try: import os import trimesh # import open3d as o3d import gradio as gr import numpy as np import matplotlib from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation print("Successfully imported the packages for Gradio visualization") except: print( f"Failed to import packages for Gradio visualization. Please disable gradio visualization" ) def visualize_by_gradio(glbfile): """ Set up and launch a Gradio interface to visualize a GLB file. Args: glbfile (str): Path to the GLB file to be visualized. """ def load_glb_file(glb_path): # Check if the file exists and return the path or error message if os.path.exists(glb_path): return glb_path, "3D Model Loaded Successfully" else: return None, "File not found" # Load the GLB file initially to check if it's valid initial_model, log_message = load_glb_file(glbfile) # Create the Gradio interface with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# GLB File Viewer") # 3D Model viewer component model_viewer = gr.Model3D( label="3D Model Viewer", height=600, value=initial_model ) # Textbox for log output log_output = gr.Textbox(label="Log", lines=2, value=log_message) # Launch the Gradio interface demo.launch(share=True) def vggsfm_predictions_to_glb(predictions) -> trimesh.Scene: """ Converts VGG SFM predictions to a 3D scene represented as a GLB. Args: predictions (dict): A dictionary containing model predictions. Returns: trimesh.Scene: A 3D scene object. """ # Convert predictions to numpy arrays vertices_3d = predictions["points3D"].cpu().numpy() colors_rgb = (predictions["points3D_rgb"].cpu().numpy() * 255).astype( np.uint8 ) # if True: # pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() # pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vertices_3d) # pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors_rgb) # cl, ind = pcd.remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=20, std_ratio=1.0) # filtered_pcd = pcd.select_by_index(ind) # print(f"Filter out {len(vertices_3d) - len(filtered_pcd.points)} 3D points") # vertices_3d = np.asarray(filtered_pcd.points) # colors_rgb = np.asarray(filtered_pcd.colors).astype(np.uint8) camera_matrices = predictions["extrinsics_opencv"].cpu().numpy() # Calculate the 5th and 95th percentiles along each axis lower_percentile = np.percentile(vertices_3d, 5, axis=0) upper_percentile = np.percentile(vertices_3d, 95, axis=0) # Calculate the diagonal length of the percentile bounding box scene_scale = np.linalg.norm(upper_percentile - lower_percentile) colormap = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap("gist_rainbow") # Initialize a 3D scene scene_3d = trimesh.Scene() # Add point cloud data to the scene point_cloud_data = trimesh.PointCloud( vertices=vertices_3d, colors=colors_rgb ) scene_3d.add_geometry(point_cloud_data) # Prepare 4x4 matrices for camera extrinsics num_cameras = len(camera_matrices) extrinsics_matrices = np.zeros((num_cameras, 4, 4)) extrinsics_matrices[:, :3, :4] = camera_matrices extrinsics_matrices[:, 3, 3] = 1 # Add camera models to the scene for i in range(num_cameras): world_to_camera = extrinsics_matrices[i] camera_to_world = np.linalg.inv(world_to_camera) rgba_color = colormap(i / num_cameras) current_color = tuple(int(255 * x) for x in rgba_color[:3]) integrate_camera_into_scene( scene_3d, camera_to_world, current_color, scene_scale ) # Align scene to the observation of the first camera scene_3d = apply_scene_alignment(scene_3d, extrinsics_matrices) return scene_3d def apply_scene_alignment( scene_3d: trimesh.Scene, extrinsics_matrices: np.ndarray ) -> trimesh.Scene: """ Aligns the 3D scene based on the extrinsics of the first camera. Args: scene_3d (trimesh.Scene): The 3D scene to be aligned. extrinsics_matrices (np.ndarray): Camera extrinsic matrices. Returns: trimesh.Scene: Aligned 3D scene. """ # Set transformations