dramatique de son dernier concert d'enseignement, mais c'était souvent un bilan sur son bien-être. La plupart du temps, ces enfants n'avaient pas besoin de conseils. Ils avaient besoin d'une éducation et d'une pointe de bon sens, ce qui ne faisait que dire à Nicolas que certains enseignants faisaient un mauvais service à leurs élèves.
Il n'a pas donné de noms, bien sûr. Pas pendant les heures d'école de toute façon.
Il a toujours étonné Nico à quelle vitesse l'école s'est vidée quand la cloche finale a sonné. Les élèves ont pris pour toujours aller de classe en classe et pourtant dès que le jour a été fait, ils étaient rentrés à la maison en un clin d'œil. Bien sûr, certains sont restés derrière pour des clubs ou des activités, mais c'était encore impressionnant comment les salles pouvaient être si immobiles. Si calme. Donc... sans vie. En fait, c'était plutôt sympa. Nico avait son dossier attaché en main alors qu'il quittait le bureau d'orientation avec un peu de printemps à son pas et un sifflet dans la tête. Ses pieds sont tombés dans le couloir vers la sortie jusqu'au parking du personnel.
Et il l'a presque fait sans incident.
Ce n'était pas un cri que Nico a entendu, mais un rire, et pas un rire de quelqu'un qui venait d'entendre une blague très intelligente, très racée, mais le rire de quelqu'un jusqu'à pas bon. Il a suivi ses oreilles et arrondi un coin seulement pour souhaiter avoir vu quelque chose d'autre. N'importe quoi d'autre. Six élèves font quelque chose de loin, bien pire qu'intimider une cible de loin, bien pire qu'un étudiant. Ça n'a pas l'air bien d'où il se tenait, mais ça n'aurait jamais l'air bien d'un angle quelconque.
"Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, les gars?" Nico a annoncé sa présence aux six avec le même genre de smugness occasionnel qui a constitué son attitude régulière. "L'équipe de pom-pom girls a rejeté les guerriers du banc? Ce n'est pas la faute de M. Walker, n'est-ce pas? Bien que je me demande ce que le coach dirait à ça? Il ne voudrait sûrement pas qu'un tas de... mécontents bousculent l'uniforme, encore moins réchauffer le banc. Ou peut-être devrais-je appeler la liaison de la police, voir quelle est l'accusation pour agression? Vous pourriez souhaiter être en détention alors. Deux options, les gars. Tu t'éloignes et on appelle tes parents comme des gens responsables... ou j'ai les bonnes autorités en ligne et ils appellent tes parents. Et je suis beaucoup plus cordiale au téléphone."
Nico a dû se retenir, la main qui ne tenait pas son affaire a été balancé dans un poing. Mais autant qu'il le voulait... il ne pouvait pas. Pas encore. | Nicolas Ishiguro
'Glass walls and waterfalls can't stop your light from reaching my eyes...'
Twenty Six
Guidance Counselor
If ever there was a competition for the most popular member of the staff as voted on by the student body, chances are Nicolas, Nico to the students, would rank quite high, if not take the title himself. Such is the effect he has on the students that a petition once went around demanding he be considered for Teacher of the Year. Nicolas takes the compliments in stride, seeing it is signs of him doing his job well. Students often come to him for advice, and more often than not the advice is not at all related to the academic side of school but rather...the social. Because of his charming, cool exterior and his flowery way of words, he's a prime source for students that need more useful advice...such as the right way to ask someone on a date or the perfect outfit to wear to prom.
Nicolas has a certain way about him that makes him easy to talk to and to his credit he either is a fantastic listener or has mastered the art of only hearing the important parts of someone's concerns. He's quite charismatic, helpful given his position among the staff, and he maintains a friendly rapport with his fellow staff...well...most of them. Some of the wiser ones have picked up on a few of his bad habits, such as how he's always taking personal calls unrelated to he never dresses like a professional ought to, and how on more than one occasions he's arrived to school being dropped off in different cars in the staff lot...and those are just the easily spotted ones.
Of course, the person Nicolas is during school hours doesn't necessarily carry over to after hours and the private life. Those that know him outside of school might not be so quick to use 'charming' to define him...they might well use 'manipulative' or 'heartless'...but one so popular with people can be squeaky clean, surely.
'Golden medals on my chest don't mean I deserve it...'
Nicolas is...a very loving sort.
Nicolas is a slender man but he carries it well due to his height. He's 5'10" and with unkempt black hair and piercing green eyes, he really makes his youthful look work for him. Some say that he's so popular with the students because he looks like he never really left his late teens and other than his deeper voice he'd probably be able to blend in with a certain crowd. He never dresses like a stuffy staff member, only busting out proper formal attire when he's attending functions such as dances or events he's roped into being a staff adviser for. His normal work attire is casual to the letter, with jeans - a little on the tight side on most days - and long sleeved shirts being the typical look he strives for.
His sense of fashion is more...laid back formal. It's not uncommon to find him at home on a weekend wearing no shirt and pants that might've been worn during the week already. It's not as if he's lazy or slovenly, it's just that he keeps things casual when it comes to dress as people that wear formal attire all the time tend to just be far too stuffy.
Looking at Nicolas now one would always assume he was the person he is today...but that would be grossly incorrect. In his youth, which is to say from middle school to high school, Nicolas was a lonely, quiet kid that was mocked by his grade school peers due to both his hobbies (which included building and collecting model kits and figurines from various media) and from not having a dad. Grade school bullies were so needlessly cruel and he was glad they didn't know what it was his mother did to pay the bills. Nicolas was raised by his mother who worked unsavory jobs for even more unsavory clients just to make sure that Nicolas didn't go hungry...even if that meant she was never around at night to tuck him in. Nicolas was so grateful to his mother that it became his way of thanking her by leaving a meal out for her for when she came home.
In high school Nicolas was still not the most popular sort, but managed to get through by hovering around people that he wouldn't exactly call friends but those who at least had similar interests. It was after a disastrous attempt to ask someone to prom - which was seen by an entire classroom - that Nicolas realized that simply being the weird quiet kid would lead to more rejection and dejection in his life. He traveled away from his hometown for higher education and, as so many do, when he returned an adult he had shed his past skin.
After graduation he lived with his mother for a handful of months. While he was away she worked more jobs within the same field she had tried so hard to get out of and the risks finally caught up with her. She contracted a disease and Nicolas wanted to make sure she was taken care of. Though she's sick, she seems to be hanging in there and improving, though she's retired and now has a nurse on retainer just in case.
Nicolas' upbringing could be a reason for why he's turned into such a charming, or is it manipulative, sort, but the only thing he chooses to focus on with regards to his past is that he's still, at heart, a mother's boy. He's since moved into his own place - by nature of it being easier than explaining to people he takes an interest in why he lived with his mother - and is enjoying the life he never did back when he was younger.
He's come to terms with the fact that his mother might not have that much long left, but he's still afraid of losing her seeing as how she was the most support he ever had in his life and it's difficult to lose that connection. Nicolas fears rejection, the incident in high school lingering still on his heart, which is perhaps why the tables have been turned in his adulthood. Less on the emotional side of the spectrum...but Nicolas also has a fear of heights. He keeps that one, as he does with much of his personality, close to the chest.
-He still collects figurines and his apartment has entire shelf space dedicated to them. He makes sure to keep the ones on display in the living area more family friendly for obvious reasons.
-Nicolas was actually fired from his last teaching job, but the reason why is known only to himself and the school district he left behind. |
13,431 | 387 | 0 | 2,794 | 1,719 | C'est le truc de l'IC où les messages de l'histoire vont. Habituellement, le(s) GM(s) affichera l'ouvreur à un jeu de rôle ici, bien que certains afficheront des choses comme la tradition et l'histoire, selon le sujet du jeu de rôle. | Name: Zmerr
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Race: Asura
Height: 3 7/8 ft
Weight: 72 lbs
Job/Class/Skills: Engineer
Choice weapon(s): Matching dual pistols with gilded silencers
Personality: Sarcastic and angry. This pint-sized firearms specialist has anger management issues atop a (only partially) mild Napoleon Complex.
Bio: Some really unfortunate stuff that's caused him to be shunned by his entire race. Blah blah blah. |
13,432 | 387 | 1 | 2,017 | 18 | Ok, je comprends cette partie. mais son essayer de trouver des jeux de rôle pour rejoindre est ce qui me frustrant Q~Q | ah okay. so I would need to do a character description before starting the roleplay |
13,433 | 388 | 0 | 2,279 | 355 | La Terre. Après plusieurs mois de voyage, il était finalement en vue. Pour la plupart des pierres précieuses à bord de votre navire, cet endroit a toujours été un mystère inquiétant. La seule chose que vous connaissez de la planète devant vous, c'est que quelque chose d'innommable s'est produit ici il y a des milliers d'années, une tragédie sans précédent avant ou depuis : la mort du plus aimé des quatre diamants, le diamant rose. Vous n'êtes probablement pas très bien informé sur la plupart des détails de la guerre qui a mené à sa mort, à part des noms importants comme le Quartz rose révolté, mais ce fait seul est plus que suffisant pour gagner à cette planète sa vile réputation parmi les pierres précieuses. Vous avez été envoyé ici dans le cadre d'une équipe de reconnaissance pour effectuer des diagnostics sur une arme géostationnaire, contrairement à ce que Homeworld a utilisé auparavant, le Cluster. À l'atterrissage, vos ordres sont d'utiliser l'équipement fourni pour atteindre le cœur de la Terre et de voir qu'il a été développé comme prévu, puis partir rapidement avant qu'il émerge. Si tout se passe comme prévu, cette arme éliminera enfin la Terre de l'existence.
Malheureusement, votre mission ne se déroule pas selon le plan. Soit en raison d'un bug non détecté avec la programmation du navire, soit en raison d'une erreur de navigation, votre pilote a perdu le contrôle du navire peu de temps après avoir pénétré sur son orbite et vous vous dirigez actuellement vers la surface de la Terre à une vitesse alarmante. Une voix informatisée sonne au-dessus du système de communication du vaisseau. Avertissement : Systèmes de résistance à la gravité hors ligne. Préparez-vous à l'impact. Un bruit de grondement terrible peut être entendu lorsque votre navire commence à prendre feu dans la basse atmosphère de la planète, vous approchez du sol à des vitesses capables d'endommager un bijou.
La Chromite qui avait été envoyée comme protection pour les pierres précieuses scientifiques a commencé à paniquer. "E-tout le monde se souvient de votre entraînement! Plongez et couvrez-vous!" Merde, est-ce que c'était de la merde et de la couverture ou de la merde sur le pont? Je ne suis probablement pas qualifié pour ça! "Howlite, y a-t-il quelque chose que tu puisses faire? Ce serait mieux si nous débarquions sur terre mouillée! » Chromite, bien sûr, était consciente que Howlite le savait déjà et était probablement déjà en train d'essayer de reprendre le contrôle du navire, mais dans cette situation, il devait être absolument sûr. Étant donné qu'elle a été conçue pour prendre de lourdes quantités de dommages, Chromite n'avait pas terriblement peur de ce que l'impact lui ferait, mais elle était terrifiée de l'idée de perdre n'importe lequel des joyaux qu'elle avait été envoyée là pour protéger. Chromite a lutté pour s'opposer à la force de traction de la Terre alors qu'elle a convoqué son bouclier et l'a placé sur le sol du navire, en mouvementant pour que tout bijou voisin vienne se cacher sous elle. J'espère que cela suffirait à empêcher que l'un d'entre eux ne se fasse piéger ou pire. Chromite prit alors ses propres conseils et s'accroupit les mains sur la tête. | Gem: Chromite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: N/A
Appearance: Chromite stands at around 5'10, with a build and physical appearance similar to Tanith from Fire Emblem, but with gray skin and hair. Chromite is generally covered head-to-toe in armor similar to a knight's. Her gem is located on her right shoulder blade.
Strength: I. Chromite isn't excessively strong, but she is a combat gem and can get the job done.
Defense: II. Chromite is primarily a defensive gem. Her armor and gem item can absorb significant amounts of damage, and she knows how to use both.
Combat Training: I. Chromite has received standard training as a gem soldier.
Items: A large, Spartan-style shield, her gem item. A long, thin lance. Her armor.
Backstory: Chromite's existence has mostly been a boring affair up to this point. Like all Chromites she was created to be a frontline defender but has rarely seen true combat, and has mostly only worked security jobs on various planets conquered by Homeworld. She was chosen, of course, to serve in a defensive capacity to her group.
Writing example: A not necessarily canon story about Chromite:
"Chromite reporting." The young gem stood at attention, straight as an arrow before her superior. After a few decades of training and two centuries working security jobs, Chromite had been stationed on the Earth to help fight the growing rebellion. Her nervousness was so palpable you'd practically get lightheaded just standing next to her.
The older chromite didn't rest on ceremony, she didn't even bother with so much as an "at ease." Hardened as she was, she'd suffered more than a few headaches since the war began, and she wasn't interested in wasting time or words. She looked her new soldier in the eye, her gaze like a corpse's: unreadable. "You won't be with us long. Fall in with the rest of them, chromite." If she weren't a gem, Chromite would be sweating. "YES, MA'AM!" she belts.
Chromite falls in with her squad. In spite of being the same type of gem, she doesn't blend in particularly well. She stands among other chromites in the ancient forest where they were instructed to meet up. The group includes several chromites of various colors and gem placements, those being bicep, eye, hand, and stomach, in addition to the commander's who had hers on her head.
The chromites head towards their "base," a small area where the trees and plantlife are especially thick, thereby providing cover and preventing their words from traveling very far. As they make their way there, a brown mass becomes visible not too far in the distance. The older chromites immediately raise their shields as a bear moves towards them. Chromite, caught off guard by this non-gem opponent, imitates the rest of her group only a second too late. The bear is on top of her just before she can bring her shield up. Even with her strength, Chromite has immense difficulty against the overwhelming force of the bear. She manages to keep it's mouth away from her face, but is repeatedly grazed by its claws. The squad leader puts her hand up as the other chromites lower their shields and prepare to help, allowing this to continue for a full minute. Finally, she draws the shortsword from the sheath at her hip and takes care of the animal, rolling its body off of Chromite as she does.
Chromite bolts up as soon as she overcomes the shock of the event. "I'm sor-" "Stop." The leader kneels down before Chromite has a chance to stand up, giving her yet another glare of death. "Listen up. Don't apologize- and no, this isn't a stupid 'Don't apologize, do better" lecture because right now you'd only fail at that too. What I want you to do is understand that being hard on you is the best thing I can do for you at this point. So I don't want your apology. A 'thank you' is what I just worked hard to earn." "T-thank y-" "Thank you's are cheap! You were so wound up that if that had been a group of Crystal Gems instead of some mindless Earth creature, you'd be dead, and all the time we spent reaching you would have been a complete waste! I trust that's over now."
Chromite had no idea how she was supposed to respond. She thought for a moment and realized that, as traumatic as that situation had been, she was quite lucid now, like the worst was already over. Gone was the constantly nagging fear that she'd do something wrong, or that she wasn't good enough, she'd already come face-to-face with the knowledge that she wasn't. "Yes, ma'am." she said calmly. "I'm glad we understand each other, see that it doesn't happen again." The older chromite stood up and joined the rest of the group. The chromite whose gem was located on her stomach gave Chromite her hand and dusted her off as she got up.
"Hey, I don't think the Paladin wants you doing that." the bicep chromite called. "It's fine." the leader responded. "Let her have someone to get her emotions on, spares us from having to deal with it. If she hasn't grown out of it by now, she never will."
Anything extra you'd like to add: N/A, at least for now. |
13,434 | 388 | 1 | 673 | 764 | Pierre de lune/Pearl
Avant même d'embarquer à bord de son navire, Pearl avait fait de son mieux pour étudier la Terre autant qu'elle le pouvait, tout comme elle a étudié les pierres de lune avant de se faire une pierre de lune. Malheureusement, l'information qu'elle a tirée était la même que tout le monde sur le navire savait déjà. Heureusement, personne sur le vaisseau ne soupçonnait qu'elle était une Perle... sauf pour un certain Larimar. Elle l'a en quelque sorte évité pendant tout ce voyage. Elle a réussi à garder l'illusion et le changement de forme. Ce n'était pas si dur.
Elle s'est tenue à l'attention lorsque le navire s'est approché de la Terre. Malheureusement, les choses ont commencé à mal tourner et le navire a commencé à faire un crash vers la Terre. Pearl, ou plutôt Moonstone, était également là pour protéger les pierres précieuses scientifiques. Elle a appelé les autres pierres précieuses après que Chromite a donné l'ordre à Duck and Cover, "Hit the Deck AND Duck and Cover! Dépêchez-vous!" Pearl a immédiatement fait sortir son boucleur et au-dessus de sa tête. Dès que Chromite convoqua son bouclier (qui était plus grand que le boucleur) Pearl se dirigea immédiatement vers sous le bouclier, tout en s'emparant et remorquant deux des plus petits joyaux scientifiques avec elle pour le dessous. Après cela, elle a relevé son propre bouclier de boucle afin de les protéger de tout endroit que le bouclier de Chromite n'aurait pas pu couvrir. | Name if your gem goes by a different name: Owl, Core
Appearance: She wears black helmet with an opaque visor which she uses to protect here 2 large light sensitive vision. It effectively has 5 cameras in it, that all dulled to a light level suitable for her 2 owlish eyes. The visor has 5 marks indicating the location of the cameras and they are synced up with her own eyes state, resulting in 5 expressive elliptical shapes on the visor. The visor can also display images instead of the eye marks to allow others to see data she has or emote in more absurd ways (,,).
A collection of straps over her chest and back secure a metallic backpack which can extend 4 claw tipped limbs. At the front the straps link to a ringlike device around her gem which is located at the center of her chest. She wears a pair of white gloves, turquoise shorts and blue wee booties. Her skin is gray-white in color, her upper arms and lower legs are covered in random dark markings/patterns. Her pale blue hair features a braid that comes out of the back of her helmet. She is about the same a height as a ruby or limb enhancer-less peridot.
Techno-Empathy II: She can link her mind with a device and ether operate it, read/write data at incredible speed or get an innate understanding of the device and what might be wrong with it. This only works through making contact with the device itself with her skin. The gloves stop her from interfacing with anything she touches and she can selectively activate link herself to devices using her additional limbs. This is done by making a wired connection from their extremities to her back.
Engineering II: capable of building and repairing gem tech level equipment so long as materials are available. This can be adapted to using earth tech if that is all which is available.
Weapon: Monkey wrench
BackPack: a small metal device on her back that features 4 extendable manipulator arms which end in 3 fingered claws. These are used either for climbing, transport or helping with work. The ending claws can mold themselves into variety of purposes that can be added to as needed. Currently these include welding torches, drills, circular saws, torches and light laser weapons. The arms can be combined to create larger versions of the end components or extend the limbs range(or sometimes both). Her Techno-Empathy works through these limbs if she wants it to.
Helmet: the visor on her helmet features 5 cameras that can provide ontop of normal darkened vision: thermal and night vision, flash suppression and a binocular function. The visor can also be used to display images or act like a flashlight. The helmet also contains a small computer and a bunch of memory for storing recordings and managing the camera/display systems.
These additional devices are practically a part of her due to being in constant contact with her skin.
Backstory: Howlites are a gem type created to work specifically with the ever increasing amount of homeworld automation. Their ability to interface with any piece of technology allows them to more easily diagnose problems with that device and then their engineering skills let them fix those problems. They can often be found on ships, either as pilots neurally plugged in pilots or as maintenance crews. This particular one is about 350 years old and currently acts as both for the vessel that has been sent to earth. She has experience in a lot of other postings over those 350 years as Howlites generally move around quite a lot, being sent wherever damage has or might occur. She is rather excited to have been trusted with her first job where she is the senior (and in this case only) Howlite working on a task.
Writing example: probably non canon
We see a forearm against a black background, crawling upon this arm are several small 8 legged things that a human might mistake for ticks or spiders. They might be rather disturbed that the owner of the arm had not tried to swat the intruders off of itself. The spiders appear to be clustered around a festering wound of some kind on the forearm of the limb, as if tearing into the flesh of a hapless victim.
As the scene pans in closure the odd coloring of the arm becomes more apparent and the spiders are shown to be 3 small humanoids with 4 extra metallic limbs extending from their backs with which they cling to the side of the ship. Accompanying them are a number of actual spidery looking machines all carrying boxes filled with various suplise. The 3 Howlites are diligently working on an area where some form of space debris has punched through the side of the ship while it was traveling through interstellar space near the former colony of earth. The team had just finished cooling of the site with foam, one shouts to the other two.
“We cooled it down enough on my side. I’m gonna investigate the obstruction”
A Howlite (that Steven might have) called busty, chesty, doc, papa smurf Core put her foam sprayer back on the cargo spider and then descended into the hole using her mechanical limbs, her visor lighting up the inside of the hole as she approached the foreign object. It appeared to have once consisted of a large dish of white material with a smaller metal part behind it that sported a bunch of stickin out antenna. Using a combination of sawing, melting and non regulation wrench smacking she began to remove the obstruction till she reached what appeared to be a storage compartment which gave her pause. It contained a bunch of gold plated disk that have instructions on how to read data of of them. While she really should dispose of them like the rest (they weren’t gem tech and where thus unimportant) she couldn’t help but wonder what was on them.
The instructions were easy to follow but needed air to transmit their sonic data, so she spent some time reading them all onto her helmet's internal memory. The results were fascinating, 90 minutes of pleasingly ordered sounds, images and sounds of an uncolonised world, what appeared to be 55 versions of the word hello and a description of the purpose of the disks. She had just begun analysing that last segment when the others grew confused by the lack of debris extraction and called down what was the trouble.
“What is taking so long”
Core excitedly ascended to the surface again now with the disks and handed them to them to (someone steven might call) Brains who was the eldest and incharge of the other two.
“So I was digging around and I found...”
She stopped as she saw Brains chucking the disks off into space after the rest of the obstructions material. The third Howlite, Cheek, was similarly uninterested in the odd devices and was rolling her eyes at core. Quite an impressive performance, as the marks indicating the location of her optics did a 360 spin while being rolled to indicate just how idiotic Cheek though Core was for doing this.
“Why did you” “I know you're new but you can't stop working just because you see something shiny, get back to it newborn” “But” “now!” “Yes. Of course. On it.”
The rest of the repairs went as standard, the obstruction was removed, wiring was resoldered/replaced and the hull sealed shut with new materials retrieved from the cargo spiders. It was as routine as ever but made slightly more interesting for Core by the soft rhythmic sounds she had read from the disks. |
13,435 | 388 | 2 | 1,527 | 470 | Ivy s'était distraite de son psammokinèse avant que le navire ne rencontre des problèmes. Elle avait vu la Terre au loin, les yeux larges dans l'admiration de la façon dont elle apparaissait. C'était bien mieux qu'elle n'aurait pu l'imaginer, mais il manquait la conception que beaucoup de colonies de la terre natale avaient. D'après ce qu'elle a pu rassembler avant de partir, ainsi que d'en discuter avec les autres pierres précieuses ici, c'était une colonie, n'est-ce pas? Elle s'est demandé ce qui s'était passé, comment un diamant aurait pu être brisé ici. Et le seul bijou qui l'a fait, un 'Rose Quartz', étaient-ils encore là? Ivy riait un peu à elle-même, secouant la tête à une telle question. Bien sûr qu'elle ne l'était pas, les Diamonds ont dû sentir que cet endroit n'était pas digne d'être une colonie de pierres précieuses, non? Ou peut-être que c'était trop de tracas.
Quelle que soit la raison pour laquelle cette planète était encore autour, et malgré son apparence, Ivy s'est agrippée aux possibilités, régénérant du sable de son joyau pour créer plusieurs petites sphères avant de les faire tourner dans un cercle au-dessus de sa main jusqu'à ce qu'il la frappe. Toute la raison pour laquelle ils étaient là était à cause du cluster, donc évidemment c'était la réponse à la raison pour laquelle la Terre existait encore.
C'est alors que le groupe est entré dans l'atmosphère et le navire a commencé à dysfonctionnement d'une certaine manière, ce qui a conduit l'ivoire à générer instinctivement assez de sable pour envelopper ses pieds afin qu'elle reste en place. Des problèmes déjà? Mais ils n'avaient même pas encore touché! Elle s'est tournée vers leur chef, qui a immédiatement crié "E-tout le monde se souvient de votre entraînement! Plongez et couvrez-vous!" avant de générer un bouclier, qui a ensuite été suivi par la pierre de lune les aidant. Comme c'est intelligent! Elle n'était pas sûre que ce serait utile, mais il ne semblait pas qu'ils avaient d'autres options pour le moment. Elle s'est déplacée vers eux, maintenant ses soutiens sur ses pieds quand elle est arrivée. Si seulement il y avait plus de sable sur le navire, elle aurait pu créer quelque chose comme une barrière de sable ou une bulle pour protéger tout le monde dedans. Mais il semble qu'elle doive compter sur ceux qui ont été désignés pour les protéger.
Sans dire qu'Ivory ne pouvait pas se supporter, elle était une perle conçue pour traverser des planètes et des territoires inconnus, mais c'était rassurant de savoir qu'ils seraient accompagnés de perles faites pour la protection. Et s'ils s'étaient écrasés et s'ils allaient bien, Ivy a juré qu'elle trouverait le chemin du Cluster... | Gem: Ivory
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Ivy
-I also have other outfits ready for when she ultimately poofs!
Psammokinesis: Psammokinesis, as shown in the picture, is the ability to control sand and is a crucial part of Ivory’s being. Further explained below.
- Alone, she can generate enough sand from her gemstone to create a weapon of her choice, though this is more often than not a single crescent sword. Or, if she chooses, the sand is used to create tools that she can use to fix various Homeworld tech, being more effective in this manner than with regular tools that Homeworld has created.
- Often, she can also use the sand as a means of transportation, enveloping her feet with the sand and simply directing it around instead of having to walk. Though, she doesn't really remember this.
-When in the presence of sandy areas, such as a beach or desert, things can get hectic. She has a decent control over sand, similar to Lapis, but not as strong as Lapis as she cannot drastically shift around the sand such as Lapis did with her water, along with creating clones and being relatively unstressed. More often than not, she’ll instead create temporary cover from attacks with the sand in these locations, or simply use them as a faster means of transportation by carrying her around. Or, she would simply create sand weapons or tools that are more intricate for herself to use. All of these creations, however, are just temporary solutions, as they will eventually collapse back down and resettle.
Items: More often than not, Ivory will attempt to create a surprisingly sturdy sword made of sand, however, she can change the weapon or tool so long as it isn’t extremely complex or long, as she requires more sand the more she wishes to add. So, she can create things like compact gauntlets, or substitute her sword for daggers, maybe a hammer or screwdriver, but since she isn’t used to such a concept nor has she tried, it’s out of the question.
Backstory: Ivory’s are created as one of homeworld’s pathfinders, meant to scout potential gem-worthy planets and see if the planet is a suitable gem colony location, along with being navigators in space and simple engineers. This makes them adept at exploring worlds and explaining various aspects that a planet can have, and more importantly, how or if it can be important to homeworld. This particular Ivory was chosen to help assist the group by finding a suitable location to land safely to check on the cluster, and if trouble were to occur to fix it. And while she has little to no real combat experience, she is more than eager to try and prove herself like Ivory’s before her.
Writing example:
Today was the day… Oh boy, today was the day. A sole Ivory gem had begun the long walk, or at least she felt it that way, from her current station towards the ship that would be departing for Earth soon. And, she was going to be on it! It was like a dream come true for her. Exploring new worlds was what an Ivory was made for, and while this one, or at least in the reports she read, wasn't particularly new, it was in terms of recent knowledge and she would get to see it firsthand. It was going to be an adventure, at least if the gems in charge would let her have one that is. In fact, she wasn't really sure who would be involved in this mission to check on the cluster, and all she knew was that they'd be useful in locating it, herself included. And, while that was somewhat scary, it was that tense feeling, that fear of failure, that made this entire situation memorable for her.
Lost in thoughts, Ivory had not been paying attention when she ran into one of the doors on her station, causing her to jolt backward from surprise, only to facepalm moments afterward at her own lack of awareness. "Shake it off Ivy... You got this, you'll be fine." She told herself, taking a couple moments to regain her composure as she opened the door, revealing an elevator esque design that would take her to the docking bay. As the door closed behind her, Ivy stared off into the beautiful abyss that was gem space, taking notes on the station design that she had seen a thousand times in her head. She definitely wanted to compare whatever Earth had with what Homeworld had, that was for sure.
And, in these moments, it let her look at her notes one last time of Earth. There wasn't much, really. This station had a lot of new gems on it, and those that had existed in Era 1 never really talked about Earth, or dared to for that matter. And those that did didn't have much to say except that it was an awful place, with awful things and awful actions... The only thing they ever agreed on, she learned, was that one of the Diamonds, one that existed before she existed, was shattered there on her own colony. Ivory was certain that, if maybe they had sent an Ivory to investigate the planet and solve issues, this wouldn't have happened. But, she supposed that was why she was being sent now, right? To keep the spirits up and stay positive, to remind them that the diamonds are counting on them, and to get some firsthand experience out on a foreign planet. Who knows, Ivory thought, maybe she'd get to explore an extremely new planet if she did well here! Ah, the thought just made her happy with anticipation to get praise. And if things went south, she was basically made to fix problems anyway so they'd be fine.
It didn't take her long to be snapped back into reality when the door opened in front of her, making a loud ding sound as it did so. Taking several deep breaths before exiting the elevator, she strode off to her destination, looking up at the gem who had been guarding the ship... It was most likely an amethyst or something, she didn't really know. Creating a diamond with her arms, as per custom, the seriousness faded from her face as she gave a confident smile at them instead.
"Ivory, reporting for duty. This... this is the right ship, isn't it?"
Anything extra you'd like to add: The diamond she was made to serve was White Diamond. |
13,436 | 388 | 3 | 1,483 | 1,596 | Aujourd'hui était le jour de Pyrite, le jour où elle va avec son équipe assignée à la planète fable, la Terre. Elle a toujours voulu en savoir plus sur la guerre révolutionnaire entre la terre natale et les joyaux rebelles. Du leader, Rose Quartz, en brisant l'une des autorités diamantaires aux victoires et aux différentes pierres précieuses brisées. Maintenant, elle allait enfin pouvoir voir le champ de bataille pour elle-même! Comme elle s'est alignée avec les autres, Pyrite a essayé de contenir son enthousiasme et de se concentrer sur faire ce qu'elle pouvait. Peut-être qu'elle pourrait récupérer un trésor de la Terre pendant qu'elle est là.
Plusieurs mois s'étaient écoulés..
Le navire a finalement atteint la mystérieuse planète bleue. Pyrite a aidé le reste de l'équipage, aidant principalement Howlite au pilotage. Avant qu'elle le sache, le vaisseau a commencé à dysfonctionnementer. Elle s'est ajustée pour s'empêcher de frapper le sol en réflexe. Le chef, Chromite et Moonstone, avait levé deux boucliers pour que l'équipage se cogne. Voyant et espérant que le pilote avait la situation sous contrôle, Goldie s'est couverte, s'étreignant les genoux et souhaitant un atterrissage en toute sécurité.
Jusqu'à présent, elle ne s'amusait pas autant qu'elle le pensait en ce moment. | Gem: Pearl
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Moonstone. May go by Luna later.
This is what Pearl looks like, disguised as a Moonstone. Her original appearance had lighter colored hair (blonde to platinum blonde) and blue eyes. Her gem is located on the naval. She has a thin, but slightly muscular build. She wears a black top that shows her naval and black pants with boots that allow for easy maneuverability.
-Shapeshifting (2 points) -- Like the Crystal Gems' Amethyst, this pearl is able to shape shift into other humanoid beings (like gems and humans), but still have the coloration of her gem and the gem over her naval. While she can hold a form that is not her own for longer than Amethyst could without breaking a sweat, she can't hold it forever.
-Illusions (2 points) -- She can conjure illusions. At the very least, this power allows her to cover what shapeshifting cannot: Her own color scheme and the appearance of her gem. At the most, she can conjure illusions of multiples of herself or an ally, or conjure an illusion of one or two humanoid beings that are not her or her friends. Similar to shapeshifting, she can hold an illusion up for a while, but she can't keep it up forever.
--She can summon a bow that generates its own arrows from her gem.
--She has a buckler shield and a shortsword as equipment.
Backstory: Pearl was once a servant for a noble gem of the Blue Diamond court. At first, she was like every other gem, quietly obeying orders and doing as she was told. However, her life changed when she saw a Ruby and a Sapphire fuse together, somehow defying what the Sapphire had predicted. After witnessing that event, she started questioning her purpose, her life, her own capabilities, even after they made it back to homeworld. Whenever she could, she soul searched and soon found she had the ability to change shape and create illusions. She kept all of this hidden, and as her capabilities grew, so did her desire to become something more than just a mere tool. She had the desire to serve to the utmost of her abilities. Simply opening doors and holding coats for nobles wasn't going to cut it for her anymore. She could sense she could do more and be more than just that, so that is what she intended to do. When her shapeshifting and her illusions had improved enough, she was able to leave shards, and make them appear as though she had been shattered. It wasn't surprising that the noble didn't seem to care and just simply replaced her with a different Pearl. She then managed to convince others that she was a Moonstone, and nobody had suspected otherwise. She had done her research and knew what was expected of a Moonstone. After going through training/skill assessment, she was able to prove herself and finally got a mission to Earth. She is still determined and looking forward to doing her best. Moonstones are known for being excellent combatants for their adaptability and cunning. They also make very good protectors.
Writing example:
Pearl thought to herself as she jumped out of the way of a giant fist that was aimed for her. She backflipped in mid-air, landing far from her opponent, before she charged once again. This time, instead of running straight ahead, she zigzagged, dodging the missile attacks that were aimed at her, and she managed to jump up the golem's arm. She ducked, bobbed, and weaved with the grace of a ballet dancer, soon reaching the head and destroying the faux gem that controlled the golem, with the short sword she was given. The golem fell, but the battle wasn't over yet. Pearl merely glanced to see that two more golems appeared behind her in the arena. One had fired a fist, but the fist only seemed to pass through her figure, as though she were nothing more than a mirage. Before the golems had even seemed to realize what happened, she had replaced her true self with an illusion, and had taken cover behind one of the obstacles, and fired two arrows at the faux gems.
The test seemed to go on forever, more golems replacing the ones that she had taken out. Just when she thought she had reached her limit and that she was going to fail, she heard the Agate's voice command, "Enough! The Assessment has been completed! Moonstone FA-56, report to the assignment chambers. Moonstone FA-57, report to the Assessment Center," Pearl braced herself mentally as she marched out of the small arena and into the waiting room with the other Moonstones who had completed the test. Of course the Diamonds would want the best of the best when it came to the Moonstones. That was why the test was here. Pearl was pretty sure that if the Diamonds knew that a Pearl was taking this test, they may not be too happy about it.
Soon enough, all of the Moonstones of her group had finished and they were all awaiting for their missions in line...assuming they passed and were good enough to have a mission to begin with. The Agate marched in front of them studying them as though she was reconsidering sending any of them on a mission. Soon she stopped in front of Pearl and Pearl took everything she had to make sure that she didn't show any sign of hesitation, only the stone cold face of a soldier ready for anything. The Agate stated, "You! FA-56. You will be attending the Chromite and her team to Earth, and making sure no harm comes to them. Do you understand?"
"Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!" Pearl answered the Agate, keeping her joy hidden. She had done it! She had passed the test and she was now able to go on a mission and truly prove herself once again! Not to mention that she was the first to get the mission...that had to say something about how well she did, right? The Agate gave other Moonstones their missions, while the rest, those who were left alone were sent back into training. Once they were dismissed and told to report to their mission leaders, Pearl obeyed. But as she marched, she couldn't help but discreetly smile to herself. Imagine how the Diamonds and the others would react if they heard that a simple Pearl had passed the test! They probably would shatter out of disbelief! ...Ok, that was a bit of an over exaggeration. But still, Pearl was proud of herself and she was motivated to keep on proving to herself that she is capable. That she is strong and intelligent. That she can do anything that she put her mind to.
Hope was going strong within her heart. But she knew better than to get careless. She would only be able to go on the mission, if everyone thought that she was a Moonstone, and not a Pearl.
Anything extra you'd like to add: As much as she would like to experience fusion someday, she is very wary of Fusing with other gems, because fusing might give away that she is not a Moonstone, but a Pearl. So chances of her fusing with another gem is very slim. |
13,437 | 388 | 4 | 175 | 3,684 | Marié
La Terre, une planète dont on n'a parlé qu'avec dédain. Apparemment, une Rose Quartz était devenue voyou et avait fait un acte innombrable, conduisant à une réaction un peu exagérée au nom du Diamond. Quoi qu'il en soit, la planète avait l'air bien différente de la planète Homeworld, et alors que leur mission était d'inspecter le Cluster, plus de choses pourraient être attendues sur cette planète.
Moldsvite, ou Mari comme elle préférait être appelé parce que 'Moldy' sonnait dégoûtant, était l'un des joyaux scientifiques principaux envoyés sur cette mission. Alors que le Cluster était la principale expérience à vérifier, Marry s'intéressait un peu à l'étrange écosystème de la planète bleue ci-dessous. Avant qu'elle ne puisse se lancer dans une profonde réflexion, les alarmes sonnaient alors que le navire commençait à perdre le contrôle. "Howlite, qu'est-ce qui se passe là-bas?" Marié a dit.
Tout comme leur entraînement avait dicté, Chromite et Moonstone étaient tous deux prêts à protéger les pierres précieuses qu'ils pouvaient. Sans perdre beaucoup de temps, Marry conjura son propre bouclier de tour et glissa gracieusement pour se cacher sous la paire. "Mon My! Sur une nouvelle planète et déjà les choses vont mal! Peut-être plus pour ces histoires que nous ne le pensions." Marié a dit avec un léger chanfrein. Howlite essayait au moins d'atténuer les forces d'écrasement que tous les joyaux expérimenteraient. | Gem: Moldsvite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Marry
Although she tends to have more of an 'always curious about everything' look on her face than the one in the picture.
Space-Time Manipulation : Marry can manipulate various parts of space-time, although only on a small scale.
Marry is able to create portals along her sight lines, joining two points of space. There can only be 2 portals open at a time.
Portals literally link two points in space, and preserve any forces of objects that go through them.
Portals are unaffected by things going through them and an unlimited amount of things can go through a portal pair.
A portal without a twin does nothing but look like a flat screen of light.
Portals can be created by firing extremely fast moving balls of light, placed on the front side of the Tower shield, or by touching an object.
Objects that are formed by touching an object can have a portal placed on the other side of the object, even if that is not in Marry's sight lines.
Portals formed from the balls of light can be opened in mid air or are automatically opened if they hit a solid non liquid surface. These balls can go through other portals with no issue.
Portals on a surface will move with that surface. If a portal on a surface has its surface destroyed, the portal closes.
Portals on surfaces remain open as long as Marry wants them to be, and Marry can close them at will even if she can't see them.
Portals opened in the air will close after a short period of time, Marry can close these ones prematurely as well.
Portals opened on or in a liquid count as if they were opened in the air.
Portal edges are clearly defined, and take on the solidity of what they're placed on. Caution must be taken with a set of portals in the air, as they have no solid edge to catch you.
Living objects will be forcibly ejected if a portal closes on them or a portal location changes, often at high speeds. Non living objects will be cut in half.
Teleportation: Marry can teleport herself a short distance along her sight lines regardless of portal locations or availability.
Levitation: Marry is unaffected by moderate gravity and can float freely in the air. She isn't very fast though.
Items: Tower Shield, Staff (Other weapon)
Backstory: Moldsvite, or Marry as she prefers to be called (Mostly because Moldy sounds icky) is a gem formed from a super dense meteorite. Due to her extremely high levels of intelligence, Marry was given a role as a scientist. A new type of gem, Marry was sent on an expedition team with a few other newborn gems to see how useful this new gem type could be to the Diamonds.
Writing example: Earth was a really interesting place. Wheverever you looked, there was evoltuion and change happening! Always more to learn, and humans learned quickly and adapted quickly. Even so, much like Homeworld, there was an air of dread around some of the bigger city centers for some reason. This thought didn't last too long, as Marry found a nice warehouse. "Oooh, new things!" She said, excited that this one was much bigger than the last one she visited. One thing about being on Earth, lots of abandoned places to search, humans weren't very optimal about space.
Digging through the various boxes in the warehouse, Marry found a few things that interested her. Sure most of them were either old electronics or plush dolls, but then anything could be used for some kind of experiment! Shame there weren't any books or anything. The library only had so many things for her to use and the internet, while nice, was sometimes wrong or didn't have any info about stuff she'd be interested in.
While there was lots of neat things to experiment with, she was there to get materials for the rest of the group. Placing what she could in a large crate, she opened a portal on a nearby wall to come pick it up later. Though considering how big and metal the crate was, Chromite would probably have to pick it up for her. Pleased with her haul, she glided out of the warehouse skylight and made her way to where her friends were waiting.
Maybe after repurposing this human tech, the misfit group of gems could find something like a gem temple or structure.
Anything extra you'd like to add: Just be careful, she might get a little Aperture Science sometimes. |
13,438 | 388 | 5 | 1,894 | 5,787 | C'était sa grande pause pour enfin être licencié de l'équipe avec Prima. Elle ne supportait pas à quel point l'autre Astrophilite était snob, et remerciait les diamants d'être hors de cette équipe. Qui se souciait si Prima était la plus âgée du groupe? Cette Astro elle-même était la plus jeune? Que l'Astro était le plus faible, et plus inacceptable à briser? Qui s'en souciait! Ils allaient sur une planète abandonnée par Homeworld. Néanmoins, il s'agissait d'un groupe composé de plusieurs types de pierres précieuses! Comme c'est inhabituel!
Il était temps pour elle de briller, et pas mieux que quand tout s'écroulait avec la résistance gravitationnelle. Ils sont maintenant en train de sombrer dans la terre, quel plaisir!
Elle a déplacé le pouvoir à sa manipulation de champ EM, se maintenant plantée au sol du navire. C'était la seule chose à laquelle elle était bonne, et sa maîtrise complète du pouvoir à un si jeune âge est ce qui l'a mise dans l'équipe avec Prima en premier lieu.
Ce ne serait pas suffisant, elle s'est dit. "Je peux nous protéger, mais vous devez être proches!" Elle a appelé les autres pierres précieuses du vaisseau. Ça pourrait à peine suffire à sauver leurs pierres précieuses, surtout les siennes. Elle détestait combien elle était faible et fragile, toujours avoir à utiliser activement ses champs pour protéger sa perle d'entrer en contact avec d'autres choses. Même sa fusion avec les autres Astrophylites a eu recours à son gemme spécifiquement.
