Annif models
Annif models for text classification and subject indexing. FintoAI prefixed models are in use at Finto AI:
6 items
This repository contains the projects of Annif tutorial that use YSO, 20news, and Hogwarts vocabularies.
To download selected projects with Annif use the annif download
command, for
example run
annif download "*" NatLibFi/Annif-tutorial
See the tutorial HF中国镜像站 Hub exercise and Annif wiki for more information.
Project ID Project Name Vocabulary ID Language
20news-omikuji-bonsai-en 20 Newsgroups Omikuji Bonsai English 20news en
20news-svc-en 20 Newsgroups SVC English 20news en
hogwarts Hogwarts Houses hogwarts en
yso-ensemble-en YSO ensemble project yso en
yso-mllm-en YSO MLLM project yso en
yso-nn-ensemble-en YSO neural ensemble project yso en
yso-omikuji-parabel-en Omikuji Parabel English yso en
yso-tfidf-en YSO TFIDF project yso en