"""distutils.msvccompiler Contains MSVCCompiler, an implementation of the abstract CCompiler class for the Microsoft Visual Studio. """ # Written by Perry Stoll # hacked by Robin Becker and Thomas Heller to do a better job of # finding DevStudio (through the registry) import sys, os from distutils.errors import \ DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \ CompileError, LibError, LinkError from distutils.ccompiler import \ CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options, gen_lib_options from distutils import log _can_read_reg = False try: import winreg _can_read_reg = True hkey_mod = winreg RegOpenKeyEx = winreg.OpenKeyEx RegEnumKey = winreg.EnumKey RegEnumValue = winreg.EnumValue RegError = winreg.error except ImportError: try: import win32api import win32con _can_read_reg = True hkey_mod = win32con RegOpenKeyEx = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx RegEnumKey = win32api.RegEnumKey RegEnumValue = win32api.RegEnumValue RegError = win32api.error except ImportError: log.info("Warning: Can't read registry to find the " "necessary compiler setting\n" "Make sure that Python modules winreg, " "win32api or win32con are installed.") pass if _can_read_reg: HKEYS = (hkey_mod.HKEY_USERS, hkey_mod.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, hkey_mod.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, hkey_mod.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) def read_keys(base, key): """Return list of registry keys.""" try: handle = RegOpenKeyEx(base, key) except RegError: return None L = [] i = 0 while True: try: k = RegEnumKey(handle, i) except RegError: break L.append(k) i += 1 return L def read_values(base, key): """Return dict of registry keys and values. All names are converted to lowercase. """ try: handle = RegOpenKeyEx(base, key) except RegError: return None d = {} i = 0 while True: try: name, value, type = RegEnumValue(handle, i) except RegError: break name = name.lower() d[convert_mbcs(name)] = convert_mbcs(value) i += 1 return d def convert_mbcs(s): dec = getattr(s, "decode", None) if dec is not None: try: s = dec("mbcs") except UnicodeError: pass return s class MacroExpander: def __init__(self, version): self.macros = {} self.load_macros(version) def set_macro(self, macro, path, key): for base in HKEYS: d = read_values(base, path) if d: self.macros["$(%s)" % macro] = d[key] break def load_macros(self, version): vsbase = r"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\%0.1f" % version self.set_macro("VCInstallDir", vsbase + r"\Setup\VC", "productdir") self.set_macro("VSInstallDir", vsbase + r"\Setup\VS", "productdir") net = r"Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework" self.set_macro("FrameworkDir", net, "installroot") try: if version > 7.0: self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", net, "sdkinstallrootv1.1") else: self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", net, "sdkinstallroot") except KeyError as exc: # raise DistutilsPlatformError( """Python was built with Visual Studio 2003; extensions must be built with a compiler than can generate compatible binaries. Visual Studio 2003 was not found on this system. If you have Cygwin installed, you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""") p = r"Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Product" for base in HKEYS: try: h = RegOpenKeyEx(base, p) except RegError: continue key = RegEnumKey(h, 0) d = read_values(base, r"%s\%s" % (p, key)) self.macros["$(FrameworkVersion)"] = d["version"] def sub(self, s): for k, v in self.macros.items(): s = s.replace(k, v) return s def get_build_version(): """Return the version of MSVC that was used to build Python. For Python 2.3 and up, the version number is included in sys.version. For earlier versions, assume the compiler is MSVC 6. """ prefix = "MSC v." i = sys.version.find(prefix) if i == -1: return 6 i = i + len(prefix) s, rest = sys.version[i:].split(" ", 1) majorVersion = int(s[:-2]) - 6 if majorVersion >= 13: # v13 was skipped and should be v14 majorVersion += 1 minorVersion = int(s[2:3]) / 10.0 # I don't think paths are affected by minor version in version 6 if majorVersion == 6: minorVersion = 0 if majorVersion >= 6: return majorVersion + minorVersion # else we don't know what version of the compiler this is return None def get_build_architecture(): """Return the processor architecture. Possible results are "Intel", "Itanium", or "AMD64". """ prefix = " bit (" i = sys.version.find(prefix) if i == -1: return "Intel" j = sys.version.find(")", i) return sys.version[i+len(prefix):j] def normalize_and_reduce_paths(paths): """Return a list of normalized paths with duplicates removed. The current order of paths is maintained. """ # Paths are normalized so things like: /a and /a/ aren't both preserved. reduced_paths = [] for p in paths: np = os.path.normpath(p) # XXX(nnorwitz): O(n**2), if reduced_paths gets long perhaps use a set. if np not in reduced_paths: reduced_paths.append(np) return reduced_paths class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : """Concrete class that implements an interface to Microsoft Visual C++, as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.""" compiler_type = 'msvc' # Just set this so CCompiler's constructor doesn't barf. We currently # don't use the 'set_executables()' bureaucracy provided by CCompiler, # as it really isn't necessary for this sort of single-compiler class. # Would be nice to have a consistent interface with UnixCCompiler, # though, so it's worth thinking about. executables = {} # Private class data (need to distinguish C from C++ source for compiler) _c_extensions = ['.c'] _cpp_extensions = ['.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx'] _rc_extensions = ['.rc'] _mc_extensions = ['.mc'] # Needed for the filename generation methods provided by the # base class, CCompiler. src_extensions = (_c_extensions + _cpp_extensions + _rc_extensions + _mc_extensions) res_extension = '.res' obj_extension = '.obj' static_lib_extension = '.lib' shared_lib_extension = '.dll' static_lib_format = shared_lib_format = '%s%s' exe_extension = '.exe' def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): CCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force) self.__version = get_build_version() self.__arch = get_build_architecture() if self.__arch == "Intel": # x86 if self.__version >= 7: self.__root = r"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio" self.__macros = MacroExpander(self.__version) else: self.__root = r"Software\Microsoft\Devstudio" self.__product = "Visual Studio version %s" % self.__version else: # Win64. Assume this was built with the platform SDK self.__product = "Microsoft SDK compiler %s" % (self.__version + 6) self.initialized = False def initialize(self): self.__paths = [] if "DISTUTILS_USE_SDK" in os.environ and "MSSdk" in os.environ and self.find_exe("cl.exe"): # Assume that the SDK set up everything alright; don't try to be # smarter self.cc = "cl.exe" self.linker = "link.exe" self.lib = "lib.exe" self.rc = "rc.exe" self.mc = "mc.exe" else: self.__paths = self.get_msvc_paths("path") if len(self.__paths) == 0: raise DistutilsPlatformError("Python was built with %s, " "and extensions need to be built with the same " "version of the compiler, but it isn't installed." % self.__product) self.cc = self.find_exe("cl.exe") self.linker = self.find_exe("link.exe") self.lib = self.find_exe("lib.exe") self.rc = self.find_exe("rc.exe") # resource compiler self.mc = self.find_exe("mc.exe") # message compiler self.set_path_env_var('lib') self.set_path_env_var('include') # extend the MSVC path with the current path try: for p in os.environ['path'].split(';'): self.__paths.append(p) except KeyError: pass self.__paths = normalize_and_reduce_paths(self.__paths) os.environ['path'] = ";".join(self.__paths) self.preprocess_options = None if self.__arch == "Intel": self.compile_options = [ '/nologo', '/Ox', '/MD', '/W3', '/GX' , '/DNDEBUG'] self.compile_options_debug = ['/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/W3', '/GX', '/Z7', '/D_DEBUG'] else: # Win64 self.compile_options = [ '/nologo', '/Ox', '/MD', '/W3', '/GS-' , '/DNDEBUG'] self.compile_options_debug = ['/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/W3', '/GS-', '/Z7', '/D_DEBUG'] self.ldflags_shared = ['/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO'] if self.__version >= 7: self.ldflags_shared_debug = [ '/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', '/DEBUG' ] else: self.ldflags_shared_debug = [ '/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', '/pdb:None', '/DEBUG' ] self.ldflags_static = [ '/nologo'] self.initialized = True # -- Worker methods ------------------------------------------------ def object_filenames(self, source_filenames, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): # Copied from ccompiler.py, extended to return .res as 'object'-file # for .rc input file if output_dir is None: output_dir = '' obj_names = [] for src_name in source_filenames: (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (src_name) base = os.path.splitdrive(base)[1] # Chop off the drive base = base[os.path.isabs(base):] # If abs, chop off leading / if ext not in self.src_extensions: # Better to raise an exception instead of silently continuing # and later complain about sources and targets having # different lengths raise CompileError ("Don't know how to compile %s" % src_name) if strip_dir: base = os.path.basename (base) if ext in self._rc_extensions: obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, base + self.res_extension)) elif ext in self._mc_extensions: obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, base + self.res_extension)) else: obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, base + self.obj_extension)) return obj_names def compile(self, sources, output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() compile_info = self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs) macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = compile_info compile_opts = extra_preargs or [] compile_opts.append ('/c') if debug: compile_opts.extend(self.compile_options_debug) else: compile_opts.extend(self.compile_options) for obj in objects: try: src, ext = build[obj] except KeyError: continue if debug: # pass the full pathname to MSVC in debug mode, # this allows the debugger to find the source file # without asking the user to browse for it src = os.path.abspath(src) if ext in self._c_extensions: input_opt = "/Tc" + src elif ext in self._cpp_extensions: input_opt = "/Tp" + src elif ext in self._rc_extensions: # compile .RC to .RES file input_opt = src output_opt = "/fo" + obj try: self.spawn([self.rc] + pp_opts + [output_opt] + [input_opt]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) continue elif ext in self._mc_extensions: # Compile .MC to .RC file to .RES file. # * '-h dir' specifies the directory for the # generated include file # * '-r dir' specifies the target directory of the # generated RC file and the binary message resource # it includes # # For now (since there are no options to change this), # we use the source-directory for the include file and # the build directory for the RC file and message # resources. This works at least for win32all. h_dir = os.path.dirname(src) rc_dir = os.path.dirname(obj) try: # first compile .MC to .RC and .H file self.spawn([self.mc] + ['-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir] + [src]) base, _ = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (src)) rc_file = os.path.join (rc_dir, base + '.rc') # then compile .RC to .RES file self.spawn([self.rc] + ["/fo" + obj] + [rc_file]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) continue else: # how to handle this file? raise CompileError("Don't know how to compile %s to %s" % (src, obj)) output_opt = "/Fo" + obj try: self.spawn([self.cc] + compile_opts + pp_opts + [input_opt, output_opt] + extra_postargs) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) return objects def create_static_lib(self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): lib_args = objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename] if debug: pass # XXX what goes here? try: self.spawn([self.lib] + lib_args) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise LibError(msg) else: log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename) def link(self, target_desc, objects, output_filename, output_dir=None, libraries=None, library_dirs=None, runtime_library_dirs=None, export_symbols=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, build_temp=None, target_lang=None): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) = fixed_args if runtime_library_dirs: self.warn ("I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " + str (runtime_library_dirs)) lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries) if output_dir is not None: output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): if target_desc == CCompiler.EXECUTABLE: if debug: ldflags = self.ldflags_shared_debug[1:] else: ldflags = self.ldflags_shared[1:] else: if debug: ldflags = self.ldflags_shared_debug else: ldflags = self.ldflags_shared export_opts = [] for sym in (export_symbols or []): export_opts.append("/EXPORT:" + sym) ld_args = (ldflags + lib_opts + export_opts + objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename]) # The MSVC linker generates .lib and .exp files, which cannot be # suppressed by any linker switches. The .lib files may even be # needed! Make sure they are generated in the temporary build # directory. Since they have different names for debug and release # builds, they can go into the same directory. if export_symbols is not None: (dll_name, dll_ext) = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(output_filename)) implib_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(objects[0]), self.library_filename(dll_name)) ld_args.append ('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file) if extra_preargs: ld_args[:0] = extra_preargs if extra_postargs: ld_args.extend(extra_postargs) self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(output_filename)) try: self.spawn([self.linker] + ld_args) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise LinkError(msg) else: log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename) # -- Miscellaneous methods ----------------------------------------- # These are all used by the 'gen_lib_options() function, in # ccompiler.py. def library_dir_option(self, dir): return "/LIBPATH:" + dir def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir): raise DistutilsPlatformError( "don't know how to set runtime library search path for MSVC++") def library_option(self, lib): return self.library_filename(lib) def find_library_file(self, dirs, lib, debug=0): # Prefer a debugging library if found (and requested), but deal # with it if we don't have one. if debug: try_names = [lib + "_d", lib] else: try_names = [lib] for dir in dirs: for name in try_names: libfile = os.path.join(dir, self.library_filename (name)) if os.path.exists(libfile): return libfile else: # Oops, didn't find it in *any* of 'dirs' return None # Helper methods for using the MSVC registry settings def find_exe(self, exe): """Return path to an MSVC executable program. Tries to find the program in several places: first, one of the MSVC program search paths from the registry; next, the directories in the PATH environment variable. If any of those work, return an absolute path that is known to exist. If none of them work, just return the original program name, 'exe'. """ for p in self.__paths: fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p), exe) if os.path.isfile(fn): return fn # didn't find it; try existing path for p in os.environ['Path'].split(';'): fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p),exe) if os.path.isfile(fn): return fn return exe def get_msvc_paths(self, path, platform='x86'): """Get a list of devstudio directories (include, lib or path). Return a list of strings. The list will be empty if unable to access the registry or appropriate registry keys not found. """ if not _can_read_reg: return [] path = path + " dirs" if self.__version >= 7: key = (r"%s\%0.1f\VC\VC_OBJECTS_PLATFORM_INFO\Win32\Directories" % (self.__root, self.__version)) else: key = (r"%s\6.0\Build System\Components\Platforms" r"\Win32 (%s)\Directories" % (self.__root, platform)) for base in HKEYS: d = read_values(base, key) if d: if self.__version >= 7: return self.__macros.sub(d[path]).split(";") else: return d[path].split(";") # MSVC 6 seems to create the registry entries we need only when # the GUI is run. if self.__version == 6: for base in HKEYS: if read_values(base, r"%s\6.0" % self.__root) is not None: self.warn("It seems you have Visual Studio 6 installed, " "but the expected registry settings are not present.\n" "You must at least run the Visual Studio GUI once " "so that these entries are created.") break return [] def set_path_env_var(self, name): """Set environment variable 'name' to an MSVC path type value. This is equivalent to a SET command prior to execution of spawned commands. """ if name == "lib": p = self.get_msvc_paths("library") else: p = self.get_msvc_paths(name) if p: os.environ[name] = ';'.join(p) if get_build_version() >= 8.0: log.debug("Importing new compiler from distutils.msvc9compiler") OldMSVCCompiler = MSVCCompiler from distutils.msvc9compiler import MSVCCompiler # get_build_architecture not really relevant now we support cross-compile from distutils.msvc9compiler import MacroExpander
# PyVision License # # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 David S. Bolme # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither name of copyright holders nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' Created on Sep 6, 2010 @author: bolme ''' import pyvision as pv import numpy as np import scipy as sp import cv import PIL.Image import os.path # Unlike many other graphics libraries PyVision does not have its own native # pixel format. Instead it depends on other libraries to implement this array # data, and PyVision acts as a translator. PyVision therefore provides a # common framework that allows PIL, SciPy and OpenCV to work together to # solve problems. # This tutorial looks at pv.Image as a way to convert between types used # in the PyVision library. pv.Images are used as a common format that can # easily translate between PIL, Numpy, and OpenCV formats. Under the hood # a pv.Image is represented by one of these formats, and the image is # converted to new formats on demand. # pv.Image implements a number of translation methods that allows images to # be obtained in many useful formats. These methods are: # * asMatrix2D() -> gray scale (one-channel) SciPy array # * asMatrix3D() -> color (three-channel) SciPy array # * asPIL() -> Python Imageing Library (PIL) image # * asOpenCV() -> OpenCV Color Image (8-bit) # * asOpenCVBW() -> OpenCV gray scale (Black/White) Image (8-bit) # * asAnnotated() -> A PIL formated image which includes annotations made to this image. # # The constructor for pv.Images can also take any of these formats as # arguments. Therefore converting between types can be done by code such as: # OPENCV_IMAGE = pv.Image(NUMPY_MATIRX).asOpenCV() # In this tutorial we will demonstraite how to use pv.Image to convert images # to different formates and in each format we will perform a simple image # processing task of thresholding an image to produce a black and white # equivalent. if __name__ == "__main__": # Image logs are used to save images and other data to a directory # for later analysis. These logs are valuable tools for understanding # the imagery and debugging algorithms. Unless otherwise specified, # ImageLogs are usually created in the directory "/tmp". ilog = pv.ImageLog() # Timers keep a record of the time required for algorithms to execute # and help determine runtimes and can determine which parts of algorithms # are to slow and need optimization. timer = pv.Timer() # The filename for the baboon image filename = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],'data','misc','baboon.jpg') # If a string is passed a to the initializer it will assume that is a # path and will read the image from that file. The image is usually read # from disk using PIL and then stored as a PIL image. im = pv.Image(filename) # This command saves the image to an image log which provides good # information for debugging. It is often helpful to save many images # during a processing to make sure that each step is producing the # intended result. ilog(im,"OriginalImage") # The PIL tool box supports man image processing and graphics functions. # Typically PIL is used for things like reading in image files and # rendering graphics on top of images for annotations. It tends to # be slower than OpenCV and also lacks many of the more specialized # computer vision algorithms. # pv.Image objects are responsible for converting between image types. # This next call returns an image in PIL format that can be used with # the PIL library. pil = im.asPIL() # "mark" checks the "wall clock time" and logs program timing data. timer.mark("Starting") # Convert from RGB to gray scale gray = pil.convert('L') # This applys the "lambda" function to each pixel which performs # thresholding. Processing each pixel with a python function is slow. thresh = PIL.Image.eval(gray, lambda x: 255*(x>127.5) ) # Record the time for PIL thresholding. timer.mark("PIL") # pv.Images can also be initialized using a PIL image. This command # also saves a copy of the image to the ImageLog. ilog(pv.Image(thresh),"PILThresh") # Scipy arrays are very easy to work with, and scipy has many image # processing, linear algebra, and data analysis routines. # "asMatrix2D" returns the 2D array containing the gray scale pixel # values. The values in the matrix are indexed using standard pixel # mat[x,y] coordinates and mat.shape = (w,h). This may be transposed # from what some people might expect. Matricies are typically indexed # using "rows" and "columns" so the matrix has been transposed to # maintain the image-like x,y indexing. There is also a method # called asMatrix3D() which returns color data in a 3D array. # A pv.Image will often maintain multiple representations of an image. # Calling a method like asMatrix2D will generate and return a Scipy format # copy of the image. That copy will also be cached for future use so # multiple calls to asMatrix2D will only generate that image for the # first call, and all subsequent calls will return the cached copy. mat = im.asMatrix2D() timer.mark("Starting") # Scipy syntax is often very simple and straight forward and fast. # Because of this Scipy can be used to quickly prototype algorithms. thresh = mat > 127.5 timer.mark("Scipy") # pv.Image cannot be initialized using boolean data so "1.0*" converts # to a floating point array. ilog(pv.Image(1.0*thresh),"ScipyThresh") # OpenCV code is often more complicated because images need to be # allocated explicitly and function calls are more complicated, but # the often executes faster than scipy or PIL. OpenCV also has many # useful image processing, machine learning, and computer vision # algorithms that are not found in scipy or PIL. # This function returns an OpenCV gray scale image. There is also a # function asOpenCV() which will return a color image. cvim = im.asOpenCVBW() timer.mark("Starting") # OpenCV often requires manual image/data allocation which increases code # complexity but also offers more control for performance tuning and memory # management. dest = cv.CreateImage(im.size,cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1) # OpenCV has fast implementations for many common vision algorithms and # image processing tasks. Syntax is often more confusing than PIL or Scipy. cv.CmpS(cvim,127.5,dest,cv.CV_CMP_GT) timer.mark("OpenCV") # Like before we convert to a pv.Image and save the image to the log. ilog(pv.Image(dest),"OpenCVThresh") # The timer collects a record of the time taken for each operation # and then displays that data in a nicely formated table. "Current" # times are measured from the previous mark and show that Scipy # and OpenCV are very fast at this particular task. print timer #|---|---------------|---------------|-------------------|-----------------|-------| #| | event | time | current | total | notes | #|---|---------------|---------------|-------------------|-----------------|-------| #| 0 | Timer Created | 1283833886.12 | 0.0 | 0.0 | None | #| 1 | Starting | 1283833886.21 | 0.0880968570709 | 0.0880968570709 | None | #| 2 | PIL | 1283833886.21 | 0.0013279914856 | 0.0894248485565 | None | #| 3 | Starting | 1283833886.25 | 0.0393881797791 | 0.128813028336 | None | #| 4 | Scipy | 1283833886.25 | 0.000727891921997 | 0.129540920258 | None | #| 5 | Starting | 1283833886.31 | 0.056421995163 | 0.185962915421 | None | #| 6 | OpenCV | 1283833886.31 | 0.000664949417114 | 0.186627864838 | None | #|---|---------------|---------------|-------------------|-----------------|-------| # Timing data can also be saved to the log for further analysis ilog(timer,"TimingData") # This is a conveniant function that displays all images in the log. ilog.show()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'setuppuloop.ui' # # Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.12.3 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_SetupPULoop(object): def setupUi(self, SetupPULoop): SetupPULoop.setObjectName("SetupPULoop") SetupPULoop.resize(387, 371) self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(SetupPULoop) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") self.formLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.formLayout_2.setSizeConstraint(QtWidgets.QLayout.SetMaximumSize) self.formLayout_2.setFieldGrowthPolicy(QtWidgets.QFormLayout.AllNonFixedFieldsGrow) self.formLayout_2.setObjectName("formLayout_2") self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(SetupPULoop) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label) self.comboU = QtWidgets.QComboBox(SetupPULoop) self.comboU.setObjectName("comboU") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.comboU) self.label_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(SetupPULoop) self.label_2.setObjectName("label_2") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label_2) self.comboP = QtWidgets.QComboBox(SetupPULoop) self.comboP.setObjectName("comboP") self.formLayout_2.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.comboP) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.formLayout_2) self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout.setSizeConstraint(QtWidgets.QLayout.SetMinimumSize) self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName("horizontalLayout") self.okButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(SetupPULoop) self.okButton.setObjectName("okButton") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.okButton) self.cancelButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(SetupPULoop) self.cancelButton.setObjectName("cancelButton") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.cancelButton) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout) self.retranslateUi(SetupPULoop) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(SetupPULoop) def retranslateUi(self, SetupPULoop): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate SetupPULoop.setWindowTitle(_translate("SetupPULoop", "Set up PU-Loop")) self.label.setText(_translate("SetupPULoop", "Velocity (U)")) self.label_2.setText(_translate("SetupPULoop", "Pressure (P)")) self.okButton.setText(_translate("SetupPULoop", "Ok")) self.cancelButton.setText(_translate("SetupPULoop", "Cancel"))
import os import sys import bson import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def database(mocker): bin_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin') mocker.patch('sys.path', [bin_path] + sys.path) import database return database def test_42(data_builder, api_db, as_admin, database): # Mimic old-style archived flag session = data_builder.create_session() session2 = data_builder.create_session() api_db.sessions.update_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(session)}, {'$set': {'archived': True}}) api_db.sessions.update_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(session2)}, {'$set': {'archived': False}}) # Verfiy archived session is not hidden anymore assert session in [s['_id'] for s in as_admin.get('/sessions').json()] # Verify upgrade creates new-style hidden tag database.upgrade_to_42() session_data = as_admin.get('/sessions/' + session).json() assert 'archived' not in session_data assert 'hidden' in session_data['tags'] # Verify archived was removed when false as well session_data = as_admin.get('/sessions/' + session2).json() assert 'archived' not in session_data def test_43(data_builder, api_db, as_admin, file_form, database): # Create session and upload file for later use as analysis input session = data_builder.create_session() r = as_admin.post('/sessions/' + session + '/files', files=file_form('input.txt')) assert r.ok # Create ad-hoc analysis with input ref, then upload output r = as_admin.post('/sessions/' + session + '/analyses', json={ 'label': 'offline', 'inputs': [{'type': 'session', 'id': session, 'name': 'input.txt'}] }) assert r.ok analysis_id = r.json()['_id'] r = as_admin.post('/analyses/' + analysis_id + '/files', files=file_form('output.txt', meta=[{'name': 'output.txt'}])) assert r.ok # Mimic old-style analysis input/output tags analysis = api_db.analyses.find_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(analysis_id)}, ['inputs', 'files']) for f in analysis['inputs']: f['input'] = True for f in analysis['files']: f['output'] = True api_db.analyses.update_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(analysis_id)}, {'$set': {'files': analysis['inputs'] + analysis['files']}, '$unset': {'inputs': ''}}) # Verify upgrade gets rid of tags and separates inputs/files database.upgrade_to_43() analysis = as_admin.get('/analyses/' + analysis_id).json() assert 'inputs' in analysis assert len(analysis['inputs']) == 1 assert 'input' not in analysis['inputs'][0] assert 'files' in analysis assert len(analysis['files']) == 1 assert 'output' not in analysis['files'][0]
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) import os import socket ######### # PATHS # ######### BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Full filesystem path to the project. PROJECT_APP_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) PROJECT_APP = os.path.basename(PROJECT_APP_PATH) PROJECT_ROOT = BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(PROJECT_APP_PATH) # openshift is our PAAS for now. ON_PAAS = 'OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR' in os.environ if ON_PAAS: SECRET_KEY = os.environ['OPENSHIFT_SECRET_TOKEN'] else: # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = ')_7av^!cy(wfx=k#3*7x+(=j^fzv+ot^1@sh9s9t=8$bu@r(z$' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! # adjust to turn off when on Openshift, but allow an environment variable to override on PAAS DEBUG = not ON_PAAS DEBUG = DEBUG or 'DEBUG' in os.environ if ON_PAAS and DEBUG: print("*** Warning - Debug mode is on ***") TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True if ON_PAAS: ALLOWED_HOSTS = [os.environ['OPENSHIFT_APP_DNS'], socket.gethostname()] else: ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = ( "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.redirects", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.sites", "django.contrib.sitemaps", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "mezzanine.boot", "mezzanine.conf", "mezzanine.core", "mezzanine.generic", "mezzanine.pages", "mezzanine.blog", "mezzanine.forms", "mezzanine.galleries", "mezzanine.twitter", # "mezzanine.accounts", # "mezzanine.mobile", ) # List of middleware classes to use. Order is important; in the request phase, # these middleware classes will be applied in the order given, and in the # response phase the middleware will be applied in reverse order. MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( "mezzanine.core.middleware.UpdateCacheMiddleware", 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', # Uncomment if using internationalisation or localisation # 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', "mezzanine.core.request.CurrentRequestMiddleware", "mezzanine.core.middleware.RedirectFallbackMiddleware", "mezzanine.core.middleware.TemplateForDeviceMiddleware", "mezzanine.core.middleware.TemplateForHostMiddleware", "mezzanine.core.middleware.AdminLoginInterfaceSelectorMiddleware", "mezzanine.core.middleware.SitePermissionMiddleware", # Uncomment the following if using any of the SSL settings: # "mezzanine.core.middleware.SSLRedirectMiddleware", "mezzanine.pages.middleware.PageMiddleware", "mezzanine.core.middleware.FetchFromCacheMiddleware", ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'mysite.urls' # Templates TEMPLATE_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')] TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( "django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader", "django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader", ) # Database # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/ref/settings/#databases if ON_PAAS: # determine if we are on MySQL or POSTGRESQL if "OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_USERNAME" in os.environ: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME'], 'USER': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_USERNAME'], 'PASSWORD': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_PASSWORD'], 'HOST': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_HOST'], 'PORT': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_PORT'], } } elif "OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME" in os.environ: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME'], 'USER': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME'], 'PASSWORD': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD'], 'HOST': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST'], 'PORT': os.environ['OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT'], } } else: # stock django, local development. DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } } # Internationalization # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/i18n/ LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/static-files/ STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'wsgi', 'static') STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', ) STATICFILES_DIRS = ( # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static". # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths. os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"), ) # Start mezzanine settings. TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_TZ = True # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html LANGUAGE_CODE = "en" # Supported languages LANGUAGES = ( ('en', 'English'), ) SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True SITE_ID = 1 USE_I18N = False AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ("mezzanine.core.auth_backends.MezzanineBackend",) # The numeric mode to set newly-uploaded files to. The value should be # a mode you'd pass directly to os.chmod. FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS = 0o644 CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX = PROJECT_APP MEDIA_URL = STATIC_URL + "media/" MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'wsgi', *MEDIA_URL.strip("/").split("/")) ROOT_URLCONF = "%s.urls" % PROJECT_APP TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", "django.core.context_processors.debug", "django.core.context_processors.i18n", "django.core.context_processors.static", "django.core.context_processors.media", "django.core.context_processors.request", "django.core.context_processors.tz", "mezzanine.conf.context_processors.settings", "mezzanine.pages.context_processors.page", ) PACKAGE_NAME_FILEBROWSER = "filebrowser_safe" PACKAGE_NAME_GRAPPELLI = "grappelli_safe" OPTIONAL_APPS = ( "debug_toolbar", "django_extensions", "compressor", PACKAGE_NAME_FILEBROWSER, PACKAGE_NAME_GRAPPELLI, ) # LOCAL SETTINGS # ################## # Allow any settings to be defined in local_settings.py which should be # ignored in your version control system allowing for settings to be # defined per machine. # Instead of doing "from .local_settings import *", we use exec so that # local_settings has full access to everything defined in this module. f = os.path.join(PROJECT_APP_PATH, "local_settings.py") if os.path.exists(f): exec(open(f, "rb").read()) try: from mezzanine.utils.conf import set_dynamic_settings except ImportError: pass else: set_dynamic_settings(globals())
## xmlstream.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2001 Matthew Allum ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. """\ xmlstream.py provides simple functionality for implementing XML stream based network protocols. It is used as a base for jabber.py. xmlstream.py manages the network connectivity and xml parsing of the stream. When a complete 'protocol element' ( meaning a complete child of the xmlstreams root ) is parsed the dipatch method is called with a 'Node' instance of this structure. The Node class is a very simple XML DOM like class for manipulating XML documents or 'protocol elements' in this case. """ # $Id: xmlstream.py 69 2005-09-05 14:44:19Z Zoomq $ import site site.encoding = 'UTF-8' import time, sys, re, socket from select import select from string import split,find,replace,join import xml.parsers.expat import traceback VERSION = 0.3 False = 0 True = 1 TCP = 1 STDIO = 0 TCP_SSL = 2 #ENCODING = site.encoding ENCODING = "utf-8" BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 ## Number of bytes to get at at time via socket ## transactions def XMLescape(txt): "Escape XML entities" txt = replace(txt, "&", "&amp;") txt = replace(txt, "<", "&lt;") txt = replace(txt, ">", "&gt;") return txt def XMLunescape(txt): "Unescape XML entities" txt = replace(txt, "&lt;", "<") txt = replace(txt, "&gt;", ">") txt = replace(txt, "&amp;", "&") return txt class error: def __init__(self, value): self.value = str(value) def __str__(self): return self.value class Node: """A simple XML DOM like class""" def __init__(self, tag='', parent=None, attrs=None ): bits = split(tag) if len(bits) == 1: self.name = tag self.namespace = '' else: self.namespace, self.name = bits if attrs is None: self.attrs = {} else: self.attrs = attrs self.data = [] self.kids = [] self.parent = parent def setParent(self, node): "Set the nodes parent node." self.parent = node def getParent(self): "return the nodes parent node." return self.parent def getName(self): "Set the nodes tag name." return self.name def setName(self,val): "Set the nodes tag name." self.name = val def putAttr(self, key, val): "Add a name/value attribute to the node." self.attrs[key] = val def getAttr(self, key): "Get a value for the nodes named attribute." try: return self.attrs[key] except: return None def putData(self, data): "Set the nodes textual data" self.data.append(data) def insertData(self, data): "Set the nodes textual data" self.data.append(data) def getData(self): "Return the nodes textual data" return join(self.data, '') def getDataAsParts(self): "Return the node data as an array" return self.data def getNamespace(self): "Returns the nodes namespace." return self.namespace def setNamespace(self, namespace): "Set the nodes namespace." self.namespace = namespace def insertTag(self, name): """ Add a child tag of name 'name' to the node. Returns the newly created node. """ newnode = Node(tag=name, parent=self) self.kids.append(newnode) return newnode def insertNode(self, node): "Add a child node to the node" self.kids.append(node) return node def insertXML(self, xml_str): "Add raw xml as a child of the node" newnode = NodeBuilder(xml_str).getDom() self.kids.append(newnode) return newnode def __str__(self): return self._xmlnode2str() def _xmlnode2str(self, parent=None): """Returns an xml ( string ) representation of the node and it children""" s = "<" + self.name if self.namespace: if parent and parent.namespace != self.namespace: s = s + " xmlns = '%s' " % self.namespace for key in self.attrs.keys(): val = str(self.attrs[key]) s = s + " %s='%s'" % ( key, XMLescape(val) ) s = s + ">" cnt = 0 if self.kids != None: for a in self.kids: if (len(self.data)-1) >= cnt: s = s + XMLescape(self.data[cnt]) s = s + a._xmlnode2str(parent=self) cnt=cnt+1 if (len(self.data)-1) >= cnt: s = s + XMLescape(self.data[cnt]) s = s + "</" + self.name + ">" return s def getTag(self, name): """Returns a child node with tag name. Returns None if not found.""" for node in self.kids: if node.getName() == name: return node return None def getTags(self, name): """Like getTag but returns a list with matching child nodes""" nodes=[] for node in self.kids: if node.getName() == name: nodes.append(node) return nodes def getChildren(self): """Returns a nodes children""" return self.kids class NodeBuilder: """builds a 'minidom' from data parsed to it. Primarily for insertXML method of Node""" def __init__(self,data): self._parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=' ') self._parser.StartElementHandler = self.unknown_starttag self._parser.EndElementHandler = self.unknown_endtag self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.handle_data self.__depth = 0 self.__done = 0 #needed ? self.__space_regex = re.compile('^\s+$') self._parser.Parse(data,1) def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.__depth = self.__depth + 1 if self.__depth == 1: self._mini_dom = Node(tag=tag, attrs=attrs) self._ptr = self._mini_dom elif self.__depth > 1: self._ptr.kids.append(Node(tag =tag, parent=self._ptr, attrs =attrs )) self._ptr = self._ptr.kids[-1] else: ## fix this .... pass def unknown_endtag(self, tag ): self.__depth = self.__depth - 1 if self.__depth == 0: self.dispatch(self._mini_dom) elif self.__depth > 0: self._ptr = self._ptr.parent else: pass def handle_data(self, data): if not self.__space_regex.match(data): ## check its not all blank self._ptr.data.append(data) def dispatch(self,dom): self.__done = 1 def getDom(self): return self._mini_dom class Stream: def __init__( self, host, port, namespace, debug=True, log=None, sock=None, id=None, connection=TCP ): self._parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=' ') self._parser.StartElementHandler = self._unknown_starttag self._parser.EndElementHandler = self._unknown_endtag self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = self._handle_data self._host = host self._port = port self._namespace = namespace self.__depth = 0 self._sock = sock self._sslObj = None self._sslIssuer = None self._sslServer = None self._incomingID = None self._outgoingID = id self._debug = debug self._connection=connection self.DEBUG("stream init called") if log: if type(log) is type(""): try: self._logFH = open(log,'w') except: print "ERROR: can open %s for writing" sys.exit(0) else: ## assume its a stream type object self._logFH = log else: self._logFH = None self._timestampLog = True def timestampLog(self,timestamp): """ Enable or disable the showing of a timestamp in the log. By default, timestamping is enabled. """ self._timestampLog = timestamp def DEBUG(self,txt): if self._debug: sys.stderr.write(("DEBUG: %s\n" % txt).encode('utf-8')) def getSocket(self): return self._sock def header(self): self.DEBUG("stream: sending initial header") str = u"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> \ <stream:stream to='%s' xmlns='%s'" % ( self._host, self._namespace ) if self._outgoingID: str = str + " id='%s' " % self._outgoingID str = str + " xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'>" self.write (str) self.read() def _handle_data(self, data): """XML Parser callback""" self.DEBUG("data-> " + data) ## TODO: get rid of empty space ## self._ptr.data = self._ptr.data + data self._ptr.data.append(data) def _unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): """XML Parser callback""" self.__depth = self.__depth + 1 self.DEBUG("DEPTH -> %i , tag -> %s, attrs -> %s" % \ (self.__depth, tag, str(attrs)) ) if self.__depth == 2: self._mini_dom = Node(tag=tag, attrs=attrs) self._ptr = self._mini_dom elif self.__depth > 2: self._ptr.kids.append(Node(tag=tag,parent=self._ptr,attrs=attrs)) self._ptr = self._ptr.kids[-1] else: ## it the stream tag: if attrs.has_key('id'): self._incomingID = attrs['id'] def _unknown_endtag(self, tag ): """XML Parser callback""" self.__depth = self.__depth - 1 self.DEBUG("DEPTH -> %i" % self.__depth) if self.__depth == 1: self.dispatch(self._mini_dom) elif self.__depth > 1: self._ptr = self._ptr.parent else: self.DEBUG("*** Server closed connection ? ****") def dispatch(self, nodes, depth = 0): """Overide with the method you want to called with a node structure of a 'protocol element.""" padding = ' ' padding = padding * depth depth = depth + 1 for n in nodes: if n.kids != None: self.dispatch(n.kids, depth) ##def syntax_error(self, message): ## self.DEBUG("error " + message) def read(self): """Reads incoming data. Called by process() so nonblocking""" data = u'' data_in = u'' if self._connection == TCP: try: data2=self._sock.recv(BLOCK_SIZE) data_in = data_in + \ unicode(data2,'utf-8').encode(ENCODING, 'replace') except: print `data2` raise while data_in: data = data + data_in if len(data_in) != BLOCK_SIZE: break data_in = unicode(self._sock.recv(BLOCK_SIZE),'utf-8').encode( ENCODING, 'replace') if self._connection == TCP_SSL: data_in=data_in+self._sslObj.read(BLOCK_SIZE).decode('utf-8') while data_in: data = data + data_in if len(data_in) != BLOCK_SIZE: break data_in = self._sslObj.read(BLOCK_SIZE).decode('utf-8') elif self._connection == STDIO: ## Hope this dont buffer ! data_in = data_in + unicode(sys.stdin.read(1024),'utf-8').encode( ENCODING, 'replace') while data_in: data = data + data_in if len(data_in) != 1024: break data_in = unicode(sys.stdin.read(1024),'utf-8').encode( ENCODING, 'replace') else: pass # should never get here self.DEBUG("got data %s" % data ) self.log(data, 'RECV:') data=data.encode('utf-8') self._parser.Parse(data) return data def write(self,data_out=u''): """Writes raw outgoing data. blocks""" try: if self._connection == TCP: self._sock.send (data_out.encode('utf-8')) elif self._connection == TCP_SSL: self._sslObj.write(data_out.encode('utf-8')) elif self._connection == STDIO: self.stdout.write(data_out.encode('utf-8')) else: pass self.log(data_out, 'SENT:') self.DEBUG("sent %s" % data_out) except: traceback.print_exc() self.DEBUG("xmlstream write threw error") self.disconnected() def process(self,timeout): reader=Node if self._connection == TCP: reader = self._sock elif self._connection == TCP_SSL: reader = self._sock elif self._connection == STDIO: reader = sys.stdin else: pass ready_for_read,ready_for_write,err = \ select( [reader],[],[],timeout) for s in ready_for_read: if s == reader: if not len(self.read()): # length of 0 means disconnect ## raise error("network error") ? self.disconnected() return False return True return False def disconnect(self): """Close the stream and socket""" time.sleep(1) ## sleep for a second - server bug ? ## self.write ( "</stream:stream>" ) self._sock.close() self._sock = None def disconnected(self): ## To be overidden ## """Called when a Network Error or disconnection occurs. Designed to be overidden""" self.DEBUG("Network Disconnection") pass def log(self, data, inout=u''): """Logs data to the specified filehandle. Data is time stamped and prefixed with inout""" if self._logFH is not None: if self._timestampLog: ts=time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) inout=inout.encode('ascii','replace') data=data.encode('ascii','replace') self._logFH.write("%s - %s - %s\n" % (ts,inout,data)) else: self._logFH.write((u"%s - %s\n" % (inout, data )).encode('utf-8') ) def getIncomingID(self): """Returns the streams ID""" return self._incomingID def getOutgoingID(self): """Returns the streams ID""" return self._incomingID class Client(Stream): def connect(self): """Attempt to connect to specified host""" self.DEBUG("client connect called to %s %s type %i" % (self._host, self._port, self._connection) ) ## TODO: check below that stdin/stdout are actually open if self._connection == STDIO: return self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self._sock.connect(("talk.google.com", self._port)) except socket.error, e: self.DEBUG("socket error") raise error(e) if self._connection == TCP_SSL: try: self.DEBUG("Attempting to create ssl socket") self._sslObj = socket.ssl( self._sock, None, None ) self._sslIssuer = self._sslObj.issuer() self._sslServer = self._sslObj.server() except: self.DEBUG("Socket Error: No SSL Support") raise error("No SSL Support") self.DEBUG("connected") self.header() return 0 class Server: def now(self): return time.ctime(time.time()) def __init__(self, maxclients=10): self.host = '' self.port = 5222 self.streams = [] # make main sockets for accepting new client requests self.mainsocks, self.readsocks, self.writesocks = [], [], [] self.portsock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.portsock.bind((self.host, self.port)) self.portsock.listen(maxclients) self.mainsocks.append(self.portsock) # add to main list to identify self.readsocks.append(self.portsock) # add to select inputs list # event loop: listen and multiplex until server process killed def serve(self): print 'select-server loop starting' while 1: print "LOOPING" readables, writeables, exceptions = select(self.readsocks, self.writesocks, []) for sockobj in readables: if sockobj in self. mainsocks: # for ready input sockets newsock, address = sockobj.accept() # accept not block print 'Connect:', address, id(newsock) self.readsocks.append(newsock) self._makeNewStream(newsock) # add to select list, wait else: # client socket: read next line data = sockobj.recv(1024) # recv should not block print '\tgot', data, 'on', id(sockobj) if not data: # if closed by the clients sockobj.close() # close here and remv from self.readsocks.remove(sockobj) else: # this may block: should really select for writes too sockobj.send('Echo=>%s' % data) def _makeNewStream(self, sckt): new_stream = Stream('localhost', 5222, 'jabber:client', sock=sckt) self.streams.append(new_stream) ## maybe overide for a 'server stream' new_stream.header() return new_stream def _getStreamSockets(self): socks = []; for s in self.streams: socks.append(s.getSocket()) return socks def _getStreamFromSocket(self, sock): for s in self.streams: if s.getSocket() == sock: return s return None
import ray class ActorPool: """Utility class to operate on a fixed pool of actors. Arguments: actors (list): List of Ray actor handles to use in this pool. Examples: >>> a1, a2 = Actor.remote(), Actor.remote() >>> pool = ActorPool([a1, a2]) >>> print(list(pool.map(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v),\ ... [1, 2, 3, 4]))) [2, 4, 6, 8] """ def __init__(self, actors): # actors to be used self._idle_actors = list(actors) # get actor from future self._future_to_actor = {} # get future from index self._index_to_future = {} # next task to do self._next_task_index = 0 # next task to return self._next_return_index = 0 # next work depending when actors free self._pending_submits = [] def map(self, fn, values): """Apply the given function in parallel over the actors and values. This returns an ordered iterator that will return results of the map as they finish. Note that you must iterate over the iterator to force the computation to finish. Arguments: fn (func): Function that takes (actor, value) as argument and returns an ObjectRef computing the result over the value. The actor will be considered busy until the ObjectRef completes. values (list): List of values that fn(actor, value) should be applied to. Returns: Iterator over results from applying fn to the actors and values. Examples: >>> pool = ActorPool(...) >>> print(list(pool.map(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v),\ ... [1, 2, 3, 4]))) [2, 4, 6, 8] """ for v in values: self.submit(fn, v) while self.has_next(): yield self.get_next() def map_unordered(self, fn, values): """Similar to map(), but returning an unordered iterator. This returns an unordered iterator that will return results of the map as they finish. This can be more efficient that map() if some results take longer to compute than others. Arguments: fn (func): Function that takes (actor, value) as argument and returns an ObjectRef computing the result over the value. The actor will be considered busy until the ObjectRef completes. values (list): List of values that fn(actor, value) should be applied to. Returns: Iterator over results from applying fn to the actors and values. Examples: >>> pool = ActorPool(...) >>> print(list(pool.map_unordered(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v),\ ... [1, 2, 3, 4]))) [6, 2, 4, 8] """ for v in values: self.submit(fn, v) while self.has_next(): yield self.get_next_unordered() def submit(self, fn, value): """Schedule a single task to run in the pool. This has the same argument semantics as map(), but takes on a single value instead of a list of values. The result can be retrieved using get_next() / get_next_unordered(). Arguments: fn (func): Function that takes (actor, value) as argument and returns an ObjectRef computing the result over the value. The actor will be considered busy until the ObjectRef completes. value (object): Value to compute a result for. Examples: >>> pool = ActorPool(...) >>> pool.submit(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v), 1) >>> pool.submit(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v), 2) >>> print(pool.get_next(), pool.get_next()) 2, 4 """ if self._idle_actors: actor = self._idle_actors.pop() future = fn(actor, value) self._future_to_actor[future] = (self._next_task_index, actor) self._index_to_future[self._next_task_index] = future self._next_task_index += 1 else: self._pending_submits.append((fn, value)) def has_next(self): """Returns whether there are any pending results to return. Returns: True if there are any pending results not yet returned. Examples: >>> pool = ActorPool(...) >>> pool.submit(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v), 1) >>> print(pool.has_next()) True >>> print(pool.get_next()) 2 >>> print(pool.has_next()) False """ return bool(self._future_to_actor) def get_next(self, timeout=None): """Returns the next pending result in order. This returns the next result produced by submit(), blocking for up to the specified timeout until it is available. Returns: The next result. Raises: TimeoutError if the timeout is reached. Examples: >>> pool = ActorPool(...) >>> pool.submit(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v), 1) >>> print(pool.get_next()) 2 """ if not self.has_next(): raise StopIteration("No more results to get") if self._next_return_index >= self._next_task_index: raise ValueError("It is not allowed to call get_next() after " "get_next_unordered().") future = self._index_to_future[self._next_return_index] if timeout is not None: res, _ = ray.wait([future], timeout=timeout) if not res: raise TimeoutError("Timed out waiting for result") del self._index_to_future[self._next_return_index] self._next_return_index += 1 i, a = self._future_to_actor.pop(future) self._return_actor(a) return ray.get(future) def get_next_unordered(self, timeout=None): """Returns any of the next pending results. This returns some result produced by submit(), blocking for up to the specified timeout until it is available. Unlike get_next(), the results are not always returned in same order as submitted, which can improve performance. Returns: The next result. Raises: TimeoutError if the timeout is reached. Examples: >>> pool = ActorPool(...) >>> pool.submit(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v), 1) >>> pool.submit(lambda a, v: a.double.remote(v), 2) >>> print(pool.get_next_unordered()) 4 >>> print(pool.get_next_unordered()) 2 """ if not self.has_next(): raise StopIteration("No more results to get") # TODO(ekl) bulk wait for performance res, _ = ray.wait( list(self._future_to_actor), num_returns=1, timeout=timeout) if res: [future] = res else: raise TimeoutError("Timed out waiting for result") i, a = self._future_to_actor.pop(future) self._return_actor(a) del self._index_to_future[i] self._next_return_index = max(self._next_return_index, i + 1) return ray.get(future) def _return_actor(self, actor): self._idle_actors.append(actor) if self._pending_submits: self.submit(*self._pending_submits.pop(0))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Exodus Add-on Copyright (C) 2016 Exodus This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ''' import re,urllib,urlparse,json from resources.lib.modules import cleantitle from resources.lib.modules import client from resources.lib.modules import directstream class source: def __init__(self): self.language = ['en'] self.domains = ['moviexk.com'] self.base_link = 'http://moviexk.com' self.search_link = 'aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlYXBpcy5jb20vY3VzdG9tc2VhcmNoL3YxZWxlbWVudD9rZXk9QUl6YVN5Q1ZBWGlVelJZc01MMVB2NlJ3U0cxZ3VubU1pa1R6UXFZJnJzej1maWx0ZXJlZF9jc2UmbnVtPTEwJmhsPWVuJmN4PTAxMzQ0NjM1MTYzMDQ5MzU5NTE5Nzprc2NlY2tjdXZxcyZnb29nbGVob3N0PXd3dy5nb29nbGUuY29tJnE9JXM=' def movie(self, imdb, title, year): try: url = '%s/%s-%s/' % (self.base_link, cleantitle.geturl(title), year) url = client.request(url, output='geturl') if url == None: raise Exception() url = re.findall('(?://.+?|)(/.+)', url)[0] url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = url.encode('utf-8') return url except: pass try: t = cleantitle.get(title) q = '%s %s' % (title, year) q = self.search_link.decode('base64') % urllib.quote_plus(q) r = client.request(q, error=True) r = json.loads(r)['results'] r = [(i['url'], i['titleNoFormatting']) for i in r] r = [(i[0], re.findall('(?:^Watch Movie |^Watch |)(.+?)\((\d{4})', i[1])) for i in r] r = [(i[0], i[1][0][0], i[1][0][1]) for i in r if i[1]] r = [(urllib.unquote_plus(i[0]), i[1], i[2]) for i in r] r = [(urlparse.urlparse(i[0]).path, i[1], i[2]) for i in r] r = [i for i in r if t == cleantitle.get(i[1]) and year == i[2]] r = re.sub('/watch-movie-|-\d+$', '/', r[0][0].strip()) url = re.findall('(?://.+?|)(/.+)', r)[0] url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = url.encode('utf-8') return url except: pass def tvshow(self, imdb, tvdb, tvshowtitle, year): try: t = cleantitle.get(tvshowtitle) q = '%s %s' % (tvshowtitle, year) q = self.search_link.decode('base64') % urllib.quote_plus(q) r = client.request(q) r = json.loads(r)['results'] r = [(i['url'], i['titleNoFormatting']) for i in r] r = [(i[0], re.findall('(?:^Watch Movie |^Watch |)(.+?)$', i[1])) for i in r] r = [(i[0], i[1][0].rsplit('TV Series')[0].strip('(')) for i in r if i[1]] r = [(urllib.unquote_plus(i[0]), i[1]) for i in r] r = [(urlparse.urlparse(i[0]).path, i[1]) for i in r] r = [i for i in r if t == cleantitle.get(i[1])] r = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_link, r[0][0].strip()) if '/watch-movie-' in r: r = re.sub('/watch-movie-|-\d+$', '/', r) y = re.findall('(\d{4})', r) if y: y = y[0] else: y = client.request(r) y = re.findall('(?:D|d)ate\s*:\s*(\d{4})', y)[0] if not year == y: raise Exception() url = re.findall('(?://.+?|)(/.+)', r)[0] url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = url.encode('utf-8') return url except: return def episode(self, url, imdb, tvdb, title, premiered, season, episode): try: if url == None: return url = '%s?season=%01d&episode=%01d' % (url, int(season), int(episode)) return url except: return def sources(self, url, hostDict, hostprDict): try: sources = [] if url == None: return sources f = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_link, url) url = f.rsplit('?', 1)[0] r = client.request(url, mobile=True) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs = {'id': 'servers'}) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'li') r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='title')) try: s = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(f).query)['season'][0] e = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(f).query)['episode'][0] r = [(i[0], re.findall('(\d+)', i[1])) for i in r] r = [(i[0], '%01d' % int(i[1][0]), '%01d' % int(i[1][1])) for i in r if len(i[1]) > 1] r = [i[0] for i in r if s == i[1] and e == i[2]] except: r = [i[0] for i in r] for u in r: try: url = client.request(u, mobile=True) url = client.parseDOM(url, 'source', ret='src') url = [i.strip().split()[0] for i in url] for i in url: try: sources.append({'source': 'gvideo', 'quality': directstream.googletag(i)[0]['quality'], 'provider': 'Moviexk', 'url': i, 'direct': True, 'debridonly': False}) except: pass except: pass return sources except: return sources def resolve(self, url): return directstream.googlepass(url)
from __future__ import unicode_literals from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ExtractorError class RedTubeIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'http://(?:www\.)?redtube\.com/(?P<id>[0-9]+)' _TEST = { 'url': 'http://www.redtube.com/66418', 'md5': '7b8c22b5e7098a3e1c09709df1126d2d', 'info_dict': { 'id': '66418', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Sucked on a toilet', 'age_limit': 18, } } def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) if any(s in webpage for s in ['video-deleted-info', '>This video has been removed']): raise ExtractorError('Video %s has been removed' % video_id, expected=True) video_url = self._html_search_regex( r'<source src="(.+?)" type="video/mp4">', webpage, 'video URL') video_title = self._html_search_regex( r'<h1 class="videoTitle[^"]*">(.+?)</h1>', webpage, 'title') video_thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage) # No self-labeling, but they describe themselves as # "Home of Videos Porno" age_limit = 18 return { 'id': video_id, 'url': video_url, 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': video_title, 'thumbnail': video_thumbnail, 'age_limit': age_limit, }
from ...abstract_osid.osid import markers as abc_osid_markers from .. import settings class OsidPrimitive(abc_osid_markers.OsidPrimitive): """A marker interface for an interface that behaves like a language primitive. """ class Identifiable(abc_osid_markers.Identifiable): """A marker interface for objects uniquely identified with an OSID Id.""" # The authority for all identifiers can be set in settings.py: # Disregard and delete as necessary: _authority = 'DLKit' + settings.HOST def get_id(self): from .. import primitives """Gets the Id associated with this instance of this OSID object.""" # return primitives.Id(identifier = self._my_map['id'], # namespace = self._namespace, # authority = self._authority) return primitives.Id(idstr=self._my_map['id']) def is_current(self): """Tests to see if the last method invoked retrieved up-to-date data.""" return self.my_map['current'] id_ = property(get_id) ident = property(get_id) class Extensible(abc_osid_markers.Extensible): """A marker interface for objects that contain OsidRecords.""" def __init__(self): # This will never get called :) from ..type.objects import TypeList self._record_types = TypeList([]) def __iter__(self): for attr in dir(self): if not attr.startswith('__'): yield attr def __getitem__(self, item): return getattr(self, item) def __getattribute__(self, name): if not name.startswith('_'): if '_records' in self.__dict__: for record in self._records: try: return self._records[record][name] except AttributeError: pass return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __getattr__(self, name): if '_records' in self.__dict__: for record in self._records: try: return self._records[record][name] except AttributeError: pass raise AttributeError() def get_record_types(self): """Gets the record types available in this object.""" return self._record_types """ if self._my_extension_map is None: self._my_extension_map = self._get_extension_map() type_list = [] for type_id in self._my_extension_map['recordTypeIds']: url_path = '/handcar/services/learning/types/' + type_id type_list.append(self._get_request(url_path)) return TypeList(type_list)""" def has_record_type(self, record_type=None): """Tests if this object supports the given record Type.""" return record_type in self._record_types record_types = property(get_record_types) class Browsable(abc_osid_markers.Browsable): """A marker interface for objects that offer property inspection.""" def get_properties(self): """Gets a list of properties.""" pass def get_properties_by_record_type(self, record_type=None): """Gets a list of properties corresponding to the specified record type.""" pass properties = property(get_properties) class Suppliable(abc_osid_markers.Suppliable): pass class Temporal(abc_osid_markers.Temporal): """``Temporal`` is used to indicate the object endures for a period of time.""" def is_effective(self): """Tests if the current date is within the start end end dates inclusive. return: (boolean) - ``true`` if this is effective, ``false`` otherwise *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.* """ pass def get_start_date(self): """Gets the start date. return: (osid.calendaring.DateTime) - the start date *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.* """ pass def get_end_date(self): """Gets the end date. return: (osid.calendaring.DateTime) - the end date *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.* """ pass class Aggregateable(abc_osid_markers.Aggregateable): """Aggregateable is used for an OsidObject to indicate that some or all of the definition is based on an included set of other OsidObjects which are directly accessible and do not exist outside the context of the parent object. Aggregateables allow for an OsidObject to stand alone without knowledge of the originating service. An Asset is an example of an aggregate by including the AssetContents. An Asset also contains a provider however in this case the provider is categorized as a simple data attribute of the Asset that can be changed by updating the Asset using an AssetForm. The AssetContent differs in there exists a explicit mapping to the Asset managed through an OsidSession but accessible directly within the Asset to enable its consumption outside the Repository OSID. This marker has little practicality other than to identify a service pattern that is neither a data attribute nor a separately accessible relationship or mapping. """ class Sourceable(abc_osid_markers.Sourceable): """Sourceble is used for OsidObjects where information about a provider is appropriate.""" def get_provider_id(self): """Gets the Id of the provider.""" pass def get_provider(self): """Gets the Resource representing the provider.""" pass def get_branding_ids(self): """Gets the branding asset ``Ids``.""" pass def get_branding(self): """Gets a branding, such as an image or logo, expressed using the Asset interface.""" pass def get_license(self): """Gets the terms of usage.""" pass provider_id = property(get_provider_id) provider = property(get_provider) branding_ids = property(get_branding_ids) branding = property(get_branding) license = property(get_license) class Federateable(abc_osid_markers.Federateable): """Federateable is used to indicate an OsidObject can be federated using the OSID Hierarchy pattern."""
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import decimal import math import re from oslo_utils import units import six from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import logout # noqa from django import http from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.functional import lazy # noqa from django.utils import translation def _lazy_join(separator, strings): return separator.join([force_text(s) for s in strings]) lazy_join = lazy(_lazy_join, six.text_type) def bytes_to_gigabytes(bytes): # Converts the number of bytes to the next highest number of Gigabytes # For example 5000000 (5 Meg) would return '1' return int(math.ceil(float(bytes) / units.Gi)) def add_logout_reason(request, response, reason): # Store the translated string in the cookie lang = translation.get_language_from_request(request) with translation.override(lang): reason = six.text_type(reason).encode('utf-8') response.set_cookie('logout_reason', reason, max_age=10) def logout_with_message(request, msg, redirect=True): """Send HttpResponseRedirect to LOGOUT_URL. `msg` is a message displayed on the login page after the logout, to explain the logout reason. """ logout(request) if redirect: response = http.HttpResponseRedirect( '%s?next=%s' % (settings.LOGOUT_URL, request.path)) else: response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGOUT_URL) add_logout_reason(request, response, msg) return response def get_page_size(request, default=20): session = request.session cookies = request.COOKIES try: page_size = int(session.get('horizon_pagesize', cookies.get('horizon_pagesize', getattr(settings, 'API_RESULT_PAGE_SIZE', default)))) except ValueError: page_size = session['horizon_pagesize'] = int(default) return page_size def get_log_length(request, default=35): session = request.session cookies = request.COOKIES try: log_length = int(session.get( 'instance_log_length', cookies.get('instance_log_length', getattr(settings, 'INSTANCE_LOG_LENGTH', default)))) except ValueError: log_length = session['instance_log_length'] = int(default) return log_length def natural_sort(attr): return lambda x: [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', getattr(x, attr, x))] def get_keys(tuple_of_tuples): """Processes a tuple of 2-element tuples and returns a tuple containing first component of each tuple. """ return tuple([t[0] for t in tuple_of_tuples]) def value_for_key(tuple_of_tuples, key): """Processes a tuple of 2-element tuples and returns the value corresponding to the given key. If not value is found, the key is returned. """ for t in tuple_of_tuples: if t[0] == key: return t[1] else: return key def next_key(tuple_of_tuples, key): """Processes a tuple of 2-element tuples and returns the key which comes after the given key. """ for i, t in enumerate(tuple_of_tuples): if t[0] == key: try: return tuple_of_tuples[i + 1][0] except IndexError: return None def previous_key(tuple_of_tuples, key): """Processes a tuple of 2-element tuples and returns the key which comes before the given key. """ for i, t in enumerate(tuple_of_tuples): if t[0] == key: try: return tuple_of_tuples[i - 1][0] except IndexError: return None def format_value(value): """Returns the given value rounded to one decimal place if it is a decimal, or integer if it is an integer. """ value = decimal.Decimal(str(value)) if int(value) == value: return int(value) return round(value, 1)
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """The Chi2 distribution class.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.contrib.distributions.python.ops import gamma from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops __all__ = [ "Chi2", "Chi2WithAbsDf", ] class Chi2(gamma.Gamma): """Chi2 distribution. The Chi2 distribution is defined over positive real numbers using a degrees of freedom ("df") parameter. #### Mathematical Details The probability density function (pdf) is, ```none pdf(x; df, x > 0) = x**(0.5 df - 1) exp(-0.5 x) / Z Z = 2**(0.5 df) Gamma(0.5 df) ``` where: * `df` denotes the degrees of freedom, * `Z` is the normalization constant, and, * `Gamma` is the [gamma function]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function). The Chi2 distribution is a special case of the Gamma distribution, i.e., ```python Chi2(df) = Gamma(concentration=0.5 * df, rate=0.5) ``` """ def __init__(self, df, validate_args=False, allow_nan_stats=True, name="Chi2"): """Construct Chi2 distributions with parameter `df`. Args: df: Floating point tensor, the degrees of freedom of the distribution(s). `df` must contain only positive values. validate_args: Python `bool`, default `False`. When `True` distribution parameters are checked for validity despite possibly degrading runtime performance. When `False` invalid inputs may silently render incorrect outputs. allow_nan_stats: Python `bool`, default `True`. When `True`, statistics (e.g., mean, mode, variance) use the value "`NaN`" to indicate the result is undefined. When `False`, an exception is raised if one or more of the statistic's batch members are undefined. name: Python `str` name prefixed to Ops created by this class. """ parameters = locals() # Even though all stats of chi2 are defined for valid parameters, this is # not true in the parent class "gamma." therefore, passing # allow_nan_stats=True # through to the parent class results in unnecessary asserts. with ops.name_scope(name, values=[df]): self._df = ops.convert_to_tensor(df, name="df") super(Chi2, self).__init__( concentration=0.5 * self._df, rate=constant_op.constant(0.5, dtype=self._df.dtype), validate_args=validate_args, allow_nan_stats=allow_nan_stats, name=name) self._parameters = parameters @staticmethod def _param_shapes(sample_shape): return {"df": ops.convert_to_tensor(sample_shape, dtype=dtypes.int32)} @property def df(self): return self._df class Chi2WithAbsDf(Chi2): """Chi2 with parameter transform `df = floor(abs(df))`.""" def __init__(self, df, validate_args=False, allow_nan_stats=True, name="Chi2WithAbsDf"): parameters = locals() with ops.name_scope(name, values=[df]): super(Chi2WithAbsDf, self).__init__( df=math_ops.floor( math_ops.abs(df, name="abs_df"), name="floor_abs_df"), validate_args=validate_args, allow_nan_stats=allow_nan_stats, name=name) self._parameters = parameters
# # Copyright (c) 2008--2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 # along with this software; if not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. # # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated # in this software or its documentation. # # # Package uploading functions. # Package info checking routines. # import os import string import sys from spacewalk.common.usix import TupleType from spacewalk.common.usix import raise_with_tb from spacewalk.common.rhnLog import log_debug, log_error from spacewalk.common.rhnConfig import CFG from spacewalk.common.rhnException import rhnFault from spacewalk.common.RPC_Base import RPC_Base from spacewalk.server import rhnSQL, rhnPackageUpload, rhnUser, rhnSession from spacewalk.server.importlib.backendOracle import SQLBackend from spacewalk.server.importlib.importLib import Collection, IncompatibleArchError,\ Channel, IncompletePackage, InvalidChannelError from spacewalk.server.importlib.packageImport import ChannelPackageSubscription from spacewalk.server.importlib.packageUpload import uploadPackages, listChannels, listChannelsSource, listChannelsChecksum from spacewalk.server.importlib.userAuth import UserAuth from spacewalk.server.importlib.errataCache import schedule_errata_cache_update # 12/22/05 wregglej 173287 # I made a decent number of changes to this file to implement session authentication. # One of the requirements for this was to maintain backwards compatibility, so older # versions of rhnpush can still talk to a newer satellite. This meant that I had to # add new versions of each XMLRPC call that did authentication by sessions rather than # username/password. I noticed that the only real difference between the two was the # authentication scheme that the functions used, so rather than copy-n-paste a bunch of code, # I separated the functionality from the authentication and just pass a authentication object # to the function that actually does stuff. class Packages(RPC_Base): def __init__(self): log_debug(3) RPC_Base.__init__(self) self.functions.append('uploadPackageInfo') self.functions.append('uploadPackageInfoBySession') self.functions.append('uploadSourcePackageInfo') self.functions.append('uploadSourcePackageInfoBySession') self.functions.append('listChannel') self.functions.append('listChannelBySession') self.functions.append('listChannelChecksum') self.functions.append('listChannelChecksumBySession') self.functions.append('listChannelSource') self.functions.append('listChannelSourceBySession') self.functions.append('listMissingSourcePackages') self.functions.append('listMissingSourcePackagesBySession') self.functions.append('channelPackageSubscription') self.functions.append('channelPackageSubscriptionBySession') self.functions.append('no_op') self.functions.append('test_login') self.functions.append('test_new_login') self.functions.append('test_check_session') self.functions.append('login') self.functions.append('check_session') self.functions.append('getPackageChecksum') self.functions.append('getPackageChecksumBySession') self.functions.append('getSourcePackageChecksum') self.functions.append('getSourcePackageChecksumBySession') # old MD5 compatibility functions self.functions.append('getPackageMD5sum') self.functions.append('getPackageMD5sumBySession') self.functions.append('getSourcePackageMD5sum') self.functions.append('getSourcePackageMD5sumBySession') def no_op(self): """ This is so the client can tell if the satellite supports session tokens or not. This was used in rhnpush-5.5.26 and older. When there will be no such version of rhnpush in wild, then this function can be safely removed.""" return 1 def uploadPackageInfo(self, username, password, info): """ Upload a collection of binary packages. """ log_debug(5, username, info) authobj = auth(username, password) return self._uploadPackageInfo(authobj, info) def uploadPackageInfoBySession(self, session_string, info): log_debug(5, session_string) authobj = auth_session(session_string) return self._uploadPackageInfo(authobj, info) def _uploadPackageInfo(self, authobj, info): # Authorize the org id passed authobj.authzOrg(info) # Get the channels channels = info.get('channels') if channels: authobj.authzChannels(channels) force = 0 if 'force' in info: force = info['force'] return uploadPackages(info, force=force, caller="server.app.uploadPackageInfo") def uploadSourcePackageInfo(self, username, password, info): """ Upload a collection of source packages. """ log_debug(5, username, info) authobj = auth(username, password) return self._uploadSourcePackageInfo(authobj, info) def uploadSourcePackageInfoBySession(self, session_string, info): log_debug(5, session_string) authobj = auth_session(session_string) return self._uploadSourcePackageInfo(authobj, info) def _uploadSourcePackageInfo(self, authobj, info): # Authorize the org id passed authobj.authzOrg(info) force = 0 if 'force' in info: force = info['force'] return uploadPackages(info, source=1, force=force, caller="server.app.uploadSourcePackageInfo") def listChannelSource(self, channelList, username, password): log_debug(5, channelList, username) authobj = auth(username, password) return self._listChannelSource(authobj, channelList) def listChannelSourceBySession(self, channelList, session_string): log_debug(5, channelList, session_string) authobj = auth_session(session_string) return self._listChannelSource(authobj, channelList) def _listChannelSource(self, authobj, channelList): authobj.authzChannels(channelList) ret = listChannelsSource(channelList) return ret def listChannel(self, channelList, username, password): """ List packages of a specified channel. """ log_debug(5, channelList, username) authobj = auth(username, password) return self._listChannel(authobj, channelList) def listChannelBySession(self, channelList, session_string): log_debug(5, channelList, session_string) authobj = auth_session(session_string) return self._listChannel(authobj, channelList) def _listChannel(self, authobj, channelList): authobj.authzChannels(channelList) return listChannels(channelList) def listChannelChecksum(self, channelList, username, password): """ List packages of a specified channel. """ log_debug(5, channelList, username) authobj = auth(username, password) return self._listChannelChecksum(authobj, channelList) def listChannelChecksumBySession(self, channelList, session_string): log_debug(5, channelList, session_string) authobj = auth_session(session_string) return self._listChannelChecksum(authobj, channelList) def _listChannelChecksum(self, authobj, channelList): authobj.authzChannels(channelList) return listChannelsChecksum(channelList) def login(self, username, password): """ This function that takes in the username and password and returns a session string if they are correct. It raises a rhnFault if the user/pass combo is not acceptable. """ log_debug(5, username) user = rhnUser.search(username) if not user or not user.check_password(password): raise rhnFault(2) if rhnUser.is_user_read_only(user.username): raise rhnFault(702) session = user.create_session() return session.get_session() def check_session(self, session): """ Checks a session string to make sure it is authentic expired. """ try: user = rhnUser.session_reload(session) except (rhnSession.InvalidSessionError, rhnSession.ExpiredSessionError): return 0 return 1 def test_login(self, username, password): log_debug(5, username) try: authobj = auth(username, password) except: return 0 return 1 def test_new_login(self, username, password, session=None): """ rhnpush's --extended-test will call this function. """ log_debug(5, "testing new login") return self.login(username, password) def test_check_session(self, session): """ rhnpush's --extended-test will call this function. """ log_debug(5, "testing check session") return self.check_session(session) ###listMissingSourcePackages### def listMissingSourcePackages(self, channelList, username, password): """ List source packages for a list of channels. """ log_debug(5, channelList, username) authobj = auth(username, password) return self._listMissingSourcePackages(authobj, channelList) def listMissingSourcePackagesBySession(self, channelList, session_string): log_debug(5, channelList, session_string) authobj = auth_session(session_string) return self._listMissingSourcePackages(authobj, channelList) def _listMissingSourcePackages(self, authobj, channelList): authobj.authzChannels(channelList) h = rhnSQL.prepare(""" select distinct sr.name source_rpm from rhnChannel c join rhnChannelNewestPackage cnp on cnp.channel_id = c.id join rhnPackage p on cnp.package_id = p.id join rhnSourceRPM sr on p.source_rpm_id = sr.id left join rhnPackageSource ps on p.source_rpm_id = ps.source_rpm_id and (p.org_id = ps.org_id or (p.org_id is null and ps.org_id is null) ) where c.label = :channel_label and ps.source_rpm_id is null """) missing_packages = [] for c in channelList: h.execute(channel_label=c) while 1: row = h.fetchone_dict() if not row: break missing_packages.append([row['source_rpm'], c]) return missing_packages def channelPackageSubscription(self, username, password, info): """ Uploads an RPM package. """ log_debug(3) authobj = auth(username, password) return self._channelPackageSubscription(authobj, info) def channelPackageSubscriptionBySession(self, session_string, info): log_debug(3, info) authobj = auth_session(session_string) return self._channelPackageSubscription(authobj, info) def _channelPackageSubscription(self, authobj, info): # Authorize the org id passed authobj.authzOrg(info) packageList = info.get('packages') or [] if not packageList: log_debug(1, "No packages found; done") return 0 if 'channels' not in info or not info['channels']: log_debug(1, "No channels found; done") return 0 channelList = info['channels'] authobj.authzChannels(channelList) # Have to turn the channel list into a list of Channel objects channelList = [Channel().populate({'label': x}) for x in channelList] # Since we're dealing with superusers, we allow them to change the org # id # XXX check if we don't open ourselves too much (misa 20030422) org_id = info.get('orgId') if org_id == '': org_id = None batch = Collection() package_keys = ['name', 'version', 'release', 'epoch', 'arch'] for package in packageList: for k in package_keys: if k not in package: raise Exception("Missing key %s" % k) if k == 'epoch': if package[k] is not None: if package[k] == '': package[k] = None else: package[k] = str(package[k]) else: package[k] = str(package[k]) if package['arch'] == 'src' or package['arch'] == 'nosrc': # Source package - no reason to continue continue _checksum_sql_filter = "" if 'md5sum' in package: # for old rhnpush compatibility package['checksum_type'] = 'md5' package['checksum'] = package['md5sum'] exec_args = { 'name': package['name'], 'pkg_epoch': package['epoch'], 'pkg_version': package['version'], 'pkg_rel': package['release'], 'pkg_arch': package['arch'], 'orgid': org_id } if 'checksum' in package and CFG.ENABLE_NVREA: _checksum_sql_filter = """and c.checksum = :checksum and c.checksum_type = :checksum_type""" exec_args.update({'checksum_type': package['checksum_type'], 'checksum': package['checksum']}) h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._get_pkg_info_query % _checksum_sql_filter) h.execute(**exec_args) row = h.fetchone_dict() package['checksum_type'] = row['checksum_type'] package['checksum'] = row['checksum'] package['org_id'] = org_id package['channels'] = channelList batch.append(IncompletePackage().populate(package)) caller = "server.app.channelPackageSubscription" backend = SQLBackend() importer = ChannelPackageSubscription(batch, backend, caller=caller) try: importer.run() except IncompatibleArchError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise_with_tb(rhnFault(50, string.join(e.args), explain=0), sys.exc_info()[2]) except InvalidChannelError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise_with_tb(rhnFault(50, str(e), explain=0), sys.exc_info()[2]) affected_channels = importer.affected_channels log_debug(3, "Computing errata cache for systems affected by channels", affected_channels) schedule_errata_cache_update(affected_channels) rhnSQL.commit() return 0 def getAnyChecksum(self, info, username=None, password=None, session=None, is_source=0): """ returns checksum info of available packages also does an existance check on the filesystem. """ log_debug(3) pkg_infos = info.get('packages') channels = info.get('channels', []) force = info.get('force', 0) orgid = info.get('org_id') if orgid == 'null': null_org = 1 else: null_org = None if not session: org_id, force = rhnPackageUpload.authenticate(username, password, channels=channels, null_org=null_org, force=force) else: try: org_id, force = rhnPackageUpload.authenticate_session( session, channels=channels, null_org=null_org, force=force) except rhnSession.InvalidSessionError: raise_with_tb(rhnFault(33), sys.exc_info()[2]) except rhnSession.ExpiredSessionError: raise_with_tb(rhnFault(34), sys.exc_info()[2]) if is_source: ret = self._getSourcePackageChecksum(org_id, pkg_infos) else: ret = self._getPackageChecksum(org_id, pkg_infos) return ret def getPackageChecksum(self, username, password, info): return self.getAnyChecksum(info, username=username, password=password) def getPackageMD5sum(self, username, password, info): """ bug#177762 gives md5sum info of available packages. also does an existance check on the filesystem. """ log_debug(3) self._MD5sum2Checksum_info(info) return self._Checksum2MD5sum_list( self.getPackageChecksum(username, password, info)) def getPackageChecksumBySession(self, session_string, info): return self.getAnyChecksum(info, session=session_string) def getPackageMD5sumBySession(self, session_string, info): log_debug(3) self._MD5sum2Checksum_info(info) return self._Checksum2MD5sum_list( self.getPackageChecksumBySession(session_string, info)) _get_pkg_info_query = """ select c.checksum_type, c.checksum, p.path path from rhnPackageEVR pe, rhnPackageName pn, rhnPackage p, rhnPackageArch pa, rhnChecksumView c where pn.name = :name and ( pe.epoch = :pkg_epoch or ( pe.epoch is null and :pkg_epoch is null ) ) and pe.version = :pkg_version and pe.release = :pkg_rel and ( p.org_id = :orgid or ( p.org_id is null and :orgid is null ) ) and p.name_id = pn.id and p.evr_id = pe.id and p.package_arch_id = pa.id and pa.label = :pkg_arch and p.checksum_id = c.id %s """ def _getPackageChecksum(self, org_id, pkg_infos): log_debug(3) row_list = {} checksum_exists = 0 for pkg in pkg_infos.keys(): pkg_info = pkg_infos[pkg] pkg_epoch = pkg_info['epoch'] if pkg_epoch is not None: # Force empty strings to None (NULLs in database) if pkg_epoch == '': pkg_epoch = None # and force numbers to strings else: pkg_epoch = str(pkg_epoch) query_args = { 'name': pkg_info['name'], 'pkg_epoch': pkg_epoch, 'pkg_version': str(pkg_info['version']), 'pkg_rel': str(pkg_info['release']), 'pkg_arch': pkg_info['arch'], 'orgid': org_id, } _checksum_sql_filter = "" if 'checksum' in pkg_info and CFG.ENABLE_NVREA: _checksum_sql_filter = """and c.checksum = :checksum and c.checksum_type = :checksum_type""" query_args.update({ 'checksum_type': pkg_info['checksum_type'], 'checksum': pkg_info['checksum'], }) h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._get_pkg_info_query % _checksum_sql_filter) row_list[pkg] = self._get_package_checksum(h, query_args) return row_list def _get_package_checksum(self, h, query_args): h.execute(**query_args) row = h.fetchone_dict() if not row: ret = '' elif row.get('path'): filePath = os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, row['path']) if os.access(filePath, os.R_OK): if 'checksum' in row: ret = (row['checksum_type'], row['checksum']) else: ret = 'on-disk' else: # Package not found on the filesystem log_error("Package not found", filePath) ret = '' else: log_error("Package path null for package", query_args['name']) ret = '' return ret def _MD5sum2Checksum_info(self, info): log_debug(5) pkg_infos = info.get('packages') for pkg in pkg_infos.keys(): if 'md5sum' in pkg_infos[pkg]: pkg_infos[pkg]['checksum_type'] = 'md5' pkg_infos[pkg]['checksum'] = pkg_infos[pkg]['md5sum'] del(pkg_infos[pkg]['md5sum']) def _Checksum2MD5sum_list(self, checksum_list): log_debug(5) row_list = {} for k in checksum_list.keys(): if checksum_list[k] == '' or checksum_list[k] == 'on-disk': row_list[k] = checksum_list[k] elif type(checksum_list[k]) == TupleType and checksum_list[k][0] == 'md5': row_list[k] = checksum_list[k][1] else: row_list[k] = '' return row_list def getSourcePackageChecksum(self, username, password, info): return self.getAnyChecksum(info, username=username, password=password, is_source=1) def getSourcePackageMD5sum(self, username, password, info): log_debug(3) self._MD5sum2Checksum_info(info) return self._Checksum2MD5sum_list( self.getSourcePackageChecksum(username, password, info)) def getSourcePackageChecksumBySession(self, session_string, info): return self.getAnyChecksum(info, session=session_string, is_source=1) def getSourcePackageMD5sumBySession(self, session_string, info): log_debug(3) self._MD5sum2Checksum_info(info) return self._Checksum2MD5sum_list( self.getSourcePackageChecksumBySession(session_string, info)) def _getSourcePackageChecksum(self, org_id, pkg_infos): """ Gives checksum info of available source packages. Also does an existance check on the filesystem. """ log_debug(3) statement = """ select ps.path path, c.checksum, c.checksum_type from rhnSourceRpm sr, rhnPackageSource ps, rhnChecksumView c where sr.name = :name and ps.source_rpm_id = sr.id and ( ps.org_id = :orgid or ( ps.org_id is null and :orgid is null ) ) and ps.checksum_id = c.id """ h = rhnSQL.prepare(statement) row_list = {} for pkg in pkg_infos.keys(): row_list[pkg] = self._get_package_checksum(h, {'name': pkg, 'orgid': org_id}) return row_list def auth(login, password): """ Authorize this user. """ authobj = UserAuth() authobj.auth(login, password) return authobj def auth_session(session_string): """ Authenticate based on a session. """ authobj = UserAuth() authobj.auth_session(session_string) return authobj
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # Plugin for iSida Jabber Bot # # Copyright (C) diSabler <[email protected]> # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # cron * * * * * \n command def time_cron(type, jid, nick, text): ar = text.split(' ',1)[0].lower() try: par = text.split(' ',1)[1] except: par = '' if ar == 'show': msg = time_cron_show(jid,nick,par) elif ar == 'del': msg = time_cron_del(jid,nick,par) else: msg = time_cron_add(text,jid,nick) send_msg(type, jid, nick, msg) def time_cron_show(jid,nick,ar): al = get_level(jid,nick)[0] if ar: if al == 9 and ar.lower().split()[0] in ['all','global','total']: room = '%' else: room = jid else: room = jid c = cur_execute_fetchall('select * from cron where room ilike %s order by room, time',(room,)) if c: tmp, idx = [], 1 for t in c: if t[2] == '\n': mode = '[silent]' elif not t[2]: mode = '[anonim]' else: mode = '' if room=='%': msg = '%s|%s' % (t[0],disp_time(t[3],'%s/%s'%(jid,nick))) else: msg = '%s. %s' % (idx,disp_time(t[3],'%s/%s'%(jid,nick))) if mode: msg = '%s %s' % (msg,mode) if t[4]: msg += ' [%s]' % t[4] msg += ' -> %s' % t[5] tmp.append(msg) idx += 1 return L('Cron rules:\n%s','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) % '\n'.join(tmp) else: return L('There is no cron rules.','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) def time_cron_add(ar,jid,nick): try: cron_time, cron_cmd = ar.split('\n',1) except: return L('Not enough parameters!','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) try: SM,RM,NM = 'silent','once','anonim' CMD = [SM,RM,NM] ct = cron_time.lower().split() rm,sm,nm = RM in ct,SM in ct,NM in ct if rm or sm or nm: for t in CMD: try: ct.remove(t) except: pass ct = ' '.join(ct) if rm: cron_time,repeat_time = ct,'' else: cron_time,repeat_time = ct,ct next_time = crontab.CronTab(cron_time).next() + time.time() except: return L('Error in time format!','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) lvl,rj = get_level(jid,nick) amm,tcmd = -1,cron_cmd.split(' ')[0] for tmp in comms: if tmp[1] == tcmd: amm = tmp[0] break if amm < 0: return L('Command not found: %s','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) % tcmd elif amm > lvl: return L('Not allowed launch: %s','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) % tcmd else: if sm: nick = '\n' elif nm: nick = '' cur_execute('insert into cron values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', (jid,getRoom(rj),nick,next_time,repeat_time,cron_cmd,lvl)) return '%s -> %s' % (disp_time(next_time,'%s/%s'%(jid,nick)),cron_cmd) def time_cron_del(jid,nick,ar): al = get_level(jid,nick)[0] if al == 9 and ar.lower() == 'all': cur_execute('delete from cron where room=%s',(jid,)) return L('All cron rules removed!','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) elif not ar: return L('Need choise record number.','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) elif not ar.isdigit(): return L('Record ID is numeric.','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) else: c = cur_execute_fetchall('select * from cron where room ilike %s order by room, time',(jid,)) try: rec = c[int(ar)-1] except: return L('Record #%s not found!','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) % ar cur_execute('delete from cron where room=%s and jid=%s and nick=%s and time=%s and repeat=%s and command=%s and level=%s',rec) msg = disp_time(rec[3],'%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) if rec[2] == '\n': mode = '[silent]' elif not rec[2]: mode = '[anonim]' else: mode = '' if mode: msg = '%s %s' % (msg,mode) if rec[4]: msg += ' [%s]' % rec[4] msg += ' -> %s' % rec[5] return L('Removed: %s','%s/%s'%(jid,nick)) % msg def cron_action(): itt = int(time.time()) c = cur_execute_fetchall('select distinct * from cron where %s >= time',(itt,)) if c: cur_execute('delete from cron where %s >= time',(itt,)) for t in c: if t[4]: tm = crontab.CronTab(t[4]).next() + time.time() m = list(t[:3]) + [tm] + list(t[4:7]) cur_execute('insert into cron values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', m) tmp = cur_execute_fetchone('select room from conference where room ilike %s',('%s/%%'%t[0],)) if not tmp: pprint('Can\'t execute by cron: %s in %s' % (t[5].split()[0],t[0]),'red') return else: nowname = getResourse(tmp[0]) if t[2] == '\n': tmp_nick,tmp_type = '%s_cron_%d' % (nowname,time.time()),'chat' else: tmp_nick,tmp_type = t[2],'groupchat' com_parser(t[6], nowname, tmp_type, t[0], tmp_nick, t[5], Settings['jid']) global execute, timer timer = [cron_action] execute = [(7, 'cron', time_cron, 2, 'Execute command by cron. Used unix-type time format.\ncron [once] [anonim|silent] * * * * *\ncommand')]
