M3GIA / m3gia_croissant_metadata.json
Songweii's picture
Upload m3gia_croissant_metadata.json
c26b58f verified
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"description": "The underlying Parquet files as converted by HF中国镜像站 (see: https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets-server/parquet).",
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"description": "The underlying Parquet files as converted by HF中国镜像站 (see: https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets-server/parquet).",
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"description": "Songweii/M3GIA - 'chinese' subset",
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"name": "chinese/index",
"description": "Column 'index' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
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"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/question",
"name": "chinese/question",
"description": "Column 'question' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "question"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/hint",
"name": "chinese/hint",
"description": "Column 'hint' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "hint"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/A",
"name": "chinese/A",
"description": "Column 'A' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "A"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/B",
"name": "chinese/B",
"description": "Column 'B' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "B"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/C",
"name": "chinese/C",
"description": "Column 'C' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "C"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/D",
"name": "chinese/D",
"description": "Column 'D' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "D"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/E",
"name": "chinese/E",
"description": "Column 'E' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
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"description": "Column 'F' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
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"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/image",
"name": "chinese/image",
"description": "Image column 'image' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:ImageObject",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
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"extract": {
"column": "image"
"transform": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/QuestionTypes",
"name": "chinese/QuestionTypes",
"description": "Column 'QuestionTypes' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "QuestionTypes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/Cluster",
"name": "chinese/Cluster",
"description": "Column 'Cluster' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
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"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
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"name": "chinese/Gf",
"description": "Column 'Gf' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
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"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/Gc",
"name": "chinese/Gc",
"description": "Column 'Gc' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
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"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/Gv",
"name": "chinese/Gv",
"description": "Column 'Gv' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
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"extract": {
"column": "Gv"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/Grw",
"name": "chinese/Grw",
"description": "Column 'Grw' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
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"extract": {
"column": "Grw"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/Gq",
"name": "chinese/Gq",
"description": "Column 'Gq' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
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"extract": {
"column": "Gq"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/RQ",
"name": "chinese/RQ",
"description": "Column 'RQ' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-chinese"
"extract": {
"column": "RQ"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/I",
"name": "chinese/I",
"description": "Column 'I' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
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"extract": {
"column": "I"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "chinese/RG",
"name": "chinese/RG",
"description": "Column 'RG' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
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"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:RecordSet",
"@id": "english",
"name": "english",
"description": "Songweii/M3GIA - 'english' subset",
"field": [
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/index",
"name": "english/index",
"description": "Column 'index' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/question",
"name": "english/question",
"description": "Column 'question' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "question"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/hint",
"name": "english/hint",
"description": "Column 'hint' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "hint"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/A",
"name": "english/A",
"description": "Column 'A' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "A"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/B",
"name": "english/B",
"description": "Column 'B' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "B"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/C",
"name": "english/C",
"description": "Column 'C' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "C"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/D",
"name": "english/D",
"description": "Column 'D' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "D"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/E",
"name": "english/E",
"description": "Column 'E' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
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"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/F",
"name": "english/F",
"description": "Column 'F' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "F"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/image",
"name": "english/image",
"description": "Image column 'image' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:ImageObject",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "image"
"transform": {
"jsonPath": "bytes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/QuestionTypes",
"name": "english/QuestionTypes",
"description": "Column 'QuestionTypes' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "QuestionTypes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/Cluster",
"name": "english/Cluster",
"description": "Column 'Cluster' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "Cluster"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/Gf",
"name": "english/Gf",
"description": "Column 'Gf' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "Gf"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/Gc",
"name": "english/Gc",
"description": "Column 'Gc' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "Gc"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/Gv",
"name": "english/Gv",
"description": "Column 'Gv' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "Gv"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/Grw",
"name": "english/Grw",
"description": "Column 'Grw' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "Grw"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/Gq",
"name": "english/Gq",
"description": "Column 'Gq' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "Gq"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/RQ",
"name": "english/RQ",