Mais c'était le moment de briller. | Gem: Snowflake Obsidian
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Snowflake
Snowflake is a beanpole, by gem standards and by Snowflake Obsidian standards. Easily rivaling the height of the Rebellion Perma-Fusion Garnet, Snowflake is on the thinner side of life. Her thin and lithe body allows her to move rather impressively, despite her height.
Powers: Temperature Manipulation: For making areas as viable as possible, Snowflake Obsidians are able to control the temperature around them. This was especially useful when finding potential spots for new Kindergartens. On a technical level, this ability is friction manipulation at its bases state, only effecting the molecules in the air.
Snowflake is able to manipulate the temperature of the air around her at will. Not only being able to radiate her desired temperature, but she can change the temperature of her body, as well as change the temperature of "zones" around her. To a very small extent, this allows her to freeze things, generate ice, melt items, or even make things catch fire, but this requires a good deal of concentration.
Thermal Vision: Due to having no eyes, Snowflake has been equipped with thermal vision. This allows her to see, regardless of light level. After having lived so long with this special ability, Snowflake is barely effected by drastic changes in light and heat, though she can be forgetful, and simply not use her thermal vision, making her blind when focused on other things.
Items: Flame/Snow Thrower - Snowflake's summon, it works with her temperature manipulation to launch either snow/ice or fire.
Backstory: Snowflake was a fighter in the rebellion. She abandoned her post as a planet-scouter and ecological specialist to fight against the gems who conquered words and took them apart for their own selfish needs. Snowflake was already matured by the time she was stationed at earth, having been quite jaded with the procedure. All previous planets had simple, hardly sentient life. Earth showed her that organic life was something worth preserving, and joined Bismuth in leaving Homeworld to fight with Rose Quartz.
After the diappearance of Bismuth on a solo-mission, Snowflake decided to stay at her outpost with the others, protecting the warp pads that she was responsible for.
Writing example:
Anything extra you'd like to add:After living so long, Snowflake has become quite the wordsmith. She knows how to talk to people, and tries not to use her powers of word crafting and manipulation for evil. She only wants to help people and shield them from truths they aren't ready to know yet.
Gem: Astrophyllite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Astro
Powers: Electromagnetic field generation. The fields she can create are tiny and seemingly useless, especially when considering that they can only be generated around her body, but Astrophyllite has found a great use for them. She uses them for mobility, and combat, often generating a field in the place where an enemy will strike and lock the tool of the enemy there so they can't move or use it. Warning: do not use around radios, they have a tendency to block certain waves.
Items: Throwing Axe, summon.
Backstory: Astrophyllite was born with a softer gem than most of her kind, which, when paired with the others, was always spoken about, resulting in her fearing that one day it will break because of something simple and insignificant. She always followed her orders to the letter, more of fear from her diamond than actual respect, but did so nonetheless. One day, she was moved from her team to another team, still a young gemling (as the other Astrophyllites likes calling her), and she asked no questions about the movement.
Writing example: Astrophyllite, or simply Astro, as she called herself in privacy, had only ever broken the rules at one point in her two-hundred year life. It had happened one hundred and fifty six years ago, and she had taken a recorder and an unused log tablet for her own personal use. It had never garnered attention, but to this day, she always feared that someone was going to walk into her chambers and find the stolen equipment.
"Log. Erm, let's see now..." She muttered to herself, the recorder active as she spoke into the microphone end. "Sol two hundred, exact. Two hundred years after my creation." It wasn't really of any importance to her. The others didn't seem to celebrate annually, especially with pesky things like relativity, and she was created on a planet that followed a different cycle than homeworld, so there was that too. "The planet of my creation is still intact, barely. All of the natives had long since evacuated by now."
A faint knocking could be heard from the recording, but the knock was much louder in person. "Five Three Zero Nine, we have ten minutes to report. I expect to see you at the briefing platform in five, gemling."
"O-of course!" Astro nodded, though the figure could obviously not see through walls. "I will be there momentarily."
Without another sound from the other Astrophyllite, Astro sighed and put the log away, leaving just the recorder out. "I know I've stated it before, but it seems like Astrophyllite Seven Two Seven Three, or Prima, as she likes being called, has set up a rank for our little group. Maybe it makes a little more sense since we don't often fuse with one another like Rubies or others do, so there is no collaborative mindset, but I just wish that she stopped treating me like the lowest link in the chain." A soft breath escaped her lips, her hand reaching to the button on the recorder.
"Log over."
Anything extra you'd like to add: |
13,439 | 388 | 6 | 2,572 | 37 | Poireaux
Après sept mois de voyages spatiaux épuisants, PT a finalement regardé la planète qui était l'objectif de sa première mission de Homeworld. Elle se demande toujours pourquoi elle a été choisie pour rejoindre une équipe de reconnaissance sur cette étrange planète frontalière, mais elle n'allait pas se soucier d'interroger ses ordres. Plus tôt elle aura terminé cette mission, plus tôt elle pourra retourner aux archives sur le monde intérieur et ses compagnons de tourmalines. Être déconnectée des autres pendant si longtemps l'avait rendu un peu anesthésiante, mais elle s'était habituée à elle au cours du voyage de sept mois à cette étrange boule de terre. En outre, ce ne serait rien de plus qu'une simple mission au pire: Allez, trouvez toute l'information concernant «Le Cluster, sortez et retournez l'information dans le monde. PT a considéré qu'elle pourrait même obtenir un niveau d'accès plus élevé dans les archives si tout allait assez bien et elle a ramené assez d'informations importantes.
La seule chose qui l'a la plus touchée, c'est ce qui s'est passé sur cette planète il y a si longtemps pour la rendre si significative. Elle avait essayé de discuter du sujet dans les archives et elle n'a rencontré qu'un tourbillon de murmures tranquilles et de murmures rapidement pris en charge par les joyaux anciens de la région. Tout ce qu'elle a recueilli du bavardage, c'est que les noms Rose Diamond et Rose Quartz étaient au centre de la conversation avant qu'ils ne soient réduits au silence. Elle espérait découvrir quelque chose à propos de ces deux éléments tout en documentant toute information trouvée au sujet du cluster.
C'était le moindre de ses soucis vu que le navire s'était transformé en boule de feu fondue et est sur le point de s'écraser sur la planète à tout moment. L'ébranlement constant du navire a jeté la petite perle sur ses genoux alors qu'elle s'accrochait à la chose la plus proche pour éviter d'être jetée autour. Elle a entendu Chromite appeler "Tout le monde se souvient de votre entraînement! Plongez et couvrez-vous!" alors qu'elle tentait de se rendre au bunker des boucliers, les autres pierres précieuses se formaient avant l'impact. Elle était plutôt heureuse que le Moonstone ait réussi à l'attraper et à l'amener au groupe avant que tout ne s'aggrave. Elle se sentait plutôt inutile en ce moment comme tout ce qu'elle pouvait vraiment faire était d'accrocher le bijou dans sa poitrine et d'espérer le meilleur. | Gem: Paraiba Tourmaline
Name if your gem goes by a different name: PT or Peetee
Telepathy II. Paraiba Tourmaline is able to form connections with other sentient beings allowing them to communicate with each other without the need for any specialized equipment or vocal conversation. Any being in a connection with Tourmaline will either be fully aware of the link or feel a looming presence hanging over them for the duration. A link can only be established to those she can visibly see and any unaware connections will be broken once line of sight is lost. Also, anyone aware of the connection or aware of the looming presence can resist and end the connection if they wish. She can connect up to 6 other beings with anything further requiring her to enter a meditative state.
Telekinesis II. More of an offshoot of the telepathic abilities that come with all Paraiba Tourmalines, she is able to use her own will to manipulate objects in the immediate vicinity of herself. She can only levitate solid objects excluding herself and any break in concentration will cause what she is holding to plummet to the ground. The force can carrying a decent amount of weight but a person can break free if they resist hard enough. The more objects being controlled, the more strain is placed on the user letting them manipulate 5 objects at a time without exhausting themselves.
Items: Ball and chain, gem item.
Paraiba Tourmalines are created to serve as scribes and communications officers maintaining a massive archive of key information that has been gathered by homeworld over a countless number of years. Paraiba Tourmalines are often the most up to date when it comes to home world's most recent activities, thus some higher ranking gems have found value on granting them telepathic abilities in cases where typical communication methods were less than optimal. The age, experience, and circumstances determine how much each Paraiba Tourmaline is allowed to access, with the young often being viewed as inexperienced and unreliable within this group of gems. Since PT is a young gemling, there is quite a great deal she needs to achieve in order to earn the recognition of her fellow Paraiba Tourmalines and her superiors. Though not meant for hands on experiences, her first assignment is to aid a group of gems investigating something known as “The Cluster” and retrieving as much information as possible to be returned to homeworld. There may be very little data regarding this strange place known as ‘Earth’, but PT will do her best to make sure this mission is successful.
“What?...wait...this can't possibly be right…” The gemling muttered as she continued to furiously search through the archive for anything relating to a project referred to as “The Cluster”. Thousands of research projects, military reports, and transmissions flew across her screen, but not a single one related to the focus of her next mission. The best she could retrieve was documents describing the natives of the planet as well as some of their strange customs and rituals. They proved interesting enough for a brief reading, but this was the worst time for her to be distracted by such useless information.
“How can I be of any help if I can't provide any useful information to my team? They probably just dumped me on here cause I’m still so young...” An expression of disappointment and irritation came onto the green gems face as she tried in vain to probe deeper into the archive. She was always meet with the same response as before: a variety of messages reminding her that the level of access was far too low granting her only a few hundred years into the past at best.
The gem looked on the verge of either giving up or throwing her console into the nearest wall until she ripped her hands from the machine crossing them in her lap and hanging her head low looking straight into the ground. One of her many superiors came walking through the hall with one of the more recently promoted Paraiba Tourmalines a few paces behind her. She assumed her superior was returning her fellow Tourmaline to the archive as it was common once their constant stream of information was no longer necessary, but PT would never dare ask this in person.
Judging from the look of disgust upon her superiors face, PT assumed the topic of their private conversation shifted to herself as they both stared for a few seconds without muttering a single word to acknowledge her presence before walking on. She would have felt terrible from all the tension in the air had it not been for her fellow Tourmaline making a slight waving motion towards her while trying to remain in character in front of their boss. The two had been initiates for quite some time together, and PT couldn't help but feel happy her friend had finally been accepted into the core group within the archive.
The young gem spent the few moments she was disconnected from her console wondering why gems in the hierarchy often had such disdain for each other. The Paraiba Tourmalines used this ranking system as a means to determine the overall experience a gem yet others used it to determine general worth. She had encountered some of the elder tourmaline casually talking to superiors about myths from the past while others wouldn't dare whisper in the same scenario. Once the two had passed by her station, PT remembered she had a objective to achieve and resumed her futile search on this strange planet known as “Earth”.
Anything extra you'd like to add: |
13,440 | 388 | 7 | 2,452 | 1,973 | Larimar
Une fois que Larimar a entendu Chromite parler et dire quelque chose le long des lignes de canard et couvrir ou frapper le pont, il forme rapidement une petite bulle transparente et s'accroche fermement à la bouffée de squishy sachant qu'ils flottent avant de regarder en arrière et d'envoyer l'un aux autres pierres précieuses afin qu'ils ne s'enfoncent pas au fond de l'océan. Il a regardé autour d'une fois de plus le navire pour s'assurer que tout le monde avait une bulle par eux pour la sécurité. "Pendez-les si nécessaire, ils devraient être assez forts pour vous garder à flot si vous faites impact avec l'eau, mais si cela va pour le pire, puis utilisez-les pour avoir quelque chose pour briser votre chute si nous nous heurtons avec la surface de la planète," Larimar lui ordonne d'une manière douce et aimable, " Chromite une fois que nous débarquons la permission de repérer la surface pour quelque part sûr et caché de toutes les formes de vie pour installer temporairement le camp et commencer notre travail?"
Larimar a regardé autour du navire en étudiant tout le monde essayant de trouver des surnoms pour eux en fonction de leur apparence car il connaît déjà l'un des joyaux ici qui est un de ses amis proches, qui il était assis à côté du navire et surnommé sa Lune. Il l'a rencontrée pour la première fois il y a un moment, mais à ce moment-là, elle n'était pas Pearl Moonstone, de toute façon, ça n'a pas d'importance pour lui. Il est juste prêt à atterrir et à revoir la surface.
La surface... Ces mots ont commencé à tourner autour de sa tête après qu'il ait commencé à y penser bien qu'il ait été sur de nombreuses planètes avec son noble et elles étaient toutes si différentes l'une de l'autre, ce qui le rend encore plus curieux de voir ce que la surface de cette planète voudrait ou même si elle a une surface. Et si cette planète n'a pas de terre?! Il pense qu'il commence à paniquer légèrement parce que cela signifierait qu'il n'aurait aucune idée de ce qu'il doit faire et qu'il serait forcé d'utiliser ses capacités pour être en mesure d'être sa mission correctement. | Gem:
"I'm a Larimar, What type of gem are you new friend?"
Name if your gem goes by a different name:
"Hi! Everyone calls me Bubbles! I don't know why.... me oh well I guess"
"I am not the best looking gem. But I am proud of my appearance"
Bubble Manipulation(Active): User can create, shape and manipulate bubbles.
Thought Bubble Constructs(Passive): User can use their own thought bubbles in a real, tangible situation. They could be used like balloons for transportation, generating platforms, comfort and various other uses.
Enhanced Speed(Unknown): User has the ability to ran faster then the average speed of their species and if strong enough can temporary slow time due to how fast they are movie but this would have side effects on the user, for example, distorting their appearance slightly or paralysing certain actions
An Axe, like the one in the picture. And an eyesight enhancer has well to help see smaller details in objects.
"What this silly thing? It's nothing that great"
Larimars are formed to be like messengers or scouts, many pretty hard to come by since they have such a picky genetic makeup so they are most of the time given to noble warlords like gems for them to send them out to planets to find and receive information on topics like vegetation, other life forms, and geography. This Larimar has only done very few scouting jobs and is under the care of a Blue Quartz who is a defective Quartz soldier.
He doesn't know much his Blue Quartz but she is very pretty and pretty mean to him a lot but does show him kindness sometimes whenever he does all of his jobs currently for that day, and when she first got home she was a new noble gem and he got the sit on her lap as she talked to him and answered questions about everything. At the time she wore a really pretty flowing icy blue dress that has a diagonal cut going from the mid thigh to the ground. He would actually try to talk to her normally about normal things like how his eyesight teacher would bug out sometimes when he is near the peridots while they are working.
Writing example:
Larimar calmly walks around the halls of the ship trying to get to the pilot's quarters to speak with them about an update that has appeared in the DNA result from a lab test on a rock fragment though he does and up slipping a few times due to the little amount of traction that he as under his feet. "PERMISSION TO SPEAK SIR!" he yells really loudly has he bursts through the door breathing heavily.
He slowly raises his head and salutes his higher ranking gems. "I have news on the umm latest samples from the Lapis Lazuli dispatch who came back from their latest terraforming exhibition pretty beat up by same of the preexisting lifeforms that you already know of and they have brought back data stating that are capabilities to form at least a minimum of kindergartens sadly with unpredictable outcomes on the gems that would be formed. Most likely if we do go down that route there will be a good number of defective gems." He then closes his eyes preparing to be yelled which he did this time for stepping out of time and barging into a conference meeting with nobles from a diamond.
Larimar sighs as he stands out in the hall after he got yelled at before slowly walking to his courtiers to get some rest and to wait for his next "mission" or whatever. At this point, he could care less about people randomly calling him Bubbles he could turn his thoughts into platforms. Has he was walking one of the thoughts actually turned into a platform and he walks into it face first. Larimar sighs and climbs over it before continuing down the halls on the ship, the floor tiles lighting up when he steps on it. "I guess the Peridots finally got the new floor tiles to work... they are kinda cool I guess," he says to myself before sighing and pushing the button to go into his room wich was about the size of a closet and filled with random plant life and a little creek flowing through it and he had a hammock hanging from the ceiling that he installed him self-using random stuff he finds while scouting planets.
Anything extra you'd like to add:
-Though it's not traditional he does like to zone out of the physical realm into a realm of mystery and has the ability to do whatever and think of whatever freely and somehow when he comes to he feels refreshed
Enhydro Agate
^^Before Corruption, but replace the stars with diamonds^^
After corruption, their eyes became a solid navy blue colour which fades into a lighter shade has you go towards where the iris would be. Their Gem placement is on the upper back part of their neck in an eye shape format vertically.
-Water Absorption: The user can absorb water in all its forms from the atmosphere, bodies of water or living creatures, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
-Hydroboration: The user can teleport via water, merging into a body of water of any size and appearing anywhere else from the same element.
-Summoning: The user can transport person, creature, or object of choice by means of Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner, but for Hydro he must he his brush like a wand to summon things.
- A large paint brush with black and dark brown pointed bristles and a thick wooden handle the tapers down into the rounded end.
Disclaimer: This will be told in first person story mode.
Everything was black. Practically nothing, but then there was something, there was me, bursting out of this ocean floor only the sit there for a bit until someone else came along with this bright light and pulled me out from the hole from where I formed from. I was emotionless, I was nothing but a newly formed Enhydro Agate. Once they pulled be to the surface from the ocean I was formed in I looked up at the sky in curiosity since it was in a reddish purple hue and the large white star was right above my head. The gem who was in a yellowish tone and who was the one that carried me to the surface seemed to be angry yet they were gentle while they had carried me. I didn't say anything to this gem, of course, I just sat on the platform that they placed me on gas they discussed something with another gem, their voices were hushed as if trying to hide something. One of their voices were static and broken up while the other's were more pronounced and had a harsh tone to it.
I, on the other hand, stayed quiet staring down at my feet has a large mass slinked through the water before seeming to burst out of the water and spiral in the air, it scales shining in the starlight and it's tail whipped around. It looked at me for a split second before colliding with the water surface causing a large splash. The platform then grew a large bubble around it shielding it from the splash before the bubble hardened at the platform I was sitting on apparently began moving.
I turned around to look at the pilot curiously still not saying a word to the other gem. I looked them up and down noticing a zig-zag shape on their back. They seemed to have styled their hair in twin buns that were slightly triangular shaped like two rounded cones on their head.
I watched them stir the ship unable to see my surroundings through the small clear area that was in front of the piloting gem. I slowly got up and moved towards the gem has something had hit the bottom of the platform ship and grabbed onto it, it's sharp breath poked holes into the ship causing water to rush in. I was on the ground again this time on my hands and knees
The ship rumbled before a large beeping and wheezing sound came from the ship only to find the yellow zig-zag gemstone on the ground and a large whole in the haul of the shield around the platform with a large pointing rock inside.
I stayed where I was just staring at it emotionlessly and confused. I gathered the strength to crawl over to the zig zag gemstone find out that it had cracks at all corners almost completely through it. I lead against the control panel wall holding onto the cracked broken zig zag gemstone not knowing who they were or if they were any importance to me what so ever. So, I just sat there holding onto it listening to everything going on around me emotionlessly.
"Emotionless," The one word they could muster out of their throat into their mouth and slip past their lips and into the cold dry air has the temperature around them slowly dropped, and large sharp ice crystal formed from the ceiling. I sat there watching it happen while holding onto that zig-zag gemstone not letting it go has I slowly closed my eyes blacking out completely has they went into hibernation for 200 years.
When I came to there were small fish inside the ship and lots of aquatic flora growing everywhere and the small fish just swam around and through it happily. I slowly got up disturbing another lifeform to wake up from its slumber who seemed to be a much smaller version of the first lifeform I saw on this planet. I slowly swam to the surface of the water out of the platform ship with the zig-zag gem now tucked away in a pocket for safe keeping. I looked around for a bit before deciding to try and climb up onto the large rock formation that the platform ship crashed into, once at the top, I looked out over the large immense mass of water which seemed to be what this planet was primarily made up of.
I watched as the white star sank into the ocean sending flashes of green and blue into the sky before it slowly became nighttime and the oceans lit up in brilliant bioluminescent colours which seemed to ripple through the whole ocean. The sky now was a deep dark shade of red of red with thousands and millions of pin picks which were other stars and planets. While I stared up at the night sky a saw another planet come into view, I could visibly see the swirls of gases move across its surface and see small flashes of light that I can only assume were small explosions caused by colliding material in those swirls of gases and what not.
Enhydro Agate closes their eyes as they take their hands off of the ship controls preparing their self for a crash landing into the planet's ocean. They brace them self for impact by taking a deep breath in and crossed their forearms over their eyes. The small round blue-ish ship crashed into the water causing a huge splash before bobbing with the water a bit and sinking to the bottom of the ocean with our gem still inside poofed away from their physical existence.
EnHydro Agate slowly reforms on a rocky beach his appearance now different from before. He growls before softly sighing as they look around the planet then look back at the ship they stole thinking if they should stay or not. They lean against the ship and slides down it before closing their eyes feeling the warmth of the yellow star beat down on them while trying to think straight after all that had just happened. They groan softly before getting up and walking over to a nearby abandoned building that was built into the structure of a cave like formation. They look around a bit before slowly creaking open the door and pokes his head in and looks around the inside a bit before walking back out.
Enhydro Agate sits down on one of the rocks and stares out in the ocean watching the waves hit to rocks causing the salty water to spray onto them. They lay back on the rock feel the warm sunshine hit their skin. They lay there for a while before getting up and walking back over to the old house and looks up at it from ground level. "Well if I'm gonna stay. I guess I should fix this place up a bit," He says has he forms his paintbrush and begins to summon pieces and objects to help him fix the house.
It took him 5 years to hook up the wiring and place everything in the correct place to the point that he had his own base completely compatible with gem tech and the human tech, which they ended up getting from the neighbouring town. Though through this period of time they slowly became more and more corrupted due to the lack of positive interaction with other gems and the foul memories that were imprinted on them at the beginning of their creation.
-Semi-corrupted, this means that a part of them is gone but they still have control over their self and can act freely and accordingly to their own wants and needs but if they are to interact with gems and cause negative memories and feeling to back they can loose control of themselves before going full corrupted
-If you were to look this gem up in the database you would find only find one of them. If you were to try to go into their file you would find nothing but a keypad asking for a code so you could see what was left of his information.
-he works with the humans in the nearby city helping them with simple things like fixing their electricity after a bad storm and helping to plan and build new buildings |
13,441 | 388 | 8 | 2,002 | 2,686 | Chyrosparse
Chyrosparse a été rempli d'excitation pour leur nouvelle mission. Après des années de tâches stupides comme la garde d'une porte ou le travail d'analyse de routine sur certaines des planètes du monde intérieur, il a finalement eu une chance de mettre son nom dans les journaux, pour être membre d'un groupe pour vérifier une géoarme du monde intérieur de proportions massives. C'était vraiment un honneur pour le jeune bijou.
Ce que Sparse ne savait pas, c'est à quel point la balade serait ennuyeuse. La plupart des autres gemmes semblaient un peu coincées par ce que Sparse pouvait rassembler, mais en toute honnêteté, elle ne s'en souciait pas. Elle voulait juste faire quelque chose d'assez remarquable pour être au moins mentionnée par certains de ses hauts sommets. Cette opportunité se révélera bientôt au fur et à mesure que le navire commencera à s'écraser et à sombrer vers la planète bleue et verte.
Alors que la plupart des pierres précieuses se sont écroulées, Sparse a couru pour regarder l'une des fenêtres des navires et regarder l'image réelle de la planète se rapprocher rapidement et de plus en plus.
"Ça n'a pas l'air bien!" il a dit avec une légère mélodie à leur voix qui trahit leur excitation de la situation. | Gem: Chryosparse
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Sparse
(II)Strength: Sparse is a lot stronger than they look, being on par with the likes of Jaspers and Amethysts.
(I)Endurance: While not very excessive, Sparse’s endurance is slightly better than most gems.
(I)Spin Attack: Much like most Quartzs, Chryosparse can curl her body up into a ball and ram into enemies at great speeds. NOTE: As of the beginning of the RP Sparse won’t have this power but will later develop it as she goes on.
Items: The Gem Analysis Device allows the gem wearing it to analyze any gem within half a kilometer via conscious thought (it won’t just scan anyone willy nilly). The device is mounted on the side of a gem’s head and displays a holographic readout of what their looking at. The colour of the the holographic display changes to that of it’s wearer., Gladiatorial Scissor
Backstory: Sparse was an unwanted, but not unwelcome, creation in her experimental Kindergarten of X-21-12-08. Scientist there were attempting to create stronger soldiers for their army via the Quartz line of gems. This experimentation resulted in numerous failures often times simply creating ‘dud’ gems or already known gems such as Jaspers or Rose Quartzs. Sparse was one of these mundane mistakes. Chryosparse weren’t regularly made due to their history of ‘not getting much bang for your buck’ so to speak. They require more resources than most Jaspers but are about on par with them in terms of combat capabilities (not to mention their diminished height), making them a waste to create. After being created Sparse was assigned to various odd jobs around the Homeworld colonies until their first major assignment fifty years later. Sparse was to be accompanying a group of gems to check on the Cluster, a Homeworld super weapon, as a bit of extra muscle should they need it.
Writing example: A brief sample of your character doing a thing, to give an insight on both your style as well as how your characters acts and reacts. 3-5 paragraphs preferable. Can be as a drabble or an RP.
Anything extra you'd like to add: |
13,442 | 388 | 9 | 2,279 | 355 | Le navire a continué à sombrer vers la Terre, maintenant ralenti en raison des efforts de Howlite. Le système antigravité s'est remis en marche pendant un bref moment mais est finalement devenu non-fonctionnel. Maintenant que le navire était en position verticale plutôt qu'horizontale, la résistance au vent a également contribué à ralentir sa descente.
Chromite était très soulagé de voir qu'il y avait un autre défenseur fiable sous la forme de Moonstone, qui avait réussi à tirer Paraiba Tourmaline à la sécurité, et que les autres pierres précieuses à bord étaient généralement sensibles à son ordre de chercher couverture. L'ivoire était l'une des pierres précieuses mieux positionnées étant collée au sol avec son sable. Pyrite, aussi, a aidé à assurer Chromite avec sa réponse rapide.
Je suis terriblement désolé, le scientifique en chef Moldsvite. Quelque chose a dû mal tourner avec le vaisseau. S'il vous plaît essayez de rester en sécurité sous votre bouclier jusqu'à ce que nous atteignions le sol. Chromite a dit.
Si Chromite avait un cœur, il aurait probablement sauté un battement à voir Chryosparse regarder par la fenêtre sans considération apparente pour le danger imminent. "Chryosparae, que faites-vous dans l'univers?! Astro, Larimar, s'il vous plaît concentrez votre attention sur les protéger si vous le pouvez! Je peux répondre à toutes vos questions plus tard!.
Avec n'importe quelle chance, les deux pierres précieuses qui avaient offert d'utiliser leurs capacités pour aider les autres seraient capables d'agir rapidement, parce que le navire s'est écrasé environ quatre secondes après qu'elle eut fait sa demande. Heureusement, Howlite avait réussi à les diriger vers une zone marécageuse. Ils ont atterri avec un grand SPLOOSH et le navire a fait simultanément des vagues et laissé un cratère important. La force a été suffisamment réduite pour que même les pierres précieuses plus douces à bord ne soient pas en danger de dommages permanents, mais la force a jeté Chromite vers le haut si dur que son corps dur est entré dans le plafond du navire.
Après tout, Chromite a parlé du bruit des courants électriques des fils lâches et d'un petit feu qui avait commencé. Tout le monde, rapport de situation! L'un d'entre vous est blessé? Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider à descendre? | Gem: Chromite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: N/A
Appearance: Chromite stands at around 5'10, with a build and physical appearance similar to Tanith from Fire Emblem, but with gray skin and hair. Chromite is generally covered head-to-toe in armor similar to a knight's. Her gem is located on her right shoulder blade.
Strength: I. Chromite isn't excessively strong, but she is a combat gem and can get the job done.
Defense: II. Chromite is primarily a defensive gem. Her armor and gem item can absorb significant amounts of damage, and she knows how to use both.
Combat Training: I. Chromite has received standard training as a gem soldier.
Items: A large, Spartan-style shield, her gem item. A long, thin lance. Her armor.
Backstory: Chromite's existence has mostly been a boring affair up to this point. Like all Chromites she was created to be a frontline defender but has rarely seen true combat, and has mostly only worked security jobs on various planets conquered by Homeworld. She was chosen, of course, to serve in a defensive capacity to her group.
Writing example: A not necessarily canon story about Chromite:
"Chromite reporting." The young gem stood at attention, straight as an arrow before her superior. After a few decades of training and two centuries working security jobs, Chromite had been stationed on the Earth to help fight the growing rebellion. Her nervousness was so palpable you'd practically get lightheaded just standing next to her.
The older chromite didn't rest on ceremony, she didn't even bother with so much as an "at ease." Hardened as she was, she'd suffered more than a few headaches since the war began, and she wasn't interested in wasting time or words. She looked her new soldier in the eye, her gaze like a corpse's: unreadable. "You won't be with us long. Fall in with the rest of them, chromite." If she weren't a gem, Chromite would be sweating. "YES, MA'AM!" she belts.
Chromite falls in with her squad. In spite of being the same type of gem, she doesn't blend in particularly well. She stands among other chromites in the ancient forest where they were instructed to meet up. The group includes several chromites of various colors and gem placements, those being bicep, eye, hand, and stomach, in addition to the commander's who had hers on her head.
The chromites head towards their "base," a small area where the trees and plantlife are especially thick, thereby providing cover and preventing their words from traveling very far. As they make their way there, a brown mass becomes visible not too far in the distance. The older chromites immediately raise their shields as a bear moves towards them. Chromite, caught off guard by this non-gem opponent, imitates the rest of her group only a second too late. The bear is on top of her just before she can bring her shield up. Even with her strength, Chromite has immense difficulty against the overwhelming force of the bear. She manages to keep it's mouth away from her face, but is repeatedly grazed by its claws. The squad leader puts her hand up as the other chromites lower their shields and prepare to help, allowing this to continue for a full minute. Finally, she draws the shortsword from the sheath at her hip and takes care of the animal, rolling its body off of Chromite as she does.
Chromite bolts up as soon as she overcomes the shock of the event. "I'm sor-" "Stop." The leader kneels down before Chromite has a chance to stand up, giving her yet another glare of death. "Listen up. Don't apologize- and no, this isn't a stupid 'Don't apologize, do better" lecture because right now you'd only fail at that too. What I want you to do is understand that being hard on you is the best thing I can do for you at this point. So I don't want your apology. A 'thank you' is what I just worked hard to earn." "T-thank y-" "Thank you's are cheap! You were so wound up that if that had been a group of Crystal Gems instead of some mindless Earth creature, you'd be dead, and all the time we spent reaching you would have been a complete waste! I trust that's over now."
Chromite had no idea how she was supposed to respond. She thought for a moment and realized that, as traumatic as that situation had been, she was quite lucid now, like the worst was already over. Gone was the constantly nagging fear that she'd do something wrong, or that she wasn't good enough, she'd already come face-to-face with the knowledge that she wasn't. "Yes, ma'am." she said calmly. "I'm glad we understand each other, see that it doesn't happen again." The older chromite stood up and joined the rest of the group. The chromite whose gem was located on her stomach gave Chromite her hand and dusted her off as she got up.
"Hey, I don't think the Paladin wants you doing that." the bicep chromite called. "It's fine." the leader responded. "Let her have someone to get her emotions on, spares us from having to deal with it. If she hasn't grown out of it by now, she never will."
Anything extra you'd like to add: N/A, at least for now. |
13,443 | 388 | 10 | 673 | 764 | Howlite
Elle a crié en réponse à Mariy alors qu'elle essayait de trouver un endroit où atterrir. Elle a été faite un repaire quelques instants plus tard, quand l'un des réacteurs a pu être entendu exploser quelque part derrière eux.
Elle avait visé l'océan, mais ils l'ont dépassé de quelques kilomètres. Donc elle a cherché un lac, mais ils l'ont manqué aussi. Au bout du compte, le navire devait atterrir dans une tourbière. Elle espérait que ce serait suffisant.
Les ciels au-dessus du marais où illuminé comme le navire blessait vers le sol, comme le poing vengeur brûlant d'un dieu en colère il descendit, à peine manquant une formation rocheuse. Il plongea dans la boue sous un angle peu profond, perçant la rondelle avant de s'arrêter dans le cratère qu'elle avait créé, un sentier de destruction laissé dans son sillage. La zone environnante a ensuite été inondée par des morceaux brûlants de débris qui avaient brisé le navire pendant la rentrée.
À l'intérieur de Howlite, la liaison avec le navire est partie, il a rattrapé un peu, mais plus ou moins intact. Elle secoua la tête pour l'éclaircir, s'éloigna temporairement de son esprit les millions de problèmes que le navire lui criait dessus et souleva ses petits bras en triomphe.
"Wooo"! Embrasse-moi la gravité des fesses! Nous sommes vivants!
C'est à ce moment-là qu'elle a pris conscience de la plupart des problèmes plus locaux avec le navire, à savoir le fait qu'il était, dans les endroits, en feu et il y avait aussi un bijou intégré dans le plafond demandant une mise à jour du statut. Ah, c'est ça. Elle a traversé et systématiquement éteint toutes les alarmes, a obtenu les 2 drones restants pour commencer à mettre les feux à l'arrière du navire et a recueilli ses pensées avant de rapporter:
Statut du navire: Nous ne retirons jamais cette chose du sol à moins que nous ne trouvions des remplacements ou des composants pour fondamentalement tous les systèmes. L'antigravité est complètement frite, les 2 réacteurs principaux ont fondu vers le bas, la coque est pleine de trous, de communications, de navigation et de ftl ont été cuits avec les réacteurs. Fondamentalement, la seule chose qui nous reste est la puissance de réserve, c'est pourquoi les lumières sont toujours allumées et, remarquablement, tout ce qu'il y avait dans la soute à cargaison.
Elle a terminé, puis a ajouté nonchalamment.
Et je vais bien aussi. | Name if your gem goes by a different name: Owl, Core
Appearance: She wears black helmet with an opaque visor which she uses to protect here 2 large light sensitive vision. It effectively has 5 cameras in it, that all dulled to a light level suitable for her 2 owlish eyes. The visor has 5 marks indicating the location of the cameras and they are synced up with her own eyes state, resulting in 5 expressive elliptical shapes on the visor. The visor can also display images instead of the eye marks to allow others to see data she has or emote in more absurd ways (,,).
A collection of straps over her chest and back secure a metallic backpack which can extend 4 claw tipped limbs. At the front the straps link to a ringlike device around her gem which is located at the center of her chest. She wears a pair of white gloves, turquoise shorts and blue wee booties. Her skin is gray-white in color, her upper arms and lower legs are covered in random dark markings/patterns. Her pale blue hair features a braid that comes out of the back of her helmet. She is about the same a height as a ruby or limb enhancer-less peridot.
Techno-Empathy II: She can link her mind with a device and ether operate it, read/write data at incredible speed or get an innate understanding of the device and what might be wrong with it. This only works through making contact with the device itself with her skin. The gloves stop her from interfacing with anything she touches and she can selectively activate link herself to devices using her additional limbs. This is done by making a wired connection from their extremities to her back.
Engineering II: capable of building and repairing gem tech level equipment so long as materials are available. This can be adapted to using earth tech if that is all which is available.
Weapon: Monkey wrench
BackPack: a small metal device on her back that features 4 extendable manipulator arms which end in 3 fingered claws. These are used either for climbing, transport or helping with work. The ending claws can mold themselves into variety of purposes that can be added to as needed. Currently these include welding torches, drills, circular saws, torches and light laser weapons. The arms can be combined to create larger versions of the end components or extend the limbs range(or sometimes both). Her Techno-Empathy works through these limbs if she wants it to.
Helmet: the visor on her helmet features 5 cameras that can provide ontop of normal darkened vision: thermal and night vision, flash suppression and a binocular function. The visor can also be used to display images or act like a flashlight. The helmet also contains a small computer and a bunch of memory for storing recordings and managing the camera/display systems.
These additional devices are practically a part of her due to being in constant contact with her skin.
Backstory: Howlites are a gem type created to work specifically with the ever increasing amount of homeworld automation. Their ability to interface with any piece of technology allows them to more easily diagnose problems with that device and then their engineering skills let them fix those problems. They can often be found on ships, either as pilots neurally plugged in pilots or as maintenance crews. This particular one is about 350 years old and currently acts as both for the vessel that has been sent to earth. She has experience in a lot of other postings over those 350 years as Howlites generally move around quite a lot, being sent wherever damage has or might occur. She is rather excited to have been trusted with her first job where she is the senior (and in this case only) Howlite working on a task.
Writing example: probably non canon
We see a forearm against a black background, crawling upon this arm are several small 8 legged things that a human might mistake for ticks or spiders. They might be rather disturbed that the owner of the arm had not tried to swat the intruders off of itself. The spiders appear to be clustered around a festering wound of some kind on the forearm of the limb, as if tearing into the flesh of a hapless victim.
As the scene pans in closure the odd coloring of the arm becomes more apparent and the spiders are shown to be 3 small humanoids with 4 extra metallic limbs extending from their backs with which they cling to the side of the ship. Accompanying them are a number of actual spidery looking machines all carrying boxes filled with various suplise. The 3 Howlites are diligently working on an area where some form of space debris has punched through the side of the ship while it was traveling through interstellar space near the former colony of earth. The team had just finished cooling of the site with foam, one shouts to the other two.
“We cooled it down enough on my side. I’m gonna investigate the obstruction”
A Howlite (that Steven might have) called busty, chesty, doc, papa smurf Core put her foam sprayer back on the cargo spider and then descended into the hole using her mechanical limbs, her visor lighting up the inside of the hole as she approached the foreign object. It appeared to have once consisted of a large dish of white material with a smaller metal part behind it that sported a bunch of stickin out antenna. Using a combination of sawing, melting and non regulation wrench smacking she began to remove the obstruction till she reached what appeared to be a storage compartment which gave her pause. It contained a bunch of gold plated disk that have instructions on how to read data of of them. While she really should dispose of them like the rest (they weren’t gem tech and where thus unimportant) she couldn’t help but wonder what was on them.
The instructions were easy to follow but needed air to transmit their sonic data, so she spent some time reading them all onto her helmet's internal memory. The results were fascinating, 90 minutes of pleasingly ordered sounds, images and sounds of an uncolonised world, what appeared to be 55 versions of the word hello and a description of the purpose of the disks. She had just begun analysing that last segment when the others grew confused by the lack of debris extraction and called down what was the trouble.
“What is taking so long”
Core excitedly ascended to the surface again now with the disks and handed them to them to (someone steven might call) Brains who was the eldest and incharge of the other two.
“So I was digging around and I found...”
She stopped as she saw Brains chucking the disks off into space after the rest of the obstructions material. The third Howlite, Cheek, was similarly uninterested in the odd devices and was rolling her eyes at core. Quite an impressive performance, as the marks indicating the location of her optics did a 360 spin while being rolled to indicate just how idiotic Cheek though Core was for doing this.
“Why did you” “I know you're new but you can't stop working just because you see something shiny, get back to it newborn” “But” “now!” “Yes. Of course. On it.”
The rest of the repairs went as standard, the obstruction was removed, wiring was resoldered/replaced and the hull sealed shut with new materials retrieved from the cargo spiders. It was as routine as ever but made slightly more interesting for Core by the soft rhythmic sounds she had read from the disks. |
13,444 | 388 | 11 | 1,483 | 1,596 | Ils étaient vivants.
Goldie ne pouvait pas comprendre ce qui venait de se passer, mais ils étaient vivants! Elle s'est lentement levée, s'est retirée de l'atterrissage. "Hah...hahahahaha...yAHAHAHAHAAAAR!" Pyrite riait dans la joie, "Nous l'avons fait!" Elle a serré le bijou le plus proche par elle. Elle s'est tournée vers le statut d'Howlite sur le vaisseau. Pyrite pensa une seconde avant de répondre: «Hm, la gravité doit être si forte. J'ai entendu dire que les êtres qui résident ici sur Terre ont leurs propres avions. Si nous pouvions d'une manière ou d'une autre mettre la main sur une partie, serait-ce un substituant approprié?"
Les yeux de Pyrite s'allongent pour regarder les dégâts et prennent note du petit feu, puis elle utilise sa pyrokinesis pour recueillir la flamme et la transformer en une petite boule. "Jackpot. Maintenant, comment allons-nous? Elle a commencé à le dire avant de prendre Chromite coincée sur le toit. Goldie a ronflé avant de la chercher. "Haha, attendez le capitaine, ça pourrait prendre un peu." | Gem: Pearl
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Moonstone. May go by Luna later.
This is what Pearl looks like, disguised as a Moonstone. Her original appearance had lighter colored hair (blonde to platinum blonde) and blue eyes. Her gem is located on the naval. She has a thin, but slightly muscular build. She wears a black top that shows her naval and black pants with boots that allow for easy maneuverability.
-Shapeshifting (2 points) -- Like the Crystal Gems' Amethyst, this pearl is able to shape shift into other humanoid beings (like gems and humans), but still have the coloration of her gem and the gem over her naval. While she can hold a form that is not her own for longer than Amethyst could without breaking a sweat, she can't hold it forever.
-Illusions (2 points) -- She can conjure illusions. At the very least, this power allows her to cover what shapeshifting cannot: Her own color scheme and the appearance of her gem. At the most, she can conjure illusions of multiples of herself or an ally, or conjure an illusion of one or two humanoid beings that are not her or her friends. Similar to shapeshifting, she can hold an illusion up for a while, but she can't keep it up forever.
--She can summon a bow that generates its own arrows from her gem.
--She has a buckler shield and a shortsword as equipment.
Backstory: Pearl was once a servant for a noble gem of the Blue Diamond court. At first, she was like every other gem, quietly obeying orders and doing as she was told. However, her life changed when she saw a Ruby and a Sapphire fuse together, somehow defying what the Sapphire had predicted. After witnessing that event, she started questioning her purpose, her life, her own capabilities, even after they made it back to homeworld. Whenever she could, she soul searched and soon found she had the ability to change shape and create illusions. She kept all of this hidden, and as her capabilities grew, so did her desire to become something more than just a mere tool. She had the desire to serve to the utmost of her abilities. Simply opening doors and holding coats for nobles wasn't going to cut it for her anymore. She could sense she could do more and be more than just that, so that is what she intended to do. When her shapeshifting and her illusions had improved enough, she was able to leave shards, and make them appear as though she had been shattered. It wasn't surprising that the noble didn't seem to care and just simply replaced her with a different Pearl. She then managed to convince others that she was a Moonstone, and nobody had suspected otherwise. She had done her research and knew what was expected of a Moonstone. After going through training/skill assessment, she was able to prove herself and finally got a mission to Earth. She is still determined and looking forward to doing her best. Moonstones are known for being excellent combatants for their adaptability and cunning. They also make very good protectors.
