import torch import tensorflow as tf from tf_keras import models, layers from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoModelForTokenClassification, TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering import gradio as gr import re import pandas as pd import io # Check if GPU is available and use it if possible device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH = 512 # Adjust based on your model's limits def truncate_text(text, tokenizer, max_length=MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH): """Truncate text to max token length""" tokens = tokenizer.encode(text, truncation=False) if len(tokens) > max_length: tokens = tokens[:max_length-1] + [tokenizer.sep_token_id] return tokenizer.decode(tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) return text def safe_process(func, text, tokenizer): """Safely process text with proper error handling""" try: truncated_text = truncate_text(text, tokenizer) return func(truncated_text) except Exception as e: error_msg = str(e) if 'out of memory' in error_msg.lower(): return "Error: Text too long for processing" elif 'cuda' in error_msg.lower(): return "Error: GPU processing error" else: return f"Error: {error_msg}" # Load the models and tokenizers qa_model_name = 'salsarra/ConfliBERT-QA' qa_model = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(qa_model_name) qa_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(qa_model_name) ner_model_name = 'eventdata-utd/conflibert-named-entity-recognition' ner_model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(ner_model_name).to(device) ner_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(ner_model_name) clf_model_name = 'eventdata-utd/conflibert-binary-classification' clf_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(clf_model_name).to(device) clf_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(clf_model_name) multi_clf_model_name = 'eventdata-utd/conflibert-satp-relevant-multilabel' multi_clf_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(multi_clf_model_name).to(device) multi_clf_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(multi_clf_model_name) # Define the class names for text classification class_names = ['Negative', 'Positive'] multi_class_names = ["Armed Assault", "Bombing or Explosion", "Kidnapping", "Other"] # Updated labels # Define the NER labels and colors ner_labels = { 'Organisation': 'blue', 'Person': 'red', 'Location': 'green', 'Quantity': 'orange', 'Weapon': 'purple', 'Nationality': 'cyan', 'Temporal': 'magenta', 'DocumentReference': 'brown', 'MilitaryPlatform': 'yellow', 'Money': 'pink' } def handle_error_message(e, default_limit=512): error_message = str(e) pattern = re.compile(r"The size of tensor a \((\d+)\) must match the size of tensor b \((\d+)\)") match = if match: number_1, number_2 = match.groups() return f"Error: Text Input is over limit where inserted text size {number_1} is larger than model limits of {number_2}" pattern_qa = re.compile(r"indices\[0,(\d+)\] = \d+ is not in \[0, (\d+)\)") match_qa = if match_qa: number_1, number_2 = match_qa.groups() return f"Error: Text Input is over limit where inserted text size {number_1} is larger than model limits of {number_2}" return f"Error: Text Input is over limit where inserted text size is larger than model limits of {default_limit}" # Define the functions for each task def question_answering(context, question): try: inputs = qa_tokenizer(question, context, return_tensors='tf', truncation=True) outputs = qa_model(inputs) answer_start = tf.argmax(outputs.start_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] answer_end = tf.argmax(outputs.end_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] + 1 answer = qa_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(qa_tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].numpy()[0][answer_start:answer_end])) return f"{answer}" except Exception as e: return handle_error_message(e) def replace_unk(tokens): return [token.replace('[UNK]', "'") for token in tokens] def named_entity_recognition(text, output_format='html'): """ Process text for named entity recognition. output_format: 'html' for GUI display, 'csv' for CSV processing """ try: inputs = ner_tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = ner_model(**inputs) ner_results = outputs.logits.argmax(dim=2).squeeze().tolist() tokens = ner_tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].squeeze().tolist()) tokens = replace_unk(tokens) entities = [] seen_labels = set() current_entity = [] current_label = None # Process tokens and group consecutive entities for i in range(len(tokens)): token = tokens[i] label = ner_model.config.id2label[ner_results[i]].split('-')[-1] # Handle subwords if token.startswith('##'): if entities: if output_format == 'html': entities[-1][0] += token[2:] elif current_entity: current_entity[-1] = current_entity[-1] + token[2:] else: # For CSV format, group consecutive tokens of same entity type if output_format == 'csv': if label != 'O': if label == current_label: current_entity.append(token) else: if current_entity: entities.append([' '.join(current_entity), current_label]) current_entity = [token] current_label = label else: if current_entity: entities.append([' '.join(current_entity), current_label]) current_entity = [] current_label = None else: entities.append([token, label]) if label != 'O': seen_labels.add(label) # Don't forget the last entity for CSV format if output_format == 'csv' and current_entity: entities.append([' '.join(current_entity), current_label]) if output_format == 'csv': # Group by entity type grouped_entities = {} for token, label in entities: if label != 'O': if label not in grouped_entities: grouped_entities[label] = [] grouped_entities[label].append(token) # Format the output result_parts = [] for label, tokens in grouped_entities.items(): unique_tokens = list(dict.fromkeys(tokens)) # Remove duplicates result_parts.append(f"{label}: {' | '.join(unique_tokens)}") return ' || '.join(result_parts) else: # Original HTML output highlighted_text = "" for token, label in entities: color = ner_labels.get(label, 'black') if label != 'O': highlighted_text += f"{token} " else: highlighted_text += f"{token} " legend = "