# -*- cpy-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ex: set expandtab softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # # Copyright (C) 2013,2014,2015,2016 Contributor # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from six import iteritems from aquilon.aqdb.model import Archetype, Feature from aquilon.worker.broker import BrokerCommand from aquilon.worker.dbwrappers.parameter import (search_path_in_personas, lookup_paramdef) from aquilon.worker.formats.parameter import SimpleParameterList class CommandSearchParameter(BrokerCommand): required_parameters = ['path'] def render(self, session, archetype, feature, type, path, **_): if archetype: defholder = Archetype.get_unique(session, archetype, compel=True) else: cls = Feature.polymorphic_subclass(type, "Unknown feature type") defholder = cls.get_unique(session, name=feature, compel=True) db_paramdef, rel_path = lookup_paramdef(defholder, path, strict=False) params = search_path_in_personas(session, db_paramdef, rel_path) return SimpleParameterList(path, iteritems(params))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from itertools import chain from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.forms.widgets import Select, MultiWidget, TextInput from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from cms.forms.utils import get_site_choices, get_page_choices from cms.models import Page, PageUser from cms.templatetags.cms_admin import CMS_ADMIN_ICON_BASE from cms.utils.compat.dj import force_unicode class PageSelectWidget(MultiWidget): """A widget that allows selecting a page by first selecting a site and then a page on that site in a two step process. """ def __init__(self, site_choices=None, page_choices=None, attrs=None): if attrs is not None: self.attrs = attrs.copy() else: self.attrs = {} self.choices = [] super(PageSelectWidget, self).__init__((Select, Select, Select), attrs) def decompress(self, value): """ receives a page_id in value and returns the site_id and page_id of that page or the current site_id and None if no page_id is given. """ if value: page = Page.objects.get(pk=value) site = page.site return [site.pk, page.pk, page.pk] site = Site.objects.get_current() return [site.pk,None,None] def _has_changed(self, initial, data): # THIS IS A COPY OF django.forms.widgets.Widget._has_changed() # (except for the first if statement) """ Return True if data differs from initial. """ # For purposes of seeing whether something has changed, None is # the same as an empty string, if the data or inital value we get # is None, replace it w/ u''. if data is None or (len(data)>=2 and data[1] in [None,'']): data_value = u'' else: data_value = data if initial is None: initial_value = u'' else: initial_value = initial if force_unicode(initial_value) != force_unicode(data_value): return True return False def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): # THIS IS A COPY OF django.forms.widgets.MultiWidget.render() # (except for the last line) # value is a list of values, each corresponding to a widget # in self.widgets. site_choices = get_site_choices() page_choices = get_page_choices() self.site_choices = site_choices self.choices = page_choices self.widgets = (Select(choices=site_choices ), Select(choices=[('', '----')]), Select(choices=self.choices, attrs={'style': "display:none;"} ), ) if not isinstance(value, list): value = self.decompress(value) output = [] final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs) id_ = final_attrs.get('id', None) for i, widget in enumerate(self.widgets): try: widget_value = value[i] except IndexError: widget_value = None if id_: final_attrs = dict(final_attrs, id='%s_%s' % (id_, i)) output.append(widget.render(name + '_%s' % i, widget_value, final_attrs)) output.append(r'''<script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { var handleSiteChange = function(site_name, selected_id) { $("#id_%(name)s_1 optgroup").remove(); var myOptions = $("#id_%(name)s_2 optgroup[label='" + site_name + "']").clone(); $("#id_%(name)s_1").append(myOptions); $("#id_%(name)s_1").change(); }; var handlePageChange = function(page_id) { if (page_id) { $("#id_%(name)s_2 option").removeAttr('selected'); $("#id_%(name)s_2 option[value=" + page_id + "]").attr('selected','selected'); } else { $("#id_%(name)s_2 option[value=]").attr('selected','selected'); }; }; $("#id_%(name)s_0").change(function(){ var site_label = $("#id_%(name)s_0").children(":selected").text(); handleSiteChange( site_label ); }); $("#id_%(name)s_1").change(function(){ var page_id = $(this).find('option:selected').val(); handlePageChange( page_id ); }); $(function(){ handleSiteChange( $("#id_%(name)s_0").children(":selected").text() ); $("#add_id_%(name)s").hide(); }); })(django.jQuery); </script>''' % {'name': name}) return mark_safe(self.format_output(output)) def format_output(self, rendered_widgets): return u' '.join(rendered_widgets) class PageSmartLinkWidget(TextInput): def render(self, name=None, value=None, attrs=None): final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs) id_ = final_attrs.get('id', None) output = [r'''<script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(function(){ $("#%(element_id)s").select2({ placeholder: "%(placeholder_text)s", minimumInputLength: 3, ajax: { url: "%(ajax_url)s", dataType: 'json', data: function (term, page) { return { q: term, // search term language_code: '%(language_code)s' }; }, results: function (data, page) { return { more: false, results: $.map(data, function(item, i){ return { 'id':item.redirect_url, 'text': item.title + ' (/' + item.path + ')'} } ) }; } }, // Allow creation of new entries createSearchChoice:function(term, data) { if ($(data).filter(function() { return this.text.localeCompare(term)===0; }).length===0) {return {id:term, text:term};} }, multiple: false, initSelection : function (element, callback) { var initialValue = element.val() callback({id:initialValue, text: initialValue}); } }); }) })(django.jQuery); </script>''' % { 'element_id': id_, 'placeholder_text': final_attrs.get('placeholder_text', ''), 'language_code': self.language, 'ajax_url': reverse("admin:cms_page_get_published_pagelist") }] output.append(super(PageSmartLinkWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs)) return mark_safe(u''.join(output)) class Media: css = { 'all': ('cms/js/select2/select2.css', 'cms/js/select2/select2-bootstrap.css',) } js = (#'cms/js/libs/jquery.min.js', 'cms/js/select2/select2.js',) class UserSelectAdminWidget(Select): """Special widget used in page permission inlines, because we have to render an add user (plus) icon, but point it somewhere else - to special user creation view, which is accessible only if user haves "add user" permissions. Current user should be assigned to widget in form constructor as an user attribute. """ def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()): output = [super(UserSelectAdminWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs, choices)] if hasattr(self, 'user') and (self.user.is_superuser or \ self.user.has_perm(PageUser._meta.app_label + '.' + PageUser._meta.get_add_permission())): # append + icon add_url = '../../../cms/pageuser/add/' output.append(u'<a href="%s" class="add-another" id="add_id_%s" onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);"> ' % \ (add_url, name)) output.append(u'<img src="%sicon_addlink.gif" width="10" height="10" alt="%s"/></a>' % (CMS_ADMIN_ICON_BASE, _('Add Another'))) return mark_safe(u''.join(output)) class AppHookSelect(Select): """Special widget used for the App Hook selector in the Advanced Settings of the Page Admin. It adds support for a data attribute per option and includes supporting JS into the page. """ class Media: js = ('cms/js/modules/cms.base.js', 'cms/js/modules/cms.app_hook_select.js', ) def __init__(self, attrs=None, choices=(), app_namespaces={}): self.app_namespaces = app_namespaces super(AppHookSelect, self).__init__(attrs, choices) def render_option(self, selected_choices, option_value, option_label): if option_value is None: option_value = '' option_value = force_text(option_value) if option_value in selected_choices: selected_html = mark_safe(' selected="selected"') if not self.allow_multiple_selected: # Only allow for a single selection. selected_choices.remove(option_value) else: selected_html = '' if option_value in self.app_namespaces: data_html = mark_safe(' data-namespace="%s"' % self.app_namespaces[option_value]) else: data_html = '' return '<option value="%s"%s%s>%s</option>' % ( option_value, selected_html, data_html, force_text(option_label), ) def render_options(self, choices, selected_choices): selected_choices = set(force_text(v) for v in selected_choices) output = [] for option_value, option_label in chain(self.choices, choices): output.append(self.render_option(selected_choices, option_value, option_label)) return '\n'.join(output)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """QGIS Unit tests for QgsProjectTimeSettings. .. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ __author__ = 'Samweli Mwakisambwe' __date__ = '6/3/2020' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2020, The QGIS Project' import qgis # NOQA from qgis.core import (QgsProject, QgsUnitTypes, QgsProjectTimeSettings, QgsReadWriteContext, QgsDateTimeRange) from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import (QDate, QTime, QDateTime) from qgis.PyQt.QtTest import QSignalSpy from qgis.PyQt.QtXml import QDomDocument, QDomElement from qgis.testing import start_app, unittest from utilities import (unitTestDataPath) app = start_app() TEST_DATA_DIR = unitTestDataPath() class TestQgsProjectTimeSettings(unittest.TestCase): def testTemporalRange(self): p = QgsProjectTimeSettings() self.assertTrue(p.temporalRange().isInfinite()) spy = QSignalSpy(p.temporalRangeChanged) r = QgsDateTimeRange( QDateTime(QDate(2020, 1, 1), QTime(8, 0, 0)), QDateTime(QDate(2020, 12, 1), QTime(8, 0, 0)) ) rc = QgsDateTimeRange( QDateTime(QDate(2020, 1, 1), QTime(8, 0, 0)), QDateTime(QDate(2020, 12, 1), QTime(8, 0, 0)) ) p.setTemporalRange(r) self.assertEqual(p.temporalRange(), r) self.assertEqual(len(spy), 1) p.setTemporalRange(rc) self.assertEqual(len(spy), 1) p.reset() self.assertEqual(len(spy), 2) def testGettersSetters(self): p = QgsProjectTimeSettings() p.setTimeStep(4.8) self.assertEqual(p.timeStep(), 4.8) p.setTimeStepUnit(QgsUnitTypes.TemporalDecades) self.assertEqual(p.timeStepUnit(), QgsUnitTypes.TemporalDecades) p.setFramesPerSecond(90) self.assertEqual(p.framesPerSecond(), 90) p.setIsTemporalRangeCumulative(True) self.assertTrue(p.isTemporalRangeCumulative()) def testReadWrite(self): p = QgsProjectTimeSettings() self.assertTrue(p.temporalRange().isInfinite()) doc = QDomDocument("testdoc") elem = p.writeXml(doc, QgsReadWriteContext()) p2 = QgsProjectTimeSettings() spy = QSignalSpy(p2.temporalRangeChanged) self.assertTrue(p2.readXml(elem, QgsReadWriteContext())) self.assertEqual(p2.temporalRange(), p.temporalRange()) self.assertEqual(len(spy), 0) r = QgsDateTimeRange( QDateTime(QDate(2020, 1, 1), QTime(8, 0, 0)), QDateTime(QDate(2020, 12, 1), QTime(8, 0, 0)) ) p.setTemporalRange(r) p.setTimeStep(4.8) p.setTimeStepUnit(QgsUnitTypes.TemporalDecades) p.setFramesPerSecond(90) p.setIsTemporalRangeCumulative(True) elem = p.writeXml(doc, QgsReadWriteContext()) p2 = QgsProjectTimeSettings() spy = QSignalSpy(p2.temporalRangeChanged) self.assertTrue(p2.readXml(elem, QgsReadWriteContext())) self.assertEqual(p2.temporalRange(), r) self.assertEqual(len(spy), 1) self.assertEqual(p2.timeStep(), 4.8) self.assertEqual(p2.timeStepUnit(), QgsUnitTypes.TemporalDecades) self.assertEqual(p2.framesPerSecond(), 90) self.assertTrue(p.isTemporalRangeCumulative()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" Module used to validate the results of the simulations using various means. These are not quite tests, since we don't have exact values to check against, and everything is necessarily approximate. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import sys import time import math import numpy as np import random import multiprocessing from matplotlib import ticker from matplotlib import pyplot import ercs import discsim import _discsim class ErcsSingleLocusIdentitySimulator(ercs.Simulator): """ Class that calculates identity in state for genes separated by a range of distances. """ def setup(self, num_points, max_distance, mutation_rate, accuracy_goal): """ Sets up the simulation so that we calculate identity at the specified number of points, the maximum distance between points is max_distance and mutation happens at the specified rate. Also set the max_time attribute to reflect the specified accuracy_goal. """ self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate self.distances = np.linspace(0, max_distance, num_points) self.sample = [None, (0, 0)] + [(0, x) for x in self.distances] self.max_time = math.log(accuracy_goal) / (-2 * mutation_rate) def get_identity(self, seed): """ Returns the probability of identity at all distance classes in this replicate. """ pi, tau = self.run(seed) mc = ercs.MRCACalculator(pi[0]) n = len(self.distances) F = [0.0 for j in range(n)] for j in range(n): mrca = mc.get_mrca(1, j + 2) if mrca != 0: F[j] = math.exp(-2 * self.mutation_rate * tau[0][mrca]) return F class SingleLocusIdentitySimulator(discsim.Simulator): """ Class that calculates identity in state for genes separated by a range of distances. """ def __init__(self, torus_diameter, distances, mutation_rate, accuracy_goal): super(SingleLocusIdentitySimulator, self).__init__(torus_diameter) self.__accuracy_goal = accuracy_goal self.__mutation_rate = mutation_rate self.__distances = distances self.__max_time = math.log(accuracy_goal) / (-2 * mutation_rate) self.sample = [None, (0, 0)] + [(0, x) for x in self.__distances] def get_identity(self, seed): """ Returns the probability of identity at all distance classes in this replicate. """ self.random_seed = seed self.run(self.__max_time) pi, tau = self.get_history() # reset the simulation so we can get another replicate. self.reset() mc = ercs.MRCACalculator(pi[0]) n = len(self.__distances) F = [0.0 for j in range(n)] for j in range(n): mrca = mc.get_mrca(1, j + 2) if mrca != 0: F[j] = math.exp(-2 * self.__mutation_rate * tau[0][mrca]) return F def subprocess_identity_worker(t): sim, seed = t return sim.get_identity(seed) def run_identity_replicates(sim, num_replicates, worker_pool): args = [(sim, random.randint(1, 2**31)) for j in range(num_replicates)] replicates = worker_pool.map(subprocess_identity_worker, args) mean_identity = np.mean(np.array(replicates), axis=0) return mean_identity def simple_identity_check(r=1, u=0.125, rate=1, num_parents=1, num_replicates=10000, mutation_rate=1e-6): """ Checks identity using very simple model parameters. """ events = [ercs.DiscEventClass(r=r, u=u, rate=rate)] ll_events = [e.get_low_level_representation() for e in events] torus_diameter = 100 s = _discsim.IdentitySolver(ll_events, torus_diameter=torus_diameter, num_quadrature_points=512, integration_abserr=1e-6, integration_relerr=0, integration_workspace_size=1000, max_x=50, mutation_rate=mutation_rate, num_parents=num_parents) s.solve() # Set up the simulations num_points = 10 distances = np.linspace(0, 10, num_points) sim = SingleLocusIdentitySimulator(torus_diameter, distances, mutation_rate, 1e-6) sim.num_parents = num_parents sim.event_classes = events workers = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) F_sim = run_identity_replicates(sim, num_replicates, workers) F_num = [s.interpolate(x) for x in distances] for x, fs, fn in zip(distances, F_sim, F_num): print("{0:.1f}\t{1:.6f}\t{2:.6f}".format(x, fs, fn)) pyplot.plot(distances, F_sim, label="Simulation") pyplot.plot(distances, F_num, label="Numerical") pyplot.legend() pyplot.show() def mixed_events_identity_check(num_replicates): torus_diameter = 100 num_points = 50 max_x = 20 mutation_rate = 1e-6 accuracy_goal = 1e-3 small_events = ercs.DiscEventClass(rate=1.0, r=1, u=0.5) large_events = ercs.DiscEventClass(rate=0.1, r=10, u=0.05) sim = ErcsSingleLocusIdentitySimulator(torus_diameter) sim.setup(num_points, max_x, mutation_rate, accuracy_goal) workers = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) l = [small_events, large_events] sim.event_classes = l before = time.time() ercs_F = run_identity_replicates(sim, num_replicates, workers) duration = time.time() - before print("ercs done...", duration) distances = np.linspace(0, max_x, num_points) sim = SingleLocusIdentitySimulator(torus_diameter, distances, mutation_rate, 1e-6) sim.event_classes = l before = time.time() discsim_F = run_identity_replicates(sim, num_replicates, workers) duration = time.time() - before print("discsim done...", duration) pyplot.plot(distances, ercs_F, label="ercs") pyplot.plot(distances, discsim_F, label="discsim") pyplot.legend() pyplot.show() def get_mean_squared_displacement(z, pop): """ Returns the mean squared displacement of the specified population from the specified point. """ d2 = 0.0 for p, a in pop: d2 += (p[0] - z[0])**2 d2 += (p[1] - z[1])**2 n = len(pop) return d2 / (n * 2) def single_locus_diffusion(u, r, rate): """ Measure the mean squared displacement of lineages for a single locus simulation. """ z = (100, 100) sample_size = 10000 s = 2.25 L = 100 * s sim = discsim.Simulator(L) sim.pixel_size = s sim.sample = [None] + [z for j in range(sample_size)] sim.event_classes = [ercs.DiscEventClass(r=r, u=u, rate=rate)] sim.max_occupancy = 2 * sample_size sim.max_population_size = 2 * sample_size sim.print_state() T = [] X = [] D = [] S = [] for j in range(100): t = j * 100 * L**2 sim.run(t) pop = sim.get_population() msd = get_mean_squared_displacement(z, pop) t = sim.get_time() / L**2 T.append(t) X.append(msd) S.append(t * (r**4) * rate * u * math.pi / 2) print(T[-1], X[-1], S[-1]) pyplot.plot(T, X, T, S) pyplot.show() def subprocess_wave_worker(args): sim, times, seed = args sim.random_seed = seed L = int(sim.torus_diameter) n = np.zeros((len(times), L)) for j, t in enumerate(times): sim.run(t) pop = sim.get_population() for tup in pop: if sim.simulate_pedigree: k = int(tup) else: k = int(tup[0]) n[j, k] += 1 n[j, k + 1] += 1 sim.reset() return n def run_wave_replicates(sim, times, num_replicates, worker_pool=None): args = [(sim, times, random.randint(1, 2**31)) for j in range(num_replicates)] if worker_pool is None: replicates = [subprocess_wave_worker(a) for a in args] else: replicates = worker_pool.map(subprocess_wave_worker, args) mean_n = [] for j in range(len(times)): n = [] for r in replicates: n.append(r[j]) mean_n.append(np.mean(n, axis=0)) return mean_n def wave_1d(u, num_loci=0): """ Simulates the wave of pedigree ancestors in 1D. """ N = int(2 / u) L = 100 s = discsim.Simulator(L, num_loci==0) if num_loci != 0: s.num_loci = num_loci s.max_population_size = 10000 s.event_classes = [ercs.DiscEventClass(r=1, u=u)] s.sample = [None, L/2, L/2] workers = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) #workers = None t = [j * 500 * L for j in range(5)] x = [j for j in range(L)] for n in run_wave_replicates(s, t, 100, workers): pyplot.plot(x, n) pyplot.axhline(0.797 * N) pyplot.show() def main(): #simple_identity_check(rate=0.5) #simple_identity_check(r=0.93, u=0.133, rate=0.5, num_parents=2, # num_replicates=10**6, mutation_rate=1e-7) #mixed_events_identity_check(100000) #plot_mixed_events_identity() #single_locus_diffusion(u=0.0000125, r=1, rate=1.0) wave_1d(u=0.005) #wave_1d(u=0.005, num_loci=100000) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc. # Licensed under http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 <see LICENSE file> """Benchmark context managers. To enable benchmark logging set up ``ggrc.utils.benchmarks`` logger in ``DEBUG`` level within ``settings`` module: .. code-block:: python LOGGING_LOGGERS = { "ggrc.utils.benchmarks": "DEBUG", } """ import inspect import logging import time from collections import defaultdict from ggrc import settings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BenchmarkContextManager(object): """Default benchmark context manager. This should be used used on appengine instances and by default on dev instances. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,unused-argument # unused arguments is for kwargs that has to be in the init so that all # benchmark context managers are compatible. See DebugBenchmark init. def __init__(self, message, **kwargs): self.message = message self.start = 0 def __enter__(self): self.start = time.time() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace): end = time.time() logger.debug("%.4f %s", end - self.start, self.message) class WithNop(object): """Nop benchmark context manager. This is a dummy context manager that can be used in place of default or debug context managers, you can disable them without removing lines of code. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, message, **kwargs): pass def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace): pass class DebugBenchmark(object): """Debug benchmark context manager. This benchmark should be used when debugging performance issues. It has the most comprehensive output of all context managers. To enable this, just set GGRC_BENCHMARK env var on the server. You can choose the summary type by setting the GGRC_BENCHMARK to "all" or "last", where last will output stats for the last benchmark tree, and all will show data for the entire history. Note that this benchmark is useful inside for loops with quiet set to True. The benchmark itself has some overhead. It's about 10 times slower than simple addition with func_name given. If func name is not given the it will run about 200 times slower than simple addition. For more precise measurements uncomment the c profiler in ggrc.__main__. """ _depth = 0 PRINT_TREE = False PREFIX = "| " COMPACT_FORM = "{prefix}{last:.4f}" FULL_FORM = ("{prefix}current: {last:.4f} - max: {max:.4f} - min: " "{min:.4f} - sum: {sum:.4f} - count: {count:.4f}") PRINT_FORM = ("sum: {sum:>9.5f} - count: {count:>10.5f} - avg {avg:8.5f}" " - max: {max:8.5f} - min: {min:8.5f} - {message}") _stats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) _all_stats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) STATS = { "all": _all_stats, "only": _all_stats, "last": _stats, "only_last": _stats, } _summary = "all" def __init__(self, message, func_name=None, form=COMPACT_FORM, quiet=False): """Initialize a new instance of this benchmark. Args: message: String containing the message that will be display with the benchmark results. It should be unique for all instances. func_name: Name of the function where this benchmark has been initialized. If none is given, it will be populated automatically. Note that this is a slow process. form: String containing the format of the benchmark results. Two given options are COMPACT_FORM and FULL_FORM. """ self.message = message self.quiet = quiet self.form = form self.start = 0 if func_name is None and self._summary in {"all", "last"}: curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 0) func_name = calframe[1][3] self.func_name = func_name def __enter__(self): """Start the benchmark timer.""" if not self.quiet and self._summary in {"all", "last"}: msg = "{}{}: {}".format( self.PREFIX * DebugBenchmark._depth, self.func_name, self.message) print msg if DebugBenchmark._depth == 0: self._reset_stats() DebugBenchmark._depth += 1 self.start = time.time() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace): """Stop the benchmark timer. This function gets the duration of the benchmark and stores it. If this is the outer most benchmark, the summary of all calls will be printed. """ duration = time.time() - self.start DebugBenchmark._depth -= 1 self.update_stats(duration) if not self.quiet and self._summary in {"all", "last"}: msg = self.form.format( prefix=self.PREFIX * DebugBenchmark._depth, **self._stats[self.message] ) print msg if DebugBenchmark._depth == 0: self._print_stats(self.STATS[self._summary]) def _update_stats(self, stats, duration): """Add duration data to stats. Args: stats: mutable dict containing data that will be updated. duration: time measured by the benchmark. """ stats[self.message]["message"] = self.message stats[self.message]["count"] += 1 stats[self.message]["sum"] += duration stats[self.message]["last"] = duration stats[self.message]["max"] = max(stats[self.message]["max"], duration) stats[self.message]["min"] = min( stats[self.message]["min"] or duration, # ignore initial zero duration ) def update_stats(self, duration): self._update_stats(self._all_stats, duration) self._update_stats(self._stats, duration) @classmethod def print_stats(cls): cls._print_stats(cls._all_stats) @classmethod def _reset_stats(cls): cls._stats.clear() @classmethod def _print_stats(cls, stats, sort_key="sum"): """Print stats summary.""" sorted_ = sorted(stats.values(), key=lambda item: item[sort_key], reverse=True) for stat in sorted_: msg = cls.PRINT_FORM.format( prefix=stat["message"] + " - ", avg=stat["sum"] / stat["count"] if stat["count"] else 0, **stat ) print msg @classmethod def set_summary(cls, summary): """Set the summary type for the benchmark context manager. Three valid summary types are: all - print all steps and summary of entire history. last - print all steps and summary of the last request. only - print only summary of entire history on each request, the tree of execution steps will be hidden. only_last - print only summary of last request, the tree of execution steps will be hidden. If an invalid parameter is set, stats will not be updated. """ if summary.lower() in cls.STATS: cls._summary = summary.lower() def get_benchmark(): """Get a benchmark context manager.""" if settings.DEBUG_BENCHMARK: DebugBenchmark.set_summary(settings.DEBUG_BENCHMARK) return DebugBenchmark else: return BenchmarkContextManager
# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright Buildbot Team Members import re from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import log from buildbot.process.properties import Interpolate from buildbot.process.properties import Properties from buildbot.process.results import CANCELLED from buildbot.process.results import EXCEPTION from buildbot.process.results import FAILURE from buildbot.process.results import RETRY from buildbot.process.results import SKIPPED from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS from buildbot.process.results import WARNINGS from buildbot.reporters.base import ReporterBase from buildbot.reporters.generators.build import BuildStartEndStatusGenerator from buildbot.reporters.generators.buildrequest import BuildRequestGenerator from buildbot.reporters.message import MessageFormatterRenderable from buildbot.util import httpclientservice from buildbot.util.giturlparse import giturlparse HOSTED_BASE_URL = 'https://api.github.com' class GitHubStatusPush(ReporterBase): name = "GitHubStatusPush" def checkConfig(self, token, context=None, baseURL=None, verbose=False, debug=None, verify=None, generators=None, **kwargs): if generators is None: generators = self._create_default_generators() super().checkConfig(generators=generators, **kwargs) httpclientservice.HTTPClientService.checkAvailable(self.__class__.__name__) @defer.inlineCallbacks def reconfigService(self, token, context=None, baseURL=None, verbose=False, debug=None, verify=None, generators=None, **kwargs): token = yield self.renderSecrets(token) self.debug = debug self.verify = verify self.verbose = verbose self.context = self.setup_context(context) if generators is None: generators = self._create_default_generators() yield super().reconfigService(generators=generators, **kwargs) if baseURL is None: baseURL = HOSTED_BASE_URL if baseURL.endswith('/'): baseURL = baseURL[:-1] self._http = yield httpclientservice.HTTPClientService.getService( self.master, baseURL, headers={ 'Authorization': 'token ' + token, 'User-Agent': 'Buildbot' }, debug=self.debug, verify=self.verify) def setup_context(self, context): return context or Interpolate('buildbot/%(prop:buildername)s') def _create_default_generators(self): start_formatter = MessageFormatterRenderable('Build started.') end_formatter = MessageFormatterRenderable('Build done.') pending_formatter = MessageFormatterRenderable('Build pending.') return [ BuildRequestGenerator(formatter=pending_formatter), BuildStartEndStatusGenerator(start_formatter=start_formatter, end_formatter=end_formatter) ] def createStatus(self, repo_user, repo_name, sha, state, target_url=None, context=None, issue=None, description=None): """ :param repo_user: GitHub user or organization :param repo_name: Name of the repository :param sha: Full sha to create the status for. :param state: one of the following 'pending', 'success', 'error' or 'failure'. :param target_url: Target url to associate with this status. :param description: Short description of the status. :param context: Build context :return: A deferred with the result from GitHub. This code comes from txgithub by @tomprince. txgithub is based on twisted's webclient agent, which is much less reliable and featureful as txrequest (support for proxy, connection pool, keep alive, retry, etc) """ payload = {'state': state} if description is not None: payload['description'] = description if target_url is not None: payload['target_url'] = target_url if context is not None: payload['context'] = context return self._http.post( '/'.join(['/repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'statuses', sha]), json=payload) def is_status_2xx(self, code): return code // 100 == 2 def _extract_issue(self, props): branch = props.getProperty('branch') if branch: m = re.search(r"refs/pull/([0-9]*)/(head|merge)", branch) if m: return m.group(1) return None def _extract_github_info(self, sourcestamp): repo_owner = None repo_name = None project = sourcestamp['project'] repository = sourcestamp['repository'] if project and "/" in project: repo_owner, repo_name = project.split('/') elif repository: giturl = giturlparse(repository) if giturl: repo_owner = giturl.owner repo_name = giturl.repo return repo_owner, repo_name @defer.inlineCallbacks def sendMessage(self, reports): report = reports[0] build = reports[0]['builds'][0] props = Properties.fromDict(build['properties']) props.master = self.master description = report.get('body', None) if build['complete']: state = { SUCCESS: 'success', WARNINGS: 'success', FAILURE: 'failure', SKIPPED: 'success', EXCEPTION: 'error', RETRY: 'pending', CANCELLED: 'error' }.get(build['results'], 'error') else: state = 'pending' context = yield props.render(self.context) sourcestamps = build['buildset'].get('sourcestamps') if not sourcestamps: return issue = self._extract_issue(props) for sourcestamp in sourcestamps: repo_owner, repo_name = self._extract_github_info(sourcestamp) if not repo_owner or not repo_name: log.msg('Skipped status update because required repo information is missing.') continue sha = sourcestamp['revision'] response = None # If the scheduler specifies multiple codebases, don't bother updating # the ones for which there is no revision if not sha: log.msg( 'Skipped status update for codebase {codebase}, ' 'context "{context}", issue {issue}.'.format( codebase=sourcestamp['codebase'], issue=issue, context=context)) continue try: if self.verbose: log.msg("Updating github status: repo_owner={}, repo_name={}".format( repo_owner, repo_name)) response = yield self.createStatus(repo_user=repo_owner, repo_name=repo_name, sha=sha, state=state, target_url=build['url'], context=context, issue=issue, description=description) if not response: # the implementation of createStatus refused to post update due to missing data continue if not self.is_status_2xx(response.code): raise Exception() if self.verbose: log.msg( 'Updated status with "{state}" for {repo_owner}/{repo_name} ' 'at {sha}, context "{context}", issue {issue}.'.format( state=state, repo_owner=repo_owner, repo_name=repo_name, sha=sha, issue=issue, context=context)) except Exception as e: if response: content = yield response.content() code = response.code else: content = code = "n/a" log.err( e, 'Failed to update "{state}" for {repo_owner}/{repo_name} ' 'at {sha}, context "{context}", issue {issue}. ' 'http {code}, {content}'.format( state=state, repo_owner=repo_owner, repo_name=repo_name, sha=sha, issue=issue, context=context, code=code, content=content)) class GitHubCommentPush(GitHubStatusPush): name = "GitHubCommentPush" def setup_context(self, context): return '' def _create_default_generators(self): start_formatter = MessageFormatterRenderable(None) end_formatter = MessageFormatterRenderable('Build done.') return [ BuildStartEndStatusGenerator(start_formatter=start_formatter, end_formatter=end_formatter) ] @defer.inlineCallbacks def sendMessage(self, reports): report = reports[0] if 'body' not in report or report['body'] is None: return yield super().sendMessage(reports) @defer.inlineCallbacks def createStatus(self, repo_user, repo_name, sha, state, target_url=None, context=None, issue=None, description=None): """ :param repo_user: GitHub user or organization :param repo_name: Name of the repository :param issue: Pull request number :param state: one of the following 'pending', 'success', 'error' or 'failure'. :param description: Short description of the status. :return: A deferred with the result from GitHub. This code comes from txgithub by @tomprince. txgithub is based on twisted's webclient agent, which is much less reliable and featureful as txrequest (support for proxy, connection pool, keep alive, retry, etc) """ payload = {'body': description} if issue is None: log.msg('Skipped status update for repo {} sha {} as issue is not specified'.format( repo_name, sha)) return None url = '/'.join(['/repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'issues', issue, 'comments']) ret = yield self._http.post(url, json=payload) return ret
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( determine_ext, extract_attributes, js_to_json, url_or_none, ) class TV2DKIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'''(?x) https?:// (?:www\.)? (?: tvsyd| tv2ostjylland| tvmidtvest| tv2fyn| tv2east| tv2lorry| tv2nord )\.dk/ (:[^/]+/)* (?P<id>[^/?\#&]+) ''' _TESTS = [{ 'url': 'https://www.tvsyd.dk/nyheder/28-10-2019/1930/1930-28-okt-2019?autoplay=1#player', 'info_dict': { 'id': '0_52jmwa0p', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': '19:30 - 28. okt. 2019', 'timestamp': 1572290248, 'upload_date': '20191028', 'uploader_id': 'tvsyd', 'duration': 1347, 'view_count': int, }, 'params': { 'skip_download': True, }, 'add_ie': ['Kaltura'], }, { 'url': 'https://www.tv2ostjylland.dk/artikel/minister-gaar-ind-i-sag-om-diabetes-teknologi', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'https://www.tv2ostjylland.dk/nyheder/28-10-2019/22/2200-nyhederne-mandag-d-28-oktober-2019?autoplay=1#player', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'https://www.tvmidtvest.dk/nyheder/27-10-2019/1930/1930-27-okt-2019', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'https://www.tv2fyn.dk/artikel/fyn-kan-faa-landets-foerste-fabrik-til-groent-jetbraendstof', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'https://www.tv2east.dk/artikel/gods-faar-indleveret-tonsvis-af-aebler-100-kilo-aebler-gaar-til-en-aeblebrandy', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'https://www.tv2lorry.dk/koebenhavn/rasmus-paludan-evakueret-til-egen-demonstration#player', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'https://www.tv2nord.dk/artikel/dybt-uacceptabelt', 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) entries = [] def add_entry(partner_id, kaltura_id): entries.append(self.url_result( 'kaltura:%s:%s' % (partner_id, kaltura_id), 'Kaltura', video_id=kaltura_id)) for video_el in re.findall(r'(?s)<[^>]+\bdata-entryid\s*=[^>]*>', webpage): video = extract_attributes(video_el) kaltura_id = video.get('data-entryid') if not kaltura_id: continue partner_id = video.get('data-partnerid') if not partner_id: continue add_entry(partner_id, kaltura_id) if not entries: kaltura_id = self._search_regex( r'entry_id\s*:\s*["\']([0-9a-z_]+)', webpage, 'kaltura id') partner_id = self._search_regex( (r'\\u002Fp\\u002F(\d+)\\u002F', r'/p/(\d+)/'), webpage, 'partner id') add_entry(partner_id, kaltura_id) return self.playlist_result(entries) class TV2DKBornholmPlayIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://play\.tv2bornholm\.dk/\?.*?\bid=(?P<id>\d+)' _TEST = { 'url': 'http://play.tv2bornholm.dk/?area=specifikTV&id=781021', 'info_dict': { 'id': '781021', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': '12Nyheder-27.11.19', }, 'params': { 'skip_download': True, }, } def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) video = self._download_json( 'https://play.tv2bornholm.dk/controls/AJAX.aspx/specifikVideo', video_id, data=json.dumps({ 'playlist_id': video_id, 'serienavn': '', }).encode(), headers={ 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', })['d'] # TODO: generalize flowplayer title = self._search_regex( r'title\s*:\s*(["\'])(?P<value>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', video, 'title', group='value') sources = self._parse_json(self._search_regex( r'(?s)sources:\s*(\[.+?\]),', video, 'sources'), video_id, js_to_json) formats = [] srcs = set() for source in sources: src = url_or_none(source.get('src')) if not src: continue if src in srcs: continue srcs.add(src) ext = determine_ext(src) src_type = source.get('type') if src_type == 'application/x-mpegurl' or ext == 'm3u8': formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats( src, video_id, ext='mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native', m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False)) elif src_type == 'application/dash+xml' or ext == 'mpd': formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats( src, video_id, mpd_id='dash', fatal=False)) else: formats.append({ 'url': src, }) self._sort_formats(formats) return { 'id': video_id, 'title': title, 'formats': formats, }
# Orca # # Copyright 2010 Consorcio Fernando de los Rios. # Author: Javier Hernandez Antunez <[email protected]> # Author: Alejandro Leiva <[email protected]> # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston MA 02110-1301 USA. """Displays the Save Profile As dialog.""" __id__ = "$Id$" __version__ = "$Revision$" __date__ = "$Date$" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2010 Consorcio Fernando de los Rios." __license__ = "LGPL" import locale import sys from gi.repository import Gtk import orca_state from orca_i18n import _ OS = None newProfile = None class OrcaProfileGUI(Gtk.Dialog): def __init__(self): """Initialize the Orca profile configuration GUI.""" Gtk.Dialog.__init__(self) # Translators: Profiles in Orca make it possible for users to # quickly switch amongst a group of pre-defined settings (e.g. # an 'English' profile for reading text written in English using # an English-language speech synthesizer and braille rules, and # a similar 'Spanish' profile for reading Spanish text. The # following string is the title of a dialog in which users can # save a newly-defined profile. # self.set_title(_('Save Profile As')) self.set_has_resize_grip(False) self.add_button('gtk-cancel', Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) self.add_button('gtk-save', Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) grid = Gtk.Grid() grid.set_property('margin', 12) grid.set_row_spacing(10) grid.set_column_spacing(10) # Right now the content area is a GtkBox. We'll need to update # this once GtkBox is fully deprecated. contentArea = self.get_content_area() contentArea.pack_start(grid, True, True, 0) self.profileEntry = Gtk.Entry() self.profileEntry.set_property('hexpand', True) self.profileEntry.set_activates_default(True) grid.attach(self.profileEntry, 1, 0, 1, 1) # Translators: Profiles in Orca make it possible for users to # quickly switch amongst a group of pre-defined settings (e.g. # an 'English' profile for reading text written in English using # an English-language speech synthesizer and braille rules, and # a similar 'Spanish' profile for reading Spanish text. The # following string is the label for a text entry in which the user # enters the name of a new settings profile being saved via the # 'Save Profile As' dialog. # label = Gtk.Label(_('_Profile Name:')) label.set_use_underline(True) label.set_mnemonic_widget(self.profileEntry) grid.attach(label, 0, 0, 1, 1) defaultButton = self.get_widget_for_response(Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) defaultButton.set_property('can-default', True) defaultButton.set_property('has-default', True) self.connect('response', self.onResponse) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) self.searchString = None self.profileString = None self.prefsDialog = None def init(self): self.profileString = '' def showGUI(self, prefsDialog): """Show the Save Profile As dialog.""" self.show_all() self.prefsDialog = prefsDialog self.profileEntry.set_text(self.profileString) ts = orca_state.lastInputEventTimestamp if ts == 0: ts = Gtk.get_current_event_time() self.present_with_time(ts) def onResponse(self, widget, response): """Signal handler for the responses emitted by the dialog.""" if response in [Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT]: self.hide() return if response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: global newProfile newProfile = self.profileEntry.get_text() if newProfile: self.destroy() if self.prefsDialog: self.prefsDialog.saveProfile(newProfile) def onDestroy(self, widget): """Signal handler for the 'destroy' signal of the dialog.""" global OS OS = None def showProfileUI(prefsDialog=None): global OS global newProfile newProfile = None if not OS: OS = OrcaProfileGUI() OS.init() OS.showGUI(prefsDialog) def main(): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') showProfileUI() Gtk.main() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # pylast - A Python interface to Last.fm (and other API compatible social networks) # # Copyright 2008-2010 Amr Hassan # # This version has been modified by Fei to include some missing info from the lib. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # http://code.google.com/p/pylast/ __version__ = '0.5' __author__ = 'Amr Hassan' __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Amr Hassan" __license__ = "apache2" __email__ = '[email protected]' import hashlib from xml.dom import minidom import xml.dom import time import shelve import tempfile import sys import collections import warnings def _deprecation_warning(message): warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) if sys.version_info[0] == 3: from http.client import HTTPConnection import html.entities as htmlentitydefs from urllib.parse import splithost as url_split_host from urllib.parse import quote_plus as url_quote_plus unichr = chr elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: from httplib import HTTPConnection import htmlentitydefs from urllib import splithost as url_split_host from urllib import quote_plus as url_quote_plus STATUS_INVALID_SERVICE = 2 STATUS_INVALID_METHOD = 3 STATUS_AUTH_FAILED = 4 STATUS_INVALID_FORMAT = 5 STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS = 6 STATUS_INVALID_RESOURCE = 7 STATUS_TOKEN_ERROR = 8 STATUS_INVALID_SK = 9 STATUS_INVALID_API_KEY = 10 STATUS_OFFLINE = 11 STATUS_SUBSCRIBERS_ONLY = 12 STATUS_INVALID_SIGNATURE = 13 STATUS_TOKEN_UNAUTHORIZED = 14 STATUS_TOKEN_EXPIRED = 15 EVENT_ATTENDING = '0' EVENT_MAYBE_ATTENDING = '1' EVENT_NOT_ATTENDING = '2' PERIOD_OVERALL = 'overall' PERIOD_7DAYS = "7day" PERIOD_3MONTHS = '3month' PERIOD_6MONTHS = '6month' PERIOD_12MONTHS = '12month' DOMAIN_ENGLISH = 0 DOMAIN_GERMAN = 1 DOMAIN_SPANISH = 2 DOMAIN_FRENCH = 3 DOMAIN_ITALIAN = 4 DOMAIN_POLISH = 5 DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE = 6 DOMAIN_SWEDISH = 7 DOMAIN_TURKISH = 8 DOMAIN_RUSSIAN = 9 DOMAIN_JAPANESE = 10 DOMAIN_CHINESE = 11 COVER_SMALL = 0 COVER_MEDIUM = 1 COVER_LARGE = 2 COVER_EXTRA_LARGE = 3 COVER_MEGA = 4 IMAGES_ORDER_POPULARITY = "popularity" IMAGES_ORDER_DATE = "dateadded" USER_MALE = 'Male' USER_FEMALE = 'Female' SCROBBLE_SOURCE_USER = "P" SCROBBLE_SOURCE_NON_PERSONALIZED_BROADCAST = "R" SCROBBLE_SOURCE_PERSONALIZED_BROADCAST = "E" SCROBBLE_SOURCE_LASTFM = "L" SCROBBLE_SOURCE_UNKNOWN = "U" SCROBBLE_MODE_PLAYED = "" SCROBBLE_MODE_LOVED = "L" SCROBBLE_MODE_BANNED = "B" SCROBBLE_MODE_SKIPPED = "S" class _Network(object): """ A music social network website that is Last.fm or one exposing a Last.fm compatible API """ def __init__(self, name, homepage, ws_server, api_key, api_secret, session_key, submission_server, username, password_hash, domain_names, urls): """ name: the name of the network homepage: the homepage url ws_server: the url of the webservices server api_key: a provided API_KEY api_secret: a provided API_SECRET session_key: a generated session_key or None submission_server: the url of the server to which tracks are submitted (scrobbled) username: a username of a valid user password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password domain_names: a dict mapping each DOMAIN_* value to a string domain name urls: a dict mapping types to urls if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be generated automatically when needed. Either a valid session_key or a combination of username and password_hash must be present for scrobbling. You should use a preconfigured network object through a get_*_network(...) method instead of creating an object of this class, unless you know what you're doing. """ self.name = name self.homepage = homepage self.ws_server = ws_server self.api_key = api_key self.api_secret = api_secret self.session_key = session_key self.submission_server = submission_server self.username = username self.password_hash = password_hash self.domain_names = domain_names self.urls = urls self.cache_backend = None self.proxy_enabled = False self.proxy = None self.last_call_time = 0 #generate a session_key if necessary if (self.api_key and self.api_secret) and not self.session_key and (self.username and self.password_hash): sk_gen = SessionKeyGenerator(self) self.session_key = sk_gen.get_session_key(self.username, self.password_hash) """def __repr__(self): attributes = ("name", "homepage", "ws_server", "api_key", "api_secret", "session_key", "submission_server", "username", "password_hash", "domain_names", "urls") text = "pylast._Network(%s)" args = [] for attr in attributes: args.append("=".join((attr, repr(getattr(self, attr))))) return text % ", ".join(args) """ def __str__(self): return "The %s Network" %self.name def get_artist(self, artist_name): """ Return an Artist object """ return Artist(artist_name, self) def get_track(self, artist, title): """ Return a Track object """ return Track(artist, title, self) def get_album(self, artist, title): """ Return an Album object """ return Album(artist, title, self) def get_authenticated_user(self): """ Returns the authenticated user """ return AuthenticatedUser(self) def get_country(self, country_name): """ Returns a country object """ return Country(country_name, self) def get_group(self, name): """ Returns a Group object """ return Group(name, self) def get_user(self, username): """ Returns a user object """ return User(username, self) def get_tag(self, name): """ Returns a tag object """ return Tag(name, self) def get_scrobbler(self, client_id, client_version): """ Returns a Scrobbler object used for submitting tracks to the server Quote from http://www.last.fm/api/submissions: ======== Client identifiers are used to provide a centrally managed database of the client versions, allowing clients to be banned if they are found to be behaving undesirably. The client ID is associated with a version number on the server, however these are only incremented if a client is banned and do not have to reflect the version of the actual client application. During development, clients which have not been allocated an identifier should use the identifier tst, with a version number of 1.0. Do not distribute code or client implementations which use this test identifier. Do not use the identifiers used by other clients. ========= To obtain a new client identifier please contact: * Last.fm: [email protected] * # TODO: list others ...and provide us with the name of your client and its homepage address. """ _deprecation_warning("Use _Network.scrobble(...), _Network.scrobble_many(...), and Netowrk.update_now_playing(...) instead") return Scrobbler(self, client_id, client_version) def _get_language_domain(self, domain_language): """ Returns the mapped domain name of the network to a DOMAIN_* value """ if domain_language in self.domain_names: return self.domain_names[domain_language] def _get_url(self, domain, type): return "http://%s/%s" %(self._get_language_domain(domain), self.urls[type]) def _get_ws_auth(self): """ Returns a (API_KEY, API_SECRET, SESSION_KEY) tuple. """ return (self.api_key, self.api_secret, self.session_key) def _delay_call(self): """ Makes sure that web service calls are at least a second apart """ # delay time in seconds DELAY_TIME = 1.0 now = time.time() if (now - self.last_call_time) < DELAY_TIME: time.sleep(1) self.last_call_time = now def create_new_playlist(self, title, description): """ Creates a playlist for the authenticated user and returns it title: The title of the new playlist. description: The description of the new playlist. """ params = {} params['title'] = title params['description'] = description doc = _Request(self, 'playlist.create', params).execute(False) e_id = doc.getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild.data user = doc.getElementsByTagName('playlists')[0].getAttribute('user') return Playlist(user, e_id, self) def get_top_tags(self, limit=None): """Returns a sequence of the most used tags as a sequence of TopItem objects.""" doc = _Request(self, "tag.getTopTags").execute(True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("tag"): tag = Tag(_extract(node, "name"), self) weight = _number(_extract(node, "count")) seq.append(TopItem(tag, weight)) if limit: seq = seq[:limit] return seq def enable_proxy(self, host, port): """Enable a default web proxy""" self.proxy = [host, _number(port)] self.proxy_enabled = True def disable_proxy(self): """Disable using the web proxy""" self.proxy_enabled = False def is_proxy_enabled(self): """Returns True if a web proxy is enabled.""" return self.proxy_enabled def _get_proxy(self): """Returns proxy details.""" return self.proxy def enable_caching(self, file_path = None): """Enables caching request-wide for all cachable calls. In choosing the backend used for caching, it will try _SqliteCacheBackend first if the module sqlite3 is present. If not, it will fallback to _ShelfCacheBackend which uses shelve.Shelf objects. * file_path: A file path for the backend storage file. If None set, a temp file would probably be created, according the backend. """ if not file_path: file_path = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="pylast_tmp_") self.cache_backend = _ShelfCacheBackend(file_path) def disable_caching(self): """Disables all caching features.""" self.cache_backend = None def is_caching_enabled(self): """Returns True if caching is enabled.""" return not (self.cache_backend == None) def _get_cache_backend(self): return self.cache_backend def search_for_album(self, album_name): """Searches for an album by its name. Returns a AlbumSearch object. Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results.""" return AlbumSearch(album_name, self) def search_for_artist(self, artist_name): """Searches of an artist by its name. Returns a ArtistSearch object. Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results.""" return ArtistSearch(artist_name, self) def search_for_tag(self, tag_name): """Searches of a tag by its name. Returns a TagSearch object. Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results.""" return TagSearch(tag_name, self) def search_for_track(self, artist_name, track_name): """Searches of a track by its name and its artist. Set artist to an empty string if not available. Returns a TrackSearch object. Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results.""" return TrackSearch(artist_name, track_name, self) def search_for_venue(self, venue_name, country_name): """Searches of a venue by its name and its country. Set country_name to an empty string if not available. Returns a VenueSearch object. Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results.""" return VenueSearch(venue_name, country_name, self) def get_track_by_mbid(self, mbid): """Looks up a track by its MusicBrainz ID""" params = {"mbid": mbid} doc = _Request(self, "track.getInfo", params).execute(True) return Track(_extract(doc, "name", 1), _extract(doc, "name"), self) def get_artist_by_mbid(self, mbid): """Loooks up an artist by its MusicBrainz ID""" params = {"mbid": mbid} doc = _Request(self, "artist.getInfo", params).execute(True) return Artist(_extract(doc, "name"), self) def get_album_by_mbid(self, mbid): """Looks up an album by its MusicBrainz ID""" params = {"mbid": mbid} doc = _Request(self, "album.getInfo", params).execute(True) return Album(_extract(doc, "artist"), _extract(doc, "name"), self) def update_now_playing(self, artist, title, album = None, album_artist = None, duration = None, track_number = None, mbid = None, context = None): """ Used to notify Last.fm that a user has started listening to a track. Parameters: artist (Required) : The artist name title (Required) : The track title album (Optional) : The album name. album_artist (Optional) : The album artist - if this differs from the track artist. duration (Optional) : The length of the track in seconds. track_number (Optional) : The track number of the track on the album. mbid (Optional) : The MusicBrainz Track ID. context (Optional) : Sub-client version (not public, only enabled for certain API keys) """ params = {"track": title, "artist": artist} if album: params["album"] = album if album_artist: params["albumArtist"] = album_artist if context: params["context"] = context if track_number: params["trackNumber"] = track_number if mbid: params["mbid"] = mbid if duration: params["duration"] = duration _Request(self, "track.updateNowPlaying", params).execute() def scrobble(self, artist, title, timestamp, album = None, album_artist = None, track_number = None, duration = None, stream_id = None, context = None, mbid = None): """Used to add a track-play to a user's profile. Parameters: artist (Required) : The artist name. title (Required) : The track name. timestamp (Required) : The time the track started playing, in UNIX timestamp format (integer number of seconds since 00:00:00, January 1st 1970 UTC). This must be in the UTC time zone. album (Optional) : The album name. album_artist (Optional) : The album artist - if this differs from the track artist. context (Optional) : Sub-client version (not public, only enabled for certain API keys) stream_id (Optional) : The stream id for this track received from the radio.getPlaylist service. track_number (Optional) : The track number of the track on the album. mbid (Optional) : The MusicBrainz Track ID. duration (Optional) : The length of the track in seconds. """ return self.scrobble_many(({"artist": artist, "title": title, "timestamp": timestamp, "album": album, "album_artist": album_artist, "track_number": track_number, "duration": duration, "stream_id": stream_id, "context": context, "mbid": mbid},)) def scrobble_many(self, tracks): """ Used to scrobble a batch of tracks at once. The parameter tracks is a sequence of dicts per track containing the keyword arguments as if passed to the scrobble() method. """ tracks_to_scrobble = tracks[:50] if len(tracks) > 50: remaining_tracks = tracks[50:] else: remaining_tracks = None params = {} for i in range(len(tracks_to_scrobble)): params["artist[%d]" % i] = tracks_to_scrobble[i]["artist"] params["track[%d]" % i] = tracks_to_scrobble[i]["title"] additional_args = ("timestamp", "album", "album_artist", "context", "stream_id", "track_number", "mbid", "duration") args_map_to = {"album_artist": "albumArtist", "track_number": "trackNumber", "stream_id": "streamID"} # so friggin lazy for arg in additional_args: if arg in tracks_to_scrobble[i] and tracks_to_scrobble[i][arg]: if arg in args_map_to: maps_to = args_map_to[arg] else: maps_to = arg params["%s[%d]" %(maps_to, i)] = tracks_to_scrobble[i][arg] _Request(self, "track.scrobble", params).execute() if remaining_tracks: self.scrobble_many(remaining_tracks) class LastFMNetwork(_Network): """A Last.fm network object api_key: a provided API_KEY api_secret: a provided API_SECRET session_key: a generated session_key or None username: a username of a valid user password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be generated automatically when needed. Either a valid session_key or a combination of username and password_hash must be present for scrobbling. Most read-only webservices only require an api_key and an api_secret, see about obtaining them from: http://www.last.fm/api/account """ def __init__(self, api_key="", api_secret="", session_key="", username="", password_hash=""): _Network.__init__(self, name = "Last.fm", homepage = "http://last.fm", ws_server = ("ws.audioscrobbler.com", "/2.0/"), api_key = api_key, api_secret = api_secret, session_key = session_key, submission_server = "http://post.audioscrobbler.com:80/", username = username, password_hash = password_hash, domain_names = { DOMAIN_ENGLISH: 'www.last.fm', DOMAIN_GERMAN: 'www.lastfm.de', DOMAIN_SPANISH: 'www.lastfm.es', DOMAIN_FRENCH: 'www.lastfm.fr', DOMAIN_ITALIAN: 'www.lastfm.it', DOMAIN_POLISH: 'www.lastfm.pl', DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE: 'www.lastfm.com.br', DOMAIN_SWEDISH: 'www.lastfm.se', DOMAIN_TURKISH: 'www.lastfm.com.tr', DOMAIN_RUSSIAN: 'www.lastfm.ru', DOMAIN_JAPANESE: 'www.lastfm.jp', DOMAIN_CHINESE: 'cn.last.fm', }, urls = { "album": "music/%(artist)s/%(album)s", "artist": "music/%(artist)s", "event": "event/%(id)s", "country": "place/%(country_name)s", "playlist": "user/%(user)s/library/playlists/%(appendix)s", "tag": "tag/%(name)s", "track": "music/%(artist)s/_/%(title)s", "group": "group/%(name)s", "user": "user/%(name)s", } ) def __repr__(self): return "pylast.LastFMNetwork(%s)" %(", ".join(("'%s'" %self.api_key, "'%s'" %self.api_secret, "'%s'" %self.session_key, "'%s'" %self.username, "'%s'" %self.password_hash))) def __str__(self): return "LastFM Network" def get_lastfm_network(api_key="", api_secret="", session_key = "", username = "", password_hash = ""): """ Returns a preconfigured _Network object for Last.fm api_key: a provided API_KEY api_secret: a provided API_SECRET session_key: a generated session_key or None username: a username of a valid user password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be generated automatically when needed. Either a valid session_key or a combination of username and password_hash must be present for scrobbling. Most read-only webservices only require an api_key and an api_secret, see about obtaining them from: http://www.last.fm/api/account """ _deprecation_warning("Create a LastFMNetwork object instead") return LastFMNetwork(api_key, api_secret, session_key, username, password_hash) class LibreFMNetwork(_Network): """ A preconfigured _Network object for Libre.fm api_key: a provided API_KEY api_secret: a provided API_SECRET session_key: a generated session_key or None username: a username of a valid user password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be generated automatically when needed. """ def __init__(self, api_key="", api_secret="", session_key = "", username = "", password_hash = ""): _Network.__init__(self, name = "Libre.fm", homepage = "http://alpha.dev.libre.fm", ws_server = ("alpha.dev.libre.fm", "/2.0/"), api_key = api_key, api_secret = api_secret, session_key = session_key, submission_server = "http://turtle.libre.fm:80/", username = username, password_hash = password_hash, domain_names = { DOMAIN_ENGLISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_GERMAN: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_SPANISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_FRENCH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_ITALIAN: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_POLISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_SWEDISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_TURKISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_RUSSIAN: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_JAPANESE: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", DOMAIN_CHINESE: "alpha.dev.libre.fm", }, urls = { "album": "artist/%(artist)s/album/%(album)s", "artist": "artist/%(artist)s", "event": "event/%(id)s", "country": "place/%(country_name)s", "playlist": "user/%(user)s/library/playlists/%(appendix)s", "tag": "tag/%(name)s", "track": "music/%(artist)s/_/%(title)s", "group": "group/%(name)s", "user": "user/%(name)s", } ) def __repr__(self): return "pylast.LibreFMNetwork(%s)" %(", ".join(("'%s'" %self.api_key, "'%s'" %self.api_secret, "'%s'" %self.session_key, "'%s'" %self.username, "'%s'" %self.password_hash))) def __str__(self): return "Libre.fm Network" def get_librefm_network(api_key="", api_secret="", session_key = "", username = "", password_hash = ""): """ Returns a preconfigured _Network object for Libre.fm api_key: a provided API_KEY api_secret: a provided API_SECRET session_key: a generated session_key or None username: a username of a valid user password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be generated automatically when needed. """ _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Create a LibreFMNetwork object instead") return LibreFMNetwork(api_key, api_secret, session_key, username, password_hash) class _ShelfCacheBackend(object): """Used as a backend for caching cacheable requests.""" def __init__(self, file_path = None): self.shelf = shelve.open(file_path) def get_xml(self, key): return self.shelf[key] def set_xml(self, key, xml_string): self.shelf[key] = xml_string def has_key(self, key): return key in self.shelf.keys() class _Request(object): """Representing an abstract web service operation.""" def __init__(self, network, method_name, params = {}): self.network = network self.params = {} for key in params: self.params[key] = _unicode(params[key]) (self.api_key, self.api_secret, self.session_key) = network._get_ws_auth() self.params["api_key"] = self.api_key self.params["method"] = method_name if network.is_caching_enabled(): self.cache = network._get_cache_backend() if self.session_key: self.params["sk"] = self.session_key self.sign_it() def sign_it(self): """Sign this request.""" if not "api_sig" in self.params.keys(): self.params['api_sig'] = self._get_signature() def _get_signature(self): """Returns a 32-character hexadecimal md5 hash of the signature string.""" keys = list(self.params.keys()) keys.sort() string = "" for name in keys: string += name string += self.params[name] string += self.api_secret return md5(string) def _get_cache_key(self): """The cache key is a string of concatenated sorted names and values.""" keys = list(self.params.keys()) keys.sort() cache_key = str() for key in keys: if key != "api_sig" and key != "api_key" and key != "sk": cache_key += key + _string(self.params[key]) return hashlib.sha1(cache_key).hexdigest() def _get_cached_response(self): """Returns a file object of the cached response.""" if not self._is_cached(): response = self._download_response() self.cache.set_xml(self._get_cache_key(), response) return self.cache.get_xml(self._get_cache_key()) def _is_cached(self): """Returns True if the request is already in cache.""" return self.cache.has_key(self._get_cache_key()) def _download_response(self): """Returns a response body string from the server.""" # Delay the call if necessary #self.network._delay_call() # enable it if you want. data = [] for name in self.params.keys(): data.append('='.join((name, url_quote_plus(_string(self.params[name]))))) data = '&'.join(data) headers = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8', 'User-Agent': "pylast" + '/' + __version__ } (HOST_NAME, HOST_SUBDIR) = self.network.ws_server if self.network.is_proxy_enabled(): conn = HTTPConnection(host = self._get_proxy()[0], port = self._get_proxy()[1]) try: conn.request(method='POST', url="http://" + HOST_NAME + HOST_SUBDIR, body=data, headers=headers) except Exception as e: raise NetworkError(self.network, e) else: conn = HTTPConnection(host=HOST_NAME) try: conn.request(method='POST', url=HOST_SUBDIR, body=data, headers=headers) except Exception as e: raise NetworkError(self.network, e) try: response_text = _unicode(conn.getresponse().read()) except Exception as e: raise MalformedResponseError(self.network, e) self._check_response_for_errors(response_text) return response_text def execute(self, cacheable = False): """Returns the XML DOM response of the POST Request from the server""" if self.network.is_caching_enabled() and cacheable: response = self._get_cached_response() else: response = self._download_response() return minidom.parseString(_string(response)) def _check_response_for_errors(self, response): """Checks the response for errors and raises one if any exists.""" try: doc = minidom.parseString(_string(response)) except Exception as e: raise MalformedResponseError(self.network, e) e = doc.getElementsByTagName('lfm')[0] if e.getAttribute('status') != "ok": e = doc.getElementsByTagName('error')[0] status = e.getAttribute('code') details = e.firstChild.data.strip() raise WSError(self.network, status, details) class SessionKeyGenerator(object): """Methods of generating a session key: 1) Web Authentication: a. network = get_*_network(API_KEY, API_SECRET) b. sg = SessionKeyGenerator(network) c. url = sg.get_web_auth_url() d. Ask the user to open the url and authorize you, and wait for it. e. session_key = sg.get_web_auth_session_key(url) 2) Username and Password Authentication: a. network = get_*_network(API_KEY, API_SECRET) b. username = raw_input("Please enter your username: ") c. password_hash = pylast.md5(raw_input("Please enter your password: ") d. session_key = SessionKeyGenerator(network).get_session_key(username, password_hash) A session key's lifetime is infinie, unless the user provokes the rights of the given API Key. If you create a Network object with just a API_KEY and API_SECRET and a username and a password_hash, a SESSION_KEY will be automatically generated for that network and stored in it so you don't have to do this manually, unless you want to. """ def __init__(self, network): self.network = network self.web_auth_tokens = {} def _get_web_auth_token(self): """Retrieves a token from the network for web authentication. The token then has to be authorized from getAuthURL before creating session. """ request = _Request(self.network, 'auth.getToken') # default action is that a request is signed only when # a session key is provided. request.sign_it() doc = request.execute() e = doc.getElementsByTagName('token')[0] return e.firstChild.data def get_web_auth_url(self): """The user must open this page, and you first, then call get_web_auth_session_key(url) after that.""" token = self._get_web_auth_token() url = '%(homepage)s/api/auth/?api_key=%(api)s&token=%(token)s' % \ {"homepage": self.network.homepage, "api": self.network.api_key, "token": token} self.web_auth_tokens[url] = token return url def get_web_auth_session_key(self, url): """Retrieves the session key of a web authorization process by its url.""" if url in self.web_auth_tokens.keys(): token = self.web_auth_tokens[url] else: token = "" #that's gonna raise a WSError of an unauthorized token when the request is executed. request = _Request(self.network, 'auth.getSession', {'token': token}) # default action is that a request is signed only when # a session key is provided. request.sign_it() doc = request.execute() return doc.getElementsByTagName('key')[0].firstChild.data def get_session_key(self, username, password_hash): """Retrieve a session key with a username and a md5 hash of the user's password.""" params = {"username": username, "authToken": md5(username + password_hash)} request = _Request(self.network, "auth.getMobileSession", params) # default action is that a request is signed only when # a session key is provided. request.sign_it() doc = request.execute() return _extract(doc, "key") TopItem = collections.namedtuple("TopItem", ["item", "weight"]) SimilarItem = collections.namedtuple("SimilarItem", ["item", "match"]) LibraryItem = collections.namedtuple("LibraryItem", ["item", "playcount", "tagcount"]) PlayedTrack = collections.namedtuple("PlayedTrack", ["track", "playback_date", "timestamp"]) LovedTrack = collections.namedtuple("LovedTrack", ["track", "date", "timestamp"]) ImageSizes = collections.namedtuple("ImageSizes", ["original", "large", "largesquare", "medium", "small", "extralarge"]) Image = collections.namedtuple("Image", ["title", "url", "dateadded", "format", "owner", "sizes", "votes"]) Shout = collections.namedtuple("Shout", ["body", "author", "date"]) def _string_output(funct): def r(*args): return _string(funct(*args)) return r def _pad_list(given_list, desired_length, padding = None): """ Pads a list to be of the desired_length. """ while len(given_list) < desired_length: given_list.append(padding) return given_list class _BaseObject(object): """An abstract webservices object.""" network = None def __init__(self, network): self.network = network def _request(self, method_name, cacheable = False, params = None): if not params: params = self._get_params() return _Request(self.network, method_name, params).execute(cacheable) def _get_params(self): """Returns the most common set of parameters between all objects.""" return {} def __hash__(self): return hash(self.network) + \ hash(str(type(self)) + "".join(list(self._get_params().keys()) + list(self._get_params().values())).lower()) class _Taggable(object): """Common functions for classes with tags.""" def __init__(self, ws_prefix): self.ws_prefix = ws_prefix def add_tags(self, tags): """Adds one or several tags. * tags: A sequence of tag names or Tag objects. """ for tag in tags: self.add_tag(tag) def add_tag(self, tag): """Adds one tag. * tag: a tag name or a Tag object. """ if isinstance(tag, Tag): tag = tag.get_name() params = self._get_params() params['tags'] = tag self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.addTags', False, params) def remove_tag(self, tag): """Remove a user's tag from this object.""" if isinstance(tag, Tag): tag = tag.get_name() params = self._get_params() params['tag'] = tag self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.removeTag', False, params) def get_tags(self): """Returns a list of the tags set by the user to this object.""" # Uncacheable because it can be dynamically changed by the user. params = self._get_params() doc = self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.getTags', False, params) tag_names = _extract_all(doc, 'name') tags = [] for tag in tag_names: tags.append(Tag(tag, self.network)) return tags def remove_tags(self, tags): """Removes one or several tags from this object. * tags: a sequence of tag names or Tag objects. """ for tag in tags: self.remove_tag(tag) def clear_tags(self): """Clears all the user-set tags. """ self.remove_tags(*(self.get_tags())) def set_tags(self, tags): """Sets this object's tags to only those tags. * tags: a sequence of tag names or Tag objects. """ c_old_tags = [] old_tags = [] c_new_tags = [] new_tags = [] to_remove = [] to_add = [] tags_on_server = self.get_tags() for tag in tags_on_server: c_old_tags.append(tag.get_name().lower()) old_tags.append(tag.get_name()) for tag in tags: c_new_tags.append(tag.lower()) new_tags.append(tag) for i in range(0, len(old_tags)): if not c_old_tags[i] in c_new_tags: to_remove.append(old_tags[i]) for i in range(0, len(new_tags)): if not c_new_tags[i] in c_old_tags: to_add.append(new_tags[i]) self.remove_tags(to_remove) self.add_tags(to_add) def get_top_tags(self, limit=None): """Returns a list of the most frequently used Tags on this object.""" doc = self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.getTopTags', True) elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('tag') seq = [] for element in elements: tag_name = _extract(element, 'name') tagcount = _extract(element, 'count') seq.append(TopItem(Tag(tag_name, self.network), tagcount)) if limit: seq = seq[:limit] return seq class WSError(Exception): """Exception related to the Network web service""" def __init__(self, network, status, details): self.status = status self.details = details self.network = network @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.details def get_id(self): """Returns the exception ID, from one of the following: STATUS_INVALID_SERVICE = 2 STATUS_INVALID_METHOD = 3 STATUS_AUTH_FAILED = 4 STATUS_INVALID_FORMAT = 5 STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS = 6 STATUS_INVALID_RESOURCE = 7 STATUS_TOKEN_ERROR = 8 STATUS_INVALID_SK = 9 STATUS_INVALID_API_KEY = 10 STATUS_OFFLINE = 11 STATUS_SUBSCRIBERS_ONLY = 12 STATUS_TOKEN_UNAUTHORIZED = 14 STATUS_TOKEN_EXPIRED = 15 """ return self.status class MalformedResponseError(Exception): """Exception conveying a malformed response from Last.fm.""" def __init__(self, network, underlying_error): self.network = network self.underlying_error = underlying_error def __str__(self): return "Malformed response from Last.fm. Underlying error: %s" %str(self.underlying_error) class NetworkError(Exception): """Exception conveying a problem in sending a request to Last.fm""" def __init__(self, network, underlying_error): self.network = network self.underlying_error = underlying_error def __str__(self): return "NetworkError: %s" %str(self.underlying_error) class Album(_BaseObject, _Taggable): """An album.""" title = None artist = None def __init__(self, artist, title, network): """ Create an album instance. # Parameters: * artist: An artist name or an Artist object. * title: The album title. """ _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) _Taggable.__init__(self, 'album') if isinstance(artist, Artist): self.artist = artist else: self.artist = Artist(artist, self.network) self.title = title def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Album(%s, %s, %s)" %(repr(self.artist.name), repr(self.title), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return _unicode("%s - %s") %(self.get_artist().get_name(), self.get_title()) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.get_title().lower() == other.get_title().lower()) and (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() == other.get_artist().get_name().lower()) def __ne__(self, other): return (self.get_title().lower() != other.get_title().lower()) or (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() != other.get_artist().get_name().lower()) def _get_params(self): return {'artist': self.get_artist().get_name(), 'album': self.get_title(), } def get_artist(self): """Returns the associated Artist object.""" return self.artist def get_title(self): """Returns the album title.""" return self.title def get_name(self): """Returns the album title (alias to Album.get_title).""" return self.get_title() def get_release_date(self): """Retruns the release date of the album.""" return _extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "releasedate") def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_EXTRA_LARGE): """ Returns a uri to the cover image size can be one of: COVER_EXTRA_LARGE COVER_LARGE COVER_MEDIUM COVER_SMALL """ return _extract_all(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), 'image')[size] def get_id(self): """Returns the ID""" return _extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "id") def get_playcount(self): """Returns the number of plays on the network""" return _number(_extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "playcount")) def get_listener_count(self): """Returns the number of liteners on the network""" return _number(_extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "listeners")) def get_top_tags(self, limit=None): """Returns a list of the most-applied tags to this album.""" doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True) e = doc.getElementsByTagName("toptags")[0] seq = [] for name in _extract_all(e, "name"): seq.append(Tag(name, self.network)) if limit: seq = seq[:limit] return seq def get_tracks(self): """Returns the list of Tracks on this album.""" uri = 'lastfm://playlist/album/%s' %self.get_id() return XSPF(uri, self.network).get_tracks() def get_mbid(self): """Returns the MusicBrainz id of the album.""" return _extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "mbid") def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the album page on the network. # Parameters: * domain_name str: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ artist = _url_safe(self.get_artist().get_name()) album = _url_safe(self.get_title()) return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "album") %{'artist': artist, 'album': album} def get_wiki_published_date(self): """Returns the date of publishing this version of the wiki.""" doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True) if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0: return node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0] return _extract(node, "published") def get_wiki_summary(self): """Returns the summary of the wiki.""" doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True) if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0: return node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0] return _extract(node, "summary") def get_wiki_content(self): """Returns the content of the wiki.""" doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True) if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0: return node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0] return _extract(node, "content") class Artist(_BaseObject, _Taggable): """An artist.""" name = None def __init__(self, name, network): """Create an artist object. # Parameters: * name str: The artist's name. """ _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) _Taggable.__init__(self, 'artist') self.name = name def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Artist(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.get_name()), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.get_name() def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower() def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_name().lower() != other.get_name().lower() def _get_params(self): return {'artist': self.get_name()} def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False): """Returns the name of the artist. If properly_capitalized was asserted then the name would be downloaded overwriting the given one.""" if properly_capitalized: self.name = _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "name") return self.name def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_MEGA): """ Returns a uri to the cover image size can be one of: COVER_MEGA COVER_EXTRA_LARGE COVER_LARGE COVER_MEDIUM COVER_SMALL """ return _extract_all(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "image")[size] def get_playcount(self): """Returns the number of plays on the network.""" return _number(_extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "playcount")) def get_mbid(self): """Returns the MusicBrainz ID of this artist.""" doc = self._request("artist.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "mbid") def get_listener_count(self): """Returns the number of liteners on the network.""" if hasattr(self, "listener_count"): return self.listener_count else: self.listener_count = _number(_extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "listeners")) return self.listener_count def is_streamable(self): """Returns True if the artist is streamable.""" return bool(_number(_extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "streamable"))) def get_bio_published_date(self): """Returns the date on which the artist's biography was published.""" return _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "published") def get_bio_summary(self, language=None): """Returns the summary of the artist's biography.""" if language: params = self._get_params() params["lang"] = language else: params = None return _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True, params), "summary") def get_bio_content(self, language=None): """Returns the content of the artist's biography.""" if language: params = self._get_params() params["lang"] = language else: params = None return _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True, params), "content") def get_top_tags(self): """Return a list of genre tags""" doc = self._request("artist.getInfo", True) tags = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("tag"): tag_name = _extract(node, 'name') tags.append(tag_name) return tags def get_upcoming_events(self): # """Returns a list of the upcoming Events for this artist.""" """Return a list of event dictionary along with the Events object for the artist to prevent less last.py queries""" doc = self._request('artist.getEvents', True) # Bug: it gets the venue id as well. # ids = _extract_all(doc, 'id') # events = [] # for e_id in ids: # events.append(Event(e_id, self.network)) upcoming_events = _extract_all(doc, 'event') events = [] for e_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('event'): event = {} event["id"] = _extract(e_node, 'id') event["title"] = _extract(e_node, 'title') event["startDate"] = _extract(e_node, 'startDate') event["endDate"] = _extract(e_node, 'endDate') event["url"] = _extract(e_node, 'url', 1) event["event"] = Event(event["id"], self.network) events.append(event) return events def get_similar(self, limit = None): """Returns the similar artists on the network.""" params = self._get_params() if limit: params['limit'] = limit doc = self._request('artist.getSimilar', True, params) names = _extract_all(doc, "name") matches = _extract_all(doc, "match") artists = [] for i in range(0, len(names)): artists.append(SimilarItem(Artist(names[i], self.network), _number(matches[i]))) return artists def get_top_albums(self): """Retuns a list of the top albums.""" doc = self._request('artist.getTopAlbums', True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"): name = _extract(node, "name") artist = _extract(node, "name", 1) playcount = _extract(node, "playcount") seq.append(TopItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_top_tracks(self): """Returns a list of the most played Tracks by this artist.""" doc = self._request("artist.getTopTracks", True) seq = [] for track in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'): title = _extract(track, "name") artist = _extract(track, "name", 1) playcount = _number(_extract(track, "playcount")) seq.append( TopItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), playcount) ) return seq def get_top_fans(self, limit = None): """Returns a list of the Users who played this artist the most. # Parameters: * limit int: Max elements. """ doc = self._request('artist.getTopFans', True) seq = [] elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('user') for element in elements: if limit and len(seq) >= limit: break name = _extract(element, 'name') weight = _number(_extract(element, 'weight')) seq.append(TopItem(User(name, self.network), weight)) return seq def share(self, users, message = None): """Shares this artist (sends out recommendations). # Parameters: * users [User|str,]: A list that can contain usernames, emails, User objects, or all of them. * message str: A message to include in the recommendation message. """ #last.fm currently accepts a max of 10 recipient at a time while(len(users) > 10): section = users[0:9] users = users[9:] self.share(section, message) nusers = [] for user in users: if isinstance(user, User): nusers.append(user.get_name()) else: nusers.append(user) params = self._get_params() recipients = ','.join(nusers) params['recipient'] = recipients if message: params['message'] = message self._request('artist.share', False, params) def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the artist page on the network. # Parameters: * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ artist = _url_safe(self.get_name()) return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "artist") %{'artist': artist} def get_images(self, order=IMAGES_ORDER_POPULARITY, limit=None): """ Returns a sequence of Image objects if limit is None it will return all order can be IMAGES_ORDER_POPULARITY or IMAGES_ORDER_DATE. If limit==None, it will try to pull all the available data. """ images = [] params = self._get_params() params["order"] = order nodes = _collect_nodes(limit, self, "artist.getImages", True, params) for e in nodes: if _extract(e, "name"): user = User(_extract(e, "name"), self.network) else: user = None images.append(Image( _extract(e, "title"), _extract(e, "url"), _extract(e, "dateadded"), _extract(e, "format"), user, ImageSizes(*_extract_all(e, "size")), (_extract(e, "thumbsup"), _extract(e, "thumbsdown")) ) ) return images def get_shouts(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequqence of Shout objects """ shouts = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "artist.getShouts", False): shouts.append(Shout( _extract(node, "body"), User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network), _extract(node, "date") ) ) return shouts def shout(self, message): """ Post a shout """ params = self._get_params() params["message"] = message self._request("artist.Shout", False, params) class Event(_BaseObject): """An event.""" id = None def __init__(self, event_id, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self.id = event_id def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Event(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.id), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return "Event #" + self.get_id() def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_id() == other.get_id() def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_id() != other.get_id() def _get_params(self): return {'event': self.get_id()} def attend(self, attending_status): """Sets the attending status. * attending_status: The attending status. Possible values: o EVENT_ATTENDING o EVENT_MAYBE_ATTENDING o EVENT_NOT_ATTENDING """ params = self._get_params() params['status'] = attending_status self._request('event.attend', False, params) def get_attendees(self): """ Get a list of attendees for an event """ doc = self._request("event.getAttendees", False) users = [] for name in _extract_all(doc, "name"): users.append(User(name, self.network)) return users def get_id(self): """Returns the id of the event on the network. """ return self.id def get_title(self): """Returns the title of the event. """ doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "title") def get_headliner(self): """Returns the headliner of the event. """ doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return Artist(_extract(doc, "headliner"), self.network) def get_artists(self): """Returns a list of the participating Artists. """ doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) names = _extract_all(doc, "artist") artists = [] for name in names: artists.append(Artist(name, self.network)) return artists def get_venue(self): """Returns the venue where the event is held.""" doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) v = doc.getElementsByTagName("venue")[0] venue_id = _number(_extract(v, "id")) location = {} location['name'] = _extract(v, "name") location['city'] = _extract(v, "city") location['country'] = _extract(v, "country") location['street'] = _extract(v, "street") location['lat'] = _extract(v, "geo:lat") location['lng'] = _extract(v, "geo:long") return Venue(venue_id, self.network), location def get_start_date(self): """Returns the date when the event starts.""" doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "startDate") def get_end_date(self): """Returns the date when the event starts.""" doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "endDate") def get_description(self): """Returns the description of the event. """ doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "description") def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_MEGA): """ Returns a uri to the cover image size can be one of: COVER_MEGA COVER_EXTRA_LARGE COVER_LARGE COVER_MEDIUM COVER_SMALL """ doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return _extract_all(doc, "image")[size] def get_attendance_count(self): """Returns the number of attending people. """ doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return _number(_extract(doc, "attendance")) def get_review_count(self): """Returns the number of available reviews for this event. """ doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) return _number(_extract(doc, "reviews")) def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the event page on the network. * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "event") %{'id': self.get_id()} def get_website(self): """Return the website of the event.""" doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True) # there will be always two website sections, the first one will be the # website for venue. return _extract_all(doc, "website")[1] def share(self, users, message = None): """Shares this event (sends out recommendations). * users: A list that can contain usernames, emails, User objects, or all of them. * message: A message to include in the recommendation message. """ #last.fm currently accepts a max of 10 recipient at a time while(len(users) > 10): section = users[0:9] users = users[9:] self.share(section, message) nusers = [] for user in users: if isinstance(user, User): nusers.append(user.get_name()) else: nusers.append(user) params = self._get_params() recipients = ','.join(nusers) params['recipient'] = recipients if message: params['message'] = message self._request('event.share', False, params) def get_shouts(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequqence of Shout objects """ shouts = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "event.getShouts", False): shouts.append(Shout( _extract(node, "body"), User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network), _extract(node, "date") ) ) return shouts def shout(self, message): """ Post a shout """ params = self._get_params() params["message"] = message self._request("event.Shout", False, params) class Country(_BaseObject): """A country at Last.fm.""" name = None def __init__(self, name, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self.name = name def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Country(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.get_name() def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower() def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_name() != other.get_name() def _get_params(self): return {'country': self.get_name()} def _get_name_from_code(self, alpha2code): # TODO: Have this function lookup the alpha-2 code and return the country name. return alpha2code def get_name(self): """Returns the country name. """ return self.name def get_top_artists(self): """Returns a sequence of the most played artists.""" doc = self._request('geo.getTopArtists', True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"): name = _extract(node, 'name') playcount = _extract(node, "playcount") seq.append(TopItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_top_tracks(self): """Returns a sequence of the most played tracks""" doc = self._request("geo.getTopTracks", True) seq = [] for n in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'): title = _extract(n, 'name') artist = _extract(n, 'name', 1) playcount = _number(_extract(n, "playcount")) seq.append( TopItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the event page on the network. * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ country_name = _url_safe(self.get_name()) return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "country") %{'country_name': country_name} class Library(_BaseObject): """A user's Last.fm library.""" user = None def __init__(self, user, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) if isinstance(user, User): self.user = user else: self.user = User(user, self.network) self._albums_index = 0 self._artists_index = 0 self._tracks_index = 0 def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Library(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.user), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return repr(self.get_user()) + "'s Library" def _get_params(self): return {'user': self.user.get_name()} def get_user(self): """Returns the user who owns this library.""" return self.user def add_album(self, album): """Add an album to this library.""" params = self._get_params() params["artist"] = album.get_artist.get_name() params["album"] = album.get_name() self._request("library.addAlbum", False, params) def add_artist(self, artist): """Add an artist to this library.""" params = self._get_params() params["artist"] = artist.get_name() self._request("library.addArtist", False, params) def add_track(self, track): """Add a track to this library.""" params = self._get_params() params["track"] = track.get_title() self._request("library.addTrack", False, params) def get_albums(self, artist=None, limit=50): """ Returns a sequence of Album objects If no artist is specified, it will return all, sorted by playcount descendingly. If limit==None it will return all (may take a while) """ params = self._get_params() if artist: params["artist"] = artist seq = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "library.getAlbums", True, params): name = _extract(node, "name") artist = _extract(node, "name", 1) playcount = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) tagcount = _number(_extract(node, "tagcount")) seq.append(LibraryItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount, tagcount)) return seq def get_artists(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequence of Album objects if limit==None it will return all (may take a while) """ seq = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "library.getArtists", True): name = _extract(node, "name") playcount = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) tagcount = _number(_extract(node, "tagcount")) seq.append(LibraryItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount, tagcount)) return seq def get_tracks(self, artist=None, album=None, limit=50): """ Returns a sequence of Album objects If limit==None it will return all (may take a while) """ params = self._get_params() if artist: params["artist"] = artist if album: params["album"] = album seq = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "library.getTracks", True, params): name = _extract(node, "name") artist = _extract(node, "name", 1) playcount = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) tagcount = _number(_extract(node, "tagcount")) seq.append(LibraryItem(Track(artist, name, self.network), playcount, tagcount)) return seq class Playlist(_BaseObject): """A Last.fm user playlist.""" id = None user = None def __init__(self, user, id, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) if isinstance(user, User): self.user = user else: self.user = User(user, self.network) self.id = id @_string_output def __str__(self): return repr(self.user) + "'s playlist # " + repr(self.id) def _get_info_node(self): """Returns the node from user.getPlaylists where this playlist's info is.""" doc = self._request("user.getPlaylists", True) for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("playlist"): if _extract(node, "id") == str(self.get_id()): return node def _get_params(self): return {'user': self.user.get_name(), 'playlistID': self.get_id()} def get_id(self): """Returns the playlist id.""" return self.id def get_user(self): """Returns the owner user of this playlist.""" return self.user def get_tracks(self): """Returns a list of the tracks on this user playlist.""" uri = _unicode('lastfm://playlist/%s') %self.get_id() return XSPF(uri, self.network).get_tracks() def add_track(self, track): """Adds a Track to this Playlist.""" params = self._get_params() params['artist'] = track.get_artist().get_name() params['track'] = track.get_title() self._request('playlist.addTrack', False, params) def get_title(self): """Returns the title of this playlist.""" return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "title") def get_creation_date(self): """Returns the creation date of this playlist.""" return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "date") def get_size(self): """Returns the number of tracks in this playlist.""" return _number(_extract(self._get_info_node(), "size")) def get_description(self): """Returns the description of this playlist.""" return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "description") def get_duration(self): """Returns the duration of this playlist in milliseconds.""" return _number(_extract(self._get_info_node(), "duration")) def is_streamable(self): """Returns True if the playlist is streamable. For a playlist to be streamable, it needs at least 45 tracks by 15 different artists.""" if _extract(self._get_info_node(), "streamable") == '1': return True else: return False def has_track(self, track): """Checks to see if track is already in the playlist. * track: Any Track object. """ return track in self.get_tracks() def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_EXTRA_LARGE): """ Returns a uri to the cover image size can be one of: COVER_MEGA COVER_EXTRA_LARGE COVER_LARGE COVER_MEDIUM COVER_SMALL """ return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "image")[size] def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the playlist on the network. * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ english_url = _extract(self._get_info_node(), "url") appendix = english_url[english_url.rfind("/") + 1:] return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "playlist") %{'appendix': appendix, "user": self.get_user().get_name()} class Tag(_BaseObject): """A Last.fm object tag.""" # TODO: getWeeklyArtistChart (too lazy, i'll wait for when someone requests it) name = None def __init__(self, name, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self.name = name def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Tag(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.get_name() def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower() def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_name().lower() != other.get_name().lower() def _get_params(self): return {'tag': self.get_name()} def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False): """Returns the name of the tag. """ if properly_capitalized: self.name = _extract(self._request("tag.getInfo", True), "name") return self.name def get_similar(self): """Returns the tags similar to this one, ordered by similarity. """ doc = self._request('tag.getSimilar', True) seq = [] names = _extract_all(doc, 'name') for name in names: seq.append(Tag(name, self.network)) return seq def get_top_albums(self): """Retuns a list of the top albums.""" doc = self._request('tag.getTopAlbums', True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"): name = _extract(node, "name") artist = _extract(node, "name", 1) playcount = _extract(node, "playcount") seq.append(TopItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_top_tracks(self): """Returns a list of the most played Tracks by this artist.""" doc = self._request("tag.getTopTracks", True) seq = [] for track in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'): title = _extract(track, "name") artist = _extract(track, "name", 1) playcount = _number(_extract(track, "playcount")) seq.append( TopItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), playcount) ) return seq def get_top_artists(self): """Returns a sequence of the most played artists.""" doc = self._request('tag.getTopArtists', True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"): name = _extract(node, 'name') playcount = _extract(node, "playcount") seq.append(TopItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_weekly_chart_dates(self): """Returns a list of From and To tuples for the available charts.""" doc = self._request("tag.getWeeklyChartList", True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("chart"): seq.append( (node.getAttribute("from"), node.getAttribute("to")) ) return seq def get_weekly_artist_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None): """Returns the weekly artist charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value.""" params = self._get_params() if from_date and to_date: params["from"] = from_date params["to"] = to_date doc = self._request("tag.getWeeklyArtistChart", True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"): item = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network) weight = _number(_extract(node, "weight")) seq.append(TopItem(item, weight)) return seq def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the tag page on the network. * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ name = _url_safe(self.get_name()) return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "tag") %{'name': name} class Track(_BaseObject, _Taggable): """A Last.fm track.""" artist = None title = None def __init__(self, artist, title, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) _Taggable.__init__(self, 'track') if isinstance(artist, Artist): self.artist = artist else: self.artist = Artist(artist, self.network) self.title = title def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Track(%s, %s, %s)" %(repr(self.artist.name), repr(self.title), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.get_artist().get_name() + ' - ' + self.get_title() def __eq__(self, other): return (self.get_title().lower() == other.get_title().lower()) and (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() == other.get_artist().get_name().lower()) def __ne__(self, other): return (self.get_title().lower() != other.get_title().lower()) or (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() != other.get_artist().get_name().lower()) def _get_params(self): return {'artist': self.get_artist().get_name(), 'track': self.get_title()} def get_artist(self): """Returns the associated Artist object.""" return self.artist def get_title(self, properly_capitalized=False): """Returns the track title.""" if properly_capitalized: self.title = _extract(self._request("track.getInfo", True), "name") return self.title def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False): """Returns the track title (alias to Track.get_title).""" return self.get_title(properly_capitalized) def get_id(self): """Returns the track id on the network.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "id") def get_duration(self): """Returns the track duration.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) return _number(_extract(doc, "duration")) def get_mbid(self): """Returns the MusicBrainz ID of this track.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "mbid") def get_listener_count(self): """Returns the listener count.""" if hasattr(self, "listener_count"): return self.listener_count else: doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) self.listener_count = _number(_extract(doc, "listeners")) return self.listener_count def get_playcount(self): """Returns the play count.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) return _number(_extract(doc, "playcount")) def is_streamable(self): """Returns True if the track is available at Last.fm.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "streamable") == "1" def is_fulltrack_available(self): """Returns True if the fulltrack is available for streaming.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) return doc.getElementsByTagName("streamable")[0].getAttribute("fulltrack") == "1" def get_album(self): """Returns the album object of this track.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) albums = doc.getElementsByTagName("album") if len(albums) == 0: return node = doc.getElementsByTagName("album")[0] return Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "title"), self.network) def get_wiki_published_date(self): """Returns the date of publishing this version of the wiki.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0: return node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0] return _extract(node, "published") def get_wiki_summary(self): """Returns the summary of the wiki.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0: return node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0] return _extract(node, "summary") def get_wiki_content(self): """Returns the content of the wiki.""" doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True) if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0: return node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0] return _extract(node, "content") def love(self): """Adds the track to the user's loved tracks. """ self._request('track.love') def ban(self): """Ban this track from ever playing on the radio. """ self._request('track.ban') def get_similar(self): """Returns similar tracks for this track on the network, based on listening data. """ doc = self._request('track.getSimilar', True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("track"): title = _extract(node, 'name') artist = _extract(node, 'name', 1) match = _number(_extract(node, "match")) seq.append(SimilarItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), match)) return seq def get_top_fans(self, limit = None): """Returns a list of the Users who played this track.""" doc = self._request('track.getTopFans', True) seq = [] elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('user') for element in elements: if limit and len(seq) >= limit: break name = _extract(element, 'name') weight = _number(_extract(element, 'weight')) seq.append(TopItem(User(name, self.network), weight)) return seq def share(self, users, message = None): """Shares this track (sends out recommendations). * users: A list that can contain usernames, emails, User objects, or all of them. * message: A message to include in the recommendation message. """ #last.fm currently accepts a max of 10 recipient at a time while(len(users) > 10): section = users[0:9] users = users[9:] self.share(section, message) nusers = [] for user in users: if isinstance(user, User): nusers.append(user.get_name()) else: nusers.append(user) params = self._get_params() recipients = ','.join(nusers) params['recipient'] = recipients if message: params['message'] = message self._request('track.share', False, params) def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the track page on the network. * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ artist = _url_safe(self.get_artist().get_name()) title = _url_safe(self.get_title()) return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "track") %{'domain': self.network._get_language_domain(domain_name), 'artist': artist, 'title': title} def get_shouts(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequqence of Shout objects """ shouts = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "track.getShouts", False): shouts.append(Shout( _extract(node, "body"), User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network), _extract(node, "date") ) ) return shouts class Group(_BaseObject): """A Last.fm group.""" name = None def __init__(self, group_name, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self.name = group_name def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Group(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.get_name() def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower() def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_name() != other.get_name() def _get_params(self): return {'group': self.get_name()} def get_name(self): """Returns the group name. """ return self.name def get_weekly_chart_dates(self): """Returns a list of From and To tuples for the available charts.""" doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyChartList", True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("chart"): seq.append( (node.getAttribute("from"), node.getAttribute("to")) ) return seq def get_weekly_artist_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None): """Returns the weekly artist charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value.""" params = self._get_params() if from_date and to_date: params["from"] = from_date params["to"] = to_date doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyArtistChart", True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"): item = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network) weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) seq.append(TopItem(item, weight)) return seq def get_weekly_album_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None): """Returns the weekly album charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value.""" params = self._get_params() if from_date and to_date: params["from"] = from_date params["to"] = to_date doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyAlbumChart", True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"): item = Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network) weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) seq.append(TopItem(item, weight)) return seq def get_weekly_track_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None): """Returns the weekly track charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value.""" params = self._get_params() if from_date and to_date: params["from"] = from_date params["to"] = to_date doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyTrackChart", True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("track"): item = Track(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network) weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) seq.append(TopItem(item, weight)) return seq def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the group page on the network. * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ name = _url_safe(self.get_name()) return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "group") %{'name': name} def get_members(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequence of User objects if limit==None it will return all """ nodes = _collect_nodes(limit, self, "group.getMembers", False) users = [] for node in nodes: users.append(User(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)) return users class XSPF(_BaseObject): "A Last.fm XSPF playlist.""" uri = None def __init__(self, uri, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self.uri = uri def _get_params(self): return {'playlistURL': self.get_uri()} @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.get_uri() def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_uri() == other.get_uri() def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_uri() != other.get_uri() def get_uri(self): """Returns the Last.fm playlist URI. """ return self.uri def get_tracks(self): """Returns the tracks on this playlist.""" doc = self._request('playlist.fetch', True) seq = [] for n in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'): title = _extract(n, 'title') artist = _extract(n, 'creator') seq.append(Track(artist, title, self.network)) return seq class User(_BaseObject): """A Last.fm user.""" name = None def __init__(self, user_name, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self.name = user_name self._past_events_index = 0 self._recommended_events_index = 0 self._recommended_artists_index = 0 def __repr__(self): return "pylast.User(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.get_name() def __eq__(self, another): return self.get_name() == another.get_name() def __ne__(self, another): return self.get_name() != another.get_name() def _get_params(self): return {"user": self.get_name()} def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False): """Returns the nuser name.""" if properly_capitalized: self.name = _extract(self._request("user.getInfo", True), "name") return self.name def get_upcoming_events(self): """Returns all the upcoming events for this user. """ doc = self._request('user.getEvents', True) ids = _extract_all(doc, 'id') events = [] for e_id in ids: events.append(Event(e_id, self.network)) return events def get_friends(self, limit = 50): """Returns a list of the user's friends. """ seq = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getFriends", False): seq.append(User(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)) return seq def get_loved_tracks(self, limit=50): """Returns this user's loved track as a sequence of LovedTrack objects in reverse order of their timestamp, all the way back to the first track. If limit==None, it will try to pull all the available data. This method uses caching. Enable caching only if you're pulling a large amount of data. Use extract_items() with the return of this function to get only a sequence of Track objects with no playback dates. """ params = self._get_params() if limit: params['limit'] = limit seq = [] for track in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getLovedTracks", True, params): title = _extract(track, "name") artist = _extract(track, "name", 1) date = _extract(track, "date") timestamp = track.getElementsByTagName("date")[0].getAttribute("uts") seq.append(LovedTrack(Track(artist, title, self.network), date, timestamp)) return seq def get_neighbours(self, limit = 50): """Returns a list of the user's friends.""" params = self._get_params() if limit: params['limit'] = limit doc = self._request('user.getNeighbours', True, params) seq = [] names = _extract_all(doc, 'name') for name in names: seq.append(User(name, self.network)) return seq def get_past_events(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequence of Event objects if limit==None it will return all """ seq = [] for n in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getPastEvents", False): seq.append(Event(_extract(n, "id"), self.network)) return seq def get_playlists(self): """Returns a list of Playlists that this user owns.""" doc = self._request("user.getPlaylists", True) playlists = [] for playlist_id in _extract_all(doc, "id"): playlists.append(Playlist(self.get_name(), playlist_id, self.network)) return playlists def get_now_playing(self): """Returns the currently playing track, or None if nothing is playing. """ params = self._get_params() params['limit'] = '1' doc = self._request('user.getRecentTracks', False, params) e = doc.getElementsByTagName('track')[0] if not e.hasAttribute('nowplaying'): return None artist = _extract(e, 'artist') title = _extract(e, 'name') return Track(artist, title, self.network) def get_recent_tracks(self, limit = 10): """Returns this user's played track as a sequence of PlayedTrack objects in reverse order of their playtime, all the way back to the first track. If limit==None, it will try to pull all the available data. This method uses caching. Enable caching only if you're pulling a large amount of data. Use extract_items() with the return of this function to get only a sequence of Track objects with no playback dates. """ params = self._get_params() if limit: params['limit'] = limit seq = [] for track in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getRecentTracks", True, params): if track.hasAttribute('nowplaying'): continue #to prevent the now playing track from sneaking in here title = _extract(track, "name") artist = _extract(track, "artist") date = _extract(track, "date") timestamp = track.getElementsByTagName("date")[0].getAttribute("uts") seq.append(PlayedTrack(Track(artist, title, self.network), date, timestamp)) return seq def get_id(self): """Returns the user id.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "id") def get_language(self): """Returns the language code of the language used by the user.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "lang") def get_country(self): """Returns the name of the country of the user.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) return Country(_extract(doc, "country"), self.network) def get_age(self): """Returns the user's age.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) return _number(_extract(doc, "age")) def get_gender(self): """Returns the user's gender. Either USER_MALE or USER_FEMALE.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) value = _extract(doc, "gender") if value == 'm': return USER_MALE elif value == 'f': return USER_FEMALE return None def is_subscriber(self): """Returns whether the user is a subscriber or not. True or False.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "subscriber") == "1" def get_playcount(self): """Returns the user's playcount so far.