"description": "Column 'RQ' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "RQ"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/I",
"name": "english/I",
"description": "Column 'I' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "I"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "english/RG",
"name": "english/RG",
"description": "Column 'RG' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-english"
"extract": {
"column": "RG"
"@type": "cr:RecordSet",
"@id": "french",
"name": "french",
"description": "Songweii/M3GIA - 'french' subset",
"field": [
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/index",
"name": "french/index",
"description": "Column 'index' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "index"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/question",
"name": "french/question",
"description": "Column 'question' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "question"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/hint",
"name": "french/hint",
"description": "Column 'hint' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "hint"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/A",
"name": "french/A",
"description": "Column 'A' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "A"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/B",
"name": "french/B",
"description": "Column 'B' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "B"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/C",
"name": "french/C",
"description": "Column 'C' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "C"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/D",
"name": "french/D",
"description": "Column 'D' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "D"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/E",
"name": "french/E",
"description": "Column 'E' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "E"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/F",
"name": "french/F",
"description": "Column 'F' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "F"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/image",
"name": "french/image",
"description": "Image column 'image' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:ImageObject",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "image"
"transform": {
"jsonPath": "bytes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/QuestionTypes",
"name": "french/QuestionTypes",
"description": "Column 'QuestionTypes' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "QuestionTypes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/Cluster",
"name": "french/Cluster",
"description": "Column 'Cluster' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "Cluster"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/Gf",
"name": "french/Gf",
"description": "Column 'Gf' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "Gf"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/Gc",
"name": "french/Gc",
"description": "Column 'Gc' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "Gc"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/Gv",
"name": "french/Gv",
"description": "Column 'Gv' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "Gv"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/Grw",
"name": "french/Grw",
"description": "Column 'Grw' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "Grw"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/Gq",
"name": "french/Gq",
"description": "Column 'Gq' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "Gq"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/RQ",
"name": "french/RQ",
"description": "Column 'RQ' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "RQ"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/I",
"name": "french/I",
"description": "Column 'I' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "I"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "french/RG",
"name": "french/RG",
"description": "Column 'RG' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-french"
"extract": {
"column": "RG"
"@type": "cr:RecordSet",
"@id": "korean",
"name": "korean",
"description": "Songweii/M3GIA - 'korean' subset",
"field": [
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/index",
"name": "korean/index",
"description": "Column 'index' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "index"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/question",
"name": "korean/question",
"description": "Column 'question' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "question"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/hint",
"name": "korean/hint",
"description": "Column 'hint' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "hint"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/A",
"name": "korean/A",
"description": "Column 'A' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "A"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/B",
"name": "korean/B",
"description": "Column 'B' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "B"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/C",
"name": "korean/C",
"description": "Column 'C' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "C"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/D",
"name": "korean/D",
"description": "Column 'D' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "D"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/E",
"name": "korean/E",
"description": "Column 'E' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "E"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/F",
"name": "korean/F",
"description": "Column 'F' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "F"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/image",
"name": "korean/image",
"description": "Image column 'image' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:ImageObject",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "image"
"transform": {
"jsonPath": "bytes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/QuestionTypes",
"name": "korean/QuestionTypes",
"description": "Column 'QuestionTypes' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "QuestionTypes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/Cluster",
"name": "korean/Cluster",
"description": "Column 'Cluster' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "Cluster"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/Gf",
"name": "korean/Gf",
"description": "Column 'Gf' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "Gf"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/Gc",
"name": "korean/Gc",
"description": "Column 'Gc' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "Gc"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/Gv",
"name": "korean/Gv",
"description": "Column 'Gv' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "Gv"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/Grw",
"name": "korean/Grw",
"description": "Column 'Grw' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "Grw"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/Gq",
"name": "korean/Gq",
"description": "Column 'Gq' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "Gq"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/RQ",
"name": "korean/RQ",
"description": "Column 'RQ' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "RQ"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/I",
"name": "korean/I",
"description": "Column 'I' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "I"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "korean/RG",
"name": "korean/RG",
"description": "Column 'RG' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-korean"
"extract": {
"column": "RG"
"@type": "cr:RecordSet",
"@id": "portuguese",
"name": "portuguese",
"description": "Songweii/M3GIA - 'portuguese' subset",
"field": [
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/index",
"name": "portuguese/index",
"description": "Column 'index' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "index"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/question",
"name": "portuguese/question",