for scene alignment opengl_conversion_matrix = get_opengl_conversion_matrix() # Rotation matrix for alignment (180 degrees around the y-axis) align_rotation = np.eye(4) align_rotation[:3, :3] = Rotation.from_euler( "y", 180, degrees=True ).as_matrix() # Apply transformation initial_transformation = ( np.linalg.inv(extrinsics_matrices[0]) @ opengl_conversion_matrix @ align_rotation ) scene_3d.apply_transform(initial_transformation) return scene_3d def integrate_camera_into_scene( scene: trimesh.Scene, transform: np.ndarray, face_colors: tuple, scene_scale: float, ): """ Integrates a fake camera mesh into the 3D scene. Args: scene (trimesh.Scene): The 3D scene to add the camera model. transform (np.ndarray): Transformation matrix for camera positioning. face_colors (tuple): Color of the camera face. scene_scale (float): Scale of the scene. """ cam_width = scene_scale * 0.05 cam_height = scene_scale * 0.1 # Create cone shape for camera rot_45_degree = np.eye(4) rot_45_degree[:3, :3] = Rotation.from_euler( "z", 45, degrees=True ).as_matrix() rot_45_degree[2, 3] = -cam_height opengl_transform = get_opengl_conversion_matrix() # Combine transformations complete_transform = transform @ opengl_transform @ rot_45_degree camera_cone_shape = trimesh.creation.cone(cam_width, cam_height, sections=4) # Generate mesh for the camera slight_rotation = np.eye(4) slight_rotation[:3, :3] = Rotation.from_euler( "z", 2, degrees=True ).as_matrix() vertices_combined = np.concatenate( [ camera_cone_shape.vertices, 0.95 * camera_cone_shape.vertices, transform_points(slight_rotation, camera_cone_shape.vertices), ] ) vertices_transformed = transform_points( complete_transform, vertices_combined ) mesh_faces = compute_camera_faces(camera_cone_shape) # Add the camera mesh to the scene camera_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh( vertices=vertices_transformed, faces=mesh_faces ) camera_mesh.visual.face_colors[:, :3] = face_colors scene.add_geometry(camera_mesh) def compute_camera_faces(cone_shape: trimesh.Trimesh) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the faces for the camera mesh. Args: cone_shape (trimesh.Trimesh): The shape of the camera cone. Returns: np.ndarray: Array of faces for the camera mesh. """ # Create pseudo cameras faces_list = [] num_vertices_cone = len(cone_shape.vertices) for face in cone_shape.faces: if 0 in face: continue v1, v2, v3 = face v1_offset, v2_offset, v3_offset = face + num_vertices_cone v1_offset_2, v2_offset_2, v3_offset_2 = face + 2 * num_vertices_cone faces_list.extend( [ (v1, v2, v2_offset), (v1, v1_offset, v3), (v3_offset, v2, v3), (v1, v2, v2_offset_2), (v1, v1_offset_2, v3), (v3_offset_2, v2, v3), ] ) faces_list += [(v3, v2, v1) for v1, v2, v3 in faces_list] return np.array(faces_list) def transform_points( transformation: np.ndarray, points: np.ndarray, dim: int = None ) -> np.ndarray: """ Applies a 4x4 transformation to a set of points. Args: transformation (np.ndarray): Transformation matrix. points (np.ndarray): Points to be transformed. dim (int, optional): Dimension for reshaping the result. Returns: np.ndarray: Transformed points. """ points = np.asarray(points) initial_shape = points.shape[:-1] dim = dim or points.shape[-1] # Apply transformation transformation = transformation.swapaxes( -1, -2 ) # Transpose the transformation matrix points = points @ transformation[..., :-1, :] + transformation[..., -1:, :] # Reshape the result result = points[..., :dim].reshape(*initial_shape, dim) return result def get_opengl_conversion_matrix() -> np.ndarray: """ Constructs and returns the OpenGL conversion matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray: A 4x4 OpenGL conversion matrix. """ # Create an identity matrix matrix = np.identity(4) # Flip the y and z axes matrix[1, 1] = -1 matrix[2, 2] = -1 return matrix