Writing example:
Pearl thought to herself as she jumped out of the way of a giant fist that was aimed for her. She backflipped in mid-air, landing far from her opponent, before she charged once again. This time, instead of running straight ahead, she zigzagged, dodging the missile attacks that were aimed at her, and she managed to jump up the golem's arm. She ducked, bobbed, and weaved with the grace of a ballet dancer, soon reaching the head and destroying the faux gem that controlled the golem, with the short sword she was given. The golem fell, but the battle wasn't over yet. Pearl merely glanced to see that two more golems appeared behind her in the arena. One had fired a fist, but the fist only seemed to pass through her figure, as though she were nothing more than a mirage. Before the golems had even seemed to realize what happened, she had replaced her true self with an illusion, and had taken cover behind one of the obstacles, and fired two arrows at the faux gems.
The test seemed to go on forever, more golems replacing the ones that she had taken out. Just when she thought she had reached her limit and that she was going to fail, she heard the Agate's voice command, "Enough! The Assessment has been completed! Moonstone FA-56, report to the assignment chambers. Moonstone FA-57, report to the Assessment Center," Pearl braced herself mentally as she marched out of the small arena and into the waiting room with the other Moonstones who had completed the test. Of course the Diamonds would want the best of the best when it came to the Moonstones. That was why the test was here. Pearl was pretty sure that if the Diamonds knew that a Pearl was taking this test, they may not be too happy about it.
Soon enough, all of the Moonstones of her group had finished and they were all awaiting for their missions in line...assuming they passed and were good enough to have a mission to begin with. The Agate marched in front of them studying them as though she was reconsidering sending any of them on a mission. Soon she stopped in front of Pearl and Pearl took everything she had to make sure that she didn't show any sign of hesitation, only the stone cold face of a soldier ready for anything. The Agate stated, "You! FA-56. You will be attending the Chromite and her team to Earth, and making sure no harm comes to them. Do you understand?"
"Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!" Pearl answered the Agate, keeping her joy hidden. She had done it! She had passed the test and she was now able to go on a mission and truly prove herself once again! Not to mention that she was the first to get the mission...that had to say something about how well she did, right? The Agate gave other Moonstones their missions, while the rest, those who were left alone were sent back into training. Once they were dismissed and told to report to their mission leaders, Pearl obeyed. But as she marched, she couldn't help but discreetly smile to herself. Imagine how the Diamonds and the others would react if they heard that a simple Pearl had passed the test! They probably would shatter out of disbelief! ...Ok, that was a bit of an over exaggeration. But still, Pearl was proud of herself and she was motivated to keep on proving to herself that she is capable. That she is strong and intelligent. That she can do anything that she put her mind to.
Hope was going strong within her heart. But she knew better than to get careless. She would only be able to go on the mission, if everyone thought that she was a Moonstone, and not a Pearl.
Anything extra you'd like to add: As much as she would like to experience fusion someday, she is very wary of Fusing with other gems, because fusing might give away that she is not a Moonstone, but a Pearl. So chances of her fusing with another gem is very slim. |
13,445 | 388 | 12 | 175 | 3,684 | Pierre de lune/Pearl
Pearl a facilement remarqué la bulle que Larimar avait convoquée par les autres pierres précieuses, et elle ne lui a donné qu'un bref coup d'œil avant de tourner son attention sur la Chyrosparse qui était follement montée à la fenêtre! Elle s'est dégonflée et a appelé "Chryosparse! Éloignez-vous de là, maintenant! C'est dangereux!" Ils ont entendu la déclaration de la gemme et elle ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de se demander si cette gemme avait perdu leurs marbres. Après une secousse et la chaleur à venir, Pearl a été rappelée de la situation et elle s'est préparée, se rappelant les simulations et l'entraînement. Elle a appelé tout le monde alors que le bateau s'est écrasé "Bracez-vous tout le monde! Impact au 3...2.....1...!"
Bien sûr, l'impact est venu, et Pearl a tenu son sol, ou plutôt agenouillé, et protégé Paraiba Tourmaline et sa perle de l'impact.
Une fois qu'ils ont atterri, Pearl s'est levé et a répondu Chromite "Nous sommes bien ici!" avant qu'elle n'arpente la région. Il y avait de l'eau... le navire était dans des détritus, et en feu. Howlite et Pyrite riaient. Eh bien, c'était à prévoir. Cela aurait pu être une situation de mort imminente pour les pierres précieuses non combattantes. Elle a regardé pour voir que Chromite était coincée dans le plafond. Après que Pyrite eut pris soin de l'incendie, elle commença à atteindre Chromite. Avec un simple rouleau de ses yeux, Pearl a tout simplement sauté, utilisant les épaules de Pyrite comme un coup de pouce, pour atteindre Chromite. Elle a utilisé l'épée qu'elle a dû couper aux parties les plus faibles du métal avec une grande précision et rapidité, tout en prenant soin de ne pas blesser ou poof Chromite. Après son arrivée, elle regarda Chromite et dit: "Vous devriez pouvoir vous retirer maintenant. Mais faites attention de ne pas vous blesser!»
Après avoir entendu l'analyse d'Hoplite sur le statut du navire, Pearl a appelé : « Nous ne pouvons pas rester ici. Qui sait quand ce vaisseau va s'effondrer sur nous? Nous devons bouger maintenant," | Gem: Moldsvite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Marry
Although she tends to have more of an 'always curious about everything' look on her face than the one in the picture.
Space-Time Manipulation : Marry can manipulate various parts of space-time, although only on a small scale.
Marry is able to create portals along her sight lines, joining two points of space. There can only be 2 portals open at a time.
Portals literally link two points in space, and preserve any forces of objects that go through them.
Portals are unaffected by things going through them and an unlimited amount of things can go through a portal pair.
A portal without a twin does nothing but look like a flat screen of light.
Portals can be created by firing extremely fast moving balls of light, placed on the front side of the Tower shield, or by touching an object.
Objects that are formed by touching an object can have a portal placed on the other side of the object, even if that is not in Marry's sight lines.
Portals formed from the balls of light can be opened in mid air or are automatically opened if they hit a solid non liquid surface. These balls can go through other portals with no issue.
Portals on a surface will move with that surface. If a portal on a surface has its surface destroyed, the portal closes.
Portals on surfaces remain open as long as Marry wants them to be, and Marry can close them at will even if she can't see them.
Portals opened in the air will close after a short period of time, Marry can close these ones prematurely as well.
Portals opened on or in a liquid count as if they were opened in the air.
Portal edges are clearly defined, and take on the solidity of what they're placed on. Caution must be taken with a set of portals in the air, as they have no solid edge to catch you.
Living objects will be forcibly ejected if a portal closes on them or a portal location changes, often at high speeds. Non living objects will be cut in half.
Teleportation: Marry can teleport herself a short distance along her sight lines regardless of portal locations or availability.
Levitation: Marry is unaffected by moderate gravity and can float freely in the air. She isn't very fast though.
Items: Tower Shield, Staff (Other weapon)
Backstory: Moldsvite, or Marry as she prefers to be called (Mostly because Moldy sounds icky) is a gem formed from a super dense meteorite. Due to her extremely high levels of intelligence, Marry was given a role as a scientist. A new type of gem, Marry was sent on an expedition team with a few other newborn gems to see how useful this new gem type could be to the Diamonds.
Writing example: Earth was a really interesting place. Wheverever you looked, there was evoltuion and change happening! Always more to learn, and humans learned quickly and adapted quickly. Even so, much like Homeworld, there was an air of dread around some of the bigger city centers for some reason. This thought didn't last too long, as Marry found a nice warehouse. "Oooh, new things!" She said, excited that this one was much bigger than the last one she visited. One thing about being on Earth, lots of abandoned places to search, humans weren't very optimal about space.
Digging through the various boxes in the warehouse, Marry found a few things that interested her. Sure most of them were either old electronics or plush dolls, but then anything could be used for some kind of experiment! Shame there weren't any books or anything. The library only had so many things for her to use and the internet, while nice, was sometimes wrong or didn't have any info about stuff she'd be interested in.
While there was lots of neat things to experiment with, she was there to get materials for the rest of the group. Placing what she could in a large crate, she opened a portal on a nearby wall to come pick it up later. Though considering how big and metal the crate was, Chromite would probably have to pick it up for her. Pleased with her haul, she glided out of the warehouse skylight and made her way to where her friends were waiting.
Maybe after repurposing this human tech, the misfit group of gems could find something like a gem temple or structure.
Anything extra you'd like to add: Just be careful, she might get a little Aperture Science sometimes. |
13,446 | 388 | 13 | 2,452 | 1,973 | Larimar
Une fois que le navire s'est écrasé, Larimar a tiré par une fenêtre qui s'est brisée, ce qui l'a fait perdre connaissance et ses bulles ont éclaté en envoyant un petit boom. Il a lentement coulé au fond du plancher d'eau de Javel qui était d'environ 30 pieds et au moins 10 pieds loin de l'accident. Larimar s'y est allongée un peu avant de se réveiller et de shooter à la surface et de chercher frénétiquement n'importe qui.
"Je vais bien... Je pense... qu'un peu dismbobulé et perdu en ce moment." Larimar dit qu'il flotte à la surface avant d'appeler une de ses pensées à être une plate-forme et monte dessus et regarde autour, "il devrait y avoir un vieux temple là-bas.
La technologie serait probablement assez basique, mais on l'a réparée. Et intigratr une partie de notre propre utilisation de la substance peut sauver du navire."
Il soupire doucement avant de se faire un chemin vers la ligne de rivage. Une fois terminé hie a marché à travers il en s'assurant que ceux derrière lui wouls disparaissent. Quand il regarde autour du groupe et pointe dans la direction du temple qu'il a mentionné a enchanteur de vue hus se concentre sur elle. | Gem:
"I'm a Larimar, What type of gem are you new friend?"
Name if your gem goes by a different name:
"Hi! Everyone calls me Bubbles! I don't know why.... me oh well I guess"
"I am not the best looking gem. But I am proud of my appearance"
Bubble Manipulation(Active): User can create, shape and manipulate bubbles.
Thought Bubble Constructs(Passive): User can use their own thought bubbles in a real, tangible situation. They could be used like balloons for transportation, generating platforms, comfort and various other uses.
Enhanced Speed(Unknown): User has the ability to ran faster then the average speed of their species and if strong enough can temporary slow time due to how fast they are movie but this would have side effects on the user, for example, distorting their appearance slightly or paralysing certain actions
An Axe, like the one in the picture. And an eyesight enhancer has well to help see smaller details in objects.
"What this silly thing? It's nothing that great"
Larimars are formed to be like messengers or scouts, many pretty hard to come by since they have such a picky genetic makeup so they are most of the time given to noble warlords like gems for them to send them out to planets to find and receive information on topics like vegetation, other life forms, and geography. This Larimar has only done very few scouting jobs and is under the care of a Blue Quartz who is a defective Quartz soldier.
He doesn't know much his Blue Quartz but she is very pretty and pretty mean to him a lot but does show him kindness sometimes whenever he does all of his jobs currently for that day, and when she first got home she was a new noble gem and he got the sit on her lap as she talked to him and answered questions about everything. At the time she wore a really pretty flowing icy blue dress that has a diagonal cut going from the mid thigh to the ground. He would actually try to talk to her normally about normal things like how his eyesight teacher would bug out sometimes when he is near the peridots while they are working.
Writing example:
Larimar calmly walks around the halls of the ship trying to get to the pilot's quarters to speak with them about an update that has appeared in the DNA result from a lab test on a rock fragment though he does and up slipping a few times due to the little amount of traction that he as under his feet. "PERMISSION TO SPEAK SIR!" he yells really loudly has he bursts through the door breathing heavily.
He slowly raises his head and salutes his higher ranking gems. "I have news on the umm latest samples from the Lapis Lazuli dispatch who came back from their latest terraforming exhibition pretty beat up by same of the preexisting lifeforms that you already know of and they have brought back data stating that are capabilities to form at least a minimum of kindergartens sadly with unpredictable outcomes on the gems that would be formed. Most likely if we do go down that route there will be a good number of defective gems." He then closes his eyes preparing to be yelled which he did this time for stepping out of time and barging into a conference meeting with nobles from a diamond.
Larimar sighs as he stands out in the hall after he got yelled at before slowly walking to his courtiers to get some rest and to wait for his next "mission" or whatever. At this point, he could care less about people randomly calling him Bubbles he could turn his thoughts into platforms. Has he was walking one of the thoughts actually turned into a platform and he walks into it face first. Larimar sighs and climbs over it before continuing down the halls on the ship, the floor tiles lighting up when he steps on it. "I guess the Peridots finally got the new floor tiles to work... they are kinda cool I guess," he says to myself before sighing and pushing the button to go into his room wich was about the size of a closet and filled with random plant life and a little creek flowing through it and he had a hammock hanging from the ceiling that he installed him self-using random stuff he finds while scouting planets.
Anything extra you'd like to add:
-Though it's not traditional he does like to zone out of the physical realm into a realm of mystery and has the ability to do whatever and think of whatever freely and somehow when he comes to he feels refreshed
Enhydro Agate
^^Before Corruption, but replace the stars with diamonds^^
After corruption, their eyes became a solid navy blue colour which fades into a lighter shade has you go towards where the iris would be. Their Gem placement is on the upper back part of their neck in an eye shape format vertically.
-Water Absorption: The user can absorb water in all its forms from the atmosphere, bodies of water or living creatures, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
-Hydroboration: The user can teleport via water, merging into a body of water of any size and appearing anywhere else from the same element.
-Summoning: The user can transport person, creature, or object of choice by means of Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner, but for Hydro he must he his brush like a wand to summon things.
- A large paint brush with black and dark brown pointed bristles and a thick wooden handle the tapers down into the rounded end.
Disclaimer: This will be told in first person story mode.
Everything was black. Practically nothing, but then there was something, there was me, bursting out of this ocean floor only the sit there for a bit until someone else came along with this bright light and pulled me out from the hole from where I formed from. I was emotionless, I was nothing but a newly formed Enhydro Agate. Once they pulled be to the surface from the ocean I was formed in I looked up at the sky in curiosity since it was in a reddish purple hue and the large white star was right above my head. The gem who was in a yellowish tone and who was the one that carried me to the surface seemed to be angry yet they were gentle while they had carried me. I didn't say anything to this gem, of course, I just sat on the platform that they placed me on gas they discussed something with another gem, their voices were hushed as if trying to hide something. One of their voices were static and broken up while the other's were more pronounced and had a harsh tone to it.
I, on the other hand, stayed quiet staring down at my feet has a large mass slinked through the water before seeming to burst out of the water and spiral in the air, it scales shining in the starlight and it's tail whipped around. It looked at me for a split second before colliding with the water surface causing a large splash. The platform then grew a large bubble around it shielding it from the splash before the bubble hardened at the platform I was sitting on apparently began moving.
I turned around to look at the pilot curiously still not saying a word to the other gem. I looked them up and down noticing a zig-zag shape on their back. They seemed to have styled their hair in twin buns that were slightly triangular shaped like two rounded cones on their head.
I watched them stir the ship unable to see my surroundings through the small clear area that was in front of the piloting gem. I slowly got up and moved towards the gem has something had hit the bottom of the platform ship and grabbed onto it, it's sharp breath poked holes into the ship causing water to rush in. I was on the ground again this time on my hands and knees
The ship rumbled before a large beeping and wheezing sound came from the ship only to find the yellow zig-zag gemstone on the ground and a large whole in the haul of the shield around the platform with a large pointing rock inside.
I stayed where I was just staring at it emotionlessly and confused. I gathered the strength to crawl over to the zig zag gemstone find out that it had cracks at all corners almost completely through it. I lead against the control panel wall holding onto the cracked broken zig zag gemstone not knowing who they were or if they were any importance to me what so ever. So, I just sat there holding onto it listening to everything going on around me emotionlessly.
"Emotionless," The one word they could muster out of their throat into their mouth and slip past their lips and into the cold dry air has the temperature around them slowly dropped, and large sharp ice crystal formed from the ceiling. I sat there watching it happen while holding onto that zig-zag gemstone not letting it go has I slowly closed my eyes blacking out completely has they went into hibernation for 200 years.
When I came to there were small fish inside the ship and lots of aquatic flora growing everywhere and the small fish just swam around and through it happily. I slowly got up disturbing another lifeform to wake up from its slumber who seemed to be a much smaller version of the first lifeform I saw on this planet. I slowly swam to the surface of the water out of the platform ship with the zig-zag gem now tucked away in a pocket for safe keeping. I looked around for a bit before deciding to try and climb up onto the large rock formation that the platform ship crashed into, once at the top, I looked out over the large immense mass of water which seemed to be what this planet was primarily made up of.
I watched as the white star sank into the ocean sending flashes of green and blue into the sky before it slowly became nighttime and the oceans lit up in brilliant bioluminescent colours which seemed to ripple through the whole ocean. The sky now was a deep dark shade of red of red with thousands and millions of pin picks which were other stars and planets. While I stared up at the night sky a saw another planet come into view, I could visibly see the swirls of gases move across its surface and see small flashes of light that I can only assume were small explosions caused by colliding material in those swirls of gases and what not.
Enhydro Agate closes their eyes as they take their hands off of the ship controls preparing their self for a crash landing into the planet's ocean. They brace them self for impact by taking a deep breath in and crossed their forearms over their eyes. The small round blue-ish ship crashed into the water causing a huge splash before bobbing with the water a bit and sinking to the bottom of the ocean with our gem still inside poofed away from their physical existence.
EnHydro Agate slowly reforms on a rocky beach his appearance now different from before. He growls before softly sighing as they look around the planet then look back at the ship they stole thinking if they should stay or not. They lean against the ship and slides down it before closing their eyes feeling the warmth of the yellow star beat down on them while trying to think straight after all that had just happened. They groan softly before getting up and walking over to a nearby abandoned building that was built into the structure of a cave like formation. They look around a bit before slowly creaking open the door and pokes his head in and looks around the inside a bit before walking back out.
Enhydro Agate sits down on one of the rocks and stares out in the ocean watching the waves hit to rocks causing the salty water to spray onto them. They lay back on the rock feel the warm sunshine hit their skin. They lay there for a while before getting up and walking back over to the old house and looks up at it from ground level. "Well if I'm gonna stay. I guess I should fix this place up a bit," He says has he forms his paintbrush and begins to summon pieces and objects to help him fix the house.
It took him 5 years to hook up the wiring and place everything in the correct place to the point that he had his own base completely compatible with gem tech and the human tech, which they ended up getting from the neighbouring town. Though through this period of time they slowly became more and more corrupted due to the lack of positive interaction with other gems and the foul memories that were imprinted on them at the beginning of their creation.
-Semi-corrupted, this means that a part of them is gone but they still have control over their self and can act freely and accordingly to their own wants and needs but if they are to interact with gems and cause negative memories and feeling to back they can loose control of themselves before going full corrupted
-If you were to look this gem up in the database you would find only find one of them. If you were to try to go into their file you would find nothing but a keypad asking for a code so you could see what was left of his information.
-he works with the humans in the nearby city helping them with simple things like fixing their electricity after a bad storm and helping to plan and build new buildings |
13,447 | 388 | 14 | 2,279 | 355 | Chromite s'est soigneusement soignée du plafond et a donné un signe d'approbation aux deux qui l'avaient aidée. Pyrite, Moonstone. Merci, cette situation était moins que de devenir. Voyons ce qu'on peut faire. Chromite s'approcha d'abord de Howlite. J'apprécie que tu nous fasses venir en toute sécurité, Howlite. Essayez de ne pas vous sentir mal pour le vaisseau. Les Peridots d'entretien auraient dû savoir à double-vérifier quelque chose d'aussi important qu'un système d'antigravité qu'il fallait remplacer, et aurait-il tué Sagenite pour simplement nous équiper d'un navire plus récent? Chromite rassuré.
Le navire a probablement envoyé un signal de détresse automatisé pendant notre descente, et à partir de maintenant, c'est probablement notre meilleure chance de quitter cette planète, car toute technologie de gemme laissée ici n'est probablement pas compatible avec la technologie actuelle, aussi vieille que ce navire est. Je n'ai aucune idée du moment où le signal atteindra Homeworld. Pour l'instant, nous devrions probablement nous concentrer sur la mission à venir. » Chromite a dit en réponse à la suggestion de Marry.
La chromite est sortie du navire et a arpenté la région qui l'entourait. Muck s'infiltrait dans le trou, et commençait à enterrer le navire. Ce qui, à ce stade, semble sauver tout ce que nous pouvons du vaisseau avant qu'il ne coule! Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît. Il y a peut-être encore de l'équipement que nous pouvons utiliser à l'intérieur, mais surtout, nous devons sauver la perceuse, nous ne pourrons pas terminer notre mission sans elle. Chrysoprase, tu es le plus fort, s'il te plaît, tiens-toi au sommet de ce cratère et attends que le reste d'entre nous le hisse." | Gem: Chromite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: N/A
Appearance: Chromite stands at around 5'10, with a build and physical appearance similar to Tanith from Fire Emblem, but with gray skin and hair. Chromite is generally covered head-to-toe in armor similar to a knight's. Her gem is located on her right shoulder blade.
Strength: I. Chromite isn't excessively strong, but she is a combat gem and can get the job done.
Defense: II. Chromite is primarily a defensive gem. Her armor and gem item can absorb significant amounts of damage, and she knows how to use both.
Combat Training: I. Chromite has received standard training as a gem soldier.
Items: A large, Spartan-style shield, her gem item. A long, thin lance. Her armor.
Backstory: Chromite's existence has mostly been a boring affair up to this point. Like all Chromites she was created to be a frontline defender but has rarely seen true combat, and has mostly only worked security jobs on various planets conquered by Homeworld. She was chosen, of course, to serve in a defensive capacity to her group.
Writing example: A not necessarily canon story about Chromite:
"Chromite reporting." The young gem stood at attention, straight as an arrow before her superior. After a few decades of training and two centuries working security jobs, Chromite had been stationed on the Earth to help fight the growing rebellion. Her nervousness was so palpable you'd practically get lightheaded just standing next to her.
The older chromite didn't rest on ceremony, she didn't even bother with so much as an "at ease." Hardened as she was, she'd suffered more than a few headaches since the war began, and she wasn't interested in wasting time or words. She looked her new soldier in the eye, her gaze like a corpse's: unreadable. "You won't be with us long. Fall in with the rest of them, chromite." If she weren't a gem, Chromite would be sweating. "YES, MA'AM!" she belts.
Chromite falls in with her squad. In spite of being the same type of gem, she doesn't blend in particularly well. She stands among other chromites in the ancient forest where they were instructed to meet up. The group includes several chromites of various colors and gem placements, those being bicep, eye, hand, and stomach, in addition to the commander's who had hers on her head.
The chromites head towards their "base," a small area where the trees and plantlife are especially thick, thereby providing cover and preventing their words from traveling very far. As they make their way there, a brown mass becomes visible not too far in the distance. The older chromites immediately raise their shields as a bear moves towards them. Chromite, caught off guard by this non-gem opponent, imitates the rest of her group only a second too late. The bear is on top of her just before she can bring her shield up. Even with her strength, Chromite has immense difficulty against the overwhelming force of the bear. She manages to keep it's mouth away from her face, but is repeatedly grazed by its claws. The squad leader puts her hand up as the other chromites lower their shields and prepare to help, allowing this to continue for a full minute. Finally, she draws the shortsword from the sheath at her hip and takes care of the animal, rolling its body off of Chromite as she does.
Chromite bolts up as soon as she overcomes the shock of the event. "I'm sor-" "Stop." The leader kneels down before Chromite has a chance to stand up, giving her yet another glare of death. "Listen up. Don't apologize- and no, this isn't a stupid 'Don't apologize, do better" lecture because right now you'd only fail at that too. What I want you to do is understand that being hard on you is the best thing I can do for you at this point. So I don't want your apology. A 'thank you' is what I just worked hard to earn." "T-thank y-" "Thank you's are cheap! You were so wound up that if that had been a group of Crystal Gems instead of some mindless Earth creature, you'd be dead, and all the time we spent reaching you would have been a complete waste! I trust that's over now."
Chromite had no idea how she was supposed to respond. She thought for a moment and realized that, as traumatic as that situation had been, she was quite lucid now, like the worst was already over. Gone was the constantly nagging fear that she'd do something wrong, or that she wasn't good enough, she'd already come face-to-face with the knowledge that she wasn't. "Yes, ma'am." she said calmly. "I'm glad we understand each other, see that it doesn't happen again." The older chromite stood up and joined the rest of the group. The chromite whose gem was located on her stomach gave Chromite her hand and dusted her off as she got up.
"Hey, I don't think the Paladin wants you doing that." the bicep chromite called. "It's fine." the leader responded. "Let her have someone to get her emotions on, spares us from having to deal with it. If she hasn't grown out of it by now, she never will."
Anything extra you'd like to add: N/A, at least for now. |
13,448 | 388 | 15 | 1,894 | 5,787 | C'était trop rapide. Elle avait obtenu le commandement de Chromite de continuer à faire ce qu'elle faisait afin de se protéger elle-même et ceux qui l'entouraient. Elle a grondé, forçant son champ EM limité à s'étendre un peu plus loin pour envelopper ces proches d'elle. Elle n'a pas pu obtenir une réponse écrite avant qu'ils aient eu un impact.
Elle n'a pas perdu conscience, par exemple, mais il y avait un écart évident entre le moment rappelé de l'impact et quand elle a ouvert les yeux à nouveau aux décombres du navire. Chromite demandait de l'aide pour se poser sur le terrain. Moonstone et Pyrite l'avaient aidée à descendre alors qu'Astro était trop occupée à vérifier elle-même des marques dans sa gemme. Elle était évidemment vivante, un miracle en soi, mais s'est écrasée avec un bijou si délicat et n'a pas une seule marque? C'était soit très chanceux, soit un aperçu de la pleine puissance de l'Astrophyllite.
Astro a salué le prochain commandement de Chromite et a commencé à travailler. En utilisant ses champs sur ses pieds, elle a pu marcher sur n'importe quelle surface du navire. Elle pouvait aussi attirer des objets à une petite distance, étant donné qu'ils étaient assez légers, et a commencé à courir à travers le navire pour ramasser toutes les chances et les extrémités importantes qui étaient disponibles. Le navire s'enfonce dans les eaux marécageuses au-dessous, et elle n'a pas eu beaucoup de temps avant qu'il finirait par manger le navire. | Gem: Snowflake Obsidian
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Snowflake
Snowflake is a beanpole, by gem standards and by Snowflake Obsidian standards. Easily rivaling the height of the Rebellion Perma-Fusion Garnet, Snowflake is on the thinner side of life. Her thin and lithe body allows her to move rather impressively, despite her height.
Powers: Temperature Manipulation: For making areas as viable as possible, Snowflake Obsidians are able to control the temperature around them. This was especially useful when finding potential spots for new Kindergartens. On a technical level, this ability is friction manipulation at its bases state, only effecting the molecules in the air.
Snowflake is able to manipulate the temperature of the air around her at will. Not only being able to radiate her desired temperature, but she can change the temperature of her body, as well as change the temperature of "zones" around her. To a very small extent, this allows her to freeze things, generate ice, melt items, or even make things catch fire, but this requires a good deal of concentration.
Thermal Vision: Due to having no eyes, Snowflake has been equipped with thermal vision. This allows her to see, regardless of light level. After having lived so long with this special ability, Snowflake is barely effected by drastic changes in light and heat, though she can be forgetful, and simply not use her thermal vision, making her blind when focused on other things.
Items: Flame/Snow Thrower - Snowflake's summon, it works with her temperature manipulation to launch either snow/ice or fire.
Backstory: Snowflake was a fighter in the rebellion. She abandoned her post as a planet-scouter and ecological specialist to fight against the gems who conquered words and took them apart for their own selfish needs. Snowflake was already matured by the time she was stationed at earth, having been quite jaded with the procedure. All previous planets had simple, hardly sentient life. Earth showed her that organic life was something worth preserving, and joined Bismuth in leaving Homeworld to fight with Rose Quartz.
After the diappearance of Bismuth on a solo-mission, Snowflake decided to stay at her outpost with the others, protecting the warp pads that she was responsible for.
Writing example:
Anything extra you'd like to add:After living so long, Snowflake has become quite the wordsmith. She knows how to talk to people, and tries not to use her powers of word crafting and manipulation for evil. She only wants to help people and shield them from truths they aren't ready to know yet.
Gem: Astrophyllite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Astro
Powers: Electromagnetic field generation. The fields she can create are tiny and seemingly useless, especially when considering that they can only be generated around her body, but Astrophyllite has found a great use for them. She uses them for mobility, and combat, often generating a field in the place where an enemy will strike and lock the tool of the enemy there so they can't move or use it. Warning: do not use around radios, they have a tendency to block certain waves.
Items: Throwing Axe, summon.
Backstory: Astrophyllite was born with a softer gem than most of her kind, which, when paired with the others, was always spoken about, resulting in her fearing that one day it will break because of something simple and insignificant. She always followed her orders to the letter, more of fear from her diamond than actual respect, but did so nonetheless. One day, she was moved from her team to another team, still a young gemling (as the other Astrophyllites likes calling her), and she asked no questions about the movement.
Writing example: Astrophyllite, or simply Astro, as she called herself in privacy, had only ever broken the rules at one point in her two-hundred year life. It had happened one hundred and fifty six years ago, and she had taken a recorder and an unused log tablet for her own personal use. It had never garnered attention, but to this day, she always feared that someone was going to walk into her chambers and find the stolen equipment.
"Log. Erm, let's see now..." She muttered to herself, the recorder active as she spoke into the microphone end. "Sol two hundred, exact. Two hundred years after my creation." It wasn't really of any importance to her. The others didn't seem to celebrate annually, especially with pesky things like relativity, and she was created on a planet that followed a different cycle than homeworld, so there was that too. "The planet of my creation is still intact, barely. All of the natives had long since evacuated by now."
A faint knocking could be heard from the recording, but the knock was much louder in person. "Five Three Zero Nine, we have ten minutes to report. I expect to see you at the briefing platform in five, gemling."
"O-of course!" Astro nodded, though the figure could obviously not see through walls. "I will be there momentarily."
Without another sound from the other Astrophyllite, Astro sighed and put the log away, leaving just the recorder out. "I know I've stated it before, but it seems like Astrophyllite Seven Two Seven Three, or Prima, as she likes being called, has set up a rank for our little group. Maybe it makes a little more sense since we don't often fuse with one another like Rubies or others do, so there is no collaborative mindset, but I just wish that she stopped treating me like the lowest link in the chain." A soft breath escaped her lips, her hand reaching to the button on the recorder.
"Log over."
Anything extra you'd like to add: |
13,449 | 388 | 16 | 673 | 764 | Howlite
On aurait dit qu'ils n'avaient perdu personne. C'était bien. Elle n'était pas sûre comment elle aurait géré la culpabilité d'avoir blessé l'un des autres avec l'accident. Chromite lui a assuré que l'accident n'était pas sa faute, Howlite n'était pas si sûr que ceux qui leur avaient assigné la mission le verrait ainsi. Pourtant, c'était un problème pour plus tard.
D'accord, ceux d'entre vous qui aident à la perceuse, venez avec moi. Quant à toute personne qui n'est pas faite pour le levage lourd, il serait utile si vous pouviez sortir et nous trouver une terre sèche où nous pouvons décharger des choses sur.
Avec cela, elle se précipita vers la porte, l'ouvrit, la referma à nouveau, s'en alla et obtint l'équivalent d'un extincteur, ouvrit de nouveau la porte, puis dégagea lentement un chemin à travers le couloir partiellement brûlant de la cale à cargaison.
À l'intérieur se trouvait la perceuse et un tas d'autres équipements de moindre importance. Elle a touché l'un de ses membres mécaniques au mur et a fait ouvrir les portes d'un bout de la cale, révélant l'extérieur marécageux et juste à quel point le navire devait couler dans la boue. À ce stade, ils ont été rejoints par les deux autres drones que le navire avait, des choses qui ressemblaient à un hybride entre une araignée et un camion de remorquage. L'un a commencé à charger les divers autres équipements sur lui-même tandis que l'autre Howlite a grimpé sur le dessus et a obtenu d'attraper soigneusement une extrémité de la perceuse.
Si vous pouviez prendre l'autre bout et le soulever, nous pourrons nous déplacer. | Name if your gem goes by a different name: Owl, Core
Appearance: She wears black helmet with an opaque visor which she uses to protect here 2 large light sensitive vision. It effectively has 5 cameras in it, that all dulled to a light level suitable for her 2 owlish eyes. The visor has 5 marks indicating the location of the cameras and they are synced up with her own eyes state, resulting in 5 expressive elliptical shapes on the visor. The visor can also display images instead of the eye marks to allow others to see data she has or emote in more absurd ways (,,).
A collection of straps over her chest and back secure a metallic backpack which can extend 4 claw tipped limbs. At the front the straps link to a ringlike device around her gem which is located at the center of her chest. She wears a pair of white gloves, turquoise shorts and blue wee booties. Her skin is gray-white in color, her upper arms and lower legs are covered in random dark markings/patterns. Her pale blue hair features a braid that comes out of the back of her helmet. She is about the same a height as a ruby or limb enhancer-less peridot.
Techno-Empathy II: She can link her mind with a device and ether operate it, read/write data at incredible speed or get an innate understanding of the device and what might be wrong with it. This only works through making contact with the device itself with her skin. The gloves stop her from interfacing with anything she touches and she can selectively activate link herself to devices using her additional limbs. This is done by making a wired connection from their extremities to her back.
Engineering II: capable of building and repairing gem tech level equipment so long as materials are available. This can be adapted to using earth tech if that is all which is available.
Weapon: Monkey wrench
BackPack: a small metal device on her back that features 4 extendable manipulator arms which end in 3 fingered claws. These are used either for climbing, transport or helping with work. The ending claws can mold themselves into variety of purposes that can be added to as needed. Currently these include welding torches, drills, circular saws, torches and light laser weapons. The arms can be combined to create larger versions of the end components or extend the limbs range(or sometimes both). Her Techno-Empathy works through these limbs if she wants it to.
Helmet: the visor on her helmet features 5 cameras that can provide ontop of normal darkened vision: thermal and night vision, flash suppression and a binocular function. The visor can also be used to display images or act like a flashlight. The helmet also contains a small computer and a bunch of memory for storing recordings and managing the camera/display systems.
These additional devices are practically a part of her due to being in constant contact with her skin.
Backstory: Howlites are a gem type created to work specifically with the ever increasing amount of homeworld automation. Their ability to interface with any piece of technology allows them to more easily diagnose problems with that device and then their engineering skills let them fix those problems. They can often be found on ships, either as pilots neurally plugged in pilots or as maintenance crews. This particular one is about 350 years old and currently acts as both for the vessel that has been sent to earth. She has experience in a lot of other postings over those 350 years as Howlites generally move around quite a lot, being sent wherever damage has or might occur. She is rather excited to have been trusted with her first job where she is the senior (and in this case only) Howlite working on a task.
Writing example: probably non canon
We see a forearm against a black background, crawling upon this arm are several small 8 legged things that a human might mistake for ticks or spiders. They might be rather disturbed that the owner of the arm had not tried to swat the intruders off of itself. The spiders appear to be clustered around a festering wound of some kind on the forearm of the limb, as if tearing into the flesh of a hapless victim.
As the scene pans in closure the odd coloring of the arm becomes more apparent and the spiders are shown to be 3 small humanoids with 4 extra metallic limbs extending from their backs with which they cling to the side of the ship. Accompanying them are a number of actual spidery looking machines all carrying boxes filled with various suplise. The 3 Howlites are diligently working on an area where some form of space debris has punched through the side of the ship while it was traveling through interstellar space near the former colony of earth. The team had just finished cooling of the site with foam, one shouts to the other two.
“We cooled it down enough on my side. I’m gonna investigate the obstruction”
A Howlite (that Steven might have) called busty, chesty, doc, papa smurf Core put her foam sprayer back on the cargo spider and then descended into the hole using her mechanical limbs, her visor lighting up the inside of the hole as she approached the foreign object. It appeared to have once consisted of a large dish of white material with a smaller metal part behind it that sported a bunch of stickin out antenna. Using a combination of sawing, melting and non regulation wrench smacking she began to remove the obstruction till she reached what appeared to be a storage compartment which gave her pause. It contained a bunch of gold plated disk that have instructions on how to read data of of them. While she really should dispose of them like the rest (they weren’t gem tech and where thus unimportant) she couldn’t help but wonder what was on them.
The instructions were easy to follow but needed air to transmit their sonic data, so she spent some time reading them all onto her helmet's internal memory. The results were fascinating, 90 minutes of pleasingly ordered sounds, images and sounds of an uncolonised world, what appeared to be 55 versions of the word hello and a description of the purpose of the disks. She had just begun analysing that last segment when the others grew confused by the lack of debris extraction and called down what was the trouble.
“What is taking so long”
Core excitedly ascended to the surface again now with the disks and handed them to them to (someone steven might call) Brains who was the eldest and incharge of the other two.
“So I was digging around and I found...”
She stopped as she saw Brains chucking the disks off into space after the rest of the obstructions material. The third Howlite, Cheek, was similarly uninterested in the odd devices and was rolling her eyes at core. Quite an impressive performance, as the marks indicating the location of her optics did a 360 spin while being rolled to indicate just how idiotic Cheek though Core was for doing this.
“Why did you” “I know you're new but you can't stop working just because you see something shiny, get back to it newborn” “But” “now!” “Yes. Of course. On it.”
The rest of the repairs went as standard, the obstruction was removed, wiring was resoldered/replaced and the hull sealed shut with new materials retrieved from the cargo spiders. It was as routine as ever but made slightly more interesting for Core by the soft rhythmic sounds she had read from the disks. |
13,450 | 388 | 17 | 175 | 3,684 | En entendant tous les plans et suggestions que tout le monde faisait, Marry a pensé qu'ils n'allaient pas creuser pour ce navire plus tard ou le faire sortir de leur zone d'atterrissage. "Si c'est une base dont nous avons besoin, je reviens." Mariy a dit qu'elle braquait la tête dans le trou de portail qu'elle avait fait. "Je vais placer le plus grand d'un portail que je peux sur le sol à l'extérieur ici et voler autour pour trouver un endroit plus... stable. Soyez prudents! » Marié a dit.
En volant à l'extérieur du navire, Marry a fermé ses portails de porte et après s'être un peu concentrée, a tiré un portail sur ce qui ressemblait à une île de terre. Elle n'était pas sûre si c'était assez grand pour accommoder la perceuse, mais le pire vient à empirer il y avait toujours des forets plus gentils qu'ils pourraient probablement utiliser. Après tout, la Terre était autrefois censée être une colonie de pierres précieuses avant qu'elle ne devienne aussi insondable qu'elle l'est.
Quoi qu'il en soit, c'était sympa d'être un bijou qui pouvait voler. Bien sûr, c'était plus lent et plus lent que ce que les gemmes avec des ailes pouvaient faire, mais c'était encore un sentiment agréable d'être délié du sol. Une fois que Marry a passé la ligne d'arbres et était dans le ciel ouvert, elle a commencé à scanner pour un bon endroit pour tirer son prochain portail en se levant. Sans en trouver un, elle a décidé de simplement tirer un portail à un sommet de montagne voisin et l'utiliser pour un meilleur point de vue.
Dropping et en entrant dans le portail qu'elle avait fait sur le sol, elle est apparue au-dessus de la montagne qu'elle avait tiré son portail précédent, les vents rapides froids de la montagne qui fuient à travers le portail et effrayant la plupart des animaux sauvages qui s'étaient curieux de l'écran lumineux qui avait auparavant été là. En plus de cette montagne, Marry pouvait avoir une meilleure vue du terrain, et a trouvé une belle clairière à la base d'une falaise rocheuse, et des lumières à proximité! Cette dernière partie était un peu étrange, mais les humains pouvaient parler si les rumeurs étaient vraies, donc il était logique qu'ils puissent créer une société. En fait, c'était une pensée assez intéressante, une société d'humains qui pourrait produire des lumières, Peut-être qu'ils pourraient avoir une technologie qui serait au moins utilisable pour un vaisseau spatial? Ou au moins avoir la capacité de produire une partie de la technologie endommagée. Marry n'y a pas réfléchi trop longtemps, a réajusté son portail actuel pour viser l'espace qu'elle regardait pour une base, et est revenu à travers.
Vers cette époque, les autres pierres précieuses avaient fait beaucoup de travail sur le sauvetage du navire. Et avec un objectif précis à travers son premier portail dans le marais, Marry a obtenu un portail dans une zone agréable avec un terrain défendable varié avec un établissement humain à proximité. Bien sûr, même avec ce travail fait, il appartiendrait au groupe s'il voulait cet endroit ou si Mariy devait chercher un autre endroit.
"Mesdames, comment le vaisseau arrive-t-il? J'ai trouvé un endroit convenable pour camper. Je ne sais pas s'il y a un temple de pierres près, mais au moins il n'y a pas de peur que des choses coulent. Oh, et saviez-vous que les humains ont la société maintenant avec les lumières et tout?" | Gem: Moldsvite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Marry
Although she tends to have more of an 'always curious about everything' look on her face than the one in the picture.
Space-Time Manipulation : Marry can manipulate various parts of space-time, although only on a small scale.
Marry is able to create portals along her sight lines, joining two points of space. There can only be 2 portals open at a time.
Portals literally link two points in space, and preserve any forces of objects that go through them.
Portals are unaffected by things going through them and an unlimited amount of things can go through a portal pair.
A portal without a twin does nothing but look like a flat screen of light.
Portals can be created by firing extremely fast moving balls of light, placed on the front side of the Tower shield, or by touching an object.
Objects that are formed by touching an object can have a portal placed on the other side of the object, even if that is not in Marry's sight lines.
Portals formed from the balls of light can be opened in mid air or are automatically opened if they hit a solid non liquid surface. These balls can go through other portals with no issue.
Portals on a surface will move with that surface. If a portal on a surface has its surface destroyed, the portal closes.
Portals on surfaces remain open as long as Marry wants them to be, and Marry can close them at will even if she can't see them.
Portals opened in the air will close after a short period of time, Marry can close these ones prematurely as well.
Portals opened on or in a liquid count as if they were opened in the air.
Portal edges are clearly defined, and take on the solidity of what they're placed on. Caution must be taken with a set of portals in the air, as they have no solid edge to catch you.
Living objects will be forcibly ejected if a portal closes on them or a portal location changes, often at high speeds. Non living objects will be cut in half.