NER Tags Found:
" return f"
{legend}" except Exception as e: return handle_error_message(e) def text_classification(text): try: inputs = clf_tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, padding=True).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = clf_model(**inputs) logits = outputs.logits.squeeze().tolist() predicted_class = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=1).item() confidence = torch.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=1).max().item() * 100 if predicted_class == 1: # Positive class result = f"Positive: The text is related to conflict, violence, or politics. (Confidence: {confidence:.2f}%)" else: # Negative class result = f"Negative: The text is not related to conflict, violence, or politics. (Confidence: {confidence:.2f}%)" return result except Exception as e: return handle_error_message(e) def multilabel_classification(text): try: inputs = multi_clf_tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, padding=True).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = multi_clf_model(**inputs) predicted_classes = torch.sigmoid(outputs.logits).squeeze().tolist() if len(predicted_classes) != len(multi_class_names): return f"Error: Number of predicted classes ({len(predicted_classes)}) does not match number of class names ({len(multi_class_names)})." results = [] for i in range(len(predicted_classes)): confidence = predicted_classes[i] * 100 if predicted_classes[i] >= 0.5: results.append(f"{multi_class_names[i]} (Confidence: {confidence:.2f}%)") else: results.append(f"{multi_class_names[i]} (Confidence: {confidence:.2f}%)") return " / ".join(results) except Exception as e: return handle_error_message(e) def clean_html_tags(text): """Remove HTML tags and formatting from the output.""" # Remove HTML tags but keep the text content clean_text = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', text) # Remove multiple spaces clean_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', clean_text) # Remove [CLS] and [SEP] tokens clean_text = re.sub(r'\[CLS\]|\[SEP\]', '', clean_text) return clean_text.strip() def extract_ner_entities(html_output): """Extract entities and their types from NER output using a simpler approach.""" # Map colors to entity types color_to_type = { 'blue': 'Organisation', 'red': 'Person', 'green': 'Location', 'orange': 'Quantity', 'purple': 'Weapon', 'cyan': 'Nationality', 'magenta': 'Temporal', 'brown': 'DocumentReference', 'yellow': 'MilitaryPlatform', 'pink': 'Money' } # Find all colored spans pattern = r"]+>([^<]+)" matches = re.findall(pattern, html_output) # Group by entity type entities = {} # Process each match for color, text in matches: if color in color_to_type: entity_type = color_to_type[color] if entity_type not in entities: entities[entity_type] = [] # Clean and store the text text = text.strip() if text and not text.isspace(): entities[entity_type].append(text) # Join consecutive words for each entity type result_parts = [] for entity_type, words in entities.items(): # Join consecutive words phrases = [] current_phrase = [] for word in words: if word in [',', '/', ':', '-']: # Skip punctuation continue if not current_phrase: current_phrase.append(word) else: # If it's a continuation (e.g., part of a date or name) if word.startswith(':') or word == 'of' or current_phrase[-1].endswith('/'): current_phrase.append(word) else: # If it's a new entity phrases.append(' '.join(current_phrase)) current_phrase = [word] if current_phrase: phrases.append(' '.join(current_phrase)) # Remove duplicates while preserving order unique_phrases = [] seen = set() for phrase in phrases: clean_phrase = phrase.strip() if clean_phrase and clean_phrase not in seen: unique_phrases.append(clean_phrase) seen.add(clean_phrase) if unique_phrases: result_parts.append(f"{entity_type}: {' | '.join(unique_phrases)}") return ' || '.join(result_parts) def clean_classification_output(html_output): """Extract classification results without HTML formatting.""" if "Positive" in html_output: # Binary classification match =">(Positive|Negative).*?Confidence: ([\d.]+)%", html_output) if match: class_name, confidence = match.groups() return f"{class_name} ({confidence}%)" else: # Multilabel classification results = [] matches = re.finditer(r">([^<]+)\s*\(Confidence:\s*([\d.]