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) return _number(_extract(doc, "playcount")) def get_top_albums(self, period = PERIOD_OVERALL): """Returns the top albums played by a user. * period: The period of time. Possible values: o PERIOD_OVERALL o PERIOD_7DAYS o PERIOD_3MONTHS o PERIOD_6MONTHS o PERIOD_12MONTHS """ params = self._get_params() params['period'] = period doc = self._request('user.getTopAlbums', True, params) seq = [] for album in doc.getElementsByTagName('album'): name = _extract(album, 'name') artist = _extract(album, 'name', 1) playcount = _extract(album, "playcount") seq.append(TopItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_top_artists(self, period = PERIOD_OVERALL): """Returns the top artists played by a user. * period: The period of time. Possible values: o PERIOD_OVERALL o PERIOD_7DAYS o PERIOD_3MONTHS o PERIOD_6MONTHS o PERIOD_12MONTHS """ params = self._get_params() params['period'] = period doc = self._request('user.getTopArtists', True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName('artist'): name = _extract(node, 'name') playcount = _extract(node, "playcount") seq.append(TopItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_top_tags(self, limit=None): """Returns a sequence of the top tags used by this user with their counts as TopItem objects. * limit: The limit of how many tags to return. """ doc = self._request("user.getTopTags", True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("tag"): seq.append(TopItem(Tag(_extract(node, "name"), self.network), _extract(node, "count"))) if limit: seq = seq[:limit] return seq def get_top_tracks(self, period = PERIOD_OVERALL): """Returns the top tracks played by a user. * period: The period of time. Possible values: o PERIOD_OVERALL o PERIOD_7DAYS o PERIOD_3MONTHS o PERIOD_6MONTHS o PERIOD_12MONTHS """ params = self._get_params() params['period'] = period doc = self._request('user.getTopTracks', True, params) seq = [] for track in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'): name = _extract(track, 'name') artist = _extract(track, 'name', 1) playcount = _extract(track, "playcount") seq.append(TopItem(Track(artist, name, self.network), playcount)) return seq def get_weekly_chart_dates(self): """Returns a list of From and To tuples for the available charts.""" doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyChartList", True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("chart"): seq.append( (node.getAttribute("from"), node.getAttribute("to")) ) return seq def get_weekly_artist_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None): """Returns the weekly artist charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value.""" params = self._get_params() if from_date and to_date: params["from"] = from_date params["to"] = to_date doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyArtistChart", True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"): item = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network) weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) seq.append(TopItem(item, weight)) return seq def get_weekly_album_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None): """Returns the weekly album charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value.""" params = self._get_params() if from_date and to_date: params["from"] = from_date params["to"] = to_date doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyAlbumChart", True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"): item = Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network) weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) seq.append(TopItem(item, weight)) return seq def get_weekly_track_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None): """Returns the weekly track charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value.""" params = self._get_params() if from_date and to_date: params["from"] = from_date params["to"] = to_date doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyTrackChart", True, params) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("track"): item = Track(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network) weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount")) seq.append(TopItem(item, weight)) return seq def compare_with_user(self, user, shared_artists_limit = None): """Compare this user with another Last.fm user. Returns a sequence (tasteometer_score, (shared_artist1, shared_artist2, ...)) user: A User object or a username string/unicode object. """ if isinstance(user, User): user = user.get_name() params = self._get_params() if shared_artists_limit: params['limit'] = shared_artists_limit params['type1'] = 'user' params['type2'] = 'user' params['value1'] = self.get_name() params['value2'] = user doc = self._request('tasteometer.compare', False, params) score = _extract(doc, 'score') artists = doc.getElementsByTagName('artists')[0] shared_artists_names = _extract_all(artists, 'name') shared_artists_seq = [] for name in shared_artists_names: shared_artists_seq.append(Artist(name, self.network)) return (score, shared_artists_seq) def get_image(self): """Returns the user's avatar.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True) return _extract(doc, "image") def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH): """Returns the url of the user page on the network. * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values: o DOMAIN_ENGLISH o DOMAIN_GERMAN o DOMAIN_SPANISH o DOMAIN_FRENCH o DOMAIN_ITALIAN o DOMAIN_POLISH o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE o DOMAIN_SWEDISH o DOMAIN_TURKISH o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN o DOMAIN_JAPANESE o DOMAIN_CHINESE """ name = _url_safe(self.get_name()) return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "user") %{'name': name} def get_library(self): """Returns the associated Library object. """ return Library(self, self.network) def get_shouts(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequqence of Shout objects """ shouts = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getShouts", False): shouts.append(Shout( _extract(node, "body"), User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network), _extract(node, "date") ) ) return shouts def shout(self, message): """ Post a shout """ params = self._get_params() params["message"] = message self._request("user.Shout", False, params) class AuthenticatedUser(User): def __init__(self, network): User.__init__(self, "", network); def _get_params(self): return {"user": self.get_name()} def get_name(self): """Returns the name of the authenticated user.""" doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True, {"user": ""}) # hack self.name = _extract(doc, "name") return self.name def get_recommended_events(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequence of Event objects if limit==None it will return all """ seq = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getRecommendedEvents", False): seq.append(Event(_extract(node, "id"), self.network)) return seq def get_recommended_artists(self, limit=50): """ Returns a sequence of Event objects if limit==None it will return all """ seq = [] for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getRecommendedArtists", False): seq.append(Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)) return seq class _Search(_BaseObject): """An abstract class. Use one of its derivatives.""" def __init__(self, ws_prefix, search_terms, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self._ws_prefix = ws_prefix self.search_terms = search_terms self._last_page_index = 0 def _get_params(self): params = {} for key in self.search_terms.keys(): params[key] = self.search_terms[key] return params def get_total_result_count(self): """Returns the total count of all the results.""" doc = self._request(self._ws_prefix + ".search", True) return _extract(doc, "opensearch:totalResults") def _retreive_page(self, page_index): """Returns the node of matches to be processed""" params = self._get_params() params["page"] = str(page_index) doc = self._request(self._ws_prefix + ".search", True, params) return doc.getElementsByTagName(self._ws_prefix + "matches")[0] def _retrieve_next_page(self): self._last_page_index += 1 return self._retreive_page(self._last_page_index) class AlbumSearch(_Search): """Search for an album by name.""" def __init__(self, album_name, network): _Search.__init__(self, "album", {"album": album_name}, network) def get_next_page(self): """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Album objects.""" master_node = self._retrieve_next_page() seq = [] for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("album"): seq.append(Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network)) return seq class ArtistSearch(_Search): """Search for an artist by artist name.""" def __init__(self, artist_name, network): _Search.__init__(self, "artist", {"artist": artist_name}, network) def get_next_page(self): """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Artist objects.""" master_node = self._retrieve_next_page() seq = [] for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("artist"): artist = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network) artist.listener_count = _number(_extract(node, "listeners")) seq.append(artist) return seq class TagSearch(_Search): """Search for a tag by tag name.""" def __init__(self, tag_name, network): _Search.__init__(self, "tag", {"tag": tag_name}, network) def get_next_page(self): """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Tag objects.""" master_node = self._retrieve_next_page() seq = [] for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("tag"): tag = Tag(_extract(node, "name"), self.network) tag.tag_count = _number(_extract(node, "count")) seq.append(tag) return seq class TrackSearch(_Search): """Search for a track by track title. If you don't wanna narrow the results down by specifying the artist name, set it to empty string.""" def __init__(self, artist_name, track_title, network): _Search.__init__(self, "track", {"track": track_title, "artist": artist_name}, network) def get_next_page(self): """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Track objects.""" master_node = self._retrieve_next_page() seq = [] for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("track"): track = Track(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network) track.listener_count = _number(_extract(node, "listeners")) seq.append(track) return seq class VenueSearch(_Search): """Search for a venue by its name. If you don't wanna narrow the results down by specifying a country, set it to empty string.""" def __init__(self, venue_name, country_name, network): _Search.__init__(self, "venue", {"venue": venue_name, "country": country_name}, network) def get_next_page(self): """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Track objects.""" master_node = self._retrieve_next_page() seq = [] for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("venue"): seq.append(Venue(_extract(node, "id"), self.network)) return seq class Venue(_BaseObject): """A venue where events are held.""" # TODO: waiting for a venue.getInfo web service to use. id = None def __init__(self, id, network): _BaseObject.__init__(self, network) self.id = _number(id) def __repr__(self): return "pylast.Venue(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.id), repr(self.network)) @_string_output def __str__(self): return "Venue #" + str(self.id) def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_id() == other.get_id() def _get_params(self): return {"venue": self.get_id()} def get_id(self): """Returns the id of the venue.""" return self.id def get_upcoming_events(self): """Returns the upcoming events in this venue.""" doc = self._request("venue.getEvents", True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("event"): seq.append(Event(_extract(node, "id"), self.network)) return seq def get_past_events(self): """Returns the past events held in this venue.""" doc = self._request("venue.getEvents", True) seq = [] for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("event"): seq.append(Event(_extract(node, "id"), self.network)) return seq def md5(text): """Returns the md5 hash of a string.""" h = hashlib.md5() h.update(_unicode(text).encode("utf-8")) return h.hexdigest() def _unicode(text): if sys.version_info[0] == 3: if type(text) in (bytes, bytearray): return str(text, "utf-8") elif type(text) == str: return text else: return str(text) elif sys.version_info[0] ==2: if type(text) in (str,): return unicode(text, "utf-8") elif type(text) == unicode: return text else: return unicode(text) def _string(text): """For Python2 routines that can only process str type.""" if sys.version_info[0] == 3: if type(text) != str: return str(text) else: return text elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: if type(text) == str: return text if type(text) == int: return str(text) return text.encode("utf-8") def _collect_nodes(limit, sender, method_name, cacheable, params=None): """ Returns a sequqnce of dom.Node objects about as close to limit as possible """ if not params: params = sender._get_params() nodes = [] page = 1 end_of_pages = False while not end_of_pages and (not limit or (limit and len(nodes) < limit)): params["page"] = str(page) doc = sender._request(method_name, cacheable, params) main = doc.documentElement.childNodes[1] if main.hasAttribute("totalPages"): total_pages = _number(main.getAttribute("totalPages")) elif main.hasAttribute("totalpages"): total_pages = _number(main.getAttribute("totalpages")) else: raise Exception("No total pages attribute") for node in main.childNodes: if not node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE and len(nodes) < limit: nodes.append(node) if page >= total_pages: end_of_pages = True page += 1 return nodes def _extract(node, name, index = 0): """Extracts a value from the xml string""" nodes = node.getElementsByTagName(name) if len(nodes): if nodes[index].firstChild: return _unescape_htmlentity(nodes[index].firstChild.data.strip()) else: return None def _extract_all(node, name, limit_count = None): """Extracts all the values from the xml string. returning a list.""" seq = [] for i in range(0, len(node.getElementsByTagName(name))): if len(seq) == limit_count: break seq.append(_extract(node, name, i)) return seq def _url_safe(text): """Does all kinds of tricks on a text to make it safe to use in a url.""" return url_quote_plus(url_quote_plus(_string(text))).lower() def _number(string): """ Extracts an int from a string. Returns a 0 if None or an empty string was passed """ if not string: return 0 elif string == "": return 0 else: try: return int(string) except ValueError: return float(string) def _unescape_htmlentity(string): #string = _unicode(string) mapping = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint for key in mapping: string = string.replace("&%s;" %key, unichr(mapping[key])) return string def extract_items(topitems_or_libraryitems): """Extracts a sequence of items from a sequence of TopItem or LibraryItem objects.""" seq = [] for i in topitems_or_libraryitems: seq.append(i.item) return seq class ScrobblingError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self) self.message = message @_string_output def __str__(self): return self.message class BannedClientError(ScrobblingError): def __init__(self): ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "This version of the client has been banned") class BadAuthenticationError(ScrobblingError): def __init__(self): ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "Bad authentication token") class BadTimeError(ScrobblingError): def __init__(self): ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "Time provided is not close enough to current time") class BadSessionError(ScrobblingError): def __init__(self): ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "Bad session id, consider re-handshaking") class _ScrobblerRequest(object): def __init__(self, url, params, network, type="POST"): for key in params: params[key] = str(params[key]) self.params = params self.type = type (self.hostname, self.subdir) = url_split_host(url[len("http:"):]) self.network = network def execute(self): """Returns a string response of this request.""" connection = HTTPConnection(self.hostname) data = [] for name in self.params.keys(): value = url_quote_plus(self.params[name]) data.append('='.join((name, value))) data = "&".join(data) headers = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept-Charset": "utf-8", "User-Agent": "pylast" + "/" + __version__, "HOST": self.hostname } if self.type == "GET": connection.request("GET", self.subdir + "?" + data, headers = headers) else: connection.request("POST", self.subdir, data, headers) response = _unicode(connection.getresponse().read()) self._check_response_for_errors(response) return response def _check_response_for_errors(self, response): """When passed a string response it checks for erros, raising any exceptions as necessary.""" lines = response.split("\n") status_line = lines[0] if status_line == "OK": return elif status_line == "BANNED": raise BannedClientError() elif status_line == "BADAUTH": raise BadAuthenticationError() elif status_line == "BADTIME": raise BadTimeError() elif status_line == "BADSESSION": raise BadSessionError() elif status_line.startswith("FAILED "): reason = status_line[status_line.find("FAILED ")+len("FAILED "):] raise ScrobblingError(reason) class Scrobbler(object): """A class for scrobbling tracks to Last.fm""" session_id = None nowplaying_url = None submissions_url = None def __init__(self, network, client_id, client_version): self.client_id = client_id self.client_version = client_version self.username = network.username self.password = network.password_hash self.network = network def _do_handshake(self): """Handshakes with the server""" timestamp = str(int(time.time())) if self.password and self.username: token = md5(self.password + timestamp) elif self.network.api_key and self.network.api_secret and self.network.session_key: if not self.username: self.username = self.network.get_authenticated_user().get_name() token = md5(self.network.api_secret + timestamp) params = {"hs": "true", "p": "1.2.1", "c": self.client_id, "v": self.client_version, "u": self.username, "t": timestamp, "a": token} if self.network.session_key and self.network.api_key: params["sk"] = self.network.session_key params["api_key"] = self.network.api_key server = self.network.submission_server response = _ScrobblerRequest(server, params, self.network, "GET").execute().split("\n") self.session_id = response[1] self.nowplaying_url = response[2] self.submissions_url = response[3] def _get_session_id(self, new = False): """Returns a handshake. If new is true, then it will be requested from the server even if one was cached.""" if not self.session_id or new: self._do_handshake() return self.session_id def report_now_playing(self, artist, title, album = "", duration = "", track_number = "", mbid = ""): _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Use Netowrk.update_now_playing(...) instead") params = {"s": self._get_session_id(), "a": artist, "t": title, "b": album, "l": duration, "n": track_number, "m": mbid} try: _ScrobblerRequest(self.nowplaying_url, params, self.network).execute() except BadSessionError: self._do_handshake() self.report_now_playing(artist, title, album, duration, track_number, mbid) def scrobble(self, artist, title, time_started, source, mode, duration, album="", track_number="", mbid=""): """Scrobble a track. parameters: artist: Artist name. title: Track title. time_started: UTC timestamp of when the track started playing. source: The source of the track SCROBBLE_SOURCE_USER: Chosen by the user (the most common value, unless you have a reason for choosing otherwise, use this). SCROBBLE_SOURCE_NON_PERSONALIZED_BROADCAST: Non-personalised broadcast (e.g. Shoutcast, BBC Radio 1). SCROBBLE_SOURCE_PERSONALIZED_BROADCAST: Personalised recommendation except Last.fm (e.g. Pandora, Launchcast). SCROBBLE_SOURCE_LASTFM: ast.fm (any mode). In this case, the 5-digit recommendation_key value must be set. SCROBBLE_SOURCE_UNKNOWN: Source unknown. mode: The submission mode SCROBBLE_MODE_PLAYED: The track was played. SCROBBLE_MODE_LOVED: The user manually loved the track (implies a listen) SCROBBLE_MODE_SKIPPED: The track was skipped (Only if source was Last.fm) SCROBBLE_MODE_BANNED: The track was banned (Only if source was Last.fm) duration: Track duration in seconds. album: The album name. track_number: The track number on the album. mbid: MusicBrainz ID. """ _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Use Network.scrobble(...) instead") params = {"s": self._get_session_id(), "a[0]": _string(artist), "t[0]": _string(title), "i[0]": str(time_started), "o[0]": source, "r[0]": mode, "l[0]": str(duration), "b[0]": _string(album), "n[0]": track_number, "m[0]": mbid} _ScrobblerRequest(self.submissions_url, params, self.network).execute() def scrobble_many(self, tracks): """ Scrobble several tracks at once. tracks: A sequence of a sequence of parameters for each trach. The order of parameters is the same as if passed to the scrobble() method. """ _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Use Network.scrobble_many(...) instead") remainder = [] if len(tracks) > 50: remainder = tracks[50:] tracks = tracks[:50] params = {"s": self._get_session_id()} i = 0 for t in tracks: _pad_list(t, 9, "") params["a[%s]" % str(i)] = _string(t[0]) params["t[%s]" % str(i)] = _string(t[1]) params["i[%s]" % str(i)] = str(t[2]) params["o[%s]" % str(i)] = t[3] params["r[%s]" % str(i)] = t[4] params["l[%s]" % str(i)] = str(t[5]) params["b[%s]" % str(i)] = _string(t[6]) params["n[%s]" % str(i)] = t[7] params["m[%s]" % str(i)] = t[8] i += 1 _ScrobblerRequest(self.submissions_url, params, self.network).execute() if remainder: self.scrobble_many(remainder)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'Profile.rss_url' db.add_column('profile_profile', 'rss_url', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default='', max_length=200), keep_default=False) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'Profile.rss_url' db.delete_column('profile_profile', 'rss_url') models = { 'auth.group': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': 'datetime.datetime.now'}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': 'datetime.datetime.now'}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, 'profile.profile': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Profile'}, 'account_type': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': 0}), 'address_1': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '150', 'blank': 'True'}), 'address_2': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '150', 'blank': 'True'}), 'biography': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'city': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'country': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': 215}), 'display_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'organisation': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'picture_hash': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '8'}), 'region': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'rss_url': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'related_name': "'profile'", 'unique': 'True', 'primary_key': 'True', 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'zipcode': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['profile']
# Copyright (c) 2007 Ferran Pegueroles <[email protected]> # Copyright (c) 2009 Albert Cervera i Areny <[email protected]> # Copyright (C) 2011 Agile Business Group sagl (<http://www.agilebg.com>) # Copyright (C) 2011 Domsense srl (<http://www.domsense.com>) # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Camptocamp (<http://www.camptocamp.com>) # Copyright (C) 2016 SYLEAM (<http://www.syleam.fr>) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import errno import logging import os from tempfile import mkstemp from odoo import models, fields, api _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import cups except ImportError: _logger.debug('Cannot `import cups`.') class PrintingPrinter(models.Model): """ Printers """ _name = 'printing.printer' _description = 'Printer' _order = 'name' name = fields.Char(required=True, index=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) server_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='printing.server', string='Server', required=True, help='Server used to access this printer.') job_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='printing.job', inverse_name='printer_id', string='Jobs', help='Jobs printed on this printer.') system_name = fields.Char(required=True, index=True) default = fields.Boolean(readonly=True) status = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('unavailable', 'Unavailable'), ('printing', 'Printing'), ('unknown', 'Unknown'), ('available', 'Available'), ('error', 'Error'), ('server-error', 'Server Error'), ], required=True, readonly=True, default='unknown') status_message = fields.Char(readonly=True) model = fields.Char(readonly=True) location = fields.Char(readonly=True) uri = fields.Char(string='URI', readonly=True) tray_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name='printing.tray', inverse_name='printer_id', string='Paper Sources') @api.multi def _prepare_update_from_cups(self, cups_connection, cups_printer): mapping = { 3: 'available', 4: 'printing', 5: 'error' } vals = { 'name': cups_printer['printer-info'], 'model': cups_printer.get('printer-make-and-model', False), 'location': cups_printer.get('printer-location', False), 'uri': cups_printer.get('device-uri', False), 'status': mapping.get(cups_printer.get( 'printer-state'), 'unknown'), 'status_message': cups_printer.get('printer-state-message', ''), } printer_uri = cups_printer['printer-uri-supported'] printer_system_name = printer_uri[printer_uri.rfind('/') + 1:] ppd_info = cups_connection.getPPD3(printer_system_name) ppd_path = ppd_info[2] if not ppd_path: return vals ppd = cups.PPD(ppd_path) option = ppd.findOption('InputSlot') try: os.unlink(ppd_path) except OSError as err: # ENOENT means No such file or directory # The file has already been deleted, we can continue the update if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise if not option: return vals vals['tray_ids'] = [] cups_trays = { tray_option['choice']: tray_option['text'] for tray_option in option.choices } # Add new trays vals['tray_ids'].extend([ (0, 0, {'name': text, 'system_name': choice}) for choice, text in cups_trays.items() if choice not in self.tray_ids.mapped('system_name') ]) # Remove deleted trays vals['tray_ids'].extend([ (2, tray.id) for tray in self.tray_ids.filtered( lambda record: record.system_name not in cups_trays.keys()) ]) return vals @api.multi def print_document(self, report, content, **print_opts): """ Print a file Format could be pdf, qweb-pdf, raw, ... """ self.ensure_one() fd, file_name = mkstemp() try: os.write(fd, content) finally: os.close(fd) return self.print_file( file_name, report=report, **print_opts) @staticmethod def _set_option_doc_format(report, value): return {'raw': 'True'} if value == 'raw' else {} # Backwards compatibility of builtin used as kwarg _set_option_format = _set_option_doc_format @api.multi def _set_option_tray(self, report, value): """Note we use self here as some older PPD use tray rather than InputSlot so we may need to query printer in override""" return {'InputSlot': str(value)} if value else {} @staticmethod def _set_option_noop(report, value): return {} _set_option_action = _set_option_noop _set_option_printer = _set_option_noop @api.multi def print_options(self, report=None, **print_opts): options = {} for option, value in print_opts.items(): try: options.update(getattr( self, '_set_option_%s' % option)(report, value)) except AttributeError: options[option] = str(value) return options @api.multi def print_file(self, file_name, report=None, **print_opts): """ Print a file """ self.ensure_one() connection = self.server_id._open_connection(raise_on_error=True) options = self.print_options(report=report, **print_opts) _logger.debug( 'Sending job to CUPS printer %s on %s' % (self.system_name, self.server_id.address)) connection.printFile(self.system_name, file_name, file_name, options=options) _logger.info("Printing job: '%s' on %s" % ( file_name, self.server_id.address, )) return True @api.multi def set_default(self): if not self: return self.ensure_one() default_printers = self.search([('default', '=', True)]) default_printers.unset_default() self.write({'default': True}) return True @api.multi def unset_default(self): self.write({'default': False}) return True @api.multi def get_default(self): return self.search([('default', '=', True)], limit=1) @api.multi def action_cancel_all_jobs(self): self.ensure_one() return self.cancel_all_jobs() @api.multi def cancel_all_jobs(self, purge_jobs=False): for printer in self: connection = printer.server_id._open_connection() connection.cancelAllJobs( name=printer.system_name, purge_jobs=purge_jobs) # Update jobs' states into Odoo self.mapped('server_id').update_jobs(which='completed') return True @api.multi def enable(self): for printer in self: connection = printer.server_id._open_connection() connection.enablePrinter(printer.system_name) # Update printers' stats into Odoo self.mapped('server_id').update_printers() return True @api.multi def disable(self): for printer in self: connection = printer.server_id._open_connection() connection.disablePrinter(printer.system_name) # Update printers' stats into Odoo self.mapped('server_id').update_printers() return True
#!/bin/env python3 # AUTHORS: # Hakan Ozadam # # Moore Laboratory # UMASS Medical School / HHMI # RNA Therapeutics Institute # Albert Sherman Center, ASC4-1009 # 368 Plantation Street # Worcester, MA 01605 # USA # ################################################################# import os from bal.umass_cluster.prepare import get_arguments, get_executables,\ arrange_input_files from bal.core.engines import SequentialEngine from bal.settings import * from bal.umass_cluster.lsf.PartitionFastqJobGroup import PartitionFastqJobGroup from bal.umass_cluster.lsf.BalJobGroup import BalJobGroup from bal.umass_cluster.lsf.MergeBedJobGroup import MergeBedJobGroup from bal.umass_cluster.lsf.BranchpointRefJobGroup import BranchpointRefJobGroup from bal.umass_cluster.lsf.AlignBpJobGroup import AlignBpJobGroup from bal.umass_cluster.lsf.ExtractBpFromSamRefJobGroup import ExtractBpFromSamRefJobGroup ################################################################### ################################################################### def main(): bal_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) executables = get_executables(bal_directory) arguments = get_arguments() input_directory = os.path.abspath(arguments.i) output_directory = os.path.abspath(arguments.o) reference_directory = os.path.abspath(arguments.x) alignment_mode = arguments.m reads_per_file = arguments.n cluster_output_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, ".lsf_out") partitioned_input_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "partitioned_input") partitioned_output_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "partitioned_output") merged_bed_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "merged_bed_files") candidate_bp_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "candidate_bp_directory") bp_reference_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "bp_bt2_reference") bp_alignments_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "bp_alignments") main_output_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "output") genome_fasta_file = os.path.join(reference_directory, "genome.fa") candidate_bp_genome_level_1_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "candidate_bp_genome_level_1") #job_runner = SequentialEngine() #print("Umass pipeline is working!") arranged_input_files = arrange_input_files(input_directory, alignment_mode ) #################################### ### Partition Input Files ##### #################################### jobGroup = PartitionFastqJobGroup( input_directory = input_directory , output_directory = partitioned_input_directory , alignment_mode = alignment_mode , run_time = 3 , reads_per_file = reads_per_file , memory = 4096 , executable = executables['partition_fastq'] ) jobGroup.run_in_main() ##################################### ### BAL on Partitioned Data ##### ##################################### bal_main_arguments = arguments.a + " --hpc " if arguments.rna_strandness == "R": bal_main_arguments += " --rna-strandness R " else: bal_main_arguments += " --rna-strandness F " bal_threads = arguments.p if bal_threads < 10: bal_threads = 10 jobGroup = BalJobGroup( input_directory = partitioned_input_directory , output_directory = partitioned_output_directory , arguments = bal_main_arguments , reference = reference_directory , alignment_mode = alignment_mode , threads = bal_threads , run_time = arguments.t , memory = arguments.memory , executable = executables['bal'] ) jobGroup.run_in_main() ############################################# #### Merge Piece Bed Files ################ ############################################# # Merge the bed files of each library # Bed files come in pieces as we partition the lib input file # to speed up the alignment # First merge the bed files for each library jobGroup = MergeBedJobGroup( input_directory = partitioned_output_directory , output_directory = merged_bed_directory , executable = executables['merge_bed_files'] ) jobGroup.run_in_main() ############################################################ #### Merge Library Candidate BP Bed Files ################ ############################################################ # Now we have the merged bed files from each library. # So we merge ll library files to get the whole list of # branchpoints coming from all libraries. merge_bed_jobGroup = MergeBedJobGroup( input_directory = partitioned_output_directory , output_directory = candidate_bp_directory , single_file_list = os.path.join(merged_bed_directory, 'candidate_bp_files_list.txt'), executable = executables['merge_bed_files'] ) merge_bed_jobGroup.run_in_main() ############################################################# ##### Make Bowtie2 Reference ############################### ############################################################# bp_ref_jobGroup = BranchpointRefJobGroup( input_directory = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(merge_bed_jobGroup.bp_candidates_bed_file) ), # Note that input direcory has no importance in this class output_directory = bp_reference_directory , bed_file = merge_bed_jobGroup.bp_candidates_bed_file , fasta_file = genome_fasta_file, executable = executables['make_bp_ref'], number_of_nucleotides = settings['number_of_nucleotides'], name = "Ref_Branchpoint" , run_time = 3, # hours memory = 8000) bp_ref_jobGroup.run_in_main() ############################################################# ##### Align Reads Against The Reference #################### ############################################################# align_bp_jobGroup = AlignBpJobGroup( input_directory = partitioned_output_directory, output_directory = bp_alignments_directory, arguments = ' ', reference = bp_reference_directory, alignment_mode = alignment_mode, threads = 8, name = "bp_align" , run_time = 3, executable = executables['align_bp'], memory = 8192 , rna_strandness = arguments.rna_strandness) align_bp_jobGroup.run_in_main() ############################################################### ###### Extract BP from SAM Ref ############################## ############################################################### extract_bp_from_sam_ref_jobGroup = ExtractBpFromSamRefJobGroup( input_directory = bp_alignments_directory, output_directory = candidate_bp_genome_level_1_directory, individual_lib_directory = align_bp_jobGroup.individual_sam_files_directory, executable = executables['bp_bed_from_sam_ref'] ) extract_bp_from_sam_ref_jobGroup.run_in_main() ##################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" ====================================== Compute LCMV beamformer on evoked data ====================================== Compute LCMV beamformer on an evoked dataset for three different choices of source orientation and store the solutions in stc files for visualization. """ # Author: Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]> # # License: BSD (3-clause) # sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import mne from mne.datasets import sample from mne.beamformer import make_lcmv, apply_lcmv print(__doc__) data_path = sample.data_path() raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif' event_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw-eve.fif' fname_fwd = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-meg-eeg-oct-6-fwd.fif' label_name = 'Aud-lh' fname_label = data_path + '/MEG/sample/labels/%s.label' % label_name subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects' ############################################################################### # Get epochs event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5 # Setup for reading the raw data raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) raw.info['bads'] = ['MEG 2443', 'EEG 053'] # 2 bads channels events = mne.read_events(event_fname) # Set up pick list: EEG + MEG - bad channels (modify to your needs) picks = mne.pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=True, eog=True, exclude='bads') # Pick the channels of interest raw.pick_channels([raw.ch_names[pick] for pick in picks]) # Re-normalize our empty-room projectors, so they are fine after subselection raw.info.normalize_proj() # Read epochs epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True, proj=True, reject=dict(grad=4000e-13, mag=4e-12, eog=150e-6)) evoked = epochs.average() forward = mne.read_forward_solution(fname_fwd) forward = mne.convert_forward_solution(forward, surf_ori=True) # Compute regularized noise and data covariances noise_cov = mne.compute_covariance(epochs, tmin=tmin, tmax=0, method='shrunk', rank=None) data_cov = mne.compute_covariance(epochs, tmin=0.04, tmax=0.15, method='shrunk', rank=None) evoked.plot(time_unit='s') ############################################################################### # Run beamformers and look at maximum outputs pick_oris = [None, 'normal', 'max-power', None] descriptions = ['Free', 'Normal', 'Max-power', 'Fixed'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) max_voxs = list() colors = list() for pick_ori, desc in zip(pick_oris, descriptions): # compute unit-noise-gain beamformer with whitening of the leadfield and # data (enabled by passing a noise covariance matrix) if desc == 'Fixed': use_forward = mne.convert_forward_solution(forward, force_fixed=True) else: use_forward = forward filters = make_lcmv(evoked.info, use_forward, data_cov, reg=0.05, noise_cov=noise_cov, pick_ori=pick_ori, weight_norm='unit-noise-gain', rank=None) print(filters) # apply this spatial filter to source-reconstruct the evoked data stc = apply_lcmv(evoked, filters, max_ori_out='signed') # View activation time-series in maximum voxel at 100 ms: time_idx = stc.time_as_index(0.1) max_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(stc.data[:, time_idx])) # we know these are all left hemi, so we can just use vertices[0] max_voxs.append(stc.vertices[0][max_idx]) h = ax.plot(stc.times, stc.data[max_idx, :], label='%s, voxel: %i' % (desc, max_idx))[0] colors.append(h.get_color()) if pick_ori == 'max-power': max_stc = stc ax.axhline(0, color='k') ax.set(xlabel='Time (ms)', ylabel='LCMV value', title='LCMV in maximum voxel') ax.legend(loc='lower right') mne.viz.utils.plt_show() ############################################################################### # We can also look at the spatial distribution # Plot last stc in the brain in 3D with PySurfer if available brain = max_stc.plot(hemi='lh', views='lat', subjects_dir=subjects_dir, initial_time=0.1, time_unit='s', smoothing_steps=5) for color, vertex in zip(colors, max_voxs): brain.add_foci([vertex], coords_as_verts=True, scale_factor=0.5, hemi='lh', color=color)
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Copyright 2010 OpenStack LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Installation script for Keystone's development virtualenv """ import os import subprocess import sys ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) VENV = os.path.join(ROOT, '.venv') PIP_REQUIRES = os.path.join(ROOT, 'tools', 'pip-requires') def die(message, *args): print >> sys.stderr, message % args sys.exit(1) def run_command(cmd, redirect_output=True, check_exit_code=True): """ Runs a command in an out-of-process shell, returning the output of that command. Working directory is ROOT. """ if redirect_output: stdout = subprocess.PIPE else: stdout = None proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=ROOT, stdout=stdout) output = proc.communicate()[0] if check_exit_code and proc.returncode != 0: die('Command "%s" failed.\n%s', ' '.join(cmd), output) return output HAS_EASY_INSTALL = bool(run_command(['which', 'easy_install'], check_exit_code=False).strip()) HAS_VIRTUALENV = bool(run_command(['which', 'virtualenv'], check_exit_code=False).strip()) def check_dependencies(): """Make sure virtualenv is in the path.""" if not HAS_VIRTUALENV: print 'not found.' # Try installing it via easy_install... if HAS_EASY_INSTALL: print 'Installing virtualenv via easy_install...', if not run_command(['which', 'easy_install']): die('ERROR: virtualenv not found.\n\n' 'Keystone development requires virtualenv, please install' ' it using your favorite package management tool') print 'done.' print 'done.' def create_virtualenv(venv=VENV): """ Creates the virtual environment and installs PIP only into the virtual environment """ print 'Creating venv...', run_command(['virtualenv', '-q', '--no-site-packages', VENV]) print 'done.' print 'Installing pip in virtualenv...', if not run_command(['tools/with_venv.sh', 'easy_install', 'pip>1.0']).strip(): die("Failed to install pip.") print 'done.' def install_dependencies(venv=VENV): print 'Installing dependencies with pip (this can take a while)...' # Install greenlet by hand - just listing it in the requires file does not # get it in stalled in the right order venv_tool = 'tools/with_venv.sh' run_command([venv_tool, 'pip', 'install', '-E', venv, '-r', PIP_REQUIRES], redirect_output=False) # Tell the virtual env how to "import keystone" for version in ['python2.7', 'python2.6']: pth = os.path.join(venv, "lib", version, "site-packages") if os.path.exists(pth): pthfile = os.path.join(pth, "keystone.pth") f = open(pthfile, 'w') f.write("%s\n" % ROOT) def print_help(): help = """ Keystone development environment setup is complete. Keystone development uses virtualenv to track and manage Python dependencies while in development and testing. To activate the Keystone virtualenv for the extent of your current shell session you can run: $ source .venv/bin/activate Or, if you prefer, you can run commands in the virtualenv on a case by case basis by running: $ tools/with_venv.sh <your command> Also, make test will automatically use the virtualenv. """ print help def main(argv): check_dependencies() create_virtualenv() install_dependencies() print_help() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)
# (c) Copyright 2014 Brocade Communications Systems Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # """Unit tests for Brocade fc zone driver.""" import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import importutils import paramiko import requests from cinder import exception from cinder import test from cinder.volume import configuration as conf from cinder.zonemanager.drivers.brocade import brcd_fc_zone_driver as driver _active_cfg_before_add = {} _active_cfg_before_delete = { 'zones': { 'openstack10008c7cff523b0120240002ac000a50': ( ['10:00:8c:7c:ff:52:3b:01', '20:24:00:02:ac:00:0a:50']), 't_zone': ['1,0']}, 'active_zone_config': 'cfg1'} _activate = True _zone_name = 'openstack10008c7cff523b0120240002ac000a50' _target_ns_map = {'100000051e55a100': ['20240002ac000a50']} _initiator_ns_map = {'100000051e55a100': ['10008c7cff523b01']} _zone_map_to_add = {'openstack10008c7cff523b0120240002ac000a50': ( ['10:00:8c:7c:ff:52:3b:01', '20:24:00:02:ac:00:0a:50'])} _initiator_target_map = {'10008c7cff523b01': ['20240002ac000a50']} _device_map_to_verify = { '100000051e55a100': { 'initiator_port_wwn_list': [ '10008c7cff523b01'], 'target_port_wwn_list': ['20240002ac000a50']}} _fabric_wwn = '100000051e55a100' class BrcdFcZoneDriverBaseTest(object): def setup_config(self, is_normal, mode): fc_test_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('fc_fabric_address_BRCD_FAB_1', default='', help='FC Fabric names'), ] configuration = conf.Configuration(fc_test_opts) # fill up config configuration.zoning_mode = 'fabric' configuration.zone_driver = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager.' 'test_brcd_fc_zone_driver.' 'FakeBrcdFCZoneDriver') configuration.brcd_sb_connector = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager.' 'test_brcd_fc_zone_driver' '.FakeBrcdFCZoneClientCLI') configuration.zoning_policy = 'initiator-target' configuration.zone_activate = True configuration.zone_name_prefix = 'openstack' configuration.fc_san_lookup_service = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager.' 'test_brcd_fc_zone_driver.' 'FakeBrcdFCSanLookupService') configuration.fc_fabric_names = 'BRCD_FAB_1' configuration.fc_fabric_address_BRCD_FAB_1 = '' configuration.fc_southbound_connector = 'CLI' if is_normal: configuration.fc_fabric_user_BRCD_FAB_1 = 'admin' else: configuration.fc_fabric_user_BRCD_FAB_1 = 'invaliduser' configuration.fc_fabric_password_BRCD_FAB_1 = 'password' if mode == 1: configuration.zoning_policy_BRCD_FAB_1 = 'initiator-target' elif mode == 2: configuration.zoning_policy_BRCD_FAB_1 = 'initiator' else: configuration.zoning_policy_BRCD_FAB_1 = 'initiator-target' configuration.zone_activate_BRCD_FAB_1 = True configuration.zone_name_prefix_BRCD_FAB_1 = 'openstack_fab1' return configuration class TestBrcdFcZoneDriver(BrcdFcZoneDriverBaseTest, test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestBrcdFcZoneDriver, self).setUp() # setup config for normal flow self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(True, 1)) GlobalVars._zone_state = [] def setup_driver(self, config): self.driver = importutils.import_object( 'cinder.zonemanager.drivers.brocade.brcd_fc_zone_driver' '.BrcdFCZoneDriver', configuration=config) def fake__get_active_zone_set(self, brcd_sb_connector, fabric_ip): return GlobalVars._active_cfg def get_client(self, protocol='HTTPS'): conn = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager.test_brcd_fc_zone_driver.' + ('FakeBrcdFCZoneClientCLI' if protocol == "CLI" else 'FakeBrcdHttpFCZoneClient')) client = importutils.import_object( conn, ipaddress="", username="admin", password="password", key="/home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa", port=22, vfid="2", protocol=protocol ) return client def fake_get_san_context(self, target_wwn_list): fabric_map = {} return fabric_map @mock.patch.object(driver.BrcdFCZoneDriver, '_get_southbound_client') def test_add_connection(self, get_southbound_client_mock): """Normal flow for i-t mode.""" GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True GlobalVars._zone_state = [] GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_add get_southbound_client_mock.return_value = self.get_client("HTTPS") self.driver.add_connection('BRCD_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map) self.assertIn(_zone_name, GlobalVars._zone_state) @mock.patch.object(driver.BrcdFCZoneDriver, '_get_southbound_client') def test_delete_connection(self, get_southbound_client_mock): GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True get_southbound_client_mock.return_value = self.get_client("CLI") GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_delete self.driver.delete_connection( 'BRCD_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map) self.assertNotIn(_zone_name, GlobalVars._zone_state) @mock.patch.object(driver.BrcdFCZoneDriver, '_get_southbound_client') def test_add_connection_for_initiator_mode(self, get_southbound_client_mk): """Normal flow for i mode.""" GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True get_southbound_client_mk.return_value = self.get_client("CLI") GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_add self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(True, 2)) self.driver.add_connection('BRCD_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map) self.assertIn(_zone_name, GlobalVars._zone_state) @mock.patch.object(driver.BrcdFCZoneDriver, '_get_southbound_client') def test_delete_connection_for_initiator_mode(self, get_southbound_client_mk): GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True get_southbound_client_mk.return_value = self.get_client("HTTPS") GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_delete self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(True, 2)) self.driver.delete_connection( 'BRCD_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map) self.assertNotIn(_zone_name, GlobalVars._zone_state) def test_add_connection_for_invalid_fabric(self): """Test abnormal flows.""" GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_add GlobalVars._is_normal_test = False self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(False, 1)) self.assertRaises(exception.FCZoneDriverException, self.driver.add_connection, 'BRCD_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map) def test_delete_connection_for_invalid_fabric(self): GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_delete GlobalVars._is_normal_test = False self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(False, 1)) self.assertRaises(exception.FCZoneDriverException, self.driver.delete_connection, 'BRCD_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map) class FakeClient(object): def get_active_zone_set(self): return GlobalVars._active_cfg def add_zones(self, zones, isActivate, active_zone_set): GlobalVars._zone_state.extend(zones.keys()) def delete_zones(self, zone_names, isActivate, active_zone_set): zone_list = zone_names.split(';') GlobalVars._zone_state = [ x for x in GlobalVars._zone_state if x not in zone_list] def is_supported_firmware(self): return True def get_nameserver_info(self): return _target_ns_map def close_connection(self): pass def cleanup(self): pass class FakeBrcdFCZoneClientCLI(FakeClient): def __init__(self, ipaddress, username, password, port, key, vfid, protocol): self.firmware_supported = True if not GlobalVars._is_normal_test: raise paramiko.SSHException("Unable to connect to fabric.") class FakeBrcdHttpFCZoneClient(FakeClient): def __init__(self, ipaddress, username, password, port, key, vfid, protocol): self.firmware_supported = True if not GlobalVars._is_normal_test: raise requests.exception.HTTPError("Unable to connect to fabric") class FakeBrcdFCSanLookupService(object): def get_device_mapping_from_network(self, initiator_wwn_list, target_wwn_list): device_map = {} initiators = [] targets = [] for i in initiator_wwn_list: if i in _initiator_ns_map[_fabric_wwn]: initiators.append(i) for t in target_wwn_list: if t in _target_ns_map[_fabric_wwn]: targets.append(t) device_map[_fabric_wwn] = { 'initiator_port_wwn_list': initiators, 'target_port_wwn_list': targets} return device_map class GlobalVars(object): global _active_cfg _active_cfg = {} global _zone_state _zone_state = list() global _is_normal_test _is_normal_test = True
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai __license__ = 'GPL v3' __copyright__ = '2010, Kovid Goyal <[email protected]>' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' import sys, textwrap, traceback, StringIO from functools import partial from codeop import CommandCompiler from PyQt4.Qt import QTextEdit, Qt, QTextFrameFormat, pyqtSignal, \ QApplication, QColor, QPalette, QMenu, QActionGroup, QTimer from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, PythonTracebackLexer from pygments.styles import get_all_styles from calibre.utils.pyconsole.formatter import Formatter from calibre.utils.pyconsole.controller import Controller from calibre.utils.pyconsole.history import History from calibre.utils.pyconsole import prints, prefs, __appname__, \ __version__, error_dialog, dynamic class EditBlock(object): # {{{ def __init__(self, cursor): self.cursor = cursor def __enter__(self): self.cursor.beginEditBlock() return self.cursor def __exit__(self, *args): self.cursor.endEditBlock() # }}} class Prepender(object): # {{{ 'Helper class to insert output before the current prompt' def __init__(self, console): self.console = console def __enter__(self): c = self.console self.opos = c.cursor_pos cur = c.prompt_frame.firstCursorPosition() cur.movePosition(cur.PreviousCharacter) c.setTextCursor(cur) def __exit__(self, *args): self.console.cursor_pos = self.opos # }}} class ThemeMenu(QMenu): # {{{ def __init__(self, parent): QMenu.__init__(self, _('Choose theme (needs restart)')) parent.addMenu(self) self.group = QActionGroup(self) current = prefs['theme'] alls = list(sorted(get_all_styles())) if current not in alls: current = prefs['theme'] = 'default' self.actions = [] for style in alls: ac = self.group.addAction(style) ac.setCheckable(True) if current == style: ac.setChecked(True) self.actions.append(ac) ac.triggered.connect(partial(self.set_theme, style)) self.addAction(ac) def set_theme(self, style, *args): prefs['theme'] = style # }}} class Console(QTextEdit): running = pyqtSignal() running_done = pyqtSignal() @property def doc(self): return self.document() @property def cursor(self): return self.textCursor() @property def root_frame(self): return self.doc.rootFrame() def unhandled_exception(self, type, value, tb): if type == KeyboardInterrupt: return try: sio = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb, file=sio) fe = sio.getvalue() prints(fe) try: val = unicode(value) except: val = repr(value) msg = '<b>%s</b>:'%type.__name__ + val error_dialog(self, _('ERROR: Unhandled exception'), msg, det_msg=fe, show=True) except BaseException: pass def __init__(self, prompt='>>> ', continuation='... ', parent=None): QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent) self.shutting_down = False self.compiler = CommandCompiler() self.buf = self.old_buf = [] self.history = History([''], dynamic.get('console_history', [])) self.prompt_frame = None self.allow_output = False self.prompt_frame_format = QTextFrameFormat() self.prompt_frame_format.setBorder(1) self.prompt_frame_format.setBorderStyle(QTextFrameFormat.BorderStyle_Solid) self.prompt_len = len(prompt) self.doc.setMaximumBlockCount(int(prefs['scrollback'])) self.lexer = PythonLexer(ensurenl=False) self.tb_lexer = PythonTracebackLexer() self.context_menu = cm = QMenu(self) # {{{ cm.theme = ThemeMenu(cm) # }}} self.formatter = Formatter(prompt, continuation, style=prefs['theme']) p = QPalette() p.setColor(p.Base, QColor(self.formatter.background_color)) p.setColor(p.Text, QColor(self.formatter.color)) self.setPalette(p) self.key_dispatcher = { # {{{ Qt.Key_Enter : self.enter_pressed, Qt.Key_Return : self.enter_pressed, Qt.Key_Up : self.up_pressed, Qt.Key_Down : self.down_pressed, Qt.Key_Home : self.home_pressed, Qt.Key_End : self.end_pressed, Qt.Key_Left : self.left_pressed, Qt.Key_Right : self.right_pressed, Qt.Key_Backspace : self.backspace_pressed, Qt.Key_Delete : self.delete_pressed, } # }}} motd = textwrap.dedent('''\ # Python {0} # {1} {2} '''.format(sys.version.splitlines()[0], __appname__, __version__)) sys.excepthook = self.unhandled_exception self.controllers = [] QTimer.singleShot(0, self.launch_controller) with EditBlock(self.cursor): self.render_block(motd) def shutdown(self): dynamic.set('console_history', self.history.serialize()) self.shutting_down = True for c in self.controllers: c.kill() def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.context_menu.popup(event.globalPos()) event.accept() # Controller management {{{ @property def controller(self): return self.controllers[-1] def no_controller_error(self): error_dialog(self, _('No interpreter'), _('No active interpreter found. Try restarting the' ' console'), show=True) def launch_controller(self, *args): c = Controller(self) c.write_output.connect(self.show_output, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) c.show_error.connect(self.show_error, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) c.interpreter_died.connect(self.interpreter_died, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) c.interpreter_done.connect(self.execution_done) self.controllers.append(c) def interpreter_died(self, controller, returncode): if not self.shutting_down and controller.current_command is not None: error_dialog(self, _('Interpreter died'), _('Interpreter dies while executing a command. To see ' 'the command, click Show details'), det_msg=controller.current_command, show=True) def execute(self, prompt_lines): c = self.root_frame.lastCursorPosition() self.setTextCursor(c) self.old_prompt_frame = self.prompt_frame self.prompt_frame = None self.old_buf = self.buf self.buf = [] self.running.emit() self.controller.runsource('\n'.join(prompt_lines)) def execution_done(self, controller, ret): if controller is self.controller: self.running_done.emit() if ret: # Incomplete command self.buf = self.old_buf self.prompt_frame = self.old_prompt_frame c = self.prompt_frame.lastCursorPosition() c.insertBlock() self.setTextCursor(c) else: # Command completed try: self.old_prompt_frame.setFrameFormat(QTextFrameFormat()) except RuntimeError: # Happens if enough lines of output that the old # frame was deleted pass self.render_current_prompt() # }}} # Prompt management {{{ @dynamic_property def cursor_pos(self): doc = ''' The cursor position in the prompt has the form (row, col). row starts at 0 for the first line col is 0 if the cursor is at the start of the line, 1 if it is after the first character, n if it is after the nth char. ''' def fget(self): if self.prompt_frame is not None: pos = self.cursor.position() it = self.prompt_frame.begin() lineno = 0 while not it.atEnd(): bl = it.currentBlock() if bl.contains(pos): return (lineno, pos - bl.position()) it += 1 lineno += 1 return (-1, -1) def fset(self, val): row, col = val if self.prompt_frame is not None: it = self.prompt_frame.begin() lineno = 0 while not it.atEnd(): if lineno == row: c = self.cursor c.setPosition(it.currentBlock().position()) c.movePosition(c.NextCharacter, n=col) self.setTextCursor(c) break it += 1 lineno += 1 return property(fget=fget, fset=fset, doc=doc) def move_cursor_to_prompt(self): if self.prompt_frame is not None and self.cursor_pos[0] < 0: c = self.prompt_frame.lastCursorPosition() self.setTextCursor(c) def prompt(self, strip_prompt_strings=True): if not self.prompt_frame: yield u'' if strip_prompt_strings else self.formatter.prompt else: it = self.prompt_frame.begin() while not it.atEnd(): bl = it.currentBlock() t = unicode(bl.text()) if strip_prompt_strings: t = t[self.prompt_len:] yield t it += 1 def set_prompt(self, lines): self.render_current_prompt(lines) def clear_current_prompt(self): if self.prompt_frame is None: c = self.root_frame.lastCursorPosition() self.prompt_frame = c.insertFrame(self.prompt_frame_format) self.setTextCursor(c) else: c = self.prompt_frame.firstCursorPosition() self.setTextCursor(c) c.setPosition(self.prompt_frame.lastPosition(), c.KeepAnchor) c.removeSelectedText() c.setPosition(self.prompt_frame.firstPosition()) def render_current_prompt(self, lines=None, restore_cursor=False): row, col = self.cursor_pos cp = list(self.prompt()) if lines is None else lines self.clear_current_prompt() for i, line in enumerate(cp): start = i == 0 end = i == len(cp) - 1 self.formatter.render_prompt(not start, self.cursor) self.formatter.render(self.lexer.get_tokens(line), self.cursor) if not end: self.cursor.insertBlock() if row > -1 and restore_cursor: self.cursor_pos = (row, col) self.ensureCursorVisible() # }}} # Non-prompt Rendering {{{ def render_block(self, text, restore_prompt=True): self.formatter.render(self.lexer.get_tokens(text), self.cursor) self.cursor.insertBlock() self.cursor.movePosition(self.cursor.End) if restore_prompt: self.render_current_prompt() def show_error(self, is_syntax_err, tb, controller=None): if self.prompt_frame is not None: # At a prompt, so redirect output return prints(tb, end='') try: self.buf.append(tb) if is_syntax_err: self.formatter.render_syntax_error(tb, self.cursor) else: self.formatter.render(self.tb_lexer.get_tokens(tb), self.cursor) except: prints(tb, end='') self.ensureCursorVisible() QApplication.processEvents() def show_output(self, raw, which='stdout', controller=None): def do_show(): try: self.buf.append(raw) self.formatter.render_raw(raw, self.cursor) except: import traceback prints(traceback.format_exc()) prints(raw, end='') if self.prompt_frame is not None: with Prepender(self): do_show() else: do_show() self.ensureCursorVisible() QApplication.processEvents() # }}} # Keyboard management {{{ def keyPressEvent(self, ev): text = unicode(ev.text()) key = ev.key() action = self.key_dispatcher.get(key, None) if callable(action): action() elif key in (Qt.Key_Escape,): QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, ev) elif text: self.text_typed(text) else: QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, ev) def left_pressed(self): lineno, pos = self.cursor_pos if lineno < 0: return if pos > self.prompt_len: c = self.cursor c.movePosition(c.PreviousCharacter) self.setTextCursor(c) elif lineno > 0: c = self.cursor c.movePosition(c.Up) c.movePosition(c.EndOfLine) self.setTextCursor(c) self.ensureCursorVisible() def up_pressed(self): lineno, pos = self.cursor_pos if lineno < 0: return if lineno == 0: b = self.history.back() if b is not None: self.set_prompt(b) else: c = self.cursor c.movePosition(c.Up) self.setTextCursor(c) self.ensureCursorVisible() def backspace_pressed(self): lineno, pos = self.cursor_pos if lineno < 0: return if pos > self.prompt_len: self.cursor.deletePreviousChar() elif lineno > 0: c = self.cursor c.movePosition(c.Up) c.movePosition(c.EndOfLine) self.setTextCursor(c) self.ensureCursorVisible() def delete_pressed(self): self.cursor.deleteChar() self.ensureCursorVisible() def right_pressed(self): lineno, pos = self.cursor_pos if lineno < 0: return c = self.cursor cp = list(self.prompt(False)) if pos < len(cp[lineno]): c.movePosition(c.NextCharacter) elif lineno < len(cp)-1: c.movePosition(c.NextCharacter, n=1+self.prompt_len) self.setTextCursor(c) self.ensureCursorVisible() def down_pressed(self): lineno, pos = self.cursor_pos if lineno < 0: return c = self.cursor cp = list(self.prompt(False)) if lineno >= len(cp) - 1: b = self.history.forward() if b is not None: self.set_prompt(b) else: c = self.cursor c.movePosition(c.Down) self.setTextCursor(c) self.ensureCursorVisible() def home_pressed(self): if self.prompt_frame is not None: mods = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() ctrl = bool(int(mods & Qt.CTRL)) if ctrl: self.cursor_pos = (0, self.prompt_len) else: c = self.cursor c.movePosition(c.StartOfLine) c.movePosition(c.NextCharacter, n=self.prompt_len) self.setTextCursor(c) self.ensureCursorVisible() def end_pressed(self): if self.prompt_frame is not None: mods = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() ctrl = bool(int(mods & Qt.CTRL)) if ctrl: self.cursor_pos = (len(list(self.prompt()))-1, self.prompt_len) c = self.cursor c.movePosition(c.EndOfLine) self.setTextCursor(c) self.ensureCursorVisible() def enter_pressed(self): if self.prompt_frame is None: return if not self.controller.is_alive: return self.no_controller_error() cp = list(self.prompt()) if cp[0]: try: ret = self.compiler('\n'.join(cp)) except: pass else: if ret is None: c = self.prompt_frame.lastCursorPosition() c.insertBlock() self.setTextCursor(c) self.render_current_prompt() return else: self.history.enter(cp) self.execute(cp) def text_typed(self, text): if self.prompt_frame is not None: self.move_cursor_to_prompt() self.cursor.insertText(text) self.render_current_prompt(restore_cursor=True) self.history.current = list(self.prompt()) # }}}
from __future__ import print_function import time from math import pi from bokeh.browserlib import view from bokeh.document import Document from bokeh.models.glyphs import Line, Quad from bokeh.models import ( Plot, ColumnDataSource, DataRange1d, FactorRange, LinearAxis, CategoricalAxis, Grid, Legend, SingleIntervalTicker ) from bokeh.sampledata.population import load_population from bokeh.session import Session from bokeh.models.widgets import Select, HBox, VBox document = Document() session = Session() session.use_doc('population_server') session.load_document(document) df = load_population() revision = 2012 year = 2010 location = "World" years = [str(x) for x in sorted(df.Year.unique())] locations = sorted(df.Location.unique()) source_pyramid = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) def pyramid(): xdr = DataRange1d(sources=[source_pyramid.columns("male"), source_pyramid.columns("female")]) ydr = DataRange1d(sources=[source_pyramid.columns("groups")]) plot = Plot(title=None, x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, plot_width=600, plot_height=600) xaxis = LinearAxis() plot.add_layout(xaxis, 'below') yaxis = LinearAxis(ticker=SingleIntervalTicker(interval=5)) plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left') plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=0, ticker=xaxis.ticker)) plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker)) male_quad = Quad(left="male", right=0, bottom="groups", top="shifted", fill_color="#3B8686") male_quad_glyph = plot.add_glyph(source_pyramid, male_quad) female_quad = Quad(left=0, right="female", bottom="groups", top="shifted", fill_color="#CFF09E") female_quad_glyph = plot.add_glyph(source_pyramid, female_quad) plot.add_layout(Legend(legends=[("Male", [male_quad_glyph]), ("Female", [female_quad_glyph])])) return plot source_known = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) source_predicted = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) def population(): xdr = FactorRange(factors=years) ydr = DataRange1d(sources=[source_known.columns("y"), source_predicted.columns("y")]) plot = Plot(title=None, x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, plot_width=800, plot_height=200) plot.add_layout(CategoricalAxis(major_label_orientation=pi/4), 'below') line_known = Line(x="x", y="y", line_color="violet", line_width=2) line_known_glyph = plot.add_glyph(source_known, line_known) line_predicted = Line(x="x", y="y", line_color="violet", line_width=2, line_dash="dashed") line_predicted_glyph = plot.add_glyph(source_predicted, line_predicted) plot.add_layout( Legend( orientation="bottom_right", legends=[("known", [line_known_glyph]), ("predicted", [line_predicted_glyph])], ) ) return plot def update_pyramid(): pyramid = df[(df.Location == location) & (df.Year == year)] male = pyramid[pyramid.Sex == "Male"] female = pyramid[pyramid.Sex == "Female"] total = male.Value.sum() + female.Value.sum() male_percent = -male.Value/total female_percent = female.Value/total groups = male.AgeGrpStart.tolist() shifted = groups[1:] + [groups[-1] + 5] source_pyramid.data = dict( groups=groups, shifted=shifted, male=male_percent, female=female_percent, ) def update_population(): population = df[df.Location == location].groupby(df.Year).Value.sum() aligned_revision = revision//10 * 10 known = population[population.index <= aligned_revision] predicted = population[population.index >= aligned_revision] source_known.data = dict(x=known.index.map(str), y=known.values) source_predicted.data = dict(x=predicted.index.map(str), y=predicted.values) def update_data(): update_population() update_pyramid() session.store_document(document) def on_year_change(obj, attr, old, new): global year year = int(new) update_data() def on_location_change(obj, attr, old, new): global location location = new update_data() def layout(): year_select = Select(title="Year:", value="2010", options=years) location_select = Select(title="Location:", value="World", options=locations) year_select.on_change('value', on_year_change) location_select.on_change('value', on_location_change) controls = HBox(children=[year_select, location_select]) layout = VBox(children=[controls, pyramid(), population()]) return layout document.add(layout()) update_data() if __name__ == "__main__": link = session.object_link(document.context) print("Please visit %s to see the plots" % link) view(link) print("\npress ctrl-C to exit") session.poll_document(document)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # brunel_delta_nest.py # # This file is part of NEST. # # Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative # # NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with NEST. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ''' Random balanced network (delta synapses) ---------------------------------------- This script simulates an excitatory and an inhibitory population on the basis of the network used in Brunel N, Dynamics of Sparsely Connected Networks of Excitatory and Inhibitory Spiking Neurons, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 8, 183–208 (2000). When connecting the network customary synapse models are used, which allow for querying the number of created synapses. Using spike detectors the average firing rates of the neurons in the populations are established. The building as well as the simulation time of the network are recorded. ''' ''' Import all necessary modules for simulation, analysis and plotting. ''' import nest import nest.raster_plot import time from numpy import exp nest.ResetKernel() ''' Assigning the current time to a variable in order to determine the build time of the network. ''' startbuild = time.time() ''' Assigning the simulation parameters to variables. ''' dt = 0.1 # the resolution in ms simtime = 1000.0 # Simulation time in ms delay = 1.5 # synaptic delay in ms ''' Definition of the parameters crucial for asynchronous irregular firing of the neurons. ''' g = 5.0 # ratio inhibitory weight/excitatory weight eta = 2.0 # external rate relative to threshold rate epsilon = 0.1 # connection probability ''' Definition of the number of neurons in the network and the number of neuron recorded from ''' order = 2500 NE = 4 * order # number of excitatory neurons NI = 1 * order # number of inhibitory neurons N_neurons = NE + NI # number of neurons in total N_rec = 50 # record from 50 neurons ''' Definition of connectivity parameter ''' CE = int(epsilon * NE) # number of excitatory synapses per neuron CI = int(epsilon * NI) # number of inhibitory synapses per neuron C_tot = int(CI + CE) # total number of synapses per neuron ''' Initialization of the parameters of the integrate and fire neuron and the synapses. The parameter of the neuron are stored in a dictionary. ''' tauMem = 20.0 # time constant of membrane potential in ms theta = 20.0 # membrane threshold potential in mV neuron_params = {"C_m": 1.0, "tau_m": tauMem, "t_ref": 2.0, "E_L": 0.0, "V_reset": 0.0, "V_m": 0.0, "V_th": theta} J = 0.1 # postsynaptic amplitude in mV J_ex = J # amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potential J_in = -g * J_ex # amplitude of inhibitory postsynaptic potential ''' Definition of threshold rate, which is the external rate needed to fix the membrane potential around its threshold, the external firing rate and the rate of the poisson generator which is multiplied by the in-degree CE and converted to Hz by multiplication by 1000. ''' nu_th = theta / (J * CE * tauMem) nu_ex = eta * nu_th p_rate = 1000.0 * nu_ex * CE ''' Configuration of the simulation kernel by the previously defined time resolution used in the simulation. Setting "print_time" to True prints the already processed simulation time as well as its percentage of the total simulation time. ''' nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": dt, "print_time": True, "overwrite_files": True}) print("Building network") ''' Configuration of the model `iaf_psc_delta` and `poisson_generator` using SetDefaults(). This function expects the model to be the inserted as a string and the parameter to be specified in a dictionary. All instances of theses models created after this point will have the properties specified in the dictionary by default. ''' nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_delta", neuron_params) nest.SetDefaults("poisson_generator", {"rate": p_rate}) ''' Creation of the nodes using `Create`. We store the returned handles in variables for later reference. Here the excitatory and inhibitory, as well as the poisson generator and two spike detectors. The spike detectors will later be used to record excitatory and inhibitory spikes. ''' nodes_ex = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta", NE) nodes_in = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta", NI) noise = nest.Create("poisson_generator") espikes = nest.Create("spike_detector") ispikes = nest.Create("spike_detector") ''' Configuration of the spike detectors recording excitatory and inhibitory spikes using `SetStatus`, which expects a list of node handles and a list of parameter dictionaries. Setting the variable "to_file" to True ensures that the spikes will be recorded in a .gdf file starting with the string assigned to label. Setting "withtime" and "withgid" to True ensures that each spike is saved to file by stating the gid of the spiking neuron and the spike time in one line. ''' nest.SetStatus(espikes, [{"label": "brunel-py-ex", "withtime": True, "withgid": True, "to_file": True}]) nest.SetStatus(ispikes, [{"label": "brunel-py-in", "withtime": True, "withgid": True, "to_file": True}]) print("Connecting devices") ''' Definition of a synapse using `CopyModel`, which expects the model name of a pre-defined synapse, the name of the customary synapse and an optional parameter dictionary. The parameters defined in the dictionary will be the default parameter for the customary synapse. Here we define one synapse for the excitatory and one for the inhibitory connections giving the previously defined weights and equal delays. ''' nest.CopyModel("static_synapse", "excitatory", {"weight": J_ex, "delay": delay}) nest.CopyModel("static_synapse", "inhibitory", {"weight": J_in, "delay": delay}) ''' Connecting the previously defined poisson generator to the excitatory and inhibitory neurons using the excitatory synapse. Since the poisson generator is connected to all neurons in the population the default rule ('all_to_all') of Connect() is used. The synaptic properties are inserted via syn_spec which expects a dictionary when defining multiple variables or a string when simply using a pre-defined synapse. ''' nest.Connect(noise, nodes_ex, syn_spec="excitatory") nest.Connect(noise, nodes_in, syn_spec="excitatory") ''' Connecting the first N_rec nodes of the excitatory and inhibitory population to the associated spike detectors using excitatory synapses. Here the same shortcut for the specification of the synapse as defined above is used. ''' nest.Connect(nodes_ex[:N_rec], espikes, syn_spec="excitatory") nest.Connect(nodes_in[:N_rec], ispikes, syn_spec="excitatory") print("Connecting network") print("Excitatory connections") ''' Connecting the excitatory population to all neurons using the pre-defined excitatory synapse. Beforehand, the connection parameter are defined in a dictionary. Here we use the connection rule 'fixed_indegree', which requires the definition of the indegree. Since the synapse specification is reduced to assigning the pre-defined excitatory synapse it suffices to insert a string. ''' conn_params_ex = {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE} nest.Connect(nodes_ex, nodes_ex + nodes_in, conn_params_ex, "excitatory") print("Inhibitory connections") ''' Connecting the inhibitory population to all neurons using the pre-defined inhibitory synapse. The connection parameter as well as the synapse paramtere are defined analogously to the connection from the excitatory population defined above. ''' conn_params_in = {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI} nest.Connect(nodes_in, nodes_ex + nodes_in, conn_params_in, "inhibitory") ''' Storage of the time point after the buildup of the network in a variable. ''' endbuild = time.time() ''' Simulation of the network. ''' print("Simulating") nest.Simulate(simtime) ''' Storage of the time point after the simulation of the network in a variable. ''' endsimulate = time.time() ''' Reading out the total number of spikes received from the spike detector connected to the excitatory population and the inhibitory population. ''' events_ex = nest.GetStatus(espikes, "n_events")[0] events_in = nest.GetStatus(ispikes, "n_events")[0] ''' Calculation of the average firing rate of the excitatory and the inhibitory neurons by dividing the total number of recorded spikes by the number of neurons recorded from and the simulation time. The multiplication by 1000.0 converts the unit 1/ms to 1/s=Hz. ''' rate_ex = events_ex / simtime * 1000.0 / N_rec rate_in = events_in / simtime * 1000.0 / N_rec ''' Reading out the number of connections established using the excitatory and inhibitory synapse model. The numbers are summed up resulting in the total number of synapses. ''' num_synapses = (nest.GetDefaults("excitatory")["num_connections"] + nest.GetDefaults("inhibitory")["num_connections"]) ''' Establishing the time it took to build and simulate the network by taking the difference of the pre-defined time variables. ''' build_time = endbuild - startbuild sim_time = endsimulate - endbuild ''' Printing the network properties, firing rates and building times. ''' print("Brunel network simulation (Python)") print("Number of neurons : {0}".format(N_neurons)) print("Number of synapses: {0}".format(num_synapses)) print(" Exitatory : {0}".format(int(CE * N_neurons) + N_neurons)) print(" Inhibitory : {0}".format(int(CI * N_neurons))) print("Excitatory rate : %.2f Hz" % rate_ex) print("Inhibitory rate : %.2f Hz" % rate_in) print("Building time : %.2f s" % build_time) print("Simulation time : %.2f s" % sim_time) ''' Plot a raster of the excitatory neurons and a histogram. ''' nest.raster_plot.from_device(espikes, hist=True)
# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase from ansible.utils.unicode import to_unicode try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() class LookupModule(LookupBase): def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs): convert_data_p = kwargs.get('convert_data', True) ret = [] for term in terms: display.debug("File lookup term: %s" % term) lookupfile = self.find_file_in_search_path(variables, 'templates', term) display.vvvv("File lookup using %s as file" % lookupfile) if lookupfile: with open(lookupfile, 'r') as f: template_data = to_unicode(f.read()) # set jinja2 internal search path for includes if 'ansible_search_path' in variables: searchpath = variables['ansible_search_path'] else: searchpath = [self._loader._basedir, os.path.dirname(lookupfile)] self._templar.environment.loader.searchpath = searchpath # do the templating res = self._templar.template(template_data, preserve_trailing_newlines=True,convert_data=convert_data_p) ret.append(res) else: raise AnsibleError("the template file %s could not be found for the lookup" % term) return ret
########################################### # Suppress matplotlib user warnings # Necessary for newer version of matplotlib import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category = UserWarning, module = "matplotlib") # # Display inline matplotlib plots with IPython from IPython import get_ipython get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') ########################################### import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm import pandas as pd import numpy as np def pca_results(good_data, pca): ''' Create a DataFrame of the PCA results Includes dimension feature weights and explained variance Visualizes the PCA results ''' # Dimension indexing dimensions = dimensions = ['Dimension {}'.format(i) for i in range(1,len(pca.components_)+1)] # PCA components components = pd.DataFrame(np.round(pca.components_, 4), columns = good_data.keys()) components.index = dimensions # PCA explained variance ratios = pca.explained_variance_ratio_.reshape(len(pca.components_), 1) variance_ratios = pd.DataFrame(np.round(ratios, 4), columns = ['Explained Variance']) variance_ratios.index = dimensions # Create a bar plot visualization fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (14,8)) # Plot the feature weights as a function of the components components.plot(ax = ax, kind = 'bar'); ax.set_ylabel("Feature Weights") ax.set_xticklabels(dimensions, rotation=0) # Display the explained variance ratios for i, ev in enumerate(pca.explained_variance_ratio_): ax.text(i-0.40, ax.get_ylim()[1] + 0.05, "Explained Variance\n %.4f"%(ev)) # Return a concatenated DataFrame return pd.concat([variance_ratios, components], axis = 1) def cluster_results(reduced_data, preds, centers, pca_samples): ''' Visualizes the PCA-reduced cluster data in two dimensions Adds cues for cluster centers and student-selected sample data ''' predictions = pd.DataFrame(preds, columns = ['Cluster']) plot_data = pd.concat([predictions, reduced_data], axis = 1) # Generate the cluster plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (14,8)) # Color map cmap = cm.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') # Color the points based on assigned cluster for i, cluster in plot_data.groupby('Cluster'): cluster.plot(ax = ax, kind = 'scatter', x = 'Dimension 1', y = 'Dimension 2', \ color = cmap((i)*1.0/(len(centers)-1)), label = 'Cluster %i'%(i), s=30); # Plot centers with indicators for i, c in enumerate(centers): ax.scatter(x = c[0], y = c[1], color = 'white', edgecolors = 'black', \ alpha = 1, linewidth = 2, marker = 'o', s=200); ax.scatter(x = c[0], y = c[1], marker='$%d$'%(i), alpha = 1, s=100); # Plot transformed sample points ax.scatter(x = pca_samples[:,0], y = pca_samples[:,1], \ s = 150, linewidth = 4, color = 'black', marker = 'x'); # Set plot title ax.set_title("Cluster Learning on PCA-Reduced Data - Centroids Marked by Number\nTransformed Sample Data Marked by Black Cross"); def biplot(good_data, reduced_data, pca): ''' Produce a biplot that shows a scatterplot of the reduced data and the projections of the original features. good_data: original data, before transformation. Needs to be a pandas dataframe with valid column names reduced_data: the reduced data (the first two dimensions are plotted) pca: pca object that contains the components_ attribute return: a matplotlib AxesSubplot object (for any additional customization) This procedure is inspired by the script: https://github.com/teddyroland/python-biplot ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (14,8)) # scatterplot of the reduced data ax.scatter(x=reduced_data.loc[:, 'Dimension 1'], y=reduced_data.loc[:, 'Dimension 2'], facecolors='b', edgecolors='b', s=70, alpha=0.5) feature_vectors = pca.components_.T # we use scaling factors to make the arrows easier to see arrow_size, text_pos = 7.0, 8.0, # projections of the original features for i, v in enumerate(feature_vectors): ax.arrow(0, 0, arrow_size*v[0], arrow_size*v[1], head_width=0.2, head_length=0.2, linewidth=2, color='red') ax.text(v[0]*text_pos, v[1]*text_pos, good_data.columns[i], color='black', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=18) ax.set_xlabel("Dimension 1", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("Dimension 2", fontsize=14) ax.set_title("PC plane with original feature projections.", fontsize=16); return ax def channel_results(reduced_data, outliers, pca_samples): ''' Visualizes the PCA-reduced cluster data in two dimensions using the full dataset Data is labeled by "Channel" and cues added for student-selected sample data ''' # Check that the dataset is loadable try: full_data = pd.read_csv("customers.csv") except: print "Dataset could not be loaded. Is the file missing?" return False # Create the Channel DataFrame channel = pd.DataFrame(full_data['Channel'], columns = ['Channel']) channel = channel.drop(channel.index[outliers]).reset_index(drop = True) labeled = pd.concat([reduced_data, channel], axis = 1) # Generate the cluster plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (14,8)) # Color map cmap = cm.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') # Color the points based on assigned Channel labels = ['Hotel/Restaurant/Cafe', 'Retailer'] grouped = labeled.groupby('Channel') for i, channel in grouped: channel.plot(ax = ax, kind = 'scatter', x = 'Dimension 1', y = 'Dimension 2', \ color = cmap((i-1)*1.0/2), label = labels[i-1], s=30); # Plot transformed sample points for i, sample in enumerate(pca_samples): ax.scatter(x = sample[0], y = sample[1], \ s = 200, linewidth = 3, color = 'black', marker = 'o', facecolors = 'none'); ax.scatter(x = sample[0]+0.25, y = sample[1]+0.3, marker='$%d$'%(i), alpha = 1, s=125); # Set plot title ax.set_title("PCA-Reduced Data Labeled by 'Channel'\nTransformed Sample Data Circled");
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # pylint: disable=W0401,W0614 from telemetry import story from telemetry.page import page as page_module from telemetry.page import shared_page_state class SkiaDesktopPage(page_module.Page): def __init__(self, url, page_set): super(SkiaDesktopPage, self).__init__( url=url, name=url, page_set=page_set, shared_page_state_class=shared_page_state.SharedDesktopPageState) self.archive_data_file = 'data/skia_googleimagesearch_desktop.json' def RunNavigateSteps(self, action_runner): action_runner.Navigate(self.url) action_runner.Wait(15) class SkiaGoogleimagesearchDesktopPageSet(story.StorySet): """ Pages designed to represent the median, not highly optimized web """ def __init__(self): super(SkiaGoogleimagesearchDesktopPageSet, self).__init__( archive_data_file='data/skia_googleimagesearch_desktop.json') urls_list = [ # go/skia-skps-3-2019 'https://www.google.com/search?q=cats&tbm=isch', ] for url in urls_list: self.AddStory(SkiaDesktopPage(url, self))
# # This file is part of CasADi. # # CasADi -- A symbolic framework for dynamic optimization. # Copyright (C) 2010 by Joel Andersson, Moritz Diehl, K.U.Leuven. All rights reserved. # # CasADi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # CasADi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with CasADi; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # #! Linear solvers #! ================= #! #! We demonstrate solving a dense system A.x=b by using different linear solvers. #! from casadi import * from numpy import * import time n=100 #$ We generate $A \in \mathbf{R}^{n \times n}$, $x \in \mathbf{R}^{n}$ with $n=100$ A=DMatrix([[cos(i*j)-sin(i) for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]) x=DMatrix([tan(i) for i in range(n)]) #! We generate the b vector: b=mul(A,x) #! We demonstrate the LinearSolver API with CSparse: s = CSparse(A.sparsity()) s.init() #! Give it the matrix A s.input(0).set(A) #! Do the LU factorization s.prepare() #! Give it the matrix b s.input(1).set(b) #! And we are off to find x... s.solve() x_ = s.output() #! By looking at the residuals between the x we knew in advance and the computed x, we see that the CSparse solver works print "Sum of residuals = %.2e" % sumAll(fabs(x-x_)) #! Comparison of different linear solvers #! ====================================== for name, solver in [("LapackLUDense",LapackLUDense),("LapackQRDense",LapackQRDense),("CSparse",CSparse)]: s = solver(A.sparsity()) # We create a solver s.init() s.input(0).set(A) # Give it the matrix A t0 = time.time() for i in range(100): s.prepare() # Do the LU factorization pt = (time.time()-t0)/100 s.input(1).set(b) # Give it the matrix b t0 = time.time() for i in range(100): s.solve() st = (time.time()-t0)/100 x_ = s.output() print "" print name print "=" * 10 print "Sum of residuals = %.2e" % sumAll(fabs(x-x_)) print "Preparation time = %0.2f ms" % (pt*1000) print "Solve time = %0.2f ms" % (st*1000) assert(sumAll(fabs(x-x_))<1e-9) #! Note that these
# Copyright 2014 Cloudera Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc from typing import Optional import pytest import ibis.expr.types as ir from ibis.backends.base.sql import SQLClient from ibis.backends.base.sql.alchemy import ( AlchemyCompiler, AlchemyTable, table_from_schema, ) from ibis.expr.schema import Schema from ibis.expr.typing import TimeContext class MockConnection(SQLClient, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self): self.executed_queries = [] _tables = { 'alltypes': [ ('a', 'int8'), ('b', 'int16'), ('c', 'int32'), ('d', 'int64'), ('e', 'float'), ('f', 'double'), ('g', 'string'), ('h', 'boolean'), ('i', 'timestamp'), ('j', 'date'), ('k', 'time'), ], 'star1': [ ('c', 'int32'), ('f', 'double'), ('foo_id', 'string'), ('bar_id', 'string'), ], 'star2': [ ('foo_id', 'string'), ('value1', 'double'), ('value3', 'double'), ], 'star3': [('bar_id', 'string'), ('value2', 'double')], 'test1': [('c', 'int32'), ('f', 'double'), ('g', 'string')], 'test2': [('key', 'string'), ('value', 'double')], 'tpch_region': [ ('r_regionkey', 'int16'), ('r_name', 'string'), ('r_comment', 'string'), ], 'tpch_nation': [ ('n_nationkey', 'int16'), ('n_name', 'string'), ('n_regionkey', 'int16'), ('n_comment', 'string'), ], 'tpch_lineitem': [ ('l_orderkey', 'int64'), ('l_partkey', 'int64'), ('l_suppkey', 'int64'), ('l_linenumber', 'int32'), ('l_quantity', 'decimal(12,2)'), ('l_extendedprice', 'decimal(12,2)'), ('l_discount', 'decimal(12,2)'), ('l_tax', 'decimal(12,2)'), ('l_returnflag', 'string'), ('l_linestatus', 'string'), ('l_shipdate', 'string'), ('l_commitdate', 'string'), ('l_receiptdate', 'string'), ('l_shipinstruct', 'string'), ('l_shipmode', 'string'), ('l_comment', 'string'), ], 'tpch_customer': [ ('c_custkey', 'int64'), ('c_name', 'string'), ('c_address', 'string'), ('c_nationkey', 'int16'), ('c_phone', 'string'), ('c_acctbal', 'decimal'), ('c_mktsegment', 'string'), ('c_comment', 'string'), ], 'tpch_orders': [ ('o_orderkey', 'int64'), ('o_custkey', 'int64'), ('o_orderstatus', 'string'), ('o_totalprice', 'decimal(12,2)'), ('o_orderdate', 'string'), ('o_orderpriority', 'string'), ('o_clerk', 'string'), ('o_shippriority', 'int32'), ('o_comment', 'string'), ], 'functional_alltypes': [ ('id', 'int32'), ('bool_col', 'boolean'), ('tinyint_col', 'int8'), ('smallint_col', 'int16'), ('int_col', 'int32'), ('bigint_col', 'int64'), ('float_col', 'float'), ('double_col', 'double'), ('date_string_col', 'string'), ('string_col', 'string'), ('timestamp_col', 'timestamp'), ('year', 'int32'), ('month', 'int32'), ], 'airlines': [ ('year', 'int32'), ('month', 'int32'), ('day', 'int32'), ('dayofweek', 'int32'), ('dep_time', 'int32'), ('crs_dep_time', 'int32'), ('arr_time', 'int32'), ('crs_arr_time', 'int32'), ('carrier', 'string'), ('flight_num', 'int32'), ('tail_num', 'int32'), ('actual_elapsed_time', 'int32'), ('crs_elapsed_time', 'int32'), ('airtime', 'int32'), ('arrdelay', 'int32'), ('depdelay', 'int32'), ('origin', 'string'), ('dest', 'string'), ('distance', 'int32'), ('taxi_in', 'int32'), ('taxi_out', 'int32'), ('cancelled', 'int32'), ('cancellation_code', 'string'), ('diverted', 'int32'), ('carrier_delay', 'int32'), ('weather_delay', 'int32'), ('nas_delay', 'int32'), ('security_delay', 'int32'), ('late_aircraft_delay', 'int32'), ], 'tpcds_customer': [ ('c_customer_sk', 'int64'), ('c_customer_id', 'string'), ('c_current_cdemo_sk', 'int32'), ('c_current_hdemo_sk', 'int32'), ('c_current_addr_sk', 'int32'), ('c_first_shipto_date_sk', 'int32'), ('c_first_sales_date_sk', 'int32'), ('c_salutation', 'string'), ('c_first_name', 'string'), ('c_last_name', 'string'), ('c_preferred_cust_flag', 'string'), ('c_birth_day', 'int32'), ('c_birth_month', 'int32'), ('c_birth_year', 'int32'), ('c_birth_country', 'string'), ('c_login', 'string'), ('c_email_address', 'string'), ('c_last_review_date', 'string'), ], 'tpcds_customer_address': [ ('ca_address_sk', 'bigint'), ('ca_address_id', 'string'), ('ca_street_number', 'string'), ('ca_street_name', 'string'), ('ca_street_type', 'string'), ('ca_suite_number', 'string'), ('ca_city', 'string'), ('ca_county', 'string'), ('ca_state', 'string'), ('ca_zip', 'string'), ('ca_country', 'string'), ('ca_gmt_offset', 'decimal(5,2)'), ('ca_location_type', 'string'), ], 'tpcds_customer_demographics': [ ('cd_demo_sk', 'bigint'), ('cd_gender', 'string'), ('cd_marital_status', 'string'), ('cd_education_status', 'string'), ('cd_purchase_estimate', 'int'), ('cd_credit_rating', 'string'), ('cd_dep_count', 'int'), ('cd_dep_employed_count', 'int'), ('cd_dep_college_count', 'int'), ], 'tpcds_date_dim': [ ('d_date_sk', 'bigint'), ('d_date_id', 'string'), ('d_date', 'string'), ('d_month_seq', 'int'), ('d_week_seq', 'int'), ('d_quarter_seq', 'int'), ('d_year', 'int'), ('d_dow', 'int'), ('d_moy', 'int'), ('d_dom', 'int'), ('d_qoy', 'int'), ('d_fy_year', 'int'), ('d_fy_quarter_seq', 'int'), ('d_fy_week_seq', 'int'), ('d_day_name', 'string'), ('d_quarter_name', 'string'), ('d_holiday', 'string'), ('d_weekend', 'string'), ('d_following_holiday', 'string'), ('d_first_dom', 'int'), ('d_last_dom', 'int'), ('d_same_day_ly', 'int'), ('d_same_day_lq', 'int'), ('d_current_day', 'string'), ('d_current_week', 'string'), ('d_current_month', 'string'), ('d_current_quarter', 'string'), ('d_current_year', 'string'), ], 'tpcds_household_demographics': [ ('hd_demo_sk', 'bigint'), ('hd_income_band_sk', 'int'), ('hd_buy_potential', 'string'), ('hd_dep_count', 'int'), ('hd_vehicle_count', 'int'), ], 'tpcds_item': [ ('i_item_sk', 'bigint'), ('i_item_id', 'string'), ('i_rec_start_date', 'string'), ('i_rec_end_date', 'string'), ('i_item_desc', 'string'), ('i_current_price', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('i_wholesale_cost', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('i_brand_id', 'int'), ('i_brand', 'string'), ('i_class_id', 'int'), ('i_class', 'string'), ('i_category_id', 'int'), ('i_category', 'string'), ('i_manufact_id', 'int'), ('i_manufact', 'string'), ('i_size', 'string'), ('i_formulation', 'string'), ('i_color', 'string'), ('i_units', 'string'), ('i_container', 'string'), ('i_manager_id', 'int'), ('i_product_name', 'string'), ], 'tpcds_promotion': [ ('p_promo_sk', 'bigint'), ('p_promo_id', 'string'), ('p_start_date_sk', 'int'), ('p_end_date_sk', 'int'), ('p_item_sk', 'int'), ('p_cost', 'decimal(15,2)'), ('p_response_target', 'int'), ('p_promo_name', 'string'), ('p_channel_dmail', 'string'), ('p_channel_email', 'string'), ('p_channel_catalog', 'string'), ('p_channel_tv', 'string'), ('p_channel_radio', 'string'), ('p_channel_press', 'string'), ('p_channel_event', 'string'), ('p_channel_demo', 'string'), ('p_channel_details', 'string'), ('p_purpose', 'string'), ('p_discount_active', 'string'), ], 'tpcds_store': [ ('s_store_sk', 'bigint'), ('s_store_id', 'string'), ('s_rec_start_date', 'string'), ('s_rec_end_date', 'string'), ('s_closed_date_sk', 'int'), ('s_store_name', 'string'), ('s_number_employees', 'int'), ('s_floor_space', 'int'), ('s_hours', 'string'), ('s_manager', 'string'), ('s_market_id', 'int'), ('s_geography_class', 'string'), ('s_market_desc', 'string'), ('s_market_manager', 'string'), ('s_division_id', 'int'), ('s_division_name', 'string'), ('s_company_id', 'int'), ('s_company_name', 'string'), ('s_street_number', 'string'), ('s_street_name', 'string'), ('s_street_type', 'string'), ('s_suite_number', 'string'), ('s_city', 'string'), ('s_county', 'string'), ('s_state', 'string'), ('s_zip', 'string'), ('s_country', 'string'), ('s_gmt_offset', 'decimal(5,2)'), ('s_tax_precentage', 'decimal(5,2)'), ], 'tpcds_store_sales': [ ('ss_sold_time_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_item_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_customer_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_cdemo_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_hdemo_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_addr_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_store_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_promo_sk', 'bigint'), ('ss_ticket_number', 'int'), ('ss_quantity', 'int'), ('ss_wholesale_cost', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_list_price', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_sales_price', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_ext_discount_amt', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_ext_sales_price', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_ext_wholesale_cost', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_ext_list_price', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_ext_tax', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_coupon_amt', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_net_paid', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_net_paid_inc_tax', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_net_profit', 'decimal(7,2)'), ('ss_sold_date_sk', 'bigint'), ], 'tpcds_time_dim': [ ('t_time_sk', 'bigint'), ('t_time_id', 'string'), ('t_time', 'int'), ('t_hour', 'int'), ('t_minute', 'int'), ('t_second', 'int'), ('t_am_pm', 'string'), ('t_shift', 'string'), ('t_sub_shift', 'string'), ('t_meal_time', 'string'), ], } def fetch_from_cursor(self, cursor, schema): pass def get_schema(self, name): name = name.replace('`', '') return Schema.from_tuples(self._tables[name]) def execute(self, expr, limit=None, params=None, **kwargs): ast = self.compiler.to_ast_ensure_limit(expr, limit, params=params) for query in ast.queries: self.executed_queries.append(query.compile()) return None def compile( self, expr, limit=None, params=None, timecontext: Optional[TimeContext] = None, ): ast = self.compiler.to_ast_ensure_limit(expr, limit, params=params) queries = [q.compile() for q in ast.queries] return queries[0] if len(queries) == 1 else queries class MockAlchemyConnection(MockConnection): compiler = AlchemyCompiler def __init__(self): super().__init__() sa = pytest.importorskip('sqlalchemy') self.meta = sa.MetaData() def table(self, name, database=None): schema = self.get_schema(name) return self._inject_table(name, schema) def _inject_table(self, name, schema): if name in self.meta.tables: table = self.meta.tables[name] else: table = table_from_schema(name, self.meta, schema) node = AlchemyTable(table, self) return ir.TableExpr(node) GEO_TABLE = { 'geo': [ ('id', 'int32'), ('geo_point', 'point'), ('geo_linestring', 'linestring'), ('geo_polygon', 'polygon'), ('geo_multipolygon', 'multipolygon'), ] } class GeoMockConnectionPostGIS(MockAlchemyConnection): _tables = GEO_TABLE def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.executed_queries = [] def get_schema(self, name): return Schema.from_tuples(self._tables[name]) class GeoMockConnectionOmniSciDB(SQLClient): _tables = GEO_TABLE def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.executed_queries = [] def get_schema(self, name): return Schema.from_tuples(self._tables[name])
#!/usr/bin/env python # *-* coding: UTF-8 *-* """În laboratorul lui Tuxy toți cercetătorii au asignat un id de utilizator. Pentru fiecare cercetător se salvează într-o listă de fiecare dată când a deschis ușa (fie pentru a intra, fie pentru a ieși). Tuxy suspectează că cineva rămâne tot timpul după program și ar dori să scrie un script care să îi verifice teoria, dar nu a reușit pentru că algoritmul său era prea costisitor pentru sistem. Cerințe: I. Găsește cercetătorul ce stă peste program după o singură parcurgere a listei II. Găsește cercetătorul ce stă peste program după o singură parcurgere a listei și fără a aloca memorie suplimentară. """ def gaseste_unic(istoric): """Găsește elementul unic. Funcția primește o listă cu elemente numerice și trebuie să returneze elementul care nu este duplicat. Exemple: 1 2 3 2 1 - 3 1 1 1 2 2 - 1 """ singur = 0 for numar in istoric: singur = singur ^ numar return singur if __name__ == "__main__": assert gaseste_unic([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]) == 3 assert gaseste_unic([1, 1, 1, 2, 2]) == 1
#!/usr/bin/env python import coloreffect class C(coloreffect.ColorEffect): def __init__(self): coloreffect.ColorEffect.__init__(self) self.OptionParser.add_option("--r", action="store", type="string", dest="rFunction", default="r", help="red channel function") self.OptionParser.add_option("--g", action="store", type="string", dest="gFunction", default="g", help="green channel function") self.OptionParser.add_option("--b", action="store", type="string", dest="bFunction", default="b", help="blue channel function") self.OptionParser.add_option("--tab", action="store", type="string", dest="tab", help="The selected UI-tab when OK was pressed") self.OptionParser.add_option("--scale", action="store", type="string", dest="scale", help="The input (r,g,b) range") def normalize(self, v): if v<0: return 0.0 if v > float(self.options.scale): return float(self.options.scale) return v def _hexstr(self,r,g,b): return '%02x%02x%02x' % (int(round(r)),int(round(g)),int(round(b))) def colmod(self,_r,_g,_b): factor = 255.0/float(self.options.scale) r=float(_r)/factor g=float(_g)/factor b=float(_b)/factor # add stuff to be accessible from within the custom color function here. safeenv = {'__builtins__':{},'r':r,'g':g,'b':b} try: r2=self.normalize(eval(self.options.rFunction,safeenv)) g2=self.normalize(eval(self.options.gFunction,safeenv)) b2=self.normalize(eval(self.options.bFunction,safeenv)) except: return self._hexstr(255.0,0.0,0.0) return self._hexstr(r2*factor,g2*factor,b2*factor) c = C() c.affect()
from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import time from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_urlencode from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, sanitized_Request, ) class HypemIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?hypem\.com/track/(?P<id>[^/]+)/' _TEST = { 'url': 'http://hypem.com/track/1v6ga/BODYWORK+-+TAME', 'md5': 'b9cc91b5af8995e9f0c1cee04c575828', 'info_dict': { 'id': '1v6ga', 'ext': 'mp3', 'title': 'Tame', 'uploader': 'BODYWORK', } } def _real_extract(self, url): track_id = self._match_id(url) data = {'ax': 1, 'ts': time.time()} request = sanitized_Request(url + '?' + compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(data)) response, urlh = self._download_webpage_handle( request, track_id, 'Downloading webpage with the url') html_tracks = self._html_search_regex( r'(?ms)<script type="application/json" id="displayList-data">(.+?)</script>', response, 'tracks') try: track_list = json.loads(html_tracks) track = track_list['tracks'][0] except ValueError: raise ExtractorError('Hypemachine contained invalid JSON.') key = track['key'] track_id = track['id'] title = track['song'] request = sanitized_Request( 'http://hypem.com/serve/source/%s/%s' % (track_id, key), '', {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) song_data = self._download_json(request, track_id, 'Downloading metadata') final_url = song_data['url'] artist = track.get('artist') return { 'id': track_id, 'url': final_url, 'ext': 'mp3', 'title': title, 'uploader': artist, }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.jinja2glue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glue code for the jinja2 templating engine. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from os import path from pprint import pformat from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, BaseLoader, TemplateNotFound, \ contextfunction from jinja2.utils import open_if_exists from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment from sphinx.application import TemplateBridge from sphinx.util.osutil import mtimes_of_files def _tobool(val): if isinstance(val, str): return val.lower() in ('true', '1', 'yes', 'on') return bool(val) def _toint(val): try: return int(val) except ValueError: return 0 def accesskey(context, key): """Helper to output each access key only once.""" if '_accesskeys' not in context: context.vars['_accesskeys'] = {} if key and key not in context.vars['_accesskeys']: context.vars['_accesskeys'][key] = 1 return 'accesskey="%s"' % key return '' class idgen(object): def __init__(self): self.id = 0 def current(self): return self.id def __next__(self): self.id += 1 return self.id next = __next__ # Python 2/Jinja compatibility class SphinxFileSystemLoader(FileSystemLoader): """ FileSystemLoader subclass that is not so strict about '..' entries in template names. """ def get_source(self, environment, template): for searchpath in self.searchpath: filename = path.join(searchpath, template) f = open_if_exists(filename) if f is None: continue try: contents = f.read().decode(self.encoding) finally: f.close() mtime = path.getmtime(filename) def uptodate(): try: return path.getmtime(filename) == mtime except OSError: return False return contents, filename, uptodate raise TemplateNotFound(template) class BuiltinTemplateLoader(TemplateBridge, BaseLoader): """ Interfaces the rendering environment of jinja2 for use in Sphinx. """ # TemplateBridge interface def init(self, builder, theme=None, dirs=None): # create a chain of paths to search if theme: # the theme's own dir and its bases' dirs chain = theme.get_dirchain() # then the theme parent paths chain.extend(theme.themepath) elif dirs: chain = list(dirs) else: chain = [] # prepend explicit template paths self.templatepathlen = len(builder.config.templates_path) if builder.config.templates_path: chain[0:0] = [path.join(builder.confdir, tp) for tp in builder.config.templates_path] # store it for use in newest_template_mtime self.pathchain = chain # make the paths into loaders self.loaders = list(map(SphinxFileSystemLoader, chain)) use_i18n = builder.app.translator is not None extensions = use_i18n and ['jinja2.ext.i18n'] or [] self.environment = SandboxedEnvironment(loader=self, extensions=extensions) self.environment.filters['tobool'] = _tobool self.environment.filters['toint'] = _toint self.environment.globals['debug'] = contextfunction(pformat) self.environment.globals['accesskey'] = contextfunction(accesskey) self.environment.globals['idgen'] = idgen if use_i18n: self.environment.install_gettext_translations( builder.app.translator) def render(self, template, context): return self.environment.get_template(template).render(context) def render_string(self, source, context): return self.environment.from_string(source).render(context) def newest_template_mtime(self): return max(mtimes_of_files(self.pathchain, '.html')) # Loader interface def get_source(self, environment, template): loaders = self.loaders # exclamation mark starts search from theme if template.startswith('!'): loaders = loaders[self.templatepathlen:] template = template[1:] for loader in loaders: try: return loader.get_source(environment, template) except TemplateNotFound: pass raise TemplateNotFound(template)