Teleportation: Marry can teleport herself a short distance along her sight lines regardless of portal locations or availability.
Levitation: Marry is unaffected by moderate gravity and can float freely in the air. She isn't very fast though.
Items: Tower Shield, Staff (Other weapon)
Backstory: Moldsvite, or Marry as she prefers to be called (Mostly because Moldy sounds icky) is a gem formed from a super dense meteorite. Due to her extremely high levels of intelligence, Marry was given a role as a scientist. A new type of gem, Marry was sent on an expedition team with a few other newborn gems to see how useful this new gem type could be to the Diamonds.
Writing example: Earth was a really interesting place. Wheverever you looked, there was evoltuion and change happening! Always more to learn, and humans learned quickly and adapted quickly. Even so, much like Homeworld, there was an air of dread around some of the bigger city centers for some reason. This thought didn't last too long, as Marry found a nice warehouse. "Oooh, new things!" She said, excited that this one was much bigger than the last one she visited. One thing about being on Earth, lots of abandoned places to search, humans weren't very optimal about space.
Digging through the various boxes in the warehouse, Marry found a few things that interested her. Sure most of them were either old electronics or plush dolls, but then anything could be used for some kind of experiment! Shame there weren't any books or anything. The library only had so many things for her to use and the internet, while nice, was sometimes wrong or didn't have any info about stuff she'd be interested in.
While there was lots of neat things to experiment with, she was there to get materials for the rest of the group. Placing what she could in a large crate, she opened a portal on a nearby wall to come pick it up later. Though considering how big and metal the crate was, Chromite would probably have to pick it up for her. Pleased with her haul, she glided out of the warehouse skylight and made her way to where her friends were waiting.
Maybe after repurposing this human tech, the misfit group of gems could find something like a gem temple or structure.
Anything extra you'd like to add: Just be careful, she might get a little Aperture Science sometimes. |
13,451 | 388 | 18 | 2,452 | 1,973 | Larimar
Larimar regarda un peu plus autour de lui en utilisant son enchanteur oculaire avant que Marry Vame ne leur dise qu'ils avaient trouvé un endroit où ils pouvaient installer leur base. "Vraiment! Je veux voir! Je peux aller voir?! On peut aller les rencontrer! Oh s'il vous plaît s'il vous plaît Chromite, c'est dans ma spécialité d'observer la vie végétale et animale sur les planètes!"
On pouvait le dire en regardant Larimar, il était lié et blessé prêt à rencontrer les formes de vie humaines. C'est son but principal dans sa vie et il l'a pris très au sérieux et aime chaque chance qu'il obtient pour satisfaire ce besoin et le besoin.
Larimar regarda autour de lui même sauter de haut en bas par excitation. Après une bagarre, il a fini par s'arrêter après avoir remarqué que Moon n'a rien dit depuis qu'ils se sont écrasés. Il a regardé Mariy avant de regarder Chromo, "Puis-je apporter Moonstone aussi, Chromite? Tu sais, juste au cas où les humains seraient hostiles ou quelque chose comme ça." | Gem:
"I'm a Larimar, What type of gem are you new friend?"
Name if your gem goes by a different name:
"Hi! Everyone calls me Bubbles! I don't know why.... me oh well I guess"
"I am not the best looking gem. But I am proud of my appearance"
Bubble Manipulation(Active): User can create, shape and manipulate bubbles.
Thought Bubble Constructs(Passive): User can use their own thought bubbles in a real, tangible situation. They could be used like balloons for transportation, generating platforms, comfort and various other uses.
Enhanced Speed(Unknown): User has the ability to ran faster then the average speed of their species and if strong enough can temporary slow time due to how fast they are movie but this would have side effects on the user, for example, distorting their appearance slightly or paralysing certain actions
An Axe, like the one in the picture. And an eyesight enhancer has well to help see smaller details in objects.
"What this silly thing? It's nothing that great"
Larimars are formed to be like messengers or scouts, many pretty hard to come by since they have such a picky genetic makeup so they are most of the time given to noble warlords like gems for them to send them out to planets to find and receive information on topics like vegetation, other life forms, and geography. This Larimar has only done very few scouting jobs and is under the care of a Blue Quartz who is a defective Quartz soldier.
He doesn't know much his Blue Quartz but she is very pretty and pretty mean to him a lot but does show him kindness sometimes whenever he does all of his jobs currently for that day, and when she first got home she was a new noble gem and he got the sit on her lap as she talked to him and answered questions about everything. At the time she wore a really pretty flowing icy blue dress that has a diagonal cut going from the mid thigh to the ground. He would actually try to talk to her normally about normal things like how his eyesight teacher would bug out sometimes when he is near the peridots while they are working.
Writing example:
Larimar calmly walks around the halls of the ship trying to get to the pilot's quarters to speak with them about an update that has appeared in the DNA result from a lab test on a rock fragment though he does and up slipping a few times due to the little amount of traction that he as under his feet. "PERMISSION TO SPEAK SIR!" he yells really loudly has he bursts through the door breathing heavily.
He slowly raises his head and salutes his higher ranking gems. "I have news on the umm latest samples from the Lapis Lazuli dispatch who came back from their latest terraforming exhibition pretty beat up by same of the preexisting lifeforms that you already know of and they have brought back data stating that are capabilities to form at least a minimum of kindergartens sadly with unpredictable outcomes on the gems that would be formed. Most likely if we do go down that route there will be a good number of defective gems." He then closes his eyes preparing to be yelled which he did this time for stepping out of time and barging into a conference meeting with nobles from a diamond.
Larimar sighs as he stands out in the hall after he got yelled at before slowly walking to his courtiers to get some rest and to wait for his next "mission" or whatever. At this point, he could care less about people randomly calling him Bubbles he could turn his thoughts into platforms. Has he was walking one of the thoughts actually turned into a platform and he walks into it face first. Larimar sighs and climbs over it before continuing down the halls on the ship, the floor tiles lighting up when he steps on it. "I guess the Peridots finally got the new floor tiles to work... they are kinda cool I guess," he says to myself before sighing and pushing the button to go into his room wich was about the size of a closet and filled with random plant life and a little creek flowing through it and he had a hammock hanging from the ceiling that he installed him self-using random stuff he finds while scouting planets.
Anything extra you'd like to add:
-Though it's not traditional he does like to zone out of the physical realm into a realm of mystery and has the ability to do whatever and think of whatever freely and somehow when he comes to he feels refreshed
Enhydro Agate
^^Before Corruption, but replace the stars with diamonds^^
After corruption, their eyes became a solid navy blue colour which fades into a lighter shade has you go towards where the iris would be. Their Gem placement is on the upper back part of their neck in an eye shape format vertically.
-Water Absorption: The user can absorb water in all its forms from the atmosphere, bodies of water or living creatures, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
-Hydroboration: The user can teleport via water, merging into a body of water of any size and appearing anywhere else from the same element.
-Summoning: The user can transport person, creature, or object of choice by means of Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner, but for Hydro he must he his brush like a wand to summon things.
- A large paint brush with black and dark brown pointed bristles and a thick wooden handle the tapers down into the rounded end.
Disclaimer: This will be told in first person story mode.
Everything was black. Practically nothing, but then there was something, there was me, bursting out of this ocean floor only the sit there for a bit until someone else came along with this bright light and pulled me out from the hole from where I formed from. I was emotionless, I was nothing but a newly formed Enhydro Agate. Once they pulled be to the surface from the ocean I was formed in I looked up at the sky in curiosity since it was in a reddish purple hue and the large white star was right above my head. The gem who was in a yellowish tone and who was the one that carried me to the surface seemed to be angry yet they were gentle while they had carried me. I didn't say anything to this gem, of course, I just sat on the platform that they placed me on gas they discussed something with another gem, their voices were hushed as if trying to hide something. One of their voices were static and broken up while the other's were more pronounced and had a harsh tone to it.
I, on the other hand, stayed quiet staring down at my feet has a large mass slinked through the water before seeming to burst out of the water and spiral in the air, it scales shining in the starlight and it's tail whipped around. It looked at me for a split second before colliding with the water surface causing a large splash. The platform then grew a large bubble around it shielding it from the splash before the bubble hardened at the platform I was sitting on apparently began moving.
I turned around to look at the pilot curiously still not saying a word to the other gem. I looked them up and down noticing a zig-zag shape on their back. They seemed to have styled their hair in twin buns that were slightly triangular shaped like two rounded cones on their head.
I watched them stir the ship unable to see my surroundings through the small clear area that was in front of the piloting gem. I slowly got up and moved towards the gem has something had hit the bottom of the platform ship and grabbed onto it, it's sharp breath poked holes into the ship causing water to rush in. I was on the ground again this time on my hands and knees
The ship rumbled before a large beeping and wheezing sound came from the ship only to find the yellow zig-zag gemstone on the ground and a large whole in the haul of the shield around the platform with a large pointing rock inside.
I stayed where I was just staring at it emotionlessly and confused. I gathered the strength to crawl over to the zig zag gemstone find out that it had cracks at all corners almost completely through it. I lead against the control panel wall holding onto the cracked broken zig zag gemstone not knowing who they were or if they were any importance to me what so ever. So, I just sat there holding onto it listening to everything going on around me emotionlessly.
"Emotionless," The one word they could muster out of their throat into their mouth and slip past their lips and into the cold dry air has the temperature around them slowly dropped, and large sharp ice crystal formed from the ceiling. I sat there watching it happen while holding onto that zig-zag gemstone not letting it go has I slowly closed my eyes blacking out completely has they went into hibernation for 200 years.
When I came to there were small fish inside the ship and lots of aquatic flora growing everywhere and the small fish just swam around and through it happily. I slowly got up disturbing another lifeform to wake up from its slumber who seemed to be a much smaller version of the first lifeform I saw on this planet. I slowly swam to the surface of the water out of the platform ship with the zig-zag gem now tucked away in a pocket for safe keeping. I looked around for a bit before deciding to try and climb up onto the large rock formation that the platform ship crashed into, once at the top, I looked out over the large immense mass of water which seemed to be what this planet was primarily made up of.
I watched as the white star sank into the ocean sending flashes of green and blue into the sky before it slowly became nighttime and the oceans lit up in brilliant bioluminescent colours which seemed to ripple through the whole ocean. The sky now was a deep dark shade of red of red with thousands and millions of pin picks which were other stars and planets. While I stared up at the night sky a saw another planet come into view, I could visibly see the swirls of gases move across its surface and see small flashes of light that I can only assume were small explosions caused by colliding material in those swirls of gases and what not.
Enhydro Agate closes their eyes as they take their hands off of the ship controls preparing their self for a crash landing into the planet's ocean. They brace them self for impact by taking a deep breath in and crossed their forearms over their eyes. The small round blue-ish ship crashed into the water causing a huge splash before bobbing with the water a bit and sinking to the bottom of the ocean with our gem still inside poofed away from their physical existence.
EnHydro Agate slowly reforms on a rocky beach his appearance now different from before. He growls before softly sighing as they look around the planet then look back at the ship they stole thinking if they should stay or not. They lean against the ship and slides down it before closing their eyes feeling the warmth of the yellow star beat down on them while trying to think straight after all that had just happened. They groan softly before getting up and walking over to a nearby abandoned building that was built into the structure of a cave like formation. They look around a bit before slowly creaking open the door and pokes his head in and looks around the inside a bit before walking back out.
Enhydro Agate sits down on one of the rocks and stares out in the ocean watching the waves hit to rocks causing the salty water to spray onto them. They lay back on the rock feel the warm sunshine hit their skin. They lay there for a while before getting up and walking back over to the old house and looks up at it from ground level. "Well if I'm gonna stay. I guess I should fix this place up a bit," He says has he forms his paintbrush and begins to summon pieces and objects to help him fix the house.
It took him 5 years to hook up the wiring and place everything in the correct place to the point that he had his own base completely compatible with gem tech and the human tech, which they ended up getting from the neighbouring town. Though through this period of time they slowly became more and more corrupted due to the lack of positive interaction with other gems and the foul memories that were imprinted on them at the beginning of their creation.
-Semi-corrupted, this means that a part of them is gone but they still have control over their self and can act freely and accordingly to their own wants and needs but if they are to interact with gems and cause negative memories and feeling to back they can loose control of themselves before going full corrupted
-If you were to look this gem up in the database you would find only find one of them. If you were to try to go into their file you would find nothing but a keypad asking for a code so you could see what was left of his information.
-he works with the humans in the nearby city helping them with simple things like fixing their electricity after a bad storm and helping to plan and build new buildings |
13,452 | 388 | 19 | 2,279 | 355 | Chromite avait pris sa place à côté de Howlite et ils avaient commencé à faire des progrès en déplaçant l'exercice au bord du cratère où, espérons, Chryosparse serait en attente. Elle ne voulait pas perdre leurs progrès et a donc continué son travail alors que ce nouveau discours des bases et ce qu'il fallait faire ensuite a commencé à entrer en jeu. Elle a répondu dans une demi-goutte en raison de l'effort, « Merci, scientifique en chef Moldsvite. Je ne suis pas surpris que les humains aient atteint un certain niveau de technologie avancée, comme les rapports que j'ai lu indiquent qu'ils commençaient à former une société primitive pendant la guerre il y a des milliers d'années. Bien qu'il reste à voir exactement jusqu'où ils sont venus, je conseillerais de rester à l'écart d'eux et d'initier le contact avec les humains seulement si absolument nécessaire. Leur attirer l'attention inutile nous ferait probablement plus de mal que de bien. »
Cela dit, il pourrait être bénéfique d'observer l'établissement humain et de voir s'il y a un moyen d'établir une base d'opérations à proximité. Peut-être que l'un des plus habiles métamorphes pourrait entrer et voir ce que les humains peuvent nous dire sur la région. Vous avez ma permission de surveiller le règlement, mais comme je l'ai dit, essayez d'éviter de rencontrer des humains à moins que vous ne soyez sûr de pouvoir le faire en toute sécurité, Larimar. Nous ne sommes pas une force d'invasion. La pierre de lune peut vous accompagner." | Gem: Chromite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: N/A
Appearance: Chromite stands at around 5'10, with a build and physical appearance similar to Tanith from Fire Emblem, but with gray skin and hair. Chromite is generally covered head-to-toe in armor similar to a knight's. Her gem is located on her right shoulder blade.
Strength: I. Chromite isn't excessively strong, but she is a combat gem and can get the job done.
Defense: II. Chromite is primarily a defensive gem. Her armor and gem item can absorb significant amounts of damage, and she knows how to use both.
Combat Training: I. Chromite has received standard training as a gem soldier.
Items: A large, Spartan-style shield, her gem item. A long, thin lance. Her armor.
Backstory: Chromite's existence has mostly been a boring affair up to this point. Like all Chromites she was created to be a frontline defender but has rarely seen true combat, and has mostly only worked security jobs on various planets conquered by Homeworld. She was chosen, of course, to serve in a defensive capacity to her group.
Writing example: A not necessarily canon story about Chromite:
"Chromite reporting." The young gem stood at attention, straight as an arrow before her superior. After a few decades of training and two centuries working security jobs, Chromite had been stationed on the Earth to help fight the growing rebellion. Her nervousness was so palpable you'd practically get lightheaded just standing next to her.
The older chromite didn't rest on ceremony, she didn't even bother with so much as an "at ease." Hardened as she was, she'd suffered more than a few headaches since the war began, and she wasn't interested in wasting time or words. She looked her new soldier in the eye, her gaze like a corpse's: unreadable. "You won't be with us long. Fall in with the rest of them, chromite." If she weren't a gem, Chromite would be sweating. "YES, MA'AM!" she belts.
Chromite falls in with her squad. In spite of being the same type of gem, she doesn't blend in particularly well. She stands among other chromites in the ancient forest where they were instructed to meet up. The group includes several chromites of various colors and gem placements, those being bicep, eye, hand, and stomach, in addition to the commander's who had hers on her head.
The chromites head towards their "base," a small area where the trees and plantlife are especially thick, thereby providing cover and preventing their words from traveling very far. As they make their way there, a brown mass becomes visible not too far in the distance. The older chromites immediately raise their shields as a bear moves towards them. Chromite, caught off guard by this non-gem opponent, imitates the rest of her group only a second too late. The bear is on top of her just before she can bring her shield up. Even with her strength, Chromite has immense difficulty against the overwhelming force of the bear. She manages to keep it's mouth away from her face, but is repeatedly grazed by its claws. The squad leader puts her hand up as the other chromites lower their shields and prepare to help, allowing this to continue for a full minute. Finally, she draws the shortsword from the sheath at her hip and takes care of the animal, rolling its body off of Chromite as she does.
Chromite bolts up as soon as she overcomes the shock of the event. "I'm sor-" "Stop." The leader kneels down before Chromite has a chance to stand up, giving her yet another glare of death. "Listen up. Don't apologize- and no, this isn't a stupid 'Don't apologize, do better" lecture because right now you'd only fail at that too. What I want you to do is understand that being hard on you is the best thing I can do for you at this point. So I don't want your apology. A 'thank you' is what I just worked hard to earn." "T-thank y-" "Thank you's are cheap! You were so wound up that if that had been a group of Crystal Gems instead of some mindless Earth creature, you'd be dead, and all the time we spent reaching you would have been a complete waste! I trust that's over now."
Chromite had no idea how she was supposed to respond. She thought for a moment and realized that, as traumatic as that situation had been, she was quite lucid now, like the worst was already over. Gone was the constantly nagging fear that she'd do something wrong, or that she wasn't good enough, she'd already come face-to-face with the knowledge that she wasn't. "Yes, ma'am." she said calmly. "I'm glad we understand each other, see that it doesn't happen again." The older chromite stood up and joined the rest of the group. The chromite whose gem was located on her stomach gave Chromite her hand and dusted her off as she got up.
"Hey, I don't think the Paladin wants you doing that." the bicep chromite called. "It's fine." the leader responded. "Let her have someone to get her emotions on, spares us from having to deal with it. If she hasn't grown out of it by now, she never will."
Anything extra you'd like to add: N/A, at least for now. |
13,453 | 388 | 20 | 1,410 | 3,707 | Calomel
Cela faisait longtemps qu'il n'y avait eu aucun signe d'ennui pour la dernière fois. Trop longtemps? Pas assez longtemps? Calomel ne se souciait pas assez de décider, pas que son esprit encombré le permettrait.
Quelle que soit la réponse, l'ennui était un problème et elle ne l'a pas accueilli favorablement.
Ses élèves étaient devenus des chats comme des fentes, évaluant la situation à partir de sa perche rocheuse, pistolets embrayés défensivement.
Il n'y avait, bien sûr, aucun moyen qu'elle puisse tirer à partir de cette gamme, et franchement, elle n'était pas sûre qu'elle apprécierait ou redouterait le moment inévitable où elle aurait à le faire. Mais elle les tenait néanmoins, offrant un faux sentiment de sécurité.
Elle n'arrivait pas à s'en sortir, mais elle était presque sûre de ce qu'elle voyait - des joyaux du monde entier. Sur Terre. Elle a grimacé, essayant de calmer son esprit de paranoïa avant qu'elle n'ait le meilleur d'elle. Quelle était la probabilité qu'ils viennent pour elle? Pour tout ce qu'elle savait, Homeworld a abandonné leurs recherches il y a quelques années - pourquoi d'autre a-t-il été si longtemps? Et d'ailleurs, leur navire avait l'air brisé - qui devait dire que la Terre était même leur destination. Elle secoua la tête, voix d'une longue compagne morte qui lui atteignit l'esprit.
Alors concentre-toi, elle l'a fait. Il y en avait 9, 10, peut-être 12 au total. De cette distance, elle ne savait pas quel genre de joyau ils étaient, mais se rapprocher était l'une des dernières choses qu'elle voulait faire. Aucun d'entre eux ne semblait plus volumineux qu'elle - donc ils n'envoyaient pas de combattants selon toute vraisemblance. Pas de quartz, il semblait. L'un d'eux semblait être une Howlite, le motif noir et blanc distinct apparent même de cette distance, mais elle ne pouvait franchement deviner que les autres. Rien dans les décombres, sauf pour un exercice géant, n'était d'intérêt. Pendant quelques instants, elle se demande quel est son but, en regardant le groupe essayer de porter la chose de taille comique, avant de rejeter ses pistolets et de se reposer, en prenant une profonde respiration.
Pas le groupe le plus compétent, elle pensait. Mais il y avait beaucoup d'entre eux, et une seule d'elle, et son esprit avait depuis longtemps perdu sa vivacité, et malgré sa construction, son joyau était assez fragile.
Après un cas rare d'attention, elle a décidé de les laisser pour le moment plutôt que de les approcher, de s'enfuir ou de les chasser. Elle garderait un œil sur eux. Surveillez-les. Mais pour l'instant, elle s'est vite évanouie, dans la peur qu'elle ait pu être repérée.
Ces pierres précieuses étaient soit le problème de Homeworld, soit celui de la Terre. Elle était les deux.
Et il fallait ajouter un troisième groupe à la liste. | Since Calomel's become their toast
How many patients have they lost-
How many thousands do they kill,
Or poison with their
- Twin pistols with a distinctive steam-punk feel, her summoned weapons.
- Stiletto daggers, created by back when was still part of
The days blended together.
There was so little in her room - white walls, white ceiling, white bars, white gloves, white shackles, white shards, white white white white, picking and prodding and muttering among each other beyond her walls, as if she couldn't hear anything. None of it made much sense - something about successful samples and defective gems. Some voices she recognized as old friends. Or were they old foes? Was there a difference at this point?
She shook her head, not allowing her thoughts to wander. They weren't watching her. Take a breath. Focus. Aim.
She was wasting precious moments free from supervision. Who knew how long until she got a chance like this again?
A spark of hope was re-lit - tentatively, she moved the hands she couldn't see, enough to test her binds, but not enough to make too much noise.
Still tight as ever.
She silently cursed the diamonds, frown deepening and heels digging into the floor. Nothing in the room would help her, even if she could reach them. She was ready to scream of frustration, the only thing holding her back was that there really was a way out, instead only having it come out as a silent hiss.
And then it hit her like a brick.
Choked, delirious giggled bubbled within her as she pressed her sweaty palms closer to the cuffs, wincing as it dug into her skin, desperation giving her the strength she thought she lost all too long ago.
Maybe, just maybe, the very thing that got her in this mess, could get her out of it.
Rose Rock
He's cycled through many in his long years. His most common was simply 'Rose Rock'. A few early peers knew him simply as Rose. One particular gem called him 'Rocky', much to his displeasure. In the battle, during these times, he favoured the name Barite, likely to distance himself from the loss of two other Roses he knew, a fallen ally and a traitorous leader. Long retired from his past days of battle, he now works as a scientist and engineer for Homeworld - a technical officer. It is this title, 'Officer', that he prefers nowadays, though you might hear a few souls refer to him otherwise. He is quick to hush them.
Rose Rock towers at about a good 6'6 feet, tall and sturdy, but with a certain elegance to him. He almost always seems tired, and indeed, he is. Buried under the cuff of his left sleeve is a watch-like device he developed himself, built around his gem.
Chronoprohiberis(III) - The ability to stop time. In his case, he can move freely during this time, and so can anyone who makes direct physical contact with him. The main limitation is that he cannot freeze time whenever he wants - though he can freeze it as long as he wishes, it takes twice the amount of time that would've been used up until he can utilize it again. Every 10 steps adds a minute to recharge time. (Eg; if he stops time for 5 minutes, once unfrozen, it'll take 10 minutes for him to be able to re-use it. If he stops time for 2 minutes, but takes 30 steps, it'll still take 10 minutes for him to be able to re-use it.)
Somnipathy(III) - The ability to alter dreamscapes and enter those of others. He is able to dream lucidly and enter the dreams of others, as well as manipulate those dreams. He cannot physically harm anyone outside of their waking self like some of the more advanced users, nor is he able to access this while not asleep himself.
Abacomancy(I) - The ability to utilize clairvoyance, divination, and retrocognition, through the use of sand or other particles as a medium. The main drawback here is that it is something that is deliberate and must be prepared, rather than something he can easily call upon. The other is that he is unable to utilize divination.
Flash Precognition(I) - The ability to see things shortly (within minutes or seconds) of them happening. This is not a voluntary ability, and there's no controlling when or if it is triggered. It seems to have dulled from back in his battling days, likely because that was when it was of most use to him.
Poleaxe - Rust red poleaxe. Summoned.
Wrist Watcher - Technological device that serves many functions. The three most prominent of which being, 1) a time-telling device, once that accounts for the oddities of time across space and the time that would have been relapsed when utilizing his chronoprohiberis, 2) a device that monitors various people, products, things and machines, and 3) slight protection to his gem. Self-developed.
Good luck getting it out of him. There are three things that are common knowledge:
-He's been around since pretty much forever, and is well trusted among homeworld's superiors. So much so that his apprentice, Blue Zircon, who was once a traitor to Homeworld, was given a rare second chance when Rose Rock vouched for her, and promised to pay for any consequences.
-He hadn't always been a scientist, and spent a good deal of time in front lines, including against Earth's rebellion. Apparently he refused to take up a higher position in battle than a foot soldier.
-He has, however, spent most of his life within labs, and focuses on gem alterations, repurposing, and advancement, whether that be via physical engineering or technological devices. He is one of the scientists responsible for the creation of limb enhancers.
TBA (need to write w/ Nous)
Sand Roses are seen and spoken highly of among Homeworld's ranks. This is due to the unusual circumstances of formation as well as their rarity, especially in the cases of non-selenite/gypsum based specimens. Though their kind form from undeveloped gem shards and can thus be considered 'recycled' or 'by-products', even if rare, they are valued nonetheless. Part of that value is in their uniqueness.
Though Sand Roses don't change or grow like humans do, their formations are very much one of an individual, with different variations in compounds, unlike most gems. Meaning that they tend to vary in power and skill. Each new Sand Rose offers new possibility and discovery. And so you'll see Sand Roses in varying fields, even in places like Homeworld.
There is one field that is rare for them, however - the battlefield.
Their formations, especially younger formations, aren't exactly what you'd call the most durable. Not only are they prone to injury (cracks, chips, etc.), but they are also incredibly vulnerable to fluids, water being the worst offender. This fragility, along with their rarity and value, makes them a very rare sight on the battle field. Our Officer was one of those exceptions, as was his long-dead mentor. And it was only with a lack of of Quartz soldiers that they ended up on front lines for prolonged periods of time. Earth was supposed to help put a limit to exposing gems deemed 'hard to replace' in battle. Even if Rose Rock wanted to remain a soldier after the war, he probably wouldn't be allowed by the diamonds, being that, well, traitors or not, they got quuuiiiiite the number of Quartzes now, and a good bit of Rubies as well.
Crazy Lace Agate
Crazy Lace is the most common, though you may also hear the occasional Crazy, Lacey, or Laces.
Ribbon manipulation (IV) - Can summon, create, manipulate, control, and reshape ribbons for various uses. There is virtually no limit to this, much like Lapis's control over water. It should be noted, however, that this is limited to cloth based ribbons (so no metal, plastic, etc.)
Happiness Inducement (I) - Passive power that is always active. Being around Crazy Lace just tends to boost one's mood, regardless of their own opinion of her. It's not very strong, mind, but it can definitely sway a violent foe, or cheer up a friend feeling blue.
Laughter Affinity (I) - Passive power that is always active. Brings new meaning to the phrase, 'laughter's the best medicine'. Crazy Lace gains strength from laughter, so long as she is the one who induces the laughter.
Ribbons. She summons ribbons from her gem, an unlimited amount of them, and of various qualities.
Like Snowflake, Crazy Lace was a fighter in the rebellion. A defective Quartz, quite the runt, though runty Crazy Laces aren't nearly as looked down upon as most Quartzes. This is due to their place in Homeworld's society.
Our Crazy Lace, however, was born during the rebellion, and never knew of Homeworld's unusual lack of dismissiveness towards runy Crazy Lace Agates. And due to isolation from homeworld, her powers grew more in what is normally their passive ability, ribbon creation (which grew into manipulation), rather than their emotional manipulation (for propaganda, which starts off as happiness inducement) and laughter affinity (for battle). Ribbons are typically just a medium, rather than their focus. She was born among the chaos of war, and as such, never grew into her role, or knew she needed one, under the care of Biggs Jasper, Bismuth, and Snowflake. She still is, at heart, an entertainer, though moreso a comedian and preformer who genuinely strives to spread laughter and cheer. With Snowflake, she stands guard by the warp pad she was made responsible for.
Like all Agates, Crazy Lace Agates terrify, but unlike most Agates, they, as entertainers and artists, do so subtly. Without people realizing it. Propagandists. Gems don't become terrified of Crazy Laces. They become terrified of others. They spread and implant fear rather than create it, through emotional manipulation. And as commanders, they use this fear, fuel their soldiers with promise of triumph and festivities to come, and celebrate the defeat of their self-created terror.
However, they can also be nothing short if terrifying in her own merry way if needed be.
Lodolite - WIP |
13,454 | 388 | 21 | 673 | 764 | Howlite
On dirait qu'en dehors de Chromite, les autres étaient occupés à faire leur propre chose et, par conséquent, c'était lent. Ils s'approchaient dangereusement de la perte de la perceuse et des araignées à la rondelle de naufrage, mais à la fin de la mission, l'équipement primaire a été sauvé et traîné vers une partie plus stable du marais. Après que tout le monde soit sorti, Howlite a scellé toutes les portes du navire pour empêcher plus d'eau d'entrer, mais le navire était encore enterré assez profondément dans la boue et la coque avait suffisamment de points que le navire continuait à couler lentement.
Howlite en a profité pour examiner l'endroit où ils s'étaient écrasés. Le navire lui-même se trouvait dans un grand cratère boueux qui se remplissait rapidement d'eau. Le reste de la zone se composait de piscines d'eau, de verdure flottante ou de terres réelles avec des plantes qui y poussent. Le problème était qu'il était très difficile de distinguer ces deux derniers bits. Au-delà du marais était une colline avec des plantes beaucoup plus grandes d'une certaine sorte et encore plus loin était la lumière et la fumée provenant de ce qui était apparemment un établissement humain d'une certaine sorte.
Maintenant que la perceuse était libre du navire qui coule, Howlite a pris un certain temps et l'a bien truqué jusqu'aux deux drones d'araignées avec un harnais improvisé, ce qui signifie qu'ils n'auraient plus besoin de pierres précieuses pour le porter.
Où est cette tache sèche dont vous avez parlé? | Name if your gem goes by a different name: Owl, Core
Appearance: She wears black helmet with an opaque visor which she uses to protect here 2 large light sensitive vision. It effectively has 5 cameras in it, that all dulled to a light level suitable for her 2 owlish eyes. The visor has 5 marks indicating the location of the cameras and they are synced up with her own eyes state, resulting in 5 expressive elliptical shapes on the visor. The visor can also display images instead of the eye marks to allow others to see data she has or emote in more absurd ways (,,).
A collection of straps over her chest and back secure a metallic backpack which can extend 4 claw tipped limbs. At the front the straps link to a ringlike device around her gem which is located at the center of her chest. She wears a pair of white gloves, turquoise shorts and blue wee booties. Her skin is gray-white in color, her upper arms and lower legs are covered in random dark markings/patterns. Her pale blue hair features a braid that comes out of the back of her helmet. She is about the same a height as a ruby or limb enhancer-less peridot.
Techno-Empathy II: She can link her mind with a device and ether operate it, read/write data at incredible speed or get an innate understanding of the device and what might be wrong with it. This only works through making contact with the device itself with her skin. The gloves stop her from interfacing with anything she touches and she can selectively activate link herself to devices using her additional limbs. This is done by making a wired connection from their extremities to her back.
Engineering II: capable of building and repairing gem tech level equipment so long as materials are available. This can be adapted to using earth tech if that is all which is available.
Weapon: Monkey wrench
BackPack: a small metal device on her back that features 4 extendable manipulator arms which end in 3 fingered claws. These are used either for climbing, transport or helping with work. The ending claws can mold themselves into variety of purposes that can be added to as needed. Currently these include welding torches, drills, circular saws, torches and light laser weapons. The arms can be combined to create larger versions of the end components or extend the limbs range(or sometimes both). Her Techno-Empathy works through these limbs if she wants it to.
Helmet: the visor on her helmet features 5 cameras that can provide ontop of normal darkened vision: thermal and night vision, flash suppression and a binocular function. The visor can also be used to display images or act like a flashlight. The helmet also contains a small computer and a bunch of memory for storing recordings and managing the camera/display systems.
These additional devices are practically a part of her due to being in constant contact with her skin.
Backstory: Howlites are a gem type created to work specifically with the ever increasing amount of homeworld automation. Their ability to interface with any piece of technology allows them to more easily diagnose problems with that device and then their engineering skills let them fix those problems. They can often be found on ships, either as pilots neurally plugged in pilots or as maintenance crews. This particular one is about 350 years old and currently acts as both for the vessel that has been sent to earth. She has experience in a lot of other postings over those 350 years as Howlites generally move around quite a lot, being sent wherever damage has or might occur. She is rather excited to have been trusted with her first job where she is the senior (and in this case only) Howlite working on a task.
Writing example: probably non canon
We see a forearm against a black background, crawling upon this arm are several small 8 legged things that a human might mistake for ticks or spiders. They might be rather disturbed that the owner of the arm had not tried to swat the intruders off of itself. The spiders appear to be clustered around a festering wound of some kind on the forearm of the limb, as if tearing into the flesh of a hapless victim.
As the scene pans in closure the odd coloring of the arm becomes more apparent and the spiders are shown to be 3 small humanoids with 4 extra metallic limbs extending from their backs with which they cling to the side of the ship. Accompanying them are a number of actual spidery looking machines all carrying boxes filled with various suplise. The 3 Howlites are diligently working on an area where some form of space debris has punched through the side of the ship while it was traveling through interstellar space near the former colony of earth. The team had just finished cooling of the site with foam, one shouts to the other two.
“We cooled it down enough on my side. I’m gonna investigate the obstruction”
A Howlite (that Steven might have) called busty, chesty, doc, papa smurf Core put her foam sprayer back on the cargo spider and then descended into the hole using her mechanical limbs, her visor lighting up the inside of the hole as she approached the foreign object. It appeared to have once consisted of a large dish of white material with a smaller metal part behind it that sported a bunch of stickin out antenna. Using a combination of sawing, melting and non regulation wrench smacking she began to remove the obstruction till she reached what appeared to be a storage compartment which gave her pause. It contained a bunch of gold plated disk that have instructions on how to read data of of them. While she really should dispose of them like the rest (they weren’t gem tech and where thus unimportant) she couldn’t help but wonder what was on them.
The instructions were easy to follow but needed air to transmit their sonic data, so she spent some time reading them all onto her helmet's internal memory. The results were fascinating, 90 minutes of pleasingly ordered sounds, images and sounds of an uncolonised world, what appeared to be 55 versions of the word hello and a description of the purpose of the disks. She had just begun analysing that last segment when the others grew confused by the lack of debris extraction and called down what was the trouble.
“What is taking so long”
Core excitedly ascended to the surface again now with the disks and handed them to them to (someone steven might call) Brains who was the eldest and incharge of the other two.
“So I was digging around and I found...”
She stopped as she saw Brains chucking the disks off into space after the rest of the obstructions material. The third Howlite, Cheek, was similarly uninterested in the odd devices and was rolling her eyes at core. Quite an impressive performance, as the marks indicating the location of her optics did a 360 spin while being rolled to indicate just how idiotic Cheek though Core was for doing this.
“Why did you” “I know you're new but you can't stop working just because you see something shiny, get back to it newborn” “But” “now!” “Yes. Of course. On it.”
The rest of the repairs went as standard, the obstruction was removed, wiring was resoldered/replaced and the hull sealed shut with new materials retrieved from the cargo spiders. It was as routine as ever but made slightly more interesting for Core by the soft rhythmic sounds she had read from the disks. |
13,455 | 388 | 22 | 2,452 | 1,973 | Perle/pierre
Pearl a regardé autour de la région, en gardant un œil attentif sur son environnement tandis que tout le monde s'est parlé. On ne pourrait jamais être trop prudent. La possibilité que quelqu'un puisse les surveiller était toujours là, et c'était à elle d'être toujours vigilante. Elle ne s'est même pas rendu compte qu'elle avait regardé leur mystérieux observateur dans les yeux pendant un instant.
Son attention a été attirée loin de l'endroit où son intestin l'a avertie, de retour à Larimar et Chromite. Pourquoi a-t-elle demandé à Larimar de l'accompagner? Après que Chromite eut donné sa réponse, Pearl soupira et répondit : « Je regarderai autour de moi avec Larimar. Il ne serait pas sage de le laisser partir seul », a-t-elle alors commencé à marcher vers lui, mais elle s'est arrêtée un moment quand elle était à côté de Chromite. Elle a averti Chromite, l'informant de l'intuition : « S'il vous plaît, gardez votre garde. Il pourrait y avoir une menace à proximité. Si vous avez besoin d'aide, n'hésitez pas à appeler,"
Elle est ensuite montée à Larimar et a déclaré professionnellement : « Eh bien. Est-ce qu'on va le faire?" Elle allait laisser Larimar faire son travail et diriger la voie. | Gem:
"I'm a Larimar, What type of gem are you new friend?"
Name if your gem goes by a different name:
"Hi! Everyone calls me Bubbles! I don't know why.... me oh well I guess"
"I am not the best looking gem. But I am proud of my appearance"
Bubble Manipulation(Active): User can create, shape and manipulate bubbles.
Thought Bubble Constructs(Passive): User can use their own thought bubbles in a real, tangible situation. They could be used like balloons for transportation, generating platforms, comfort and various other uses.
Enhanced Speed(Unknown): User has the ability to ran faster then the average speed of their species and if strong enough can temporary slow time due to how fast they are movie but this would have side effects on the user, for example, distorting their appearance slightly or paralysing certain actions
An Axe, like the one in the picture. And an eyesight enhancer has well to help see smaller details in objects.
"What this silly thing? It's nothing that great"
Larimars are formed to be like messengers or scouts, many pretty hard to come by since they have such a picky genetic makeup so they are most of the time given to noble warlords like gems for them to send them out to planets to find and receive information on topics like vegetation, other life forms, and geography. This Larimar has only done very few scouting jobs and is under the care of a Blue Quartz who is a defective Quartz soldier.
He doesn't know much his Blue Quartz but she is very pretty and pretty mean to him a lot but does show him kindness sometimes whenever he does all of his jobs currently for that day, and when she first got home she was a new noble gem and he got the sit on her lap as she talked to him and answered questions about everything. At the time she wore a really pretty flowing icy blue dress that has a diagonal cut going from the mid thigh to the ground. He would actually try to talk to her normally about normal things like how his eyesight teacher would bug out sometimes when he is near the peridots while they are working.
Writing example:
Larimar calmly walks around the halls of the ship trying to get to the pilot's quarters to speak with them about an update that has appeared in the DNA result from a lab test on a rock fragment though he does and up slipping a few times due to the little amount of traction that he as under his feet. "PERMISSION TO SPEAK SIR!" he yells really loudly has he bursts through the door breathing heavily.
He slowly raises his head and salutes his higher ranking gems. "I have news on the umm latest samples from the Lapis Lazuli dispatch who came back from their latest terraforming exhibition pretty beat up by same of the preexisting lifeforms that you already know of and they have brought back data stating that are capabilities to form at least a minimum of kindergartens sadly with unpredictable outcomes on the gems that would be formed. Most likely if we do go down that route there will be a good number of defective gems." He then closes his eyes preparing to be yelled which he did this time for stepping out of time and barging into a conference meeting with nobles from a diamond.
Larimar sighs as he stands out in the hall after he got yelled at before slowly walking to his courtiers to get some rest and to wait for his next "mission" or whatever. At this point, he could care less about people randomly calling him Bubbles he could turn his thoughts into platforms. Has he was walking one of the thoughts actually turned into a platform and he walks into it face first. Larimar sighs and climbs over it before continuing down the halls on the ship, the floor tiles lighting up when he steps on it. "I guess the Peridots finally got the new floor tiles to work... they are kinda cool I guess," he says to myself before sighing and pushing the button to go into his room wich was about the size of a closet and filled with random plant life and a little creek flowing through it and he had a hammock hanging from the ceiling that he installed him self-using random stuff he finds while scouting planets.
Anything extra you'd like to add:
-Though it's not traditional he does like to zone out of the physical realm into a realm of mystery and has the ability to do whatever and think of whatever freely and somehow when he comes to he feels refreshed
Enhydro Agate
^^Before Corruption, but replace the stars with diamonds^^
After corruption, their eyes became a solid navy blue colour which fades into a lighter shade has you go towards where the iris would be. Their Gem placement is on the upper back part of their neck in an eye shape format vertically.
-Water Absorption: The user can absorb water in all its forms from the atmosphere, bodies of water or living creatures, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
-Hydroboration: The user can teleport via water, merging into a body of water of any size and appearing anywhere else from the same element.
-Summoning: The user can transport person, creature, or object of choice by means of Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner, but for Hydro he must he his brush like a wand to summon things.
- A large paint brush with black and dark brown pointed bristles and a thick wooden handle the tapers down into the rounded end.
Disclaimer: This will be told in first person story mode.
Everything was black. Practically nothing, but then there was something, there was me, bursting out of this ocean floor only the sit there for a bit until someone else came along with this bright light and pulled me out from the hole from where I formed from. I was emotionless, I was nothing but a newly formed Enhydro Agate. Once they pulled be to the surface from the ocean I was formed in I looked up at the sky in curiosity since it was in a reddish purple hue and the large white star was right above my head. The gem who was in a yellowish tone and who was the one that carried me to the surface seemed to be angry yet they were gentle while they had carried me. I didn't say anything to this gem, of course, I just sat on the platform that they placed me on gas they discussed something with another gem, their voices were hushed as if trying to hide something. One of their voices were static and broken up while the other's were more pronounced and had a harsh tone to it.
I, on the other hand, stayed quiet staring down at my feet has a large mass slinked through the water before seeming to burst out of the water and spiral in the air, it scales shining in the starlight and it's tail whipped around. It looked at me for a split second before colliding with the water surface causing a large splash. The platform then grew a large bubble around it shielding it from the splash before the bubble hardened at the platform I was sitting on apparently began moving.
I turned around to look at the pilot curiously still not saying a word to the other gem. I looked them up and down noticing a zig-zag shape on their back. They seemed to have styled their hair in twin buns that were slightly triangular shaped like two rounded cones on their head.
I watched them stir the ship unable to see my surroundings through the small clear area that was in front of the piloting gem. I slowly got up and moved towards the gem has something had hit the bottom of the platform ship and grabbed onto it, it's sharp breath poked holes into the ship causing water to rush in. I was on the ground again this time on my hands and knees
The ship rumbled before a large beeping and wheezing sound came from the ship only to find the yellow zig-zag gemstone on the ground and a large whole in the haul of the shield around the platform with a large pointing rock inside.