+)%\)", html_output) for match in matches: class_name, confidence = match.groups() if float(confidence) >= 50: # Only include classes with confidence >= 50% results.append(f"{class_name.strip()} ({confidence}%)") return " | ".join(results) if results else "No classes above 50% confidence" return "Unknown" def process_csv_ner(file): try: df = pd.read_csv( if 'text' not in df.columns: return "Error: CSV must contain a 'text' column" entities = [] for text in df['text']: if pd.isna(text): entities.append("") continue # Use CSV output format result = named_entity_recognition(str(text), output_format='csv') entities.append(result) df['entities'] = entities output_path = "processed_results.csv" df.to_csv(output_path, index=False) return output_path except Exception as e: return f"Error processing CSV: {str(e)}" def process_csv_classification(file, is_multi=False): try: df = pd.read_csv( if 'text' not in df.columns: return "Error: CSV must contain a 'text' column" results = [] for text in df['text']: if pd.isna(text): results.append("") continue if is_multi: html_result = multilabel_classification(str(text)) else: html_result = text_classification(str(text)) results.append(clean_classification_output(html_result)) result_column = 'multilabel_results' if is_multi else 'classification_results' df[result_column] = results output_path = "processed_results.csv" df.to_csv(output_path, index=False) return output_path except Exception as e: return f"Error processing CSV: {str(e)}" # Define the Gradio interface def chatbot(task, text=None, context=None, question=None, file=None): if file is not None: # Handle CSV file input if task == "Named Entity Recognition": return process_csv_ner(file) elif task == "Text Classification": return process_csv_classification(file, is_multi=False) elif task == "Multilabel Classification": return process_csv_classification(file, is_multi=True) else: return "CSV processing is not supported for Question Answering task" # Handle regular text input (previous implementation) if task == "Question Answering": if context and question: return question_answering(context, question) else: return "Please provide both context and question for the Question Answering task." elif task == "Named Entity Recognition": if text: return named_entity_recognition(text) else: return "Please provide text for the Named Entity Recognition task." elif task == "Text Classification": if text: return text_classification(text) else: return "Please provide text for the Text Classification task." elif task == "Multilabel Classification": if text: return multilabel_classification(text) else: return "Please provide text for the Multilabel Classification task." else: return "Please select a valid task." with gr.Blocks(theme="allenai/gradio-theme") as demo: with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(elem_id="header", elem_classes="header-container"): gr.Markdown("
") with gr.Column(elem_classes="task-container"): gr.Markdown("

Select a task and provide the necessary inputs:

") task = gr.Dropdown( choices=["Question Answering", "Named Entity Recognition", "Text Classification", "Multilabel Classification"], label="Select Task", value="Named Entity Recognition" ) with gr.Row(): text_input = gr.Textbox( lines=5, placeholder="Enter the text here...", label="Text", elem_classes="input-text" ) context_input = gr.Textbox( lines=5, placeholder="Enter the context here...", label="Context", visible=False, elem_classes="input-text" ) question_input = gr.Textbox( lines=2, placeholder="Enter your question here...", label="Question", visible=False, elem_classes="input-text" ) with gr.Row(): file_input = gr.File( label="Or upload a CSV file (must contain a 'text' column)", file_types=[".csv"], elem_classes="file-upload" ) file_output = gr.File( label="Download processed results", visible=False, elem_classes="file-download" ) with gr.Row(): submit_button = gr.Button( "Submit", elem_id="submit-button", elem_classes="submit-btn" ) output = gr.HTML(label="Output", elem_classes="output-html") with gr.Row(elem_classes="footer"): gr.Markdown("UTD Event Data | University of Texas at Dallas") gr.Markdown("Developed By: Sultan Alsarra and Shreyas Meher") def update_inputs(task_name): """Updates the visibility of input components based on the selected task.""" if task_name == "Question Answering": return [ gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) ] else: return [ gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True) ] def chatbot_interface(task, text, context, question, file): """Handles both file and text inputs for different tasks.""" if file: result = chatbot(task, file=file) if isinstance(result, str) and result.endswith('.csv'): return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value=result, visible=True) return gr.update(value=result, visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) else: result = chatbot(task, text, context, question) return gr.update(value=result, visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) def chatbot(task, text=None, context=None, question=None, file=None): """Main function to process different types of inputs and tasks.""" if file is not None: # Handle CSV file input if task == "Named Entity Recognition": return process_csv_ner(file) elif task == "Text Classification": return process_csv_classification(file, is_multi=False) elif task == "Multilabel Classification": return process_csv_classification(file, is_multi=True) else: return "CSV processing is not supported for Question Answering task" # Handle regular text input if task == "Question Answering": if context and question: return question_answering(context, question) else: return "Please provide both context and question for the Question Answering task." elif task == "Named Entity Recognition": if text: return named_entity_recognition(text) else: return "Please provide text for the Named Entity Recognition task." elif task == "Text Classification": if text: return text_classification(text) else: return "Please provide text for the Text Classification task." elif task == "Multilabel Classification": if text: return multilabel_classification(text) else: return "Please provide text for the Multilabel Classification task." else: return "Please select a valid task." task.change(fn=update_inputs, inputs=task, outputs=[text_input, context_input, question_input, file_input, file_output]) fn=chatbot_interface, inputs=[task, text_input, context_input, question_input, file_input], outputs=[output, file_output] ) demo.launch(share=True)