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' convert a MAVLink tlog file to a MATLab mfile ''' import sys, os import re from pymavlink import mavutil def process_tlog(filename): '''convert a tlog to a .m file''' print("Processing %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, dialect=args.dialect, zero_time_base=True) # first walk the entire file, grabbing all messages into a hash of lists, #and the first message of each type into a hash msg_types = {} msg_lists = {} types = args.types if types is not None: types = types.split(',') # note that Octave doesn't like any extra '.', '*', '-', characters in the filename (head, tail) = os.path.split(filename) basename = '.'.join(tail.split('.')[:-1]) mfilename = re.sub('[\.\-\+\*]','_', basename) + '.m' # Octave also doesn't like files that don't start with a letter if (re.match('^[a-zA-z]', mfilename) == None): mfilename = 'm_' + mfilename if head is not None: mfilename = os.path.join(head, mfilename) print("Creating %s" % mfilename) f = open(mfilename, "w") type_counters = {} while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=args.condition) if m is None: break if types is not None and m.get_type() not in types: continue if m.get_type() == 'BAD_DATA': continue fieldnames = m._fieldnames mtype = m.get_type() if mtype in ['FMT', 'PARM']: continue if mtype not in type_counters: type_counters[mtype] = 0 f.write("%s.columns = {'timestamp'" % mtype) for field in fieldnames: val = getattr(m, field) if not isinstance(val, str): if type(val) is not list: f.write(",'%s'" % field) else: for i in range(0, len(val)): f.write(",'%s%d'" % (field, i + 1)) f.write("};\n") type_counters[mtype] += 1 f.write("%s.data(%u,:) = [%f" % (mtype, type_counters[mtype], m._timestamp)) for field in m._fieldnames: val = getattr(m, field) if not isinstance(val, str): if type(val) is not list: f.write(",%.20g" % val) else: for i in range(0, len(val)): f.write(",%.20g" % val[i]) f.write("];\n") f.close() from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--condition", default=None, help="select packets by condition") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default=None, help="output filename") parser.add_argument("--types", default=None, help="types of messages (comma separated)") parser.add_argument("--dialect", default="ardupilotmega", help="MAVLink dialect") parser.add_argument("logs", metavar="LOG", nargs="+") args = parser.parse_args() for filename in args.logs: process_tlog(filename)
"""SCons.Tool.mslib Tool-specific initialization for lib (MicroSoft library archiver). There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly. It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool() selection method. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/mslib.py 2014/03/02 14:18:15 garyo" import SCons.Defaults import SCons.Tool import SCons.Tool.msvs import SCons.Tool.msvc import SCons.Util from MSCommon import msvc_exists, msvc_setup_env_once def generate(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for lib to an Environment.""" SCons.Tool.createStaticLibBuilder(env) # Set-up ms tools paths msvc_setup_env_once(env) env['AR'] = 'lib' env['ARFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('/nologo') env['ARCOM'] = "${TEMPFILE('$AR $ARFLAGS /OUT:$TARGET $SOURCES')}" env['LIBPREFIX'] = '' env['LIBSUFFIX'] = '.lib' def exists(env): return msvc_exists() # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
""" DogStatsd is a Python client for DogStatsd, a Statsd fork for Datadog. """ import logging from random import random from time import time import socket from functools import wraps try: from itertools import imap except ImportError: imap = map log = logging.getLogger('dogstatsd') class DogStatsd(object): OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN = (0, 1, 2, 3) def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=8125, max_buffer_size = 50): """ Initialize a DogStatsd object. >>> statsd = DogStatsd() :param host: the host of the DogStatsd server. :param port: the port of the DogStatsd server. :param max_buffer_size: Maximum number of metric to buffer before sending to the server if sending metrics in batch """ self._host = None self._port = None self.socket = None self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size self._send = self._send_to_server self.connect(host, port) self.encoding = 'utf-8' def get_socket(self): ''' Return a connected socket ''' if not self.socket: self.connect(self._host, self._port) return self.socket def __enter__(self): self.open_buffer(self.max_buffer_size) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close_buffer() def open_buffer(self, max_buffer_size=50): ''' Open a buffer to send a batch of metrics in one packet You can also use this as a context manager. >>> with DogStatsd() as batch: >>> batch.gauge('users.online', 123) >>> batch.gauge('active.connections', 1001) ''' self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size self.buffer= [] self._send = self._send_to_buffer def close_buffer(self): ''' Flush the buffer and switch back to single metric packets ''' self._send = self._send_to_server self._flush_buffer() def connect(self, host, port): """ Connect to the statsd server on the given host and port. """ self._host = host self._port = int(port) self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.socket.connect((self._host, self._port)) def gauge(self, metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1): """ Record the value of a gauge, optionally setting a list of tags and a sample rate. >>> statsd.gauge('users.online', 123) >>> statsd.gauge('active.connections', 1001, tags=["protocol:http"]) """ return self._report(metric, 'g', value, tags, sample_rate) def increment(self, metric, value=1, tags=None, sample_rate=1): """ Increment a counter, optionally setting a value, tags and a sample rate. >>> statsd.increment('page.views') >>> statsd.increment('files.transferred', 124) """ self._report(metric, 'c', value, tags, sample_rate) def decrement(self, metric, value=1, tags=None, sample_rate=1): """ Decrement a counter, optionally setting a value, tags and a sample rate. >>> statsd.decrement('files.remaining') >>> statsd.decrement('active.connections', 2) """ self._report(metric, 'c', -value, tags, sample_rate) def histogram(self, metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1): """ Sample a histogram value, optionally setting tags and a sample rate. >>> statsd.histogram('uploaded.file.size', 1445) >>> statsd.histogram('album.photo.count', 26, tags=["gender:female"]) """ self._report(metric, 'h', value, tags, sample_rate) def timing(self, metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1): """ Record a timing, optionally setting tags and a sample rate. >>> statsd.timing("query.response.time", 1234) """ self._report(metric, 'ms', value, tags, sample_rate) def timed(self, metric, tags=None, sample_rate=1): """ A decorator that will measure the distribution of a function's run time. Optionally specify a list of tag or a sample rate. :: @statsd.timed('user.query.time', sample_rate=0.5) def get_user(user_id): # Do what you need to ... pass # Is equivalent to ... start = time.time() try: get_user(user_id) finally: statsd.timing('user.query.time', time.time() - start) """ def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): start = time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) self.timing(metric, time() - start, tags=tags, sample_rate=sample_rate) return result return wrapped return wrapper def set(self, metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1): """ Sample a set value. >>> statsd.set('visitors.uniques', 999) """ self._report(metric, 's', value, tags, sample_rate) def _report(self, metric, metric_type, value, tags, sample_rate): if sample_rate != 1 and random() > sample_rate: return payload = [metric, ":", value, "|", metric_type] if sample_rate != 1: payload.extend(["|@", sample_rate]) if tags: payload.extend(["|#", ",".join(tags)]) encoded = "".join(imap(str, payload)) self._send(encoded) def _send_to_server(self, packet): try: self.socket.send(packet.encode(self.encoding)) except socket.error: log.info("Error submitting metric, will try refreshing the socket") self.connect(self._host, self._port) try: self.socket.send(packet.encode(self.encoding)) except socket.error: log.exception("Failed to send packet with a newly binded socket") def _send_to_buffer(self, packet): self.buffer.append(packet) if len(self.buffer) >= self.max_buffer_size: self._flush_buffer() def _flush_buffer(self): self._send_to_server("\n".join(self.buffer)) self.buffer=[] def _escape_event_content(self, string): return string.replace('\n', '\\n') def _escape_service_check_message(self, string): return string.replace('\n', '\\n').replace('m:', 'm\:') def event(self, title, text, alert_type=None, aggregation_key=None, source_type_name=None, date_happened=None, priority=None, tags=None, hostname=None): """ Send an event. Attributes are the same as the Event API. http://docs.datadoghq.com/api/ >>> statsd.event('Man down!', 'This server needs assistance.') >>> statsd.event('The web server restarted', 'The web server is up again', alert_type='success') # NOQA """ title = self._escape_event_content(title) text = self._escape_event_content(text) string = u'_e{%d,%d}:%s|%s' % (len(title), len(text), title, text) if date_happened: string = '%s|d:%d' % (string, date_happened) if hostname: string = '%s|h:%s' % (string, hostname) if aggregation_key: string = '%s|k:%s' % (string, aggregation_key) if priority: string = '%s|p:%s' % (string, priority) if source_type_name: string = '%s|s:%s' % (string, source_type_name) if alert_type: string = '%s|t:%s' % (string, alert_type) if tags: string = '%s|#%s' % (string, ','.join(tags)) if len(string) > 8 * 1024: raise Exception(u'Event "%s" payload is too big (more that 8KB), ' 'event discarded' % title) try: self.socket.send(string.encode(self.encoding)) except Exception: log.exception(u'Error submitting event "%s"' % title) def service_check(self, check_name, status, tags=None, timestamp=None, hostname=None, message=None): """ Send a service check run. >>> statsd.service_check('my_service.check_name', DogStatsd.WARNING) """ message = self._escape_service_check_message(message) if message is not None else '' string = u'_sc|{0}|{1}'.format(check_name, status) if timestamp: string = u'{0}|d:{1}'.format(string, timestamp) if hostname: string = u'{0}|h:{1}'.format(string, hostname) if tags: string = u'{0}|#{1}'.format(string, ','.join(tags)) if message: string = u'{0}|m:{1}'.format(string, message) try: self.socket.send(string.encode(self.encoding)) except Exception: log.exception(u'Error submitting service check "{0}"'.format(check_name)) statsd = DogStatsd()
# QUANTCONNECT.COM - Democratizing Finance, Empowering Individuals. # Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine v2.0. Copyright 2014 QuantConnect Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from AlgorithmImports import * from QuantConnect.Data.Custom.Tiingo import * ### <summary> ### Look for positive and negative words in the news article description ### and trade based on the sum of the sentiment ### </summary> class TiingoNewsAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm): def Initialize(self): # Predefine a dictionary of words with scores to scan for in the description # of the Tiingo news article self.words = { "bad": -0.5, "good": 0.5, "negative": -0.5, "great": 0.5, "growth": 0.5, "fail": -0.5, "failed": -0.5, "success": 0.5, "nailed": 0.5, "beat": 0.5, "missed": -0.5, } self.SetStartDate(2019, 6, 10) self.SetEndDate(2019, 10, 3) self.SetCash(100000) aapl = self.AddEquity("AAPL", Resolution.Hour).Symbol self.aaplCustom = self.AddData(TiingoNews, aapl).Symbol # Request underlying equity data. ibm = self.AddEquity("IBM", Resolution.Minute).Symbol # Add news data for the underlying IBM asset news = self.AddData(TiingoNews, ibm).Symbol # Request 60 days of history with the TiingoNews IBM Custom Data Symbol history = self.History(TiingoNews, news, 60, Resolution.Daily) # Count the number of items we get from our history request self.Debug(f"We got {len(history)} items from our history request") def OnData(self, data): # Confirm that the data is in the collection if not data.ContainsKey(self.aaplCustom): return # Gets the data from the slice article = data[self.aaplCustom] # Article descriptions come in all caps. Lower and split by word descriptionWords = article.Description.lower().split(" ") # Take the intersection of predefined words and the words in the # description to get a list of matching words intersection = set(self.words.keys()).intersection(descriptionWords) # Get the sum of the article's sentiment, and go long or short # depending if it's a positive or negative description sentiment = sum([self.words[i] for i in intersection]) self.SetHoldings(article.Symbol.Underlying, sentiment)
# Django settings for Userena demo project. DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG import os import sys import django settings_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(settings_dir) ADMINS = ( # ('Your Name', '[email protected]'), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'private/development.db'), } } # Internationalization TIME_ZONE = 'America/Chicago' LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' ugettext = lambda s: s LANGUAGES = ( ('en', ugettext('English')), ('nl', ugettext('Dutch')), ('fr', ugettext('French')), ('pl', ugettext('Polish')), ('pt', ugettext('Portugese')), ('pt-br', ugettext('Brazilian Portuguese')), ('es', ugettext('Spanish')), ('el', ugettext('Greek')), ) LOCALE_PATHS = ( os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'locale'), ) SITE_ID = 1 # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery. USE_I18N = True # If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and # calendars according to the current locale. USE_L10N = True # If you set this to False, Django will not use timezone-aware datetimes. USE_TZ = True MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'public/media/') MEDIA_URL = '/media/' STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'public/static/') STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = ( os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'demo/static/'), ) # List of finder classes that know how to find static files in # various locations. STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', ) # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. SECRET_KEY = '_g-js)o8z#8=9pr1&amp;05h^1_#)91sbo-)g^(*=-+epxmt4kc9m#' # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'userena.middleware.UserenaLocaleMiddleware', ) # Add the Guardian and userena authentication backends AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'userena.backends.UserenaAuthenticationBackend', 'guardian.backends.ObjectPermissionBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ) # Settings used by Userena LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/accounts/%(username)s/' LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/signin/' LOGOUT_URL = '/accounts/signout/' AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'profiles.Profile' USERENA_DISABLE_PROFILE_LIST = True USERENA_MUGSHOT_SIZE = 140 ROOT_URLCONF = 'urls' WSGI_APPLICATION = 'demo.wsgi.application' TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'templates/'), ) INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.admindocs', 'guardian', 'userena', 'userena.contrib.umessages', 'userena.tests.profiles', ) if django.VERSION < (1, 7, 0): # only older versions of django require south migrations INSTALLED_APPS += ('south',) LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' } }, 'handlers': { 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' } }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, } } # Needed for Django guardian ANONYMOUS_USER_ID = -1 USERENA_USE_HTTPS = False
import os from django.core.checks import register, Warning from django.utils.lru_cache import lru_cache from willow.image import Image @lru_cache() def has_jpeg_support(): wagtail_jpg = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'check_files', 'wagtail.jpg') succeeded = True with open(wagtail_jpg, 'rb') as f: try: Image.open(f) except (IOError, Image.LoaderError): succeeded = False return succeeded @lru_cache() def has_png_support(): wagtail_png = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'check_files', 'wagtail.png') succeeded = True with open(wagtail_png, 'rb') as f: try: Image.open(f) except (IOError, Image.LoaderError): succeeded = False return succeeded @register() def image_library_check(app_configs, **kwargs): errors = [] if not has_jpeg_support(): errors.append( Warning( 'JPEG image support is not available', hint="Check that the 'libjpeg' library is installed, then reinstall Pillow." ) ) if not has_png_support(): errors.append( Warning( 'PNG image support is not available', hint="Check that the 'zlib' library is installed, then reinstall Pillow." ) ) return errors
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # # Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 # along with this software; if not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. # # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated # in this software or its documentation. # import fnmatch import re import logging import six from subscription_manager.unicode_width import textual_width as utf8_width from subscription_manager.utils import get_terminal_width from subscription_manager.i18n import ugettext as _ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) FONT_BOLD = '\033[1m' FONT_RED = '\033[31m' FONT_NORMAL = '\033[0m' def ljust_wide(in_str, padding): return in_str + ' ' * (padding - utf8_width(in_str)) def columnize(caption_list, callback, *args, **kwargs): """ Take a list of captions and values and columnize the output so that shorter captions are padded to be the same length as the longest caption. For example: Foo: Bar Something Else: Baz This function also takes a callback which is used to render the final line. The callback gives us the ability to do things like replacing None values with the string "None" (see none_wrap_columnize_callback()). """ indent = kwargs.get('indent', 0) caption_list = [" " * indent + caption for caption in caption_list] columns = get_terminal_width() padding = sorted(map(utf8_width, caption_list))[-1] + 1 if columns: padding = min(padding, int(columns / 2)) padded_list = [] for caption in caption_list: lines = format_name(caption, indent, padding - 1).split('\n') lines[-1] = ljust_wide(lines[-1], padding) + '%s' fixed_caption = '\n'.join(lines) padded_list.append(fixed_caption) lines = list(zip(padded_list, args)) output = [] for (caption, value) in lines: kwargs['caption'] = caption if isinstance(value, dict): value = [val for val in value.values()] if isinstance(value, list): if value: # Put the first value on the same line as the caption formatted_arg = format_name(value[0], padding, columns) output.append(callback(caption, formatted_arg, **kwargs)) for val in value[1:]: formatted_arg = format_name(val, padding, columns) output.append(callback((" " * padding) + "%s", formatted_arg, **kwargs)) else: # Degenerate case of an empty list output.append(callback(caption, "", **kwargs)) else: formatted_arg = format_name(value, padding, columns) output.append(callback(caption, formatted_arg, **kwargs)) return '\n'.join(output) def format_name(name, indent, max_length): """ Formats a potentially long name for multi-line display, giving it a columned effect. Assumes the first line is already properly indented. """ if not name or not max_length or (max_length - indent) <= 2 or not isinstance(name, six.string_types): return name if not isinstance(name, six.text_type): name = name.decode("utf-8") words = name.split() lines = [] # handle emtpty names if not words: return name # Preserve leading whitespace in front of the first word leading_space = len(name) - len(name.lstrip()) words[0] = name[0:leading_space] + words[0] # If there is leading whitespace, we've already indented the word and don't # want to double count. current = indent - leading_space if current < 0: current = 0 def add_line(): lines.append(' '.join(line)) line = [] # Split here and build it back up by word, this way we get word wrapping while words: word = words.pop(0) if current + utf8_width(word) <= max_length: current += utf8_width(word) + 1 # Have to account for the extra space line.append(word) else: if line: add_line() # If the word will not fit, break it if indent + utf8_width(word) > max_length: split_index = 0 while(utf8_width(word[:split_index + 1]) + indent <= max_length): split_index += 1 words.insert(0, word[split_index:]) word = word[:split_index] line = [word] if indent and lines: line.insert(0, ' ' * (indent - 1)) current = indent + utf8_width(word) + 1 add_line() return '\n'.join(lines) def highlight_by_filter_string_columnize_cb(template_str, *args, **kwargs): """ Takes a template string and arguments and highlights word matches when the value contains a match to the filter_string.This occurs only when the row caption exists in the match columns. Mainly this is a callback meant to be used by columnize(). """ filter_string = kwargs.get('filter_string') match_columns = kwargs.get('match_columns') is_atty = kwargs.get('is_atty') caption = kwargs.get('caption').split(':')[0] + ':' p = None # wildcard only disrupts the markup if filter_string and filter_string.replace('*', ' ').replace('?', ' ').strip() == '': filter_string = None if is_atty and filter_string and caption in match_columns: try: p = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(filter_string), re.IGNORECASE) except Exception as e: log.error("Cannot compile search regex '%s'. %s", filter_string, e) arglist = [] if args: for arg in args: if arg is None: arg = _("None") elif p: for match in p.findall(arg.strip()): replacer = FONT_BOLD + FONT_RED + match + FONT_NORMAL arg = arg.replace(match, replacer) arglist.append(arg) return template_str % tuple(arglist) def none_wrap_columnize_callback(template_str, *args, **kwargs): """ Takes a template string and arguments and replaces any None arguments with the word "None" before rendering the template. Mainly this is a callback meant to be used by columnize(). """ arglist = [] for arg in args: if arg is None: arg = _("None") arglist.append(arg) return template_str % tuple(arglist) def echo_columnize_callback(template_str, *args, **kwargs): """ Just takes a template string and arguments and renders it. Mainly this is a callback meant to be used by columnize(). """ return template_str % tuple(args) # from http://farmdev.com/talks/unicode/ def to_unicode_or_bust(obj, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(obj, six.string_types): if not isinstance(obj, six.text_type): obj = six.text_type(obj, encoding) return obj
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # coding: utf-8 """Model zoo for pre-trained models.""" from __future__ import print_function __all__ = ['get_model_file', 'purge'] import os import zipfile from ..utils import download, check_sha1 _model_sha1 = {name: checksum for checksum, name in [ ('44335d1f0046b328243b32a26a4fbd62d9057b45', 'alexnet'), ('f27dbf2dbd5ce9a80b102d89c7483342cd33cb31', 'densenet121'), ('b6c8a95717e3e761bd88d145f4d0a214aaa515dc', 'densenet161'), ('2603f878403c6aa5a71a124c4a3307143d6820e9', 'densenet169'), ('1cdbc116bc3a1b65832b18cf53e1cb8e7da017eb', 'densenet201'), ('ed47ec45a937b656fcc94dabde85495bbef5ba1f', 'inceptionv3'), ('d2b128fa89477c2e20061607a53a8d9f66ce239d', 'resnet101_v1'), ('6562166cd597a6328a32a0ce47bb651df80b3bbb', 'resnet152_v1'), ('38d6d423c22828718ec3397924b8e116a03e6ac0', 'resnet18_v1'), ('4dc2c2390a7c7990e0ca1e53aeebb1d1a08592d1', 'resnet34_v1'), ('2a903ab21260c85673a78fe65037819a843a1f43', 'resnet50_v1'), ('8aacf80ff4014c1efa2362a963ac5ec82cf92d5b', 'resnet18_v2'), ('0ed3cd06da41932c03dea1de7bc2506ef3fb97b3', 'resnet34_v2'), ('eb7a368774aa34a12ed155126b641ae7556dad9d', 'resnet50_v2'), ('264ba4970a0cc87a4f15c96e25246a1307caf523', 'squeezenet1.0'), ('33ba0f93753c83d86e1eb397f38a667eaf2e9376', 'squeezenet1.1'), ('dd221b160977f36a53f464cb54648d227c707a05', 'vgg11'), ('ee79a8098a91fbe05b7a973fed2017a6117723a8', 'vgg11_bn'), ('6bc5de58a05a5e2e7f493e2d75a580d83efde38c', 'vgg13'), ('7d97a06c3c7a1aecc88b6e7385c2b373a249e95e', 'vgg13_bn'), ('649467530119c0f78c4859999e264e7bf14471a9', 'vgg16'), ('6b9dbe6194e5bfed30fd7a7c9a71f7e5a276cb14', 'vgg16_bn'), ('f713436691eee9a20d70a145ce0d53ed24bf7399', 'vgg19'), ('9730961c9cea43fd7eeefb00d792e386c45847d6', 'vgg19_bn')]} _url_format = 'https://{bucket}.s3.amazonaws.com/gluon/models/{file_name}.zip' bucket = 'apache-mxnet' def short_hash(name): if name not in _model_sha1: raise ValueError('Pretrained model for {name} is not available.'.format(name=name)) return _model_sha1[name][:8] def get_model_file(name, local_dir=os.path.expanduser('~/.mxnet/models/')): r"""Return location for the pretrained on local file system. This function will download from online model zoo when model cannot be found or has mismatch. The local_dir directory will be created if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the model. local_dir : str, default '~/.mxnet/models' Location for keeping the model parameters. Returns ------- file_path Path to the requested pretrained model file. """ file_name = '{name}-{short_hash}'.format(name=name, short_hash=short_hash(name)) file_path = os.path.join(local_dir, file_name+'.params') sha1_hash = _model_sha1[name] if os.path.exists(file_path): if check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): return file_path else: print('Mismatch in the content of model file detected. Downloading again.') else: print('Model file is not found. Downloading.') if not os.path.exists(local_dir): os.makedirs(local_dir) zip_file_path = os.path.join(local_dir, file_name+'.zip') download(_url_format.format(bucket=bucket, file_name=file_name), path=zip_file_path, overwrite=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path) as zf: zf.extractall(local_dir) os.remove(zip_file_path) if check_sha1(file_path, sha1_hash): return file_path else: raise ValueError('Downloaded file has different hash. Please try again.') def purge(local_dir=os.path.expanduser('~/.mxnet/models/')): r"""Purge all pretrained model files in local file store. Parameters ---------- local_dir : str, default '~/.mxnet/models' Location for keeping the model parameters. """ files = os.listdir(local_dir) for f in files: if f.endswith(".params"): os.remove(os.path.join(local_dir, f))
from django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.auth.models import User class BaseTestCase(TestCase): def assertObject(self, instance, **params): """ Asserts that object have given attributes of given values. Sample usage: # Fetches user from DB and asserts that username=='bob' self.assertObject(user, username='bob') """ for attr, expected in params.iteritems(): attr_name, _, comparator = attr.partition('__') comparator = comparator or 'eq' value = getattr(instance, attr_name) if isinstance(value, property): value = get if comparator == 'eq': self.assertEqual(expected, value, 'Failed assertion on %s: %s should equal %s'% (attr_name, value, expected)) elif comparator == 'gte': self.assertGreaterEqual(value, expected, 'Failed assertion on %s: %s should be greater or equal to %s' % (attr_name, value, expected)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown comparator: %s' % comparator) def assertModel(self, model, pk, **params): """ Fetches object (of given model) with pk=pk, then asserts that attributes updated. Sample usage: # Fetches user from DB and asserts that username=='bob' self.assertModel(User, 1, username='bob') """ self.assertObject(model.objects.get(pk=pk), **params) def assertObjectUpdated(self, old_instance, **params): """ Fetches object (of given model) with pk=pk, then asserts that attributes updated. Sample usage: # Fetches user_instance from DB again and asserts username=='john' self.assertObjectUpdated(user_instance, username='john') """ self.assertModel(old_instance.__class__, old_instance.pk, **params) def login_user(self, username='username', password='password'): user = User.objects.create_user(username=username, password=password) self.client.login(username=username, password=password) return user
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_ckeygen -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Implementation module for the `ckeygen` command. """ import sys, os, getpass, socket if getpass.getpass == getpass.unix_getpass: try: import termios # hack around broken termios termios.tcgetattr, termios.tcsetattr except (ImportError, AttributeError): sys.modules['termios'] = None reload(getpass) from twisted.conch.ssh import keys from twisted.python import filepath, log, usage, randbytes class GeneralOptions(usage.Options): synopsis = """Usage: ckeygen [options] """ longdesc = "ckeygen manipulates public/private keys in various ways." optParameters = [['bits', 'b', 1024, 'Number of bits in the key to create.'], ['filename', 'f', None, 'Filename of the key file.'], ['type', 't', None, 'Specify type of key to create.'], ['comment', 'C', None, 'Provide new comment.'], ['newpass', 'N', None, 'Provide new passphrase.'], ['pass', 'P', None, 'Provide old passphrase']] optFlags = [['fingerprint', 'l', 'Show fingerprint of key file.'], ['changepass', 'p', 'Change passphrase of private key file.'], ['quiet', 'q', 'Quiet.'], ['showpub', 'y', 'Read private key file and print public key.']] compData = usage.Completions( optActions={"type": usage.CompleteList(["rsa", "dsa"])}) def run(): options = GeneralOptions() try: options.parseOptions(sys.argv[1:]) except usage.UsageError, u: print 'ERROR: %s' % u options.opt_help() sys.exit(1) log.discardLogs() log.deferr = handleError # HACK if options['type']: if options['type'] == 'rsa': generateRSAkey(options) elif options['type'] == 'dsa': generateDSAkey(options) else: sys.exit('Key type was %s, must be one of: rsa, dsa' % options['type']) elif options['fingerprint']: printFingerprint(options) elif options['changepass']: changePassPhrase(options) elif options['showpub']: displayPublicKey(options) else: options.opt_help() sys.exit(1) def handleError(): from twisted.python import failure global exitStatus exitStatus = 2 log.err(failure.Failure()) reactor.stop() raise def generateRSAkey(options): from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA print 'Generating public/private rsa key pair.' key = RSA.generate(int(options['bits']), randbytes.secureRandom) _saveKey(key, options) def generateDSAkey(options): from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA print 'Generating public/private dsa key pair.' key = DSA.generate(int(options['bits']), randbytes.secureRandom) _saveKey(key, options) def printFingerprint(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) if os.path.exists(options['filename']+'.pub'): options['filename'] += '.pub' try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']) obj = key.keyObject string = key.blob() print '%s %s %s' % ( obj.size() + 1, key.fingerprint(), os.path.basename(options['filename'])) except: sys.exit('bad key') def changePassPhrase(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']).keyObject except keys.BadKeyError, e: if e.args[0] != 'encrypted key with no passphrase': raise else: if not options['pass']: options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter old passphrase: ') key = keys.Key.fromFile( options['filename'], passphrase = options['pass']).keyObject if not options['newpass']: while 1: p1 = getpass.getpass('Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ') p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if p1 == p2: break print 'Passphrases do not match. Try again.' options['newpass'] = p1 open(options['filename'], 'w').write( keys.Key(key).toString(passphrase=options['newpass'])) print 'Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.' def displayPublicKey(options): if not options['filename']: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which the key is (%s): ' % filename) try: key = keys.Key.fromFile(options['filename']).keyObject except keys.BadKeyError, e: if e.args[0] != 'encrypted key with no passphrase': raise else: if not options['pass']: options['pass'] = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase: ') key = keys.Key.fromFile( options['filename'], passphrase = options['pass']).keyObject print keys.Key(key).public().toString() def _saveKey(key, options): if not options['filename']: kind = keys.objectType(key) kind = {'ssh-rsa':'rsa','ssh-dss':'dsa'}[kind] filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_%s'%kind) options['filename'] = raw_input('Enter file in which to save the key (%s): '%filename).strip() or filename if os.path.exists(options['filename']): print '%s already exists.' % options['filename'] yn = raw_input('Overwrite (y/n)? ') if yn[0].lower() != 'y': sys.exit() if not options['pass']: while 1: p1 = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ') p2 = getpass.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if p1 == p2: break print 'Passphrases do not match. Try again.' options['pass'] = p1 keyObj = keys.Key(key) comment = '%s@%s' % (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname()) filepath.FilePath(options['filename']).setContent( keyObj.toString('openssh', options['pass'])) os.chmod(options['filename'], 33152) filepath.FilePath(options['filename'] + '.pub').setContent( keyObj.public().toString('openssh', comment)) print 'Your identification has been saved in %s' % options['filename'] print 'Your public key has been saved in %s.pub' % options['filename'] print 'The key fingerprint is:' print keyObj.fingerprint() if __name__ == '__main__': run()
import wx import wx.richtext import gettext t = gettext.translation('astrotortilla', 'locale', fallback=True) _ = t.gettext def create(parent): return DlgHelpAbout(parent) [wxID_DLGHELPABOUT, wxID_DLGHELPABOUTCLOSE, wxID_DLGHELPABOUTRICHTEXTCTRL1, wxID_DLGHELPABOUTSTATICTEXT1, ] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(4)] class DlgHelpAbout(wx.Dialog): def _init_ctrls(self, prnt): # generated method, don't edit wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_DLGHELPABOUT, name='', parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(568, 131), size=wx.Size(292, 315), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title=_('About AstroTortilla')) self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(284, 281)) self.close = wx.Button(id=wxID_DLGHELPABOUTCLOSE, label=_('Close'), name='close', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(104, 240), size=wx.Size(75, 23), style=0) self.close.Center(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.close.SetToolTipString('Close') self.close.SetHelpText('Close') self.close.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCloseButton, id=wxID_DLGHELPABOUTCLOSE) self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_DLGHELPABOUTSTATICTEXT1, label='AstroTortilla ', name='staticText1', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(16, 16), size=wx.Size(61, 13), style=0) self.richTextCtrl1 = wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl( id=wxID_DLGHELPABOUTRICHTEXTCTRL1, parent=self, pos=wx.Point(16, 32), size=wx.Size(248, 200), style=wx.richtext.RE_MULTILINE, value=_( 'AstroTortilla is aimed for automating telescope GoTo corrections using plate-solving. It uses a simple wrapper library for telescope control, image capture and plate-solving. See the files README and LICENSE for details.\n\nAstroTortilla and the library are licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.\n\nAstroTortilla and the library use:\n') + ' * Python\n * PyWX\n * win32all for Python\n * Python Win32 GUI Automation\n * Python Imaging Library (PIL)\n * Astrometry.net astrometrical plate-solving SW\n * CygWin (for executing Astrometry.net)\n\n' + 'http://astrotortilla.sf.net/\n\n' + 'Copyright 2012-2014 AstroTortilla team <[email protected]>\n' + 'Copyright 2010-2011 Antti Kuntsi') self.richTextCtrl1.SetLabel('text') def __init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) self.staticText1.SetLabel("AstroTortilla %s" % parent.engine.version) self.staticText1.SetSize(wx.Size(-1, 13)) def OnCloseButton(self, event): self.Close()
# Copyright 2017 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md). # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). import hashlib import itertools import json import logging import os from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from urllib import parse from pants.backend.jvm.subsystems.jar_dependency_management import ( JarDependencyManagement, PinnedJarArtifactSet, ) from pants.backend.jvm.subsystems.resolve_subsystem import JvmResolveSubsystem from pants.backend.jvm.targets.exportable_jvm_library import ExportableJvmLibrary from pants.backend.jvm.targets.jar_library import JarLibrary from pants.backend.jvm.targets.jvm_target import JvmTarget from pants.backend.jvm.tasks.classpath_products import ClasspathProducts from pants.backend.jvm.tasks.coursier.coursier_subsystem import CoursierSubsystem from pants.backend.jvm.tasks.nailgun_task import NailgunTask from pants.backend.jvm.tasks.resolve_shared import JvmResolverBase from pants.base.exceptions import TaskError from pants.base.fingerprint_strategy import FingerprintStrategy from pants.base.revision import Revision from pants.base.workunit import WorkUnitLabel from pants.invalidation.cache_manager import VersionedTargetSet from pants.java import util from pants.java.distribution.distribution import DistributionLocator from pants.java.executor import Executor, SubprocessExecutor from pants.java.jar.exclude import Exclude from pants.java.jar.jar_dependency_utils import M2Coordinate, ResolvedJar from pants.util.contextutil import temporary_file from pants.util.dirutil import safe_mkdir from pants.util.fileutil import safe_hardlink_or_copy logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CoursierResultNotFound(Exception): pass class ConflictingDepsError(Exception): """Indicates two or more declared dependencies conflict.""" pass class CoursierMixin(JvmResolverBase): """Experimental 3rdparty resolver using coursier. TODO(wisechengyi): 1. Add relative url support """ RESULT_FILENAME = "result" @classmethod def implementation_version(cls): return super().implementation_version() + [("CoursierMixin", 2)] @classmethod def subsystem_dependencies(cls): return super().subsystem_dependencies() + ( CoursierSubsystem, DistributionLocator, JarDependencyManagement, ) @classmethod def register_options(cls, register): super().register_options(register) register( "--allow-global-excludes", type=bool, advanced=False, fingerprint=True, default=True, help="Whether global excludes are allowed.", ) register( "--report", type=bool, advanced=False, default=False, help="Show the resolve output. This would also force a resolve even if the resolve task is validated.", ) @staticmethod def _compute_jars_to_resolve_and_pin(raw_jars, artifact_set, manager): """This method provides settled lists of jar dependencies and coordinates based on conflict management. :param raw_jars: a collection of `JarDependencies` :param artifact_set: PinnedJarArtifactSet :param manager: JarDependencyManagement :return: (list of settled `JarDependency`, set of pinned `M2Coordinate`) """ if artifact_set is None: artifact_set = PinnedJarArtifactSet() untouched_pinned_artifact = {M2Coordinate.create(x) for x in artifact_set} jar_list = list(raw_jars) for i, dep in enumerate(jar_list): direct_coord = M2Coordinate.create(dep) # Portion to manage pinned jars in case of conflict if direct_coord in artifact_set: managed_coord = artifact_set[direct_coord] untouched_pinned_artifact.remove(managed_coord) if direct_coord.rev != managed_coord.rev: # It may be necessary to actually change the version number of the jar we want to resolve # here, because overrides do not apply directly (they are exclusively transitive). This is # actually a good thing, because it gives us more control over what happens. coord = manager.resolve_version_conflict( managed_coord, direct_coord, force=dep.force ) # Once a version is settled, we force it anyway jar_list[i] = dep.copy(rev=coord.rev, force=True) return jar_list, untouched_pinned_artifact def resolve(self, targets, compile_classpath, sources, javadoc, executor): """This is the core function for coursier resolve. Validation strategy: 1. All targets are going through the `invalidated` to get fingerprinted in the target level. No cache is fetched at this stage because it is disabled. 2. Once each target is fingerprinted, we combine them into a `VersionedTargetSet` where they are fingerprinted together, because each run of 3rdparty resolve is context sensitive. Artifacts are stored in `VersionedTargetSet`'s results_dir, the contents are the aggregation of each coursier run happened within that context. Caching: (TODO): https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/5187 Currently it is disabled due to absolute paths in the coursier results. :param targets: a collection of targets to do 3rdparty resolve against :param compile_classpath: classpath product that holds the resolution result. IMPORTANT: this parameter will be changed. :param sources: if True, fetch sources for 3rdparty :param javadoc: if True, fetch javadoc for 3rdparty :param executor: An instance of `pants.java.executor.Executor`. If None, a subprocess executor will be assigned. :return: n/a """ manager = JarDependencyManagement.global_instance() jar_targets = manager.targets_by_artifact_set(targets) executor = executor or SubprocessExecutor(DistributionLocator.cached()) if not isinstance(executor, Executor): raise ValueError( "The executor argument must be an Executor instance, given {} of type {}".format( executor, type(executor) ) ) for artifact_set, target_subset in jar_targets.items(): raw_jar_deps, global_excludes = calculate_classpath(target_subset) confs_for_fingerprint = ["sources"] * sources + ["javadoc"] * javadoc fp_strategy = CoursierResolveFingerprintStrategy(confs_for_fingerprint) compile_classpath.add_excludes_for_targets(target_subset) with self.invalidated( target_subset, invalidate_dependents=False, silent=False, fingerprint_strategy=fp_strategy, ) as invalidation_check: if not invalidation_check.all_vts: continue resolve_vts = VersionedTargetSet.from_versioned_targets(invalidation_check.all_vts) vt_set_results_dir = self._prepare_vts_results_dir(resolve_vts) pants_jar_base_dir = self._prepare_workdir() coursier_cache_dir = CoursierSubsystem.global_instance().get_options().cache_dir # If a report is requested, do not proceed with loading validated result. if not self.get_options().report: # Check each individual target without context first # If the individuals are valid, check them as a VersionedTargetSet # The order of 'or' statement matters, because checking for cache is more expensive. if resolve_vts.valid or ( self.artifact_cache_reads_enabled() and len(self.check_artifact_cache([resolve_vts])[0]) == len(resolve_vts.targets) ): # Load up from the results dir success = self._load_from_results_dir( compile_classpath, vt_set_results_dir, coursier_cache_dir, invalidation_check, pants_jar_base_dir, ) if success: resolve_vts.update() return jars_to_resolve, pinned_coords = self._compute_jars_to_resolve_and_pin( raw_jar_deps, artifact_set, manager ) results = self._get_result_from_coursier( jars_to_resolve, global_excludes, pinned_coords, coursier_cache_dir, sources, javadoc, executor, ) for conf, result_list in results.items(): for result in result_list: self._load_json_result( conf, compile_classpath, coursier_cache_dir, invalidation_check, pants_jar_base_dir, result, self._override_classifiers_for_conf(conf), ) self._populate_results_dir(vt_set_results_dir, results) resolve_vts.update() if self.artifact_cache_writes_enabled(): self.update_artifact_cache([(resolve_vts, [vt_set_results_dir])]) @staticmethod def _override_classifiers_for_conf(conf): # TODO Encapsulate this in the result from coursier instead of here. # https://github.com/coursier/coursier/issues/803 if conf == "src_doc": return ["sources", "javadoc"] else: return None def _prepare_vts_results_dir(self, vts): """Given a `VergetTargetSet`, prepare its results dir.""" vt_set_results_dir = os.path.join(self.versioned_workdir, "results", vts.cache_key.hash) safe_mkdir(vt_set_results_dir) return vt_set_results_dir def _prepare_workdir(self): """Prepare the location in our task workdir to store all the hardlinks to coursier cache dir.""" pants_jar_base_dir = os.path.join(self.versioned_workdir, "cache") safe_mkdir(pants_jar_base_dir) return pants_jar_base_dir def _get_result_from_coursier( self, jars_to_resolve, global_excludes, pinned_coords, coursier_cache_path, sources, javadoc, executor, ): """Calling coursier and return the result per invocation. If coursier was called once for classifier '' and once for classifier 'tests', then the return value would be: {'default': [<first coursier output>, <second coursier output>]} :param jars_to_resolve: List of `JarDependency`s to resolve :param global_excludes: List of `M2Coordinate`s to exclude globally :param pinned_coords: List of `M2Coordinate`s that need to be pinned. :param coursier_cache_path: path to where coursier cache is stored. :param executor: An instance of `pants.java.executor.Executor` :return: The aggregation of results by conf from coursier. Each coursier call could return the following: { "conflict_resolution": { "org:name:version" (requested): "org:name:version" (reconciled) }, "dependencies": [ { "coord": "orgA:nameA:versionA", "file": <path>, "dependencies": [ // coodinates for its transitive dependencies <orgX:nameX:versionX>, <orgY:nameY:versionY>, ] }, { "coord": "orgB:nameB:jar:classifier:versionB", "file": <path>, "dependencies": [ // coodinates for its transitive dependencies <orgX:nameX:versionX>, <orgZ:nameZ:versionZ>, ] }, ... // more about orgX:nameX:versionX, orgY:nameY:versionY, orgZ:nameZ:versionZ ] } Hence the aggregation of the results will be in the following format, for example when default classifier and sources are fetched: { 'default': [<result from coursier call with default conf with classifier X>, <result from coursier call with default conf with classifier Y>], 'src_doc': [<result from coursier call with --sources and/or --javadoc>], } """ # Prepare coursier args coursier_subsystem_instance = CoursierSubsystem.global_instance() coursier_jar = coursier_subsystem_instance.select(self.context) repos = coursier_subsystem_instance.get_options().repos # make [repoX, repoY] -> ['-r', repoX, '-r', repoY] repo_args = list(itertools.chain(*list(zip(["-r"] * len(repos), repos)))) artifact_types_arg = [ "-A", ",".join(coursier_subsystem_instance.get_options().artifact_types), ] advanced_options = coursier_subsystem_instance.get_options().fetch_options common_args = ( [ "fetch", # Print the resolution tree "-t", "--cache", coursier_cache_path, ] + repo_args + artifact_types_arg + advanced_options ) coursier_work_temp_dir = os.path.join(self.versioned_workdir, "tmp") safe_mkdir(coursier_work_temp_dir) results_by_conf = self._get_default_conf_results( common_args, coursier_jar, global_excludes, jars_to_resolve, coursier_work_temp_dir, pinned_coords, executor, ) if sources or javadoc: non_default_conf_results = self._get_non_default_conf_results( common_args, coursier_jar, global_excludes, jars_to_resolve, coursier_work_temp_dir, pinned_coords, sources, javadoc, executor, ) results_by_conf.update(non_default_conf_results) return results_by_conf def _get_default_conf_results( self, common_args, coursier_jar, global_excludes, jars_to_resolve, coursier_work_temp_dir, pinned_coords, executor, ): # Variable to store coursier result each run. results = defaultdict(list) with temporary_file(coursier_work_temp_dir, cleanup=False) as f: output_fn = f.name cmd_args = self._construct_cmd_args( jars_to_resolve, common_args, global_excludes if self.get_options().allow_global_excludes else [], pinned_coords, coursier_work_temp_dir, output_fn, ) results["default"].append(self._call_coursier(cmd_args, coursier_jar, output_fn, executor)) return results def _get_non_default_conf_results( self, common_args, coursier_jar, global_excludes, jars_to_resolve, coursier_work_temp_dir, pinned_coords, sources, javadoc, executor, ): # To prevent improper api usage during development. User should not see this anyway. if not sources and not javadoc: raise TaskError("sources or javadoc has to be True.") with temporary_file(coursier_work_temp_dir, cleanup=False) as f: output_fn = f.name results = defaultdict(list) new_pinned_coords = [] new_jars_to_resolve = [] special_args = [] if not sources and not javadoc: new_pinned_coords = pinned_coords new_jars_to_resolve = jars_to_resolve if sources: special_args.append("--sources") new_pinned_coords.extend(c.copy(classifier="sources") for c in pinned_coords) new_jars_to_resolve.extend(c.copy(classifier="sources") for c in jars_to_resolve) if javadoc: special_args.append("--javadoc") new_pinned_coords.extend(c.copy(classifier="javadoc") for c in pinned_coords) new_jars_to_resolve.extend(c.copy(classifier="javadoc") for c in jars_to_resolve) cmd_args = self._construct_cmd_args( new_jars_to_resolve, common_args, global_excludes if self.get_options().allow_global_excludes else [], new_pinned_coords, coursier_work_temp_dir, output_fn, ) cmd_args.extend(special_args) # sources and/or javadoc share the same conf results["src_doc"] = [self._call_coursier(cmd_args, coursier_jar, output_fn, executor)] return results def _call_coursier(self, cmd_args, coursier_jar, output_fn, executor): runner = executor.runner( classpath=[coursier_jar], main="coursier.cli.Coursier", jvm_options=self.get_options().jvm_options, args=cmd_args, ) labels = [WorkUnitLabel.COMPILER] if self.get_options().report else [WorkUnitLabel.TOOL] return_code = util.execute_runner(runner, self.context.new_workunit, "coursier", labels) if return_code: raise TaskError(f"The coursier process exited non-zero: {return_code}") with open(output_fn, "r") as f: return json.loads(f.read()) @staticmethod def _construct_cmd_args( jars, common_args, global_excludes, pinned_coords, coursier_workdir, json_output_path ): # Make a copy, so there is no side effect or others using `common_args` cmd_args = list(common_args) cmd_args.extend(["--json-output-file", json_output_path]) # Dealing with intransitivity and forced versions. for j in jars: if not j.rev: raise TaskError( 'Undefined revs for jars unsupported by Coursier. "{}"'.format( repr(j.coordinate).replace("M2Coordinate", "jar") ) ) module = j.coordinate.simple_coord if j.coordinate.classifier: module += f",classifier={j.coordinate.classifier}" if j.get_url(): jar_url = j.get_url() module += f",url={parse.quote_plus(jar_url)}" if j.intransitive: cmd_args.append("--intransitive") cmd_args.append(module) # Force requires specifying the coord again with -V if j.force: cmd_args.append("-V") cmd_args.append(j.coordinate.simple_coord) # Force pinned coordinates for m2coord in pinned_coords: cmd_args.append("-V") cmd_args.append(m2coord.simple_coord) # Local exclusions local_exclude_args = [] for jar in jars: for ex in jar.excludes: # `--` means exclude. See --local-exclude-file in `coursier fetch --help` # If ex.name does not exist, that means the whole org needs to be excluded. ex_arg = f"{jar.org}:{jar.name}--{ex.org}:{ex.name or '*'}" local_exclude_args.append(ex_arg) if local_exclude_args: with temporary_file(coursier_workdir, cleanup=False) as f: exclude_file = f.name with open(exclude_file, "w") as ex_f: ex_f.write("\n".join(local_exclude_args)) cmd_args.append("--local-exclude-file") cmd_args.append(exclude_file) for ex in global_excludes: cmd_args.append("-E") cmd_args.append(f"{ex.org}:{ex.name or '*'}") return cmd_args def _load_json_result( self, conf, compile_classpath, coursier_cache_path, invalidation_check, pants_jar_path_base, result, override_classifiers=None, ): """Given a coursier run result, load it into compile_classpath by target. :param compile_classpath: `ClasspathProducts` that will be modified :param coursier_cache_path: cache location that is managed by coursier :param invalidation_check: InvalidationCheck :param pants_jar_path_base: location under pants workdir that contains all the hardlinks to coursier cache :param result: result dict converted from the json produced by one coursier run :return: n/a """ # Parse the coursier result flattened_resolution = self._extract_dependencies_by_root(result) coord_to_resolved_jars = self._map_coord_to_resolved_jars( result, coursier_cache_path, pants_jar_path_base ) # Construct a map from org:name to the reconciled org:name:version coordinate # This is used when there is won't be a conflict_resolution entry because the conflict # was resolved in pants. org_name_to_org_name_rev = {} for coord in coord_to_resolved_jars.keys(): org_name_to_org_name_rev[f"{coord.org}:{coord.name}"] = coord jars_per_target = [] for vt in invalidation_check.all_vts: t = vt.target jars_to_digest = [] if isinstance(t, JarLibrary): def get_transitive_resolved_jars(my_coord, resolved_jars): transitive_jar_path_for_coord = [] coord_str = str(my_coord) if coord_str in flattened_resolution and my_coord in resolved_jars: transitive_jar_path_for_coord.append(resolved_jars[my_coord]) for c in flattened_resolution[coord_str]: j = resolved_jars.get(self.to_m2_coord(c)) if j: transitive_jar_path_for_coord.append(j) return transitive_jar_path_for_coord for jar in t.jar_dependencies: # if there are override classifiers, then force use of those. if override_classifiers: coord_candidates = [ jar.coordinate.copy(classifier=c) for c in override_classifiers ] else: coord_candidates = [jar.coordinate] # if conflict resolution entries, then update versions to the resolved ones. if jar.coordinate.simple_coord in result["conflict_resolution"]: parsed_conflict = self.to_m2_coord( result["conflict_resolution"][jar.coordinate.simple_coord] ) coord_candidates = [ c.copy(rev=parsed_conflict.rev) for c in coord_candidates ] elif f"{jar.coordinate.org}:{jar.coordinate.name}" in org_name_to_org_name_rev: parsed_conflict = org_name_to_org_name_rev[ f"{jar.coordinate.org}:{jar.coordinate.name}" ] coord_candidates = [ c.copy(rev=parsed_conflict.rev) for c in coord_candidates ] for coord in coord_candidates: transitive_resolved_jars = get_transitive_resolved_jars( coord, coord_to_resolved_jars ) if transitive_resolved_jars: for tjar in transitive_resolved_jars: jars_to_digest.append(tjar) jars_per_target.append((t, jars_to_digest)) for target, jars_to_add in self.add_directory_digests_for_jars(jars_per_target): if override_classifiers is not None: for jar in jars_to_add: compile_classpath.add_jars_for_targets( [target], jar.coordinate.classifier, [jar] ) else: compile_classpath.add_jars_for_targets([target], conf, jars_to_add) def _populate_results_dir(self, vts_results_dir, results): with open(os.path.join(vts_results_dir, self.RESULT_FILENAME), "w") as f: json.dump(results, f) def _load_from_results_dir( self, compile_classpath, vts_results_dir, coursier_cache_path, invalidation_check, pants_jar_path_base, ): """Given vts_results_dir, load the results which can be from multiple runs of coursier into compile_classpath. :return: True if success; False if any of the classpath is not valid anymore. """ result_file_path = os.path.join(vts_results_dir, self.RESULT_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(result_file_path): return with open(result_file_path, "r") as f: results = json.load(f) for conf, result_list in results.items(): for result in result_list: try: self._load_json_result( conf, compile_classpath, coursier_cache_path, invalidation_check, pants_jar_path_base, result, self._override_classifiers_for_conf(conf), ) except CoursierResultNotFound: return False return True @classmethod def _extract_dependencies_by_root(cls, result): """Only extracts the transitive dependencies for the given coursier resolve. Note the "dependencies" field is already transitive. Example: { "conflict_resolution": {}, "dependencies": [ { "coord": "a", "dependencies": ["b", "c"] "file": ... }, { "coord": "b", "dependencies": [] "file": ... }, { "coord": "c", "dependencies": [] "file": ... } ] } Should return { "a": ["b", "c"], "b": [], "c": [] } :param result: coursier result like the example. :return: a simplified view with the top artifact as the roots. """ flat_result = defaultdict(list) for artifact in result["dependencies"]: flat_result[artifact["coord"]].extend(artifact["dependencies"]) return flat_result @classmethod def _map_coord_to_resolved_jars(cls, result, coursier_cache_path, pants_jar_path_base): """Map resolved files to each org:name:version. Example: { "conflict_resolution": {}, "dependencies": [ { "coord": "a", "dependencies": ["b", "c"], "file": "a.jar" }, { "coord": "b", "dependencies": [], "file": "b.jar" }, { "coord": "c", "dependencies": [], "file": "c.jar" }, { "coord": "a:sources", "dependencies": ["b", "c"], "file": "a-sources.jar" }, ] } Should return: { M2Coordinate("a", ...): ResolvedJar(classifier='', path/cache_path="a.jar"), M2Coordinate("a", ..., classifier="sources"): ResolvedJar(classifier='sources', path/cache_path="a-sources.jar"), M2Coordinate("b", ...): ResolvedJar(classifier='', path/cache_path="b.jar"), M2Coordinate("c", ...): ResolvedJar(classifier='', path/cache_path="c.jar"), } :param result: coursier json output :param coursier_cache_path: coursier cache location :param pants_jar_path_base: location under pants workdir to store the hardlink to the coursier cache :return: a map from maven coordinate to a resolved jar. """ coord_to_resolved_jars = dict() for dep in result["dependencies"]: coord = dep["coord"] jar_path = dep.get("file", None) if not jar_path: # NB: Not all coordinates will have associated files. # This is fine. Some coordinates will just have dependencies. continue if not os.path.exists(jar_path): raise CoursierResultNotFound(f"Jar path not found: {jar_path}") pants_path = cls._get_path_to_jar(coursier_cache_path, pants_jar_path_base, jar_path) if not os.path.exists(pants_path): safe_mkdir(os.path.dirname(pants_path)) safe_hardlink_or_copy(jar_path, pants_path) coord = cls.to_m2_coord(coord) resolved_jar = ResolvedJar(coord, cache_path=jar_path, pants_path=pants_path) coord_to_resolved_jars[coord] = resolved_jar return coord_to_resolved_jars @classmethod def to_m2_coord(cls, coord_str): return M2Coordinate.from_string(coord_str) @classmethod def _get_path_to_jar(cls, coursier_cache_path, pants_jar_path_base, jar_path): """Create the path to the jar that will live in .pants.d. :param coursier_cache_path: coursier cache location :param pants_jar_path_base: location under pants workdir to store the hardlink to the coursier cache :param jar_path: path of the jar :return: """ if os.path.abspath(coursier_cache_path) not in os.path.abspath(jar_path): # Appending the string 'absolute' to the jar_path and joining that is a hack to work around # python's os.path.join behavior of throwing away all components that come before an # absolute path. See https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/os.path.html#os.path.join return os.path.join(pants_jar_path_base, os.path.normpath("absolute/" + jar_path)) else: return os.path.join( pants_jar_path_base, "relative", os.path.relpath(jar_path, coursier_cache_path) ) class CoursierResolve(CoursierMixin, NailgunTask): @classmethod def subsystem_dependencies(cls): return super().subsystem_dependencies() + (JvmResolveSubsystem,) @classmethod def product_types(cls): return ["compile_classpath", "resolve_sources_signal", "resolve_javadocs_signal"] @classmethod def prepare(cls, options, round_manager): super().prepare(options, round_manager) # Codegen may inject extra resolvable deps, so make sure we have a product dependency # on relevant codegen tasks, if any. round_manager.optional_data("java") round_manager.optional_data("scala") @classmethod def register_options(cls, register): super().register_options(register) @classmethod def implementation_version(cls): return super().implementation_version() + [("CoursierResolve", 2)] def execute(self): """Resolves the specified confs for the configured targets and returns an iterator over tuples of (conf, jar path).""" classpath_products = self.context.products.get_data( "compile_classpath", init_func=ClasspathProducts.init_func(self.get_options().pants_workdir), ) executor = self.create_java_executor() self.resolve( self.context.targets(), classpath_products, sources=self.context.products.is_required_data("resolve_sources_signal"), javadoc=self.context.products.is_required_data("resolve_javadocs_signal"), executor=executor, ) def check_artifact_cache_for(self, invalidation_check): # Coursier resolution is an output dependent on the entire target set, and is not divisible # by target. So we can only cache it keyed by the entire target set. global_vts = VersionedTargetSet.from_versioned_targets(invalidation_check.all_vts) return [global_vts] class CoursierResolveFingerprintStrategy(FingerprintStrategy): def __init__(self, confs): super().__init__() self._confs = sorted(confs or []) def compute_fingerprint(self, target): hash_elements_for_target = [] if isinstance(target, JarLibrary): managed_jar_artifact_set = JarDependencyManagement.global_instance().for_target(target) if managed_jar_artifact_set: hash_elements_for_target.append(str(managed_jar_artifact_set.id)) hash_elements_for_target.append(target.payload.fingerprint()) elif isinstance(target, JvmTarget) and target.payload.excludes: hash_elements_for_target.append(target.payload.fingerprint(field_keys=("excludes",))) else: pass if not hash_elements_for_target: return None hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(target.payload.fingerprint().encode()) for conf in self._confs: hasher.update(conf.encode()) for element in hash_elements_for_target: hasher.update(element.encode()) # Just in case so we do not collide with ivy cache hasher.update(b"coursier") return hasher.hexdigest() def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self), "-".join(self._confs))) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) and self._confs == other._confs def calculate_classpath(targets): """Creates a consistent classpath and list of excludes for the passed targets. It also modifies the JarDependency objects' excludes to contain all the jars excluded by provides. :param iterable targets: List of targets to collect JarDependencies and excludes from. :returns: A pair of a list of JarDependencies, and a set of excludes to apply globally. """ jars = OrderedDict() global_excludes = set() provide_excludes = set() targets_processed = set() # Support the ivy force concept when we sanely can for internal dep conflicts. # TODO(John Sirois): Consider supporting / implementing the configured ivy revision picking # strategy generally. def add_jar(jr): # TODO(John Sirois): Maven allows for depending on an artifact at one rev and one of its # attachments (classified artifacts) at another. Ivy does not, allow this, the dependency # can carry only 1 rev and that hosts multiple artifacts for that rev. This conflict # resolution happens at the classifier level, allowing skew in a # multi-artifact/multi-classifier dependency. We only find out about the skew later in # `_generate_jar_template` below which will blow up with a conflict. Move this logic closer # together to get a more clear validate, then emit ivy.xml then resolve flow instead of the # spread-out validations happening here. # See: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/2239 coord = (jr.org, jr.name, jr.classifier) existing = jars.get(coord) jars[coord] = jr if not existing else _resolve_conflict(existing=existing, proposed=jr) def collect_jars(tgt): if isinstance(tgt, JarLibrary): for jr in tgt.jar_dependencies: add_jar(jr) def collect_excludes(tgt): target_excludes = tgt.payload.get_field_value("excludes") if target_excludes: global_excludes.update(target_excludes) def collect_provide_excludes(tgt): if not (isinstance(tgt, ExportableJvmLibrary) and tgt.provides): return logger.debug( "Automatically excluding jar {}.{}, which is provided by {}".format( tgt.provides.org, tgt.provides.name, tgt ) ) provide_excludes.add(Exclude(org=tgt.provides.org, name=tgt.provides.name)) def collect_elements(tgt): targets_processed.add(tgt) collect_jars(tgt) collect_excludes(tgt) collect_provide_excludes(tgt) for target in targets: target.walk(collect_elements, predicate=lambda tgt: tgt not in targets_processed) # If a source dep is exported (ie, has a provides clause), it should always override # remote/binary versions of itself, ie "round trip" dependencies. # TODO: Move back to applying provides excludes as target-level excludes when they are no # longer global. if provide_excludes: additional_excludes = tuple(provide_excludes) new_jars = OrderedDict() for coordinate, jar in jars.items(): new_jars[coordinate] = jar.copy(excludes=jar.excludes + additional_excludes) jars = new_jars return list(jars.values()), global_excludes def _resolve_conflict(existing, proposed): if existing.rev is None: return proposed if proposed.rev is None: return existing if proposed == existing: if proposed.force: return proposed return existing elif existing.force and proposed.force: raise ConflictingDepsError( "Cannot force {}#{};{} to both rev {} and {}".format( proposed.org, proposed.name, proposed.classifier or "", existing.rev, proposed.rev, ) ) elif existing.force: logger.debug( "Ignoring rev {} for {}#{};{} already forced to {}".format( proposed.rev, proposed.org, proposed.name, proposed.classifier or "", existing.rev, ) ) return existing elif proposed.force: logger.debug( "Forcing {}#{};{} from {} to {}".format( proposed.org, proposed.name, proposed.classifier or "", existing.rev, proposed.rev, ) ) return proposed else: if Revision.lenient(proposed.rev) > Revision.lenient(existing.rev): logger.debug( "Upgrading {}#{};{} from rev {} to {}".format( proposed.org, proposed.name, proposed.classifier or "", existing.rev, proposed.rev, ) ) return proposed else: return existing
import os, shutil, mimetypes, boto3 from pprint import PrettyPrinter from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from botocore import exceptions as bx from shiftmedia import exceptions as x class Backend(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract backend This defines methods your backend must implement in order to work with media storage """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, url='http://localhost'): """ Backend constructor Requires a base storage url to build links. :param url: string - base storage url """ self._url = url def get_url(self): """ Get URL Returns base URL of storage """ return self._url @abstractmethod def put(self, src, id, force=False): """ Put file to storage Does not require a filename as it will be extracted from provided id. Will raise an exception on an attempt to overwrite existing file which you can force to ignore. """ pass @abstractmethod def put_variant(self, src, id, filename, force=False): """ Put file variant to storage Save local file in storage under given id and filename. Will raise an exception on an attempt to overwrite existing file which you can force to ignore. """ pass @abstractmethod def retrieve_original(self, id, local_path): """ Retrieve original Download file original from storage and put to local temp path """ pass @abstractmethod def delete(self, id): """ Delete Remove file from storage by id """ pass @abstractmethod def parse_url(self, url): """ Parse url Processes url to return a tuple of id and filename. This is being used when we create dynamic image resizes to retrieve the original based on resize filename. :param url: string - resize url :return: tuple - id and filename """ pass @abstractmethod def clear_variants(self): """ Clear variants Iterates through storage and removes all files that are not originals. This is a good way to clear residual files not being used and regenerate the once in use. :return: Bool """ pass class BackendLocal(Backend): """ Local backend Stores file locally in a directory without transferring to remote storage """ def __init__(self, local_path=None, url='http://localhost'): """ Backend constructor Requires a local storage path and base storage url. :param local_path: string - path to local temp dir :param url: string - base storage url """ super().__init__(url) self._path = local_path @property def path(self): """ Get path Returns path to local storage and creates one if necessary """ if not os.path.exists(self._path): os.makedirs(self._path) return self._path def id_to_path(self, id): """ Id to path Returns a list of directories extracted from id :param id: string, - object id :return: list """ parts = id.lower().split('-')[0:5] tail = id[len('-'.join(parts)) + 1:] parts.append(tail) return parts def parse_url(self, url): """ Parse url Processes url to return a tuple of id and filename. This is being used when we create dynamic image resizes to retrieve the original based on resize filename. :param url: string - resize url :return: tuple - id and filename """ url = url.replace(self._url, '') url = url.strip('/').lower() url = url.split('/') id = '-'.join(url[:-1]) filename = url[-1] return id, filename def put(self, src, id, force=False): """ Put file to storage Does not require a filename as it will be extracted from provided id. the resulting path will have following structure: 3c72aedc/ba25/11e6/569/406c8f413974/file.jpg/file.jpg :param src: string - path to source file :param id: string - generated id :param force: bool - whether to overwrite existing :return: string - generated id """ filename = '-'.join(id.split('-')[5:]) return self.put_variant(src, id, filename, force) def put_variant(self, src, id, filename, force=False): """ Put file variant to storage Save local file in storage under given id and filename. Will raise an exception on an attempt to overwrite existing file which you can force to ignore. """ if not os.path.exists(src): msg = 'Unable to find local file [{}]' raise x.LocalFileNotFound(msg.format(src)) parts = self.id_to_path(id) dir = os.path.join(self.path, *parts) os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) dst = os.path.join(self.path, *parts, filename) if not force and os.path.exists(dst): msg = 'File [' + filename + '] exists under [' + id + ']. ' msg += 'Use force option to overwrite.' raise x.FileExists(msg) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) return id def delete(self, id): """ Delete Remove file from storage by id """ id = str(id) path = os.path.join(self.path, *id.split('-')[0:5]) shutil.rmtree(path) return True def retrieve_original(self, id, local_path): """ Retrieve original Download file from storage and put to local temp path """ path = self.id_to_path(id) filename = path[5] src = os.path.join(self.path, *path, filename) dst_dir = os.path.join(local_path, id) dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir, exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) return dst def clear_variants(self): """ Clear variants Iterates through storage and removes all files that are not originals. This is a good way to clear residual files not being used and regenerate the once in use. :return: Bool """ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(self.path): for file in files: if subdir.endswith(file): continue # skip originals path = os.path.join(subdir, file) os.remove(path) return True class BackendS3(Backend): """ Amazon S3 backend Stores files in an amazon s3 bucket """ def __init__( self, key_id, access_secret, bucket, region, url='http://localhost' ): """ S3 Backend constructor Creates an instance of s3 backend, requires credentials to access amazon s3 and bucket name. :param key_id: string - AWS IAM Key id :param access_secret: string - AWS IAM Access secret :param bucket: string - AWS S3 bucket name, e.g. 'test-bucket' :param region: string - AWS S3 bucket region, e.g. 'eu-west-1' :param url: string - base storage url """ self.bucket_name = bucket self.bucket_region = region self.credentials = dict( aws_access_key_id=key_id, aws_secret_access_key=access_secret, region_name=region, # a bit weird that region goes here ) super().__init__(url) def pp(self, what): """ Pretty-prints an object""" printer = PrettyPrinter(indent=2) printer.pprint(what) def id_to_path(self, id): """ Id to path Returns a list of directories extracted from id :param id: string, - object id :return: list """ parts = id.lower().split('-')[0:5] tail = id[len('-'.join(parts)) + 1:] parts.append(tail) return parts def parse_url(self, url): """ Parse url Processes url to return a tuple of id and filename. This is being used when we create dynamic image resizes to retrieve the original based on resize filename. :param url: string - resize url :return: tuple - id and filename """ url = url.replace(self._url, '') url = url.strip('/').lower() url = url.split('/') id = '-'.join(url[:-1]) filename = url[-1] return id, filename def exists(self, object): """ Exists Checks whether a file or directory/ exists and returns a boolean result. Be careful with directories - it might appear that they exist when in fact they don't, e.g. /some/path/file.txt existence doesn't necessarily mean .some/path exists. Thus it is more helpful to check for file existence, i.e. the FULL key existence. :param object: string - file or directory/ :return: bool """ try: resource = boto3.resource('s3', **self.credentials) resource.Object(self.bucket_name, object).load() except bx.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == '404': return False else: raise e return True def recursive_delete(self, path=None): """ Recursive delete Deletes all objects recursively under given path. If path is not provided, will delete every object in the bucket. Be careful! :param path: string - objects starting with this will be deleted :return: None """ client = boto3.client('s3', **self.credentials) paginator = client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2') params = dict(Bucket=self.bucket_name) if path: params['Prefix'] = path pages = paginator.paginate(**params) delete_us = dict(Objects=[]) bucket = self.bucket_name for item in pages.search('Contents'): if not item: continue delete_us['Objects'].append(dict(Key=item['Key'])) # flush full page if len(delete_us['Objects']) >= 999: client.delete_objects(Bucket=bucket, Delete=delete_us) delete_us = dict(Objects=[]) # flush last page if len(delete_us['Objects']): client.delete_objects(Bucket=bucket, Delete=delete_us) def put(self, src, id, force=False, content_type=None, encoding=None): """ Put file to storage Does not require a filename as it will be extracted from provided id. the resulting path will have following structure: 3c72aedc/ba25/11e6/569/406c8f413974/file.jpg/file.jpg :param src: string - path to source file :param id: string - generated id :param force: bool - whether to overwrite existing :param content_type: string - content/type, guessed if none :param encoding: string - content encoding, guessed if none :return: string - generated id """ filename = '-'.join(id.split('-')[5:]) return self.put_variant( src, id, filename, force, content_type, encoding ) def put_variant( self, src, id, filename, force=False, content_type=None, encoding=None): """ Put file variant to storage Save local file in storage under given id and filename. Will raise an exception on an attempt to overwrite existing file which you can force to ignore. By default will guess content-type and content-encoding based on file extension that you can override to set your own. :param src: string - path to local file :param id: string - storage object id :param filename: string - varian filename :param force: bool - whether to overwrite if exists :param content_type: string - content/type, guessed if none :param encoding: string - content encoding, guessed if none :return: string put object id """ if not os.path.exists(src): msg = 'Unable to find local file [{}]' raise x.LocalFileNotFound(msg.format(src)) path = '/'.join(self.id_to_path(id)) + '/' + filename if not force and self.exists(path): msg = 'File [' + filename + '] exists under [' + id + ']. ' msg += 'Use force option to overwrite.' raise x.FileExists(msg) if not content_type or not encoding: guessed = mimetypes.guess_type(src) content_type = content_type if content_type else guessed[0] encoding = encoding if encoding else guessed[1] client = boto3.client('s3', **self.credentials) with open(src, 'rb') as src: params = dict( ACL='public-read', Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=path, Body=src ) if content_type: params['ContentType'] = content_type if encoding: params['ContentEncoding'] = encoding client.put_object(**params) return id def delete(self, id): """ Delete Remove file from storage by id. Since it searches for the keys staring (!) with id, can accept nonexistent ids. """ path = '/'.join(self.id_to_path(id)) self.recursive_delete(path) def retrieve_original(self, id, local_path): """ Retrieve original Download file from storage and put to local temp path :param id: string - storage object id :param local_path: string - local path to download to :return: path to local download """ path = self.id_to_path(id) filename = path[5] dst_dir = os.path.join(local_path, id) dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = '-'.join(id.split('-')[5:]) src = '/'.join(self.id_to_path(id)) + '/' + filename client = boto3.client('s3', **self.credentials) with open(dst, 'wb') as data: client.download_fileobj( Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=src, Fileobj=data ) return dst def clear_variants(self): """ Clear variants Iterates through storage and removes all files that are not originals. This is a good way to clear residual files not being used and regenerate the once in use. Please, also consider configure bucket lifecycle expiration policy in order to removed older images. :return: Bool """ client = boto3.client('s3', **self.credentials) paginator = client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2') pages = paginator.paginate(Bucket=self.bucket_name) delete_us = dict(Objects=[]) bucket = self.bucket_name for item in pages.search('Contents'): if not item: continue key = str(item['Key']) # skip dirs if key.endswith('/'): continue # skip originals parts = key.split('/') length = len(parts) if parts[length-1] == parts[length-2]: continue delete_us['Objects'].append(dict(Key=item['Key'])) # flush full page if len(delete_us['Objects']) >= 999: client.delete_objects(Bucket=bucket, Delete=delete_us) delete_us = dict(Objects=[]) # flush last page if len(delete_us['Objects']): client.delete_objects(Bucket=bucket, Delete=delete_us) return True
""" Event parser and human readable log generator. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/logbook/ """ import asyncio import logging from datetime import timedelta from itertools import groupby import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from homeassistant.components import sun from homeassistant.components.frontend import register_built_in_panel from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.const import (EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, STATE_NOT_HOME, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ATTR_HIDDEN, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) from homeassistant.core import State, split_entity_id, DOMAIN as HA_DOMAIN DOMAIN = "logbook" DEPENDENCIES = ['recorder', 'frontend'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_EXCLUDE = 'exclude' CONF_INCLUDE = 'include' CONF_ENTITIES = 'entities' CONF_DOMAINS = 'domains' CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ CONF_EXCLUDE: vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITIES, default=[]): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(CONF_DOMAINS, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]) }), CONF_INCLUDE: vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITIES, default=[]): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(CONF_DOMAINS, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]) }) }), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY = 'logbook_entry' GROUP_BY_MINUTES = 15 ATTR_NAME = 'name' ATTR_MESSAGE = 'message' ATTR_DOMAIN = 'domain' ATTR_ENTITY_ID = 'entity_id' LOG_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required(ATTR_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_MESSAGE): cv.template, vol.Optional(ATTR_DOMAIN): cv.slug, vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_id, }) def log_entry(hass, name, message, domain=None, entity_id=None): """Add an entry to the logbook.""" hass.add_job(async_log_entry, hass, name, message, domain, entity_id) def async_log_entry(hass, name, message, domain=None, entity_id=None): """Add an entry to the logbook.""" data = { ATTR_NAME: name, ATTR_MESSAGE: message } if domain is not None: data[ATTR_DOMAIN] = domain if entity_id is not None: data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = entity_id hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, data) def setup(hass, config): """Listen for download events to download files.""" @callback def log_message(service): """Handle sending notification message service calls.""" message = service.data[ATTR_MESSAGE] name = service.data[ATTR_NAME] domain = service.data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) entity_id = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) message.hass = hass message = message.async_render() async_log_entry(hass, name, message, domain, entity_id) hass.http.register_view(LogbookView(config.get(DOMAIN, {}))) register_built_in_panel(hass, 'logbook', 'Logbook', 'mdi:format-list-bulleted-type') hass.services.register(DOMAIN, 'log', log_message, schema=LOG_MESSAGE_SCHEMA) return True class LogbookView(HomeAssistantView): """Handle logbook view requests.""" url = '/api/logbook' name = 'api:logbook' extra_urls = ['/api/logbook/{datetime}'] def __init__(self, config): """Initilalize the logbook view.""" self.config = config @asyncio.coroutine def get(self, request, datetime=None): """Retrieve logbook entries.""" if datetime: datetime = dt_util.parse_datetime(datetime) if datetime is None: return self.json_message('Invalid datetime', HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) else: datetime = dt_util.start_of_local_day() start_day = dt_util.as_utc(datetime) end_day = start_day + timedelta(days=1) hass = request.app['hass'] events = yield from hass.loop.run_in_executor( None, _get_events, hass, start_day, end_day) events = _exclude_events(events, self.config) return self.json(humanify(events)) class Entry(object): """A human readable version of the log.""" def __init__(self, when=None, name=None, message=None, domain=None, entity_id=None): """Initialize the entry.""" self.when = when self.name = name self.message = message self.domain = domain self.entity_id = entity_id def as_dict(self): """Convert entry to a dict to be used within JSON.""" return { 'when': self.when, 'name': self.name, 'message': self.message, 'domain': self.domain, 'entity_id': self.entity_id, } def humanify(events): """Generator that converts a list of events into Entry objects. Will try to group events if possible: - if 2+ sensor updates in GROUP_BY_MINUTES, show last - if home assistant stop and start happen in same minute call it restarted """ # Group events in batches of GROUP_BY_MINUTES for _, g_events in groupby( events, lambda event: event.time_fired.minute // GROUP_BY_MINUTES): events_batch = list(g_events) # Keep track of last sensor states last_sensor_event = {} # Group HA start/stop events # Maps minute of event to 1: stop, 2: stop + start start_stop_events = {} # Process events for event in events_batch: if event.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: entity_id = event.data.get('entity_id') if entity_id is None: continue if entity_id.startswith('sensor.'): last_sensor_event[entity_id] = event elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP: if event.time_fired.minute in start_stop_events: continue start_stop_events[event.time_fired.minute] = 1 elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START: if event.time_fired.minute not in start_stop_events: continue start_stop_events[event.time_fired.minute] = 2 # Yield entries for event in events_batch: if event.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: to_state = State.from_dict(event.data.get('new_state')) # If last_changed != last_updated only attributes have changed # we do not report on that yet. Also filter auto groups. if not to_state or \ to_state.last_changed != to_state.last_updated or \ to_state.domain == 'group' and \ to_state.attributes.get('auto', False): continue domain = to_state.domain # Skip all but the last sensor state if domain == 'sensor' and \ event != last_sensor_event[to_state.entity_id]: continue # Don't show continuous sensor value changes in the logbook if domain == 'sensor' and \ to_state.attributes.get('unit_of_measurement'): continue yield Entry( event.time_fired, name=to_state.name, message=_entry_message_from_state(domain, to_state), domain=domain, entity_id=to_state.entity_id) elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START: if start_stop_events.get(event.time_fired.minute) == 2: continue yield Entry( event.time_fired, "Home Assistant", "started", domain=HA_DOMAIN) elif event.event_type == EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP: if start_stop_events.get(event.time_fired.minute) == 2: action = "restarted" else: action = "stopped" yield Entry( event.time_fired, "Home Assistant", action, domain=HA_DOMAIN) elif event.event_type == EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY: domain = event.data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) entity_id = event.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if domain is None and entity_id is not None: try: domain = split_entity_id(str(entity_id))[0] except IndexError: pass yield Entry( event.time_fired, event.data.get(ATTR_NAME), event.data.get(ATTR_MESSAGE), domain, entity_id) def _get_events(hass, start_day, end_day): """Get events for a period of time.""" from homeassistant.components.recorder.models import Events from homeassistant.components.recorder.util import ( execute, session_scope) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: query = session.query(Events).order_by( Events.time_fired).filter( (Events.time_fired > start_day) & (Events.time_fired < end_day)) return execute(query) def _exclude_events(events, config): """Get lists of excluded entities and platforms.""" excluded_entities = [] excluded_domains = [] included_entities = [] included_domains = [] exclude = config.get(CONF_EXCLUDE) if exclude: excluded_entities = exclude[CONF_ENTITIES] excluded_domains = exclude[CONF_DOMAINS] include = config.get(CONF_INCLUDE) if include: included_entities = include[CONF_ENTITIES] included_domains = include[CONF_DOMAINS] filtered_events = [] for event in events: domain, entity_id = None, None if event.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: to_state = State.from_dict(event.data.get('new_state')) # Do not report on new entities if event.data.get('old_state') is None: continue # Do not report on entity removal if not to_state: continue # exclude entities which are customized hidden hidden = to_state.attributes.get(ATTR_HIDDEN, False) if hidden: continue domain = to_state.domain entity_id = to_state.entity_id elif event.event_type == EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY: domain = event.data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) entity_id = event.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if domain or entity_id: # filter if only excluded is configured for this domain if excluded_domains and domain in excluded_domains and \ not included_domains: if (included_entities and entity_id not in included_entities) \ or not included_entities: continue # filter if only included is configured for this domain elif not excluded_domains and included_domains and \ domain not in included_domains: if (included_entities and entity_id not in included_entities) \ or not included_entities: continue # filter if included and excluded is configured for this domain elif excluded_domains and included_domains and \ (domain not in included_domains or domain in excluded_domains): if (included_entities and entity_id not in included_entities) \ or not included_entities or domain in excluded_domains: continue # filter if only included is configured for this entity elif not excluded_domains and not included_domains and \ included_entities and entity_id not in included_entities: continue # check if logbook entry is excluded for this entity if entity_id in excluded_entities: continue filtered_events.append(event) return filtered_events # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements def _entry_message_from_state(domain, state): """Convert a state to a message for the logbook.""" # We pass domain in so we don't have to split entity_id again if domain == 'device_tracker': if state.state == STATE_NOT_HOME: return 'is away' else: return 'is at {}'.format(state.state) elif domain == 'sun': if state.state == sun.STATE_ABOVE_HORIZON: return 'has risen' else: return 'has set' elif state.state == STATE_ON: # Future: combine groups and its entity entries ? return "turned on" elif state.state == STATE_OFF: return "turned off" return "changed to {}".format(state.state)
# This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. from __future__ import print_function __revision__ = "$Id$" __lastupdated__ = "$Date$" import calendar, commands, datetime, time, os, cPickle, random, cgi from operator import itemgetter from invenio.config import CFG_TMPDIR, \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_SITE_NAME, \ CFG_BINDIR, \ CFG_CERN_SITE, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_CANCELLED, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_CLAIMED, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_IN_PROCESS, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_NOT_ARRIVED, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_ON_LOAN, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_ON_ORDER, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_ON_SHELF, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_OPTIONAL, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE, \ CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ILL_STATUS_CANCELLED from invenio.modules.indexer.tokenizers.BibIndexJournalTokenizer import CFG_JOURNAL_TAG from invenio.utils.url import redirect_to_url from invenio.legacy.search_engine import perform_request_search, \ get_collection_reclist, \ get_most_popular_field_values, \ search_pattern from invenio.legacy.bibrecord import get_fieldvalues from invenio.legacy.dbquery import run_sql, \ wash_table_column_name from invenio.legacy.websubmit.admin_dblayer import get_docid_docname_alldoctypes from invenio.legacy.bibcirculation.utils import book_title_from_MARC, \ book_information_from_MARC from invenio.legacy.bibcirculation.db_layer import get_id_bibrec, \ get_borrower_data CFG_CACHE_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP_FILE = None from invenio.utils.date import convert_datetext_to_datestruct, convert_datestruct_to_dategui from invenio.legacy.bibsched.bibtask import get_modified_records_since WEBSTAT_SESSION_LENGTH = 48 * 60 * 60 # seconds WEBSTAT_GRAPH_TOKENS = '-=#+@$%&XOSKEHBC' # KEY EVENT TREND SECTION def get_keyevent_trend_collection_population(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the quantity of documents in Invenio for the given timestamp range. @param args['collection']: A collection name @type args['collection']: str @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ # collect action dates lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() if args.get('collection', 'All') == 'All': sql_query_g = _get_sql_query("creation_date", args['granularity'], "bibrec") sql_query_i = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM bibrec WHERE creation_date < %s" initial_quantity = run_sql(sql_query_i, (lower, ))[0][0] return _get_keyevent_trend(args, sql_query_g, initial_quantity=initial_quantity, return_sql=return_sql, sql_text= "Previous count: %s<br />Current count: %%s" % (sql_query_i), acumulative=True) else: ids = get_collection_reclist(args['collection']) if len(ids) == 0: return [] g = get_keyevent_trend_new_records(args, return_sql, True) sql_query_i = "SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE creation_date < %s" if return_sql: return "Previous count: %s<br />Current count: %s" % (sql_query_i % lower, g) initial_quantity = len(filter(lambda x: x[0] in ids, run_sql(sql_query_i, (lower, )))) return _get_trend_from_actions(g, initial_quantity, args['t_start'], args['t_end'], args['granularity'], args['t_format'], acumulative=True) def get_keyevent_trend_new_records(args, return_sql=False, only_action=False): """ Returns the number of new records uploaded during the given timestamp range. @param args['collection']: A collection name @type args['collection']: str @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ if args.get('collection', 'All') == 'All': return _get_keyevent_trend(args, _get_sql_query("creation_date", args['granularity'], "bibrec"), return_sql=return_sql) else: lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() ids = get_collection_reclist(args['collection']) if len(ids) == 0: return [] sql = _get_sql_query("creation_date", args["granularity"], "bibrec", extra_select=", id", group_by=False, count=False) if return_sql: return sql % (lower, upper) recs = run_sql(sql, (lower, upper)) if recs: def add_count(i_list, element): """ Reduce function to create a dictionary with the count of ids for each date """ if i_list and element == i_list[-1][0]: i_list[-1][1] += 1 else: i_list.append([element, 1]) return i_list action_dates = reduce(add_count, map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1] in ids, recs)), []) else: action_dates = [] if only_action: return action_dates return _get_trend_from_actions(action_dates, 0, args['t_start'], args['t_end'], args['granularity'], args['t_format']) def get_keyevent_trend_search_frequency(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the number of searches (of any kind) carried out during the given timestamp range. @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ return _get_keyevent_trend(args, _get_sql_query("date", args["granularity"], "query INNER JOIN user_query ON id=id_query"), return_sql=return_sql) def get_keyevent_trend_comments_frequency(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the number of comments (of any kind) carried out during the given timestamp range. @param args['collection']: A collection name @type args['collection']: str @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ if args.get('collection', 'All') == 'All': sql = _get_sql_query("date_creation", args["granularity"], "cmtRECORDCOMMENT") else: sql = _get_sql_query("date_creation", args["granularity"], "cmtRECORDCOMMENT", conditions= _get_collection_recids_for_sql_query(args['collection'])) return _get_keyevent_trend(args, sql, return_sql=return_sql) def get_keyevent_trend_search_type_distribution(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the number of searches carried out during the given timestamp range, but also partion them by type Simple and Advanced. @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ # SQL to determine all simple searches: simple = _get_sql_query("date", args["granularity"], "query INNER JOIN user_query ON id=id_query", conditions="urlargs LIKE '%%p=%%'") # SQL to determine all advanced searches: advanced = _get_sql_query("date", args["granularity"], "query INNER JOIN user_query ON id=id_query", conditions="urlargs LIKE '%%as=1%%'") # Compute the trend for both types s_trend = _get_keyevent_trend(args, simple, return_sql=return_sql, sql_text="Simple: %s") a_trend = _get_keyevent_trend(args, advanced, return_sql=return_sql, sql_text="Advanced: %s") # Assemble, according to return type if return_sql: return "%s <br /> %s" % (s_trend, a_trend) return [(s_trend[i][0], (s_trend[i][1], a_trend[i][1])) for i in range(len(s_trend))] def get_keyevent_trend_download_frequency(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the number of full text downloads carried out during the given timestamp range. @param args['collection']: A collection name @type args['collection']: str @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ # Collect list of timestamps of insertion in the specific collection if args.get('collection', 'All') == 'All': return _get_keyevent_trend(args, _get_sql_query("download_time", args["granularity"], "rnkDOWNLOADS"), return_sql=return_sql) else: lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() ids = get_collection_reclist(args['collection']) if len(ids) == 0: return [] sql = _get_sql_query("download_time", args["granularity"], "rnkDOWNLOADS", extra_select=", GROUP_CONCAT(id_bibrec)") if return_sql: return sql % (lower, upper) action_dates = [] for result in run_sql(sql, (lower, upper)): count = result[1] for id in result[2].split(","): if id == '' or not int(id) in ids: count -= 1 action_dates.append((result[0], count)) return _get_trend_from_actions(action_dates, 0, args['t_start'], args['t_end'], args['granularity'], args['t_format']) def get_keyevent_trend_number_of_loans(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the number of loans carried out during the given timestamp range. @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ return _get_keyevent_trend(args, _get_sql_query("loaned_on", args["granularity"], "crcLOAN"), return_sql=return_sql) def get_keyevent_trend_web_submissions(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the quantity of websubmissions in Invenio for the given timestamp range. @param args['doctype']: A doctype name @type args['doctype']: str @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ if args['doctype'] == 'all': sql = _get_sql_query("cd", args["granularity"], "sbmSUBMISSIONS", conditions="action='SBI' AND status='finished'") res = _get_keyevent_trend(args, sql, return_sql=return_sql) else: sql = _get_sql_query("cd", args["granularity"], "sbmSUBMISSIONS", conditions="doctype=%s AND action='SBI' AND status='finished'") res = _get_keyevent_trend(args, sql, extra_param=[args['doctype']], return_sql=return_sql) return res def get_keyevent_loan_statistics(args, return_sql=False): """ Data: - Number of documents (=records) loaned - Number of items loaned on the total number of items - Number of items never loaned on the total number of items - Average time between the date of the record creation and the date of the first loan Filter by - in a specified time span - by UDC (see MARC field 080__a - list to be submitted) - by item status (available, missing) - by date of publication (MARC field 260__c) - by date of the record creation in the database @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['udc']: MARC field 080__a @type args['udc']: str @param args['item_status']: available, missing... @type args['item_status']: str @param args['publication_date']: MARC field 260__c @type args['publication_date']: str @param args['creation_date']: date of the record creation in the database @type args['creation_date']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ # collect action dates lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from = "FROM crcLOAN l " sql_where = "WHERE loaned_on > %s AND loaned_on < %s " param = [lower, upper] if 'udc' in args and args['udc'] != '': sql_where += "AND l." + _check_udc_value_where() param.append(_get_udc_truncated(args['udc'])) if 'item_status' in args and args['item_status'] != '': sql_from += ", crcITEM i " sql_where += "AND l.barcode = i.barcode AND i.status = %s " param.append(args['item_status']) if 'publication_date' in args and args['publication_date'] != '': sql_where += "AND l.id_bibrec IN ( SELECT brb.id_bibrec \ FROM bibrec_bib26x brb, bib26x b WHERE brb.id_bibxxx = b.id AND tag='260__c' \ AND value LIKE %s)" param.append('%%%s%%' % args['publication_date']) if 'creation_date' in args and args['creation_date'] != '': sql_from += ", bibrec br " sql_where += "AND br.id=l.id_bibrec AND br.creation_date LIKE %s " param.append('%%%s%%' % args['creation_date']) param = tuple(param) # Number of loans: loans_sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT l.id_bibrec) " + sql_from + sql_where items_loaned_sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT l.barcode) " + sql_from + sql_where # Only the CERN site wants the items of the collection "Books & Proceedings" if CFG_CERN_SITE: items_in_book_coll = _get_collection_recids_for_sql_query("Books & Proceedings") if items_in_book_coll == "": total_items_sql = 0 else: total_items_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crcITEM WHERE %s" % \ items_in_book_coll else: # The rest take all the items total_items_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crcITEM" # Average time between the date of the record creation and the date of the first loan avg_sql = "SELECT AVG(DATEDIFF(loaned_on, br.creation_date)) " + sql_from if not ('creation_date' in args and args['creation_date'] != ''): avg_sql += ", bibrec br " avg_sql += sql_where if not ('creation_date' in args and args['creation_date'] != ''): avg_sql += "AND br.id=l.id_bibrec " if return_sql: return "<ol><li>%s</li><li>Items loaned * 100 / Number of items <ul><li>\ Items loaned: %s </li><li>Number of items: %s</li></ul></li><li>100 - Items \ loaned on total number of items</li><li>%s</li></ol>" % \ (loans_sql % param, items_loaned_sql % param, total_items_sql, avg_sql % param) loans = run_sql(loans_sql, param)[0][0] items_loaned = run_sql(items_loaned_sql, param)[0][0] if total_items_sql: total_items = run_sql(total_items_sql)[0][0] else: total_items = 0 if total_items == 0: loaned_on_total = 0 never_loaned_on_total = 0 else: # Number of items loaned on the total number of items: loaned_on_total = float(items_loaned) * 100 / float(total_items) # Number of items never loaned on the total number of items: never_loaned_on_total = 100L - loaned_on_total avg = run_sql(avg_sql, param)[0][0] if avg: avg = float(avg) else: avg = 0L return ((loans, ), (loaned_on_total, ), (never_loaned_on_total, ), (avg, )) def get_keyevent_loan_lists(args, return_sql=False, limit=50): """ Lists: - List of documents (= records) never loaned - List of most loaned documents (columns: number of loans, number of copies and the creation date of the record, in order to calculate the number of loans by copy), sorted by decreasing order (50 items) Filter by - in a specified time span - by UDC (see MARC field 080__a - list to be submitted) - by loan period (4 week loan, one week loan...) - by a certain number of loans - by date of publication (MARC field 260__c) - by date of the record creation in the database @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['udc']: MARC field 080__a @type args['udc']: str @param args['loan_period']: 4 week loan, one week loan... @type args['loan_period']: str @param args['min_loan']: minimum number of loans @type args['min_loan']: int @param args['max_loan']: maximum number of loans @type args['max_loan']: int @param args['publication_date']: MARC field 260__c @type args['publication_date']: str @param args['creation_date']: date of the record creation in the database @type args['creation_date']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_where = [] param = [] sql_from = "" if 'udc' in args and args['udc'] != '': sql_where.append("i." + _check_udc_value_where()) param.append(_get_udc_truncated(args['udc'])) if 'loan_period' in args and args['loan_period'] != '': sql_where.append("loan_period = %s") param.append(args['loan_period']) if 'publication_date' in args and args['publication_date'] != '': sql_where.append("i.id_bibrec IN ( SELECT brb.id_bibrec \ FROM bibrec_bib26x brb, bib26x b WHERE brb.id_bibxxx = b.id AND tag='260__c' \ AND value LIKE %s)") param.append('%%%s%%' % args['publication_date']) if 'creation_date' in args and args['creation_date'] != '': sql_from += ", bibrec br" sql_where.append("br.id=i.id_bibrec AND br.creation_date LIKE %s") param.append('%%%s%%' % args['creation_date']) if sql_where: sql_where = "WHERE %s AND" % " AND ".join(sql_where) else: sql_where = "WHERE" param = tuple(param + [lower, upper]) # SQL for both queries check_num_loans = "HAVING " if 'min_loans' in args and args['min_loans'] != '': check_num_loans += "COUNT(*) >= %s" % args['min_loans'] if 'max_loans' in args and args['max_loans'] != '' and args['max_loans'] != 0: if check_num_loans != "HAVING ": check_num_loans += " AND " check_num_loans += "COUNT(*) <= %s" % args['max_loans'] # Optimized to get all the data in only one query (not call get_fieldvalues several times) mldocs_sql = "SELECT i.id_bibrec, COUNT(*) \ FROM crcLOAN l, crcITEM i%s %s l.barcode=i.barcode AND type = 'normal' AND \ loaned_on > %%s AND loaned_on < %%s GROUP BY i.id_bibrec %s" % \ (sql_from, sql_where, check_num_loans) limit_n = "" if limit > 0: limit_n = "LIMIT %d" % limit nldocs_sql = "SELECT id_bibrec, COUNT(*) FROM crcITEM i%s %s \ barcode NOT IN (SELECT id_bibrec FROM crcLOAN WHERE loaned_on > %%s AND \ loaned_on < %%s AND type = 'normal') GROUP BY id_bibrec ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC %s" % \ (sql_from, sql_where, limit_n) items_sql = "SELECT id_bibrec, COUNT(*) items FROM crcITEM GROUP BY id_bibrec" creation_date_sql = "SELECT creation_date FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s" authors_sql = "SELECT bx.value FROM bib10x bx, bibrec_bib10x bibx \ WHERE bx.id = bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag LIKE '100__a' AND bibx.id_bibrec=%s" title_sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(bx.value SEPARATOR ' ') value FROM bib24x bx, bibrec_bib24x bibx \ WHERE bx.id = bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag LIKE %s AND bibx.id_bibrec=%s GROUP BY bibx.id_bibrec" edition_sql = "SELECT bx.value FROM bib25x bx, bibrec_bib25x AS bibx \ WHERE bx.id = bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag LIKE '250__a' AND bibx.id_bibrec=%s" if return_sql: return "Most loaned: %s<br \>Never loaned: %s" % \ (mldocs_sql % param, nldocs_sql % param) mldocs = run_sql(mldocs_sql, param) items = dict(run_sql(items_sql)) order_m = [] for mldoc in mldocs: order_m.append([mldoc[0], mldoc[1], items[mldoc[0]], \ float(mldoc[1]) / float(items[mldoc[0]])]) order_m = sorted(order_m, key=itemgetter(3)) order_m.reverse() # Check limit values if limit > 0: order_m = order_m[:limit] res = [("", "Title", "Author", "Edition", "Number of loans", "Number of copies", "Date of creation of the record")] for mldoc in order_m: res.append(("Most loaned documents", _check_empty_value(run_sql(title_sql, ('245__%%', mldoc[0], ))), _check_empty_value(run_sql(authors_sql, (mldoc[0], ))), _check_empty_value(run_sql(edition_sql, (mldoc[0], ))), mldoc[1], mldoc[2], _check_empty_value(run_sql(creation_date_sql, (mldoc[0], ))))) nldocs = run_sql(nldocs_sql, param) for nldoc in nldocs: res.append(("Not loaned documents", _check_empty_value(run_sql(title_sql, ('245__%%', nldoc[0], ))), _check_empty_value(run_sql(authors_sql, (nldoc[0], ))), _check_empty_value(run_sql(edition_sql, (nldoc[0], ))), 0, items[nldoc[0]], _check_empty_value(run_sql(creation_date_sql, (nldoc[0], ))))) # nldocs = run_sql(nldocs_sql, param_n) return (res) def get_keyevent_renewals_lists(args, return_sql=False, limit=50): """ Lists: - List of most renewed items stored by decreasing order (50 items) Filter by - in a specified time span - by UDC (see MARC field 080__a - list to be submitted) - by collection @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['udc']: MARC field 080__a @type args['udc']: str @param args['collection']: collection of the record @type args['collection']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from = "FROM crcLOAN l, crcITEM i " sql_where = "WHERE loaned_on > %s AND loaned_on < %s AND i.barcode = l.barcode " param = [lower, upper] if 'udc' in args and args['udc'] != '': sql_where += "AND l." + _check_udc_value_where() param.append(_get_udc_truncated(args['udc'])) filter_coll = False if 'collection' in args and args['collection'] != '': filter_coll = True recid_list = get_collection_reclist(args['collection']) param = tuple(param) if limit > 0: limit = "LIMIT %d" % limit else: limit = "" sql = "SELECT i.id_bibrec, SUM(number_of_renewals) %s %s \ GROUP BY i.id_bibrec ORDER BY SUM(number_of_renewals) DESC %s" \ % (sql_from, sql_where, limit) if return_sql: return sql % param # Results: res = [("Title", "Author", "Edition", "Number of renewals")] for rec, renewals in run_sql(sql, param): if filter_coll and rec not in recid_list: continue author = get_fieldvalues(rec, "100__a") if len(author) > 0: author = author[0] else: author = "" edition = get_fieldvalues(rec, "250__a") if len(edition) > 0: edition = edition[0] else: edition = "" res.append((book_title_from_MARC(rec), author, edition, int(renewals))) return (res) def get_keyevent_returns_table(args, return_sql=False): """ Data: - Number of overdue returns in a timespan @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() # Overdue returns: sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crcLOAN l WHERE loaned_on > %s AND loaned_on < %s AND \ due_date < NOW() AND (returned_on IS NULL OR returned_on > due_date)" if return_sql: return sql % (lower, upper) return ((run_sql(sql, (lower, upper))[0][0], ), ) def get_keyevent_trend_returns_percentage(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the number of overdue returns and the total number of returns @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ # SQL to determine overdue returns: overdue = _get_sql_query("due_date", args["granularity"], "crcLOAN", conditions="due_date < NOW() AND due_date IS NOT NULL \ AND (returned_on IS NULL OR returned_on > due_date)", dates_range_param="loaned_on") # SQL to determine all returns: total = _get_sql_query("due_date", args["granularity"], "crcLOAN", conditions="due_date < NOW() AND due_date IS NOT NULL", dates_range_param="loaned_on") # Compute the trend for both types o_trend = _get_keyevent_trend(args, overdue, return_sql=return_sql, sql_text="Overdue: %s") t_trend = _get_keyevent_trend(args, total, return_sql=return_sql, sql_text="Total: %s") # Assemble, according to return type if return_sql: return "%s <br /> %s" % (o_trend, t_trend) return [(o_trend[i][0], (o_trend[i][1], t_trend[i][1])) for i in range(len(o_trend))] def get_keyevent_ill_requests_statistics(args, return_sql=False): """ Data: - Number of ILL requests - Number of satisfied ILL requests 2 weeks after the date of request creation on a timespan - Average time between the date and the hour of the ill request date and the date and the hour of the delivery item to the user on a timespan - Average time between the date and the hour the ILL request was sent to the supplier and the date and hour of the delivery item on a timespan Filter by - in a specified time span - by type of document (book or article) - by status of the request (= new, sent, etc.) - by supplier @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['doctype']: type of document (book or article) @type args['doctype']: str @param args['status']: status of the request (= new, sent, etc.) @type args['status']: str @param args['supplier']: supplier @type args['supplier']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from = "FROM crcILLREQUEST ill " sql_where = "WHERE period_of_interest_from > %s AND period_of_interest_from < %s " param = [lower, upper] if 'doctype' in args and args['doctype'] != '': sql_where += "AND ill.request_type=%s" param.append(args['doctype']) if 'status' in args and args['status'] != '': sql_where += "AND ill.status = %s " param.append(args['status']) else: sql_where += "AND ill.status != %s " param.append(CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ILL_STATUS_CANCELLED) if 'supplier' in args and args['supplier'] != '': sql_from += ", crcLIBRARY lib " sql_where += "AND lib.id=ill.id_crcLIBRARY AND lib.name=%s " param.append(args['supplier']) param = tuple(param) requests_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) %s %s" % (sql_from, sql_where) satrequests_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) %s %s \ AND arrival_date IS NOT NULL AND \ DATEDIFF(arrival_date, period_of_interest_from) < 14 " % (sql_from, sql_where) avgdel_sql = "SELECT AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, period_of_interest_from, arrival_date)) %s %s \ AND arrival_date IS NOT NULL" % (sql_from, sql_where) avgsup_sql = "SELECT AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, request_date, arrival_date)) %s %s \ AND arrival_date IS NOT NULL \ AND request_date IS NOT NULL" % (sql_from, sql_where) if return_sql: return "<ol><li>%s</li><li>%s</li><li>%s</li><li>%s</li></ol>" % \ (requests_sql % param, satrequests_sql % param, avgdel_sql % param, avgsup_sql % param) # Number of requests: requests = run_sql(requests_sql, param)[0][0] # Number of satisfied ILL requests 2 weeks after the date of request creation: satrequests = run_sql(satrequests_sql, param)[0][0] # Average time between the date and the hour of the ill request date and # the date and the hour of the delivery item to the user avgdel = run_sql(avgdel_sql, param)[0][0] if avgdel: avgdel = float(avgdel) else: avgdel = 0 # Average time between the date and the hour the ILL request was sent to # the supplier and the date and hour of the delivery item avgsup = run_sql(avgsup_sql, param)[0][0] if avgsup: avgsup = float(avgsup) else: avgsup = 0 return ((requests, ), (satrequests, ), (avgdel, ), (avgsup, )) def get_keyevent_ill_requests_lists(args, return_sql=False, limit=50): """ Lists: - List of ILL requests Filter by - in a specified time span - by type of request (article or book) - by supplier @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['doctype']: type of request (article or book) @type args['doctype']: str @param args['supplier']: supplier @type args['supplier']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from = "FROM crcILLREQUEST ill " sql_where = "WHERE status != '%s' AND request_date > %%s AND request_date < %%s " \ % CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_CANCELLED param = [lower, upper] if 'doctype' in args and args['doctype'] != '': sql_where += "AND ill.request_type=%s " param.append(args['doctype']) if 'supplier' in args and args['supplier'] != '': sql_from += ", crcLIBRARY lib " sql_where += "AND lib.id=ill.id_crcLIBRARY AND lib.name=%s " param.append(args['supplier']) param = tuple(param) if limit > 0: limit = "LIMIT %d" % limit else: limit = "" sql = "SELECT ill.id, item_info %s %s %s" % (sql_from, sql_where, limit) if return_sql: return sql % param # Results: res = [("Id", "Title", "Author", "Edition")] for req_id, item_info in run_sql(sql, param): item_info = eval(item_info) try: res.append((req_id, item_info['title'], item_info['authors'], item_info['edition'])) except KeyError: pass return (res) def get_keyevent_trend_satisfied_ill_requests_percentage(args, return_sql=False): """ Returns the number of satisfied ILL requests 2 weeks after the date of request creation and the total number of ILL requests @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['doctype']: type of document (book or article) @type args['doctype']: str @param args['status']: status of the request (= new, sent, etc.) @type args['status']: str @param args['supplier']: supplier @type args['supplier']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ sql_from = "crcILLREQUEST ill " sql_where = "" param = [] if 'doctype' in args and args['doctype'] != '': sql_where += "AND ill.request_type=%s" param.append(args['doctype']) if 'status' in args and args['status'] != '': sql_where += "AND ill.status = %s " param.append(args['status']) else: sql_where += "AND ill.status != %s " param.append(CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ILL_STATUS_CANCELLED) if 'supplier' in args and args['supplier'] != '': sql_from += ", crcLIBRARY lib " sql_where += "AND lib.id=ill.id_crcLIBRARY AND lib.name=%s " param.append(args['supplier']) # SQL to determine satisfied ILL requests: satisfied = _get_sql_query("request_date", args["granularity"], sql_from, conditions="ADDDATE(request_date, 14) < NOW() AND \ (arrival_date IS NULL OR arrival_date < ADDDATE(request_date, 14)) " + sql_where) # SQL to determine all ILL requests: total = _get_sql_query("request_date", args["granularity"], sql_from, conditions="ADDDATE(request_date, 14) < NOW() "+ sql_where) # Compute the trend for both types s_trend = _get_keyevent_trend(args, satisfied, extra_param=param, return_sql=return_sql, sql_text="Satisfied: %s") t_trend = _get_keyevent_trend(args, total, extra_param=param, return_sql=return_sql, sql_text="Total: %s") # Assemble, according to return type if return_sql: return "%s <br /> %s" % (s_trend, t_trend) return [(s_trend[i][0], (s_trend[i][1], t_trend[i][1])) for i in range(len(s_trend))] def get_keyevent_items_statistics(args, return_sql=False): """ Data: - The total number of items - Total number of new items added in last year Filter by - in a specified time span - by collection - by UDC (see MARC field 080__a - list to be submitted) @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['udc']: MARC field 080__a @type args['udc']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from = "FROM crcITEM i " sql_where = "WHERE " param = [] if 'udc' in args and args['udc'] != '': sql_where += "i." + _check_udc_value_where() param.append(_get_udc_truncated(args['udc'])) # Number of items: if sql_where == "WHERE ": sql_where = "" items_sql = "SELECT COUNT(i.id_bibrec) %s %s" % (sql_from, sql_where) # Number of new items: if sql_where == "": sql_where = "WHERE creation_date > %s AND creation_date < %s " else: sql_where += " AND creation_date > %s AND creation_date < %s " new_items_sql = "SELECT COUNT(i.id_bibrec) %s %s" % (sql_from, sql_where) if return_sql: return "Total: %s <br />New: %s" % (items_sql % tuple(param), new_items_sql % tuple(param + [lower, upper])) return ((run_sql(items_sql, tuple(param))[0][0], ), (run_sql(new_items_sql, tuple(param + [lower, upper]))[0][0], )) def get_keyevent_items_lists(args, return_sql=False, limit=50): """ Lists: - The list of items Filter by - by library (=physical location of the item) - by status (=on loan, available, requested, missing...) @param args['library']: physical location of the item @type args[library'']: str @param args['status']: on loan, available, requested, missing... @type args['status']: str """ sql_from = "FROM crcITEM i " sql_where = "WHERE " param = [] if 'library' in args and args['library'] != '': sql_from += ", crcLIBRARY li " sql_where += "li.id=i.id_crcLIBRARY AND li.name=%s " param.append(args['library']) if 'status' in args and args['status'] != '': if sql_where != "WHERE ": sql_where += "AND " sql_where += "i.status = %s " param.append(args['status']) param = tuple(param) # Results: res = [("Title", "Author", "Edition", "Barcode", "Publication date")] if sql_where == "WHERE ": sql_where = "" if limit > 0: limit = "LIMIT %d" % limit else: limit = "" sql = "SELECT i.barcode, i.id_bibrec %s %s %s" % (sql_from, sql_where, limit) if len(param) == 0: sqlres = run_sql(sql) else: sqlres = run_sql(sql, tuple(param)) sql = sql % param if return_sql: return sql for barcode, rec in sqlres: author = get_fieldvalues(rec, "100__a") if len(author) > 0: author = author[0] else: author = "" edition = get_fieldvalues(rec, "250__a") if len(edition) > 0: edition = edition[0] else: edition = "" res.append((book_title_from_MARC(rec), author, edition, barcode, book_information_from_MARC(int(rec))[1])) return (res) def get_keyevent_loan_request_statistics(args, return_sql=False): """ Data: - Number of hold requests, one week after the date of request creation - Number of successful hold requests transactions - Average time between the hold request date and the date of delivery document in a year Filter by - in a specified time span - by item status (available, missing) @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['item_status']: available, missing... @type args['item_status']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from = "FROM crcLOANREQUEST lr " sql_where = "WHERE request_date > %s AND request_date < %s " param = [lower, upper] if 'item_status' in args and args['item_status'] != '': sql_from += ", crcITEM i " sql_where += "AND lr.barcode = i.barcode AND i.status = %s " param.append(args['item_status']) param = tuple(param) custom_table = get_customevent_table("loanrequest") # Number of hold requests, one week after the date of request creation: holds = "SELECT COUNT(*) %s, %s ws %s AND ws.request_id=lr.id AND \ DATEDIFF(ws.creation_time, lr.request_date) >= 7" % (sql_from, custom_table, sql_where) # Number of successful hold requests transactions succesful_holds = "SELECT COUNT(*) %s %s AND lr.status='%s'" % (sql_from, sql_where, CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE) # Average time between the hold request date and the date of delivery document in a year avg_sql = "SELECT AVG(DATEDIFF(ws.creation_time, lr.request_date)) \ %s, %s ws %s AND ws.request_id=lr.id" % (sql_from, custom_table, sql_where) if return_sql: return "<ol><li>%s</li><li>%s</li><li>%s</li></ol>" % \ (holds % param, succesful_holds % param, avg_sql % param) avg = run_sql(avg_sql, param)[0][0] if avg is int: avg = int(avg) else: avg = 0 return ((run_sql(holds, param)[0][0], ), (run_sql(succesful_holds, param)[0][0], ), (avg, )) def get_keyevent_loan_request_lists(args, return_sql=False, limit=50): """ Lists: - List of the most requested items Filter by - in a specified time span - by UDC (see MARC field 080__a - list to be submitted) @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['udc']: MARC field 080__a @type args['udc']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from = "FROM crcLOANREQUEST lr " sql_where = "WHERE request_date > %s AND request_date < %s " param = [lower, upper] if 'udc' in args and args['udc'] != '': sql_where += "AND lr." + _check_udc_value_where() param.append(_get_udc_truncated(args['udc'])) if limit > 0: limit = "LIMIT %d" % limit else: limit = "" sql = "SELECT lr.barcode %s %s GROUP BY barcode \ ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC %s" % (sql_from, sql_where, limit) if return_sql: return sql res = [("Title", "Author", "Edition", "Barcode")] # Most requested items: for barcode in run_sql(sql, param): rec = get_id_bibrec(barcode[0]) author = get_fieldvalues(rec, "100__a") if len(author) > 0: author = author[0] else: author = "" edition = get_fieldvalues(rec, "250__a") if len(edition) > 0: edition = edition[0] else: edition = "" res.append((book_title_from_MARC(rec), author, edition, barcode[0])) return (res) def get_keyevent_user_statistics(args, return_sql=False): """ Data: - Total number of active users (to be defined = at least one transaction in the past year) Filter by - in a specified time span - by registration date @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() sql_from_ill = "FROM crcILLREQUEST ill " sql_from_loan = "FROM crcLOAN l " sql_where_ill = "WHERE request_date > %s AND request_date < %s " sql_where_loan = "WHERE loaned_on > %s AND loaned_on < %s " param = (lower, upper, lower, upper) # Total number of active users: users = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user) FROM ((SELECT id_crcBORROWER user %s %s) \ UNION (SELECT id_crcBORROWER user %s %s)) res" % \ (sql_from_ill, sql_where_ill, sql_from_loan, sql_where_loan) if return_sql: return users % param return ((run_sql(users, param)[0][0], ), ) def get_keyevent_user_lists(args, return_sql=False, limit=50): """ Lists: - List of most intensive users (ILL requests + Loan) Filter by - in a specified time span - by registration date @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() param = (lower, upper, lower, upper) if limit > 0: limit = "LIMIT %d" % limit else: limit = "" sql = "SELECT user, SUM(trans) FROM \ ((SELECT id_crcBORROWER user, COUNT(*) trans FROM crcILLREQUEST ill \ WHERE request_date > %%s AND request_date < %%s GROUP BY id_crcBORROWER) UNION \ (SELECT id_crcBORROWER user, COUNT(*) trans FROM crcLOAN l WHERE loaned_on > %%s AND \ loaned_on < %%s GROUP BY id_crcBORROWER)) res GROUP BY user ORDER BY SUM(trans) DESC \ %s" % (limit) if return_sql: return sql % param res = [("Name", "Address", "Mailbox", "E-mail", "Number of transactions")] # List of most intensive users (ILL requests + Loan): for borrower_id, trans in run_sql(sql, param): name, address, mailbox, email = get_borrower_data(borrower_id) res.append((name, address, mailbox, email, int(trans))) return (res) # KEY EVENT SNAPSHOT SECTION def get_keyevent_snapshot_uptime_cmd(): """ A specific implementation of get_current_event(). @return: The std-out from the UNIX command 'uptime'. @type: str """ return _run_cmd('uptime').strip().replace(' ', ' ') def get_keyevent_snapshot_apache_processes(): """ A specific implementation of get_current_event(). @return: The std-out from the UNIX command 'uptime'. @type: str """ # The number of Apache processes (root+children) return _run_cmd('ps -e | grep apache2 | grep -v grep | wc -l') def get_keyevent_snapshot_bibsched_status(): """ A specific implementation of get_current_event(). @return: Information about the number of tasks in the different status modes. @type: [(str, int)] """ sql = "SELECT status, COUNT(status) FROM schTASK GROUP BY status" return [(x[0], int(x[1])) for x in run_sql(sql)] def get_keyevent_snapshot_sessions(): """ A specific implementation of get_current_event(). @return: The current number of website visitors (guests, logged in) @type: (int, int) """ # SQL to retrieve sessions in the Guests sql = "SELECT COUNT(session_expiry) " + \ "FROM session INNER JOIN user ON uid=id " + \ "WHERE email = '' AND " + \ "session_expiry-%d < unix_timestamp() AND " \ % WEBSTAT_SESSION_LENGTH + \ "unix_timestamp() < session_expiry" guests = run_sql(sql)[0][0] # SQL to retrieve sessions in the Logged in users sql = "SELECT COUNT(session_expiry) " + \ "FROM session INNER JOIN user ON uid=id " + \ "WHERE email <> '' AND " + \ "session_expiry-%d < unix_timestamp() AND " \ % WEBSTAT_SESSION_LENGTH + \ "unix_timestamp() < session_expiry" logged_ins = run_sql(sql)[0][0] # Assemble, according to return type return (guests, logged_ins) def get_keyevent_bibcirculation_report(freq='yearly'): """ Monthly and yearly report with the total number of circulation transactions (loans, renewals, returns, ILL requests, hold request). @param freq: yearly or monthly @type freq: str @return: loans, renewals, returns, ILL requests, hold request @type: (int, int, int, int, int) """ if freq == 'monthly': datefrom = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-01 00:00:00") else: #yearly datefrom = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-01-01 00:00:00") loans, renewals = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*), \ SUM(number_of_renewals) \ FROM crcLOAN WHERE loaned_on > %s", (datefrom, ))[0] returns = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crcLOAN \ WHERE returned_on!='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and loaned_on > %s", (datefrom, ))[0][0] illrequests = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crcILLREQUEST WHERE request_date > %s", (datefrom, ))[0][0] holdrequest = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crcLOANREQUEST WHERE request_date > %s", (datefrom, ))[0][0] return (loans, renewals, returns, illrequests, holdrequest) def get_last_updates(): """ List date/time when the last updates where done (easy reading format). @return: last indexing, last ranking, last sorting, last webcolling @type: (datetime, datetime, datetime, datetime) """ try: last_index = convert_datestruct_to_dategui(convert_datetext_to_datestruct \ (str(run_sql('SELECT last_updated FROM idxINDEX WHERE \ name="global"')[0][0]))) last_rank = convert_datestruct_to_dategui(convert_datetext_to_datestruct \ (str(run_sql('SELECT last_updated FROM rnkMETHOD ORDER BY \ last_updated DESC LIMIT 1')[0][0]))) last_sort = convert_datestruct_to_dategui(convert_datetext_to_datestruct \ (str(run_sql('SELECT last_updated FROM bsrMETHODDATA ORDER BY \ last_updated DESC LIMIT 1')[0][0]))) file_coll_last_update = open(CFG_CACHE_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP_FILE, 'r') last_coll = convert_datestruct_to_dategui(convert_datetext_to_datestruct \ (str(file_coll_last_update.read()))) file_coll_last_update.close() # database not filled except IndexError: return ("", "", "", "") return (last_index, last_rank, last_sort, last_coll) def get_list_link(process, category=None): """ Builds the link for the list of records not indexed, ranked, sorted or collected. @param process: kind of process the records are waiting for (index, rank, sort, collect) @type process: str @param category: specific sub-category of the process. Index: global, collection, abstract, author, keyword, reference, reportnumber, title, fulltext, year, journal, collaboration, affiliation, exactauthor, caption, firstauthor, exactfirstauthor, authorcount) Rank: wrd, demo_jif, citation, citerank_citation_t, citerank_pagerank_c, citerank_pagerank_t Sort: latest first, title, author, report number, most cited Collect: Empty / None @type category: str @return: link text @type: string """ if process == "index": list_registers = run_sql('SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE \ modification_date > (SELECT last_updated FROM \ idxINDEX WHERE name=%s)', (category,)) elif process == "rank": list_registers = run_sql('SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE \ modification_date > (SELECT last_updated FROM \ rnkMETHOD WHERE name=%s)', (category,)) elif process == "sort": list_registers = run_sql('SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE \ modification_date > (SELECT last_updated FROM \ bsrMETHODDATA WHERE id_bsrMETHOD=(SELECT id \ FROM bsrMETHOD WHERE name=%s))', (category,)) elif process == "collect": file_coll_last_update = open(CFG_CACHE_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP_FILE, 'r') coll_last_update = file_coll_last_update.read() file_coll_last_update.close() list_registers = zip(get_modified_records_since(coll_last_update).tolist()) # build the link if len(list_registers) == 0: return "Up to date" link = '<a href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/search?p=' for register in list_registers: link += 'recid%3A' + str(register[0]) + '+or+' # delete the last '+or+' link = link[:len(link)-4] link += '">' + str(len(list_registers)) + '</a>' return link def get_search_link(record_id): """ Auxiliar, builds the direct link for a given record. @param record_id: record's id number @type record_id: int @return: link text @type: string """ link = '<a href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/' + \ str(record_id) + '">Record [' + str(record_id) + ']</a>' return link def get_ingestion_matching_records(request=None, limit=25): """ Fetches all the records matching a given pattern, arranges them by last modificaton date and returns a list. @param request: requested pattern to match @type request: str @return: list of records matching a pattern, (0,) if no request, (-1,) if the request was invalid @type: list """ if request==None or request=="": return (0,) try: records = list(search_pattern(p=request)) except: return (-1,) if records == []: return records # order by most recent modification date query = 'SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE ' for r in records: query += 'id="' + str(r) + '" OR ' query = query[:len(query)-4] query += ' ORDER BY modification_date DESC LIMIT %s' list_records = run_sql(query, (limit,)) final_list = [] for lr in list_records: final_list.append(lr[0]) return final_list def get_record_ingestion_status(record_id): """ Returns the amount of ingestion methods not updated yet to a given record. If 0, the record is up to date. @param record_id: record id number @type record_id: int @return: number of methods not updated for the record @type: int """ counter = 0 counter += run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ id=%s AND modification_date > (SELECT last_updated FROM \ idxINDEX WHERE name="global")', (record_id, ))[0][0] counter += run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ id=%s AND modification_date > (SELECT last_updated FROM \ rnkMETHOD ORDER BY last_updated DESC LIMIT 1)', \ (record_id, ))[0][0] counter = run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ id=%s AND modification_date > (SELECT last_updated FROM \ bsrMETHODDATA ORDER BY last_updated DESC LIMIT 1)', \ (record_id, ))[0][0] file_coll_last_update = open(CFG_CACHE_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP_FILE, 'r') last_coll = file_coll_last_update.read() file_coll_last_update.close() counter += run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ id=%s AND \ modification_date >\ %s', (record_id, last_coll,))[0][0] return counter def get_specific_ingestion_status(record_id, process, method=None): """ Returns whether a record is or not up to date for a given process and method. @param record_id: identification number of the record @type record_id: int @param process: kind of process the records may be waiting for (index, rank, sort, collect) @type process: str @param method: specific sub-method of the process. Index: global, collection, abstract, author, keyword, reference, reportnumber, title, fulltext, year, journal, collaboration, affiliation, exactauthor, caption, firstauthor, exactfirstauthor, authorcount Rank: wrd, demo_jif, citation, citerank_citation_t, citerank_pagerank_c, citerank_pagerank_t Sort: latest first, title, author, report number, most cited Collect: Empty / None @type category: str @return: text: None if the record is up to date Last time the method was updated if it is waiting @type: date/time string """ exist = run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s', (record_id, )) if exist[0][0] == 0: return "REG not in DB" if process == "index": list_registers = run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ id=%s AND modification_date > (SELECT \ last_updated FROM idxINDEX WHERE name=%s)', (record_id, method,)) last_time = run_sql ('SELECT last_updated FROM idxINDEX WHERE \ name=%s', (method,))[0][0] elif process == "rank": list_registers = run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ id=%s AND modification_date > (SELECT \ last_updated FROM rnkMETHOD WHERE name=%s)', (record_id, method,)) last_time = run_sql ('SELECT last_updated FROM rnkMETHOD WHERE \ name=%s', (method,))[0][0] elif process == "sort": list_registers = run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ id=%s AND modification_date > (SELECT \ last_updated FROM bsrMETHODDATA WHERE \ id_bsrMETHOD=(SELECT id FROM bsrMETHOD \ WHERE name=%s))', (record_id, method,)) last_time = run_sql ('SELECT last_updated FROM bsrMETHODDATA WHERE \ id_bsrMETHOD=(SELECT id FROM bsrMETHOD \ WHERE name=%s)', (method,))[0][0] elif process == "collect": file_coll_last_update = open(CFG_CACHE_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP_FILE, 'r') last_time = file_coll_last_update.read() file_coll_last_update.close() list_registers = run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s \ AND modification_date > %s', (record_id, last_time,)) # no results means the register is up to date if list_registers[0][0] == 0: return None else: return convert_datestruct_to_dategui(convert_datetext_to_datestruct \ (str(last_time))) def get_title_ingestion(record_id, last_modification): """ Auxiliar, builds a direct link for a given record, with its last modification date. @param record_id: id number of the record @type record_id: string @param last_modification: date/time of the last modification @type last_modification: string @return: link text @type: string """ return '<h3><a href="%s/record/%s">Record [%s] last modification: %s</a></h3>' \ % (CFG_SITE_URL, record_id, record_id, last_modification) def get_record_last_modification (record_id): """ Returns the date/time of the last modification made to a given record. @param record_id: id number of the record @type record_id: int @return: date/time of the last modification @type: string """ return convert_datestruct_to_dategui(convert_datetext_to_datestruct \ (str(run_sql('SELECT modification_date FROM bibrec \ WHERE id=%s', (record_id,))[0][0]))) def get_general_status(): """ Returns an aproximate amount of ingestions processes not aplied to new or updated records, using the "global" category. @return: number of processes not updated @type: int """ return run_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bibrec WHERE \ modification_date > (SELECT last_updated FROM \ idxINDEX WHERE name="global")')[0][0] # ERROR LOG STATS def update_error_log_analyzer(): """Creates splitted files for today's errors""" _run_cmd('bash %s/webstat -e -is' % CFG_BINDIR) def get_invenio_error_log_ranking(): """ Returns the ranking of the errors in the invenio log""" return _run_cmd('bash %s/webstat -e -ir' % CFG_BINDIR) def get_invenio_last_n_errors(nerr): """Returns the last nerr errors in the invenio log (without details)""" return _run_cmd('bash %s/webstat -e -il %d' % (CFG_BINDIR, nerr)) def get_invenio_error_details(error): """Returns the complete text of the invenio error.""" out = _run_cmd('bash %s/webstat -e -id %s' % (CFG_BINDIR, error)) return out def get_apache_error_log_ranking(): """ Returns the ranking of the errors in the apache log""" return _run_cmd('bash %s/webstat -e -ar' % CFG_BINDIR) # CUSTOM EVENT SECTION def get_customevent_trend(args): """ Returns trend data for a custom event over a given timestamp range. @param args['event_id']: The event id @type args['event_id']: str @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str @param args['cols']: Columns and it's content that will be include if don't exist or it's empty it will include all cols @type args['cols']: [ [ str, str ], ] """ # Get a MySQL friendly date lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() tbl_name = get_customevent_table(args['event_id']) col_names = get_customevent_args(args['event_id']) where = [] sql_param = [lower, upper] for col_bool, col_title, col_content in args['cols']: if not col_title in col_names: continue if col_content: if col_bool == "" or not where: where.append(wash_table_column_name(col_title)) elif col_bool == "and": where.append("AND %s" % wash_table_column_name(col_title)) elif col_bool == "or": where.append("OR %s" % wash_table_column_name(col_title)) elif col_bool == "and_not": where.append("AND NOT %s" % wash_table_column_name(col_title)) else: continue where.append(" LIKE %s") sql_param.append("%" + col_content + "%") sql = _get_sql_query("creation_time", args['granularity'], tbl_name, " ".join(where)) return _get_trend_from_actions(run_sql(sql, tuple(sql_param)), 0, args['t_start'], args['t_end'], args['granularity'], args['t_format']) def get_customevent_dump(args): """ Similar to a get_event_trend implemention, but NO refining aka frequency handling is carried out what so ever. This is just a dump. A dump! @param args['event_id']: The event id @type args['event_id']: str @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str @param args['cols']: Columns and it's content that will be include if don't exist or it's empty it will include all cols @type args['cols']: [ [ str, str ], ] """ # Get a MySQL friendly date lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() # Get customevents # events_list = [(creation_time, event, [arg1, arg2, ...]), ...] event_list = [] event_cols = {} for event_id, i in [(args['ids'][i], str(i)) for i in range(len(args['ids']))]: # Get all the event arguments and creation times tbl_name = get_customevent_table(event_id) col_names = get_customevent_args(event_id) sql_query = ["SELECT * FROM %s WHERE creation_time > '%%s'" % wash_table_column_name(tbl_name), (lower,)] # kwalitee: disable=sql sql_query.append("AND creation_time < '%s'" % upper) sql_param = [] for col_bool, col_title, col_content in args['cols' + i]: if not col_title in col_names: continue if col_content: if col_bool == "and" or col_bool == "": sql_query.append("AND %s" % \ wash_table_column_name(col_title)) elif col_bool == "or": sql_query.append("OR %s" % \ wash_table_column_name(col_title)) elif col_bool == "and_not": sql_query.append("AND NOT %s" % \ wash_table_column_name(col_title)) else: continue sql_query.append(" LIKE %s") sql_param.append("%" + col_content + "%") sql_query.append("ORDER BY creation_time DESC") sql = ' '.join(sql_query) res = run_sql(sql, tuple(sql_param)) for row in res: event_list.append((row[1], event_id, row[2:])) # Get the event col names try: event_cols[event_id] = cPickle.loads(run_sql( "SELECT cols FROM staEVENT WHERE id = %s", (event_id, ))[0][0]) except TypeError: event_cols[event_id] = ["Unnamed"] event_list.sort() output = [] for row in event_list: temp = [row[1], row[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] arguments = ["%s: %s" % (event_cols[row[1]][i], row[2][i]) for i in range(len(row[2]))] temp.extend(arguments) output.append(tuple(temp)) return output def get_customevent_table(event_id): """ Helper function that for a certain event id retrives the corresponding event table name. """ res = run_sql( "SELECT CONCAT('staEVENT', number) FROM staEVENT WHERE id = %s", (event_id, )) try: return res[0][0] except IndexError: # No such event table return None def get_customevent_args(event_id): """ Helper function that for a certain event id retrives the corresponding event argument (column) names. """ res = run_sql("SELECT cols FROM staEVENT WHERE id = %s", (event_id, )) try: if res[0][0]: return cPickle.loads(res[0][0]) else: return [] except IndexError: # No such event table return None # CUSTOM SUMMARY SECTION def get_custom_summary_data(query, tag): """Returns the annual report data for the specified year @param query: Search query to make customized report @type query: str @param tag: MARC tag for the output @type tag: str """ # Check arguments if tag == '': tag = CFG_JOURNAL_TAG.replace("%", "p") # First get records of the year recids = perform_request_search(p=query, of="id", wl=0) # Then return list by tag pub = get_most_popular_field_values(recids, tag) if len(pub) == 0: return [] if CFG_CERN_SITE: total = sum([x[1] for x in pub]) else: others = 0 total = 0 first_other = -1 for elem in pub: total += elem[1] if elem[1] < 2: if first_other == -1: first_other = pub.index(elem) others += elem[1] del pub[first_other:] if others != 0: pub.append(('Others', others)) pub.append(('TOTAL', total)) return pub def create_custom_summary_graph(data, path, title): """ Creates a pie chart with the information from the custom summary and saves it in the file specified by the path argument """ # If no input, we don't bother about anything if len(data) == 0: return False os.environ['HOME'] = CFG_TMPDIR try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: from invenio.errorlib import register_exception register_exception() return False # make a square figure and axes matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 8 labels = [x[0] for x in data] numb_elem = len(labels) width = 6 + float(numb_elem) / 7 gfile = plt.figure(1, figsize=(width, 6)) plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 4.2 / width, 0.7]) numb = [x[1] for x in data] total = sum(numb) fracs = [x * 100 / total for x in numb] colors = [] random.seed() for i in range(numb_elem): col = 0.5 + float(i) / (float(numb_elem) * 2.0) rand = random.random() / 2.0 if i % 3 == 0: red = col green = col + rand blue = col - rand if green > 1.0: green = 1 elif i % 3 == 1: red = col - rand green = col blue = col + rand if blue > 1.0: blue = 1 elif i % 3 == 2: red = col + rand green = col - rand blue = col if red > 1.0: red = 1 colors.append((red, green, blue)) patches = plt.pie(fracs, colors=tuple(colors), labels=labels, autopct='%1i%%', pctdistance=0.8, shadow=True)[0] ttext = plt.title(title) plt.setp(ttext, size='xx-large', color='b', family='monospace', weight='extra bold') legend_keywords = {"prop": {"size": "small"}} plt.figlegend(patches, labels, 'lower right', **legend_keywords) plt.savefig(path) plt.close(gfile) return True # GRAPHER def create_graph_trend(trend, path, settings): """ Creates a graph representation out of data produced from get_event_trend. @param trend: The trend data @type trend: [(str, str|int|(str|int,...))] @param path: Where to store the graph @type path: str @param settings: Dictionary of graph parameters @type settings: dict """ # If no input, we don't bother about anything if not trend or len(trend) == 0: return # If no filename is given, we'll assume STD-out format and ASCII. if path == '': settings["format"] = 'asciiart' if settings["format"] == 'asciiart': create_graph_trend_ascii_art(trend, path, settings) elif settings["format"] == 'gnuplot': create_graph_trend_gnu_plot(trend, path, settings) elif settings["format"] == "flot": create_graph_trend_flot(trend, path, settings) def create_graph_trend_ascii_art(trend, path, settings): """Creates the graph trend using ASCII art""" out = "" if settings["multiple"] is not None: # Tokens that will represent the different data sets (maximum 16 sets) # Set index (=100) to the biggest of the histogram sums index = max([sum(x[1]) for x in trend]) # Print legend box out += "Legend: %s\n\n" % ", ".join(["%s (%s)" % x for x in zip(settings["multiple"], WEBSTAT_GRAPH_TOKENS)]) else: index = max([x[1] for x in trend]) width = 82 # Figure out the max length of the xtics, in order to left align xtic_max_len = max([len(_to_datetime(x[0]).strftime( settings["xtic_format"])) for x in trend]) for row in trend: # Print the xtic xtic = _to_datetime(row[0]).strftime(settings["xtic_format"]) out_row = xtic + ': ' + ' ' * (xtic_max_len - len(xtic)) + '|' try: col_width = (1.0 * width / index) except ZeroDivisionError: col_width = 0 if settings["multiple"] is not None: # The second value of the row-tuple, represents the n values from # the n data sets. Each set, will be represented by a different # ASCII character, chosen from the randomized string # 'WEBSTAT_GRAPH_TOKENS'. # NOTE: Only up to 16 (len(WEBSTAT_GRAPH_TOKENS)) data # sets are supported. total = sum(row[1]) for i in range(len(row[1])): col = row[1][i] try: out_row += WEBSTAT_GRAPH_TOKENS[i] * int(1.0 * col * col_width) except ZeroDivisionError: break if len([i for i in row[1] if type(i) is int and i > 0]) - 1 > 0: out_row += out_row[-1] else: total = row[1] try: out_row += '-' * int(1.0 * total * col_width) except ZeroDivisionError: break # Print sentinel, and the total out += out_row + '>' + ' ' * (xtic_max_len + 4 + width - len(out_row)) + str(total) + '\n' # Write to destination file if path == '': print(out) else: open(path, 'w').write(out) def create_graph_trend_gnu_plot(trend, path, settings): """Creates the graph trend using the GNU plot library""" try: import Gnuplot except ImportError: return gnup = Gnuplot.Gnuplot() gnup('set style data steps') if 'size' in settings: gnup('set terminal png tiny size %s' % settings['size']) else: gnup('set terminal png tiny') gnup('set output "%s"' % path) if settings["title"] != '': gnup.title(settings["title"].replace("\"", "")) if settings["xlabel"] != '': gnup.xlabel(settings["xlabel"]) if settings["ylabel"] != '': gnup.ylabel(settings["ylabel"]) if settings["xtic_format"] != '': xtics = 'set xtics (' xtics += ', '.join(['"%s" %d' % (_to_datetime(trend[i][0], '%Y-%m-%d \ %H:%M:%S').strftime(settings["xtic_format"]), i) for i in range(len(trend))]) + ')' gnup(xtics) gnup('set format y "%.0f"') # If we have multiple data sets, we need to do # some magic to make Gnuplot eat it, # This is basically a matrix transposition, # and the addition of index numbers. if settings["multiple"] is not None: cols = len(trend[0][1]) rows = len(trend) plot_items = [] y_max = 0 y_min = 0 for col in range(cols): data = [] for row in range(rows): data.append([row, trend[row][1][col]]) data.append([rows, trend[-1][1][col]]) plot_items.append(Gnuplot.PlotItems .Data(data, title=settings["multiple"][col])) tmp_max = max([x[col] for x in data]) tmp_min = min([x[col] for x in data]) if tmp_max > y_max: y_max = tmp_max if tmp_min < y_min: y_min = tmp_min if y_max - y_min < 5 and y_min != 0: gnup('set ytic %d, 1, %d' % (y_min - 1, y_max + 2)) elif y_max < 5: gnup('set ytic 1') gnup.plot(*plot_items) else: data = [x[1] for x in trend] data.append(trend[-1][1]) y_max = max(data) y_min = min(data) if y_max - y_min < 5 and y_min != 0: gnup('set ytic %d, 1, %d' % (y_min - 1, y_max + 2)) elif y_max < 5: gnup('set ytic 1') gnup.plot(data) def create_graph_trend_flot(trend, path, settings): """Creates the graph trend using the flot library""" size = settings.get("size", "500,400").split(",") title = cgi.escape(settings["title"].replace(" ", "")[:10]) out = """<!--[if IE]><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="%(site)s/vendors/flot/excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]--> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="%(site)s/vendors/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="%(site)s/vendors/flot/jquery.flot.selection.js"></script> <script id="source" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.write('<div style="float:left"><div id="placeholder%(title)s" style="width:%(width)spx;height:%(height)spx"></div></div>'+ '<div id="miniature%(title)s" style="float:left;margin-left:20px;margin-top:50px">' + '<div id="overview%(title)s" style="width:%(hwidth)dpx;height:%(hheigth)dpx"></div>' + '<p id="overviewLegend%(title)s" style="margin-left:10px"></p>' + '</div>'); $(function () { function parseDate%(title)s(sdate){ var div1 = sdate.split(' '); var day = div1[0].split('-'); var hour = div1[1].split(':'); return new Date(day[0], day[1]-1, day[2], hour[0], hour[1], hour[2]).getTime() - (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000) ; } function getData%(title)s() {""" % \ {'site': CFG_SITE_URL, 'width': size[0], 'height': size[1], 'hwidth': int(size[0]) / 2, 'hheigth': int(size[1]) / 2, 'title': title} if(len(trend) > 1): granularity_td = (_to_datetime(trend[1][0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - _to_datetime(trend[0][0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: granularity_td = datetime.timedelta() # Create variables with the format dn = [[x1,y1], [x2,y2]] minx = trend[0][0] maxx = trend[0][0] if settings["multiple"] is not None: cols = len(trend[0][1]) rows = len(trend) first = 0 for col in range(cols): out += """var d%d = [""" % (col) for row in range(rows): if(first == 0): first = 1 else: out += ", " if trend[row][0] < minx: minx = trend[row][0] if trend[row][0] > maxx: maxx = trend[row][0] out += '[parseDate%s("%s"),%d]' % \ (title, _to_datetime(trend[row][0], '%Y-%m-%d \ %H:%M:%S'), trend[row][1][col]) out += ", [parseDate%s('%s'), %d]];\n" % (title, _to_datetime(maxx, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ granularity_td, trend[-1][1][col]) out += "return [\n" first = 0 for col in range(cols): if first == 0: first = 1 else: out += ", " out += '{data : d%d, label : "%s"}' % \ (col, settings["multiple"][col]) out += "];\n}\n" else: out += """var d1 = [""" rows = len(trend) first = 0 for row in range(rows): if trend[row][0] < minx: minx = trend[row][0] if trend[row][0] > maxx: maxx = trend[row][0] if first == 0: first = 1 else: out += ', ' out += '[parseDate%s("%s"),%d]' % \ (title, _to_datetime(trend[row][0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), trend[row][1]) out += """, [parseDate%s("%s"), %d]]; return [d1]; } """ % (title, _to_datetime(maxx, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + granularity_td, trend[-1][1]) # Set options tics = """yaxis: { tickDecimals : 0 },""" if settings["xtic_format"] != '': current = _to_datetime(maxx, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') next = current + granularity_td if (granularity_td.seconds + granularity_td.days * 24 * 3600) > 2592000: next = current.replace(day=31) tics += 'xaxis: { mode:"time",min:parseDate%s("%s"),max:parseDate%s("%s")},'\ % (title, _to_datetime(minx, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), title, next) out += """var options%s ={ series: { lines: { steps: true, fill: true}, points: { show: false } }, legend: {show: false}, %s grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true }, selection: { mode: "xy" } }; """ % (title, tics, ) # Write the plot method in javascript out += """var startData%(title)s = getData%(title)s(); var plot%(title)s = $.plot($("#placeholder%(title)s"), startData%(title)s, options%(title)s); // setup overview var overview%(title)s = $.plot($("#overview%(title)s"), startData%(title)s, { legend: { show: true, container: $("#overviewLegend%(title)s") }, series: { lines: { steps: true, fill: true, lineWidth: 1}, shadowSize: 0 }, %(tics)s grid: { color: "#999" }, selection: { mode: "xy" } }); """ % {"title": title, "tics": tics} # Tooltip and zoom out += """ function showTooltip%(title)s(x, y, contents) { $('<div id="tooltip%(title)s">' + contents + '</div>').css( { position: 'absolute', display: 'none', top: y - 5, left: x + 10, border: '1px solid #fdd', padding: '2px', 'background-color': '#fee', opacity: 0.80 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200); } var previousPoint%(title)s = null; $("#placeholder%(title)s").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { if (previousPoint%(title)s != item.datapoint) { previousPoint%(title)s = item.datapoint; $("#tooltip%(title)s").remove(); var y = item.datapoint[1]; showTooltip%(title)s(item.pageX, item.pageY, y); } } else { $("#tooltip%(title)s").remove(); previousPoint%(title)s = null; } }); $("#placeholder%(title)s").bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { plot%(title)s.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint); } }); // now connect the two $("#placeholder%(title)s").bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) { // clamp the zooming to prevent eternal zoom if (ranges.xaxis.to - ranges.xaxis.from < 0.00001){ ranges.xaxis.to = ranges.xaxis.from + 0.00001;} if (ranges.yaxis.to - ranges.yaxis.from < 0.00001){ ranges.yaxis.to = ranges.yaxis.from + 0.00001;} // do the zooming plot%(title)s = $.plot($("#placeholder%(title)s"), getData%(title)s(ranges.xaxis.from, ranges.xaxis.to), $.extend(true, {}, options%(title)s, { xaxis: { min: ranges.xaxis.from, max: ranges.xaxis.to }, yaxis: { min: ranges.yaxis.from, max: ranges.yaxis.to } })); // don't fire event on the overview to prevent eternal loop overview%(title)s.setSelection(ranges, true); }); $("#overview%(title)s").bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) { plot%(title)s.setSelection(ranges); }); }); </script> <noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript! Please, select another output format</noscript>""" % {'title' : title} open(path, 'w').write(out) def get_numeric_stats(data, multiple): """ Returns average, max and min values for data """ data = [x[1] for x in data] if data == []: return (0, 0, 0) if multiple: lists = [] for i in range(len(data[0])): lists.append([x[i] for x in data]) return ([float(sum(x)) / len(x) for x in lists], [max(x) for x in lists], [min(x) for x in lists]) else: return (float(sum(data)) / len(data), max(data), min(data)) def create_graph_table(data, path, settings): """ Creates a html table representation out of data. @param data: The data @type data: (str,...) @param path: Where to store the graph @type path: str @param settings: Dictionary of table parameters @type settings: dict """ out = """<table border="1"> """ if settings['rows'] == []: for row in data: out += """<tr> """ for value in row: out += """<td>%s</td> """ % value out += "</tr>" else: for dta, value in zip(settings['rows'], data): out += """<tr> <td>%s</td> <td> """ % dta for vrow in value: out += """%s<br /> """ % vrow out = out[:-6] + "</td></tr>" out += "</table>" open(path, 'w').write(out) def create_graph_dump(dump, path): """ Creates a graph representation out of data produced from get_event_trend. @param dump: The dump data @type dump: [(str|int,...)] @param path: Where to store the graph @type path: str """ out = "" if len(dump) == 0: out += "No actions for this custom event " + \ "are registered in the given time range." else: # Make every row in dump equally long, insert None if appropriate. max_len = max([len(x) for x in dump]) events = [tuple(list(x) + [None] * (max_len - len(x))) for x in dump] cols = ["Event", "Date and time"] + ["Argument %d" % i for i in range(max_len - 2)] column_widths = [max([len(str(x[i])) \ for x in events + [cols]]) + 3 for i in range(len(events[0]))] for i in range(len(cols)): out += cols[i] + ' ' * (column_widths[i] - len(cols[i])) out += "\n" for i in range(len(cols)): out += '=' * (len(cols[i])) + ' ' * (column_widths[i] - len(cols[i])) out += "\n\n" for action in dump: for i in range(len(action)): if action[i] is None: temp = '' else: temp = action[i] out += str(temp) + ' ' * (column_widths[i] - len(str(temp))) out += "\n" # Write to destination file if path == '': print(out) else: open(path, 'w').write(out) # EXPORT DATA TO SLS def get_search_frequency(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of searches performed in the chosen day""" searches = get_keyevent_trend_search_type_distribution(get_args(day)) return sum(searches[0][1]) def get_total_records(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the total number of records which existed in the chosen day""" tomorrow = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") args = {'collection': CFG_SITE_NAME, 't_start': day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 't_end': tomorrow, 'granularity': "day", 't_format': "%Y-%m-%d"} try: return get_keyevent_trend_collection_population(args)[0][1] except IndexError: return 0 def get_new_records(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of new records submitted in the chosen day""" args = {'collection': CFG_SITE_NAME, 't_start': (day - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 't_end': day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'granularity': "day", 't_format': "%Y-%m-%d"} try: return (get_total_records(day) - get_keyevent_trend_collection_population(args)[0][1]) except IndexError: return 0 def get_download_frequency(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of downloads during the chosen day""" return get_keyevent_trend_download_frequency(get_args(day))[0][1] def get_comments_frequency(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of comments during the chosen day""" return get_keyevent_trend_comments_frequency(get_args(day))[0][1] def get_loans_frequency(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of comments during the chosen day""" return get_keyevent_trend_number_of_loans(get_args(day))[0][1] def get_web_submissions(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of web submissions during the chosen day""" args = get_args(day) args['doctype'] = 'all' return get_keyevent_trend_web_submissions(args)[0][1] def get_alerts(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of alerts during the chosen day""" args = get_args(day) args['cols'] = [('', '', '')] args['event_id'] = 'alerts' return get_customevent_trend(args)[0][1] def get_journal_views(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of journal displays during the chosen day""" args = get_args(day) args['cols'] = [('', '', '')] args['event_id'] = 'journals' return get_customevent_trend(args)[0][1] def get_basket_views(day=datetime.datetime.now().date()): """Returns the number of basket displays during the chosen day""" args = get_args(day) args['cols'] = [('', '', '')] args['event_id'] = 'baskets' return get_customevent_trend(args)[0][1] def get_args(day): """Returns the most common arguments for the exporting to SLS methods""" return {'t_start': day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 't_end': (day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'granularity': "day", 't_format': "%Y-%m-%d"} # EXPORTER def export_to_python(data, req): """ Exports the data to Python code. @param data: The Python data that should be exported @type data: [] @param req: The Apache request object @type req: """ _export("text/x-python", str(data), req) def export_to_csv(data, req): """ Exports the data to CSV. @param data: The Python data that should be exported @type data: [] @param req: The Apache request object @type req: """ csv_list = [""""%s",%s""" % (x[0], ",".join([str(y) for y in \ ((type(x[1]) is tuple) and x[1] or (x[1], ))])) for x in data] _export('text/csv', '\n'.join(csv_list), req) def export_to_file(data, req): """ Exports the data to a file. @param data: The Python data that should be exported @type data: [] @param req: The Apache request object @type req: """ try: import xlwt book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8") sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1') for row in range(0, len(data)): for col in range(0, len(data[row])): sheet1.write(row, col, "%s" % data[row][col]) filename = CFG_TMPDIR + "/webstat_export_" + \ str(time.time()).replace('.', '') + '.xls' book.save(filename) redirect_to_url(req, '%s/stats/export?filename=%s&mime=%s' \ % (CFG_SITE_URL, os.path.basename(filename), 'application/vnd.ms-excel')) except ImportError: csv_list = [] for row in data: row = ['"%s"' % str(col) for col in row] csv_list.append(",".join(row)) _export('text/csv', '\n'.join(csv_list), req) # INTERNAL def _export(mime, content, req): """ Helper function to pass on the export call. Create a temporary file in which the content is stored, then let redirect to the export web interface. """ filename = CFG_TMPDIR + "/webstat_export_" + \ str(time.time()).replace('.', '') open(filename, 'w').write(content) redirect_to_url(req, '%s/stats/export?filename=%s&mime=%s' \ % (CFG_SITE_URL, os.path.basename(filename), mime)) def _get_trend_from_actions(action_dates, initial_value, t_start, t_end, granularity, dt_format, acumulative=False): """ Given a list of dates reflecting some sort of action/event, and some additional parameters, an internal data format is returned. 'initial_value' set to zero, means that the frequency will not be accumulative, but rather non-causal. @param action_dates: A list of dates, indicating some sort of action/event. @type action_dates: [datetime.datetime] @param initial_value: The numerical offset the first action's value should make use of. @type initial_value: int @param t_start: Start time for the time domain in dt_format @type t_start: str @param t_end: End time for the time domain in dt_format @type t_end: str @param granularity: The granularity of the time domain, span between values. Possible values are [year,month,day,hour,minute,second]. @type granularity: str @param dt_format: Format of the 't_start' and 't_stop' parameters @type dt_format: str @return: A list of tuples zipping a time-domain and a value-domain @type: [(str, int)] """ # Append the maximum date as a sentinel indicating we're done action_dates = list(action_dates) # Construct the datetime tuple for the stop time stop_at = _to_datetime(t_end, dt_format) - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) vector = [(None, initial_value)] try: upcoming_action = action_dates.pop() #Do not count null values (when year, month or day is 0) if granularity in ("year", "month", "day") and upcoming_action[0] == 0: upcoming_action = action_dates.pop() except IndexError: upcoming_action = (datetime.datetime.max, 0) # Create an iterator running from the first day of activity for current in _get_datetime_iter(t_start, granularity, dt_format): # Counter of action_dates in the current span, set the initial value to # zero to avoid accumlation. if acumulative: actions_here = vector[-1][1] else: actions_here = 0 # Check to see if there's an action date in the current span if upcoming_action[0] == {"year": current.year, "month": current.month, "day": current.day, "hour": current.hour, "minute": current.minute, "second": current.second }[granularity]: actions_here += upcoming_action[1] try: upcoming_action = action_dates.pop() except IndexError: upcoming_action = (datetime.datetime.max, 0) vector.append((current.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), actions_here)) # Make sure to stop the iteration at the end time if {"year": current.year >= stop_at.year, "month": current.month >= stop_at.month and current.year == stop_at.year, "day": current.day >= stop_at.day and current.month == stop_at.month, "hour": current.hour >= stop_at.hour and current.day == stop_at.day, "minute": current.minute >= stop_at.minute and current.hour == stop_at.hour, "second": current.second >= stop_at.second and current.minute == stop_at.minute }[granularity]: break # Remove the first bogus tuple, and return return vector[1:] def _get_keyevent_trend(args, sql, initial_quantity=0, extra_param=[], return_sql=False, sql_text='%s', acumulative=False): """ Returns the trend for the sql passed in the given timestamp range. @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point @type args['t_start']: str @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point @type args['t_end']: str @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time @type args['granularity']: str @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string @type args['t_format']: str """ # collect action dates lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat() upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat() param = tuple([lower, upper] + extra_param) if return_sql: sql = sql % param return sql_text % sql return _get_trend_from_actions(run_sql(sql, param), initial_quantity, args['t_start'], args['t_end'], args['granularity'], args['t_format'], acumulative) def _get_datetime_iter(t_start, granularity='day', dt_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): """ Returns an iterator over datetime elements starting at an arbitrary time, with granularity of a [year,month,day,hour,minute,second]. @param t_start: An arbitrary starting time in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S @type t_start: str @param granularity: The span between iterable elements, default is 'days'. Possible values are [year,month,day,hour,minute,second]. @type granularity: str @param dt_format: Format of the 't_start' parameter @type dt_format: str @return: An iterator of points in time @type: iterator over datetime elements """ tim = _to_datetime(t_start, dt_format) # Make a time increment depending on the granularity and the current time # (the length of years and months vary over time) span = "" while True: yield tim if granularity == "year": span = (calendar.isleap(tim.year) and ["days=366"] or ["days=365"])[0] elif granularity == "month": span = "days=" + str(calendar.monthrange(tim.year, tim.month)[1]) elif granularity == "day": span = "days=1" elif granularity == "hour": span = "hours=1" elif granularity == "minute": span = "minutes=1" elif granularity == "second": span = "seconds=1" else: # Default just in case span = "days=1" tim += eval("datetime.timedelta(" + span + ")") def _to_datetime(dttime, dt_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): """ Transforms a string into a datetime """ return datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(dttime, dt_format)[:6]) def _run_cmd(command): """ Runs a certain command and returns the string output. If the command is not found a string saying so will be returned. Use with caution! @param command: The UNIX command to execute. @type command: str @return: The std-out from the command. @type: str """ return commands.getoutput(command) def _get_doctypes(): """Returns all the possible doctypes of a new submission""" doctypes = [("all", "All")] for doctype in get_docid_docname_alldoctypes(): doctypes.append(doctype) return doctypes def _get_item_statuses(): """Returns all the possible status of an item""" return [(CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_CANCELLED, "Cancelled"), (CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_CLAIMED, "Claimed"), (CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_IN_PROCESS, "In process"), (CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_NOT_ARRIVED, "Not arrived"), (CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_ON_LOAN, "On loan"), (CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_ON_ORDER, "On order"), (CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_ON_SHELF, "On shelf")] + \ [(status, status) for status in CFG_BIBCIRCULATION_ITEM_STATUS_OPTIONAL] def _get_item_doctype(): """Returns all the possible types of document for an item""" dts = [] for dat in run_sql("""SELECT DISTINCT(request_type) FROM crcILLREQUEST ORDER BY request_type ASC"""): dts.append((dat[0], dat[0])) return dts def _get_request_statuses(): """Returns all the possible statuses for an ILL request""" dts = [] for dat in run_sql("SELECT DISTINCT(status) FROM crcILLREQUEST ORDER BY status ASC"): dts.append((dat[0], dat[0])) return dts def _get_libraries(): """Returns all the possible libraries""" dts = [] for dat in run_sql("SELECT name FROM crcLIBRARY ORDER BY name ASC"): if not CFG_CERN_SITE or not "CERN" in dat[0]: # do not add internal libraries for CERN site dts.append((dat[0], dat[0])) return dts def _get_loan_periods(): """Returns all the possible loan periods for an item""" dts = [] for dat in run_sql("SELECT DISTINCT(loan_period) FROM crcITEM ORDER BY loan_period ASC"): dts.append((dat[0], dat[0])) return dts def _get_tag_name(tag): """ For a specific MARC tag, it returns the human-readable name """ res = run_sql("SELECT name FROM tag WHERE value LIKE %s", ('%' + tag + '%',)) if res: return res[0][0] res = run_sql("SELECT name FROM tag WHERE value LIKE %s", ('%' + tag[:-1] + '%',)) if res: return res[0][0] return '' def _get_collection_recids_for_sql_query(coll): ids = get_collection_reclist(coll).tolist() if len(ids) == 0: return "" return "id_bibrec IN %s" % str(ids).replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')') def _check_udc_value_where(): return "id_bibrec IN (SELECT brb.id_bibrec \ FROM bibrec_bib08x brb, bib08x b WHERE brb.id_bibxxx = b.id AND tag='080__a' \ AND value LIKE %s) " def _get_udc_truncated(udc): if udc[-1] == '*': return "%s%%" % udc[:-1] if udc[0] == '*': return "%%%s" % udc[1:] return "%s" % udc def _check_empty_value(value): if len(value) == 0: return "" else: return value[0][0] def _get_granularity_sql_functions(granularity): try: return { "year": ("YEAR",), "month": ("YEAR", "MONTH",), "day": ("MONTH", "DAY",), "hour": ("DAY", "HOUR",), "minute": ("HOUR", "MINUTE",), "second": ("MINUTE", "SECOND") }[granularity] except KeyError: return ("MONTH", "DAY",) def _get_sql_query(creation_time_name, granularity, tables_from, conditions="", extra_select="", dates_range_param="", group_by=True, count=True): if len(dates_range_param) == 0: dates_range_param = creation_time_name conditions = "%s > %%s AND %s < %%s %s" % (dates_range_param, dates_range_param, len(conditions) > 0 and "AND %s" % conditions or "") values = {'creation_time_name': creation_time_name, 'granularity_sql_function': _get_granularity_sql_functions(granularity)[-1], 'count': count and ", COUNT(*)" or "", 'tables_from': tables_from, 'conditions': conditions, 'extra_select': extra_select, 'group_by': ""} if group_by: values['group_by'] = "GROUP BY " for fun in _get_granularity_sql_functions(granularity): values['group_by'] += "%s(%s), " % (fun, creation_time_name) values['group_by'] = values['group_by'][:-2] return "SELECT %(granularity_sql_function)s(%(creation_time_name)s) %(count)s %(extra_select)s \ FROM %(tables_from)s WHERE %(conditions)s \ %(group_by)s \ ORDER BY %(creation_time_name)s DESC" % values
############################################################################## # Copyright Kitware Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" ); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################## import datetime import math import pymongo import time from girder.constants import AccessType, SortDir from girder.models.model_base import Model from girder import logger class Annotationelement(Model): bboxKeys = { 'left': ('bbox.highx', '$gte'), 'right': ('bbox.lowx', '$lt'), 'top': ('bbox.highy', '$gte'), 'bottom': ('bbox.lowy', '$lt'), 'low': ('bbox.highz', '$gte'), 'high': ('bbox.lowz', '$lt'), 'minimumSize': ('bbox.size', '$gte'), 'size': ('bbox.size', None), 'details': ('bbox.details', None), } def initialize(self): self.name = 'annotationelement' self.ensureIndices([ 'annotationId', '_version', ([ ('annotationId', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('bbox.lowx', SortDir.DESCENDING), ('bbox.highx', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('bbox.size', SortDir.DESCENDING), ], {}), ([ ('annotationId', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('bbox.size', SortDir.DESCENDING), ], {}), ([ ('annotationId', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('_version', SortDir.DESCENDING), ('element.group', SortDir.ASCENDING), ], {}), ([ ('created', SortDir.ASCENDING), ('_version', SortDir.ASCENDING), ], {}), ]) self.exposeFields(AccessType.READ, ( '_id', '_version', 'annotationId', 'created', 'element')) self.versionId = None def getNextVersionValue(self): """ Maintain a version number. This is a single sequence that can be used to ensure we have the correct set of elements for an annotation. :returns: an integer version number that is strictly increasing. """ version = None if self.versionId is not None: version = self.collection.find_one_and_update( {'_id': self.versionId}, {'$inc': {'_version': 1}}) if version is None: versionObject = self.collection.find_one( {'annotationId': 'version_sequence'}) if versionObject is None: startingId = self.collection.find_one({}, sort=[('_version', SortDir.DESCENDING)]) if startingId: startingId = startingId['_version'] + 1 else: startingId = 0 self.versionId = self.collection.insert_one( {'annotationId': 'version_sequence', '_version': startingId} ).inserted_id else: self.versionId = versionObject['_id'] version = self.collection.find_one_and_update( {'_id': self.versionId}, {'$inc': {'_version': 1}}) return version['_version'] def getElements(self, annotation, region=None): """ Given an annotation, fetch the elements from the database and add them to it. When a region is used to request specific element, the following keys can be specified: left, right, top, bottom, low, high: the spatial area where elements are located, all in pixels. If an element's bounding box is at least partially within the requested area, that element is included. minimumSize: the minimum size of an element to return. sort, sortdir: standard sort options. The sort key can include size and details. limit: limit the total number of elements by this value. Defaults to no limit. offset: the offset within the query to start returning values. If maxDetails is used, to get subsequent sets of elements, the offset needs to be increased by the actual number of elements returned from a previous query, which will vary based on the details of the elements. maxDetails: if specified, limit the total number of elements by the sum of their details values. This is applied in addition to limit. The sum of the details values of the elements may exceed maxDetails slightly (the sum of all but the last element will be less than maxDetails, but the last element may exceed the value). centroids: if specified and true, only return the id, center of the bounding box, and bounding box size for each element. :param annotation: the annotation to get elements for. Modified. :param region: if present, a dictionary restricting which annotations are returned. """ annotation['_elementQuery'] = {} annotation['annotation']['elements'] = [ element for element in self.yieldElements( annotation, region, annotation['_elementQuery'])] def yieldElements(self, annotation, region=None, info=None): """ Given an annotation, fetch the elements from the database. When a region is used to request specific element, the following keys can be specified: left, right, top, bottom, low, high: the spatial area where elements are located, all in pixels. If an element's bounding box is at least partially within the requested area, that element is included. minimumSize: the minimum size of an element to return. sort, sortdir: standard sort options. The sort key can include size and details. limit: limit the total number of elements by this value. Defaults to no limit. offset: the offset within the query to start returning values. If maxDetails is used, to get subsequent sets of elements, the offset needs to be increased by the actual number of elements returned from a previous query, which will vary based on the details of the elements. maxDetails: if specified, limit the total number of elements by the sum of their details values. This is applied in addition to limit. The sum of the details values of the elements may exceed maxDetails slightly (the sum of all but the last element will be less than maxDetails, but the last element may exceed the value). centroids: if specified and true, only return the id, center of the bounding box, and bounding box size for each element. :param annotation: the annotation to get elements for. Modified. :param region: if present, a dictionary restricting which annotations are returned. :param info: an optional dictionary that will be modified with additional query information, including count (total number of available elements), returned (number of elements in response), maxDetails (as specified by the region dictionary), details (sum of details returned), limit (as specified by region), centroids (a boolean based on the region specification). :returns: a list of elements. If centroids were requested, each entry is a list with str(id), x, y, size. Otherwise, each entry is the element record. """ info = info if info is not None else {} region = region or {} query = { 'annotationId': annotation.get('_annotationId', annotation['_id']), '_version': annotation['_version'] } for key in region: if key in self.bboxKeys and self.bboxKeys[key][1]: if self.bboxKeys[key][1] == '$gte' and float(region[key]) <= 0: continue query[self.bboxKeys[key][0]] = { self.bboxKeys[key][1]: float(region[key])} if region.get('sort') in self.bboxKeys: sortkey = self.bboxKeys[region['sort']][0] else: sortkey = region.get('sort') or '_id' sortdir = int(region['sortdir']) if region.get('sortdir') else SortDir.ASCENDING limit = int(region['limit']) if region.get('limit') else 0 maxDetails = int(region.get('maxDetails') or 0) queryLimit = maxDetails if maxDetails and (not limit or maxDetails < limit) else limit offset = int(region['offset']) if region.get('offset') else 0 logger.debug('element query %r for %r', query, region) fields = {'_id': True, 'element': True, 'bbox.details': True} centroids = str(region.get('centroids')).lower() == 'true' if centroids: # fields = {'_id': True, 'element': True, 'bbox': True} fields = { '_id': True, 'element.id': True, 'bbox': True} proplist = [] propskeys = ['type', 'fillColor', 'lineColor', 'lineWidth', 'closed'] for key in propskeys: fields['element.%s' % key] = True props = {} info['centroids'] = True info['props'] = proplist info['propskeys'] = propskeys elementCursor = self.find( query=query, sort=[(sortkey, sortdir)], limit=queryLimit, offset=offset, fields=fields) info.update({ 'count': elementCursor.count(), 'offset': offset, 'filter': query, 'sort': [sortkey, sortdir], }) details = count = 0 if maxDetails: info['maxDetails'] = maxDetails if limit: info['limit'] = limit for entry in elementCursor: element = entry['element'] element.setdefault('id', entry['_id']) if centroids: bbox = entry.get('bbox') if not bbox or 'lowx' not in bbox or 'size' not in bbox: continue prop = tuple(element.get(key) for key in propskeys) if prop not in props: props[prop] = len(props) proplist.append(list(prop)) yield [ str(element['id']), (bbox['lowx'] + bbox['highx']) / 2, (bbox['lowy'] + bbox['highy']) / 2, bbox['size'] if entry.get('type') != 'point' else 0, props[prop] ] details += 1 else: yield element details += entry.get('bbox', {}).get('details', 1) count += 1 if maxDetails and details >= maxDetails: break info['returned'] = count info['details'] = details def removeWithQuery(self, query): """ Remove all documents matching a given query from the collection. For safety reasons, you may not pass an empty query. Note: this does NOT return a Mongo DeleteResult. :param query: The search query for documents to delete, see general MongoDB docs for "find()" :type query: dict """ assert query self.collection.bulk_write([pymongo.DeleteMany(query)], ordered=False) def removeElements(self, annotation): """ Remove all elements related to the specified annotation. :param annotation: the annotation to remove elements from. """ self.removeWithQuery({'annotationId': annotation['_id']}) def removeOldElements(self, annotation, oldversion=None): """ Remove all elements related to the specified annoation. :param annotation: the annotation to remove elements from. :param oldversion: if present, remove versions up to this number. If none, remove versions earlier than the version in the annotation record. """ query = {'annotationId': annotation['_id']} if oldversion is None or oldversion >= annotation['_version']: query['_version'] = {'$lt': annotation['_version']} else: query['_version'] = {'$lte': oldversion} self.removeWithQuery(query) def _boundingBox(self, element): """ Compute bounding box information for an annotation element. This computes the enclosing bounding box of an element. For points, an small non-zero-area region is used centered on the point. Additionally, a metric is stored for the complexity of the element. The size of the bounding box's x-y diagonal is also stored. :param element: the element to compute the bounding box for. :returns: the bounding box dictionary. This contains 'lowx', 'lowy', 'lowz', 'highx', 'highy', and 'highz, which are the minimum and maximum values in each dimension, 'details' with the complexity of the element, and 'size' with the x-y diagonal size of the bounding box. """ bbox = {} if 'points' in element: bbox['lowx'] = min([p[0] for p in element['points']]) bbox['lowy'] = min([p[1] for p in element['points']]) bbox['lowz'] = min([p[2] for p in element['points']]) bbox['highx'] = max([p[0] for p in element['points']]) bbox['highy'] = max([p[1] for p in element['points']]) bbox['highz'] = max([p[2] for p in element['points']]) bbox['details'] = len(element['points']) else: center = element['center'] bbox['lowz'] = bbox['highz'] = center[2] if 'width' in element: w = element['width'] * 0.5 h = element['height'] * 0.5 if element.get('rotation'): absin = abs(math.sin(element['rotation'])) abcos = abs(math.cos(element['rotation'])) w, h = max(abcos * w, absin * h), max(absin * w, abcos * h) bbox['lowx'] = center[0] - w bbox['lowy'] = center[1] - h bbox['highx'] = center[0] + w bbox['highy'] = center[1] + h bbox['details'] = 4 elif 'radius' in element: rad = element['radius'] bbox['lowx'] = center[0] - rad bbox['lowy'] = center[1] - rad bbox['highx'] = center[0] + rad bbox['highy'] = center[1] + rad bbox['details'] = 4 else: # This is a fall back for points. Although they have no # dimension, make the bounding box have some extent. bbox['lowx'] = center[0] - 0.5 bbox['lowy'] = center[1] - 0.5 bbox['highx'] = center[0] + 0.5 bbox['highy'] = center[1] + 0.5 bbox['details'] = 1 bbox['size'] = ( (bbox['highy'] - bbox['lowy'])**2 + (bbox['highx'] - bbox['lowx'])**2) ** 0.5 # we may want to store perimeter or area as that could help when we # simplify to points return bbox def updateElements(self, annotation): """ Given an annotation, extract the elements from it and update the database of them. :param annotation: the annotation to save elements for. Modified. """ startTime = time.time() elements = annotation['annotation'].get('elements', []) if not len(elements): return now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() chunkSize = 100000 for chunk in range(0, len(elements), chunkSize): chunkStartTime = time.time() entries = [{ 'annotationId': annotation['_id'], '_version': annotation['_version'], 'created': now, 'bbox': self._boundingBox(element), 'element': element } for element in elements[chunk:chunk + chunkSize]] prepTime = time.time() - chunkStartTime res = self.collection.insert_many(entries) for pos, entry in enumerate(entries): if 'id' not in entry['element']: entry['element']['id'] = str(res.inserted_ids[pos]) # If the whole insert is slow, log information about it. if time.time() - startTime > 10: logger.info('insert %d elements in %4.2fs (prep time %4.2fs), done %d/%d' % ( len(entries), time.time() - chunkStartTime, prepTime, chunk + len(entries), len(elements))) if time.time() - startTime > 10: logger.info('inserted %d elements in %4.2fs' % ( len(elements), time.time() - startTime)) def getElementGroupSet(self, annotation): query = { 'annotationId': annotation.get('_annotationId', annotation['_id']), '_version': annotation['_version'] } groups = sorted([ group for group in self.collection.distinct('element.group', filter=query) if isinstance(group, str) ]) query['element.group'] = None if self.collection.find_one(query): groups.append(None) return groups
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ babel.numbers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLDR Plural support. See UTS #35. :copyright: (c) 2013 by the Babel Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import re import sys from babel._compat import Decimal _plural_tags = ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other') _fallback_tag = 'other' def extract_operands(source): """Extract operands from a decimal, a float or an int, according to `CLDR rules`_. .. _`CLDR rules`: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-33/tr35-numbers.html#Operands """ n = abs(source) i = int(n) if isinstance(n, float): if i == n: n = i else: # 2.6's Decimal cannot convert from float directly if sys.version_info < (2, 7): n = str(n) n = Decimal(n) if isinstance(n, Decimal): dec_tuple = n.as_tuple() exp = dec_tuple.exponent fraction_digits = dec_tuple.digits[exp:] if exp < 0 else () trailing = ''.join(str(d) for d in fraction_digits) no_trailing = trailing.rstrip('0') v = len(trailing) w = len(no_trailing) f = int(trailing or 0) t = int(no_trailing or 0) else: v = w = f = t = 0 return n, i, v, w, f, t class PluralRule(object): """Represents a set of language pluralization rules. The constructor accepts a list of (tag, expr) tuples or a dict of `CLDR rules`_. The resulting object is callable and accepts one parameter with a positive or negative number (both integer and float) for the number that indicates the plural form for a string and returns the tag for the format: >>> rule = PluralRule({'one': 'n is 1'}) >>> rule(1) 'one' >>> rule(2) 'other' Currently the CLDR defines these tags: zero, one, two, few, many and other where other is an implicit default. Rules should be mutually exclusive; for a given numeric value, only one rule should apply (i.e. the condition should only be true for one of the plural rule elements. .. _`CLDR rules`: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-33/tr35-numbers.html#Language_Plural_Rules """ __slots__ = ('abstract', '_func') def __init__(self, rules): """Initialize the rule instance. :param rules: a list of ``(tag, expr)``) tuples with the rules conforming to UTS #35 or a dict with the tags as keys and expressions as values. :raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed """ if isinstance(rules, dict): rules = rules.items() found = set() self.abstract = [] for key, expr in sorted(list(rules)): if key == 'other': continue if key not in _plural_tags: raise ValueError('unknown tag %r' % key) elif key in found: raise ValueError('tag %r defined twice' % key) found.add(key) self.abstract.append((key, _Parser(expr).ast)) def __repr__(self): rules = self.rules return '<%s %r>' % ( type(self).__name__, ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (tag, rules[tag]) for tag in _plural_tags if tag in rules]) ) @classmethod def parse(cls, rules): """Create a `PluralRule` instance for the given rules. If the rules are a `PluralRule` object, that object is returned. :param rules: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object :raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed """ if isinstance(rules, cls): return rules return cls(rules) @property def rules(self): """The `PluralRule` as a dict of unicode plural rules. >>> rule = PluralRule({'one': 'n is 1'}) >>> rule.rules {'one': 'n is 1'} """ _compile = _UnicodeCompiler().compile return dict([(tag, _compile(ast)) for tag, ast in self.abstract]) tags = property(lambda x: frozenset([i[0] for i in x.abstract]), doc=""" A set of explicitly defined tags in this rule. The implicit default ``'other'`` rules is not part of this set unless there is an explicit rule for it.""") def __getstate__(self): return self.abstract def __setstate__(self, abstract): self.abstract = abstract def __call__(self, n): if not hasattr(self, '_func'): self._func = to_python(self) return self._func(n) def to_javascript(rule): """Convert a list/dict of rules or a `PluralRule` object into a JavaScript function. This function depends on no external library: >>> to_javascript({'one': 'n is 1'}) "(function(n) { return (n == 1) ? 'one' : 'other'; })" Implementation detail: The function generated will probably evaluate expressions involved into range operations multiple times. This has the advantage that external helper functions are not required and is not a big performance hit for these simple calculations. :param rule: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object :raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed """ to_js = _JavaScriptCompiler().compile result = ['(function(n) { return '] for tag, ast in PluralRule.parse(rule).abstract: result.append('%s ? %r : ' % (to_js(ast), tag)) result.append('%r; })' % _fallback_tag) return ''.join(result) def to_python(rule): """Convert a list/dict of rules or a `PluralRule` object into a regular Python function. This is useful in situations where you need a real function and don't are about the actual rule object: >>> func = to_python({'one': 'n is 1', 'few': 'n in 2..4'}) >>> func(1) 'one' >>> func(3) 'few' >>> func = to_python({'one': 'n in 1,11', 'few': 'n in 3..10,13..19'}) >>> func(11) 'one' >>> func(15) 'few' :param rule: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object :raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed """ namespace = { 'IN': in_range_list, 'WITHIN': within_range_list, 'MOD': cldr_modulo, 'extract_operands': extract_operands, } to_python_func = _PythonCompiler().compile result = [ 'def evaluate(n):', ' n, i, v, w, f, t = extract_operands(n)', ] for tag, ast in PluralRule.parse(rule).abstract: # the str() call is to coerce the tag to the native string. It's # a limited ascii restricted set of tags anyways so that is fine. result.append(' if (%s): return %r' % (to_python_func(ast), str(tag))) result.append(' return %r' % _fallback_tag) code = compile('\n'.join(result), '<rule>', 'exec') eval(code, namespace) return namespace['evaluate'] def to_gettext(rule): """The plural rule as gettext expression. The gettext expression is technically limited to integers and returns indices rather than tags. >>> to_gettext({'one': 'n is 1', 'two': 'n is 2'}) 'nplurals=3; plural=((n == 1) ? 0 : (n == 2) ? 1 : 2)' :param rule: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object :raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed """ rule = PluralRule.parse(rule) used_tags = rule.tags | set([_fallback_tag]) _compile = _GettextCompiler().compile _get_index = [tag for tag in _plural_tags if tag in used_tags].index result = ['nplurals=%d; plural=(' % len(used_tags)] for tag, ast in rule.abstract: result.append('%s ? %d : ' % (_compile(ast), _get_index(tag))) result.append('%d)' % _get_index(_fallback_tag)) return ''.join(result) def in_range_list(num, range_list): """Integer range list test. This is the callback for the "in" operator of the UTS #35 pluralization rule language: >>> in_range_list(1, [(1, 3)]) True >>> in_range_list(3, [(1, 3)]) True >>> in_range_list(3, [(1, 3), (5, 8)]) True >>> in_range_list(1.2, [(1, 4)]) False >>> in_range_list(10, [(1, 4)]) False >>> in_range_list(10, [(1, 4), (6, 8)]) False """ return num == int(num) and within_range_list(num, range_list) def within_range_list(num, range_list): """Float range test. This is the callback for the "within" operator of the UTS #35 pluralization rule language: >>> within_range_list(1, [(1, 3)]) True >>> within_range_list(1.0, [(1, 3)]) True >>> within_range_list(1.2, [(1, 4)]) True >>> within_range_list(8.8, [(1, 4), (7, 15)]) True >>> within_range_list(10, [(1, 4)]) False >>> within_range_list(10.5, [(1, 4), (20, 30)]) False """ return any(num >= min_ and num <= max_ for min_, max_ in range_list) def cldr_modulo(a, b): """Javaish modulo. This modulo operator returns the value with the sign of the dividend rather than the divisor like Python does: >>> cldr_modulo(-3, 5) -3 >>> cldr_modulo(-3, -5) -3 >>> cldr_modulo(3, 5) 3 """ reverse = 0 if a < 0: a *= -1 reverse = 1 if b < 0: b *= -1 rv = a % b if reverse: rv *= -1 return rv class RuleError(Exception): """Raised if a rule is malformed.""" _VARS = 'nivwft' _RULES = [ (None, re.compile(r'\s+(?u)')), ('word', re.compile(r'\b(and|or|is|(?:with)?in|not|mod|[{0}])\b' .format(_VARS))), ('value', re.compile(r'\d+')), ('symbol', re.compile(r'%|,|!=|=')), ('ellipsis', re.compile(r'\.\.')) ] def tokenize_rule(s): s = s.split('@')[0] result = [] pos = 0 end = len(s) while pos < end: for tok, rule in _RULES: match = rule.match(s, pos) if match is not None: pos = match.end() if tok: result.append((tok, match.group())) break else: raise RuleError('malformed CLDR pluralization rule. ' 'Got unexpected %r' % s[pos]) return result[::-1] def test_next_token(tokens, type_, value=None): return tokens and tokens[-1][0] == type_ and \ (value is None or tokens[-1][1] == value) def skip_token(tokens, type_, value=None): if test_next_token(tokens, type_, value): return tokens.pop() def value_node(value): return 'value', (value, ) def ident_node(name): return name, () def range_list_node(range_list): return 'range_list', range_list def negate(rv): return 'not', (rv,) class _Parser(object): """Internal parser. This class can translate a single rule into an abstract tree of tuples. It implements the following grammar:: condition = and_condition ('or' and_condition)* ('@integer' samples)? ('@decimal' samples)? and_condition = relation ('and' relation)* relation = is_relation | in_relation | within_relation is_relation = expr 'is' ('not')? value in_relation = expr (('not')? 'in' | '=' | '!=') range_list within_relation = expr ('not')? 'within' range_list expr = operand (('mod' | '%') value)? operand = 'n' | 'i' | 'f' | 't' | 'v' | 'w' range_list = (range | value) (',' range_list)* value = digit+ digit = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 range = value'..'value samples = sampleRange (',' sampleRange)* (',' ('…'|'...'))? sampleRange = decimalValue '~' decimalValue decimalValue = value ('.' value)? - Whitespace can occur between or around any of the above tokens. - Rules should be mutually exclusive; for a given numeric value, only one rule should apply (i.e. the condition should only be true for one of the plural rule elements). - The in and within relations can take comma-separated lists, such as: 'n in 3,5,7..15'. - Samples are ignored. The translator parses the expression on instanciation into an attribute called `ast`. """ def __init__(self, string): self.tokens = tokenize_rule(string) self.ast = self.condition() if self.tokens: raise RuleError('Expected end of rule, got %r' % self.tokens[-1][1]) def expect(self, type_, value=None, term=None): token = skip_token(self.tokens, type_, value) if token is not None: return token if term is None: term = repr(value is None and type_ or value) if not self.tokens: raise RuleError('expected %s but end of rule reached' % term) raise RuleError('expected %s but got %r' % (term, self.tokens[-1][1])) def condition(self): op = self.and_condition() while skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'or'): op = 'or', (op, self.and_condition()) return op def and_condition(self): op = self.relation() while skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'and'): op = 'and', (op, self.relation()) return op def relation(self): left = self.expr() if skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'is'): return skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'not') and 'isnot' or 'is', \ (left, self.value()) negated = skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'not') method = 'in' if skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'within'): method = 'within' else: if not skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'in'): if negated: raise RuleError('Cannot negate operator based rules.') return self.newfangled_relation(left) rv = 'relation', (method, left, self.range_list()) return negate(rv) if negated else rv def newfangled_relation(self, left): if skip_token(self.tokens, 'symbol', '='): negated = False elif skip_token(self.tokens, 'symbol', '!='): negated = True else: raise RuleError('Expected "=" or "!=" or legacy relation') rv = 'relation', ('in', left, self.range_list()) return negate(rv) if negated else rv def range_or_value(self): left = self.value() if skip_token(self.tokens, 'ellipsis'): return left, self.value() else: return left, left def range_list(self): range_list = [self.range_or_value()] while skip_token(self.tokens, 'symbol', ','): range_list.append(self.range_or_value()) return range_list_node(range_list) def expr(self): word = skip_token(self.tokens, 'word') if word is None or word[1] not in _VARS: raise RuleError('Expected identifier variable') name = word[1] if skip_token(self.tokens, 'word', 'mod'): return 'mod', ((name, ()), self.value()) elif skip_token(self.tokens, 'symbol', '%'): return 'mod', ((name, ()), self.value()) return ident_node(name) def value(self): return value_node(int(self.expect('value')[1])) def _binary_compiler(tmpl): """Compiler factory for the `_Compiler`.""" return lambda self, l, r: tmpl % (self.compile(l), self.compile(r)) def _unary_compiler(tmpl): """Compiler factory for the `_Compiler`.""" return lambda self, x: tmpl % self.compile(x) class _Compiler(object): """The compilers are able to transform the expressions into multiple output formats. """ def compile(self, arg): op, args = arg return getattr(self, 'compile_' + op)(*args) compile_n = lambda x: 'n' compile_i = lambda x: 'i' compile_v = lambda x: 'v' compile_w = lambda x: 'w' compile_f = lambda x: 'f' compile_t = lambda x: 't' compile_value = lambda x, v: str(v) compile_and = _binary_compiler('(%s && %s)') compile_or = _binary_compiler('(%s || %s)') compile_not = _unary_compiler('(!%s)') compile_mod = _binary_compiler('(%s %% %s)') compile_is = _binary_compiler('(%s == %s)') compile_isnot = _binary_compiler('(%s != %s)') def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list): raise NotImplementedError() class _PythonCompiler(_Compiler): """Compiles an expression to Python.""" compile_and = _binary_compiler('(%s and %s)') compile_or = _binary_compiler('(%s or %s)') compile_not = _unary_compiler('(not %s)') compile_mod = _binary_compiler('MOD(%s, %s)') def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list): compile_range_list = '[%s]' % ','.join( ['(%s, %s)' % tuple(map(self.compile, range_)) for range_ in range_list[1]]) return '%s(%s, %s)' % (method.upper(), self.compile(expr), compile_range_list) class _GettextCompiler(_Compiler): """Compile into a gettext plural expression.""" def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list): rv = [] expr = self.compile(expr) for item in range_list[1]: if item[0] == item[1]: rv.append('(%s == %s)' % ( expr, self.compile(item[0]) )) else: min, max = map(self.compile, item) rv.append('(%s >= %s && %s <= %s)' % ( expr, min, expr, max )) return '(%s)' % ' || '.join(rv) class _JavaScriptCompiler(_GettextCompiler): """Compiles the expression to plain of JavaScript.""" # XXX: presently javascript does not support any of the # fraction support and basically only deals with integers. compile_i = lambda x: 'parseInt(n, 10)' compile_v = lambda x: '0' compile_w = lambda x: '0' compile_f = lambda x: '0' compile_t = lambda x: '0' def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list): code = _GettextCompiler.compile_relation( self, method, expr, range_list) if method == 'in': expr = self.compile(expr) code = '(parseInt(%s, 10) == %s && %s)' % (expr, expr, code) return code class _UnicodeCompiler(_Compiler): """Returns a unicode pluralization rule again.""" # XXX: this currently spits out the old syntax instead of the new # one. We can change that, but it will break a whole bunch of stuff # for users I suppose. compile_is = _binary_compiler('%s is %s') compile_isnot = _binary_compiler('%s is not %s') compile_and = _binary_compiler('%s and %s') compile_or = _binary_compiler('%s or %s') compile_mod = _binary_compiler('%s mod %s') def compile_not(self, relation): return self.compile_relation(negated=True, *relation[1]) def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list, negated=False): ranges = [] for item in range_list[1]: if item[0] == item[1]: ranges.append(self.compile(item[0])) else: ranges.append('%s..%s' % tuple(map(self.compile, item))) return '%s%s %s %s' % ( self.compile(expr), negated and ' not' or '', method, ','.join(ranges) )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system. # # :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <[email protected]> # please also see AUTHORS file # :copyright: (c) 2013, Isis Lovecruft # (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc. # (c) 2007-2013, all entities within the AUTHORS file # :license: 3-Clause BSD, see LICENSE for licensing information """Unittests for the :mod:`bridgedb.email.templates` module.""" from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from io import StringIO from gettext import NullTranslations from twisted.mail.smtp import Address from twisted.trial import unittest from bridgedb.email import templates class EmailTemplatesTests(unittest.TestCase): """Unittests for :func:`b.e.templates`.""" def setUp(self): self.t = NullTranslations(StringIO(unicode('test'))) self.client = Address('[email protected]') self.answer = 'obfs3\nobfs3' # This is the fingerprint of BridgeDB's offline, certification-only # GnuPG key. It should be present in any responses to requests for our # public keys. self.offlineFingerprint = '7B78437015E63DF47BB1270ACBD97AA24E8E472E' def shouldIncludeCommands(self, text): self.assertSubstring('COMMANDs', text) def shouldIncludeInstructions(self, text): self.assertSubstring('Tor Browser', text) def shouldIncludeBridges(self, text): self.assertSubstring(self.answer, text) self.assertSubstring('Here are your bridges:', text) def shouldIncludeGreeting(self, text): self.assertSubstring('Hey, blackhole!', text) def shouldIncludeAutomationNotice(self, text): self.assertSubstring('automated message', text) def shouldIncludeKey(self, text): self.assertSubstring('-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----', text) def shouldIncludeFooter(self, text): self.assertSubstring('rainbows, unicorns, and sparkles', text) def test_templates_addCommands(self): text = templates.addCommands(self.t) self.shouldIncludeCommands(text) def test_templates_addGreeting(self): text = templates.addGreeting(self.t, self.client.local) self.shouldIncludeGreeting(text) def test_templates_addGreeting_noClient(self): text = templates.addGreeting(self.t, None) self.assertSubstring('Hello, friend!', text) def test_templates_addGreeting_withWelcome(self): text = templates.addGreeting(self.t, self.client.local, welcome=True) self.shouldIncludeGreeting(text) self.assertSubstring('Welcome to BridgeDB!', text) def test_templates_addGreeting_trueClient(self): text = templates.addGreeting(self.t, True) self.assertSubstring('Hey', text) def test_templates_addGreeting_23Client(self): text = templates.addGreeting(self.t, 23) self.assertSubstring('Hey', text) def test_templates_addHowto(self): text = templates.addHowto(self.t) self.shouldIncludeInstructions(text) def test_templates_addBridgeAnswer(self): text = templates.addBridgeAnswer(self.t, self.answer) self.shouldIncludeBridges(text) def test_templates_addFooter(self): text = templates.addFooter(self.t, self.client) self.shouldIncludeFooter(text) def test_templates_buildAnswerMessage(self): text = templates.buildAnswerMessage(self.t, self.client, self.answer) self.assertSubstring(self.answer, text) self.shouldIncludeAutomationNotice(text) self.shouldIncludeCommands(text) self.shouldIncludeFooter(text) def test_templates_buildKeyMessage(self): text = templates.buildKeyMessage(self.t, self.client) self.assertSubstring(self.offlineFingerprint, text) def test_templates_buildWelcomeText(self): text = templates.buildWelcomeText(self.t, self.client) self.shouldIncludeGreeting(text) self.assertSubstring('Welcome to BridgeDB!', text) self.shouldIncludeCommands(text) self.shouldIncludeFooter(text) def test_templates_buildSpamWarning(self): text = templates.buildSpamWarning(self.t, self.client) self.shouldIncludeGreeting(text) self.shouldIncludeAutomationNotice(text) self.shouldIncludeFooter(text)
# Copyright 2006 Joe Wreschnig <[email protected]> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # $Id: ogg.py 4275 2008-06-01 06:32:37Z piman $ """Read and write Ogg bitstreams and pages. This module reads and writes a subset of the Ogg bitstream format version 0. It does *not* read or write Ogg Vorbis files! For that, you should use mutagen.oggvorbis. This implementation is based on the RFC 3533 standard found at http://www.xiph.org/ogg/doc/rfc3533.txt. """ import struct import sys import zlib from cStringIO import StringIO from mutagen import FileType from mutagen._util import cdata, insert_bytes, delete_bytes class error(IOError): """Ogg stream parsing errors.""" pass class OggPage(object): """A single Ogg page (not necessarily a single encoded packet). A page is a header of 26 bytes, followed by the length of the data, followed by the data. The constructor is givin a file-like object pointing to the start of an Ogg page. After the constructor is finished it is pointing to the start of the next page. Attributes: version -- stream structure version (currently always 0) position -- absolute stream position (default -1) serial -- logical stream serial number (default 0) sequence -- page sequence number within logical stream (default 0) offset -- offset this page was read from (default None) complete -- if the last packet on this page is complete (default True) packets -- list of raw packet data (default []) Note that if 'complete' is false, the next page's 'continued' property must be true (so set both when constructing pages). If a file-like object is supplied to the constructor, the above attributes will be filled in based on it. """ version = 0 __type_flags = 0 position = 0L serial = 0 sequence = 0 offset = None complete = True def __init__(self, fileobj=None): self.packets = [] if fileobj is None: return self.offset = fileobj.tell() header = fileobj.read(27) if len(header) == 0: raise EOFError try: (oggs, self.version, self.__type_flags, self.position, self.serial, self.sequence, crc, segments) = struct.unpack( "<4sBBqIIiB", header) except struct.error: raise error("unable to read full header; got %r" % header) if oggs != "OggS": raise error("read %r, expected %r, at 0x%x" % ( oggs, "OggS", fileobj.tell() - 27)) if self.version != 0: raise error("version %r unsupported" % self.version) total = 0 lacings = [] lacing_bytes = fileobj.read(segments) if len(lacing_bytes) != segments: raise error("unable to read %r lacing bytes" % segments) for c in map(ord, lacing_bytes): total += c if c < 255: lacings.append(total) total = 0 if total: lacings.append(total) self.complete = False self.packets = map(fileobj.read, lacings) if map(len, self.packets) != lacings: raise error("unable to read full data") def __eq__(self, other): """Two Ogg pages are the same if they write the same data.""" try: return (self.write() == other.write()) except AttributeError: return False def __repr__(self): attrs = ['version', 'position', 'serial', 'sequence', 'offset', 'complete', 'continued', 'first', 'last'] values = ["%s=%r" % (attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in attrs] return "<%s %s, %d bytes in %d packets>" % ( type(self).__name__, " ".join(values), sum(map(len, self.packets)), len(self.packets)) def write(self): """Return a string encoding of the page header and data. A ValueError is raised if the data is too big to fit in a single page. """ data = [ struct.pack("<4sBBqIIi", "OggS", self.version, self.__type_flags, self.position, self.serial, self.sequence, 0) ] lacing_data = [] for datum in self.packets: quot, rem = divmod(len(datum), 255) lacing_data.append("\xff" * quot + chr(rem)) lacing_data = "".join(lacing_data) if not self.complete and lacing_data.endswith("\x00"): lacing_data = lacing_data[:-1] data.append(chr(len(lacing_data))) data.append(lacing_data) data.extend(self.packets) data = "".join(data) # Python's CRC is swapped relative to Ogg's needs. crc = ~zlib.crc32(data.translate(cdata.bitswap), -1) # Although we're using to_int_be, this actually makes the CRC # a proper le integer, since Python's CRC is byteswapped. crc = cdata.to_int_be(crc).translate(cdata.bitswap) data = data[:22] + crc + data[26:] return data def __size(self): size = 27 # Initial header size for datum in self.packets: quot, rem = divmod(len(datum), 255) size += quot + 1 if not self.complete and rem == 0: # Packet contains a multiple of 255 bytes and is not # terminated, so we don't have a \x00 at the end. size -= 1 size += sum(map(len, self.packets)) return size size = property(__size, doc="Total frame size.") def __set_flag(self, bit, val): mask = 1 << bit if val: self.__type_flags |= mask else: self.__type_flags &= ~mask continued = property( lambda self: cdata.test_bit(self.__type_flags, 0), lambda self, v: self.__set_flag(0, v), doc="The first packet is continued from the previous page.") first = property( lambda self: cdata.test_bit(self.__type_flags, 1), lambda self, v: self.__set_flag(1, v), doc="This is the first page of a logical bitstream.") last = property( lambda self: cdata.test_bit(self.__type_flags, 2), lambda self, v: self.__set_flag(2, v), doc="This is the last page of a logical bitstream.") def renumber(klass, fileobj, serial, start): """Renumber pages belonging to a specified logical stream. fileobj must be opened with mode r+b or w+b. Starting at page number 'start', renumber all pages belonging to logical stream 'serial'. Other pages will be ignored. fileobj must point to the start of a valid Ogg page; any occuring after it and part of the specified logical stream will be numbered. No adjustment will be made to the data in the pages nor the granule position; only the page number, and so also the CRC. If an error occurs (e.g. non-Ogg data is found), fileobj will be left pointing to the place in the stream the error occured, but the invalid data will be left intact (since this function does not change the total file size). """ number = start while True: try: page = OggPage(fileobj) except EOFError: break else: if page.serial != serial: # Wrong stream, skip this page. continue # Changing the number can't change the page size, # so seeking back based on the current size is safe. fileobj.seek(-page.size, 1) page.sequence = number fileobj.write(page.write()) fileobj.seek(page.offset + page.size, 0) number += 1 renumber = classmethod(renumber) def to_packets(klass, pages, strict=False): """Construct a list of packet data from a list of Ogg pages. If strict is true, the first page must start a new packet, and the last page must end the last packet. """ serial = pages[0].serial sequence = pages[0].sequence packets = [] if strict: if pages[0].continued: raise ValueError("first packet is continued") if not pages[-1].complete: raise ValueError("last packet does not complete") elif pages and pages[0].continued: packets.append("") for page in pages: if serial != page.serial: raise ValueError("invalid serial number in %r" % page) elif sequence != page.sequence: raise ValueError("bad sequence number in %r" % page) else: sequence += 1 if page.continued: packets[-1] += page.packets[0] else: packets.append(page.packets[0]) packets.extend(page.packets[1:]) return packets to_packets = classmethod(to_packets) def from_packets(klass, packets, sequence=0, default_size=4096, wiggle_room=2048): """Construct a list of Ogg pages from a list of packet data. The algorithm will generate pages of approximately default_size in size (rounded down to the nearest multiple of 255). However, it will also allow pages to increase to approximately default_size + wiggle_room if allowing the wiggle room would finish a packet (only one packet will be finished in this way per page; if the next packet would fit into the wiggle room, it still starts on a new page). This method reduces packet fragmentation when packet sizes are slightly larger than the default page size, while still ensuring most pages are of the average size. Pages are numbered started at 'sequence'; other information is uninitialized. """ chunk_size = (default_size // 255) * 255 pages = [] page = OggPage() page.sequence = sequence for packet in packets: page.packets.append("") while packet: data, packet = packet[:chunk_size], packet[chunk_size:] if page.size < default_size and len(page.packets) < 255: page.packets[-1] += data else: # If we've put any packet data into this page yet, # we need to mark it incomplete. However, we can # also have just started this packet on an already # full page, in which case, just start the new # page with this packet. if page.packets[-1]: page.complete = False if len(page.packets) == 1: page.position = -1L else: page.packets.pop(-1) pages.append(page) page = OggPage() page.continued = not pages[-1].complete page.sequence = pages[-1].sequence + 1 page.packets.append(data) if len(packet) < wiggle_room: page.packets[-1] += packet packet = "" if page.packets: pages.append(page) return pages from_packets = classmethod(from_packets) def replace(klass, fileobj, old_pages, new_pages): """Replace old_pages with new_pages within fileobj. old_pages must have come from reading fileobj originally. new_pages are assumed to have the 'same' data as old_pages, and so the serial and sequence numbers will be copied, as will the flags for the first and last pages. fileobj will be resized and pages renumbered as necessary. As such, it must be opened r+b or w+b. """ # Number the new pages starting from the first old page. first = old_pages[0].sequence for page, seq in zip(new_pages, range(first, first + len(new_pages))): page.sequence = seq page.serial = old_pages[0].serial new_pages[0].first = old_pages[0].first new_pages[0].last = old_pages[0].last new_pages[0].continued = old_pages[0].continued new_pages[-1].first = old_pages[-1].first new_pages[-1].last = old_pages[-1].last new_pages[-1].complete = old_pages[-1].complete if not new_pages[-1].complete and len(new_pages[-1].packets) == 1: new_pages[-1].position = -1L new_data = "".join(map(klass.write, new_pages)) # Make room in the file for the new data. delta = len(new_data) fileobj.seek(old_pages[0].offset, 0) insert_bytes(fileobj, delta, old_pages[0].offset) fileobj.seek(old_pages[0].offset, 0) fileobj.write(new_data) new_data_end = old_pages[0].offset + delta # Go through the old pages and delete them. Since we shifted # the data down the file, we need to adjust their offsets. We # also need to go backwards, so we don't adjust the deltas of # the other pages. old_pages.reverse() for old_page in old_pages: adj_offset = old_page.offset + delta delete_bytes(fileobj, old_page.size, adj_offset) # Finally, if there's any discrepency in length, we need to # renumber the pages for the logical stream. if len(old_pages) != len(new_pages): fileobj.seek(new_data_end, 0) serial = new_pages[-1].serial sequence = new_pages[-1].sequence + 1 klass.renumber(fileobj, serial, sequence) replace = classmethod(replace) def find_last(klass, fileobj, serial): """Find the last page of the stream 'serial'. If the file is not multiplexed this function is fast. If it is, it must read the whole the stream. This finds the last page in the actual file object, or the last page in the stream (with eos set), whichever comes first. """ # For non-muxed streams, look at the last page. try: fileobj.seek(-256*256, 2) except IOError: # The file is less than 64k in length. fileobj.seek(0) data = fileobj.read() try: index = data.rindex("OggS") except ValueError: raise error("unable to find final Ogg header") stringobj = StringIO(data[index:]) best_page = None try: page = OggPage(stringobj) except error: pass else: if page.serial == serial: if page.last: return page else: best_page = page else: best_page = None # The stream is muxed, so use the slow way. fileobj.seek(0) try: page = OggPage(fileobj) while not page.last: page = OggPage(fileobj) while page.serial != serial: page = OggPage(fileobj) best_page = page return page except error: return best_page except EOFError: return best_page find_last = classmethod(find_last) class OggFileType(FileType): """An generic Ogg file.""" _Info = None _Tags = None _Error = None _mimes = ["application/ogg", "application/x-ogg"] def load(self, filename): """Load file information from a filename.""" self.filename = filename fileobj = file(filename, "rb") try: try: self.info = self._Info(fileobj) self.tags = self._Tags(fileobj, self.info) if self.info.length: # The streaminfo gave us real length information, # don't waste time scanning the Ogg. return last_page = OggPage.find_last(fileobj, self.info.serial) samples = last_page.position try: denom = self.info.sample_rate except AttributeError: denom = self.info.fps self.info.length = samples / float(denom) except error, e: raise self._Error, e, sys.exc_info()[2] except EOFError: raise self._Error, "no appropriate stream found" finally: fileobj.close() def delete(self, filename=None): """Remove tags from a file. If no filename is given, the one most recently loaded is used. """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename self.tags.clear() fileobj = file(filename, "rb+") try: try: self.tags._inject(fileobj) except error, e: raise self._Error, e, sys.exc_info()[2] except EOFError: raise self._Error, "no appropriate stream found" finally: fileobj.close() def save(self, filename=None): """Save a tag to a file. If no filename is given, the one most recently loaded is used. """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename fileobj = file(filename, "rb+") try: try: self.tags._inject(fileobj) except error, e: raise self._Error, e, sys.exc_info()[2] except EOFError: raise self._Error, "no appropriate stream found" finally: fileobj.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Virtual machine image management tools ''' # Import python libs from __future__ import absolute_import import logging # Import salt libs import salt.utils # Import 3rd-party libs import salt.ext.six as six # Set up logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def mount_image(location): ''' Mount the named image and return the mount point CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' img.mount_image /tmp/foo ''' if 'guestfs.mount' in __salt__: return __salt__['guestfs.mount'](location) elif 'qemu_nbd.init' in __salt__: mnt = __salt__['qemu_nbd.init'](location) if not mnt: return '' first = next(six.iterkeys(mnt)) __context__['img.mnt_{0}'.format(first)] = mnt return first return '' # compatibility for api change mnt_image = salt.utils.alias_function(mount_image, 'mnt_image') def umount_image(mnt): ''' Unmount an image mountpoint CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' img.umount_image /mnt/foo ''' if 'qemu_nbd.clear' in __salt__: if 'img.mnt_{0}'.format(mnt) in __context__: __salt__['qemu_nbd.clear'](__context__['img.mnt_{0}'.format(mnt)]) return __salt__['mount.umount'](mnt) #def get_image(name): # ''' # Download a vm image from a remote source and add it to the image cache # system # ''' # cache_dir = os.path.join(__salt__['config.option']('img.cache'), 'src') # parse = urlparse(name) # if __salt__['config.valid_file_proto'](parse.scheme): # # Valid scheme to download # dest = os.path.join(cache_dir, parse.netloc) # sfn = __salt__['file.get_managed'](dest, None, name, ) def bootstrap(location, size, fmt): ''' HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL Bootstrap a virtual machine image location: The location to create the image size: The size of the image to create in megabytes fmt: The image format, raw or qcow2 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' img.bootstrap /srv/salt-images/host.qcow 4096 qcow2 ''' location = __salt__['img.make_image'](location, size, fmt) if not location: return '' nbd = __salt__['qemu_nbd.connect'](location) __salt__['partition.mklabel'](nbd, 'msdos') __salt__['partition.mkpart'](nbd, 'primary', 'ext4', 1, -1) __salt__['partition.probe'](nbd) __salt__['partition.mkfs']('{0}p1'.format(nbd), 'ext4') mnt = __salt__['qemu_nbd.mount'](nbd) #return __salt__['pkg.bootstrap'](nbd, mnt.iterkeys().next())
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2013 Cubic ERP - Teradata SAC (<http://cubicerp.com>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## { "name": "Electronic Invoice", "version": "1.0", "description": """ Manage the electronic invoice ============================= The management of electronic invoice integrate the invoices with digital signatures and certificates usually in a PKI infastructure with xml messages to a webservices to generate and validate the electronic invoices. Key Features ------------ * Add support to manage the webservices communication to generate and validate a electronic invoice * Generate a abstract model to manage electronic invoices from several countries """, "author": "Cubic ERP", "website": "http://cubicERP.com", "category": "Financial", "depends": [ "base_pki", "account", ], "data":[ "security/account_einvoice_security.xml", "security/ir.model.access.csv", "account_einvoice_workflow.xml", "account_einvoice_view.xml", "account_view.xml", ], "demo_xml": [], "active": False, "installable": True, "certificate" : "", }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MouseTrap # # Copyright 2009 Flavio Percoco Premoli # # This file is part of mouseTrap. # # MouseTrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 as published # by the Free Software Foundation. # # mouseTrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with mouseTrap. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Common MouseTrap Functions. """ __id__ = "$Id$" __version__ = "$Revision$" __date__ = "$Date$" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008 Flavio Percoco Premoli." __license__ = "GPLv2" import os import re def get_py_list(dirlist): """ Checks for .py files on directories in dirlist and removes the extensions. Arguments: - dirlist: The directories list. """ if not type(dirlist) is list: dirlist = [dirlist] reg = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z0-9]+)\.py$', re.DOTALL) group = [] for dir in dirlist: if not os.path.isdir(dir): continue group.append([ mod[0] for mod in [ reg.findall(f) for f in os.listdir("%s/" % dir) if "handler" not in f] if mod ]) return [] + [x for l in group for x in l]
# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import sys import typing import click from . import echo from . import env from ._options import add_build_options, get_project from snapcraft.internal import ( errors, build_providers, deprecations, lifecycle, lxd, project_loader, steps, ) from snapcraft.project._sanity_checks import conduct_project_sanity_check from snapcraft.project.errors import YamlValidationError if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from snapcraft.internal.project import Project # noqa: F401 # TODO: when snap is a real step we can simplify the arguments here. # fmt: off def _execute( # noqa: C901 step: steps.Step, parts: str, pack_project: bool = False, output: str = None, shell: bool = False, shell_after: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> "Project": # fmt: on build_environment = env.BuilderEnvironmentConfig() project = get_project(is_managed_host=build_environment.is_managed_host, **kwargs) conduct_project_sanity_check(project) # When we are ready to pull the trigger we will trigger this when # project.info.base is set if build_environment.is_multipass: build_provider_class = build_providers.get_provider_for( build_environment.provider ) echo.info("Launching a VM.") with build_provider_class(project=project, echoer=echo) as instance: instance.mount_project() try: if shell: # shell means we want to do everything right up to the previous # step and then go into a shell instead of the requested step. # the "snap" target is a special snowflake that has not made its # way to be a proper step. previous_step = None if pack_project: previous_step = steps.PRIME elif step > steps.PULL: previous_step = step.previous_step() # steps.PULL is the first step, so we would directly shell into it. if previous_step: instance.execute_step(previous_step) elif pack_project: instance.pack_project(output=output) else: instance.execute_step(step) except Exception: if project.debug: instance.shell() else: echo.warning("Run the same command again with --debug to shell into the environment " "if you wish to introspect this failure.") raise else: if shell or shell_after: instance.shell() elif build_environment.is_managed_host or build_environment.is_host: project_config = project_loader.load_config(project) lifecycle.execute(step, project_config, parts) if pack_project: _pack(project.prime_dir, output=output) else: # containerbuild takes a snapcraft command name, not a step lifecycle.containerbuild(command=step.name, project=project, args=parts) if pack_project: _pack(project.prime_dir, output=output) return project def _pack(directory: str, *, output: str) -> None: snap_name = lifecycle.pack(directory, output) echo.info("Snapped {}".format(snap_name)) @click.group() @add_build_options() @click.pass_context def lifecyclecli(ctx, **kwargs): pass @lifecyclecli.command() def init(): """Initialize a snapcraft project.""" snapcraft_yaml_path = lifecycle.init() echo.info("Created {}.".format(snapcraft_yaml_path)) echo.info("Edit the file to your liking or run `snapcraft` to get started") @lifecyclecli.command() @click.pass_context @add_build_options() @click.argument("parts", nargs=-1, metavar="<part>...", required=False) def pull(ctx, parts, **kwargs): """Download or retrieve artifacts defined for a part. \b Examples: snapcraft pull snapcraft pull my-part1 my-part2 """ _execute(steps.PULL, parts, **kwargs) @lifecyclecli.command() @add_build_options() @click.argument("parts", nargs=-1, metavar="<part>...", required=False) def build(parts, **kwargs): """Build artifacts defined for a part. \b Examples: snapcraft build snapcraft build my-part1 my-part2 """ _execute(steps.BUILD, parts, **kwargs) @lifecyclecli.command() @add_build_options() @click.argument("parts", nargs=-1, metavar="<part>...", required=False) def stage(parts, **kwargs): """Stage the part's built artifacts into the common staging area. \b Examples: snapcraft stage snapcraft stage my-part1 my-part2 """ _execute(steps.STAGE, parts, **kwargs) @lifecyclecli.command() @add_build_options() @click.argument("parts", nargs=-1, metavar="<part>...", required=False) def prime(parts, **kwargs): """Final copy and preparation for the snap. \b Examples: snapcraft prime snapcraft prime my-part1 my-part2 """ _execute(steps.PRIME, parts, **kwargs) @lifecyclecli.command() @add_build_options() @click.argument("directory", required=False) @click.option("--output", "-o", help="path to the resulting snap.") def snap(directory, output, **kwargs): """Create a snap. \b Examples: snapcraft snap snapcraft snap --output renamed-snap.snap If you want to snap a directory, you should use the pack command instead. """ if directory: deprecations.handle_deprecation_notice("dn6") _pack(directory, output=output) else: _execute(steps.PRIME, parts=[], pack_project=True, output=output, **kwargs) @lifecyclecli.command() @click.argument("directory") @click.option("--output", "-o", help="path to the resulting snap.") def pack(directory, output, **kwargs): """Create a snap from a directory holding a valid snap. The layout of <directory> should contain a valid meta/snap.yaml in order to be a valid snap. \b Examples: snapcraft pack my-snap-directory snapcraft pack my-snap-directory --output renamed-snap.snap """ _pack(directory, output=output) @lifecyclecli.command() @click.argument("parts", nargs=-1, metavar="<part>...", required=False) @click.option( "--step", "-s", "step_name", type=click.Choice(["pull", "build", "stage", "prime", "strip"]), help="only clean the specified step and those that depend on it.", ) def clean(parts, step_name): """Remove content - cleans downloads, builds or install artifacts. \b Examples: snapcraft clean snapcraft clean my-part --step build """ build_environment = env.BuilderEnvironmentConfig() try: project = get_project( is_managed_host=build_environment.is_managed_host ) except YamlValidationError: # We need to be able to clean invalid projects too. project = get_project( is_managed_host=build_environment.is_managed_host, skip_snapcraft_yaml=True ) step = None if step_name: if step_name == "strip": echo.warning( "DEPRECATED: Use `prime` instead of `strip` as the step to clean" ) step_name = "prime" step = steps.get_step_by_name(step_name) if build_environment.is_lxd: lxd.Project(project=project, output=None, source=os.path.curdir).clean( parts, step ) elif build_environment.is_host: lifecycle.clean(project, parts, step) else: # TODO support for steps. if parts or step_name: raise errors.SnapcraftEnvironmentError( "Build providers are still not feature complete, specifying parts or a step name " "is not yet supported.") build_provider_class = build_providers.get_provider_for( build_environment.provider ) build_provider_class(project=project, echoer=echo).clean_project() @lifecyclecli.command() @add_build_options() @click.option( "--remote", metavar="<remote>", help="Use a specific lxd remote instead of a local container.", ) def cleanbuild(remote, **kwargs): """Create a snap using a clean environment managed by a build provider. \b Examples: snapcraft cleanbuild The cleanbuild command requires a properly setup lxd environment that can connect to external networks. Refer to the "Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server" section on https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli to get started. If using a remote, a prior setup is required which is described on: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli/#multiple-hosts """ # cleanbuild is a special snow flake, while all the other commands # would work with the host as the build_provider it makes little # sense in this scenario. if sys.platform == "darwin": default_provider = "multipass" else: default_provider = "lxd" build_environment = env.BuilderEnvironmentConfig( default=default_provider, additional_providers=["multipass"] ) project = get_project( is_managed=build_environment.is_managed_host, **kwargs ) conduct_project_sanity_check(project) snap_filename = lifecycle.cleanbuild( project=project, echoer=echo, remote=remote, build_environment=build_environment ) echo.info("Retrieved {!r}".format(snap_filename)) if __name__ == "__main__": lifecyclecli.main()
import numpy as np class RandomWalk(object): """ We consider a random walk, say rw, a process governed by a random variable generated via rnd such that: rw[i+1] = rw[i] + rnd() r_walk = RandomWalk() [r_walk.walk() for i in range(0, np.power(2,8))] """ def __init__(self, random_generator=np.random.normal, initial_point=0): self.rnd_gen = random_generator self.path = [initial_point] def __repr__(self): return str(self.path) def _is_power_2(self, num): """ Checks if a given number is a power of 2, being 0 excluded based on the fact that all power 2 numbers having only one bit set to one and all other bits to zero, therefore number-1 makes it 0. The check is done via & bitwise operator """ return (num & (num-1) == 0) and (num != 0) def _walk(self, path_length): """ A generator version of the random walk values @raises ValueError: if path_length is not a power of 2 """ if not self._is_power_2(path_length): #TODO: Book keep constants raise ValueError('The path length is not a power of two') pos = self.path[0] for _ in xrange(path_length): yield pos pos = pos + self.rnd_gen() def walk(self, path_length): """ Returns a list with the values of the realization of the walk """ self.path = list(self._walk(path_length)) def scale(self, power): """ Scales the values of the random walk """ self.path = [np.power(step, power) for step in self.path] print self.path if __name__ == '__main__': r_walk = RandomWalk() r_walk.walk(np.power(2,3)) r_walk.scale(2) bulk_walks = [RandomWalk() for _ in xrange(3)] [random_walk.walk(np.power(2,3)) for random_walk in bulk_walks]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, # 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ BibIndex indexing engine implementation. See bibindex executable for entry point. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import re import sys import time import fnmatch import inspect from datetime import datetime from invenio.config import CFG_SOLR_URL from invenio.bibindex_engine_config import CFG_MAX_MYSQL_THREADS, \ CFG_MYSQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT, \ CFG_CHECK_MYSQL_THREADS, \ CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE, \ CFG_BIBINDEX_ADDING_RECORDS_STARTED_STR, \ CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MESSAGE, \ CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MODE, \ CFG_BIBINDEX_TOKENIZER_TYPE, \ CFG_BIBINDEX_WASH_INDEX_TERMS, \ CFG_BIBINDEX_SPECIAL_TAGS from invenio.bibauthority_config import \ CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_CONTROLLED_FIELDS_BIBLIOGRAPHIC from invenio.bibauthority_engine import \ get_control_nos_from_recID from invenio.bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_author_canonical_ids_for_recid from invenio.search_engine import perform_request_search, \ get_index_stemming_language, \ get_synonym_terms, \ search_pattern, \ search_unit_in_bibrec from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, DatabaseError, serialize_via_marshal, \ deserialize_via_marshal, wash_table_column_name from invenio.bibindex_engine_washer import wash_index_term from invenio.bibtask import task_init, write_message, get_datetime, \ task_set_option, task_get_option, task_get_task_param, \ task_update_progress, task_sleep_now_if_required from invenio.intbitset import intbitset from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio.solrutils_bibindex_indexer import solr_commit from invenio.bibindex_tokenizers.BibIndexJournalTokenizer import \ CFG_JOURNAL_TAG, \ CFG_JOURNAL_PUBINFO_STANDARD_FORM, \ CFG_JOURNAL_PUBINFO_STANDARD_FORM_REGEXP_CHECK from invenio.bibindex_termcollectors import TermCollector from invenio.bibindex_engine_utils import load_tokenizers, \ get_all_index_names_and_column_values, \ get_index_tags, \ get_field_tags, \ get_marc_tag_indexes, \ get_nonmarc_tag_indexes, \ get_all_indexes, \ get_index_virtual_indexes, \ get_virtual_index_building_blocks, \ get_index_id_from_index_name, \ run_sql_drop_silently, \ get_min_last_updated, \ remove_inexistent_indexes, \ get_all_synonym_knowledge_bases, \ get_index_remove_stopwords, \ get_index_remove_html_markup, \ get_index_remove_latex_markup, \ filter_for_virtual_indexes, \ get_records_range_for_index, \ make_prefix, \ list_union, \ recognize_marc_tag from invenio.bibindex_termcollectors import \ TermCollector, \ NonmarcTermCollector from invenio.memoiseutils import Memoise if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000: # pylint: disable=W0622 from sets import Set as set # pylint: enable=W0622 # precompile some often-used regexp for speed reasons: re_subfields = re.compile('\$\$\w') re_datetime_shift = re.compile("([-\+]{0,1})([\d]+)([dhms])") re_prefix = re.compile('__[a-zA-Z1-9]*__') nb_char_in_line = 50 # for verbose pretty printing chunksize = 1000 # default size of chunks that the records will be treated by base_process_size = 4500 # process base size _last_word_table = None _TOKENIZERS = load_tokenizers() def list_unique(_list): """Returns a _list with duplicates removed.""" _dict = {} for e in _list: _dict[e] = 1 return _dict.keys() # safety function for killing slow DB threads: def kill_sleepy_mysql_threads(max_threads=CFG_MAX_MYSQL_THREADS, thread_timeout=CFG_MYSQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT): """Check the number of DB threads and if there are more than MAX_THREADS of them, lill all threads that are in a sleeping state for more than THREAD_TIMEOUT seconds. (This is useful for working around the the max_connection problem that appears during indexation in some not-yet-understood cases.) If some threads are to be killed, write info into the log file. """ res = run_sql("SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST") if len(res) > max_threads: for row in res: r_id, dummy, dummy, dummy, r_command, r_time, dummy, dummy = row if r_command == "Sleep" and int(r_time) > thread_timeout: run_sql("KILL %s", (r_id, )) write_message("WARNING: too many DB threads, " + \ "killing thread %s" % r_id, verbose=1) return def get_associated_subfield_value(recID, tag, value, associated_subfield_code): """Return list of ASSOCIATED_SUBFIELD_CODE, if exists, for record RECID and TAG of value VALUE. Used by fulltext indexer only. Note: TAG must be 6 characters long (tag+ind1+ind2+sfcode), otherwise en empty string is returned. FIXME: what if many tag values have the same value but different associated_subfield_code? Better use bibrecord library for this. """ out = "" if len(tag) != 6: return out bibXXx = "bib" + tag[0] + tag[1] + "x" bibrec_bibXXx = "bibrec_" + bibXXx query = """SELECT bb.field_number, b.tag, b.value FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%%s AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id AND tag LIKE %%s%%""" % (bibXXx, bibrec_bibXXx) res = run_sql(query, (recID, tag[:-1])) field_number = -1 for row in res: if row[1] == tag and row[2] == value: field_number = row[0] if field_number > 0: for row in res: if row[0] == field_number and row[1] == tag[:-1] + associated_subfield_code: out = row[2] break return out def swap_temporary_reindex_tables(index_id, reindex_prefix="tmp_"): """Atomically swap reindexed temporary table with the original one. Delete the now-old one.""" write_message("Putting new tmp index tables " + \ "for id %s into production" % index_id) run_sql( "RENAME TABLE " + "idxWORD%02dR TO old_idxWORD%02dR," % (index_id, index_id) + "%sidxWORD%02dR TO idxWORD%02dR," % (reindex_prefix, index_id, index_id) + "idxWORD%02dF TO old_idxWORD%02dF," % (index_id, index_id) + "%sidxWORD%02dF TO idxWORD%02dF," % (reindex_prefix, index_id, index_id) + "idxPAIR%02dR TO old_idxPAIR%02dR," % (index_id, index_id) + "%sidxPAIR%02dR TO idxPAIR%02dR," % (reindex_prefix, index_id, index_id) + "idxPAIR%02dF TO old_idxPAIR%02dF," % (index_id, index_id) + "%sidxPAIR%02dF TO idxPAIR%02dF," % (reindex_prefix, index_id, index_id) + "idxPHRASE%02dR TO old_idxPHRASE%02dR," % (index_id, index_id) + "%sidxPHRASE%02dR TO idxPHRASE%02dR," % (reindex_prefix, index_id, index_id) + "idxPHRASE%02dF TO old_idxPHRASE%02dF," % (index_id, index_id) + "%sidxPHRASE%02dF TO idxPHRASE%02dF;" % (reindex_prefix, index_id, index_id) ) write_message("Dropping old index tables for id %s" % index_id) run_sql_drop_silently("""DROP TABLE old_idxWORD%02dR, old_idxWORD%02dF, old_idxPAIR%02dR, old_idxPAIR%02dF, old_idxPHRASE%02dR, old_idxPHRASE%02dF""" % ((index_id, )* 6) ) # kwalitee: disable=sql def init_temporary_reindex_tables(index_id, reindex_prefix="tmp_"): """Create reindexing temporary tables.""" write_message("Creating new tmp index tables for id %s" % index_id) query = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %sidxWORD%02dF""" % \ (wash_table_column_name(reindex_prefix), index_id) run_sql_drop_silently(query) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("""CREATE TABLE %sidxWORD%02dF ( id mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, term varchar(50) default NULL, hitlist longblob, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY term (term) ) ENGINE=MyISAM""" % (reindex_prefix, index_id)) query = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %sidxWORD%02dR""" % \ (wash_table_column_name(reindex_prefix), index_id) run_sql_drop_silently(query) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("""CREATE TABLE %sidxWORD%02dR ( id_bibrec mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL, termlist longblob, type enum('CURRENT','FUTURE','TEMPORARY') NOT NULL default 'CURRENT', PRIMARY KEY (id_bibrec,type) ) ENGINE=MyISAM""" % (reindex_prefix, index_id)) query = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %sidxPAIR%02dF""" % \ (wash_table_column_name(reindex_prefix), index_id) run_sql_drop_silently(query) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("""CREATE TABLE %sidxPAIR%02dF ( id mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, term varchar(100) default NULL, hitlist longblob, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY term (term) ) ENGINE=MyISAM""" % (reindex_prefix, index_id)) query = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %sidxPAIR%02dR""" % \ (wash_table_column_name(reindex_prefix), index_id) run_sql_drop_silently(query) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("""CREATE TABLE %sidxPAIR%02dR ( id_bibrec mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL, termlist longblob, type enum('CURRENT','FUTURE','TEMPORARY') NOT NULL default 'CURRENT', PRIMARY KEY (id_bibrec,type) ) ENGINE=MyISAM""" % (reindex_prefix, index_id)) query = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %sidxPHRASE%02dF""" % \ (wash_table_column_name(reindex_prefix), index_id) run_sql_drop_silently(query) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("""CREATE TABLE %sidxPHRASE%02dF ( id mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, term text default NULL, hitlist longblob, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY term (term(50)) ) ENGINE=MyISAM""" % (reindex_prefix, index_id)) query = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %sidxPHRASE%02dR""" % \ (wash_table_column_name(reindex_prefix), index_id) run_sql_drop_silently(query) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("""CREATE TABLE %sidxPHRASE%02dR ( id_bibrec mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', termlist longblob, type enum('CURRENT','FUTURE','TEMPORARY') NOT NULL default 'CURRENT', PRIMARY KEY (id_bibrec,type) ) ENGINE=MyISAM""" % (reindex_prefix, index_id)) def remove_subfields(s): "Removes subfields from string, e.g. 'foo $$c bar' becomes 'foo bar'." return re_subfields.sub(' ', s) def get_field_indexes(field): """Returns indexes names and ids corresponding to the given field""" if recognize_marc_tag(field): #field is actually a tag return get_marc_tag_indexes(field, virtual=False) else: return get_nonmarc_tag_indexes(field, virtual=False) get_field_indexes_memoised = Memoise(get_field_indexes) def get_index_tokenizer(index_id): """Returns value of a tokenizer field from idxINDEX database table @param index_id: id of the index """ query = "SELECT tokenizer FROM idxINDEX WHERE id=%s" % index_id out = None try: res = run_sql(query) if res: out = _TOKENIZERS[res[0][0]] except DatabaseError: write_message("Exception caught for SQL statement: %s; " + \ "column tokenizer might not exist" % query, sys.stderr) except KeyError: write_message("Exception caught: there is no such tokenizer") out = None return out def detect_tokenizer_type(tokenizer): """ Checks what is the main type of the tokenizer. For more information on tokenizer types take a look at BibIndexTokenizer class. @param tokenizer: instance of a tokenizer """ from invenio.bibindex_tokenizers.BibIndexStringTokenizer import BibIndexStringTokenizer from invenio.bibindex_tokenizers.BibIndexRecJsonTokenizer import BibIndexRecJsonTokenizer from invenio.bibindex_tokenizers.BibIndexMultiFieldTokenizer import BibIndexMultiFieldTokenizer tokenizer_inheritance_tree = inspect.getmro(tokenizer.__class__) if BibIndexStringTokenizer in tokenizer_inheritance_tree: return CFG_BIBINDEX_TOKENIZER_TYPE['string'] if BibIndexMultiFieldTokenizer in tokenizer_inheritance_tree: return CFG_BIBINDEX_TOKENIZER_TYPE['multifield'] if BibIndexRecJsonTokenizer in tokenizer_inheritance_tree: return CFG_BIBINDEX_TOKENIZER_TYPE['recjson'] return CFG_BIBINDEX_TOKENIZER_TYPE['unknown'] def get_last_updated_all_indexes(): """Returns last modification date for all defined indexes""" query= """SELECT name, last_updated FROM idxINDEX""" res = run_sql(query) return res def split_ranges(parse_string): """Parse a string a return the list or ranges.""" recIDs = [] ranges = parse_string.split(",") for arange in ranges: tmp_recIDs = arange.split("-") if len(tmp_recIDs) == 1: recIDs.append([int(tmp_recIDs[0]), int(tmp_recIDs[0])]) else: if int(tmp_recIDs[0]) > int(tmp_recIDs[1]): # sanity check tmp = tmp_recIDs[0] tmp_recIDs[0] = tmp_recIDs[1] tmp_recIDs[1] = tmp recIDs.append([int(tmp_recIDs[0]), int(tmp_recIDs[1])]) return recIDs def get_word_tables(tables): """ Given a list of table names it return a list of tuples (index_id, index_name, index_tags). """ wordTables = [] if tables: for index in tables: index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index) if index_id: wordTables.append((index_id, index, get_index_tags(index))) else: write_message("Error: There is no %s words table." % \ index, sys.stderr) return wordTables def get_date_range(var): "Returns the two dates contained as a low,high tuple" limits = var.split(",") if len(limits) == 1: low = get_datetime(limits[0]) return low, None if len(limits) == 2: low = get_datetime(limits[0]) high = get_datetime(limits[1]) return low, high return None, None def create_range_list(res): """Creates a range list from a recID select query result contained in res. The result is expected to have ascending numerical order.""" if not res: return [] row = res[0] if not row: return [] else: range_list = [[row, row]] for row in res[1:]: row_id = row if row_id == range_list[-1][1] + 1: range_list[-1][1] = row_id else: range_list.append([row_id, row_id]) return range_list def beautify_range_list(range_list): """Returns a non overlapping, maximal range list""" ret_list = [] for new in range_list: found = 0 for old in ret_list: if new[0] <= old[0] <= new[1] + 1 or new[0] - 1 <= old[1] <= new[1]: old[0] = min(old[0], new[0]) old[1] = max(old[1], new[1]) found = 1 break if not found: ret_list.append(new) return ret_list def truncate_index_table(index_name): """Properly truncate the given index.""" index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) if index_id: write_message('Truncating %s index table in order to reindex.' % \ index_name, verbose=2) run_sql("""UPDATE idxINDEX SET last_updated='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE id=%s""", (index_id, )) run_sql("TRUNCATE idxWORD%02dF" % index_id) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("TRUNCATE idxWORD%02dR" % index_id) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("TRUNCATE idxPHRASE%02dF" % index_id) # kwalitee: disable=sql run_sql("TRUNCATE idxPHRASE%02dR" % index_id) # kwalitee: disable=sql def update_index_last_updated(indexes, starting_time=None): """Update last_updated column of the index table in the database. Puts starting time there so that if the task was interrupted for record download, the records will be reindexed next time. @param indexes: list of indexes names """ if starting_time is None: return None for index_name in indexes: write_message("updating last_updated to %s...for %s index" % \ (starting_time, index_name), verbose=9) run_sql("UPDATE idxINDEX SET last_updated=%s WHERE name=%s", (starting_time, index_name)) def get_percentage_completed(num_done, num_total): """ Return a string containing the approx. percentage completed """ percentage_remaining = 100.0 * float(num_done) / float(num_total) if percentage_remaining: percentage_display = "(%.1f%%)" % (percentage_remaining, ) else: percentage_display = "" return percentage_display def _fill_dict_of_indexes_with_empty_sets(): """find_affected_records internal function. Creates dict: {'index_name1':set([]), ...} """ index_dict = {} tmp_all_indexes = get_all_indexes(virtual=False) for index in tmp_all_indexes: index_dict[index] = set([]) return index_dict def find_affected_records_for_index(indexes=None, recIDs=None, force_all_indexes=False): """ Function checks which records need to be changed/reindexed for given index/indexes. Makes use of hstRECORD table where different revisions of record are kept. If parameter force_all_indexes is set function will assign all recIDs to all indexes. @param indexes: names of indexes for reindexation separated by coma @param recIDs: recIDs for reindexation in form: [[range1_down, range1_up],[range2_down, range2_up]..] @param force_all_indexes: should we index all indexes? """ if indexes is None: indexes = [] if recIDs is None: recIDs = [] tmp_dates = dict(get_last_updated_all_indexes()) modification_dates = dict([(date, tmp_dates[date] or datetime(1000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) for date in tmp_dates]) tmp_all_indexes = get_all_indexes(virtual=False) indexes = remove_inexistent_indexes(indexes, leave_virtual=False) if not indexes: return {} def _should_reindex_for_revision(index_name, revision_date): try: if modification_dates[index_name] < revision_date and \ index_name in indexes: return True return False except KeyError: return False if force_all_indexes: records_for_indexes = {} all_recIDs = [] for recIDs_range in recIDs: all_recIDs.extend(range(recIDs_range[0], recIDs_range[1]+1)) for index in indexes: records_for_indexes[index] = all_recIDs return records_for_indexes min_last_updated = get_min_last_updated(indexes)[0][0] or \ datetime(1000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) recIDs_info = [] for recIDs_range in recIDs: # firstly, determine which records were updated since min_last_updated: query = """SELECT id_bibrec,job_date,affected_fields FROM hstRECORD WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %s AND %s AND job_date > '%s'""" % \ (recIDs_range[0], recIDs_range[1], min_last_updated) res = run_sql(query) if res: recIDs_info.extend(res) # secondly, there may be newly inserted records which were # uploaded with old timestamp (via 005), so let us detect # those too, using their "real" modification_date: res = run_sql("""SELECT bibrec.id,modification_date,'' FROM bibrec, hstRECORD WHERE modification_date>%s AND bibrec.id=id_bibrec AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hstRECORD WHERE id_bibrec=bibrec.id)=1""", (min_last_updated,)) if res: recIDs_info.extend(res) indexes_to_change = _fill_dict_of_indexes_with_empty_sets() for recID_info in recIDs_info: recID, revision, affected_fields = recID_info affected_fields = affected_fields.split(",") indexes_for_recID = set() for field in affected_fields: if field: field_indexes = get_field_indexes_memoised(field) or [] indexes_names = set([idx[1] for idx in field_indexes]) indexes_for_recID |= indexes_names else: # record was inserted, all fields were changed, # no specific affected fields indexes_for_recID |= set(tmp_all_indexes) indexes_for_recID_filtered = [ind for ind in indexes_for_recID if _should_reindex_for_revision(ind, revision)] for index in indexes_for_recID_filtered: indexes_to_change[index].add(recID) indexes_to_change = dict((k, list(sorted(v))) for k, v in indexes_to_change.iteritems() if v) return indexes_to_change def chunk_generator(rng): """ Splits one range into several smaller ones with respect to global chunksize variable. @param rng: range of records @type rng: list in the form: [1, 2000] """ global chunksize current_low = rng[0] current_high = rng[0] if rng[0] == None or rng[1] == None: raise StopIteration if rng[1] - rng[0] + 1 <= chunksize: yield rng else: while current_high - 1 < rng[1]: current_high += chunksize yield current_low, min(current_high - 1, rng[1]) current_low += chunksize class AbstractIndexTable(object): """ This class represents an index table in database. An index consists of three different kinds of tables: table which stores only words in db, table which stores pairs of words and table which stores whole phrases. The class represents only one table. Another instance of the class must be created in order to store different type of terms. This class is an abstract class. It contains methods to connect to db and methods which facilitate inserting/modifing/removing terms from it. The class also contains methods which help managing the memory. All specific methods for indexing can be found in corresponding classes for virtual and regular indexes. """ def __init__(self, index_name, table_type, table_prefix="", wash_index_terms=50): self.index_name = index_name self.index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) self.table_type = table_type self.wash_index_terms = wash_index_terms self.table_name = wash_table_column_name(table_prefix + \ "idx" + \ table_type + \ ("%02d" % self.index_id) + "F") self.table_prefix = table_prefix self.value = {} # cache self.recIDs_in_mem = [] def put_into_db(self, mode="normal"): """Updates the current words table in the corresponding DB idxFOO table. Mode 'normal' means normal execution, mode 'emergency' means words index reverting to old state. """ write_message("%s %s wordtable flush started" % \ (self.table_name, mode)) write_message('...updating %d words into %s started' % \ (len(self.value), self.table_name)) task_update_progress("(%s:%s) flushed %d/%d words" % \ (self.table_name, self.index_name, 0, len(self.value))) self.recIDs_in_mem = beautify_range_list(self.recIDs_in_mem) tab_name = self.table_name[:-1] + "R" if mode == "normal": for group in self.recIDs_in_mem: query = """UPDATE %s SET type='TEMPORARY' WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s AND type='CURRENT'""" % tab_name write_message(query % (group[0], group[1]), verbose=9) run_sql(query, (group[0], group[1])) nb_words_total = len(self.value) nb_words_report = int(nb_words_total / 10.0) nb_words_done = 0 for word in self.value.keys(): self.put_word_into_db(word) nb_words_done += 1 if nb_words_report != 0 and ((nb_words_done % nb_words_report) == 0): write_message('......processed %d/%d words' % \ (nb_words_done, nb_words_total)) percentage_display = get_percentage_completed(nb_words_done, nb_words_total) task_update_progress("(%s:%s) flushed %d/%d words %s" % \ (tab_name, self.index_name, nb_words_done, nb_words_total, percentage_display)) write_message('...updating %d words into %s ended' % \ (nb_words_total, tab_name)) write_message('...updating reverse table %s started' % tab_name) if mode == "normal": for group in self.recIDs_in_mem: query = """UPDATE %s SET type='CURRENT' WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s AND type='FUTURE'""" % tab_name write_message(query % (group[0], group[1]), verbose=9) run_sql(query, (group[0], group[1])) query = """DELETE FROM %s WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s AND type='TEMPORARY'""" % tab_name write_message(query % (group[0], group[1]), verbose=9) run_sql(query, (group[0], group[1])) write_message('End of updating wordTable into %s' % \ tab_name, verbose=9) elif mode == "emergency": for group in self.recIDs_in_mem: query = """UPDATE %s SET type='CURRENT' WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s AND type='TEMPORARY'""" % tab_name write_message(query % (group[0], group[1]), verbose=9) run_sql(query, (group[0], group[1])) query = """DELETE FROM %s WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s AND type='FUTURE'""" % tab_name write_message(query % (group[0], group[1]), verbose=9) run_sql(query, (group[0], group[1])) write_message('End of emergency flushing wordTable into %s' % \ tab_name, verbose=9) write_message('...updating reverse table %s ended' % tab_name) self.clean() self.recIDs_in_mem = [] write_message("%s %s wordtable flush ended" % \ (self.table_name, mode)) task_update_progress("(%s:%s) flush ended" % \ (self.table_name, self.index_name)) def put_word_into_db(self, word): """Flush a single word to the database and delete it from memory""" set = self.load_old_recIDs(word) if set is not None: # merge the word recIDs found in memory: hitlist_was_changed = self.merge_with_old_recIDs(word, set) if not hitlist_was_changed: # nothing to update: write_message("......... unchanged hitlist for ``%s''" % \ word, verbose=9) else: # yes there were some new words: write_message("......... updating hitlist for ``%s''" % \ word, verbose=9) run_sql("UPDATE %s SET hitlist=%%s WHERE term=%%s" % wash_table_column_name(self.table_name), (set.fastdump(), word)) # kwalitee: disable=sql else: # the word is new, will create new set: write_message("......... inserting hitlist for ``%s''" % \ word, verbose=9) set = intbitset(self.value[word].keys()) try: run_sql("INSERT INTO %s (term, hitlist) VALUES (%%s, %%s)" % wash_table_column_name(self.table_name), (word, set.fastdump())) # kwalitee: disable=sql except Exception, e: ## We send this exception to the admin only when is not ## already reparing the problem. register_exception(prefix="Error when putting the term '%s' into db (hitlist=%s): %s\n" % (repr(word), set, e), alert_admin=(task_get_option('cmd') != 'repair')) if not set: # never store empty words run_sql("DELETE FROM %s WHERE term=%%s" % wash_table_column_name(self.table_name), (word,)) # kwalitee: disable=sql def put(self, recID, word, sign): """Keeps track of changes done during indexing and stores these changes in memory for further use. Indexing process needs this information later while filling in the database. @param recID: recID of the record we want to update in memory @param word: word we want to update @param sing: sign of the word, 1 means keep this word in database, -1 remove word from database """ value = self.value try: if self.wash_index_terms: word = wash_index_term(word, self.wash_index_terms) if value.has_key(word): # the word 'word' exist already: update sign value[word][recID] = sign else: value[word] = {recID: sign} except Exception as e: write_message("Error: Cannot put word %s with sign %d for recID %s." % \ (word, sign, recID)) def load_old_recIDs(self, word): """Load existing hitlist for the word from the database index files.""" query = "SELECT hitlist FROM %s WHERE term=%%s" % self.table_name res = run_sql(query, (word, )) if res: return intbitset(res[0][0]) else: return None def merge_with_old_recIDs(self, word, set): """Merge the system numbers stored in memory (hash of recIDs with value +1 or -1 according to whether to add/delete them) with those stored in the database index and received in set universe of recIDs for the given word. Return False in case no change was done to SET, return True in case SET was changed. """ oldset = intbitset(set) set.update_with_signs(self.value[word]) return set != oldset def clean(self): "Cleans the cache." self.value = {} class VirtualIndexTable(AbstractIndexTable): """ There are two types of indexes: virtual and regular/normal. Check WordTable class for more on normal indexes. This class represents a single index table for virtual index (see also: AbstractIndexTable). Virtual index doesn't store its own terms, it accumulates terms from other indexes. Good example of virtual index is the global index which stores terms from title, abstract, keyword, author and so on. This class contains methods for indexing virtual indexes. See also: run_update() """ def __init__(self, index_name, table_type, table_prefix="", wash_index_terms=50): """ Creates VirtualIndexTable instance. @param index_name: name of the index we want to reindex @param table_type: words, pairs or phrases @param table_prefix: add "tmp_" if you want to reindex to temporary table """ AbstractIndexTable.__init__(self, index_name, table_type, table_prefix, wash_index_terms) self.mode = "normal" self.dependent_indexes = dict(get_virtual_index_building_blocks(self.index_id)) def set_reindex_mode(self): """ Sets reindex mode. VirtualIndexTable will remove all its content from database and use insert_index function to repopulate it. """ self.mode = "reindex" def run_update(self, flush=10000): """ Function starts all updating processes for virtual index. It will take all information about pending changes from database from queue tables (idxWORD/PAIR/PHRASExxQ), process them and trigger appropriate indexing functions. @param flush: how many records we will put in one go into database (at most); see also: opt_flush in WordTable class """ global chunksize if self.mode == "reindex": self.clean_database() for index_id, index_name in self.dependent_indexes.iteritems(): rng = get_records_range_for_index(index_id) flush_count = 0 if not rng: continue write_message('Virtual index: %s is being reindexed for %s index' % \ (self.index_name, index_name)) chunks = chunk_generator(rng) try: while True: task_sleep_now_if_required() chunk = chunks.next() self.insert_index(index_id, chunk[0], chunk[1]) flush_count = flush_count + chunk[1] - chunk[0] + 1 self.recIDs_in_mem.append(list(chunk)) if flush_count >= flush: flush_count = 0 self.put_into_db() except StopIteration: if flush_count > 0: self.put_into_db() self.clean_queue_table(index_name) else: for index_id, index_name in self.dependent_indexes.iteritems(): query = """SELECT id_bibrec_low, id_bibrec_high, mode FROM %s WHERE index_name=%%s ORDER BY runtime ASC""" % \ (self.table_name[:-1] + "Q") entries = self.remove_duplicates(run_sql(query, (index_name, ))) if entries: write_message('Virtual index: %s is being updated for %s index' % \ (self.index_name, index_name)) for entry in entries: operation = None recID_low, recID_high, mode = entry if mode == CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MODE["Update"]: operation = self.update_index elif mode == CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MODE["Remove"]: operation = self.remove_index elif mode == CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MODE["Insert"]: operation = self.insert_index flush_count = 0 chunks = chunk_generator([recID_low, recID_high]) try: while True: task_sleep_now_if_required() chunk = chunks.next() operation(index_id, chunk[0], chunk[1]) flush_count = flush_count + chunk[1] - chunk[0] + 1 self.recIDs_in_mem.append(list(chunk)) if flush_count >= flush: flush_count = 0 self.put_into_db() except StopIteration: if flush_count > 0: self.put_into_db() self.clean_queue_table(index_name) def retrieve_new_values_from_index(self, index_id, records_range): """ Retrieves new values from dependent index for specific range of records. @param index_id: id of the dependent index @param records_range: the smallest and the biggest id in the range: [id_low, id_high] """ tab_name = "idx" + self.table_type + ("%02d" % index_id) + "R" query = """SELECT id_bibrec, termlist FROM %s WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s""" % tab_name new_regular_values = run_sql(query, (records_range[0], records_range[1])) if new_regular_values: zipped = zip(*new_regular_values) new_regular_values = dict(zip(zipped[0], map(deserialize_via_marshal, zipped[1]))) else: new_regular_values = dict() return new_regular_values def retrieve_old_values(self, records_range): """ Retrieves old values from database for this virtual index for specific records range. @param records_range: the smallest and the biggest id in the range: [id_low, id_high] """ virtual_tab_name = self.table_name[:-1] + "R" query = """SELECT id_bibrec, termlist FROM %s WHERE type='CURRENT' AND id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s""" % virtual_tab_name old_virtual_values = run_sql(query, (records_range[0], records_range[1])) if old_virtual_values: zipped = zip(*old_virtual_values) old_virtual_values = dict(zip(zipped[0], map(deserialize_via_marshal, zipped[1]))) else: old_virtual_values = dict() return old_virtual_values def update_index(self, index_id, recID_low, recID_high): """ Updates the state of virtual index for records in range: recID_low, recID_high for index specified by index_id. Function stores terms in idxWORD/PAIR/PHRASExxR tables with prefixes for specific index, for example term 'ellis' from author index will be stored in reversed table as: '__author__ellis'. It allows fast operations on only part of terms @param index_id: id of the dependent index we want to remove @param recID_low: first recID from the range of considered recIDs @param recID_high: last recID from the range of considered recIDs """ index_name = self.dependent_indexes[index_id] update_cache_for_record = self.update_cache_for_record virtual_tab_name = self.table_name[:-1] + "R" # take new values new_regular_values = self.retrieve_new_values_from_index(index_id, [recID_low, recID_high]) # take old values old_virtual_values = self.retrieve_old_values([recID_low, recID_high]) # update reversed table for recID in xrange(recID_low, recID_high + 1): new_values = new_regular_values.get(recID) or [] old_values = old_virtual_values.get(recID) or [] to_serialize = update_cache_for_record(index_name, recID, old_values, new_values) if len(to_serialize) == 0: continue run_sql("""INSERT INTO %s (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'FUTURE')""" % \ wash_table_column_name(virtual_tab_name), (recID, serialize_via_marshal(to_serialize))) # kwalitee: disable=sql try: run_sql("INSERT INTO %s (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'CURRENT')" % wash_table_column_name(virtual_tab_name), (recID, serialize_via_marshal([]))) # kwalitee: disable=sql except DatabaseError: pass def insert_index(self, index_id, recID_low, recID_high): """ Inserts terms from dependent index to virtual table without looking what's inside the virtual table and what terms are being added. It's faster than 'updating', but it can only be used when virtual table is free of terms from this dependent index. @param index_id: id of the dependent index we want to remove @param recID_low: first recID from the range of considered recIDs @param recID_high: last recID from the range of considered recIDs """ index_name = self.dependent_indexes[index_id] insert_to_cache_for_record = self.insert_to_cache_for_record virtual_tab_name = self.table_name[:-1] + "R" # take new values new_regular_values = self.retrieve_new_values_from_index(index_id, [recID_low, recID_high]) # take old values old_virtual_values = self.retrieve_old_values([recID_low, recID_high]) # update reversed table for recID in xrange(recID_low, recID_high + 1): new_values = new_regular_values.get(recID) or [] old_values = old_virtual_values.get(recID) or [] to_serialize = insert_to_cache_for_record(index_name, recID, old_values, new_values) if len(to_serialize) == 0: continue run_sql("INSERT INTO %s (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'FUTURE')" % wash_table_column_name(virtual_tab_name), (recID, serialize_via_marshal(to_serialize))) # kwalitee: disable=sql try: run_sql("INSERT INTO %s (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'CURRENT')" % wash_table_column_name(virtual_tab_name), (recID, serialize_via_marshal([]))) # kwalitee: disable=sql except DatabaseError: pass def remove_index(self, index_id, recID_low, recID_high): """ Removes words found in dependent index from reversed table of virtual index. Updates the state of the memory (for future removal from forward table). Takes into account that given words can be found in more that one dependent index and it won't mark these words for the removal process. @param index_id: id of the dependent index we want to remove @param recID_low: first recID from the range of considered recIDs @param recID_high: last recID from the range of considered recIDs """ index_name = self.dependent_indexes[index_id] remove_from_cache_for_record = self.remove_from_cache_for_record virtual_tab_name = self.table_name[:-1] + "R" # take old values old_virtual_values = self.retrieve_old_values([recID_low, recID_high]) # update reversed table for recID in xrange(recID_low, recID_high + 1): old_values = old_virtual_values.get(recID) or [] to_serialize = remove_from_cache_for_record(index_name, recID, old_values) if len(to_serialize) == 0: continue run_sql("INSERT INTO %s (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'FUTURE')" % wash_table_column_name(virtual_tab_name), (recID, serialize_via_marshal(to_serialize))) # kwalitee: disable=sql try: run_sql("INSERT INTO %s (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'CURRENT')" % wash_table_column_name(virtual_tab_name), (recID, serialize_via_marshal([]))) # kwalitee: disable=sql except DatabaseError: pass def update_cache_for_record(self, index_name, recID, old_values, new_values): """ Updates memory (cache) with information on what to remove/add/modify in forward table for specified record. It also returns new terms which should be indexed for given record. @param index_name: index name of dependent index @param recID: considered record @param old_values: all old values from all dependent indexes for this virtual index for recID @param new_values: new values from some dependent index which should be added """ prefix = make_prefix(index_name) put = self.put new_values_prefix = [prefix + term for term in new_values] part_values = [] tmp_old_values_prefix = [] # split old values from v.index into those with 'prefix' and those without for term in old_values: if term.startswith(prefix): term_without_prefix = re.sub(re_prefix, '', term) part_values.append(term_without_prefix) put(recID, term_without_prefix, -1) else: tmp_old_values_prefix.append(term) # remember not to remove words that occur more than once part_values = set(part_values) for value in tmp_old_values_prefix: term_without_prefix = re.sub(re_prefix, '', value) if term_without_prefix in part_values: put(recID, term_without_prefix, 1) for term_without_prefix in new_values: put(recID, term_without_prefix, 1) tmp_new_values_prefix = list(tmp_old_values_prefix) tmp_new_values_prefix.extend(new_values_prefix) return tmp_new_values_prefix def insert_to_cache_for_record(self, index_name, recID, old_values, new_values): """ Updates cache with terms which should be inserted to database. Used in insert_index function. See also: update_cache_for_record which is analogous for update_index function. """ prefix = make_prefix(index_name) append = old_values.append put = self.put for term in new_values: append(prefix + term) put(recID, term, 1) return old_values def remove_from_cache_for_record(self, index_name, recID, old_values): """ Updates information in cache with terms which should be removed from virtual table. Used in remove_index function. """ prefix = make_prefix(index_name) tmp_rest = [] tmp_removed = [] tmp_new_values = [] append_to_new = tmp_new_values.append append_to_rest = tmp_rest.append append_to_removed = tmp_removed.append put = self.put for term in old_values: if term.startswith(prefix): term_without_prefix = re.sub(re_prefix, '', term) append_to_removed(term_without_prefix) put(recID, term_without_prefix, -1) else: append_to_rest(re.sub(re_prefix, '', term)) append_to_new(term) to_remember = set(tmp_rest) & set(tmp_removed) for term_without_prefix in to_remember: put(recID, term_without_prefix, 1) return tmp_new_values def clean_database(self): """Removes all entries from corresponding tables in database""" query = """DELETE FROM %s""" % self.table_name run_sql(query) query = """DELETE FROM %s""" % self.table_name[:-1] + "R" run_sql(query) def clean_queue_table(self, index_name): """ Cleans queue table (i.e. idxWORD/PAIR/PHRASExxQ) for specific index. It means that function will remove all entries from db from queue table for this index. """ query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE index_name='%s'" % \ (self.table_name[:-1].lstrip(self.table_prefix) + "Q", index_name) run_sql(query) def remove_duplicates(self, entries): """ Removes duplicates from a list of entries (taken from Queue table) in order to process a single command only once. Queue table may look like this: id (..) id_bibrec_low id_bibrec_high index_name mode ... 12 1 100 title update 13 1 100 title update We don't want to perform the same operation twice. First we want to squash the same commands into one. @param entries: list of entries taken from the database """ unique = set() return [entry for entry in entries if entry not in unique and not unique.add(entry)] def remove_dependent_index(self, index_name): """ Removes dependent index from this virtual index. It means removing all words from all records with prefix: __index_name__ from reversed table, and removing some of them from forward table if they don't appear in another dependent index. @param index_name: name of the dependent index to remove """ flush = 10000 dependent = self.dependent_indexes.values() if len(dependent) == 0: write_message("Specified index is not virtual...") return if index_name not in dependent: write_message("Dependent index already removed...") return index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) records_range = get_records_range_for_index(index_id) write_message("Removing an index: %s" % index_name) if records_range: flush_count = 0 chunks = chunk_generator([records_range[0], records_range[1]]) try: while True: task_sleep_now_if_required() chunk = chunks.next() self.remove_index(index_id, chunk[0], chunk[1]) flush_count = flush_count + chunk[1] - chunk[0] + 1 self.recIDs_in_mem.append(chunk) if flush_count >= flush: flush_count = 0 self.put_into_db() except StopIteration: if flush_count > 0: self.put_into_db() class WordTable(AbstractIndexTable): """ This class represents a single index table of regular index (regular means it doesn't accumulates data from other indexes, but it takes data directly from metadata of records which are being indexed; for other type of index check: VirtualIndexTable). To start indexing process one need to invoke add_recIDs() method. For furher reading see description of this method. """ def __init__(self, index_name, table_type, table_prefix="", wash_index_terms=50): """Creates words table instance. @param index_name: the index name @param index_id: the index integer identificator @param fields_to_index: a list of fields to index @param table_type: type of the wordtable: Words, Pairs, Phrases @param table_prefix: prefix for table name, indexing will be performed on table: <<table_prefix>>idx<<wordtable_type>>XXF @param wash_index_terms: do we wash index terms, and if yes (when >0), how many characters do we keep in the index terms; see max_char_length parameter of wash_index_term() """ AbstractIndexTable.__init__(self, index_name, table_type, table_prefix, wash_index_terms) self.tags = get_index_tags(index_name, virtual=False) self.nonmarc_tags = get_index_tags(index_name, virtual=False, tagtype="nonmarc") self.timestamp = datetime.now() self.virtual_indexes = get_index_virtual_indexes(self.index_id) self.virtual_index_update_mode = CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MODE["Update"] try: self.stemming_language = get_index_stemming_language(self.index_id) except KeyError: self.stemming_language = '' self.remove_stopwords = get_index_remove_stopwords(self.index_id) self.remove_html_markup = get_index_remove_html_markup(self.index_id) self.remove_latex_markup = get_index_remove_latex_markup(self.index_id) self.tokenizer = get_index_tokenizer(self.index_id)(self.stemming_language, self.remove_stopwords, self.remove_html_markup, self.remove_latex_markup) self.tokenizer_type = detect_tokenizer_type(self.tokenizer) self.default_tokenizer_function = self.tokenizer.get_tokenizing_function(table_type) self.special_tags = self._handle_special_tags() if self.stemming_language and self.table_name.startswith('idxWORD'): write_message('%s has stemming enabled, language %s' % (self.table_name, self.stemming_language)) def _handle_special_tags(self): """ Fills in a dict with special tags which always use the same tokenizer and this tokenizer is independent of index. """ special_tags = {} fields = self.tags + self.nonmarc_tags for tag in fields: if tag in CFG_BIBINDEX_SPECIAL_TAGS: for t in CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE: if self.table_type == CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE[t]: tokenizer_name = CFG_BIBINDEX_SPECIAL_TAGS[tag][t] tokenizer = _TOKENIZERS[tokenizer_name] instance = tokenizer(self.stemming_language, self.remove_stopwords, self.remove_html_markup, self.remove_latex_markup) special_tags[tag] = instance.get_tokenizing_function(self.table_type) break return special_tags def turn_off_virtual_indexes(self): """ Prevents from reindexing related virtual indexes. """ self.virtual_indexes = [] def turn_on_virtual_indexes(self): """ Turns on indexing related virtual indexes. """ self.virtual_indexes = get_index_virtual_indexes(self.index_id) def get_field(self, recID, tag): """Returns list of values of the MARC-21 'tag' fields for the record 'recID'.""" out = [] bibXXx = "bib" + tag[0] + tag[1] + "x" bibrec_bibXXx = "bibrec_" + bibXXx query = """SELECT value FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%%s AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id AND tag LIKE %%s""" % (bibXXx, bibrec_bibXXx) res = run_sql(query, (recID, tag)) for row in res: out.append(row[0]) return out def notify_virtual_indexes(self, recID_ranges): """ Informs all related virtual indexes about index change. Function leaves information about the change for each index in proper table in database (idxSOMETHINGxxQ). @param recID_ranges: low and high recIDs of ranges @type recID_ranges: list [[low_id1, high_id1], [low_id2, high_id2]...] """ query = """INSERT INTO %s (runtime, id_bibrec_low, id_bibrec_high, index_name, mode) VALUES (%%s, %%s, %%s, %%s, %%s)""" for index_id, index_name in self.virtual_indexes: tab_name = "idx%s%02dQ" % (self.table_type, index_id) full_query = query % tab_name for recID_range in recID_ranges: run_sql(full_query, (self.timestamp, recID_range[0], recID_range[1], self.index_name, self.virtual_index_update_mode)) def display(self): "Displays the word table." keys = self.value.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: write_message("%s: %s" % (k, self.value[k])) def count(self): "Returns the number of words in the table." return len(self.value) def info(self): "Prints some information on the words table." write_message("The words table contains %d words." % self.count()) def lookup_words(self, word=""): "Lookup word from the words table." if not word: done = 0 while not done: try: word = raw_input("Enter word: ") done = 1 except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): return if self.value.has_key(word): write_message("The word '%s' is found %d times." \ % (word, len(self.value[word]))) else: write_message("The word '%s' does not exist in the word file."\ % word) def add_recIDs(self, recIDs, opt_flush): """Fetches records which id in the recIDs range list and adds them to the wordTable. The recIDs range list is of the form: [[i1_low,i1_high],[i2_low,i2_high], ..., [iN_low,iN_high]]. """ global chunksize, _last_word_table flush_count = 0 records_done = 0 records_to_go = 0 for arange in recIDs: records_to_go = records_to_go + arange[1] - arange[0] + 1 time_started = time.time() # will measure profile time for arange in recIDs: i_low = arange[0] chunksize_count = 0 while i_low <= arange[1]: task_sleep_now_if_required() # calculate chunk group of recIDs and treat it: i_high = min(i_low + opt_flush - flush_count - 1, arange[1]) i_high = min(i_low + chunksize - chunksize_count - 1, i_high) try: self.chk_recID_range(i_low, i_high) except StandardError: if self.index_name == 'fulltext' and CFG_SOLR_URL: solr_commit() raise write_message(CFG_BIBINDEX_ADDING_RECORDS_STARTED_STR % \ (self.table_name, i_low, i_high)) if CFG_CHECK_MYSQL_THREADS: kill_sleepy_mysql_threads() percentage_display = get_percentage_completed(records_done, records_to_go) task_update_progress("(%s:%s) adding recs %d-%d %s" % (self.table_name, self.index_name, i_low, i_high, percentage_display)) self.del_recID_range(i_low, i_high) just_processed = self.add_recID_range(i_low, i_high) flush_count = flush_count + i_high - i_low + 1 chunksize_count = chunksize_count + i_high - i_low + 1 records_done = records_done + just_processed write_message(CFG_BIBINDEX_ADDING_RECORDS_STARTED_STR % \ (self.table_name, i_low, i_high)) if chunksize_count >= chunksize: chunksize_count = 0 # flush if necessary: if flush_count >= opt_flush: self.put_into_db() self.clean() if self.index_name == 'fulltext' and CFG_SOLR_URL: solr_commit() write_message("%s backing up" % (self.table_name)) flush_count = 0 self.log_progress(time_started, records_done, records_to_go) # iterate: i_low = i_high + 1 if flush_count > 0: self.put_into_db() if self.index_name == 'fulltext' and CFG_SOLR_URL: solr_commit() self.log_progress(time_started, records_done, records_to_go) self.notify_virtual_indexes(recIDs) def add_recID_range(self, recID1, recID2): """Add records from RECID1 to RECID2.""" wlist = {} self.recIDs_in_mem.append([recID1, recID2]) # special case of author indexes where we also add author # canonical IDs: if self.index_name in ('author', 'firstauthor', 'exactauthor', 'exactfirstauthor'): for recID in range(recID1, recID2 + 1): if not wlist.has_key(recID): wlist[recID] = [] wlist[recID] = list_union(get_author_canonical_ids_for_recid(recID), wlist[recID]) marc, nonmarc = self.find_nonmarc_records(recID1, recID2) if marc: collector = TermCollector(self.tokenizer, self.tokenizer_type, self.table_type, self.tags, [recID1, recID2]) collector.set_special_tags(self.special_tags) wlist = collector.collect(marc, wlist) if nonmarc: collector = NonmarcTermCollector(self.tokenizer, self.tokenizer_type, self.table_type, self.nonmarc_tags, [recID1, recID2]) collector.set_special_tags(self.special_tags) wlist = collector.collect(nonmarc, wlist) # lookup index-time synonyms: synonym_kbrs = get_all_synonym_knowledge_bases() if synonym_kbrs.has_key(self.index_name): if len(wlist) == 0: return 0 recIDs = wlist.keys() for recID in recIDs: for word in wlist[recID]: word_synonyms = get_synonym_terms(word, synonym_kbrs[self.index_name][0], synonym_kbrs[self.index_name][1], use_memoise=True) if word_synonyms: wlist[recID] = list_union(word_synonyms, wlist[recID]) # were there some words for these recIDs found? recIDs = wlist.keys() for recID in recIDs: # was this record marked as deleted? if "DELETED" in self.get_field(recID, "980__c"): wlist[recID] = [] write_message("... record %d was declared deleted, removing its word list" % recID, verbose=9) write_message("... record %d, termlist: %s" % (recID, wlist[recID]), verbose=9) if len(wlist) == 0: return 0 # put words into reverse index table with FUTURE status: for recID in recIDs: run_sql("INSERT INTO %sR (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'FUTURE')" % wash_table_column_name(self.table_name[:-1]), (recID, serialize_via_marshal(wlist[recID]))) # kwalitee: disable=sql # ... and, for new records, enter the CURRENT status as empty: try: run_sql("INSERT INTO %sR (id_bibrec,termlist,type) VALUES (%%s,%%s,'CURRENT')" % wash_table_column_name(self.table_name[:-1]), (recID, serialize_via_marshal([]))) # kwalitee: disable=sql except DatabaseError: # okay, it's an already existing record, no problem pass # put words into memory word list: put = self.put for recID in recIDs: for w in wlist[recID]: put(recID, w, 1) return len(recIDs) def find_nonmarc_records(self, recID1, recID2): """Divides recID range into two different tables, first one contains only recIDs of the records that are Marc type and the second one contains records of nonMarc type""" marc = range(recID1, recID2 + 1) nonmarc = [] query = """SELECT id FROM %s WHERE master_format <> 'marc' AND id BETWEEN %%s AND %%s""" % "bibrec" res = run_sql(query, (recID1, recID2)) if res: nonmarc = list(zip(*res)[0]) if len(nonmarc) == (recID2 - recID1 + 1): nonmarc = xrange(recID1, recID2 + 1) marc = [] else: for recID in nonmarc: marc.remove(recID) else: marc = xrange(recID1, recID2 + 1) return [marc, nonmarc] def log_progress(self, start, done, todo): """Calculate progress and store it. start: start time, done: records processed, todo: total number of records""" time_elapsed = time.time() - start # consistency check if time_elapsed == 0 or done > todo: return time_recs_per_min = done / (time_elapsed / 60.0) write_message("%d records took %.1f seconds to complete.(%1.f recs/min)"\ % (done, time_elapsed, time_recs_per_min)) if time_recs_per_min: write_message("Estimated runtime: %.1f minutes" % \ ((todo - done) / time_recs_per_min)) def put(self, recID, word, sign): """Keeps track of changes done during indexing and stores these changes in memory for further use. Indexing process needs this information later while filling in the database. @param recID: recID of the record we want to update in memory @param word: word we want to update @param sing: sign of the word, 1 means keep this word in database, -1 remove word from database """ value = self.value try: if self.wash_index_terms: word = wash_index_term(word, self.wash_index_terms) if value.has_key(word): # the word 'word' exist already: update sign value[word][recID] = sign else: value[word] = {recID: sign} except: write_message("Error: Cannot put word %s with sign %d for recID %s." % (word, sign, recID)) def del_recIDs(self, recIDs): """Fetches records which id in the recIDs range list and adds them to the wordTable. The recIDs range list is of the form: [[i1_low,i1_high],[i2_low,i2_high], ..., [iN_low,iN_high]]. """ count = 0 for arange in recIDs: task_sleep_now_if_required() self.del_recID_range(arange[0], arange[1]) count = count + arange[1] - arange[0] self.virtual_index_update_mode = CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MODE["Remove"] self.put_into_db() self.notify_virtual_indexes(recIDs) if self.index_name == 'fulltext' and CFG_SOLR_URL: solr_commit() def del_recID_range(self, low, high): """Deletes records with 'recID' system number between low and high from memory words index table.""" write_message("%s fetching existing words for records #%d-#%d started" % \ (self.table_name, low, high), verbose=3) self.recIDs_in_mem.append([low, high]) query = """SELECT id_bibrec,termlist FROM %sR as bb WHERE bb.id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s""" % (self.table_name[:-1]) recID_rows = run_sql(query, (low, high)) for recID_row in recID_rows: recID = recID_row[0] wlist = deserialize_via_marshal(recID_row[1]) for word in wlist: self.put(recID, word, -1) write_message("%s fetching existing words for records #%d-#%d ended" % \ (self.table_name, low, high), verbose=3) def check_bad_words(self): """ Finds bad words in reverse tables. Returns True in case of bad words. """ query = """SELECT 1 FROM %sR WHERE type IN ('TEMPORARY','FUTURE') LIMIT 1""" \ % (self.table_name[:-1],) res = run_sql(query) return bool(res) def report_on_table_consistency(self): """Check reverse words index tables (e.g. idxWORD01R) for interesting states such as 'TEMPORARY' state. Prints small report (no of words, no of bad words). """ # find number of words: query = """SELECT COUNT(1) FROM %s""" % (self.table_name) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: nb_words = res[0][0] else: nb_words = 0 # report stats: write_message("%s contains %d words" % (self.table_name, nb_words)) # find possible bad states in reverse tables: if self.check_bad_words(): write_message("EMERGENCY: %s needs to be repaired" % (self.table_name, )) else: write_message("%s is in consistent state" % (self.table_name)) def repair(self, opt_flush): """Repair the whole table""" # find possible bad states in reverse tables: if not self.check_bad_words(): return query = """SELECT id_bibrec FROM %sR WHERE type IN ('TEMPORARY','FUTURE')""" \ % (self.table_name[:-1]) res = intbitset(run_sql(query)) recIDs = create_range_list(list(res)) flush_count = 0 records_done = 0 records_to_go = 0 for arange in recIDs: records_to_go = records_to_go + arange[1] - arange[0] + 1 time_started = time.time() # will measure profile time for arange in recIDs: i_low = arange[0] chunksize_count = 0 while i_low <= arange[1]: task_sleep_now_if_required() # calculate chunk group of recIDs and treat it: i_high = min(i_low + opt_flush - flush_count - 1, arange[1]) i_high = min(i_low + chunksize - chunksize_count - 1, i_high) self.fix_recID_range(i_low, i_high) flush_count = flush_count + i_high - i_low + 1 chunksize_count = chunksize_count + i_high - i_low + 1 records_done = records_done + i_high - i_low + 1 if chunksize_count >= chunksize: chunksize_count = 0 # flush if necessary: if flush_count >= opt_flush: self.put_into_db("emergency") self.clean() flush_count = 0 self.log_progress(time_started, records_done, records_to_go) # iterate: i_low = i_high + 1 if flush_count > 0: self.put_into_db("emergency") self.log_progress(time_started, records_done, records_to_go) write_message("%s inconsistencies repaired." % self.table_name) def chk_recID_range(self, low, high): """Check if the reverse index table is in proper state""" ## check db query = """SELECT 1 FROM %sR WHERE type IN ('TEMPORARY','FUTURE') AND id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s LIMIT 1""" % self.table_name[:-1] res = run_sql(query, (low, high), 1) if not res: write_message("%s for %d-%d is in consistent state" % (self.table_name, low, high)) return # okay, words table is consistent ## inconsistency detected! write_message("EMERGENCY: %s inconsistencies detected..." % self.table_name) error_message = "Errors found. You should check consistency of the " \ "%s - %sR tables.\nRunning 'bibindex --repair' is " \ "recommended." % (self.table_name, self.table_name[:-1]) write_message("EMERGENCY: " + error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) def fix_recID_range(self, low, high): """Try to fix reverse index database consistency (e.g. table idxWORD01R) in the low,high doc-id range. Possible states for a recID follow: CUR TMP FUT: very bad things have happened: warn! CUR TMP : very bad things have happened: warn! CUR FUT: delete FUT (crash before flushing) CUR : database is ok TMP FUT: add TMP to memory and del FUT from memory flush (revert to old state) TMP : very bad things have happened: warn! FUT: very bad things have happended: warn! """ state = {} query = "SELECT id_bibrec,type FROM %sR WHERE id_bibrec BETWEEN %%s AND %%s"\ % self.table_name[:-1] res = run_sql(query, (low, high)) for row in res: if not state.has_key(row[0]): state[row[0]] = [] state[row[0]].append(row[1]) ok = 1 # will hold info on whether we will be able to repair for recID in state.keys(): if not 'TEMPORARY' in state[recID]: if 'FUTURE' in state[recID]: if 'CURRENT' not in state[recID]: write_message("EMERGENCY: Index record %d is in inconsistent state. Can't repair it." % recID) ok = 0 else: write_message("EMERGENCY: Inconsistency in index record %d detected" % recID) query = """DELETE FROM %sR WHERE id_bibrec=%%s""" % self.table_name[:-1] run_sql(query, (recID,)) write_message("EMERGENCY: Inconsistency in record %d repaired." % recID) else: if 'FUTURE' in state[recID] and not 'CURRENT' in state[recID]: self.recIDs_in_mem.append([recID, recID]) # Get the words file query = """SELECT type,termlist FROM %sR WHERE id_bibrec=%%s""" % self.table_name[:-1] write_message(query, verbose=9) res = run_sql(query, (recID,)) for row in res: wlist = deserialize_via_marshal(row[1]) write_message("Words are %s " % wlist, verbose=9) if row[0] == 'TEMPORARY': sign = 1 else: sign = -1 for word in wlist: self.put(recID, word, sign) else: write_message("EMERGENCY: %s for %d is in inconsistent " "state. Couldn't repair it." % (self.table_name, recID), stream=sys.stderr) ok = 0 if not ok: error_message = "Unrepairable errors found. You should check " \ "consistency of the %s - %sR tables. Deleting affected " \ "TEMPORARY and FUTURE entries from these tables is " \ "recommended; see the BibIndex Admin Guide." % \ (self.table_name, self.table_name[:-1]) write_message("EMERGENCY: " + error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) def main(): """Main that construct all the bibtask.""" task_init(authorization_action='runbibindex', authorization_msg="BibIndex Task Submission", description="""Examples: \t%s -a -i 234-250,293,300-500 -u admin@localhost \t%s -a -w author,fulltext -M 8192 -v3 \t%s -d -m +4d -A on --flush=10000\n""" % ((sys.argv[0],) * 3), help_specific_usage=""" Indexing options: -a, --add\t\tadd or update words for selected records -d, --del\t\tdelete words for selected records -i, --id=low[-high]\t\tselect according to doc recID -m, --modified=from[,to]\tselect according to modification date -c, --collection=c1[,c2]\tselect according to collection -R, --reindex\treindex the selected indexes from scratch Repairing options: -k, --check\t\tcheck consistency for all records in the table(s) -r, --repair\t\ttry to repair all records in the table(s) Specific options: -w, --windex=w1[,w2]\tword/phrase indexes to consider (all) -M, --maxmem=XXX\tmaximum memory usage in kB (no limit) -f, --flush=NNN\t\tfull consistent table flush after NNN records (10000) --force\t\tforce indexing of all records for provided indexes -Z, --remove-dependent-index=w name of an index for removing from virtual index -l --all-virtual\t\t set of all virtual indexes; the same as: -w virtual_ind1, virtual_ind2, ... """, version=__revision__, specific_params=("adi:m:c:w:krRM:f:oZ:l", [ "add", "del", "id=", "modified=", "collection=", "windex=", "check", "repair", "reindex", "maxmem=", "flush=", "force", "remove-dependent-index=", "all-virtual" ]), task_stop_helper_fnc=task_stop_table_close_fnc, task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter_fnc=task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter, task_run_fnc=task_run_core, task_submit_check_options_fnc=task_submit_check_options) def task_submit_check_options(): """Check for options compatibility.""" if task_get_option("reindex"): if task_get_option("cmd") != "add" or task_get_option('id') or task_get_option('collection'): print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: You can use --reindex only when adding modified record." return False return True def task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter(key, value, opts, args): """ Given the string key it checks it's meaning, eventually using the value. Usually it fills some key in the options dict. It must return True if it has elaborated the key, False, if it doesn't know that key. eg: if key in ['-n', '--number']: self.options['number'] = value return True return False """ if key in ("-a", "--add"): task_set_option("cmd", "add") if ("-x", "") in opts or ("--del", "") in opts: raise StandardError("Can not have --add and --del at the same time!") elif key in ("-k", "--check"): task_set_option("cmd", "check") elif key in ("-r", "--repair"): task_set_option("cmd", "repair") elif key in ("-d", "--del"): task_set_option("cmd", "del") elif key in ("-i", "--id"): task_set_option('id', task_get_option('id') + split_ranges(value)) elif key in ("-m", "--modified"): task_set_option("modified", get_date_range(value)) elif key in ("-c", "--collection"): task_set_option("collection", value) elif key in ("-R", "--reindex"): task_set_option("reindex", True) elif key in ("-w", "--windex"): task_set_option("windex", value) elif key in ("-M", "--maxmem"): task_set_option("maxmem", int(value)) if task_get_option("maxmem") < base_process_size + 1000: raise StandardError("Memory usage should be higher than %d kB" % \ (base_process_size + 1000)) elif key in ("-f", "--flush"): task_set_option("flush", int(value)) elif key in ("-o", "--force"): task_set_option("force", True) elif key in ("-Z", "--remove-dependent-index",): task_set_option("remove-dependent-index", value) elif key in ("-l", "--all-virtual",): task_set_option("all-virtual", True) else: return False return True def task_stop_table_close_fnc(): """ Close tables to STOP. """ global _last_word_table if _last_word_table: _last_word_table.put_into_db() def get_recIDs_by_date_bibliographic(dates, index_name, force_all=False): """ Finds records that were modified between DATES[0] and DATES[1] for given index. If DATES is not set, then finds records that were modified since the last update of the index. @param wordtable_type: can be 'Words', 'Pairs' or 'Phrases' """ index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) if not dates: query = """SELECT last_updated FROM idxINDEX WHERE id=%s""" res = run_sql(query, (index_id,)) if not res: return set([]) if not res[0][0] or force_all: dates = ("0000-00-00", None) else: dates = (res[0][0], None) if dates[1] is None: res = intbitset(run_sql("""SELECT b.id FROM bibrec AS b WHERE b.modification_date >= %s""", (dates[0],))) if index_name == 'fulltext': res |= intbitset(run_sql("""SELECT id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id_bibdoc=id WHERE text_extraction_date <= modification_date AND modification_date >= %s AND status<>'DELETED'""", (dates[0],))) elif dates[0] is None: res = intbitset(run_sql("""SELECT b.id FROM bibrec AS b WHERE b.modification_date <= %s""", (dates[1],))) if index_name == 'fulltext': res |= intbitset(run_sql("""SELECT id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id_bibdoc=id WHERE text_extraction_date <= modification_date AND modification_date <= %s AND status<>'DELETED'""", (dates[1],))) else: res = intbitset(run_sql("""SELECT b.id FROM bibrec AS b WHERE b.modification_date >= %s AND b.modification_date <= %s""", (dates[0], dates[1]))) if index_name == 'fulltext': res |= intbitset(run_sql("""SELECT id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id_bibdoc=id WHERE text_extraction_date <= modification_date AND modification_date >= %s AND modification_date <= %s AND status<>'DELETED'""", (dates[0], dates[1],))) # special case of author indexes where we need to re-index # those records that were affected by changed BibAuthorID attributions: if index_name in ('author', 'firstauthor', 'exactauthor', 'exactfirstauthor'): from invenio.bibauthorid_personid_maintenance import get_recids_affected_since # dates[1] is ignored, since BibAuthorID API does not offer upper limit search rec_list_author = intbitset(get_recids_affected_since(dates[0])) res = res | rec_list_author return set(res) def get_recIDs_by_date_authority(dates, index_name, force_all=False): """ Finds records that were modified between DATES[0] and DATES[1] for given index. If DATES is not set, then finds records that were modified since the last update of the index. Searches for bibliographic records connected to authority records that have been changed. """ index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) index_tags = get_index_tags(index_name) if not dates: query = """SELECT last_updated FROM idxINDEX WHERE id=%s""" res = run_sql(query, (index_id,)) if not res: return set([]) if not res[0][0] or force_all: dates = ("0000-00-00", None) else: dates = (res[0][0], None) res = intbitset() for tag in index_tags: pattern = tag.replace('%', '*') matches = fnmatch.filter(CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_CONTROLLED_FIELDS_BIBLIOGRAPHIC.keys(), pattern) if not len(matches): continue for tag_match in matches: # get the type of authority record associated with this field auth_type = CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_CONTROLLED_FIELDS_BIBLIOGRAPHIC.get(tag_match) # find updated authority records of this type # dates[1] is ignored, needs dates[0] to find res now = datetime.now() auth_recIDs = search_pattern(p='980__a:' + auth_type) \ & search_unit_in_bibrec(str(dates[0]), str(now), search_type='m') # now find dependent bibliographic records for auth_recID in auth_recIDs: # get the fix authority identifier of this authority record control_nos = get_control_nos_from_recID(auth_recID) # there may be multiple control number entries! (the '035' field is repeatable!) for control_no in control_nos: # get the bibrec IDs that refer to AUTHORITY_ID in TAG tag_0 = tag_match[:5] + '0' # possibly do the same for '4' subfields ? fieldvalue = '"' + control_no + '"' res |= search_pattern(p=tag_0 + ':' + fieldvalue) return set(res) def get_not_updated_recIDs(modified_dates, indexes, force_all=False): """Finds not updated recIDs in database for indexes. @param modified_dates: between this dates we should look for modified records @type modified_dates: [date_old, date_new] @param indexes: list of indexes @type indexes: string separated by coma @param force_all: if True all records will be taken """ found_recIDs = set() write_message(CFG_BIBINDEX_UPDATE_MESSAGE) for index in indexes: found_recIDs |= get_recIDs_by_date_bibliographic(modified_dates, index, force_all) found_recIDs |= get_recIDs_by_date_authority(modified_dates, index, force_all) return list(sorted(found_recIDs)) def get_recIDs_from_cli(indexes=[]): """ Gets recIDs ranges from CLI for indexing when user specified 'id' or 'collection' option or search for modified recIDs for provided indexes when recIDs are not specified. @param indexes: it's a list of specified indexes, which can be obtained from CLI with use of: get_indexes_from_cli() function. @type indexes: list of strings """ # need to first update idxINDEX table to find proper recIDs for reindexing if task_get_option("reindex"): for index_name in indexes: run_sql("""UPDATE idxINDEX SET last_updated='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE name=%s""", (index_name,)) if task_get_option("id"): return task_get_option("id") elif task_get_option("collection"): l_of_colls = task_get_option("collection").split(",") recIDs = perform_request_search(c=l_of_colls) recIDs_range = [] for recID in recIDs: recIDs_range.append([recID, recID]) return recIDs_range elif task_get_option("cmd") == "add": recs = get_not_updated_recIDs(task_get_option("modified"), indexes, task_get_option("force")) recIDs_range = beautify_range_list(create_range_list(recs)) return recIDs_range return [] def get_indexes_from_cli(): """ Gets indexes from CLI and checks if they are valid. If indexes weren't specified function will return all known indexes. """ indexes = task_get_option("windex") all_virtual = task_get_option("all-virtual") if all_virtual: indexes = filter_for_virtual_indexes(get_all_indexes()) elif not indexes: indexes = get_all_indexes() else: indexes = indexes.split(",") indexes = remove_inexistent_indexes(indexes, leave_virtual=True) return indexes def remove_dependent_index(virtual_indexes, dependent_index): """ Removes dependent index from virtual indexes. @param virtual_indexes: names of virtual_indexes @type virtual_indexes: list of strings @param dependent_index: name of dependent index @type dependent_index: string """ if not virtual_indexes: write_message("You should specify a name of a virtual index...") return id_dependent = get_index_id_from_index_name(dependent_index) for index_name in virtual_indexes: index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) for type_ in CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE.itervalues(): vit = VirtualIndexTable(index_name, type_) vit.remove_dependent_index(dependent_index) task_sleep_now_if_required() query = """DELETE FROM idxINDEX_idxINDEX WHERE id_virtual=%s AND id_normal=%s""" run_sql(query, (index_id, id_dependent)) def should_update_virtual_indexes(): """ Decides if any virtual indexes should be updated. Decision is made based on arguments obtained from CLI. """ return task_get_option("all-virtual") or task_get_option("windex") def update_virtual_indexes(virtual_indexes, reindex=False): """ Function will update all specified virtual_indexes. @param virtual_indexes: list of index names @param reindex: shall we reindex given v.indexes from scratch? """ kwargs = {} if reindex: kwargs.update({'table_prefix': 'tmp_'}) for index_name in virtual_indexes: if reindex: index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) init_temporary_reindex_tables(index_id) for key, type_ in CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE.iteritems(): kwargs.update({'wash_index_terms': CFG_BIBINDEX_WASH_INDEX_TERMS[key]}) vit = VirtualIndexTable(index_name, type_, **kwargs) vit.set_reindex_mode() vit.run_update() swap_temporary_reindex_tables(index_id) update_index_last_updated([index_name], task_get_task_param('task_starting_time')) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) else: for key, type_ in CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE.iteritems(): kwargs.update({'wash_index_terms': CFG_BIBINDEX_WASH_INDEX_TERMS[key]}) vit = VirtualIndexTable(index_name, type_, **kwargs) vit.run_update() task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) def task_run_core(): """Runs the task by fetching arguments from the BibSched task queue. This is what BibSched will be invoking via daemon call. """ global _last_word_table indexes = get_indexes_from_cli() if len(indexes) == 0: write_message("Specified indexes can't be found.") return True virtual_indexes = filter_for_virtual_indexes(indexes) regular_indexes = list(set(indexes) - set(virtual_indexes)) # check tables consistency if task_get_option("cmd") == "check": for index_name in indexes: wordTable = WordTable(index_name=index_name, table_type=CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE["Words"], wash_index_terms=50) _last_word_table = wordTable wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) wordTable = WordTable(index_name=index_name, table_type=CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE["Pairs"], wash_index_terms=100) _last_word_table = wordTable wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) wordTable = WordTable(index_name=index_name, table_type=CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE["Phrases"], wash_index_terms=0) _last_word_table = wordTable wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) _last_word_table = None return True # virtual index: remove dependent index if task_get_option("remove-dependent-index"): remove_dependent_index(indexes, task_get_option("remove-dependent-index")) return True # virtual index: update if should_update_virtual_indexes(): update_virtual_indexes(virtual_indexes, task_get_option("reindex")) if len(regular_indexes) == 0: return True # regular index: initialization for Words,Pairs,Phrases recIDs_range = get_recIDs_from_cli(regular_indexes) recIDs_for_index = find_affected_records_for_index(regular_indexes, recIDs_range, (task_get_option("force") or \ task_get_option("reindex") or \ task_get_option("cmd") == "del")) if len(recIDs_for_index.keys()) == 0: write_message("Selected indexes/recIDs are up to date.") # Let's work on single words! for index_name in recIDs_for_index.keys(): index_id = get_index_id_from_index_name(index_name) reindex_prefix = "" if task_get_option("reindex"): reindex_prefix = "tmp_" init_temporary_reindex_tables(index_id, reindex_prefix) wordTable = WordTable(index_name=index_name, table_type=CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE["Words"], table_prefix=reindex_prefix, wash_index_terms=50) _last_word_table = wordTable wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() try: if task_get_option("cmd") == "del": if task_get_option("id") or task_get_option("collection"): wordTable.del_recIDs(recIDs_range) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) else: error_message = "Missing IDs of records to delete from " \ "index %s." % wordTable.table_name write_message(error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) elif task_get_option("cmd") == "add": final_recIDs = beautify_range_list(create_range_list(recIDs_for_index[index_name])) wordTable.add_recIDs(final_recIDs, task_get_option("flush")) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) elif task_get_option("cmd") == "repair": wordTable.repair(task_get_option("flush")) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) else: error_message = "Invalid command found processing %s" % \ wordTable.table_name write_message(error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) except StandardError, e: write_message("Exception caught: %s" % e, sys.stderr) register_exception(alert_admin=True) if _last_word_table: _last_word_table.put_into_db() raise wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) # Let's work on pairs now wordTable = WordTable(index_name=index_name, table_type=CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE["Pairs"], table_prefix=reindex_prefix, wash_index_terms=100) _last_word_table = wordTable wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() try: if task_get_option("cmd") == "del": if task_get_option("id") or task_get_option("collection"): wordTable.del_recIDs(recIDs_range) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) else: error_message = "Missing IDs of records to delete from " \ "index %s." % wordTable.table_name write_message(error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) elif task_get_option("cmd") == "add": final_recIDs = beautify_range_list(create_range_list(recIDs_for_index[index_name])) wordTable.add_recIDs(final_recIDs, task_get_option("flush")) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) elif task_get_option("cmd") == "repair": wordTable.repair(task_get_option("flush")) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) else: error_message = "Invalid command found processing %s" % \ wordTable.table_name write_message(error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) except StandardError, e: write_message("Exception caught: %s" % e, sys.stderr) register_exception() if _last_word_table: _last_word_table.put_into_db() raise wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) # Let's work on phrases now wordTable = WordTable(index_name=index_name, table_type=CFG_BIBINDEX_INDEX_TABLE_TYPE["Phrases"], table_prefix=reindex_prefix, wash_index_terms=0) _last_word_table = wordTable wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() try: if task_get_option("cmd") == "del": if task_get_option("id") or task_get_option("collection"): wordTable.del_recIDs(recIDs_range) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) else: error_message = "Missing IDs of records to delete from " \ "index %s." % wordTable.table_name write_message(error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) elif task_get_option("cmd") == "add": final_recIDs = beautify_range_list(create_range_list(recIDs_for_index[index_name])) wordTable.add_recIDs(final_recIDs, task_get_option("flush")) if not task_get_option("id") and not task_get_option("collection"): update_index_last_updated([index_name], task_get_task_param('task_starting_time')) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) elif task_get_option("cmd") == "repair": wordTable.repair(task_get_option("flush")) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) else: error_message = "Invalid command found processing %s" % \ wordTable.table_name write_message(error_message, stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError(error_message) except StandardError, e: write_message("Exception caught: %s" % e, sys.stderr) register_exception() if _last_word_table: _last_word_table.put_into_db() raise wordTable.report_on_table_consistency() task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) if task_get_option("reindex"): swap_temporary_reindex_tables(index_id, reindex_prefix) update_index_last_updated([index_name], task_get_task_param('task_starting_time')) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) # update modification date also for indexes that were up to date if not task_get_option("id") and not task_get_option("collection") and \ task_get_option("cmd") == "add": up_to_date = set(indexes) - set(recIDs_for_index.keys()) update_index_last_updated(list(up_to_date), task_get_task_param('task_starting_time')) _last_word_table = None return True ### okay, here we go: if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""Dependency tracking for checkpointable objects.""" # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.training.checkpointable import base from tensorflow.python.training.checkpointable import data_structures class NotCheckpointable(object): """Marks instances of child classes as unsaveable using an object-based API. Useful for marking objects which would otherwise look checkpointable because of inheritance (e.g. through `Layer`) as not checkpointable. Inheriting from `NotCheckpointable` does not prevent an object from being assigned to any attributes, but will throw an error on save/restore. """ pass class Checkpointable(base.CheckpointableBase): """Manages dependencies on other objects. `Checkpointable` objects may have dependencies: other `Checkpointable` objects which should be saved if the object declaring the dependency is saved. A correctly saveable program has a dependency graph such that if changing a global variable affects an object (e.g. changes the behavior of any of its methods) then there is a chain of dependencies from the influenced object to the variable. Dependency edges have names, and are created implicitly when a `Checkpointable` object is assigned to an attribute of another `Checkpointable` object. For example: ``` obj = Checkpointable() obj.v = ResourceVariable(0.) ``` The `Checkpointable` object `obj` now has a dependency named "v" on a variable. `Checkpointable` objects may specify `Tensor`s to be saved and restored directly (e.g. a `Variable` indicating how to save itself) rather than through dependencies on other objects. See `Checkpointable._gather_saveables_for_checkpoint` for details. """ def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Support self.foo = checkpointable syntax.""" if getattr(self, "_setattr_tracking", True): value = data_structures.sticky_attribute_assignment( checkpointable=self, value=value, name=name) super(Checkpointable, self).__setattr__(name, value) def _no_dependency(self, value): """Override to allow CheckpointableBase to disable dependency tracking.""" return data_structures.NoDependency(value)
from collections import defaultdict class Polynomial(object): def __init__(self, *args): self.p = defaultdict(int) self.sorted = list(enumerate(args)) self.p.update(self.sorted) def __repr__(self): return 'Polynomial%s' % self.sorted def __call__(self, x): return sum([a*(x**i) for i, a in self.p.items()]) def __iadd__(self, other): for k, v in other.p.items(): self.p[k] += v self.sorted = sorted(self.p.items()) return self def __isub__(self, other): for k, v in other.p.items(): self.p[k] -= v self.sorted = sorted(self.p.items()) return self def __add__(self, other): new_p = self.p.copy() for k, v in other.p.items(): new_p[k] += v poly = Polynomial() poly.p = new_p return poly def __sub__(self, other): new_p = self.p.copy() for k, v in other.p.items(): new_p[k] -= v poly = Polynomial() poly.p = new_p return poly def __eq__(self, other): return self.p == other.p def __ne__(self, other): return self.p != other.p if __name__ == '__main__': # p(x) := 3x^2 + 2x + 1 p = Polynomial(1, 2, 3) # 6 = p(1) assert p(1) == 6 # q(x) := 5x^2 + 1 q = Polynomial(1, 0, 5) # 6 = q(1) assert q(1) == 6 # r(x) := p(x) + q(x) = 8x^2 + 2x + 1 r = p + q # 12 = r(1) = q(1) + p(1) assert r(1) == p(1) + q(1) assert r == (p + q) p += q assert r == p assert r != q p -= q assert r != p assert r == (p + q)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2019 jayson # import json import random import logging import utils.logging from utils import connection from config import RABBITMQ_MASTER from pika.adapters.blocking_connection import BlockingChannel from pika.spec import Basic, BasicProperties def consumer(ch: BlockingChannel, method: Basic.Deliver, properties: BasicProperties, body: bytes): data = json.loads(body) if hasattr(utils.logging, method.routing_key): getattr(utils.logging, method.routing_key)('{:<12} {:<8} {:<4} {:<8}: {}'.format( data['from'], data['producer'], data['index'], method.routing_key, data['body'])) if random.randint(0, 20) == 1: return ch.basic_reject(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag, requeue=True) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) if __name__ == '__main__': utils.logging.init_logging(logging.DEBUG) with connection.get_exchange_connection(RABBITMQ_MASTER, 'logs_routing', 'direct') as channel: channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) channel.queue_declare('logs_routing_printer', durable=True, auto_delete=True) channel.queue_bind(queue='logs_routing_printer', exchange='logs_routing', routing_key='debug') channel.queue_bind(queue='logs_routing_printer', exchange='logs_routing', routing_key='info') channel.queue_bind(queue='logs_routing_printer', exchange='logs_routing', routing_key='warning') channel.queue_bind(queue='logs_routing_printer', exchange='logs_routing', routing_key='error') channel.basic_consume('logs_routing_printer', consumer, auto_ack=False) channel.start_consuming()
import g from tkrep import * ptt_port=IntVar() CatPort=StringVar() PttPort=StringVar() CatPort.set('None') PttPort.set('None') ndevin=IntVar() ndevout=IntVar() DevinName=StringVar() DevoutName=StringVar() dBm=IntVar() dBm.set(37) pttmode=StringVar() serial_rate=IntVar() serial_rate.set(4800) databits=IntVar() databits.set(8) stopbits=IntVar() stopbits.set(2) serial_handshake=StringVar() cat_enable=IntVar() rig=StringVar() rig.set('214 Kenwood TS-2000') rignum=IntVar() inbad=IntVar() outbad=IntVar() pttmode.set('DTR') serial_handshake.set('None') pttlist=("CAT","DTR","RTS","VOX") baudlist=(1200,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600) hslist=("None","XONXOFF","Hardware") pwrlist=(-30,-27,-23,-20,-17,-13,-10,-7,-3, \ 0,3,7,10,13,17,20,23,27,30,33,37,40,43,47,50,53,57,60) if g.Win32: serialportlist=("None","COM1","COM2","COM3","COM4","COM5","COM6", \ "COM7","COM8","COM9","COM10","COM11","COM12","COM13","COM14", \ "COM15","USB") else: serialportlist=("None","/dev/ttyS0","/dev/ttyS1","/dev/ttyUSB0", \ "/dev/ttyUSB1","/dev/ttyUSB2","/dev/ttyUSB3","/dev/ttyUSB4", \ "/dev/ttyUSB5","/dev/ttyUSB6","/dev/ttyUSB7","/dev/ttyUSB8") datalist=(7,8) stoplist=(1,2) indevlist=[] outdevlist=[] riglist=[] MyCall=StringVar() MyGrid=StringVar() try: f=open('audio_caps','r') s=f.readlines() f.close t="Input Devices:\n" for i in range(len(s)): col=s[i].split() if int(col[1])>0: t=str(i) + s[i][29:] t=t[:len(t)-1] indevlist.append(t) for i in range(len(s)): col=s[i].split() if int(col[2])>0: t=str(i) + s[i][29:] t=t[:len(t)-1] outdevlist.append(t) except: pass try: f=open('hamlib_rig_numbers','r') s=f.readlines() f.close for i in range(len(s)): t=s[i] riglist.append(t[:len(t)-1]) except: pass #------------------------------------------------------ audin #def audin(event=NONE): # g.DevinName.set(DevinName.get()) # g.ndevin.set(int(DevinName.get()[:2])) #------------------------------------------------------ audout #def audout(event=NONE): # g.DevoutName.set(DevoutName.get()) # g.ndevout.set(int(DevoutName.get()[:2])) #------------------------------------------------------ rig_number #def rig_number(event=NONE): # rignum.set(int(rig.get()[:4])) #------------------------------------------------------- chkcall def chkcall(t): r=-1 n=len(t) if n>=3 and n<=10: i1=t.count('/') i2=t.find('/') if i1==1 and i2>0: t=t[:i2-1]+t[i2+1:] if t.isalnum() and t.find(' ')<0: r=1 return r #------------------------------------------------------- chkgrid def chkgrid(t): r=-1 n=len(t) if n==4 or n==6: if int(t[0:1],36)>=10 and int(t[0:1],36)<=27 and \ int(t[1:2],36)>=10 and int(t[1:2],36)<=27 and \ int(t[2:3],36)>=0 and int(t[2:3],36)<=9 and \ int(t[3:4],36)>=0 and int(t[3:4],36)<=9: r=1 if r==1 and n==6: r=-1 if int(t[4:5],36)>=10 and int(t[4:5],36)<=33 and \ int(t[5:6],36)>=10 and int(t[5:6],36)<=33: r=1 return r
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Test plugin system.""" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Imports #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from textwrap import dedent from pytest import yield_fixture, raises from ..plugin import (IPluginRegistry, IPlugin, get_plugin, discover_plugins, attach_plugins ) from phylib.utils._misc import write_text #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fixtures #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @yield_fixture def no_native_plugins(): # Save the plugins. plugins = IPluginRegistry.plugins IPluginRegistry.plugins = [] yield IPluginRegistry.plugins = plugins #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_plugin_1(no_native_plugins): class MyPlugin(IPlugin): pass assert IPluginRegistry.plugins == [MyPlugin] assert get_plugin('MyPlugin').__name__ == 'MyPlugin' with raises(ValueError): get_plugin('unknown') def test_discover_plugins(tempdir, no_native_plugins): path = tempdir / 'my_plugin.py' contents = '''from phy import IPlugin\nclass MyPlugin(IPlugin): pass''' write_text(path, contents) plugins = discover_plugins([tempdir]) assert plugins assert plugins[0].__name__ == 'MyPlugin' def test_attach_plugins(tempdir): class MyController(object): pass write_text(tempdir / 'plugin1.py', dedent( ''' from phy import IPlugin class MyPlugin1(IPlugin): def attach_to_controller(self, controller): controller.plugin1 = True ''')) class MyPlugin2(IPlugin): def attach_to_controller(self, controller): controller.plugin2 = True contents = dedent(''' c = get_config() c.Plugins.dirs = ['%s'] c.MyController.plugins = ['MyPlugin1'] ''' % tempdir) write_text(tempdir / 'phy_config.py', contents) controller = MyController() attach_plugins(controller, plugins=['MyPlugin2'], config_dir=tempdir) assert controller.plugin1 == controller.plugin2 is True