I stayed where I was just staring at it emotionlessly and confused. I gathered the strength to crawl over to the zig zag gemstone find out that it had cracks at all corners almost completely through it. I lead against the control panel wall holding onto the cracked broken zig zag gemstone not knowing who they were or if they were any importance to me what so ever. So, I just sat there holding onto it listening to everything going on around me emotionlessly.
"Emotionless," The one word they could muster out of their throat into their mouth and slip past their lips and into the cold dry air has the temperature around them slowly dropped, and large sharp ice crystal formed from the ceiling. I sat there watching it happen while holding onto that zig-zag gemstone not letting it go has I slowly closed my eyes blacking out completely has they went into hibernation for 200 years.
When I came to there were small fish inside the ship and lots of aquatic flora growing everywhere and the small fish just swam around and through it happily. I slowly got up disturbing another lifeform to wake up from its slumber who seemed to be a much smaller version of the first lifeform I saw on this planet. I slowly swam to the surface of the water out of the platform ship with the zig-zag gem now tucked away in a pocket for safe keeping. I looked around for a bit before deciding to try and climb up onto the large rock formation that the platform ship crashed into, once at the top, I looked out over the large immense mass of water which seemed to be what this planet was primarily made up of.
I watched as the white star sank into the ocean sending flashes of green and blue into the sky before it slowly became nighttime and the oceans lit up in brilliant bioluminescent colours which seemed to ripple through the whole ocean. The sky now was a deep dark shade of red of red with thousands and millions of pin picks which were other stars and planets. While I stared up at the night sky a saw another planet come into view, I could visibly see the swirls of gases move across its surface and see small flashes of light that I can only assume were small explosions caused by colliding material in those swirls of gases and what not.
Enhydro Agate closes their eyes as they take their hands off of the ship controls preparing their self for a crash landing into the planet's ocean. They brace them self for impact by taking a deep breath in and crossed their forearms over their eyes. The small round blue-ish ship crashed into the water causing a huge splash before bobbing with the water a bit and sinking to the bottom of the ocean with our gem still inside poofed away from their physical existence.
EnHydro Agate slowly reforms on a rocky beach his appearance now different from before. He growls before softly sighing as they look around the planet then look back at the ship they stole thinking if they should stay or not. They lean against the ship and slides down it before closing their eyes feeling the warmth of the yellow star beat down on them while trying to think straight after all that had just happened. They groan softly before getting up and walking over to a nearby abandoned building that was built into the structure of a cave like formation. They look around a bit before slowly creaking open the door and pokes his head in and looks around the inside a bit before walking back out.
Enhydro Agate sits down on one of the rocks and stares out in the ocean watching the waves hit to rocks causing the salty water to spray onto them. They lay back on the rock feel the warm sunshine hit their skin. They lay there for a while before getting up and walking back over to the old house and looks up at it from ground level. "Well if I'm gonna stay. I guess I should fix this place up a bit," He says has he forms his paintbrush and begins to summon pieces and objects to help him fix the house.
It took him 5 years to hook up the wiring and place everything in the correct place to the point that he had his own base completely compatible with gem tech and the human tech, which they ended up getting from the neighbouring town. Though through this period of time they slowly became more and more corrupted due to the lack of positive interaction with other gems and the foul memories that were imprinted on them at the beginning of their creation.
-Semi-corrupted, this means that a part of them is gone but they still have control over their self and can act freely and accordingly to their own wants and needs but if they are to interact with gems and cause negative memories and feeling to back they can loose control of themselves before going full corrupted
-If you were to look this gem up in the database you would find only find one of them. If you were to try to go into their file you would find nothing but a keypad asking for a code so you could see what was left of his information.
-he works with the humans in the nearby city helping them with simple things like fixing their electricity after a bad storm and helping to plan and build new buildings |
13,456 | 388 | 23 | 2,279 | 355 | Chromite a hurlé à Pearl. " Merci, Moonstone. Vous n'avez pas besoin de vous inquiéter, je n'ai pas l'intention de laisser quelque chose par moi. Vous assurez-vous et restez en sécurité aussi bien."
Alors que Pearl et Larimar approchaient de la ville, à leur insu, un capteur de pierres précieuses dans une base souterraine voisine commença à décoller. Cela est probablement venu comme une grande surprise pour les vieilles pierres précieuses de la rébellion qui résidaient encore à l'intérieur, qui n'avaient pas interagi avec d'autres pierres précieuses depuis très longtemps. Homeworld aurait finalement pu venir les chercher? | Gem: Chromite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: N/A
Appearance: Chromite stands at around 5'10, with a build and physical appearance similar to Tanith from Fire Emblem, but with gray skin and hair. Chromite is generally covered head-to-toe in armor similar to a knight's. Her gem is located on her right shoulder blade.
Strength: I. Chromite isn't excessively strong, but she is a combat gem and can get the job done.
Defense: II. Chromite is primarily a defensive gem. Her armor and gem item can absorb significant amounts of damage, and she knows how to use both.
Combat Training: I. Chromite has received standard training as a gem soldier.
Items: A large, Spartan-style shield, her gem item. A long, thin lance. Her armor.
Backstory: Chromite's existence has mostly been a boring affair up to this point. Like all Chromites she was created to be a frontline defender but has rarely seen true combat, and has mostly only worked security jobs on various planets conquered by Homeworld. She was chosen, of course, to serve in a defensive capacity to her group.
Writing example: A not necessarily canon story about Chromite:
"Chromite reporting." The young gem stood at attention, straight as an arrow before her superior. After a few decades of training and two centuries working security jobs, Chromite had been stationed on the Earth to help fight the growing rebellion. Her nervousness was so palpable you'd practically get lightheaded just standing next to her.
The older chromite didn't rest on ceremony, she didn't even bother with so much as an "at ease." Hardened as she was, she'd suffered more than a few headaches since the war began, and she wasn't interested in wasting time or words. She looked her new soldier in the eye, her gaze like a corpse's: unreadable. "You won't be with us long. Fall in with the rest of them, chromite." If she weren't a gem, Chromite would be sweating. "YES, MA'AM!" she belts.
Chromite falls in with her squad. In spite of being the same type of gem, she doesn't blend in particularly well. She stands among other chromites in the ancient forest where they were instructed to meet up. The group includes several chromites of various colors and gem placements, those being bicep, eye, hand, and stomach, in addition to the commander's who had hers on her head.
The chromites head towards their "base," a small area where the trees and plantlife are especially thick, thereby providing cover and preventing their words from traveling very far. As they make their way there, a brown mass becomes visible not too far in the distance. The older chromites immediately raise their shields as a bear moves towards them. Chromite, caught off guard by this non-gem opponent, imitates the rest of her group only a second too late. The bear is on top of her just before she can bring her shield up. Even with her strength, Chromite has immense difficulty against the overwhelming force of the bear. She manages to keep it's mouth away from her face, but is repeatedly grazed by its claws. The squad leader puts her hand up as the other chromites lower their shields and prepare to help, allowing this to continue for a full minute. Finally, she draws the shortsword from the sheath at her hip and takes care of the animal, rolling its body off of Chromite as she does.
Chromite bolts up as soon as she overcomes the shock of the event. "I'm sor-" "Stop." The leader kneels down before Chromite has a chance to stand up, giving her yet another glare of death. "Listen up. Don't apologize- and no, this isn't a stupid 'Don't apologize, do better" lecture because right now you'd only fail at that too. What I want you to do is understand that being hard on you is the best thing I can do for you at this point. So I don't want your apology. A 'thank you' is what I just worked hard to earn." "T-thank y-" "Thank you's are cheap! You were so wound up that if that had been a group of Crystal Gems instead of some mindless Earth creature, you'd be dead, and all the time we spent reaching you would have been a complete waste! I trust that's over now."
Chromite had no idea how she was supposed to respond. She thought for a moment and realized that, as traumatic as that situation had been, she was quite lucid now, like the worst was already over. Gone was the constantly nagging fear that she'd do something wrong, or that she wasn't good enough, she'd already come face-to-face with the knowledge that she wasn't. "Yes, ma'am." she said calmly. "I'm glad we understand each other, see that it doesn't happen again." The older chromite stood up and joined the rest of the group. The chromite whose gem was located on her stomach gave Chromite her hand and dusted her off as she got up.
"Hey, I don't think the Paladin wants you doing that." the bicep chromite called. "It's fine." the leader responded. "Let her have someone to get her emotions on, spares us from having to deal with it. If she hasn't grown out of it by now, she never will."
Anything extra you'd like to add: N/A, at least for now. |
13,457 | 388 | 24 | 175 | 3,684 | Après avoir traversé le portail de Marry jusqu'au nouvel endroit qu'elle a trouvé, Moonstone et Larimar sont partis explorer l'établissement humain. Pendant ce temps, Marry est resté à la nouvelle zone pour essayer de comprendre exactement ce qu'il faut faire. Ils avaient quelques doodads forment le vaisseau et la perceuse, mais il n'y avait pas grand-chose d'autre. Pas de Bismoth pour commencer à faire des structures Gem pour le groupe, et alors que cet emplacement était bon et isolé, aucune base ne signifiait que les éléments étranges de la planète seraient probablement... ennuyeux à gérer.
Pensant un peu à elle-même, elle a décidé que, à moins qu'ils n'aient trouvé un tapis de distorsion ou un autre temple de pierres précieuses ou une structure pour faire la maison, elle allait voir ce que les humains utilisaient. Après tout, ils avaient une ville, et donc des matériaux de construction. Et alors que Marry n'était pas un Bismoth ou un Peridot, elle avait au moins une compréhension de base de la construction, et les outils humains suffiraient une fois qu'elle a appris à les utiliser.
"Hé, je vais suivre Larimar et eux pour voir si je ne trouve pas de matériaux de construction. Je laisserai un portail ici pour quand j'aurai besoin d'aide plus tard." Marry a dit aux autres pierres précieuses, planant après Larimar, plaçant un portail sans jointure sur la face de la falaise. | Gem: Moldsvite
Name if your gem goes by a different name: Marry
Although she tends to have more of an 'always curious about everything' look on her face than the one in the picture.
Space-Time Manipulation : Marry can manipulate various parts of space-time, although only on a small scale.
Marry is able to create portals along her sight lines, joining two points of space. There can only be 2 portals open at a time.
Portals literally link two points in space, and preserve any forces of objects that go through them.
Portals are unaffected by things going through them and an unlimited amount of things can go through a portal pair.
A portal without a twin does nothing but look like a flat screen of light.
Portals can be created by firing extremely fast moving balls of light, placed on the front side of the Tower shield, or by touching an object.
Objects that are formed by touching an object can have a portal placed on the other side of the object, even if that is not in Marry's sight lines.
Portals formed from the balls of light can be opened in mid air or are automatically opened if they hit a solid non liquid surface. These balls can go through other portals with no issue.
Portals on a surface will move with that surface. If a portal on a surface has its surface destroyed, the portal closes.
Portals on surfaces remain open as long as Marry wants them to be, and Marry can close them at will even if she can't see them.
Portals opened in the air will close after a short period of time, Marry can close these ones prematurely as well.
Portals opened on or in a liquid count as if they were opened in the air.
Portal edges are clearly defined, and take on the solidity of what they're placed on. Caution must be taken with a set of portals in the air, as they have no solid edge to catch you.
Living objects will be forcibly ejected if a portal closes on them or a portal location changes, often at high speeds. Non living objects will be cut in half.
Teleportation: Marry can teleport herself a short distance along her sight lines regardless of portal locations or availability.
Levitation: Marry is unaffected by moderate gravity and can float freely in the air. She isn't very fast though.
Items: Tower Shield, Staff (Other weapon)
Backstory: Moldsvite, or Marry as she prefers to be called (Mostly because Moldy sounds icky) is a gem formed from a super dense meteorite. Due to her extremely high levels of intelligence, Marry was given a role as a scientist. A new type of gem, Marry was sent on an expedition team with a few other newborn gems to see how useful this new gem type could be to the Diamonds.
Writing example: Earth was a really interesting place. Wheverever you looked, there was evoltuion and change happening! Always more to learn, and humans learned quickly and adapted quickly. Even so, much like Homeworld, there was an air of dread around some of the bigger city centers for some reason. This thought didn't last too long, as Marry found a nice warehouse. "Oooh, new things!" She said, excited that this one was much bigger than the last one she visited. One thing about being on Earth, lots of abandoned places to search, humans weren't very optimal about space.
Digging through the various boxes in the warehouse, Marry found a few things that interested her. Sure most of them were either old electronics or plush dolls, but then anything could be used for some kind of experiment! Shame there weren't any books or anything. The library only had so many things for her to use and the internet, while nice, was sometimes wrong or didn't have any info about stuff she'd be interested in.
While there was lots of neat things to experiment with, she was there to get materials for the rest of the group. Placing what she could in a large crate, she opened a portal on a nearby wall to come pick it up later. Though considering how big and metal the crate was, Chromite would probably have to pick it up for her. Pleased with her haul, she glided out of the warehouse skylight and made her way to where her friends were waiting.
Maybe after repurposing this human tech, the misfit group of gems could find something like a gem temple or structure.
Anything extra you'd like to add: Just be careful, she might get a little Aperture Science sometimes. |
13,458 | 388 | 25 | 2,452 | 1,973 | Larimar
Larimar était calmement en train de jouer avec le chat quand Marry a décidé de les rejoindre. Il se leva rapidement et s'enfuit gaiement tandis que le chat marchait en cercle autour de lui frottant contre ses jambes provoquant le petit chat à Purr assez fort. "Oh bonjour! Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé! Puis-je le garder et le ramener à la base?! C'est trop mignon!"
Il glousse avec gaieté a pris le chat pour leur montrer tout en continuant à gratter leur petite tête. La crème et le chat tacheté brun clair heureux puré a l'être les caresser sans se soucier de ce qu'ils étaient, le chat était juste heureux d'obtenir cette démangeaisons folles assis éraflé finalement puisqu'ils ne pouvaient pas l'atteindre eux-mêmes. Le chat a continué à Purr avant de décider de sauter sur l'épaule de Laeimae et de se percher là-bas puisqu'ils sont juste assez petits pour s'asseoir confortablement.
Larimar se glousse encore une fois en appréciant les cadeaux du chat sur son épaule. Il regarda la Lune qu'à Marry attendant la réponse en espérant qu'ils les laisseraient garder le chat. Ses yeux remplis de joie et d'excitation nerveuse et impatiente pour leur réponse. "S'il te plaît?" | Gem:
"I'm a Larimar, What type of gem are you new friend?"
Name if your gem goes by a different name:
"Hi! Everyone calls me Bubbles! I don't know why.... me oh well I guess"
"I am not the best looking gem. But I am proud of my appearance"
Bubble Manipulation(Active): User can create, shape and manipulate bubbles.
Thought Bubble Constructs(Passive): User can use their own thought bubbles in a real, tangible situation. They could be used like balloons for transportation, generating platforms, comfort and various other uses.
Enhanced Speed(Unknown): User has the ability to ran faster then the average speed of their species and if strong enough can temporary slow time due to how fast they are movie but this would have side effects on the user, for example, distorting their appearance slightly or paralysing certain actions
An Axe, like the one in the picture. And an eyesight enhancer has well to help see smaller details in objects.
"What this silly thing? It's nothing that great"
Larimars are formed to be like messengers or scouts, many pretty hard to come by since they have such a picky genetic makeup so they are most of the time given to noble warlords like gems for them to send them out to planets to find and receive information on topics like vegetation, other life forms, and geography. This Larimar has only done very few scouting jobs and is under the care of a Blue Quartz who is a defective Quartz soldier.
He doesn't know much his Blue Quartz but she is very pretty and pretty mean to him a lot but does show him kindness sometimes whenever he does all of his jobs currently for that day, and when she first got home she was a new noble gem and he got the sit on her lap as she talked to him and answered questions about everything. At the time she wore a really pretty flowing icy blue dress that has a diagonal cut going from the mid thigh to the ground. He would actually try to talk to her normally about normal things like how his eyesight teacher would bug out sometimes when he is near the peridots while they are working.
Writing example:
Larimar calmly walks around the halls of the ship trying to get to the pilot's quarters to speak with them about an update that has appeared in the DNA result from a lab test on a rock fragment though he does and up slipping a few times due to the little amount of traction that he as under his feet. "PERMISSION TO SPEAK SIR!" he yells really loudly has he bursts through the door breathing heavily.
He slowly raises his head and salutes his higher ranking gems. "I have news on the umm latest samples from the Lapis Lazuli dispatch who came back from their latest terraforming exhibition pretty beat up by same of the preexisting lifeforms that you already know of and they have brought back data stating that are capabilities to form at least a minimum of kindergartens sadly with unpredictable outcomes on the gems that would be formed. Most likely if we do go down that route there will be a good number of defective gems." He then closes his eyes preparing to be yelled which he did this time for stepping out of time and barging into a conference meeting with nobles from a diamond.
Larimar sighs as he stands out in the hall after he got yelled at before slowly walking to his courtiers to get some rest and to wait for his next "mission" or whatever. At this point, he could care less about people randomly calling him Bubbles he could turn his thoughts into platforms. Has he was walking one of the thoughts actually turned into a platform and he walks into it face first. Larimar sighs and climbs over it before continuing down the halls on the ship, the floor tiles lighting up when he steps on it. "I guess the Peridots finally got the new floor tiles to work... they are kinda cool I guess," he says to myself before sighing and pushing the button to go into his room wich was about the size of a closet and filled with random plant life and a little creek flowing through it and he had a hammock hanging from the ceiling that he installed him self-using random stuff he finds while scouting planets.
Anything extra you'd like to add:
-Though it's not traditional he does like to zone out of the physical realm into a realm of mystery and has the ability to do whatever and think of whatever freely and somehow when he comes to he feels refreshed
Enhydro Agate
^^Before Corruption, but replace the stars with diamonds^^
After corruption, their eyes became a solid navy blue colour which fades into a lighter shade has you go towards where the iris would be. Their Gem placement is on the upper back part of their neck in an eye shape format vertically.
-Water Absorption: The user can absorb water in all its forms from the atmosphere, bodies of water or living creatures, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
-Hydroboration: The user can teleport via water, merging into a body of water of any size and appearing anywhere else from the same element.
-Summoning: The user can transport person, creature, or object of choice by means of Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner, but for Hydro he must he his brush like a wand to summon things.
- A large paint brush with black and dark brown pointed bristles and a thick wooden handle the tapers down into the rounded end.
Disclaimer: This will be told in first person story mode.
Everything was black. Practically nothing, but then there was something, there was me, bursting out of this ocean floor only the sit there for a bit until someone else came along with this bright light and pulled me out from the hole from where I formed from. I was emotionless, I was nothing but a newly formed Enhydro Agate. Once they pulled be to the surface from the ocean I was formed in I looked up at the sky in curiosity since it was in a reddish purple hue and the large white star was right above my head. The gem who was in a yellowish tone and who was the one that carried me to the surface seemed to be angry yet they were gentle while they had carried me. I didn't say anything to this gem, of course, I just sat on the platform that they placed me on gas they discussed something with another gem, their voices were hushed as if trying to hide something. One of their voices were static and broken up while the other's were more pronounced and had a harsh tone to it.
I, on the other hand, stayed quiet staring down at my feet has a large mass slinked through the water before seeming to burst out of the water and spiral in the air, it scales shining in the starlight and it's tail whipped around. It looked at me for a split second before colliding with the water surface causing a large splash. The platform then grew a large bubble around it shielding it from the splash before the bubble hardened at the platform I was sitting on apparently began moving.
I turned around to look at the pilot curiously still not saying a word to the other gem. I looked them up and down noticing a zig-zag shape on their back. They seemed to have styled their hair in twin buns that were slightly triangular shaped like two rounded cones on their head.
I watched them stir the ship unable to see my surroundings through the small clear area that was in front of the piloting gem. I slowly got up and moved towards the gem has something had hit the bottom of the platform ship and grabbed onto it, it's sharp breath poked holes into the ship causing water to rush in. I was on the ground again this time on my hands and knees
The ship rumbled before a large beeping and wheezing sound came from the ship only to find the yellow zig-zag gemstone on the ground and a large whole in the haul of the shield around the platform with a large pointing rock inside.
I stayed where I was just staring at it emotionlessly and confused. I gathered the strength to crawl over to the zig zag gemstone find out that it had cracks at all corners almost completely through it. I lead against the control panel wall holding onto the cracked broken zig zag gemstone not knowing who they were or if they were any importance to me what so ever. So, I just sat there holding onto it listening to everything going on around me emotionlessly.
"Emotionless," The one word they could muster out of their throat into their mouth and slip past their lips and into the cold dry air has the temperature around them slowly dropped, and large sharp ice crystal formed from the ceiling. I sat there watching it happen while holding onto that zig-zag gemstone not letting it go has I slowly closed my eyes blacking out completely has they went into hibernation for 200 years.
When I came to there were small fish inside the ship and lots of aquatic flora growing everywhere and the small fish just swam around and through it happily. I slowly got up disturbing another lifeform to wake up from its slumber who seemed to be a much smaller version of the first lifeform I saw on this planet. I slowly swam to the surface of the water out of the platform ship with the zig-zag gem now tucked away in a pocket for safe keeping. I looked around for a bit before deciding to try and climb up onto the large rock formation that the platform ship crashed into, once at the top, I looked out over the large immense mass of water which seemed to be what this planet was primarily made up of.
I watched as the white star sank into the ocean sending flashes of green and blue into the sky before it slowly became nighttime and the oceans lit up in brilliant bioluminescent colours which seemed to ripple through the whole ocean. The sky now was a deep dark shade of red of red with thousands and millions of pin picks which were other stars and planets. While I stared up at the night sky a saw another planet come into view, I could visibly see the swirls of gases move across its surface and see small flashes of light that I can only assume were small explosions caused by colliding material in those swirls of gases and what not.
Enhydro Agate closes their eyes as they take their hands off of the ship controls preparing their self for a crash landing into the planet's ocean. They brace them self for impact by taking a deep breath in and crossed their forearms over their eyes. The small round blue-ish ship crashed into the water causing a huge splash before bobbing with the water a bit and sinking to the bottom of the ocean with our gem still inside poofed away from their physical existence.
EnHydro Agate slowly reforms on a rocky beach his appearance now different from before. He growls before softly sighing as they look around the planet then look back at the ship they stole thinking if they should stay or not. They lean against the ship and slides down it before closing their eyes feeling the warmth of the yellow star beat down on them while trying to think straight after all that had just happened. They groan softly before getting up and walking over to a nearby abandoned building that was built into the structure of a cave like formation. They look around a bit before slowly creaking open the door and pokes his head in and looks around the inside a bit before walking back out.
Enhydro Agate sits down on one of the rocks and stares out in the ocean watching the waves hit to rocks causing the salty water to spray onto them. They lay back on the rock feel the warm sunshine hit their skin. They lay there for a while before getting up and walking back over to the old house and looks up at it from ground level. "Well if I'm gonna stay. I guess I should fix this place up a bit," He says has he forms his paintbrush and begins to summon pieces and objects to help him fix the house.
It took him 5 years to hook up the wiring and place everything in the correct place to the point that he had his own base completely compatible with gem tech and the human tech, which they ended up getting from the neighbouring town. Though through this period of time they slowly became more and more corrupted due to the lack of positive interaction with other gems and the foul memories that were imprinted on them at the beginning of their creation.
-Semi-corrupted, this means that a part of them is gone but they still have control over their self and can act freely and accordingly to their own wants and needs but if they are to interact with gems and cause negative memories and feeling to back they can loose control of themselves before going full corrupted
-If you were to look this gem up in the database you would find only find one of them. If you were to try to go into their file you would find nothing but a keypad asking for a code so you could see what was left of his information.
-he works with the humans in the nearby city helping them with simple things like fixing their electricity after a bad storm and helping to plan and build new buildings |
13,459 | 388 | 26 | 673 | 764 | Howlite
Howlite suivit après les autres jusqu'à la zone de teinture, une grande falaise sur l'une des collines environnantes. Le sol devant lui était une version beaucoup plus solide du marais dans lequel ils avaient atterri, des plantes vertes semblables poussant sur une surface douce, mais heureusement cette fois surtout sèche. La falaise elle-même était à côté de la ville humaine et légèrement plus haut vers le haut, permettant une bonne vue de la colonie et de l'océan si vous sortez de l'ombre de la colline. Dans la direction opposée de la ville était une forêt et en face de la falaise et un peu loin étaient le marais et le site de crash.
Si nous nous inquiétons de l'abri, nous pourrions toujours utiliser la perceuse pour percer des tunnels dans la falaise.
Elle a suggéré. | Name if your gem goes by a different name: Owl, Core
Appearance: She wears black helmet with an opaque visor which she uses to protect here 2 large light sensitive vision. It effectively has 5 cameras in it, that all dulled to a light level suitable for her 2 owlish eyes. The visor has 5 marks indicating the location of the cameras and they are synced up with her own eyes state, resulting in 5 expressive elliptical shapes on the visor. The visor can also display images instead of the eye marks to allow others to see data she has or emote in more absurd ways (,,).
A collection of straps over her chest and back secure a metallic backpack which can extend 4 claw tipped limbs. At the front the straps link to a ringlike device around her gem which is located at the center of her chest. She wears a pair of white gloves, turquoise shorts and blue wee booties. Her skin is gray-white in color, her upper arms and lower legs are covered in random dark markings/patterns. Her pale blue hair features a braid that comes out of the back of her helmet. She is about the same a height as a ruby or limb enhancer-less peridot.
Techno-Empathy II: She can link her mind with a device and ether operate it, read/write data at incredible speed or get an innate understanding of the device and what might be wrong with it. This only works through making contact with the device itself with her skin. The gloves stop her from interfacing with anything she touches and she can selectively activate link herself to devices using her additional limbs. This is done by making a wired connection from their extremities to her back.
Engineering II: capable of building and repairing gem tech level equipment so long as materials are available. This can be adapted to using earth tech if that is all which is available.
Weapon: Monkey wrench
BackPack: a small metal device on her back that features 4 extendable manipulator arms which end in 3 fingered claws. These are used either for climbing, transport or helping with work. The ending claws can mold themselves into variety of purposes that can be added to as needed. Currently these include welding torches, drills, circular saws, torches and light laser weapons. The arms can be combined to create larger versions of the end components or extend the limbs range(or sometimes both). Her Techno-Empathy works through these limbs if she wants it to.
Helmet: the visor on her helmet features 5 cameras that can provide ontop of normal darkened vision: thermal and night vision, flash suppression and a binocular function. The visor can also be used to display images or act like a flashlight. The helmet also contains a small computer and a bunch of memory for storing recordings and managing the camera/display systems.
These additional devices are practically a part of her due to being in constant contact with her skin.
Backstory: Howlites are a gem type created to work specifically with the ever increasing amount of homeworld automation. Their ability to interface with any piece of technology allows them to more easily diagnose problems with that device and then their engineering skills let them fix those problems. They can often be found on ships, either as pilots neurally plugged in pilots or as maintenance crews. This particular one is about 350 years old and currently acts as both for the vessel that has been sent to earth. She has experience in a lot of other postings over those 350 years as Howlites generally move around quite a lot, being sent wherever damage has or might occur. She is rather excited to have been trusted with her first job where she is the senior (and in this case only) Howlite working on a task.
Writing example: probably non canon
We see a forearm against a black background, crawling upon this arm are several small 8 legged things that a human might mistake for ticks or spiders. They might be rather disturbed that the owner of the arm had not tried to swat the intruders off of itself. The spiders appear to be clustered around a festering wound of some kind on the forearm of the limb, as if tearing into the flesh of a hapless victim.
As the scene pans in closure the odd coloring of the arm becomes more apparent and the spiders are shown to be 3 small humanoids with 4 extra metallic limbs extending from their backs with which they cling to the side of the ship. Accompanying them are a number of actual spidery looking machines all carrying boxes filled with various suplise. The 3 Howlites are diligently working on an area where some form of space debris has punched through the side of the ship while it was traveling through interstellar space near the former colony of earth. The team had just finished cooling of the site with foam, one shouts to the other two.
“We cooled it down enough on my side. I’m gonna investigate the obstruction”
A Howlite (that Steven might have) called busty, chesty, doc, papa smurf Core put her foam sprayer back on the cargo spider and then descended into the hole using her mechanical limbs, her visor lighting up the inside of the hole as she approached the foreign object. It appeared to have once consisted of a large dish of white material with a smaller metal part behind it that sported a bunch of stickin out antenna. Using a combination of sawing, melting and non regulation wrench smacking she began to remove the obstruction till she reached what appeared to be a storage compartment which gave her pause. It contained a bunch of gold plated disk that have instructions on how to read data of of them. While she really should dispose of them like the rest (they weren’t gem tech and where thus unimportant) she couldn’t help but wonder what was on them.
The instructions were easy to follow but needed air to transmit their sonic data, so she spent some time reading them all onto her helmet's internal memory. The results were fascinating, 90 minutes of pleasingly ordered sounds, images and sounds of an uncolonised world, what appeared to be 55 versions of the word hello and a description of the purpose of the disks. She had just begun analysing that last segment when the others grew confused by the lack of debris extraction and called down what was the trouble.
“What is taking so long”
Core excitedly ascended to the surface again now with the disks and handed them to them to (someone steven might call) Brains who was the eldest and incharge of the other two.
“So I was digging around and I found...”
She stopped as she saw Brains chucking the disks off into space after the rest of the obstructions material. The third Howlite, Cheek, was similarly uninterested in the odd devices and was rolling her eyes at core. Quite an impressive performance, as the marks indicating the location of her optics did a 360 spin while being rolled to indicate just how idiotic Cheek though Core was for doing this.
“Why did you” “I know you're new but you can't stop working just because you see something shiny, get back to it newborn” “But” “now!” “Yes. Of course. On it.”
The rest of the repairs went as standard, the obstruction was removed, wiring was resoldered/replaced and the hull sealed shut with new materials retrieved from the cargo spiders. It was as routine as ever but made slightly more interesting for Core by the soft rhythmic sounds she had read from the disks. |
13,460 | 389 | 0 | 1,278 | 8,065 | observer attentivement remarquera que l'histoire suit un modèle de destruction et de renaissance. Cela a été noté plus d'une fois par de nombreux historiens d'Extrême-Orient à l'âge classique et même aujourd'hui, lorsque la science fait de son mieux pour démystifier les superstitions de nos ancêtres. Pourtant, l'esprit rationnel ne tient pas toutes les réponses et n'essaie pas comme ils le pourraient, certaines vérités qui se cachent dans le monde que nous pouvons voir tous les jours échapperont toujours aux mains des hommes de la raison, peu importe à quel point ils font leurs filets.
L'un de ces modèles suivis par l'histoire et connus pour les sages de tous les temps et de toutes les époques, mais ignorés par les soi-disant scientifiques et universitaires qui comptent sur leur amour trop zélé des équations et des données factuelles, est que l'obscurité qui a attiré les rêves de nos ancêtres ne peut pas être détruite. Il trouvera toujours un moyen de se préserver. Une fois qu'un homme de l'ère moderne entre en contact avec elle, il est inévitable que son esprit paiera le prix de sa folie en oubliant pourquoi nous avions l'habitude de le craindre pour la plupart de notre histoire.
la vaste campagne d'une nation marchant régulièrement à une époque de science et de raison il existe une ville — plus comme un village glorifié — oubliée derrière, dans le brume du temps. Dans une colline surplombant un lac, se trouve un manoir dont les murs ont été peints en noir par les fumées et les cendres de charbon, l'or noir de la ville.
C'est à l'intérieur de ce manoir, connu sous le nom de Rivianne Solaire, entouré de bois clairsemés que le récit suivant a transpiré. Au lecteur se réserve le droit d'interpréter cette histoire de quelque manière qu'elle soit. Prenez-le comme des faits difficiles, des illusions de folie ou une hallucination causée par le gaspillage de la chose même qui a rendu la ville riche, quoi que ce soit qui vous convient le mieux. dans ma maison. J'espère que vous trouverez le souper de votre goût. » Ce seraient les premiers mots entendus par tous ceux qui se sont trouvés attirés par l'appel séduisant du Rivianne Solaire, le manoir maudit au sommet d'une colline sinistre, dans une ville oubliée au milieu de nulle part. Ces paroles, prononcées d'une voix douce, ressemblant à des murmures, provenaient des lèvres d'une jeune fille finement habillée assise par la tête de la même table dans laquelle tous ceux attirés par le manoir se retrouveraient dès que leur conscience serait revenue.
Pas une seule pièce de leur possession n'avait été enlevée, mais ceux réunis par cette table trouvèrent devant eux un souper abondant. Une partie était à moitié mangée, ce qui soulevait beaucoup de soupçons. Pourtant, ils étaient là. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait se passer? | SheetName: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A brief description, picture or both are all ok. Please, avoid real life pictures.
Backstory: Your character's backstory. Do something interesting, with at least a couple decent paragraphs. You can include hints to their personality/mannerisms as well, if you wish, just avoid focusing too much on them.
Inventory: Any meaningful possessions your characters had with them when they entered the mansion. Please be considerate and keep them in character.
Intro/Sample Post: Your character's introduction to the RP. Explain how they got to the mansion and what they were doing before that. If they have any particular motivation to be there mention it as well.
Other: Anything not mentioned above.Character Sheet TemplateName: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A brief description, picture or both are all ok. Please, avoid real life pictures.
Backstory: Your character's backstory. Do something interesting, with at least a couple decent paragraphs. You can include hints to their personality/mannerisms as well, if you wish, just avoid focusing too much on them.
Inventory: Any meaningful possessions your characters had with them when they entered the mansion. Please be considerate and keep them in character.
Intro/Sample Post: Your character's introduction to the RP. Explain how they got to the mansion and what they were doing before that. If they have any particular motivation to be there mention it as well.
Other: Anything not mentioned above.Character List |
13,461 | 389 | 1 | 1,445 | 9,365 | Solaire vint lentement à ses sens et presque immédiatement il se mit dans un état de panique. Instinctivement, il s'empoigna de sa canne et sauta presque à ses pieds, mais heureusement, il put se calmer en embrayant son rosaire et en analysant la situation. Une fois que la précipitation de l'éveil est morte, le prêtre regarda prudemment autour de la pièce, voyant d'autres personnes qu'il ne connaissait pas. Ensuite, il savait qu'il était dans une sorte de salle à manger, et un grand à ça. La sélection de la nourriture ici était aussi belle que celles trouvées dans une cour noble, avec des vues et une odeur digne d'un tableau. Cependant, une partie de la nourriture semblait déjà avoir été mangée et Solaire ne se sentait pas rassasié et n'avait aucun goût particulier dans sa bouche. Il ne se souvient de rien manger.
En fait, il ne se souvient même pas d'être entré dans ce manoir.
Bien que se reposant dans son siège Solaire sentait ses affaires sous son siège, son manteau était toujours allumé, et avec un mélange de ses pieds, il pouvait dire qu'il y avait encore de la saleté sur ses chaussures par le bruit qu'ils faisaient. Il n'est certainement pas entré dans cet endroit de son plein gré, sinon il aurait bien laissé son sac ailleurs, pendu son manteau, et nettoyé ses chaussures avant de faire un désordre sur le tapis. Mais il ne se souvient pas comment il est entré dans ce manoir en premier lieu. Il savait sûrement que c'était l'existence et pourquoi il était ici, mais sa mémoire la plus récente avant le réveil ne faisait que demander l'entrée. Il n'a même pas eu de oui ou de non avant de se réveiller ici. Sa tête n'était ni endolorie, ni lugubre, il savait donc qu'il n'était ni drogué, ni frappé inconscient. Il connaissait bien les deux. Ce qui n'amène le prêtre qu'à une seule conclusion.
Cet endroit était contrôlé par une présence profane, un démon d'une sorte, qui avait pris Solaire comme prisonnier.
Le clerc avait déjà le sentiment que ce manoir était hanté par une entité d'intérêts malignés, bien que Solaire n'ait jamais fait face à quelque chose d'aussi puissant auparavant. En effet, il n'a jamais été réellement présent ni impliqué dans aucune sorte d'exorcisme, et à sa honte personnelle, il avait toujours pensé que de telles choses n'étaient rien de plus que de simples mains et ruse pour soulager l'esprit des superstitieuses. Une punition appropriée pour quelqu'un comme lui de croire qu'il ne pouvait pas vraiment y avoir une puissance plus élevée entre les simples mortels et son dieu. Après tout, qu'est-ce qu'un dieu sans diable pour tenter les mortels de leur chemin? Même une personne sainte comme Solaire lui-même serait une cible mûre de telles influences démoniaques, transformant même les plus fervents et fidèles en un hérétique givrant.
"Je dois rester fort. Même si ce mal est plus grand que mon moi mortel, ma foi vaincra toute influence infâme qu'elle essaiera sur moi. »
Bientôt une voix s'est exprimée. C'était d'une jeune fille, finement habillée, qui s'adressait à ceux à la table et les accueillait dans sa demeure. Elle n'aurait pas pu avoir plus de quinze ans, peut-être même dix-sept ans. Solaire savait que le patron du ménage était marié, mais Solaire ne recueillait pas assez d'informations pour savoir s'ils avaient des enfants. Tandis que l'homme de la toile suspecte de mauvais jeux, il resterait poli et en contrôle de lui-même, les voix moins sombres tarissent son esprit. « Merci de nous avoir invités à ce bon repas. Je m'excuse pour tout ce que j'ai fait. Je ne crois pas que nous ayons été correctement présentés. Je suis Solaire Astora, un plaisir de faire votre connaissance, mademoiselle...?" | Name: Solaire Astora
Age: 27
Backstory: Solaire’s story first began with his abandonment. Solaire’s mother was a prostitute-turned-nun who who left him in the care of the church orphanage where he would serve an early age as a choirboy. He was given a rudimentary education in literature and numbers as well as taught the lessons of faith which he still holds near his heart. Solaire’s tenure as a mere choirboy changed when his church performed for a wealthy lord, who wished to take a few of the boys to serve on his own choir. Solaire was one of the few who were fortunate enough to be chosen, and at a young age of eight he was sent from the choir to live at the lord’s mansion.
However the lord did not wish to only hear the hymns the boys sand. No, he wished to hear more, their emotions and their cries. Solaire had lived at the mansion for barely a month before a few choirboys went missing, supposedly having “run off” for some reason or another. Each one a boy that the lord had shown particular interest in. Around that time one of those boys revealed himself, traumatized and abused. He told Solaire and the other boys the fate that had befallen him and the others, forced to satisfy their lord. What followed was pandemonium that Solaire did not expect nor had any control over. The guards arrived to the room and started taking the boys away, Solaire included. At some point one of the boys managed to start a fire, a fire which had spread to the grand hall were marvelous silk curtains had hung. Solaire barely managed to escape the chaos.
Alone and cold Solaire was not certain what would befall him. He saw the lord and his guards survive the inferno, and heeding the warnings of his fellow choirboy Solaire ran. He ran into the forest, not knowing where he was going nor where he was at. He heard hoofbeats behind him and he knew that he was being chased. Desperate the boy pleaded to his god to save him, for a blessing or a sign. It came in the form of a blade from the dark. His pursue fell dead and soon Solaire had a bag over his head.
When Inventory:
Golden Rosary - Solaire’s Holy Symbol given to him when he became an ordained cleric. A symbol of his office and if needed also valuable enough to be offered during the most dire of circumstances. Ostensibly given to him to ward off greed, as the value and importances of his holy symbol ought to outweigh any temptation. His name and the date of his inauguration is inscribed onto the back of the Rosary.
Missionary Habit - Sturdy yet refined garments for those of the cloth. Build to last and withstand against all sorts of weather, be it snowy days, harsh winds, or even blistering heat. All the while formal enough to serve in nearly all types of religious services barring ones that require specific attire. While the attire appears rather conservative and restrictive, it’s actually quite breathable and allows Solaire a full range of motion. If necessary he can shed a majority of his outfit to a simple pair of trousers, long-sleeve tunic, and sturdy boots.
Holy Text - Solaire’s book of faith containing holy scripture, verses, and tales of his religion. It is not the full text but rather an an excerpt given to all missionaries, as the full text spans five books. Solaire also keeps pressed flowers between the pages.
Shillelagh - Solaire’s humble cudgel back in his days as a youthful bandit. This stick is carved from blackthorn and decorated with a steel cap. Not only does this staff assist Solaire’s gait and stride, but it is also his primary weapon should he need to defend himself. The handle is hollowed and filled with lead to increase the weight and subsequent striking power of his stick, and with proper momentum and form Solaire could easily crack plate armor. Additionally the Shillelagh is exactly three feet in length, with subtle notches going up the length of the staff to measure inches.
Scrivener's Kit - A soft leather case that contains a vial for holding ink, an ink pen, spare pen nibs, a small container of pigment for making ink, a tiny knife for cutting quills into pens, a blotter, and a small ruler. Solaire often writes letters and documents during his journeys and thus keeps the means to write those documents close at hand. More often than not, the pen is mightier than the sword, and a well written letter has taken over castles far more efficiently than an army would have. In theory of course. Solaire has never had the opportunity to make that a reality.
Diary - Solaire’s personal journal. Simply a place where he could jot down notes, his thoughts, and other things of interest. Currently full of sketches of things of importance or interest. Solaire notable writes in a different script than english, utilizing a cypher of his own making in order to ensure no one who reads his journal could actually understand its context without Solaire. He doesn’t even use conventional letters, and instead writes in perfectly scripted runes of some sort.
Satchel - A shoulder bag to carry all of Solaire’s belongings. Fairly empty all things considered. It contains one large main pouch, as well as two side pockets large enough to hold a book. Various loops and straps are also attached to the back to tie down larger objects such as bedrolls, tools, and containers.
Silver Knife - A small spring folding knife made of silver. It was gifted to Solaire by a smith who Solaire had managed to turn from banditry. It’s blade glims even in darkness, and while it’s silver edge is unsuitable for warfare, hopefully it may ward off evil nonetheless. It also cuts meats very well. Thanks to its folding edge Solaire could easily hide this within the palm of his hand or other small places.
Holy Water - A metal flask containing twelve ounces of blessed water. While some would say that it's merely boiled salt water, which it is, Solaire would assure them that it can still provide protection and blessings to those who need it. He typically keeps it to bless newborn babies or disinfect wounds and surfaces.
