import asyncio import logging import os import time import threading from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import Optional, Callable import discord from discord import app_commands from discord.ext import commands from dotenv import load_dotenv import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from gradio_client import Client # Configure logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LoopMode(str, Enum): NONE = "none" SINGLE = "single" QUEUE = "queue" @dataclass class BotConfig: ASSETS_DIR: str = "assets" SONG_FILE: str = "lofi.mp3" HF_REPO: str = "not-lain/assets" HF_SPACE: str = "" MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS: int = 3 MAX_CACHE_SIZE: int = 100 # Maximum number of songs to cache @property def song_path(self) -> str: return f"{self.ASSETS_DIR}/{self.SONG_FILE}" @dataclass class QueueItem: url: str title: Optional[str] = None file_path: Optional[str] = None class VoiceStateError(Exception): """Custom exception for voice state errors""" pass class MusicBot: def __init__(self, config: BotConfig): self.config = config self.is_playing: bool = False self.voice_client: Optional[discord.VoiceClient] = None self.last_context: Optional[commands.Context] = None self.loop_mode: LoopMode = LoopMode.NONE self.current_song: Optional[QueueItem] = None self.queue: list[QueueItem] = [] self.hf_client = Client(config.HF_SPACE, hf_token=None) self.song_cache: dict[str, tuple[str, str]] = {} # url -> (title, file_path) def _manage_cache(self) -> None: """Remove oldest songs if cache exceeds maximum size""" if len(self.song_cache) > self.config.MAX_CACHE_SIZE: # Convert to list to get oldest entries (assuming insertion order is maintained) oldest_urls = list(self.song_cache.keys())[: -self.config.MAX_CACHE_SIZE] for url in oldest_urls: del self.song_cache[url] async def ensure_voice_state(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """Validate voice state and raise appropriate errors""" if not raise VoiceStateError("You need to be in a voice channel!") if self.voice_client and != raise VoiceStateError("You must be in the same voice channel as the bot!") async def download_song(self, queue_item: QueueItem) -> None: """Download song from URL and update queue item with file path, using cache when available""" try: # Check if song is in cache if queue_item.url in self.song_cache: title, file_path = self.song_cache[queue_item.url] queue_item.title = title queue_item.file_path = file_path"Found song in cache: {title}") return # Download if not in cache job = self.hf_client.submit(url=queue_item.url, api_name="/predict") while not job.done(): time.sleep(0.1) title, file_path = job.outputs()[0] # Update cache self.song_cache[queue_item.url] = (title, file_path) self._manage_cache() queue_item.title = title queue_item.file_path = file_path"Downloaded and cached new song: {title}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error downloading song: {e}") raise async def play_next(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: if self.is_playing: return try: if not self.current_song and self.queue: self.current_song = self.queue.pop(0) # Download song if it hasn't been downloaded yet if not self.current_song.file_path: await self.download_song(self.current_song) elif not self.current_song: return self.is_playing = True audio_source = discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(self.current_song.file_path) def after_playing(error): if error: logger.error(f"Error in playback: {error}") self.is_playing = False asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.handle_song_end(ctx), bot.loop), after=after_playing) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error playing file: {e}") self.is_playing = False raise async def handle_song_end(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: if self.loop_mode == LoopMode.NONE: self.current_song = None elif self.loop_mode == LoopMode.QUEUE and self.current_song: self.queue.append(self.current_song) self.current_song = None if not self.is_playing: await self.play_next(ctx) async def join_voice(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: if not await ctx.send("You need to be in a voice channel!") return channel = if self.voice_client is None: self.voice_client = await channel.connect() self.last_context = ctx else: await self.voice_client.move_to(channel) async def stop_playing(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> bool: try: if self.voice_client: if self.voice_client.is_playing(): self.voice_client.stop() if self.voice_client.is_connected(): await self.voice_client.disconnect(force=False) self._reset_state() return True return False except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error during cleanup: {e}") self._reset_state() return False def add_to_queue(self, url: str) -> int: """Add song to queue and return position""" queue_item = QueueItem(url=url) self.queue.append(queue_item) return len(self.queue) def _reset_state(self) -> None: self.is_playing = False self.voice_client = None self.last_context = None self.loop_mode = LoopMode.NONE self.current_song = None self.queue.clear() # Note: We don't clear the cache when resetting state async def handle_voice_command( interaction: discord.Interaction, action: Callable, defer: bool = True ) -> None: """Generic handler for voice-related commands""" try: if defer: await interaction.response.defer() ctx = await bot.get_context(interaction) await music_bot.ensure_voice_state(ctx) await action(ctx, interaction) except VoiceStateError as e: if not interaction.response.is_done(): await interaction.response.send_message(str(e)) else: await