import json import os import torch import gradio as gr import time from mosestokenizer import MosesTokenizer from mosestokenizer import MosesSentenceSplitter from diffmask.models.nli_classification_diffmask import ( BertSentimentClassificationSSTDiffMask, ) from typing import List, Tuple class WordImportanceScorer: """ Class for scoring the importance of words in a given text using a pre-trained BERT model. Args: model_path (str): The path to the pre-trained BERT model. language (str, optional): The language of the text. Defaults to "en". device (str, optional): The device to run the model on. Defaults to "cpu". """ def __init__(self, model_path, language="en", device="cpu"): """ Initializes the WordImportanceScorer class. Args: model_path (str): The path to the pre-trained BERT model. language (str, optional): The language of the text. Defaults to "en". device (str, optional): The device to run the model on. Defaults to "cpu". """ self.device = device self.model = BertSentimentClassificationSSTDiffMask.load_from_checkpoint( model_path ).to(device) self.model.freeze() = MosesTokenizer(lang=language) self.mss = MosesSentenceSplitter(lang=language) def tokenize(self, sentences: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Tokenizes a list of sentences. Args: sentences (List[str]): The list of sentences to tokenize. Returns: List[str]: The tokenized sentences. """ return [" ".join( for sentence in sentences] def split_sentences(self, text: str, split: str) -> List[str]: """ Splits a text into sentences. Args: text (str): The text to split into sentences. split (str): The method of splitting. Can be "Line breaks" or "Moses". Returns: List[str]: The list of sentences. """ if split == "Line breaks": return text.split("\n") elif split == "Moses": return self.mss([text]) else: return [text.replace("\n", " ")] def get_attributions(self, encoded_lines, encoded_lines_lengths): """ Calculates the word attributions for the encoded lines. Args: encoded_lines: The encoded lines. encoded_lines_lengths: The lengths of the encoded lines. Returns: The word attributions. """ enc = torch.tensor(encoded_lines, device=self.device, dtype=torch.long) len = torch.tensor(encoded_lines_lengths, device=self.device, dtype=torch.long) encoded_lines, encoded_lines_lengths = [], [] return ( self.model.forward_explainer(enc, len, enc, len, attribution=True) .exp() .cpu() ) def generate_masks( self, sentences, split, tokenize, batch_size=32, seed=0 ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[List[float]]]: """ Generates masks for the given sentences. Args: sentences: The sentences to generate masks for. split: The method of splitting. Can be "Line breaks" or "Moses". tokenize: Whether to tokenize the sentences. batch_size: The batch size for processing the sentences. Defaults to 32. seed: The seed for random number generation. Defaults to 0. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[List[float]]]: The lines and their corresponding masks. """ torch.manual_seed(seed) lines, lines_lengths, encoded_lines, encoded_lines_lengths, attributions = ( [], [], [], [], [], ) sentences = self.split_sentences(sentences, split) if tokenize: sentences = self.tokenize(sentences) for i, line in enumerate(sentences): lines.append(line.strip()) # converting tokens to numbers based on the dictionary encoded = self.model.tokenizer.encode_line(line, add_if_not_exist=False)[ :128 ].to(self.device) lines_lengths.append(encoded.numel()) encoded_lines_lengths.append(encoded.numel()) # aligning all the inputs to 128 tokens tokens =[encoded, torch.ones(128 - len(encoded))]).tolist() encoded_lines.append(tokens) if (i + 1) % batch_size == 0: attributions += self.get_attributions( encoded_lines, encoded_lines_lengths ) encoded_lines, encoded_lines_lengths = [], [] attributions += self.get_attributions(encoded_lines, encoded_lines_lengths) encoded_lines, encoded_lines_lengths = [], [] values = [ [v.tolist() for v in attr[: length - 1]] for length, attr in zip(lines_lengths, attributions) ] return lines, values def aggregate_masks(self, masks, mode="last", scale=False): """ Aggregates the masks based on the specified mode. Args: masks: The masks to aggregate. mode: The aggregation mode. Can be "last" or "average". Defaults to "last". scale: Whether to scale the aggregated masks. Defaults to False. Returns: The aggregated masks. """ result = [] for mask in masks: mask = torch.tensor(mask) for _ in range(mask.size(0)): to_plot = mask / mask.abs().max(0, keepdim=True).values if mode == "last": min_val = to_plot[..., -1].min() last_scaled = (to_plot[..., -1] - min_val) / ( to_plot[..., -1] - min_val ).max() result.append(to_plot[..., -1] if not scale else last_scaled) break elif mode == "average": average = torch.mean(to_plot, 1) average_min = average.min() average_scaled = (average - average_min) / ( average - average_min ).max() result.append(average if not scale else average_scaled) break else: raise "Aggregating mode `{mode}` is not recognized. Use --mode {last,average} instead." return result if __name__ == "__main__": scorer_nli = WordImportanceScorer( "./interpreters/nli/checkpoint4.ckpt", device="cpu" ) scorer_pi = WordImportanceScorer("./interpreters/pi/checkpoint4.ckpt", device="cpu") active_tab = 0 def set_active_tab(evt: gr.SelectData): global active_tab active_tab = evt.index with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown( """ # Word Importance Scorer An interactive tool for assessing word importance using models trained for semantic tasks. Please find details in the paper [Assessing Word Importance Using Models Trained for Semantic Tasks]( and in the [GitHub repository]( """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Tab("Type text") as text_tab: sentence_box = gr.Textbox( lines=9, label="Sentences (max 128 tokens each)" ) with gr.Tab("Upload text file") as file_tab: upload_box = gr.File(label="Text file", file_types=["txt"]) with gr.Row(): model_box = gr.Dropdown( choices=["Paraphrase Identification", "Natural Language Inference"], value="Paraphrase Identification", label="Underlying model", ) tokenize_box = gr.Radio( ["Do not tokenize", "Tokenize"], value="Do not tokenize", type="index", label="Tokenization", ) split_box = gr.Radio( ["No split", "Line breaks", "Moses"], value="No split", label="Sentence split", ) mode_box = gr.Radio( ["Last layer", "Average all layers"], value="Last layer", label="Layer" ) with gr.Row(): scale_box = gr.Radio( ["Original", "Scale to [0,1] within one sentence"], value="Original", type="index", label="Importance scores", ) precision_box = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=10, value=2, step=1, label="Float precision" ) columns_box = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=30, value=15, step=1, label="Display columns" ) submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit") output_dataframe = gr.Dataframe(visible=False) with gr.Row(visible=False) as output_files: time_mark = time.ctime().replace(" ", "-") output_tsv_file = gr.Button("Download .tsv", link=f"/file=tmp/output.tsv") output_json_file = gr.Button( "Download .json", link=f"/file=tmp/output.json" ) def create_output( model, sentence, upload, tokenize, split, scale, mode, precision, columns_count, ): if upload is not None and active_tab == 1: with open(upload, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: sentences = elif upload is None and active_tab == 1: sentences = "" else: sentences = sentence if sentences == "": raise gr.Error("Empty input. Please provide some text.") mode = mode.split()[0].lower() scorer = scorer_pi if model == "Paraphrase Identification" else scorer_nli sentences, scores = scorer.generate_masks(sentences, split, tokenize) importance_scores = scorer.aggregate_masks(scores, mode=mode, scale=scale) agg_sentences = [ token for sentence in sentences for token in sentence.split() ] agg_scores = agg_scores = [ ("{0:." + str(precision) + "f}").format(v) for v in agg_scores ] result = [] for i in range(0, len(agg_scores), columns_count): result.append(agg_sentences[i : i + columns_count]) result.append(agg_scores[i : i + columns_count]) result[-2] += [""] * (columns_count - len(result[-2])) result[-1] += [""] * (columns_count - len(result[-1])) with open("./tmp/output.tsv", "w", encoding="utf8") as file: for i in range(len(sentences)): file.write(str(sentences[i])) file.write("\t") file.write( " ".join( [ ("{0:." + str(precision) + "f}").format(x) for x in importance_scores[i] ] ) ) file.write("\n") with open("./tmp/output.json", "w", encoding="utf8") as file: json_result = { "sentences": [ {"sentence": s.split(), "scores": imp.tolist()} for s, imp in zip(sentences, importance_scores) ] } json_object = json.dumps(json_result, indent=4) file.write(json_object) return { output_dataframe: gr.Dataframe(result, visible=True), output_files: gr.Row(visible=True), } create_output, [ model_box, sentence_box, upload_box, tokenize_box, split_box, scale_box, mode_box, precision_box, columns_box, ], [output_dataframe, output_files], ) demo.launch(allowed_paths=["./tmp"], share=True)