Intro/Sample Post:
Footsteps echoed off the stones as Solaire approached the forlorn mansion. As the cleric approached the mansion, it was not lost to him that his name is the same to the latter half of this hallowed place: Rivianne Solaire. This dark and mysterious place had no real need for the cleric’s service, however Solaire had his own reasons to be here. Many rumors in these lands speak of a vast fortune hidden within the mansion, and that it’s lord had been gone for quite some time. However it was not greed that drove the priest, but fervor. Among the rumors spoke that those who attempt to investigate the keep were consumed by a profane darkness, and no doubt that occult activities were at work. Memories of the tyrannical lord and his evil deeds flashed in Solaire’s mind, reminding him why he wears the cloth of his faith. He would not stand idly by and let evil consume the hearts and minds of men, preying on their greed and misfortune.
As he approached the mansion, Solaire took note at the lack of tracks. He saw no footprints or trails coming to or from the mansion. The full moon was high into the sky, and if the rumors were true tonight would be the night that one either finds their fortune or their end here at the mansion. So Solaire expected more people to arrive, as he surely wasn’t the first. But regardless the priest continued forwards, his hands resting on his Shilelagh as it tapped against the stone. The air felt cold and truthfully, Solaire felt fear. It was not unfamiliar for him; he had faced fear all his life. But each time he remained diligent, held strongly to his faith, and strode forward to face his fear head on.
When Solaire approached the door he knocked twice. Shortly after he was greeted by a small girl dressed in maid attire. Her face had notable scars, bringing back memories of the boys abused by the tyrannical lord. However Solaire made no accusations yet and merely introduced himself. ”Greetings. I am Solaire Astora. May I enter?” And after that everything went black.
Solaire is a highly skilled scribe, capable of writing long lengths of letters and essays within hours. He is also capable of perfectly forging a signature and copying one’s writing style. Whether he writes with ink, coal, or even blood, his handwriting is impeccable.
In addition to his amazing writing skills, Solaire is a speed reader. He has read through entire textbooks and multiple journals in a matter of hours, and when it comes to written text he has perfect memory of their contexts. While he still needs time to fully understand the text he can always remember what was written on the pages.
Solaire is fairly youth and athletic, thanks to a career that requires him to maintain some level of physical activity. While he is neither an acrobat nor a strongman, Solaire could be expected to run, lift, swim, and climb as well as any spry youth. He has also been taught various meditative breathing exercises and exercises to assist his physical endeavours, increasing his overall stamina.
Additionally Solaire is fairly competent in self-defense. While he doesn’t consider himself a soldier or even a fighter, he knows enough about the ways of battle to avoid being a victim of it. If possible Solaire aims to disarm and knock down his opponents. That’s not to say he isn’t willing to kill; should the circumstances arise where leaving someone alive will only cause more death Solaire will take it upon himself to end their life. He's particularly handy with a short staff, such as canes and clubs.
Lastly, Solaire prides himself on his skills as a singer. While he’s not the most creative when it comes to making songs or hymns, his vocal range is as wide as the sky itself. when it comes to matching a tune or note he's quick to adapt and with some practice, he could sing along like a professional. He's quite capable of hitting high notes notmally meant for females as well as lower notes generally reserved for men. |
13,462 | 389 | 2 | 489 | 444 | Arthur pouvait sentir quelque chose de lourd était d'appliquer la pression sur sa joue, après toute la flufaction qui l'entourait dans une étreinte sombre. Quelque chose, à la fois doux et dur en même temps, comme il était couvert d'un morceau de tissu, et a été placé sur lui. Non, plus comme s'il avait été placé dessus. Il a lentement commencé à sentir la raideur de son corps, tandis que ses sens ont commencé à se mettre en ligne après quelques heures d'être neutralisé.
Que s'est-il passé? Il pensait à lui-même, ses yeux se fermaient encore.
Il se souvenait avoir conduit sa voiture sur la route menant au manoir, s'arrêtant à son entrée, murmurant à lui-même qu'il était perdu. Puis il frappa à la porte, une servante écarlate sortit pour le saluer. Et c'est tout. Ce qui s'est passé par la suite, c'était la flufaction sans fin qui apaisait presque complètement ses sens, jusqu'à maintenant.
Attendez... ça veut dire.
Ses yeux s'ouvrent, et son visage s'éteint en un instant. Ce moment-là, un mal de tête douloureux s'est claqué sur la tête comme une luge qui lui a été abattue. Il saisit instinctivement son front de la main, comme il l'a réalisé, il portait toujours ses gants. Il s'est rendu compte qu'il était maintenant à l'intérieur de la maison, avec plusieurs personnes qu'il ne connaissait pas, ses vêtements complètement inchangés quand il conduisait encore la voiture. Ses gants, sa veste rouge embellie, et même ses bottes, tout sur lui, tout propre.
C'était étrange. Il était à l'intérieur de la maison maintenant, donc il a dû y être entré de sa propre volonté, puisqu'il n'était pas comme être lié ou quoi que ce soit. Ses vêtements étaient toujours propres et lisses. Mais s'il y était entré exprès, il aurait dû enlever tous les effets inutiles avec lui. Il a peut-être oublié la veste et les gants, mais les bottes aussi? Il est très impoli de porter des bottes dans les maisons des autres, surtout après avoir marché sous la pluie. Arthur savait que pour un homme de ses manières, il ne le laisserait jamais arriver.
Le jeune manager de trente-cinq ans regardait autour, son regard dansait autour pour enregistrer tout ce qu'il pouvait voir. Il a vu, ou plutôt senti les ordors sucrés et délicieux de la nourriture, comme ils ont tous été disposés grandiosement sur la table. Cependant, il y avait des signes qu'ils avaient été consommés un peu partiellement. Il l'a mangé? Il ne le pensait pas, car il était tout le temps inconscient.
Puis tout à coup, son regard a été attiré par la force jusqu'à la fin d'une table, où une jeune fille pouvait être entendue saluer tout le monde dans la table. Ensuite, il a vu la magnificence de sa robe charmante, avec son beau visage, et une voix douce mais... mystérieuse. Arthur ne pouvait s'empêcher de ressentir l'excentricité derrière ce ton d'un son. Il savait dès le début que quelque chose n'allait pas avec sa demeure, mais le plus mauvais, s'il devait l'admettre, serait elle. | Name: Arthur Reyes
Age: 34.
Physically speaking, Arthur is not impressive, with a height of 165 centimeters, shorter than his country's standard. Like his peers, who favours dandyism as a fashion trend, Arthur's appearance is considered extravagant, yet unnecessary. He is usually seen wearing a jacket, with seven red horizontal stripes that extend to the edge of the front of the jacket, each crossing through a button. His pants is also slightly decorated with red embellishment, to match with the color of his jacket. His hair was jet black and neat. Arthur also has heterochromia iridum, where his right eye was as dark as night, while the other as blue as sky.
Born a descendant of a once very powerful medieval nobleman, Arthur is expected by many to be inheriting the family's tradition of becoming a governor of a Northern town that he was born and raised in. Yet, Arthur, from the age of 14, already had a different, a bigger vision of his future. Carrying the noble blood in him, Arthur, aside from studying academic subjects, was taught manners, politics and leadership, but Arthur was more interested in industrial economy. He was considered a complete outcast both at home and at school, for he was obsessed with the pursue of knowledge about entrepreneurship , something in which he and his parents often argued against, sometimes leading to serious conflicts. He was considered an exceptional student during his teenage years and was prematurely offered the chance to enroll in some of the most pretigious universities.
Despite having disagreements and relationship-shattering conflicts, Arthur was finally able to convince his father about his future. On one occasion when his father was dealing with a significant economy problem concerning a sudden cancellation of a mining contract, resulting in losses of money. Arthur, who was coincidentally at his father's office and understood the circumstances, asked his father to deal with the situation, which he eventually managed. In the letter his father sent him afterwards, in which Arthur kept with him until today, his father had actually wept with joy as he told his son to find his own "empire" that was big enough for his vision, for this land was too small for him. It was at that moment when his parents decided not to interfere with his son's decisions any longer
When he finally graduated from high school however, Arthur decided not to enter the many universities that sent him offers and scholarships to enroll in, and instead chose to be tutored at home by Aria, a young professor at Harsen University, who is also a friend of his father, known for her brilliance in the economy's philosophy. Arthur enjoyed Aria's tutelages, and, during the process, developed a passion for her work about the relationship between economy and industry. Aria gave him a shortened copy of her book, something which Arthur had always carried with him.
Arthur's education with Aria ended after five years, and he soon established his own company called Artem when he was 25, using the foundation of an old disbanded company. Initially a local mining company, but with Arthur's brilliance in leadership and economy, the realm of his corporation soon expanded to a quarter of his country. The varieties of industries also expanded, with ship-buildings, logistics, automobiles and the most recently, aviations joined the branch of Artem's products.
In just nearly 35 years, Arthur had earned good money and had achieved things that most people couldn't in a lifetime, but that did not satisfy his ambitions. He was still aiming for more and more...
Pocket watch: Contains a picture, taken with his tutor, Professor Aria, who he had come to greatly respect for her inspiration.
Philosophy book: The copy that Aria gave him a few years ago, which he still kept with him inside his jacket.
His father's letter: More like only one line in that letter. The one that has driven him to become who he is today.
Intro/Sample Post:
"You must find an empire big enough for your own vision."
That line. That sentence.
It had already been over a decade since it was first written, and yet Arthur could feel it as brand new as the tip of the pen was just being lifted from the letter. It was the first time his father had actually cried in joy for him, for a man who disregarded his family's traditions to pursue his own ambitions. It was the thing that had driven him to become such a successful young man as he was today, to become someone who had accomplished things that people could not in their lifetime.
He was grateful. Truly grateful. But somehow, he did not feel satisfied yet.
He wanted more.
Arthur folded the letter in four as he put it away in his jacket pocket, as he noticed something strange. He had not seen the area before. Arthur looked out of the window of his car, out to the cold and rainy sky. Through his vague and groggy vision, he barely managed to grasp the name on the metal fence in front of the car.
Revianne Solaire
What is this? How come a mansion exists here? The road can't have ended this early.
There was only one explanation for this: He was lost.
"Geez, I'm gonna be late for the contract signing. Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask these people the direction."
Arthur put on his jacket and exited the car, into the rain. For some reasons, the air around the mansion felt...frighteningly cold. He wondered if it was his imagination or by the rain, but he could feel his interior temperature drop as he knocked on the door, twice. A few moments later, a young, petite woman, with a notable scar on her face, was seen walking out of the door, greeting Arthur.
"Good evening ma'am. I am on my way to the Rasford household. Do you mind if you can show me th-"
It was at that moment that it struck him. Something. Something he could not figure out.
His ears began to ring like hell, like a drill was being operated on it. His head pounded as if a hammer was being brought down on him.
Arthur instinctively clinched his head with his two hands, but it was too late. When he realized it, he was on the muddy ground, and everything he saw was darkness.
Others: N/A |
13,463 | 389 | 3 | 233 | 1,178 | Les arômes agréables de la nourriture fraîchement cuite ont réveillé Ethan d'un sommeil profond de toutes sortes. Avant qu'il ne puisse même regarder autour de la pièce un étourdissement soudain l'a forcé à prendre sur son siège pour maintenir son équilibre. Où était-il et comment est-il arrivé ici? Il était difficile d'organiser ses pensées dans son état un peu délirant, mais une chose qu'il pouvait dire était que quelque chose, peut-être tout, était éteint.
Avec le temps, la pièce a cessé de tourner. Ethan lâcha son emprise sur sa chaise et s'assit droit. En regardant bien la pièce, il pouvait dire tout de suite que les choses n'étaient pas comme elles semblaient. Bien qu'il semblerait qu'ils aient dîné ce soir, il y avait plusieurs indices qui racontaient un conte très différent.
Tout d'abord, les réactions de tout le monde. Par les regards, aucun d'entre eux ne semblait savoir où ils étaient aussi évidents par les regards confus autour de la pièce. Deuxièmement, Ethan et eux portaient toujours leurs manteaux et leurs chapeaux. Il se souvenait nettement d'être accueilli par une jeune fille avec une cicatrice, et bien qu'il ne se souvienne pas de ce qui s'était passé après, elle aurait sûrement pris ses affaires avant d'entrer. Dernier mais pas le moindre, la nourriture. Malgré le fait que la moitié d'elle avait été mangée, leurs ustensiles étaient encore immanquablement posés sur la table comme s'ils n'avaient jamais été touchés. Sans oublier qu'aucune âme n'avait de serviette malgré son tenue extrêmement fine.
Il était clair que quelque chose de sinistre était un pied, mais quoi? Il y avait beaucoup de questions qui avaient besoin de réponses, mais le.. qui n'était pas l'une d'entre elles. Il n'a pas fallu un détective pour savoir que la fille assise à la tête de la table était étrange et troublante. Même quand elle parlait Ethan a senti des frissons dans sa colonne vertébrale. Elle cachait quelque chose, et il allait découvrir quoi. | Name: Detective Ethan Conrad
Age: 30
Appearance: An average looking man Ethan is pale and slender standing around 5’ 10”. His hair is a darkened blonde combed neatly back complimented by a trim musketeer goatee and soft blue eyes. Professionally dressed, he wears a white buttoned shirt with black suit pants and vest, over which is a dark gray overcoat and black bowler hat.
Ethan grew up in one of the major cities of the country. His parents owned and ran a general store which gave them just enough money to give Ethan a formal education. Though he always planned on using his education to take over and expand his family’s shop, his future changed the night his parents were found dead in their store. Initially ruled a ‘murder suicide’, Ethan was able to prove that it was not only a murder, but that it was linked with a series of deaths across the city. With his help the police were eventually able to catch the culprit and bring him to justice.
From then on Ethan devoted his life to solving crimes. As soon as he was able, he joined the police force continuing to studying law and forensics until he was able to become a full fledged detective. From there Ethan devoted all this time to his job, working round the clock on every case he was given, even the ones he knew couldn’t be solved. One such case happened to be his current assignment: The disappearance Silvia and Jordan Rossberg.
A few weeks prior, a woman and her son, Silvia and Jordan, were reported missing. They had gone to “The Coal Town” (as the city folk called it) to visit her sister, but never made it. Their carriage and belongings were found abandoned just outside of the town. Some suspected robbers, but the fact nothing had been stolen lead Ethan to believe there was something else going on. Unfortunately, no one claimed to have seen Silvia or Jordan and there was no sign of where they had gone.
After interviewing everyone in the area and searching countless times for clues, Ethan was ready to call this one, there was just one place left to look. It was a long shot, but according to local rumors, when people go missing in this town, your best bet was the Rivianne mansion.
Single action revolver - police standard
Detective’s badge pinned to his vest
Pen and notepad
Photo of Silvia and Jordan
Tin of cigarettes
Box of matches
Intro/Sample Post:
This was idiotic. Ethan had no evidence or witness testimony to suggest the Rivianne’s were involved in the Rossberg’s disappearance. Hell, even if there was it was the middle of the night! Waking one of the richest and more influential families to question them like this was probably the dumbest thing he would ever do. Yet, here he was, pushing open the front gates and walking up to the enormous mansion without the slightest hesitation. Of course he knew why he had to do this. He wouldn’t be able to rest until he had checked every possible lead, even something as ridiculous as a local legend.
Matters only worsened as thunder crackled above and a small drizzle of rain began to fall. Ethan was just able to make it to the patio before the light drizzle turned into a near hurricane. The winds howling around him only confirmed his fear, there was no way he could get back now. In fact, he was probably going to have to ask for a room from these people, lovely.
Taking a deep breath Ethan knocked on the doors. In an instant they were opened by a young maid whose face was marred by a terrible scar. “Sorry to disturb you.” Ethan began having to nearly shout to be heard over the winds, “My name is Detective Ethan Conrad. I was wondering if-” As he spoke the winds got louder and louder until he couldn’t make out any other sounds. The sound then turned from a low howl, to a piercing ring. The last thing Ethan remembers was covering his ears with his hands before collapsing in the doorway.
Other: |
13,464 | 389 | 4 | 2,040 | 1,493 | Libeccio Ciaossu
Libe s'est lentement réveillée de son sommeil ébranlé et confus. C'est comme si tout n'était qu'un énorme flou. Elle ne pouvait même pas se rappeler qui elle était ou ce qu'elle faisait jusqu'à ce qu'elle ouvre les yeux et regarde autour. Puis tout lui est revenu à la fois. C'était Libeccio Ciaossu. Un voleur. Elle était là pour voler le manoir. Elle allait se poser comme servante pour avoir un regard intérieur et que... Rien. Sa tête tournait mais pas blessée, comme si elle avait été droguée. Elle a vérifié son corps mais tout était en place; rien volé, aucune blessure, rien hors de l'ordinaire. Mis à part le fait qu'elle est assise à une table à manger et qu'elle ne sait pas comment elle est arrivée ici.
Il y avait d'autres gens aussi. Ils semblaient aussi confus qu'elle. Seulement quelques personnes ont parlé, une qui était prêtre et une autre qui semblait être l'hôte. C'était une petite fille qui avait presque le même âge que Libe elle-même. D'après ce qu'elle s'est souvenu de ses recherches sur cet endroit, le Rivianne n'avait pas de filles. Seulement un M. et Mme Rivianne. Encore une fois, si son expérience avec la noblesse était une indication, il y avait une possibilité très réelle que le seigneur de ce manoir épouse cette jeune fille. Libe a essayé de ne pas trop y penser. Au lieu de cela, elle a regardé autour de la pièce et a essayé de recueillir des indices sur l'endroit. A part les invités et l'hôte, il n'y avait pas de domestiques. Cet endroit a l'air plutôt propre pour un manoir qui est supposé abandonné. Il y avait aussi de la nourriture sur la table, mais Libe ne lui faisait pas confiance. Non seulement on dirait que quelqu'un a déjà mangé, mais Libe a pensé qu'il était empoisonné. Si elle ne sait pas comment elle est arrivée ici, elle n'allait certainement rien manger ici. En plus, elle n'aimait pas l'idée d'être traitée à des secondes gâchées. Elle était peut-être une pauvre voleuse et orpheline, mais même elle avait des normes.
En regardant vers le plafond Libe a essayé d'obtenir une idée de ce que l'intérieur du manoir a été fait de. Les matériaux pourraient en dire beaucoup sur la qualité et la richesse d'une maison. Le bois pourrait être le signe d'un manoir bon marché ou d'un hôtel qui peut se permettre la réparation constante. Stone pourrait être quelqu'un qui aimait leur maison robuste, ou juste quelqu'un qui avait un goût fade. Mais si la robe de la fille montre, ce manoir n'a pas hésité à se déguiser en luxe. Les costumes comme cette fille coûtent probablement assez cher pour acheter la chevalerie. Libe a fait une remarque mentale qu'elle devrait peut-être trouver la chambre de cette fille et voler quelques robes. Enfin, Libe a regardé l'autre invité. De leurs visages, Libe pouvait dire qu'ils étaient dans le même bateau qu'elle. Ils sont venus dans le manoir, ils se sont évanouis, et sont arrivés ici. Libe espérait vraiment que ce n'était pas une torture élaborée. Elle espère vraiment que ce n'est pas le cas.
"J'ai besoin de sortir d'ici. Ce braquage est terminé." | Name:
Libeccio “Libe” Ciaossu
”I’ve seen nightmares.”
Born an orphan, Libeccio was adopted by a street crook with aspirations to become a criminal mastermind. He adopted girls like Libe and raised them to be thieves and seducers in order to get them into important places, either as maids or prostitutes. Libe always had a sharp eyes and quick fingers for important shiny things, and more often than not it was her who would commit robberies and pickpockets rather than just be a decoy or spy. While not the favorite, she was given more attention than the other girls thanks to her actual skills in thievery beyond being a pretty face. That being said, all her time in the shadows did nothing to improve her charisma, and while she could lie through her teeth she wasn’t the most charming girl anyone’s ever met. That would come to bit her in the ass when a burglary went horribly wrong, and unable to talk her way out of it, she had to leave the city due to a massive bounty on her head.
Being young and alone without her adopted family didn’t make things any easier for Libe. She thought she’s seen it all after breaking into many noble homes and seeing the debauchery within, but once she was on the run she came face-to-face with the worst humanity had to offer. Murder, slavery, rape, torture, just to name a few, and all of it Libe always found herself way too close to. After one terrifying encounter in a city aqueducts, Libe’s heart grew cold and wanted nothing more than to escape this terrible world she lived in. But she only knew one way to do that, and it required a lot of money. Fortunately for Libe, money was always something she had a nose for.
Clothing - Libe’s outfit. It’s warm where she’s from, so everyone else feels too cold to her. She wears multiple layers to keep warm the best she can.
Thieve's Ring - A very important tool in Libe’s arsenal. A fashionable bangle contains all the tools she needs to break into a lock. Libe carries two, one around her right wrist and another around her left ankle.
Khukri - An exotic knife that Libe stole. Broad blade for chopping yet light enough for Libe to toy with. Small enough for her to hide but sturdy enough to get the job done.
Spool of Wire - Thin iron wire tightly wrapped around a spool small enough to fit in her pocket. Libe can use wires for a lot of things, from setting up elaborate traps, helping her fish a wallet out, opening a lock, or just tying things together. Requires nimble fingers to work with.
Intro/Sample Post:
Libe has been in Rivianne for the past few days now. She’s been scoping the place out, gathering intel, and planning her heist. The rumors of wealth and power in the mansion sounded too good to be true, and Libe wasn’t going to gamble on rumors. But she was certain that a mansion like the Rivianne’s had wealth and valuables just ripe for the taking. And if it turns out that the rumors are true and Libe somehow gets more money and power than she could carry, all the better.
She didn’t interact with the townsfolk too much, and didn’t even bother sleeping at the inn. She simply snuck into somewhere dry and slept for the night, and during the day she’d continue mapping out the area and getting everything prepared. She had a wagon and a boat located not too far from the mansion she could take once she gets the goods, and she could be out of the village within a day if all goes well. But the biggest problem she’s had so far was finding a way inside. All the windows were fixed glass, there was no chimney that Libe could reach, and she’s scoured the entire countryside but couldn’t find any secret entrances into the mansion. Her best bet was one she didn’t very much like, which was going through the front door. It wouldn’t be hard for Libe to come and try to pretend to be a poor orphan girl looking to become a maid, but in her experience being a maid was one of the worse jobs you can get. Even garbage men had less crap to deal with than maids. But in order to get inside, Libe would have to swallow her pride and play pretend.
Everything was set up. All Libe needed to do was get inside, find the valuables, and she’ll be out before the next dawn. Even if no one answers the door, she could simply break in with her tools and get to work. Before she left Libe went through the village and stole some food and drink in order to give her the stamina she’d need to pull off this job, taking an apple, bread, and a hot piece of meat from the split. She drank mulled wine, and despite her young age she was quite used to the taste of alcohol. It was either that or getting thirsty. Once she had her final supper Libe approached the mansion with a confident, fake smile. She walked up to the door, knocked, and then everything was dark.
The monster in her appearance image is the creature she saw in the aqueducts, though even now she isn’t sure if it was real or just a hallucination brought from the noxious fumes. It was big, bleeded, and was angry, so she didn’t stay around to investigate.
Despite being a little girl Libe can be surprisingly strong, capable of carrying a 100lbs bag of loot without a hint of difficulty. While heavier stuff will weigh her down, she can still be very agile despite the encumbrance.
Gets cold very easily. Hates the rain. Scared of thunder and dogs. She doesn’t know why she has white hair and red eyes. |
13,465 | 389 | 5 | 2,487 | 9,775 | Toute la situation semblait ombragée, et il aurait été plus surprenant si les invités peu probables de la Rivianne Solaire n'avaient pas remis en question leur nouvel environnement. Comment ils sont arrivés là-bas était une autre question entièrement et un qu'ils devaient résoudre eux-mêmes. Tel était le sort de ce manoir obscur et de ses mystères cachés; mystères si grands, qu'ils suffisaient apparemment à contraindre ceux à entrer dans ses portes pour des réponses.
Alors que la fille qui s'était adressée à eux, ce qui semblait être un membre de la famille Rivianne, a continué ses salutations, chacun des invités a commencé à réagir à leur arrivée de manière unique. Certains n'ont pas essayé de cacher la panique qui est venue avec se réveiller dans un nouvel endroit. Pourtant, certains pouvaient garder le calme dans ces circonstances effrayantes tout de même, bien qu'il était douteux qu'ils feraient entièrement confiance à la fille tout de suite.
Mais, bien sûr, quelle était la cause pour eux de s'inquiéter? Après tout, cette fille ne les avait pas carrément menacés et semblait même être responsable en leur offrant de la nourriture. Son hospitalité était certainement un témoignage de sa bonne volonté et de sa nature. Bien que bien sûr, cela ne divulgue pas de la réalité de la situation, pas un peu. Parce que, comme pour prouver la réalité de l'anxiété sur eux tous, quelque chose a changé dans le coin de l'œil d'Arthur.
Ce n'était rien de trop désastreux et rien de ce que les autres remarqueraient non plus. Le mouvement était aussi petit que léger, et si Arthur choisissait d'étudier le phénomène, il n'y trouverait rien. Rien d'autre que le côté éloigné de la salle à manger chambre bien sûr, la décoration luxuriante et chère des Riviannes sur l'affichage complet.
Qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être? Un tour de l'œil? Une sorte d'émissaire d'ombre d'un monde au-delà? Ou peut-être était-ce le résultat de la nourriture à moitié mangée couchée sur toutes leurs assiettes. Toutes ces options étaient viables dans une situation comme celle-ci, même si une chose était certaine. Il n'était certainement pas responsable de la main très humanoïde touchant la jambe de Libeccio. | Something, something, claimed post. |
13,466 | 389 | 6 | 368 | 357 | Alina était dans le vide. Un vide sombre qui a persisté depuis qu'Alina est tombée inconsciente à la porte arrière du manoir. Dans ce vide, l'assassin a vu le visage de son frère. Ça, et l'attrait de l'argent. L'argent était, après tout, ce que le monde tournait autour. Mais dans ce vide aucune de ces choses n'a fait appel à Alina. Au lieu de cela, ils ont été transformés en cauchemar, et un sans fin à cela quand ce n'était pas seulement le vide lui-même.
Enfin, le vide a été interrompu par le bruit du tonnerre. Bien que normalement le tonnerre pendant le sommeil l'aurait en colère, cette fois elle a accueilli le son pour le son était un indicateur qu'elle était en vie, au moins pour l'instant. Ouvrir lentement les yeux et permettre au reste de ses sens d'enregistrer plus d'informations, la première chose qu'Alina a remarquée était la nourriture, suivie par la table du dîner. La majorité de la nourriture était à moitié mangée, comme si les gens dînaient avant qu'elle ne soit réveillée. Le second était les autres "invités" à la table. Même si Alina n'était pas habillée pour une telle occasion, elle a remarqué qu'au moins un des invités ne l'était pas. Les regards sur leurs visages ont donné qu'ils étaient dans une situation similaire à elle, si ce n'est le même bateau. Troisièmement, l'inventaire d'Alina n'a pas été touché. Cela a intrigué l'assassin, car qui, dans leur esprit droit, n'aurait pas enlevé les armes d'un tueur? Cela signifiait que leur "hôte" était très confiant ou très stupide.
Enfin, il semblait que la pensée d'Alina serait découvert plus tôt que plus tard, car là leur hôte a annoncé son salut d'une voix tranquille. Quoi qu'il en soit, Alina l'observa. S'ils étaient dans le manoir... alors ça voudrait dire que cette femme serait une cible. Mais elle aurait aussi plus d'informations sur son frère. Alina avait le sentiment qu'ils étaient tous à sa merci, bien qu'Alina n'ait certainement pas trahi aucune peur ou émotion aux autres ni à la femme. Cependant, il y avait une conclusion qui était dans l'esprit d'Alina.
On dirait qu'il n'y a pas d'autre choix que d'attendre et de voir. | Name: Alina Seiler
Age: 26
Alina is fairly clean for someone of her darker profession. She stands at about 5'5.
Backstory: Alina was born into a family in a small town along with a twin brother named Adam Seiler. While the mother died giving birth to the twins, the father took care of the twins after her death. Being a soldier, some of his profession's talents naturally passed on to his children even if he was not home for extended periods of time. When they both grew up, Alina and her brother began to take separate paths. While Adam decided to take the path of their father, Alina had connections with the underground already established. Through these connections, her involvement with the criminal underworld was assured.
As the twins went their separate ways, so too did their thinking. Alina became greedier, having a lust for money and power take her. At first, it was harmless. Then her first assassination, killing a nobleman, offered too much money for her to turn away. For whatever unknown reason in the eyes of others, she continued the bloody trade of death-dealing gradually developing the skills necessary for such. In particular, she started to deceive, use poison, stealth and other indirect means when a firearm or knife would not do, though the direct approach was also just as viable to Alina.
Eventually, a contract killing was out for a peculiar case: the Rivianne. With Adam Seiler having disappeared 3 months prior and Alina's contacts pointing out the Rivanne mansion as a possible location, Alina decided to hit two birds with one stone: assassinating what was left of the Rivianne family and their servants and finding her brother.
-Backpack: contains an extra similar set of clothing and carries most of her equipment.
-Knife: For the more quiet assassinations that cannot be dealt with by other means.
-6 shot revolver: A revolver. Comes with 6 shots.
-Lock-picking kit
-Canteen of water
-Poison mixing kit(Empty): Used for the mixing and making medicine...or poison
-Makeshift map of outside the mansion
Intro/Sample Post: It was a late night, however it was the night that Alina found was where she was at her brightest. This was especially true with her trade, which required her to be subtle yet deadly. Plenty of times she has had to kill in the open, but rarely was it during the day. And yet she was about to commit yet another deed of dealing death to another soul.
That poor soul or perhaps even souls, were those at the Rivianne residence, of which Alina was approaching. Alina has visited near this place several times, marking down everything she could and mapping the outside. She paid special attention to the entrances and exits during these runs, ensuring she had both an escape and an infiltration route laid out. Tonight was when all of this preparation was put to the test. Squeezing through a hole that was in the fence, Alina passed the first barrier. Now, the second barrier between her, her money and potentially her brother was the mansion itself. Going around the back, she spied a door that would suit her needs: not the main entrance and more importantly unguarded. Taking out her trusty lock-picking kit, Alina got to work on the door. With a quiet sound, she heard the tumblers tick into place and the door unlock.
However, upon opening the door Alina suddenly felt lightheaded and fell onto her knees. She felt her strength being sapped from her body as she struggled to crawl inside. It was the only thing she could think of to do, but the last thing she thought before she went unconscious was that it was a trap, and that she knew she should have brought the shotgun instead of trying to sneak inside.
Other: N/A |
13,467 | 389 | 7 | 1,278 | 8,065 | le maître de cette demeure, la comtesse Rivianne », dit la jeune fille, répondant à la question du jeune prêtre concernant son identité. "Je m'excuse pour l'éveil rugueux, vos sens ne vont peut-être pas parfaitement bien encore, donc il est compréhensible que vous ayez des doutes sur votre repas. Néanmoins, je vous assure que rien de ce que vous avez déjà consommé n'a été trafiqué d'aucune autre manière que toute éventuelle erreur de cuisson », a dit la comtesse, mettant de côté son argenterie, après avoir fini son dîner.
En fait, comme elle l'a dit, les «invités» réunis autour de la table commenceraient à remarquer leurs sens revenant lentement à eux, dont le dernier était le sens du goût. Alors que leur esprit ne se souvenait pas d'être partie de ce dîner, le goût laissé par le plat principal du dîner, une somptueuse sauvagine épicée d'herbes fines coûteuses, était impossible à nier.
"Peut-être est-il l'heure du dessert? S'il vous plaît, entrez, Hermiana », a dit la Comtesse avant de sonner une petite cloche. Son commandement, le même serviteur qui a répondu à tous ceux qui ont appelé à la porte principale, est entré. Elle portait un plateau en argent, sur lequel reposaient de petits bols en cristal de crème glacée à la vanille douce, décorés de croustilles de chocolat et de feuilles de menthe, qu'elle déposa rapidement devant chaque « invité » avec beaucoup de respect. Une fois qu'elle a fini de servir les desserts, la bonne est revenue du côté de la comtesse. Elle s'inclina légèrement comme un signe de respect envers ceux qui étaient assis à la table et tenait le plateau devant elle, attendant le prochain commandement de sa maîtresse.
La crème glacée était un dessert très cher, étant donné qu'il était difficile de maintenir les températures nécessaires à la production et au stockage, ce qui n'était rendu plus luxueux que par l'ajout de vanille et de chocolat. C'était certainement un dessert qui ne regarderait pas à la place même dans une salle de dîner royale, destiné à impressionner les dignitaires étrangers et les magnats d'affaires.
"S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît. Une fois notre dîner terminé, je peux vous expliquer le jeu », a dit la comtesse avant de goûter à son propre dessert. "Ah, oui, pardonnez-moi de ne pas l'avoir mentionné plus tôt. Étant donné que vous êtes tous venus ici dans le temps adéquat, je crois que vous avez l'intention de participer au match, n'est-ce pas? » Elle a ajouté, avant de manger plus de son dessert, attendant de voir l'une de ses réactions 'invitées'. | SheetName: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A brief description, picture or both are all ok. Please, avoid real life pictures.
Backstory: Your character's backstory. Do something interesting, with at least a couple decent paragraphs. You can include hints to their personality/mannerisms as well, if you wish, just avoid focusing too much on them.
Inventory: Any meaningful possessions your characters had with them when they entered the mansion. Please be considerate and keep them in character.
Intro/Sample Post: Your character's introduction to the RP. Explain how they got to the mansion and what they were doing before that. If they have any particular motivation to be there mention it as well.
Other: Anything not mentioned above.Character Sheet TemplateName: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A brief description, picture or both are all ok. Please, avoid real life pictures.
Backstory: Your character's backstory. Do something interesting, with at least a couple decent paragraphs. You can include hints to their personality/mannerisms as well, if you wish, just avoid focusing too much on them.
Inventory: Any meaningful possessions your characters had with them when they entered the mansion. Please be considerate and keep them in character.
Intro/Sample Post: Your character's introduction to the RP. Explain how they got to the mansion and what they were doing before that. If they have any particular motivation to be there mention it as well.
Other: Anything not mentioned above.Character List |
13,468 | 389 | 8 | 233 | 1,178 | Ethan Conrad
Alors qu'Ethan écoutait la jeune comtesse, il remarqua que ses papilles goûtaient les saveurs exquises de la nourriture devant lui. Avait-il vraiment mangé? C'est impossible. Comment aurait-il pu manger sans utiliser ses ustensiles? Il regarda de nouveau pour être sûr, et alors qu'il était correct qu'ils n'avaient pas été utilisés, Ethan seulement alors réalisé qu'il y avait un os de jambe sur son assiette. Sa vaisselle n'aurait pas été nécessaire si c'était le cas. Et comme il avait pratiquement essuyé ses mains sur la chaise il y a quelques instants, il aurait enlevé toute graisse qui restait.
Cela expliquait la nourriture alors, mais étaient des questions plus importantes qui devaient répondre. Et malheureusement, le seul capable de répondre à ces questions semblait plus préoccupé par son dîner. Malgré ses invités évidemment confus, La Comtesse a décidé d'offrir le dessert plutôt que toute explication. Tandis que le dessert semblait fabuleux, Ethan ne put même pas briser la surface avec sa cuillère quand La Comtesse parla.
Un jeu?Éthan a demandé avec un look quizical. Je m'excuse, Comtesse, mais il doit y avoir eu une erreur. Je ne suis ici pour aucun jeu. Comme je l'ai dit à votre femme de ménage ici, je m'appelle l'inspecteur Ethan Conrad, et je suis ici pour les affaires de police. Si vous avez un moment il ya quelques questions J'aimerais vous poser et votre personnel. | Name: Detective Ethan Conrad
Age: 30
Appearance: An average looking man Ethan is pale and slender standing around 5’ 10”. His hair is a darkened blonde combed neatly back complimented by a trim musketeer goatee and soft blue eyes. Professionally dressed, he wears a white buttoned shirt with black suit pants and vest, over which is a dark gray overcoat and black bowler hat.
Ethan grew up in one of the major cities of the country. His parents owned and ran a general store which gave them just enough money to give Ethan a formal education. Though he always planned on using his education to take over and expand his family’s shop, his future changed the night his parents were found dead in their store. Initially ruled a ‘murder suicide’, Ethan was able to prove that it was not only a murder, but that it was linked with a series of deaths across the city. With his help the police were eventually able to catch the culprit and bring him to justice.
From then on Ethan devoted his life to solving crimes. As soon as he was able, he joined the police force continuing to studying law and forensics until he was able to become a full fledged detective. From there Ethan devoted all this time to his job, working round the clock on every case he was given, even the ones he knew couldn’t be solved. One such case happened to be his current assignment: The disappearance Silvia and Jordan Rossberg.
A few weeks prior, a woman and her son, Silvia and Jordan, were reported missing. They had gone to “The Coal Town” (as the city folk called it) to visit her sister, but never made it. Their carriage and belongings were found abandoned just outside of the town. Some suspected robbers, but the fact nothing had been stolen lead Ethan to believe there was something else going on. Unfortunately, no one claimed to have seen Silvia or Jordan and there was no sign of where they had gone.
After interviewing everyone in the area and searching countless times for clues, Ethan was ready to call this one, there was just one place left to look. It was a long shot, but according to local rumors, when people go missing in this town, your best bet was the Rivianne mansion.
Single action revolver - police standard
Detective’s badge pinned to his vest
Pen and notepad
Photo of Silvia and Jordan
Tin of cigarettes
Box of matches
Intro/Sample Post:
This was idiotic. Ethan had no evidence or witness testimony to suggest the Rivianne’s were involved in the Rossberg’s disappearance. Hell, even if there was it was the middle of the night! Waking one of the richest and more influential families to question them like this was probably the dumbest thing he would ever do. Yet, here he was, pushing open the front gates and walking up to the enormous mansion without the slightest hesitation. Of course he knew why he had to do this. He wouldn’t be able to rest until he had checked every possible lead, even something as ridiculous as a local legend.
Matters only worsened as thunder crackled above and a small drizzle of rain began to fall. Ethan was just able to make it to the patio before the light drizzle turned into a near hurricane. The winds howling around him only confirmed his fear, there was no way he could get back now. In fact, he was probably going to have to ask for a room from these people, lovely.
Taking a deep breath Ethan knocked on the doors. In an instant they were opened by a young maid whose face was marred by a terrible scar. “Sorry to disturb you.” Ethan began having to nearly shout to be heard over the winds, “My name is Detective Ethan Conrad. I was wondering if-” As he spoke the winds got louder and louder until he couldn’t make out any other sounds. The sound then turned from a low howl, to a piercing ring. The last thing Ethan remembers was covering his ears with his hands before collapsing in the doorway.
Other: |
13,469 | 389 | 9 | 2,040 | 1,493 | Libeccio Ciaossu
Libe a croisé les bras et a vu la fille. Elle s'en foutait si elle pouvait transformer le plomb en or ou en arc-en-ciel de merde, Libe n'allait pas jouer à un jeu stupide, le moindre de tout ce qu'elle n'avait pas demandé. Au moins la fille a confirmé qu'elle était la Comtesse, ce qui n'a servi qu'à faire respecter la croyance de Libe que le seigneur de cette demeure était un déviant. Comme elle écoutait, il y avait un goût sur la langue de Libe. C'était différent de tout ce qu'elle avait auparavant. C'était stupéfiant, et si elle n'était pas déjà pleine, elle l'aurait à nouveau. Libe s'est à peine prise à saliver avant qu'elle ne revienne à la raison et continue à voir la fille. Libe ne se souvient pas être venu dans ce manoir, manger un dîner, ou accepter ce jeu. Tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était partir. Même si le désert était servi, Libe ne le regardait même pas.
"Je ne sais pas quel genre de drogue vous nous avez mis, mais je refuse de jouer à votre jeu. Je crois que je...
Libe sentit quelque chose saisir sa jambe et immédiatement elle sauta à ses pieds, frappant sa chaise. Cependant, quand elle a regardé en bas, elle n'a rien vu. Elle a juré que quelqu'un l'avait attrapée par la cheville. C'était un sentiment trop familier pour Libe. Elle a vu la comtesse Rivianne avec un piège. "Je ne sais pas si c'est votre interprétation d'une blague, mais la prochaine fois que vous aurez votre serviteur posé une main sur moi, ils ne récupéreront pas leur main." Libe a ajusté son chapeau et a battu son manteau vers l'extérieur alors qu'elle regardait des poignards à leur hôtesse. "J'en ai fini avec ça." | Name:
Libeccio “Libe” Ciaossu
”I’ve seen nightmares.”
Born an orphan, Libeccio was adopted by a street crook with aspirations to become a criminal mastermind. He adopted girls like Libe and raised them to be thieves and seducers in order to get them into important places, either as maids or prostitutes. Libe always had a sharp eyes and quick fingers for important shiny things, and more often than not it was her who would commit robberies and pickpockets rather than just be a decoy or spy. While not the favorite, she was given more attention than the other girls thanks to her actual skills in thievery beyond being a pretty face. That being said, all her time in the shadows did nothing to improve her charisma, and while she could lie through her teeth she wasn’t the most charming girl anyone’s ever met. That would come to bit her in the ass when a burglary went horribly wrong, and unable to talk her way out of it, she had to leave the city due to a massive bounty on her head.
Being young and alone without her adopted family didn’t make things any easier for Libe. She thought she’s seen it all after breaking into many noble homes and seeing the debauchery within, but once she was on the run she came face-to-face with the worst humanity had to offer. Murder, slavery, rape, torture, just to name a few, and all of it Libe always found herself way too close to. After one terrifying encounter in a city aqueducts, Libe’s heart grew cold and wanted nothing more than to escape this terrible world she lived in. But she only knew one way to do that, and it required a lot of money. Fortunately for Libe, money was always something she had a nose for.
Clothing - Libe’s outfit. It’s warm where she’s from, so everyone else feels too cold to her. She wears multiple layers to keep warm the best she can.
Thieve's Ring - A very important tool in Libe’s arsenal. A fashionable bangle contains all the tools she needs to break into a lock. Libe carries two, one around her right wrist and another around her left ankle.
Khukri - An exotic knife that Libe stole. Broad blade for chopping yet light enough for Libe to toy with. Small enough for her to hide but sturdy enough to get the job done.
Spool of Wire - Thin iron wire tightly wrapped around a spool small enough to fit in her pocket. Libe can use wires for a lot of things, from setting up elaborate traps, helping her fish a wallet out, opening a lock, or just tying things together. Requires nimble fingers to work with.
Intro/Sample Post:
Libe has been in Rivianne for the past few days now. She’s been scoping the place out, gathering intel, and planning her heist. The rumors of wealth and power in the mansion sounded too good to be true, and Libe wasn’t going to gamble on rumors. But she was certain that a mansion like the Rivianne’s had wealth and valuables just ripe for the taking. And if it turns out that the rumors are true and Libe somehow gets more money and power than she could carry, all the better.