#!/usr/bin/python import os import os.path import datetime import logging import sys import yaml from optparse import OptionParser from helpers.resources_listing import ResourcesListing from layout_parser import LayoutParser from lxml import etree from xml.etree import ElementTree from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError class UIXML(object): def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger("ui_xml") self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def parse_file(self, layout_file): self.log.info('parsing %s', layout_file) def write_xml_file(self, xml_file, root): tree = root.getroottree() # Strip the merge tag etree.strip_tags(tree, 'merge') with open(xml_file, 'w+') as f: f.write(etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8')) f.close() def start_main(self, source_dir, target_dir): count = 1 # Iterate over the unpacked apk files in the source directory. for apk_dir in [os.path.join(source_dir, d) for d in os.listdir(source_dir)]: self.log.info('Parsing %s', apk_dir) package_name = None version_name = None version_code = None if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(apk_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml')): self.log.error('AndroidManifest.xml is missing in %s . ' + 'Unable to find package and version info.', apk_dir) continue version_name, version_code, package_name = self.get_app_info_from_manifest( os.path.join(apk_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml')) if not package_name: self.log.error('Failed to find package name for %s', apk_dir) continue if not version_code or not version_name: apktool_yml = os.path.join(apk_dir, 'apktool.yml') if not os.path.exists(apktool_yml): self.log.error('Failed to find apktool.yml file for %s', apk_dir) continue version_code, version_name = self.get_app_versions_from_yaml( apktool_yml) if not version_code or not version_name: self.log.error('Failed to find app version for %s', apk_dir) continue ui_xml_dir = target_dir if target_dir is None: ui_xml_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(apk_dir, 'ui-xml')) if not os.path.exists(ui_xml_dir): os.makedirs(ui_xml_dir) ui_xml_file = os.path.join(ui_xml_dir, package_name + '-' + version_code + '.xml') root = etree.Element('App') root.set('name', package_name) root.set('version_code', version_code) # If the UI xml file exists, delete it and create a new one. if(os.path.exists(ui_xml_file)): os.remove(ui_xml_file) # check if the directory is for an unpacked apk. i.e, contains # res/ sub directory. if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath( os.path.join(apk_dir, 'res'))): self.log.error('no res directory in %s', apk_dir) continue layout_dirs = ResourcesListing.get_all_layout_dirs(apk_dir) self.log.info("%i - APK %s has %i layout directories", count, apk_dir, len(layout_dirs)) count += 1 for layout_dir in layout_dirs: dir_element = self.add_directory_element(root, layout_dir) layout_files = ResourcesListing.get_all_layout_files(layout_dir) for layout_file in layout_files: # Do not add layout files that start with <merge> if self.layout_starts_with_merge(layout_file): continue file_element= self.add_file_element(dir_element, layout_file) self.add_layout_elements(file_element, layout_file, apk_dir) # Add res/xml/ directory which contains various XML configuration files self.do_directory(apk_dir, ['res', 'xml'], root) # Add res/menu self.do_directory(apk_dir, ['res', 'menu'], root) self.write_xml_file(ui_xml_file, root) self.log.info('UI XML has been written to %s' %(ui_xml_file)) def do_directory(self, apk_dir, sub_dirs, root): xml_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(apk_dir, sub_dirs[0], sub_dirs[1])) if os.path.exists(xml_dir) and len(os.listdir(xml_dir)) > 0: dir_element = self.add_directory_element(root, xml_dir) xml_files = [] for x in os.listdir(xml_dir): x = os.path.join(xml_dir, x) if os.path.isfile(x): xml_files.append(x) for xml_file in xml_files: if self.layout_starts_with_merge(xml_file): continue file_element= self.add_file_element(dir_element, xml_file) self.add_layout_elements(file_element, xml_file, apk_dir) def add_directory_element(self, root, dir_name): dir_element = etree.Element('Directory') dir_element.set('directory_name', os.path.basename(dir_name)) root.append(dir_element) return dir_element def add_file_element(self, dir_element, layout_file): file_element = etree.Element('File') file_element.set('file_name', os.path.basename(layout_file)) dir_element.append(file_element) return file_element def add_layout_elements(self, file_element, layout_file, apk_dir): layout_tree = LayoutParser(self.log).parse(layout_file, apk_dir) if layout_tree is not None: file_element.append(layout_tree.getroot()) def get_app_info_from_manifest(self, manifest_file): version_name = version_code = package_name = None try: tree = etree.parse(manifest_file) root = tree.getroot() package_name = root.get('package') version_code = root.get('versionCode') version_name = root.get('versionName') except XMLSyntaxError: self.log.error('Invalid XML in the AndroidManifest file %s', manifest_file) return version_name, version_code, package_name def get_app_versions_from_yaml(self, yaml_file): # Parse apktool.yaml to get the version code and name values version_code = version_name = None try: self.log.info("Processing file %s.", yaml_file) if not os.path.isfile(yaml_file): self.log.error("YAML file does not exist %s", yaml_file) return None doc = None with open(yaml_file, 'r') as f: doc = yaml.load(f) version_code = doc.get('versionInfo', None).get('versionCode', None) version_name = doc.get('versionInfo', None).get( 'versionName', None) except yaml.YAMLError: self.log.error("Error in apktool yaml file: %s", yaml_file) except AttributeError: self.log.error("sdk versions info is missing in yaml file: %s", yaml_file) return version_code, version_name def get_version_name_from_strings_xml(self, strings_xml_file, attribute_name): tree = ET.parse(strings_xml_file) root = tree.getroot() for element in root.findall('string'): if(element.get('name') == attribute_name): return element.text def layout_starts_with_merge(self, layout_file): try: if etree.parse(layout_file).getroot().tag == 'merge': return True except XMLSyntaxError: self.log.error('Invalid XML Syntax for %s', layout_file) return False def main(self, args): start_time = datetime.datetime.now() # Configure logging logging_file = None logging_level = logging.ERROR # Create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # Create console logger and set its formatter and level logging_console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logging_console.setFormatter(formatter) logging_console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Add the console logger self.log.addHandler(logging_console) usage_info = "python %prog <root_unpacked_apk_directories> [options]" description_paragraph = ("DESCRIPTION: A tool for parsing Android xml" " layout files and storing them in one XML file to simplify" " UI analysis. It resolves resource references" " (e.g., @string/cancel_btn) and embeded layouts (e.g., using the" " <include/> and <merge/>" " tags). The final xml file is saved" " inside the unpacked apk directory under a sub-directory named ui-xml" " or to a target directory using the -o option") # command line parser parser = OptionParser( usage=usage_info, description = description_paragraph, version="%prog 1.0") parser.add_option("-l", "--log", dest="log_file", help="write logs to FILE.", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=0, action="count", help="increase verbosity.") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="target_dir", help="The name of the directory that the output files get " + "written to. Default is to write files " + "inside the unpacked apk directory under a sub-directory named ui-xml.", metavar="DIR") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments.") if options.log_file: logging_file = logging.FileHandler(options.log_file, mode='a', encoding='utf-8', delay=False) logging_file.setLevel(logging_level) logging_file.setFormatter(formatter) self.log.addHandler(logging_file) if options.verbose: levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] logging_level = levels[min(len(levels) - 1, options.verbose)] # Check if source and target directories exist source_dir = target_dir = None if options.target_dir: if os.path.exists(options.target_dir): target_dir = os.path.abspath(options.target_dir) else: sys.exit("Error: target directory " + options.target_dir + " does not exist.") if os.path.isdir(args[0]): source_dir = os.path.abspath(args[0]) else: sys.exit("Error: source directory " + args[0] + " does not exist.") self.start_main(source_dir, target_dir) print("======================================================") print("Finished after " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time)) print("======================================================") if __name__ == '__main__': UIXML().main(sys.argv[1:])
#!/usr/bin/python # Based on getifaddrs.py from pydlnadms [http://code.google.com/p/pydlnadms/]. # Ported to Mac OS X (tested only on Mountain Lion 10.8.2) through updating # the structures. from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6, inet_ntop from ctypes import ( Structure, Union, POINTER, pointer, get_errno, cast, c_ushort, c_byte, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_uint, c_int, c_uint8, c_char, c_uint16, c_uint32 ) import ctypes.util import ctypes class struct_sockaddr(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('sa_len', c_uint8), ('sa_family', c_uint8), ('sa_data', c_byte * 14) ] class struct_sockaddr_in(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('sin_len', c_uint8), ('sin_family', c_uint8), ('sin_port', c_uint16), ('sin_addr', c_byte * 4), ('sin_zero', c_char * 8) ] class struct_sockaddr_in6(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('sin6_len', c_uint8), ('sin6_family', c_uint8), ('sin6_port', c_uint16), ('sin6_flowinfo', c_uint32), ('sin6_addr', c_byte * 16), ('sin6_scope_id', c_uint32) ] class struct_ifaddrs(Structure): pass struct_ifaddrs._fields_ = [ ('ifa_next', POINTER(struct_ifaddrs)), ('ifa_name', c_char_p), ('ifa_flags', c_uint), ('ifa_addr', POINTER(struct_sockaddr)), ('ifa_netmask', POINTER(struct_sockaddr)), ('ifa_dstaddr', POINTER(struct_sockaddr)), ('ifa_data', c_void_p) ] libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c')) def ifap_iter(ifap): ifa = ifap.contents while True: yield ifa if not ifa.ifa_next: break ifa = ifa.ifa_next.contents def getfamaddr(sa): family = sa.sa_family addr = None if family == AF_INET: sa = cast(pointer(sa), POINTER(struct_sockaddr_in)).contents addr = inet_ntop(family, sa.sin_addr) elif family == AF_INET6: sa = cast(pointer(sa), POINTER(struct_sockaddr_in6)).contents addr = inet_ntop(family, sa.sin6_addr) return family, addr class NetworkInterface(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.index = libc.if_nametoindex(name) self.addresses = {} def __str__(self): return "%s [index=%d, IPv4=%s, IPv6=%s]" % ( self.name, self.index, self.addresses.get(AF_INET), self.addresses.get(AF_INET6)) def get_network_interfaces(): ifap = POINTER(struct_ifaddrs)() result = libc.getifaddrs(pointer(ifap)) if result != 0: raise OSError(get_errno()) del result try: retval = {} for ifa in ifap_iter(ifap): name = ifa.ifa_name i = retval.get(name) if not i: i = retval[name] = NetworkInterface(name) family, addr = getfamaddr(ifa.ifa_addr.contents) if addr: i.addresses[family] = addr return retval.values() finally: libc.freeifaddrs(ifap) if __name__ == '__main__': print [str(ni) for ni in get_network_interfaces()]
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ I am a support module for making SOCKSv4 servers with twistd. """ from twisted.protocols import socks from twisted.python import usage from twisted.application import internet class Options(usage.Options): synopsis = "[-i <interface>] [-p <port>] [-l <file>]" optParameters = [["interface", "i", "", "local interface to which we listen"], ["port", "p", 1080, "Port on which to listen"], ["log", "l", None, "file to log connection data to"]] compData = usage.Completions( optActions={"log": usage.CompleteFiles("*.log"), "interface": usage.CompleteNetInterfaces()} ) longdesc = "Makes a SOCKSv4 server." def makeService(config): if config["interface"] != "": print print "WARNING:" print " You have chosen to listen on a non-local interface." print " This may allow intruders to access your local network" print " if you run this on a firewall." print t = socks.SOCKSv4Factory(config['log']) portno = int(config['port']) return internet.TCPServer(portno, t, interface=config['interface'])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable-msg=C0301,C0111,W0232,R0201,R0903,W0221 # Copyright (C) 2006-2020 CS GROUP - France # License: GNU GPL v2 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html> from __future__ import unicode_literals from vigilo.vigiconf.lib.confclasses.validators import arg, Float from vigilo.vigiconf.lib.confclasses.test import Test from vigilo.common.gettext import l_ class Load(Test): """Check the load of a host""" oids = ["."] @arg( 'warn', Float, l_('WARNING threshold'), l_(""" The WARNING and CRITICAL thresholds apply to the "Load 01" value, and are automatically computed for the "Load 05" and "Load 15" values by removing respectively 1 and 2 units. """) ) @arg( 'crit', Float, l_('CRITICAL threshold'), l_(""" The WARNING and CRITICAL thresholds apply to the "Load 01" value, and are automatically computed for the "Load 05" and "Load 15" values by removing respectively 1 and 2 units. """) ) def add_test(self, warn=20, crit=30): # Load 01 self.add_collector_service("Load 01", "simple_factor", [warn, crit, 1.0/100, "Load: %2.2f"], [ "GET/." ]) self.add_collector_metro("Load 01", "directValue", [], [ "GET/." ], "GAUGE") # Load 05 self.add_collector_service("Load 05", "simple_factor", [warn-1, crit-1, 1.0/100, "Load: %2.2f"], [ "GET/." ]) self.add_collector_metro("Load 05", "directValue", [], [ "GET/." ], "GAUGE") # Load 15 self.add_collector_service("Load 15", "simple_factor", [warn-2, crit-2, 1.0/100, "Load: %2.2f"], [ "GET/." ]) self.add_collector_metro("Load 15", "directValue", [], [ "GET/." ], "GAUGE") self.add_graph("Load", [ "Load 01", "Load 05", "Load 15" ], "areas", "load", group="Performance", factors={"Load 01": 0.01, "Load 05": 0.01, "Load 15": 0.01}) # vim:set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
#!/usr/bin/python # # linearize-data.py: Construct a linear, no-fork version of the chain. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # from __future__ import print_function, division import json import struct import re import os import os.path import base64 import httplib import sys import hashlib import das_hash import datetime import time from collections import namedtuple settings = {} def uint32(x): return x & 0xffffffffL def bytereverse(x): return uint32(( ((x) << 24) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((x) >> 24) )) def bufreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): word = struct.unpack('@I', in_buf[i:i+4])[0] out_words.append(struct.pack('@I', bytereverse(word))) return ''.join(out_words) def wordreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): out_words.append(in_buf[i:i+4]) out_words.reverse() return ''.join(out_words) def calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr): #hash1 = hashlib.sha256() #hash1.update(blk_hdr) #hash1_o = hash1.digest() #hash2 = hashlib.sha256() #hash2.update(hash1_o) #hash2_o = hash2.digest() #return hash2_o pow_hash = das_hash.getPoWHash(blk_hdr) return pow_hash def calc_hash_str(blk_hdr): hash = calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr) hash = bufreverse(hash) hash = wordreverse(hash) hash_str = hash.encode('hex') return hash_str def get_blk_dt(blk_hdr): members = struct.unpack("<I", blk_hdr[68:68+4]) nTime = members[0] dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(nTime) dt_ym = datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month, 1) return (dt_ym, nTime) def get_block_hashes(settings): blkindex = [] f = open(settings['hashlist'], "r") for line in f: line = line.rstrip() blkindex.append(line) print("Read " + str(len(blkindex)) + " hashes") return blkindex def mkblockmap(blkindex): blkmap = {} for height,hash in enumerate(blkindex): blkmap[hash] = height return blkmap # Block header and extent on disk BlockExtent = namedtuple('BlockExtent', ['fn', 'offset', 'inhdr', 'blkhdr', 'size']) class BlockDataCopier: def __init__(self, settings, blkindex, blkmap): self.settings = settings self.blkindex = blkindex self.blkmap = blkmap self.inFn = 0 self.inF = None self.outFn = 0 self.outsz = 0 self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.blkCountIn = 0 self.blkCountOut = 0 self.lastDate = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) self.highTS = 1408893517 - 315360000 self.timestampSplit = False self.fileOutput = True self.setFileTime = False self.maxOutSz = settings['max_out_sz'] if 'output' in settings: self.fileOutput = False if settings['file_timestamp'] != 0: self.setFileTime = True if settings['split_timestamp'] != 0: self.timestampSplit = True # Extents and cache for out-of-order blocks self.blockExtents = {} self.outOfOrderData = {} self.outOfOrderSize = 0 # running total size for items in outOfOrderData def writeBlock(self, inhdr, blk_hdr, rawblock): blockSizeOnDisk = len(inhdr) + len(blk_hdr) + len(rawblock) if not self.fileOutput and ((self.outsz + blockSizeOnDisk) > self.maxOutSz): self.outF.close() if self.setFileTime: os.utime(outFname, (int(time.time()), highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 (blkDate, blkTS) = get_blk_dt(blk_hdr) if self.timestampSplit and (blkDate > self.lastDate): print("New month " + blkDate.strftime("%Y-%m") + " @ " + hash_str) lastDate = blkDate if outF: outF.close() if setFileTime: os.utime(outFname, (int(time.time()), highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 if not self.outF: if self.fileOutput: outFname = self.settings['output_file'] else: outFname = os.path.join(self.settings['output'], "blk%05d.dat" % self.outFn) print("Output file " + outFname) self.outF = open(outFname, "wb") self.outF.write(inhdr) self.outF.write(blk_hdr) self.outF.write(rawblock) self.outsz = self.outsz + len(inhdr) + len(blk_hdr) + len(rawblock) self.blkCountOut = self.blkCountOut + 1 if blkTS > self.highTS: self.highTS = blkTS if (self.blkCountOut % 1000) == 0: print('%i blocks scanned, %i blocks written (of %i, %.1f%% complete)' % (self.blkCountIn, self.blkCountOut, len(self.blkindex), 100.0 * self.blkCountOut / len(self.blkindex))) def inFileName(self, fn): return os.path.join(self.settings['input'], "blk%05d.dat" % fn) def fetchBlock(self, extent): '''Fetch block contents from disk given extents''' with open(self.inFileName(extent.fn), "rb") as f: f.seek(extent.offset) return f.read(extent.size) def copyOneBlock(self): '''Find the next block to be written in the input, and copy it to the output.''' extent = self.blockExtents.pop(self.blkCountOut) if self.blkCountOut in self.outOfOrderData: # If the data is cached, use it from memory and remove from the cache rawblock = self.outOfOrderData.pop(self.blkCountOut) self.outOfOrderSize -= len(rawblock) else: # Otherwise look up data on disk rawblock = self.fetchBlock(extent) self.writeBlock(extent.inhdr, extent.blkhdr, rawblock) def run(self): while self.blkCountOut < len(self.blkindex): if not self.inF: fname = self.inFileName(self.inFn) print("Input file " + fname) try: self.inF = open(fname, "rb") except IOError: print("Premature end of block data") return inhdr = self.inF.read(8) if (not inhdr or (inhdr[0] == "\0")): self.inF.close() self.inF = None self.inFn = self.inFn + 1 continue inMagic = inhdr[:4] if (inMagic != self.settings['netmagic']): print("Invalid magic: " + inMagic.encode('hex')) return inLenLE = inhdr[4:] su = struct.unpack("<I", inLenLE) inLen = su[0] - 80 # length without header blk_hdr = self.inF.read(80) inExtent = BlockExtent(self.inFn, self.inF.tell(), inhdr, blk_hdr, inLen) hash_str = calc_hash_str(blk_hdr) if not hash_str in blkmap: print("Skipping unknown block " + hash_str) self.inF.seek(inLen, os.SEEK_CUR) continue blkHeight = self.blkmap[hash_str] self.blkCountIn += 1 if self.blkCountOut == blkHeight: # If in-order block, just copy rawblock = self.inF.read(inLen) self.writeBlock(inhdr, blk_hdr, rawblock) # See if we can catch up to prior out-of-order blocks while self.blkCountOut in self.blockExtents: self.copyOneBlock() else: # If out-of-order, skip over block data for now self.blockExtents[blkHeight] = inExtent if self.outOfOrderSize < self.settings['out_of_order_cache_sz']: # If there is space in the cache, read the data # Reading the data in file sequence instead of seeking and fetching it later is preferred, # but we don't want to fill up memory self.outOfOrderData[blkHeight] = self.inF.read(inLen) self.outOfOrderSize += inLen else: # If no space in cache, seek forward self.inF.seek(inLen, os.SEEK_CUR) print("Done (%i blocks written)" % (self.blkCountOut)) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: linearize-data.py CONFIG-FILE") sys.exit(1) f = open(sys.argv[1]) for line in f: # skip comment lines m = re.search('^\s*#', line) if m: continue # parse key=value lines m = re.search('^(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)$', line) if m is None: continue settings[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) f.close() if 'netmagic' not in settings: settings['netmagic'] = 'cee2caff' if 'genesis' not in settings: settings['genesis'] = '00000bafbc94add76cb75e2ec92894837288a481e5c005f6563d91623bf8bc2c' if 'input' not in settings: settings['input'] = 'input' if 'hashlist' not in settings: settings['hashlist'] = 'hashlist.txt' if 'file_timestamp' not in settings: settings['file_timestamp'] = 0 if 'split_timestamp' not in settings: settings['split_timestamp'] = 0 if 'max_out_sz' not in settings: settings['max_out_sz'] = 1000L * 1000 * 1000 if 'out_of_order_cache_sz' not in settings: settings['out_of_order_cache_sz'] = 100 * 1000 * 1000 settings['max_out_sz'] = long(settings['max_out_sz']) settings['split_timestamp'] = int(settings['split_timestamp']) settings['file_timestamp'] = int(settings['file_timestamp']) settings['netmagic'] = settings['netmagic'].decode('hex') settings['out_of_order_cache_sz'] = int(settings['out_of_order_cache_sz']) if 'output_file' not in settings and 'output' not in settings: print("Missing output file / directory") sys.exit(1) blkindex = get_block_hashes(settings) blkmap = mkblockmap(blkindex) if not settings['genesis'] in blkmap: print("Genesis block not found in hashlist") else: BlockDataCopier(settings, blkindex, blkmap).run()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This module is used for version 2 of the Google Data APIs. """Provides classes and constants for the XML in the Google Data namespace. Documentation for the raw XML which these classes represent can be found here: http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/2.0/elements.html """ __author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Scudder)' import os import atom.core import atom.data GDATA_TEMPLATE = '{http://schemas.google.com/g/2005}%s' GD_TEMPLATE = GDATA_TEMPLATE OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V1 = '{http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/}%s' OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V2 = '{http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/}%s' BATCH_TEMPLATE = '{http://schemas.google.com/gdata/batch}%s' # Labels used in batch request entries to specify the desired CRUD operation. BATCH_INSERT = 'insert' BATCH_UPDATE = 'update' BATCH_DELETE = 'delete' BATCH_QUERY = 'query' EVENT_LOCATION = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event' ALTERNATE_LOCATION = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.alternate' PARKING_LOCATION = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.parking' CANCELED_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.canceled' CONFIRMED_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.confirmed' TENTATIVE_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.tentative' CONFIDENTIAL_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.confidential' DEFAULT_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.default' PRIVATE_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.private' PUBLIC_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.public' OPAQUE_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.opaque' TRANSPARENT_EVENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.transparent' CHAT_MESSAGE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.chat' INBOX_MESSAGE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.inbox' SENT_MESSAGE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.sent' SPAM_MESSAGE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.spam' STARRED_MESSAGE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.starred' UNREAD_MESSAGE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.unread' BCC_RECIPIENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.bcc' CC_RECIPIENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.cc' SENDER = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.from' REPLY_TO = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.reply-to' TO_RECIPIENT = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#message.to' ASSISTANT_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#assistant' CALLBACK_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#callback' CAR_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#car' COMPANY_MAIN_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#company_main' FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#fax' HOME_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#home' HOME_FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#home_fax' ISDN_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#isdn' MAIN_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#main' MOBILE_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#mobile' OTHER_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other' OTHER_FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other_fax' PAGER_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#pager' RADIO_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#radio' TELEX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#telex' TTL_TDD_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#tty_tdd' WORK_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work' WORK_FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work_fax' WORK_MOBILE_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work_mobile' WORK_PAGER_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work_pager' NETMEETING_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#netmeeting' OVERALL_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#overall' PRICE_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#price' QUALITY_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#quality' EVENT_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event' EVENT_ALTERNATE_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.alternate' EVENT_PARKING_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.parking' AIM_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#AIM' MSN_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#MSN' YAHOO_MESSENGER_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#YAHOO' SKYPE_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#SKYPE' QQ_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#QQ' GOOGLE_TALK_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#GOOGLE_TALK' ICQ_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#ICQ' JABBER_PROTOCOL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#JABBER' REGULAR_COMMENTS = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#regular' REVIEW_COMMENTS = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#reviews' MAIL_BOTH = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#both' MAIL_LETTERS = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#letters' MAIL_PARCELS = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#parcels' MAIL_NEITHER = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#neither' GENERAL_ADDRESS = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#general' LOCAL_ADDRESS = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#local' OPTIONAL_ATENDEE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.optional' REQUIRED_ATENDEE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.required' ATTENDEE_ACCEPTED = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.accepted' ATTENDEE_DECLINED = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.declined' ATTENDEE_INVITED = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.invited' ATTENDEE_TENTATIVE = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.tentative' FULL_PROJECTION = 'full' VALUES_PROJECTION = 'values' BASIC_PROJECTION = 'basic' PRIVATE_VISIBILITY = 'private' PUBLIC_VISIBILITY = 'public' ACL_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/acl/2007#accessControlList' class Error(Exception): pass class MissingRequiredParameters(Error): pass class LinkFinder(atom.data.LinkFinder): """Mixin used in Feed and Entry classes to simplify link lookups by type. Provides lookup methods for edit, edit-media, post, ACL and other special links which are common across Google Data APIs. """ def find_html_link(self): """Finds the first link with rel of alternate and type of text/html.""" for link in self.link: if link.rel == 'alternate' and link.type == 'text/html': return link.href return None FindHtmlLink = find_html_link def get_html_link(self): for a_link in self.link: if a_link.rel == 'alternate' and a_link.type == 'text/html': return a_link return None GetHtmlLink = get_html_link def find_post_link(self): """Get the URL to which new entries should be POSTed. The POST target URL is used to insert new entries. Returns: A str for the URL in the link with a rel matching the POST type. """ return self.find_url('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post') FindPostLink = find_post_link def get_post_link(self): return self.get_link('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post') GetPostLink = get_post_link def find_acl_link(self): acl_link = self.get_acl_link() if acl_link: return acl_link.href return None FindAclLink = find_acl_link def get_acl_link(self): """Searches for a link or feed_link (if present) with the rel for ACL.""" acl_link = self.get_link(ACL_REL) if acl_link: return acl_link elif hasattr(self, 'feed_link'): for a_feed_link in self.feed_link: if a_feed_link.rel == ACL_REL: return a_feed_link return None GetAclLink = get_acl_link def find_feed_link(self): return self.find_url('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed') FindFeedLink = find_feed_link def get_feed_link(self): return self.get_link('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed') GetFeedLink = get_feed_link def find_previous_link(self): return self.find_url('previous') FindPreviousLink = find_previous_link def get_previous_link(self): return self.get_link('previous') GetPreviousLink = get_previous_link class TotalResults(atom.core.XmlElement): """opensearch:TotalResults for a GData feed.""" _qname = (OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V1 % 'totalResults', OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V2 % 'totalResults') class StartIndex(atom.core.XmlElement): """The opensearch:startIndex element in GData feed.""" _qname = (OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V1 % 'startIndex', OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V2 % 'startIndex') class ItemsPerPage(atom.core.XmlElement): """The opensearch:itemsPerPage element in GData feed.""" _qname = (OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V1 % 'itemsPerPage', OPENSEARCH_TEMPLATE_V2 % 'itemsPerPage') class ExtendedProperty(atom.core.XmlElement): """The Google Data extendedProperty element. Used to store arbitrary key-value information specific to your application. The value can either be a text string stored as an XML attribute (.value), or an XML node (XmlBlob) as a child element. This element is used in the Google Calendar data API and the Google Contacts data API. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'extendedProperty' name = 'name' value = 'value' def get_xml_blob(self): """Returns the XML blob as an atom.core.XmlElement. Returns: An XmlElement representing the blob's XML, or None if no blob was set. """ if self._other_elements: return self._other_elements[0] else: return None GetXmlBlob = get_xml_blob def set_xml_blob(self, blob): """Sets the contents of the extendedProperty to XML as a child node. Since the extendedProperty is only allowed one child element as an XML blob, setting the XML blob will erase any preexisting member elements in this object. Args: blob: str or atom.core.XmlElement representing the XML blob stored in the extendedProperty. """ # Erase any existing extension_elements, clears the child nodes from the # extendedProperty. if isinstance(blob, atom.core.XmlElement): self._other_elements = [blob] else: self._other_elements = [atom.core.parse(str(blob))] SetXmlBlob = set_xml_blob class GDEntry(atom.data.Entry, LinkFinder): """Extends Atom Entry to provide data processing""" etag = '{http://schemas.google.com/g/2005}etag' def get_id(self): if self.id is not None and self.id.text is not None: return self.id.text.strip() return None GetId = get_id def is_media(self): if self.find_edit_media_link(): return True return False IsMedia = is_media def find_media_link(self): """Returns the URL to the media content, if the entry is a media entry. Otherwise returns None. """ if self.is_media(): return self.content.src return None FindMediaLink = find_media_link class GDFeed(atom.data.Feed, LinkFinder): """A Feed from a GData service.""" etag = '{http://schemas.google.com/g/2005}etag' total_results = TotalResults start_index = StartIndex items_per_page = ItemsPerPage entry = [GDEntry] def get_id(self): if self.id is not None and self.id.text is not None: return self.id.text.strip() return None GetId = get_id def get_generator(self): if self.generator and self.generator.text: return self.generator.text.strip() return None class BatchId(atom.core.XmlElement): """Identifies a single operation in a batch request.""" _qname = BATCH_TEMPLATE % 'id' class BatchOperation(atom.core.XmlElement): """The CRUD operation which this batch entry represents.""" _qname = BATCH_TEMPLATE % 'operation' type = 'type' class BatchStatus(atom.core.XmlElement): """The batch:status element present in a batch response entry. A status element contains the code (HTTP response code) and reason as elements. In a single request these fields would be part of the HTTP response, but in a batch request each Entry operation has a corresponding Entry in the response feed which includes status information. See http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/batch.html#Handling_Errors """ _qname = BATCH_TEMPLATE % 'status' code = 'code' reason = 'reason' content_type = 'content-type' class BatchEntry(GDEntry): """An atom:entry for use in batch requests. The BatchEntry contains additional members to specify the operation to be performed on this entry and a batch ID so that the server can reference individual operations in the response feed. For more information, see: http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/batch.html """ batch_operation = BatchOperation batch_id = BatchId batch_status = BatchStatus class BatchInterrupted(atom.core.XmlElement): """The batch:interrupted element sent if batch request was interrupted. Only appears in a feed if some of the batch entries could not be processed. See: http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/batch.html#Handling_Errors """ _qname = BATCH_TEMPLATE % 'interrupted' reason = 'reason' success = 'success' failures = 'failures' parsed = 'parsed' class BatchFeed(GDFeed): """A feed containing a list of batch request entries.""" interrupted = BatchInterrupted entry = [BatchEntry] def add_batch_entry(self, entry=None, id_url_string=None, batch_id_string=None, operation_string=None): """Logic for populating members of a BatchEntry and adding to the feed. If the entry is not a BatchEntry, it is converted to a BatchEntry so that the batch specific members will be present. The id_url_string can be used in place of an entry if the batch operation applies to a URL. For example query and delete operations require just the URL of an entry, no body is sent in the HTTP request. If an id_url_string is sent instead of an entry, a BatchEntry is created and added to the feed. This method also assigns the desired batch id to the entry so that it can be referenced in the server's response. If the batch_id_string is None, this method will assign a batch_id to be the index at which this entry will be in the feed's entry list. Args: entry: BatchEntry, atom.data.Entry, or another Entry flavor (optional) The entry which will be sent to the server as part of the batch request. The item must have a valid atom id so that the server knows which entry this request references. id_url_string: str (optional) The URL of the entry to be acted on. You can find this URL in the text member of the atom id for an entry. If an entry is not sent, this id will be used to construct a new BatchEntry which will be added to the request feed. batch_id_string: str (optional) The batch ID to be used to reference this batch operation in the results feed. If this parameter is None, the current length of the feed's entry array will be used as a count. Note that batch_ids should either always be specified or never, mixing could potentially result in duplicate batch ids. operation_string: str (optional) The desired batch operation which will set the batch_operation.type member of the entry. Options are 'insert', 'update', 'delete', and 'query' Raises: MissingRequiredParameters: Raised if neither an id_ url_string nor an entry are provided in the request. Returns: The added entry. """ if entry is None and id_url_string is None: raise MissingRequiredParameters('supply either an entry or URL string') if entry is None and id_url_string is not None: entry = BatchEntry(id=atom.data.Id(text=id_url_string)) if batch_id_string is not None: entry.batch_id = BatchId(text=batch_id_string) elif entry.batch_id is None or entry.batch_id.text is None: entry.batch_id = BatchId(text=str(len(self.entry))) if operation_string is not None: entry.batch_operation = BatchOperation(type=operation_string) self.entry.append(entry) return entry AddBatchEntry = add_batch_entry def add_insert(self, entry, batch_id_string=None): """Add an insert request to the operations in this batch request feed. If the entry doesn't yet have an operation or a batch id, these will be set to the insert operation and a batch_id specified as a parameter. Args: entry: BatchEntry The entry which will be sent in the batch feed as an insert request. batch_id_string: str (optional) The batch ID to be used to reference this batch operation in the results feed. If this parameter is None, the current length of the feed's entry array will be used as a count. Note that batch_ids should either always be specified or never, mixing could potentially result in duplicate batch ids. """ self.add_batch_entry(entry=entry, batch_id_string=batch_id_string, operation_string=BATCH_INSERT) AddInsert = add_insert def add_update(self, entry, batch_id_string=None): """Add an update request to the list of batch operations in this feed. Sets the operation type of the entry to insert if it is not already set and assigns the desired batch id to the entry so that it can be referenced in the server's response. Args: entry: BatchEntry The entry which will be sent to the server as an update (HTTP PUT) request. The item must have a valid atom id so that the server knows which entry to replace. batch_id_string: str (optional) The batch ID to be used to reference this batch operation in the results feed. If this parameter is None, the current length of the feed's entry array will be used as a count. See also comments for AddInsert. """ self.add_batch_entry(entry=entry, batch_id_string=batch_id_string, operation_string=BATCH_UPDATE) AddUpdate = add_update def add_delete(self, url_string=None, entry=None, batch_id_string=None): """Adds a delete request to the batch request feed. This method takes either the url_string which is the atom id of the item to be deleted, or the entry itself. The atom id of the entry must be present so that the server knows which entry should be deleted. Args: url_string: str (optional) The URL of the entry to be deleted. You can find this URL in the text member of the atom id for an entry. entry: BatchEntry (optional) The entry to be deleted. batch_id_string: str (optional) Raises: MissingRequiredParameters: Raised if neither a url_string nor an entry are provided in the request. """ self.add_batch_entry(entry=entry, id_url_string=url_string, batch_id_string=batch_id_string, operation_string=BATCH_DELETE) AddDelete = add_delete def add_query(self, url_string=None, entry=None, batch_id_string=None): """Adds a query request to the batch request feed. This method takes either the url_string which is the query URL whose results will be added to the result feed. The query URL will be encapsulated in a BatchEntry, and you may pass in the BatchEntry with a query URL instead of sending a url_string. Args: url_string: str (optional) entry: BatchEntry (optional) batch_id_string: str (optional) Raises: MissingRequiredParameters """ self.add_batch_entry(entry=entry, id_url_string=url_string, batch_id_string=batch_id_string, operation_string=BATCH_QUERY) AddQuery = add_query def find_batch_link(self): return self.find_url('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#batch') FindBatchLink = find_batch_link class EntryLink(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:entryLink element. Represents a logically nested entry. For example, a <gd:who> representing a contact might have a nested entry from a contact feed. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'entryLink' entry = GDEntry rel = 'rel' read_only = 'readOnly' href = 'href' class FeedLink(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:feedLink element. Represents a logically nested feed. For example, a calendar feed might have a nested feed representing all comments on entries. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'feedLink' feed = GDFeed rel = 'rel' read_only = 'readOnly' count_hint = 'countHint' href = 'href' class AdditionalName(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:additionalName element. Specifies additional (eg. middle) name of the person. Contains an attribute for the phonetic representaton of the name. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'additionalName' yomi = 'yomi' class Comments(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:comments element. Contains a comments feed for the enclosing entry (such as a calendar event). """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'comments' rel = 'rel' feed_link = FeedLink class Country(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:country element. Country name along with optional country code. The country code is given in accordance with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2: http://www.iso.org/iso/iso-3166-1_decoding_table """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'country' code = 'code' class EmailImParent(atom.core.XmlElement): address = 'address' label = 'label' rel = 'rel' primary = 'primary' class Email(EmailImParent): """The gd:email element. An email address associated with the containing entity (which is usually an entity representing a person or a location). """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'email' display_name = 'displayName' class FamilyName(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:familyName element. Specifies family name of the person, eg. "Smith". """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'familyName' yomi = 'yomi' class Im(EmailImParent): """The gd:im element. An instant messaging address associated with the containing entity. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'im' protocol = 'protocol' class GivenName(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:givenName element. Specifies given name of the person, eg. "John". """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'givenName' yomi = 'yomi' class NamePrefix(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:namePrefix element. Honorific prefix, eg. 'Mr' or 'Mrs'. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'namePrefix' class NameSuffix(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:nameSuffix element. Honorific suffix, eg. 'san' or 'III'. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'nameSuffix' class FullName(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:fullName element. Unstructured representation of the name. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'fullName' class Name(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:name element. Allows storing person's name in a structured way. Consists of given name, additional name, family name, prefix, suffix and full name. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'name' given_name = GivenName additional_name = AdditionalName family_name = FamilyName name_prefix = NamePrefix name_suffix = NameSuffix full_name = FullName class OrgDepartment(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:orgDepartment element. Describes a department within an organization. Must appear within a gd:organization element. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'orgDepartment' class OrgJobDescription(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:orgJobDescription element. Describes a job within an organization. Must appear within a gd:organization element. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'orgJobDescription' class OrgName(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:orgName element. The name of the organization. Must appear within a gd:organization element. Contains a Yomigana attribute (Japanese reading aid) for the organization name. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'orgName' yomi = 'yomi' class OrgSymbol(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:orgSymbol element. Provides a symbol of an organization. Must appear within a gd:organization element. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'orgSymbol' class OrgTitle(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:orgTitle element. The title of a person within an organization. Must appear within a gd:organization element. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'orgTitle' class Organization(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:organization element. An organization, typically associated with a contact. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'organization' label = 'label' primary = 'primary' rel = 'rel' department = OrgDepartment job_description = OrgJobDescription name = OrgName symbol = OrgSymbol title = OrgTitle class When(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:when element. Represents a period of time or an instant. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'when' end = 'endTime' start = 'startTime' value = 'valueString' class OriginalEvent(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:originalEvent element. Equivalent to the Recurrence ID property specified in section of RFC 2445. Appears in every instance of a recurring event, to identify the original event. Contains a <gd:when> element specifying the original start time of the instance that has become an exception. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'originalEvent' id = 'id' href = 'href' when = When class PhoneNumber(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:phoneNumber element. A phone number associated with the containing entity (which is usually an entity representing a person or a location). """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'phoneNumber' label = 'label' rel = 'rel' uri = 'uri' primary = 'primary' class PostalAddress(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:postalAddress element.""" _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'postalAddress' label = 'label' rel = 'rel' uri = 'uri' primary = 'primary' class Rating(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:rating element. Represents a numeric rating of the enclosing entity, such as a comment. Each rating supplies its own scale, although it may be normalized by a service; for example, some services might convert all ratings to a scale from 1 to 5. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'rating' average = 'average' max = 'max' min = 'min' num_raters = 'numRaters' rel = 'rel' value = 'value' class Recurrence(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:recurrence element. Represents the dates and times when a recurring event takes place. The string that defines the recurrence consists of a set of properties, each of which is defined in the iCalendar standard (RFC 2445). Specifically, the string usually begins with a DTSTART property that indicates the starting time of the first instance of the event, and often a DTEND property or a DURATION property to indicate when the first instance ends. Next come RRULE, RDATE, EXRULE, and/or EXDATE properties, which collectively define a recurring event and its exceptions (but see below). (See section 4.8.5 of RFC 2445 for more information about these recurrence component properties.) Last comes a VTIMEZONE component, providing detailed timezone rules for any timezone ID mentioned in the preceding properties. Google services like Google Calendar don't generally generate EXRULE and EXDATE properties to represent exceptions to recurring events; instead, they generate <gd:recurrenceException> elements. However, Google services may include EXRULE and/or EXDATE properties anyway; for example, users can import events and exceptions into Calendar, and if those imported events contain EXRULE or EXDATE properties, then Calendar will provide those properties when it sends a <gd:recurrence> element. Note the the use of <gd:recurrenceException> means that you can't be sure just from examining a <gd:recurrence> element whether there are any exceptions to the recurrence description. To ensure that you find all exceptions, look for <gd:recurrenceException> elements in the feed, and use their <gd:originalEvent> elements to match them up with <gd:recurrence> elements. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'recurrence' class RecurrenceException(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:recurrenceException element. Represents an event that's an exception to a recurring event-that is, an instance of a recurring event in which one or more aspects of the recurring event (such as attendance list, time, or location) have been changed. Contains a <gd:originalEvent> element that specifies the original recurring event that this event is an exception to. When you change an instance of a recurring event, that instance becomes an exception. Depending on what change you made to it, the exception behaves in either of two different ways when the original recurring event is changed: - If you add, change, or remove comments, attendees, or attendee responses, then the exception remains tied to the original event, and changes to the original event also change the exception. - If you make any other changes to the exception (such as changing the time or location) then the instance becomes "specialized," which means that it's no longer as tightly tied to the original event. If you change the original event, specialized exceptions don't change. But see below. For example, say you have a meeting every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00 p.m. If you change the attendance list for this Thursday's meeting (but not for the regularly scheduled meeting), then it becomes an exception. If you change the time for this Thursday's meeting (but not for the regularly scheduled meeting), then it becomes specialized. Regardless of whether an exception is specialized or not, if you do something that deletes the instance that the exception was derived from, then the exception is deleted. Note that changing the day or time of a recurring event deletes all instances, and creates new ones. For example, after you've specialized this Thursday's meeting, say you change the recurring meeting to happen on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That change deletes all of the recurring instances of the Tuesday/Thursday meeting, including the specialized one. If a particular instance of a recurring event is deleted, then that instance appears as a <gd:recurrenceException> containing a <gd:entryLink> that has its <gd:eventStatus> set to "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.canceled". (For more information about canceled events, see RFC 2445.) """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'recurrenceException' specialized = 'specialized' entry_link = EntryLink original_event = OriginalEvent class Reminder(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:reminder element. A time interval, indicating how long before the containing entity's start time or due time attribute a reminder should be issued. Alternatively, may specify an absolute time at which a reminder should be issued. Also specifies a notification method, indicating what medium the system should use to remind the user. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'reminder' absolute_time = 'absoluteTime' method = 'method' days = 'days' hours = 'hours' minutes = 'minutes' class Agent(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:agent element. The agent who actually receives the mail. Used in work addresses. Also for 'in care of' or 'c/o'. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'agent' class HouseName(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:housename element. Used in places where houses or buildings have names (and not necessarily numbers), eg. "The Pillars". """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'housename' class Street(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:street element. Can be street, avenue, road, etc. This element also includes the house number and room/apartment/flat/floor number. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'street' class PoBox(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:pobox element. Covers actual P.O. boxes, drawers, locked bags, etc. This is usually but not always mutually exclusive with street. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'pobox' class Neighborhood(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:neighborhood element. This is used to disambiguate a street address when a city contains more than one street with the same name, or to specify a small place whose mail is routed through a larger postal town. In China it could be a county or a minor city. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'neighborhood' class City(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:city element. Can be city, village, town, borough, etc. This is the postal town and not necessarily the place of residence or place of business. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'city' class Subregion(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:subregion element. Handles administrative districts such as U.S. or U.K. counties that are not used for mail addressing purposes. Subregion is not intended for delivery addresses. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'subregion' class Region(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:region element. A state, province, county (in Ireland), Land (in Germany), departement (in France), etc. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'region' class Postcode(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:postcode element. Postal code. Usually country-wide, but sometimes specific to the city (e.g. "2" in "Dublin 2, Ireland" addresses). """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'postcode' class Country(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:country element. The name or code of the country. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'country' class FormattedAddress(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:formattedAddress element. The full, unstructured postal address. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'formattedAddress' class StructuredPostalAddress(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:structuredPostalAddress element. Postal address split into components. It allows to store the address in locale independent format. The fields can be interpreted and used to generate formatted, locale dependent address. The following elements reperesent parts of the address: agent, house name, street, P.O. box, neighborhood, city, subregion, region, postal code, country. The subregion element is not used for postal addresses, it is provided for extended uses of addresses only. In order to store postal address in an unstructured form formatted address field is provided. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'structuredPostalAddress' rel = 'rel' mail_class = 'mailClass' usage = 'usage' label = 'label' primary = 'primary' agent = Agent house_name = HouseName street = Street po_box = PoBox neighborhood = Neighborhood city = City subregion = Subregion region = Region postcode = Postcode country = Country formatted_address = FormattedAddress class Where(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:where element. A place (such as an event location) associated with the containing entity. The type of the association is determined by the rel attribute; the details of the location are contained in an embedded or linked-to Contact entry. A <gd:where> element is more general than a <gd:geoPt> element. The former identifies a place using a text description and/or a Contact entry, while the latter identifies a place using a specific geographic location. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'where' label = 'label' rel = 'rel' value = 'valueString' entry_link = EntryLink class AttendeeType(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:attendeeType element.""" _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'attendeeType' value = 'value' class AttendeeStatus(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:attendeeStatus element.""" _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'attendeeStatus' value = 'value' class Who(atom.core.XmlElement): """The gd:who element. A person associated with the containing entity. The type of the association is determined by the rel attribute; the details about the person are contained in an embedded or linked-to Contact entry. The <gd:who> element can be used to specify email senders and recipients, calendar event organizers, and so on. """ _qname = GDATA_TEMPLATE % 'who' email = 'email' rel = 'rel' value = 'valueString' attendee_status = AttendeeStatus attendee_type = AttendeeType entry_link = EntryLink class Deleted(atom.core.XmlElement): """gd:deleted when present, indicates the containing entry is deleted.""" _qname = GD_TEMPLATE % 'deleted' class Money(atom.core.XmlElement): """Describes money""" _qname = GD_TEMPLATE % 'money' amount = 'amount' currency_code = 'currencyCode' class MediaSource(object): """GData Entries can refer to media sources, so this class provides a place to store references to these objects along with some metadata. """ def __init__(self, file_handle=None, content_type=None, content_length=None, file_path=None, file_name=None): """Creates an object of type MediaSource. Args: file_handle: A file handle pointing to the file to be encapsulated in the MediaSource. content_type: string The MIME type of the file. Required if a file_handle is given. content_length: int The size of the file. Required if a file_handle is given. file_path: string (optional) A full path name to the file. Used in place of a file_handle. file_name: string The name of the file without any path information. Required if a file_handle is given. """ self.file_handle = file_handle self.content_type = content_type self.content_length = content_length self.file_name = file_name if (file_handle is None and content_type is not None and file_path is not None): self.set_file_handle(file_path, content_type) def set_file_handle(self, file_name, content_type): """A helper function which can create a file handle from a given filename and set the content type and length all at once. Args: file_name: string The path and file name to the file containing the media content_type: string A MIME type representing the type of the media """ self.file_handle = open(file_name, 'rb') self.content_type = content_type self.content_length = os.path.getsize(file_name) self.file_name = os.path.basename(file_name) SetFileHandle = set_file_handle def modify_request(self, http_request): http_request.add_body_part(self.file_handle, self.content_type, self.content_length) return http_request ModifyRequest = modify_request
"""Unit tests for the Paver server tasks.""" import ddt import os from paver.easy import call_task from .utils import PaverTestCase EXPECTED_COFFEE_COMMAND = ( "node_modules/.bin/coffee --compile `find {platform_root}/lms " "{platform_root}/cms {platform_root}/common -type f -name \"*.coffee\"`" ) EXPECTED_SASS_COMMAND = ( "sass --update --cache-location /tmp/sass-cache --default-encoding utf-8 --style compressed" " --quiet --load-path . --load-path common/static --load-path common/static/sass" " --load-path lms/static/sass --load-path lms/static/certificates/sass" " --load-path cms/static/sass --load-path common/static/sass" " lms/static/sass:lms/static/css lms/static/certificates/sass:lms/static/certificates/css" " cms/static/sass:cms/static/css common/static/sass:common/static/css" ) EXPECTED_PREPROCESS_ASSETS_COMMAND = ( "python manage.py {system} --settings={asset_settings} preprocess_assets" ) EXPECTED_COLLECT_STATIC_COMMAND = ( "python manage.py {system} --settings={asset_settings} collectstatic --noinput > /dev/null" ) EXPECTED_CELERY_COMMAND = ( "python manage.py lms --settings={settings} celery worker --beat --loglevel=INFO --pythonpath=." ) EXPECTED_RUN_SERVER_COMMAND = ( "python manage.py {system} --settings={settings} runserver --traceback --pythonpath=.{port}" ) EXPECTED_INDEX_COURSE_COMMAND = ( "python manage.py {system} --settings={settings} reindex_course --setup" ) @ddt.ddt class TestPaverServerTasks(PaverTestCase): """ Test the Paver server tasks. """ @ddt.data( [{}], [{"settings": "aws"}], [{"asset-settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"settings": "devstack_optimized", "asset-settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"fast": True}], [{"port": 8030}], ) @ddt.unpack def test_lms(self, options): """ Test the "devstack" task. """ self.verify_server_task("lms", options) @ddt.data( [{}], [{"settings": "aws"}], [{"asset-settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"settings": "devstack_optimized", "asset-settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"fast": True}], [{"port": 8031}], ) @ddt.unpack def test_studio(self, options): """ Test the "devstack" task. """ self.verify_server_task("studio", options) @ddt.data( [{}], [{"settings": "aws"}], [{"asset-settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"settings": "devstack_optimized", "asset-settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"fast": True}], [{"optimized": True}], [{"optimized": True, "fast": True}], [{"no-contracts": True}], ) @ddt.unpack def test_devstack(self, server_options): """ Test the "devstack" task. """ options = server_options.copy() is_optimized = options.get("optimized", False) expected_settings = "devstack_optimized" if is_optimized else options.get("settings", "devstack") # First test with LMS options["system"] = "lms" options["expected_messages"] = [ EXPECTED_INDEX_COURSE_COMMAND.format( system="cms", settings=expected_settings, ) ] self.verify_server_task("devstack", options, contracts_default=True) # Then test with Studio options["system"] = "cms" options["expected_messages"] = [ EXPECTED_INDEX_COURSE_COMMAND.format( system="cms", settings=expected_settings, ) ] self.verify_server_task("devstack", options, contracts_default=True) @ddt.data( [{}], [{"settings": "aws"}], [{"asset_settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"settings": "devstack_optimized", "asset-settings": "test_static_optimized"}], [{"fast": True}], [{"optimized": True}], [{"optimized": True, "fast": True}], ) @ddt.unpack def test_run_all_servers(self, options): """ Test the "run_all_servers" task. """ self.verify_run_all_servers_task(options) @ddt.data( [{}], [{"settings": "aws"}], ) @ddt.unpack def test_celery(self, options): """ Test the "celery" task. """ settings = options.get("settings", "dev_with_worker") call_task("pavelib.servers.celery", options=options) self.assertEquals(self.task_messages, [EXPECTED_CELERY_COMMAND.format(settings=settings)]) @ddt.data( [{}], [{"settings": "aws"}], ) @ddt.unpack def test_update_db(self, options): """ Test the "update_db" task. """ settings = options.get("settings", "devstack") call_task("pavelib.servers.update_db", options=options) db_command = "python manage.py {server} --settings={settings} syncdb --migrate --traceback --pythonpath=." self.assertEquals( self.task_messages, [ db_command.format(server="lms", settings=settings), db_command.format(server="cms", settings=settings), ] ) @ddt.data( ["lms", {}], ["lms", {"settings": "aws"}], ["cms", {}], ["cms", {"settings": "aws"}], ) @ddt.unpack def test_check_settings(self, system, options): """ Test the "check_settings" task. """ settings = options.get("settings", "devstack") call_task("pavelib.servers.check_settings", args=[system, settings]) self.assertEquals( self.task_messages, [ "echo 'import {system}.envs.{settings}' " "| python manage.py {system} --settings={settings} shell --plain --pythonpath=.".format( system=system, settings=settings ), ] ) def verify_server_task(self, task_name, options, contracts_default=False): """ Verify the output of a server task. """ settings = options.get("settings", None) asset_settings = options.get("asset-settings", None) is_optimized = options.get("optimized", False) is_fast = options.get("fast", False) no_contracts = options.get("no-contracts", not contracts_default) if task_name == "devstack": system = options.get("system") elif task_name == "studio": system = "cms" else: system = "lms" port = options.get("port", "8000" if system == "lms" else "8001") self.reset_task_messages() if task_name == "devstack": args = ["studio" if system == "cms" else system] if settings: args.append("--settings={settings}".format(settings=settings)) if asset_settings: args.append("--asset-settings={asset_settings}".format(asset_settings=asset_settings)) if is_optimized: args.append("--optimized") if is_fast: args.append("--fast") if no_contracts: args.append("--no-contracts") call_task("pavelib.servers.devstack", args=args) else: call_task("pavelib.servers.{task_name}".format(task_name=task_name), options=options) expected_messages = options.get("expected_messages", []) expected_settings = settings if settings else "devstack" expected_asset_settings = asset_settings if asset_settings else expected_settings if is_optimized: expected_settings = "devstack_optimized" expected_asset_settings = "test_static_optimized" expected_collect_static = not is_fast and expected_settings != "devstack" platform_root = os.getcwd() if not is_fast: expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_PREPROCESS_ASSETS_COMMAND.format( system=system, asset_settings=expected_asset_settings )) expected_messages.append("xmodule_assets common/static/xmodule") expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_COFFEE_COMMAND.format(platform_root=platform_root)) expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_SASS_COMMAND) if expected_collect_static: expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_COLLECT_STATIC_COMMAND.format( system=system, asset_settings=expected_asset_settings )) expected_run_server_command = EXPECTED_RUN_SERVER_COMMAND.format( system=system, settings=expected_settings, port=port, ) if not no_contracts: expected_run_server_command += " --contracts" expected_messages.append(expected_run_server_command) self.assertEquals(self.task_messages, expected_messages) def verify_run_all_servers_task(self, options): """ Verify the output of a server task. """ settings = options.get("settings", None) asset_settings = options.get("asset_settings", None) is_optimized = options.get("optimized", False) is_fast = options.get("fast", False) self.reset_task_messages() call_task("pavelib.servers.run_all_servers", options=options) expected_settings = settings if settings else "devstack" expected_asset_settings = asset_settings if asset_settings else expected_settings if is_optimized: expected_settings = "devstack_optimized" expected_asset_settings = "test_static_optimized" expected_collect_static = not is_fast and expected_settings != "devstack" platform_root = os.getcwd() expected_messages = [] if not is_fast: expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_PREPROCESS_ASSETS_COMMAND.format( system="lms", asset_settings=expected_asset_settings )) expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_PREPROCESS_ASSETS_COMMAND.format( system="cms", asset_settings=expected_asset_settings )) expected_messages.append("xmodule_assets common/static/xmodule") expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_COFFEE_COMMAND.format(platform_root=platform_root)) expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_SASS_COMMAND) if expected_collect_static: expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_COLLECT_STATIC_COMMAND.format( system="lms", asset_settings=expected_asset_settings )) expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_COLLECT_STATIC_COMMAND.format( system="cms", asset_settings=expected_asset_settings )) expected_messages.append( EXPECTED_RUN_SERVER_COMMAND.format( system="lms", settings=expected_settings, port=8000, ) ) expected_messages.append( EXPECTED_RUN_SERVER_COMMAND.format( system="cms", settings=expected_settings, port=8001, ) ) expected_messages.append(EXPECTED_CELERY_COMMAND.format(settings="dev_with_worker")) self.assertEquals(self.task_messages, expected_messages)
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2016 Red Hat | Ansible # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: docker_image short_description: Manage docker images. version_added: "1.5" description: - Build, load or pull an image, making the image available for creating containers. Also supports tagging an image into a repository and archiving an image to a .tar file. - Since Ansible 2.8, it is recommended to explicitly specify the image's source (C(source=build), C(source=load), C(source=pull) or C(source=local)). This will be required from Ansible 2.12 on. options: source: description: - "Determines where the module will try to retrieve the image from." - "Use C(build) to build the image from a C(Dockerfile). I(path) must be specified when this value is used." - "Use C(load) to load the image from a C(.tar) file. I(load_path) must be specified when this value is used." - "Use C(pull) to pull the image from a registry." - "Use C(local) to make sure that the image is already available on the local docker daemon, i.e. do not try to build, pull or load the image." - "Before Ansible 2.12, the value of this option will be auto-detected to be backwards compatible, but a warning will be issued if it is not explicitly specified. From Ansible 2.12 on, auto-detection will be disabled and this option will be made mandatory." type: str choices: - build - load - pull - local version_added: "2.8" build: description: - "Specifies options used for building images." type: dict suboptions: cache_from: description: - List of image names to consider as cache source. type: list dockerfile: description: - Use with state C(present) to provide an alternate name for the Dockerfile to use when building an image. type: str http_timeout: description: - Timeout for HTTP requests during the image build operation. Provide a positive integer value for the number of seconds. type: int path: description: - Use with state 'present' to build an image. Will be the path to a directory containing the context and Dockerfile for building an image. type: path required: yes pull: description: - When building an image downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfile. - The default is currently C(yes). This will change to C(no) in Ansible 2.12. type: bool rm: description: - Remove intermediate containers after build. type: bool default: yes network: description: - The network to use for C(RUN) build instructions. type: str nocache: description: - Do not use cache when building an image. type: bool default: no args: description: - Provide a dictionary of C(key:value) build arguments that map to Dockerfile ARG directive. - Docker expects the value to be a string. For convenience any non-string values will be converted to strings. - Requires Docker API >= 1.21. type: dict container_limits: description: - A dictionary of limits applied to each container created by the build process. type: dict suboptions: memory: description: - Set memory limit for build. type: int memswap: description: - Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable swap. type: int cpushares: description: - CPU shares (relative weight). type: int cpusetcpus: description: - CPUs in which to allow execution, e.g., "0-3", "0,1". type: str use_config_proxy: description: - If set to `yes` and a proxy configuration is specified in the docker client configuration (by default C($HOME/.docker/config.json)), the corresponding environment variables will be set in the container being built. - Needs Docker SDK for Python >= 3.7.0. type: bool version_added: "2.8" archive_path: description: - Use with state C(present) to archive an image to a .tar file. type: path version_added: "2.1" load_path: description: - Use with state C(present) to load an image from a .tar file. - Set I(source) to C(load) if you want to load the image. The option will be set automatically before Ansible 2.12 if this option is used (except if I(path) is specified as well, in which case building will take precedence). From Ansible 2.12 on, you have to set I(source) to C(load). type: path version_added: "2.2" dockerfile: description: - Use with state C(present) to provide an alternate name for the Dockerfile to use when building an image. - Please use I(build.dockerfile) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: str version_added: "2.0" force: description: - Use with state I(absent) to un-tag and remove all images matching the specified name. Use with state C(present) to build, load or pull an image when the image already exists. Also use with state C(present) to force tagging an image. - Please stop using this option, and use the more specialized force options I(force_source), I(force_absent) and I(force_tag) instead. - This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: bool version_added: "2.1" force_source: description: - Use with state C(present) to build, load or pull an image (depending on the value of the I(source) option) when the image already exists. type: bool default: false version_added: "2.8" force_absent: description: - Use with state I(absent) to un-tag and remove all images matching the specified name. type: bool default: false version_added: "2.8" force_tag: description: - Use with state C(present) to force tagging an image. - Please stop using this option, and use the more specialized force options I(force_source), I(force_absent) and I(force_tag) instead. - This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: bool default: false version_added: "2.8" http_timeout: description: - Timeout for HTTP requests during the image build operation. Provide a positive integer value for the number of seconds. - Please use I(build.http_timeout) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: int version_added: "2.1" name: description: - "Image name. Name format will be one of: name, repository/name, registry_server:port/name. When pushing or pulling an image the name can optionally include the tag by appending ':tag_name'." - Note that image IDs (hashes) are not supported. type: str required: yes path: description: - Use with state 'present' to build an image. Will be the path to a directory containing the context and Dockerfile for building an image. - Set I(source) to C(build) if you want to build the image. The option will be set automatically before Ansible 2.12 if this option is used. From Ansible 2.12 on, you have to set I(source) to C(build). - Please use I(build.path) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: path aliases: - build_path pull: description: - When building an image downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfile. - Please use I(build.pull) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. - The default is currently C(yes). This will change to C(no) in Ansible 2.12. type: bool version_added: "2.1" push: description: - Push the image to the registry. Specify the registry as part of the I(name) or I(repository) parameter. type: bool default: no version_added: "2.2" rm: description: - Remove intermediate containers after build. - Please use I(build.rm) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: bool default: yes version_added: "2.1" nocache: description: - Do not use cache when building an image. - Please use I(build.nocache) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: bool default: no repository: description: - Full path to a repository. Use with state C(present) to tag the image into the repository. Expects format I(repository:tag). If no tag is provided, will use the value of the C(tag) parameter or I(latest). type: str version_added: "2.1" state: description: - Make assertions about the state of an image. - When C(absent) an image will be removed. Use the force option to un-tag and remove all images matching the provided name. - When C(present) check if an image exists using the provided name and tag. If the image is not found or the force option is used, the image will either be pulled, built or loaded, depending on the I(source) option. - By default the image will be pulled from Docker Hub, or the registry specified in the image's name. Note that this will change in Ansible 2.12, so to make sure that you are pulling, set I(source) to C(pull). To build the image, provide a I(path) value set to a directory containing a context and Dockerfile, and set I(source) to C(build). To load an image, specify I(load_path) to provide a path to an archive file. To tag an image to a repository, provide a I(repository) path. If the name contains a repository path, it will be pushed. - "NOTE: C(state=build) is DEPRECATED and will be removed in release 2.11. Specifying C(build) will behave the same as C(present)." type: str default: present choices: - absent - present - build tag: description: - Used to select an image when pulling. Will be added to the image when pushing, tagging or building. Defaults to I(latest). - If C(name) parameter format is I(name:tag), then tag value from C(name) will take precedence. type: str default: latest buildargs: description: - Provide a dictionary of C(key:value) build arguments that map to Dockerfile ARG directive. - Docker expects the value to be a string. For convenience any non-string values will be converted to strings. - Requires Docker API >= 1.21. - Please use I(build.args) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: dict version_added: "2.2" container_limits: description: - A dictionary of limits applied to each container created by the build process. - Please use I(build.container_limits) instead. This option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. type: dict suboptions: memory: description: - Set memory limit for build. type: int memswap: description: - Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable swap. type: int cpushares: description: - CPU shares (relative weight). type: int cpusetcpus: description: - CPUs in which to allow execution, e.g., "0-3", "0,1". type: str version_added: "2.1" use_tls: description: - "DEPRECATED. Whether to use tls to connect to the docker daemon. Set to C(encrypt) to use TLS. And set to C(verify) to use TLS and verify that the server's certificate is valid for the server." - "NOTE: If you specify this option, it will set the value of the I(tls) or I(tls_verify) parameters if not set to I(no)." - Will be removed in Ansible 2.11. type: str choices: - 'no' - 'encrypt' - 'verify' version_added: "2.0" extends_documentation_fragment: - docker - docker.docker_py_1_documentation requirements: - "L(Docker SDK for Python,https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) >= 1.8.0 (use L(docker-py,https://pypi.org/project/docker-py/) for Python 2.6)" - "Docker API >= 1.20" author: - Pavel Antonov (@softzilla) - Chris Houseknecht (@chouseknecht) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: pull an image docker_image: name: pacur/centos-7 source: pull - name: Tag and push to docker hub docker_image: name: pacur/centos-7:56 repository: dcoppenhagan/myimage:7.56 push: yes source: local - name: Tag and push to local registry docker_image: # Image will be centos:7 name: centos # Will be pushed to localhost:5000/centos:7 repository: localhost:5000/centos tag: 7 push: yes source: local - name: Add tag latest to image docker_image: name: myimage:7.1.2 repository: myimage:latest source: local - name: Remove image docker_image: state: absent name: registry.ansible.com/chouseknecht/sinatra tag: v1 - name: Build an image and push it to a private repo docker_image: build: path: ./sinatra name: registry.ansible.com/chouseknecht/sinatra tag: v1 push: yes source: build - name: Archive image docker_image: name: registry.ansible.com/chouseknecht/sinatra tag: v1 archive_path: my_sinatra.tar source: local - name: Load image from archive and push to a private registry docker_image: name: localhost:5000/myimages/sinatra tag: v1 push: yes load_path: my_sinatra.tar source: load - name: Build image and with build args docker_image: name: myimage build: path: /path/to/build/dir args: log_volume: /var/log/myapp listen_port: 8080 source: build - name: Build image using cache source docker_image: name: myimage:latest build: path: /path/to/build/dir # Use as cache source for building myimage cache_from: - nginx:latest - alpine:3.8 source: build ''' RETURN = ''' image: description: Image inspection results for the affected image. returned: success type: dict sample: {} ''' import os import re from distutils.version import LooseVersion from ansible.module_utils.docker.common import ( docker_version, AnsibleDockerClient, DockerBaseClass, is_image_name_id, ) from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native if docker_version is not None: try: if LooseVersion(docker_version) >= LooseVersion('2.0.0'): from docker.auth import resolve_repository_name else: from docker.auth.auth import resolve_repository_name from docker.utils.utils import parse_repository_tag except ImportError: # missing Docker SDK for Python handled in module_utils.docker.common pass class ImageManager(DockerBaseClass): def __init__(self, client, results): super(ImageManager, self).__init__() self.client = client self.results = results parameters = self.client.module.params self.check_mode = self.client.check_mode self.source = parameters['source'] build = parameters['build'] or dict() self.archive_path = parameters.get('archive_path') self.cache_from = build.get('cache_from') self.container_limits = build.get('container_limits') self.dockerfile = build.get('dockerfile') self.force_source = parameters.get('force_source') self.force_absent = parameters.get('force_absent') self.force_tag = parameters.get('force_tag') self.load_path = parameters.get('load_path') self.name = parameters.get('name') self.network = build.get('network') self.nocache = build.get('nocache') self.build_path = build.get('path') self.pull = build.get('pull') self.repository = parameters.get('repository') self.rm = build.get('rm') self.state = parameters.get('state') self.tag = parameters.get('tag') self.http_timeout = build.get('http_timeout') self.push = parameters.get('push') self.buildargs = build.get('args') self.use_config_proxy = build.get('use_config_proxy') # If name contains a tag, it takes precedence over tag parameter. if not is_image_name_id(self.name): repo, repo_tag = parse_repository_tag(self.name) if repo_tag: self.name = repo self.tag = repo_tag if self.state == 'present': self.present() elif self.state == 'absent': self.absent() def fail(self, msg): self.client.fail(msg) def present(self): ''' Handles state = 'present', which includes building, loading or pulling an image, depending on user provided parameters. :returns None ''' image = self.client.find_image(name=self.name, tag=self.tag) if not image or self.force_source: if self.source == 'build': # Build the image if not os.path.isdir(self.build_path): self.fail("Requested build path %s could not be found or you do not have access." % self.build_path) image_name = self.name if self.tag: image_name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) self.log("Building image %s" % image_name) self.results['actions'].append("Built image %s from %s" % (image_name, self.build_path)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.results['image'] = self.build_image() elif self.source == 'load': # Load the image from an archive if not os.path.isfile(self.load_path): self.fail("Error loading image %s. Specified path %s does not exist." % (self.name, self.load_path)) image_name = self.name if self.tag: image_name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) self.results['actions'].append("Loaded image %s from %s" % (image_name, self.load_path)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.results['image'] = self.load_image() elif self.source == 'pull': # pull the image self.results['actions'].append('Pulled image %s:%s' % (self.name, self.tag)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.results['image'], dummy = self.client.pull_image(self.name, tag=self.tag) elif self.source == 'local': if image is None: name = self.name if self.tag: name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) self.client.fail('Cannot find the image %s locally.' % name) if not self.check_mode and image and image['Id'] == self.results['image']['Id']: self.results['changed'] = False if self.archive_path: self.archive_image(self.name, self.tag) if self.push and not self.repository: self.push_image(self.name, self.tag) elif self.repository: self.tag_image(self.name, self.tag, self.repository, push=self.push) def absent(self): ''' Handles state = 'absent', which removes an image. :return None ''' name = self.name if is_image_name_id(name): image = self.client.find_image_by_id(name) else: image = self.client.find_image(name, self.tag) if self.tag: name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) if image: if not self.check_mode: try: self.client.remove_image(name, force=self.force_absent) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error removing image %s - %s" % (name, str(exc))) self.results['changed'] = True self.results['actions'].append("Removed image %s" % (name)) self.results['image']['state'] = 'Deleted' def archive_image(self, name, tag): ''' Archive an image to a .tar file. Called when archive_path is passed. :param name - name of the image. Type: str :return None ''' if not tag: tag = "latest" image = self.client.find_image(name=name, tag=tag) if not image: self.log("archive image: image %s:%s not found" % (name, tag)) return image_name = "%s:%s" % (name, tag) self.results['actions'].append('Archived image %s to %s' % (image_name, self.archive_path)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.log("Getting archive of image %s" % image_name) try: image = self.client.get_image(image_name) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error getting image %s - %s" % (image_name, str(exc))) try: with open(self.archive_path, 'wb') as fd: if self.client.docker_py_version >= LooseVersion('3.0.0'): for chunk in image: fd.write(chunk) else: for chunk in image.stream(2048, decode_content=False): fd.write(chunk) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error writing image archive %s - %s" % (self.archive_path, str(exc))) image = self.client.find_image(name=name, tag=tag) if image: self.results['image'] = image def push_image(self, name, tag=None): ''' If the name of the image contains a repository path, then push the image. :param name Name of the image to push. :param tag Use a specific tag. :return: None ''' repository = name if not tag: repository, tag = parse_repository_tag(name) registry, repo_name = resolve_repository_name(repository) self.log("push %s to %s/%s:%s" % (self.name, registry, repo_name, tag)) if registry: self.results['actions'].append("Pushed image %s to %s/%s:%s" % (self.name, registry, repo_name, tag)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: status = None try: changed = False for line in self.client.push(repository, tag=tag, stream=True, decode=True): self.log(line, pretty_print=True) if line.get('errorDetail'): raise Exception(line['errorDetail']['message']) status = line.get('status') if status == 'Pushing': changed = True self.results['changed'] = changed except Exception as exc: if re.search('unauthorized', str(exc)): if re.search('authentication required', str(exc)): self.fail("Error pushing image %s/%s:%s - %s. Try logging into %s first." % (registry, repo_name, tag, str(exc), registry)) else: self.fail("Error pushing image %s/%s:%s - %s. Does the repository exist?" % (registry, repo_name, tag, str(exc))) self.fail("Error pushing image %s: %s" % (repository, str(exc))) self.results['image'] = self.client.find_image(name=repository, tag=tag) if not self.results['image']: self.results['image'] = dict() self.results['image']['push_status'] = status def tag_image(self, name, tag, repository, push=False): ''' Tag an image into a repository. :param name: name of the image. required. :param tag: image tag. :param repository: path to the repository. required. :param push: bool. push the image once it's tagged. :return: None ''' repo, repo_tag = parse_repository_tag(repository) if not repo_tag: repo_tag = "latest" if tag: repo_tag = tag image = self.client.find_image(name=repo, tag=repo_tag) found = 'found' if image else 'not found' self.log("image %s was %s" % (repo, found)) if not image or self.force_tag: self.log("tagging %s:%s to %s:%s" % (name, tag, repo, repo_tag)) self.results['changed'] = True self.results['actions'].append("Tagged image %s:%s to %s:%s" % (name, tag, repo, repo_tag)) if not self.check_mode: try: # Finding the image does not always work, especially running a localhost registry. In those # cases, if we don't set force=True, it errors. image_name = name if tag and not re.search(tag, name): image_name = "%s:%s" % (name, tag) tag_status = self.client.tag(image_name, repo, tag=repo_tag, force=True) if not tag_status: raise Exception("Tag operation failed.") except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error: failed to tag image - %s" % str(exc)) self.results['image'] = self.client.find_image(name=repo, tag=repo_tag) if image and image['Id'] == self.results['image']['Id']: self.results['changed'] = False if push: self.push_image(repo, repo_tag) def build_image(self): ''' Build an image :return: image dict ''' params = dict( path=self.build_path, tag=self.name, rm=self.rm, nocache=self.nocache, timeout=self.http_timeout, pull=self.pull, forcerm=self.rm, dockerfile=self.dockerfile, decode=True, ) if self.client.docker_py_version < LooseVersion('3.0.0'): params['stream'] = True build_output = [] if self.tag: params['tag'] = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) if self.container_limits: params['container_limits'] = self.container_limits if self.buildargs: for key, value in self.buildargs.items(): self.buildargs[key] = to_native(value) params['buildargs'] = self.buildargs if self.cache_from: params['cache_from'] = self.cache_from if self.network: params['network_mode'] = self.network if self.use_config_proxy: params['use_config_proxy'] = self.use_config_proxy # Due to a bug in docker-py, it will crash if # use_config_proxy is True and buildargs is None if 'buildargs' not in params: params['buildargs'] = {} for line in self.client.build(**params): # line = json.loads(line) self.log(line, pretty_print=True) if "stream" in line: build_output.append(line["stream"]) if line.get('error'): if line.get('errorDetail'): errorDetail = line.get('errorDetail') self.fail( "Error building %s - code: %s, message: %s, logs: %s" % ( self.name, errorDetail.get('code'), errorDetail.get('message'), build_output)) else: self.fail("Error building %s - message: %s, logs: %s" % ( self.name, line.get('error'), build_output)) return self.client.find_image(name=self.name, tag=self.tag) def load_image(self): ''' Load an image from a .tar archive :return: image dict ''' try: self.log("Opening image %s" % self.load_path) image_tar = open(self.load_path, 'rb') except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error opening image %s - %s" % (self.load_path, str(exc))) try: self.log("Loading image from %s" % self.load_path) self.client.load_image(image_tar) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error loading image %s - %s" % (self.name, str(exc))) try: image_tar.close() except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error closing image %s - %s" % (self.name, str(exc))) return self.client.find_image(self.name, self.tag) def main(): argument_spec = dict( source=dict(type='str', choices=['build', 'load', 'pull', 'local']), build=dict(type='dict', suboptions=dict( cache_from=dict(type='list', elements='str'), container_limits=dict(type='dict', options=dict( memory=dict(type='int'), memswap=dict(type='int'), cpushares=dict(type='int'), cpusetcpus=dict(type='str'), )), dockerfile=dict(type='str'), http_timeout=dict(type='int'), network=dict(type='str'), nocache=dict(type='bool', default=False), path=dict(type='path', required=True), pull=dict(type='bool'), rm=dict(type='bool', default=True), args=dict(type='dict'), use_config_proxy=dict(type='bool'), )), archive_path=dict(type='path'), container_limits=dict(type='dict', options=dict( memory=dict(type='int'), memswap=dict(type='int'), cpushares=dict(type='int'), cpusetcpus=dict(type='str'), ), removedin_version='2.12'), dockerfile=dict(type='str', removedin_version='2.12'), force=dict(type='bool', removed_in_version='2.12'), force_source=dict(type='bool', default=False), force_absent=dict(type='bool', default=False), force_tag=dict(type='bool', default=False), http_timeout=dict(type='int', removedin_version='2.12'), load_path=dict(type='path'), name=dict(type='str', required=True), nocache=dict(type='bool', default=False, removedin_version='2.12'), path=dict(type='path', aliases=['build_path'], removedin_version='2.12'), pull=dict(type='bool', removedin_version='2.12'), push=dict(type='bool', default=False), repository=dict(type='str'), rm=dict(type='bool', default=True, removedin_version='2.12'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present', 'build']), tag=dict(type='str', default='latest'), use_tls=dict(type='str', choices=['no', 'encrypt', 'verify'], removed_in_version='2.11'), buildargs=dict(type='dict', removedin_version='2.12'), ) required_if = [ # ('state', 'present', ['source']), -- enable in Ansible 2.12. # ('source', 'build', ['build']), -- enable in Ansible 2.12. ('source', 'load', ['load_path']), ] def detect_build_cache_from(client): return client.params['build'] and client.params['build']['cache_from'] is not None def detect_build_network(client): return client.params['build'] and client.params['build']['network'] is not None def detect_use_config_proxy(client): return client.params['build'] and client.params['build']['use_config_proxy'] is not None option_minimal_versions = dict() option_minimal_versions["build.cache_from"] = dict(docker_py_version='2.1.0', docker_api_version='1.25', detect_usage=detect_build_cache_from) option_minimal_versions["build.network"] = dict(docker_py_version='2.4.0', docker_api_version='1.25', detect_usage=detect_build_network) option_minimal_versions["build.use_config_proxy"] = dict(docker_py_version='3.7.0', detect_usage=detect_use_config_proxy) client = AnsibleDockerClient( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_if=required_if, supports_check_mode=True, min_docker_version='1.8.0', min_docker_api_version='1.20', option_minimal_versions=option_minimal_versions, ) if client.module.params['state'] == 'build': client.module.warn('The "build" state has been deprecated for a long time ' 'and will be removed in Ansible 2.11. Please use ' '"present", which has the same meaning as "build".') client.module.params['state'] = 'present' if client.module.params['use_tls']: client.module.warn('The "use_tls" option has been deprecated for a long time ' 'and will be removed in Ansible 2.11. Please use the' '"tls" and "tls_verify" options instead.') build_options = dict( container_limits='container_limits', dockerfile='dockerfile', http_timeout='http_timeout', nocache='nocache', path='path', pull='pull', rm='rm', buildargs='args', ) for option, build_option in build_options.items(): default_value = None if option in ('rm', ): default_value = True elif option in ('nocache', ): default_value = False if client.module.params[option] != default_value: if client.module.params['build'] is None: client.module.params['build'] = dict() if client.module.params['build'].get(build_option) != default_value: client.fail('Cannot specify both %s and build.%s!' % (option, build_option)) client.module.params['build'][build_option] = client.module.params[option] client.module.warn('Please specify build.%s instead of %s. The %s option ' 'has been renamed and will be removed in Ansible 2.12.' % (build_option, option, option)) if client.module.params['source'] == 'build': if (not client.module.params['build'] or not client.module.params['build'].get('path')): client.module.fail('If "source" is set to "build", the "build.path" option must be specified.') if client.module.params['build']['pull'] is None: client.module.warn("The default for build.pull is currently 'yes', but will be changed to 'no' in Ansible 2.12. " "Please set build.pull explicitly to the value you need.") client.module.params['build']['pull'] = True # TODO: change to False in Ansible 2.12 if client.module.params['state'] == 'present' and client.module.params['source'] is None: # Autodetection. To be removed in Ansible 2.12. if (client.module.params['build'] or dict()).get('path'): client.module.params['source'] = 'build' elif client.module.params['load_path']: client.module.params['source'] = 'load' else: client.module.params['source'] = 'pull' client.module.warn('The value of the "source" option was determined to be "%s". ' 'Please set the "source" option explicitly. Autodetection will ' 'be removed in Ansible 2.12.' % client.module.params['source']) if client.module.params['force']: client.module.params['force_source'] = True client.module.params['force_absent'] = True client.module.params['force_tag'] = True client.module.warn('The "force" option will be removed in Ansible 2.12. Please ' 'use the "force_source", "force_absent" or "force_tag" option ' 'instead, depending on what you want to force.') results = dict( changed=False, actions=[], image={} ) ImageManager(client, results) client.module.exit_json(**results) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" Django settings for webvirtcloud project. """ import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) SECRET_KEY = '4y(f4rfqc6f2!i8_vfuu)kav6tdv5#sc=n%o451dm+th0&3uci' DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'computes', 'console', 'networks', 'storages', 'interfaces', 'instances', 'secrets', 'logs', 'accounts', 'create', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'webvirtcloud.urls' WSGI_APPLICATION = 'webvirtcloud.wsgi.application' DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } } LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = ( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"), ) TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates'), ) ## WebVirtCloud settings # Wobsock port WS_PORT = 6080 # Websock host WS_HOST = '' # Websock public port WS_PUBLIC_HOST = None # Websock SSL connection WS_CERT = None # list of console types QEMU_CONSOLE_TYPES = ['vnc', 'spice'] # default console type QEMU_CONSOLE_DEFAULT_TYPE = 'vnc' # list taken from http://qemu.weilnetz.de/qemu-doc.html#sec_005finvocation QEMU_KEYMAPS = ['ar', 'da', 'de', 'de-ch', 'en-gb', 'en-us', 'es', 'et', 'fi', 'fo', 'fr', 'fr-be', 'fr-ca', 'fr-ch', 'hr', 'hu', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'lt', 'lv', 'mk', 'nl', 'nl-be', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'pt-br', 'ru', 'sl', 'sv', 'th', 'tr'] # keepalive interval and count for libvirt connections LIBVIRT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 5 LIBVIRT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT = 5
"""Image resampling methods""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate import scipy.ndimage from sunpy.extern.six.moves import range __all__ = ['resample', 'reshape_image_to_4d_superpixel'] def resample(orig, dimensions, method='linear', center=False, minusone=False): """Returns a new `numpy.ndarray` that has been resampled up or down. Arbitrary resampling of source array to new dimension sizes. Currently only supports maintaining the same number of dimensions. To use 1-D arrays, first promote them to shape (x,1). Uses the same parameters and creates the same co-ordinate lookup points as IDL's congrid routine (which apparently originally came from a VAX/VMS routine of the same name.) Parameters ---------- orig : `~numpy.ndarray` Original inout array. dimensions : tuple Dimensions that new `~numpy.ndarray` should have. method : {'neighbor' | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'spline'} Method to use for resampling interpolation. * neighbor - Closest value from original data * nearest and linear - Uses n x 1-D interpolations calculated by `scipy.interpolate.interp1d`. * spline - Uses ndimage.map_coordinates center : bool If True, interpolation points are at the centers of the bins, otherwise points are at the front edge of the bin. minusone : bool For orig.shape = (i,j) & new dimensions = (x,y), if set to False orig is resampled by factors of (i/x) * (j/y), otherwise orig is resampled by(i-1)/(x-1) * (j-1)/(y-1) This prevents extrapolation one element beyond bounds of input array. Returns ------- out : `~numpy.ndarray` A new `~numpy.ndarray` which has been resampled to the desired dimensions. References ---------- | http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Rebinning (Original source, 2011/11/19) """ # Verify that number dimensions requested matches original shape if len(dimensions) != orig.ndim: raise UnequalNumDimensions("Number of dimensions must remain the same " "when calling resample.") #@note: will this be okay for integer (e.g. JPEG 2000) data? if orig.dtype not in [np.float64, np.float32]: orig = orig.astype(np.float64) dimensions = np.asarray(dimensions, dtype=np.float64) m1 = np.array(minusone, dtype=np.int64) # array(0) or array(1) offset = np.float64(center * 0.5) # float64(0.) or float64(0.5) # Resample data if method == 'neighbor': data = _resample_neighbor(orig, dimensions, offset, m1) elif method in ['nearest','linear']: data = _resample_nearest_linear(orig, dimensions, method, offset, m1) elif method == 'spline': data = _resample_spline(orig, dimensions, offset, m1) else: raise UnrecognizedInterpolationMethod("Unrecognized interpolation " "method requested.") return data def _resample_nearest_linear(orig, dimensions, method, offset, m1): """Resample Map using either linear or nearest interpolation.""" dimlist = [] # calculate new dims for i in range(orig.ndim): base = np.arange(dimensions[i]) dimlist.append((orig.shape[i] - m1) / (dimensions[i] - m1) * (base + offset) - offset) # specify old coordinates old_coords = [np.arange(i, dtype=np.float) for i in orig.shape] # first interpolation - for ndims = any mint = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(old_coords[-1], orig, bounds_error=False, fill_value=min(old_coords[-1]), kind=method) new_data = mint(dimlist[-1]) trorder = [orig.ndim - 1] + list(range(orig.ndim - 1)) for i in range(orig.ndim - 2, -1, -1): new_data = new_data.transpose(trorder) mint = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(old_coords[i], new_data, bounds_error=False, fill_value=min(old_coords[i]), kind=method) new_data = mint(dimlist[i]) if orig.ndim > 1: # need one more transpose to return to original dimensions new_data = new_data.transpose(trorder) return new_data def _resample_neighbor(orig, dimensions, offset, m1): """Resample Map using closest-value interpolation.""" dimlist = [] for i in range(orig.ndim): base = np.indices(dimensions)[i] dimlist.append((orig.shape[i] - m1) / (dimensions[i] - m1) * (base + offset) - offset) cd = np.array(dimlist).round().astype(int) return orig[list(cd)] def _resample_spline(orig, dimensions, offset, m1): """Resample Map using spline-based interpolation.""" oslices = [slice(0, j) for j in orig.shape] # FIXME: not used?! old_coords = np.ogrid[oslices] #pylint: disable=W0612 nslices = [slice(0, j) for j in list(dimensions)] newcoords = np.mgrid[nslices] newcoords_dims = list(range(np.rank(newcoords))) #make first index last newcoords_dims.append(newcoords_dims.pop(0)) newcoords_tr = newcoords.transpose(newcoords_dims) #pylint: disable=W0612 # makes a view that affects newcoords newcoords_tr += offset deltas = (np.asarray(orig.shape) - m1) / (dimensions - m1) newcoords_tr *= deltas newcoords_tr -= offset return scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(orig, newcoords) def reshape_image_to_4d_superpixel(img, dimensions, offset): """Re-shape the two dimension input image into a a four dimensional array whose first and third dimensions express the number of original pixels in the x and y directions that form one superpixel. The reshaping makes it very easy to perform operations on superpixels. An application of this reshaping is the following. Let's say you have an array x = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]) and you want to sum over 2x2 non-overlapping sub-arrays. For example, you could have a noisy image and you want to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Summing over all the non-overlapping 2x2 sub-arrays will create a superpixel array of the original data. Every pixel in the superpixel array is the sum of the values in a 2x2 sub-array of the original array, This summing can be done by reshaping the array y = x.reshape(3,2,3,2) and then summing over the 1st and third directions y2 = y.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=1) which gives the expected array. array([[0, 3, 2], [2, 0, 4], [1, 2, 2]]) Parameters ---------- img : `numpy.ndarray` A two-dimensional `~numpy.ndarray` of the form (y, x). dimensions : array-like A two element array-like object containing integers that describe the superpixel summation in the (y, x) directions. offset : array-like A two element array-like object containing integers that describe where in the input image the array reshaping begins in the (y, x) directions. Returns ------- A four dimensional `~numpy.ndarray` that can be used to easily create two-dimensional arrays of superpixels of the input image. References ---------- Taken from http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2010-July/051760.html """ # make sure the input dimensions are integers dimensions = [int(dim) for dim in dimensions] # New dimensions of the final image na = int(np.floor((img.shape[0] - offset[0]) / dimensions[0])) nb = int(np.floor((img.shape[1] - offset[1]) / dimensions[1])) # Reshape up to a higher dimensional array which is useful for higher # level operations return (img[offset[0]:offset[0] + na*dimensions[0], offset[1]:offset[1] + nb*dimensions[1]]).reshape(na, dimensions[0], nb, dimensions[1]) class UnrecognizedInterpolationMethod(ValueError): """Unrecognized interpolation method specified.""" pass class UnequalNumDimensions(ValueError): """Number of dimensions does not match input array""" pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals, division) from inspect import isgenerator from collections import Mapping, Iterable from six import text_type, binary_type from .auxiliary import OrderedDict from .escaping import escape_arbitrary_bytes from .filterbase import FilterBase from .testableiter import TestableIter def dump_dict(d, keys=None): if keys is None: keys = (d.keys() if OrderedDict and isinstance(d, OrderedDict) else sorted(d.keys())) return dump_key_values((k, d[k]) for k in keys) def dump_list(l): if not hasattr(l, '__getitem__'): # assume objects without __getitem__ don't enforce an ordering l = sorted(l) return dump_key_values((text_type(i), v) for i, v in enumerate(l)) def dump_generator(k, g): g = TestableIter(g) if g: for k_, v_ in g: yield '{0!s}__{1}'.format(k, k_), v_ else: yield k, 'EMPTY' def dump_key_values(kv_iterable): for k, v in kv_iterable: k = escape_arbitrary_bytes(k) if isinstance(v, FilterBase): v = v.to_value() if isgenerator(v): for k_, v_ in dump_generator(k, v): yield k_, v_ else: yield k, v elif isinstance(v, (text_type, binary_type)): yield k, escape_arbitrary_bytes(v) elif isinstance(v, Iterable): g = dump_generator(k, (dump_dict(v) if isinstance(v, Mapping) else dump_list(v))) for k_, v_ in g: yield k_, v_ else: yield k, escape_arbitrary_bytes(text_type(v))
