# local package |
-e . |
#Python Version 3.7.9 |
# external requirements |
#General Library |
pandas==1.3.5 |
numpy==1.20 |
tqdm |
pyarrow==8.0.0 #Required to work with parquet file type. These is one engine that is used for parquet file |
fastparquet==0.8.1 #Required to work with parquet file type. This is also one engine that is used for parquet file |
#Download the image from web using imageurl |
requests==2.28.2 |
#Not required since in the end worked with jpeg file only. |
#Since found that hdf5 was large and taking much time to read image data from hdf5, compare to jpeg file for each image |
#h5py==3.8.0 #Read and Save numpy data in hdf5. |
#Library for EDA |
ipywidgets |
opencv-python== |
matplotlib==3.5.3 |
seaborn==0.12.2 |
WordCloud |
#Pre-process text library |
#pycontractions #Does not work with py3.9. So copied the code from there github |
nltk==3.8.1 |
#Model Library |
scikit-learn |
#tensorflow==2.11.0 #Final model BLIP2 does not have TF compatible in HuggingFace. So went with Pytorch |
#Library required for BLIP2 model and VisionEncoderDecoder model |
rouge_score==0.1.2 |
accelerate==0.20.3 |
transformers==4.30.2 #Help: https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/v4.20.1/en/installation#installation |
datasets==2.13.0 #Huggingface dataset, Help: https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/installation |
evaluate==0.4.0 #Huggingface evaluate library, Help: https://huggingface.co/docs/evaluate/index |
peft==0.4.0# #0.4.0 was dev version. In case version is not release. Install using pip install -q git+https://github.com/huggingface/peft.git |
bitsandbytes==0.39.0 |
pytorch==2.0.0 |
#Deploy |
streamlit==1.16.0 |
#Step 1 Create a Virtual enviroment with VSCode inside project folder |
#py -<<python_version>> -m venv <<your_environment_name>> |
#Step 2 Activate the Virtual Environment by calling Activate.bat |
#\<<your_environment_name>>\Scripts\Activate.bat |
#Step 3: Select this Environment as Interpreatr in VScode |
#-> Ctrl+Shift+P |
#-> Select from drop down or type : "Python: Select Interpreter" |
#-> Select "Enter interpreter path..." |
#-> Select "Find.." and browse to folder and select" \Scripts\python.exe" in the new environment folder that we created. |
#Step 4: [Optional]: Upgrade pip in your_enviroment |
#-> Open the Terminal |
#-> Terminal should show <<your_environment_name>> in the command line. If not execute Step 2 again |
#-> pip install pip --upgrade |
#Step 5: Install the requirement dll |
#pip install -r requirements.txt |