interaction.followup.send(str(e)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Command error: {e}") if not interaction.response.is_done(): await interaction.response.send_message("An error occurred!") else: await interaction.followup.send("An error occurred!") # Initialize bot and music bot instance config = BotConfig() intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents) music_bot = MusicBot(config) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Bot is ready! Logged in as {bot.user}") print("Syncing commands...") try: await bot.tree.sync(guild=None) # Set to None for global sync print("Successfully synced commands globally!") except discord.app_commands.errors.CommandSyncFailure as e: print(f"Failed to sync commands: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while syncing commands: {e}") @bot.tree.command(name="lofi", description="Play lofi music") async def lofi(interaction: discord.Interaction): async def play_lofi(ctx, interaction: discord.Interaction): await music_bot.join_voice(ctx) # music_bot.loop_mode = LoopMode.SINGLE music_bot.current_song = QueueItem( url=config.song_path, title="Lofi Music", file_path=config.song_path ) if not music_bot.is_playing: await music_bot.play_next(ctx) await interaction.followup.send("Playing lofi music! 🎵") else: await interaction.followup.send("Already playing!") await handle_voice_command(interaction, play_lofi) @bot.tree.command(name="play", description="Play a youtube song") async def play(interaction: discord.Interaction, url: str): async def play_song(ctx, interaction: discord.Interaction): await music_bot.join_voice(ctx) if music_bot.is_playing or music_bot.queue: position = music_bot.add_to_queue(url) await interaction.followup.send( f"Added song to queue at position {position}! 🎵" ) else: music_bot.add_to_queue(url) await music_bot.play_next(ctx) if music_bot.current_song and music_bot.current_song.title: await interaction.followup.send( f"Playing {music_bot.current_song.title}! 🎵" ) else: await interaction.followup.send("Playing song! 🎵") await handle_voice_command(interaction, play_song) @bot.tree.command(name="skip", description="Skip the current song") async def skip(interaction: discord.Interaction): # Check if user is in a voice channel if not interaction.user.voice: await interaction.response.send_message( "You must be in a voice channel to use this command!" ) return # Check if bot is in a voice channel if not music_bot.voice_client: await interaction.response.send_message("No song is currently playing!") return # Check if user is in the same channel as the bot if != await interaction.response.send_message( "You must be in the same voice channel as the bot!" ) return if music_bot.voice_client and music_bot.is_playing: music_bot.is_playing = False # Reset playing state music_bot.voice_client.stop() await interaction.response.send_message("Skipped current song!") else: await interaction.response.send_message("No song is currently playing!") @bot.tree.command(name="leave", description="Disconnect bot from voice channel") async def leave(interaction: discord.Interaction): # Check if user is in a voice channel if not interaction.user.voice: await interaction.response.send_message( "You must be in a voice channel to use this command!" ) return # Check if bot is in a voice channel if not music_bot.voice_client: await interaction.response.send_message("I'm not in any voice channel!") return # Check if user is in the same channel as the bot if != await interaction.response.send_message( "You must be in the same voice channel as the bot!" ) return await interaction.response.defer() ctx = await bot.get_context(interaction) try: success = await music_bot.stop_playing(ctx) if success: await interaction.followup.send("Successfully disconnected! 👋") else: await interaction.followup.send( "Failed to disconnect properly. Please try again." ) except Exception as e: print(f"Error during leave command: {e}") await interaction.followup.send("An error occurred while trying to disconnect.") @bot.tree.command(name="loop", description="Set loop mode") @app_commands.choices( mode=[app_commands.Choice(name=mode.value, value=mode.value) for mode in LoopMode] ) async def loop(interaction: discord.Interaction, mode: str): try: music_bot.loop_mode = LoopMode(mode) await interaction.response.send_message(f"Loop mode set to: {mode}") except ValueError: await interaction.response.send_message("Invalid loop mode!") @bot.tree.command(name="queue", description="Show current queue") async def queue(interaction: discord.Interaction): if not music_bot.queue and not music_bot.current_song: await interaction.response.send_message("Queue is empty!") return queue_list = [] if music_bot.current_song: status = "🎵 Now playing" title = music_bot.current_song.title or "Loading..." queue_list.append(f"{status}: {title}") for i, item in enumerate(music_bot.queue, 1): title = item.title or "Loading..." queue_list.append(f"{i}. {title}") await interaction.response.send_message("\n".join(queue_list)) def initialize_assets() -> None: if not os.path.exists(config.ASSETS_DIR): os.makedirs(config.ASSETS_DIR, exist_ok=True) hf_hub_download( config.HF_REPO, config.SONG_FILE, repo_type="dataset", local_dir=config.ASSETS_DIR, ) def run_discord_bot() -> None: """Run the Discord bot with the token from environment variables.""" load_dotenv()"DISCORD_TOKEN")) if __name__ == "__main__": initialize_assets() bot_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_discord_bot, daemon=True) bot_thread.start() with gr.Blocks() as iface: gr.Markdown("# Discord Music Bot Control Panel") gr.Markdown("Bot is running in background") iface.launch(debug=True)