She didn’t interact with the townsfolk too much, and didn’t even bother sleeping at the inn. She simply snuck into somewhere dry and slept for the night, and during the day she’d continue mapping out the area and getting everything prepared. She had a wagon and a boat located not too far from the mansion she could take once she gets the goods, and she could be out of the village within a day if all goes well. But the biggest problem she’s had so far was finding a way inside. All the windows were fixed glass, there was no chimney that Libe could reach, and she’s scoured the entire countryside but couldn’t find any secret entrances into the mansion. Her best bet was one she didn’t very much like, which was going through the front door. It wouldn’t be hard for Libe to come and try to pretend to be a poor orphan girl looking to become a maid, but in her experience being a maid was one of the worse jobs you can get. Even garbage men had less crap to deal with than maids. But in order to get inside, Libe would have to swallow her pride and play pretend.
Everything was set up. All Libe needed to do was get inside, find the valuables, and she’ll be out before the next dawn. Even if no one answers the door, she could simply break in with her tools and get to work. Before she left Libe went through the village and stole some food and drink in order to give her the stamina she’d need to pull off this job, taking an apple, bread, and a hot piece of meat from the split. She drank mulled wine, and despite her young age she was quite used to the taste of alcohol. It was either that or getting thirsty. Once she had her final supper Libe approached the mansion with a confident, fake smile. She walked up to the door, knocked, and then everything was dark.
The monster in her appearance image is the creature she saw in the aqueducts, though even now she isn’t sure if it was real or just a hallucination brought from the noxious fumes. It was big, bleeded, and was angry, so she didn’t stay around to investigate.
Despite being a little girl Libe can be surprisingly strong, capable of carrying a 100lbs bag of loot without a hint of difficulty. While heavier stuff will weigh her down, she can still be very agile despite the encumbrance.
Gets cold very easily. Hates the rain. Scared of thunder and dogs. She doesn’t know why she has white hair and red eyes. |
13,470 | 389 | 10 | 489 | 444 | Jeu?
Quel jeu?
Elle pense qu'ils berçaient? Peut-être, mais pas pour Arthur. Il n'a jamais rencontré ces gens, donc il ne savait pas quelle relation ils avaient avec cette fille, mais Arthur savait avec certitude qu'il n'avait absolument aucune relation avec eux, et il n'avait aucune sorte d'affaires avec eux. Il n'y avait donc aucune raison pour qu'il reste. C'était un homme occupé, et son temps libre était fugace.
"Madame, avec tout le respect que je vous dois, je devrais refuser votre invitation au... jeu dans lequel vous avez l'intention de nous mettre. Vous voyez, je...
Puis soudain, quelque chose a gratté dans le coin de ses yeux.
Ou c'était comme ça. Il n'a pas vraiment fait le contact avec ses yeux
Arthur a remarqué cette chose, mais ne pouvait pas réaliser ce que c'était, ni d'où elle venait. Et quand il a essayé d'enquêter, c'était parti. On ne l'a pas vu. Et le fait que ceux qui l'entouraient ne semblaient pas remarquer a même rendu ça encore plus bizarre.
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
Quelque chose n'allait pas. Tout était éteint. Qu'est-ce qu'il avait mis? | Name: Arthur Reyes
Age: 34.
Physically speaking, Arthur is not impressive, with a height of 165 centimeters, shorter than his country's standard. Like his peers, who favours dandyism as a fashion trend, Arthur's appearance is considered extravagant, yet unnecessary. He is usually seen wearing a jacket, with seven red horizontal stripes that extend to the edge of the front of the jacket, each crossing through a button. His pants is also slightly decorated with red embellishment, to match with the color of his jacket. His hair was jet black and neat. Arthur also has heterochromia iridum, where his right eye was as dark as night, while the other as blue as sky.
Born a descendant of a once very powerful medieval nobleman, Arthur is expected by many to be inheriting the family's tradition of becoming a governor of a Northern town that he was born and raised in. Yet, Arthur, from the age of 14, already had a different, a bigger vision of his future. Carrying the noble blood in him, Arthur, aside from studying academic subjects, was taught manners, politics and leadership, but Arthur was more interested in industrial economy. He was considered a complete outcast both at home and at school, for he was obsessed with the pursue of knowledge about entrepreneurship , something in which he and his parents often argued against, sometimes leading to serious conflicts. He was considered an exceptional student during his teenage years and was prematurely offered the chance to enroll in some of the most pretigious universities.
Despite having disagreements and relationship-shattering conflicts, Arthur was finally able to convince his father about his future. On one occasion when his father was dealing with a significant economy problem concerning a sudden cancellation of a mining contract, resulting in losses of money. Arthur, who was coincidentally at his father's office and understood the circumstances, asked his father to deal with the situation, which he eventually managed. In the letter his father sent him afterwards, in which Arthur kept with him until today, his father had actually wept with joy as he told his son to find his own "empire" that was big enough for his vision, for this land was too small for him. It was at that moment when his parents decided not to interfere with his son's decisions any longer
When he finally graduated from high school however, Arthur decided not to enter the many universities that sent him offers and scholarships to enroll in, and instead chose to be tutored at home by Aria, a young professor at Harsen University, who is also a friend of his father, known for her brilliance in the economy's philosophy. Arthur enjoyed Aria's tutelages, and, during the process, developed a passion for her work about the relationship between economy and industry. Aria gave him a shortened copy of her book, something which Arthur had always carried with him.
Arthur's education with Aria ended after five years, and he soon established his own company called Artem when he was 25, using the foundation of an old disbanded company. Initially a local mining company, but with Arthur's brilliance in leadership and economy, the realm of his corporation soon expanded to a quarter of his country. The varieties of industries also expanded, with ship-buildings, logistics, automobiles and the most recently, aviations joined the branch of Artem's products.
In just nearly 35 years, Arthur had earned good money and had achieved things that most people couldn't in a lifetime, but that did not satisfy his ambitions. He was still aiming for more and more...
Pocket watch: Contains a picture, taken with his tutor, Professor Aria, who he had come to greatly respect for her inspiration.
Philosophy book: The copy that Aria gave him a few years ago, which he still kept with him inside his jacket.
His father's letter: More like only one line in that letter. The one that has driven him to become who he is today.
Intro/Sample Post:
"You must find an empire big enough for your own vision."
That line. That sentence.
It had already been over a decade since it was first written, and yet Arthur could feel it as brand new as the tip of the pen was just being lifted from the letter. It was the first time his father had actually cried in joy for him, for a man who disregarded his family's traditions to pursue his own ambitions. It was the thing that had driven him to become such a successful young man as he was today, to become someone who had accomplished things that people could not in their lifetime.
He was grateful. Truly grateful. But somehow, he did not feel satisfied yet.
He wanted more.
Arthur folded the letter in four as he put it away in his jacket pocket, as he noticed something strange. He had not seen the area before. Arthur looked out of the window of his car, out to the cold and rainy sky. Through his vague and groggy vision, he barely managed to grasp the name on the metal fence in front of the car.
Revianne Solaire
What is this? How come a mansion exists here? The road can't have ended this early.
There was only one explanation for this: He was lost.
"Geez, I'm gonna be late for the contract signing. Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask these people the direction."
Arthur put on his jacket and exited the car, into the rain. For some reasons, the air around the mansion felt...frighteningly cold. He wondered if it was his imagination or by the rain, but he could feel his interior temperature drop as he knocked on the door, twice. A few moments later, a young, petite woman, with a notable scar on her face, was seen walking out of the door, greeting Arthur.
"Good evening ma'am. I am on my way to the Rasford household. Do you mind if you can show me th-"
It was at that moment that it struck him. Something. Something he could not figure out.
His ears began to ring like hell, like a drill was being operated on it. His head pounded as if a hammer was being brought down on him.
Arthur instinctively clinched his head with his two hands, but it was too late. When he realized it, he was on the muddy ground, and everything he saw was darkness.
Others: N/A |
13,471 | 389 | 11 | 2,487 | 9,775 | Un jeu de hasard dans le mystérieux manoir? Cela ressemblait à des contes de fées lointains, ou peut-être un conte de déviance que les parents dormants rappelleraient à leurs enfants endormis. Peut-être que l'un de ces individus trouverait de l'affection dans les similitudes; seulement dans cette différence ils devaient être les cobayes de ce soi-disant jeu. Quel que soit le jeu. Sans doute la comtesse expliquerait-elle ses règles en temps voulu, après que tout le monde ait marqué leurs protestations bien sûr.
Il n'était naturel que dans le comportement humain, de refuser et de défier plutôt que d'accepter et de soumettre. Poussez-vous dans cette étrange nouvelle réalité, en mangeant d'étranges nouvelles nourritures, et en se trouvant à être donné des cours par ce qui était présumé être une jeune fille étrange... c'était un peu étrange. Mais hélas, les événements ne allaient devenir étrangers pour eux que lorsque le temps a progressé dans ce manoir le plus spécial.
Car alors que la main qui avait paumé Libe était en fait partie de la vue, il y avait encore quelque chose qui bougeait dans l'obscurité sous son ancien siège. Quelque chose qui n'était pas humain et qui semblait se frotter de plus en plus près d'elle et si elle allait vérifier la commotion ou si elle n'avait pas d'importance pour la créature. Parce qu'on a entendu assez fort un bouffon juste à côté de ses pieds, la forme lithique d'un chat noir grimaçant dans la panique avant de courir à travers ses bottes et de se lier à travers le sol.
Il semblait effrayé à la fois par le peuple et la tempête qui faisait rage à l'extérieur, après avoir trouvé du réconfort sous la table d'hôtes la plus proche qu'il pouvait trouver, loin du groupe. Comme si l'on annonçait un mauvais présage, le tonnerre à l'extérieur bourdonnait plus fort qu'avant, suivi en même temps par les grosses pentes de l'eau de pluie qui crachaient contre le côté du bâtiment. Si puissant était cette explosion soudaine que les entrailles du manoir avaient en fait commencé à trembler légèrement.
Les bougies au-dessus ont été rapidement chantées comme quelque chose entendu profondément dans l'intérieur du manoir s'est écrasé avec un coup fort. Avec quel peu de lumière ils avaient été arrachés maintenant, les invités et leurs hôtes de vue serait inhibé pour ce court moment. Mais si l'on avait trouvé une source de lumière alternative, ils seraient choqués de découvrir que la comtesse et sa servante n'étaient nulle part où se trouver.
Ce qu'ils trouveraient à la place serait une grande marque de revêtement liquide rouge de la chaise Comtesse. Un examen plus approfondi révélerait que chaque pouce avait été couvert, comme si le siège était peint en détail. Et l'odeur que le liquide rouge a donné était vraiment la volaille; mais peut-être les plus troublants étaient les états du reste des chaises de la salle à manger. Pour chaque chaise qui n'appartenait pas à un invité, il était placé à l'envers et reposé en perche. | Something, something, claimed post. |
13,472 | 389 | 12 | 368 | 357 | Lorsque la comtesse a répondu à la question de l'homme d'apparence sainte avec l'introduction qu'elle était la comtesse Rivianne, la question de l'assassin a également été répondu. Cette réponse, cependant, a fait quelque chose de très clair: la comtesse avait quelque chose en tête pour eux. Cette façon de penser signifierait que chacun des invités était ici pour une raison ou une autre, et qu'il y avait apparemment une sorte de dîner. Alors qu'Alina n'était pas défavorable à la nourriture fine, n'importe qui trouverait cette situation particulière troublante. La façon dont ils reprenaient leurs sens et la comtesse mentionnant leurs sens, et maintenant les reconquérir, était encore plus troublante. Elle aimait le goût de la sauvagine, mais n'appréciait pas de ne pas se souvenir de manger l'oiseau.
Après que la soi-disant servante de la comtesse eut distribué le désert, Alina n'en eut touché aucun. Alors qu'elle prétendait le contraire, la comtesse a sans aucun doute mis quelque chose dans cette nourriture et le désert et une mention d'un jeu. Seul un idiot la prenait sur son offre, et il semblait que les autres avaient la même idée de sauver l'inspecteur, qu'Alina a noté quand il s'est révélé comme tel. L'inspecteur va avoir du mal à gérer, mais pour l'instant, elle va le tolérer. L'autre femme dans la pièce avait certainement la bonne idée, mais quelque chose a dit à Alina qu'ils avaient. Il y avait un assassin dans la pièce, à savoir Alina elle-même, et si la comtesse était confiante en elle-même d'avoir un assassin à l'intérieur avec aucune de ses armes touché, alors il y avait certainement un plan pour traiter avec tous. Cependant, la femme a soudainement réagi pour une raison inconnue, frappant sur sa chaise. C'était un événement très étrange qu'Alina pensait qu'elle n'obtiendrait pas la réponse, et qu'elle ne voulait pas le faire bientôt. L'autre homme ne semblait pas non plus être d'accord avec le jeu, exprimant le désir de partir.
Cependant, Alina a décidé que le temps pour les « jeux » était terminé. La comtesse ne leur donnerait sûrement aucune réponse claire en jugeant par la façon dont elle agissait jusqu'à présent, mais elle pourrait aussi bien en finir avec cela. Son frère et maintenant elle-même dépendait de passer par tout ce que la comtesse avait mis en place. "Vous devez être très confiant d'envisager de jouer à des 'jeux' avec nous. Et si on arrêtait de jouer au dîner et tu nous dis ce que tu veux déjà? » Alina a dit franchement. Alina s'est penchée vers la comtesse, dans l'intention d'écouter au lieu de manger, mais en gardant un œil sur la servante et en observant ses environs pour voir comment la comtesse pouvait les avoir sur ses genoux. Après tout, Alina devait encore la tuer, elle et son domestique, mais ce n'était certainement pas le moment. De plus, la comtesse sait peut-être quelque chose sur ce qui est arrivé à son frère.
Cependant, Alina n'a jamais reçu sa réponse pour un certain nombre d'événements qui ont fait oublier Alina de la question alors qu'elle entendait ce qui ressemblait à une panique de chat et le bruit de la tempête s'aggrave. En fait, la tempête semblait avoir légèrement secoué l'immeuble. C'est alors que les bougies ont été éteintes et que la salle a été enveloppée dans l'obscurité. Le tonnerre soudain a fait sauter Alina de son siège, mais sans une source de lumière, elle n'a pas vu la comtesse et sa servante s'en aller ainsi que le reste des bizarreries. Il n'a pas aidé que quelque chose est tombé à l'intérieur du manoir et Alina ne savait pas ce que c'était. Quoi qu'il en soit, avec un cœur battant et une respiration intense, elle a sorti son couteau et l'a tenu devant elle alors qu'elle attendait que ses yeux s'ajustent à l'obscurité. Quand rien n'est venu, elle a hésité à cacher le couteau et a mis sa main sur sa poitrine.
"Que s'est-il passé?" Alina a demandé dans l'obscurité, respirant profondément sans se soucier qui a répondu et espérant que quelqu'un avait une source de lumière. | Name: Alina Seiler
Age: 26
Alina is fairly clean for someone of her darker profession. She stands at about 5'5.
Backstory: Alina was born into a family in a small town along with a twin brother named Adam Seiler. While the mother died giving birth to the twins, the father took care of the twins after her death. Being a soldier, some of his profession's talents naturally passed on to his children even if he was not home for extended periods of time. When they both grew up, Alina and her brother began to take separate paths. While Adam decided to take the path of their father, Alina had connections with the underground already established. Through these connections, her involvement with the criminal underworld was assured.
As the twins went their separate ways, so too did their thinking. Alina became greedier, having a lust for money and power take her. At first, it was harmless. Then her first assassination, killing a nobleman, offered too much money for her to turn away. For whatever unknown reason in the eyes of others, she continued the bloody trade of death-dealing gradually developing the skills necessary for such. In particular, she started to deceive, use poison, stealth and other indirect means when a firearm or knife would not do, though the direct approach was also just as viable to Alina.
Eventually, a contract killing was out for a peculiar case: the Rivianne. With Adam Seiler having disappeared 3 months prior and Alina's contacts pointing out the Rivanne mansion as a possible location, Alina decided to hit two birds with one stone: assassinating what was left of the Rivianne family and their servants and finding her brother.
-Backpack: contains an extra similar set of clothing and carries most of her equipment.
-Knife: For the more quiet assassinations that cannot be dealt with by other means.
-6 shot revolver: A revolver. Comes with 6 shots.
-Lock-picking kit
-Canteen of water
-Poison mixing kit(Empty): Used for the mixing and making medicine...or poison
-Makeshift map of outside the mansion
Intro/Sample Post: It was a late night, however it was the night that Alina found was where she was at her brightest. This was especially true with her trade, which required her to be subtle yet deadly. Plenty of times she has had to kill in the open, but rarely was it during the day. And yet she was about to commit yet another deed of dealing death to another soul.
That poor soul or perhaps even souls, were those at the Rivianne residence, of which Alina was approaching. Alina has visited near this place several times, marking down everything she could and mapping the outside. She paid special attention to the entrances and exits during these runs, ensuring she had both an escape and an infiltration route laid out. Tonight was when all of this preparation was put to the test. Squeezing through a hole that was in the fence, Alina passed the first barrier. Now, the second barrier between her, her money and potentially her brother was the mansion itself. Going around the back, she spied a door that would suit her needs: not the main entrance and more importantly unguarded. Taking out her trusty lock-picking kit, Alina got to work on the door. With a quiet sound, she heard the tumblers tick into place and the door unlock.
However, upon opening the door Alina suddenly felt lightheaded and fell onto her knees. She felt her strength being sapped from her body as she struggled to crawl inside. It was the only thing she could think of to do, but the last thing she thought before she went unconscious was that it was a trap, and that she knew she should have brought the shotgun instead of trying to sneak inside.
Other: N/A |
13,473 | 389 | 13 | 1,445 | 9,365 | Beaucoup de questions ont été répondues, mais il faut maintenant en poser encore plus. Des questions simples comme l'heure, combien de temps sont-ils sortis, comment sont-ils arrivés ici, et où était le seigneur du manoir. Mais des questions plus pressantes concernaient principalement ce « jeu » qu'ils ont été invités aussi. Quoi qu'il en soit, il a ramené des souvenirs du genre de "divertissement" auquel participait le seigneur maléfique de la jeunesse corrompue de Solaire. Être traqués par des chiens corrosifs, voir qui pourrait survivre ayant le plus de chair coupé de leur corps, qui pourrait tenir le plus d'araignées dans l'anus, les choses malades et cruelles. Solaire n'imaginait pas que ces jeux seraient plus agréables. Mais avant même que Solaire puisse avoir un mot, l'obscurité a envahi la pièce.
Bien que l'obscurité ne soit pas complète, Solaire ne pouvait pas faire de détails dans l'obscurité. Seuls de brefs éclairs de l'extérieur éclairaient la pièce, mais dans ces brefs moments, il a remarqué que la comtesse était partie. Quelque chose d'horrible était certainement au pied. Se tenant debout à ses pieds et embrayant fermement son Shillelagh, Solaire s'approcha et prit l'un des chandeliers sur la table. Il est resté calme, mais sa voix avait un peu de panique. Il savait que, comme ça ou non, ils étaient impliqués dans ce jeu étrange et déviant de la Comtesse. « Quelqu'un a-t-il un briquet ou des allumettes? J'ai une bougie ici, suivez ma voix. Et nous devons rester ensemble, pour nous-mêmes." Ce crash plus profond dans le manoir n'a pas échappé à l'avis de Solaire, mais il n'avait aucune idée à quoi s'attendre. Était-ce simplement la tempête qui avait frappé sur une vitrine peut-être, ou quelque chose de beaucoup plus sinistre?
"Et pas de panique... Mais notre hôte nous a quittés. D'une façon ou d'une autre. Je vous implore tous, nous devons coopérer si nous voulons échapper à ce jeu du diable." | Name: Solaire Astora
Age: 27
Backstory: Solaire’s story first began with his abandonment. Solaire’s mother was a prostitute-turned-nun who who left him in the care of the church orphanage where he would serve an early age as a choirboy. He was given a rudimentary education in literature and numbers as well as taught the lessons of faith which he still holds near his heart. Solaire’s tenure as a mere choirboy changed when his church performed for a wealthy lord, who wished to take a few of the boys to serve on his own choir. Solaire was one of the few who were fortunate enough to be chosen, and at a young age of eight he was sent from the choir to live at the lord’s mansion.
However the lord did not wish to only hear the hymns the boys sand. No, he wished to hear more, their emotions and their cries. Solaire had lived at the mansion for barely a month before a few choirboys went missing, supposedly having “run off” for some reason or another. Each one a boy that the lord had shown particular interest in. Around that time one of those boys revealed himself, traumatized and abused. He told Solaire and the other boys the fate that had befallen him and the others, forced to satisfy their lord. What followed was pandemonium that Solaire did not expect nor had any control over. The guards arrived to the room and started taking the boys away, Solaire included. At some point one of the boys managed to start a fire, a fire which had spread to the grand hall were marvelous silk curtains had hung. Solaire barely managed to escape the chaos.
Alone and cold Solaire was not certain what would befall him. He saw the lord and his guards survive the inferno, and heeding the warnings of his fellow choirboy Solaire ran. He ran into the forest, not knowing where he was going nor where he was at. He heard hoofbeats behind him and he knew that he was being chased. Desperate the boy pleaded to his god to save him, for a blessing or a sign. It came in the form of a blade from the dark. His pursue fell dead and soon Solaire had a bag over his head.
When Inventory:
Golden Rosary - Solaire’s Holy Symbol given to him when he became an ordained cleric. A symbol of his office and if needed also valuable enough to be offered during the most dire of circumstances. Ostensibly given to him to ward off greed, as the value and importances of his holy symbol ought to outweigh any temptation. His name and the date of his inauguration is inscribed onto the back of the Rosary.
Missionary Habit - Sturdy yet refined garments for those of the cloth. Build to last and withstand against all sorts of weather, be it snowy days, harsh winds, or even blistering heat. All the while formal enough to serve in nearly all types of religious services barring ones that require specific attire. While the attire appears rather conservative and restrictive, it’s actually quite breathable and allows Solaire a full range of motion. If necessary he can shed a majority of his outfit to a simple pair of trousers, long-sleeve tunic, and sturdy boots.
Holy Text - Solaire’s book of faith containing holy scripture, verses, and tales of his religion. It is not the full text but rather an an excerpt given to all missionaries, as the full text spans five books. Solaire also keeps pressed flowers between the pages.
Shillelagh - Solaire’s humble cudgel back in his days as a youthful bandit. This stick is carved from blackthorn and decorated with a steel cap. Not only does this staff assist Solaire’s gait and stride, but it is also his primary weapon should he need to defend himself. The handle is hollowed and filled with lead to increase the weight and subsequent striking power of his stick, and with proper momentum and form Solaire could easily crack plate armor. Additionally the Shillelagh is exactly three feet in length, with subtle notches going up the length of the staff to measure inches.
Scrivener's Kit - A soft leather case that contains a vial for holding ink, an ink pen, spare pen nibs, a small container of pigment for making ink, a tiny knife for cutting quills into pens, a blotter, and a small ruler. Solaire often writes letters and documents during his journeys and thus keeps the means to write those documents close at hand. More often than not, the pen is mightier than the sword, and a well written letter has taken over castles far more efficiently than an army would have. In theory of course. Solaire has never had the opportunity to make that a reality.
Diary - Solaire’s personal journal. Simply a place where he could jot down notes, his thoughts, and other things of interest. Currently full of sketches of things of importance or interest. Solaire notable writes in a different script than english, utilizing a cypher of his own making in order to ensure no one who reads his journal could actually understand its context without Solaire. He doesn’t even use conventional letters, and instead writes in perfectly scripted runes of some sort.
Satchel - A shoulder bag to carry all of Solaire’s belongings. Fairly empty all things considered. It contains one large main pouch, as well as two side pockets large enough to hold a book. Various loops and straps are also attached to the back to tie down larger objects such as bedrolls, tools, and containers.
Silver Knife - A small spring folding knife made of silver. It was gifted to Solaire by a smith who Solaire had managed to turn from banditry. It’s blade glims even in darkness, and while it’s silver edge is unsuitable for warfare, hopefully it may ward off evil nonetheless. It also cuts meats very well. Thanks to its folding edge Solaire could easily hide this within the palm of his hand or other small places.
Holy Water - A metal flask containing twelve ounces of blessed water. While some would say that it's merely boiled salt water, which it is, Solaire would assure them that it can still provide protection and blessings to those who need it. He typically keeps it to bless newborn babies or disinfect wounds and surfaces.
Intro/Sample Post:
Footsteps echoed off the stones as Solaire approached the forlorn mansion. As the cleric approached the mansion, it was not lost to him that his name is the same to the latter half of this hallowed place: Rivianne Solaire. This dark and mysterious place had no real need for the cleric’s service, however Solaire had his own reasons to be here. Many rumors in these lands speak of a vast fortune hidden within the mansion, and that it’s lord had been gone for quite some time. However it was not greed that drove the priest, but fervor. Among the rumors spoke that those who attempt to investigate the keep were consumed by a profane darkness, and no doubt that occult activities were at work. Memories of the tyrannical lord and his evil deeds flashed in Solaire’s mind, reminding him why he wears the cloth of his faith. He would not stand idly by and let evil consume the hearts and minds of men, preying on their greed and misfortune.
As he approached the mansion, Solaire took note at the lack of tracks. He saw no footprints or trails coming to or from the mansion. The full moon was high into the sky, and if the rumors were true tonight would be the night that one either finds their fortune or their end here at the mansion. So Solaire expected more people to arrive, as he surely wasn’t the first. But regardless the priest continued forwards, his hands resting on his Shilelagh as it tapped against the stone. The air felt cold and truthfully, Solaire felt fear. It was not unfamiliar for him; he had faced fear all his life. But each time he remained diligent, held strongly to his faith, and strode forward to face his fear head on.
When Solaire approached the door he knocked twice. Shortly after he was greeted by a small girl dressed in maid attire. Her face had notable scars, bringing back memories of the boys abused by the tyrannical lord. However Solaire made no accusations yet and merely introduced himself. ”Greetings. I am Solaire Astora. May I enter?” And after that everything went black.
Solaire is a highly skilled scribe, capable of writing long lengths of letters and essays within hours. He is also capable of perfectly forging a signature and copying one’s writing style. Whether he writes with ink, coal, or even blood, his handwriting is impeccable.
In addition to his amazing writing skills, Solaire is a speed reader. He has read through entire textbooks and multiple journals in a matter of hours, and when it comes to written text he has perfect memory of their contexts. While he still needs time to fully understand the text he can always remember what was written on the pages.
Solaire is fairly youth and athletic, thanks to a career that requires him to maintain some level of physical activity. While he is neither an acrobat nor a strongman, Solaire could be expected to run, lift, swim, and climb as well as any spry youth. He has also been taught various meditative breathing exercises and exercises to assist his physical endeavours, increasing his overall stamina.
Additionally Solaire is fairly competent in self-defense. While he doesn’t consider himself a soldier or even a fighter, he knows enough about the ways of battle to avoid being a victim of it. If possible Solaire aims to disarm and knock down his opponents. That’s not to say he isn’t willing to kill; should the circumstances arise where leaving someone alive will only cause more death Solaire will take it upon himself to end their life. He's particularly handy with a short staff, such as canes and clubs.
Lastly, Solaire prides himself on his skills as a singer. While he’s not the most creative when it comes to making songs or hymns, his vocal range is as wide as the sky itself. when it comes to matching a tune or note he's quick to adapt and with some practice, he could sing along like a professional. He's quite capable of hitting high notes notmally meant for females as well as lower notes generally reserved for men. |
13,474 | 389 | 14 | 489 | 444 | Arthur Reyes
Des réponses ont été données, mais cela n'a pas satisfait la confusion d'Arthur, car il a créé encore plus de questions qui nécessitent une explication appropriée. Il y avait tellement de choses qui ne s'additionnaient pas. Ça n'avait pas de sens. La question de savoir comment le jeune manager est entré dans ce manoir était toujours laissée sans réponse, et avant qu'il puisse bouger les lèvres pour demander, la seule source de réponse était disparue. Le rugissement assourdissant du tonnerre a soufflé son sens de l'ouïe pendant une courte seconde, ce qui l'a presque fait sauter de ses propres chaises. Sa vue a également été perdue, alors que les bougies, la seule source de lumière a été soufflée. Pendant un moment, il a été stupéfait par les deux incidents qui se sont produits simultanément, et quand il est revenu en ligne, à la fois la Comtesse et la servante qui vient de leur servir le dessert ont disparu. Aucune trace d'eux n'a été laissée, à part les grandes marques rouges sur la chaise de la comtesse. Et pour des raisons inconnues, les chaises qui étaient inoccupées ont été placées à l'envers sur la perche. Tous, il y a seulement une seconde, étaient par terre.
Il était en conflit. À l'extérieur et à l'intérieur.
Une sorte de sorcellerie?
La pensée a traversé son esprit, pendant très peu de temps avant de disparaître. Qu'il y avait quelque chose de très démoniaque dans ce manoir. La logique humaine ne pouvait pas comprendre, comment en un peu moins d'une seconde, toutes les chaises se déplaçaient radicalement pendant que le maître de maison et le personnel de la maison disparaissaient soudainement. Sa logique ne pouvait pas comprendre. Il détestait admettre que la sorcellerie existait dans ce monde, dans ce nouvel âge où il a été élevé, mais il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se résoudre à de telles pensées pour expliquer ce qui vient de se passer, même si ce n'était que pour un bref moment.
Son sens de l'ouïe fut repris peu de temps après, mais la pièce fut dans l'obscurité totale pendant un certain temps après la disparition. Heureusement, un homme, qu'il avait présenté tout à l'heure sous le nom de Solaire Astora, portant une sorte de tenue de prêtre, a allumé la bougie pour quelques éclairages. Par sa manière de parler, il semble qu'il soit plus convaincu de ces démons, ou qu'il soit sarcastique. Mais pendant ce temps, il avait raison. Il vaut mieux rester avec ceux qui l'entourent, pour une meilleure chance de survie, surtout dans cet endroit mentalement tendu.
Arthur n'avait pas le choix. Il se leva et se dirigea rapidement vers la place de Solaire, qui se trouvait de l'autre côté de la table. | Name: Arthur Reyes
Age: 34.
Physically speaking, Arthur is not impressive, with a height of 165 centimeters, shorter than his country's standard. Like his peers, who favours dandyism as a fashion trend, Arthur's appearance is considered extravagant, yet unnecessary. He is usually seen wearing a jacket, with seven red horizontal stripes that extend to the edge of the front of the jacket, each crossing through a button. His pants is also slightly decorated with red embellishment, to match with the color of his jacket. His hair was jet black and neat. Arthur also has heterochromia iridum, where his right eye was as dark as night, while the other as blue as sky.
Born a descendant of a once very powerful medieval nobleman, Arthur is expected by many to be inheriting the family's tradition of becoming a governor of a Northern town that he was born and raised in. Yet, Arthur, from the age of 14, already had a different, a bigger vision of his future. Carrying the noble blood in him, Arthur, aside from studying academic subjects, was taught manners, politics and leadership, but Arthur was more interested in industrial economy. He was considered a complete outcast both at home and at school, for he was obsessed with the pursue of knowledge about entrepreneurship , something in which he and his parents often argued against, sometimes leading to serious conflicts. He was considered an exceptional student during his teenage years and was prematurely offered the chance to enroll in some of the most pretigious universities.
Despite having disagreements and relationship-shattering conflicts, Arthur was finally able to convince his father about his future. On one occasion when his father was dealing with a significant economy problem concerning a sudden cancellation of a mining contract, resulting in losses of money. Arthur, who was coincidentally at his father's office and understood the circumstances, asked his father to deal with the situation, which he eventually managed. In the letter his father sent him afterwards, in which Arthur kept with him until today, his father had actually wept with joy as he told his son to find his own "empire" that was big enough for his vision, for this land was too small for him. It was at that moment when his parents decided not to interfere with his son's decisions any longer
When he finally graduated from high school however, Arthur decided not to enter the many universities that sent him offers and scholarships to enroll in, and instead chose to be tutored at home by Aria, a young professor at Harsen University, who is also a friend of his father, known for her brilliance in the economy's philosophy. Arthur enjoyed Aria's tutelages, and, during the process, developed a passion for her work about the relationship between economy and industry. Aria gave him a shortened copy of her book, something which Arthur had always carried with him.
Arthur's education with Aria ended after five years, and he soon established his own company called Artem when he was 25, using the foundation of an old disbanded company. Initially a local mining company, but with Arthur's brilliance in leadership and economy, the realm of his corporation soon expanded to a quarter of his country. The varieties of industries also expanded, with ship-buildings, logistics, automobiles and the most recently, aviations joined the branch of Artem's products.
In just nearly 35 years, Arthur had earned good money and had achieved things that most people couldn't in a lifetime, but that did not satisfy his ambitions. He was still aiming for more and more...
Pocket watch: Contains a picture, taken with his tutor, Professor Aria, who he had come to greatly respect for her inspiration.
Philosophy book: The copy that Aria gave him a few years ago, which he still kept with him inside his jacket.
His father's letter: More like only one line in that letter. The one that has driven him to become who he is today.
Intro/Sample Post:
"You must find an empire big enough for your own vision."
That line. That sentence.
It had already been over a decade since it was first written, and yet Arthur could feel it as brand new as the tip of the pen was just being lifted from the letter. It was the first time his father had actually cried in joy for him, for a man who disregarded his family's traditions to pursue his own ambitions. It was the thing that had driven him to become such a successful young man as he was today, to become someone who had accomplished things that people could not in their lifetime.
He was grateful. Truly grateful. But somehow, he did not feel satisfied yet.
He wanted more.
Arthur folded the letter in four as he put it away in his jacket pocket, as he noticed something strange. He had not seen the area before. Arthur looked out of the window of his car, out to the cold and rainy sky. Through his vague and groggy vision, he barely managed to grasp the name on the metal fence in front of the car.
Revianne Solaire
What is this? How come a mansion exists here? The road can't have ended this early.
There was only one explanation for this: He was lost.
"Geez, I'm gonna be late for the contract signing. Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask these people the direction."
Arthur put on his jacket and exited the car, into the rain. For some reasons, the air around the mansion felt...frighteningly cold. He wondered if it was his imagination or by the rain, but he could feel his interior temperature drop as he knocked on the door, twice. A few moments later, a young, petite woman, with a notable scar on her face, was seen walking out of the door, greeting Arthur.
"Good evening ma'am. I am on my way to the Rasford household. Do you mind if you can show me th-"
It was at that moment that it struck him. Something. Something he could not figure out.
His ears began to ring like hell, like a drill was being operated on it. His head pounded as if a hammer was being brought down on him.
Arthur instinctively clinched his head with his two hands, but it was too late. When he realized it, he was on the muddy ground, and everything he saw was darkness.
Others: N/A |
13,475 | 389 | 15 | 1,278 | 8,065 | flash de foudre illuminerait brièvement la salle à manger, brillant à travers les portes demi-ouvertes. Ce bref moment de clarté a mis en évidence le véritable état de la salle dans laquelle les «invités» ont été réunis. Non seulement les chaises inutilisées étaient en place, se reposant à l'envers sur la table, mais toute la pièce semblait vieille. La nappe, autrefois d'un blanc immaculé, était maintenant déchirée et déchirée. Une fine couche de poussière s'installa au-dessus des meubles, des toiles de cob, pendues à chaque coin et à chaque ruse, et l'argenterie fut ternie à un ton presque sable. Même les planches grinçaient pendant que les gens marchaient.
Une fois que le flash de lumière et la cécité habituelle qui l'a suivi ont été traités par tous si les «invités», ceux qui ont une meilleure vue entre eux seraient en mesure de remarquer une faible source de lumière venant du couloir à l'extérieur. Il dansait comme une flamme ouverte et, si quelqu'un voulait vérifier, ils verraient qu'en effet c'était une paire de lampes à huile, suspendues à un crochet en laiton dans le mur.
Le couloir lui-même aussi long, couvrant au moins douze mètres de chaque côté des portes doubles de la salle à manger avec deux portes simples également espacées, à la fois à gauche et à droite. Le mur opposé avait un ensemble de huit grandes fenêtres en verre sale espacées également entre eux. Les fenêtres étaient fermement clouées et avaient des barres de fer boulonnées à l'extérieur, probablement, pour protéger le manoir contre les voleurs.
Quel genre de décision les 'invités' de Rivianne prendraient-ils maintenant? | SheetName: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A brief description, picture or both are all ok. Please, avoid real life pictures.
Backstory: Your character's backstory. Do something interesting, with at least a couple decent paragraphs. You can include hints to their personality/mannerisms as well, if you wish, just avoid focusing too much on them.
Inventory: Any meaningful possessions your characters had with them when they entered the mansion. Please be considerate and keep them in character.
Intro/Sample Post: Your character's introduction to the RP. Explain how they got to the mansion and what they were doing before that. If they have any particular motivation to be there mention it as well.
Other: Anything not mentioned above.Character Sheet TemplateName: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A brief description, picture or both are all ok. Please, avoid real life pictures.
Backstory: Your character's backstory. Do something interesting, with at least a couple decent paragraphs. You can include hints to their personality/mannerisms as well, if you wish, just avoid focusing too much on them.
Inventory: Any meaningful possessions your characters had with them when they entered the mansion. Please be considerate and keep them in character.
Intro/Sample Post: Your character's introduction to the RP. Explain how they got to the mansion and what they were doing before that. If they have any particular motivation to be there mention it as well.
Other: Anything not mentioned above.Character List |
13,476 | 390 | 0 | 1,560 | 696 | J'ai trop bu.
C'était ma première pensée alors que mes yeux s'ouvraient à la chambre noire. Merde, je me suis réveillé trop tôt, avant que le soleil ne se lève. Ça gâche vraiment mon cycle de sommeil.
Le sol sous moi était froid. C'est froid et dur. J'étais allongé sur un sol froid et cimenté. Est-ce que je suis tombée de mon lit? Non, ce n'est pas ma chambre.
Des barres à ma gauche et à ma droite. J'étais dans une cellule de prison?
"Fuck." J'ai dit tranquillement, alors que j'ai traité ce qui se passait sur "Fuck!" Je l'ai crié.
Je me suis saoulé. Maintenant j'étais en prison. Que s'est-il passé hier soir?
J'ai regardé autour de la cellule. Avec qui d'autre étais-je? Il n'y avait pas de lits. Et cette cellule semblait être des hommes et des femmes.
Quand j'ai remarqué qu'il n'y avait pas de fenêtres dans la cellule, je me suis écrasée. | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,477 | 390 | 1 | 732 | 8,842 | Mikeal a commencé par un bruit fort et a saisi ses couvertures pour les arracher sur lui mais a été rencontré avec rien d'autre que ses vêtements. "Hm?" Il murmura endormiment alors qu'il ouvrit les yeux et regarda autour de lui. C'était bizarre. Ce n'était pas la même scène où il s'était endormi. C'était juste un rêve bizarre? Mikeal s'est assis et s'est giflé rapidement pour tester. Un son résonnait dans toute la région et se sentait trop réel pour autre chose. Il avait été enlevé. Comme c'est bizarre. Mikeal s'est levé, maintenant pleinement éveillé en raison de l'étrangeté de sa situation. Une sorte de prison à juger par les barreaux. Mikeal a cherché des fenêtres et n'en a trouvé aucune, puis a commencé à chercher une forme d'évasion. Imaginez à quel point il serait difficile de rattraper ses cours s'il était parti beaucoup plus longtemps que quelques jours. Il a commencé à bousiller les barres et à taper les murs et les planchers pour voir s'il y avait quelque chose pour l'aider. S'il n'y avait rien d'autre, le bruit attirerait l'attention de quelqu'un d'autre ici, bien que ce ne soit peut-être pas une bonne chose. | Name: Mikeal Bratton
Personality: Tends to over-commit to things, I like to think I'm analytical but I tend to get caught up in the moment. Is rather friendly and talkative when given the appropriate topic. Can sometimes come off as a bit of a butt given his sharp tongue, but I don't mean it.
Appearance: White male, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 149 pounds. Brown hair cut short in the front that trails down to mid-back length in the rear. Brown eyes, usually wears thing glasses secured by a green glasses strap. Smattering of acne across face, chest, and back. Just barely considered thin. Has a shadow of six-pack and slightly built arm muscles. Tends to wear gray sweats and a gray t-shirt with a black jacket.
-Am great at improvising
-Good athlete, high endurance
-Fast reader
-Good memory for things I care about
-Good at tricking people
-Pretty good at climbing
-Very disorganized
-Can be unreasonable when out of patience
-Often reckless
-No real fighting experience
-Easy to guilt trip
-I pick at my fingers, usually anywhere from one to three have blood from torn skin on them.
Desires: An awesome sword fighter with wings and a tail. and lasers. Maybe a giant axe. Defiantly tons of magic items.
-Being paralyzed
-Being too weak
-Disappointment |
13,478 | 390 | 2 | 1,665 | 1,416 | Je me suis réveillée sur un lit clairsemé dans une pièce gris terne. Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de rire, c'était de la merde. Un de ses amis a eu beaucoup d'ennuis pour faire ça. Après environ une heure de réflexion sur la vengeance, elle a commencé à s'enfoncer. Aucun de mes amis n'était assez atroce pour me laisser enfermée dans une pièce pendant des heures. Je me suis levé et j'ai commencé à patiner. J'ai commencé à paniquer, des larmes chaudes me coulant les joues. Je me suis essuyé les yeux et je me suis levé, c'était... tapante? J'ai marché jusqu'au mur, je pensais que le son venait de moi.
-- Y a-t-il quelqu'un? J'ai crié. | Name: Evan
Personality: Witty, Naive, Intelligent, Tactless, Idealist. I tend to see the best in people, but the worst of situations. Makes friends quickly and deeply.
Appearance: On the younger side of the spectrum. Dark brown hair, dull green eyes. Soft features and perpetually chapped lips. 5' 9", 116 lbs.
Talents: Mediation, humor, half-semi-decent with a firearm, fairly intelligent
Flaws: Physically weak, low pain tolerance, nail biting, constantly humming or lightly singing, disorganized
Desires: To make friends and become a mage.
Fears: Insects of all shapes and sizes, needles, isolation |
13,479 | 390 | 3 | 1,560 | 696 | J'ai regardé le gars qui avait crié. Il semblait confus à propos de ce qui se passait. Aussi invraisemblable que moi. Peut-être plus encore, étant donné que j'ai peut-être été emmené en prison pour intoxication publique. Vu les choses que j'ai faites alors que j'étais gaspillée, j'ai eu de la chance que cela ne soit pas arrivé plus tôt.