"description": "Column 'question' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "question"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/hint",
"name": "portuguese/hint",
"description": "Column 'hint' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "hint"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/A",
"name": "portuguese/A",
"description": "Column 'A' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "A"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/B",
"name": "portuguese/B",
"description": "Column 'B' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "B"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/C",
"name": "portuguese/C",
"description": "Column 'C' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "C"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/D",
"name": "portuguese/D",
"description": "Column 'D' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "D"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/E",
"name": "portuguese/E",
"description": "Column 'E' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "E"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/F",
"name": "portuguese/F",
"description": "Column 'F' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "F"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/image",
"name": "portuguese/image",
"description": "Image column 'image' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:ImageObject",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "image"
"transform": {
"jsonPath": "bytes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/QuestionTypes",
"name": "portuguese/QuestionTypes",
"description": "Column 'QuestionTypes' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "QuestionTypes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/Cluster",
"name": "portuguese/Cluster",
"description": "Column 'Cluster' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "Cluster"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/Gf",
"name": "portuguese/Gf",
"description": "Column 'Gf' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "Gf"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/Gc",
"name": "portuguese/Gc",
"description": "Column 'Gc' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "Gc"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/Gv",
"name": "portuguese/Gv",
"description": "Column 'Gv' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "Gv"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/Grw",
"name": "portuguese/Grw",
"description": "Column 'Grw' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "Grw"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/Gq",
"name": "portuguese/Gq",
"description": "Column 'Gq' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "Gq"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/RQ",
"name": "portuguese/RQ",
"description": "Column 'RQ' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "RQ"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/I",
"name": "portuguese/I",
"description": "Column 'I' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "I"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "portuguese/RG",
"name": "portuguese/RG",
"description": "Column 'RG' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-portuguese"
"extract": {
"column": "RG"
"@type": "cr:RecordSet",
"@id": "spanish",
"name": "spanish",
"description": "Songweii/M3GIA - 'spanish' subset",
"field": [
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/index",
"name": "spanish/index",
"description": "Column 'index' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "index"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/question",
"name": "spanish/question",
"description": "Column 'question' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "question"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/hint",
"name": "spanish/hint",
"description": "Column 'hint' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "hint"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/A",
"name": "spanish/A",
"description": "Column 'A' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "A"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/B",
"name": "spanish/B",
"description": "Column 'B' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "B"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/C",
"name": "spanish/C",
"description": "Column 'C' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "C"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/D",
"name": "spanish/D",
"description": "Column 'D' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "D"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/E",
"name": "spanish/E",
"description": "Column 'E' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "E"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/F",
"name": "spanish/F",
"description": "Column 'F' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "F"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/image",
"name": "spanish/image",
"description": "Image column 'image' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:ImageObject",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "image"
"transform": {
"jsonPath": "bytes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/QuestionTypes",
"name": "spanish/QuestionTypes",
"description": "Column 'QuestionTypes' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "QuestionTypes"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/Cluster",
"name": "spanish/Cluster",
"description": "Column 'Cluster' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "Cluster"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/Gf",
"name": "spanish/Gf",
"description": "Column 'Gf' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "Gf"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/Gc",
"name": "spanish/Gc",
"description": "Column 'Gc' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "Gc"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/Gv",
"name": "spanish/Gv",
"description": "Column 'Gv' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "Gv"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/Grw",
"name": "spanish/Grw",
"description": "Column 'Grw' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "Grw"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/Gq",
"name": "spanish/Gq",
"description": "Column 'Gq' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "Gq"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/RQ",
"name": "spanish/RQ",
"description": "Column 'RQ' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "RQ"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/I",
"name": "spanish/I",
"description": "Column 'I' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "I"
"@type": "cr:Field",
"@id": "spanish/RG",
"name": "spanish/RG",
"description": "Column 'RG' from the HF中国镜像站 parquet file.",
"dataType": "sc:Text",
"source": {
"fileSet": {
"@id": "parquet-files-for-config-spanish"
"extract": {
"column": "RG"
"conformsTo": "http://mlcommons.org/croissant/1.0",
"name": "M3GIA",
"description": "\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\tM3GIA: A Cognition Inspired Multilingual and Multimodal General Intelligence Ability\n\t\n\n[🌐 Homepage] | 🤗 Dataset | 🤗 Paper | 📖 arXiv | [GitHub]\n[Abstract]\nAs recent multi-modality large language models (MLLMs) have shown formidable proficiency on various complex tasks, there has been increasing attention on debating whether these models could eventually mirror human intelligence. However, existing benchmarks mainly focus on evaluating solely on task performance, such as the… See the full description on the dataset page: https://huggingface.co/datasets/Songweii/M3GIA.",
"alternateName": [
"creator": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Wei Song",
"url": "https://huggingface.co/Songweii"
"keywords": [
"Cognitive Science",
"General Intelligence Ability Benchmark",
"🇺🇸 Region: US"
"license": "https://choosealicense.com/licenses/apache-2.0/",
"url": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/Songweii/M3GIA"