--- tags: - model_hub_mixin - pytorch_model_hub_mixin - SNN license: apache-2.0 datasets: - thinkonward/reflection-connection --- # Model Card for ThinkOnward's SectionSeeker This model has been pushed to the Hub using the [PytorchModelHubMixin](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/package_reference/mixins#huggingface_hub.PyTorchModelHubMixin) integration: ## Model Details ### Model Description The `section-seeker-large-16` model is designed to address the challenge of few-shot learning, with a particular focus on one-shot learning scenarios. The model employs a Siamese Neural Network architecture, leveraging a pre-trained ResNet-50 backbone for feature extraction. This architecture allows the model to compare reference images and query images to find matching pairs. This larger version (section-seeker-large-16) is part of a twin set of models, which may offer more extensive capabilities or higher accuracy. The section-seeker-large-16 model strikes a balance between computational efficiency and effectiveness, making it suitable for various applications where rapid and accurate predictions are required. - **Developed by:** Jakub Mizera, Mike McIntire, Ognjen Tanovic and Jesse Pisel of ThinkOnward - **Model type:** ViT - **License:** Apache 2.0 - **Based on:** facebook/vit-msn-large ### Model Sources The `section-seeker-large-16` model is built upon several open-source components: 1. **Siamese Neural Network Architecture**: Based on the architecture described in [this paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.03832) and [this paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.07141). 2. **Pre-trained ResNet-50 Backbone**: Utilizing weights from the [HuggingFace Transformers library](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/resnet). 3. **Contrastive Loss**: The loss function used for training is implemented using PyTorch, following the methodology described in [this paper](https://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/hadsell-chopra-lecun-06.pdf). The complete source code and training scripts are available on our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/thinkonward/section-seeker). Contributions to improve and extend this model are always welcome! ## Uses The `section-seeker-large-16` model is designed for seismic reflection data analysis and has several practical applications in geophysics: 1. **Seismic Reflection Data Analysis**: The model can quickly match new seismic images with known categories, facilitating faster and more accurate interpretations. 2. **Geological Fault Detection**: It can detect and classify fault lines within seismic reflection data, aiding in understanding subsurface structural complexity. 3. **Reservoir Characterization**: By classifying different rock types based on their seismic reflection characteristics, the model provides valuable insights for reservoir characterization. 4. **Multi-Modal Data Integration**: The model facilitates multi-modal data integration by matching seismic reflection patterns with other datasets, offering a more holistic understanding of subsurface structures. ### Out of Scope - **Non-Seismic Data**: The model has been specifically trained on and optimized for seismic reflection data. - **Real-Time Applications**: While it can process images quickly, real-time processing capabilities are beyond its design scope. - **Very Complex Geological Structures**: For extremely complex geological formations where manual analysis might still be necessary. ## How to Get Started with the Model After downloading the model architecture from the [SectionSeeker Repository](https://github.com/thinkonward/section-seeker) you can load the model using: ```python import torch from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download L16_MODEL_REPO_ID = "thinkonward/section-seeker-large-16" huggingface_hub.snapshot_download(repo_id=L16_MODEL_REPO_ID, repo_type="model", local_dir='./l_16_checkpoint', allow_patterns='*.pth') # Use the ModelConfig class from the GitHub repository vitLConfigPretrained = ModelConfig(BACKBONE_MODEL = 'ViT_L_16', BACKBONE_MODEL_WEIGHTS = './L_16_checkpoint/ViT_L_16_SEISMIC31K.pth', LATENT_SPACE_DIM = 16, FC_IN_FEATURES = 1024) model = SiameseNetwork(vitLConfigPretrained) ``` Check out the [tutorial on GitHub](https://github.com/thinkonward/section-seeker/blob/main/SectionSeeker_Quickstart_notebook.ipynb) for more help getting started ## Training Details ### Training Data The data used to train the SectionSeeker Large 16 model were image patches from real seismic volumes. The data was sourced from the following sources: - Australia Source: National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System. Available at https://www.ga.gov.au/nopims by Geoscience Australia which is © Commonwealth of Australia and is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and is subject to the disclaimer of warranties in section 5 of that license. - Netherlands Source: NAM (2020). Petrel geological model of the Groningen gas field, the Netherlands. Open access through EPOS-NL. Yoda data publication platform Utrecht University. https://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-1QH0MW **Training Dataset Card:** [patch-the-planet](https://huggingface.co/datasets/thinkonward/reflection-connection) ## Citations **BibTex:** @misc {thinkonward_2024, author = { {ThinkOnward} }, title = { section-seeker-large-16 (Revision bb371d2) }, year = 2024, url = { https://huggingface.co/thinkonward/section-seeker-large-16 }, doi = { 10.57967/hf/3736 }, publisher = { HF中国镜像站 } } ## Model Card Contact Please contact `challenges@thinkonward.com` for questions, comments, or concerns about this model.