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Cedric Bellegarde <[email protected]> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GLib, Gio from threading import Thread from gettext import gettext as _ try: from lollypop.wikipedia import Wikipedia except: pass from lollypop.define import Lp from lollypop.utils import get_network_available from lollypop.cache import InfoCache from lollypop.lio import Lio class InfoContent(Gtk.Stack): """ Widget showing artist image and bio """ def __init__(self): """ Init artists content """ Gtk.Stack.__init__(self) InfoCache.init() self._stop = False self.__cancel = Gio.Cancellable.new() self._artist = "" self.set_transition_duration(500) self.set_transition_type(Gtk.StackTransitionType.CROSSFADE) builder = Gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_resource('/org/gnome/Lollypop/InfoContent.ui') self.__content = builder.get_object('content') self.__image = builder.get_object('image') self._menu_found = builder.get_object('menu-found') self._menu_not_found = builder.get_object('menu-not-found') self.__error = builder.get_object('error') self.add_named(builder.get_object('widget'), 'widget') self.add_named(builder.get_object('notfound'), 'notfound') self._spinner = builder.get_object('spinner') self.add_named(self._spinner, 'spinner') def clear(self): """ Clear content """ self.__content.set_text('') self.__image.hide() self.__image.clear() def stop(self): """ Stop loading """ self._stop = True self.__cancel.cancel() @property def artist(self): """ Current artist on screen as str """ return self._artist def set_content(self, prefix, content, image_url, suffix): """ populate widget with content @param prefix as str @param content as str @param image url as str @param suffix as str @thread safe """ try: data = None stream = None if content is not None: if image_url is not None: f = Lio.File.new_for_uri(image_url) (status, data, tag) = f.load_contents(self.__cancel) if status: stream = Gio.MemoryInputStream.new_from_data(data, None) else: data = None InfoCache.add(prefix, content, data, suffix) GLib.idle_add(self.__set_content, content, stream) except Exception as e: print("InfoContent::set_content: %s" % e) ####################### # PROTECTED # ####################### def _load_cache_content(self, prefix, suffix): """ Load from cache @param prefix as str @param suffix as str @return True if loaded """ (content, data) = InfoCache.get(prefix, suffix) if content is not None: stream = None if data is not None: stream = Gio.MemoryInputStream.new_from_data(data, None) GLib.idle_add(self.__set_content, content, stream) return True return False def __on_not_found(self): """ Show not found child """ if get_network_available(): error = _("No information for this artist") else: error = _("Network access disabled") self.__error.set_markup( "<span font_weight='bold' size='xx-large'>" + error + "</span>") self.set_visible_child_name('notfound') ####################### # PRIVATE # ####################### def __set_content(self, content, stream): """ Set content @param content as string @param data as Gio.MemoryInputStream """ if content is not None: self.__content.set_markup( GLib.markup_escape_text(content.decode('utf-8'))) if stream is not None: scale = self.__image.get_scale_factor() # Will happen if cache is broken or when reading empty files try: pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream_at_scale( stream, Lp().settings.get_value( 'cover-size').get_int32() + 50 * scale, -1, True, None) stream.close() surface = Gdk.cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf(pixbuf, scale, None) del pixbuf self.__image.set_from_surface(surface) del surface self.__image.show() except: pass self.set_visible_child_name('widget') else: self.__on_not_found() self._spinner.stop() class WikipediaContent(InfoContent): """ Show wikipedia content """ def __init__(self): """ Init widget """ InfoContent.__init__(self) self.__album = "" self.__menu_model = Gio.Menu() self._menu_not_found.set_menu_model(self.__menu_model) self._menu_found.set_menu_model(self.__menu_model) self.__app = Gio.Application.get_default() def populate(self, artist, album): """ Populate content @param artist as str @param album as str @thread safe """ self._artist = artist self.__album = album if not self._load_cache_content(artist, 'wikipedia'): GLib.idle_add(self.set_visible_child_name, 'spinner') self._spinner.start() self.__load_page_content(artist) elif get_network_available(): t = Thread(target=self.__setup_menu, args=(self._artist, self.__album)) t.daemon = True t.start() def clear(self): """ Clear model and then content """ self.__menu_model.remove_all() InfoContent.clear(self) ####################### # PROTECTED # ####################### def __on_not_found(self): """ Show not found child """ InfoContent.__on_not_found(self) if get_network_available(): t = Thread(target=self.__setup_menu, args=(self._artist, self.__album)) t.daemon = True t.start() ####################### # PRIVATE # ####################### def __load_page_content(self, artist): """ Load artist page content @param artist as str """ GLib.idle_add(self.__menu_model.remove_all) wp = Wikipedia() try: (url, content) = wp.get_page_infos(artist) except: url = content = None if not self._stop: InfoContent.set_content(self, self._artist, content, url, 'wikipedia') if get_network_available(): t = Thread(target=self.__setup_menu, args=(self._artist, self.__album)) t.daemon = True t.start() def __setup_menu(self, artist, album): """ Setup menu for artist @param artist as str @param album as str """ wp = Wikipedia() result = wp.search(artist) result += wp.search(artist + ' ' + album) cleaned = list(set(result)) if artist in cleaned: cleaned.remove(artist) GLib.idle_add(self.__setup_menu_strings, cleaned) def __setup_menu_strings(self, strings): """ Setup a menu with strings @param strings as [str] """ if strings: self._menu_not_found.show() self._menu_found.show() else: return i = 0 for string in strings: action = Gio.SimpleAction(name="wikipedia_%s" % i) self.__app.add_action(action) action.connect('activate', self.__on_search_activated, string) self.__menu_model.append(string, "app.wikipedia_%s" % i) i += 1 def __on_search_activated(self, action, variant, artist): """ Switch to page @param action as SimpleAction @param variant as GVariant @param artist as str """ InfoCache.remove(artist, 'wikipedia') InfoContent.clear(self) self.set_visible_child_name('spinner') self._spinner.start() t = Thread(target=self.__load_page_content, args=(artist,)) t.daemon = True t.start() class LastfmContent(InfoContent): """ Show lastfm content """ def __init__(self): """ Init widget """ InfoContent.__init__(self) def populate(self, artist): """ Populate content @param artist as str @thread safe """ self._artist = artist if not self._load_cache_content(artist, 'lastfm'): GLib.idle_add(self.set_visible_child_name, 'spinner') self._spinner.start() self.__load_page_content(artist) ####################### # PRIVATE # ####################### def __load_page_content(self, artist): """ Load artists page content @param artist as str """ try: (url, content) = Lp().lastfm.get_artist_info(artist) except: url = content = None if not self._stop: InfoContent.set_content(self, artist, content, url, 'lastfm')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ requests.adapters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module contains the transport adapters that Requests uses to define and maintain connections. """ import os.path import socket from urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager, proxy_from_url from urllib3.response import HTTPResponse from urllib3.util import Timeout as TimeoutSauce from urllib3.util.retry import Retry from urllib3.exceptions import ClosedPoolError from urllib3.exceptions import ConnectTimeoutError from urllib3.exceptions import HTTPError as _HTTPError from urllib3.exceptions import MaxRetryError from urllib3.exceptions import NewConnectionError from urllib3.exceptions import ProxyError as _ProxyError from urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError from urllib3.exceptions import ReadTimeoutError from urllib3.exceptions import SSLError as _SSLError from urllib3.exceptions import ResponseError from .models import Response from .compat import urlparse, basestring from .utils import (DEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH, get_encoding_from_headers, prepend_scheme_if_needed, get_auth_from_url, urldefragauth, select_proxy) from .structures import CaseInsensitiveDict from .cookies import extract_cookies_to_jar from .exceptions import (ConnectionError, ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout, SSLError, ProxyError, RetryError, InvalidSchema) from .auth import _basic_auth_str try: from urllib3.contrib.socks import SOCKSProxyManager except ImportError: def SOCKSProxyManager(*args, **kwargs): raise InvalidSchema("Missing dependencies for SOCKS support.") DEFAULT_POOLBLOCK = False DEFAULT_POOLSIZE = 10 DEFAULT_RETRIES = 0 DEFAULT_POOL_TIMEOUT = None class BaseAdapter(object): """The Base Transport Adapter""" def __init__(self): super(BaseAdapter, self).__init__() def send(self, request, stream=False, timeout=None, verify=True, cert=None, proxies=None): """Sends PreparedRequest object. Returns Response object. :param request: The :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` being sent. :param stream: (optional) Whether to stream the request content. :param timeout: (optional) How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a :ref:`(connect timeout, read timeout) <timeouts>` tuple. :type timeout: float or tuple :param verify: (optional) Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use :param cert: (optional) Any user-provided SSL certificate to be trusted. :param proxies: (optional) The proxies dictionary to apply to the request. """ raise NotImplementedError def close(self): """Cleans up adapter specific items.""" raise NotImplementedError class HTTPAdapter(BaseAdapter): """The built-in HTTP Adapter for urllib3. Provides a general-case interface for Requests sessions to contact HTTP and HTTPS urls by implementing the Transport Adapter interface. This class will usually be created by the :class:`Session <Session>` class under the covers. :param pool_connections: The number of urllib3 connection pools to cache. :param pool_maxsize: The maximum number of connections to save in the pool. :param max_retries: The maximum number of retries each connection should attempt. Note, this applies only to failed DNS lookups, socket connections and connection timeouts, never to requests where data has made it to the server. By default, Requests does not retry failed connections. If you need granular control over the conditions under which we retry a request, import urllib3's ``Retry`` class and pass that instead. :param pool_block: Whether the connection pool should block for connections. Usage:: >>> import requests >>> s = requests.Session() >>> a = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3) >>> s.mount('http://', a) """ __attrs__ = ['max_retries', 'config', '_pool_connections', '_pool_maxsize', '_pool_block'] def __init__(self, pool_connections=DEFAULT_POOLSIZE, pool_maxsize=DEFAULT_POOLSIZE, max_retries=DEFAULT_RETRIES, pool_block=DEFAULT_POOLBLOCK): if max_retries == DEFAULT_RETRIES: self.max_retries = Retry(0, read=False) else: self.max_retries = Retry.from_int(max_retries) self.config = {} self.proxy_manager = {} super(HTTPAdapter, self).__init__() self._pool_connections = pool_connections self._pool_maxsize = pool_maxsize self._pool_block = pool_block self.init_poolmanager(pool_connections, pool_maxsize, block=pool_block) def __getstate__(self): return dict((attr, getattr(self, attr, None)) for attr in self.__attrs__) def __setstate__(self, state): # Can't handle by adding 'proxy_manager' to self.__attrs__ because # self.poolmanager uses a lambda function, which isn't pickleable. self.proxy_manager = {} self.config = {} for attr, value in state.items(): setattr(self, attr, value) self.init_poolmanager(self._pool_connections, self._pool_maxsize, block=self._pool_block) def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=DEFAULT_POOLBLOCK, **pool_kwargs): """Initializes a urllib3 PoolManager. This method should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. :param connections: The number of urllib3 connection pools to cache. :param maxsize: The maximum number of connections to save in the pool. :param block: Block when no free connections are available. :param pool_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments used to initialize the Pool Manager. """ # save these values for pickling self._pool_connections = connections self._pool_maxsize = maxsize self._pool_block = block self.poolmanager = PoolManager(num_pools=connections, maxsize=maxsize, block=block, strict=True, **pool_kwargs) def proxy_manager_for(self, proxy, **proxy_kwargs): """Return urllib3 ProxyManager for the given proxy. This method should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. :param proxy: The proxy to return a urllib3 ProxyManager for. :param proxy_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments used to configure the Proxy Manager. :returns: ProxyManager :rtype: urllib3.ProxyManager """ if proxy in self.proxy_manager: manager = self.proxy_manager[proxy] elif proxy.lower().startswith('socks'): username, password = get_auth_from_url(proxy) manager = self.proxy_manager[proxy] = SOCKSProxyManager( proxy, username=username, password=password, num_pools=self._pool_connections, maxsize=self._pool_maxsize, block=self._pool_block, **proxy_kwargs ) else: proxy_headers = self.proxy_headers(proxy) manager = self.proxy_manager[proxy] = proxy_from_url( proxy, proxy_headers=proxy_headers, num_pools=self._pool_connections, maxsize=self._pool_maxsize, block=self._pool_block, **proxy_kwargs) return manager def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert): """Verify a SSL certificate. This method should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. :param conn: The urllib3 connection object associated with the cert. :param url: The requested URL. :param verify: Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use :param cert: The SSL certificate to verify. """ if url.lower().startswith('https') and verify: cert_loc = None # Allow self-specified cert location. if verify is not True: cert_loc = verify if not cert_loc: cert_loc = DEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH if not cert_loc or not os.path.exists(cert_loc): raise IOError("Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle, " "invalid path: {0}".format(cert_loc)) conn.cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED' if not os.path.isdir(cert_loc): conn.ca_certs = cert_loc else: conn.ca_cert_dir = cert_loc else: conn.cert_reqs = 'CERT_NONE' conn.ca_certs = None conn.ca_cert_dir = None if cert: if not isinstance(cert, basestring): conn.cert_file = cert[0] conn.key_file = cert[1] else: conn.cert_file = cert conn.key_file = None if conn.cert_file and not os.path.exists(conn.cert_file): raise IOError("Could not find the TLS certificate file, " "invalid path: {0}".format(conn.cert_file)) if conn.key_file and not os.path.exists(conn.key_file): raise IOError("Could not find the TLS key file, " "invalid path: {0}".format(conn.key_file)) def build_response(self, req, resp): """Builds a :class:`Response <requests.Response>` object from a urllib3 response. This should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>` :param req: The :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` used to generate the response. :param resp: The urllib3 response object. :rtype: requests.Response """ response = Response() # Fallback to None if there's no status_code, for whatever reason. response.status_code = getattr(resp, 'status', None) # Make headers case-insensitive. response.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(getattr(resp, 'headers', {})) # Set encoding. response.encoding = get_encoding_from_headers(response.headers) response.raw = resp response.reason = response.raw.reason if isinstance(req.url, bytes): response.url = req.url.decode('utf-8') else: response.url = req.url # Add new cookies from the server. extract_cookies_to_jar(response.cookies, req, resp) # Give the Response some context. response.request = req response.connection = self return response def get_connection(self, url, proxies=None): """Returns a urllib3 connection for the given URL. This should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. :param url: The URL to connect to. :param proxies: (optional) A Requests-style dictionary of proxies used on this request. :rtype: urllib3.ConnectionPool """ proxy = select_proxy(url, proxies) if proxy: proxy = prepend_scheme_if_needed(proxy, 'http') proxy_manager = self.proxy_manager_for(proxy) conn = proxy_manager.connection_from_url(url) else: # Only scheme should be lower case parsed = urlparse(url) url = parsed.geturl() conn = self.poolmanager.connection_from_url(url) return conn def close(self): """Disposes of any internal state. Currently, this closes the PoolManager and any active ProxyManager, which closes any pooled connections. """ self.poolmanager.clear() for proxy in self.proxy_manager.values(): proxy.clear() def request_url(self, request, proxies): """Obtain the url to use when making the final request. If the message is being sent through a HTTP proxy, the full URL has to be used. Otherwise, we should only use the path portion of the URL. This should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. :param request: The :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` being sent. :param proxies: A dictionary of schemes or schemes and hosts to proxy URLs. :rtype: str """ proxy = select_proxy(request.url, proxies) scheme = urlparse(request.url).scheme is_proxied_http_request = (proxy and scheme != 'https') using_socks_proxy = False if proxy: proxy_scheme = urlparse(proxy).scheme.lower() using_socks_proxy = proxy_scheme.startswith('socks') url = request.path_url if is_proxied_http_request and not using_socks_proxy: url = urldefragauth(request.url) return url def add_headers(self, request, **kwargs): """Add any headers needed by the connection. As of v2.0 this does nothing by default, but is left for overriding by users that subclass the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. This should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. :param request: The :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` to add headers to. :param kwargs: The keyword arguments from the call to send(). """ pass def proxy_headers(self, proxy): """Returns a dictionary of the headers to add to any request sent through a proxy. This works with urllib3 magic to ensure that they are correctly sent to the proxy, rather than in a tunnelled request if CONNECT is being used. This should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`. :param proxies: The url of the proxy being used for this request. :rtype: dict """ headers = {} username, password = get_auth_from_url(proxy) if username: headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = _basic_auth_str(username, password) return headers def send(self, request, stream=False, timeout=None, verify=True, cert=None, proxies=None): """Sends PreparedRequest object. Returns Response object. :param request: The :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` being sent. :param stream: (optional) Whether to stream the request content. :param timeout: (optional) How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a :ref:`(connect timeout, read timeout) <timeouts>` tuple. :type timeout: float or tuple or urllib3 Timeout object :param verify: (optional) Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use :param cert: (optional) Any user-provided SSL certificate to be trusted. :param proxies: (optional) The proxies dictionary to apply to the request. :rtype: requests.Response """ conn = self.get_connection(request.url, proxies) self.cert_verify(conn, request.url, verify, cert) url = self.request_url(request, proxies) self.add_headers(request) chunked = not (request.body is None or 'Content-Length' in request.headers) if isinstance(timeout, tuple): try: connect, read = timeout timeout = TimeoutSauce(connect=connect, read=read) except ValueError as e: # this may raise a string formatting error. err = ("Invalid timeout {0}. Pass a (connect, read) " "timeout tuple, or a single float to set " "both timeouts to the same value".format(timeout)) raise ValueError(err) elif isinstance(timeout, TimeoutSauce): pass else: timeout = TimeoutSauce(connect=timeout, read=timeout) try: if not chunked: resp = conn.urlopen( method=request.method, url=url, body=request.body, headers=request.headers, redirect=False, assert_same_host=False, preload_content=False, decode_content=False, retries=self.max_retries, timeout=timeout ) # Send the request. else: if hasattr(conn, 'proxy_pool'): conn = conn.proxy_pool low_conn = conn._get_conn(timeout=DEFAULT_POOL_TIMEOUT) try: low_conn.putrequest(request.method, url, skip_accept_encoding=True) for header, value in request.headers.items(): low_conn.putheader(header, value) low_conn.endheaders() for i in request.body: low_conn.send(hex(len(i))[2:].encode('utf-8')) low_conn.send(b'\r\n') low_conn.send(i) low_conn.send(b'\r\n') low_conn.send(b'0\r\n\r\n') # Receive the response from the server try: # For Python 2.7+ versions, use buffering of HTTP # responses r = low_conn.getresponse(buffering=True) except TypeError: # For compatibility with Python 2.6 versions and back r = low_conn.getresponse() resp = HTTPResponse.from_httplib( r, pool=conn, connection=low_conn, preload_content=False, decode_content=False ) except: # If we hit any problems here, clean up the connection. # Then, reraise so that we can handle the actual exception. low_conn.close() raise except (ProtocolError, socket.error) as err: raise ConnectionError(err, request=request) except MaxRetryError as e: if isinstance(e.reason, ConnectTimeoutError): # TODO: Remove this in 3.0.0: see #2811 if not isinstance(e.reason, NewConnectionError): raise ConnectTimeout(e, request=request) if isinstance(e.reason, ResponseError): raise RetryError(e, request=request) if isinstance(e.reason, _ProxyError): raise ProxyError(e, request=request) raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) except ClosedPoolError as e: raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) except _ProxyError as e: raise ProxyError(e) except (_SSLError, _HTTPError) as e: if isinstance(e, _SSLError): raise SSLError(e, request=request) elif isinstance(e, ReadTimeoutError): raise ReadTimeout(e, request=request) else: raise return self.build_response(request, resp)
import _surface import chimera try: import chimera.runCommand except: pass from VolumePath import markerset as ms try: from VolumePath import Marker_Set, Link new_marker_set=Marker_Set except: from VolumePath import volume_path_dialog d= volume_path_dialog(True) new_marker_set= d.new_marker_set marker_sets={} surf_sets={} if "particle_0 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_0 geometry') marker_sets["particle_0 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_0 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((11940.8, 9337.41, -158.497), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 507.685) if "particle_1 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_1 geometry') marker_sets["particle_1 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_1 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((12195.5, 9106.45, -1101.02), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 479.978) if "particle_2 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_2 geometry') marker_sets["particle_2 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_2 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((10973.7, 8381.8, 247.435), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 681.834) if "particle_3 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_3 geometry') marker_sets["particle_3 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_3 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((9509.51, 7502.26, 1857.76), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 522.532) if "particle_4 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_4 geometry') marker_sets["particle_4 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_4 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((9049.4, 7235.22, 2374.42), (0, 1, 0), 751.925) if "particle_5 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_5 geometry') marker_sets["particle_5 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_5 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((9271.81, 5480.11, 1126.19), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 437.001) if "particle_6 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_6 geometry') marker_sets["particle_6 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_6 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((8891.71, 4722.9, 2841.27), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 710.767) if "particle_7 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_7 geometry') marker_sets["particle_7 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_7 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((9264.8, 3068.69, 3090.96), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 762.077) if "particle_8 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_8 geometry') marker_sets["particle_8 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_8 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((9587.39, 2345.5, 4456.43), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 726.799) if "particle_9 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_9 geometry') marker_sets["particle_9 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_9 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((9372.65, 1421.29, 6023.79), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 885.508) if "particle_10 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_10 geometry') marker_sets["particle_10 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_10 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((10384.3, 2018.85, 7266.34), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 778.489) if "particle_11 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_11 geometry') marker_sets["particle_11 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_11 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((12030.1, 740.68, 7673.3), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 790.333) if "particle_12 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_12 geometry') marker_sets["particle_12 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_12 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((13581.2, -581.047, 7931.29), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 707.721) if "particle_13 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_13 geometry') marker_sets["particle_13 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_13 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((13475.7, 146.89, 6484.97), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 651.166) if "particle_14 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_14 geometry') marker_sets["particle_14 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_14 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((12253.4, -548.309, 7403.08), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 708.61) if "particle_15 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_15 geometry') marker_sets["particle_15 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_15 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((10716, -250.452, 7660.92), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 490.595) if "particle_16 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_16 geometry') marker_sets["particle_16 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_16 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((9688.92, 505.105, 6940.12), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 591.565) if "particle_17 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_17 geometry') marker_sets["particle_17 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_17 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((8489.39, 1369.57, 6361.24), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 581.287) if "particle_18 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_18 geometry') marker_sets["particle_18 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_18 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((8300.87, 988.724, 4612.07), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 789.529) if "particle_19 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_19 geometry') marker_sets["particle_19 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_19 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((6821.07, 1179.69, 4341.4), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 623.587) if "particle_20 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_20 geometry') marker_sets["particle_20 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_20 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((5037.12, 1018.56, 4308.68), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 1083.56) if "particle_21 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_21 geometry') marker_sets["particle_21 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_21 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((3860.26, -168.363, 4360.48), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 504.258) if "particle_22 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_22 geometry') marker_sets["particle_22 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_22 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((4417.72, 1037.95, 4913.69), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 805.519) if "particle_23 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_23 geometry') marker_sets["particle_23 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_23 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((5257.27, 2248.03, 6444.98), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 631.708) if "particle_24 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_24 geometry') marker_sets["particle_24 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_24 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((5966.74, 2786.32, 8402.05), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 805.942) if "particle_25 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_25 geometry') marker_sets["particle_25 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_25 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((6289.63, 2979.25, 9397.68), (1, 0.7, 0), 672.697) if "particle_26 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_26 geometry') marker_sets["particle_26 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_26 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((5529.08, 5570.16, 9035.92), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 797.863) if "particle_27 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_27 geometry') marker_sets["particle_27 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_27 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((4760.85, 7131.28, 9708.64), (1, 0.7, 0), 735.682) if "particle_28 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_28 geometry') marker_sets["particle_28 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_28 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((3786.6, 7360.01, 8945.25), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 602.14) if "particle_29 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_29 geometry') marker_sets["particle_29 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_29 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((1654.98, 7410.22, 8021.9), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 954.796) if "particle_30 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_30 geometry') marker_sets["particle_30 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_30 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2487.12, 7674.97, 7874.06), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 1021.88) if "particle_31 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_31 geometry') marker_sets["particle_31 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_31 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2296.04, 8839.24, 8689.6), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 909.323) if "particle_32 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_32 geometry') marker_sets["particle_32 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_32 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((1332.12, 10891.2, 8555.1), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 621.049) if "particle_33 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_33 geometry') marker_sets["particle_33 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_33 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2253.76, 11876.7, 7994.34), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 525.154) if "particle_34 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_34 geometry') marker_sets["particle_34 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_34 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2973.08, 12304, 6725.2), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 890.246) if "particle_35 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_35 geometry') marker_sets["particle_35 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_35 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2849.51, 13287.1, 5241.82), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 671.216) if "particle_36 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_36 geometry') marker_sets["particle_36 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_36 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2150.15, 13246.5, 3662.35), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 662.672) if "particle_37 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_37 geometry') marker_sets["particle_37 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_37 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((1533.01, 11876.1, 4094.41), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 646.682) if "particle_38 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_38 geometry') marker_sets["particle_38 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_38 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((930.542, 12322.5, 5434.01), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 769.945) if "particle_39 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_39 geometry') marker_sets["particle_39 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_39 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2140.21, 11729.7, 6912.62), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 606.92) if "particle_40 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_40 geometry') marker_sets["particle_40 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_40 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2388.73, 12815.5, 7471.97), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 622.571) if "particle_41 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_41 geometry') marker_sets["particle_41 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_41 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2840.28, 11558.1, 7238.14), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 466.865) if "particle_42 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_42 geometry') marker_sets["particle_42 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_42 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((3207.73, 11615.9, 6493.22), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 682.933) if "particle_43 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_43 geometry') marker_sets["particle_43 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_43 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2851.89, 11765.5, 7132.13), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 809.326) if "particle_44 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_44 geometry') marker_sets["particle_44 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_44 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((2411.48, 10531.3, 8401.7), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 796.72) if "particle_45 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_45 geometry') marker_sets["particle_45 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_45 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((4521.95, 8917.17, 9506.66), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 870.026) if "particle_46 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_46 geometry') marker_sets["particle_46 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_46 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((6159.18, 9125.57, 10404.4), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 909.577) if "particle_47 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_47 geometry') marker_sets["particle_47 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_47 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((7182.6, 9642.03, 10404.9), (0, 1, 0), 500.536) if "particle_48 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_48 geometry') marker_sets["particle_48 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_48 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((7812.64, 11430.5, 11020.9), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 725.276) if "particle_49 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_49 geometry') marker_sets["particle_49 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_49 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((8034.26, 13635.6, 12511.2), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 570.331) if "particle_50 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_50 geometry') marker_sets["particle_50 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_50 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((6557.43, 14208, 11872), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 492.203) if "particle_51 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_51 geometry') marker_sets["particle_51 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_51 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((5027.99, 11762.6, 12234.2), (0, 1, 0), 547.7) if "particle_52 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_52 geometry') marker_sets["particle_52 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_52 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((5139.78, 11881.3, 11476.4), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 581.921) if "particle_53 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_53 geometry') marker_sets["particle_53 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_53 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((4503.82, 13181.9, 10230.1), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 555.314) if "particle_54 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_54 geometry') marker_sets["particle_54 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_54 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((4542.31, 13826.8, 8823.6), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 404.219) if "particle_55 geometry" not in marker_sets: s=new_marker_set('particle_55 geometry') marker_sets["particle_55 geometry"]=s s= marker_sets["particle_55 geometry"] mark=s.place_marker((5277.87, 12715, 7563.24), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), 764.234) for k in surf_sets.keys(): chimera.openModels.add([surf_sets[k]])
#!/usr/bin/env python # Install.py tool to download, unpack, build, and link to the Voro++ library # used to automate the steps described in the README file in this dir from __future__ import print_function import sys,os,re,subprocess # help message help = """ Syntax from src dir: make lib-voronoi args="-b" or: make lib-voronoi args="-p /usr/local/voro++-0.4.6" or: make lib-voronoi args="-b -v voro++-0.4.6" Syntax from lib dir: python Install.py -b -v voro++-0.4.6 or: python Install.py -b or: python Install.py -p /usr/local/voro++-0.4.6 specify one or more options, order does not matter -b = download and build the Voro++ library -p = specify folder of existing Voro++ installation -v = set version of Voro++ to download and build (default voro++-0.4.6) Example: make lib-voronoi args="-b" # download/build in lib/voronoi/voro++-0.4.6 make lib-voronoi args="-p $HOME/voro++-0.4.6" # use existing Voro++ installation in $HOME/voro++-0.4.6 """ # settings version = "voro++-0.4.6" url = "http://math.lbl.gov/voro++/download/dir/%s.tar.gz" % version # print error message or help def error(str=None): if not str: print(help) else: print("ERROR",str) sys.exit() # expand to full path name # process leading '~' or relative path def fullpath(path): return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) def which(program): def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None def geturl(url,fname): success = False if which('curl') != None: cmd = 'curl -L -o "%s" %s' % (fname,url) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) success = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Calling curl failed with: %s" % e.output.decode('UTF-8')) if not success and which('wget') != None: cmd = 'wget -O "%s" %s' % (fname,url) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) success = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Calling wget failed with: %s" % e.output.decode('UTF-8')) if not success: error("Failed to download source code with 'curl' or 'wget'") return # parse args args = sys.argv[1:] nargs = len(args) if nargs == 0: error() homepath = "." homedir = version buildflag = False pathflag = False linkflag = True iarg = 0 while iarg < nargs: if args[iarg] == "-v": if iarg+2 > nargs: error() version = args[iarg+1] iarg += 2 elif args[iarg] == "-p": if iarg+2 > nargs: error() voropath = fullpath(args[iarg+1]) pathflag = True iarg += 2 elif args[iarg] == "-b": buildflag = True iarg += 1 else: error() homepath = fullpath(homepath) homedir = "%s/%s" % (homepath,version) if (pathflag): if not os.path.isdir(voropath): error("Voro++ path does not exist") homedir = voropath if (buildflag and pathflag): error("Cannot use -b and -p flag at the same time") if (not buildflag and not pathflag): error("Have to use either -b or -p flag") # download and unpack Voro++ tarball if buildflag: print("Downloading Voro++ ...") geturl(url,"%s/%s.tar.gz" % (homepath,version)) print("Unpacking Voro++ tarball ...") if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (homepath,version)): cmd = 'rm -rf "%s/%s"' % (homepath,version) subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) cmd = 'cd "%s"; tar -xzvf %s.tar.gz' % (homepath,version) subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) os.remove("%s/%s.tar.gz" % (homepath,version)) if os.path.basename(homedir) != version: if os.path.exists(homedir): cmd = 'rm -rf "%s"' % homedir subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) os.rename("%s/%s" % (homepath,version),homedir) # build Voro++ if buildflag: print("Building Voro++ ...") cmd = 'cd "%s"; make CXX=g++ CFLAGS="-fPIC -O3"' % homedir txt = subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) print(txt.decode('UTF-8')) # create 2 links in lib/voronoi to Voro++ src dir if linkflag: print("Creating links to Voro++ include and lib files") if os.path.isfile("includelink") or os.path.islink("includelink"): os.remove("includelink") if os.path.isfile("liblink") or os.path.islink("liblink"): os.remove("liblink") cmd = 'ln -s "%s/src" includelink' % homedir subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) cmd = 'ln -s "%s/src" liblink' % homedir subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright (c) 2014 Adafruit Industries # Author: Tony DiCola # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import sys import Adafruit_DHT # Parse command line parameters. sensor_args = { '11': Adafruit_DHT.DHT11, '22': Adafruit_DHT.DHT22, '2302': Adafruit_DHT.AM2302 } if len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] in sensor_args: sensor = sensor_args[sys.argv[1]] pin = sys.argv[2] else: print('usage: sudo ./Adafruit_DHT.py [11|22|2302] GPIOpin#') print('example: sudo ./Adafruit_DHT.py 2302 4 - Read from an AM2302 connected to GPIO #4') sys.exit(1) # Try to grab a sensor reading. Use the read_retry method which will retry up # to 15 times to get a sensor reading (waiting 2 seconds between each retry). humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin) # Note that sometimes you won't get a reading and # the results will be null (because Linux can't # guarantee the timing of calls to read the sensor). # If this happens try again! if humidity is not None and temperature is not None: print('Temp={0:0.1f}*C Humidity={1:0.1f}%'.format(temperature, humidity)) else: print('Failed to get reading. Try again!')
#! /usr/bin/env python # tokenize.py # # Parses a C/C++/C#/D/Java/Pawn/whatever file in an array of # tuples (string, type) # # punctuator lookup table punc_table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{', 3, 0, '{' ], # 22: '{' [ '|', 2, 72, '|' ], # 23: '|' [ '}', 1, 0, '}' ], # 24: '}' [ '~', 0, 74, '~' ], # 25: '~' [ '<', 3, 30, '!<' ], # 26: '!<' [ '=', 2, 33, '!=' ], # 27: '!=' [ '>', 1, 34, '!>' ], # 28: '!>' [ '~', 0, 0, '!~' ], # 29: '!~' [ '=', 1, 0, '!<=' ], # 30: '!<=' [ '>', 0, 32, '!<>' ], # 31: '!<>' [ '=', 0, 0, '!<>='], # 32: '!<>=' [ '=', 0, 0, '!==' ], # 33: '!==' [ '=', 0, 0, '!>=' ], # 34: '!>=' [ '#', 0, 0, '##' ], # 35: '##' [ ':', 2, 39, '%:' ], # 36: '%:' [ '=', 1, 0, '%=' ], # 37: '%=' [ '>', 0, 0, '%>' ], # 38: '%>' [ '%', 0, 40, None ], # 39: '%:%' [ ':', 0, 0, '%:%:'], # 40: '%:%:' [ '&', 1, 0, '&&' ], # 41: '&&' [ '=', 0, 0, '&=' ], # 42: '&=' [ '=', 0, 0, '*=' ], # 43: '*=' [ '+', 1, 0, '++' ], # 44: '++' [ '=', 0, 0, '+=' ], # 45: '+=' [ '-', 2, 0, '--' ], # 46: '--' [ '=', 1, 0, '-=' ], # 47: '-=' [ '>', 0, 49, '->' ], # 48: '->' [ '*', 0, 0, '->*' ], # 49: '->*' [ '*', 1, 0, '.*' ], # 50: '.*' [ '.', 0, 52, '..' ], # 51: '..' [ '.', 0, 0, '...' ], # 52: '...' [ '=', 0, 0, '/=' ], # 53: '/=' [ ':', 1, 0, '::' ], # 54: '::' [ '>', 0, 0, ':>' ], # 55: ':>' [ '%', 4, 0, '<%' ], # 56: '<%' [ ':', 3, 0, '<:' ], # 57: '<:' [ '<', 2, 61, '<<' ], # 58: '<<' [ '=', 1, 0, '<=' ], # 59: '<=' [ '>', 0, 62, '<>' ], # 60: '<>' [ '=', 0, 0, '<<=' ], # 61: '<<=' [ '=', 0, 0, '<>=' ], # 62: '<>=' [ '=', 0, 64, '==' ], # 63: '==' [ '=', 0, 0, '===' ], # 64: '===' [ '=', 1, 0, '>=' ], # 65: '>=' [ '>', 0, 67, '>>' ], # 66: '>>' [ '=', 1, 0, '>>=' ], # 67: '>>=' [ '>', 0, 69, '>>>' ], # 68: '>>>' [ '=', 0, 0, '>>>='], # 69: '>>>=' [ ']', 0, 0, '[]' ], # 70: '[]' [ '=', 0, 0, '^=' ], # 71: '^=' [ '=', 1, 0, '|=' ], # 72: '|=' [ '|', 0, 0, '||' ], # 73: '||' [ '=', 1, 0, '~=' ], # 74: '~=' [ '~', 0, 0, '~~' ], # 75: '~~' ] # # Token types: # 0 = newline # 1 = punctuator # 2 = integer # 3 = float # 4 = string # 5 = identifier # class tokenizer: def __init__(self): self.tokens = [] self.text = '' self.text_idx = 0 def tokenize_text (self, in_text): self.tokens = [] self.text = in_text self.text_idx = 0 print in_text try: while self.text_idx < len(self.text): if self.parse_whitespace(): continue elif self.text[self.text_idx] == '\\' and self.text[self.text_idx + 1] == '\n': self.text_idx += 2 continue elif self.parse_comment(): continue elif self.parse_number(): continue elif self.parse_identifier(): continue elif self.parse_string(): continue elif self.parse_punctuator(): continue else: print 'confused:', self.text[self.text_idx:] break except: print 'bombed' raise def parse_whitespace(self): start_idx = self.text_idx hit_newline = False while self.text_idx < len(self.text): if self.text[self.text_idx] in '\n\r': hit_newline = True elif not self.text[self.text_idx] in ' \t': break self.text_idx += 1 if hit_newline: self.tokens.append(('\n', 0)) return start_idx != self.text_idx def parse_comment(self): if not self.text[self.text_idx] == '/' or not self.text[self.text_idx + 1] in '/*': return False if self.text[self.text_idx + 1] == '/': while self.text_idx < len(self.text): if self.text[self.text_idx] in '\n\r': break; self.text_idx += 1 else: while self.text_idx < len(self.text) - 1: if self.text[self.text_idx] == '*' and self.text[self.text_idx + 1] == '/': self.text_idx += 2 break; self.text_idx += 1 return True def parse_identifier(self): if not self.text[self.text_idx].upper() in '@_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ': return False start_idx = self.text_idx while self.text_idx < len(self.text) and self.text[self.text_idx].upper() in '@_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890': self.text_idx += 1 self.tokens.append((self.text[start_idx : self.text_idx], 5)) return True def parse_string(self): starter = 0 start_ch = self.text[self.text_idx] if start_ch == 'L': starter = 1 start_ch = self.text[self.text_idx + 1] if not start_ch in '"\'': return False start_idx = self.text_idx self.text_idx += starter + 1 escaped = False while self.text_idx < len(self.text): if escaped: escaped = False else: if self.text[self.text_idx] == '\\': escaped = True elif self.text[self.text_idx] == start_ch: self.text_idx += 1 break; self.text_idx += 1 self.tokens.append((self.text[start_idx : self.text_idx], 4)) return True # Checks for punctuators # Returns whether a punctuator was consumed (True or False) def parse_punctuator(self): tab_idx = 0 punc_len = 0 saved_punc = None while 1: pte = punc_table[tab_idx] if pte[0] == self.text[self.text_idx]: if pte[3] != None: saved_punc = pte[3] self.text_idx += 1 tab_idx = pte[2] if tab_idx == 0: break elif pte[1] == 0: break else: tab_idx += 1 if saved_punc != None: self.tokens.append((saved_punc, 1)) return True return False def parse_number(self): # A number must start with a digit or a dot followed by a digit ch = self.text[self.text_idx] if not ch.isdigit() and (ch != '.' or not self.text[self.text_idx + 1].isdigit()): return False; token_type = 2 # integer if (ch == '.'): token_type = 3 # float did_hex = False; start_idx = self.text_idx # Check for Hex, Octal, or Binary # Note that only D and Pawn support binary, but who cares? # if ch == '0': self.text_idx += 1 ch = self.text[self.text_idx].upper() if ch == 'X': # hex did_hex = True self.text_idx += 1 while self.text[self.text_idx] in '_0123456789abcdefABCDEF': self.text_idx += 1 elif ch == 'B': # binary self.text_idx += 1 while self.text[self.text_idx] in '_01': self.text_idx += 1 elif ch >= '0' and ch <= 7: # octal (but allow decimal) self.text_idx += 1 while self.text[self.text_idx] in '_0123456789': self.text_idx += 1 else: # either just 0 or 0.1 or 0UL, etc pass else: # Regular int or float while self.text[self.text_idx] in '_0123456789': self.text_idx += 1 # Check if we stopped on a decimal point if self.text[self.text_idx] == '.': self.text_idx += 1 token_type = 3 # float if did_hex: while self.text[self.text_idx] in '_0123456789abcdefABCDEF': self.text_idx += 1 else: while self.text[self.text_idx] in '_0123456789': self.text_idx += 1 # Check exponent # Valid exponents per language (not that it matters): # C/C++/D/Java: eEpP # C#/Pawn: eE if self.text[self.text_idx] in 'eEpP': token_type = 3 # float self.text_idx += 1 if self.text[self.text_idx] in '+-': self.text_idx += 1 while self.text[self.text_idx] in '_0123456789': self.text_idx += 1 # Check the suffixes # Valid suffixes per language (not that it matters): # Integer Float # C/C++: uUlL lLfF # C#: uUlL fFdDMm # D: uUL ifFL # Java: lL fFdD # Pawn: (none) (none) # # Note that i, f, d, and m only appear in floats. while 1: if self.text[self.text_idx] in 'tTfFdDmM': token_type = 3 # float elif not self.text[self.text_idx] in 'lLuU': break; self.text_idx += 1 self.tokens.append((self.text[start_idx : self.text_idx], token_type)) return True text = """ 1.23+4-3*16%2 *sin(1.e-3 + .5p32) "hello" and "hello\\"there" 123 // some comment a = b + c; #define abc \\ 5 d = 5 /* hello */ + 3; """ t=tokenizer() t.tokenize_text(text) print t.tokens
#!/usr/bin/env python """xml2json.py Convert XML to JSON Relies on ElementTree for the XML parsing. This is based on pesterfish.py but uses a different XML->JSON mapping. The XML->JSON mapping is described at http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2006/05/31/converting-between-xml-and-json.html Rewritten to a command line utility by Hay Kranen < github.com/hay > with contributions from George Hamilton (gmh04) and Dan Brown (jdanbrown) XML JSON <e/> "e": null <e>text</e> "e": "text" <e name="value" /> "e": { "@name": "value" } <e name="value">text</e> "e": { "@name": "value", "#text": "text" } <e> <a>text</a ><b>text</b> </e> "e": { "a": "text", "b": "text" } <e> <a>text</a> <a>text</a> </e> "e": { "a": ["text", "text"] } <e> text <a>text</a> </e> "e": { "#text": "text", "a": "text" } This is very similar to the mapping used for Yahoo Web Services (http://developer.yahoo.com/common/json.html#xml). This is a mess in that it is so unpredictable -- it requires lots of testing (e.g. to see if values are lists or strings or dictionaries). For use in Python this could be vastly cleaner. Think about whether the internal form can be more self-consistent while maintaining good external characteristics for the JSON. Look at the Yahoo version closely to see how it works. Maybe can adopt that completely if it makes more sense... R. White, 2006 November 6 """ import json import optparse import sys import os import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET def strip_tag(tag): strip_ns_tag = tag split_array = tag.split('}') if len(split_array) > 1: strip_ns_tag = split_array[1] tag = strip_ns_tag return tag def elem_to_internal(elem, strip_ns=1, strip=1): """Convert an Element into an internal dictionary (not JSON!).""" d = {} elem_tag = elem.tag if strip_ns: elem_tag = strip_tag(elem.tag) else: for key, value in list(elem.attrib.items()): d['@' + key] = value # loop over subelements to merge them for subelem in elem: v = elem_to_internal(subelem, strip_ns=strip_ns, strip=strip) tag = subelem.tag if strip_ns: tag = strip_tag(subelem.tag) value = v[tag] try: # add to existing list for this tag d[tag].append(value) except AttributeError: # turn existing entry into a list d[tag] = [d[tag], value] except KeyError: # add a new non-list entry d[tag] = value text = elem.text tail = elem.tail if strip: # ignore leading and trailing whitespace if text: text = text.strip() if tail: tail = tail.strip() if tail: d['#tail'] = tail if d: # use #text element if other attributes exist if text: d["#text"] = text else: # text is the value if no attributes d = text or None return {elem_tag: d} def internal_to_elem(pfsh, factory=ET.Element): """Convert an internal dictionary (not JSON!) into an Element. Whatever Element implementation we could import will be used by default; if you want to use something else, pass the Element class as the factory parameter. """ attribs = {} text = None tail = None sublist = [] tag = list(pfsh.keys()) if len(tag) != 1: raise ValueError("Illegal structure with multiple tags: %s" % tag) tag = tag[0] value = pfsh[tag] if isinstance(value, dict): for k, v in list(value.items()): if k[:1] == "@": attribs[k[1:]] = v elif k == "#text": text = v elif k == "#tail": tail = v elif isinstance(v, list): for v2 in v: sublist.append(internal_to_elem({k: v2}, factory=factory)) else: sublist.append(internal_to_elem({k: v}, factory=factory)) else: text = value e = factory(tag, attribs) for sub in sublist: e.append(sub) e.text = text e.tail = tail return e def elem2json(elem, options, strip_ns=1, strip=1): """Convert an ElementTree or Element into a JSON string.""" if hasattr(elem, 'getroot'): elem = elem.getroot() if options.pretty: return json.dumps(elem_to_internal(elem, strip_ns=strip_ns, strip=strip), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) else: return json.dumps(elem_to_internal(elem, strip_ns=strip_ns, strip=strip)) def json2elem(json_data, factory=ET.Element): """Convert a JSON string into an Element. Whatever Element implementation we could import will be used by default; if you want to use something else, pass the Element class as the factory parameter. """ return internal_to_elem(json.loads(json_data), factory) def xml2json(xmlstring, options, strip_ns=1, strip=1): """Convert an XML string into a JSON string.""" elem = ET.fromstring(xmlstring) return elem2json(elem, options, strip_ns=strip_ns, strip=strip) def json2xml(json_data, factory=ET.Element): """Convert a JSON string into an XML string. Whatever Element implementation we could import will be used by default; if you want to use something else, pass the Element class as the factory parameter. """ if not isinstance(json_data, dict): json_data = json.loads(json_data) elem = internal_to_elem(json_data, factory) return ET.tostring(elem) def main(): p = optparse.OptionParser( description='Converts XML to JSON or the other way around. Reads from standard input by default, or from file if given.', prog='xml2json', usage='%prog -t xml2json -o file.json [file]' ) p.add_option('--type', '-t', help="'xml2json' or 'json2xml'", default="xml2json") p.add_option('--out', '-o', help="Write to OUT instead of stdout") p.add_option( '--strip_text', action="store_true", dest="strip_text", help="Strip text for xml2json") p.add_option( '--pretty', action="store_true", dest="pretty", help="Format JSON output so it is easier to read") p.add_option( '--strip_namespace', action="store_true", dest="strip_ns", help="Strip namespace for xml2json") p.add_option( '--strip_newlines', action="store_true", dest="strip_nl", help="Strip newlines for xml2json") options, arguments = p.parse_args() inputstream = sys.stdin if len(arguments) == 1: try: inputstream = open(arguments[0]) except: sys.stderr.write("Problem reading '{0}'\n".format(arguments[0])) p.print_help() sys.exit(-1) input = inputstream.read() strip = 0 strip_ns = 0 if options.strip_text: strip = 1 if options.strip_ns: strip_ns = 1 if options.strip_nl: input = input.replace('\n', '').replace('\r','') if (options.type == "xml2json"): out = xml2json(input, options, strip_ns, strip) else: out = json2xml(input) if (options.out): file = open(options.out, 'w') file.write(out) file.close() else: print(out) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # usage: action_maketokenizer.py OUTPUTS -- INPUTS # # Multiple INPUTS may be listed. The sections are separated by -- arguments. # # OUTPUTS must contain a single item: a path to tokenizer.cpp. # # INPUTS must contain exactly two items. The first item must be the path to # maketokenizer. The second item must be the path to tokenizer.flex. import os import subprocess import sys def SplitArgsIntoSections(args): sections = [] while len(args) > 0: if not '--' in args: # If there is no '--' left, everything remaining is an entire section. dashes = len(args) else: dashes = args.index('--') sections.append(args[:dashes]) # Next time through the loop, look at everything after this '--'. if dashes + 1 == len(args): # If the '--' is at the end of the list, we won't come back through the # loop again. Add an empty section now corresponding to the nothingness # following the final '--'. args = [] sections.append(args) else: args = args[dashes + 1:] return sections def main(args): sections = SplitArgsIntoSections(args[1:]) assert len(sections) == 2 (outputs, inputs) = sections assert len(outputs) == 1 output = outputs[0] assert len(inputs) == 2 maketokenizer = inputs[0] flexInput = inputs[1] # Do it. check_call is new in 2.5, so simulate its behavior with call and # assert. outfile = open(output, 'wb') p1 = subprocess.Popen(['flex', '-t', flexInput], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(['perl', maketokenizer], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=outfile) r1 = p1.wait() r2 = p2.wait() assert r1 == 0 assert r2 == 0 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
from pkgutil import extend_path from i3pystatus.core import Status from i3pystatus.core.modules import Module, IntervalModule from i3pystatus.core.settings import SettingsBase from i3pystatus.core.util import formatp, get_module import argparse import imp import logging import os __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) __all__ = [ "Status", "Module", "IntervalModule", "SettingsBase", "formatp", "get_module", ] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".i3pystatus-log")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".i3pystatus-log"), 0o755) logpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".i3pystatus-log", ".i3pystatus-%s" % os.getpid()) handler = logging.FileHandler(logpath, delay=True) logger = logging.getLogger("i3pystatus") logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) def clock_example(): from i3pystatus.clock import Clock status = Status() status.register(Clock()) status.run() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' run i3pystatus configuration file. Starts i3pystatus clock example if no arguments were provided ''') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='path to configuration file', default=None, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.config: module_name = "i3pystatus-config" imp.load_source(module_name, args.config) else: clock_example()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Simulacrum documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Sat Sep 22 16:20:50 2012. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys, os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. #needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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They are ignored by default. #show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] rst_epilog = """ .. raw:: html <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-54603999-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> """ # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. html_theme = 'haiku' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. 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List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ ('Simulacrum', 'Simulacrum.tex', 'Simulacrum Documentation', 'M.A. Hicks', 'manual'), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. latex_logo = "Images/slogo_small.png" # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. #latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ ('Simulacrum', 'simulacrum', 'Simulacrum Documentation', ['M.A. Hicks'], 1) ] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ('Simulacrum', 'Simulacrum', 'Simulacrum Documentation', 'M.A. Hicks', 'Simulacrum', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # -- Options for Epub output --------------------------------------------------- # Bibliographic Dublin Core info. epub_title = 'Simulacrum' epub_author = 'M.A. Hicks' epub_publisher = 'M.A. Hicks' epub_copyright = '2013 --, M.A. Hicks' # The language of the text. It defaults to the language option # or en if the language is not set. #epub_language = '' # The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL. #epub_scheme = '' # The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number # or the project homepage. #epub_identifier = '' # A unique identification for the text. #epub_uid = '' # A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames. #epub_cover = () # HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. #epub_pre_files = [] # HTML files shat should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx. # The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. #epub_post_files = [] # A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. #epub_exclude_files = [] # The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx. #epub_tocdepth = 3 # Allow duplicate toc entries. #epub_tocdup = True
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import mxnet as mx from mxnet import nd from .ndarray_utils import get_mx_ndarray, nd_forward_and_profile, nd_forward_backward_and_profile from .common_utils import merge_map_list from .op_registry_utils import prepare_op_inputs from benchmark.opperf.rules.default_params import PARAMS_OF_TYPE_NDARRAY from .profiler_utils import cpp_profile, python_profile no_backward = {'gather_nd', 'softmax_cross_entropy', 'linalg_gelqf', 'linalg_slogdet', 'moments', 'SequenceLast', 'Embedding'} def _prepare_op_inputs(inputs, run_backward, dtype, ctx): mx.random.seed(41) kwargs_list = [] for inp in inputs: kwargs = {} for key, value in inp.items(): if key in PARAMS_OF_TYPE_NDARRAY: kwargs[key] = get_mx_ndarray(ctx=ctx, in_tensor=value, dtype=dtype, initializer=nd.normal, attach_grad=run_backward) else: kwargs[key] = value kwargs_list.append(kwargs) return kwargs_list def parse_input_ndarray(input_dict): """Parse input for ndarray and extract array shape for better readability Parameters ---------- input_dict : dict Dictionary of input Input Dictionary 'inputs': {'weight': [[ 2.2122064 0.7740038 1.0434405 1.1839255 1.8917114 ] [-1.2347414 -1.771029 -0.45138445 0.57938355 -1.856082 ] [-1.9768796 -0.20801921 0.2444218 -0.03716067 -0.48774993] [-0.02261727 0.57461417 1.4661262 0.6862904 0.35496104] [ 1.0731696 0.12017461 -0.9711102 -0.77569664 -0.7882176 ]] <NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>, 'grad': [[ 0.7417728 -1.4734439 -1.0730928 -1.0424827 -1.3278849 ] [-1.4749662 -0.52414197 1.2662556 0.8950642 -0.6015945 ] [ 1.2040559 -0.9712193 -0.58256227 0.3717077 0.9300072 ] [-1.4225755 -0.5176199 2.0088325 0.2863085 0.5604595 ] [ 0.96975976 -0.52853745 -1.88909 0.65479124 -0.45481315]] <NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>, 'mean': [[ 0.32510808 -1.3002341 0.3679345 1.4534262 0.24154152] [ 0.47898006 0.96885103 -1.0218245 -0.06812762 -0.31868345] [-0.17634277 0.35655284 0.74419165 0.7787424 0.6087823 ] [ 1.0741756 0.06642842 0.8486986 -0.8003802 -0.16882208] [ 0.93632793 0.357444 0.77932847 -1.0103073 -0.39157307]] <NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>, 'var': [[ 1.3166187 -0.43292624 0.71535987 0.9254156 -0.90495086] [-0.074684 0.82254 -1.8785107 0.8858836 1.9118724 ] [ 0.33342266 0.11883813 -1.9198899 -0.67558455 1.007749 ] [-0.35391203 1.6323917 -0.33354783 -1.7378405 0.7737382 ] [ 0.89126545 3.2904532 -1.1976235 1.8938874 -0.5669272 ]] <NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>, 't': 1, 'wd': 0.1} Output {'inputs': {'weight': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'grad': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'mean': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'var': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 't': 1, 'wd': 0.1} """ no_new_line_input_dict=dict() for key,value in input_dict.items(): if isinstance(value,nd.NDArray): # if value in input is NDArray then extract last line only val = str(value).split('\n')[-1] no_new_line_input_dict[key]=val else: no_new_line_input_dict[key]=value return no_new_line_input_dict def _run_nd_operator_performance_test(op, inputs, run_backward, warmup, runs, kwargs_list, profiler): if profiler == 'native': if run_backward: benchmark_helper_func = cpp_profile(nd_forward_backward_and_profile) else: benchmark_helper_func = cpp_profile(nd_forward_and_profile) elif profiler == 'python': if run_backward: benchmark_helper_func = python_profile(nd_forward_backward_and_profile) else: benchmark_helper_func = python_profile(nd_forward_and_profile) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect input for profiler. Valid input - 'python' or 'native'") # Warm up, ignore the profiler output _, _ = benchmark_helper_func(op, warmup, **kwargs_list[0]) # Run Benchmarks op_benchmark_result = {op.__name__: []} logging.info("Begin Benchmark - {name}".format(name=op.__name__)) for idx, kwargs in enumerate(kwargs_list): _, profiler_output = benchmark_helper_func(op, runs, **kwargs) # Add inputs used for profiling this operator into result # parse input if it contains ndarray, replace with shape info for better markdown readability new_inp = parse_input_ndarray(inputs[idx]) profiler_output = merge_map_list([{"inputs": new_inp}] + [profiler_output]) op_benchmark_result[op.__name__].append(profiler_output) logging.info("Complete Benchmark - {name}".format(name=op.__name__)) return op_benchmark_result def run_performance_test(ops, inputs, run_backward=True, dtype='float32', ctx=mx.cpu(), profiler='native', warmup=10, runs=50): """Run operator benchmark for given operator or list of operators, ops, with the given inputs. Returns benchmark results as a list of dictionary where each dictionary represents benchmarks result per operator. key -> name of the operator and value -> map of results (forward time, backward time, time spent in memory operations. Parameters ---------- ops: [Str] One or list of operators to benchmark. Should be an NDArray operator. inputs: map Inputs for operator. Key should be name of parameter for operator. Example: inputs = {"lhs": (1024, 1024), "rhs": (1024, 1024)} for mx.nd.add run_backward: Boolean, Default is True Should we have backward operator benchmarks. dtype: Str, default 'float32' Precision to use for input tensors. Defaults to float32. Example: 'float32', 'int64' ctx: mx.ctx, default mx.cpu() Context to use for benchmarks. Default to mx.cpu() profiler: Str, default 'native' Type of profiler to run benchmarks. Default to 'native' Option - ['python', 'native'] warmup: int, default 10 Number of warmup runs runs: int, default 50 Number of runs for capturing benchmark results Returns ------- List of dictionary of benchmark results. key -> name of the operator, Value is benchmark results. Note: when run_performance_test is called on the nd.Embedding operator with run_backward=True, an error will be thrown. Track issue here: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/11314 """ kwargs_list = _prepare_op_inputs(inputs, run_backward, dtype, ctx) if not isinstance(ops, list): ops = [ops] op_benchmark_result = [] for op in ops: if hasattr(mx.nd, op.__name__): benchmark_result = _run_nd_operator_performance_test(op, inputs, run_backward, warmup, runs, kwargs_list, profiler) else: raise ValueError("Unknown NDArray operator provided to benchmark. - ", op.__name__) op_benchmark_result.append(benchmark_result) return op_benchmark_result def run_op_benchmarks(ops, dtype, ctx, profiler, int64_tensor, warmup, runs): # Running im2col either forwards or backwards on GPU results in errors # track issue here: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/17493 gpu_disabled_ops = ['im2col'] # For each operator, run benchmarks mx_op_benchmark_results = [] for op, op_params in ops.items(): if ctx == mx.cpu() or op not in gpu_disabled_ops: # Prepare inputs for the operator inputs = prepare_op_inputs(op, op_params, int64_tensor) # setting backward false for ops with known issue if op in no_backward: op_params["has_backward"] = False # Run benchmarks cur_op_res = run_performance_test(op_params["nd_op_handle"], run_backward=op_params["has_backward"], dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx, profiler=profiler, inputs=inputs, warmup=warmup, runs=runs) mx_op_benchmark_results += cur_op_res # Prepare combined results for all operators mx_op_benchmark_results = merge_map_list(mx_op_benchmark_results) return mx_op_benchmark_results
# testing/schema.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2014 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # <see AUTHORS file> # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php from . import exclusions from .. import schema, event from . import config __all__ = 'Table', 'Column', table_options = {} def Table(*args, **kw): """A schema.Table wrapper/hook for dialect-specific tweaks.""" test_opts = dict([(k, kw.pop(k)) for k in list(kw) if k.startswith('test_')]) kw.update(table_options) if exclusions.against(config._current, 'mysql'): if 'mysql_engine' not in kw and 'mysql_type' not in kw: if 'test_needs_fk' in test_opts or 'test_needs_acid' in test_opts: kw['mysql_engine'] = 'InnoDB' else: kw['mysql_engine'] = 'MyISAM' # Apply some default cascading rules for self-referential foreign keys. # MySQL InnoDB has some issues around seleting self-refs too. if exclusions.against(config._current, 'firebird'): table_name = args[0] unpack = (config.db.dialect. identifier_preparer.unformat_identifiers) # Only going after ForeignKeys in Columns. May need to # expand to ForeignKeyConstraint too. fks = [fk for col in args if isinstance(col, schema.Column) for fk in col.foreign_keys] for fk in fks: # root around in raw spec ref = fk._colspec if isinstance(ref, schema.Column): name = ref.table.name else: # take just the table name: on FB there cannot be # a schema, so the first element is always the # table name, possibly followed by the field name name = unpack(ref)[0] if name == table_name: if fk.ondelete is None: fk.ondelete = 'CASCADE' if fk.onupdate is None: fk.onupdate = 'CASCADE' return schema.Table(*args, **kw) def Column(*args, **kw): """A schema.Column wrapper/hook for dialect-specific tweaks.""" test_opts = dict([(k, kw.pop(k)) for k in list(kw) if k.startswith('test_')]) if not config.requirements.foreign_key_ddl.enabled_for_config(config): args = [arg for arg in args if not isinstance(arg, schema.ForeignKey)] col = schema.Column(*args, **kw) if 'test_needs_autoincrement' in test_opts and \ kw.get('primary_key', False): # allow any test suite to pick up on this col.info['test_needs_autoincrement'] = True # hardcoded rule for firebird, oracle; this should # be moved out if exclusions.against(config._current, 'firebird', 'oracle'): def add_seq(c, tbl): c._init_items( schema.Sequence(_truncate_name( config.db.dialect, tbl.name + '_' + c.name + '_seq'), optional=True) ) event.listen(col, 'after_parent_attach', add_seq, propagate=True) return col def _truncate_name(dialect, name): if len(name) > dialect.max_identifier_length: return name[0:max(dialect.max_identifier_length - 6, 0)] + \ "_" + hex(hash(name) % 64)[2:] else: return name
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ecs_service_facts short_description: list or describe services in ecs description: - Lists or describes services in ecs. version_added: "2.1" author: - "Mark Chance (@Java1Guy)" - "Darek Kaczynski (@kaczynskid)" requirements: [ json, botocore, boto3 ] options: details: description: - Set this to true if you want detailed information about the services. required: false default: 'false' type: bool events: description: - Whether to return ECS service events. Only has an effect if C(details) is true. required: false default: 'true' type: bool version_added: "2.6" cluster: description: - The cluster ARNS in which to list the services. required: false default: 'default' service: description: - One or more services to get details for required: false extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details. # Basic listing example - ecs_service_facts: cluster: test-cluster service: console-test-service details: true # Basic listing example - ecs_service_facts: cluster: test-cluster ''' RETURN = ''' services: description: When details is false, returns an array of service ARNs, otherwise an array of complex objects as described below. returned: success type: complex contains: clusterArn: description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the of the cluster that hosts the service. returned: always type: str desiredCount: description: The desired number of instantiations of the task definition to keep running on the service. returned: always type: int loadBalancers: description: A list of load balancer objects returned: always type: complex contains: loadBalancerName: description: the name returned: always type: str containerName: description: The name of the container to associate with the load balancer. returned: always type: str containerPort: description: The port on the container to associate with the load balancer. returned: always type: int pendingCount: description: The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the PENDING state. returned: always type: int runningCount: description: The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the RUNNING state. returned: always type: int serviceArn: description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the service. The ARN contains the arn:aws:ecs namespace, followed by the region of the service, the AWS account ID of the service owner, the service namespace, and then the service name. For example, arn:aws:ecs:region :012345678910 :service/my-service . returned: always type: str serviceName: description: A user-generated string used to identify the service returned: always type: str status: description: The valid values are ACTIVE, DRAINING, or INACTIVE. returned: always type: str taskDefinition: description: The ARN of a task definition to use for tasks in the service. returned: always type: str deployments: description: list of service deployments returned: always type: list of complex events: description: list of service events returned: when events is true type: list of complex ''' # NOQA try: import botocore except ImportError: pass # handled by AnsibleAWSModule from ansible.module_utils.aws.core import AnsibleAWSModule from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import ec2_argument_spec, AWSRetry class EcsServiceManager: """Handles ECS Services""" def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.ecs = module.client('ecs') @AWSRetry.backoff(tries=5, delay=5, backoff=2.0) def list_services_with_backoff(self, **kwargs): paginator = self.ecs.get_paginator('list_services') try: return paginator.paginate(**kwargs).build_full_result() except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ClusterNotFoundException': self.module.fail_json_aws(e, "Could not find cluster to list services") else: raise @AWSRetry.backoff(tries=5, delay=5, backoff=2.0) def describe_services_with_backoff(self, **kwargs): return self.ecs.describe_services(**kwargs) def list_services(self, cluster): fn_args = dict() if cluster and cluster is not None: fn_args['cluster'] = cluster try: response = self.list_services_with_backoff(**fn_args) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: self.module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't list ECS services") relevant_response = dict(services=response['serviceArns']) return relevant_response def describe_services(self, cluster, services): fn_args = dict() if cluster and cluster is not None: fn_args['cluster'] = cluster fn_args['services'] = services try: response = self.describe_services_with_backoff(**fn_args) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: self.module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't describe ECS services") running_services = [self.extract_service_from(service) for service in response.get('services', [])] services_not_running = response.get('failures', []) return running_services, services_not_running def extract_service_from(self, service): # some fields are datetime which is not JSON serializable # make them strings if 'deployments' in service: for d in service['deployments']: if 'createdAt' in d: d['createdAt'] = str(d['createdAt']) if 'updatedAt' in d: d['updatedAt'] = str(d['updatedAt']) if 'events' in service: if not self.module.params['events']: del service['events'] else: for e in service['events']: if 'createdAt' in e: e['createdAt'] = str(e['createdAt']) return service def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" """ https://stackoverflow.com/a/312464 """ for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( details=dict(type='bool', default=False), events=dict(type='bool', default=True), cluster=dict(), service=dict(type='list') )) module = AnsibleAWSModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True) show_details = module.params.get('details') task_mgr = EcsServiceManager(module) if show_details: if module.params['service']: services = module.params['service'] else: services = task_mgr.list_services(module.params['cluster'])['services'] ecs_facts = dict(services=[], services_not_running=[]) for chunk in chunks(services, 10): running_services, services_not_running = task_mgr.describe_services(module.params['cluster'], chunk) ecs_facts['services'].extend(running_services) ecs_facts['services_not_running'].extend(services_not_running) else: ecs_facts = task_mgr.list_services(module.params['cluster']) module.exit_json(changed=False, ansible_facts=ecs_facts, **ecs_facts) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from django.conf import settings from django import forms from crits.core.widgets import CalWidget from crits.vocabulary.relationships import RelationshipTypes class ForgeRelationshipForm(forms.Form): """ Django form for forging relationships between two top-level objects. """ error_css_class = 'error' required_css_class = 'required' forward_type = forms.CharField(required=True, label="Source Type", widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={'readonly':'readonly'})) forward_value = forms.CharField(required=True, label="Source ID", widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={'readonly':'readonly'})) forward_relationship = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, widget=forms.Select(attrs={'class':'relationship-types'}), label="Relationship") reverse_type = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, widget=forms.Select, label="Dest Type") dest_id = forms.CharField(required=True, label="Dest ID") relationship_date = forms.DateTimeField(widget=CalWidget(format=settings.PY_DATETIME_FORMAT, attrs={'class':'datetimeclass', 'size':'25'}), input_formats=settings.PY_FORM_DATETIME_FORMATS, required=False, label="Relationship Date") rel_confidence = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, label='Confidence', widget=forms.Select) rel_reason = forms.CharField(label="Reason", required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols':38, 'rows': 2})) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ForgeRelationshipForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['forward_type'].choices = self.fields['reverse_type'].choices = [ (c, c) for c in sorted(settings.CRITS_TYPES.iterkeys()) ] self.fields['forward_relationship'].choices = [ (c, c) for c in RelationshipTypes.values(sort=True) ] self.fields['rel_confidence'].choices = [('unknown', 'unknown'), ('low', 'low'), ('medium', 'medium'), ('high', 'high')] self.fields['rel_confidence'].initial = 'medium' def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(ForgeRelationshipForm, self).clean() if 'forward_value' in cleaned_data: try: cleaned_data['forward_value'] = cleaned_data['forward_value'].strip() except: pass if 'dest_id' in cleaned_data: try: cleaned_data['dest_id'] = cleaned_data['dest_id'].strip() except: pass return cleaned_data
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2015 Esther Martin - AvanzOSC # (c) 2015 Oihane Crucelaegui - AvanzOSC # License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html from openerp import models, fields, api class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner' @api.multi @api.depends('commercial_partner_id', 'commercial_partner_id.sale_order_ids', 'commercial_partner_id.sale_order_ids.state', 'commercial_partner_id.child_ids', 'commercial_partner_id.child_ids.sale_order_ids', 'commercial_partner_id.child_ids.sale_order_ids.state', 'commercial_partner_id.invoice_ids', 'commercial_partner_id.child_ids.invoice_ids') def _compute_prospect(self): for record in self: sale_ids = ( record.commercial_partner_id.sale_order_ids + record.commercial_partner_id.mapped( 'child_ids.sale_order_ids')) invoice_ids = ( record.commercial_partner_id.invoice_ids + record.commercial_partner_id.mapped( 'child_ids.invoice_ids')) record.prospect = ( not sale_ids.filtered( lambda r: r.state not in ('draft', 'sent', 'cancel')) and not invoice_ids.filtered( lambda r: r.type in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund'))) prospect = fields.Boolean( string='Prospect', compute='_compute_prospect', default=False, store=True)
import sys import os import numpy as np from pprint import pprint from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import mysql.connector import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors import matplotlib.cm as cm from matplotlib import dates import calendar #database connection cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='Suresh15', host='localhost', database='black_carbon') cursor = cnx.cursor() save_file = False start_date = datetime(2013,10,1) end_date = datetime(2013,11,1) hour_step = 168#336#168 min_BC_VED = 80 max_BC_VED = 220 interval = 5 min_rBC_mass = ((min_BC_VED/(10.**7))**3)*(math.pi/6.)*1.8*(10.**15) max_rBC_mass = ((max_BC_VED/(10.**7))**3)*(math.pi/6.)*1.8*(10.**15) ##############initialize binning variables def createBinDict(min_VED,max_VED,interval_length): bins = [] start_size = min_VED #VED in nm end_size = max_VED #VED in nm #in nm #create list of size bins while start_size < end_size: bins.append(start_size) start_size += interval_length #create dictionary with size bins as keys bin_data = {} for bin in bins: bin_data[bin] = [0,0] return bin_data binned_data_min = createBinDict(min_BC_VED,max_BC_VED,interval) binned_data_max = createBinDict(min_BC_VED,max_BC_VED,interval) fraction_successful = createBinDict(min_BC_VED,max_BC_VED,interval) for key in binned_data_min: binned_data_min[key] = [] binned_data_max[key] = [] os.chdir('C:/Users/Sarah Hanna/Documents/Data/Alert Data/coating data/') while start_date < end_date: print start_date period_end = start_date + timedelta(hours = hour_step) UNIX_start_time = calendar.timegm(start_date.utctimetuple()) UNIX_end_time = calendar.timegm(period_end.utctimetuple()) cursor.execute(('''SELECT rBC_mass_fg,coat_thickness_nm_min,coat_thickness_nm_max,LF_scat_amp,UNIX_UTC_ts FROM alert_leo_coating_data WHERE UNIX_UTC_ts >= %s and UNIX_UTC_ts < %s and HK_flag = 0 and coat_thickness_nm_min >= %s and rBC_mass_fg IS NOT NULL'''), (UNIX_start_time,UNIX_end_time,0)) coat_data = cursor.fetchall() #hexbin plot new_data = [] file_data = [] for row in coat_data: mass = row[0] min_coat = row[1] max_coat = row[2] LEO_amp = row[3] UNIX_UTC_ts = row[4] date_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(UNIX_UTC_ts) VED = (((mass/(10**15*1.8))*6/math.pi)**(1/3.0))*10**7 for key in fraction_successful: key_value = float(key) interval_end = key_value + interval if VED >= key_value and VED < interval_end: fraction_successful[key][0] = fraction_successful[key][0] + 1 if LEO_amp >= 0: fraction_successful[key][1] = fraction_successful[key][1] + 1 if min_coat != None: binned_data_min[key].append(min_coat) if max_coat != None: binned_data_max[key].append(max_coat) #fraction detectable fractions_detectable = [] for bin, counts in fraction_successful.iteritems(): bin_midpoint = bin + interval/2.0 total_particles = counts[0] detectable_notches = counts[1] try: fraction_detectable = detectable_notches*1.0/total_particles except: fraction_detectable=np.nan fractions_detectable.append([bin_midpoint,fraction_detectable]) fractions_detectable.sort() #coats for cores min_coats = [] max_coats = [] for bin, counts in binned_data_min.iteritems(): bin_midpoint = bin + interval/2.0 min_avg_coat = np.mean(binned_data_min[bin]) min_coats.append([bin_midpoint,min_avg_coat]) min_coats.sort() for bin, counts in binned_data_max.iteritems(): bin_midpoint = bin + interval/2.0 max_avg_coat = np.mean(binned_data_max[bin]) max_coats.append([bin_midpoint,max_avg_coat]) max_coats.sort() #make lists bins = [row[0] for row in fractions_detectable] fractions = [row[1] for row in fractions_detectable] core_size_min = [row[0] for row in min_coats] coat_min_size = [row[1] for row in min_coats] core_size_max = [row[0] for row in max_coats] coat_max_size = [row[1] for row in max_coats] #plotting fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) min = ax1.fill_between(core_size_min, coat_min_size, coat_max_size,label = 'coating min', alpha = 0.5)#, norm= norm) #bins='log', norm=norm ax1.scatter(core_size_min, coat_min_size, label = 'coating max',color='k')#, norm= norm) #bins='log', norm=norm ax1.scatter(core_size_max, coat_max_size, label = 'coating max',color='r')#, norm= norm) #bins='log', norm=norm ax1.set_xlabel('rBC core diameter') ax1.set_ylabel('range of coating thickness') ax1.set_ylim(0,220) ax1.set_xlim(min_BC_VED,max_BC_VED) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.scatter(bins, fractions, color = 'g', marker = 's') ax2.set_ylabel('fraction of detectable notch positions',color='g') ax2.set_ylim(0,1) plt.xlim(min_BC_VED,max_BC_VED) #ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212) #ax3.scatter(core_size_max, coat_max_size)#, norm= norm) #bins='log', norm=norm #ax3.set_xlabel('rBC core diameter') #ax3.set_ylabel('Maximum coating thickness') #ax3.set_ylim(-30,220) #ax3.set_xlim(min_BC_VED,max_BC_VED) # #ax4 = ax3.twinx() #ax4.scatter(bins, fractions, color = 'r') #ax4.set_ylabel('fraction of detectable notch positions',color='r') #ax4.set_ylim(0,1) #plt.xlim(min_BC_VED,max_BC_VED) #plt.savefig('C:/Users/Sarah Hanna/Documents/Data/Alert Data/coating data/' + file_name + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.legend() plt.show() #start_date = start_date + timedelta(hours = hour_step) #continue # start_date = start_date + timedelta(hours = hour_step) cnx.close()
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """A framework for developing sources for new file types. To create a source for a new file type a sub-class of :class:`FileBasedSource` should be created. Sub-classes of :class:`FileBasedSource` must implement the method :meth:`FileBasedSource.read_records()`. Please read the documentation of that method for more details. For an example implementation of :class:`FileBasedSource` see :class:`~apache_beam.io._AvroSource`. """ # pytype: skip-file from typing import Callable from apache_beam.internal import pickler from apache_beam.io import concat_source from apache_beam.io import iobase from apache_beam.io import range_trackers from apache_beam.io.filesystem import CompressionTypes from apache_beam.io.filesystems import FileSystems from apache_beam.io.restriction_trackers import OffsetRange from apache_beam.options.value_provider import StaticValueProvider from apache_beam.options.value_provider import ValueProvider from apache_beam.options.value_provider import check_accessible from apache_beam.transforms.core import DoFn from apache_beam.transforms.core import ParDo from apache_beam.transforms.core import PTransform from apache_beam.transforms.display import DisplayDataItem from apache_beam.transforms.util import Reshuffle MAX_NUM_THREADS_FOR_SIZE_ESTIMATION = 25 __all__ = ['FileBasedSource'] class FileBasedSource(iobase.BoundedSource): """A :class:`~apache_beam.io.iobase.BoundedSource` for reading a file glob of a given type.""" MIN_NUMBER_OF_FILES_TO_STAT = 100 MIN_FRACTION_OF_FILES_TO_STAT = 0.01 def __init__( self, file_pattern, min_bundle_size=0, compression_type=CompressionTypes.AUTO, splittable=True, validate=True): """Initializes :class:`FileBasedSource`. Args: file_pattern (str): the file glob to read a string or a :class:`~apache_beam.options.value_provider.ValueProvider` (placeholder to inject a runtime value). min_bundle_size (int): minimum size of bundles that should be generated when performing initial splitting on this source. compression_type (str): Used to handle compressed output files. Typical value is :attr:`CompressionTypes.AUTO <apache_beam.io.filesystem.CompressionTypes.AUTO>`, in which case the final file path's extension will be used to detect the compression. splittable (bool): whether :class:`FileBasedSource` should try to logically split a single file into data ranges so that different parts of the same file can be read in parallel. If set to :data:`False`, :class:`FileBasedSource` will prevent both initial and dynamic splitting of sources for single files. File patterns that represent multiple files may still get split into sources for individual files. Even if set to :data:`True` by the user, :class:`FileBasedSource` may choose to not split the file, for example, for compressed files where currently it is not possible to efficiently read a data range without decompressing the whole file. validate (bool): Boolean flag to verify that the files exist during the pipeline creation time. Raises: TypeError: when **compression_type** is not valid or if **file_pattern** is not a :class:`str` or a :class:`~apache_beam.options.value_provider.ValueProvider`. ValueError: when compression and splittable files are specified. IOError: when the file pattern specified yields an empty result. """ if not isinstance(file_pattern, (str, ValueProvider)): raise TypeError( '%s: file_pattern must be of type string' ' or ValueProvider; got %r instead' % (self.__class__.__name__, file_pattern)) if isinstance(file_pattern, str): file_pattern = StaticValueProvider(str, file_pattern) self._pattern = file_pattern self._concat_source = None self._min_bundle_size = min_bundle_size if not CompressionTypes.is_valid_compression_type(compression_type): raise TypeError( 'compression_type must be CompressionType object but ' 'was %s' % type(compression_type)) self._compression_type = compression_type self._splittable = splittable if validate and file_pattern.is_accessible(): self._validate() def display_data(self): return { 'file_pattern': DisplayDataItem( str(self._pattern), label="File Pattern"), 'compression': DisplayDataItem( str(self._compression_type), label='Compression Type') } @check_accessible(['_pattern']) def _get_concat_source(self): # type: () -> concat_source.ConcatSource if self._concat_source is None: pattern = self._pattern.get() single_file_sources = [] match_result = FileSystems.match([pattern])[0] files_metadata = match_result.metadata_list # We create a reference for FileBasedSource that will be serialized along # with each _SingleFileSource. To prevent this FileBasedSource from having # a reference to ConcatSource (resulting in quadratic space complexity) # we clone it here. file_based_source_ref = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self)) for file_metadata in files_metadata: file_name = file_metadata.path file_size = file_metadata.size_in_bytes if file_size == 0: continue # Ignoring empty file. # We determine splittability of this specific file. splittable = ( self.splittable and _determine_splittability_from_compression_type( file_name, self._compression_type)) single_file_source = _SingleFileSource( file_based_source_ref, file_name, 0, file_size, min_bundle_size=self._min_bundle_size, splittable=splittable) single_file_sources.append(single_file_source) self._concat_source = concat_source.ConcatSource(single_file_sources) return self._concat_source def open_file(self, file_name): return FileSystems.open( file_name, 'application/octet-stream', compression_type=self._compression_type) @check_accessible(['_pattern']) def _validate(self): """Validate if there are actual files in the specified glob pattern """ pattern = self._pattern.get() # Limit the responses as we only want to check if something exists match_result = FileSystems.match([pattern], limits=[1])[0] if len(match_result.metadata_list) <= 0: raise IOError('No files found based on the file pattern %s' % pattern) def split( self, desired_bundle_size=None, start_position=None, stop_position=None): return self._get_concat_source().split( desired_bundle_size=desired_bundle_size, start_position=start_position, stop_position=stop_position) @check_accessible(['_pattern']) def estimate_size(self): pattern = self._pattern.get() match_result = FileSystems.match([pattern])[0] return sum([f.size_in_bytes for f in match_result.metadata_list]) def read(self, range_tracker): return self._get_concat_source().read(range_tracker) def get_range_tracker(self, start_position, stop_position): return self._get_concat_source().get_range_tracker( start_position, stop_position) def read_records(self, file_name, offset_range_tracker): """Returns a generator of records created by reading file 'file_name'. Args: file_name: a ``string`` that gives the name of the file to be read. Method ``FileBasedSource.open_file()`` must be used to open the file and create a seekable file object. offset_range_tracker: a object of type ``OffsetRangeTracker``. This defines the byte range of the file that should be read. See documentation in ``iobase.BoundedSource.read()`` for more information on reading records while complying to the range defined by a given ``RangeTracker``. Returns: an iterator that gives the records read from the given file. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def splittable(self): return self._splittable def _determine_splittability_from_compression_type(file_path, compression_type): if compression_type == CompressionTypes.AUTO: compression_type = CompressionTypes.detect_compression_type(file_path) return compression_type == CompressionTypes.UNCOMPRESSED class _SingleFileSource(iobase.BoundedSource): """Denotes a source for a specific file type.""" def __init__( self, file_based_source, file_name, start_offset, stop_offset, min_bundle_size=0, splittable=True): if not isinstance(start_offset, int): raise TypeError( 'start_offset must be a number. Received: %r' % start_offset) if stop_offset != range_trackers.OffsetRangeTracker.OFFSET_INFINITY: if not isinstance(stop_offset, int): raise TypeError( 'stop_offset must be a number. Received: %r' % stop_offset) if start_offset >= stop_offset: raise ValueError( 'start_offset must be smaller than stop_offset. Received %d and %d ' 'for start and stop offsets respectively' % (start_offset, stop_offset)) self._file_name = file_name self._is_gcs_file = file_name.startswith('gs://') if file_name else False self._start_offset = start_offset self._stop_offset = stop_offset self._min_bundle_size = min_bundle_size self._file_based_source = file_based_source self._splittable = splittable def split(self, desired_bundle_size, start_offset=None, stop_offset=None): if start_offset is None: start_offset = self._start_offset if stop_offset is None: stop_offset = self._stop_offset if self._splittable: splits = OffsetRange(start_offset, stop_offset).split( desired_bundle_size, self._min_bundle_size) for split in splits: yield iobase.SourceBundle( split.stop - split.start, _SingleFileSource( # Copying this so that each sub-source gets a fresh instance. pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self._file_based_source)), self._file_name, split.start, split.stop, min_bundle_size=self._min_bundle_size, splittable=self._splittable), split.start, split.stop) else: # Returning a single sub-source with end offset set to OFFSET_INFINITY (so # that all data of the source gets read) since this source is # unsplittable. Choosing size of the file as end offset will be wrong for # certain unsplittable source, e.g., compressed sources. yield iobase.SourceBundle( stop_offset - start_offset, _SingleFileSource( self._file_based_source, self._file_name, start_offset, range_trackers.OffsetRangeTracker.OFFSET_INFINITY, min_bundle_size=self._min_bundle_size, splittable=self._splittable), start_offset, range_trackers.OffsetRangeTracker.OFFSET_INFINITY) def estimate_size(self): return self._stop_offset - self._start_offset def get_range_tracker(self, start_position, stop_position): if start_position is None: start_position = self._start_offset if stop_position is None: # If file is unsplittable we choose OFFSET_INFINITY as the default end # offset so that all data of the source gets read. Choosing size of the # file as end offset will be wrong for certain unsplittable source, for # e.g., compressed sources. stop_position = ( self._stop_offset if self._splittable else range_trackers.OffsetRangeTracker.OFFSET_INFINITY) range_tracker = range_trackers.OffsetRangeTracker( start_position, stop_position) if not self._splittable: range_tracker = range_trackers.UnsplittableRangeTracker(range_tracker) return range_tracker def read(self, range_tracker): return self._file_based_source.read_records(self._file_name, range_tracker) def default_output_coder(self): return self._file_based_source.default_output_coder() class _ExpandIntoRanges(DoFn): def __init__( self, splittable, compression_type, desired_bundle_size, min_bundle_size): self._desired_bundle_size = desired_bundle_size self._min_bundle_size = min_bundle_size self._splittable = splittable self._compression_type = compression_type def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs): match_results = FileSystems.match([element]) for metadata in match_results[0].metadata_list: splittable = ( self._splittable and _determine_splittability_from_compression_type( metadata.path, self._compression_type)) if splittable: for split in OffsetRange(0, metadata.size_in_bytes).split( self._desired_bundle_size, self._min_bundle_size): yield (metadata, split) else: yield ( metadata, OffsetRange(0, range_trackers.OffsetRangeTracker.OFFSET_INFINITY)) class _ReadRange(DoFn): def __init__(self, source_from_file): # type: (Callable[[str], iobase.BoundedSource]) -> None self._source_from_file = source_from_file def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs): metadata, range = element source = self._source_from_file(metadata.path) # Following split() operation has to be performed to create a proper # _SingleFileSource. Otherwise what we have is a ConcatSource that contains # a single _SingleFileSource. ConcatSource.read() expects a RangeTracker for # sub-source range and reads full sub-sources (not byte ranges). source_list = list(source.split(float('inf'))) # Handle the case of an empty source. if not source_list: return source = source_list[0].source for record in source.read(range.new_tracker()): yield record class ReadAllFiles(PTransform): """A Read transform that reads a PCollection of files. Pipeline authors should not use this directly. This is to be used by Read PTransform authors who wishes to implement file-based Read transforms that read a PCollection of files. """ def __init__(self, splittable, # type: bool compression_type, desired_bundle_size, # type: int min_bundle_size, # type: int source_from_file, # type: Callable[[str], iobase.BoundedSource] ): """ Args: splittable: If False, files won't be split into sub-ranges. If True, files may or may not be split into data ranges. compression_type: A ``CompressionType`` object that specifies the compression type of the files that will be processed. If ``CompressionType.AUTO``, system will try to automatically determine the compression type based on the extension of files. desired_bundle_size: the desired size of data ranges that should be generated when splitting a file into data ranges. min_bundle_size: minimum size of data ranges that should be generated when splitting a file into data ranges. source_from_file: a function that produces a ``BoundedSource`` given a file name. System will use this function to generate ``BoundedSource`` objects for file paths. Note that file paths passed to this will be for individual files, not for file patterns even if the ``PCollection`` of files processed by the transform consist of file patterns. """ self._splittable = splittable self._compression_type = compression_type self._desired_bundle_size = desired_bundle_size self._min_bundle_size = min_bundle_size self._source_from_file = source_from_file def expand(self, pvalue): return ( pvalue | 'ExpandIntoRanges' >> ParDo( _ExpandIntoRanges( self._splittable, self._compression_type, self._desired_bundle_size, self._min_bundle_size)) | 'Reshard' >> Reshuffle() | 'ReadRange' >> ParDo(_ReadRange(self._source_from_file)))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2017 Compassion CH (http://www.compassion.ch) # Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name # @author: Emanuel Cino <[email protected]> # # The licence is in the file __manifest__.py # ############################################################################## from odoo import models, api, fields class GenerateCommunicationWizard(models.TransientModel): _inherit = 'partner.communication.generate.wizard' success_story_id = fields.Many2one( 'success.story', 'Success Story', domain=[('type', '=', 'story')]) print_subject = fields.Boolean(default=True) print_header = fields.Boolean() @api.multi def generate(self): return super(GenerateCommunicationWizard, self.with_context( default_print_subject=self.print_subject, default_print_header=self.print_header, default_success_story_id=self.success_story_id.id, )).generate()