Je ne lui ai rien dit. En fait, j'ai regardé loin vite. Il pourrait être ici à cause de la consommation de drogue, et son manque d'indice pourrait être la drogue.
Puis, bien sûr, il y avait aussi quelques filles dans la cellule. Ou peut-être croiser des pansements, mais plutôt convaincant. Si les hommes étaient avec des femmes dans une cellule, ce n'était pas une prison américaine normale ni même une cellule.
Puis j'ai entendu ce qui ressemblait à un mélange entre les pas et le métal frappant contre le béton. Le son venait d'une porte à l'extérieur de la cellule de retenue. J'ai regardé cette porte à mesure que les pas s'approchaient, mais j'ai été surpris quand la porte s'est ouverte de l'autre côté.
Et des hommes à pied. Des hommes normaux portant de gros costumes en métal. Machine, costumes en métal. C'était... une armure de puissance. Merde, comme dans les jeux vidéo, mais il y avait quelque chose de familier à propos de ces costumes en métal. Le genre flippant de familier. | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,480 | 390 | 4 | 732 | 8,842 | Mikeal s'est arrêté, quelqu'un d'autre? "Oui, je suis Mikeal-" il était sur le point de dire plus, mais il a été interrompu par le bruit des pieds de marche et une porte s'ouvrant. Des hommes avec des costumes de robot? C'était bizarre. Pas n'importe quel costume de robot non plus, ils avaient l'air de les avoir vus auparavant, bien qu'il ne se souvienne pas d'où. Il ne semblait pas qu'ils faisaient encore quoi que ce soit, mais sans doute que cela allait bientôt changer. Ont-ils été déplacés quelque part? Bien parler serait sans doute imprudent, pas besoin d'aggraver ses ravisseurs. Ce qui voulait dire attendre sa mort imminente. Mikeal s'est penché contre le mur arrière et a attendu. Oui. | Name: Mikeal Bratton
Personality: Tends to over-commit to things, I like to think I'm analytical but I tend to get caught up in the moment. Is rather friendly and talkative when given the appropriate topic. Can sometimes come off as a bit of a butt given his sharp tongue, but I don't mean it.
Appearance: White male, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 149 pounds. Brown hair cut short in the front that trails down to mid-back length in the rear. Brown eyes, usually wears thing glasses secured by a green glasses strap. Smattering of acne across face, chest, and back. Just barely considered thin. Has a shadow of six-pack and slightly built arm muscles. Tends to wear gray sweats and a gray t-shirt with a black jacket.
-Am great at improvising
-Good athlete, high endurance
-Fast reader
-Good memory for things I care about
-Good at tricking people
-Pretty good at climbing
-Very disorganized
-Can be unreasonable when out of patience
-Often reckless
-No real fighting experience
-Easy to guilt trip
-I pick at my fingers, usually anywhere from one to three have blood from torn skin on them.
Desires: An awesome sword fighter with wings and a tail. and lasers. Maybe a giant axe. Defiantly tons of magic items.
-Being paralyzed
-Being too weak
-Disappointment |
13,481 | 390 | 5 | 2,065 | 3,584 | Rena a ouvert les yeux, regardant dans ce qui semblait être une cellule et elle a juste regardé le mur pendant un moment. "Coucou." Elle murmura, en commençant à regarder autour et remarqué qu'il y avait des hommes et des femmes à l'intérieur de la cellule avec elle. Ma tête me fait chier. Elle soupira, se cogna la tête avec le poing et s'inclina contre la douleur, mais la secoue rapidement. Elle était sur le point de leur parler mais a décidé de ne pas le faire et c'était un bon moment aussi, car il semblait y avoir quelque chose qui s'approchait d'eux. Au bout d'un moment, elle a vu qu'ils étaient... des robots? Non, les hommes en costumes de robot. Ses yeux s'élargissaient un peu, mais elle se taisait encore, se penchait vers l'avant et se laquait. Bon sang, où sont mes lunettes maintenant et de toute façon... où ai-je vu ces tarés? | Name: Rena
Personality: I'm fake. Almost everything that I do almost seems staged to myself. I could be smiling on the outside but screaming on the inside. For some reason, people have their own idea of what type of person I am so let's go with that. "Selfish, sweet, crazy, weird, violent, stupid, clueless, idiot." Got those out of the way so I guess I'll go to myself. I am a simple girl with a personality that would scream "I don't give a fuck" if you could read my mind but since you can't I might look like I give a lot of fucks. Sweet? Yeah, that's true but that's mostly because I don't like arguing and wasting my time on idiots so don't think too highly of it. Oh, and I'm negative and they say i'm bipolar. However, even with this, there are things that I just won't do. I will not judge people based on appearances or say offensive things based on how they look. Don't get me wrong, I do respond to things but only interesting things.
Pretty psychopathic. I end up doing crazy things sometimes. Only violence though.
People say I am innocent and sweet but also moody.
Appearance: Skinny, OK? Let's get that out of the way and i'm not even bragging or anything. I am a stick *sigh*. Ok, lets get one thing straight. I am not out shape. Light-ish brown skin and a few scars here and there. My left wrist looks a bit like I self-harm myself but c'mon, what do you even know about what I do at home? My hair is curly and poofy, extremely poofy so I usually just keep it in a half up half down situation with my bangs hanging over my face and usually covering most of my face. Brown eyes and apparently abnormally small lips.
-Some people call me "cute" which pisses me off.
Talents: I know a few jujitsu moves due to the fact that I used to take classes, ...writing stories about abusive fathers?, reading (some) expressions, they say I'm good at realistic art, I got praised when I sang, not an idiot, OK-cook, taking photos of scenery I guess, hmmm... I have confidence in talking to strangers right off the bat, ignoring things easily, not caring about a lot of things, faking, tricking, acting, some shooting skills, used to getting insulted so it doesn't bother me.
Flaws: Short attention span, negative thoughts that fill my mind can shut me down, low self-confidence, being fake, bad eyesight, I feel the need to lie when people actually expect something, committing, (apparently) don't eat enough, staying on task, showing what I really feel, knowing how I actually feel, talking bad about myself, lying, sensitive (sometimes).
Desires: To be extremely smart. Rich, yes, the classic but I love money and who doesn't? To find a great book that I wouldn't want to put down, actually know what I want in life, have more goals, be truly happy, to find something really interesting.
Fears: Disappearing
- Disappointing someone that expected something of me
- Getting tortured and left alive
- Failure
- Others realizing that i'm fake
- Realizing that I am nothing but disposable trash.
- Becoming immortal
Will most likely add to this later in life. |
13,482 | 390 | 6 | 1,560 | 696 | Très bien, connards. L'un des hommes blindés a dit : "Je ne sais pas vraiment pourquoi vous êtes ici, alors fermez-la, suivez-nous, et ne pensez pas que vous pouvez fuir. Le commandant veut vous voir." Il a dit qu'il marchait jusqu'à la cellule et l'a déverrouillé.
"Allez, c'est parti!" Il a commandé quand il a ouvert la porte de la cellule. Je ne pouvais pas dire où il cherchait, alors peut-être qu'il ne me parlait même pas. Peut-être qu'un seul d'entre nous. Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis lentement sorti de la cellule. Assez lentement que l'un des gars m'ait attrapé et poussé plus loin. Je n'ai rien dit. Je ne voulais pas me faire tirer dessus ou quelque chose de pire. | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,483 | 390 | 7 | 2,065 | 3,584 | Un trou du cul? Il n'est pas impoli. Cependant, les yeux de Rena brillent comme elle a réalisé où elle était. Un endroit intéressant. Un endroit où elle ne connaissait personne et il y avait des gars en costumes de robot forçant alors à aller quelque part. Est-ce que ça pourrait aller mieux?
Elle se leva rapidement, se remémorant et touchant ses cheveux. Mes cheveux ne sont pas crépus aujourd'hui... c'est bizarre. Rena s'approche des hommes et les suit, sans se soucier de leur rudesse. En regardant vers l'avant et sur leurs armes, elle regarda autour de l'endroit étrangement familier. | Name: Rena
Personality: I'm fake. Almost everything that I do almost seems staged to myself. I could be smiling on the outside but screaming on the inside. For some reason, people have their own idea of what type of person I am so let's go with that. "Selfish, sweet, crazy, weird, violent, stupid, clueless, idiot." Got those out of the way so I guess I'll go to myself. I am a simple girl with a personality that would scream "I don't give a fuck" if you could read my mind but since you can't I might look like I give a lot of fucks. Sweet? Yeah, that's true but that's mostly because I don't like arguing and wasting my time on idiots so don't think too highly of it. Oh, and I'm negative and they say i'm bipolar. However, even with this, there are things that I just won't do. I will not judge people based on appearances or say offensive things based on how they look. Don't get me wrong, I do respond to things but only interesting things.
Pretty psychopathic. I end up doing crazy things sometimes. Only violence though.
People say I am innocent and sweet but also moody.
Appearance: Skinny, OK? Let's get that out of the way and i'm not even bragging or anything. I am a stick *sigh*. Ok, lets get one thing straight. I am not out shape. Light-ish brown skin and a few scars here and there. My left wrist looks a bit like I self-harm myself but c'mon, what do you even know about what I do at home? My hair is curly and poofy, extremely poofy so I usually just keep it in a half up half down situation with my bangs hanging over my face and usually covering most of my face. Brown eyes and apparently abnormally small lips.
-Some people call me "cute" which pisses me off.
Talents: I know a few jujitsu moves due to the fact that I used to take classes, ...writing stories about abusive fathers?, reading (some) expressions, they say I'm good at realistic art, I got praised when I sang, not an idiot, OK-cook, taking photos of scenery I guess, hmmm... I have confidence in talking to strangers right off the bat, ignoring things easily, not caring about a lot of things, faking, tricking, acting, some shooting skills, used to getting insulted so it doesn't bother me.
Flaws: Short attention span, negative thoughts that fill my mind can shut me down, low self-confidence, being fake, bad eyesight, I feel the need to lie when people actually expect something, committing, (apparently) don't eat enough, staying on task, showing what I really feel, knowing how I actually feel, talking bad about myself, lying, sensitive (sometimes).
Desires: To be extremely smart. Rich, yes, the classic but I love money and who doesn't? To find a great book that I wouldn't want to put down, actually know what I want in life, have more goals, be truly happy, to find something really interesting.
Fears: Disappearing
- Disappointing someone that expected something of me
- Getting tortured and left alive
- Failure
- Others realizing that i'm fake
- Realizing that I am nothing but disposable trash.
- Becoming immortal
Will most likely add to this later in life. |
13,484 | 390 | 8 | 732 | 8,842 | Mikeal a ajusté sa sangle de lunettes et s'est tenu silencieusement, suivant rapidement les deux autres personnes devant lui. Il n'avait absolument aucune idée de ce qui se passait. Il voulait dire quelque chose, mais il n'a pas eu envie de se faire battre ou tirer dessus, alors il a mis son veto à l'idée et a plutôt suivi silencieusement. Quel genre d'endroit était-ce? Si ces gens ne les ont pas prises, alors qui l'a fait? Tant de questions et il ne savait pas comment obtenir des réponses. | Name: Mikeal Bratton
Personality: Tends to over-commit to things, I like to think I'm analytical but I tend to get caught up in the moment. Is rather friendly and talkative when given the appropriate topic. Can sometimes come off as a bit of a butt given his sharp tongue, but I don't mean it.
Appearance: White male, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 149 pounds. Brown hair cut short in the front that trails down to mid-back length in the rear. Brown eyes, usually wears thing glasses secured by a green glasses strap. Smattering of acne across face, chest, and back. Just barely considered thin. Has a shadow of six-pack and slightly built arm muscles. Tends to wear gray sweats and a gray t-shirt with a black jacket.
-Am great at improvising
-Good athlete, high endurance
-Fast reader
-Good memory for things I care about
-Good at tricking people
-Pretty good at climbing
-Very disorganized
-Can be unreasonable when out of patience
-Often reckless
-No real fighting experience
-Easy to guilt trip
-I pick at my fingers, usually anywhere from one to three have blood from torn skin on them.
Desires: An awesome sword fighter with wings and a tail. and lasers. Maybe a giant axe. Defiantly tons of magic items.
-Being paralyzed
-Being too weak
-Disappointment |
13,485 | 390 | 9 | 1,560 | 696 | Qu'est-ce que tu regardes? Un des hommes a dit à Rena après qu'il l'ait attrapée à regarder son arme "Je vais vous montrer un vrai gros flingue plus tard."
Les autres hommes, en entendant ça, n'ont rien dit puisqu'ils nous ont forcés à traverser des couloirs plus faiblement éclairés. J'ai entendu des cris torturés venant de quelque part, et des coups de feu dans une autre direction. Des terroristes nous ont-ils capturés?
Puis, j'ai remarqué quelque chose au sujet des mercs. L'armure de puissance, malgré les faibles niveaux de lumière, j'ai remarqué étaient blancs. Et j'ai vu l'insigne sur l'armure d'un merc : un serpent enveloppé autour d'un signe d'argent.
Quand j'ai commencé à jouer, j'ai créé une compagnie de mercenaires et de recherches surnaturelles. Ils avaient des progrès technologiques que personne n'avait encore compris, comme l'armure de puissance. Ils avaient aussi connaissance des mages et des vampires, et ils ont même fait des transactions avec eux, même en leur permettant d'entrer dans leurs rangs. Une société appelée Maniacles Corporation.
Et maintenant je savais où j'avais déjà vu ces hommes. Je les connaissais quand je les imaginais dans ma propre tête.
C'est quoi ce bordel? C'était une coïncidence?
Cependant, au moment où je me suis rendu compte de cette situation, tout comme nous venions dans une pièce avec qui doit être le commandant. Il y avait une sorte d'intégration informatique de haute technologie dans le mur, une carte répartie sur une table, bureau avec un ordinateur dans le coin à côté d'un refroidisseur d'eau, et le grand serpent et symbole d'argent sur le mur en face de l'ordinateur.
"Nous avons un nouveau lot d'idiots." Il a dit un des mercs au commandant, qui était assis à table et buvant du café. Il était un homme d'âge moyen supérieur, bien qu'en forme, avec des bras plus grands que moi en arrière quand j'avais l'habitude de travailler 6 jours par semaine et de boire de la créatine. Il a posé son café et est monté vers nous, en faisant un soupir.
"Je le jure, ils deviennent pussiers et plus en forme à chaque fois." Le commandant a dit : « Je ne sais pas d'où vous venez, qui vous êtes, et je m'en fiche. Ce monde n'est pas ce dont tu te souviens, donc je serai honnête avec toi : tu es en train d'être repêché. Ne t'en fais pas non plus, c'est ça qui te rend service." | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,486 | 390 | 10 | 1,560 | 696 | Alex était fatigué. Non pas que c'était un énorme problème, car Alex se sentait toujours fatigué. Sauf s'il était derrière un écran, il ne l'était pas, à sa surprise. Après avoir regardé la pièce, Alex avait essayé de dormir à nouveau, car cela l'a aidé à échapper au monde. Alex a été réveillé par la voix d'autres personnes. C'est vrai, il était en prison. Il a suivi les gardes, et a essayé de se faire paraître aussi petit que possible, ne voulant pas être flanqué, ou différent.
Merde. C'est pas vrai. J'adore ces mots. Je les utilise probablement trop. Oh, c'est ça. Il m'a traité d'idiot, j'ai pensé, quand le gardien a parlé. J'ai remarqué une tasse de ce que je pensais être du café, ou un thé vraiment fort. Je pourrais vraiment utiliser l'une ou l'autre de ces choses maintenant. J'adore le café. J'ai légèrement agité quand un homme, ou un ours, a commencé à parler. C'était vraiment de la haute technologie. Il a dit salope. Rude. | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,487 | 390 | 11 | 732 | 8,842 | J'ai été légèrement insulté en me faisant appeler une petite fille, mais c'était arrivé assez souvent pour que ce n'était pas grave. Ce qui était important d'un autre côté, c'était le truc bizarre de métal d'araignée qui a claqué à travers la porte. Malheureusement, c'était aussi la porte qu'ils traversaient et apparemment le seul moyen de sortir de cette pièce. En suivant l'exemple de la personne qui avait été devant la ligne, je me suis jetée de l'autre côté de la pièce aussi loin que possible de ces choses à la recherche d'une autre issue avant que ces monstres hybrides-machines ne les tuent tous, car les soldats semblaient à peine les retenir. J'ai pensé que je devrais probablement paniquer en ce moment puisque mes chances de vivre étaient assez faibles à ce stade. Peut-être que jouer à tous ces jeux vidéo serait utile. Évent d'air? Un mur secret ou un panneau de plancher? N'importe quoi!C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Mikeal Bratton
Personality: Tends to over-commit to things, I like to think I'm analytical but I tend to get caught up in the moment. Is rather friendly and talkative when given the appropriate topic. Can sometimes come off as a bit of a butt given his sharp tongue, but I don't mean it.
Appearance: White male, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 149 pounds. Brown hair cut short in the front that trails down to mid-back length in the rear. Brown eyes, usually wears thing glasses secured by a green glasses strap. Smattering of acne across face, chest, and back. Just barely considered thin. Has a shadow of six-pack and slightly built arm muscles. Tends to wear gray sweats and a gray t-shirt with a black jacket.
-Am great at improvising
-Good athlete, high endurance
-Fast reader
-Good memory for things I care about
-Good at tricking people
-Pretty good at climbing
-Very disorganized
-Can be unreasonable when out of patience
-Often reckless
-No real fighting experience
-Easy to guilt trip
-I pick at my fingers, usually anywhere from one to three have blood from torn skin on them.
Desires: An awesome sword fighter with wings and a tail. and lasers. Maybe a giant axe. Defiantly tons of magic items.
-Being paralyzed
-Being too weak
-Disappointment |
13,488 | 390 | 12 | 1,560 | 696 | J'ai mal à la tête. Les commotions passées et les bruits de tirs automatiques désespérés feront ça à un gars.
Mais je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de remarquer un autre gars qui avait fui les créatures de la machine organique. Je pouvais dire qu'il cherchait une évasion.
La porte opposée à celle d'où nous sommes entrés a eu ces monstres qui sont venus à travers et attaquer, mais celle d'où nous étions venus n'était pas gardée, sans personne pour arrêter notre évasion alors que les deux parties étaient occupées à se pomper l'une l'autre avec le plomb.
J'ai fait une ligne d'abeille pour la porte où nous sommes entrés, en frappant l'un des couloirs où nous avions été descendus, mais nous avons pris un virage inconnu. Il y avait un labyrinthe sombre, et probablement plus de mercs, ou ces choses de cyborg, nous trouveraient. | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,489 | 390 | 13 | 2,065 | 3,584 | C'est quoi ce bordel? Dick, n'est-ce pas? "M-ma mauvaise." Je chuchote, en regardant droit vers l'avant. Pourquoi je suis là? Pas que je m'en soucie, c'est plus intéressant si je meurs quelque part comme ici plutôt que là où j'étais avant. Une fois qu'ils sont entrés dans la pièce, bien sûr, l'homme de son époque a continué à nous insulter et j'ai simplement regardé autour d'un peu, ne voulant pas errer. Rédigé? Mais où les ai-je vus?
Puis, certaines créatures sont entrées et ont commencé à attaquer. Ouais! Plus amusant. Pas.
J'ai fait un pas en arrière, surpris par eux et ne sachant pas ce qu'ils étaient mais ayant un sentiment familier à leur égard. Pourquoi? Lentement, je quitte la pièce et remarque que quelqu'un d'autre est parti. Ouais... Ça ne ressemble pas à un problème de moi. Partir n'était pas vraiment le meilleur choix. C'était juste un labyrinthe. Et je n'étais pas bon dans les labyrinthes. Du tout. | Name: Rena
Personality: I'm fake. Almost everything that I do almost seems staged to myself. I could be smiling on the outside but screaming on the inside. For some reason, people have their own idea of what type of person I am so let's go with that. "Selfish, sweet, crazy, weird, violent, stupid, clueless, idiot." Got those out of the way so I guess I'll go to myself. I am a simple girl with a personality that would scream "I don't give a fuck" if you could read my mind but since you can't I might look like I give a lot of fucks. Sweet? Yeah, that's true but that's mostly because I don't like arguing and wasting my time on idiots so don't think too highly of it. Oh, and I'm negative and they say i'm bipolar. However, even with this, there are things that I just won't do. I will not judge people based on appearances or say offensive things based on how they look. Don't get me wrong, I do respond to things but only interesting things.
Pretty psychopathic. I end up doing crazy things sometimes. Only violence though.
People say I am innocent and sweet but also moody.
Appearance: Skinny, OK? Let's get that out of the way and i'm not even bragging or anything. I am a stick *sigh*. Ok, lets get one thing straight. I am not out shape. Light-ish brown skin and a few scars here and there. My left wrist looks a bit like I self-harm myself but c'mon, what do you even know about what I do at home? My hair is curly and poofy, extremely poofy so I usually just keep it in a half up half down situation with my bangs hanging over my face and usually covering most of my face. Brown eyes and apparently abnormally small lips.
-Some people call me "cute" which pisses me off.
Talents: I know a few jujitsu moves due to the fact that I used to take classes, ...writing stories about abusive fathers?, reading (some) expressions, they say I'm good at realistic art, I got praised when I sang, not an idiot, OK-cook, taking photos of scenery I guess, hmmm... I have confidence in talking to strangers right off the bat, ignoring things easily, not caring about a lot of things, faking, tricking, acting, some shooting skills, used to getting insulted so it doesn't bother me.
Flaws: Short attention span, negative thoughts that fill my mind can shut me down, low self-confidence, being fake, bad eyesight, I feel the need to lie when people actually expect something, committing, (apparently) don't eat enough, staying on task, showing what I really feel, knowing how I actually feel, talking bad about myself, lying, sensitive (sometimes).
Desires: To be extremely smart. Rich, yes, the classic but I love money and who doesn't? To find a great book that I wouldn't want to put down, actually know what I want in life, have more goals, be truly happy, to find something really interesting.
Fears: Disappearing
- Disappointing someone that expected something of me
- Getting tortured and left alive
- Failure
- Others realizing that i'm fake
- Realizing that I am nothing but disposable trash.
- Becoming immortal
Will most likely add to this later in life. |
13,490 | 390 | 14 | 1,560 | 696 | Je n'ai même pas regardé derrière moi. Je n'arrêtais pas de courir. J'ai entendu d'autres cris. D'autres portes se sont ouvertes ou ont été soufflées derrière moi alors que je courais devant. Mais je n'ai pas arrêté, et je ne me suis pas fait tirer dessus.
J'ai couru continuellement jusqu'à voir une échelle au bout du couloir. C'était le seul moyen d'y aller. J'ai entendu des cris et des coups de feu, et le bruit de ces monstres. C'était le meilleur moyen de s'échapper que j'ai vu.
Il était probable qu'il y aurait un danger au-dessus, mais j'ai grimpé juste en haut, ouvrant une trappe quand je suis arrivé au sommet, mais ne voyant que le désert, et une route de terre, autour de moi. Immédiatement la chaleur m'a frappé, déjà commencé à me faire transpirer. Je me demandais si j'aurais tort de laisser les autres de ma cellule là-bas. Mais comment pourrais-je les sortir de cette merde de lutte contre le feu? J'étais désarmé, je n'avais jamais rien vécu de tel avant. Je me ferais tuer. | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,491 | 390 | 15 | 732 | 8,842 | Tu attends une princesse invitée? J'ai demandé à la fille de regarder le couloir alors que je sortais de la pièce pleine de cris, de mort et de balles. C'était une blague bien sûr. Pourquoi plaisantait-il? Il avait vu quelqu'un mourir et le reste des gens dans cette pièce étaient bien en route. Je suppose que c'était la façon dont le cerveau s'occupait des choses. J'ai eu un peu plus de temps pour voir la réponse de la fille ou y penser plus parce que je sprintais pour tout ce que j'étais vaut de l'enfer vivant derrière moi. J'ai suivi le gars qui était sorti le premier mais qui l'a perdu après quelques virages, réussissant toujours à suivre ses traces. Finalement, une échelle est apparue et je l'ai brouillé et j'ai rencontré une vue déprimante. Domaine 52. Toutes les routes mènent à Rome, n'est-ce pas? Où est allée la route, ça ne pouvait pas être pire qu'ici. J'ai donné à l'autre gars ici un demi-coeur de salut à deux doigts et de commencer à courir sur la route. J'allais probablement mourir ici, ce serait très décevant mais probablement inévitable. | Name: Mikeal Bratton
Personality: Tends to over-commit to things, I like to think I'm analytical but I tend to get caught up in the moment. Is rather friendly and talkative when given the appropriate topic. Can sometimes come off as a bit of a butt given his sharp tongue, but I don't mean it.
Appearance: White male, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 149 pounds. Brown hair cut short in the front that trails down to mid-back length in the rear. Brown eyes, usually wears thing glasses secured by a green glasses strap. Smattering of acne across face, chest, and back. Just barely considered thin. Has a shadow of six-pack and slightly built arm muscles. Tends to wear gray sweats and a gray t-shirt with a black jacket.
-Am great at improvising
-Good athlete, high endurance
-Fast reader
-Good memory for things I care about
-Good at tricking people
-Pretty good at climbing
-Very disorganized
-Can be unreasonable when out of patience
-Often reckless
-No real fighting experience
-Easy to guilt trip
-I pick at my fingers, usually anywhere from one to three have blood from torn skin on them.
Desires: An awesome sword fighter with wings and a tail. and lasers. Maybe a giant axe. Defiantly tons of magic items.
-Being paralyzed
-Being too weak
-Disappointment |
13,492 | 390 | 16 | 1,560 | 696 | Bonne idée, je pensais. J'ai été surpris, choqué, de tout ce qui se passait, mais il était probablement préférable de mettre autant d'espace entre moi et cet endroit que possible.
Je ne connaissais pas du tout ces gens, je leur ai à peine parlé, si du tout, et je n'étais pas sûr de pouvoir leur faire confiance. Mais nous étions tous dans le même bateau. Même si ces gens étaient des salauds, ce type, ou peut-être les autres, pourrait savoir un peu sur la situation... et pourquoi ces hommes dans cette armure de puissance, Maniacles, que j'ai inventé pour un RP et qui correspondent à la description exacte dans ma tête et dans mes postes, nous avaient capturés.
Alors j'ai couru après lui, ne sachant pas où il allait, mais espérant le meilleur.
Au loin, une voiture nous arrivait. Je ne savais pas si c'était un véhicule pour ces soldats bizarres avec le nom très familier, ou juste une voiture de cul ordinaire. Même si c'était un véhicule pour eux, il n'y avait pas de quoi s'échapper. Je veux dire, nous étions tous ici, dans un désert, nulle part où nous cacher vraiment, et à pied. Alors, j'ai couru vers le véhicule, le long de la route, bien sûr en les agitant.
Et alors que la voiture, une jeep, s'approchait, j'ai vu que c'était une ombre étrange de vert, pas de camo. Certainement pas un véhicule militaire et probablement pas une voiture pour ces mercs. | Name: Matt
Personality: I'm typically quiet, maybe a bit clumsy socially, but I have my moments when I pull off a funny perfectly. I lack discipline to stay consistent with most things. I stand and walk in confident ways, and project it well sometimes, but its all a house of cards. Laid pack.
Appearance: Average build, a little muscle shows. About six feet tall. I wear black rimmed hipster glasses. Green eyes. Brown hair cut very short. A little facial scruff. No abnormalities in structure other than a barely noticeable scar on one cheek. Caucasian with light skin (tanning speeds aging.)
Talents: Decent cook. Decent fist fighter with experience from training (Muay Thai and Kung Fu, though I only did a few months of each) and sparring. Good writer. Decent stamina and strength. Good liar. Analytical. Decent actor. Alright singer, though I haven't practiced in a while.
Flaws: I drink too much, and get distracted easily (borderline ADD) narcissistic. Im actually pretty quiet irl. Terrible driver. Lack discipline to stay consistent with anything. Panic when things go extremely wrong. Messed up sleeping cycles.
Desires: In terms of fictional fantasy, I would want to be a badass drifter, maybe a merc. Oh, and not need glasses!
Oh, and good with the women. And rich. And a badass fighter never to be fucked with.
Fears: I am afraid of tweakers and thugs who would want to beat my ass. I also dont like underwater predators. Most of all, afraid of being alienated.
Giant bugs.
Being stared at.
And yes, I will probably be remembering things and adding them thd whole rp |
13,493 | 390 | 17 | 2,065 | 3,584 | Je me suis tourné vers le gars qui venait de me traiter de princesse. Quelle bite. Je n'aime pas qu'on me traite de princesse. J'ai soupiré mentalement en lui souriant et j'ai aussi commencé à courir. Finalement, j'ai repéré une échelle et j'ai commencé à grimper, ouvrant l'écoutille et sortant pour révéler un désert. Très bien. En montant complètement, j'ai repéré le type que j'ai vu s'enfuir un peu plus tôt et je suis allé le voir. Puis, j'ai vu la jeep et j'y suis allé automatiquement. Tout est lié.
J'étais dans un RP. | Name: Rena
Personality: I'm fake. Almost everything that I do almost seems staged to myself. I could be smiling on the outside but screaming on the inside. For some reason, people have their own idea of what type of person I am so let's go with that. "Selfish, sweet, crazy, weird, violent, stupid, clueless, idiot." Got those out of the way so I guess I'll go to myself. I am a simple girl with a personality that would scream "I don't give a fuck" if you could read my mind but since you can't I might look like I give a lot of fucks. Sweet? Yeah, that's true but that's mostly because I don't like arguing and wasting my time on idiots so don't think too highly of it. Oh, and I'm negative and they say i'm bipolar. However, even with this, there are things that I just won't do. I will not judge people based on appearances or say offensive things based on how they look. Don't get me wrong, I do respond to things but only interesting things.
Pretty psychopathic. I end up doing crazy things sometimes. Only violence though.
People say I am innocent and sweet but also moody.
Appearance: Skinny, OK? Let's get that out of the way and i'm not even bragging or anything. I am a stick *sigh*. Ok, lets get one thing straight. I am not out shape. Light-ish brown skin and a few scars here and there. My left wrist looks a bit like I self-harm myself but c'mon, what do you even know about what I do at home? My hair is curly and poofy, extremely poofy so I usually just keep it in a half up half down situation with my bangs hanging over my face and usually covering most of my face. Brown eyes and apparently abnormally small lips.
-Some people call me "cute" which pisses me off.
Talents: I know a few jujitsu moves due to the fact that I used to take classes, ...writing stories about abusive fathers?, reading (some) expressions, they say I'm good at realistic art, I got praised when I sang, not an idiot, OK-cook, taking photos of scenery I guess, hmmm... I have confidence in talking to strangers right off the bat, ignoring things easily, not caring about a lot of things, faking, tricking, acting, some shooting skills, used to getting insulted so it doesn't bother me.
Flaws: Short attention span, negative thoughts that fill my mind can shut me down, low self-confidence, being fake, bad eyesight, I feel the need to lie when people actually expect something, committing, (apparently) don't eat enough, staying on task, showing what I really feel, knowing how I actually feel, talking bad about myself, lying, sensitive (sometimes).
Desires: To be extremely smart. Rich, yes, the classic but I love money and who doesn't? To find a great book that I wouldn't want to put down, actually know what I want in life, have more goals, be truly happy, to find something really interesting.
Fears: Disappearing
- Disappointing someone that expected something of me
- Getting tortured and left alive
- Failure
- Others realizing that i'm fake
- Realizing that I am nothing but disposable trash.
- Becoming immortal
Will most likely add to this later in life. |
13,494 | 390 | 18 | 732 | 8,842 | Eh bien essayer d'échapper à ce dessert par son solitaire était juste demander à mourir de déshydratation ou à tous les monstres étaient ici donc ses choix quand il a vu la voiture étaient assez évidents. Comme l'autre gars, je suis allé vers la jeep, essayant de l'agiter. J'espère qu'il n'y avait pas de militaires à l'intérieur, ou pire encore ces trucs à la chair de métal de tout à l'heure. Mais lorsqu'il est confronté à une mort certaine, ou à une chance de mort, il choisit l'option évidente. J'ai décidé de prendre ce temps pour me présenter comme nous pourrions être ensemble pendant un moment alors j'ai dit à l'autre gars et fille qui se dirigeaient aussi vers le taxi, "Nom Mikeal, je suppose que vous n'avez aucune idée de ce qui se passe aussi?" | Name: Mikeal Bratton
Personality: Tends to over-commit to things, I like to think I'm analytical but I tend to get caught up in the moment. Is rather friendly and talkative when given the appropriate topic. Can sometimes come off as a bit of a butt given his sharp tongue, but I don't mean it.
Appearance: White male, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and 149 pounds. Brown hair cut short in the front that trails down to mid-back length in the rear. Brown eyes, usually wears thing glasses secured by a green glasses strap. Smattering of acne across face, chest, and back. Just barely considered thin. Has a shadow of six-pack and slightly built arm muscles. Tends to wear gray sweats and a gray t-shirt with a black jacket.
-Am great at improvising
-Good athlete, high endurance
-Fast reader
-Good memory for things I care about
-Good at tricking people
-Pretty good at climbing
-Very disorganized
-Can be unreasonable when out of patience
-Often reckless
-No real fighting experience
-Easy to guilt trip
-I pick at my fingers, usually anywhere from one to three have blood from torn skin on them.
Desires: An awesome sword fighter with wings and a tail. and lasers. Maybe a giant axe. Defiantly tons of magic items.
-Being paralyzed
-Being too weak
-Disappointment |
13,495 | 391 | 0 | 95 | 163 | Alors que le directeur regardait son bureau sur le haut de la tour du directeur, il pensait à lui-même, j'espère que nous aurons plus que nous ne l'avons fait le dernier terme. Puis il dirige beaucoup de discussions qui l'ont fait se lever vu qu'aucune voix ne devrait être capable d'atteindre tout le chemin jusqu'à sa tour. Il s'est déplacé vers la fenêtre, a regardé vers le bas et a souri, il y avait bien plus de 500 personnes en bas qui se parlaient. Cela allait être un terme passionnant en effet, Il est entré dans ses robes et est descendu organiser certains des professeurs pour descendre et amener les nouveaux venus dans la grande salle principale.
Le professeur Haelstorm, le professeur Hillbury et le professeur Finch et Thoth sont descendus aux portes, le professeur Thoth a utilisé un sort pour faire entendre sa voix comme s'il avait un micro très fort devant sa bouche et a commencé à émettre des instructions. Le grand groupe de gens a lentement commencé à faire leur chemin à travers la place du marché, passé l'allée du tournoi et dans le bâtiment de l'école principale qui était un bâtiment plus grand que n'importe lequel d'entre eux n'avait jamais vu auparavant. Le directeur attendait dans la salle qu'ils arrivaient avec un sourire sur son visage.
*Max* Lui et les autres 1er termiers étaient dans l'une des tours regardant vers le bas la stampe des gens qui marchaient dedans. Le chat noir de Max s'est puré et s'est frotté la tête contre la jambe de Max. Max a obligé la requête silencieuse et s'est cogné la tête. Aleesha, un mage de tempête a regardé vers le bas la foule vaste et a parlé en disant, "C'était nous, je me demande comment ils vont continuer avec cette école." Le reste a hurlé la tête disant qu'ils se demandaient aussi mais Max a juste regardé beaucoup de gens avec une aura puissante et il s'est dit, Ce terme va être difficile. | Name: Max Olderson
Age: 19
Appearance: Dark black hair. Pale face. Dark green eyes that go black when using powers. 6ft 2.
Beast: Dark Cat
First Weapon Type: Sword Since getting it he like the other first term students got some better equipment. He now has an enchanted death sword with a slightly curved blade
Side Class Choice:
Day 1:
Period 3: Monster slaying
Period 4: Protection
Day 2:
Period 5: absorbing
Day 3:
Period 2: Time Playing
Period 4:True Sight
Period 5:Potions
Personality:Fun to be around but does have a darker side...
History: Growing up alone and on the streets he oneday turned a corner and saw a massive almost magical building. He found a home there and is one of the first 22 students of the first term. |
13,496 | 391 | 1 | 95 | 163 | Le maître de tête a commencé à parler:
"Bienvenue!!! Je vous salue à l'école de magie! Vous avez tous été appelés ici parce que vous avez un talent magique. Nous ne savons pas encore où sont vos vrais talents, mais je sens un grand avenir quelle que soit la façon dont vous aimeriez aller. » Soudain beaucoup de trous noirs dans les murs se sont formés et toutes sortes de membres du personnel sont sortis. "Vous serez montrés en trois par un de mes membres du personnel. N'hésitez pas à leur poser vos questions. Allez-vous-en! La prochaine fois que je vous verrai, votre entraînement aura commencé! »
Le professeur Rockehorn est allé à Adam, Ruby et un autre garçon appelé Gary. Il avait les cheveux bruns, les yeux bruns, la peau profondément bronzée, avait 6 pieds de haut et était un homme très grand. Il portait un costume brun avec une épée en pierre dans un fourreau de pierre à sa taille et un petit sac accroché à sa ceinture brune. "Je vais vous faire visiter la région aujourd'hui. Nous commencerons par la rue élémentaire. Si vous avez des questions sur le chemin » Il a dit d'une voix affreuse mais amicale alors qu'il a commencé à sortir du bâtiment principal. | Name: Max Olderson
Age: 19
Appearance: Dark black hair. Pale face. Dark green eyes that go black when using powers. 6ft 2.
Beast: Dark Cat
First Weapon Type: Sword Since getting it he like the other first term students got some better equipment. He now has an enchanted death sword with a slightly curved blade
Side Class Choice:
Day 1:
Period 3: Monster slaying
Period 4: Protection
Day 2:
Period 5: absorbing
Day 3:
Period 2: Time Playing
Period 4:True Sight
Period 5:Potions
Personality:Fun to be around but does have a darker side...
History: Growing up alone and on the streets he oneday turned a corner and saw a massive almost magical building. He found a home there and is one of the first 22 students of the first term. |
13,497 | 391 | 2 | 95 | 163 | Adam et Ruby
Adam a hurlé un clin d'œil au professeur Rockehorn comme un salut, avec sa cigarette toujours accrochée à sa lèvre inférieure. Il a ensuite quitté le mur sur lequel il s'appuyait et s'est tenu devant le professeur, attendant que la tournée commence. Il semblait être un homme intéressant; Adam était curieux.
Ruby Smiled doucement chez Gary et le professeur Rockehorn. Elle étendit sa main droite vers lui, en lui offrant une secousse.
"Je m'appelle Ruby Gibson, et voici mon ami Adam." Elle a dit comme elle a pointé sur Adam avec un léger inclinaison de sa tête vers sa direction. "C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer." Elle sourit légèrement, sa petite main attend toujours un tremblement.
Adam regarda l'homme avec le bord de ses yeux quand Ruby lui offrit sa main, lui donnant un avertissement doux. Il la considérait comme sa bonne amie et sa sœur. | Name: Max Olderson
Age: 19
Appearance: Dark black hair. Pale face. Dark green eyes that go black when using powers. 6ft 2.
Beast: Dark Cat
First Weapon Type: Sword Since getting it he like the other first term students got some better equipment. He now has an enchanted death sword with a slightly curved blade
Side Class Choice:
Day 1:
Period 3: Monster slaying
Period 4: Protection
Day 2:
Period 5: absorbing
Day 3:
Period 2: Time Playing
Period 4:True Sight
Period 5:Potions
Personality:Fun to be around but does have a darker side...
History: Growing up alone and on the streets he oneday turned a corner and saw a massive almost magical building. He found a home there and is one of the first 22 students of the first term. |
13,498 | 391 | 3 | 95 | 163 | Gary a balancé les deux et a dit "Pourquoi dois-je être tournée avec des losers comme vous?"
Le professeur a levé un sourcil sur Gary mais l'a ignoré. Il s'est ensuite tourné vers les deux autres étudiants. Il s'est mis à fumer au visage, il a toussé et a agité la main. La cigarette s'est transformée en pierre et Adam n'a pas pu la soulever et elle est tombée sur le sol. "Ne pas fumer dans le bâtiment de l'école merci beaucoup." Il sourit à Ruby et secoua la main "Nice de vous rencontrer aussi" il hoche la tête à Adam et le reconnaît en disant "Adam".
Il s'est ensuite retourné et s'est exclamé "LETS GO!!!". | Name: Max Olderson
Age: 19
Appearance: Dark black hair. Pale face. Dark green eyes that go black when using powers. 6ft 2.
Beast: Dark Cat
First Weapon Type: Sword Since getting it he like the other first term students got some better equipment. He now has an enchanted death sword with a slightly curved blade
Side Class Choice:
Day 1:
Period 3: Monster slaying
Period 4: Protection
Day 2:
Period 5: absorbing
Day 3:
Period 2: Time Playing
Period 4:True Sight
Period 5:Potions
Personality:Fun to be around but does have a darker side...
History: Growing up alone and on the streets he oneday turned a corner and saw a massive almost magical building. He found a home there and is one of the first 22 students of the first term. |
13,499 | 391 | 4 | 95 | 163 | Adam et Ruby
Adam a fait un pas vers Gary quand il a entendu le commentaire, mais Ruby a placé sa main sur sa poitrine et l'a tiré doucement en arrière, lui donnant un regard sérieux.
"Ne causez pas d'ennuis. Tu es un grand garçon, alors agis comme ça." Elle lui donna alors un léger sourire, et tourna son regard vers Gary.
Son attitude la fait rire, et laisse un sourire sur son visage après ça. Elle était prête à commencer à bouger quand il a vu le professeur Rockehorn transformer la cigarette d'Adam en pierre. Elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de rire, elle l'a trouvé très amusant. Adam a pincé le pont du nez avec son pouce et son index et a fermé les yeux, laissant un soupir frustré. Ruby pouvait l'entendre murmurer et se plaindre pendant toute la tournée, jurant parfois au hasard des choses qu'ils passaient, comme un vase ou une peinture murale. Il était plutôt amusant aussi. Ruby pensait que ce serait une année amusante. | Name: Max Olderson
Age: 19
Appearance: Dark black hair. Pale face. Dark green eyes that go black when using powers. 6ft 2.
Beast: Dark Cat
First Weapon Type: Sword Since getting it he like the other first term students got some better equipment. He now has an enchanted death sword with a slightly curved blade
Side Class Choice:
Day 1:
Period 3: Monster slaying
Period 4: Protection
Day 2:
Period 5: absorbing
Day 3:
Period 2: Time Playing
Period 4:True Sight
Period 5:Potions
Personality:Fun to be around but does have a darker side...
History: Growing up alone and on the streets he oneday turned a corner and saw a massive almost magical building. He found a home there and is one of the first 22 students of the first term. |
Subsets and Splits