import json import mimetypes import os import sys import tempfile import gradio as gr import requests # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) import schemdraw from frontend.gradio_agentchatbot.agentchatbot import AgentChatbot from frontend.gradio_agentchatbot.utils import ChatFileMessage, ChatMessage, ThoughtMetadata from lagent.schema import AgentStatusCode from schemdraw import flow import os os.system("pip show starlette") # os.system("pip install -r requirements.txt") os.system("pip install tenacity") os.system("python -m --lang en --model_format internlm_silicon --search_engine DuckDuckGoSearch &") print('MindSearch is running on http://') PLANNER_HISTORY = [] SEARCHER_HISTORY = [] def create_search_graph(adjacency_list: dict): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = ["SimHei"] with schemdraw.Drawing(fontsize=10, unit=1) as graph: node_pos, nodes, edges = {}, {}, [] if "root" in adjacency_list: queue, layer, response_level = ["root"], 0, 0 while queue: layer_len = len(queue) for i in range(layer_len): node_name = queue.pop(0) node_pos[node_name] = (layer * 5, -i * 3) for item in adjacency_list[node_name]: if item["name"] == "response": response_level = max(response_level, (layer + 1) * 5) else: queue.append(item["name"]) edges.append((node_name, item["name"])) layer += 1 for node_name, (x, y) in node_pos.items(): if node_name == "root": node = flow.Terminal().label(node_name).at((x, y)).color("pink") else: node = flow.RoundBox(w=3.5, h=1.75).label(node_name).at((x, y)).color("teal") nodes[node_name] = node if response_level: response_node = ( flow.Terminal().label("response").at((response_level, 0)).color("orange") ) nodes["response"] = response_node for start, end in edges: flow.Arc3(arrow="->").linestyle("--" if end == "response" else "-").at( nodes[start].E ).to(nodes[end].W).color("grey" if end == "response" else "lightblue") return graph def draw_search_graph(adjacency_list: dict, suffix=".png", dpi=360) -> str: g = create_search_graph(adjacency_list) path = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=suffix), dpi=dpi) return path def rst_mem(): """Reset the chatbot memory.""" if PLANNER_HISTORY: PLANNER_HISTORY.clear() return [], [], 0 def format_response(gr_history, message, response, idx=-1): if idx < 0: idx = len(gr_history) + idx if message["stream_state"] == AgentStatusCode.STREAM_ING: gr_history[idx].content = response elif message["stream_state"] == AgentStatusCode.CODING: if gr_history[idx].thought_metadata.tool_name is None: gr_history[idx].content = gr_history[idx].content.split("<|action_start|>")[0] gr_history.insert( idx + 1, ChatMessage( role="assistant", content=response, thought_metadata=ThoughtMetadata(tool_name="π₯οΈ Code Interpreter"), ), ) else: gr_history[idx].content = response elif message["stream_state"] == AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_START: if isinstance(response, dict): response = json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) if gr_history[idx].thought_metadata.tool_name is None: gr_history[idx].content = gr_history[idx].content.split("<|action_start|>")[0] gr_history.insert( idx + 1, ChatMessage( role="assistant", content="```json\n" + response, thought_metadata=ThoughtMetadata(tool_name="π Web Browser"), ), ) else: gr_history[idx].content = "```json\n" + response elif message["stream_state"] == AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_END and isinstance(response, dict): gr_history[idx].content = ( f"```json\n{json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)}\n```" ) elif message["stream_state"] in [AgentStatusCode.CODE_RETURN, AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_RETURN]: try: content = json.loads(message["content"]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: content = message["content"] if gr_history[idx].thought_metadata.tool_name: gr_history.insert( idx + 1, ChatMessage( role="assistant", content=( content if isinstance(content, str) else f"\n```json\n{json.dumps(content, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)}\n```\n" ), thought_metadata=ThoughtMetadata(tool_name="Execution"), ), ) gr_history.insert(idx + 2, ChatMessage(role="assistant", content="")) def predict(history_planner, history_searcher, node_cnt): def streaming(raw_response): for chunk in raw_response.iter_lines( chunk_size=8192, decode_unicode=False, delimiter=b"\n" ): if chunk: decoded = chunk.decode("utf-8") if decoded == "\r": continue if decoded[:6] == "data: ": decoded = decoded[6:] elif decoded.startswith(": ping - "): continue response = json.loads(decoded) yield ( response["current_node"], ( response["response"]["formatted"]["node"][response["current_node"]] if response["current_node"] else response["response"] ), response["response"]["formatted"]["adjacency_list"], ) global PLANNER_HISTORY PLANNER_HISTORY.extend(history_planner[-3:]) search_graph_msg = history_planner[-1] url = "http://localhost:8002/solve" data = {"inputs": PLANNER_HISTORY[-3].content} raw_response =, json=data, timeout=60, stream=True) node_id2msg_idx = {} for resp in streaming(raw_response): node_name, agent_message, adjacency_list = resp dedup_nodes = set(adjacency_list) | { val["name"] for vals in adjacency_list.values() for val in vals } if dedup_nodes and len(dedup_nodes) != node_cnt: node_cnt = len(dedup_nodes) graph_path = draw_search_graph(adjacency_list) search_graph_msg.file.path = graph_path search_graph_msg.file.mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(graph_path)[0] if node_name: if node_name in ["root", "response"]: continue node_id = f'γ{node_name}γ{agent_message["content"]}' agent_message = agent_message["response"] response = ( agent_message["formatted"]["action"] if agent_message["stream_state"] in [AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_START, AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_END] else agent_message["formatted"] and agent_message["formatted"].get("thought") ) if node_id not in node_id2msg_idx: node_id2msg_idx[node_id] = len(history_searcher) + 1 history_searcher.append(ChatMessage(role="user", content=node_id)) history_searcher.append(ChatMessage(role="assistant", content="")) offset = len(history_searcher) format_response(history_searcher, agent_message, response, node_id2msg_idx[node_id]) flag, incr = False, len(history_searcher) - offset for key, value in node_id2msg_idx.items(): if flag or key == node_id: node_id2msg_idx[key] = value + incr if not flag: flag = True yield history_planner, history_searcher, node_cnt else: response = ( agent_message["formatted"]["action"] if agent_message["stream_state"] in [AgentStatusCode.CODING, AgentStatusCode.CODE_END] else agent_message["formatted"] and agent_message["formatted"].get("thought") ) format_response(history_planner, agent_message, response, -2) if agent_message["stream_state"] == AgentStatusCode.END: PLANNER_HISTORY = history_planner yield history_planner, history_searcher, node_cnt return history_planner, history_searcher, node_cnt with gr.Blocks(css=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "css", "gradio_front.css")) as demo: with gr.Column(elem_classes="chat-box"): gr.HTML("""
MindSearch is an open-source AI Search Engine Framework with Pro performance. You can deploy your own search engine using either closed-source LLMs (GPT, Claude) or open-source LLMs (InternLM2.5-7b-chat).
""" ) gr.HTML( """ """ ) gr.HTML( """